RE: Key stuff for aggregates

2001-12-05 Thread Brent Dax

Dan Sugalski:
# 'Kay, here's the preliminary assembly-level docs for keys,
# which is how
# we're going to be accessing entries in aggregates.

I'm probably just inexperienced and idiotic, but what's wrong with
simple 'get_from_aggregate target, aggregate, key' and maybe
'get_list_from_aggregate target_list, aggregate, key_list'?  (Obviously
we'd shorten the names, but you get the idea.)  target would be set to
the actual element, not just a copy of it, so setting that would set the
original.  Individual aggregate types could decide for themselves what
to do about currently non-existent keys.

--Brent Dax
Configure pumpking for Perl 6

Nothing important happened today.
--George III of England's diary entry for 4-Jul-1776

Re: FP constants

2001-12-05 Thread James Mastros

On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 Q: What about endianness?
 A: Native endianness. Byteswapping's easy enough.
Where in the packfile does it define the native endinaness of floats?
(Note native endianess has to include wheather the sign is the MSB or
the LSB, and the endianness of the exponential and fractional part.)

BTW, for the record, this is IEEE 754-1985 (AKA 754-1990) details at

A summary is at,
since this is a nonfree standard.  (God, I hate them.)

-=- ames Mastros
In the case of alchemy v chemistry the chemists know whether it will
probably go bang before they try it (and the chemical engineers still duck
anyway).   -=- Alan Cox

Re: Key stuff for aggregates

2001-12-05 Thread Jason Gloudon

On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 12:18:53AM -0800, Brent Dax wrote:

 I'm probably just inexperienced and idiotic, but what's wrong with
 simple 'get_from_aggregate target, aggregate, key' and maybe
 'get_list_from_aggregate target_list, aggregate, key_list'?  (Obviously
 we'd shorten the names, but you get the idea.)  target would be set to
 the actual element, not just a copy of it, so setting that would set the

This is not the whole picture as the elements of an aggregate do not always
have associated vtables to compute with. Consider an array of native integers
(or native doubles). If you 'get' an lvalue from it, you won't know the
underlying type, so computing with it is messy unless you wrap the lvalue up in
some type of reference PMC. Creating one to access every element of an array
will create lots of extraneous temporaries.

Using the aggregate's vtable is another way of getting the job done that avoids
all the extra reference PMCs. However, references will have to be supported.


Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-05 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 06:29 PM 12/4/2001 -0800, Steve Fink wrote:
On Tue, Dec 04, 2001 at 04:11:58PM -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
  Seriously, there are real answers to a whole lot of design questions. Ask
  'em and I'll get FAQable answers to 'em once and for all.

Whee! Ok. Some of these are probably duplicates, and some
inappropriate for a Parrot FAQ, but:

Q: Will perl6 support the same regexes as perl5?

A: Yup. At least everything we understand...

Q: Larry said _what_? What does that mean?

A: Got me. Context?

Q: But won't all those opcodes require a huge amount of dispatch time
and slow regexes down to a crawl?

A: Ah, that's what you mean! Well, the answer is maybe. Right now parrot's 
opcode dispatch is darned fast. (The Perl 5 RE engine is a mini-bytcode 
engine itself, FWIW, albeit a specialized one, so we're not paying a cost 
that it isn't, though our cost might be higher. We'll see)

Q: Ok, but what if they're a quarter the speed of perl5's?

A: Then we toss the idea as interesting, but bad and go to Plan B.

Q: What about incremental matching?

A: What about it?

Q: What platforms will Parrot support, initially and eventually?

A: Initially the list is:

Solaris (Sparc), OpenVMS (Alpha), CygWin, Windows 95/NT, Linux (x86), 
Tru64, FreeBSD (x86)

as guaranteed. Odds are anything Unixish will work (builds on AIX, MacOS X, 
and HP/UX)

Eventually the list is everything anyone's got sufficient patches to support.

Q: What degree of Unicode support is Parrot aiming for?

A: Complete.

Q: What does that mean?

A: Means that if the Unicode standard says something about it, we support it.

Q: When'll Parrot be done?

A: It's software. It's *never* done. :)

Q: Any plans for continuations? Coroutines?

A: Maybe, and yes. (continuations are contingent on Dan understanding them, 
and he doesn't. Dunno why, might be because he writes about himself in the 
third person, the arrogant bastard)

Q: This whole project is crap. A total waste of time. I think you're
ugly, too. You should be using X as your VM.

A: Yeah, well you're ugly and your mother dresses you funny. Nyah! And X 
is utter crap as a VM.

Q: What previous discussions? Are there archive links I can use?

A: Archives live at though I see 
there's not much search functionality.

Q: Why aren't you reusing big gobs of the perl5 code?

A: Licensing. As soon as we sort that out, we will.

Q: Fine. But surely some pieces could be reused?

A: Not until the licensing's sorted out. Then it depends on whether we can.

Q: Oh. Why are licenses a problem? Doesn't the AL allow this sort of thing?

A: IANAL, and I don't play one on TV, but snagging code under a licensing 
scheme does sort of obligate you to follow that license. Since we don't 
have one for Parrot source quite yet, I'd rather not.

Q: Doesn't perl5 already generate VM opcodes? Couldn't you write a
translation layer to graft a perl5 frontend to a Parrot backend?

A: Yes, though there are still issues with anything that calls the lexer at 
runtime. (Eval/do/require) We'll probably do it, though.

Q: Why do people yell at me when I send patches using // for comments?
They're ANSI C, you know.

A: C99, IIRC. I don't think original ANSI C accepted them, and that's all 
we're requiring at the moment.

Q: Can I use gcc extensions?

A: Not in generic code, no. In special tuned for speed optional sections, 
sure. The core dispatch loop can already use computed gotos, and that's 
about as GCC-specific as you can get.

Q: What API will extension writers write to?

A: Parrot's.

Q: How will garbage collection interact with extensions?

A: There'll be some caveats, but reasonably well. For the most part 
extension writers won't have to worry much about it, and we'll document the 
spots where they will. Parrot's potentially got a copying GC system, which 
means that tracked buffers may move, but you'll know which calls may 
allocate memory (and thus potentially cause movement). There'll be easy 
access to the GC controls so you can turn GC off if you need to.

Q: How will finalization [or whatever the right word is] interact with

A: You mean object destruction? Correctly. If you allocate a PMC within an 
extension subroutine, that PMC will be considered active at least until the 
end of the sub.

Q: What's the difference between the previous two questions?

A: The first deals with potentially reclaiming or moving allocated memory, 
the second with figuring out whether a variable is dead or not.

Q: What will Parrot's IO subsystem look like?

A: VMS' QIO system. Sorta.

Q: In what format will Parrot files be stored?

A: I presume you mean data files. They won't be anything special--plain 
text files, or DB/DBM/[SGN]DBM, or whatever.

If you mean parrot bytecode files, they'll be in our native format.

Q: Why aren't you using something like ELF as the on-disk binary format?

A: Portability.

Q: Who has commit privileges? Who's responsible for what?

Parrot optimizer

2001-12-05 Thread jgoff

Since PMCs are done, languages should start to come out again. Every good code 
generator needs a backend, and here's a first stab at an optimizer for Parrot:

It takes a file of Parrot code post-macro-expansion, although it's internally just a 
module that silly-walks an array of lines with a small wrapper.


Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-05 Thread Melvin Smith

A: VMS' QIO system. Sorta.

Its been years since I worked on VMS. QIO is sorta async-IO, no?

Can someone point me to some starting material for QIO and/or unimplemented
wants/wishes for Parrot's IO sybsys? I might like to wade in in this area.

I'll also start looking thru the archive.

Melvin Smith

Various pre-0.0.3 updates.

2001-12-05 Thread Simon Cozens

I've finally got around to adding perlundef.pmc, which means that the
classes/Makefile has changed; this means you'll all - and tinderbox people
especially - have to rerun Configure. I suppose someone should add tests
for perlundef.pmc, but I hate writing tests. :) (Especially if I think
they might fail. ;)

Since 0.0.3 is exceptionally imminent, can I have a roll-call of systems
which are working and not working? 

The other change I made today was to make the assembler understand

new P0, PerlInt
new P1, PerlString

and so on. (I've also updated the tests to reflect this.)

I'm marginally happier about documentation now that I've seen the
automatically generated stuff, but I want four more documents to go into
Parrot before 0.0.3: basic introduction and roadmap to documentation, the
(rest of the) vtables docs, some documentation on the bytecode format, and
a basic guide to programming Parrot, getting stuff compiled, etc.

The last one (parrotintro.pod) can be cobbled together from my
article and some stuff from - I'll do that tonight. 
If anyone wants to write the bytecode documentation and the 
introduction/roadmap, I'd be thrilled.

In a sense Christianity is like Jazz - if you need to ask the questions
you won't understand the answers.
- Bob Billing

Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-05 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 12:29 PM 12/5/2001 -0500, Melvin Smith wrote:

 A: VMS' QIO system. Sorta.

Its been years since I worked on VMS. QIO is sorta async-IO, no?

Completely async, yep, as are many of VMS' system calls.

Can someone point me to some starting material for QIO and/or unimplemented
wants/wishes for Parrot's IO sybsys? I might like to wade in in this area.

I'll also start looking thru the archive.

That's what we've got at the moment. There's not been much heavy thought 
pointed at I/O yet.


--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

RE: Key stuff for aggregates

2001-12-05 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 12:18 AM 12/5/2001 -0800, Brent Dax wrote:
Dan Sugalski:
# 'Kay, here's the preliminary assembly-level docs for keys,
# which is how
# we're going to be accessing entries in aggregates.

I'm probably just inexperienced and idiotic, but what's wrong with
simple 'get_from_aggregate target, aggregate, key' and maybe
'get_list_from_aggregate target_list, aggregate, key_list'?

That falls down for aggregates that don't hold PMCs. Packed 
integer/float/string arrays, or 'real' multidimensional arrays where you 
don't fully qualify things.


--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Key stuff for aggregates

2001-12-05 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 10:28 AM 12/5/2001 -0500, Jason Gloudon wrote:
Using the aggregate's vtable is another way of getting the job done that 
avoids all the extra reference PMCs. However, references will have to be 

References are interesting. I'm currently thinking that:

*) PMCs should have a get_reference vtable entry
*) Accessing a reference should be just like accessing the referent. (i.e. 
you pass in the same key stuff and the reference vtable does the indirect 
lookup for you)
*) Some references will need to be 'smart', so if you do:

$foo = \@bar[4];

and @bar's a packed array, $foo's actually a fancy ref that knows it points 
to @bar[4] and calls @bar's vtables when you access it. Or something like that.


--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Various pre-0.0.3 updates.

2001-12-05 Thread Alex Gough

On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, Simon Cozens wrote:

 Since 0.0.3 is exceptionally imminent, can I have a roll-call of systems
 which are working and not working?

FreeBSD 4.4 / gcc
Irix6.5 / MIPSPro


Re: Various pre-0.0.3 updates.

2001-12-05 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 05:42 PM 12/5/2001 +, Simon Cozens wrote:
and tinderbox people
especially - have to rerun Configure.

Doing a make clean looks to be required first to get tinderbox checkouts 
happy again.


--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Various pre-0.0.3 updates.

2001-12-05 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 05:57 PM 12/5/2001 +, Alex Gough wrote:
On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, Simon Cozens wrote:

  Since 0.0.3 is exceptionally imminent, can I have a roll-call of systems
  which are working and not working?

FreeBSD 4.4 / gcc
Irix6.5 / MIPSPro

Would those be working or not working? :)


--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Various pre-0.0.3 updates.

2001-12-05 Thread Daniel Grunblatt

On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, Simon Cozens wrote:

 I've finally got around to adding perlundef.pmc, which means that the
 classes/Makefile has changed; this means you'll all - and tinderbox people
 especially - have to rerun Configure. I suppose someone should add tests
 for perlundef.pmc, but I hate writing tests. :) (Especially if I think
 they might fail. ;)

 Since 0.0.3 is exceptionally imminent, can I have a roll-call of systems
 which are working and not working?
OpenBSD 3.0/gcc working.

Re: Key stuff for aggregates

2001-12-05 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 12:52 AM 12/5/2001 -0500, Jeff G wrote:
The fact that the S registers are in fact generic struct registers is
not evident from outside the internal code. For those of us implementing
instructions, it might be useful to explicitly cast values like $1 to
the correct type, in order to make sure we recognize this.

Good point. I'll kick into this after 0.03's out.


--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Re: Various pre-0.0.3 updates.

2001-12-05 Thread jadams01

Oh, you technical people:

Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

FreeBSD 4.4 / gcc
Irix6.5 / MIPSPro

Would those be working or not working? :)

The answer is, obviously, Yes.

Now get back to work.

Whoops--that was someone talking to me!

 John A

Re: Licensing and source. READ ME, DAMMIT!

2001-12-05 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 04:25 AM 12/5/2001 -0500, James Mastros wrote:
On Tue, 4 Dec 2001, Dan Sugalski wrote:
  This also means no writing your own license terms for code you submit.
  (Licensed under the same terms as perl counts as writing your own...)

Umm, AFACS (Though AINAL, and ISGCBAP (I should get caught by the acronym
police) but Under the same terms as _parrot_ should be fine.

If it's in the parrot distribution it ought not even *have* licensing terms 
attached to it. That's what the package license is for...


--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-05 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 03:38 AM 12/5/2001 +0100, Bart Lateur wrote:
On Tue, 04 Dec 2001 15:57:56 -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:

 Q: Don't you know that stack machines are the way to go in software?
 A: No, in fact, I don't.
 Q: But look at all the successful stack-based VMs!
 A: Like what? There's just the JVM.
 Q: What about all the others?
 A: *What* others? That's it, unless you count perl, python, or ruby.

I thought Pascal's (ancient) p-code was a stack VM... Yup, some web
pages that I can find in a hurry, confirm that.

Right, but back then they called 'em p-code interpreter which was far 
less pretentious. :)

Besides, the only p-code machine I could think of was UCSD Pascal running 
on the Apple IIs, and that seemed a bit old to reference.

The Zork interpreter might be stack based, thinking about it, but it was 
hardly geared for speed, so I don't know that it'd count if it was.


--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-05 Thread David M. Lloyd

On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, Dan Sugalski wrote:

 The Zork interpreter might be stack based, thinking about it, but it was
 hardly geared for speed, so I don't know that it'd count if it was.

FWIW, there are many MUDs and MUCKs out there (multiplayer text-based
role-playing gmaes for those not in the know) that use a variation on
FORTH as their programming language, which is purely stack-based IIRC.

- D


Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-05 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 12:36 PM 12/5/2001 -0600, David M. Lloyd wrote:
On Wed, 5 Dec 2001, Dan Sugalski wrote:

  The Zork interpreter might be stack based, thinking about it, but it was
  hardly geared for speed, so I don't know that it'd count if it was.

FWIW, there are many MUDs and MUCKs out there (multiplayer text-based
role-playing gmaes for those not in the know) that use a variation on
FORTH as their programming language, which is purely stack-based IIRC.

Right, but FORTH's not an interpreted language, generally speaking.


--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

RE: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-05 Thread Garrett Goebel

From: Dan Sugalski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 At 12:29 PM 12/5/2001 -0500, Melvin Smith wrote:
  A: VMS' QIO system. Sorta.
 Its been years since I worked on VMS. QIO is sorta
 async-IO, no?
 Completely async, yep, as are many of VMS' system calls.
 Can someone point me to some starting material for QIO 
 and/or unimplemented wants/wishes for Parrot's IO sybsys?
 I might like to wade in in this area.
 I'll also start looking thru the archive.
 That's what we've got at the moment. There's not been much 
 heavy thought pointed at I/O yet.

What about Nick Ing-Simmons work on PerlIO? Or Nick himself for that matter?
His last post was sometime back in September. I remember reading that
ParrotIO was going to be a prototype for PerlIO. I ask because I also
remember Guido being particularly interested in Python having access to
ParrotIO/QIO/PerlIO or whatever it ends up being.

Q0: Where can I find this FAQ? (Answer always to be present
in any mention however indirect of the Parrot FAQ)

Q: What's the difference between ParrotIO/QIO and PerlIO?
   (Or Where does the former leave off and the latter begin?)
A: ???

Q: Where can I find out more about ParrotIO (QIO)?
A: http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg02116.html
   (It doesn't look like this ever made it into the PDD section)

Q: Where can I find out more about PerlIO?

Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-05 Thread Bart Lateur

On Wed, 05 Dec 2001 13:32:32 -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:

Right, but FORTH's not an interpreted language, generally speaking.

The old FORTH's in the 80's worked pretty much like the p-copde

Nowadays, FORTH compilers are really optimizing compilers. There are
excellent commercial offerings, like VFX from MPE (MPE's Stephen Pelc
showed some examples in comp.lang.forth of what machine code got
generated from some FORTH code, and it was really cool -- but I can't
find it back with, as Stephen Pelc advertises for VFX
in every single post. I did manage to find something, see link below),
and some less ambitious free FORTHS, like iFORTH (if I'm not mistaking)
and BigFORTH. The latter has a really simple optimizer consisting of 3
screens (1 screen = 1k) of source code.


Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-05 Thread Adam Turoff

On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 01:32:32PM -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 Right, but FORTH's not an interpreted language, generally speaking.

No, but PostScript is.  :-)

( if that wasn't completely obvious...)


Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-05 Thread Steve Fink

On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 11:02:34AM -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 At 06:29 PM 12/4/2001 -0800, Steve Fink wrote:
 Q: What about incremental matching?
 A: What about it?

Is there any plan to support nonbuffered matching, as in, I have a
socket connection open that I want to scan for some pattern, but the
socket is never going to return an EOF.



I read 1MB out of the socket containing x... and then the
socket stops producing data. I want to do a select(), or something
else, and then go back to continuing the match, and I want the whole
match to end up in $1.

More simply, say you're just reading a huge file 8KB at a time, and
you want to match .*? and be assured you won't miss a match because
it happens to cross over an 8KB boundary.

I believe there was some hot discussion on this in the perl6 RFCs. If
Parrot supports coroutines, it could be hooked into that. But the RE
engine might also need to say okay, nothing before byte 13231 is
going to match, so you can throw it out of memory if you want. Helps
with HUGEFILE =~ /.../;

Probably the answer for the FAQ is dunno, depends on the mental
health of whoever implements the final RE engine.

 Q: What degree of Unicode support is Parrot aiming for?
 A: Complete.
 Q: What does that mean?
 A: Means that if the Unicode standard says something about it, we support 

I know nothing about Unicode, but I thought there were levels piled
upon levels of what could be done with a Unicode implementation, and
nobody has ever managed to implement all of it. And aren't there
choices about how to do some things? I'll shut up, because if I try to
say anything like multiple code points combine to form a single
whatzit, it'll end up nonsense.

 Q: Any plans for continuations? Coroutines?
 A: Maybe, and yes. (continuations are contingent on Dan understanding them, 
 and he doesn't. Dunno why, might be because he writes about himself in the 
 third person, the arrogant bastard)

Er... any details on what the plans for coroutines might be? How will
stack frames be handled?

 Q: Why aren't you reusing big gobs of the perl5 code?
 A: Licensing. As soon as we sort that out, we will.
 Q: Fine. But surely some pieces could be reused?
 A: Not until the licensing's sorted out. Then it depends on whether we can.
 Q: Oh. Why are licenses a problem? Doesn't the AL allow this sort of thing?
 A: IANAL, and I don't play one on TV, but snagging code under a licensing 
 scheme does sort of obligate you to follow that license. Since we don't 
 have one for Parrot source quite yet, I'd rather not.

Hm. I need to ask that first question a different way. Assuming the
licensing problems disappear in a puff of foul-smelling smoke, what
aspects of perl5 code make it a pain to reuse?

 Q: Why do people yell at me when I send patches using // for comments?
 They're ANSI C, you know.
 A: C99, IIRC. I don't think original ANSI C accepted them, and that's all 
 we're requiring at the moment.

and I would think that which exact version of ANSI C supports them
is irrelevant, since the *real* target is whatever subset of C is
widely enough supported in the myriad compilers currently in use.
Which probably bears some resemblance to C89 or whatever it's properly

 Q: What API will extension writers write to?
 A: Parrot's.

More specifically, what can be relied upon for source compatibility
and binary compatibility within a major version? (The currently
defined PMC vtable entries for a given version?)

 Q: How will garbage collection interact with extensions?
 A: There'll be some caveats, but reasonably well. For the most part 
 extension writers won't have to worry much about it, and we'll document the 
 spots where they will. Parrot's potentially got a copying GC system, which 
 means that tracked buffers may move, but you'll know which calls may 
 allocate memory (and thus potentially cause movement). There'll be easy 
 access to the GC controls so you can turn GC off if you need to.
 Q: How will finalization [or whatever the right word is] interact with
 A: You mean object destruction? Correctly. If you allocate a PMC within an 
 extension subroutine, that PMC will be considered active at least until the 
 end of the sub.
 Q: What's the difference between the previous two questions?
 A: The first deals with potentially reclaiming or moving allocated memory, 
 the second with figuring out whether a variable is dead or not.

How do DESTROY subs fit in? I think you've described this elsewhere,
so this answer can just be a pointer.

 Q: In what format will Parrot files be stored?
 A: I presume you mean data files. They won't be anything special--plain 
 text files, or DB/DBM/[SGN]DBM, or whatever.
 If you mean parrot bytecode files, they'll be in our native format.

(I meant bytecode)

 Q: Why aren't you using something like ELF as the on-disk binary format?
 A: Portability.

Another topic I know 

Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-05 Thread Jonathan Scott Duff

On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 11:02:34AM -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 Q: How do Dan and Simon have enough time to work on this?
 A: We don't--why do you think this is taking so long?

A related FAQable question ...

Q: Is it possible to buy Dan's and Simon's time to work on nothing
but Parrot?  If so, how?

And for my own personal edification, has anyone tried to work a deal
(through YAS perhaps) for Parrot like Damian Conway has for Perl?

Jonathan Scott Duff

re: Various pre-0.0.3 updates.

2001-12-05 Thread Nick Burch

Since 0.0.3 is exceptionally imminent, can I have a roll-call of systems
which are working and not working? 

OS/2 + EMX  Working

Tinderbox + internal lan with private dns + os/2 sendmail   broke,
hence its not in the tinderbox... 


re: Various pre-0.0.3 updates.

2001-12-05 Thread Dan Sugalski

At 07:46 PM 12/5/2001 +, Nick Burch wrote:
 Since 0.0.3 is exceptionally imminent, can I have a roll-call of systems
 which are working and not working?

OS/2 + EMX  Working

Tinderbox + internal lan with private dns + os/2 sendmail   broke,
hence its not in the tinderbox...

FWIW, I was mailed a config file to use Net::SMTP instead of sendmail, if 
that'd help.


--it's like this---
Dan Sugalski  even samurai
[EMAIL PROTECTED] have teddy bears and even
  teddy bears get drunk

Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-05 Thread Bart Lateur

On Tue, 04 Dec 2001 15:57:56 -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:

Q: Don't you know that stack machines are the way to go in software?
A: No, in fact, I don't.

Q: But look at all the successful stack-based VMs!
A: Like what? There's just the JVM.

Q: What about all the others?
A: *What* others? That's it, unless you count perl, python, or ruby.

I thought Pascal's (ancient) p-code was a stack VM... Yup, some web
pages that I can find in a hurry, confirm that.



2001-12-05 Thread SlowByte

Here is a fixed tindermail that uses SMTP for those that are having problems
with sendmail.
Modify the ### Configuration ### section before using.
Please tell me if you find any bugs :)

(file attached, CRLF newlines probably)

-Jaen Saul
Description: Binary data

Oops. :) I missed a point.

2001-12-05 Thread Jaen Saul

make distclean should clean everything so ignore my point about leaving the
CVS directories :)

And please leave me a message when the makefiles are fixed so I can delete
my custom version of

-Jaen Saul

patch for eq and ne (lt and gt maybe coming later)

2001-12-05 Thread Nguon Hao Ching

This is a patch for eq and ne that supports more combinations of
I, N and S, including ones that may be considered redundant.

There is also default popping of the call stack if there is no
branch address specified.  I understand that I can branch to an
intermediate label and call ret myself, but I'd like a more
concise way.

If this one is ok with you guys, I will patch lt and gt similarly.
An example will be posted in a separate email shortly.


--- core.opsWed Dec  5 11:54:44 2001
+++ core.ops.oldWed Dec  5 10:41:31 2001
@@ -447,245 +447,73 @@


-=item Beq(i|ic, i|ic)
+=item Beq(i, i, ic)

-=item Beq(n|nc, n|nc)
+=item Beq(i, ic, ic)

-=item Beq(s|sc, s|sc)
+=item Beq(n, n, ic)

-=item Beq(i|ic, i|ic, ic)
+=item Beq(n, nc, ic)

-=item Beq(n|nc, n|nc, ic)
+=item Beq(s, s, ic)

-=item Beq(s|sc, s|sc, ic)
+=item Beq(s, sc, ic)

 Branch if $1 is equal to $2.

-Return address is popped off the call stack if no address is supplied.

-AUTO_OP eq (i, i|ic) {
-  opcode_t *dest;
-  if ($1 == $2) {
-pop_generic_entry (
-  interpreter, interpreter-control_stack_top,
-  }
-AUTO_OP eq (ic, i|ic) {
-  opcode_t *dest;
-  if ($1 == $2) {
-pop_generic_entry (
-  interpreter, interpreter-control_stack_top,
-  }
-AUTO_OP eq (n, n|nc) {
-  opcode_t *dest;
-  if ($1 == $2) {
-pop_generic_entry (
-  interpreter, interpreter-control_stack_top,
-  }
-AUTO_OP eq (nc, n|nc) {
-  opcode_t *dest;
-  if ($1 == $2) {
-pop_generic_entry (
-  interpreter, interpreter-control_stack_top,
-  }
-AUTO_OP eq (s, s|sc) {
-  opcode_t *dest;
-  if (string_compare (interpreter, $1, $2) == 0) {
-pop_generic_entry (
-  interpreter, interpreter-control_stack_top,
-  }
-AUTO_OP eq (sc, s|sc) {
-  opcode_t *dest;
-  if (string_compare (interpreter, $1, $2) == 0) {
-pop_generic_entry (
-  interpreter, interpreter-control_stack_top,
-  }
 AUTO_OP eq(i, i|ic, ic) {
   if ($1 == $2) {

-AUTO_OP eq (ic, i|ic, ic) {
-  if ($1 == $2) {
-  }
 AUTO_OP eq(n, n|nc, ic) {
   if ($1 == $2) {

-AUTO_OP eq (nc, n|nc, ic) {
-  if ($1 == $2) {
-  }
 AUTO_OP eq(s, s|sc, ic) {
   if (string_compare(interpreter, $1, $2) == 0) {

-AUTO_OP eq (sc, s|sc, ic) {
-  if (string_compare (interpreter, $1, $2) == 0) {
-  }


-=item Bne(i|ic, i|ic)
+=item Bne(i, i, ic)

-=item Bne(n|nc, n|nc)
+=item Bne(i, ic, ic)

-=item Bne(s|sc, s|sc)
+=item Bne(n, n, ic)

-=item Bne(i|ic, i|ic, ic)
+=item Bne(n, nc, ic)

-=item Bne(n|nc, n|nc, ic)
+=item Bne(s, s, ic)

-=item Bne(s|sc, s|sc, ic)
+=item Bne(s, sc, ic)

 Branch if $1 is not equal to $2.

-Return address is popped off the call stack if no address is supplied.

-AUTO_OP ne (i, i|ic) {
-  opcode_t *dest;
-  if ($1 != $2) {
-pop_generic_entry (
-  interpreter, interpreter-control_stack_top,
-  }
-AUTO_OP ne (ic, i|ic) {
-  opcode_t *dest;
-  if ($1 != $2) {
-pop_generic_entry (
-  interpreter, interpreter-control_stack_top,
-  }
-AUTO_OP ne (n, n|nc) {
-  opcode_t *dest;
-  if ($1 != $2) {
-pop_generic_entry (
-  interpreter, interpreter-control_stack_top,
-  }
-AUTO_OP ne (nc, n|nc) {
-  opcode_t *dest;
-  if ($1 != $2) {
-pop_generic_entry (
-  interpreter, interpreter-control_stack_top,
-  }
-AUTO_OP ne (s, s|sc) {
-  opcode_t *dest;
-  if (string_compare (interpreter, $1, $2) != 0) {
-pop_generic_entry (
-  interpreter, interpreter-control_stack_top,
-  }
-AUTO_OP ne (sc, s|sc) {
-  opcode_t *dest;
-  if (string_compare (interpreter, $1, $2) != 0) {
-pop_generic_entry (
-  interpreter, interpreter-control_stack_top,
-  }
 AUTO_OP ne(i, i|ic, ic) {
   if ($1 != $2) {

-AUTO_OP ne (ic, i|ic, ic) {
-  if ($1 != $2) {
-  }
 AUTO_OP ne(n, n|nc, ic) {
   if ($1 != $2) {

-AUTO_OP ne (nc, n|nc, ic) {
-  if ($1 != $2) {
-  }
 AUTO_OP ne(s, s|sc, ic) {

eq.pasm, tests and demonstrates eq

2001-12-05 Thread Nguon Hao Ching

# eq.pasm
# A program to test and demonstrate eq
# Copyright (C) 2001 Yet Another Society. All rights reserved.
# This program is free software. It is subject to the same
# license as The Parrot Interpreter.

print  ok\n
print  ok\n
print  ok\n
print  ok\n
print  ok\n
print  ok\n
print  ok\n
print  ok\n
print  ok\n
print  ok\n
print  ok\n
print  ok\n
setI0, 0
print  I0
eq I0, I0
print  not
setI1, 1
print  I1
eq I1, 1
print  not
setI2, 2
print  I2
eq 2, I2
print  not
print  3
eq 3, 3
print  not
setN4, 4.0
print  4
eq N4, N4
print  not
setN5, 5.0
print  5
eq N5, N5
print  not
setN6, 6.0
print  6
eq 6.0, N6
print  not
print  7
eq 7.0, 7.0
print  not
setS8, 8
print  S8
eq S8, S8
print  not
setS9, 9
print  S9
eq S9, 9
print  not
setS10, 10
print  S10
eq10, S10
print  not
print  11
eq11, 11
print  not

Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-05 Thread Damian Conway

And for my own personal edification, has anyone tried to work a deal
(through YAS perhaps) for Parrot like Damian Conway has for Perl?

That's a good question. I'll punt it off to someone else. Nat? Damian?

YAS is on the very brink of announcing its 2002 funding drive.

I believe it would not be inappropriate to reveal that, in addition to 
trying to fund me again for next year, YAS is hoping to raise enough
donations to also purchase Dan's soul for 2002.

I would expect that we would see formal announcements on,
PerlMonks, use.perl,, c.l.p.m., Slashdot, and Good Morning America
in the next day or so.


Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-05 Thread Benoit Cerrina

  Q: What about all the others?
  A: *What* others? That's it, unless you count perl, python, or ruby.
 I thought Pascal's (ancient) p-code was a stack VM... Yup, some web
 pages that I can find in a hurry, confirm that.
 Right, but back then they called 'em p-code interpreter which was far 
 less pretentious. :)

Re: Moving string - number conversions to string libs

2001-12-05 Thread Tom Hughes

  James Mastros [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Tom Hughes wrote:
  It's completely wrong I would have thought - the encoding layer
  cannot know that a given code point is a digit so it can't possibly
  do string to number conversion.
  You need to use the encoding layer to fetch each character and
  then the character set layer to determine what digit it represents.
 Right.  And then you need to apply some unified logic to get from this
 vector of digits (and other such symbols) to a value.

Indeed, and that logic needs to be in the string layer where it can
use both the encoding routines and the character type routines. I have
just rearranged things to reflect that.

 I'm just having nightmares of subtily different definitions of what a
 numeric constant looks like depending on the string encoding, because of
 different bits o' code not being quite in sync.  Code duplication bad,
 code sharing good.

Absolutely. That code is now in one place.

 (The charset layer should still be involved somewhere, because Unicode
 (for ex) has a digit value property.  This makes, say, aribic numerials
 (which don't look at all what what a normal person calls aribic numerals,
 BTW) work properly.  (OTOH, it might also do strange things with ex
 Hebrew, where the letters are also numbers (Aleph is also 1, Bet is also
 2, etc.))

So far I have added as is_digit() call to the character type layer
to replace the existing isdigit() calls. To do things completely right
we need to extend that with calls to get the digit value, check for
sign characters etc, rather than assuming ASCIIish like it does now.



PATCH: test_prog -d flag

2001-12-05 Thread mrjoltcola

Here we go... Just adds the debug flag for test_prog.


--- orig/parrot/test_main.c Mon Oct 22 21:00:01 2001
+++ parrot/test_main.c  Wed Dec  5 18:13:03 2001
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@
 int bounds_checking;
 int profiling;
 int tracing;
+int debugging;

 struct Parrot_Interp *interpreter;
@@ -36,6 +37,7 @@
 bounds_checking = 0;
 profiling   = 0;
 tracing = 0;
+debugging   = 0;

 while (argc  1  argv[1][0] == '-') {
 if (argv[1][1] == 'b'  argv[1][2] == '\0') {
@@ -59,6 +61,13 @@
+else if (argv[1][1] == 'd'  argv[1][2] == '\0') {
+debugging = 1;
+for(i = 2; i  argc; i++) {
+argv[i-1] = argv[i];

 /* If we got only the program name, complain */
@@ -105,6 +114,10 @@
 return 1;

+if (debugging) {
+interpreter-flags |= PARROT_DEBUG_FLAG;
 if (bounds_checking) {
 interpreter-flags |= PARROT_BOUNDS_FLAG;

Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-05 Thread Simon Cozens

On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 02:57:04PM -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:
 Seriously, I can't speak for Simon, but I expect Things Can Be Worked Out 
 given sufficient stuff. (I am, while easy, not cheap, alas. That whole 
 spouse/kids/rent/insurance/unpaid time off day job thing)

I am not sufficiently arrogant to believe that YAS should sponsor me,
nor am I sufficiently humble to wonder why they haven't done so already. :)

Seriously - I have a day job, which I enjoy very much. I don't really
want to relinquish that at the moment. Maybe soon. In the interests of
full disclosure, I also have a job with O'Reilly as editor, but
I don't believe that it takes up sufficient time that it interferes with
Parrot stuff.

Doubly seriously - there are far more worthy people than I who YAS ought
to sponsor before me. Consider Damian, Jarkko, Larry, Nick Clark, Nick
I-S, ...

If God had a beard, he'd be a UNIX programmer.

Re: Oops. :) I missed a point.

2001-12-05 Thread Simon Cozens

On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 10:44:09PM +0200, Jaen Saul wrote:
 make distclean should clean everything so ignore my point about leaving the
 CVS directories :)

Uhm, it does clean everything. If I've coded it right, (cough cough) it
deletes everything that's not in MANIFEST.

``Perl is the successfull attempt to make a braindump directly
- Lutz Donnerhacke in

Resend - PATCH: test_prog -d flag

2001-12-05 Thread Melvin Smith

Yipes lemme resend that, I was dinking around with a new mailer and it blew
the tab formatting.

Description: unknown/unknown

Re: PATCH: test_prog -d flag

2001-12-05 Thread Simon Cozens

On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 07:28:01PM -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Here we go... Just adds the debug flag for test_prog.

Thank you. I've applied that; I like it particularly because it doesn't
actually add any more functionality. :)

Simon:  `hello kitty' douche. If you are getting some and you know what
hello kitty is... Well, you're an exceptionally lucky man.
  -- Megahal, trained on IRC.

Re: Parrot FAQ

2001-12-05 Thread Andrew J Bromage

G'day all.

On Wed, Dec 05, 2001 at 01:23:34PM -0500, Dan Sugalski wrote:

 Besides, the only p-code machine I could think of was UCSD Pascal running 
 on the Apple IIs, and that seemed a bit old to reference.

FWIW, in the last days of Microsoft's 16-bit C compiler (at least V7
and V8), it used to target something that they called p-code.  Visual
Basic still uses the interpreter (vbrun*.dll), I believe.

Andrew Bromage


2001-12-05 Thread Melvin Smith


While messing around tonight I noticed that interpreter flags
aren't visible to any subsystem initialization code because the flags
are passed to runops() instead of make_interpreter().  (I'm playing
with some IO stuff and I'd like access to the flags at the time of
the init code such as Init_IO() ) I'd suggest we initialize flags
at the interpreter creation time, we could still clobber them with
the runops() call but that is a little redundant unless there a reason to
have both?


Re: interpreter-flags

2001-12-05 Thread Melvin Smith

Correction, they aren't physically passed to runops() but you get the idea..


---Original Message---
From: Melvin Smith
Date: Wednesday, December 05, 2001 08:49:30 PM
Subject: interpreter-flags
While messing around tonight I noticed that interpreter flags
aren't visible to any subsystem initialization code because the flags
are passed to runops() instead of make_interpreter(). (I'm playing
with some IO stuff and I'd like access to the flags at the time of
the init code such as Init_IO() ) I'd suggest we initialize flags
at the interpreter creation time, we could still clobber them with
the runops() call but that is a little redundant unless there a reason to
have both?

Re: Moving string - number conversions to string libs

2001-12-05 Thread Alex Gough

On Thu, 6 Dec 2001, Tom Hughes wrote:

   James Mastros [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

  On Mon, 3 Dec 2001, Tom Hughes wrote:
   It's completely wrong I would have thought - the encoding layer
   cannot know that a given code point is a digit so it can't possibly
   do string to number conversion.
   You need to use the encoding layer to fetch each character and
   then the character set layer to determine what digit it represents.
  Right.  And then you need to apply some unified logic to get from this
  vector of digits (and other such symbols) to a value.

 Indeed, and that logic needs to be in the string layer where it can
 use both the encoding routines and the character type routines. I have
 just rearranged things to reflect that.

Yes, that does make more sense.  I think we need some string docs.

Also, for string - integer conversion I think we ought to be scanning
for a float then turning the result into an integer (as 1234.56e2 is
one).  We'll also eventually need a string-BigNum and string-BigInt
conversion, and if things are to upgrade gracefully and silently this
might need to happen as the string is scanned.

Alex Gough


2001-12-05 Thread Melvin Smith

This patch fixes a infinite loop ('./test_prog --' for example)  in the
handling in test_prog and also modifies make_interpreter() to pass
flags as constructor argument.


Description: unknown/unknown

Re: Key stuff for aggregates

2001-12-05 Thread Benjamin Stuhl

--- Dan Sugalski [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At 10:28 AM 12/5/2001 -0500, Jason Gloudon wrote:
 Using the aggregate's vtable is another way of getting
 the job done that 
 avoids all the extra reference PMCs. However, references
 will have to be 
 References are interesting. I'm currently thinking that:
 *) PMCs should have a get_reference vtable entry
 *) Accessing a reference should be just like accessing
 the referent. (i.e. 
 you pass in the same key stuff and the reference vtable
 does the indirect 
 lookup for you)
 *) Some references will need to be 'smart', so if you do:
 $foo = \@bar[4];
 and @bar's a packed array, $foo's actually a fancy ref
 that knows it points 
 to @bar[4] and calls @bar's vtables when you access it.
 Or something like that.

This looks interesting, as far as it goes, but how will
parrot support the perl5ish 

use overload 
   '@{}' = \deref_as_array,
   '%{}' = \deref_as_hash;

? Do we pass in the PMC type that we want it to come back
as? But then how do we tell between the various types of
e.g. arrays. (To put it simply, how do you say I want an
arry. No, I don't _care_ if it's a PerlPMCArray or a
PerlIntArray or a PerlWhatHaveYouArray! ?)

-- BKS

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