Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-08-07 Thread pippin

Masterbaron;327000 Wrote: 
> 100+ entries in playlist
> HELP - i really do love iPeng but a native app looks best from here.
Please try with a small playlist (like 30 or so entries) and report
back if the issue goes away.
I know about the issue with long playlists. It has to do with the
playlist management I introduced for Drag'n'Drop reordering. To enable
that iPeng keeps the whole PL in memory and obviously the browser still
doesn't like you to access long tables.
To work around this issue would be a bit of an effort and I prefer to
focus on native instead. Since that will be the only "real" solution.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-08-07 Thread pippin

Masterbaron;327267 Wrote: 
> confirmed... 160 songs in library and 5-7 seconds from pressing RR or
> FFwd the touch loads the page and squeezebox finally responds ... same
> for 30 songs!!!

what do you mean by 'loads the page'? The artwork? I mean: iPeng
doesn't load a page on skipping 
What about the other controls: play/pause, volume etc. How much is the
delay between the time the volume change is shown and it actually sets


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-08-08 Thread pippin

Masterbaron;327377 Wrote: 
>  there must be things happening with iPeng that do not happen with the
> Touch skin - try it you'll see!!

I do. I don't see these delays. This is all well below 1s for me.
Again: please tell me exactly what you do?
Do you talk about load times for NowPlaying? From where? What is "the
page" that loads when you press skip? For me there is no page that
loads then, it just skips.
What is the reaction you see when you do volume changes? Change volume
up and down and tell me how long the delay is between the movement of
the control handler and the actual change in volume, is that also 5-7s?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] 7.1 Update deleted all plugins on OS X

2008-08-08 Thread pippin

Always happens to me when I update SC on Mac.
Maybe it's different whether you use the "Plugins" folder in the
"Library" path or in the "Application Support" section. Although with
the latter some plugins won't work.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] 7.1 Update deleted all plugins on OS X

2008-08-08 Thread pippin

Nikhil;327490 Wrote: 
> hmmm ... that's not particularly user friendly is it? If you have a lot
> of plugins, it can be a pain to re-install all of them. SS should use
> the equivalent of a merge command for the plugins folder instead of
> copy.

no, it's not. And it's only that way on mac. Windows and Linux preserve


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] 7.1 Update deleted all plugins on OS X

2008-08-09 Thread pippin

exile;327547 Wrote: 
> yes,with the exception of skins...but I put all other elements of
> plugins in that same path: library-application
> support-squeezecenter-plugins. the skins are in the same main location
> just moved over to the html folder.

Skins that don't need acces to a skin can go to 


Library/Application Support/Squeezecenter/html

Plugins that don't need to provide their own skin (that is: more than
their plugin files, like iPeng does) can go to


Library/Application Support/Squeezecenter/Plugins

but plugins that provide a skin that needs access to the plugin code
(e.g. iPeng) need to go into



At least that one gets wiped.Maybe the whole behavior is worth filing a
bug, maybe the best workaround would be to enable plugins in


Library/Application Support/Squeezecenter/Plugins

to provide their own skin...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] 7.1 Update deleted all plugins on OS X

2008-08-09 Thread pippin

Eric Seaberg;327750 Wrote: 
> I've never lost any plugins on my server, and it's been running for
> almost two years continuous.  The only change was obviously from 6 to 7
> when they all moved to 'App Support'.  I tend to download the latest
> nightly once a week or more and have never seen this.
> Are you guys installing for ALL USERS on just the user that's currently
> running/logged in?

All users. But as mentioned a few times: the problem is with those
plugins that you CANNOT move to Application Support


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] 7.1 Update deleted all plugins on OS X

2008-08-10 Thread pippin

exile;328137 Wrote: 
> Ipeng also works in this configuration as long as you move the skins to
> the HTML folder.
OK, you're right, seems to have changed.
Problem is, you have to know what you do when taking the distribution
apart and all other platforms don't have that. So it's not a good
workaround from a plugin distribution perspective.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] 7.1 Update deleted all plugins on OS X

2008-08-10 Thread pippin

mherger;328171 Wrote: 
> > Problem is, you have to know what you do when taking the distribution
> > apart and all other platforms don't have that. So it's not a good
> > workaround from a plugin distribution perspective.
> Do you mean you're installing iPeng templates in Plugins/iPeng/HTML
> instead of HTML directly?
> -- 
> Michael

Otherwise you would have to install in two places.
Also I AM sure it didn't work any other way until a few months ago
since I tried to keep different versions of the templates under
different names and couldn't. Would have to try again


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-08-12 Thread pippin

davidjames;328410 Wrote: 
> I'm using SqueezeCenter 7.1 and I'm pretty sure iPeng 0.5.2 although I
> look at the read me and it says 0.5. and iTouch with 2.0.
Yes. All 0.5x say 0.5 in the readme, but on 0.5.2 the install.xml is
wrong so it says 0.5.1 in the settings page
> Nevermind - I read the doc, sigh
Like on iPod... ;-)


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] 7.1 on OSX: iPeng (or other plugins) installation update

2008-08-12 Thread pippin

Please note that since SC 7.1 the recommended installation method for
iPeng has changed. While up to 7.0 I recommended to install iPeng into
the preference panes (/Library/PeferencePanes.../Plugins) path I now
recommend to use

~/Library/Application Support/Plugins

"~" is you home directory
I also recommend to do the same for other plugins.

Why is that?

"Application Support" is the recommended path to place plugins,
however, this did not work on 7.0 for plugins including a skin. This
has been fixed so as of now iPeng CAN be installed into the
"Application Support" path.
It also SHOULD be installed there instead of the preference pane since
the latter is always wiped upon SqueezeCenter upgrades and you would
then have to reinstall all your plugins.

IF you move iPeng from one directory to the other, however you MUST
make sure you
- shutdown SC
- delete ~/Library/Caches/SqueezeCenter/plugins.yaml
- start SC
Or you will get a non-working plugin.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] 7.1 on OSX: iPeng (or other plugins) installation update

2008-08-12 Thread pippin

morberg;328677 Wrote: 
> You missed the SC directory:
> ~/Library/Application Support/SqueezeCenter/Plugins

Yes, thank you. I'll correct it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-08-12 Thread pippin

wolfzell;328826 Wrote: 
> Oh my. That makes iPeng nearly useless for me until then, since most of
> my playlists do have 250+ tracks and iPeng/Safari is not only sluggish,
> but also crashes a lot with those beasts... 
> So I will keep waiting for new releases. Hopefully native...

If you can live without using "shuffle" - that will help a LOT,
especially on 7.1.

Actually, I think as long as Apple is not fixing this native will be
the only way around it since the issue is pretty fundamental:

MobileSafari keeps only a small part of a longer page in memory and
discards everything else. It discards it so well, that the biggest part
of a long page is even removed from the active part of the DOM, and it
also has to be re-rendered if it is about to be shown again.
What iPeng 0.5 does is: it keeps the whole playlist in one big table.
This is the only way you can do fast scrolling and drag'n'drop since
you cannot interfere with the hardware accelerated scrolling and in any
case changes to the page would be way too slow. Now if you do a change
to that long list, and be it a minor one, means the part of the table
that needs to be accessed has to be re-generated. For long lists, this
is S L O O O W. As in absolutely, extremely, dramatically slow. For
comparison: for a table with 250 rows, changing one text field in every
row (re-numbering) will take like 2ms on Desktop Safari while it breaks
the 10s barrier on Mobile Safari. That's a factor of 5000 or so

Now I don't have a good way around this that would not either kill
d'n'd and fast scrolling or be quite complex. I could do paging (only
load 100 tracks at a time or so) but I prefer to work on native since
my time is limited. If I can spare some more time I might check if I
can further minimize access to the tables.

As mentioned before, there's one thing that is EXTREMELY bad: using
shuffle on SC 7.1ff. Why? When a track ends and you go to the next one,
shuffle no longer increases the index (position in the playlist), but
keeps the index at "1" and moves the whole playlist up one position.
For iPeng that means the whole playlist is being changed! Pooh. That's
where Safari (not iPeng) often crashes for long playlists.

As I said: This has nothing to do with JavaScript or internal handling
of data, it's pure DOM handling in the browser...

So: let's go native...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-08-13 Thread pippin

Lesu;328781 Wrote: 
> I have done some more research into the error. It isn't associated with
> powering off the Touch, I can reproduce it with the Touch set to never
> power off.
> Basically what happens is I set the music player going in random song
> play mode. Everything works fine, with tracks being added to the
> Played/To be Played list which grows in length with each new song.
> Until the 21st track is played. When the 22nd track is added, the list
> is not added to and the song that is 9th in the list is overwritten. It
> is strange because it doesn't delete the old title 9, the 9th line
> becomes a combination of two song titles superimposed on each other.
> Also further along at around tracks 13 and 14 a title will be
> repeated.
> From then on, the song title now playing is updated correctly on the
> page header, but the list does not grow and an incorrectly highlighted
> title is stuck back in the middle of the list. The album art page is
> correctly updated.
> I hope this narrows the problem down.

Yes, actually I can reproduce and explain it now. Maybe even find a
fix, although it will not be quick.

It's actually my favorite iPhone 2.0 bug :-( It's the reason I stopped
further development of the skin for now.

I didn't succeed to solve it, but I've got a workaround for you: for
the Random Play, set "Number of past Tracks" to a value <= 5.

Here's what happens:

Short: It updates the tracks, just Safari doesn't render it.
Long: The "-webkit-transform" CSS style you have to use for the fast
transitions has a bug in that content that is deemed "Off-Screen" from
other CSS styles (like position) sometimes does not get rendered,
independent of where it actually is. Tracks from 9 on are deemed
"Off-Screen", because that's where the physical screen ends.
Now, usually Safari fixes this when moving the affected area. Now for
"Random Play", when you reach the max number of "past tracks to be
shown", the area doesn't move anymore, because actually the position in
the playlist doesn't change anymore (it stays with this number +1) but
the whole playlist changes. But only the first 9 of the changed tracks
will be rendered by Safari.
Under some conditions I did find workarounds for this, bur not here.
The workaround I mentioned above works, because that way, only tracks
1-9 are shown on-screen and those get re-drawn just fine.

Does that help?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-08-13 Thread pippin

Lesu;328958 Wrote: 
> Thanks for the advice. Just one other thing, how do I set the Random
> Play list to Number of Past Tracks <5? I am using the bundled Random
> Play that comes with Squeezecenter. There doesn't appear to be any
> options to select.
> Roll on the native app!

Oh yes, there is. In iPeng it's the figure at the bottom of the page
("recently played songs").

On the Default skin, it says
" Now Playing will show X upcoming songs and Y recently played songs."

Y is the figure you have to change.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-08-19 Thread pippin

gocam;330754 Wrote: 
> Hi ! Loving iPeng and eagerly awaiting the native app.
> Quick question - is Synchronize meant to work ? As it doesn't for me -
> whenver I try to sync via the various settings, the home screen player
> selector _initially_ says "Synchronize" then refreshes to default back
> to one of the players.

It's meant to work, but it's a bit complicated - I actually forgot how
it works.

You can use iPeng's "MultiPlayer Control" on the NowPlaying plugin
screen which is MUCH more comfortable.
Just Go to NowPlaying, swipe left, to the plugins page and select
"MultiPlayer Control. If this isn't there, you have to activate it in
the "iPeng" plugin settings on SC's settings page under "Activate
De/Activate commands", but it should be "on" by default.

Now if you click that control you get to a page showing all your
players. Each player has a "sync" button (it's the one with the sine
waves). If you click it, the other players become inverted and you can
select a player to sync TO, that is, the first player will start to
play the playlist of the second one.
The First player will then be shown synced to the "Master". You can
unsync by pressing the "sync" button (looks different now) again on the
player you want to drop from a sync group.

Actually I feel this is the most comfortable Sync-/Unsync feature you
can get for SC.

Some pictures are here:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-08-20 Thread pippin

bma;330854 Wrote: 
> C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\Plugins\iPeng\Configuration 
> My music library currently contains a directory with one album
> containing 13 MP3's and 2 cover files (.PNG / .JPG) for testing
> purposes. 
> The initial iPeng comes up on the iTouch in about 2 minutes. The now
> playing screen does come up empty after about 3 minutes. The other
> screens come up quickly with title "Untitled". 
> I get the same results on my home machine (XP SP3) using safari
> browser.

Does the default skin work?
Does iPeng actually WORK, that is: can you play music?
Can you give me all files and directories that are in 
C:\Program Files\SqueezeCenter\server\Plugins\iPeng\

FCLymond;330876 Wrote: 
> Has anyone tried this using iSSH, now that it's available on the
> AppStore?
No, but now that you mention it I will probably do this tomorrow or so
to have remote listening access to my Database. I'll report back.
> iPeng is FANTASTIC, by the way--great job on this; would gladly pay for
> it.

Well, you CAN, if you can't resist, there's a nice, blue, "Donate"
button ;-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] 7.1 on OSX: iPeng (or other plugins) installation update

2008-08-20 Thread pippin

yes, this is a known Vista bug. Please use WinZip or 7zip.
I will try to do a Vista friendly distribution, but it will take a few
days, don't have Vista myself


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-08-21 Thread pippin

OK, the installation looks fine.
A few more things:
I assume you did a fresh install and not an upgrade from an earlier
version of iPeng? If no, then please try to delete plugin-data.yaml and
restart the server. It should be found in one of the following
c:\Documents & Settings\All Users\Application Data\SqueezeCenter\Cache
or at
c:\Documents & Settings\\Application Data\SqueezeCenter\Cache
C:\Program Data\SqueezeCenter\Cache

In that same folder (the "Cache" folder) there's a directory called
"templates". You could also try to delete that and restart the server.

You did restart the server (SqueezeCenter) after the iPeng
installation? If no, please do so.
Is JavaScript activated on the iPod/iPhone?
Did you change the configuration directory in iPeng manually? I will
have to look that configuration up and reprot back.

This looks like something isn't found (hence the delay: that means the
browser tries to load something the server doesn't deliver), but your
installation looks OK to me.

Have you tried to reinstall iPeng?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-08-21 Thread pippin

willcycle;331192 Wrote: 
> I am using ipeng with my Itouch and it works very well except for one
> quirk.  When I select a single song to play from an album all songs in
> that album are placed in the playlist.  I have set single song play in
> Squeezecenter settings but this behavior persists.  Is this a bug?  Is
> there any workaround?

No bug, intention. The setting has no effect on web skins and iPeng is
meant to work like iPos and also, most people tend to play whole albums
instead of single songs.

There is a workaround. Adding a track (with the "+" button) will only
add that single track.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] 7.1 on OSX: iPeng (or other plugins) installation update

2008-08-21 Thread pippin

untechnoman;331285 Wrote: 
> Absolutly great app (after getting it problems)- thanks
> for the help.  One question.. I downloaded the .52 version for local
> playback and it works fine...but the quicktime screen you refer to in
> your blog, I can't seem to get rid of. It takes up the whole screen. Am
> I "swapping it away" wrong?  Any suggestions?

Sorry, I don't fully understand what you mean.
While you play a playlist locally, you can not get out of the QuickTime
screen. That's the way iPhone works.
When you are not playing back stuff, does it stay on the screen when
you change to another page (within "NowPlaying")? That should not be
the case?
Or does it just stick on top of the screen while you are on the "local
playback" page? That's a bug in Apple's QuickTime plugin and I don't
know how to fix it, but it should go away when you leave that page.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-08-21 Thread pippin

bma;331185 Wrote: 
> When I initially set up squeezecenter I point the music directory; the
> default ipeng is automatically pointing to the same directory. I
> changed the directory to point to the ipeng configuration directory. 

That was correct. In my configuration the iPeng directory is pointing
to the playlist directory (which by default is the same as the
directory for the music library).
Will have to check with Erland, but I think iPeng reads configuration
files from two directories: the one defined in the settings, and ALWAYS

So maybe this causes trouble, please try to set the iPeng configuration
directory in the settings to something else.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-08-22 Thread pippin

bma;331449 Wrote: 
> I also switched debug on for iPeng in Squeezecenter. Attached the log
> file for calling the iPeng main screen from iPod. 
> The log ao shows:
> Any relevance/does that ring a bell?

No, that just means that you don't have CustomBrowse installed and is

You don't get any "file not found" messages in the log?

I will have to try this out on my Windows machine, but it will be next
week before I get access to that.

If there's more in the log around iPeng loading, could you send me a
longer log file? I'm not only interested in iPeng but also in WebUI
error messages.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce]: iPeng 0.4 iPhone / iTouch plugin

2008-08-22 Thread pippin

mherger;331463 Wrote: 
> >> Error: missing string PLUGIN_IPENG_CUSTOM_BROWSE_MORE
> >
> > No, that just means that you don't have CustomBrowse installed and
> is
> > fine.
> You might use getstring() instead of string() to silence this warning.

BTW, did you notice that you e-mail replies always end up in the wrong
thread (the 0.4 vs. the 0.5 thread) Any idea why that is?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-08-22 Thread pippin

bma;331507 Wrote: 
> [08-08-22 16:21:54.5306] Slim::Web::HTTP::_generateContentFromFile
> (2378) Error: file error - browse.js: not found
> I've setup Squeezecenter/iPeng on my windows XP/SP3 machine and it
> works as designed/es liegt kein Fehler vor. 

Good hint. Gimme a day. I think I can fix this.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-08-23 Thread pippin

bma;331507 Wrote: 
> So, I guess the problem is with the WHS server.

Need your help on debugging this since I don't have WHS.
can you try this version and tell me if it works any better? Especially
on the browse pages?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Potential Solution for MusicIP/Music Folder Problem

2008-08-25 Thread pippin

Since you installed MIP according to the installation instructions in
the Wiki I assume you turned off the Music Folder (you did NOT enter a
path to your Library in "Basic Settings->Music Folder"). Right?
Just point this one to the top level folder of your music collection
and you will be fine, the Music Library menu item will show up in the
Library Menu. No need to use Custom Browse.
The library scan will take a little bit longer but on the other side
you can also access stuff that MIP has not yet finished analyzing
(which sometimes takes a while on my system).
This does NOT interfere with MIP's operation.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Potential Solution for MusicIP/Music Folder Problem

2008-08-25 Thread pippin


would it be possible to distribute your patch as a separated plugin in
the meantime, that is: the patched plugin? Could be called "Super MIP
plugin" or something and become obsolete when the functionality is
merged into 7.3.

Think that would be useful for a lot of people (including myself), and
the license allows for it.

Or it the MIP "plugin" to deeply linked into the SC code?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Potential Solution for MusicIP/Music Folder Problem

2008-08-25 Thread pippin

Philip Meyer;332233 Wrote: 
> I could create a zip of my Slim/Plugin/MusicMagic folder and host on my
> website for people to download and replace their copy.  I run from SVN
> - would this approach work with the installed app environment/nightly
> downloads?
> Phil

Can you send it to me? I'll try it out.
coolio att penguinlovesmusic dott com


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Ubuntu Slimcenter path?

2008-08-27 Thread pippin

badbob;332864 Wrote: 
> Trying to copy it says permission denied. User is a admin though

You have to use sudo. Admin is not root!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-08-31 Thread pippin

Pinball Wizard;334976 Wrote: 
> OK, I tried searching and using the information I found, but am
> completely confused about how I get iPeng up and running on my iphone
> and computer.  I've got a iphone 3G and an SB3 running a library of
> FLAC files to my stereo.  Everything I've read on this and other
> threads is just too advanced for me - like a college freshman
> accidentally enrolled in an iPeng 301 course.  I need some 101!
> Is there a step by step instruction guide for idiots out there? 
> Thanks.

Have you read this
and this

And what is it you need help with after that? The first one is on
installation, the last one is on Use (and a bit outdated, but should
get you around).
If you are using WHS, please use the version I posted above for the
time being, in all other cases you can use 0.5.2.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-09-01 Thread pippin

Pinball Wizard;335287 Wrote: 
> Thanks for the reply.  Yes I've looked at all the information on your
> site, but still couldn't figure it out.
> I installed it by extracting the ipeng folder to the plugins directory,
> but am lost after that.
> Especially on this step: "You can access your iPeng skin by calling
> “:9000/iPeng” in mobile Safari. And again… see Hints
> if you need some more info."  Huh?  The hints section didn't help (at
> least for me).  Are you saying I should enter that line into my address
> bar?  There isn't even a character key for "<".
> Thanks again for your help and I can't wait to get this running!

1. What is the OS you are running SqueezeCenter (SC) on?
2.  is the IP address of the computer you are
running SC on. I probably should have pointed that out more clearly.
The "Hints" section says the following about this (this is the full one
since I don't know your OS):

> What is my IP address
> If you don’t know your server’s IP address, here’s some hints on how to
> find it.
> Windows:
> Open a command line window e.g. by selecting “Run…” from the Start Menu
> and entering “cmd”.
> In the command line window enter “ipconfig” (without any further
> parameters).
> This will give you among other items an “IP-Address”, the numberbehind
> that is what you want (e.g. If you get more than one IP
> Address, you need to use the one that connects to your WLAN router. It
> will probably (but not necessarily) be one of 192.168.0.* or
> 192.168.178.*
> OSX:
> Go to Applications > Utilities > Terminal and then enter
> ifconfig | grep “inet ”
> It will give you two lines of numbers; the second line is your IP
> address

So it probably be something like "" making the whole URL:
"";. You can omit the "http://";.

You WILL have to make sure that your SqueezeCenter is accessible from
the outside, but if you have players connected and they are working
this should work, too.

Does this work?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-09-01 Thread pippin

Pinball Wizard;335322 Wrote: 
> At first glance your browser looks almost as slick as Apple's "Remote"
> application.  Impressive!! Especially considering your market cap and
> development budget are probably a tad smaller than theirs :)
Unfortunately :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-09-01 Thread pippin

cakes;335538 Wrote: 
> Hi Pippin,
> Any news on the native app? 
> I'm really looking forward...
> cakes

Me too :-)


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[SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-02 Thread pippin

as of markstroms suggestion:
This is the iPeng support thread. Any questions on issues, installation
etc should go here.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-03 Thread pippin

I will start with twilly's question:
twilly;335982 Wrote: 
> Sorry for yet another "I don't know how to get it to work" post!
> Running XP. IP address where SC is running is
> I un-zipped the files, moved everything so now my directory structure
> looks like this:
> C:
> --Program Files
> SqueezeCenter
> --server
> Plugins
> --iPeng
> Configuration
> --EN
> plugins
> --iPeng
> html
> --images
> settings
> --iPeng
> html
> --images
> I Stopped SC, deleted the yaml file, started SC.  iPhone gives me 404
> not found when i type
> Please let me know what I'm doing wrong.  I know it must be something
> simple...
1. Can you get the default skin to load (
2. Can you access iPeng from your PC's browser under (NOT localhost:...)
3. Can you access iPeng from ANOTHER computer's browser under that
4. Do you have any firewall software running?

The installation directory structure is correct.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-03 Thread pippin

Um, difficult case.
SC 7.2 I assume?
Does iPeng show up in the SqueezeCenter settings (under "Plugins")?
Is it activated?
Can you get into the iPeng settings?
This is a fresh install? Or did you upgrade from an older version of
BTW, I just recognize that I was wrong saying that your directory
structure looks fine, it doesn't have all the plugin parts (it should
have a directory "lib" under "server/Plugins/iPeng").
Which version of iPeng is this?
If this is the 0.5x I posted a few days ago you might want to install
the 0.52 and if it does not work install 0.5x on top of that.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-03 Thread pippin

twilly;336216 Wrote: 
> 7.2-22900NoN/AN/A
> So I downloaded WinZip Eval version, same thing happened. So I go over
> to my Vista machine, download, use Vista, it's even worse! 
> Only partial directory structure and no files get Extracted.  How
> bizarre is this?
Sounds like the usual Windows unzip error. I thought it only happens on
Vista (haven't seen it myself). WinZip should work, though. Strange.
Will make the next version's Zip on Windows.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-09-09 Thread pippin

Goods news for all those who want to use iPeng's local playback with a
password authentication (e.g. remotely). There was a bug in
iPhone/iTouch 2.0 preventing this.
With Apple's 2.1 firmware this bug is fixed. The 2.1 firmware is
available now for iPod touch and the iPhone version is announced for


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-09-11 Thread pippin

Lesu;339110 Wrote: 
> One word of warning so other people don't repeat what I have just done.
> Make sure iTunes is version 8 before downloading the v2.1 upgrade.
> iTunes doesn't check for its own upgrade first, and the previous
> version can't upgrade to 2.1, it therefore suggests going to v2.02 and
> duly installs this upgrade. 
> After 2.02 is installed, iTunes then checks the iPod and tells you that
> 2.1 is available, but only if you upgrade iTunes to v8.0.
> So I've upgraded the iPod twice this morning.

Interesting. Didn't do that for me (it asked to install 8.0 first).
My main issue is that 8.0 crashes quite frequently (both PC and Mac).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-09-11 Thread pippin

Bryan Jan;339193 Wrote: 
> Hi Pippin,
> Sorry in advance if this question has been asked before, but I can't
> locate the solution in the archiv.
> I want to install the iPeng into the ReadyNAS NV+ so that I don't have
> to switch on my computer.  There always has a ReadyNAS version for
> Squeezecenter so that I can use the built-in upgrade function to
> install it, I hope iPeng can do the same.  I remember I saw someone
> mentioned using some SSH to hack into the NAS and put the iPeng into
> the plug-in directory of Slimserver, but I can't find it now.  Hope
> someone can enlighten me how to do it, thanks.
> Bryan

I don't know the ReadyNAS either.
It should work if you can install any SC plugin on ReadyNAS. Did you
serach for "ReadyNAS" and "plugin installation"?

If somebody can help, I would be interested to get the instructions,
too, so I can update the web site.

Oh, and could you use this thread:
to continue with this topic?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-12 Thread pippin

Thanks for moving this here.
You might also want to have a look at the ReadyNAS forum.
I KNOW iPeng has to run on ReadyNAS somehow since there are quite a few
trackbacks from that site to my site describing how iPeng works. None on
installation, though, so I assume there will be general plugin
installation instructions or something. 
But people seem to use this configuration.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-13 Thread pippin

atz6975;339882 Wrote: 

Thanks. Interesting.
Will add that link to my page.

Does anybody have a short note about how you install that on ReadyNAS?
I don't know that system at all.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-13 Thread pippin

atz6975;339928 Wrote: 
> 1)Download above linked file
> 2)Open Frontview (Readynas web admin)
> 3) Choose System-Update-Local and select file from step 1)
> 4) Go to services-streaming services-uncheck Slimserver and press
> apply
> 5) Go to services-streaming services-check Slimserver and press apply
> 4) Regular squeezecenter/ipeng is now up and running
> Ipeng rocks!!!
> BTW: I think that drag'n'drop of the last track of a longer than one
> page playlist is somehow tricky. I usually move the penultimate down
> first.

Thanks a lot. I'll check on the D'n'D issue.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-14 Thread pippin

jmanings;340114 Wrote: 
> 1) The local playback is awesome! I am really hoping for remote
> playback someday. To be able to access my home collection from work,
> travel etc by accessing the ip of my squeeze center. 
> Any thoughts on if this is a possibility in the future? Have i missed
> any discussion of this? I would love to know.
No, it's a possibility today.
Hence with the usual tradeoff between comfort and security
Precondition is that you have your PC accessible from the outside, to
do that you might need a dynamic DNS account, e.g. from A
lot of routers support that out of the box so that you will not need a
software on your PC.

Then there are three alternatives:

1) open port 9000 on your router and connect it to your PC. Make sure
to enable password protection in Squeezecenter. Now you can access SC
through :9000/iPeng.
To be a little bit more secure you can redirect the port to something
You will need iPhone/iTouch firmware 2.1 for this.

2) Jailbreak your iPod and install OpenSSL (No, I didn't recommend that
Install OpenSSH on your PC and open a tunnel from your iPod, this way
you can redirect SC's port to e.g. localhost. Pretty secure but a bit
tedious if you don't have experience with OpenSSH
Note that this will NOT work with the "official" SSH clients on the
iPod since "official" 3rd party apps can not run background processes.

3) My preferred solution: Create a VPN (virtual private network). The
big advantage is that the iPod supports this "out of the box". There
are three protocols available, I only know two:
a) PPTP is a Microsoft protocol and said to be not very secure. But
sine it's MS I assume there should be Windows solutions for this. 
b) IPSec. Secure IP. Tedious protocol but very secure and a lot of
implementations available.

> 2) I notice my XM radio plug in is not working with ipeng. It logs me
> in, but it dosent show the stations or presets. All I see is a path of
> Home/XM Radio Online/
> Just thought I'd Mention it.
Is there any way I can test this here? Do I need hard- and software to
run XM plugin? No sats here in Europe...

> 3) Now all I need someone to create is a way to turn on my PC upstairs
> when I want to start the squeeze box. My old pc had some wake on LAN
> setting, which was cool. Now so for the new pc. Hope fully I can figure
> out a solution.

I use a low power device and leave it on all the time. Needed for
remote access anyway.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spicefly SugarCube (Automatic MusicIP DJ)

2008-09-14 Thread pippin

Hm. I updated to 1.5 (from 1.4.something) today and now SugarCube
doesn't engage anymore.
Anything specific I have to do. I feel like I had this before but don't
remember how I fixed it.

SC 7.2 on ubuntu server. MIP works fine. SugarCube settings page works

And yes, I did restart the server. A few times.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-16 Thread pippin

rdb001;340982 Wrote: 
> I love iPeng, but am I am having trouble with Sirius streams to the
> iPhone.  I get the metadata but the Sirius stream itself never plays on
> the iPhone. Is this supported?  Everything else seems to stream just
> fine.  I have an iMac, iPhone 3G with 2.1 software and the latest
> version of SC.  TIA

You mean you want to listen to the stream on iPhone?
If it's really a stream (vs. files), that doesn't work. iPhone does not
support streaming (without 3rd party apps). Sorry.

Or does CNTROLLING sirius not work, as for the XM plugin?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-16 Thread pippin

atlslim;340278 Wrote: 
> You need to be subscribed to XM Radio Online service for the plugin to
> work. 
> There is a free trial available here:
> Not sure if that is a 'crippled' version
> The 7.0 plugin is available in this thread: 
> Great work w/ iPeng; like another post mentioned it is the primary
> reason I own an iPod Touch!!

OK, I had a look at it.
It seems the main issue is, that the XM plugin's "EN" skin
implementation does not work. You can confirm that by loading
":9000/EN" and browsing to XM Radio...
Now the "EN" skin is supposed to be the base skin that provides the
functionality for all other skins if there is not a specific
implementation for that skin, so since the base does not work, iPeng
doesn't either.

My way around would be: since the "Classic" skin works, I used the XM
plugin's code for that one and did a few adaptations to make it look
better on iPeng.

XM doesn't work very well with me (no sound, even though I can browse
the service), so it would be nice if you could try this. If it works, I
will either include it in the next iPeng version or ask the plugin's
author to include it with the plugin.

I'll attach a file. This contains a folder called iPeng which is NOT a
replacement for iPeng
Instead, unzip it and move that folder (and it's contents) into the
skin section of the XM-SKIN (that is ".../Plugins/XMRadio/HTML"), there
should already be folders for other skins ("EN", "Default",...))

Please give some feedback. Hope it works.

|Filename:  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-16 Thread pippin

Bryan Jan;341226 Wrote: 
> Quoted:
> Sorry, I don't understand how/why the iPeng is included in the
> slimserver by simply uncheck/check the Slimserver service.  
> Can you please be more specific, thanks.

Just in case:

The important part, of course, is to download and install the iPeng
package first (steps 1 and 3)
Unchecking and checking the service had an "apply" in between. I assume
that's to restart the server.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: Spicefly SugarCube (Automatic MusicIP DJ)

2008-09-17 Thread pippin

I really like your plugin, good way to have a constant music experience
without ignoring 90% of your library.

A few comments:

I would really like a feature to limit the length of a playlist the way
the "built-in" random play does it. I'm (obviously) usually using iPeng
to control my SBs and that becomes a bit unrespronsive with playlists
with several 100 tracks so I have to clear my playlist from time to
time. An automated feature would be my #1 on the wishlist.

Turning off the "slow fade" feature (the one to decrease the volume
with each track) failed for me. I turned that box "off" but it
continued to descrease the volume. I had to set the stepping to "0" to
really turn it off.

Is there something I missed on the "player sleep" feature? That looks
to me like SC's built-in "sleep" feature?

Keep up the good work.

BTW I sympathize with you on the charset issues. This is a constant
PITA that will most likely not soled until all systems finally start to
adopt UTF8 as a default (or something similar) - aka never.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-17 Thread pippin

Bryan Jan;341309 Wrote: 
> you missed my point.  Under ReadyNAS environment, you just can't simply
> put iPeng in the plugin directory as we cannot access the hidden file
> system.  And that is why I asked how to install the iPeng in the first
> place.
> just see my another mail, ReadyNAS has grouped the most popular
> plug-ins into a package that can be directly installed into the NAS
> through their interface.  
> Consider problem solved, thanks.
> Bryan
Yes, I know. But the link provided by atz6975 was also leading to a
ReadyNAS installation package, not the iPeng distribution :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-17 Thread pippin

atlslim;341410 Wrote: 
> pippin - excellent work on the 'XM Skin' for iPeng! 
> Everything works for me but I did notice a delay of approx. 60 seconds
> when I select 'XM Radio Online' from the 'Internet Radio' menu. Once in
> the XM menus, selections are prompt but I do get the same delay when
> going back to the main XM page on occasion?
> Thanks again!

Does it show a progress bar for the URL? This was a quick hack so I'm
not completely convinced everything works well.

You could try again by DELETING the stuff above and adding the
following to Plugins/iPeng/HTML/iPeng/plugins
(that's a different directory from the last one).

If that also has the delay: could that have something to do with
logging in to XM?
It also has some added functionality in that it enables the "back"
button and shows the correct title in the title bar.
I will include that in the next iPeng release and that will also come
with a toolbar shortcut for XM.

Logging in and browsing works fine for me, but I cannot test playback
since obviously XM is not streaming to Germany (it doesn't work with
the other skins as well). Now playing shows the track title and XM logo
and everything but the SB remains silent.

|Filename:  |


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-17 Thread pippin

atlslim;341455 Wrote: 
> Yes; the progress bar is there and fills to about the 'http://' mark,
> then stops until the page ultimately loads. I'll try the new files
> later to see if that speeds things up.
> One question - is there a way to make a page 'auto-refresh'? I would
> like to see my 'presets' update automagically. :)

Is that what happens on the other skins? There was some JavaScript I
didn't understand the use of and that I disabled. I can look into


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-17 Thread pippin

x-cimo;341556 Wrote: 
> Does anyone know if it is possible to use the Infrared Plugin (IR) with
> iPeng, so changing the volume would go over the IR emitter to my
> receiver and change the volume on the receiver?
> Thanks

You mean IRBlaster?
I don't know that one, but from what I read about it I THINK it may not
work since it seems to override SC's volume and replace it with "volume
up"/"volume down" commands, while iPeng set's an absolute volume.

If that's true and there's a way to access these "up/down" commands
through the CLI (e.g. with the "button volume_up" and "button
volume_down" commands) it would be possible to build a workaround using
iPeng's own plugin interface, but you would not be able to use the
slider then but would have to click up/down icons.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-18 Thread pippin

jotap_66;341773 Wrote: 
> Hello:
> I have using ipeng and SC...for several months
> Now, I installed SC 7.2 on my Mac, and ipeng 0.52 to test the local
> playback in my ipod touch...I am not sure of how to use the local
> playbackAll works Ok (as always) but I dont know using local
> playback( on my ipod touch)
> If I am listening a song, I arrive to a point that I see a blue icon
> and the text "ipeng local playback". If I select this button all the
> songs of a disk (list) are shown but now if I select a song, nothing
> happens ¿Am I doing something wrong?

Well, this SOUNDS correct to me. You say NOTHING happens? No QuicktTme
screen with an error message or something?
What format are the files in? Until the "download-transcode" feature is
implemented (probably 7.3) only file types that are supported by the
iPod work (that is: mp3, aac, don't now about others), definitely no


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-18 Thread pippin

jotap_66;341855 Wrote: 
> Most of my files are flac...but I am aware of this, and I used mp3 and
> aac, and it does not work
> Thank you very much for your fast answer and for the help

Hm... You didn't get an error message, right?
Do you use a username/password for SC and don't have iPod FW 2.1? But
that should give you at least an error message.
Do you have a Quictime applet at the top of the track list (a grey bar
with a play icon in the middle?)
Can you see whether the browser is trying to load something?

@IRBlaster: today's svn version of iPeng has an experimental volume
up/down feature on the NowPlaying plugin page. If somebody with
IRBlaster and iPeng could try that, it would help me a lot. If that
works (it does not work for NON-IRBlaster volume) I would include it in
the next iPeng release, probably even on the volume bar. But I have to
know it works, first.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-18 Thread pippin

jotap_66;341944 Wrote: 
> Well, first of all, I am not sure if I start the local play correctly:
> This is I try to select a song as usual,I must select the song, and to
> get the local playback...I select the song view where several
> parameters appear:
> Track
> Player
> Multiplayer control
> Ipeng Local PlayBack
> IP Mixer
That's OK
> I press the local playback button, and then I see the transmision icon
> one second, and after this, I see all the songs list...Again, the
> transmision icon start for a second, and nothing happens
That's OK, too. This list should be a little bit different from the
"normal" playlist in that it
- does not have an "x" to remove tracks
- It should have a grey quicktime plugin on top of the list. If it does
not, you've got a problem.  That problem may be that you don't have an
internet connection - I think the iPod downloads the Qicktime plugin
from Apple

On this screen you have to click a track and then playback should start
from that track. You will notice because the quicktime playback screen
should start up.

By the way, I dont know what IP Mixer is (I never used), but when presing
it happens the same as Local Playback..nothing... Could this help you?

Hm.. now you are confusing me. You said you get a track list when you click
local playback, that's different from "nothing", isn't it?

MIP is a different case. That one only works if you have the MIP software
running. Unfortunately SC's MIP plugin - which is what iPeng detects - is
enabled by default even if MIP software is not running. Again, there should
not be "nothing" happening but an empty list headed by "Empty" should show
up? Is that not being displayed?

>From peterw's comments in the developer forum I understand that IRBlaster
theoretically COULD work with iPeng out of the box.
I feel your original question was the correct one: Did anybody actually
test that.
You may want to open up a new thread for that since I don't think everybody
reads the "iPeng support thread".


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-19 Thread pippin

jotap_66;342016 Wrote: 
> What is this? Before the list I see a grey (almost black) strip, but it
> is empty...I have an internet connection
> No, I didnt see this...I click on a track, and nothing happens...
> But how must I download the Quicktime plugin for the ipod? I never
> heard ofthis...

No, YOU don't have to download something. iPeng does that: It embeds
the plugin - that's the grey strip. It SHOULD be there, and look like
in the attached screenshot. If it doesn't, iPeng didn't succeed in
downloading the QuickTime plugin (for MobileSafari) from Apple.

It also should only need to download this once, after that it should be
present on your iPod.

Could you check whether plugins are enabled on your iPod


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-22 Thread pippin

jacabo;342977 Wrote: 
> It looks like a really great plugin and i can't wait to try it.  But I
> seem to be missing the most basic step -- that of getting my iphone to
> join the intranet.
> using another computer, i can browse to the ipeng skin -- so far so
> good, but when i try to connect to the same url with the iphone, no
> dice.  There must be some method for getting the iphone to join the
> network that i am missing? It's found my WIFI just fine -- just not the
> computers attached to it. 
> any advice for the newest of newbies?

I assume you are using Windows or Linux. Problem is not with iPeng but
with iPhone: you have to use Bonjour to announce devices.
So the only way around that is to enter the IP adress as a URL
(, there's some hints on the
intallation page on PenguinLovesMusic. 
If you cannot reach it there, you've probably blocked the port with a


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-23 Thread pippin

Bryan Jan;343182 Wrote: 
> Hi Pippin,
> Is there any mean to tell iPeng to scroll the name of the album or name
> of the song horizontally just like the SB3 did?  I guess this is due to
> the width of field display.
> Under iPeng environment, when I browse Beethoven's symphony all I can
> see is the list of 
> Beethoven: Symphony No...
> Beethoven: Symphony No...
> Beethoven: Symphony No...
> When I finally found by trial & error the Beethoven: Symphony No.5 by
> Wiener Philharmoniker conducted by Karajan, the trackname is also a
> list of movements but with the dots "." instead of the actual
> movement name.
> Please advise,
> Bryan

Yep, that's what happens if you add all the Composer etc. information
to the Title, which isn't really needed in SC.
Scrolling doesn't work. I did try it but it doesn't work on iPhone (it
does _something_ but completely breaks the performance of the browser).
The one alternative is to change the .css file:
in slimserver.css (.../Plugins/iPeng/HTML/slimserver.css)
If you replace the three occurrences of


  white-space: nowrap;

in the "a.tapblock*" tags with


  white-space: normal;

That should do the trick.
It may not look good but should give you the full title as long as you
have at least a few spaces in it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-23 Thread pippin

jotap_66;343557 Wrote: 
> 1. When you helped to me, you talked about a download-transcode
> feature...My question (sorry for asking and disturbing to you) is if
> this feature must be implemented by you or by the SoftSqueeze program,
> and if you have idea of when will be implemented...
> 2. Ah!! A last question, when using streaming, I can stream one
> song...and then I must streaam another song...Is there any way to
> stream a disc or a folder...

1. It's a server enhancement, I understand it's currently targeted at
release 7.3
2. you have to turn off the screen saver to make it advance


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-24 Thread pippin

GTax;343791 Wrote: 
> 1) There's a button available for the toolbar, she uses Pandora
> and would like to have the same shortcut.
nobody asked for it so far, I cannot use it (Europe)...
Will be in 0.5.3
> 2) The multi-player control is fantastic, but you can't access it
> directly from the Ipeng home screen (although you can switch between
> controllers on the home screen).
Yep. Architectural issue: you need the JavaScript plugin interface for
it that the home screen doesn't have.
What you need is quick access to that... the failed 0.6 had it, native
will have it (it will be the main player chooser and is quite cool
there) but not for 0.5.x, sorry...
> 3) On the now playing screen, there is a significant delay updating (or
> sometimes no update) between when a new song starts playing, and when
> the screen updates the info (may be a pandora thing, but it happens
> often).
Do you have a long playlist? Probably not with Pandora, but using a
short playlist generally helps. But JS on iPod is still slow. You'll
have to wait for native for snappy...
> 4) Occasionally, Ipeng just locks up.  Meaning, when clicking on a
> link, it appears like the browser is looking to connect, and it just
> sits there.  When opening a new browser page, Ipeng works fine.
Yep. I suspect that has to do with some JS hacks I have to do to get
whole albums to play from a certain track (this is not supported by
SqueezeCenter through the WebUI). Trying again usually should do it.
There is also another issue with timers sometimes locking up on iPod
which keeps NowPlaying from refreshing. I have no idea when that
happens (it locks the timers completely, even leaving Safari and
returning sometimes doesn't fix it). I add it to the lng list of
bugs in Safari.
> I look forward to when Ipeng becomes a native app.  It looks great.
Me too :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iTunes 8 API

2008-09-24 Thread pippin

Sounds reasonable. After updating to v8 I generally got an error when I
start iTunes on Windows for a while. Disappeared after a few reboots.
No, I didn't reinstall or upgrade again


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-09-29 Thread pippin

KingTubby;345341 Wrote: 
> Hi
> I am having problems extracting the 0.5.2 zip file. It gets so far and
> causes winzip to crash out? Any advice much appreciated
> cheers

That's bad. Which WinZIP version are you using?

It's a MAC-made zip-file and a lot of people were experiencing problems
with Vista's unzip but so far WinZIP did work.

I'll provide a Windows zipped-version tonight or tomorrow.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-09-30 Thread pippin

New iPeng version:

iPeng 0.5.3 is a maintenance release.

Originally it was meant to support the new Alarm feature of SC 7.2 but
that functionality is not ready yet. Sorry. I need it, too :-)

Here’s what’s new:

* 0.5.3 is zipped under Windows instead of on a Mac. Vista users
were experiencing issues with Mac zip-files.
* it comes with support for the XM Radio plugin, with Toolbar
* the Podcast plugin is now supported
* there’s a toolbar shortcut icon for Pandora (GTax, please test
this, as I cannot access the service)

Oh, and some cool but useless stuff, too:

* 0.5.3 has the smooth main-menu transition of the failed 0.6
* plus some bling-bling on Now Playing
* the MultiPlayer control is now a bit more reduced. It doesn’t
show the track title, album and artist anymore. This takes down server
and client load a bit and makes the control smaller, fitting more
players on a screen. Should anybody miss the text items, please let me

Have fun :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-10-01 Thread pippin

KingTubby;345864 Wrote: 
> Hi
> I just tried the 0.5.3 version and have the same issue

Now that looks like a Winzip issue to me then.
I zipped that file with WinZip 10 on Windows XP.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-10-01 Thread pippin

KingTubby;345874 Wrote: 
> Well, it seems to work ok, although I am not sure if I have it set up
> correctly. Is there a way of stopping the safari browser appearing when
> I move through the different screens?
No, unfortunately not. I tried to integrate the screens in the 0.6 but
that was obviously too much for Safari...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-10-04 Thread pippin

GTax;346786 Wrote: 
> Unfortunately, Pandora doesn't work using the new toolbar icon (it still
> works the long way).  When pressing the icon, I get an error:
> 404 Not Found: plugins/Pandora/index.html
Ok, I was afraid of that.
Could you tell me the URL of the first pandora screen when you enter it
"the long way"?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-10-05 Thread pippin

GTax;347225 Wrote: 

OK, this is REALLY weird.
Plugin paths seem to be case sensitive.
The plugin path for pandora is called "Plugin/Pandora"
As it is for all the other XMLBrowser plugins.
Artwork works fine (the icon itself)
The plugin doesn't
Obviously the server has some hard coded path conversion for Pandora
that works for the index.html only.

I fixed the configuration file, so could you try to replace the two
files I attached. they are



You don't have to restart anything, just replace the files and reload
the iPeng main screen.
The fix in the xmlbrowser file is to make the Pandora Icon show up
colored while you browse Pandora, could you please check whether that



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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] [Announce] iPeng 0.5 for iPhone / 3G / iPod Touch 2.0

2008-10-06 Thread pippin

robroe;347301 Wrote: 
> Not sure if this has been posted before/is already implemented or is not
> suitable for this app, but there was an interesting article about making
> web apps fullscreen on
> this morning. Hope this is useful.

On WWDC they promised to check whether they want to allow fullscreen
mode for Webapps.
It has always been possible to mimick that by simply opening a
UIWebView control and running the webapp inside that one. It also
performs much better in that environment, but - a big BUT - you lose
some capabilities of the browser, like scrolling the page to a certain

Anyway, this will not solve Safari's stability and performance issues,
so I will continue to focus on the native app that already starts to
look quite cool even though there I also have to get around some UI
quirks - things always get more nasty as soon as you leave the "basic
stuff" level...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-10-08 Thread pippin

rupped;348171 Wrote: 
> Love iPeng!! Thanks so much. 
> I am an avid Pandora user. I saw in the previous thread that you can
> not use it, but would it be possible to add the voting buttons (thumbs
> up/thumbs down) to iPeng for Pandora? That would really help those of
> use who use Pandora. 
> If there is a way to configure this myself, would someone help me out
> with how?
> Thanks again for all your work!!

hmmm, they are supposed to work. Don't they? They did when I could test
They should be on the overlay with the progress bar...
It's really an issue that I cannot test Pandora over here.

What do you see? The normal repeat and shuffle controls or do they
simply not work?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-10-09 Thread pippin

atlslim;347735 Wrote: 
> pippin -- is it possible to have more than 1 row of 5 buttons at the
> bottom of the home screen? Looks like there is space available
hmm... never saw it that way...
> but not certain if this is a possibility.

I'm not completely sure myself. The plugin part has five preset places
that it delivers. So it's at least a major change.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-10-09 Thread pippin

atlslim;348324 Wrote: 
> Understanding that iPeng is a plugin and not a 'skin' but the home
> screen from the Nokia skin is an example of 2 rows of 'buttons'. Just a
> thought ...

No, it's an example of FOUR rows of buttons

TECHNICALLY in the skin it would be possible (just take up space) by
just increasing the size of that bottom toolbar and I also think it
would be a minor change to the plugin to provide 10 elements instead of
The plugin part is there only to make the button bar configurable
instead of having hard-coded links. There's a repository of, I don't
know, 20 or so buttons you can put there and the plugin currently
allows you to manage five of those.

But I don't think I'm going to do it (would need Erland's help for the
plugin part anyway) since I am currently more than busy with getting
the native app to work.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-10-15 Thread pippin

jacabo;350074 Wrote: 
> Following your advice, i got bonjour installed on my computer and
> airsharing on my iphone.  I can now "discover" my iphone when i
> activate Bonjour and have been able to move files.  but navigating to
> //localhost:9000 from my iphone i still get a message saying that
> safari is unable to find the server.   I have no problems navigating to
> //localhost:9000 from other computers on the network.
> suggestions?  the server is on a vista machine... 
> thanks

"localhost" is definitely wrong because it refers to the machine itself
- the iPhone in this case.
You have to use the name of your vista machine.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-10-15 Thread pippin

ds2021;350091 Wrote: 
> How about with the IP address of that machine (i.e.,
> http://192.168.x.y:9000/ipeng, where this represents a theoretical
> local IP address of the vista machine within your network)? I have had
> mixed luck with the machine name approach, but absolute success with
> the IP address so long as the network was functional. This also assumes
> that there has been no change to the port address within the
> SqueezeCentre settings.

IP address will always work but can be inconvenient.
I myself also only have random success with names.
I would try "office_machine.local" I think Bonjour is using the
".local" domain on local networks - at least that's how I can access my


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-10-17 Thread pippin

jacabo;350706 Wrote: 
> using the IP address worked; still have not been able to get it using
> the name of the machine (office_vista.local/ipeng), which is too bad. 
> we will see how often i need to reenter a new ip. 
> Anyways... thanks for the help, and so far my experience using ipeng
> has been great (despite some heavy eye rolling from my wife).
> Jac

It should be "office_vista.local:9000/ipeng"

But I know: This didn't work very well for me, too.
Does your IP Address change a lot? If not, you can use a bookmark


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-10-17 Thread pippin

ds2021;350800 Wrote: 
> Setting a DHCP reservation for the SC host machine was my solution to
> this issue.

If it's an office PC he may not have that option.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-10-23 Thread pippin

mozzer503;352597 Wrote: 
> Hi
> I've just installed the latest iPeng on my iMac and it works
> beautifully - thank you!!
> The installation instructions state the following:
> "Set a reasonable value for the numbers of items to show at once in
> a list. It’s a trade off. Scrolling is fast on mobile Safari, yet
> loading pages with artwork thumbs is not (although it got much faster
> than in early iPeng releases). For extended browsing, loading a long
> list can be preferential, since you have to load a new page fewer
> times; browsing within a page is quite quick, using the Alphabet Bar.
> If you want to reach different pages fast, use smaller values. I
> started with 21 now I prefer lager values and use 75."
> My question is, how?
> Thanks Andy

In the SqueezeCenter Web interface, go to "Settings->Interface" (Or in
iPeng to Extras->Server Settings->Interface"
There's an item called "setting per page". Set that one to your desired
value. I use 75 and it works fine.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2008-10-24 Thread pippin

Is there a CLI interface for this plugin?
I just NEED to support this in iPeng :-)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] Announce: CDplayer plugin

2008-10-24 Thread pippin

bpa;352926 Wrote: 
> I didn't implement anything specific for CLI but some CLI may be there
> as I only used standard menus and XMLBrowser.
> I don't have time at the moment to learn CLI syntax and then test - if
> you have some suggested commands, I'll try them.

Oh, OK. Does it work on the Controller, then? If it does, I think I can
make it work on iPeng, too (as long as you don't do any LUA stuff).


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2008-10-25 Thread pippin

chalkandtalk;353411 Wrote: 
> Thanks for this plugin - it's working well from a Buffalo Linkstation
> and an itouch v2.
> There is a small problem which would be nice to put right. My
> linkstation is designated an IP address automatically using DCHP. The
> linkstation has a name, however, so I can connect to SQcenter from my
> laptop using the address http://"name":9000  My itouch won't do this, I
> have to find out the actual address of the linkstation, which varies. Is
> there an easy fix so that my itouch will connect to
> http://"name":9000/ipeng?
> cheers
Probably not, I'm afraid. It's not an iPeng but an iPod thing. If your
linkstation supports Bonjour it MIGHT work.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-15 Thread pippin

aeo12;611354 Wrote: 
> Since I updated to v.1.1of iPeng for iPad, my artwork on the Now Playing
> screen always shows stretched to full screen height (landscape).  Before
> updating, the artwork showed up at actual pixel size.  Using a pinching
> motion makes the 1x, and other sizing icons appear, but nothing happens
> to the artwork size.  Is there something else I need to do to get back
> to actual size artwork?

Are you using SBS 7.6? That's a 7.6 bug.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-15 Thread pippin

Sinergie;611363 Wrote: 
> Thanks for fixing the problem with the dutch text overlapping, but
> howcome the title at the top of that screen changes (within a second)
> from "Mijn Apps" (My Apps) to "Mijn toepassingen" and the same goes for
> "App Galerie" which becomes "Toep.gallerie". It would be nice if that
> doesn't happen :)

That's because now iPeng starts with using the menu text from it's own
translations. But then the server delivers it's own title and iPeng
starts to use that.
I don't really have a fix for that that would not break a lot of other


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-16 Thread pippin

That's a bug in the current iPeng, a background task can get stuck.
Will be fixed in the next release.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-16 Thread pippin

aeo12;611544 Wrote: 
> Yes, I recently moved to 7.6, so that must be my problem.  I really like
> 7.6 so far, so I'll just have to live with the bug for now. Thanks

Looks like it might eventually get fixed


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-16 Thread pippin

Sinergie;611705 Wrote: 
> Thanks for clearing that up. Is it possible to change it at the server
> side? I've searched in the "strings.txt" file, but couldn't find the
> corresponding titles there..
Not sure. Could be it comes from MySB.

2eleven;611711 Wrote: 
> I hate to say it, but the battery drain problem still exists in 1.3.1.
> I've downgraded again to 1.2.7, but I'm starting to lose hope. :(

Don't lost hope, I believe I've finally found it.
I was mislead by all the reports of the App staying active and was
looking for an issue with background execution or with server

Turned out it had nothing to do with that, iOS Apps _always_ keep
running behind the screen saver and communication is indeed being shut
The problem is a background thread locking up and consuming all CPU
power which seems to keep the iPhone from throttling the App (apart
from also causing power drain while active).
Will be fixed in the next release and this time it really looks

Metazargo;611712 Wrote: 
> So often I listen to a track and want to correct mainly genres, edit in
> this very moment, when else? Rarely I take a paper or write an email to
> myself. 
> iPeng on iPhone is always at hand. 
> But of course it would need an edit mode of the SBS itself.
> On the other hand it might be simpler to let iPeng edit the tags of the
> tracks directly, by adding the real share and a login... 
> Just ideas, will such ever come?
I don't think so. Apart from being horrendously complex it's also
dangerous (can break your files)
> Other ideas?
Someone could write a plugin.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-17 Thread pippin

Sinergie;611920 Wrote: 
> I've set English as language in MySB. It would be weird if then Dutch
> strings are used in iPeng, wouldn't it?
No. The client decides on the language delivered by the server. iPeng
always choses the language set on the iThingy.
Mnyb;611924 Wrote: 
> Does iPeng for iPad sometimes crash ? It just dissapears for me
> sometimes and when I choose iPeng again I see the little penguin
> collection and it populates the album list over again ?
> I switch between apps regurarly on my pad, mostly iRule iPeng & Safari
I don't know, I haven't got any crash reports yet but I suspect there
might be a memory leak in the playback.

zimmer62;611932 Wrote: 
> Is there any chance you could look into supporting a custom URL Scheme
> for iPeng?  It would allow other apps, or webpages to launch iPeng and
> possibly perform actions that you approve of such as starting or
> stopping music.
Yes, that's in the works. Will be in 1.4.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-17 Thread pippin

Sinergie;611943 Wrote: 
> Hmm if the client delivers English (since i set it to English) and iPeng
> uses the language from the iThingy which is Dutch, then why does MySB
> send Dutch to iPeng? Because iPeng uses Dutch? And howcome iPeng's
> translations get overruled by MySB?
> Or do i just have to live with those crappy translations from Logitech?
> :(

iPeng _is_ the client here :)
iPeng tells the server - MySB or SBS - which language it wants and
that's what the server is supposed to send. The server doesn't always
do that (e.g. for but that's a different story...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-18 Thread pippin

Jeff Flowerday;612183 Wrote: 
> Not sure if someone mentioned this yet.
> With background audio playing, if you start iPeng it's fine.  If you
> task switch to iPeng, it kills your background audio.  FYI: Playback is
> disabled in iPeng.

Is "Background Audio" in this case another Squeezebox App?
But you are right, iPeng currently isn't particularly cooperative, this
actually isn't the audio itself but a side effect of the volume control
button usage.
It's on my definite to-do-list for the next update.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-19 Thread pippin

On the Playback: I have to admit I never tried iOS 4 on 1G/2G devices so
I don't know about performance.
The current iPeng does have an issue with a background thread locking
up which is what drains the battery, maybe it helps when that will be
fixed in the next release.
Also, did you try how it performs with mp3 files?

On the landscape: could someone file a ticket.
Although this one is a bit of a hard one...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-19 Thread pippin

I'm actually surprised this worked at all, iPeng currently doesn't
support PCM at all (it made a few things easier and the server is
supposed to encode everything as FLAC anyway).
The next version will support it but I'd still recommend against using

Mnyb;612421 Wrote: 
> To get iPeng on iPad to lok better I opted for really big cover art on
> my latest albums, the big art looks awesome but i get no small pic's in
> iPeng for thoose albums ?
Please try to flush the cache in these cases. The server sometimes
scans artwork late and if iPeng gets the wrong (or no) image once it
keeps this as ling as the cache is valid.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-20 Thread pippin

MrSinatra;612481 Wrote: 
> can ipeng setup a SBR from scratch?  if not, any point in filing a req
> to ask that it could?

No and no :)
I have planned to do a separate, free app for that for a while but
never found the time for it, it's still on the to-do list.
A few thoughts:
- in any case you would have to connect the Receiver on wired Ethernet
to set it up, wireless setup won't work because (App Store) Apps can't
change the WiFi network.
- From what I hear I believe the process is unreliable and I don't want
something like that in iPeng, especially given the amount of support
effort it will require
- Technically it would be just UI, I have all the UDAP stuff, I did
that when I implemented the feature to connect "lost" players.

So let's hope I find some free time for a setup App.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-20 Thread pippin

MrSinatra;612492 Wrote: 
> does the SBC change the wifi network somehow, to be able to connect the
> SBR wirelessly?  i've wondered how that worked...
The Receiver sets up it's own WiFi network which the Controller
connects to.
> why logitech does this is beyond me.

It _IS_ complex. How else would you connect a device to a password
protected WiFI network without entering a password on the device.

WPS works fine but is only supported by newer routers and also wasn't
around when the Receiver was developed.

The good solution would probably have been a USB port and a config file
on a memory stick.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-20 Thread pippin

There is no universal way to do the wifi connection on any platform, on
the Controller, they have the HW under control.

I believe they also don't want to support any more complex solution.

Why they don't support it on the Touch/Radio I have no idea.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-20 Thread pippin

esbrewer;612656 Wrote: 
> Should iPeng playback work when Inguz DRC is active? I just started
> using Inguz again in the last few days and can't seem to get my iPod
> Touch to connect to SBS since.

I have no idea, never tried that.
What does it do?
Could it be that it streams everything as PCM/WAV? iPeng currently
doesn't support that but will do so in the next release.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-20 Thread pippin



see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-21 Thread pippin

michel;612802 Wrote: 
> @pippin
> Any news on my crash reports?
> Thx

I believe it has to do with the performance issue (the hanging
background thread) plus probably a large library.
Or you are having an issue with your flash disc on the iPod.
What happens is that iPeng crashes while writing it's status data to
the disc, probably because the operation takes too long.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-22 Thread pippin

stan323;612974 Wrote: 
> I just posted a ticket about this.  I've been looking around but
> starting to feel like I am the only one having this problem...
> When I use group control to sync my squeezebox boom, mac with
> squeezeplay installed, and iphone with playback iPeng constantly
> crashes.  Somehow I have gotten it to work a few times, but mostly it
> just freezes up whenever I play a track.
> This is happening despite the fact that I don't have any problem when
> it is just my phone and squeezeplay synched, or my phone and the boom
> synched.  I do not have any problems when controlling all three devices
> unsynched either.  
> Does anyone have any idea what is going on here?!  
> iphone 3GS 2.4
> mac OSX 10.6.4
> iPeng 1.3.1

I never tried this. Will give it some testing mileage.
What file format are you using? Could it be it's something that needs
to be transcoded for the Boom, e.g. AAC?


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-22 Thread pippin

1) it's definitely not expected.
If you play an AAC file synced between iPeng and SqueezePlay, could you
"hold" the cover in iPeng to get the NowPlaying context menu and look at
the file type in "More Info"? I would need the info for both iPeng and
SqueezePlay, in SqueezePlay you can get it by going to the current
playlist and "holding" the current track.

2. I don't have a fix but at least the crashes should be fixable.
Here's what I suspect: iPeng can play AAC natively, Boom can not, I
don't know about SqueezePlay. I guess that for some reason your server
transcodes to PCM/WAV (instead of FLAC) when you sync with SqueezePlay.
iPeng can't play WAV.
OR SqueezePlay fir some reason enforces transcoding to mp3 and your
server doesn't have lame installed (see Settings->Player
Settings->Audio, I believe).

Edit: I believe FLAC should always work.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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Re: [SlimDevices: Plugins] iPeng support thread

2011-02-22 Thread pippin

stan323;613082 Wrote: 
> In playing with the playback function so much in the past 24 hrs, I also
> noticed something that may be of interest to iPeng users.  It seems that
> when I have my phone and other devices synched there is initially a gap
> with playback.  After skipping a song or two from my phone it often
> disappears, and sounds to be perfectly in sync.  If I then change
> tracks from my computer it reappears.  
> Does this match what others are experiencing?

Generally, syncing with iPeng's playback is not supposed to be
supported. It can work well if the streams start in sync or if iPeng is
the "faster" player but it doesn't actively stay in sync.


see iPeng, the Squeezebox iPhone remote and 
*New: iPeng for iPad*, at

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