Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2019-12-12 Thread fphredd

I did a search, apologies if it's been covered...

Very simply, when I use Material skin, Compilations shows up empty.
They're all tagged as '1' in the Compilation field, and work fine with
Default skin and on my Android phone. Thoughts? Suggestions? Do like the
skin, especially with SQ-X. Thank you for all the effort!! :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2019-12-07 Thread fphredd

echable wrote: 
> It had not begun working again, just one time. It does it always every
> time, giving the error message about player name being in use, so in
> order to get it to proceed I have to add yet another number to the end
> of player title every time.

Happened to me. IIRC, I fully uninstalled Squeezelite and reinstalled.
Easy to try, hope it helps.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: LMSSonos

2019-11-07 Thread fphredd

If I understand, this would allow simple circumvention of Sonos' track
limit? Woo-hoo!! Friends with Sonos for simplicity can now use all my
music in one simple place!...I'll still never leave LMS and SB

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2019-10-05 Thread fphredd

ronlog wrote: 
> I don't know what kind of log I can copy here. The error is displayed at
> the bottom of the app window that is all. Can't find anything related in
> Windows log.
> The server on the port 9090 seems down on my raspberry pi as I can't
> connect with Squeezer (Android app) too. I have to repair the server I
> think. I still can control the raspberry pi LMS through a web page and
> Sqeezebox Controller.
> SqueezeliteX works well with a LMS installed on a Synology. Just tested.

This might be similar to my experience. Simply changed the CLI port
number in the server advanced settings tab and SqueezeliteX to 9091 and
everything works fine from there.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Material Skin

2019-07-21 Thread fphredd

d6jg wrote: 
> Might be worth a Poll - what is the first menu item you use?

My GoTo's, in order:

1. Album Artists (I use ArtistSort tag to go by last names)
2. New Music
3. Compilations (Soon to be replaced by Spotty)

Hope this helps the decision making. Either way, thanks for Material
Skin! :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2019-06-05 Thread fphredd

rgdawson wrote: 
> If you are saying that if you enable password protection on LMS all
> works fine, but if you do not enable password protection then you cannot
> connect to telnet, either directly or with SLX, then that indicates to
> me that LMS does not think the client is on the same subnet.  Or there
> is some other weird problem in your network.  Since you cannot connect
> via telnet directly (outside of SLX), I am assuming there is nothing I
> can do in SLX to solve the problem.  I think you have some other
> problem.
> R Greg Dawson

Well, we definitely had a communication problem..I've -never- had
passwords on it. But it doesn't matter, problem solved. LMS is on a
Raspberry Pi, took a shot, burned a new image onto the disk, and I'm
happily listening to music via my PC in the home office.

Thanks you for your responsiveness and for Squeezelite-X!!! :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2019-05-23 Thread fphredd

rgdawson wrote: 
> Question: Is the LMS server and the client computer on the same subnet? 
> LMS will not allow Telnet from a computer on a different subnet unless
> Password Protection is enabled.  Sometimes, when a WiFi router is
> involved, the Wifi and wired parts of the network can be different
> subnets.  Could it be that you have server/client on Wifi/wired and one
> different subnets?  If you do, LMS will require Password Protection
> enabled in order to Telnet to work.  If this is the case then you have
> to either enable Password Protection or configure your WiFi router
> differently so that you don't have multiple subnets.
> R Greg Dawson

Both are hardwired and share the same subnet. Obviously, password is an
option, but it's just odd to me that it worked until recently (don't use
it daily, can't say exactly -how- recently.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2019-05-22 Thread fphredd

rgdawson wrote: 
> I guess, lets start over and explain what you current situation is,
> because I think I might be confused.
> R Greg Dawson

Good idea, and it's my fault. I should have been more selective in my
quoting. I get the same error, "Cannot connect to Telnet on port=909.
Check port number is correct and ensure server password enabled for
remote connections." This may be a larger issue, as I can't telnet
in..."Could not open connection to the hos port 9090: Connect Failed"
(yes, checked CLI setting in LMS). Dk if I could use CLI before, never
tried, but Squeezelite-X*did* work before...

Local internal network access only. No login/password on LMS. That's
about all of it. Suggestions? User error somewhere (generally the case,
we all know...)?

Thanks for the patience. :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2019-05-22 Thread fphredd

rgdawson wrote: 
> I am talking about your Logitech Media Server running on your Pi. I
> think you are saying when you enabled password protection in the LMS
> settings as you describe, and then enter the user name and password in
> SLX, then you get not authorized. In order to determine if SLX is the
> problem I suggest trying to point your browser to the LMS server and see
> if you get same response. In other words, if you have password
> protection enabled on LMS, then, as an experiment, when you go to
> http://:9000 using your internet browser, you will be prompted for
> a username and password. If that works, then you can suspect SLX.
> R Greg Dawson
That's the point. I -don't- have passwords on LMS. I've got to learn to
speak/type more clearly, my family tells me the same on a regular basis.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2019-05-21 Thread fphredd

rgdawson wrote: 
> It sounds like you have the same setup I do.  You get that message when
> Http get returns 401 - Unauthorized.  Be advised that the username is
> case sensitive for http, (not sure if that is the case with Telnet). 
> I'm thinking that you are matching the case in user name, but check
> that.  Otherwise I don't know why your Pi is sending 401 back.
> R Greg Dawson
> P.S. What happens when you try using a browser to access the LMS running
> on the Pi when password protected?

Guess I wasn't clear, apologies. I'm trying to do this without putting
on password protection on the internal network. Thanks :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] Squeezelite-X

2019-05-19 Thread fphredd

adr14n wrote: 
> Many thanks for the quick reply.
> My PC is on the same LAN as my RPi. I don't have any complicated network
> topology. Both are connected to the same ethernet switch; the switch is
> also connected to my modem/router.
> I tried setting a password in the LMS Security setting (where
>  is replaced with an actual password I chose):
> - Password Protection = Password Protection
> - Username = squeezebox
> - Password = 
> - Password = 
> - Block Incoming Connections = Do Not Block
> - Allowed IP Addressed = 192.168.1.*  matter with Do Not Block>
> - CSRF Protection Level = None
> I then set the username and password in the Squeezelite-X settings page,
> but I now get: "Authentication Failed: Unauthorized". (I triple-checked
> I input the right username and password, and it works correctly for LMS
> web-page access.)
> I can still access things via my telnet client, but I obviously now need
> to pass the password as the first line:
> > login squeezebox 
> > login squeezebox **
> > player count ?
> > player count 9
> > exit
> > exit
> >
> > Connection to host lost.
> If I turn off the password, it goes back to the previous state.
> btw I should have added that Squeezelite-X is a really great tool. And
> many thanks for your help again.
> Cheers
> Adrian

Any resolution to this? I've flipped through the thread from here
forward and do not see a full solution. Was  there an answer or a fix?
Much appreciated!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control is now available as a UWP app for Windows 10.

2018-02-08 Thread fphredd

I am on version and have never been able to get it to work. Is
there an updated version? Pardon the do I get the
updated if it exists?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Mobile / responsive skin

2018-02-08 Thread fphredd

This looks fantastic and I'm looking forward to trying it. 

Unfortunately, when I added the repository, I get this message:
Bad repository
- Can't connect to https URL lack of IO::Socket::SSL:

Help? Thanks!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] ANNOUNCE: Alexa voice control (development thread)

2017-03-11 Thread fphredd

Virtually all of my music is live concerts. The Album tags are set up
as: -mm-dd AUD(or SBD or FM) then city state "-" venue. Can you tell
me how this would need to be presented verbally to call a specific


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2017-02-02 Thread fphredd

I 'think' I used to be able to play through my phone SB Player or
Squeeze Player and this app when I want to stream away from home using to connect. I can connect via duckdns and use Squeeze Player
and the basic web interface, but I don't seem to be able to connect to
my server remotely via your app. I have entered it as one of the servers but it won't connect. In fact, I don't even get the
spinning circle as if it is trying to connect. This may not be clear,
but hopefully you get the idea. Suggestions? Thank you.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control is now available as a UWP app for Windows 10.

2016-12-07 Thread fphredd

kidstypike wrote: 
> Manually defining a server seems to work, at least when I put a dot in
> the button at the side and go back to the first screen the spinny is
> gone, but I don't get any options when clicking "Home" "Now Playing" or
> "Current Playlist", and then after maybe 20 seconds, it's back to the
> spinny.

How big is your library? This is the only behavior I get with the
app...74k+ tracks.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Squeeze-Controller [windows, linux, osx] Alpha, Testers Wanted

2016-11-18 Thread fphredd

Just discovered this today...Awesome Job!

Request for feature would be syncing players :)

Did I mention Awesome Job?!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control is now available as a UWP app for Windows 10.

2016-10-31 Thread fphredd

wt0 wrote: 
> The fact that it's an x86 doesn't mean that much. The problem is that
> it's OS and hardware is optimized to do one thing and only one thing
> well, serve files. LMS is a database and not a very efficient one
> either.
> Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalkq

OK. But, as I said, been flawless for years, including your software on
android and windows phone, just not Windows 10 box. No worries, was
worth the $ for the time i had that awful windows phone.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control is now available as a UWP app for Windows 10.

2016-10-30 Thread fphredd

wt0 wrote: 
> Try setting the "Default Network Timeout" to 30s it should help.  The
> main problem is that you have 73000+ songs on a NAS. It's usually
> recommended that shouldn't have more than 1 songs when you're using
> a NAS as a server.
> My suggestion is keep the songs on the NAS, but move the server to a
> something like a Raspberry Pi 3.

Woke up to the home screen showing Server name, but not able to do
anything...wish I took a screenshot, now everything just times out again
(after setting to 30s).
As to the ReadyNAS, it's an x86 and has never choked on the library. Why
add another piece of hardware? 
Guess I'll give up on using the 23" touchscreen and stick to the phone
(went back to android from Windows phone) and tablet. If you think of
anything else for me to try or need more info, let me know. Thanks for
the attempt.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control is now available as a UWP app for Windows 10.

2016-10-29 Thread fphredd

wt0 wrote: 
> When the Player Manager opens it requests statuses for all the players
> from the server and doesn't add a player to the list until it receives
> that player's status.  The player currently controlled in the main
> screen always show up first because it's status is already available in
> the app.  Depending on the specs of your NAS and the size of your music
> library, it is possible that the server could not handle the multiple
> status requests in a timely manner, so only two show up.  
> Does the two that show up change depending on which one is currently
> being controlled in the main screen?
> Try clearing the playlists of every player and see if that helps.
> Do any of the players have non-english characters in their name?
> How large is your music library?

Cleared all the playlists, now I can see all under Manage Players. Still
have a completely blank home screen, and still getting timeouts.
Library size is 73,000+ tracks.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control is now available as a UWP app for Windows 10.

2016-10-29 Thread fphredd

wt0 wrote: 
> It's not the same problem.  satkinsn problem has a very specific cause
> that only affects connections.  
> Windows Store apps by default are prevented by the system to connect to
> servers on the same. The app should have informed you about that and
> suggested the solution.  Basically you can exempt an app from this
> restriction by following the instructions here:
> Try disconnecting and reconnecting.  Also, you may need to do a full
> rescan of your library and possible restart the server.
> The app doesn't actually connect to the players, it only shows the
> players that the server tells it about.  Some of your players may be
> having connection issues with the server.  Also when a player connects
> or disconnects from a server, there can be a delay before the server
> will tell the app about it.

The loopback exemption didn't work; actually tried that earlier. I've
restarted, rescanned, turn NAS off/on...
The Manage Players shows 2 players, but when I click the player selector
at the bottom, I see all 5 on the network. Everything I click seems to
time out (set to 20 seconds) though after a time out, I can see Now
Playing. No other menu items are shown. There is no problem from the
same Win10 box on the web interface.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control is now available as a UWP app for Windows 10.

2016-10-28 Thread fphredd

Seems you were correct on the Windows App store being the issue. That's
the good news! :)

Now I seem to have the same issue as satkinsn :(

Tried installing server on same machine (usually run from ReadyNAS) but
still no luck. Seem to constantly time out. While initially on the
ReadyNAS server, I could see the Now Playing, but couldn't do anything
about it. Could also switch players, but that was it. Lots of blank
screens. There was one difference...on the ReadyNAS, Manage Players
didn't show any, on the Win 10 machine, I could see a player. Let me
know if there's anything else I can try to assist in tracking it down?
Will use my phone for now :p

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control is now available as a UWP app for Windows 10.

2016-10-28 Thread fphredd

wt0 wrote: 
> No it can only be installed thru the windows store.
> Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk

No other suggestions? Use this on windows phone, android phone, android
tablet...too ingrained to use a different one and too spoiled to use
standard web interface. Windows 10 does allow for sideloading...any
chance of an apk availability?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control is now available as a UWP app for Windows 10.

2016-10-28 Thread fphredd

I'm not able to download for my Windows 10 PC. Shows I own it
(previously purchased for windows phone) but i have to pause and refresh
every 50-100 KB of download. Any other way to accomplish the


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows Phone Player...Please!

2015-02-27 Thread fphredd

usc95 wrote: 
 I have a friend that uses multiple google accounts to accomodate his 80k
 track collection.  He keeps his new and most listened to tracks in one
 account and the remainder in a second account.  Not a perfect solution
 but workable, especially for the price of $0.00.

There are usually Workarounds (kludges?)...was hoping for something a
bit more elegant in 2015. Keep 'em coming! :D

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2015-02-27 Thread fphredd

wt0 wrote: 
 No but I can add that as an option.
 From what I can tell, lists in android can have the letter show up when
 you use the fast scroller on the edge, but not when you're just touch
 scrolling.  I doesn't look like a lot of extra code, but I'll have to
 look into it.

Just noticed it's been added. Thank you very much! :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows Phone Player...Please!

2015-02-26 Thread fphredd

wt0 wrote: 
 You might consider switching to something like Raspberry Pi for running
 LMS.  You'll get the full unabridged version of LMS.  The new 2nd gen
 Raspberry Pi should work really well as a LMS server.

Can't seem to find a streamer over cellular, just home network, so it
may be moot anyway - got the phone pretty cheap - get what you pay for,
I guess. Another thing I can't (at least easily) do on Windows Phone
8.1... :(

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows Phone Player...Please!

2015-02-26 Thread fphredd

wt0 wrote: 
 Did you setup your server to be accessible from outside your network?

Yes. I can see the server I, I can control the music in each of the
rooms of my house from afar if I want to p*ss off my wife, but I can't
listen to that music remotely if she ever kicks me out...

Maybe PLEX...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows Phone Player...Please!

2015-02-26 Thread fphredd

50k...not enough storage...the search continues...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows Phone Player...Please!

2015-02-25 Thread fphredd

All those promises are awesome...but without going down the beta road
this early in W10, as well as the lack of any apps ready for it
corresponding to my needs, it doesn't seem to give much 'hope' for the
foreseeable future...considering my phone only got 8.1 a few weeks ago.

Not bashing any platform (well, maybe Apple if you push me...), just
trying to be sure The Music Never Stops! :)

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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows Phone Player...Please!

2015-02-25 Thread fphredd

Just bought a Nokia Lumia with with Windows Phone 8.1 loaded. I've
installed Squeeze Control to control the players at home, but I'm
desperately looking for a way to stream my music, in mp3 or flac
(grandfathered - unlimited data).

I streamed music to my Android phone using multiple methods, utilizing
both LMS and Subsonic Music Streamer. None of the Subsonic apps are
working right on my Windows Phone, and the silence is killing me! - Any
suggestions, even in light of...

wt0 wrote: 
 No I don't plan on making a windows phone version of SB Player.  The
 main reason is that you cannot run apps in the background so it makes SB
 Player kind of pointless unless you plan on using a windows phone as a
 dedicated player. Also I don't think I can access the system's audio
 decoder on winphone, which means that I won't be able to support mp3 and
 aac since I don't have a license for them (which I would need if the app
 uses its own decoder). posted in the Squeeze Control for Windows Phone thread...not too
worried about either the music cutting out for a call/text or those
being ignored until the music stops playin, if I understand the above
limitations correctly.

Thanks for any help and/or suggestions!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows Phone Player...Please!

2015-02-25 Thread fphredd

wt0 wrote: 
 You have 2 options.  First LMS can provide a basic http music stream
 that any music player that supports streaming can use (including
 browsers).  Just use the url http://server address:server
 LMS will actually treat that stream as a player and it would show up on
 any squeezebox remote control. The stream can be a little flaky and the
 controls will be lag a bit (or a lot) and manually changing songs can be
 problematic, but should work fine as a continuous stream. The stream is
 always transcoded to mp3, so you need to make sure the transcoding
 system is setup correctly on your server. 
 Second, recent versions of LMS also works as a DLNA server, so you
 should be able to use any DLNA Player on Windows Phone to access the

Thank you very much for the above information. Will have a go at it...

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Windows Phone Player...Please!

2015-02-25 Thread fphredd

wt0 wrote: 
 I should mentioned that the features I outlined are probably not present
 on LMS running on a NAS.

Am I being punk'd? This just keeps getting to be more like a bad comedy
skit the deeper I get!...but thanks for the knowledge. Will take a shot
with the ReadyNas Pro just to say I tried.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control is now available for Windows Phone 8

2015-02-14 Thread fphredd

wt0 wrote: 
 Ok, that's not a textbox.  That's just a drop down.  A textbox in
 Windows Phone starts with a gray background and turns white when you tap
 That field displays a list of available servers.  It should find
 servers, but even on android sometimes that doesn't work, and on Windows
 Phone the system services needed for discovery to work wasn't even
 available until Windows Phone 8 so it's possible that some phones may
 not implement those services correctly.
 You can still manually add servers to the app.  Go the Preferences 
 Servers and tap Add Server then tap on the edit icon of the newly
 added server.

D'Oh...User Error, as usual then...sorry for the time waste - new to
this Windows Phone least I know what I'm doing on my Nexus
Tablet with the Android version! - and no, won't be asking for refund on
re-purchase, all this tech support is more than worth a few bucks! -
thanks for the great App(s)!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control is now available for Windows Phone 8

2015-02-13 Thread fphredd

wt0 wrote: 
 Did you try updating to Windows Phone 8.1? *Update got pushed a couple
 of days ago*
 After the update, try uninstalling and reinstalling. *Yes, with reboot
 in between*
 The keyboard problem is definitely strange. There's nothing special
 about any of the text boxes, the keyboard should just appear when you
 tap inside one. *Changes color, but no keyboard popping up*
 As to server discovery, make sure Wifi is turned on and connected.  I
 find that the connection on my Lumia 920 can be a little flaky. Even
 when the icon indicates that it's connected, when you go into the Wifi
 settings, it will say No internet connection and I have to turn the
 Wifi off and on again to fix it. *Wi-fi is good*
 Also make sure the phone is on the same network as the server and you're
 not using a proxy. *No proxy*
Other apps seem to launch keyboard no prob...?

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control is now available for Windows Phone 8

2015-02-12 Thread fphredd

Sorry for hijacking the Android luv the app on my android

as to my Nokia Icon (929) - I still cannot see my local server or type
in the address as no keyboard appears :(
If you think of anyway I can help track this down, just let me know! -
guess I should have Tried before buying...although the Android version
on the Nexus tablet probably justifies spending the extra :)

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2015-02-11 Thread fphredd

Seems I may be one of the unlucky ones on  Windows Phone - Nolia Lumia
Icon (929)
Does not show local servers or launch keyboard. this is Windows Phone
8.0 - Will update if 8.1 resolves. Otherwise, feel free to use me to
test anything you might try to make it work from your end (I have no
idea where the problem lies, obviously).

thanks for any help.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2015-01-29 Thread fphredd

wt0 wrote: 
 Well it works fine for me, but there are just too many possible hardware
 and network variations for me to say if the server problems are

That's fair...thx

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Play through Windows Phone

2015-01-28 Thread fphredd

wt0 wrote: 
 Maybe through uPNP streaming, but a full fledged software Squeezebox
 player on Windows Phone is impossible, or a least somewhat useless,
 because apps cannot run in the background on Windows Phone.

That's a shame; maybe a future generation with Windows 10, but probably
too late for me by then.

Thanks for the knowledge.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2015-01-28 Thread fphredd

wt0 wrote: 
 No but I can add that as an option.
 From what I can tell, lists in android can have the letter show up when
 you use the fast scroller on the edge, but not when you're just touch
 scrolling.  I doesn't look like a lot of extra code, but I'll have to
 look into it.
 If you're looking of the letter to show up when you're touch scrolling,
 that would require a lot of custom code and I don't think I would be
 worth my time.

I was definitely referring to the 'fast scroller'...and Thanks!!

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2015-01-28 Thread fphredd

Um...any chance of a Windows Phone version...thinking of taking the leap
from Android...

Doubting it, but nothing lost by asking (no, I don't mind being laughed
at...) :p


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Play through Windows Phone

2015-01-28 Thread fphredd

pippin wrote: 
 Well, that's not really an even, right? Answering a phone call, I
 believe, is the most intrusive thing that can happen on a phone and will
 probably stop the player on any architecture. It definitely does so on

We can use these things for phone calls?? :rolleyes:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2015-01-28 Thread fphredd

wt0 wrote: 
 I already have a Windows Phone 8 version:

Might have just made my decision easier! Thanks, again.

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Annouce: Squeeze Control, a squeezebox remote app, is now available for Android

2015-01-26 Thread fphredd

On a simpler note:

The alphabetical listing that can be exposed in a left margin as i list
artists...can this be set to stay on so i don't need to re-launch each

Also, many apps show a letter to signify where in the listing I am when
scrolling...any chance of adding this? Possibly somewhat redundant to
the above way of jumping but nice to have...

Do like the app on my Nexus 7...


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Play through Windows Phone

2015-01-26 Thread fphredd

I think I've searched and read enough, but just to confirm before I make
a switch I'll regret from Android...there is currently no way to play
music on a Windows phone from a Squeezebox Server?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-08-02 Thread fphredd

jmpage2;566013 Wrote: 
 Ya, nice backhanded apology there fella.  Maybe you just like playing
 forum cop is what it's really about.  Asking a few times over the
 course of several months since the problem first surfaced on the iPad
 is not whining or pestering amazingly I have written software
 myself and do a job very similar to software development now. 
 Sometimes the fire being lit under my ass to motivate me to get
 something finished is when I can see that users are complaining about
 being impacted by a problem that I need to fix.
 On the other hand if you'd like to grovel around and declare how
 wonderful iPeng is, and offer refunds for anyone with a criticism then
 maybe there's a better place to do it then the *SUPPORT THREAD*.  Smart

jmpage2;566079 Wrote: 
 Its a software remote control that costs $10.  Does the $10 matter to
 me?  No (and actually at the time I bought it, I'm pretty sure it cost
 more than $10, was either $15 or $20).  However the overwhelming
 majority of my apps cost about $1-$2.  So, yes, the $10 puts it in the
 'premium' category, which for me means that I have higher expectations
 of ongoing updates and fixes than with a .99 'fart' app.
 iPeng is well worth the asking price, but it's also not a '$10 gadget'.
 It's a $10 application that only works if you already have an iPod
 Touch or iPhone (or iPad).
 In any event, I'm done here, the outright hostility in a thread that's
 supposed to be for technical support issues simply boggles the mind. 
 I'll make sure to remove all mentions of the application from any of my
 blogs, reviews, etc, because I certainly wouldn't want to be seen to be
 promoting an application that you can't get technical support on or ask
 for an update with a fix to an issue you have without being heckled by
 the peanut gallery.

Bit sensitive?? 

No I'm not a forum cop; in fact I always try to end my posts with
'Thank you' as I realize people are very generous with their time and
efforts to help me accomplish many things, including controlling all
Squeeze related items for just $10. You apparently find your time very
valuable compared to others, and while I may have been harsh, I'm
obviously not the only one that feels you've over stepped a bit,
considering it's ONLY $10...will miss you.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-08-01 Thread fphredd

jmpage2;565259 Wrote: 
 Hostile much?  Look, I didn't say anything rude or untrue to the
 developer.  In fact I've probably sold plenty of copies of iPeng seeing
 as I have the #1 review of the SB Radio on and go out of my
 way to recommend the iPeng application explicitly both in the main
 review and comments section.
 The reality is that the update is slow coming (for whatever reason).  I
 realize that this is a one man operation and the updates can't come as
 fast as they do for other applications like Mobile Navigator, etc, yet
 this is a premium priced application so hopefully it gets updated
 eventually to ios4 compatibility so we can continue to use ALL of the
 features with our SB devices.

Maybe a 'bit' harsh, but it seemed you kept whining over and over after
having gotten a response.  Unfortunately, it wasn't the response you
wanted, so you repeated the complaint.  My 8 year old does this, and
after being gentle for a while, a harsh response may be the only thing
that gets through...I know I've just opened myself up for a judgment on
my parenting skills, please don't bother; I'd rather just apologize to
you if you took it all personally. 

And I'll still pitch in to refund your premium price of $10...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-07-17 Thread fphredd

jmpage2;562235 Wrote: 
 All of my other apps (and I have a lot of them) continued to work under
 iPhone 4.
 Also, my iPad, which is based on a later load of OS 3 also has the
 alarm bug when running iPeng.
 Apple makes plenty of mistakes, but this problem has been around for
 quite some time it would appear.

I'll chip in to refund jmpage2's iPeng cost if he promises to never use
it again and let pippin continue to satisfy so many people for such a
low price...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-06-27 Thread fphredd

This site might help.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] moose - no Artwork in SC 7.5 embedded

2010-03-10 Thread fphredd

DrLovegrove;522086 Wrote: 
 My 3 arms are currently a bit
 tied up with the arrival of our first child last week though, so it may
 not be
 imminent.. :-)
 - Dr Lovegrove

don't blink, you'll miss 'something'...congrats and enjoy :D


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Moose 0.72

2010-01-29 Thread fphredd

DrLovegrove;511481 Wrote: 
 2010/1/27 fphredd fphredd.45gm001264615562 (AT) no-mx (DOT)
 Not heard of that before.. Could you send me a couple of screen-grabs
 Also, if you set them both to 'flat' background mode, does it still do
 it ?

I can work on that...where to send?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Moose 0.72

2010-01-27 Thread fphredd

This is probably VERY low on the issues list, but WAF can make many
things an issue...
I am using Moose as a 'Now Playing' screen on the 4.3 screen on the
HTPC I have running Squeezeslave-Asio connected to ReadyNAS running SBS.
All works well!

The small issue I have regards backgrounds, bitmaps, and colors.  When
I move Moose from the TV screen to the touch screen, colors change, i.e.
they all seem to lighten up a great deal. This happens even if it is
part of a custom designed jpeg background.  Also a certain amount of
gradient effect seems to be happening no matter the background setting.

Figured I'd throw this out there...doesn't happen with any other
program when moved to the touch screen.

Thanks for any feedback you're inclined to give.

Once again, excellent program...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-01-08 Thread fphredd

fphredd;503456 Wrote: 
 My friend says he can move around in a track no problem with the
 I didn't send a file, would be happy do I send a file of that
 size (maybe 20MB?).  FTP available?

I would be happy to get you a file, but it appears this is NOT an
'iPeng issue' (was there really any doubt?).

Brought the iTouch to buddy's place where he has the same NAS with the
same music (one was copied from the other).  Scrubbing is fine through
his system with Transporter using iPeng.  At this point, I'm figuring
it's an issue with the files themselves (shouldn't be) or my SBS.  Next
week I will be able to do one more test of using files from my NAS
through his Transporter, just to confirm it's not Squeezeslave and
Squeezeplay and will then transfer a file back to his box to test
whether it's file or SBS related.

Thanks for the help you've provided...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-01-06 Thread fphredd

pippin;503237 Wrote: 
 Yes, the Duet Controller's behavior is what I'm interested in.
 The server version would also be of interest.
 Oh.. And (you can do that yourself) the sample rate. Did we check this?
 Could it be these are 24 Bit/96 kHz FLACs? Transporter plays these
 natively while all other SBs downsample them on the server to go to
 24/48 - in this case the progress bar won't work but we checked
 that, didn't we?

16/44.1...Many off of commercial CD's.  All music ripped with
dbPoweramp.  One of the machines has Squeezeslave which I don't 'think'
will handle the 24/96 at all...

What specifically am I looking for in the Duet Controller 'behavior'? 
All I know so far is it works fine for me...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-01-06 Thread fphredd

pippin;503439 Wrote: 
 Hm. Don't remember, did you send me a sample file to try?
 On the Controller: You can do FWD and RWD on that one, right?

My friend says he can move around in a track no problem with the
I didn't send a file, would be happy do I send a file of that
size (maybe 20MB?).  FTP available?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2010-01-05 Thread fphredd

fphredd;497687 Wrote: 
 I have a bunch of live music, most without any kind of artwork (all
 flac).  When playing the music that does have artwork, live or
 commercial studio release, I am not able to 'scrub' forward in songs.  I
 move the 'scrubber' and the music stops and resets at the beginning of
 the song.  Music without artwork works fine.
 I have compared with the Logitech controller and that does not have the
 issue.  FYI, the music compared between ipeng and controller was the
 same music but on different NAS boxes (one was copied from the other).
 Any ideas?
 Thanks for the awesome app!! $ well spent is an understatement :D


As we went back and forth on this, you thought the fact that it
happened when I was using Squeezeslave might be the problem. That is not
it as I loaded Squeezeplay on another machine connected to the same
server and had the same problem when controlling that machine with

I will be at my buddy's house where the Transporter is located using
duplicate flac files and will try it there as well.  You asked about his
controller's's the Duet Controller, which I'm sure you
know more about than me, but is there anything I should be looking for
on that unit that would help you?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Moose 0.72

2009-12-30 Thread fphredd

DrLovegrove;500155 Wrote: 
 2009/12/29 fphredd fphredd.43z9pz1262126882 (AT) no-mx (DOT)
  Is it possible to set Moose up to open on Monitor 2, in Party mode,
  screen at start up?
  Monitor 2 is an LCD on my HTPC running Squeezeslave, and would like
  use Moose as my 'Now Playing.'
 If you close Moose down when it's on monitor 2, does it reopen on
 monitor 2 ?
 For the partymode and fullscreen there are command-line options.. If
 you run
 moose with -help as a command line option it lists all the options..
 - Dr Lovegrove

Created a batch file to start in fullscreen and partymode. 
Unfortunately, can't get moose to reopen on screen 2 (even if it was
there on shutdown).  

Tried creating a shortcut and using Ultramon to direct to screen 2, but
the cmd window opens on 2 while the 'now playing' still opens on screen
1.  Tried converting the bat file to an exe, thinking if there was no
command window open then the now playing would open on screen 2 as the
only thing opening. Still no dice...

Other possibilities?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng poll: Do you use Album art touch to play?

2009-12-30 Thread fphredd

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: What do you think about quot;touch-to-play-albumquot; for
cover art in iPeng?

- I use this and like it.
- I don't use this and it disturbs me
- I don't care


How hard to put in the option setting?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng poll: Do you use Album art touch to play?

2009-12-30 Thread fphredd

A poll associated with this post was created, to vote and see the
results, please visit

Question: What do you think about quot;touch-to-play-albumquot; for
cover art in iPeng?

- I use this and like it.
- I don't use this and it disturbs me
- I don't care

pippin;500617 Wrote: 
 Not necessarily hard, it's just that this is in a lot of places.

Is that different than changing it? I obviously know little about the
programming part, and will continue to think this is one of the best
justifications for an iPod Touch no matter what happens...just figured
I'd ask...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2009-12-29 Thread fphredd

I don't use playlists, and the album art thing is the wife's preferred
way to choose music.  Please don't complicate my life by taking it away

My $0.02


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Moose 0.72

2009-12-29 Thread fphredd

Any way to change the color of the progress bar on the Now Playing
screen? Biggest problem I could find :-)



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Moose 0.72

2009-12-29 Thread fphredd

Is it possible to set Moose up to open on Monitor 2, in Party mode, full
screen at start up?

Monitor 2 is an LCD on my HTPC running Squeezeslave, and would like to
use Moose as my 'Now Playing.'



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2009-12-22 Thread fphredd

pippin;497915 Wrote: 
 Hm, indeed, that's odd. Are there other differences in these files?
 I'd ask in the SqueezeSlave thread, maybe it's trying to do some
 decoding with the artwork or so.
 Also: is it the most recent version? I've had a lot of trouble with
 Squeezeslave in the past with things like this, even skip did not work
 as expected, but I believe things have improved.

Shouldn't be any differences, all ripped using dbpoweramp on same
Clearing cache didn't help.  Will post on the other thread see if there
are any ideas.  I'm using latest Sqeezeslave as Windows sleep issues are
being worked on


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2009-12-21 Thread fphredd

I have a bunch of live music, most without any kind of artwork (all
flac).  When playing the music that does have artwork, live or
commercial studio release, I am not able to 'scrub' forward in songs.  I
move the 'scrubber' and the music stops and resets at the beginning of
the song.  Music without artwork works fine.

I have compared with the Logitech controller and that does not have the
issue.  FYI, the music compared between ipeng and controller was the
same music but on different NAS boxes (one was copied from the other).

Any ideas?

Thanks for the awesome app!! $ well spent is an understatement :D


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2009-12-21 Thread fphredd

pippin;497699 Wrote: 
 Artwork should not have anything to do with it.
 Which file format is the music that does not work in?

All music is flac.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2009-12-21 Thread fphredd

pippin;497750 Wrote: 
 Hm, that should work.
 Which server version is this?
 The flac files aren't HD files (like 96kHz sample rate)

7.4.2 - r29410

flac files are 16/44.1

Clear cache? I'll give that a shot as I probably should have already...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2009-12-21 Thread fphredd

pippin;497804 Wrote: 
 Cache is within iPeng, this is between the server and the player.
 I need to experiment a bit, so far I can't reproduce.
 What player model is this?

Having the problem on a home built machine running squeezeslave (asio
version) with iPeng.  The other machine (with Logitech controller) is a


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2009-12-21 Thread fphredd

pippin;497826 Wrote: 
 I would not expect it to work with Squeezeslave.
 Does it work with the Controller? Do you know what the Controller does?
 iPeng uses the time command to jump to the specified position within
 the track.

But it does work with Squeezeslave on 'albums' without any artwork;
that's what's odd...


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