[ppiindia] Tahukah anda kandungan toksin yang merbahaya di badan anda sekarang ?

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik Fadzil Amri

Tahukah anda kandungan toksin yang merbahaya di badan anda sekarang?

Pencemaran, Permakanan dan cara hidup anda sekarang menyebabkan kandungan 
toksin yang berbahaya telah meningkat di dalam badan anda !!

"Toksin yang menyerap ke dalam darah merupakan faktor utama kepada pelbagai 
jenis penyakit atau sakit pada tubuh badan manusia..."

Mengikut konsep dan teori  penyembuhan semulajadi, faktor utama yang 
menyebabkan organ-organ dan tubuh mengidap pelbagai jenis penyakit ialah kerana 
toksin atau racun dalam badan. Hakikatnya, jenis atau nama sesuatu penyakit 
yang dialami adalah ditentukan oleh kerosakan yang disebabkan oleh toksin 

Sila Klik DiSini


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[ppiindia] Hati Yang Menjerit

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik muhamad agus syafii
Hati Yang Menjerit

By: agussyafii

Hati siapa yang tidak menjerit ketika seorang istri yang melihat suaminya 
disiang hati bergandengan tangan dengan seorang perempuan muda? Hati siapa yang 
tak menjerit? Begitu tutur seorang perempuan muda. Sore itu bertandang ke Rumah 
Amalia. Luka hatinya sudah mengering. Goresan-goresannya belum hilang benar. 
Susah sekali untuk bisa memaafkan bukan berarti sesuatu yang tidak mungkin.

Begitu mengetahui orang yang sangat dihormatinya dan disayanginya telah 
menghianati cinta, air mata terurai dengan derasnya. Ditanyakan hal itu pada 
suaminya. Berkali-kali suaminya meminta maaf dan mengatakan dirinya khilaf. 
Hari itu dunia menjadi terasa gelap. Anak-anaknya duduk terdiam melihat 
ibundanya sedang menangis.

Teringat masa indah diwaktu perkenalan. Waktu itu suaminya sebagai ketua remaja 
masjid dan dirinya sebagai sekretarisnya. Pertemuan itu menebar bibit cinta. 
Tak lama berselang dirinya dilamar. Keinginannya yang kuat untuk menyempurnakan 
ibadahnya kepada Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala kemudian pernikahan itu terlaksana 
dengan meriah. Kehidupan menjadi terasa begitu indah dengan kehadiran sang buah 

Dua Keluarga besar berkumpul untuk mensyukuri kelahiran putra pertamanya. 
Disisi lain karier suaminya juga mulai menanjak. Kehidupan yang dulunya serba 
susah kini menjadi lebih baik. Dulu yang serba kekurangan boleh terbilang 
sekarang rizki melimpah. 'Alhamdulillah Mas, rizki melimpah tidak membuat kami 
jauh dari Sang Khaliq.' tuturnya.

Sejak pertengkaran hebat itu suaminya jarang pulang ke rumah, memilih menginap 
di rumah orang tuanya. Sampai pada suatu hari badan putranya yang pertama sakit 
panas telah membuatnya panik. Dibawanya ke dokter. Anaknya yang kedua memaksa 
dirinya untuk menghubungi suaminya. Air mata itu terus berlinang mengabarkan 
keadaan anaknya yang sedang sakit kepada suaminya sampai akhirnya dirinya 
bertemu dengan suaminya untuk menjenguk anaknya yang sedang di rawat di Rumah 

Pertemuan di Rumah Sakit itu terlihat suaminya menangis terisak-isak bagai anak 
kecil. Selama sepuluh tahun pernikahannya baru kali ini melihat suaminya 
menangis seperti dan sekarang menangis takut kehilangan istri dan anak-anaknya. 
Dipeluk suami dan anak-anaknya. Kata memaafkan menjadi  terasa menenteramkan 
hati dan pikirannya. Hanya semata-mata ketaqwaannya kepada Allahlah memaafkan 
setulus hati dengan begitu mudah dilakukannya.

'Saya teringat pesan Mas Agus waktu itu kepada saya, bahwa Nabi mengajarkan 
kepada kita agar memaafkan karena dengan memaafkan Allah memberikan kemuliaan 
pada hidup kita,' tutur beliau. 'Alhamdulillah dengan peristiwa ini kami 
sekeluarga semakin meningkatkan ibadah kepada Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala.' 
lanjutnya.  Sore hari itu matahari mulai menenggelamkan dirinya. Puji syukur 
tak lupa selalu dipanjatkan kehadiratNya. Begitu indah hidup ini dengan 
memaafkan setulus hati.

'Allah akan membalas orang yang memaafkan orang lain dengan menambahkan 
kemuliaannya.' (HR. Muslim).

Tulisan ini dibuat dalam rangka kampanye program Kegiatan 'Salam Amalia' 
(SALMA) Hari Ahad, Tanggal 9 Mei 2010 Di Rumah Amalia, Jl. Subagyo IV blok ii, 
No.23 Komplek Peruri, Ciledug. Tangerang. Silahkan kirimkan dukungan dan 
partisipasi anda di http://www.facebook.com/agussyafii2, atau 
http://agussyafii.blogspot.com/, http://www.twitter.com/agussyafii atau sms di 
087 8777 12 431.


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[ppiindia] Mencegah Kegagalan Bayar Pasca Pengambilan KPR Syariah

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik ali
By : Alihozi

Dalam beberapa artikel tulisan yg lalu, saya selalu menyarankan kepada  para 
keluarga atau perusahaan yang ingin mengambil KPR untuk rumah , apartemen, ruko 
dan rukan pilihlah KPR Bank Syariah yang bebas dari fluktuasi suku bunga pasar 
untuk meminimalisir tingkat kegagalan bayar KPR dan juga agar bisa merencanakan 
keuangan keluarga dengan lebih baik.

Walaupun begitu dengan KPR Syariah bukan berarti bayangan terjadinya kegagalan 
bayar tidak ada, tetap saja kemungkinan gagal bayar pada KPR Syariah bisa saja 
terjadi maka perlu antisipasi untuk mencegahnya.

Berikut ini penulis akan mencoba sharing tentang bagaimana caranya mencegah 
kegagalan bayar pasca pengambilan KPR Syariah agar keluarga yang mengambil KPR 
Syariah tidak mengalami kegagalan dalam melunasi angsuran KPR Syariah yang 
masih berjalan, dengan mengambil sebuah contoh.

"Alkisah ada sebuah keluarga yaitu keluarga SN yang mengambil KPR Syariah di 
sebuah bank syariah ternama di Jakarta. SN dan istrinya sengaja mengambil KPR 
Syariah selama 10 tahun di Bank Syariah dengan harapan bisa memiliki rumah yang 
sederhana untuk anak-anak mereka dan bisa melunasinya sampai masa akhir 
perjanjian KPR Syariah tsb.

SN sejak awal mengikuti kaidah angsuran pembiayaan KPR 30-35% saja dari total 
pendapatan gajinya sesuai ketentuan dari bank syariah yang memberikannya 
pembiayaanKPR Syariah, sekarang angsuran rumahnya tinggal 4 tahun lagi. Akankah 
keluarga SN yang bahagia tsb bisa mengalami gagal bayar di KPR nya yang tinggal 
4 tahun lagi?

Apabila Diketahui Keluarga SN

1.Biaya hidup saat ini : Rp.15.800.000,-/tahun

2.Penghasilan tetap Rp.3.000.000 x 12 = Rp.36.000.000,- (tidak berubah selama 

3.Prediksi inflasi tahunan 7%

4.Cicilan KPR Syariah = Rp.18.000.000,-/tahun (angsuran tetap per tahunnya)

5.Jangka waktu KPR Syariah tinggal 4 tahun dibayar mulai tahun depan

6. Total kebutuhan cicilan KPR Syariah Rp.18.000.000 x 4 = Rp.72.000.000,-

Jawab :

Biaya hidup masa depan = biaya hidup saat ini x (1+prediksi inflasi tahunan) 
jumlah tahun

Biaya hidup 2 tahun lagi = Rp.15.800.000x 1,07 pangkat 2 = Rp.18.090.000,-

Maka sisa penghasilan setelah dikurangi biaya hidup 2 tahun lagi = 
Rp.36.000.000-18.090.000= Rp. 17.910.000,-

Dari perhitungan sederhana tsb tampak bahwa sejak tahun ke 2 keluarga SN akan 
mengalami gagal bayar karena tak mampu menyisihkan uang sebesar cicilan KPR 
yaitu Rp.18.000.000,-

Untuk mencegah masalah seperti keluarga SN tsb agar tidak terjadi pada nasabah 
yang lain adalah maka alangkah baiknya mulai dari tahun pertama pengambilan KPR 
Syariah, selama sisa penghasilan masih lebih besar dari cicilan KPR nasabah 
mulai menabung menyiapkan diri untuk menutupi kekurangan di masa depan.

Selamat Mencoba,


Alihozi http://alihozi77.blogspot.com
Jika anda yang membutuhkan konsultasi KPR Syariah atau ingin mengajukan KPR 
Syariah Bank Muamalat hubungi Alihozi SMS HP:0812-1249-001 email 

[ppiindia] Buruh Lempari Kantor PLN dengan Tomat

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Menurut berita dikatakan bahwa  pemerintah telah mengambil keputusan 
mengenai singkatan dari PLN  yaitu "Perusahaan Lilin Negara". Singkatan 
sebelumnya tidak lagi berlaku, demikian keterangan petugas.


Buruh Lempari Kantor PLN dengan Tomat

Mataram, 3 Mei 2010 13:02
Ratusan buruh melempari kantor PLN wilayah Nusa Tenggara Barat dengan tomat, 
ketika berunjuk rasa memperingati Hari Buruh Internasional, di Mataram, Senin 
pukul 11.30 WITA.

Aksi pelemparan tomat ke kantor PLN yang disaksikan aparat kepolisian, satuan 
pengaman instansi tersebut serta warga setempat itu berlangsung beberapa menit.

Direktur Utama (Dirut) PT PLN Dahlan Iskan, saat itu berada di kantor PLN NTB, 
tengah menggelar pertemuan dengan jajaran PLN.

Namun aksi pelemparan dengan tomat itu tidak menimbulkan kerusakan, kecuali 
pecahan buah tomat yang berserakan mengotori halaman kantor PLN. Sejumlah mobil 
mewah yang diparkir di dekat papan nama kantor PLN itu tak luput dari lemparan 

Sejumlah buruh yang berunjuk rasa itu sempat memanjat pagar pembatas hendak 
masuk ke kompleks kantor PLN, namun dilarang oleh rekan mereka yang tengah 

Salah seorang praktisi hukum di Mataram Muhammad Taufik Budiman juga mengambil 
bagian dalam aksi massa itu.

Dalam orasinya ia menekankan pelayanan listrik PLN NTB yang tidak becus karena 
listrik padam berkali-kali dan jadwal pemadaman bergilir semakin dekat, atau 
hampir setiap hari ada pemadaman listrik.

"Kami sudah pernah datang ke tempat ini akhir Desemebr 2009 untuk menyuarakan 
pelayanan listrik yang tidak becus ini. Sekarang kami datang lagi karena masih 
belum beres," teriak Budiman di tengah kerumunan buruh.

Setelah berorasi sekitar 10 menit, ratusan buruh itu bergerak ke kantor Polda, 
gubernur dan DPRD NTB untuk menyampaikan aspirasi mereka.

Mereka berjanji akan kembali mendatangi kantor PLN NTB jika sebulan ke depan 
masih juga terjadi pemadaman bergilir hingga larut malam.

Ratusan buruh itu membentuk konvoi kendaraan bermotor menggunakan truk, mobil 
pribadi, kendaraan angkutan umum, sepeda motor, sambil membawa atribut 
organisasi buruh.

Para buruh itu menamakan diri Koalisi Gerakan Buruh NTB yang merupakan gabungan 
dari Federasi Serikat Nelayan Tani Buruh Indonesia (FS-NTB Indonesia), Aliansi 
Masyarakat Pesisir Nusantara (Amapi Nusantara) dan Serikat Buruh Jasa 
Transportasi dan Angkutan (SB-JATRA).

Selain itu Asosiasi Karyawan Adil sejahtera (Asokadira), Perhimpunan Tani 
Indonesia (Petani), Asosiasi Buruh Umum dan Informal (Asbumi), Front Perjuangan 
Rakyat Wilayah NTB (FR-NTB), Spartan NTB, Serikat Pekerja Nasional Wilayah NTB 
(SPN NTB) dan Lesa Demarkasi NTB.

Dirut PLN Dahlan Iskan yang ditemui usai pertemuan di PLN NTB enggan 
mengomentari lebih jauh aksi para buruh itu.

"Saya tidak tahu apa maunya mereka, yang pasti PLN terutama di daerah ini terus 
berupaya agar pemadaman bergilir segera ditiadakan," ujarnya. [TMA, Ant] 

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[ppiindia] Mengoreksi Sejarah Masuknya Islam

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny

Mengoreksi Sejarah Masuknya Islam

Sejarah baru itu terkuak dari perairan Cirebon. Jejak-jejaknya ditemukan pada 
sekumpulan harta karun di kedalaman 50 meter lebih dari permukaan laut. Benda 
berharga itu mengisi perut kapal perdagangan yang tenggelam ribuan tahun silam 
di 60 mil utara Cirebon. Ribuan artefak berupa keramik, emas, perak, dan rubi 
itu telah diangkat PT Paradigma Putera Sejahtera (PPS) dan akan dilelang awal 

Peninggalan sejarah dari dasar laut itu menyimpan misteri besar. Dari 
sekumpulan benda berharga itu, ditemukan bukti otentik yang bakal mengubah 
informasi sejarah penyebaran Islam ke seluruh dunia. Kurt Tauchmann, profesor 
emeritus di Departemen Antropologi Universitas Cologne, Jerman, mengaku telah 
melihat langsung bukti sejarah itu.

Tauchmann menemukan cetakan untuk reproduksi teks kitab suci Al-Quran SURA 
XII-16 di dalam naskah Naskhi (Uthman). Reproduksi teks itu kelihatannya 
menggunakan debu emas sebagai bahan untuk mencetak tulisan. Hasil cetakan lalu 
dipakai sebagai jimat. Ada pula sejumlah tasbih dengan aneka ragam manik-manik, 
yang juga bertuliskan teks Arab seperti yang tertulis di cetakan.

"Itu semua menghadirkan bukti sejarah Islam yang paling awal di dalam wilayah 
Indonesia," ungkap Tauchmann, saat proses pengangkatan BMKT (benda muatan kapal 
tenggelam) di perairan Cirebon. Lebih jauh, muatan kapal yang tenggelam di abad 
ke-10 itu membuka berbagai kemungkinan rekonstruksi ilmiah tentang perubahan 
bentuk sosial dan ekonomi sepanjang milenium pertama. Bukti sejarah itu, 
menurut Tauchmann, mengindikasikan kehadiran orang Iran dan keturunan Arab yang 

Demikian juga hadirnya komunitas beragama Buddha dapat dikenali dari pelat 
kecil yang terukir teks empat baris pada masing-masing sisi di dalam scripture 
Pali dan kerang-kerangan diukir untuk membawa air kudus dalam upacara agama 
Buddha. Ada pula beberapa objek religius agama Hindu, yang merupakan gambaran 
simbolis pemujaan Dewa Siwa.

Horst Hubertus Liebner, arkeolog asal Jerman yang ikut meriset temuan laut 
Cirebon, sepakat dengan Tauchmann bahwa BMKT yang diangkat PT PPS itu merupakan 
temuan terbesar sepanjang sejarah. Horst menilai, benda-benda yang ditemukan di 
kapal itu bakal mengungkap sejarah baru, terutama dalam penyebaran Islam di 

Kapal Cirebon diperkirakan karam pada tahun 960-990. "Kapal yang memuat orang 
dari semua agama itu berteknologi dowel-and-lashed-lug yang menjadi ciri kapal 
Nusantara," ungkapnya. Bukti adanya kaca di perut kapal bisa dihubungkan dengan 
adanya pedagang Arab dan Persia, yang saat itu tidak lagi berdagang langsung ke 
Cina. "Mereka bermarkas di sekitar Sriwijaya. Sebab, menurut catatan 
orang-orang Cina, pada saat itu di sekitar Kepulauan Riau terdapat gudang besar 
perdagangan yang dimiliki orang Arab dan Persia," Horst memaparkan.

Ini jelas erat hubungannya dengan penyebaran Islam. Menurut Horst, pada era 
itu, pedagang Arab dan Persia banyak yang dibunuh dan diusir dari wilayah 
Kanton, Cina. Lantas para pemeluk Islam itu lari ke Sriwijaya dan Melayu, dan 
kemungkinan menyebarkan agama di sana. "Mereka memperluas ajarannya hingga ke 
Jawa dengan menumpang kapal-kapal dagang, yang salah satunya karam di Cirebon 
itu," kata Horst.

Buktinya, ada cetakan teks Arab di dalam kapal karam Cirebon itu. Horst 
mengamati secara detail teks yang tertulis. Salah satunya berbunyi "Al-Malik 
Allah", "Al-Wahid", dan "Al-Halala" (salah satu huruf tidak terlihat dengan 
jelas). "Tulisan itu menunjukkan adanya tarekat yang sangat spesifik," 
ungkapnya. Hanya orang-orang tertentu yang menganut tarekat tersebut. Tulisan 
serupa juga ada di manik-manik tasbih.

Horst menilai, semua artefak bernuansa religius itu menjadi bukti tertua 
masuknya Islam ke wilayah Nusantara. Bisa jadi, bila penelitian berlanjut, maka 
bukti tersebut bakal mementahkan cacatan sejarah kedatangan Islam di Tanah Air. 
Selama ini, para ilmuwan memercayai bahwa masuknya Islam ke Indonesia dimulai 
pada 1250 Masehi lewat pintu Samudra Pasai. "Bukti dari Cirebon itu akan 
mengoreksi waktu kedatangan Islam hingga 300 tahun ke belakang," katanya.

Heru Pamuji
[Ekonomi, Gatra Nomor 26 Beredar Kamis, 6 Mei 2010] 

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[ppiindia] Iran should become a model for other nations: Leader

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny

  May 6, 2010 

Iran should become a model for other nations: Leader
Tehran Times Political Desk

TEHRAN - Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei 
has said the Iranian nation can become a model for other nations in terms of 
upholding spiritual values and introducing a system that guarantees material 

"The appalling prospects for humanity in regard to ethics can be changed, but 
first a big change should occur in Iran, and Iran should become a material and 
spiritual model," he said in Tehran on Wednesday at a meeting with thousands of 
Iranian teachers. 

Ayatollah Khamenei stated that the Iranian nation should try to make progress 
to such a level that it can present exemplary political, social, and scientific 
models for other nations and the thinkers of the Islamic world, adding, "It is 
the historic duty of the Iranian nation." 

Commenting on Teachers' Day, the Leader paid tribute to Ayatollah Morteza 
Motahhari for his years of diligent efforts to enlighten people. 

May 2, the martyrdom anniverary of Ayatollah Morteza Motahhari, who was a great 
Iranian scholar, cleric, and university professor, has been designated as 
Teachers' Day in Iran. 

Ayatollah Khamenei said teachers have a vital and important role to train 
creative, faithful, imaginative, self-confident, motivated, patient, and 
optimistic people to the help country continue its progress. 

He also highlighted the role of teachers in developing children's individual 
and social personalities. 

Elsewhere in his remarks, the Leader called for a fundamental change in the 
country's education system and said the change should be in line with the 
country's needs, goals, and capabilities 

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[ppiindia] Clerics square off over gender mixing

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny


Clerics square off over gender mixing

Published Date: May 06, 2010 

RIYADH: Conservative Muslim Saudi Arabia's battle over men and women freely 
mixing rages as a powerful Islamic judge rebuked a hardline cleric over his 
attacks on anti-segregationist reformers. In a column published on a website 
for judges, Riyadh criminal court judge Sheikh Issa Al-Ghaith lashed out at 
cleric Abdul Rahman Al-Barrak for his sweeping condemnation of anyone 
advocating lifting the country's draconian Islamic laws against fraternization 
between unrelated men and women.

What does it mean to issue fatwas (Islamic edicts) that are difficult to 
implement and statements which make people go away?" Ghaith said. "Anyone who 
disagrees is accused of hypocrisy and branded a hypocrite," he said of 
conservatives' views. While Ghaith did not mention him by name, it was clear he 
was speaking about Barrak, one of the country's leading conservative scholars, 
who in February labelled opponents of gender segregation as infidels who should 
be killed.

On Monday, Ghaith expressed similar sentiments in a direct response to a letter 
Barrak wrote last week that mixing constituted rebelling against god. The 
letter was addressed to Ghaith, Justice Minister Mohammed al-Issa and the head 
of the Mecca religious police, Sheikh Ahmed al-Ghamdi, whose open pro-mixing 
stance got him fired and then mysteriously reinstated in late April. Barrak 
called for the three to "Fear God! Do not be keys to evil." He said they should 
resist the "so-called liberation of women," w
hich he likened to colonialism.

In other countries, he said, "This rebelling against God's rules leads to 
widespread mixing between men and women, the worst of which is seen in 
education and places of work. It is also manifested in the opening of cinemas, 
and dancing and singing halls." The exchange reflected rising tensions between 
religious conservatives, who dominate justice and education in the oil-rich 
kingdom, and increasingly vocal reformers who want to end the ultra-strict laws 
controlling women.

Under Saudi Arabia's harsh Wahhabi version of Islam, women are not allowed to 
go out without guardians; unrelated men and women cannot go to restaurants 
together; they are separated in offices; and women are not permitted to drive. 
But the debate was ignited last year when King Abdullah inaugurated a new 
international science university near the Red Sea commercial city of Jeddah 
where men and women students and faculty freely work together.

The debate was spiced up on Friday when numerous newspapers published a 
photograph of the king surrounded by three dozen women at a conference held 
several weeks earlier. Ghaith said on Monday that Barrak was "raising discord" 
and "inciting brother against brother," invoking the king in his argument. "We 
are an Islamic state and Islamic law is applied to all walks of life. Our ruler 
King Abdullah has done his duty well. So we are required to listen and obey," 
Ghaith said. _ AFP

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[ppiindia] Media blackout of 'spy cell' ordered

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny

Media blackout of 'spy cell' ordered
Published Date: May 06, 2010 
By B Izzak and A Saleh, Staff Writer 

KUWAIT: Public Attorney Hamed Al-Othman yesterday issued a decision banning the 
publication of any news regarding the busting of a spy network allegedly 
working for Iran's Revolutionary Guards as accusations and counter-accusations 
continued among MPs. The decision came as the public prosecution yesterday 
interrogated two members of the alleged cell who are bedoons, or stateless 
Arabs. Sources said the two denied having any links to the cell or to the 
Revolutionary Guards.

The public prosecution is expected to start interrogating seven other suspects 
who are currently under interrogation in the state security department. 
Authorities however remained silent on the nature of the investigation and if 
the network is actually linked to the Revolutionary Guards as more MPs blasted 
the government's position. Members of the Islamic Reform and Development Bloc 
called on the government to explicitly reveal the nature of charges that have 
been made to the spy network and to announce na
mes of the suspects.

Addressing a press conference, the four members of the group warned against 
attempts to cover up internal or external sides in this case. MP Faisal 
Al-Mislem said that people are concerned after the reports that a spy network 
of Iran's Revolutionary Guards have been busted, adding the government's 
handling of the case has been wrong and lacked transparency. Mislem said that 
what adds to people's concerns is the fact that the spy cell is allegedly 
linked to Iran, which had repeatedly threatened to attack Ku
wait and other Gulf countries if attacked by the United States.

National Assembly Speaker Jassem Al-Khorafi commended delaying the submission 
of a request to hold a special debate on the spy network, saying he believes 
that the best way to deal with the issue is to summon the interior minister to 
the interior and defense committee and discuss the situation. Khorafi also 
called on MPs to stop issuing statements on the issue and let the authorities 
perform their duty.

MP Hassan Jowhar blamed the government for causing confusion in the country by 
failing to issue clear statements to clarify the situation and stop unnecessary 
interpretations. He said that government's hesitation has opened the door for 
speculation and "mixing of cards", encouraged the spread of rumours and stoking 
of sectarian tensions in the country. Jowhar appealed to the Kuwaiti people to 
beware from those with political agendas and those who attempt to undermine 
national unity.

MP Mubarak Al-Waalan yesterday warned the government and the interior minister 
against allowing any interference that may impact the ongoing investigations on 
the Iranian spy network, saying that any interference necessarily means an 
attempt to protect those who violate Kuwait's security and sovereignty. He 
added that any interference to save suspects in the network amounts to high 
treason against Kuwait's national interests. He also threatened to reveal the 
identity of those who attempt to interfere.

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[ppiindia] Kremlin wins back ex-Soviet states

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny

Kremlin wins back ex-Soviet states
  Publish Date: Thursday,6 May, 2010, at 11:41 PM Doha Time 

By Michael Stott/Moscow

Vladimir Putin has long bemoaned the fall of the Soviet Union. Now he appears 
to be having some success in winning parts of it back. Analysts and diplomats 
name Ukraine, Kyrgyzstan and Georgia as former Soviet republics where Russia 
has succeeded recently in rolling back Western influence.
Belarus, which flirted last year with the West, is tracking back towards Moscow 
and has agreed, together with Central Asian powerhouse Kazakhstan, to join 
Moscow in a customs union.

The West, preoccupied with financial crisis and keen to keep Russia as an ally 
in tackling problems such as nuclear proliferation and Iran's military 
ambitions, has acquiesced."It's extremely important to Putin to reassert 
Russian influence in the (former Soviet Union)," said Maria Lipman, editor of 
the Pro et Contra journal at the Moscow Carnegie Centre. "Europe can't compete 
with that."

In Ukraine, newly elected leader Viktor Yanukovich scrapped plans by his 
predecessor to pursue Nato membership and did a deal extending the lease of a 
Russian naval base in Ukraine by 25 years in return for a 30% cut in gas 
prices. Emboldened by his success, Putin suggested last Friday that Kiev should 
merge its state gas company Naftogaz - which owns the pipelines taking Russian 
gas across Ukraine to the West - with Russia's state-controlled giant Gazprom.

Georgia's Western allies have largely deserted President Mikheil Saakashvili 
after his disastrous attempt in 2008 to retake the rebel province of South 
Ossetia triggered a war with Russia and a crushing military defeat.

Saakashvili has lost public support too over the affair and Georgian opposition 
politicians, some of whom favour less confrontational policies with Russia, 
have already travelled to Moscow for exploratory talks with Putin.

In the poor Central Asia republic of Kyrgyzstan, former president Kurmanbek 
Bakiyev blamed his fall in a popular uprising on Moscow, saying the Kremlin was 
dissatisfied that he had backtracked on a promise to close a key US military 
base.These developments mean all three of the "colour" revolutions, in which 
mass protests swept pro-Western governments to power in Ukraine, Georgia and 
Kyrgyzstan, have been reversed or seriously compromised.

"The collapse of the 'Orange' administrations in all countries except Georgia, 
which is now isolated, the recognition of South Ossetia and Abkhazia, the 
re-booting of relations with the US and the new strategic pact with Ukraine 
together create ... ideal foreign political conditions," said Gleb Pavlovsky, a 
political analyst with close ties to the Kremlin, in comments on his website 
kreml.org. - Reuters

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[ppiindia] Creation of the state of Pakistan

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi : Bagus juga kalau ada yang menulis "The creation NKRI".


Thursday, May 06, 2010

Book review: Creation of the state of Pakistan -by Iftikhar Ahmad

 Jinnah: India-Partition-Independence
By Jaswant Singh Oxford University Press; Pp 565, Price Rs 995

It is claimed that Jaswant Singh's book, Jinnah: India-Partition-Independence, 
attempts an objective evaluation. It is for the impartial reader to pass a 
verdict. The focus of the author is on a number of factors, including the 
partition of India in 1947, an event labelled as the most "wounding trauma" of 
the 20th century. The questions raised are: why did the partition of the 
subcontinent take place at all? Who was responsible? Jinnah's political journey 
began as an ambassador of Hindu-Muslim unity and ended with his becoming the 
"sole spokesman" of the Muslims in India, the creator of Pakistan and the 
Quaid-e-Azam. How and why did this transformation take place? Jaswant Singh 
asks where and when this questionable thesis of 'Muslims as a separate nation' 
first originated and where it led the Indian subcontinent. He believes that for 
the return of lasting peace in South Asia there is no alternative but to first 
understand what made Muslims 'abandon' us in the first place.

Like many others in India, Jaswant Singh seems to not have reconciled with the 
reality of the partition of the subcontinent. He calls partition a "disruptive 
and destructive path" and rejects the call that "Muslims are a separate nation" 
to finally emerge as Pakistan, even if "moth-eaten". For the partition in 1947, 
he blames Nehru and Jinnah. He writes, "In India our having once accepted this 
principal of reservations, Circa 1909, then of partition, how can we now deny 
it to others, even such Muslims as have had to or chosen to live in India?"

Jaswant Singh writes, "We have all been born of partition; we were one, India, 
Pakistan and Bangladesh, until the third quarter of 1947, now we are three 
separate entities, but are we truly all that different? I cannot help querying 
so." Perhaps the answer lies in the circumstances stated by the author himself 
in chapter three ('The Turbulent Twenties') of the book. Similar circumstances 
have prevailed in India for over 63 years after partition. The Indian 
government failed to provide protection to minorities (especially Muslims). The 
equality as mentioned in the Indian constitution neither lives in the minds of 
the Hindu majority nor the government authorities.

Many years before the Pakistan Resolution (1940), Lala Lajpat Rai, a very 
astute politician and staunch Hindu Mahasabhite wrote, "I am inclined to think 
it is neither possible nor practicable to achieve Hindu-Muhammedan unity. 
Assuming that we can unite against the British, we cannot do so to rule 
Hindustan on British lines. We cannot do so to rule Hindustan on democratic 
lines." Although Hindus and Muslims had been living together for centuries in 
the Indian subcontinent, yet there had never been any signs of a merger between 
Hindu and Muslim societies, or any serious attempt to develop a working 
relationship between the two major religious groups. The two always remained 
two distinct social systems, distinct cultures and different civilisations. The 
Hindu customs and their hatred for Muslims was the main factor against 
developing a working relationship between the two major communities.

If the leadership and majority in India failed to create the conditions to 
prevent violence against minorities, the birth of Pakistan has conclusively 
proved Jinnah's thesis (Muslims - a separate nation). The core of this ideology 
is full and will never ever be empty. Bangladesh continues to be a Muslim 
state, independent from the fright of Hindu domination. In India the BJP itself 
provides support to this ideology. Analysts have observed how the BJP, with 
impunity, has been turning to prove that the Two Nation theory was after all 
right. The BJP extends practical support to the view that politics and religion 
in India cannot be divided. This further speaks volumes of the true nature of 
Indian secularism and what they call the 'world's biggest democracy'.

Referring to the book once again, let it be put straight: Jinnah should not be 
blamed (now) that he took advantage of or exploited or made much of the 
Hindu-Muslim riots (1946 in Bengal, Bihar, etc.) to prove the incapacity of 
Congress governments to protect Muslims. Muhammad Ali Jinnah was a cool and 
composed personality and therefore, unlike many other politicians, he would 
never attack Hindus or Hinduism as such. As a mature politician and strong 
believer in peaceful and constitutional means, his opposition to Congress was 
on the basis of principles and not personal motives.

Jaswant Singh's authorship no doubt reflects his patriotism as an Indian 
citizen and an important political personality. His writing is po

[ppiindia] Bad habits can age you by 12 years, study suggests

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny

Bad habits can age you by 12 years, study suggests
Updated: 2010-04-28 13:41 

CHICAGO: Four common bad habits combined - smoking, drinking too much, 
inactivity and poor diet - can age you by 12 years, sobering new research 
suggests.The findings are from a study that tracked nearly 5,000 British adults 
for 20 years, and they highlight yet another reason to adopt a healthier 

Overall, 314 people studied had all four unhealthy behaviors. Among them, 91 
died during the study, or 29 percent. Among the 387 healthiest people with none 
of the four habits, only 32 died, or about 8 percent.
The risky behaviors were: smoking tobacco; downing more than three alcoholic 
drinks per day for men and more than two daily for women; getting less than two 
hours of physical activity per week; and eating fruits and vegetables fewer 
than three times daily.

These habits combined substantially increased the risk of death and made people 
who engaged in them seem 12 years older than people in the healthiest group, 
said lead researcher Elisabeth Kvaavik of the University of Oslo.

The study appears in Monday's Archives of Internal Medicine. 
The healthiest group included never-smokers and those who had quit; 
teetotalers, women who had fewer than two drinks daily and men who had fewer 
than three; those who got at least two hours of physical activity weekly; and 
those who ate fruits and vegetables at least three times daily.

"You don't need to be extreme" to be in the healthy category, Kvaavik said. 
"These behaviors add up, so together it's quite good. It should be possible for 
most people to manage to do it."

For example, one carrot, one apple and a glass of orange juice would suffice 
for the fruit and vegetable cutoffs in the study, Kvaavik said, noting that the 
amounts are pretty modest and less strict than many guidelines.

The US government generally recommends at least 4 cups of fruits or vegetables 
daily for adults, depending on age and activity level; and about 2 1/2 hours of 
exercise weekly.

Study participants were 4,886 British adults aged 18 and older, or 44 years old 
on average. They were randomly selected from participants in a separate 
nationwide British health survey. Study subjects were asked about various 
lifestyle habits only once, a potential limitation, but Kvaavik said those 
habits tend to be fairly stable in adulthood.

Death certificates were checked for the next 20 years. The most common causes 
of death included heart disease and cancer, both related to unhealthy 

Kvaavik said her results are applicable to other westernized nations including 
the United States.

June Stevens, a University of North Carolina public health researcher, said the 
results are in line with previous studies that examined the combined effects of 
health-related habits on longevity.

The findings don't mean that everyone who maintains a healthy lifestyle will 
live longer than those who don't, but it will increase the odds, Stevens said

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[ppiindia] China's Cabinet approves education reform plan

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny

China's Cabinet approves education reform plan
Updated: 2010-05-06 21:59 

BEIJING - The Chinese government has approved an education reform plan for next 
decade which promises to prioritize the development of education while ensuring 
fairness in the system.

A meeting of the State Council, or China's Cabinet, approved the final version 
of the Medium and Long-term National Educational Reform and Development Plan 
(2010-2020) on Wednesday, said a statement issued by the State Council on 

The development of education ranging from pre-school education to vocational 
education in rural areas will be a priority in the country's overall 
development programs, according to the plan.

Government investment will increase steadily to support the education sector, 
with the ratio of government's education expenditure in terms of  gross 
domestic product (GDP) to be 4 percent by 2012, according to the meeting 
presided over by Premier Wen Jiabao.

In 2008 the ratio stood at 3.48 percent, compared with the world's average 
level of 4.5 percent.
The plan, released at the end of February for public scrutiny, was seen as 
setting a tone for the development of the education sector in China, which has 
long suffered from problems such as funding shortages and unbalanced 
development in rural and urban areas.

The plan said giving students fairer access to quality education would be a 
"fundamental policy," with more public education resources to be arranged for 
rural, impoverished and ethnic areas.
The statement said the plan would bring "innovation" to the way universities 
enrolled students, without giving details.

The reforms would also encourage private organizations and individuals to play 
a greater role in the education system, according to the statement.

The plan took one year and nine months to draw up, during which public 
submissions were called for on two separate occasions.

Related readings:
 True education reform still elusive
 Wen seeks opinions on draft of education reform plan
 A lot expected from education reform


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[ppiindia] In Pursuit of the Dragons of Alor

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny

May 06, 2010 
Tim Hannigan 

In Pursuit of the Dragons of Alor

In the fishing village of Lanleki on the island of Alor, I met an old man who 
had seen a dragon. His name was Achmad. Sitting in the narrow front room of his 
small house, he told me his story. Forty years ago, long before he made the 
hajj pilgrimage to Mecca, he was walking along a narrow path that leads to the 
village when the dragon emerged from the sea and chased him through the trees. 
It had horns like a buffalo and seven flickering tongues. 

The most easterly landfall in the island chain that stretches east of Java, 
Alor is a place of pale beaches and dark, myth-filled hills. Like many other 
regions of Indonesia, the island has undergone remarkable changes in the last 
century. In 1938, American anthropologist Cora Du Bois visited Alor and records 
she kept describe an island where people knew little of money and spoke no 
Indonesian. Though there was a long established halo of Islam around the coast, 
Protestant missionaries had little success spreading their religion in the 
hills and most people worshiped only the spirits of the countryside. Dutch 
colonialists claimed to have pacified the island at the turn of the 20th 
century, but clan warfare and headhunting were still practiced. 

Seventy years later, roads have snaked into the hills, whitewashed churches 
have sprouted in remote villages and most of the population has become 
nominally Christian. The island's capital, Kalabahi, has filled with buzzing 
motorbikes. There are daily flights from Kupang and even a nascent tourist 

But, as I was to discover, Alor, part of East Nusa Tenggara province, is still 
a place where old beliefs and traditions hold strong, and where there is little 
distinction between history and myth. This is an island that could still be 
marked on the map with the words: Here be dragons... 

Alor is smaller than Bali and has a population of just 168,000. But it is 
perhaps the most linguistically diverse place in Indonesia; as many as 17 
languages and numerous dialects are spoken here. There is a similar diversity 
of culture, with the creation myths of one village often meaning nothing to the 
people of the next. But there are certain threads that run throughout the 
island. Dragons, for one, are a part of the folklore one hears from village to 
village. Only here they are spoken of not as mythological creatures, but as 
real entities. 

If I wanted to learn more about dragons, Achmad said, I should go to the 
village of Alor Kecil. A Muslim village with concrete houses and tin-roofed 
mosques shaded by huge banyan trees, Alor Kecil lies at the western tip of the 
rugged peninsula that bulges to the north of Kalabahi Bay. As I picked my way 
through the village I spotted dragon figures everywhere. There were dragons 
carved into door frames, dragons woven into pieces of local ikat cloth and 
dragon statues outside the community hall. 

Sitting outside the lineage house of the Suku Bao Raja, Alor Kecil's royal 
clan, I met a young man named Jason. I asked him about dragons. The naga, or 
dragon, he said, was the protector of the village. It had come originally from 
the ground in the hills to the north, but today it lived in the sea. I repeated 
Achmad's story and Jason was not surprised. 

"People do see the dragon, but not often. It's usually outsiders who see it, 
not locals," he said. 

He told me that all of the people of Alor Kecil and the surrounding settlements 
were descended from a man who rose from the earth in a place called Bampalola 
in the hills above the coast. Following his directions I traveled up a steep 
track that wound between the ridges. 

Bampalola is a modern village with a school and a mosque. One kilometer 
downhill through the maize fields, on a high promontory at the end of a 
razor-sharp ridge, stood the old village, Lakatuli. No one lived in Lakatuil 
now, but the place was still used for traditional ceremonies. Tall thatched 
roofs rose above bamboo-floored platforms. Elaborate carvings on beams and 
banisters were picked out in white and ochre, and dragons were chiseled into 
the woodwork. 

Looking at them I was reminded of a grainy black-and-white photo in Du Bois's 
1944 book, "The People of Alor." It was a picture of an ulenai, a carving 
representing the village guardian spirit. Though the ulenai lacked the 
stylistic touches clearly borrowed from Chinese art that I had seen on carvings 
in Alor Kecil and Bampalola, it was very obviously a dragon. 

Du Bois had written of ancestor myths and guardian spirits. "This whole concept 
will undoubtedly become the center of revivalistic cults when Alorese culture 
crumbles, as it inevitably will under the impact of foreign colonization," Du 
Bois wrote. But much of the island's ancient traditions appeared intact and it 
seemed the people's belief in the dragon as a powerfu

[ppiindia] Herschel space telescope pierces giant star bubble

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny

Page last updated at 11:35 GMT, Thursday, 6 May 2010 12:35 UK

Herschel space telescope pierces giant star bubble 
  By Jonathan Amos 
  Science correspondent, BBC News  

  The galactic bubble known as RCW 120 lies some 4,300 light-years from 

  Enlarge Image

A colossal star many times the mass of our own Sun is seen growing in a bubble 
of excited gas just pictured by the Herschel space observatory.

The image of the bubble, known as RCW 120, has been released a few days ahead 
of the European telescope's first birthday in orbit. 

Herschel's infrared detectors are tuned to see the cold materials that give 
birth to stars. 

Pictures like RCW 120 will help explain how really giant ones are made. 

The monster in this picture is seen as the small white blob on the bottom edge 
of the bubble.

The "baby" star is perhaps a few tens of thousands of years old and has yet to 
ignite the nuclear furnace that will form at its core. But it is some eight to 
10 times the mass of our Sun and is surrounded by about 200 times as much 

If more of that gas and dust continues to fall in on the star, the object has 
the potential to become one of the Milky Way Galaxy's true giants, and it will 
go on to have a profound influence on its environment. 

"It's the massive stars that control the dynamical and chemical evolution of 
the galaxy," explained Herschel scientist Dr Annie Zavagno from the Laboratoire 
d'Astrophysique de Marseille.

  The observatory is positioned 1.5m km from Earth
  Its instruments sense far-infrared and sub-millimetre radiation
  Its 3.5m diameter mirror is the largest ever flown in space
  Herschel can probe clouds of gas and dust to see stars being born
  It will investigate how galaxies have evolved through time
  The mission will end when its helium refrigerant boils off

  Seeking the cold cosmos  
"It's the massive stars that create the heavy elements like iron and they are 
able to put them in the interstellar medium. And because they end their lives 
in supernova explosions, they also inject a lot of energy into the galaxy," she 
told BBC News. 

The baby owes its existence to another, unseen star, the radiation from which 
has sculpted the exquisite shape of the bubble. By pushing away this shroud of 
gas and dust, it has raised the density of matter in new locations, triggering 
a fresh round of starbirth. 

Present theories of star formation struggle to explain how objects larger than 
about 10 solar masses can exist. The fierce light they emit should blast away 
their birth clouds, limiting their growth. 

And yet, astronomers know of stars that are 120 times the mass of our Sun. 

The unique capabilities of Herschel - it works in the far-infrared and 
sub-millimetre range (55 to 672 microns) - mean it can see physical processes 
that are beyond the vision of other telescopes. 

Hubble, for example, which senses visible and near-infrared light, is blind to 
the details in this picture. 

Scientists hope Herschel's vision can give them the information they need to 
correct their models. 

The European Space Agency's billion-euro observatory was sent into orbit on an 
Ariane rocket on 14 May last year. 

It is positioned far from Earth to give it an unobstructed view of deep space. 


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[ppiindia] India's Maoists show who rules

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny

May 7, 2010

India's Maoists show who rules
By Indrajit Basu 

KOLKATA - The place: somewhere in the Lohardagga district surrounded by the 
dense Latehar forests in the Indian state of Jharkhand. The time: about 11 in 
the morning. The congregation: a group of 100 people huddled around a banyan 
tree intently listening to three gun-totting "judges" sitting on a raised 
platform and delivering their verdict. 

This might be a typical scene at a local court witnessed in hundreds of 
villages in India every day. However, these "judges", most of their faces 
covered by cloth, are neither elected village chiefs nor government 
representatives. They are members of the Maoists who, as they do in hundreds of 
other villages under their control, are performing administrative duties, on 
this occasion in an area with a population of about 500 poor, lower-caste 

As controversy rages over how India should combat Maoism, which has emerged as 
the country's greatest internal security threat, private security agencies say 
that Maoists are consistently gathering political strength and are establishing 
their own parallel administration in the regions under their control. 

What's more, even if the Maoists have never run in an election and do not enjoy 
formal power, they have established their strongholds over vast stretches of 
forest lands occupied by mostly tribal and poor people who are trodden down by 
the archaic caste system of the country. 

"The Maoists take advantages of all those who are disgusted and distressed over 
the government machinery, and run their own parallel government called janata 
sarkar, which means people's government," said S M Kumar, managing director and 
chief executive officer of Mumbai-based Mitkat Risk Advisory Services, which 
claims to be one of India's foremost, privately owned strategic think-tanks. 

"The Maoists have no formal rulebook, nor laws. Yet they enjoy the faith, 
confidence and trust of people. Their administration methods are often on the 
wrong side of the law. They rule verbally, but their decisions are instant and 
are never disobeyed," he said. 

According to Mitkat, Maoists have demonstrated their presence in more than 200 
(out of 630) districts across 12 Indian states (a contiguous "red corridor" 
from Nepal to northern fringes of Tamil Nadu and Orissa). Their span of 
influence includes 16 districts in Bihar, three in West Bengal, almost all the 
districts of Jharkhand and Chhattisgarh, and a few districts of Orissa, Andhra 
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Karnataka, Kerala and 
Tamil Nadu. 

Seized documents, said Mitkat, show that they run parallel administration in 
nearly 44 districts, with the aim to overthrow the Indian state through armed 

"They are remarkably organized," said Kumar, with a military-like hierarchy 
that has leaders at the national, regional and local levels. 

This structure has designated people at every level who are responsible for 
operational efficiency and maintaining books. There also exists a force of 
women who have not only vowed to serve the organization for life, but some have 
also pledged their children to serve the organization after them. 

As in any formal administration, the "cadres" are paid salaries that range from 
US$6 to $72 per month, and most importantly like a government, the Maoist 
administration has a regular revenue source. 

Mitkat estimates that the Maoist "empire" generates annual revenue of $330 
million - that is a larger amount than the state of Chhattisgarh spends on its 
police force. The sources of funding include extortion, drug peddling, looting, 
ransom and robbery, as well as somewhat more legal routes such as extracting 
commissions from all deals, which they call "taxes". 

"In the region where the Maoist writ runs, every sack of potatoes, every truck 
consignment, every business and land deal has a price," said Kumar. "They even 
charge a cut from the salaries of the police and government officials that 
fight them." 

Huge collections (for example, money looted from banks) are handed over to the 
designated central committee functionary. Sometimes, part of the money is sent 
to the central committee and the balance is used to buy arms, ammunition, and 
so forth In addition, "these earnings" are used to buy dry rations and 
medicines for the rebels. 

"The problem is that, even if not fully, the Maoists have at least succeeded in 
filling the vacuum the state administration has created in the red corridor by 
failing to deliver social and economic justice to millions of people there," 
said an officer of the local intelligence agency research and analysis wing. 
Due to the sensitivity of his job, the officer requested anonymity. Maoists 
often get "financial aid from sympathizers" in countries like Nepal, Myanmar 
and even China. "The quantum of such aids though is yet to be estimated," he 

[ppiindia] Iran's Spies in the Gulf

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny

Iran's Spies in the Gulf

By Abdul Rahman Al-Rashid

Despite the ongoing uncertainty surrounding Tehran and its political isolation, 
freedom of movement between Iran and the six Gulf Cooperation Council [GCC] 
countries has not stopped. Visits take place on a daily basis, the majority of 
which are Gulf Arab businessmen and students traveling to Iran, however 
Iranians also travel westwards across the Gulf, and this includes those who are 
using the Gulf to travel to other parts of the world, such as merchants who 
transferring boats full of carpets, fish, and caviar. 

Despite the quiet hostility and the cold war that is taking place between the 
extremist Iranian regime and the Gulf regimes, a thin line continues to tie the 
two Gulf shores together allowing the people of the Gulf the ability to travel 
and serve their own interests. However the discovery of an Iranian spy cell in 
Kuwait confirms suspicions that Tehran has not creased sending its spies to 
slip in undetected amongst the [Iranian] businessmen, students, and travelers, 
and that they recruit local citizens who fall into the clutches of this 
extremist religious military regime. 

The discovery of this Iranian spy cell in Kuwait has brought the debate about 
relations with Tehran to the forefront once again, and the question is should 
we sever ties with Tehran so that the Iranian authorities realize that they 
will be the biggest loser if their major gateway to the world becomes closed to 
them? Iran is able to operate through other crossings points, such as Turkey, 
Syria, and Pakistan, however this cannot provide Iran with the same [transport] 
capabilities as provided via Dubai, Kuwait, and Bahrain, which represents their 
major corridor to the world.

Regardless of the level of anger that we demonstrate towards what happened in 
Kuwait, the Iranian regime will not stop using its airlines companies, banks, 
and commercial cooperation in espionage activities, because this is the nature 
of the Iranian regime which highly values its intelligence operations, and 
which looks at the spy cells that it has spread throughout the region as being 
a political arm and an advanced military bastion. In Tehran's hostile 
statements towards the US, it has not hidden its intention to target the Gulf 
States should clashes break out between the two countries. Iran is aware that 
the Gulf has strong international interests and considers the region to be a 
soft target and is therefore seeking to use this in order to exploit its 
opponents, threatening that in the event of a US attack on Iran, they will 
retaliate by attacking the Gulf States. 

Iran has previously attempted to attack Saudi Arabia in 1987, losing two 
fighter jets at sea, although they only officially acknowledged losing one. 
Iran also launched a violent war to attack any oil tankers trading with Gulf 
States, particularly Kuwait, forcing these tankers to raise the US flag and 
travel under the protection of US Naval Forces. In addition to this, Iran has 
been implicated in a number of terrorist operations, and today continues to 
play host to elements of Al Qaeda following the US war in Afghanistan. 

Iran's history of provocation has resulted in Gulf States being unable to trust 
the possibility of peaceful relations with Tehran, as they cannot help but 
suspect the presence of Iranian spy cells on their soil. The two sides are in a 
state of cold war that has been ongoing since the Iranian Revolution took place 
in 1979. As for the Iranians, they believe that this is a one-sided war, as the 
Gulf regimes do not have a counter political agenda, nor do they spend spy 
cells or sleeper cells onto Iranian soil. 

Does Iran's reliance upon a policy that paves the way for war with the Gulf 
States benefit Tehran? The truth is that the Iranian regime's expenditure and 
effort to recruit and fund its agents in the region in order to oppose the Gulf 
regimes is very similar to what Saddam Hussein was doing before he discovered 
that everything that he built did not help him at the critical moment whether 
this was in 1990 or 2003. Iran's strategy is based solely upon the concept of 
war, and this informs all of its [external] relations, making relations with 
Iran difficult.

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[ppiindia] Iraq.It's an Iranian Alliance

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny

Iraq.It's an Iranian Alliance

By Tariq Alhomayed

There is no other way to describe the electoral alliance that was announced on 
Tuesday between the State of Law Coalition and the Iraqi National Alliance 
except as an Iranian one. What's considered a purely sectarian alliance made 
sectarianism prevail over the nation, with the aim of excluding half of the 
Iraqi society, and of course the consequences will be detrimental. 

In amazement, a Western official told me "how America handed over Iraq to 
Iran." The truth is that the first person to say this openly and in America was 
the Saudi Foreign Minister Prince Saud al Faisal when, in the presence of the 
then US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, he said that America had handed 
Iraq to Iran on a golden platter. A well-informed Saudi told me that the 
Americans, Rice in particular, were very angry that day, however today Prince 
Saud al Faisal's words have been confirmed decisively. 

It is not important to understand the reasons that prompted this Shia alliance 
and the coup over half of the Iraqi nation; it is more important to understand 
the harmful consequences that will result from the alliance. The alliance 
suggests that there is a long road ahead for Iraq and that the common 
denominator between the two coalitions is the sectarian dimension. This is what 
will result in instability in Iraq and a lack of trust between Iraq and its 
Arab surroundings. It is by no means an easy matter, and the Iraqis will 
remember that only when it is too late as some triumphs look like defeats and 
even stronger is the bitterness of defeat. Democracy is not based on the 
dominance of sectarianism and serving foreign agendas and that of Iran in 
particular. If every component of the Arab countries went in search of its 
sectarian depth then disaster would have struck in the region. Therefore, the 
national umbrella is the most effective and the safest; in fact it is the only 
request and the place of rational-minded people. 

But what has happened in Iraq is contrary to that. Those being targeted here 
are not only the Sunnis, despite the fact that one week doesn't pass without 
news of killings and assassinations (the most recent being the assassination of 
the deputy head of the Sunni Waqaf authority in west Baghdad yesterday) but 
there is also the targeting of the Christians in a systematic manner in order 
to intimidate them and force them out of Iraq in such a blatant manner whilst 
the Arab and international silence continues!

Now, after the announcement of the alliance between the two Shia coalitions in 
Iraq we should not be surprised at [what happens in] the upcoming days even if 
we do feel sad about the where the Iraqi situation is going. But what's 
important is that the Iraqiya List, with its Sunnis and Shia, remains solid and 
rational and the same thing applies to the Kurds. This is for the simple reason 
that history is documented and time passes and the best example of that is the 
former regime of Saddam Hussein. Who would have thought that it would end in 
the way it did?

Therefore, it is not important who becomes Prime Minister in Iraq whether it is 
al Maliki or anyone else; what's important is that it is clear to us today that 
Iraq is on the brink of unknown consequences; if it falls into the cycle of 
violence then it will harm us all and if it throws itself into the arms of 
Iran, then the catastrophe is even bigger, as Tehran will be looking over the 
Arabian Gulf from several points and though it will be up to its neck in oil 
fields, it will also be the carrier of firewood!

Has the picture become clear? I believe it is as clear as the sun

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[ppiindia] Man sends son-in-law to jail, forces daughter to go with new husband

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny

Man sends son-in-law to jail, forces daughter to go with new husband

Published: May 6, 2010 01:27 Updated: May 6, 2010 01:27 

MADINAH: A Shariah Court in Madinah is looking into the case of a married woman 
who has filed a complaint against her father that he has misused his parental 
authority to marry her off to a man even though she wants to continue living 
with her first husband.

The first husband, a Tunisian expatriate, has also complained to Madinah Gov. 
Prince Abdul Aziz bin Majid that he was jailed by the Passport Department after 
his father-in-law, who is also his sponsor, filed a false allegation against 
him, Al-Madinah newspaper reported.

The husband claims a judge in Madinah sided with his father-in-law to take away 
his rights over his wife while he was in prison. Prince Abdul Aziz has ordered 
the Passport Department to investigate why the man was put in jail.

Trouble between the father and his son-in-law began five years ago. In her 
complaint, the daughter said her father initially agreed to allow her to marry 
the Tunisian man and then withdrew his permission. He also refused to return 
the SR20,000 that her husband gave in dowry. The Tunisian filed a lawsuit to 
force her father to return the dowry and an additional SR57,000 that he owed 

In the meantime, the father complained to the Passport Department that the 
Tunisian had entered the Kingdom on a forged visa. The Tunisian man was 
subsequently put in jail for a month.

The daughter then filed a lawsuit against her father that he had canceled her 
marriage. The Tunisian man also made moves to report him to the governor of 
Madinah at which the father permitted the marriage as long as the husband 
abandons his claims for the money. The Tunisian man agreed and he was 
subsequently freed from prison. The couple then married and had two children 

"When my husband's iqama (residence permit) came up for renewal he asked my 
father, who is his sponsor, to renew it. My father refused and filed a false 
complaint that he had run away from his sponsor," said the wife in her 

"This led to a fistfight between the two. My father complained to the police 
that my husband attacked him so violently that he had to stay in hospital for 
five days. As a result, my husband was given two months of jail term. He was 
also forced to pay him SR28,000," she added.

"My husband had to be in jail for a year because, according to prison 
officials, his sponsor had failed to come and take him away," she added.

After that, the father applied pressure on the Tunisian man to divorce his 
daughter. However, a few days later the husband called her from jail to tell 
her that he had revoked his divorce and that she was still his wife.

In the meantime, the father married her off to another man. When the father 
compelled her to go with her second husband, she left home and filed the 

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Russian special forces storm oil tanker, free ship

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny

Russian special forces storm oil tanker, free ship 

Published: May 6, 2010 16:35 Updated: May 6, 2010 16:35 

ABOARD THE HSwMS CARLSKRONA: Russian special forces rappelled onto a disabled 
oil tanker taken over by Somali pirates, freeing 23 Russian sailors and 
arresting the pirates during a dawn raid Thursday, the commander of the EU 
Naval Force said.

The raid against the Liberian-flagged ship Moscow University came 24 hours 
after pirates had taken the ship over and the crew locked itself in a safe 
room. The vessel is carrying 86,000 tons of crude oil worth about $50 million.

The special forces had been aboard the Russian anti-submarine destroyer Marshal 
Shaposhnikov, which rushed to the scene after Wednesday's attack. The special 
forces boarded a helicopter and rappelled down to the Moscow University, Rear 
Adm. Jan Thornqvist, force commander of the EU Naval Force, told The Associated 

Shots were fired during the raid but no one was injured, Thornqvist said.

Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Col. Alexei Kuznetsov said the pirates are 
being held aboard the tanker. Russian news agencies reported the death of one 
pirate during the raid, but Kuznetsov told AP that information was still being 
looked into.

The crew of the Moscow University had previously told officials they believed 
the pirates were trying to enter the engine room, Thornqvist said. The ship had 
been disabled and was not moving. Safe rooms, where crews seek shelter, are 
typically stocked with food, water and communications equipment and have 
reinforced doors that can only be opened from the inside.

The ship's owner, Novoship, said in a statement that the decision to free the 
ship was made knowing "that the crew was under safe cover inaccessible to the 
pirates and that the lives and health of the sailors was not threatened by 

Cmdr. John Harbor, a spokesman for the EU Naval Force, called the rescue "an 
excellent operation all around." He said the EU Naval Force had been working at 
a tactical level with the Russians, and that EU Naval Force personnel talked to 
the Russian crew by VHF radio. He said the EU had offered support to the 

The attack occurred about 500 miles (800 kilometers) east of the Somali coast. 
The ship was not registered with the Maritime Security Center, said Harbor. The 
ship's route was from the Red Sea to China, the ship's owner said.

Novoship is a subsidiary of Sovcomflot, which is owned by the Russian 

The fact that Russian special forces stormed the Moscow University shortly 
after it was taken over is in line with a trend by international military 
forces who are more aggressively combating piracy.

In February, Danish special forces prevented the hijacking of a ship after 
pirates had boarded it. Special forces from the Danish Absalon boarded the 
Ariella while the crew locked themselves in a secure room.

EU Naval Force ships are disrupting pirate groups and destroying their ships at 
a much higher rate than in previous years. US warships have fired back on 
pirates and destroyed their boats in several skirmishes in the last several 

Pirates currently hold more than 300 hostages taken from ships attacked off 
East Africa in the last several months. Eleven suspected Somali pirates were 
indicted in US federal court late last month, but the international community 
has had problems formulating an accepted policy to try and jail pirate suspects.

Along with the increased pressure by international navies against pirates has 
come some criticism.

On Wednesday, a French prosecutor said a French rescuer was responsible for 
killing the skipper of a sailboat hijacked by Somali pirates during a rescue 

Chief prosecutor Hever Pavy in the western French city of Rennes said 
investigators found a French military bullet had killed Florent Lemacon in 
April 2009 when a special intervention team came to rescue his yacht, the 
Tanit, off the Somali coast.

Four other hostages were saved after a week on the hijacked ship. Three 
suspected pirates who survived the rescue operation are on trial in France.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Indonesian reformers under fire as Indrawati quits

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny

Indonesian reformers under fire as Indrawati quits 

Published: May 6, 2010 16:16 Updated: May 6, 2010 16:16 

JAKARTA: Indonesian Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati's decision to quit 
after months of attacks by her political opponents is a setback for those 
pushing reforms viewed as crucial to luring investment and spurring growth.

Her replacement has not yet been announced, leaving investors uncertain over 
the future pace of reform in Southeast Asia's largest economy.

But some opposition politicians were quick to step up criticism of Indrawati, 
adding they hoped her fellow reformer, Vice President Boediono, would be next 
to go.

"The immediate presumption is this is a happy day for someone who wants to wind 
back the changes," said political analyst Kevin Evans from the election 
monitoring firm, Pemilu Asia.

"So the question is, will it be a case of 'Fine, you have got your scalp but 
the game doesn't change' or will it be 'Let's limp along for the next four 
years'?" President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono won a second five-year term last 
year on promises to continue the fight against corruption and drive economic 

With the presence of top reformers like Indrawati in the cabinet, investors 
have poured money into Indonesian assets on expectations of strong economic 
growth and improved prospects of an investment grade credit rating for this 
G-20 member.

Stocks tumbled nearly 4 percent on Wednesday and continued to drop on Thursday, 
while the rupiah weakened to 9,225 per dollar on Thursday from 9,030 on 
Wednesday following the news Indrawati would join the World Bank as a managing 

But economists said the sell-off mainly reflected investor jitters over euro 
zone woes, rather than a reaction to Indrawati's departure from the financial 
driving seat, with several Asian markets down on the day.

Two people close to Indrawati - often called Indonesia's "icon of reform" and 
known for her integrity in a country where many government officials are widely 
believed to be on the take - said her decision followed intense pressure from 
political enemies within government and in opposition.

"She actually wanted to stay but she can't bear the pressure any more," one 
close source told Reuters.

Chief among her adversaries according to analysts and local media is the 
powerful politician and tycoon Aburizal Bakrie, although he has denied the 

A former top cabinet minister himself, Bakrie heads Golkar, the Suharto-era 
political party that has historically dominated the bloated and 
corruption-ridden civil service - one of Indrawati's targets for reform.

While Golkar is a member of Yudhoyono's coalition, Bakrie is considered a 
symbol of Indonesia's old guard and he and Bakrie group companies have 
repeatedly clashed with Indrawati.

She refused to keep the stock market shut more than a few days during the 
2008-2009 financial crisis when local media reported the Bakrie family and 
others wanted it closed longer.

Bakrie group crown jewel Bumi Resources is one of dozens of firms under 
investigation for tax evasion in a clampdown Indrawati ordered. Bumi has 
challenged the investigation.

And Indrawati has been one of the cabinet ministers opposing the Bakrie group's 
acquisition of mining assets currently controlled by foreign firms.

In an interview with Reuters last year, when Aburizal Bakrie was asked about 
his reportedly difficult relationship with Indrawati, he demanded several 
times: "Who told you to ask that?" before adding he had no problem with 
Indrawati, describing the former IMF director as a "cashier."

A Bakrie spokesman, Lalu Mara Setria Wangsa, said on Thursday: "I think her 
resignation is good as it gives other bureaucrats or economists a chance to 
show their quality because I think many of them are qualified too.

"It had nothing to do with Pak Ical," he added, referring to Bakrie by his 
family nickname.

It's not just the Bakrie companies which have felt heat from Indrawati.

Her clean-up of the notoriously corrupt tax and customs offices has hit 
powerful vested interests ranging from businessmen and law-enforcement 
officials who benefited from smuggling goods to tycoons who routinely evaded 
paying millions of dollars in taxes and duties.

Over the past 18 months, Indrawati and Boediono came under attack from 
political opponents eager to unseat two of the most powerful drivers of change 
in Indonesia, in particular for their role in approving a bank bailout.

Indrawati and Boediono, then central bank governor, agreed to the bailout of a 
small lender, Bank Century, at the height of the 2008-2009 global financial 
crisis to stave off the risk of widespread panic in Indonesia's financial 

Both faced months of questioning and highly politicized criticism and 
grandstanding by parliamentarians.

The investigation failed to find any evidenc

[ppiindia] ***SEKOLAH PERCUMA***

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik Zahid Abdullah
Siapakah di antara anda inginkan nasihat bantuan,cadangan dan khidmat nasihat 
PERCUMA untuk mengembangkan perniagaan anda melalui internet?
   Selamat Datang Ke Revolusi Perniagaan Online Terkini:-
* Jika anda mempunyai apa jua perniagaan dan ingin mula memasarkan secara 
online melalui internet
* Jika anda sudah give-up membuat perniagaan secara offline kerana pulangan 
tidak setimpal dengan usaha,masa dan wang ringgit
   yang telah anda laburkan
* Jika anda sudah penat mencari pelanggan di sana-sini secara online dan 
offline tetapi masih gagal juga

 *** Berhenti Seketika***
* Atasi segala masalah yang anda alami itu
* Pelajari dulu ilmu maeketing dengan cara yang betul dan cara-cara bagaimana 
mengembangkan networking anda,cara yang
   betul memasarkan produk anda dan cara mengembangkan perniagaan anda.Jika 
tidak anda hanya akan kehabisan modal
* Pelajari dulu ilmu tersebut di sini dan yang penting ianya diberikan secara 
PERCUMA kepada anda
* Dapatkan ilmu tersebut  DI SINI


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Sexy biker babes are waiting to meet you!

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik girlieihchick
Sexy biker babes are waiting to meet you! Check their HOT profiles here:

[ppiindia] Gambar demo di Athen

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Hidup Bermakna

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik muhamad agus syafii
Hidup Bermakna

By: agussyafii

Di dalam hidup ini disaat dalam kesendirian pernah kita bertanya pada diri 
sendiri, 'Kapan dalam hidup kita merasa lebih bermakna dan bahagia? Hidup kita 
akan bermakna dan bahagia ketika kita bisa berbagi, memberi dan menolong orang 
lain. Bagi orang-orang mukmin yang jiwanya sudah tercerahkan justru dipenuhi 
oleh rasa syukur justru kebahagiaan hidupnya diraih dengan banyak memberi, 
sekalipun tidak harus berupa materi, bisa berupa senyuman, perhatian atau 
sekedar menyapa di pagi hari.  Melalui memberi membuat hidup kita menjadi 
bermakna itulah indahnya memberi. Sebagaimana Firman Allah Subahanahu Wa Ta'ala.

'Dan ingatlah, tatkala Tuhan memaklumkan, 'Sesungguhnya jika engkau bersyukur, 
pasti Kami akan menambah nikmat kepadamu dan jika engkau mengkari nikmatKu maka 
sesungguhnya azabKu sangat pedih. (QS. Ibrahim : 7).

jadi sikap dan oreintasi hidup untuk senantiasa memberi dan melayani merupakan 
sumber kebahagiaan dan puncak prestasi kehidupan kita. Orang tua yang sukses 
ketika memberikan yang terbaik bagi anak-anaknya. Pemimpin yang dianggap sukses 
adalah pemimpin yang mampu memberikan segala potensinya bagi kesejahteraan 
rakyatnya.  Itulah sebabnya dalam kehidupan kita belum disebut bermakna bila 
yang kita lakukan belum mendatangkan manfaat bagi orang lain, untuk sama-sama 
mencintai dan mensyukuri nikmat Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala. 

Nabi mengajarkan kepada kita agar yang kita miliki menjadi abadi ketika kita 
kelak meninggal hendaknya mewariskan ilmu yang bermanfaat, harta kekayaan untuk 
kesejahteraan umat dan anak yang sholeh. Ketiga amal kebaikan inilah yang 
membuat milik kita menjadi abadi.  Itulah yang membuat hidup kita bermakna. 
Sebagaimana Sabda Nabi.

Apabila seorang anak Bani Adam meninggal dunia maka terputuslah seluruh amalnya 
kecuali dari tiga perkara: shodaqoh jariyah, ilmu yang bermanfaat atau anak 
yang sholeh yang selalu mendoakannya.' (HR. Muslim).

Tulisan ini dibuat dalam rangka kampanye program Kegiatan 'Salam Amalia' 
(SALMA) Hari Ahad, Tanggal 9 Mei 2010 Di Rumah Amalia, Jl. Subagyo IV blok ii, 
No.23 Komplek Peruri, Ciledug. Tangerang. Silahkan kirimkan dukungan dan 
partisipasi anda di http://www.facebook.com/agussyafii2, atau 
http://agussyafii.blogspot.com/, http://www.twitter.com/agussyafii atau sms di 
087 8777 12 431.


[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Auto Mechanic E Study School Course

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik Eryn Keddy
Auto Mechanic E Study School Course

Learn everything you need to know about auto mechanics from the comfort
of your own home. Whether you are looking to launch a career in auto
mechanics or just want to become a specialist in auto mechanics
   our E
Study auto mechanic school can help. More info

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So why earn earn your diploma in auto repair. 

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More To Read >

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Gali Lubang Tutup Lubang? Re: Sudah diduga - IMF’s Four steps to Damnation - Was: Re: Ga ji Sri Mulyani Di Bank Dunia Masih Kalah Deng an Gaji Direktur BUMN

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik A Nizami
Kebijakan IMF dan World Bank yang merupakan motor Neoliberalisme adalah 
membelenggu negara2 perahan mereka dengan sistem ekonomi "Gali Lubang Tutup 

Untuk membayar hutang lama, dibuat hutang baru yang lebih besar hingga hutang 
Indonesia sekarang bengkak jadi Rp 1600 trilyun. Jika bunganya 10%/tahun maka 
para kreditor seperti IMF, World Bank, dsb menikmati bunga Rp 160 trilyun/tahun 
dari Indonesia.

Itulah sebabnya mengapa mereka memelihara antek2 mereka dengan baik.

Dengan belenggu hutang, mereka buat negara2 perahan mereka menjual BUMN2 dan 
juga kekayaan alam ke perusahaan2 MNA asal AS yang jadi konco mereka.

Bahkan BI pun oleh desakan IMF dibuatkan UU BI sehingga pemerintah dan DPR 
tidak bisa mengontrol BI sebagai pencetak dan pengedar uang di Indonesia dengan 
alasan independensi BI. Justru IMF yang bisa mengontrol BI dengan dalih 


Belajar Islam sesuai Al Qur'an dan Hadits
Milis Ekonomi Nasional: ekonomi-nasional-subscr...@yahoogroups.com
Belajar Islam via SMS:

--- Pada Kam, 6/5/10, Irwan Kurniawan  menulis:

> Dari: Irwan Kurniawan 
> Judul: [ekonomi-nasional] Sudah diduga - IMF’s Four steps to Damnation - Was: 
> Re: Gaji Sri Mulyani Di Bank Dunia Masih Kalah Dengan Gaji Direktur BUMN
> Kepada: ekonomi-nasio...@yahoogroups.com
> Tanggal: Kamis, 6 Mei, 2010, 1:12 AM
> Quote:
> "..
> The IMF riot is painfully predictable. When a nation is,
> 'down and out, [the
> IMF] squeezes the last drop of blood out of them. They turn
> up the heat
> until, finally, the whole cauldron blows up,' - as when the
> IMF eliminated
> food and fuel subsidies for the poor in Indonesia in 1998.
> Indonesia
> exploded into riots.
> .."
> Kehancuran ekonomi RI sudah dimulai sejak lama.. dan
> langkah ke-3 (rencana
> IMF & WB)
> terjadi pada awal reformasi..
> Sekarang, (salah satu) pelayan sejati mereka naik kelas..
> dan sebagian
> rakyat RI bangga..
> Memalukan.. menjadi pelayan dari lembaga penghisap darah
> dan penghancur
> negara (yang
> di)miskin(kan).. :-(
> Wassalam,
> Irwan.K
> http://www.jubileeresearch.org/analysis/articles/IMF
> _Four_steps_Damnation.htm
> Jubilee Plus publishes below a damning interview between
> Joseph Stiglitz
> ex-chief economist at the World Bank with the Observer,
> held over the
> weekend of the IMF's 2001 Spring meetings. In the interview
> he attackes the
> role of the US in stripping debtor nations of assets. He
> praised Botswana
> for defying the Bank and the Fund, and refusing a
> Structural Adjustment
> Programme.
> IMF’s Four steps to Damnation
> (UK) 29th April, 2001 by Gregory Palast
> It was like a scene out of Le Carré: the brilliant agent
> comes in from the
> cold and, in hours of debriefing, empties his memory of
> horrors committed in
> the name of an ideology gone rotten. But this was a far
> bigger catch than
> some used-up Cold War spy.
> The former apparatchik was Joseph Stiglitz, ex-chief
> economist of the World
> Bank. The new world economic order was his theory come to
> life. He was in
> Washington for the big confab of the World Bank and
> International Monetary
> Fund. But instead of chairing meetings of ministers and
> central bankers, he
> was outside the police cordons. The World Bank fired
> Stiglitz two years ago.
> He was not allowed a quiet retirement: he was
> excommunicated purely for
> expressing mild dissent from globalisation World
> Bank-style.
> Here in Washington we conducted exclusive interviews with
> Stiglitz, for The
> Observer and Newsnight, about the inside workings of the
> IMF, the World
> Bank, and the bank's 51% owner, the US Treasury. And here,
> from sources
> unnamable (not Stiglitz), we obtained a cache of documents
> marked,
> 'confidential' and 'restricted'. Stiglitz helped translate
> one, a 'country
> assistance strategy'. There's an assistance strategy for
> every poorer
> nation, designed, says the World Bank, after careful
> in-country
> investigation. But according to insider Stiglitz, the
> Bank's 'investigation'
> involves little more than close inspection of five-star
> hotels. It concludes
> with a meeting with a begging finance minister, who is
> handed a
> 'restructuring agreement' pre-drafted for 'voluntary'
> signature.
> Each nation's economy is analysed, says Stiglitz, then the
> Bank hands every
> minister the same four-step programme.
> Step One is privatisation. Stiglitz said that rather than
> objecting to the
> sell-offs of state industries, some politicians - using the
> World Bank's
> demands to silence local critics - happily flogged their
> electricity and
> water companies. 'You could see their eyes widen' at the
> possibility of
> commissions for shaving a few billion off the sale price.
> And the US
> government knew it, charges Stiglitz

[ppiindia] Sri Mulyani ke World Bank, sudah sesuai skenario

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik Satrio Arismunandar
Posted by:  "liemsiok...@yahoo.com"  

  Wed May 5, 2010 5:53 pm(PDT)(Dikutip dari milus jurnalisme)


Memang sudah sesuai skenario awalnya. Bagaimana memenangkan PD melalui
hutang bersyarat (conditional loan) dan pilpres satu putaran dg segala
macam sinetron kecurangan sistemik. 

SMI dianggap berhasil oleh WB agar Indonesia (negara kaya) tetap
berhutang bahkan hutangnya naik sd diatas 40% selama ditangan SMI.
Sblmnya IMF WB kawatir kalau Indonesia lepas dr hutang spt Malaysia dan
Thailand (sudah sy tulis dlm buku MENEMBUS BATAS dlm wwcr dg Thaksin
dan Mahathir) krn IMF WB sudah DIUSIR di negara2 Amerika Latin dan Iran
Thailand Malaysia dll. Indonesia adalah TARUHAN AKHIR akan eksistensi
IMF WB (wwcr sy Chomsky n Vadillo di Buku MENEMBUS BATAS). 

Maka tidak heran kalau SBY tidak tersinggung sama sekali bawahannya
dibajak tanpa permisi oleh IMF WB krn SBY dianggap bawahannya. Coba
kalau itu terjadi antar MNC pasti ramai. 

Jadi Lucu memang negeri kaya raya dipimpin oleh seorang budak IMF WB
sampai realita yg terjadi spt dlm film ALANGKAH LUCUNYA (negeri ini).
Selamat menikmati. 








KPK Diminta Ajukan Cekal Sri 
Laporan wartawan KOMPAS.com Inggried Dwi Wedhaswary
Rabu, 5 Mei 2010 | 12:25 WIB

Anggota tim inisiator Hak Angket Kasus Bank 
Century atau dikenal tim sembilan, Akbar Faizal dari Partai Hanura bersama 
anggota tim lainnya ikut menemui Ketua Umum Partai Golkar, Aburizal Bakrie di 
Kantor DPP Partai Golkar, Jakarta Barat, Selasa (23/02/2010) . KOMPAS 


  Umrah, Anggito Belum Dapat Kabar 
  Most Powerful Woman Named Sri Mulyani 
  Harus Segera Umumkan Pengganti Sri 
  Bikin Rupiah dan Saham Rontok 
  SMI di WB Sangat Strategis 

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com — Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) 
diminta mengajukan permintaan surat cekal bagi Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani, 
menyusul penunjukan dirinya sebagai Direktur Operasional Bank Dunia. 
Sri Mulyani, saat ini, tengah dalam proses pemeriksaan KPK terkait dugaan 
pelanggaran dalam kebijakan pengucuran dana talangan Bank Century. Permintaan 
agar KPK mencekal Sri Mulyani dilayangkan anggota Tim Pengawas Kasus Bank 
Century, Akbar Faisal, dalam pertemuan dengan KPK di Gedung DPR, Jakarta, Rabu 
"Dengan ditunjuknya Sri Mulyani sebagai Managing Director World Bank, kami 
berharap KPK akan mengatakan, monggo Anda ke sana, tapi kasus tetap 
bergulir. Bahkan, kalau perlu KPK mengeluarkan surat cekal," ujar Akbar. 
Ia mengatakan, pernyataan tegas KPK diharapkan agar prinsip semua orang sama 
di hadapan hukum bisa dikedepankan. "Meskipun saya bertanya-tanya, seberapa 
penting World Bank. Selama ini, agak rancu, kita yang bantu dia atau dia yang 
bantu kita," ujarnya. 
World Bank seharusnya tidak menarik pejabat Indonesia yang tengah bermasalah 
atau tersangkut kasus hukum.

http://www.suarapem baruan.com/ index.php? detail=News&id=17970
Kasus Century Tim 
Minta KPK Gelar 
SP/Charles Ulag
Ketua Tim Pengawas Kasus Bank Century DPR 
Priyo Budhi Santoso (kiri) berbincang dengan Wakil Ketua KPK M. Jasin 
Plt Ketua KPK Haryono Umar (tengah), sebelum rapat bersama di Gedung MPR/DPR 
Senayan, Jakarta, Rabu (5/5).

[JAKARTA] Tim Pengawas DPR meminta 
Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) melakukan gelar perkara skandal Bank 
sehingga bisa diketahui ke mana arah proses penanganan kasus tersebut. 
Permintaan tersebut akan disampaikan Tim Pengawas dalam pertemuan dengan KPK 
yang digelar hari Rabu (5/5) ini. Hal itu disampaikan anggota Tim Pengawas dari 
Fraksi PDI-P, Trimedya Pandjaitan kepada SP di Jakarta, Rabu pagi, sebelum 
pertemuan antara Tim Pengawas dengan KPK. 
Permintaan gelar perkara oleh tim 
pengawas, diakuinya akan menimbulkan pro-kontra. “Kalau permintaan gelar 
ditolak, justru akan menimbulkan pertanyaan lagi ke KPK,” ujarnya.
permintaan gelar perkara, tim juga menanyakan perlakuan khusus KPK saat 
memeriksa Wapres Boediono dan Menkeu Sri Mulyani Indrawati. “Ini ada apa? 
KPK sudah diintervensi?” tanyanya.
Tim pengawas, lanjut Trimedya, juga 
meminta kasus Century harus menjadi prioritas untuk diselesaikan 
Pimpinan rapat Tim Pengawas, Priyo Budi Santoso menyatakan KPK diundang 
pertama kali dalam rapat perdana Tim Pengawas DPR karena sangat diharapkan 
memberi perkembangan terbaru penyelidikan kasus Bank Century. “Kami sangat 
menaruh harapan besar KPK dapat memecahkan telur dari kasus yang masih 
terselubung ini,” ujarnya.
Sementara itu, Wakil Ketua KPK, Chandra M Hamzah 
membantah pihaknya mengarahkan penyelesaikan kasus Century ke gratifikasi dan 
bukan korupsi. “Itu kabar yang salah. Kami masih dalam proses penyelidikan dan 
belum ada kesimpulan seperti itu,” katanya sebelum men

[ppiindia] Wow! Ada 493 Situs Harta Karun di Indonesia (RALAT)

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi :  Mantan Menteri Agama Said Agil Husni Al Munawar pernah bermimpi 
bahwa di Batutulis di Jawa ada harta karum yang bisa melunasi hutang luarnegeri 
NKRI. Rupanya mimpinya itu berdasarkan ilmu gurun pasir, jadi meleset. Tetapi, 
kalau seandainya mimpinya itu berdasarkan ilmu duniawi  "marine archeology" 
kemungkin  ketepatan mimpinya bisa sangat besar probabilitasnya. 

Biasanya benda-benda kuno yang terdapat di wilayah sesuatu negara,  sesuai 
konvensi internasional menjadi harta milik negara tsb. Umumnya benda-benda ini 
di pertunjukkan di musuem. Mengingat luasnya NKRI, tentunya bisa ada banyak 
museum dibangun untuk dipertunjukan kepada rakyat guna melihat harta-harta 
zaman purba dan mungkin saja bisa menjadi sesuatu sumber inspirasi daya 
pencipta, rekreasi dan juga menjadi sumber pendapatan tetap bagi daerah dari 

Tetapi, seperti dimaklumi NKRI adalah negara kleptokratik, jadi apa saja yang 
berharga yang ditemukan atau terkandung di perut bumi atau di laut bisa saja 
menghilang dengan berbagai cara dan jalan. Hal ini bisa dilihat pada kekayaan 
alam yang selama ini menghilang tanpa penduduk setempat mendapat keuntungan. 


  Kamis, 29 April 2010 


Wow! Ada 493 Situs Harta Karun di Indonesia

  JAKARTA (LampostOnline): Pantas saja si pemburu harta karun Michael 
Hatcher senang melakukan perburuan di Indonesia. Dari data Direktorat Jenderal 
Pengawasan Sumber Daya Kelautan dan Perikanan (Ditjen PSDKP) Kementrian 
Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP), ada 493 situs arkeologi bawah laut di Indonesia.

  "Ada 493, menurut maping yang ada," ujar Dirjen PSDKP KKP Aji Sularso 
dalam jumpa pers di kantornya, Jl Medan Merdeka Timur, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis 

  Dari 493 ini, kurang dari 10 persennya yang sudah dieksplorasi. Maklum, 
dana untuk survei dan mengangkat muatan kapal ini tidak sedikit. Apalagi jika 
terjebak dalam lumpur di dasar laut.

  "Bisa jutaan dolar," terang Aji.

  Namun Aji menjelaskan tidak semua kapal tersebut masih berisi harta 
karun. Kadang kapalnya masih ada, tapi muatannya sudah tidak ada.

  "Penjarahan itu banyak terjadi di Selat Glasa, di sekitar perairan Bangka 
Belitung," ungkapnya.

  Michael 'Mike' Hatcher lahir di York, Inggris, tahun 1940. Hidup masa 
kecilnya kurang beruntung. Dia menetap di sebuah panti asuhan. Pada umur 14 
tahun, dia hijrah ke Australia. Perburuan muatan kapal karam dimulai tahun 1970 
dengan sebuah yacht tua yang direnovasi.

  Pada 1981 berhasil mengangkat isi kapal tenggelam di Malaysia, tahun 1985 
di Tanjung Pinang Indonesia, dan tahun 1998 di Indonesia. Di dunia 
internasional dia dijuluki 'The Wreck Salvage King' (Raja Penyelamat Kapal 

  Saat berhasil mengangkat kapal Geldermasen milik VOC di Karang Heliputan, 
Tanjung Pinang, tahun 1985-1986, Hatcher mendapatkan 126 emas batangan dan 160 
ribu benda keramik dinasti Ming dan Ching. Nilainya tidak kurang dari US$ 15 
juta saat itu.

  Lalu Hetcher mengangkat kapal Tek Sing di Perairan Kepulauan Bangka, 
Sumatera Selatan tahun 1999 lalu. Nilainya Rp 500 miliar. Kini Hatcher diduga 
muncul kembali di perairan Blanakan, Subang. Jika Hatcher berhasil mengangkat 
harta karun dari Subang, maka ini akan menjadi rekor selama karirnya. 
Diperkirakan porselen dinasti Ming yang tenggelam di sana tidak kurang dari US$ 
200 juta. (DTC/L-2

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[ppiindia] Wow! Ada 493 Situs Harta Karun di Indonesia

2010-05-06 Terurut Topik sunny
Refleksi :  Mantan Menteri Agama Said Agil Husni Al Munawar pernah bermimpi 
bahwa di Batutulis di Jawa ada harta karum yang bisa melunasi hutang luarnegeri 
NKRI. Rupanya mimpinya itu berdasarkan ilmu gurun pasir, jadi meleset. Tetapi 
kalau seandainya mimpinya itu berdasarkan ilmu duniawi  "marine archeology" 
kemungkin  ketepatan mimpinya bisa sangat besar probabilitasnya. 

Biasanya benda-benda kuno yang terdapat di wilayah sesuatu negara,  sesuai 
konvensi internasional menjadi harta milik negara tsb. Umumnya benda-benda ini 
di pertunjukkan di musuem. Mengingat luasnya NKRI, tentunya bisa ada banyak 
museum dibangun untuk dipertunjukan kepada jadi rakyat guna melihat harta-harta 
zama purba dan mungkin saja bisa memberikan inspirasi daya pencipta dan menjadi 
sumber pendapatan tetap bagi daerah dari tourisme. Tetapi, seperti dimaklumi 
NKRI adalah negara kleptokratik, jadi  saja apa yang ada atau ditemukan atau 
terkandung di perut bumi atau di laut bisa saja menghilang dengan berbagai cara 
dan jalan. Hal ini bisa dilihat pada kekayaan alam yang menghilang tanpa 
penduduk setempat mendapat keuntungan. 


  Kamis, 29 April 2010 


Wow! Ada 493 Situs Harta Karun di Indonesia

  JAKARTA (LampostOnline): Pantas saja si pemburu harta karun Michael 
Hatcher senang melakukan perburuan di Indonesia. Dari data Direktorat Jenderal 
Pengawasan Sumber Daya Kelautan dan Perikanan (Ditjen PSDKP) Kementrian 
Kelautan dan Perikanan (KKP), ada 493 situs arkeologi bawah laut di Indonesia.

  "Ada 493, menurut maping yang ada," ujar Dirjen PSDKP KKP Aji Sularso 
dalam jumpa pers di kantornya, Jl Medan Merdeka Timur, Jakarta Pusat, Kamis 

  Dari 493 ini, kurang dari 10 persennya yang sudah dieksplorasi. Maklum, 
dana untuk survei dan mengangkat muatan kapal ini tidak sedikit. Apalagi jika 
terjebak dalam lumpur di dasar laut.

  "Bisa jutaan dolar," terang Aji.

  Namun Aji menjelaskan tidak semua kapal tersebut masih berisi harta 
karun. Kadang kapalnya masih ada, tapi muatannya sudah tidak ada.

  "Penjarahan itu banyak terjadi di Selat Glasa, di sekitar perairan Bangka 
Belitung," ungkapnya.

  Michael 'Mike' Hatcher lahir di York, Inggris, tahun 1940. Hidup masa 
kecilnya kurang beruntung. Dia menetap di sebuah panti asuhan. Pada umur 14 
tahun, dia hijrah ke Australia. Perburuan muatan kapal karam dimulai tahun 1970 
dengan sebuah yacht tua yang direnovasi.

  Pada 1981 berhasil mengangkat isi kapal tenggelam di Malaysia, tahun 1985 
di Tanjung Pinang Indonesia, dan tahun 1998 di Indonesia. Di dunia 
internasional dia dijuluki 'The Wreck Salvage King' (Raja Penyelamat Kapal 

  Saat berhasil mengangkat kapal Geldermasen milik VOC di Karang Heliputan, 
Tanjung Pinang, tahun 1985-1986, Hatcher mendapatkan 126 emas batangan dan 160 
ribu benda keramik dinasti Ming dan Ching. Nilainya tidak kurang dari US$ 15 
juta saat itu.

  Lalu Hetcher mengangkat kapal Tek Sing di Perairan Kepulauan Bangka, 
Sumatera Selatan tahun 1999 lalu. Nilainya Rp 500 miliar. Kini Hatcher diduga 
muncul kembali di perairan Blanakan, Subang. Jika Hatcher berhasil mengangkat 
harta karun dari Subang, maka ini akan menjadi rekor selama karirnya. 
Diperkirakan porselen dinasti Ming yang tenggelam di sana tidak kurang dari US$ 
200 juta. (DTC/L-2

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]