2001-02-14 Thread Paul Kneisel

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The Internet Anti-Fascist: Wednesday, 14 February 2001
  Special Supplement (#513)

If You Value the Struggle Against Racism and Anti-Semitism,
We Appeal to You 


"I conclude that Eileen Pressler and the CPA (Council on Public Affairs)
are missionaries for anti-Semitism and pro-white racism. ... Eileen
Pressler and the CPA have committed the tort of publicly inciting hatred
against identifiable groups, namely, persons of Jewish background and
those of non-white origin. ...The (CPA) Digest expresses views that can
only be described as viciously white supremacist, racist, and anti
-Semitic. Such viewpoints go beyond what is acceptable in a free and
democratic society. They engender hatred of identifiable groups in
violation of the Criminal Code. Thus they are beyond the pale of the
law. They are both tortious and criminal. ... The instances of
engendering hatred of identifiable groups in the Digest are legion. ...
Eileen Pressler, by way of the CPA, has advertised and promoted several
books which can only be classified as virulently anti-Semitic. ...
Insofar as Eileen Pressler is concerned, her rabid views, as they would
be regarded by all reasonable people, have in many instances been
expressed in a manner that I can only regard as unlawful."
   --  Justice Owen-Flood, 20 May 1998.


Ia complex civil lawsuit, anti-racist activist Dr. David Lethbridge was
found to have defamed Eileen Pressler and Claus Pressler. The suit alleged
that Lethbridge defamed the plaintiffs on two grounds --  the first
involving racism and antisemitism; the second involving the use to which
new property acquired by the Presslers would be put. Dr. Lethbridge lost
the suit, and has now lost a subsequent appeal. Essentially, the judges
found that Eileen Pressler and her organization were indeed racist and
antisemitic, but that the Presslers had been defamed on the property issue.
Dr. Lethbridge must now pay between $50,000 and $75,000 -- the exact figure
has yet to be determined. These funds must be raised, and very soon! If you
value the struggle against racism, antisemitism, and hate propaganda, we
appeal to you to help pay these legal costs.


On a CBC television show concerning rumors about property owned by Elieen
and Claus Pressler, Lethbridge was asked if he was the source of the
rumors. He said that he was not, and that it was his opinion that citizens
were concerned about the Pressler property because the organization
Pressler ran was anti-Semitic and racist. When Lethbridge was asked if he
gave any credence to the rumor that paramilitary training might be carried
out on the property, he explicitly denied the rumor, saying "They're not
going to do paramilitary training; they never have." Lethbridge then said
that it was his opinion that the property would be used to "hold
conventions of extreme right-wingers and print and distribute literature
which lies on the border of hate literature." He also said that the
property would be defended in the sense that it would be impossible to get
into, and difficult to picket since it was right on the highway. (Trial
testimony revealed that the CPA offices were indeed on the rumored
property, and that hate literature was indeed sold from that location.)

Strangely, the trial judge and the appeal judges found that Lethbridge's
few remarks constituted "defamatory libel" against Eileen and Claus
Pressler. The appeal judges further claimed that Lethbridge's off-broadcast
repetition to the TV reporter of rumors he had heard at a meeting of
concerned citizens somehow constituted the basis for the entire TV show,
and that Lethbridge was therefore responsible for the TV broadcast itself!


In the 1980s, Eileen Pressler was the president of the Salmon Arm chapter
of the BC Free Speech League which, according to the Canadian Jewish
Congress, was "in reality a vehicle for anti-Semitism and Holocaust-
denial." At a meeting of the Pressler chapter, a version of the viciously
anti-Jewish "Protocols of the Elders of Zion" was distributed. In the late
1980s and 1990s, Pressler founded and ran the Council on Public Affairs
(CPA), and edited the CPA Digest. The Digest carried materials from a
number of neo-Nazi sources. The assistant editor, Leonard Saunders, was an
open Holocaust-denier who expressed an extreme hatred of Jews. The

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 13 Feb 2001 -- 5:10 (#512)

2001-02-13 Thread Paul Kneisel

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The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 13 February 2001
  Vol. 5, Number 10 (#512)

Action Alerts:
Nottingham, England: 3 Mar 01 -- "No Nazis in Nottingham!"
Emperor's Clothes, "Yugoslav Journalists' Fund"
Readers Write:
Michel Chossudovsky, Jared Israel (editor, Emperor's Clothes) and Nico
   Varkevisser (President, Global Reflexion), "Don't entertain him -
   arrest him! Javier Solana's Belgrade Visit is an Outrage!" 7 Feb 01
News On the IBM/Holocaust Suit
Tom Rhodes (The Times [of London]), "IBM link to Final Solution
   revealed," 11 Feb 01
David Sims (Industry Standard), "Skeletons in Big Blue's Closet," 12 Feb
John L. Micek (NewsFactor), "Book, Lawsuit Slam IBM's Nazi Ties," 12 Feb
Hate Crime at Jewish Cemetary:
Linda Leicht (News-Leader), "Nazi symbols painted on gravestones," 7 Feb
Linda Leicht (News-Leader), "Religious groups work together: Workers
   from area churches band together to fund cleanup, remove graffiti
   from graves," 8 Feb 01
Angela Wilson (News-Leader), "Cemetery to be rededicated: A ceremony is
   set for Sunday; cleanup of Jewish graves continues," 8 Feb 01



No Nazis in Nottingham!
Saturday 3 March.
Assemble: Nottingham Prison, Perry Road, Nottingham, 12 noon

The Nazi National Front are hoping to hold a demonstration outside
Nottingham Prison on Saturday 3 March 2001.  The Anti Nazi League are
mobilising to stop them.

Last year the NF attempted to march in Nottingham.   They were forced to
wait in a park for nearly two hours in the pouring rain because of the
large number of people who had turned out to stop them.  Even when the
police tried to allow the NF to march Anti-Nazis occupied the area outside
the prison and the NF failed to reach the prison to hold their

The NF claimed they were marching because the prison holds sex offenders.
No local people joined the NF demonstration and the groups who are
campaiging around the prison have excluded the NF from any of their

The ANL in Nottingham have launched a campaign to stop this march,
contacting local councillors, MPs, footballers, celebrities and anyone who
lives in the area. When over 7,000 people signed a petition in Hastings to
stop the NF and showed they were prepared to come onto the streets to stop
the Nazis, the NF cancelled their demonstration.

Contact the ANL for details of activities in Nottingham to stop the NF in
the weeks leading up to the 3rd March and put your name to the petition to
keep Nottingham Nazi-free!

Anti Nazi League
PO Box 2566, London N4 1WJ
Phone: 020 7924 0333
Fax: 020 7924 0313

- - - - -

Yugoslav Journalists' Fund
Emperor's Clothes

Emperor's Clothes is trying to assist a few families of Yugoslav
journalists. These journalists are among the many journalists who have
literally been thrown out of work when thugs took over all TV and radio
stations and newspapers during and after the Oct. 5th coup. These attacks
are part of the terror in 'democratic' Serbia. We are providing some
financial help; we need to provide more.

It's really a privilege to be able to help these brave men and women who
are trying to report 'the other side' within Yugoslavia and, through
Emperor's Clothes and other media, to the outside world.

Meanwhile, our own operating costs have increased. (For instance, monthly
fees for the superb news media search engine Lexis have more than doubled.)

If you can make a contribution either to our general expenses or
specifically to help the Journalists' Fund, please do. Any amount will
help. To use our secure server, please go to (If you use the secure
server and wish your contribution to go to the Journalists' Fund, please
send us a note at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Or you can mail a check to Emperor's Clothes, P.O. Box 610-321, Newton, MA

Or call 617 916-1705 from 9-5, Eastern U.S. time and ask for Bob. Thanks
very much!
[Emperor's Clothes]



Don't entertain him - arrest him! Javier Solana's Belgrade Visit is an
Outrage!  [2-7-2001]
Michel Chossudovsky, Jared Israel (editor, Emperor's Clothes) and Nico
Varkevisser (President, Global Reflexion)
7 Feb 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 9 Feb 2001 -- 5:9 (#511)

2001-02-09 Thread Paul Kneisel

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 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 9 February 2001
   Vol. 5, Number 9 (#511)

Action Alerts:
European-wide Action Week Against Racism 17-25 Mar 01
ad hoc group of anarchists in Kiev, "Anarchists Of Kiev Deny Their
   Implication Into Attack On Tent Camp of 'Ukraine Without Kuchma'
   Campaign," 7 Feb 01
Crimes Against Humanity In Old Virginnie
Chris Kahn (AP), "Va. Lower House OKs Bill on Eugenics," 2 Feb 01
Book/Movie Reviews:
Alastair Macdonald (Reuters), "'Sexy' Stalingrad Epic Opens Berlin Film
   Festival," 7 Feb 01
Rightwing Crime In the News:
Reuters, "German Teen Skinheads Jailed for Vagrant Murder," 2 Feb 01
Jocelyn Gecker (AP), "Holocaust Survivors Protest Papon," 4 Feb 01
Kristen Hays (AP), "Cross-Burner Sentenced to 10 Years," 5 Feb 01
ABC News, "'Columbine-Style' Attack Averted: Police in Kansas have
   arrested three teens in connection with a planned attack on a local
   high school. Police say they found weapons, ammo and Nazi and white
   supremacist materials along with a floor plan of the school," 6 Feb
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



UNITED is preparing an updated list of activities in the framework of the
European-wide Action Week Against Racism 17-25 March 2001. For those who
are preparing meetings, demonstrations, exhibitions or festivals campaign
posters are available.

Please send your activity to UNITED, to be included in the list of
activities which will be distributed to over 2000 addresses around Europe.
Use the list to: find partners, find speakers, organise international
solidarity actions...

We plan the following activities:
Name organisation
Contact person


- - - - -

Anarchists Of Kiev Deny Their Implication Into Attack On Tent Camp of
 'Ukraine Without Kuchma' Campaign
ad hoc group of anarchists in Kiev
7 Feb 01

At yesterday’s action "Ukraine without Kuchma" [Leonid Kuchma is Ukraine's
president, protests in Kiev are organized by a wide range of oppositionists
including Stalinists and nationalists] in the center of Kiev, some several
dozens unknown young men waving black flags with anarchist symbols attacked
the action participants’ tent camp. According to media reports, they belong
to some "Syndicate of anarchists". The attack was appraised as provocation
by action’s organisers and some media representatives; meanwhile the large
part of reports claimed the attackers as "anarchists" or "people who
claimed themselves the anarchists".

We, Kiev anarchists from different initiative groups and NGOs,
participating in public actions in Kiev at different periods, have to state
that we have never heard on organisation or group with the name "Syndicate
of anarchists"; no information on such organisation’s activity ever came;
and no one of the people (those of them with non-covered faces which it was
possible to scan) who attacked the tent camp on February 6, 2001 ever
participated in the activity of the Kiev anarchist community. We also
affirm that none of anarchist organisations known to us either condemned or
supported "Ukraine without Kuchma" action, while some people from Kiev
anarchists community sometimes participated in it. We consider the attack
happened as ugly and brutal provocation against participants of "Ukraine
without Kuchma" action.

Such a provocation against anti-president tent camp, while committed with
anarchist flags, is absurd, which can be used only for research on mental
capabilities of those who will believe it. However, the whole style of such
actions is quite familiar. The very same silent young men in standard
clothes, with faces that hard to remember, used the violence while detained
Kiev anarchists at legal manifestation in 1997 or during protests against
EBRD meeting in 1998. Now the very similar people tried to hide their real
attributes behind the quickly made symbols of those who became the object
of the same violent actions some times before.

We condemn the provocation that took place at February 6, 2001 and claim
the state security bodies responsible for it.

Kiev anarchists: [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Va. Lower House OKs Bill on Eugenics
Chris Kahn (AP)
2 Feb 01

RICHMOND, Va. -- The state's lower 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 6 Feb 2001 -- 5:8 (#510)

2001-02-06 Thread Paul Kneisel

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 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 6 February 2001
   Vol. 5, Number 8 (#510)

Action Alerts:
New York, 8 Feb, Fundraiser for the Center for Law and Social Justice
Rightwing Crime In the News:
Nils Myklebost (AP), "Neo-Nazis Detained in Norway," 28 Jan 01
AP, "German Teens Jailed in Beating Death," 2 Feb 01
Real Political Correctness:
PlanetOut News Staff, "Bush to Fund 'Faith-Based' Groups," 30 Jan 01
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



On Thursday, February 8, 2001, the Center for Law and Social Justice at
Medgar Evers College is having a fundraiser/concert featuring Tulain

Tulani wil performing songs from her new CD "Expressions of my Mind."
Tickets are $20.00 in advance and $25.00 at the door. For further
information and  tickets call (718) 270-6291 or (718) 604-4564.

The concert will be begin at  7pm and will be held in the performance hall
at Medgar Evers College at 1650 Bedford Avenue in Brooklyn.



Neo-Nazis Detained in Norway
Nils Myklebost (AP)
28 Jan 01

OSLO, Norway -- Five neo-Nazis have been detained in connection with the
weekend stabbing death of a black teen-ager, which prompted a rally Sunday
denouncing what was seen as a racially motivated slaying.

Hundreds of people rallied Sunday at the site where 15-year old Benjamin
Hermansen was killed late Friday in the multiracial suburb of Holmlia as he
was swapping cell phone covers with a friend.

Police detained three men in their 20s and two 17-year-old girls on
Saturday, saying the suspects were active in the neo-Nazi group known as
Bootboys, which has about 200 followers.

All five were charged with murder, which carries a sentence of up to 21
years. They were caught in an Oslo apartment filled with Nazi
paraphernalia, police said. Police confiscated books by Rudolf Hess, Adolf
Hitler's deputy, and posters for "white power" concerts, as well as a
pitbull and a snake.

Police said all five had criminal records, ranging from attempted murder to
robbery and vandalism. Two of the men and one of the girls had been
arrested in a stabbing incident in December but were released pending the

Police inspector Finn Abrahamsen said he was shocked by the crime.

"I have served in Lebanon and Yugoslavia. There people were killed because
of their race. I never thought this could happen in Norway," Abrahamsen was
quoted as saying by the daily Dagbladet.

Hermansen, whose deceased father was from Ghana and whose mother is
Norwegian, was a popular figure in his neighborhood, where he was active in
fighting against racism. Last summer, he appeared on Norwegian television
to talk about being assaulted by neo-Nazi youths during a soccer tournament
in Denmark.

- - - - -

German Teens Jailed in Beating Death
2 Feb 01

BERLIN -- Three far-right teen-agers who helped beat a homeless man to
death at a Baltic island resort because they considered him a social
outcast were sentenced Friday to terms ranging from three to 12 years.

The Stralsund court sentenced a 19-year-old man to 12 years in prison and a
16-year-old accomplice to eight years in youth custody for murdering the
51-year-old man in the resort of Ahlbeck last July. Another 16-year-old was
sent into youth custody for three years for causing bodily harm.

Prosecutors had asked for a life sentence for the older defendant and 24-
year-old Gunnar Doege, the chief suspect in the murder. Doege is being
tried separately.

The killing added to concern last year over a surge in neo-Nazi violence
that spurred the government to pledge a crackdown on the far right and to
call for ordinary Germans to stand up for the victims. Foreigners and Jews
also have been attacked.

The self-professed far-rightists had admitted attacking the man, saying he
was an outsider who had no place on the island of Usedom, near the Polish
border. According to prosecutors, they repeatedly jumped on the victim's
head and body and kicked his genitals.

The court has sought an additional psychiatric report on Doege, who was
arrested last summer after a nationwide manhunt, to establish whether he
can be considered responsible for his actions.


It's from the rightwing authoritarians and always has been

Bush to Fund "Faith-Based" Groups

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 2 Feb 2001 -- 5:7 (#509)

2001-02-03 Thread Paul Kneisel

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 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 2 February 2001
   Vol. 5, Number 7 (#509)

Action Alerts:
ACLU Action Alert, "Oppose Taxpayer-Funded Religious Discrimination," 31
   Jan 01
Book/Movie Reviews:
Pierre Birnbaum, "Jewish Destinies: Citizenship, State, an Communisty in
   Modern France," Translated by Arthur Goldhammer. New York: Hill and
   Wang, 2000
Rightwing Crime In the News:
Maria L. La Ganga and John M. Glionna (Los Angeles Times), "Killer Dog
   Linked to Ring Run by Inmates: The breeding operation was directed by
   white supremacists inside Pelican Bay prison, authorities say," 31
   Jan 01
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



Oppose Taxpayer-Funded Religious Discrimination
ACLU Action Alert
31 Jan 01

President Bush this week proposed sweeping changes in the way pervasively
religious organizations can use taxpayer money to provide social services.
His new initiative, which includes a White House Office of Faith-Based and
Community Initiatives, would in fact create government-funded
discrimination in employment and services, as well as result in a
dangerous loosening of licensing and standards for providers of social

Provided that they use their own funds, religious organizations are exempt
from many civil rights laws and courts have allowed them to discriminate on
the basis of their religious beliefs and teachings about race,
religion, sexual orientation, gender and pregnancy status.  But that
equation must change once religious organizations begin to use tax
dollars.  Under the Bush initiative, for example, a Catholic church
receiving tax dollars for literacy programs could fire a teacher for
getting pregnant outside of marriage, or an Orthodox Jewish synagogue that
used public funds to operate a food bank could refuse to provide food to

TAKE ACTION! Stop the Bush administration from transforming the helping
hand of government into a chokehold of discrimination!  You can read more
about this and other concerns with the Bush proposal and send a FREE FAX to
Congress and the President from our action alert at:



Pierre Birnbaum, "Jewish Destinies: Citizenship, State, an Communisty in
 Modern France," Translated by Arthur Goldhammer. New York: Hill and
 Wang, 2000. vii + 324 pp. Notes index. $35.00 (cloth), ISBN
 0-8090-6101-5.  Reviewed by Jonathan Judaken, Department of History,
 University of Memphis . Published by H-Antisemitism (December, 2000)

French-Jewish Emancipation and its Discontents

"Let us be grateful to assimilation. If at the same time, we oppose it, it
is because this "withdrawal into the self" which is essential to us, and
which is so often disparaged, is not the symptom of an outmoded phase of
existence, but reveals a "beyond" to universalism." --Emmanuel Levinas

"The vise gradually tightened. The first stage was the roundup of a
thousand prominent Jews in December 1941. One of my uncles was in that
group. He and most of the others never returned from deportation. That
roundup proved conclusively that Nazis were going to destroy the Jews,
whatever their origin. Until then--not to their credit or foresightedness,
it must be said--French Jews thought they would be treated differently from
foreign Jews. That day, they realized that they shared a common destiny.
This important lesson influenced the French Jewish community in the postwar
years. They realized that they shared a common destiny whatever their
background. That explains, I believe, the warm, generous welcome extended
to the Jews from France's former colonies." --Annie Kriegel

These two epigraphs encapsulate the historical, political and sociological
questions raised in this excellent translation of Pierre Birnbaum's tour de
force, Destins juifs: De la Revolution francaise a Carpentras (1995).
Jewish Destinies is an outstanding overview of key debates and
personalities that have shaped the history of Jews in modern France.
Birnbaum, a Professor at the University of Paris I (Pantheon-Sorbonne) and
the Institut d'Etudes Politiques in Paris, a leading political sociologist,
and one of France's most eminent scholars of the political history of Jews
in France, has written close 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 30 Jan 2001 -- 5:6 (#508)

2001-02-01 Thread Paul Kneisel

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 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 30 January 2001
   Vol. 5, Number 6 (#508)

News On the International Brigades from the Spanish Civil War
Asociacin de Amigos de las Brigadas Internacionales, "Madrid:
   International Brigade Exhibit," 25 Jan to 25 Feb 01
Peter Carroll, "ALBA Collection Moving to NYU’s Tamiment Library," 22
   Jan 01
Net Politics In the News:
UPI (via PolicyTech), "Foreign 'Net sites can be closed," 10 Jan 01
Michael S. Overing (Online Journalism Review), "End of Anonymity Without
   Liability?," 11 Jan 01
Web Sites of Interest:
Real Political Correctness:
AA News, "Bush Huddles With Catholic Leader, Plans Strategy to Push
  'Faith-Based' Partnership Plan in Congress: Fleischer Says Church
  Involvement 'Next Step In Welfare Reform'," 25 Jan 01
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



Madrid: International Brigade Exhibit
Asociacin de Amigos de las Brigadas Internacionales

In Alcal de Henares (Madrid), from January 25 to February 25, 2001, within
the framework of a week "dedicated to Azaa" which the city is holding,
there will be an exhibition called "Volunteers for Liberty, the
International Brigades", and is the work of AABI "The Association of the
International Brigades" based in Madrid. The history of the International
Brigades is illustrated through the use of display pannels with text and
photographs.  Aspects such as: The international situation before the war
in Spain, the military uprising, the arrival of the first contingents,
background of the volunteers, brigade organization, participation in key
battles. Non military aspects are also covered such as, sanitary services
and culture, the International Brigades after the war, their importance and
their reflection in the arts. In addition, the exhibits includes period
artifacts, weapons and uniforms. An exhibit catalogue will be on sale to
the public.

Furthermore, on February 8, there will be also a round table discussion on
"The International Brigades yesterday and today" in Alcal de Henares in
the same celebration dedicated to Azaa. The participans are : Hans
Landauer (Brigadista and chairman of the Association of Austrian
Brigadistas), Guido Nonveiller ( Yugoslav brigadista), George Pichler
(Professor at the University of Alcal de Henares), Luis Suarez
(Liutenant Mayor of Alcal de Henares from the United Left) and Gustavo
Zaragoza (University student and AABI member)

- - - - -

ALBA Collection Moving to NYU's Tamiment Library
Peter Carroll
22 Jan 01

In the most important decision in its 22-year history, ALBA’s Board of
Governors voted in September to transfer its entire Spanish Civil War
archive holdings to New York University’s Tamiment Library near Washington

The move assures that the ever-growing archive will be processed by
professional librarians and made available to more researchers and readers
than ever before. In addition, the relocation will permit closer
cooperation between ALBA and NYU’s King Juan Carlos I Center, which
promotes public programs relating to Spain and the United States. NYU’s
purchase of the collection also ensures the creation of a permanent
endowment fund to sustain ALBA’s diverse activities long into the future.

The ALBA collection, which will maintain its distinct name within the
library’s holdings, consists of over 300 linear feet of original research
material, such as letters, diaries, journals, and official records as well
as the office materials of the Veterans of the Abraham Lincoln Brigade.

Besides such paper documents, the collection encompasses about 5,000
photographs, over 100 Spanish Civil War posters, and miscellaneous
historical objects and memorabilia. ALBA’s unique microfilm holdings of the
Moscow Archives will accompany the archives to its new location. The move
also includes duplicate copies of books and pamphlets, which will join the
extensive holdings of the NYU libraries.

The decision to transfer the archive from Brandeis University in Waltham,
Massachusetts reflected the extensive growth of the collection in recent
years, which required considerable processing, indexing, and storage.
Facing space and budgetary constraints, Brandeis librarians recommended in
1998 that ALBA seek a larger depository. That proposal launched more than
two years of negotiations 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 26 Jan 2001 -- 5:5 (#507)

2001-01-29 Thread Paul Kneisel

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 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 26 January 2001
   Vol. 5, Number 5 (#507)

Book/Movie Reviews:
Robert Rozett and Shmuel Spector (ed.), "Encyclopedia of the Holocaust,"
   in association with Yad Vashem, The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes'
   Remembrance Authority
Rightwing Crime In the News:
Charles Feldman and Stanley Wilson (CNN), "Man charged in Jewish
   community center shootings to plead guilty today," 24 Jan 01
David Rosenzweig (Los Angeles Times), "Furrow to Plead Guilty in
   Slaying, Anti-Semitic Attack: The deal, expected to be finalized at a
   hearing today, would let the white supremacist avoid the death
   penalty for the murder of mail carrier Joseph Ileto," 24 Jan 01
Jill Serjeant (Reuters), "White supremacist pleads guilty to shooting
   spree," 24 Jan 01
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



Encyclopedia of the Holocaust
Robert Rozett and Shmuel Spector (ed.)
in association with Yad Vashem, The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes'
Remembrance Authority

Encyclopedia of the Holocaust is a comprehensive, authoritative one-volume
reference that provides reliable information on this ignoble and
frightening episode of modern history.

It features eight essays on the history of the Holocaust and its
antecedents, as well as coverage of such topics as the history of European
Jewry, Jewish contributions to European culture, and the rise of
antisemitism and Nazism. The essays are followed by more than 650 entries
on significant aspects of the Holocaust, including people, cities and
countries, camps, resistance movements, political actions, and outcomes.

More than 300 black-and-white photographs from the archives at Yad Vashem
bear witness to the horrors of the Nazi regime and at the same time attest
to the invincibility of the human spirit. Coverage includes * Essays, such
as "The Contribution of European Jewry to Modern Culture," "Nazi Ideology
and Its Roots," "The Nazi Rise to Power and the Nature of the Nazi Regime,"
"The Destruction of the Jews," "On Being a Jew in the Holocaust," "The
Allies and the Holocaust," and "The Aftermath of the Holocaust and Its
Influence on Present-Day Society' * People, including Adolf Hitler, Adolf
Eichmann, Joseph Goebbels. Oskar Schindler, Raoul Wallenberg, Anne Frank,
Winston Churchill, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Elie Wiesel, and David Ben-
Gurion, among others * Places, such as Poland, France, Hungary, Germany,
the Soviet Union, and Denmark * Camps, such as Auschwitz, Dachau.
Treblinka, Bergen-Beisen, and Buchenwald * Events, such as the Warsaw
Ghetto Uprising, the Death Marches. the Eichmann Trial, the Bermuda
Conference, and the Slovak National Uprising * Organizations, such as the
Gestapo, the War Refugee Board, the World Jewish Congress, the
International Red Cross, and the United Nations War Crimes Commission In
addition, there are entries on such topics as American Jewry and the
Holocaust, Denial of the Holocaust, Films on the Holocaust, the Holocaust
in Music, Nazi Propaganda, Youth Movements, Museums and Memorials.

Hardback; 276 x 219 mm; 528 pages 300 illustrations 1-57958-307-5; November
2000; 65.00

See for full details and an
order form.



Man charged in Jewish community center shootings to plead guilty today
Charles Feldman and Stanley Wilson (CNN)
24 Jan 01

LOS ANGELES, California -- Buford O. Furrow Jr., the accused shooter in  a
hate crime that left a postal carrier dead and five others wounded at a
Jewish community center in 1999, will plead guilty to murder and other
charges Wednesday, U.S. Attorney spokesman Thom Mrozek said.

Because of the plea agreement, Furrow will not face the death penalty but
will serve a term of life in prison without parole, a law enforcement
source  told CNN.

Furrow, a 38-year-old avowed white supremacist, was indicted by a federal
grand jury last year on charges of murder and firearms violations stemming
from the killing of U.S. Postal carrier Joseph Santos Ileto.

Furrow expressed no regrets

According to the indictment, Furrow expressed no regrets over the August
1999  shooting death of Ileto and the wounding of five people at the North
Valley  Jewish Community Center.

In the 61-page 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 23 Jan 2001 -- 5:4 (#506)

2001-01-26 Thread Paul Kneisel

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 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 23 January 2001
   Vol. 5, Number 4 (#506)

Action Alerts:
Marseille: Trial Against FTP Anti-Fascists Postponed
News On Ethnic Crimes In the Former Yugoslavia
Finnish experts find no evidence of Serb massacre of Albanians
Deutsche Presse-Agentur
17 Jan 01
Timothy R. Brown (AP), "[Byron De La Beckwith] Assassin of Civil Rights
   Leader Dies Man Convicted of Killing Medgar Evers Spent Last Years in
   Prison," 22 Jan 01
Rightwing Crime In the News:
Peter O'Connell (Las Vegas Reveiw-Journal), ""[Skinhead Leader] Butler
   sentenced to die for [Newborn and Shersty] slayings [of Members of
   Anti-Racist Action]," 11 Jan 01
AP, "Militia Member Admits to Plots," 19 Jan 01
Rosanna ruiz (Houston Chronicle), "Katy cross burner gets 37 months in
   prison," 22 Jan 01
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



Marseille: Trial Against FTP Anti-Fascists Postponed
Anarchist Black Cross Innsbruck; Translated by Arm The Spirit
14 Jan 01

The start of the trial against the two militant anti-fascists in Marseille,
France has  been delayed until February 6 and 7, 2001. For the latest
information on the situation, please contact Anarchist Black Cross (ABC)
Innsbruck, or see the following web sites:

Background Information

On Friday, October 15, 1999, two militant anti-fascists in Marseille,
France, Yves (40) and William (38), were arrested and charged with several
attacks from the past few years. The two are accused of being members of
the militant anti-fascist group FTP ('Francs Tireurs Partisans') which has
been waging an autonomous struggle since 1991 against the FN ('Front
National') and its members. From 1991 to 1998, the FTP carried out 10 bomb
and arson attacks on FN offices and other symbols of the neo-fascist
movement. Even police statements admit that the bombings were carried out
in such a way as not to kill people, rather only to damage property. Yves
has officially admitted to being solely responsible for the attacks. This
resulted in William being released on bail in March 2000. Yves, however,
has been in pre-trial custody for over a year.

The FTP have consistently identified with a radical form of anti-fascism,
marked by an internationalist and anti-capitalist viewpoint. Although they
reject the moralistic and politically institutionalized anti-fascism of
groups such as 'SOS Racism', they have not suggested that others should
follow their lead. Instead, they view their struggle as one form among
many, no more or less efficient or legitimate than other forms of anti-
fascist struggle. Also, they see themselves as limited to a specific,
geographical context, namely the region of Provence Alpes Cote D'Azur
(PACA). This area is unique in France. Once a long-time bastion of the
left, from centrist groups to the far-left, a political shift began about
30 years ago. Maffia influence over politics increased, and open alliances
formed between police and fascist forces. Four communities became dominated
by the FN. The tragic highpoint of this development was the murder of
Ibrahim Ali by FN activists in 1995.

Today, radical anti-fascism is more essential than ever before, not because
any real danger exists that the FN and its cohorts could come into power,
but rather because its ideas and viewpoints are being implemented by the
ruling parties out of fear of losing votes to the FN and its allies. At the
same time they hide behind the veneer of "state anti-fascism" and point
their fingers at the FN. In reality, however, the ruling parties are
fulfilling the political demands of the FN at the same time.



[Byron De La Beckwith] Assassin of Civil Rights Leader Dies Man Convicted
 of Killing Medgar Evers Spent Last Years in Prison
Timothy R. Brown (AP)
22 Jan 01

JACKSON, Miss. -- The death of Byron De La Beckwith, the convicted assassin
of civil rights leader Medgar Evers, is the "final chapter" of a  troubling
story, Evers' brother said early Monday.

Beckwith, 80, died Sunday night after he was transferred from his jail cell
to University Medical Center.

Barbara Austin, a hospital spokeswoman, said Beckwith entered the hospital
at  about 2 p.m. CDT. She could not elaborate on 

Special Issue #2 On Ashcroft Nomination (#505)

2001-01-23 Thread Paul Kneisel

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 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Sunday, 21 January 2001
   Special Issue #2 On Ashcroft Nomination (#505)

  8) webmaster, "Oppose John Ashcroft For Attorney
 General," 11 Jan 01
  9) FAIR, "Southern Partisan: "Setting the Record Straight": Attorney
 general nominee praised white supremacist magazine," 12 Jan 01
10) Joe Conason (New York Observer), "Why Did Ashcroft Try to Help Dr.
 Sell?," 15 Jan 01
11) Joe Conason (Salon), "Ashcroft's tough Sell: A segregationist group is
 banking on the hard-on-crime attorney general nominee to drop a murder
 conspiracy case against one of its own," 16 Jan 01

- - - - -

8) Oppose John Ashcroft For Attorney General
11 Jan 01

Dear friend of drug law reform:

As you've probably read in mainstream news accounts, former US Senator John
Ashcroft (R-MO) has been nominated by President- Elect George W. Bush for
the office of Attorney General. DRCNet, as a nonpartisan organization
devoted strictly to drug policy reform, is opposing the Ashcroft nomination
because of his record as one of the most hawkish drug warriors supporting
some of the most extreme drug war legislation during his tenure in the
Senate.  We are writing to ask you to visit a web site we've set up to
encourage grassroots opposition to the Ashcroft nomination -- -- and to use the information and the
online petitions there to help defeat this nomination while there's still

If drug policy and related Constitutional issues are the criteria, there is
no question that John Ashcroft has one of the worst records on Capitol
Hill.  As Senator, John Ashcroft sponsored a bill that would have
simultaneously violated the spirit if not the letter of both the 1st and
4th amendments to the US Constitution: the "Methamphetamine Anti-
Proliferation Act" would have criminalized certain drug- and drug policy-
related discussions on the Internet, and would have allowed police to
conduct secret searches of homes, with the residents never being informed
before or after that the police were there.  Indeed, in his six years in
the Senate, Ashcroft proposed amendments to the Constitution a full seven
times, including an amendment to make it easier to amend the Constitution.

As Senator, John Ashcroft demonstrated an unwillingness to deal seriously
with the problem of racial disparity in the criminal justice system.  While
outwardly professing support for a bill to study racial profiling, Sen.
Ashcroft in reality use his chairmanship of the Subcommittee on the
Constitution to bottle it up in committee for several months; the bill
never made it to the Senate floor despite bipartisan support.

In response to charges that the powder/crack cocaine sentencing disparity
is racially discriminatory, Sen. Ashcroft rejected legislation recommended
by the US Sentencing Commission and sponsored by African American
legislators that would have reduced crack cocaine sentences to the level of
powder cocaine sentences.  Instead, Sen. Ashcroft supported a bill to raise
the powder cocaine sentences -- despite a consensus among criminal justice
experts that the disparities are driven by enforcement policy and
prosecutorial bias in conjunction with the laws, and that powder cocaine
enforcement is also carried out in a racially discriminatory way.

Sen. Ashcroft objected vociferously to spending money on drug treatment
rather than drug interdiction, claiming that treatment "enables" drug users
and that enforcement is a more effective use of funds.  But after decades
characterized by intensive interdiction efforts during which time the
availability of drugs has increased and the price plummeted, and despite
study after study showing that treatment is dramatically more effective
than enforcement, to claim that interdiction is more effective than
treatment demonstrates an astonishing inability or unwillingness to
evaluate drug policy in an objective manner.  Indeed, there isn't clear
evidence that drug interdiction is more effective than doing nothing; to
claim interdiction is more effective than treatment is simply off the
reality meter.

As Attorney General, John Ashcroft would have enormous power and influence
over policies such as these.  Particularly troubling is his lack of
seriousness about racial disparity in the criminal justice system, at a
time when the problem of racial profiling is just beginning to get
attention.  The 

TINAF: Special Issue On Ashcroft Nomination (#503)

2001-01-18 Thread Paul Kneisel

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 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Thursday, 18 January 2001
 Special Issue On Ashcroft Nomination (#503)

  1) People For the American Way, "PFAW President Ralph G. Neas Denounces
 Nomination of John Ashcroft as Next U.S. Attorney General," 22 Dec 00
  2) People For the American Way, "Ashcroft's Disturbing Record," 22 Dec 00
  3) AA News, "Speak Out Against the Ashcroft Nomination! Tell Your Senator
 To Oppose Ashcroft, "Religion Tax" On American People!," 24 Dec 00
  4) Norman Solomon (Creators Syndicate), "Confirmation Path greased For
 Ashcroft? Not So Fast!," 28 Dec 00
  5) Institute For Public Accuracy, "Researcher Cites Ashcroft 'Ties to
 White Supremacists'," 2 Jan 01
  6) Institute for Public Accuracy, "Context: John Ashcroft and
 Neo-Confederate Influence," 4 Jan 01
  7) Chip Berlet (Private Eye), "Ashcroft Appearance on Schlafly's 1997
 Conspiracist Video," 11 Jan 01

- - - - -

1) PFAW President Ralph G. Neas Denounces Nomination of John Ashcroft as
   Next U.S. Attorney General
People For the American Way
22 Dec 00

While it is extremely rare for People For the American Way to oppose an
Executive Branch nomination, we must oppose strongly the nomination of John
Ashcroft to be Attorney General of the United States.

The Attorney General of the United States is not only the lawyer for the
President, but also the lawyer for the people of the United States.  He is
the principal enforcer of our nation's civil rights laws.

John Ashcroft is the antithesis of the person required to lead the
Department of Justice.  With the possible exception of Senator Jesse Helms,
I do not believe anyone in the United States Senate has a more abysmal
record on civil rights and civil liberties.

The office of Attorney General is the worst executive branch position for
George W. Bush to use as political payback to the far right.  This
nomination is an insult to every person who is committed to our nation's
promise of equal justice for all.

The nomination of John Ashcroft to Attorney General is a particular poke in
the eye to African Americans after Ashcroft's incredibly irresponsible
behavior to block the judicial nomination of Judge Ronnie White.

This is truly an astonishingly bad nomination.

- - - - -

2) Ashcroft's Disturbing Record
People For the American Way
22 Dec 00

George W. Bush's decision today to nominate former Sen. John Ashcroft to
the position of Attorney General--the nation's chief enforcer of civil
rights laws--is an insult to every person who is committed to our nation's
promise of equal justice for all.  People For the American Way strongly
opposes Ashcroft's nomination, and we urge you to support our efforts to
fight his confirmation.

Ashcroft's record on civil rights is abysmal.  More than twenty years ago,
as Missouri's Attorney General, Ashcroft brought suit on behalf of the
State of Missouri against the National Organization for Women because NOW
called for a convention boycott against states who  refused to ratify the
Equal Rights Amendment.  The courts rejected  this attempt to suppress
NOW's political activities. More  recently, as a United States Senator,
Ashcroft led a deceptive and  reprehensible campaign that ultimately led to
the Senate's rejection  of federal judicial nominee Judge Ronnie White.
Judge White was the  first African American to sit on the Missouri State
Supreme Court and  was highly qualified for appointment to the U.S.
District Court.

Ashcroft's voting record in Congress is equally troubling.  He voted
against the Employment Non-Discrimination Act and against the Hate Crimes
Prevention Act, but voted for vouchers and voted to eliminate the National
Endowment for the Arts.  Ashcroft has vehemently opposed all choice laws,
and opposes abortion, even in cases of rape and incest.  Ashcroft has close
ties with Religious Right leaders, and has received 100% ratings from the
Christian Coalition and Phyllis Schlafly's Eagle Forum.  Conversely, the
National Organization for Women, the National Abortion Rights Action
League, the Human Rights Campaign and the League of Conservation Voters
have all given Ashcroft 0% ratings.  The Leadership Council on Civil Rights
gave Ashcroft a 10% rating.

We hope you'll join us in our opposition, and will fight Ashcroft's
confirmation to the position of United States Attorney General.

  - - - - -

3) Speak Out Against the Ashcroft Nomination! Tell Your Senator To
   Oppose Ashcroft, "Religion Tax" On American People!
AA News
24 Dec 00

President-elect George W.  Bush has 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 16 Jan 2001 -- 5:2 (#502)

2001-01-16 Thread Paul Kneisel

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 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 16 January 2001
   Vol. 5, Number 2 (#502)

Updates to Latest Readings:
Action Alert:
Protest Slovakian SNS Party At Euro Parliament
Web Sites of Interest:
Rightwing Crime In the News
Laura Emerson ([Ft. Wayne Indiana] Journal Gazette), "Intimidation costs
   Klansman $120,000," 4 Jan 00
Karen Abbott (Denver Rocky Mountain News), "Golden militia figure
   convicted of selling illegal explosives," 11 Jan 01
AP, "15 Neo-Nazis in Custody in Germany," 13 Jan 01
Real Political Correctness:
Waveny Ann Moore (St. Petersburg Times), Man's views change radically: A
   man once part of Operation Rescue became an FBI informant and now
   calls himself a humanist," 6 Jan 01 What's
Worth Checking: 10 stories



The following journals are available online via:

ACLU Newsfeed, 12 Jan 01
Antifa Info-Bulletin, 14 Jan 01
People For the American Way. 5 Jan 01
Skeptical Inquirer Electronic Digest, 10 Jan 01



Dear Paul,

We would like to bring to your attention the planned visit of the racist
and nationalist leader of the Slovakian SNS party to the European
Parliament in Brussels. Mrs Malikov has been invited by the Italian
Aliance Nacionale.

We ask all democrats to strongly protest against this visit by there own
members in parliament and by the Belgian authorities.

Friendly Greetings,

Wolf Bruggen
Chairman Opr Roma, Roma Rights League

- - - - -

Dear Wolf,

Thank you for this information.

Could you please provide us with dates and other information about the
visit or the URL to a related web site?

With international anti-fascist greetings,

   --  tallpaul (Paul Kneisel)
   Editor: The Internet Anti-Fascist




"This web site is an educational resource on conspiracy theories, extremist
groups and the American far right. This educational effort is geared toward
strengthening the democratic process here in America as well as an
informational resource toward the church. The focus here is to shed light
on a subject that is not very well understood by the general public. Here
we take a hard look at conspiracy theories and the extremist groups that
come from them and their effect on the American church and the democratic



Intimidation costs Klansman $120,000
Laura Emerson ([Ft. Wayne Indiana] Journal Gazette)
4 Jan 00

A federal judge in Fort Wayne has ordered Ku Klux Klansman Jeff Berry to
pay  $120,000 to a Louisville, Ky., TV news team who said Berry held them
hostage  at his home in November 1999.

George M. Sells IV and Heidi Thiel of WHAS-TV in Louisville were awarded
$60,000 each in punitive and compensatory damages stemming from a civil
lawsuit they filed against Berry in U.S. District Court in January 2000.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Roger B. Cosbey ruled on the case Dec. 22. His order
was made public Wednesday.

Berry, 47, of Newville, said he intended to appeal the decision. He
represented himself in court.

Neither Sells nor Thiel could be reached immediately for comment.

Berry had sought to dismiss the complaint, alleging among other things that
the Southern Poverty Law Center had conspired with the TV crew and former
Klansman Brad Thompson to deprive him of his freedom of religion.

The Southern Poverty Law Center started in 1971 as a civil rights law firm
and now tracks hate groups, including the KKK. It provided attorneys for
the  TV reporter and photographer.

Cosbey denied Berry's motion to dismiss the case, saying there was no
evidence to support his allegations.

The magistrate's order follows an Aug. 23 decision to award Sells and Thiel
$2,481 in costs and attorney's fees for Berry's failure to appear at his

Berry's failure to appear at another hearing also cost him the right to
challenge the allegations brought by Sells and Thiel. Cosbey issued a
default  judgment against him and set an Oct. 10 hearing to determine

According to the lawsu

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 12 Jan 2001 -- 5:1 (#501)

2001-01-13 Thread Paul Kneisel

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 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 12 January 2001
   Vol. 5, Number 1 (#501)

Action Alerts:
Benefit Gig for Arrested Anti-Fascists: London, 13 Jan
No Platform Anti-Fascist Network
Rightwing Crime In the News:
AP, "Alleged skinhead recruiter sentenced in defacing of black church,"
   9 Jan 01
Web Site of Interest:
International Union of Fascists
AP, "Flo Kennedy, flamboyant black activist and lawyer, dies at 84," 23
  Dec 00
Book/Movie Reviews:
"Inside Hitler's Germany: Life Under the Third Reich" by Matthew Hughes
   and Chris Mann (Brasseys Inc., 224 pages, $34.95)
Real Political Correctness:
PlanetOut News, "Jr. High Students Fight Book Ban: The librarians are
   outraged, but it's the students who are taking the school district to
   court to get back the gay and lesbian biographies that were
   'disappeared' from the shelves," 23 Dec 00
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



Benefit Gig for Arrested Anti-Fascists: London, 13 Jan

A benefit for NO PLATFORM anti-fascist network and anti-fascists facing
charges of affray after stopping the attempted closure of meeting place by

Short'n'Curlies - Intensivecare - PAIN - Runnin' Riot - Blakelock

Saturday 13 January
corner Hardness St  Herne Hill Rd
Tube: Brikton, Train: Loughborough Junction
9.00pm until late

3.50/2.50 concs.

For more details about arrests:
Groeten / bye,


- - - - -

No Platform Anti-Fascist Network

The recent tabloid and political attacks on asylum seekers has led to an
increase in organised fascist activity.

Anti-fascist activists are building a new anti-fascist network. No Platform
is organised on a non-sectarian basis and is open to all individuals and
organisations interested in direct action against the fascists.

We believe physical opposition, a policy of ‘No Platform’, is necessary and
legitimate because of the inherently violent and anti-democratic nature of
fascism. Fascism exists to intimidate and kill anyone that disagrees with
its views or whom it finds unacceptable for any reason.

However, the fascists try to deny this and are always on the search for
respectability. Allowing them a platform gives them credibility. It is
therefore essential that anti-fascists organise now to keep the fascists in
the gutter where they belong.

Ultimately, fascism will be defeated politically, but this will only be
achieved if we are prepared to physically confront fascism now. If we do
not challenge them while they are isolated and weak then it will be much
harder to challenge them if they grow.

The only objective of this network is to bring together all anti-fascists
who believe that effective political action against fascism is only
possible when backed up with the willingness to stop fascists organising.
We will organise to deny the fascists a platform to espouse their vitriolic
views and will work towards establishing an environment where other groups
and individuals can put forward a political alternative to fascism, free
from the threat of fascist violence.

No Platform - Anti Fascist Network, BM Box 5827, London, WC1M 3XX




Alleged skinhead recruiter sentenced in defacing of black church
9 Jan 01

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. -- A purported skinhead recruiter charged with
drawing swastikas and racial epithets on the doors of a predominantly black
church has been sentenced to three years and four months in federal prison.

In U.S. District Court on Monday, Christopher David Kuykendall, 22, also
was  ordered to serve three years of supervised release and pay $100

Kuykendall pleaded guilty in September to a charge of conspiracy to injure,
oppress, threaten and intimidate members of the New Mount Calvary
Missionary  Baptist Church.

The indictment also accused Kuykendall and a juvenile of shouting racial
slurs at the church on Aug. 28, 1999.

Prosecutors said Kuykendall was a recruiter for Confederate Hammerskin, a
skinhead organization whose members advocate white supremacy.

Defense attorney Kim Tollison had requested the minimum 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 30 Dec 2000 -- 4:104 (#500)

2000-12-31 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Support Our Sponsor 
Don’t miss the latest news in Consumer Electronics.
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We're going to take a short break from publishing for the new year. But if
you change your ISP please be sure to send us your new address.


   The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 30 December 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 104 (#500)

Action Alerts:
Chisun Lee (Village Voice), "Backers Cry Kangaroo Court Philly Judge
   Throws Book at Career Mumia Supporter"
Kissinger's Ad-Hoc Defense Committee, "Support Clark!"
The Net and Rightwing Organizing
Paul Kneisel, "Forgery Case At America Online May Have Far-reaching
   Impact On Internet Hate Speech"
Lucy Sherriff (The Register), "AOL spammer pleads guilty to forgery," 12
   Dec 00
Erich Luening (CNET), "Man pleads guilty in first Net forgery case," 12
   Dec 00
ICARE, "Bertlesmann and Napster have pledged to work closely with German
   authorities to weed out right-wing extremists from using the online
   music-sharing service," 22 Dec 00



Backers Cry Kangaroo Court Philly Judge Throws Book at Career Mumia
Supporter Chisun Lee (Village Voice)

Chanting "Mumia's fearless, so are we. We demand that Clark go free," two
dozen demonstrators braved freezing winds Wednesday morning to protest the
incarceration of a supporter of death row inmate  Mumia Abu-Jamal at the
Brooklyn Metropolitan Detention Center. Accusations of political
persecution might be commonplace for this crowd, but in this case, the
penalties dealt activist Clark Kissinger  seem to invite skepticism about
just application of the law. Their main  target: magistrate judge Arnold
Rapoport, "a flaming reactionary" who  "has engaged in utterly bizarre,
erratic behavior," according to Kissinger lawyer Ronald Kuby.

Kissinger's troubles with Rapoport began last year, but intensified  after
a December 6 hearing in Philadelphia, where he received a sentence  of 90
days in jail for violating probation related to a previous arrest.  As part
of that probation, Kissinger had been forbidden from leaving his  hometown,
New York City, without the consent of authorities. But on  August 1,
Kissinger did just that, to deliver a speech on Mumia at the  Republican
National Convention. Kissinger requested but was denied permission for that

Given the once-in-a-lifetime occasion of a Republican convention in the
town of Abu-Jamal's imprisonment, however, he went anyway.

In his speech, he called George W. Bush "a smirking frat rat" who had
"killed 135 people, that is, approximately one person every other week  for
the entire tenure of his governorship of Texas."

This highly public appearance landed him before Rapoport again. During  the
hearing, Kuby argued that Kissinger had every constitutional right  to
travel to a relevant spot to most effectively deliver his political
message. Rapoport apparently had other ideas. Though he opened the hearing
claiming that "the only issue is whether or not the defendant  violated the
terms of his probation," his subsequent comments hinted at  a different

Rapoport at one point suggested Kissinger had "created a riot" at his  New
York probation office, although he eventually tempered that
characterization, according to an official transcript of the hearing.
Later, he mentioned threats he had received, asking Kissinger, "(T)hat's
what we're to expect here?"

"He was clearly blaming Kissinger for these (threats)," Kuby says. "If  he
had been a defendant acting like that, he would have been packed off  for
psychiatric evaluation."

Some of Rapoport's comments -- like "(T)here seems to be a trail of
disruption wherever (Kissinger) goes" -- drew laughter from Kissinger
supporters, prompting the judge to order the courtroom cleared.

"(Rapoport) is a flaming reactionary, furious that people have raised  the
issue of Mumia Abu-Jamal and have traveled to Philly to do it," Kuby  says.

A member of Rapoport's staff said the judge would not comment. But
assistant U.S. attorney Richard Goldberg denies the judge behaved
inappropriately and says, "The case was very simple -- Mr. Kissinger
stipulated that he violated the terms of his probation." He adds, "Your
First Amendment rights aren't absolute when you break the law."

Kissinger's supporters accuse Rapoport of 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 22 Dec 2000 -- 4:103 (#499)

2000-12-22 Thread Paul Kneisel

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DEAR FRIENDS, Have a happy holiday and while you're visiting friends be
sure to mention the journal. Many of you will get new ISPs this time of
year so be sure to let us know of your change of address.


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 22 December 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 103 (#499)

Action Alerts:
Association of Legal Aid Attorneys, "Urgent Action for Peltier," 22 Dec
Anti-Fascist Activism On the 'Net
Paul Kneisel, "Some Ethical Issues On the Use of 'Bots In Inforwar,"
Draft 10 Dec 00



Urgent Action for Peltier
Association of Legal Aid Attorneys
22 Dec 00

Recent news reports indicate that Bill Clinton is unlikely to grant
clemency to American Indian Movement leader Leonard Peltier, who has  spent
24 years in prison on false charges.  The FBI has conducted an
unprecedented public campaign against clemency

Clinton, meanwhile, is considering clemency for convicted junk-bonder
Michael Milken, a major Democratic Party contributor.

For all practical purposes, positive action now is Peltier's last chance
for freedom.  Supporters can join 17,698 signers of the petition below  by

* * * * *

Mr. President:

We the undersigned come together before you to request the immediate and
unconditional release of Mr. Leonard Peltier from Leavenworth Federal

Mr. Peltier was convicted for the June 26, 1975 murders of 2 FBI agents  on
the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation. There were 4 defendants originally
charged before the Grand Jury. Two of the defendants were tried before  the
court and found Not Guilty by reason of self-defense.

Charges were dropped on the 3rd defendant. Mr. Peltier was tried after a
change of venue to North Dakota. In this trial Mr. Peltier wasn't able  to
put up a self-defense argument. Any evidence that could have proven  Mr.
Peltier's innocence was not allowed in his trial or if it was  allowed it
was not allowed in front of the jury. Witness testimony  wildly diverged
between Grand Jury testimony and trial testimony;  further, several of the
witnesses recanted their testimony after the  trial, claiming perjured
testimony because of threats from the FBI.  Despite testimony, prosecuting
attorneys have stated on several  occasions that they don't know who shot
the agents that day.

The FBI coerced Myrtle Poor Bear into signing three mutually exclusive
affidavits in order to extradite Mr. Peltier from Canada. In Mr.  Peltier's
trial Ms. Poor Bear testified that she never knew Mr. Peltier,  that she
had never seen Mr. Peltier prior to the trial. She testified  that she
signed the affidavits as a result of intimidation by agents  interviewing
her. The jury never heard her testimony, despite the fact  she had
originally been scheduled as a government witness, her testimony  was
excluded on the basis of her "incompetence".   A few FBI officials and/or
agents have launched campaigns to publicly  proclaim the guilt of Mr.
Peltier. Thus perpetuating the original cover  up through dissemination of
misinformation in editorials, web sites and  full page newspaper ads in
what is seen as an effort to discredit the  common sense and creditability
of many national leaders and their  organizations. These leaders have
studied the case in-depth for over  twenty-three years since the reign of
terror on the Pine Ridge  reservation and areas supposedly under the
protection of this county.

Mr. President and elected officials of all people, we ask that you no
longer ignore the voices of the tens of millions of signatures and  letters
of the last twenty three years, and the results of the most  recent polls
in favor of his immediate release. We ask all politicians  and officials to
support true justice. Honor the voices of your  constituents. Call for
immediate unconditional executive clemency for  Mr. Peltier.



Some Ethical Issues On the Use of 'Bots In Inforwar
by Paul Kneisel [EMAIL PROTECTED]
DRAFT 10 Dec 00

Unchallenged spam would ultimately destroy the 'net. Unchallenged spam on
usenet would rapidly destroy the world's village green.


The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 19 Dec 2000 -- 4:102 (#498)

2000-12-20 Thread Paul Kneisel

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The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 19 December 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 102 (#498)

Militant Anti-Fascist Action In Margate
Anti-Nazi League, "NF rounds off year of failure," 16 Dec 00
Anti-Nazi League, "BNP campaign flops," 5 Dec 00
Anti-Nazi League, "NF forced to cancel march on pub," 5 Dec 00
Militant Anti-Klan Action In Chicago
Reuters, "Ku Klux Klan rally in Illinois erupts in violence," 16 Dec 00
Annie Swenney (Sun-Times), "KKK rally in Skokie results in 20 arrests,"
   17 Dec 00
Susan Dodge (Sun-Times), "Klan answered with racial unity," 18 Dec 00
Heather Vogell  (Chicago Tribune), "Demonstrations of Faith Used Against
   Klan In Skokie," 17 Dec 00
Michael J. Jordan (JTA), "Skokie again becomes a dirty word," 13 Dec 00
Ralph Bates: Writer who kept his devotion to republican Spain alive in
   his novels



NF rounds off year of failure
Anti-Nazi League
16 Dec 00

This year the Nazi National Front planned to increase their numbers by
marching in towns across Britain.  They have not succeeded.

Last Saturday in Margate was the latest in a long line of National Front
failures: it was their smallest demonstration yet.The Nazis wanted to
attack the Warren Court Hotel because the Refugee Support Centre holds
meetings there.  Around fifty people from Margate ANL occupied the road
outside the hotel.  Kent police - who have wasted thousands of pounds
enabling the NF to march this year - built a pen on a green behind the
hotel to put the Nazis in.

The handful of local Nazis who tried to approach the hotel were driven away
from the hotel and into the pen by the ANL, where they were protected by
the police.  In spite of National Organiser Terry Blackham's desperate
pleas for support on their website this week, he was still only able to
muster a dozen thugs from London.  In an act of bravado, they tried to
march along the pavement opposite the hotel. They were confronted by
Margate ANL and driven back up the street and into the pen with the local
Nazis.  Humiliated by this, they tried to hold a rally which was drowned
out by Anti-Nazis.  They stayed for only half an hour. In spite of their
threats the National Front have failed to mobilize local people.  However
it is clear that the only thing that has stopped them from building a
bigger National Front has been opposition on the streets, every time they
try to organise.  In 2001 the NF intend to stand candidates in the General
Election.  They hope that members of the BNP disillusioned by the splits in
that organisation will join them to carry out their race hatred on the

To stop them, it is crucial that we mobilise locally every time they raise
their ugly heads.  We must never be complacent - join us in building a
bigger Anti-Nazi League - in Margate and across Britain!

- - - - -

BNP campaign flops
Anti-Nazi League
5 Dec 00

The BNP campaign to target low turnout seats fell flat yesterday when
voters in Haying ensured that the BNP came last in the Three Rivers (Herts)
council elections.

The BNP only managed 37 votes!

Earlier this week the Watford Observer revealed that the BNP had been
running a fraudulent campaign.  Of the BNP's eight nominators six were in
their 80s or 90s and were duped into signing the forms.  One nominee had
been told she was signing a petition about cutting grass verges, another
signed to make the BNP activists go away.

Even using these tactics the BNP have failed.

This has been a tactic repeatedly used by the BNP in local elections.  If
the BNP try to stand in your area make sure that you check out the list of
nominees: they may have been lied to about the form they have signed.

- - - - -

NF forced to cancel march on pub
Anti-Nazi League
5 Dec 00

The Nazi National Front was humiliated last night when they were forced to
cancel their demonstration and retract their threat "to shut down The Cock
Tavern for good".

Over one hundred people turned out to support the ANL, while a paltry ten
Nazis gathered in a nearby pub in preparation for their march.  According
to the police on duty, the NF asked them to escort them to The Cock Tavern,
as "they were afraid of the greater numbers of the Anti-Nazi League" -
perhaps following the outburst of local anger directed against them on the
streets last week.


The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 15 Dec 2000 -- 4:101 (#497)

2000-12-17 Thread Paul Kneisel

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 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 15 December 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 101 (#497)

Santa Zog, "A Militia Man's Christmas," Dec 1995
Three More Far-Rightists Off to Jail
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel, "Intimidation results in 10-year prison
   term," 14 Dec 00
Mark Pazniokas (Hartford Courant), "Two Convicted Of Fraud," 14 Dec 00
Real Political Correctness:
AA News, "Atheist Director Wins As Federal Circuit Court Strikes Ten
   Commandments Monument In Indiana," 13 Dec 00
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



A Militia Man's Christmas
by Santa Zog (composed December 1995)

[A little humor from another researcher. For those of you not familiar with
the dramatis personae of the militia movement, "Mark" is Mark Koernke, and
"Linda" is Linda Thompson --  tallpaul]

'Twas the night before Christmas, and in the condominium
Not a patriot was stirring, not even a Davidian.
The duffels were hung by the chimney with care,
In hopes that Mark from Michigan soon would be there;
The troops were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of Ruby Ridge danced in their heads;
And Linda in her camos and I in my helmet,
Had just settled down to sleep for a bit,
When out on the lawn there arose such a clamor,
I grabbed a revolver and pulled back the hammer.
Away to the window I flew to defend
My home from the ravenous liberal fiends.
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Made it seem like the body of Janet Reno.
When, what through my wandering scope should appear,
But a miniature troop-carrier, complete with full gear,
With a fatigue-clad driver, so lively and sharp,
I knew 'twas from Michigan--the guy they called Mark.
More rapid than jack-booted thugs did he come,
And he ranted and raved and at the mouth he did foam.
"Now, U.N.! Now, Clinton! Now Brady and Schroeder!
"On, Boutros! On, Hillary! On, New World Order!
To the compound at Waco! To the OKC faxes!
Now dash away! dash away, all income taxes!"
Like liberals, wanting to have one-world rule,
At the thought of banning our guns do so drool,
So too did Mr. Koernke drive to our door
Avoiding the land mines I'd placed there before.
And then, in a twinkling, I saw that he'd drawn
A Chinese assault weapon right there on my lawn.
As I readied a grenade and was turning around,
With a fiery cascade, he shot my door down.
He was dressed all in green from his cap to his trousers
And his clothes were all tarnished with reloading powder.
Three Sam Brownes full of ammo were slung on his back,
And he looked like Attila getting ready to sack.
His eyes--how they twinkled! His mustache how Nazi!
His cheeks were like roses, his demeanor so ROTC!
His droll little mouth was all set to grin
As if a microchip had been emplanted within.
The stock of his AK he gripped tight with care
As a thin whisp of smoke rose from it through the air.
He had a broad face and a little round belly,
That shook, when his videos were played on the telly.
He was chubby and plump, a right jolly old sort,
The kind that would kill government agents for sport.
A wink of his eye and a twist of his hairs
Suggested to me there was no light on upstairs.
He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work
And rearmed all our weapons; then turned with a jerk,
And laying his finger on his safety release,
He reentered the confines of his great armored beast.
He turned on the engine and away did he speed,
Following street signs that had been secretly keyed.
But I heard him exclaim, ere he turned round the corner,
"God bless the Republic, and Death to the New World Order!"



Intimidation results in 10-year prison term
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel
14 Dec 00

WEST BEND -- Andrew Joseph Schneider, 64, will spend 10 years in prison
after being sentenced on 10 counts of filing bogus papers to intimidate
local officials.

Schneider could have been sentenced to 50 years in prison after being
convicted in October by a Washington County jury that deliberated just 30

The Wisconsin Department of Justice handled the prosecution.

- - - - -

Two Convicted Of Fraud
Mark Pazniokas (Hartford Courant)
14 Dec 00

A down-on-his-luck former securities broker and the former preacher he
hired  to sell small investors his secret path to riches were convicted

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 12 Dec 2000 -- 4:100 (#4:95)

2000-12-12 Thread Paul Kneisel

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The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 12 December 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 100 (#495)

Action Alerts:
Stop the Nazi National Front: Margate, 16 Dec 00
News On the Situation In Germany
Reuters, "Online Tips to Fight Neo-Nazis," 5 Dec 00
Erich Retmann (AP), "Germans Seize 2 in Synagogue Attack," 7 Dec 00
Veselin Toshkov (AP), "German Lawmakers May Ban Rightists," 8 Dec 00
AP, "Leftist Protesters, Neo-Nazis Clash," 9 Dec 00
Reuters, "Scuffles, Stone-Throwing at Cologne Far-Right Demo," 9 Dec 00
Real Political Correctness:
John Nolan (AP), "Court Rejects School Voucher Program," 11 Dec 00
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
What's Worth Checking: 5 stories



Stop the Nazi National Front

Assemble: Warren Court Hotel, Arthur Road, Cliftonville, Margate, 1pm
Saturday 16 December 2000

The Nazi National Front have announced that they want to hold a demo
outside the Refugee Support Centre at the Warren Court Hotel in Arthur
Road, Cliftonville, Margate.  Margate ANL are mobilising supporters to
defend the Refugee Support Centre from attack by the NF.

On their march to the Cenotaph this November the National Front were joined
by Stephen Irwin a loyalist killer convicted of one of Northern Ireland's
bloodiest massacres. He was called the "Trick or Treat" killer because he
took part in shooting dead 8 people in a predominantly Catholic pub on
Halloween. He was jailed for life in 1995.

The National Front have close links with the Loyalist terrorist group the
Ulster Defence Association, especially in London. In 1998 the UDA leader,
Frank Portinari was guest speaker at the National Front annual rally.

Terry Blackham, the National Front's national organiser, who brought the
dozen thugs to Euston last Tuesday has over 20 convictions for violence and
was sentenced to four and a half years for gun running when he was caught
with Czech made sub machine guns and a grenade launcher boarding a ferry to
Northern Ireland.

Arthur Road is a quiet residential road off the shopping street of
Northdown Road. Local people will be out Christmas shopping a few hundred
yards away from where the Nazi NF plan to demonstrate. 400 yards away from
the Warren Court Hotel is Bugsy`s Bowling Alley which holds kids parties on
Saturday afternoons.

This will be the fifth time this year that the Nazis have targeted Margate.
Local people are furious that the seafront was disrupted this summer as
Kent Police protected the tiny NF attempts to march. Margate ANL`s slogan
is `The Nazi NF wrecked the summer in Margate - don`t let them wreck

   --  Anti Nazi League
   PO Box 2566, London N4 1WJ
   Phone:  020 7924 0333
   Fax:  020 7924 0313



Online Tips to Fight Neo-Nazis
5 Dec 00

BERLIN -- Organizers of a Web site launched on Tuesday aimed at offering
tips on how to combat racist and neo-Nazi violence in Germany said it had
attracted hundreds of visitors within hours of going live.

"We've had hundreds of page hits already, and we're expecting thousands
more," said Rudiger Hesse, spokesman for the project launched by six German
state governments.

Under headings such as "In the Pub," "On Public Transport" and "In
Pedestrian Areas" -- places deemed potentially dangerous for foreign
residents in Germany -- the site advises readers to enlist the help of
other bystanders to stand up to perpetrators of racist crime.

The authors stress that passers-by who witness racial violence should try
to reason with the attackers rather than resort to violence themselves.

A spate of attacks on foreigners this year has raised the pressure on
authorities to act to stamp out racist and neo-Nazi crime. The Internet is
increasingly used by Germany's far-right scene to disseminate information
and recruit new members.

The site,, was launched
following huge public demand for information on Germany's far-right problem
and how to combat it, Hesse said.

"We used to get hundreds of calls every week from people asking for advice
on how to deal with far-right violence," he said. "The good thing about the
Web page is that people can access this information from the privacy of
their own homes."

- - - - -

Germans Seize 2 in Synagogue 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 8 Dec 2000 -- 4:99 (#495)

2000-12-09 Thread Paul Kneisel

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 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 8 December 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 99 (#495)

How Many Holocaust Deniers Does It Take to Change A Lightbulb?
Fascists To Again March In Skokie
Jewish Defense League (press release), "Mobilize to Stop the Ku Klux
   Klan," 6 Dec 00
Art Golab (Chicago Sun-Times), "Jewish group says it will stop KKK
   rally," 5 Dec 00
Michael J. Jordan (JTA), "Twenty-two years later, Skokie again a dirty
   word," 5 Dec 00
Art Review:
Jesse Hamlin (San Francisco Courier), "Painting The Tensions Of the
   South: Travis Somerville's work struggles with white guilt," 6 Dec 00
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
What's Worth Checking: 5 stories



[The material below was recently published on alt.revisionism, the usenet
news group that acts as a magnet for the Holocaust Deniers. --  tallpaul]

Q: How many Holocaust Deniers does it take to change a light bulb?

A: 1000. One to change it; 999 to furiously deny that it was changed.

A: None. The Denier crowd never accomplishes anything positive. But a
thousand of them would be lined up to claim the Jews stole the bulb.

A: That's another typical Holohugger commie Jew smear!

A: Why are you Holohuggers always asking about JEWISH lightbulbs? Why don't
you ever ask about all the German lightbulbs that were broken after WW II?
Why don't you ask how many lightbulbs British bombers broke in Dresden? Why
don't we ever hear about broken Palestinian lightbulbs?

A: Oh, Gawd. There they go again. First it was extortion to get our money
for the so-called Holocau$t. Now they're trying to make us feel guilty to
give them money to buy lightbulbs!

A: None. Why should we revisionists change the bulb after some Holohoaxer
broke the bulb so that nobody could see him molesting little boys in the

A: Go do your own lightbulb-changing, silly Hoaxer. I don't have the time
or energy to do it for you.

A: I want: Detailed schematics of the bulb and light socket; The name of
the manufacturer of the bulb; The provider of the electricity; A sworn
affadavit from Thomas Edison that lightbulbs are to be used to produce
light; A graph showing standard usage and failure rates of common
lightbulbs; A major article describing how electricity works. In addition,
I want you to wet your finger and stick it in the socket.

A: Why do you Holohuggers keep calling us Lightbulb Changers. We've never
claimed that we want to Change lightbulbs. We're Lightbulb Replacers.



Mobilize to Stop the Ku Klux Klan
Jewish Defense League (press release)
6 Dec 00

Return to Skokie

On November 15th The Jewish Defense League learned that The Ku Klux Klan,
Aryan Nations, and the National Alliance plan on holding a joint march and
rally in Skokie, Illinois on December 16th. Twenty two years ago, when the
Nazis originally marched on Skokie, The Jewish Defense League promised to
never again allow these Nazi cretins to march on Skokie.

The Nazis have only one purpose for marching in Skokie (which they refer to
as "Jewtown"): To insult the memory of the Six Million victims of Nazi
murder and to torment the survivors of the holocaust who now reside in

This is a clear and obvious affront not only to the Jewish community, but
to all people of conscience. For this reason we all must act.

The JDL is calling on all Jews, regardless of there personal politics, to
put aside all of their differences, which are dwarfed by this outrage, and
act together to prevent this event from occurring. The JDL also calls on
all people, regardless of their religion, race, or position, to join with
us in protesting this despicable and cowardly action on the part of our
nation's most vile racists.

The JDL will not allow these Nazis to invade the community of Skokie to
preach their message of Jew-hatred and genocide. The JDL absolutely and
without reservation disagrees with those who would argue that these panders
of hate, violence and ignorance are protected by the 1st amendment; we will
not respect any law that would allow such a flagrant and boorish abuse of
our cherished freedoms. The memory of the Six million, and the Laws of
Torah allow us no other position.

The JDL vows to prevent these Nazi thugs from marching on December 16th, or
on any other day, and we will act, peacefully if possible, 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 5 Dec 2000 -- 4:98 (#494)

2000-12-07 Thread Paul Kneisel


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 5 December 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 98 (#494)

Action Alerts:
Petition for Leonard Peltier
Irish Anti-Racists need support: Fighting Racism is Not a Crime
Web Sites of Interest:
Landover Baptist Church: America's Favorite Church
Yad Vashem: The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority
Antisemitism and Xenophobia Today
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Learning Center
Continuing Coverage of "Lone Wolf" Alex Curtis: Tom Metzger Speaks (Again)
Tom Metzger (White Aryan Resistance), W.A.R. Bulletin [#1], 1 Dec 00
Tom Metzger (White Aryan Resistance), "W.A.R. Bulletin [#2]," 1 Dec 00
Real Political Correctness:
AA News, "Another Dispute Over 'Teaching Religion' In Public Schools:
   Will Critical Approach Be Permitted? Muslim Groups Enters The Fray?,"
   27 Nov 00
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



Our online petition for executive clemency for Leonard Peltier is sent
direct to the White House.

- - - - -

Irish Anti-Racists need support: Fighting Racism is Not a Crime

"On 28th March 2000 a group of eleven anti-racists occupied the Taoiseach's
[Prime Minster's] constituency office in Dublin, Ireland, in protest at
proposed draconian measures against asylum seekers. The government was
planning to introduce prison ships (so-called 'flotels'), forcible
fingerprinting and the introduction of police from abroad to catch people
fleeing injustice in their own countries. The Prime Minister, Bertie Ahern,
had praised the Australian system of dealing with asylum seekers, where
people are held in detention centres."



Landover Baptist Church: America's Favorite Church

[a little humor for the Holiday season --  tallpaul]

- - - - -

Yad Vashem: The Holocaust Martyrs' and Heroes' Remembrance Authority

Their website is redesigned and worth another look.

- - - - -

Antisemitism and Xenophobia Today

"Antisemitism and Xenophobia Today, the most authoritative source of
information about antisemitism worldwide.

"Antisemitism and Xenophobia Today contains up-to-date country by country
reports on antisemitism. Each entry provides key data about the overall
political and economic situation in the country, information about racism
and xenophobia and then a series of sections on various aspects of

- - - - -

U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum Learning Center



W.A.R. Bulletin [#1]
Tom Metzger WHite Aryan Resistance)
1 Dec 00

Today Alex Curtis was in court along with several supporters including
Terrible Tommy.

I knew in my mind that he would get no bail. Prior to Alex appearance in
court several Mestizos and a couple of White guys were brought before the
Black Judge Mr. Houston in court F. The charges were mostly illegal alien
drug smugglers and Alien smugglers. Even though most were illegal they were
given bail and ordered not to flee to Mexico. Several had many convictions
but were still given bail.

Now we come to Alex. The Mestizo U.S. Attorney and her gang spent an hour
and a half painting Alex as the worst terrorist they had ever encountered
even digging up things he allegedly did as a teenager. By the time she was
through I expected the Marshall's to drag Alex into an alley and use a
firing squad on him.

It is now plain that one Robert Morehead who tried to snow me that he
didn't make a deal was lying through his teeth. It is also obvious the U.S.
Attorneys and the Bastard Sons and Daughters of J. Edgar would like to
broaden the case and drag others into the net.

I believe the Famous But Incompetent are using their new toy the Internet
Carnivore program to entrap racists on the net. I think but can't prove yet
that Mr. Morehouse contacted me with the express purpose of baiting me into
threatening him. He gave me his phone number and wanted me to meet him.
Obviously he would have been wired in stereo quadraphonic.. Sorry boys not
this time.

The other defendant who is assumed to be taking his medicine Mr. De Silva
was in court also. He wasn't given bail either. As the case progresses it
will be interesting to see if he doesn't make a deal also. Sorry but I am a
bit of a cynic.

So we have Robert Morehead who is believe to have committed most of the
allegations Alex is being charged with. The difference 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 1 Dec 2000 -- 4:97 (#493)

2000-12-05 Thread Paul Kneisel

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 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 1 December 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 97 (#493)

Continuing Coverage of Yahoo and Nazi Material
Rick Perera (IDG News Service), "Germany's Yahoo Bans Auction of Nazi
   Items: France wants to regulate U.S. site, but German subsidiary
   enforces national prohibition on some goods," 29 Nov 00
Continuing Coverage: Matt Hale and the World Church of the Creator
Michael Greenwood (Hartford Courant), "With the Web, Midwest minister of
   hate gains a global reach: Unlike many white supremacists, Hale
   reaches out to women and youth," 4 Dec 00
Continuing Coverage: Roten Murder Trial
William R. Levesque (St. Petersberg Times), "A lifetime to think about
   hate: His rage roared from a rifle barrel as a little girl slept.
   That night of anger costs him his freedom," 1 Dec 00
Continuing Coverage: Compensation For Victims of the Holocaust
AA News, "Vatican Asks Court, U.S. Government to Dismiss Lawsuit Over
   Nazi Gold: Church Evades Responsibility For Clerical Fascism," 26 Nov
Rightwing Web Site of Interest:
Nationalsozialistische Japanische Arbeiterpartei / National Socialist
   Japanese Workers Party / Kokka Shakaishugi Nippon Rodosha To
Real Political Correctness:
ACLU News, "Setting Limits on Drug War Tactics: High Court Rejects Drug
   Roadblocks," 28 Nov 00



Germany's Yahoo Bans Auction of Nazi Items: France wants to regulate U.S.
 site, but German subsidiary enforces national prohibition on some goods
Rick Perera (IDG News Service)
29 Nov 00

BERLIN -- Yahoo Deutschland, the German subsidiary of Yahoo, says it is
confident an investigation into an alleged online auction of banned Nazi
propaganda will be dismissed.

Yahoo's legal adviser has assured the company that the investigation,
announced Monday by Munich state prosecutor Manfred Wick, will be called
off, says Claudia Strixner, Yahoo Deutschland spokesperson.

Wick opened the investigation after allegations that a copy of Adolf
Hitler's Mein Kampf had been listed on Yahoo Deutschland's auction site on
February 1. The book is illegal under German laws banning Nazi propaganda.

"We first found out about [the auction listing] in November," Strixner
says. "Our position is that of course we absolutely refuse to have Nazi
material on our Web pages. Here in Germany we support actions and movements
against right-wing radicalism."

The company conducts regular controls of its pages and removes any illegal
items posted by customers, Strixner says.

Differs From French Feud

Last week, a French judge ruled that Yahoo must install filters to prevent
French users from taking part in auctions of Nazi memorabilia on the U.S.
site. The decision has drawn international interest because of its
potential ramifications for national laws regulating cross-border Internet
transactions. (See "Judge to Yahoo: Block Nazi Goods From French" and
"Yahoo Wins Reprieve in Nazi Sales Case.")

But Strixner says the Munich investigation can't be compared to the French

"In France we had a case against Yahoo, our parent company, for selling
things that are legal in the U.S. but illegal in France. Here it's a
completely different matter, in that it's about allegedly having something
on Yahoo Deutschland that's illegal under German law," she says.



With the Web, Midwest minister of hate gains a global reach: Unlike many
 white supremacists, Hale reaches out to women and youth
Michael Greenwood (Hartford Courant)
4 Dec 00

EAST PEORIA, Ill. - At the headquarters of the World Church of the Creator,
Matt Hale is hard at work on the white revolution, organizing his soldiers
for the final struggle: RAHOWA, or Racial Holy War.

Hale has been preaching the gospel of hate for more than a decade and
recently extended it via cable-access television, confident he will snap
people out of their complacency and eventually turn America into a bastion
of whiteness.

His vision for the future includes mass deportations of minorities, the
execution of interracial couples, and strict loyalty to an all-white

On the television screen and over the Internet, his stern, angular face
takes on a sinister 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 28 Nov 2000 -- 4:96 (#492)

2000-12-02 Thread Paul Kneisel

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The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 28 November 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 96 (#492)

Action Alerts:
Art Golab (Chicago Sun-Times), "Skokie anti-Klan gathering planned,"
   25 Nov 00
Stand with [Mumia-Supporter] CLARK in federal court next Wednesday,
   December 6
News From (Greater) Germany
AP, "Germany could limit protests," 24 Nov 00
Peter Finn, "Police Scandal Is Latest Blow To Austria's Far Right
   Party," 26 Nov 00
David Coursey (ZDNet News), "Yahoo!: Pedophiles, no; Nazis, yes," 22
   Nov 00
Seth Redniss (Forbes), "Around-The-Globe: French Ruling Bad For
   E-Commerce," 22 Nov 00
Web Sites of Interest:
The Raoul Wallenberg Project Interviews
The Confessions of Adolf Eichmann
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



Skokie anti-Klan gathering planned
Art Golab (Chicago Sun-Times)
25 Nov 00

The day after a planned Ku Klux Klan rally next month on the steps of the
Skokie courthouse, village residents plan a rally of their own to counter
the Klan's message.

The "Peace and Harmony Rally"--set for 3 p.m. Dec. 17 at Niles West High
School, 5701 W. Oakton--was organized by a coalition of religious and civic
groups to highlight Skokie's diversity and tolerance, Mayor George Van
Dusen said Friday.

"We wanted to find a way for people in the village to express to everybody
what Skokie really stands for," Van Dusen said.

Noting that the north suburb has at least 60 different ethnic and religious
groups, Van Dusen added, "We're one of the most successfully integrated
municipalities in the country, and everybody takes offense at the idea the
Klan wants to hold a rally in our town."

Earlier this month, a small Wisconsin chapter of the KKK announced plans to
hold a "white pride rally" for 40 demonstrators from 1 to 3 p.m. Dec. 16.

In 1977-78, a similar request by a neo-Nazi group touched off a furor. The
Nazis backed out.

The Wisconsin KKK group also has announced rally plans and not shown up.

"Whether they do hold a rally or not doesn't change anything," Van Dusen
said. "We're going to have our rally."

He said his group considered rallying at the same time and place as the
KKK, but decided that would only give the white-supremacist group more

Plans for the counter-rally came out of a meeting this week of members of
the Skokie Clergy Forum, the Skokie Human Relations Commission and the
Skokie Chamber of Commerce.

- - - - -

Stand with CLARK in federal court next Wednesday, December 6.

(from NY - Vans leave Union Square at 9am, return early evening. $15.
We must know whether you are coming by December 4.
Call Clark Kissinger 212-571-0962 or email [EMAIL PROTECTED])

Rebel Without A Pause!

Hundreds have been threatened or arrested in actions in support of Mumia
Abu-Jamal. The attacks on Mumia's supporters are actually an attack on
Mumia, and all resisters must be defended. Clark Kissinger is now
threatened with jail for traveling to Philadelphia to give a speech at
protests during the Republican National Convention. As Clark puts it:  "If
I were an executive of Firestone who killed people with defective tires, I
wouldn't have to fear a single day in jail. "If I were one of the cops who
fired 41 bullets at Amadou Diallo, I wouldn't have to worry about going to
jail. "If I were an army officer instructing death squad leaders at the
School of the Americas at Ft. Benning, Georgia, I
certainly wouldn't be threatened with any jail time.

"But because I am one of the leaders of the movement for justice for Mumia
Abu-Jamal, and because I gave a speech in support of Mumia and against the
death penalty, the feds want to put me away because of
probation conditions that confiscated my passport and restricted me to New
York for a year in an attempt to stop my political activity."

Support Clark at his hearing on Wednesday, December 6, 12 noon at the
Federal District Court, 6th and Market in Philadelphia. For more
information, check out, or contact Clark
directly at [EMAIL PROTECTED]

On behalf of the
National Office of Refuse  Resist!
305 Madison Ave., Suite 1166
NY, NY 10165
Tel:   212.713.5657



Germany could limit protests
24 Nov 00

BONN, Germany--Top 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 24 Nov 2000 -- 4:95 (#491)

2000-11-26 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Support our Sponsor 
eTour is your personal web tour guide, matching the best sites
with your interests.  eTour is free and easy, and you can earn
rewards discovering great new sites. Visit today!


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 24 November 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 95 (#491)

News On and From the Far Right
Joe Beaird  (APBnews), "'Bitter' Man Accused of Stalking Federal Agents:
   Sought to Turn Tables on Investigators, Authorities Charge," 23 Nov
Vincent Bertollini, "Letter to Aryan Nations Trial-Judge Charles
   Hosack," 21 Nov 00
Terrible Tommy [sic] (White Aryan Resistance), "Aryan Update," 19 Nov 00
David Cay Johnston (New York Times), "I.R.S. Arrests 6 in White
   Supremacist Group on Tax Charges," 17 Nov 00
Web Sites of Interest: The Far Right "Anglo-Israeli" Movement
British Israel World Federation
Albion Awake!
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



'Bitter' Man Accused of Stalking Federal Agents: Sought to Turn Tables on
 Investigators, Authorities Charge
Joe Beaird  (APBnews)
23 Nov 00

TACOMA, Wash. -- A convicted felon with a decade-long antagonism against
the federal government has been arrested for stalking two Treasury
Department agents.

James D. Bell of Vancouver is being held at a federal detention center near
the SeaTac International Airport as he awaits a bail hearing Wednesday.
Bell is the author of an Internet manifesto called Assassination Politics,
which proposes a way for people to anonymously claim cash rewards for
correctly "predicting" the deaths of government employees and

The current charges against Bell allege that he made interstate trips
attempting to track down agents Jeff Gordon and Mike McNall, who work for
the Treasury Department's inspector general for tax administration.  Bell
allegedly pursued these agents, who had investigated him in previous cases,
"with the intent to injure or harass" them, according to the 17-page
criminal complaint filed with the U.S. District Court, Western District of
Washington at Tacoma.

Prior record

Gordon led a team of agents who searched Bell's house and arrested him in
1997 on similar stalking charges. He has also testified against Bell -- a
Massachusetts Institute of Technology chemistry graduate -- on several

McNall was involved in another 1996 case in which Bell was convicted of
"corrupt interference" with internal revenue laws.

"It had to do with Mr. Bell's belief that the agents were illegally
harassing him, and his response was to begin an investigation of them,"
said Bell's court-appointed defense lawyer Robert M. Leen.

Leen was appointed after Bell complained in Internet-published letters that
the federal public defender's office was acting in collusion with federal

"Given Mr. Bell's history of stalking and aggressively pursuing people when
he feels that someone has wronged him, [the public defender's office]
thought it would be best if someone outside the office represented him,"
Leen told

Allegedly gathered names of workers

According to the criminal complaint against him, Bell has been using online
databases, voter registration data and motor vehicle records to collect the
names and home addresses of dozens of government employees working for the
IRS, FBI, Bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms, as well as members of
local police agencies.

He also has bragged of using his chemistry knowledge to manufacture the
toxic nerve gas sarin, the complaint alleges.

In 1997, he pleaded guilty to contaminating an IRS office with noxious
chemicals, collecting the names of IRS employees, attempting to obstruct
the enforcement of internal revenue laws, and using false Social Security
numbers to hide his assets, according to the criminal complaint against

Bell apparently believes that federal officials will be less apt to
investigate him if he collects personal information about them. In Internet
newsgroup postings he allegedly wrote: "It is very likely that these people
will be far more pliable and less abusive in the future if they are

After having tracked down what he thought was Gordon's home address and
personal information, but which was in fact data about another Jeff Gordon
who has a son, Joshua, Bell allegedly posted the following Internet
message: "So say goodnight to Joshua, Mr. Anonymous. Tell him it's not his
fault that his father is a thug."

Playing with chemicals

Bell's vendetta against the government apparently took root in 1989 when he
was arrested for the 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 21 Nov 2000 -- 4:94 (#490)

2000-11-22 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Does your ISP pay you to join, give you up to 50% off in a
mall  give you a $22 shopping credit each month, for user
fee of 21.95 month? go to:


The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 21 November 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 94 (#490)

Latest Anti-Fascist Readings:
Web Sites of Interest:
David Duke: The Man Behind the Mask
Continuing Coverage of Duke Raid
AP, "Feds’ raid of Duke was gambling-related: Boxes, rifle seized from
   residence of ex-Klan leader," 17 Nov 00
The 'Lone Wolf' Strategy: New Additions From the Archives
Alex Curtis (Nationalist Observer), "Why Leaderless Resistance?
Alex Curtis (Nationalist Observer), "2-Tier Racist Movement"
Alex Curtis (Nationalist Observer), "Getting (Dis)Organized?"
Alex Curtis (Nationalist Observer), "Seduction of the Jew Media"
Alex Curtis (Nationalist Observer), "The 5 Words"
Alex Curtis (Nationalist Observer), "Propagandizing the Mission"
Alex Curtis (Nationalist Observer), "How to Raise Murderers of Zoggie"
Alex Curtis (Nationalist Observer), "The Forgotten...Joys of Murder"
anonymous (Alex Curtis -- Nationalist Observer?), "An Argument for the
   Most Heinous Acts"
anonymous (Alex Curtis -- Nationalist Observer?), "The Purpose of
Fipstradamos (Nationalist Observer), "White 'Walking Time Bomb' Madness
   - our last, best chance?"
Tom Metzger (White Aryan Resistance), "Worse Is Better"
Gary Lee Yarbrough (Bruder Schweigen, POW [sic]), "Alert Update and
Real Political Correctness:
AA News, "Judge Orders Removal of Indiana Ten Commandments Display: Did
Local, State Officials Rush to Erect Monument Knowing of Legal
Suit?," 16 Nov 00
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



The "latest readings" archives have been updated to include:

In "anti-fascist zines"
Antifa Info-Bulletin, 19 Nov 00
RightWingWatch Online, 16 Nov 00
Skeptical Inquirer, 14 Nov 00

In "computer/net zines"
Electronic Privacy Information Center (EPIC), (#7:20) 14 Nov 00
Netaction Notes, (#63) 16 Nov 00

all at



David Duke: The Man Behind the Mask

"Few figures in the white supremacist movement have received more notoriety
than former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke. With a laundry list of failed
electoral bids, David Duke continues to stand poised and ready to run for
office under the guise of conservative politics. A media master, Duke
reinvents himself at every turn, trading in his Klan robes for a
politician's suit. What belies these seemingly mainstream campaigns,
however, is a shrewd political man who remains devoted to white supremacy
and hatred."   --  the Center for New Community



Feds’ raid of Duke was gambling-related: Boxes, rifle seized from residence
of ex-Klan leader
17 Nov 00

NEW ORLEANS --  A federal raid of former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke’s
home stemmed from allegations that Duke gambled away hundreds of thousands
of dollars he raised for white supremacist causes, court documents said.

According to papers filed in U.S. District Court here Friday, Duke was
considered a "high roller" at casinos in Mississippi, Louisiana and Nevada,
betting money he solicited from supporters.

A search warrant affidavit made public Friday cited four confidential
informants and numerous casino records. Informants told investigators that
his office workers "would laugh at the often untruthful excesses Duke
concocted in his mass mail-outs asking supporters for money," court papers

Agents from the FBI, Internal Revenue Service and the Postal Inspection
Service raided Duke’s home on Thursday, carting off boxes of documents and
a rifle.

Duke’s associates said the 50-year-old one-time state legislator was in
Russia, promoting a new book, and that they had not been able to reach him

His new organization is the National Organization For European American
Rights, or NOFEAR. He launched it in January, declaring that whites in the
United States face "massive discrimination" at the hands of minorities.

No charges have been filed against Duke, and NOFEAR spokesman Vince
Edwards said the raid was a "fishing expedition."

Duke appeared before a federal grand jury in New Orleans in 1999 as news
broke that Gov. Mike Foster had paid 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 17 November 2000

2000-11-18 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Support our Sponsor 
LOWEST AIRFARE IN THE SKY - Deep discounts: cruises, hotels,
international travel, vacations, cars. Connect to thousands
of travel agents competing for your business. Hot NEW site!


We picked up another 17 direct subscribers and another 102 readers from a
list owner now posting to a new progressive list, for a total of 119! We've
also picked up over 400 hits on our monitored pages at the web site.
Please tell a friend about the journal this holiday season.


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 17 November 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 93 (#489)

More Police Action Against U.S. Far Right
Reuters, "U.S. Agents Search Ex-Klan Leader's House," 16 Nov 00
Cain Burdeau (AP), "Feds Search Home of Ex-Klansman," 16 Nov 00
AP, "Six charged in $186 million scheme to defraud IRS," 17 Nov 00
Continuing Coverage of Damages from Holocaust
FOX News, "Victims of Nazi Camps May Get Reparations," 14 Nov 00
News of Krystallnacht Actions
AntiFascistisk Aktion-Stockholm, "Crystal Night 2000 in Stockholm,"
   9 Nov 00
Tony Czuczka (AP), "Anniversary marks past, present hatred," 10 Nov 00
Richard Chaim Schneider (JTA), "Germans rally against racism, but
   comments stir some division," 14 Nov 00
The Net In the News
AP, "Jewish Web site bombarded with apparent neo-Nazi hate e-mail," 10
   Nov 00
Bill Birnbauer and Garry Barker (The Age [Australia]), "Legal test on
   Holocaust Internet site," 10 Nov 00
Web Sites of Interest:
Movie Review:
"'Into the Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport:' Haunting
   look at children saved from the Nazis: Documentary shows rescue of
   10,000 Jewish youngsters," reviewed by G. Allen Johnson (San
   Francisco Examiner), 10 Nov 00
Real Political Correctness:
AP, "French court: Town's 'birth bonus' racist," 9 Nov 00



U.S. Agents Search Ex-Klan Leader's House
16 Nov 00

MANDEVILLE, La. -- Federal agents searched former Ku Klux Klan leader David
Duke's home north of New Orleans on Thursday, seizing boxes of documents,
authorities said. Duke, a perennial political candidate and self-professed
Republican, was not at home when the search warrant was served, FBI
spokeswoman Sheila Thorne said.

A man answering the telephone at Duke's house who identified himself as a
bodyguard said Duke, 51, had been abroad for several months publicizing his
autobiography. He said federal agents took gambling, travel and personal
financial information and a rifle.

Thorne said the search was conducted by agents from the FBI, Internal
Revenue Service and U.S. Postal Inspector's Office. She declined to provide
details of the investigation.

Last year, Duke took the Fifth Amendment to protect himself from self-
incrimination when he appeared before a federal grand jury. He was
questioned about having sold a list of his contributors to Republican Gov.
Mike Foster during the 1995 gubernatorial campaign for $150,000, a figure
political analysts said was extremely high.

Duke said later he was amending his income-tax return to reflect the
payment, which he said was omitted from his tax return due to a bookkeeping

Foster, who did not report the payment to Duke on his campaign finance
reports, ultimately paid a $20,000 fine.

It was not known if that issue was relevant to the current investigation.

Duke, whose only elective office was one term as a state representative
from a mostly white New Orleans suburb in the late 1980s, had announced he
was thinking of running for governor in 1995, but decided against it.

Dismissing his earlier involvement with neo-Nazis and the Klan as "youthful
indiscretions," Duke narrowly lost a U.S. Senate race in the 1990s and
placed third in a congressional election.

- - - - -

Feds Search Home of Ex-Klansman
Cain Burdeau (AP)
16 Nov 00

MANDEVILLE, La. -- Federal agents searched the home of former Ku Klux Klan
leader David Duke and seized boxes of documents Thursday.

FBI spokeswoman Sheila Thorne refused to disclose the nature of the

Agents from the FBI, Internal Revenue Service and the Postal Service
entered Duke's suburban New Orleans home at 8 a.m. and were still inside
the house, with the blinds drawn, at mid-afternoon.

Duke, 50, was not home. He was in Russia promoting a book, said Vincent
Edwards, a spokesman for a Duke-led political organization.

The former KKK leader and Senate candidate appeared before a federal grand
jury in New Orleans in 1999 as news broke 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Special Issue on Alex Curtis

2000-11-16 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Support our Sponsor 
GREAT DEALS FIND YOU - Deep discounts on travel, movers, new
cars, insurance, mortgages, lots more! Tell us just what you
want, we connect you with the best deals. New FREE service!


The Internet Anti-Fascist: Wednesday, 15 November 2000
 Special Issue on Alex Curtis -- #488

Ongoing News Coverage of Alex Curtis Arrest
Marisa Taylor (San Diego Union Tribune), "Indictment charges 4 with hate
   crimes: Years-long, graffiti-strewn trail led to arrests, authorities
   say," 11 Nov 00
Tom Metzger (White Aryan Resistance), "Late Alex Curtis Bulletin," 10
   Nov 00
Rocky J. Suhayda (American Nazi Party), "I Want Every Racialist In This
   Entire Movement to Aid Curtis," 11 Nov 00
Crosstar/Nationalist, "Curtis charged with civil-rights violations:
   Webmaster called others 'insane' for not being terrorists," 11 Nov 00
James Gordon Meek (APB News), "White Supremacist Charged With Hate
   Crimes: Arrested for Threatening Civil Rights Group, 'Non-white'
   Politicians," 13 Nov 00
Marisa Taylor (San Diego Union Tribune), "Man denies he's guilty of
   rights violations: Officials says he's been running a 'hate
   business'," 14 Nov 00
Anti-Defamation League , "ADL Welcomes Arrest of White Supremacist Alex
   Curtis for Civil Rights Violations," 10 Nov 00



Indictment charges 4 with hate crimes: Years-long, graffiti-strewn trail
led to arrests, authorities say
Marisa Taylor (San Diego Union Tribune)
11 Nov 00

First came the Nazi swastikas that appeared one day outside Rep. Bob
Filner's office in Chula Vista.

Then came the gift box packed with a dummy grenade for Art Madrid, the
mayor of La Mesa.

Finally, the 7-foot snakeskin arrived -- draped over a rose bush outside
the East County home of Clara Harris, a civil rights activist.

Between January 1997 and May of this year, Filner, Madrid, Harris and other
community leaders periodically found their offices and homes defaced,
spray-painted and barraged with Nazi and racist propaganda.

Some were angry. Others were afraid. All of them wondered who did it.

Federal authorities say they now know.

After a two-year investigation, the U.S. Attorney's Office in San Diego
yesterday unsealed federal civil rights charges against Alex Curtis -- a
Lemon Grove man whom the Anti-Defamation League has called a "rising star
among bigots" -- and three other men.

The group is accused of leaving a string of threatening messages, including
racist slogans advocating violence against minorities.

Sometimes the group repeatedly targeted a single person, according to the

Morris Casuto, the regional director of the Anti-Defamation League, found
swastika stickers and fliers near his office and home several times. After
Filner's office was covered with stickers, a snakeskin was slipped into the
office mail slot.

Over the years, Filner said, he has dealt with crank calls and other anti-
Semitic insults. But the incidents attributed to Curtis and the three
others were more troubling, he said.

"My employees felt particularly threatened," he said. "It was more visible
and more organized."

Group members also are accused of spray-painting anti-Semitic slogans and
symbols on the Tifereth Israel Synagogue in San Carlos and the Temple Adat
Shalom in Poway.

Rabbi Leonard Rosenthal of Tifereth Israel said many members of his
congregation were especially horrified by the incident because they are
concentration camp survivors.

"To come into their house of worship after suffering that experience was
like experiencing it all over again," Rosenthal said. "It was extremely

William Gore, the special agent in charge of the FBI office in San Diego,
said Curtis encouraged his followers to take a "lone wolf" approach to
white supremacy by operating individually.

"He also told his followers to use whatever means necessary to accomplish
their white supremacist goals," Gore said.

Sometimes it appeared that Curtis was taunting authorities, Gore said.

One of the anti-Hispanic stickers that appeared on Madrid's front door
listed the telephone number of a hate hotline that Curtis runs.

On Thursday, authorities seized Nazi books, propaganda and a licensed 9mm
handgun from Curtis' room in his parents' house.

They also seized Curtis' computer, which he is said to have used to set up
a Web site where he posted racist writings. Yesterday, the Web site was
still operating.

Curtis, 25, and Michael Brian 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 14 Nov 2000 -- 4:92 (#487)

2000-11-14 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Support our Sponsor 
LOWEST AIRFARE IN THE SKY - Deep discounts: cruises, hotels,
international travel, vacations, cars. Connect to thousands
of travel agents competing for your business. Hot NEW site!


We picked up eight new subscriptions thanks to readers telling their
friends about the journal. Please tell us about your change of address and
your friends about the newsletter.


The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 14 November 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 92 (#487)

Updates to Latest Readings:
Action Alerts:
"Liz Michael" [EMAIL PROTECTED], "[Far Right Targets
   'Countercoup' Demonstrations] ALERT- Mobilization," 10 Nov 00
People For the American Way, "Sign the Re-Vote Petition!," 13 Nov 00
Anarchist Black Cross Innsbruck (translated by Arm The Spirit), "Anti
  -Fascists To Go On Trial In France," 12 Nov 00
Fascists and Conservatives
Bart Barnes (Washington Post), "Barry Goldwater, GOP Hero, Dies," 30 May
Howard Gleckman (Business Week Online), "Remembering Barry Goldwater," 1
   Jun 98
via, "Barry Goldwater
   and the 'Old Conservatism'"
Barry M. Goldwater, "Ban on Gays is Senseless Attempt to Stall the
Austria, 8-10 Nov 2001: Genocides of the 20th century
Real Political Correctness:
ACLU Press Release, "WA Court Bars Enforcement of Medina's 'Get a
License to Talk' Law," 3 Nov 00
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
realfeelings [sic], "'racist' is euphemism for 'white male'," 9 Nov 00



Far Right Targets "Countercoup" Demonstrations

[The message below was recently intercepted and may be of interest to
people planning to go to the future protests as well as those who track the
organizing of the far right. -- tallpaul]

ALERT- Mobilization
10 Nov 00

ALERT - MOBILIZATION for Saturdays, November 11 and 18. 1 PM.

Please forward to EVERYONE you know IMMEDIATELY

I've thought about this and thought about this and thought about this.

The next two Saturdays there are scheduled to be leftist protests, which I
designed to be part of an overall media strategy to get Al Gore
illegitimately installed as the 43rd President of the United States.

Normally, I don't like to go to rallies. I don't like showings. I don't
really like these goofs who have nothing better to do than go to rallies.
I'd rather be working.

However, it has become clear to me that these rallies are very different.
These rallies are designed to directly undermine a legitimate election for
President of the United States, and to undermine and eliminate the very
republic itself. They are seeking to influence the electors of the
Electoral College to dishonor their vow to do their duty as the citizens
elected them to.

And as such, I believe they need to be met man per man, sign per sign, flag
per flag.

I believe we may well have two choices. We can meet these liberal tools
right here, right now, peacefully, and show the whole world, which may be
watching, that we defend the duly elected President-elect of the United
States and the United States Constitution. Or we can allow these people to
work their conspiracy to overturn an election, undermine the Constitution,
install an illegitimate President whose federal agents we will have to
fight violence against violence. Perhaps, by meeting these individuals at
these rallies, we can possibily help avert a civil war.

Therefore, I am urging all people to read this letter, to show up at these
rallies for a counter-demonstration against the "Counter Coup", as this
entity is calling itself. I am additionally forwarding this list to the
press, in the event they have not yet seen it. Their web site is

A caveat I issue here. I won't want any of you to engage in violence
against these people. However, I have been informed that certain
demonstrations have riots planned in them. If this is the case, and a rally
turns violent, retreat, walk away and disperse. This is not the place to
engage the enemies of freedom in battle.  We may find ourselves with ample
necessity to do that later on.

Even if you don't personally support George W. Bush or his government, I am
still of the opinion that these leftist tools need to be met anyway.

In Liberty,

   --  Liz Michael
   Political Activism For The Liberation Of The World

- - - - -

Sign the Re-Vote Petition!
People For the American Way

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 10 Nov 2000 -- 4:91 (#486)

2000-11-10 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Support our Sponsor 
GREAT DEALS FIND YOU - Deep discounts on travel, movers, new
cars, insurance, mortgages, lots more! Tell us just what you
want, we connect you with the best deals. New FREE service!


We picked up four new subscriptions thanks to readers telling their friends
about the journal. Please tell us about your change of address and your
friends about the newsletter.


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 10 November 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 91 (#486)

Action Alert:
11  18 Nov: U.S. multi-cities: U.S. Election Protest Demonstrations
AntiFascistisk Aktion-Sweden, "Next stop Gothenburg!," 8 Nov 00
FBI Arrests Nationalist Leader Alex Curtis
Tom Metzger (White Aryan Resistance), "W.A.R. Alert," 10 Nov 00
Pauline Repard and Kelly Thornton (San Diego Union-Tribune), "Officials
   have conducted yearlong investigation; arraignment Monday," 10 Nov 00
Ongoing News Coverage on Compensation for Holocaust Victims
Andy Altman-Ohr (Jewish Bulletin of Northern California), "Bay Area
   Holocaust lawsuit targets Vatican Bank and CIA," 7 Nov 00
Ongoing News Coverage on Net Sale of Nazi Items
AP, "Experts testify in French Yahoo! case over Nazi memorabilia." 6 Nov
Bloomberg, "Panel: Yahoo! can block access to Nazi items -- Experts say
   portal can block French users from accessing U.S. auction sites," 6
   Nov 00
Katrina Nicholas (Sydney Morning Herald), "Nazi bans in Europe do not
   sway auction sites," 8 Nov 00
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
Concerning the Second Forgery of the "Protocols "
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



U.S. Election Protest Demonstrations

Saturday 11  18 Nov Pro-Democracy Protests: 1PM

If election "irregularities" in one state are allowed to invalidate the
nation's popular vote, then democracy is in real trouble. This site is a
listing of protest locations for Saturday 11/11  11/18, 1PM. Check the
list and email [EMAIL PROTECTED] to nominate a site in your city.
Response to this idea has been enormous. Traffic to the site is doubling
each day. Show up to the protests with (or without) signs, bullhorns, and
cell phones to call friends and your local media. Call the media NOW so
they know this is happening and start talking about it: cbs 212-975-4321,
abc 212-456-, nbc 212-664-, cnn 404-827-1500

[While these actions are not directly related to fascism they are of
interest to a significant section of the anti-fascist movement and so fit
in the general editorial guidelines. --  tallpaul]



Next stop Gothenburg!
AntiFascistisk Aktion-Sweden
8 Nov 00

The EU Top meeting during the summer of 2001 will be held the 14th to 16th
of June in Gothenburg, Sweden.

A wide range of Swedish extra-parliamentary groups, networks, organisations
and unions are all planning events, actions, seminars and demonstrations in
Gothenburg during this time. AntiFascistisk Aktion-Sweden is among them. In
order to keep you informed of all the latest developments and provide
useful information, AFA-Sweden has established a special GBG 2001 website.
Surf to

Amsterdam, Cologne, Prague: Next stop Gothenburg!



W.A.R. Alert
Tom Metzger (White Aryan Resistance)
10 Nov 00

This afternoon, Alex Curtis, well-known Racial Activist from San Diego
California was arrested by FBI Agents at his home. At this time I am not
sure of the charge. I will give further information as time passes. Curtis
is being held at the downtown Federal detention Center in San Diego.

The FBI raided the Curtis Home this afternoon Thursday carrying away all
books, computers and records. More will follow.

I suggest heightened security precautions at this time since it is never
known if a general sweep has begun. Please report any Federal contact ASAP.

- - - - -

Officials have conducted yearlong investigation; arraignment Monday
Pauline Repard and Kelly Thornton (San Diego Union-Tribune)
10 Nov 00

White supremacist Alex Curtis was arrested at his Lemon Grove home
yesterday on suspicion of federal hate crimes after a yearlong
investigation. Critics label the 25-year-old as "a rising star" in the
racist movement on a national level.

FBI agents and San Diego police arrested Curtis about 3:45 p.m. They took
him to the FBI office 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 7 Nov 2000 -- 4:90 (#485)

2000-11-07 Thread Paul Kneisel


Many shift their e-mail providers around this time of year.  Please be sure
to send us a change of address if you do so.

We don't ask you for money to support the journal. But you can help by
mentioning the newsletter to friends you see over the holidays and suggest
they subscribe.


The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 7 November 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 90 (#485)

Action Alerts:
London, 12 Nov: Stop the Nazi National Front
Tokyo,  7-10 Dec: Women's International War Crimes Tribunal On Japan's
   WW II Sexual Slavery
Fascism In the News
Information on the 1st session of the 7th [German] PDS Congress
   [excerpts]: Cottbus, Germany 14-15 Oct 00
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, "Austria: Freedom Party-Police
   Allegations  -- Police Believed Order Came from Haider," 29 Oct 00
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, "[German State] Premier Urges Monitoring
   of More Far-Right Parties," 29 Oct 00
Johannes Leithäuser (Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung), "Moves to Ban NPD
   Focus on Hostility to Constitution, Violence and Racism," 29 Oct 00
Troy Wolverton (CNET, "Watchdog group urges Yahoo to end
   racist auctions," 1 Nov 00
AP, "Police detain neo-Nazis after Berlin march ," 5 Nov 00
Reuters, "Scuffles break out at neo-Nazi march in Berlin," 4 Nov 00
Web Sites of Interest:
Partners In Human Rights Education
Human Rights Resource Center
United States Report to the UN Committee on the Convention on the
   Elimination of Racial Discrimination
Book Announcement:
Tim Wohlforth "On The Edge: Political Cults Right and Left," co-authored
   with  Dr. Dennis Tourish
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



Stop the Nazi National Front march to the Cenotaph
Assemble - 12 noon, Sunday 12 November 2000
Bressenden Place, London SW1

Supported by the Jewish Socialist Group and Searchlight

The Nazi National Front want to hold a demonstration in central London this

They intend to march to the Cenotaph to lay a wreath.

This is the same Nazi National Front that boast on their web site that
"Hitler should have won the war" and "the Jews started World War Two".

Mayor Ken Livingstone has been in contact with the Commissioner of the
Metropolitan Police and the Home Secretary over his concerns about the
intention of the NF to march.

The Anti Nazi League are mobilising to stop the National Front.

Anti Nazi League
PO Box 2566, London N4 1WJ  Tel: 020 7924 0333
Fax: 020 7924 0313

- - - - -

Women's International War Crimes Tribunal On Japan's Military Sexual Slavery
Tokyo, 7-10 Dec 00

This is to announce that the Women's International War Crimes Tribunal On
Japan's Military Sexual Slavery ("Tokyo Tribunal") will take place from 7-10
December 2000 followed by a Public Hearing On Crimes Against Recent Women
In Recent Wars and Conflicts on 11 December in Tokyo, Japan.

The TOKYO TRIBUNAL will be a 3-day event where former "comfort women"
(those women forced into sexual slavery by the Japanese Imperial Army in
World War II) will testify in a judicial setting to demand legal
accountability from the Japanese government. Prominent international law
experts and authorities will serve as judges and prosecutors.   Former
'comfort women' will testify from at least 8 countries including, North and
South Korea, Peoples Republic of China, Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia,
Indonesia, and the Netherlands, as it was women from each of these
countries who were victimized by Japan's military sexual slavery.

The PUBLIC HEARING is a one-day event, which will bring together women who
have survived violations in recent and ongoing wars and conflicts. This
will serve to illustrate that the experiences of the 'comfort women' are
not a thing of the past and impunity for violence against women continues
to this day. Women will present testimonies and analysis from many
countries including Sierra Leone, Burundi, Colombia, Puerto Rico,
Indonesia, Mexico (Chiapas), Vietnam, Somalia, Burma, Okinawa, and Korea
among others.

The convenors of the Tokyo Tribunal are the Violence Against Women in War
Network (VAWW-Net Japan) represented by Ms. Yayori Matsui, the Korean
Council for Drafted for Military Sexual Slavery by Japan represented by Ms.
Yun Chung-Ok, and the Asian Center for Women's Human Rights (ASCENT)
represented by Ms. Indai Lourdes Sajor. They form part of the International
Organizing Committee, which includes an International Advisory Committee
composed of women and human rights activists.

The one-day Public Hearing will be coordinated by Women's Caucus for Gender
Justice and co-sponsored by VAWW-Net 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 3 Nov 2000 -- 4:89 (#484)

2000-11-05 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Get Only the Best Lists!
Get a daily profile of the best lists at Topica, FREE!


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 3 November 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 89 (#484)

Latest Anti-Fascist Readings:
Two new journals added
Call For Applications: 22 Annual International Human Rights Training
   Program, Montreal, Quebec, 10-29 Jun 00
Rightwing Web Sites of Interest: Who Still Puts the "Socialism" In
   "National Socialism?"
American Front
Black Front
Corporate Watch
National Bolsheviks
Third Position
Real Political Correctness:
AP, "Council's Blacks Block 'Allegiance'," 1 Nov 00
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



The archives at have been updated to include:

We have two new journals you might want to investigate.

Evil Austria, Oct 00 is published by the Austrian anti-fascist group Rosa
Antifa Wien (RAW) and Laura Watch is produced by the Gay  Lesbian Alliance
Against Defamation (GLAAD).

Regular journals have been updated and include:

anti-fascist journals:
Antifa Info-Bulletin, 29 Oct 00 (#272)
E-News from United, 24 Oct 00
PFAW's Rightwing Watch Online, 1 Nov 00
Skeptical Inquirer Electronic Digest, 24 Oct 00

technical/civil liberties journals:
CDT Policy Post, 21 Oct 00 6:19
CRA Bulletin, 24 Oct 00
EPIC Alert, 31 Oct 00 7:19
NetFuture, 5 Oct 00 (#112)



Call For Applications:
22 Annual International Human Rights Training Program
Montreal, Quebec, 10-29 Jun 00

The Canadian Human Rights Foundation (CHRF) is a non-profit, non-
governmental organization (NGO) dedicated to the defense and promotion of
human rights through education, in Canada and around the world. Created in
1967 by a group of Canadian scholars, jurists and human rights advocates,
the CHRF has 33 years' experience in human rights education and training.

Through its programs, the CHRF contributes to the development of
pluralistic civil societies, grounded in universal human rights principles.
The CHRF's training and education programs are designed for activists who
are engaged in human rights promotion and democratic development.

Our Activities :

* Annual International Human Rights Training Program (IHRTP)
* Regional Human Rights Education programming in Central and Eastern
   Europe, Africa and Asia
* Specialized training for National Human Rights Institutions
* Conferences on emerging issues related to human rights
* Publications (educational documentation; conference proceedings;
   newsletter: Speaking About Rights)

For information, contact:

Lawrence Lefcort
IHRTP Coordinator
Canadian Human Rights Foundation
1425  boul Rene Levesque West
Suite 407
Montreal, H3G 1T7
Telephone (514) 954-0382
Fax (514) 954-0659


Who Still Puts the "Socialism" In "National Socialism?"

Readers may wish to check the "left" wing of the contemporary fascist
movement based on the politics of the Strasser brothers. This tendency,
called "Third Positionalists" or "National Bolsheviks" has several web
sites around the world.

"American Front: Power, wealth and arms in the hands of the people"

"Black Front"

"Corporate Watch: ... provides news, analysis, research tools and action
resources to respond to corporate activity around the globe. We also talk
with people who are directly affected by corporate abuses as well as with
others fighting for corporate accountability, human rights, social and
environmental justice.

"National Bolsheviks: The Revolution, Like the Wind, Can Never Be stopped!"

"Third Position: A Collective Dedicated To A Way Beyond Left and Right,
Beyond Capitalism  Communism"


It's from the rightwing authoritarians and always has been

Council's Blacks Block 'Allegiance'
1 Nov 00

CHICAGO -- Citing the nation's history of racial discrimination, black
members of Chicago's City Council are blocking a proposal to require the
panel to recite the Pledge of Allegiance before every session.

The opponents highlighted the pledge's final phrase, "liberty and justice

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 31 Oct 2000 -- 4:88 (#483)

2000-11-02 Thread Paul Kneisel


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 31 October 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 88 (#483)

Action Alerts:
via Czech IWA, "Defend Czech Anarchists," 26 Oct 00
I. K. Shukla (South Asia Citizens Web Dispatch), "Call For An Anti
   -Fascist People's Front," 25 Oct 00
The ADL's Web Site
tallpaul, "Problems With the Anti-Defamation League's New Exhibit"
tallpaul, "An ADL Exhibit On A Positive Note
Anti-Nazi Politician Josef Felder, 100
Hans Ertl; Called 'Hitler's Photographer'
Web Sites of Interest:
The Skeptiseum Is Online!



Defend Czech Anarchists
via Czech IWA
26 Oct 00

The czech section of the IWA (International Workers Association,
anarcosyndicalist international) informed by phone the IWA secretary of a
large police operation against some of their militants.

Monday, the 23th of october, in three different towns, very far from each
others, special units of the political police has surrounded and arrested
three of the main dedicated militants of the anarco syndicalist czech

The fact our friends has been picked up by commandos, in a perfectly
coordinated and planned operation, has to be linked with the actual violent
press campaign against anarchists in Czech republic.

Main medias of the country accuse the libertarian militants to be well
organized and to benefit of their membership  of an international
organization. For journalists, it explains they were at the beginning of
the violent fightings which has opposed demonstrators of the 26th of
september to anti riot police. Papers publish photos of the rioters,
calling people to denounce them to police.

If the Czech section of IWA is not named, it is clearly the real target of
those attacks. The day before the arrestations, computers of the
organization has been totally destroyed by an hacker attack.

Czech IWA section has to face to an intensive repression campaign from the
Czech state, for its radical struggle against fascism and capitalism. The
sentence of the Zlinn Ten Trial hasn't been yet given. One of them has
escaped the territory, because he was under another sentence for fighting
with a nazi and he wants to escape jail. During the last part of the trial,
the Zlin Ten advocate managed to demolish the false testimony of one of the
nazi skinhead. So, situation remains still uncertain.

Finally, the three arrested people has been released after 48 hours of
questionning by policemen. But it is clear that the Czech state - and its
police - would seek for their revenge, by any means necessary. They didn't
accept the succes of the anticapitalist demonstration of the last 26th of

Our Czech friends ask us to be vigilant about the future evolving of the
events there, and to keep ready to act if it would become necessary.  (from
informations given by IWA secretary and by Czech Section of IWA )

To any contact :

   AIT -- Secretariado
   Apdo 4141
   18080 GRANADA

- - - - -

Call For An Anti-Fascist People's Front
I. K. Shukla (South Asia Citizens Web Dispatch)
25 Oct 00

Two extremely stark features of Indian polity today stare one in the face.
One, the defiant upswing in the crimes of the anti-national forces led by
the rabidly communal outfits of the so-called Hindutwa. Two, the supine and
comatose response of the progressives and the so-called "civil society"  to
these fascist thugs. This inaction on the part of those presumably aware of
India's inveterate traitors and cowards, now mutated into communal
terrorists, is, to put it mildly, breathtaking. This lack of response has
been interpreted by the saffron bullies and bandits as endorsement of their
tribal Talibanism.

It is depressingly evident that the political parties, including those of
the Left, are both unwilling and unable to take on the ugly monster of
ersatz Hinduism which is alien to the soil of India, and which is a clone
of Italy's fascists and Germany's national socialists. Its ideological
inspiration, its institutional layout, its intent, its insensate and
inhuman totalitarianism - all owe their origin to foreign models of
meanness, immorality, and ethnocide. The Nazis are still being hunted even
if  their crimes can't be undone. It would be much more desirable that the
Hindunazis be stopped in their tracks right now if we wish to avoid
witnessing the massive bloodbaths they portend and plan.Their bid to hack
India into chimerical pieces, and demolish it beyond recognition, if it
doesn't abide by their nostrums, is no more a verbal threat; it is ominous,
it is obvious. We would ignore or soft-pedal it at our colossal peril.

It is the saffronites' desperate vote hunt that impelled the formation of

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 27 Oct -- 4:87 (#482)

2000-10-28 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
OrderBox - Shop anywhere for books (and everything else) 
pay your price or less. Guaranteed!


   The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 27 October 2000
   Vol. 4, Number 87 (#482)

Rightwing Web Sites of Interest:
The Eurasian Anti-Imperialist Resource Center
The Website of the World Aryan Party
Book/Movie Reviews:
Index to FTP Supplement #166 (#480): Roten and Florida's Skinhead Murder
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
Ron Edwards (Imperial Wizard of the Imperial Klans of America),
   "Resignation Letter," 7 Oct 00
What's Worth Checking: 10



The Eurasian Anti-Imperialist Resource Center

The Website of the World Aryan Party

"... The World Aryan Party is a political party acting for Aryan Unity on
an international basis.  A political party dedicated to the preservation
and the promotion of the Aryan culture and the Aryan way of life.  We at
the World Aryan Party are different from any other political organization.
We consider that every war that has ever been fought between one Western
nation and another to has essentially have been the same thing.  Regardless
of which war, the American Revolution, the English Civil War, the Jacobite
Rebellions, the Seven Years War, World Wars One and Two, and all the other
Wars were all the same thing; Civil Wars between the Aryan people.

"We must put petty partisan political disputes that leads Aryans to waging
war against one another behind us.  All the other political parties in
Western nations, whether the Democrat, Republican, Labor, Liberal,
Conservative, Socialist, Social Democrats, and even the Christian
Socialists have all ultimately betrayed Aryan man.  Some of these political
parties have pursued wealth for a small group of aristocrats; wealth that
can only come from taking the earnings away from Aryan workers.  While
other of these political parties have pursued the goal of social
redistribution of wealth for minorities; that is they wish to steal from
Aryan workers and give to poor immigrants.  What about Poor white people?

"Apparently poor working whites don't count to either the Liberals or the
Fiscal Conservatives.  And yet some of those political parties mentioned
above pursue a policy of nationalism for only their nation state.  These
are the political parties that wish to pursue a policy of German
aggrandizement at the expense of France or Poland, or even those parties
that wish to pursue a policy of British hegemony over Western Europe or
those who wish to pursue a policy of American economic hegemony of the
entire World.

"All of these policies are to the disadvantage of Aryan men.  Aryans in
France, Germany, Russia, Italy, Spain, Australia, South Africa, America,
England, Argentina, Scotland and all the other countries where they live,
must come together and recognize one another as their brothers and sisters.
No more family feuding.  We must reject those parties that would do us harm
and that would have us fight our own brothers and sisters.  We are Aryan.
We are One Race, Our Culture, One Family.  Let's start acting like it. ..."



Thursday, 26 October 2000 FTP Supplement #166 (#480)
Roten and Florida's Skinhead Murder Trial

1) Hate Crime Guidelines in Florida
2) "Florida v. Roten: Racially motivated or sheer coincidence?," 17 Oct 00
3) "Tearful testimony from father of murder victim," 19 Oct 00
4) "Roten's ex-girlfriend testifies," 23 Oct 00
5) "Roten's friend, mother take the stand: Katherine Wooley testifies for
 the state against her son, Jessy Roten," 23 Oct 00
6) "Experts duel over skinhead's account of shooting ," 24 Oct 00


For those who believe that fascism is only a thing of the past

Resignation Letter
Ron Edwards (Imperial Wizard of the Imperial Klans of America)
7 Oct 00

Greetings Patriots,

Greatings IKA members, supporters, friends, and the Imperial Board,

This is a very hard letter that I am having to write at this time. I have
loved being and belonging to the Ku Klux Klan. I have worked very hard over
the years to wake up our people, to bring back the Christian faith to the
Klan.  I have gone from Klansman to Knight, to County Kleagle, to Dragon,
Imperial Klaliff, acted as Wizard for 1 year before I was voted 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 24 Oct 2000 -- 4:86 (#480)

2000-10-25 Thread Paul Kneisel

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TAKE 10 MINUTES TO SAVE $150 ON INSURANCE - Connect to best
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 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 24 October 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 86 (#480)

Action Alerts:
Applications Available for the Bannerman Fellowship Program for
   Activists of Color
Web Sites of Interest:
CIA Activities in Chile
Book/Movie/TV Reviews:
"Holocaust on Trial" NOVA WGBH-Boston, 31 Oct 00
"Ireland's Spanish war" by Leo McAskey
"The Future of Multi-Ethnic Britain" produced by the Runnymede Trust
Real Political Correctness:
Proposed Bible Course Could Violate Constitution, Florida School Board
People For The American Way, " Warned: Retiring School Board member
   urges adoption of Bible course to develop 'consciousness of God',"
   19 Oct 00
What's Worth Checking: 10 Stories



Applications Available for the Bannerman Fellowship Program for Activists
of Color

The Bannerman Fellowship Program gives long-time activists of color
financial support in the amount of $15,000 to take sabbaticals of three
months or more. Previous Bannerman fellows have worked on a broad range of
issues, from environmental justice to immigrant rights, from political
empowerment to economic revitalization. Bannerman Fellows have the freedom
to use their sabbaticals in what- ever way they think will best re-
energize  them for the work ahead, and no product (other than a brief
report) is  required upon completion of the sabbatical. In order to be
eligible,  applicants must be an individual of color, have at least 10
years'  experience as a community activist, be committed to continuing work
for  social change, and be a resident of the United States or its
territories.  Visit the Bannerman Fellowship Web site for more information
on the program  and to download an application.

Bannerman Fellowship Program
1627 Lancaster Street
Baltimore, MD 21231
Tel: (410) 327-6220
Fax: (501) 421-5862



CIA Activities in Chile
September 18, 2000



Holocaust on Trial
Program broadcast date: October 31, 2000
NOVA - WGBH Boston

The systematic slaughter of millions of Jews and others in Nazi death camps
arguably constitutes the darkest hour of the 20th century. Yet some claim
the Holocaust is a myth. "[O]ne of the most dangerous spokespersons for
Holocaust denial" (as one historian has phrased it) is the British
historian David Irving, whose libel case is the subject of the NOVA film
"Holocaust on Trial." On this Web site, NOVA Online goes behind the scenes
of this riveting film with an essay by the producer on the emotional and
intellectual hurdles he faced during the film's production. The site also
probes deeper into Nazi wrongdoings and the sometimes dangerously skewed
modern interpretations of them.

The Director's Story

"It was at times hard to take in the unimaginable tragedy that was being
quietly explored in an English courtroom." So says NOVA producer Leslie
Woodhead in this frank and deeply personal account of the making of his
film on the David Irving trial.

Timeline of Nazi Abuses

 From January 30, 1933, when Adolf Hitler became Chancellor of Germany,
until May 7, 1945, when World War II ended with the German surrender, the
Nazis unleashed a reign of terror on Europe's Jews, Gypsies, and others.
Follow the rising crescendo of abuses on this timeline.

Results of Death-Camp Experiments: Should They Be Used?
Should modern physicians make use of the results of Nazi medical
experiments on concentration-camp inmates? In this ethical provocation,
form your own opinion about whether or not they should.

Pseudoscience Exposed (Hot Science)

To back up his claim that the Nazis used Auschwitz's gas chambers only to
fumigate corpses and not to kill anyone, reputed Holocaust denier David
Irving relied on research that many experts maintain was bad science. What,
then, is good science? Explore this feature and find out.

- - - - -

"Ireland's Spanish war" by Leo McAskey
Jim Monaghan (Sunday Life)
15 Oct 00

The Irishmen who fought in the Spanish civil war

THE VICTIMS: Refugees, many with badly injured children, fled from the

The Internet Anti-Fascist -- Action Alerts -- #479

2000-10-23 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Support our Sponsor 
insurance, mortgages, movers, hundreds more. Connect to our
thousands of merchants who bid their best price. It's FREE!



   The Internet Anti-Fascist: Monday, 23 October 2000
Special (#479)

Protest Special Religious Privledges In Educational Broadcasting
Americans' United For Separation of Church and State, "The
   'Noncommercial Broadcasting Freedom of Expression Act,' H.R. 4201,"
   13 Oct 00
AA News, "Bill Encourages Religious Ownership of PBS Stations, Carves
   Out Content Exemptions For Proselytizing," 14 Oct 00
Individual Defense Campaigns
AA News, "Dr. Fred Whitehead Needs Your Support -- Again!," 3 Oct 00
Revolutionary Worker, "C. Clark Kissinger Threatened with Jail for
   Giving Speech in Support of Mumia," 1 Oct 00



The "Noncommercial Broadcasting Freedom of Expression Act", H.R. 4201
Americans' United For Separation of Church and State
13 Oct 00

Action to Take:

Time is of the essence, as the U.S. Senate is about to consider a bill that
would allow religious broadcasters to take over public television stations!
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) is under fire once again by
right-wing extremists seeking to promote all religious broadcasting to an
"educational" level.

It is imperative that you call, write or e-mail your Senators TODAY, urging
them to OPPOSE the "Noncommerical Broadcasting Freedom of Expression Act,"
H.R. 4201.

U.S. Capital Switchboard:  202-224-3121
U.S. House Internet Home Page:
U.S. Senate Internet Home Page:

Legislative Information (LEGIS) for Bills:  202-225-1772

Why You Should Be Concerned About This Bill:

*   H.R. 4201 will exempt religious organizations from reasonable,
neutral requirements.  The FCC currently allows religious organizations to
own and operate public television stations, but only if they meet the same
criteria as other operators that their programming serves an "educational,
instructional, or cultural purpose" and serves "community needs."

*   H.R. 4201 grants special preferences to religious programming.
Under Section 309(m)(1) of this bill, a nonprofit group can operate a
public television station if its programming serves an educational,
instructional, or cultural purpose, and the FCC cannot object to the
group's "educational" status unless it is found to be "arbitrary or
unreasonable."  However, religious programming is exempt from that
requirement.  In short, if a broadcaster claims its programming to be
religious, the FCC would be required to automatically grant the programming
"educational" status.

- - - - -

Bill Encourages Religious Ownership of PBS Stations, Carves Out Content
 Exemptions For Proselytizing
AA News
14 Oct 00

Legislation now moving in the U.S.  Senate would amend the 1934
Communications Act by weakening content regulations on religious groups
owning "educational" broadcasting outlets, and effectively encourage
churches and sectarian organizations to acquire key media properties

H.R.  4201, dubbed the "Noncommercial Broadcasting Freedom of Expression
Act of 2000" passed the House on June 20 by a 264-159 vote margin.  It is
now on the Senate Legislative Calendar; action on the measure could come by
the middle of this week.  Introduced by Rep. Charles Pickering (R-MS), the
act has 33 cosponsors.

The legislation was crafted following a dispute over new rules handed down
by the Federal Communications Commission in a little-noticed December 30,
1999 ruling.  The FCC voted 3-2 to require religious groups operating under
a nonprofit, educational TV license to use half of their broadcasting time
on programs which had content reflecting the "educational, instructional or
cultural needs of the community." The FCC stipulated that to qualify for
this category, any programming could not be "primarily devoted to religious
exhortation, proselytizing, or statements of personally held religious
views and beliefs."  Broadcasts of religious services and sermons would
also be excluded from that category.

American Atheists had opposed the FCC rules, pointing out that they placed
government in the dangerous and constitutionally suspect role of
determining what was authentic religious speech.  The new legislation,
though, rather than prohibit religious groups from using the public
broadcast spectrum instead invites sectarian organizations to 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 20 Oct 2000 -- 4:85 (#478)

2000-10-21 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Now you can get a domain name at NameDemo.comTM for a year
ABSOLUTELY FREE! You’ll also get your own FREE unique email
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  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 20 October 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 85 (#478)

Updates To Archives at 6 Fascist Tactics Documents
Lawrence Henry (The American Partisan), "Death List," 18 Sep 00
Harold Covington, "How *Not* To Do It," downloaded 5 Oct 00
Hank Pritchard (, "Lessons From the Butler Trial," 10
   Sep 00
Tom Metzger (White Aryan Resistance), "Mini Manual on Survival," 16 Oct
Harold A. Covington, "Networking," 26 Sep 00
Ronald van der Wal (, "Survival Tactics In A Free-
   Speechless World," 8 Sep 00
New Fuehrer On the Scene After Aryan Nations' Defeat?
Kim Barker (Seattle Times), "New leader emerging for hate groups," 8 Oct
AP, "White supremacist enters the housing market," 16 Oct 00
Seattle Times, "High-tech friend buys home for Aryan Nations leader," 18
   Oct 00
Fascism In Today's Germany: Three Stories From "Germany Alert"
"Neo-Nazi Crimes Double," 11 Oct 00
"Jewish Leader Hits at CDU for Anti-Foreigner Hate," 20 Oct 00
"CDU Demands Foreigners Adopt the German Way of Life," 21 Oct 00
Academic Call for Papers: Transatlantic Doctoral Seminar in German
The International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission presents
   The Felipa Award



The six documents listed below represent our ongoing efforts to make the
most accurate information about fascist tactics available to our readers.
All of the documents are available on our web site at: --  tallpaul

* * * * *

Death List
Lawrence Henry (The American Partisan)
18 Sep 00

... These potential revolutionaries are resigned to being hated, demonized
as nut cases, religious fanatics, gap-toothed idiots, yokels, and
benighted, laughable fools. They know that a few deaths can make a big
difference (look how badly the Republican party has missed Lee Atwater).
They're resigned to forcing a national police action.  They're willing,
like classic Leninists, to provoke a crackdown simply to rouse
revolutionary chaos.

As revolutionaries, these assassins-to-be also know that they probably
cannot win their fight. High-profile killings will certainly be treated as
terrorism by the government and the media, working in lockstep.  Some
assassinations will be covered up outright; the public will never know. The
revolutionaries may be counting on sympathy from the military - even the
desertion of some military units to the cause.  More likely, a demoralized
and emasculated military will not get involved in the fight at all.

But the revolutionaries don't care. At some key tipping point, they reason
their lives are forfeit anyway: their country is gone, its principles and
traditions raped, its institutions occupied by enemy forces. Change will be
impossible by any legal means. Democracy will be dead. ...

- - - - -

How *Not* To Do It
Harold Covington
downloaded 5 Oct 00

... We have completely wasted the past thirty years, comrades. That is a
fact. Some of this wastage was due to sincere and hopeful expeditions down
some dead ends which, in retrospect, were pretty obvious. The Duck Club and
electoral politics are two examples which spring to mind. We have also been
plagued with a series of self-appointed leaders who have been corrupt,
incompetent, and dishonest, and we are still plagued with some of these
holdovers from the past. You can yell and scream and moan and spread rumors
that I'm a government agent all you want, but that's a fact as well.

Had we not wasted those thirty years, it is possible that we might be in a
position to engage in an armed insurrection against ZOG. We are not, and
anyone who tells you otherwise is either a fool or a REAL police agent. I
am telling you to get your heads together and learn. I am not asking you to
die for your race. I am asking you to LIVE for it, and more difficult, I am
asking you to WORK for it.

I know this is a message many don't want to hear. For the sake of our
future, folks, you'd best take heed.

- - - - -

Lessons From the Butler Trial
Hank Pritchard (
10 Sep 00

... I do not believe that having a cult is the answer.  The Butler fiasco
has shown that.  The First-Amendment is no protection.  

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 16 Oct 2000 -- 4:84 (#477)

2000-10-19 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Go to now and register your dream domain name.
Perhaps you have some great ideas, don’t wait until it’s too
late.  Go to today and register a domain name
for it before someone else does.


The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 16 October 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 84 (#477)

Rightwing Web Sites of Interest:
The History-Making Irving Trial
The American Guardian: An Educational Resource on Homosexual Behavior
Gus Hall, longtime head of Communist Party USA
Ongoing Stories On School Prayer
AANews, "Supreme Court Vacates School Prayer Ruling: Another Step In
   Ending Bogus "Student Led" Prayer?," 3 Oct 00
AANews, "Another Decision On 'Student Led' Prayer As Circuit Court Backs
   Restrictions: Is 'Nonsectarian' Invocation Truly Possible?," 6 Oct 00
Americans United For Separation of Church and State, "U.S. Supreme Court
   Takes Case About Religious Groups' Access to Public Schools: 'Schools
   have every right to protect children from outside groups,' says AU's
   Lynn," 10 Oct 00
Real Political Correctness:
AANews, "Firefighters Ordered to Attend Church Services?," 7 Oct 00
What's Worth Checking: 5 stories



The History-Making Irving Trial

The American Guardian: An Educational Resource on Homosexual Behavior



U.S. Communist Gus Hall Dies at 90
Karen Matthews (AP)
16 Oct 00

NEW YORK -- Gus Hall, the Communist Party-USA boss who steadfastly stuck to
his beliefs through years in prison and the collapse of communist regimes
around the world, has died. He was 90.

Hall died Friday in Manhattan of complications relating to diabetes, Scott
Marshall, a Communist Party official, said.

A communist activist since 1926, Hall never repudiated his ideas, even
after the dissolution of Communist societies in eastern Europe and the
dismantling of the Soviet Union, events he bitterly lamented.

Hall saw the communist movement worldwide go through a variety ideological
twists and turns, many of them dictated by the Comintern, the Moscow body
that told foreign parties what to do and how to position themselves.

The U.S. version of the party was especially hard hit in the 1950s. It was
shaken at home by fierce anti-communist attacks from Sen. Joseph McCarthy,
while abroad, the denunciation of dictator Josef Stalin by his successor,
Nikita Khrushchev, called into question the very fundamentals of the party
in its home country.

Hall was in jail during much of that time. When he assumed leadership of
the party in the U.S. it was much diminished, although still used by Moscow
as a propaganda tool.

"Gus Hall will be greatly missed by the progressive movements and our
Party. Through all the turmoil of McCarthyism, the Reagan-Bush years of
attacks on labor, and the setbacks to socialism, Hall helped our party
maintained a clear, stable focus in the working class, and the people's
movements for peace, social justice and socialism," said Sam Webb,
Communist Party National Chairman. His comments were contained in a Hall
obituary on the Communist Party USA Web site.

Hall called former Soviet leader Mikhail S. Gorbachev and former Russian
President Boris Yeltsin "a wrecking crew."

"I did what I believe in. I believe socialism is inevitable," he said in an
interview in April 1992. "Life cannot go on forever without that step
(socialism), and setbacks don't change it."

Hall was convicted in 1949 for conspiring to teach the violent overthrow of
the federal government. He jumped bail after his arrest and fled to Mexico,
where he was arrested and sent back and was jailed for 81/2 years.

Hall, whose name became synonymous with the American communist movement,
said harassment at home ranged from FBI (news - web sites) surveillance of
the party's Manhattan headquarters to his inability to get a credit card
for many years.

He said such persecution was responsible for the decline in party
membership, from about 100,000 in the 1930s to about 15,000 in the 1990s.

In the party, Hall was known for his joviality. He ran for president four
times and never garnered even 1 percent of the vote. He blamed that on
election law requirements, which kept him off the ballot in half the states
when he last ran in 1984, polling 36,386 votes.

He wrote several books on the evils of market economics, including
"Fighting Racism," "The Crisis 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 13 Oct 2000 -- 4:83 (#476)

2000-10-17 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Go to now and register your dream domain name.
Perhaps you have some great ideas, don’t wait until it’s too
late.  Go to today and register a domain name
for it before someone else does.


Our hard disk crashed on Friday. We have replaced the defective disk and
have the system up and running again. But we normally back up our e-mail on
Sunday, so all messages since then were lost. If you sent something
important please resend it.


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 13 October 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 83 (#476)

Action Alerts:
London, 14 Oct -- Demo "Stop racist killings, scrap racist laws"
AP, "Tokyo plaque honors 'Japan's Schindler'," 10 Oct 00
The Web In the News
Mike Corder (AP), "Australian Web site ordered to stop denying
   Holocaust," 10 Oct 00
Julie Tamaki (Los Angeles Times), "Web Site Prompts Claims of Racism in
   Assembly Contest: Incumbent Democrat George Nakano says Republican
   Gerald Felando is stereotyping Asians," 10 Oct 00
Book/Movie Reviews:
Into The Arms of Strangers: Stories of the Kindertransport
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
WASP, "Encarta Africana CDs TRASH" 9 Oct 00



London, 14 Oct 00
Stop racist killings, scrap racist laws

Campaign Against Racism and Fascism
Called by the National Civil Rights Movement
Assemble Saturday 14 October, 1pm, Embankment, London

The National Civil Rights Movement was established one and a half years
ago as the Macpherson Inquiry into the murder of Stephen Lawrence was
published. At that time we were told by the government that they were
committed to stamping out racism, that there would be a root and branch
reform of our institutions, indeed, that they were proud of their anti-

What is the situation, eighteen months on? The number of racist attacks
has increased dramatically whether you follow the police's own statistics
or reports from community monitoring organisations. An increasing
percentage of these attacks are targeted against refugees and asylum
seekers. The government's asylum legislation has led directly to the
criminalisation of asylum seekers and widespread hostility towards them.
In fact we know that at least 157 people have died since the murder of
Stephen Lawrence, as a result of racism and xenophobic laws. Some have
died attempting to seek asylum in the UK, risking their lives because of
the government's clampdown on migration. Others have died in police
stations, prisons, mental hospitals or on the streets.

We need to build a national movement to end racism and defend asylum
rights. We cannot afford to leave it to the politicians, chief inspectors
and the flawed police complaint authorities. Only a grassroots

mobilisation in support of asylum seekers, refugees and black family
campaigns can deliver true justice.

End detention, deportation, vouchers and dispersal
Support families fighting racism
Full rights for asylum seekers and refugees

Please pass on this message to friends, family and work colleagues.
Apologies for cross-posting.

For more information, including transport details from outside London,
call the National Civil Rights Movement office on 020-8574 0818. Or write
to: National Civil Rights Movement, 14 Featherstone Road, Southall,
Middlesex UB2 5AA. Fax: 020-8813 9734. Web: For
press information, please call 07957-240755.

Supporting organisations: Action 58, Active Resistance to the Roots of War,
Afghan Academy, Anti-Nazi League, Asian Dub Foundation, Ladislav Balaz,
Black Networking Group, Narayan Bhattacharjee, Bradford Immigration and
Asylum Support and Advice Network, Professor Lee Bridges, Brighton  Hove
District Trades Council, Brighton  Hove UNISON, Brighton  Hove Unemployed
Workers Centre, Bristol Defend Asylum-seekers Campaign, Saffron Burrows,
Campaign Against Racism and Fascism, Campaign for Justice for Carl Egonu,
Campaign to Close Campsfield, Chhokar Family Justice Campaign, Chinatown
Monitoring Group, Christopher Alder Campaign, Chumbawamba, City of Plymouth
UNISON, Committee of Refugees from Turkey, Committee to Defend Asylum-
Seekers, Close Down Harmondsworth Campaign, December 18 Online Network for
the Promotion and Protection of the Rights of Migrant Workers, Devon and
Cornwall Refugee Support Council, Dover Residents 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 10 Oct 2000 -- 4:82 (#475)

2000-10-10 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Now you can get a domain name at NameDemo.comTM for a year
ABSOLUTELY FREE! You’ll also get your own FREE unique email
address like [EMAIL PROTECTED]!


The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 10 October 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 82 (#475)

Action Alert:
Protest Matt Hale's Quest for Bar Admission
Ongoing Coverage of Holocaust-Based Lawsuits
Patrick Goodenough (CNSNews), "Gentile Nazi Victims Also Want
   Restitution From Swiss National Bank," 9 Oct 00
Web Site of Interest
The New Steurmer
What's Worth Checking: 15 stories



[A reader who prefers to remain anonymous wrote:]

Dear Friends,

I hope by now you have seen my email to Jan Weber of the Montana State Bar
Association regarding Matt Hale's application for a license to practice law
in that state.

I urge all of you to email Ms. Weber, and to ask all your friends to do so
as well. The State Bar will be more inclined to deny Hale if they see
emails  and letters of protest from names other than Levine and Cohen and
the like -- we need our Asian, Latino and African-American brothers, as
well as  white people of good conscience, to protest Hale's application as

I'm hoping Ms. Weber holds my name in confidence as I have requested, but
if I need to go public in order to go on the record, so be it.

This slimy fucker must be stopped on all fronts.

For your friends who do not have email, they can fax or mail letters to:

Ms. Jan Weber
Admissions/Character  Fitness/Ethics Committee
P.O. Box 577
Helena, MT  59624
Tel (406) 442-7660
Fax (406) 442-7763

- - - - -

The following email clip was sent by Matt Hale of E. Peoria, IL., to his
followers in the World Church of The Creator (WCOTC) and was intercepted by
members of the anti-racist community who have infiltrated his mailing list.

Please have the contents of Mr. Hale's email read into the record when you
decide on his pending application to the Montana State Bar.

This email shows his extreme prejudice against Jews, Blacks, Asians,
Latinos and evidences his sociopathic belief that for a parent to love
his/her children equally is akin to adultery.

Matt Hale is a sick and dangerous man -- a man who trains other sociopaths
to hate and kill.

By virtue of his Sept. 26th diatribe, he has proven himself beyond
reasonable doubt to be morally and ethically unfit to be an officer of the
court. In many states, the below would be reason enough to have him
involuntarily committed to a state institution for the criminally insane.

Hale's beliefs are not religious in nature and the mere fact that he calls
himself a Reverend (he also calls himself "Pontifex Maximus") does not make
him a preacher nor a religious leader. The hatred which he spews is
disunifying, anti-social, inflammatory and anti-American by its very

His use of the term "primitive nigger savages" is offensive to ME as a
white person. The term "RAHOWA" means RAcial HOly WAr. This man is a danger
to the peaceful society we all wish for in the 21st century.

To further verify the statements made in writing below, you may call and
hear his recorded message at (309) 699-0135. I would ask that you play the
recording into the record as well as entering the transcript which is
copied below.

I implore the Montana State Bar to follow the lead of the Illinois State
Bar and deny him a license to practice law.

   -- Sincerely,
  [name withheld at reader's request]

  * * * * *

 === copied text follows, unedited and untouched ===

Written Hotline for September 26, 27AC
Rev. Matt Hale
(309) 699-0135

Hello once again my White Brothers and Sisters of the world!  You have
reached the weekly hotline of the World Headquarters of the World Church of
the Creator and are listening to Reverend Matt Hale.  This message is
being changed on Tuesday September 26th, in the 27th Year of our beautiful
White Racial Religion, Creativity.

Our address is
   P.O. Box 2002  East Peoria, IL  61611; our website,
   the greatest website in the world, is
   Subscribe to the best pro-White publication in the world,
   The Struggle,  for $20 for twelve issues.

Obtain your copy of The White Man's Bible today for $5.

If you are calling from the Jewsmedia and are requesting an interview, call
(309) 694-.

The main item of news this week is my mailing to the State Bar of Montana

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 6 Oct 2000 -- 4:81 (#474)

2000-10-06 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Go to now and register your dream domain name.
Perhaps you have some great ideas, don’t wait until it’s too
late.  Go to today and register a domain name
for it before someone else does.


  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 6 October 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 81 (#474)

Web Site of Interest:
Anti-Defamation League, "In Their Own Words: Fred Phelps and the
   Westboro Baptist Church
Ongoing Coverage of Holocaust-Based Lawsuits
Easton and Levy (press release), "Swiss National Bank sued by ex-Soviet
   and Yugoslav Nazi Victims: Restitution Demanded for Wartime Nazi
   Transactions," 2 Oct 00
Fascists Fall Out Over Aryan Nations Verdict
Crosstar, "Should Butler Be Convicted," 3 Sep 00
Richard Barrett (Crosstar), "Spare the Law and Spoil the Cause," 4 Sep
Crosstar, "Dees Jumps the Gun With Dirty tricks," 6 Sep 00
Crosstar, "Butler Verdict Rips Cultist Behavior," 7 Sep 00
Crosstar, "Nationalists Support Butler Conviction," 7 Sep 00
Crosstar, "An Idaho Idyl," 14 Sep 00
Movie Review:
Neil Rosen (New York One), "Into The Arms Of Strangers, Stories Of The
   Kindertransport," 29 Sep 00



Anti-Defamation League

Special Report
In Their Own Words: Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church

"Rev. Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church, engage in public
crusades against homosexuality that include hate pickets across the
country. But Phelps also espouses anti-Semitism and racism, a fact that is
largely obscured by the church's highly charged attacks against
homosexuals. He and his followers attack Jews, Blacks and Christians and
continue to spread vile rhetoric against many groups."



Swiss National Bank sued by ex-Soviet and Yugoslav Nazi Victims:
 Restitution Demanded for Wartime Nazi Transactions
Easton and Levy (press release)
2 Oct 00

Just as the Swiss banks begin paying out 1.25 billion dollars to elderly
Jewish Holocaust survivors, a new class action to be filed October 3, 2000
against the Swiss National Bank (Naumovic v. Swiss National Bank, United
States District Court for the Northern District of California) seeks an
accounting and restitution of Swiss National Bank-Nazi wartime transactions
valued at 1.7 billion Swiss Francs.

The new class action filed by California attorneys Thomas Easton and
Jonathan Levy is on behalf of the 12 million plus civilian victims of the
Nazis from the former Soviet Union and Yugoslavia who were excluded from
the original Swiss Bank case.

A report issued by Special Master Judah Gribetz in the original Swiss banks
Holocaust case found that in regard to looted assets, the Nazis treated all
loot in the same manner regardless of origin. Much of the victim gold and
silver collected from concentration camps, forced laborers, and occupied
territories was sent to Berlin for reprocessing, deposited in the German
State Bank and then exchanged through the Swiss National Bank and other
Swiss banks for hard currency. The Nazis then used the hard currency to buy
vital war materials from neutral countries.

Easton and Levy have charged that the Swiss ultimately prolonged the war by
providing much-needed foreign exchange for the Nazis. The dealings with the
Germans and their Axis partners were apparently so profitable that the
Swiss continued the practice through April 1945 despite warnings from the
Americans and British that they were dealing with genocide tainted gold.
In August 2000, Easton and Levy filed a similar lawsuit implicating the
Swiss National Bank and Vatican Bank in illicit financial dealings with
Croatian Nazis.



Introduction to "Fascist Fall Out Over Aryan Nations Verdict"

How many times have we been counseled by people claiming to be anti-
fascists that we should avoid actions that remove fascist leaders on the
grounds that such success is really counterproductive for it makes the
leader a "martyr?" How many times have we heard Morris Dees and the
Southern Poverty Law Center attacked on just such grounds?

The "martyr" objection is a bumper-sticker sized advertising jingle: it
sounds profound but is never presented with any evidence to support the
claim. While we are never obligated to prove a negative sometimes the proof
drops into our laps.

So is it 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 3 Oct 2000 -- 4:80 (#473)

2000-10-03 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
READERS SAVE $10 off a purchase of $40 or more on magazines,
books, archives and other great content you'll find on our
Cross-Content Search. Use the 1-time promo code SAVTODAY


The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 3 October 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 80 (#473)

Latest Anti-Fascist Readings
Action Alert:
New York City: 10-17 Oct
Web Site of Interest:
Liberal watch
George Bush: The Unauthorized Biography
More New On the Homophobic Shooting
Tad Dickens and Kimberly O'Brien (Roanoke Times), "Florida judge also
   required a mental evaluation after Gay forced his way into ex-wife's
   home: Gay ordered to surrender guns -- National activist groups call
   Roanoke's shooting one of the worst anti-gay attacks in U.S. history.
   Roanoke police clarify information about the shooting suspect's
   encounter with a Corned Beef  Co. employee," 27 Sep 00
Mary Bishop (Roanoke Times), "Pledges of money to help victims will be
   sought for every 5 minutes he protests today: Task force readies to
   face anti-gay activist  -- Fred Phelps has announced plans to bring
   his "God hates fags" signs to today's funeral of 43-year-old Danny
   Lee Overstreet," 27 Sep 00
Andrew Donohue (Star Tribune), "Human Rights Campaign launches ads on
   hate-crimes bill," 27 Sep 00
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
   Sandy H., "Breaking News Halleluja," 1 Oct 00



The following new journals are now available:

ACLU Newsfeed
15 Sep 00

Antifa Info-Bulletin
24 Sep 00 (#268)

Rightwing Watch Online
25 Sep 00

Center for Democracy and Technology: Policy Post
29 Sep 00 (6:18)

EPIC Alert
25 Sep 00 (7:17)

Netaction Notes
28 Sep 00 (#62)

Net Future
12 Sep 00 (#111)



New York City: 10-17 Oct

Reclaim the Streets NYC -

Dear friends,

I'm helping to organize a delegation of the Continental Cry of the Excluded
to New York City, from Oct. 10-17. The delegation will meet with UN
representatives and participate in a number of events. Not all the
participants will be in NY for the whole week. Some of them will only stay
a few days. The delegation will be composed of Rigoberta Menchu (who will
travel with one more person), Bishops Perez Esquivel and Pagura, Frei
Betto, and representatives of social movements from Brazil, Mexico, and
Central America.

We need to find housing for the delegation, because the hotels we found so
far are too expensive. People can stay in different places, since it's
easier to arrange transportation than to arrange accommodations in NY. If
you can help, please contact me or Martin, who is organizing the delegation
in NY. His contact info is:

Martín Longoria
tel: (212)473 3936

I'm including a description of the events.

Thanks a lot for your help.

   --  Best,

  * * * * *


The Cry of the Excluded is a massive grassroots campaign in the Americas
that seeks to denounce situations of social exclusion and develop
alternatives to the existing status quo.  The Cry of the Excluded first
took hold in Brazil in 1995, as a response to social inequality and as a
result of increasing resistance to structure adjustment policies. Today,
the Cry is organized in all countries of the Americas.

The principal objectives of the Cry of the Excluded are to denounce  social
exclusion and the destruction of the environment, to strengthen  the
sovereignty of peoples, to invest in social programs and to struggle  for
the non-payment of the foreign debt.  This year, between September 2  and
7, the Cry organized a Brazilian National Plebiscite on Foreign  Debt, a
popular referendum on the internal and external debt.  This  event
mobilized nearly six million Brazilians and was supported by organizations
throughout the continent.

The Cry of the Excluded promotes "Unity in Diversity." This vision  allows
grassroots movements in various countries to organize on an  individual and
differentiated basis.  These mobilizations include  marches, debates,
cultural events, photographic expositions, essay  writing, etc.  This type
of organization seeks to build partnerships for  the development of a
continental grassroots project and to value local  cultures.  The Cry has
supported, for example, the Jubilee 2000 Campaign  for the elimination of
Third World foreign debt, the Women's March, the  

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 29 Sep 2000 -- 4:79 (#472)

2000-09-30 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Now you can get a domain name at NameDemo.comTM for a year
ABSOLUTELY FREE! You’ll also get your own FREE unique email
address like [EMAIL PROTECTED]!


The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 29 September 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 79 (#472)

Action Alerts
Australia: Saturday, 30 Sep 00 -- Anti-Nazi League
New York: Sunday, 1 Oct 00 -- Met Council on Housing
News of the Homophobic Shooting
AP, "Gunman opens fire in gay bar, kills 1," 23 Sep 00
Mike Hudson and Mary Bishop (Roanoke Times), "City's gay community turns
   out to mourn: A national gay activist said it was one of the worst
   episodes of anti-gay violence in recent years," 24 Sep 00
Kimberly O'Brien (Roanoke Times), "'I don't know if I can ever forgive
   him,' man says from hospital bed: Victim describes shooter stepping
   over him -- John Collins, who played dead in the bar after being shot
   in the stomach, felt the shooter's long coat rake across his
   shoulder," 26 Sep 00
Mike Hudson (Roanoke Times), "Del. Richard Cranwell says he's rethinking
   his position: Activists ask lawmakers to expand hate-crime laws to
   protect gays -- Some officials oppose hate-crime laws, saying all
   crimes should be punished regardless of who the victim is," 26 Sep 00
Cody Lowe (Roanoke Times), "He wants Roanoke police to protect him He
   wants protection from Roanoke police: Anti-gay minister says he'll
   protest at Overstreet funeral -- Police plan to do whatever they can
   to accommodate the gay community this week, said a spokeswoman," 27
   Sep 00
Obituary: Olga Vysotskaya



Australia: Saturday 30 Sep 00

The Anti Nazi League will be holding a stall outside West Ham football
ground, this Saturday 30th @ 1: 30 pm in response to the National Front
(NF) threatening to do a paper sale there.

Local ANL members and West Ham fans will be stickering and leafleting and
ensuring the Nazis do not do a sale.

We would appreciate it if you could get in touch if you are able to help.

ANL, PO Box 2566, London N4 1WJ
Phone:  020 7924 0333  Fax:  020 7924 0313

- - - - -

New York: Sunday, 1 Oct 00

What: Rally  Sleepover at City Hall
When: Sunday Oct. 1st   6pm -
Why:  Oct. 1st is the first day Giuliani's rent guidelines board's(RGB's)
new rent increases take effect. All new leases and lease renewals for rent
stabilized apartments after Oct. 1st will be hit with the largest
increases since 1996, this at a time when landlord profits are at an all
time high. Met Council, with the help of the NYCLU, is organizing the sleep
over to protest the RGB's increases and Giuliani's overall attack on real
affordable housing . Please save the date and sleepover if you can.
Giuliani-ville will come equipped with music, performers, speakers, tents,
cardboard, hardheaded activists and breakfast. details to follow.  Save the
Date for Housing!

This action IS "permitted" and legal observers will be on the scene.

On October 1st, over 2 million rent stabilized New Yorkers will be hit with
the highest rent increases since 1996, despite the fact that landlord
profits are at an all time high.  The 4 and 6%  increases (and punitive $15
"poor tax") were voted in by the Rent Guidelines Board ("RGB"), a group of
nine wealthy men appointed by Mayor Giuliani.  Join us for a rally and
sleep over at "Giulianiville" as we demand:

* The immediate removal of "the two Eds"; Rent Guidelines Board Chair Ed
   Hochman and Public Member Ed Weinstein.

* City Council oversight of the RGB  process and  the diversification of
   the RGB to reflect our city (7 of 9 are white, 9 out of 9 are male, 9 out
   of 9 are "well to do", 8 out of 9 are business professionals)

* The creation and preservation of real affordable housing -- not City
   subsidies to private developers for "80/20 housing" and other phony

* The preservation of public housing, Mitchell-Lama, Section 8, TIL
   program, SROs, Lofts, supportive housing, etc.

Sunday, October 1st
   6 - 9 PM...rally, press conference, performance and soup kitchen
   9 PM - dawn...sleep-in and vigil
Monday, October 2nd
   8 - 10 AM...breakfast and leafleting

Please sleep-over if you can.  If not, please come down to the Sunday PM
rally or the Monday AM breakfast and flyering session. MUCH HELP is needed
in preparation for this event so if you can lend a hand, please contact
Met Council on Housing (also see forth coming e-mail).

for more information or to 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 26 Sep 2000 -- 4:78 (#471)

2000-09-26 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Support our sponsor 
Great Dell prices. Great Dell value.
Buy now and get $100 off powerful Dell(tm) Dimension(tm) 4100 desktops
and mobile, lightweight Dell Inspiron(tm) 5000e notebooks.
It's your money. Spend it wisely. Click now.


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 26 September 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 78 (#471)

Action Alerts
Refuse  Resist!, "Murder is Not the Only Way Abortion Providers: Are
   Being Threatened…," 21 Sep 00
National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights , "Take Action Against
   Anti-Immigrant Brutality In New York State," 22 Sep 00
National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns, "Break Germany's 'pass
   laws' against asylum seekers! Demonstration Sunday 3 Oct 00," 23 Sep
Demonstration Sunday 3rd October 2000: Budapest, 3-5 Dec 00, "Legal Aid
   2000: Challenges Facing Legal Aid Providers The Refugee Law Clinic as
   a Protection Solution" Academic Job Listings -- African and Middle
   Eastern History
Academic Job Listings -- African and Middle Eastern History: 13 jobs
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



Murder is Not the Only Way Abortion Providers: Are Being Threatened
Refuse  Resist!
21 Sep 00

Florida Abortion Provider Dr. James Pendergraft's attempt to provide
protection for his clinic, staff, and patients has resulted in a Federal
Indictment. He faces 30 years in jail and $1 million in fines.

Refuse  Resist! calls on everyone who defends a woman's right to choose to
join us in the defense of Dr. James Pendergraft against these unjust and
very political federal charges, and against continuing harassment by the
anti-abortion movement.

The prosecution of Dr. Pendergraft is not about criminal behavior.  He is
one of a small number of doctors who perform high risk, 2nd trimester
abortions, caring for patients who come from many states and foreign
countries. Across the country, abortion providers, particularly later term
providers, are under legal, legislative, and violent attack, and we must
see Dr. Pendergraft's case as part of this climate of intimidation.  Anti-
abortion activists all over the country are using various methods to put
providers out of business and intimidate the next generation of doctors out
of providing abortions.

Convicting and imprisoning Dr. Pendergraft would be a strategic blow to
choice. If Dr. Pendergraft is convicted, all of his Florida clinics could
be closed, and there would be one less in the small number of late-term
abortion providers in the country.  Dr. Pendergraft says in response, "I
have done nothing wrong. I am only trying to provide abortions to the women
who need them, and protect my people, and they don't want me to.  I am
continuing to do what is right."

Doctors Gunn, Britton, Tiller, Slepian, Steir, Romalis, and now Pendergraft
to name a few, all doctors, all victims of the politicization of a woman's
right to reproductive freedom. For doing their jobs, for helping women live
their lives as they choose, they have been harassed, indicted, jailed,
shot, stabbed, and murdered.

Dr. Pendergraft's trial is scheduled for mid-October.

Now is the time to act and not let him be added to the list!

Abortion On Demand and Without Apology!

What You Can Do:

Sign statement of support.   Available at (includes
more info about the case) To sign on and/or to donate funds for this
statement to be printed as a paid ad.

Join Dr. Pendergraft's defense committee.

Write to the Judge and Prosecutor and demand they stop this prosecution

Mark B. Deveraux,
U.S. Attorney's Office,
200 W. Forsyth St, Rm. 770,
Jacksonville, FL 32202, 904-232-2682,
Fax 904-232-2620.

Donna A. Bucella,
U.S. Attorney,
400 N. Tampa St., Ste 3200,
Tampa, FL, 33602,
Fax 813-274-6178.

Judge: William Taro Hodges,
Magistrate Judge: Gary R. Jones,
Golden-Collum Memorial Federal Building,
207 NW 2nd Ave, Ocala, FL, 34475,
Fax 352-629-8701.

Send urgently needed financial contributions for a solid legal defense to:
Checks can be made payable to:

Ocala Women's Center
earmarked "Right to Fight Coalition"
Attn: Patti c/o Orlando Women's Center,
1103 Lucerne Terrace,
Orlando, FL, 32806.

Spread the word, copy and distribute this material, post on your Web site,
link Web sites, build active support for Dr. Pendergraft.

Further info: RR! Atlanta 404-239-8054   E-mail:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Refuse  Resist! Reproductive Freedom Task Force,
305 Madison Ave. #1166,  New York,  

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 19 Sep 2000 -- 4:76 (#469)

2000-09-20 Thread Paul Kneisel


The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 19 September 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 76 (#469)

Privacy Conference at New School University in New York City, October
   5-7, 2000
Discussion On the Meaning of "Fascist:"
David Wroe (The Age), "What, no Satanists down at Crown?," 15 Sep 00
Requests For Information:
Looking For Materials For Human Rights Education For Children Out of
Looking For Information On Rehabilitation of Child Victims of Torture
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
August B. Kreis III, Pastor, "On the Aryan Nations Verdict"
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



Privacy Conference at New School University in New York City, October 5-7,
2000.  The keynote address will be presented by Charles Nesson, Professor
of Law at Harvard Law School and Director of The Berkman Center for
Internet  Society.  Other speakers include Marc Rotenberg, Executive
Director of the Electronic Privacy Information Center; Jerry Berman,
Director of the Center for Democracy  Technology; and Larry Lessig,
Professor of Law at Stanford Law School.  A concluding panel discussion
will be moderated by Kenneth Prewitt, Director of the U.S. Census Bureau.
Full-time students with valid ID are admitted free.  For more information
please contact the conference office at (212) 229-2488 or
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Visit our web site at:



What, no Satanists down at Crown?
David Wroe (The Age)
15 Sep 00

So a Labor premier has described hippies and school students, among others,
as "fascists". If Jeff Kennett had done it, we all would have said: "Gee,
he's really lost it this time."

Steve Bracks' little bit of hyperbole - fascist behavior is "where you
think you are right absolutely and you don't like debate" - could equally
be applied to the daily activities of most elected governments and, from
time to time, just about every ordinary person.

Bracks' description of the demonstrators' behavior as "fascist" was just
one example of the absurdly overstated, but carefully calculated, language
used during the World Economic Forum protests that will, ultimately, rob
such words of the power to depict true breaches of freedom.

Alexander Downer came up with a goodie, describing the more extreme
demonstrators as "like those people in the first half of the 20th century
who wanted to deny free speech to their opponents".

How exactly did this go from being a global economic issue to an issue of
free speech? The average WEF delegate would have more of his or words
reproduced in newspaper column centimetres, TV sound-bites, Hansard
transcripts and conference discussion papers than all the protesters put

The forum delegates are not the silenced, disaffected majority, denied
their right to a voice in society. They are listened to all day every day,
and every word they speak is picked up and acted upon.

Didn't Bracks see the irony in going on Melbourne's most popular radio
station to complain about being denied his freedom to speak?

The same applies to the star attraction, Bill Gates, whose mega-company,
Microsoft, has just been found guilty of breaching rules that ensure its
competitors' freedom to compete. If Gates wanted to build a speaker the
size of the MCG, stick it on the moon and transmit his nasally opinions on
IT to the world, he alone could afford to do it.

Eventually, people will tire of the references to fascism, Hitler, Stalin
and dictatorships, and the spin-doctors will have to come up with
alternative baseless terms that have an immediate, instinctive, emotional

Meanwhile, history will become clouded and confused. How are future
generations supposed to understand the word "fascist" as simultaneously a
dictator responsible for the deaths of millions and a dreadlocked woman
tussling with police outside Crown casino?

Blockading the WEF was a pretty pointless act. The delegates were there to
discuss broad issues, not to make decisions or form policies. Letting them
know (however vehemently) that you think their approach is wrong or  self-
serving is one thing. Trying to stop them getting in was just an
overreaction that made me wonder how many of the blockaders had the WEF
confused with the IMF.

But the blockade was neither fascist, Stalinist, dictatorial nor
un-Australian (whatever that word means).

Bracks, Downer, Howard, Carr and Napthine knew that. But they also knew
that an effective way to undermine an opponent is turn their own words back
on them. If they call you a fascist, call them fascists back.

It's really just a slightly - and only 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 15 Sep 2000 -- 4:75 (#468)

2000-09-18 Thread Paul Kneisel


The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 15 September 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 75 (#468)

Book Review
Alexander Stephan's "Communazis" reviewed by Dinitia Smith (New York
   Times), "Book Details U.S. Spying on Wartime Exiles From Germany," 30
   Aug 00
Anti-Fascist News From Europe
AntiFascistisk Aktion-Stockholm, "No One is Illegal manifestation," 10
   Sep 00
AntiFascistisk Aktion-Stockholm, "Sverigedemokraterna hold party
   congress in Stockholm," 10 Sep 00
Discussion On Tactics
Rick Nagin (Peoples Weekly World), "Nader, Greens should join fight
   against the ultraright," 6 Sep 00
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



Alexander Stephan

Book Details U.S. Spying on Wartime Exiles From Germany
Dinitia Smith (New York Times)
30 Aug 00

During the 1930's and 40's hundreds of German writers -- Jews and non-Jews
-- fled Hitler and sought refuge in the United States. But though they were
given asylum, in the 1940's the Federal Bureau of Investigation and other
government agencies spied on them, intercepting their mail and sometimes
keeping tabs on their sex lives, reports a book to be published in October
by Yale University Press.

The book, by Alexander Stephan, a professor of German at Ohio State
University, is called "Communazis." The title comes from the word that the
government, and even some exiles, occasionally used to disparage those
writers, who, driven out of Germany by the Nazis, were supposedly
totalitarians themselves, embracing left-wing causes.

Using the Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts, Mr. Stephan obtained
government files on the writers. That the government kept files on Thomas
Mann and Bertolt Brecht is already known, but Mr. Stephan provides new
details about them, and documents many other cases, involving the writers
Erich Maria Remarque, Lion Feuchtwanger, Hermann Broch and many others.

The theme of the book, published in a longer version in Germany in 1995, is
that the surveillance was wider and deeper than previously known. It was
born of concerns over Nazi infiltration and a fear that Germany might
eventually establish a pro-Soviet government.

Mr. Stephan said he obtained more than 10,000 pages of documents that show
that the exiles were watched not only by the F.B.I., but also by the Office
of Strategic Services, the forerunner of the C.I.A.; the Immigration and
Naturalization Service; military intelligence groups; the State Department;
and other government agencies.

The surveillance demonstrates "an absolute waste of manpower in time of
war," Mr. Stephan said in a telephone interview. "These were 20th-century
bureaucracies that outgrew themselves."

Most writers had no idea that they were under surveillance, Mr. Stephan
said. And it did not matter what their politics were. "In the background of
F.B.I. surveillance lay a widespread public fear of foreigners, especially
German spies and saboteurs, combined with deep distrust of liberal or
socialist ideas," he writes.

Bill Carter, an F.B.I. spokesman, said yesterday, "Since I have not read
the gentleman's book and have not had an opportunity to review the files it
would not be appropriate to make any response about the accuracy of it."

Some of the exiles settled in New York. Others went to Los Angeles, which
became their cultural center and which they called Weimar on the Pacific.
Franz Werfel, the author of "The Song of Bernadette," Feuchtwanger, author
of "Proud Destiny," and Mann prospered, living in stately homes. Movie
studios offered some "lifesaver contracts," one-year contracts to tide them
over. But alienated from their language and their culture, many of the
writers were unhappy in Hollywood. Brecht, for instance, wrote about Los
Angeles in a poem called "Reflections on Hell." Though openly a Marxist,
Brecht was not a member of the Communist Party. After appearing before the
House Un-American Activities Committee in 1947, he left the United States
and ended up in East Berlin, where he died in 1956.

Some files, like that on Remarque, the author of "All Quiet on the Western
Front," are sparse. But others show, for instance, that the agents took an
intense interest in the exiles' sex lives. The immigration agency called
Klaus Mann, Thomas Mann's son, "a well-known sexual pervert" with
"communistic sympathies."

The F.B.I. kept watch on Klaus, author of the novel "Mephisto," at the
Bedford Hotel in New York. One informant, "T3," said that a soldier stayed
overnight with him regularly. "Informant . . . advised . . . that the only
suitable sleeping place in Mann's room is a single bed." Nonetheless Klaus
was accepted into the military intelligence unit of the Army and later
served in the Army in Italy and 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 12 Sep 2000 -- 4:74 (#467)

2000-09-12 Thread Paul Kneisel

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The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 12 September 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 74 (#467)

Action Alert:
Laure Akai, "Polish Anti-Fascist Needs Your Support"
Dr. Wigand Lange [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Ludwig Renn: 1937 fund
   raising tour through US," 30 Aug 00
Gerald Blaney, Jr. [EMAIL PROTECTED], "The Civil Guard and the
   Second Republic," 7 Sep 00
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories

- - - - -

Polish Anti-Fascist Needs Your Support

On September 27, Tomasz Wilkoswewski's case will be heard in court  here in
Warsaw. He has already served more than 4 years out of a 15- year sentence
for the murder of a nazi skinhead committed in self- defense during an
attack. We are trying to help publicize his case  and are asking for your
solidarity. Please send information about  Tomek to all the ABC groups you
know and ask people to write with  protests. We really would like to help
out in some way and we think  that if different groups could take a few
minutes to write letters,  it would help. If they could send copies of
their protests to this  address, we could also translate them into Polish.

We really would appreciate any show of solidarity we can get. Poor  Tomek
has been totally victimized in this case and needs to get out  of jail soon
before long-term imprisonment takes its toll on his  health and his

   --  Thank you.
   Laure Akai

- - - - -

Tomasz Wilkoszewski (Tomek), is from Radomsk, a medium-sized, working-
class city with a skinhead problem. Tomasz was one of only a handful  of
anarchists in this city which has recently become more and more
economically depressed as a result of the destruction of Polish  industry.
The local skinheads would constantly be on the prowl for  these anarchists,
often attacking them and in effect, terrorizing  them. Tomasz could have
fled the city, as so many people in similar  situations are forced to do,
but instead he decided he'd stay - but  that he's have to carry a weapon to
defend himself. In March of 1996,  the worst happened. Tomasz was attacked
again and fought back with  his knife. Unfortunately, he cut an artery when
he stabbed one of his  attackers in the leg and the person died. Clearly,
there was no  intent on Tomasz's part to committ a murder; he was only
trying to  defend himself.

It probably does not need to be said that local police did nothing to
prevent the attacks that eventually lead up to the tragedy in the  first
place. Tomasz was arrested and sentenced to 15 years in prison.  At the
time, he had not even finished high school. The sentence is  exceptionally
harsh compared to others normally given in Poland; such  sentences are
reserved for premeditated murders and felonies  committed by hardened
criminals. Gazeta Wyborcza wrote about this  case years ago and presented
it as a tragedy - and as the failure of  society, including the police, to
control such street violence that  may end in murder. It is that, but even
more so, it is a case of the  police looking the other way as skinheads
terrorize the town and then  blaming the victim who would not take it any

Tomek's case is important not only to us as anarchists, his comrades,  but
also to anybody who wants to put a stop to police-endorsed  violence
against anarchists, leftists, immigrants, and anybody  targetted by these
ring-wing thugs. We think that some protest  letters will help; we have a
petition, but think that short notes by  e-mail from abroad would be even
better. I am sending a small sample  text but think it would be even better
if people added their own  personal touches; it will show more than an
international campaign -  it will show that people are thinking about Tomek
and people like him  around the world.

   --  Thanks!

- - - - -

To:Dr. Lech Gordacki,
Supreme Court of Poland
Pl. Krasinski 2/4/6
00-951 Warsaw 41
Fax: (48) 22 530-91-00

On September 27, the case of Tomasz Wilkosweski will be heard before  your
court. Tomasz Wilkoszeski was sentenced to 15 years in jail in  connection
with tragic events occurring in Radomsk in March of 1996.

Tomasz was given a harsh murder sentence despite the fact that it is  clear
that the tragic events were a result of his attacking in self-
defense after having been terrorized by local skinheads. We feel that  the
sentence was very harsh in light of these circumstances. Tomasz  

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 8 Sep 2000 -- 4:73 (#466)

2000-09-08 Thread Paul Kneisel

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CarClub: Join today and get a $15 Gift Certificate
absolutely FREE. Save 10% on gas every time you fill up. Get
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 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 8 September 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 73 (#466)

Religion and Fascism In the News
Bill Morlin and Thomas Clouse (Spokane Spokesman Review), "Verdict busts
   Butler: Jury orders Aryans to pay $6.3 million," 8 Sep 00
Imre Karacs, "Church agrees to pay war slaves"
Rightwing Quote of the Week
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



Verdict busts Butler: Jury orders Aryans to pay $6.3 million
Bill Morlin and Thomas Clouse (Spokane Spokesman Review)
8 Sep 00

COEUR D'ALENE -- A jury returned a $6.3 million judgment Thursday against
the  Aryan Nations, its founder Richard Butler and three former members.
The verdict in the civil trial means the jury believed the 82-year-old
white  supremacist and his organization were guilty of "gross negligence''
in  appointing security guards who carried out a 1998 assault on two
passers-by,  Victoria and Jason Keenan.

The panel of three men and nine women awarded $250,000 to Victoria Keenan
and  $80,000 to her 21-year-old son.

But the big punch came in punitive damages -- just the kind of award the
plaintiffs' attorneys believe will bankrupt the Aryan Nations.

The jury tagged Butler with $4.8 million in punitive damages and his former
chief of staff Michael Teague with $600,000.

Aryan guards Jesse Warfield and John Yeager were hit with $100,000 and
$500,000, respectively, in punitive damages.

"If it hadn't been for three of us, they would have gotten Butler for $100
million,'' said juror Judy Jacobson, a 45-yearold carpet layer from Spirit
Lake. "They wanted to bury the whole Aryan Nations,'' Jacobson told The
Spokesman-Review late Thursday night from her home.

Five other jurors contacted by the newspaper did not want to talk about the

To collect the award, civil rights attorney Morris Dees said he will move
immediately to seize the Aryan compound and all of Butler's assets except
the  clothes on his back.

Dees said he will also take legal moves to gain ownership of the name
"Aryan  Nations'' so he can retire it.

The co-founder of the Southern Poverty Law Center said he wants to turn the
Aryan hate compound into a school for tolerance.

After deliberating nine hours over two days, the jury returned its verdict
at  5 p.m. to a packed and well-guarded courtroom in the Kootenai County
Justice  Building.

Butler arrived at the courthouse as police snipers patrolled the rooftops.

After being told of the judgment by his attorney Edgar Steele, Butler
walked  outside, appearing somewhat stunned.

"This is nothing,'' Butler said of the award.

The man who founded the Aryan Nations two decades ago said his message of
white supremacy and separatism will live on despite the jury's decision.

"We have planted the seed,'' Butler said. "Most of North Idaho is fertile
with people who don't want multiculturalism.''

The Aryan Nations will live on, he said, despite the jury award.

"I'm still here,'' Butler shouted, getting into an old Pontiac LeMans.
"I'll  remain in business until the day I die.''

Following Butler out of the courthouse was Teague, wearing a crewcut and a
$5  suit he bought in a thrift shop for the trial.

"They think this verdict is like a magic pill they can swallow to make the
Aryan Nations go away,'' Teague said.

"You can shut down the Aryan Nations, but you can't stop our hearts. You
can't stop our minds. The Aryan Nations will live as long as the white race
is alive.''

But others who've fought Butler and his minions of hate were jubilant after
the verdict.

Idaho Gov. Dirk Kempthorne, visiting Moscow, praised the jury for sending a
clear message that Idaho doesn't tolerate racism.

"This is a significant event,'' the governor said. "We finally, through a
court of law, could put a voice to how we feel, and I think the jury did a
great job.

"I think those 12 individuals spoke for hundreds of thousands of Idahoans,
and I'm very proud of that jury,'' Kempthorne said.

Coeur d'Alene Mayor Steve Judy said Butler "is not a member of our
community  and never has been.

"He may call himself an American, but he's not one of us who live in Coeur
d'Alene,'' Judy said.

Dees and Law Center attorneys J. Richard Cohen and Peter Tepley teamed with
Coeur d'Alene attorneys Ken Howard and Norm Gissel for the suit.

The legal team is now expected to move immediately to seize all of 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 5 Sep 2000 -- 4:72 (#465)

2000-09-05 Thread Paul Kneisel

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CarClub: Join today and get a $15 Gift Certificate
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The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 5 September 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 72 (#465)

Web Sites of Interest
Interracial Voice
New Abundant Christian Life Alliance
Aryan Nations Trial: News Coverage
Nicholas K. Geranios (AP), "Aryan Nations guard: I don't recall shooting
   -- Says he was drunk when woman, son were shot at," 31 Aug 00
Bill Morlin (Spokesman-Review), "Aryan mailed a threat: Former guard
   admits he sent letter to plaintiffs after arrest," 1 Sep 00
Thomas Clouse  (Spokesman-Review), "Agent continues pose: Charade at an
   end," 1 Sep 00
Bill Morlin (Spokesman-Review), "Judge will allow punitive award against
   Aryans: Richard Butler and shooting victims testify," 2 Sep 00
Mike McLean (CDA Press), "Aryan defense case begins: Steele plans to
   take on burden of proof," 4 Sep 00
Eric Flowers (CDA Press), "Edgar Steele speaks out: Sandpoint lawyer
   discusses his underdog role and the significance of the trial," 5 Sep



Interracial Voice

- - - - -

Home Page of the New Abundant Christian Life Alliance: A Subsidary of the
Universal Life Church

"WARNING: This Church is Dedicated to serving God and His Master White
Race! "



Aryan Nations guard: I don't recall shooting -- Says he was drunk when
woman, son were shot at Nicholas K. Geranios (AP)
31 Aug 00

COEUR D'ALENE, Idaho -- A former security guard for the Aryan Nations
testified yesterday that he was too drunk to remember if he shot at a woman
and her son outside the hate group's compound in 1998.

But John Yeager also read portions of a letter he wrote to Aryan Nations
founder Richard Butler, saying "next to Christ you are the greatest man to
ever walk the face of this Earth.

"I will do what you ask," Yeager wrote in the letter, composed after the
shooting incident.

In a trial that began Monday, plaintiffs Victoria Keenan and her son Jason
seek unspecified damages for a July 1998 confrontation in which they were
assaulted and shot at by Aryan Nations security guards.

Butler contends that the security guards were out-of-control renegades who
violated Aryan Nations rules in racing off the compound to chase the

But civil rights attorney Morris Dees, who is using the lawsuit in a bid to
bankrupt the Aryan Nations, contends that the guards were acting
consistently with the direction established by Butler.

Yeager was called to the stand by Dees, who asked him if he remembered
shooting at the Keenans.

"I was real intoxicated that night," Yeager said. "I don't think I did, but
I don't know."

"Isn't this story trying to help Mr. Butler in this case?" Dees asked.

Yeager denied that.

The trial is being held under tight security in this northern Idaho resort
city. Law enforcement officers ringed the courthouse yesterday and were
perched on the roof.

Aryan Nations supporters were standing outside the courthouse waving
banners. Irv Rubin of the Jewish Defense League has tried to rally human
rights activists to stage counter-demonstrations, but few were turning out.

"The Jewish community is frightened stiff of these guys," Rubin complained.
"I don't know why they continue to live in this area."

Much of yesterday's testimony was by former Aryan Nations security chief
Michael Teague, also a defendant in the case. Butler, Yeager and former
security guard Edward Jesse Warfield are the other defendants.

Defendant Shane Wright has been a fugitive ever since the attack.

Teague painted a picture of Aryan Nations security guards as ex-convicts,
some with drug problems, who often acted impulsively. Teague said Warfield
was an ex-convict and Yeager had problems holding his temper.

But under examination from Dees, Teague read from internal documents that
suggested otherwise.

"Aryan Nations is a disciplined, coordinated monolithic hierarchy with all
authority emanating from leader-Pastor Richard Butler," Teague read from a
handbook approved by Butler.

He described a paramilitary organization in which Butler, 82, was addressed
as "der Fuhrer," subordinates held German military ranks and members
greeted each other with the Nazi straight-arm salute.

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 1 Sep 2000 -- 4:71 (#464)

2000-09-01 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Every time you send a FREE ZingCard from now until
September 11, 2000 you will be entered to win a trip to Hawaii.


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 1 September 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 71 (#464)

"Freedom of Speech" and Fascist Actions
Digital Freedom Network (press release), "Web site bans woman with
   "unacceptable" name," 18 Aug 00
AP, "Canada Navy Boards U.S.-Owned Ship," 3 Aug 00
World Church of the Creator (press release), "White Racist Television
   Show Comes to Connecticut!," 16 Aug 00
August (Pastor August  Karley Kreis)  Karley Kreis, "The Jewish
   Defense League -- Terrorism Personified," 24 Aug 00
Aftenposten/NTB  via "Nazism Exposed Project", "25 Neo-Nazis Rally In
   Askim, 9 Arrested," 19 Aug 00
Aftenposten/NTB via "Nazism Exposed Project", "Swedish TV-Photographer
   Attacked By Neo-Nazis," 20 Aug 00
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories


Web site bans woman with "unacceptable" name
Digital Freedom Network (press release)
18 Aug 00

In a new twist on Internet censorship, Los Angeles attorney Sherril Babcock
was blocked from joining the online service -- at least
until she changes her name.

When Babcock registered for access to, a Web site dealing
with African-American topics, she was told that her last name was
"unacceptable" presumably because it contained the word "cock," and she was
not permitted to register.

Suspecting the matter to be a simple matter of the site's overly ambitious
censorware, she contacted hoping to clear up the problem.
She explained that "Babcock was my father's name as well, and I am very
fond of him."

Crystal Martin,'s Moderator for Member Services, responded.
She apologized twice for the inconvenience, but said "unfortunately, the
letters that form the word 'Cock' is [sic] unacceptable and will not be
recognized by our system."

Omar Wasow,'s executive director, intends to continue using
the censorware. Though he described himself as a strong supporter of free
speech, he defended his use of censorware as an attempt to not offend his
site's membership, even though there would be casualties like Sherril
Babcock. When asked if he would register Babcock manually, thereby
bypassing the censorware, Wasow explained that if the censorware made bad
decisions even only one percent of the time, it would have meant over 8,000
manual entries given the current population of his online community.
Babcock would just have to change her registration name to please the
censorware. is concerned that people could register on their site with
false names that others could find unacceptable.

End of matter. Babcock is still not a member, and cyber-rights groups are
having a good laugh over this latest episode of censor- ware's

"Censorware is a non-solution for a non-problem. It doesn't block what it
intends to, most of which doesn't hurt anyone, and it blocks far too much
of what it shouldn't. It's a failure and it's scary that some want public
libraries to adopt this junk," said Alan Brown, Internet development
director for the Digital Freedom Network.

The episode reminded Babcock of America Online's ban of the word "breast"
in its chat rooms. The ban was only overturned when members of a breast
cancer survivor's group complained that the ban left them with very little
to talk about.

According to the cyber-rights organization Peacefire, Internet censorware
is so flawed that various versions have blocked Web sites including Time
magazine, the National Organization for Women, the Vatican, the Heritage
Foundation, and even sites about dogs.

"Would St. Francis of Assisi or Emily Dickinson also have been banned from", asked Bobson Wong, executive director of the Digital
Freedom Network.

Network (DFN) promotes human rights around the world by developing new
methods of activism with Internet technology and by providing an online
voice to those attacked simply for expressing themselves. DFN creates
Internet applications to fight censorship, acquires technology tools for
other activists, launches Internet-based campaigns on behalf of human
rights, and serves as a technical resource for activists worldwide. DFN's
Web site is

Electronic Privacy Information Center
American Civil Liberties Union

- - - - -

Canada Navy Boards U.S.-Owned Ship
3 Aug 00

[This story is interesting for it illustrates 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Wednesday, 30 Aug 2000 -- Special #463

2000-08-30 Thread Paul Kneisel

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CarClub: Join today and get a $15 Gift Certificate
absolutely FREE. Save 10% on gas every time you fill up. Get
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  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Wednesday, 30 August 2000
 Special Issue #463

stories via

AP, "Teens confess to torching refugee shelter," 21 Jul 00, "Four teenagers
confessed to participating in an arson attack on a shelter for asylum
seekers that injured three children whose family had fled Kosovo, police
said Thursday. An 11-year-old girl suffered serious burns when a Molotov
cocktail was thrown into the center Sunday morning. Two others were injured
by broken glass. All were members of an ethnic Albanian family from the
Yugoslav province of Kosovo that had sought asylum in Germany. Police said
the suspects, ages 14 to 18, were skinheads with extreme-right leanings."

AP, "Museum Allowed To Keep Sculpture," 13 June 00, "The Art Institute of
Chicago has reached an agreement allowing it to keep a sculpture that was
sold at auction during the Nazi occupation of France in World War II.  The
museum announced Monday that it will make a payment to the heirs of
Federico Gentili di Giuseppe for the sculpture "Bust of a Youth," by
Italian Francesco Mochi. In turn, the family will donate the artwork to the
institute." 1752.txt

Alan Choate (Mobile [AL] Register), "Foes say implication of amendment is
Alabamians are racists: Confederate heritage groups campaign against
amendment, saying ban does not exist in state constitution ," 26 Aug 00,
"Confederate heritage groups plan to start fighting a constitutional
amendment repealing restrictions on interracial marriage - not because they
object to minorities and whites marrying each other, a spokesman said, but
because they consider the vote unnecessary." 1753.txt

American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (press release), "ADC San
Francisco Billboard Calls for End to Iraq Sanctions; Thousands of San
Francisco Commuters to See Human Face of US Policy on Iraq," 25 Aug 00, "On
August 28th, a billboard calling attention to the destructive human impact
of the sanctions on Iraq will go up at one of the Bay Area¹s most heavily
traversed stretches of Highway 101, above Grand Avenue exit just south of
San Francisco.  The paid advertisement will feature the face of a four year
old girl with the statement, "Sanctions are killing my generation," along
with a quote from UNICEF reports stating that 5,000 Iraqi children die
every month as a direct result of the sanctions on Iraq." 1754.txt

Henry Weinstein (Los Angeles Times), "Persecuted Gay Man Wins Asylum Case:
Mexican who was harassed in his country for having a female sexual identity
is granted sanctuary in U.S. ," 22 Aug 00, "Gay men who face persecution in
their home countries because they manifest female sexual identities are
entitled to political asylum in the United States, a federal appeals court
in San Francisco ruled Thursday. The unanimous decision from the U.S. 9th
Circuit Court of Appeals broke new ground in asylum law, expanding the
class of people who can be granted asylum on the basis of sexual
persecution. The appeals court has jurisdiction over cases in California
and eight other western states." 1755

AP, "Germany Warns of Nazi Web Hit List," 22 Jul 00, "Neo-Nazis are
targeting left-wing representatives and foreigners for attacks by
publishing lists on the Internet with their names, addresses and
photographs, German justice officials say." 1756.txt

WCCO Minnesota., "Man Faces Lawsuit For Sending Harassing Letters: Attorney
General Says Man Targeted Jewish Community," 6 June 00, "Attorney General
Mike Hatch on Monday filed a civil lawsuit against a St. Paul man accused
of targeting Minnesota's Jewish community with terroristic and harassing
threats." 1757.txt

AP, "Suspect in 1963 bombing says he needs his full FBI file," 25 Aug 00,
"One of two former Ku Klux Klansmen charged in the 1963 church bombing that
killed four black girls said his defense needs the complete FBI files about
him." 1758.txt

AFP, "Colombian, US Human Rights Groups Blast Clinton's Waiver On Military
Aid," 24 Aug 00, "Colombian opposition leaders warned Wednesday that a 1.3
billion dollar US aid package to counter drug trafficking will unleash an
intensified campaign of rebel violence here, a week before US President
Bill Clinton is to visit.  Opposition leader Jaime Dussan, a fierce critic
of US financial assistance to Colombia's program to bring peace to the
nation, warned the 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 29 Aug 2000 -- 4:70 (#462)

2000-08-29 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
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latest information on everything from allergies to kids’ 
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 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 29 August 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 70 (#462)

Web Sites of Interest:
The Institute for the Study of Academic Racism
The Internet belongs to everyone! Website of Eric Lee, independent
   labour candidate
Eric Lee, "Who Rules Cyberspace"



The Institute for the Study of Academic Racism

"ISAR monitors academic racism and serves as a resource center for
scholars, legislators, civil rights organizations, and journalists."

- - - - -

The Internet belongs to everyone!
Website of Eric Lee, independent labour candidate for a seat on the Board
of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN)


Who rules cyberspace?
by Eric Lee
21 Aug 00

If the Internet is something important to us, we should certainly want to
know who controls it, and particular, who determines its future.

By ownership of the Internet, we can mean many things. Obviously the cables
on which the data travel are owned by corporations and governments, and the
internetworked server computers are held by governments, corporations,
universities, non-profit organizations, trade unions, and even individuals.

That all sounds very nice, making it seem like the Internet -- or at least
all its physical components -- is owned by a very large and diverse group.
But one very important part of this system, the root servers, is entirely
in the hands of the US government. That was true when the Internet was
created thirty years ago and it is true today. I'll return to this point

There is another aspect to ownership of the Internet, and that is the part
that concerns us here: Who sets the rules that govern this immense global
network? Who decides its future direction? The simple answer is that giant
corporations, usually US-based, are running the Internet today as they see
fit, in accordance with their own interests (making a profit), with almost
no input from civil society.

New worldwide institutions have been created to manage the Internet which,
like the World Trade Organization (WTO), the World Bank, and the
International Monetary Fund (IMF), are completely unrepresentative,
undemocratic, and unaccountable. And yet they have the power to move the
Internet in directions that may not always be the ones the rest of us would
like to see.

Those institutions include the Internet Society (ISOC - founded in 1992),
the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C - founded in 1994) and the newest of
them all, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN -
founded in 1998). The three of them have a lot in common, not least of
which the fact that all three have their headquarters in the United States.

They are all completely dominated by transnational corporate capital. It
sets the policies under which the Internet and World Wide Web are governed.
Their agenda differs not one iota from that of the corporate elite: for
them, the Internet exists in order to help maximize profit.

Their deliberations are rarely reported in the mass media and only by
accident do ordinary people discover their very existence. In their own
defense, they will point out that they are "technical" bodies and therefore
it is not necessary for loads of people to be involved. Really, thanks very
much, they might say, but we don't need help from outsiders lacking in
specialist technical skills.

But their own websites, in appealing for corporations to contribute money,
make the opposite point. As ISOC put it bluntly on its site:

"What would it be worth to your organization to be able to shape the
direction of the Internet and its related technologies? At the Internet
Society, our public policy, legal, regulatory, and trade activities put you
and your organization at the forefront of the Internet arena. As a member,
you also hold a seat on the society's Advisory Council, which meets
annually in conjunction with the Board of Trustees meeting and which has a
significant voice in shaping the directions and initiatives of the society
and thus the Internet itself."

"A significant voice in shaping . . . the Internet itself" -- now that's
something I'd like to see not only for the corporations which have joined
the Internet Society and similar bodies, but also 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 25 August 2000 -- 4:69 (#460)

2000-08-25 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Every time you send a FREE ZingCard from now until
September 11, 2000 you will be entered to win a trip to Hawaii.


  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 25 August 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 69 (#460)

Labor Protests
Action Alerts: Benefit For MoMA Strikers , New York City, 30 Aug 00 --
   8:30 PM
MPLU (press release), "Missouri Prisoners Labor Union Calls Boycott on
   Colgate/Pamolive, Endorses Boycott Against Marriott Group"
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
American Family Association, "About Prayer At Football Games," 23 Aug 00
What's Worth Checking: 20 stories



Benefit For MoMA Strikers
New York City
30 Aug 00 -- 8:30 PM

A terrific triple bill of musical artists has stepped forward to help raise
badly needed funds for the MoMA strikers. Please join us on Wednesday,
August 30 for an evening of music and fun. All admissions will go directly
to the strike fund.

TONIC presents A Benefit for the MoMA Striker Hardship Fund, MARC RIBOT and
members of LOS CUBANOS POSTIZOS, with an unplugged set by KIRK KELLY and
the savant-garde sounds of KRAKATOA

in concert AUGUST 30, 8:00 p.m. at TONIC, 107 Norfolk Street, near
Rivington Tickets $18. Doors open at 7:30 p.m.

Proceeds from the evening will benefit the MoMA Striker Hardship Fund. The
Fund helps pay emergency medical, utility, and rent bills for striking
employees of the Museum of Modern Art, who have been out for 4 months. If
you can't come but want to support the strikers, send your check to Local
2110/MoMA Striker Hardship Fund, 113 University Place, 5th floor, New York,
NY 10003. (212) 387-0220

- - - - -

Missouri Prisoners Labor Union Calls Boycott on Colgate/Pamolive, Endorses
 Boycott Against Marriott Group
MPLU (press release)

The Missouri Prisoners Labor Union (MPLU) called  a boycott of
Colgate/Palmolive  last month, in response to the continued harassment of
Jerome White-Bey, MPLU president. White-Bey has served several moths in the
hole for refusing to cease organization and the promotion of the MPLU, and
as a few few weeks ago, prison guards at the Missouri Department of
Corrections continue to physically harass and threaten him.

The MPLU's demands are as follows: 1) The establishment of a minimum wage
for prisoners comparable to workers on the outside of the wall, 2)
abolition of forced labor and abuse by the authorities of  the Missouri
Department of Corrections (DOC), and 3) support of a Bill of Moratorium on
all executions in the state of Missouri. The MPLU argues that the chilling
effect of the death penalty is the worst of the many forms of coercion used
to scare prisoners from standing up as workers.

The MPLU is a legally chartered union by the state of Missouri, but has not
thus far been recognized by Colgate (who contacts labor to the Missouri
DOC) nor the DOC. The IWW General Assembly  will also consider resolutions
in support of the MPLU and the boycott over Labor Day weekend. The Seattle
IWW endorsed the MPLUs struggle for recognition in October of 1999.

The Missouri Prisoners Labor Union also announced on August 14th  that it
was formally endorsing an international boycott  initiated by Prison
Moratorium Project against all products-services produced either directly
or indirectly by Sodexho Marriott Services (SMS).

On March 28, 1998, the French multinational Sodexho Alliance (SA) took over
the North American operations of Marriott Management Services from the
Marriott Group.  The merger made the new corporation, Sodexho Marriott
Services (SMS), the largest institutional provider of food services in
North  America, with $4.5 billion in annual revenues.

As of the most recent Securities and Exchange Commission filings, Sodexho
currently holds  investments totaling 11% in Prison Realty
Trust/Corrections Corporation of America the leading investor in the
world's biggest for-profit prison company.

Corrections Corporation of America has a well documented history of abusing
Prisoners . At a CCA facility in Tennessee, prison officials delayed taking
a pregnant woman to a hospital, allowing her to suffer for 12 hours until
she died from an undiagnosed complication.

The Colorado ACLU filed suit against CCA's private prisoner transport
company on behalf of a woman who claimed that members of the all-male
transport crew sexually assaulted her repeatedly during her five-day trip
from Texas to Colorado.

Missouri Prisoners Labor Union-National Communications Officer (and fellow
worker) Michael Lee stated " The entire history of 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Wednesday, 23 Aug 2000 -- Special #459

2000-08-23 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Every time you send a FREE ZingCard from now until
September 11, 2000 you will be entered to win a trip to Hawaii.


The Internet Anti-Fascist: Wednesday, 23 August 2000
  Special Issue #459

stories via

Kevin Moran (Houston Chronicle), "Klansman beaten by blacks in jail is
awarded $55,000," 6 Jul 00, "A Ku Klux Klansman who was beaten by black
Galveston County Jail inmates in 1993 has been awarded $55,000 in damages
by a federal court jury. Larry Kevin Webster, 42, represented himself in
the case, winning against lawyers hired by Galveston County. Webster, who
is now a resident of Houston, said that jailers put him in cells with large
numbers of black prisoners despite his documented Klan membership and the
fact that his Klan ties were well-known among the prisoners. Webster, held
on charges involving a kidnapping, was kicked in the face and suffered an
elbow injury. He was treated in the emergency room at a local hospital.
Since November, he has been in the Harris County Jail, accused of a parole
violation. After a four-day civil trial, a jury of six women and six men
awarded Webster $5,000 in actual and $50,000 in punitive damages."

ADC (press release), "ADC Helps Arab-American Community Fight
Discrimination Against Mosque," 7 Jul 00, "After facing obstruction and
what may have been discrimination, it appears that Arab American and other
Muslims of Frederick County, Maryland will finally be able to build a
mosque.  ADC was recently contacted by Arab American members of the Islamic
Society of Frederick, MD, after they submitted a proposal to the Frederick
County Planning Commission to build a mosque on a 100-acre agricultural
site.  If approved, the mosque would be the first and only mosque in the
county. The Islamic Society faced several legal and planning obstacles
which prevented it from beginning construction, and thus contacted our
office for advice and assistance." 1662.txt

Nat Hentoff (Washington Times -- op ed), "The abolitionist black clergy,"
10 Jul 00, "While the president and the secretary of state have ignored
slavery and genocide in Sudan, a group of distinguished black members of
the clergy from around the country have issued an urgent plea to the
Congressional Black Caucus to help these black victims in Africa. But I
have seen hardly any mention of this passionate renewal of the American
abolitionist tradition. Dated June 1, the letter, addressed to James
Clyburn, chairman of the Congressional Black Caucus, reads: "This is the
year 2000, and there are tens of thousands of black slaves (and) two
million people in Sudan have lost their lives in a brutal civil war
propelled by a regime in Khartoum (the National Islamic Front), which our
government has placed on a short list of terrorist nations. More people
have died in Sudan than in Kosovo, Bosnia, Serbia and Rwanda combined. The
U.S. Committee on Refugees, the Senate and the House have called events in
Africa's largest nation a 'genocide.' Yet world leaders, including
President Clinton, remain silent. . . . The West has abandoned these
people." The letter then focused on this country's black members of
Congress. 'We, African-American pastors from around the nation, write to
ask the Congressional Black Caucus to come to the front of this battle. As
the descendants of African slaves, we must not rest until those now held in
bondage are freed — until the African villages in Sudan are protected from
murderous slave raids, until the Sudan air force is made to stop bombing
African schools, churches and hospitals'." 1663.txt

San Francisco Labor Council, "Defend The Korean Lotte Hotel Workers  End
Unionbusting Tactics In Korea," 10 Jul 00, "The San Francisco Labor Council
unanimously passed the following resolution on 7/10/2000. An amendment was
also made to invite the Consulate General to attend a San Francisco Labor
Council and explain why these actions have taken place." 1664.txt

John Schwartz (Washington Post), "FBI's Internet Wiretaps Raise Privacy
Concerns," 11 Jul 00, "The FBI has deployed an automated system to wiretap
the Internet, giving authorities a new tool to police cyberspace but
drawing concerns among civil libertarians and privacy advocates about how
it might be used. The new computer system, dubbed 'Carnivore' inside the
FBI because it rapidly finds the 'meat' in vast amounts of data, was
developed at FBI computer labs in Quantico, Va., and has been used in fewer
than 50 cases so far. But that number is sure to rise, said Marcus 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 22 August 2000 -- 4:68 (#458)

2000-08-22 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Every time you send a FREE ZingCard from now until
September 11, 2000 you will be entered to win a trip to Hawaii.


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 22 August 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 68 (#458)

We're Now Back on Our Regular Schedule
Information on the Civil Suit Against the Aryan Nations
Aryan Nations, "The Barbarians Are At the Gate!"
Aryan Nations, "Legal Defense Fund"
Aryan Nations, "Aryan Brothers and Sisters: Can You Spare A Buck?
Background on the trial, from TINAF
Background on the Aryan Nations, from TINAF
Index to FTP Supplements on the Current German Situation
What's Worth Checking: 20 stories


We're now back on our regular production schedule after the unfortunate
incident with the state in early May. Since 10 June we've published 39
issues or more than one every two days. We'd like to thank all of you who
wrote with kind letters of support.

But while we're on schedule there are still almost two hundred stories to
which we haven't published pointers. Rather than skip these and mess up our
archives we intend to publish a few special issues in the next several

Remember that the journal's editorial policy is publishing material *of
interest* to anti-fascists. Few subscribers read every story in "What's
Worth Checking." Most read through the descriptions and then go to the
web/ftp site only for those stories covering their particular interests.



THE BARBARIANS ARE AT THE GATE!! Trial begins 8-28-2000, with 3 law firms,
up to 9 Lawyers.

Morris the Sleaze with his Jew Faggots swear they will destroy the Church
of Jesus Christ Christian/Aryan Nations!


They wish to give every white man and woman a lesson in "TOLERANCE" Marxist
style, a la good ole "Uncle Joe Stalin."

The first Amendment (by White men for White men) is being phased out for
the "New World Order!"


- - - - -

Legal Defense Fund

Greetings White Kindred,

The Church of Jesus Christ Christian-Aryan Nations is currently in a
lawsuit brought on by the Human Rights Task Force who has engaged in a
"marriage" with the Southern Poverty Law Center and Morris Dees. We have
secured an excellent lawyer for our defense. With this legal counsel we
will win a victory over the Human Rights Task Force and the SPLC for not
just Aryan Nations, but the entire White race. Morris Dees and his lawyers
can be beat, but lawyer fees are expensive.   The Church of Jesus Christ
Christian-Aryan Nations is making a call to ALL White people for help with
our Legal Defense Fund, because it could be your organization that could be
next on Morris Dees' "reign of terror".   The Southern Poverty Law Center
and the Human Rights Task Force must be stopped!

- - - - -

Aryan Brothers and Sisters

Can You Spare A Buck?

Aryan Nations needs your help to educate the WHITE RACE as to who they
really are.   The legal fight against the Jew Proselyte Morris "The Sleaze"
Dees has been a tremendous drain on our financial reserves.   So we really
need your help!!!   One dollar to as much as you wish to donate will be
greatly appreciated and put to a good use.

We go to trial Aug. 28th, 2000.   The trial could last from 1 week to 5
weeks depending if Dees brings in Christian Identity  -  in which case we
have the Jewish Talmud ( all 63 volumes ) to present to the court.

Please send your generous donation to:
CJCC-AN Operations Fund
PO Box 362
Hayden,  Idaho  83835

Thank you.
Pastor Richard G. Butler


For background on the trial, see:

Bryan Denson (The Oregonian) , "Suit Aims To Bankrupt Ayran Nations: Lawyer
Morris Dees, who won a record judgment in the murder of Mulugeta Seraw,
now seeks damages in an assault," 27 Jan 99. The Internet Anti-Fascist:
Tuesday, 2 February 99 -- Vol. 3, Number 10 (#217)
Bill Morlin (Spokane Review), "Suit against Aryans set for trial in
August," 13 Oct 99. TINAF 1223.txt

- - - - -

For background on issues directly related to the Aryan Nations, see:

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Monday, 14 December 98 -- FTP Supplement #90
(#198): The Klan, Militia, and Skinheads ... Articles on the Idaho Aryan
Nations March
45) United Front Against Fascism/Seattle (no author), "United Front
 Against Fascism Calls on Coeur d'Alene Mayor to Support Anti-Nazi
 Protest," 15 Jul 98
46) Mark 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 18 August 2000 -- 4:67 (#455)

2000-08-21 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Support our Sponsor 
Did you know that you can win just by playing at The River Belle
Casino? $20,000 worth of amazing prizes are up for grabs in The
River Belle’s Midsummer Mardi Gras Competition. click here:


  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 18 August August 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 67 (#455)

Ongoing Coverage of Net-Based Hate
Rick Perera (IDG), "Controversy arises over neo-Nazi domain names," 9
   Aug 00
CNN, "Jewish group complains over sale of hate books online," 10 Aug 00
AP, "Yahoo! set for Nazi site ruling," 11 Aug 00
Angela Doland (AP), "Going, Going, Gone: French Judge Orders Ways to
   Block Yahoo!'s Auction Site," 11 Aug 00
Robin Lloyd (CNN), "Web trackers hunt racist groups online," 12 Aug 00
Rick Perera (IDG), "German political party calls for anti-Nazi Net
   filter," 14 Aug 00
Eduardo Cué (The Christian Science Monitor), "French antiracism laws
   meet Internet free speech: Yahoo! goes back to court Nov. 6 after a
   team decides whether technology can block users from some sites," 14
   Aug 00
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



Controversy arises over neo-Nazi domain names
Rick Perera (IDG)
9 Aug 00

BERLIN -- In the midst of a renewed debate over right-wing extremism,
Germany's central Internet registry is facing scrutiny over neo-Nazi domain

DENIC eG (Deutsches Network Information Center) in Frankfurt, which
administers the top-level domain .de, deleted the domain name "heil-" Monday, some four days after it was registered.

Use of the Nazi greeting "Heil Hitler" is illegal in Germany.

"We've just been informed by a client of the Internet provider which has
registered the domain name," said spokesman Klaus Herzig at DENIC. He added
that following normal procedure, the name was registered after the ISP
(Internet service provider) STRATO Medien AG sent an automatic e-mail
request. When a user wants to register a domain name, the ISP automatically
forwards the request to DENIC.

"It's really difficult (to control domain names) because we have 200,000
registrations in a month, so it's every 15 seconds that we register a new
domain name," Herzig said.

STRATO spokesman Sšren Heinze said his company has its own policy against
offensive domain names. "We've always said, if we find something, we remove
it immediately," he said.

Germany's Justice Ministry is pressuring DENIC to keep neo-Nazi domain
names off the Web. "Everyone has a responsibility when we say as a society
we want no right-wing radicalism," said ministry spokesman Christian Arns.
"To that extent, we want to hold DENIC responsible too."

Arns added that Justice Minister Herta DŠubler-Gmelin, has offered to help
coordinate an effort against neo-Nazi domain names. "The question is what
you can do about domain names that are distasteful but not illegal," he
said "You can't say ("kill all
foreigners"). That would be instigating a crime."

But he added that domain names with a neo-Nazi twist, like ("Hitler is really great"), would theoretically be

A check of DENIC's search engine shows that site names like,, and have been registered, though there is
currently no content attached to them.

Arns said the Justice Minister will work with anti-racism and minority
groups to compile a list of potentially offensive names, suggesting that
DENIC could forward anyone who attempted to access such a Web site to an
information page on combating right-wing extremism.

But DENIC's Herzig was skeptical about the idea. "We think that a list
would not solve the problem," he said, since there are endless possible
combinations such as "heilhitler1," "heilhitler2," and the like. "I cannot
imagine that you can put all these possibilities on this list." He added
that a better solution is for ISPs to react quickly when users try to
register an offensive name.

Asked about the problem of neo-Nazi websites registered outside Germany,
Arns said there's no legal action German authorities can take, but that
they can rely on moral pressure.

"A company has to decide how it wants to make money," he said. "We're just
trying to create a high sensibility (in Germany), and we hope also that a
similar discussion will take place in other countries."

- - - - -

Jewish group complains over sale of hate books online
10 Aug 00

The Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center says it has asked the German
Justice Ministry to investigate whether 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 15 August 2000 -- 4:66 (#454)

2000-08-18 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Discover smart shopping at! Up to 70 percent off 
retail on thousands of top brands.  Amazing deals on computer
products, consumer electronics and more. Bid now!


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 15 August 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 66 (#454)

Latest Readings Upgraded at
Web Sites of Interest:
Ireland and the Spanish Civil War -- No Pasaran!
Book Reviews:
Hella Pick's "Guilty Victim: Austria from the Holocaust to Haider"
   (235pp, IB Tauris, £24.50). reviewed by Martin Woollacott (The
   Guardian), 12 Aug 00
Movie Review:
Jose Luis Cuerda's "The Butterfly." reviewed by Lorenza Munoz (Los
   Angeles Times), 10 Aug 00
Art Review:
Dinos and Jake Chapman's "Hell." reviewed by Roger Boyes (The Times [of
   London]), "British Holocaust art shocks Germans," 11 Aug 00
Material On Lieberman
Sharon Samber (JTA), "Lieberman draws no line between religion, policy,"
   7 Aug 00
Index to Three FTP Supplements On Lieberman
Real Political Correctness:
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



We've updated the section at that carries the
latest journals of interest to anti-fascists and others opposed to action-
oriented hatred and bigotry.

We're proud to have added anti-fascist and anti-militarist voices from
Asia, including The South Asians Against Nukes Post, the India Pakistan
Arms Race  Militarisation Watch, and the South Asian Citizens Web

Older standards at our web site include the ACLU Newsfeed, the Tom
Burghardt's Antifa Info-Bulletin, GLAAD Alert, Midwest Action Report,
RightWingWatch Online from People For the American Way, the Skeptical
Inquirer's Electronic Digest, and the E-zine from UNITED For Intercultural

In addition, you can read the latest technical e-journals like the Center
for Democracy and Technology's Police Post, EPIC from the Electronic
Privacy Information Center, Netaction Notes, and Net Future.


Ireland and the Spanish Civil War -- No Pasaran!



Mislaying Hitler: ... Austria's struggle to forget in Hella Pick's Guilty
Victim: Austria from the Holocaust to Haider
Martin Woollacott (The Guardian)
12 Aug 00

Guilty Victim: Austria from the Holocaust to Haider by Hella Pick 235pp, IB
Tauris, £24.50

In the late summer of 1943, British and American intelligence analysts
thought they had detected signs that Austria was turning against the
Germans. Italy had surrendered, Austria was being seriously bombed for the
first time, the casualty lists from the eastern front were lengthening and
there was much complaining in what the Nazis called the Ostmark. In an
attempt to induce a rising - or at least to cause trouble - the Allies
issued the Moscow Declaration, which described Austria as "the first free
country to fall victim to Hitlerite aggression", pledged to establish an
independent Austria after the war and called on Austrians to contribute to
their own liberation.

It fell on deaf ears. There was no revolt, and no great increase in an
internal resistance that had always been modest in scale. But the Moscow
Declaration proved of extraordinary significance once peace came. It was
the birth certificate of post-war Austria, enshrining a fiction which both
the Allies and the Austrians knew to be untrue, but which everybody found
so useful that it was maintained for decades.

Its consequences are still with us today. In her timely book, Hella Pick
skilfully traces the line that, through the twists and turns of nearly 60
years of Austrian and international politics, connects the Declaration to
Jorg Haider today. A child refugee from Austria who was brought up in
England, Pick later frequently returned as a Guardian correspondent to the
country of her birth. She has been on close terms with some of its great
men, including Bruno Kreisky and Simon Wiesenthal. One virtue of her
account is that it demonstrates how the concept of Austria as victim of the
Nazis was, stage by stage, a product of collusion between the new state and
its western friends. Another is that it shows how Austria's denial of its
Nazi past, and continuing appeasement of those Austrians who clung to that
past, perplexingly coexisted with a genuinely humane tradition. That
tradition made it 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 11 August 2000 -- 4:65 (#450)

2000-08-12 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Gator is FREE software that fills in forms and remembers 
passwords with NO TYPING.  Plus Gator comes with $100 in 
coupons just for trying it!  Fast download. Grab the Gator.


  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 11 August 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 65 (#450)

Reader Feedback:
Jamie McCarthy, "... the antithesis of public discussion would be ...
   repression," 8 Aug 00
tallpaul, "A QUick, Brief Response On A Theme By McCarthy"
Web Sites of Interest:
Ireland and the Spanish Civil War -- No Pasaran!
Real Political Correctness:
People For the American Way, "Federal Court Enjoins Virginia Internet
   Censorship Law: 'Harmful To Juveniles' Law Ruled Harmful to Free
   Speech," 9 Aug 00 Rightwing
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
Anonymous, "... = CHILD MOLESTER??" Usenet post to:
   alt.politics.nationalism.white, 29 Jul
BadJuJu. "A multiple choice test for ...," Usenet post to
   alt.revisionism, 12 Aug 00
What's Worth Checking: 20 stories



... the antithesis of public discussion would be ... repression
Jamie McCarthy
8 Aug 00

[In TINAF 4:63 of Friday, 4 August, 2000, tallpaul wrote]

"Those who see some all-encompassing right of 'free speech' for fascists
might ask if Kykekillers triple anonymity is a contribution to public
discussion over the Concorde crash or the antithesis of such discussion."

How can any statement, placed in the public sphere, be the "antithesis" of
public discussion?

It seems obvious to me that what _would_ be the antithesis of public
discussion would be the repression of such an anonymous statement.

   --  Jamie McCarthy

- - - - -


This post, coming from someone like J. McCarthy with a long activist
history opposing Holocaust Deniers, shows that anti-fascists can disagree
among themselves over many issues. My response below should be seen more as
"comments on a theme" proposed by McCarthy, not a assertion of his
particular beliefs. (Let us hope that he writes more on these topics.)

Let me divide my comments into two groups: "repression" and "public

Of course we want to repress the type of anti-Semitic libel that blamed the
Concorde crash on the Jews. The question is merely how we will go about it.
We may pick methods that are principled and unprincipled, legal or extra-
legal or illegal, tactically wise or foolish.

We repress all of the time. We repress murderers by depriving them of their
"freedom of movement" and in so doing we repress murder. We similarly
repress con artists by forcing them to return the money, thus depriving
them of "their" property.

In a different context we repressed fascism with military force during
World War II and the hangman's noose afterward. We did not support a
military advance up to the border of pre-war Germany and then stop. We did
not liberate the death camps outside Germany and permit those inside on the
guise that to remove all the camps would repress actions. Nor did we
support the existence of fascist publications immediately after the war. In
each case we chose to repress.

There exists a mistaken view that "free speech" is *the* fundamental right,
standing above all others, absolute and inalienable. It is not, as is shown
by various national and international laws on defamation. "Free speech"
like all other rights may be alienated or violated or both. Only the
violation is illegal or unethical. A lawful[1] alienation of the defamers
speech is not a violation of "free speech" anymore than a lawful
alienation of the con man's money or the murderers freedom violates the
rights of property and movement.

A think a similar confusion exists among anti-fascists over "opinion" and

As numerous judges have maintained "there is no such thing as a false
opinion." Opinions are a-factual and thus beyond the normal forms of
reality testing. Fact -- at least since Zinger -- is a defense. But false
allegations of fact add nothing to the specific debate[2]

There are areas outside this dispute where false allegations of fact are
actionable. Forgery constitutes one such crime. In the civil area, some
citizens have a legal obligation to make true statements of fact. The
accountant who certifies the accuracy of a set of financial books can be
sued if the books are inaccurate. And of course perjury is perhaps the best
example after defamation.

Where then is the real contribution to public discourse in libel. Why way
of example we reprint two recent examples of fascist defamation. In the

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 8 August 2000 -- 4:64 (#449)

2000-08-10 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Discover smart shopping at! Up to 70 percent off 
retail on thousands of top brands.  Amazing deals on computer
products, consumer electronics and more. Bid now!


  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 8 August 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 64 (#449)

Action Alert:
No Nazis in Leicester: Stop the 26 August National Front march!
Breaking News:
ARA Montreal (press release), "Cops Ignore Neo-Nazi Ties to St-Jean
   Baptiste Day Murder Charges Anti-Racist Group," 8 Aug 00
Web Sites of Interest:
Ireland and the Spanish Civil War -- No Pasaran!
S11 Web Site via Green Left Weekly
Book Reviews:
Three books on the Spanish Civil War reviewed in Saothar: journal of the
   Irish Labour History Society
What's Worth Checking: 20 stories



No Nazis in Leicester: Stop the 26 August National Front march!
Anti-Nazi League

Following their humiliation at the Unity Against Prejudice march in
Leicester in July, the NF are threatening to march in the city again.  The
Anti-Nazi League is going to stop them.

Saturday 26 August, assemble 12 p.m.
The Clock Tower, bottom of Gallowtree Gate
Leicester city centre

Supported by Leicester and District Trades Council, MSF Leicestershire
East, CWU Leicestershire, UNISON Leicester City, Indian Workers

Further details to follow.



Cops Ignore Neo-Nazi Ties to St-Jean Baptiste Day Murder Charges Anti
-Racist Group
ARA Montreal (press release)
8 Aug 00

On June 24, 2000 Montrealer Christian Thomas was beaten into a coma in
front of Bar Chez Helene.  Six days later, he died in hospital from his
injuries.   Montreal police have arrested 3 men in relation with the
murder; Sacha Montreuil, 26, Adam Guerbuez, 25 and Frederic Morin, 22.
Although witnesses reported that up to 10 neo-nazis had been involved in
the attack, police were quick to state that they would most likely only
apprehend a handful of the culprits.  True to their word, only Montreuil
has been charged in connection with the murder itself, while Guerbuez and
Morin have been charged with assault.  No others have been charged in the

On July 28, 2000, after the three men were arrested, police hotly denied
any connection of the accused to neo-nazis whatsoever. Anti-Racist Action
Montreal (ARA) begs to differ.

For over a year, ARA  has been recieving tips that neo-Nazis were using Bar
Chez Helene as a meeting place.  In the spring of 1999, ARA alerted the
neighbourhood around the bar to the prescence of neo-Nazis like gang member
and violent offender Mathieu Dubois, who lives a few blocks away.

Of the dozen or so people MUC police spoke to in their investigation of the
murder, at least five of those present that night were known Montreal neo-
Nazis with extensive criminal records - Mathieu Carriere, Jonathan Cote,
Isabel Forget, Steve Lavallee, and Stephen LePage.  The three accused are
not permitted to have contact with these five.

Jonathan Cote and Steve Lavallee, members of Montreal racist gang Berzerker
Boot Boys, recently completed sentences they received for their involvement
in a series of armed assaults on patrons of Plateau-area bars in 1998.
Isabel Forget regularly appeared during their trial to support her racist
friends and intimidate witnesses. Stephen LePage, member of the racist
Vinland Hammer Skins, has numerous convictions for violent offenses.  ARA
photographed Mathieu Carriere accompanying Berzerker Boot Boy Mathieu
Dubois to a racist rock concert in February 1998.

Why were the police so quick to admit to reporters that only a handful of
the murderers would ever be held accountable?  And given the evidence, how
can major crimes division Commander Andre Bouchard state "that a group of
skinheads inside the bar at the time were not involved," or that the
accused "absolument s'agit de gars qui ne sont pas relies y ce
genre d'organisation," especially when the gang unit claims to be keeping
close tabs on Montreal neo-Nazi gangs?  Like the 1998 Plateau-area bar
attacks, local police seem quick stick their heads in the sand when faced
with organized racist violence.

Why was Thomas, a Chez Helene regular, murdered?   Because Bar Chez Helene
patrons, staff and owners conceded public space to violent neo-Nazis.
Because the MUC police have consistently demonstrated their incompetence in
dealing with racist violence, once again botching their investigation by
ignoring and downplaying connections between serious crimes 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 4 August 2000 -- 4:63 (#448)

2000-08-08 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Discover smart shopping at! Up to 70 percent off 
retail on thousands of top brands.  Amazing deals on computer
products, consumer electronics and more. Bid now!


  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 4 August 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 63 (#448)

Book Review:
Efraim Zuroff's "The Response of Orthodox Jewry in the United States to
   the Holocaust: The Activities of the Vaad ha-Hatzala Rescue
   Committee, 1939-1945" reviewed by  Yair Sheleg (Ha'aretz), 28 Jul 00
Real Political Correctness:
Kalinga Seneviratne (IPS), "Australian Radio Concession to Christian
   Group Stirs Resentment," 23 Jun 00
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
Kykekiller, "The Jews Downed the Concorde," 27 Jul 00
What's Worth Checking: 15 Stories



The Response of Orthodox Jewry in the United States to the Holocaust: The
 Activities of the Vaad ha-Hatzala Rescue Committee, 1939-1945
Efraim Zuroff
Yeshiva University Press and Ktav

Storm in a streimel
Yair Sheleg (Ha'aretz)
28 Jul 00

The ultra-Orthodox press has been up in arms for the past two months over a
book which has so far been published only in English, which is why Israelis
who are not Haredim or English-speakers are probably not familiar with it.
The title sounds innocent enough: "The Response of Orthodox Jewry in the
United States to the Holocaust: The Activities of the Vaad ha-Hatzala
Rescue Committee, 1939-1945." And yet the book has unleashed cries of
"blood libel," accusations that the author, Dr. Efraim Zuroff, cares only
about publicity, and comparisons between Zuroff and Holocaust-denier David
Irving.Despite the seriousness and absurdity of these charges against a man
who has devoted his life to the Holocaust (Zuroff heads the Jerusalem
branch of the Simon Wiesenthal Center and is one of the few Nazi hunters
left in the world), it is not hard to understand the motives. Zuroff's book
(published by Yeshiva University Press and Ktav) touches on a very
sensitive nerve among the Haredim: the conduct of this community during the
Holocaust. His central argument is that Haredi separatism and support of
yeshiva students at the expense of rescuing Jews in general was a notable
phenomenon - even in those trying times.

The focus of the book is Vaad ha-Hatzala, a rescue committee founded by the
Orthodox community in the United States in November 1939, just as World War
II erupted. The very fact of its inception, says Zuroff, posed competition
to the United Jewish Appeal (UJA), which had been organized only 10 months
earlier (in January 1939) in response to the Kristallnacht pogroms. A
separate committee was needed, the Haredim claimed, because most of the aid
extended by the UJA went into the establishment of soup kitchens, and it
was beneath the dignity of rabbis and yeshiva students to stand on line for

Early on, the Haredim promised that they would not compete with the UJA and
would do their fundraising only in Haredi circles, which in any case were
not part of the congregational network targeted by the UJA. They soon
realized, however, that without fundraising in the greater Jewish community
they would never collect a substantial sum of money, so they broke their
promise and began to send fundraisers to non-Haredi congregations, too.

At the beginning of the war, most non-Hasidic yeshiva students in Europe
were concentrated in Lithuania, which was independent and neutral until the
Soviet occupation in June 1940. Considered a safe haven, Polish yeshiva
students also fled there when Poland was invaded by the Germans. Zuroff
points out that the emissaries of Vaad ha-Hatzala made the rounds of the
Jewish communities begging for a separate contribution to "save the Torah
world." The Joint Distribution Committee (JDC), the central arm of the UJA,
provided for the upkeep of all the Jews of Lithuania at that time,
including the yeshiva students, he emphasizes. This separate drive was not
needed for survival, but to free the yeshiva students from the necessity of
going out to work. Indeed, the yeshivas in Lithuania tried to conceal the
fact that they were receiving funding from a separate source, fearing that
the JDC would cut back its subsidies.

And yet it was clear that the JDC knew about this extra funding. Their
offices were inundated by letters from Jewish congregations throughout the
United States, asking how they should respond to these fundraising efforts.
The JDC found itself in a dilemma. On the one hand, it was not happy about
such activity. On the other, it was not anxious for the American 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 1 August 2000 -- 4:62 (#447)

2000-08-05 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Does your child struggle in school? Discover Sylvan Learning 
Centers and get $100 off enrollment, $25 off a Skill 
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  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 1 August 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 62 (#447)

Richard Norton-Taylor (The Guardian), "Ruth Werner: Member of the Red
   Orchestra," 11 Jul 00
Book Review:
Seumas Milne (The Guardian), "Novel damned by Captain Corelli's model,"
   29 Jul 00
Movie Review:
Jonathan Foreman (The Guardian), "How Mel Gibson helped to turn us into
   Nazis ... the secret fascism of the Patriot," 10 Jul 00
What's Worth Checking: 15 stories


OBITUARY: Ruth Werner: Member of the Red Orchestra

Richard Norton-Taylor (The Guardian)
11 Jul 00

Ruth Werner, who has died aged 93 in her native Berlin, was one of the
Soviet Union's star agents, a member of the wartime Red Orchestra and Lucy
spy rings in Switzerland before she came to Britain, where, using the
codename Sonya, she was a courier for the atom spy, Klaus Fuchs.

She was born Ursula Kuczynski into a Polish Jewish family, supporters, like
Fuchs, of the German communist party (the KPD). According to Fuchs's
biographer, Robert Chadwell Williams, their leftwing connections led MI5 to
open a KAEOT - "keep an eye on them" - file on the family as early as 1928.

Six years later, Werner's father, Robert, arrived in Britain as a refugee.
Her brother, Jürgen, joined him in London in 1936, where despite - or,
indeed, because of - his communist sympathies and anti-fascist credentials,
he was later recruited by the OSS, the forerunner of the American CIA, to
contact resistance groups in occupied Europe and draw up intelligence

Werner's career as a spy began in 1930, when, with her first husband,
Rudolf Hamburger, she went to live in Shanghai. Hamburger, an architect and
Soviet agent, had taken a job with the British-administered Shanghai
municipal council. She later described her shock at the poverty and
exploitation in the city, where she soon became involved in revolutionary
and communist circles. She was approached by the German communist Richard
Sorge, then the Soviet Union's masterspy in the Far East (he was executed
by the Japanese in 1944). She later described it as the "one event which
was to prove decisive for my future life".

Sorge, who gave Werner the codename Sonya, suggested she went to Moscow for
training in espionage and radio communications at the headquarters of the
Red army's intelligence service, the GRU. She travelled extensively as a
GRU agent, returning to China, where she helped to organise revolutionary
forces fighting the Japanese along the Manchurian border.

In 1938, after settling her children in England, Werner was sent to
Switzerland, the centre for Europe's espionage networks, including the Rote
Kapelle (Red Orchestra) and the Lucy Ring, which was later used by Britain
to pass intelligence about Germany to the Soviet Union. There she met Allan
Foote, a British member of the Lucy Ring, who introduced her to a fellow
veteran of the International Brigade in Spain, Len Beurton, whom she
married in 1940. With that act, she became entitled to a British passport,
and, after coming close to being denounced as a Soviet spy, she made her
way to England, with Len following soon after.

The family rented a cottage in Summertown, north Oxford, before moving to a
large house in the nearby village of Great Rollright - a convenient place
from which Werner could handle Fuchs, then living and working in Birmingham
- and at the atomic research centre at Harwell.

In 1942, Fuchs contacted Jürgen, who he had known from their past communist
days, and Jürgen immediately put him in touch with Werner. They had a
series of meetings in Banbury, after which Werner passed Fuchs's
information either to her Soviet controllers in London or directly to
Moscow by radio.

In 1946, Moscow suddenly broke off contact with Werner for reasons which
remain unexplained. However, it seems clear that, by the following year,
her and Len's cover had been blown by Foote - if only because she was
visited by two special branch officers. Whatever the truth of the matter,
they appeared to have no evidence about what Werner had been up to, and, as
she put it later: "They left us calmly and politely, but empty-handed." MI5
did not put her under surveillance either before or after the visits - the
consequence of both incompetence and complacency.

Werner was allowed to leave Britain early in 1950, on the day before Fuchs
was put on trial for giving away the 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 28 July 2000 -- 4:61 (#446)

2000-08-03 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Gator is FREE software that fills in forms and remembers 
passwords with NO TYPING.  Plus Gator comes with $100 in 
coupons just for trying it!  Fast download. Grab the Gator.


   The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 28 July 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 61 (#446)

Web Sites of Interest:
United Against Hate
Bill Alexander -- British commander in the international brigades
Book Reviews:
Norman G. Finkelstein's "The Holocaust Industry" -- His people cast
What's Worth Checking:
12 stories



United Against Hate: A Campaign Seeking to Strengthen the Federal Hate
Crimes Law

On June 7, 1998, the dismembered body of 49 year-old James Byrd, Jr., an
African American male, was found in a wooded area in Jasper, Texas. The
assailants chained Byrd alive to the back of their pickup truck and dragged
his body along a rural dirt road. When found, Byrd's head and right arm
were missing.

On October 12, 1998, Matthew Shepard, an openly gay 21-year-old University
of Wyoming student, was savagely beaten, tortured, tied to a wooden fence
in a remote area in Laramie, Wyoming and left to die in freezing

Since this grisly event, our national conscience has been shocked with wave
after wave of hate-motivated violence. Some of the incidents have received
widespread national attention - such as the death of Matthew Shepard in
October 1998 - while others have not.

Legislation, known as the Hate Crimes Prevention Act (HCPA, has been
introduced in Congress to strengthen federal law. Last month, the Senate
passed hate crimes legislation in overwhelmingly bipartisan fashion. To
date, however, the House of Representatives has refused to pass hate crimes

United Against Hate is a campaign of individuals and organizations who
recognize that while bigotry cannot be legislated out of existence, a
forceful, moral response to hate violence is required of us all.

We are children and children's organizations;
We are young adults and student organizations;
We are parents and we are parent associations;
We are local religious leaders and we are national religious organizations;
We are local community leaders and we are national civil rights leaders;
We are workers and we are the unions representing working families;
We are teachers and we are education associations;
We are local and state police officers and we are national police
We are local and state elected officials and we are federal elected
We are athletes, we are musicians, we are entertainers;
We are Democrats, we are Republicans, we are Independents and other party

But most of all, we are voters who are United Against Hate.

Tell Congress that the time has come to pass the Hate Crimes Prevention


Bill Alexander -- British commander in the international brigades

Bill Alexander: British commander in the international brigades whose
concern for his fellow veterans outlived the Spanish civil war
Richard Baxell (The Guardian)
14 Jul 00

Bill Alexander, the last commander of the British battalion that fought for
the republican government against General Franco's fascists in the Spanish
civil war, has died aged 90. Fifteen years ago, in October 1985, he was
present at the unveiling, on London's South Bank, of a memorial to the more
than 2,200 men and women who left Britain and Ireland to serve in the
international brigades. The South Bank memorial to the volunteers is now
one of more than 55 in Britain, many of which owe much to the efforts of
Bill Alexander in his role as honorary secretary of the

International Brigade Association, a position he held for more than 30
years. Bill was born in Hamp- shire, one of seven children of a rural
carpenter. Despite a poor upbringing, education was encouraged in his
family and, like most of his siblings, Bill went to university, studying
chemistry at Reading.

Influenced by his mother's free-thinking philosophy - and the sight of
hunger marchers - he joined the Communist party in 1932. He found work as
an industrial chemist, where, unwilling to be seen as "manage- ment", he
repeatedly turned down offers of promotion - devoting his efforts, instead,
to the Print Workers' Union and the party. He also took part in the battle
of Cable Street, which prevented Oswald Mosley's British Union of Fascists
from marching through the East End of London.

In July 1936 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 25 July 2000 -- 4:60 (#445)

2000-08-01 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Need some vacation inspiration? Click on the Discovery 
Travel for road trips, cruises, hot fare deals, festivals,
travel cams and more. Click here:


   The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 25 July 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 60 (#445)

Web Sites of Interest:
Art in the Struggle for Freedom: The posters, poetry and music of the
   Spanish Civil War
Danny Yee's Book Reviews: ramblings of a pathologically eclectic
Book Review:
Information Liberation: Challenging the Corruptions of Information Power
News and Action On the Republican National Convention
Demo Announcement: "March Against Police Terror," Philadelphia: 30 Jul
Demo Announcement:  "American Atheists protest this Sunday, July 30 at
   the Republican National Convention"
International Action Center (press release), "Join the IAC In Philly:
   Protest Against the RNC," 22 Jul 00
Carl Dix (Black Radical Caucus News), "Taking to the Streets to Face Off
   with the Republican and Democratic Conventions," 21 Jul 00
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
Crosstar [EMAIL PROTECTED], "From Virtuality To Reality," 22
   Jul 00



Dear all, for anyone interested in information on the new film by Lincoln
vet Abe Osheroff "Art in the Struggle for Freedom: The posters, poetry and
music of the Spanish Civil War" ALBA has set up a link on its website:

   Fraser Ottanelli

- - - - -

Danny Yee's Book Reviews: ramblings of a pathologically eclectic generalist

" ... I first became interested in the Spanish Civil War while researching
an essay on anarchism written for first year philosophy (1987), but I can't
remember the particular books involved. The two best books I have read on
the civil war are Hugh Thomas' The Spanish Civil War, a solid 1100 page
history (Penguin 1977) and Ronald Fraser's oral history Blood of Spain (
reviewed). George Orwell's Homage to Catalonia (reviewed) and Franz
Borkenau's The Spanish Cockpit (reviewed) are first hand accounts from the
Republican side. Judith Keene's The Last Mile to Huesca: An Australian
Nurse in the Spanish Civil War (reviewed) is of more limited interest.

"I have also seen Ken Loach's film Land and Freedom, which I recommend,
though it only really conveys the perspective of a foreign volunteer; this
film is what has sparked my recent (early 1996) revival of interest in the
civil war. For the history of Spain subsequent to the civil war all I have
read is Robert Graham's Spain: Change of a Nation (Michael Joseph 1984), a
popular (but respectable) account of Spain's transition to democracy.
Gerald Brenan's South From Granada (reviewed) gives some idea what life was
like in rural Andalusia before the war."


BOOK REVIEW: Information Liberation: Challenging the Corruptions of
Information Power

reviewed by Danny Yee [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Information Liberation: Challenging the Corruptions of Information Power
Brian Martin
Freedom Press 1998
181 pages, references, index

Starting with Acton's dictum that power corrupts, _Information Liberation_
explores the corruptions and abuses of information power -- and some of the
ways of opposing and preventing them.  Largely independent chapters cover
topics ranging from the mass media to celebrity intellectuals, via
defamation, copyright, and privacy, among others.  (The only major topic
not covered is direct censorship.)

Martin by arguing that the concentrations of power produced by mass media
are inherently corrupting.  He urges a withdrawal from them in favour of
alternative participatory media, and campaigns to undermine the influence
of mass media by changing attitudes.  This is followed by an extended
argument, in the longest of the chapters, for the abolition of intellectual
property.  (This chapter is available online, though the rest of
_Information Liberation_ is not, unfortunately.)

In a chapter titled "anti-surveillance" rather than "privacy", Martin
connects privacy concerns with power inequalities and advocates, as
an alternative to relying on governments for protection, technical
counter-measures (such as encryption), active surveillance disruption, and
working to change institutions.

A chapter on whistleblowing explores the ways in which free-speaking
employees can undermine and challenge bureaucratic power, and the
opposition they face.  And a chapter on 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 21 July 2000 -- 4:59 (#444)

2000-07-26 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
The other shoe just dropped. Online. The place to go for shoes online.
Free shipping and no sales tax on most orders.


  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 21 July 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 59 (#444)

Web Sites of Interest:
Private Eye: Debunking Conspiracy Theory
Holocaust Slave Labor Settlements
Wolfgang G. Gibowski (Remembrance, Responsibility and The Future),
   "Today in Berlin ...," 17 Jul 00
Index to FTP Supplements
Rightwing Quote of the Week:



Private Eye: Debunking Conspiracy Theory

A major portion of the PRA website at is devoted to
critiquing anti-elite conspiracism

On the roots of the Bilderberger conspiracy theory:

On JBS and Liberty Lobby use of conspiracism:
On what's wrong with conspiracism:

   --  Chip Berlet



17 Jul 00

Today in Berlin representatives of the German economy, the German and
United States Governments, the Government of Israel, the Central and
Eastern European Governments, international Jewish organizations, and
plaintiff lawyers, signed the Final Act to establish the foundation
"Remembrance, Responsibility and The Future."

Nearly two years ago twelve, and then ultimately sixteen companies, began
talks with the objective to show an acceptance, and historic
responsibility, of the German economy to help the survivors of the National
Socialist regime. Twelve official plenary sessions as well as many more
working group meetings took place to reach today's signing.

In recognition of their historic responsibility, the German economy has
been willing to help living survivors as soon as possible, especially in
cases where there was never any prior financial assistance. Another aim of
the German economy was to build a Future Fund to educate people about
violations of Human Rights, and remind those of the horrors of the past.
Another central point of the negotiations was to establish sufficient legal
peace for German companies. These aims have been achieved with today's

"Legal peace does not reduce our historic responsibility," said Dr. Manfred
Gentz, Chief negotiator for the German economy. "This responsibility will
persist even when litigation, and other legal actions, are dismissed."

Dr. Gentz thanked President Clinton, Chancellor Schröder and the chief
negotiators of the U.S. and German Governments, Stuart Eizenstat and Otto
Graf Lambsdorff, for their efforts to find a solution.

Currently 3127 companies have declared their participation in the
Foundation Initiative, pledging more than DM 3.2 billion.
   --  Wolfgang G. Gibowski

- - - - -

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Wednesday, 19 July 2000
FTP SUpplement #159 (#442) The Holocaust Slave Labor Settlement -- Part 1
  1) Mark Thompson (Reuters), "Austrian firms give lukewarm support to
 slave fund," 10 Jul 00
  2) Joan Gralla (Reuters), "WJC says Austria firms not protected from
 lawsuits," 10 Jul 00
  3) Joan Gralla (Reuters), "Swiss bank accord held up by dispute over
 appeals," 10 Jul 00
  4) Joan Gralla (Reuters), "Chase helped funnel assets to Nazis - report,"
 11 Jul 00
  5) Alison Mutler (AP), "Gypies Not Getting Holocaust Funds," 13 Jul 00
  6) Reuters, "Spain to Give to Sephardic Holocaust Fund -- WJC ," 13 Jul

- - - - -

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Thursday, 20 July 2000
FTP SUpplement #160 (#443) The Holocaust Slave Labor Settlement -- Part 2
  7) Kostas X. Konstantinidis (Major General -- Ret) (ex-NATO Generals for
 Peace  Disarmament), "To The German Government on German
 Compensations," 16 Jul 00
  8) Reuters, "Nazi-Era Slaves Await Signing of Compensation Deal," 16 Jul
  9) Tony Czuczka (AP), "Nazi Slave Labor Fund Created ," 17 Jul 00
10) Adam Tanner (Reuters), "German Compensation Too Little, Too Late for
 Some," 17 Jul 00
11) AJC (press release), "American Jewish Committee Applauds Creation of
 German Compensation," 17 Jul 00
12) Reuters, "German Catholic Church Says Used Nazi Forced Labor," 20 Jul
13) AP, "Austria Holocaust Funds Sought ," 20 Jul 00

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 14 July 2000 -- 4:58 (#441)

2000-07-23 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
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Thousands of top brands in computers and electronics. 
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   The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 14 July 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 58 (#441)

Web Sites of Interest:
German Economy Foundation Initative Steering Group
Conference On Jewish Material Claims Against Germany: Restitution Guide
Financial Compensation for Nazi Slave Laborers
The Getty Provenance Index
Living Heirs
Lost Art Internet Database
Jan Karski, Polish Diplomat, Holocaust Witness



German Economy Foundation Initative Steering Group
"Remembrance, Responsibility, and the Future"

German enterprises were integrated in the government-run war economy under
the Nazi regime, and were thus also involved in the wrongs perpetrated by
it. Persecution and forced labor were initiated by the Nazi state.
Consequently, it was the Federal Republic of Germany as the legal successor
of the German Reich that made compensation to most people who suffered

Forced labor existed in various forms under a broad spectrum of working and
living conditions. It was used in agriculture and in the municipalities, as
well as in virtually all sectors of private industry which were integrated
into the war economy.

Today, it cannot be a matter to give payments alone for the fact of forced
labor. No legal basis exists for claims against German enterprises with
regard to forced labor or to injuries consequential upon persecution during
the Nazi era. The consequences of the fact that German enterprises were
involvedin Nazi wrongs cannot be settled by legal means. However, German
enterprises recognize theirmoral responsibility, in particular where forced
labor had to be performed under particularly harsh conditions and in cases
where enterprises cooperated in discriminating against people who were
persecuted on racial grounds during the Nazi regime.

Many German firms had research done on their history and published the
results. In past decades, many enterprises have made considerable funds
available on a voluntary basis to relieve the consequences of past wrongs.

At the end of the present century, as a gesture of reconciliation, German
enterprises are again prepared to contribute funds to a humanitarian
foundation, "Remembrance, Responsibility and the Future", in order to help
former forced laborers still living today who in those days were forced to
work under particularly harsh conditions, and other people who were victims
of the Nazi regime.

The Foundation is a voluntary initiative on the part of German enterprises
regardless of whether or to which degree they were involved in war economy.
It is open and seeks other enterprises to commit themselves to contribute
funds in reasonable amounts. Enterprises will make non-recurring, lump-sum
contributions to the Foundation.

For the Foundation to be established and for the funds to be made
available, it is an indispensable prerequisite that the enterprises have
full and lasting legal certainty, in other words, that they are safe from
legal action in the future. Even in connection with this legal closure
desirable legal peace is to be achieved.

The founding enterprise furthermore operate on the assumption that the
German federal government will establish a federal foundation to complement
the Foundation "Remembrance, Responsibility and the Future", which will
take care of the forced laborers not covered by the present Foundation, in
particular those who worked in agriculture and in the municipalities.

Public corporations which have largely been privatized by now may and
should - as expected by the founding enterprises - join the Foundation
"Remembrance, Responsibility and the Future" with their own contributions.

- - - - -

Conference On Jewish Material Claims Against Germany: Restitution Guide

"This guide is designed to outline and clarify some of the major current
programs for Holocaust survivors and their heirs. More than five decades
since the liberation of the concentration camps, a variety of programs
offer benefits to victims of Nazi persecution and their heirs.

"In the past, the lack of centralized information on these programs, as
well as their complicated regulations, left many people frustrated or
unaware of benefits for which they might qualify. The information presented
is not a definitive or complete statement on the programs and policies of
the governments or 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 11 July 2000 -- 4:57 (#440)

2000-07-21 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Need some vacation inspiration? Click on the Discovery 
Travel for road trips, cruises, hot fare deals, festivals,
travel cams and more. Click here:


   The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 11 July 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 57 (#440)

Web Sites of Interest:
Labor For Mumia
Book Reviews: We Were In Auschwitz
Grant McCool (Reuters), "New Translation Tells of Nazi Depravation," 6
   Jul 00
Comment and Analysis From Readers
Lenni Brenner "[On Lileikis Prosecution]," 9 July 00
Joe Biernacki (Canadian Polish Congress), "Responding to the Jew Hater and
 Holocaust Revisionist and coward"
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
Exchange on tactics between Vincent Bertollini and Alex Curtis



Labor For Mumia


Labor for Mumia, the new Campaign among working people demanding Justice
for Mumia Abu-Jamal, has just launched a new WebSite. We've made it easy
for you to get involved. You can get the latest information on the
campaign, research labor support for Mumia and interact with us as you
begin to bring this campaign into your union. Check it out and sign-up

Double-click on:

In Solidarity,

  --  Randy Christensen
  Labor for Mumia - Coordinator


BOOK REVIEWS: We Were In Auschwitz

New Translation Tells of Nazi Depravation
Grant McCool (Reuters)
6 Jul 00

NEW YORK -- Concentration camp prisoners fought one another for a bowl of
soup or a piece of bread, betrayed their own kin and abandoned all
ideological principles in the degradation wrought by their Nazi captors.

This is the story told in "We Were in Auschwitz," a collection written and
published by four non-Jewish camp survivors immediately after the Second
World War and newly translated into English from the original Polish.

"It was an absolutely different approach," said co-author Krystyn
Olszewski, 79, describing the difference between the book and other
Holocaust literature. "There were other very interesting stories about
martyrdom, helping each other and underground activities ... there were
many, many truths about the camps, but we selected this one approach."

The book was one of the first published accounts of what happened in the
camps where the Germans tortured, starved and gassed to death millions of
people from all walks of life and from many nations of Europe. The Nazis
killed 6 million Jews and an estimated 5 million non-Jews, according to the
U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington.

After years of obscurity, a rare edition of the book came to light again in
1998 when a Boston-area literature professor, Alicia Nitecki, unpacked a
box of Polish books her husband had inherited. Nitecki, who teaches at
Bentley College, said the work predates Primo Levi's more famous "Survival
in Auschwitz," which also addressed the way prisoners mistreated each

"When I started looking at it I realized it had been written as early as it
was," she told Reuters in an interview in New York, where her translation
was issued by Welcome Rain Publishers this month. "I'd never heard of it,
it had never been translated and it had disappeared."

Book Bound In Prison Stripes

The book in her hands was bound in the striped material of the uniforms
worn by concentration camp prisoners and embossed with the letter "P" for
Polish and "6643" -- the number allotted in the camp to co-author Janusz
Nel Siedlecki.

It was dedicated to the "VII American Army," which liberated them from the
Dachau-Allach camp. The authors and the publisher were swept up in a Nazi
purge of the Polish underground and spent time in different camps,
including Auschwitz.

"We did not fight for the concept of nation in the camp, nor for the inner
restructuring of man; we fought for a bowl of soup, for a place to sleep,
for women, for gold and watches from the transports," publisher Anatol Girs
wrote in one preface.

Another preface was written by co-author Tadeusz Borowski, a Polish poet.
The stories were written in the first person singular but they were not
individually signed. The writing style is journalistic and unsentimental
about what the authors themselves suffered.

In one story, "Homo Sapiens And Animal," two dying prisoners are lying on
the ground: "...from time to time one of them lunges at the other and
strikes him with the bowl he holds in his hand. Between them, a couple of
spoonfuls of spilled soup. They are fighting only about licking the
valuable drops that were spilled during a brawl."


The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 7 July 2000 -- 4:56 (#439)

2000-07-18 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
FREE digital photo album software. FlipAlbum organizes digital
photos/graphics into 3D page-flipping photo albums. You can 
play music while viewing them, email them  run slide shows.
FREE phonecard too!


   The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 7 July 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 56 (#439)

Movie Reviews:
"The Patriot:" The Nazis, er, the Redcoats are coming!
Fascism In the News
Challenge (Progressive Labor Party), "Racists Attacked!," 19 Jul 00
Bill Swayze and Margaret McHugh ([Newark NJ] Star Ledger), "Protesters
   shout down white supremacist," 5 Jul 00
Miami Herald, "Jewish vets building defaced: Vandals scrawled black
   swastikas on a freshly painted North Miami Beach Jewish veterans
   building over the holiday weekend," 6 Jul 00
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
Terroristman, "Bomb the clinics (at night)," 3 Jul 00
Real Political Correctness:
American Atheists Newsletter, "Whitehead Terminated After Closed
   Meeting, Silence From University Committee," 3 Jul 00 What's Worth


MOVIE REVIEWS: "The Patriot:" The Nazis, er, the Redcoats are coming!

The Nazis, er, the Redcoats are coming! The savage soldiers in "The
 Patriot" act more like the Waffen SS than actual British troops. Does
 this movie have an ulterior motive?
Jonathan Foreman (
3 Jul 00

The week before "The Patriot" opened in the United States, the British
press lit up with furious headlines. "Truth is first casualty in
Hollywood's War," read one in the Daily Telegraph. Another story, about the
historical model for Mel Gibson's character was titled, "The Secret Shame
of Mel's New Hero." The accompanying articles complained that the new
Revolutionary War epic portrays British redcoats as "bloodthirsty and
unprincipled stormtroopers" and "bloodthirsty child-killers."

The prizewinning historian and biographer Andrew Roberts called the film
"racist" in the Daily Express, and pointed out that it was only the latest
in a series of films like "Titanic," "Michael Collins" and "The Jungle
Book" remake that have depicted the British as "treacherous, cowardly, evil
[and] sadistic." Roberts had a theory: "With their own record of killing 12
million American Indians and supporting slavery for four decades after the
British abolished it, Americans wish to project their historical guilt onto
someone else."

I can only imagine how much angrier Fleet Street's pundits will be after
they have actually seen the movie. "The Patriot" will not open in England
until August, but when it does, Brits will see a supposedly authentic
historical epic that radically rewrites the known history of the
Revolutionary War. It does so by casting George III's redcoats as
cartoonish paragons of evil who commit one monstrous -- but wholly invented
-- atrocity after another. In one scene, the most harrowing of the film,
redcoats round up a village of screaming women and children and old men,
lock them in a church and set the whole chapel on fire. If you didn't know
anything about the Revolution, you might actually believe the British army
in North America was made up of astonishingly cruel, even demonic, sadists
who really did do this kind of thing -- as if they were the 18th century
equivalent of the Nazi SS. Yet no action of the sort ever happened during
the war for independence, but an eerily identical war crime -- one of the
most notorious atrocities of World War II -- was carried out by the Nazis
in France in 1944.

As a film critic for the New York Post, I found "The Patriot" well made and
often exciting. But I also found it disturbing in a way that many weaker,
dumber films are not. It's not just that it willfully distorts history in a
manner that goes way beyond the traditional poetic license employed by
Hollywood, it's the strange, primitive politics that seem to underlie that

"The Patriot" is a movie that doesn't "get" patriotism -- in either a
modern or the 18th century sense of the word. The only memorable, explicit
political sentiment voiced comes when Gibson's character makes the rather
Tory comment that he sees no advantage in replacing the tyranny of one man
3,000 miles away for the tyranny of 3,000 men, one mile away. The
deliberate lacuna demonstrates a total lack of understanding of, or even a
kind of hostility to, the patriotic politics that motivated the founding

You could actually argue without too much exaggeration that "The Patriot"
is as fascist a film (and I use the term in its literal sense, not as a
synonym for "bad") as anything 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 4 July 2000 -- 4:55 (#438)

2000-07-16 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
**WIN A TRIP to HAWAII** Every time you send a FREE ZingCard
through July 26, you are automatically entered in our
drawing for a Hawaiian Summer get-away. Start Sending Now!


   The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 4 July 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 55 (#438)

Action Alerts:
American Atheists to Picket Promise Keepers Rally -- 8 Jul
Web Sites of Interest:
Publius Censorship Resistant Publishing System
Reminders of Far-Right Violence
Pending U.S. Legislation: Karen Mathews Act of 2000
Rober Lederman, "[Introduction to the AP "FBI/Holocaust" aticle]," 2
   July 00
Michael J. Sniffen (AP), "FBI Trains New Agents on Holocaust," 30 June
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
"Tina Higgins" [EMAIL PROTECTED], "Beware of Membership
   Groups," 29 June 00



8 Jul -- Dallas Texas
American Atheists to Picket Promise Keepers Rally

The Promise Keepers -- "God's Mighty Men" who see themselves as the foot
soldiers in a spiritually energized political army -- will be holding a
huge stadium revival this coming Saturday, July 8 at the Dallas Reunion

American Atheists and supporters will be onsite to defend the wall of
separation between church and state against the theocratic PK agenda, which
calls for America to be governed by Biblical rule.  American Atheists has
spoken out against the Promise Keepers movement since its inception, and we
will continue to do so in Dallas.

We do not contest the right of Promise Keepers -- or any other group -- to
hold a peaceable assembly.  We DO, however, feel that all of the segments
of society demonized by these self-appointed "Godly men" -- women, gays,
secularists/atheists, civil libertarians and others -- have a comparable
right to speak out in defense of First Amendment separation and free

Join us this coming Saturday, July 8, 2000 in Dallas!  Gather in front of
the Reunion Arena located at 777 Sports Street (across from the Hyatt
Regency Hotel) in downtown Dallas.  It gets hot early at this time of year
-- so we'll rendezvous at 6:30 a.m.  on Saturday morning, July 8.

Appropriate picket signs and banners will be provided, and American
Atheists State Director Dick Hogan is bringing his famous RV as a break
center.  If you live in the Ft.  Worth Metroplex area, Randall Gorman will
be heading for the demonstration at about 5:45 a.m.

For more information on this peaceful protest...

Randall Gorman ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
Office of the American Atheists State Director (Texas)
Metroplex Atheists

For more information and background on Promise Keepers...

   * "Godly Men With A Dominionist Agenda"

 "God's Mighty Men: The Promise Keepers Rise Up"

   * "Why is American Atheists Picketing The Promise Keepers?"



Publius Censorship Resistant Publishing System

"Publius is a Web publishing system that is highly resistant to censorship
and provides publishers with a high degree of anonymity. Publius was the
pen name used by the authors of the Federalist Papers, Alexander Hamilton,
John Jay, and James Madison. This collection of 85 articles, published
pseudonymously in New York State newspapers form October 1787 through May
1788, was influential in convincing New York voters to ratify the proposed
United States constitution.

"Why this is important

"The publication of written words has long been a tool for spreading new
(and sometimes controversial) ideas, often with the goal of bringing about
social change. Thus the printing press, and more recently, the World Wide
Web, are powerful revolutionary tools. But those who seek to suppress
revolutions possess powerful tools of their own. These tools give them the
ability to stop publication, destroy published materials, or prevent the
distribution of publications. And even if they cannot successfully censor
the publication, they may intimidate and physically or financially harm the
author or publisher in order to send a message to other would-be-
revolutionaries that they would be well advised to consider an alternative
occupation. Even without a threat of personal harm, authors may wish to
publish their works anonymously or 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 30 June 2000 -- 4:54 (#437)

2000-07-14 Thread Paul Kneisel

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Looking for a job or a chance to jump start your career?
Every day CareerMosaic has over 10,000 job openings in the 
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   The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 30 June 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 54 (#437)

Action Information:
Civil Right Organization Seeks Two Researchers
Web Sites of Interest:
Youth Against Racism In Europe
Right Wing Dowager Dies: Lady [sic] Jane Birdwood
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
"Zionist Tactics: The Purest Evil Imaginable"



Investigative Researchers (2)

Nationally prominent Civil Rights organization dedicated to combating anti-
Semitism and other forms of discrimination seeks two investigative
researchers who will each be strategically located in the Southwest
(probably Phoenix) and mid-Atlantic (probably Philadelphia) parts of the

Applicants must have a B.A. degree and a minimum of five years
investigative experience as a journalist or in academic research.
Applicants must have a demonstrated ability to gather information on and
analyze the activities of extremist and propaganda groups.   The
Investigative Researcher will conduct research and investigate/monitor
activities of racist, anti-Semitic, anti-American and anti-Israel
extremists and domestic terrorists. He or she will be expected to provide
direction to regional office staff on fact-finding issues.  Excellent
communication skills, both verbal and written, are essential.

The responsibilities include:

* Draft and edit memoranda for agency use, analyzing extremist activities
   and trends.  Write and edit reports for public distribution
* Maintain existing relationships and develop new relationships with law
   enforcement officials and the media.
* Act as a fact-finding resource for national and regional staff who are
   engaged in fact finding work.
* Recommend agency strategies to senior staff for responding to extremist
* Speak about extremist activities and the agency's response to them at
   meetings sponsored by the agency, law enforcement agencies, civil rights
   and human rights organizations and private industry.

Interested individuals can apply by sending resume to Human Resources via
e-mail:  [EMAIL PROTECTED] or fax to (212) 885-5862. EEO.



Youth Against Racism In Europe


OBITUARY: Right Wing Dowager Dies: Lady [sic] Jane Birdwood

Irish Times
29 June 00

LONDON -- Dowager Lady Jane Birdwood, who has been described as 'probably
the most right wing person in England', has died at the age of 87. The
veteran anti-immigration campaigner died at a nursing home in Hounslow,
West London this morning at about 5am.

Last year she was diagnosed as suffering from cancer and Alzheimer's
disease. Controversial Lady Birdwood last hit the headlines with her Neo
Nazi beliefs two years ago when she came close to being prosecuted for
distributing racist material. Proceedings were halted as she was found to
have an unreliable short term memory.

Although professing that 'I don't hate anybody', it was the
multiculturalism which she saw on her own doorstep in Acton West London
that she used as evidence of Britons being crowded out by ethnic

  * * * * *

Other info on Birdwood

Lady Jane Birdwood was an avid follower and friend of Oswald Mosley, the
leader of England's pro-Hitler movement prior to World War II. An
aristocrat through marriage, Birdwood, had a long history of involvement
with fascist groups, and operated two extreme-right organizations herself.
She also ran for public office on the openly fascist British National Party
ticket. She distributed literature claiming that Jews drink Christian
blood, have no right to be in England, and ought to be expelled. Birdwood
was arrested and convicted twice of spreading white racism and anti-
semitism; at the second trial she was found guilty on ten counts of
distributing and possessing thousands of anti-semitic leaflets. In the
1970's she was a frequent speaker on NF platforms and provided a link
between fascist organisations and smaller local anti-immigration campaigns
and fringe groups on the Tory Right [she was a Tory member and prominent in
the Monday Club faction]. She was also General Secretary of the British

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 23 June 2000 -- 4:52 (#433)

2000-07-10 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
GUARANTEED APPROVAL MASTERCARD? All* applicants approved with
NO up front cash or security deposit. 0% A.P.R. and REPORTS 
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   The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 23 June 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 52 (#433)

Action Alerts: Ireland, 28 June 00
debate and discussion between Anti-Fascist Action and Shinn Fein
Book Reviews:
"Scapegoat: Jews, Israel and Women's Liberation" Take No Prisoners
News and Analysis of Hate As Act and As Speech
Reuters, "Yahoo exec dismisses order to police auction site," 16 June 00
Dan Ponder (Republican), "Hate crime speech in Georgia House of
   Representatives (excerpts)," 16 Mar 00
Tom Tolen ([Howell, Michigan] News), "Police arrest militia member
   wanted for murder: Fugitive was being sought in connection with
   shooting death of former Howell man.," 20 June 00
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
WOTC Celebrates Ben "August" Smith on 4 July   What's Worth Checking:



Camlough/Bessbrook Ógra Shinn Féin will host an evening of debate and
discussion, including speakers from AFA, on Wednesday 28th June 2000 @ 8pm
in Camlough.

For further details visit our website


Scapegoat: Jews, Israel and Women's Liberation by Andrea Dworkin (Virago)

Take no prisoners
Sydney Morning Herald
17 June 00

The age of 10, Andrea Dworkin would travel from her suburban home to attend
Hebrew school in the city. One day, she arrived to find the school closed,
so she went to her cousin's house to call her mother. She found her cousin
going crazy. "She was bouncing off the walls, I mean, I'd never seen
anything like it," says Dworkin. "It was April, and she said that every
April she remembered." Passover, which usually occurs in April, is the time
when Jews remember the Holocaust.

Dworkin's cousin was doing more than remembering. "She was having what we
now call flashbacks. At that point [in 1956] the Jewish community was not
talking about the Holocaust, and the survivors were not talking about it,
so I had the incredible experience - not of being there, but of really
seeing the viscera of somebody who had been there. I had no intellectual
defence for this. I could see what she was describing to me, even now, and
I would say something fairly stupid, like, 'But why did they do that?' She
described the babies being used as targets by the guy that Ralph Fiennes
played in Schindler's List and eventually we called my mother and she came
and got me and did something to help her, I'm not sure what."

Dworkin's cousin had been in the Krakow ghetto, then Plaszow, Auschwitz-
Birkenau and Buchenwald. Finally, she had survived a death march. When
Dworkin got to college, years later, the first thing she did was to "sit
down in the library with the Nuremberg trials and read them, volumes of
them. I've been very involved in trying to learn about the Holocaust and
trying to understand it, which is probably pointless. I have read Holocaust
material, you might say compulsively, over a lifetime."

Dworkin is, in the popular imagination, the spearhead of radical feminism,
of anti-pornography. Her books (with titles such as Woman Hating,
Pornography: Men Possessing Women, and Life And Death: Unapologetic
Writings On The Continuing War Against Women) are filled with descriptions
of what she considers the inherent violence of heterosexual relations, and
the sadism that permeates the sex industry.

The common view is that Dworkin began to write about porn because of her
own traumatic marriage, in which being beaten and kicked wasn't an
occasional incident, but the everyday. But now it turns out she is a woman
who, for almost all her life, has been drawn to horror. Since she first sat
down in the college library to find out what her cousin was raving about,
she has been reading about sadism. Fascism, misogyny, they're all the same
to her.

And now she has published what she believes to be her life's work, nine
years in the making; not another assault on gender relations or the sex
industry but a polemical account of modern Israel and the lessons it holds
for women.

Scapegoat: The Jews, Israel And Women's Liberation, sparked by a visit to
Israel in 1988, is a critique of Middle East politics which sees the whole
situation as a product of wounded and then enraged testosterone. It is an
analysis of the Holocaust and 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 20 June 2000 -- 4:52 (#432)

2000-07-08 Thread Paul Kneisel


   The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 20 June 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 51 (#432)

Web Sites of Interest:
National Archives Interagency Working Group
News ON State-Mandated Religious Practices
Americans United For Separation of Church and State, "Federal Judge
   Strikes Down Lousiana School Prayer Law: Americans United Hails
   'Important Victory For Individual Rights'," 14 June 00
Mark Babineck (AP), "Texas Schools React to Prayer Rule," 19 June 00
People For the American Way, "Supreme Court Narrowly Upholds First
   Amendment In Texas Football School Prayer Case," 19 June 00
Americans United for Separation of Church and State, "Supreme Court
   Ruling On Football Prayer A Victory For Individual Freedom, Says
   Americans United," 20 June 00



National Archives Interagency Working Group

World War II Intelligence Documents to Open at National Archives
National Archives Public Affairs Office
19 June 00

In a major release of declassified records, the Nazi War Criminal Records
Interagency Working Group (IWG) will open at the National Archives and
Records Administration at College Park, Md., approximately 400,000 pages of
declassified Office of Secret Services (OSS) records. The OSS was the
wartime forerunner to the Central Intelligence Agency. The opening is the
result of the work of the CIA and the National Archives under the guidance
of the IWG.  The IWG was established to oversee government-wide
declassification  efforts in accordance with the Nazi War Crimes Disclosure
Act of 1998, which mandates the declassification of records relating to
World War II war criminals and war crimes.

The main body of records consists of documents that remained classified
when the first OSS records were released to the public in the mid-1980s.
They include a wide range of materials dealing with all facets of wartime
intelligence operations. Sixty-one hundred (6,100) of the pages would have
continued to be withheld had they not been found by CIA reviewers to be
responsive to the Act. These records consist primarily of prisoner of war
interrogation reports, refugee and emigre debriefings, documentation of OSS
clandestine missions into France and Norway, and reports on a U.S.
government program, known as Safehaven, to identify and block from flight
German financial assets and other war spoils.

Monday, June 26, at 10:30 a.m.

National Archives at College Park, Md., 8601 Adelphi Rd., lecture
rooms A and B.

All researchers must have a current National Archives research card which
can be obtained either at the downtown National Archives  building
(Pennsylvania Avenue and Seventh Street) or at the National Archives at
College Park. Clean research room rules will apply.

For additional press information, call Giuliana Bullard at
703-532-1477 or National Archives Public Affairs at 301-713-6000.



Federal Judge Strikes Down Lousiana School Prayer Law: Americans United
 Hails 'Important Victory For Individual Rights'
Americans United For Separation of Church and State
14 June 00

Americans United for Separation of Church and State today hailed a federal
court decision striking down a Louisiana law designed to reintroduce
official  prayer in public schools.

"This is an important victory for individual rights," said the Rev. Barry
W.  Lynn, executive director of Americans United. "It sends a clear message
that  government officials can't tell public school students when and how
to pray."

Americans United and the Louisiana ACLU brought the legal challenge against
the law as part of a larger lawsuit challenging recitation of prayers over
a  loudspeaker at West Monroe High School and other schools within the
Ouachita  Parish School District.

"The Louisiana statute was an egregious violation of the constitutional
separation of church and state," said Americans United Litigation Counsel
Ayesha Khan, who served as lead counsel in the case. "The law was deeply
misguided. The court recognized in its decision that the Louisiana
legislature  cannot authorize the prayers of the majority to be foisted
upon non-believers."

In his decision, U.S. District Court Judge Robert G. James held that the
Louisiana law violated the church-state separation provisions of the U.S.

"This statute cannot help but create the appearance that the state of
Louisiana is endorsing religion since the state has created a venue for
public  prayer (the quintessential religious practice) in public facilities
under the  supervision of public officials," James said in the 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 16 June 2000 -- 4:50 (#431)

2000-07-06 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Stop making decisions based on shaky "hear-say" or having to
"go with your gut". Get real-time feedback with Zoomerang.


  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 16 June 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 50 (#431)

Web Sites of Interest:
   Center for New Community on World Church of the Creator
Art Review: NY Exhibit on lynch mobs
Material On Today's "Left-Right" Alliance
   Lenni Brenner, "The 'left-right' populist alliance-line is the Nazi
  adaptation ..." 
   John Rice (AP), "Mexican Leftists Are Divided ," 15 June 00



Center For New Community

World Church of the Creator: One Year Later


ART REVIEW: NY Exhibit on lynch mobs
Le Monde diplomatique
June 00

On 27 February 2000, in the packed courtroom in Chattanooga, Judge Douglas
A. Meyers dropped the charge of rape against Ed Johnson. His decision
restored the honour of the US legal system and the good name of the
victim, a young African American lynched by a crowd 94 years earlier. An
all-white jury had sentenced Johnson to death, after a brief trial.
Although the Supreme Court had authorised an appeal, he had no opportunity
to plead his case. Members of the town's white population pulled him from
his cell during the night of 19 March 1906, dragged him through the
streets to a bridge across the Tennessee river, hanged him and riddled his
body with bullets.

Between 1882 and 1968 4,742 coloured people suffered a similar fate. Half
of them lived in the states of Mississippi, Georgia, Texas, Alabama or
Louisiana (1).

This black and white past, with which contemporary America has still not
come to terms, suddenly reappeared in the news in New York, with an
exhibition of photographs and postcards of lynchings perpetrated between
1883 and 1960, mainly, but not exclusively, in the southern states. A book,
Without Sanctuary, has also been published (2). The exhibition features
about 60 pictures from US attics and family albums, showing people being
tortured, whipped, flayed, lacerated, mutilated, and burned alive. The
pictures also show the crowds, ever present, striking poses, delighted or
indifferent, at the feet of their victims, proud of having done their duty.
These are proud hunters, their faces undisguised, sure of their impunity.
And the photographers were willing accomplices, alerted by rumour or the
press, setting up their dark rooms at the scene of the execution to produce
prints rapidly. "Here is yesterday evening's barbecue," writes a certain
Joe to his parents, on the back of a card showing the charred remains of a
17-year old hanged in Robinson, Texas, in May 1916. The ever attentive Joe
even took the trouble to indicate his presence in the crowd with "a cross
to the left of the gibbet".

Lynching represented a form of wild celebration for the whites of the
south, united in their fear and hate of the recently emancipated "nigger".
They sometimes kept souvenirs - photographs, a handful of hair, a finger
joint or a scrap of skin as a trophy. They shared a concept of the law in
which racism went hand in hand with sadism and cruelty. The scale of the
violence developed during the 20 years following the emancipation (1863) of
about four million slaves and the end of the civil war, which left the
south devastated and humiliated. Previously the African Americans had been
relatively protected, on account of the investment they represented, but
henceforth they came to be seen as a threat to the foundations of white
society. Lynching became a means of holding them in check through terror.

In the Name of White Women

As historian and Berkeley professor Leon Litwack writes in Without
Sanctuary, "the bulk of the lynchers tended to be ordinary people and
respectable people, few of whom had any difficulty justifying their
atrocities in the name of maintaining the social and racial order and the
purity of the Anglo-Saxon race."

And so, from Florida to Texas, in the name of the white race and white
women troubled by the unbridled appetites of the "blacks", they set about
mutilating and killing. Southern tradition tends to link lynching with the
murder or rape of white women. In fact the victims also included women (92
from 1882 to 1927) and children, as can be seen in the photograph of Laura
Nelson, hanged in 1911 from a bridge in Oklahoma together with her 14-year
old son, whom she attempted to defend.

As often as not, just offending white supremacy - 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 13 June 2000 -- 4:49 (#430)

2000-07-04 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
GET A NEXTCARD VISA, in 30 seconds!  Get rates as low as 2.9%
Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR and no hidden fees.  Apply NOW!


  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 13 June 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 49 (#430)

   Artist Jacob Lawrence Dies at 82
Web Sites of Interest: 
   HateWatch on Confederate Flag and Hate Symbols
Movie Review:
   "Fighter" -- Feisty Holocaust duo take road trip
Compensation News for Holocaust Slave Labor
   Johathan Wright (Reuters), "Germany, U.S. Clear Way for Slave Labor
  Deal," 13 June 00 
   Reuters, "Key dates in Nazi-era slave labour talks," 13 June 00
   Hugh Bronstein (Reuters), "Argentina to Apologize for Holocaust Role,"
  12 June 00 
   George Gedda (AP), "Argentina Sorry for Nazi Harboring," 12 June 00
   Daniel Simpson (Reuters), "Lawyer: Nazi Slaves Deal Could Leave
  Loopholes," 13 June 00



Artist Jacob Lawrence Dies at 82
9 June 00

SEATTLE -- Jacob Lawrence, whose use of bright colors and bold images to
capture the struggles of American blacks made him one of the country's most
celebrated painters, died on Friday. He was 82.

Lawrence passed away in his sleep at his Seattle home early on Friday,
according to a statement from the Jacob and Gwendolyn Lawrence Foundation
that was founded by the artist and his wife to promote American art.

Lawrence shot to fame at the age of 24 when he completed an epic series of
60 paintings called "Migration of the Negro," which blended mural, realist
and abstract styles to portray the journey of millions of blacks from the
South to the North after World War I.

The "Migration" series brought him wide acclaim and sparked hot demand for
his works in major galleries, making him the first African-American artist
to receive sustained recognition in the United States.

Born Jacob Armstead Lawrence in Atlantic City, N.J., in 1917, he started
studying art in Harlem in the 1930s, where he painted on themes of black
poverty, ill health, police brutality, and racism.

He became a tenured professor at Seattle's University of Washington in
1971, and retired as professor emeritus in 1986. He was actively painting
until a few weeks before his death.

Further details of his death were not immediately available. Lawrence is
survived by his wife of 59 years, Gwendolyn. A public memorial service will
be held in New York City, but a date and place have not yet been set. 


WEB SITES OF INTEREST: HateWatch on Confederate Flag and Hate Symbols

Many have emailed HateWatch and asked us why we have the confederate flag
listed on our "Symbols of Hate" page
The following is our response to these queries.

Q: In your section entitled "Symbols of Hate Groups" you list the
confederate flag as such a symbol. Can't this flag just be a symbol of
southern pride and not of hate? Isn't this just "white-bashing?"

A: We do not enter into the debate over whether the Confederate Flag is a
symbol of white supremacy or one of regional pride. We do however make the
point that many in the racist right use this flag as a way of demeaning
blacks and as a racist political statement. Though is can be seen by some
as simply a way of showing allegiance to a particular geographical region
it can not be denied that this flag has been and still is used for
purposes of instilling fear and bigotry. For HateWatch it is this context
that is of interest and concern. 



Feisty Holocaust duo take road trip
Fighter (Documentary, color, no rating, 1:31)
Michael Speier (Variety)
9 June 00

HOLLYWOOD -- An intimate collection of postwar memories, "Fighter" is a
powerful, heartfelt and funny documentary that serves as a respectful nod
to the aging generation of WWII survivors.

Director Amir Bar-Lev's feature debut gracefully examines the hardened
souls of victims and provides many uplifting moments that will touch even
the most cynical viewer. The picture should be a festival fave and will
surely get noticed by TV programmers looking for inspirational fare.

"Fighter" is fueled by extreme sadness, but its humor and optimism shine
brightly. On this unorthodox road trip, two European Jews who lived through
Nazism buddy up to recall death, torture and survival. But instead of
dwelling on their psychological wounds, Jan Wiener and Arnost Lustig laugh,
bicker, schmooze and charm their way through a violent past.

Role models don't come any 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 9 June 2000 -- 4:48 (#429)

2000-07-02 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Stop building your business on guesswork. Get real-time
feedback with Zoomerang. Click now.


  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 9 June 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 48 (#429)

Action Alerts: 
   58 "Sans Papiers" found dead
Book Review: 
   "Diana Mosley: A Life" -- Morally tone-deaf biography of a Mitford who
   married a fascist  
Film Review: 
   "Bonhoeffer: Agent of Grace" -- Film documents theologian's resistance
   to Hitler 
More News On Austrian Fascism:
   Vaiju Naravane (The Hindu), "Freedom Party official kicks up another
  storm ," 6 June 00 
   Barry James (International Herald Tribune), "Nazi Motto 'Unacceptable:'
  Austrian Minister Tours Europe to Fight Sanctions," 9 June 00



Massacre at Dover - 58 "Sans Papiers" found dead 
National Coalition of Anti-Deportation Campaigns

Fortress Europe's Draconian anti-immigration policy underlying cause of
tragedy at Dover 

A lorry became a mass grave for 54 men and 4 women entering the United
Kingdom "Sans Papiers". They penetrated far into Fortress Europe - but the
price they paid was their lives.

Who were these unfortunate passengers? Their stories will probably never be
told, even in death, they have been labeled criminals. 

Applying for asylum in the UK has deteriorated to the point where asylum
seekers are left without basic human rights forced into dispersal and
detention, and discriminated against with vouchers. Political asylum has
been so restricted by legislation that there is hardly any way of claiming
political asylum in the UK. 

People fleeing war are not considered to be genuine refugees - they are
'just' fleeing 'general violence'. Those fleeing state persecution (like
China with a recognised appalling human rights record, where these 58
people may have come from) have to overcome extensive pre-entry controls,
and once they manage to get a visa or a false document to escape they can
be detained and then refused asylum for traveling through other countries
or like Roma asylum seekers, rejected because Skinheads are not considered
to be 'agents of persecution'. 

The death of 58 passengers "Sans Papiers" discovered this morning was
something that could have been prevented with humane and ethical
immigration policy, which is of national interest for every civilised,
multicultural society. 

It is essential to keep the asylum issue in perspective and to seek
solutions that promote human rights of asylum seekers instead of
restricting them. It is also important to recognise that migration is not a
new phenomenon and accept that it is not only a fact but also desirable and
essential for development of every society. 

How we treat people in need is a reflection of the true state of democracy
and freedom. This tragedy must not be forgotten, not only as a dire
reminder of restrictive policies which forces people to leave their country
of origin and in this case into the most horrific death, and 58 untold life
stories, which abruptly ended. 

NCADC condemns UK and European anti-immigration policy which forces those
who are persecuted or experiencing any other hardship into underground
routes which should lead to a better life but in this case lead to a mass

It is with great sadness that NCADC noted the death of 58 people in the
back of a lorry at Dover. Throughout the day the media speculated whether
the 54 men and 4 women were "illegal immigrants". Their humanity was lost.
They had no identity other than being "Sans Papiers" in the UK. 

Our press release, mirrors the somberness of the mood felt by NCADC staff.
Yet our sadness turns to anger as we reflect: "Was it wanting to have a
better life that caused these deaths, or the evil immigration laws that
force people to take such desperate risks?" 

We would ask supporters to write to the Home Secretary Jack Straw MP to
condemn the immigration policies which caused this appalling loss of human

In this case NCADC feels it inappropriate to produce a standard letter we
would ask you to express your own feelings to the Home Secretary.

Jack Straw MP
50 Queen Anne's Gate
London SW1H 9AT

Or you can fax the Home Secretary on : 020-7273-3965

From outside the UK: +44-20-7273-3965 

Please fax copies of any letters to:

NCADC 0807-055-4570

- - - - -

Actions in support of deceased "Sans Papiers" 
Newcastle upon Tyne

The North-East Campaign for Asylum Rights (NECFAR) has called a candlelit
vigil to remember all those who died. We are calling on all those concerned
to attend.

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 6 June 2000 -- 4:47 (#428)

2000-07-01 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
**WIN A TRIP to HAWAII** Every time you send a FREE ZingCard
through July 26, you are automatically entered in our
drawing for a Hawaiian Summer get-away. Start Sending Now!


  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 6 June 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 47 (#428)

Movie Reviews: 
   "Sunshine" -- some of the darkest areas of human behavior 
Defending Leonard Peltier
   Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, "Dear Friends," 5 June 00
   Glenn Morris (Denver Rocky Mt. News), "Truth must lead to pardoning of
  Peltier," 15 May 00 
   Leonard Peltier Defense Committee, "Response to the 'No Parole Peltier
  Association website" 
Fascism In E. Europe
   AP, "Czech Mein Kampf Publisher Charged," 2 June 00
   UPI, "Haider's 'Freedom Party' in Trouble Again," 5 June 00



Matt Wolf (AP)
6 June 00

Don't be fooled by the title. Over the course of its disturbing yet often
invigorating three hours, "Sunshine" inhabits some of the darkest areas of
human behavior. 

That much is to be expected from Istvan Szabo, the gifted Hungarian
filmmaker who has explored - in movies such as "Colonel Redl" (1985) and
the Oscar-winning "Mephisto" (1981) - the Faustian pact that humans often
strike in order to stay the course. 

With "Sunshine," Szabo takes on nothing less than the turbulent history of
20th century Europe, as refracted through three generations and 150 years
of the Hungarian-Jewish Sonnenschein family. 

Ralph Fiennes, in his most demanding screen performance in years, plays
three very different men across three different periods, and clearly
delineates each. 

Their common bond: survival in a changing political and social climate in
which - Szabo and co-screenwriter Israel Horovitz suggest - simply existing
day to day exacts a price. 

The result sometimes veers toward soap opera. Still, there's no denying the
rare ambition of a film with intelligence and empathy to burn: You go in
expecting a history lesson and emerge impressed - often against the odds -
by the shifting hues of humanity. 

The film has barely begun its flashback narration before the meaning of the
title becomes clear. Emmanuel Sonnenschein (David de Keyser), the tale's
great-grandfather, has made his fortune from a family recipe for an herbal
tonic known as "Sunshine." 

The Sonnenscheins, it seems, are on the way up, having progressed from
village tavern-keepers to city lawyers, with Fiennes' Ignatz embodying the
social ascent. Among other things, he's keen to change the family name to
the less-Jewish-sounding Sors. 

A famously severe magistrate, Ignatz's private life is colored by an
illicit marriage to cousin Valerie (Jennifer Ehle), whom he once loved as a
sister and then nearly destroyed by deriding her as a whore. 

Life in the public eye isn't much easier. Ignatz embraces a defiant
assimilationism that proves a troubling touchstone for the family members
who come after. 

The next generation provides the film's truly enduring sequences, pushing
the film forward from the collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Empire and into
the charnel house of World War II. 

Fiennes reappears as Adam Sors, the youngest son of Ignatz and Valerie, a
brilliant swordsman whose path to Olympic fencing glory includes his
conversion to Catholicism. 

His newfound religion notwithstanding, Adam meets a grisly fate. Even those
inured to images of Holocaust atrocities may find this character's end
near-impossible to watch. 

His death, in turn, leaves Adam's son Ivan (Fiennes again) to confront
issues of vengeance and retribution. His own circumstances include a secret
liaison with a married policewoman (Deborah Kara Unger, in the film's least
convincing role), and he finds an unlikely ally in a fiercely anti-fascist
Communist (a mustachioed William Hurt). 

From there, it's on to the toppling of Stalin and the Hungarian uprising,
larger events always sifted through the Sonnenscheins' traumatized - yet
possibly redemptive - lives. 

"Sunshine" is sufficiently dense that it defies thumbnail synopsis, and
some filmgoers may surrender to it as a sweeping epic. 

Among the film's more than 150 speaking parts, special attention must go to
the real-life mother-daughter team of Rosemary Harris and Jennifer Ehle,
playing older and younger versions of the same person. 

Ehle, who just won the best-actress Tony Award for her performance in
Broadway's "The Real Thing," sets "Sunshine's" narrative course early by
remarking that the family is "already doomed to hell." With that comment in
mind, Harris' emergence as Valerie's 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 2 June 2000 -- 4:46 (#427)

2000-06-28 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Do real research at Internet speed-with Zoomerang.  Dig
beneath the surface with web-based analysis features.


  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 2 June 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 46 (#427)

Error in last issue numbering:
   Jared Israel, "Susan Sontag and the rape of the American intellect," 30
  May 00



The last issue -- Tuesday, 30 May 2000 -- 4:45 -- should have been #426, 
not #436.


Susan Sontag and the rape of the American intellect
Jared Israel
30 May 00

(With thanks to Bill Gordon, the NY reader whose thoughts prompted me to
write this essay and to Nebojsa Malic for his analysis of Serbian strategy
during the Bosnian conflict.)

The western media is beginning to report -- and most likely it is
underreporting -- a crime that defies description.

Young women (as many as 500,000 a year, according to the London Sunday
Times) are being kidnapped and imprisoned. 500,000 a year. They are not
made to work in sweatshops. Rather, these women, mainly from Eastern
Europe, are forced into life-destroying slavery as prostitutes elsewhere in
Europe. Tens of thousands are held in Bosnia and Kosovo.

These are mostly teenagers, many as young as 14. How does one think about 

These are children. Used, sometimes by 'nice' men and other times by not so 
nice men, but always by men who pay a premium for their youth, who expect
to get their money's worth.

These children are raped five, ten, fifteen times a day.

That is the reality behind the Western promise, hawked to gullible Eastern
Europeans a decade ago. This is the rosy future about which they spoke.

Which brings us to the matter of Ms. Susan Sontag.

You remember Susan Sontag. She is described as an essayist. Being an 
essayist is not the easiest way to make a buck in the US of A, but don't
feel sorry for Susan; she does OK.

Her books get published.

More: serious money is expended advertising her books, which is good for 

More: she is celebrated, that is she gets plugged by the media (which is 
great for sales) including allegedly distinguished TV shows such as Public 
television's 'News Hour with Jim Lehrer' where last May critic Roger
Rosenblatt said "the [American] essay shines in the imaginative hands of
...Susan Sontag." (May  6,

Imaginative hands in action

Sontag really shined during the Bosnian conflict.

She travelled to Sarajevo about half a dozen times and wrote about it. And
talked. And wrote. Her writing is a tad melodramatic; also devoid of fact. 
The theme is epic, however: a story of good and evil. The main ally of the
US in Bosnia (the Islamic Fundamentalist government in Sarajevo) is good.
The  Serbs are bad.

Writing along these lines in the Dec. 25, 1995 issue of the once-principled
'Nation' magazine, Susan Sontag compared herself (flying into Sarajevo as a
super-VIP) to the intellectuals who went off to fight fascism in the 1930s
(dying in the mud of Spain.)


She argued that their (and her) actions stood in sharp contrast to: 
"the morosely depoliticized intellectuals of today, with their cynicism
always at the ready, their addiction to entertainment, their reluctance to 
inconvenience themselves for any cause, their devotion to personal  safety 
(I can't count how many times I've been asked, each time I return to New
York from Sarajevo, how I can go to a place that's so dangerous.)"

Note that while Sontag appears to be criticizing "morosely depoliticized
intellectuals" she is really doing two very different things.

First, she is praising herself.

Second, she is using a tricky writing technique to render readers receptive 
to her theme: that 'the Serbs' are monsters.

Nowhere in the article does Sontag offer the least bit of evidence of 
Serbian monstrousness.

Rather, she employs a technique I call 'The Consequent Argument'. She says, 
"I can't count how many times I've been I can go to a place
that's  so dangerous."

Is this believable? That is, do you believe that "uncountable" (i.e., very
large) numbers of people actually went up to Sontag and praised her bravery
in this breathless manner?

I doubt it. I doubt that a single person did it, unless said person was a 

  "shill" (Slang. noun) -- One who poses as a satisfied customer or an
   enthusiastic gambler to dupe bystanders into participating in a 

"Imaginative hands?" Ladies and gentlemen, 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 30 May 2000 -- 4:45 (#436)

2000-06-26 Thread Paul Kneisel

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Every day CareerMosaic has over 10,000 job openings in the 
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  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 30 May 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 45 (#426)

TV Reviews: The Tulsa Lynching of 1921: A Hidden Story
Defamation and the Net
   David Gehrig, "[On Dealing With Anti-Semites]," 28 May 00
   Chris Gaither (Miami Herald), "Judge orders AOL, Yahoo! to identify
  online writer," 26 May 00 
Continuing Coverage of Damages from Holocaust
   Reuters, "Holocaust Payment Protection Money-Austria Rightist," 28 May
   Paul Geitner (Associated Press), "Contributions Slow for Nazi Fund," 28
  May 00 
   Adam Tanner (Reuters), "US Official: Slave Labor Deal Possible This
  Week," 30 May 00


TV REVIEWS: Tulsa Lynching

The Tulsa Lynching of 1921: A Hidden Story (Wed. (31), 6:30-8:00 p.m.,

"Tulsa Lynching" revisits race riot
Steven Oxman (Variety)
30 May 00

HOLLYWOOD (Variety) - Illuminating a mostly forgotten but deeply chilling
event, "The Tulsa Lynching of 1921" documents what is probably the worst
race riot in American history.

Director Michael Wilkerson tells the harrowing story cleanly and very
effectively, using a combination of recollections by now-elderly witnesses,
commentary from historians, celebrity voice-over readings of contemporary
accounts, and an impressive collection of black-and-white photographs and
some film depicting the destruction of an entire black community.  
In 1921, Tulsa was considered the "Oil Capital of the World," and the black
community was among the most prosperous in the nation. The Greenwood
section of town was known both as "Little Africa" and as "The Black Wall
Street." The film does an excellent job of concisely laying out the various
conditions that set the stage for the riot, from the return of unemployed
(and heavily armed) veterans from WWI to the popularity of the film "Birth
of a Nation" and the growth of the Ku Klux Klan.

The catalyst for the violence was a misunderstood incident where a black
man named Dick Rowland accidentally fell onto a white female elevator
operator, who screamed for help. As historian Don J. Guy points out,
though, this wasn't the real incident -- that occurred at the local
newspaper, The Tulsa Tribune, which published an afternoon article
distorting the event and calling for a lynching. By that evening, crowds of
white men were gathered at the jail seeking blood, and violence soon broke
out between them and a much smaller group of blacks.

Supposedly to keep the public order, the sheriff began deputizing any white
citizen who wanted to join the police force, and soon hundreds of Klansmen,
now representing the law, began organizing what, in the words of historian
and retired General Ed Wheeler, was effectively a military operation.

By the next day, over 300 blacks had been killed, over 1,200 homes had been
burned, and the surviving African-American population of Tulsa was forced
into confinement. Those who were vouched for by whites were released, but
made to wear ribbons that immediately bring to mind the later yellow stars
used by the Nazis to mark the Jews.

The newspapers continued to refashion the incident, and all copies of the
initial incendiary article disappeared. The city council passed laws that
effectively made it impossible for the black community to rebuild, and a
tent city was created to house the impoverished homeless population.

Wilkerson presents a fascinating story, which is even more horrific for its
having remained under-acknowledged. The eyewitnesses who were children at
the time relate some specific details that make the story even more vivid -
- a white man, for example, telling of a young girl happily handing out gum
that clearly had been looted from a black store. The written accounts, read
without any ornate interpretation, give a strong sense of the total shock
of the incident. This is a film that could certainly become a staple of
history classes.

Voices: Alfre Woodard, John Vernon, Bill Cosby, Celeste Holm, Courtney B.
Vance, Ed Asner, Mary Kay Place, Mary Steenburgen, Mike Farrell, Nell
Carter, Rae Dawn Chong, Roscoe Lee Browne, Dale Robertson, Bill Cobbs.

A Barrister Productions presentation in association with Cinemax Reel Life.
Produced and directed by Michael Wilkerson; associate producer, Michael
Brown. Editors, Brown, Wilkerson; music, Brown; camera, Phillip Atkinson,

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 26 May 2000 -- 4:44 (#425)

2000-06-24 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Play sports? How GOOD are you? Create your free personal Scorecard.
Keep your sports stats online. Compare yourself with others.


  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 26 May 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 44 (#425)

More on Yahoo and Fascism
   Reuters, "Yahoo: French Court Threatens Internet Development," 23 May 00
   Reuters , "French Court Rejects Suit Over Nazi Web Site," 24 May 00
   Reuters, "French ISP Seeks Anti-Nazi Help." 25 May 00
Ongoing Stories: Holocaust Lawsuits
   Easton and Levy (press release), "Easton and Levy Name Swiss National
  Bank in Holocaust Lawsuit," 15 May 00
   Reuters, "Generali faces Calif. class-action Holocaust suit." 24 May 00
   Reuters, "German Govt., Industry Clash on Nazi Slave Fund," 25 May 00



Yahoo: French Court Threatens Internet Development
23 May 00

PARIS -- A French court told Internet portal Yahoo! Inc. Monday to "make it
impossible" for web surfers in France to gain access to sales of Nazi
memorabilia which appear on one of the web sites it hosts.

Yahoo! said the French court had set a precedent which endangered the
development of the Internet across the globe, and appealed to those who had
started the court action to work with it in addressing "suitable solutions"
to the problem.

Judge Jean-Jacques Gomez told the firm the auctions were "an offense to the
collective memory of the country" and ordered it to report back on July 24
to explain the measures it had taken to prevent the French from
participating in the sales.

It was the first time that a French court has issued such an order on a
foreign Internet company.  
A auction site puts hundreds of Nazi or neo-Nazi, and Ku Klux
Klan objects up for auction each day, including films, swastikas, uniforms,
daggers, photos and medals.

"An identical stand by judges in foreign countries would oblige French
operators of Internet sites to comply with the laws of more than 100
countries," Cristophe Pecnard, lawyer for the U.S. firm, said in a
statement issued by its French branch.

"Such a functioning of the justice system at international level
constitutes a risk to the development of the Internet in France and the
rest of the world," he said in the statement.

Under French law, it is illegal to exhibit or sell objects with racist

Pecnard said "the real question" was whether or not a French jurisdiction
could rule on "the English-language content of a U.S. site, run by a U.S.
firm subject to U.S. law, for the sole reason that French users have access
via Internet."

The International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICRA) and the
Union of French Jewish Students (UEJF) took California-based Yahoo! to
court in April in a bid to stop the English language on-line sales from
appearing here.

Lawyers representing Yahoo told the court earlier this month that it was
not technically possible for the company to scan the content of all the
sites carried on its service.

Judge Gomez ordered Yahoo! to pay $1,371 in costs to LICRA and UEJF. 

- - - - -

French Court Rejects Suit Over Nazi Web Site
24 May 00

PARIS -- A French court rejected a suit over a neo-Nazi Web site on a local
Internet portal Wednesday, two days after another court ruled that Yahoo
France had to block access to U.S.-based sales of Nazi memorabilia.

The Union of Jewish Students of France (UEJF) had asked the court in
Nanterre, near Paris, to order the Multimania portal to tighten up its
internal controls after a neo-Nazi site opened on the system earlier this

The court accepted Multimania's explanation that it did not knowingly
incite racial hatred because it did not realize the site "NSDAP" contained
neo-Nazi material.

Multimania shut down the site when it learned that "NSDAP" is the German
acronym for Hitler's National Socialist German Workers Party and then saw
the site contained Nazi propaganda.
The UEJF, which co-sponsored the suit against Yahoo France, said it would
probably appeal the judgement.

Police said a youth living in northern France had been traced as the
originator of the site and might be charged with inciting racial hatred.

A Paris court ruled Monday that the French subsidiary of Yahoo! Inc. had to
block access in France to U.S.-based auction sites that were selling Nazi,
neo-Nazi and Ku Klux Klan objects such as films, swastikas, uniforms,
daggers and medals.

Yahoo France said the unprecedented ruling, which gave it two months to
comply, could set a dangerous precedent for Internet users around the


The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 23 May 2000 -- 4:43 (#424)

2000-06-22 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Knowledge is power, but at AllPredict it’s also cash
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  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 23 May 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 43 (#424)

The Criminal Right In the News:
   Reuters, "Two Accused of Murder in 1963 Alabama Church Blast," 13 May 00
   Dallas Mark Wrolstad (The Dallas Morning News), "Bombing suspect lived a
  quiet life: Neighbors think of ex-Alabaman as model citizen in town
  near," 19 May 00 
   Kansas City Star (mixed reports), "Leader of radical religious sect
  faces abduction charges," 18 May 00 
   Tim Richardson (The Capital-Journal), "ACLU threatens legal action
  against county treasurer," 19 May 00 
Rightwing Quote of the Week: 
   Ax Curtis (Nationalist Observer), "My Killers, or Yours?," 28 Apr 00



Two Accused of Murder in 1963 Alabama Church Blast
13 May 00

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- Two former members of the Ku Klux Klan surrendered on
Wednesday to face murder charges in the 1963 bombing of a Birmingham,
Alabama, church that killed four black girls and galvanized the U.S. civil
rights movement.

Thomas Blanton Jr. and Bobby Frank Cherry, among four suspects named by the
FBI in its original investigation, were charged with eight counts each of
murder, U.S. Attorney Doug Jones said at a news conference.

The two turned themselves in to police on Wednesday and were being held
without bail in a Birmingham jail. They had been under a cloud of suspicion
for the past few days as a special grand jury heard evidence in the case.

"The state grand jury has returned the indictment. We have no idea at this
point when the case will be set for trial," Jones said. He added that he
did not think it would be a problem to try a case almost 40 years old.

Jones, who noted that U.S. Attorney General Janet Reno had supported
continued investigation of the bombing -- the case was reopened several
times in the 1970s and 1980s -- declined to discuss the evidence against
Blanton or Cherry.

Of the eight murder counts filed against each man, four cover "intentional
murder" and four involve "universal malice," referring to the possibility
of the bomb's killing a large number of people.

The suspects previously denied any involvement in the bombing. Their
lawyers were not immediately available for comment on Wednesday.

Baptist Church Was In Central Birmingham

Blanton and Cherry are believed to have been among a group of hard-core
members of the white supremacist Klan who planted a bomb that exploded on
Sept. 15, 1963, outside the Sixteenth Street Baptist Church in downtown

The blast demolished a wall, killing Denise McNair, 11, and three 14-year-
olds, Cynthia Wesley, Carole Robertson and Addie Mae Collins, who were all
in the basement of the church.

The bombing shocked the nation and prodded many moderate whites into giving
active support to a campaign led by the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. to win
blacks equal rights in Southern states, including Alabama.

A federal investigation at the time of the bombing did not result in any
charges, although the FBI named Blanton, Cherry and two other Klansmen as
suspects. The Klan had waged a campaign of terror against civil rights
workers and blacks in the South.

An investigation in the 1970s led to the murder conviction of one suspect,
Robert Edward Chambliss, who died in prison in 1985 while serving a life
term. The fourth suspect, Herman Cash, is dead.

The arrests are part of a growing wave of current prosecutions of white
suspects believed responsible for attacks on blacks in Alabama, Mississippi
and other Southern states in the 1960s.

Many hate crimes in the South went unpunished in the 1960s because of the
willingness of local law-enforcement officials to turn a blind eye to
attacks on blacks and the reluctance of all-white juries to convict white
defendants for such crimes.

Mississippi is now investigating the case of three civil rights workers
killed in 1964 while registering black voters in Neshoba County. Seven men
were convicted of conspiracy for the crime, but none served time for the

In 1994, the state convicted Klan member Byron de la Beckwith of the murder
of Medgar Evers, a civil rights activist in Mississippi, 31 years earlier. 

- - - - -

Bombing suspect lived a quiet life: Neighbors think of ex-Alabaman as model
citizen in town near 
Dallas Mark Wrolstad (The Dallas Morning News)
19 May 00


The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 19 May 2000 -- 4:42 (#423)

2000-06-20 Thread Paul Kneisel

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  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 19 May 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 42 (#423)

The Notion of "Traditional Values"
   Philip Pullella (Reuters), "Pope John Paul Urges Return to Traditional
  Values," 13 May 00 
   Deborah Mokma, "Dear Dr. Laura ... I would like to sell my daughter into
  slavery, as it suggests in Exodus 21:7." 
More on Dr. Laura and Hate Speech
   Colin Nickerson (Boston Globe), "Canada silences Dr. Laura on gays:
  Panel rebukes host for her 'abusive' bias," 12 May 00 
   Seattle Times, "Dr. Laura's tempest comes to town," 15 May 00



Pope John Paul Urges Return to Traditional Values
Philip Pullella (Reuters)
13 May 00

FATIMA, Portugal -- Pope John Paul, beatifying two shepherd children who
had visions of the Madonna in 1917, said Saturday that modern society had
to return to traditional values if it wanted to avoid self-destruction.

In his sermon at a beatification mass attended by hundreds of thousands of
people, the Pope did not disclose the so-called "Secret of Fatima," said to
have been told by the Virgin Mary to three child visionaries in 1917 in
this central Portuguese town.

It was not clear if the Pope would refer to the secret, which some fear may
be a prediction of an apocalyptic event, later in the day before returning
to Rome.

While the first two parts of the Madonna's message are well known, the
third has never been revealed to anyone but Popes and a few top Vatican
officials, sparking speculation the Pontiff could divulge it in Fatima.

The beatification ceremony, in which Francisco and Jacinta Marto were
declared "blesseds" of the Church, was attended by Sister Lucia dos Santos,
a frail, 93-year-old nun who is the only survivor of the three visionaries.

At the shrine built around the spot of the 1917 events, cheers and tears
greeted the Pope's proclamation of beatification, the penultimate step
before sainthood, which can only be bestowed upon the dead.

Pope Refers To Madonna's Message

While the Pope did not disclose the Secret of Fatima in his homily, he did
refer generally to what the Church says was the Madonna's concern that sins
against God were putting the world on a destructive path.

"The message of Fatima is a call to conversion, appealing to humanity to
that it does not fall into the (devil's) trap," the Pope said, adding that
a struggle between good and evil was still in progress today.

The horrors of the past century, including wars, concentration camps,
gulags, ethnic cleansing, persecutions, terrorism, kidnappings, drugs and
abortion had produced many victims of evil, he said.

"Man, by putting God to the side, cannot reach happiness. He will only end
up destroying himself," the Pope, who wore resplendent gold and white
vestments and appeared to be in good form, told the crowd.  
Speaking on the 19th anniversary of the 1981 assassination attempt that
nearly killed him, the Pope also renewed his thanks to God for having been
"saved from death."

That shooting also took place on May 13 and the Pontiff, who turns 80
Thursday, is convinced that the Madonna of Fatima diverted bullets fired by
a professional killer so that they would not hit vital organs.

"One hand fired the gun and another guided the bullet," the Pope once said.

When he arrived Friday night, the Pope prayed before a statue of the
Madonna of Fatima, whose crown contains the bullet fired by Turkish gunman
Mehmet Ali Agca.

Secret Subject Of Hundreds Of Books

The Secret of Fatima has been the subject of hundreds of books, fills
thousands of web sites and even inspired a 1981 plane hijacking by a man
who wanted the Vatican to reveal it.

Doom and gloom predictions have percolated and been doused time and again
since Sister Lucia began writing down her recollections of the apparitions.

The first part of the Madonna's message was a vision of hell shown to the

In the second part, Mary predicted the outbreak of World War Two some 22
years before it started, asked for devotion to her Immaculate Heart and
asked that Russia, which was about to undergo the Bolshevik Revolution in
1917, be consecrated to her.

Otherwise, the Madonna is said to have told the children, to whom she
appeared each month from May to October, 1917, that Russia, about to become
the Soviet Union, would "spread her errors" in the 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 16 May 2000 -- 4:41 (#422)

2000-06-18 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
The largest network of active people on-line.  Anywhere.
A vibrant community where active people come to...
Look better.  Feel better.  Be better.


  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 16 May 2000
   Vol. 4, Number 41 (#422)

Web Sites of Interest: "The Truth Campaign [sic]"
The Authoritarian Net In the News
   Declan McCullagh (Wired), "Cyber-treaty Goes Too Far?," 3 May 00
   Reuters, "Denounced Museum to Open Its Archive on Internet," 11 May 00  
   Reuters, "Paris prosecutor condemns Nazi auctions on Yahoo," 15 May 00



"The Truth Campaign [sic]: Conspiracies, Health Issues, Enlightened
Science, Spirituality"
This web site is interesting for the empirical evidence it provides for the
existence of "green fascism" and how those phenomenon grouped under "New
Age" can easily take on a reactionary form.

The site features the Holocaust-denying Institute for Historical Review and
Radio Islam. It describes denier David Irving as "the world's foremost WW2
historian" and features a new translation of the Protocols of the Elders of

At the same time it also features People for the Ethical Treatment of
Animals, the Vegan Society, and the British Anti-Vivisection Association.
It seems that Jews and the Roma ("Gypsies"), but not dogs and cats, are the
only groups that can be ethically visisected!



Cyber-treaty Goes Too Far?
Declan McCullagh (Wired)
3 May 00

WASHINGTON D.C. -- U.S. and European police agencies will receive new
powers to investigate and prosecute computer crimes, according to a
preliminary draft of a treaty being circulated among over 40 nations.

The Council of Europe's 65KB proposal is designed to aid police in
investigations of online miscreants in cases where attacks on intrusions
cross national borders.

But the details of the "Draft Convention on Cybercrime" worry U.S. civil
libertarians. They warn that the plan would violate longstanding privacy
rights and grant the government far too much power.

The proposal, which is expected to be finalized by December 2000 and
appears to be the first computer crime treaty, would:

* Make it a crime to create, download, or post on a website any computer
program that is "designed or adapted" primarily to gain access to a
computer system without permission. Also banned is software designed to
interfere with the "functioning of a computer system" by deleting or
altering data.

* Allow authorities to order someone to reveal his or her passphrase for an
encryption key. According to a recent survey, only Singapore and
Malaysia have enacted such a requirement into law, and experts say that in
the United States it could run afoul of constitutional protections against

* Internationalize a U.S. law that makes it a crime to possess even digital
images that "appear" to represent children's genitals or children engaged
in sexual conduct. Linking to such a site also would be a crime.

* Require websites and Internet providers to collect information about
their users, a rule that would potentially limit anonymous remailers.

- - - -

Denounced Museum to Open Its Archive on Internet
11 May 00

AUGSBURG, Germany -- A German museum denounced by the World Jewish Congress
for concealing the past of its Nazi art dealer patron said Thursday it
backed probes into looted artworks and would open its archive on the

Augsburg cultural affairs spokesman Ekkehard Gesler told Reuters the city's
Municipal Art Museum was also considering employing a historian to catalog
documents relating to major donor Karl Haberstock, who sold Hitler more
than 100 paintings.

"We are playing an open hand and don't want to cover anything up," Gesler

He admitted the omission of Haberstock's Nazi connections from a 1991
exhibition catalog was insensitive but he rejected WJC accusations that
exhibits had been plundered from Holocaust victims and a WJC researcher
denied access to museum records.  
The WJC said Wednesday it was considering whether to ask German
intellectuals and the country's other museums to boycott Augsburg for
glorifying a man who U.S. military records condemn as "the leading Nazi art

But Gesler said the museum did not honor Haberstock -- who has a gallery
named after him and whose bust once held pride of place near the entrance -
- and refused to disown its major donor.

He rejected WJC demands 

he Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 12 May 2000 -- 4:40 (#421)

2000-06-15 Thread Paul Kneisel

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What kind of shoes do you want? At, the Web's Most 
Popular Shoe Store, you can choose from the best selection of
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  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 12 May 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 40 (#421)

U.S. Southern Racism In the News
   Rachel Graves (Reuters), "S.Carolina Passes Confederate Flag Bill," 11
  May 00 
   U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (press release), "Cuomo
  Announces Settlement With Chaplain to the Ku Klux Klan Accused of
  Housing Discrimination," 11 May 00 
Real Political Correctness: 
   Response to GLAAD Meeting: Americans for Truth about Homosexuality Leads
  Pro-Family Coalition Requesting Meeting with Paramount TV on Dr.
  Laura Americans for Truth about Homosexuality (press release)



S.Carolina Passes Confederate Flag Bill
Rachel Graves (Reuters)
11 May 00

COLUMBIA, S.C. (Reuters) - The South Carolina House of Representatives,
ending two days of racially charged debate, voted Wednesday to remove
Confederate flags flying from the statehouse dome and in both chambers of
the state legislature.

The Republican-led House voted 63-56 for a Senate-backed compromise to fly
a square version of the flag, widely seen as a symbol of racism against
blacks in America, from a flagpole near a Civil War memorial on the capitol

The bill was passed over objections from the legislative black caucus and
the NAACP, which has pledged to continue an economic boycott of the state
until the legislature removes all Confederate flags from the capitol

"The fact is, the flag is being moved...That is a major step for South
Carolina," said Gov. Jim Hodges, who has said he will sign the bill.

The Southern Cross, the most widely recognized Confederate flag with its
diagonally crossing blue stripes and white stars on a red background, was
raised over the statehouse dome in 1962 to mark the centennial of the Civil

The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People for decades
lobbied in vain to lower the flag, and pushed the issue to the top of this
year's legislative agenda by launching an economic boycott of the state.

Debating on the first statewide Confederate Memorial Day holiday, leaders
of the state House could not muster the votes for an alternate proposal to
move the flag to the soldiers' monument and surround it with new added
memorials to honor soldiers who served in other American wars.

Instead, the House amended the Senate bill to illuminate and raise the
height of the flagpole that will be installed near a Confederate Soldiers'
Monument on the capitol's north side, meaning the legislation will be sent
back to the Senate.

Before the vote was taken, black legislators, in impassioned pleas to their
white colleagues, told of being harassed by racists waving Confederate
flags, and one white legislator talked of businesses that deliberately flew
the flag in defiance of integration orders in the 1960s.

"When it became the law of the land that businesses had to accept all
people and do business with all people, that flag went up over a lot of
beer joints, a lot of rural restaurants, and those owners told me why it
was up there. They said it was up there to let black citizens know they're
not welcome," Lancaster Democrat Eldridge Emery said.

Speaking in a deliberate tone, state Rep. Seth Whipper showed legislators a
series of magazine pictures documenting white Southerners in years past
rallying against integration and the civil rights movement -- each with a
Confederate flag flying in the background.

"That same flag would show up at lynchings, bombings, home burnings, Jewish
synagogues, Catholic churches and schools, and it would always be
associated with terror," the North Charleston Democrat said.

Black legislators opposed the bill because it will move a square version of
the flag to in some ways a more prominent position on a 30-foot illuminated
flagpole near a Confederate Soldiers' Memorial at the front of the capitol

The state's first official Confederate Memorial Day holiday was observed on
Wednesday, marking the May 10, 1863, death of Confederate Gen. Stonewall
Jackson. The holiday was signed into law last week as part of a bill making
South Carolina the last state in the nation to honor slain civil rights
leader Dr. Martin Luther King with a statewide holiday.

In demonstrations outside the 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 9 May 2000 -- 4:39 (#420)

2000-06-14 Thread Paul Kneisel



The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 9 May 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 39 (#420)

Book Reviews: 
   Ida Mae by Delores Thornton
Damages to Holocaust Victims
   Reuters, "Non-payers to German Holocaust fund risk sanctions," 8 May 00
   Elaine Monaghan (Reuters), "U.S., Germany tackle details on Nazi
  victims' fund," 10 May 00 
   Joan Gralla (Reuters), "Swiss insurers to pay into Holocaust accord," 10
  May 00 
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
   The Million (Marxist) Mom March: Will Jews seize guns from Christians in
  America?, "Tripp Henderssen" 6 May 00

BOOK REVIEWS: Ida Mae by Delores Thornton

Marguerite Press Announces the Release of 'Ida Mae' -- a Novel by Delores
8 May 00

INDIANAPOLIS -- Ida Mae is the story of a young woman of color who is
adopted at age 7 by a white family in a southern town, after her parents
are deceased. Ida's father was murdered by the Klan before she was born and
her mother died of TB when she was 7 years old.

Her life is shaped by her environment which includes an incident of rape,
and ever present issues of racism, transracial adoption as well as the love
of country music. Ida Mae actually wins a country music contest with a
jingle she wrote. This created quite a stir from the radio station in
Nashville when she showed up to claim her prize. A young woman of color
winning the contest at that time was unthinkable! The story begins in 1948
and ends with Ida Mae's death in 2019. Readers are up close and personal
with Ida Mae because they've known her from the cradle to the grave.

Hear what others have to say:

"Wow! What a different read. I applaud Delores Thornton on a job well done.
Ida Mae is truly a novel for the future." Vanessa Woodward -- Journey's End

"Thornton gives us an endearing character whose sense of self is a model of
inspiration." Black Caucus of The American Library Association

Look for Thornton's next book, Babe, due out this fall. Babe is the story
of an 82 year old African American female who is experiencing headaches and
nightmares. Her daughter, Valeeda has her examined by the family physician,
who determines that she is physically sound. At the doctor's
recommendation, a psychiatrist is called and hypnosis is suggested. Through
this process her whole life unfolds -- all the way back to when she
witnessed a lynching in her native Georgia, at age 5. The supporting
characters in this tale of suspense are Dr. Walker Davis' patients in his
therapy sessions. There's Aloyishus Burns, a recovering alcoholic; Vivian
Delaney, an aspiring author on tour; and Dorian Simmons, a union
representative with the U.S. Postal Service. However, it most definitely
Babe who will tell the cogent story that will never let you forget her.

Thornton is available for interviews at media request. To schedule an
interview please contact Marguerite Press .

CONTACT: Delores Thornton, President of Marguerite Press, 317-298-5317,
317-298-8889 fax, [EMAIL PROTECTED]



Non-payers to German Holocaust fund risk sanctions
8 May 00

BERLIN -- German firms that fail to pay into an industry fund set up to
collect five billion marks ($2.3 billion) for Nazi-era slave labourers risk
a global boycott, the government's mediator said on Monday.

"If it really came to that, that we do not receive the payments which were
promised, then there would be major boycotts and sanctions against German
firms, particularly in the United States," mediator Otto Lambsdorff told
Berlin's Inforadio.

Lambsdorff's comments came after the fund threatened on Sunday to "name and
shame" firms that fail to contribute. Only 2.9 billion marks have been
pledged so far.

Lambsdorff, the German government's mediator in often-tense talks that set
up the fund, said a boycott would cost firms much more than the still-
missing two billion marks.

Wolfgang Thierse, the parliament speaker widely seen as Germany's moral
conscience, also called on firms to pay up.

"I appeal to companies' morality, not to be so petty but to fulfil their
duties," he told SWR radio.

The pressure is on German companies -- many of which benefited from
concentration camp labour under Nazi dictator Adolf Hitler -- to meet their
funding target in time for a visit by U.S. President Bill Clinton to
Germany in early June.

Clinton is tentatively expected to attend a ceremony in Berlin on June 2 to
seal a compensation agreement.

Lambsdorff said despite the delay in contributions, payments to victims
should begin at least by the end of the year, later than the earlier target
of this summer.

As part 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 5 May 2000 -- 4:38 (#419)

2000-06-12 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
GET A NEXTCARD VISA, in 30 seconds!  Get rates as low as
2.9% Intro or 9.9% Fixed APR and no hidden fees. Apply NOW!


   The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 5 May 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 38 (#419)

Web Sites of Interest:
   Resistance Records analysis via the ADL
   Fuck Fascism: Metalheads Against Brown Insanity
   Dennis B. Roddy (Post-Gazette), "Shootings suspect saw immigration as
  disastrous to whites: Richard Baumhammers' Free Market Party Web site
  drew little traffic," 3 May 00 
Political Catholicism In the News
   American Jewish Congress, "AJCongress and Its New York Metropolitan
  Region Praise Cardinal O'Connor for His Positive Impact on Catholic
  -Jewish Relations Worldwide," 4 May 00 
   Human Life International (press release), "Puerto Rico Must Reject
  RU-486: 'Puerto Rican Women should not be Guinea Pigs For the FDA,'
  says HLI President Fr. Welch," 5 May 00



Resistance Records

Those interested in Resistance Records may want to look at ADL's new report
on that topic:

Best wishes,

Jordan Kessler
Senior Researcher

- - - - -

Fuck Fascism: Metalheads Against Brown Insanity

"The trigger for this teamwork, was in the effect the false-development of
the Black Metal - sector to the subgenre 'NS Black Metal.' This is not only
an insult to us; the supporters of each form of Metal - ... it is also
completely against the interconnected spirit and thinking of this music-

- - - - -

Shootings suspect saw immigration as disastrous to whites: Richard
   Baumhammers' Free Market Party Web site drew little traffic  
Dennis B. Roddy (Post-Gazette)
3 May 00
Richard S. Baumhammers, self-styled chairman of the Free Market Party, drew
little interest with his site on the World Wide Web, where he advocated an
end to Third World immigration and briefly turned his criticism on
Democratic presidential hopeful Bill Bradley. 

Baumhammers closed down the site in September, unhappy that it was
attracting no attention to his cause. 

It is scheduled to go back online today. This time, the Mt. Lebanon
computer firm with which Baumhammers had an account to post his page, is
introducing the Web site with a statement
denouncing intolerance and telling the curious how to contribute to funds
to help the families of the six people Baumhammers is accused of shooting
in a two-county rampage last week. 

"We just discovered we had hosted this site and now feel a responsibility
to cooperate with the authorities and now turn a bad situation, as best as
can be, into something positive for the victims' families," said Jerry
Tapolici, president of Computer Comfort. 

Tapolici said Baumhammers last year arranged for a site on the World Wide
Web and rented computer space from the firm. After receiving few visitors,
Baumhammers shut down the site at the end of September. 

Baumhammers is accused of five counts of homicide, a spree that targeted
some of the very people whose immigration to the United States his
organization sought to block. Police say he shot two Indian nationals,
killing one, and then shot two Asian workers at a Chinese restaurant. He
also is accused of killing a Jewish neighbor, and firing into two
synagogues, spray painting swastikas on one. 

His Web site carried a copy of his party's manifesto, which demanded an end
to Third World immigration, special immigration rights for Europeans, lower
taxes, less foreign aid and that English be declared the nation's official

While expressing fears that whites are at risk of becoming a minority in
the United States, Baumhammers' writings steer clear of overtly racist

"One of the most prominent aspects of massive immigration is the effect on
culture and society in America," Baumhammers wrote. "American society is
transformed in numerous ways. Sustained and prolonged immigration has been
detrimental to White Americans. The source of present day immigration is
the 1965 Immigration Act. This wrongly enacted law allows for approximately
1.2 million aliens to become citizens of America per year. Almost all of
this present day immigration is non-European. The effect of such massive
waves of immigration has been disastrous for Americans of European

The Baumhammers site includes a section offering his "Weekly Report," but
he appears to have filed only one since putting the site up. 

Dated Sept. 10, 1999, the report focuses on former U.S. 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 2 May 2000 -- 4:37 (#418)

2000-06-10 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Get a NextCard Visa, in 30 seconds! Apply NOW!  
1. Fill in the brief application
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  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 2 May 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 37 (#418)

Web Sites of Interest: 
   War Crimes by Japanese Militarists
Mayday Events Internationally
   Adam Tanner (Reuters), "Leftist, neo-Nazis Clash in Germany," 1 May 00
   Brad Schade (Reuters), "May Day Protests Target U.S. Financial
  Districts," 1 May 00 
   Steven DuBois (AP), "Oregon May Day Protest Turns Violent," 1 May 00
   Kristin Gazlay (AP), "London May Day Rallies Create Tensions," 1 May 00
   Michael Brick (New York Times), "Tensions Flare at May Day Rallies
  Around the World," 1 May 00 
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
   National-Anarchist e-mail discussion list



War Crimes by Japanese Militarists: a site of analysis and documentation


Leftist, neo-Nazis Clash in Germany
Adam Tanner (Reuters)
1 May 00

BERLIN -- Leftists briefly clashed with hundreds of neo-Nazis in May Day
violence in Berlin on Monday and later fought pitched battles with police.
About 50 people were injured in separate clashes in the port city of

In Berlin's Kreuzberg district on Monday night, hundreds of leftist and
anarchist demonstrators fought police armed with water cannon, clubs, tear
gas and riot shields in what has become a May Day tradition. The
demonstrators set off small fires and threw rocks.

Police said many officers had been injured -- as in past years -- but did
not have a tally. Many protesters were arrested.

Although about 10,000 leftists and anarchists initially gathered in
Kreuzberg, only a hardened band of several hundred remained as fighting
continued late on Monday night. Some protesters set up street blockades.

Earlier in the day, police in the east Berlin district of Hellersdorf
quickly intervened when the neo-Nazis charged into the anti-fascists and
briefly began fighting. They detained about 140 people from both sides but
reported no serious injuries.

"Nazis go home, Nazis go home," anti-fascists chanted at 750 neo-Nazis,
many of them skinheads.

"We're not looking for a fight. We are outnumbered by these fascists. But
we want to make our protests at them being allowed to rally on May Day,"
said an anti-fascist demonstrator who gave his name as Oskar.

Berlin Police Out In Force

In Hamburg, protesters marked the start of May Day after midnight by
throwing stones at banks, broke shop windows and set fire to cars in the
city center.

Twenty-one police were hurt, including one whose arm was broken, a
spokesman said. Leftists said 25 protesters were hurt.

Officials said they detained 123 people.

Police had expected Berlin to be the flashpoint for violence and they
deployed more than 6,000 officers -- 2,300 men in Hellersdorf alone where
neo-Nazis gathered. Reinforcements guarded government buildings in the city

Most of the neo-Nazis were young men aged between 16 and 25 who gathered to
hear speeches and sing words to the German national anthem not used since
World War Two due to its nationalistic overtones.

"We as Germans are being plundered. The money to set up our future is being
taken," said Andreas Storr, a spokesman for the neo-Nazi National
Democratic Party.

Storr said the demonstrators, who carried banners reading "Work for Germans
first," wanted to highlight the inability of institutions such as the
European Union to address German needs.

One of the few elderly faces in the neo-Nazi crowd was well-known agitator,
Friedhelm Busse, 71, who once called Hitler the greatest historical figure
of the millennium.

In a brief interview, he said he favored forced deportation of immigrants
from Germany.

"We should send them back to their own cultural areas," Busse said, his
businessman-style shirt and tie a contrast to jeans and boots favored by
the young in the crowd.

"That would not be as inhuman as the victors of 1945 who forced us Germans
out of the Suedetenland and Silesia. I have nothing against foreigners but
I want Germany for Germans."

The NPD had called on members from all over Germany to converge on Berlin
for the marches. They also gathered in several other cities, where police
made a handful of arrests amid minor disturbances.

Other German cities held peaceful traditional 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: SPECIAL ISSUE

2000-06-09 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
ATTENTION IT CONSULTANTS: Need High Quality Projects? Tired
of handling your own billing? NO MORE RECRUITERS! We charge
10% of your billings and take care of everything! Clients
find you by matching skills - no irrelevant postings. Visit us today!


  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 9 June 2000
   Special Issue

Please accept my apologies for the past month when this journal has not
been published.

I was effectively locked out of my house by the New York District Attorneys
office and was unable to access any of my computers. The ostensible reason
for this seems something out of Kafka and several people familiar with the
situation will write on it in the future. The legal situation has now been
attenuated and I obviously have my computers back. None of the people
receiving "special" subscriptions had their names compromised.

Where should one go from here?

Effort dictates that one merely starts afresh. But there are several
problems with this.

The first is that the journal's back issues are all archived for future
research. Starting anew means skipping over a month of information. The
second objection to a new start means that those seeking to -- in any way -
- damage the journal would have succeeded.

Instead, the back issues of the journal, along with the news topical for
their normal publication dates, will be published on an accelerated

In closing let me thank subscriber and law professor Barry Goldstein who
represented me in court and subscribers from New York's Transit Workers
Union who assisted in other areas.


   We have no ethical right to forgive, no historical right to forget. 
  (No permission required for noncommercial reproduction)

   - - - - -

   back issues archived via:
T O P I C A  The Email You Want.
Newsletters, Tips and Discussions on Your Favorite Topics

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 28 Apr 2000 -- 4:36 (#417)

2000-05-03 Thread Paul Kneisel


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 28 April 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 36 (#417)

Material On Mumia
   Rally: Sunday, 7 May. A Day For Mumia At the Theater at Madison Square
   May 7 Mobilization for Mumia at Madison Sq. Garden, "May 7 Organizers
  Condemn Plan for Police Counter-Demonstration: Supporters of Mumia
  Abu-Jamal Vow to 'Fill Madison Square garden to Overflowing'," 12 Apr
   Z Magazine (editorial), "Reply to Mark Cooper," Feb 00
Book Reviews
   Howard Margolian, "Unauthorized Entry: The Truth about Nazi War
  Criminals in Canada, 1946-1956," review Charles Enman (The Ottawa
  Citizen), "Canada is no haven for Nazis:' Author defends country's
  record on admitting war criminals," 29 Apr 00



A Day For Mumia At the Theater at Madison Square Garden Sunday, 7 May
End the Death Penalty! A New Trial for Mumia Abu-Jamal!

On Sunday afternoon, May 7 at 2:00 PM, the stage of The Theater at Madison
Square Garden will be crowded with people like former New York City Mayor
David Dinkins, Johnnie Cochran, Ossie Davis, Gloria Steinem, Susan
Sarandon, Edward Asner, Reverend Al Sharpton, Mike Farrell, Congressman
John Conyers, Alice Walker, Angela Davis, former U.S. Attorney General
Ramsey Clark and many others from the arts and entertainment world, as well
as the world of politics and social activism.

Joining the celebrities at"“A Day for Mumia at the Theater at Madison
Square Garden" on May 7 will be thousands of people from New York and
across the country. 

The May 7 rally at this world famous address in the center of New York City
will be the largest indoor event to date organized to oppose the death
penalty and to call for a new trial for the most renown prisoner on death
row in the United States, the journalist and political activist Mumia Abu-

Mr. Jamal, whose case is currently being appealed in Federal District Court
in Pennsylvania, has been on death row in Pennsylvania for 18 years
fighting for a new trial to prove his nnocence after a 1982 trial hastily
convicted him of killing Philadelphia police officer Daniel Faulkner in
1981. Not only was Mr. Jamal’s original trial deeply flawed and the result
of police and  prosecutorial misconduct, a mountain of new evidence now
exists that demands a new trial. The courts have yet to grant Mr. Jamal a
new trial and he is running out of opportunities to appeal.

The injustices that could result in the unthinkable execution of Mr.  Jamal
are not the exception but the norm in the courts and criminal  justice
system.  Newspapers like the New York Times and the Chicago Tribune have
done extensive series on systemic pitfalls that  compromise the rights to
due process of the more than 3600 prisoners on death row in the U.S. 

Revelations that the capital punishment system in Illinois almost put  to
death 13 people later found to be wrongfully convicted has compelled
Illinois Governor George Ryan to become the first governor to declare a
moratorium on executions. Moratoriums on the death penalty are being
debated amongst lawmakers in several of the 37 states that execute people
including in the Pennsylvania legislature. 

Still, a clear sign that the fight to end the death penalty faces a long 
uphill battle is the fact that all of the major presidential candidates, 
Al Gore, Bill Bradley, John McCain, and George Bush, as well as President
Clinton, remain staunch supporters of the death penalty.   Texas Governor
Bush’s state leads the nation in putting people to death.

To make matters worse, in 1996 President Clinton signed in to law the
"Effective Death Penalty Act" as part of the "Anti-Terrorism Bill." This
unfortunate legislation severely limits the ability of condemned prisoners
to appeal their cases in the federal courts thus  speeding up the execution

"A Day for Mumia at the Theater at Madison Square Garden" is part of a
national effort to give expression to the growing movement  to end the
injustices that send people like Mumia Abu-Jamal to death row without a
fair trial, and to abolish the death penalty. As  we enter the 21st century
we cannot allow justice to continue to slip  into the dark ages.

Tickets for "A Day for Mumia at the Theater at Madison Square Garden" range
from $15 to $500. Special group rates are available. 

For information contact "The May 7th Day for Mumia Mobilization" the
sponsor of this event, at (212) 633-6646.

International Action Center
39 West 14th Street, Room 206
New York, NY 10011
phone: 212 633-6646
fax:   212 633-2889

- - - - -

May 7 Organizers Condemn Plan for Police Counter-Demonstration: Supporters
of Mumia Abu-Jamal Vow 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 18 Apr 2000 -- 4:33 (#414)

2000-04-27 Thread Paul Kneisel


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 18 April 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 33 (#414)

Ira Glasser (Executive Director -- ACLU), "Could We Lose the Fourth
Amendment?" 12 Apr 00 
Real Political Correctness:
   People For the American Way, "Far Right Fails to Gather Signatures To
  Repeal Human Rights Ordinance," 10 Apr 00 
Rightwing Quote of the Week:
   Rightwing Science Fiction via the Nationalist Observer, 13 Apr 00


Could We Lose the Fourth Amendment
Ira Glasser (Executive Director -- ACLU)
12 Apr 00
The Fourth Amendment to the Constitution protects us against searches and
seizures when there is "no probable cause." But that fundamental pillar of
liberty has been steadily eroded for more than a decade now as a result of
the government's "War on Drugs."

Recently, the U.S. Supreme Court agreed to hear what could be the most
important Fourth Amendment case to come before it in more than a quarter

The case, City of Indianapolis v. Edmond,, was brought as a class
action suit by the ACLU on behalf of two individuals and the citizens of
Indiana, all of whom are subject to random roadside searches.

We brought this case because the authorities in Indianapolis decided not to
bother just searching people they had a good reason to suspect of
wrongdoing, as the Fourth Amendment requires. Instead, they decided to set
up roadblocks on selected highways to stop all motorists in order to look
for drugs, without any reason to believe that any car was carrying drugs.

In short, what the Indianapolis police were doing is precisely what the
Fourth Amendment was meant to stop: searching everybody to find the guilty.

And, in a 2 to 1 decision, the Seventh U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals agreed
with us that the Fourth Amendment requires that criminal investigatory
searches and seizures must be based on particular cause, or some good
reason to suspect the people to be stopped and searched.

But the city appealed that ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court.

As someone who has demonstrated your concern for our civil liberties, you
understand that it is essential that the ACLU mount the most compelling
defense of the Fourth Amendment possible.
Because if we should lose this case, it would not be an exaggeration to say
that the Fourth Amendment would cease to exist once you're outside your

To find out more about the threats to the Bill of Rights and to all of our
traditional values of liberty, fairness and justice, visit our special web-
based campaign on Liberties at Risk at

P.S.  Your support is critical to the ACLU's ability to turn back this and
other threats to our rights.  If you are not already a member, please
considering joining the ACLU today by visiting https://secure20.client-

Thank you.


It's from the rightwing authoritarians and always has been

Far Right Fails to Gather Signatures To Repeal Human Rights Ordinance
People For the American Way
10 Apr 00

An alliance of radical religious right groups calling itself "Take Back
Miami-Dade" failed to gather  the needed number of signatures to place the
question of repealing an amendment to Miami-Dade's Human Rights Ordinance
that protects lesbians and gay men from discrimination on this fall's
ballot.  The group missed its deadline for filing 32,582 signatures - 4% of
the voters -- with the Miami- Dade County Commission on Friday, according
to PFAW Florida Director Lisa Versaci.  

"What this shows is that there is no constituency for intolerance in Miami-
Dade.  Any candidate or campaign who is organizing on an agenda of hate,
bigotry or division would be wise to re-evaluate their strategy," said
Versaci.  PFAW is a member of SAVE Dade, a coalition of organizations and
individuals who have pledged to fight discrimination in Miami-Dade.

"The Human Rights Ordinance is there to protect everyone's basic rights to
fair treatment.  By failing to join in the far right's petition drive, the
voters of Miami-Dade have reaffirmed their community's rich tradition of
diversity and mutual respect," said Ralph G. Neas, PFAW President.


For those who believe that fascism is only a thing of the past

Rightwing Science Fiction via the Nationalist Observer
13 Apr 00

Yesterday Augustus 17, 2064, Pontifex Maximus Chrysostom II arrived in St. 
Karlstad to consecrate the Memorial to the White Race as the Holiest site
in  Universal Churchdom. His speech 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 14 Apr 2000 -- 4:32 (#413)

2000-04-25 Thread Paul Kneisel


   The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 14 April 2000
   Vol. 4, Number 32 (#413)

Americans United (press release), "Falwell's 'People of Faith 2000'
   Campaign Serves Partisan Agenda: IRS Should Launch Investigation of
   Shady Political Scheme" 
American Atheists News, "Falwell Back In the Fray With New Political


Falwell's 'People of Faith 2000' Campaign Serves Partisan Agenda: IRS
   Should Launch Investigation of Shady Political Scheme 
Americans United (press release)

Religious Right leader Jerry Falwell's election-year project is a
partisan  political scheme that warrants an Internal Revenue Service
investigation,  according to a national church-state watchdog group.

Today, Falwell formally launched his "People of Faith 2000" project, an 
initiative he claims will raise up to $25 million to register 10
million  religious conservatives between now and November. The effort
is a project of  Falwell's new tax-exempt organization, the Liberty
Alliance Institute, a  spin-off group of his Jerry Falwell Ministries,
that will distribute voter  registration materials to pastors and
individual church members.

Federal law prohibits tax-exempt institutions from conducting voter 
registration drives in a partisan manner. Based on Falwell's own
remarks,  there can be little doubt that the "People of Faith 2000"
project is a scheme  to help elect presidential candidate George W.
Bush and other Republican  candidates, according to Americans United
for Separation of Church and State,  a watchdog group and longtime
critic of Falwell.

"Jerry Falwell is abusing tax-exempt religious ministries to push a
partisan  political agenda," said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, executive
director of  Americans United. "This project is not a noble campaign
designed to simply  register more Americans to vote. It is a highly
partisan drive that Falwell  admits is intended to help put Gov. Bush
in the White House."

Falwell admitted his partisan motivation for the project in an
interview with  USA Today published on March 23. "It is my experience
that most people of  faith in this country vote pro-family, pro-life,
and that will mean George W.  Bush," Falwell said in describing the
importance of his project. "If I'm right,  the Republicans are going to
feel a very positive result from this from the  top to the bottom of
the ticket."

Additionally, Falwell told, an online religion news
website,  that he introduced his election year project quickly because
"another four  years of Clinton-Gore would devastate this country."

In fact, Falwell has made no effort to hide his enthusiasm for Bush. On
March  3, Falwell told supporters, "[W]e must have unity if we hope to
win in  November. The goal, as we all know, is to ensure that Al Gore
does not sit in  the Oval Office come January." On March 16, he told a
national television  audience he supports Bush "all the way." While
giving his opinion of the Log  Cabin Republicans (a gay GOP group),
Falwell told CNN on March 5, "I think  that they're living an immoral
lifestyle, but I'd much rather they vote for  George Bush than Al

AU's Lynn said, "Falwell is free to support Republicans as an
individual, but  trying to use churches and tax-exempt ministries for
this purpose is deceitful  and probably illegal."

Despite the obviously partisan agenda of the project, Falwell has
acknowledged  that he has already raised $1 million for the effort from
business interests  that have been offered a tax deduction because the
money has been raised  through Falwell's tax-exempt organization.

"This stinks to high heaven," Lynn added. "As Falwell is well aware, 
tax-deductible donations to a religious ministry are not supposed to be 
diverted to partisan political projects. This warrants an immediate 

Lynn also noted that there is a precedent for the IRS severely
penalizing a  tax-exempt group that undertook a campaign similar to
Falwell's project.

In 1990 the IRS revoked the tax exemption of a non-profit group (whose
name is  kept confidential by the IRS) that sought to register
conservative voters in  advance of the 1984 election. The organization
had stated that its goal was to  register 1 million conservative voters
as part of an effort to re-elect Ronald  Reagan, and the IRS determined
this to be unlawful intervention in a political  campaign.

Falwell already has a history of sidestepping federal tax law
prohibitions  concerning churches and politics. The Internal Revenue
Service punished  Falwell's Old Time Gospel Hour in 1993 when it
discovered that funds were  illegally funneled from Falwell's group to
a political action committee.  Falwell was forced to pay $50,000 and
the Old Time Gospel Hour's tax-exempt  status 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 11 Apr 2000 -- 4:31 (#412)

2000-04-11 Thread Paul Kneisel

SPECIAL NOTE: We're in the course of stopping smoking. The next several
issues of the newsletter may be reduced in size.


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 11 April 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 31 (#412)

News On Hate-Based Publishing
   Steve Busfield (BBC), "Irving loses Holocaust libel case," 11 Apr 00
   Paul Goble (Radio Free Europe), "Hatred On The Web: [German Government
  Report on the Internet]," 5 Apr 00 
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



Irving loses Holocaust libel case 
Steve Busfield (BBC)
11 Apr 00

Historian David Irving has lost his emotive libel case against the American
academic who accused him of denying the scale of the Holocaust.  After
considering the case for almost four weeks, Judge Charles Gray ruled
against Irving, saying he failed to prove his reputation had been damaged. 

Mr Irving, who outraged survivors of Nazi death camps, was seeking damages
over Professor Deborah Lipstadt's 1994 book, Denying the Holocaust: The
Growing Assault on Truth and Memory, which he claimed had generated waves
of hatred against him. 

Professor Lipstadt and her publishers, Penguin Books, both denied libelling
Mr Irving by branding him "a Holocaust denier" in a book which attacked
revisionists alleged to have denied or downplayed the slaughter of 6m Jews
during the second world war. 

Under British law, Lipstadt and her co-defendant were not able to rely
solely on truth as a defence. Irving has said he would not appeal. 

In his closing speech, Mr Irving, 62, said the book was the culmination of
a 30-year campaign against him that had left him the most "vilified"
historian ever. 

Mr Irving said he had never claimed that the Holocaust did not occur, but
did question the number of Jewish dead and denied their systematic
extermination in concentration camp gas chambers. 

Arguing that the killing of millions was logistically impossible, he said
that a judgment in his favour would not mean that the Holocaust did not
happen, but that discussion was still permitted in England today. 

Eldred Tabachnik QC, president of the Board of Deputies of British Jews,
welcomed the judgment. 

He said: "The board is pleased that David Irving's action against Professor
Lipstadt and her publisher Penguin Books has been so clearly rejected by
the British courts. The decision proves that David Irving is a falsifier of
history. Irving follows the short line of Holocaust deniers who aim to
resurrect Nazism by denying the planned destruction of the European Jews. 

"Although the Holocaust itself was not an issue at the trial, we welcome
the fact that attempts to manipulate the truth about the tragic events of
that time have been shown to be baseless."

Both sides had been told the verdict yesterday, leaving the announcement of
the result in court today somewhat muted. Mr Irving is now likely to face
defence costs estimated at £2m. 

Mr Justice Gray said the charges he had found to be substantially true were
that "Irving had for his own ideological reasons persistently and
deliberately misrepresented and manipulated historical evidence". 

That "for the same reasons, he had portrayed Hitler in an unwarrantedly
favourable light, principally in relation to his attitude towards and
responsibility for the treatment of the Jews". 

The judge said he found that Irving was "an active Holocaust denier; that
he was anti-semitic and racist and that he associated with right-wing
extremists who promoted neo-Nazism". 

The judge said there were certain defamatory imputations which he had found
to be defamatory of Irving, but said that in his judgment the charges
against him which had been proved to be true were of "sufficient gravity"
for it to be clear that the failure to prove the truth of other matters did
not have any material effect on Irving's reputation. 

He said that "in the result therefore the defence of justification

- - - - -

Hatred On The Web: [German Government Report on the Internet]
Paul Goble (Radio Free Europe)
5 Apr 00

Washington, 5 April 2000 (RFE/RL) -- Neo-Nazis and other extremist groups
are increasingly turning to the Internet to spread their messages, a tactic
that limits the ability of national governments to restrict the speech of
those who seek to incite ethnic hatred in many countries. 

The German government on Tuesday released its annual report about extremist
threats in that country. The report said that the number of neo-Nazis there
had dropped over the past year and that the authorities had had some
success in limiting their recruitment efforts at skinhead concerts.

But the report noted that the neo-Nazis and other anti-foreigner groups are
increasingly turning to the Internet, a 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 7 Apr 2000 -- 4:30 (#411)

2000-04-09 Thread Paul Kneisel


  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 7 April 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 30 (#411)

Updates to Latest Readings
Web Sites of Interest:
   Disability Holocaust Project
Dispute Over "The Protocols of the Elders of Zion"
   Kristi Heim (San Jose Mercury News), "Online booksellers post disclaimer
 on disputed work," 30 Mar 00 
   Greg Butterfield, " Promotes Fascist Book," 3 Apr 00
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



The latest anti-fascist readings at have been
updated to include:

Antifa Info-Bulletin (#244) 2 Apr 00
   Tom Burghardt's publication from the U.S. west coast.
GLAAD Alert 30 Mar 00
   The regular online newsletter from the Gay  Lesbian Alliance Against   
Immigration News Briefs (#3:3) Mar 00
   A monthly supplement to Weekly News Update on the Americas
UNITED for Intercultural Action's E-News 28 Mar 00
   E-zine from the European network against nationalism, racism, fascism   
   and in support of migrants and refugees.



Disability Holocaust Project

"During the Holocaust, people with disabilities were the first to be taken
away. Yet the world has ignored the fact that Germany, before its terrible
campaign against the Jewish people, systematically tried to exterminate all
people with disabilities. This omission also has profound contemporary
significance. Throughout the world today, people with disabilities lead
lives of exclusion and poverty, pushed to the margins of society and
segregated by architectural and attitudinal barriers. Moreover, many
current and even fashionable notions concerning disability echo the mind
set which fueled the Nazi horrors.

"The Disability Holocaust Project has two main purposes. It will bring to
world attention the systematic, compulsory sterilization and mass
extermination of over three-quarters of a million people with disabilities
during the Holocaust. At the same time, it will raise the level of
international awareness about the current desperate plight of people with
disabilities, particularly in Central and Eastern Europe."

Online booksellers post disclaimer on disputed work
Kristi Heim (San Jose Mercury News)
30 Mar 00 and on Wednesday took the unprecedented step
of posting a disclaimer from the Anti-Defamation League that criticizes a
book they are selling as an anti-Semitic forgery and tool of hate groups.

The book, "The Protocol of the Elders of Zion," is believed by many
historians to be a document forged by Russia's secret police in the 19th
century to provoke anti-Semitic sentiment. It claims to reveal a Jewish
conspiracy to take over the world.

The book has been sold in online and offline bookstores for years, but a
favorable excerpt written by its publisher touched off an e-mail campaign
calling on the companies to remove the book or add a disclaimer in its

Although the companies stopped short of removing the book from their sites,
their actions are stirring a debate about how far commercial Web sites
should go to regulate the material they sell or post.

Deborah Pierce, staff attorney at the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an
online civil rights group, said the precedent could lead to any number of
groups seeking similar disclaimers on material they found offensive, such
as abortion.

"This is an easy case," she said. "Most people would find this book
distasteful. But what happens when you get to things that have a little
less consensus? Where do we draw that line?"

The Internet's other major bookseller,, insists it won't bow to
pressure to add such disclaimers to its titles.

"There are times when our customers disagree with our decision to carry a
certain book. That's to be expected in a world where there's so many points
of view and competing interests," said site editor Rich Fahle.

But the ADL argues that online retailers have a responsibility to offer
"guidance" to Internet users who may not know what they're buying.

"The Net is a very personal and individual thing," said national director
Abraham H. Foxman. "How do you alert the innocent that they're entering a
hate zone? People may think that it's a very legitimate book."

The ADL contacted the booksellers after receiving hundreds of complaints,
he said. The controversy started after posted an excerpt from
the book's publisher, Book Tree Press, that suggested the book's claims
might be valid.

"If `The Protocols' are genuine (which can never be proven 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 4 Apr 2000 -- 4:29 (#410)

2000-04-05 Thread Paul Kneisel


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 4 April 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 29 (#410)

Action Alerts
   AFAA #104: National Front In Kent
Additions To the Archives at
   Robert E. Miles, "To Parade Or Not To Parade," n.d. (d.l.. 15 Mar 00):
  stored under "fascism: tactics" 
   via "Terrible Tommy" distributed by "Doc Holiday", "Advice For Lone
  Wolves," distributed Mar 00: stored under "fascism: tactics" 
Book Reviews:
   Stephen Dorril, "The men from the ministry -- MI6: Fifty Years of
  Special Operations," Fourth Estate, £25, pp 907 
More News On the Murder of Two Antiracist Skinheads of ARA
   Las Vegas Sun, "Man faces death penalty in skinhead killing case," 29
  Mar 00 
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories


ANTI-FASCIST ACTION ALERT #104: National Front In Kent

April 8, 1 PM, Margate British Rail

Dear Friends,

Due to all the press hysteria recently whipped up against asylum seekers,
the National Front have decided to try to capitalise on the situation in
Kent. They have today (Friday) got police permission to march in Margate a
week on Saturday (8 April).

Therefore the Anti Nazi League is organising a counter protest to stop
these vermin from spreading their poisonous filth in Kent.

We are meeting at 1pm on Saturday 8 April at Margate British Rail

We hope you can make it.

Please forward this e-mail to as many people as you can

 --  Anti-Nazi League

- - - - -

"A National Front March in Margate will be held on Saturday 8th April 2000.
March off time is 15.00 hrs from Margate British Rail station. It is
extremely important that all NF members nationwide attend this event as we
must show our total opposition to the crimes that "asylum seekers" are
carrying out all over our country. If it hasn’t happened in your area yet
then it will. The situation is now at breaking point all along the south
coast, it is every NF activist's duty to make sure the British people are
given the physical support of our party in the area. British women and
children are being mugged, raped, murdered, etc. by these people and we
must now put every effort into getting all 'asylum seekers' removed from
the Margate area. The three local branches - Margate, Medway Towns and
Beckenham - will keep the pressure on after the march and also run a
leafleting campaign to make sure the people of Margate know exactly how to
contact the National Front, so please support this event."  --  White
Nationalist Report
 No. 16, 3 Mar 00
 National Front



We've added two new documents to the archives of fascist tactical documents

They are especially useful to anti-fascists given the number of arguments
made against the recent organizing against Yahoo for providing free
organizing services for fascist groups. Activists were berated by those
attacking the organizing. Critics claimed that attacks limiting the spread
of hate speech were useless or even counterproductive. We've heard that we
should not hold counter-demonstrations when the Klan marches because the
fascists are "only out to get attention" and our anti-fascist actions "give
them exactly what they want."

The two rightwing documents below show -- in the very words of pro-Klan
forces -- how wrong our critics are. We can read how successful
counterdemonstrations have been to demoralize the groups and sabotage their

To Parade Or Not To Parade
Robert E. Miles
n.d. (d.l.. 15 Mar 00)

"To begin with, the Ku Klux Klan hasn't been able to mount a sizable force
for any parade in the last twenty years. ... When we see the KKK of today
parade, we see two thousand armed police, national guards and federal
whatnots encompassing the fifty or so (if we are lucky enough to have that
many) klansmen marching down the street. Hordes of animal crackers come out
of their cages to spit, shake fists and signs and otherwise hoot at the KKK
marchers, Actually if I were an alien watching the event, I would assume
the KKK was being marched off to prison between ranks of soldiers to the
delight of the mobs watching. It is not a sign of strength to be able to
march while your foes delight in exposing your numbers and weakness. It is
a sign of contempt by them for you. ZOG loves to be able to take you out of
your dens and walk you like a dog so that the hooters and true haters can
have a field day seeing you in such light. ... Until we have the numbers,
parades are counter productive."

- - - - -

Advice For Lone Wolves
via "Terrible Tommy" distributed by "Doc Holiday"
distributed Mar 00

"Given the complete failure of the so-called 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 31 Mar 2000 -- 4:28 (#409)

2000-03-31 Thread Paul Kneisel


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 31 March 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 28 (#409)

More On the Psychodynamics of Rightwing Authoritarianism
   tallpaul, "The Unkindest Cut of All: More On What Really Motivates the
  Defender of 'White Culture'?"
Web Sites of Interest
   7 cites on Nazis and the Holocaust
More On Mattel and the Issue of Online Censorship
   Declan McCullagh (Wired News), "Mattel Suit Takes GNU Twist," 28 Mar 00
   Robert Lemos (ZDNet News), "ACLU slams Cyber Patrol tactics," 24 May 00
Rightwing Quote of the Week
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



The Unkindest Cut of All:
More On What Really Motivates the Defender of "White Culture?"

What can we make of Randal H. Mason's post to a white-power Usenet news
group containing a forged news article form the Houston Chronicle on Black
women castrating white men? Both Mason's original post and the Houston
Chronicle's response are included below.

The Mason forgery is an excellent example of how Usenet serves as a
repository of material similar to folklore and mythology and how, by
examining this material using classical psychoanalytic methods, we can gain
greater insight into the psychological dynamics behind different political

Earlier[1] I published hard data on the use of sexualized language found in
Usenet posts by rightwing authoritarians, with particular emphasis on
language reflecting phallic narcissism and aggression.

Intense phallic aggression should result from two fears, lead to two fears,
or both.

The first fear is that the aggressor will be aggressed upon by others in
the same aggressive manner. The normal unconscious manifestation of this
would be a strong fear of anal rape. The second fear is that the aggressor
will be aggressed on in a manner to prevent him from engaging in future
aggressions. In classical psychoanalytic theory this would be a fear of

The two develop as reaction formations against fears or as fears
manifesting guilt over aggression.

In the former case, the dynamic would be something like "I fear being
victimized so I will become the oppressor." The second fear is "I aggress
upon then so I fear they will aggress against me."

At a deeper level of interpretation, the dynamic would be "I fear
castration/rape therefore I will be the castrator/rapist" and "I try to
castrate and rape them so they try to castrate and rape me."

The homophobia associated with the rightwing authoritarian can also develop
in a two-fold manner.

The reversal of initial fears can lead to anxiety over aggressive but
unconscious homosexual wishes. This is obvious in the reactive desire "I
will rape them before they can rape me" immediately leading to "I am not
the homosexual; they are." One first has the fear of homosexual
victimization, then the defense against this fear, and then a defense
against the active homosexual ideation in the first defense.

This is similar to the threefold unconscious dynamic Freud described for
paranoia: I love him; I hate him; he hates me.

A similar dynamic develops on a psychological level closer to the fully
conscious mind, reflecting various cultural identities and fears.

The weak are targets so the person who fears aggression must not appear
weak. He must appear "the manly man," he must not be the "sissy" or the
"wimp." To appear so is to invite the very aggression feared. He must stave
off aggression by being visibly more aggressive than any possible
opponents. Equally, the "sissification" of his opponents serves to convince
himself that they are not dangerous. 

Yet the unconscious fears repeatedly slip out. In certain cases the
rightwing authoritarian is so obsessed that everyone around him is
homosexual or that every opponent he faces represents the homosexual
conspiracy. Or, as with the forged post below, the fantasies that break
forth into the real world are of people out to -- in the most literal
Freudian fashion -- castrate them.


[1] "What Really Motivates the Defender of 'White Culture'? An initial
exploration via a new net-based psychoanalytic methodology," TINAF Vol. 3,
Number 99 (#363), Friday, 3 December 1999 



"An Interim Report to Congress" Required By the Implementation of the Nazi
War Crimes Disclosure Act (P.L. 105-246)

Law and the Holocaust: Biddle Law Library

The Holocaust -- Lecture Notes and Study Guide: U. of Arizona

Literature On the Holocaust: 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 28 Mar 2000 -- 4:27 (#408)

2000-03-29 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Can't find your pictures? You should use FlipAlbum!
Simply select a folder and FlipAlbum will create a
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 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 28 March 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 27 (#408)

Book Reviews: 
   The Battle For God by Karen Armstrong
   The Book Of Jerry Falwell: Fundamentalist Language and Politics by Susan
Hammerskins In Increasingly Hot Water
   Michael Fisher (Riverside Press-Enterprise), "Black man sues alleged
  attackers: A Murrieta resident who was attacked claims an
  organization encourages hate crimes," 24 Mar 00 
   Brooke A. Masters (Washington Post), "Pentagon Suspect 'Is Not a Nut',"
  25 Mar 00 
Rightwing Quote of the Week: 



By Karen Armstrong.
442 pp. New York:
Alfred A. Knopf. $27.50

Holy Wars: A scholar finds the fundamentalist movements in the monotheistic
   religions disturbing 
Chris Hedges (New York Times)
26 Mar 00

Dr. James Luther Adams, my ethics professor in seminary, used to tell us
that we would end our careers fighting an ascendant fundamentalist
movement, or, as he liked to say, "the Christian fascists." He was not a
scholar to be disregarded, however implausible such a scenario seemed, and
still seems. But it is clear that as we enter the new millennium the
traditional versions of the three monotheistic religions have failed to
fill the huge spiritual void of modernity -- one Jean-Paul Sartre called "a
God-shaped hole." We lie on the cusp of a great religious experiment, one
similar to the upheaval that led to the decline of paganism and the rise of
reformers and prophets during the so-called Axial Age (800 B.C.-200 B.C.),
when the most important thoughts worth thinking were first thought.
Regretfully, for the moment, all innovation, passion and energy lie with
the adversaries of secular, democratic society. 

Whether or not you see fundamentalism as a threat, as Karen Armstrong does
in "The Battle for God," hers is one of the most penetrating, readable and
prescient accounts to date of the rise of the fundamentalist movements in
Judaism, Christianity and Islam. Rather than make sweeping pronouncements,
she wisely focuses on the fundamentalist strains in the United States,
Israel, Iran and Egypt. She displays, as she should, sympathy for the
plight of those who turned to fundamentalism after being shunted aside by
forces and states that have little patience with the quest by the poor and
the dispossessed to find meaning and purpose. 

But what has evolved as a response to modernity is also tainted, Armstrong
points out, with the doctrines and mores of the 20th century, including the
support for liberation movements, the requirement to fashion messages to
suit the confines of the electronic media and the disturbing belief that
the rational world can be applied to the mythos of religion as if it were a
science. Protestant fundamentalists read the Bible, she writes, "in a
literal, rational way that is quite different from the more mystical,
allegorical approach of premodern spirituality." Ayatollah Ruhollah
Khomeini was not, as she aptly reminds us, a throwback to the Middle Ages:
"in fact much of his message and developing ideology was modern. His
opposition to Western imperialism and his support of the Palestinians were
similar to other third world movements at this time; so was his direct
appeal to the people." Even the ultra-Orthodox Jews, who try to turn their
back on secular Israeli society, have founded yeshivas that are
recognizable, voluntarist institutions. "They adopted a novel stringency in
their observance of the Torah and learned to manipulate the political
system in a way that brought them more power than any religious Jew had
enjoyed for nearly two millenniums," Armstrong notes. 

These movements are struggling to define, often in disturbing ways, an
ethic in a world whose landscape has altered dramatically. They are a
product, although they do not recognize themselves as such, of the culture
they hope to vanquish, and all "have a symbiotic relationship with
modernity." Like other uncompromising movements -- fascism, communism and
nationalism -- fundamentalist sects fester. "The West has developed an
entirely unprecedented and wholly different type of civilization,"
Armstrong, the author of three previous books, including "A History of
God," writes, "so the religious response to it has been unique." She is
unsure how to vanquish or tame these movements, 

TINAF Special: Government Censorship of Union

2000-03-27 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Can't find your pictures? You should use FlipAlbum!
Simply select a folder and FlipAlbum will create a
page flipping album complete with thumbnails and index!
Try it out now! -



  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Sunday, 26 Mar 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 26 (#407)

The protest, included below, by the Engineers Local 17 is a breath of fresh
air for a labor movement that has too often refused to fight for its

Some readers write asking why this journal has its specific labor focus.
Their questions are understandable, given the relative silence of the
unions in this area. For labor organizations were among the first groups
targeted by the fascists.

Organized labor today is the most targeted of all groups originally
attacked by the Nazis, while simultaneously the group that least responds
in an organized manner.

Attacks on labor unions, if they were directed in identical form against
Black or Jewish leaders and organizations, would be clearly labeled
derogatory and produce an immediate public outcry.

They do not. Labor may not be responsible for the attacks but its past
inactions are directly linked to the absent protests. Traditionally
marginalized groups like the gay community have formed special civil rights
organizations, witnessed by the latest protests against "Dr. Laura's"
homophobic outbursts. Black people, women, and even Arab-Americans have
formed similar groups; labor has not.

The attacks on labor will continue to go unanswered in many politically-
meaningful ways until this lack is rectified.

This is especially important in this period when the court injunction is
again becoming a popular way to defeat labor organizing.

In this sense, the leaders and members of the Engineers are to be commended
for launching their net-wide protest, documented below.

- - - - -

Norm Maleng
District Attorney
King County, Washington

Dear District Attorney,

It has recently come to our attention that your office has filed for an
injunction to block members and supporters of International Federation of
Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 17, AFL-CIO from attending
public hearings on matters of public interest. Moreover, we have also been
informed that your office sought an additional order to prevent members of
the union from speaking and protesting certain pending public actions.

We believe that these are attempts to stifle free expression by citizens
and especially the rights of labor to organize.

Moreover, in the era of the internet, it reveals more than contempt for the
constitutional rights of citizens: it reveals the stupidity of people
seeking such injunctions.

Any attempt to stifle the voice of Local 17 will result in the union's
voice reaching even more people. Numerous pro-labor and civil liberties
groups on the net will immediately establish web sites in sympathy with the
union's message your office sought to eliminate. The union's message will
be broadcast through all manner of net-based newsletters and news groups.

Any local injunction by a Washington state judge will have no power over
the union's supporters anywhere else in the U.S. And any federal injunction
would have no power over forces outside the country. On the net, web sites
at the far ends of the earth are as close as the web site next door.

We hope that your office abandons all attempts to limit the number of
citizens who hear Local 17's message. For if it does not, the message will
go out further and wider than it did before you office sought to limit the
union's rights.

Tradition maintains that the violation of rights originates with the
citizens and is stopped by the Prosecutor, not the other way around.


Paul Kneisel
Editor: The Internet Anti-Fascist

- - - - -

Prosecutor Abuses Power to Silence Union
International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers, Local 17,
AFL-CIO (press release) 25 Mar 00

Washington State Labor Community Waits To See If Deputy County Prosecutor
Will Be Held Accountable For Abuse Of Power

Faced with global criticism of the union-busting tactics employed by the

King County Department of Development and Environmental Services (DDES),
King County recently filed two motions with the Washington State Public
Employment Relations Commission (PERC) seeking to bar the media and public
from an unfair labor practice hearing and also seeking a gag order to
prevent the union from publicizing the county's abuses.

The first motion was aimed at keeping members of the media and public from
attending the hearing. K

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 24 Mar 2000 -- 4:25 (#406)

2000-03-27 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Can't find your pictures? You should use FlipAlbum!
Simply select a folder and FlipAlbum will create a
page flipping album complete with thumbnails and index!
Try it out now! -


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 24 March 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 25 (#406)

Latest Readings of Interest
   anti-fascist zines
   computer/net zines
Protests Against Hate via Dr. Laura
   Steve Gorman (Reuters), "Hundreds rally against Paramount's 'Dr. Laura'
  show," 21 Mar 00 
   AP, "Schlessinger TV Show Draws Protest," 21 Mar 00
   E! Online, "Protesters Picket Paramount, Dr. Laura -- Gay-rights
  activists turned out en masse outside Paramount's Hollywood studios
  yesterday with a message about the studio's upcoming Dr. Laura TV
  show: Shame on you! ," 22 Mar 00 
   Planet Out, "'Dr. Laura' Protested at Paramount," 22 Mar 00
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



Remember that we carry a large number of other journals of interest to
anti-fascists via

under "anti-fascist zines" we have:

Antifa Info-Bulletin #242, 19 Mar 00
   Tom Burghardt's weekly zine from the W. Coast
Right Wing Watch Online 21 Mar 00
   published by People For the American Way 21 Mar 00
Skeptical Inquirer Electronic Digest 16 Mar 00
   published by the Committee For the Scientific Investigation of Claims of
   the Paranormal (CSICOP)

Jen Rosenberg's biweekly Holocaust Newsletter is no longer published.

under "computer/net zines" we have:

Computer underground Digest
   probably *the* hacker journal is now publishing again with 12:01, 12 Mar
CDT Policy Post 6:04, 16 Feb 00
   A Briefing On Public Policy Issues Affecting Civil Liberties Online from
   The Center For Democracy and Technology 
CyberWire Dispatch 5 Jan 00
EPIC Alert 7:02, 2 Mar 00
   Newsletter of the Electronic Privacy Information Center
Netaction Notes, #55, 21 Mar 00
Netfuture #104, 21 Mar 00
   [A Journal On] Technology and Human Responsibility



Hundreds rally against Paramount's "Dr. Laura" show 
Steve Gorman (Reuters)
21 Mar 00

HOLLYWOOD -- Hundreds of gay activists staged a boisterous rally outside
the Paramount Pictures lot Tuesday to protest the studio's plans for a TV
talk show hosted by controversial radio personality Dr. Laura Schlessinger,
whom they accuse of homophobia.

The demonstration was the latest in a growing uproar over Paramount's deal
with Schlessinger, who has denied being anti-gay or trying to foment
intolerance toward gays and lesbians despite her on-air references to
homosexuality as "deviant" and "a biological error."

Dozens of protesters carried signs saying, "I Am Not a Biological Error"
and "Hate is a Paramount Concern," and they chanted, "No Show, No Show," as
passing motorists honked their horns. Across the street, about two dozen
supporters of Schlessinger staged a counter-demonstration, accusing her
opponents of trying to stifle free speech.

Although the entertainment industry has increasingly come under fire for
content deemed offensive by various groups, the outcry over Schlessinger is
unique in pitting many of Paramount's own employees against the studio.

Organizers said many of the estimated 400 supporters who attended Tuesday's
rally work for Paramount, and one of the first to address the crowd was
David Lee, co-creator of the Emmy-winning NBC comedy "Frasier," a Paramount

"I'm here because something I've worked for during the past 15 years has
betrayed me," Lee said, adding that Paramount executives were "behaving ...
irresponsibly by giving a platform to a woman who is hurting the gay
community, literally."

Lee said he approached a number of Paramount executives privately, seeking
to "talk them out of" the Schlessinger show, but joined the protest when
his complaints fell on deaf ears. Many Paramount employees share his
sentiments but have kept their views quiet for fear of losing their jobs,
he said.

Schlessinger, famed for pontificating on moral and ethical issues on a
weekday call-in radio program heard by an estimated 18 million listeners,
has drawn the ire of gay activists for her rhetoric on homosexuality,
including her support for controversial therapies aimed at redirecting gays
and lesbians toward a straight lifestyle.

Last year, she signed a deal to host an hourlong syndicated daytime show
produced and distributed by the Paramount Television Group. The TV show,

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 21 Mar 2000 -- 4:24 (#405)

2000-03-22 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Learn more with SmartPlanet. It's a new way of learning 
online. SmartPlanet offers hundreds of courses for both 
your personal and professional life to take on your time, 
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  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 21 Mar 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 24 (#405)

Action Alerts
   AFAA #104: "Virtual Vigil" To Protest Paramount / Dr. Laura, 21 Mar
   AFAA #105: NY  Washington D.C.: U.S.  NATO Out of Kosovo, 24 Mar 00
   Sam Walters, Presente: Memorial Service
Defense Campaigns And Prisoner Support
   International Committee to Defend the Chattanooga 3, "Support the Appeal
  of the Chattanooga 3," 17 Mar 00 
   Declan McCullagh, "Mattel sends me a subpoena, wants politech reader
  list," 19 Mar 00 
   International Action Center, "Why you should become an organizer for
  Mumia's Madison Square Garden event on Sunday, May 7th" 14 Mar 00
FTP Supplement: Dr. Laura and Homophobic Propaganda: Part 2
What's Worth Checking: 15 stories


ANTI-FASCIST ACTION ALERT #104: "Virtual Vigil" To Protest Paramount  Dr. 
   Laura; Online Action Coincides With Real-World Protest on March 21 14
Mar 00

Washington, DC - A coalition of civil rights and educational organizations 
will hold a virtual vigil on Tuesday, March 21st to protest Paramount 
Television's intent to give anti-gay activist  and radio personality Dr. 
Laura Schlessinger a TV talk show this fall.  The online action will 
coincide with a "real world" protest at the gates of Paramount the same 
day, from 8:30 a.m. to 10:30 a.m. PST, in Hollywood, California.

The vigil and protest organizers -, the Horizons 
Foundation, and - are asking concerned netizens to send in 
photographs of themselves holding up signs of protest, that will then be 
displayed on the Web site beginning on March 21st.  The 
protests come in the wake of mounting criticism against Paramount and Ms. 
Schlessinger for refering to gays and lesbians as "biological errors," 
deviants, and pedophiles.

"We want to give the entire Internet community the chance to add their 
voices to the protest," said John Aravosis, an Internet expert in charge of's online strategy.  "With our virtual vigil, civil rights 
advocates worldwide can use the Web to tell Paramount that prejudice 
doesn't pay."

The organizers are asking those interested in adding their protest photo to 
the virtual vigil to email a photo to [EMAIL PROTECTED] by Monday March 
20.  A name (first and/or last), city and state of residence, should be 
included, if possible, in order to personalize the photos - though none of 
that information is required.  Ideas for photos include individuals or 
groups of friends wearing t-shirts, and/or holding up 
creative - yet respectful - signs protesting Paramount's intent to air the 


The top 5 entries - selected entirely at the whim of the vigil organizers -
will receive a free t-shirt (but to win, you must provide a 
name, address, and phone number, and t-shirt size).

Because of the high volume of online and offline interest in this effort, 
and the necessity of limiting the size of the Web site, event organizers 
can not guarantee that all photos will eventually be posted to the Web 
site.  In addition, no photos sent to will be returned.

While email is the preferred option, photos (along with names and 
city/state) may also be sent in by snail mail to:

S. Williams
1718 M Street, NW
Washington, DC 20036


- - - - -

International Action Center
14 Mar 00

Friday, March 24th @ 4pm
Gather for a "PICKET for TRUTH" 
at the National Press Club, 
14th and ‘F’ Streets NW

MARCH for JUSTICE at 5pm 
Past the Washington Post and on to the 
White House for a candle light vigil.

Friday, March 24 
Times Square--Armed Forces Recruiting Station
(43rd St. and Broadway)

Following the rally:
March for Truth to the New York Times and Ch. 7

The war is not over. On the 1st anniversary of the criminal US/NATO bombing
of Yugoslavia, demonstrate to demand:

* No New Bombing of Yugoslavia
* Stop fascist KLA terror against all peoples of Kosovo and Yugoslavia.

Tens of thousands of US and NATO 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 17 Mar 2000 -- 4:23 (#403)

2000-03-20 Thread Paul Kneisel

Public Service Announcement 
Do Good. Mentor a child.
Call 1-877-BE-A-MENTOR


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 17 March 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 23 (#403)

Defense Campaigns And Prisoner Support
   via Jamal Hannah (IWW), "Solidarity For Anarchists Arrested In Seattle"
  Conferences and Meetings
Conferences and Meetings
   Athens: "RIGMA" Social-Antiracist-Cultural Movement, 21 Mar 00
   Waltham, MA., "The Impact of the Holocaust on Contemporary Society: An
  International Conference," 26-29 Mar 00 
   Millersville U., "20th Annual Conference on the Holocaust," 2-3 Apr 00
News On Freedom Of Speech
   ACLU (press release), "NYC Artist Wins Federal Suit Against U.S. Gov’t,"
  15 Mar 00 
   "Little Sister's Book  Art Emporium Case Before Canadian Court," 15 Mar
   Drew Hasselback (The [Canadian] National Post), "Mattel sues Victoria
  man for cracking screening software," 17 Mar 00 Web Sites of Interest
Web Sites of Interest
   Karl Stas, "A Directory of Radical Right-wing Parties In Europe"
   Institute Of Race Relations, "The extreme-right in local and central
   Off Limits: "Arntirassistische Zeitschrift"
FTP Supplements
   Disputes Over Denial Of Service Attacks Against Internet Providers
Rihtwing Quote of the Week
   Church of the Creator No. 14, "Creativity Forums  Websites Shut Down"



Solidarity For Anarchists Arrested In Seattle
via Jamal Hannah (IWW)

We, as active participants involved with the Initiative for a Northeastern 
Federation of Anarchist Communists (NEFAC), are sending an urgent appeal to
donate funds in solidarity with those activists apprehended during the 
anti-WTO demonstrations in Seattle the week of November 30, 1999.

The Direct Action Network (DAN) Legal Defense, as well as the Mutual Aid 
Legal Fund, have been organizing on the west coast to secure funds to help
with the legal costs associated with defending large numbers of arrestees, 
and in preparation for the possibility of prolonged legal battles.

In addition to the hundreds of misdemeanor cases, a number of anarchists 
were arrested and subsequently charged with felonies. These charges, 
especially, will require a significant amount of financial support. As 
revolutionary anarchists, we are particularly concerned with supporting 
those anarchists facing the felony charges. Acts of solidarity with those
who dare, whether internationally or locally, are one of the most necessary
components in maintaining a strong revolutionary movement. Under no 
circumstances will we allow our active militants to be abandoned.

We believe that direct action against corporate property is one, often 
necessary, tactic in the fight against capitalism. We see an entity such as
the WTO as a figurehead of the capitalist system, whose role is to
strengthen the free trade agenda globally. That system is growing
exponentially and must be destroyed. Therefore we support all acts of 
resistance taken against bodies such as the WTO, corporations and their
property, and the oppressive institutions that are created as a by-product 
of capitalism. Likewise, we fully support any actions used in self defense 
against the direct physical threat of the police. Using every means at
one's disposal to enage in acts of physical resistance and self defense is
a desirable, and often necessary, response to the repressive violence of
the State.

The Seattle based, non-profit Mutual Aid Legal Fund has been organized in
part to make sure the felony anarchists receive the legal representation
and legal support money that they deserve. The money NEFAC organizers
collect will be earmarked by the Mutual Aid Legal Fund for those felony
cases. The Mutual Aid Legal Fund has established a bank account, accepts
Canadian  currency, and can be reached at: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In the Eastern U.S. please send funds to:

Seattle Legal Defense
c/o We Dare Be Free
P.O. Box 230685
Boston MA 02123

In Canada, please send funds to:
groupe anarchiste Émile-Henry
C.P. 55051
138 St-Vallier O.
Québec (QC) G1K 1J0

Checks can be made to "We Dare Be Free," and "Groupe Émile-Henry," 



Athens: "RIGMA" Social-Antiracist-Cultural Movement
21 Mar 00

"RIGMA" Social-Antiracist-Cultural Movement organize for 21 March,hour
20:30, at Theatre "IRIDA" (Akadimias 55 Street, Athens, Greece)the
following activities:

1) Theatrical Perfomance (the theme is about relations between 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 14 Mar 2000 -- 4:22 (#400)

2000-03-14 Thread Paul Kneisel

A complete run of the Antifa Info-Bulletin is available through Friday. It
is in a zip file at The file is
"" and is about 4.6 Mb in length.


 The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 14 March 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 22 (#400)

Action Alerts 
   AFAA #102: Los Angeles: Demo Against Police Brutality, 15 Mar
   AFAA #103: Nazi "annuity" contracts -- Heimeinkaufsvertrag
FBI Dossiers On Anti-Fascists, Anti-Militarists, etc. Released
More News On Austria
   Melissa Eddy (Associated Press), "Anti-Semitism Is Issue in Lawsuit," 6
  Mar 00 
   David Lewin (Search  Unite), "Blatant anti-Semitism in the Austrian
  Press," 8 Mar 00 
FTP Supplement #153: St. Louis Post-Dispatch on Christian Identity
FTP Supplement #154: News On the World Church of the Creator
What's Worth Checking: 15 stories


ANTI-FASCIST ACTION ALERT #102: Against Police Brutality  For Community
Control of Police Los Angeles: Wednesday, 15 Mar

GATHER 4:00 PM, DA Garcetti's Office,
Criminal Courts Bldg., Temple  Spring St.

MARCH to City Hall East City Council Offices.

PICKET 5:00 PM, Parker Center,
LAPD Headquarters, Los Angeles  Temple St.

The news of crimes by cops in LAPD's CRASH unit at the Rampart Division
didn't surprise people who've faced police brutality. Cops operate in a
racist manner under color of authority. Their 'us against them' mentality
is protected by a code of silence, and by authorities allowing a 'margin of
error' on police violence. The Dalton Street raids exposed the criminal
nature of CRASH years ago. The jailhouse informant scandal exposed the DA's
complicity with perjury.

The Rodney King beating exposed the culture of racism, sexism and violence
at the LAPD. What's different this time is that it's clear to everyone that
it's not just a few cops, it's not just Rampart, it's the system!

The courts, the DA, the police brass are all part of the problem. The
confessions of a cop caught stealing and selling cocaine have exposed so
many frame-ups, the shooting and killing of unarmed men, planting drugs and
guns to justify those crimes, perjury, 1000's of cases may be overturned.

How many of those were second or third strikes? Judges forced innocent men
to plead guilty to crimes they didn't commit with the threat of long
sentences. Chief Parks claims he didn't have enough resources to supervise
the cops, but there were enough for Operation Hammer and other kinds of
racial profiling to criminalize thousands of Black and Latino young people.
D.A. Garcetti says he doesn't have enough resources to investigate and
prosecute criminal cops, but he had enough to lock up more "third strikers"
than any other DA, and to secure gang injunctions on perjured police

Now they want to stick it to the taxpayers to clean up the mess they made!
Mayor Riordan wants to steal the money from the tobacco settlement, meant
for health and education projects, to pay damages.
We say, No Way! Make the cops pay!
Let the liability come out of their pockets and their department. Why throw
more money into police coffers, when their internal investigation can never
solve the problem?

Community Control of Police -- Now!

The cops can't be trusted to investigate themselves. Too much is enough!
We're tired of phony solutions that just make the problem worse. Only an
aroused community exerting its control over the police can put an end to
police brutality and racism!

We demand the DA indict the killer cops and sheriff's deputies who have
taken the lives of people like Margaret Mitchell, Tyisha Miller, Ken
Callis, Amadou Diallo, Julio Castillo, Juan Saldana, Ricardo Clos and
others. We need a permanent independent special prosecutor who will focus
on nothing but police corruption, brutality, racism and misconduct.

We need community assemblies that can watchdog the police in every
division, and put forward people's policies to control police practices,
pending the development of independent elected civilian review boardswith
subpoena power and the authority to discipline the cops. If not, cops will
follow their unwritten customs and protect and serve only the rich!

End the militarization of the police, and stop police spying on community
organizations and disruption of gang truce efforts. When Sen. Hayden took
testimony about police harassment from gang-truce advocates, the LAPD came
out to identify those trying to maintain a truce. They eventually arrested
and framed up a number of activists, one of whom they turned over to the
INS for deportation to try to quash his testimony exposing another Rampart
Division frame-up.

Dismantle the CRASH units city-wide, now!

We demand mental health intervention and training, so cops won't 

Re: Protest Yahoo Sponsorship of Racist/FascistGroups

2000-03-13 Thread Paul Kneisel

Earlier, people on the PEN-L list asked what the economic aspect of the
story was. In essence, more portal services equals more users equals
greater ad revenue.

The free-access movement has many wondering whether companies
will be able to effectively finance their free Internet services
without sacrificing consumer privacy.  Free online access
providers, including such big names as Lycos, NBCi, ExciteAtHome,
and NetZero typically rely on revenue from advertising and
e-commerce to balance the absence of paying subscribers.  Yet
some critics view this situation as damaging to user privacy,
since sites that offer free Internet service often require users
to reveal certain personal details and allow their Web activities
to be monitored.  Others claim free access is a testament to the
evolution of the Internet and is a logical step given the
existence of portals and free e-mail.  Executives at AOL and
Earthlink say they have little interest in offering free access
because doing so is not a viable, sustainable business model.
(New York Times, 6 March 2000)

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 10 Mar 2000 -- 4:21 (#397)

2000-03-10 Thread Paul Kneisel

--- Sponsor's Message --
Do Good. Mentor a child.
Call 1-877-BE-A-MENTOR


   The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 10 March 2000
 Vol. 4, Number 21 (#397)

Action Alert
   AFAA #101: NY Diallo Verdict Protest
TV Review: Discovery Channel Series -- Hate And Violence: No Simple
News On Hate Crimes Bills
   Ryan Keith (Chicago Tribune), "Lawmakers Targetting Hate Group Leaders: 
 Chiefs Could Be Charged With Conspiracy In Violent Acts," 6 Mar 00 
   AP, "Expanded hate-crimes bill finally gets panel's OK," 7 Mar 00
Financial Damages For Mass Murder
   Pauline Jelinek (Associated Press), "[Victims of] Nazi Groups Argue On
  Compensation," 7 Mar 00 
   Pauline Jelinek (Associated Press), "No [Korean] Gun Ri Compensation
  Talks Sought," 7 Mar 00 
FTP Supplement: Dr. Laura and Homophobic Propaganda


ANTI-FASCIST ACTION ALERT #101: NY Diallo Verdict Protest

New York City, Saturday, 11 Mar, 12 noon

Youth March for Life: A militant and peaceful protest of the Albany verdict
in memory of Amadou Diallo: March from Harlem to Gracie Mansion

Place: Harlem State Ofice Building, 125th Street and Adam Clayton Powell
Blvd. (7th Avenue).

Defeat Giuliani! Civilian control of the police! Education not
incarceration! Abolish street crimes unit! Fight racism!

Initiated by United New York Black Radical Congress, Councilman Bill
Perkins, People's Justice 2000 and Committee Against Anti-Asian Violence.

For more info: Juanita Webster 212-889-4468


TV REVIEWS: Public Awareness Initiative With Hate And Violence

Discovery Channel to Launch Programming and Public Awareness Initiative
With Hate And Violence: No Simple Answers: National Campaign Against
Youth Violence to Co-Sponsor National Town Hall Meeting; Forrest Sawyer
to Serve as the Anchor of Initiative 
Discovery Channel (press release)
1 Mar 00

BETHESDA, Md.,  -- Beginning in March, the Discovery Channel will launch
HATE AND VIOLENCE: No Simple Answers, a comprehensive year-long initiative
that will examine violence, its history and contemporary trends through a
series of quarterly documentary specials, a national Town Hall meeting and
a comprehensive website designed to help consumers, educators and students
understand the issues surrounding violence and hatred and empower them to
help make a difference. The multifaceted television components of the
initiative will be anchored by Discovery Channel contributor and NBC News
anchor Forrest Sawyer.

In addition to producing and airing the world premiere television
programming investigating the roots and causes of hate, Discovery Channel
will partner with the National Campaign Against Youth Violence to convene
and telecast a national Town Hall meeting to examine hate and violence in
America. This meeting will be telecast and webcast live from Memphis, TN,
on the Discovery Channel on Friday, April 14.

The National Campaign Against Youth Violence was formed last year by
President Clinton and other interested parties in the aftermath of the
Columbine school shootings. The organization will also advise the Discovery
Channel on issues related to youth violence and collaborate with, Discovery's web portal, on content for a special HATE AND
VIOLENCE: No Simple Answers website that will contain information for,
about and by youth that will address issues of youth violence prevention.

"Discovery Channel has the unique ability to look at this issue on many
levels," said Mike Quattrone, Discovery Channel executive vice president
and general manager. "Much of what has been reported on this disturbing
trend in our society has been a quick follow-up to the latest headlines. We
will take an in-depth look into the biology, history and psychology of
hatred and violence in an effort to engage people in a constructive
dialogue that will, hopefully, lead to a better understanding of the issue
and solutions for preventing hate crimes."

Jeff Bleich, the CEO of the National Campaign Against Youth Violence, said
that the organization chose to kick off its national town hall meeting with
Discovery Channel because of the network's commitment to take a serious and
comprehensive approach to addressing violence. "I am deeply impressed by
Discovery Channel's commitment to this issue. We are grateful to Discovery
for recognizing that the sources of violence in our nation run deep, and
that we all need to take stock of what we can do to reduce violence. By
helping us to understand how violence starts, the 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 7 Mar 2000 -- 4:20 (#395)

2000-03-07 Thread Paul Kneisel


  The Internet Anti-Fascist: Tuesday, 7 March 2000
  Vol. 4, Number 20 (#395)

TV Review: 20th Century with Mike Wallace: Hate Across America
Hate On the Net
   Geir Moulson (AP), "Internet Racism Spurs Concern at UN," 16 Feb 00
   AP, "Anti-Semitic e-mail arraignment," 1 Mar 00
   AP, "Judge: Threats violated Fair Housing Act," 2 Mar 00
   David Schepp (Gay Financial Network), "Boycott Sought Against AOL," 
  19 Oct 1999
Rightwing Quote of the Week: FBI Reports Aryan Nations Post
What's Worth Checking: 10 stories



The History Channel. All times Eastern Standard Time (GMT - 5:00)

Thursday, 9 Mar 7:00 PM - 8:00 PM

20th Century with Mike Wallace: Hate Across America.  A chronicle of hate
in America that includes not only the usual suspects like the Ku Klux Klan,
but a whole new breed of hate agents who are more vocal, more organized,
and potentially more deadly. [TV PG]

Friday, 10 Mar 9:00 PM - 11:00 PM
Saturday, 11 Mar 12:00 PM -2:00 PM

Ku Klux Klan: A Secret History.  Kneeling before a flaming cross, Klansmen
and women take part in their sacred bonding, showing how secrecy and ritual
aid the hooded order in a campaign for white supremacy. From its birth in
1866's Reconstruction South to a 1996 rally, this chronicle of hate talks
to Julian Bond, Morris Dees Jr., the Grand Dragon, and Imperial Wizard. [TV

Tuesday, 14 Mar 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM 

FBI - The Untold Stories.  I.R.S. Bomber. A series of bombings directed
toward the I.R.S. baffles the FBI and the Los Angeles Task Force, as the
timing devices detonate but not the crudely made bombs. Pernell Roberts
hosts this reality-based series, drawn from FBI files. [TV PG]

Wednesday, 15 Mar 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM

FBI - The Untold Stories.  Miami Firefight. In 1986, a spate of extremely
violent crimes plagued Miami, and an FBI surveillance team formed to
investigate and stop the brazen attacks. What the team didn't know was that
they were about to face one of the Agency's bloodiest shootouts. Pernell
Roberts hosts this reality-based series that dramatizes actual cases from
FBI archives. [TV PG]

Tuesday, 21 Mar 4:30 PM - 5:00 PM

History's Crimes and Trials: Ku Klux Klan.   The bloody history of the
murderous, white-hooded secret society that has terrorized innocent blacks,
Jews, and civil rights workers for over a century. [TV PG]

Thursday, 30 Mar 4:00 PM - 4:30 PM

FBI - The Untold Stories. Claude Dallas. When Idaho Fish  Game Wardens
confront a self-styled mountain man who has poached bobcats, an endangered
species, he kills both men, then vanishes into the wilderness. But locals
refuse to help the FBI. To them, Claude Dallas is a hero--the government is
the enemy. Pernell Roberts hosts this reality-based anthology. [TV PG]

- - - - -


Internet Racism Spurs Concern at UN
Geir Moulson (AP)
16 Feb 00

The United States could do more to curb the use of the Internet for racist
material while upholding freedom of speech, experts said at a U.N. meeting

"New forms of communications technology such as the Internet are being used
to support the dissemination of racial hatred," Mary Robinson, the U.N.
High Commissioner for Human Rights, told participants in a three-day
seminar on racism. 

Speakers noted the legal challenges of controlling Internet content in, and
originating from, the United States, where the First Amendment of the
constitution guarantees freedom of speech. 

There are an estimated 250 to 400 self-proclaimed hate groups in the United
States with their own Web sites. 

The Los Angeles-based Simon Wiesenthal Center, whose monitors follow links
from hate groups' Web sites, said last year about 2,000 sites had surfaced
as "problematic," for example, offering instructions for bomb-making or
extolling the Ku Klux Klan. 

"The United States has developed into a safe haven for racists spreading
their word worldwide by using the Internet," Swiss-based information
technology law expert David Rosenthal said in a paper submitted to the
conference, which started Wednesday. 

European countries, most of which outlaw racist speech, say most racist and
hate sites are made available in or through the United States, he said. 

Although the U.S. government cannot ban racist speech outright, it could
impose "reasonable restrictions," such as requiring a permit that would
force publishers to identify the content of their sites, Rosenthal argued. 

A possible strategy to deal with Internet hate sites could be based on
whether they amount to discrimination, an area where U.S. law is strict, he

- - - - -

Anti-Semitic e-mail arraignment 
1 Mar 00

NASHUA, N.H. -- Daniel Davidson, son of former mayor Donald Davidson, has
pleaded innocent to 

The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 3 Mar 2000 -- 4:19 (#394)

2000-03-03 Thread Paul Kneisel


The Internet Anti-Fascist: Friday, 3 March 2000
   Vol. 4, Number 19 (#394)

Defense Campaigns And Prisoner Support: SEIU Local 1877, "Yahoo! Censors
Workers' Voices, Abruptily Ends Virtual Leafletting Campaign, 22 Feb 00
Movie Review: Freedom Song
Real Political Correctness: Religious Liberty Protection Act of 2000, S. 
What's Worth Checking: 15 stories



Yahoo! Censors Workers' Voices, Abruptly Ends Virtual LA Airport Security 
   Workers Rally at Yahoo! Headquarters to Protest Cancellation of 
   Internet Ad Campaign Leafleting Campaign
SEIU Local 1877
22 Feb 00

SAN JOSE, Calif. -- Yahoo!, one of the leading Web portals, has cancelled
an advertising campaign which sought to bring a  message, via the Internet,
from passenger service workers attempting to  form a union at Los Angeles
International Airport (LAX). With the help of  the Respect at LAX campaign,
passenger service workers at the airport  employed by Argenbright Security,
an AHL Services, Inc. company, were using virtual leaflets (banner
advertisements) strategically placed on Yahoo! to publicize their labor
dispute and a  connecting Web site,

The Campaign began distribution of the virtual leaflets in mid-January, 
but by early February, they were informed that the advertisements were 
being dropped because they ran counter to Yahoo's policy in this area. 
However, Yahoo! reviewed the banner ad content prior to commencement of the 

The virtual leaflets were presented to Web users who sought information  on
AHL Services, or their e-commerce subsidiary, Gage Marketing, via the 
Yahoo! Web site. If users clicked through on the leaflets, they were then 
connected to the Web site.

The cancellation came just days after Administrative Law Judge James L. 
Rose ruled that Argenbright was guilty of committing dozens of violations 
of federal labor laws against these employees. The violations include 40 
suspensions and final warnings stemming from a legal, protected strike by 
the employees in April, 1999. They also include the disciplining of another 
union activist and threats, both written and verbal, against the 
Argenbright employees.

The Campaign decided to use this inventive approach since Argenbright 
Security had sufficiently silenced their employees, using both legal and 
non- legal measures to keep them from forming a union.

According to SEIU Local 1877 President, Mike Garcia, "AHL has used  illegal
threats and intimidation to silence these workers and Yahoo!'s  decision to
pull the ad is an attempt to silence them once again. AHL  customers who
use Yahoo! have the right to know that AHL is a law-breaker,"  he said.
"While Yahoo! claims to support Internet free-speech, their  decision to
cancel the ad demonstrates their willingness to use censorship  to prevent
the public from learning that AHL has been convicted of breaking  federal
labor laws."

Yahoo!'s decision to censor the ads runs contrary to positions that  Yahoo!
executives have taken in the past on free-speech issues. According  to
Chief Yahoo! Jerry Yang, "We (Yahoo!) try to be very inclusive of 
everybody's comments and everybody's opinions even if those opinions are 
not very favorable." (The Daily Yomiuri, March 12, 1996)

Moreover, the company's general counsel, John Place, recently said in  an
interview, "To me, the most exciting thing about the Internet is a 
democratization ... everyone has a voice. It's the ultimate function of a 
participatory democracy." (The National Law Journal, December 20, 1999) 
Unfortunately the company's actions speak louder than their words.

Mary Anne Hohenstein, organizing director of SEIU Local 1877 was quite 
disheartened by Yahoo's decision. "We believed this was an outlet where we 
could freely spread the worker's message," she said. "Argenbright has 
willfully violated the law in order to prevent its employees from 
exercising their rights to organize a union. The workers should have the 
right to share this message with the public and Argenbright's customers. 
Yahoo was wrong in unilaterally ending our contract to do so."

Respect at LAX is one of the largest joint organizing campaigns in 
country, bringing together two of the fastest growing unions, the Service 
Employees International Union and the Hotel Employees and Restaurant 
Employees International Union to organize low-wage workers at Los Angeles 
International Airport.

Contact: Robert Masciola, 202-898-3346; Eddie Iny, 310-330-8500, ext.  302,
or cell: 310-990-0305, both of Service Employees International Union



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