Re: [newbie] OT Qcad

2003-11-06 Per discussione Kelly McCormick
Lee Wiggers wrote:
In my neverending quest to rid myself of win2k I am embracing Qcad
ilo autocad.
I can't figure out how to adjust the thickness of a line.  All else
is an improvement from the cumbersome autocad commands.

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On the attributes toolbar there is a width option as well as style and 
color. Right click on the top of the window below the title bar and you 
can turn the attributes toolbar on there if you don't have it now.


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Re: [newbie] Moving Home partition

2003-10-28 Per discussione Kelly McCormick
Heather/Femme wrote:
On Fri, 24 Oct 2003 16:35:20 -0500
Kelly McCormick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Also, Any known issues with resizing a riserFS / partition with 
Partition Magic 7 from a windows dual boot load?


ya you can't do it.
PM sees the partition as BAD  labels it as such.


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Was afraid of that, thanks Femme. Can this be done within mandrake?


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[newbie] Moving Home partition

2003-10-24 Per discussione Kelly McCormick
More on the subject of home partions,

In my current setup, I have only a / and /swap. I am thinking that I'd 
like to seperate /home out. It seems to me that it should be as simple 
as shrinking my / partition, creating a new /home, copying everything 
over to the new /home, emptying the original /home, and creating the new 
mount point? Am I on the right track here? Any problems I'm missing?

Also, Any known issues with resizing a riserFS / partition with 
Partition Magic 7 from a windows dual boot load?


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Re: [newbie] imwheel button mapping

2003-10-03 Per discussione Kelly McCormick
HaywireMac wrote:

When I start imwheel with X, it messes my scroll-thru-my-desktops
function in my WM, mapped to button 5 and 6. In my XF config, the wheel
is mapped to those,
How exactly did you do that? Is it a function of your window manager? I 
assume your not using KDE? And does that mean you do not have the 
normal window up and down window scrolling capability? Perhaps there's 
an option in XFconfig to do what I want? Just grasping at straws here.


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Re: [newbie] imwheel button mapping

2003-10-03 Per discussione Kelly McCormick
Heather/Femme wrote:
On Thu, 02 Oct 2003 14:08:38 -0500
Kelly McCormick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Thanks for taking a stab at it, apparently nobody is using this mouse?
Any other ideas are welcome!

I'm using that mouse... I sort of gave up on the other buttons
though..they work great in windows..but in linux? Forget it.
least that was what I found after about 3 months off  on of screwing
if you find a better answer pls tell me.

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Hi, Femme, rest assured if I find a way to get this to work I'll post 
the answer.

Once apon a time I had this working with Mandrake 7.2 but IIRC it was 
with a logitech mouse with one thumb button, and it only really worked 
in netscape. Also at the time I believe that you actually needed to use 
imwheel just to get the scroll wheel working. What's really bugging me 
is that in my searches I have found several posts by people claiming 
that the setup I am using worked for them but for every one of those 
there are atleast ten who say it didn't work.

For what it's worth there are a host of apps that do accept keyboard 
shortcuts mapped to these buttons see the following link for an idea of 
the possibilities.


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Re: [newbie] imwheel button mapping

2003-10-03 Per discussione Kelly McCormick
Heather/Femme wrote:
On Fri, 03 Oct 2003 03:14:19 -0500
Kelly McCormick [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
giant elephant size neuter
For what it's worth there are a host of apps that do accept keyboard 
shortcuts mapped to these buttons see the following link for an idea
of the possibilities.


thx Dax.  FWIW, I use the buttons in windows for exactly the same
purpose you want them working... and it frustrates the hell out of me
that I can't go back  forward in my browser with a button click!
pisses me right off in fact...sigh

Thx alot


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Hi femme,

I hear ya!
Same here!
Etc. Etc. Etc.
Seems like such a simple thing, huh?

Have you tried Haywires solution?


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Re: [newbie] imwheel button mapping

2003-10-03 Per discussione Kelly McCormick
HaywireMac wrote:
On Fri, 3 Oct 2003 07:40:59 -0400
HaywireMac [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

For some weird reason, the
forward and back in Mozilla is *reversed* (?).

change it to this and all is well (ie. alt-button left=back, etc.)

xmodmap -e pointer = 1 2 3 7 6 4 5

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Please tell me your kidding. OK, I'll assume your not. You seem to be 
one of the few for whom this mysteriously works. What you have is what I 
started with before my first post about this.

Here's what I found:

without the xmodmap -e pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5 command, my thumb 
buttons scroll up and down and wheel does nothing. OK, makes sense. With 
this line in xinitrc it never seems to be executed, but I have it in a 
file under /etc/X11/xinit.d where it works fine. So, with this command 
enabled, xev recognizes the thumb buttons as 6 and 7. With imwheel 
running xev sees these buttons as left and right. Without imwheel, 
mozilla and konq respond to the thumb buttons as if I were pressing the 
left and right arrow keys. The same applies when imwheel is running. The 
only difference I see, is that without imwheel, holding alt while 
pressing arrow keys does nothing, but with imwheel, this results in 
sliding the entire page left and right. However, at no point has 
anything I've tried resulted in a back button press.

A couple of questions, are you using this mouse in ps2 port or USB? 
Also, I am running a vanilla 9.1 install with the exception of switching 
to ATI's video driver. Have you upgraded anything related to XFree, that 
might be affecting this? Only other thing I can think of is that maybe 
the window manager makes a difference, I guess I'll look into that next.


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Re: [newbie] imwheel button mapping

2003-10-03 Per discussione Kelly McCormick
HaywireMac wrote:

Alt-left mouse button and alt-right mouse button on the Intellimouse
explorer takes you back and forth in either Galeon or Mozilla.
lol, I just saw this post Haywire. I didn't realize you meant it worked 
using alt button to modify the mouse button. Your absolutely right. 
Because of the button reversal you mentioned earlier, It didn't seem to 
be doing anything when I clicked back because it was trying to go forward.

Well, that's an improvement. Holding alt and scrolling the mouse 
actually does the same thing. Now I wonder if that is what was happeing 
in imwheel as well. With imwheel it should be possible to map both the 
alt and left into one button press. A little more tinkering and maybe 
things will actually work the way I planned. :)


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Re: [newbie] imwheel button mapping

2003-10-03 Per discussione Kelly McCormick
Aron Smith wrote:

Have you tried Haywires solution?


lol, would probably help with the frustration level anyway!

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Re: [newbie] imwheel button mapping

2003-10-02 Per discussione Kelly McCormick
Kelly McCormick wrote:
Kelly McCormick wrote:

Kelly McCormick wrote:

Does anybody know the correct way to get side thumb buttons on a 
microsoft intellimouse explorer working as back and forward in 
mozilla under 9.1? 

Does anyone know why this doesn't work?

imwheel rpm from 9.1 discs is installed.
imwheel process is getting started by logged in user.
side buttons work for side to side scrolling in mozilla and konquerer so 
 they are being recognized as the left arrow key and the right arrow key.
What I want is for them to be working as LeftAlt+left arrow key 
combination, and LeftAlt+right arrow key combo respectively.

One more note, I just noticed that the thumb buttons do seem to work as 
alt left arrow and alt right arrow in konquerer and kterm but still work 
only as left arrow and right arrow in mozilla.


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Re: [newbie] imwheel button mapping

2003-10-02 Per discussione Kelly McCormick
HaywireMac wrote:
On Thu, 02 Oct 2003 00:48:18 -0500
Kelly McCormick [EMAIL PROTECTED] uttered:

From XF86Config-4:

Identifier  Mouse1
Driver mouse
Option Protocol   ExplorerPS/2
Option Device /dev/psaux
Option ZAxisMapping 6 7
Option Buttons 7

In the imwheel manpage, it specifies that you must use the IMPS/2
protocol, could that be the prob?

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Hi, Haywire, thanks for trying, but I'm afraid the short answer is no, 
that's not it. I tried it again just to make sure, but it only prevents 
the side buttons from working at all. I believe that protocol is for the 
Intellimouse version rather than the Intellimouse Explorer version.

I am getting the results that I want and expected from konquerer, but 
mozilla seems to be interpreting the button mapping differently for some 

If you have mozilla open and the window set narrow enough that you get a 
scroll bar on the bottom of the window, and press the left or right 
arrows on the keyboard, it scrolls the page left and right a few steps 
at a time. This is exactly what my mouse thumb buttons are doing. If you 
hold down the left alt key and press the left or right arrow keys in 
mozilla, it moves you back and forward a page in the history. This is 
what I want the mouse thumb buttons to do. Since the thumb buttons are 
already working as arrow keys in mozilla you would think that holding 
down the left alt key and pressing the thumb buttons would work the same 
as alt-left arrow, but instead it side scrolls by a whole page instead 
of a few steps. Mozilla seems to be the only program where they behave 
this way, in other programs the thumb buttons get the same action as 
holding left alt and using the arrow keys.

Thanks for taking a stab at it, apparently nobody is using this mouse?
Any other ideas are welcome!

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Re: [newbie] imwheel button mapping

2003-10-01 Per discussione Kelly McCormick
Eric Huff wrote:
Does anybody know the correct way to get side thumb buttons on a

microsoft intellimouse explorer working as back and forward in
mozilla under 9.1?

   Option Device /dev/psaux

I have never tried this (just saved joe's post cuz it looked
helpful).  Anyway, here is a post from way back.
I notice you have /dev/psaux and he had mouse:
Subject: Re: [newbie] How do I use all buttons on MS Explorer mouse?

I dropped deadman a quick question on this mouse, but would be
interested to know if any of you have input or experiences to

the instructions on his site should apply to any mouse with 5
buttons or
even 7. you are using xmodmap, like this (in your .xinitrc):
xmodmap -e pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5 

plus an entry in your XF86Config:

Section InputDevice
Identifier Mouse0
Driver mouse
Option Protocol ExplorerPS/2
Option Device /dev/mouse
Option Buttons 7
Option ZAxisMapping 6 7
now, you can let go of the Explorer part and give it a shot, to my
mind it shouldn't matter. of course if it doesn't work, just put it
to normal (your system even keeps a backup of your old XF86Config
you to rename and use).
Personally, it seemed to wreak havoc with my WM and mousewheeling
desktops, so I commented it out for now. I'll give it a shot later.

Thanks eric, but as far as I can tell what you told me will make x see 
that there are 7 buttons, 5 actual, and 2 for the wheel, and map the 
scrolling to the wheel (buttons 6 and 7) what I'm looking for is 
getting the buttons 4 and 5 (thumb buttons) to perform a specific 
function. The first part I believe I have working already. It seems like 
I just need to find the correct systax for the mozilla entry in the 
imwheelrc file, but since none of the entries that I have found on the 
web seem to work the way they should, I'm not entirely sure that I have 
imwheel set up correctly or that imwheel is even the way to do this 
anymore. Anyway, I'll keep looking, thanks for the response.


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Re: [newbie] imwheel button mapping

2003-10-01 Per discussione Kelly McCormick
Kelly McCormick wrote:
Kelly McCormick wrote:

Does anybody know the correct way to get side thumb buttons on a 
microsoft intellimouse explorer working as back and forward in mozilla 
under 9.1? 

Does anyone know why this doesn't work?

imwheel rpm from 9.1 discs is installed.
imwheel process is getting started by logged in user.
side buttons work for side to side scrolling in mozilla and konquerer so 
 they are being recognized as the left arrow key and the right arrow key.
What I want is for them to be working as LeftAlt+left arrow key 
combination, and LeftAlt+right arrow key combo respectively.

From XF86Config-4:

Identifier  Mouse1
Driver mouse
Option Protocol   ExplorerPS/2
Option Device /dev/psaux
Option ZAxisMapping 6 7
Option Buttons 7
(note that /dev/psaux and /dev/mouse are both links to /dev/misc/psaux)

Contents of both /etc/X11/imwheelrc and ~/.imwheelrc :

None, Left, Alt_L|Left
None, Right, Alt_L|Right
(note, have also tried several other combos including replacing Left and 
Right with Up and Down)

Contents of /etc/X11/xinit.d/imwheel :

# Project : Mandrake
# Module  : imwheel
# File: imwheel.xinit
# Version : $Id$
# Author  : Frederic Lepied
# Created On  : Tue Apr 11 14:13:43 2000
[ -r /etc/sysconfig/mouse ]  . /etc/sysconfig/mouse

BINARY=$(which imwheel)

[ $WHEEL = yes -a -n $BINARY ]  $BINARY -p -b 0067

# imwheel ends here

(note -b 0067 option seems to be the only way to keep imwheel from 
screwing up the wheel scrolling function)

Contents of /etc/X11/xinit.d/mouse_buttons

xmodmap -e 'pointer = 1 2 3 6 7 4 5'

From everything that I have been able to find on this subject, this 
should work the way I want it to, but still no luck. Please help if you 
can, I have run out of things to try.


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Re: [newbie] ATI 8500DV AIW video drivers

2003-09-28 Per discussione Kelly McCormick

Sorry, can't help you myself - I use Matrox.  However, the bits about 
the ATi 8500 were written [EMAIL PROTECTED](nospam).ca and  
[EMAIL PROTECTED](nospam).com  You may wish to contact them personally 
and ask your question.  If you do, please let us know what happens.  
The more info we can collect the more it helps someone else.


My mistake, saw your name at the bottom of the twiki page and assumed 
you had written it.


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Re: [newbie] ATI 8500DV AIW video drivers

2003-09-28 Per discussione Kelly McCormick
Kelly McCormick wrote:
Hello everyone,

Is there anybody out there with some experience with this card under 
ML9.1? At a minimum, I would like to get the 3D acceleration and the TV 
tuner functions working. It is my understanding that the ATI drivers 
will provide GL acceleration but will do nothing for any of the other 
functions of this card and that the Gatos drivers can provide atleast 
nearly full funtionality to this card under linux. I have also found 
reports that the ATI drivers may work better for the 3D acceleration 
than the ati.2 gatos drivers provide? Any thoughts or experience on this 
subject? Also, is it possible to mix and match the drivers to use ATI's 
own drivers for 3D Accelation and the Gatos drivers for the TV tuner, 
tivo functions, remote, etc.? I have also noted that ATI's driver rpm 
fglrx-glc22-4.2.0-2.5.1.i586.rpm is built for glibc 2.2 and their script reports that I have glibc 2.3, as I understand it this 
shouldn't be a problem, but I'm wondering if there is a better rpm to 
use? or a better solution? During my attempts to decipher the gatos 
website I have gotten the impression that these drivers are intended to 
be used with XFree86 version 4.1.0 and work atleast somewhat with 4.2.0, 
what is this going to mean to me since I am running 4.3.0? The more 
information I find, the more confused I become on this entire video 
driver subject. If someone can point me in the right direction here, I'd 
really appreciate it. What I'm really looking for is any advice on how 
to get the best results with this card, and a heads up on any problems 
that I can expect to run into. If there are any good information sources 
on this that could help clear some of these things up, please let me 
know where to find them. below are the results of running the 
script from the ATI website, if there is any further information that I 
can provide that will help with this discussion, please let me know what 
you need and since it's likely that I don't know, how to find that info.

ATI Technologies
Checking which OS you're running...
uname reports 'Linux' version '2.4.21-0.13mdk', architecture 'i686'.
Object format is 'ELF'.
libc version is '6.3'.
XFree86 Version 4.3.0 is installed.

No package available for glibc 2.3.  Try fglrx-glibc22.tgz
Binary package name is 'fglrx-glibc21.tgz'
Thanks in advance for any and all help provided. I know I'm asking for a 
lot of info here but as I said, now that I have been looking into this 
for a while, I am no longer even sure where to start. RTFM one too many 
times I guess.


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I just discovered that there is a gatos rpm on the 9.1 cd's disk 2, 
don't know how I missed finding that before. slap myself upside the 
head Anyway, it is supposed to provide tv tuner functions among other 
things for the all in wonder cards, so I installed it. I have since had 
to boot back to xp hence now that I'm running mandrake again, everything 
has been restarted. I'm not sure what I was expecting, but I thought 
there might at least be a watch tv option somewhere on a menu someplace? 
KDE if your wondering. Anyway, no such luck. Checked to see if MCC would 
now find my tuner, it didn't before and still doesn't. checked man page 
for gatos and found that it should have installed;

- xatitv : GUI TV in a window application.
- atitv  : Simple text-mode program.
- gatos-conf : GUI GATOS configuration application.
Funny, I thought that AVview would have been in there somewhere but 
apparently not. When I tried to run xatitv, it returned

xatitv: relocation error: xatitv: undefined symbol: __7IWindowPcT1PUlii

so I thought maybe I need to configure first, so I tried gatos-conf.

gatos-conf: relocation error: gatos-conf: undefined symbol: __7IWindowPciiT1

A quick google for this undefined symbol error turned up a thread on the 
cooker list archives stating that the gatos rpm does not work in 9.1. 
Curious, is it normal to include rpm's on the distribution disks that 
don't work with the distribution it's included in??? Anybody know what's 
going on here?


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Re: [newbie] ATI 8500DV AIW video drivers

2003-09-27 Per discussione Kelly McCormick
Anne Wilson wrote:
On Saturday 27 Sep 2003 3:50 am, Kelly McCormick wrote:

Hello everyone,

Is there anybody out there with some experience with this card
under ML9.1? At a minimum, I would like to get the 3D acceleration
and the TV tuner functions working. It is my understanding that the
ATI drivers will provide GL acceleration but will do nothing for
any of the other functions of this card and that the Gatos drivers
can provide atleast nearly full funtionality to this card under
linux. I have also found reports that the ATI drivers may work
better for the 3D acceleration than the ati.2 gatos drivers
provide? Any thoughts or experience on this subject? Also, is it
possible to mix and match the drivers to use ATI's own drivers for
3D Accelation and the Gatos drivers for the TV tuner, tivo
functions, remote, etc.? I have also noted that ATI's driver rpm
fglrx-glc22-4.2.0-2.5.1.i586.rpm is built for glibc 2.2 and their script reports that I have glibc 2.3, as I understand it
this shouldn't be a problem, but I'm wondering if there is a better
rpm to use? or a better solution? During my attempts to decipher
the gatos website I have gotten the impression that these drivers
are intended to be used with XFree86 version 4.1.0 and work atleast
somewhat with 4.2.0, what is this going to mean to me since I am
running 4.3.0? The more information I find, the more confused I
become on this entire video driver subject. If someone can point me
in the right direction here, I'd really appreciate it. What I'm
really looking for is any advice on how to get the best results
with this card, and a heads up on any problems that I can expect to
run into. If there are any good information sources on this that
could help clear some of these things up, please let me know where
to find them. below are the results of running the script
from the ATI website, if there is any further information that I
can provide that will help with this discussion, please let me know
what you need and since it's likely that I don't know, how to find
that info.
== ATI Technologies
== Checking which OS you're running...
uname reports 'Linux' version '2.4.21-0.13mdk', architecture
'i686'. Object format is 'ELF'.
libc version is '6.3'.
XFree86 Version 4.3.0 is installed.

No package available for glibc 2.3.  Try fglrx-glibc22.tgz
Binary package name is 'fglrx-glibc21.tgz'
Thanks in advance for any and all help provided. I know I'm asking
for a lot of info here but as I said, now that I have been looking
into this for a while, I am no longer even sure where to start.
RTFM one too many times I guess.
Try here:

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Thanx for the info Anne, I have been looking into the twiki site lately 
but hadn't run across that page yet. I see that a new rpm is available 
on the ATI site fglrx-glc22-4.3.0-3.2.5.i586.rpm this appears to be a 
newer version of the one listed in the twiki, I assume it may be better 
to substitute? Also I notice that nothing is mentioned of compiling 
kernel modules for agppart etc. did you not find this necessary?


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[newbie] ATI 8500DV AIW video drivers

2003-09-26 Per discussione Kelly McCormick
Hello everyone,

Is there anybody out there with some experience with this card under 
ML9.1? At a minimum, I would like to get the 3D acceleration and the TV 
tuner functions working. It is my understanding that the ATI drivers 
will provide GL acceleration but will do nothing for any of the other 
functions of this card and that the Gatos drivers can provide atleast 
nearly full funtionality to this card under linux. I have also found 
reports that the ATI drivers may work better for the 3D acceleration 
than the ati.2 gatos drivers provide? Any thoughts or experience on this 
subject? Also, is it possible to mix and match the drivers to use ATI's 
own drivers for 3D Accelation and the Gatos drivers for the TV tuner, 
tivo functions, remote, etc.? I have also noted that ATI's driver rpm 
fglrx-glc22-4.2.0-2.5.1.i586.rpm is built for glibc 2.2 and their script reports that I have glibc 2.3, as I understand it this 
shouldn't be a problem, but I'm wondering if there is a better rpm to 
use? or a better solution? During my attempts to decipher the gatos 
website I have gotten the impression that these drivers are intended to 
be used with XFree86 version 4.1.0 and work atleast somewhat with 4.2.0, 
what is this going to mean to me since I am running 4.3.0? The more 
information I find, the more confused I become on this entire video 
driver subject. If someone can point me in the right direction here, I'd 
really appreciate it. What I'm really looking for is any advice on how 
to get the best results with this card, and a heads up on any problems 
that I can expect to run into. If there are any good information sources 
on this that could help clear some of these things up, please let me 
know where to find them. below are the results of running the 
script from the ATI website, if there is any further information that I 
can provide that will help with this discussion, please let me know what 
you need and since it's likely that I don't know, how to find that info.

ATI Technologies
Checking which OS you're running...
uname reports 'Linux' version '2.4.21-0.13mdk', architecture 'i686'.
Object format is 'ELF'.
libc version is '6.3'.
XFree86 Version 4.3.0 is installed.

No package available for glibc 2.3.  Try fglrx-glibc22.tgz
Binary package name is 'fglrx-glibc21.tgz'
Thanks in advance for any and all help provided. I know I'm asking for a 
lot of info here but as I said, now that I have been looking into this 
for a while, I am no longer even sure where to start. RTFM one too many 
times I guess.


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Re: [newbie] Could Mandrake Kill My Motherboard?

2001-12-24 Per discussione Kelly McCormick

I too have had no problems with the Maxtor drive that I am aware of.
After thinking about this a bit longer though it occurred to me that I
installed this drive right before I installed Mandrake the first time. This
is also the drive that I installed Mandrake on. Windows is installed on the
first drive. The first time the MB had problems it lasted a bit longer, and
never died completely. I was dual booting and only using the Linux/Maxtor
drive periodically. The second MB barely lasted 3 months then died. This
time the Linux/Maxtor drive was being used exclusively. Another coincidence?
I don't know, but atleast it gives me something to try.
At any rate, thanks everyone for your help. I didn't intend to turn this
list into hardware support, so I will let this thread die here.


- Original Message -
From: poogle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2001 5:58 AM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Could Mandrake Kill My Motherboard?

 Another Hmmm,
 I have 5 HDs (in caddies) 1 x Samsung has an old MD 7.2 install still on
 and another Samsung with something else on it which my other half
 on using :-)
 My MD 8.1 install is on a Fujitsu and I use a Maxtor as a backup in case I
 break something.
 I also have a Seagate which I use for crashtesting so it gets a fair
 of abuse.
 Both the Maxtor  Seagate drives came from computer fairs, were labelled
 untested buy at your own risk and cost next to nothing, surprisingly,
 despite the warning label both have and are giving reliable service on my
 home-made AMD K6-2 450 machine and I've had them for a couple of years and
 put them to many different uses in that time.

 On Friday 21 December 2001 18:37 pm, you wrote:
   On Thursday 20 December 2001 23:55, you wrote:
   I have seen a hard drive (if I remember correctly it was either a
 or seagate) where almost the same symptoms happened, judgeing form your
 of symptoms (this was in a winders box, about the time windows 98 came
 I never did know exactly why the hard drive gave those symptoms, but
 changing the hard drive finally cured the box. (I had changed even the
 supply in the box, as well as fans added and all kinds of stuff) in spite
 good readings from it after about the third MB in 3 months. never had a
 problem with the box, put the HD in a totally different box and two
 months later, had an additional spare cpu since the MB was trashed

  Hmm, that's interesting, one of the HD's is a Maxtor, not sure what the
  other is.


 Registered Linux user 182657 (added to sig for the benefit of those
 by it)

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Re: [newbie] Could Mandrake Kill My Motherboard?

2001-12-21 Per discussione Kelly McCormick

Problem is mostly Dell.  They buy so many mobo's from Intel that
 they have the hammer to tell Intel just how to make 'em. Hence
 they're not really Intel mobo's, but 'oem spec only' mobo's.  Many
 corners are cut, often features/hardware found in even low end retail
 boards, or Intel's 'regular' boards, are left off, and/or are of
 reduced quality (one good example is capacitors, both number and
 quality). A quality bios is not to be found. Probly a Phoenix oem
 spec only bios is used.

Figured as much about the quality level. Yep, phoenix it is.

Retail Intel mobo's OTOH, while low performers and lack
 configurability, are mostly bulletproof when it comes to reliability
 and stabiltility.  This isn't really just a Dell problem (ie, cruddy
 motherboards, bios, et al). All large ready made vendors do the same
 thing, and it's not limited to just the mobo. All the components in
 ready made systems are 'oem spec only', aka 'proprietary'. As the
 audience for cheap (even if they aren't) ready made PC's increases,
 the quality of ready mades drops even further.  This has all been
 goin on longer than the 'less than two years' since your Dell was

That said, your mobo problems probly result from the inferior spec
 mobo's and power supplies that Dell uses. Dell is also not renowned
 for payin much attention to case and heatsink cooling either. To save
 a buck or so, most Dell models don't even have fans on heatsinks that
 need one, or even heatsinks on some components that normally should
 have one, much less also with a fan (eg, video card).

 Have you ever heard Intel advertise that they make mobo's for
 Dell?  I believe they tryin hide the fact.  I suspect it's also why
 Dell has been reluctant to move to AMD cpu's. The oem spec only
 boards they use will only marginally work with Intel cpu's. It's also
 why they only give lip service to providin an OS other than Windoze.

 It's called WinTel, low quality components and even non-hardware
 that Windoze can run, sort'a kind'a.  So no, Mandrake didn't kill
 your mobo, Dell and Gates did.   .. YMMV


 Tom Brinkman  Corpus Christi, Texas, USA

lol, ok, thanks for the opinion and helping convince me to build my own
system next time.

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Re: [newbie] Could Mandrake Kill My Motherboard?

2001-12-21 Per discussione Kelly McCormick

 On Thursday 20 December 2001 23:55, you wrote:
 I have seen a hard drive (if I remember correctly it was either a maxtor
 seagate) where almost the same symptoms happened, judgeing form your list
 symptoms (this was in a winders box, about the time windows 98 came out).
 never did know exactly why the hard drive gave those symptoms, but
 the hard drive finally cured the box. (I had changed even the power supply
 the box, as well as fans added and all kinds of stuff) in spite of good
 readings from it after about the third MB in 3 months. never had a nother
 problem with the box, put the HD in a totally different box and two months
 later, had an additional spare cpu since the MB was trashed again.


Hmm, that's interesting, one of the HD's is a Maxtor, not sure what the
other is.


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Re: [newbie] Could Mandrake Kill My Motherboard?

2001-12-21 Per discussione Kelly McCormick

- Original Message -
Sent: Thursday, December 20, 2001 6:20 PM
Subject: Re: [newbie] Could Mandrake Kill My Motherboard?

 On Thursday 20 December 2001 17:41, you wrote:
  Can you say Ground Fault?
 I agree w/Jose, most likely problem. I have never seen (does not mean it
 don't happen) the MB toast from Linux, but it is worth noteing, in my
 anyway, that you well can toast the monitor by driving it beyond it's
 it will toast a few weeks after the change. ( I did two in four weeks
 An additional question, where you using the same (exact, not same model
 make but the same physical box and serial number) hard drives with both

Thanks for the monitor warning, I should be ok there as I was aware that
this was possible.

Yes they are the same hard drives, no changes have been made to the hardware
with the exception of a replacement MB with an updated bios.

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Re: [newbie] Could Mandrake Kill My Motherboard?

2001-12-20 Per discussione Kelly McCormick

Thanks for the quick response civil!

 Nonstop, eh?

Err, ok, I guess I meant exclusively although the system does get a LOT of
usage, I do sleep once in a while! ;)

 I bet you slowly toasted the on-board electrolytic capacitors so that they
 dried out.  Try  a bigger case fan to keep it a little cooler inside.

I'm sure this couldn't hurt, but the marathon Quake3 sessions that I used to
put this box through under windoze never seemed to cause a problem. Since
replacing the first MB the heaviest workout this thing has seen is running
mozilla, and windoze98 before I installed Mandrake.

 Of course memtest-x86.bin is on the mandrake CD under images/ and you can
 it or rawrite it to floppy and maybe it will boot and test your memory
 to be safe.

Bootup never makes it to accessing the floppy, not an option.

 What are the dead symptoms?  Are fans running or nothing at all?  If
 at all, it can be a shorted cap or other short on the mobo or the power
 supply.  If fans run, look for a dead video card or processor or a bad

At powerup, fans are on, power is getting to both hard drives, dvd, and
cdrom. Can't tell if floppy drive has power. Monitor powers up but stays
black most of the time, once in a while will make it to dell splash screen .
Keyboard and mouse both show signs of life, but nothing else.
Indicator lights on back say that the bios, memory, pci/isa bus, and
video card all failed.

 and after a month of rest the dells were supplied with whatever trash
 hardware testing happened to have and they recognized them.  Even the
 Dell from a different user which died in exactly the same way--no
 of hard drive was OK after a month off and with a different hdd.  How that
 happened is that I took the three back to purchasing and the agent there
 wanted more detail on what was wrong and sent them to hardware testing
 a month.

That's strange, noticed something similar the first time I had this problem,
system would boot up after letting it sit powered down for a full day or
two, but would soon go into a self rebooting loop and eventually not boot.
I'm afraid I'm not patient enough to try waiting a month though. lol

 SO you may have that problem...  If you have another computer what happens
 you swap hard drives between the two?

Hard drives are fine, checked that, they are simply not even being accessed
at power up.

 QA Team

I guess what I'm looking for is any possible reason why mandrake would put
more stress on my MB than windoze? I can't afford to keep replacing the MB
after the warranty on this thing runs out, and every time I try running
linux on it I end up with MB problems. I'd hate to be stuck in windoze hell
because of this.

One thing that seems like a potential suspect is the power management
feature. I never use this in win98 since it just resulted in a locked up
system, but have been using it in mandrake. (for those occasions when I do
sleep) When my monitor goes into standby mode, the indicator light on the
front is supposed to turn from green to amber, instead it blinks back and
forth between the two. Also I have seen one of the monitors adjustment
screens pop up briefly on a few occasions. Doesn't stay long enough to tell
which one. Is it possible that power management is actually constantly
turning the monitor off and on and so burning up something on the MB? Or am
I just grasping at straws here?

Thanks in advance,

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