[newbie-it] Problema con Telnet

2003-02-20 Per discussione [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Ciao a Tutti, spero che riusciate a risolvermi unn problema che mi assilla e evitarmi 
la figura di m... con l' azienda per cui lavoro che incombe.Ho istallato da poco sul 
Pc che utilizzo in azienda Red Hat 8.0, mentre a casa utilizzo Mandrake 8.0.
Fi li tutto bene i vari WordProcessor e fogli eletronici funzionano egregiamente.
La nota dolente arriva quando devo utilizzare il software gestionale ( si chiama 
OLIMPIX), che utilizza Informix su di un server SCO-UNIX, il gestionale era styato 
progettato per essere utilizzato da terminali seriali, quindi non grafici, ma soltanto 
i caratteri ASCII per le righe dei menu, tasti funzione per spostarsi da un menu all' 
altro e fare oprerazioni particolari come cercare record, cancellarli aprire i menu di 
ricerca, ecc.
Fino ad ora utilizzavo come tutti in ditta un emulatore di terminale sotto WIN (Tun 
Emul della Escher), settando terminale Ansi, caratteri SystemPC, dimensioni 80x25.
O provato ad utilizzare Konsole ma non ho trovato nel menu delle impostazioni ansi, ho 
provato prima un pò tutte le combinazioni di tastiera (xterm xfree 3.x.x , xterm xfree 
4.x.x, Console Linux, VT100, VT420PC ) ma nulla o non mi riconosceva i tasti funzione 
o si riempiva lo schermo di caratteri strani.
Allora ho preso dal server il file ansi.ti, e sul mio Pc ho dato :
tic ansi.ti
export TERM=ansi
ho riprovato con il telnet, utilizzando tutti, le combinazioni di tastiera disponibili 
ma nulla.
L' unico risultato che ho ottenuto e utilizzando TERM=xterm e tastiera xterm, con 
questa configurazione vedo i menu anche se non in maniera ottimale, i tasti funzione 
vanno, ma solo da F1 a F10 se devo utilizzare gli altri F11-F20 come facevamo prima 
con Shift+F3 ( per ottenere F13), mi compaiono sullo schermo caratteri del tipo :
per F20  21;2(il carattere tilde che non trovo sulla tastiera)
per F13  2R
per F18  19;2(sempre il solito carattere tilde)

Qualcuno ha qualche suggerimento per risanare la situazione attuale, anche usare un 
programma diverso di emulazione ?
Vi prego qualunque idea puo essere utile per salvarmi e dimostrare che Linux puo fare 


Dario Miretti 
Rosati Fratelli srl
Via Torino 272
10040 leini (TO)

[newbie-it] macchina digitale

2003-02-20 Per discussione Eraser Head
Ciao a tutti.
Ho provato a collegare la mia macchina digitale al pc, ma linux non sembra 
nemmeno vederla...

La mia macchina è una Minolta Dimage s304. Ho guardato nel file 
unusual_devs.h del mio kernel (quello della mandrake 8.2) e ho visto che i 
settaggi della mia macchina ci sono già.
Allora ho pensato che forse il kernel è già configurato per riconoscermela 
quando la collego alla porta usb.
Ho allora fatto un lsmod per vedere i moduli:

usb-storage52236   1 
usb-uhci   21668   0  (unused)
usb-ohci   19072   0  (unused)
usbcore59072   1  [usb-storage usb-uhci usb-ohci]
scsi_mod   93244   4  [usb-storage sr_mod aic7xxx sd_mod]

Non ci sono tutti i moduli elencati su Linux Pratico, ma ho pensato che 
Mandrake potrebbe aver installato le cose mancanti in modo statico nel 
Il supporto scsi c'è, visto che il masterizzatore è scsi e funziona. Non 
so però le altre cose richieste...
C'è un modo per vedere cosa c'è installato nel kernel e cosa no?

In ogni caso, ho poi fatto un tail -f /var/log/messages per vedere cosa 
diceva al momento del collegamento della macchina.
Risultato: il /var/log/massages non fa una piega e se ne sta lì così come 

Quindi, quale può essere il problema? Dite che manca un qualche modulo 
necessario? Immagino proprio di sì, ma volevo comunque chiedere 
conferma... =)




The raven laughed and then he cried
of war and blood an those who died
...one friend to have is worth the weight
and what you've got - you'll see too late...

(Rough Silk)

[newbie-it] /var/log/messages

2003-02-20 Per discussione Eraser Head

Facendo un tail -f /var/log/messages ho scoperto che continuano a 
comparire cose di questo tipo:

Feb 20 11:01:20 atropo kernel: sent an invalid ICMP error to a 
Feb 20 11:01:51 atropo kernel: sent an invalid ICMP error to a 
Feb 20 11:02:53 atropo last message repeated 2 times
Feb 20 11:03:55 atropo last message repeated 2 times
Feb 20 11:04:57 atropo last message repeated 4 times
Feb 20 11:05:59 atropo last message repeated 2 times
Feb 20 11:07:01 atropo last message repeated 2 times

Qualcuno sa dirmi cosa significano? Mi preoccupano un po', perchè sono 
davvero tantissimi questi messaggi




The raven laughed and then he cried
of war and blood an those who died
...one friend to have is worth the weight
and what you've got - you'll see too late...

(Rough Silk)

[newbie-it] II incontro

2003-02-20 Per discussione miKe
Salve a tutti
il primo marzo si svolgerà a Bologna il II incontro del majalinux
dopo la riuscitissima giornata del 15 dicembre a Roma.
Chiunque vuole partecipare e unirsi a noi  si faccia vivo contattando 
me o, meglio ancora, la lista
(è a traffico medio-alto e assolutamente NON tecnica)

Istruzioni per uso e disuso: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
iscrizioni: [EMAIL PROTECTED]




Slackware 8.1 GNU/Linux 2.4.20 @ hp  Xe3
R.U.#219755 -- S.R.U.#705 -- R.M.#110932

[newbie-it] devfs e usb-storage

2003-02-20 Per discussione Pollo
Ho un lettore di compaqflash su porta usb riconosciuto tranquillamente
dalla mandrake 9.0. Quando collego il lettore al pc devfs mi crea
automaticamente il dispositivo (/dev/sda1) e poi mi basta montarlo.
Il problema è il seguente: volevo disabilitare l'opzione devfs al
momento del boot del kernel (devfs=nomount se non sbaglio) ma come creo
il dispositivo /dev/sda1 ? E' un dispositivo a caratteri?
So ad esempio che per gli scanner bisogna dare il comando:
mknod /dev/usb/scanner c 180 48
Per /dev/sda1 ?
Come si fa ad associare poi il file creato con l'hardware; è il kernel
che associa il file /dev/sda1 da me creato al lettore di CF?

Grazie, Pollo.

Re: [newbie-it] macchina digitale

2003-02-20 Per discussione Sandro Porrazzini
Il gio, 2003-02-20 alle 13:22, Eraser Head ha scritto:
 Ciao a tutti.
 Ho provato a collegare la mia macchina digitale al pc, ma linux non sembra 
 nemmeno vederla...


 Il supporto scsi c'è, visto che il masterizzatore è scsi e funziona. Non 
 so però le altre cose richieste...
 C'è un modo per vedere cosa c'è installato nel kernel e cosa no?
 In ogni caso, ho poi fatto un tail -f /var/log/messages per vedere cosa 
 diceva al momento del collegamento della macchina.
 Risultato: il /var/log/massages non fa una piega e se ne sta lì così come 
 Quindi, quale può essere il problema? Dite che manca un qualche modulo 
 necessario? Immagino proprio di sì, ma volevo comunque chiedere 
 conferma... =)

Due cose:

1) Hai provato se Gphoto la gestisce?
2) hai provato a montarla come dispositivo scsi e se si, come?
   in sintesi dovresti utilizzare il dispositivo /dev/sda1 (o altro   
   numero successivo)

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux 2.4.19 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

Re: [newbie-it] devfs e usb-storage

2003-02-20 Per discussione Sandro Porrazzini
Il gio, 2003-02-20 alle 15:26, Pollo ha scritto:
 Ho un lettore di compaqflash su porta usb riconosciuto tranquillamente
 dalla mandrake 9.0. Quando collego il lettore al pc devfs mi crea
 automaticamente il dispositivo (/dev/sda1) e poi mi basta montarlo.
 Il problema è il seguente: volevo disabilitare l'opzione devfs al
 momento del boot del kernel (devfs=nomount se non sbaglio) ma come creo
 il dispositivo /dev/sda1 ? E' un dispositivo a caratteri?
 So ad esempio che per gli scanner bisogna dare il comando:
 mknod /dev/usb/scanner c 180 48
 Per /dev/sda1 ?
 Come si fa ad associare poi il file creato con l'hardware; è il kernel
 che associa il file /dev/sda1 da me creato al lettore di CF?
 Grazie, Pollo.

Non credo che tu debba creare il dispositivo, dovrebbe comenque esserci.
Dai semplicemente mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/directorychehaicreatotu

Dr. Sandro Porrazzini - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
GNU/Linux 2.4.19 on Pentium III - 733 Mhz
Linux User # 203143
Linux Machine # 175781

Re: [newbie-it] devfs e usb-storage

2003-02-20 Per discussione LukenShiro
On Thu, 20 Feb 2003, Pollo wrote:
 volevo disabilitare l'opzione devfs al momento del boot del kernel
 (devfs=nomount se non sbaglio) ma come creo il dispositivo /dev/sda1 ?
 E' un dispositivo a caratteri?

 Avendo precedentemente installati i sorgenti del kernel (pacchetto
kernel-source-*), leggi /usr/src/linux/Documentation/devices.txt e cerca
il dispositivo che ti serve, trova i parametri necessari e regolati di
conseguenza :)

GNU/Linux Slackware 9.0beta1 /// k 2.4.20-acpi+preempt+lowlat+pktwrt
^Lifeform Used for Killing and Efficient Nullification/Synthetic
Humanoid Intended for Repair and Observation^

[newbie] OT: M$: Bugs are cool

2003-02-20 Per discussione
Hi all,

at http://www.cantrip.org/nobugs.html you can read an interview with
Bill Gates, in which he states that new software versions are not meant
to fix bugs.

Don't let your mind wander - it's too little to be let out alone.

http://nlpagan.net - Linux by Mandrake - Sylpheed by Hiro

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[newbie] [Newbie] USB Compact Flash Memory Card Reader

2003-02-20 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes
Has anyone found a useable Compact Flash Memory Card Reader/Writer  that
work under Mandrake 9.0 or later?

  Trevor Rhodes
Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.1 beta3
Registered Linux user # 290542 at http://counter.li.org
Registered Machine #'s 186951,
Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.
 16:13:19 up 1 day, 14:13,  3 users,  load average: 1.00, 1.00, 1.04
Violence is molding.

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RE: [newbie] RC1 and network problem.

2003-02-20 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes

Beta 3 wouldn't erase my cd-rw so I had to finish off in micro$haft.
Were you using d4x in beta 3? If so was it through urpmi? If so where
from? I have added cooker main  contrib and another cooker to urpmi
(can't remember which one), but it would not find it, also it will not
find the nvidia drivers.



-Original Message-
From: Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Wednesday, February 19, 2003 4:21 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] RC1 and network problem.

On Wednesday February 19 2003 08:30 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote:

 I was on cooker the other day and a guy had the same problem with a
 realtek card, he's posted to bugzilla, and the current workaround
 is having fixed rather than dynamic ip. I am happy with that till
 bugzilla gets it's teeth into it. My card came with my cable
 connection. On a side note my cable company have screwed up and
 have given me a 1 mb pipe for the last week so far. Makes getting
 rc1 a whole lot easier, I had disk 1  2 before the 3rd disk hit
 the proxad ftp site. lol


   OK, I thought it had been reported. Unfortunately the alternative 
might end up being gettin another brand NIC that will work, if you're 
in a hurry ;(  D-Links are cheap, work well.  I've heard some less 
than flattering stuff about Syslink NICs lately, even security holes 
built into the hardware.

  Yeah, I got 1  2 before 3, but the mirror (sunsite) was a little 
slower than normal (busy as hell ;), and wouldn't allow 3 d/l's at 
the same time.  Took 2 hrs, 34 mins to get the first two RC1 iso's 
simultaneously usin d4x on a 1.5 mb adsl connection. NBD, I d/l'd iso 
3 while I was checking md5sums, and burnin 1  2  ;)
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Business Computer Projects Ltd
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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] Internet connection on 9.1rc1 fails

2003-02-20 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes

What nic have you got? There seems to be problems with one or two nics
at the moment. I have a realtek and to get to the internet I have to use
a fixed ip. Which machine is it on, the firewall or one of the two
behind it?


-Original Message-
From: Dennis Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 2:49 AM
To: newbie
Subject: [newbie] Internet connection on 9.1rc1 fails

Does anyone know how to get internet connection with rc1? I have a
with static ip and two linux computers behind it. Installed 9.1rc1 and
had a 
internet connection that went away within 5 minutes and have not been
able to 
reestablish it. I know the Mandrake site says a proxy maybe but don't
how to configure that. Is there something in resolve config or somewhere
that I can make a connection work? Any help is appreciated.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Business Computer Projects Ltd
BCP House
151 Charles Street
Tel: +44 (0)161 355-3000
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Web: http://www.bcpsoftware.com http://www.bcpsoftware.com/ 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] licq getting old contact list ?

2003-02-20 Per discussione fifner the dragon
When I used windows and installed icq and registered my old icq number my old contact 
list was automaticly downloaded.

Can this be done using licq as well?

Thanks in advance,
Sign-up for your own FREE Personalized E-mail at Mail.com

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[newbie] Exchange email replacement?

2003-02-20 Per discussione T E
Hi all,

I am wondering what any of you recommend for a
Microsoft Exchange Server replacement from the Linux
world.   I was orginally considering the Bynari
product, but I hear postfix with fetchmail will also
work as well? The replacement will need to work with a
an Exchange 5.5 box AND support all the groupware
features such as public calendering and public contact
lists...probably accross subnets...  Any ideas?

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Tax Center - forms, calculators, tips, more

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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Re: [newbie] Internet connection on 9.1rc1 fails

2003-02-20 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 08:25:27 -
Tony S. Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 What nic have you got? There seems to be problems with one or two nics
 at the moment. I have a realtek and to get to the internet I have to
 use a fixed ip. Which machine is it on, the firewall or one of the two
 behind it?

For anyone having problems with DHCP and the Betas or RC1
The problem Is Not caused by the nic

During network configuration if you select DHCP, regardless of the type
of connection dhcp-client and dhcp-server are installed and Only they
are installed.

If you connect through a firewall, router or to a LAN you Need to
install dhcpcd.
You can remove the dhcp-client and server because you do not need them
on that machine but if you for some reason run drakconnect it will want
to install them again..


Man who arrives at party two hours late will find he has been beaten
to the punch.
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.21pre4-7mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] Koffice/KWord warning?

2003-02-20 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Angus Auld wrote:


- Original Message -
From: John Richard Smith 

Angus Auld wrote:


Greetings all, I would like to inquire about a warning message that I get whenever I use KWord. Does anyone else get the following when opening KWord 
in a terminal?

Koffice (lib kofficecore):Warning:KoDocumentEntry::
query [X-KDE-NativeMimeType]=='application/x-KWord'
got 2 offers!

When using KWord, .xsession-errors gets a lot of these warnings.
What does this mean? I also note that when I right click on a .kwd file, in the context menu 'open with' there are two entries for KWord shown.

Can anyone shed some light on this please?
KWord appears to be working OK otherwise however.



Yes , I've just tested it and the terminal window comes up with the same 
No Idea why though.



Thanks John for your reply and observations. I did a google for the warning message, and came up with a response for the exact message, but it is on a German SuSE mailing list, and, unfortunately I can't read German. :-)
The warning on the German list was in regard to KOffice 1.2 Beta2-Installation.

Do you also have the double KWord entries in the right click context menu 'open with' when clicking a .kwd file? 

Best regards.

-- Angus


Yes it does present the same choices twice over.That is
what the message means , isn't it. Your being offered
two opportunities to open a kword.kwd file , obviously
a glitch in the programme, and incidentally, it does not
occure if you call kword from the start menu, there you
choose using the search facility your directory containing .kwd files and highlight one and the OK,
and obviously there is no double Offer .

Yes you are correct Angus.


John Richard Smith

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[newbie] wrong printer picked...

2003-02-20 Per discussione linux
G'day all,

when I installed Mandrake it didn't find my printer and
I accepted the suggested alternative; unfortunately it
now prints twice as wide as it should...

My printer is a Canon S200SP; Printerdrake lists the
S100 and the S300, but it actually chose the BJC-2100
I tried the S100 and got the same results.

Is there a driver for the S200SP available, and if so

Anything else I should try?


Merlin Zener
piano and synthesizer
Pattaya, Thailand. 
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.456 / Virus Database: 256 - Release Date: 18/02/2003

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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RE: [newbie] no audio in Xine...?

2003-02-20 Per discussione linux
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Frans Ketelaars
 Sent: Monday, 17 February 2003 19:47
 Subject: Re: [newbie] no audio in Xine...?
 On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 18:14:17 +0700
  as the sub says, I get no audio when playing VCDs in Xine.
  Audio works fine in XMMS, but in Xine I get video ok but
  no sound.
  Clicking on the config tool and then to the audio tab reveals
  the audio driver to use is set to null. Well that would
  do it, I guess...
  Thing is, there's no way I can see to change it. Clicking
  all over the window does nothing; the help tab brings up a
  blank page. I've been wandering around the Mandrake control
  center, but it doesn't seem to report anything wrong.
  The sound chip is an AC97 onboard [a Matsonic MS9107C+
  motherboard]. What other system details should I include
  to enable you to help me better?
  TIA, as always
 I just typed in arts instead of null in the GUI. On the command line
 'xine --help' lists the available audio output plugins on  
 your system according to 'man xine'. I guess they have some
 more work to do on the xine GUI :)

I tried 'arts' [after trying a few ways I found you have to
click on the word 'null', go left with the arrow keys, delete
the characters to the right, and only then can you type in a 
new value. Oh, and yes, you have to hit enter before leaving
the page or the change won't hold...]
anyway, arts produces the same result - pic but no sound.

'xine --help' tells me the available drivers are null and oss,
but when I tried oss, it just flashes on the screen for a second
or so then disappears.

Anything else??

Merlin Zener
piano and synthesizer
Pattaya, Thailand. 
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.456 / Virus Database: 256 - Release Date: 18/02/2003

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] no audio in Xine...?

2003-02-20 Per discussione linux
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Larry Williams
 Sent: Tuesday, 18 February 2003 10:40
 Subject: Re: [newbie] no audio in Xine...?

 On Monday 17 February 2003 03:14, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  as the sub says, I get no audio when playing VCDs in Xine.
  Audio works fine in XMMS, but in Xine I get video ok but
  no sound.
  Clicking on the config tool and then to the audio tab reveals
  the audio driver to use is set to null. Well that would
  do it, I guess...
  Thing is, there's no way I can see to change it. Clicking
  all over the window does nothing; the help tab brings up a
  blank page. I've been wandering around the Mandrake control
  center, but it doesn't seem to report anything wrong.
  The sound chip is an AC97 onboard [a Matsonic MS9107C+
  motherboard]. What other system details should I include
  to enable you to help me better?
  TIA, as always

 I ran into this same problem a couple months ago using an ESS
 card.  I ended
 up removing and then reinstalling the xine package and it started to work
 again.  The config file is the same as the previous load, so I'm assuming
 (guessing) that a file got corrupted somehow and reinstalling
 xine fixed it.

well this is a clean install of Mandrake from scratch, I've done
almost no stuffing around with it - I'm just beginning to find
my way around, reading things and watching the pretty visualizations
in XMMS :) So I don't think anything should be corrupted this
But I tried, went to add/remove programs: it took me to a page
which let me add programs, but I couldn't see any way to remove
anything. Anyhow, I installed it again, thinking that maybe it
would write files over the old ones.
No change.

Merlin Zener
piano and synthesizer
Pattaya, Thailand.
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.456 / Virus Database: 256 - Release Date: 18/02/2003

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Koffice/KWord warning?

2003-02-20 Per discussione Andrei Raevsky

 - Original Message -
 From: John Richard Smith
 Angus Auld wrote:

 Greetings all, I would like to inquire about a warning message that I
 get whenever I use KWord. Does anyone else get the following when
 opening KWord  in a terminal?
 Koffice (lib kofficecore):Warning:KoDocumentEntry::
 query [X-KDE-NativeMimeType]=='application/x-KWord'
 got 2 offers!
 When using KWord, .xsession-errors gets a lot of these warnings. What
 does this mean? I also note that when I right click on a .kwd file,
 in the context menu 'open with' there are two entries for KWord
 Can anyone shed some light on this please?
 KWord appears to be working OK otherwise however.
 Yes , I've just tested it and the terminal window comes up with the
 same  message.
 No Idea why though.


 Thanks John for your reply and observations. I did a google for the
 warning message, and came up with a response for the exact message, but
 it is on a German SuSE mailing list, and, unfortunately I can't read
 German. :-) The warning on the German list was in regard to KOffice 1.2

 Do you also have the double KWord entries in the right click context
 menu 'open with' when clicking a .kwd file?

 Best regards.

 -- Angus

Hi Angus,

Found the German text.  It reads :

Rechtsklick auf ein Koffice-Dokument - Dateityp bearbeiten...
means: Rightclick on a Koffoce-Document - Change Datatype

Und einen der doppelten Eintraege entfernen.
means: And remove the double submissions

Can translate it.  But could not DO it.  Do you know what he means?



Linux-Mandrake 9 (Dolphin)
Mandrake Club Silver Member
Registered Linux user: 226850
Registered Linux computer: 183163

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Re: [newbie] licq getting old contact list ?

2003-02-20 Per discussione fifner the dragon
Hi, I´d like to say thank you to Sthephen Kuhn for answering every single question I 
ever asked on this list.

And I could say that licq never did get the contact list  for me, and I tried it like 
20 times, on different computers and connections.


- Original Message -
From: Stephen Kuhn [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: 20 Feb 2003 20:13:21 +1100
To: Mandrake Newbie [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [newbie] licq getting old contact list ?

 On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 20:01, fifner the dragon wrote:
  When I used windows and installed icq and registered my old icq number my old 
contact list was automaticly downloaded.
  Can this be done using licq as well?
  Thanks in advance,
 Generally - and I use the term loosely, it will pick up the server-side
 contact list. GENERALLY. I have found, though, that at times, it just
 doesn't want to grab 'em. Double check all your settings, and you should
 be right. If not, you can use KOPETE - that works even better and docks
 in the KDE system tray (that is, if you use KDE) - and is not quite as
 obtrusive and clunky - as well, it does pick up the contact listing from
 the server. My $0.02.
 Thu, 20 Feb 2003 20:10:00 +1100
   8:10pm  up 1 day,  8:53,  5 users,  load average: 0.51, 0.50, 0.34
 |____  | kuhn media australia|
 |   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
 |  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
 |   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
 |  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
 |  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
 |  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
 |  ;/ / | | | |
 |  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
 |  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
  linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting
 They know your name, address, telephone number, credit card numbers, who ELSE
 is driving the car for insurance, ...  your driver's license number. In the

 state of Massachusetts, this is the same number as that used for Social
 Security, unless you object to such use. In THAT case, you are ASSIGNED a
 number and you reside forever more on the list of weird people who don't give
 out their Social Security Number in Massachusetts.
 -- Arthur Miller

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

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Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] What is .mpga

2003-02-20 Per discussione Vahur Lokk
What files are .mpga files and how can I convert them into .wav or any other 
burnable format?


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] make modules fails in 9.0

2003-02-20 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Wednesday February 19 2003 09:43 pm, David McGlone wrote:
 Hash: SHA1

 On Wednesday 19 February 2003 11:03 am, you wrote:
  On Wednesday February 19 2003 09:03 am, David McGlone wrote:
   I am having a problem trying to make modules on my 9.0 box, I
   keep getting this error
 Did you use 'make mrproper' as the first step?

 No, I just cd'd to /usr/src/linux and did make modules

 was I supposed to do make mrproper first?

Yes, with all Mandrake source.  There's been lengthly discussion 
about this on the cooker list. Search that archive.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] RC1 and network problem.

2003-02-20 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Thursday February 20 2003 02:15 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote:

 Beta 3 wouldn't erase my cd-rw so I had to finish off in
 micro$haft. Were you using d4x in beta 3? If so was it through
 urpmi? If so where from? I have added cooker main  contrib and
 another cooker to urpmi (can't remember which one), but it would
 not find it, also it will not find the nvidia drivers.



   Well, I don't use RW's. I see no good reason to with CDr's at 30¢ 
each. There's a very good reason not to, specially for iso's. RW's, 
even when brand new, will not be as 'readable' as CDr's will.  I 
often suspect those that report problems with iso CD's failing to 
install properly, fail to mention they're using cd-rw's.

   d4x is just a download buttler. It doesn't find, d/l, and install 
updates as urpmi does.  d4x is just a GUI frontend for wget. It just 
make d/l'ing multiple files, specially more than one at a time, easy. 
It definitely will resume failed d/l's and allows you to throttle how 
much of your bandwidth to give to d/l'ing, among many other features.

   I use sunsite 'cause it's the primary mirror and updates often 
(hourly). Unless you update cooker several times a day, you'd probly 
be better off using one of the less busy mirrors listed on the mirror 
list at  http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/cookerdevel.php3

 You won't find the nvidia drivers on Mandrake cooker mirrors. 
MOF, you won't find any non-free and/or proprietary software.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] RC1 and network problem.

2003-02-20 Per discussione Tony S. Sykes

Sorry I should have made my email more clear, I have used d4x for a
while, but I don't like putting programs on my system unless I use
urpmi. I was curious to see if you urpmied it or compiled from source.
As for the cdr I don't like to waste em, no matter how much they cost
(it's the green in me). I will be adding the sunsite to my urpmi
collection when I get home.



-Original Message-
From: Tom Brinkman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] RC1 and network problem.

On Thursday February 20 2003 02:15 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote:

 Beta 3 wouldn't erase my cd-rw so I had to finish off in
 micro$haft. Were you using d4x in beta 3? If so was it through
 urpmi? If so where from? I have added cooker main  contrib and
 another cooker to urpmi (can't remember which one), but it would
 not find it, also it will not find the nvidia drivers.



   Well, I don't use RW's. I see no good reason to with CDr's at 30¢ 
each. There's a very good reason not to, specially for iso's. RW's, 
even when brand new, will not be as 'readable' as CDr's will.  I 
often suspect those that report problems with iso CD's failing to 
install properly, fail to mention they're using cd-rw's.

   d4x is just a download buttler. It doesn't find, d/l, and install 
updates as urpmi does.  d4x is just a GUI frontend for wget. It just 
make d/l'ing multiple files, specially more than one at a time, easy. 
It definitely will resume failed d/l's and allows you to throttle how 
much of your bandwidth to give to d/l'ing, among many other features.

   I use sunsite 'cause it's the primary mirror and updates often 
(hourly). Unless you update cooker several times a day, you'd probly 
be better off using one of the less busy mirrors listed on the mirror 
list at  http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/cookerdevel.php3

 You won't find the nvidia drivers on Mandrake cooker mirrors. 
MOF, you won't find any non-free and/or proprietary software.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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This message, and any associated attachment is confidential. If you have
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The contents of this message may contain personal views which are not
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Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that emails and their
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Business Computer Projects Ltd
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Re: [newbie] Internet connection on 9.1rc1 fails

2003-02-20 Per discussione H.J.Bathoorn
On Thursday 20 February 2003 14:04, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 08:25:27 -

 Tony S. Sykes [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  What nic have you got? There seems to be problems with one or two nics
  at the moment. I have a realtek and to get to the internet I have to
  use a fixed ip. Which machine is it on, the firewall or one of the two
  behind it?

 For anyone having problems with DHCP and the Betas or RC1
 The problem Is Not caused by the nic

 During network configuration if you select DHCP, regardless of the type
 of connection dhcp-client and dhcp-server are installed and Only they
 are installed.

 If you connect through a firewall, router or to a LAN you Need to
 install dhcpcd.
 You can remove the dhcp-client and server because you do not need them
 on that machine but if you for some reason run drakconnect it will want
 to install them again..


I have the habit of configuring my internet connection After install.
Thus my machine insisted on dhcp when I tyried to configure it later.

I did a new install and 'configured' static IP during initial install and this 
seems to work fine (uptil now, 10 min later)

Good Luck,

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Re: [newbie] What is .mpga

2003-02-20 Per discussione Damian Gatabria
On Thursday 20 February 2003 11:23, Vahur Lokk wrote:
 What files are .mpga files and how can I convert them into .wav or any
 other burnable format?


I don't know what mpga is (just a guess: an MPEG audio-only stream?)
but you can probably convert it to WAV with MPlayer. It's simple.

mplayer -ao pcm -aofile Outputfile.wav Inputfile.mpga

If you do not have mplayer installed, i recommend it to you very much.



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RE: [newbie] Internet connection on 9.1rc1 fails

2003-02-20 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tony S. Sykes
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 2:25 AM
Subject: RE: [newbie] Internet connection on 9.1rc1 fails


What nic have you got? There seems to be problems with one or two nics
at the moment. I have a realtek and to get to the internet I have to use
a fixed ip. Which machine is it on, the firewall or one of the two
behind it?


-Original Message-
From: Dennis Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 2:49 AM
To: newbie
Subject: [newbie] Internet connection on 9.1rc1 fails

Does anyone know how to get internet connection with rc1? I have a
with static ip and two linux computers behind it. Installed 9.1rc1 and
had a 
internet connection that went away within 5 minutes and have not been
able to 
reestablish it. I know the Mandrake site says a proxy maybe but don't
how to configure that. Is there something in resolve config or somewhere
that I can make a connection work? Any help is appreciated.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Business Computer Projects - Disclaimer -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

This message, and any associated attachment is confidential. If you have
received it in error, please delete it from your system, do not use or
disclose the information in any way, and notify either Tony S. Sykes
or the postmaster mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  immediately.

The contents of this message may contain personal views which are not
necessarily the views of Business Computer Projects Ltd., unless
specifically stated.  

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that emails and their
attachments are virus free, it is the responsibility of the recipient(s)
to verify the integrity of such emails.

Business Computer Projects Ltd
BCP House
151 Charles Street
Tel: +44 (0)161 355-3000
Fax: +44 (0)161 355-3001
Web: http://www.bcpsoftware.com http://www.bcpsoftware.com/ 
rc1 is on one of the machines behind the firewall. Might be a realtek NIC, I
will check it later today. I did try a static ip and still no connection
cause it won't change over from dhcp. Charles has posted a workaround to get
a connection, I will try that later today also. Thanks for the input. Dennis

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RE: [newbie] [Newbie] USB Compact Flash Memory Card Reader

2003-02-20 Per discussione Myers, Dennis R NWO

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tony S. Sykes
Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 2:02 AM
To: Newbie (E-mail)
Subject: [newbie] [Newbie] USB Compact Flash Memory Card Reader

Has anyone found a useable Compact Flash Memory Card Reader/Writer  that
work under Mandrake 9.0 or later?

  Trevor Rhodes
Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.1 beta3
Registered Linux user # 290542 at http://counter.li.org
Registered Machine #'s 186951,
Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.
 16:13:19 up 1 day, 14:13,  3 users,  load average: 1.00, 1.00, 1.04
Violence is molding.

-+-+-+-+-+-+-+- Business Computer Projects - Disclaimer -+-+-+-+-+-+-+-

This message, and any associated attachment is confidential. If you have
received it in error, please delete it from your system, do not use or
disclose the information in any way, and notify either Tony S. Sykes
or the postmaster mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  immediately.

The contents of this message may contain personal views which are not
necessarily the views of Business Computer Projects Ltd., unless
specifically stated.  

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that emails and their
attachments are virus free, it is the responsibility of the recipient(s)
to verify the integrity of such emails.

Business Computer Projects Ltd
BCP House
151 Charles Street
Tel: +44 (0)161 355-3000
Fax: +44 (0)161 355-3001
Web: http://www.bcpsoftware.com http://www.bcpsoftware.com/ 
I am using a PNY compact flash Reader that works very well. You have to do a

mount /dev/scd0  and then lookd for memory card in konqueror under /mnt
partition. HTH  Dennis M.

application/ms-tnefWant to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
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[newbie] OT Good news on the modem front

2003-02-20 Per discussione Peter Watson
Thought I'd share some good news.

For months I've been struggling with a winmodem, and whilst it does work 
its a real PITA to get it started. Anyway I finally succumbed and bought a 
serial modem from ebuyer.com it cost GB pounds 14.56 or GB pounds 19.45 
including VAT and carriage and it arrived in two days even though I live 
in the remote north west highlands.

And _it_works_perfectly_ now I'm kicking myself for struggling for so long. 
I haven't always heard good reports about ebuyer, but this transaction was 


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Re: [newbie] Internet connection on 9.1rc1 fails

2003-02-20 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Thursday February 20 2003 07:04 am, Charles A Edwards wrote:
 For anyone having problems with DHCP and the Betas or RC1
 The problem Is Not caused by the nic

 During network configuration if you select DHCP, regardless of the
 type of connection dhcp-client and dhcp-server are installed and
 Only they are installed.

 If you connect through a firewall, router or to a LAN you Need to
 install dhcpcd.
 You can remove the dhcp-client and server because you do not need
 them on that machine but if you for some reason run drakconnect it
 will want to install them again..


OTOH, I'm connecting thru a NIC and router (ATU-R), often called a 
adsl modem.

 tom$ frpm dhcp

   No problems, works great. 
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] What is .mpga

2003-02-20 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Thursday February 20 2003 08:23 am, Vahur Lokk wrote:
 What files are .mpga files and how can I convert them into .wav or
 any other burnable format?


Maybe someone made a typo? I suspect they're mpeg-2,3, or 4 files 
(.mpg, .mpeg, .m2v, etc), which are video files.  If you play one 
with mplayer from the CL, in the console ouput you'll see the actual 
file type. Mplayer, (maybe other players too?) ignores the file 
extension and auto detects the file type and uses the proper codec 
for it.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Re: [newbie] right click

2003-02-20 Per discussione simo

hello guys,
is there a way to disable the right click in Icewm or kde ?

10x in adv

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Re: [newbie] RC1 and network problem.

2003-02-20 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Thursday February 20 2003 09:45 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote:

 Sorry I should have made my email more clear, I have used d4x for a
 while, but I don't like putting programs on my system unless I use
 urpmi. I was curious to see if you urpmied it or compiled from
 source. As for the cdr I don't like to waste em, no matter how much
 they cost (it's the green in me). I will be adding the sunsite to
 my urpmi collection when I get home.



Then I don't understand. Why would you think it's better to urpmi 
iso's?  iso's aren't upgradeable, installable  ... which is what 
urpmi is for.

iso's (image files), are meant to be d/l'd to your system (HDD), 
and then either burned to CD's, or used for installing from the HDD.
Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

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Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] right click

2003-02-20 Per discussione Harv Nelson
On Thursday 20 February 2003 10:04 am, simo wrote:
 hello guys,
 is there a way to disable the right click in Icewm or kde ?

 10x in adv


Click on the KDE Control Center.  Click Look-n-Feel, Then Desktop.   
You'll find choices there for configuring your mouse clicks.


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Re: [newbie] right click

2003-02-20 Per discussione Raffaele Belardi
For IceWM (standalone, not within KDE), there's a configuration utility 
called IcePref. There you'll find a Mouse Buttons tab where you should 
be able to disable right click.
Or, you can edit directly ~/.icewm/preferences.


This is a multi-part message in MIME format...

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

hello guys,
is there a way to disable the right click in Icewm or kde ?

10x in adv

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] OT Good news on the modem front

2003-02-20 Per discussione John Richard Smith
Peter Watson wrote:

Thought I'd share some good news.

For months I've been struggling with a winmodem, and whilst it does work 
its a real PITA to get it started. Anyway I finally succumbed and bought a 
serial modem from ebuyer.com it cost GB pounds 14.56 or GB pounds 19.45 
including VAT and carriage and it arrived in two days even though I live 
in the remote north west highlands.

And _it_works_perfectly_ now I'm kicking myself for struggling for so long. 
I haven't always heard good reports about ebuyer, but this transaction was 


We all went down that road.
Hardware controlled modems work easier with all OS's.

John Richard Smith

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] What is .mpga

2003-02-20 Per discussione K. Spress

What i went ahead and did was some sent me mpga file and i changed the
extension to mpg and they work just fine.

Kenneth E. Spress

Interested in a Home Based Buisness or saving money on your local, long
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 On Thursday February 20 2003 08:23 am, Vahur Lokk wrote:
  What files are .mpga files and how can I convert them into .wav or
  any other burnable format?

 Maybe someone made a typo? I suspect they're mpeg-2,3, or 4 files
 (.mpg, .mpeg, .m2v, etc), which are video files.  If you play one
 with mplayer from the CL, in the console ouput you'll see the actual
 file type. Mplayer, (maybe other players too?) ignores the file
 extension and auto detects the file type and uses the proper codec
 for it.
 Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] right click

2003-02-20 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 20 February 2003 11:04 am, simo wrote:
 hello guys,
 is there a way to disable the right click in Icewm or kde ?

 10x in adv

KDE control center has the abuility to control mouse actions.  I believe it is 
the peripherals section, although I could be wrong.
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] latest SANE

2003-02-20 Per discussione Kristjan
   On Wed, 19 Feb 2003 15:57:28 -0500   Greg Meyer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:   

 Hash: SHA1
 On Wednesday 19 February 2003 03:34 pm, Kristjan wrote:
  grep: /usr/lib/libexif.la: No such file or directory
  sed: can't read /usr/lib/libexif.la: No such file or directory
  libtool: link: `/usr/lib/libexif.la' is not a valid libtool archive
 Looks like you are missing the libexif library.  If it is required, it should 
 be listed in the spec file as a build requires, so you should report this bug 
 to bugzilla.  Try
 urpmi libexif
 and try again.


result is as following
[root@...]# urpmi libexif
everything already installed

But as I see I realli don't have the file /usr/lib/libexif.la

In usr/lib I have 4 files of libexif



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Re: [newbie] What is .mpga

2003-02-20 Per discussione Tom Brinkman
On Thursday February 20 2003 10:50 am, K. Spress wrote:


 What i went ahead and did was some sent me mpga file and i changed
 the extension to mpg and they work just fine.

 Kenneth E. Spress

That's why I mentioned 'typo'? ;)

Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] make modules fails in 9.0

2003-02-20 Per discussione David McGlone
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 20 February 2003 09:24 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Wednesday February 19 2003 09:43 pm, David McGlone wrote:
  Hash: SHA1
  On Wednesday 19 February 2003 11:03 am, you wrote:
   On Wednesday February 19 2003 09:03 am, David McGlone wrote:
I am having a problem trying to make modules on my 9.0 box, I
keep getting this error
  Did you use 'make mrproper' as the first step?
  No, I just cd'd to /usr/src/linux and did make modules
  was I supposed to do make mrproper first?

 Yes, with all Mandrake source.  There's been lengthly discussion
 about this on the cooker list. Search that archive.

I'll do that, Also, sorry if I asked something that has already been asked. I 
have only been using mandrake for about a month or so. I moved from about 4 
years of Red Hat use. I loved RH until I tried 8.0. That was enough to make 
someone want to go back to windows!

Anyway, Im not very used to Mandrake and the resources, so bear with me for a 
few. : - )
- -- 
D. McGlone
Edification Web Solutions
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] OT Good news on the modem front

2003-02-20 Per discussione David McGlone
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 20 February 2003 11:44 am, John Richard Smith wrote:
 Peter Watson wrote:
 Thought I'd share some good news.
 For months I've been struggling with a winmodem, and whilst it does work
 its a real PITA to get it started. Anyway I finally succumbed and bought a
 serial modem from ebuyer.com it cost GB pounds 14.56 or GB pounds 19.45
 including VAT and carriage and it arrived in two days even though I live
 in the remote north west highlands.
 And _it_works_perfectly_ now I'm kicking myself for struggling for so
  long. I haven't always heard good reports about ebuyer, but this
  transaction was brilliant.

 We all went down that road.
 Hardware controlled modems work easier with all OS's.

Speaking of which my Auctiontech 56K PCI call waiting modem is not a 
Winmodem and works great with Red Hat and SuSE, but when installing 
Mandrake, it tells me that I need to set it up with the winmodem drivers.

Luckily I have Cable and really don't need the modem.

- -- 
D. McGlone
Edification Web Solutions
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] right click

2003-02-20 Per discussione simo
I already checked that nothing about the right click,
and if u disable it over there the right click doesn't work for Icewm,
but as soon as u open a new program like Mozilla or netscape the right click work.


On 2/20/2003 at 5:40 PM Raffaele Belardi wrote:

For IceWM (standalone, not within KDE), there's a configuration utility
called IcePref. There you'll find a Mouse Buttons tab where you should
be able to disable right click.
Or, you can edit directly ~/.icewm/preferences.


 This is a multi-part message in MIME format...

 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

 hello guys,
 is there a way to disable the right click in Icewm or kde ?

 10x in adv

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] OT - Linux Job Resources

2003-02-20 Per discussione Michael Lewis
Thanks for kudos Andrei.  Believe it or not, your's has been the only
response so far.  Sometimes I wonder if I should even bother.  If it
were not that a number of people have indicated that they really like my
site here in Colorado, and an occasional response like yours,   I would
just give it up.  Sometimes it seems like no matter what you try to do
to actually help people, they're more concerned with debating the
Israeli / Palestinian conflict, or whether or not Sadaam should be taken
out.  Those threads seemed to go on forever.

Again, Thanks!!


On Wed, 2003-02-19 at 15:30, Andrei Raevsky wrote:
 Hi Michael,
 What a fantastic idea! I can only strongly encourage you to pursue this
 idea and please keep this list informed of your progress!
  I have put up a free Linux job site for Northern Colorado
  http://www.nichestaffing.com/nclj and have had really good response. One
  thing people keep asking from time to time is Do you know of a site
  like yours in this part of the country or that part of the world  I
  would appreciate any feedback along these lines you might have, so I can
  contact the other sites about putting up a regional resource page as
  well. This would help people find the job resources that are available
  in different parts of the country/world when the need arrises.
  All input would be appreciated.
  PS NicheStaffing is NOT a recruiting or staffing firm.  We run a
  community of 26 data storage and networking technology job sites.
  Michael Lewis
  WWW: http://www.nichestaffing.com
  Phone: 970-472-1241
  Fax: 970-472-8397
  Whatever you can conceive and believe, you can achieve
 Linux-Mandrake 9 (Dolphin)
 Mandrake Club Silver Member
 Registered Linux user: 226850
 Registered Linux computer: 183163

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Internet connection on 9.1rc1 fails

2003-02-20 Per discussione Charles A Edwards
On Thu, 20 Feb 2003 10:00:28 -0600
Tom Brinkman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

OTOH, I'm connecting thru a NIC and router (ATU-R), often called a 
 adsl modem.
  tom$ frpm dhcp
No problems, works great. 

With your set-up you need it.

But in my case with a LAN and in D-Link bugzilla  case where a special
router is used between the NIC and the modem then dhcpcd must be

BTW, in case you do not receive them I noted that in the latest DrakX

2003/02/20  Damien Chaumette  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

* network/network.pm: dhcp fix

Will see if it actually does when RC2 is uploaded.


Greebo could, in fact, commit sexual harrassment simply by sitting very
quietly in the next room.
Mandrake Linux 9.1
Kernel- 2.4.21pre4-8mdk

Description: PGP signature

Re: [newbie] right click

2003-02-20 Per discussione Lanman
What if you were to physically disable the right mouse button?


On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 12:19, simo wrote:
 I already checked that nothing about the right click,
 and if u disable it over there the right click doesn't work for Icewm,
 but as soon as u open a new program like Mozilla or netscape the right click work.
 On 2/20/2003 at 5:40 PM Raffaele Belardi wrote:
 For IceWM (standalone, not within KDE), there's a configuration utility
 called IcePref. There you'll find a Mouse Buttons tab where you should
 be able to disable right click.
 Or, you can edit directly ~/.icewm/preferences.
  This is a multi-part message in MIME format...
  Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
  hello guys,
  is there a way to disable the right click in Icewm or kde ?
  10x in adv
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft?
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com
 Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
 Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] right click

2003-02-20 Per discussione robin
Lanman wrote:

What if you were to physically disable the right mouse button?

Yep, it's about time someone wrote a Chewing gum HOWTO.

Sir Robin

The raisins may be the best part of a cake, but that doesn't
mean that a bag of raisins is better than a cake.
- Wittgenstein

Robin Turner
Bilkent Univeritesi
Ankara 06533


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] latest SANE

2003-02-20 Per discussione Greg Meyer
Hash: SHA1

On Thursday 20 February 2003 12:12 pm, Kristjan wrote:

 But as I see I realli don't have the file /usr/lib/libexif.la

 In usr/lib I have 4 files of libexif


Is there a libexif-devel

I have libexif7 and libexif7-devel installed on my machine.
- -- 
Version: GnuPG v1.0.7 (GNU/Linux)


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Koffice/KWord warning?

2003-02-20 Per discussione Angus Auld

- Original Message -
From: John Richard Smith 
 Angus Auld wrote:
 - Original Message -
 From: John Richard Smith 
 Angus Auld wrote:
 Greetings all, I would like to inquire about a warning message that I get 
whenever I use KWord. Does anyone else get the following when opening KWord 
 in a terminal?
 Koffice (lib kofficecore):Warning:KoDocumentEntry::
 query [X-KDE-NativeMimeType]=='application/x-KWord'
 got 2 offers!
 When using KWord, .xsession-errors gets a lot of these warnings.
 What does this mean? I also note that when I right click on a .kwd file, in the 
context menu 'open with' there are two entries for KWord shown.
 Can anyone shed some light on this please?
 KWord appears to be working OK otherwise however.

 Yes , I've just tested it and the terminal window comes up with the same 
 No Idea why though.
 Thanks John for your reply and observations. I did a google for the warning 
message, and came up with a response for the exact message, but it is on a German 
SuSE mailing list, and, unfortunately I can't read German. :-)
 The warning on the German list was in regard to KOffice 1.2 Beta2-Installation.
 Do you also have the double KWord entries in the right click context menu 'open 
with' when clicking a .kwd file? 
 Best regards.
 -- Angus

 Yes it does present the same choices twice over.That is
 what the message means , isn't it. Your being offered
 two opportunities to open a kword.kwd file , obviously
 a glitch in the programme, and incidentally, it does not
 occure if you call kword from the start menu, there you
 choose using the search facility your directory containing .kwd files and 
highlight one and the OK,
 and obviously there is no double Offer .
 Yes you are correct Angus.
That's interesting. I seem to have straightened out the duplicate KWord entries in the 
right click menu by editing the file associations for .kwd files. I removed KWord from 
the file associations for .kwd files, applied the changes, and then re-entered KWord 
into association w/.kwd files.
I now have only one entry in the 'open with' menu to open in KWord, and another to 
preview in KWord (which doesn't open a separate KWord window, but opens within Konq). 
This seems like it's working correct.
I still get the same warning as before however, about KWord getting 2 offers!

Must be a glitch, as you point out.

Thanks for the feedback John. :-)


Let us not look back in anger or forward in fear, but around in awareness.--James 

*Reg. Linux User #278931*
*Power by Mandrake Linux 9.0*

Now with OperaMail Premium for only US$29.99/yr

Powered by Outblaze

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Why should I recompile my kernel?

2003-02-20 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 23:35, T E wrote:
 Hi all,
 Do any of you recommend rebuilding Linux Mandrake
 kernels?  I've heard that it can make things faster -
 is this true and what are the other benefits?  It more
 ideal for Linux servers, Linux workstations or both? 
 I've also heard the term recompiling for your
 hardware - does this mean when you recompile it
 automatically rebuilds specific to your hardware? 
 Finally, can any of you recommend a good HOWTO for
 recompling a Mandrake Linux kernel?

One of the reasons for recompiling the kernel is to get the maximum out
of your system - when you recompile, you're not using just generic
settings that the distributions kernel uses - keep in mind that the
distro kernel was MEANT to be generic and all encompassing. Your
kernel would be specific to your machine and hardware (and

It's like building an engine for a car that specifically works for that
car only. High performance.

Fri, 21 Feb 2003 07:05:00 +1100
  7:05am  up 1 day, 19:48,  6 users,  load average: 1.34, 0.87, 0.59
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

Alone!  I'm alone!  I'm a lonely, insignificant speck on a has-been
planet orbited by a cold, indifferent sun!

-- Homer Simpson
   El Viaje Misterioso de Nuestro Homer

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Exchange email replacement?

2003-02-20 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 23:50, T E wrote:
 Hi all,
 I am wondering what any of you recommend for a
 Microsoft Exchange Server replacement from the Linux
 world.   I was orginally considering the Bynari
 product, but I hear postfix with fetchmail will also
 work as well? The replacement will need to work with a
 an Exchange 5.5 box AND support all the groupware
 features such as public calendering and public contact
 lists...probably accross subnets...  Any ideas?

Courier-IMAP is part of the entire Courier project - that would suffice
- although, it's a tough one to configure and get going - but once you
do, you're right as rain!

Fri, 21 Feb 2003 07:10:01 +1100
  7:10am  up 1 day, 19:53,  6 users,  load average: 0.42, 0.69, 0.60
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

Nobody knows the trouble I've been.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] Exchange email replacement?

2003-02-20 Per discussione Anthony Abby
On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 15:13, Stephen Kuhn wrote:
 On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 23:50, T E wrote:
  Hi all,
  I am wondering what any of you recommend for a
  Microsoft Exchange Server replacement from the Linux
  world.   I was orginally considering the Bynari
  product, but I hear postfix with fetchmail will also
  work as well? The replacement will need to work with a
  an Exchange 5.5 box AND support all the groupware
  features such as public calendering and public contact
  lists...probably accross subnets...  Any ideas?
 Courier-IMAP is part of the entire Courier project - that would suffice
 - although, it's a tough one to configure and get going - but once you
 do, you're right as rain!

UW-IMAP and Postfix are easy to set up though.

Anthony Abby - http://www.aplusdata.com
Comic Book Community News   |  Web Programming
Inventory Control, Auction, Management  |  Cold Fusion

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] OT - Linux Job Resources

2003-02-20 Per discussione civileme
On Thursday 20 February 2003 08:36 am, Michael Lewis wrote:
 Thanks for kudos Andrei.  Believe it or not, your's has been the only
 response so far.  Sometimes I wonder if I should even bother.  If it
 were not that a number of people have indicated that they really like my
 site here in Colorado, and an occasional response like yours,   I would
 just give it up.  Sometimes it seems like no matter what you try to do
 to actually help people, they're more concerned with debating the
 Israeli / Palestinian conflict, or whether or not Sadaam should be taken
 out.  Those threads seemed to go on forever.

 Again, Thanks!!


 On Wed, 2003-02-19 at 15:30, Andrei Raevsky wrote:
  Hi Michael,
  What a fantastic idea! I can only strongly encourage you to pursue this
  idea and please keep this list informed of your progress!
   I have put up a free Linux job site for Northern Colorado
   http://www.nichestaffing.com/nclj and have had really good response.
   One thing people keep asking from time to time is Do you know of a
   site like yours in this part of the country or that part of the world 
   I would appreciate any feedback along these lines you might have, so I
   can contact the other sites about putting up a regional resource page
   as well. This would help people find the job resources that are
   available in different parts of the country/world when the need
   All input would be appreciated.
   PS NicheStaffing is NOT a recruiting or staffing firm.  We run a
   community of 26 data storage and networking technology job sites.
   Michael Lewis
   WWW: http://www.nichestaffing.com
   Phone: 970-472-1241
   Fax: 970-472-8397
   Whatever you can conceive and believe, you can achieve
  Linux-Mandrake 9 (Dolphin)
  Mandrake Club Silver Member
  Registered Linux user: 226850
  Registered Linux computer: 183163

Thank you Michael for a wonderful site.  I appreciate your work, and I even 
applied for one of the jobs.  Wish we had something similar in Alaska, but 
there aren't enough linux jobs here to make it worthwhile.


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] wrong printer picked...

2003-02-20 Per discussione civileme
On Thursday 20 February 2003 04:33 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 G'day all,

 when I installed Mandrake it didn't find my printer and
 I accepted the suggested alternative; unfortunately it
 now prints twice as wide as it should...

 My printer is a Canon S200SP; Printerdrake lists the
 S100 and the S300, but it actually chose the BJC-2100
 I tried the S100 and got the same results.

 Is there a driver for the S200SP available, and if so

 Anything else I should try?


 Merlin Zener
 piano and synthesizer
 Pattaya, Thailand.
 Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
 Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
 Version: 6.0.456 / Virus Database: 256 - Release Date: 18/02/2003
No, Canon is rather economical with its distribution of information ands as a 
result canon drivers lag behind others in recency.

Almost all printers are listed along with how well the drivers work at


As for the printer, try setting 360x360 dpi in the printer settings (run 
printerdrake in a terminal su'ed to root).  It is the 720 that is causing 


Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] cd players?

2003-02-20 Per discussione bascule
is there a cd player that will recognise a cd in either of the drives without 
having to config seperately each time i swap drives? one that can let me 
choose which drive to play from and that has a bar to choose what part of the 
song to play from? i want the functionality of the basic cd player that 
windows has always had - at least up to win9x anyway,
also, how does one get xmms to play cds, the plugin is installed, configured 
and enabled but how do i use the gui to play the cd?

...[Arthur] leapt to his feet like an author hearing the 
phone ring... 

-- Who says that the character of Arthur isn't 

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] wrong printer picked...

2003-02-20 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-02-21 at 00:33, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 G'day all,
 when I installed Mandrake it didn't find my printer and
 I accepted the suggested alternative; unfortunately it
 now prints twice as wide as it should...
 My printer is a Canon S200SP; Printerdrake lists the
 S100 and the S300, but it actually chose the BJC-2100
 I tried the S100 and got the same results.
 Is there a driver for the S200SP available, and if so
 Anything else I should try?
 Merlin Zener

You might want to try using Webmin to setup the printer - I've found
that especially with Canon printers in MDK it seems to work a tad bit
better than using the MCC for setting it up. I'm sure I'll get a
thousand flames for that, but it works for me. Also, being that there is
a new version of Webmin, you might want to upgrade it as well - once you
get Webmin up and running, you can go to the Webmin configuration and
run an update. Nice tool.

Fri, 21 Feb 2003 08:40:00 +1100
  8:40am  up 1 day, 21:23,  7 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.11
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

The best laid plans of mice and men are held up in the legal department.

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] no audio in Xine...?

2003-02-20 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-02-21 at 00:34, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 well this is a clean install of Mandrake from scratch, I've done
 almost no stuffing around with it - I'm just beginning to find
 my way around, reading things and watching the pretty visualizations
 in XMMS :) So I don't think anything should be corrupted this
 But I tried, went to add/remove programs: it took me to a page
 which let me add programs, but I couldn't see any way to remove
 anything. Anyhow, I installed it again, thinking that maybe it
 would write files over the old ones.
 No change.
 Merlin Zener

What about checking your mixers - that they're not set to either mute or
set to lower sound volumes?

Fri, 21 Feb 2003 08:45:00 +1100
  8:45am  up 1 day, 21:28,  7 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.07, 0.09
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

only available on a need to know basis

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] licq getting old contact list ?

2003-02-20 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-02-21 at 01:10, fifner the dragon wrote:
 Hi, I´d like to say thank you to Sthephen Kuhn for answering every single question I 
ever asked on this list.
 And I could say that licq never did get the contact list  for me, and I tried it 
like 20 times, on different computers and connections.

Have you checked the configuration of your ICQ in Windows? There is an
option to keep your contact list on the server - I know that I had
problems with it a while back - but found that option - once I did that
I was able to get my contact lists for ICQ in GAIM, LICQ, KXICQ, KOPETE
and GnomeICU...

...just a thought...(and thanks for the compliment mate)

Fri, 21 Feb 2003 08:45:00 +1100
  8:45am  up 1 day, 21:28,  7 users,  load average: 0.07, 0.07, 0.09
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

only available on a need to know basis

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] right click

2003-02-20 Per discussione Stephen Kuhn
On Fri, 2003-02-21 at 03:04, simo wrote:
 hello guys,
 is there a way to disable the right click in Icewm or kde ?
 10x in adv

Have you checked configuration of the keybindings?
(That works for keys and mouse)

Fri, 21 Feb 2003 08:50:00 +1100
  8:50am  up 1 day, 21:33,  7 users,  load average: 0.39, 0.18, 0.12
|____  | kuhn media australia|
|   / ,, /| |'-.   | http://kma.0catch.com   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  |=|
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  | stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
|  |/ ._/  || |  email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]|
|  |'.  `\ | | |icq: 5483808 |
|  ;/ / | | | |
|  smk  ) /_/| |.---.| | mobile: 0410-728-389|
|  '  `-`'   | Berkeley, New South Wales, AU   |
 linux user:267497 * RH 8.0 * PC/Mac/Linux/Networking/Consulting

It was hard enough to kill a vampire. You could stake them down and turn
them into dust and ten years later someone drops a drop of blood in the
wrong place and *guess who's back*? They returned more times than raw
(Feet of Clay)

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

[newbie] pre-recorded cd and permissions

2003-02-20 Per discussione Chris
I put in a pre-recorded cd in my drive a bit ago, clicked on the cd icon and 
got a box that said I don't have enough permissions to open /mnt/cdrom, tried 
my other drive, got the same.  A cd that I've recorded mp3's on works just 
fine.  Why won't a pre-recorded one?  And what may I have to do to fix it?

  Registered Linux user #283774 @ http://counter.li.org
  5:50pm  up 11:31,  2 users,  load average: 0.01, 0.02, 0.00

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

RE: [newbie] New Galaxy theme.

2003-02-20 Per discussione Craig Williamson (ENZ)
Title: RE: [newbie] New Galaxy theme.

Thanks for that. Any screenshots?

-Original Message-
From: mycal62 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, 21 February 2003 12:17 a.m.
Subject: Re: [newbie] New Galaxy theme.

Hi Craig,

you can get it here :  

You will also need fontconfig, and libfontconfig.so.1 first.

Tried it in KDE 3.1 under 9.0 and it will install fine , but it's 
nothing special. very flat and plain


Craig Williamson (ENZ) wrote:

 Hi All,

 What is this galaxy theme everyone is talking about (came with 
 9.1_RC1)? Does anyone have any screen shots of this new theme. IMHO 
 it could be Mandrake's reaction to Redhat's Bluecurve. Thanks in advance.


 Good luck Team New Zealand. Lets keep the cup at home.


Mike McNeese 
Arkansas USA


Currently triple booting 98lite; MDK 9.1-beta3 with Kde 3.1; 
MDK 9.0 kernel 2.4.19-16 Kde 3.1 Registered Linux User #248955


If obstacles are what you see in your path...
 Then you have lost sight of your goal!  

Re: [newbie] New Galaxy theme.

2003-02-20 Per discussione Ronald J. Hall
On Thursday 20 February 2003 06:17 am, mycal62 wrote:
 Hi Craig,

 you can get it here : 

 You will also need fontconfig, and libfontconfig.so.1  first.

 Tried it in KDE 3.1 under 9.0 and it will install fine , but it's
 nothing special. very flat and plain


I have a question. I tried to install Camstream to use with the Logitech 3000 
webcam I just got and I met dependency problems. One of them is the 
fontconfig stuff you have listed. Can you tell me where I can d/l this?

Thanks much!


 Dark Lord

Want to buy your Pack or Services from MandrakeSoft? 
Go to http://www.mandrakestore.com

Re: [newbie] OT - Linux Job Resources

2003-02-20 Per discussione Michael Lewis
On Thu, 2003-02-20 at 14:13, civileme wrote:
 On Thursday 20 February 2003 08:36 am, Michael Lewis wrote:
  Thanks for kudos Andrei.  Believe it or not, your's has been the only
  response so far.  Sometimes I wonder if I should even bother.  If it
  were not that a number of people have indicated that they really like my
  site here in Colorado, and an occasional response like yours,   I would
  just give it up.  Sometimes it seems like no matter what you try to do
  to actually help people, they're more concerned with debating the
  Israeli / Palestinian conflict, or whether or not Sadaam should be taken
  out.  Those threads seemed to go on forever.
  Again, Thanks!!
  On Wed, 2003-02-19 at 15:30, Andrei Raevsky wrote:
   Hi Michael,
   What a fantastic idea! I can only strongly encourage you to pursue this
   idea and please keep this list informed of your progress!
I have put up a free Linux job site for Northern Colorado
http://www.nichestaffing.com/nclj and have had really good response.
One thing people keep asking from time to time is Do you know of a
site like yours in this part of the country or that part of the world 
I would appreciate any feedback along these lines you might have, so I
can contact the other sites about putting up a regional resource page
as well. This would help people find the job resources that are
available in different parts of the country/world when the need
All input would be appreciated.
PS NicheStaffing is NOT a recruiting or staffing firm.  We run a
community of 26 data storage and networking technology job sites.
Michael Lewis
WWW: http://www.nichestaffing.com
Phone: 970-472-1241
Fax: 970-472-8397
Whatever you can conceive and believe, you can achieve
   Linux-Mandrake 9 (Dolphin)
   Mandrake Club Silver Member
   Registered Linux user: 226850
   Registered Linux computer: 183163
 Thank you Michael for a wonderful site.  I appreciate your work, and I even 
 applied for one of the jobs.  Wish we had something similar in Alaska, but 
 there aren't enough linux jobs here to make it worthwhile.

Thanks Civileme, coming from you I definitely take it as a compliment. 
Thanks also for your help to many of us on this list.  When I first
started using Mandrake (7.1), you helped me more times than I could
count, and now I'm in a position to try to help others, and this is the
best way I can do it.

I wasn't trying to recruit anyone else to go out and do the same thing,
only asking people to keep their ears open for other similar resources
so that we could gradually begin to network them together.  I know that
I can't be the first person to come up with this idea.  I figure that
most towns have some kind of LUG and that would be a good place to
start.  Thanks for your feedback.


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Re: [newbie] Re: PCMCIA

2003-02-20 Per discussione Derek Jennings

 PCI: Sharing IRQ 10 with 01:00.0
 Yenta IRQ list 0ab0, PCI irq10
 Socket status: 3020
 cs: cb_alloc(bus 2): vendor 0x1317, device 0x8201
 PCI: Enabling device 02:00.0 ( - 0003)
 cs: IO port probe 0x0c00-0x0cff: clean.
 cs: IO port probe 0x0100-0x04ff: excluding 0x378-0x37f 0x398-0x39f
 cs: IO port probe 0x0a00-0x0aff: clean.
 PCI: Found IRQ 10 for device 01:00.1

Yenta_Socket is the pcmcia card manager, and Yes it is using IRQ10 just like 
your sound card, and the USB.

I do not think it is going to work until you get the IRQ lines distributed 
As I said before. If you cannot force IRQ lines in your BIOS, disabling unused 
devices such as usb controllers, built in sound/MIDI/Joystick etc, or 
physically moving cards about will often reassign IRQ's.

I  forget, did you tell us what kind of motherboard this is? I once had an ECS 
K7S5a which was a real pig with this issue. Like yours it insisted on putting 
everything on one IRQ line unless particular cards were in particular slots.
I was glad when it died on me and I could get a decent motherboard.



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[newbie] Leaving the list for a while

2003-02-20 Per discussione FemmeFatale

I am unable, at the present moment, capable of coping with the numbr of 
emails on this list.  Mostly because I am stoned 24/7  I don't have the 
strength to read  answer them.

For the most part I've lately been deleting a lot of threads which I would 
normally read.  Anyway I've been considering this for a couple of weeks.  I 
thought I'd be able to keep up with them all but I can't.  So I shall 
depart for a bit.

I'll be back I'm certain when i've healed  can concentrate again.  Hope 
you all will be well  have fun. :)

Good Decisions You boss Made:
We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
character from Peanuts.

- Source: Dilbert

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Re: [newbie] IDE Tape drive

2003-02-20 Per discussione Larry Williams
On Wednesday 19 February 2003 21:04, g wrote:
 Larry Williams wrote:
  I used to have an old Jumbo 250 installed and working with a 3.x or 4.x

 4 cms jumbo 250 tape drives that i have are
 floppy tape drives and i use ftape for them.

Yes, you are correct.  My memory is slowly returning.  I had to load the 
ftape.o module to use the drive.

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Re: [newbie] Leaving the list for a while

2003-02-20 Per discussione et
On Thursday 20 February 2003 07:57 pm, FemmeFatale wrote:
 I am unable, at the present moment, capable of coping with the numbr of
 emails on this list.  Mostly because I am stoned 24/7  I don't have the
 strength to read  answer them.

 For the most part I've lately been deleting a lot of threads which I would
 normally read.  Anyway I've been considering this for a couple of weeks.  I
 thought I'd be able to keep up with them all but I can't.  So I shall
 depart for a bit.

 I'll be back I'm certain when i've healed  can concentrate again.  Hope
 you all will be well  have fun. :)

 Good Decisions You boss Made:
 We'll do as you suggest and go with Linux. I've always liked that
 character from Peanuts.

 - Source: Dilbert
damn your stoned stuff was making folks give up on TV just to see what you 

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Re: [newbie] pre-recorded cd and permissions

2003-02-20 Per discussione Larry Williams
On Thursday 20 February 2003 15:52, Chris wrote:
 I put in a pre-recorded cd in my drive a bit ago, clicked on the cd icon
 and got a box that said I don't have enough permissions to open /mnt/cdrom,
 tried my other drive, got the same.  A cd that I've recorded mp3's on works
 just fine.  Why won't a pre-recorded one?  And what may I have to do to fix

Your pre-recorded CD is, I assume, an audio CD with an audio track (or 
tracks).  Your MP3s are stored in a computer-readable filesystem.  Audio CDs 
are not mounted the same way, and that's likely your issue.

When you put in your audio CD, do you then open a CD player like XMMS or KsCD 
to play the disc?

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Re: [newbie] Test

2003-02-20 Per discussione Trevor Rhodes

 bootup, but now I'm actually got this urpmi udate on a cooker going, all
 be it painfully
 slow, as I don't seem able to get the wget part of it to reconnect after
 my lousy isp has
 cut me off for the umpteenth time, so I have to restart manually with
  urpmi --auto-select wget -c  , but as I say wget does not restart where
 urpmi update left
 off updating.

Can you tell me how you have configure the urpmi update?  I have so many 
problems I'd like to get the fixed ones out of the road so I can get onto 
testing the rest of the beta.

  Trevor Rhodes
Powered by Linux- Mandrake 9.0
Registered Linux user # 290542 at http://counter.li.org
Registered Machine #'s 186951,
Source :  my 100 % Microsoft-free personal computer.
 21:19:01 up  3:20,  4 users,  load average: 1.05, 1.04, 1.01
He's dead, Jim.

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Re: [newbie] pre-recorded cd and permissions

2003-02-20 Per discussione Chris
On Thursday 20 February 2003 07:32 pm, Larry Williams decided to hunt and peck 
on the keyboard and typed:
 On Thursday 20 February 2003 15:52, Chris wrote:
  I put in a pre-recorded cd in my drive a bit ago, clicked on the cd icon
  and got a box that said I don't have enough permissions to open
  /mnt/cdrom, tried my other drive, got the same.  A cd that I've recorded
  mp3's on works just fine.  Why won't a pre-recorded one?  And what may I
  have to do to fix it?

 Your pre-recorded CD is, I assume, an audio CD with an audio track (or
 tracks).  Your MP3s are stored in a computer-readable filesystem.  Audio
 CDs are not mounted the same way, and that's likely your issue.

 When you put in your audio CD, do you then open a CD player like XMMS or
 KsCD to play the disc?

Thats what I thought.  Actually, what I was going to do is see what format a 
regular audio cd was in.  I'd like to take some of my mp3 cds and convert 
them (if possible) to play in my car cd player.  I think I read a while back 
the this can be done by converting them to .wav files, but I may be 
incorrect.  If so, I know I can use mplayer to do this.  The audio cd will 
load up and play with KsCD but not XMMS or Mplayer, any reason why neither 

  Registered Linux user #283774 @ http://counter.li.org
  7:45pm  up 25 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.33, 0.23, 0.24

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Re: [newbie] pre-recorded cd and permissions

2003-02-20 Per discussione bones

On Friday 21 February 2003 01:54, Chris wrote:
 On Thursday 20 February 2003 07:32 pm, Larry Williams decided to hunt and

 on the keyboard and typed:
  On Thursday 20 February 2003 15:52, Chris wrote:
   I put in a pre-recorded cd in my drive a bit ago, clicked on the cd
   icon and got a box that said I don't have enough permissions to open
   /mnt/cdrom, tried my other drive, got the same.  A cd that I've
   recorded mp3's on works just fine.  Why won't a pre-recorded one?  And
   what may I have to do to fix it?
  Your pre-recorded CD is, I assume, an audio CD with an audio track (or
  tracks).  Your MP3s are stored in a computer-readable filesystem.  Audio
  CDs are not mounted the same way, and that's likely your issue.
  When you put in your audio CD, do you then open a CD player like XMMS or
  KsCD to play the disc?

 Thats what I thought.  Actually, what I was going to do is see what format
 a regular audio cd was in.  I'd like to take some of my mp3 cds and convert
 them (if possible) to play in my car cd player.  I think I read a while
 back the this can be done by converting them to .wav files, but I may be
 incorrect.  If so, I know I can use mplayer to do this.  The audio cd will
 load up and play with KsCD but not XMMS or Mplayer, any reason why neither

I use gcombust for this, you just drag your wav files into it and hit 'burn'. 

For converting mp3 to wav, here is some little script. (it's an early one so 
don't judge me by it - it's patchwork from others scripts, but it did it for 

You need mpg123 and sox installed (which I guess is pretty much standard). 

Put it into a text file and make it executable with 'chmod u+x mp32wav' and 
move it into /usr/bin or something in your PATH.

If you start the script with mp32wav *.mp3 in a folder with mp3s or from the 
Nautilus script folder) it creates a subfolder wav and converts all mp3 
into wav files with the same name exept '.mp3' becomes '.wav'

# mp32wav

mkdir wav

for file in $@ ; do
#echo $file
wavfile=`echo $file | sed s/\\.mp3/.wav/`
printf %-50s %-50s\n $file --  $wavfile

# to encode wav--mp3
#lame -h $file $mp3file

# to encode mp3--wav
mpg123 -b 1 -s $file | sox -t raw -r 44100 -s -w -c2 - wav/$wavfile

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[newbie] IBM install from HELL !!!!

2003-02-20 Per discussione Marc Oestreicher
  I have a older IBM model 300 PL type 6862-34u 400 MHZ P2 with windoze 95 
installed  here where mandrake refuses to install but for that matter so does 
windows 98 infact I can not run fdisk or format. I get some messages when I 
use a windoze boot disk or a mandrake boot disk that I have never seen 
before. If I use a windoze boot disk made from a windoze 98 cd I get a 
message saying initalising network boot device useing interupt 18 H.
starting windows 98 and then a message saying 
Type the name of the command interpreter E.G. (C:\windows\command.com) and 
then the usual A_   prompt  but if I enter FDISK or Format C:   I get the 
Type the name of the command interpreter bla bla bla message again.
  If I use a Mandrake boot disk I get a  message saying Boot failed please 
change disk and press any key If I insert a different release of a Mandrake 
boot disk same message again. I have tried changing every setting in the bios 
that looked like it might help and still the same problems. I have removed 
the battery and cleared the cmos, still no good. I have tried to flash the 
BIOS and it wont let me do that. I have restored BIOS to defalt settings , 
still no luck.
If I do not put anything in the floppy drive I get a normal startup in win 
95 YUK !!! also a normal start in win 95 with a CD in the CD drive.
After a start in win 95 I am able to read data on the floppy just fine.

 I have installed winblows plenty of times and the same with Mandrake but I 
haver hit a stone wall like this!!!
  I am about out of ideas.

  Can anyone offer some help ?


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Re: [newbie] RC1 and network problem.

2003-02-20 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Thursday 20 February 2003 08:56 am, Tom Brinkman wrote:
 On Thursday February 20 2003 02:15 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote:
  Beta 3 wouldn't erase my cd-rw so I had to finish off in
  micro$haft. Were you using d4x in beta 3? If so was it through
  urpmi? If so where from? I have added cooker main  contrib and
  another cooker to urpmi (can't remember which one), but it would
  not find it, also it will not find the nvidia drivers.

Well, I don't use RW's. I see no good reason to with CDr's at 30¢
 each. There's a very good reason not to, specially for iso's. RW's,
 even when brand new, will not be as 'readable' as CDr's will.  I
 often suspect those that report problems with iso CD's failing to
 install properly, fail to mention they're using cd-rw's.

d4x is just a download buttler. It doesn't find, d/l, and install
 updates as urpmi does.  d4x is just a GUI frontend for wget. It just
 make d/l'ing multiple files, specially more than one at a time, easy.
 It definitely will resume failed d/l's and allows you to throttle how
 much of your bandwidth to give to d/l'ing, among many other features.

I use sunsite 'cause it's the primary mirror and updates often
 (hourly). Unless you update cooker several times a day, you'd probly
 be better off using one of the less busy mirrors listed on the mirror
 list at  http://www.mandrakelinux.com/en/cookerdevel.php3

  You won't find the nvidia drivers on Mandrake cooker mirrors.
 MOF, you won't find any non-free and/or proprietary software.
As for the cdrw disks, I think you are right. I could not get 9.1b3 to 
install, it would hang part way through in different places. 9.1rc1 Installed 
without a hitch, well except for the known hitches. So I think I will only 
use the cdrw's as a storage device and make sure I can read them at that. 
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] Internet connection on 9.1rc1 fails

2003-02-20 Per discussione Dennis Myers
On Thursday 20 February 2003 02:25 am, Tony S. Sykes wrote:

 What nic have you got? There seems to be problems with one or two nics
 at the moment. I have a realtek and to get to the internet I have to use
 a fixed ip. Which machine is it on, the firewall or one of the two
 behind it?


 -Original Message-
 From: Dennis Myers [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, February 20, 2003 2:49 AM
 To: newbie
 Subject: [newbie] Internet connection on 9.1rc1 fails


I used Charles solution and it worked. I think it was Charles. I installed the 
dhcpcd package and had a internet connection on first boot of a clean 
install.  This looks like something that will have to definitely be fixed 
cause it delt me fits and I am no true newbie. Really really new newbies will 
get fed up with things like this and go back to the other guys.
Dennis M. linux user #180842

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Re: [newbie] IBM install from HELL !!!!

2003-02-20 Per discussione Harv Nelson

When I have encountered problems like this, one program that has helped me is 
a little utility called aefdisk.  It is available from the usual sources or 


I use it with:

aefdisk /delall

That blows away the mbr and writes a clean new one.  If this works, anything 
that was on the disk will be useless.  But I guess that is what you want.  
Give it a spin.  You'll have to include the system files on the floppy.


On Friday 21 February 2003 03:22 am, Marc Oestreicher wrote:
   I have a older IBM model 300 PL type 6862-34u 400 MHZ P2 with windoze 95
 installed  here where mandrake refuses to install but for that matter so
 does windows 98 infact I can not run fdisk or format. I get some messages
 when I use a windoze boot disk or a mandrake boot disk that I have never
 seen before. If I use a windoze boot disk made from a windoze 98 cd I get a
 message saying initalising network boot device useing interupt 18 H.
 starting windows 98 and then a message saying
 Type the name of the command interpreter E.G. (C:\windows\command.com) and
 then the usual A_   prompt  but if I enter FDISK or Format C:   I get the
 Type the name of the command interpreter bla bla bla message again.
   If I use a Mandrake boot disk I get a  message saying Boot failed please
 change disk and press any key If I insert a different release of a Mandrake
 boot disk same message again. I have tried changing every setting in the
 bios that looked like it might help and still the same problems. I have
 removed the battery and cleared the cmos, still no good. I have tried to
 flash the BIOS and it wont let me do that. I have restored BIOS to defalt
 settings , still no luck.
 If I do not put anything in the floppy drive I get a normal startup in
 win 95 YUK !!! also a normal start in win 95 with a CD in the CD drive.
 After a start in win 95 I am able to read data on the floppy just fine.

  I have installed winblows plenty of times and the same with Mandrake but I
 haver hit a stone wall like this!!!
   I am about out of ideas.

   Can anyone offer some help ?


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[newbie] Xine doesn't play smooth

2003-02-20 Per discussione indra

Hi everybody.

i 've already install my PC with mandrake 9.0.
everything's run well.
but when i play VCD on Xine. the video output didn't run smooth..
the video play discreet..

can anybody help me?? or anybody can suggest me link for vcd Player other
than Xine..???


1 month Linuxer

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Re: [newbie] What is .mpga

2003-02-20 Per discussione Vahur Lokk
On Thursday 20 February 2003 18:12, you wrote:

 Maybe someone made a typo? I suspect they're mpeg-2,3, or 4 files
 (.mpg, .mpeg, .m2v, etc), which are video files.  If you play one
 with mplayer from the CL, in the console ouput you'll see the actual
 file type. Mplayer, (maybe other players too?) ignores the file
 extension and auto detects the file type and uses the proper codec
 for it.
No typo. My wife sings in a choir. One of the members downloaded bunch of 
music samples from the net and I promised to make a music cd out of them. 
XMMS or Noatun play them allright but when I tried to convert them to wav 
like usual mpg it failed. 
Will try mplayer if I find a way to download it.


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Re: [newbie] OT: M$: Bugs are cool

2003-02-20 Per discussione Len Lawrence
On Wed, 19 Feb 2003 23:58:11 -0800
 at http://www.cantrip.org/nobugs.html you can read an interview with
 Bill Gates, in which he states that new software versions are not meant
 to fix bugs.

On the other hand, I shall eventually upgrade to Mandrake 9.* in the hope that
the bug will be fixed that occasions the need to reboot 8.2 every couple of days;
pppd goes into a sulk and refuses to get off the machine.

Luddites?  Yes, if that means refusing to misuse modern technology by installing

Len Lawrence
If you would know the value of money, go try to borrow some.
-- Ben Franklin

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