Re: No PowerMail selection in iPhoto '08

2007-10-15 Thread Christopher Plummer

From: Howard Mullinack [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 15:37:53 -0400

I just used iPhoto Mailer Patcher 4.1 on iPhoto 08 (7.1) and it worked
for me.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] Fri, 12 Oct 2007 16:56:29 -0700

To add to the confusion: I can't remember the last time I used iPhoto
Mailer Patcher, but it hasn't been in a long time. Nevertheless, when I
upgraded to iPhoto 08, PowerMail was already listed in the Preferences.
In fact, there are 10 mail programs listed. Did you run all the iPhoto
patches? I am at 7.1 (347).

- Chris

Christopher Plummer
ZebraTale, LLC
Macintosh  Lotus Domino Consulting

** Chris's UNPREDICTABLE and OCCASIONAL Newsletter for Macintosh and
iPod Users ** 
   Archives at  Unpredictable Mac - http://

Hate was just a legend. War was never known. People worked together,
and they lifted many stones. And they carried them to the flat lands,
but they died along the way. And they built up with their bare hands
what we still can't do today.

Cortez the Killer, Neil Young, Zuma, 1974

Re: Powermail index/search error, any help?

2007-07-15 Thread Christopher Plummer
Greetings all,

Checking in to report that the suggestion below worked. The export
process makes it fairly easy to identify a suspect message. Trashing the
message leaves no doubt, as the message cannot be deleted. (The only way
I found to eliminate the unremovable trashed message was to delete the
whole mail file.) So I had to go back to the original mail file and
start over a couple of times because there were several bad messages. I
had to mess with folders some, and successfully rebuilt my mail file and
index. The 'new' file worked fine for a day or so, then the problem
returned! This did not seem to be from a newly received message, but one
that had somehow been 'missed' by the export process. I repeated the
process all over again, and my re-created mail file and index have
worked fine now for over a week.

 Many thanks to Jerome!!

- - Chris

Christopher Plummer
ZebraTale, LLC
Macintosh  Lotus Domino Consulting

On Mon, 11 Jun 2007 20:00:01 +0100,Jerome [EMAIL PROTECTED],
allegedly wrote: 

Subject: Re: Powermail index/search error, any help?
It seems like a problem with the index being corrupted, presumably by
some particular badly formatted message? I have tried the usual
techniques, trashing the index and rebuilding it, and also running the
complete set of  startup rebuild functions. In fact the STL error occurs
after a complete rebuild of the index of (16,000?) messages when it
tries to optimize the index.

Try to export your entire mail database to the PowerMail Exchange
format. As there is probably a corrupted message, this could fail.
In this case, you can take a look at the exported file with a text
editor (or import it to a new database - menu file / database / new user
environment) to determine which message could be corrupted. Messages are
exported folder by folder, and inside a given folder, by date saved. The
corrupted message should be the message following the last exported message.
In case you can't get rid of the corrupted message (it could cause an
error when moving to the trash or using the delete message immediately
script), you can export your messages one or multiple folders at a time
(instead of exporting the entire message database), or multiple
messages at a time for the folder that you can't export without an error.
Then you can create a new user environment and import your messages
there. You can then copy the old Setup Database file to copy your
accounts, filters etc to the new user environment. Note that you will
need to verify all your filter that move messages to a specific folder,
as the folder reference will be changed in the new user environment.
Also, if you leave the messages on the POP server, you will re-download
the message still present on the server; to avoid this, you can purge
retrieved messages, from the accounts dialog, on your old user
environment, before switching to the new one.

Jerome - CTM Engineering

** Chris's UNPREDICTABLE and OCCASIONAL Newsletter for Macintosh and
iPod Users ** 
   Archives at  Unpredictable Mac - http://

Powermail index/search error, any help?

2007-06-10 Thread Christopher Plummer
On Intel MacBook w/2 Gig RAM and OS X ver. 10.4.9, PowerMail version
5.5.2, Message db 112 Mb, Message db index 33 Mb, Message db Spotlight
cache 100 Mb. 

I've had an annoying problem with PowerMail for about a year, and though
I've written directly to Support several times, I can't seem to elicit
any response.
It seems like a problem with the index being corrupted, presumably by
some particular badly formatted message? I have tried the usual
techniques, trashing the index and rebuilding it, and also running the
complete set of  startup rebuild functions. In fact the STL error occurs
after a complete rebuild of the index of (16,000?) messages when it
tries to optimize the index.

The error(s) don't prevent me from using Powermail, and after clicking
through the error dialogs it seems that the Find function is working...

When Powermail launches - 
An STL exception occurred Class=std; what=6; when = 100

When initiating a Find from within Powermail -
A memory error occurred:  Class=std; what=1; when =100

I imagine that starting over with a brand new mail file would be a
solution - if you could call it that - but does anyone else have any
ideas? Such as how to locate the offending message?

If I have to start over, I am going to seriously question why I  want to
stick with PowerMail...

Thanks in advance,

- Chris

Christopher Plummer

Ask the right questions.
- Kate Stockton

Subject: Invisible Mail in Folder

2006-04-25 Thread Christopher Plummer

On Mon, 24 Apr 2006 20:01:04 +0200, PowerMail discussions, Rick Lecoat
[EMAIL PROTECTED], allegedly wrote: 

Make sure that the offending folders have 'View All selected, not 'View
Unread' (from the View Menu). This works on a folder-by-folder basis I

From: Christopher Plummer [EMAIL PROTECTED]

In a recent effort to take advantage of PM's fast search, and to
simplify my mail folder structure, I started pulling mail out of
subfolders, dropping it into the parent folder, and then deleting the
For example, I have a 'Vendors' folder that appears to have nothing in
it, but at the bottom of the window it says 0 displayed of 547.  

I have used all the utilities to rebuild the entire database, index, 
etc. to no avail. Is there any way to make these invisible messages re-

I might have guessed the solution was easy, but not necessarily obvious
(to me anyway!) That was exactly it. The ability of folders to each have
a unique property of View read/unread was what made the messages
'disappear' . When pulled from a subfolder (with View All set) and
dropped to a parent folder (with View Unread), they disappeared! 

Thanks Rick!


- Chris

Christopher Plummer
ZebraTale, LLC
Macintosh  Lotus Domino Consulting
** CHRIS'S UNPREDICTABLE and OCCASIONAL Newsletter for Mac Users **
 Check the UNPREDICTABLE archive -

Subject: Re: Add new signature?

2004-05-28 Thread Christopher Plummer

On Fri, 28 May 2004 20:01:04 +0200, Ben Kennedy [EMAIL PROTECTED],
allegedly wrote: 

On 28 5 2004 at 11:18 am -0400, Wayne Brissette wrote:

The big green + in the signatures area creates a new one. If you leave
your mouse pointer over the icons for a second or two the function of the
icon appears on the screen.

Note the toolbar must be exposed (via the swallowable capsule in the
upper-right of the window) for any of these to appear.

Ah, of course!

In terms of UI design, I propose that in several of these windows (this
signatures one for example) the toolbar should mandatorily be displayed,
with no option to accidentally hide it.

I agree. I don't expect a 'dialog' to have optional elements.

and cheshirekat [EMAIL PROTECTED] added:

The menus in PowerMail are dynamic. They will change to reflect the
options available for the type of window currently open, so choices 3 and
4 above may not be obvious if you aren't used to looking up in the menus
as you work with different windows. The menus also change when modifier
keys are pressed.

I completely forgot about the dynamic PM menus. I still cast my vote for
a Context Menu for this function.

Thanks everyone!

- Chris Plummer

You can never escape; you can only move south down the coast.
   Mrs. Potter's Lullaby
Adam Duritz
Counting Crows, This Desert Life

Add new signature?

2004-05-28 Thread Christopher Plummer

Panther 10.3.4, PM 5.0, PB 800, 1Gig RAM


I can use selected text in a message to add a new Text Signature from
just about anywhere using an Applescript Create Signature  [Thanks to
W. Eric Tyson for that!].

How else do I create a Text Signature? I have a Context Menu to create a
new Text Clipping (would like to have a CM for the Signature.) When I
select Setup/Text Signatures... I get a dialog listing all my signatures,
but short of replacing an existing one, I don't see any way to create a
new one.

I imagine there is something easy I'm missing here, but I'd claim that
it's not obvious!


- Chris Plummer

** CHRIS'S UNPREDICTABLE and OCCASIONAL Newsletter for Mac Users **

Somewhat long - Comments on 5.0

2004-05-26 Thread Christopher Plummer

Panther 10.3.3, PB 800, 1Gig Ram

1) After forgetting that I had the registration key and launching the
first time into 'Demo mode', dropping the key on the application worked
as expected.

Upgrading to PowerMail 5 in Release Notes mentions updating your
database or creating a new one but provides no details. The Upgrade
from PowerMail 3-4.webloc document, pointing to
upgrade/start, brought up a Not Found page.

Thanks to the List, I was able to figure out that I needed to use File/
Database/Switch User Environment (not Import) to get my existing PM stuff
to work with 5. This should be better documented, or included in a PM
dialog to avoid confusion. After a 20-30 minute conversion, all my
scripts, signatures, config, and filters came through beautifully. Speed
and interface improvements are awesome!

2) By default my Cocoa toolbar in Recent Mail and opened mail documents
was 'hidden', so I had some brief confusion about the absence of the
Paper Clip and Send buttons. I used the silver button on the far right to
toggle it.

3) I agree with those who believe the In Tray and Out Tray icons
should have little arrows on them.

4) I don't use Spamsieve. My PM-only filters are about 99% effective. I
had my own 'Spam' folder, so had to change the name of that and then
modify the filters to put SPAM in the new SPAM folder. I had previously
set these filters to first put SPAM in Trash and then move it to SPAM
folder, so that filtered SPAM would not appear in 'Recent Mail'. [Thanks
to whomever provided that tip on the List!] Is there some automatic
settiing for that now with 5?

5) The List Pop-up button (which appears at the bottom when you open a
List mail) is great! Can we get the PM list to support more of these
options such as List Owner and List Archive?

6) I would STILL LOVE to see a Reply to List Post option that would
parse the selection from a Digest with a Reply sent to the list, but
quoting the From: field of the selected post, and using the Subject 
from the selection instead of PowerMail discussion digest blah, blah.
There was an Applescript (or was it Emailer Tools?) that did this in the
old days.

7) I don't care much about HTML mail, but I would like to see a little
picture of the sender and/or recipient of mail when there is a picture
available in Apple's Address book, the way iChat and Apple Mail do.   :-)

8) Minor Request: In Setup/Mail Filters (dialog), I would like to quickly
review my existing filters. Tried to do this by starting with the list at
the top and using [Down Arrow]. This works the first time, jumping to the
second filter, but the next [Down Arrow] takes the curser to the active
field in the Conditions section of the dialog, and then the arrow keys
control  the cursor within the selected field. [Tab] and [Shift] + [Tab]
move me nicely from field to field and eventually re-activate the Filter
List. Modifiers don't appear to have any effect on the arrow keys when in
the Filter List.

The fastest way I could figure to key through the Filter List was to use
the mouse. With the keyboard, it was:
[Down Arrow]
[Tab] (Number of further tabs depends on complexity of filter)
until Filter List is active


I would like, with the Filter List active, to be able to [Down Arrow] my
way through my filters.

Many thanks to CTMdev and all of you who contributed to this new version!

- Chris

** CHRIS'S UNPREDICTABLE and OCCASIONAL Newsletter for Mac Users **

Re: How to keep message toolbar as default

2004-05-26 Thread Christopher Plummer

On Tue, 25 May 2004 20:01:00 +0200, Cap Schwartz
[EMAIL PROTECTED], allegedly wrote: 

Subject: How to keep message toolbar as default
From: Cap Schwartz [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Date: Mon, 24 May 2004 13:26:56 -0700

I like having the functionality of the toolbar available in messages
(after I've double-clicked them to make them larger), but I don't like
having to use View  Show Toolbar for each message. Is there a way to
make this sticky so it becomes the default behavior until I change it?

Try toggling it using the silver(?) button in the upper right, opposite
the red,amber, green buttons. Once I switched the toolbar 'on' here, it
stayed on for new messages, after quitting/restarting PM.

- Chris

** CHRIS'S UNPREDICTABLE and OCCASIONAL Newsletter for Mac Users **

Re: Best feature/feature request

2004-02-18 Thread Christopher Plummer

At last, another vote! Some time ago I suggested a Context Menu: File
In with a list of folders. File In New Folder would be great too.
Maybe in some future release?

- Chris

On Wed, 18 Feb 2004 20:01:04 +0100, PowerMail discussions, Greg,
allegedly wrote: 

Oh my!... I never knew Powermail had this feature.. So I spent a bit
hunting around for it... This is *really* awesome!

- Greg

What would make this even better, though, would be a fast and efficient
way -- preferably with a keystroke -- to pop up a list of folders from
within the Recent Mail browser so I could file those messages that aren't
caught by my filters.

I realize I can do this by opening the message in its own window and
using the File In popup. I just wish this popup were available in the
Recent Mail window, and/or could be activated by keystroke.


** CHRIS'S UNPREDICTABLE and OCCASIONAL Newsletter for Mac Users ** 
 Check the UNPREDICTABLE archive -

Re: Artifacts

2003-12-04 Thread Christopher Plummer

I see the red dots quite often, and if I keep PowerMail open for a long
writing/editing session, I can get one in nearly every line down the left
side of my window. (I have one to play with right now.) I'd say it's
smaller than a period. Maybe just a single pixel. They stick to the
window location regardless of scrolling, and through window moves, but
resizing the window kills them. When I look very closely, I can see that
there are actually a bunch of them on the inner left edge of the window,
but they are nearly invisible. I think somehow they 'clump' together and
then become visible (and annoying).

I have generated a couple of screenshots which seem to confirm their
presence and clumping and sent these along to PowerMail support.

- Chris Plummer

On Sun, 30 Nov 2003 16:51:28 +, Pat O'Halloran [EMAIL PROTECTED],
allegedly wrote: 

Subject: Artifacts

Does anyone else get the odd red artifact appearing down  the left hand
side of messages they are typing?

I can't get them to appear on demand but they consist of a red dot, the
size of a period at the extreme left edge of messages. They usually only
appear a little way down the page, a couple of paragraphs or so, but
don't always appear.

For instance, I am typing this and waiting for them to show but so far
nothing has happened.

Has anyone else seen anything similar at all?

** CHRIS'S UNPREDICTABLE and OCCASIONAL Newsletter for Mac Users ** 
the UNPREDICTABLE archive -

Default Mail in Panther (slightly OT rant)

2003-11-07 Thread Christopher Plummer

Panther Internet System Preferences:
Web preferences (such as Default Web Browser) are now buried in Safari
Preferences. Default Mail Application is buried in Apple's Mail app

What I found particularly annoying was that Mail app forced me to
configure it with (more or less) valid configuration information before
it would let me look at its Preferences to make sure that PowerMail was
still the default. (Which it was.)

For as long as I recall part of what Apple meant to computing was ease
of use and choice. I see a trend now toward doing things not because
they're easy, or intuitive, or even because they make sense, but either
because that's what Windows users are used to or because it's our OS
and our Apps and we'll do as we please. 

Does that mean that every mail client is going to have to include an
option in it's own Prefs to make itself the Default Mail App? Is Apple
going to allow 3rd party apps to do that? Or will we all be coerced into
setting up Mail just so we can have the choice not to use it? I'm trying
to get a little reality check here, because I think they've stepped over
the line on this one. Maybe I'm wrong. It seems like we've gone back
about 10 years. Back before Internet Config put all the Internet
configuration in one place, at the System level, outside of applications.
Are these system level Preferences available anywhere else, or has the OS
really been this Microsoftized?

- Chris Plummer

check the UNPREDICTABLE archive -

Address Book button for Apple AB?

2003-08-21 Thread Christopher Plummer

Hello All,

I'm pretty pleased with PM's integration with the Apple Address Book at
this point, and I may have missed this...I already have all the Apple
Address Book related Preferences set to use Apple's AB. So is there a way
to get the PM Address Book Button (or Window menu item for that matter)
to open the Apple Address Book? I've tried the usual modifier keys when
clicking, and it always opens PM's AB.

If not, I'd like to request that as a new Preference.  :-)


Chris Plummer

** CHRIS'S UNPREDICTABLE and OCCASIONAL Newsletter for Mac Users ** 
check the UNPREDICTABLE archive -

Re:macosxhints - An AppleScript to email Safari URLs with titles

2003-03-24 Thread Christopher Plummer

On Mon, 24 Mar 2003 11:10:29 -0600, Wayne Brissette
[EMAIL PROTECTED], allegedly wrote: 

I'd like to *start* from a message I'm working on in PM,  grab the URL
of the top window of the default web browser, and paste it at the current
insertion point of my message. Does anyone have a script that will do that?

There is no
cursor selection in the PM AppleScript dictionary. Without one the best
options would be a script that take the URL and put them either at the
beginning or the very end of the document. 

followed on Mon, 24 Mar 2003 12:11:48 -0500 by Jonathan Greene

Considering you would have to run a script while in PM to hit Safari it
would seem more efficient the other way... just my thought anyway. 
snip For me, it
seems to be better to add once the URL is there...

Pull or push? I like both ways, but I often find myself writing and
wanting to pull a URL into the middle of a document. (Come to think of
it, it would be great to be able to pull it into *any* application.)  A
paste from clipboard would be great, but I'd settle for being able to
stick it at the end or beginning of the document currently being edited in PM.

- Chris Plummer

** CHRIS'S UNPREDICTABLE and OCCASIONAL Newsletter for Mac Users ** 
(Not exclusively) For Mac Users in Beautiful Western  Central New Jersey. 
Published Unpredictably approximately every two weeks!
Check the UNPREDICTABLE archive -

Re:macosxhints - An AppleScript to email Safari URLs with titles

2003-03-24 Thread Christopher Plummer

On Fri, 21 Mar 2003 13:31:35 -0600, Wayne Brissette
[EMAIL PROTECTED], allegedly wrote:

So normally I'm all for writing AppleScripts to solve problems. However
this is one case where the recent AppleScript to mail a URL from Safari
seem crude compared to the javascript solution... (FYI, I used it to send
this email).

Thanks again to Wayne and everyone else for all these additions! This one
is great for originating a new mail from Safari!

I'd like to *start* from a message I'm working on in PM,  grab the URL
of the top window of the default web browser, and paste it at the current
insertion point of my message. Does anyone have a script that will do that?

Much thanks,

Chris Plummer

** CHRIS'S UNPREDICTABLE and OCCASIONAL Newsletter for Mac Users ** 
(Not exclusively) For Mac Users in Beautiful Western  Central New Jersey. 
Published Unpredictably approximately every two weeks!
Check the UNPREDICTABLE archive -

Re: Send with PowerMail PDF Service!

2003-03-12 Thread Christopher Plummer

On Mon, 10 Mar 2003 20:00:01 +0100,  Jonathan Greene,
[EMAIL PROTECTED], allegedly wrote: 

Through some solid trial and (many) error(s) I was able to figure out the
send with PowerMail PDF Service!

Sends ANY document you print as Print Job.pdf from within PowerMail.

Yeow! Thanks Jonathan. This is awesome!! As is the rest of the exposed
PDF Service architecture.

Along the same lines, just saw today, PageSender, allows you to print to
fax or print a pdf to email from the Print dialog of any app! Supports
quite a few Mail clients (including PM), uses a variety of address books
(including PM's and Apple's). Shareware $29.95. I haven't tried it yet,
but has great reviews on VersionTracker.

- Christopher Plummer

** CHRIS'S UNPREDICTABLE and OCCASIONAL Newsletter for Mac Users ** 
check the UNPREDICTABLE archive -

Re: Newbie reflections: Driven Mad by Keyboard shortcut

2003-03-12 Thread Christopher Plummer

On Wed, 12 Mar 2003 20:00:01 +0100, PowerMail discussions, Max Gossell
[EMAIL PROTECTED], allegedly wrote: 

1) Command+: (Menu: Edit/Spelling/Spelling)
2) Choosing a certain dictionary from the drop down menu in the Spelling
window (which I would guess would be the real hard part...)
3) Close the Spelling window

This might be doable with the (currently beta) GUI Applescripting.
See Scripting the Unscriptable in Mac OS X by Matt Neuburg in TidBITS#670:

- Christopher Plummer

** CHRIS'S UNPREDICTABLE and OCCASIONAL Newsletter for Mac Users ** 
check the UNPREDICTABLE archive -