Why Entity EJBs?

2001-03-20 Thread Johan Lundberg


The more I study the J2EE technology, the more I
wonder why I should use it.

The main reasons why I would use it are these:
- Forget about the database layer while only using CMP
entity beans.
- Faster.
- Scalable.
- Easier to manage transactions.
- Clear separation between client-workflow-persistence
(JSP - Session beans - Entity beans).

In our current system we use simple JSP, JavaBeans and
a few connections to our database.
We have made a few mistakes but we envisage cleaning
up the system by starting from scratch. It is
important that we choose the right technology but I
get more and more sceptical about the EJB technology.

We have experienced, when doing listings from a search
page, that reading from the database and instantiating
a few beans (not EJBs) takes a long time. The fastest
way is to loop the resultset in the JSP-page, but it
does have a few drawbacks and I would prefer to use
another architecture.

I thought that the pooled entity beans would speed up
the system and started to study EJB.

Then, Richard Monson-Haefel states in his book that
listings shall be done directly between the Session
bean and the database. Otherwise it would be too slow.
I don't want to bother with SQL anymore and I would
like to forget about the database layer, but it seems
very difficult to get away with this requirement.

To communicate between the JSP, the Session beans and
the Entity beans, I get advised to use Data Access
Objects. If I were to ignore the Monson-Haefel advise
I would first create a bunch of Entity beans from a
finder method, instantiate a collection of DAOs and
send them back to the requesting Session bean. I
wonder what kind of performance I would get from this
system? I guess that this can become very heavy
It will probably become even more heavy weight when
n-m OR-mapping becomes available.

This will force us into a solution were we would have
to use clusters and the scalability features of EJB
comes handy. Is this the strategy from Sun - to make
us buy more SUN servers?

Now, what did I miss? Is there something that I have
completely misunderstood? Please tell me what strategy
we should use while developing CMP entity beans with
Orion's OR-mapping features.

I have found that another paradigm and framework that
will simplify the development and reduce the amount of



Why shouldn't we use this framework?

Best regards


Do You Yahoo!?
[EMAIL PROTECTED] - skaffa en gratis mailadress p http://mail.yahoo.se

Re: How to install 128 bit cert....

2001-03-20 Thread Petr Podsednik

I am not sure because I tried it long time ago, but in my case this was
caused by copy-paste operation on cert in my Explorer5 window. When I
changed encoding in my Explorer5 settings it was O.K.

- Original Message -
From: mohan krishna [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 5:44 AM
Subject: How to install 128 bit cert

 Hi to all,

 I have been following the how-to "Setting up a secure site using ssl" on
 Windows NT+jdk 1.3

 and I get the following error
 C:\certificateskeytool -keystore keystore -keyalg "RSA" -import
 -trustcacerts -
 file my.host.com.cer -storepass 123456
 keytool error: java.security.cert.CertificateException: Unsupported

 1.Plz let me know whether the problem is with ORION or with the cert?
 2.Is ORION1.3.8 in a position to support 128bit encryption?
 3.Have we to download / set any other things to make Orion to use 128bit?

 I have tried with Netscape 4.7 and Explorer 5.

 Any idea?

 Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

Re: Can anyone campare JRUN with Orion1.3.8

2001-03-20 Thread Hani Suleiman

Sure, I've had to use JRun for a client and here's my experience with it:

JRun does not support hot deployments. Any deployment requires a server

JRun does not automatically pick up .war file changes. Really, I found war
file support to be minimal, compared to Orion. There's very little that
'drops in', everything has to be through the management console (in my
experience, they might provide for dynamic changes to configs, but it's
subtle and not something I could access!)

Orion performs much better

JRun does not support servlet 2.3 API (nor will they in their 3.1 release,
which is in beta right now).

There are small differences in JSP parsing:

Orion allows myTags:stuff
param1=%=request.getParameter("foo")%blahblah/myTags:stuff, JRun does
not (it barfs on the inner quotation mark)

JSP error reporting is much better in JRun.

The management console for JRun seems slick initially, but rapidly becomes
a pain in the ass if you're the kind of person who doesn't worship the
web, and believes that changing text config files is faster and better.

On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, waheed_rahuman wrote:

 Can anyone using orion can campare the JRun webserver regarding 
 servlets,JSP and EJB with postgresql.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

RE: Dependents remove not supported

2001-03-20 Thread Hani Suleiman

The PFD spec says that you do not need to specify a remove method
(container will do that automatically)

Having said all that, you should not ignore all the warnings about using
dep objs. There's a VERY strong chance that they're being gotten rid of. I
also suspect that because of that, Orion's impl of dependent objects won't
have much effort or time put into it, until their fate is resolved one way
or another. By the way, this isn't just 'mere speculation', the removal of
dependent objects is something that many people directly involved with the
expert group have hinted at.

On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, Christian Billen wrote:

 RE: Dependents in 1-N don't go awayThanks, I found it page 119 in
 EJB2.pdf, and tried to use it by putting the method remove in my DO :
 abstract remove();
 however Orion doesn't seem to support it and pukes on startup:
 "Illegal abstract method in dependent class com.mytest.ejb.MyDo: public
 abstract void com.mytest.ejb.MyDo.remove()"
 bummer! that seriously make me reconsider using the whole thing, or is my
 method signature incorrect?
   -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tim Drury
   Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 1:58 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: RE: Dependents in 1-N don't go away
   You may want to look at in the proposed final draft which defines
   remove() function of a DO.  I don't have PD1 to tell you what section it
 is there.
 -Original Message-
 From: Christian Billen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 12:30 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Dependents in 1-N don't go away
 Is that remove() method an abstract method to be implemented in the DO?
 they inherit Object and the only required method to implement on them is the
 deepCopy(), I don't see where the remove() method is or come from.
 Since they are Depedent by nature shouldn't the remove call on the
 parent set or collection remove them permanently as well in the design?
 maybe it is a bug in Orion ?
   -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tim Drury
   Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 10:25 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: RE: Dependents in 1-N don't go away
   I understand.  You have removed the DO from the parents list, but you
   have not removed the DO from the database.  This is because you did
   not call the removed method of the DO.  Try:
   getDependents().remove(dependent);  // remove DO from parent's list
   dependent.remove();  // remove DO from database/container
 -Original Message-
 From: Christian Billen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 9:29 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Dependents in 1-N don't go away
 Hi Tim, thanks for the info, by my problem is different
 my issue is I want to remove a dependent from the java.utill.Set in
 its parent object and that if I call getDependents().remove(dependent) from
 the parent object the dependent doesn't go away from the list (even though
 it has been found since I implemented the equal method)
 Any help on this is really greatly appreciated.
   -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Tim Drury
   Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 9:10 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: RE: Dependents in 1-N don't go away
   Dependent objects (DO) do not go away automatically.
   There is an un-implemented option in the deployment
   descriptor called cascade-delete, but alas, it is
   The DO life-cycle is one of the main issues with DOs
   in the spec and one reason they may be changed.
   For now, just implement ejbRemove in your entity
   and DOs so they call the remove of their children.
-Original Message-
From: Christian Billen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 7:43 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Dependents in 1-N don't go away
Hi everyone,
I am having an issue with my 1-n dependents relationship.  My
don't get deleted when I remove them from the cmr Set.
I have a PhoneNumber dependent class which has a field type,
number, etc...
I implemented the equal method in my class such that two
phonenumber having
the same type are equal, these type being like "business",
"fax", "cell",

RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support) team. Are they still around?

2001-03-20 Thread Douma, Ate

As of today, we receive the maillist directly again.
Furthermore, I received my bugzilla account password and already entered our
problem in bugzilla (bug 368).
The mailserver problem thus seems to be resolved by orion (we didn't have to
do anything).

Thumbs up for orion for the quick response.
Now if they could resolve our real problem (almost) just as quickly ... :-)

All in all, my confidence in orion has been partly restored.
Lets hope they get their application server support back into high speed


 -Original Message-
 From: Douma, Ate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 12:47 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support)
 team. Are they still around?
 I received a very quick response from Karl Avedal on me 
 previous posting.
 It looks like their mail doesn't get through to our 
 mailserver since they
 switched servers early january.
 We are again in contact and I'm very much relieved about that.
 Hopefully, we can resolve our problems quickly now.
 Ate Douma.
  -Original Message-
  From: Douma, Ate 
  Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 11:24 AM
  To: 'Orion-Interest'
  Subject: Impossible getting the attention of the orion 
 (support) team.
  Are they still around?
  Hello all,
  I've been trying for weeks now getting any response from the 
  orion team to no avail.
  First of all, I wanted to post a serious problem in Bugzilla 
  but for that I need a account password.
  I've tried and tried, but never ever received a password 
  after creating a new account or after requesting the account 
  password to be send again.
  Then I tried sending a message directly to orion support. 
 No response.
  Then I posted my problem to this list 
  09692.html (Serious problem with Orion transaction 
  processing: multiple connections used within a single 
  transaction) februari 13, 2001, including a test case.
  I mailed this problem again to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  februari 19, 2001. No response.
  I mailed Magnus Stenman directly on februari 27 explaining 
  these problems and requesting access to Bugzilla. No response.
  I'm not clear what options are left, but we are seriously 
  considering other application servers right now as this kind 
  of support is really not acceptable in the long run. At least 
  a simple acknowledgment of the reception of the problem would 
  give us the idea that someone is actually monitoring 
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailbox. It doesn't seems to be the 
  case right now.
  Having to switch to another application server is something I 
  really don't like.
  Overall I like the orion application server very much 
  (certainly for development).
  We consider the bug we encountered as very, very serious 
  which will have to be solved otherwise we just don't have 
  another option.
  The bad (non-existing?) support makes this truly serious.
  If anyone did have some contact with the orion team 
  (mailbased or otherwise) in the last month's I would be very 
  grateful to know how they did that.
  The same question I have for anyone how was able to create a 
  Bugzilla account recently.
  Lastly, somewhat less important: does anyone receive the 
  orion-interest maillist still directly to their mailbox?
  Since Januari 11, 2001, we didn't receive any mail anymore, 
  and can therefore only access the maillist at 
 again didn't help a bit, not even using new mailaccount.
 | Ate Douma  iWise B.V. |
 |Hoofdstraat 2a-4a  |
 | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  4941 DC Raamsdonksveer |
 | Phone  ++31 (0)162 517167  The Netherlands|
 | Fax++31 (0)162 516872  http://www.iwise.nl|

Re: Hypersonic website / docs

2001-03-20 Thread Richard Goh

Try Mimer SQL. Free for developer. You can also find a type 4 JDBC driver from
their developer website:

Julian Richardson wrote:


 What's the correct url for the hypersonic website? I thought the official
 one was hsql.oron.ch, which I'm sure worked until a few weeks ago but
 doesn't now - I get a forbidden error when accessing it. Interestingly it
 comes back with www.hypersonicsql.com in the error page, but that site
 doesn't seem to exist in any form...

 What gives? Is anyone on this list anything to do with Hypersonic and knows
 what's happening with the site (it's been this way for a few days, and I've
 just double-checked that it's not our web proxy)

 Failing any kind of online help, are there docs buried within the Orion
 document tree for Hypersonic? I couldn't see anything at all.

 What I'm actually after is some kind of command-line SQL client - does
 Hypersonic have one? I know it's got that applet for administration (does
 that even come as part of the Orion install?) but I don't want to fire up a
 browser or mess around with appletviewer unless I have to. I do have a
 homebrew client but it was written against Oracle so I don't know (yet)
 what'll be involved in getting it to work with Hypersonic...



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fn:Richard Goh Muk Ling

Re: Why Entity EJBs?

2001-03-20 Thread Petr Podsednik

I fully agree with your opinion.
We in our company have decided to use ONLY stateful session beans(SSB) for
database access. Yes, it is necessary to create some proprietary persistence
stuff, but we see a lot of benefit from it mainly because there is only one
instance of SSB per database table (or more tables) for each user. Each
finder or query request for database row (also create, delete,..) results
only in changing state in appropriate SSB. This solution is very simple.
For me the question is why to have separate instances of Entity beans for
each database row. All methods are the same for all rows, aren't they? What
is changing are the fields. So the same effect could be achieved through
changing the state in one instance of session bean which represents one
entity (database table,...). Yes, I know that one instance of entity bean
can serve many users, but to implement simple task like - FOR EACH Item:
Item.price = Item.price + 10. END.  - through some collections of thousands
or million remote objects is for me inacceptable.

- Original Message -
From: Johan Lundberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 8:22 AM
Subject: Why Entity EJBs?


 The more I study the J2EE technology, the more I
 wonder why I should use it.

 The main reasons why I would use it are these:
 - Forget about the database layer while only using CMP
 entity beans.
 - Faster.
 - Scalable.
 - Easier to manage transactions.
 - Clear separation between client-workflow-persistence
 (JSP - Session beans - Entity beans).

 In our current system we use simple JSP, JavaBeans and
 a few connections to our database.
 We have made a few mistakes but we envisage cleaning
 up the system by starting from scratch. It is
 important that we choose the right technology but I
 get more and more sceptical about the EJB technology.

 We have experienced, when doing listings from a search
 page, that reading from the database and instantiating
 a few beans (not EJBs) takes a long time. The fastest
 way is to loop the resultset in the JSP-page, but it
 does have a few drawbacks and I would prefer to use
 another architecture.

 I thought that the pooled entity beans would speed up
 the system and started to study EJB.

 Then, Richard Monson-Haefel states in his book that
 listings shall be done directly between the Session
 bean and the database. Otherwise it would be too slow.
 I don't want to bother with SQL anymore and I would
 like to forget about the database layer, but it seems
 very difficult to get away with this requirement.

 To communicate between the JSP, the Session beans and
 the Entity beans, I get advised to use Data Access
 Objects. If I were to ignore the Monson-Haefel advise
 I would first create a bunch of Entity beans from a
 finder method, instantiate a collection of DAOs and
 send them back to the requesting Session bean. I
 wonder what kind of performance I would get from this
 system? I guess that this can become very heavy
 It will probably become even more heavy weight when
 n-m OR-mapping becomes available.

 This will force us into a solution were we would have
 to use clusters and the scalability features of EJB
 comes handy. Is this the strategy from Sun - to make
 us buy more SUN servers?

 Now, what did I miss? Is there something that I have
 completely misunderstood? Please tell me what strategy
 we should use while developing CMP entity beans with
 Orion's OR-mapping features.

 I have found that another paradigm and framework that
 will simplify the development and reduce the amount of



 Why shouldn't we use this framework?

 Best regards


 Do You Yahoo!?
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] - skaffa en gratis mailadress p http://mail.yahoo.se

RE: Dependents remove not supported

2001-03-20 Thread theis . meggerle

Christian look at :

Not a very good solution, but it is one.


RE: How to install 128 bit cert....

2001-03-20 Thread McLellan, Richard

If you are getting the Cert from Thawt make sure that you are selecting the
"Test SSL Chained Cert"  If you are selecting the 128 it wont work I just
tried it.  You do get 128 Bit Encryption if you use the Chained Cert..

-Original Message-
From: mohan krishna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 12:45 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: How to install 128 bit cert

Hi to all,

I have been following the how-to "Setting up a secure site using ssl" on
Windows NT+jdk 1.3

and I get the following error
C:\certificateskeytool -keystore keystore -keyalg "RSA" -import
-trustcacerts -
file my.host.com.cer -storepass 123456
keytool error: java.security.cert.CertificateException: Unsupported

1.Plz let me know whether the problem is with ORION or with the cert?
2.Is ORION1.3.8 in a position to support 128bit encryption?
3.Have we to download / set any other things to make Orion to use 128bit?

I have tried with Netscape 4.7 and Explorer 5.

Any idea?

Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

Fwd: Why Entity EJBs?

2001-03-20 Thread Dan North

Hi Johan.


I've been developing EJBs in a very (a) intensive and (b) short development 
cycle for about 5 months now.  I've found that my methodology has leant 
towards what the JRF guys are talking about, but in a less formal way.

 From the backend forwards: I tend to use entity beans for 
storing/retrieving and most manipulation of data - ie. I have quite "fat" 
beans rather than just purely getters and setters.  I then use session 
beans for workflow that doesn't seem to belong with any particular single 
bean, such as generating reports or anything that requires a few home 
interfaces' finders.  I also use session beans for their transactional 
integrity when populating new beans from an HTML (JSP) form, especially 
when several beans will be created from a single form's contents and I want 
the whole lot to be atomic.

We tend to use JSP and regular form beans for most of the other workflow 
stuff, and sometimes we'll have quite complex finder methods in the EJBs 
that join across several tables.

The benefits to EJBs, and specifically orion, for me are:
- Database independence: we're deploying on MS SQL Server but it's trivial 
to deploy to eg. Oracle for scalability or Hypersonic for local testing.

- Network independence: I need to change no code to cluster orion on 
several hosts and also to split its responsibilities between being a web 
server on one host talking to another orion instance being an app server on 
another host.

- Speed of development: I don't have to worry about how or where my data is 
being stored - I have orion's _fantastic_ OR mapping to do that for me.

It seems to me that the JRF is taking the "best practice" approach, which 
is a fine and noble thing to do, but then overcomplicating the issue by 
wandering off into its own specification.

All my SQL for each package is in one place (orion-ejb-jar.xml), and I 
don't have to worry about scalability or portability.  If it says J2EE on 
the box, it'll usually have J2EE in the box.  (Apart from the usual niggles 
with app servers being behind spec - again orion is pretty good for being 
up-to-date in this regard.)  So I have all the benefits of JRF but with the 
backing of a technology as widely-adopted as J2EE.


Disclaimer: I don't work for orion, I just love their product.  And J2EE 
has been the most useful technology I've discovered since I picked up OO 
about 10 years ago!


ps. That passage in the EJB book about having a session bean talk straight 
to a database is again (imo) a throwback to the technology being pretty 
immature and inefficient when the book was written.  I have had no problems 
with orion's ability to manipulate and cache data for me comparably well 
with direct database access - but with the added benefit of lots of data 
integrity checking and no SQL on my part.  In fact you get two levels of 
caching - the database and the app server.

Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 09:22:52 +0100 (CET)
From: Johan Lundberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Why Entity EJBs?
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Mailer: Orion ListServer
Reply-To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by druid.evermind.net 
id KAA23094


The more I study the J2EE technology, the more I
wonder why I should use it.

The main reasons why I would use it are these:
- Forget about the database layer while only using CMP
entity beans.
- Faster.
- Scalable.
- Easier to manage transactions.
- Clear separation between client-workflow-persistence
(JSP - Session beans - Entity beans).

In our current system we use simple JSP, JavaBeans and
a few connections to our database.
We have made a few mistakes but we envisage cleaning
up the system by starting from scratch. It is
important that we choose the right technology but I
get more and more sceptical about the EJB technology.

We have experienced, when doing listings from a search
page, that reading from the database and instantiating
a few beans (not EJBs) takes a long time. The fastest
way is to loop the resultset in the JSP-page, but it
does have a few drawbacks and I would prefer to use
another architecture.

I thought that the pooled entity beans would speed up
the system and started to study EJB.

Then, Richard Monson-Haefel states in his book that
listings shall be done directly between the Session
bean and the database. Otherwise it would be too slow.
I don't want to bother with SQL anymore and I would
like to forget about the database layer, but it seems
very difficult to get away with this requirement.

To communicate between the JSP, the Session beans and
the Entity beans, I get advised to use Data Access
Objects. If I were to ignore the Monson-Haefel advise
I would first create a bunch of Entity beans from a
finder method, instantiate a collection of DAOs and
send them back to the requesting Session bean. I
wonder what kind of performance I would get from this
system? I 

Re[2]: Character encoding problem

2001-03-20 Thread Grigory V. Manushkin

but bugzilla sad that it's fixed
is it mean that i can get 1.4.8 through autoupdate?

Re: Thanks alot and one more doubt

2001-03-20 Thread waheed_rahuman

Now, I am developing an e-commerce site for of my own, which is fully depend
on java and my server is currently Orion.1.3.8 and i am using JSP as my
server pages.

The problem which i am facing is the following:

My application consists of six steps for customizing the car.

In designing process the client can jump between the steps
when i use METHOD POST in the forms its giving me a blank page.
So now i am using METHOD =GET and its working great.

But its funny, to pass all these value in the address bar like'red'door='black'checked='n

and this problem is coming only in the remote server when i tried same jsp
file in the local orion server its working great, but when i upload this to
my remote server it giving me the blank page.

What i can do for this..

Any suggestion whether i have to change my server to JRun or any solutions
is there

Please send me your suggestion i am expecting your reply as soon as possible

Thanking you

waheed rahuman

  Sure, I've had to use JRun for a client and here's my experience with
  JRun does not support hot deployments. Any deployment requires a server
  JRun does not automatically pick up .war file changes. Really, I found
  file support to be minimal, compared to Orion. There's very little that
  'drops in', everything has to be through the management console (in my
  experience, they might provide for dynamic changes to configs, but it's
  subtle and not something I could access!)
  Orion performs much better
  JRun does not support servlet 2.3 API (nor will they in their 3.1
  which is in beta right now).
  There are small differences in JSP parsing:
  Orion allows myTags:stuff
  param1=%=request.getParameter("foo")%blahblah/myTags:stuff, JRun
  not (it barfs on the inner quotation mark)
  JSP error reporting is much better in JRun.
  The management console for JRun seems slick initially, but rapidly
  a pain in the ass if you're the kind of person who doesn't worship the
  web, and believes that changing text config files is faster and better.
  On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, waheed_rahuman wrote:
   Can anyone using orion can campare the JRun webserver regarding
   servlets,JSP and EJB with postgresql.
   Do You Yahoo!?
   Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Autostarted client hangs

2001-03-20 Thread Vidur Dhanda


With 1.4.5, I'm having some timing issues with autostarted application
clients.  Apparently, they get invoked before Orion has fully started
and therefore hang when performing a JNDI lookup. Is there a
workaround?  I recall reading a similar message before but can't find it


RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support) team. Are they still around?

2001-03-20 Thread Elhadi barkat

Is release 1.4.8 already available, because I'm having the same bug?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Douma, Ate
Sent: mardi, 20. mars 2001 14:42
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support)
team. Are they still around?


My reported bug was fixed by the orion team (to be release in 1.4.8) within
2.5 hours after entering it into Bugzilla.

Can't really ask for more, can I?


 -Original Message-
 From: Douma, Ate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 11:04 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support)
 team. Are they still around?
 As of today, we receive the maillist directly again.
 Furthermore, I received my bugzilla account password and 
 already entered our
 problem in bugzilla (bug 368).
 The mailserver problem thus seems to be resolved by orion (we 
 didn't have to
 do anything).
 Thumbs up for orion for the quick response.
 Now if they could resolve our real problem (almost) just as 
 quickly ... :-)
 All in all, my confidence in orion has been partly restored.
 Lets hope they get their application server support back into 
 high speed
  -Original Message-
  From: Douma, Ate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 12:47 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support)
  team. Are they still around?
  I received a very quick response from Karl Avedal on me 
  previous posting.
  It looks like their mail doesn't get through to our 
  mailserver since they
  switched servers early january.
  We are again in contact and I'm very much relieved about that.
  Hopefully, we can resolve our problems quickly now.
  Ate Douma.
   -Original Message-
   From: Douma, Ate 
   Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 11:24 AM
   To: 'Orion-Interest'
   Subject: Impossible getting the attention of the orion 
  (support) team.
   Are they still around?
   Hello all,
   I've been trying for weeks now getting any response from the 
   orion team to no avail.
   First of all, I wanted to post a serious problem in Bugzilla 
   but for that I need a account password.
   I've tried and tried, but never ever received a password 
   after creating a new account or after requesting the account 
   password to be send again.
   Then I tried sending a message directly to orion support. 
  No response.
   Then I posted my problem to this list 
   09692.html (Serious problem with Orion transaction 
   processing: multiple connections used within a single 
   transaction) februari 13, 2001, including a test case.
   I mailed this problem again to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
   februari 19, 2001. No response.
   I mailed Magnus Stenman directly on februari 27 explaining 
   these problems and requesting access to Bugzilla. No response.
   I'm not clear what options are left, but we are seriously 
   considering other application servers right now as this kind 
   of support is really not acceptable in the long run. At least 
   a simple acknowledgment of the reception of the problem would 
   give us the idea that someone is actually monitoring 
   [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailbox. It doesn't seems to be the 
   case right now.
   Having to switch to another application server is something I 
   really don't like.
   Overall I like the orion application server very much 
   (certainly for development).
   We consider the bug we encountered as very, very serious 
   which will have to be solved otherwise we just don't have 
   another option.
   The bad (non-existing?) support makes this truly serious.
   If anyone did have some contact with the orion team 
   (mailbased or otherwise) in the last month's I would be very 
   grateful to know how they did that.
   The same question I have for anyone how was able to create a 
   Bugzilla account recently.
   Lastly, somewhat less important: does anyone receive the 
   orion-interest maillist still directly to their mailbox?
   Since Januari 11, 2001, we didn't receive any mail anymore, 
   and can therefore only access the maillist at 
  again didn't help a bit, not even using new mailaccount.
  | Ate Douma  iWise B.V. |
  |Hoofdstraat 2a-4a  |
  | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  4941 DC Raamsdonksveer |
  | Phone  ++31 (0)162 517167  The Netherlands|
  | Fax++31 (0)162 516872  http://www.iwise.nl|

Re: Creating subscribers in JMS

2001-03-20 Thread colin harris

i manage to create a subscriber using topicSession.createSubscriber(Topic,
null, false), I think i've seen a bug reported for the
topicSession.createSubscriber(Topic), I'm using orion1.4.5,

however, I get this error javax.jms.InvalidDestinationException: Invalid
topic, when trying to create a subscriber using a TemporaryTopic, Is this a
bug I have written a test case which i will submit to bugzilla.



- Original Message -
From: "Vidur Dhanda" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 3:40 PM
Subject: Creating subscribers in JMS


 Is it legal to call topicSession.createSubscriber(Topic) on a
 TopicSession that was created via
 topicConnection.createTopicSession(...) after the topicConnection has
 been started?  In 1.4.5 and 1.4.7 Orion hangs at the createSubscriber


 Vidur Dhanda
 Active Solutions
 tel: 617/566-1252

Java Mail and javax.activation.DataSource

2001-03-20 Thread BRICKER_JONATHAN_E

Hello all,

I'm setting up J2EE program and I'm having trouble getting the Java mail to work. I am getting a java.lang. NoClassDefFoundError: javax/activation/DataSource error when I call Message msg = new MimeMessage(session);

Everything else is set up and my code is nearly identical to the ATM example. My mailing code is in a stateless session bean.

Anyone see anything like this before?

Jonathan Bricker
Lilly Research Labs
Java ATG

Thanks alot and one

2001-03-20 Thread waheed_rahuman

- Original Message -
From: Hani Suleiman [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 1:19 PM
Subject: Re: Can anyone campare JRUN with Orion1.3.8

 Sure, I've had to use JRun for a client and here's my experience with it:

 JRun does not support hot deployments. Any deployment requires a server

 JRun does not automatically pick up .war file changes. Really, I found war
 file support to be minimal, compared to Orion. There's very little that
 'drops in', everything has to be through the management console (in my
 experience, they might provide for dynamic changes to configs, but it's
 subtle and not something I could access!)

 Orion performs much better

 JRun does not support servlet 2.3 API (nor will they in their 3.1 release,
 which is in beta right now).

 There are small differences in JSP parsing:

 Orion allows myTags:stuff
 param1=%=request.getParameter("foo")%blahblah/myTags:stuff, JRun does
 not (it barfs on the inner quotation mark)

 JSP error reporting is much better in JRun.

 The management console for JRun seems slick initially, but rapidly becomes
 a pain in the ass if you're the kind of person who doesn't worship the
 web, and believes that changing text config files is faster and better.

 On Mon, 19 Mar 2001, waheed_rahuman wrote:

  Can anyone using orion can campare the JRun webserver regarding
  servlets,JSP and EJB with postgresql.
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free @yahoo.com address at http://mail.yahoo.com

RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support) team. Are they still around?

2001-03-20 Thread Dan North

You're right - they're useless!  What were they doing for the other 2 1/4 
hours is what I want to know.

At 14:41 20/03/2001 +0100, you wrote:

My reported bug was fixed by the orion team (to be release in 1.4.8) within
2.5 hours after entering it into Bugzilla.

Can't really ask for more, can I?


  -Original Message-
  From: Douma, Ate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 11:04 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support)
  team. Are they still around?
  As of today, we receive the maillist directly again.
  Furthermore, I received my bugzilla account password and
  already entered our
  problem in bugzilla (bug 368).
  The mailserver problem thus seems to be resolved by orion (we
  didn't have to
  do anything).
  Thumbs up for orion for the quick response.
  Now if they could resolve our real problem (almost) just as
  quickly ... :-)
  All in all, my confidence in orion has been partly restored.
  Lets hope they get their application server support back into
  high speed
   -Original Message-
   From: Douma, Ate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 12:47 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support)
   team. Are they still around?
   I received a very quick response from Karl Avedal on me
   previous posting.
   It looks like their mail doesn't get through to our
   mailserver since they
   switched servers early january.
   We are again in contact and I'm very much relieved about that.
   Hopefully, we can resolve our problems quickly now.
   Ate Douma.
-Original Message-
From: Douma, Ate
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 11:24 AM
To: 'Orion-Interest'
Subject: Impossible getting the attention of the orion
   (support) team.
Are they still around?
Hello all,
I've been trying for weeks now getting any response from the
orion team to no avail.
First of all, I wanted to post a serious problem in Bugzilla
but for that I need a account password.
I've tried and tried, but never ever received a password
after creating a new account or after requesting the account
password to be send again.
Then I tried sending a message directly to orion support.
   No response.
Then I posted my problem to this list
09692.html (Serious problem with Orion transaction
processing: multiple connections used within a single
transaction) februari 13, 2001, including a test case.
I mailed this problem again to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
februari 19, 2001. No response.
I mailed Magnus Stenman directly on februari 27 explaining
these problems and requesting access to Bugzilla. No response.
I'm not clear what options are left, but we are seriously
considering other application servers right now as this kind
of support is really not acceptable in the long run. At least
a simple acknowledgment of the reception of the problem would
give us the idea that someone is actually monitoring
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailbox. It doesn't seems to be the
case right now.
Having to switch to another application server is something I
really don't like.
Overall I like the orion application server very much
(certainly for development).
We consider the bug we encountered as very, very serious
which will have to be solved otherwise we just don't have
another option.
The bad (non-existing?) support makes this truly serious.
If anyone did have some contact with the orion team
(mailbased or otherwise) in the last month's I would be very
grateful to know how they did that.
The same question I have for anyone how was able to create a
Bugzilla account recently.
Lastly, somewhat less important: does anyone receive the
orion-interest maillist still directly to their mailbox?
Since Januari 11, 2001, we didn't receive any mail anymore,
and can therefore only access the maillist at
   again didn't help a bit, not even using new mailaccount.
   | Ate Douma  iWise B.V. |
   |Hoofdstraat 2a-4a  |
   | mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]  4941 DC Raamsdonksveer |
   | Phone  ++31 (0)162 517167  The Netherlands|
   | Fax++31 (0)162 516872  http://www.iwise.nl|

Dan North
VP Development  -  Cadrion Software Ltd  -  +44 (0)20 7440 9550

This e-mail and any attachments are confidential
and may also be 

communication link failure

2001-03-20 Thread Geoff Marshall

Hello all!

I've got an application-level object that grabs a pool of database
connections (MySQL using the mm.mysql JDBC driver).  All works well until
there is not activity for some extended period of time (overnight) and then
all attempts to access the database get "communication link failure" errors.

Is there any way to configure Orion or MySQL to not give up on a database
connection.  Or do I have to move the connections to some other level.

I know the app objects are surviving because I can query them, but just
can't reestablish with the db.

Anyone else have similar problems or any ideas???

-Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

RE: Customizing the web authentication service

2001-03-20 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)
Title: Customizing the web authentication service

specifically leaves security mapping to each vendor/platform. The only thing 
that's specified is roles, but how do they map really it's up to the vendor and 
more than often is platform dependant (especially with Windows Auth)


-Original Message-From: 
elephantwalker [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Monday, March 
19, 2001 11:49 PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: RE: 
Customizing the web authentication service

  has specified the way security should behave, but not the implementation. Each 
  j2ee vendor has chosen a different method, so it is truly one pain in the 
  "arse" (forgive my old english).
-Original Message-From: 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Ben 
WarnerSent: Monday, March 19, 2001 6:41 PMTo: 
Orion-InterestSubject: RE: Customizing the web authentication 
my passwords in 
the database are encrypted by a one way hash algorithm so I don't think this 
DataSourceUserManager will do all that I want.

I have found and 
read the thread on "Custom UserManager" in this list and have deciphered the 
hard truth that I will have to implement my own UserManager... 
RoleManager... User etc

From this and 
other threads on similar topics I have also concluded that there is no J2EE 
standard for defining and using your own Authentication module. Is someone 
able to confirm this for me with certainty?


  -Original Message-From: Magnus Rydin 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 
  5:51 PMTo: Orion-InterestSubject: SV: Customizing 
  the web authentication service
  Take a look at 
-Ursprungligt meddelande-Från: Ben Warner 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Skickat: den 18 mars 2001 
20:00Till: Orion-InterestÄmne: Customizing the web 
authentication service
I'm trying to do something simple but I'm 
frustrated by my lack of success in finding information about it. I have 
scoured the list, the web, J2EE doco and would appreciate any 
information that may help me. Thanks in advance.
I'm running a J2EE application in orion using 
form based authentication. The problem is that users are authenticated 
by the webserver according to the contents of the principals.xml file 
for my application. In my application users (including username  
password) are stored in the database and I don't want to use the 
principals.xml file to store all my user logins.
What I want is for the webserver to call my 
own custom authentication method to authenticate the user and let me 
decide if the login is valid or not and set the appropriate user 
principal in the session if it is valid. I'm sure this has been done a 
million times... I must be looking in the wrong places...
Thanks again, bw. 

Re: communication link failure

2001-03-20 Thread Gary Shea

Geoff Marshall ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Hello all!

 I've got an application-level object that grabs a pool of database
 connections (MySQL using the mm.mysql JDBC driver).  All works well until
 there is not activity for some extended period of time (overnight) and then
 all attempts to access the database get "communication link failure" errors.

 Is there any way to configure Orion or MySQL to not give up on a database
 connection.  Or do I have to move the connections to some other level.

 I know the app objects are surviving because I can query them, but just
 can't reestablish with the db.

 Anyone else have similar problems or any ideas???

I was just reading the mm documentation the other day, and as I recall
there's a parameter that can be set in the jdbc URL that tells it to
retry opening the connection to mysql if the connection has closed.
The parameter defaults to false, i.e., not retrying.



 -Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

 t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
 54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
 San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306

RE: Sharing sessions between sites

2001-03-20 Thread Russ White

I hope this helps.

I manage this by making sure that all URLs used in the web app are absolute
(of course they can be absolute and still be dynamic). and include the
appropriate protocol. This of course includes form actions. Then I can
enforce that certain portions of the web app are only accessible via HTTPS
by including the something like this in my web.xml:


Now the server enforces that the url indicated by the security constraint
can only be delivered by HTTPS.


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matt Krevs
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 12:12 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Sharing sessions between sites

Hi all - just worked this one out I think

The shared attribute i think allows 2 web apps THAT HAVE THE SAME NAME to
share sessions

As soon as I specified
default-web-app application="sectest" name="sectest-web" shared="true"/
as the default web app in both web-site.xml files then session sharing
started to work

I can now run a https and http version of my web app at the same time and
have sessions shared between the 2 web apps

The only thing I have to work out now is how to elegantly intercept
requests, work out whether they should be using https or http, and then
redirect them to use the correct protocol

I thought that maybe servlet filtering would be a good way of doing this?

eg any url that contains "/secure" in it could be redirected to https, while
all others would use plain old http.

Has anyone done this before? Anyone have any good examples/ideas?


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matt Krevs
Sent: Tuesday, 20 March 2001 1:23 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Sharing sessions between sites

I am having a few problems sharing sessions between a secure and a
non-secure web site

Having read various posts to the forum I thought that adding shared="true"
to the default-web-app element in each web-site.xml would do the trick. Not
for me. Each web site is creating its own session when it is hit for the
first time (within the same browser window)

I have 2 web apps.
They both use the same application (as specified in server.xml).
Each web app has its own web-site.xml
One of the web apps is secured ie SSL.

web-site.xml for the non-secure site is as follows
?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE web-site PUBLIC "Orion Web-site"

web-site host="[ALL]" port="80" display-name="SecTest site"
default-web-app application="sectest" name="sectest-web" shared="true"

access-log path="log/default-web-access.log" /

web-site.xml for the secure site is as follows
?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE web-site PUBLIC "Orion Web-site"

web-site host="[ALL]" secure="true" display-name="SecTest secure site"
default-web-app application="sectest" name="sectestsecure-web"
shared="true" load-on-startup="true"/

ssl-config keystore="keystore" keystore-password="123456" /

access-log path="log/default-web-access.log" /

Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong? I assume what I'm trying to do is


RE: Why Entity EJBs?

2001-03-20 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

I also am questioning entity beans, after 5 months of intensive
development with them.  If you run Hypersonic in server mode and watch
the sql output to the console, it should be readily apparent why... CMP
produces *WAY* too many queries for fine-grained entity beans.

The biggest problem is finder methods.  Since all beans are lazy-loaded,
iterating through the finder results of 1000 beans will produce 1001 SQL
calls.  There isn't any reason specwise that beans cannot be
eager-loaded, but few (if any) appservers seem to support this.

Does anyone know if there is any support for eager-loading of finder
results in Orion?  There doesn't appear to be from the documentation.

I'm really disappointed in the entity bean concept.  CMP should give us
faster development times, faster code (with caching), and database
independence, but at the moment we get *none* of the above.  By stating
in the blueprints that entity beans should only model course-grained
objects and _not_ "one row of the table" they are effectively saying DO
NOT USE CMP, because what is a CMP bean if not one row of a table?  I
noticed that most of the new J2EE patterns Sun recently posted are aimed
at BMP.  Sun's schizophrenia on this really pisses me off; with one face
they like to show off entity beans and CMP because MS doesn't have it,
with another they tell us to go back to the bronze age of handwritten
SQL because the technology doesn't work.  Gr.


-Original Message-
From: Dan North [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 4:41 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Fwd: Why Entity EJBs?

Hi Johan.


I've been developing EJBs in a very (a) intensive and (b) 
short development 
cycle for about 5 months now.  I've found that my methodology 
has leant 
towards what the JRF guys are talking about, but in a less formal way.

 From the backend forwards: I tend to use entity beans for 
storing/retrieving and most manipulation of data - ie. I have 
quite "fat" 
beans rather than just purely getters and setters.  I then use session 
beans for workflow that doesn't seem to belong with any 
particular single 
bean, such as generating reports or anything that requires a few home 
interfaces' finders.  I also use session beans for their transactional 
integrity when populating new beans from an HTML (JSP) form, 
when several beans will be created from a single form's 
contents and I want 
the whole lot to be atomic.

We tend to use JSP and regular form beans for most of the 
other workflow 
stuff, and sometimes we'll have quite complex finder methods 
in the EJBs 
that join across several tables.

The benefits to EJBs, and specifically orion, for me are:
- Database independence: we're deploying on MS SQL Server but 
it's trivial 
to deploy to eg. Oracle for scalability or Hypersonic for 
local testing.

- Network independence: I need to change no code to cluster orion on 
several hosts and also to split its responsibilities between 
being a web 
server on one host talking to another orion instance being an 
app server on 
another host.

- Speed of development: I don't have to worry about how or 
where my data is 
being stored - I have orion's _fantastic_ OR mapping to do that for me.

It seems to me that the JRF is taking the "best practice" 
approach, which 
is a fine and noble thing to do, but then overcomplicating the 
issue by 
wandering off into its own specification.

All my SQL for each package is in one place (orion-ejb-jar.xml), and I 
don't have to worry about scalability or portability.  If it 
says J2EE on 
the box, it'll usually have J2EE in the box.  (Apart from the 
usual niggles 
with app servers being behind spec - again orion is pretty 
good for being 
up-to-date in this regard.)  So I have all the benefits of JRF 
but with the 
backing of a technology as widely-adopted as J2EE.


Disclaimer: I don't work for orion, I just love their product. 
 And J2EE 
has been the most useful technology I've discovered since I 
picked up OO 
about 10 years ago!


ps. That passage in the EJB book about having a session bean 
talk straight 
to a database is again (imo) a throwback to the technology 
being pretty 
immature and inefficient when the book was written.  I have 
had no problems 
with orion's ability to manipulate and cache data for me 
comparably well 
with direct database access - but with the added benefit of 
lots of data 
integrity checking and no SQL on my part.  In fact you get two 
levels of 
caching - the database and the app server.

Date: Tue, 20 Mar 2001 09:22:52 +0100 (CET)
From: Johan Lundberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Why Entity EJBs?
To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-Mailer: Orion ListServer
Reply-To: Orion-Interest [EMAIL PROTECTED]
X-MIME-Autoconverted: from 8bit to quoted-printable by 
id KAA23094


The more I study the J2EE technology, the more I
wonder why I should use it.

RE: How to install 128 bit cert....

2001-03-20 Thread Hauser David

The problem for me was the the type selection (as noted below) and the cert
file NEEDS a carriage return at the end  of it.  Just open it up in an
editor and go to the end of the file and hit enter once or twice.

-Original Message-
From: McLellan, Richard [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 5:14 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: How to install 128 bit cert

If you are getting the Cert from Thawt make sure that you are selecting the
"Test SSL Chained Cert"  If you are selecting the 128 it wont work I just
tried it.  You do get 128 Bit Encryption if you use the Chained Cert..

-Original Message-
From: mohan krishna [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 12:45 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: How to install 128 bit cert

Hi to all,

I have been following the how-to "Setting up a secure site using ssl" on
Windows NT+jdk 1.3

and I get the following error
C:\certificateskeytool -keystore keystore -keyalg "RSA" -import
-trustcacerts -
file my.host.com.cer -storepass 123456
keytool error: java.security.cert.CertificateException: Unsupported

1.Plz let me know whether the problem is with ORION or with the cert?
2.Is ORION1.3.8 in a position to support 128bit encryption?
3.Have we to download / set any other things to make Orion to use 128bit?

I have tried with Netscape 4.7 and Explorer 5.

Any idea?

Get free email and a permanent address at http://www.netaddress.com/?N=1

RE: Dependents remove not supported

2001-03-20 Thread Tim Drury
Title: RE: Dependents remove not supported

 It doesn't support ejbCreate either. The container never 
 calls this method
 and if you have arguments (i.e. ejbCreate(String pleaseWork) it would
 result in an error from Orion.

hmm, I have ejbCreate() with and without args. While I never called
my DO's with args, it doesn't give an error. I always call the
default ctor then use setters. I ought to call the ctors with args
to see what happens.

 Relations between dependents are not supported. Orion returns 
 an error on
 the abstract create method.

This is very true. I discovered this some time ago - bug #185.

My solution to the DO issue was to use EJBs for everything. This
may have been a good choice since DO's in the spec are under a lot
of fire and may be radically changed. EJB-EJB calls within the
same container are optimized to local call-by-value method calls
(at least in orion), so speed between all these EJBs isn't much
of an issue.


Re: Why Entity EJBs?

2001-03-20 Thread Magnus Stenman

Orion should execute one SQL query for a finder (even with 1000 rows) unless:
You're using BMP.
You're using exclusive-write-access="false" and are outside of a TX.

BMP is less than slim when it comes to SQL activity, we generally recommend CMP unless 
the condition is exceptional.

Another "common mistake" in EJB usage is not using transactions. The same code can 
generate 100x+ as many calls when run outside of a TX as inside a TX. Why this is 
specific to EJB is that EJB treats data integrity very carefully, while your "home 
brewed" (hope that word isnt offensive) access may delay persistance into larger 
chunks etc (a "semi TX").

So: avoid exclusive-write-access="false" unless absolutely needed, use CMP if 
possible, and identify where your app is really "TXs" logically but isnt defined to be.

What you get: cleaner and more easily abstracted code if all goes well. Transactional 
(and distributed, stay tuned some longer for that to come clustering doc) cache (it is 
fairly easy to make a cache, but another issue alltogether to make a transactional 
cache that scales, totally different tasks). More ease in code migration between 
programmers since you're closer to the "default", more of the backbone has been 

Weakest side of entities as of now: batch updates. No candidate to that one, it is the 
biggest limitation (but can be worked around).

As for "general design standpoint" it is usually not good custom for a vendor to push 
a practice; but we can say as much as that our recommendations are pretty much in line 
of those described by Dan North in a recent reply to this thread (CMP, logic in 
entities that apply to that entity - ignore the recommendation stating that they're 
simply data storage items, they're objects, and inter-bean logic in sessions).

Just a short note... we rarely mix into this category of discussions (the ones 
bordering on religious beliefs ;) but I thought I'd shed some technical light on some 
of the issues - everyone's free to chose their own architecture, but it's sad when 
it's done due to lack of knowledge of architecture X's facts and benefits.

Have a nice day!

/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

PS. On the issue of "coarse grained" - entities fit perfectly well for fine grained 
access, but this is a political battle. You may have heard rumours about "local" 
entities, which consist more or less of entities allover but "allowed for fine grained 
access" this time. Our current position on that matter is that locals are superflous, 
what needs to change is just the notion of EJBs always being coarse grained. This is, 
of course, a very preliminary position. If there turns out to be genuine technical 
merits for the separation (things that cannot be done feasably via switch tags in the 
descriptor, see for instance copy-by-value in orion-ejb-jar.xml) that weight enough 
we'll reposition.

/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

- Original Message - 
From: "Jeff Schnitzer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 6:31 PM
Subject: RE: Why Entity EJBs?

 I also am questioning entity beans, after 5 months of intensive
 development with them.  If you run Hypersonic in server mode and watch
 the sql output to the console, it should be readily apparent why... CMP
 produces *WAY* too many queries for fine-grained entity beans.
 The biggest problem is finder methods.  Since all beans are lazy-loaded,
 iterating through the finder results of 1000 beans will produce 1001 SQL
 calls.  There isn't any reason specwise that beans cannot be
 eager-loaded, but few (if any) appservers seem to support this.
 Does anyone know if there is any support for eager-loading of finder
 results in Orion?  There doesn't appear to be from the documentation.
 I'm really disappointed in the entity bean concept.  CMP should give us
 faster development times, faster code (with caching), and database
 independence, but at the moment we get *none* of the above.  By stating
 in the blueprints that entity beans should only model course-grained
 objects and _not_ "one row of the table" they are effectively saying DO
 NOT USE CMP, because what is a CMP bean if not one row of a table?  I
 noticed that most of the new J2EE patterns Sun recently posted are aimed
 at BMP.  Sun's schizophrenia on this really pisses me off; with one face
 they like to show off entity beans and CMP because MS doesn't have it,
 with another they tell us to go back to the bronze age of handwritten
 SQL because the technology doesn't work.  Gr.
 -Original Message-
 From: Dan North [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 4:41 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Fwd: Why Entity EJBs?
 Hi Johan.
 I've been developing EJBs in a very (a) intensive and (b) 
 short development 
 cycle for about 5 months now.  I've found that my methodology 
 has leant 
 towards what the JRF guys are talking about, but 


2001-03-20 Thread Francisco Mariategui


Francisco Mariategui

(425) 487-9336

Do You Yahoo!?
Get email at your own domain with Yahoo! Mail. 

RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support) team.Are they still around?

2001-03-20 Thread Hani Suleiman

1.4.8 is not available yet (you can find out with a simple java -jar
autoupdate.jar), the latest release seems to be 1.4.7

On Tue, 20 Mar 2001, Elhadi barkat wrote:

 Is release 1.4.8 already available, because I'm having the same bug?
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Douma, Ate
 Sent: mardi, 20. mars 2001 14:42
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support)
 team. Are they still around?
 My reported bug was fixed by the orion team (to be release in 1.4.8) within
 2.5 hours after entering it into Bugzilla.
 Can't really ask for more, can I?
  -Original Message-
  From: Douma, Ate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 11:04 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support)
  team. Are they still around?
  As of today, we receive the maillist directly again.
  Furthermore, I received my bugzilla account password and 
  already entered our
  problem in bugzilla (bug 368).
  The mailserver problem thus seems to be resolved by orion (we 
  didn't have to
  do anything).
  Thumbs up for orion for the quick response.
  Now if they could resolve our real problem (almost) just as 
  quickly ... :-)
  All in all, my confidence in orion has been partly restored.
  Lets hope they get their application server support back into 
  high speed
   -Original Message-
   From: Douma, Ate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
   Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 12:47 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: RE: Impossible getting the attention of the orion (support)
   team. Are they still around?
   I received a very quick response from Karl Avedal on me 
   previous posting.
   It looks like their mail doesn't get through to our 
   mailserver since they
   switched servers early january.
   We are again in contact and I'm very much relieved about that.
   Hopefully, we can resolve our problems quickly now.
   Ate Douma.
-Original Message-
From: Douma, Ate 
Sent: Monday, March 19, 2001 11:24 AM
To: 'Orion-Interest'
Subject: Impossible getting the attention of the orion 
   (support) team.
Are they still around?

Hello all,

I've been trying for weeks now getting any response from the 
orion team to no avail.

First of all, I wanted to post a serious problem in Bugzilla 
but for that I need a account password.
I've tried and tried, but never ever received a password 
after creating a new account or after requesting the account 
password to be send again.

Then I tried sending a message directly to orion support. 
   No response.

Then I posted my problem to this list 
09692.html (Serious problem with Orion transaction 
processing: multiple connections used within a single 
transaction) februari 13, 2001, including a test case.

I mailed this problem again to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
februari 19, 2001. No response.

I mailed Magnus Stenman directly on februari 27 explaining 
these problems and requesting access to Bugzilla. No response.

I'm not clear what options are left, but we are seriously 
considering other application servers right now as this kind 
of support is really not acceptable in the long run. At least 
a simple acknowledgment of the reception of the problem would 
give us the idea that someone is actually monitoring 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailbox. It doesn't seems to be the 
case right now.

Having to switch to another application server is something I 
really don't like.
Overall I like the orion application server very much 
(certainly for development).
We consider the bug we encountered as very, very serious 
which will have to be solved otherwise we just don't have 
another option.
The bad (non-existing?) support makes this truly serious.

If anyone did have some contact with the orion team 
(mailbased or otherwise) in the last month's I would be very 
grateful to know how they did that.

The same question I have for anyone how was able to create a 
Bugzilla account recently.

Lastly, somewhat less important: does anyone receive the 
orion-interest maillist still directly to their mailbox?
Since Januari 11, 2001, we didn't receive any mail anymore, 
and can therefore only access the maillist at 
   again didn't help a bit, not even using new mailaccount.
   | Ate Douma  iWise B.V. |
   |Hoofdstraat 2a-4a  |

RE: Why Entity EJBs?

2001-03-20 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

I'm using EJB 1.1 CMP; It gives me as much DB independence as I need. I have
to rewrite some finders when porting from DB to DB; hopefully EQL will
remove this burden too. Orion performs caching of instances, check out
exclusive-write-access and validity-timeout atrributes for entity-deployment
tag in orion-ejb-jar.xml.

However, if you have a distributed environment, cache's like the one in
Orion are a threat to data integrity-- so they *must* be deactivated.

Also, an orion-dependant feature, the boolean isModified(), which in WLS is
called boolean isDirty(), plus a correct use of declarative transactions
allow to minimize the impact on the DB.

I believe CMP is the way to go, but it is very much server-dependant. The
(apparent) poor performance of CMP is due to the need for this solution to
address many things we all want from the server, such as data integrity,
distribution across hosts of the business logic, declarative transactions
and security. There's a price inherent to all this features, and the larger
the spec, the higher the price we all must pay, basically, by leveling down.
MS's single vendor approach actually levels up, but when they don't have the
answers pre-packaged, all crumbles down and somehow we(as developers) must
pay for the loses.

Eventually, the servers *will* perform as expected, but until the spec
matures, we will be stuck with some minor problems. I'm now living in Chile,
and the budgets are pretty tight here, but still, the customer'd rather pay
for an extra box to scale up than to pay extra to the programmers to do a
more optimized job and scale out. I'm aware that this is vastly simplifying
the issue, but the point still stands.

Perhaps the true problem is that we, all the J2EE developer community, are
pushing it too far *and* too broad. This is what happened with CORBA,
leaving us with very little common ground. Some servers implement mor of the
spec, some less. Some scale(but forbid Singleton's, for instance) and some
don't. And there is no single way of making two OTS from two different
vendors to cooperate. CORBA was even taller than the Everest, so nobody
climbed it.

Of course, I also have those rush moments where I wonder why I quitted my
older job, but that's definitely not the time to contribute to anything.

My 2c,


 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Schnitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 1:31 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Why Entity EJBs?

 I also am questioning entity beans, after 5 months of intensive
 development with them.  If you run Hypersonic in server mode and watch
 the sql output to the console, it should be readily apparent
 why... CMP
 produces *WAY* too many queries for fine-grained entity beans.

 The biggest problem is finder methods.  Since all beans are
 iterating through the finder results of 1000 beans will
 produce 1001 SQL
 calls.  There isn't any reason specwise that beans cannot be
 eager-loaded, but few (if any) appservers seem to support this.

 Does anyone know if there is any support for eager-loading of finder
 results in Orion?  There doesn't appear to be from the documentation.

 I'm really disappointed in the entity bean concept.  CMP
 should give us
 faster development times, faster code (with caching), and database
 independence, but at the moment we get *none* of the above.
 By stating
 in the blueprints that entity beans should only model course-grained
 objects and _not_ "one row of the table" they are effectively
 saying DO
 NOT USE CMP, because what is a CMP bean if not one row of a table?  I
 noticed that most of the new J2EE patterns Sun recently
 posted are aimed
 at BMP.  Sun's schizophrenia on this really pisses me off;
 with one face
 they like to show off entity beans and CMP because MS doesn't have it,
 with another they tell us to go back to the bronze age of handwritten
 SQL because the technology doesn't work.  Gr.


 -Original Message-
 From: Dan North [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 4:41 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Fwd: Why Entity EJBs?
 Hi Johan.
 I've been developing EJBs in a very (a) intensive and (b)
 short development
 cycle for about 5 months now.  I've found that my methodology
 has leant
 towards what the JRF guys are talking about, but in a less
 formal way.
  From the backend forwards: I tend to use entity beans for
 storing/retrieving and most manipulation of data - ie. I have
 quite "fat"
 beans rather than just purely getters and setters.  I then
 use session
 beans for workflow that doesn't seem to belong with any
 particular single
 bean, such as generating reports or anything that requires a
 few home
 interfaces' finders.  I also use session beans for their
 integrity when populating new beans from an HTML (JSP) form,
 when several beans will be created from a single form's
 contents and I want
 the whole lot to be atomic.

Re: Java Mail and javax.activation.DataSource

2001-03-20 Thread Tim Endres

You are missing the JavaBeans Activation Framework classes (also known as Glosgow),
which are in the JAR activation.jar.



 Hello all,
 I'm setting up J2EE program and I'm having trouble getting the Java mail 
 to work.  I am getting a java.lang. NoClassDefFoundError: 
 javax/activation/DataSource error when I call Message msg = new 
 Everything else is set up and my code is nearly identical to the ATM 
 example.  My mailing code is in a stateless session bean.
 Anyone see anything like this before?
 Jonathan Bricker
 Lilly Research Labs
 Java ATG

Servlet Mapping Tag

2001-03-20 Thread David Hemphill

I don't understand how Orion has implemented the servlet-mapping tag for
the web.xml file.  According to the documentation, I need to declare a
pattern /*.thePattern.  When I do something like the following, it works.
However, I need a separate pattern for each servlet in order for Orion to
invoke a unique servlet.  My questions are:

1. Is the servlet-mapping tag necessary.  (I couldn't invoke a servlet
without it.)
2. How is Orion expecting this to be used?




How to do this servlet-mapping?

2001-03-20 Thread Gerald

Here's a challenge. It was for me.

For all URLs that start with /app (e.g. /app/login, /app/mainmenu,
/app/ball.gif), have all requests go to a servlet for processing. If the
servlet recognizes the URL, perform an action and return the appropriate
output. If the URL is not recognized, treat the URL as a filename and return
the named resource.

Hence, if the URL  /app/login was recognized and requested, the servlet
takes an action on them. If the URL /app/ball.gif was requested, the servlet
doesn't recognize it as an action to be performed, and tries to return the
contents of /app/ball.gif to the user.

I've tried using the servlet-mapping of /app/* and pointing this to the
servlet. While this makes requests go to the servlet, if, within that
servlet, I try to get a request dispatcher to /app/ball.gif and forward
there, I get back into the servlet again , presumably because /app/ball.gif
maps to the servlet. This, of course, creates an recursive infinite loop and
soon the server dies.

One alternative that might work, but seems somehow "wrong" to me is to name
every action in the web.xml file, e.g. individually map /app/login,
/app/logout, /app/dothis, /app/dothat, etc. and then have /app/* for all
other resources. I'd like to avoid this particular solution.

Any bright ideas?

RE: Why Entity EJBs?

2001-03-20 Thread Duffey, Kevin

May I suggest an architecture that we are employing without using EJB, but
will easily adapt to moving to EJB if need be.

First, I can't agree more about getting rid of dealing with the persistence
layer. A Java developer generally doesn't want to worry about the SQL,
database issues, etc. It would be nice if we had simple methods that would
get one or more objects based on some search mask we supply, or store one or
more objects. I believe EJB is a step in the right direction to acheive
this, when dealing with CMP. However, CMP as I have read about it has
limitations, but at the same time allows the application server to make
performance enhancements. EJB 2.0 doesn't look very simple to work with and
I haven't given it much time as of yet. What I do suggest is something
fairly simple. Set up your class structure like so and use a Model 2
front-end archtecture. I have one readily available that handles XSLT
processing for you as well.

First, you will want to set up folders like so (as per my suggestion, you
can do it how you want)



The above is a start. The /ejb package doesn't necessarily mean EJB, but it
assumes EJB is the business logic of your code. Entity EJB package would
contain special "beans" that handle the load/store/find capabilities of
objects, including any one to one, one to many, and so on. We currently
write SQL in these beans and they would basically be BMP in the EJB domain.
By simply implementing two interfaces and adding some methods, you turn your
version of an entity bean into a CMP (or BMP) EJB entity bean. The
ejb/session package is where you put your session "business logic" classes.
These two can start off as normal classes, and be turned into EJB session
bean classes by implementing two interfaces and adding a few methods to the
main session class.

As for how you access the "logic"..its quite simple. With my front-end
framework or another one called Struts, you use a single entry
ControllerServlet for all requests, and call upon action classes (basically
servlets that are instantiated and kept in memory via the ControllerServlet)
to handle each incoming request. Each action class would create a new
stateless session class (before using EJB) or do a JNDI lookup on the EJB
session bean (if you move to EJB) to get a reference to a "logic" class. The
action class then calls methods of the session class, passing to it objects
(Strings, Integer, your own classes, etc) and getting results back. Keep in
mind, you should ALWAYS make sure everything you pass to a session class and
any results you get back are objects that implement Serializable, so that if
and when you do move to EJB, you don't have to figure out a reworking of any
given method or class so that it will work. EJB serailizes objects when
passing them to and from other classes (such as your front-end action
classes or a desktop client program for example).

You asked what you get by moving to EJB. If your a small company with a
small site, or doing your own stuff that is not very big, I don't think
you'll see a significant improvement in performance for your site, nor will
you find it as easy to develop with EJB's than if you just put the logic in
an action class, a servlet or directly in the JSP. However, what you do get
even if you are small, is what I consider "proper" development. You break
out your code into easily manageable tiers (and thus your packaging is
easier to find classes, organized, etc). You move any and all logic work
into a "session" class and ALL database access is done from this class. You
remove ALL back-end database ties from any JSP pages, servlets or action
classes. Thus, your front-end HTTP based stuff can now be plugged in to any
existing database back-end and any database without direct locks to one
database. Ofcourse, using JDBC pretty much does this for you too, but by
moving ALL database access to session beans (non-EJB parlance this would be
session/logic classes, EJB = session beans), you further simplify your
development process and a BIG advantage is IF your business grows, you now
have a much more manageable code base to hire more developers in to. You can
also more easily find problems. Is it a logic problem? Go to a session
class. IS it a front-end problem? Go to an action or servlet class.

Now, if your a larger organization, especially one that may be acquiring one
or more companies, having to work with legacy applications, and integrate
with other companies, you get a very nice advantage to moving to EJB. You
can now centrally locate ALL of your company's business logic in one place
(following the ASP model) and access it from anywhere in the 

RE: Why Entity EJBs?

2001-03-20 Thread Carla Marcyniuk

Please take me off this list as I have no interest in this conversation.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Juan Lorandi
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 12:11 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: RE: Why Entity EJBs?

I'm using EJB 1.1 CMP; It gives me as much DB independence as I need. I have
to rewrite some finders when porting from DB to DB; hopefully EQL will
remove this burden too. Orion performs caching of instances, check out
exclusive-write-access and validity-timeout atrributes for entity-deployment
tag in orion-ejb-jar.xml.

However, if you have a distributed environment, cache's like the one in
Orion are a threat to data integrity-- so they *must* be deactivated.

Also, an orion-dependant feature, the boolean isModified(), which in WLS is
called boolean isDirty(), plus a correct use of declarative transactions
allow to minimize the impact on the DB.

I believe CMP is the way to go, but it is very much server-dependant. The
(apparent) poor performance of CMP is due to the need for this solution to
address many things we all want from the server, such as data integrity,
distribution across hosts of the business logic, declarative transactions
and security. There's a price inherent to all this features, and the larger
the spec, the higher the price we all must pay, basically, by leveling down.
MS's single vendor approach actually levels up, but when they don't have the
answers pre-packaged, all crumbles down and somehow we(as developers) must
pay for the loses.

Eventually, the servers *will* perform as expected, but until the spec
matures, we will be stuck with some minor problems. I'm now living in Chile,
and the budgets are pretty tight here, but still, the customer'd rather pay
for an extra box to scale up than to pay extra to the programmers to do a
more optimized job and scale out. I'm aware that this is vastly simplifying
the issue, but the point still stands.

Perhaps the true problem is that we, all the J2EE developer community, are
pushing it too far *and* too broad. This is what happened with CORBA,
leaving us with very little common ground. Some servers implement mor of the
spec, some less. Some scale(but forbid Singleton's, for instance) and some
don't. And there is no single way of making two OTS from two different
vendors to cooperate. CORBA was even taller than the Everest, so nobody
climbed it.

Of course, I also have those rush moments where I wonder why I quitted my
older job, but that's definitely not the time to contribute to anything.

My 2c,


 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Schnitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 1:31 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Why Entity EJBs?

 I also am questioning entity beans, after 5 months of intensive
 development with them.  If you run Hypersonic in server mode and watch
 the sql output to the console, it should be readily apparent
 why... CMP
 produces *WAY* too many queries for fine-grained entity beans.

 The biggest problem is finder methods.  Since all beans are
 iterating through the finder results of 1000 beans will
 produce 1001 SQL
 calls.  There isn't any reason specwise that beans cannot be
 eager-loaded, but few (if any) appservers seem to support this.

 Does anyone know if there is any support for eager-loading of finder
 results in Orion?  There doesn't appear to be from the documentation.

 I'm really disappointed in the entity bean concept.  CMP
 should give us
 faster development times, faster code (with caching), and database
 independence, but at the moment we get *none* of the above.
 By stating
 in the blueprints that entity beans should only model course-grained
 objects and _not_ "one row of the table" they are effectively
 saying DO
 NOT USE CMP, because what is a CMP bean if not one row of a table?  I
 noticed that most of the new J2EE patterns Sun recently
 posted are aimed
 at BMP.  Sun's schizophrenia on this really pisses me off;
 with one face
 they like to show off entity beans and CMP because MS doesn't have it,
 with another they tell us to go back to the bronze age of handwritten
 SQL because the technology doesn't work.  Gr.


 -Original Message-
 From: Dan North [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 4:41 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Fwd: Why Entity EJBs?
 Hi Johan.
 I've been developing EJBs in a very (a) intensive and (b)
 short development
 cycle for about 5 months now.  I've found that my methodology
 has leant
 towards what the JRF guys are talking about, but in a less
 formal way.
  From the backend forwards: I tend to use entity beans for
 storing/retrieving and most manipulation of data - ie. I have
 quite "fat"
 beans rather than just purely getters and setters.  I then
 use session
 beans for workflow that doesn't seem to belong with any
 particular single
 bean, such as generating reports or anything that 

Sharing sessions among different applications?

2001-03-20 Thread Brian Wing Shun Chan

Is it possible to share session objects among different applications? I've
tried using the shared="true" attribute in web-site.xml, but with no

Matt Krevs said that he got it to work when the "name" attribute was the
same, but that only works if you're hosting the same application on
multiple parts of the site. What if soemone wants to host multiple
applications across multiple hosts and want to share session information
that way?

- Brian Chan

Looking up an EJB in a different application...

2001-03-20 Thread Rian Schmidt


Can anyone give me a pointer on how I might successfully lookup an EJB from
within another EJB in a different application (both in Orion)?

Here's the scenario:
Application 'two'- EJB TwoBean looks up - Application 'one'- EJB OneBean

Make sense?

Now, java:comp/env/One and java:comp/env/Two both work from external
clients.  But TwoBean cannot see OneBean.  I've tried using hard-coded
jndi.properties, a jndi.property file, and 1500 (or so)variations on the
names of the beans.

I've got an ejb-ref entry in my ejb-jar.xml for application 'two,' but the
kicker seems to be that no matter what I do to the properties, the result of
printing the list from TwoBean shows:
--java:comp: javax.naming.Context
--Two: TwoHome

I'm setting the jndi.properties to look for ormi:localhost/one... but that's
not happening.  So, the short version is:
How can I look up a bean in one application's EJB under Orion from another
application's EJB?  Is there any way to "step outside" an application's JNDI
naming context?


Re: How to do this servlet-mapping?

2001-03-20 Thread Tim Endres

Why not have your servlet "forward" any request that it does not recognize
to another namespace. In other words, using your example, you would forward
"/app/ball.gif" to "/images/ball.gif", thus eliminating the "/app" mapping.


 I've tried using the servlet-mapping of /app/* and pointing this to the
 servlet. While this makes requests go to the servlet, if, within that
 servlet, I try to get a request dispatcher to /app/ball.gif and forward
 there, I get back into the servlet again , presumably because /app/ball.gif
 maps to the servlet. This, of course, creates an recursive infinite loop and
 soon the server dies.
 One alternative that might work, but seems somehow "wrong" to me is to name
 every action in the web.xml file, e.g. individually map /app/login,
 /app/logout, /app/dothis, /app/dothat, etc. and then have /app/* for all
 other resources. I'd like to avoid this particular solution.
 Any bright ideas?

RE: Why Entity EJBs?

2001-03-20 Thread Jeff Schnitzer

A!  You are absolutely right, and I marvel at my own foolishness!
It was something in my code that made it look like finders were issuing
n+1 calls.  That, combined with my expectation of trouble because this
question (about n+1 sql calls for a finder) comes up with some
regularity on the ejb-interest mailing list.  I don't think many of the
(other) appserver vendors have a satisfactory solution.

My faith in CMP has been restored.  I'm finding that hacking around
case-sensitivity in String values is annoying, but it still beats
handwriting SQL.

Thanks Magnus!  It's too bad that Sun doesn't espouse this same line of
thought; it's pretty clear to me now that the arguments against
fine-grained entities are largely a product of deficient container

This should be a FAQ.


-Original Message-
From: Magnus Stenman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 10:33 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Re: Why Entity EJBs?

Orion should execute one SQL query for a finder (even with 
1000 rows) unless:
You're using BMP.
You're using exclusive-write-access="false" and are outside of a TX.

BMP is less than slim when it comes to SQL activity, we 
generally recommend CMP unless the condition is exceptional.

Another "common mistake" in EJB usage is not using 
transactions. The same code can generate 100x+ as many calls 
when run outside of a TX as inside a TX. Why this is specific 
to EJB is that EJB treats data integrity very carefully, while 
your "home brewed" (hope that word isnt offensive) access may 
delay persistance into larger chunks etc (a "semi TX").

So: avoid exclusive-write-access="false" unless absolutely 
needed, use CMP if possible, and identify where your app is 
really "TXs" logically but isnt defined to be.

What you get: cleaner and more easily abstracted code if all 
goes well. Transactional (and distributed, stay tuned some 
longer for that to come clustering doc) cache (it is fairly 
easy to make a cache, but another issue alltogether to make a 
transactional cache that scales, totally different tasks). 
More ease in code migration between programmers since you're 
closer to the "default", more of the backbone has been 

Weakest side of entities as of now: batch updates. No 
candidate to that one, it is the biggest limitation (but can 
be worked around).

As for "general design standpoint" it is usually not good 
custom for a vendor to push a practice; but we can say as much 
as that our recommendations are pretty much in line of those 
described by Dan North in a recent reply to this thread (CMP, 
logic in entities that apply to that entity - ignore the 
recommendation stating that they're simply data storage items, 
they're objects, and inter-bean logic in sessions).

Just a short note... we rarely mix into this category of 
discussions (the ones bordering on religious beliefs ;) but I 
thought I'd shed some technical light on some of the issues - 
everyone's free to chose their own architecture, but it's sad 
when it's done due to lack of knowledge of architecture X's 
facts and benefits.

Have a nice day!

/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

PS. On the issue of "coarse grained" - entities fit perfectly 
well for fine grained access, but this is a political battle. 
You may have heard rumours about "local" entities, which 
consist more or less of entities allover but "allowed for fine 
grained access" this time. Our current position on that matter 
is that locals are superflous, what needs to change is just 
the notion of EJBs always being coarse grained. This is, of 
course, a very preliminary position. If there turns out to be 
genuine technical merits for the separation (things that 
cannot be done feasably via switch tags in the descriptor, see 
for instance copy-by-value in orion-ejb-jar.xml) that weight 
enough we'll reposition.

/Magnus Stenman, the Orion team

- Original Message - 
From: "Jeff Schnitzer" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: "Orion-Interest" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 6:31 PM
Subject: RE: Why Entity EJBs?

 I also am questioning entity beans, after 5 months of intensive
 development with them.  If you run Hypersonic in server mode 
and watch
 the sql output to the console, it should be readily apparent 
why... CMP
 produces *WAY* too many queries for fine-grained entity beans.
 The biggest problem is finder methods.  Since all beans are 
 iterating through the finder results of 1000 beans will 
produce 1001 SQL
 calls.  There isn't any reason specwise that beans cannot be
 eager-loaded, but few (if any) appservers seem to support this.
 Does anyone know if there is any support for eager-loading of finder
 results in Orion?  There doesn't appear to be from the documentation.
 I'm really disappointed in the entity bean concept.  CMP 
should give us
 faster development times, faster code (with caching), and database
 independence, but at the moment we get *none* of the 

RE: Why Entity EJBs?

2001-03-20 Thread Juan Lorandi (Chile)

somebody suscribed a whole lotta of criticalmass people to this list; can't
we have a subscribe/unsubscribe confirmation??


 -Original Message-
 From: Carla Marcyniuk [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 5:53 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Why Entity EJBs?

 Please take me off this list as I have no interest in this

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Juan Lorandi
 Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 12:11 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Why Entity EJBs?

 I'm using EJB 1.1 CMP; It gives me as much DB independence as
 I need. I have
 to rewrite some finders when porting from DB to DB; hopefully EQL will
 remove this burden too. Orion performs caching of instances, check out
 exclusive-write-access and validity-timeout atrributes for
 tag in orion-ejb-jar.xml.

 However, if you have a distributed environment, cache's like
 the one in
 Orion are a threat to data integrity-- so they *must* be deactivated.

 Also, an orion-dependant feature, the boolean isModified(),
 which in WLS is
 called boolean isDirty(), plus a correct use of declarative
 allow to minimize the impact on the DB.

 I believe CMP is the way to go, but it is very much
 server-dependant. The
 (apparent) poor performance of CMP is due to the need for
 this solution to
 address many things we all want from the server, such as data
 distribution across hosts of the business logic, declarative
 and security. There's a price inherent to all this features,
 and the larger
 the spec, the higher the price we all must pay, basically, by
 leveling down.
 MS's single vendor approach actually levels up, but when they
 don't have the
 answers pre-packaged, all crumbles down and somehow we(as
 developers) must
 pay for the loses.

 Eventually, the servers *will* perform as expected, but until the spec
 matures, we will be stuck with some minor problems. I'm now
 living in Chile,
 and the budgets are pretty tight here, but still, the
 customer'd rather pay
 for an extra box to scale up than to pay extra to the
 programmers to do a
 more optimized job and scale out. I'm aware that this is
 vastly simplifying
 the issue, but the point still stands.

 Perhaps the true problem is that we, all the J2EE developer
 community, are
 pushing it too far *and* too broad. This is what happened with CORBA,
 leaving us with very little common ground. Some servers
 implement mor of the
 spec, some less. Some scale(but forbid Singleton's, for
 instance) and some
 don't. And there is no single way of making two OTS from two different
 vendors to cooperate. CORBA was even taller than the Everest,
 so nobody
 climbed it.

 Of course, I also have those rush moments where I wonder why
 I quitted my
 older job, but that's definitely not the time to contribute
 to anything.

 My 2c,


  -Original Message-
  From: Jeff Schnitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 1:31 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: Why Entity EJBs?
  I also am questioning entity beans, after 5 months of intensive
  development with them.  If you run Hypersonic in server
 mode and watch
  the sql output to the console, it should be readily apparent
  why... CMP
  produces *WAY* too many queries for fine-grained entity beans.
  The biggest problem is finder methods.  Since all beans are
  iterating through the finder results of 1000 beans will
  produce 1001 SQL
  calls.  There isn't any reason specwise that beans cannot be
  eager-loaded, but few (if any) appservers seem to support this.
  Does anyone know if there is any support for eager-loading of finder
  results in Orion?  There doesn't appear to be from the
  I'm really disappointed in the entity bean concept.  CMP
  should give us
  faster development times, faster code (with caching), and database
  independence, but at the moment we get *none* of the above.
  By stating
  in the blueprints that entity beans should only model course-grained
  objects and _not_ "one row of the table" they are effectively
  saying DO
  NOT USE CMP, because what is a CMP bean if not one row of a
 table?  I
  noticed that most of the new J2EE patterns Sun recently
  posted are aimed
  at BMP.  Sun's schizophrenia on this really pisses me off;
  with one face
  they like to show off entity beans and CMP because MS
 doesn't have it,
  with another they tell us to go back to the bronze age of
  SQL because the technology doesn't work.  Gr.
  -Original Message-
  From: Dan North [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 4:41 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: Fwd: Why Entity EJBs?
  Hi Johan.
  I've been developing EJBs in a very (a) intensive and (b)
  short development
  cycle for about 5 months now.  I've found that my 

Fw: Please help me, How to get Orion's Environment Such as HostName, Port...???

2001-03-20 Thread urey

- Original Message - 
From: urey 
To: Larry Velez 
Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 5:40 PM
Subject: Re: Please help me, How to get Orion's Environment Such as 
HostName, Port...???

Hi Larry,
 It's sorry for my mistake. 

 I want to write some Ejbs, and running them on 
the one of the Ejb for to store all the config 
and I have two methods for to load and 
reload all the config files( *.xml) in it,
 The config files( *.xml) all in my ear 
 I don't know how to access my config 
files flexible in my Ejb.

this help you to know my question 
Thanks you 
yours Urey


  - Original Message - 
  Larry Velez 
  To: 'urey' 
  Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 12:38 AM
  Subject: RE: Please help me, How to get 
  Orion's Environment Such as HostName, Port...???
  I am 
  not sure I understand your question but it looks like you are having trouble 
  with your classpath. How are you launching Orion? What OS are you 
-Original Message-From: urey 
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 4:48 
AMTo: Larry VelezCc: Larry VelezSubject: 
Re: Please help me, How to get Orion's Environment Such as HostName, 
Hello Larry,
 Thanks for 
your hint.
I reread the web-site.xml.html just now. 

Really, I can getsome Orion 
environment transit itself config/ *.xml 

in my application programme.
 But, I think there 
are some trouble with me.
Must Icodingsome parse 
for the *.xml??
If not, How will I do in my application 
and I can't get Orion's running really PATH 
from its config/*.xml.
in its config/*.xmlonly have relative 
PATH. How could I do?
you Please give me some helpful hint again,

you again


- Original Message - 

  To: Urey 
  Sent: Friday, March 16, 2001 3:46 
  Subject: RE: Please help me, How to get 
  Orion's Environment Such as HostName, Port...???
  These settings can be found in the web-site.xml file. You can 
  read up on the details here: http://www.orionserver.com/docs/web-site.xml.html
  Message-From: Urey.u 
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]Sent: Thursday, March 15, 2001 9:23 
  PMTo: Orion-InterestCc: Urey; 
  Orion-InterestSubject: Please help me, How to get Orion's 
  Environment Such as HostName, Port...???
Dear All,
When Orion Server was started. 
Could you please tell me,how to get 
Orion's environment 
Such as HostName,Port,Running 
Pathand so on in my 
application class file , not applet, servlet or JSP file?.


Load Balancing

2001-03-20 Thread Sarathy Mattaparti

   Where can i get documentation on Load Balancing. As i have 5 servers i 
want to make changes to my architecture.


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RE: Why Entity EJBs?

2001-03-20 Thread Duffey, Kevin

How about using a tool like TopLinks to do BMP for you? Then you can manage
the model from a GUI standpoint, and the interfaces, code, descriptors, etc
is all written for you. You then simply add in the business logic to session
beans and let TopLinks handle the persistence of entity beans. I am not sure
that this is how it really works, but I know we are going to be switching to
a tool similar to that. One of our engineers built a "pre-ejb" tool that
used Swing to connect instance variables to columns in a table, and
generated all the code, including the tables, mappings, etc. He is modifying
his tool to work with EJB 1.1 right now so that we may use it to manage all
of our EJBs and not deal with all the inner workings.

 -Original Message-
 From: Jeff Schnitzer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 9:31 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Why Entity EJBs?

 I also am questioning entity beans, after 5 months of intensive
 development with them.  If you run Hypersonic in server mode and watch
 the sql output to the console, it should be readily apparent
 why... CMP
 produces *WAY* too many queries for fine-grained entity beans.

 The biggest problem is finder methods.  Since all beans are
 iterating through the finder results of 1000 beans will
 produce 1001 SQL
 calls.  There isn't any reason specwise that beans cannot be
 eager-loaded, but few (if any) appservers seem to support this.

 Does anyone know if there is any support for eager-loading of finder
 results in Orion?  There doesn't appear to be from the documentation.

 I'm really disappointed in the entity bean concept.  CMP
 should give us
 faster development times, faster code (with caching), and database
 independence, but at the moment we get *none* of the above.
 By stating
 in the blueprints that entity beans should only model course-grained
 objects and _not_ "one row of the table" they are effectively
 saying DO
 NOT USE CMP, because what is a CMP bean if not one row of a table?  I
 noticed that most of the new J2EE patterns Sun recently
 posted are aimed
 at BMP.  Sun's schizophrenia on this really pisses me off;
 with one face
 they like to show off entity beans and CMP because MS doesn't have it,
 with another they tell us to go back to the bronze age of handwritten
 SQL because the technology doesn't work.  Gr.


 -Original Message-
 From: Dan North [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 4:41 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Fwd: Why Entity EJBs?
 Hi Johan.
 I've been developing EJBs in a very (a) intensive and (b)
 short development
 cycle for about 5 months now.  I've found that my methodology
 has leant
 towards what the JRF guys are talking about, but in a less
 formal way.
  From the backend forwards: I tend to use entity beans for
 storing/retrieving and most manipulation of data - ie. I have
 quite "fat"
 beans rather than just purely getters and setters.  I then
 use session
 beans for workflow that doesn't seem to belong with any
 particular single
 bean, such as generating reports or anything that requires a
 few home
 interfaces' finders.  I also use session beans for their
 integrity when populating new beans from an HTML (JSP) form,
 when several beans will be created from a single form's
 contents and I want
 the whole lot to be atomic.
 We tend to use JSP and regular form beans for most of the
 other workflow
 stuff, and sometimes we'll have quite complex finder methods
 in the EJBs
 that join across several tables.
 The benefits to EJBs, and specifically orion, for me are:
 - Database independence: we're deploying on MS SQL Server but
 it's trivial
 to deploy to eg. Oracle for scalability or Hypersonic for
 local testing.
 - Network independence: I need to change no code to cluster orion on
 several hosts and also to split its responsibilities between
 being a web
 server on one host talking to another orion instance being an
 app server on
 another host.
 - Speed of development: I don't have to worry about how or
 where my data is
 being stored - I have orion's _fantastic_ OR mapping to do
 that for me.
 It seems to me that the JRF is taking the "best practice"
 approach, which
 is a fine and noble thing to do, but then overcomplicating the
 issue by
 wandering off into its own specification.
 All my SQL for each package is in one place
 (orion-ejb-jar.xml), and I
 don't have to worry about scalability or portability.  If it
 says J2EE on
 the box, it'll usually have J2EE in the box.  (Apart from the
 usual niggles
 with app servers being behind spec - again orion is pretty
 good for being
 up-to-date in this regard.)  So I have all the benefits of JRF
 but with the
 backing of a technology as widely-adopted as J2EE.
 Disclaimer: I don't work for orion, I just love their product.
  And J2EE
 has been the most useful technology I've discovered 

Re: Looking up an EJB in a different application...

2001-03-20 Thread Rian Schmidt

Follow up for posterity...

Turns out that there's an, apparently, Orion-specific thing... the
"parent=..." tag in the server.xml file in /config (specifically the
application tag therein.)  The closest I could get without that was to be
able to lookup the home just like an external client... but even then, no
dice on narrow... ClassCastException.

Now, it strikes me that this seems to imply that you can basically match up
two and only two apps?  I mean, sounds like the ultimate enterprise class
problem of sharing lots of beans between lots of applications won't work.
And while odd, doesn't prevent us from getting at least from point A to
point 2.

Happy coding.


 Can anyone give me a pointer on how I might successfully lookup an EJB
 within another EJB in a different application (both in Orion)?

 Here's the scenario:
 Application 'two'- EJB TwoBean looks up - Application 'one'- EJB

 Make sense?

 Now, java:comp/env/One and java:comp/env/Two both work from external
 clients.  But TwoBean cannot see OneBean.  I've tried using hard-coded
 jndi.properties, a jndi.property file, and 1500 (or so)variations on the
 names of the beans.

 I've got an ejb-ref entry in my ejb-jar.xml for application 'two,' but
 kicker seems to be that no matter what I do to the properties, the result
 printing the list from TwoBean shows:
 --java:comp: javax.naming.Context
 --Two: TwoHome

 I'm setting the jndi.properties to look for ormi:localhost/one... but
 not happening.  So, the short version is:
 How can I look up a bean in one application's EJB under Orion from another
 application's EJB?  Is there any way to "step outside" an application's
 naming context?



2001-03-20 Thread Fernando DeLeon

Does orion support clustering?

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Bug in deployment descriptor?!

2001-03-20 Thread Nevin Ng


I wonder if you have met this situation before, I trying to deploy an entity bean with 
one of the field named "password".   I have write the corresponding orion-ejb-jar.xml 
for the persistence mapping within database. Everything seems fine, the xml in the 
application-deployment directory is correct. Until the whole deployment is done, which 
orion compiled all the generated files, the seems to be correct orion-ejb-jar.xml has 
been updated with the "password" field mapping becomes "password_".  Is this a bug or 
just my problem?!

I have tried all the ways and nothing can stop orion change the from "password" to 
"password_"!   When I change the mapping to something else such as "blahblahblah" its 
ok, but not "password".

I really confused about this strange behavior

Nevin Ng