RE: Unsubscribe

2001-12-28 Thread Gary Shea

Yeah.  Likewise.  I've been trying to get off this list for 6 months.
Sending mail to Magnus didn't work either.

 Me too. The unsubscribe doesn't seem to work :(

 Quoting Dan Hoyal [EMAIL PROTECTED]:

  Please remove me as well.  I've also tried several times.
  Thank you,
-Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Matthew
Sent: Monday, December 17, 2001 7:11 AM
To: Orion-Interest
Subject: Unsubsribe
 Even i tried to unsubscribe at the specifed address.It did not
  work.Please remove my name from the list.
Thank you,

Re: Synchronized session bean?

2001-10-10 Thread Gary Shea

El Jeffo ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Hi everyone...

 I thought there was a way to synchonize a session bean such that
 I suppose you could say that only one user or servlet could
 use it at a time.

 Simply put if there's $5 left in the bank, you wouldn't want to have
 a user withdraw $5 with two different web browsers if they hit
 submit at the same time... so we kinda want it to be like there's
 only one teller window, and the servlets have to wait their

 How to do it kinda escapes me, but let me know if there was
 something I missed.  It would be most appreciated.   No need to write
 volumes of code if you know of a good web site reference for example.
 Just sent the URL, I'll do the reading from there.


Access to each session bean instance is serialized, but the spec
doesn't specifically allow you to say there may only be one instance
of a particular session bean class.  Access to entity beans is also
serialized and you can be certain that, in a a given app server
instance (neglecting clustering issues), there's only one instance of a
particular entity bean class + primary key.  It sounds to me like your
talking about something much more like an entity.  You can still get
the guarantee you're looking for if you access the entity through a
session bean, but the guarantee comes from the properties of the
entity bean, not the session bean.

Does that help any?


RE: Ant to compile and deploy one file

2001-08-23 Thread Gary Shea

Another possibility might be file location.  If the .java file
containing class Z in package x.y is located in com/x/, it will
always be recompiled.  If it is located in com/x/y/, it will
only be re-compiled when there are changes.


Nusairat, Joseph F. ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 yeah i guess it might be ... it stilll seems to take a while though even
 when i have just one file though 

 It does take longer when everything needs compiled 

 Joseph Faisal Nusairat, Sr. Project Manager
 tel: 614-723-4232
 pager: 888-452-0399

 -Original Message-
 From: Juan Lorandi (Chile) [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Thursday, August 23, 2001 3:21 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Ant to compile and deploy one file

 I have ant and it recompiles only modified .java files (only one). Are you
 using the latest ant(I think it's 1.3)?.

 -Original Message-
 From: Nusairat, Joseph F. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Jueves, 23 de Agosto de 2001 13:35
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Ant to compile and deploy one file

 Hey if i have one file to update is there an easier way to compile it and re
 jar it???

 I am using ant ... and if i have one i can only seem to recompile them alll
 which takes some time.

 Joseph Faisal Nusairat, Sr. Project Manager
 tel: 614-723-4232
 pager: 888-452-0399

Re: Simple Java Doubts

2001-05-08 Thread Gary Shea

These questions look like... a test.  The question is, who is being


p.s. The word 'doubt' implies suspicion or disagreement; you probably
want to use 'question' instead.

On Today, Santosh Kumar ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Question 1:
 How does an elementary Singleton pattern based Object behave
 in a multi-threaded environment? What is this phenomenon called? How do you
 make such a Singleton Object thread safe?

 Question 2: What are the two methods typically employed to notify remote
 clients distributed over the Internet of events that take place on a
 central server?  Like changes in the price of options, market depth, or an
 execution?  What are the relative advantages/disadvantages of each of
 these strategies?  Specifically, how can they be implemented in Java to
 for firewall tunneling over HTTP?

RE: javax.crypto

2001-04-11 Thread Gary Shea

Dean Parker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 SV: servlet-TagThat consists of 4 jars known collectively as  JCE (Java
 Cryptography Extension). The current version is 1.2.1.


 jce1_2_1.jar is the actual API. sunjce_provider.jar is Suns' implementation
 of their API. It contains the actual algorithms and code that does all the
 work. Offhand, I don't know of any other 3rd parties that have implemented
 the API.

Cryptix (  They've done some of it I think, but
I am not really up on the JCE.


 These files must be downloaded from Sun's website at this URL..


   -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Van Duong
   Sent: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 3:40 AM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: javax.crypto


   Does anyone can tell me where the package javax.crypto is?

   Thanks in advance,

   Van Duong

RE: persistance

2001-03-25 Thread Gary Shea

I haven't tried solving this problem myself, so am really just guessing.
I wonder if the thing to do is stash your serialized class in JNDI, and
then do a lookup and grab it when your session bean is instantiated?

I'm assuming you need acess to the information in an EJB as opposed to
a servlet; it seems that the rule against singletons is only for EJB's.


elephantwalker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 What I would like is to have the objects member variables of an application
 bean, so they would always be available, and in memory. Maybe that is the
 trick. Most of the time we create member variables in the scope of the
 session or even (if you are talking of servlets or jsp's) the page or
 servlet scope.

 Sun's latest and greatest Blueprint must use something like this, because
 they map their responses with xml, and  they couldn't be parsing the xml
 everytime the app got a request (that would be horribly slow).

 I am still investigating this issue.



 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Allen Fogleson
 Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001 9:58 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: persistance

 why dont you create a class that parses them and another class that keeps
 the results in member variables...

 you could then serialize the class with the results. check the file dates
 whenever you need to get the results and reparse if necessary, otherwise
 just reload the serialized class.


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of elephantwalker
 Sent: Saturday, March 24, 2001 10:40 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: persistance

 I have this problem with session beans. I have certain objects which I want
 to be persistant across all session beans. One approach is to use an entity
 bean. But that's a little overkill. These are several xml files which I use
 to setup some of the session beans properties, but they are not expected to

 Parsing the xml files each time a session is created is another approach.
 But that gives me the *lag time* during the parsing, and slows down my

 Is there another alternative? Can I load a bean each time the server is
 restarted, or when an event occurs (say, the *datetime* changes on the

 Has anybody else faced this problem and solved it?



RE: Performance problems...

2001-03-25 Thread Gary Shea

And from totally out in left field, how about conflicting database
transaction/table locks.  I doubt it, because those tend to be indefinite,
but it's a thought anyway!  I suspect that the running-out-of-
connections idea is more likely to be correct, though...


 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Aaron
 Sent: Sunday, March 25, 2001 7:09 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Performance problems...

 I've been working on getting Orion running in a production environment for a
 little while now and just when I thought everything was working fine I go to
 push to production and something load/volume related is creating massive

 Basically every 250 database accesses or so there is a long pause (20 to 60
 second), where nothing occurs.  During this pause the CPU load *drops* to
 practically nothing and our entire site is frozen.  I'm not sure exactly
 where the problem exists; it could be our code, our configuration, or even a
 bug in Orion.

 The environment is Redhat 6.2, JDK1.3, Oracle 8i.  Its a pure J2EE app, but
 we're not using EJB.  I initially thought it might be a memory issue, but
 I've played with the JDK heap size and carefully watched memory utilization
 and thats also not the issue.  I even considered that maybe
 Evermind/IronFlare might have a throttle (to push you to get a license) so I
 put one of our production licenses on the QA box.

 I've since gotten a load tester and can reproduce the problem.  Oddly, it
 only happens on pages which require database access.  Even more interesting
 is that it occurs more frequently on pages which utilize more than one
 connection.  But thats about as far as I can narrow it.   I've tried the
 8.15 and 8.17 type4 jdbc drivers from oracle and we've tried Oracles
 ConnectionCacheImpl and Orions XADataSource implimentation, both show the
 same behavior (though both are using the Oracle Driver).   I've also tried
 Orions jdbc debug and it shows nothing of interest.

 So far I've put about a week straight into finding it, and I've just about
 run out of ideas. I'd really be appreciative if anyone has any good
 suggestions on where to look.  ANyone seen behavior like this before?

Re: communication link failure

2001-03-20 Thread Gary Shea

Geoff Marshall ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Hello all!

 I've got an application-level object that grabs a pool of database
 connections (MySQL using the mm.mysql JDBC driver).  All works well until
 there is not activity for some extended period of time (overnight) and then
 all attempts to access the database get "communication link failure" errors.

 Is there any way to configure Orion or MySQL to not give up on a database
 connection.  Or do I have to move the connections to some other level.

 I know the app objects are surviving because I can query them, but just
 can't reestablish with the db.

 Anyone else have similar problems or any ideas???

I was just reading the mm documentation the other day, and as I recall
there's a parameter that can be set in the jdbc URL that tells it to
retry opening the connection to mysql if the connection has closed.
The parameter defaults to false, i.e., not retrying.



 -Geoff Marshall, Director of Development

 t e r r a s c o p e  (415) 951-4944
 54 Mint Street, Suite 110 direct (415) 625-0349
 San Francisco, CA  94103 fax (415) 625-0306


2001-03-18 Thread Gary Shea

Mike Cannon-Brookes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 This is J2EE-defined behaviour.

Can you recall where you found that?  I haven't run into it, and
I want to see what else I missed!



 The lib dir in orion-application.xml is NOT j2ee-defined behaviour ;)

  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Gary Shea
  Sent: Sunday, March 18, 2001 6:00 AM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Mike Cannon-Brookes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
   Yes, put your common classes in the EJB JAR.
   EJB JAR's can't see classes in your WAR.
   WAR's can see classes in your EJB JAR.
  I didn't know that... cool!  Is that a J2EE-defined behaviour,
  or is it orion-specific?
  Yet another solution is possible with Orion;
  I am using an entry in the orion-application.xml to specify a library
  directory.  Any jars placed in that directory are visible to the
  entire application.  Kind of like the orion/lib directory but on
  the application level.
-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Josh P Motto
Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 10:21 PM
To: Orion-Interest
Can anyone help me with this quick question?
I developed several javabeans (not ejb) that I use to pass data
to and from
my EJBs from servlets and Custom Tag Libraries... IE contains
the standard address address fields like street city, etc.
I store these "pass by value" regular javabeans in the same
  directory tree
as my servlets - and they get compiled successfully into a
  war file, and
then I compile my EJBs into several Jar files, and finally into
an EAR file.
However, when starting orion, I get a NoClassDefFoundError
  indicating that
the EJB jar file cannot succesully import the javabean package
into the from
the web war file into the ejb.jar file.
  EJBS (ie war
Auto-deploying usr-ejb.jar (No previous deployment found)...
java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/taskpro/web/usr/UsrLoginCredentia
at java.lang.Class.getMethods0(Native Method)
at java.lang.Class.getMethods(
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.rv(JAX)
at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.aqb(JAX)
Do You Yahoo!?
Get your free address at


2001-03-17 Thread Gary Shea

Mike Cannon-Brookes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Yes, put your common classes in the EJB JAR.

 EJB JAR's can't see classes in your WAR.
 WAR's can see classes in your EJB JAR.


I didn't know that... cool!  Is that a J2EE-defined behaviour,
or is it orion-specific?

Yet another solution is possible with Orion;
I am using an entry in the orion-application.xml to specify a library
directory.  Any jars placed in that directory are visible to the
entire application.  Kind of like the orion/lib directory but on
the application level.


  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Josh P Motto
  Sent: Saturday, March 17, 2001 10:21 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Can anyone help me with this quick question?
  I developed several javabeans (not ejb) that I use to pass data
  to and from
  my EJBs from servlets and Custom Tag Libraries... IE contains
  the standard address address fields like street city, etc.
  I store these "pass by value" regular javabeans in the same directory tree
  as my servlets - and they get compiled successfully into a war file, and
  then I compile my EJBs into several Jar files, and finally into
  an EAR file.
  However, when starting orion, I get a NoClassDefFoundError indicating that
  the EJB jar file cannot succesully import the javabean package
  into the from
  the web war file into the ejb.jar file.
  My question:  IS IT POSSIBLE TO IMPORT (reference) WEB WAR CLASSES (IE
  Auto-deploying usr-ejb.jar (No previous deployment found)...
  java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/taskpro/web/usr/UsrLoginCredentia
  at java.lang.Class.getMethods0(Native Method)
  at java.lang.Class.getMethods(
  at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.rv(JAX)
  at com.evermind.server.ApplicationServer.aqb(JAX)
  Do You Yahoo!?
  Get your free address at

Re: Customizing CMP deployment

2001-03-12 Thread Gary Shea

Today, Sergei Batiuk ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Is there any way to customize deployment of CMP bean - to indicate the table
 name in the database to which the entity bean should map its persistence (in
 case the name of the table is different from the bean name) or the data
 source to connect to. As far as I know orion-ejb-jar.xml is responsible for
 these properties, but it has no effect ibefore/i the deployment. Is
 there an orion-specific (or some other) way to deliver such information to
 the container?

You can create a barebones instance of the orion-ejb-jar.xml in your
ejb distribution (there's a specific directory you have to put it in,
maybe META-INF/orion?), include in it only the specific deployment
information you want to override, and it will be picked up by orion
and used as the basis for the final deployment-time orion-ejb-jar.xml.
It's a nice trick.

I believe it's documented on the orion doc site, within the description
of the orion-ejb-jar.xml file.  Right at the top.


referring to a jar from an ejb-jar file/directory?

2001-02-28 Thread Gary Shea

I have an ejb application running under orion.  I want to restructure
the code so that some common code is put into a jar.  The problem is
that I can't figure out a way, short of putting the jar in the orion/lib
directory, to make the contents of the jar available to the ejb side of
the application.  The EJB-2.0-pfd spec says:

The ejb-jar file must also contain, either by inclusion or
by reference, the class files for all the classes and interfaces
that each enterprise bean class and the remote and home interfaces
depend on, except J2EE and J2SE classes. (page 486)

Well, what does 'reference' mean?  The only hint I have found is:

An ejb-jar file does not have to physically include the class files
if the classes are defined in another jar file that is named in the
Class-Path attribute in the Manifest file of the referencing ejb-jar
file or in the transitive closure of such Class-Path references.
(page 487)

Well, I'm going to try creating a manifest file with a Class-Path in it,
but since I'm running out of a directory, not an actual ejb-jar file,
I really doubt this is going to work!

Any hints would be greatly appreciated...


RE: Error Page

2001-02-22 Thread Gary Shea

Isn't web.xml described in an appendix of the Servlets spec?


Today, Randahl Fink Isaksen ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Could anyone tell me where this syntax from web.xml is defined (could not
 find it in the JSP 1.2 spec - there is no complete documentation on




 [Randahl Fink Isaksen]

  -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Conrad Chan
 Sent: 22. februar 2001 00:32
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Error Page

   Or set the return status code back to 200 since I really don't see a
 reason why I would like to return 500 if my error page will be probably

 -Original Message-
 From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:20 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: Error Page

 To be honest i think its because of IE's friendly error messages. You
 can turn them off and try again.

   -Original Message-
   Sent: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 1:15 PM
   To: Orion-Interest
   Subject: Error Page

   I placed an error page tag in the web.xml in order to show a warning
 when any kind of error occurs.
   However, that works fine with Netscape but not with Internet Explorer.
 Does anyone have any idea?
   The following is the error page tag that I put.


   I tried to put the whole URL in the location field, but it was of no
   Please anyone..   I really appreciate all your clues in advance.


Re: Session EJB Accessibility

2001-01-30 Thread Gary Shea

Today, Mark Bernardinis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I don't want to do any database activity. I just want this Java Object to be
 accessible as an EJB accessible by many different clients hosted by an
 Application Server. The object doesn't have to be stateful either.

I suspect the problem with using one of the session (stateful, stateless)
beans is that they would expire on you.  On the other hand, I don't see
that one MUST do database accesses from an entity bean.  You decide
what to do when the bean changes state -- for a stateless bean, well,
there ain't much to do ;)

I suspect what you want is a bean-managed persistence entity bean.
Where you just happen to persist nothing at all.  I don't see why
an EJB container should have any problem with that, it won't know
what you're doing.  Access can be given to any client.  Since the
entity bean concept assumes that there will be state, access is
serialized, but unless you're really hitting it hard hopefully that
will be no big deal.


  It sounds like you're describing an entity bean more than a session
  bean.  An entity bean can be called by many clients although access is
  serialized.  And certainly the role of an entity bean is to
  encapsulate data in a apparently-storage-mechanism-independent manner,
  from the client's perspective...
  How does the notion of a session play into what you want the bean
  to do?
  Mark Bernardinis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  An EJB to be Stateful
  Accessible by more than client
  Share the same data object and information
  Summarising the above information, I would like to have an EJB that
  can be called by many clients yet share the same underlying data
  within the bean. These clients may be another application running
  under Orion or a stand-alone application.
  Is this possible, and if it is, what special requirements do I need to
  meet. I have looked at SessionContext but does this have anything to
  do with it?
  Thanks in advance.

RE: Session EJB Accessibility

2001-01-30 Thread Gary Shea

Today, Jeff Schnitzer ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I'm confused by your comments; does it need to manage state, or doesn't
 it?  I'm assuming it does, otherwise you would just use a stateless
 session bean.

 Here's some fodder for conversation:

 I don't think there is an EJB facility which will help you.  SLSBs are
 pooled and can timeout, SFSBs have no lookup mechanism, can timeout, and
 aren't reentrant (although Orion, despite the spec, serializes calls,
 which is good), and entity beans will get all wacky because of the
 multiple instances you will get from an optimistic concurrency model.

I could use a little help here.  My limited understanding of entity
beans suggests that if I create an EB using a particular
key value, as long as I refer only to that same key value there
would only be one instance of the EB.  Is that not true because
of optimizations that allow bean pooling of a particular EB for
a particular value of that EB's primary key if 'optimistic concurrency'
is assumed?  What _is_ 'optimistic concurrency' anyway, he said,
exposing the full depth of his ignorance...

Thanks for any hints.


 It seems like what you want is either a SLSB which never times out and
 is guaranteed to only have one instance in the pool, or a BMP entity
 bean with a guarantee of serialized transactions.

 Is it possible to make Orion do either of these?  And what would happen
 in a clustered solution?

 I propose that the only server-independent way to do what you want is to
 use an RMI server.  The EJB specification really needs a
 "SingletonBean", preferrably one which allows concurrent calls (and thus
 reasonable performance).



 -Original Message-
 From: Mark Bernardinis [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 12:18 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: Re: Session EJB Accessibility
 I don't want to do any database activity. I just want this
 Java Object to be
 accessible as an EJB accessible by many different clients hosted by an
 Application Server. The object doesn't have to be stateful either.
  It sounds like you're describing an entity bean more than a session
  bean.  An entity bean can be called by many clients although
 access is
  serialized.  And certainly the role of an entity bean is to
  encapsulate data in a
 apparently-storage-mechanism-independent manner,
  from the client's perspective...
  How does the notion of a session play into what you want the bean
  to do?
  Mark Bernardinis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  An EJB to be Stateful
  Accessible by more than client
  Share the same data object and information
  Summarising the above information, I would like to have an EJB that
  can be called by many clients yet share the same underlying data
  within the bean. These clients may be another application running
  under Orion or a stand-alone application.
  Is this possible, and if it is, what special requirements
 do I need to
  meet. I have looked at SessionContext but does this have anything to
  do with it?
  Thanks in advance.

Re: Pooled Data Source

2001-01-29 Thread Gary Shea

It's probably only part of the problem, but the first thing I note
is that you're not using "com.evermind.sql.ConnectionDataSource".
That's what you use when your jdbc driver is jdbc2 compliant (if
my understanding is correct...).

Other than that I don't see anything glaringly wrong...


Today, Daniel Cardin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Well... it seems I just can't make it work, even though I have read just
 about all the messages on the subject.

 datasources :


 the code

   DataSource ds = (DataSource)ctx.lookup("jdbc/ddsNP"); // have used
 jdbc/ddsDS as well...

   the lookup returns an OrionCMTDataSource

   but the call to getConnection()

   DatabaseMetaData dmd = ds.getConnection().getMetaData();

   raises :

   at com.evermind.sql.OrionPooledDataSource.d8(JAX)
   at com.evermind.sql.ak.eo(JAX)
   at com.evermind.sql.ak.ep(JAX)
   at com.evermind.sql.ap.getMetaData(JAX)
   at dds_testclient.Frame1.dsTest(

 Hints anyone ?



Re: Session EJB Accessibility

2001-01-29 Thread Gary Shea

It sounds like you're describing an entity bean more than a session
bean.  An entity bean can be called by many clients although access
is serialized.  And certainly the role of an entity bean is to
encapsulate data in a apparently-storage-mechanism-independent manner,
from the client's perspective...

How does the notion of a session play into what you want the bean
to do?


Mark Bernardinis ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 An EJB to be Stateful
 Accessible by more than client
 Share the same data object and information

 Summarising the above information, I would like to have an EJB that can be
 called by many clients yet share the same underlying data within the bean.
 These clients may be another application running under Orion or a
 stand-alone application.

 Is this possible, and if it is, what special requirements do I need to meet.
 I have looked at SessionContext but does this have anything to do with it?

 Thanks in advance.


Re: How to configure Orion to use Oracle

2001-01-17 Thread Gary Shea

I believe you will need to copy the oracle jar or (if you
have it) to the orion lib dir.  That at least is how I
did it.  I'm not sure if you can use the CLASSPATH to accomplish the
same thing, but frankly I'm not clear on how orion decides where to find


Danut Prisacaru ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I am trying to use Oracle database with Orion. In the "data-source.xml"
 file I have added:


 I have set the correct class path to the Oracle class files

 but when I launch Orion server I get the following message:

 C:\Java\orionjava -jar orion.jar
 Error initializing server: DriverManagerDataSource driver
 'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver' not found

 Thank you,

 Do You Yahoo!?
 Get your free address at

Re: Distributed EJB's

2000-12-13 Thread Gary Shea

On Today, Christian Sell ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 no offense
 do they offer english courses at If so, I *seriously* recommend 
taking one. You will benefit all your life. And we will, too ;-)
 /no offense

I think we're seeing a bit of intra-school rivalry here, look at
Herr Sell's address ;)

What amazes me is that all these non-American/English folks speak
English as well as they do.  If I had to talk to them in German, ouch!


 - Original Message - 
   From: Karsten Beving 
   To: Orion-Interest 
   Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 3:06 PM
   Subject: Re: Distributed EJB's
   Hi All. 
   Me again. 
   I have running a EJB on other PC. PC A call EJB on PC B. 
   My new Problem. The EJB (the same on PC B) are installed on PC A. That isn't fine 
architecture. OK, the EJB Return Data come from PC B. 
   I've kill the EJB class in the "ejb-jar-ic.jar"-File. 
   This File looks: 
   META-INF\ejb-jar.xml (and changed this file) 
   You see, the EJB Bean is killed. Why I do that? 
   I want the EJB only installed on PC B. I think, that is a full Distributed System. 
Orion server say's me; that EJB not define at PC A, but the System are going again. I 
can call the EJB on PC B. 
   I think, my servlet need the Home and the Remote - Interface, that is the ground 
for installed the Home/Remote Interfaces. Why don't loading the Orion Server at PC A 
the Home and the Remote - Interfaces from PC B, where the full EJB installed? 
   I hope, you understand me. 
   Thanks for help again. 
   - Karsten - 
 -Original Message- 
 From: Karsten Beving [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Sent: Lunes, 11 de Diciembre de 2000 12:16 
 To: Orion-Interest 
 Subject: Distributed EJB's 
 I have two Orion-Server running on two different PCs. I want to lookup a 
 bean on the other Orion-Server. 
 Look at this: 
 PC  PC 
 Orion   Orion 
 lookup  bean, that would connect. 
 best thanks 
 - Karsten -

Re: Traversing JNDI namespace

2000-12-04 Thread Gary Shea

On Today, Nick Newman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 How can I find what's in an entity bean's java:comp/env namespace?
 If I ask the InitialContext for a list of what is in it (using 
 initialcontext.list("") ) I get a list of things (mainly home interfaces) 
 plus entries for "java:comp" and "ejb" which are both Contexts.
 If I ask for what's in "java:comp" I get a few strange entries, but NOT one 
 for "env", which is the one I would have expected.
 If I ask for what's in "java:comp/env" I get nothing back (empty context).

Just wanted to report that I've had exactly the same experience,
assumed I must be doing something wrong given my slight experience
with JNDI.

I sure hope someone knows the answer!


 However, lookups for entries named java:comp/env/foo succeed where they should.
 Any ideas?

Re: Client hits STOP there a way to detect this beforesen ding a response?

2000-11-15 Thread Gary Shea

Interesting question.  My instincts say you can't win as long
as your data integrity is determined by your ability to determine
the exact status when the situation is inherently a race condition.
That may be overly pessimistic given that it takes the client
a finite amount of time to stop one transaction and start the next,
but still, I'd try a different approach.

For instance, give each request a serial number, hold each
response in the session separately, and build the serial number
into the links of the output page.  Then you know it will work,
but the overhead is minimal (you're assuming that this won't
happen often, so it's rare that you'll have multiple results
sitting in the session).

I haven't run into this problem yet, so I'm glad you pointed
it out ;)


Today, Duffey, Kevin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I have a need to find out if the connection back to the browser from a
 servlet is still good or not, before an attempt to send the response occurs.
 Is this possible? I know when I do a response.sendRedirect() or
 requestDispatcher().forward() Orion will throw an exception if the
 connection to the browser (or client for that matter) has been terminated.
 The problem is..I want to check for this before an attempt is made, so that
 incase the connection is lost, I don't populate the javabean. I'll give a
 reason why this is necessary (and very helpful). I have my code organized
 into JSP pages, ControllerServlet/Action classs, JavaBeans and Session
 classes. Session classes are STATELESS classes, so that I can get ready to
 move to EJB when I get time. Each time a request is submitted, it goes to an
 action class method to be handled. The action class instantiates a new
 session class (I am not bothering with a pooled setup for session classes at
 this point as EJB will do this for me when I move to it). The session class
 performs some logic..usually database acitivty of some sort. The action
 class is then given a result (usually a Vector of some sort of objects). The
 action class then sets a bean variable to point to the vector of results.
 The bean is stateful and is session scope (HttpSession). At the end of the
 action, the response is forwarded to a JSP page. That page then uses the
 bean and its reference to results to display them.
 So here is the problem. If a user submits a form ( search for all
 clients) and lets say that search will take two minutes. 10 seconds later,
 the client sees he/she made a mistake on what they were searching for. As if
 often the case..they hit STOP on the browser, change their mistake and
 submit the form again. On the server..there are now two threads
 running..because the first one hasn't completed yet (assuming the user
 submitted the form the 2nd time fairly quickly). The 2nd request is populates the javabean reference to a Vector of objects say in 20
 seconds. The response is sent back and the user sees a list of say 20 items.
 Now, while they are looking over this list, the 1st request they sent is
 still going on. At some point it too populates the SAME javabean with its
 results, which are now different than what the client is actually looking at
 on the page. The action tries to return its response but it finds its
 connection was terminated. It throws an exception (which I catch), and
 voila..the client sees nothing. Where the problem lies when the
 first request populates the javabean that the 2nd request already populated.
 So when the user clicks on say item 3 of what he refers to item 3
 in the results Vector that has now been replaced with the first requests
 results. Therefore, the information is incorrect.
 So, what I am trying to do is find a way that if the connection is no longer
 available BEFORE the bean is populated and anything else happens, it just
 stops in its tracks. That way..if the user submitted another request, the
 first one wont repopulate the bean with information that is inaccurate to
 what the client is seeing.
 Thanks for any ideas and info on this topic.

Re: Problems with CMP PrimKey...

2000-11-08 Thread Gary Shea

Hey, I'm not too hip on CMP for EJB 1.1, but for 2.0 the
prim-key-class is given if you have a custom primary key class; the
primkey-field is used if no custom primary key class is defined.
Of course that can only work if there's a single field in the
primary key.


On Wed, 8 Nov 2000, Sean P. McNamara wrote:
 Hi All-
 I'm new to Orion Server, and am in the process of developing a sample
 application to test out CMP.
 The problem I'm having is that although I've defined a
 primary-key-class and primkey-field, I receive errors that the
 primkey-field is not a CMP field, even though the descriptor is set up 
 that way.
 My Descriptor is as follows:
   display-nameThe Employee Entity Bean/display-name
 And when starting the server, they error that is displayed is:
 /home/tank/OrionProjects/ResumeManager/rel/ResumeManager-ejb.jar (No
 previous deployment found)... Error compiling
 The specified primkey-field 'ssn' was not found among the cmp-fields
 for the bean com.soma.axon.ejb.entity.Employee
 Looking at the descriptor, the message doesn't make sense to me... Any 

Re: answer (maybe) RE: writing to application.log from EJB

2000-11-07 Thread Gary Shea

On Today, Mark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Finally got smart and wrote a serlvet to map the Orion JNDI space.
 Doesn't look like there's a logger in there, unless it's bound to some
 subcontext not below "".  Here's the output from the mapper:

Cool.  I wrote one but it didn't work the way I thought it would,
must have been some problem with my understanding of JNDI...

If you packaged it up, I'd love to use it!


Re: Adding a site?

2000-11-05 Thread Gary Shea

Do you have the application defined in config/server.xml?

For instance,
defines the application 'chat' so that when you use that name
in the web-app element, it is associated with an application.

I suspect but am not sure that you also probably don't want
to mess with the default-web-app element in your new
web site, but I'm out of my depth there.  I recall some
discussion about how the orion default-web-app takes care
of a bunch of details, if I could only remember what they

Hope that is of some help,


On Today, Thomas DeBruycker ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Can someone explain to me (clearly) how to add another
 site to Orion?  I have been successful in deploying
 EJBs and JSPs to the default-web-app location.  But I
 can not figure out how to create another site.  I have
 read all the earlier posting on how to do it but I
 continue to get the error:
 Error initializing site TestSite: No application named
 'TestSite' found in the server
 The steps if followed were:
 1) Copied the default-web-site.xml file to
 2) Edited TestSite.xml  Set the element
 default-web-app to application="TestSite"
 name="TestSite".  Set the element web-app to
 application="TestSite" name="TestSite"
 3) Added the line web-site path="./TestSite.xml" /
 to server.xml
 4) Added web-app application="TestSite"
 name="TestSite" root="/TestSite" / to
 I someone is can point out my error I would appreciate
 it.  Also if someone does post an example (PLEASE!) be
 consistent with file names and site / application
 The site I am trying to add only contains HTML and
 JSP.  There are no EJBs.
 Thanks in advance.
 Tom D.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Thousands of Stores.  Millions of Products.  All in one Place.

RE: writing to application.log from EJB

2000-11-05 Thread Gary Shea

On Today, Mark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Mike, many thanks for the tip.  I found an Interface called
 com.evermind.util.Logger, and a Class called com.evermind.util.LogEvent,
 which seems hopeful.  But after some experimentation, I haven't found
 the right JNDI lookup for returning a Logger reference -- assuming there
 is one!.  If you can find the sample code I'll be grateful.

Well, it's a fading memory, but I seem to recall running into
it in the java:comp namespace, maybe java:comp/logger?  I don't
have the namespace-snooping code here ;)


 There's no standard way to do this unfortunately. There is an Orion
 which I was told how to use once (involves a JNDI lookup at
 java:comp/env/logger or something like that) - I'll see if I can find
 sample code.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Mark
  Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2000 5:38 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: writing to application.log from EJB
  How do you write to the default-application.log from an EJB?
  From a servlet you call getServletContext().log().  Can find anything
  analogous in EJB-Land.
  Thanks for your help!  (Sorry if this is documented somewhere --
  couldn't find it, if it is.)

Re: Data Sources Help

2000-10-24 Thread Gary Shea

Congratulations Mark, and thanks for the summary!  I hadn't looked
at how to do that very last line of code yet, I'm happy to see it
is so straight-forward.


On Yesterday, Mark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Fixed it!  Yay!
 Gary, I tried it again per the suggestion you forwarded from support,
 but this time by removing the resource-ref from my web.xml and coding
 my Java as you noted: "jdbc/etc".  Also fixed the startup problem by
 removing a transparently stupid syntax error from data-sources.xml.
 In case anybody else has been following this thread, here's the working
 data-source and a code fragment:
 name="Oracle data source"
 InitialContext cxt = new InitialContext();
 // WRONG: DataSource ds = (DataSource)
 DataSource ds = (DataSource) cxt.lookup("jdbc/OracleEJBDS"); // RIGHT
 Connection  c = ds.getConnection();
 So the moral of the story seems to be, don't use the syntax
 "java:comp/env/myDS"; rather, use "jdbc/myDS".
 Note I've substituted "OracleEJBDS" per the note from support which Gary
 included earlier in the thread.
 Finally -- 'cause I'm personally done with this thread for a while, ;-)
 -- if any of the Evermind folks are taking note, I'd very much like to
 be able to choose to use networked LDAP for objects such as
 DataSources.  Please consider this an enhancement suggestion.
 Thanks Gary, Allen and Deepak!

RE: Orion in production

2000-10-24 Thread Gary Shea

On Mon, 23 Oct 2000, Duffey, Kevin wrote:
 Thats too bad. If your in a hurry, I can understand, but for what you get,
 you can't go wrong in my book. It is frustrating at times, but these are the
 growing pains of small companies too. Good luck with WebLogic or took me 3 weeks to get an email back on one SIMPLE question,
 and to call them would have cost us over $100 an hour. I tried that..and
 wasted 2.5 hours waiting on the phone. I won't make that mistake again. To
 be honest, I really don't think any vendor addresses the needs of support
 very well. It would be grand if they had 1500 people waiting by phones who
 were actual developers, knew the low-level technical questions that are
 often the ones asked, and so on. That just isn't the case in any vendor that
 I have bought software from.  I feel bad for you that your not getting
 responses, but I doubt you'll get much better support with the $15K per cpu
 WebLogic or any other vendor. Good luck though.

I have worked a bit with Unify; they offer pretty good support.
Pretty much under one day, continuous developer presence on their
newsgroup.  I worked with one other J2EE vendor that also gave good
support (sorry, forgot their name).  Hence my expectations of decent
support.  I guess if I'd dealt with the ones you have I might not be
so shocked!

  -Original Message-
  From: Gary Shea [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Sunday, October 22, 2000 8:34 PM
  To: Orion-Interest
  Subject: RE: Orion in production
  On Today, Duffey, Kevin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
   I don't think I could say it better myself. I totally agree 
  with you. The
   fact is, while a few people in the organization I work for 
  believe a small
   company has little or no support, Magnus, Karl and a number 
  of competent
   Orion users have given me far better support than I have 
  got from Allaire or least 100x better. I mean this. I get answeres 
  EVERY DAY about
   things I have questions for.
  I wish I could say the same.  I've asked maybe five questions, and
  received exactly one answer.  That one took a week or so.  I've
  basically given up on the support address.  And I'm a paying customer!
  Not too excited about buying any more licenses at this point.
  Gary Shea, Inc.

Re: Orion in production

2000-10-24 Thread Gary Shea

On Today, Kyle Cordes ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
  often the ones asked, and so on. That just isn't the case in any vendor
  I have bought software from.  I feel bad for you that your not getting
  responses, but I doubt you'll get much better support with the $15K per
  WebLogic or any other vendor. Good luck though.
 On the other hand, if you call up Orion with a multiple of $15K at your
 disposal, you could probably arrange a very satisfactory support
 (Just guessing, maybe someone at Orion will state whether support contracts
 are available.)
 Kyle Cordes

I've approached them about support contracts, but they're looking
for external providers, which isn't likely to be all that successful
if you ask me, but we'll see.

I'd love to pay them for support, but they won't take it.


Re: Data Sources Help

2000-10-23 Thread Gary Shea

On Today, David Kenzik ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Yes, Greg Matthews sent me a note shortly after receiving my inquiry with
 that same answer-- this is the case, "java:comp/env/jdbc..." won't work, you
 must shorten it to simply "jdbc/SOURCENAME".
 Now that is out of the way, and it __was__ working for a bit. Really!
 However, I wanted to restart Orion and pass it some debugging info to find a
 pesky connection leak. Now my Orion won't startup:
   Error initializing server: DriverManagerDataSource driver 
'oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver' not found
 I've changed nothing and can't figure out what the heck would've caused

Weird.  Are you running 1.3.8?  I wish I had a clue but I don't :(


Re: Data Sources Help

2000-10-23 Thread Gary Shea

On Today, Mark ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

 Dunno if this is any help, but I found through experimentation that, if
 you're using the deployment approach suggested by Deepak Goel in the
 thread "ANSWER: how to use pooled connections in Orion", the parameter
 to pass to InitialContext.lookup() is, as he notes,
 "java:comp/env/d123DS", not "java:comp/env/jdbc/d123DS".  That is,
 there's no "jdbc" in that String.  Just pointing that out because I
 missed it at first.
 (Yes, it seems to take a while for messages to get out to the list!)

Mark, what version of Orion are you using?  I wrote a little utility
that traverses the JNDI namespace, just looking for Context objects
and displaying what's in them.  I found an env Context but it was
empty!  I did eventually discover, due to a chance remark of someone
on the list, that there is in fact another Context which my scheme
did not find, namely jdbc/*.  I'm feeling pretty stupid about JNDI
these days, since I can't even figure out how to search the space,
despite the spec's indication that (as best I can tell) it's a
purely heirarchical namespace!


RE: Orion in production - Let's sell support!

2000-10-23 Thread Gary Shea

On Today, Kemp Randy-W18971 ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Tim has brought up an interesting point.  Orion has granted free licenses to 
developers, which is a good concept.  However, Orion not only has to compete with 
other commercial products like web-logic, but good open source EJB servers, like 
JBoss and JOnAS.  It would only be fair to have good documentation to review, and to 
deploy a test sample to demonstrate Orion can work, for those funding the development 
and software purchases.

We bought a copy of Orion for development, figuring that given the
low price and the supposed availability of support for license
holders, it would be worth the cost.  Unfortunately, we have received
zero useful support from Orion at this point.  I'm trying to figure
out if I've simply asked lousy/dumb questions, or if there really
is zero support.  Kinda hard to tell...

Documenting something as complex as a J2EE server must be a daunting
task, and I can't blame Orion for having trouble doing it.  And
even email support eats time like crazy.  I suppose that's why it
costs so much to buy the upscale servers, because they have the
resources to provide documentation and real support.

I still plan on working with Orion as long as I can stand the pain
and can accomplish the job.  I'm sure not tying myself to it though,
knowing that any day I can run into a problem for which I might
never find an answer.  At that point we'll be forced to shovel out
the bucks for a more customer-friendly server.

Ah well,

Gary Shea, Inc.

RE: Orion in production

2000-10-22 Thread Gary Shea

On Today, Duffey, Kevin ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 I don't think I could say it better myself. I totally agree with you. The
 fact is, while a few people in the organization I work for believe a small
 company has little or no support, Magnus, Karl and a number of competent
 Orion users have given me far better support than I have got from Allaire or least 100x better. I mean this. I get answeres EVERY DAY about
 things I have questions for.

I wish I could say the same.  I've asked maybe five questions, and
received exactly one answer.  That one took a week or so.  I've
basically given up on the support address.  And I'm a paying customer!
Not too excited about buying any more licenses at this point.

Gary Shea, Inc.

Re: Data Sources Help

2000-10-22 Thread Gary Shea

On Today, David Kenzik ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
   ds = (DataSource) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jdbc/d123DS");

Well, it took me a couple weeks (not full time!) to figure out that
even though they tell you to use java:comp/env/jdbc... it doesn't
actually work.  Instead do your lookup on just "jdbc/d123DS".

At least, that's what worked for me...


 David S. Kenzik
 Original Music -

Orion JNDI implementation

2000-10-11 Thread Gary Shea

Hey, has anyone tried traversing the JNDI tree from within an Orion
application?  I am unable to use the list() method to traverse down
into the env subtree, either that or there's nothing in the env subtree.

The env subtree is an object of the com.evermind.naming.jv class,
which implements Context, but list() on the env object returns an
empty enumeration.  Is that because it's really empty, or because
evermind provided a null implementation of list()?



Orion JNDI implementation

2000-10-11 Thread Gary Shea

Hey, has anyone tried traversing the JNDI tree from within an Orion
application?  I am unable to use the list() method to traverse down
into the env subtree, either that or there's nothing in the env subtree.

The env subtree is an object of the com.evermind.naming.jv class,
which implements Context, but list() on the env object returns an
empty enumeration.  Is that because it's really empty, or because
evermind provided a null implementation of list()?



Oracle pooled connections?

2000-10-06 Thread Gary Shea

I have set up the data-sources.xml file using Oracle, following the
advice of Magnus R. at orion, the result looks like:

?xml version="1.0"?
!DOCTYPE data-sources PUBLIC "Orion data-sources" 


With this data-sources file I don't even have a java:comp/jdbc
Context, much less the right entries.  I am unable to verify
that a class named ConnectionDataSource even exists.

Magnus said to use the jdbc/OracleEJBDS source for connections,
claiming they would be automatically pooled.  So far I'm not
getting anywhere!



Re: Oracle pooled connections?

2000-10-06 Thread Gary Shea

On Today, Nick Newman ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:
 Hi Gary,
 The JNDI name should be "java:comp/env/jdbc/OracleEJBDS" - you missed the
 Odd thing about the com.evermind.sql.ConnectionDataSource class.  I assumed
 it would be in the orion.jar, but I don't see it there.  Perhaps something
 to do with the obfuscation technique that they use?

Ah yes, the infamous orion obfuscation technique, which,
coupled with ignorance, has been known to be downright dangerous!

I actually ran a foreach over all the jars in the orion directory
searching for ConnectionDataSource, and never found it.  Pretty

Anyway, I sure hope the lack of 'env' is all that's wrong... should
I see an 'env' JNDI Context when listing 'java:comp'?  And
a 'jdbc' Context when listing 'java:comp/env'?  I tried
both of those things today... I'm only fishing for ideas
because from home I can't access the machine with the test
stuff on it...



 At 04:29 PM 10/6/00 -0600, you wrote:
 I have set up the data-sources.xml file using Oracle, following the
 advice of Magnus R. at orion, the result looks like:
 ?xml version="1.0"?
 !DOCTYPE data-sources PUBLIC "Orion data-sources" 
 With this data-sources file I don't even have a java:comp/jdbc
 Context, much less the right entries.  I am unable to verify
 that a class named ConnectionDataSource even exists.
 Magnus said to use the jdbc/OracleEJBDS source for connections,
 claiming they would be automatically pooled.  So far I'm not
 getting anywhere!

orion CGI/Perl examples?

2000-08-19 Thread Gary Shea

Hey folks,

Has anyone got/seen a simple example of setting up Orion to serve
both CGI/Perl and servlets?  The latter is blissfully easy, but I
have no idea how to get CGI/Perl working, well, some ideas but they
seem to be all wrong!



orion and perl/cgi -- got it working!

2000-08-19 Thread Gary Shea

Figured out how to do perl/cgi in orion, and wow was it easy.

In the web.xml for my application I added the lines:



(I tried getting using the url-pattern 'cgi-bin/*.cgi' but it didn't
seem to work.)

Just to make things work like my usual Apache setup I created a new
web site on a funky port by adding the following lines in server.xml:


web-site path="./gts-rc4.xml" /

and creating the gts-rc4.xml file to the orion/config directory:


!-- The default web-app for this site, bound to the root --
default-web-app application="default" name="defaultWebApp" /

web-app application="gts-rc4" name="web" root="/" /

!-- Access Log, where requests are logged to --
access-log path="/var/orion/log/gts-rc4-access.log" /

This is a development site or it would be on port 80.

All that remained to do was to make sure that all the html and cgi
stuff was in the dist/web directory (dist from the application path,
web from the web-app name (?)).

Nice.  It would have been even nicer with doc, of course, but hey,
this ain't bad!


support email-address problem

2000-08-10 Thread Gary Shea

I attempted to send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and got
back the following error.  Notice from the transacript that
the address has been rewritten to be sent to '[EMAIL PROTECTED]',
so with any luck he's just one of several recipients to which
the mail is being forwarded...

Sorry to send this to the orion-interest list, but I don't know
where else to send it to!


-- Forwarded message --
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2000 10:17:49 -0400
From: Mail Delivery Subsystem [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Returned mail: User unknown

The original message was received at Thu, 10 Aug 2000 10:16:22 -0400
from []

   - The following addresses had permanent fatal errors -
(expanded from: karl)

   - Transcript of session follows -
... while talking to
 451 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Sender domain must resolve
... while talking to
 550 [EMAIL PROTECTED]... Relaying denied
550 [EMAIL PROTECTED] User unknown

RE: admin -shutdown

2000-06-29 Thread Gary Shea

On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Kirk Kalvar wrote:
 Works on my setup:
 Orion 1.0rc2
 set JAVA_HOME=c:\java\jdk1.2.2
 set J2EE_HOME=c:\java\j2sdkee1.2.1
 set ClassPath=.;
 set Path=%PATH%;c:\java\j2sdkee1.2.1\bin;c:\java\jdk1.2.2\bin;
 cd \orion
 java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost/ admin password -shutdown

but not on mine:

Linux 2.2.15
Orion 1.0.11

[EMAIL PROTECTED] local/orion 162 % java -jar admin.jar ormi:// admin 
dorpal -shutdown
Error: com.evermind.reflect.UndeclaredExceptionTypeException: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] local/orion 163 % 


 Kirk S. Kalvar
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of KirkYarina
 Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 4:09 PM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: admin -shutdown
 Does your principals.xml contain the following?
  user username="admin" password="goodpwd"
descriptionThe default administrator/description
group-membership group="administrators" /
group-membership group="guests" /
group-membership group="users" /
 Perhaps I'm just lucky, since it works fine on my win98 machine with the
 configured password, and has since 0.9.something.
 C:\java\orionjava -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost/ admin
 badpasswd -shutdown
 Error: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid username/password for default
 C:\java\orionjava -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost/ admin goodpwd -shutdown
 I agree the docs are poor and have spent way too much time on trial and
 error.  It's been way too many years since I thought this was
 Kirk Yarina
 At 08:24 PM 6/28/00 +0200, you wrote:
 I've tried it and I have always the same result:
 C:\orionjava -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:23791 admin 123 -shutdown
 Error: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid username/password for default
 C:\orionjava -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost:23791 david sierra -shutdown
 Error: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid username/password for default
 C:\orionjava -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost david sierra -shutdown
 Error: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid username/password for default
 C:\orionjava -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost/ david sierra -shutdown
 Error: java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid username/password for default
 What does this funny error mean ??
 I think that probably today Karl Avedal and Mike are sick, because the
 don't talk clearly to us.
 The same happens with fail-over, connection pools and hot deploy, orion
 team has ignored my questions about those things because they are not
 interested in it. You should answer our questions. I do think that Orion
 is a good product but after betting for it, we have to be very sure what
 we are going to get.
 Think about it... Orion team.
 Kirk Yarina

RE: Latest versions?

2000-06-28 Thread Gary Shea

Oh, that is soo slick!  Wow!  But ain't this typical, I thought I'd
read every single bit of text on the orion site, and I don't remember
seeing this ultra-cool feature mentioned anywhere.  These folks have
an awesome product, but I guess selling it (as opposed to their core
business of using it?) is pretty much second priority.


   I keep coming across references to versions like 1.0.11. Where can I
   find the latest versions?
  cd /path/to/orion
  java -jar autoupdate.jar

RE: admin -shutdown

2000-06-28 Thread Gary Shea

On Wed, 28 Jun 2000, Kit Cragin wrote:
 We are experiencing the same problem. It may be that this is isolated ONLY
 to Windows based platforms as I've heard it works fine on Linux. Does anyone
 know of a reasonable way to affect a shutdown from within Java by locating
 the process ID and killing it or something like that? I know it's not likely
 to be cross-platform though.

Hi --

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to work on Linux either, well, it
didn't yesterday, although I've done an autoupdate since then.  Didn't
touch admin.jar.


 I think there should be a mechanism for elevating the status of problems
 like this to the Orion team when quite a few people are experiening it.
 Perhaps sending the message directly to someone on the team without cc'ing
 this list?
 Kit Cragin
 VP of Product Development
 Mongoose Technology, Inc.
 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Nathan Phelps
 Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 10:57 AM
 To: Orion-Interest
 Subject: RE: admin -shutdown
 I just did, and the result is the same.
 Microsoft Windows 2000 [Version 5.00.2195]
 (c) Copyright 1985-1999 Microsoft Corp.
 C:\cd orion
 C:\orionjava -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost/ admin admin -shutdown
 Error: com.evermind.reflect.UndeclaredExceptionTypeException:
  -Original Message-
 From: KirkYarina [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2000 10:34 AM
 To:   Orion-Interest
 Subject:  RE: admin -shutdown
 Have you tried
 java -jar admin.jar ormi://localhost/ admin pwd -shutdown
 i.e. no port. "/" after localhost?
 Kirk Yarina
 At 09:36 AM 6/28/00 -0500, you wrote:
 This issue is frustrating to me.  You'd think something as fundamental as
 shutting down the server would work--it did in 0.9.  I really like Orion,
 but I just can't recommend it to my employer if such fundamental features
 don't work.  Ideally you won't be shutting down the server very often,
 however when you are configuring and testing you do it a lot.  This issue
 has received a lot of traffic on this list, but I have yet to hear anyone
 for the Orion Team explain either a) what we're doing wrong to cause this
 error, or b) that it is indeed a bug in the software and it will be fixed
 release 1.x.
 I understand Orion is hard to beat for the price, but I'd gladly pay more
 for a server I can shutdown!
 Nathan Phelps
 Kirk Yarina

Re: java.naming.factory.initial value for Orion?

2000-06-26 Thread Gary Shea

Hi --

Just in case other folks read this list who are as frustrated as I
have been this past weekend, putting 20+ hours into trying to get Orion
to do ANYTHING but simply wake up, I wanted to say that I just got
a simple Hello World (servlet + ejb) application working, and in
retrospect most of my problems come down to a combination of ignorance
of the J2EE specs, and a real lack of clarity in the specs and Orion doc
about what is happening with JNDI and what all the different path-like
critters in the various xml files mean and how they interact.

I suspect it would be hard to do a much worse job than the Sun spec
for the various DTDs.  Comments like this one (from the J2EE
deployment descriptor) really make my day: "The context-root element
specifies the context root of a web application".  Uh, yeah.  And
a context root is... 

At this point I feel like it's starting to make sense, but the learning
curve is outrageous!  So if you're feeling crazy, all I can say is:

Hang in there!  And read the various deployment specs (application.xml,
ejb-jar.xml, web.xml, and application-client.xml) until your mind
is jello...



On Sun, 25 Jun 2000, Karl Avedal wrote:
 Hello Gary,
 Check out any of the EJB examples, for example the one in
 There you will find a file with the correct properties (for an
 application client). It should look something like this:
 Of course you need to replace the values in  with real values.
 Since I saw that this info was pretty well hidden, I'll add an FAQ entry about
 it immediately.
 Karl Avedal
 Gary Shea wrote:
  Hi --
  This is one of those newbie questions, I know, but I can't find any
  reference to what the java.naming.factory.initial value should be for Orion!

java.naming.factory.initial value for Orion?

2000-06-24 Thread Gary Shea

Hi --

This is one of those newbie questions, I know, but I can't find any
reference to what the java.naming.factory.initial value should be for Orion!



Re: java.naming.factory.initial value for Orion?

2000-06-24 Thread Gary Shea

Ok, bad sign, I'm answering my own posts.  After winnowing through the
contents of the orion.jar, I've determined that it's possible to use
com.evermind.server.rmi.RMIInitialContextFactory for the value of
java.naming.factory.initial, although I have no idea if it's a
_correct_ value ;)  Using that class for the initial naming factory,
if I put in a valid rmi name like "rmi://localhost/" I get a message
about "invalid username/password".  Yikes, why is it so hard to get
these things to work!?

Back to the random-poke method...


On Sat, 24 Jun 2000, Gary Shea wrote:
 Hi --
 This is one of those newbie questions, I know, but I can't find any
 reference to what the java.naming.factory.initial value should be for Orion!