SV: Newbie Q: Can't find bean?

2000-11-13 Thread Klaus . Myrseth

You allso have the ejb tag library. It should be on the orion site
somewhere. then i think you can use ejb:useBean This one is used for
JNDI lookups and so on.

Good luck!


-Opprinnelig melding-
Fra: Sean P. McNamara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sendt: 11. november 2000 18:00
Til: Orion-Interest
Emne: Newbie Q: Can't find bean?

Hi again-

Baby-steps, baby-steps I've finally gotten my application packaged 
properly, and my 2.0 CMP EntityBean to deploy properly, but am having
problems accessing the bean via JSP.  I've scanned the mailing lists,
but don't find anything related.  Hopefully someone can lend me a

I'm sure I'm doing something dumb here, but am not quite sure what.

Any pointers appreciated.

The error I receive is:

500 Internal Server Error

Could not find the bean named 'employee' in the page scope
at java.lang.Throwable.init(
at java.lang.Exception.init(
at com.orionserver.http.OrionHttpJspPage.service(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.HttpApplication.xi(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.http.JSPServlet.service(JAX)

And the useBean segment from my JSP is:

SOMA Technologies, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SV: Newbie Q: Can't find bean?

2000-11-13 Thread Klaus . Myrseth

Here is an example of a bean lookup method:
private SomeEntityHome getSomeEntityHome()throws NamingException {
Context context = new InitialContext();
SomeEntityHome home = (SomeEntityHome)PortableRemoteObject.narrow(
return home;

This one should be usable :)

Then its ready to call findermethods and so on.For instance, to fine a
row in the database based on the pk:
try {
  SomeEntityHome home = getSomeEntityHome();
  SomeEntity remote = home.findByPrimaryKey(new SomeEntityPK(34));
catch (NamingException ne) {}

The JSP page can be coded just the same way as anything, only you dont have
to give any urls or providers and so on
to do it (if youre in the same vm/applicationserver) the ejb tag library i
mentioned earlier use this stuff inside the tag lib so the JSP code gets a
whole lot cleaner...


-Opprinnelig melding-
Fra: Sean P. McNamara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sendt: 12. november 2000 01:15
Til: Orion-Interest
Emne: Re: Newbie Q: Can't find bean?

Thanks for your reply Robert, however I don't really feel it's fair
for you to have judged me ignorant of both Java and the J2EE in
general.  I've done quite a bit of development with session beans, but 
very little front-end (read JSP) development, and no EntityBean work,
as it wasn't supported by the EJB (1.0) containers we were working

I've been through the JSP specification, and don't see anything in
there pertaining to how EJB are expected to be referenced.  There is
section 2.13 describing the jsp:useBean tag, and unfortunately
thought it would perhaps provide the needed functionality to automate
the bean lookup process.

In addition to the specification, I have a copy of the
Monson-Haefel book on Enterprise JavaBeans, but there is virtually no
mention of JSP-EJB interaction.  I also spent some time earlier today
browsing JSP-centric books in the local bookstore, and found little
mention (usually about 1 paragraph) regarding EJB's.

Obviously, using the same method that is used in a Servlet allows me
to do what I need to do.  I was simply looking for a way to skip that step.
I've seen some code posted to the list using tags in the ejb:
namespace, but haven't located any documentation for that particular
taglib.  Perhaps you could be so good as to provide a link?

I'm in the process of downloading the Romans book, so perhaps that
will have the details I'm looking for.

Thanks for the pointer.

Robert Krueger writes:
  At 14:25 11.11.00 , you wrote:
  OK... I've gotten something working by removing my use of the
  jsp:useBean tag, and instead grabbing the EntityBean home, and
  creating manually, which seems to work.
  yes, bean != enterprise java bean. you will do yourself a BIG favour if
  read up on jsp, ejb and java in general as there are some fundamental 
  basics missing. trial and error will not get you very far in J2EE. look
  the specs (they are actually rather readable) and maybe check out ed
  ejb book (free download at

SOMA Technologies, Inc. [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Newbie Q: Can't find bean?

2000-11-13 Thread Sven van 't Veer

"Sean P. McNamara" wrote:
 In addition to the specification, I have a copy of the
 Monson-Haefel book on Enterprise JavaBeans, but there is virtually no
 mention of JSP-EJB interaction.  I also spent some time earlier today
 browsing JSP-centric books in the local bookstore, and found little
 mention (usually about 1 paragraph) regarding EJB's.

I agree with you, it's hard to find information on that subject. I've
been reading this list and the sun J2EE interest for a couple of months
now and am almost ready doing my first complete EJB / JSP app.

The thing I found is as follows. It seems that by using a tag-lib you
can use your EJB directly in your jsp's, but the general opinion in this
list and others is that the way to do such things is by creating
'common' java beans or classes to use with the jsp:useBean tags in the
jsp. These classes than refrence stateful or stateless session beans,
which in turn reference the entity beans.

Sven E. van 't Veer
Java Developer  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Web upload of a Java class

2000-11-13 Thread Sven van 't Veer

Storm Linux User wrote:
 It's not form commercial use. It's for my research project for getting my
 master's degree in Electrical Engineering ... I'm not concered about securety
 right now.
Hmm as long as you're not pursueing a masters in computer security..

Take a look at and get the /com/oreilly/servlet
package. It contains a class called MultiPartRequest, which should help
you upload the file to your server. Then all you should do is have your
servlet copy the file from te location from where it was uploaded to the
location from where you can run the classfile..

It's quite dangerous thou ;-)


Sven E. van 't Veer
Java Developer  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: HELP! Confused about CMP and Primary Keys

2000-11-13 Thread Sven van 't Veer

Vidur Dhanda wrote:
 Now I'm thoroughly confused.Would someone please help me before I
 confuse myself even more.  Here's the question/scenario:
 I have a primary key,
 public class PK implements Serializable {
 public String fooGuts;
 constructor/get/Set ...
 The only way it seems to work is by having a String member in the Entity
 bean -- fooGuts.  But that seems primitive.   I know the EJB 1.1 spec
 says the for _composite_ primary keys ...  But to my thinking this is
 more of a OR problem -- I have a CMP field (that happens to be the
 primary key) and I want to control its relational representation.  And
 with all the nice OR stuff in Orion, it must be possible.  My only
 constraint is that I have to adhere to EJB1.1.
You'll need that public string for cmp to work. The primary Key class
should contain the primary key field in your table (as a public field)
so oruion can manipulate it. Take a look at yeh EJB sprec, section and


Sven E. van 't Veer
Java Developer  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Get the web uploaded file

2000-11-13 Thread Sven van 't Veer

Storm Linux User wrote:
 form method="post" action="my_servlet"
 input type="file" name="my_class_file"
 input type="submit"

Your form tage is missing the ENCTYPE="multipart/form-data" tag.
Without this your page does not return a file.


Sven E. van 't Veer
Java Developer  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

SV: Newbie Q: Can't find bean?

2000-11-13 Thread Klaus . Myrseth

Ahh i forgot something very important for your web application using the
session/entity bean in question (web.xml)...

You have to define ejb-refs for the beans you want to use, or you will not
find the bean from the JSP...

Here is an example of an ejb-ref you can put in the bottom of your file.



-Opprinnelig melding-
Fra: Sven van 't Veer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sendt: 13. november 2000 12:14
Til: Orion-Interest
Emne: Re: Newbie Q: Can't find bean?

"Sean P. McNamara" wrote:
 In addition to the specification, I have a copy of the
 Monson-Haefel book on Enterprise JavaBeans, but there is virtually no
 mention of JSP-EJB interaction.  I also spent some time earlier today
 browsing JSP-centric books in the local bookstore, and found little
 mention (usually about 1 paragraph) regarding EJB's.

I agree with you, it's hard to find information on that subject. I've
been reading this list and the sun J2EE interest for a couple of months
now and am almost ready doing my first complete EJB / JSP app.

The thing I found is as follows. It seems that by using a tag-lib you
can use your EJB directly in your jsp's, but the general opinion in this
list and others is that the way to do such things is by creating
'common' java beans or classes to use with the jsp:useBean tags in the
jsp. These classes than refrence stateful or stateless session beans,
which in turn reference the entity beans.


Sven E. van 't Veer
Java Developer


classes shared by all ejb jar files...

2000-11-13 Thread Edmund Cheung

I have non-ejb classes are used by all ejb jar files and how do I let Orion
know to use these classes for the ejb jars files ? Define the classpath
somewhere ?  I have got the error below while deploying the ejb jar files.
Thansl for your help.

D:\orionjava -jar orion.jar
Auto-unpacking D:\orion\user-manager\usermanager.ear... done.
Auto-unpacking D:\orion\user-manager\usermanager\usermanager-web.war...
Auto-deploying usermanager (Assembly had been updated)...
Error loading package at
file:/D:/orion/user-manager/usermanager/ServiceManager.jar, Error loading
class 'servicemanager.session.ServiceManagerBean':
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: framework/jms/JmsQueueManager



UserManager shutdown hook?

2000-11-13 Thread jbirchfield

We have implemented our own usermanager, and it all works great.  But we
would like to know when the server is restarted at least, if not shutdown.
We start up a 'raper' thread, which is responsible for cleaning up expired
user references.  When the orion is restarted, it creates a new instance of
the usermanager, and there is know way to kill the spawned thread, so after
several restart(in development mode), these threads get crazy.  I would
love to see a shutdown hook added to the AbstractUserManager class.  Anyone
else have a need for this?  Anyone else have an idea how to get around it?


James Birchfield

a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment
5 Corporate Center
9960 Corporate Campus Drive,
Suite 2000
Louisville, KY 40223

RMI Client in web-app

2000-11-13 Thread Claudio Miranda

Dear orion users, I am faced in problems with rmi-client, in web
container I have a rmi client that perform a lookup in an rmi-server (a
simple application, where the rmi-client will lookup to rmi-server and
the object in rmi-server, just execute a external native application),
the simple app, just has a method doLogin (), and nothing more, the
problem is in getting SecurityExceptions, in line where I am performing
the Naming.lookup ("rmi://rmi-server/myReference"), before the lookup I
am setting the System.setSecurityManager (new RMISecurityManager ());
(but before this I am verifying if orion has a
System.getSecurityManager==null, and doesn't has one).
When I perfom this rmi-client from a single dos prompt (in same server
machine), all works fine, and this perform good from J2EE 1.2.1 RI too.
So, if anyone known anything, please response to list.

very thanks 4 all

Claudio Miranda

RE: JBuilder4.0

2000-11-13 Thread Russ White


is a basic how to:

are two ways to setup JBuider4 Enterprise for debugging any class that runs 
under Orion: The standard java debugger, or JPDA.

Usingeithermethod the first thing to do is to 
create a project that includes all of the code you wish to 

means that if you are using JSPs that you include in your project the path that 
you have Orion putting your source and class files it generates for 

a library for your project that includesat least thefollowing jar 
files from your orion install directory:

may wish to add other jars to the list depending on what you are doing. If you 
are using the JavaMail API for example you will want to include the 
activation.jar, and mail.jar.

Include any other libraries your project requires.
JPDA method(Any Java2 platform on which JB4 will run):

run from the menu



the main class ellipses button to select the main class.

now under vm parameters 

If you do include the classic parameter debugging will 
either not work at all, or very slowly, so don't forget that 

when you want to debug with Orion you simple start 
Orion by clicking on the debug icon at the top of the screen or using 

Now you have an instance of Orion running in JBuilder 
and you can use JBuilder's built in browser, (or any browser)to access 
yourwork by pointing it to http://localhost

You may place break points in anything that is in your 
source/classpath that means that you can debug EJBs, JSPs, or Servlets with 

You will need to restart your local Orion server when 
you make changes to your code.

JPDA method (assumes 

Create a batch file(NT/2K) or a shell script 
(Linux/UNIX/BSD/Solaris). I put this file in the 
orion install directory and call it 
It should look something like 

%JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classic -Xdebug 
-Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE 
-Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000 -jar orion.jar 

Now in JBuilder open your 

Select project from the 

Select the debug tab.

Enable remote debugging by selecting the check box 
associated marker "Enable remote debugging".

Click the attach radio 
Select dt_socket as the transport 
Enter localhost as the 
host name if you are running Orion locally, otherwise use the name of the host 
Orion will be running on.
Enter 8000 as the 

Now start Orion with your batch/shell 

Put a break point were you need one and then click the 
debug icon, or hit shift-F9.


When using JPDA I have found that when I 
changesomething I have to stop and start the Orion server, and then 
restart the debugging session by removing it's tab at the bottom of the IDE. 
This can be annoying.

If you need more details let me 

I would appreciate whatever credit is 

Also since I wrote this very quickly let me know if 
there are any holes, and feel free to edit.

-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Magnus 
RydinSent: Monday, November 13, 2000 1:59 AMTo: 
Orion-InterestSubject: RE: JBuilder4.0

  you send in a setup description for your JBuilder 4 environment so that we can 
  add it to orionsupport?
-Original Message-From: Russ White 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: den 9 
november 2000 13:31To: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: 
must be a configuration problem as I do this regularly with no 

  -Original Message-From: 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]m]On Behalf Of Savotchkin 
  EgorSent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 4:54 AMTo: 
  Orion-InterestSubject: JBuilder4.0
  Hi all, 
   I try to use JB4.0 with to 
  debug apps in Orion, so when I run orion with jdk1.3 (in dubug mode) it 
  just hangs and finally "java commits a system error ... ". With 1.2.2 it 
  works fine! Is it a jdk 1.3 bug or some other issue?
  P.S. When I run it (not in debug) 
  everything works ok.

Re: UserManager shutdown hook?

2000-11-13 Thread Robert Krueger

At 08:41 13.11.00 , you wrote:

We have implemented our own usermanager, and it all works great.  But we
would like to know when the server is restarted at least, if not shutdown.
We start up a 'raper' thread, which is responsible for cleaning up expired
user references.  When the orion is restarted, it creates a new instance of
the usermanager, and there is know way to kill the spawned thread, so after
several restart(in development mode), these threads get crazy.  I would
love to see a shutdown hook added to the AbstractUserManager class.  Anyone
else have a need for this?  Anyone else have an idea how to get around it?

you could put the code that inititates a cleanup thread in a method of the 
usermanager that checks when the last cleanup has been invoked. this will 
be more robust and won't give you a noticable performance penalty. It's not 
that nice (sort of a heuristic approach because it relies on the fact that 
getUser() is probably called often enough to ensure that your cleanup works 

pseudo code:

getUser(String userName){


 return getCustomUser(userName);


James Birchfield

a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment
5 Corporate Center
9960 Corporate Campus Drive,
Suite 2000
Louisville, KY 40223

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

interim solution to dependent object issues

2000-11-13 Thread Tim Drury

Orion seems to have several issues with dependent
object; the worse being that DO-DO relationships
don't work.  While this sucks, Orion is still light
years ahead of BEA since they don't intend to support
dependent objects in the 6.0 beta.

The interim solution seems to be to make everything
an entity bean.  My question is this: what are the
issues with making all objects entity beans?  Speed
is the first thing that comes to mind, but I understand
the Orion optimizes same-server beans to pass-by-value
instead of by-reference.  Is this true?

Can anyone think of any other issues?

I'm probably going to re-design my app to use all
entity beans (with some simple EJB-DO relationships)
for the time being.


Re: UserManager shutdown hook?

2000-11-13 Thread jbirchfield

The problem is the creation of the new Thread will happen, and two threads
will be running.  Restart again, and now I have 3 threads running.  I have
played around with different ways to get it to run more efficiently, but I
still have no way of knowing when to stop(or destroy) the other threads.

James Birchfield

a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment
5 Corporate Center
9960 Corporate Campus Drive,
Suite 2000
Louisville, KY 40223

||  Robert Krueger|
||  Sent by:  |
||  owner-orion-interest@orion|
||  11/13/00 10:42 AM |
||  Please respond to |
||  Orion-Interest|
  |   To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject: Re: UserManager shutdown hook?  

At 08:41 13.11.00 , you wrote:

We have implemented our own usermanager, and it all works great.  But we
would like to know when the server is restarted at least, if not shutdown.
We start up a 'raper' thread, which is responsible for cleaning up expired
user references.  When the orion is restarted, it creates a new instance
the usermanager, and there is know way to kill the spawned thread, so
several restart(in development mode), these threads get crazy.  I would
love to see a shutdown hook added to the AbstractUserManager class.
else have a need for this?  Anyone else have an idea how to get around it?

you could put the code that inititates a cleanup thread in a method of the
usermanager that checks when the last cleanup has been invoked. this will
be more robust and won't give you a noticable performance penalty. It's not

that nice (sort of a heuristic approach because it relies on the fact that
getUser() is probably called often enough to ensure that your cleanup works


pseudo code:

getUser(String userName){


 return getCustomUser(userName);


James Birchfield

a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment
5 Corporate Center
9960 Corporate Campus Drive,
Suite 2000
Louisville, KY 40223

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

RE: JBuilder4.0

2000-11-13 Thread Hani Suleiman

For those interested in a serious debugger and don't mind spending a
little bit of money for one, I can heartily recommend using BugSeeker 2

It takes a few minutes to set up (the setup is trivial, if anyone uses it
and has trouble, let me know and I'll help out), and lets you do pretty
much anything you might want to do with a debugger. Their support forums
are also excellent, and they tend to take user feedback and suggestions
very seriously when it comes to defining new features and suchlike.

The only annoyance I have with it is that it's not possible to see field
values for Orion's JAX'ed classes!


On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Russ White wrote:

 Here is a basic how to:
 There are two ways to setup JBuider4 Enterprise for debugging any class that
 runs under Orion: The standard java debugger, or JPDA.
 Using either method the first thing to do is to create a project that
 includes all of the code you wish to debug.
 This means that if you are using JSPs that you include in your project the
 path that you have Orion putting your source and class files it generates
 for JSPs.
 Create a library for your project that includes at least the following jar
 files from your orion install directory:
 You may wish to add other jars to the list depending on what you are doing.
 If you are using the JavaMail API for example you will want to include the
 activation.jar, and mail.jar.
 Include any other libraries your project requires.
 Non JPDA method(Any Java2 platform on which JB4 will run):
 select run from the menu
 select configurations
 select default
 select the main class ellipses button to select the main class.
 now under vm parameters type:
 If you do include the classic parameter debugging will either not work at
 all, or very slowly, so don't forget that step.
 when you want to debug with Orion you simple start Orion by clicking on the
 debug icon at the top of the screen or using shift-F9.
 Now you have an instance of Orion running in JBuilder and you can use
 JBuilder's built in browser, (or any browser) to access your work by
 pointing it to http://localhost
 You may place break points in anything that is in your source/classpath that
 means that you can debug EJBs, JSPs, or Servlets with ease.
 You will need to restart your local Orion server when you make changes to
 your code.
 JPDA method (assumes JDK1.3)
 Create a batch file(NT/2K) or a shell script (Linux/UNIX/BSD/Solaris). I put
 this file in the orion install directory and call it debug.bat
 It should look something like this:
 %JAVA_HOME%\bin\java -classic -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE -Xrunjd
 wp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=8000 -jar orion.jar
 Now in JBuilder open your project.
 Select project from the menu.
 Select the debug tab.
 Enable remote debugging by selecting the check box associated marker "Enable
 remote debugging".
 Click the attach radio button.
 Select dt_socket as the transport type.
 Enter localhost as the host name if you are running Orion locally, otherwise
 use the name of the host Orion will be running on.
 Enter 8000 as the address.
 Now start Orion with your batch/shell script.
 Put a break point were you need one and then click the debug icon, or hit
 When using JPDA I have found that when I change something I have to stop and
 start the Orion server, and then restart the debugging session by removing
 it's tab at the bottom of the IDE. This can be annoying.
 If you need more details let me know.
 I would appreciate whatever credit is appropriate.
 Also since I wrote this very quickly let me know if there are any holes, and
 feel free to edit.
  -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Magnus Rydin
 Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 1:59 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: JBuilder4.0
   can you send in a setup description for your JBuilder 4 environment so
 that we can add it to orionsupport?
 -Original Message-
 From: Russ White [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: den 9 november 2000 13:31
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: JBuilder4.0
 It must be a configuration problem as I do this regularly with no
   -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] m]On Behalf Of Savotchkin Egor
   Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 4:54 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: JBuilder4.0
   Hi all,
   I try to use JB4.0 with to debug apps in Orion, so when I run
 orion with jdk1.3 (in 

transaction error message

2000-11-13 Thread Dmitriy Braginskiy

whenever I specify exclusive-write-access="false" in my
orion-ejb-jar.xml descriptor, I get the following error message when
trying to deploy the application:

Auto-deploying cstool-ejb.jar (orion-ejb-jar.xml had been updated since
the previous deployment)... Undefined variable:
wrapper = new UserAuth_EntityBeanWrapper40(context, transaction !=
null); Undefined variable:
if(transaction != null) Undefined variable:
if(transaction != null) Undefined variable:
transaction wrapper = new UserAuth_EntityBeanWrapper40(context,
transaction != null); Undefined variable:
if(transaction != null) Undefined variable:
if(transaction != null)

Any ideas on why this is happening?  I am using CMP and
container-managed transactions...

fn:Dmitriy Braginskiy
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: transaction error message

2000-11-13 Thread Robert Krueger

which orion version? I'd generally stay away from 
exclusive-write-access="false" since there are some unsolved issues and at 
the moment IMHO it's not really reliable. I think magnus is looking at it 
but at the moment it still means trouble. I'd try setting low validity 
timeouts for the time being.



At 13:26 13.11.00 , you wrote:
whenever I specify exclusive-write-access="false" in my
orion-ejb-jar.xml descriptor, I get the following error message when
trying to deploy the application:

Auto-deploying cstool-ejb.jar (orion-ejb-jar.xml had been updated since
the previous deployment)... Undefined variable:
wrapper = new UserAuth_EntityBeanWrapper40(context, transaction !=
null); Undefined variable:
if(transaction != null) Undefined variable:
if(transaction != null) Undefined variable:
transaction wrapper = new UserAuth_EntityBeanWrapper40(context,
transaction != null); Undefined variable:
if(transaction != null) Undefined variable:
if(transaction != null)

Any ideas on why this is happening?  I am using CMP and
container-managed transactions...

(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

REPOST: Multiple websites on one server not found [NEED HELP]

2000-11-13 Thread Drew Kidder

I posted this last week, but haven't gotten any resolution. I've followed 
the how-to's and such in the Orion docs, and have searched the archive. 
None of the stuff that is mentioned there is working, so I implore any of 
you out there with multiple websites running to give this a look and help 
me figure out what I'm doing wrong. If you'd rather contact me off list, 
that's fine toobut I need to get this little problem solved, and I'm 
running out of places to look

THE SETUP (in $ORION_HOME/config, on host "orionhost")

1. I have a web-site.xml file for each of the two sites that I want to run 
under Orion (cs2k-web-site.xml and twsm-web-site.xml). Each file contains 
a line like this (sub "cs2k" in for "twsm" for cs2k-web-site.xml):

 default-web-app application="twsm" name="twsm-web" shared="true" 
 root="/twsm" /

2. I have added the following lines to the end of server.xml:

 application name="twsm" path="../applications/twsm/" /
 web-site path="./twsm-web-site.xml" /

 application name="cs2k" path="../applications/cs2k/" /
 web-site path="./cs2k-web-site.xml" /

3. I have added the following lines to application.xml, under the default 
web-module tag:

 web-module id="cs2k" path="../applications/cs2k" /
 web-module id="twsm" path="../applications/twsm" /

4. All other files remain unmodified, and the default-web-site.xml has the 
root set to "/".

Now, the application that comes up when entering a URL of 
http://orionhost/ is the first app to be defined in server.xml.  I have 
verified this by switching the declarations, and the other site comes up 
as the default. I do not know how to get the browser to display the other 
site, as http://orionhost/cs2k and http://orionhost/twsm both yield 404 
errors.  Also, since I have defined the default website with a root of 
"/", shouldn't http://orionhost/ output the default web page, rather than 
one of my webapps?  Currently, the same host:port will be serving both 
websites.  They may get differing virtual domains in the future.

So, can anyone tell me how I can view both websites on the same 
server?  Can anyone see what I'm missing here?

Andrew Kidder
L3 SW/Support Engineer, IBU
Tivoli Systems


Re: REPOST: Multiple websites on one server not found [NEED HELP]

2000-11-13 Thread Robert Krueger

At 13:19 13.11.00 , you wrote:
I posted this last week, but haven't gotten any resolution. I've followed 
the how-to's and such in the Orion docs, and have searched the archive. 
None of the stuff that is mentioned there is working, so I implore any of 
you out there with multiple websites running to give this a look and help 
me figure out what I'm doing wrong. If you'd rather contact me off list, 
that's fine toobut I need to get this little problem solved, and I'm 
running out of places to look

THE SETUP (in $ORION_HOME/config, on host "orionhost")

1. I have a web-site.xml file for each of the two sites that I want to 
run under Orion (cs2k-web-site.xml and twsm-web-site.xml). Each file 
contains a line like this (sub "cs2k" in for "twsm" for cs2k-web-site.xml):

 default-web-app application="twsm" name="twsm-web" shared="true" 
 root="/twsm" /

this doesn't make sense. the default-web-app of a site is always mounted to 
"/". what you want is probably one web-site.xml that reads

default-web-app application="whatever" name="whatever" root="/" /
web-app application="twsm" name="twsm-web" root="/twsm" /
web-app application="cs2k" name="cs2k-web" root="/cs2k" /



2. I have added the following lines to the end of server.xml:

 application name="twsm" path="../applications/twsm/" /
 web-site path="./twsm-web-site.xml" /

 application name="cs2k" path="../applications/cs2k/" /
 web-site path="./cs2k-web-site.xml" /

3. I have added the following lines to application.xml, under the default 
web-module tag:

 web-module id="cs2k" path="../applications/cs2k" /
 web-module id="twsm" path="../applications/twsm" /

4. All other files remain unmodified, and the default-web-site.xml has 
the root set to "/".

Now, the application that comes up when entering a URL of 
http://orionhost/ is the first app to be defined in server.xml.  I have 
verified this by switching the declarations, and the other site comes up 
as the default. I do not know how to get the browser to display the other 
site, as http://orionhost/cs2k and http://orionhost/twsm both yield 404 
errors.  Also, since I have defined the default website with a root of 
"/", shouldn't http://orionhost/ output the default web page, rather than 
one of my webapps?  Currently, the same host:port will be serving both 
websites.  They may get differing virtual domains in the future.

So, can anyone tell me how I can view both websites on the same 
server?  Can anyone see what I'm missing here?

Andrew Kidder
L3 SW/Support Engineer, IBU
Tivoli Systems


(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

Re: REPOST: Multiple websites on one server not found [NEED HELP]

2000-11-13 Thread Hani Suleiman

In your application.xml for each file, specify the context root.

Eg, in cs2k/META-INF/application.xml


  web-urics2k-web/web-uri !-- directory where the website lives,
eg applications/cs2k/cs2k-web, must have a WEB-INF/web.xml file in it --

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Drew Kidder wrote:

 I posted this last week, but haven't gotten any resolution. I've followed 
 the how-to's and such in the Orion docs, and have searched the archive. 
 None of the stuff that is mentioned there is working, so I implore any of 
 you out there with multiple websites running to give this a look and help 
 me figure out what I'm doing wrong. If you'd rather contact me off list, 
 that's fine toobut I need to get this little problem solved, and I'm 
 running out of places to look
 THE SETUP (in $ORION_HOME/config, on host "orionhost")
 1. I have a web-site.xml file for each of the two sites that I want to run 
 under Orion (cs2k-web-site.xml and twsm-web-site.xml). Each file contains 
 a line like this (sub "cs2k" in for "twsm" for cs2k-web-site.xml):
  default-web-app application="twsm" name="twsm-web" shared="true" 
  root="/twsm" /
 2. I have added the following lines to the end of server.xml:
  application name="twsm" path="../applications/twsm/" /
  web-site path="./twsm-web-site.xml" /
  application name="cs2k" path="../applications/cs2k/" /
  web-site path="./cs2k-web-site.xml" /
 3. I have added the following lines to application.xml, under the default 
 web-module tag:
  web-module id="cs2k" path="../applications/cs2k" /
  web-module id="twsm" path="../applications/twsm" /
 4. All other files remain unmodified, and the default-web-site.xml has the 
 root set to "/".
 Now, the application that comes up when entering a URL of 
 http://orionhost/ is the first app to be defined in server.xml.  I have 
 verified this by switching the declarations, and the other site comes up 
 as the default. I do not know how to get the browser to display the other 
 site, as http://orionhost/cs2k and http://orionhost/twsm both yield 404 
 errors.  Also, since I have defined the default website with a root of 
 "/", shouldn't http://orionhost/ output the default web page, rather than 
 one of my webapps?  Currently, the same host:port will be serving both 
 websites.  They may get differing virtual domains in the future.
 So, can anyone tell me how I can view both websites on the same 
 server?  Can anyone see what I'm missing here?
 Andrew Kidder
 L3 SW/Support Engineer, IBU
 Tivoli Systems


2000-11-13 Thread Juan Gargiulo


I'm having problems configuring orion to create the tables for entity EJBs
with references to other entity EJBs (using CMP). Can somebody, please,
enumerate the steps for doing this.

Thanks in advance,

Juan Gargiulo

Examples of pre-JDBC 2.0 datasources.xml

2000-11-13 Thread Andrew Chisholm

Does someone have examples of how to set up config/datasources.xml for use
with pre-2.0 JDBC drivers? How and when should I use OrionCMTDataSource,
DriverManagerConnectionPoolDataSource, DriverManagerXADataSource, etc.?


Andrew Chisholm
Director of Application Development
Colabranet, Inc.[EMAIL PROTECTED]
3415 Greystone Dr., Suite 102   Phone: (512) 231-1026 ext. 104
Austin, TX 78731  Fax: (512) 795-8508

Re: REPOST: Multiple websites on one server not found [NEED HELP]

2000-11-13 Thread Robert Krueger

At 14:59 13.11.00 , you wrote:
In your application.xml for each file, specify the context root.

Eg, in cs2k/META-INF/application.xml


   web-urics2k-web/web-uri !-- directory where the website lives,
eg applications/cs2k/cs2k-web, must have a WEB-INF/web.xml file in it --

have you actually tried this?? I wasn't aware that the context root 
actually does anything. would be a surprise to me. I'm quite sure the only 
thing that's honoured is the root attribute in the web-app element.


(-) Robert Krüger
(-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
(-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
(-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373


2000-11-13 Thread Hani Suleiman

Well, here's an example of a parent-child 1-N relationship:

A has a Set member field of type B

The class outlines are:

public interface A extends EJBObject
  public Set getB() throws RemoteException;

public interface B extends EJBObject

public class AEJB implements EntityBean
  public static final Class b_types = B.class; //required by Orion I think
  public Set b;

  public Set getB()
return b;

public class BEJB implements EntityBean

That models the relationship using entity beans and CMP

Next you'll need to specify all this in the ejb-jar.xml, here are the
relevant sections:

  !-- all attributes for bean A --
descriptionA set of B/description
!-- rest of ejb-jar file, with attributes for entity B --

When you deploy this, Orion will automatically create all the appropriate
entries in orion-ejb-jar.xml, including datasource, database field
and table names, and so on. You can then tweak it further to fit your
needs. I hope you find this helpful...


 On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Juan Gargiulo wrote:

 I'm having problems configuring orion to create the tables for entity EJBs
 with references to other entity EJBs (using CMP). Can somebody, please,
 enumerate the steps for doing this.
 Thanks in advance,
 Juan Gargiulo

Re: REPOST: Multiple websites on one server not found [NEED HELP]

2000-11-13 Thread Hani Suleiman

Yep, it's how I have things set up!

I don't have a web-app defined, just an application, with ejb and web
modules, and it all works very nicely, unless I'm missing something

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Robert Krueger wrote:

 At 14:59 13.11.00 , you wrote:
 In your application.xml for each file, specify the context root.
 Eg, in cs2k/META-INF/application.xml
web-urics2k-web/web-uri !-- directory where the website lives,
 eg applications/cs2k/cs2k-web, must have a WEB-INF/web.xml file in it --
 have you actually tried this?? I wasn't aware that the context root 
 actually does anything. would be a surprise to me. I'm quite sure the only 
 thing that's honoured is the root attribute in the web-app element.
 (-) Robert Krüger
 (-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
 (-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
 (-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373

Re: REPOST: Multiple websites on one server not found [NEED HELP]

2000-11-13 Thread Hani Suleiman

Ooops, spoke too soon. I just combed through my config files and it does
look like I have a web-app root defined in default-web-site.xml, my

On Mon, 13 Nov 2000, Robert Krueger wrote:

 At 14:59 13.11.00 , you wrote:
 In your application.xml for each file, specify the context root.
 Eg, in cs2k/META-INF/application.xml
web-urics2k-web/web-uri !-- directory where the website lives,
 eg applications/cs2k/cs2k-web, must have a WEB-INF/web.xml file in it --
 have you actually tried this?? I wasn't aware that the context root 
 actually does anything. would be a surprise to me. I'm quite sure the only 
 thing that's honoured is the root attribute in the web-app element.
 (-) Robert Krüger
 (-) SIGNAL 7 Gesellschaft für Informationstechnologie mbH
 (-) Brüder-Knauß-Str. 79 - 64285 Darmstadt,
 (-) Tel: 06151 665401, Fax: 06151 665373


2000-11-13 Thread Lee, Se Hee
Title: NameNotFoundException

I am getting this error from Jsp.. Can someone point me to right direction?

Here is my orion-ejb-jar.xml

?xml version=1.0?
!DOCTYPE orion-ejb-jar PUBLIC -//Evermind//DTD Enterprise JavaBeans 1.1 runtime//EN

orion-ejb-jar deployment-version=1.4.4 deployment-time=e2cfc5c10b
  entity-deployment name=EBAddress location=EBAddress wrapper=EBAddressHome_EntityHomeWrapper1 table=EBAddress

   resource-ref-mapping name=jdbc/modevdb /
   security-role-mapping name=lt;default-ejb-caller-rolegt; impliesAll=true /

-Original Message-
From: Dmitriy Braginskiy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 1:27 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: transaction error message

whenever I specify exclusive-write-access=false in my
orion-ejb-jar.xml descriptor, I get the following error message when
trying to deploy the application:

Auto-deploying cstool-ejb.jar (orion-ejb-jar.xml had been updated since
the previous deployment)... Undefined variable:
wrapper = new UserAuth_EntityBeanWrapper40(context, transaction !=
null); Undefined variable:
if(transaction != null) Undefined variable:
if(transaction != null) Undefined variable:
transaction wrapper = new UserAuth_EntityBeanWrapper40(context,
transaction != null); Undefined variable:
if(transaction != null) Undefined variable:
if(transaction != null)

Any ideas on why this is happening? I am using CMP and
container-managed transactions...


2000-11-13 Thread Lee, Se Hee
Title: NameNotFoundException

 InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
 if (ctx == null) {
 out.println(Ctx is null);
 else {
 out.println(CTX is not null);

 Object obj = ctx.lookup(EBAddress);

And here is the jsp code that I use to get the JNDI ref. Sorry for not putting it together in the last email.. Any help?

Se Hee

-Original Message-
From: Dmitriy Braginskiy [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 1:27 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: transaction error message

whenever I specify exclusive-write-access=false in my
orion-ejb-jar.xml descriptor, I get the following error message when
trying to deploy the application:

Auto-deploying cstool-ejb.jar (orion-ejb-jar.xml had been updated since
the previous deployment)... Undefined variable:
wrapper = new UserAuth_EntityBeanWrapper40(context, transaction !=
null); Undefined variable:
if(transaction != null) Undefined variable:
if(transaction != null) Undefined variable:
transaction wrapper = new UserAuth_EntityBeanWrapper40(context,
transaction != null); Undefined variable:
if(transaction != null) Undefined variable:
if(transaction != null)

Any ideas on why this is happening? I am using CMP and
container-managed transactions...

RE: UserManager shutdown hook?

2000-11-13 Thread Andrej Gabara
Title: RE: UserManager shutdown hook?

How do you determine expired user references? Will you be
able to cleanup stateful session beans that were in use by
that user?


 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Krueger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 7:43 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: UserManager shutdown hook?
 At 08:41 13.11.00 , you wrote:
 We have implemented our own usermanager, and it all works 
 great. But we
 would like to know when the server is restarted at least, if 
 not shutdown.
 We start up a 'raper' thread, which is responsible for 
 cleaning up expired
 user references. 

Orion as JBuilder Servlet Engine

2000-11-13 Thread Marc Rabil

I have JB4 Enterprise and have figured out (thanks to help from some folks
on this list) how to replace IAS with Orion for running EJBs.  I also would
like to replace Tomcat with Orion as the web server/servlet engine so I can
maintain the integrated JSP and servlet debugging.  These seems to be a bit
more complicated and requires using Borland's OpenTools API.

Has anyone done this or know where I can find some starting code?  Thanks,


Orion + Weblogic via JNDI?

2000-11-13 Thread Seth Ladd


For reasons beyond my control, I have to use WebLogic as my EJB container.
My EJB clients live in Orion.  I am trying to get the EJB clients to lookup
the EJBs (over on WebLogic) via JNDI.  I believe I have constructed the
IntialContext correctly, but I keep running into classpath issues.

My initialcontext looks like this:

Properties p = new Properties();
p.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://localhost:7001");
return new InitialContext(p);

When I run this, I always get:

javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class:
weblogic.jndi.T3InitialContextFactory.  Root exception is
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: weblogic.jndi.T3InitialContextFactory

Yet I am positive that I have weblogic.jndi.T3InitialContextFactory in my
classpath.  In fact, I have specified it on the command line, and in my
environment.  Both of those don't seem to make any difference.

Is Orion taking over the InitialContext?  What am I not understanding here?
Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks very much,

Seth Ladd | Software Engineer, Product Development
Brivo Systems, Inc.

Confidential and Proprietary, Brivo Systems, Inc.

RE: UserManager shutdown hook?

2000-11-13 Thread jbirchfield

Luckily, we are using *NO* stateful session beans for this user.  For each
user, we keep track of a timestamp of when the last time the getUser method
was called.  If it has been more than an hour, we remove them and the next
call will pull that user back from the database, and back into the users
cache.  But the thread that *reaps* this table gets spawned everytime we
restart, and since the program never exits, the threads do not get cleaned

James Birchfield

a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment
5 Corporate Center
9960 Corporate Campus Drive,
Suite 2000
Louisville, KY 40223

||  Andrej Gabara |
||  Sent by:  |
||  owner-orion-interest@orion|
||  11/13/00 04:05 PM |
||  Please respond to |
||  Orion-Interest|
  |   To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject: RE: UserManager shutdown hook?  

How do you determine expired user references? Will you be
able to cleanup stateful session beans that were in use by
that user?


 -Original Message-
 From: Robert Krueger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 7:43 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: UserManager shutdown hook?

 At 08:41 13.11.00 , you wrote:

 We have implemented our own usermanager, and it all works
 great.  But we
 would like to know when the server is restarted at least, if
 not shutdown.
 We start up a 'raper' thread, which is responsible for
 cleaning up expired
 user references.

Re: Orion + Weblogic via JNDI?

2000-11-13 Thread jbirchfield

perhaps you should try to load the WebLogic classes with your bootstrap
classpath(we have to do this for our encryption packages).
try somehing like
 java -Xbootclasspath/p:lib\some.jar -jar orion.jar

James Birchfield

a better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment
5 Corporate Center
9960 Corporate Campus Drive,
Suite 2000
Louisville, KY 40223

||  "Seth Ladd"   |
||  Sent by:  |
||  owner-orion-interest@orion|
||  11/13/00 04:34 PM |
||  Please respond to |
||  Orion-Interest|
  |   To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
  |   cc:  
  |   Subject: Orion + Weblogic via JNDI?  


For reasons beyond my control, I have to use WebLogic as my EJB container.
My EJB clients live in Orion.  I am trying to get the EJB clients to lookup
the EJBs (over on WebLogic) via JNDI.  I believe I have constructed the
IntialContext correctly, but I keep running into classpath issues.

My initialcontext looks like this:

Properties p = new Properties();
p.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, "t3://localhost:7001");
return new InitialContext(p);

When I run this, I always get:

javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Cannot instantiate class:
weblogic.jndi.T3InitialContextFactory.  Root exception is
java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: weblogic.jndi.T3InitialContextFactory

Yet I am positive that I have weblogic.jndi.T3InitialContextFactory in my
classpath.  In fact, I have specified it on the command line, and in my
environment.  Both of those don't seem to make any difference.

Is Orion taking over the InitialContext?  What am I not understanding here?
Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks very much,

Seth Ladd | Software Engineer, Product Development
Brivo Systems, Inc.

Confidential and Proprietary, Brivo Systems, Inc.

RE: UserManager shutdown hook?

2000-11-13 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)
Title: RE: UserManager shutdown hook?

is a 'raper' thread??







I'm sorry I asked ;-)


  -Original Message-From: Andrej Gabara 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Lunes, 13 de Noviembre de 2000 
  18:05To: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: UserManager shutdown 
  How do you determine expired user references? Will you 
  be able to cleanup stateful session beans that were in 
  use by that user? 
  Thank's Andrej 
   -Original Message-  
  From: Robert Krueger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
   Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 7:43 AM  To: Orion-Interest  Subject: Re: 
  UserManager shutdown hook?At 08:41 13.11.00 , you wrote: 
We have implemented our 
  own usermanager, and it all works  great. 
  But we  would like to know when the server is 
  restarted at least, if  not shutdown. 
   We start up a 'raper' thread, which is responsible 
  for  cleaning up expired  user references.  

Context path of web-apps..can someone clarify for me..

2000-11-13 Thread Duffey, Kevin


I seem to be confused about how web-apps and their context play into
relative and aboslute paths on JSP pages and servlets.

I have two applications deployed. One uses 3 web-apps, the other is just
one. In the one with 3 web-apps, they all 3 share the common www dir, (the
only difference is a variable that indicates what "media" they belong
as to get the right database connection). I have them as 3 separate web-apps
to keep the 3 from being able to share each web-app has its own
memory space in Orion. When I access any images in the /www/images folder
(where /www is from the root of the application), I have to use img
src="./images/imagename.gif". But in my single app, I only use
/images/ . before the first / . I also set a variable on
every page called contextPath that is like:

  String contextPath = request.getServletPath().substring(0,

I can't use getContextPath() because our site runs in production on JRun
2.3.2 right now ( flame mail ;), which only supports Servlet
2.1/JSP 1.0. The getContext() method doesn't exist in Servlet 2.1. That is
why I get a substring of the requestURI.

At any rate..what is the true facts on relative and absolute paths? I
thought in any web-app, I can use / and that gets me to the root of the app.
So, using /images should always get me to the root of the web-app, not the
root of the application itself. It appears when running 3 web-apps all
pointing to the same one www dir, the root is the / BEFORE the www, not the
www itself. That is why I use ./images.

Thanks for any explanation on this.

RE: UserManager shutdown hook?

2000-11-13 Thread jbirchfield
Sorry,  Slip of the fingers, I meant to type 'reaper'. A 'reaper' thread is a thread that does a clean-up chore of some kind.Better start using the spell check option...:)James BirchfieldIronmaxa better way to buy, sell and rent construction equipment5 Corporate Center9960 Corporate Campus Drive, Suite 2000Louisville, KY 40223@Sent by: [EMAIL PROTECTED]11/13/2000 08:11 PM NSTPlease respond to Orion-Interest To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED] cc:  bcc:  Subject: RE: UserManager shutdown hook? what is a 'raper' thread??. . .. .. .. ..Now I'm sorry I asked ;-)JP-Original Message-From: Andrej Gabara [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Lunes, 13 de Noviembre de 2000 18:05To: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: UserManager shutdown hook?How do you determine expired user references? Will you be able to cleanup stateful session beans that were in use by that user? Thank's Andrej  -Original Message-  From: Robert Krueger [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]  Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 7:43 AM  To: Orion-Interest  Subject: Re: UserManager shutdown hook?At 08:41 13.11.00 , you wrote:   We have implemented our own usermanager, and it all works  great. But we  would like to know when the server is restarted at least, if  not shutdown.  We start up a 'raper' thread, which is responsible for  cleaning up expired  user references.  

RE: UserManager shutdown hook?

2000-11-13 Thread Andrej Gabara
Title: RE: UserManager shutdown hook?

What do you gain by doing it this way? Can you update your
cache when getUser() is called, and reap any idle users
then? What is this cache used for? What kind of user manager
are you using?


 -Original Message-
 Sent: Monday, November 13, 2000 2:23 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: UserManager shutdown hook?
 Luckily, we are using *NO* stateful session beans for this 
 user. For each
 user, we keep track of a timestamp of when the last time the 
 getUser method
 was called. If it has been more than an hour, we remove them 
 and the next
 call will pull that user back from the database, and back 
 into the users
 cache. But the thread that *reaps* this table gets spawned 
 everytime we
 restart, and since the program never exits, the threads do 
 not get cleaned
 James Birchfield

Re: There has GOTTA be a BETTER way !!!!

2000-11-13 Thread James M. Earle III

EJBs can be less work to use, but
more work to build, and then you
discover they don't scale and have
to rewrite the underpinnings.


Keith Kwiatek wrote:


 EJB's are great if you like tripling the amount of code you have to

 How is everyone building their web apps with hand coded programs, or
 using automagic tools?

 It sure seems like there should be some sort of tool that you can just point
 at database tables, and have it build the jsp or ejb entity bean. AND
 shouldn't there be a tool that you can just drop the bean on an html
 template thus allowing visual access to the bean fields?

 You can't access ejb's directly from a jsp page (like a normal bean) can
 you? Any tools that will automagically wrap an ejb in a bean for
 presentation in a JSP?

 Am I off base here,  or are ejb's a lot more work? How can people talk about
 how EJB's "speed development time"?!?


DataSource and Transaction

2000-11-13 Thread Lars Borup Jensen


I have an orion-specific questionabout 
DataSources and transactions.
I have a session bean in whichIstart a 

ut = context.getUserTransaction();

.. stuff ..


In the "sutff" section above Icreate 
different entity-beans like user.create(userDetails) and
updates different data in others and 
thenI use a method to insert some data into 
table that's not an entity-bean like 


and the insertLine method uses JNDI to obtain a 
DataSource like "jdbc/PooledDataSource and from that DataSourceI call 
getConnection to get a java.sql.Connection object.

What should I do to make sure that the DataSource I 
get from the JNDI lookup is in the same transactional-scope as my transaction 
from the session-bean, so that if the UserTransaction does a rollback, my 
inserts will be rolledback aswell
Is there a special DataSource for this 

Lars Borup JensenSoftware 

CONSCIUSBådehavnsvej 15DK-9000 
AalborgPhone: (+45) 98 164 663Mobil: (+45) 28 594 103Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]Home: