Rosenstrasse (Dir. Margarethe von Trotta)

2004-08-16 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Rosenstrasse" (Margarethe von Trotta's new film Rosenstrasse tells a
little known story of the 1943 protest of thousands of non-Jewish
German women who had resisted the Nazi pressures on them to divorce
their Jewish husbands, demonstrated when their husbands were finally
rounded up, and, most importantly, succeeded in securing their
release): .
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

¡Chávez No Se Va! ¡VOTA NO!

2004-08-14 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"¡Chávez No Se Va! ¡VOTA NO!":

* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

James E. McGreevey and the Political Closet of the Democratic Party

2004-08-13 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"James E. McGreevey and the Political Closet of the Democratic Party"
(Embodied within McGreevey's career are contradictions of the
Democratic Party):
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

"One Vote, One Party, NO Choice"

2004-08-13 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"One Vote, One Party, NO Choice":

* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Code Red: John Kerry's Neighborhood Terrorist Watch

2004-08-12 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Code Red: John Kerry's Neighborhood Terrorist Watch" (Copying Bush
and Ashcroft, Kerry calls on Americans to "do more to protect
themselves against terrorism by setting up neighborhood watch
groups."  Plus, my brand-new color-coded advisory system that allows
liberals and leftists to evaluate Threat Conditions and take
corresponding Protective Measures against the Democratic Party's
Republican copycat attacks):
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Iraq Veterans Against the War

2004-08-11 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
(A new group of veterans just got organized: Iraq Veterans Against
the War.  Great!  On the other hand, Marine Lance Cpl. Abdul
Henderson is in trouble because of his  appearance in "his service
dress Alpha uniform" in Fahrenheit 9/11.  Let's support him.):
Yoshie Furuhashi

Re: Economics and law

2004-08-11 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
At 9:32 PM -0700 8/10/04, David B. Shemano wrote:
Even taking your example into consideration, let's imagine a lack of
"economic coercion."  Actually, I can't imagine it.  In any event,
let's assume that the law requires every car have the safety of a
Lexus and everybody can afford a Lexus.  Fine.  But then a new car
comes on the market that is safer than a Lexus, but costs a lot
more.  Conceptually, you are right back where you are today, where
the poor can buy a used Pinto.
Right back where you are today, in terms of relative deprivation due
to the existence of classes (as more safety regulations do not
abolish classes as you note correctly), but in the hypothetical
scenario that you mention, at least the minimum standard of safety
for all have gone up, including for the rich who can now have
products of even higher safety standards than products of already
high standards that they had at their disposal before the advent of
stricter safety regulations.
That sounds like a virtuous spiral of progress of technology for all,
whether you take a capitalist or socialist point of view.
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: Greens For Nader Update: Rigged Convention Divides Green Party (Sign and Forward This)

2004-08-11 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
At 1:03 AM -0400 8/11/04, Michael Hoover wrote:
The best way to highlight unequal/unjust ballot access procedures is
to actually run a campaign that runs afoul of them -- then, there is
a practical struggle.  Who cares if ballot access procedures are
unequal and unjust if there is no candidate other than the
Democratic and Republican ones to begin with?
of course, my point was that nader people have not - and will not -
raise equal protection matter (although they'll - no doubt, and
rightly so - complain about being exluded from prez debates)...
Have you actually looked into all the lawsuits that the Nader
campaigns have filed?
Here are a couple of lawsuits (probably among many more) that the
Nader campaigns this year and in the part have filed, singly or
jointly with other parties:
V.T.C.A., Election Code §§192.032(a), 192.032(b)(3)(A),
192.032(c), and 192.032(d), as applied to the Plaintiffs herein for
the 2004 Texas General Election and all subsequent General Elections
in Texas, and the facts and circumstances relating thereto, are
illegal and unconstitutional, in that they are violative of the
rights of the Plaintiffs under the First and Fourteenth Amendments to
the United States Constitution, and Title 42, United States Code, §
1983, in that the aforesaid statutes are not framed in the least
restrictive manner necessary to achieve the legitimate State
interests in regulating ballot access for a Presidential election,
particularly as relating to the fact that the relatively earlier
filing deadline for the current election year (viz.: May 10, 2004),
shorter petitioning time, and higher number of required petition
signature of 64,077 for Independent presidential candidates as
opposed to the later petition signature deadline for the current
election year (viz.: May 24, 2004), longer petitioning time, and
lower petition signature requirement of 45,540 for recognition of new
political parties in Texas constitutes an invidious discrimination
against Independent presidential candidates in violation of their
rights and the rights of their potential supporters under the equal
protection clause to the United States Constitution, their right to
political association for the advancement of political beliefs, and
the right to cast their votes effectively; and, as applied to
Independent presidential candidates, Texas' relatively early
signature deadline, combined with the significantly higher signature
requirement for Independent candidates as opposed to new political
party candidates, and other particular circumstances herein,
establishes an unreasonable and undue burden on Independent
candidates for President of the United States seeking ballot access
in Texas.

1. This is a civil action for declaratory and injunctive
relief arising under the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth
Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and under 42 U.S.C. § 1983.
Plaintiffs challenge the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania's requirement
at 25 P.S. §§ 2873, 2911, 2913, and 2914 that all candidates for
elected office pay a filing fee in order to gain access to the
ballot, with no provision for a waiver of such fee or alternative
means of ballot qualification. This filing fee system violates
Plaintiffs' fundamental rights under the Equal Protection Clause of
the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution and under 42 U.S.C.
§ 1983.

Ohio had authority to list the name of presidential
candidate Ralph Nader on the November 2000 ballot without his Green
Party affiliation, a federal appeals court ruled yesterday.
Ohio officials said the 6th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals' ruling
upholds the state's position that it has authority to impose
reasonable requirements for ballot listings to ensure orderly, fair
The Green Party and Nader had argued that keeping the party's
designation off the ballot violated their constitutional rights of
free speech, free association and equal protection of law.

As a matter of fact, in his writing, Nader indicted violations of the
equal protection clause as early as in 1958 in the context of noting
the court's turning a blind eye to them:
For example, the Illinois statute states that a petition
to nominate candidates for a new political party must be signed by at
least 25,000 qualified voters, including at least 200 from each of
the 102 counties in the state.
The New York statute compels even greater omnipresence. It reads:"An
independent nominating petition for candidates to be voted for by all
the voters of the state must be signed by at least 12,000 signatures
of whom at least 50 shall reside in each county of the state"
The Illinois law was challenged by the Progressive Party just before
the 1948 elections. The case reached the U.S. Supreme Court where it
was argued that the statute's disproportionate favoring

Re: ABK Comrades!

2004-08-10 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
At 9:20 PM -0400 8/10/04, Michael Hoover wrote:
maybe post header should have read: anybody but kerry and cobb, in
any event, no need to limit oneself to left petit-bourgeois
deviationism of nader, choose between several real-live socialists
(commies even)
Only Nader/Camejo represented a potential to threaten the Democratic
Party's hegemony over the left side of the political spectrum by
taking 2-7% of the votes, according to the polls
hence the Democrats' well-organized attacks on Nader/Camejo.
Among the parties that you listed, only the Libertarian Party, whose
core supporters are well-to-do, will have its candidate on the
ballots in all 50 states:
Democratic strategists have long fretted that Ralph Nader
could draw votes from their presidential candidate. But a new survey
suggests that President Bush faces a potential threat of his own from
a more obscure spoiler: Michael Badnarik.
In the survey, conducted in three Midwest battleground states, some
voters who said they would choose Bush over Sen. John F. Kerry in a
two-candidate race also said they would pick Badnarik, the
Libertarian Party nominee for president, if he were added to the
The survey was conducted in Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin by the
University of Minnesota's Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public
Affairs. It will be made public today.
The numbers for Badnarik were small: He drew 1% to 1.5% of the vote
in a four-way race with Bush, Democratic candidate Kerry and Nader,
an independent. But analysts said the results suggested that the
small-government Libertarians could attract enough conservatives
disaffected with Bush's leadership to swing a tight race, just as
Nader attracted discontented liberals in 2000.
"This shows us that there is a small, but potentially very
significant, number of upper-Midwesterners who are interested in
voting for the Libertarian Party, and that they appear to be hailing
from the wings of the Republican Party," said Lawrence Jacobs, a
Humphrey Institute political scientist, who directed the poll.
The survey suggested that the Libertarian had potential to steal
support from Bush where it could hurt most: among much-coveted
In Wisconsin, the survey showed that 8% of independents would back
Badnarik. That cut Bush's performance among independent voters in the
state from about 50% to 43%.
"Those voters, without even knowing the candidate, are so upset with
Bush they are willing to say, 'I'm going to vote for a Libertarian,'"
Jacobs said.
The telephone survey, conducted June 21 to July 12, had a margin of
error of 4 percentage points. It included 589 registered voters in
Minnesota, 575 in Wisconsin and 614 in Iowa.
Of those states, Badnarik has secured a place on the ballot only in
Wisconsin. But ballot access is so easy in Minnesota and Iowa that
the Libertarians are all but certain of success there, Richard
Winger, editor of Ballot Access News, said. "Since there have been
Libertarians, there has never been a presidential election where the
Libertarians were not on the ballot in those two states," he said.
Nader has drawn far more attention than Badnarik, 49, a computer
programmer from Austin, Texas. In the Humphrey Institute poll, Nader
drew as much as 5% of the vote in a four-way race, and he appeared to
draw more support from Kerry than Badnarik took from Bush.
But it is unclear how many state ballots will include Nader. Badnarik
is already on the ballot in 30 states, Winger said, and the
Libertarian Party says its candidate has made the ballot in all 50
states for the last three elections.
The impact of third-party candidates has received renewed attention
since 2000, when Nader ran as the Green Party candidate and won
thousands of votes that many analysts thought would have gone to
Democrat Al Gore, likely putting Gore in the White House.
Republicans sought to discount a threat from Badnarik, noting that,
even in the Humphrey survey, Bush won support from 90% of Republicans.
Vin Weber, a former Republican congressman from Minnesota who is
advising the Bush campaign, said the impact of the Libertarians would
be so minimal that it fit more in the category of what the weather
was like on election day.
"I have not been involved in a single discussion yet where the impact
of the Libertarian Party has been raised as a significant risk
factor," Weber said.  (Peter Wallsten, "Libertarian Badnarik May Cost
Bush Support, Poll Finds," Los Angeles Times,,1,4355572.story?coll=la-news-politics-white_house";>July
21, 2004)
The Republicans don't appear to be too upset with Badnarik, leaving
him alone, unlike the Democrats who have used everything from
lawsuits to slanders to keep Nader off the ballots.  Probably the
Republicans are counting on Badnarik's obscurity, just as the
Democrats do not fear David Cobb on the Green Party ballots and
candidates of socia

The Libertarian Party

2004-08-10 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
[lbo-talk] Re: lbo-talk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 83
Tommy Kelly tkelly15450 at, Tue Aug 10 17:28:55 PDT 2004

What happens to the 2004 numbers if you add Libertarian Party's
candidate Michael Badnarik?
Democratic strategists have long fretted that Ralph Nader
could draw votes from their presidential candidate. But a new survey
suggests that President Bush faces a potential threat of his own from
a more obscure spoiler: Michael Badnarik.
In the survey, conducted in three Midwest battleground states, some
voters who said they would choose Bush over Sen. John F. Kerry in a
two-candidate race also said they would pick Badnarik, the
Libertarian Party nominee for president, if he were added to the
The survey was conducted in Minnesota, Iowa and Wisconsin by the
University of Minnesota's Hubert H. Humphrey Institute of Public
Affairs. It will be made public today.
The numbers for Badnarik were small: He drew 1% to 1.5% of the vote
in a four-way race with Bush, Democratic candidate Kerry and Nader,
an independent. But analysts said the results suggested that the
small-government Libertarians could attract enough conservatives
disaffected with Bush's leadership to swing a tight race, just as
Nader attracted discontented liberals in 2000.
"This shows us that there is a small, but potentially very
significant, number of upper-Midwesterners who are interested in
voting for the Libertarian Party, and that they appear to be hailing
from the wings of the Republican Party," said Lawrence Jacobs, a
Humphrey Institute political scientist, who directed the poll.
The survey suggested that the Libertarian had potential to steal
support from Bush where it could hurt most: among much-coveted
In Wisconsin, the survey showed that 8% of independents would back
Badnarik. That cut Bush's performance among independent voters in the
state from about 50% to 43%.
"Those voters, without even knowing the candidate, are so upset with
Bush they are willing to say, 'I'm going to vote for a Libertarian,'"
Jacobs said.
The telephone survey, conducted June 21 to July 12, had a margin of
error of 4 percentage points. It included 589 registered voters in
Minnesota, 575 in Wisconsin and 614 in Iowa.
Of those states, Badnarik has secured a place on the ballot only in
Wisconsin. But ballot access is so easy in Minnesota and Iowa that
the Libertarians are all but certain of success there, Richard
Winger, editor of Ballot Access News, said. "Since there have been
Libertarians, there has never been a presidential election where the
Libertarians were not on the ballot in those two states," he said.
Nader has drawn far more attention than Badnarik, 49, a computer
programmer from Austin, Texas. In the Humphrey Institute poll, Nader
drew as much as 5% of the vote in a four-way race, and he appeared to
draw more support from Kerry than Badnarik took from Bush.
But it is unclear how many state ballots will include Nader. Badnarik
is already on the ballot in 30 states, Winger said, and the
Libertarian Party says its candidate has made the ballot in all 50
states for the last three elections.
The impact of third-party candidates has received renewed attention
since 2000, when Nader ran as the Green Party candidate and won
thousands of votes that many analysts thought would have gone to
Democrat Al Gore, likely putting Gore in the White House.
Republicans sought to discount a threat from Badnarik, noting that,
even in the Humphrey survey, Bush won support from 90% of Republicans.
Vin Weber, a former Republican congressman from Minnesota who is
advising the Bush campaign, said the impact of the Libertarians would
be so minimal that it fit more in the category of what the weather
was like on election day.
"I have not been involved in a single discussion yet where the impact
of the Libertarian Party has been raised as a significant risk
factor," Weber said.  (Peter Wallsten, "Libertarian Badnarik May Cost
Bush Support, Poll Finds," Los Angeles Times,,1,4355572.story?coll=la-news-politics-white_house";>July
21, 2004)
The Republicans don't appear to be too upset with Badnarik, leaving
him alone, unlike the Democrats who have used everything from
lawsuits to slanders to keep Nader off the ballots.  Probably the
Republicans are counting on Badnarik's obscurity, just as the
Democrats do not fear David Cobb on the Green Party ballots and
candidates of socialist sects, both of whom are completely unknown to
nearly 100% of voters.
Voters who would consider voting for the Libertarian Party candidate
must be affluent white men who are socially liberal, fiscally
conservative, and very strongly opposed to the occupation of Iraq.
They can't be a large group, but they aren't non-existent.
Badnarik, as a matter of fact, sounds pretty eloquent and
clear-sighted on foreign policy, including on the matter of Israel
and Palestinians, and I'd think that what he says here compare

Re: Greens For Nader Update: Rigged Convention Divides Green Party (Sign and Forward This)

2004-08-10 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
At 1:07 PM -0400 8/9/04, Michael Hoover wrote:
nader people might be of greater help to polity in general (of
course, this is electoral campaign which, by definition, has narrow
focus) by highlighting unequal/unjust ballot access procedures,
state by state rules are clear violation of 14th admendment equal
The best way to highlight unequal/unjust ballot access procedures is
to actually run a campaign that runs afoul of them -- then, there is
a practical struggle.  Who cares if ballot access procedures are
unequal and unjust if there is no candidate other than the Democratic
and Republican ones to begin with?
At 1:07 PM -0400 8/9/04, Michael Hoover wrote:
carcasses of 'minor' parties across u.s. political landscape
Minor parties -- the Liberal Party, the Free Soil Party, etc. -- are
destined to die, but they are among the important political arenas
through which people network, gain experience, and accumulate
knowledge, and I'm interested in what individuals who are trained in
struggles that cannot immediately achieve their goals learn and what
they will do with what they have learned.  We need to keep learning
from major failures and minor successes until we encounter objective
conditions that may allow us to make use of our experience and
At 1:07 PM -0400 8/9/04, Michael Hoover wrote:
reform party line is absolutely irrevelevant in states where party
has ballot status save two - florida and michigan (drum roll please
- so-called 'battlegrounds')
It would be ironic if Cobb/LaMarche are on the Green Party ballots in
one-party states and Nader/Camejo are on the ballots in battleground
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: Whither the Fed?

2004-08-10 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Jim wrote:
I would guess that the Fed -- led by Dubya's close friend Alan, who
visits the White House more than weekly -- is going to surprise the
financial markets by standing pat on August 10th. (I'll be out of
the country, so I won't be able to stop them.)
The Fed raised the rate today.  How committed are they to this course
of action in the next 12-18 months?
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: Corporate Democrats

2004-08-10 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
At 12:52 PM -0400 8/10/04, Marvin Gandall wrote:
But to imagine you can create strikes, demonstrations, and other
forms of mass activity in the streets through the sheer power of
ideas, where the conditions for those ideas to take root are largely
absent, strikes me as -- well, idealism.
You are setting up a straw man.  No one has suggested here that we
can organize a mass action even when and where there is no desire for
such an action on the part of people.  My posting was in response to
the remark that militant demonstrations in the streets are "tactics
of another era" and that protests that are more theatrical than
militant are merely "marginal."
At 12:52 PM -0400 8/10/04, Marvin Gandall wrote:
I can't speak for others, but I've indicated previously that I think
the most meaningful mass political activity which is currently
taking place in the US is among rank-and-file Democrats and others
you (contemptuously?) refer to as "ABB'ers". The current election
has the character of a referendum on US economic and foreign policy,
which distinguishes it from the usual run-of-the-mill electoral
entertainment in liberal democracies, and the unusual intensity of
feeling between the Democratic and Republican ranks, and within the
left, testifies to the importance attached to it.
A minority of workers, intellectuals, and capitalists probably think
that "[t]he current election has the character of a referendum on US
economic and foreign policy," but that doesn't make it effectively so
in practice.
At 12:52 PM -0400 8/10/04, Marvin Gandall wrote:
But the objective conditions clearly don't exist for that, and your
efforts to build support for such a movement through tireless
propaganda do, alas, appear mostly frenetic and incomprehensible --
and antagonistic -- to the overwhelming majority of well-intentioned
intellectuals and workers who have consciously determined that a
repudiation of the economic and foreign policies of their government
requires throwing out the Bush administration. I don't think you'll
ever persuade them that goal can be realized by voting Green as
opposed to Democratic.
I don't believe that Nader/Camejo this year will be able to persuade
the "well-intentioned intellectuals and workers" who are committed to
voting for Kerry or Bush to do otherwise, nor do I think that
persuading them to change their mind in time for the November
election is the task of this year.
It will be politically significant, however, if all who have said
that they support Nader/Camejo -- to say nothing of all who have said
that they consider voting for Nader/Camejo -- will actually be able
to vote for them, and I intend my remarks for this sector of the
working-class population -- roughly 2-7% of the voting-age
population, even if we count only those who have actually expressed
support in the polls, which is to say, approximately 4.4 to 15.4
million people.
At 12:52 PM -0400 8/10/04, Marvin Gandall wrote:
Finally, I don't think participation in this process is in
contradiction to organizing parallel antiwar actions among antiwar
Democrats and ABB'ers, as you suggest. It would, in fact, complement
such efforts.
All indications are that those who want to elect Kerry at all costs
have made conscious efforts to silence voices against the
occupations, keeping Nader/Camejo off the ballots, toning down the
DNC protests, etc.
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: Corporate Democrats

2004-08-10 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
At 12:18 PM -0400 8/10/04, Doug Henwood wrote:
Why isn't it better to have a bourgeois politician in office who
owes a few favors to people like "us" rather than someone who hates
"us" with a passion?
Expecting the Democratic Party elite to think that they "owe"
working-class Democrats a few favors is like expecting fraudsters to
think that they "owe" a few favors to their marks.
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: Corporate Democrats

2004-08-10 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
 >The lesson here is to remain militant in the streets,
not to back a bourgeois politician.
Ironically, this is, itself, a flawed analogy. "Militant in the
streets" is lingo from an era of ascendant working class interests
-- in particular, radical lingo from the 60s-70s. (Militancy,
itself, is older than that, of course.)
By trying to mechanically employ tactics of another era, one can do
more damage than good. ("Militant in the streets," today, in North
America, usually reduces itself to theatre and marginalism.)
At any rate -- We are all grown ups and can ally with whatever we
wish at any strategic moment and not fear having to lose sight of
the reason we gave a shit in the first place.
I've seen folks here and elsewhere contemptuously dismiss an
independent electoral challenge to the Democratic Party from the left
(Nader/Camejo and Greens who support them), an attempt to make voices
for peace heard inside the Democratic Party (Kucinich and those who
supported him), and now even protests (militant or theatrical) in the
I've yet hear them present what they believe to be worth doing, let
alone see them actually doing it.
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

California, Take Back the Green Party!

2004-08-08 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
California, Take Back the Green Party!
"There's a little rebellion starting," [Peter] Camejo said this week.
Camejo said in California, the bastion of Green registration, "it's a
fact: The majority of the party wants to put Nader/Camejo on the
ballot." (Carla Marinucci, "Nader's Ballot Hopes Hinge on State's
Greens," San Francisco Chronicle, August 7, 2004). . . .
The full text is available at
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Greens For Nader Update: Rigged Convention Divides Green Party (Sign and Forward This)

2004-08-08 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Date: Sun, 08 Aug 2004 03:04:28 -0400
Subject: Greens For Nader Update: Rigged Convention Divides Green Party
 Greens For Nader Update: Rigged Convention Divides Green Party 
  2004.08.08 00:04:27
Please forward and act immediately:::
The nomination of David Cobb as the Green Party presidential
candidate in Milwaukee was due to a well organized campaign to turn a
minority view in the Green Party into what appeared as a "majority"
decision at the convention.  To correct this injustice, the
Coordinating Committee of the Green Party of California will vote on
Monday August 9 on whether to hold a Special General Assembly to let
California Greens decide if they want to put Nader/Camejo on the our
ballot line.
If you believe that the Green Party should continue to challenge the
two-party "duopoly" and should not compromise it principles, then
please sign the following proposal and email it to one (or all) of
the CC members listed below. Time is of the essence!
Sharon Peterson [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Michael Borenstein [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Jo Chamberlain [EMAIL PROTECTED]
1. A grossly undemocratic process was used at the national convention
of the US Green Party, as described in the article, "Rigged
Convention Divides Green Party," by Carol Miller and Forrest Hill
2 Each state Green Party should have the right to nominate candidates
supported by a majority of its members because the results of the
national Green Party Convention do not represent the views of a
majority of Greens in California, indeed, they represent the views of
a small minority;
3. An overwhelming majority of Greens in the United States and
California support the presidential ticket of Ralph Nader and Peter
Miguel Camejo;
4. The Democratic Party has devoted huge resources to harass
canvassers, to keep Nader/Camejo off the ballot in California
5. Ralph Nader would hold fundraisers to support local candidates if
nominated by the Green Party of California,.
6. Nader and Camejo are the only candidates supporting Green values
that have a chance of getting in the national televised debates.
7. The Green Party of California is a recognized Party in California
and has a ballot line;
Therefore be it resolved that:
We the undersign urge the Coordinating Committee of the Green Party
of California to show leadership and hold a Special General Assembly
too place Ralph Nader on the California state ballot for President of
the United States and Peter Miguel Camejo on the California state
ballot for Vice President of the United States.
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Art Spiegelman: In the Shadow of No Towers

2004-08-07 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Art Spiegelman: In the Shadow of No Towers":
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
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Re: in defence of Tariq Ali

2004-08-07 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
At 4:22 PM -0400 8/7/04, michael a. lebowitz wrote:
Simply the breathing space that comes when the rulers are disrupted a bit.
That makes sense, and I'm sure that in 2008 there will be another
disruption, as John Kerry will be a one-term president.
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Nader 2004 > Nader 2000

2004-08-07 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Nader 2004 > Nader 2000" (The best kept secret of this presidential
election year is that Ralph Nader has been polling better in 2004
than 2000, despite the relentless barrage of attacks by Anybody But
Nader intellectuals.  Compare the Gallop survey results in 2000 and
2004.  Intellectuals who aid and abet the Democratic Party's crime of
excluding Nader from the ballots and disenfranchising working-class
voters on the left are committing the same crime as those who aid and
abet the disenfranchisement of working-class voters -- especially
working-class Black voters -- through criminal disenfranchisement
laws. After all, voting rights mean nothing if voters are allowed to
vote for only the candidates pre-approved by the power elite.)
[Full Text with charts: "Nader 2004 > Nader 2000,"
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Re: Tariq Ali on the US election

2004-08-07 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
From: Yoshie Furuhashi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Before getting to the point of actually being able to split the
Democratic and Republican Parties, we need an intermediate goal: do
what we can to make the next POTUS a weak president, rather than a
strong one.  To do so, we need to decrease the shares of popular
votes that go to the Democratic and Republican presidential
Fewer votes mean a weaker president?  Dream on.  GWB lost the
popular vote, and that didn't stop him from being the
rootin'-tootin'-est, sure-as-shootin'-est hombre north, south, east,
and west of the Pecos once he got into office.  Mandates are for
girlie men, as the governor of CA might put it.
Actually, Bush was a weak president until 9/11/01: a big inauguration
protest, Enron, unimpressive ratings, etc.  According to Fox, for
instance, Bush's approval rating during 1/24-25/01 was a mere 46%!
FOX News/Opinion Dynamics Poll. Aug. 3-4, 2004. N=900 registered
voters nationwide. MoE ± 3.
"Do you approve or disapprove of the job George W. Bush is doing as president?"
  Approve   Disapprove   Don't Know
 %   %   %
9/19-20/01   81 12   7
8/22-23/01   55 32  13
7/25-26/01   59 25  16
7/11-12/01   56 30  14
6/6-7/01 59 28  13
5/9-10/0159 26  15
4/18-19/01   63 22  15
3/28-29/01   57 24  19
3/14-15/01   56 23  21
2/21-22/01   61 16  23
2/7-8/01 55 16  29
1/24-25/01   46 14  40
ABC News/Washington Post  Poll. July 30-Aug. 1, 2004. N=1,200 adults
nationwide. MoE ± 3. Fieldwork by TNS. Trend includes polls conducted
independently by ABC News and by the Washington Post.
"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling
his job as president?"
  Approve   Disapprove   Don't Know
 %   %   %
9/13/01  86 12   2
9/6-9/01 55 41   3
7/26-30/01   59 38   3
5/31-6/3/01  55 40   6
4/19-22/01   63 32   5
3/22-25/01   58 33   8
2/21-25/01   55 23  22
CBS News Poll. July 30-Aug. 1, 2004. N=1,052 adults nationwide. MoE ±
3 (total sample).
"Do you approve or disapprove of the way George W. Bush is handling
his job as president?"
  Approve   Disapprove   Don't Know
 %   %   %
9/11-12/01   72 15  13
8/28-31/01   50 38  12
6/14-18/01   53 34  13
5/10-12/01   57 30  13
4/23-25/01   56 29  15
4/4-5/01 53 35  12
3/8-12/0160 22  18
2/10-12/01   53 21  26
(";>President Bush:
Job Ratings)
I do think that Governor Terminator got it right, his sexist
expression notwithstanding: liberals and leftists in the USA are more
lily-livered than our counterparts in Spain.
Big foreign terrorist attacks happen in the United States, and too
many US liberals and leftists cancel planned protests, get all
defensive about our alleged deficiency in patriotism, wave flags,
call for war (under a UN mandate, naturally) on Afghanistan, inveigh
against other liberals and leftists whose convictions against
imperialism do not weaken after terrorism, etc.
Big foreign terrorist attacks happen in Spain, and almost all Spanish
liberals and leftists get galvanized, organize a gigantic
demonstration, vote out the party in power, and bring their troops
home from Iraq.
What US leftists need is a stronger backbone and a harder ass.
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Re: Whither the Fed?

2004-08-06 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
... and make the next POTUS John Kerry a weak president without a
big mandate at the same time.)
Is there a subtle flaw here?  If either Kerry or Bush is elected
they will have a big mandate. It just won't be from the people, but
the corporate purchasers. I fear the "people's mandate" can no
longer be given through the present electoral process.
Dan Scanlan
The larger the shares of popular votes for the Democratic and
Republican presidential candidates, the bigger the next POTUS's
mandate will be, though the mandate is more apparent than real, as
you say.
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Re: Tariq Ali on the US election

2004-08-06 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
TA: We're talking about the government which took the United States
to war. Had Gore been elected, he would have gone to war in
Afghanistan, but I doubt he would have gone to war in Iraq. This is
very much a neocon agenda, dominated by the need to get the oil and
appease the Israelis.
Washington went to war mainly because the sanction on Iraq was
unraveling, so I think that the Democratic White House would have
been as belligerent toward Iraq as the Republican one has been,
except a Democratic president would have given a bigger piece of
action to the European power elites than the Republican one has.
A Democratic president would have been more aggressive toward Russia
and North Korea than the Republican one has been.
DH: There are a lot of people who argue that personnel don't matter
- that the war emerged from the inner needs of American capitalism,
American imperialism. That it was the rate of profit, the oil price,
that forced the hand, and whoever is sitting in the Oval Office is
just a pawn of larger forces. Do you buy that?
TA: I don't buy that. If you believe that's all there is to it, then
you can give up politics. Just wait at home for the big catastrophe.
The question doesn't make political sense, so the answer doesn't either.
Before getting to the point of actually being able to split the
Democratic and Republican Parties, we need an intermediate goal: do
what we can to make the next POTUS a weak president, rather than a
strong one.  To do so, we need to decrease the shares of popular
votes that go to the Democratic and Republican presidential
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Remembering the Korean Atom Bomb Victims

2004-08-06 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Remembering the Korean Atom Bomb Victims" (Among the 350,000 to
400,000 who were attacked by the atom bomb and/or exposed to the
lethal post-explosion radiation, at least 50,000 were people from the
Korean peninsula who had been forcibly sent to Japan as mobilized
workers and soldiers, or who had left their villages following the
devastation of Japan's colonial takeover of Korea in 1910. . . . ):
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Re: Whither the Fed?

2004-08-06 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
I would guess that the Fed -- led by Dubya's close friend Alan, who
visits the White House more than weekly -- is going to surprise the
financial markets by standing pat on August 10th. (I'll be out of
the country, so I won't be able to stop them.)
The Fed holds its next interest rate policy meeting on
Tuesday, and many economists, though disappointed by the employment
report, said they still expect a quarter percentage point increase to
1.50 percent from 1.25 percent.
"The Fed still raises by 25 basis points on Tuesday; it's too soon to
change course," said Scott Brown, chief economist at Raymond James in
St. Petersburg, Florida, referring to the Fed's just-started
tightening cycle.
So far the Fed has raised rates only once, in June, and has pledged a
slow and steady series of rate hikes to return borrowing costs from
rock-bottom lows to more normal levels provided there is no spike in
inflation, which hurts growth.
Other analysts were less sure about Tuesday's outcome, saying the
payrolls report cast doubt on the Fed's mantra that the weakness in
the economy in June would prove short-lived.
"It certainly will give the Fed cause to think about whether they are
going to raise next week or not, and how they are going to approach
the course of tightening this year," said Rick Egelton, deputy chief
economist at the Bank of Montreal in Toronto.
Futures markets reacted swiftly to remove the chance of one rate hike
in either September, November or December, and economists said that
both employment and consumer spending numbers would have to bounce
back to justify the steady path of "measured" rate rises the Fed has
said it plans.
The implied fed funds rate for December was 1.87 percent, which
assumes two more quarter-point hikes and a 50-50 chance of a third.
Complicating the markets' reaction to Friday's unambiguously weak
data was a report in the Wall Street Journal by Fed-watcher Greg Ip
that said the Fed was unlikely to pull back from its tightening
campaign despite signs of a slowdown.
The timing of its publication just before the weak jobs report raised
suspicions among bond traders.
"It's hard to believe the Ip article was accidental; in which case
the Fed is telling us to ignore this data point. It's going to hike
next week and probably in September as well," said Drew Matus,
economist at Lehman Brothers in New York.  (Victoria Thieberger,
"Wall St. Less Sure of Fed Hikes After Weak Job Data,"";>August
6, 2004)
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Whither the Fed?

2004-08-06 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Whither the Fed?" (Doug Henwood comments on US economy: "just 32,000
new jobs, way way below both recent trend and expectations -- and
earlier months were revised down."  Is the Fed still committed to a
series of quarter-point hikes -- including one in September -- over
the next 18 months?  Then, Alan Greenspan may accomplish what the
anti-war movement and the Green Party failed to do: deliver the coup
de grace to George W. Bush and make the next POTUS John Kerry a weak
president without a big mandate at the same time.):
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Defrauding Women of Abortion

2004-08-05 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Defrauding Women of Abortion" (an anti-abortion fraudster preyed on
working-class women by promising them discount abortions and then
cancelling appointments repeatedly, until it became too late for them
to have abortions -- the fraud enabled by an anti-abortion myth that
women who want abortions need extensive counseling about abortion's
"emotional and physical side effects"):
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Imam in Virgin Mary Drag in the Green Zone

2004-08-04 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Imam in Virgin Mary Drag in the Green Zone":

The Manchurian Candidate: The Return of the Repressed

2004-08-04 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"The Manchurian Candidate: The Return of the Repressed" (If
Fahrenheit 9/11 is a perfect filmic expression of the Anybody But
Bush ideology of liberal intellectuals, The Manchurian Candidate
unexpectedly -- despite the intentions of its creators -- serves as a
cinematic vehicle for the return of the politically repressed: "The
chief danger to the republic . . . emanates not from the extremes --
a fanatical foreign enemy combined with a zealous administration --
but from the center, from the moderate wing of the opposition party
and its corporate sponsors" [A. O. Scott]):

Nuruddin Farah: "We No Longer Own Our Country"

2004-08-03 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Nuruddin Farah: 'We No Longer Own Our Country'" (Nuruddin Farah, a
Somali novelist, writes of what it means to lose one's own country --

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Re: No Bounce for Kerry

2004-08-03 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
If there's a great untapped reservoir of leftish populism in the
American masses, why did Kucinich do so badly in the primaries,
1.  Kucinich is nice, poor, and white.
2.  Kucinich is short: 5 feet 7 inches.
3.  93% of Americans are still unsure about how to pronounce his last name.
and why is Nader now down around 2%?
1.  According to Gallup, Nader appears to have peaked at 5% in the
June 3-6, 2004:";>, so
his inability to get on the Green Party ballots brought down his
2.  Nader is forced to waste money fighting off Democrats' demagogy
about Republican funding and legal challenges to his ballot accesses:
While Mr. Nader digs in his heels, the Democrats are
trying to sideline him. The party has enlisted Howard Dean, the
former Vermont governor, who has declared an "extraordinary
emergency" to stomp out Nader votes. And some former associates of
Mr. Nader are organizing an extensive, well-financed national
campaign against him. Organizers include Toby Moffett, a former
congressman from Connecticut and onetime "Nader Raider," who lost a
close race for the Senate in 1982 after his former boss endorsed his
Mr. Moffett, now a lobbyist in Washington, worked against Mr. Nader
in six states in 2000, an informal effort that he now calls
amateurish. With that experience under his belt, he said, "we're
vowing not to let it happen again."
Mr. Moffett and others from labor and feminist organizations spent
their time at the Democratic convention coordinating six or eight
anti-Nader groups. Calling themselves United Progressives for
Victory, they are raising money through an independent political
committee known as a 527, named for the section of the I.R.S. code
that governs it, and are working with other 527's that are already
identifying sympathetic voters. (By law, such committees can raise
unlimited amounts of money but cannot coordinate with the Kerry
The group is armed with a poll conducted by Stanley Greenberg, who
was President Bill Clinton's pollster. The group includes Roy Neel, a
former Gore associate who worked for Mr. Dean and is now preparing
the computer model for finding the 2.8 million people who voted for
Mr. Nader in 2000 and might vote for him again.
Mr. Moffett said there was no chance that Mr. Nader would drop out,
so the only way to stop him from throwing the election to Mr. Bush is
to discourage his supporters. . . .
. . . [For instance,] when Nader supporters learned that Mr. Nader
had accepted help and money from Republicans to get on the ballots in
various states, they dropped away. And one of the few public figures
who has credibility with Nader backers is former President Jimmy
Carter, who is perceived as not compromised by or profiting from the
political system. So some of the group's officials say they have
discussed redeploying Mr. Carter, who they say has indicated a
willingness to help.
The briefings in Boston drew dozens of donors, lawyers and activists,
including Arianna Huffington, the columnist. . . .
Mr. Moffett said that he and Elizabeth Holtzman, the former
congresswoman from New York, were coordinating with election lawyers
in several states to challenge Mr. Nader's ballot petitions. Their
strategy, he said, is to try to undercut Mr. Nader  not only
in swing states where he could make a difference but in safe states,
"to drain him of resources and force him to spend his time and
money." . . .
Mr. Nader has raised $1.5 million, tens of thousands of it from
Republicans, who also collected the signatures to get him on the
ballot in Michigan. But he shrugged off the significance of their
help, saying, "We had nothing to do with it." . . .
"I wish Republicans who support us would send us some donations," Mr.
Camejo said. "In polls, 25 percent of our vote is from Republicans
and only 5 percent of our money."  (emphasis added, Katharine Q.
Seelye, "Convictions Intact, Nader Soldiers On," New York
2, 2004)
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Changing Sex, Changing Islam

2004-08-03 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Changing Sex, Changing Islam" (In Iran, transsexuals, changing sex,
have been changing Islam as well, under its still theocratic
* Critical Montages: 
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No Bounce for Kerry

2004-08-02 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"No Bounce for Kerry":

Have You Forgotten?

2004-08-02 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Have You Forgotten?" (A Small Victory, a blog on the right, created
a visual "reminder" of the 9/11 terrorist attacks.  I doubt that such
a reminder will do the right any good at this point.  Anyhow, I've
photoshopped the image created by A Small Victory -- the slogan "Have
You Forgotten?" superimposed on photos of the burning World Trade
Center -- by adding George W. Bush's "My Pet Goat" moment to it):


Speaking Up about Our Abortions in Public

2004-08-02 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Speaking Up about Our Abortions in Public":

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"The Museum of Tolerance" in Jerusalem

2004-08-01 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"'The Museum of Tolerance' in Jerusalem" (The Simon Wiesenthal Center
is building a "Museum of Tolerance" in Jerusalem -- an ugly white
elephant designed by Frank Gehry -- on a spot that once was an
ancient Muslim cemetery, a museum which Palestinians in the occupied
territories, blocked by checkpoints and elusive permits, will have a
formidable time visiting):
* Critical Montages: 
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Guarding the Right to Leisure

2004-08-01 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Guarding the Right to Leisure" (workers in Western Europe, who enjoy
"the shortest workweeks and longest vacations in the world," confront
downward pressures on free time exercised by longer hours in the USA
and cheaper labor in former socialist nations):

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Re: A Question for the Moderator

2004-08-01 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Chris wrote:
Look at the post-Soviet situation in the early 90s. The Union falls
apart, and you immediately start having all these bloody ethnic
conflicts around its former borders: Armenians vs. Azerbaijanis,
Georgians vs. Abkhazians and Ossetians, Romanians vs. Russians,
Ossetians vs. Ingush... There are 34 distinct ethno-cultural groups
in Dagestan, which is about the size of Maryland. There are villages
of a few hundred people there that are the only representatives of
entire languages. The potential for conflict is immense.
Something similar happened earlier, when the Ottoman Empire was
defeated during WW1.  The Ottoman Empire could integrate an endless
variety of groups into its multicultural empire, but the nation-state
of Turkey with its centrality of Turkish culture could not do the
same thing -- hence wars on Armenians and Kurds.
The Soviet Union was defeated, as was the Ottoman Empire before it
and Yugoslavia after it -- first economically, later politically
(mainly from inside the the Soviet Union, its multinational elites
acting against its multinational masses) or with a combined
political, economic, and military warfare (Yugoslavia).  Russia and
Serbia today cannot be expected to play the same roles that the
Soviet Union and Yugoslavia used to be able to play.
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Re: A Question for the Moderator

2004-07-31 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
At 6:22 AM -0700 7/31/04, Chris Doss wrote:
--- Yoshie Furuhashi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
The question, I thought, was whether Kurds, Kashmiris, and Chechens
(as well as East Timorese, Albanians in Kosovo, etc. from recent
history) have the right to self-determination.
Yoshie, upon a little reflection, I think this is a pretty naive way
of considering the situation.
Who gets to determine Chechnya's status?
There is no a priori answer to the question.  For instance,
Palestinians are divided in several ways: those who live in Israel as
its second-class citizens, those who live in Israel illegally, those
who live in the occupied territories, those who live in refugee camps
outside historic Palestine, those who are citizens or permanent
residents of other nations.  The levels of Palestinians' own struggle
and international support for it will determine whether or not
Palestinian refugees can return to their homeland, to take just one
example.  The same goes for every other national question: after all,
what will be decisive is the levels of struggles on the ground and
international support for them.
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Re: "My Partner Had an Abortion"

2004-07-31 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Jim says:
I think "My wife had an abortion" or "My life partner had an
abortion" makes more sense, since so many men have _business_
partners, who are often male.
Only a tiny minority of men have "business partners."
In any case, that sort of ambiguity makes it even more interesting.
Jello Biafra goes around wearing a T-shirt that says "Nobody Knows
I'm a Lesbian":
(How about a T-shirt saying "I didn't treat every sperm as sacred"?)
With a picture of used kleenex below the slogan?
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"My Partner Had an Abortion"

2004-07-31 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"My Partner Had an Abortion" (What about men owning up to abortions?
How about "My Partner Had an Abortion" T-shirts for them?):

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Re: A Question for the Moderator

2004-07-30 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Michael Perelman,
Some posters on this list have expressed their support for the
breakup of Russia, India, Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey. I would like
know what is your personal opinion in this matter.
The question, I thought, was whether Kurds, Kashmiris, and Chechens
(as well as East Timorese, Albanians in Kosovo, etc. from recent
history) have the right to self-determination.
If Kurds, Kashmiris, Chechens, etc. exercised the right to
self-determination, would that necessarily result in the breakup of
Iran, Iraq, Syria, Turkey, India, and Russia?  Presumably, they could
very well choose to remain part of the countries in which they
currently reside -- especially if most of the armed militants in
Kashmir and Chechnya were indeed foreigners as you and Chris have
suggested (on this point I am myself agnostic).
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"I Had an Abortion"

2004-07-30 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"I Had an Abortion" (Barbara Ehrenreich argues that women should own
up to our abortions in her New York Times column.  Fortunately,
Planned Parenthood has made beautiful "I Had an Abortion" T-shirts
available, outraging anti-abortion right-wing groups.  The designer
of the T-shirt, Jennifer Baumgardner, is also "making a documentary
called I Had an Abortion that features women who don't regret having

* Critical Montages: 
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Leon Golub's Disasters of War

2004-07-30 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Leon Golub's Disasters of War":
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
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Re: Israel pushing for Kurdish state? -

2004-07-29 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
At 11:19 AM -0700 7/29/04, Chris Doss wrote:
If voting is merely an individual moral gesture, why not make a
better moral gesture than a worse one, such as refusing to vote for
a terrorist?
How do you know Nader wouldn't be a terrorist?
If he becomes one, we will fight against him also, but at this point,
the difference between Kerry/Edwards's plan for Iraq and
Nader/Camejo's plan for Iraq is night and day, and it is the latter
leftists ought to support.
At 5:28 PM +0100 7/29/04, Daniel Davies wrote:
I don't want to sound patronising, nor like a single-issue
obsessive, but all of these conversational gambits were tried on the
British left during the Troubles and it's not obvious that they did
a lot of good.
Since the 9/11 terrorist attacks, there has not been a similar
terrorist attack in the mainland United States.  If we let Washington
continue its occupation of Iraq, however, more terrorist attacks will
be definitely committed against Americans (and nationals of countries
whose governments foolishly have allied with Washington) overseas,
and perhaps even here.
Politics is indeed a matter of compromise, and in 2004, we ought to
compromise on card checks, stem cell research, and so forth, rather
than on the occupation of Iraq.
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Re: India Turned Kashmir into the Bitter Place It Is Now

2004-07-29 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Chris wrote:
--- Yoshie Furuhashi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
 India turned Kashmir into the bitter place it is now
Typical Guardian headline:
Big country (fill in name of big country here) turned small country
(fill in name of small country here) into the bitter place it is
now. Small countries are by definition victims of other countries
and share no responsibility whatsoever for the situation.
It doesn't matter if it is typical.  It matters if it is true.
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<>, & <>
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Re: Israel pushing for Kurdish state? -

2004-07-29 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
yoshie writes:
Only those who do not vote for Kerry or Bush have the moral standing
to criticize foreign terrorists.<
why so much emphasis on an essentially powerless and thus
meaningless act, an individual vote?
jim devine
Because, at bottom, it's a matter of avoiding a double standard of
condemning terrorism committed by un-Americans and supporting
American terrorists.
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Re: Israel pushing for Kurdish state? -

2004-07-29 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Devine, James wrote:
yoshie writes:
Only those who do not vote for Kerry or Bush have the moral
standing to criticize foreign terrorists.<
why so much emphasis on an essentially powerless and thus
meaningless act, an individual vote?
It's testimony to the powers of American assimiliation that several
years of living in Columbus, Ohio, turned a Japanese Marxist (i.e.,
one who sees politics in terms of institutions and structures) into
an American green (i.e., one who sees politics as a matter of
individual moral gestures).
If voting is merely an individual moral gesture, why not make a
better moral gesture than a worse one, such as refusing to vote for a
* Critical Montages: 
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A Stem Cell's Worth of Difference

2004-07-29 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"A Stem Cell's Worth of Difference" (the most eloquent speaker at the
Democratic Party convention turns out to be Ron Reagan, because he
alone didn't have to lie to distinguish Kerry from Bush):

* Critical Montages: 
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Celluloid Diplomacy

2004-07-29 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
'My film is part of the peace process'
After 40 years of hostility and embargoes, India's movie industry is
opening its doors to its Pakistani rivals. Is this the start of
celluloid diplomacy? Tania Branigan reports,2763,1146645,00.html
Friday February 13, 2004
The Guardian
It's a habit he shares with many film producers: he keeps less
important mortals waiting, and arrives an hour after our interview
was scheduled. Unlike most movie moguls, however, Afzal Khan turns up
with profuse apologies and a proper excuse: he has been dealing with
a break-in at one of his chemist shops.
The 40-year-old Huddersfield pharmacist diversified into film just
two years ago, yet his company, Paragon Pictures, is thriving. His
first movie, Ek Chhotisi Love Story, has so far turned a profit of
£1.25m. Any movie taking over £1m at the box office is, by the
standards of the subcontinental film industry, a hit. His second
effort, Larki Punjaban, proved equally successful, despite
controversy over the Sikh-Muslim love affair at its heart.
But his third, Jarga, is his biggest challenge to date. It not only
tackles a controversial subject - honour killings - but aims to help
end five decades of conflict between India and Pakistan, by uniting
workers from the countries' film industries.
Pakistan and India banned each others' movies from cinema screens in
the 1960s, and so this is no small task. Workers have crossed the
border since then, but have always operated under pseudonyms. And
Pakistanis have repeatedly complained about the host of
"Paki-bashing" action movies that emerged in the 1980s, painting them
as fanatics and terrorists.
But Khan is not alone. Just as the country's leaders have vowed to
restore normal relations, so Bollywood and its smaller Pakistani
counterpart - dubbed Lollywood after its base in Lahore - are seeking
détente. Indeed, argue film-makers, their cooperation will spur on
the wider rapprochement.
"Atal Bihari Vajpayee and Pervez Musharraf have started the peace
process and my film is going to extend it," pledged Mahesh Bhatt, an
eminent Indian director, when he premiered his latest movie in
Karachi last month. He also announced that his next film would be
shot in Pakistan. It would be easy to dismiss such grandiose
pronouncements as run-of-the-mill PR hype. But the Indian film
industry has real influence, exceeding even the cultural clout of
Hollywood in its 1930s heyday. Its geographical reach encompasses not
just the subcontinent but the Middle East, US and Europe.
"I see the subcontinent region as a family; you have brothers and
sisters and we bicker sometimes," says Rajinder Dudrah, lecturer in
screen studies at Manchester University and an expert on the
subcontinental film industry.
"It's a fractured family relationship, and Bollywood and Lollywood
are part of that. We see tensions and rivalries which can be
exacerbated by the films. But there are also artists and producers
trying to reach out and balance that with dialogue."
Curiously, much of the impetus for change is coming from the UK.
Mahesh Bhatt's producer is another Pakistan-born Brit - Sevy Ali -
whose Asian Pictures International hopes to beat Paragon to releasing
the first Indo-Pakistan co-production to be screened in both
countries. Bhatt and Ali have talked to the Pakistani minister of
information, and are to meet President Musharraf next month to
discuss overturning the ban. Bhatt was born to a Muslim mother and
Hindu father, and has long promoted moves towards integration.
Similarly, the director-producer PD Mehra launched the Pakistan India
Performing Arts Forum to encourage artistic collaborations 15 years
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One of the first attempts at celluloid diplomacy came last September
with a publicity stunt for a new film, Pinjar. The Mumbai-based stars
descended on the road crossing point between the two countries to
deliver flowers to disconcerted Pakistani border guards. Meanwhile,
the Indian actor Urmila Matondkar has filmed a documentary series in
Lahore, and when her Pakistani counterpart, Reema, visited Mumbai
last month, the Indian press dubbed her "the Aishwarya Rai of
Pakistan" - no mean compliment, since the latter is the undisputed
queen of Bollywood. Next month Mehra will lead a delegation of
Bollywood stars to meet Pakistan's prime minister, Zafarullah Jamali,
as well as leading figures from the Pakistani industry.
The reconciliation is not as surprising as it first appears. Despite
the deep-rooted tensions between the two nations, high-quality
production values of Indian movies have proved irresistible in
Pakistan and customers rush to v

Re: Israel pushing for Kurdish state? -

2004-07-29 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
At 11:05 AM -0400 7/29/04, Doug Henwood wrote:
Have you added up all the Iraqi civilians killed by various
factions of Iraqi and non-Iraqi terrorists and compared the number
to that of Iraqi civilians killed by US and other foreign troops
who invaded and have occupied Iraq and by economic sanctions before
the invasion and occupation?
Americans who vote for John Kerry who will be the next POTUS, aka
the biggest terrorist and war criminal, have no moral standing to
pretend to be appalled by un-American terrorists.
Only those who do not vote for Kerry or Bush have the moral
standing to criticize foreign terrorists.
What a load of crap. Elections are about contesting for power, and
often involve debased compromises; votes aren't symptoms of moral
And why is it impossible to hold two thoughts in mind at once? The
sanctions were murderous and the war a horrible crime. There's no
doubt that the U.S. and its very junior partners have killed far
more Iraqi civilians than the "resistance." But there are some
people on the western left - some of them members of PEN-L, even -
who can't acknowledge that a lot of the Iraqi "resistance" consists
of jihadists and unreconstructed Saddamites, i.e., absolutely awful
As Christian Parenti said when he returned from his first trip to
Iraq - there's no way anything good can come of this.
You have no moral right to be acting superior to terrorists, since
you intend to vote for one.
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India Turned Kashmir into the Bitter Place It Is Now

2004-07-29 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
India turned Kashmir into the bitter place it is now
BJP Hindu nationalism has made the conflict more dangerous
Martin Woollacott,3604,630975,00.html
Friday January 11, 2002
The Guardian
When sections of the Kashmiri crowd booed the Indian side and waved
flags similar to the Pakistani flag at a match between India and the
West Indies in Srinagar in 1983, the reaction in government circles
in Delhi was fury. The Kashmiris, or, rather, the Kashmiri
government, by not preventing the outrage, had failed the
sub-continental version of the cricket test. Not many months
afterwards, after underhand manoeuvres, the then Kashmiri chief
minister, Farooq Abdullah, was toppled.
Recounting the story in his book on Kashmir, the distinguished Indian
journalist MJ Akbar notes that there was at that time no serious
Pakistani-supported subversion in Kashmir. Instead, there was an
established pattern of Indian subversion of Kashmiri institutions and
leaders. From the beginning, the Indians could not bring themselves
to leave well enough alone in a state that had acceded to the Indian
union - even in the Indian version of events - on the basis of a
document which gave its government full powers except in foreign,
defence and fiscal policy.
The story of Indian-held Kashmir had, from 1948, been of efforts to
wear down and abolish the Kashmiri difference. There were periods
when saner policies prevailed. But usually New Delhi wanted a crude
mastery in Kashmir and it wanted Kashmiri leaders, notably Sheikh
Abdullah and his son Farooq, to be utterly compliant allies. In this,
it ignored the fact that any successful Kashmiri leader had to
reflect to some extent the ambivalent feelings of part of the Muslim
majority toward the Indian connection. It undermined and detained
leaders when they failed to be as loyal as expected, and replaced
them with worse men. Mrs Gandhi wanted Farooq out because he would
not go along with what amounted to a merger of Kashmir's main party
with Congress. The cricket incident was a useful tool in the campaign
to unseat him.
Rajiv Gandhi reinstated Farooq in 1987 but the rigged elections of
that year reduced belief in the political dispensation in Kashmir,
Islamic parties gained ground, the ranks of unemployed youth
increased, and significant armed actions happened. New Delhi's
reaction was to send in disastrously hard-line administrators. One of
them famously said: "The bullet is the only solution for Kashmir." In
the resulting campaign, with its reprisals, rapes, and killing of
innocents, the insurgents were damaged, but the population of the
Vale was comprehensively alienated.
The consequence was that, as Victoria Schofield writes: "No political
leader prepared to voice the demands of Kashmiri activists and
militants would be acceptable to Delhi; any leader of whom Delhi
approved would be rejected by the militants." In her careful and
even-handed account she shows how the first phase of this
deterioration preceded serious Pakistani intervention. Once it was
under way, Pakistan certainly seized on the opportunity it saw, in
both Afghanistan and Kashmir, to follow a forward strategy which
would supposedly enable it to counterbalance India's much greater
But it was New Delhi which bore most responsibility for the dismal
situation in Kashmir - first for the years in which normal politics
in the state slipped into decline, and then for a counter-insurgency
effort, which lacked the scrupulous care which alone brings a chance
of true success in such campaigns. Indian governments later tried to
repair the damage done in the early 1990s, even as
Pakistani-supported subversion of a more Islamist character
continued, with Afghan and foreign militants added to the mix. . . .
Kashmir: Behind the Vale by MJ Akbar, published by Viking Penguin
India. Kashmir in Conflict by Victoria Schofield, published by IB
Tauris. Lineages of the Present by Aijaz Ahmad, published by Verso.
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Heavenly Kashmir Is Still Mired in Hell as a Dirty War Gets Dirtier

2004-07-29 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Heavenly Kashmir is still mired in hell as a dirty war gets dirtier
Sandra Jordan in Srinagar,2763,1185386,00.html
Sunday April 4, 2004
The Observer
The following correction was printed in the Observer's For the record
column, Sunday April 11 2004
In the article below, we said Abdul Hamid Hafiz and his wife, Atiqa,
were detained and had now joined 'the ranks of Kashmir's 8,000
disappeared'. In fact, the couple's daughters have secured the
release of Atiqa. Her husband remains in detention.
In the Himalayan foothills, dotted with misty lakes and romantic
boathouse hotels, the Kashmir Valley looks heavenly. And as Indian
and Pakistani politicians embrace at cricket matches and congratulate
themselves on agreeing on talks about talks it would be tempting to
suppose the 15-year war in Indian-held Kashmir is over. But here,
where up to 10 people die each day, whether army, militants or
civilians, the only peace is in the grave.
The violence is sporadic and indiscriminate. On the shores of Dal
Lake, The Observer ran into a protest organised by village women and
children, led by four girls, aged five to 13, whose parents had been
dragged from their home the night before by a Special Operations
Abdul Hamid Hafiz, a postal administrator, and his wife Atiqa, were
detained, and their daughters locked in a room. The eldest, Rifat,
described how masked men burst into their house: 'They beat up my
father with a gun. They said they would kill him. My father said,
"What's my mistake, why would you kill me?" They said, "Shut up, shut
Any charges against the couple remain a mystery. They now join the
ranks of Kashmir's estimated 8,000 'disappeared'. The daughters
demonstrated in desperation but, as they blocked the road with
stones, armed police charged with sticks and tear gas. Girls and old
ladies were thrown to the ground and savagely kicked. This is what
happens to little girls in Kashmir.
Half a million Indian forces have been deployed to suppress the
separatist revolt of an estimated 5,000 militants, backed by
Pakistan, that exploded in 1989 after India was believed to have
rigged election results. Of the nine million people in the
Indian-controlled Kashmir Valley, 95 per cent are Muslim and most
want independence, although a few want to belong to Pakistan, which
controls a third of Kashmir. The people of Kashmir are caught in the
middle, often treated with brutality by both sides.
Movement is curtailed by checkpoints every few hundred metres. Those
who travel after dark risk being shot by drunken soldiers - empty rum
bottles dangling on razor wire outside their bunkers are testament to
the drinking culture of the Indian army. The troops are mainly
recruits from remote parts of India, and do not mix with Kashmiris.
As they are frequently attacked by militants indistinguishable from
ordinary Kashmiris, they treat everyone as the enemy.
More than 60,000 people have died in the conflict. According to the
army, two-thirds were militants killed in shoot-outs, but locals
claim many are ordinary people shot by security forces seeking
promotions and financial awards to kill 'insurgents'. According to
Human Rights Watch, thousands have been executed in extra-judicial
On the ground, it doesn't take long to discover this is a dirty war.
In Umar Amad, a suburb of Srinagar, a shoot-out had just ended and
the bodies of two militants were carried out of a bullet-scarred
house. The first was Ghulam Rasool Dar, operational chief of Hizbul
Mujahideen, the biggest militant group. His colleague was Fayaz Ahmad
Dar, financial controller of the pro-Pakistani group.
It was a coup for the Indian forces: two of Kashmir's most important
militants dead - and, crucially, 'no collateral damage', explained
Brigadier A K Choudhary of the Rashtriaya Rifles. He said the army
had received intelligence of the men's whereabouts and went to arrest
them. 'They fired at the first two of our boys who entered, then we
had no option but to fire back,' Choudhary said.
In the kitchen the floor was covered with pools of sticky blood, the
scene all the more horrible for its domestic backdrop. Outside,
neighbours gathered. 'This was a staged encounter,' said one man,
making sure no soldiers were listening. The crowd murmured assent.
'There's no way both of the militants would have been in one room.
One would have taken a position upstairs,' said another man.
A few days later, Mrs Kanni, the woman of the house, cried outside
her desecrated kitchen. 'Our honour is lost,' said her son Arif, 24.
The Kannis emphatically denied giving militants shelter and said they
had never seen the men before. They said the army had come to their
home on the morning of the shoot-out, searched it, then herded the
family into their business premises, a hostel at the front of the
house. Later, peering through the curtains, they saw the army carry
two unconscious men into the house.
The army stands by its version, but the K

Re: Israel pushing for Kurdish state? -

2004-07-29 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Ulhas Joglekar wrote:
Chris Doss wrote:
 Reactionary is an understatement.
This is equally true of terrorists in Kashmir. About 70% of
terrorists killed in Kashmir in the recent years have been
Lately the "resistance" in Iraq has mainly been killing people at
open-air markets. The anti-imperialist content of this strategy is
hard to discern.
Have you added up all the Iraqi civilians killed by various factions
of Iraqi and non-Iraqi terrorists and compared the number to that of
Iraqi civilians killed by US and other foreign troops who invaded and
have occupied Iraq and by economic sanctions before the invasion and
Americans who vote for John Kerry who will be the next POTUS, aka the
biggest terrorist and war criminal, have no moral standing to pretend
to be appalled by un-American terrorists.
Only those who do not vote for Kerry or Bush have the moral standing
to criticize foreign terrorists.
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Kashmir's Forgotten Plebiscite

2004-07-29 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Thursday, 17 January, 2002, 18:16 GMT
Kashmir's forgotten plebiscite
By Victoria Schofield
Author of Kashmir in Conflict
When the Maharaja of Jammu and Kashmir acceded to India in 1947, the
then Governor-General Lord Mountbatten suggested that in view of
India and Pakistan's competing claims for the state, the accession
should be confirmed by a "referendum, plebiscite, election".
But determining the wishes of the people has been far harder to
achieve than was ever expected.
Fighting between Pakistani and Indian forces in 1949 left two-thirds
of the state under the control of India, comprising Ladakh, Jammu and
the Valley of Kashmir.
One-third remained under the control of Pakistan, comprising "Azad"
(free) Kashmir and the Northern Areas.
In three resolutions, the UN Security Council and the United Nations
Commission in India and Pakistan recommended that as already agreed
by Indian and Pakistani leaders, a plebiscite should be held to
determine the future allegiance of the entire state.
As a prerequisite they required Pakistani nationals and tribesmen,
who had come to fight in Kashmir, be withdrawn.
Plebiscite abandoned
But in the 1950s, the Indian Government distanced itself from its
commitment to hold a plebiscite.
This was firstly because Pakistani forces had not been withdrawn and
secondly because elections affirming the state's status as part of
India had been held.
After the outbreak of insurgency in the Valley of Kashmir in the late
1980s, militants and political activists claimed that they had never
been able to exercise their right of self-determination and the issue
of the plebiscite was again raised.
Independence option
But there was a split between those demanding a plebiscite in order
to determine allegiance to either India or Pakistan and those who
stated that a third option should be added: Independence.
Pakistan has consistently called for the issue to be resolved by
means of a plebiscite and has blamed India for reneging on its pledge.
But although it supports the Kashmiris "right of self-determination,"
Pakistan has never accepted the third option as a possible outcome.
It is also now evident that holding a plebiscite that assumes Kashmir
becomes a united state might not produce an equitable result, given
its cultural, ethnic and linguistic diversity.
Diverse views
The Muslim majority of the inhabitants of the state of Jammu and
Kashmir live in the valley, but their demands are not universally
shared by the minorities living in different areas of the state.
The Buddhist population of Ladakh has never supported the movement
either for independence or accession to Pakistan, nor has the
majority Hindu population of the Jammu region.
The inhabitants of the Northern Areas would, however, be most likely
to support officially becoming part of Pakistan, as would "Azad"
The contentious issue remains the status of the Kashmir Valley, whose
inhabitants are divided between demanding independence or allegiance
to Pakistan, with a proportion opting to remain within India.
Because of the lack of unanimity among the inhabitants, it has been
suggested that if ever the issue were to be resolved by a plebiscite
or referendum, a fairer solution might be to hold the plebiscite on a
regional basis.
Those supporting the independence of the entire state reject this
suggestion because it would inevitably formalise the division of the
state which they want to see re-united as one independent political
To date, the Government of India has refused to reconsider the
possibility of holding a plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir.
Without, however, holding a plebiscite or referendum it is impossible
to determine exactly what proportion of the people support which
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Adnan Abbas's "Call to Humanity"

2004-07-28 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Adnan Abbas's 'Call to Humanity'" (about a young Iraqi artist):

* Critical Montages: 
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2004-07-28 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Outfoxed?" (If conservatives exaggerate liberalism of the corporate
media beyond recognition, liberals, too, are hyping the power of the
Fox News Channel far more than its actual total viewership warrants):

"Security Fences": Palestine and Kashmir

2004-07-28 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"'Security Fences': Palestine and Kashmir":

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-27 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
At 9:19 PM -0400 7/27/04, Michael Hoover wrote:
i've not suggested working through local dem branches as such nor
working only on local issues...   michael hoover
What you originally suggested is the following:
At 3:27 PM -0400 7/19/04, Michael Hoover wrote:
maybe the three million or so people who voted for nader in 2000
should take control of local democratic executive committees, use
structure in place to recruit candidates, slag off on dems who suck,
use available funds to issue policy statements and press releases
one after another, show up at public and government meetings,
control of county dem mechanisms might lead to control of state dem
Presumably, leftists who follow your suggestion will be working on
local issues first of all till they succeed in wresting the control
of the Democratic Party at the state level.
At 9:10 PM -0400 7/27/04, Michael Hoover wrote:
greens electing green mayors in all u.s. cities is itself maximalist
That's more of a figure of speech than anything else, but
conversations here indicate that we sure do live in the age of
diminishing expectations, which in itself gives people fewer reasons
to spend time on political activism.
* Critical Montages: 
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* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
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"It's a Hollow Party"

2004-07-27 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"It's a Hollow Party" (SEIU President Andy Stern calls the Democratic
Party "a party of stale ideas," expressing discontent that the
activist base of the party will be in a weak bargaining position
vis-a-vis the party elite after the election -- what if SEIU spent
$65 million it's wasting on the John Kerry campaign on an initiative
that would build up working-class bases of power independent of the
Democratic Party?):

* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
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, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
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Presbyterians Divest from the Israeli Occupation

2004-07-27 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Presbyterians Divest from the Israeli Occupation" (the first US
church -- and so far the largest membership organization -- to embark
upon divestment from the Israeli occupation):

* Critical Montages: 
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Re: A critical look at Michael Moore

2004-07-26 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
At 7:48 PM -0400 7/26/04, Louis Proyect wrote:
Devine, James wrote:
Mother Jones magazine, a magazine
catering to Birkenstock-wearing, Sierra Club-donating, brie-eating
hey, Louis, have you been channeling Dick Cheney? It sure sounds
like him or someone in the neo-con crowd. Are the MJ folks
cheese-eating surrender monkeys, too?
Actually, I wear Birkenstocks myself.
I think brie and Birkenstocks are cool.  Sierra Club, however, is
beyond redemption.
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In Venezuela, Failure Is Not an Option

2004-07-26 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"In Venezuela, Failure Is Not an Option" (Roland Denis on the August
15 referendum);


Cyber One Korea

2004-07-26 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Cyber One Korea" (more on North Korean online gambling and South
Koreans' yearning to communicate with North Koreans):

North Korea Goes Commercial Online

2004-07-26 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"North Korea Goes Commercial Online" (North Korea's net venture is
merely one aspect of its slow but certain transformation into a
capitalist economy):
* Critical Montages: 
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Re: HDI, GNP and the PPP factor

2004-07-24 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Indeed, it has been a little noticed trend that today most of the
World Bank's 'public relations' type documents, most human
development related documents, and most documents arguing for the
success of the neo-liberal project use PPP *and only* PPP.  Even
where there findings would be utterly reversed by the once standard
method.  Even the introductory chapter to the World Bank's flagship
statistical publication (cited above) uses ONLY the more favorable
(and yet artificially constructed) version.  Even the Human
Development Index we have been discussing presents ONLY one version
- and this radically changes many stated conclusions.  It is not, as
if the "actual" National Income Accounts are not used in other
environments where that method would be more favorable to the Bank
or the IMF's policy objectives.  Indeed in some cases - such as
those involving debt negotiations, foreign investment, or sectoral
policies promoting the private sector, it appears (by purely casual
observation) that *only* the non-PPP version appears.
Paul, why don't you put together your notes on the PPP factor that
you've posted here and publish it as an article for the general
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Re: United Nations Human Indicators Index 2004

2004-07-24 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Lou wrote:
Is now available at:
It is *highly* interesting that for the first time ever Cuba has
made it into the High human development grouping that includes the
G-8 nations, etc.
Does that mean that Cuba's economy is more marketized and monetized
than before -- hence a higher GDP per capita and a higher position in
the UN Human Development Report?
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-24 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Carrol wrote:
I think Yoshie has gotten a bit too wrapped up in the Greens (in the
2004 election). We cannot know the form that socialist activity will
take in the future, but we can be fairly certain that it will not be
electoral and will involve mass resistance to imperialist policies.
Arguments against the Greens are equally arguments against paying
any attention at all to elections at any level.
The future of mass resistance to imperialist policies that you speak
of, for all I know, may come, say, four years from now; it may not
come in our lifetime, however.  Whichever is the case, we have to do
what we can in the meantime, and among the things to do in the United
States is to challenge the Democratic Party, because it, unlike the
Republican Party, commands the allegiance of a politically active
layer (10-20%) of the American working class and thus is a more
effective instrument of capitalist hegemony at home and US hegemony
in the world than the Republican Party.
The reason why Democratic Party operatives are *hopping mad* at Ralph
Nader is that his campaign actually challenged the Democratic Party,
becoming a factor in its electoral defeat in the election for the
highest political office in the USA in 2000, it may do so again in
2004, and its supporters and sympathizers (choosing a more potent
standard-bearer in the future) may do even better in the near future,
eventually eroding the confidence of the aforementioned politically
active layer (10-20%) of the American working class in the Democratic
The Democratic Party operatives, in contrast, are not mad at
anarchists, Marxist-Leninist sects, the Socialist Party, independent
socialists, etc. at all, even though they, in theory, espouse more
radical transformations of American society as their respective goals
than Nader does.  Why?  Because they pose no practical threat
whatsoever to the Democratic Party's absorption of organizers,
activists, and voters on the left side of the political spectrum.
There is another factor in all the discussions of the elections --
the failure of so many to see that social democracy is as dead as
stalinism. Both were equally discredited by the events of the
twentieth century.
Both old-style socialism and social democracy are objectively things
of the past, in that "reforms" that parties of either type propose
today are, on the whole, "reforms" that bring down the living
standards of the working class (whereas they could and did implement
reforms that actually improved the living standards of the working
class before the mid-1970s), but they are still subjectively alive,
in that masses of people *consent* to live with the shadows of the
old selves of such socialist and social democratic political parties.
The subjective is as important as the objective, and as far as mass
political actions are concerned, it is probably more important than
the objective.
At 11:05 PM -0400 7/23/04, Marvin Gandall wrote:
Don't you think it will be necessary for the Greens to win a number
of congressional seats before they can be seen as a potential
alternative to the Democrats by the unions and social movements, and
a durable third party in the country as a whole?
For many people, that will be the case, but somebody has to be the
first person to get things started, for otherwise nothing will ever
get done.  Unions as organized entities (as opposed to factions of
activists in them) will be *the last* to join any third-party
movement on the left that has an actual potential to grow powerful
(that is, if they will ever join any such thing en masse at all --
very improbable), for most union leaders have so many things to lose
and a precious few things to gain from such a movement's challenge to
the Democratic Party.
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-23 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Carrol wrote:
even through contesting for power in local DP organizations.
At the local level, what a Green politician does and what a really
good left-wing Democratic politician does may not be so different
anyway.  (Real irreconcilable political differences make their
appearance at the level above state representatives and senators, I
think.)  The reason I don't push for working through local Democratic
parties is that the Green Party has already shown that it can elect
its own candidates for local offices, so why bother trying the second
best now?
 >  Even if the Green Party were to succeed in
 electing Green mayors in all cities in the United States, for
 instance, an impact of such a dramatic change in local politics on US
 foreign policy won't be even minimalist -- it will be practically
Not necessarily. One can't judge that _If_  as though in a
laboratory where one element changes while all other elements remain
constant. The conditions under which the GP could elect mayors in
several hundred substantial (150k+ population) cities around the
u.s. would be conditions which could not occur without profound
reverberations elsewhere from the activities which brought about the
electoral victories. You and I have both complained about those
comments on revolution which presuppose that revolutionary action
would occur with all other conditions (as now experienced) remaining
constant. (E.g. someone once asked the silly question of how we
could ask the working class to risk everything for overthrow of
capitalism, when of course "we" would never ask that but conditions,
now unpredictable and undescribable -- perhaps of rising
expectations,  perhaps of utter chaos, perhaps of something we
cannot describe now--would do the "asking.")
I tend to agree that the local politics route to national power is
illusional, but in considering it we can't consider it in a vacuum.
That's a good point.
But, all the arguments in favor of concentrating on local politics
that are advanced now here and elsewhere, I think, come with a
subtext: you, leftists, had better work on only local issues like
zoning -- leave big national and international issues like war and
peace to the Democratic Party, because you can't win presidency
immediately anyway.
To the contrary, war years are especially important years when
leftists need to make interventions in national politics, including
mounting electoral challenges through presidential elections.  The
question is how exactly to do that effectively, knowing that our
candidate won't become the next POTUS.

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-23 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Michael Hoover wrote:
responses to my initial post conveyed, by and large, varying degrees
of maximalism, making quantitative leap from my modest suggestion
all the way to presidential electoral politics (by such measures
*all" attempts will fail), pervasive problem imo...
The questions of what we can do to improve local governance and what
we can do to change national politics shouldn't be put in terms of
minimalist vs. maximalist programs, I believe, because it is not the
case that you can make even minimal changes in foreign policy by
taking the city halls.  Even if the Green Party were to succeed in
electing Green mayors in all cities in the United States, for
instance, an impact of such a dramatic change in local politics on US
foreign policy won't be even minimalist -- it will be practically
The thing is that it is possible for us to make a lot more changes
for better at the local level either by building the Green Party, or
taking over local Democratic parties, or pursuing some other measures
(we have viable tactics and successful models of various sorts here,
lacking only in enough activists willing to put in time and energy),
and we should be doing what we can, but taking on national politics
is qualitatively (rather than quantitatively) different from working
on local politics, and here we can use some innovative ideas.

Suicides, Military and Economic

2004-07-23 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Suicides, Military and Economic" (rising suicide rates of Israeli
soldiers, Japanese workers, and Indian farmers):
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-23 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
At 4:31 PM -0400 7/21/04, Michael Pollak wrote:
self-selected candidates often don't care whether they get local
party support or not (and sometimes prefer not), surely
progressive/left folks can do better than this with whatever shell
of an organization exists...
I think there is now a much more effective model available for
affecting the nomination than taking over the party: the MoveOn
model. MoveOn almost nominated Dean.
I don't think that it was worth leftists' time to fight to have
Howard Dean nominated, as Dean's agenda in some crucial respects
(especially on Iraq) went against leftists', but, supposing that
there were left-of-center liberal folks who really, really, wanted to
nominate him as the Democratic presidential candidate, it's now clear
that it takes much more than internet communication to win in the
caucuses and primaries.
Besides, the MoveOn model is strictly one-way communication from the
center to the margins (unlike the Dean model), far more centralized
and undemocratic than any other organization on the left side of the
political spectrum.
At 4:10 PM -0400 7/22/04, Michael Hoover wrote:
partial example of what i've been trying to get at: harold
washington's brief time as chicago mayor in the mid-1980s remains
important because what emerged was a potentially powerful
dialectical relationship between politicians and movement, politicos
in downtown 'suites' were emboldened by activsts in neighorhood
'streets', political mobilization and organization operated 'outside
of government' yet were linked 'organically'' to it worked to
embolden policymakers. Results were, admittedly, limited (but
achieved in face of white-dominated city council and under scrutiny
of white local media), but included some shifting power and
resources to neighborhoods (including creating neighborhood coops),
fostering further mobilization of previously inactive folks
(neighborhood orgs could review all city economic development
programs and submit economic assistance proposals), and attempting
some redistribution towards lower-income individuals/groups
(considere no-no for municipal gov't because spending on the poor
requires higher local taxes that are unattractive to potential
investors), things imploded in aftermath of washington's (not
necessarily my idea of appealing politician but that's not point)
untimely death...
And there is a reason why reforms and mobilizations did not last
beyond Washington's death.
At 4:10 PM -0400 7/22/04, Michael Hoover wrote:
was underwhelmed by list of elected green party members, most had no
links to them, number of links to some who did were apparently
broken, and most sites i was able to access made no mention that
folks were green party members, most offices held are probably
nonpartisan with respect to ballot but i'd have thought these people
would want to highlight/promote green party and their membership in
it at their websites, no indication of concerted party efforts but
rather individual candidates running conventional campaigns that
have little real connection to one another (nothing wrong with this
but not indication of party growth/strength)...
The US-style electoral system strongly acts against party-building,
but it's better to have a political party like the Green Party than a
Washington-style campaign, which is doomed to remain in one location
and destined to die with the person with whom mobilization is
inseparably associated.
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Be All You Can Be

2004-07-22 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Be All You Can Be" (the US military offers its personnel free
cosmetic surgery -- including breast augmentations):

* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-22 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Michael Hoover wrote:
A person who puts forward a proposal should be prepared to act on it.
Otherwise, others will simply conclude that, if the idea is not even
worth the proposer's time, then, it's not worth their time either.

people do different things, as for doug, he's a reporter (he may
think of himself in other terms), i've indicated number of times in
past impact that i think this has on his perspective re. certain
things, but above conclusion is not necessarily one of them, in any
event, i made suggestion (hesitate to call it proposal) not him...
michael hoover (who has actually attended local dem ex com meetings)
I'm asking if anyone will be doing it, because it's not a new idea,
and a lot of people -- from famous guys like Michael Moore to local
activists -- have proposed exactly the same thing, but they never do
it themselves, much less try to make it a nationwide effort (to do
the latter, you need a solid nationwide organization that exists
outside electoral politics -- otherwise, no coordination among local
At 3:18 PM -0400 7/21/04, Doug Henwood wrote:
I don't have a lot of time to spare anyway
Most Americans -- 99.99% of Americans? -- feel exactly the same way as you do.
In any event, the Green Party has proven that it is possible to elect
a lot of third-party city council persons, aldermen, and even a
number of mayors:
.  It can continue
to elect more of them, and it will probably be able to make inroads
into statehouses by doing more of the same.  The GP organizing has
worked at local levels.  The idea that we need is how to make the GP
a political party that can elect its candidates to the highest levels
of national political offices: representatives, senators, governors,
and president.
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Wages of Election-Year Rituals

2004-07-21 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Wages of Election-Year Rituals":

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-21 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
An argument against it?  You would actually try it yourself if it
were really a good idea.
nah, doug's a journalist, he'd write about it...  michael hoover
A person who puts forward a proposal should be prepared to act on it.
Otherwise, others will simply conclude that, if the idea is not even
worth the proposer's time, then, it's not worth their time either.
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-20 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
sorry. you are correct. but I would be happy to remove the troops from the US.
Or bring all the troops home here and re-train them into an army of
fitness instructors -- sorely needed in the fattest nation in the
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Peter Camejo Speaks (Audio File)

2004-07-20 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Peter Camejo Speaks" (San Francisco, July 16, 2004):

* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Killing the Future of Iraq

2004-07-20 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Killing the Future of Iraq":

Democrats Put Bush on the Ballot While Fighting to Keep Nader off It

2004-07-19 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Democrats Put Bush on the Ballot While Fighting to Keep Nader off

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-19 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Michael Hoover wrote:
maybe the three million or so people who voted for nader in 2000 should
take control of local democratic executive committees, use structure in
place to recruit candidates, slag off on dems who suck, use available
funds to issue policy statements and press releases one after another,
show up at public and government meetings, control of county dem
mechanisms might lead to control of state dem parties...
This sounds like a very good idea, or at least one worth trying.
What's the argument against it?
An argument against it?  You would actually try it yourself if it
were really a good idea.

The Ruling Class Dumps Bush

2004-07-19 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"The Ruling Class Dumps Bush":


2004-07-19 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"FUD" (a perfect term to refer to the tactic that the Democratic
Party uses against third parties on the left):

A Postmortem: The Anti-War Movement, September 2001-March 2004

2004-07-19 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"A Postmortem: The Anti-War Movement, September 2001-March 2004":

* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-18 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
At 8:05 PM -0700 7/18/04, sartesian wrote:
Dumped George Bush?  Not hardly.   Put 200 million into his campaign and he
hasn't, and they haven't, started yet.  Kerry?  That's call hedging the
position.  You don't dump somebody by place a 200 million dollar bet.
Dump Bush  Oh no, they love this love-child of Ronald Reagan, and I do mean
THEY, collective, plural, class.  He embodies everything they hold to be
self-evident, those natural virtues -- venality, vindictiveness,
There will be a rump faction that continues to support Bush, but the
rest have probably already made the decision that Bush does more harm
than good for them.  I think that $200 million is not a particularly
large sum for the ruling class.
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-18 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
At 9:57 AM -0400 7/18/04, Michael Hoover wrote:
will plead ignorance re. lopov, saw name on poster, chuckled,
thought to myself kinda funny, even thought 'group' might be joke,
thought up by someone/small group with no serious intention of
having legs for mass outreach, so my initial comments about
'rightous name' and 'growing group' were supposed to be irony (which
often travels poorly in cyberspace)...
I don't think that the League of Pissed Off Voters, aka the League of
Independent Voters, goes anywhere by itself, but seen as a part of a
larger phenomenon, it's interesting.
On one hand, it's an indication of how embarrassing it has become to
make a straightforward argument for John Kerry or the Democratic
Party in general, among thinking young persons especially, so the
Democratic operatives have to come up with a face-saving cover that
lets them believe that they are still "independent," albeit they will
be voting and working for John Kerry.
On the other hand, the League, MoveOn, and thousands of others like
it (e.g., ) have been very successful at
re-creating the Democratic Party hegemony over not just liberals but
also a sizable segment of leftists.  The key tactic for them, whose
faces are sunny and cheery, is to focus on opposing George W. Bush;
not to mention John Kerry, because he is, well, unmentionable; and to
say a kind word or two about some nice Green Party candidates in
local elections.  Nasty work is done by Democratic Party lawyers and
politicians doing all they can to keep Nader and other Greens off the
ballots and (if they still manage to get on the ballots) to make them
win as few votes as possible.
At 9:57 AM -0400 7/18/04, Michael Hoover wrote:
fwiw: league rep at ann arbor forum yesterday argued for voting for
anybody but kerry or bush, guess she's out of step with her comrades
re. dem candidate...   michael hoover
I believe so, but what's her name?  Perhaps, she'll join something
more interesting some day.
At 2:32 PM -0700 7/18/04, Craven, Jim wrote:
Response Jim C: "The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The
people who count the votes decide everything." (Josef Stalin)
In a nation like the USA, the saying may be, "The people who pay for
politicians' golden parachutes decide everything."  Shane Mage and
Doug Henwood say that the ruling class appear to have dumped George
W. Bush, and I agree with them.  Democratic Party front groups want
us to think that the November election will be a referendum on Bush,
but the ruling class know that it will be a referendum on Kerry.
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: [Fwd: Swans' Release: July 19, 2004]

2004-07-18 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Michael wrote:
i've a hunch that some left interest in nader is reflection of
absence of actual left alternatives, as panelist at forum i attended
in ann arbor said yesterday: 'he's best known option", lousy way to
develop actual left alternative...
I think that those who are seriously interested in building a
movement and political party capable of challenging the bipartisan
consensus on the domestic and foreign policy ought to be able to
think beyond the specific positive and negative attributes of Ralph
Nader as an individual and think about who (among Green Party
leaders, rank-and-file Green Party members, non-Green Party members,
etc.) is supporting him and why, what we can do to work with them,
and so on.
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-17 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
 >>> [EMAIL PROTECTED] 07/16/04 2:45 PM >>>
michael hoover (reporting from birkenstock, i mean
ann arbor, where forum on third parties this weekend includes
representative of the righteously named - and no doubt - growing group,
league of pissed off voters)
Isn't that another front group for the Democrats?
aren't they all, actually, i have it on good word that dems are
front group for reps...
michael hoover
There are Democrats, and there are shamefaced Democrats, and the
"League of Pissed Off Voters" is set up to appeal to the latter.
When you look at their website , it uses two
names alternately: the "League of Pissed Off Voters" and the "League
of Independent Voters."
The "League of Pissed Off Voters" just had its national convention
 at the Ohio State University
in Columbus, Ohio.  From a friend of mine who ran into the League's
national organizers at a bar tonight, I hear that about 250 attended
the convention, but only 15 from Columbus itself.  15 is 15 too many.
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: Fahrenheit 911

2004-07-17 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Melvin wrote:
It is one thing to privately believe that the rulers are America are
greedy self serving criminals of the bourgeois order. It is a
different matter to share this private belief as an experience in a
public setting where no one can pretend they had not witnessed a
You summed up very beautifully the potential of a shared experience
of watching a powerful documentary in public, as opposed to watching
the same thing alone at home.
Best regards to your wife.
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-16 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
michael hoover (reporting from birkenstock, i mean
ann arbor, where forum on third parties this weekend includes
representative of the righteously named - and no doubt - growing group,
league of pissed off voters)
Isn't that another front group for the Democrats?
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-16 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Max wrote:
Frank also says Clintonesque center-hugging on economics -- free
trade, labor rights, privatization, etc. -- causes the culturally-
conservative worker's decision to hinge solely on God, guns, and
That's a good point.  Since the top Democrats are so economically
neoliberal that the Republicans have nothing to talk about except
culture to distinguish themselves from the Democrats.
I haven't finished the book yet.  So far Frank's argument begs the
question of why we don't see  politics that is culturally
conservative and economically progressive, like the old populists
100 years ago.
Capitalism has already changed social relations to the point where
there is no going back.  Even many Republicans who want to ban gay
marriage say they support civil union and/or non-discrimination
against gay men and lesbians, just like Kerry and Edwards!
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: Thomas Frank op-ed piece

2004-07-16 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
Carl says:
From: Louis Proyect <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
(Thomas Frank's new book "What's Wrong With Kansas" argues
implicitly that the Democrats lose elections because they are
identified with the wrong side of the "culture wars". This is the
same sort of position that Michael Moore argued in the Nation
Magazine in 1997 and that Richard Rorty put forward in "Achieving
Our Country". You get a more strident version of this in Todd
Gitlin's "The Twilight of Common Dreams: Why America Is Wracked by
Culture Wars". Moving directly into the enemy's camp, you get
Arthur Schlesinger Jr.'s "The Disuniting of America: Reflections on
a Multicultural Society" and Jim Sleeper's "Liberal Racism: How
Fixating on Race Subverts the American Dream". Somehow, this kind
of economism that panders to white workers has been associated with
Marxism in some circles. Frank himself would probably describe
himself as a Marxist, but not on the Charlie Rose show--I don't
imagine. In any case, this has little to do with the outlook of
Lenin who urged that socialists act as a "tribune of the people".)
I think _What the Matter With Kansas?_ is a great book, but Frank
doesn't really provide any explanation for conservatives' amazing,
Lamont Cranston-style ability to "cloud men's minds" and substitute
preposterous cultural issues for economic concerns that have
life-and-death significance. Why *are* so many Americans so easily
gulled, so mulish, so spiteful, so effing perverse?  I was born in
this country and have lived here for over a half century, but the
basic weirdness of this place never fails to astonish me.
In my opinion, mulish, spiteful, and perverse reactionaries are a
great boon -- not to the Republican but the Democratic Party, which
would lose even more of its post-60s constituencies (organized labor
+ Blacks + social liberals + leftists who fall for a self-fulfilling
prophesy) if they did not exist, which is the conclusion that I got
from the Thomas Frank op-ed piece:
 Of course, as everyone pointed out, the whole enterprise
[the Federal Marriage Amendment] was doomed to failure from the
start. It didn't have to be that way; conservatives could have chosen
any number of more promising avenues to challenge or limit the
Massachusetts ruling. Instead they went with a constitutional
amendment, the one method where failure was absolutely guaranteed -
along with front-page coverage
Then again, what culture war offensive isn't doomed to failure from
the start? Indeed, the inevitability of defeat seems to be a critical
element of the melodrama, on issues from school prayer to evolution
and even abortion.
Failure on the cultural front serves to magnify the outrage felt by
conservative true believers; it mobilizes the base. Failure sharpens
the distinctions between conservatives and liberals. Failure allows
for endless grandstanding without any real-world consequences that
might upset more moderate Republicans or the party's all-important
corporate wing. You might even say that grand and garish defeat -
especially if accompanied by the ridicule of the sophisticated - is
the culture warrior's very object.
The issue is all-important; the issue is incapable of being won. Only
when the battle is defined this way can it achieve the desired
results, have its magical polarizing effect. Only with a proposed
constitutional amendment could the legalistic, cavilling Democrats be
counted on to vote "no," and only with an offensive so blunt and so
sweeping could the universal hostility of the press be secured.
("Failure Is Not an Option, It's Mandatory," New York Times,";>July
16, 2004)
There is one point in the Culture War that leftists, unlike liberals,
might want to steal from conservatives: gun control.
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

A Letter to the Black Caucus from a Black Woman Living in South Central

2004-07-15 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
This just in from the San Francisco Bay View (July 14, 2004) -- "A
Letter to the Black Caucus from a Black Woman Living in South
Central" by Donna J. Warren, supporting the Nader/Camejo Campaign:
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Kerry/Edwards: Divorced from Gay Marriage

2004-07-15 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Kerry/Edwards: Divorced from Gay Marriage": (Kerry avoids Gavin
Newsom to dodge "the question" -- also, Kerry and Edwards were the
only senators who abstained from voting on the Federal Marriage
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Matt Gonzalez: Why Vote for Ralph Nader?

2004-07-15 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Matt Gonzalez: Why Vote for Ralph Nader?":
* Critical Montages: 
* Greens for Nader: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

The Future of the Green Party

2004-07-15 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"The Future of the Green Party" (it's the Greens for Nader and Green
leaders like Peter Miguel Camejo, Matt Gonzalez, Jason West, Ross
Mirkarimi, Donna Warren, and others who are the future of the Green

* Critical Montages: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

July 14, 1789/1958

2004-07-14 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
July 14, 1789/1958
Celebrate the French Revolution in 1789 and the 1958 Revolution in Iraq.

* Critical Montages: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Greens for Nader!

2004-07-14 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Greens for Nader!" (circulating a petition to ""protest the campaign
against the voters by Democratic Party operatives trying to keep
Ralph Nader & Peter Miguel Camejo off the ballot"):
* Critical Montages: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Re: Kucinich delegates fold like a cheap suitcase

2004-07-14 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
kucinich folks have to make decision at some point re. that
They should be told to leave the Democratic Party and joing the Green Party.
* Critical Montages: 
* Bring Them Home Now! 
* Calendars of Events in Columbus:
, & 
* Student International Forum: 
* Committee for Justice in Palestine: 
* Al-Awda-Ohio: 
* Solidarity: 

Two Americas of Fahrenheit 9/11 and The Passion of the Christ

2004-07-13 Thread Yoshie Furuhashi
"Two Americas of Fahrenheit 9/11 and The Passion of the Christ":
Yoshie Furuhashi
Comparative Studies
Ohio State University

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