Re: [PHP] register_globals and sessions

2009-11-26 Thread Brady Mitchell
On Wed, Nov 25, 2009 at 3:01 PM, Allen McCabe wrote:
 *Warning*: Unknown: Your script possibly relies on a session side-effect
 which existed until PHP 4.2.3. Please be advised that the session extension
 does not consider global variables as a source of data, unless
 register_globals is enabled. You can disable this functionality and this
 warning by setting session.bug_compat_42 or session.bug_compat_warn to off,
 respectively in *Unknown* on line *0*

It sounds like you're trying to use $_SESSION without having a
session_start() call first.

 I have Googled this extensively, and the solutions other people tried
 (turning off the warning) don't work for me; I don't have permission to my
 PHP settings (currently working on a free-hosted site).

There are many settings that can be changed using the function ini_set
( and display_errors is one of them.
That said, it is always best to fix stuff like this than just hiding
it. When you just hide errors/warnings/notices things don't always
work reliably.



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Re: [PHP] register_globals and magic_quotes_gpc (again)

2007-06-09 Thread Richard Lynch
Are you running PHP as a Module or as CGI or FCGI?

Look at phpinfo() output to be SURE.

If it's not running as a Module, none of those directives are defined,
because Apache (which implements .htaccess) has no friggin' idea what
php_value or php_flag is without PHP Module there to tell it.

On Wed, June 6, 2007 11:06 pm, Afan Pasalic wrote:
 this question is already posted thousand times. but, after I tried for
 hours to figure it out, I gave up and posted the question here.
 I'm rebuilding one site. php 4.4.4
 as usual, register_globals on, as well as magic_quotes.
 I tried to turn it off using .htaccess but what ever I change in the
 (already existing) file, I would get 500 Internal Server Error

 this is content of the .htaccess file:

 # -FrontPage-

 IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti*

 order deny,allow
 deny from all
 allow from all
 order deny,allow
 deny from all
 AuthName mkl1332
 AuthUserFile /u/web/afan/_vti_pvt/service.pwd
 AuthGroupFile /u/web/afan/_vti_pvt/service.grp

 and I tried to add
 php_flag register_globals Off
 and it doesn't work (500 internal server error)

 I tried with register_global 0 - same thing.

 could you please point me where to look after?

 thanks for any help.


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Some people have a gift link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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Re: [PHP] register_globals and magic_quotes_gpc (again)

2007-06-07 Thread Tijnema

On 6/7/07, Afan Pasalic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

this question is already posted thousand times. but, after I tried for 2
hours to figure it out, I gave up and posted the question here.
I'm rebuilding one site. php 4.4.4
as usual, register_globals on, as well as magic_quotes.
I tried to turn it off using .htaccess but what ever I change in the
(already existing) file, I would get 500 Internal Server Error

this is content of the .htaccess file:

# -FrontPage-

IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti*

order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from all
order deny,allow
deny from all
AuthName mkl1332
AuthUserFile /u/web/afan/_vti_pvt/service.pwd
AuthGroupFile /u/web/afan/_vti_pvt/service.grp

and I tried to add
php_flag register_globals Off
and it doesn't work (500 internal server error)

I tried with register_global 0 - same thing.

could you please point me where to look after?

thanks for any help.


Are you sure the rest of your .htaccess file is correct?
And what does your Apache error log show you? there should be an error...


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Re: [PHP] register_globals and magic_quotes_gpc (again)

2007-06-07 Thread Afan Pasalic

Tijnema wrote:

On 6/7/07, Afan Pasalic [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

this question is already posted thousand times. but, after I tried for 2
hours to figure it out, I gave up and posted the question here.
I'm rebuilding one site. php 4.4.4
as usual, register_globals on, as well as magic_quotes.
I tried to turn it off using .htaccess but what ever I change in the
(already existing) file, I would get 500 Internal Server Error

this is content of the .htaccess file:

# -FrontPage-

IndexIgnore .htaccess */.??* *~ *# */HEADER* */README* */_vti*

order deny,allow
deny from all
allow from all
order deny,allow
deny from all
AuthName mkl1332
AuthUserFile /u/web/afan/_vti_pvt/service.pwd
AuthGroupFile /u/web/afan/_vti_pvt/service.grp

and I tried to add
php_flag register_globals Off
and it doesn't work (500 internal server error)

I tried with register_global 0 - same thing.

could you please point me where to look after?

thanks for any help.


Are you sure the rest of your .htaccess file is correct?
And what does your Apache error log show you? there should be an error...


The .htaccess file is original, from hosting company, pre-installed.
I can't access to apache error log.


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Re: [PHP] register_globals and passing variables

2007-03-14 Thread Bruce Cowin
Hi Jeff,

You want to leave register_globals OFF.  Depending on how $charid is passed, 
you want to use $_POST or $_GET:

$charid = $_POST['charid'];
$charid = $_GET['charid'];

I think you'll need to do the same for your $db_select variable.  Is that what 
you're after?



 Jeff [EMAIL PROTECTED] 14/03/2007 4:01 p.m. 
Ok, all I am new to PHP  MySQL. (please don't let this scare you off)

I had my site hosted with and due to their very poor service and 
tech support I left them for who so far have a better service 
and their tech support is excellent!! But my pages won't pass variables any 

When I started I purchased two books MySQL and PHP  MySQL both published by 
O'Riely. So far the are excellent help and instructors. I wote some pages 
where I track users and their characters from an on-line game called World 
of Warcraft.

On the Gisol server they were working EXCELLENT!!

Once I moved to Lunarpages, the pages load ok but they don't pass the 
variables from one page to another.

The below code queries the db and list's the user's in a table, and has a 
hyperlink to the right of each, on Gisol I could click the link and it would 
load the view_char.php page and it listed their character and the info i 
needed, and gave options to delete and edit. Again it was working 

$sql=SELECT f_name, l_name, char_id, char_name, char_level FROM t_char, 
t_users where t_users.user_id = t_char.user_link ORDER BY char_name ASC;
$result = mysql_query($sql,$db);
echo TABLE border=2;
echoTRTDBCharacter Name/BTDBCharacter 
while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
echo TDA href=\view_char.php?charid=.$myrow[char_id].\View/A;
//$charid=[.$myrow[char_id].]; - I tried this line with no success. 
Possibly have it in the wrong place??

$sql = SELECT * FROM `t_char` WHERE `t_char`.`char_id` = '$charid'; --  
now all this does is produce a blank page... used to work great!
//$sql = SELECT * FROM `t_char` WHERE `t_char`.`char_id` = '21'; - i 
used this code to test the page w/o the $charid string and it works FINE!!
$result=mysql_query( $sql );
if (!$result)
die(Could not query the database: br /.mysql_error());

I wrote a help ticket to Lunarpages where I am now hosted and asked them to 
set the register_globals to ON thinking this was the problem based on what 
I've read and the wrote back and told me that they use suPHP to parse php 
files and I have the option of using custom php.ini files. That I could 
create a .htaccess file or put individual php.ini files in the folder that 
contains the files im running. In other words do it myself.

So I created this file:


register_globals = on

named it php.ini and dropped it in the folder with all of my files.

It didn't help any.

So I added this line to the first file
include ('php.ini');

all it does is add :[PHP] register_globals = on  as text at the top of my 
page now.

At this point im lost!! I don't know what to do to get my A 
href=\view_char.php?charid=.$myrow[char_id]. to equal $charid in the 
following pages.

Any help you could provide me would GREATLY be APPRECIATED!!!

I'm trying 

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Re: [PHP] register_globals and passing variables

2007-03-14 Thread Larry Garfield
Firstly, welcome to PHP. :-)

Secondly, that's not how you would enable register_globals if they're not 

Thirdly, you do not want to turn on register_globals.  register globals are a 
security risk.  They're disabled by default on any recent (within the past 5 
years) version of PHP, although some web hosts foolishly turn them on to be 
compatible with code written 8 years ago that shouldn't be used anymore. :-)

Instead, access the proper super-global to get the data you want.  For 


Will have the value of the charid GET parameter passed on the URL like so:

There's also $_POST['charid'], which would check just a POST request.  Use 
those instead of just $charid.

Also, you'll want to ensure that they're the data type you expect to avoid SQL 
injection, a security risk.  For instance, assuming you know the character ID 
will be an integer:

$charid = (int)$_GET['charid'];

Or even better:

$charid = isset($_GET['charid']) ?  (int)$_GET['charid'] : 0;

That's the ternary operator, which is useful for setting defaults in cases 
where, for instance, no charid was passed at all.  That way you get back a 0, 
so you know you have a value and that it's an integer.

Thank you for taking PHP Security 101 in a Nutshell. :-)  Cheers.

On Tuesday 13 March 2007 10:01 pm, Jeff wrote:
 Ok, all I am new to PHP  MySQL. (please don't let this scare you off)

 I had my site hosted with and due to their very poor service and
 tech support I left them for who so far have a better
 service and their tech support is excellent!! But my pages won't pass
 variables any more.

 When I started I purchased two books MySQL and PHP  MySQL both published
 by O'Riely. So far the are excellent help and instructors. I wote some
 pages where I track users and their characters from an on-line game called
 World of Warcraft.

 On the Gisol server they were working EXCELLENT!!

 Once I moved to Lunarpages, the pages load ok but they don't pass the
 variables from one page to another.

 The below code queries the db and list's the user's in a table, and has a
 hyperlink to the right of each, on Gisol I could click the link and it
 would load the view_char.php page and it listed their character and the
 info i needed, and gave options to delete and edit. Again it was working

 $sql=SELECT f_name, l_name, char_id, char_name, char_level FROM t_char,
 t_users where t_users.user_id = t_char.user_link ORDER BY char_name ASC;
 $result = mysql_query($sql,$db);
 echo TABLE border=2;
 echoTRTDBCharacter Name/BTDBCharacter
 while ($myrow = mysql_fetch_array($result))
_name]. .$myrow[l_name];
 echo TDA href=\view_char.php?charid=.$myrow[char_id].\View/A;
 //$charid=[.$myrow[char_id].]; - I tried this line with no
 success. Possibly have it in the wrong place??

 $sql = SELECT * FROM `t_char` WHERE `t_char`.`char_id` = '$charid'; --
 now all this does is produce a blank page... used to work great!
 //$sql = SELECT * FROM `t_char` WHERE `t_char`.`char_id` = '21'; - i
 used this code to test the page w/o the $charid string and it works FINE!!
 $result=mysql_query( $sql );
 if (!$result)
 die(Could not query the database: br /.mysql_error());

 I wrote a help ticket to Lunarpages where I am now hosted and asked them to
 set the register_globals to ON thinking this was the problem based on what
 I've read and the wrote back and told me that they use suPHP to parse php
 files and I have the option of using custom php.ini files. That I could
 create a .htaccess file or put individual php.ini files in the folder that
 contains the files im running. In other words do it myself.

 So I created this file:


 register_globals = on

 named it php.ini and dropped it in the folder with all of my files.

 It didn't help any.

 So I added this line to the first file
 include ('php.ini');

 all it does is add :[PHP] register_globals = on  as text at the top of my
 page now.

 At this point im lost!! I don't know what to do to get my A
 href=\view_char.php?charid=.$myrow[char_id]. to equal $charid in the
 following pages.

 Any help you could provide me would GREATLY be APPRECIATED!!!

 I'm trying

Larry Garfield  AIM: LOLG42

If nature has made any one thing less susceptible than all others of 
exclusive property, it is the action of the thinking power called an idea, 
which an individual may exclusively possess as long as he keeps it to 
himself; but the moment it is divulged, it forces itself into the possession 
of every one, and the receiver cannot dispossess himself of it.  -- Thomas 

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Re: [PHP] register_globals

2004-04-06 Thread Richard Davey

Sunday, April 4, 2004, 1:17:53 AM, you wrote:

n   Why i cann't change register_globals value with ini_set()?

Because it's a system level configuration value - you cannot change it
in your scripts.

register_globals supports PHP_INI_PERDIR and PHP_INI_SYSTEM - meaning
it can only be changed in the php.ini file or an htaccess file.

Best regards,
 Richard Davey

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RE: [PHP] register_globals problem

2003-12-03 Thread Jay Blanchard
I have a webpage that needs to use some specific php.ini settings 
different from other php applications on my web server. I have created a

.htaccess file with the following content:

php_flag register_globals 1
php_flag error_reporting  E_ALL  ~E_NOTICE

It works fine, but only on Mozilla and Netscape. Internet explorer 
cannot process the content of this web page. The URL is .

Anyone knows the remedy for this strange behaviour?

Since PHP is server-side and IE is client-side it is probably not a
problem with PHP. (I was able to replicate the problem you described) It
could be a problem with Apache though, try adding

AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

to the .htaccess file. I don't think that will solve the problem though.
Put a page in that directory called test.php with only




and see if that will load properly. I have also seen this problem caused
by JavaScript (you'll have to ask on a JavaScript list)

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Re: [PHP] register_globals problem

2003-12-03 Thread Bogdan Albei
Jay Blanchard wrote:

I have a webpage that needs to use some specific php.ini settings 
different from other php applications on my web server. I have created a

.htaccess file with the following content:

php_flag register_globals 1
php_flag error_reporting  E_ALL  ~E_NOTICE
It works fine, but only on Mozilla and Netscape. Internet explorer 
cannot process the content of this web page. The URL is .

Anyone knows the remedy for this strange behaviour?
Since PHP is server-side and IE is client-side it is probably not a
problem with PHP. (I was able to replicate the problem you described) It
could be a problem with Apache though, try adding
AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

to the .htaccess file. I don't think that will solve the problem though.
Put a page in that directory called test.php with only



and see if that will load properly. I have also seen this problem caused
by JavaScript (you'll have to ask on a JavaScript list)

It doesn't work at all if I put  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

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RE: [PHP] register_globals problem

2003-12-03 Thread Jay Blanchard
Put a page in that directory called test.php with only



It doesn't work at all if I put  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php

Did you try the test.php above?

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RE: [PHP] register_globals problem

2003-12-03 Thread Chris
The only problem I see with that is that you're using the constants E_ALL
and E_NOTICE in the .htaccess file. You can't use constants there, you need
to use the actual number. (2047  ~8) == 2039:

php_flag register_globals 1
php_flag error_reporting  2039


-Original Message-
From: Bogdan Albei [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 4:43 AM
Subject: [PHP] register_globals problem

I have a webpage that needs to use some specific php.ini settings
different from other php applications on my web server. I have created a
.htaccess file with the following content:

php_flag register_globals 1
php_flag error_reporting  E_ALL  ~E_NOTICE

It works fine, but only on Mozilla and Netscape. Internet explorer
cannot process the content of this web page. The URL is .

Anyone knows the remedy for this strange behaviour?

Bogdan Albei

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RE: [PHP] register_globals problem

2003-12-03 Thread Chris
Heh, sorry about that.. one more thing, php_flag is only for bollean values,
this should work:

php_flag register_globals on
php_value error_reporting  2039

-Original Message-
From: Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 9:10 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP] register_globals problem

The only problem I see with that is that you're using the constants E_ALL
and E_NOTICE in the .htaccess file. You can't use constants there, you need
to use the actual number. (2047  ~8) == 2039:

php_flag register_globals 1
php_flag error_reporting  2039


-Original Message-
From: Bogdan Albei [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 4:43 AM
Subject: [PHP] register_globals problem

I have a webpage that needs to use some specific php.ini settings
different from other php applications on my web server. I have created a
.htaccess file with the following content:

php_flag register_globals 1
php_flag error_reporting  E_ALL  ~E_NOTICE

It works fine, but only on Mozilla and Netscape. Internet explorer
cannot process the content of this web page. The URL is .

Anyone knows the remedy for this strange behaviour?

Bogdan Albei

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Re: [PHP] register_globals problem

2003-12-03 Thread Bogdan Albei
Jay Blanchard wrote:


Put a page in that directory called test.php with only




It doesn't work at all if I put  AddType application/x-httpd-php .php
Did you try the test.php above?


Yes, I have. Doesn't work.

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RE: [PHP] register_globals problem

2003-12-03 Thread Jay Blanchard

Did you try the test.php above?


Yes, I have. Doesn't work.

Then your httpd.conf in not configured properly. It would appear to me
that PHP is not working at all. I went to the URL inquestion and did not
find this test page, so it will be hard for me to help you. Does PHP
work anywhere on your server?

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Re: [PHP] register_globals problem

2003-12-03 Thread Bogdan Albei
Chris wrote:
Heh, sorry about that.. one more thing, php_flag is only for bollean values,
this should work:
php_flag register_globals on
php_value error_reporting  2039
-Original Message-
From: Chris [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 9:10 AM
Subject: RE: [PHP] register_globals problem
The only problem I see with that is that you're using the constants E_ALL
and E_NOTICE in the .htaccess file. You can't use constants there, you need
to use the actual number. (2047  ~8) == 2039:
php_flag register_globals 1
php_flag error_reporting  2039

-Original Message-
From: Bogdan Albei [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, December 03, 2003 4:43 AM
Subject: [PHP] register_globals problem
I have a webpage that needs to use some specific php.ini settings
different from other php applications on my web server. I have created a
.htaccess file with the following content:
php_flag register_globals 1
php_flag error_reporting  E_ALL  ~E_NOTICE
It works fine, but only on Mozilla and Netscape. Internet explorer
cannot process the content of this web page. The URL is .
Anyone knows the remedy for this strange behaviour?

Bogdan Albei
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It doesn't work. After all a script that contains only phpinfo() 
( works OK, but the webpage, which is a 
PhpNuke doesn't work.

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RE: [PHP] register_globals problem

2003-12-03 Thread Jay Blanchard
It doesn't work. After all a script that contains only phpinfo() 
( works OK, but the webpage, which is a 
PhpNuke doesn't work.

Actually info.php works in IE and reports  register_global is ON locally
(within that directory). Therefore, as I stated earlier, it is not a PHP
problem. It is either an Apache configuration problem or a problem
within the HTML/CSS/JavaScript code that is hanging IE. I have seen both
CSS and JavaScript do this behavior.

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Re: [PHP] register_globals problem

2003-12-03 Thread Bogdan Albei
Jay Blanchard wrote:
It doesn't work. After all a script that contains only phpinfo() 
( works OK, but the webpage, which is a 
PhpNuke doesn't work.

Actually info.php works in IE and reports  register_global is ON locally
(within that directory). Therefore, as I stated earlier, it is not a PHP
problem. It is either an Apache configuration problem or a problem
within the HTML/CSS/JavaScript code that is hanging IE. I have seen both
CSS and JavaScript do this behavior.
If I create an PHP environment such that I don't need to override 
register_globals and error_reporting with a .htaccess file it works just 
fine, so I guess the problem is in the .htaccess file. I posted my 
httpd.conf file at
If I comment the lines

Directory /usr/local/apache/htdocs/dorna
AllowOverride All
that makes the override possible, the page works fine, but I don't have 
register_globals and error_reporting as I want them.

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RE: [PHP] register_globals problem

2003-12-03 Thread Jay Blanchard
If I create an PHP environment such that I don't need to override 
register_globals and error_reporting with a .htaccess file it works just

fine, so I guess the problem is in the .htaccess file. I posted my 
httpd.conf file at
If I comment the lines

Directory /usr/local/apache/htdocs/dorna
AllowOverride All

that makes the override possible, the page works fine, but I don't have 
register_globals and error_reporting as I want them.

Actually, according to the info.php page for that directory
register_globals is ON as you desire...correct?

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Re: [PHP] register_globals problem

2003-12-03 Thread Bogdan Albei
Jay Blanchard wrote:
If I create an PHP environment such that I don't need to override 
register_globals and error_reporting with a .htaccess file it works just

fine, so I guess the problem is in the .htaccess file. I posted my 
httpd.conf file at
If I comment the lines

Directory /usr/local/apache/htdocs/dorna
AllowOverride All
that makes the override possible, the page works fine, but I don't have 
register_globals and error_reporting as I want them.

Actually, according to the info.php page for that directory
register_globals is ON as you desire...correct?
Correct, the .htaccess file overides just fine register_globals and 
error_reporting but somehow Internet Explorer and Konqueror does not 
load the page.

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RE: [PHP] register_globals problem

2003-12-03 Thread Jay Blanchard
 Actually, according to the info.php page for that directory
 register_globals is ON as you desire...correct?

Correct, the .htaccess file overides just fine register_globals and 
error_reporting but somehow Internet Explorer and Konqueror does not 
load the page.

But IE and Konqueror both load the info.php correctly from my end. It is
the index.php for that gets hosed in those browsers.

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Re: [PHP] register_globals problem

2003-12-03 Thread Bogdan Albei
Jay Blanchard wrote:

Actually, according to the info.php page for that directory
register_globals is ON as you desire...correct?

Correct, the .htaccess file overides just fine register_globals and 
error_reporting but somehow Internet Explorer and Konqueror does not 
load the page.

But IE and Konqueror both load the info.php correctly from my end. It is
the index.php for that gets hosed in those browsers.
So you're saying that index.php is broken? Then why it gets loaded fine 
if I delete the .htaccess file?

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RE: [PHP] register_globals problem

2003-12-03 Thread Jay Blanchard
 But IE and Konqueror both load the info.php correctly from my end. It
 the index.php for that gets hosed in those browsers.

So you're saying that index.php is broken? Then why it gets loaded fine 
if I delete the .htaccess file?

That is exactly what I am saying. Is the .htacesss file deleted now?
I'll go and see if it works. Leave both the index.php and the info.php
in the directory.

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Re: [PHP] register_globals problem

2003-12-03 Thread Bogdan Albei
Jay Blanchard wrote:

But IE and Konqueror both load the info.php correctly from my end. It

the index.php for that gets hosed in those browsers.

So you're saying that index.php is broken? Then why it gets loaded fine 
if I delete the .htaccess file?

That is exactly what I am saying. Is the .htacesss file deleted now?
I'll go and see if it works. Leave both the index.php and the info.php
in the directory.
I've deleted the .htaccess file. Both index.php and info.php are in the 

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Re: [PHP] register_globals security

2003-11-13 Thread Jon Haworth
Hi Fernando,

 I have a PHP application that passes variables (values) from a form.
 I get these using $_POST

 However I do also post some variables via a link.  Which ofcourse requires
 register_globals to be ON.

Do you mean variables in a URL, like this:

If so you can access these via the $_GET array and leave register_globals
turned off.


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RE: [PHP] register_globals security

2003-11-13 Thread Fernando Melo


I don't see how this makes it more secure though?

The values are still picked up the same way from a URL

-Original Message-
From: Jon Haworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 November 2003 13:28
Subject: Re: [PHP] register_globals  security

Hi Fernando,

 I have a PHP application that passes variables (values) from a form.
 I get these using $_POST

 However I do also post some variables via a link.  Which ofcourse requires
 register_globals to be ON.

Do you mean variables in a URL, like this:

If so you can access these via the $_GET array and leave register_globals
turned off.


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Re: [PHP] register_globals security

2003-11-13 Thread Eugene Lee
On Thu, Nov 13, 2003 at 01:55:08PM +0200, Fernando Melo wrote:
: Jon Haworth responded:
: : Fernando Melo wrote:
: : 
: :  I have a PHP application that passes variables (values) from a form.
: :  I get these using $_POST
: : 
: :  However I do also post some variables via a link.  Which ofcourse
: :  requires register_globals to be ON.
: : 
: : Do you mean variables in a URL, like this:
: :
: : 
: : If so you can access these via the $_GET array and leave
: : register_globals turned off.
: Thanks.
: I don't see how this makes it more secure though?
: The values are still picked up the same way from a URL

If you want to prevent casual packet sniffing, you need to move your
code to a SSL-enabled web server.

If you want to minimize data exchange between PHP pages via POST or GET
methods, consider switching to sessions.

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Re: [PHP] register_globals security

2003-11-13 Thread Raditha Dissanayake

There is also a $_REQUEST variable.
At the risk of starting another flame war: IMHO switching off register 
globals and relying on $_POST etc can lull you into a false sense of 

Fernando Melo wrote:


I don't see how this makes it more secure though?

The values are still picked up the same way from a URL

-Original Message-
From: Jon Haworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 November 2003 13:28
Subject: Re: [PHP] register_globals  security

Hi Fernando,


I have a PHP application that passes variables (values) from a form.
I get these using $_POST
However I do also post some variables via a link.  Which ofcourse requires
register_globals to be ON.

Do you mean variables in a URL, like this:
If so you can access these via the $_GET array and leave register_globals
turned off.

Raditha Dissanayake. |
Lean and mean Secure FTP applet with | Mega Upload - PHP file uploader
Graphical User Inteface. Just 150 KB | with progress bar.
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RE: [PHP] register_globals security

2003-11-13 Thread Fernando Melo

Yup I still don't see how it improves anything with regards to security.

-Original Message-
From: Raditha Dissanayake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 November 2003 15:24
Subject: Re: [PHP] register_globals  security


There is also a $_REQUEST variable.
At the risk of starting another flame war: IMHO switching off register 
globals and relying on $_POST etc can lull you into a false sense of 

Fernando Melo wrote:


I don't see how this makes it more secure though?

The values are still picked up the same way from a URL

-Original Message-
From: Jon Haworth [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 November 2003 13:28
Subject: Re: [PHP] register_globals  security

Hi Fernando,


I have a PHP application that passes variables (values) from a form.
I get these using $_POST

However I do also post some variables via a link.  Which ofcourse requires
register_globals to be ON.

Do you mean variables in a URL, like this:

If so you can access these via the $_GET array and leave register_globals
turned off.



Raditha Dissanayake. |
Lean and mean Secure FTP applet with | Mega Upload - PHP file uploader
Graphical User Inteface. Just 150 KB | with progress bar.

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RE: [PHP] register_globals security

2003-11-13 Thread Jay Blanchard
There is also a $_REQUEST variable.
At the risk of starting another flame war: IMHO switching off register 
globals and relying on $_POST etc can lull you into a false sense of 


Bottom-lineas I just said in another threadinitialize your
variables and validate them when you get them from 'outside' sources

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Re: [PHP] register_globals security

2003-11-13 Thread Raditha Dissanayake

Jay and Eugene have already made very good suggestions. To add to that 
you can always try filtering your variables with strip_tags(), 
htmlspecialchars(), addslashes() etc to protect against attacks.

all the best

Fernando Melo wrote:

Yup I still don't see how it improves anything with regards to security.

-Original Message-
From: Raditha Dissanayake [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 November 2003 15:24
Subject: Re: [PHP] register_globals  security


There is also a $_REQUEST variable.
At the risk of starting another flame war: IMHO switching off register 
globals and relying on $_POST etc can lull you into a false sense of 

Fernando Melo wrote:



I don't see how this makes it more secure though?

The values are still picked up the same way from a URL

Raditha Dissanayake. |
Lean and mean Secure FTP applet with | Mega Upload - PHP file uploader
Graphical User Inteface. Just 150 KB | with progress bar.
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Re: [PHP] register_globals security

2003-11-13 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Fernando Melo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a PHP application that passes variables (values) from a form.
 I get these using $_POST
 However I do also post some variables via a link. Which ofcourse
 requires register_globals to be ON.

This is a common problem I see on this list. When asking a question, try
not to make assumptions or attempt to answer your own question.

In this case, your assumption is wrong. This does not require
register_globals to be on. Get variables are in $_GET, and POST variables
are in $_POST.

Hope that helps.


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Re: [PHP] register_globals security

2003-11-13 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Raditha Dissanayake [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 At the risk of starting another flame war: IMHO switching off register 
 globals and relying on $_POST etc can lull you into a false sense of 

I agree, and this is more true with the safe_mode directive, which I have
always thought was poorly named (although I don't have a better

Disabling register_globals is a good thing, however, and it at least
forces developers to understand where their data is coming from. This is a
good first step, in my opinion.


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RE: [PHP] register_globals security

2003-11-13 Thread Fernando Melo
I was not making an assumption.  I was stating a fact.
I get these using $_POST

I did NOT state that register_globals needs to be on to do what I'm doing.
It seems everyone else understood my query except you.  

Thanks to everyone who tried to help!

-Original Message-
From: Chris Shiflett [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: 13 November 2003 17:07
To: Fernando Melo; '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'
Subject: Re: [PHP] register_globals  security

--- Fernando Melo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have a PHP application that passes variables (values) from a form.
 I get these using $_POST
 However I do also post some variables via a link. Which ofcourse
 requires register_globals to be ON.

This is a common problem I see on this list. When asking a question, try
not to make assumptions or attempt to answer your own question.

In this case, your assumption is wrong. This does not require
register_globals to be on. Get variables are in $_GET, and POST variables
are in $_POST.

Hope that helps.


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RE: [PHP] register_globals security

2003-11-13 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- Fernando Melo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I was not making an assumption.  I was stating a fact.
 I get these using $_POST
 I did NOT state that register_globals needs to be on to do what I'm

If you're going to make false claims about what you previously said, you
might want to snip out that part when replying. :-)

 --- Fernando Melo [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Which ofcourse requires register_globals to be ON.


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RE: [PHP] register_globals

2003-10-27 Thread Jay Blanchard
With the function phpinfo I have see that the Master Value is Off and

Load Value is On but the site don't running successfully.
With suse8.1 with php4.2.2 I have nothing problem.
Any idea ?

Does the site rely on files outside of that directory? Do you 'allow
overrides' for the directory in Apache? (httpd.conf)

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Re: [PHP] register_globals

2003-10-27 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 In the php.ini I have set the registr_globals=3D Off

I'm assuming that 3D was put in there by some faulty mail client? Also, make
sure you spell it register_globals.

 php_flag register_globals on for only this site.
 With the function phpinfo I have see that the Master Value is Off
 and the Load Value is On but the site don't running successfully.

Well, that sounds like what you are trying to do? What is wrong exactly? Not
every error is the fault of register_globals, after all. :-)


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Re: [PHP] register_globals

2003-10-27 Thread Chris Shiflett
--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The problem concern:
 The correct site is: with apache.1.3.27 and
 php-4.0.6 with register_globals = On
 The new webserver is with suse8.2 apache1.3.27 and
 php-4.3.3 with register_globals=off in the php.ini and in the
 .htaccess the directive: php_flag register_globals on
 The same sites don't work in the new websites but with the phpinfo
 I see that the Load Value for register_globals for this site is On.

You need to explain what is wrong. You seem confident that register_globals is
your problem, but you've not told us why you think so.


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Re: [PHP] register_globals

2003-10-27 Thread Chris Shiflett
Please include the list in all of your replies. I skim message subjects and
don't read all messages. If you reply only to me, there's a good chance it will
not be read, and no one else will have a chance to answer your question.

--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 As i know, if register_globals is turned to on, my site should run as
 on a 4.0.6 php server, right?

No, register_globals is not the only change that has been made to PHP since
4.0.6. That would be the only way that enabling register_globals on a new
version of PHP would be guaranteed to run exactly like version 4.0.6.

 But it doesn't run correctly, quieres are not working and others
 many problems.

You really need to explain what your problem is. This is the third time you've
been asked to do so. We cannot possibly read your mind and answer a question
you  have not asked.


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Re: [PHP] register_globals won't turn off!

2003-09-27 Thread Cristian Lavaque
I don't know much about this, but could it have been cached?


Damon Kohler wrote:
 Well, it does turn off. At least phpinfo() says that it's off.
 However, PHP is acting as though it's still turned on. The
 code for the page I'm using to test this odd result is:

 form action=?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']? method=post
 input name=test
 input type=submit

 print $test;


 I'm running PHP 4.3.3 on RH7. When the form is submited, the
value is
 printed despite the fact it's printing $test and not
 This is copy pasted from the results:

   register_argc_argv Off Off
   register_globals Off Off

 I'm completely stumped.

 Thanks in advance,

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Re: [PHP] register_globals won't turn off!

2003-09-27 Thread Damon Kohler
No, it's not cached. I can type in anything to the input and it'll show up.
As in, if I type test into the form, it prints test. Then if I type hello
world it'll print hello world. So I'm pretty sure caching  isn't the


Cristian Lavaque [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 I don't know much about this, but could it have been cached?


 Damon Kohler wrote:
  Well, it does turn off. At least phpinfo() says that it's off.
  However, PHP is acting as though it's still turned on. The
  code for the page I'm using to test this odd result is:
  form action=?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']? method=post
  input name=test
  input type=submit
  print $test;
  I'm running PHP 4.3.3 on RH7. When the form is submited, the
 value is
  printed despite the fact it's printing $test and not
  This is copy pasted from the results:
register_argc_argv Off Off
register_globals Off Off
  I'm completely stumped.
  Thanks in advance,

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Re: [PHP] register_globals won't turn off!

2003-09-27 Thread Robert Cummings
Are you using third party code that might be doing the export to global
space itself?


On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 22:21, Damon Kohler wrote:
 No, it's not cached. I can type in anything to the input and it'll show up.
 As in, if I type test into the form, it prints test. Then if I type hello
 world it'll print hello world. So I'm pretty sure caching  isn't the
 Cristian Lavaque [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
  I don't know much about this, but could it have been cached?
  Damon Kohler wrote:
   Well, it does turn off. At least phpinfo() says that it's off.
   However, PHP is acting as though it's still turned on. The
   code for the page I'm using to test this odd result is:
   form action=?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']? method=post
   input name=test
   input type=submit
   print $test;
   I'm running PHP 4.3.3 on RH7. When the form is submited, the
  value is
   printed despite the fact it's printing $test and not
   This is copy pasted from the results:
 register_argc_argv Off Off
 register_globals Off Off
   I'm completely stumped.
   Thanks in advance,
 PHP General Mailing List (
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| also provides an extremely flexible architecture for   |
| creating re-usable components quickly and easily.  |

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Re: [PHP] register_globals won't turn off!

2003-09-27 Thread Damon Kohler
I don't think so... You have something particular in mind? You can check out
the page itself at


Robert Cummings [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
 Are you using third party code that might be doing the export to global
 space itself?


 On Sat, 2003-09-27 at 22:21, Damon Kohler wrote:
  No, it's not cached. I can type in anything to the input and it'll show
  As in, if I type test into the form, it prints test. Then if I type
  world it'll print hello world. So I'm pretty sure caching  isn't the
  Cristian Lavaque [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message
   I don't know much about this, but could it have been cached?
   Damon Kohler wrote:
Well, it does turn off. At least phpinfo() says that it's off.
However, PHP is acting as though it's still turned on. The
code for the page I'm using to test this odd result is:
form action=?=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']? method=post
input name=test
input type=submit
print $test;
I'm running PHP 4.3.3 on RH7. When the form is submited, the
   value is
printed despite the fact it's printing $test and not
This is copy pasted from the results:
  register_argc_argv Off Off
  register_globals Off Off
I'm completely stumped.
Thanks in advance,
  PHP General Mailing List (
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 | InterJinn Application Framework - |
 | An application and templating framework for PHP. Boasting  |
 | a powerful, scalable system for accessing system services  |
 | such as forms, properties, sessions, and caches. InterJinn |
 | also provides an extremely flexible architecture for   |
 | creating re-usable components quickly and easily.  |

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Re: [PHP] register_globals won't turn off!

2003-09-27 Thread Raquel Rice
On Sat, 27 Sep 2003 20:05:10 -0400
Damon Kohler [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well, it does turn off. At least phpinfo() says that it's off.
 However, PHP is acting as though it's still turned on. The source
 code for the page I'm using to test this odd result is:
 I'm running PHP 4.3.3 on RH7. When the form is submited, the value
 is printed despite the fact it's printing $test and not
 $_POST['test']. This is copy pasted from the results:
   register_argc_argv Off Off
   register_globals Off Off
 I'm completely stumped.
 Thanks in advance,

Did you reload your http server?


If our words are not consistent with our actions, they will never be
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If our words are not consistent with our actions, they will never be
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Re: [PHP] register_globals

2003-09-03 Thread Jason Sheets
Rather than turning on register globals system wide I'd use .htaccess to 
enable register globals for the specific sites or applications that 
require them.  Because the super globals have been introduced the 
problem with register globals and application security may be more 
prounounced for applications that don't expect them to be on (granted 
they should check and make sure they are off but you never know :)).

The PHP manual has a section on alterting PHP's configuration with the 
.htaccess file.


Deependra b. Tandukar wrote:


I have configured PHP 4.3.3 in which register_gloabals is set to be 
off. I modified etc/php.ini and set it to be On but still it shows it 
is off and some developed applications in php are asking for it to be 
turned on. How do I do this?

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Re: [PHP] register_globals

2003-09-02 Thread John W. Holmes
Deependra b. Tandukar wrote:


I have configured PHP 4.3.3 in which register_gloabals is set to be off. 
I modified etc/php.ini and set it to be On but still it shows it is off 
and some developed applications in php are asking for it to be turned 
on. How do I do this?
Did you restart the web server?

Look at a phpinfo() page in the first block for the configuration file 
setting and make sure you're editing the right php.ini file.

---John Holmes...
Amazon Wishlist:

php|architect: The Magazine for PHP Professionals

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Re: [PHP] register_globals

2003-09-02 Thread murugesan
Try restarting your apache.


- Original Message -
From: Deependra b. Tandukar [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, September 03, 2003 10:09 AM
Subject: [PHP] register_globals


 I have configured PHP 4.3.3 in which register_gloabals is set to be off. I
 modified etc/php.ini and set it to be On but still it shows it is off and
 some developed applications in php are asking for it to be turned on. How
 do I do this?


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Re: [PHP] register_globals per virtual host

2003-03-19 Thread Abdul-wahid Paterson

I think you want to use:

php_value register_globals Off

I have this setup in VirtualHost's and in .htaccess files. The
difference between php_value and php_admin_value is that php_admin_value
can not be overridden in a .htaccess file or VirtualHost. So if you want
to enforce some settings and allow users to change others you can force
them with php_admin_value.

Abdul-Wahid Paterson

Lintrix Networking  Communications ltd.
Tel: +44 7801 070621

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Re: [PHP] Register_globals question

2003-03-18 Thread CPT John W. Holmes
 I found a class that allows you to have a multiple page listing, where
 it displays a certain number of items, and then you click on the next
 page to show the next results. I found that it needs to have
 register_globals turned on. I am learning, and would like to have
 someone look at the class to tell me where in this class
 register_globals is required. I have emailed the person that created
 the class, I am just trying to understand this.


 Here is the class code:


 class pn_buttons{

/* Public Variables */
var $query_total_pages = 0;
var $limited_query;
var $next_button;
var $previous_button;

/* Functions */
function pn_buttons($sql, $step, $page=0){
$result = mysql_query( $sql );
$query_total_rows = mysql_num_rows( $result );

// if query return some rows
   if ( $query_total_rows0 ){

   if ( $query_total_rows%$step!=0 ){
  $total_pages = intval( $query_total_rows/$step)+1;
  $total_pages = $query_total_rows/$step ;

   $this-query_total_pages = $total_pages;

   // if page is set
   if ( empty($page) ) {
  $from = 0;
  $this-current_page= 1;
  if ( $page = $this-query_total_pages ) {
   $from = $step * ( $page - 1 );
   $this-current_page= $page;
   $from = 0;
   $this-current_page= 1;

   $this-limited_query = $sql .  LIMIT . $from ., .

} // end  function

// create previous and next buttons
function make_buttons( $link, $link_params, $txt_next=next,
 $txt_previous=previous, $image= ){

if ( $this-query_total_pages1 ){

if ( ($this-current_page  $this-query_total_pages) 
 ($this-current_page1) ){
$next_page = $this-current_page+1;
$prev_page = $this-current_page-1;
$next_lnk = a href='.$link . $link_params .
 page=. $next_page .'$txt_next/a;
$prev_lnk = a href='.$link . $link_params .
 page=. $prev_page .'$txt_previous/a;
}else if( ($this-current_page 
 $this-query_total_pages)  ($this-current_page==1) ){
$next_page = $this-current_page+1;
$prev_page = ;
$next_lnk = a href='.$link . $link_params .
 page=. $next_page .'$txt_next/a;
$prev_lnk = ;
}else if( $this-current_page = $this-query_total_pages
$next_page = ;
$prev_page = $this-current_page-1;
$next_lnk = ;
$prev_lnk = a href='.$link . $link_params .
 page=. $prev_page .'$txt_previous/a;
$this-next_button = $next_lnk;
$this-previous_button = $prev_lnk;

} // end function

// display all pages
function count_all_pages( $link, $link_params ){
for ($i=1; $i=$this-query_total_pages; $i++){
if ($i==$this-current_page){
echo b[$i]/b;
echo a href='$link$link_paramspage=$i'[$i]/a;

 } // end Class

Since it's a class, register_global variables would not have any scope
within it. Since there are no 'global' calls in any of the methods, it
doesn't look like it's relying on any outside variables. Everything this
script acts upon is passed to it, so it does not rely on register globals.
How this class was implemented may rely on them, though.

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] Register_globals question

2003-03-18 Thread Mike Tuller
Well, I know it has something to do with register_globals, because it 
only starts working when I turn register_globals on. If it is off, the 
script doesn't work.

Here is the php file that calls to the class. It doesn't seem to have 
anything that is global, but as I said before, I am not very familiar 
with this.


  // this is a dump variable just for demonstration purposes
  $cod= 5;
  // how many rows do you want per page???
  $step = 10;

  # Include class file
  include (pn.class.php);
  # the sql query without Limit
  $sql = select asset_id, developer, title, version, platform from 
software_assets ORDER BY asset_id;
  $res= mysql_query( $sql );
  $total = mysql_num_rows( $res );

  # initiate class
  # parameters explanation
  # 1st param : the sql query without Limit expretion
  # 2nd param : number of elements to display per page.
  # 3rd param : current page; this should be null
  # 4rth param : total rows of query
  //$buttons = new pn_buttons( $sql, $step, $page );
  $buttons = new pn_buttons( $sql, $step, $page, $total );
  # $buttons-limited_query is the sql query with limit expretion
  # class create this
  $res = mysql_query ($buttons-limited_query);
 // table headers describing columns
  table width=\500\ border=\1\ cellspacing=\5\ 
		tr bgcolor=\#bb\
			td align=\center\bAsset ID/b/td
			td align=\center\bDeveloper/b/td
			td align=\center\bSoftware Title/b/td
			td align=\center\bVersion/b/td
			td align=\center\bPlatform/b/td

  // list elements one by one until there are no more in the database
  while ( list ( $asset_id, $developer, $title, $version, $platform ) = 
mysql_fetch_row($res) ){
		td align=\left\a 
		td align=\left\$developer
		td align=\left\$title
		td align=\left\$version
		td align=\left\$platform

  // close table once list elements loop is finished
  echo /table;
  // Beginning of prev/next buttons. Will be centered in the table.
  table width=\500\ border=\1\
  tr align=\center\
  # Create Prev and next buttons
  # parameters explanation
  # 1st param : the page that displays results with ?  at the end
  # 2nd param : additional url parameters e.g. cid=$cidtop=$top
  # 3rd param : Text to display in next link
  # 4th param : Text to display in previous link
Results, Previous Results);

  # display previous and next links
  echo $buttons-previous_button .  nbsp;nbsp;  

  # display current page number and total pages number
  echo brPage . $buttons-current_page .  of  . 
  echo brbrbr;
  echo  $buttons-count_all_pages(pn_classexample.php?,cid=$cid);

On Tuesday, March 18, 2003, at 11:02 AM, CPT John W. Holmes wrote:

I found a class that allows you to have a multiple page listing, where
it displays a certain number of items, and then you click on the next
page to show the next results. I found that it needs to have
register_globals turned on. I am learning, and would like to have
someone look at the class to tell me where in this class
register_globals is required. I have emailed the person that created
the class, I am just trying to understand this.

Here is the class code:


class pn_buttons{

   /* Public Variables */
   var $query_total_pages = 0;
   var $limited_query;
   var $next_button;
   var $previous_button;
   /* Functions */
   function pn_buttons($sql, $step, $page=0){
   $result = mysql_query( $sql );
   $query_total_rows = mysql_num_rows( $result );
   // if query return some rows
  if ( $query_total_rows0 ){
  if ( $query_total_rows%$step!=0 ){
 $total_pages = intval( $query_total_rows/$step)+1;
 $total_pages = $query_total_rows/$step ;
  $this-query_total_pages = $total_pages;

  // if page is set
  if ( empty($page) ) {
 $from = 0;
 $this-current_page= 1;
 if ( $page = $this-query_total_pages ) {
  $from = $step * ( $page - 1 );
  $this-current_page= $page;
  $from = 0;
  $this-current_page= 1;
  $this-limited_query = $sql .  LIMIT . $from ., .
   } // end  function

   // create previous and next buttons
   function make_buttons( $link, $link_params, $txt_next=next,
$txt_previous=previous, $image= ){
   if ( $this-query_total_pages1 ){

   if ( 

RE: [PHP] register_globals On

2003-02-18 Thread Johnson, Kirk

 I'm thinking of running a shopping cart package (osCommerce) 
 that requires
 register_globals to be enabled. With all the warnings about 
 security with
 register_globals enabled I'm worried.
 How dangerous is it?

The key defensive step is to initialize all of your session variables at the
time you create them, like so:

$isAdmin = '';

PHP will do the rest ;)



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Re: [PHP] register_globals On

2003-02-17 Thread Jonathan Pitcher

The register_globals can be dangerous to turn on but it really depends 
on the quality of code that the shopping cart was written.  See 
Examples below for explanation.

Say you had a script that looked like this.


	$Q = Select * from Stored CreditCards where User='$User';
	. Retrive info from DB
	. Charge Credit Card
	. Do Other Stuff.


With register_globals = on the I could do the following to the URL and 
force the systsem to bill someone else.


Basically if register_globals = off protects you from that type of URL 

It just depends on how it is written and how thought out the shopping 
cart script is.

Hope this helped.

Jonathan Pitcher

On Monday, February 17, 2003, at 07:09  AM, Sam wrote:

I'm thinking of running a shopping cart package (osCommerce) that 
register_globals to be enabled. With all the warnings about security 
register_globals enabled I'm worried.

How dangerous is it?

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Re: [PHP] register_globals On

2003-02-17 Thread David Eisenhart
yeh, I'd strongly agree with Jonathan's view that quality of the code can
mitigate against the dangers of register_globals.

FYI, an interesting article on php vulnerabilities is at:

David Eisenhart

Jonathan Pitcher [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote in message

 The register_globals can be dangerous to turn on but it really depends
 on the quality of code that the shopping cart was written.  See
 Examples below for explanation.

 Say you had a script that looked like this.


 $Q = Select * from Stored CreditCards where User='$User';
 . Retrive info from DB
 . Charge Credit Card
 . Do Other Stuff.


 With register_globals = on the I could do the following to the URL and
 force the systsem to bill someone else.


 Basically if register_globals = off protects you from that type of URL

 It just depends on how it is written and how thought out the shopping
 cart script is.

 Hope this helped.

 Jonathan Pitcher

 On Monday, February 17, 2003, at 07:09  AM, Sam wrote:

  I'm thinking of running a shopping cart package (osCommerce) that
  register_globals to be enabled. With all the warnings about security
  register_globals enabled I'm worried.
  How dangerous is it?
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Re: [PHP] register_globals

2003-01-29 Thread Maxim Maletsky

three solutions:

1. turn register_globals off for compatibility purposes via .htaccess
file in the script's directory

2. create a auto_prepend file with the following: extract($_GET), this
should do the trick

3. rewrite the whole code to make any user-input (form) variable to be
$_REQUEST or $_GET/$_POST respectively

Maxim Maletsky

Kiswa [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote... :

 I know its stupid but i´ve been writing a site for a register_globals = on
 now i need to convert all the code to an off setting
 the page is built by sending a whole lot off vars to diferent pages.
 as you can see below the hyperlink sends the id var to the same page and
 then echos the code.
 can anyone help humpty dumpty?
 font size=2a href=left.php?id=1 target=_selfFinansiering/aBR
  echo a href=info/leas.htm target=\mainFrame\font
  a href=info/avb.htm target=\mainFrame\font color=\#00\Räntefri
  a href=info/stul.htm target=\mainFrame\font
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Re: [PHP] register_globals

2003-01-28 Thread Justin French
on 29/01/03 6:41 AM, Kiswa ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) wrote:

change If($id==1){ to If($_GET['id']==1){

or put this line near the top of your script:

$id = $_GET['id'];

or, a little more anal:

if(isset($_GET['id'])) { $id = $_GET['id']; }


 font size=2a href=left.php?id=1 target=_selfFinansiering/aBR
 echo a href=info/leas.htm target=\mainFrame\font
 a href=info/avb.htm target=\mainFrame\font color=\#00\Räntefri
 a href=info/stul.htm target=\mainFrame\font

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Re: [PHP] Register_globals = off-compliant form class?

2002-11-16 Thread BigDog
try using pear...

On Sat, 2002-11-16 at 22:53, Leif K-Brooks wrote:
 I'm looking for a good class for forms that will work with 
 register_globals off.  I was planning to modify Manuel Lemos's class, 
 but it turned out to be too big of a task.  Any ideas?
 The above message is encrypted with double rot13 encoding.  Any unauthorized attempt 
to decrypt it will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law.
.: B i g D o g :.

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Re: [PHP] Register_globals = off version of Manuel Lemos's form class?

2002-11-13 Thread Jason Wong
On Wednesday 13 November 2002 23:57, Leif K-Brooks wrote:
 I am planning to use Manuel Lemos's form class for a web site I am
 working on.  However, I need to have register_globals set to off.  I was
 planning to rewrite the portions of the class that access submitted form
 values directly to use the suberglobal arrays.  When I started, though,
 I saw how big the class was.  I'm wondering if anyone else has already
 done this, and wouldn't mind sharing their code?

Here's what I use:

  function InjectGlobalVars() {
$method = $this-METHOD;
switch (strtolower($method)) {
  case post :
if (isset($_POST)) {
  foreach ($this-inputs as $name = $value) {
if (isset($_POST[$name])) {
  $GLOBALS[$name] = $_POST[$name];
  case get :
if (isset($_GET)) {
  foreach ($this-inputs as $name = $value) {
if (isset($_GET[$name])) {
  $GLOBALS[$name] = $_GET[$name];

After I've defined all the form elements I just call the above function. 

Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates -
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design  Hosting * Internet  Intranet Applications Development *

My father, a good man, told me, Never lose your ignorance; you cannot
replace it.
-- Erich Maria Remarque

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Re: [PHP] Register_globals = off version of Manuel Lemos's form class?

2002-11-13 Thread Marek Kilimajer
Even if the method is post, you can have get variables, if the form has 

Jason Wong wrote:

On Wednesday 13 November 2002 23:57, Leif K-Brooks wrote:

I am planning to use Manuel Lemos's form class for a web site I am
working on.  However, I need to have register_globals set to off.  I was
planning to rewrite the portions of the class that access submitted form
values directly to use the suberglobal arrays.  When I started, though,
I saw how big the class was.  I'm wondering if anyone else has already
done this, and wouldn't mind sharing their code?

Here's what I use:

 function InjectGlobalVars() {
   $method = $this-METHOD;
   switch (strtolower($method)) {
 case post :
   if (isset($_POST)) {
 foreach ($this-inputs as $name = $value) {
   if (isset($_POST[$name])) {
 $GLOBALS[$name] = $_POST[$name];
 case get :
   if (isset($_GET)) {
 foreach ($this-inputs as $name = $value) {
   if (isset($_GET[$name])) {
 $GLOBALS[$name] = $_GET[$name];

After I've defined all the form elements I just call the above function. 


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Re: [PHP] Register_globals = off version of Manuel Lemos's form class?

2002-11-13 Thread Jason Wong
On Thursday 14 November 2002 03:41, Marek Kilimajer wrote:
 Even if the method is post, you can have get variables, if the form has

Yes but I don't (need to) define my forms like that so I don't really care :-)

Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates -
Open Source Software Systems Integrators
* Web Design  Hosting * Internet  Intranet Applications Development *

Great Moments in History: #3

August 27, 1949:
A Hall of Fame opened to honor outstanding members of the
Women's Air Corp.  It was a WAC's Museum.

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Re: [PHP] register_globals off issues

2002-11-12 Thread Ernest E Vogelsinger
At 21:05 12.11.2002, Mark Spohr said:
I'm trying to convert this to use $_POST() as such:

  if ($_POST['form'] == yes)

However, this does not work. It appears that you can't unset the 
$_POST['form'] array element.

unset() works for any variable - also for the superglobals like $_POST.
Try this:

[cut here] 
echo 'F1 = ', $_POST['f1'], \nF2 = , $_POST['f2'], \n;
form method=POST
input type=text name=f1 value=?php echo $_POST['f1'];?
input type=text name=f2 value=?php echo $_POST['f2'];?
input type=submit
[/cut here] 

What error do you get? Make sure you're using the correct case - PHP is
case sensitive in variable names and associative index keys...

   O Ernest E. Vogelsinger
   (\)ICQ #13394035

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Re: [PHP] register_globals off or on, why on

2002-08-25 Thread Rasmus Lerdorf

 I'm working on a site where I'm using geeklog

 It has the requirement that

  Geeklog needs the register_globals variable turned on in order to work.
  Since PHP 4.2.0, the default for register_globals is off. To fix it,
  simply add the following line to your php.ini file

 Is this not *wrong*. It sounds to me like fake laziness. Nothing drives
 me bonkers more than trying to track down a variable that is inherited
 from who knows where.

If you initialize all your local variables, there is nothing wrong with
having register_globals on.  Well-written apps run quite nicely and
securely with them on.  The reason to turn them off is to protect yourself
from crappy code.


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Re: [PHP] register_globals flag in some directories

2002-06-11 Thread Chris Hewitt


If you changed the AllowOverride setting in httpd.conf, you will need to 
restart apache. I tried what I suggested here (on a RedHat 7.3 system) 
so I know its OK. In httpd.conf there can be many instances of 
AllowOverride, one per directory. Are you sure you changed the right one?

Just a thought.



Ahmed Farouk wrote:

Thanks for your response, but I already tried that but still not
is there anything I should do let apache recognize that there is .htaccess ?
permissions for example 

- Original Message -
From: Chris Hewitt [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Ahmed Abdalla [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2002 9:06 PM
Subject: Re: [PHP] register_globals flag in some directories


The /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf file might not allow .htaccess to
override the setting. I've just tried this here and if I have
AllowOverride All then I can change register_globals in a .htaccess
file exactly as you have specified. If I have AllowOverride None then
I can't.

I don't know which override allowance is needed for php. I haven't found
it in the manual (but then I might not have looked hard enough).

Hope this helps.


Ahmed Abdalla wrote:

I am sorry if this is asked before, but I have apache 2.0.36 with php


in the php.ini file register_globals is set off, but i want to turn it on


some directories

I tried to create .htaccess file in that directory and put in it
php_flag register_globals on

but its not working, so did i do anything wrong or should I do anything



Thanks for your help

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RE: [PHP] register_globals in php4

2002-05-10 Thread Ford, Mike [LSS]

 -Original Message-
 From: Kevin Stone [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 09 May 2002 23:09
 Hmm.  No offense ..., but I don't believe turning 
 Registered Globals off
 will have any effect on security.  Turning Registered Globals off just
 provides a more strict environment for coding.  Example..
 If the url were
 if (isset($_GET['password']))  // Registered globals off.
 $password = $_GET['password'];
 echo $password;
  .. is no more or less secure than..
 if (isset($password))   // Registered globals on.
 echo $password;

No, but this:

if (isset($password)):  // register_globals on
$super_user = $password==$super_password;

if ($super_user):
// sensitive admin stuff

is more secure than:

if (isset($_GET['password'])):  // register_globals off
$super_user = $_GET['password']==$super_password;

if ($super_user):
// sensitive admin stuff

(OK, you or I wouldn't code like that, but a Web hoster may want the reassurance of 
being able to protect naive customers from this kind of mistake.)

Also, by using the $_POST, $_GET arrays, you know exactly where the input is coming 
from (even if register_globals is also on!).  If you have register_globals set to on, 
and you just look to see if (say) $password has a value, which you're expecting to 
come from a form field, you can't actually tell whether it's been overridden by some 
smarty-pants typing in the URL with ?password=super_password on the end.  If you check 
specifically for $_POST['password'], you at least have the assurance that it's come 
from a form field as you were expecting.

Granted, register_globals and using the $_* arrays is not the complete solution, but 
it does add a small extra layer of assurance.



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning  Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Beckett Park, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730  Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 

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RE: [PHP] register_globals in php4

2002-05-10 Thread Zeev Suraski

At 14:16 10/05/2002, Ford, Mike   [LSS] wrote:
No, but this:

 if (isset($password)):  // register_globals on
 $super_user = $password==$super_password;

 if ($super_user):
 // sensitive admin stuff

is more secure than:

 if (isset($_GET['password'])):  // register_globals off
 $super_user = $_GET['password']==$super_password;

 if ($super_user):
 // sensitive admin stuff

You meant it the other way around, didn't you? :)

Also, by using the $_POST, $_GET arrays, you know exactly where the input 
is coming from (even if register_globals is also on!).  If you have 
register_globals set to on, and you just look to see if (say) $password 
has a value, which you're expecting to come from a form field, you can't 
actually tell whether it's been overridden by some smarty-pants typing in 
the URL with ?password=super_password on the end.  If you check 
specifically for $_POST['password'], you at least have the assurance that 
it's come from a form field as you were expecting.

There's a bit of a misperception about the security that 
register_globals=off buys you.  Basically, anything coming from the user 
cannot be trusted, and that includes post variables in $_POST[] (I could 
write my own form and send whatever variables I want to your form 
handler).  So, generally, anything in $_GET, $_POST and $_COOKIE (or 
$_REQUEST, in general) cannot be trusted, and should be treated as 
'possibly hostile'.  The new $_ENV variable, however, can be trusted, as it 
cannot be poisoned by the remote user, and also, most of the information in 
$_SERVER can be trusted, because it's coming from the web server.

What does register_globals buy you?  Two simple things:
(a) A clean global scope, which cannot be poisoned by the remote user, as 
your example illustrated (only backwards).
(b) Reliable $_ENV and $_SERVER arrays, and the knowledge that they cannot 
be poisoned by get/post/cookie data coming from the user.


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RE: [PHP] register_globals in php4

2002-05-10 Thread Ford, Mike [LSS]

 -Original Message-
 From: Zeev Suraski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 10 May 2002 12:36
 You meant it the other way around, didn't you? :)

Er, yes! ;)

(I cut-and-pasted one example to create the other, and then changed the wrong on to 



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning  Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Beckett Park, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730  Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 

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RE: [PHP] register_globals in php4

2002-05-10 Thread Ford, Mike [LSS]

 -Original Message-
 From: Ford, Mike [LSS] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 10 May 2002 12:54
 To: 'Zeev Suraski'
 Subject: RE: [PHP] register_globals in php4
  -Original Message-
  From: Zeev Suraski [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: 10 May 2002 12:36
  You meant it the other way around, didn't you? :)
 Er, yes! ;)
 (I cut-and-pasted one example to create the other, and then 
 changed the wrong on to off!!)

Oh, no! That's not what you meant! (It must be Friday afternoon!! :)

I should have said less secure rather than more secure.

Am I right this time?

Damn.  (It must be Friday afternoon!! :)



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning  Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Beckett Park, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730  Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 

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RE: [PHP] register_globals in php4

2002-05-10 Thread Zeev Suraski

At 15:13 10/05/2002, Ford, Mike   [LSS] wrote:
I should have said less secure rather than more secure.

Am I right this time?

Yep :)


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RE: [PHP] register_globals in php4

2002-05-10 Thread Miguel Cruz

On Fri, 10 May 2002, Ford, Mike   [LSS] wrote:
 Also, by using the $_POST, $_GET arrays, you know exactly where the
 input is coming from (even if register_globals is also on!).  If you
 have register_globals set to on, and you just look to see if (say)
 $password has a value, which you're expecting to come from a form field,
 you can't actually tell whether it's been overridden by some
 smarty-pants typing in the URL with ?password=super_password on the end.  
 If you check specifically for $_POST['password'], you at least have the
 assurance that it's come from a form field as you were expecting.

This is a very false sense of security. Anyone with cURL (or even telnet)  
can trivially fake any POST or cookie inputs they want to.


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RE: [PHP] register_globals in php4

2002-05-10 Thread Luc Saint-Elie


Both of your bit of code are not equal.

On my ISP in 4.0.6 isset returned false if the variable was not existing OR 

in 4.2 isset returns true if the variable exists but is empty, so you may 
want to check with empty instead of isset


At 12:16 10/05/2002 +0100, Ford, Mike   [LSS] wrote:
  -Original Message-
 if (isset($password)):  // register_globals on
 $super_user = $password==$super_password;

 if ($super_user):
 // sensitive admin stuff

is more secure than:

 if (isset($_GET['password'])):  // register_globals off
 $super_user = $_GET['password']==$super_password;

 if ($super_user):
 // sensitive admin stuff

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Re: [PHP] register_globals in php4

2002-05-09 Thread Miguel Cruz

On Fri, 10 May 2002, Patrick Hsieh wrote:
 php4.1 recommends to set register_globals=off in php.ini to make php
 more strict.  My question is, if I turn off register_globals, what will
 happen if any malicious user just try to modify the variable values in
 the url? Say,
 Does it work if user just change the value in the URL directly and send
 the url directly to web server?
 How can we avoid the malicious attack by directly http GET/POST with
 modified parameter values to make possible system error or compromise?

If register_globals is off, then you'll get $_GET['id'] = 3 and 
$_GET['sex'] = female. It's then up to you to make sure those are okay. 
But at least $id and $sex won't get set until you explicitly set them in 
your code.


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Re: [PHP] register_globals in php4

2002-05-09 Thread 1LT John W. Holmes

- Original Message -
From: Patrick Hsieh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 Hello list,

 php4.1 recommends to set register_globals=off in php.ini to make php
 more strict.  My question is, if I turn off register_globals, what will
 happen if any malicious user just try to modify the variable values in
 the url? Say,

The variables will get passed just like normal. You have no way of telling
if the values actually came from a form or if the user manipulated the data.
This goes for GET, POST, and COOKIE data.

 How can we avoid the malicious attack by directly http GET/POST with
 modified parameter values to make possible system error or compromise?

You can't stop it. The user can send anything to your site. It's up to you
to validate the data and make sure it's what it's supposed to be.

At least with register_globals = off, when you use $_GET[var], you know
it's coming from the URL (or a GET form). Same thing with _POST, _SESSION,
and _COOKIE, etc. You know where the data should be coming from. You still
have to validate it. W/o register globals, you just use $var and have no
idea where it's coming from. You may think it's coming from a posted form,
but the user actually passed it in the url. Or, you use $var2, not expecting
it to come from the user at all, but the user passes it in the URL and it
overwrites $var2.

register_globals isn't always bad. It just allows for more errors and
holes with it on if you're not careful.

---John Holmes...

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Re: [PHP] register_globals in php4

2002-05-09 Thread Kevin Stone

- Original Message -
From: Miguel Cruz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
To: Patrick Hsieh [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, May 09, 2002 11:52 AM
Subject: Re: [PHP] register_globals in php4

 On Fri, 10 May 2002, Patrick Hsieh wrote:
  php4.1 recommends to set register_globals=off in php.ini to make php
  more strict.  My question is, if I turn off register_globals, what will
  happen if any malicious user just try to modify the variable values in
  the url? Say,
  Does it work if user just change the value in the URL directly and send
  the url directly to web server?
  How can we avoid the malicious attack by directly http GET/POST with
  modified parameter values to make possible system error or compromise?

 If register_globals is off, then you'll get $_GET['id'] = 3 and
 $_GET['sex'] = female. It's then up to you to make sure those are okay.
 But at least $id and $sex won't get set until you explicitly set them in
 your code.


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Hmm.  No offense Miguel, but I don't believe turning Registered Globals off
will have any effect on security.  Turning Registered Globals off just
provides a more strict environment for coding.  Example..

If the url were

if (isset($_GET['password']))  // Registered globals off.
$password = $_GET['password'];
echo $password;
 .. is no more or less secure than..
if (isset($password))   // Registered globals on.
echo $password;

  How can we avoid the malicious attack by directly http GET/POST with
  modified parameter values to make possible system error or compromise?

Security in this regard has everything to do with ensuring that the input
you're recieving is what you expect.  Some good tips would be to define
maximum string lengths, check for legal variable types, and look for invalid
characters.  If something doesn't look right then you simply don't allow the
request to proceed.  Example..

function validate($str)
$max_len = 15;
$str_len = strlen($str);
if ($str_len  $max_len)
return FALSE;
elseif (gettype($str) != string)
return FALSE;
elseif (eregi(/whatever you think might be invalid/, $str));
return FALSE;
return TRUE;

if (validate($password))
echo $password;

Generally speaking this will be more than adequate.  But if you want to get
serious then you can record a timestamp and IP/domain  for every transaction
on your website then auto-block any user spamming your system.  For example,
if someone is trying out passwords over and over again, after 3 consecutive
tries your system could block the transaction and print out a warning.
After 3 batches of 3 consecutive tries the system could block the user and
email you a notice.  But becuase this user information can be faked the most
sophisticated systems.. the ones that corporations install behind their
firewalls and cost $20,000 for the installation alone, actually record and
analyze patterns of behavior using neural net software.


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Re: [PHP] register_globals in php4

2002-05-09 Thread Miguel Cruz

On Thu, 9 May 2002, Kevin Stone wrote:
 If register_globals is off, then you'll get $_GET['id'] = 3 and
 $_GET['sex'] = female. It's then up to you to make sure those are okay.
 But at least $id and $sex won't get set until you explicitly set them in
 your code.
 Hmm.  No offense Miguel, but I don't believe turning Registered Globals off
 will have any effect on security.

If all programmers were perfect, very few security mechanisms would be 

But they aren't, so things like this just make it a little bit easier to 
create secure software.


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RE: [PHP] register_globals=Off Question

2002-04-28 Thread John Holmes

You are missing an ending quote to begin with. Either add it in and use
braces, or remove the quotes.

action = '?=$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?'


action = '? echo $_SERVER[PHP_SELF]; ?'


action = '? echo {$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']}; ?'

Adapt to your needs...

---John Holmes...

 -Original Message-
 From: Kirk Babb [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Sunday, April 28, 2002 3:58 PM
 Subject: [PHP] register_globals=Off Question
 How do I use $PHP_SELF with register_globals off?  I looked up the
 documentation on but haven't gotten this line of code to work:
 form name=form5 method=post action='?php
 I get this error instead:
 [28-Apr-2002 16:33:31] PHP Parse error:  parse error, expecting
 or `T_VARIABLE' or `T_NUM_STRING' in - on line 140
 what am I doing wrong?  thanks,
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Re: [PHP] register_globals=Off Question

2002-04-28 Thread Miguel Cruz

On Sun, 28 Apr 2002, Kirk Babb wrote:
 How do I use $PHP_SELF with register_globals off?  I looked up the
 documentation on but haven't gotten this line of code to work:
 form name=form5 method=post action='?php echo($_SERVER[PHP_SELF];

action='?= $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] ?'


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Re: [PHP] register_globals=Off Question

2002-04-28 Thread Steve Buehler

Looks like you forgot your ticks ' around the PHP_SELF.  If I am correct, 
it should be $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].
Either way, you might want to try this.  Somebody else posted it before and 
I have been using it so that no matter what version of PHP my program runs 
on, it should work.
if (isset($_SERVER)) $PHP_SELF = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];


At 05:58 PM 4/28/2002, Kirk Babb wrote:
How do I use $PHP_SELF with register_globals off?  I looked up the
documentation on but haven't gotten this line of code to work:

form name=form5 method=post action='?php echo($_SERVER[PHP_SELF];

I get this error instead:

[28-Apr-2002 16:33:31] PHP Parse error:  parse error, expecting `T_STRING'
or `T_VARIABLE' or `T_NUM_STRING' in - on line 140

what am I doing wrong?  thanks,


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Re: [PHP] register_globals

2002-04-01 Thread Erik Price

On Sunday, March 31, 2002, at 04:05  AM, Liam wrote:

 at the moment I have register_globals set to on
 Is there any reason I should turn it off?

 What are the security risks of having them on?

I once asked this exact question, and here is the response I got -- I 
found it very helpful:

 Give this a read first, then come back if you still have questions ;)



Erik Price
Web Developer Temp
Media Lab, H.H. Brown

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Re: [PHP] register_globals

2002-04-01 Thread Rasmus Lerdorf

You would be better off reading the security chapter in the PHP
documentation.  It is much better informed than that study-in-scarlet

On Mon, 1 Apr 2002, Erik Price wrote:

 On Sunday, March 31, 2002, at 04:05  AM, Liam wrote:

  at the moment I have register_globals set to on
  Is there any reason I should turn it off?
  What are the security risks of having them on?

 I once asked this exact question, and here is the response I got -- I
 found it very helpful:

  Give this a read first, then come back if you still have questions ;)



 Erik Price
 Web Developer Temp
 Media Lab, H.H. Brown

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Re: [PHP] register_globals

2002-03-30 Thread Jason Wong

On Sunday 31 March 2002 17:05, Liam wrote:
 31/03/2002 9:05:53 AM

 Hi all,
 I'm running a webhosting service and I'm looking at security issues.

 at the moment I have register_globals set to on
 Is there any reason I should turn it off?

 What are the security risks of having them on?

Manual  Security

Jason Wong - Gremlins Associates -

The more they over-think the plumbing the easier it is to stop up the drain.

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RE: [PHP] register_globals and E_ALL error reporting

2002-03-13 Thread Ford, Mike [LSS]

 -Original Message-
 From: Richard Ellerbrock [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: 13 March 2002 14:25
 The following code generates a warning when register_globals=off and
 error reporting is set to E_ALL. How do I define the constant 
 in another
 way not to generate a warning? This is with php 4.1.1. I use defines
 extensively throughout my code and it is making my debugging difficult
 through the transition to register_global=off code.
 define(DBF_HOST, localhost);
 echo DBF_HOST;
 Warning: Use of undefined constant DBF_HOST - assumed 'DBF_HOST' in
 var/www/html/iptrackdev/test.php on line 3 localhost

That has nothing to do with register_globals!  You're getting the error because you 
have error_reporting set to E_ALL.  The error is that both arguments to define should 
be strings, thus:

define('DBF_HOST', 'localhost');

The way you have it, the naked DBF_HOST looks like a reference to a constant, but when 
PHP looks it up it can't find it because it hasn't been defined yet because the define 
contains a reference to the constant DBF_HOST which hasn't been defined yet so when 
PHP looks it up it can't find it because... oh, well, you get the idea!



Mike Ford,  Electronic Information Services Adviser,
Learning Support Services, Learning  Information Services,
JG125, James Graham Building, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Beckett Park, LEEDS,  LS6 3QS,  United Kingdom
Tel: +44 113 283 2600 extn 4730  Fax:  +44 113 283 3211 

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Re: [PHP] register_globals not turning off

2001-12-13 Thread Philip Olson

what command?  if you're using ini_set you can't.  in this case it'll set
the local value but it's of no consequence, register_globals has already
done its thing before getting to the script.  use of .htaccess is

Philip Olson

On Thu, 13 Dec 2001, Charlie Killian wrote:

 I turn register_globals off using this command:
 but my get variables are still accessible as variables.
 Any ideas.
 phpinfo() says:
 register_argc_argv Off 
 register_globals Off 
 PHP Version 4.0.6
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RE: [PHP] register_globals odd behaviour?

2001-08-21 Thread Johnson, Kirk

 I just come across and odd behaviour with the register_globals and
 session handling. The problem is that when I set the register 
 globals to
 on I cannot access the session_variables through the associative array
 HTTP_SESSION_VARS. The manual says explicitly that with track_vars and
 register_globals both on the array and the vars will point to 
 the same. 

I believe this was a bug in all versions prior to 4.0.6, globals and
$HTTP_SESSION_VARS did *not* reference the same value while on the current
page, in spite of what the manual says. So, either upgrade to 4.0.6, or use
the global version of session variables rather than the $HTTP_SESSION_VARS


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Re: [PHP] register_globals on or off?

2001-04-03 Thread Rasmus Lerdorf

 Could someone explain what the following passage in php.ini means:

  You should do your best to write your scripts so that they do not require
 ; register_globals to be on;  Using form variables as globals can easily
 ; to possible security problems, if the code is not very well thought of.

 If register_globals is off, does that mean you cannot access form variables
 by just referring to their name?


 And, if that is so, how do you pass
 information from forms to your action script?

They will be in the $HTTP_POST_VARS array.  However, as long as you watch
what you are doing, leaving register_globals on is fine.  Don't use
undefined variables and never pass stuff directly to any system() or file
operation functions without carefully checking your data.

Turning off register_globals and simply using $HTTP_POST_VARS everywhere
really doesn't help that much in this respect.  POST vars are easily
spoofed, so don't think that just turning off register_globals will
suddenly make your scripts secure.  It won't.  Never trust user-supplied


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Re: [PHP] register_globals on or off?

2001-04-03 Thread Hardy Merrill

hi [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote:
 Could someone explain what the following passage in php.ini means:
  You should do your best to write your scripts so that they do not require
 ; register_globals to be on;  Using form variables as globals can easily
 ; to possible security problems, if the code is not very well thought of.
 If register_globals is off, does that mean you cannot access form variables
 by just referring to their name?  And, if that is so, how do you pass
 information from forms to your action script?

If you had register_globals Off *AND* track_vars On, you could change:

   from: $frmCompanyName
   to:   $HTTP_GET_VARS["frmCompanyName"]

depending on your action method.


Hardy Merrill
Mission Critical Linux, Inc.

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Re: [PHP] register_globals PHP_SELF

2001-03-21 Thread Alexander Wagner

Steve Haemelinck wrote:
 Does the PHP_SELF variable only work if you have your
 register_globals on?


 Is their an another for still using it ?

$putitinhere = getenv("PHP_SELF");
might work.
Or, if track_vars is ON (default since PHP 4.03 I think), you might 

These are just guesses, though.


Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups.

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