Re: [newbie] USB smart media reader

2001-12-31 Per discussione Terry C

 It may be that you need to modprobe 
 usb-storage and then mount it as /dev/sda1 

I have done modprobe usb-storage and mounting returns

mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/camera
mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist

I have tried other mount points too: /dev/sda
/dev/sda2 /dev/sdb, along with the appropriate fstab
changes, and nothing has worked yet.

It was suggested to do MAKEDEV /dev/sda1 here's the
results of that attempt:

MAKEDEV /dev/sda1
don't know how to make device /dev/sda1

Here's some additional information from harddrake
under other devices:

Vendor: Microtech

Model: CameraMate SmartMedia and CompactFlash reader

Kernel Module: unknown

Bus Type: USB

Informations: This device hasn't been identified by
HardDrake, please send `/proc/bus/*' files and this
device ID `07af0006' to: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

From what I have read so far it seems that some people
have had luck doing modprobe usb-storage and then
entering #mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /mnt/whatever. So
far I have not had luck doing this. I appreciate the
assistance given so far, and it appears others are
hoping that this issue can be resolved.
Thanks to all who have helped with this.


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[newbie] USB smart media reader

2001-12-30 Per discussione Terry C

I've seen several threads concerning people trying to
make USB compact flash/smart media readers work, but
this hasn't been fully resolved in all cases. I have
been reading this thread because I have a USB
microtech compact flash card reader and I have been
having the same problem attempting to mount it as
others have.
Here's the information from Harddrake:

Vendor: eUSB
Model: Compact Flash
Device: /dev/sda
Bus Type: SCSI
Capacity: 1047 MB
Heads: 64
Sectors: 32
Cylinders: 1023

Here's my fstab entry: 

/dev/sda  /media/camera vfat ro,noauto,user  0 0

This is the response I get when attempting to mount
this device:

mount -t vfat /dev/sda /media/camera
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on
/dev/sda, or too many mounted file systems

I hope someone can shed some light on why this won't
Thanks for the help.


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Re: [newbie] USB smart media reader

2001-12-30 Per discussione Terry C

 Dont mount as /dev/sda, mount as /dev/sda1. 
 /dev/sda is the, as I see it, 
 top of the sda device list, the header, and sda1,
 sda2, are the devices.

I don't have a /dev/sda1, but just to make sure I
changed fstab to reflect /dev/sda1 and then tried
mounting it:

mount -t vfat /dev/sda1 /media/camera 

and received this response:

mount: special device /dev/sda1 does not exist

Thanks for assisting me with this.

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Re: [newbie] USB smart media reader

2001-12-30 Per discussione Terry C

MAKDEV, or makdev, or mkdev don't seem to be the
correct commands. I just keep getting command not


 try this, MAKDEV /dev/sda1
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Re: [newbie] drive doesn't want to be partitioned

2001-12-27 Per discussione Terry C

I tried several ways to use diskdrake and it just
wouldn't resize the partition, that's why I used FIPS.

To make life as simple as possible I created a DOS
boot floppy disk, copied FIPS onto it, booted from the
floppy and ran FIPS. All of this may not actually be
necessary but I like to keep things a simple as
possible when doing things to my hard drives. Since I
didn't catch the beginning of this thread I am
assuming that you ran defrag in windows before
starting all of this.
Good luck.


--- daRcmaTTeR [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wed, 26 Dec 2001 20:42:00 -0700
 Charles Jennings [EMAIL PROTECTED] studiouisly
 spake these words to ponder:
  On Wednesday 26 December 2001 06:11 pm, you wrote:
  Maybe I am confused. I thought that Mandrake was
 using diskdrake to do the 
  partitioning during the install and it wasn't able
 to do the resize. Is 
  that wrong?
 yes, diskdrake is used during the install, however,
 diskdrake will do everything you need it to do. it's
 not quite as robust as partition magic in some ways,
 but it's darn close, and in other ways it surpasses
 Partition Magic. It will resize, reformat, (many
 different filesystem types) and a lot of other stuff
 that escapes me at the moment. it's a heck of a
 tool. You can access it from a running Linux
 installation, or from the install CD's. either way
 will work just fine. 
 give it a shot.

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 the first time!
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Re: [newbie] drive doesn't want to be partitioned

2001-12-26 Per discussione Terry C

I helped a friend deal with the same situation by
using a little utility called FIPS. You can find it on
your Mandrake CD's. It doesn't have a fancy GUI but it
will take you through the resizing process
step-by-step and is really pretty easy to use.


--- tester [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Charles Jennings wrote:
 This ones got me baffled. I am trying to install
 Mandrake 8.1 on my wifes 
 computer. It's a pentium with a 10 gig hard drive
 running win98. I try to 
 install in the expert mode and resize it. I get the
 massage that it can't be 
 resized. After scandisk and defrag, and looking
 into fdisk, there is 6.1 gig 
 free but the whole disk is active for win. I don't
 know why diskdrake won't 
 resize it. I am not competent to use fdisk (never
 done it and I don't want to 
 erase the wife's hard drive by error). Any
 suggestions on what might be the 
 cause and the solution?
 This one means that a windows program has placed a
 cluster near the end of the disk or that you are
 using the NTFS 
 filesystem which we do not write-enable in the
 install kernel.
 SInce you are running 98 which does not support
 NTFS, do the disk defrag 
 and scroll down on the full display--near the bottom
 you will find one 
 or more red-marked clusters.
 The solution is non-trivial,  Either remove programs
 one by one and 
 defrag and try linux after each such removal or
 install linux on another 
 large disk with a grub boot, copy all of your
 windows data over (but not 
 your installed programs), then scrub windows and go
 back to fdisk and 
 set up windows on a smaller primary partition,
 reinstalling software 
 then set up linux again on the primary master drive
 and mount the second 
 drive to restore the data you wanted to back up.  I
 have done this in 
 another situation--a rather full 10G disk where
 Win98 was installed and 
 the user attempted an XP upgrade, losing mouse and
 keyboard (both 
 Microsoft brand hardware products, BTW) in the
 process.  I could not 
 shrink the winpartition enough to make room for the
 2.2G of data he 
 wanted to rescue, so I used a second disk and a
 linux install on it, 
 then scrubbed the first disk after copyiong over the
 info he wanted. 
  The clean install of XP still could not see his
 mouse or keyboard, so 
 he is running 98 and Mandrake dual boot these days,
 and he seems very 
 grateful that linux was able to save his data from
 an otherwise trashed 

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[newbie] Galeon install

2001-12-19 Per discussione Terry C

I think this may have come up in the recent past but I
coulnd't find it in the list archives sooo.. I am
trying to install Galeon 1.0.1 but I get this message
error: failed dependencies: mozilla = 0.9.6 is needed
by galeon-1.0.1-1mdk. The problem is that I have
already installed mozilla 0.9.6. If I'm using urpmi
how can I point it to this file (mozilla 0.9.6)? I
have a slow dial-up internet connection and I really
don't want to have urpmi, or any other package manager
install mozilla again.
Thanks for the help.


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Re: [newbie] DVD Software?

2001-12-11 Per discussione Terry C

Take a look at


--- Pete Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can anyone recommend the best DVD playing software?
 I'm using 8.1.
 Pete Taylor
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[newbie] booting windoze

2001-08-20 Per discussione Terry C

I sent this yesterday but did not see it appear in my
newbie list mail, so here it is again.

Because of reasons of my own making I had to do a
fresh install of mandrake 8.0. I set up Grub to make
Linux my default OS. When I attempted to boot into
windows, the bootup made it to chainloader +1 and
wouldn't progress beyond that point. I tried using
LILO, it made it to Loading Windows and wouldn't
progress any further.
I am using an ABIT KT7A Raid MB with an IBM hard
drive plugged into ide2. Windows partition is hde1,
Linux root partition is hde5. Here is the Grub
menu.lst entry:

timeout 5
color black/cyan yellow/cyan
i18n (hd0,4)/boot/grub/messages
keytable (hd0,4)/boot/us.klt
altconfigfile (hd0,4)/boot/grub/menu.once
default 0
title linux
kernel (hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hde5 
hda=ide-scsi hdd=ide-floppy quiet vga=788
initrd (hd0,4)/boot/initrd.img
title linux-nonfb
kernel (hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hde5 
hda=ide-scsi hdd=ide-floppy
initrd (hd0,4)/boot/initrd.img
title failsafe
kernel (hd0,4)/boot/vmlinuz root=/dev/hde5 
hda=ide-scsi hdd=ide-floppy failsafeinitrd

title windows
root (hd0,0)
chainloader +1
title floppy
root (fd0)
chainloader +1

Here's the windows entry from lilo.conf:


What's wrong? 
Thanks for the help.


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Re: [newbie] VIA bug?

2001-08-18 Per discussione Terry C

--- civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You face yet another problem.  There is --no ifs
 ands or buts-- a _hardware problem_ with the
 686B southbridge, and another with the KT133A
 Northbridge.  When our 8.0 kernel sees the chipset
 it will dive into crippled mode with DMA turned off.
  hdparm will report it turned on but you will
 be unable to burn CDRWs and CD-Rs and the behavior
 will be rather more sluggish than not.
 This is (halfway) fixed in our most recent kernel
 update, meaning we have a workaround for the 
 _hardware_ bug, but not a high-performance one. 
 Your computer will seem fairly normal, having
 jumped from 1.8Mb/S to 13.40Mb/s ide read speed as
 measured by the benchmark programs, but will be
 well below the expected benchmarks of 31.9 to 36.2
 Mb/S as is usual for udma4 or udma5 operation.

I'm very puzzled, I have an Abit KT7A raid, VIA KT133A
chipset, IBM IC35L020AVER07-0 20GB ATA100 hard drive,
AMD T-bird 1.2 GHz. Using hdparm, (I realize it's
maybe not the best hard drive benchmarking tool, but
it is the one most people have available) and I get
the following results doing hdparm -tT /dev/hde

 Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  0.78 seconds
=164.10 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  1.73 seconds =
36.99 MB/sec

I may be misunderstanding what you are saying, but my
performance seems pretty good to me.


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[newbie] terminus

2001-08-14 Per discussione Terry C

I am trying to run the Terminus game demo and have
this response when I start it:

./terminus: error while loading shared libraries: cannot load shared object file: No
such file or directory

I did a search for and can't find it.
Is this lib not included with 8.0?
Sorry for what may be a very simple question, but
there's a reason I've subscribed to the newbie list.


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[newbie] terminus

2001-08-14 Per discussione Terry C

I am trying to run the Terminus game demo and have
this response when I start it:

./terminus: error while loading shared libraries: cannot load shared object file: No
such file or directory

I did a search for and can't find it.
Is this lib not included with 8.0?
Sorry for what may be a very simple question, but
there's a reason I've subscribed to the newbie list.


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Re: [newbie] 2.4.7 kernel

2001-08-13 Per discussione Terry C

The last time I ran hdparm on Mandrake 8.0 I was using
a different ata100 hard drive and was getting timing
buffer disk reads of only 21 MB. I am now using a new
IBM hard drive and I'm getting:  

 Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  0.78 seconds
=164.10 MB/sec
 Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  1.73 seconds =
36.99 MB/sec

Abit KT7A raid, VIA KT133A chipset, IBM
IC35L020AVER07-0 20GB hard drive, AMD T-bird 1.2 GHz.
I'm surprised at the difference between my 2 hard
drives, both using pretty standard installs of
Mandrake 8.0.

--- skinky [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Tuesday 14 August 2001 09:47, you wrote:
  [root@tuxmachine /]#  hdparm -tT /dev/hda
   Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  0.91
 seconds =140.66 MB/sec
   Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  1.78
 seconds = 35.96 MB/sec
  Using IBM DTLA-307075 7200 rpm and Asus mobo with
 i815 chipset.
  (But using kernel 2.4.3-20mdk).
 My hd is so much slower than yours!
 Using 60GB IBM DTLA-307060 7200rpm and Soltek
 SL-75KAV mobo with North 
 Bridge VIA VT8363A (KT133A) chipset (and South
 Bridge VIA VT82C686B?) on 
 AMD T-Bird 1.0GHz.
 Using kernel 2.4.3-20mdk with udma2 (ATA-33 ?):
 root@localhost skinky]# hdparm -tT /dev/hda
  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  0.78
 seconds =164.10 MB/sec
  Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  3.14 seconds
 = 20.38 MB/sec
 [root@localhost skinky]# hdparm -tT /dev/hda
  Timing buffer-cache reads:   128 MB in  0.77
 seconds =166.23 MB/sec
  Timing buffered disk reads:  64 MB in  3.18 seconds
 = 20.13 MB/sec
 Big difference!
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[newbie] 2.4.7 kernel

2001-08-12 Per discussione Terry C

I remember civileme saying that hard drives were
limited to ata33 in Mandrake 8.0 because of some
problem in the kernel with the Via chipset. Does
anyone know if this has been fixed in the 2.4.7
kernel? If so, has anyone compiled the 2.4.7 kernel
(mandrake version from cooker) and found that they
could use ata100?


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Re: [newbie] nVidia drivers (again)

2001-07-23 Per discussione Terry C

Thanks. I already used the script and it
said that everything was OK. Based on the information
I have been seeing I am thinking that I need to try
installing the 1251 drivers from the tarball instead
of the rpm. Should I uninstall the drivers I installed
from the rpm first and then install the tar files?


--- james [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 i used to get segmentation errors when using OpenGL
 - it was because i hadnt
 installed the kernel properly - there is a shell
 script called nv check
 which checks if everything is installed ok
 get it at :
 just cd to the dir and type :
 $ sh
 oh year - with rpms you may want to type :
 $ rpm -i NV_GLX.blahblah.rpm --nodeps --force
 this will force the install of rpms even if your
 system says it is already
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Monday, July 23, 2001 5:09 PM
 Subject: [newbie] nVidia drivers (again)
  I am wondering if I may be able to resolve the
  segmentation fault errors I am getting trying to
  Chromium, or Tuxracer by changing to the nVidia
  drivers instead of using the 1251 drivers. Has
  tried this to resolve the seg. fault problems?
  I have already made sure that I am not using KDM,
  have tried booting into run level 3 and using
   I have tried using gdm. The black screen and
  fault errors started after I tried to run BZflag
  it locked up. No GL games have worked since.
  Also, what exactly is a segmentation fault?
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Re: [newbie] nVidia driver installation

2001-07-22 Per discussione Terry C

Dan, I have been following the various threads
concerning nVidia drivers. I was hesitant to use the
1.0 drivers at first, but they ended up being my best
option and work great for me. Tuxracer and Chromium
look great full screen. I followed the instructions
from nVidia for the 1.0 drivers using the mdk rpm's.
In my case the only problem I am having is getting it
to let me use 32 bit color instead of 24 bit, which
isn't that big of a concern, but would be nice. I did
use the script to verify my installation,
and I had to change my /etc/X11/X link because in my
case Linux kept wanting to use XFree86 3.3.6 and I had
to force it to use 4.0.3 by linking X to


--- Dan Ray [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I don't know if you've been following it here on the
 list, but I've been 
 having a heck of a time getting GL to work properly
 in full-screen GL mode 
 using a GeForce2 MX AGP card under Mandrake 8.
 I suspect you're where I am: X is clearly using the
 nVidia drivers, stuff's 
 generally looking good, windowed GL things run just
 great, but the minute you 
 do something full screen all hell busts loose.
 If you DO have fullscreen GL working, though, I'd
 love to hear about it. In 
 particular, what happens when you run tuxracer? If
 you don't know, I request 
 you try it! And if you hang at a big black screen,
 ctrl-alt-del and 'esc' 
 will get you back, if you're patient.
 Let us know! I know I'm not the only one eager to
 hear that it works for 
 On Sunday 22 July 2001 12:40 am, you wrote:
  I have just installed the 1.0 nVidia drivers and
  are working great except for one thing. When I
  tried to startx after the installation and
  XF86Config-4 the attempt failed. It said that the
  chipset did not support the color depth I had set
  which was 32 bit color. I changed XF86Config-4 to
  select 24 bit color and everything works fine. I
  my geforce2 MX will support 32 bit color, so what
 do I
  have to do to make it work?
  Thanks to civileme for his assistance earlier in
  getting my install of 8.0 to use, and stay with
  XFree86 4.0.3.
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Re: [newbie] Tuxracer

2001-07-22 Per discussione Terry C

I did the install from the mandrake rpm's on the
nvidia website and followed the instructions on that
site. Tuxracer was working, it's great fun, but now it
I should be starting X with gdm. Here's a copy of the
appropriate portion of /etc/X11/prefdm:

if [ -f /etc/sysconfig/desktop ]; then
. /etc/sysconfig/desktop /dev/null 21
if [ $DESKTOP = GNOME -o $DESKTOP = Gnome ]; then
elif [ $DESKTOP = KDE -o $DESKTOP = KDE1 -o
$DESKTOP = KDE2 ]; then
elif [ $DESKTOP = AnotherLevel ] ; then

This should have me starting in gdm. If not then
perhaps someone could show me the error of my ways so
that I can fix this.
Thanks for the help.


--- Kernell32 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Did you install the drivers from tar or from rpm?
 Which instructions did you 
 follow to install them? And last but not least do
 you boot into x and do you 
 use kdm?
 I recommend to install from tar : unzip both tars
 (nvidia_kernel and 
 nvidia_glx) then enter first the nvidia_kernel dir
 and type: make install
 Then enter the nvidia_glx dir and type: make install
 (all of this as root)
 Then edit the /etc/X11/XF86Config-4 file (add: Load
 to the modules section and replace nv with
 nvidia in the device section)
 Then you should not boot into x directly rather set
 runlevel3 as default 
 runlevel and type startx to go into grafical, or if
 you want to boot into x 
 directly use gdm instead of kdm (that is probably
 your problem) that is 
 easily done by creating a textfile in /etc/sysconfig
 containing a line:
 Desktop=GNOME im not quite sure about the caps
 gotta try =) that will make 
 mandrake use gdm instead of kdm as loginmanager.
 Good luck 
 On Sunday 22 July 2001 18:07, you wrote:
  After commenting about how wonderful Tuxracer is
  the nVidia 1.0 drivers in full screen I went back
  play it and it wouldn't start. I tried to start it
  from a terminal and it said: segmentation fault.
  Yesterday trying to run Chromium I had the same
  happen. What's going on and what can I do about
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[newbie] Tuxracer

2001-07-22 Per discussione Terry C

After commenting about how wonderful Tuxracer is with
the nVidia 1.0 drivers in full screen I went back to
play it and it wouldn't start. I tried to start it
from a terminal and it said: segmentation fault.
Yesterday trying to run Chromium I had the same thing
happen. What's going on and what can I do about it?


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[newbie] nVidia driver installation

2001-07-21 Per discussione Terry C

I have just installed the 1.0 nVidia drivers and they
are working great except for one thing. When I first
tried to startx after the installation and modifying
XF86Config-4 the attempt failed. It said that the
chipset did not support the color depth I had set up,
which was 32 bit color. I changed XF86Config-4 to
select 24 bit color and everything works fine. I know
my geforce2 MX will support 32 bit color, so what do I
have to do to make it work?
Thanks to civileme for his assistance earlier in
getting my install of 8.0 to use, and stay with
XFree86 4.0.3.


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Re: [newbie] Internet college classes

2001-07-20 Per discussione Terry C

Marcia, webct is a browser based interface and I have
used it with Netscape on Linux before without any
problems. Taking Unix classes can be very helpful to
you as you learn Linux. There are some differences,
but over all much of what you learn for Unix will
apply to Unix too.


--- Marcia Waller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Dear All,
 I am considering taking some computer college and/or
 internet classes. My 
 area college has internet instruction using webct
 software which supposedly 
 works with Unix. Does that mean that it would work
 with Linux?
 Unfortunately, they offer no classes teaching linux
 but several for Unix. 
 Linux is my interest but is Unix just about the same
 Thanks for your help.
 Marcia Waller

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Re: [newbie] curious X information

2001-07-05 Per discussione Terry C

Here's the link:

lrwxrwxrwx1 root root   29 Jun 23
00:19 X - ../../usr/X11R6/bin/XF86_SVGA*

--- civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Wednesday 04 July 2001 17:06, Terry C wrote:
  I am getting conflicting information concerning
  version of X I'm running, and the color depth.
 When I
  bring up X-Server - KDE Control Module it tells
  that I am running XFree86 3.3.6 and a 24 bit color
  depth. If I run XFree86 -version in a terminal
  tells me that I am running XFree86 4.0.1. I tend
  believe the info from running XFree86 -version,
  why the discrepancy? I need to make sure that I
  4.0.1 running before I install the nVidia drivers,
  how can I verify which is correct?
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 Where does /etc/X11/X point?

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[newbie] KDM to XDM

2001-07-04 Per discussione Terry C

Which file do I need to change so that I boot into XDM
instead of KDM? I am going to install the nvidia
drivers instead of using the XFree86 drivers for my
video card and have read that there are some problems
which have been attributed to using KDM.


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[newbie] curious X information

2001-07-04 Per discussione Terry C

I am getting conflicting information concerning the
version of X I'm running, and the color depth. When I
bring up X-Server - KDE Control Module it tells me
that I am running XFree86 3.3.6 and a 24 bit color
depth. If I run XFree86 -version in a terminal it
tells me that I am running XFree86 4.0.1. I tend to
believe the info from running XFree86 -version, but
why the discrepancy? I need to make sure that I have
4.0.1 running before I install the nVidia drivers, so
how can I verify which is correct?


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Re: [newbie] Nvidia which drivers

2001-07-03 Per discussione Terry C

There is a discussion concerning the nVidia drivers on After reading the threads I decided
to use the older drivers myself.


--- The Conways [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My computer has a bx mobo and a geforce 2 mx 32 meg
 of ram graphic card.
 Which are the best drivers?  I understand there are
 some problems with the
 new nvidia drivers.

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[newbie] sound.

2001-07-02 Per discussione Terry C

I hope someone can tell me what is going on with my
sound. When I start KDE I used to get a little sound
file playing, now I get nothing. When I look at /dev I
see the following highlighted in red and flashing:

snd - ../proc/asound/dev

What is the highlighting and flashing trying to tell


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[newbie] nvidia drivers

2001-07-02 Per discussione Terry C

I just did an install of 8.0 and from what I've read I
don't think that I want to use the 1251 drivers. (VIA
chipset) :-( Anyone know where I can find the 769
drivers? Also, what is the best way to deal with the
KDM problem? What are the alternatives? Right now I
have it set up to auto login when I boot up. 


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[newbie] sound.

2001-07-02 Per discussione Terry C

I hope someone can tell me what is going on with my
sound. When I start KDE I used to get a little sound
file playing, now I get nothing. When I look at /dev
see the following highlighted in red and flashing:

snd - ../proc/asound/dev

What is the highlighting and flashing trying to tell


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[newbie] nvidia drivers

2001-07-02 Per discussione Terry C

I just did an install of 8.0 and from what I've read
I don't think that I want to use the 1251 drivers.
(VIA chipset) :-( Anyone know where I can find the 769
drivers? Also, what is the best way to deal with the
KDM problem? What are the alternatives? Right now I
have it set up to auto login when I boot up. 


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Re: [newbie] sound.

2001-07-02 Per discussione Terry C

The only change I made was changing from XFree86 3.3.6
to 4.0.1. Right after making this change is when I
began having sound problems.


--- Paul [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 It was Mon, 2 Jul 2001 09:01:29 -0700 (PDT) when
 Terry C wrote:
 I hope someone can tell me what is going on with my
 sound. When I start KDE I used to get a little
 file playing, now I get nothing. When I look at
 see the following highlighted in red and flashing:
 snd - ../proc/asound/dev
 What is the highlighting and flashing trying to
 It means that this link is pointing to nowhere. The
 (/proc/asound/dev) seems to be no longer there. Did
 you do anything to the
 Conference: a gathering of important people who
 singly can do nothing,
 but together can decide that nothing can be done. - Registered Linux User 174403
Linux Mandrake 8.0 - Sylpheed 0.4.99
 ** - when you care **

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Re: [newbie] sound.

2001-07-02 Per discussione Terry C

I see that I do not have /proc/asound. How can I go
about rectifying this?
Thanks for the help.


--- Frans Ketelaars [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Paul wrote:
  It was Mon, 2 Jul 2001 09:01:29 -0700 (PDT) when
 Terry C wrote:
  I hope someone can tell me what is going on with
  sound. When I start KDE I used to get a little
  file playing, now I get nothing. When I look at
  see the following highlighted in red and
  snd - ../proc/asound/dev
  What is the highlighting and flashing trying to
  It means that this link is pointing to nowhere.
 The destination
  (/proc/asound/dev) seems to be no longer there.
 Did you do anything to the
 [frans@localhost frans]$ ls -l /proc/asound/
 total 0
 lrwxrwxrwx1 root root0 Jul  2
 20:04 0 - card1/
 dr-xr-xr-x2 root root0 Jul  2
 20:04 card1/
 -r--r--r--1 root root0 Jul  2
 20:04 cards
 dr-xr-xr-x2 root root0 Jul  2
 20:04 dev/
 -r--r--r--1 root root0 Jul  2
 20:04 devices
 -r--r--r--1 root root0 Jul  2
 20:04 hwdep
 -r--r--r--1 root root0 Jul  2
 20:04 oss-devices
 -r--r--r--1 root root0 Jul  2
 20:04 pcm
 dr-xr-xr-x2 root root0 Jul  2
 20:04 seq/
 -r--r--r--1 root root0 Jul  2
 20:04 sndstat
 -r--r--r--1 root root0 Jul  2
 20:04 timers
 -r--r--r--1 root root0 Jul  2
 20:04 version
 [frans@localhost frans]$  cat /proc/asound/version
 Advanced Linux Sound Architecture Driver Version
 Compiled on Apr 15 2001 for kernel 2.4.3-20mdk with
 versioned symbols.
 This is Mandrake 8.0 . It set up the OSS/free
 soundcard drivers for
 me, it worked OK :) 
 Then I switched to ALSA for this install and it also
 works :) 

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[newbie] kppp

2001-05-30 Per discussione Terry C

I tried dialing into my ISP yesterday and was greeted
with, pppd has unexpectedly died. I brought up the
debug window and found that the login would progress
to connected at 115,200, and the bottom of the
window would say starting pppd, and then after s short
period of time the window would pop up telling me that
pppd had died. 
Help! What do I need to look at or do to rectify this
Thanks for your help.


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Re: [newbie] Performance issues with Mandrake 8

2001-05-22 Per discussione Terry C

Please let us know as soon as you have the disk
optimizer available for testing, I'll be happy to test
it for you. I am using and IBM 7200 RPM ATA 100 hard
drive and I'm not getting the performance I should
from it yet.

--- Civileme [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Monday 21 May 2001 08:01, Irv wrote:
  From: Pelle Poluha [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Subject: [newbie] Performance issues with Mandrake
   I'm working as a developer and needs a stable
 environment to develop and
   test deployments in. So I want to switch from
 Windows. I need stability
   at the same time I want speed and a practical UI
 (read GUI). I need a
   file manager, easy  access to OS, an editor,
 browser, email client (the
   usual I guess) and a C++  Java IDE.
  That you'll have  - but not with KDE 2, I'm
  Even people with 1ghz / 256 mb machines have
 reported slowness.
  My 300mhz / 128 meg pc is too slow to be usable,
 but not quite as
  slow as you report - usually KDE takes 30-40
 seconds, and new apps
  or windows 10 - 20 seconds.
  The good news is that KDE 1.x works just fine. Try
 an older version of
  Mandrake or SuSE or RedHat. They're all plenty
   I opted for Mandrake because I've heard a lot of
 good things about it. So
   downloaded 8.0 last week and eagerly installed
 it on my AMD K333 machine
   mb, Riva TNT) on a 2 gig partition. As I've
 followed the development of
   with great interest, I  chose KDE as default
 windows manager (and it has
   But it's really slow. Just loading Mandrake
 takes like 3-4 minutes. Some
   it, I can understand. In the installation
 process, I included lots of
   apps and some of them gets loaded when Mandrake
 starts (like MySql and
   probably some more servers). But that surely
 doesn't account for the
   immensly slow loading of the OS.
   And then I start KDE... It takes another 2-3
 minutes. And using it is
   Loading a simple app might take 10-20 secs and
 everything just crawls. I
   just can't use it. I tried Window Maker instead
 and it worked better. But
   don't want to drop KDE just yet. There must be
 something wrong with the
   configuration. I also tried Gnome but it started
 to look for a trash
   which it didn't find. Although I canceled that
 search, it seemed like it
   continued to search for the folder because the
 hd were working really
   hard all the time and everything worked even
 slower than in KDE.
   There are also some more strange things
   - when I leave the windows manager and come to
 the 'console', I get a
   line typed on the screen all the time: Sending
 ICMP signal...failed (or
   something like that). It effectively stops me
 from working in console
   - it seems like I've lost my internet
 connection. During installation, I
   selected 'DHCP-server' when asked for IP
 address. And I managed to do
   some surfing using Konqueror. But after
 installing Gnome and Window
   Maker, something must have happened to the
   - shutting down or restaring the OS always hangs
 the machine.
   - when I start Windows instead, using the boot
 manager, the initial
   process seems to be slower now than before. It's
 not a big deal because
   it works fine when Windows is loaded but it
 might give a clue to why the
   is so slow when I start Linux.
   Please advice!
   Pelle Poluha
 The speed you perceive will be related to the
 performance of your HDDs more 
 than any other single factor.  I am doing fine with
 a Celeron 366 and a 
 well-tuned disk drive which turns up a read rate of
 I should have a disk optimizer out next week for
 testing.  It will probably 
 make a world of difference.

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[newbie] boot loader problem

2001-05-21 Per discussione Terry C

I have just installed LM 8.0. The biggest problem I
have with it is that I have to boot from a floppy.
After the install I rebooted and ended up with a
kernel panic. After a little research I found out that
I had to enter linux ide=reverse when I boot lilo
from a floppy. OK, easy to fix, just boot up, add the
appropriate info to lilo.conf, and I should be up and
running. Doesn't work that way. I try to run lilo -b
/dev/hda to install it in my MBR and I get the 1024
cylinder error. Shouldn't happen with this version of
lilo. I try to use Drakeboot, select Grub and it
continually tries to use lilo. It won't use Grub, only
lilo. My hardware and the file system may have
something to do with this.
FIC AZ-11 MB, with a Promise ATA 100 controller card.
IBM 16GB ATA 100 hard drive, partitioned 1/2 for
windoze, and 1/2 for Linux, using reiserfs.
Except for not remembering the exact wording of the
error I get when I try to run lilo this pretty well
sums up the situation.
Thanks for the help in getting this resolved.


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Re: [newbie] About GeForce 2 MX

2000-12-14 Per discussione Terry C

It will not be a problem. nVidia's driver works for
their entire range of graphics processors. I also have
an GeForce2 MX card (terrific video card) and it also
is using the XServer for the GeForce 2 DDR. No
problems. If you want to do accelerated 3D in Linux,
such as for games, you will need to get the latest
Linux drivers from nVidia. Someone has also written a
How-to to install these drivers in Mandrake 7.2, the
instructions from nVidia, and the instructions on
linuxnewbie don't work for 7.2. If you look back
through the archives of this list you can probably
find the URL for it. If you can't find it let me know
and I'll try to get the instructions for you.


 I just installed Mandrake 7.2. After the
 installation, I can successfully 
 start Xwin. However, it find my display card as a
 GeForce 2 DDR. Actually, 
 it's a GeForce 2 MX (Hercules 3D Prophet II MX).
 Will this damage my display 
 card and monitor?
 Thank you for your help ^__^

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Re: [newbie] printing in StarOffice (again)

2000-12-13 Per discussione Terry C

I have an Epson 740. Some things have changed since I
posted this message. I did an upgrade to the latest
version of CUPS and I can now print. But all is still
not well. When I print a StarOffice document the lpr
print window comes up, I click on OK, and then the
qtcups window comes up. I again click on OK and the
document will print. The problem here is that after
the document prints another page prints with error
messages and then stops without feeding the page
completely through the printer. I am at work now so I
can't show what is printing out after the print job.
It also only prints in the color setting. I have tried
to have it print in greyscale, but it prints in color
This only happens when printing in Star Office. I can
print from any other application and printing works

--- Till Kamppeter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 What printer do you have? When you print to a file
 by choosing "File"
 and then "Print" and marking the "Print to file"
 check box in the
 printing dialog of Star Office, can you display this
 file with "gv"? Can
 you print the file with "xpp"?
 Terry C wrote:
  I followed the instructions on
  ended up with the following problem:
  From a terminal I ran spadmin and changed the
  print queue to qtcups from lpr in the generic
  driver. I then printed a test page. A page printed
  correctly, then it continued to print and printed
  mulit-colored random characters. It continued to
  this until I turned the printer off. After turning
  printer back on I tried to print again and nothing
  would print. I tried xpp in addition to qtcups.
  Nothing. A printer window will come up and it
  like it should print, but nothing comes out of the
  printer. I tried to go back to lpr, still nothing
  I finally convinced my wife to work with
  instead of Microsoft Office, and now this happens.
  Lets just say that she's not very happy with me
  Thanks for any help you can provide.

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Re: [newbie] printing in StarOffice (again)

2000-12-13 Per discussione Terry C

Now that I'm home; here's the printer error message:

Error /undefined in rce
   %stopped_;ush  --nostringval--  --nostringval--
--nostringval-- fa
lse  1  %stopped_push 1 3 %oparray_pop 1 3
%oparray_pop  .runexec
2 --nostringval-- --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 2
%stopped_push  --nostringval-- --nostringval-- 
Dictionary stack:
   --dict:908/941 (G)--  --dict:0/20(G)-- 
Current allocation mode is local
Current file position is 1091317

Thanks for your help with this.


--- Terry C [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have an Epson 740. Some things have changed since
 posted this message. I did an upgrade to the latest
 version of CUPS and I can now print. But all is
 not well. When I print a StarOffice document the lpr
 print window comes up, I click on OK, and then the
 qtcups window comes up. I again click on OK and the
 document will print. The problem here is that after
 the document prints another page prints with error
 messages and then stops without feeding the page
 completely through the printer. I am at work now so
 can't show what is printing out after the print job.
 It also only prints in the color setting. I have
 to have it print in greyscale, but it prints in
 This only happens when printing in Star Office. I
 print from any other application and printing works
 --- Till Kamppeter [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  What printer do you have? When you print to a file
  by choosing "File"
  and then "Print" and marking the "Print to file"
  check box in the
  printing dialog of Star Office, can you display
  file with "gv"? Can
  you print the file with "xpp"?
  Terry C wrote:
   I followed the instructions on
   ended up with the following problem:
   From a terminal I ran spadmin and changed the
   print queue to qtcups from lpr in the generic
   driver. I then printed a test page. A page
   correctly, then it continued to print and
   mulit-colored random characters. It continued to
   this until I turned the printer off. After
   printer back on I tried to print again and
   would print. I tried xpp in addition to qtcups.
   Nothing. A printer window will come up and it
   like it should print, but nothing comes out of
   printer. I tried to go back to lpr, still
   I finally convinced my wife to work with
   instead of Microsoft Office, and now this
   Lets just say that she's not very happy with me
   Thanks for any help you can provide.
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[newbie] printing in StarOffice (again)

2000-12-07 Per discussione Terry C

I followed the instructions on and
ended up with the following problem:
From a terminal I ran spadmin and changed the default
print queue to qtcups from lpr in the generic printer
driver. I then printed a test page. A page printed
correctly, then it continued to print and printed
mulit-colored random characters. It continued to do
this until I turned the printer off. After turning the
printer back on I tried to print again and nothing
would print. I tried xpp in addition to qtcups.
Nothing. A printer window will come up and it looks
like it should print, but nothing comes out of the
printer. I tried to go back to lpr, still nothing
I finally convinced my wife to work with StarOffice
instead of Microsoft Office, and now this happens. :(
Lets just say that she's not very happy with me right
Thanks for any help you can provide.


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[newbie] promise ultra 100 card and FIC AZ-11

2000-12-07 Per discussione Terry C

My MB, an FIC AZ-11, originally came with just ATA-66
on it. I installed Mandrake 7.2 onto an IBM ATA-100
hard drive. FIC now sells either bundled, or
seperately for those who purchased the MB earlier, the
Promise Ultra 100 card. The difference between the FIC
bundled card and the retail card is the the boot ROM
has been removed from the controller and the boot info
put into the MB BIOS. 
I would like to use this card with my current
installation and I'm wondering if anyone has some
experience with this setup, and what hoops I may have
to jump through to make ATA 100 work with my current
installation. I will reinstall if I have to, but would
rather not.
Thanks for your help.


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Re: [newbie] CUPS challenge

2000-11-08 Per discussione Terry C

Check out


--- -michael- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have an epson stylus scan 2000 printer that I
 would love to have on line 
 while using linux but can't seem to find a driver in
 the CUPS directory that 
 will even make it burp. Anyone out there got an idea
 as to where I could look?

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Re: [newbie] MODEMS

2000-11-08 Per discussione Terry C

Take a look at

--- TiGereYe [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Once somebody posted a web page that listed modems
 and if they are real
 modems or winmodems and if there is any linux
 drivers for them... does
 anybody have it?.
 plus i have a question...if it is a winmodem and
 there is no linux driver

 for it basically rendered useless in linux?

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[newbie] xfree86

2000-11-05 Per discussione Terry C

I may have missed something during install that would
haved solved this but, I wanted to install XFree86
4.01, Linux-Mandrake 7.2 installed XFree86 3.3.6, even
though it also comes with 4.01. What do I need to do
to install  run 4.01? I have a GeForce MX video card
and want to use the new nvidia drivers.


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