[OAUTH-WG] Re: SD-JWT and Unlinkability

2024-09-24 Thread Denis

Hi Kristina,

Today, most people have in mind the Issuer-Holder-Verifier model. Other 
use cases are hypothetic at the moment.

This document includes a privacy considerations section (section 11) and 
the guidance given in that section

about verifier-verifier unlinkability looks appropriate on pages 47 and 48.

You wrote:

   To sum up, I think we could add back into the SD-JWT document a
   sentence saying there are ways
   other than batch issuance to achieve verifier-verifier unlinkability.

Indeed, ZKP such as BBS or BBS+ could be used but the performances of 
such algorithms are rather poor
and their inconvenients are rather important. ZKP should not be 
recommended at this point of time.

Batch issuance of digital credentials is a much more practical solution.

However, one advantage of BBS and BBS+ is their ability to link digital 
credentials issued by different Issuers.
This topic is not currently addressed in the document because the base 
mechanism does not support it.

On September 23, I sent an email to the mailing list with the following 

   How to get the benefits of BBS+, without its drawbacks while using
   conventional cryptography ? (Was SD-JWT and Unlinkability)

This characteristic can be achieved using traditional cryptography *if 
and only if* that cryptography is supported by a specific
Holder hardware/software configuration as well as by specific protocols. 
Such guidance should be added into the Security Considerations section.

On September 18, I sent an email to the mailing list with the following 

   Re: WGLC for SD-JWT

At this time, I got no replies from the editors.


SD-JWT document has a clearly defined scope and one can implement 
“something useful”that is meant to be in scope by reading only SD-JWT 

Also please see my other response about SD-JWT not being meant only 
for issuer-holder-verifier model. There might be usages of SD-JWT 
outside that model that do not need batch issuance. Like, 
theoretically, using sd-JWT as a content of an access token for 
whatever reason.

Once again, “what we can do is to add a text saying more clearly that 
the details of batch issuance are defined elsewhere and what kind of 
details need to be defined in that document”.

On Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 11:10 AM Dick Hardt  wrote:

I understood your point. :)

As a reader, I had no idea I was supposed to look elsewhere for
guidance on either unlinkability, explicit typing, or decoy digests.

My other point is the document should stand on its own and not
require other documents to do something useful.

On Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 10:01 AM Kristina Yasuda

And my point is that SD-JWT document is a wrong place to look
for such actionable language. The intention is not and should
not be to define a stand alone batch issuance protocol in
SD-JWT document.

What we can do is to add a text saying more clearly that the
details of batch issuance are defined elsewhere and what kind
of details need to be defined in that document.


On Tue, Sep 24, 2024 at 9:22 AM Dick Hardt

My feedback is that the current language on batch issuance
is not actionable, and that this document should stand on
its own

If the reader is supposed to take guidance from other
documents, then you should refer to those other documents,
but I would have that in addition to specific guidance.

On Mon, Sep 23, 2024 at 10:03 PM Kristina Yasuda

> there is no guidance on how many to issue, nor how a
holder chooses when to reissue the same ones
> the question about users randomly selecting some to
store and some to reject.

These are great points, however, just like JWT/JWS
specifications do not define how to manage the
lifecycle of those,SD-JWTdocument is not a right place
to discuss them. What you call a "hack" is not meant
to be fully specified in SD-JWT document itself.
Please review documents such as OpenID4VCI to
improve various aspects of batch (re)issuance.

On another note, and not sure this was your original
point, but I can recall that originally, we had a text
in the document that there are other ways to achieve
verifier/verifier unlinkability, other than batch
issuance, mainly using advanced cryptography (aka
ZKPs). Then, upon receiving feedback that such text is
not really actionable or implementable, because it was
not well established how to use ZKP with SD-JWTs, we
removed sentences alluding to the mec

[OAUTH-WG] Array Disclosure (was SD-JWT architecture feedback)

2024-09-23 Thread Denis

Hi Daniel,

Among the five topics, I picked this one:

*Array Disclosure*
Is this really needed? The only example I saw was for multiple 
citizenships. Would the issuer of an SD-JWT that contains a subject's 
citizenship not be the country who they are a citizen of? Why would 
another country be authoritative that the subject is a citizen of 
another country? In the example, it is hard to imagine a 
verifier trusting the US to say someone is a DE citizen, or vice 
versa. The array of age claims in example A.3 does not need the non 
intuitive '...' array mechanism.

Yes, it is needed. First of all, SD-JWT can be used universally, not 
just for credentials. Second, even if used for credentials, there are 
many types of credentials
where there is a use case for disclosing only some array values. Take 
an education credential as an example, where the holder may want to 
disclose only relevant courses

and grades. You'll find more use cases in the examples in the appendix.

A bit besides the point, but in the EU context we do in fact plan for 
credentials attesting other nationalities (and have good reasons to do 
so, here PID credentials derived from the eID card for EU citizens, 
for details).

1) OpenID Connect for Identity Assurance Claims Registration 1.0" issued 
on 9 September 2024 mentions the String array claim "nationalities".

    See: https://openid.net/specs/openid-connect-4-ida-claims-1_0-01.html

    However, this draft will hopefully be published before the OpenID 
Connect document.
    Hence, wouldn't it be beneficial to define the String array claim 
"nationalities" in this IETF document ?
    If it is the case, then the following String array claim should be 
registered in section 13 (IANA Considerations):


2)  Shouldn't this document also define in section 13 (IANA 
Considerations) the following String array claims:

   "age_equal_or_over", and
   "age_under" ?

3) "Section 5.2.6 (Recursive Disclosures) provides the following example:

   "nationalities": ["DE", "FR", "UK"]

This is a nice example. It would be worthwhile to describe how, using 
decoy digests, the Holder can hide the number of nationalities
from an individual,while disclosing, e.g., only two of them. Annex A1 
does not allow to clearly understand the mechanism.

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[OAUTH-WG] How to get the benefits of BBS+, without its drawbacks while using conventional cryptography ? (Was SD-JWT and Unlinkability)

2024-09-23 Thread Denis
Batches of digital credentials prevent collaborating Verifiers to link 
accesses from the same End-User.

However, there is another advantage which would be worthwhile to 
mention: getting the benefits of BBS+ ... without its drawbacks
(poor performances, large key sizes, large memory sizes, high 
computational power required, not "green" and not resistant to quantum 

There exist use cases where claims contained in digital credentials 
issued by different Issuers need to be presented to one Verifier.

Using BBS +, when a Holder requests a digital credential to several 
digital credential issuers, for each request, it uses a different 
blinded link secret
and hence each issued digital credential will contain a different 
blinded link secret. This value does not allow anybody to correlate 
digital credentials

issued by different digital credential issuers for the same Holder.

An important benefit of the use of link secrets is the ability for a 
Holder to demonstrate to a Verifier that credentials issued by different 
digital credential issuers

were indeed issued to the same Holder.

When using the "traditional SD-JWT" model, the Holder generates one key 
pair for each Issuer. In this way, a digital credential issued by the 
Issuer A
cannot be linked between collaborative Verifiers to a digital credential 
issued by the Issuer B. So far, so good.

Now, let us suppose that Issuer A is a government, while Issuer B is a 
University. An End-User would like to demonstrate to a Verifier
that that he lives in California and that he got one diploma (among 
several) from the University.

For that specific use case, the Holder will generate one new key pair 
and use the same private key to request a digital credential from each 
The two issued digital credentials will contain the same public key and, 
using the corresponding private key, the Holder will be able to demonstrate
to one Verifier that the two presentations of the digital credentials 
originate from the same Holder.

Since that key pair will only be used once towards a single Verifier, a 
linkage between different collaborative Verifiers using the framing of 
the claims is not possible.

This means that you can have your cake and it eat !

Obviously, this means that the key pair SHALL be generated by a TA 
running in a TEE that is part of the Holder (application).
Both Issuers and Verifiers MUST be able to know these characteristics. 
See one of my earlier comments:

   The key pair SHALL be generated by a secure cryptographic
   application that is part of the Holder and the characteristics
   of that application SHALL be included in SD-JWT using the claim
   "scac" (secure cryptographic application characteristics).

Section 5.1.2 (Key Binding) currently states:

   It is out of the scope of this document to describe how the Holder 
key pair is established.

This section should be reconsidered and rewritten.


I understand it has become the accepted approach. It still comes 
across as a hack, and there is no guidance on how many to issue, nor 
how a holder chooses when to reissue the same ones.

I'm amused by the decision to use implicit typing in a disclosure to 
save a few bytes, but we will send dozens of credentials to minimize 
the chance of linking :)

On Sat, Sep 21, 2024 at 4:29 PM Daniel Fett  wrote:

Hi Dick,

Batch credential (not claims) issuing has become the default
approach to circumvent the inherent limitations of
salted-hash-based credentials formats. This was neither invented
by us, nor is it unreasonable to ask implementers to do it.
Protocols such as OpenID4VCI support it.


Am 21.09.24 um 06:42 schrieb Dick Hardt:

Is it really going to be practical to batch issue claims, and
have the holder randomly choose between them on presentation?

As an implementer, what is the right number of claims to be in a

This section of the draft reads as a hack to add a new capability
(unlinkability) to a mechanism that did not have that as a design

This is going to be like the "alg":"null" for SD-JWT. :-)

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2024-09-20 Thread Denis

*About disclosures for Array Elements versus disclosures of name/value pair*

1) The draft of Annex - Ares(2024)5786783 "laying down rules for the 
application of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014
of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards person 
identification data and electronic attestations
of attributes issued to European Digital Identity Wallets" identifies on 
page 1 in Table 1: Mandatory attributes, the following attribute:

*Attribute identifier*



*Encoding format*


One or more Alpha-2 country codes as specified in ISO 3166-1, 
representing the nationality of the person identification data user.



 Section 5.2.6 from draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt-12 
(Recursive Disclosures) describes an example
which is much better than the current**Mandatory attribute "nationality" 
described in the draft of Annex - Ares(2024)5786783.

*When the *End-User* has multiple nationalities, the issuer may wish to
conceal the presence of any statement regarding nationalities while
also allowing the holder to reveal each of those nationalities
individually.This can be accomplished by first making the entries
within the "nationalities" array selectively disclosable, and then
making the whole "nationalities" field selectively disclosable.
The structure from section 5.26 should be recommended as a replacement.
Maybe such a recommendation has already been done to the EC. If it is 
not the case, this should be done.

2) In the same way, the draft of Annex - Ares(2024)5786783 "laying down 
rules for the application of Regulation (EU) No 910/2014
of the European Parliament and of the Council as regards person 
identification data and electronic attestations
of attributes issued to European Digital Identity Wallets" identifies on 
page 3 in Table 2: Optional attributes, the following two attributes:

Attribute identifier



Encoding format


Confirming whether the person identification data user is currently an 
adult (true) or a minor (false)




Confirming whether the person identification data user is currently over 
13 years of age (false)



Some countries have additional needs for "age_over_15," and "age_over_25"
as well as for age_under_25 (for social networks).

Some organizations have needs for "age_over_60" and "age_over_65".

Rather than defining new attributes names each time there will be a new 
the approach used for nationality (i.e. "nationalities") should be 

This leads to define two fields:

 - "age_over", and
 - "age_under".

The issuer may wish to make the whole "age_over" and/or "age_under" 
field selectively disclosable and allow the holder to make
the entries within the "age_over" and/or "age_under" array selectively 
disclosable. Such an example should be added into the draft.

Maybe such a recommendation has already been done to the EC. If it is 
not the case, this should be done.

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2024-09-17 Thread Denis
 must be
aware of these potential power dynamics, mitigate them as much as
possible, and/or make the risks transparent to the End-User.

A name should be given to that characteristic, for example:

*Issuer/Verifier Unlinkability (Verifier constrained by a national 

The text quoted above should be rearranged to described it.

11.3.Confidentiality during Transport

Change into:

11.3.Confidentiality and integrity during Transport

In the following text, change "confidentiality" into "integrity and 





As per the discussion in Vancouver, this is a WG Last Call for the 
*SD-JWT *document.


Please, review this document and reply on the mailing list if you have 
any comments or concerns, by *Sep 17th*.

  Rifaat & Hannes

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[OAUTH-WG] Re: Review of draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt-10

2024-08-14 Thread Denis

Hi Kristina,

I concur with Mike: the language needs to be adjusted .



The usage of “Holder” in “used a number of times by the user
(the "Holder" of the JWT)” inconsistent with its usage in the
definitions, which defines “Holder” as being “an entity”.  The
usage here in the introduction makes the holder into a person
rather than an entity.  Please adjust the language here to not
confuse the user who utilizes the holder with the holder itself.*

*-> Holder is defined as an entity and a person can be considered an 
entity. We also have a phrase "the user (the "Holder" of the JWT)" in 
the introduction. Hence the editors consider the current wording to be 

The following definition is confusing:

   Holder: An entity that received SD-JWTs from the Issuer and has
   control over them.

Is this "entity" a human being or an application ? It can't be both.

It is important to make the difference between an individual (the 
holder) and an "holder application" (e.g., a digital identity wallet).

About Key Binding:

   Key Binding: Ability of the Holder to prove legitimate possession of
   an SD-JWT by proving control over a private key during the

An application under the control of a Holder can do it, but an 
individual is unable to perform the necessary cryptographic computations 
to prove it.

For example, in Figure 1: SD-JWT Issuance and Presentation Flow, 
"Holder" should be changed into "Holder application".

Two terms should be defined and used: "Holder" and "Holder application". 
The two following definitions are proposed as a start:

   Holder: individual that has the control over an Holder application

   Holder application: application able to receive SD-JWTs from an
   Issuer and to process them

The introduction states:

   However, while both JWT and SD-JWT have potential OAuth 2.0
   applications, their utility and application is certainly not
   constrained to OAuth 2.0.

Outside the context of the OAuth 2.0 Framework, *collusion attacks* 
between individuals will need to be considered, and
the Holder application will need to be a TA (Trusted Application) 
running in a TEE (Trusted Execution environment).
Unfortunately, the acronyms TA (Trusted Application) and TEE (Trusted 
Execution environment) appear nowhere in the document

whereas they should appear in section 10.  "Security Considerations".

When requesting a digital credential to an Issuer (which is *not* the 
topic of this document), it is the Holder application that generates key 
before sending a public key to the Issuer in its credential request. The 
Holder application will need to demonstrate to the Issuer that the key pair
has indeed been generated by a TA. An individual does not generate key 

However, it is the individual (the person soon-to-become a Holder) that 
instructs his digital identity wallet to request digital credentials to 
an Issuer.

As the vocabulary is going to be used in other contexts / documents, it 
is important to make the difference between a "Holder" and a "Holder 


Thank you very much, Mike.

Majority of your comments have been incorporated in this PR 
which has been merged.
Below, in bold, please find explanations for the points that have not 
been reflected.

We appreciate your review.


On Mon, Aug 5, 2024 at 8:11 PM Brian Campbell 

Thanks Mike! The detailed review is appreciated. The document
authors will work on addressing and/or responding to the comments.
As you are no doubt aware, doing so can take some time, so in the
meantime I wanted to send this quick note of acknowledgement and

On Sun, Aug 4, 2024 at 9:56 PM Michael Jones

I read

in its entirety, resulting in these suggestions. Some are for
readability.  Some are for consistency with related
specifications, including JWT.  Some are for security and
correctness.  The most important comments, including those
addressing correctness issues, are in red.



The usage of “Holder” in “used a number of times by the user

[OAUTH-WG] Re: One-time confirmation tokens

2024-06-14 Thread Denis

Hi Dmitry,

You have described a scheme with built-in "spy by design" opportunities, 
where the AS will be in a position to play the role of "Big Brother".
If you follow a "privacy by design" approach, you will end up with a 
different architecture.

“If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to see every problem as 
a nail.”

OAuth should not be considered to be the only tool.

3D Secure is a way to address payment / money transfers in a 
privacy-preserving fashion.

FYI, the SPICE WG has been created yesterday. A privacy-preserving 
architecture using digital credentials will be developed there.


Let's take the following (very common) scenario:
* A user logs into the system;
* They request an operation that might require additional confirmation 
from the user, at the system's discretion. The most common example 
would be payment / money transfer, but could also be generating a 
statement or showing card details or any other sensitive operation;
* The user is then directed to the AS where they are displayed 
operation details, optionally pass additional authentication and 
confirm the operation;
* The AS issues a one-time credential (let's call it "confirmation 
token") that can be used to perform that particular operation only;

* Finally, the user performs the operation.

Is this case completely covered by the current standards? I believe it 
is not, and here are my points:
1. "Confirmation token" looks very different from access token with 
regards to its contents, purpose, scope, lifetime and lifecycle. I 
think it should complement the access token rather than replace it, 
even temporarily. This is why I believe this case is not covered by 
Step Up, where the access token is replaced;
  1a. Step Up assumes upgrading the session's ACR; in the 
"confirmation" scenario, ACR could remain unchanged;
2. No standard way for the RS to signal to the client that the 
requested operation requires confirmation. That could optionally 
include server-supplied nonce (similar to DPoP) to help enforce 
"confirmation token"'s shorter lifetime and one-time use, but it is 
not clear how to communicate that to the client;
3. No standard way for the client to request one-time "confirmation 
token" from the AS;
4. No standard way for the AS to indicate that the returned token is 
actually "confirmation token" and not a Bearer token;
5. No standard way for the RS to tell that the incoming token is 
actually a "confirmation token" and requires special handling 
(one-time use, checking against operation parameters etc.)
6. On a plus side, RAR can be used to communicate operation details to 
the AS while initiating "confirmation".

3-5 could be probably done with a combination of scopes + RAR. What 
concerns me most is the lack of complementary token semantics (1) and 
inability for the RS to signal the confirmation requirement to the 
client (2), which could include operation details and nonce.

Please correct me if I'm missing something and we have enough coverage 
by the standards. But if we don't, would the WG welcome such a document?

Dmitry Telegin
Backbase / Keycloak

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[OAUTH-WG] Re: [ID-align] Re: Fwd: Internet Terminology Glossary

2024-06-13 Thread Denis

Hi Rifaat,

FYI, I copy and paste a part of a message I sent to saag on 14/03/2024.

   *Every RFC shall include a "Terms and definitions" section for the
   vocabulary that it uses*

 This topic is rather for the IESG, but could be reported to
   the IESG by the SEC ADs.

 Every ISO standard must include a Clause 3 that defines the
   terms and the definitions that are used.
 This has a merit: different ISO standards can use the same
   terms with a different meaning when necessary.
 ISO provides a (free) nice tool to find ALL the definitions of
   a term in ALL the /published /ISO documents: https://www.iso.org/obp/ui
 This is a great help when there is the need to define a new
   term, and in some cases to avoid to reinvent the wheel.
 Note: within ISO, a definition is a single sentence and no more.

 Currently, the IETF does not mandate RFCs to include a "Terms
   and definitions" section. This should evolve.

 On the long term, it would be nice to have a resource like:


I think we are in agreement here.
I did not mean for "dynamic" to be interpreted as the term might 
change after it was defined.
I will try to avoid using the term "dynamic" to avoid any future 


On Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 3:10 PM Michael Richardson 
mailto:mcr%2bi...@sandelman.ca>> wrote:

Rifaat Shekh-Yusef  wrote:
    > That's where we started, but that was deemed problematic
because that
    > document was produced as an Independent Submission Stream,
which is
    > outside of the IETF process.  Also, the RFC is a static
document, while
    > what we are proposing is a living and dynamic document.

I think that we can update/replace 4949.  The fact that it came
through ISE
doesn't matter: we can produce a new document.

While I agree that we need a living document which is easy to
extend and
amend, I don't actually think we want "dynamic".  Having the
definition of
terms change from under the users of the term is a problem.

So I am in agreement that a git backed wiki is a good way to build a
terminology, I think that the contents should be fixed
periodically so that
it can be stably referenced.  That doesn't mean it has to be an
RFC; many
wiki have the ability to reference a term at a specific date.

ps: thank you for championing this, it's way overdue.

Michael Richardson mailto:mcr%2bi...@sandelman.ca>>   . o O ( IPv6 IøT consulting )
           Sandelman Software Works Inc, Ottawa and Worldwide

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[OAUTH-WG] Re: [ID-align] Re: Fwd: Internet Terminology Glossary

2024-06-13 Thread Denis
Some comments on the glossary 


   "This is a living document ..."

It should rather be a querying tool.

   "This is a living document that captures how key terms are used in
   IETF and other SDO documents."

"used in IETF" might be enough. ISO, as a SDO, is already well equipped.

I agree with: "The goal of this glossary is to increase the awareness of 
the different definitions of a term".

However unfortunately, "definitions" in RFCs are not really 
"definitions" as they look more like a lot of explanations. See RFC 6749 
§1.4 <https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc6749#section-1.4>

"Access token" is the first example of the list and its "definition" 
spans over 12 lines of text.

On the contrary, the ISO OBP has 6 definitions for an "access token", 
where each definition is only one line long.

Some more guidance should be given by the RFC editor for the edition of 
future IDs and RFCs.

The two following sentences seem to be contradictory:

   The glossary will contain: terms and definitions used in finalized
   documents; and references to new terms and definitions being
   proposed in draft documents.

   New definitions for existing terms, or new terms being used in draft
   documents will not be published in the Glossary until the document
   has been finalized.


Adding the id-align list to the thread.

The *draft* proposal is talking about a *live* document, with some 
ideas borrowed from the IANA registry process.
We are sharing this here to get the community's thoughts on this, so 
we would together come up with a proper process for such a document.


On Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 4:12 PM Carsten Bormann  wrote:

On 2024-06-13, at 22:02, Dick Hardt  wrote:
> ISO has its processes and IETF has its processes


We don’t have a process for living documents.

(We do have processes for IANA registries, which could be misused
here.  Maybe that is actually what you are trying to do here.  I’d
love to be Designated Expert on that registry :-)

Grüße, Carsten

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[OAUTH-WG] Re: [ID-align] Re: Fwd: Internet Terminology Glossary

2024-06-13 Thread Denis

Hi Dick,

Living document is the right term.

A living *database* would be the right term.


Note also that within ISO there is NOT a single definition for each term.
As an example, there are *81* results for the term "credential".

Each ISO document is free to use its own terms ... as long as they are 
clearly defined in a Clause numbered 3.

Note also that you may get the three first clauses of any /published 
/ISO document *for free* from https://www.iso.org/obp/ui

by querying this URL using its ISO number or parts of its title.

Then the most interesting clause is Clause 2 that describes the scope of 
the document, followed by Clause 3 that includes the terminology.

Recently ISO changed its editing rules asking to make the scope as short 
as possible and hence each of its words should be carefully chosen.
The major advantage is to make the scope of the document clearly 


A key objective is that the glossary is a collection of definitions 
that were made in other documents. Terms can only be added to the 
glossary if they have an existing definition.

This (hopefully) prevents the glossary work from becoming a 
bikeshedding activity.

On Thu, Jun 13, 2024 at 12:10 PM Michael Richardson 
mailto:mcr%2bi...@sandelman.ca>> wrote:

Rifaat Shekh-Yusef  wrote:
    > That's where we started, but that was deemed problematic
because that
    > document was produced as an Independent Submission Stream,
which is
    > outside of the IETF process.  Also, the RFC is a static
document, while
    > what we are proposing is a living and dynamic document.

I think that we can update/replace 4949.  The fact that it came
through ISE
doesn't matter: we can produce a new document.

While I agree that we need a living document which is easy to
extend and
amend, I don't actually think we want "dynamic".  Having the
definition of
terms change from under the users of the term is a problem.

So I am in agreement that a git backed wiki is a good way to build a
terminology, I think that the contents should be fixed
periodically so that
it can be stably referenced.  That doesn't mean it has to be an
RFC; many
wiki have the ability to reference a term at a specific date.

ps: thank you for championing this, it's way overdue.

Michael Richardson mailto:mcr%2bi...@sandelman.ca>>   . o O ( IPv6 IøT consulting )
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[OAUTH-WG] Re: [SPICE] Re: OAuth Digital Credential Status Attestations

2024-06-12 Thread Denis

Hi Giuseppe,

Thank you for your response that was sent rather early today.  :-)

This draft might be paving the way for *a* solution that might be 
adopted for the EUIDW
... or even paving the way for *THE* solution that will be adopted for 
the EUIDW.

The solution proposed in the draft is purely technically based and 
cannot be considered

to be the most effective way to address the /concerns of the end-users/.

As this topic might be progressed within the SPICE WG (if it is formed), 
it could be considered
as a narrowed field of vision with short-term benefits without 
considering the whole picture.

You have not commented the section 6) that proposes a different approach 
taking into consideration the whole ecosystem that, anyway,
will be necessary to consider to support TAs providers, secure OS 
providers, Rich OS providers and TEE providers.

The security of a chain is composed of the security of each of the 
elements of a chain. Without a TA (and the other components
that need to be present to support it), many kind of security problems 
cannot be correctly solved.

I have indicated why the mechanism I propose has several major 
advantages /for the end-users, /over the use of Digital Credential 
Status Attestations.
In particular, it allows to *suspend* at once all the credentials 
contained in a wallet instead of *revoking* them one-by-one.

Now, let us switch to a vocabulary problem. The definition of a holder 
in the W3C Verifiable Credentials Data Model is the following:

   A role an entity might perform by possessing one or more verifiable
   credentials and generating verifiable presentations from them.
   Example holders include students, employees, and customers.

While the definition is roughly correct, the examples are incorrect. The 
first key word is "role" while the second key word is "generating".
It is impossible for a human being to *generate* a verifiable 
presentation because the processing power and the memory size of a human 
is insufficient. Hence a holder cannot be a student, an employee or a 

In the same way, taking the OpenID definition which is:

   An entity that receives Verifiable Credentials and has control over
   them to present them to the Verifiers as Verifiable Presentations.

it is impossible for a human being to *present* a verifiable 
presentation because the processing power and the memory size of a human 
brain is insufficient.

A solution to this problem would be to use two different terms: Holder 
Application and Holder.

   *Holder application*
   A role an application might support when controlling the use of one
   or more Digital Credentials and generating Digital Presentations
   from them.

   An entity that has the control of a Holder Application. Examples
   include citizens, students, employees or customers.

Note: I am reusing the terms from the SPICE charter, i.e., "Digital 
Credentials" and "Digital Presentations", instead of the terms used by W3C

 "Verifiable Credentials" and "Verifiable Presentations".


Ciao Denis,

thank you for the time spent in reading and writing, I see several 
points that express an enormous gratitude from me for your contribution.

I add my feedbacks below.

Il giorno mar 11 giu 2024 alle ore 18:12 Denis  ha 

The text of the email states:

"there are several use cases for revocations, each of which is
addressed, either wholly or partially, in these specifications".

While there are indeed several use cases for revocations, I don't
believe that each of them can be addressed
either wholly or partially in these specifications /to the best
interest of the end-users/.

Yes, we're still on it. The sin I see is that we have started first 
with technical solutions and specifications before having a clear view 
about the legal and privacy requirements.
Something that we're still picking along the road. Regarding the 
technical limitations of the current technologies: today I cannot get 
more than this.

*1) In section 3, a Holder is defined as* :

Holder: An entity that receives Verifiable Credentials and has
control over them to present them to the Verifiers as
Verifiable Presentations.

This definition is ambiguous as it may be understood to be a
human-being (and it is the case later on ...) .
The word "entity" should be changed into "application".

I remember an (hilarius) conversation made with Daniel Fett in Rome, 
during the OSW, about the question mark <>.
Who is the Holder of the milk the user bought in the market: The 
fridge in the house or the user that owns the fridge?

Despite the hilarious, but still philosofical, question, the 
definition of holder was taken from the openid specs 

[OAUTH-WG] Re: [SPICE] Re: OAuth Digital Credential Status Attestations

2024-06-11 Thread Denis
less the network is unprotected,
but it is assumed that TLS is being used. What is the problem for 
correlating "actions" taken by a Verifier ? This sentence would need to 
be reconsidered.

However, "unlinkability between Verifiers" usually means unlinkability 
between *colluding* Verifiers that shall not be able to know that a same 

made an access to a protected resource.

Using SD-JWT, such property can be supported if a SD-JWT are used only 
once. This should be mentioned in this section.

*6) An alternative method for the demonstration of the validity status 
of a digital credential*

This alternative method has been constructed considering all the 
components of the ecosystem and in particular the wallet,
as well as all the phases prior to the placement of one or more 
credential in a wallet.

A Holder SHALL NOT be an application executed in an insecure environment.

The typical use case is an application executed by a Trusted OS which is 
supported by a TEE (Trusted Execution Environment).

Asking one-by-one for the revocation of credentials takes time and is 
not "user friendly".

Instead of using the Status Assertion mechanism to revoke a credential 
placed in a wallet, it is possible to suspend either
the use of one credential placed in a wallet or, much better, *to 
suspend at once the use **of all the credentials placed in a wallet*.

In case of a panic, it is much better to first *suspend* all the 
credentials placed in a wallet and then to think more about what to do.
If, later on, the wallet is found again, then all the credentials placed 
in the wallet can immediately be reactivated at the same time.

The Status Assertion mechanism is unable to accomplish this performance.

Two cases need to be considered:

 * the wallet is used in an online environment where the Verifier is
   accessed by the Holder using the Internet, or
 * the wallet is used in a local environment where it is not connected
   to the Internet.

In the first case, this alternative method prevents the use of the 
wallet in the *few seconds* following the demand from the individual
to suspend the use of the wallet. The Status Assertion mechanism is 
unable to accomplish this performance.

In the second case, the wallet can continue to be used during a lapse of 
time of approximately 24 hours ... unless a connection of the wallet to 
the Internet happens.
If no connection to the Internet happens during 24 hours then the 
performance will be identical to the case of the Status Assertion 
mechanism but if a connection occurs

the performance will be much better.

In terms of security as well as in terms of ease of use for the 
individuals, this approach is superior to the Status Assertion mechanism.

The "magic" of this alternative mechanism is rather simple. While many 
variations of it are possible the goal of this email

is not to make a detailed description of them.

However, the idea is the following:

   1) When the smart phone connects to the Internet, at any time, the
   provider of the TEE can inform the Holder (application)
    that it shall suspend the use of all the credentials. Later on,
   the provider of the TEEcan inform the Holder (application)
    that it shall delete the credentials.

   2) As long as the smart phone is NOT connected to the Internet, the
   Holder (application) shall only allow the use of the credentials
   during 24 hours.

This method does not require the use of any structure like a Status 
Assertion but requires the development of a protocol between the Holder 
(application) and the provider of the TEE.

Finally, this method offers the major advantage of allowing the 
development of Trusted Holder applications that *can be resistant to 
collaborative attacks between individuals*,

in particular when a selective disclosure of claims is being used.


Hello Everybody,

OAuth Status Assertions replaces OAuth Status Attestations and it is 
published here:


Therefore here its html preview: 

Compared to the previous draft, the change in the draft name reflects 
the feedback received on the mailing list, for which I am very grateful.
The work continues and tomorrow there will be an engaging discussion 
about the new drafts concerning revocations, including status assertions,
status lists, and OAuth global token revocation, during the OAuth 
interim meeting.

From my understanding, there are several use cases for revocations, 
each of which is addressed, either wholly or partially, in these 
It makes sense to think that different specifications satisfy 
different use cases, it is important to understand in which cases 
which technologies are ideal.

It appears that we have reached this understanding. Or, at least I 
hope so.

For any additional feed

[OAUTH-WG] Re: [lamps] Revocation and OAuth

2024-05-16 Thread Denis

Hi Rifaat and Hannes,

When are you going to post the URL to be used for the OAuth WG Virtual 

- Revocation Drafts @ Tue Jun 11, 2024 12 pm - 1pm (EDT) ?

The title of Hannes "Hot presentation" was : "Can we improve 
certificate/JWT/CWT revocation?

The last slide mentions :

   Your experience is needed!

   • Is this a useful concept [i.e., Status Lists ] ?
   • If it is useful for JWTs/CWTs, should it be applied to X.509
   certificates as well?
   • Is there room for improvement?

  Come to the OAuth WG and tell us!

I already answered to these kinds of questions to the OAuth WG on 

I posted both to the OAuth mailing list and to the SPICE mailing list a 
message under the topic "SPICE Revocation"


Note that the approach I am proposing is *only applicable when digital 
identity wallets are being used*.
In other words, it only applies to the three roles model: Issuer, 
Holder, Verifier.

This approach originates from a "/privacy and security by design/" 
construction, where *all the components of the ecosystem* are being 
At each PDCA rotation, a privacy principle is being considered so that 
at the next rotation of the PDCA wheel, one or more security solutions
can be added to address it ... as well as additional components when 

The approach I am proposing is applicable whatever kind of "token" is 
being used, as long as a digital credential has been issued by an issuer
and a digital proof derived from that digital credential has been 
locally constructed by a holder (application).

Hence, this approach is independent from the encoding of the digital 
proof. The token can be JSON or CBOR encoded or, why not, ASN.1/DER 

To summarize :

    Is the Status Lists a useful concept ? My answer is : no.
    Should it be applied to X.509 certificates as well? My answer is : no.
    Is there room for improvement? My answer is : yes, indeed. It is 
possible to get rid of Status Lists and to use a different approach.


Note: I have not subscribed to the lamps mailing list.

Adding the OAuth WG to this thread.


On Wed, May 15, 2024 at 7:52 AM Carl Wallace 

Here're a few questions/comments from a first read of
draft-ietf-oauth-status-list. Overall, the approach looks good to me.

 Should at least one of ttl and exp be required? Why is ttl not
listed for CBOR? Are both mechanisms needed?

 It mahy be worth including some words on using the uri field to
partition status lists based on token lifetime so status lists
don't linger. The uri field is similar to partitioning using the
IDP/CDP mechanism in CRLs, so any partitioning scheme could work,
but mentioning the concept may be helpful.

 Should there be a POST option for requesting a status list that
provides for freshness via a nonce? If so, does this cause a need
for delegation so a token signing key need not be online (i.e.,
maybe some identifier in the status claim in the referenced
token)? This would make GET requests analogous to partitioned CRLs
and POST requests analogous to OCSP with a nonce, with the extra
benefit that both use the same format.

 The mechanism is simple, which is good, but the lack of a time
value corresponding to revocation time may limit applicability. If
JWTs/CWTs replace certificates where signature validation is well
after generation, is a revocation mechanism needed that supports
similar support for grace periods, verification relative to times
in the past, etc? It may be worth noting cases where this
mechanism may not be a good fit for such use cases even if not
addressing. A POST request that accepted a time value may serve
this purpose with no change to the status list definition, i.e.,
just return the response relative to the requested time instead of

*From: *Spasm  on behalf of "Tschofenig,
*Date: *Friday, May 3, 2024 at 3:28 AM
*To: *"sp...@ietf.org" 
*Cc: *Rifaat Shekh-Yusef 
*Subject: *[lamps] Revocation and OAuth

Hi all,

 At the last two IETF meetings I mentioned that the OAuth working
group is looking into various “token” revocation mechanisms and
there is a strong similarity with the work done in the PKIX
environment. See also my HotRFC presentation at IETF118: Can we
improve certificate/JWT/CWT revocation? (ietf.org)


 Rifaat and I want to make sure that we take the experience from
LAMPS into account. Hence, we have scheduled a dedicated interim
meeting on the topic of revocation, see

[OAUTH-WG] Invitation: OAuth WG Virtual Interim - Revocation

Re: [OAUTH-WG] [SPICE] SPICE Revocation

2024-04-06 Thread Denis

Hi Tom,

Apparently, you missed several points. Revoking driving privileges, like 
mDL credentials, revoke the mDL credentials as a whole.
This does not "cancel the person". This does not violate "the 
fundamental rights of human beings".

Revocation can be requested by the individual himself, e.g., because his 
wallet has been lost or worse stolen. There is no "discrimination".


There is a huge hole here. Revocation of (for example) driving 
privileges should not impact the use of the cred for other purposes. 
The revocation idea can lead to cancelation of the person. Some that 
violates the fundamental rights of human beings. Revocation is 
basically discrimination.

thx ..Tom (mobile)

On Fri, Mar 29, 2024, 2:50 AM Denis  wrote:

This thread is related to the three roles model, i.e, Holder,
Issuer and Verifier.
However, I also copy this email to the OAuth WG, since it is
currently developing draft-ietf-oauth-status-list.

Thanks to Orie for providing the second link:


What first follows a copy/paste of some parts of the "Architecture
Proposal for the German eIDAS Implementation". Then after, my
observations follow.

Various use cases and scenarios may require revocation:

  * the PID/(Q)EAA Provider wants to revoke its issued
credential because the contained data is no longer valid
  * the Wallet Provider wants to revoke a Wallet Instance
because Wallet Security Cryptographic Device (WSCD)
or the Wallet Instance application is compromised or
  * the user wants to revoke their Wallet Instance because
they lost their smartphone
  * the user wants to revoke their PID
  * the PID Provider wants to revoke a PID because the person
has died

To enable revocation within the EUDI Wallet ecosystem, the
following mechanisms for revocation are considered:

(a) Certificate Revocation Lists
(b) Status Lists
(c) Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP)
(d) OCSP stapling

*My observations:*

For case (a): "CRLs have seen some scalability limitations in
the Browser TLS context, and
it remains open to evaluate if CRL sizes remain manageable
within the eIDAS ecosystem".

For case (b): "it remains open to evaluate if this is
sufficient for the eIDAS ecosystem".

For case (c): "Therefore, usage of OSCP is /not/ recommended".

For case (d): "a proposal applying the concepts to the PID
credential formats is under development

[i.e., draft-demarco-oauth-status-attestations-00]
the concept has the privacy potential as the Relying Party
does not fetch the revocation information itself".

draft-demarco-oauth-status-attestations-00 looks interesting.

Presently, this draft does not include a privacy considerations
section. It is thus questionable whether it is able to support the
unlinkability property
[it cannot be distinguished whether two transactions are related
to the same user or not].

Some nice characteristics are :

  * "the Relying Party does not fetch the revocation information
  * "both the wallet and the verifier work without internet
connectivity during the presentation phase".

But what about a mechanism where, in addition, the holder does not
fetch the revocation information itself ?
Yes, neither the holder, nor the verifier, fetch itself any
revocation information.

Is it "mission impossible"? No, it isn't.

A Wallet Provider is in a position to suspend (i.e., which is
equivalent to a temporary revocation) any digital credential
placed in a Wallet Instance.
It is also in a position to invalidate the use of a Wallet
Instance or to remove any digital credential placed in a Wallet
Instance (which is equivalent
to a definitive revocation).

A Wallet instance is THE Holder, i.e., an application that needs
to be a Trusted Application (TA) running in a TEE. Every time the
holder (application)
is online, it can transparently connect to the Wallet Provider. If
instructed by a Credential Issuer, aWallet Provider can suspend
any digital credential
issued by that Credential Issuer.

The digital credentials placed in a Wallet Instance will only be
usable if the Wallet Instance has been online during, e.g., the
last 24 or 36 hours.

From a holder point of view (or a Wallet Instance point of view

Re: [OAUTH-WG] [SPICE] SPICE Revocation

2024-03-29 Thread Denis
mate individual.
With this flexibility, the individual will no more necessarily ask for 
an immediate revocation which has sad consequences in terms of availability.
The suspension state allows to recover the use of the wallet, e.g., 
within the same day.  Whereas an individual was afraid of the consequences
of the revocation, he will not be afraid of the consequences of a 
(temporary) suspension. This allows to reduce the risks and hence to 

the security level.

eIDAS 2.0 does not currently allow the suspension state. Once, that 
approach will be known, maybe the eIDAS.2.0 draft will be modified.

It is only a draft at this moment.


Orie - this is great work. I definitely think that scoping out how 
this approach could be used with SD-CWT could be an important part of 
documenting the architecture.

Mike Prorock

On Thu, Mar 28, 2024 at 12:53 PM Orie Steele 


At IETF 119 OAUTH session, I shared some alternative solutions to
the "dynamic credential state" or "suspension and revocation
problem", in digital credentials.


This approach offers some advantages and disadvantages over status
lists / CRL type dynamic state mechanisms that need to be fetched
over a network by relying parties, or fetched by holders and
presented alongside the credentials they monitor.

The primary improvements are:

1. Reduce implementer burden for relying parties, many of which
might be forbidden from calling out to networks.
2. Eliminate the bitstring status list, which can include decoy /
dummy values that can be used to track relying parties, or that
communicate or update state for credentials which are not
relevant to the transaction.

There is some interesting commentary on this approach here:


Which you might all find interesting.

As a general comment, CRLs and OCSP can both address revocation
use cases and approaches in JOSE and COSE, and applications of
this approach to SD-CWT or SCITT Receipts are particularly
interesting to consider.




ORIE STEELEChief Technology Officerwww.transmute.industries


SPICE mailing list


OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] SD-JWT, related work

2024-02-14 Thread Denis

Hi Nikos,

You can take a look at:




I am doing some research about work related to SD-JWT. I found this 
old paper, which presents a solution similar to the SD-JWT disclosures

Ron Steinfeld et al. "Content Extraction Signatures", 2001 

May be its formalizations and theorems are useful to this group.

I would appreciate pointers to any other related effort in similar 


OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] About: "Rewrite unlinkability considerations" #354

2024-02-09 Thread Denis

Hi Brian,

The word "*Untrackability"***is not currently present. In other words, 
it refers to the ability for an Issuer to act as *Big Brother*.

This word allows to make immediately a difference between concerns that 
apply to Issuers *(**Untrackability)***

and different concerns that apply to Verifiers*(**Unlinkability)*.

Furthermore, the proposed text highlights the fact that *linkability 
*can happen either:

 * because of a collusion between verifiers, or
 * because a verifier publicly disclosed some digital presentations or
   some of their content, or
 * because there was an unintentional leak of digital presentations or
   some of their content, due to a security incident.


I'm not sure what the issue is but it appears commenting on the pull 
request is possible because your comment shows up (twice even).

That said, I believe the sentiment of your suggestions here are 
already in the content of the PR but just organized/expressed somewhat 
differently (in a style more natural to the author).

On Fri, Feb 9, 2024 at 2:43 AM Denis  wrote:


Since this pull request is blocked, I could not post a comment.

Instead of one section about "Unlinkability" (12.4), there should
be two sections:

    "*Unlinkability between Verifiers*" means that :

    1) if two Verifiers are colluding, they should not be able
to know whether two different presentations are presented by the
same user.

    2) If a presentation,presented to a Verifier, is
voluntarily publicly revealed at the initiative of that Verifier
or is involuntarily revealed
    after a data breach that happened to that Verifier,
other Verifiers should not be able to know that different
presentations were presented
    by the same user.

"*Untrackability byan **Issuer*" means that an Issuer should
not be able to know to which Verifier a digital presentation will be
  or has been presented by a user.

    Note:In this case, there is no need to have a collusion
    between an Issuer and a Verifier.


OAuth mailing list

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OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] About: "Rewrite unlinkability considerations" #354

2024-02-09 Thread Denis


Since this pull request is blocked, I could not post a comment.

Instead of one section about "Unlinkability" (12.4), there should be two 

    "*Unlinkability between Verifiers*" means that :

    1) if two Verifiers are colluding, they should not be able to 
know whether two different presentations are presented by the same user.

    2) If a presentation,presented to a Verifier, is voluntarily 
publicly revealed at the initiative of that Verifier or is involuntarily 
    after a data breach that happened to that Verifier, other 
Verifiers should not be able to know that different presentations were 

    by the same user.

"*Untrackability byan **Issuer*" means that an Issuer should not be 
able to know to which Verifier a digital presentation will be

  or has been presented by a user.

    Note:In this case, there is no need to have a collusion between an 
Issuer and a Verifier.


OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] [SPICE] OAuth Digital Credential Status Attestations

2024-02-07 Thread Denis

Hi Giuseppe,

I missed this

> IMO, neither the "Token Status List", nor to the "OAuth Status 
Attestations" are the right way to address two privacy considerations: 
"Unlinkability between verifiers" and "Untrackability by digital 
credential issuers".

here my notes

*Unlinkability between verifiers*
Status Attestations are designed to be privacy-preserving by not 
requiring verifiers to*_directly_ * gather any additional information 
from third-party entities.

The above sentence has nothing to do with unlinkability property between 
However, by adding the word "_*directly*_", it makes sense in the 
context of "Untrackability by digital credential issuers".

**When conventional cryptography is being used, o*ne-time use digital 
credentials allow to support this property.


This means that each verifier independently verifies the status of a 
digital credential, though the status attestation, without needing to 
interact with or reveal information to other verifiers or third-party 
status list providers. This approach ensures that actions performed by 
one verifier cannot be linked to actions performed by another 
verifier, maintaining unlinkability between them.

*Untrackability by digital credential issuers*
Since Status Attestations can be verified statically without further 
communication with the credential issuer or any other party, the 
issuer cannot track when or where the digital credential is being 
verified. This is in contrast to models where the verifier must query 
a central status list or the issuer directly, which would allow the 
issuer to track the usage of the digital credential. By providing all 
necessary information within the Status Attestation itself, it ensures 
that the issuer cannot track the verification activities related to a 
specific digital credential.

These mechanisms are integral to the design of OAuth Status 
Attestations, aiming to enhance privacy and security in the 
verification of digital credentials by minimizing potential privacy 
risks associated with the verification process


*When wallets are being used, revocation checking mechanisms are 
absolutely *_*unnecessary*_.

When wallets are not being used, the whole system becomes insecure.

However, when the Holder requests a digital credential to the Issuer, 
this requires the use of a specific protocol

(preferably using ASN.1/DER) that can demonstrate:

 * that the digital credential request comes from a wallet that has
   "specific characteristics", AND
 * that the public key or the Blinded Linked Secret indeed originates
   from that wallet.


thank you for having solicitated these aspects, I'll brings these few 
notes in the privacy consideration section as well,

really appreciate your mindset Denis,

Il giorno mer 7 feb 2024 alle ore 14:12 Giuseppe De Marco 
 ha scritto:

Ciao Denis,

I agree with you until I find that the presentation/credential
format has the feature to attest its (non-)revocation. I was a BLS
signature evangelist at least two years ago. Working in the
government field, I am now required to use formats that are
globally recognized and standardized (please don't delve into
this; I mentioned it just to be honest with you).

According to this awareness, we, along with other authors and
implementers, need a revocation checking mechanism that is
agnostic to the format and scope of the subject to which the
status is attested and completely privacy preserving.

Both Status Lists and Status Attestations are suitable for
different use cases and solve specific problems. That's why they
exist, taking into account the design principle of being agnostic
to the subject format. Merging them into a single draft would be
the ideal solution. However, if this is not possible and at the
same time people require an OCSP stapling-like approach, OAuth
Status Attestations are justified in their existence.

I took your notes:

- todo: privacy considerations section
- A policy identifier included in a digital credential would
indicate that this digital credential, when stored in a wallet, is
still under the control of its digital credential issuer.

I'll put my hands on the specs before IETF in brisbane (asap).

If you're interested in improving this brand-new specification and
considering how you might implement it, any contribution from your
side is appreciated and will be taken into account, both now and
in the future. To ensure your contributions are not lost in email
threads, please consider opening issues here:

I just open several issue to keep track of your hints,
thank you Denis!

Il giorno mer 7 feb 2024 alle ore 12:12 Denis 
ha scritto:


Re: [OAUTH-WG] [SPICE] OAuth Digital Credential Status Attestations

2024-02-07 Thread Denis

Hi Giuseppe,

We are on different tracks.

There is however a common point in our two approaches: "however, we 
assume that the Wallet Instance had an internet connection within the 
last 24h".
However, there is no need to present an "OAuth Status Attestation" to a 

IMO, neither the "Token Status List", nor to the "OAuth Status 
Attestations" are the right way to address two privacy considerations:
"Unlinkability between verifiers" and "Untrackability by digital 
credential issuers".

Anyway, none of these two approaches would be usable with digital 
credentials signed using BBS+.

A single solution able to work in all cases would be preferable.

It can be supported by including an additional field in a digital 
credential: a policy identifier.

A policy identifier included in a digital credential would indicate that 
this digital credential, when stored in a wallet, is still under the 
control of its digital credential issuer.

An I-D would be necessary (and sufficient) to define such policy identifier.


Ciao Denis,

OAuth Status Attestation was born because of some different approches 
with the oauth status list token, I really would like to have a single 
specification with the two approaches.

I report below and explain the main differences between the status 
attestation and the status list token.

Taken from status list editor's copy draft
>  This (Status List Token) allows for the Status List Token to be 
hosted by third parties or be transferred for offline use cases.

it is not clear how:

- the token is rquested and obtained and used
- why it would be hosted by a third party
- the meaning of "transferred"

AFAIK this token reference a status list, with url and index, allowing 
a RP to control over time the status of a credential.
It is not clear the scope of this token, in my assumption it represent 
a long lived attestation of the historical status of a credential and 
that's fine, but doesn't protect user privacy against revocation 
status checks over time by unallowed RP.

Here the summary of the razionale behind OAuth Status Attestation

Use Case Scenario:
- A Verifier needs to check the status of a given Credential only 
during the presentation flow.
- A Verifier is not allowed to check the status of a Credential over 
time (after it was presented by the Holder), due to some privacy 
- No internet connection is available during the presentation phase 
(however, we assume that the Wallet Instance had an internet 
connection within the last 24h).

The idea:
The Credential Issuer provides the Wallet Instance with a Status 
 Attestation, which is bound to a Digital Credential.  This allows the 
Wallet Instance to present it, along with the Digital Credential 
itself, to a Verifier as proof of the Digital Credential's non-revocation.

Merging the two approaches or extending OAuth Status List with OAuth 
Status Attestations is always possibile if the authors wants do this, 
I want do this if resonable to you and the WG as well,


Il giorno mer 7 feb 2024 alle ore 09:03 Denis  ha 

Hi Guiseppe,

In your reply, you cut the main content of my original text and
hence you didn't reply to it.

In addition, you missed to pay attention to the email I sent
yesterday in my response to "I-D Action:

I copy some parts of it below:

Another approach would be to consider that it is not the job
of the verifiers to check the “non-revoked” status of the
digital credentials they verify,
but that it is the job of the Holder (application). This would
be a “Holder centric” approach.

The Holder (application) needs to be a Trusted Application
(TA) that can be trusted by the digital credential issuer to
effectively control
and limit the use of some cryptographic keys and that cannot
be modified by an individual. A “digital identity wallet” is
the prime example of a TA.

In the real-life, a “*digital identity wallet*” is supported
by a smart phone or a tablet which will usually be online as
soon as some network is locally available.

When a digital credential is requested by a Holder at the
initiative of an individual, the base URL of the digital
credential issuer needs to be provided.
Such base URL can be built-in the downloaded Holder
(application), added when a revision of that Holder
(application) is available or manually entered by the individual.

An access point to contact the digital credential issuer can
be derived from the base URL of the digital credential issuer.
Once a digital credential has successfully been downloaded by
the Holder, this access point can be used by the Holder t

Re: [OAUTH-WG] [SPICE] OAuth Digital Credential Status Attestations

2024-02-07 Thread Denis

Hi Guiseppe,

In your reply, you cut the main content of my original text and hence 
you didn't reply to it.

In addition, you missed to pay attention to the email I sent yesterday 
in my response to "I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-status-list-01.txt".

I copy some parts of it below:

   Another approach would be to consider that it is not the job of the
   verifiers to check the “non-revoked” status of the digital
   credentials they verify,
   but that it is the job of the Holder (application). This would be a
   “Holder centric” approach.

   The Holder (application) needs to be a Trusted Application (TA) that
   can be trusted by the digital credential issuer to effectively control
   and limit the use of some cryptographic keys and that cannot be
   modified by an individual. A “digital identity wallet” is the prime
   example of a TA.

   In the real-life, a “*digital identity wallet*” is supported by a
   smart phone or a tablet which will usually be online as soon as some
   network is locally available.

   When a digital credential is requested by a Holder at the initiative
   of an individual, the base URL of the digital credential issuer
   needs to be provided.
   Such base URL can be built-in the downloaded Holder (application),
   added when a revision of that Holder (application) is available or
   manually entered by the individual.

   An access point to contact the digital credential issuer can be
   derived from the base URL of the digital credential issuer.
   Once a digital credential has successfully been downloaded by the
   Holder, this access point can be used by the Holder to dialogue with
   the digital credential issuer
   as soon as the smart phone or tablet is online.

   During this dialogue, if some entity asked to a digital credential
   issuer the revocation or the suspension of a digital credential
   still within its validity period,
   the digital credential issuer can freeze (i.e. suspend) the use of
   that digital credential. A policy may be put in place to say that if
   no contact has been possible
   with a digital credential issuer during some period of time, the use
   of each digital credential issued by that digital credential issuer
   will be frozen by the Holder.
   As a consequence, *if a digital credential has been able to be used
   by a Holder, this means that it has not been frozen*.
   A digital credential can later be unfrozen by its digital credential

   If there is a desire to freeze all the digital credentials stored in
   an app, the TA Manager of that app would be in a position to do that.

   In the context of the “Issuer-Holder-Verifier model”, the above
   descriptions are sketches of possible approaches that highlight the
   fact that,
   the "Token Status List" approach might not be the best way, nor the
   simplest way, to support the two following privacy properties:
   “Unlinkability between verifiers“ and “Untrackability by**digital
   credential issuers”.

Theses approaches are alternatives to 
draft-demarco-status-attestations-01 and to the"Token Status List" 
approach that would be simpler to implement.

Also note that, at the moment, draft-demarco-status-attestations-01 does 
not contain a "Privacy considerations" section.


Hi Denis,

sorry for the delay, below by points.

> A *digital credential* may be presented to a verifier long after it 
has been issued.

In the abstract we say what's the status attestation. Probably it's an 
editorial suggestion from you to say what's the substantial difference 
between the digital credential and its status attestation. the subject 
of this specification is the status attestation, not the digital 
credential which the status attestation is referred to.

> Entity that relies on the validity of the *digital proof* presented 
to it.

verifiers validate the digital credentials and these can have 
different revocation check mechanisms (or no one). I'd keep the 
digital credential as the most important landmark for the verifier, 
where the status attestation is a sort of annex of that.

> This does not correspond to the flows of the figure.

The picture contains two distinc moments: the provisioning of the 
attestation (that currently in the specs is online only) and the 
presentation of it (that works fine in the offline scenario).

I'll look forward for other interactions about this specs, probably by 
voice it would be everything more easy to explain,

thank you for the hints!

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-status-list-01.txt

2024-02-06 Thread Denis
al issuer.

If there is a desire to freeze all the digital credentials stored in an 
app, the TA Manager of that app would be in a position to do that.

In the context of the “Issuer-Holder-Verifier model”, the above 
descriptions are sketches of possible approaches that highlight the fact 
the "Token Status List" approach might not be the best way, nor the 
simplest way, to support the two following privacy properties:
“Unlinkability between verifiers“ and “Untrackability by**digital 
credential issuers”.

The “Issuer-Holder-Verifier model” is currently not within the scope of 
the OAuth WG. This work-item could be progressed either in the OAuth WG,
if its scope is expended, or by a WG issued from the SPICE BoF, if a WG 
gets formed from it.

For the time being, in a future revision of this I-D, the privacy and 
security considerations that apply to the OAuth 2 Framework

and to the “Issuer-Holder-Verifier model” should be clearly separated.


P.S. In section 11.4, there is the following sentence:

   "In this case, every Referenced Token MUST have a dedicated Status
   List entry."

Adding explanations for using the verb "MUST" would be desirable.

Internet-Draft draft-ietf-oauth-status-list-01.txt is now available. It is a
work item of the Web Authorization Protocol (OAUTH) WG of the IETF.

Title:   Token Status List
Authors: Tobias Looker
 Paul Bastian
 Christian Bormann
Pages:   25
Dates:   2024-02-05


This specification defines status list data structures for
representing the status of JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) [RFC7519] and CBOR
Web Tokens (CWTs) [RFC8392].  The status list data structures
themselves are also represented as JWTs or CWTs.

The IETF datatracker status page for this Internet-Draft is:

There is also an HTML version available at:

A diff from the previous version is available at:

Internet-Drafts are also available by rsync at:

OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] R: [SPICE] OAuth Digital Credential Status Attestations (typo)

2024-01-19 Thread Denis

Hi Giuseppe,

Ciao Denis,

Thank you! By points.

First, I still have a vocabulary problem. The text states:

   A *digital credential* may be presented to a verifier long after it
   has been issued.

It should rather say: A *digital proof *(derived from a digital 
credential) may be presented to a verifier.

Then, the text states:


   Entity that relies on the validity of the Digital Credentials
   presented to it.

I should rather say:


  Entity that relies on the validity of the *digital proof*
   presented to it.

OAuth Status List can be accessed by a Verifier when an internet 
connection is present.

This does not correspond to the flows of the figure.

the section enumerates the differences between oauth status list and 
oauth status attestations.
The subject of the sentence is then the oauth status list, below I 
report the original text in that point:

*Offline flow*: OAuth Status List can be accessed by a Verifier when 
an internet connection is present. At the same time, OAuth Status List 
defines how to provide a static Status List Token, to be included 
within a Digital Credential. This requires the Wallet Instance to 
acquire a new Digital Credential for a specific presentation. Even if 
similar to the OAuth Status List Token, the Status Attestations enable 
the User to persistently use their preexistent Digital Credentials, as 
long as the linked Status Attestation is available and presented to 
the Verifier, and not expired.


  * What about the support of "blinded link secrets" and "link
secrets" (used with anonymous credentials) ?

Unfortunately I don't have these in the EUDI ARF and in my 
implementative asset but this doesn't prevent us to not include it in 
the draft.

When writing this, I had the use case of BBS+ in mind.

Published versions of the ARF is available here: 

The word "privacy" is used once in a single sentence copied below which is:

   Attestation exchange Protocol. This protocol defines how to request
   and present the PID and the (Q)EAA in a secure and *privacy*
   preserving fashion.

In the context of a single data controller, ISO 29100 identifies eleven 
privacy principles:

   1.   Consent and choice
   2.   Purpose legitimacy and specification
   3.   Collection limitation
   4.   Data minimization
   5.   Use, retention and disclosure limitation
   6.   Accuracy and quality
   7.   Openness, transparency and notice
   8.   Individual participation and access
   9.   Accountability
   10. Information security
   11. Privacy compliance

None of them is being addressed.

In addition, when considering a distributed system used by human beings, 
*two additional **privacy principles *need to be taken into consideration

and none of them is mentioned:

*  Unlinkability *of holders between verifiers

*  Untrackability* of holders by a server, (i.e., a property 
ensuring that it is not possible for a server to know by which verifier 
the information it issues to a caller,
            or derivations from it, will be 
consumed. In other words : Can the server act as Big Brother ?

Margrethe*Vestager*, [former] Executive Vice-President for a Europe Fit 
for the Digital Age said:

/  “The European digital identity will enable us to do in any Member 
State as we do at home without any extra cost and fewer hurdles. /
/  Be that renting a flat or opening a bank account outside of our 
home country. And do this in a way that is secure and transparent. /
/*S**o that we will decide how much information we wish to share about 
ourselves, with whom and for what purpose.*/

Source: https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/en/ip_21_2663


This statement is not mentioned in the ARF.

An additional important *security consideration *needs to be addressed:

*  Collusions between **holders *(natural persons), which is 
difficult to support while at the same time the "*collection 
limitation*" privacy principle is considered.

This can be illustrated by the following example:

  Can Alice (12) collude with Bob (25) to access to a verifier 
delivering age-restricted services or products (e.g., like the condition 
of being over 18) ?
 Since Bob is over 25, he can obtain some "proof" that he is over 
18.  Can Alice (12) can advantage of this proof to access to 
age-restricted services or products ?

Would you like to propose your idea in the current text (github issue 
or PR) about the possibility to enable this technology?

On page 45 from COM(2021) 281 final, 
there is the following statement:

   "  A strengthened *privacy-by-design approach* could yield 
additional benefits

Re: [OAUTH-WG] [SPICE] OAuth Digital Credential Status Attestations (typo)

2024-01-18 Thread Denis


You are perfectly right, I read your draft too quickly.

1) The text mentions near the end:

   OAuth Status List can be accessed by a Verifier when an internet
   connection is present.

This does not correspond to the flows of the figure.

2) The text states:

   " The proof of possession MUST be signed with the private key
   corresponding to the *public key* attested by the Issuer
   and contained within the Credential".

What about the support of "blinded link secrets" and "link secrets" 
(used with anonymous credentials) ?

3) A major section is missing: "*Privacy considerations*".

One of many privacy principles is: "unlinkability between verifiers".

If or when the status attestation allows to support this privacy 
principle, it should be indicated how it can be supported.

If or when it does not, this should be mentioned as well.


Ciao Denis,

thank you for the quick reply and for your contribution.
The scope of the current draft is to provide a verifiable artifact 
that give the proof that a specific credential is active, then not 

From your sequence diagram I read a digital credential issuance, while 
this is not in the scope of the draft.


Il giorno gio 18 gen 2024 alle ore 10:26 Denis  ha 

Typo: Change:"proof _*or*_ origin of wallet instance"
into  : "proof _*of*_ __origin of wallet instance".

The figure has been corrected below.


Hi Giuseppe,

The current figure in the Introduction from
draft-demarco-status-attestations-latest is:

|| Requests Status Attestation ||
| Wallet Instance || Credential Issuer |
|| Status Attestation||

+-- ++--+
|| Presents credential and||
|Wallet Instance| Status Attestation| Verifier |

IMO, using the vocabulary agreed during the last BoF video
conference, this figure should be modified as follows:

|| Requests *Digital Credential* ||
|| and presents proof of knowledge of ||
|| either a private key or a link secret ||
|| and proof *of* origin of wallet instance | Credential Issuer |
| Holder |--->||
||| |
||*Digital Credential*||

+-- -++---+
|| Presents *Credential proof*||
| Holder|| Verifier|


Hi Hannes,

Thank you for your quick reaction and also to Orie for sharing.
I've submitted the draft, here:

Regarding the term Attestation: good point. We have decided to
use this term since in several IETF and OpenID drafts this term
seems pretty established, the term Attestation is found at least
in the following specifications:
  - Attestation based client-authentication (it's in the title)
  - OpenID4VC High Assurance Interoperability Profile with
SD-JWT VC (wallet attestation)
  - OpenID for Verifiable Presentations - draft 20 (verifier
  - OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (section "Trust
between Wallet and Issuer": Device Attestation)

Meantime in the eIDAS Expert group this term is going to be
changed to "Wallet Trust Evidence".


I don't have a strong opinion on what would be the best semantic
for this, I just have realized the functional difference between
a Digital Credential and an Attestation:
the first requires the user to be authenticated and give consent
for using the secure storage. The second is obtained with a
machine2machine flow where no user interaction is required, the
secure storage is not required, no user information is contained
in it since the subject is the wallet instance and not the user,
it cannot be (re)used without the cryptographic proof of
possession. Probably a discussion could start about this term
aiming to align several specifications on the same terminology.
I could say that Status Attestation is a specific artifact
defined for a specific context, other attestations can be
defined outside the functional perimeter of this specification.
Let's talk about it, it doesn't matters changing terms
(eventually mindsets 

Re: [OAUTH-WG] [SPICE] OAuth Digital Credential Status Attestations (typo)

2024-01-18 Thread Denis

Typo: Change:"proof _*or*_ origin of wallet instance"
into       : "proof _*of*_ __origin of wallet instance".

The figure has been corrected below.


Hi Giuseppe,

The current figure in the Introduction from 
draft-demarco-status-attestations-latest is:

|| Requests Status Attestation ||
| Wallet Instance || Credential Issuer |
|| Status Attestation||

+-- ++--+
|| Presents credential and||
|Wallet Instance| Status Attestation| Verifier |

IMO, using the vocabulary agreed during the last BoF video conference, 
this figure should be modified as follows:

|| Requests *Digital Credential* ||
|| and presents proof of knowledge of ||
|| either a private key or a link secret ||
|| and proof *of* origin of wallet instance | Credential Issuer |
| Holder |--->||
||| |
||*Digital Credential*||

+-- -++---+
|| Presents *Credential proof*||
| Holder|| Verifier|


Hi Hannes,

Thank you for your quick reaction and also to Orie for sharing.
I've submitted the draft, here: 

Regarding the term Attestation: good point. We have decided to use 
this term since in several IETF and OpenID drafts this term seems 
pretty established, the term Attestation is found at least in the 
following specifications:

  - Attestation based client-authentication (it's in the title)
  - OpenID4VC High Assurance Interoperability Profile with SD-JWT VC 
(wallet attestation)

  - OpenID for Verifiable Presentations - draft 20 (verifier attestation)
  - OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (section "Trust between 
Wallet and Issuer": Device Attestation)

Meantime in the eIDAS Expert group this term is going to be changed 
to "Wallet Trust Evidence".

I don't have a strong opinion on what would be the best semantic for 
this, I just have realized the functional difference between a 
Digital Credential and an Attestation:
the first requires the user to be authenticated and give consent for 
using the secure storage. The second is obtained with a 
machine2machine flow where no user interaction is required, the 
secure storage is not required, no user information is contained in 
it since the subject is the wallet instance and not the user, it 
cannot be (re)used without the cryptographic proof of possession. 
Probably a discussion could start about this term aiming to align 
several specifications on the same terminology. I could say that 
Status Attestation is a specific artifact defined for a specific 
context, other attestations can be defined outside the functional 
perimeter of this specification. Let's talk about it, it doesn't 
matters changing terms (eventually mindsets on perceivable meanings).

Here I share some notes I picked along the last two months about this 
brand new individual draft:

- it is related to digital credential only, I don't expect to use it 
in legacy infrastructure different from wallet. I really don't need 
this kind of mechanism in OIDC or any other traditional 
infrastructure since these doesn't show the privacy issues the wallet 
ecosystem has;
- it would interesting mentioning in the introduction that's 
pratically an ocsp stapling like mechanism, just to give some context 
(credit: Paul Bastien);
- The Rationale section needs to clarify better problems and 
solutions, where it seems that the problem does not exist or that it 
is weak. A review is necessary to clearly bring the benefits;

- Editorials mistake are still along the reading.

thank you for your time and interest,

Il giorno mer 17 gen 2024 alle ore 21:06 
 ha scritto:

Hi Guiseppe, Francesco, Orie,

@Orie: Thanks for sharing the draft.

As a quick reaction: It would be good to invent a new term for
“attestation” in draft-demarco-status-attestations.html because
this term is already widely used in a different context (see RFC

@Guiseppe and Francesco: It would be great if you could submit
your draft to OAuth or SPICE for discussion.



*From:*OAuth  *On Behalf Of *Orie Steele
*Sent:* Mittwoch, 17. Jänner 2024 19:07
*To:* sp...@ietf.org
*Cc:* oauth 
*Subject:* [OAUTH-WG] OAuth Digital Credential Status Attes

Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth Digital Credential Status Attestations

2024-01-18 Thread Denis

Hi Giuseppe,

The current figure in the Introduction from 
draft-demarco-status-attestations-latest is:

|| Requests Status Attestation ||
| Wallet Instance || Credential Issuer |
|| Status Attestation||

+-- ++--+
|| Presents credential and||
|Wallet Instance| Status Attestation| Verifier |

IMO, using the vocabulary agreed during the last BoF video conference, 
this figure should be modified as follows:

|| Requests *Digital Credential* ||
|| and presents proof of knowledge of ||
|| either a private key or a link secret ||
|| and proof or origin of wallet instance | Credential Issuer |
| Holder |--->||
||| |
||*Digital Credential*||

+-- -++---+
|| Presents *Credential proof*||
| Holder|| Verifier|


Hi Hannes,

Thank you for your quick reaction and also to Orie for sharing.
I've submitted the draft, here: 

Regarding the term Attestation: good point. We have decided to use 
this term since in several IETF and OpenID drafts this term seems 
pretty established, the term Attestation is found at least in the 
following specifications:

  - Attestation based client-authentication (it's in the title)
  - OpenID4VC High Assurance Interoperability Profile with SD-JWT VC 
(wallet attestation)

  - OpenID for Verifiable Presentations - draft 20 (verifier attestation)
  - OpenID for Verifiable Credential Issuance (section "Trust between 
Wallet and Issuer": Device Attestation)

Meantime in the eIDAS Expert group this term is going to be changed to 
"Wallet Trust Evidence".

I don't have a strong opinion on what would be the best semantic for 
this, I just have realized the functional difference between a Digital 
Credential and an Attestation:
the first requires the user to be authenticated and give consent for 
using the secure storage. The second is obtained with a 
machine2machine flow where no user interaction is required, the secure 
storage is not required, no user information is contained in it since 
the subject is the wallet instance and not the user, it cannot be 
(re)used without the cryptographic proof of possession. Probably a 
discussion could start about this term aiming to align several 
specifications on the same terminology. I could say that Status 
Attestation is a specific artifact defined for a specific context, 
other attestations can be defined outside the functional perimeter of 
this specification. Let's talk about it, it doesn't matters changing 
terms (eventually mindsets on perceivable meanings).

Here I share some notes I picked along the last two months about this 
brand new individual draft:

- it is related to digital credential only, I don't expect to use it 
in legacy infrastructure different from wallet. I really don't need 
this kind of mechanism in OIDC or any other traditional infrastructure 
since these doesn't show the privacy issues the wallet ecosystem has;
- it would interesting mentioning in the introduction that's 
pratically an ocsp stapling like mechanism, just to give some context 
(credit: Paul Bastien);
- The Rationale section needs to clarify better problems and 
solutions, where it seems that the problem does not exist or that it 
is weak. A review is necessary to clearly bring the benefits;

- Editorials mistake are still along the reading.

thank you for your time and interest,

Il giorno mer 17 gen 2024 alle ore 21:06 
 ha scritto:

Hi Guiseppe, Francesco, Orie,

@Orie: Thanks for sharing the draft.

As a quick reaction: It would be good to invent a new term for
“attestation” in draft-demarco-status-attestations.html because
this term is already widely used in a different context (see RFC

@Guiseppe and Francesco: It would be great if you could submit
your draft to OAuth or SPICE for discussion.



*From:*OAuth  *On Behalf Of *Orie Steele
*Sent:* Mittwoch, 17. Jänner 2024 19:07
*To:* sp...@ietf.org
*Cc:* oauth 
*Subject:* [OAUTH-WG] OAuth Digital Credential Status Attestations

Hello Digital Credential Enthusiasts,



Note the use of the t

[OAUTH-WG] About interoperability between independent implementations

2023-12-04 Thread Denis
y accessible (e.g. RFCs, W3C 
recommendations, ETSI documents)
and documents that are only accessible after payment, e.g., ISO 
standards. In the case of the IETF, these templates or schemas should be 
freely accessible and
*the IESG should consider how to make this possible using ISO URIs in a 
manner similar to what ETSI has done.**


See: *https://uri.etsi.org/02231/v3.1.2/ *as an example.

Then after, RFCs will be able to include into the specification these 
templates, schemas or modules, but also derive files from them that 
could be downloaded
from a web sitemanaged by the IETF so that they can be easily used by 
implementers (i.e. without manually removing page headers and footers).


OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Request to add a profile parameter to +jwt and +sd-jwt

2023-12-04 Thread Denis
etween independent 
implementations. It will also be copied to the media-ty...@iana.org 
mailing list

since it addresses:

*oInteroperability considerations*

Its header will be: "About interoperability between independent 


ya know - there was a time when a standard could have a conformance 
test and then the implementations worked together.
Now standards are just wishful thinking.  Something MIGHT work, or 
might not.
interop was a feature of a standard. Now the standard is wishful 
thinking and interop profile comes after the std is published. (maybe)


On Tue, Nov 28, 2023 at 11:15 AM David Waite 

Media type parameters are useful for subtypes that add a multitude
of expansion options, such as multimedia formats with a multitude
of codecs, encoding options, and profiles to define feature sets.

The best usages of them I’ve seen is supplemental.

A baseline JWT isn’t really able to be customized in that way;
even though it has defined claim names and meanings there
conventions and considerations expected to be defined by a
particular application of JWT

Secevents or a JWT credential might define parameterization. For
example, a credential might describe itself as having particular
types/profiles of claims about a subject, such as being usable as
a driving license and as a primary government-issued identification.


On Nov 28, 2023, at 1:24 PM, Tom Jones

I agree with Mike. This exercise seems to add confusion rather
than clarity.

thx ..Tom (mobile)

On Tue, Nov 28, 2023, 10:05 AM Michael Jones

Orie, you wrote:

 TLDR; TallTed believes that the convention in the JWT BCP is
not correct:


So instead of seeing:


We should be seeing:

application/jwt; profile=secevent

 For what it's worth, the authors of the JWT BCP believed
that the use of application//subtype/+jwt works well for
explicit typing, and so put it into the specification.  The
IETF-wide review and the IESG review supported this
decision.  I don’t see grounds to revise it.

 I personally believe that adding media type parameters when
using media type names reduces interoperability.  Code gets
the string comparison for media type names right and tends to
screw up on media type parameters in various ways because
they’re largely unexpected.  Rather than adding the use of
media type parameters, I would prefer that the registrations
be updated to prohibit their use.

-- Mike

 -Original Message-
From: OAuth  On Behalf Of Carsten Bormann
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2023 7:32 AM
To: Orie Steele 
Cc: oauth ; IETF Media Types

Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Request to add a profile parameter to
+jwt and +sd-jwt

 On 2023-11-27, at 15:55, Orie Steele
mailto:orie@transmute.industries>> wrote:


> application/jwt; profile=secevent


> This is a general form of the challenges associated with
using multiple structured suffixes with JWTs.

Anything that reduces our need to extract semantics from
complex nested structured suffixes is good.

Independent of which form is being used here, I’d like to
raise the specter of ossification:

Will we be able to evolve the profile name (nested media type
subtype) once a subtype/profile is in wide use?

(I think in the end we will exactly do that TLS 1.3 did: send
fake TLS 1.2 identification and do the recognition of TLS 1.3
on a higher level.)

Grüße, Carsten


OAuth mailing list

OAuth@ietf.org <mailto:OAuth@ietf.org>


OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] DPoP and Dynamic Client Registration

2023-11-16 Thread Denis

Hi George,

Is is unclear whether you are considering the OAuth 2.X Framework
or the three roles model (i.e., with the Holder, the Issuer and the 



Are there any best practices for clients that want to use Dynamic 
Client Registration and plan to register a public key
(rather than receiving back a shared client_secret), to use DPoP to 
prove possession of the matching private key and
also integrity protect the JSON object passed to the registration 

I'm aware of the client attestation work but that isn't quite the same 



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Re: [OAUTH-WG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt-06.txt

2023-11-07 Thread Denis

Hi Neil,

On 7 Nov 2023, at 13:13, Denis  wrote:

Hi Neil,

You wrote:

"Note that unlinkability is explicitly already not a goal for SD-JWT according 
to section 12.4".

This is untrue:

12.4.  Unlinkability

Colluding Issuer/Verifier or Verifier/Verifier pairs could link
issuance/presentation or two presentation sessions to the same user
on the basis of unique values encoded in the SD-JWT (Issuer
signature, salts, digests, etc.).

To prevent these types of linkability, various methods, including
but not limited to the following ones can be used:

- Use advanced cryptographic schemes, outside the scope of this

-*Issue a batch of SD-JWTs to the Holder to enable the Holder to
use a unique SD-JWT per Verifier*.
   This only helps with Verifier/Verifier unlinkability.

This means using*single-use credentials*and issuing in advance 
credentials batches, each one with a different holder-public key in it .

The very first sentence of that section clearly states that SD-JWTs 
can be linked. The fact that it also mentions other things you can do,
entirely orthogonal to the use of SD-JWT, doesn't contradict that, it 
rather reinforces it. (As I've said previously when SD-JWT was first 
if you are willing to issue a batch of credentials then you don't need 
SD-JWT at all: just issue normal JWTs with subsets of claims
matching anticipated selective disclosure cases. In all the concrete 
use-cases I've seen, this is not a large number of combinations).

1) If some people are willing to support the Verifier/Verifier 
unlinkability property, the document should provide more guidance
since a solution that does not use advanced cryptographic schemes is at 
hand. Otherwise, the fact that the Verifier/Verifier
unlinkability property is not supported should be advertised in Section 
1.1.  "Feature Summary".

2) If you just issue normal JWTs with subsets of claims matching 
anticipated selective disclosure cases, the burden is rather the same 
for the Holder:
it needs to generate a different key pair for every SD-JWT. As soon as a 
SD-JWT will be used towards a Verifier, it should be discarded
so that it cannot be reused towards another Verifier.  This approach 
might quadruple the number of JWTs to ask in advance.

So, I generally agree with Watson.

Currently, the SPICE BoF/tentative/charter is considering 
Verifier/Verifier unlinkability to be within the charter.

You also wrote:

Allowing an attacker to selectively disclose that a token has expired seems 
problematic to say the least

Why an "attacker" ? This is not problem as soon as a SD-JWT is only 
used once.

The point of these kinds of security constraints (which are indeed 
mostly constraints and not claims), is to prevent certain attacks.
Such as restricting the time-window in which a token can be used, so 
that if it is stolen there is a limit to how long it can be abused.
The "attacker" here could be a third party that intercepts/phishes the 
token, or it could be a malicious Verifier, etc. If these constraints
can be selectively disclosed then they are utterly useless in 
preventing the attacks they are designed to stop: time-limited tokens 
unlimited time usage, key-bound tokens become bearer tokens, and 
single-use tokens become multiple-use.

To say this is a *spectacularly* bad idea is an understatement.

The point is not to use selective disclosure on claims that prevent 
certain attacks.

Since these claims are used only once, they can be made unlinkable.


-- Neil

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt-06.txt

2023-11-07 Thread Denis

Hi Neil,

You wrote:

   "Note that unlinkability is explicitly already not a goal for SD-JWT according to 
section 12.4".

This is untrue:

   12.4.  Unlinkability

   Colluding Issuer/Verifier or Verifier/Verifier pairs could link
   issuance/presentation or two presentation sessions to the same user
   on the basis of unique values encoded in the SD-JWT (Issuer
   signature, salts, digests, etc.).

   To prevent these types of linkability, various methods, including
   but not limited to the following ones can be used:

   - Use advanced cryptographic schemes, outside the scope of this

   - *Issue a batch of SD-JWTs to the Holder to enable the Holder to
   use a unique SD-JWT per Verifier*.
   This only helps with Verifier/Verifier unlinkability.

This means using *single-use credentials *and issuing in advance 
credentials batches, each one with a different holder-public key in it .

So, I generally agree with Watson.

Currently, the SPICE BoF /tentative /charter is considering 
Verifier/Verifier unlinkability to be within the charter.

You also wrote:

   Allowing an attacker to selectively disclose that a token has expired seems 
problematic to say the least

Why an "attacker" ? This is not problem as soon as a SD-JWT is only used 


On 6 Nov 2023, at 16:43, Watson Ladd  wrote:

On Mon, Nov 6, 2023 at 5:46 AM Neil Madden  wrote:

How about the following:

An Issuer MUST NOT allow any security-critical claim to be selectively 
disclosable. The exact list of “security-critical” claims will depend on the 
application, and SHOULD be listed by any application-specific profile of 
SD-JWT. The following is a list of standard claim names that SHOULD be 
considered as security-critical by any SD-JWT Issuer:

* “iss” (Issuer)
* “aud” (Audience), although issuers may want to allow individual entries in 
the array to be selectively-disclosable
* “exp” (Expiration Time)
* “nbf” (Not Before)
* “iat” (Issued At)
* “jti” (JWT ID)

In addition, the “cnf” (Confirmation Key) claim MUST NOT be selectively 

I think these fields can have significant unanticipated privacy
impacts. Expiry and issuance times can have very high entropy.

Can you expand on what you mean? What privacy threat do you envision? Note that 
unlinkability is explicitly already not a goal for SD-JWT according to section 

Allowing an attacker to selectively disclose that a token has expired seems 
problematic to say the least.

— Neil
OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] [SPICE] Relationship between SPICE and OAuth

2023-11-01 Thread Denis

Hi Hannes,

The current charter of the OAuth WG is available at: 

The major problem is that both this charter and the OAuth 2.1 (or OAuth 
2.0) authorization framework
cannot currently address the three roles model with an Holder, an Issuer 
and Verifier. In the three roles model,
there is no concept of a "resource owner ", nor of a "resource owner's 

Bridging the architectural narrative used in the core OAuth framework 
(AS, RS, RO) and in the three roles model

(Holder, Issuer, Verifier) would not be appropriate.

As Justin mentioned in https://oauth.net/articles/authentication/:

  "Remember, since OAuth is a delegation protocol, this is 
fundamental to its design".
  "In OAuth, the token is designed to be opaque to the client, but 
in the context of a user authentication,
   the client needs to be able to derive some information from the 

The current draft from "The OAuth 2.1 Authorization Framework" states in 
section 1.4


   "An access token is a string representing an authorization 
issued to the client.
    The string is considered opaque to the client, even if it has a 

When using selective disclosure, the access token cannot remain opaque 
to the client since it needs to be opened and modified by the client.
"Selective disclosure" is not a requirement: it is one mechanism that 
allows to support the privacy principle of "collection limitation",
i.e., limiting the collection of end-users attributes to that which is 
strictly necessary for the specified purpose(s).

However, "selectively disclosable claims" is only the tip of the "three 
roles model" iceberg, since other disclosure mechanisms, e.g., based on 
zero knowledge techniques
can be used and several privacy and security properties need to be 
considered. With some models, some properties can be supported, while 
with other models they can't.

The OAuth 2.0/2.1 framework cannot apply to a three roles model with an 
Holder, an Issuer and Verifier. Rather than working with document 
based on the OAuth 2.0/2.1 framework, a re-chartering the OAuth working 
group would be necessary so that a framework tailored to the vocabulary

of three roles model could then be developed.

It should finally be noticed that the acronym of this WG, "OAuth", is a 
short for "Open Authorization". It is questionable whether that acronym 
or its meaning
would still be appropriate to address the three roles model which does 
not fit into the OAuth 2.0/2.1 framework.

Note: On the SPICE BoF mailing list, I raised an issue and proposed an 
alternative strawman proposal for the spice-charter
(https://github.com/transmute-industries/ietf-spice-charter/issues/3). I 
also sent several emails requesting changes to the wording of the 
proposed charter.
Please note that at this time, I don't agree with the current wording of 
the SPICE BoF charter.


Hi Hannes,
Am 1. Nov. 2023, 12:21 +0100 schrieb Hannes Tschofenig 

Hi all,

I am a bit puzzled by the response Pam and I received when putting
the agenda for the SPICE BOF together. It appears that most people
have not paid attention to the discussions during the last few months.

Let me try to get you up to speed. So, here is my summary.

The OAuth working group has seen a lot of interest in the context
of the SD-JWT/VC work and there have been complaints about the
three WG sessions we scheduled at the last IETF meeting. (FWIW
neither Rifaat nor I understood why we received these complaints
given that people asked us for more slots. But that's another

The SD-JWT/VC work is architecturally different to the classical
OAuth (which is not a problem) but raises questions about the
scope of the work done in the OAuth working group, as defined by
the charter. The charter of a group is a "contract" with the
steering committee (IESG) about the work we are supposed to be
doing. There is the expectation that the work described in the
charter and in the milestones somehow matches the work the group
is doing (at least to some approximation). See also the mail from
Roman to the OAuth list for the type of questions that surfaced:
In time for the Prague IETF meeting a BOF request (with the shiny
name SPICE, see

was submitted. It was subsequently approved by the IESG. SPICE
aims to cover the scope of the SD-JWT/VC work (plus work on
defining the CWT-based counterparts) -- my rough summary; details

Re: [OAUTH-WG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt-06.txt: Collaborative attacks against a Verifier

2023-10-31 Thread Denis

Hi Daniel,

Hi Denis,

a discussion on claims-based/biometric binding, probably what you're 
hinting at,

I am not hinting at a discussion "on claims-based/biometric binding".

is out of the scope of this document, since we define neither 
mechanisms nor rules for that.

This should be part of a discussion with a larger scope, like the 
Security & Trust document in OIDF's DCP group.

RFC 3552 (Guidelines for Writing RFC Text on Security Considerations) 
states in its Introduction section:

 All RFCs are required by RFC 2223 to contain a Security 
Considerations section. The purpose of this is both to encourage
 document authors to consider security in their designs and to 
inform the reader of relevant security issues.

Section 5 of RFC 3552 states:

 5. Writing Security Considerations Sections


 There should be a clear description of the kinds of threats on the 
described protocol or technology. This should be approached as an
 effort to perform "due diligence" in describing *all known or 
foreseeable risks and threats *to potential implementers and users.

 Authors MUST describe

       1. which attacks are out of scope (and why!)
       2. which attacks are in-scope
       2.1 and the protocol is susceptible to
           2.2 and the protocol protects against

"Collaborative attacks against a Verifier" should be added to the 
Security Considerations section.



Am 26.10.23 um 11:01 schrieb Denis:

Hi All,

Section 11.6. is about "Key Binding" which is indeed an important 
security feature.
However, in the context of "selective disclosure" while this feature 
is essential, it is insufficient.

Let us take an example: If a Token indicates that an individual has 
the nationality X, in case of a collusion between two individuals
and when using two pieces of software specifically developed for that 
purpose, an individual would be able to compute and transmit
a Token to another individual for the benefit of that other 
individual in order to cheat a Verifier. This is a collusion between 
two individuals.

The first individual may not have the knowledge of the private key 
but since he has the use of the private key, he is in a position to sign
anything he wants. Since the Token does not include claims allowing 
to uniquely identity the individual, "if he is not seen, he will not 
be caught".

"Collaborative attacks against a Verifier" should be added to the 
Security Considerations section.

There exist ways to counter collaborative attacks against a Verifier. 
These ways should be mentioned in the core of the document.


Hi all,

this release of SD-JWT includes one important normative change, 
which is a hash in the key binding JWT to ensure the integrity of 
presentations. The second biggest change is that we restructured 
some sections of the document to make it more readable.

As always, we're looking forward to discussing SD-JWT here on the 
mailing list and in Prague.


This is the full changelog:


*  Added hash of Issuer-signed part and Disclosures in KB-JWT

*  Fix minor issues in some examples

*  Added IANA media type registration request for the JSON

*  More precise wording around storing artifacts with sensitive data

*  The claim name _sd or ... must not be used in a disclosure.

*  Added JWT claims registration requests to IANA
*  Ensure claims that control validity are checked after decoding

*  Restructure sections around data formats and Example 1

*  Update JSON Serialization to remove the kb_jwt member and allow
   for the disclosures to be conveyed elsewhere

*  Expand the Enveloping SD-JWTs section to also discuss enveloping
   JSON serialized SD-JWTs

Am 23.10.23 um 18:17 schrieb internet-dra...@ietf.org:

Internet-Draft draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt-06.txt is now
available. It is a work item of the Web Authorization Protocol (OAUTH) WG of
the IETF.

Title:   Selective Disclosure for JWTs (SD-JWT)
Authors: Daniel Fett
 Kristina Yasuda
 Brian Campbell
Pages:   90
Dates:   2023-10-23


This specification defines a mechanism for selective disclosure of
individual elements of a JSON object used as the payload of a JSON
Web Signature (JWS) structure.  It encompasses various applications,
including but not limited to the selective disclosure of JSON Web
Token (JWT) claims.

The IETF datatracker status page for this Internet-Draft is:

There is also an HTML version available at:

A diff from the previous version is available a

Re: [OAUTH-WG] I-D Action: draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt-06.txt: Collaborative attacks against a Verifier

2023-10-26 Thread Denis

Hi All,

Section 11.6. is about "Key Binding" which is indeed an important 
security feature.
However, in the context of "selective disclosure" while this feature is 
essential, it is insufficient.

Let us take an example: If a Token indicates that an individual has the 
nationality X, in case of a collusion between two individuals
and when using two pieces of software specifically developed for that 
purpose, an individual would be able to compute and transmit
a Token to another individual for the benefit of that other individual 
in order to cheat a Verifier. This is a collusion between two individuals.

The first individual may not have the knowledge of the private key but 
since he has the use of the private key, he is in a position to sign
anything he wants. Since the Token does not include claims allowing to 
uniquely identity the individual, "if he is not seen, he will not be 

"Collaborative attacks against a Verifier" should be added to the 
Security Considerations section.

There exist ways to counter collaborative attacks against a Verifier. 
These ways should be mentioned in the core of the document.


Hi all,

this release of SD-JWT includes one important normative change, which 
is a hash in the key binding JWT to ensure the integrity of 
presentations. The second biggest change is that we restructured some 
sections of the document to make it more readable.

As always, we're looking forward to discussing SD-JWT here on the 
mailing list and in Prague.


This is the full changelog:


*  Added hash of Issuer-signed part and Disclosures in KB-JWT

*  Fix minor issues in some examples

*  Added IANA media type registration request for the JSON

*  More precise wording around storing artifacts with sensitive data

*  The claim name _sd or ... must not be used in a disclosure.

*  Added JWT claims registration requests to IANA
*  Ensure claims that control validity are checked after decoding

*  Restructure sections around data formats and Example 1

*  Update JSON Serialization to remove the kb_jwt member and allow
   for the disclosures to be conveyed elsewhere

*  Expand the Enveloping SD-JWTs section to also discuss enveloping
   JSON serialized SD-JWTs

Am 23.10.23 um 18:17 schrieb internet-dra...@ietf.org:

Internet-Draft draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt-06.txt is now
available. It is a work item of the Web Authorization Protocol (OAUTH) WG of
the IETF.

Title:   Selective Disclosure for JWTs (SD-JWT)
Authors: Daniel Fett
 Kristina Yasuda
 Brian Campbell
Pages:   90
Dates:   2023-10-23


This specification defines a mechanism for selective disclosure of
individual elements of a JSON object used as the payload of a JSON
Web Signature (JWS) structure.  It encompasses various applications,
including but not limited to the selective disclosure of JSON Web
Token (JWT) claims.

The IETF datatracker status page for this Internet-Draft is:

There is also an HTML version available at:

A diff from the previous version is available at:

Internet-Drafts are also available by rsync at:

OAuth mailing list

Please use my new email address:m...@danielfett.de

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OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Call for adoption - JWT and CWT Status List

2023-10-23 Thread Denis

Hi  Aaron,

Tobias, Paul, Christian,

I just noticed the new working group adopted version of this draft: 

I posted this comment on Github, but I'll repeat it here for others. I 
find the new name "OAuth Status List" confusing.
While I understand wanting to remove "JWT" and "CWT" from the name, I 
was not aware of that discussion during the call for adoption.

I would suggest renaming this to "OAuth Token Status List" instead.

I would rather say that "Token Status List" would be a better renaming 
for a version -01, since the token does need to be a JWT, nor a CWT.


I also noticed you didn't mark it as replacing the individual draft in 
datatracker. You can email supp...@ietf.org and request that they mark it
as replacing 
so that the history tracks better.

I also noticed that there are significant changes to the draft between 
the individual and working group versions.
Typically it is better to post a verbatim copy of the individual draft 
as the adopted version, and then make changes in a -01 version.



On Sat, Oct 14, 2023 at 5:56 AM Rifaat Shekh-Yusef 


Based on the feedback to this call for adoption, we declare this
document adopted as a WG document.


Please, submit this as a working group document at your earliest

 Rifaat & Hannes

On Tue, Oct 3, 2023 at 8:51 PM John Bradley  wrote:

+1 for adoption

On Sat, Sep 30, 2023, 9:53 AM Rifaat Shekh-Yusef


This is an official call for adoption for the *JWT and CWT
Status List* draft:


Please, reply *on the mailing list *and let us know if you
are in *favor *or*against *adopting this draft as WG
document, by *Oct 13th*.

 Rifaat & Hannes
OAuth mailing list

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OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] SD-JWT explicit guidance on parsing json strings

2023-10-16 Thread Denis

Hi Carsten,

Thank you for your reply. Comments are in line.

On 15. Oct 2023, at 18:10, Denis  wrote:

Hi Brian and Orie,

In the "old days", such problem did not existed. The prime example is using 
ASN.1 / DER where the decoder can first know the full size of the message
using two or more bytes after the first byte that must contain the value 30 
(SEQUENCE). Then after, the server was knowing which ASN.1 sequence to receive
and the decoder was able to check whether the whole sequence was or was not 
conformant to an ASN.1 description identified using an OID.

The nested embedded lengths in BER/DER could be wonderfully exploited by 
attackers by making them inconsistent with each other;

It is quite easy to verifier that the full length of  DER encoded signed 
sequence fits with the size of the other TLV structures contained in it.
It there is no fit, then an error shall be returned by the decoder and 
the decoding shall immediately stop. At this stage, there is no need to 
know where
the signature value and other information have been placed. Once the 
length of the full structure has been verified against the length
of the other TLV structures, using a *parser*, the data structure can be 
checked against the syntax of the language.

However, checking that a data structure is well-formed is not enough.

When using ASN.1/ DER, it is possible to check whether the whole 
sequence is or is not conformant to an ASN.1 description identified 
using an OID.

This processing can be done automatically using an appropriate *decoder*.

they were a prime reason that there were so many CVEs in the ASN.1 space.

CVEs  = ?

If a "bad" decoder is being used, then anything can happen, but not if 
using a "good" decoder.

Modern representation formats usually do not repeat this mistake.
(If selective skipping is really important, CBOR enables that by using 
“embedded CBOR”.)

So the whole sequence could be decoded safely without the need to check or not 
that the sequence was correctly signed.

There seems to be an assumption in this discussion that an attacker somehow 
can’t produce valid signatures.
*Some* bugs in the representation format implementation may be harder to 
exploit with such a requirement, but it is not a panacea.

From my side, there is no such assumption whether or not an attacker 
can or cannot produce valid signatures. This was an argument raised by Orie.

As an example, all claims in a JWT are optional and, /for a given 
application context,/ there is no automated way to check which claims 
must be present.
*Validation *of an instance document *against a **schema *is 
conceptually a separate operation from *parsing*. For complex 
structures, using a *validator *

to validate an instance document***against a **schema *would be useful.

While it is well known that a JSON object only need a parser to be decoded and 
not also a schema, using a schema with a parser
might be a solution to consider, but I fear this is opening a can of worms.

Outside of the IETF, the use of schemas for JSON has been considered. There may 
be good reasons why the IETF has not considered
such a possibility, but I don't know these reasons.

IETF has two data definition languages to choose from: YANG and CDDL.
Both can describe data models that can be represented in CBOR or JSON.
I would expect us to use one of them, just as I’d expect ABNF to be used for 
text-based formats.

This response does not respond to my question which was about the use of 
schemas for JSON.

RFC 7950 (i.e., "The YANG 1.1 Data Modeling Language") considers 
encoding rules (7.7.8.  XML Encoding Rules) *but not decoding rules*.
It only considers using XML for the encoding ... which is not really 
compact.  Fortunately, XSD (i.e., XML Schema Definition) defines 
on the structure and content of documents of that type, above and beyond 
basic syntactical constraints. However, YANG or CDDL are unrelated

to XSD.

RFC 8610 (i.e., Concise Data Definition Language (CDDL) to express 
Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) and JSON Data Structures)
enables automatic checking of CBOR data items for data format 
compliance. Structures can be *generated *using CDDL, but can't be 
*validated *
against CDDL. RFC 8610 does not enable an *automatic validation* of CBOR 
data items against an expected schema, in the same way

as this is possible using either ASN.1 / DER or XSD.

AFAIK, within the IETF, there is no similar document like a "JSON Schema 
Outside the IETF, there is : 

Such tools, called *validators, *might need to be considered.


Grüße, Carsten

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] SD-JWT explicit guidance on parsing json strings

2023-10-15 Thread Denis

Hi Brian and Orie,

In the "old days", such problem did not existed. The prime example is 
using ASN.1 / DER where the decoder can first know the full size of the 
using two or more bytes after the first byte that must contain the value 
30 (SEQUENCE). Then after, the server was knowing which ASN.1 sequence 
to receive
and the decoder was able to check whether the whole sequence was or was 
not conformant to an ASN.1 description identified using an OID.

So the whole sequence could be decoded safely without the need to check 
or not that the sequence was correctly signed.

While it is well known that a JSON object only need a parser to be 
decoded and not also a schema, using a schema with a parser might be a 
solution to consider,

but I fear this is opening a can of worms.

Outside of the IETF, the use of schemas for JSON has been considered. 
There may be good reasons why the IETF has not considered such a 

but I don't know these reasons.


On Fri, Oct 13, 2023 at 3:53 PM Orie Steele 

Inline (and sorry for repeating points / rambling) :

No need to apologize.

It is, however, difficult (for me anyway) to engage with all this in a 
way that feels productive. Honestly, I've read through the whole 
thread many many times trying to figure out how/where to chime in, 
argue/nitpick, agree/disagree, etc. and find myself lost or 
overwhelmed by the prospect. So I'm going to try and bring it back up 
a bit.

I don't think we actually disagree on much in principle here. Rather 
about what can or should be said or done about it at the level of the 
SD-JWT document. The overwhelming majority of this thread has been 
about JWS/JWT more generally and not specific to SD-JWT. Even at the 
SD-JWT doc level - I don't disagree that having some considerations 
that state the general security principle, so that implementers can be 
aware of it, would be okay/useful. I just believe that what's said 
should be relevant, useful, realistic, etc. in the context and not 
distracting, alarmist, or impractical.

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Re: [OAUTH-WG] Reservations and observations about draft JWT and CWT Status List

2023-10-03 Thread Denis

Hi David,

I am not referring to RFC 7519 (JWT) but to RFC 8259 (JSON).

I-JSON (i.e. Internet-JSON) mandates the uniqueness of claim names in an 
object (as well as JWT).

RFC 8259 does not mandate uniqueness.


From JWT RFC 7519, section-4:

The Claim Names within a JWT Claims Set
   MUST be unique; JWT parsers MUST either reject JWTs with duplicate
   Claim Names or use a JSON parser that returns only the lexically last
   duplicate member name, as specified in Section 15.12 ("The JSON
   Object") of ECMAScript 5.1 [ECMAScript].

I can’t speak to whether if, had timelines had been different, whether 
JWT would have referenced I-JSON.


On Oct 3, 2023, at 9:43 AM, Denis  wrote:

Hi Watson,

The word "semantics" is not present in RFC 8259.

I looked for the word "unique" in RFC 8259. There are three 
occurrences of that word in clause 4.  Objects,

in particular:
 The names within an object SHOULD be unique

There is indeed a "SHOULD", but not a "SHALL".

If there were a "SHALL", in case of a claim name duplicate, RFC 8259 
would have said what SHALL be the behaviour of the software 

but this is not the case.

An object whose names are all unique is interoperable in the sense
that all software implementations receiving that object will agree on
the name-value mappings. When the names within an object are not
unique, the behavior of software that receives such an object is
unpredictable.  Many implementations report the last name/value pair
only.  Other implementations report an error or fail to parse the
object, and some implementations report all of the name/value pairs,
including duplicates.

JSON parsing libraries have been observed to differ as to whether or
not they make the ordering of object members visible to calling
software.  Implementations whose behavior does not depend on member
ordering will be interoperable in the sense that they will not be
affected by these differences..

An application that receives an object should anyway retrieve the 
appropriate schema to check whether what it has received complies 
with the schema. If the schema indicates that several claims with the 
same name can be present, then the application should use an 
appropriate software implementation of the JSON decoder. An 
application using a JSON structure should describe what it expects. 
Currently, the following text is present: The JWT MUST contain an 
"iss" (issuer) claim ... The JWT MUST contain an "status_list" 
(status list) claim ... Maybe, in the future, this would be changed 
into: The JSON object MUST contain a single occurrence of an "iss" 
(issuer) claim ... The JSON object MUST contain at least one 
occurrence of an "status_list" (status list) claim ... Denis

On Mon, Oct 2, 2023, 11:56 PM Denis  wrote:

Hi Justin,

Your premise relies on a feature of JSON that does not exist. JSON does not 
provide well-defined behavior for repeated names within an object:

When the names within an object are not
unique, the behavior of software that receives such an object is

You should also cite the next two sentences which are:

Many implementations report the last name/value pair only.  Other 
implementations report an error or fail
to parse the object, and some implementations report all of the 
name/value pairs, including duplicates.

A specification might require to use implementations that report all of the 
name/value pairs, including duplicates.

That's not sticking to JSON semantics. Extending JSON to be a
multifunction or worse a sequence of key value pairs changes the
semantics. If you use JSON stick to RFC 8259 as it interoperates not
gratuitously cause problems.

Justin is right.

Watson Ladd

OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Reservations and observations about draft JWT and CWT Status List

2023-10-03 Thread Denis

Hi Watson,

The word "semantics" is not present in RFC 8259.

I looked for the word "unique" in RFC 8259. There are three occurrences 
of that word in clause 4. Objects,

in particular:

The names within an object SHOULD be unique

There is indeed a "SHOULD", but not a "SHALL".

If there were a "SHALL", in case of a claim name duplicate, RFC 8259 
would have said what SHALL be the behaviour of the software implementation,

but this is not the case.

   An object whose names are all unique is interoperable in the sense
   that all software implementations receiving that object will agree on
   the name-value mappings. When the names within an object are not
   unique, the behavior of software that receives such an object is
   unpredictable.  Many implementations report the last name/value pair
   only.  Other implementations report an error or fail to parse the
   object, and some implementations report all of the name/value pairs,
   including duplicates.

   JSON parsing libraries have been observed to differ as to whether or
   not they make the ordering of object members visible to calling
   software.  Implementations whose behavior does not depend on member
   ordering will be interoperable in the sense that they will not be
   affected by these differences..

An application that receives an object should anyway retrieve the 
appropriate schema to check whether what it has received complies with 
the schema. If the schema indicates that several claims with the same 
name can be present, then the application should use an appropriate 
software implementation of the JSON decoder. An application using a JSON 
structure should describe what it expects. Currently, the following text 
is present: The JWT MUST contain an "iss" (issuer) claim ... The JWT 
MUST contain an "status_list" (status list) claim ... Maybe, in the 
future, this would be changed into: The JSON object MUST contain a 
single occurrence of an "iss" (issuer) claim ... The JSON object MUST 
contain at least one occurrence of an "status_list" (status list) claim 
... Denis

On Mon, Oct 2, 2023, 11:56 PM Denis  wrote:

Hi Justin,

Your premise relies on a feature of JSON that does not exist. JSON does not 
provide well-defined behavior for repeated names within an object:

When the names within an object are not
unique, the behavior of software that receives such an object is

You should also cite the next two sentences which are:

Many implementations report the last name/value pair only.  Other 
implementations report an error or fail
to parse the object, and some implementations report all of the 
name/value pairs, including duplicates.

A specification might require to use implementations that report all of the 
name/value pairs, including duplicates.

That's not sticking to JSON semantics. Extending JSON to be a
multifunction or worse a sequence of key value pairs changes the
semantics. If you use JSON stick to RFC 8259 as it interoperates not
gratuitously cause problems.

Justin is right.

Watson Ladd

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Reservations and observations about draft JWT and CWT Status List

2023-10-02 Thread Denis

Hi Justin,

Your premise relies on a feature of JSON that does not exist. JSON 
does not provide well-defined behavior for repeated names within an 

When the names within an object are not
unique, the behavior of software that receives such an object is

You should also cite the next two sentences which are:

   Many implementations report the last name/value pair only.  
Other implementations report an error or fail
   to parse the object, and some implementations report all of the 
name/value pairs, including duplicates.

A specification might require to use implementations that report all of 
the name/value pairs, including duplicates.


From: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8259.html#section-4

 — Justin

On Oct 2, 2023, at 1:12 PM, Denis  wrote:

The latest draft (i.e. draft-looker-oauth-jwt-cwt-status-list-latest) 
which is available at :

includes the following illustrative drawing:

| Referenced Token || Status List Token |
|(JSON or CBOR)||(JWT or CWT)|
||Describes Status||
+--+ +---+

This drawing is not identical to the drawing of the referenced draft.

On the left side, "JSON or CBOR" are mentioned instead of "JWT or CWT".
However, such change would indeed be appropriate (and in both 
rectangles as explained below).

In section 4. of JWT [RFC7519] The text states:

 The JWT Claims Set represents a JSON object whose members 
are the claims conveyed by the JWT.
The Claim Names within a JWT Claims Set MUST be unique. JWT parsers 
MUST either reject JWTs
 with duplicate Claim Names oruse a JSON parser that returns 
only the lexically last duplicate member name (...).

In [RFC8392] such sentence is not present which means that a Claim 
does not need to be unique.

However, in some applications, it might be useful to use JSON tokens 
that contain several occurrences of the same claim within it.
In addition, the processing of such tokens would not necessarily need 
to follow the description made in section 7 of [RFC7519], i.e. JWTs.

As a first example, let us consider the case where the URI placed 
under the "status_list " claim does not respond.
For resilience considerations, another URI should be defined. This 
can be handled in two ways:

    - using a more complex claim structure for the "status_list" 
claim, or

    - allowing the inclusion of several "status_list" claims.

As another example, currently the claim "nationalities" has been 
registered by the IANA. See: 

In order to support selective disclosure, the claim "nationality" 
should be defined, so that two "nationality" claims can be present,
in order to allow bi-national users to choose which "nationality" 
claim(s) to disclose, without disclosing that they have two 
nationality claims.

   Note: Using a different name for tokens supporting 
credentials, e.g., JXT ot CXT (with the letter "X" different from the 
letter "J")

    would address this problem.

The abstract states:

This specification defines status list data structures for 
representing the status of JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) [RFC7519] and
CBOR Web Tokens (CWTs) [RFC8392]. The status list data structures 
themselves are also represented as JWTs or CWTs.

Both sentences imply restrictions since they limit the use of the 
mechanism only to JWTs and CWTs.

Limiting the use of the Status List mechanism to JWTs and CWTs would 
not allow other forms of JSON or CBOR tokens

to take advantage of the mechanism described in this draft.

The abstract should be modified to be able to support other forms of 
JSON or CBOR tokens,

while JWTs and CWTs should be mentioned as examples.

In order to allow future evolutions, the same kind of change should 
be done for Status List Tokens.

In order to allow for such a possibility, the title should include 
"JSON and CBOR" rather than "JWT and CWT".

*Proposed changes:*

1) Change proposal for the title of the document:

JSON and CBOR encoded Status Lists

2) Change proposal for the Abstract:

This specification defines status list data structures for 
representing the status of JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) tokens 
[RFC8259] and
 of Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) tokens 
[RFC7049] (see also [RFC8949]), */such as/* JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) 
[RFC7519] and

 CBOR Web Tokens (CWTs) [RFC8392].

The status list data structures themselves are represented as JSON 
tokens or CBOR tokens.

3) The same kind of change should be done within the document, e.g. :

[OAUTH-WG] Reservations and observations about draft JWT and CWT Status List

2023-10-02 Thread Denis

The latest draft (i.e. draft-looker-oauth-jwt-cwt-status-list-latest) 
which is available at :

includes the following illustrative drawing:

| Referenced Token || Status List Token |
|(JSON or CBOR)||(JWT or CWT)|
||Describes Status||
+--+ +---+

This drawing is not identical to the drawing of the referenced draft.

On the left side, "JSON or CBOR" are mentioned instead of "JWT or CWT".
However, such change would indeed be appropriate (and in both rectangles 
as explained below).

In section 4. of JWT [RFC7519] The text states:

 The JWT Claims Set represents a JSON object whose members are 
the claims conveyed by the JWT.
The Claim Names within a JWT Claims Set MUST be unique. JWT parsers MUST 
either reject JWTs
 with duplicate Claim Names oruse a JSON parser that returns 
only the lexically last duplicate member name (...).

In [RFC8392] such sentence is not present which means that a Claim does 
not need to be unique.

However, in some applications, it might be useful to use JSON tokens 
that contain several occurrences of the same claim within it.
In addition, the processing of such tokens would not necessarily need to 
follow the description made in section 7 of [RFC7519], i.e. JWTs.

As a first example, let us consider the case where the URI placed under 
the "status_list " claim does not respond.
For resilience considerations, another URI should be defined. This can 
be handled in two ways:

- using a more complex claim structure for the "status_list" claim, or

- allowing the inclusion of several "status_list" claims.

As another example, currently the claim "nationalities" has been 
registered by the IANA. See: https://www.iana.org/assignments/jwt/jwt.xhtml

In order to support selective disclosure, the claim "nationality" should 
be defined, so that two "nationality" claims can be present,
in order to allow bi-national users to choose which "nationality" 
claim(s) to disclose, without disclosing that they have two nationality 

   Note: Using a different name for tokens supporting credentials, 
e.g., JXT ot CXT (with the letter "X" different from the letter "J")

    would address this problem.

The abstract states:

This specification defines status list data structures for representing 
the status of JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) [RFC7519] and
CBOR Web Tokens (CWTs) [RFC8392]. The status list data structures 
themselves are also represented as JWTs or CWTs.

Both sentences imply restrictions since they limit the use of the 
mechanism only to JWTs and CWTs.

Limiting the use of the Status List mechanism to JWTs and CWTs would not 
allow other forms of JSON or CBOR tokens

to take advantage of the mechanism described in this draft.

The abstract should be modified to be able to support other forms of 
JSON or CBOR tokens,

while JWTs and CWTs should be mentioned as examples.

In order to allow future evolutions, the same kind of change should be 
done for Status List Tokens.

In order to allow for such a possibility, the title should include "JSON 
and CBOR" rather than "JWT and CWT".

*Proposed changes:*

1) Change proposal for the title of the document:

JSON and CBOR encoded Status Lists

2) Change proposal for the Abstract:

This specification defines status list data structures for representing 
the status of JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) tokens [RFC8259] and
 of Concise Binary Object Representation (CBOR) tokens 
[RFC7049] (see also [RFC8949]), */such as/* JSON Web Tokens (JWTs) 
[RFC7519] and

 CBOR Web Tokens (CWTs) [RFC8392].

The status list data structures themselves are represented as JSON 
tokens or CBOR tokens.

3) The same kind of change should be done within the document, e.g. :
|Referenced Token||Status List Token|
| (JSON or CBOR token) || (JSON or CBOR token) |
||Describes Status||
The first draft of the OAuth WG should rather be called: 


PS. A remainder:

- the protocol leaks information that allows verifiers to link the 
tokens they receive.

-depending upon the architecture deployed by the token Issuer, the 
Issuer may be in a position to act as Big Brother,
  i.e. allowing it to know where and when a token it has issued 
has been used.
OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Call for adoption - JWT and CWT Status List

2023-10-02 Thread Denis

I am in favor of the adoption, with reservations and observations.

My reservations and observations will be posted in another email under 
the following header:

"Reservations and observations about draft JWT and CWT Status List"

The basic idea looks useful for environments where:

    - the linkability of tokens between verifiers is desirable or 
required, or /and
- end-users are informed that the protocol leaks information that allows 
verifiers to link the tokens they receive.

Depending upon the architecture deployed by the token Issuer, the Issuer 
may be in a position to act as Big Brother,

i.e. allowing it to know where and when a token it has issued has been used.


I support adoption. I have questions about the specifics which I'll 
try to write up in the next week or so, but the basic idea seems 
useful. (The tl;dr of my thoughts is: have we learned everything we 
can do from the *many* iterations of similar mechanisms in the PKI 

-- Neil

On 30 Sep 2023, at 13:52, Rifaat Shekh-Yusef 


This is an official call for adoption for the *JWT and CWT Status 
List* draft:


Please, reply *on the mailing list *and let us know if you are in 
*favor *or*against *adopting this draft as WG document, by *Oct 13th*.

 Rifaat & Hannes
OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] About Selective Disclosure for JWTs (SD-JWT) and the Unlinkability property

2023-09-19 Thread Denis

This a cross-posting to both the OAuth WG mailing and the SPICE BoF mailing.

Issuing "single use of batches of credentials" is mentioned in section 
10.4 from draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt-05 as follows:

"To prevent these types of linkability, various methods, including but 
not limited to the following ones can be used:

- Use advanced cryptographic schemes, outside the scope of this 

- Issue a batch of SD-JWTs to the Holder to enable the Holder to use a 
unique SD-JWT per Verifier.

    This only helps with Verifier/ Verifier unlinkability".

The second method is not described in details. However, Key Binding is 
defined in the same document as:

Ability of the Holder to prove legitimate possession of an SD-JWT by 
proving control over the same private key during the issuance and 
An SD-JWT with Key Binding contains a public key, or a reference to a 
public key, that matches to the private key controlled by the Holder.

If the same public key is used in a batch of SD-JWT, then the 
Unlinkability property cannot be supported.
This can only work if the Holder pre-generates a set a key pair for each 
batch of credentials that will be requested to an Issuer.

This characteristic is not mentioned in the "Architecture and Reference 
Framework April 2023 Version 1.1.0".

In addition, for each SD-JWT from a batch of SD-JWTs, the same claim 
shall be computed by the Issuer using a different salt.

This is not mentioned either in the ARF since the word "unlinkability" 
does not exist in this document.

Does this mean that the "Architecture and Reference Framework" will be 
unable to support the Unlinkability property ?

It looks like sweeping the dust under the rug.

Wouldn't "advanced cryptographic schemes" mentioned in the first method, 
like BBS+ be more appropriate ?
When using BBS or BBS+, the same blinded link secret can be used since 
only a zero-knowledge proof of knowledge of the link secret is demonstrated.

OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] OAuth and JWT/VC documents: a societal choice

2023-09-18 Thread Denis

Should the IETF contribute to a single solution that, by design, is 
unable to support the Unlinkability property between verifiers
and is not extensible to support the Unlinkability property between 
verifiers ?

Should two different and incompatible models be developed by the IETF ?


PS. "The Commission is already investing €46 million from the Digital 
Europe Programme in four large-scale pilots, to test the EU Digital 
Identity Wallet
in a range of everyday use-cases, including the Mobile Driving Licence, 
eHealth, payments, and education and professional qualifications".
Press release. 29 June 2023. Source: 

Hi Roman,

I’m writing this post on behalf of the group of co-authors who 
proposed the following drafts for adoption by the OAuth WG:


We have brought these drafts to the IETF because they are built on 
IETF drafts/standards and enhance them. Those drafts are interrelated 
and part of a bigger effort to provide initiatives around the globe 
for building ecosystems based on the Issuer/Holder/Verifier model, 
especially focussing on EU’s eIDAS, with interoperable technical 

The work is based on two pillars, Selective Disclosure JWT (SD-JWT) 
and OpenID for Verifiable Credentials (OID4VC). The latter is a 
credential format agnostic family of protocols for issuing and 
presenting verifiable credentials and authenticating users based on 
keys in the wallet. These specifications are being standardized at the 
OpenID Foundation; they are already referenced by the eIDAS 
Architecture and Reference Framework.

SD-JWT and OID4VC are combined in a specification designated as 
“OpenID for Verifiable Credentials High Assurance Interoperability 
Profile with SD-JWT VC” (HAIP). HAIP instantiates OID4VC with the 
credential format SD-JWT VC to allow implementers to build truly 
interoperable systems. This is the contribution we intend to make to 

While working on HAIP we identified missing pieces in the overall 
picture, most notably a way to use well-established JWT content rules 
and its extensibility model as basis for representing Verifiable 
Credentials with JSON payload. That’s why we drafted 

We also noticed Verifiable Credentials are typically long living 
credentials and thus need a way for its issuer to influence its 
status. That’s why we drafted draft-looker-oauth-jwt-cwt-status-list 
and incorporated it into draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc.

In addition, we learned while working with the eIDAS expert group and 
others that wallet to issuer authentication needs to fulfill very 
special requirements. That’s why we drafted 
draft-ietf-oauth-attestation-based-client-auth as a new client 
authentication method.

To sum up, draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc and 
draft-looker-oauth-jwt-cwt-status-list extend the work being done 
around SD-JWT so we feel the OAuth WG is the best place to evolved 
them. However, we are open to discuss to carve out the work around 
credential formats and supporting mechanisms into a new working group.

draft-ietf-oauth-attestation-based-client-auth is an OAuth extension, 
so we believe it belongs to the OAuth WG.

** What's the body of work around SD/JWT/VC that should be done and 
how much work will that be? What needs to be done first?

draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc and draft-looker-oauth-jwt-cwt-status-list 
are fundamental building blocks on the level of credential formats for 
building applications according to the Issuer/Holder/Verifier model. A 
lot of initiatives around the globe are looking for technical 
standards for this kind of application now. (For example, the eIDAS 
expert group hopes to finalize its Architectural Reference Framework 
(ARF) this year.) So there is a window of opportunity for IETF and 
this group to make an impact with solid, secure and usable technical 

We don’t plan further contributions in this space to the WG beyond the 
proposed drafts.

** What unknown about the direction and needed tasks?

I hope I could shed some light on our plans.

** For whatever that work might be, how should the OAuth charter 
evolve to support the work?

We suggest extending the charter to cover work on credential formats 
and related mechanisms based on JWTs. As already mentioned above, we 
are also open to moving this work into a new dedicated working group 
once such a working group is operational. That working group might be 
established as a result of the SPICE effort.  It would be good to 
coordinate closely with those developing CBOR-based credentials to 
keep that work and ours architecturally aligned. We, however, see the 
need to keep working on the drafts to meet the expectations of current 
and prospect implementers.

** Is there work to be done around bridging the architectural 

Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth and JWT/VC documents

2023-09-18 Thread Denis

Hi Brian,

The main questions raised by Roman were:

   What's the body of work around SD/JWT/VC that should be done and how
   much work will that be?
   What needs to be done first?

The topic is about SD-JWT-VC (draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc). It is not 
about SD-JWT (draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt).

At a first glance, using JWTs within SD-JWT-VC seems fine, since none of 
the claims defined in RFC7519 are intended to be mandatory to use or 

However, compliance to RFC 7519 (JWT) means compliance with all the 
content of the document, i.e., including its processing requirements
defined in section 7.  "Creating and Validating JWTs". None of these two 
sections (i.e., 7.1 and 7.2) allows to create and verify a JWT-VC

as intended in draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc.

Are JWTs adequate to be used in the context of a "three *roles* model" 
(i.e., Holder, Issuer and Verifier) ?

Both OAuth 2.0 and OAuth 2.1 consider that a JWT is "considered opaque 
to the client, even if it has a structure".

This consideration cannot apply to SD-JWT-VC (draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc).

The "three roles model" should be usable using smartphones supporting 
Digital Identity Wallets. Unfortunately, this is not the case

with draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc.

The three roles model should consider (at least) seven other *entities*: 
TA, TA Issuer, TEE, TEE Issuer, RichOs, RichOS Issuer and the user agent.
Neither the OAuth 2.0 Framework, nor the OAuth 2.1 Framework, considers 
these seven entities.

Below is an answer to the second question raised by Roman:

   *What needs to be done first? **

   1) A Framework, usable in a smartphone environment, needs first to
   be defined with its own vocabulary and its own data flows.
   Let us call it something like: "The Credentials Framework 1.0".

  Then after the trust relationships between the various roles and
   entities need to be defined.

   In order to follow both a privacy-by-design and a
   security-by-design approach, a model including the ten entities (and
   maybe more)
   should first be defined with a description of the sequencing of
   the flows and of the interactions between its entities.

  Then after, both a "Security considerations" section and a
   "Privacy considerations" section should be written to highlight
   which security and privacy properties are intended (and are not
   intended) to be supported.

   2) The W3C VCDM 2.0 model should be analysed in order to identify
   which aspects should be retained and which other aspects should be
 with a rational for each aspect. This implicit means that the
   full W3C VCDM document will not necessarily be endorsed. One of the
   results of this analysis
 would be to identify which syntaxes and semantics would be
   candidate to be used for VC, and for VPs, with pros and cons.
   Copyright issues might need
 to be addressed between the W3C and the IETF and I am fully
   ignorant on that aspect.

   3) Schemas for VCs supported by a given Issuer should then be
   defined, so that a Holder may request a Credential corresponding to
   a selected profile.

   4) All the data flows, starting from the data flow between a
   pre-Holder and an Issuer, will need to be considered.

Much more than a single RFC will be needed. Both the W3C and the OpenID 
Foundation (OIDF) have already paved the beginning of this path.

Placing such a work under the umbrella of the OAuth WG is questionable 
since it would likely create a confusion with the OAuth 2.0 and OAuth 
2.1 Frameworks

and this is one of the topics currently discussed in the SPICE BoF.

Would a Creds WG be more appropriate ?


Hi Roman,

I'm going to dodge some of the bigger picture questions but wanted to 
give a bit of historical context/justification for the 
draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt work in the OAuth WG.

JWT <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc7519/> itself was a product 
of OAuth WG yet was intentionally developed as a general-purpose token 
format with no direct dependency or relation to RFC6749 
<https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc6749>. JWT certainly had 
useful applications in OAuth/RFC6749 but it wasn't limited to such. 
JWT has seen widespread usage in a variety of applications and other 
standards, which is arguably a testament to the intent and nature of 
that development.

is basically just a selective disclosure mechanism for JWT. It builds 
on and leverages the established and familiar constructs of JWT. It is 
similarly intended to be a general-purpose specification. Given that 
broad intent and SD-JWT's relationship to JWT, with JWT's heritage of 
being developed in the OAuth WG, it seemed only natural and 
appropriate that SD-JWT follow 

Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth and JWT/VC documents

2023-09-18 Thread Denis

Hi  Hannes,

Sorry for this late response. The SPICE BoF (and other activities) kept 
me quite busy.

Hi Denis,

OAuth defines 4 roles, see Section 1.1 of RFC 6749.

A RO is a role supported by a (human) user.

In the three party model there is likely a human behind the holder as 

You can map the OAuth terms to the VC terms, if you like, as follows:

* Issuer: Authorization Server

* Holder: Client

* Verifier: Relying Party

The mapping you propose does not work. Section 2.1 from RFC 7636 states:

 OAuth defines two client types, based on their ability to 
authenticate securely with the authorization server
 (i.e., ability to maintain the confidentiality of their client 

    Clients capable of maintaining the confidentiality of their 
credentials (e.g., client implemented on a secure server
    with restricted access to the client credentials), or capable of 
secure client authentication using other means.

    Clients incapable of maintaining the confidentiality of their 
credentials (e.g., clients executing on the device used
    by the resource owner, such as an installed native application or a 
web browser-based application), and incapable

    of secure client authentication via any other means.

If a Holder were to be a client, would it be a private client or a 
public client ? The response is: none of them.

In W3C VCDM 2.0, the Holder is defined as:

    A role an entity might perform by possessing one or more verifiable 
credentials and generating verifiable presentations from them.

    Example holders include students, employees, and customers.

Students, employees or customers SHOULD NOT be confused with applications.

TEEs, Trusted Applications, etc. are implementation specific details. 
You can use them in OAuth, and other protocols as well.

TEEs, Trusted Applications, etc. are NOT implementation details. They 
are fundamental components in the design, but are not considered
in OAuth 2.0 and neither in the OAuth 2.1 draft. TAs are slightly 
similar to confidential clients but are fundamentally different

since they must support additional security properties.

There is a need to consider the existence of TAs (Trusted Applications) 
which are separate from the RichOS (e.g., Android or iOS)
thanks to the existence of a TEE (Trusted Execution Environment). A TA 
needs to be downloaded into a TEE, hence both TEE Issuers

and TA Issuers also need to be part of the model.

The model has three *roles*, i.e., Holder, Issuer and Verifier and at 
least supports the following additional *entities*:

TA, TA Issuer, TEE, TEE Issuer, RichOs, RichOS Issuer and the user agent.

   user agent
   software and hardware used by a natural person to interact with 
the World Wide Web

Note: a user agent should not be confused with a client as defined in 
RFC 6947:

  An *application* making protected resource requests on behalf of the
 * resource owner* and with its authorization.  The term "client" does
  not imply any particular implementation characteristics (e.g.,
  whether the application executes on a server, a desktop, or other

draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc-00 is unable to support the three *roles* 
(i.e., Holder, Issuer and Verifier) and does not distinguish the 
previous additional *entities*

Considering "client implemented on a secure server with restricted 
access to the client credentials" is outdated. We are now all using 
smart phones.
Smart phones need to be considered, which means that digital identity 
wallets also need to be considered.

As an example, Trusted APs are supported on iPhone beginning with iOS 
16, but do not work on IPad. More information is available here:


Trusted APs do not currently exist on desktops or laptops.

Regarding the question: "What the IETF should do (or not do) in this 
area ?"

The answer is: We are working in the IETF on these topics already, see 
Web Authorization Protocol (oauth) (ietf.org) 

There are exactly 48 documents listed in the link you provided.

Most of them are unrelated to the topic of "OAuth and JWT/VC documents", 
but two of them are attempting to make a bridge between VCs and JWTs:

 * SD-JWT-based Verifiable Credentials (SD-JWT VC)
 * Selective Disclosure for JWTs (SD-JWT)

The example in section 4.3 from draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc-00 is rather 
innovative, since this draft (and its companion draft) attempts to define

age limit attributes such as : Claim is_over_21 or Claim is_over_65.

  "type": "IdentityCredential",
  "given_name": "John",
  "family_name": "Doe",

Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth and JWT/VC documents

2023-09-09 Thread Denis
Historically, the OAuth WG has been using a model including five 
components: the user, the Client, the AS, the RO and the RS.

The model applicable in the context of the "three part model (issuer, 
holder, verifier)" is rather different since there is no AS, nor RO.
An AS should not be confused with an Issuer. An Issuer has no 
relationship with a verifier.

In the "three part model", a Credential is issued by an Issuer to an 
holder who may then derive himself from it one or more Verifiable 
without any call-back to the Issuer. The holder may then present to a RS 
one or more Verifiable Presentations derived from Credentials issued
by the same or different Issuers. It is implicit that the "three part 
model" shall support selective disclosure of the holder's attributes.

The "three part model (issuer, holder, verifier)" involves more entities 
/ components: the user, the TEE (Trusted Execution Environment)
supported by the smart phone or tablet manufacturer, Trusted 
Applications (TAs) placed into the TEE, the providers of these Trusted 
Applications (TAs)
and the RichOS supported by the smart phone or tablet. Security and 
privacy concerns can only be achieved while considering the whole chain.

The protocols between an holder and a verifier are rather different from 
those defined din OAuth, since in many cases they support Zero-Knowledge 
proofs (ZKPs).

Before designing an architecture, it is important to raise the following 

 * Is it desirable to support linkability between verifiers and/or
   unlinkability between verifiers ?
 * How to bind a Verifiable Presentation to its legitimate holder while
   also supporting the unlinkability property between verifiers ?

IMO, bridging the architectural narrative used in the core OAuth 
framework (AS, RS, RO) and three part model (issuer, holder, verifier) 
is not desirable.
This would add confusion. Extending the OAuth charter to address the 
"three part model" is not desirable.

Some committees and foundations are already addressing this topic, e.g., 
W3C, OpenID, DIF (Decentralized Identity Foundation) and GlobalPlatform 
(for the TEE).

The key question is: what the IETF should do (/or not do)/ in this area ?/
A BoF should be opened to continue this discussion.


Thanks for kicking off the conversation!


On Fri, Sep 8, 2023 at 2:08 PM Roman Danyliw  wrote:


We've observed growing energy around JWT, selective disclosure and
VC related topics in the WG in recent meetings.  We spent almost
all of the third OAuth meeting at IETF 117 on related topics.  The
initial SD-JWT (draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt) has
been followed up with SD-JWT-VC (draft-ietf-oauth-sd-jwt-vc).
There is also work like draft-looker-oauth-jwt-cwt-status-list
being proposed.

As promised at IETF 117, we would like to start a conversation
about the direction the WG would like to take at a strategic level
rather than continuing to deal this topic in one document
increments of additional scope.

** What's the body of work around SD/JWT/VC that should be done
and how much work will that be?  What needs to be done first? 
What unknown about the direction and needed tasks?

There are building blocks that "look like VC" but are actually vanilla 
JWT / relevant outside the 3 party model. I would recommend keeping 
them at OAuth (status list cwt is an example of this IMO).

It's possible that a document at OAuth recognizing the data model 
elements of the 3 party model (iss, sub, cnf, kid, etc) might help 
enable documents outside of OAuth to better defer to OAuth for "moving 
tokens, or leveraging successful protocols"... this could help reduce 
the data model reinvention everywhere else, and it could drive the 
common understanding of registered claim names to be 
interpreted consistently across JWT / CWT (and their SD friends).

** For whatever that work might be, how should the OAuth charter
evolve to support the work?

I don't know, but I am happy to help : )

One thing that seems worth unpacking is why DCP at OIDF is leaving the 
OIDC part behind (paraphrasing, kristina probably has a better take): 

Are there things DCP might need from OAuth WG, how might the charter 
align to that work?

** Is there work to be done around bridging the architectural
narrative used in the core OAuth framework/RFC6749 (AS, RS, RO)
and three part model (issuer, holder, verifier) used in

I think so? but it depends on the comment above.

Personally I would like to see the OAuth WG tackle this head on, 
especially because of the wallet / client / subject / holder 
confusion Starting with the people we are here to serve seems like 
a safe way to progre

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Request for Feedback on "SD-JWT VC" Draft Specification

2023-07-12 Thread Denis

Hi Oliver,

On may 27, 2023, I sent an email to you, Lief  and on the list and 
(unless I missed it)  I have not seen a reply to it.
A response would be appreciated. I copy and paste below the content of 
that email.


Note : A "presentation of an SD-JWT VC" is different from a "Verifiable 

Hi Oliver,

I browsed through the document which does not seem to comply with VCDM, 
i.e. Verifiable Credentials Data Model v1.1,
W3C Recommendation 03 March 2022. The latest published version is 
available at: https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/

VCDM states:

Holders of verifiable credentials can generate *verifiable 
presentations* and then share these verifiable presentations with verifiers
    to prove they possess verifiable credentials with certain 

In the draft, Figure 1 should indicate that usually Verifiable 
Presentations are generated by the holder and then presented to the 

In the draft, section 1.2 states:

   While JWT-based credentials enable selective disclosure, i.e., 
the ability for a Holder to disclose only a subset of the contained claims,
   in an Identity Provider ecosystem by issuing new JWTs to the 
Verifier for every presentation, *this approach does not work in the 

VCDM offers the ability for a Holder to disclose only a subset of the 
contained claims.

Figure 1 is incorrect and does not comply with section 3.3 of VCDM which 

   The expression of a subset of one's persona is called a 
*verifiable presentation*.

The current draft is only using the wording "verifiable credentials" and 
never the wording "verifiable presentations".
It would seem natural to speak of "verifiable presentations". If 
verifiable presentations are deliberately out of the scope, a rational 
should be given.

It is questionable why this work should not be undertaken by the 
Verifiable Credentials W3C Working Group.

Have contacts been established with this W3C Working Group ?

*Additional comments on this proposal
Section 5.10 of VCDM states:

Verifiable credentials are intended as a means of reliably *identifying* 
subjects. While it is recognized that Role Based Access Controls (RBACs)
   and Attribute Based Access Controls (ABACs) rely on this 
identification as a means of authorizing subjects to access resources, 
this specification
   does not provide a *complete *solution for RBAC or ABAC. 
Authorization is not an appropriate use for this specification without 
an accompanying

   authorization framework.

Since a verifiable presentation may contain only a subset of the 
attributes of a user, this specification already provides a *partial 
*solution for ABAC.

The OAuth 2.0 *authorization framework* is a protocol that allows a user 
to grant a third-party web site or application access to the user's 
protected resources,
without necessarily revealing their long-term credentials or even their 

Intensive cryptographic computations are usually needed by a holder to 
create a Verifiable Presentation. These computations should be reduced 
to the strict minimum.

As an example, if using a Verifiable Presentation a user needs to prove 
that he is over 18, once he has proven this property, it does not need 
to provide it again and again,
since if he is over 18 today, he will still be over 18 for the rest of 
his life.

It other words, a user should only provide this Verifiable Presentation 
once and for a daily usage of a web site authenticate using other (and 
lighter) means .

When logging for the first time to a web site, a user may wish or be 
invited to register to that web site, so that the next accesses can be 
performed using a user identifier
(e.g. a pseudonym) and authentication data (e.g. a password or a private 

The scope, as currently proposed, does not seem to be adequate. Section 
2 of the draft states:

This specification defines:

 * Data model and media types for Verifiable Credentials based on SD-JWTs.
 * Validation and processing rules for Verifiers and Holders.

If this draft proposal is taken as a WG draft, the articulation between 
user authentication and user authorisation should be addressed.

A side question is the following : will this draft be dealing with 
identification and/or authorization ?


Dear all,

Thank you all for your feedback so far.

I would like to share an update on the SD-JWT VC draft that Daniel 
Fett and I have been working on.

Here is the link to the updated IETF data tracker: 

Please note that we had to make a change to the IETF data tracker name.

I am excited about the opportunity to present the draft specification 
in person at IETF 117.

Thank you,

On Thu, Jun 8, 2023 at 

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Request for Feedback on "SD-JWT VC" Draft Specification

2023-06-08 Thread Denis

It other words, a user should only provide this Verifiable Presentation 
once and for a daily usage of a web site authenticate using other (and 
lighter) means .

When logging for the first time to a web site, a user may wish or be 
invited to register to that web site, so that the next accesses can be 
performed using a user identifier
(e.g. a pseudonym) and authentication data (e.g. a password or a private 

The scope, as currently proposed, does not seem to be adequate. Section 
2 of the draft states:

This specification defines:

 * Data model and media types for Verifiable Credentials based on SD-JWTs.
 * Validation and processing rules for Verifiers and Holders.

If this draft proposal is taken as a WG draft, the articulation between 
user authentication and user authorisation should be addressed.

A side question is the following : will this draft be dealing with 
identification and/or authorization ?


Thank you all for your feedback on this document.

The chairs would like to make it clear that this is a call for 
feedback at this stage.
This is *NOT* a call for adoption, because we think it is too early 
for that. We would like to see more feedback and discussion on the 
list and during the coming IETF meeting before considering adoption.

 Rifaat & Hannes

On Wed, Jun 7, 2023 at 10:02 PM Michael Jones 

Here’s some feedback based on a full read of the draft…

You will eventually be asked to reference RFC 8174, like is done

You might as well do it sooner than later.

To follow the IETF draft naming conventions, you need to include
the intended working group name as the third component of the
draft name. So for instance, this draft should probably be renamed
to draft-terbu-oauth-sd-jwt-vc or draft-terbu-jose-sd-jwt-vc.


(Registered JWT Claims), I’d specify that the “iss” value must be
a URL using the “https” scheme.  That way the
.well-known/jwt-issuer metadata will always be retrievable.


(Registered JWT Claims), why must the “sub” value be a URI?  Are
we not interested in use cases where the “sub” references, for
example, an OAuth client, where the Client ID value is a UUID (a
string)?  StringOrURI seems like a better choice.

(JWT Issuer Metadata Request), I question whether “If the
|iss| value contains a path component, any terminating |/| MUST be
removed before inserting |/.well-known/| and the well-known URI
suffix between the host component and the path component.” is
always the right choice.  Yes, I know that that’s what it takes to
conform to RFC 5785 and I wrote similar text at
https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc8414#section-5 , but
practically, the permissions on servers may not be administered in
a way that allows tenants to write to this location.  (Yes, I plan
to continue the conversation with Mark Nottingham about allowing
.well-known in locations other than the root.)

I especially like this section

(JWT Issuer Metadata)!

Hope you find this review useful…

-- Mike

*From:* OAuth  *On Behalf Of * Oliver Terbu
*Sent:* Saturday, May 27, 2023 2:56 AM
*To:* oauth@ietf.org
*Subject:* [OAUTH-WG] Request for Feedback on "SD-JWT VC" Draft

Dear all,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to introduce
"SD-JWT-based Verifiable Credentials with JSON payloads” (SD-JWT VC):


This proposal builds upon the existing SD-JWT specification by the
OAuth WG and aims to address certain gaps and provide specific
guidance for utilizing SD-JWT in the context of Verifiable
Credentials. For example, while SD-JWT defines how to implement
selective disclosure in JWTs (an important building block in many
Verifiable Credential use cases), it is not opinionated about the
specific JWT Claim Sets in the payload to represent Verifiable
Credentials and used with HB-JWT.

As you may be aware, the SD-JWT specification has already been
adopted by the OAuth WG and has gained significant traction within
the industry. However, the SD-JWT specification does not provide
explicit guidance on using SD-JWT for Verifiable Credentials.

The eIDAS 2.0 Architecture Reference Framework (ARF) has expressed
a keen interest in utilizing SD-JWT for Verifiable Credentials,
and SD-JWT VC became one of the two core credential formats of the

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Request for Feedback on "SD-JWT VC" Draft Specification

2023-05-27 Thread Denis

Hi Oliver,

I browsed through the document which does not seem to comply with VCDM, 
i.e. Verifiable Credentials Data Model v1.1,
W3C Recommendation 03 March 2022. The latest published version is 
available at: https://www.w3.org/TR/vc-data-model/

VCDM states:

Holders of verifiable credentials can generate *verifiable 
presentations* and then share these verifiable presentations with verifiers
    to prove they possess verifiable credentials with certain 

In the draft, Figure 1 should indicate that usually Verifiable 
Presentations are generated by the holder and then presented to the 

In the draft, section 1.2 states:

   While JWT-based credentials enable selective disclosure, i.e., 
the ability for a Holder to disclose only a subset of the contained claims,
   in an Identity Provider ecosystem by issuing new JWTs to the 
Verifier for every presentation, *this approach does not work in the 

VCDM offers the ability for a Holder to disclose only a subset of the 
contained claims.

Figure 1 is incorrect and does not comply with section 3.3 of VCDM which 

   The expression of a subset of one's persona is called a 
verifiable presentation.

The current draft is only using the wording "verifiable credentials" and 
never the wording "verifiable presentations".
It would seem natural to speak of "verifiable presentations". If 
verifiable presentations are deliberately out of the scope, a rational 
should be given.

It is questionable why this work should not be undertaken by the 
Verifiable Credentials W3C Working Group.

Have contacts been established with this W3C Working Group ?

*Additional comments on this proposal
Section 5.10 of VCDM states:

Verifiable credentials are intended as a means of reliably *identifying* 
subjects. While it is recognized that Role Based Access Controls (RBACs)
   and Attribute Based Access Controls (ABACs) rely on this 
identification as a means of authorizing subjects to access resources, 
this specification
   does not provide a *complete *solution for RBAC or ABAC. 
Authorization is not an appropriate use for this specification without 
an accompanying

   authorization framework.

Since a verifiable presentation may contain only a subset of the 
attributes of a user, this specification already provides a *partial 
*solution for ABAC.

The OAuth 2.0 *authorization framework* is a protocol that allows a user 
to grant a third-party web site or application access to the user's 
protected resources,
without necessarily revealing their long-term credentials or even their 

Intensive cryptographic computations are usually needed by a holder to 
create a Verifiable Presentation. These computations should be reduced 
to the strict minimum.

As an example, if using a Verifiable Presentation a user needs to prove 
that he is over 18, once he has proven this property, it does not need 
to provide it again and again,
since if he is over 18 today, he will still be over 18 for the rest of 
his life.

It other words, a user should only provide this Verifiable Presentation 
once and for a daily usage of a web site authenticate using other (and 
lighter) means .

When logging for the first time to a web site, a user may wish or be 
invited to register to that web site, so that the next accesses can be 
performed using a user identifier
(e.g. a pseudonym) and authentication data (e.g. a password or a private 

The scope, as currently proposed, does not seem to be adequate. Section 
2 of the draft states:

This specification defines:

 * Data model and media types for Verifiable Credentials based on SD-JWTs.
 * Validation and processing rules for Verifiers and Holders.

If this draft proposal is taken as a WG draft, the articulation between 
user authentication and user authorisation should be addressed.

A side question is the following : will this draft be dealing with 
identification and/or authorization ?



Skickat från min iPhone

27 maj 2023 kl. 01:12 skrev Giuseppe De Marco :


I support sd-jwt-vc with the will to contribute to its evolution and 
use it in the wallet solutions under development

Il ven 26 mag 2023, 16:57 Oliver Terbu  ha 

Dear all,

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to introduce
"SD-JWT-based Verifiable Credentials with JSON payloads” (SD-JWT VC):


This proposal builds upon the existing SD-JWT specification by
the OAuth WG and aims to address certain gaps and provide
specific guidance for utilizing SD-JWT in the context of
Verifiable Credentials. For example, while SD-JWT defines how to
implement selective disclosure in JWTs (an important building
block in many Verifiable Credential use cases), it is not
opinionated about the specific JWT Claim Se

Re: [OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt

2022-12-01 Thread Denis

Hi Brian,

My two cents.

1) This draft is about selective-disclosure. The draft should be 
balanced between enclosure and disclosure.

The topic of selective-enclosure should also be addressed.

In particular in OAuth, the claims to be incorporated are usually only 
selected with a coarse granularity
and the end-user (as well as the holder) has no clue about which claims 
will or will not be incorporated.

2) The draft states:

 However, anyone receiving an unencrypted JWT can read all 
of the claims.

In OAuth, the claims are considered to be opaque and SHALL not be read 
by the holder. Their semantics or content of a JWT can change at any time.

This should be mentioned in the draft.

In the privacy considerations section, another sub-section should be 
included about OAuth, i.e. a section "8.3  OAuth".

OAuth considers that the claims included into the JWT are opaque to the 
holder (i.e. the Client) when a JWT is used in the context of OAuth.
This means that the holder is unable to verify that the claims that have 
been incorporated in the JWT correspond to those that have been requested.

The Issuer is a position to include more claims or different claims from 
those that should have been incorporated. This may be a concern for some 
end users.

3) About section 8.2 Unlinkability

The text states:

   More advanced cryptographic schemes, outside the scope of 
this specification, can be used to prevent this type of linkability.

The draft by itself creates the problem since a single JWT is intended 
for multiple verifiers.
The linkability problem arises because in particular when the same "sub" 
claim is used for two different Verifiers.

The use of the following claims should be avoided (I reuse one of the 

 "given_name": "John",
"family_name": "Doe",
"email": "john...@example.com",
"phone_number": "+1-202-555-0101",
"address": {
"street_address": "123 Main St",
"locality": "Anytown",
"region": "Anystate",
"country": "US"
"birthdate": "1940-01-01

In order to solve the problem, the use of previous claims should be 
avoided and a specific "sub" claim should be used for each verifier.

Hence, the concern could be solved using no " advanced cryptographic 
schemes " but by defining a new structure in the JWT that would allow
to associate a "sub" claim (as well as other claims) with a specific 
Verifier. A change of the SD-JWT Releases structure should be considered.

The use of this draft for end users concerned with some forms of 
linkages between verifiers should be deprecated
and this should be mentioned in the Introduction: a single JWT targeted 
to a single Verifier solves this concern.


Hi Hannes,

Though I am yet to officially have my name on the document as a 
co-author, you did mention me directly :) And so I'll attempt to 
answer or respond to your questions/statements below.

On Mon, Nov 28, 2022 at 7:24 AM Hannes Tschofenig 

Hi Daniel, Hi Kristina, Hi Brian,

Hi all,

Reading through draft-ietf-oauth-selective-disclosure-jwt I was
wondering why the document defines new terminology for roles that
already exist in OAuth.

For example:

  * Issuer  =  AS
  * Holder = Client
  * Verifier = RS

I assume that was done intentionally. What was the rational was.

JWT itself <https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/rfc7519/> is a product of 
this WG (as I'm sure you remember).. While JWT had important 
applications in OAuth, it was developed as a more general purpose 
token format and has seen widespread usage both in OAuth and beyond. 
Similarly, SD-JWT is meant to be a general purpose selective 
disclosure mechanism for JWT, which can have applications in OAuth but 
is certainly not constrained to OAuth. As such, the terminology in the 
draft aims to be generally applicable/meaningful. This is 
similar/consistent with JWT/RFC7519, which also does not use terms 
like AS, RS, or client.

 You write:

 “One of the common use cases of a signed JWT is representing a
user's identity“

 In classical OAuth this use case should not be common. We bragged
about the fact that you could to delegated authorization without
having to rely on identity information. I think it would help to
expand this statement a bit and explain what the use case is.

A signed JWT representing a user's identity is, in fact, exceedingly 
common. Even in classical OAuth the access tokens almost always convey 
something about an identity - the resource owner in OAuth parlance. 
The sub in introspection 
https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc7662#section-2.2 and the JWT AT 
profile https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc9068#section-2.2 show 
this in s

Re: [OAUTH-WG] WGLC for Step-up Authentication

2022-10-11 Thread Denis

Hi Brian,

I agree with you that "must not" is more appropriate in that context.

I also agree with you that the "privacy implications of opaque tokens 
are inherent to OAuth in general".
However, I have not reviewed all the RFCs and I wonder whether such a 
privacy consideration has already been mentioned.

It would be nice to start to mention it, rather than to continue to omit 
it. Do you see a better place to mention it ?


Thanks Denis, I agree the word "cannot" isn't quite right there. I 
struggled with trying to find the right wording (more than I probably 
should have) attempting to add a note/reminder without getting into 
normative sounding language. But I also wanted to make a firm 
statement. Words are hard sometimes. Oftentimes! But reading it again 
today, "cannot" doesn't work very well. I think changing to "must not" 
is appropriate. The privacy implications of opaque tokens are inherent 
to OAuth in general and I don't believe this draft is an appropriate 
place to attempt to give them treatment.

On Tue, Oct 11, 2022 at 2:57 AM Denis  wrote:

Hi Brian,

The text states:

Also recall that OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749] assumes access tokens are
treated as
opaque by clients. So, during the course of any token caching
strategy, a client *cannot* inspect the content of the access
token to
determine the associated authentication information or other
The token format might be unreadable to the client or might
change at
any time to become unreadable.

A client *can *inspect the content of the access token.

A better wording  would be:

...  a client *should not *inspect the content of the access
token ...

It would be worthwhile to add a Privacy Considerations section:

10. Privacy Considerations

Since access tokens are presumed to be opaque to clients,
clients (and hence users) are not supposed to inspect the
content of the access tokens.
Authorizations Servers are able to disclose more information
than strictly necessary about the authenticated user without
the end user being
able to know it. Such additional information may endanger the
privacy of the user.


I've published an -04. It has that very minor change. There was
also an off-list discussion during WGLC that resulted in thinking
it'd be worthwhile
*_to add a reminder that access tokens are opaque to clients_*.
So I took that as LC feedback and -04 adds a brief note towards
that end.


On Mon, Oct 10, 2022 at 1:22 PM Vittorio Bertocci

Thanks Dima for the comment. Some thoughts:

> (editorial)...
Good point. "statically" would characterize the simplest of
the scenarios, but in fact any case where the AS is the only
arbiter of the authn level works for the point we are trying
to make. We'll drop "statically". Thanks!

> Apart from...
This spec focuses on empowering an RS to communicate its ACR
and freshness requirements, regardless of the reasons leading
the RS to make that determination: the logic by which that
happens is explicitly out of scope, and in many real life
cases it might simply be unknowable (eg anomaly detection
engines based on ML are often back boxes). The mechanism
described here can be used alongside other mechanisms that
might require the client to get the user to interact with the
AS, as it is the case for insufficient_scope, but those
remain distinct cases (eg insufficient _scope might not
require any step up but simply explicit user consent, and if
it does require a stepup, that's entirely determined by the
AS without any communication with client or RS required).

On Fri, Oct 7, 2022 at 17:43 Dima Postnikov

*This message originated outside your organization.*

Couple of quick comments from me:

1) (Editorial) >In simple API authorization scenarios, an
authorization server will statically determine what
authentication technique

In many scenarios, authorization servers will use
*dynamic* decisioning to determine authentication
techniques; it's just not exposed to the client in a way
to make it actionable (which is why this specification's
intent makes perfect sense).

2) Apart from authentication level, there might be other
reasons why users might be forced t

Re: [OAUTH-WG] WGLC for Step-up Authentication

2022-10-11 Thread Denis

Hi Brian,

The text states:

   Also recall that OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749] assumes access tokens are
   treated as
   opaque by clients. So, during the course of any token caching
   strategy, a client *cannot* inspect the content of the access token to
   determine the associated authentication information or other details.
   The token format might be unreadable to the client or might change at
   any time to become unreadable.

A client *can *inspect the content of the access token.

A better wording  would be:

   ...  a client *should not *inspect the content of the access token ...

It would be worthwhile to add a Privacy Considerations section:

   10. Privacy Considerations

   Since access tokens are presumed to be opaque to clients, clients
   (and hence users) are not supposed to inspect the content of the
   access tokens.
   Authorizations Servers are able to disclose more information than
   strictly necessary about the authenticated user without the end user
   able to know it. Such additional information may endanger the
   privacy of the user.


I've published an -04. It has that very minor change. There was also 
an off-list discussion during WGLC that resulted in thinking it'd be 
*_to add a reminder that access tokens are opaque to clients_*. So I 
took that as LC feedback and -04 adds a brief note towards that end.


On Mon, Oct 10, 2022 at 1:22 PM Vittorio Bertocci 

Thanks Dima for the comment. Some thoughts:

> (editorial)...
Good point. "statically" would characterize the simplest of the
scenarios, but in fact any case where the AS is the only arbiter
of the authn level works for the point we are trying to make.
We'll drop "statically". Thanks!

> Apart from...
This spec focuses on empowering an RS to communicate its ACR and
freshness requirements, regardless of the reasons leading the RS
to make that determination: the logic by which that happens is
explicitly out of scope, and in many real life cases it might
simply be unknowable (eg anomaly detection engines based on ML are
often back boxes). The mechanism described here can be used
alongside other mechanisms that might require the client to get
the user to interact with the AS, as it is the case for
insufficient_scope, but those remain distinct cases (eg
insufficient _scope might not require any step up but simply
explicit user consent, and if it does require a stepup, that's
entirely determined by the AS without any communication with
client or RS required).

On Fri, Oct 7, 2022 at 17:43 Dima Postnikov 

*This message originated outside your organization.*

Couple of quick comments from me:

1) (Editorial) >In simple API authorization scenarios, an
authorization server will statically determine what
authentication technique

In many scenarios, authorization servers will use *dynamic*
decisioning to determine authentication techniques; it's just
not exposed to the client in a way to make it actionable
(which is why this specification's intent makes perfect sense).

2) Apart from authentication level, there might be other
reasons why users might be forced to go through the
authorization flow, for example, insufficient authorization /
scopes / claims / etc.

If there is a mechanism to let the client know, as a
practitioner, i'd rather have the same approach for both
authentication and authorization. There are a range of
authorization policy engines in the market that could return
"STEP UP is required" after looking at authentication,
authorisation and many other real-time signals. It's just not

On Sat, Oct 8, 2022 at 7:30 AM Pieter Kasselman

I am very supportive of this work and have been working
through different use cases to see whether it can satisfy
the requirements that arise from them.

One observation from working through these uses cases is
that as customers move to Zero Trust architectures, we are
seeing customers adopting finer grained policy
segmentation. Consequently customers are planning to
deploy segmented access control by data or action
sensitivity, within a service. This approach to policy
design makes it more common for a single service to depend
on multiple authentication context values or combinations
of authentication context values.

An example of this is a policy that has multiple acr

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Presenting Selective Disclosure JWT (SD-JWT)

2022-06-23 Thread Denis

Hi Daniel,

The key sentence from the introduction is the following sentence:

   However, when a signed JWT is intended to be multi-use, it needs to
   contain the superset of all claims
   the user might want to release to verifiers at some point.

Before diving into the proposed solution, it would be useful to identify 
these multi-use cases.

Does the document intend to consider the single case of a client making 
requests to two different verifiers or more elaborated cases ?

If the signed JWT is intended for two verifiers, wouldn't it be simpler 
for developers of clients to ask for two independent signed JWTs

and for developers of verifiers to verify one independent signed JWT ?

If other words, what are the advantages and the drawbacks associated 
with this approach ?



Kristina and I would like to bring to your attention a new draft that 
we have been working on with many others over the past weeks. 
"Selective Disclosure JWT (SD-JWT)" describes a format for signed JWTs 
that support selective disclosure (SD-JWT), enabling sharing only a 
subset of the claims included in the original signed JWT instead of 
releasing all the claims to every verifier.


Initial feedback we got was positive and we now would like to hear 
from the working group with the eventual goal of asking for working 
group adoption.

Issues are tracked in our GitHub repository: 

The approach to selective disclosure described in the document is 
based on salted hashes. We have discussed and explored other 
approaches based on encryption as well. If you are interested in 
following this discussion, we would like to invite you to read this 

One main goal with this work is that the format should be easy to 
implement, requiring little more than a regular JWT library. Three 
working implementations show that this goal has been achieved: 

We are looking forward to your feedback!


OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] WGLC for DPoP Document: new thread about subject identifiers

2022-03-29 Thread Denis

Hi Hans,

Hi Denis,

thanks for correcting the thread topic:

On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 10:19 PM Denis  wrote:

nothing stops Alice from logging in on Bob's device, obtaining
tokens for access and then leave Bob with the device, even in
long term user accounts

Even so, Alice will be unable to use that long term user account
that has been just opened the next time an access token will be
requested by the RS,
unless she asks again to Bob to use again Bob's device. In such a
case, she has better to live very close to Bob. :-)

so I conclude that the security considerations of the spec on subject 
identifiers should stipulate that colluding clients must not live 
close to each other then...
(or better, that the spec does not try to address this type of attack, 
same for DPoP)

I see that you have a good sense of humour. :-)

The reality is that the mechanism protects the case when the users are 
spread all over the world in different locations.

Now, I will never allow Alice to use my own device.

This has nothing to do with what DPoP can offer. So it is not the same 
for DPoP.



ZmartZone IAM - www.zmartzone.eu <http://www.zmartzone.eu>

OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] WGLC for DPoP Document: new thread about subject identifiers

2022-03-29 Thread Denis


Please do not mix topics. I have changed the title of that thread, for 
not polluting the original one.

On Tue, Mar 29, 2022 at 9:54 PM Denis  wrote:

Nothing stops Alice from giving her token that says “This is
Alice” to Bob and having Bob use it.

Such scenario does not exist in the context of long term user
accounts. However, it is important first to understand the concept
of long term user accounts.

nothing stops Alice from logging in on Bob's device, obtaining tokens 
for access and then leave Bob with the device, even in long term user 

Even so, Alice will be unable to use that long term user account that 
has been just opened the next time an access token will be requested by 
the RS,
unless she asks again to Bob to use again Bob's device. In such a case, 
she has better to live very close to Bob. :-)



ZmartZone IAM - www.zmartzone.eu <http://www.zmartzone.eu>

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] WGLC for DPoP Document

2022-03-29 Thread Denis



This is why the use of “iat” and “nonce” are recommended, to prevent 
this kind of replay, and these are already discussed in the draft.
Having a highly targeted request with narrow presentation window is 
desirable in most cases, but some applications of DPoP do want to have 
a pre-generated proof that can be re-used on multiple requests. In 
this case, it becomes kind of bearer token in its own right, since 
it’s not strictly tied to a single HTTP request. This isn’t an attack, 
it’s an artifact of DPoP’s limited attachment to the HTTP message. If 
a client pre-generates a generic proof and gives it to another client, 
then that’s exactly the same as the client handing over its access 
token (which it would also need to do).

The topic I am discussing has nothing to do with replay. The legitimate 
client gives away a token that it will never use.

The proof and the token are credentials, by definition.

Well, the term "credentials" is being used with many different semantics 
in different documents. This is why I prefer not to use it.

Subject identifiers within the token do not prevent this kind of 
collusion, as has been previously discussed at length.

As it has been presented several times, this other technique provides a 
solution (only) in the context of long term user accounts,

but this is very common case.

Nothing stops Alice from giving her token that says “This is Alice” to 
Bob and having Bob use it.

Such scenario does not exist in the context of long term user accounts. 
However, it is important first to understand the concept

of long term user accounts.

The RS will know it’s Alice’s token, but it’s still valid and Bob can 
act as Alice.

When the AS delivers the access token, it includes into that access 
token an identifier that the client cannot choose which is 
representative of either Bob or Alice.

Alice cannot act on a long term user account that has been previously 
successfully opened by Bob, because she will get an identifier specific 
to herself.

On the contrary, when using DPoP, the sentence "/*not identified, not 
catch*/" applies.  Bob can sell such key bound tokens to an unlimited 
number of users.

If Alice is over 18 then Bob will get access to the things that Alice 
can get because she’s over 18.

The call still works.

Please stop pretending that adding a user identifier to the token 
solves the problem you are describing, it simply does not.

I would agree that the scenario of mixing user identifiers to the token 
and giving away access tokens between collaborative clients
has not yet been fully explored. If you are willing to discuss long term 
user accounts in such a context, please open a different thread.

However, we should not mix topics since *this current thread is about 

The key  point is not the existence of an alternative technique at the 
moment, but the fact that DPoP is currently giving *a false sense of 

Currently DPoP allows clients to monetize the selling of "key bound 
access tokens" to other end-users, and this should be advertised

in the Security Considerations section.

The next question is the following: being informed of that threat, will 
the community really use DPoP ? I let you answer that question.
However, if the community is not informed, it is more likely that it 
will use it. Ignoring the danger will not stop the threat.


 — Justin

On Mar 29, 2022, at 11:39 AM, Denis  wrote:

Hi  Justin,

In this scenario, the “legitimate” client _never_ gives away its 
secrets (if it is using a secure platform, it can't). It never give 
away its credentials either.

When using key bound access tokens, a RS can't know whether the 
access token is presented by the “legitimate” client  or by 
an“illegitimate” client.

One of the goals is also to prevent a client to monetize the selling 
of "key bound access tokens" to other end-users.

As I have already indicated, there exists a solution able to prevent 
such scenario in some specific cases (i.e. in the case of RS 
long-term user accounts).


If the “legitimate” client willingly gives away its secrets and 
tokens to the “illegitimate” client, then the latter isn’t actually 
“illegitimate” anymore.

What I was saying is that the “attack" is not even necessary if the 
clients are in fact working together.
If the “legitimate” client knowing gives away its credentials, it is 
accepting that the receiver of those credentials can do anything it 
wants with those credentials. That’s why they are credentials.

 — Justin

PS: I did not “break” the thread, I replied to a message in the 
thread. That’s how email lists work.

On Mar 29, 2022, at 9:19 AM, Denis  wrote:

Hi  Justin,

You broke the thread since you have not re-used the last message 
which was:


As you have guessed, no data (except the token and some crypto
checksums) is passing through the c

Re: [OAUTH-WG] WGLC for DPoP Document

2022-03-29 Thread Denis

Hi  Justin,

In this scenario, the “legitimate” client _never_ gives away its secrets 
(if it is using a secure platform, it can't). It never give away its 
credentials either.

When using key bound access tokens, a RS can't know whether the access 
token is presented by the “legitimate” client  or by an“illegitimate” 

One of the goals is also to prevent a client to monetize the selling of 
"key bound access tokens" to other end-users.

As I have already indicated, there exists a solution able to prevent 
such scenario in some specific cases (i.e. in the case of RS long-term 
user accounts).


If the “legitimate” client willingly gives away its secrets and tokens 
to the “illegitimate” client, then the latter isn’t actually 
“illegitimate” anymore.

What I was saying is that the “attack" is not even necessary if the 
clients are in fact working together.
If the “legitimate” client knowing gives away its credentials, it is 
accepting that the receiver of those credentials can do anything it 
wants with those credentials. That’s why they are credentials.

 — Justin

PS: I did not “break” the thread, I replied to a message in the 
thread. That’s how email lists work.

On Mar 29, 2022, at 9:19 AM, Denis  wrote:

Hi  Justin,

You broke the thread since you have not re-used the last message 
which was:


As you have guessed, no data (except the token and some crypto
checksums) is passing through the clients.

Once the legitimate client has allowed the illegitimate client to
use the token, the illegitimate client can do anything it wants
with it.
The legitimate client can be kept fully ignorant of what
illegitimate client is doing.

The data flow is minimum: if the token allows to view a 4 Gb
movie, that data flow does not flow between the clients.

Furthermore, the content of the token may allow the illegitimate
client to use it during days or months.
Suppose that the token indicates "over 18". If the user is over
18 now, he will certainly be "over 18" the next days, months or
There is no need to refresh the token as it would be the case if
the token included a home address.

This message explains why this collaborative attack is very different 
from simply forwarding messages between clients.

The illegitimate client can do anything it wants without disclosing 
what it is doing to the legitimate client.

The traffic between the clients is kept to the very minimum.



Am 29.03.22 um 15:10 schrieb Justin Richer:
And this is exactly the problem with the “collaborating clients” 
attack, as has been pointed out any number of times it’s been 
brought up before. If two clients are willingly collaborating in 
this way, they do not need to share any cryptographic material and 
impersonate each other.

You don’t need to steal my license if I’m willing to just go buy 
you beer.

The DPoP draft does address signed request re-use, which some see 
as a feature to be carefully applied.

 — Justin

On Mar 28, 2022, at 1:04 PM, Steinar Noem  wrote:

Interesting, but won't two collaborating clients just pass any 
data they want to each other? Why would these collaborating 
clients go through the trouble of exchanging private keys, dpop 
proofs or tokens? Could you elaborate some more on the scenario?


man. 28. mar. 2022 kl. 16:29 skrev Denis :

Rifaat & Hannes,

Hereafter are my comments:

The introduction states :

Recipients of such tokens are then able to verify the binding
of the token to the key pair thatthe client has demonstrated
   that it holds via the DPoP header, thereby providing
some assurance that the client presenting the token also
possesses the private key.

   In other words, the legitimate presenter of the token
is constrained to be the sender that holds and can prove
possession of the private part of the key pair.

The client presenting the token *does not necessarily possess
the private key*. The client presenting the token has been
able to use
the results of some cryptographic functions using the private
part of the key pair.

These results may be communicated by one client to another
client, if the two clients agree to collaborate. This
statement will be added later on.

Proposed rewording:

   Recipients of such tokens are then able to verify the
binding of the token to the key pair thatthe client has
   that it holds via the DPoP header, thereby providing
some assurance that the client presenting the token *either
*also possesses
   the private key *or* has been able to use the result of
cryptographic computations from another client that possesses
the private key.

   In other words, the presenter of the token can prove
that it has been able to use the results of 

Re: [OAUTH-WG] WGLC for DPoP Document

2022-03-29 Thread Denis

Hi  Justin,

You broke the thread since you have not re-used the last message which was:


   As you have guessed, no data (except the token and some crypto
   checksums) is passing through the clients.

   Once the legitimate client has allowed the illegitimate client to
   use the token, the illegitimate client can do anything it wants with it.
   The legitimate client can be kept fully ignorant of what
   illegitimate client is doing.

   The data flow is minimum: if the token allows to view a 4 Gb movie,
   that data flow does not flow between the clients.

   Furthermore, the content of the token may allow the illegitimate
   client to use it during days or months.
   Suppose that the token indicates "over 18". If the user is over 18
   now, he will certainly be "over 18" the next days, months or years.
   There is no need to refresh the token as it would be the case if the
   token included a home address.

This message explains why this collaborative attack is very different 
from simply forwarding messages between clients.

The illegitimate client can do anything it wants without disclosing what 
it is doing to the legitimate client.

The traffic between the clients is kept to the very minimum.



Am 29.03.22 um 15:10 schrieb Justin Richer:
And this is exactly the problem with the “collaborating clients” 
attack, as has been pointed out any number of times it’s been brought 
up before. If two clients are willingly collaborating in this way, 
they do not need to share any cryptographic material and impersonate 
each other.

You don’t need to steal my license if I’m willing to just go buy you 

The DPoP draft does address signed request re-use, which some see as 
a feature to be carefully applied.

 — Justin

On Mar 28, 2022, at 1:04 PM, Steinar Noem  wrote:

Interesting, but won't two collaborating clients just pass any data 
they want to each other? Why would these collaborating clients go 
through the trouble of exchanging private keys, dpop proofs or 
tokens? Could you elaborate some more on the scenario?


man. 28. mar. 2022 kl. 16:29 skrev Denis :

Rifaat & Hannes,

Hereafter are my comments:

The introduction states :

   Recipients of such tokens are then able to verify the
binding of the token to the key pair thatthe client has
   that it holds via the DPoP header, thereby providing some
assurance that the client presenting the token also possesses
the private key.

   In other words, the legitimate presenter of the token is
constrained to be the sender that holds and can prove possession
of the private part of the key pair.

The client presenting the token *does not necessarily possess
the private key*. The client presenting the token has been able
to use
the results of some cryptographic functions using the private
part of the key pair.

These results may be communicated by one client to another
client, if the two clients agree to collaborate. This statement
will be added later on.

Proposed rewording:

   Recipients of such tokens are then able to verify the
binding of the token to the key pair thatthe client has
   that it holds via the DPoP header, thereby providing some
assurance that the client presenting the token *either *also
   the private key *or* has been able to use the result of
cryptographic computations from another client that possesses
the private key.

   In other words, the presenter of the token can prove that
it has been able to use the results of cryptographic
computations performed
   by using the private part of the key pair.

The objectives states

   The primary aim of DPoP is to prevent unauthorized or
illegitimate parties from using leaked or stolen access tokens,
   by binding a token to a public key upon issuance and
requiring that the client proves possession of the corresponding
   private key when using the token.

DPoP does not prevent unauthorized or illegitimate parties from
using access tokens, as soon as two clients agree to collaborate.

Proposed rewording:

   The primary aim of DPoP is to bind a token to a public
key upon issuance and requiring that the client proves possession
   of the corresponding private key when using the
token.This does not demonstrate that the client presenting the
token is
   necessarily the legitimate client. In the case of
non-collaborating clients, DPoP prevents unauthorized or
illegitimate parties
   from using leaked or stolen access tokens. In the case of
collaborating clients, the security of DPoP is ineffective
   (see section 11.X).

Section 11 is about "Security Considerations" and addresses the
following topics:


Re: [OAUTH-WG] WGLC for DPoP Document

2022-03-28 Thread Denis


As you have guessed, no data (except the token and some crypto 
checksums) is passing through the clients.

Once the legitimate client has allowed the illegitimate client to use 
the token, the illegitimate client can do anything it wants with it.
The legitimate client can be kept fully ignorant of what illegitimate 
client is doing.

The data flow is minimum: if the token allows to view a 4 Gb movie, that 
data flow does not flow between the clients.

Furthermore, the content of the token may allow the illegitimate client 
to use it during days or months.
Suppose that the token indicates "over 18". If the user is over 18 now, 
he will certainly be "over 18" the next days, months or years.
There is no need to refresh the token as it would be the case if the 
token included a home address.


Interesting, but won't two collaborating clients just pass any data 
they want to each other? Why would these collaborating clients go 
through the trouble of exchanging private keys, dpop proofs or tokens? 
Could you elaborate some more on the scenario?


man. 28. mar. 2022 kl. 16:29 skrev Denis :

Rifaat & Hannes,

Hereafter are my comments:

The introduction states :

Recipients of such tokens are then able to verify the binding of
the token to the key pair thatthe client has demonstrated
   that it holds via the DPoP header, thereby providing some
assurance that the client presenting the token also possesses the
private key.

   In other words, the legitimate presenter of the token is
constrained to be the sender that holds and can prove possession
of the private part of the key pair.

The client presenting the token *does not necessarily possess the
private key*. The client presenting the token has been able to use
the results of some cryptographic functions using the private part
of the key pair.

These results may be communicated by one client to another client,
if the two clients agree to collaborate. This statement will be
added later on.

Proposed rewording:

   Recipients of such tokens are then able to verify the
binding of the token to the key pair thatthe client has demonstrated
   that it holds via the DPoP header, thereby providing some
assurance that the client presenting the token *either *also
   the private key *or* has been able to use the result of
cryptographic computations from another client that possesses the
private key.

   In other words, the presenter of the token can prove that
it has been able to use the results of cryptographic computations
   by using the private part of the key pair.

The objectives states

   The primary aim of DPoP is to prevent unauthorized or
illegitimate parties from using leaked or stolen access tokens,
   by binding a token to a public key upon issuance and
requiring that the client proves possession of the corresponding
   private key when using the token.

DPoP does not prevent unauthorized or illegitimate parties from
using access tokens, as soon as two clients agree to collaborate.

Proposed rewording:

   The primary aim of DPoP is to bind a token to a public key
upon issuance and requiring that the client proves possession
   of the corresponding private key when using the token.This
does not demonstrate that the client presenting the token is
   necessarily the legitimate client. In the case of
non-collaborating clients, DPoP prevents unauthorized or
illegitimate parties
   from using leaked or stolen access tokens. In the case of
collaborating clients, the security of DPoP is ineffective
   (see section 11.X).

Section 11 is about "Security Considerations" and addresses the
following topics:

11.1.DPoP Proof Replay
11.2.DPoP Proof Pre-Generation
11.3.DPoP Nonce Downgrade
11.4.Untrusted Code in the Client Context
11.5.Signed JWT Swapping
11.6.Signature Algorithms
11.7.Message Integrity
11.8.Access Token and Public Key Binding
11.9.Authorization Code and Public Key Binding

The case of collaborative clients should be addressed within
section 11.

Text proposal.

11.X. Collaborative clients

    DPoP demonstrates that the client presenting the token
has been able to use the results of some cryptographic functions
using the private part of the key pair.

If a client agrees to collaborate with another client, the
security of DPoP is no longer effective.When two clients agree to
these results of the cryptographic computations performed by one
client may be communicated to another client.

Even if the private key used for DPoP is stored in such a way that
it cannot be exported, e.g., in a hardware o

Re: [OAUTH-WG] WGLC for DPoP Document

2022-03-28 Thread Denis

Rifaat & Hannes,

Hereafter are my comments:

The introduction states :

   Recipients of such tokens are then able to verify the binding of 
the token to the key pair thatthe client has demonstrated
   that it holds via the DPoP header, thereby providing some 
assurance that the client presenting the token also possesses the 
private key.

   In other words, the legitimate presenter of the token is 
constrained to be the sender that holds and can prove possession of the 
private part of the key pair.

The client presenting the token *does not necessarily possess the 
private key*. The client presenting the token has been able to use
the results of some cryptographic functions using the private part of 
the key pair.

These results may be communicated by one client to another client, if 
the two clients agree to collaborate. This statement will be added later on.

Proposed rewording:

   Recipients of such tokens are then able to verify the binding of 
the token to the key pair thatthe client has demonstrated
   that it holds via the DPoP header, thereby providing some 
assurance that the client presenting the token *either *also possesses
   the private key *or* has been able to use the result of 
cryptographic computations from another client that possesses the 
private key.

   In other words, the presenter of the token can prove that it has 
been able to use the results of cryptographic computations performed

   by using the private part of the key pair.

The objectives states

   The primary aim of DPoP is to prevent unauthorized or 
illegitimate parties from using leaked or stolen access tokens,
   by binding a token to a public key upon issuance and requiring 
that the client proves possession of the corresponding

   private key when using the token.

DPoP does not prevent unauthorized or illegitimate parties from using 
access tokens, as soon as two clients agree to collaborate.

Proposed rewording:

   The primary aim of DPoP is to bind a token to a public key upon 
issuance and requiring that the client proves possession
   of the corresponding private key when using the token.This does 
not demonstrate that the client presenting the token is
   necessarily the legitimate client. In the case of 
non-collaborating clients, DPoP prevents unauthorized or illegitimate 
   from using leaked or stolen access tokens. In the case of 
collaborating clients, the security of DPoP is ineffective

   (see section 11.X).

Section 11 is about "Security Considerations" and addresses the 
following topics:

11.1.DPoP Proof Replay
11.2.DPoP Proof Pre-Generation
11.3.DPoP Nonce Downgrade
11.4.Untrusted Code in the Client Context
11.5.Signed JWT Swapping
11.6.Signature Algorithms
11.7.Message Integrity
11.8.Access Token and Public Key Binding
11.9.Authorization Code and Public Key Binding

The case of collaborative clients should be addressed within section 11.

Text proposal.

11.X. Collaborative clients

    DPoP demonstrates that the client presenting the token has 
been able to use the results of some cryptographic functions

using the private part of the key pair.

If a client agrees to collaborate with another client, the security of 
DPoP is no longer effective.When two clients agree to collaborate,
these results of the cryptographic computations performed by one client 
may be communicated to another client.

Even if the private key used for DPoP is stored in such a way that it 
cannot be exported, e.g., in a hardware or software security module,
the client can perform all the cryptographic computations needed by the 
other client to create DPoP proofs.

The client can easily create new DPoP proofs as long as the other client 
is online.

Note: There exist other techniques able to limit, in some cases, the use 
of a token transmitted voluntarily by a legitimate client

  to an illegitimate client.



As discussed during the IETF meeting in *Vienna* last week, this is a 
*WG Last Call *for the *DPoP* document:


Please, provide your feedback on the mailing list by April 11th.

 Rifaat & Hannes

OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] proof of access token possession using client secret

2022-03-02 Thread Denis


You wrote:

    I would like to prevent clients from sharing their access tokens.

Proof of access token possession using client secret is unable to 
prevent clients from sharing their access tokens.

When two clients agree to collaborate, one client can perform all the 
cryptographic computations that the  other client

needs (without the need to release the private key to the other client).

At the last OAuth security workshop, I have presented a solution. 
Hereafter is an extract of the abstract;

    Access tokens that contain a binding user-identifier (buid) field 
provide a protection against collusions between two collaborative clients

    that key-bound access tokens are unable to provide.

    The use of a binding user-identifier (buid) field allows a client 
to choose between different contexts and between different privacy 

    More details are present in 


You wrote:

   If the clients share the access tokens, they might as well share
   access to the resource server (forwarding requests and responses).
   You can't really prevent that.

When you consider the existence of user accounts and in the context of 
some practical cases, you can prevent that.

What exactly is the attack that you're trying to prevent?

If the clients share the access tokens, they might as well share 
access to the resource server (forwarding requests and responses). You 
can't really prevent that.

DPoP or MTLS, potentially with non-exportable keys, might be a better 
approach, but it depends on the attack you have in mind.


Am 02.03.22 um 16:58 schrieb Nikos Fotiou:

Hi all,

I am working on a use case where the Authorization Server and the Resource Server are the same 
entity. I would like to prevent clients from sharing their access tokens. I am wondering if 
requiring clients to include the "client secret" in the resource access request (in 
addition to the access token) is a valid strategy. This way clients would have to share their 
"client secret" in addition to the access token. Would that work?

Nikos Fotiou -http://pages.cs.aueb.gr/~fotiou
Researcher - Mobile Multimedia Laboratory
Athens University of Economics and Business

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Re: [OAUTH-WG] Call for Adoption - OAuth Proof of Possession Tokens with HTTP Message Signature

2021-10-07 Thread Denis

I am not supportive of adoption of this document by the WG /at this time/.

As I said during the last interim meeting, at this time, there is no 
security considerations section, nor a privacy considerations section.

The current draft describes a mechanism but does not state how the 
signing key will be established and / or come from.

From a security considerations point of view, if the client has the 
control of the private key, it might be able to voluntary transmit
the private key to another client in order to mount a client 
collaborative attack. If the client is unable to transmit the private key
to another client in order to mount a collaborative attack, it might be 
able to perform all the cryptographic computations that
the other client needs. It is important to state which protections (or 
detection) features will be obtained as well as which protections
(or detection) features will not be obtained. A top-down approach is 
currently missing.

From a privacy considerations point of view, if the same public key is 
used to sign the messages whatever the RS is, this will allow
different RSs to link the requests from the same client. It is important 
to state which protections (or detection) features will be obtained

as well as which protections (or detection) features will not be obtained.

Let us wait to have both the security considerations section and the 
privacy considerations section written,

before adopting this draft as a WG document.


Remember token binding? It was a stable draft. The OAuth WG spent a 
bunch of cycles building on top of token binding, but token binding 
did not get deployed, so no token binding for OAuth.

As I mentioned, I think Justin and Annabelle (and anyone else 
interested) can influence HTTP Sig to cover OAuth use cases.


On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 2:48 PM Aaron Parecki <mailto:aa...@parecki.com>> wrote:

This actually seems like a great time for the OAuth group to start
working on this more closely given the relative stability of this
draft as well as the fact that it is not yet an RFC. This is a
perfect time to be able to influence the draft if needed,
rather than wait for it to be finalized and then have to find a
less-than-ideal workaround for something unforeseen.


On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 2:25 PM Dick Hardt mailto:dick.ha...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I meant it is not yet adopted as an RFC.

To be clear, I think you are doing great work on the HTTP Sig
doc, and a number of concerns I have with HTTP signing have
been addressed => I just think that doing work in the OAuth WG
on a moving and unproven draft in the HTTP WG is not a good
use of resources in the OAuth WG at this time.


On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 2:20 PM Justin Richer mailto:jric...@mit.edu>> wrote:

> HTTP Sig looks very promising, but it has not been
adopted as a draft

Just to be clear, the HTTP Sig draft is an official
adopted document of the HTTP Working Group since about a
year ago. I would not have suggested we depend on it for a
document within this WG otherwise.

 — Justin

On Oct 6, 2021, at 5:08 PM, Dick Hardt
mailto:dick.ha...@gmail.com>> wrote:

I am not supportive of adoption of this document at this

I am supportive of the concepts in the document. Building
upon existing, widely used, proven security mechanisms
gives us better security.

HTTP Sig looks very promising, but it has not been
adopted as a draft, and as far as I know, it is not
widely deployed.

We should wait to do work on extending HTTP Sig for OAuth
until it has stabilized and proven itself in the field.
We have more than enough work to do in the WG now, and
having yet-another PoP mechanism is more likely to
confuse the community at this time.

An argument to adopt the draft would be to ensure HTTP
Sig can be used in OAuth.
Given Justin and Annabelle are also part of the OAuth
community, I'm sure they will be considering how HTTP Sig
can apply to OAuth, so the overlap is serving us already.



On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 2:04 PM Aaron Parecki
mailto:aa...@parecki.com>> wrote:

I support adoption of this document.

- Aaron

On Wed, Oct 6, 2021 at 2:02 PM Rifaat Shekh-Yusef
mailto:rifaat.s.i...@gmail.com>> wrote:


As a followup on the interim meeting today, this
is a *call for adoption *for the *OAuth Proof of
Possession Tokens with HTTP

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Murray Kucherawy's No Objection on draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt-12: (with COMMENT)

2021-04-14 Thread Denis

Hi Vittorio,

Since Murray raised the concern, I have responded. A *guidance *section 
should not contain any *MUST*, *SHALL*, *MUST *or *SHALL NOT.*
I believe that my proposal is a fair compromise on this topic by keeping 
all the sentences, except the first half of the second paragraph

of Section 6, as noticed by Murray.


Hi Denis, this aspect was debated at length (one example in 
there are many others) and the consensus reflected in the current text 
was clear.

*From:* Denis 
*Sent:* Wednesday, April 14, 2021 1:19 AM
*To:* Vittorio Bertocci 
; Murray Kucherawy 
; The IESG 
*Cc:* draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-...@ietf.org; 
oauth-cha...@ietf.org; oauth@ietf.org
*Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Murray Kucherawy's No Objection on 
draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt-12: (with COMMENT)

Hi Murray,

Thank you for your comments. I come back on one of your comments 
(while other comments and Vittorio's responses are deleted):

   The first half of the second paragraph of Section 6 seems much
more like an

   interoperability issue than a privacy issue to me.

I agree that, taken in isolation, the connection to privacy of that 
aspect is not immediately self-evident.
I would argue it is not about interop either, given that noncompliance 
with *the guidance given there* doesn’t
impact what's transmitted. Nonetheless, I believe the privacy section 
is the closest match we have *for that *
*guidance*, given its many touch points to privacy matters (the ability of a 
client to inspect ATs is a privacy
concern; the decision to use a JWT ATs, which ultimately makes 
spelling out *the guidance* necessary, is influenced
by privacy considerations; and so on and so forth). In sum, although I 
agree it's not a perfect fit, I think
that's the best fit we have; and given that consolidating consensus 
for that part has been particularly painful,

I am inclined to leave that part as is.

The second paragraph of Section 6 (Privacy Considerations) is as follows:

The client *MUST NOT* inspect the content of the access token: the
   authorization server and the resource server might decide to change
   token format at any time (for example by switching from this profile
   to opaque tokens) hence any logic in the client relying on the
   ability to read the access token content would break without
   recourse. /The OAuth 2.0 framework assumes that access tokens are
   treated as opaque by clients./  Administrators of authorization
   servers should also take into account that the content of an access
   token is visible to the client.  Whenever client access to the access
   token content presents privacy issues for a given scenario, the
   authorization server should take explicit steps to prevent it.

As soon as there is a *MUST NOT*, this is not a *guidance *any more.

Some words of this paragraph, i.e. "/any logic in the client relying 
on the *ability *to read the access token content/" simply recognize that
the client *is able to inspect the content of the access token*, but 
if it does it this is at its own risk since "/the resource server 
might decide
to change token format at any time (for example by switching from this 
profile to opaque tokens)/".

The second paragraph may be rewritten by placing in front of it an 
important sentence that comes later on in this paragraph:

The OAuth 2.0 framework assumes that access tokens are treated as
opaque by clients.

Then after, the first sentence that includes the *MUST NOT* can be 
removed and the current text can be re-used after it, by shuffling the 

of the remaining sentences.

The end result would be the following:

  The OAuth 2.0 framework assumes that access tokens are treated as 
opaque by clients.
  Administrators of authorization servers should take into account 
that the content
  of an access token is visible to the client. The authorization 
server and the resource
  server might decide to change token format at any time (for example 
by switching from
  this profile to opaque tokens) hence any logic in the client relying 
on the ability to read
  the access token content would break without recourse. Whenever 
client access to the access
  token content presents privacy issues for a given scenario, the 
authorization server should

  take explicit steps to prevent it.

The key benefits are the following: the *guidance *is still there, but 
the sentence with the "*MUST NOT*" has been removed.


OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Murray Kucherawy's No Objection on draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt-12: (with COMMENT)

2021-04-14 Thread Denis

Hi Murray,

Thank you for your comments. I come back on one of your comments (while 
other comments and Vittorio's responses are deleted):
The first half of the second paragraph of Section 6 seems much more 
like an interoperability issue than a privacy issue to me.

I agree that, taken in isolation, the connection to privacy of that 
aspect is not immediately self-evident. I would argue it is not about 
interop either, given that noncompliance with *the guidance given there* 
doesn’t impact what's transmitted. Nonetheless, I believe the privacy 
section is the closest match we have *for that guidance*, given its 
many touch points to privacy matters (the ability of a client to inspect 
ATs is a privacy concern; the decision to use a JWT ATs, which 
ultimately makes spelling out *the guidance* necessary, is influenced by 
privacy considerations; and so on and so forth). In sum, although I 
agree it's not a perfect fit, I think that's the best fit we have; and 
given that consolidating consensus for that part has been particularly 
painful, I am inclined to leave that part as is.

The second paragraph of Section 6 (Privacy Considerations) is as follows:

The client *MUST NOT* inspect the content of the access token: the
   authorization server and the resource server might decide to change
   token format at any time (for example by switching from this profile
   to opaque tokens) hence any logic in the client relying on the
   ability to read the access token content would break without
   recourse. /T//he OAuth 2.0 framework assumes that access tokens are//
//   treated as opaque by clients./  Administrators of authorization
   servers should also take into account that the content of an access
   token is visible to the client.  Whenever client access to the access
   token content presents privacy issues for a given scenario, the
   authorization server should take explicit steps to prevent it.

As soon as there is a *MUST NOT*, this is not a *guidance *any more.

Some words of this paragraph, i.e. "/any logic in the client relying on 
the *ability *to read the access token content/" simply recognize that
the client *is able to inspect the content **of the access token*, but 
if it does it this is at its own risk since "/the resource server might 
to change//token format at any time (for example by switching from this 
profile to opaque tokens)/".

The second paragraph may be rewritten by placing in front of it an 
important sentence that comes later on in this paragraph:

   The OAuth 2.0 framework assumes that access tokens are treated as
   opaque by clients.

Then after, the first sentence that includes the *MUST NOT* can be 
removed and the current text can be re-used after it, by shuffling the order

of the remaining sentences.

The end result would be the following:

  The OAuth 2.0 framework assumes that access tokens are treated as 
opaque by clients.
  Administrators of authorization servers should take into account that 
the content
  of an access token is visible to the client. The authorization server 
and the resource
  server might decide to change token format at any time (for example 
by switching from
  this profile to opaque tokens) hence any logic in the client relying 
on the ability to read
  the access token content would break without recourse. Whenever 
client access to the access
  token content presents privacy issues for a given scenario, the 
authorization server should

  take explicit steps to prevent it.

The key benefits are the following: the *guidance *is still there, but 
the sentence with the "*MUST NOT*" has been removed.


OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] April 12th Interim Meeting Minutes

2021-04-14 Thread Denis

Hi Rifaat,

One addition that may be useful:

Before the sentence: "Hannes: I was not aware of this work in ISO", 
there is a sentence missing:

   Denis: ISO/SC 27/WG 5 is just starting to work on PWI about age
   verification. If you are a member of ISO / SC 27/ WG 5 you can

 and another addition: "at the OAuth work in Zürich in 2017"

   Denis: Proving you are over 18 without sharing who you are. I have
   presented a solution *at the OAuth work in Zürich in 2017 *and no
   one was interested.



Take a look at the following links for the April 12th interim meeting 

Thanks to *Dick Hardt *for taking these notes.

 Rifaat & Hannes

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Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth Interim Meeting - April 12 - Security BCP

2021-04-12 Thread Denis

Hi Steinar,

Please read first the response just posted to Daniel.

Hi Denis, I don't understand the attack or the countermeasures you are 
describing completely - but that doesn't really matter.

Since it does not matter, let us continue. :-)

As far as I know OAuth doesn't require a specific token format, so the 
countermeasure you describe is based on an assumption that the AT is a 

It is correct that the proposed text refers to countermeasures that are 
obtained using JWT access tokens.
However, the countermeasures that are explained can easily be 
generalized to any form of access token.

If that's the case, isn't what you are describing as a countermeasure 
related and already covered by the work being done in the JWT spec for 
Access Tokens?

I would like that, unfortunately this is not the case. I copied and 
pasted only the "good" sentences of the JWT spec for Access Token and 
purposely omitted
to copied and paste the sentences that do not allow to protect against 
this attack. In particular that one:

   (...) if a solution requires preventing a resource server from
   correlating the principal’s activity within the resource itself,
  the authorization server should assign different "sub" values
   for every JWT access token issued.

In such a case, it would be rather easy to transmit an access token 
including a claim saying that the subject is over 18 without the RS 
being able to notice
that the access token which is being presented is the result of a client 
collaboration attack.




man. 12. apr. 2021 kl. 14:58 skrev Denis <mailto:denis.i...@free.fr>>:

Hi Daniel,


I was awaiting your mail and I admire your perseverence with
bringing this topic to our attention.

[Denis] I admire your perseverence with constantly refusing to
include this attack. :-)

To your points:

Am 12.04.21 um 13:36 schrieb Denis:

The case where two clients collude to mount an attack against a
RS is not addressed. It now needs to be addressed.

This should be added in section 1 ( Introduction)


The first sentence of section 3 (The Updated OAuth 2.0 Attacker
Model) clearly states:

    " In the following, this attacker model is updated (...) to
include new types of attackers and to define the attacker model
more clearly".

Section 3 should include the case of a collusion or a
collaboration attack between clients against a RS, where one of
them is a legitimate client
voluntarily "helping" another client to use or to request access
tokens that would normally "belong" to the legitimate client.

As I'm sure you have noticed, we have updated Section 3 following
your last input. It now explicitly says:

    Attackers can collaborate to reach a common goal.

It also says

   Note that in this attacker model, an attacker (see A1) can be
a RO or
   act as one.  For example, an attacker can use his own browser to
   replay tokens or authorization codes obtained by any of the
   described above at the client or RS.

Your scenario is therefore covered. It was already before, but
    that was obviously too implicit, so we made it more clear with
the recent update.

[Denis] I don't believe that the scenario is covered with the
above sentences.

Finally, section 4 (Attacks and Mitigations) should include an
additional subsection, e.g. section 4.16, addressing the case of
a collaboration attack
between clients against a RS.

If I remember correctly, you first presented this attack at the
OAuth Security Workshop in 2017.
Since then, it has been brought up countless times on this
mailing list, both with regards to the Security BCP as well as
for the JWT Token draft.

There has been practically no positive resonance at the meeting
2017 or here on the mailing list as to including this in either
of the drafts.

A number of reasons come to mind, but first and foremost, I think
that what you describe is not perceived as an attack, or, worded
it is obvious that what you describe in the "attack" is possible.

[Denis] Here after comes the important sentence which is wrong:

*There is no expectation that OAuth would defend against this
kind of thin**g*,
just as there is no mitigation against password sharing in
password-based authentication.

[Denis] In the section 4.16.2 there is a clear proposal that
explains how *"OAuth can successfully defend against this kind of
thin**g"*. *So* *there **IS **a solution*.

Currently, when reading the text, an impleme

Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth Interim Meeting - April 12 - Security BCP

2021-04-12 Thread Denis

Hi  Daniel,


As I'm sure you have noticed, we have updated Section 3 following 
your last input. It now explicitly says:

    Attackers can collaborate to reach a common goal.

It also says

   Note that in this attacker model, an attacker (see A1) can be a RO or
   act as one.  For example, an attacker can use his own browser to
   replay tokens or authorization codes obtained by any of the attacks
   described above at the client or RS.

Your scenario is therefore covered. It was already before, but that 
was obviously too implicit, so we made it more clear with the recent 

[Denis] I don't believe that the scenario is covered with the above 

I don't understand. This is not about believing, it is written very 
clearly and conclusively in the text of the current draft.

We've had this discussion before, and, although irrelevant for the 
meaning of the BCP itself, I would like to refer you again to the 
formal model in our research paper, which the BCP attacker model is 
based on. It has a *very* precise definition of the attacker model 
that does not leave room for interpretation. The natural-language 
description in the BCP, as usual, is more fuzzy than the formal 
definition, but both attacker models include clients cooperating.

[Denis]. Your very last sentence is finally using two magic words that 
are not present anywhere in the BCP: "*clients cooperating*".
However, *clients collusion* or *clients collaboration* would be more 

Finally, section 4 (Attacks and Mitigations) should include an 
additional subsection, e.g. section 4.16, addressing the case of a 
collaboration attack

between clients against a RS.

If I remember correctly, you first presented this attack at the 
OAuth Security Workshop in 2017.
Since then, it has been brought up countless times on this mailing 
list, both with regards to the Security BCP as well as for the JWT 
Token draft.

There has been practically no positive resonance at the meeting 2017 
or here on the mailing list as to including this in either of the 

A number of reasons come to mind, but first and foremost, I think 
that what you describe is not perceived as an attack, or, worded 

it is obvious that what you describe in the "attack" is possible.

[Denis] Here after comes the important sentence which is wrong:

*There is no expectation that OAuth would defend against this kind 
of thin**g*,
just as there is no mitigation against password sharing in 
password-based authentication.

[Denis] In the section 4.16.2 there is a clear proposal that explains 
how *"OAuth can successfully defend against this kind of thin**g"*. 
*So* *there **IS **a solution*.

I did not say that there is no solution.

[Denis] Well, ... ask anybody else how he would interpret your statement.

Currently, when reading the text, an implementer might consider to 
deliver an access token that contains a claim such as "older the 18" 
without any "sub" or equivalent claim.
Such an access token would be transferable to anyone and the RS would 
not be able to identify the attack.

Your proposed solution does not enable an RS to identify the attack 
unless used together with some form of authentication way outside the 
scope of OAuth.

[Denis] I never said that there is "some form of authentication". The 
word "authentication" is not present in my text proposal.

At the moment (/and this is a topic of its own that could be discussed 
later on/), a "sub" claim present in an access token is unrelated to any 

used during an authentication exchange between an end-user and a RS.

This means that your statement is incorrect.

*"OAuth can successfully defend against this kind of thin**g" and, since 
countermeasures exist, they should be described.


Again, this also goes deeply into OIDC territory.

I therefore propose to proceed with the Security BCP *with the 
inclusion of this attack*.

Even though the Security BCP attacker model includes the general 
setting required for the attack, the attack does not violate an 
expected security property.

I therefore propose to proceed with the Security BCP without 
including this attack.


[Denis] Since you have deleted the remaining of my email, I copy it 
again. If you respond to this email, please DO NOT delete it.

I deleted the remainder of the mail as it was not relevant to my 
answer (see RFC1855, Section 3.1.1). Everybody can access your 
original mail on the mailing list.


I re-established the remainder of the mail as it is relevant to *my 

However, reading it again, the "Attack description" does not refer to a 
JWT access token whereas it is not the case for the two other sub-sections.
Nevertheless, these two sub-sections could be easily generalized to also 
address the case where JWT access tokens are no

Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth Interim Meeting - April 12 - Security BCP

2021-04-12 Thread Denis

Hi Daniel,


I was awaiting your mail and I admire your perseverence with bringing 
this topic to our attention.

[Denis] I admire your perseverence with constantly refusing to include 
this attack. :-)

To your points:

Am 12.04.21 um 13:36 schrieb Denis:
The case where two clients collude to mount an attack against a RS is 
not addressed. It now needs to be addressed.

This should be added in section 1 ( Introduction)


The first sentence of section 3 (The Updated OAuth 2.0 Attacker 
Model) clearly states:

    " In the following, this attacker model is updated (...) to 
include new types of attackers and to define the attacker model more 

Section 3 should include the case of a collusion or a collaboration 
attack between clients against a RS, where one of them is a 
legitimate client
voluntarily "helping" another client to use or to request access 
tokens that would normally "belong" to the legitimate client.

As I'm sure you have noticed, we have updated Section 3 following your 
last input. It now explicitly says:

    Attackers can collaborate to reach a common goal.

It also says

   Note that in this attacker model, an attacker (see A1) can be a RO or
   act as one.  For example, an attacker can use his own browser to
   replay tokens or authorization codes obtained by any of the attacks
   described above at the client or RS.

Your scenario is therefore covered. It was already before, but that 
was obviously too implicit, so we made it more clear with the recent 

[Denis] I don't believe that the scenario is covered with the above 

Finally, section 4 (Attacks and Mitigations) should include an 
additional subsection, e.g. section 4.16, addressing the case of a 
collaboration attack

between clients against a RS.

If I remember correctly, you first presented this attack at the OAuth 
Security Workshop in 2017.
Since then, it has been brought up countless times on this mailing 
list, both with regards to the Security BCP as well as for the JWT 
Token draft.

There has been practically no positive resonance at the meeting 2017 
or here on the mailing list as to including this in either of the drafts.

A number of reasons come to mind, but first and foremost, I think that 
what you describe is not perceived as an attack, or, worded differently,

it is obvious that what you describe in the "attack" is possible.

[Denis] Here after comes the important sentence which is wrong:

*There is no expectation that OAuth would defend against this kind of 
just as there is no mitigation against password sharing in 
password-based authentication.

[Denis] In the section 4.16.2 there is a clear proposal that explains 
how *"OAuth can successfully defend against this kind of thin**g"*. *So* 
*there **IS **a solution*.

Currently, when reading the text, an implementer might consider to 
deliver an access token that contains a claim such as "older the 18" 
without any "sub" or equivalent claim.
Such an access token would be transferable to anyone and the RS would 
not be able to identify the attack.

I therefore propose to proceed with the Security BCP *with the inclusion 
of this attack*.

Even though the Security BCP attacker model includes the general 
setting required for the attack, the attack does not violate an 
expected security property.

I therefore propose to proceed with the Security BCP without including 
this attack.


[Denis] Since you have deleted the remaining of my email, I copy it 
again. If you respond to this email, please DO NOT delete it.

   Section 4 (Attacks and Mitigations) should include an additional
   subsection, e.g. section 4.16, addressing the case of a
   collaboration attack
   between clients against a RS.

   This sub-section would need to include to other sub-sections:

   4.16.1Attack Description

   The following text is a skeleton proposed for these subsections:

   *4.16Collaboration attack between clients against a RS*

   The goal of the attack is for an illegitimate client to obtain an
   access token from an authorization server with the help of a client
   of the authorization server.

   *4.16.1Attack Description*

   The legitimate client performs in real time all the cryptographic
   computations needed by the illegitimate client to get an access
   token and to present it to a RS.
   This attack is not a replay of a access token, but the use of a
   legitimate access token by an illegitimate client with the
   complicity of the legitimate client.

   It should be observed that protecting some private keys into a
   secure element is ineffective to counter this kind of attack, since
   the legitimate client can perform
   all the computations needed by the illegitimate client, without the
   need to know or to transfer the values of these private keys.


Re: [OAUTH-WG] OAuth Interim Meeting - April 12 - Security BCP

2021-04-12 Thread Denis

To all,

In RFC 6819 OAuth 2.0 Security), it is assumed in section 2.2 (Attack 
Assumptions)that :

 * two of the three parties involved in the OAuth protocol may collude
   to mount an attack against the 3rd party.
   For example, the client and authorization server may be under
   control of an attacker and collude to trick a user to gain access to

These three parties are the client, the AS and the RS.

The case where two clients collude to mount an attack against a RS is 
not addressed. It now needs to be addressed.

This should be added in section 1 ( Introduction)

The first sentence of section 3 (The Updated OAuth 2.0 Attacker Model) 
clearly states:

    " In the following, this attacker model is updated (...) to include 
new types of attackers and to define the attacker model more clearly".

Section 3 should include the case of a collusion or a collaboration 
attack between clients against a RS, where one of them is a legitimate 
voluntarily "helping" another client to use or to request access tokens 
that would normally "belong" to the legitimate client.

Finally, section 4 (Attacks and Mitigations) should include an 
additional subsection, e.g. section 4.16, addressing the case of a 
collaboration attack

between clients against a RS.

This sub-section would need to include to other sub-sections:

4.16.1Attack Description

The following text is a skeleton proposed for these subsections:

*4.16Collaboration attack between clients against a RS*

The goal of the attack is for an illegitimate client to obtain an access 
token from an authorization server with the help of a client of the 
authorization server.

*4.16.1Attack Description*

The legitimate client performs in real time all the cryptographic 
computations needed by the illegitimate client to get an access token 
and to present it to a RS.
This attack is not a replay of a access token, but the use of a 
legitimate access token by an illegitimate client with the complicity of 
the legitimate client.

It should be observed that protecting some private keys into a secure 
element is ineffective to counter this kind of attack, since the 
legitimate client can perform
all the computations needed by the illegitimate client, without the need 
to know or to transfer the values of these private keys.


This attack may be countered by using a "sub" claim into the access 
token. It should be observed that the "sub" claim is a REQUIRED claim in 
the JWT access token
data structure. See section 2.2 from JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for 
OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens.

Section 5 (Security Considerations) from JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile 
for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens states:

Authorization servers should prevent scenarios where clients can affect 
the value of the "sub" claim in ways that could confuse resource servers.

This statement is correct but insufficient, since it does not say how 
resources servers cannot get confused.

Section 6(Privacy Considerations) states:

 This profile mandates the presence of the "sub" claim in every JWT 
access token, making it possible for resource servers to rely on that 
 for correlating incoming requests with data stored locally for the 
authenticated principal.

This statement is correct but is unclear. To be more precise, in order 
to counter the collaboration attack between clients against a RS, the RS 
should manage
user accounts associated either with a globally unique identifier or an 
identifier specific to an AS-RS pair while the "sub" claim shall contain 
a globally unique identifier or an identifier specific to an AS-RS pair 
which shall be compared with the identifier of the user account. If 
there is no match,

the access token shall be discarded.

In this way, the access token will be linked to the user account of the 
legitimate client and the illegitimate client cannot take advantage of 
the claims

contained into the access token.



The coming OAuth WG Interim meeting is this coming* Monday, April 
12th, at 12:00 pm EDT.*

The meeting will be focused on the *Security BCP *document:

The following link has links to the slide and draft and will be used 
to capture the notes and attendees:

*Webex Meeting Link:*

 Rifaat & Hannes

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] DPoP Interim Meeting

2021-03-15 Thread Denis


On December, the 2nd, 2020, I sent two emails to the OAuth mailing list. 
Their titles were:

 * [OAUTH-WG] Proposed text for a Privacy considerations section in
 * [OAUTH-WG] Proposed changes to draft-ietf-oauth-dpop-02

AFAIR, I have not seen a response to these two emails and neither a 
version 03.



The coming OAuth WG Interim meeting to discuss DPoP is this Monday, 
March 15 at 12:00pm *EDT*.
The following link has links to the slides and the draft, and will be 
used to capture the notes and attendees:

Please, make sure to add your name to the list of attendees when you 
join the meeting.

Also, we are looking for a note taker; any volunteer?

 Rifaat & Hannes

OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] How does OAuth harm privacy ?

2021-03-01 Thread Denis

Hello Jim,

Since you dared to raise the question: "*How does OAuth harm privacy* 
?", I need to respond. I changed the tile of the thread accordingly.

With OAuth, the RS must have a prior relationship with the AS (which is 
not scalable). When the client calls the AS,
the AS is able to know which is the RS and then is in a position to know 
which end-user is likely to access which RS.

When furthermore *token introspection* is being used, the AS is in a 
position to know exactly when an end-user
is performing an access to every RS. Some people would say that the AS 
is able to act as *Big Brother*.
While this might be acceptable within a single domain (i.e. all the 
users, ASs and RSs belong to the same organization
or company), this is a serious concern if/when used in general over the 
Internet in a multi-domain case.

Since the access tokens are considered to be opaque to the clients (and 
hence to the end-users), a client is not supposed
to verify which privileges have effectively been inserted into an access 
token, in particular whether a unique identifier
that would allow the RSs to correlate the accounts of their users has 
been maliciously added into every access token.

In your email you wrote:

   I don’t see how moving from handing your creds over to a third party
   to OAuth2 workflows, harms either privacy or security.

I hope that the facts mentioned above will allow you to see that OAuth 
does harm the user's privacy.


Il 01/03/2021 15:13 Jim Manico  ha scritto:

How does OAuth harm privacy? 

I think you are analyzing the matter at a different level.

If you start from a situation in which everyone is managing their own 
online identity and credentials, and end up in a situation in which a 
set of very few big companies (essentially Google, Apple and Facebook) 
are supplying and managing everyone's online credentials and logins, 
then [the deployment of] OAuth[-based public identity systems] is 
harming privacy.

Centralization is an inherent privacy risk. If you securely and 
privately deliver your personal information to parties that can 
monetize, track and aggregate it at scale, then you are losing privacy.


Vittorio Bertola | Head of Policy & Innovation, Open-Xchange
vittorio.bert...@open-xchange.com  <mailto:vittorio.bert...@open-xchange.com>  
Office @ Via Treviso 12, 10144 Torino, Italy

OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Last Call: (JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens) to Proposed Standard

2021-01-29 Thread Denis
   is managed by the AS.

   However, if the AS supports a "scope" parameter in the access token
   request, it is possible for the AS to define different scopes that
   support one or more of these options.
   Alternatively, an AS may use one of these options for all its
   end-users or some of them on a per-user basis. In addition, such a
   choice may depend on the RS being accessed.


The IESG has received a request from the Web Authorization Protocol WG
(oauth) to consider the following document: - 'JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile
for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens'
as Proposed Standard

The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits final
comments on this action. Please send substantive comments to the
last-c...@ietf.org mailing lists by 2021-02-09. Exceptionally, comments may
be sent to i...@ietf.org instead. In either case, please retain the beginning
of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.


This specification defines a profile for issuing OAuth 2.0 access
tokens in JSON web token (JWT) format.  Authorization servers and
resource servers from different vendors can leverage this profile to
issue and consume access tokens in interoperable manner.

The file can be obtained via

No IPR declarations have been submitted directly on this I-D.

OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Reminder - Interim Meeting to discuss DPoP

2020-12-07 Thread Denis

Hi Brian,

The client is not necessarily identified in requests to the RS (it 
could be via the access token but that's an implementation detail that 
can't be counted on in spec) so maintaining a per client list isn't 

That as well as some other considerations/approaches were talked about 
in https://github.com/danielfett/draft-dpop/issues/47 
<https://github.com/danielfett/draft-dpop/issues/47> with what's in 
the spec now maybe not being perfect but good enough.

The message sent by b---c on September 23, 2019 states:

   I think there are a number of options. The ones that come to mind are:

1. servers track only the jti value and require that jti be
   globally unique (a UUID or >= ~128 bit random)
2. servers track the public key (or hash of it) + a jti that is
   incrementing or otherwise unique within that instance of the
   client (like random >= ~32 bits but I'm not sure and it really
   depends on how many requests are being made in the allowed
3. servers track the whole dpop jwt (or probably a hash of it) and
   jti is not required at all (or could be very very small). I
   think the iat and jwk and signature in the dpop jwt would
   provide more than sufficient entropy for this to work. Although
   I guess multiple requests to the same URI & same method during
   the same second (iat) when using a deterministic signature
   scheme would need to be differentiated somehow.

   I think 1 is the most straightforward to describe in a document. I'm
   drawn to 3 because it would allow for smaller dpops and move some of
   the complexity burden from the client to the server. 2 kinda does
   also but feels to me like not a great compromise that's maybe harder
   for both parties to implement.

   Thoughts? Preferences? Alternatives?

Method 1 is not "good enough" as you write: it is over-engineering. A 
method for flushing the cache of "whatever data is being stored" has not 
be considered in the discussion.

There are alternatives methods that have not been proposed, nor discussed.

In an earlier email, I proposed a pseudo random number with 2 ^ 32 
values associated with the"iat" time. For more details, see item 9 
(Section 4.2. DPoP Proof JWT Syntax)

The text is as follows:

   *"jti": JWT identifier that complements the "iat" claim to 
handle replay protection for a given server (REQUIRED).

  The value MUST be assigned such that there is a negligible 
probability that the same value will be assigned to any other DPoP proof 
received by the server within the same second during a short time window 
of validity (i.e. a few minutes only). This MUST be accomplished by 
encoding 32 bits of pseudorandom data. I would add the following 
sentence: In case of a replay detection, an "replay_dpop_proof" error 
code MUST be returned

This will allow both to recover from an error by sending a new DPoP 
proof and to test that replay detection is indeed working.
Note that 64 bits of pseudorandom data would also make it, but 96 bits 
(or more) is oversized.

The following guidance in section 8.1 will then become unnecessary:

   In order to guard against memory exhaustion attacks a server SHOULD
   reject DPoP proof JWTs with unnecessarily large "jti" values or
   store only a hash thereof.


On Thu, Dec 3, 2020 at 5:09 AM Neil Madden <mailto:neil.mad...@forgerock.com>> wrote:

I think perhaps an assumption in the DPoP draft (and in the
description of “jti” in RFC 7519) is that the server will maintain
a single global list of recently used jti values to prevent
replay, rather than maintaining a separate list per client. That
could perhaps be spelled out more clearly in the draft, as I think
the entropy discussions only really make sense in that context. If
the RS instead maintains a separate list per client then a simple
counter is sufficient.

— Neil

On 2 Dec 2020, at 15:17, Brian Campbell
mailto:bcampbell=40pingidentity@dmarc.ietf.org>> wrote:

The conversation at
has a bit more of the rational behind the choice of 96 bit minimum.

On Wed, Dec 2, 2020 at 7:07 AM Denis mailto:denis.i...@free.fr>> wrote:

Hi Daniel,

All your arguments make sense. I agree.

A minor point however. The size of the jti" is currently
mandated to 96 bits minimum. This is unnecessarily long for a
time window of a few minutes.
The jti" does not need to be a unique identifier valid for
ever. It can 

[OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-dpop-02: The size of the "jti" is currently mandated to 96 bits minimum

2020-12-02 Thread Denis

Hi Brian,

I changed the title of this thread from "Reminder - Interim Meeting to 
discuss DPoP" to "draft-ietf-oauth-dpop-02: The size of the "jti" is 
currently mandated to 96 bits minimum".

Thank you for the link. I read it but I am still not convinced that 
using a minimum of 96 bits is necessary.

Using both the "iat" claim and the "jti" claim, it is very unlikely that 
the same 32 bits jti will be picked up
at the very same "iat" time by two or more clients. Should such a 
condition happen, then another attempt

with a new DPoP proof JWT would very likely succeed for the second client.

In case of a collision, it would also be possible to return a specific 
error code saying something like "duplicate iat/jti pair".
So the client would be informed that it should perform another attempt 
using a new DPoP proof JWT.


The conversation at 
has a bit more of the rational behind the choice of 96 bit minimum.

On Wed, Dec 2, 2020 at 7:07 AM Denis <mailto:denis.i...@free.fr>> wrote:

Hi Daniel,

All your arguments make sense. I agree.

A minor point however. The size of the jti" is currently mandated
to 96 bits minimum. This is unnecessarily long for a time window
of a few minutes.
The jti" does not need to be a unique identifier valid for ever.
It can simply be an identifier used during the time window which
complements the "iat" claim.

Using both the "iat" claim and a 32 bits pseudo-random number will
be quite sufficient.  It is also has the advantage of using less
memory and
it is easier to flush the entries looking at the 32 first bits only.


So what you are proposing is that the time window in which an RS
accepts the DPoP proof is defined by the expiration time of the
access token?

DPoP proofs are intended to be generally be short-lived and fresh
for each request in order to provide some level of replay
protection. There is no point in making the time window as long
as the (typically longer) time window in which an AT would be
accepted. A DPoP proof that is valid for 12 hours would not
provide much replay protection.

The time window is left unspecified because it is only meant to
account for clock differences and network latency. Its precise
value can depend on deployment considerations. It is not intended
to give the client an option to re-use proofs, which is prevented
together with the jti.

Also this would introduce new, unwanted and potentially
surprising dependencies between token lifetimes and the DPoP usage.

And finally, as discussed before, not all access tokens are JWTs
    and we are not going to mandate JWT access tokens in this spec.


Am 01.12.20 um 09:54 schrieb Denis:

Hi  Brian,

Hi Denis,

The choice to use "iat" vs. "exp" was made in the summer of
last year. You can see some of the discussion from then in
I believe it pretty well has consensus at this point and thus
unlikely to be changed.

I fear that you misread my email or read it too fast. My point
had nothing to do whether using *either *of "iat" *o**r* "exp"
in the DPoP proof JWT sent by the client.

The first sentence of my email was: "One comment on slide 5
about the /time window/". So the topic was all about how the RS
SHALL handle the "jti" claim included
in the DPoP proof JWT when using a time window.

While I do believe there are reasonable arguments that can be
made on both sides of using either of "iat" or "exp", it's
difficult (and honestly time consuming and very frustrating) to
try and have such discussions or even respond in a coherent way
when fundamental aspects of the draft are misrepresented or
misunderstood. For example, the DPoP proof JWT is created by
the client not the AS so the advantages you put forward are
nonsensical in the context of the actual workings of the draft.

Section 8.1 addresses the topic of the /time window/, but this
topic should not /only /be addressed in the "Security
Considerations" section
but in the main body of the document, since some checks MUST be
done by the RS. "Security Considerations"are intended to provide
explanations but are not intended to be normative.

Section 8.1 states:

   " If an adversary is able to get hold of a DPoP proof JWT,
the adversary could replay that token at the same endpoint (the HTTP

[OAUTH-WG] Proposed text for a Privacy considerations section in draft-ietf-oauth-dpop-02

2020-12-02 Thread Denis

This is the development of the 18 th comment from my previous email.

Proposed text:

9. Privacy considerations

The document does not specify how the public key used to compute the 
signature of the DPoP proof JWT is generated or comes from. Different 
scenarios are possible.
They are addressed with respect to the ability of RSs or other servers 
being able to link the users using the DPoP proof JWTs and the 
associated access tokens they receive.

In order to limit attacks to impersonation attacks, an access token must 
include either a "sub" claim or other claims allowing to unambiguously 
identify the user to a RS.
When a "sub" claim is being used, RFC 7519 states in section 4.1.2 that 
"the subject value MUST either be scoped to be locally unique in the 
context of the issuer or be globally unique".

When the subject value is globally unique, RSs usually do not learn more 
than they already knew but since that subject value may be shared and 
compared with globally unique identifiers
stored by other servers that are not part of the OAuth framework this 
may be considered as a problem but this has nothing to do with the DPoP 

The case where the subject value is locally unique in the context of the 
AS or other claims incorporated into an access token allow to 
unambiguously identify the user to a RS is addressed below.

9.1 Use of a single asymmetric key pair for all ASs

All the "DPoP" access tokens issued by all the ASs, will include the 
same public key.

When the subject value is locally unique in the context of the issuer 
(i.e. an AS) or other claims allow to unambiguously identify the user to 
a RS,
RSs may learn more than they already knew since a locally unique 
identifier used by one AS may be different from another locally unique 
identifier used by another AS.
The same applies for other claims allowing to unambiguously identify the 
user to a RS. In this case, this allows RSs to link a "sub" claim or 
other claims allowing
to unambiguously identify the user to a RS with another "sub" claim or 
other claims allowing to unambiguously identify the user to another RS.

While this method may not be a problem when it is only used within an 
Intranet context, this method may be a problem as soon as it is used 
over the Internet,
because RSs will be able to link the access tokens they receive. This 
method is strongly deprecated when used over the Internet. It may be 
used with great care
within an Intranet as long as the network is kept isolated from the 
Internet since it may affect the privacy of the users.

9.2 Use of a static asymmetric key pair between a client and each AS

All the "DPoP" access tokens issued by one AS for one user, will include 
the same public key. This allows each RS to know whether the access tokens

it receives are coming from the same AS and from the same user.

Using this method, RSs are able to know that the access tokens they 
receive have been issued for the same user whatever claims have been 

into the access token. This method may affect the user's privacy.

9.3 Use of a static asymmetric key pair between a client and each RS

All the "DPoP" access tokens issued for one RS, will include the same 
public key, no matter which AS has generated the access token.
This allows each RS to know that the access tokens it receives are 
coming from the same user. Using this method, RSs are unable to link the 
access tokens

they receive when receiving a DPoP proof JWT.

From a security point of view, this method has a side benefit since all 
access tokens that contain the same public key that are received by a 
given RS are indeed

issued for the same user.

9.4 Use of an ephemeral asymmetric key pair for every "DPoP" access token

When only using the public key placed in a "DPoP" access token, RSs are 
unable to link the access tokens they receive.  However, this method has 
the disadvantage
to require the generation of a different key pair for every "DPoP" 
access token.  This may be time and resource consuming.  When this 
method is being used,
it is recommended to generate key pairs in advance, whenever it is 


OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] Proposed changes to draft-ietf-oauth-dpop-02

2020-12-02 Thread Denis
9.that, within a reasonable consideration of accuracy and resource 
utilization, a JWT with the same "jti" value has not previously been 

    at the same URI (see Section 8.1).

References to text located in the "Security considerations" section 
should be avoided.

In addition this text needs to be revised in order to take benefit of 
the use of a combination of "iat" and "jti".

Change the two last above sentences into:

[the receiving server MUST ensure that]

8.the "iat" time is within an acceptable timeframe (a few seconds skew 
SHOULD be allowed).

   Note: To accommodate for clock offsets, the server SHOULD 
accept DPoP proofs that carry an "iat" time in the reasonably near 
future (e.g., a few seconds in the future).

9.and that, in order to accept the DPoP proof JWT, both the "iat" claim 
and the associated "jti" claim have not already been seen before during 
the time window

    used by the server; otherwise refuse the DPoP proof JWT.

15. Section 5.DPoP Access Token Request (Page 12)

The text states:

An authorization server MAY elect to issue access tokens which are not 
DPoP bound, which is signaled to the client with a value of "Bearer" in 
the "token_type" parameter

   of the access token response per [RFC6750].

This has a consequence for the client which is not mentioned but should 
be mentioned.

Proposed additional text:

   When the client receives an access token, it MUST check whether 
the "token_type" parameter of the access token response contains a value 
of "Bearer" or a value of " DPoP".
   If a "Bearer" token is received whereas the client indeed wanted 
a "DPoP" token, then the client SHALL discard the response.

16. Section 8.1.DPoP Proof Replay

Replace the current text with:

  In order to prevent the replay of a token at the same endpoint 
(the HTTP endpoint), only a single DPoP proof JWT which contains the 
same claims is accepted during a time window
  set by the server.This prevents both legitimate and illegitimate 
clients to use twice a same DPoP proof JWT. A JWT that is still valid 
can be associated with a new DPoP proof JWT

 and hence can be re-used during its validity period.

  The mechanism which is based on both the "iat" and the "jti" 
claims occupies 64 bits of memory (32 +32 bits) per DPoP proof JWT that 
has been accepted.

  The entries can be flushed after the end of the time window.

  Clients have no way to know in advance the exact value of a time 
window used by a server.If they wait too long for using a DPoP proof 
JWT, a DPoP proof JWT / access token pair

  may be rejected, even it is cryptographically correct.

17. Add a new section 8.2:

  8.2.DPoP private key usage

  A legitimate client does not necessarily need to "have access to" 
the private key that is being used to sign a DPoP proof JWT, but can 
simply "use" the private key without knowing its value.
  This means that it is able to perform cryptographic computations 
either for its own benefit or for the benefit of other users. In the 
later case, an illegitimate client may be given both an access token
  and a DPoP Proof JWT by a legitimate client.The fact that a DPoP 
proof JWT can only be used once does not protect against this 
collaborative attack.

18. Currently there is no "Privacy considerations" section, whereas 
there should be one.

This point is addressed in a separate email since it proposes new text.


OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Reminder - Interim Meeting to discuss DPoP

2020-12-02 Thread Denis

Hi Daniel,

All your arguments make sense. I agree.

A minor point however. The size of the jti" is currently mandated to 96 
bits minimum. This is unnecessarily long for a time window of a few minutes.
The jti" does not need to be a unique identifier valid for ever. It can 
simply be an identifier used during the time window which complements 
the "iat" claim.

Using both the "iat" claim and a 32 bits pseudo-random number will be 
quite sufficient.  It is also has the advantage of using less memory and

it is easier to flush the entries looking at the 32 first bits only.


So what you are proposing is that the time window in which an RS 
accepts the DPoP proof is defined by the expiration time of the access 

DPoP proofs are intended to be generally be short-lived and fresh for 
each request in order to provide some level of replay protection. 
There is no point in making the time window as long as the (typically 
longer) time window in which an AT would be accepted. A DPoP proof 
that is valid for 12 hours would not provide much replay protection.

The time window is left unspecified because it is only meant to 
account for clock differences and network latency. Its precise value 
can depend on deployment considerations. It is not intended to give 
the client an option to re-use proofs, which is prevented together 
with the jti.

Also this would introduce new, unwanted and potentially surprising 
dependencies between token lifetimes and the DPoP usage.

And finally, as discussed before, not all access tokens are JWTs and 
we are not going to mandate JWT access tokens in this spec.


Am 01.12.20 um 09:54 schrieb Denis:

Hi  Brian,

Hi Denis,

The choice to use "iat" vs. "exp" was made in the summer of last 
year. You can see some of the discussion from then in 
I believe it pretty well has consensus at this point and thus 
unlikely to be changed.

I fear that you misread my email or read it too fast. My point had 
nothing to do whether using *either *of "iat" *o**r* "exp" in the 
DPoP proof JWT sent by the client.

The first sentence of my email was: "One comment on slide 5 about the 
/time window/". So the topic was all about how the RS SHALL handle 
the "jti" claim included

in the DPoP proof JWT when using a time window.

While I do believe there are reasonable arguments that can be made 
on both sides of using either of "iat" or "exp", it's difficult (and 
honestly time consuming and very frustrating) to try and have such 
discussions or even respond in a coherent way when fundamental 
aspects of the draft are misrepresented or misunderstood. For 
example, the DPoP proof JWT is created by the client not the AS so 
the advantages you put forward are nonsensical in the context of the 
actual workings of the draft.

Section 8.1 addresses the topic of the /time window/, but this topic 
should not /only /be addressed in the "Security Considerations" section
but in the main body of the document, since some checks MUST be done 
by the RS. "Security Considerations"are intended to provide

explanations but are not intended to be normative.

Section 8.1 states:

   " If an adversary is able to get hold of a DPoP proof JWT, the 
adversary could replay that token at the same endpoint (the HTTP
   endpoint and method are enforced via the respective claims in the 
JWTs).  To prevent this, servers MUST only accept DPoP proofs
   for a limited time window after their "iat" time, preferably only 
for a relatively brief period.

   Servers SHOULD store, in the context of the request URI, the "jti" 
value of each DPoP proof for the time window in which the respective
   DPoP proof JWT would be accepted and decline HTTP requests to the 
same URI for which the "jti" value has been seen before.  In order
   to guard against memory exhaustion attacks a server SHOULD reject 
DPoP proof JWTs with unnecessarily large "jti" values or store only

   a hash thereof.

   (...) ".

The previous text makes the assumption that RSs MUST only accept DPoP 
proofs for a relatively brief period after their "iat" time included
in the DPoP proof JWT. This assumption is rather restrictive. A 
client might get an access token and associate it with DPoP proof JWT 
could be used during, e.g., 12 hours. A DPoP proof JWT/ access token 
JWT pair could thus be used by a client during, e.g., one day for

several sessions with a RS.

The /time window/ is currently left at the discretion of each RS and 
is supposed to be short (without stating explicitly what "short" may 

It would be possible to mandate in the JWT the inclusion of the exp 
(Expiration Time) Claim. (I am _not_ advocating

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Reminder - Interim Meeting to discuss DPoP

2020-12-01 Thread Denis

Hi  Brian,

Hi Denis,

The choice to use "iat" vs. "exp" was made in the summer of last year. 
You can see some of the discussion from then in 
I believe it pretty well has consensus at this point and thus unlikely 
to be changed.

I fear that you misread my email or read it too fast. My point had 
nothing to do whether using *either *of "iat" *o**r* "exp" in the DPoP 
proof JWT sent by the client.

The first sentence of my email was: "One comment on slide 5 about the 
/time window/". So the topic was all about how the RS SHALL handle the 
"jti" claim included

in the DPoP proof JWT when using a time window.

While I do believe there are reasonable arguments that can be made on 
both sides of using either of "iat" or "exp", it's difficult (and 
honestly time consuming and very frustrating) to try and have such 
discussions or even respond in a coherent way when fundamental aspects 
of the draft are misrepresented or misunderstood. For example, the 
DPoP proof JWT is created by the client not the AS so the advantages 
you put forward are nonsensical in the context of the actual workings 
of the draft.

Section 8.1 addresses the topic of the /time window/, but this topic 
should not /only /be addressed in the "Security Considerations" section
but in the main body of the document, since some checks MUST be done by 
the RS. "Security Considerations"are intended to provide

explanations but are not intended to be normative.

Section 8.1 states:

   " If an adversary is able to get hold of a DPoP proof JWT, the 
adversary could replay that token at the same endpoint (the HTTP
   endpoint and method are enforced via the respective claims in the 
JWTs).  To prevent this, servers MUST only accept DPoP proofs
   for a limited time window after their "iat" time, preferably only 
for a relatively brief period.

   Servers SHOULD store, in the context of the request URI, the "jti" 
value of each DPoP proof for the time window in which the respective
   DPoP proof JWT would be accepted and decline HTTP requests to the 
same URI for which the "jti" value has been seen before.  In order
   to guard against memory exhaustion attacks a server SHOULD reject 
DPoP proof JWTs with unnecessarily large "jti" values or store only

   a hash thereof.

   (...) ".

The previous text makes the assumption that RSs MUST only accept DPoP 
proofs for a relatively brief period after their "iat" time included
in the DPoP proof JWT. This assumption is rather restrictive. A client 
might get an access token and associate it with DPoP proof JWT that
could be used during, e.g., 12 hours. A DPoP proof JWT/ access token JWT 
pair could thus be used by a client during, e.g., one day for

several sessions with a RS.

The /time window/ is currently left at the discretion of each RS and is 
supposed to be short (without stating explicitly what "short" may mean)..

It would be possible to mandate in the JWT the inclusion of the exp 
(Expiration Time) Claim. (I am _not_ advocating the inclusion of the "exp"

claim in the DPoP proof JWT).

In this way, for a RS, the /time window /would be defined using the 
"iat" claim defined in the DPoP proof JWT and the "exp" claim defined in

the JWT.

Such a description should not be done in section 8, but in a section 
earlier in the main body of the document.

This would have the following advantages:

 * The RS would be able to better manage the "jti" claim values,
   because it would be able to discard "jti" claim values as soon as
   they are
   outside the time window as defined above.

 * The client would know whether a DPoP proof JWT/ access token JWT
   pair is still usable, in particular using the "expires_in" status code
   returned in case of a successful response from the AS and is thus
   unlikely to get a rejection of both of them because of an unknown time
   window used by a RS.


On Mon, Nov 30, 2020 at 8:45 AM Denis <mailto:denis.i...@free.fr>> wrote:

One comment on slide 5 about the /time window/.

At the bottom, on the left, it is written: "Only valid for a
limited /time window/ relative to creation time".

While the creation time is defined by "iat", the /time window/ is
currently left at the discretion of each RS.

It would be preferable to mandate the inclusion in the JWT of the
exp (Expiration Time) Claim.
In this way, the /time window /would be defined by the AS using
both the "iat" and the "exp" claims.

This would have the following advantages:

  * The client will know whether a token is still usable and is
unlikely to get a

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Reminder - Interim Meeting to discuss DPoP

2020-11-30 Thread Denis

One comment on slide 5 about the /time window/.

At the bottom, on the left, it is written: "Only valid for a limited 
/time window/ relative to creation time".

While the creation time is defined by "iat", the /time window/ is 
currently left at the discretion of each RS.

It would be preferable to mandate the inclusion in the JWT of the exp 
(Expiration Time) Claim.
In this way, the /time window /would be defined by the AS using both the 
"iat" and the "exp" claims.

This would have the following advantages:

 * The client will know whether a token is still usable and is unlikely
   to get a rejection of the token
   because of an unknown time window defined by a RS.

 * The RS is able to manage better the "jti" claim values, because it
   will be able to discard "jti" claim values
   as soon as they are outside the time window defined by the AS in a JWT.



This is a reminder that we have an Interim meeting this Monday, Nov 
30th @ 12:00pm ET, to discuss the latest with the *DPoP *document:

You can find the details of the meeting and the slides here:

 Rifaat & Hannes

OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

[OAUTH-WG] OAuth 2.0 Access Token JWT Profile. Section 4: Validating JWT Access Tokens

2020-10-27 Thread Denis

I create a new thread to discuss the end of my email from yesterday 
which has been deleted from the thread called " BCP: Client 
collaborative attacks":

   *Comment on section 4: "Validating JWT Access Tokens"
   The JWT profile for OAuth 2.0 access tokens
   [draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt] mandates to include a "sub"
   claim into an access token.
   However, this section does not mandate the RS to verify that claims
   allowing for the RS to uniquely identify the holder of the access token
   are indeed be present inside an access token.

   It might be useful to add it, so that the above text can refer to it.


OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] BCP: Client collaborative attacks

2020-10-27 Thread Denis

Hi Daniel,

OK. The good news is that the BCP document will now address this issue. 
Let us wait to see which text you will propose.

Yesterday, I wrote: "Since OAuth 2.0 does not mandate the use of 
cryptographic devices, this kind of attack cannot be countered in the 
general case".

James Manger replied: "Even crypto devices aren’t a full solution. Alice 
can share her authorization with Bob & Chris by signing-in with their 
crypto devices".

James is right. I should have use the term "secure element". When using 
secure elements /with specific properties/, it is possible to counter 
the Alice & Bob Collusion attack.

A conversation took place on the OAuth mailing list on February 6, 2017. 
The following statements were made:

   "Sharing bearer tokens is a well known attack surface and there's
   really no way to stop that.
  Even PoP-style tokens can be shared since nothing stops Bob and
   Alice from sharing their secrets with each other".

The same email also states:

   "There's literally nothing in the world that can prevent that level
   of collusion -- PoP, token binding, DRM... nothing".

So at this time, it seemed that one belief was "nothing can be done 
anyway". However, at least two solutions, using secure elements /with 
different specific properties/, exist.

At the OAuth workshop in in Zürich in 2017, I presented a paper 
explaining how this could be done. It is still available at:


For this workshop, I also proposed another paper (4 pages) with the 
following abstract, but only the first paper had been accepted:

   OAuth 2.0 was originally intended to be used for delegation but can
   also be used for access
   control. OAuth 2.0 is currently unable to defeat collusion attacks
   between clients, even if a secure element
   is being used to protect the corresponding private key or shared
   secret that is bound to the access token.
   This does not mean that OAuth 2.0 cannot be used any more, but that
   its applicability, in the field of access
   control, will be reduced to Identity-based Access Control (IBAC)
   which means that access tokens must
   contain a set of attributes that allows to unambiguously identify
   the token holder, otherwise a specific kind of
   attack, named the "Alice and Bob Collusion attack" is possible.

I will create a new thread to discuss the end of my email from yesterday 
(/which has been deleted in this thread ... as well as the original 

   *Comment on section 4: "Validating JWT Access Tokens"
   The JWT profile for OAuth 2.0 access tokens
   [draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt] mandates to include a "sub"
   claim into an access token.
   However, this section does not mandate the RS to verify that claims
   allowing for the RS to uniquely identify the holder of the access token
   are indeed be present inside an access token.

   It might be useful to add it, so that the above text can refer to it.


Thanks Neil, this very much sums up my thoughts on this topic.

Since this has been mentioned in yesterday's call, I'll be happy to 
clarify in the attacker model that web attackers can collaborate to 
reach a common goal. I think we can also mention that 
sender-constraining does not prevent collaborating entities to share 
their tokens with each other.


Am 27.10.20 um 07:26 schrieb Neil Madden:
It sounds like we’re trying to redefine cooperation/delegation as an 
“attack”. People delegate and you can’t generally prevent it without 
incarceration. Anything Bob could do with Alice’s access token he 
could also do by asking Alice to do it on his behalf. In other words, 
any credential/token sharing can be replaced by proxying: If Alice 
wants to help underage Bob buy liquor she doesn’t have to share her 
access token, she can just buy it herself and give it to him.

If the RS cares about accountability then the token (or some other 
means) should identify the user - perhaps pseudonymously like OIDC 
pairwise identifiers - and this should be logged for audit. But this 
can only discourage, not prevent, delegation. OAuth is after all a 
delegation protocol.

(In the post-shame world we now live in, the idea that you can 
enforce norms through identification seems almost quaint, but I’m not 
sure I’m ready to be that cynical).

If the RS allows anonymous requests then there is obviously no 
accountability. Does that need to be explicitly mentioned?

— Neil

On 27 Oct 2020, at 01:04, Manger, James 

It is worth mentioning “client collaborative attacks” or 
“authorization sharing attacks” because OAuth can make them easier 
(by packaging authority into an access token), compared to the 
alternative of user’s signing-in to an RS directly. But it is 

[OAUTH-WG] BCP: Client collaborative attacks

2020-10-26 Thread Denis

Hi Daniel,

Following the conversation we had today, hereafter is a proposal for 
addressing client collaborative attacks.

I propose to add a new section 4.16.

4.16 Client collaborative attacks

Two clients may agree to collaborate. In such a situation, one client 
transmits to another client an access token
that it legitimately got and also accepts to perform all the 
cryptographic computations that the other client needs
to use the access token, including when the access token is 
cryptographically bound to a key.

Since OAuth 2.0 does not mandate the use of cryptographic devices, this 
kind of attack cannot be countered in the general case.

However, if the access token contains claims that allow the RS to 
uniquely identify the legitimate holder of the access token
and if the RS only accepts access tokens that are able to uniquely 
identify the legitimate holder of the access token, then
this attack can be mitigated since the client collaborative attack 
becomes an impersonation attack.

For mitigating the collaborative attack, either a "sub" claim must be 
present or any combination of other claims allowing for the RS
to uniquely identify the holder of the access token must be present 
inside an access token, for example OpenID claims like: name,
family_name, given_name, middle_name, nickname, preferred_username, 
gender, birthdate, email, email_verified, phone_number,

phone_number_verified or address.

On the contrary, for example, an access token that would only contain a 
claim stating that the holder of the access token is over 21
or a birthdate without any claim allowing the RS to uniquely identify 
the legitimate holder of the access token, should not be accepted by the RS.

Under these conditions, it should be observed that the first user might 
be unlikely to be willing to collaborate since the other user would be able
to perform actions on behalf of the first user and the first user would 
be held responsible of the actions of the second user.

*Comment on section 4: "Validating JWT Access Tokens"
The JWT profile for OAuth 2.0 access tokens 
[draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt] mandates to include a "sub" claim 
into an access token.
However, this section does not mandate the RS to verify that claims 
allowing for the RS to uniquely identify the holder of the access token

are indeed be present inside an access token.

It might be useful to add it, so that the above text can refer to it.


OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] New podcast on identity specifications

2020-09-24 Thread Denis

Hello  Brian,

The text was not mentioning explicitly draft-ietf-oauth-dpop-01. While 
re-reading the text, it only appears in a link.

I am NOT arguing that collaborationattacks are something that DPoP is 
expected to address.
I am arguing that DPoP should mention in its Security Considerations 
section that collaborationattacks are something that DPoP does not address.

At the moment, section 9 (Security Considerations) of 
draft-ietf-oauth-dpop-01 is not conformant to RFC 3552 (Guidelines for 
Writing RFC Text

on Security Considerations), since section 5 from RFC 3552 states:

   Authors MUST describe

  1.   which attacks are out of scope (and why!)
  2.   which attacks are in-scope
        2.1  and the protocol is susceptible to
    2.2  and the protocol protects against


Hello Denis,

The most recent version of the DPoP draft is not 
draft-fett-oauth-dpop-04 but rather draft-ietf-oauth-dpop-01, which 
doesn't expire until November. I realize that the naming and 
versioning conventions of IETF documents are a bit esoteric and can 
lend themselves to such mistakes. But someone who insists on making 
unhelpful criticism of said documents should probably be more mindful 
of such details.

This WG (and it's not the only WG where this has happened) has 
repeatedly confirmed the rough consensus that these so-called 
collaborationattacks are not something that DPoP, or any of the other 
documents you've said the same about, is expected to address. Nor that 
there is even reason enough to think that readers need to be told so. 
Your personal enthusiasm for the topic does not change that and 
doesn't change the fundamental nature of how OAuth works.

I am sorry to hear that you felt the podcast was too long. I can 
certainly empathize with feeling like one's time has been wasted.

On Wed, Sep 23, 2020 at 3:38 AM Denis <mailto:denis.i...@free.fr>> wrote:

Hello Brian and Vittorio,

I have two observations:

  * draft-fett-oauth-dpop-04 which is the last version expired on
5 September 2020,
  * the podcast as well as draft-fett-oauth-dpop-04 omit to
mention the client/user collaborative attack against which
draft-fett-oauth-dpop-04 is ineffective.


PS. The podcast is a nice effort but is far too long (29:37).

The mTLS vs DPoP was good in articulating how the two specs are
alike, how they differ and which particular type of app they are
meant to serve.

I'm saying this as a person who is generally allergic to
technical podcasts :)

Maybe every RFC that comes out of this WG should have a podcast
link at the top, where the authors discuss it in simple, honest
and non-speccy terms, because that's often how people are best
able to perceive the spirit and subtleties of some technical or
spec work.


On 21/09/2020 09:40, Vittorio Bertocci wrote:

Dear all,

This is an informal mail to inform you that there’s a new
podcast <http://identityunlocked.com/>, identityunlocked.com
<http://identityunlocked.com/>, dedicated to inform and explain
new identity specs developments for developers.

You can find a more detailed explanation of the podcast’s goals
but the TL;DR is that the spec themselves aren’t all that easy
to read for the non-initiated, and a lot of useful info emerges
during the discussions leading to the spec but rarely surface in
a usable form to the people who don’t participate in discussions.

The first episode
featuring Brian Campbell discussing MTLS & DPoP, should give you
an idea of what season 1 of the show will look like.

The full list of the first run is available here

Of 6 episodes, 3 of them are about specifications coming out of
this WG- and all guests are actively involved in the IETF.

My main goals sharing this info here are

  * *Letting you know that the podcast exists*, so that you can
make use of it if you so choose (e.g. referring people to it
if they need to better understand something covered in an
  * *Soliciting proposals for new episodes*: topics you believe
are currently underserved, topics you are often asked about,
topics you would like to be interviewed about on the show
  * *Growing the show’s subscriber base*. I was able to get
backing from my company to produce a podcast that has
exactly ZERO product pitches and is purely about identity
specs promotion, on the gamble that the topic does have an
audience finding it useful. So far the reception has bee

[OAUTH-WG] About draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt-10

2020-09-23 Thread Denis

Hello Vittorio,

I have three comments numbered 1, 2 and 3.

*Comment 1:**

Section 3 states:

   3.  Requesting a JWT Access Token

   An authorization server can issue a JWT access token in response
   to any authorization grant defined by [RFC6749] and subsequent
   extensions meant to result in an access token.

   If the request includes a "resource" parameter (as defined in
   [RFC8707]), the resulting JWT access token "aud" claim SHOULD have
   the same value as the "resource" parameter in the request.

I had a discussion I had on the mailing list with Hannes on September 10:

   [Denis] I believe, it would be worthwhile to add a sentence, just
   after this sentence, with the following text:

 When an authorization server decides to issue a JWT access token
   compliant to this profile, then the following requirements apply.

   [Hannes] That’s fine for me because this is what the intended effect
   of the spec is.

This portion of text from section 3 should be changed into:

   3.  Requesting a JWT Access Token

   An authorization server can issue a JWT access token in response
   to    any authorization grant defined by [RFC6749] and subsequent
   extensions meant to result in an access token.

   *When an authorization server decides to issue a JWT access token
   compliant to this profile, then the following requirements apply. *

   If the request includes a "resource" parameter (as defined in
   [RFC8707]), the resulting JWT access token "aud" claim SHOULD have
   the same value as the "resource" parameter in the request.

*Comment 2:**

Section 6 states:

6.  Privacy Considerations

   As JWT access tokens carry information by value, it now becomes
   possible for clients and potentially even end users to directly peek
   inside the token claims collection.

   The client *MUST NOT* inspect the content of the access token:
   the authorization server and the resource server might decide to change
   token format at any time (for example by switching from this
   profile to opaque tokens) hence any logic in the client relying on the
   ability to read the access token content would break without

RFC 2119 defines the meaning of MUST NOT or SHOULD NOT:

   2. *MUST NOT*   This phrase, or the phrase "SHALL NOT", mean that
   the definition is an absolute prohibition of the specification.


   4. *SHOULD NOT*   This phrase, or the phrase "NOT RECOMMENDED" mean
   that  there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances when the
   particular behavior is acceptable or even useful, but the full 
   implications should be understood and the case carefully weighed 
   before implementing
   any behavior described with this label.

The first sentence of section 6 recognizes that it is technically 
possible for clients and potentially even end users to directly peek 
inside the token claims collection.
There may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances when the 
particular behavior is acceptable or even useful, but there is no 
assurance that this can be done
since the authorization server and the resource server might decide to 
change the token format at any time.

The sentence :

   The client *MUST NOT* inspect the content of the access token:

should be changed into:

   The client *SHOULD **NOT* inspect the content of the access token:

*Comment 3:**

Section 6 also state:

  This profile mandates the presence of the "sub" claim in every JWT 
access token, making it possible for resource servers to rely on that
   information for correlating incoming requests with data stored 
locally for the authenticated principal.  Although the ability to
   correlate requests might be required by design in many scenarios, 
there are scenarios where the authorization server might want to
   prevent correlation.  The "sub" claim should be populated by the 
authorization servers according to a privacy impact assessment.  For
   instance, if a solution requires preventing tracking principal 
activities across multiple resource servers, the authorization server
   should ensure that JWT access tokens meant for different resource 
servers have distinct "sub" values that cannot be correlated in the
   event of resource servers collusion.  Similarly, if a solution 
requires preventing a resource server from correlating the
   principal’s activity within the resource itself, the authorization 
server should assign different "sub" values for every JWT access
   token issued.  In turn, the client should obtain a new JWT access 
token for every call to the resource server, to ensure that the
   resource server receives different "sub" and "jti" values at every 
call, thus preventing correlation between distinct requests.

As already mentioned on this mailing 

Re: [OAUTH-WG] New podcast on identity specifications

2020-09-23 Thread Denis

Hello Brian and Vittorio,

I have two observations:

 * draft-fett-oauth-dpop-04 which is the last version expired on 5
   September 2020,
 * the podcast as well as draft-fett-oauth-dpop-04 omit to mention the
   client/user collaborative attack against which
   draft-fett-oauth-dpop-04 is ineffective.


PS. The podcast is a nice effort but is far too long (29:37).

The mTLS vs DPoP was good in articulating how the two specs are alike, 
how they differ and which particular type of app they are meant to serve.

I'm saying this as a person who is generally allergic to technical 
podcasts :)

Maybe every RFC that comes out of this WG should have a podcast link 
at the top, where the authors discuss it in simple, honest and 
non-speccy terms, because that's often how people are best able to 
perceive the spirit and subtleties of some technical or spec work.


On 21/09/2020 09:40, Vittorio Bertocci wrote:

Dear all,

This is an informal mail to inform you that there’s a new podcast 
<http://identityunlocked.com/>, identityunlocked.com 
<http://identityunlocked.com/>, dedicated to inform and explain new 
identity specs developments for developers.

You can find a more detailed explanation of the podcast’s goals in 
but the TL;DR is that the spec themselves aren’t all that easy to 
read for the non-initiated, and a lot of useful info emerges during 
the discussions leading to the spec but rarely surface in a usable 
form to the people who don’t participate in discussions.

The first episode 
featuring Brian Campbell discussing MTLS & DPoP, should give you an 
idea of what season 1 of the show will look like.

The full list of the first run is available here 
Of 6 episodes, 3 of them are about specifications coming out of this 
WG- and all guests are actively involved in the IETF.

My main goals sharing this info here are

  * *Letting you know that the podcast exists*, so that you can make
use of it if you so choose (e.g. referring people to it if they
need to better understand something covered in an episode)
  * *Soliciting proposals for new episodes*: topics you believe are
currently underserved, topics you are often asked about, topics
you would like to be interviewed about on the show
  * *Growing the show’s subscriber base*. I was able to get backing
from my company to produce a podcast that has exactly ZERO
product pitches and is purely about identity specs promotion, on
the gamble that the topic does have an audience finding it
useful. So far the reception has been great, and we need to keep
it up if we want to have a season 2.

I hope you’ll find the initiative useful!



OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt-07

2020-09-10 Thread Denis

Hi Hannes,

All my concerns about the fact that the OAuth 2.0 framework assumes that 
access tokens are treated opaque by clients are now solved.

Thanks !

Hi Denis,

Thanks for the clarifications regarding the uniqueness properties of 
the values that go into the subject claim.

Looking at draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt-07 I don’t see where the 
draft introduces these two new flavors.

The text is as follows in section 6:

   Authorization servers should choose how to assign "sub" values 
according to the level of privacy required by each
   situation.  For instance: if a solution requires preventing tracking 
principal activities across multiple resource servers,
   the authorization server should ensure that JWT access tokens meant 
for different resource servers have distinct "sub"
   values *tht *cannot be correlated in the event of resource servers 

Note the typo:  tht  -- > that

This is the flavor n° 3.

  Similarly: if a solution requires preventing a resource server from 
correlating the principal’s activity within the resource itself,
  the authorization server should assign different "sub" values for 
every JWT access  token issued.

This is the flavor n°4.


Additional comments below:

*From:* Denis 
*Sent:* Thursday, September 10, 2020 11:41 AM
*To:* Hannes Tschofenig 
*Cc:* Dick Hardt ; oauth@ietf.org
*Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt-07

Hi Hannes,

Thank you for responses. See below.

Hi Denis,

Hi Dick and Hannes,

1) While reading RFC 7519, no reader may be able to figure out
that there are more than two flavours of the "sub" claim.
This draft is introducing two new other favours of the semantics
of the "sub" claim which are not present in RFC 7519.
 When an element has been defined, its semantics cannot be
changed ... unless making an Errata to RFC 7519
 which would be a clean way to proceed.

[Hannes] What do you mean by “flavours” of the subject claim?

[Denis] RFC 7519 states: The subject value MUST *either *be scoped to 
be locally unique in the context of the issuer *or * be globally unique.

This makes two flavours: *either *locally unique in the context of the 
issuer *or *globally unique.

When reading the current text, in addition to these two flavours, two 
additional flavours (3) and (4) are discovered

which makes a total of four flavours:

 1. locally unique in the context of the issuer (i.e. the same for all
 2. globally unique (i.e. the same not only for all the RSs but also
for servers that have nothing to do with OAuth),
 3. unique for an AS/RS pair, and
 4. unique for every access token.

2) The argument about "changing the token format at any time" does
not apply in the context of this future RFC.
    This sentence should be either removed or modified This means
that the following sentence which is a derivative
    of this sentence should also be either removed or modified:

Hence, any logic in the client relying on the ability to read
the access token content would break without recourse.

[Hannes] The OAuth 2.0 architecture allows the authorization
server and the resource server to agree on whatever token
format they want.
They can pass the information by value or by reference (which
may then require token introspection or an equivalent mechanism).
This document does not change anything concern this.

Imagine a third party implementing an OAuth 2.0 Client. If
they make assumptions about the ability to parse the content
of the token, we create a brittle system.

For this reason, the sentence "changing the token format at
    any time" is correct.

I hope this makes sense.

[Denis] I do not dispute the sentence you proposed "The OAuth 2.0 
framework assumes that access tokens are treated opaque by clients"
which replaces the previous sentence which was: "The client MUST NOT 
inspect the content of the access token".

The two sentences prior to it are:

Authorization server and the resource server might decide to
change token format at any time (for example by switching from
this profile to opaque tokens).
Hence, any logic in the client relying on the ability to read the
access token content would break without recourse.

Once having read your last three responses, I would propose the 
following small change in the second sentence:

Authorization server and the resource server might decide to
change token format at any time (for example by switching from
this profile to opaque tokens).
Hence, any logic in the client relying on the ability to read the
access token content /at an instant of time might /break /later
on/ without recourse.

You may have noticed that I propose

Re: [OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt-07

2020-09-10 Thread Denis

Hi Hannes,

Thank you for responses. See below.

Hi Denis,

Hi Dick and Hannes,

1)  While reading RFC 7519, no reader may be able to figure out that 
there are more than two flavours of the "sub" claim.
This draft is introducing two new other favours of the semantics of 
the "sub" claim which are not present in RFC 7519.
 When an element has been defined, its semantics cannot be changed 
... unless making an Errata to RFC 7519

 which would be a clean way to proceed.

[Hannes] What do you mean by “flavours” of the subject claim?

[Denis] RFC 7519 states: The subject value MUST *either *be scoped to be 
locally unique in the context of the issuer *or *be globally unique.

This makes two flavours: *either *locally unique in the context of the 
issuer *or *globally unique.

When reading the current text, in addition to these two flavours, two 
additional flavours (3) and (4) are discovered

which makes a total of four flavours:

1. locally unique in the context of the issuer (i.e. the same for all RSs),
2. globally unique (i.e. the same not only for all the RSs but also for
   servers that have nothing to do with OAuth),
3. unique for an AS/RS pair, and
4. unique for every access token.

2) The argument about "changing the token format at any time" does not 
apply in the context of this future RFC.
    This sentence should be either removed or modified This means that 
the following sentence which is a derivative

    of this sentence should also be either removed or modified:

Hence, any logic in the client relying on the ability to read the
access token content would break without recourse.

[Hannes] The OAuth 2.0 architecture allows the authorization
server and the resource server to agree on whatever token format
they want.
They can pass the information by value or by reference (which may
then require token introspection or an equivalent mechanism).
This document does not change anything concern this.

Imagine a third party implementing an OAuth 2.0 Client. If they
make assumptions about the ability to parse the content of the
token, we create a brittle system.

For this reason, the sentence "changing the token format at any
time" is correct.

I hope this makes sense.

[Denis] I do not dispute the sentence you proposed "The OAuth 2.0 
framework assumes that access tokens are treated opaque by clients"
which replaces the previous sentence which was: "The client MUST NOT 
inspect the content of the access token".

The two sentences prior to it are:

   Authorization server and the resource server might decide to change
   token format at any time (for example by switching from this profile
   to opaque tokens).
   Hence, any logic in the client relying on the ability to read the
   access token content would break without recourse.

Once having read your last three responses, I would propose the 
following small change in the second sentence:/


   Authorization server and the resource server might decide to change
   token format at any time (for example by switching from this profile
   to opaque tokens).
   Hence, any logic in the client relying on the ability to read the
   access token content /at an instant of time might /break /later on/
   without recourse.

3) The following questions have still not been answered:

Some questions raised during the WGLC have not been answered: How
can a client request an access token compliant to this profile ?

[Hannes] The client cannot request the authorization server to use
a specific token format. Since the client is not going to look at
the access token content why would it even care.

[Denis] While reading all of your three last responses, I now understand 
the point.

Which parameter(s) allow it to ask an access token compliant to
this profile ?

[Hannes] There no parameters defined so that the client can ask
for an access token format that is compliant to this profile.


How can the AS know that it got a call for the issuance of an
access token compliant to this profile ?

[Hannes] The AS only gets a request for an access token and the AS
needs to decide what format to use, like it did in the past.
Nothing changed.

Your response does help to understand. Section 3 is stating:

   An authorization server /can /issue a JWT access token in response 
to any authorization grant defined by [RFC6749] and

   subsequent extensions meant to result in an access token.

I believe, it would be worthwhile to add a sentence, just after this 
sentence, with the following text:

   When an authorization server decides to issue a JWT access token 
compliant to this profile, then the following requirements apply.







The objective of this document is to standardize the token the AS
shares with the RS. It is no

Re: [OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt-07

2020-09-09 Thread Denis


Since you are planning to write a shepherd write-up, please do not omit 
to mention the last three points mentioned in my previous email:

1)  While reading RFC 7519, no reader may be able to figure out that 
there are more than two flavours of the "sub" claim.
 This draft is introducing two new other favours of the semantics 
of the "sub" claim which are not present in RFC 7519.
 When an element has been defined, its semantics cannot be changed 
... unless making an Errata to RFC 7519

 which would be a clean way to proceed.

2) The argument about "changing the token format at any time" does not 
apply in the context of this future RFC.
    This sentence should be either removed or modified  This means that 
the following sentence which is a derivative

    of this sentence should also be either removed or modified:

   Hence, any logic in the client relying on the ability to read the
   access token content would break without recourse.

3) The following questions have still not been answered:

   Some questions raised during the WGLC have not been answered: How
   can a client request an access token compliant to this profile ?
   Which parameter(s) allow it to ask an access token compliant to this
   profile ? How can the AS know that it got a call for the issuance
   of an access token compliant to this profile ?


We have gone through this discussion before. This document does not change the 
underlying assumptions of the OAuth 2.0 framework. In that framework the client 
is neither supposed to look at the access token content nor does it request the 
claims to comply to a specific profile.

I am planning to add a note about this disagreement into the shepherd write-up. 
I don’t think there is more that can be done given that there is no support in 
this group for changing the architectural assumptions of OAuth 2.0.

I believe that this is a topic should be brought to the Grant Negotiation and 
Authorization Protocol (gnap) working group instead.


From: Dick Hardt 
Sent: Tuesday, September 8, 2020 6:26 PM
To: Denis 
Cc: Hannes Tschofenig ; oauth@ietf.org
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt-07


The objective of this document is to standardize the token the AS shares with 
the RS. It is not to standardize how the client can read the token. Just 
because the user is using the client, that does not mean the user wants the 
client to see any claims about themselves. Letting the client see the contents 
of the token may be a privacy violation.

client != user

On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 9:10 AM Denis <mailto:denis.i...@free.fr> wrote:
Hi Hannes,

Two comments between the lines.

Hi Victorio, Hi all,

I am doing my shepherd write-up for draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt-07. 
Reading through the draft I have a few minor suggestions:

Section 2:

I would delete this sentence "JWT access tokens are regular JWTs complying with the 
requirements described in this section."

Reason: You pretty much make the same statement on the previous page (see 
terminology section).

Section 2.1

s/asymmetric algorithms/asymmetric cryptography
(same replacement in Section 4)

s/   This specification registers the "application/at+jwt" media type,
which can be used to indicate that the content is an access token./This specification 
registers the "application/at+jwt" media type,
which can be used to indicate that the content is a JWT access token.

Use capitalized "Section" when a section number is indicated, such as in 
Section 2.2.

Section 2.2



s/   auth_time  OPTIONAL - as defined in section 2 of [OpenID.Core]./   
auth_time  OPTIONAL - as defined in Section 2 of [OpenID.Core].
s/   acr, amr  OPTIONAL - as defined in section 2 of [OpenID.Core]./   acr, amr 
 OPTIONAL - as defined in Section 2 of [OpenID.Core].

s/Please see/See

s/For example:/For example,

Section 4

You write:

"Authorization servers SHOULD implement OAuth 2.0 Authorization Server Metadata 
[RFC8414] ..."

Are you sure you mean "implement" and not "use"? The paragraph gives me the impression 
that you talk about "ASs using RFC 8414"

s/Please see section Section 5 for further guidance on security 
implications./Please see Section 5 for further guidance on security 

This sentence sounds strange to me:
When invoked as described in OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token Usage [RFC6750],
resource servers receiving a JWT access token MUST validate it in the
following manner.

How about:
Resource servers receiving a JWT access token MUST validate it in the
following manner.

Question: If you refer to RFC 6750 and then list the steps are you just 
repeating the steps from RFC 6750 or are you augmenting them?

You write:

If the JWT access token includes authorizati

Re: [OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt-07

2020-09-09 Thread Denis

Hi Dick and Hannes,

1)  While reading RFC 7519, no reader may be able to figure out that 
there are more than two flavours of the "sub" claim.
 This draft is introducing two new other favours of the semantics 
of the "sub" claim which are not present in RFC 7519.
 When an element has been defined, its semantics cannot be changed 
... unless making an Errata to RFC 7519

 which would be a clean way to proceed.

2) The argument about "changing the token format at any time" does not 
apply in the context of this future RFC.
    This sentence should be either removed or modified  This means that 
the following sentence which is a derivative

    of this sentence should also be either removed or modified:

   Hence, any logic in the client relying on the ability to read the
   access token content would break without recourse.

3) The following questions have still not been answered:

   Some questions raised during the WGLC have not been answered: How
   can a client request an access token compliant to this profile ?
   Which parameter(s) allow it to ask an access token compliant to this
   profile ? How can the AS know that it got a call for the issuance
   of an access token compliant to this profile ?



The objective of this document is to standardize the token the AS 
shares with the RS. It is not to standardize how the client can read 
the token. Just because the user is using the client, that does not 
mean the user wants the client to see any claims about themselves. 
Letting the client see the contents of the token may be a privacy 

client != user

On Tue, Sep 8, 2020 at 9:10 AM Denis <mailto:denis.i...@free.fr>> wrote:

Hi Hannes,

Two comments between the lines.

Hi Victorio, Hi all,

I am doing my shepherd write-up for
draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt-07. Reading through the draft I
have a few minor suggestions:

Section 2:

I would delete this sentence "JWT access tokens are regular JWTs
complying with the requirements described in this section."

Reason: You pretty much make the same statement on the previous
page (see terminology section).

Section 2.1

s/asymmetric algorithms/asymmetric cryptography

(same replacement in Section 4)

s/   This specification registers the "application/at+jwt" media

   which can be used to indicate that the content is an access
token./This specification registers the "application/at+jwt"
media type,

   which can be used to indicate that the content is a JWT access

Use capitalized "Section" when a section number is indicated,
such as in Section 2.2.

Section 2.2



s/   auth_time  OPTIONAL - as defined in section 2 of
[OpenID.Core]./   auth_time OPTIONAL - as defined in Section 2 of

s/   acr, amr  OPTIONAL - as defined in section 2 of
[OpenID.Core]./   acr, amr OPTIONAL - as defined in Section 2 of

s/Please see/See

s/For example:/For example,

Section 4

You write:

"Authorization servers SHOULD implement OAuth 2.0 Authorization
Server Metadata [RFC8414] ... "

Are you sure you mean "implement" and not "use"? The paragraph
gives me the impression that you talk about "ASs using RFC 8414"

s/Please see section Section 5 for further guidance on security
implications./Please see Section 5 for further guidance on
security implications.

This sentence sounds strange to me:


   When invoked as described in OAuth 2.0 Bearer Token Usage

   resource servers receiving a JWT access token MUST validate it
in the

   following manner.


How about:


   Resource servers receiving a JWT access token MUST validate it
in the

   following manner.


Question: If you refer to RFC 6750 and then list the steps are
you just repeating the steps from RFC 6750 or are you augmenting

You write:


If the JWT access token includes authorization claims as described in

   the authorization claims section, the resource server SHOULD
use them

   in combination with any other contextual information available to

   determine whether the current call should be authorized or


Include a reference to the authorization claims section

s/ For more

   details on cross-JWT confusion please refer to 2.8 of
[RFC8725]./ For more

   details on cross-JWT confusion please refer to Section 2.8 of

You write:


   Authorization servers should not rely on the use of different keys

   for signing OpenID Connect ID Tokens and JWT tokens as a method to


Re: [OAUTH-WG] draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt-07

2020-09-08 Thread Denis
thing to do with OAuth (e.g. an
   email address).

    Similarly, if

   a solution requires preventing a resource server from correlating the

   principal's activity within the resource itself, the authorization

   server should assign different "sub" values for every JWT access

   token issued.  In turn, the client should obtain a new JWT access

   token for every call to the resource server, to ensure that the

   resource server receives different "sub" and "jti" values at every

   call, thus preventing correlation between distinct requests.

The proposed text describes two different cases where the sub claim is 
either unique for an AS/RS pair orunique for each access token.

These two cases are not included in the definition found in RFC 7519.

In the general case, an identifier can be:

1. locally unique in the context of the issuer (i.e. the same for all RSs),
2. globally unique (i.e. the same not only for all the RSs but also for
   servers that have nothing to do with OAuth),
3. unique for an AS/RS pair, or
4. unique for each access token.

I see different ways to solve this problem:

   1° Stick to the definition of RFC 7519 and (unfortunately) remove
   these possibilities.
   2° Define two new claims which would support the two cases where the
   sub claim would be either unique for an AS/RS pair orunique for one
   access token.
   3° Define four new claims which would support the four above cases.



Section 7.2

s/   Section Section of this specification refers to the

   attributes "roles", "groups", "entitlements" defined in [RFC7643] to

   express authorization information in JWT access tokens.

/   Section of this specification refers to the

   attributes "roles", "groups", "entitlements" defined in [RFC7643] to

   express authorization information in JWT access tokens.


RFC 7519 has to be a normative reference:

   [RFC7519]  Jones, M., Bradley, J., and N. Sakimura, "JSON Web Token

  (JWT)", RFC 7519, DOI 10.17487/RFC7519, May 2015,


RFC 7644 is an unused reference:

   [RFC7644]  Hunt, P., Ed., Grizzle, K., Ansari, M., Wahlstroem, E.,

  and C. Mortimore, "System for Cross-domain Identity

Management: Protocol", RFC 7644, DOI 10.17487/RFC7644,

September 2015, <https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/rfc7644>.

The same is true for RFC 3986:

   [RFC3986]  Berners-Lee, T., Fielding, R., and L. Masinter, "Uniform

  Resource Identifier (URI): Generic Syntax", STD 66,

  RFC 3986, DOI 10.17487/RFC3986, January 2005,




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[OAUTH-WG] Towards an RFC Errata to RFC 7662 ?

2020-09-02 Thread Denis

Hi Ben,

This new thread, i.e."Towards an RFC Errata to RFC 7662 ?" is used to 
discuss one of the topics raised in:
Last Call:  (JWT 
Response for OAuth Token Introspection) to Proposed Standard

Only the text relevant to this topic has been left.

The text that has been discussed and polished would perfectly fit into 
the Privacy Consideration section from RFC 7662.

Here it is again:

   Implementers should be aware that a token introspection request lets
   the AS know when the client is accessing the RS, which can also
   indicate when the user is using the client. If this implication is
   not acceptable, implementers can use other means to carry access
   token data, e.g. directly transferring the data needed by the RS
   within the access token.

Privacy considerations sections do not change the protocol but only 
provide some warnings. Warning the implementers is fine,

but warning the users and the clients should also be considered.

Thanks to your observations, I noticed that the sentence "thecall 
described in OAuth Introspection [RFC 7662] should be avoided"
is not appropriate.So I propose an additional text which is relevant for 
the users:

   Token introspection is an optional feature primarily intended for
   clients that are unable to support structured access tokens,
   including their validation. However, the use of this call allows an
   AS to track where and exactly when clients or users have indeed
   presented an issued access token to a RS.

   Some users or clients may be concerned that such a feature allows
   the AS to accurately trace them. If no Token introspection endpoint
   is published by an AS,
   users and clients can be confident that such tracing cannot happen.
   On the contrary, when an introspection_endpoint is published by an
   AS [RFC8414],
   users and clients have no way to know whether the RS will be allowed
   to use it, nor whether it will effectively use it.If these
   implications are not acceptable,
   users or clients should not use an AS that publishes an


Hi all,

On Mon, Aug 31, 2020 at 09:58:11AM +0200, Denis wrote:

The last text that has been proposed on the list about this thread is
the following:

Implementers should be aware that a token introspection request lets the AS 
know when the client is accessing the RS,
which can also indicate when the user is using the client.  If this implication 
is not acceptable, implementers can use
other means to carry access token data, e.g. directly transferring the data 
needed by the RS within the access token.

The concerns of the implementers have nothing to do with the concerns of
the Users. Such a text proposal has nothing to do with a "User consent".

*Towards an RFC Errata to RFC 7662*

Mike Jones wrote:

I agree with Dick’s observation about the privacy implications of using
an Introspection Endpoint. That’s why it’s preferable to not use one at all
    and instead directly have the Resource understand the Access
Token. One way of doing this is the JWT Access Token spec. There are
plenty of others.

I fully agree.

RFC 7662 should have incorporated a more detailed content such as:

   In OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749], the contents of tokens are opaque to
clients. However, the contents of tokens is not intended to be opaque to
   Token introspection is an OPTIONAL feature of an AS described in
OAuth Introspection [RFC 7662] intended for clients that are unable
   to support structured access tokens including their validation.
The use of this call allows an AS to track where and when its clients
have indeed
   presented an issued access token. As soon as the RS knows the
format of the access token, e.g. using structured token formats such as
   JWT [RFC7519], and is able to validate its security features, the
call described in OAuth Introspection [RFC 7662] should be avoided,
   the AS will know exactly when the introspection call has been made
and thus be able to make sure which client has attempted perform an access
   to that RS and at which instant of time. As soon as this call is
supported by an AS, the client or the user have no way to prevent the RS
to use it.

It might be useful to add it, e.g. using an RFC Errata.

I do not believe this would be an appropriate usage of an Errata Report --
it changes the meaning of the RFC away from what the WG intended at the
time of publication.

Use of tokens that are just opaque DB handles (along with some form of
introspection) is desirable when a prominent threat is leakage of token
contents from the browser.  We have had numerous discussions over the years
of various ways in which information can leak from the browser, including
history APIs, malicious javascript, and more.  While these threats are not
always applicable in all deployment models, they are still present, just as
the threats that you propose we defend against are not always of co

Re: [OAUTH-WG] third party applications

2020-09-01 Thread Denis

Hello Dima,

Not exactly.

Change :

   or by allowing the third-party application


or by allowing the application


Thank everyone for your feedback.

So the abstract could look like this:

The OAuth 2.1 authorization framework enables a*n**third-party* application 
to obtain limited access to an HTTP service, either on
behalf of a resource owner by orchestrating an approval interaction
between the resource owner and the HTTP service, or by allowing the
third-party application to obtain access on its own behalf.  This
specification replaces and obsoletes the OAuth 2.0 Authorization
Framework described inRFC 6749  <https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6749>.
And an additional section is required to describe scenarios where this 
framework works well and scenarios when it doesn't.

On Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 2:37 AM Aaron Parecki <mailto:aa...@parecki.com>> wrote:

I agree. While the original motivations for OAuth were to support
third-party apps, it's proven to be useful in many other kinds of
situations as well, even when it's a "first-party" app but the
OAuth server is operated by a different organization than the
APIs. I don't think the abstract needs any qualification on this
and would only confuse people further. Any clarifications of which
situations are appropriate for using OAuth could be explored in a
different section in the spec.

Aaron Parecki

On Fri, Aug 28, 2020 at 3:02 AM Torsten Lodderstedt
mailto:40lodderstedt@dmarc.ietf.org>> wrote:

I agree. OAuth works for 3rd as well as 1st parties as well.

> On 28. Aug 2020, at 05:26, Dima Postnikov
mailto:d...@postnikov.net>> wrote:
> Hi,
> Can "third-party" term be removed from the specification?
> The standard and associated best practices apply to other
applications that act on behalf of a resource owner, too
(internal, "first-party" and etc).
> Regards,
> Dima
> The OAuth 2.1 authorization framework enables a third-party
>    application to obtain limited access to an HTTP service,
either on
>    behalf of a resource owner by orchestrating an approval
>    between the resource owner and the HTTP service, or by
allowing the
>    third-party application to obtain access on its own
behalf.  This
>    specification replaces and obsoletes the OAuth 2.0
>    Framework described in
> RFC 6749.
> ___
> OAuth mailing list
> OAuth@ietf.org <mailto:OAuth@ietf.org>
> https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/oauth

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Re: [OAUTH-WG] Last Call: (JWT Response for OAuth Token Introspection) to Proposed Standard

2020-08-31 Thread Denis
r such a purpose which would detail the claims to be incorporated into 
the access token and say that these claims shall be verified according to
sections 6.2.2 (Initial identity validation) of both ETSI EN 319 411-1 
and ETSI EN 319 411-2.

The client supporting the user would then communicate that JWT to the RS 
of its choice. The scope placed into the access token would testify
that the claims have indeed been verified according to sections 6.2.2 of 
both ETSI EN 319 411-1 and ETSI EN 319 411-2.

Such a functionality cannot be supported using 

In case the RS would be unable to decode the access token and/or to 
validate it, it might make attempt to make a call to the AS according to 
RFC 7662,
if this service is available (but the user has no way to indicate that 
he consents for making such a call).

As a conclusion, since draft-ietf-oauth-jwt-introspection-response harms 
the user's privacy and fully by-passes the User consent,

this draft should not be progressed to the RFC level.


The "can" works better, agreed. Thanks!

On Sat, Aug 29, 2020 at 8:25 AM Justin Richer <mailto:jric...@mit.edu>> wrote:

Thanks, Dick. I agree with removing the excess parenthetical, but
I intentionally avoided using a lowercase “may” in the middle of
the text  (in favor of “can”) to avoid normative-sounding
non-normative language, so I’d recommend that change be kept:

Implementers should be aware that a token introspection request
lets the AS know when the client
    is accessing the RS, which can also indicate when the user is
    the client. If this implication is not acceptable,
implementers can use other means to carry
    access token data, e.g. directly transferring the data needed
by the RS within the access token.

On Aug 27, 2020, at 12:15 PM, Dick Hardt mailto:dick.ha...@gmail.com>> wrote:

Here is a crisper revision.

Implementers should be aware that a token introspection request
lets the AS know when the client
    is accessing the RS, which may indicate when the user is using
    the client. If this implication is not acceptable,
implementers can use other means to carry
    access token data, e.g. directly transferring the data needed
by the RS within the access token.

On Thu, Aug 27, 2020 at 7:19 AM Justin Richer mailto:jric...@mit.edu>> wrote:

I would clarify that this doesn’t necessarily say that the
user’s there, and remove the normative requirement (which
doesn’t have enforceable teeth in this context):

Implementers should be aware that a token introspection
request lets the AS know when the client
    (and potentially the user) is accessing the RS, which
*can also indicate* when the user is using
    the client. If this implication is not acceptable,
*implementers can use other means* to carry
    access token data, e.g. directly transferring the data
needed by the RS within the access token.

 — Justin

On Aug 27, 2020, at 9:48 AM, Torsten Lodderstedt
mailto:torsten=40lodderstedt@dmarc.ietf.org>> wrote:

Will the following text work for you?

Implementers should be aware that a token introspection
request lets the AS know when the client
(and potentially the user) is accessing the RS, which is
also an indication of when the user is using
the client. If this impliction is not accepatable,
implementars MUST use other means to carry
access token data, e.g. directly transferring the data
needed by the RS within the access token.

On 26. Aug 2020, at 23:12, Mike Jones
mailto:Michael.Jones=40microsoft@dmarc.ietf.org>> wrote:

I agree with Dick’s observation about the privacy
implications of using an Introspection Endpoint. That’s why
it’s preferable to not use one at all and instead directly
have the Resource understand the Access Token.  One way of
doing this is the JWT Access Token spec.  There are plenty
of others.

The downsides of using an Introspection Endpoint should be
described in the Privacy Considerations section.

  -- Mike

From: OAuth mailto:oauth-boun...@ietf.org>> On Behalf Of Dick Hardt
Sent: Wednesday, August 26, 2020 9:52 AM
To: Torsten Lodderstedt
Cc: last-c...@ietf.org <mailto:last-c...@ietf.org>; oauth
Subject: Re: [OAUTH-WG] Last Call:
Response for OAuth Token Introspection) to Proposed Standard

On Wed, Aug 26, 2020 at 4:37 AM Torsten Lodderstedt

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Last Call: (JWT Response for OAuth Token Introspection) to Proposed Standard

2020-08-25 Thread Denis

Here is an additional comment:

The text mentions in the Introduction:

   In example is a resource server using verified person data
   to create certificates, which in turn are used to create qualified
   electronic signatures.

The problem is the following: the AS has no way to verify that the User 
has effectively authorized the RS
to use the JWT Response for such a purpose. A "User Consent" phase for 
such a usage has not been addressed.

This concern is identified in RFC 6973 as:

5.2.3.  Secondary Use

   Secondary use is the use of collected information about an individual
   without the individual’s consent for a purpose different from that
   for which the information was collected.  Secondary use may violate
   people’s expectations or desires.  The potential for secondary use
   can generate uncertainty as to how one’s information will be used in
   the future, potentially discouraging information exchange in the
   first place.  Secondary use encompasses any use of data, including

The progression of this draft is really questionable. The User has 
currently no way to allow or to disallow this protocol
which is between a RS and an AS.  It would not be reasonable to say that 
this concern is outside the scope of this draft.


This draft contains a "Privacy considerations" section (Section 9).
The content of this section is as follows:

   The token introspection response can be used to transfer personal
   identifiable information from the AS to the RS.  The AS MUST ensure a
   legal basis exists for the data transfer before any data is released
   to a particular RS.  The way the legal basis is established might
   vary among jurisdictions and MUST consider the legal entities

   For example, the classical way to establish the legal basis is by
   explicit user consent gathered from the resource owner by the AS
   during the authorization flow.

   It is also possible that the legal basis is established out of band,
   e.g. in an explicit contract or by the client gathering the resource
   owner’s consent.

   If the AS and the RS belong to the same legal entity (1st party
   scenario), there is potentially no need for an explicit user consent
   but the terms of service and policy of the respective service
   provider MUST be enforced at all times.

   In any case, the AS MUST ensure that the scope of the legal basis is
   enforced throughout the whole process.  The AS MUST retain the scope
   of the legal basis with the access token, e.g. in the scope value,
   and the AS MUST determine the data a resource server is allowed to
   receive based on the resource server’s identity and suitable token
   data, e.g. the scope value.

It is not believed that these explanations are useful, nor sufficient.

Talking a "legal basis" without translating legal constraints into 
technical constraints is not useful.
Since sensitive information may be returned, the text should say that 
AS should/must make sure that the requesting RS is indeed

authenticated and allowed to perform this operation.

However, section 4 is only using the verb "SHOULD" whereas it should 
use the verb "SHALL" :

The AS SHOULD authenticate the caller at the token introspection

Talking of "an explicit user consent gathered from the resource owner 
by the AS" does not make sense.
Either the operation is allowed or is not allowed by the RO, but there 
is no "RO consent".

*About **RFC 7662 (OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection)*

One might think that the important considerations have already been 
provided when issuing RFC 7662 (OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection)

which contains a Privacy considerations section (section 5).

The third sentence states:

One method is to transmit user identifiers as opaque
service-specific strings, potentially returning different
identifiers to each protected resource.

This would mean that the response would not reflect the content of the 
token. Furthermore, the RS would not even be informed of such a 

The last sentence even states:

Omitting privacy-sensitive information from an introspection
response is the simplest way of minimizing privacy issues.

In such a case, the introspection query becomes more or less useless.

What should have been said in RFC 7662 (OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection) ?

The fact that using an introspection call can be avoided and should be 
avoided for privacy reasons. While "in OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749],
the contents of tokens are opaque to clients", it is not opaque to 
RSs. As soon as the RS knows the format of the access token and is able

to validate its security features, this call should be avoided.

So what should be mentioned in section 9 ?

The fact that the AS will know exactly when the introspection call has 
been made and thus be able to make sure which client
has attempted perform an access to that RS

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Last Call: (JWT Response for OAuth Token Introspection) to Proposed Standard

2020-08-25 Thread Denis

This draft contains a "Privacy considerations" section (Section 9).
The content of this section is as follows:

   The token introspection response can be used to transfer personal
   identifiable information from the AS to the RS.  The AS MUST ensure a
   legal basis exists for the data transfer before any data is released
   to a particular RS.  The way the legal basis is established might
   vary among jurisdictions and MUST consider the legal entities

   For example, the classical way to establish the legal basis is by
   explicit user consent gathered from the resource owner by the AS
   during the authorization flow.

   It is also possible that the legal basis is established out of band,
   e.g. in an explicit contract or by the client gathering the resource
   owner’s consent.

   If the AS and the RS belong to the same legal entity (1st party
   scenario), there is potentially no need for an explicit user consent
   but the terms of service and policy of the respective service
   provider MUST be enforced at all times.

   In any case, the AS MUST ensure that the scope of the legal basis is
   enforced throughout the whole process.  The AS MUST retain the scope
   of the legal basis with the access token, e.g. in the scope value,
   and the AS MUST determine the data a resource server is allowed to
   receive based on the resource server’s identity and suitable token
   data, e.g. the scope value.

It is not believed that these explanations are useful, nor sufficient.

Talking a "legal basis" without translating legal constraints into 
technical constraints is not useful.
Since sensitive information may be returned, the text should say that AS 
should/must make sure that the requesting RS is indeed

authenticated and allowed to perform this operation.

However, section 4 is only using the verb "SHOULD" whereas it should use 
the verb "SHALL" :

   The AS SHOULD authenticate the caller at the token introspection

Talking of "an explicit user consent gathered from the resource owner by 
the AS" does not make sense.
Either the operation is allowed or is not allowed by the RO, but there 
is no "RO consent".

*About **RFC 7662 (OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection)*

One might think that the important considerations have already been 
provided when issuing RFC 7662 (OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection)

which contains a Privacy considerations section (section 5).

The third sentence states:

   One method is to transmit user identifiers as opaque
   service-specific strings, potentially returning different
   identifiers to each protected resource.

This would mean that the response would not reflect the content of the 
token. Furthermore, the RS would not even be informed of such a 

The last sentence even states:

   Omitting privacy-sensitive information from an introspection
   response is the simplest way of minimizing privacy issues.

In such a case, the introspection query becomes more or less useless.

What should have been said in RFC 7662 (OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection) ?

The fact that using an introspection call can be avoided and should be 
avoided for privacy reasons. While "in OAuth 2.0 [RFC6749],
the contents of tokens are opaque to clients", it is not opaque to RSs. 
As soon as the RS knows the format of the access token and is able

to validate its security features, this call should be avoided.

So what should be mentioned in section 9 ?

The fact that the AS will know exactly when the introspection call has 
been made and thus be able to make sure which client
has attempted perform an access to that RS and at which instant of time. 
The use of this call allows an AS to track where and when

its clients have indeed presented an issued access token.


The IESG has received a request from the Web Authorization Protocol WG
(oauth) to consider the following document: - 'JWT Response for OAuth Token
as Proposed Standard

The IESG plans to make a decision in the next few weeks, and solicits final
comments on this action. Please send substantive comments to the
last-c...@ietf.org mailing lists by 2020-09-04. Exceptionally, comments may
be sent to i...@ietf.org instead. In either case, please retain the beginning
of the Subject line to allow automated sorting.


This specification proposes an additional JSON Web Token (JWT)
secured response for OAuth 2.0 Token Introspection.

The file can be obtained via

No IPR declarations have been submitted directly on this I-D.

OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] WGLC on Pushed Authorization Requests draft

2020-08-25 Thread Denis
This document does not include a "Privacy considerations" section, but 
it should.



This is a WGLC on the *Pushed Authorization Requests *document:

Please, take a look and provide feedback on the list by *August 25th.*

 Rifaat & Hannes

OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Privacy Considerations section in OAuth 2.1?

2020-08-11 Thread Denis
nded parties, MUST only be transmitted
 over encrypted channels, such as Transport Layer Security (TLS).
 In cases where it is desirable to prevent disclosure of certain
 information to the client, the token MUST be encrypted to its intended
 Deployments SHOULD determine the minimally necessary amount of data
 and only include such information in issued tokens.In some cases,
 data minimization may include representing only an anonymous or
 pseudonymous user.

 -***RFC 8705* (OAuth 2.0 Mutual-TLS Client Authentication and
 Certificate-Bound Access Tokens)

 8.Privacy Considerations

 In TLS versions prior to 1.3, the client's certificate is sent
 unencrypted in the initial handshake and can potentially be used by
 third parties
 to monitor, track, and correlate client activity.This is likely of
 little concern for clients that act on behalf of a significant number
 of end users
 because individual user activity will not be discernible amidst the
 client activity as a whole.However, clients that act on behalf of a
 single end user,
 such as a native application on a mobile device, should use TLS
 version 1.3 whenever possible or consider the potential privacy
 implications of
 using mutual TLS on earlier versions.

 -*RFC 8707* (Resource Indicators for OAuth 2.0)

 4.Privacy Considerations

 In typical OAuth deployments the authorization sever is in a position
 to observe and track a significant amount of user and client behavior.
 It is largely just inherent to the nature of OAuth, and this document
 does little to affect that.In some cases, however, such as when access
 introspection is not being used, use of the resource parameter defined
 herein may allow for tracking behavior at a somewhat more granular
 and specific level than would otherwise be possible in its absence.



Odesláno z iPhonu

10. 8. 2020 v 19:21, Aaron Parecki :

I agree that there is nothing unique to PAR that would justify adding 
the privacy considerations mentioned to that draft. I wouldn't oppose 
adding a privacy considerations section to OAuth 2.1 though.


On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 9:42 AM Dick Hardt <mailto:dick.ha...@gmail.com>> wrote:

In the PAR meeting today, Denis requested there be a privacy
considerations section in PAR. I don't think there is anything
specific in PAR that would change the privacy considerations of
OAuth, and am checking if there is WG interest, and consensus, on
including a Privacy Considerations section in the OAuth 2.1 draft.


OAuth mailing list

___ OAuth mailing list 
OAuth@ietf.org https://www.ietf.org/mailman/listinfo/oauth

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Privacy Considerations section in OAuth 2.1?

2020-08-11 Thread Denis
OAuth 2. 0 and the OAuth 2.1 draft share a common point: they do not 
include a Privacy considerations section.

This is "normal" for OAuth 2. 0 since RFC 6749 was published before RFC 
6973 ever existed.

RFC 6973 is a good guidance document that should be read and used to add 
a Privacy Considerations section to the OAuth 2.1 draft.


I didn't have the reference offhand during the meeting today but 
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc6973 looks to be a good source of 
considerations for writing privacy considerations. As I mentioned, 
I've written a number of such sections. Though these probably 
shouldn't be considered exemplary they were published: 
https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7522#section-7, and 


I think including a pragmatic Privacy Considerations section in the 
OAuth 2.1 draft could be worthwhile.

On Mon, Aug 10, 2020 at 10:42 AM Dick Hardt <mailto:dick.ha...@gmail.com>> wrote:

In the PAR meeting today, Denis requested there be a privacy
considerations section in PAR. I don't think there is anything
specific in PAR that would change the privacy considerations of
OAuth, and am checking if there is WG interest, and consensus, on
including a Privacy Considerations section in the OAuth 2.1 draft.

OAuth mailing list
OAuth@ietf.org <mailto:OAuth@ietf.org>

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OAuth mailing list

OAuth mailing list

Re: [OAUTH-WG] Second WGLC on "JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens"

2020-06-05 Thread Denis

Hi  Hannes,

Let us start by the last argument of this email which is copied below:

   Finally, there are still two questions that have been raised but
   which have not yet been answered at this time:

 * how can a client request a JWT compliant to /this/ profile, and
 * how can a client be confident that it got a JWT compliant to
   /this/ profile ?

   [Hannes] Regarding the two questions: It cannot and it was never the
   intention of this work.

If this document was limited to section 2, it would simply be a 
description of a specific profile, but it is more than that

since it includes two additional sections:

   3. Requesting a JWT Access Token
   4. Validating JWT Access Tokens

In section 3, the text states:

   If the request does not include a "resource" parameter, the 
authorization server *MUST* use in the "aud" claim

  as default resource indicator.

If the authorization server has no way to know that the client is 
sending a request which implies compliance

with draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt why should it behave in such a way ?

In section 4 the text states:

   resource servers receiving a JWT access token *MUST* validate it in 
the following manner

If the resource server has no way to know that it is checking a JWT 
which is supposed to be compliant

with draft-ietf-oauth-access-token-jwt why should it behave in such a way ?

The responses to these two questions are important before handling the 
other comments.

IMHO, a token type would be able to easily address the problem; 
otherwise sections 3 and 4 should be deleted.

The remaining of my replies are within the text below prefixed with [Denis].

Hi Denis,

Please see my response below.

*From:* Denis 
*Sent:* Wednesday, June 3, 2020 12:12 PM
*To:* Hannes Tschofenig 
*Cc:* Rifaat Shekh-Yusef ; Vittorio Bertocci 
; oauth@ietf.org
*Subject:* Re: [OAUTH-WG] Second WGLC on "JSON Web Token (JWT) Profile 
for OAuth 2.0 Access Tokens"

Hi Hannes,

I do appreciate your efforts to attempt to get rid of the "MUST NOT" 
in the "Privacy considerations" section.

Let us look at the following proposed sentence:

While this is technical possible, it is important to note that the 
OAuth 2.0 protocol does not aim to expose the content of the access token
    to the client. The access token is therefore, by design, 
considered to be opaque to the client".

In the context of this document/, a detailed content of the JWT is 
expected and thus, if a client receives a JWT compliant to this profile
(and if the token is not encrypted which is most often the case) it 
will absolutely be sure to pick up any guaranteed field within the JWT.
So, /in the context of this document/, the access token cannot be 
considered to be opaque to the client.

[Hannes] Here we have a disconnect. The OAuth 2.0 design does not 
assume that the client inspects the access tokens if it flies by. This 
document could not change that.
The purpose of this document is actually quite simple: Those who want 
to use JWT as a format for access tokens they can use the claims 
described in this document.

You are also free to use whatever format you want.

[Denis] You wrote: "The OAuth 2.0 design does not *assume *that the 
client inspects the access tokens if it flies by". However, there are 
cases where
the client may be interested to know which attributes have been placed 
into the JWT, there should be some way(s) to be able to do it.
Using Token Introspection (extended to be used by clients) would be like 
bringing in an elephant to kill a mouse. Using a local API would be a 
solution, however the IETF defines (most often) protocols rather than 
local APIs.

The user's privacy cannot be fulfilled if the client is unable to know 
which attributes have been placed into the JWT. A solution to address 
this issue
would be to clearly advertise the following in the Privacy 
Considerations section:

   As the OAuth 2.0 design does not assume that the client inspects the
   access tokens if it flies by, clients have no way to know which
   attributes have effectively been placed into the JWT. Since these
   identity attributes may disclose more private information than what
   is strictly
   necessary to perform one or more operations, this may be a serious
   concern for users that care about their privacy.

About the second paragraph, /in the context of this document (/besides 
the case where the JWT is encrypted), it is neither difficult,

nor impossible to parse the token/.
About the second paragraph, let us look at the following proposed 
sentence/in the context of this document/ :

    " Additionally, there is no guarantee that the access token is 
conveyed by value and the authorization server implementation may change

  the token format at any time ".

The argumentation that the token format may change at any point of 
time, while being va

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