[PHP] Help needed: Failed opening '' for inclusion

2001-11-25 Thread David De Graff


To test a new php installation I accessed a page called index.php that
contains only ?php phpinfo(); ? but that produces this error:

Warning: Failed opening '' for inclusion
p') in Unknown on line 0

This seems very odd given that:

a) the error does not specify any filename that failed opening, only '', and

b) permissions of the index.php file and the include path directories are
readable by all users.

I have even started the php fastcgi runner as root to double-check the
permissions aspect of this. The setup is php 4.0.6 with Zeus webserver
version 4 using FastCGI on Solaris 2.6.

Any ideas? Help of any sort would be greatly appreciated.


Dave De Graff

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[PHP] Classes

2001-11-25 Thread Rudi Ahlers


Can anyone explain classes to me please? On many sites have I seen classes,
I'm not sure how these work, or how to use them. I'm still learning about
php, and I get it going nicely. Is a class something like a variable (but as
a whole script) that I simply include into my other scripts?
Your help would be grateful as I'm still learning, and all info or knowledge


Rudi Ahlers

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Re: [PHP] Help needed: Failed opening '' for inclusion

2001-11-25 Thread B. van Ouwerkerk

To test a new php installation I accessed a page called index.php that
contains only ?php phpinfo(); ?

Perhaps you want to:

Not sure if anything else should produce errors..



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Re: [PHP] Can php do this?

2001-11-25 Thread Miles Thompson

I've followed this with interest, but unless you specifically need some 
properties of PHP to do this, use an easier tool.

Python has modules for both MySQL and PHP. They are easily invoked and 
don't involve calling Lynx  feeding it the script.
Here's some code, you might want to think about it as an alternative. I 
hope the indents preserve, as Python reliese on indentation and a CR ends 
it's line.

Miles Thompson

#! /usr/bin/python
Mails Passwords from sub_list, a MySQL database 
import sys, MySQLdb, traceback
import rfc822, string, sys
import smtplib

# MySQLdb allows connection to the MySQL database
# This connects to the database, all parameters must be explicitly named
db = MySQLdb.connect( db='sub_list' )
# create connection to the database object
pcursor = db.cursor()
#let's display some information
print db.get_host_info()
print db.stat()

#let's fetch our data, mailing to everyone who has not been emailed a password
 pcursor.execute(select * from subscriber where lpasswd_mailed = 0 
and email !='';)
 resultset = pcursor.fetchall()

#let's build the message
fromaddr = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
toaddr = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
username = 
password = 

msgFirstPart = Thanks for subscribing. Passwords have been\n\
updated as part of our security schedule to protect your subscription. \n\
Your name and new password are: \n\n

msgEndPart = Please contact us at (555) 555- or 555-5556 for help with 
your subscription, \n\
or email us at [EMAIL PROTECTED]\n\
Best regards, \n\
John Doe

# we've gotten this far, so let's open the SMTP connection
server = smtplib.SMTP('smtp.domain.com',25)

# for each record in the cursor
# set toaddr, username and password
# then send the message

# here in the for loop we send the mail message 
#server.sendmail( fromaddr, toaddr, msg, Subject: Your new password )[D

for cursorRecord in resultset:
 toaddr = cursorRecord[ 3 ]
 first_name =First name:  + cursorRecord[ 2 ] + \n
 last_name =Last name:  + cursorRecord[ 1 ] + \n
 password =Password :  + cursorRecord[ 4 ] + \n\n
 msgMail = msgFirstPart + first_name + last_name + password + 
 print msgMail
 server.sendmail( fromaddr, toaddr, msgMail, Subject: Password for 
ALLnovascotia.com )

 # build the update query
 upd_query = update subscriber set lpasswd_mailed = 1 where email 
=' + cursorRecord[ 3 ] + ';
 #pcursor.execute( update subscriber set lpasswd_mailed = 
1 where email = c_email;)
 pcursor.execute( upd_query )
print \n\n
print All records printed

#close the smpt connection

# close the database

# All done
print **30
print mailpass.py completed
print **30

At 02:58 AM 11/25/2001 -0500, you wrote:
Thanks guys

I just want to confirm one last thing, as it's been a while since I needed

After I create this file (cron.file) for ex
and use
crontab cronfile (I do this as root, if it matters)
do permissions need to be set? I really can't recall
I would think that would do it as I am not uploading it
and do it as root

Thanks for the help, GREAT help and it's appreciated

Now I just need to get freetype 2 installed right on my raq 3
and I can live like a king


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Re: [PHP] Classes

2001-11-25 Thread Jason G.


I have come from a QBASIC to VFP to VC++ to PHP (VFP and PHP are my primary 
languages), so I'll try to clear it up a bit.

In VFP, there is no constructor.  I believe that the equivalent is the 
init() method.  The init() method, or the constructor (in PHP, C++, etc) 
are useful for doing stuff that needs to be done when an object is 
created.  Likewise in true object oriented languages (PHP is not one of 
them yet), there is a Destructor that is called when an object goes out of 
scope or is deleted.  In VFP, there is a Destroy() method to simulate this 

In VFP, there is the notion of Public, Private, and Hidden properties.  PHP 
does not yet support this behavior.  In PHP, especially since it is such a 
loosely typed language, you can add and remove properties on the 
fly.  Generally when programming in PHP, I like to identify private 
properties and methods by placing a single underscore before their 
name.  This makes it clear for someone using the class not to ever 
reference these entities.

If you want to see a neat example of object oriented programming in action 
(not that I like M$ or anything), check out how the Microsoft Foundation 
Classes (MFC) work.  They effectively demonstrate public and private class 
members, inheritance, constructors, destructors, parent objects, etc...

Hope it Helped...

-Jason Garber

At 09:10 AM 11/25/2001 -0400, Miles Thompson wrote:

Not such a useless explanation at all, in fact a damned good one. Tight  
concise, and you immediately related the functions to code examples, along 
with an easy-to-visualize object, the chair.

But I have two questions:

1. Why is a constructor class needed? My OO background is Visual FoxPro, 
and all it requires is a declaration of  the class, it' methods and properties.

2. Are the chairs properties exposed, or are they private? You use 
functions to both set and retrieve them, which implies that they are 
private.  Even so, PHP's syntax is much cleaner than the tortured syntax 
used in VB.

Miles Thompson

At 03:28 AM 11/25/2001 -0800, you wrote:
On Sun, 25 Nov 2001, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
  Can anyone explain classes to me please? On many sites have I seen 

There are people earning PHD's while explaining classes.  I know your
question originates from using PHP, and this is a PHP general mailing list
... but your question is just a tad too general for this list.

  I'm not sure how these work, or how to use them. I'm still learning about

Classes aren't unique to PHP.  You need to learn a true object-oriented
programming language (C++, Java, ... etc.) to really learn classes.
Truly gifted individuals can learn object-oriented programming w/o too
much help, but they'd first have a firm grip on programming.  I'd expect
the average, novice programmer to need a good amount of help learning 
understanding objecte-oriented programming ...  like that attained from a
University, a good High School, or a lot of independent study and time
experimenting with code.

That said ...

You weren't completely missing the boat with your analogy of a class to a
variable, but in the same breath, that idea is totally missing the boat (I
can see from where you're coming, and to where you're headed).  Classes
are an IDEA.  They're not actually anything.  They're the definition of
private and public data members and methods that should make up an object.
When a class is instantiated, an object is created with the defined data
members and methods available.  You can then use the objects' methods to
set, get, alter, or otherwise interact with its data members, or to simply
perform a set of related operations.  Insert a couple semesters of theory
here. That's my feeble attempt to explain classes.  It's abstract, I
know, and possibly not a help at all.  But it's because of the paragraph
above this one.

Let's look at some petty code:

class chair{
 // DATA
 var num_legs;
 var color;
 var num_arms;

 function chair( $legs = 3, $arms = 0 ){ //CONSTRUCTOR
 $this-num_legs = $legs;
 $this-num_arms = $arms;

 function setLegs( $legs ){
 $this-num_legs = $legs;
 function getLegs( ){
 return $this-num_legs;

 // ... *clip* ...

Above is the [incomplete] definition of a chair class.  As you can see,
the class is useless.  But you can instantiate the class, and create a
useable object ... you can now create a chair.

$myChair = new chair( 4, 2 );

Now I have a chair [object] with 4 legs and 2 arms, called $myChair.
Let's have the chair tell us how many legs it has ...

$numLegsOnMyChair = $myChair-getLegs();
print( My Chair has $numLegsOnMyChair legs. );

Lets change how many legs the chair has ...

$myChair-setLegs( 7 ); // very odd, seven-legged chair

We should have a chair with 7 legs now, instead of 4.  

Re: [PHP] Classes

2001-11-25 Thread Jason G.


I have come from a QBASIC to VFP to VC++ to PHP (VFP and PHP are my primary 
languages), so I'll try to clear it up a bit.

In VFP, there is no constructor.  I believe that the equivalent is the 
init() method.  The init() method, or the constructor (in PHP, C++, etc) 
are useful for doing stuff that needs to be done when an object is 
created.  Likewise in true object oriented languages (PHP is not one of 
them yet), there is a Destructor that is called when an object goes out of 
scope or is deleted.  In VFP, there is a Destroy() method to simulate this 

In VFP, there is the notion of Public, Private, and Hidden properties.  PHP 
does not yet support this behavior.  In PHP, especially since it is such a 
loosely typed language, you can add and remove properties on the 
fly.  Generally when programming in PHP, I like to identify private 
properties and methods by placing a single underscore before their 
name.  This makes it clear for someone using the class not to ever 
reference these entities.

If you want to see a neat example of object oriented programming in action 
(not that I like M$ or anything), check out how the Microsoft Foundation 
Classes (MFC) work.  They effectively demonstrate public and private class 
members, inheritance, constructors, destructors, parent objects, etc...

Hope it Helped...

-Jason Garber

At 09:10 AM 11/25/2001 -0400, Miles Thompson wrote:

Not such a useless explanation at all, in fact a damned good one. Tight  
concise, and you immediately related the functions to code examples, along 
with an easy-to-visualize object, the chair.

But I have two questions:

1. Why is a constructor class needed? My OO background is Visual FoxPro, 
and all it requires is a declaration of  the class, it' methods and properties.

2. Are the chairs properties exposed, or are they private? You use 
functions to both set and retrieve them, which implies that they are 
private.  Even so, PHP's syntax is much cleaner than the tortured syntax 
used in VB.

Miles Thompson

At 03:28 AM 11/25/2001 -0800, you wrote:
On Sun, 25 Nov 2001, Rudi Ahlers wrote:
  Can anyone explain classes to me please? On many sites have I seen 

There are people earning PHD's while explaining classes.  I know your
question originates from using PHP, and this is a PHP general mailing list
... but your question is just a tad too general for this list.

  I'm not sure how these work, or how to use them. I'm still learning about

Classes aren't unique to PHP.  You need to learn a true object-oriented
programming language (C++, Java, ... etc.) to really learn classes.
Truly gifted individuals can learn object-oriented programming w/o too
much help, but they'd first have a firm grip on programming.  I'd expect
the average, novice programmer to need a good amount of help learning 
understanding objecte-oriented programming ...  like that attained from a
University, a good High School, or a lot of independent study and time
experimenting with code.

That said ...

You weren't completely missing the boat with your analogy of a class to a
variable, but in the same breath, that idea is totally missing the boat (I
can see from where you're coming, and to where you're headed).  Classes
are an IDEA.  They're not actually anything.  They're the definition of
private and public data members and methods that should make up an object.
When a class is instantiated, an object is created with the defined data
members and methods available.  You can then use the objects' methods to
set, get, alter, or otherwise interact with its data members, or to simply
perform a set of related operations.  Insert a couple semesters of theory
here. That's my feeble attempt to explain classes.  It's abstract, I
know, and possibly not a help at all.  But it's because of the paragraph
above this one.

Let's look at some petty code:

class chair{
 // DATA
 var num_legs;
 var color;
 var num_arms;

 function chair( $legs = 3, $arms = 0 ){ //CONSTRUCTOR
 $this-num_legs = $legs;
 $this-num_arms = $arms;

 function setLegs( $legs ){
 $this-num_legs = $legs;
 function getLegs( ){
 return $this-num_legs;

 // ... *clip* ...

Above is the [incomplete] definition of a chair class.  As you can see,
the class is useless.  But you can instantiate the class, and create a
useable object ... you can now create a chair.

$myChair = new chair( 4, 2 );

Now I have a chair [object] with 4 legs and 2 arms, called $myChair.
Let's have the chair tell us how many legs it has ...

$numLegsOnMyChair = $myChair-getLegs();
print( My Chair has $numLegsOnMyChair legs. );

Lets change how many legs the chair has ...

$myChair-setLegs( 7 ); // very odd, seven-legged chair

We should have a chair with 7 legs now, instead of 4.  

[PHP] gnupg, running php as a cgi script

2001-11-25 Thread Scott

I am trying to use php and gnupg on my virtual host to send user input to  
myself in encryptd form.  The problem I am having is that  I have installed 
gnupg in my user account and it is functional, but the keyring and keys that 
I have generated are under my user name for the account.  Php runs under the 
user name nobody and does not have access to the keys for encryption.  I 
have spoken to a tech at the company who said that I would not be allowed to 
install keys under nobody.  I'm not quite sure I believe this.

Anyway, as a way to get around this, I have tried to run the php script as 
cgi, by putting the script into the cgi-bin in my user directory.   This way 
the scripts should run as my username.  Here is the script:

$filename = /home/gildedpg/public_html/mydata.txt;
$newfile = fopen($filename, w+) or die(Couldn't create file.);


$msg = pFile created!/p;

? echo $msg; ?

This is the error I get:

CGIwrap Error: System Error: execv() failed

Error: No such file or directory (2)

If anyone could tell me why this script will not run, or better yet, make any 
suggestions to make this process workwithout using cgi, I would appreciate it.


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[PHP] Redirect upon execution of script...

2001-11-25 Thread Daniel Alsén


is there a way to redirect after a script has run?

I have a form whos result is being put into a database. When, or if, the
operation is sucessful i set a variable $done to 1.

Now, i need a redirection from here (if $done is 1). But since i cant send
out headers that far down on the page - what do i do?

# Daniel Alsén| www.mindbash.com #
# [EMAIL PROTECTED]  | +46 704 86 14 92 #
# ICQ: 63006462   |  #

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Re: [PHP] Creating $key, $value pairs

2001-11-25 Thread Hank Marquardt

OK, I took a stab at this using your post for input and it should be a
good enough starting point for you ... if you do have extraneous ':'s
elsewhere in the message then you'll need to be a little more picky with
your regex stuff to only pick out what you want -- for example, your
post has a couple of sentences that end with ':' before an example ...
the script as written picks those up as key value pairs, but since
you'll unlikely have those in your order messages I figure you're on
safe ground for now --

Of course the really easy way to do this is just to process the form
output directly then you have your key/values nice and neat in
$HTTP_POST_VARS already:) ... but I'm assuming this is on and processed
by a separate server, or with a canned script that only gens emails, so
this is what you need to do.

Here's the code:

#!/usr/bin/php4 -q
// OK, I assume you use this as a filter, so we're reading from
// php://stdin --
$fp = fopen(php://stdin,r);

// Initialize a counter for the order items

while(!feof($fp)) {
$buffer = fgets($fp,8192);
// Simple regex effectively 'splitting' on colon(:) with capture
if(preg_match('/([^:]+):\t*(.*)/',$buffer,$matches)) {
// strip out spaces and /'s in the variable name
$matches[1] = preg_replace(/[ \/\]/,,$matches[1]);
// create an entry for it in $billinginfo array
$billinginfo[$matches[1]] = $matches[2];
// Regex to match order items (INCOMPLETE!!!) only matches order
// number and quantity so far -- Hey I had to leave something for you
// to do:)
if(preg_match('/([0-9]+x[0-9.]+)\s+([0-9]+).*/',$buffer,$orderitem)) {
// since we don't have field ids in the matches, we create our own
$order[$itemcnt][Itemnum] = $orderitem[1];
$order[$itemcnt++][Quantity] = $orderitem[2];

// just for testing, dump the arrays --
while(list($key,$val) = each($billinginfo)) {
echo $key - $val \n;
echo ORDER HERE!!!\n;
for($x=0; $x$itemcnt; $x++) {
echo Item: $x \n;
while(list($k,$v) = each($order[$x])) {
echo $k - $v \n;
echo \n;

On Sat, Nov 24, 2001 at 10:20:45PM -0700, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
 I need to convert the following:
   Todays Date:  20-Nov-2001 10:58:24AM
   Order ID: W25
   Customer Email:   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   Email Promotions: Ok
   Business Name:
   Contact Name: Ashley M. Kirchner
   Day Number:   800 555-1212
   Evening Number:   303 555-1212
   Fax Number:
   Address:  3550 Arapahoe Ave #6
   City: Boulder
   State/Province:   CO
   Zip/Postal Code:  80303
   Country:  USA
   Payment Method:   CC
   Card Number:  991234
   Expiration Date:  01/71
   Shipping Method:  PICKUP
   Order Comment:
   Gift Message:
 ...into $key, $value pairs.  Ideally, I'd like to be able to name/use my own 
names for $key so I can end up with something like:
 $BillToContact  = 'Ashley M. Kirchner'
 $BillToDayPhone = '800 555-1212'
 $BillToEvePhone = '303 555-1212'
 (or maybe with something like:
   $bill['contact']  = 'Ashley M. Kirchner'
   $bill['dayphone'] = '800 555-1212'
   $bill['evephone'] = '303 555-1212'
 All of these variables will eventually be shoved into a DB once the entire form 
has been parsed.
 And then, at the bottom of that same (submitted) form, there's the actual 
information on the order, which looks something like this (the spacing is slightly 
 (unfortunately, this will wrap rather ugly)
   4x614x6  Standard Print (full-frame from 35mm).75   $0.75
   4x614x6  Standard Print (full-frame from 35mm).75   $0.75
   5x7.5  15x7.5  Image:Uploaded Image 3  4.25   $4.25
   8x12   18x12   Classic Full Frame Image:Uploaded Image 4  10.25  $10.25
  SUBTOTAL: $16.00
   TAX:  $1.18
  SHIPPING:  $0.00
 TOTAL: $17.18
 This part again I'd like to break up into separate lines, and separate variables 
for the product no., the quantity, unit, decription, price, total (per line), then 
the subtotal, tax, 

Re: [PHP] Can php do this?

2001-11-25 Thread Michael Sims

At 09:22 AM 11/25/2001 -0400, Miles Thompson wrote:
I've followed this with interest, but unless you specifically need some 
properties of PHP to do this, use an easier tool.

Python has modules for both MySQL and PHP. They are easily invoked and 
don't involve calling Lynx  feeding it the script.
Here's some code, you might want to think about it as an alternative. I 
hope the indents preserve, as Python reliese on indentation and a CR 
ends it's line.

Thanks for the code!  The easiest way for me personally to learn a new 
language is to think of a task that needs to be done then look at some 
sample code.  I'm not quite ready to learn Python (yet) but I'm saving this 
into the archive for when I'm ready. :)

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php-general Digest 25 Nov 2001 15:56:18 -0000 Issue 1015

2001-11-25 Thread php-general-digest-help

php-general Digest 25 Nov 2001 15:56:18 - Issue 1015

Topics (messages 75632 through 75652):

Re: what the best version PHP + APACHE on Solaris8
75632 by: Justin England

Re: Can php do this?
75633 by: Michael Sims
75634 by: Michael A. Peters
75636 by: Casey Allen Shobe
75637 by: Joelmon2001.aol.com
75643 by: Miles Thompson
75651 by: Michael Sims

Creating $key, $value pairs
75635 by: Ashley M. Kirchner
75650 by: Hank Marquardt

Help needed: Failed opening '' for inclusion
75638 by: David De Graff
75640 by: B. van Ouwerkerk

75639 by: Rudi Ahlers
75641 by: Christopher William Wesley
75642 by: Miles Thompson
75645 by: Jason G.
75646 by: Jason G.
75647 by: Jason G.

Re: [php] telnet describe command for mysql
75644 by: Jason G.

gnupg, running php as a cgi script
75648 by: Scott

Redirect upon execution of script...
75649 by: Daniel Alsén
75652 by: Miles Thompson


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Just grap the lastest stable version.  As of now:

Apache ver 1.3.22
PHPver 4.0.6

Most all of my Sparc Solaris8 machines are running Apache 1.3.19/PHP 4.0.6

Hope this helps.

Justin England  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Network Administrator   
E-Net Information Services  http://www.enetis.net
Tel: 605-341-3638   Fax: 605-341-8880

On Thu, 22 Nov 2001, Evgeny Rachlenko wrote:

 Dir Justin England,
 Could you tell me what the version of apache and php do you prefer  for
 Solaris 8 .
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---End Message---

At 10:04 PM 11/24/2001 -0500, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Sort of like cron doing what you would do if you visited
page.php and once it's hit, it emails specified users in a database
Would I need path to php in the cron script to do this?
Or am I just living a dream?

It sure can.  There's a couple of ways to accomplish this.  I personally 
think the easiest way is to code your page like normal, then call it in a 
cron job via lynx.  Let's say you have a page called page.php that 
connects to your database, retrieves the email addresses, and sends the 
emails.  To call it from a cron job add the following to your crontab:

0 8 * * * /usr/bin/lynx -dump http://localhost/page.php  

Of course this means your script is in your public web space, so 
theoretically could be called by anyone who knew the name of the page.  You 
could put the page in a subdirectory and add an .htaccess file that 
restricts access to only to take care of that if it concerns you.

If you have PHP installed as a CGI then you could also write your page as a 
shell script.  As the first line of your script put the line:

#!path to php -q

I haven't personally used this method because I have PHP installed as an 
apache module and I was too lazy to compile the CGI version.  Using lynx in 
the above configuration works fine for me...

---End Message---

If you have built the php standalone binary then its easy-

// your php code here

What I do when I build php is build it twice. First I build it with all my
options EXCEPT for with-apxs=/blah
That builds the standalone binary, and I install that in /usr/local/bin

Then, I build the apache module and install that where my apache modules
This allows me to use php as a regular unix scripting language, so I can
do stuff from the crontab.

btw- I'm actually doing a very similar thing-
I have some customer support software that pops my support e-mail address
and puts the message in a MySQL database.

I have a cron job that calls a php shell script that pops the e-mail for
me every 15 minutes.
That way I don't have to log on to the support application as often, and
the customers get an automated response fairly quickly, giving them a
unique case ID etc.

On Sat, 24 Nov 2001 22:04:21 EST
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mentioned:

 Thanks for your time . *This* = create follow up autoresponders
 Or at least have php run with cron, so I can daily hit a mysql
 db and use php to email those people at a specified time, like
 every 3 days. Just so when I have users to the site who register
 and their name/email is in a table users in db data, 
 php/cron can be used to pull the name/email from mysql
 and (with unsubscribe message at bottom) email them when I 
 say to do so in cron. Getting 

Re: [PHP] Can PHP take input from the command prompt interactively?

2001-11-25 Thread Dan McCullough

An example for ya

#!/usr/local/bin/php -q
file name: shellexample.php
created by:  dan mccullough
date created: 10/26/01
purpose:  just to do a simple shell script that takes the input and places its output 
on the

For more information contact Dan McCullough at 603.444.9808

To use this on the command line type [root@ns web]# php shellexample.php
then type your line of text.
function read() {
$fp=fopen(/dev/stdin, r);
$input=fgets($fp, 255);

return $input;

print(Please input your text? );
$input = read();
$string = $input;
$string = preg_replace (/(.)/, \\1\n, $string);
print ($string);


--- David Yee [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Can I write a command line PHP script like the following:
 php -q test.php
 1)choice A
 2)choice B
 3)choice C
 Please enter an option: 1

Dan McCullough
Theres no such thing as a problem unless the servers are on fire!
h: 603.444.9808
w: McCullough Family
w: At Work

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[PHP] Installing PHP 4 on a RAQ3

2001-11-25 Thread Phil Ewington


As I have only ever worked on a Windows platform, installing PHP  MySQL on
a RAQ3 is completely alien to me. I attempted to install the binaries by
following instructions I dug up somewhere, and it all went badly wrong :o(

I have since had the RAQ reset so I could start again. This time round I
installed the RaQ3-RaQ4-MySQL-3.23.37-1.pkg from cobalt, this went on OK,
but now I need to install PHP. As there is no .pkg for the RAQ3, I have been
advised that I do need to install the binaries for PHP 4. Do I need to give
a path for the --with mysql option, and if so where does the .pkg install
MySQL? Any idiot proof step by step instructions will be greatly
appreciated, along with which is the best/most stable version of PHP 4?, and
where is best to install it?

Thanks in advance,


Phil Ewington
Cold Fusion Developer
T: 01344 643138

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RE: [PHP] Redirect upon execution of script...

2001-11-25 Thread Daniel Alsén

 2. User fills in a form, clicks submit which calls the same script,
 passing itself the values. Depending on the value passed by the submit
 button, the script processes the information (INSERT or UPDATE) and sets
 $done = 1 if successful.

 The second scenario is easier to handle.
 Call the same script, passing it $done, and depending on whether or not
 $done is set you redirect.

 Juli Meloni has done an excellent tutorial on just this at
 http://www.thickbook.com. look in the tutorials for something like Form
 With Error Message. You just have to adapt the logic to suit your needs.

The second scenario is correct. I am actually already using the method in
Melonis tutorial for error messages. But i can´t do a redirection that way
since $done isn´t set until after the db INSERT. My if-statement for the
header is at the top of the page (wich is the only place i can put it) and
will never know if $done is set or not below.

- Daniel

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RE: [PHP] Redirect upon execution of script...

2001-11-25 Thread Christian Dechery

I think I really don't understand what do you want... hehehe :)
which is fine!

but take that code I sent ya... now I'll explain the functions... then tell 
me if I'm right:

function ShowHeader

function ShowFooter()

function ShowForm()
 global $SCRIPT_NAME:
 form ... bla bla bla action=?=$SCRIPT_NAME?
 input type=hidden name=action value=process-form

function ProcessForm()
 if( !ValidateFormFields() )
 return false;
 if( !ExecuteDBInsert() )
 return false;
 return true;

wouldn't that work?

there's no $done variable here... the return of the function is all you 
need... if it's true redirect, if not display error...

At 19:03 25/11/01 +0100, Daniel Alsén wrote:
Hmm...either i don´t really get what you mean, or you missed the problem.

This is the situation:

I have a form which results is to be inserted in a db. When the form is
submitted the page calls itself and does a db INSERT based on if a couple of
statements is true - otherwise it displays a proper error message.

So far everything is fine and is working like a charm.

I want a redirection after a successfull db INSERT. After the INSERT is made
(which is what the page is for) i set a variable, $done, to 1.
Right now i only use $done to display a message at the bottom of the screen
saying that the INSERT worked. But i want the page to redirect itself as
soon as $done is set to 1.

The problem i have is: I can only send headers (wich i use for redirection -
right??) at the top of the page - before all the other code. But since $done
is set far down in the code, after my form and db-statements, the header
will never know when to be sent.

Is there a way of calling a headerfunction in the top of the page?

- Daniel

  -Original Message-
  From: Christian Dechery [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: den 25 november 2001 18:41
  To: Daniel Alsén; PHP; Miles Thompson
  Subject: RE: [PHP] Redirect upon execution of script...
  sorry if I'm not understanding correctly your problem... but it
  seems quite
  simple to me...
  I've created like 10.000 php forms that does that... I don't see a prob...
  what do you want to do?
  process a form:
  if something's wrong, print error message and go back
  if everything is fine go to another page... that's it?
  well... database inserts has nothing to do with headers...
  you can easily do something like
  switch ($action)
   case process-form:if( ProcessForm() )
   ShowHeader(); // function to
  display all the HTML you want
  where ProcessForm returns true or false depending on the DB operation...
  of course there cannot be any output before the switch?
  did it help?
  At 18:24 25/11/01 +0100, Daniel Alsén wrote:
2. User fills in a form, clicks submit which calls the same script,
passing itself the values. Depending on the value passed by the submit
button, the script processes the information (INSERT or
  UPDATE) and sets
$done = 1 if successful.
The second scenario is easier to handle.
Call the same script, passing it $done, and depending on
  whether or not
$done is set you redirect.
Juli Meloni has done an excellent tutorial on just this at
http://www.thickbook.com. look in the tutorials for something
  like Form
With Error Message. You just have to adapt the logic to suit
  your needs.
  The second scenario is correct. I am actually already using the method in
  Melonis tutorial for error messages. But i can´t do a
  redirection that way
  since $done isn´t set until after the db INSERT. My if-statement for the
  header is at the top of the page (wich is the only place i can
  put it) and
  will never know if $done is set or not below.
  - Daniel
  PHP General Mailing List (http://www.php.net/)
  To unsubscribe, e-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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  . Christian Dechery
  . . Gaita-L Owner / Web Developer
  . . http://www.webstyle.com.br
  . . http://www.tanamesa.com.br

. Christian 

Re: [PHP] Installing PHP 4 on a RAQ3

2001-11-25 Thread Philip Olson

Hello Phil,

I've seen this come up a few times, search the archives for a bit:


The following comes up and may be useful.  Don't hesitate to reply back on
how helpful it is, perhaps eventually some raq instructions can make their 
way into installation section of manual.  Try:

  HOWTO: Installation on Cobalt RaQ  (RaQ3 or RaQ4)  :

Also, the manual's install instructions should be of some use:


Philip Olson

On Sun, 25 Nov 2001, Phil Ewington wrote:

 As I have only ever worked on a Windows platform, installing PHP  MySQL on
 a RAQ3 is completely alien to me. I attempted to install the binaries by
 following instructions I dug up somewhere, and it all went badly wrong :o(
 I have since had the RAQ reset so I could start again. This time round I
 installed the RaQ3-RaQ4-MySQL-3.23.37-1.pkg from cobalt, this went on OK,
 but now I need to install PHP. As there is no .pkg for the RAQ3, I have been
 advised that I do need to install the binaries for PHP 4. Do I need to give
 a path for the --with mysql option, and if so where does the .pkg install
 MySQL? Any idiot proof step by step instructions will be greatly
 appreciated, along with which is the best/most stable version of PHP 4?, and
 where is best to install it?
 Thanks in advance,
 Phil Ewington
 Cold Fusion Developer
 T: 01344 643138
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RE: [PHP] Redirect upon execution of script...

2001-11-25 Thread Miles Thompson

See below
At 06:24 PM 11/25/2001 +0100, Daniel Alsén wrote:
  2. User fills in a form, clicks submit which calls the same script,
  passing itself the values. Depending on the value passed by the submit
  button, the script processes the information (INSERT or UPDATE) and sets
  $done = 1 if successful.
  The second scenario is easier to handle.
  Call the same script, passing it $done, and depending on whether or not
  $done is set you redirect.
  Juli Meloni has done an excellent tutorial on just this at
  http://www.thickbook.com. look in the tutorials for something like Form
  With Error Message. You just have to adapt the logic to suit your needs.

The second scenario is correct. I am actually already using the method in
Melonis tutorial for error messages. But i can´t do a redirection that way
since $done isn´t set until after the db INSERT. My if-statement for the
header is at the top of the page (wich is the only place i can put it) and
will never know if $done is set or not below.

- Daniel

Before this a whole bunch of processing has been done, either:

A username/login has been entered and checked and a checkval generated and 
A cookie has been read and its value checked in the database
If everything is OK, then $REaderOK is set true (1). No output has been 
sent to the browser

Now this is encountered ...
if( $ReaderOK == 1 )
   echo a href = \$PHP_SELF?cLangCode=$cLangCode\ . 
$ErrorAndReturnMsg ./a /center;

This is just about the end of all the logic stuff, and now the display 
portion of the page runs.
Note that in the else part of the code fragment, that the normal part of 
the display code is never reached because the page
is calling itself with with an error message to the user. If everything is 
ok, the user is sent back to the page ($origin) which called the logon 
script. That value was set thusly:

? session_start();
session_register( origin );
. //after some checking if the user is not logged on the logon script is 
called here

Miles  Thompson

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[PHP] I thought it wise to offer to my relatives and friends first the items I have on auction at ebay.

2001-11-25 Thread Jess Ragaza

1. Elegant, collector's 8 stainless steel knife. Never been used although I had it 
for over ten (10) years. click:




I hope you are enjoying your long Thanksgiving holiday weekend.


Jess Ragaza, President, Internet Architecture Inc.; Principal, JR Associates; P.O. Box 
2766, Washington, D.C. 20013;[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
http://www.internetarchitecture.com/ With shopping and entertainment an experience in 
great deals, ease and comfort: Disney, amazon.com, eBay, AOL, CarsDirect, Sony, 
Franklin Mint, Playboy and others; Where everybody is given a chance to work 
profitably at home with Multilevel Marketing and Residual Income Galore; Watch for the 
next IPO that will reap rewards beyond your imagination!

Do You Yahoo!?
Yahoo! GeoCities - quick and easy web site hosting, just $8.95/month.

RE: [PHP] Safely Storing Delivering PDFs

2001-11-25 Thread Mark Charette

If you have access to the Apache server why not set up auth-mysql as the
authentication method? It checks for authentication login/password pairs out
of MySQL.

mark C.

 -Original Message-
 From: Miles Thompson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]

 I believe I have to do what you do, but from your cryptic msg
 I've not been
 able to figure it out.

 We have a subscription site, and if a subscriber wants a PDF, the link
 which requests it checks for a session cookie. If it's not set
 the user is
 directed to a logon script which checks username/password against a
 database and sets the session cookie if everything is OK. It
 redirects to the calling script, and because the session id is
 now present
 the PDF can be accessed.

 To my horror, I discovered on Friday that if I just type in the URL with
 the name of the PDF it's delivered with no checking at all. I
 have to move
 them to a safe place, either outside the web tree or to a directory
 protected by htaccess. This is where I'm stuck.

 If I use .htaccess, I don't want to maintain a separate .htaccess file in
 addition to the subscriber table in the database. Can I set have my logon
 script set an Apache variable that will give access to the protected
 directory which store the PDf's?

 Or do they have to be passed? If so how?

 Would that mean that I'd need only one or a few username/password
 pairs in
 Is htaccess (or Apache's security) somehow satisfied by setting
 the variables?

 Regards - Miles Thompson

 At 01:19 PM 10/19/2001 +0200, you wrote:
 Hi George
 I had the same problem a while ago.
 The only solution i found was to change the link to :
 test.pdf does not exist, but
 in /pdffile/ there is a .htaccess which redirects the 404 to the php
 script that reads/generates the pdfs. And for my purpose checks if user
 authorized to get these files.
 George's part is snipped, as it doesn't matter to me if the filename is

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[PHP] automatic serial/unserializing with sessions

2001-11-25 Thread Christian Dechery

Sessions do automatically serialize and unserialize it's variables?

How is it done??... is it via session_register() that calls serialize() ??
and then session_start() unserializes it all?

/* I'm just guessing here */

can someone explain me how does this work?

. Christian Dechery
. . Gaita-L Owner / Web Developer
. . http://www.webstyle.com.br
. . http://www.tanamesa.com.br

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Re: [PHP] Creating $key, $value pairs

2001-11-25 Thread Hank Marquardt

OK, probably the easiest thing to do would be to add some kind of state
functionality to the loop and use different logic/regex stuff based on
where in the process you are ... first test each line for '/^SHIP TO/',
'/^BILL TO/' or /^ORDER NO./ ... that could set your 'state' for the
script, then you can process each line properly (and it would get around
the ':' in an order line problem as you wouldn't execute on that basis
... in my head anyway that would make the main loop into a case

switch($stateofscript) {
case SHIP:
$shippinginfo[$matches[1]] = $matches[2];
case BILL:
$billinginfo[$matches[1]] = $matches[2];
case ORDER:
// split your order lines
// must not have hit the SHIPPING INFO yet so do nothing

The other thing you'll need to fix is that you have the generic
'address' tag for 3 different lines in both shipping and billing ... so
the logic will need to include a if(isset($shippinginfo[$matches[1]]))
thing to prepend or postfix an integer or something onto the index to
keep the lines straight.

I'd say you're getting there though.


On Sun, Nov 25, 2001 at 02:06:52PM -0700, Ashley M. Kirchner wrote:
 Hank Marquardt wrote:
  Actually you're OK here (I think ...) if a few of them end up blank,
  that's OK, just ignore them, you'll know the ones you want based on the
  real email you receive ... as for the folks putting To: someone, From:
  someone ... I wrote the regex to accomodate that ... it takes anything
  up to the first ':' and claims that as the variable name, then discards
  the ':' after and finally grabs the rest of the line (.*) as the
  remainder ... that can include ':' without problem ... in fact if you
  look at your example, it handles the first 'timestamp' field just fine:)
 Yeap, I noticed that as soon as I ran the first (full) email through it.  And of 
course, there're some problems.  The incoming email has two sections in it which 
will contain the same variables.  What I posted only contained a 'BILL TO:' section.  
The full email also contains a 'SHIP TO:' section.  But because the script creates 
variables based on the fields in the email, it overwrites the first section:
   Business Name:
   Contact Name: PhotoCraft
   Day Number:   303.442.6410
   Evening Number:
   Fax Number:
   Address:  3550 Arapahoe Ave
   Address:  Suite 6
   City: Boulder
   State/Province:   CO
   Zip/Postal Code:  80303
   Country:  USA
   Business Name:
   Contact Name: Ashley M. Kirchner
   Day Number:   800 555-1212
   Evening Number:   303 555-1212
   Fax Number:
   Address:  3550 Arapahoe Ave #6
   City: Boulder
   State/Province:   CO
   Zip/Postal Code:  80303
   Country:  USA
 This is part of why I asked whether it was possible to use my own variable 
naming, so I could end up with one of:
 $ShipToDayPhone   $BillToDayPhone
 $ShipToEvePhone   $BillToEvePhone
 $ShipTo['DayPhone']   $BillTo['dayphone']
 $ShipTo['EvePhone']   $BillTo['evephone']
 And then there's still the order items themselves.  Right now, the script is 
cutting the lines because of the : matching.  So, a line like this (wrapping alert):
  4x6 1  4x6  Standard Print (full-frame from 35mm) Image:Uploaded Image 1  
 ...will end up:
 $key: 4x614x6StandardPrint(full-framefrom35mm)Image
 $val: 'Uploaded Image 1 .75 $0.75'
 Item: 0
 Itemnum - 4x6
 Quantity - 1
 Not quite what it should be.  I think I'm going to limit where it should do the 
$key - $value matching, and figure something else out for the rest of the message.
  whole thing would be a lot easier in the last one if they actually tab
  delimit the fields, then a simple split() call would handle it nicely
  but what you posted was spaces.
 Yeah, the original incoming email is a mess really.  No tab delimited anything, 
and some of the fields have extraneous spaces after each value, some just have a row 
of spaces (if the value's blank), some 80 characters long.
 H | Life is the art of drawing without an eraser. - John Gardner
   Ashley M. Kirchner mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   .   303.442.6410 x130
   Director of Internet Operations / SysAdmin. 800.441.3873 x130
   Photo Craft Laboratories, Inc.. 3550 Arapahoe Ave, #6
   http://www.pcraft.com . .  ..   Boulder, CO 

[PHP] User access rights..

2001-11-25 Thread Ali Pakkan


I have a machine which is running Php4 on Apache 1.3
And I want to make a hosting site that the users
can register themselves online. They will have a home
directory and so they will be able to put their web files
(html, php, images etc.) under there. 

I want to keep their information on Mysql. That is,
if possible I don't want to create real system accounts.
I'll do all this work (create user, its home etc) with PHP.
There is no problem at this point.

The problem is... using PHP, they can open any file 
that is readable to nobody account (Apache user).. 
So it can read and even edit other users' files..

Consquently, the users should be able to access only and only their home

How can I do this?

Thanks in advance..

Ali Pakkan
Gsm: +90542 3268742

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Re: [PHP] User access rights..

2001-11-25 Thread Kurt Lieber

On Sunday 25 November 2001 03:30 pm, you wrote:
 The problem is... using PHP, they can open any file
 that is readable to nobody account (Apache user)..
 So it can read and even edit other users' files..

 Consquently, the users should be able to access only and only their home

Short answer; you can't.

Long answer; if users have shell accounts, there is no way you can do what 
you're trying to do.  If you limit users to FTP access and PHP *only* (i.e. 
no telnet, ssh, custom CGI, Perl or other languages that can access the file 
system) then you can use PHP safe mode to at least protect PHP.

Read the Security chapter in the PHP manual.  (chapter 4, I believe)

This topic has been discussed extensively before on the list, so you may also 
want to search the list archives for more details.


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RE: [PHP] Redirect upon execution of script...

2001-11-25 Thread Daniel Alsén

Thanks for all the help guys! I am sure i will solve this when i have a go
at it again :)

- Daniel

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Re: [PHP] User access rights..

2001-11-25 Thread Ali Pakkan

I should explain a bit more in detail.. Actually, the users can have php
files. And these php files can access other users' stuff. 

And consider they are real users, then how will i tell Apache server to
run as the user owning the file?

Is it impossible for a real solution?

On Sun, 25 Nov 2001, Hank Marquardt wrote:

  I want to keep their information on Mysql. That is,
  if possible I don't want to create real system accounts.
  The problem is... using PHP, they can open any file 
  that is readable to nobody account (Apache user).. 
  So it can read and even edit other users' files..
 These two statements seem at odds with each other (to me anyway) .. if
 you're completely managing the user 'virtually' within mysql you could
 manage all your permissions and access within the database with sessions
 and a user id ... if on the other hand you are creating accounts on the
 system just with a nologin shell, then you're in a pickle with no real
 solution ... if the 'nobody' group needs read permission then you're
 correct that most anyone can read anyone else's work ... you're only
 real option is to create some kind of wrapper script for accessing the
 files that checks the db perms first.
 BTW, there are *lots* of ISPs offering shell access (and web accounts)
 out there where this is an issue ... the entire /home tree is 0755
 permed and user a can read/execute user b's stuff.   even a 0750
 doesn't fix it most of the time as the users share a common group ... I
 guess you could go with 0750, set uid=gid and then add 'nobody' to
 everyone's groups though ...
 ... enough, I'm just thinking out loud now.

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[PHP] error on update

2001-11-25 Thread Peter Lavender

Hi everyone,

I'm connecting to a SQL SVR 2000 database and get an error that I haven't
been able to resolve.

The following code generates an error Incorrect syntax near 'longer'; SQL
state 3700 in SQLExecDirect

I read some where that it might be due to a reserved word in column names,
but this isn't the case.

Here is the code:

  print(QID: $qIDbrQuestion to be updated to: $updateQuest);
$updateQuest = cleanUpText($updateQuest);

$query = update tbl_question ;
$query .= set question = '$updateQuest' ;
$query .= where questID = '$qID';;

print(brbQuery/b= $querybr);

print(Cleaned up: $updateQuestbr);
$result = odbc_exec($conn, $updateQuest);

I can copy and paste the resultant SQL and execute it fine in the query

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[PHP] Ojects and sessions

2001-11-25 Thread Greg Sidelinger

I'm trying to store some classes that I created in session variables.  I
want to test for the object at the beginning of each page and if it does
not exist I want to create it.
I have the class definitions in a separate file that is included before
But when I try to access the object I get an error.
Here is what I am trying right now.  This is from an example in the

$a = new cart();
Can some one please point me in the right direction on how to get
objects stored in my session vars.
Greg Sidelinger

RE: [PHP] EXAMPLE: Redirect upon execution of script...

2001-11-25 Thread Jason G.

Doing this is very simple, although a pain in the rear...

For those of you that have any confusion on this issue, pay very close 
attention to this script.  It effectivly demonstrates how to deal with a 
form, and display intellegent errors WITHOUT any of that ...Please click 
your browsers back button... crap.

Have a hidden field in your form - ACTION=SAVE
This will tell your script when to look for input.

Write your script like this


//Make sure your ID is of int type.
//If ID  0 then you are in UPDATE mode.  if ID == 0 then you are in INSERT 
$ID = intval($ID);

//The main reason that I use a switch instead of an IF is that you can 
break out at any time.
switch($ACTION) case 'SAVE':
 //Validate all fields here
 if(empty($field1)) $oErr-field1 = 'Required';
 if(empty($field2)) $oErr-field2 = 'Required';

 //If the variable $oErr is set, then break
 if(isset($oErr)) break;

 //We are okay, add slashes to all fields...
 $field1 = addslashes($field1);
 $field2 = addslashes($field2);

 $sQuery = UPDATE table SET field1='field1', 
field2='field2 WHERE id=$ID;

 //Do the UPDATE query here (however you do that)
 $sQuery = INSERT INTO table VALUES ('field1', 'field2');

 //Do the INSERT query here (however you do that)

 //Grab the newly inserted ID
 $ID = mysql_insery_id();

 //We have success, Do the redirect here
 header(Location: http://www.yourdomain.com/nextscript.php?ID=$ID;);


   form name=frmInput action=?= $PHP_SELF ? method=post
  input type=hidden name=ACTION value=SAVE
  input type=hidden name=ID value=?= $ID ?

  Field 1: ? if(isset($oErr-field1)) echo($oErr-field1); ?br
  input type=text name=field1 value=?= addslashes($field1) ?
  Field 2: ? if(isset($oErr-field2)) echo($oErr-field2); ?br
  input type=text name=field2 value=?= addslashes($field2) ?



At 06:24 PM 11/25/2001 +0100, Daniel Alsén wrote:
  2. User fills in a form, clicks submit which calls the same script,
  passing itself the values. Depending on the value passed by the submit
  button, the script processes the information (INSERT or UPDATE) and sets
  $done = 1 if successful.
  The second scenario is easier to handle.
  Call the same script, passing it $done, and depending on whether or not
  $done is set you redirect.
  Juli Meloni has done an excellent tutorial on just this at
  http://www.thickbook.com. look in the tutorials for something like Form
  With Error Message. You just have to adapt the logic to suit your needs.

The second scenario is correct. I am actually already using the method in
Melonis tutorial for error messages. But i can´t do a redirection that way
since $done isn´t set until after the db INSERT. My if-statement for the
header is at the top of the page (wich is the only place i can put it) and
will never know if $done is set or not below.

- Daniel

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[PHP] ZIP Files?

2001-11-25 Thread Emiliano Marmonti

Hi people,

 I´m looking for alternatives in 
using zip files. Our users should upload into our server zipped files and we 
need to unzip this files and process it. I have read there is a library that 
could be used like an extension, but I´ve tried to use it from NT and don´t 
seems like the extension was added and when I try to use the commands PHP says 
that don´t recognoice the commands. In the other hand somebody has told me that 
PHP must be recompiled for using this library. Our platform is Windows NT but in 
the future could be Solaris.

 Anybody could send me your 

 Thanks in advance.

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[PHP] Pulling information out of a MySQL database

2001-11-25 Thread Tim Thorburn

I'm having some new troubles pulling information out of a MySQL database. 
The page I'm currently working on has a simple form, that asks the user to 
select a month and year from two dropdown menu's then forwards their 
choices on to a new page which displays community events for the chosen 
month and year. This all works great.

However, this new page that displays the community events along with their 
date allows the user to click on the name of the event for a more detailed 
list (location, time, description, etc) - this is the part that isn't working.
The problem seems to be that the script forgets the previously chosen month 
and year when it goes to display the event in greater detail.

How can I get the script to remember the month and year so it will display 
the proper information? My immediate thought is a cookie, but I have no 
idea how to do this ... can anyone offer any other suggestions, or if a 
cookie is the way to go - can someone point me in the right direction?

The site is hosted on a Sun Solaris box with PHP 3.0.16 and MySQL 3.23.31


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Re: [PHP] Pulling information out of a MySQL database

2001-11-25 Thread Duncan Hill

On Sun, 25 Nov 2001, Tim Thorburn wrote:

 the proper information? My immediate thought is a cookie, but I have no 
 idea how to do this ... can anyone offer any other suggestions, or if a 
 cookie is the way to go - can someone point me in the right direction?

Hidden form variable, assign the previous values.


Sapere aude
My mind not only wanders, it sometimes leaves completely.
Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity.

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2001-11-25 Thread Joseph Blythe

thats right just untar somewhere, when you do the make install it should
create the directory /usr/local/freetype2 for you, it is a bit of a strange
one they also made it to use jam which is another make file system, I don't
know whats wrong with the old ./configure, make, make install at least it is
a standard :)

Good luck with the install.



-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, 26 November 2001 9:11 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] GD, PNG

Interesting. Thanks

So after untar, I will use that sequence you typed

I presume I can untar and do that
or need to rename folder to freetype 2
go in, and then the process you stated?

It's funny how freetype throws me off but I am confident
in installing gd and everything else. It's like the sun
, without it, everything else falls apart


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Re: [PHP] Pulling information out of a MySQL database

2001-11-25 Thread David Robley

On Mon, 26 Nov 2001 13:17, Tim Thorburn wrote:
 I'm having some new troubles pulling information out of a MySQL
 database. The page I'm currently working on has a simple form, that
 asks the user to select a month and year from two dropdown menu's then
 forwards their choices on to a new page which displays community events
 for the chosen month and year. This all works great.

 However, this new page that displays the community events along with
 their date allows the user to click on the name of the event for a more
 detailed list (location, time, description, etc) - this is the part
 that isn't working. The problem seems to be that the script forgets the
 previously chosen month and year when it goes to display the event in
 greater detail.

 How can I get the script to remember the month and year so it will
 display the proper information? My immediate thought is a cookie, but I
 have no idea how to do this ... can anyone offer any other suggestions,
 or if a cookie is the way to go - can someone point me in the right

 The site is hosted on a Sun Solaris box with PHP 3.0.16 and MySQL


Presumably each event will have a unique ID? Then pass that ID as part of 
the URL on the link for the detailed information, and use the ID to 
select the detailed information.

David Robley  Techno-JoaT, Web Maintainer, Mail List Admin, etc

   A cat is the universe's way of showing us perfection.

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2001-11-25 Thread FreeEmailSoftware1


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Re: [PHP] Pulling information out of a MySQL database

2001-11-25 Thread Tim Thorburn

Hi again,

Ok, I've heard some suggestions to my problem ... but I'm not entirely 
certain how to incorporate them, perhaps taking a look at the code would be 

Again, the problem I'm having is as follows.  I have a simple form in which 
the user selects a month and year from two drop down menu's - based on 
their choice, the following PHP script searches a MySQL database and 
displays a basic listing (event name and date) for the selected 
month.  Then the user has the option to click an event name and receive a 
more detailed listing of the event - this is the portion that isn't working.

It seems that the script is forgetting the values entered by the user - I 
have come to this conclusion as when I replaced .$month. and .$year. 
with an actual month and year ie. 'November' and '2001' respectively, the 
detailed display works perfectly.

How can I get both the basic and detailed event listings working at the 
same time?



$db = mysql_connect(localhost, login, password);

if ($id) {

// query for extented information

$result = mysql_query(SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(EventStartDate, '%W %M %D %Y') 
AS FormattedEventStartDate, DATE_FORMAT(EventEndDate, '%W %M %D %Y') AS 
FormattedEventEndDate, TIME_FORMAT(EventStartTime, '%r') AS 
FormattedEventStartTime, TIME_FORMAT(EventEndTime, '%r') AS 
FormattedEventEndTime FROM comcal WHERE id=$id and EventMonth='.$month.' 
and EventYear='.$year.',$db);

$myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);

//display extended information

 echo table width='65%' border='0' cellspacing='2' cellpadding='2';
   echo tr;
 echo td valign='top' align='left'bEvent: /b/td;
 echo td valign='top' align='left';
echo ($myrow[EventName]);
echo /td;
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
 echo td valign='top' align='left'bLocation: /b/td;
echo td valign='top' 
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
echo td valign='top' align='left'bCity: /b/td;
echo td valign='top' align='left'.($myrow[EventCity])., 
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
 echo td valign='top' align='left'bTime: /b/td;
echo td valign='top' 
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
 echo td valign='top' align='left'bDate: /b/td;
echo td valign='top' 
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
echo td valign='top' align='left'bContact Person(s): /b/td;
 echo td valign='top' align='left'.($myrow[EventC1FN]). 
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
 echo td valign='top' align='left'bPhone: /b/td;
 echo td valign='top' 
echo /td;
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
echo td valign='top' align='left'bFax: /b/td;
 echo td valign='top' 
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
echo td valign='top' align='left'bCell: /b/td;
 echo td valign='top' 
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
echo td valign='top' align='left'bEmail: /b/td;
 echo td valign='top' align='left'a 
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
echo td valign='top' align='left'bWeb: /b/td;
 echo td valign='top' align='left'a 
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
echo td valign='top' align='left'bDescription: /b/td;
 echo td valign='top' 
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
echo td valign='top' align='left'bCost: /b/td;
 echo td valign='top' 
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
 echo td valign='top' align='left'b/b/td;
 echo td valign='top' align='left'nbsp;/td;
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
 echo td valign='top' align='left'b/b/td;
 echo td valign='top' align='left'nbsp;/td;
   echo /tr;
 echo /table;

} else {

//display basic information from 

RE: [PHP] Pulling information out of a MySQL database

2001-11-25 Thread Martin Towell

If id is unique, you can change the first sql from:

$result = mysql_query(SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(EventStartDate, '%W %M %D %Y') 
AS FormattedEventStartDate, DATE_FORMAT(EventEndDate, '%W %M %D %Y') AS 
FormattedEventEndDate, TIME_FORMAT(EventStartTime, '%r') AS 
FormattedEventStartTime, TIME_FORMAT(EventEndTime, '%r') AS 
FormattedEventEndTime FROM comcal WHERE id=$id and EventMonth='.$month.' 
and EventYear='.$year.',$db);


$result = mysql_query(SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(EventStartDate, '%W %M %D %Y') 
AS FormattedEventStartDate, DATE_FORMAT(EventEndDate, '%W %M %D %Y') AS 
FormattedEventEndDate, TIME_FORMAT(EventStartTime, '%r') AS 
FormattedEventStartTime, TIME_FORMAT(EventEndTime, '%r') AS 
FormattedEventEndTime FROM comcal WHERE id=$id,$db);

in other words: remove the month and year from the where clause


-Original Message-
From: Tim Thorburn [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, November 26, 2001 3:58 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] Pulling information out of a MySQL database

Hi again,

Ok, I've heard some suggestions to my problem ... but I'm not entirely 
certain how to incorporate them, perhaps taking a look at the code would be 

Again, the problem I'm having is as follows.  I have a simple form in which 
the user selects a month and year from two drop down menu's - based on 
their choice, the following PHP script searches a MySQL database and 
displays a basic listing (event name and date) for the selected 
month.  Then the user has the option to click an event name and receive a 
more detailed listing of the event - this is the portion that isn't working.

It seems that the script is forgetting the values entered by the user - I 
have come to this conclusion as when I replaced .$month. and .$year. 
with an actual month and year ie. 'November' and '2001' respectively, the 
detailed display works perfectly.

How can I get both the basic and detailed event listings working at the 
same time?



$db = mysql_connect(localhost, login, password);

if ($id) {

// query for extented information

$result = mysql_query(SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(EventStartDate, '%W %M %D %Y') 
AS FormattedEventStartDate, DATE_FORMAT(EventEndDate, '%W %M %D %Y') AS 
FormattedEventEndDate, TIME_FORMAT(EventStartTime, '%r') AS 
FormattedEventStartTime, TIME_FORMAT(EventEndTime, '%r') AS 
FormattedEventEndTime FROM comcal WHERE id=$id and EventMonth='.$month.' 
and EventYear='.$year.',$db);

$myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result);

//display extended information

 echo table width='65%' border='0' cellspacing='2'
   echo tr;
 echo td valign='top' align='left'bEvent: /b/td;
 echo td valign='top' align='left';
echo ($myrow[EventName]);
echo /td;
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
 echo td valign='top' align='left'bLocation: /b/td;
echo td valign='top'
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
echo td valign='top' align='left'bCity: /b/td;
echo td valign='top'
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
 echo td valign='top' align='left'bTime: /b/td;
echo td valign='top' 
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
 echo td valign='top' align='left'bDate: /b/td;
echo td valign='top' 
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
echo td valign='top' align='left'bContact Person(s):
 echo td valign='top' align='left'.($myrow[EventC1FN]). 
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
 echo td valign='top' align='left'bPhone: /b/td;
 echo td valign='top' 
echo /td;
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
echo td valign='top' align='left'bFax: /b/td;
 echo td valign='top' 
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
echo td valign='top' align='left'bCell: /b/td;
 echo td valign='top' 
   echo /tr;
   echo tr;
echo td valign='top' align='left'bEmail:
 echo td valign='top' align='left'a 

Re: [PHP] Installing PHP 4 on a RAQ3

2001-11-25 Thread Steve Werby

Miles Thompson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 You mentioned .pkg files, might Cobalt be using a Debian distribution? Log
 in and try executing dpkg or dselect -- it could be that Cobalt have the
 installation pointing only to their server. If so, go to the Debian web
 site and locate some additional servers.

Cobalt (which became a division of Sun earlier this year) runs a modified
Redhat distribution.  The RaQ4 runs 6.2, RaQ2 runs 5.2 and I'm not sure on
the RaQ3, but I believe it's 6.1 (again, a modified version, not the full
standard version).  The pkg file is not a Debian format.  Instead of
searching the PHP archives I'd recommend searching the cobalt-users archives
and joining the cobalt-users list.  The AIMS Group site has a searchable
archive of the list.  Instructions, hints and tips have been posted there
many times.  I've installed PHP countless times on dozens of Cobalt boxes so
it definitely can be done.

Steve Werby
President, Befriend Internet Services LLC

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[PHP] Re: failure notice

2001-11-25 Thread Joelmon2001

For those running php 4 on raq 3, how did you compile freetype?

make install

or just 2 make's?

Just curious