Re(2): Who White Lady?

2004-06-03 Thread Sead

After e-mail exchange with Jerome, I must correct myself:

Eventhough White Lady is a nice name, that is something that seems to be
the past as of version 4.0.

What I am witnessing with my database is not white lady but something
else, some corrupted message or something similar, not White Lady...

A Blonde Lady or a Brunette Lady? :-)

Best regards,


Better you don't know her. :-)

It's a bug that prevents from indexing your message database correctly,
thus interfering with search function.
Some people never see it, some people can get rid of it and some (like
myself) can't.
I see it a major annoyance, but not something brutal that you should be
afraid for your messages being eaten by an alien lady or something. It's
just you can;t index messages after she appears and these messages are
then skipped while performing search filter.

Hope this comes close to explaining it in layman terms.

Best regards,

Who is this While Lady Sead is having trouble with. How can I recognise
her and what trouble does she cause?


Re: PM and Little Snitch

2004-06-03 Thread listes

Chris Walker [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Hi all,
 I'm not sure if this is a PM problem.  for some reason Little Snitch will
 not remember to allow PM sending mail via SMTP.  Even though I allow it
 forever, after quitting PM it forgets and asks again.  It only does this
 with sending Mail and not with the POP3 port.  I've trashed Snitch's
 prefs but it still persists.  

did you check in snitch that you allowed PM forever *and for any
server*? (you can see this on the snitch control panel rather than
trashing all its prefs file)

remove .listes and add a dot after fh please
enlevez .listes et ajoutez un point après fh

Re(2): Is there a script or something?

2004-06-03 Thread Larry Samberg

Interesting idea but have you spent much time dealing with IT
departments in big companies?
It is easier to deal with the duplicated emails :)

Seriously, getting them to make a change to an Exchange server is difficult.

Larry S. Samberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
VM/Fax: 270-514-0557

Things that can't go on forever, don't
Herbert Stein

On Thu, 3 Jun 2004 23:26:17 +0800 Andrew Karantzis wrote:


This wont solve your problem from a powermail point of view, but have you
thought about asking your IT boffins to add masquerade as DOMAIN B to
your mail server. 

i.e The mail server changes all out going emails from Domain A to Domain B.




Andrew Karantzis
Diverse Engineer Mobile: 0411 428 259
DiversIT Pty Ltd Telephone : (08) 9486 1244
58 Ord Streetweb   :
West Perth 6005

  Breathing life into IT

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER  WARNING: The information contained within this
email and/or associated attachments may be private and confidential. This
email should not be read, disclosed, retransmitted, copied or distributed
unless you are authorised to do so.

If you are not the intended recipient of this email or if this email has
been transmitted to you in error, please notify us immediately by return
email or by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] DiversIT Pty Ltd does not
represent, warrant or guarantee that this email and/or any associated
attachments are free from viruses and/or malicious content or other
defects. The email and/or any associated attachments are transmitted, and
may only be used, on the provision that the recipient, intended or
otherwise, assumes all responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence
resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the email and/or
associated attachments. The liability of DiversIT Pty Ltd is limited in
any event to either the retransmission of the email and/or associated
attachments or the cost of having the email retransmitted in full.

Re: Is there a script or something?

2004-06-03 Thread Andrew Karantzis


This wont solve your problem from a powermail point of view, but have you
thought about asking your IT boffins to add masquerade as DOMAIN B to
your mail server. 

i.e The mail server changes all out going emails from Domain A to Domain B.




Andrew Karantzis
Diverse Engineer Mobile: 0411 428 259
DiversIT Pty Ltd Telephone : (08) 9486 1244
58 Ord Streetweb   :
West Perth 6005

  Breathing life into IT

IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER  WARNING: The information contained within this
email and/or associated attachments may be private and confidential. This
email should not be read, disclosed, retransmitted, copied or distributed
unless you are authorised to do so.

If you are not the intended recipient of this email or if this email has
been transmitted to you in error, please notify us immediately by return
email or by email to [EMAIL PROTECTED] DiversIT Pty Ltd does not
represent, warrant or guarantee that this email and/or any associated
attachments are free from viruses and/or malicious content or other
defects. The email and/or any associated attachments are transmitted, and
may only be used, on the provision that the recipient, intended or
otherwise, assumes all responsibility for any loss, damage or consequence
resulting directly or indirectly from the use of the email and/or
associated attachments. The liability of DiversIT Pty Ltd is limited in
any event to either the retransmission of the email and/or associated
attachments or the cost of having the email retransmitted in full.

Re(2): Is there a script or something?

2004-06-03 Thread Larry Samberg

You mean instead of changing the email address? I tried that, but it
creates other types of confusion.

Larry S. Samberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
VM/Fax: 270-514-0557

On Thu, 3 Jun 2004 08:05:58 -0700 Andy Fragen wrote:

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*

Does it make a difference if you add a Reply-To: address in the Account

Andy Fragen

On Thu, Jun 3, 2004, Larry Samberg said:

When I do a reply, the reply is FROM [EMAIL PROTECTED] but since this doesn't
match [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] becomes one of the entries in the 
field. As a result all subsequent emails in the the exchange come to me
doubled. I can obviously filter out the emails that come from me, but not
the emails that come from others. It's driving me crazy ... I already get
over a hundred emails a day  this just makes it worse.

Are there any clever solutions to this?

Re: Is there a script or something?

2004-06-03 Thread Andy Fragen

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*

Does it make a difference if you add a Reply-To: address in the Account Setup?

Andy Fragen

On Thu, Jun 3, 2004, Larry Samberg said:

When I do a reply, the reply is FROM [EMAIL PROTECTED] but since this doesn't
match [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] becomes one of the entries in the TO
field. As a result all subsequent emails in the the exchange come to me
doubled. I can obviously filter out the emails that come from me, but not
the emails that come from others. It's driving me crazy ... I already get
over a hundred emails a day  this just makes it worse.

Are there any clever solutions to this?

Re: How big is your database?

2004-06-03 Thread Andy Fragen

*This message was transferred with a trial version of CommuniGate(tm) Pro*

Here's a script to let you know.

property preMsg : You currently have:   return
property postcC :  Message folders
property postfC :  Message Filters
property postclC :  Text Clippings
property postsigC :  Signatures
property postMsgs :  Messages
property ret : return
property bttnList : {Thanks, Put on Clipboard}
property defBttn : Put on Clipboard

to concatenateData(cCnt, fCnt, clCnt, sigCnt, ctMsg)
return (preMsg  ctMsg  postMsgs  ret  cCnt  postcC  ret  fCnt 
postfC  ret  clCnt  postclC  ret  sigCnt  postsigC)
end concatenateData

to displayTotals(statsTxt)
set the dialogBttn to the button returned of (display dialog statsTxt
buttons bttnList default button 2)
if the dialogBttn is the defBttn then
set the clipboard to the statsTxt
end if
end displayTotals

tell application PowerMail
set the containerCnt to count message container
repeat with i from 1 to containerCnt
set subContainerCnt to count message containers of message 
container i
set containerCnt to containerCnt + subContainerCnt
end repeat
set the filterCnt to count filters
set the clipCnt to count text clippings
set the sigCnt to count text signatures
set ctMsg to 0
repeat with acontainer in every message container
set ctMsg to ctMsg + (my count_messages(acontainer))
end repeat
set the statsTxt to my concatenateData(containerCnt, filterCnt, clipCnt,
sigCnt, ctMsg)
my displayTotals(the statsTxt)
end tell
-- The above will count your PowerMail; message folders, filters, text
-- and the text signatures and display the information in a dialog.
-- The dialog will give you an option to put the entire results
-- onto the clipboard.

(* this recursive function receives a message container (folder). It first
calls itself for every sub-container of the input container, summing up
the number of messages stored in them, and last, adds the number of
messages in the input container itself.
to count_messages(input_container)
tell application PowerMail
set c to 0
repeat with bcontainer in every message container in 
set c to c + (my count_messages(bcontainer))
end repeat

set c to c + (number of messages in input_container)
return c
end tell
end count_messages

Andy Fragen

On Thu, Jun 3, 2004, Jim Pistrang said:

I've looked, and it must be obvious, but...where do I see the number of
messages in my database?

Re: Is there a script or something?

2004-06-03 Thread Nary Lakshmanan

Re: Who White Lady?

2004-06-03 Thread C. A. Niemiec

Who is this While Lady Sead is having trouble with. How can I recognise
her and what trouble does she cause?

It's a bug that prevents from indexing your message database correctly,
thus interfering with search function.
Some people never see it, some people can get rid of it and some (like
myself) can't.
I see it a major annoyance, but not something brutal that you should be
afraid for your messages being eaten by an alien lady or something. It's
just you can;t index messages after she appears and these messages are
then skipped while performing search filter.

Old, but this snippet of collected wisdom from Tim's PowerMail FAQ
(following). If you did all four options from the PowerMail first aid
dialog at startup, rebuilding the index from the File  Database menu is
an ever-so-slightly different process. It cures the Database Error
Occurred - Class=DB, what=7, when=9 error which many people had whereas
the startup/first aid would not.

Last resort, check out Ben Kennedy's PowerMail Salvage http:// If you can get PowerMail's language
encoding sorted out to your satisfaction, and your old database out of
the tendrils of the LADY, PowerMail 5 may just work for you!


11.3 Clean your room, 'cause here comes the LADY! 

Every now and then a certain error pops up. It has come to be called the
LADY error (perhaps LADYbug would be better?) after the cryptic message
that PM displays when it arrives. This error has, so far, only manifested
when performing a search. It doesn't seem to do any damage, but it does
prevent any kind of searching until you deal with her. So, sit back and
take notes, 'cause you're about to be schooled in the proper way of
treating a LADY.

1. Restart PowerMail. This has worked for others, it might work for 
2. Restart your computer. If this is too much of a hassle try one/
  some of the following steps 
3. Restart PowerMail. But this time, hold the option- command keys
  as it starts. This will bring PowerMail's First Aid window up 
  (didn't know PowerMail could do that? Well, why do you think 
  I'm here?? \ (^ _ ^) / ). Select some of the choices presented 
  to you. Since this is a LADY, she has a certain affinity for 
  the top four check boxes. Use them all, use only one. A LADY 
  can be fickle... 
4. Compact your database. From File - Database, select Compact
  Database. This could take a while for large databases 
5. Rebuild/Update your Indices. From File - Database, select the
  appropriate measure. This may also take a lot of time. Note, 
  that while my dictionary actually says it is acceptable to 
  spell the plural form of Index as Indexes (as PowerMail does) 
  I simply cannot bring myself to do it. Maybe it's a good thing 
  PowerMail doesn't have a built- in spellchecker... 

Is there a script or something?

2004-06-03 Thread Larry Samberg

I have had this problem before and haven't seen any appropriate
solutions. I was wondering if there was some way to script this.
Basically, I need to remove somebody from the TO list on outgoing mail.

Here's the scenario. My company was recently acquired by another company.
So I have a new email address. Instead of, say, [EMAIL PROTECTED] it is now

I have changed my email account definition to say that I am [EMAIL PROTECTED]
The problem is that until the mail systems are merged (several months) B
actually forwards all of the mail to the A server. So, incoming mail
looks like it is addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

When I do a reply, the reply is FROM [EMAIL PROTECTED] but since this doesn't
match [EMAIL PROTECTED], [EMAIL PROTECTED] becomes one of the entries in the TO
field. As a result all subsequent emails in the the exchange come to me
doubled. I can obviously filter out the emails that come from me, but not
the emails that come from others. It's driving me crazy ... I already get
over a hundred emails a day  this just makes it worse.

Are there any clever solutions to this?

Thanks /lss

Larry S. Samberg [EMAIL PROTECTED]
VM/Fax: 270-514-0557

Life has taught us that love does not consist in gazing at each other,
but in looking outward together in the same direction.
--Antoine de Saint-Exupery

Re(3): Old story goes on...

2004-06-03 Thread Sead


I deleted index file from finder and build a new one - nothing changes,
still tapping in place, no solution on sight. :-(

Best regards,


I wasn't deleting index file as I think that rebuilding index from alt-
apple startup menu should do that and create new index file. But, I will
try this as well. Who knows?


Best regards,

Re: How big is your database?

2004-06-03 Thread Christian Roth

Jim Pistrang wrote:

I've looked, and it must be obvious, but...where do I see the number of
messages in my database?

I don't think there is an abvious way. The way I do it is:

Find [in local mail boxes]
[Reception date] [after] [01.01.1990]

The search is fast, and the search result window shows the number of
found (=all) messages on the left side of the vertical separator.

I have 116,166 messages currently in my database, btw.

Regards, Christian.

Re(2): How big is your database?

2004-06-03 Thread Sead

I suspect that PM's search capabilities require a single database, but
I'm not sure.  I do think that PM's search is way better than anything
else out there, if so this is a big argument in favor of a single database.

You can only have one database per user environment.

Search is one of the major assets (combined with ability to handle really
large message databases) of PM. Thus experiencing problems with indexing
is even more frustrating.

Best regards,

Re: Who White Lady?

2004-06-03 Thread Sead


Better you don't know her. :-)

It's a bug that prevents from indexing your message database correctly,
thus interfering with search function.
Some people never see it, some people can get rid of it and some (like
myself) can't.
I see it a major annoyance, but not something brutal that you should be
afraid for your messages being eaten by an alien lady or something. It's
just you can;t index messages after she appears and these messages are
then skipped while performing search filter.

Hope this comes close to explaining it in layman terms.

Best regards,

Who is this While Lady Sead is having trouble with. How can I recognise
her and what trouble does she cause?


Re(2): Old story goes on...

2004-06-03 Thread Sead


I wasn't deleting index file as I think that rebuilding index from alt-
apple startup menu should do that and create new index file. But, I will
try this as well. Who knows?


Best regards,

On Thursday, 3 June 2004, Sead, [EMAIL PROTECTED], thoughtfully composed the

I also had the white Lady bug, but it's gone since a long time, at least
it didn't appear anymore since I use PM5. So, what I would suggest is
doing a rebuild of the Indexes. As far as I understood this bug, it came
from Apples Search engine and that one is not used anymore.

You must be lucky!
After reading your reply, naturally I did once again index rebuild and
old story goes on...: I get Memory Error (class:std, what=1, when=100)

I didn't get impression PowerMail was using Apple search engine, instead
I thought it used FoxTrot. But, I can be wrong.

Anyway, in my case PM5 shows exactly the same behavior as PM3 and PM4 in
terms of white lady...

I will try later on to do again low level database rebuild and then to
rebuild indexes as the last resort... I will report on the result.

Sorry if you've already done this, but have you tried throwing the old
Message Database index file away and rebuilding the index from scratch?
I've never had this problem, but I vaguely recall reading that this
method helped.



Marcus Jarrett, Adelaide, South Australia.

How I wish that somewhere there existed an island for those who are wise
and of goodwill! In such a place even I would be an ardent patriot.

-Albert Einstein

Re: How big is your database?

2004-06-03 Thread Jim Pistrang

Hi david,

I noticed my database contains just over 39,000 messages. Is that a lot?
How big is yours? [ Pardon the juvenile expression... ;) ]

I've looked, and it must be obvious, but...where do I see the number of
messages in my database?

I was storing all my old messages (foldered up into years) in a separate
user database. After my recent export back from v5 via Mail I've got
everything in a single database. I don't want to start a single vs
multiple mailbox argument but... Why is the PM single database better
than the Mail separate file per mail folder?

I suspect that PM's search capabilities require a single database, but
I'm not sure.  I do think that PM's search is way better than anything
else out there, if so this is a big argument in favor of a single database.


Jim Pistrang
JP Computer Resources

How big is your database?

2004-06-03 Thread david.gordon

I noticed my database contains just over 39,000 messages. Is that a lot?
How big is yours? [ Pardon the juvenile expression... ;) ]

I was storing all my old messages (foldered up into years) in a separate
user database. After my recent export back from v5 via Mail I've got
everything in a single database. I don't want to start a single vs
multiple mailbox argument but... Why is the PM single database better
than the Mail separate file per mail folder?


Who White Lady?

2004-06-03 Thread david.gordon

Who is this While Lady Sead is having trouble with. How can I recognise
her and what trouble does she cause?


Re(3): Old story goes on...

2004-06-03 Thread Sead

Hi again,

Just to report that after low level database rebuilt and later first four
options ticked in alt-apple startup, message count differed for 54
messages (not sure of they were deleted with low level rebuild or it's
just plain counting error), however, White Lady is still there...

Best regards,

Re(2): Old story goes on...

2004-06-03 Thread Sead

Hi Mathias,

Thanks for your reply.

Bok ;-)


I also had the white Lady bug, but it's gone since a long time, at least
it didn't appear anymore since I use PM5. So, what I would suggest is
doing a rebuild of the Indexes. As far as I understood this bug, it came
from Apples Search engine and that one is not used anymore.

You must be lucky!
After reading your reply, naturally I did once again index rebuild and
old story goes on...: I get Memory Error (class:std, what=1, when=100)

I didn't get impression PowerMail was using Apple search engine, instead
I thought it used FoxTrot. But, I can be wrong.

Anyway, in my case PM5 shows exactly the same behavior as PM3 and PM4 in
terms of white lady...

I will try later on to do again low level database rebuild and then to
rebuild indexes as the last resort... I will report on the result.

It may be of relevance to point out that my mail database is rather large
- it's in excess of 13.000 messages (I did erase few thousands first time
I experienced white lady, hoping that reducing database size would help)

Regarding your accents, my wife is Croatian and communicating with people
in Croatia with PM and she didn't told me about any problems.

Normal people are ascends aware and don't use ascends in their e-mail
communication. It's become a sort of good manners. So, those who've been
using e-mail for years never use ascends around here. So, that can't make
any problems. However, more and more people are nowadays starting using
ascends... In my case, this creates havoc with PM.

You have a new feature in PM5 for received messages: you can change the
encoding. This you find under the message menu.
The other thing you can do is setting messages with unknown encoding to
win1250 under the preferences and the encoding tab.

Tried all sorts yesterday before making the post - I harassed a friend
whole morning yesterday, experimenting with sending and receiving mails
with different encoding (of course, I was experimenting with various
Latin code pages and Unicode options, no Arabic or Hebrew or Japanese or
Chinese) with varying results but none of which could be called a
success: As I said in my original post, received mails sometimes are ok,
sometimes are scrambled but without mistake my outbound replies to mails
containing ascends are received on the other side either as Japanese or
as blank message.

I observed 2 things:
Some Windows mail clients don't set the encoding in a proper way (some
even don't set any at all) and most of the mail clients in the windows
world don't decode Unicode in a proper way or not at all.
PM is Unicode also there are some restrictions mainly for Hebrew and Arab
Languages because of the used Text-engine.

This, of course, can be true - I haven't been exploring Windows mail
clients in a while - ever since I switched to Mac 4 years ago. :-)))

However, what I am experiencing with PM does not show PM being successful
in Unicode implementation either. :-(

Personally, I have no problem with Latin2 as I am quite used not to use
ascended characters but frankly, more and more people are using ascends
in their e-mails and that creates problems for me.

I was even silently observing paradox situation where Apple who was the
first to come with support for all sorts of different languages was
lagging with OSX  and support for Croatian language until they adopted
Unicode (and now it works very good even cross-platform).

It may be that every other mail client in this world is doing things
wrong and that PM is absolutely right. However, in situation when every
other clients talk to each other ok, PM, even if it is perfect, turns
to be faulty.

Btw, Apple Mail does not exhibit this behavior thus this isn't mac-pc
problem. So, even if PC mail clients do interpret code pages incorrectly,
why don't they do this with Apple Mail? (for that matter, I dislike Apple
Mail - it can be functional for my child but certainly not for me)

Best regards,

Re: PM and Little Snitch

2004-06-03 Thread Matthias Schmidt


it works fine for me with PM5 and 10.3.4

I once had a little problem - it was a permission problem.
you try to deinstall and reinstall Little Snitch.
Make sure, you have the current version.

All the best


iChat/AIM: MatKoyasan
Tel. +31-736-56-3905
Am/On: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 10:57:38 +0200 schrieb/wrote: Chris Chris Walker

Hi all,

I'm not sure if this is a PM problem.  for some reason Little Snitch will
not remember to allow PM sending mail via SMTP.  Even though I allow it
forever, after quitting PM it forgets and asks again.  It only does this
with sending Mail and not with the POP3 port.  I've trashed Snitch's
prefs but it still persists.  

Since I have not noticed this with any other app, or with PM4 I can only
assume it is a PM5 problem.  The only other thing I can think of is that
it's related to 10.3.4 to which I recently updated.

Anybody else noticed this?  BTW I've done the usual maintenance stuff via
Onyx (permissions, cache clearances and so on)


PMac G4/400  448Mb Ram  OSX 10.3.4

PM and Little Snitch

2004-06-03 Thread Chris Walker

Hi all,

I'm not sure if this is a PM problem.  for some reason Little Snitch will
not remember to allow PM sending mail via SMTP.  Even though I allow it
forever, after quitting PM it forgets and asks again.  It only does this
with sending Mail and not with the POP3 port.  I've trashed Snitch's
prefs but it still persists.  

Since I have not noticed this with any other app, or with PM4 I can only
assume it is a PM5 problem.  The only other thing I can think of is that
it's related to 10.3.4 to which I recently updated.

Anybody else noticed this?  BTW I've done the usual maintenance stuff via
Onyx (permissions, cache clearances and so on)


PMac G4/400  448Mb Ram  OSX 10.3.4

Re: Recipients field Flickers

2004-06-03 Thread Pat O'Halloran

It appears that on 2/6/04 Tim Lapin spake thus:

Just noticed a never before seen bug.  When composing a message, be it
new or reply, resizing the Recipients field causes it to flicker.

Has anyone else seen this since upgrading to 5.0?

Tim Lapin
G4/AGP/400OS 10.3.4PowerMail 5.0 384 MB RAM 40+10 GB HDs

Doesn't happen on my set-up

PM5, G4, 1.25 GHz DP, 1.5 GB RAM, 120 GB hard drive, Mac OS 10.3.4
Pat O'Halloran
So who the hell can he be when he's never had VD and
he doesn't even sit on toilet seats? - Ian Anderson

Re: Recipients field Flickers

2004-06-03 Thread Matthias Schmidt

Looks funny :-)
but its nothing serious, more a cosmetic thing.
Wouldn't really call it a bug

All the best


iChat/AIM: MatKoyasan
Tel. +31-736-56-3905
Am/On: Thu, 3 Jun 2004 03:04:54 +0200 schrieb/wrote: Tim Tim Lapin

Just noticed a never before seen bug.  When composing a message, be it
new or reply, resizing the Recipients field causes it to flicker.

Has anyone else seen this since upgrading to 5.0?

Tim Lapin
G4/AGP/400OS 10.3.4PowerMail 5.0 384 MB RAM 40+10 GB HDs

Recipients field Flickers

2004-06-03 Thread Tim Lapin

Just noticed a never before seen bug.  When composing a message, be it
new or reply, resizing the Recipients field causes it to flicker.

Has anyone else seen this since upgrading to 5.0?

Tim Lapin
G4/AGP/400OS 10.3.4PowerMail 5.0 384 MB RAM 40+10 GB HDs

Re: Old story goes on...

2004-06-03 Thread Matthias Schmidt

Bok ;-)

I also had the white Lady bug, but it's gone since a long time, at least
it didn't appear anymore since I use PM5. So, what I would suggest is
doing a rebuild of the Indexes. As far as I understood this bug, it came
from Apples Search engine and that one is not used anymore.

Regarding your accents, my wife is Croatian and communicating with people
in Croatia with PM and she didn't told me about any problems.

You have a new feature in PM5 for received messages: you can change the
encoding. This you find under the message menu.
The other thing you can do is setting messages with unknown encoding to
win1250 under the preferences and the encoding tab.
I observed 2 things:
Some Windows mail clients don't set the encoding in a proper way (some
even don't set any at all) and most of the mail clients in the windows
world don't decode Unicode in a proper way or not at all.
PM is Unicode also there are some restrictions mainly for Hebrew and Arab
Languages because of the used Text-engine.

All the best


iChat/AIM: MatKoyasan
Tel. +31-736-56-3905
Am/On: Wed, 2 Jun 2004 23:23:22 +0200 schrieb/wrote: Sead Sead

Hi there,

I've been using Power Mail since 3.0 version. When I switched from PC to
Mac, at that time Power Mail seemed like the way to go (not perfect
translation but it did import at least all headers from Outlook for PC,
when even Outlook for Mac could not do it).

Anyway, I got used to Power Mail and was upgrading over time and now I'm
on version 5.0.

Always I was hoping that some of quirks would be sorted out but not, I
really don't see much of the functional improvement from the very first
version I used. Yeah, there are some things that have been included
(address book synch is one thing I can think of) but I really did not see
much improvement as one would expect.

This said, Power Mail is perfectly competent e-mail client and it does
serve me well. But, there are problems I want to address and without
solution to these issues I will have to look for a new mail client. I was
trying to get help outside of this mail list from CTM but except from
nice words and promises technical dept would address them, all remained
just wishful thinking.

A year ago my database indexes developed what I think is called White
Lady bug... Ever since my database was unable to index even with low
level maintenance, everything I could think of. So, the search option is
crippled and there is no cure that I am aware of (or being provided with
technical support).

With large number of e-mails that I need to make reference to quite
often, not being able to do a comprehensive search can't be compared to
nicer toolboxes and gadgets.

And, today I finally got really upset - at the point where Apple has
paved full support for Unicode (which should eventually bring
compatibility with Windows), Power Mail seems to fail there big time.
where they had great advantage long time ago, now becomes a problem. At
least for me..

Living in Bosnia (thus dominant code page being Windows 1250) and
communicating with whole world, I noticed that quite often Power Mail
fails to recognize proper code page and when replying to such messages,
end result can be anything from blank text to Japanese characters being
send out by Power Mail! Of course, not by my intention but Power Mail
does the liberty of screwing it up on it's own.

Today I got an e-mail from Outlook client at CP1250. This message had a
signed name in Swedish (A character with small circle above it). No other
special characters. I wrote a reply to this e-mail but what was received
on the other end had my reply text and all other text (except for
headers) in Japanese fonts. If it wasn't a serious e-mail it would be a
really funny thing but I can assure you that this was not taken as a joke
at the recipient side!

Later on, investigating this problem I changed all reasonable encoding
options in PM5.0 and my reply would always end up in Japanese...

When I receive e-mail with Bosnian ascended characters (which is the same
as Croatian with number of ascended characters) every reply I create with
Power Mail will end up being received with complete BLANK text. Only
option is to write a clean new message (which is a major pain in the neck).

While it is advertised that PM is blah-blah multilingual e-mail client, I
knew that wasn't the case to full extent but was avoiding this by not
using ascends myself. However, over time, people are much more using
ascends in e-mails, heck even Microsoft has included full functional
unicode support to MS Office for Mac that works flawlessly cross-platform
with all sorts of Latin ascends, umlauts and you name it.

So, CTM, wake up, your code page recognition and handling is outdated and
does not function as intended (it may work for some languages perfectly
but It certainly does not function 

Re: AOL via IMAP and PowerMail 5

2004-06-03 Thread Jonathan Greene

welcome to the club...

It seems you can only auto-connect to a single IMAP account at a time.  
The others you manually connect to and then they stay active...

On Jun 2, 2004, at 7:38 PM, Nary Lakshmanan wrote:

 I have multiple AOL accounts, which they have (thankfully) now allowed 
 to access via 3rd party clients and IMAP.  This works quite well in 
 Mail (Jaguar  Panther).  However, in PowerMail, I cannot seem to
 automatically connect to all those accounts at the same time.  I have 
 choose Connect... for each account individually.  Why is this so, and
 what can I do to rectify this?

 -- Nary

AOL and SpamSieve

2004-06-03 Thread Nary Lakshmanan

SpamSieve does not seem to apply its filters to my incoming AOL messages
(accessed via IMAP).  Have I setup something incorrectly?  For all my
other accounts, Spam Rating seems to show some attempt at a rating.  For
my AOL messages, the rating is always blank (zero).

-- Nary

AOL via IMAP and PowerMail 5

2004-06-03 Thread Nary Lakshmanan

I have multiple AOL accounts, which they have (thankfully) now allowed us
to access via 3rd party clients and IMAP.  This works quite well in Apple
Mail (Jaguar  Panther).  However, in PowerMail, I cannot seem to
automatically connect to all those accounts at the same time.  I have to
choose Connect... for each account individually.  Why is this so, and
what can I do to rectify this?

-- Nary

Old story goes on...

2004-06-03 Thread Sead

Hi there,

I've been using Power Mail since 3.0 version. When I switched from PC to
Mac, at that time Power Mail seemed like the way to go (not perfect
translation but it did import at least all headers from Outlook for PC,
when even Outlook for Mac could not do it).

Anyway, I got used to Power Mail and was upgrading over time and now I'm
on version 5.0.

Always I was hoping that some of quirks would be sorted out but not, I
really don't see much of the functional improvement from the very first
version I used. Yeah, there are some things that have been included
(address book synch is one thing I can think of) but I really did not see
much improvement as one would expect.

This said, Power Mail is perfectly competent e-mail client and it does
serve me well. But, there are problems I want to address and without
solution to these issues I will have to look for a new mail client. I was
trying to get help outside of this mail list from CTM but except from
nice words and promises technical dept would address them, all remained
just wishful thinking.

A year ago my database indexes developed what I think is called White
Lady bug... Ever since my database was unable to index even with low
level maintenance, everything I could think of. So, the search option is
crippled and there is no cure that I am aware of (or being provided with
technical support).

With large number of e-mails that I need to make reference to quite
often, not being able to do a comprehensive search can't be compared to
nicer toolboxes and gadgets.

And, today I finally got really upset - at the point where Apple has
paved full support for Unicode (which should eventually bring
compatibility with Windows), Power Mail seems to fail there big time.
where they had great advantage long time ago, now becomes a problem. At
least for me..

Living in Bosnia (thus dominant code page being Windows 1250) and
communicating with whole world, I noticed that quite often Power Mail
fails to recognize proper code page and when replying to such messages,
end result can be anything from blank text to Japanese characters being
send out by Power Mail! Of course, not by my intention but Power Mail
does the liberty of screwing it up on it's own.

Today I got an e-mail from Outlook client at CP1250. This message had a
signed name in Swedish (A character with small circle above it). No other
special characters. I wrote a reply to this e-mail but what was received
on the other end had my reply text and all other text (except for
headers) in Japanese fonts. If it wasn't a serious e-mail it would be a
really funny thing but I can assure you that this was not taken as a joke
at the recipient side!

Later on, investigating this problem I changed all reasonable encoding
options in PM5.0 and my reply would always end up in Japanese...

When I receive e-mail with Bosnian ascended characters (which is the same
as Croatian with number of ascended characters) every reply I create with
Power Mail will end up being received with complete BLANK text. Only
option is to write a clean new message (which is a major pain in the neck).

While it is advertised that PM is blah-blah multilingual e-mail client, I
knew that wasn't the case to full extent but was avoiding this by not
using ascends myself. However, over time, people are much more using
ascends in e-mails, heck even Microsoft has included full functional
unicode support to MS Office for Mac that works flawlessly cross-platform
with all sorts of Latin ascends, umlauts and you name it.

So, CTM, wake up, your code page recognition and handling is outdated and
does not function as intended (it may work for some languages perfectly
but It certainly does not function with CP1250). 

Nor have I been able to find a working solution for White Lady.

Also, I want support. And, to get support, one should not have to go to
mail-list (although I greatly appreciate help provided by some list
members few years ago).

Best regards,
Sead Lejlic