Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.2

2011-11-02 Thread AndrewFG

A new minor point release version of Whitebear Media Server has been
released today.

Improvements in this release:

1. Improved client compatibility
2. Improved user interface on Tray Monitor (e.g. added live check for
3. Improved user interface on Browse Trees (e.g. added top level
4. Bug fixes concerning browsing of music folders and app folders

PS if you feel like making a donation, I added a link for that on the
download page :-)



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[SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.2

2011-10-11 Thread AndrewFG

A new version of Whitebear Media Server has been released.

Improvements in this version:

1. The browse tree is now the same as in Squeezebox Server.
2. There is improved client compatibilty with various clients (e.g.
Humax, BubbleUpnP, 2Play, PlugPlayer, J.River, second instance of
Squeezebox Server, xbmc, Sony TVs, etc.)
3. Transcoded files are now chached for faster replay, and track seek
is now supported.
4. The support for the UPnP Search function has been extended.
5. The tray monitor provides more information and control.
6. And general stability improvements and bug fixes have been made.

PS if you feel like making a donation, I added a link for that on the
download page :-)



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-09-19 Thread AndrewFG

Gblenn;658083 Wrote: 
 weather it is possible, using Whitebear on top of SBS, to also be using
 iPeng as the controlling application. OR, is it so that I need to use
 some DLNA Control point in order to stream to a Networked Receiver with
 Whitebear??No, iPeng is a native only control point. I guess you receiver 
have its own basic CP UI on the TV screen and/or its front panel. But
if you want something fancier, you would need to use a third party
application; Windows 7 provides Windows Media Player 7 which very good
(and free).



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-09-16 Thread Gblenn

Andrew, I am contemplating buying a Yamaha AV Receiver (V2067) which
would be quite a step up from my current old 2ch Amp. This receiver, as
several others coming into the market, is capable of playing streamed
audio including FLAC up to 24/192.
I assume with an integrated DAC, newer than than the one in my Duet
player I would perhaps hear some improvement, especially on some of the
HiRes material I have. Regardless of weather I will actually hear any
improvements or not, in order to hear anything I am of course in the
need of a way to serve my music to the receiver... :)
I have lately moved away from using the Controller and now rather use
an iPad or Android tablet. Which of course gives some flexibility as to
what application is used. However, I have become very fond of iPeng,
wich especially on the iPad is quite an imrovement over the SB

Now, my real question or thinking here is weather it is possible, using
Whitebear on top of SBS, to also be using iPeng as the controlling
application. OR, is it so that I need to use some DLNA Control point in
order to stream to a Networked Receiver with Whitebear??


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-23 Thread MrSinatra

AndrewFG;651916 Wrote: 
 The problem is that SBS only has 4 kinds of entity container (albums,
 artists, genres, years); and compilations do not exist as an own
 entity/container (probably rightly because there would only be one

but thats the point of the bug/req!  to create a fifth spot,
homecomps.  and this fifth spot would contain ONLY those things that
SBS positively classified as a comp, either via explicit tags or
scanner logic.

the smart thing about the request, is that those things SBS would think
are comps would STILL show up in the 'Home4 other entities' under
whatever SBS used to file them, be it an artist tag, an AA tag, or the
term used to denote comps if detected as a comp (artist mismatches). 
yet the display/query/filter of these items in these other areas would
not care at all if something was or wasn't a comp, and that would
improve performance and simplify the code.

Phil can explain it better, but thats the meat of it.

AndrewFG;651916 Wrote: 
 the SBS solution is to mongrelize compililations as a kind of zombie
 artist -- which is undoubtedly an abomination.

indeed.  i can understand someone wanting to find all their comps in
one place, like HomeComps but i will never understand someone
wanting all their detected comps to then be assigned a single catchall
term of Various Artists which is how SBS currently works!  if you
have more than a handful of comps, this method SUCKS!

AndrewFG;651916 Wrote: 
 But the only problem is that if you would de-mongrelize VA/compilations
 from being a zombie artist then you would have to re-mongrelize it as
 something else... -- If it is no longer a zombie artist, then it must
 become a zombie album, or a zombie genre, which frankly would be
 equally ghastly...

i'm not sure i follow you here...

SBS can understand that somthing is a comp by giving it a comp=1 tag,
and it will over-ride an AA tag, but it will still USE the AA tag to
sort whatever in a given SBS artist list, or albums list sorted by

so a homecomps location would be sorted via differing AA tags, yet
still be known to SBS as comps.

meanwhile, the comps would sort in the other 4 places by their AA tags,
without regard to whether they are a comp or not.

does that address what you meant?

(to me, comp status really shouldn't be as big a deal to SBS as it is,
its way too over-wrought in this area.  it shouldn't check comp status
for display except for homecomps, and it shouldn't make three DB
entries for two tags, [artist and album artist], and it shouldn't force
autodetection either)

sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
::VOTE FOR 'BUG 15604'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-23 Thread AndrewFG

MrSinatra;652075 Wrote: 
 thats the point of the bug/req!  to create a fifth spot, homecomps. 
 and this fifth spot would contain ONLY those things that SBS positively
 classified as a comp, either via explicit tags or scanner logic.I am looking 
 at it from the point of view of the CLI and probably the
database structure, whereas you are talking about the user
In the current model you can issue the following CLI requests, and they
will respond with the respective list of all albums, artists, genres,
years etc. But currently there is no CLI query that could cover any
other kind container such as compilations.

  albums 0 999
  artists 0 999
  genres 0 999
  years 0 999

If someone could be persuaded to extend the CLI interface then they
should probably add a containers command that would work as follows:

  containers 0 999
  ...returns the following response
  containers 0 999 id=1234 title=Compilations count=1

Such a containers command would be open ended and allow construction
of other kinds of containers than Compilations. However in the first
instance the containers 0 999 request would only return one such
container having the title Compilations. With such a CLI request
added, you could then step down the browse tree using the existing
standard CLI request filtering logic:

  containers 0 999
  == returns the following response
  containers 0 999 id=1234 title=Compilations count=1
  albums 0 999 container_id:1234
  == returns all ALBUMS in Compilations
  artists 0 999 container_id:1234
  == returns all ARTISTS in Compilations
  tracks 0 999 container_id:1234
  == returns all TRACKS in Compilations

I think such an extension would address the underlying database and CLI
changes that would be needed to support what you are asking to see in
the UI. 

However, the above proposal is (IMHO) not the same proposal as your
bugs. As I said before your bugs are asking for a UI change, whereas I
am talking about a database architecture and query structure



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-23 Thread Phil Meyer
However, the above proposal is (IMHO) not the same proposal as your
bugs. As I said before your bugs are asking for a UI change, whereas I
am talking about a database architecture and query structure

My proposal was to update the UI to have a Compilations browse mode.  Adding 
CLI support to get compilations would be a bonus.

However, compilation albums would still be listed somewhere within the artsits 
and albums view, under whatever album artist that album has.  If no album 
artist tag is specified, Various Artists would be used, so they would all 
still be available in the same way as they are now, except there wouldn't be a 
Various Artists special entry at the top of the artists, just a normal list 
of artists.

So if there's no CLI support for browsing compilations, and no specific way to 
see the compilation list within Whitebear, it's not the end of the world - the 
albums could still be found in the same way.
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-23 Thread AndrewFG

Philip Meyer;652202 Wrote: 
 So if there's no CLI support for browsing compilations, and no specific
 way to see the compilation list within Whitebear, it's not the end of
 the world - the albums could still be found in the same way.Look don't get me 
 wrong. I am NOT asking for this. Whitebear does not
need it. However MrSinatra is being so vehement about him needing it,
that I am simply proposing a properly architected data structure and
query backend that would give him what he wants. (Of course if you want
to just kludge the UI, then that is fine with me, since the Bear does
not use the UI anyhow...)



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-23 Thread MrSinatra

i think Phil was just trying to explain things better than i did, which
i am grateful for.

for my part, i am just trying to explain to you that i think your
original assessment was correct, there is a bug in SBS, b/c what you
originally tried to do SHOULD have worked.  it didn't b/c of bug 9523,
and just b/c you found a suitable workaround, doesn't mean you were
wrong in your original assessment...

and given that, i think both Phil and I and others are hoping to get
your vote for bug 15604, which would resolve 9523 and have other
benefits as well, including making your original approach / query via
CLI successful.

sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
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::VOTE FOR 'BUG 15604'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-23 Thread Phil Meyer
Look don't get me wrong. I am NOT asking for this. Whitebear does not
need it. However MrSinatra is being so vehement about him needing it,
that I am simply proposing a properly architected data structure and
query backend that would give him what he wants. (Of course if you want
to just kludge the UI, then that is fine with me, since the Bear does
not use the UI anyhow...)

Just to be clear, I wasn't asking you to ask for it either!  The enhancement 
request has been in the system for a few years now; it's never likely to happen 

The DB already models compilation albums; the Web UI, various player UI's and 
CLI are just views of that data model.  I was less concerned about providing 
CLI support; I just see it as an extra way of browsing content in the library - 
one which I have already achieved for myself using Custom Browse plugin.

I don't see the proposal as a UI kludge.  Moreover, the current UI is a kludge, 
with all compilation albums appearing under Various Artists, even when the 
album artist is not Various Artists.

e.g. usually you'd expect to navigate into an artist, view an album, and see 
that the album artist (or at least one of the album artists if there's 
multiple) matches the artist you chose to view.  This is not necessarily true 
for Various Artists, where I can view Artists  Various Artists  Biosystems 
- The Biosphere Remixes, and the album artist will be reported as Biosphere, 
not Various Artists.

I can browse Artists  Biosphere  The Biosphere Remixes to navigate to the 

I do have other compilation albums that do belong under an album artist called 
Various Artists, and they would still be viewable under that artist - all 
albums would still be visible under the album artist that they belong to.

i.e. displaying compilation albums in their own list is less of a kludge than 
pretending that they belong to an artist that isn't even referenced on the 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-22 Thread AndrewFG

MrSinatra;651153 Wrote: 
 if 15604 were implemented, comps would show up in a new proposed
 homecomps, AND in existing home all the other stuff ...but what
 would be different is that under homeartists or homealbums, etc,
 comps would be listed only under their album.contributor value (or
 something like that) and without regard to whether they were actually
 comps or not.The problem is that SBS only has 4 kinds of entity container 
artists, genres, years); and compilations do not exist as an own
entity/container (probably rightly because there would only be one
such); the SBS solution is to mongrelize compililations as a kind of
zombie artist -- which is undoubtedly an abomination. But the only
problem is that if you would de-mongrelize VA/compilations from being a
zombie artist then you would have to re-mongrelize it as something
else... -- If it is no longer a zombie artist, then it must become a
zombie album, or a zombie genre, which frankly would be equally



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-19 Thread AndrewFG

MrSinatra;650611 Wrote: 
 i don't know much about CLI, but you see two Various Artists entries and
 they conflict with each other.  this is b/c there are entries that are
 sourced by actual tags, and a category of the same name.  in bug 15604,
 Phil is advocating pulling things SBS thinks are comps out of the
 artists and albums etc lists, and making them their own homecomps
 category, which i fully support.Point understood, and agreed.

MrSinatra;650611 Wrote: 
 i think that would make your CLI queries much more straight forward.Not 
 really. The UPnP Content Directory is essentially just another
remote representation of the SBS browsing tree (albeit delivered via
UPnP+SOAP+XML rather than via Browser+HTML) = What You See (in the SBS
UI) Is What You Get (in the Whitebear Content Directory). My mistake was
in assuming that all artist titles would be separate unique texts, so I
was counting the number of unique texts rather than the total number of
entries in the browsing tree; once I adjusted the code to count entries
rather than unque texts, I have no problem any more...

MrSinatra;650611 Wrote: 
 ... its only useful if a user knows the issue exists, and then knows
 thats a way around it.  obviously, most users know neither.Fully agreed. My 
 working assumption is that the user will NOT have
implemented this...



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-19 Thread MrSinatra

AndrewFG;651097 Wrote: 
 Not really. The UPnP Content Directory is essentially just another
 remote representation of the SBS browsing tree (albeit delivered via
 UPnP+SOAP+XML rather than via Browser+HTML) = What You See (in the SBS
 UI) Is What You Get (in the Whitebear Content Directory). My mistake was
 in assuming that all artist titles would be separate unique texts, so I
 was counting the number of unique texts rather than the total number of
 entries in the browsing tree; once I adjusted the code to count entries
 rather than unque texts, I have no problem any more...

i didn't realize you figured out a solution already.  and again, i hope
Phil pipes up b/c i know he understands this better than i do, BUT i
think that if bug 15604 were implemented, you would then have been ok
to just use unique texts.

if 15604 were implemented, comps would show up in a new proposed
homecomps, AND in existing home all the other stuff ...but what
would be different is that under homeartists or homealbums, etc,
comps would be listed only under their album.contributor value (or
something like that) and without regard to whether they were actually
comps or not.

assuming i understand correctly, this is why i think you were
originally right when you said it was a bug.  as SBS is currently
coded, it is not clever enough to handle the conflict between tag
source and category, and in fact it has invented this conflict.  you
just came across bug 9523 via a different path, CLI, as opposed to how
i found it, in the webui.

sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7 ie9  xp pro sp3 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
::VOTE FOR 'BUG 15604'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-17 Thread AndrewFG

MrSinatra;650433 Wrote: 
 Andrew and everyone else reading this thread, PLEASE vote for these
 bugs!Hi MrSinatra, I looked at all your three bugs reports, and whilst I can
confirm that the all relate to Various Artists in the broadest way I
have to say that they do not specifically relate to the issue I

Therefore since I have not actually encountered the specific issues you
refer to, I did not feel qualified to vote for them. 
Also insofar as the latest versions of SBS do allow you to customise
the name of Various Artists to any other text, I have the impression
that at least one of the bugs may have been quietly resolved (or??)



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-17 Thread MrSinatra

AndrewFG;650595 Wrote: 
 Hi MrSinatra, I looked at all your three bugs reports, and whilst I can
 confirm that the all relate to Various Artists in the broadest way I
 have to say that they do not specifically relate to the issue I
 Therefore since I have not actually encountered the specific issues you
 refer to, I did not feel qualified to vote for them. 
 Also insofar as the latest versions of SBS do allow you to customise
 the name of Various Artists to any other text, I have the impression
 that at least one of the bugs may have been quietly resolved (or??)

hi Andrew.  i'd appreciate the votes anyway, if you'd be so kind, i
think you can trust that the code simplification is a worthy goal.  but
in any case, and Phil can definitely speak more expertly to this than i
can, but i think it does affect you more than you know, or so i am

i don't know much about CLI, but you see two Various Artists entries
and they conflict with each other.  this is b/c there are entries that
are sourced by actual tags, and a category of the same name.  in bug
15604, Phil is advocating pulling things SBS thinks are comps out of
the artists and albums etc lists, and making them their own homecomps
category, which i fully support.

this means that things in tag/category name conflict will no longer
conflict, and comp checks won't be necessary for display or query
anywhere but the homecomps location.

i think that would make your CLI queries much more straight forward. 
again, i hope Phil will speak to it, as he has a greater understanding
of what exactly is happening under the hood than i do.

as to the workaround, thats all the workaround is.  that option has
been in SBS for as long as i can remember, and its not a fix, just a
workaround.  i can't claim finding it, i think jeff flowerday did but i
don't recall.  but its only useful if a user knows the issue exists, and
then knows thats a way around it.  obviously, most users know neither.

sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
::VOTE FOR 'BUG 15604'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-16 Thread MrSinatra

Andrew and everyone else reading this thread, PLEASE vote for these

that is how you apply pressure to the devs to get the damn things

sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
::VOTE FOR 'BUG 15604'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-15 Thread AndrewFG

Philip Meyer;649924 Wrote: 
 I think searching for artists matching empty string, will return all
 artists, but without the initial Various Artists entry.  i.e.
   artists 0 1 search:
 I tried this with the following results:

artists 0 1  = returns Various Artists and all tagged artist
names, but NOT the names of Composers etc.

artists 0 1 search:  = does NOT return Various Artists, but does
return and all tagged artist names, plus also the names of all
Composers etc.




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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-14 Thread AndrewFG

Ap15e;649582 Wrote: 
 Play lists
 Items marked with * don't work. 
 Error messages:
 Can't read the media directory on ...
 Invalid device response
 Connection to ...:31416 refused
 List index out of bounds (261). (UPnP Error U0501).
 I had some offline discussions with Ap15e and with his kind help we
discovered that the problem is because when Whitbear issues a query to
Squeezebox Server CLI with artists 0 300 the latter returns the entry
id%3A3123 artist%3AVarious%20Artists two times in its response. 

In the case of Ap15e he has 262 artist entries in his artist database
so  Whitebear thinks it must pass on 262 items to the Android UPnP
control point. But since Various Artists is a duplicate, the second
copy gets eliminated, and so there are finally only 261 items in the
list. This explains why Ap15e sees the error when Whitebear trips over
the no longer existent index 261 entry...

It is a mystery to me why the Squeezebox Server CLI makes a duplicate
of Various Artists. Perhaps it is because Ap15e has an actual artist
called Various Artists, and he also has compilation albums that
Squeezebox Server names as by Various Artists, and therefore perhaps
Squeezebox Server is not clever enough to know that these two are in
fact the same name ???

= This is clearly a bug in Squeezebox Server.

However, now that I know about it, I can modify Whitebear to work
around this problem.

I am guessing the problem with the years folder is due to a similar
duplication. (Perhaps this time between the explicit year 0 and the
implicit no year = 0 ...)



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-14 Thread MrSinatra

Various Artists strikes again!

i can tell you there are ALL KINDS of stupid issues with SBS comp
handling, and display.

check out bug 9523 for starters, and vote for it.  also bug 15604 as in
my sig.  also 17081.

SBS does weird shit in handling VA stuff.  it creates a special
category which conflicts with the tag string and it does unnecessary
comp status checks for display.

i would bet all that is related to what you are talking about above.

sb2  droid (my home) / duet  ipeng (parents' home) - sbs 7.5.5b -
win7  xp pro sp3 ie9 - p4(ht) 3.2ghz, 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 -
d-link dir-655 - 49k+ mp3/flac
::VOTE FOR 'BUG 15604'

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-14 Thread Phil Meyer
In the case of Ap15e he has 262 artist entries in his artist database
so  Whitebear thinks it must pass on 262 items to the Android UPnP
control point. But since Various Artists is a duplicate, the second
copy gets eliminated

What is eliminating the duplicate artist name?  I assume Whitebear is doing 
this - i.e. you fetch artist names from SBS using a CLI command, and then 
removing duplicates from the results:

If you are using a CLI command such as:
artists 0 1

It is a mystery to me why the Squeezebox Server CLI makes a duplicate
of Various Artists.

The CLI documentation states:
All Squeezebox Server preferences apply to the CLI data. For examples, 
the preference about composers appearing in the artists list applies to the 
data returned by the artists query.

You will get Various Artists appearing twice, as the CLI command returns what 
any player UI will see; normal artists and optionally other types of 
contributors, such as conductors, composers and band/orchestras.  When browsing 
in any SBS user interface, Various Artists is put at the top of the artist 
list, plus it appears in it's normal position (sorted under artists beginning 
with V), so you get the same result in the CLI response.

If you issue a CLI command to search for Various Artists, it only appears once 
in the results:
artists 0 1 search:Various%20Artists

I think searching for artists matching empty string, will return all artists, 
but without the initial Various Artists entry.  i.e.
artists 0 1 search:

= This is clearly a bug in Squeezebox Server.
I'm not sure it's clearly a bug.  I think it's doing what it is supposed to do, 
according to an interpretation of the CLI documentation.

That's not to say that I think it's particularly intelligent - putting Various 
Artists at the top of the list is really a UI presentation thing; and as 
suggested elsewhere, putting the list of compilation albums within the list of 
artists isn't nice UI design.  I think there should be a Browse Compilations 
view for this, which would simplify a lot of UI's that need to do this 

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-13 Thread Ap15e

Thank you very much for your great Whitebear Media Server.

My setup:

40k FLAC files/2k albums on NAS, 
music directory mounted as local drive on Windows 2k,
fed into SBS 7.6.0 - r31373 @ Mon Sep 27 02:09:12 PDT 2010
Whitebear Media Server

Control point:
Android 2.2 tablet with latest 2player

Menu as presented by 2player:

Play lists

Items marked with * don't work. 

Error messages:

Can't read the media directory on ...
Invalid device response
Connection to ...:31416 refused
List index out of bounds (261). (UPnP Error U0501).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-13 Thread AndrewFG

Ap15e;649582 Wrote: 
 Items marked with * don't work. 
 Error messages:
 Can't read the media directory on ...
 Invalid device response
 Connection to ...:31416 refused
 List index out of bounds (261). (UPnP Error U0501).
 Same problem with Android smartphone running Android 2.3In the Whitebear tray 
 icon application, please select the Debug Logging
page, select logging on the HTTP Server, then please try to connect
your Android device, and send me the respective log file.



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
1. UPnP/DLNA media clients and media players, and,
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-12 Thread tamanaco

AndrewFG;648972 Wrote: 
 I don't have a Revue, but if you want to send me a log from Whitebear of
 such a search session, I am willing to have a look and see if there is
 something I could fix. (On Whitebear's tray monitor, turn on the
 logging of the HTTP server...)

Never mind, the issue was impatience on my part. I just needed to wait
a few moments for the Revue to finish indexing he specific folder.
After updating to today's SBS 7.6.1 build I connected the Revue via
Whitebear and entered a search string in the keyboard that failed
yesterday... time. At first nothing showed. I walked away to get a
cup of coffee and when I returned the missing albums that I was
expecting to see showed up. So, the  lesson I learned here is that with
large libraries you need to give the Revue a few moments to catch up. I
attached a picture showing the time search string as it appears the
lower right hand corner of the screen and the list of albums that came

|Filename: WB4.jpg  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-12 Thread AndrewFG

tamanaco;649201 Wrote: 
 I just needed to wait a few moments for the Revue to finish indexing the
 specific folder. 
 So, the  lesson I learned here is that with large libraries you need to
 give the Revue a few moments to catch up.The UPnP Media Server 
 ContentDirectory service defines two actions
called Browse() and Search(). 
Many client applications ignore the Search action and instead use only
the Browse action to download a local image of the remote content
directory into a local database, and then they use their own search
algoritms to find things within that local image database.

From your description, it sounds like the Revue is doing just this...

The benefit is that once the local image is built, the searches can be
faster and more sophisticated. The disadvantage is that it takes time
to build the local image in the first place.



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-11 Thread AndrewFG

tamanaco;648778 Wrote: 
 The one problem I ran across, so far, is that using the Revue keyboard
 I’m not able to narrow down the search within a folders as I enter
 letters on the keyboard. It narrows the search for some tracks and
 folders,  but for some reason not for others.I don't have a Revue, but if you 
 want to send me a log from Whitebear of
such a search session, I am willing to have a look and see if there is
something I could fix. (On Whitebear's tray monitor, turn on the
logging of the HTTP server...)



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
1. UPnP/DLNA media clients and media players, and,
2. Squeezebox Server and Squeeze Players
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-10 Thread AndrewFG

MrC;648086 Wrote: 
 I suppose the SBS fix for this would have to wait for 7.7/LMS or beyond
 (the UPnP plug-in has been removed in 7.6).There are two different things:

1) The UPnP Client functionality. This has been in SBS for quite some
time (although as we just found, the functionality is not great) and I
doubt it would have been removed from 7.6.

2) The UPnP Server functionality. This is the new beta functionality
that would eventually replace Whitebear. This is what was pulled from
the 7.6 release.

But don't worry, the Whitebear is still around (and getting better all
the time), so he will fill the gap until such time as 7.7 comes (and
perhaps even longer -- who knows...)



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
1. UPnP/DLNA media clients and media players, and,
2. Squeezebox Server and Squeeze Players
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-10 Thread tamanaco

AndrewFG;648624 Wrote: 
 But don't worry, the Whitebear is still around (and getting better all
 the time), so he will fill the gap until such time as 7.7 comes (and
 perhaps even longer -- who knows...)

Right now Whitebear is filling more than a gap... is filling an abyss.
Don't give up the good work. I have been unable to get the LMS 7.7
server with the UPnP plugin to connect even when using WMP from a
laptop running Win7. Whitebear is the only UPnP server on SBS that's
working for me. I've been trying to connect the Logitech Media Player
(LMP) from my new $99 Revue to a LMS server, but it fails to connect. I
decided to test my Revue using the Whitebear Media server and it works.
I have been running Whitebear on my “production” SBS 7.6.x for a while
and have been using it with WMP occasionally. As a matter of fact, it
works very well  with the Logitech Revue, but with a few glitches that
might actually be related to the LMP.  I’m able to navigate my FLAC
library folders using LMP and play tracks, albums and even playlists
from the Revue. The one problem I ran across, so far, is that using the
Revue keyboard I’m not able to narrow down the search within a folders
as I enter letters on the keyboard. It narrows the search for some
tracks and folders,  but for some reason not for others. I attached a
couple pictures that shows the Revue connected to the Whitebear Media
server showing some the folder navigation and the Now Playing screen.

I know it’s bit of a waste to use a FLAC Library and SBS to play music
using the Revue and TV, but this library is a media source that's
already setup to stream. I’m trying to setup a simple environment for
my wife to play some music. She just can’t deal with complexities of my
SB3 setup.  To simplify things I tried using the Revue with a USB
attached drive that holds a copy of my music library in high rate MP3
format along with pictures and videos. But.. believe or not when I
connect the USB drive to the Revue... LMP finds the music, but in the
current release either the LMP or the Revue firmware does not support
tags from media files in USB attached drives. That’s right… it supports
tags from media streamed remotely, but not from local sources. I’ll
continue play with LMS and to wait for updates to fix the connection
problems that I’m currently having. I understand that the priority in
these forums is to discuss the issues of SBS/LMS as it relates to
Squeezeboxes, but eventually other UPnP DLNA players will have to be
given some attention. The installation screens of LMS 7.7 already show
a Revue along with squeezeboxes. So it should be safe to say that,
eventually, LMS will officially support the Revue. Maybe not with the
current Revue Android 2.1 platform, but when the Honeycomb 3.1 firmware
for the Revue is release. So, I'll be Whitebearing it until I can see
better functionality from the USB attached drives or get better support
from  LMS.

Again, thanks for developing and maintaining Whitebear.

|Filename: WB3.jpg  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-08 Thread AndrewFG

vortecjr;647911 Wrote: 
 I'll try it!Just an update about what vortecjr and I discovered is going 

The UPnP media server (in this case Whitebear on the first machine)
offers each track in several formats. And the UPnP client (in this case
SBS on the second machine) should select whichever of the formats it can
play best.

Now Whitebear is offering PCM, MP3 and FLAC. And apparently SBS is
choosing the PCM offer. This is a pretty stoopid choice since in fact
it cannot play PCM!! It shoul have chosen either the FLAC or the MP3

This is a bug in SBS that needs to be fixed in due course. (Either by
supporting playing of PCM streams, or by not choosing PCM from the
Content Directory's offers...)

Fortunately I can quickly make a workaround in Whitebear to fix this.
Expect it in the next Whitebear release in about ten days.



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
1. UPnP/DLNA media clients and media players, and,
2. Squeezebox Server and Squeeze Players
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-08 Thread MrC

I was thinking the chosen format was at issue.

I suppose the SBS fix for this would have to wait for 7.7/LMS or beyond
(the UPnP plug-in has been removed in 7.6).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-08 Thread vortecjr

thanks again for your help.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-07 Thread AndrewFG

vortecjr;647634 Wrote: 
 On my second machine that is running Squeeze Box Server I enabled it to
 see upnp services. Then when I go to My Music in Squeeze Box Server one
 of the options is Whitebear. Whitebear is running on the first machine
 and I can select it and browse files and play mps files.A-ha. That is a 
 combination I never contemplated. Try running the
current beta version of Whitebear on and let me know the outcome.
(There will be a new official release in about ten days, so any feedback
you can give will help improve that version).



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
1. UPnP/DLNA media clients and media players, and,
2. Squeezebox Server and Squeeze Players
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-07 Thread vortecjr

I'll try it and keep you posted!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-06 Thread AndrewFG

Also, I wonder if you can explain what you meant by the following: 
vortecjr;646751 Wrote: 
 I can see Whitebear come up in SBS ...



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
1. UPnP/DLNA media clients and media players, and,
2. Squeezebox Server and Squeeze Players
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-06 Thread vortecjr

On my second machine that is running Squeeze Box Server I enabled it to
see upnp services. Then when I go to My Music in Squeeze Box Server one
of the options is Whitebear. Whitebear is running on the first machine
and I can select it and browse files and play mps files. I can see and
select flac files, but they do not play. If I select them they start
and stop after 3/4 seconds, but no sound. The hardware is just one of
the devices on the network that plays if I select the same files mp3 or
flac loaded on the second unit.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-05 Thread AndrewFG

vortecjr;646751 Wrote: 
 I can see Whitebear come up in SBS and I can browse the library.
 However, when I press to play something it trys to start and then stops
 and never produces any sound. Any tips on making it play?What software or 
 hardware are you using to browse the library? And what
software or hardware are you trying to play to?



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
1. UPnP/DLNA media clients and media players, and,
2. Squeezebox Server and Squeeze Players
Download it for free here:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-05 Thread MrC

AndrewFG;647233 Wrote: 
 What software or hardware are you using to browse the library? And what
 software or hardware are you trying to play to?

vortecjr's reply over in this second thread:

 sorry I thought I had a typical setup. I have Squeeze Box Server on my
 pc along with Whitebear. I have a second PC with Squeeze Box Server in
 another location. On the second PC I can see Whitebear in the My Music
 section of Squeeze Box Server, I can browse the folder and play MP3s.
 can't play flac files this way. BTW I can play local flac files on the
 second machine, but not ones from the Whitebear stream.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-04 Thread vortecjr

I converted the files to mp3 and those play. So why would the flac
originals not play?
Thank you in advance


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-03 Thread arztde

Hi Andrew Maybee you have a little focus to this posting with the Photo
galery Plugin. Maybee it is possible to interconect whitebear with this

Thanks for some review in this.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-03 Thread vortecjr

I have downloaded Whitebear and installed it on my Vista machine along
with SBS. The bear is white and everthing seems fine on the pc. I can
see Whitebear come up in SBS and I can browse the library. However,
when I press to play something it trys to start and then stops and
never produces any sound. Any tips on making it play?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-03 Thread MrC

Two things come to mind:

1) do you have all the necessary transcoders? (see the Transcoders tab
in Whitebear)

2) Does the renderer (playback device) support the format being

Any more details you can share might help narrow the possibilities.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-03 Thread vortecjr

In the transcoder section of Whitebear only Lame.exe is not found. These
are flac flies in the library and SBS supports flac.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-03 Thread MrC

vortecjr;646756 Wrote: 
 In the transcoder section of Whitebear only Lame.exe is not found. These
 are flac flies in the library and SBS supports flac.

What are you using to initiate playback?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-03 Thread vortecjr

I'm in Squeezebox Server initiating playback on a different machine. I
can see Whitebear and the libraries and the files, but about 4 seconds
it stops and no sound.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-03 Thread MrC

vortecjr;646763 Wrote: 
 I found Lame.exe and that is in place now. I'm in Squeezebox Server
 initiating playback on a different machine. I can see Whitebear and the
 files in the library, but about 4 seconds in it stops and no sound at

Look at the Setings tab.  Select the settings for the renderer in

You may have to adjust some settings there, such as not declaring
multiple resources.

I had the same issue, and AndrewFG created these adjustment settings to
manage such specific problems.  The correspondence was via email, and is
not entirely captured in previous threads.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-08-03 Thread vortecjr

I found those and have tried a few and it's still the same...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-29 Thread AndrewFG

Wigster;644253 Wrote: 
 Who knows, maybe the latest SBS update fixed something? I'll keep
 looking and send you a log if it breaks again.Ok. It works fine for me on the 
 7.6.0 release version (with no third
party add-ins). I did not even bother testing any of the 7.6 betas.
)lease keep me posted if you have any more issues.



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
1. UPnP/DLNA media clients and media players, and,
2. Squeezebox Server and Squeeze Players
Download it for free here:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-28 Thread Wigster

Just so you know, I've just upgraded to the release 7.6 and I am still
having the issues.

AndrewFG;642935 Wrote: 
 If you have a TTY client (such as PUTTY) you could try connecting to the
 CLI and see if it connects.

Yes I have just tried this and it works ok. It connects and I can issue

AndrewFG;642935 Wrote: 
 I suspect a misbehaving plug-in. Which ones are you using?

I think quite a lot, let me list them:

BBC iPlayer
Album Review
Find Cover Art
Lazy Search
Music Information Screen

Saying that what initially broke Whitebear was upgrading between two
different betas of 7.6, then it got fixed with another one, then it got
broken again and never fixed thereafter. Of course, it could have been a
contemporaneous plugin update that I hadn't noticed.

AndrewFG;642935 Wrote: 
 This seems to indicate that the CLI playlist add or player play
 commands are what is failing, and crashing SBS. Which is odd, because
 such commands would not normally be hooked by plug-ins. What are you
 trying to play? Perhaps you can turn on Whitebear's logging for both
 HTTP Server and Squeezebox CLI, and send me the log file by PM?

I will send the log in a moment. I should stress that most of the time
the CLI hookup just doesn't work at all. It's only very rarely when I
restart SBS that it appears and then it causes the crash whatever it is
that I choose to play through WB.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-28 Thread Wigster

In typical Murphy's law fashion, I have just restarted the WB service
and everything seems to work fine. Who knows, maybe the latest SBS
update fixed something? I'll keep looking and send you a log if it
breaks again.

Just my luck. ;)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-25 Thread AndrewFG

Wigster;642803 Wrote: 
 I've never changed the CLI port, so I presume it is 9090If you have a TTYp 
 client (such as PUTTY) you could try connecting to
the CLI and see if it connects.

Wigster;642803 Wrote: 
 iPeng works on my iPhone ok, but I can't find what it is using as the
 port.To be honest, I don't even know if iPeng uses the CLI. I suspect it may

Wigster;642803 Wrote: 
 The really strange thing that has happened a couple of times is that
 when I start SBS, actually sees the CLI interface correctly. Then, when
 I try to play anything, SBS actually crashes, and upon restarting is
 back in this non-functioning state.I suspect a misbehaving plug-in. Which 
 ones are you using?

Note: when a UPnP client asks Whitebear to enumerate the branches and
contents of the content directory, then Whitebear uses the CLI to do
this. As well as enumerating the regular Albums, Artists, Genres trees,
it also enumerates Podcasts, Apps and Radios; and the latter also
enumerates within specific radio plug-ins. So if a plug-in faults on
such a browse request from Whitebear, I suppose that if it has
inadequate exception handling, it could bring down the whole SBS server
application. -- But I think it is fair to say that in such a case, the
blame should be laid on the plug-in and not on Whitebear...



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
1. UPnP/DLNA media clients and media players, and,
2. Squeezebox Server and Squeeze Players
Download it for free here:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-24 Thread skind56

PasTim;639743 Wrote: 
 Could you let me know which version of Whitebear are you using?

Sorry PasTim, my post was just before I left for holiday and returned
late last night. Version is and here are my settings:

|Filename: whitebear settings.JPG   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-24 Thread PasTim

skind56;642748 Wrote: 
 Sorry PasTim, my post was just before I left for holiday and returned
 late last night. Version is and here are my settings:
Thanks for letting me know.  I have it working now, with just the top 3
of those options ticked.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-24 Thread skind56

AndrewFG;639835 Wrote: 
 Great news!!
 Can you please tell me if it is playing native FLACs (in which case the
 new Humax version is a major upgrade), or whether you have Whitebear set
 up to transcode them to MP3 (in which case the version is perhaps more
 of a bug fix...) ???

Sorry Andrew, my post was just before I left for holiday and returned
late last night. I'm not sure how the settings affect transcoding so
here are my settings. If you need more info then let me know.

|Filename: whitebear settings.JPG   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-24 Thread AndrewFG

Wigster;642609 Wrote: 
 .. the connection to the CLI interface is not functioningOn the Whitebear 
 Settings tab, check that the Squeezebox Server CLI port
is correct. The default is 9090, but if you have changed Squeezebox
Server to use another port, then you need to adjust the Whitebear
Settings to match...



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
1. UPnP/DLNA media clients and media players, and,
2. Squeezebox Server and Squeeze Players
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-24 Thread Wigster


I've never changed the CLI port, so I presume it is 9090. WB definitely
has it as that. iPeng works on my iPhone ok, but I can't find what it is
using as the port.

The really strange thing that has happened a couple of times is that
when I start SBS, actually sees the CLI interface correctly. Then, when
I try to play anything, SBS actually crashes, and upon restarting is
back in this non-functioning state.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-23 Thread Wigster


I am running Whitebear on WHS with SBS 7.6 r32656. It seems
that the SBS is detected by Whitebear, but the connection to the CLI
interface is not functioning.

I have attached the screenshot of the WB Tray status. WB is exposing
the SBS library correctly, but it is impossible to either play a track
from the library, or to play a track from the WMP library to the
Squeezebox. The Squeezebox is available as a Play To device, but
sending a track to it results in a Device not responding error.

Both the SBS and WB are running as services through the same user.

Please let me know which logs you'd like to me to output, or if there
is anything else I can try!


|Filename: WB.jpg   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-12 Thread MrC

Thanks again and highly recommended!

AndrewFG, I just wanted to say thanks again for Whitebear.  It has
fundamentally changed how we control music for our SBs.

I've been using J. River's Media Center for ages now (quite simply one
of the finest and most powerful taggers / players available for
Windows), and my music playing on my computer had been quite separate
from music playing in other rooms of the house with the SBs.

Now, with Whitebear and Media Center, all playback control is done with
Media Center, sending music to its SB zones made available by Whitebear.
No more clunky web interface to browse and control the SB's.

A big Thank You!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-09 Thread AndrewFG

skind56;639719 Wrote: 
 The latest Humax software release 1.02.20, released on the 5th July,
 seems to have fixed the flac problem as I can now play flacs on my
 Humax via Whitebear.Great news!!

Can you please tell me if it is playing native FLACs (in which case the
new Humax version is a major upgrade), or whether you have Whitebear set
up to transcode them to MP3 (in which case the version is perhaps more
of a bug fix...) ???



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
1. UPnP/DLNA media clients and media players, and,
2. Squeezebox Server and Squeeze Players
Download it for free here:

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-08 Thread skind56


The latest Humax software release 1.02.20, released on the 5th July,
seems to have fixed the flac problem as I can now play flacs on my
Humax via Whitebear.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-08 Thread PasTim

skind56;639719 Wrote: 
 The latest Humax software release 1.02.20, released on the 5th July,
 seems to have fixed the flac problem as I can now play flacs on my
 Humax via Whitebear.
Thanks for letting me know.  I'll give it a try.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-07-08 Thread PasTim

skind56;639719 Wrote: 
 The latest Humax software release 1.02.20, released on the 5th July,
 seems to have fixed the flac problem as I can now play flacs on my
 Humax via Whitebear.
Could you let me know which version of Whitebear are you using?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-06-08 Thread AndrewFG

PasTim;635241 Wrote: 
 Smaller file on its way - the first was too big and was rejected by your
 email system.Thanks. Go it.

PasTim;635241 Wrote: 
 I attach a log playing this track. You'll see it zipped through the 1st
 track (without playing it) and started on the next one in the folder.But no 
 UUUs this time...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-06-08 Thread PasTim

AndrewFG;635458 Wrote: 
 Thanks. Go it.
 But no UUUs this time...

A few later on.  I suspect Us are just quiet sections.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-06-07 Thread AndrewFG

PasTim;635123 Wrote: 
 I could use the commercial email address for feedback if that suits. 
 Let me know.Yes. That would be fine thanks.

PasTim;635123 Wrote: 
 I do notice that the content range in the last flac log looks very
 strange and there are errors Requested Range Not Satisfiable and
 Range: bytes=0-1 looks weird, but then I don't know the protocol.It is my 
 theory that these HTTP Range requests are the root of the
problem with the Humax. They are certainly very unusual, and I have
encountered no other player that makes such.

As you notice, before starting a transaction, it does a HTTP HEAD
Range: bytes=0-0 request (read the response headers corresponding to a
GET of one byte); and if that fails, it does a HTTP GET Range:
bytes=0-1 (actual read of two bytes).

The release version of Whitebear accepts such range requests when
transcoding music because it CAN deliver these first one or two bytes.
However in the test version I sent you, I decided to see what would
happen if Whitebear would reject such range requests (416 Requested
Range Not Satisfiable) because, even if it can deliver the first 1 or 2
bytes, it would later be in a pickle if asked to deliver the NEXT one or
two bytes. This is because when transcoding via flac.exe and lame.exe
you can never be exactly sure of the time offset in the input file that
would be needed in order to deliver a coresponding byte offset in the
output stream. Not to mention that mp3 streams deliver data in samples
that are always larger than one or two bytes.

By the way, the reason it works with the Humax when playing native mp3
files is that, since the server has the actual mp3 file in its hands,
it CAN deliver exactly any range of bytes requested. Unlike the case
when double transcoding where the server has to make guesses on the

Frankly, I am not sure WHY the Humax is doing these fancy HEAD or GET
Range requests. I suppose it is trying to determine the full length of
the stream from the response Content-Range header before it actually
launches the full download of the music the stream using a proper full
blown GET. 

As an aside, for example Windows Media Player, also always does two
full blown GETs, of which the first one is immediately aborted; so the
Humax is not alone in behaving oddly...

Of course we still have the other theory about the UUUs in the mp3 file

So, in my next test build, I shall do two things: 1) revert to
accepting these odd Range requests, so that the response Content-Range
header is delivered properly, and 2) capture the delivered stream in
parallel to a disk file, so that you can then later test if the disk
file plays as a native file on the Humax (UUUs and all).



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-06-07 Thread PasTim

AndrewFG;635167 Wrote: 
 Yes. That would be fine thanks.
Large file on its way by email.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-06-07 Thread PasTim

Smaller file on its way - the first was too big and was rejected by your
email system.

So that we are looking at the same stuff, I attach a log playing this
track. You'll see it zipped through the 1st track (without playing it)
and started on the next one in the folder.

|Filename: MediaServer flac 7 june.log  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-06-06 Thread PasTim

AndrewFG;635040 Wrote: 
 Thank you. I can see that something different is happening than before;
 but apparently it is not succesful either. -- I will have a think about
If it's not data, could it be timing?  If the transcoding takes a bit
of time to kick off maybe the Humax gives up?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-06-06 Thread AndrewFG

PasTim;635075 Wrote: 
 If it's not data, could it be timing?  If the transcoding takes a bit of
 time to kick off maybe the Humax gives up?Its an idea. I notice that in your 
 log files the transcoded mp3 music
files start with LAME3.98.4 followed by many UUU's. I don't know the
details of the insides of mp3 files, but so much non information makes
me think that lame.exe is coding -- well -- nothing. And that perhaps
your Humax doesn't like nothing as an input. The oddity is that when I
simulate transcoding some of my files to mp3 using lame.exe, I do NOT
see all those UUU's. So perhaps there is something special in your
source files? Probably you ripped them with different software than me?
Or whatever? (Is this starting to sound like an episode of Dr House???)
= Anyway can you therefore please send me one of your source files,
for me to test further.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-06-06 Thread PasTim

AndrewFG;635113 Wrote: 
  Anyway can you therefore please send me one of your source files, for
 me to test further.
I've used EAC for all my files.  Unfortunately my flacs are way too
large for the forum attachment system (7,000KB and up).  It may be that
many of my flacs start with silence.  If you want to pm me your email
address I'll send you an email direct with the last one I tried as in
the flac log I sent.

I just had a look at your website - I could use the commercial email
address for feedback if that suits.  Let me know.

I do notice that the content range in the last flac log looks very
strange and there are errors Requested Range Not Satisfiable and
Range: bytes=0-1 looks weird, but then I don't know the protocol.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-06-05 Thread AndrewFG

AndrewFG;634221 Wrote: 
 This could be either 1) because (it thinks) the content itself is
 mangled, or 2) because (it thinks) the protocol response contains
 something unexpected. -- I am going to test 1) with you first.Hi PasTim,

In my test rig I simulated a music request from your Humax to
Whitebear; and attached is a file with the output from Whitebear's
transcoder. Please see if your Humax can play the file.

|Filename:  |



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-06-05 Thread PasTim

AndrewFG;634976 Wrote: 
 Hi PasTim,
 In my test rig I simulated a music request from your Humax to
 Whitebear; and attached is a file with the output from Whitebear's
 transcoder. Please see if your Humax can play the file.

I placed the file in a folder with my other SB flacs and selected the
file using the 'folders' menu option (since it's not in the SB

Works fine. 6 seconds-worth.

To make sure it's not a fluke I played a flac without touching
anything, and it still didn't play at all, just skipped to the next
track after a few seconds (as before).

I have also tried different build of lame, just to make sure.  No


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-06-05 Thread AndrewFG

PasTim;634985 Wrote: 
 Works fine. 6 seconds-worth.Ok.

That rules out a transcoder problem.

So presumably there is something about the HTTP headers sent by
Whitebear, that your Humax does not like. I will make a new test build
of Whitebear and PM you with a link where you can get it.

Thank you for your help in solving this issue.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-06-05 Thread PasTim

Here's a log of a flac being played (and failing).  It starts when I am
viewing a list of flacs and select one to play.  I cancelled playing
after a few seconds to keep the size down

I also attach the first bit of the log of the same system playing the
mp3 you sent me. 

I could not see a way to attach these in a PM - am I missing something?

|Filename: MediaServer mp3 extract.log  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-06-05 Thread PasTim

And I should have said that the new version of Whitebear behaved exactly
as before.  And yes, I double-checked it had installed as


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-06-05 Thread AndrewFG

PasTim;635010 Wrote: 
 Here's a log of a flac being played (and failing).  It starts when I am
 viewing a list of flacs and select one to play.  I cancelled playing
 after a few seconds to keep the size down
 I also attach the first bit of the log of the same system playing the
 mp3 you sent me.Thank you. I can see that something different is happening 
 than before;
but apparently it is not succesful either. -- I will have a think about

PasTim;635010 Wrote: 
 I could not see a way to attach these in a PM - am I missing something?No I 
 don't think you are missing anything. It is strange isn't it...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-31 Thread AndrewFG

PasTim;633970 Wrote: 
 I would have thought that presenting the Humax with an mp3 file on a
 stick is probably going to work anywayMy hypothesis is that when Whitebear is 
 asked to produce a transcoded
Mp3 file as a result of Range request, it may be producing a truncated
Mp3 or one with something odd in it, that perhaps the Humax does not
like. (But this is admittedly only a hypothesis...)

Also you mentioned that the Humax had the same Http Range issue with
foobar's foo_upnp plug in (I read your posts today on hydrogenaudio).
However it was not evident if bubbleguum was able to solve the issue or
not. Did he solve it? And if so, do you have any information from him
what he needed to change in foo_upnp to fix it? -- I hope to benefit
from his learning curve...



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-31 Thread PasTim

AndrewFG;634164 Wrote: 
 My hypothesis is that when Whitebear is asked to produce a transcoded
 Mp3 file as a result of Range request, it may be producing a truncated
 Mp3 or one with something odd in it, that perhaps the Humax does not
 like. (But this is admittedly only a hypothesis...)
 Also you mentioned that the Humax had the same Http Range issue with
 foobar's foo_upnp plug in (I read your posts today on hydrogenaudio).
 However it was not evident if bubbleguum was able to solve the issue or
 not. Did he solve it? And if so, do you have any information from him
 what he needed to change in foo_upnp to fix it? -- I hope to benefit
 from his learning curve...

Bubblegum didn't find a solution, and I didn't press, since this box is
clearly unusual and my need is not urgent.  I did try the latest release
but it behaves in exactly the same way as Whitebear.

If you need a complete log let me know where I can send it to.  I had
to cut the previous one because it exceeded the size allowed for forum

My own hypothesis, based on almost nothing, is that whatever is
expected to control the speed of delivery of data isn't functioning at
all.  Thus a 4 minute track is sent and ignored within 10-20 seconds. I
assume there is a protocol governing such stuff, but I've no idea what
it is and why it is failing (and you don't need to waste your time
telling me unless you really want to!).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-31 Thread AndrewFG

PasTim;634171 Wrote: 
 My own hypothesis, based on almost nothing, is that whatever is expected
 to control the speed of delivery of data isn't functioning at all.  Thus
 a 4 minute track is sent and ignored within 10-20 seconds. I assume
 there is a protocol governing such stuff, but I've no idea what it is
 and why it is failing (and you don't need to waste your time telling me
 unless you really want to!).Well actually the protocol and flow control (HTTP 
 request followed by
HTTP response) are working fine. And a track (or something that looks
like one) is certainly being sent. The problem is that the Humax does
not seem to like what it is getting, and abandons the download after a
few seconds, and tries the next track. This could be either 1) because
(it thinks) the content itself is mangled, or 2) because (it thinks)
the protocol response contains something unexpected. -- I am going to
test 1) with you first.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-30 Thread AndrewFG

PasTim;633827 Wrote: 
 That's why I wondered about whether the SB FIle Types set-up had
 anything to do with the transcoding.  I don't know whether Whitebear or
 SB is being asked to execute the transcoding, and so don't know where
 the problem might lie.Whitebear does the transcoding using SC's transcoder 
applications. To transcode to MP3 you need lame.exe installed. (Check
Whitebear's tray monitor transcoder page to see if it is). Lame.exe is
a 3rd party application that for some reason SC is not allowed to ship
as part of its installation bundle. So you need to download it and
install it yourself.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-30 Thread PasTim

AndrewFG;633883 Wrote: 
 Whitebear does the transcoding using SC's transcoder helper
 applications. To transcode to MP3 you need lame.exe installed. (Check
 Whitebear's tray monitor transcoder page to see if it is). Lame.exe is
 a 3rd party application that for some reason SC is not allowed to ship
 as part of its installation bundle. So you need to download it and
 install it yourself.
Lame is already installed (the transcoder page shows it is there). 
However, I did notice flac.exe running very briefly under
whitebear.exe.  I don't know why.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-30 Thread AndrewFG

PasTim;633892 Wrote: 
 Lame is already installed (the transcoder page shows it is there). 
 However, I did notice flac.exe running very briefly under
 whitebear.exe.  I don't know why.It is a two step process: first flac.exe 
 transcodes from flac to raw
pcm, then lame.exe transcodes it from raw pcm to mp3...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-30 Thread PasTim

AndrewFG;633913 Wrote: 
 It is a two step process: first flac.exe transcodes from flac to raw
 pcm, then lame.exe transcodes it from raw pcm to mp3...
 Since you see flac.exe running then it is a confirmation that the full
 transcoding process is working. So frankly I have no idea why your
 Humax is not playing the stream. Perhaps you can send me a Whitebear
 log (HTTP Server log) from around when you start to (try to) play the
A log is attached.  It seems that the track is sent in a flash and then
moves on to the next one.  I cut most of the data of the 1st track out
(to keep the log short), and the ended the log after it started to send
the 2nd track.

|Filename: MediaServer xtract.log   |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-30 Thread AndrewFG

PasTim;633919 Wrote: 
 A log is attached. It seems that the track is sent in a flash and then
 moves on to the next one. I cut most of the data of the 1st track out
 (to keep the log short), and the ended the log after it started to send
 the 2nd track.Perfect! Thank you.

If you are interested to know what is going on: the player makes an
HTTP HEAD followed by an HTTP GET request for the stream, both having
an HTTP RANGE header in the request. And Whitebear returns an HTTP 206
Partial Content response. RANGE requests and Partial responses enable
server based seeking within the stream. The problem with server based
seeking is that when transcoding on the fly (especially when doing
multi step flac-pcm-mp3 trancoding), the server doesn't know exactly
where it is in the stream, nor can it calculate the full length of the
stream; and if the data is even one byte off, the resulting output is
garbage. = I expect this is what is going on here.

However I think I can fix this. Give me a few days and I will get back
to you on this thread. In the worst case, the solution might require
sacrificing server based seek on such transcoded files...



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-30 Thread PasTim

AndrewFG;633926 Wrote: 
 Perfect! Thank you.
 If you are interested to know what is going on: the player makes an
 HTTP HEAD followed by an HTTP GET request for the stream, both having
 an HTTP RANGE header in the request. And Whitebear returns an HTTP 206
 Partial Content response. RANGE requests and Partial responses enable
 server based seeking within the stream. The problem with server based
 seeking is that when transcoding on the fly (especially when doing
 multi step flac-pcm-mp3 trancoding), the server doesn't know exactly
 where it is in the stream, nor can it calculate the full length of the
 stream; and if the data is even one byte off, the resulting output is
 garbage. = I expect this is what is going on here.
 However I think I can fix this. Give me a few days and I will get back
 to you on this thread. In the worst case, the solution might require
 sacrificing server based seek on such transcoded files...
Thanks very much for your help and efforts on my behalf.  

Please don't bust a gut for this.  If I am the only one with this
problem then I leave it to you to decide if it is worth the effort.

I had the same problem with the foobar2000 UpNp facility as well, so it
seems this particular box is a nuisance (to say the least).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-30 Thread AndrewFG

PasTim;633930 Wrote: 
 Please don't bust a gut for this.  If I am the only one with this
 problem then I leave it to you to decide if it is worth the effort.The issue 
 definitely needs to be (and will be) fixed.



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-30 Thread PasTim

AndrewFG;633932 Wrote: 
 The issue definitely needs to be (and will be) fixed.
In that case I'll be more than happy to be your Alpha/Beta/... tester.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-30 Thread AndrewFG

PasTim;633935 Wrote: 
 In that case I'll be more than happy to be your Alpha/Beta/... tester.I'm 
 mighty glad you said that!!

Since I don't have a Humax player, and since indeed I don't have any
other player that uses HTTP Range requests for server side seeking, I
am going to have to slice the testing into pieces and bounce each slice
off you. The steps would be the following:

1) I cheat my test rig so that one of my players gets disguised to
look like your Humax (i.e. sending the HTTP headers from the log you
sent me already), and I intercept the resulting transcoded mp3 stream
output to a file.

2) I then send you the mp3 disk file, and ask you to test if it plays
(via a usb stick or cd-rom) on your player.

Does that sound do-able?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-30 Thread PasTim

AndrewFG;633963 Wrote: 
 I'm mighty glad you said that!!
 Since I don't have a Humax player, and since indeed I don't have any
 other player that uses HTTP Range requests for server side seeking, I
 am going to have to slice the testing into pieces and bounce each slice
 off you. The steps would be the following:
 1) I cheat my test rig so that one of my players gets disguised to
 look like your Humax (i.e. sending the HTTP headers from the log you
 sent me already), and I intercept the resulting transcoded mp3 stream
 output to a file.
 2) I then send you the mp3 disk file, and ask you to test if it plays
 (via a usb stick or cd-rom) on your player.
 Does that sound do-able?
We know MP3s do play OK, it's only transcoded files that don't.  Will
that make a difference?  I would have thought that presenting the Humax
with an mp3 file on a stick is probably going to work anyway, but then I
don't really understand the problem, so it's your call.  I could also
put the mp3 in a disk folder and let whitebear pick it up via SB from a

If the mp3s are small enough (I assume a few seconds should suffice to
prove the point) could you send files by email, or even private mail on
this forum?

I'm also quite willing to take an early test version of Whitebear and
suck it and see.  

I'm around much of the time, but often not for a fair bit on Tuesdays.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-29 Thread PasTim

I tried an earlier version of Whitebear with SB and could not see any of
my FLACs on my Humax PVR, so I gave up on it.  At the moment I'm only
really interested in it as backup in case my Logitech Touch should
fail, and also as an interesting option.

I downloaded the latest 2.1 today and I can now see the files, which is
great.  My next problem is that when I play one no sound comes out and
the PVR skips from one track to the next very quickly.

As far as I can tell the Humax only understands MP3s.  Whitebear says
all the transcoders are present and available.

I have played around with the SB File Type settings quite a bit for
other reasons.  I don't really understand the architecture here, so can
someone tell me whether the SB File Types settings have any effect on
Whitebear?  When I try to play a track I see a flac.exe process run
briefly under initiation by Whitebear, but not lame.  I'm currently
running SB 7.5.4.

I also have no idea what the various Whitebear settings options do, nor
what the user agent information is or should be.  

My ignorance, as you can see, is quite extensive.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-29 Thread AndrewFG

PasTim;633750 Wrote: 
 As far as I can tell the Humax only understands MP3s.Indeed. As has been 
 noted before, the Humax is completely non compliant
to the UPnP and DLNA specifications.

In the Whitebear Tray Monitor, select Settings | Client Compatibilty
Settings.. | select the Humax in the dropdown | Change.. | check the
two Declare Mp3 before boxes | Ok | Save.

If the Humax is really intransigent, then try also the two Do not
declare options and/or the two Exclude options. (Probably the last
two options will not make any difference).



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-29 Thread PasTim

AndrewFG;633812 Wrote: 
 Indeed. As has been noted before, the Humax is completely non compliant
 to the UPnP and DLNA specifications.
 In the Whitebear Tray Monitor, select Settings | Client Compatibilty
 Settings.. | select the Humax in the dropdown | Change.. | check the
 two Declare Mp3 before boxes | Ok | Save.
 If the Humax is really intransigent, then try also the two Do not
 declare options and/or the two Exclude options. (Probably the last
 two options will not make any difference).
I don't see any Humax in the dropdown, just POSIX... and Platinum...

I tried the setting options.  With the two Declare MP3s... on I can
see FLAC and MP3 files (FLACS disappear if I pick Do not declare
transcoded resources... which makes some sense).  When I play FLACs
nothing happens except skipping fairly quickly to the next track.  MP3s
play OK.

That's why I wondered about whether the SB FIle Types set-up had
anything to do with the transcoding.  I don't know whether Whitebear or
SB is being asked to execute the transcoding, and so don't know where
the problem might lie.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-28 Thread AndrewFG

I just posted an update with added support for browising of SC



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-27 Thread widman

I am interested in using Whitebear as a DMR to allow me to control my
two SB3s from JRiver MC.  The plan is to use JRiver's Gizomo2 as a
remote for MC16 and control playback to the SB3s.  

-Is this feasible?  
-Will I have full control over the SB3s through Gizmo2?
-Will this setup keep the players in sync?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-27 Thread AndrewFG

widman;633520 Wrote: 
 -Is this feasible?  
 -Will I have full control over the SB3s through Gizmo2?
 -Will this setup keep the players in sync?
 To 1: Yes, To 2: Yes, To 3: No (UPNP  has no mechanism for synching



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-17 Thread AndrewFG

Wigster;631439 Wrote: 
 It started when I upgraded to the latest 7.6 beta r32413 and seems to be
 intermitted, i.e. sometimes things do work ok.What shall I say?? Go back to 
 the stable release that did work



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
1. UPnP/DLNA media clients and media players, and,
2. Squeezebox Server and Squeeze Players
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-17 Thread AndrewFG

Wigster;631458 Wrote: 
 SBS does not seem to scrobble the tracks played through WB to guess 
 that your plug in only scrobbles tracks that are commanded to
play via one of the UIs. I would not be surprised if the plug in would
not be mnitoring tracks played via the SBS CLI interface (since this is
not a UI).



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
1. UPnP/DLNA media clients and media players, and,
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-15 Thread Wigster

Hi Andrew.

For a few days White bear was working perfectly here, but all of a
sudden I am having problems. It started when I upgraded to the latest
7.6 beta r32413.

It seems like WB sometimes loses the SBS. They are running on the same
machine as services, with the same user. In fact I have managed to get
WB out of this state by switching the user by whom the process is
launched from Administrator to match it with the SBS.

But now I cannot get it to work, despite having restarted both WB amd
SBS a few times. In fact immediately before it got into this state, an
MP3 being served to WB by WMP-12 crashed the SBS. THis is what the SBS
log contains


  [11-05-15 18:04:41.7910] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState 
(2335) new playing state PLAYING
  [11-05-15 18:04:41.7920] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Playing (361) 
Song 0 has now started playing
  [11-05-15 18:04:41.7943] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Playing (390) 
Song queue is now 0
  [11-05-15 18:08:03.0233] Slim::Player::StreamingController::playerEndOfStream 
(2244) 00:04:20:12:0d:13
  [11-05-15 18:08:03.0244] 
Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2348) new streaming 
  [11-05-15 18:09:21.6975] 
Slim::Player::StreamingController::playerReadyToStream (2165) 00:04:20:12:0d:13
  [11-05-15 18:09:21.6990] 
Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2348) new streaming 
state IDLE
  [11-05-15 18:09:21.7013] Slim::Player::StreamingController::nextsong (863) 
The next song is number 0, was 0
  [11-05-15 18:09:31.6588] Slim::Player::StreamingController::playerStopped 
(2124) 00:04:20:12:0d:13
  [11-05-15 18:09:31.6606] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState 
(2335) new playing state STOPPED
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.1808] Slim::Player::StreamingController::stop (2064) 
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.1819] Slim::Player::StreamingController::resetSongqueue 
(1747) Song queue is now 
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.2572] Slim::Player::StreamingController::play (2067) 
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.2592] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState 
(2335) new playing state STOPPED
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.2602] 
Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2348) new streaming 
state IDLE
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.2621] Slim::Player::Song::new (108) index 0 -
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.2636] 
Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setStreamingState (2348) new streaming 
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.2718] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_playersMessage 
(789) Getting stream info...:
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.2761] Slim::Player::Song::getNextSong (229)
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.2772] Slim::Player::Song::getNextSong (251) scanning URL
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.3006] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 
(425) Error: Didn't find any command matches for type: mp3
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.3196] Slim::Player::Song::getNextSong (229)
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.3207] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_nextTrackReady 
(737) 00:04:20:12:0d:13: nextTrack will be index 0
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.3217] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1196) 
Song queue is now 0
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.3226] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1199) 
00:04:20:12:0d:13: preparing to stream song index 0
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.3237] Slim::Player::Song::open (363)
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.3250] Slim::Player::Song::open (387) seek=false time=0 
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.3270] Slim::Player::TranscodingHelper::getConvertCommand2 
(428) Matched: mp3-mp3 via: -
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.3279] Slim::Player::Song::open (408) Transcoder: 
streamMode=I, streamformat=mp3
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.3290] Slim::Player::Song::open (451) URL supports direct 
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.3313] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1258) 
00:04:20:12:0d:13: stream
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.3427] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_Stream (1293) 
Song queue is now 0
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.3447] Slim::Player::StreamingController::_setPlayingState 
(2335) new playing state BUFFERING
  [11-05-15 18:09:34.3462] 

Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-15 Thread Wigster

A different thing that I've noticed, is that SBS does not seem to
scrobble the tracks played through WB to Is the idea that
WMP-12 supposed to be doing this? I have the scrobbling plug in turned
on in WMP-12 and it doesn't seem to be dealing with this either?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-13 Thread indifference_engine

AndrewFG;630986 Wrote: 
 Can you be more specific about what does not work?
I am refering to our posts in the previous thread and
to the pm's where you were looking at my log files.


1xRadio, 2xReceiver, 2xController, 1xSB3, 2xSqueezeSlave, SBS 7.5.3
Inventor of SqueezeIR applet for the Controller

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-12 Thread AndrewFG

indifference_engine;630083 Wrote: 
 When I modify the client compatibility settings to suit my Nokia phoen I
 get some weird stuff going on.  When I hit save I get the device
 replicated four times in the drop-down so it looke like this:
 Nokia DLNADOC/1.50 UPnP/1.0
 ;;;Nokia DLNADOC/1.50 UPnP/1.0
 ;;Nokia DLNADOC/1.50 UPnP/1.0
 ;Nokia DLNADOC/1.50 UPnP/1.0
 The beta version that you sent by pm didn't do this and worked with my
 phone, this one doesn't work with my phone even if I modify the
 settings of each of the replicates.  Bug somewhere??Hi indifference_engine,

Sorry for this. I worked out what is going wrong here. And I will post
a minor update for this later today...



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
1. UPnP/DLNA media clients and media players, and,
2. Squeezebox Server and Squeeze Players
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Whitebear Media Server v2.1 Updated

2011-05-12 Thread AndrewFG

Wigster;630285 Wrote: 
 1) I've noticed that when a file has an apostrophe in the filename, it
 appears in the playlist of the web interface with apos instead of the
 '. It appears correctly in the now playing bit and the info panel on
 the left.This is now fixed (hopefully) in the current update...



Try out Whitebear. The middleware that joins the two worlds of:
1. UPnP/DLNA media clients and media players, and,
2. Squeezebox Server and Squeeze Players
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