Re: Re[8]: [newbie-it] installazioni varie

2002-02-26 Per discussione Stefano Salari

 --- Arwan [EMAIL PROTECTED] ha scritto: 
 C Non funziona nemmeno se provi a lanciare il
 programma come root?
 C Corrado
 No, e tutto il lavoro e' satto fatto come root.

  Hai provato anche a digitare tutto il percorso in
cui si trova gramofile? Per esempio

Ciao! Steo.


Yahoo!ADSL ti cambia la vita in Internet!
L'attivazione è gratuita fino al 31/03/02

[newbie-it] partizione ntfs

2002-02-26 Per discussione Octavian Crasan

Ciao a tutti,
Ho installato Mandrake 8.1, ma non c'è verso di fargli vedere la partizione 
windows (che è stata formatata ntfs). Mentre non ci sono problemi di boot, 
lilo vede bennissimo la partizione ntfs. Ho bisogno di trasferire dei file 
importanti dalla partizione windows in quella linux. Grazie per aiuto!


2002-02-26 Per discussione Octavian Crasan

Domanda: ma voi ci riuscite sentire i cd audio sotto Mandrake 8.1? A me 
dice sempre che manca il disco o che il file system e sbsgliato. Che cosa 
devo fare per sentire i cd? Mentre i suoni di sistema si sentono molto bene.

Re: [newbie-it]

2002-02-26 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Octavian Crasan wrote:
 Domanda: ma voi ci riuscite sentire i cd audio sotto Mandrake 8.1? A me
 dice sempre che manca il disco o che il file system e sbsgliato.

Se ti dice qualcosa sul filesystem ... significa che stai cercando
di montarlo. Non si puo` montare un cd audio, appunto perche' non
ha un filesystem. 

Se vuoi sentirlo devi prendere un lettore di cd da
menu prncipale - multimedia

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] partizione ntfs

2002-02-26 Per discussione Andrea Celli

Octavian Crasan wrote:
 Ciao a tutti,
 Ho installato Mandrake 8.1, ma non c'è verso di fargli vedere la partizione
 windows (che è stata formatata ntfs). Mentre non ci sono problemi di boot,
 lilo vede bennissimo la partizione ntfs. Ho bisogno di trasferire dei file
 importanti dalla partizione windows in quella linux. Grazie per aiuto!

modprobe ntfs
mount -t ntfs /dev/hdXY /mnt/giuseppina

sostituendo opportunamente XY e giuseppina.

Per evitare di dare il modprobe tutte le volte, puoi mettere
questa stessa riga in /etc/modules.conf.

ciao, andrea

Re: [newbie-it] I CD Audio di Octavian

2002-02-26 Per discussione Fabio Manunza

Alle 09:25, martedì 26 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
 Domanda: ma voi ci riuscite sentire i cd audio sotto Mandrake 8.1? A me
 dice sempre che manca il disco o che il file system e sbsgliato. Che cosa
 devo fare per sentire i cd? Mentre i suoni di sistema si sentono molto
 bene. Grazie

Come vedi questa volta l'oggetto l'ho messo io; la prossima però, ricordatene 
Se, come dici, l'audio è a posto, a questo punto mi viene da pensare che tu 
tenti di montare il CD.
Questo non è possibile, in quanto i CD musicali non hanno filesystem (da qui 
quei messaggi che ti appaiono); una volta che hai inserito il CD, 
semplicemente apri un lettore CD audio (xmms, o quello di default di mdk), e 
buon ascolto..
-- Fabio Manunza -- 
   ## n° macchina 140545 ##

Re: [newbie-it] partizione ntfs

2002-02-26 Per discussione Mario Lodi Rizzini

-- Initial Header ---
To  : Newbie-it [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Cc  : 
Date: Tue, 26 Feb 2002 09:23:51 +0100
Subject : [newbie-it] partizione ntfs

 Ciao a tutti,
 Ho installato Mandrake 8.1, ma non c'è verso di fargli vedere la parti
 windows (che è stata formatata ntfs). Mentre non ci sono problemi di b
 lilo vede bennissimo la partizione ntfs. Ho bisogno di trasferire dei 
 importanti dalla partizione windows in quella linux. Grazie per aiuto!
Se hai rimasto ancora dello spazio libero su hard disk, crei una 
partizione FAT32 che è visibile da entrambe.
Oppure puoi installare in WinZoz gli LTOOLS che trovi indirizzo
Questo software dovrebbe (l'ho provato solo per acquisire files da 
partizione EXT2 di Linux) vederti la partizione hd7 o hd5 di Linux e 
permetterti sia la lettura che la scrittura.

Mario Lodi Rizzini

(o_  Membro del FoLUG
//\  Forlì Linux Users Group 

Mandrake 8.1 su Celeron 733

Re: [newbie-it] OS....come scegliere

2002-02-26 Per discussione Andrea Celli

tom wrote:

 Scusate se ri posto la mail , ma tra gli altri problemi devo avere pure un
 problema di posta , e non credo che l' altra volta sia arrivata
 Grazie per avermi risposto , ma non tela cavi cosi :-)
 aggiungo qualche info in piu : logicamente uso anche io una dist MDK 8.1, e
 ho installato  grub ( e non il lilo )...c'è qualche differenza per il mio

Si, devi cambiare il file /boot/grub/menu.lst e non lilo.conf.
Poi, la sintassi e il modo di indicare dischi e partizioni e` diverso.
Vengono numerati a partire da zero, quindi la quarta partizione
del secondo disco e` qualcosa del tipo (hd1,3)

Condiderando che e` sempre meglio capire cosa stai facendo,
per semplicita` ti consiglierei di salvare/stampare il menu.lst
attuale, fare le modifiche con i tool automatici del
mandrake control center e poi vedere cosa e` cambiato
e cercare di capirlo.

ciao, Andrea

Re: [newbie-it] Gramofile

2002-02-26 Per discussione Pollo

Gramofile a quale device accede?
Questo perchè con la mia scheda audio /dev/audio non funziona, mentre
/dev/dsp funziona correttamente...
Qualcuno sa spiegarmi a cosa servono questi due device?
Potrebbe essere questa la causa?

Grazie, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] Gramofile

2002-02-26 Per discussione Tommaso Leddi

Il 18:05, lunedì 25 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
 Ho installato gramofile usando l'rpm presente insieme alla distro ma non
 riesco a registrare nulla!
 Ho provato anche a usare grecord ma anche questo non funziona...

 Qualcuno sa aiutarmi?

 Io vorrei trasferire le canzoni che ho su cassetta su CD. C'è forse
 un'altro programma più appropriato?

Io uso snd, è l'unico programma che ho trovato che mi mostra i livelli di 
Quando si registra, con qualsiasi programma, bisogna prima tarare il mixer: 
1) prima di tutto selezionare nel mixer il canale sorgente (per registrare 
delle cassette, bisogna selezionare l'ingresso line. Di solito uso aumix, che 
di default mostra a sinistra dei bottoni verdi con l canale selezionato rosso.
2) poi bisogna trovare il giusto volume di ingresso che è IGain. Non 
bisogna riferirsi quindi al volume di Line che serve solo per ascoltare 
mentre si registra. Tieni conto che il livello di IGain deve essere settato 
di solito abbastanza basso, per registrare da cassetta o altro ingresso 
Line, a volte mi capita che sopra il 10% distorce!

Ti segnalo anche il programma rec che fa parte dei programmi normali della 

Se registri per fare un CD controlla di fare dei files audio stereo 16 bit a 
44100 campioni al secondo per canale, possibilmente in formato wav che è il 
meglio supportato dai programmi di masterizazione.

spreo di esserti stato di aiuto,


[newbie-it] lan da konquero

2002-02-26 Per discussione vaiconlinux

Salve a tutti,
ho due pc in rete (Mandrake 8.1), funziona ping, telnet, ftp rlogin,..
Quello che non riesco a fare è questo:
dalla barra laterale di konqueror, rete, rete localemi dà localhost
- impossibile collegarsi all'host. Idem se sulla barra degli indirizzi

perchè ? cosa devo fare ? se i due pc sono collegati perchè non sono
accessibili ?
Grazie e saluti, Fer

Re: [newbie-it] OS....come scegliere

2002-02-26 Per discussione tom

OK è sucesso cio che temevonon riesco ad andare avanti..
ho installato GRUB nel hda e ora logicamente abilitandi il primario
mi appare la schermatina di GRUB , che pero' mi fa entrare solo nel pinguino.
Ho modificato il file menu.Ist con quello che mi aveva detto miKe e ora 
risulata cosi...
timeout 5
color black/cyan yellow/cyan
i18n (hd1,0)/boot/grub/messages
keytable (hd1,0)/boot/it-latin1.klt
altconfigfile (hd1,0)/boot/grub/menu.once
default 0

title linux
kernel (hd1,0)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb1  hdd=ide-scsi devfs=mount

title failsafe
kernel (hd1,0)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hdb1  hdd=ide-scsi devfs=mount failsafe

title floppy
root (fd0)
chainloader +1

other = /dev/hda1
  label = DOS
  table = /dev/hda

image = /vmlinuz
  root = /dev/hdb1
  label = Linux

Probabile che nn habbia capito nulla di cio che dovessi fare!!

Che devo fare/modificare per poter scegliere OS da grub?

ho provato a montare l'hda per recuperare anlcuni dati che mi sarebbero 
serviti domani ma nn ci sono riuscito! 
Qualcuno mi puo dire come come montare l'hda? specificandomi le directory dei 
file da modificare?

grazie gia da ora 

Ciao , Tom

Re: [newbie-it]

2002-02-26 Per discussione Lele

Alle 09:25, martedì 26 febbraio 2002, hai scritto:
 Domanda: ma voi ci riuscite sentire i cd audio sotto Mandrake 8.1? A me
 dice sempre che manca il disco o che il file system e sbsgliato. Che cosa
 devo fare per sentire i cd? Mentre i suoni di sistema si sentono molto
 bene. Grazie

Hai provato dal menu multimedia - suono- riproduttore cd ?
Direttamente dall'icona del cdrom non ottieni nulla, devi passare dal 
percorso che ti ho detto o da stringa di testo che però non conosco.


[newbie-it] X-Cd- Roast

2002-02-26 Per discussione Lele

Doopo alcune esperienze negative con GC Combust uso X-Cd-roast per 
masterizzare, ma ho un problema, non riesco in alcun modo, anche come root a 
cambiare la configurazione del dispositivo di lettura.
Al momento dell'installazione di Cd-Roast ho (ingenuamente) settato il 
masterizzatore (Philips 1610a) sia come dispositivo di lettura sia di 
scrittura, ma, volendo effettuare copie al volo di cd, ovviamente mi trovo 
impossibilitato a farlo.
Ho cercato di modificare la configurazione  anche come root, ma non ottengo 
alcun risultato, ho anche provato a modificare il file config, sostituendo il 
nome e il modello del dispositivo di lettura, ma non succede nulla.
Qualcuno ha idee da suggerirmi ?

[newbie-it] Nuovo Kernel e funzionamento

2002-02-26 Per discussione Luigi De Pascale

Salve a tutti,
vorrei finalmente compilare un nuovo kernel.
Mi chiedevo pero':
Che cosa devo fare per potere restaurare la situazione precedente se le 
cose andassero male?
Intendo moduli e tutto.

Tenete conto che non ho tempo per passare ore ed ore a rimettere a posto 
decine di files.


Not all who wander are lost

Luigi De Pascale:   Indirizzo: Dipartimento di Matematica Applicata U.Dini
   Via Bonanno Pisano 25/B, 56126 Pisa, ITALY  
 Tel.: +39/050/844745

[newbie] email from command prompt

2002-02-26 Per discussione Jim Dawson

If this message seems familliar, forgive me. I sent out a similar message last week 
but I didn't see it or any replies to it on the list...

I need to send an email message from the command line, either piping the output of a 
command into a mail program or redirectig the text into it, e.g.:

mycommand | mailprog -user [EMAIL PROTECTED] -subject results of mycommand


mailprog -user [EMAIL PROTECTED] -subject text textfile.txt

I need to be able to email directly to the ISP as I am not running a mail server on my 
linux box at this time.

Does anyone know of a mail program that I might use to do this? I think I once saw the 
'mail' command used to send mail to a mail store on the same computer, but I don't 
know if  mail supports sending SMTP messages to a remote mail server.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

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Re: [newbie] email from command prompt

2002-02-26 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, Jim Dawson wrote:
 %_If this message seems familliar, forgive me. I sent out a similar message last 
week but I didn't see it or any replies to it on the list...
 I need to send an email message from the command line, either piping the output of a 
command into a mail program or redirectig the text into it, e.g.:
 mycommand | mailprog -user [EMAIL PROTECTED] -subject results of mycommand
 mailprog -user [EMAIL PROTECTED] -subject text textfile.txt
 I need to be able to email directly to the ISP as I am not running a mail server on 
my linux box at this time.
 Does anyone know of a mail program that I might use to do this? I think I once saw 
the 'mail' command used to send mail to a mail store on the same computer, but I 
don't know if  mail supports sending SMTP messages to a remote mail server.

echo this is the message | mail -s this is the subject [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] email from command prompt

2002-02-26 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, Jim Dawson wrote:
 %_If this message seems familliar, forgive me. I sent out a similar message last 
week but I didn't see it or any replies to it on the list...
 I need to send an email message from the command line, either piping the output of a 
command into a mail program or redirectig the text into it, e.g.:
 mycommand | mailprog -user [EMAIL PROTECTED] -subject results of mycommand
 mailprog -user [EMAIL PROTECTED] -subject text textfile.txt

cat testfile.txt  |  mail -s text [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gerald Waugh

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[newbie] disabling a error message to be logged

2002-02-26 Per discussione Carbon-Unit Scieman

specs: amd 1333, asus a7a266, alimagik 1, ML 8.0

Whenever I'm in console mode, I frequently get this
annoying message: probable hardware bug: clock timer
configuration lost - probably a via 686a motherboard.

On this mailing list I read that the only way to deal
with the problem is to somehow disable the error message
to be logged, because it is a winbond bug and we can't do anything about it.

So my questions are these:

1) Is it true that we can't do anything about it?

2) How can I disable this error message to be logged?

Thanks to all!

Ni Dieu Ni Maitre.

Rejoignez le plus grand service de messagerie au monde avec MSN Hotmail.

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Re: [newbie] email from command prompt

2002-02-26 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

 On Tue, 26 Feb 2002, Jim Dawson wrote:
%_If this message seems familliar, forgive me. I sent out a similar
 message last week but I didn't see it or any replies to it on the
 I need to send an email message from the command line, either piping the
 output of a command into a mail program or redirectig the text into it,

 mycommand | mailprog -user [EMAIL PROTECTED] -subject results of

mycommand | mail -s results of mycommand [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Gerald Waugh

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[newbie] How to install RPM's?

2002-02-26 Per discussione Dan Butler

I use my Palm extensivly and although I like Linux, I have not figured
out how to get Knome-Pilot installed on my Linux box, yet it is suppose to
be in the Mandrake 8.1 release.  I'm sure there is a web page or something
that tells all.  Can someone just point me in the right direction please.
Thank you.  I hate to admit this, but I'm more of a CLI person.
Dan B

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Re: [newbie] Portmap ?

2002-02-26 Per discussione jeff

On Monday 25 February 2002 06:54 pm, you wrote:
 How long does it stay locked? Do you see any interesting messages in
 /var/log/messages? Is it configured to use any rpc services? Maybe it is,
 and rpc is taking a long time to time out.


 Marc Oestreicher writes:
 I have a bit of a problem with a new mandrake 8.1 installation
   that I have beem fighting for weeks with no success.
Wen shutting down or rebooting my machine locks on shutting down
   portmap services. If I shut off portmap services it locks on shutting
   down internet services even though a dialup connection has not been
  This is on a P3 450 mhz machine with 64  MB of memory.  Does anyone
   have any idea what is causing this lockup on shutdown?
   Thanks in advance

This sounds like the USB problem i've been having.   Does turnig off
the USB service eliminate the problem?


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Re: [newbie] packager manager some of you may wish to try

2002-02-26 Per discussione FemmeFatale


is that like when i use package manager?  Same thing?? Just PM is a frontend?

Thx Civilme

civileme wrote:

 FemmeFatale wrote:
 I'm not certain if it works on Mandrake or other systems besides Debian though
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to
 urpme packagename

 is all you need on Mandrake.  It rips out the package and everything
 that depends on it.


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[newbie] XTree and Opera for Mandrake

2002-02-26 Per discussione Rudi Borth

About a year ago, I received friendly and useful answers from this
address--so I hope it is still valid. I have two questions.

1. Is there a clone of the defunct XTreeGold file manager that
works under Linux-Mandrake v8.2 and where is it available?

2. Does the OPERA FOR LINUX browser work under Linux Mandrake 8.2?

Thank you in advance for your help (or for suggestions where to
find it).


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[newbie] Soyo Dragon Plus MB system

2002-02-26 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

Looking for as little advice.
The following URL shows a Soyo Dragon Plus Socket A Barebone w/ AMD Athlon XP 
1700+ CPU, 128MB, 40GB and more

What do you think will this thing run LM OK?
Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] XTree and Opera for Mandrake

2002-02-26 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Tue, 26 Feb 2002 17:52:38
Rudi Borth [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 About a year ago, I received friendly and useful answers from this
 address--so I hope it is still valid. I have two questions.
 1. Is there a clone of the defunct XTreeGold file manager that
 works under Linux-Mandrake v8.2 and where is it available?

Have a look here 
You may need to copy and paste the URL to your browser.

 2. Does the OPERA FOR LINUX browser work under Linux Mandrake 8.2?

You will need to install libpng2, but yes, Opera will work in 8.2


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[newbie] was Re: Linux and Win XP (NAT addresses)

2002-02-26 Per discussione Nima S. Panahi

Um, I suggest using 10 network since it is the official Private us
address space. It seems that 192 is not reserved anymore.
I found this out when I ran into a 67 network computer on the net and
found out my firewall was blocking it since it was supporse to be

You can get the newest list from

 On Thu, 21 Feb 2002 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Any luck networking Linux and Win XP? I cant get the Linux box to log on on
 dhcp. It will make a static connection at but Win XP can not see
 it. Neither machine can ping each other. Neither machine is running a

 Thanks in advance

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Re: [newbie] Python 2.2

2002-02-26 Per discussione civileme

Bo Rosén wrote:

Anyone know where I can get rpms for this? I tried rebuilding the
src.rpm from the python site, but it failed.


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It is on Cooker mirrors.


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Re: [newbie] XTree and Opera for Mandrake

2002-02-26 Per discussione Derek Jennings

On Tuesday 26 February 2002 17:52, Rudi Borth wrote:
 About a year ago, I received friendly and useful answers from this
 address--so I hope it is still valid. I have two questions.

 1. Is there a clone of the defunct XTreeGold file manager that
 works under Linux-Mandrake v8.2 and where is it available?

Well a Google search shows up a clone 'YTree'  It is not included in the 
Mandrake distro however.

 2. Does the OPERA FOR LINUX browser work under Linux Mandrake 8.2?

Well bear in mind that Mandrake 8.2 is not out yet. It is currently in Beta.  
Opera6.0 is also in Beta.

Opera 6.0 Beta1 and earlier works with Mandrake 8.1 no problem. (I am running 
it as I type) (It is an excellent browser )

However I have tested Opera6.0TP3 on Mandrake 8.2Beta1  and it did NOT work. 
The reason being that Mandrake 8.2 will ship with the libpng3 library and 
Opera depends on libpng2 which conflicts with libpng3.
Whether this will be resolved before Opera 6.0final and Mandrake 8.2final 
 I cannot say



 Thank you in advance for your help (or for suggestions where to
 find it).


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Re: [newbie] Soyo Dragon Plus MB system

2002-02-26 Per discussione chris lapthorn

Gerald Waugh wrote:
 Looking for as little advice.
 The following URL shows a Soyo Dragon Plus Socket A Barebone w/ AMD Athlon XP
 1700+ CPU, 128MB, 40GB and more
 What do you think will this thing run LM OK?

Well, I run LM8.1 on an old Packard Bell P133 upgraded to a 400MHz with
80Mb ram and an 8 Gb drive, so I would say that you are fairly safe with
the spec you mention.

I have no idea about the quality of the components in the tiger machine


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Re: [newbie] Soyo Dragon Plus MB system

2002-02-26 Per discussione Randy

On Tuesday 26 February 2002 06:38 pm, you wrote:
 Looking for as little advice.
 The following URL shows a Soyo Dragon Plus Socket A Barebone w/ AMD
 Athlon XP 1700+ CPU, 128MB, 40GB and more

 What do you think will this thing run LM OK?
The Soyo Dragon Plus is almost made for Linux. Tiger Direct always 
seemed a little shaky to me, they didn't offer 30-day money back 

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[newbie] canon printers

2002-02-26 Per discussione Maila Garcia

Does anyone know of a print driver that applies to Canon bubble jet
More specifically, bjc 5100 and bjc 211o?
Mike Garcia

Sign Up for NetZero Platinum Today
Only $9.95 per month!

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Re: [newbie] was Re: Linux and Win XP (NAT addresses)

2002-02-26 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Nima S. Panahi wrote:
 Um, I suggest using 10 network since it is the official Private us
 address space. It seems that 192 is not reserved anymore.
 I found this out when I ran into a 67 network computer on the net and
 found out my firewall was blocking it since it was supporse to be
 You can get the newest list from

I guess I really don't believe this.  The link you point to seems to
indicate the status hasn't changed since 1993 (IIUC).  I believe that
192.168.x.x is reserved for private use.  192.x.x.x is a superset of
that and includes additional uses, not all of which are private use.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] email from command prompt

2002-02-26 Per discussione Randy Kramer

Gerald Waugh wrote:
 mycommand | mail -s results of mycommand [EMAIL PROTECTED]


I have added several of your suggestions to
and added your name as a contributor.

I you have any comments, please advise.

Randy Kramer

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Re: [newbie] canon printers

2002-02-26 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Tue, 2002-02-26 at 18:09, Maila Garcia wrote:
 Does anyone know of a print driver that applies to Canon bubble jet
 More specifically, bjc 5100 and bjc 211o?
 Mike Garcia
 Sign Up for NetZero Platinum Today
 Only $9.95 per month!

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 Go to
Maila, you can go here
and get the 5100 drivers I think, don't know about the other but check
the site and if it is available in cups this is the site to find it in.
Dennis M. registered Linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Soyo Dragon Plus MB system

2002-02-26 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Tuesday 26 February 2002 06:38 pm, chris lapthorn wrote:
 Gerald Waugh wrote:
  Looking for as little advice.
  The following URL shows a Soyo Dragon Plus Socket A Barebone w/ AMD
  Athlon XP 1700+ CPU, 128MB, 40GB and more
  What do you think will this thing run LM OK?

 Well, I run LM8.1 on an old Packard Bell P133 upgraded to a 400MHz with
 80Mb ram and an 8 Gb drive, so I would say that you are fairly safe with
 the spec you mention.

 I have no idea about the quality of the components in the tiger machine

well, thanks
But I was looking for some response about the audio, video, ethernet 

Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] was Re: Linux and Win XP (NAT addresses)

2002-02-26 Per discussione Gerald Waugh

On Tuesday 26 February 2002 06:29 pm, Nima S. Panahi wrote:
 Um, I suggest using 10 network since it is the official Private us
 address space. It seems that 192 is not reserved anymore.
 I found this out when I ran into a 67 network computer on the net and
 found out my firewall was blocking it since it was supporse to be

 You can get the newest list from

Does this obsolete RFC 1918 or netmask is still private address space. thru is public. thru is public.

Gerald Waugh

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Re: [newbie] Soyo Dragon Plus MB system

2002-02-26 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Tue, 2002-02-26 at 19:26, Gerald Waugh wrote:
 On Tuesday 26 February 2002 06:38 pm, chris lapthorn wrote:
  Gerald Waugh wrote:
   Looking for as little advice.
   The following URL shows a Soyo Dragon Plus Socket A Barebone w/ AMD
   Athlon XP 1700+ CPU, 128MB, 40GB and more
   What do you think will this thing run LM OK?
  Well, I run LM8.1 on an old Packard Bell P133 upgraded to a 400MHz with
  80Mb ram and an 8 Gb drive, so I would say that you are fairly safe with
  the spec you mention.
  I have no idea about the quality of the components in the tiger machine
 well, thanks
 But I was looking for some response about the audio, video, ethernet 
 Gerald Waugh

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I have been using Soyo Mobos since 6.0 and never had any real problems with them. 
I currently use the K7VTA PRo and it works very well. The chipset on the
Dragon is a change from the via chip set that had some problems in the
past and so I guess what I am saying is that if I could afford it, I
would go with exactly the setup you are looking at and fully expect to
see the computer rock my world. Just my opinion of Soyo. HTH Dennis M. 

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Re: [newbie] Soyo Dragon Plus MB system

2002-02-26 Per discussione Dennis Myers

On Tuesday 26 February 2002 19:50, you wrote:
 On Tue, 2002-02-26 at 19:26, Gerald Waugh wrote:
  On Tuesday 26 February 2002 06:38 pm, chris lapthorn wrote:
   Gerald Waugh wrote:
Looking for as little advice.
The following URL shows a Soyo Dragon Plus Socket A Barebone w/ AMD
Athlon XP 1700+ CPU, 128MB, 40GB and more
   sku= s450-3021
What do you think will this thing run LM OK?
   Well, I run LM8.1 on an old Packard Bell P133 upgraded to a 400MHz with
   80Mb ram and an 8 Gb drive, so I would say that you are fairly safe
   with the spec you mention.
   I have no idea about the quality of the components in the tiger machine
  well, thanks
  But I was looking for some response about the audio, video, ethernet
  Gerald Waugh
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 I have been using Soyo Mobos since 6.0 and never had any real problems with
 them. I currently use the K7VTA PRo and it works very well. The chipset on
 the Dragon is a change from the via chip set that had some problems in the
 past and so I guess what I am saying is that if I could afford it, I would
 go with exactly the setup you are looking at and fully expect to see the
 computer rock my world. Just my opinion of Soyo. HTH Dennis M.

Oh yea, and the specs here look good:

Dennis M. registered linux user # 180842

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[newbie] RPM's, ok, what next? Gnome Pilot installed...

2002-02-26 Per discussione Dan B

Alright, I updated my system with Gnome-Pilot as that is suppose to allow me 
to use my Palm with my Linux box, but the system appears to still not see it. 
 Anyone familiar with a Palm connected to a Linux box?

Dan B

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Re: [newbie] Soyo Dragon Plus MB system

2002-02-26 Per discussione Charles A Edwards

On Tue, 26 Feb 2002 19:25:06 -0500
Randy [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Tuesday 26 February 2002 06:38 pm, you wrote:
  Looking for as little advice.
  The following URL shows a Soyo Dragon Plus Socket A Barebone w/ AMD
  Athlon XP 1700+ CPU, 128MB, 40GB and more
  What do you think will this thing run LM OK?
 The Soyo Dragon Plus is almost made for Linux. Tiger Direct always 
 seemed a little shaky to me, they didn't offer 30-day money back 

I agree with Randy about Tiger Direct.
I knew the name rang a warning bell with me.
Here is what the BBB has to say

Customer Experience
Based on BBB files, this company has an unsatisfactory record due to unanswered 
complaints concerning failure to receive a refund  product quality issues. The Bureau 
processed 10 complaints about this company in the last 12 months. Of all the 
complaints 3 were resolved but not always within the bureau's time frame  7 were no 
Additional Information
Additional Doing-Business-As Names:
Additional Phone Numbers:
Additional File Information
The Bureau has requested basic information from this company.  The Bureau has not 
received a response.

The DragonPlus is a great board, I have a system built around one and
linux has no problem with any of its components.

If you do not mind putting the system together yourself you can use 
and find the same or better OEM components for near/lower price than Tiger is offering.
Checking just now there are several sites offering the Dragon+ for $139,
as well as several sites where you can get a 60GB Maxtor or IBM Deskstar
for the price Tiger wanted for the 40GB drive.

My advice.
I know it looks good, But pass on the offer.


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[newbie] Help required, after crash cannot start X

2002-02-26 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Hi Guys

I have a major drama, after installing Win4Lin 3.0 on my Mandrake 8.1 box, things were 
running great, THEN I had a free of my desktop, not while Win4Lin was running though 
and I had no choice (that I am aware of anyway) of sorting everything out except using 
the old 3 finger shuffle (C-A-D)

Now when I restart using either of the Win4Lin or Linux startups through the boot 
manager, I can get to the text interface and login etc but I cannot start X, I get an 
error of:

Fatal Server Error:
can't read lock file /tmp/.X0-lock

Can anyone help

Thanks heaps

mail2web - Check your email from the web at .

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[newbie] Appletalk printer

2002-02-26 Per discussione Pascal Goguey


Does anyone know how to convigure an appletalk
laserprinter (without VI'ing /etc/printcap and co). Is there
a GUI allowing to see all the appletalk printers around (i.e.
other than nbplkup in a terminal) and to set one as the
printer I want to use?



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Re: [newbie] RPM's, ok, what next? Gnome Pilot installed...

2002-02-26 Per discussione shane

i use kpilot not gnome, and use a visor, but i can tell you that kpilot 
will not use USB.  have you tried to run USB view to see if your pilot is 
seen by the system?

you might also try jpilot, it does work with USB

On Tuesday 26 February 2002 18:19, Dan B opened a hailing frequency and 

 Alright, I updated my system with Gnome-Pilot as that is suppose to allow
 me to use my Palm with my Linux box, but the system appears to still not
 see it. Anyone familiar with a Palm connected to a Linux box?

Nimda virus affects Linux! My linux boxes have had their bandwidth chewed 
up by four thousand Nimda servers infected with IIS.

Proud to be a DMOZ editor since 10-98 cause humans do it better!
Profile at:

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[newbie] Killing a program

2002-02-26 Per discussione Mithrilhall2000

I installed a called Synapse Hotline X and I have it running in the
background and I want to kill it but I have no clue. If someone could tell
me how to kill this I would appreciate it.


*   Mithrilhall's  Linux*
*  Server   *
*  AMD-K2 350MHz*
* *

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Re: [newbie] Python 2.2

2002-02-26 Per discussione Bo Rosén

ons 2002-02-27 klockan 00.39 skrev civileme:

 It is on Cooker mirrors.

Thanks. Too many dependencies in danger though so I'll wait for 8.2


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Re: [newbie] Killing a program

2002-02-26 Per discussione Moshe Kaminsky


I'm not sure I understand the question, but in general to kill a program
you can do 
  ps -e

to find all the programs running (or do 'ps -e | grep prog name'), 
then you see its PID (process id) and then
  kill -9 PID

to kill it.


* Mithrilhall2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [020227 07:47]:
 I installed a called Synapse Hotline X and I have it running in the
 background and I want to kill it but I have no clue. If someone could tell
 me how to kill this I would appreciate it.
 *   Mithrilhall's  Linux*
 *  Server   *
 *  AMD-K2 350MHz*
 * *
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Linux, cause i reboot less often than windows users reinstall...

Moshe Kaminsky 
(Home) 08-9471073

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Re: [newbie] Killing a program

2002-02-26 Per discussione JOHN HEMMER

On Wed, 27 Feb 2002, Mithrilhall2000 wrote:

 I installed a called Synapse Hotline X and I have it running in the
 background and I want to kill it but I have no clue. If someone could tell
 me how to kill this I would appreciate it.


login is as root, at the command prompt do the processor status
command, ps -aef, without the quotes. Look for the process ID#
(PID#) of your program in the status listing. Next use the kill
command, kill -9  PID#_of_your_program, without the quotes.
To test, do the ps -aef again and check the listing to make 
sure your program is gone.


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