Re: [newbie] Rescue disks

2001-02-19 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Jack Gillis wrote:
 I have made the boot diskette for 7.2.  Now I wonder if there is any way to
 create a 'Rescue' diskette of procedure that will allow me to work on the
 'real' Mandrake partitions? 

Look at

Its very popular, a nice piece of work. You can boot from the floppy,
then mount your hard drives under it for maintanance or repair. 

Re: [newbie] commands

2001-02-13 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

 totally new in the old world i came from dos/widoze
 you would type cd/dir to change directories
 could some one please show me a type of directory change command
 i would be greatful

God, man, get a book! Im sorry if that sounds rude, but why in the world
are you trying to use Linux if you wont put even the smallest effort
into it?
Yahoo search on 'DOS to Linux Primer' yields about 2580 matches.
Prominent in the first 20 are: 

Search engines can be your friend! But you have to take the first step.


Re: [newbie] commands

2001-02-13 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

 also what books do you recommend i will purchase or do almost anything
 to end having to use windows
 i hate being in the main stream being sent in a direction i don't want to go
  ** Original Subject: RE: [newbie] commands
  ** Original Sender: "Eugene C. Zesch" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  ** Original Date: Tue, 13 Feb 2001 21:37:34 -0500 (EST)
  ** Original Message follows...
   totally new in the old world i came from dos/widoze
   you would type cd/dir to change directories
   could some one please show me a type of directory change command
   i would be greatful

Reading my message again, it probably was more rude than intended. But
seriously, Linux won't hold your hand like that other OS.

Other than the two links I posted, there is a wealth of information on
the Internet.
If you are an absolute newbie, I could recommend 'Linux for Dummies' or
'The Complete Idiots Guide to Linux'. And no, thats not a slam... thats
what I started with. The Idiots Guide comes with Caldera, I think, which
was my first system. You might want to get them from a library, as you
will probably quickly outgrow them. And if you have Mandrake installed,
I'd definitely pass on the Caldera. IMO Mandrake is far superior.
Also in that vein, 'I Didnt Know You Could Do That in Linux'. Im not
sure thats the exact title, but its close. Another great library book.

A book to buy would be 'Running Linux'. It will get dogeared from use
over the years!


Re: [newbie] gates gets Linux

2000-12-31 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Mark Hillary wrote:
 Windows 98 doesn't run on 166Mhz, the install program doesn't allow the
Simply not true. It ran on mine till I erased it in favor of Mandrake


Re: [newbie] How do I run a Windows Program in Linux?

2000-12-30 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Win4Lin is a really good product. I had in running in Mandrake 6.0. I
was running Windows 95 running Opera for Windows, Internet Explorer,
TurboCAD, and PaintShop Pro on it with no problem at all. Windows loaded
on my 266 P=II with 96M ram in about 5 seconds.
It wont do Direct X but everything else seems functional.
The demo is full featured but time limited(30 days, I think). My trial
just ran out, but I think I'll buy this after my wallet recovers from
the holidays.
A bit pricy...$50, I think.


Re: [newbie] Modem Issue

2000-12-20 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Nicholas Mario Enrico wrote:
 Hi everyone!
 I'm currently running 7.2 on a Pentium III 450, 128 SDRAM machine. It also
 has a Conexant Soft56k Fax Modem.(internal)
Thats all you need to say... a soft modem is a winmodem, i.e. it uses
the cpu power to emulate a $2.00 chip. If I were a Pentium III Id be
highly insulted to be asked to do that.
I dont have the links handy, but do a search for linmodem, you may be
lucky enough to have one of the very few that have linux drivers
You might also try a search of the manufacturers page to see if they
offer linux support.
Otherwise, you need a modem.


Re: [newbie] DNS Server

2000-12-17 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

stephen galowski wrote:
 please go to and d/l the pdf of dns ok
 i have done it under mandrake linux
 - Original Message -
 From: "Michael (Nozy) Falzon" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Sent: Sunday, December 17, 2000 10:48 PM
 Subject: [newbie] DNS Server
  try to setup a dns server but can find a good how to is some can help me
  wound be good
  Michael Falzon
  Mozy's Swamp BBs  Red Dwarf BBs
  +61 3 93314369  BBs and Fax
  +61 3 93314368  BBs
  +61409967695Help Desk 24/7
  FidoNet Number  3:634/384
  BloodNet Number 53:100/101
  GameLink Number 50:100/103
  Xpresit Number 782:101/102
  Gremlin Consltancy P/L
  Phone : (+61 03) 9315 3855
  Fax   : (+61 03) 9302 
 Do you really want a receipt from everyone that reads your post?

Re: [newbie] DNS issue?

2000-11-25 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

"Brian P. Trotter" wrote:
 Here is my scenario. I have 2 computers. 1 Windows 98 computer, and 1
 Mandrake 7.2 computer. They are directly connected via 100mbs Ethernet. The
 Mandrake computer has a modem hanging off it, and it is configured to dial
 into my ISP.

 When I try to use the web, or ping anything by name, it doesn't work. It
 seems as though the name resolution isn't working on the 98 PC. The DNS is
 disabled, so I am assuming it is using the Mandrake computer to get its name
 resolution from.

If you are using ipchains, just set the DNS in the Windows machine to
your ISP's DNS numbers. It sounds like thats all you need.


Re: [newbie] Modem's busy

2000-11-25 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Dennis Myers wrote:
 patrick wrote:
  Tom Brinkman wrote:
   On Saturday 25 November 2000 02:30 pm, KompuKit wrote:
to be safe...just buy a EXTERNAL modem...
all of them will work.
   this is just plain WRONG nonsense

 I agree with the external modems work in linux. I have a Best Data ext
 Modem that worked very well until recently. It still works in windows
 but I keep getting a  "Modem does not respond". I have tried to reset,
 unplug, reconfig, etc. To no avail. The modem is plugged into com1 i.e.
 ttyS0 and works in windows, but no response in 7.2. It does not show up
 in  harddrake either.  Any suggestions out there. Oh, I am on the Linux
 only box right now using a Best Data internal modem which also works
 very well and says Linux compatable on the box. Thanks for any help with
 this puzzle.

On the subject of external modems, beware USB modems.

I had a modem seem to stop working once in Mandrake. It was a single
boot machine so I didnt get  to try windows.
I finally traced it down to a single ` having turned into a '. or vice
versa, in my chat-script.
No idea how it happened but it fixed it right up.
I remember digging through log files till I got a clue but its been a
while and I dont remember much more than that.
If you figure it out, post what you did. Sounds like a real bear!


Re: [newbie] firewalls

2000-11-11 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

The link should be

Robert Peters wrote:
 Another site that is interactive and easy to use is:
 Run this site in your netscape browser.
 This resulting script (from the website) should be saved in the /etc/rc.d
 directory as rc.firewall.  If you want it to work in the boot process, edit
 the /etc/rc.d/rc.local file and add "/etc/rc.d/rc.firewall" at the end.
 There are also instructions on how to install the firewall script on the
 website provided above.
 Rob Peters

Re: [newbie] Recommendations, please?

2000-11-10 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

"Ronald J. Hall" wrote:
 I checked the hardware list on Mandrake's site, and I'm looking for 2 things:
 network card
 SCSI card   

I have no experience with SCSI, but I've used several 3COM cards. If you
can go with 10Meg, the 3C509 is reliable and can be found for $10-15 on
the surplus market. I've never had a problem with any 3COM card being
recognized by Linux.

Re: [newbie] Newbie Stops Leaping Forward!

2000-11-07 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

 Steve Maytum wrote:
 Hello everyone. I have managed to boot-up my new M/board and chip
 thanks to your suggestions. Still getting to grips with Linux , but
 just one answer please if possible. In view of info on setting up new
 PC , am I correct in thinking that to fit multiple drives this has to
 be achieved by SCSI device? Sorry to bug you but I really don't know
 the answer and am too inexperienced to know where to go just yet!
 Regards  --  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Not at all, we were all(and are still) newbies.
Most motherboards today have a floppy controller, and two IDE
Each of the IDE controllers can control two IDE disks, master and slave.
You should be able to fit 4 drives on most motherboards.
Your CD-ROM will be one of those devices if it is IDE.

Re: [newbie] what [FAILED], What's a *.GZ

2000-10-29 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Ralph Avery wrote:
  I'm a complete newbie to Linux, so this may seem a little lame to most of
  you.  I've been following these messages for some time looking for
  information on how to configure, install, and use my sound card and modem.
  I have a VIA sound card that has a (Red Hat) Linux driver on the CD.  It's
  *.gz file.  I tried to use gunzip to unzip it, but then I don't know what
  do with it after that.

Im fairly new myself, so you may want to read up before following these
suggestions. Any old timers feel free to correct or expand on this.
After you unzip it, check to see if it contained a text file of
If it is source code, you may have to cd to the dir that you unzipped
to, and do ./configure   then  ./make   then  ./make install. You may
have to load the resulting module, see   man insmod

  I noticed recently during the boot up process that I see a RED [Failed] go
  by.  Most of what I see says [Passed].  I believe it has something to do
  with a sound card device failing, but it goes by too fast.  (Is there any
  way to slow this down, or view a text file that shows the order in which
  things are executed, mounted, whatever, during the boot up process)

You might be looking for the command   dmesg
  I recently found out that my modem is obviously already configured for
  Linux. I configured a PPP connection that causes it to dial.  I hear it
  dialing, I hear it connecting, but I have no way to check anything else.
  will keep dialing and connecting about every 10 minutes, but  I have no
  how to use that connection.  Netscape doesn't show any way in it's GUI to
  configure it to use a specific PPP connection, and I can't get Netscape to
  navigate even when I'm connected.

Check that your file /etc/resolv.conf  contains your ISP's DNS
Also try entering a numeric IP in Netscapes location bar, for instance  will take you to Yahoo if everything is working but


  Any help with any of these would be greately appreciated.  If anyone has
  useful information from when they were learning Linux, I'm all ears.

Re: [newbie] Dupes

2000-10-22 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

peter bunce wrote:
 no its people who use ie without setting the defaults properly :-(  i
 another gift from m$  (like bugs etc)
 peter bunce
 Greg Cobb wrote:
  Is everyone getting two of the same message or is it just me?  :)

Could you expand on that... maybe people could more easily fix it if it
was spelled out.


Re: [newbie] Opera Beta

2000-10-14 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Andrew Scotchmer wrote:
 Just to add my two-pennies worth to the thread.
  I use netscape all the time and it has never crashed yet, quite something
 when you read some of the complaints on here.  Also as I use to have 24 hours
 online connection for free and it worked perfectly thoughout hours of use, it
 is really weird to here of all the slating.

Which version of Netscape?  Which version of Linux?
If you could pinpoint what you are doing differently from the rest of us
maybe we could all benefit!

Re: [newbie]ethernet card setup

2000-10-03 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

yeah use pnpdump with ISAPNPtools. you probably need to set the cards
to something usable by the driver module.

PatMc wrote:
   Dear Anyone,  This is going to be long so please excuse. I have been
  working on this for 3 months.I reinstalled Linux for the 3rd time yesterday.
  Going better now except for ethernet card setup and sound. I will send
  another email about the sound later. Right now ethernet setup is the most
  important. I have already read many articles and went to the ethernet
  how-to's and cable modem how-to's. I found the correct driver in the kernal.
  I loaded it through Linuxconf and tried to setup everything through the
  Linuxconf but it did not work. My card is a SMC EZ 10/100 ISA plug and play
  and is NE2000 compatible. From my research I believe the correct driver is
  smc-ultra. It is listed in the kernal. The card worked fine with my Windows
  I just got the same card.  I found that the correct module is rtl8139.  I had
  found a web site--complete linux drivers list, or something like that--that
  had a very good listing of the correct drivers for different cards, but I lost
  the uRL.
 smalltime industries bringing you the latest in
 interplanetary transport technology, interactive
 web games, dada, art, poetry and pants.  .. visit early and often
 I had a similar experience. Look at the chipset on the card, you my find that
 rtl8139 number on the chip.  Look in /lib/modules/../net/ for all the modules
 available. Look at your /etc/conf.modules/ file to check you setup. You may edit
 that directly to change module.
 I had trouble getting the sound card and nic going with 7.0 . Had to remove the
 nic , configure the sound card and then install the nic. Both were ISA cards and
 I used pnpdump to configure.

Re: [newbie] Network Card Address

2000-09-16 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Larry Marshall wrote:

  Can anyone tell me a command, or config tool that will enable me to find the
  address of my network card? (XX-XX-XX-XX-XX) Thank you.

 I believe you'll find that "cat /proc/pci" will yield up what you

 Cheers --- Larry

I don't think that will work with an ISA card. Try  ifconfig.  You may have to be


Re: [newbie] Spanish co.

2000-09-14 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Denis Havlik wrote:
 Hi Folks,
Amen, Denis
You perfectly summarized my feelings on this. BTW, though I couldnt help
with the question, Babelfish gave me a fairly clear idea of his
question. A neat resource!!

 I am really sorry to see such a flamethread over a guy who posted a
 question in spanish. So what? We are supposed to be a friendly bunch of
 linuxers, not a bunch of wicked old men who have nothing better to do than
 flame-ing each other.
 If you don't understand Spanish, ignore it, if you do answer the guy, and
 all are happy. If/when spanish questions start popping up very often,
 spanish people will get a separate list, just as germans, frenchs and
 italians already have. Relax. Don't be lusers.

Re: [newbie] MS Linux

2000-09-13 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

could'nt get the link to work

 go forth and prosper...

Re: [newbie] MS Linux

2000-09-13 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

 In a message dated 13-Sep-00 00:45:03 Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 no such address! and thats a good thing

My kill-filter is starting to twitch

Re: [newbie] Can't browsing to internet

2000-09-12 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

I hope thats just  typo, but linux will be looking for /etc/resolv.conf
I wouldnt normally respond, but I just spent an hour tracking down a ppp
dialing error. Seems that somehow in my /etc/ppp/chat-script  an "'" was
changed to an "`"!

pungki wrote:
 I'm using Mozilla (M17) for browsing in internet. But if I want to browse,
 then I get an error message that said : could not be found.
 Plese check the name and try again. I have connected to internet, but I
 still get the message.
 And then, if I try to ping that IP, it failed. 100% package lost. But if I
 try from Win98, it works. 0% package lost. I'm using LM 7.1 and dial with
 This is my /etc/reslov.conf :
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: [newbie] Can't browsing to internet

2000-09-12 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Another question;
Did it work previously, or does it work in any other Linux browsers ...
Netscape, opera, kfm...?

pungki wrote:
 I'm using Mozilla (M17) for browsing in internet. But if I want to browse,
 then I get an error message that said : could not be found.
 Plese check the name and try again. I have connected to internet, but I
 still get the message.
 And then, if I try to ping that IP, it failed. 100% package lost. But if I
 try from Win98, it works. 0% package lost. I'm using LM 7.1 and dial with
 This is my /etc/reslov.conf :
 Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Re: [newbie] last one to be answered :(

2000-09-09 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Cheer up, I spent $100 for windows and it didnt work right either!
But seriously, from the command line you almost certainly have vim,
emacs, probably pico, and several other editors that will do the job in
the command line. Each of them will be well (but possibly cryptically)
documented. See for instance   man emacs. It took me a while to get used
to reading man pages, but thats where the good stuff is. You can open
two terminals, one with the editor and one with the man page, and you'll
get it!
Good luck.

 why is it my problems are ignored for stuff that has been answered a million
 times over yet i sit here with a linux prompt and no x windows
 xf86config doesnt work anymore so i cant use that, found an xf86config file
 that was optimized for my system yet i cant save it to linux, because i dont
 have pico, kedit made for xwindows! like that will work,
 spent $30 for linux mandrake and thinking i wasted money with lack of help
 and a system that linux just seems to hate

Re: [newbie] Still having memory problems!

2000-06-05 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Cy Hudson wrote:

 I've reinstalled linux I don't know how many times trying to get it to
 recognize all of my memmory. I've tried appending the line append="mem=256M"
 to the lilo.conf. I still can't seem to get it to recognize all of my

One possible problem not very well covered in the archives and docs is caused
by having mismatched memory. I tried every possible 'append ='  and only solved
my case by exchanging some of the memory.
Another  thing to try is subtract any amount your video may be using from the
amount in the  ' append' argument.

Re: [newbie] DMA 33 stuff

2000-05-16 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Vic wrote:

 Hi I installed a Quantum Fireball dma66 (maximum speed)
 10 Gb hard drive, and I was wondering, since linux supports
 dma33 pretty much and the motherboard is dma33 capable,
 how can I know its running at this speed?

 It does run faster than the old regular ide drive that
 I had in there, but I just wish to know of some
 indication that its actually running at dma33 speed.



usehdparm /dev/hda1(or whatever your drive is)  to display
current usage.
man hdparm   will fill you in.


Re: [newbie] Linux Does not see all my memory.

2000-05-07 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

 "Jonathan S." wrote:
  I have 164megs of memory, I have read alot of the post regarding the
  append line to put in lilo and I have done this. However Mandrake 7.0
  still only sees 64megs of my memory, According to the memory information
  diags in linux. Can Someone Please show me the correct syntax for the
  the append line and where it should go, attached is a copy of my lilo
  config.  I would appreciate honest replies, Please don't reply with
  reading the Man pages. As I have read alot of documents and newgroup
  post and have done what was suggested, however I think I am missing
  something.  Thanks for your help...

I spent hours last week trying to get 128, 1-64M, 2-32's, recognized in
my Mandrake machine.
Someone on this group, Pi I think, told me that can happen if the
memory is mismatched.
That turned out to be the problem in my case. From my experience, all
the appends in the world wont help if that is the problem.
Interestingly, the inferior windows problem was happy with it, so I
have 96 in each of my linux and the kids windows machines.

Re: [newbie] Getting more Icons for KDE

2000-03-29 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Murray Strome wrote:

 I can add new applications to the KDE desktop OK.  However, when I want to
 select an Icon for it, I am given a choice (I don't know where they come
 from).  I would like to use something more representative of the actual
 application (like the "real" WordPerfect and StarOffice Icons).  Anyone know
 how to do this?


 Murray Strome

I had to do this with Opera and others.
First you may want to search the directory where you installed  for a   .xpm
That, if there is one, may be the icon that isn't installed correctly.  If you
find one click on it  to view it in Icon Editor.  If it looks good, move it to
/usr/share/icons   and it will be available in your icon choices.

You can draw one with Icon Editor and save it in the mentioned folder.

Or what I do is find the apps icon in their docs or webpage.  Take a screenshot
with  Gimp, crop the icon out of it trying to get it roughly square, then
resize it to 32x32.  Name it and save it to your /usr/share/icons  and you're
Just remember to give it an .xpm  extension  and make sure its  32x32.


[newbie] Re: Charles Ulwelling's response to Linux is so slow

2000-03-26 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Charles Ulwelling wrote:


 I'm going to hear about this...  I am triple booting with win2000, and
 win98.  I'm using them mainly because they work.  Win98 crashes all the time
 but it is nice to have when I want to go back and play a game that doesn't
 run on win2000, which isn't very often since win2000 runs just about
 everything I have.  I have win2000 because it is solid, and it is what I use
 to do all of my work in, I haven't had to reboot my computer once since I
 got it, except when I was trying to get linux to work(obviously).  In my
 opinion I've never seen a machine run as well as mine does under 2000.  I'm
 sorry but linux has many problems, it may work well for all of you and that
 is great, but I've had nothing but difficulty with it.  It may be a PEBKAC
 problem but I don't believe so, since it dies immediately after being
 installed.  If I have the choice between linux and win2000 I'd take win2000
 and thats why I'm dual booting, linux is only a hobby thing that I'm using
 to increase my knowledge of UNIX.  I do not wish to make it my main OS, I'm
 perfectly happy with the one I'm using now.

 Please don't publically execute me for this, I've read all your posts and
 you all think windows suck and linux rules.  That is cool, everyone is
 entitled to their opinions, so please don't send in 40 responses saying
 pendragon is so wrong, one will be plenty... heh heh

I'm not going to publically execute you,  but I read your post twice and I'm
damned if I can figure out what it has to do with the thread ...Linux is
slow...Please help.

Enjoy your windows.

Re: [newbie] Linux is so slow... Please help

2000-03-25 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Charles Ulwelling wrote:

 Hum... Well when I open it it isn't just slow it gets to the point where it
 just isn't responding, I assumed it was a bug in linux as far as RAM
 utilization went.  By not responding I mean I'll move the mouse and it will
 take about 3 seconds for it to *jump* to the location I moved it to.  It is
 really annoying.
 Just out of curiosity should linux run as smoothly as win98 as far as
 opening apps, and moving the app window across the screen or is it naturally
 jumpy and something I should get used to.

 Charles Ulwelling


Something is not right. I'm not adept enough to fix it for you but my poor
little P166 running Mandrake 6.0  with 48 Megs  sounds a lot smoother and
speedier than that.
You might  call up a list of running processes with   ps -ax -land see
if anything is using a lot of cpu time.  Or find a monitoring  program. I think
I've seen  one that even gave pie charts of cpu usage by process, but the name
escapes me.
What you're experiencing  is not typical of Linux.

Good luck,

Re: [newbie] where is

2000-03-25 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

KompuKit wrote:

 where is  the RPM...and what's it called...that controls
 the volume of sound...I think I accidently deleted the program...
 trying to clean up some's the one that automatically
 gets installed and is on your to the clock
 Kit Goins  ICQ# 7110071
 Web Designer
 (Server Runs between M-F 6pm-12am,S+S 12pm-12am EST)

Could be  KMix.


Re: [newbie] starting kppp automatically

2000-03-13 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Tom Berger wrote:

 On 13-Mar-2000 Gary K Stinnett Jr wrote:
  Tom Berger wrote:
  On 12-Mar-2000 Gary K Stinnett Jr wrote:
   I got perlseti running this weekend on my ML 7.02 box.  I use KPPP to
   dial into the internet.  Can anyone give me some info on how I can
   automatically connect to the internet so I can keep seti running all of
   the time.
  Create a new application icon in the Autostart folder. Supply this
  kppp -c [accountname]
  That should do.
  "No fun, no gain"
  Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work), [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Let me get this right.
  1. Create a new icon under Autostart,  'I called it seti autostart kppp'
  2. Under the Execute tab of properties for my new icon I should put 'kppp
  I'm quite the newbie!  What does accountname stand for?  What should I put

 The name for the account you have given in kppp's Setup.

  Also, will this start kppp and dial into the internet when I complete a seti

 No. This will dial up as soon as you start KDE. What you want would involve
 some heavy scripting. So if this isn't implemented in the program itself, you
 are out of luck, I'm afraid. Have a look at the docs of the program if they
 mention something like this.


   \ ~ ~ /
  (\ @ @ /)
  Name:Gary K Stinnett Jr
  (   )--Ooo--
   \ (  (   )
\_)  ) /

 "No fun, no gain"
 Thomas 'tom' Berger, [EMAIL PROTECTED] (home), [EMAIL PROTECTED] (work), [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Why the need to use kppp?  I use pppd with the demand option and it dials and
connects for Linux and for the kid's windows machine on the LAN.

Re: [newbie] KDE's buttons and shourtcuts dont work...

2000-03-04 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

"Pittman, Merle" wrote:

 Probably wiped out/messed up the ".kde" directory in your $home directory.

  -Original Message-
  From: R.Ilker Gokhan [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Thursday, March 02, 2000 12:20 PM
  Subject:  [newbie] KDE's buttons and shourtcuts dont work...
  I don't know what I have done but now, My KDE's buttons and shortcuts
  work. I reinstalled KDE's rpm. But nothing changed. I can use "Execute
  command ", "display properties", "logout" etc.. I have Mandrake 6.0.
  Does anyone know how I can fix it...
  Thanks in advance...
  Ilker Gokhan
  Project Leader

I think the fix is to delete (or better just rename) the  $home/.kde.share
file.  A new one will be created when you restart KDE and you should be good
as new.

Re: [newbie] Wingate

1999-12-29 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

Donny wrote:
 John Aldrich wrote:
  On Tue, 28 Dec 1999, Donny wrote:
   i cant use my linux box as a proxy cuz my modem is unsuported in linux.
  Ahh... a WinModem, eh? ;-) Well, the solution to that is to go out
  and get a REAL modem... you'll be happier in the long run!
 Ok everyone, i finally got it to werk. I re-installed wingate, and now
 everything mysteriously werks fine. Go figure. And by the way... im not dumb
 enough to get a winmodem, hehe. I have a hardware based one, but its
 plug-n-play, and it was hell trying to get linux to see it, so i just gave
 up on it.
 Thanks for all of your help everyone!

Hello All,
I was dumb enough to by a Winmodem, before I knew the difference.
I managed to trade it for a 56K hardware PNP. The tool you need is
ISAPNPtools.. should be an RPM. Its pretty well documented and not too
hard to use. Pretty cool.. set those pesky IOs and IRQs just where you
need them.

Re: [newbie] Welcome to list newbie

1999-12-29 Per discussione Eugene C. Zesch

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This isnt going to start sending use duplicates again, is it?  Looks
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