Re: Afghanistan thoughts

2001-09-15 Thread Chris Brogden

On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Bob Blakely wrote:

 I am sick and tired of folks claiming that we are considering bombing
 anyone back to the stone age. I frankly don't care who your smart
 expert is.

I never asked you, personally, to care.  It was a post of someone's
opinion, and you're free to agree or disagree with it as you see fit.  To
clear up what might be a popular misconception, he's not *my* expert.  I
don't even know the author.

 He may be smart, but he's ignorant concerning the goals of war, of the
 US and of NATO. It appears you may be too.

Possibly, but I've never claimed otherwise.  Putting words in my mouth and
insulting me for not being something I've never claimed to me is juvenile
and below you, Bob.

 I have explained the mission of the US (military) in a previous post.
 Others have also. You were apparently listening only to those posts or
 sentiments that fit your naive impression of what war is.

C'mon, Bob, don't make me lose respect for you.  What the hell makes you
think that I was listening to certain posts but not others?  I'm not
arguing for any side here.  I posted a bloody article that I got from
another discussion group because it was an interesting perspective on the
situation.  You mistakenly assume not only that I know the author, but
also that I agree with everything he said.  Can you show me where I said
any of that?

 I don't mean to be insulting by using the word naive, but anyone who
 thinks the goal is to bomb anyone back to the stone age is naive and
 thinking as a child.
 Come on, Chris, your brighter than that!

For the record, please learn to separate messages that I forward from
other groups (This came across on another mailing list I am on) as
something to think about from messages that I actually write and say I
believe that  It is possible that some people can post messages with
which they don't necessarily agree.  That being said, the author does say
some very interesting things.  If you don't agree, that's fine, but don't
jump to conclusions about what I believe or do not believe.  This is a
sensitive time and I'm staying out of as many opinion pissing contests as
I can, as they'll accomplish nothing right now on the PDML.

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Re: Let's pray

2001-09-15 Thread Jody

Thanks Aaron. Those are my sentiments exactly. The
only two people I have met from the Middle East (from
Iran and Iraq respectively) were very pleasant, decent
human beings. Well, I thought that anyway until one of
them (my ex) broke my heart. But he is still not the
sort of person to kill anyone just for the fun of it.


--- Aaron Reynolds [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 People should not be judged as a whole by their
 extremists.  Everyone
 needs to remember this right now.
 Thankfully, PDML seems to be one of the more
 level-headed centres of
 conversation on the 'net.  On other sites, where the
 conversation still
 continues to be kill all Arabs, I find myself
 asking whether the same
 people wanted all caucasians killed after Oklahoma. 
 I certainly don't
 recall that from the time.
 It looks to me like some people are using this
 terrible tragedy to vent
 some pre-existing hatred, which not only disgusts me
 but seriously
 disrespects the memories of all of the people who
 lost their lives
 yesterday.  To piggyback a personal agenda on the
 suffering of a nation
 is reprehensible.
 Thank God that the PDML has been nearly immune to
 this so far.

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Re: OT. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings Part 2.

2001-09-15 Thread Lasse Karlsson

Tom wrote:
 Well, I am the one who said you are full of shit. I don't have to prove that as you 
do a much better
 job of it than I could with every one of your anti-American posts. 

Some Americans, one of them you, Tom., do seem to have a great problem, which must 
make life very difficult for you.
1) You don't recognize a friend, even when he stands before you and reaches out his 
2) But it's worse.Those that already are your friends, you try your very best to make 
enemies of.
It's really sad, but it's true.
However, you have helped me Tom, in learning how to separate this kind of Americans 
from the other kind, those who do recognize a friend.
You talk about every one of [my] anti-American posts. My usual way when being 
accused of things that I do not think that I am guilty of, is to ask the person who is 
accusing me, to point out to me the grounds on which the accusations are based.
In this case I won't.
I am no longer interested in what you mean by anti-American, Tom. Just hearing you 
say it, will do.
I have learned that those posters who accuse me of being anti-American, anti-US 
and the like, are no more reasonable than the fanatics among for instance the old 
Soviet (now Russian) communists and the fundamentalist muslims, which you are now 
raging against and on this list have proclaimed a holy war on. The rethorics are the 
same - everything and everybody outside of the defined community is evil, as in 
anti-American etc.
We usually on this list have a habit of making sure that we get the facts right. Be it 
some Pentax feature, whether glass is flowing, how the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor 
or did the Russians suffer great losses in the war. Not to mention facts about muslim 
or arabic countries recently. We can go on and on and on about such facts, and we 
don't call each other names like anti-Russian,.anti-Japanese etc.
However, when it comes to anything that deals with U.S.A., it's all different. Not 
only are all completely neutral observations called anti-American, but there are 
even some subjects, like Hiroshima or Viet Nam, which are regarded as anti-American 
topics in themselves (unless you express explicit support for US policies.) By this 
you define your enemies. They are, for all practical purposes, all non-Americans.
I thought I had the same right to substantiate my position regarding the warnings in 
Hiroshima. Obviously I didn't fully understand that in the US are restrictions that I 
wasn't familiar with. (Not that I care that much, but it is interesting to see how 
they work.)
When I say all this, you will of course again say that I am being anti-American, but 
it is just an observation. And you could be from anywhere. (Well, maybe not really, 
but never mind.).
You will probably also say (or at least think) that I am again full of shit for having 
said this. That's fine. From now on, I will consider any names that you can come up 
with for me an honor. I will be pleased whenever you insult me. It will make me 
confident, because I know then that I am on the right track.

 Why don't you cool it?
Now, I am very cool. I have provided those who are seriously interested in it, means 
to judge for themselves whether I actually was full of shit, or not, when I responded 
to your statement that the US never have attacked civilians without warning.
I have also realised that I do not any longer have to worry about you any more.
That's cool to me.

 If not out of respect for our dead, how about for your own?
Oh, I have full respect for your dead, more so than I have for you, Tom. I have spent 
a great part of this week taking part of the continued reports on tragic events. It 
happens that a tear or two falls down my face, just like they do on many other faces.
I do not really make that much difference between your or our own. Suffering 
Swedes or suffering Americans don't make much difference to me, like it seems to do to 

It is almost certain that someone from your country or connected with someone from 
your country died in this
There seems to be one missing yes.
Your concern is warming, and surprising Tom, considering the many agressive and 
hateful messages you have posted recently.
I thank you for this.
(But I am still worried about Nenad and his people. Have you made friends with him, or 
do you still threaten to drop the atomic bomb on him and his people?)


 Lasse Karlsson wrote:
  William Robb wrote:
   With all due respect, this sort of post has nothing to do with
   the present situation that the world finds itself in,
  Why don't you tell this to those who brought the subject up, and then made a 
political/personal issue of it?
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Re: Silent Lenses

2001-09-15 Thread Jody

  What's with this obsession with digital?

  I showed my flatmate my new LX. He said I shouldn't
have wasted my money. He said I already have a camera
(my MZ-30), and I should have got a digital so that I
can manipulate the images on my computer.
  I don't want digital. I bought an LX because that
was what I wanted. My MZ-30 is so automated. I think I
will use it for snapshots only. If I had wanted a PS
digital, I would have got a PS digital. I don't want
to manipulate anything on my computer. I don't want a
camera where you just push the button and it's done. I
want to have far more control over the photo than


--- Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Ivan Prenosil wrote:
  If you are after silence, why not use digital ?
 HAR!  You must be new here g. I'm an anachronism,
 and have been
 described as the poster child for manual cameras. 
 Digital is of no
 value for much of the photography that I do.  I'm
 pretty much a
 chemical darkroom user and BW shooter.
 Shel Belinkoff

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Vs: Editorial

2001-09-15 Thread Raimo Korhonen

The Chechen terrorists allegedly blew up a couple of high rise apartment houses in 
Russia some years back and that triggered the current conflict.
All the best!
Personal photography homepage at

-Alkuperäinen viesti-
Lähettäjä: Robert Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Päivä: 14. syyskuuta 2001 23:45
Aihe: Re: Editorial

jmadams wrote:

[big snip]

 2. Russia never had attacks on her cities or soil, or at least none that I
 know of, or the west was allowed to here about.
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Vs: OT. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings Part 2.

2001-09-15 Thread Raimo Korhonen

The intelligent expressions you use indicate that you have no respect for anything.
Also Lasse has used this kind of expressions earlier and I did not approve them then 
All the best!
Personal photography homepage at

-Alkuperäinen viesti-
Lähettäjä: Tom Rittenhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Päivä: 15. syyskuuta 2001 8:16
Aihe: Re: OT. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings Part 2.

Well, I am the one who said you are full of shit.
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Vs: Vs: OT. WTC - Why no helicopters?

2001-09-15 Thread Raimo Korhonen

Sure - they can be a couple of hundred miles per hour - but were they? No attempt 
was made, no measurements either. Result: none we rescued. How much experience do you 
have about helicopters? Actually there were a couple of small helicopters flying 
around but they seemed to belong to the media. 
All the best!
Personal photography homepage at

-Alkuperäinen viesti-
Lähettäjä: Tom Rittenhouse [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Päivä: 14. syyskuuta 2001 23:40
Aihe: Re: Vs: OT. WTC - Why no helicopters?

Hate to burst anyones bubble, but the updrafts in a fire like that can be a couple of 
hundred miles
per hour. No helicopter could operate in those, it would be blown about like a leaf.

Chris Brogden wrote:
 On Fri, 14 Sep 2001, Raimo Korhonen wrote:
  I thought that there was a helicopter platform on top of one of the
  towers. And it would have been good to see that something was even
  tried to save these people.
 I think in the aftermath of this disaster a lot of people are going to be
 second-guessing the actions of the rescuers.  Just keep in mind that what
 seems logical now is not always so obvious in the heat of the moment,
 which is probably the main reason all those rescue workers lost their
 lives when someone should have known that the building was due to
 That being said, I'm surprised that there weren't more measures in place
 to rescue people from skyscrapers quickly.  Correct me if I'm wrong, but
 they were able to do virtually nothing, right?  Seems to me that with all
 our current technology we should be able to come up with some methods that
 may save lives in the future.  How about a helicopter carrying a long
 cable with a large cage attached to it?  Give the cage a nice padded floor
 and a large opening and see how close you can get it to the window.  Or
 something smaller than a parachute that would slow people's fall to the
 ground to survivable levels?  Make it like an inflatable helium air bag
 with a basic hand strap and belt clip and it could be very small.  Or if
 that won't work, they should be able to make emergency parachutes pretty
 compact by now.  I'm not saying that these are great ideas, just that we
 need something done to help people in the future.  Boats have lifeboats;
 why don't skyscrapers have anything other than stairs and an elevator?
 And does concrete really insulate the steel against heat better than, say,
 those ceramic panels used on space shuttles for re-entry?  That material
 can't be too expensive... they make casserole dishes out of them, after
 all.  :)

Tom Rittenhouse
Graywolf Photo
Charlotte, NC, USA
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Vs: Afghanistan thoughts

2001-09-15 Thread Raimo Korhonen

I think everybody should read this. It is an accurate description of what Afghanistan 
now is. The reason given for this horrible destruction in USA seems to be right, too. 
Only one thing must be added: there is an opposition to Taleban and it controls 5% of 
the area. That`s not much but it could be a bridgehead.
All the best!
Personal photography homepage at

-Alkuperäinen viesti-
Lähettäjä: Chris Brogden [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Päivä: 15. syyskuuta 2001 1:57
Aihe: Afghanistan thoughts

I'm passing this along just as I received it...

-- Forwarded message --

This came across on another mailing list I am on. Very interesting,
plausible response to What did they hope to gain by this massive
terrorist attack and a and bleak picture of Afghanistan today.

Subject: A view from Afghanistan

Dear Friends,
The following was sent to me by my friend Tamim
Ansary. Tamim is an Afghani-American writer. He is
also one of the most brilliant people I know in this
life. When he writes, I read. When he talks, I
listen. Here is his take on Afghanistan and the whole
mess we are in.

-Gary T.

Dear Gary and whoever else is on this email thread:

I've been hearing a lot of talk about bombing
Afghanistan back to the Stone Age. Ronn Owens, on KGO
Talk Radio today, allowed that this would mean killing
innocent people, people who had nothing to do with
atrocity, but we're at war, we have to accept
colateral damage. What else can we do? Minutes later
I heard some TV pundit discussing whether we have the
belly to do what must be done.

And I thought about the issues being raised especially
hard because I am from Afghanistan, and even though
I've lived here (the US) for 35 years I've
never lost track of what's going on there. So I want
to tell anyone who will listen how it all looks from
where I'm standing.

I speak as one who hates the Taliban and Osama Bin
Laden. There is no doubt in my mind that these people
were responsible for the atrocity in New York. I agree
that something must be done about those monsters.

But the Taliban and Ben Laden are not Afghanistan.
They're not even the government of Afghanistan. The
Taliban are a cult of ignorant psychotics who took
over Afghanistan in 1997. Bin Laden is a political
criminal with a plan. When you think Taliban, think
Nazis. When you think Bin Laden, think Hitler. And
when you think the people of Afghanistan think the
Jews in the concentration camps. It's not
only that the Afghan people had nothing to do with
this atrocity. They were the first victims of the
perpetrators. They would exult if someone would come
in there, take out the Taliban and clear out the rats
nest of international thugs holed up in their country.

Some say, why don't the Afghans rise up and overthrow
the Taliban? The answer is, they're starved,
exhausted, hurt, incapacitated, suffering. A few years
ago, the United Nations estimated that there are
500,000 disabled orphans in Afghanistan--a country
with no economy, no food. There are millions of
widows. And the Taliban has been burying these
widows alive in mass graves. The soil is littered
with land mines, the farms were all destroyed by the
Soviets. These are a few of the reasons why the
Afghan people have not overthrown the Taliban.

We come now to the question of bombing Afghanistan
back to the Stone Age. Trouble is, that's been done.
The Soviets took care of it already. Make the Afghans
suffer? They're already suffering. Level their houses?
Done. Turn their schools into piles of rubble? Done.
Eradicate their hospitals? Done. Destroy their
infrastructure? Cut them off from medicine and health
care? Too late. Someone already did all that. New
bombs would only stir the rubble of earlier bombs.
Would they at least get the Taliban? Not likely. In
today's Afghanistan, only the Taliban eat, only they
have the means to move around. They'd slip away and
hide. Maybe the bombs would get some of those disabled
orphans, they don't move too fast, they don't even
have wheelchairs. But flying over Kabul and dropping
bombs wouldn't really be a strike against the
criminals who did this horrific thing. Actually it
would only be making common cause with the Taliban--by
raping once again the people they've been raping all
this time.

So what else is there? What can be done, then? Let me
now speak with true fear and trembling. The only way
to get Bin Laden is to go in there with ground troops.
When people speak of having the belly to do what
needs to be done they're thinking in terms of having
the belly to kill as many as needed. Having the belly
to overcome any moral qualms about killing innocent
people. Let's pull our heads out of the sand. What's
actually on the table is Americans dying. And not just
because some Americans would die fighting their way
through Afghanistan to 

Re: OT- let's pray 2-

2001-09-15 Thread Jody

Gee, you hold a grudge a long time :)

--- Scooterman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'd just like to see it taken to it's most extreme
 conclusion  salt the
 earth (as the Egyptians did to a N. African country
 over 3,000 years ago).

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Re: Massive Attack Seems Likely

2001-09-15 Thread David A. Mann

Jody writes:

 Why does America insist on sinking to the terrorists
 level? How is this going to help? Surely enough
 innocent people have died.

 I don't generally condone violence either but I do believe that when you talk to 
someone you should speak their language, otherwise they just won't listen.  
IMO the bastards responsible, and all those associated with them, need to be 
found and disposed of in the most insulting and degrading way possible.  I am 
sure this is possible without including a massive display of collateral damage.


- Dave

David A. Mann, B.E. (Elec)

Why is it that if an adult behaves like a child they lock him up,
 while children are allowed to run free on the streets? -- Garfield
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Re: Afghanistan thoughts

2001-09-15 Thread Chris Brogden

On Sat, 15 Sep 2001, Bob Blakely wrote:

 Your complaint is fair, and I'm the one who should read more closely. I was
 wrong, and caustic in the process and I'm sorry.

S'ok.  My reply could have nicer, too.  Seems that a lot of us have been
on edge lately, which is understandable.

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Re: Massive Attack Seems Likely

2001-09-15 Thread Nenad Djurdjevic

Well said Jody.

West Australia

- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 4:26 PM
Subject: Re: Massive Attack Seems Likely

 Too bad about the millions of innocent people whose
 only crime was being born into the same country as a
 handful of terrorists.
 And then there are the survivors. No sanitary
 hospitals for them to go into, as there would be if
 they lived in the US. They will be left to wallow
 homeless (homes bombed) in their own filth, picking up
 whatever disease is on the menu.
 Why does America insist on sinking to the terrorists
 level? How is this going to help? Surely enough
 innocent people have died.
  Late-breaking news suggests that an all-out attack
  on Afghanistan is
  inevitable. Apparently, the US has asked Pakistan
  for fly-over rights,
  which indicates that much more than a cruise missile
  attack is planned.
  Repeated repudiation of limited strike effectiveness
  also suggests that
  the strategy will be to eliminate those
  governments that provide safe
  haven to terrorists, or, at the very least, to
  eliminate one of them as
  an example to others. I would not be surprised if
  bombs and missiles
  fall tonight. A follow-up of ground troops with
  helicopter and fighter
  support seems likely. I expect that the Afghanistan
  of today will be
  gone before many weeks have passed.
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Re: Vs: Editorial

2001-09-15 Thread Robert Harris

Raimo Korhonen wrote:
 The Chechen terrorists allegedly blew up a couple of high rise apartment houses in 
Russia some years back and that triggered the current conflict.

Be aware that many Russians -- including a number of my friends --
suspect that their own authorities (probably FSB, formerly the KGB) blew
up those buildings for internal political reasons.

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Re: Afghanistan thoughts

2001-09-15 Thread Edmptx

In a message dated 9/15/2001 8:52:18 AM US Eastern Standard Time, 

 On Sat, 15 Sep 2001, Bob Blakely wrote:
   Your complaint is fair, and I'm the one who should read more closely. I 
   wrong, and caustic in the process and I'm sorry.
  S'ok.  My reply could have nicer, too.  Seems that a lot of us have been
  on edge lately, which is understandable.

Good to see this exchange.

To add my Perspective(?) -- Too many of us have chosen to answer the 
situation by isolating acts of the past to prove a point, thus leading to 
purposeless bitter argument.
Isolating historic events in an attempt to advance a theory accomplishes less 
than nothing. Perhaps we should look at our common interests and give respect 
to the differences. 
Personally I have been appalled at the naive judgement of those who seem to 
believe that only the USA received this attack. Disregarding whatever else 
the terrorist attack was, it was a attack on the world. To believe anything 
else is (in the opinion of this long-time student and teacher of history) 
naive to the point of incredulous.

To search for the cause in a single dark closet is to remain in the dark 

As for me, I am anguished, angry, and yes, fearful -- my location dictates 
that I personally am relatively safe on a personal basis. I fear those who 
would serve their own prejudices by excusing the attack because it was 
prompted by (__). Choose your incident, event, or policy.

Regards and be well,
Ed M.
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Re: On a completely different tack - My first LX.

2001-09-15 Thread Anthony Farr

Surely you mean 1/5 second (or 1/2 second if it's a winder).

Anthony Farr

- Original Message -

 Trouble is - with the drive attached, it's all over in a few

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Re: OT- let's pray 2-

2001-09-15 Thread Daniel J. Matyola

Then let's just ignore them


Aaron Reynolds wrote:

 Actually, Scoot's posts call for the death of everyone in the country,
 followed by the salting of the soil so that nothing will ever grow
 there.  I believe that his posts are what everyone is getting worked up about.

Daniel J. Matyola  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stanley, Powers  Matyola  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Suite203, 1170 US Highway 22 East
Bridgewater, NJ 08807  (908)725-3322  fax: (908)707-0399
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Re: Mindless Chitchat

2001-09-15 Thread tom

At 08:05 AM 9/15/2001 -0500, you wrote:

That's a beautiful portrait up this week--natural and unaffected, which I
usually like. And whatever lens made that is one very nice lens IMHO. Was
that your 85mm?

Thanks for the compliment...I think I used the 77 for that one.

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Re: PUG Stuff

2001-09-15 Thread Daniel J. Matyola

William Robb wrote:

 Please note, the deadline for the October gallery approacheth

Is it the 20th?
Daniel J. Matyola  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Stanley, Powers  Matyola  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Suite203, 1170 US Highway 22 East
Bridgewater, NJ 08807  (908)725-3322  fax: (908)707-0399
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Re: When was the last time?

2001-09-15 Thread Robert Harris

Mike Johnston wrote:
 Speaking of history, Bob, do you know the last time five thousand or more
 U.S. citizens died on North American soil? 

Do not know, and a quick web search did not turn up much. We will have
to rely on the American history buffs for the answer. :)

Bob Harris
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Re: OT. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings Part 2.

2001-09-15 Thread Daniel J. Matyola


If that's not sufficient warning, I don't know what would be.  Obvioulsy, nothing 
would satisfy you, not even giving the time, date and flight plan of the incoming 
plane, so they could shoot it down.  You want to believe the US is evil, and no one 
will talk you out of it.  I still invite you to read Flags of our Fathers or one of 
the other good accounts of the battles at the end of the Pacific war, before you 
declare, from a safe distance, that the US should have acted otherwise.


Lasse Karlsson wrote:

 [This is part 2.]

 Did the US issue a fair warning which gave the civilians a chance to escaped from 

 Many posters have claimed that the civilians by distributed leaflets did get a fair 
warning of what they going to be target of.  However there is no proof of any 
leaflets or any other warnings being distributed before the bombing of Hiroshima. The 
some 100 000 civilians had no idea of what suddenly was going to hit them.

 A few years ago the Smithsonian arranged an exhibition on the bombings, including 
labels containing historical facts. In a letter to the organizer a great number of  
historians addressed the question of leaflets:

 In yet another label, the Smithsonian asserts as fact that Special leaflets were 
then dropped on Japanese cities three days before a bombing raid to warn civilians to 
evacuate. The very next sentence refers to the bombing of Hiroshima on August 6, 
1945, implying that the civilian inhabitants of Hiroshima were given a warning. In 
fact, no evidence has ever been uncovered that leaflets warning of atomic attack were 
dropped on Hiroshima. Indeed, the decision of the Interim Committee was that we 
could not give the Japanese any warning.[10]
 [End of quote.]

 However, there is evidence of leaflets having been produced and possibly distributed 
(although I haven't come across a single instance proving that any civilian ever 
received or read them.) These leaflets, however, were produced  a f t e r  the 
bombing of Hiroshima, on the 7th or 8th, the latter is only a day before the surprise 
bombing of Nagasaki. (There was an campaign including leaflets, radiotransmissions 
and a newspaper in Japanese, obviously after Nagasaki too, but to what use, I can't 

 When reading the two leaflets, you soon realize, that any claim that they actually 
constitute a fair warning to the Nagasaki civilians can't be taken seriously. The 
leaflets are a general call for surrender and evacuation of all cities.
 All indications point to the fact that the Nagasaki civilians were completely caught 
by surprise. (Or they would of course not have stayed on as sitting ducks.)

 These are the wordings of the two leaflets that I have found:

 America asks that you take immediate heed of what we say on this leaflet.
 We are in possession of the most destructive explosive ever devised by man. A 
single one of our newly developed atomic bombs is actually the equivalent in 
explosive power to what 2000 of our giant B-29's can carry on a single mission. This 
awful fact is one for you to ponder and we solemnly assure you it is grimly accurate.
 We have just begun to use this weapon against your homeland. If you still have any 
doubt, make inquiry as to what happened to Hiroshima when just one atomic bomb fell 
on that city.
 Before using this bomb to destroy every resource of the military by which they are 
prolonging this useless war, we ask that you now petition the Emperor to end the war. 
Our President has outlined for you the thirteen consequences of an honorable 
surrendor: We urge that you accept these consequences and begin the work of building 
a new, better, and peace-loving Japan.
 You should take stops now to cease military resistance. Otherwise, we shall 
resolutely employ this bomb and all out other superior weapons to promptly and 
forcefully end the war.

 [The second leaflet.]

 Because your military leaders have rejected the thirteen part surrender 
declaration, two momentous events have occurred in the last few days.
 The Soviet Union, because of this rejection on the part of the military has 
notified your Ambassador Sato that it has declared war on your nation. Thus, all 
powerful countries of the world are now at war against you.
 Also because of your leaders' refusal to accept the surrender declaration that 
would enable Japan to honorably end this useless war, we have employed our atomic 
 A single one of our newly developed atomic bombs is actually the equivalent in 
explosive power to what 2000 of our giant B-29's could have carried on a single 
mission. Radio Tokyo has told you that with the first use of this weapon of total 
destruction, Hiroshima was virtually destroyed.
 Before we use this bomb again and again to destroy every resourse of the military 
by which they are prolonging this useless war, 

Re: Picture of the Week

2001-09-15 Thread Shel Belinkoff

Hi Paul ...

This is a pretty picture ... and a pretty humdrum picture.  Often
breaking the rule of thirds can contribute to something pretty
interesting, but running the horizon right through the middle of this
scene reduces any interest here.  The left side shows considerable
light fall off, and while I believe that's the result of how the light
fell naturally, it does nothing to help the photograph.  I know you
can do better.  Using a 24mm lens allows one to play more with
perspective.  Perhaps if there were something of interest in the
foreground you'd have something with more eye appeal and impact.  I
know you can produce better work than this.

Paul Jones wrote:
 Here is my picture of the week. 
 As usual comments are welcomed.

Shel Belinkoff
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RE: That professional thing again

2001-09-15 Thread Kevin Thornsberry

I like the IRS approach.  If you make a profit you can call it a business.  Otherwise 
it is a hobby.

-Original Message-
Sent:   Friday, September 14, 2001 8:48 PM
Subject:That professional thing again

Not to re-open the thread, really; more to air my musings
and talk about something other than Current Events.  (I'm
on another mailing list where that's not off-topic, so I've
been getting _that_ out of my system over there, mostly.
Without that other outlet, I'd probably be joining in here.)

We've discussed it to death here and figured out that to
at least some extent the word professional means different 
things depending on context and speaker.  Okay, I wonder how 
AAA defines it...

I spotted a photo contest in a magazine, and noticed in the
rules that professional photographers were among those 
not eligible.  Ack!  I don't earn a living with my photography,
and I'm a long time between sales/jobs, but I _have_ done 
shoots for money and I do try to sell prints.  I wonder
whether I'm considered pro in the context of this contest?

(I'll see if there's a phone number or email address to 
contact the contest officials.  If not, I guess I'll send
'em a letter.)

-- Glenn
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Re: OT. WTC - Why no helicopters?

2001-09-15 Thread Rfsindg


 I had a discussion with a friend about this. She said that someone
 must be censoring what airs on tv very carefully, because of course
 there must be bodies and body parts in the rubble, and I haven't
 seen ANY of that since this started.

I wonder about the bodies.  There was a TV interview with an air quality 
expert who explained that were some isolated cases of asbestos, but that most 
of the clouds of debris were analyzed as gypsum from wall board, powdered 
concrete, or powdered steel.  This makes the collapse a giant rock crusher, 
pulverizing concrete and steel to dust.  What can we expect of the bodies of 
those souls trapped in the collapse?

Sad for the families,  Bob S.
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Re: Massive Attack Seems Likely

2001-09-15 Thread Robert Harris

Jody wrote:

 Why does America insist on sinking to the terrorists

I think that is not the case -- at least not yet -- and I hope our
response will be carefully designed to minimize the numbers of innocent

You have to differentiate between America and some Americans who are
blowing off steam and say they do not care how many innocents stand in
the way, just as we have to differentiate between Taliban and
Afghanistan in planning any response.

Bob Harris
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Re: That professional thing again

2001-09-15 Thread Shel Belinkoff

Kevin Thornsberry wrote:
 I like the IRS approach.  If you make
 a profit you can call it a business.  
 Otherwise it is a hobby.

That's not quite true.  A business can lose money and still be a

Shel Belinkoff
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Re: When was the last time?

2001-09-15 Thread Bob Blakely

Civil war. Even the 1906 San Francisco quake was not as devastating to life
(Official 700, 2100-2800 actual best estimate, including from the fires that

In the carboniferous epoch
we were promised perpetual peace.
They swore if we gave up our weapons
that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed they sold us,
and delivered us, bound, to our foe.
And the gods of the copybook headings said,
'Stick to the devil you know.' 
--Rudyard Kipling

From: Robert Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Mike Johnston wrote:
  Speaking of history, Bob, do you know the last time five thousand or
  U.S. citizens died on North American soil?

 Do not know, and a quick web search did not turn up much. We will have
 to rely on the American history buffs for the answer. :)
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Re: Portra 400 BW

2001-09-15 Thread tom

At 03:05 AM 9/15/2001 -0700, Jim wrote:
Just bought my first roll of Portra film this evening, and plan to have fun
with it over the next couple of days!  Any of you use it?  (I assume so...)

The only people I know shooting it are wedding guys. Apparently it gives 
nice proofs.

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Re: Picture of the Week

2001-09-15 Thread Maris V. Lidaka, Sr.

A gorgeous scene - and your colors came out so well!


- Original Message - 
From: Paul Jones [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 4:40 AM
Subject: Picture of the Week

| Hi,
| Here is my picture of the week.
| I was on holidays last week so i didnt post week 6 on the list, but its
| there.
| As usual comments are welcomed.
| -
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Re: OT. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings Part 2.

2001-09-15 Thread Robert Harris

Daniel J. Matyola wrote:
...  You want to believe the US is evil, and no one will talk you out of


I have disagreed with Lasse on some of his posts, but have not read into
them that attitude. I don't think that is his intent at all.

Re: the use of the A-bomb to end the war. Lots of Americans also do not
approve of that. I do not view them as anti-American either, just
equally wrong.

Bob Harris
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Re: Massive Attack Seems Likely

2001-09-15 Thread Mark Roberts


Too bad about the millions of innocent people whose
only crime was being born into the same country as a
handful of terrorists.

And then there are the survivors. No sanitary
hospitals for them to go into, as there would be if
they lived in the US. They will be left to wallow
homeless (homes bombed) in their own filth, picking up
whatever disease is on the menu.

Why does America insist on sinking to the terrorists
level? How is this going to help? Surely enough
innocent people have died.

I hope no one sinks to their level. I've heard many people talk of the need to
teach them a lesson. A military attack won't teach them anything they don't
already know. I hope we do find a way of becoming their teachers. And not their
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Re: Tamron 28-105 Lens.

2001-09-15 Thread Mark Roberts

Jim Moniz [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

I was shown this lens today and fell in love!  I'm doomed to buy it in a
month or two!  I know this has probably been talked about already, but do any
of you have it, and if so, how do you like it?

Which one? The 28-105/2.8? or the 28-105/4.0-5.6?
(I don't have either. I'm just curious.)
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Re: OT-gas

2001-09-15 Thread Mark Roberts

Frank Theriault [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Scooterman wrote:

 looks like we're just gonna have to agree that we disagree Frank T.

I'd say that's a fair comment!

 You wanna pay $4 for a gallon, go for it.

I don't own a car.  I really don't care how much gas costs.

I'd happily pay $4.00 per gallon for gasoline if I knew none of it went into the
pocket of Ben Laden (which isn't the case now: that's where he made the money
that finances his operations).

Partly as a result of this week's attack, my S.O. and have decided that our next
car will be a gasoline-electric hybrid. When a practical car that doesn't use
gasoline at all becomes available we'll get one of those. I'm going to buy a
bicycle and start using it to travel to and from work when weather permits.

The only way we're going to really have an impact on these terrorosts is by
cutting off their money supply. Think about it next time you fill up. One
individual won't make a difference. A nation of individuals will.
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Re: Thanks to Lasse Karlsson

2001-09-15 Thread JeffW.


As a US citizen with many friends in the military, I wish sending in ground
troops would not be needed but in this case you are correct. The ONLY way to
be positive the job is done and not cause indiscriminate death is with
ground troops. This will still entail loss of life on both side. The loss of
American military lives is what our leaders have been unwilling to risk for
fear it would not be taken by the average citizen. In the long run, US
military casualties might outnumber terrorist deaths. But if it is not done,
then the US civilian casualties will continue to occur.

And the US must, as we have historically done, help restore the country
afterward so there is something for people to return to and build from.
Otherwise, we are just the next in a long series of conquerors. I know in
the current mood many (from the US) will disagree but this is how you make
allies out of enemies.


 What I am trying to say is: By all means hunt down and destroy the
 terrorists and their supporters - but do it the hard way - with ground
 troops - not with indiscriminate bombing raids that target the innocent and
 guilty alike.
 BTW I guess most Americans think that that little war in the Balkans is now
 hold no grudge as a result of the American bombing.  Now that they have
 finally shaken off the yoke of a communist dictatorship they deserve a
 chance before they become embittered.
 Nenad Djurdjevic
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OT: Contax GG-3 Lens Hood

2001-09-15 Thread Shel Belinkoff

Hi - Does anyone on the list use the Contax G-series camera, and have
the dedicated hood for the 90mm lens (the GG-3)? If so, could you tell
me how long the hood is?
Shel Belinkoff
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Re: Look at this auction!

2001-09-15 Thread Gary J Sibio

At 05:50 PM 9/14/01 -0700, you wrote:
Hey Folks,

The BIN price is completely ridiculous:

My thought is that they might have made a typo and it should have been 
$99.95. However that seems pretty low. Anyone interested in the camera 
might want to consider emailing the seller.

Gary J. Sibio
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Re: OT-gas

2001-09-15 Thread Shel Belinkoff

Mark Roberts wrote:

 I'd happily pay $4.00 per gallon for gasoline if I knew none of it went into the
 pocket of Ben Laden (which isn't the case now: that's where he made the money
 that finances his operations).

Well, actually he inherited a fortune from his father, who owned the
largest construction company in Saudi Arabia.  Rather than continue in
the business with his brothers, he cashed out.  It's estimated that
his personal fortune is/was about $300,000,000.00
Shel Belinkoff
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Re: Thanks to Lasse Karlsson

2001-09-15 Thread Mark Roberts


As a US citizen with many friends in the military, I wish sending in ground
troops would not be needed but in this case you are correct. 

Check this out:
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Heaven, etc.

2001-09-15 Thread Mike Johnston

I was being sarcastic.


 If you believe in a heaven and a hell can you possibly believe that
 these murderous scum will go to heaven.  I cannot abide by a heaven that
 would take them.  Straight to to pit with them, I hope.
 Anthony Farr
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Falwell is SICK

2001-09-15 Thread Mike Johnston

 See below for some remarkable comments he and a colleague made on
 television, as reported in the Washington Post.
  excerpt from news story _
 God Gave U.S. 'What We Deserve,' Falwell Says
 Television evangelists Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, two of the most
 prominent voices of the religious right, said liberal civil liberties
 groups, feminists, homosexuals and abortion rights supporters bear
 partial responsibility for Tuesday's terrorist attacks because their
 actions have turned God's anger against America.
 God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to
 give us probably what we deserve, said Falwell, appearing yesterday on
 the Christian Broadcasting Network's 700 Club, hosted by Robertson.
 Jerry, that's my feeling, Robertson responded.

This isn't as disgusting as what the terrorists did, but it's disgusting.

The most ironic thing about these vicious morons is that their attitudes are
so far, far, far away from any accepted understanding of Christian behavior.
They ought to read what Jesus said for a change and try to make at least a
token attempt to understand what Jesus believed in.

Falwell and Robertson's attitude has much more in common with the blind
fanaticism of Osama bin Laden and the radical muslims than it does with the
rest of America, or with real Christianity.

I continue to be grateful for our constitutional separation of church and

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Re: Picture of the Week

2001-09-15 Thread Ann Sanfedele

Shel Belinkoff wrote:
 Hi Paul ...
 This is a pretty picture ... and a pretty humdrum picture.  Often
 breaking the rule of thirds can contribute to something pretty
 interesting, but running the horizon right through the middle of this
 scene reduces any interest here. 

Shel, I think it is more than that.  It reminds me of the
colorists of
the 60's - Kenneth Noland, for one.  The horizon is a bit
above center
to my eyes, too. I think it is a nice straightforward
wouldn't you
like to be here shot on one level and a study of color on

just my 2 cents.. I liked it.

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Re: Massive Attack Seems Likely

2001-09-15 Thread Mike Johnston

Mark Roberts wrote:

 A military attack won't teach them anything they don't
 already know. I hope we do find a way of becoming their teachers. And not
 their students.

Well said, Mark, well said.

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Re: OT-gas

2001-09-15 Thread Mike Johnston

Mark R. wrote:

 Partly as a result of this week's attack, my S.O. and have decided that our
 car will be a gasoline-electric hybrid. When a practical car that doesn't use
 gasoline at all becomes available we'll get one of those. I'm going to buy a
 bicycle and start using it to travel to and from work when weather permits.

You might really like it. My friend Dan Schley was one of the first people
in the country to own a Toyota Prius, and he loves it.

My understanding is that the next Honda Civic is going to be a hybrid
electric car.


P.S. I still refuse to buy Exxon gasoline because of the Exxon Valdez
incident. I don't care if my actions have no effect; I decided long ago that
I'm not giving my money to those idiots, and that's all there is to it.
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Re: Contax GG-3 Lens Hood

2001-09-15 Thread Joe Codispoti


I do not have the 90mm any longer but I do recall that the size of the shade
was between approximately 1.5 long.

Joseph Codispoti
ClearSight USA
P.O. Box 150, San Luis Obispo, CA 93406 USA

- Original Message -
From: Shel Belinkoff [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 8:58 AM
Subject: OT: Contax GG-3 Lens Hood

 Hi - Does anyone on the list use the Contax G-series camera, and have
 the dedicated hood for the 90mm lens (the GG-3)? If so, could you tell
 me how long the hood is?
 Shel Belinkoff
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Re: Contax GG-3 Lens Hood

2001-09-15 Thread Shel Belinkoff

Hi Joe ...

Surprised to see you here on the Pentax list, but I'm glad you are.

Thanks for the information. I found a local shop that has one so I'll
check out the exact measurements, although your figure compares pretty
well with Joseph Yao's figure of 1.33.  The hood, BTW, is for the
90mm Elmarit-M.  The built-in hood is something of an annoyance to me.

BTW, I've been meaning to drop you a note to tell you how pleased I am
with the M2 I got from you.  I took it to a Leica clean  check clinic
where it was given a clean bill of health, so I decided not to spend
the money for a CLA, as you suggested.

Joe Codispoti wrote:
 I do not have the 90mm any longer but 
 I do recall that the size of the shade
 was between approximately 1.5 long.

Shel Belinkoff
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September PUG from Cotty

2001-09-15 Thread Cotty

I finally got to sit down and go through the September PUG. Another 
fascinating collection as usual! There wasn't one image that I didn't 
spend at least a few moments on, others considerably more. Once again, 
all were lovely pictures, but here's a list of the ones that caught my 
eye for various reasons as gleaned from my scribbled notes:

Near Lake Tammian
William Robb
Beautiful pattern with lovely, subtle colour changes. Superb.

Bison at Yellowstone
Very atmospheric - a really nice composition. Looks cold!

A Rock's Point of View
Erin Dayton
Very nice shot. Needs a tweak in Photoshop to adjust levels and get the 
colours jumping, but I love the composition.

David Dixon
I admire anyone with the patience to shoot birds (so to speak). Nice.

Alexey Tikhonov
A nice gritty image. I like the way everything seems to be soft except 
for the goalie. One wonders whether or not he's going to be able to stop 
the ball which - an instant later - is surely coming his way! Excellent.

Summer Storm
Gianfranco Irlanda
Once again Gianfranco conjures up a very striking image. A grabbed shot 
if ever there was one. Conveys a great sense of activity, not least of 
which from the photographer. I love it.

Karoly Kovacs
I'm always partial to a bit of anatomy! An excellent study of the 
contrast between a sensuous curve of flesh and the draped thorniness of 
some embroidered fabric that looks almost reptilian. Great work!

Riga - After a Thunderstorm
Edward Freis
A stunning image. One could wait years for a shot like this. It takes my 
breath away, so what Edward felt seeing this in person must have been 
exhilarating. Pic of the month for me. Congrats!

Strolling With the 77
Cesar Matamoros II
A nice treatment of a fairly cliched subject: powerlines. A gripping 
picture with beautiful colour.

The Roof
Matjaz Osojnik
Good abstract. Makes my eyes swirl, so it must be working! Fine example.

Wythville, VA, 2001
Tom Van Veen
A simple image but conveys great feeling.

The Finish Line
Lasse Karlsson
Fine rendition of a popular competition. Not my taste in cropping but the 
mono / colour treatment is a real winner. Lasse come home!

That's all for this month - again, they were all really good images - 
there wasn't one that I didn't like - well done to all contributors, and 
especially to those who make it happen. In future, should I thank the 
auto-submission page?



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Re: When was the last time?

2001-09-15 Thread Treena Harp

Try Vicksburg. 20,000 dead.

 I'm not sure about the _last_ one, but Antietam was the _worst_ one
 day.  For the last, Spottsylvania is a good approximation.  I'd have to
 get out the reference books to be sure.
 TTYL, DougF
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Re: PUG Stuff

2001-09-15 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Daniel J. Matyola
Subject: Re: PUG Stuff

  Please note, the deadline for the October gallery

 Is it the 20th?

It is.
William Robb
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Re: Portra 400 BW

2001-09-15 Thread Bruce Dayton

I have used Portra quite extensively.  Usually the 160 variety.  It is a
portrait and people film and works very well when low contrast is desired.
This is not a film to go out and shoot scenics with.  Used for the right
subject and you will really like it.

Bruce Dayton
Sacramento, CA

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 3:05 AM
Subject: Portra 400 BW

 Just bought my first roll of Portra film this evening, and plan to have
 with it over the next couple of days!  Any of you use it?  (I assume
 Any word on whether it's as good as the photo mags say it is?
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Re: September PUG from Cotty

2001-09-15 Thread William Robb

- Original Message -
From: Cotty
Subject: September PUG from Cotty

 I finally got to sit down and go through the September PUG.
 fascinating collection as usual! There wasn't one image that I
 spend at least a few moments on, others considerably more.
Once again,
 all were lovely pictures, but here's a list of the ones that
caught my
 eye for various reasons as gleaned from my scribbled notes:

 Near Lake Tammian
 William Robb
 Beautiful pattern with lovely, subtle colour changes. Superb.

Thanks Cotty. You are too kind.
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RE: Picture of the Week

2001-09-15 Thread Skofteland, Christian

 -Original Message-
 From: Paul Jones [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Here is my picture of the week.
 I was on holidays last week so i didnt post week 6 on the 
 list, but its
 As usual comments are welcomed.


Christian Skofteland
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Re: An apology to Lasse

2001-09-15 Thread Lasse Karlsson

Tom R.: wrote:
 Upon considering your last post, I apologise for my attitude.

Apologies accepted.
 Apparently you were just being pedantic, but you came across as uncaring. Maybe you 
could be more
 careful how you say things in the future

Maybe you could be more careful how you say things in the future.

as you have often came across to me, and apparently to others on the list, as having 
a strong anti-American bias.

I don't care if you think that I am anti-American biased. 

 Right now I have little tolerance for such.
I don't care what you have tolerance for. Neither do I see any reason for any other 
list member having to adjust to your admittedly low level of tolerance.

 Since you have assured us that you did not mean your posts that way, I apologise, I 
was wrong.

Apologies fully accepted.

Lasse Karlsson
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Re: OT-gas

2001-09-15 Thread Mark D.

From: Mike Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 P.S. I still refuse to buy Exxon gasoline because of the Exxon Valdez
 incident. I don't care if my actions have no effect; I decided long ago
 I'm not giving my money to those idiots, and that's all there is to it.

Hey Mike,

I'm with you on the Exxon thing. I haven't bought gas from those rat *
since the Valdez thing. Since Exxon has acquired Mobil, I don't buy gas from
them either...

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Re: OT. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings Part 2.

2001-09-15 Thread Lasse Karlsson

Dan M. wrote:

 You want to believe the US is evil, and no one will talk you out of it.  I still 
invite you to read Flags of our Fathers or one of the other good accounts of the 
battles at the end of the Pacific war, before you declare, from a safe distance, that 
the US should have acted otherwise.

These are words of a troll, without a scrap of common or intellectual decency.

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Vs: Massive Attack Seems Likely

2001-09-15 Thread Raimo Korhonen

Let´s hope so - and in his first statements your president seemed to know the 
difference between justice and revenge. I hope he still does.
All the best!
Personal photography homepage at

-Alkuperäinen viesti-
Lähettäjä: Bob Blakely [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Päivä: 15. syyskuuta 2001 16:54
Aihe: Re: Massive Attack Seems Likely

The attack will not be on the Afghan people, or whatever little
infrastructure they have left. The enemy is not the Afghan people. The enemy
is Bin Laden, his organization and the Taliban government that harbors them.
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Vs: OT. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings Part 2.

2001-09-15 Thread Raimo Korhonen

Nope - the Japanese could not shoot down a B29 flying at high altitude - but I think 
that this thread leads into nowhere. Hiroshima and Nagasaki were different things 
altogether compared with this - well... calculated massacre of innocent people.
All the best!
Personal photography homepage at

-Alkuperäinen viesti-
Lähettäjä: Daniel J. Matyola [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Päivä: 15. syyskuuta 2001 17:19
Aihe: Re: OT. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings Part 2.


If that's not sufficient warning, I don't know what would be.  Obvioulsy, nothing 
would satisfy you, not even giving the time, date and flight plan of the incoming 
plane, so they could shoot it down.  You want to believe the US is evil, and no one 
will talk you out of it.  I still invite you to read Flags of our Fathers or one of 
the other good accounts of the battles at the end of the Pacific war, before you 
declare, from a safe distance, that the US should have acted otherwise.

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Vs: PUG Stuff

2001-09-15 Thread Raimo Korhonen

What´s the theme for October?
All the best!
Personal photography homepage at

-Alkuperäinen viesti-
Lähettäjä: William Robb [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  Please note, the deadline for the October gallery
approacheth rapidly.

 Is it the 20th?

It is.
William Robb
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Vs: OT. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings Part 2.

2001-09-15 Thread Raimo Korhonen

You can disagree with Lasse if you wish - it was he who brought the facts in the 
discussion about Hiroshima and Nagasaki. But this thread leads to nowhere... It is 
history, now it is the present tense.
All the best!
Personal photography homepage at

-Alkuperäinen viesti-
Lähettäjä: Robert Harris [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Päivä: 15. syyskuuta 2001 17:54
Aihe: Re: OT. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings Part 2.

Daniel J. Matyola wrote:
...  You want to believe the US is evil, and no one will talk you out of


I have disagreed with Lasse on some of his posts, but have not read into
them that attitude. I don't think that is his intent at all.

Re: the use of the A-bomb to end the war. Lots of Americans also do not
approve of that. I do not view them as anti-American either, just
equally wrong.

Bob Harris
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Re: Focsing screens interchangeability

2001-09-15 Thread Peter Spiro

You should be careful in mixing focussing screens from different
cameras.  Just  because it fits in the space does not mean it is good for
that camera.  At one time, I had both an Olympus OM-1 and a Pentax MX. 
Believe it or not, the screen in the Olympus is the same size as the
Pentax, and fits in it.  However, I found that focussing was inaccurate
with the Olympus screen in the Pentax. Visit my home page at

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Heard's Birds of Prey Festival pix

2001-09-15 Thread Nicholas Wright

Hey, attended the Birds of Prey festival in McKinney, TX, today. Saw one 
other guy with a ZX-7 but I never did talk to him. I wasn't there long
before it started pouring so I didn't shoot much, but you can see the pix
I'll be sending to McKinney's daily paper at my personal website.

Comments are as always welcome.

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Re: Picture of the Week

2001-09-15 Thread Shel Belinkoff

Ann Sanfedele wrote:
 Shel, I think it is more than that.  It reminds me of the
 colorists of the 60's - Kenneth Noland, for one.  The 
 horizon is a bit above center to my eyes, too. I think 
 it is a nice straightforward wouldn't you like to be here 
 shot on one level and a study of color on another.

OK, I went back and looked at it again since I respect your eye, color
sense, and judgment.  On second viewing my opinion remains the same. 
To me it's like any one of thousands of slightly underexposed sunset
shots one might grab while walking along the beach.  Those pleasant
feelings and peaceful moments make us want to take a picture.  And
this photo will make a nice memory for the photographer and, perhaps,
his or her companion.  But what we have here is something akin to
photographing an emotion, preserving a memory and a moment.  That's
all fine and good, and a valid reason for taking the picture.  But on
a purely photographic level it doesn't cut it for me. I want more from
a photograph, and Paul is capable of giving us more.

Shel Belinkoff
Why should I use a meter?  What if the darn thing broke on me
when I was out making a photograph? Then what would I do?
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Wrightfoto Photo of the Week (Attack Tribute)

2001-09-15 Thread Nicholas Wright

This week's photo of the week at is a special tribute to the
unspeakable tradgedy that occured this past Tuesday. Comments always

Nick Wright
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RE: Tokina SL 400 mm f5.6

2001-09-15 Thread John Coyle

Hi Peter:
I have the RMC 400/5.6, in bayonet mount, so probably a little later than the 
one you are thinking of.  It's big, heavy, built like a tank and has excellent 
resolution, even wide open, in the centre.  Unfortunately, mine does not have a 
tripod collar, which can be a problem.
I would think that $210 is about what you might expect to pay from a shop (I 
got mine second-hand and privately as part of a package for considerably less), 
but they must have had it one hell of a long time, so you might be able to 
bargain the price down even more!

John Coyle
Brisbane, Australia

On Sunday, September 16, 2001 9:46 AM, Peter Jesser [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] 
 Has anyone had one of these? Got any thoughts on it? SNIP

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Re: OT - ... Headline News

2001-09-15 Thread Scooterman

Ok, ok, ok we'll leave the salt at home. Scheesh

When we get done occupying Afghanistan, Pakistan, and Iran (for good
measure) you probably won't have to worry about buying EXXON or MOBIL
gasoline... it'll be the New America Brand.

Headlines from the not-to-distant future...

The former inhabitants of those countries (that survived) are now gainfully
employed on the project to join the Caspian Sea to the Persian Gulf...
allowing the Azerbaijani's, the Kazakhstani's, and Turkmenistan free and
equal access to major shipping lines.

The United States  NATO Air Force components has now put a halt to ALL
Iraqi military flights from new NATO bases in Ahvaz, Tehran, and

   The jury is still in day 16 of their recess in the World Court trial of
Osama bin Laden coconspirators... a trial in it's 6th year of prosecution. 
Readers will remember that the United States believes it killed Osama in
it's preemptive strike against Afghanistan on October 14, 2001.
   Yasir Arafat gave testimony this week before a grand jury denouncing
it's ties and financial support of the terrorists that destroyed the World
Trade Center, stating that Palestinian's have always been America's
friend. Arafat is in declining health after discovery of the incurable STD
found when he gave blood the same week the WTC was destroyed.

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Pentax MX on ebay

2001-09-15 Thread Rex Probert

Is it just me, or is this BIN price absolutely crazy?--
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RE: Silicon Film Suspends Operations

2001-09-15 Thread Mick Maguire

It's a shame to see a good idea go down the pan. I wonder if somebody else
might buy the patents and take it forward.


 __/)   Mick Maguire |
|   Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  |
(_/)  ICQ: 48609010  |
 \/  |
  \  /---+

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Doug Franklin
Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 8:43 PM
Subject: Silicon Film Suspends Operations

Howdy, folks,

Over the past couple of years, we've discussed the Silicon Film company
and product several times.  The general conclusion has been that it's
not ready for prime time, and that events in the electronics industry
have largely overtaken it.  Well, it appears that the rest of the world
has come to the same conclusion.  The link below is to their press
release announcing they're suspending operations and will seek
bankruptcy protection.

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Too Bad Falwell Wasn't In WTC

2001-09-15 Thread RDJ92807

As many Americans have known for years, extreme religious fundmentalists that 
think they speak for god and that their religions are more important than 
people's human rights, are truly the greatest evil on earth.  Fundamentalist 
Chrilstians, Jews and Muslims are all bascially the same evil in different 
clothing.arrogant, ignorant and hate mongers.

Subject: Falwell is SICK

 God Gave U.S. 'What We Deserve,' Falwell Says
 Television evangelists Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson, two of the most
 prominent voices of the religious right, said liberal civil liberties
 groups, feminists, homosexuals and abortion rights supporters bear
 partial responsibility for Tuesday's terrorist attacks because their
 actions have turned God's anger against America.
 God continues to lift the curtain and allow the enemies of America to
 give us probably what we deserve, said Falwell, appearing yesterday on
 the Christian Broadcasting Network's 700 Club, hosted by Robertson.
 Jerry, that's my feeling, Robertson responded.

This isn't as disgusting as what the terrorists did, but it's disgusting.

The most ironic thing about these vicious morons is that their attitudes are
so far, far, far away from any accepted understanding of Christian behavior.
They ought to read what Jesus said for a change and try to make at least a
token attempt to understand what Jesus believed in.

Falwell and Robertson's attitude has much more in common with the blind
fanaticism of Osama bin Laden and the radical muslims than it does with the
rest of America, or with real Christianity.

I continue to be grateful for our constitutional separation of church and

- --Mike 
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RE: Tokina SL 400 mm f5.6

2001-09-15 Thread Peter Jesser

Hi John

Thanks for the info. It looks good through the viewfinder, but the proof 
will be in the photos. It is all metal, and as you say, built like a tank. I 
figured that at the price it wasn't worth haggling. One of the US mail order 
places still has it listed for $250 US.

By the way, I got it from Photo Continental. I'm a Brisbane boy, too!


From: John Coyle [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: Tokina SL 400 mm f5.6
Date: Sun, 16 Sep 2001 11:43:00 +1000

Hi Peter:
I have the RMC 400/5.6, in bayonet mount, so probably a little later than 
one you are thinking of.  It's big, heavy, built like a tank and has 
resolution, even wide open, in the centre.  Unfortunately, mine does not 
have a
tripod collar, which can be a problem.
I would think that $210 is about what you might expect to pay from a shop 
got mine second-hand and privately as part of a package for considerably 
but they must have had it one hell of a long time, so you might be able to
bargain the price down even more!

John Coyle
Brisbane, Australia

On Sunday, September 16, 2001 9:46 AM, Peter Jesser 
  Has anyone had one of these? Got any thoughts on it? SNIP
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RE: Silicon Film Suspends Operations

2001-09-15 Thread Doug Franklin

On Sat, 15 Sep 2001 22:43:59 -0400, Mick Maguire wrote:

 [...] Silicon Film company [...] seek bankruptcy protection.

 It's a shame to see a good idea go down the pan. I wonder if somebody else
 might buy the patents and take it forward.

I doubt it.  Digital technologies are progressing much too fast for
this to hold much interest for the average joe.  SiliconFilm would
spend all of its time just trying to keep up, and their product still
wouldn't have the convenience of an actual digital camera.

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RE: images of the WTC

2001-09-15 Thread Amita Guha

I can't remember but I think I used an orange filter
on that one. Or maybe it was the red one. I should
have taken notes. I also had the ISO set on 200 when I
was shooting 400 and I forgot to have the lab push it,
so I darkened it in Photoshop.

 -Original Message-
 [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kevin Thornsberry
 Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 8:46 PM
 Subject: RE: images of the WTC
 That made for an interesting study.  I pulled the two pictures 
 into Picture
 Window Pro and then converted the color picture to bw using 
 different color
 filters.  A magenta filter gave the closes results to the bw picture.
 -Original Message-
 From: Amita Guha [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 4:35 PM
 Subject:  images of the WTC
 A while ago I went out shooting in Brooklyn
 and took two cameras, one with bw film and
 one with color. I took a picture of the
 WTC with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground.
 The color one was taken with a K1000 and the
 bw one was taken with a Minolta Hi-Matic.
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Re: OT. The Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings Part 2.

2001-09-15 Thread Bob Blakely

Actually, the suggestion is a good one. I don't see your point, Lasse.

In the carboniferous epoch
we were promised perpetual peace.
They swore if we gave up our weapons
that the wars of the tribes would cease.
But when we disarmed they sold us,
and delivered us, bound, to our foe.
And the gods of the copybook headings said,
'Stick to the devil you know.' 
--Rudyard Kipling

From: Lasse Karlsson [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Dan M. wrote:

  You want to believe the US is evil, and no one will talk you out of it.
I still invite you to read Flags of our Fathers or one of the other good
accounts of the battles at the end of the Pacific war, before you declare,
from a safe distance, that the US should have acted otherwise.

 These are words of a troll, without a scrap of common or intellectual
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Re: That professional thing again

2001-09-15 Thread tom

At 08:06 AM 9/15/2001 -0700, you wrote:
Kevin Thornsberry wrote:
  I like the IRS approach.  If you make
  a profit you can call it a business.
  Otherwise it is a hobby.

That's not quite true.  A business can lose money and still be a

Thank god.

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Pentax Focusing Screens

2001-09-15 Thread Scott Astin

Are the Pentax focusing screens interchangable between
bodies...for example, can I put a MX/LX focusing
screen in an MZ-S?  What about a PZ-1p?

Also, What screens are available for the MZ-S, and
where can I get info on them?



Terrorist Attacks on U.S. - How can you help?
Donate cash, emergency relief information
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Re: Pentax MX on ebay

2001-09-15 Thread Chris Brogden

On Sat, 15 Sep 2001, Rex Probert wrote:
 Is it just me, or is this BIN price absolutely crazy?--

It's pretty high, and I doubt that it's a mistake.  They've probably seen
what some collectors are starting to pay for Pentax stuff and are hoping
to get top dollar from someone who wants a NIB MX.  I can't see their
getting it, though.

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Re: Portra 400 BW

2001-09-15 Thread tom

At 10:44 AM 9/15/2001 -0700, you wrote:
I have used Portra quite extensively.  Usually the 160 variety.

I had assumed from the subject he was asking about Portra BW.

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Photos to show you incl one of a list member

2001-09-15 Thread Ann Sanfedele

I live about a 30 minute walk from the WTC.  I have before
pictures, many, I plan to use one of those for the November
but here are 12 pictures from the last week.  None of them
are of the disaster site itself except in the distance. 
Doing this small page helped me keep myself together.

I'm going to make a link that is right on the first page of
my home page but have not done it yet.  Here is the direct
link to the 12 photos.

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PUG Sruff

2001-09-15 Thread William Robb

The problems at Ø seem resolved, the auto PUG is working
Get those submissions in!!!
William Robb
PUG Gallery Maintainer
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Re: images of the WTC

2001-09-15 Thread Ann Sanfedele

Pulling TX is common, actually.  Doesn't look like you used
the red filter, I would have guessed yellow.  My before
pictures are months if not years old.  Very sad to look at
Looks like you didn't use a polarizer on the color one -

After shots from that spot would be stirring... and


Amita Guha wrote:
 I can't remember but I think I used an orange filter
 on that one. Or maybe it was the red one. I should
 have taken notes. I also had the ISO set on 200 when I
 was shooting 400 and I forgot to have the lab push it,
 so I darkened it in Photoshop.
  -Original Message-
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Kevin Thornsberry
  Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 8:46 PM
  Subject: RE: images of the WTC
  That made for an interesting study.  I pulled the two pictures
  into Picture
  Window Pro and then converted the color picture to bw using
  different color
  filters.  A magenta filter gave the closes results to the bw picture.
  -Original Message-
  From: Amita Guha [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Saturday, September 15, 2001 4:35 PM
  Subject:  images of the WTC
  A while ago I went out shooting in Brooklyn
  and took two cameras, one with bw film and
  one with color. I took a picture of the
  WTC with the Brooklyn Bridge in the foreground.
  The color one was taken with a K1000 and the
  bw one was taken with a Minolta Hi-Matic.
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  go to and follow the directions. Don't forget to
  visit the Pentax Users' Gallery at .
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