Re: A question about Postfix and virus scanning

2009-12-01 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Thank you a lot for all these valuable information. Your reply proved that
there exists some circumstances where nothing can help but experience.
Thanks again.
Regarding the points which had mentioned in your mail, I would like to ask a
question concerning what Wietse proposed. Does the usage of milter help? I
mean, is the milter architecture considered as a way to kill spam load
_before_ piping inbound connections to AS/AV content filter daemons? Or,
achieving that goal is just through configuring Postfix itself?
Thanks again Stan.

Warm Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/12/1 Stan Hoeppner

 Ali Majdzadeh put forth on 12/1/2009 12:25 AM:
  Dear friends,
  Thanks for this nice discussion. Actually, as a project, we are going to
  deliver an e-mail architecture which supports over 100 users. We use
  Postfix, courier-imap, amavisd-new, spamassassin and clamav and of
  course the tools needed to balance the load between multiple instances
  of the mentioned tools. We use specmail to test our architecture.
  Recently, we have introduced our intended e-mail filtering platform
  consisting amavisd-new, spamassassin and clamav to the architecture and
  we have observed significant delivery time decrease regarding Postifx.
  As a way out, we thought of the ways which made it possible to do
  offline virus scanning, but actually we have found that amavisd-new
  together with it's filtering tools is a serious performance bottleneck.
  I really appreciate suggestions regarding this scenario.

 Hi Ali,

 First off, this is an edge solution, correct?  These Postfix servers are
 MX hosts?  If so...

 I humbly, but seriously, suggest you hire Victor or another highly
 qualified Postfix engineer to assist you with architecting your 1
 million user solution.  Also, SpecMail 2009 is not a valid test of what
 your real world mail stream will be once you go live.  You absolutely
 cannot rely on this benchmark to give you realistic feedback on the
 performance of your architecture.  It doesn't, and cannot, simulate real
 spam streams.  And spam attempts will be 50-90% of your real world
 connection load.



 The SPECmail2009 benchmark measures the ability of corporate e-mail
 systems to meet today's demanding e-mail users over fast corporate local
 area networks (LAN). The SPECmail2009 benchmark simulates corporate mail
 server workloads that range from 250 to 10,000 or more users, using
 industry standard SMTP and IMAP4 protocols. This e-mail server benchmark
 creates client workloads based on a 40,000 user corporation, and uses
 folder and message MIME structures that include both traditional office
 documents and a variety of rich media content. The benchmark also adds
 support for encrypted network connections using industry standard SSL
 v3.0 and TLS 1.0 technology. SPECmail2009 replaces all versions of
 SPECmail2008, first released in August 2008. The results from the two
 benchmarks are not comparable. With the availability of SPECmail2009,
 SPEC has retired the SPECmail2008 benchmark. SPEC will stop accepting
 new SPECmail2008 results as of the submission deadline on June 12, 2009.

 For a 1 million user system, you absolutely need to kill 90%+ of your
 spam load _before_ piping inbound connections to your AS/AV content
 filter daemons.  You are seeing why already with the results of this
 synthetic benchmark pumping only _legit_ mail through your system.  Of
 your inbound spam, you should be able to kill on the order of 50-80% or
 more, with merely the following, _BEFORE_ piping to SpamAssassin,
 clamav, or amavisd-new:

 smtpd_client_restrictions =

 smtpd_sender_restricions =

 smtpd_helo_required = yes
 smtpd_helo_restrictions =

 smtpd_recipient_restrictions =
check_policy_service inet:

 For a 1 million user site, you'll need to make arrangements with
 Spamhaus to get access to the Data Feed Service.  The above usage
 example is for smaller sites with low query rates.  You'd need to run
 rbldnsd on your postfix servers or mirror the Spamhaus zone(s) on a
 local dns server.  That's beyond the scope of this email.

 The policy service above is the Postfix greylisting daemon called
 postgrey.  It is very effective against residential broadband infected
 PCs, or botnets.  It will kill a ton of spam without consuming near the
 resources or content filters.

 The bulk of efficient spam blocking is performed based on the following:

 1.  Client IP address reputation (think dnsbl, local block lists)
 2.  Client FCrDNS (PTR name), lack thereof or generic (think dsl/cable)
 3.  Improper HELO

Re: A question about Postfix and virus scanning

2009-12-01 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Thanks for your reply. I recall that I had read about another filtering
option available in Postfix which was called smtpd_proxy_filter (if I spell
it correctly) and which filtered messages before queuing. So, is there any
difference between the so-called method and using Milter?
Thanks again.

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/12/1 Wietse Venema

 Ali Majdzadeh:
  question concerning what Wietse proposed. Does the usage of milter help?
  mean, is the milter architecture considered as a way to kill spam load
  _before_ piping inbound connections to AS/AV content filter daemons? Or,

 Milter is a way to inspect or update message content without making
 extra copies of the message. It has some scaling issues 1) it
 processes mail before-queue, which some will find a feature and 2)
 all requests are handled by one Milter process; the latter may be
 addressed by using a third-party multiplexer that spreads requests
 across multiple milter process instances.

 As a general rule, the earlier you can block mail, the better.  In
 some countries, the inbound SMTP session is the only place where
 you can block incoming mail, because mail cannot be discarded.
 The postscreen program ( takes this a
 little further by keeping the bots away from the SMTP server.

 Unfortunately, I can't be of much further help here. 1M users is
 a thousand times beyond my first-hand experience, and that was
 before SPAM became a problem.


Re: A question about Postfix and virus scanning

2009-12-01 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Thanks for all these useful points. I will inform the list about the results
of our tests regarding the issue.

Warm Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/12/1 Wietse Venema

 Ali Majdzadeh:
  Thanks for your reply. I recall that I had read about another filtering
  option available in Postfix which was called smtpd_proxy_filter (if I
  it correctly) and which filtered messages before queuing. So, is there
  difference between the so-called method and using Milter?
  Thanks again.

 Both Milter and smtpd_proxy_filter process mail before it is queued.
 The smtpd_proxy_filter approach is more general (it uses SMTP
 instead of the Milter protocol). I haven't done performance

 If your performance is inadequate, I suggest that you do a detailed
 system performance analysis to find out if the limit is CPU, memory,
 file I/O or perhaps some trivial DNS configuration problem.


Re: A question about Postfix and virus scanning

2009-11-30 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Thanks for your detailed response. Actually, the main reason which drove us
toward performing virus scanning as an offline process was performance. As
we deal with large amounts of e-mails, we found the way amavisd-new or other
filtering management tools performing filtering too slow. We intended to
somehow decrease the amount of load which amavisd-new or similar tools
impose on the architecture.

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/11/30 Stan Hoeppner

 Ali Majdzadeh put forth on 11/30/2009 12:28 AM:
  Hello all,
  I do not know whether here is the right place to ask this question or
  not, but I would like to know if it is a good idea to perform offline
  e-mail virus scanning. By offline, I mean a scenario in which e-mail
  filtering management tools (like amavisd-new) do not hand out received
  e-mails to virus scanners (like clamav), instead, virus scanning is
  performed on mailboxes as regular files on the file system. Does anyone
  have any experiences regarding this scenario? Is at all this scenario
  sane or applicable?

 Why would you ever want to write a virus to a user mailbox and then scan
 it later?  Unless you have a flawless realtime virus scanner daemon that
 checks every file as it's written to the file system, you open up the
 possibility that a user will open that mail file containing the virus
 before the system quarantines or deletes it.

 Why would you not want to identify a viral payload as soon as it hits
 your MTA, and delete it immediately?  This is analogous to waiting until
 the home invaders have entered your childrens' bedroom to call the
 police, instead of calling the police when you heard the front door
 being kicked down.

 Back in the day (maybe still) virus scanner plugins for Microsoft
 Exchange worked in a similar fashion.  And on occasion, disaster struck
 as a result of it, with a user's Outlook client pulling the viral email
 before the A/V plugin was able to scan it.  IIRC, the reason for this
 was two fold:  First, Microsoft had no interface to allow third party
 scanners to look at queue files directly, because doing so would
 literally break Exchange.  Second, because Exchange stores all mail
 files in a database instead of as individual files, A/V vendors were
 required to write SQL like queries to scan the records within the
 database.  Exchange is anything but a realtime database.  Because of
 this architecture, and the potentially large time delays created by a
 loaded system, it was impossible to guarantee anything close to realtime
 scanning of inbound mail.  I believe MS has since changed the
 architecture to allow A/V scanning of mail whilst it's in the inbound
 queue.  It's been a long time since I dealt with Exchange, the above
 architectural short sightedness being one of the reasons for that.

 In summary, scan the mail as it enters the edge MTA, and deal with viri
 at that point in time.  There may be extreme border cases for very large
 orgs where a tiered mail delivery approach and downstream A/V scanning
 is desirable, but I'm guessing your org doesn't fit in such a case.


Re: A question about Postfix and virus scanning

2009-11-30 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Dear friends,
Thanks for this nice discussion. Actually, as a project, we are going to
deliver an e-mail architecture which supports over 100 users. We use
Postfix, courier-imap, amavisd-new, spamassassin and clamav and of course
the tools needed to balance the load between multiple instances of the
mentioned tools. We use specmail to test our architecture. Recently, we have
introduced our intended e-mail filtering platform consisting amavisd-new,
spamassassin and clamav to the architecture and we have observed significant
delivery time decrease regarding Postifx. As a way out, we thought of the
ways which made it possible to do offline virus scanning, but actually we
have found that amavisd-new together with it's filtering tools is a serious
performance bottleneck.
I really appreciate suggestions regarding this scenario.

Warm Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/12/1 Thomas Harold

 On 11/30/2009 3:11 AM, Ali Majdzadeh wrote:

 Stan, Hi Thanks for your detailed response. Actually, the main reason
 which drove us toward performing virus scanning as an offline process
 was performance. As we deal with large amounts of e-mails, we found
 the way amavisd-new or other filtering management tools performing
 filtering too slow. We intended to somehow decrease the amount of
 load which amavisd-new or similar tools impose on the architecture.

 Did you only try virus filtering within amavisd-new, or did you also try
 using the clamav-milter at SMTP time?  How much are you blocking at SMTP
 time and how much is getting through to amavisd for scoring?

 (On a side note, I'm curious whether the new clamav milter in ClamAV
 0.95 is faster and better then letting the messages reach amavisd-new.
 I use the clamav-milter and have disabled virus scanning on the
 amavisd-new side.)

A question about Postfix and virus scanning

2009-11-29 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Hello all,
I do not know whether here is the right place to ask this question or not,
but I would like to know if it is a good idea to perform offline e-mail
virus scanning. By offline, I mean a scenario in which e-mail filtering
management tools (like amavisd-new) do not hand out received e-mails to
virus scanners (like clamav), instead, virus scanning is performed on
mailboxes as regular files on the file system. Does anyone have any
experiences regarding this scenario? Is at all this scenario sane or

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

Re: A question about Postfix and virus scanning

2009-11-29 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Thanks for your mail. I have used amavisd-new but unfortunately it can not
handle e-mail scanning in offline mode.
Anyway, thanks a lot.

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani


 Hi Ali,

 The scenario you're describing is not a good idea because you don't know
 when you're users are going to check they're mail accounts. If you want a
 scalable email checking system and after queue for avoiding slow responses
 from you're smtpd daemons try amavisd-new.


  Hello all,
  I do not know whether here is the right place to ask this question or
  but I would like to know if it is a good idea to perform offline e-mail
  virus scanning. By offline, I mean a scenario in which e-mail filtering
  management tools (like amavisd-new) do not hand out received e-mails to
  virus scanners (like clamav), instead, virus scanning is performed on
  mailboxes as regular files on the file system. Does anyone have any
  experiences regarding this scenario? Is at all this scenario sane or
  Kind Regards
  Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

Re: A question about plain and cram-md5 authentication mechanisms

2009-11-11 Thread Ali Majdzadeh

Thanks for your mail. I use the following options in smtpd.conf:

mech_list: gssapi plain
pwcheck_method: saslauthd
saslauthd_path: /var/run/saslauthd/mux
keytab: /etc/krb5.keytab

and I am able to use GSSAPI and PLAIN (Over PAM using
mechanisms. How is it possible to add cram-md5 mechanism?
By the way, I do know about sasldb and auxprop, but what I plan to achieve
is to have cram-md5 mechanism while supporting plain mechanism using
saslauthd, PAM and I have got no problems using native GSSAPI

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/11/11 Magnus Bäck

 On Wed, November 11, 2009 8:16 am, Ali Majdzadeh said:

  Thanks for your mail. I use the following options in smtpd.conf:

 Reply to the list, not to me. I'm setting the Reply-To header for a reason.

 Magnus Bäck

Re: A question about plain and cram-md5 authentication mechanisms

2009-11-11 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Thanks for your mail. I do not use LDAP, instead I use PAM and I want to
have the following authentication mechanisms together:

PLAIN (over PAM, and saslauthd)

Currently, two of these work fine together; plain and gssapi, but I am not
able to get cram-md5 working.

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/11/11 Ali Majdzadeh

 Thanks for your mail. I do not use LDAP, instead I use PAM and I want to
 have the following authentication mechanisms together:

 PLAIN (over PAM, and saslauthd)

 Currently, two of these work fine together; plain and gssapi, but I am not
 able to get cram-md5 working.

 Kind Regards
 Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

 2009/11/11 suomi

 Hi Ali
 i had problems using login, plain, cram-md5 and digest-md5 (all toghether)
 through saslauthd. At this site, all mail parameters are in LDAP, so i had
 to tell saslauthd to get the authentication parameters from LDAP. For the
 tests, i had inserted the passwords in plaintext into LDAP. But as soon as
 saslauthd saw, that it had to go via LDAP, it asked for /etc/sasldb2 and
 wanted to go via auxprop.
 i did not test eny further then and went back to using auxprop with
 See also my submission dated 9/24/2009


 On 2009-11-11 08:51, Ali Majdzadeh wrote:

 Thanks for your mail. I use the following options in smtpd.conf:

 mech_list: gssapi plain
 pwcheck_method: saslauthd
 saslauthd_path: /var/run/saslauthd/mux
 keytab: /etc/krb5.keytab

 and I am able to use GSSAPI and PLAIN (Over PAM using
 mechanisms. How is it possible to add cram-md5 mechanism?
 By the way, I do know about sasldb and auxprop, but what I plan to
 achieve is to have cram-md5 mechanism while supporting plain mechanism
 using saslauthd, PAM and I have got no problems using
 native GSSAPI support.

 Kind Regards
 Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

 2009/11/11 Patrick Ben Koetter

* Ali Majdzadeh

  Hello All
  Is it possible to have both PLAIN and CRAM-MD5 authentication
  mechanisms using SASL?

Yes. The password must be stored as plaintext. Then plaintext and
shared-secret mechanisms will work.


All technical questions asked privately will be automatically
answered on the
list and archived for public access unless privacy is explicitely
required and

saslfinger (debugging SMTP AUTH):

Re: A question about plain and cram-md5 authentication mechanisms

2009-11-11 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Thanks for your reply. So if I have concluded correctly, the following
configuration is the one which should bring together gssapi, plain and
cram-md5 authentication mechanisms:

pwcheck_method: saslauthd auxprop
mech_list: gssapi plain cram-md5
saslauthd_path: /var/run/saslauthd/mux
keytab: /etc/krb5.keytab
auxprop_plugin: sasldb

But, you say that currently this does not work. True?
What about ldapdb? I mean, is there actually anyway to achieve such a setup?
Is it possible to use ldapdb in a way that eliminates the need to duplicate
the credentials?

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/11/11 Patrick Ben Koetter

 * Ali Majdzadeh
  Thanks for your mail. I use the following options in smtpd.conf:
  mech_list: gssapi plain
  pwcheck_method: saslauthd
  saslauthd_path: /var/run/saslauthd/mux
  keytab: /etc/krb5.keytab
  and I am able to use GSSAPI and PLAIN (Over PAM using
  mechanisms. How is it possible to add cram-md5 mechanism?

 Sorry, but no. saslauthd is unable to handle shared-secret mechanisms. You
 could, theoretically, tell libsasl to query different pwcheck_methods like

 pwcheck_method: saslauthd auxprop
 mech_list: gssapi plain cram-md5
 saslauthd_path: /var/run/saslauthd/mux
 keytab: /etc/krb5.keytab
 auxprop_plugin: sasldb

 libsasl would first try verification using saslauthd and if that fails it
 would turn to auxprop sasldb. This backend COULD provide cram-md5, but
 would have to provide credentials in your kerberos backend AND in sasldb,
 which IMHO is a pain to support and somehow renders all the security
 for GSSAPI and kerberos useless, because you store the same credentials in
 plaintext in a local database file.

  By the way, I do know about sasldb and auxprop, but what I plan to
  is to have cram-md5 mechanism while supporting plain mechanism using
  saslauthd, PAM and I have got no problems using native

 AFAIK this in not possible at the moment.


  Kind Regards
  Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani
  2009/11/11 Patrick Ben Koetter
   * Ali Majdzadeh
Hello All
Is it possible to have both PLAIN and CRAM-MD5 authentication
mechanisms using SASL?
   Yes. The password must be stored as plaintext. Then plaintext and
   shared-secret mechanisms will work.
   All technical questions asked privately will be automatically answered
   list and archived for public access unless privacy is explicitely
   saslfinger (debugging SMTP AUTH):

 All technical questions asked privately will be automatically answered on
 list and archived for public access unless privacy is explicitely required

 saslfinger (debugging SMTP AUTH):

Re: A question about plain and cram-md5 authentication mechanisms

2009-11-11 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Thanks a lot for your help. I will test the mentioned configuration and will
post the results to the list. I hope it works. Unfortunately, I do not have
so much knowledge about LDAP, but I do know that it is possible to store
Kerberos principals in an LDAP structure. Well, I don't know whether that is
useful or not.
Thanks again.

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/11/11, Patrick Ben Koetter

 * Ali Majdzadeh

  Thanks for your reply. So if I have concluded correctly, the following
  configuration is the one which should bring together gssapi, plain and
  cram-md5 authentication mechanisms:

 It should. I have never done this myself.

  pwcheck_method: saslauthd auxprop
  mech_list: gssapi plain cram-md5
  saslauthd_path: /var/run/saslauthd/mux
  keytab: /etc/krb5.keytab
  auxprop_plugin: sasldb
  But, you say that currently this does not work. True?

 It does not work, if you use saslauthd alone. You need an auxprop_plugin to
 get access to shared-secret mechs.

  What about ldapdb? I mean, is there actually anyway to achieve such a

 ldapdb gives access to OpenLDAP. If (!) you store the userpassword values
 plaintext, then you can use shared-secret mechanisms, such as CRAM-MD5 (and
 also DIGEST-MD5 and NTLM).

  Is it possible to use ldapdb in a way that eliminates the need to
  the credentials?

 AFAIK you still need to run ldapdb - OpenLDAP and Kerberos in parallel.
 Single entry password maintainance should be possible using an OpenLDAP
 overlay, which IIRC changes passwords in OpenLDAP and kerberos at the same
 time. I don't remember the overlays name, though. Maybe its best to ask the
 openldap mailing list how you can use kerberos and LDAP at the same time
 then see how that goes together with SMTP AUTH.


  Kind Regards
  Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani
  2009/11/11 Patrick Ben Koetter
   * Ali Majdzadeh
Thanks for your mail. I use the following options in smtpd.conf:
mech_list: gssapi plain
pwcheck_method: saslauthd
saslauthd_path: /var/run/saslauthd/mux
keytab: /etc/krb5.keytab
and I am able to use GSSAPI and PLAIN (Over PAM using
mechanisms. How is it possible to add cram-md5 mechanism?
   Sorry, but no. saslauthd is unable to handle shared-secret mechanisms.
   could, theoretically, tell libsasl to query different pwcheck_methods
   pwcheck_method: saslauthd auxprop
   mech_list: gssapi plain cram-md5
   saslauthd_path: /var/run/saslauthd/mux
   keytab: /etc/krb5.keytab
   auxprop_plugin: sasldb
   libsasl would first try verification using saslauthd and if that fails
   would turn to auxprop sasldb. This backend COULD provide cram-md5,
   would have to provide credentials in your kerberos backend AND in
   which IMHO is a pain to support and somehow renders all the security
   for GSSAPI and kerberos useless, because you store the same credentials
   plaintext in a local database file.
By the way, I do know about sasldb and auxprop, but what I plan to
is to have cram-md5 mechanism while supporting plain mechanism using
saslauthd, PAM and I have got no problems using native
   AFAIK this in not possible at the moment.
Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani
2009/11/11 Patrick Ben Koetter
 * Ali Majdzadeh
  Hello All
  Is it possible to have both PLAIN and CRAM-MD5 authentication
  mechanisms using SASL?

 Yes. The password must be stored as plaintext. Then plaintext and
 shared-secret mechanisms will work.


 All technical questions asked privately will be automatically
 list and archived for public access unless privacy is explicitely

 saslfinger (debugging SMTP AUTH):

   All technical questions asked privately will be automatically answered
   list and archived for public access unless privacy is explicitely
   saslfinger (debugging SMTP AUTH):


 All technical questions asked privately will be automatically answered on
 list and archived for public access unless privacy is explicitely required

 saslfinger (debugging SMTP AUTH):

Re: A question about plain and cram-md5 authentication mechanisms

2009-11-11 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Thanks for your attention. You are right, but unfortunately we have got some
in-house developed mail clients which are bound to use cram-md5
authentication mechanism. Well, I think I should investigate on integrating
LDAP to our architecture and figure out the new opportunities.
Thanks again.

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/11/11, Victor Duchovni

 On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 11:21:33AM +0330, Ali Majdzadeh wrote:

  mech_list: gssapi plain
  pwcheck_method: saslauthd
  saslauthd_path: /var/run/saslauthd/mux
  keytab: /etc/krb5.keytab
  and I am able to use GSSAPI and PLAIN (Over PAM using
  mechanisms. How is it possible to add cram-md5 mechanism?

 Why bother? Between GSSAPI and PLAIN, you are offering both ends of the
 spectrum. Cram-md5 just forces you store plain-text passwords, which is
 rarely a good idea.


 Disclaimer: off-list followups get on-list replies or get ignored.
 Please do not ignore the Reply-To header.

 To unsubscribe from the postfix-users list, visit or click the link below:

 If my response solves your problem, the best way to thank me is to not
 send an it worked, thanks follow-up. If you must respond, please put
 It worked, thanks in the Subject so I can delete these quickly.

Re: A question about plain and cram-md5 authentication mechanisms

2009-11-10 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Thanks for your mail. I use the following options in smtpd.conf:

mech_list: gssapi plain
pwcheck_method: saslauthd
saslauthd_path: /var/run/saslauthd/mux
keytab: /etc/krb5.keytab

and I am able to use GSSAPI and PLAIN (Over PAM using
mechanisms. How is it possible to add cram-md5 mechanism?
By the way, I do know about sasldb and auxprop, but what I plan to achieve
is to have cram-md5 mechanism while supporting plain mechanism using
saslauthd, PAM and I have got no problems using native GSSAPI

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/11/11 Patrick Ben Koetter

 * Ali Majdzadeh
  Hello All
  Is it possible to have both PLAIN and CRAM-MD5 authentication
  mechanisms using SASL?

 Yes. The password must be stored as plaintext. Then plaintext and
 shared-secret mechanisms will work.


 All technical questions asked privately will be automatically answered on
 list and archived for public access unless privacy is explicitely required

 saslfinger (debugging SMTP AUTH):

Re: Problem using Postfix, saslauthd and pam_krb5

2009-11-08 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Thanks a lot, I managed to solve the problem. I can now authenticate users
using SASL, saslauthd, PAM and (and of cource Kerberos!)
Thanks again.

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/11/8 Ali Majdzadeh

 Thanks a lot. You are very helpful.

 Kind Regards
 Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

 2009/11/8 Victor Duchovni

 On Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 11:11:36PM +0330, Ali Majdzadeh wrote:

  I managed to test the configuration using the sample programs provided
  Cyrus. But I can not test the configuration using Postfix. Sample users
  which are defined as principles are successfully authenticated using
  authentication mechanism, and saslauthd, but the similar
  configuration for Postfix, always fails.

 Turn up the debug level in saslauthd, and find out what queries it is
 handling and why it believes the password to be incorrect.


 Disclaimer: off-list followups get on-list replies or get ignored.
 Please do not ignore the Reply-To header.

 To unsubscribe from the postfix-users list, visit or click the link below:

 If my response solves your problem, the best way to thank me is to not
 send an it worked, thanks follow-up. If you must respond, please put
 It worked, thanks in the Subject so I can delete these quickly.

Re: Problem using Postfix, saslauthd and pam_krb5

2009-11-07 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Sorry about the previous mail. The logs which I sent were incorrect.
Actually, there are no log messages just the following one in

Nov  7 11:44:54 client2 postfix/smtpd[13159]: warning: SASL authentication
failure: Password verification failed

But, as I told you before, I can successfully test the authentication
process using sasltestuser.

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/11/7 Ali Majdzadeh

 I hope that you are still following this thread. After a couple of testing,
 I saw the following error in auth.log:

 Nov  7 11:14:51 client2 saslauthd[2882]: DEBUG: auth_pam: pam_authenticate
 failed: Permission denied
 Nov  7 11:14:51 client2 saslauthd[2882]: do_auth : auth failure:
 [user=rana] [service=smtp] [realm=] [mech=pam] [reason=PAM auth error]

 Do you have any ideas about these?

 Kind Regards
 Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

 2009/11/2 Ali Majdzadeh

 Thanks a lot for your help. I am going to test your solutions. Thanks

 Warm Regards
 Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

 2009/11/2 Victor Duchovni

 On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 04:30:21PM +0330, Ali Majdzadeh wrote:

  I have configured saslauthd to use pam for password verification and I
  to use pam_krb5 as the authentication back-end. I have set the
  options in /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf:
  log_level: 3
  pwcheck_method: saslauthd
  mech_list: plain login
  Also, I have entered the following lines in /etc/pam.d/smtp
  authsufficient  /lib/security/
  session required/lib/security/
  account required/lib/security/
  passwordsufficient  /lib/security/
  When I use testsaslauthd as testsaslauthd -u user -p pass -s smtp -f
  /var/run/saslauthd/mux, it can successfully authenticate the user
 which has
  a corresponding principal in my kerberos configuration. But, when I
 want to
  use telnet to actually test the smtp server, the authentication fails.

  the way, what should be provided to the server when the desired
  authentication mechanism is plain? (Is that something like:  perl
  -MMIME::Base64 -e 'print encode_base64(user\0pass)')?

 No. You need a leading \0 for an empty authzid.



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Re: Problem using Postfix, saslauthd and pam_krb5

2009-11-07 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
I managed to test the configuration using the sample programs provided by
Cyrus. But I can not test the configuration using Postfix. Sample users
which are defined as principles are successfully authenticated using PLAIN
authentication mechanism, and saslauthd, but the similar
configuration for Postfix, always fails.

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/11/7 Ali Majdzadeh

 Sorry about the previous mail. The logs which I sent were incorrect.
 Actually, there are no log messages just the following one in

 Nov  7 11:44:54 client2 postfix/smtpd[13159]: warning: SASL authentication
 failure: Password verification failed

 But, as I told you before, I can successfully test the authentication
 process using sasltestuser.

 Kind Regards
 Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

 2009/11/7 Ali Majdzadeh

 I hope that you are still following this thread. After a couple of
 testing, I saw the following error in auth.log:

 Nov  7 11:14:51 client2 saslauthd[2882]: DEBUG: auth_pam: pam_authenticate
 failed: Permission denied
 Nov  7 11:14:51 client2 saslauthd[2882]: do_auth : auth failure:
 [user=rana] [service=smtp] [realm=] [mech=pam] [reason=PAM auth error]

 Do you have any ideas about these?

 Kind Regards
 Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

 2009/11/2 Ali Majdzadeh

 Thanks a lot for your help. I am going to test your solutions. Thanks

 Warm Regards
 Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

 2009/11/2 Victor Duchovni

 On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 04:30:21PM +0330, Ali Majdzadeh wrote:

  I have configured saslauthd to use pam for password verification and I
  to use pam_krb5 as the authentication back-end. I have set the
  options in /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf:
  log_level: 3
  pwcheck_method: saslauthd
  mech_list: plain login
  Also, I have entered the following lines in /etc/pam.d/smtp
  authsufficient  /lib/security/
  session required/lib/security/
  account required/lib/security/
  passwordsufficient  /lib/security/
  When I use testsaslauthd as testsaslauthd -u user -p pass -s smtp -f
  /var/run/saslauthd/mux, it can successfully authenticate the user
 which has
  a corresponding principal in my kerberos configuration. But, when I
 want to
  use telnet to actually test the smtp server, the authentication fails.

  the way, what should be provided to the server when the desired
  authentication mechanism is plain? (Is that something like:  perl
  -MMIME::Base64 -e 'print encode_base64(user\0pass)')?

 No. You need a leading \0 for an empty authzid.



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Re: Problem using Postfix, saslauthd and pam_krb5

2009-11-07 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Thanks a lot. You are very helpful.

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/11/8 Victor Duchovni

 On Sat, Nov 07, 2009 at 11:11:36PM +0330, Ali Majdzadeh wrote:

  I managed to test the configuration using the sample programs provided by
  Cyrus. But I can not test the configuration using Postfix. Sample users
  which are defined as principles are successfully authenticated using
  authentication mechanism, and saslauthd, but the similar
  configuration for Postfix, always fails.

 Turn up the debug level in saslauthd, and find out what queries it is
 handling and why it believes the password to be incorrect.


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Re: Problem using Postfix, saslauthd and pam_krb5

2009-11-06 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
I hope that you are still following this thread. After a couple of testing,
I saw the following error in auth.log:

Nov  7 11:14:51 client2 saslauthd[2882]: DEBUG: auth_pam: pam_authenticate
failed: Permission denied
Nov  7 11:14:51 client2 saslauthd[2882]: do_auth : auth failure:
[user=rana] [service=smtp] [realm=] [mech=pam] [reason=PAM auth error]

Do you have any ideas about these?

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/11/2 Ali Majdzadeh

 Thanks a lot for your help. I am going to test your solutions. Thanks

 Warm Regards
 Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

 2009/11/2 Victor Duchovni

 On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 04:30:21PM +0330, Ali Majdzadeh wrote:

  I have configured saslauthd to use pam for password verification and I
  to use pam_krb5 as the authentication back-end. I have set the following
  options in /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf:
  log_level: 3
  pwcheck_method: saslauthd
  mech_list: plain login
  Also, I have entered the following lines in /etc/pam.d/smtp
  authsufficient  /lib/security/
  session required/lib/security/
  account required/lib/security/
  passwordsufficient  /lib/security/
  When I use testsaslauthd as testsaslauthd -u user -p pass -s smtp -f
  /var/run/saslauthd/mux, it can successfully authenticate the user which
  a corresponding principal in my kerberos configuration. But, when I want
  use telnet to actually test the smtp server, the authentication fails.

  the way, what should be provided to the server when the desired
  authentication mechanism is plain? (Is that something like:  perl
  -MMIME::Base64 -e 'print encode_base64(user\0pass)')?

 No. You need a leading \0 for an empty authzid.



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 It worked, thanks in the Subject so I can delete these quickly.

Re: Problem using Postfix, saslauthd and pam_krb5

2009-11-02 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Thanks a lot for your help. I am going to test your solutions. Thanks again.

Warm Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/11/2 Victor Duchovni

 On Sun, Nov 01, 2009 at 04:30:21PM +0330, Ali Majdzadeh wrote:

  I have configured saslauthd to use pam for password verification and I
  to use pam_krb5 as the authentication back-end. I have set the following
  options in /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf:
  log_level: 3
  pwcheck_method: saslauthd
  mech_list: plain login
  Also, I have entered the following lines in /etc/pam.d/smtp
  authsufficient  /lib/security/
  session required/lib/security/
  account required/lib/security/
  passwordsufficient  /lib/security/
  When I use testsaslauthd as testsaslauthd -u user -p pass -s smtp -f
  /var/run/saslauthd/mux, it can successfully authenticate the user which
  a corresponding principal in my kerberos configuration. But, when I want
  use telnet to actually test the smtp server, the authentication fails.

  the way, what should be provided to the server when the desired
  authentication mechanism is plain? (Is that something like:  perl
  -MMIME::Base64 -e 'print encode_base64(user\0pass)')?

 No. You need a leading \0 for an empty authzid.



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Re: Postfix-SASL-GSSAPI question

2009-11-01 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Thanks a lot for your help. I managed to solve the problem. By the way, have
you got any experiences about using kerberos as a pam module?

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/10/30 Ali Majdzadeh

 Thanks for your guidance. Would please keep an eye on this thread? I am
 going to test the configuration using a properly configured GSSAPI client.
 Possibly, there will be much more questions to ask ;)
 Thank you so much.

 Kind Regards
 Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

 2009/10/29 Victor Duchovni

 On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 07:11:54PM +0330, Ali Majdzadeh wrote:

  Thanks for your mail. Among your experiences with Postfix, GSSAPI and
  probably SASL, have you ever tested your configuration using telnet? If
  is so, would you please describe the procedure? According to your
  mail, I figured out that since I use telnet to test the configuration, I
  should know about the exact handshake process.

 The GSSAPI handshake is too complex for hand-tests with telnet.  Use a
 real GSSAPI client, e.g. a suitably configured Postfix client.


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Problem using Postfix, saslauthd and pam_krb5

2009-11-01 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Hello all
I have configured saslauthd to use pam for password verification and I want
to use pam_krb5 as the authentication back-end. I have set the following
options in /etc/postfix/sasl/smtpd.conf:

log_level: 3
pwcheck_method: saslauthd
mech_list: plain login

Also, I have entered the following lines in /etc/pam.d/smtp

authsufficient  /lib/security/ minimum_uid=1000
session required/lib/security/ minimum_uid=1000
account required/lib/security/ minimum_uid=1000
passwordsufficient  /lib/security/ minimum_uid=1000

When I use testsaslauthd as testsaslauthd -u user -p pass -s smtp -f
/var/run/saslauthd/mux, it can successfully authenticate the user which has
a corresponding principal in my kerberos configuration. But, when I want to
use telnet to actually test the smtp server, the authentication fails. By
the way, what should be provided to the server when the desired
authentication mechanism is plain? (Is that something like:  perl
-MMIME::Base64 -e 'print encode_base64(user\0pass)')? And the last
questions, are all those configuration file names (and definitely) their
content correct? I mean, /etc/postfix/smtpd.conf and /etc/pam.d/smtp?

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

Re: Postfix-SASL-GSSAPI question

2009-10-30 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Thanks for your guidance. Would please keep an eye on this thread? I am
going to test the configuration using a properly configured GSSAPI client.
Possibly, there will be much more questions to ask ;)
Thank you so much.

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/10/29 Victor Duchovni

 On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 07:11:54PM +0330, Ali Majdzadeh wrote:

  Thanks for your mail. Among your experiences with Postfix, GSSAPI and
  probably SASL, have you ever tested your configuration using telnet? If
  is so, would you please describe the procedure? According to your
  mail, I figured out that since I use telnet to test the configuration, I
  should know about the exact handshake process.

 The GSSAPI handshake is too complex for hand-tests with telnet.  Use a
 real GSSAPI client, e.g. a suitably configured Postfix client.


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Re: Postfix-SASL-GSSAPI question

2009-10-29 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Thanks for your mail. Do you test the configuration using mail clients like
Thunderbird or something like that? If not, what do you actually use in
order to test the configuration?

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/10/28 Victor Duchovni

 On Wed, Oct 28, 2009 at 05:11:33PM +0330, Ali Majdzadeh wrote:

  auth gssapi base 64 encoded userid

 The GSSAPI handshake does not work this way.

  When I monitor the logs, I see the following failure messages:
  warning: SASL authentication failure: GSSAPI Error: Invalid token was
  supplied (No error)
  What does the above line mean? Where do I go wrong in the process?

 A base64 encoded username is not a valid GSSAPI token. Test with an
 actual GSSAPI client. FWIW, Postfix works just fine with GSSAPI here.

 As in your configuration, the server uses a keytab and KRB5_KTNAME is
 set in the server environment (import_environment=...). The server
 keytab belongs to the postfix ($mail_owner) user.

 In our case the client (sending) system also has a keytab, but it is not
 used directly, rather a cron job runs periodically, and uses kinit -t
 to refresh the client credential cache. The client also has
 import_environment=... with a setting for KRB5_CCNAME.


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Re: Postfix-SASL-GSSAPI question

2009-10-29 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Thanks for your mail. Among your experiences with Postfix, GSSAPI and
probably SASL, have you ever tested your configuration using telnet? If it
is so, would you please describe the procedure? According to your previous
mail, I figured out that since I use telnet to test the configuration, I
should know about the exact handshake process.
Thanks again.

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani

2009/10/29 Victor Duchovni

 On Thu, Oct 29, 2009 at 02:26:54PM +0330, Ali Majdzadeh wrote:

  Thanks for your mail. Do you test the configuration using mail clients
  Thunderbird or something like that? If not, what do you actually use in
  order to test the configuration?

 I have successfully performed GSSAPI authenticated SMTP submission to
 Postfix with Thunderbird, (MacOSX native email client), mutt
 and a GSSAPI-capable Postfix client. All work.

 Not much testing these days, it all just works.


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Postfix-SASL-GSSAPI question

2009-10-28 Thread Ali Majdzadeh
Hello All
I have installed cyrus-SASL libraries to do GSSAPI-based authentication when
interacting with Postfix. I have also installed and tested Kerberos. I can
successfully test GSSAPI authentication using samples provided by SASL
(sample-server and sample-client). I have created a service principal for
Postfix as smtp/ and I
have put the corresponding keytab file in /etc/krb5.keytab. Also, I have set
the KRB5_KTNAME environment variable to point to the keytab file. Using
kadmin.local and ktadd -k, I import smtp's keytab and I can verify it by
issuing klist -k. Under /etc/postfix/sasl, I have created smtp.conf with the
following contents:
keytab: /etc/smtp.keytab
mech_list: gssapi
Before testing Postfix, I use kinit to authenticate the user who wants to
authenticate to Postfix. Then, I use telnet to test GSSAPI authentication:
# telnet 25
auth gssapi base 64 encoded userid
When I monitor the logs, I see the following failure messages:
warning: SASL authentication failure: GSSAPI Error: Invalid token was
supplied (No error)
What does the above line mean? Where do I go wrong in the process?

Kind Regards
Ali Majdzadeh Kohbanani