Re: [Puppet Users] Knowing if a file is managed by puppet

2011-11-16 Thread Daniel Maher

On 11/16/2011 12:39 AM, Iain Sutton wrote:

+1 for tangled strings

On 16 November 2011 04:03, Ken Barber>> wrote:

Depends on why you want this info ... but its available in the catalog
on the box for 'grepping' (more or less).

Something I recommend to some people:

Which does more or less that ... but shows a banner in VIM for users
to warn them the file is puppet managed before they modify it.

A mild word of warning: tangledstrings is distributed as a Vimball, 
which works well in (most? all?) Linux flavours of Vim, but you may run 
into support problems in other OS's (such as OpenBSD, *grumble grumble*).

That said, tangledstrings does exactly what it's supposed to do: act as 
a very handy warning layer.

Daniel Maher

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Re: [Puppet Users] Different paths based on environment

2011-10-12 Thread Daniel Maher

On 10/11/2011 11:14 PM, Gonzalo Servat wrote:

I am re-doing the Puppet config and trying to come up with a better way
of solving the multiple environment problem. Sometimes files need to be
sourced that depend on their environment. Currently we do "source =>
puppet:///${env}/file", which isn't very nice.

Just out of curiousity, what is it that you don't like about your 
current solution ?

Daniel Maher

If the master dies and the disciple grieves, the lives of both have
been wasted.

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Re: [Puppet Users] DNS Zone serial numbers

2011-09-09 Thread Daniel Maher

On 09/09/2011 05:36 PM, Peter Berghold wrote:

Normally when I hand edit zone files I use a serial number format of
MMDDXXX where  is the year, MM is the month and DD is the day
the change is being made with XX being a two digit number incremented
for each change done that day.

I cannot figure out a "good" way to do this with puppet.  Any thoughts?

Either a ridiculous erb template or a relatively simple custom function 
would do the trick, though either way you'll have to write some Ruby.

Daniel Maher
« makin' plans now to live on Mars 'cuz I got Earth on lock. »

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Re: [Puppet Users] Organizational best practices / examples

2011-09-01 Thread Daniel Maher

On 09/01/2011 04:32 AM, col yte wrote:

Hi folks,

I was curious if anyone would be willing to share how they organize
their puppet implementation. Perhaps something similar to what you'll
find at

People should have this sort of stuff documented, appreciate anything
anyone would be willing to share.


In our environment we've made a concious decision to maintain modules/ 
in as generic a fashion as possible.  Basically, the way it works is 
that before we commit to modules/ we ask, "would we be comfortable 
sharing this on Github?"  It's a surprisingly good strategy. :)

I realise this is only a small element of what you're asking for, but I 
am also curious to know if anybody else out there has any sort of 
"simple rules" that can applied in order to preserve sanity.

Daniel Maher
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Re: [Puppet Users] Composing a text file with Puppet

2011-08-30 Thread Daniel Maher

On 08/30/2011 04:15 PM, M C wrote:


is it possible to push a file (with "source" or "content") and then add
lines without having Puppet to regenerate it every time it runs?
And, how can I add, remove or alter text lines without keeping old
contents? Note: i want resources to be executed only if something
actually changes.

Please help, thanks.


I'm not entirely sure if I understand your use-case properly; however, 
for all instances of text-file manipulation, I have found the "concat" 
module to be _extremely_ useful.

Daniel Maher
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Re: [Puppet Users] Step by step guide to setting user passwords

2011-08-02 Thread Daniel Maher

On 08/02/2011 09:52 PM, Jfro wrote:

I'm new to Puppet but have searched this group and Puppet docs for how
to set up user passwords using puppet. I haven't found a clear answer
about setting user passwords.

I understand that it is a security risk to send plain text passwords via
Puppet. However, for my use case (setting up one "student" user on a
school computer lab) I think the risk is acceptable.

Can someone walk me through the steps of sending out a password to all
my computers for user "student."

My puppetmaster and puppets are running Ubuntu Lucide 10.4 LTS.

Thanks for getting a newbie off the ground!

This will help :

Otherwise, it's really just as simple as this :

user { 'student_account':
  name => 'username',
  password => '$6$xx...' # this is the crypted password string.

You can also set their group membership, home directory, uid, and other 
things as well.  Just ensure that the user statement is in a class 
that's included on all of your target machines, and you're done.


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Re: [Puppet Users] puppet master and puppet client running very slow

2011-07-04 Thread Daniel Maher

On 07/04/2011 02:46 PM, sanjiv.singh wrote:

hi all,
I have configured puppet 0.25.4 setup.

since last few days , puppet master and client running very slow .It
seems puppet client taking soo much time in taking configuration from
master (compilation manifest ) ,specially for those node(puppet
client ) for which large manifest class  to be compiled and to be
deployed .

what can i do to over come this issue ?

What sorts of steps have you already taken in order to investigate the 
problem?  Does the Puppetmaster have enough RAM?  It is otherwise 
overloaded from a system load perspective?  What about those two factors 
on the client(s)?  In other words, have you eliminated all of the 
standard system-based considerations?

If so, I would recommend running the client manually with test and debug 
enabled, and taking a look at the output there.  As well, if it's 
possible, you may wish to do the same for the master daemon - that will 
give you a much better idea of where along the process any potential 
hangs are occurring.

Good luck !

Daniel Maher
« makin' plans now to live on Mars 'cuz I got Earth on lock. »

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Re: [Puppet Users] Turn off client autoupdate

2011-06-24 Thread Daniel Maher

On 06/24/2011 04:10 PM, Nathan Clemons wrote:

This is what we do at Livemocha; we're actually in the process of
switching over to using MCollective to trigger Puppet runs.

By way of a vote of confidence, we made the switch to MC-triggered 
Puppet runs a few months ago and have been very happy with the result. 
Implementing Puppet Commander[1] in order to manage the trigger events 
was about as straightforward as it gets !


Daniel Maher
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: howto trigger action on another client

2011-06-24 Thread Daniel Maher

On 06/24/2011 03:39 PM, Andreas Kuntzagk wrote:

Exported resources are the Puppet means for one node to provide
resources for another. In this case, the execution host could export
an Exec resource for the master to collect and apply.

Hmm, in the (very short) time I've been working with puppet I have not
stumbled across exported resources. Any pointer where I should start

Exported resources are great fun. :)

Daniel Maher
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[Puppet Users] implementing a 1-to-many exported resource only once ?

2011-06-24 Thread Daniel Maher


I would like to know if there is a (sane) way to allow multiple 
declarations of the same exported resource to result in only one 
instance of that resource being instantiated on a given node.

Allow me to explain :
- Node "infra" includes class "syslog::server".
- Definition "syslog__naglog" allows configuration snippets to be added 
to the syslog configuration.

- Many nodes contain class "snmpd".
- Class "snmpd" calls definition "syslog__naglog" as an exported 
resource in the form "@@syslog_naglog", thus there are multiple 
declarations for this resource across the ecosystem.
- Class "syslog::server" realizes the exported resource in the forst 
"Syslog__naglog <<||>>".

Now this will, predictably, result in a "cannot override local resource" 
problem.  I could fix this by ensuring that each instantiation has a 
unique name (via $fqdn or some such), however, that would result in each 
node adding a configuration snippet to the syslog.conf on node "infra", 
which is not in fact what I'm looking for.

I'm looking for a way to say to node "infra" that since class "snmpd" is 
out there, somewhere, regardless of how many times, that one (and only 
one) configuration line should be added to the local syslog config - and 
I'd like to be able to do this from the "snmpd" class.

I know that I could do it rather simply from class "syslog::server" (for 
example), but I'd like it to be dynamic - I'd like other modules to be 
able to trigger the addition of a given configuration snippet in the 
syslog config of node "infra".

Can this be done ?  Is this realistic ?  Is there another approach that 
would be better ?  I would greatly appreciate any and all commentary. 
Thank you.

Daniel Maher
« makin' plans now to live on Mars 'cuz I got Earth on lock. »

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[Puppet Users] best way to ensure (yum) package repository freshness ?

2010-11-18 Thread Daniel Maher


I have run into problems in the past where a package has been added to 
our yum repository, and a (new) class has been pushed to install that 
package, but puppet fails because the yum db on the target machine is 
too stale, and thus isn't aware of the existence of the new package.

My question is this : what have other Puppet admins done in order to 
ensure that a target machine has the freshest local dbcache before 
attempting to install a package ?

Thank you.

Daniel Maher 
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[Puppet Users] problem w/ puppet & augeus : xinetd.d/rsync server_args value

2010-10-22 Thread Daniel Maher


I would like to have the following line (among others) in my 
/etc/xinetd.d/rsync file :

  server_args = --daemon --address= 

To this end, i am using the camptocamp rsyncd module available from git. 
 Everything works except this line.  I thought it was, perhaps, a 
questions of spaces (this has been discussed on the list before), but 
according to the documentation here :

All that i should need to do is to enclose the space-filled value in 
quotes, like so :

"set server_args/value '--daemon --address=$ipaddress_eth0 

A verbose puppetd run says this :

debug: Augeas[enable rsync service](provider=augeas): sending command 
'set' with params ["/files/etc/xinetd.d/rsync/rsync/server_args/value", 
"--daemon --address= --log-file=/var/log/rsyncd.log"]
debug: Augeas[enable rsync service](provider=augeas): Closed the augeas 
err: //rsyncd/Augeas[enable rsync service]/returns: change from 
need_to_run to 0 failed: Save failed with return code false
notice: //xinetd/Service[xinetd]: Dependency augeas[enable rsync 
service] has 1 failures

I have tried many combinations of quotes, including that suggested here 
(though, to be clear, i don't want actual quotes to appear in the file) :

I've tried escaping the spaces and escaping the slashes in the log-file 
component too (just in case) - no dice.

Any ideas ?

$ rpm -qa | egrep -i "(puppet|augeas)"

Thank you.

Daniel Maher 
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: best practice for removing a class & maintained resources from a system ?

2010-10-18 Thread Daniel Maher

On 10/18/2010 03:13 PM, jcbollinger wrote:

I'm guessing you mean you have written sub-*classes* to do that job.
That is indeed the Puppet way to do it, and I don't find it at all

Classes, yes - sorry, i should know better than to post before the first 
coffee of the day. :P

Perhaps you already understand this, but you do not grok Puppet until
you know in your bones that Puppet is about achieving and maintaining
*state*, and only incidentally about doing particular work.  In this

That is an excellent point.

As a practical matter, an advantage of the subclass approach is that,
if done right, including both the base class and the ::no class works,
and results in the web service being absent (as if just the ::no class
were included).  That means you don't have to worry about finding and
changing all the places in a complex configuration that the base class
may be included.

Very good, thank you for your commentary ; assuming no other 
contradictory advice, i will continue writing ::no-style classes across 
the board.

Daniel Maher 
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[Puppet Users] best practice for removing a module & maintained resources from a system ?

2010-10-18 Thread Daniel Maher


I am curious to know what is the best practice for removing a module 
(and the resources it maintains) from a system ?

Consider :

node 'webserver' {
  include webservice

class 'webservice' {
  file { '/etc/httpd/conf.d/webservice.conf':

At some point i no longer want webservice on webserver, and therefore 
remove the module from the node declaration ; however, the configuration 
file remains there, and thus HTTPd continues to load it.

I have occasionally written sub-modules to do the work of cleaning the 
resources away (ex. « webservice::no »), but this seems ridiculous, and 
is an administrative pain besides.  What sorts of approaches might there 
be to make this for manageable ?

Thank you all.

Daniel Maher 
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[Puppet Users] issue # 4345 (puppet_dashboard & pluginsync)

2010-10-07 Thread Daniel Maher


Regarding issue # 4345 « pluginsync removes 
$libdir/puppet/reports/puppet_dashboard.rb » [1], I am curious to know 
if the work-around  [2] suggested by Ian Ward Comfort is the current 
best-practice solution for the problem, or if there is another preferred 
way of dealing with the issue.

Thank you.


Daniel Maher 
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Re: [Puppet Users] certificate problem ; puppetca can't find cert request ?

2010-10-01 Thread Daniel Maher

On 09/30/2010 05:49 PM, Nan Liu wrote:

On Thu, Sep 30, 2010 at 6:20 AM, Daniel Maher  wrote:

I removed /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/.pem , then ran
puppetd with --waitforcert.  Unfortunately, when i run a
puppetca --list --all ,  is not listed, even though there
is very clearly a request pem in /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certificate_requests .

So first bbackup you ssl dir, then try the following command:

puppetca --clean
puppetca --generate  --certdnsname="puppet;puppetmaster"

In certdnsname, provide a list of DNS cname to puppet master, and
include puppet for convenience.

Thank you for the advice ; unfortunately, as i had already revoked the 
certificate, cleaning and re-issuing was not a possibility.  I ended up 
biting the bullet and just wiping out and re-initialising the 
certificates across the board.  Thank god for clusterssh.

The moral of the story here, i suppose, is that /var/lib/puppet/ssl/ 
should be backed up and set aside for every client (including the 
puppetmaster), and that if certificates need to be re-issued from the 
ground-up, it's going to be trouble.  This, i suppose, is why some 
people opt to move to an external certificate provider within their 
organisation - it's really not a bad idea.

Finally, is "--certdnsname" documented anywhere ?  In 0.25.5, at least, 
puppetca --help doesn't mention it, and neither does the manpage.  On 
the puppet website, a search for "certdnsname" only leads to a reference 
in Release_Notes.  If you already know to search for it, google will 
give you some hits from the mailing list, and some blogs, but you have 
to know to look for it in the first place. :P

Thanks again.

Daniel Maher 
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: puppet error on cron w/ "complex" timing

2010-09-30 Thread Daniel Maher

On 09/29/2010 03:31 PM, Radek wrote:

maybe this will help:

minute =>  "2-57/5",

Lovely, thank you.

Daniel Maher 
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[Puppet Users] certificate problem ; puppetca can't find cert request ?

2010-09-30 Thread Daniel Maher


We recently re-deployed puppet certificates in our environment.  I 
removed and regenerated the certificates for all of the clients save for 
one : the puppetmaster server itself.

As one might expect, when i run puppetd --test on the puppetmaster 
server, i get :

err: Could not request certificate: Retrieved certificate does not match 
private key; please remove certificate from server and regenerate it 
with the current key

I removed /var/lib/puppet/ssl/certs/.pem , then ran 
puppetd with --waitforcert .  Unfortunately, when i 
run a puppetca --list --all ,  is not listed, even 
though there is very clearly a request pem in 
/var/lib/puppet/ssl/certificate_requests .

Executing puppetca --clean  removes the private key 
(as expected), but does not change the error condition.  I also tried 
puppetca --revoke  ; no change.

I also tried removing every instance .pem from 
/var/lib/puppet/ssl/* ; this also did nothing.  Finally, i saw that 
 was listed in only one spot : 
/var/lib/puppet/ssl/ca/inventory.txt .  Removing the line from this file 
also does nothing (as expected).

In the archives, one solution proposed for this problem is to rm -rf 
/var/lib/puppet/ssl and let puppet regenerate it all ; this is fine on 
the clients, i suppose, but i hesitate to do it on the puppetmaster, as 
i'd rather not have to start from scratch with the certificates of all 
the clients again.

I'm running puppet 0.25.5 on CentOS 5.5 x86_64.

Any ideas ?

Thank you all.

Daniel Maher 
"The Internet is completely over." -- Prince

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[Puppet Users] puppet error on cron w/ "complex" timing

2010-09-29 Thread Daniel Maher


cron { foo:
  command => "/bin/date > /tmp/foo",
  user=> root,
  minute  => '2,7,12,17,22,27,32,37,42,47,52,57'

Which when parsed by puppetd produces :

err: Could not run Puppet configuration client: Parameter minute failed: 
2,7,12,17,22,27,32,37,42,47,52,57 is not a valid minute at foo.pp:##

I agree that it's an awkward minute line, but it doesn't violate cron 
rules at all.  I'm just curious if this is normal, expected behaviour 
from puppet, or if it's a bug, or something else perhaps.

Thanks all.

Daniel Maher 
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Re: [Puppet Users] best way to include a variable in many modules ?

2010-09-24 Thread Daniel Maher

On 09/23/2010 09:31 PM, R.I.Pienaar wrote:

I have two sites with a small number of machines at each.  Each site is
functionally identical.  I would like to set up a bunch of templates
for the various services at each site, with a handful of variables that
indicate which site the service is configured for.  What would be
"best practice" way to accomplish this in Puppet ?

You should consider using extlookup.

Thank you for your reply !

According to the documentation, extlookup reads from csv files, which 
means that a given csv file with the desired data must already be 
present ; therefore another mechanism must create the file before 
extlookup can become useful.

I've taken a look at your blog entry here, which was very helpful in 
explaining the situation :

Your entry does not, however, indicate where the csv comes from in the 
first place ; in my stated case, i suppose that the csv would need to be 
generated dynamically.  One could have a class that ensures a shell 
script that gets exec'd, the output of which is a csv file that has :


Then you could extlookup that csv file in order to provide the desired 

That seems awkward, though only because i'd be going through the bother 
of dynamically generating a csv for one value ; i could see how this 
would be (very) useful if i was gathering tonnes of variables to use in 
this way.

Daniel Maher 
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Re: [Puppet Users] best way to include a variable in many modules ?

2010-09-24 Thread Daniel Maher

On 09/24/2010 02:57 PM, James Cammarata wrote:

That's the good thing about the way we do it - there's only one level of
scope: basezone.  Every variable we define in all the classes along the way
is visible at that level, so we don't have to remember class names of all
the stuff in the middle.  Your version makes things more complex, because
you have to remember that your domain variable is in getsite.  Also, I
don't think you'd be able to include getsite more than once - I think you'd
get a variable redefinition error.  And we do try and use puppetdoc to
explain class internals as much as possible, so the new guys know what
classes they need to include.

Some interesting points, to be sure.  As for including getsite more than 
once, consider :

class getsite {
  # method to obtain $site_name goes here

class foo {
  include getsite
  file { 'template':
content => template('foo/template.erb')

class bar {
  include getsite
  file { 'template':
content => template('bar/template.erb')

node 'srv1' {
  include foo
  include bar

node 'srv2' {
  include foo
  include bar

# /template.erb
Site is : <%= scope.lookupvar('getsite::site_name') %>

That works - i just tried it.  No problems.  In fact, this works, too :

class bar {
  include getsite
  include foo # which already has getsite in it

If the value of "$site_name" were to change depending on which class was 
calling it, then i could see that being a problem - but that doesn't 
happen in this case.

In any case, looking back at your original reply, i am getting a little 
lost on the logic.  I drew your include relationships out on the 
whiteboard here and it doesn't quite make sense to me ; i'll try to 
re-create it here (i hope your client uses a fixed-width font :) ).

| class dc1_zone1   |
| .. .. |
| | class dc1  | | class basenode | |
| | .. | | .. | |
| | | class basezone | | | | class role_general | | |
| | '' | | '' | |
| '' '' |

Breaking the scopes down :
dc1_zone1 : All variables in all classes
dc1 : Variables in dc1 and basezone only
basezone : Variables in basezone only
basenode : All variables in basenode and role_general
role_general : All variables in role_general

Your stated example includes logic from role_general, which in turn 
looks for a variable in basezone.  This leads to two questions :
1. If basezone is empty (a place holder, as you mentioned), where is the 
variable coming from ?
2. How can role_general go look for a variable that is outside of its 
scope ?

For question #2, i am hypothesising that the variable is out of scope, 
but that the ruby call to scope.lookupvar somehow deals with that 
problem, and "finds" the variable anyway ?

Alternatively, i have completely and utterly misunderstood the 
fundamentals of scoping in Puppet (eminently possible).  Is it that 
given the class relationship described above, role_general has access to 
basezone's scope because they are both "included" together at a higher 
level ?

Thank you for your continued commentary on this topic.

Daniel Maher 
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Re: [Puppet Users] best way to include a variable in many modules ?

2010-09-24 Thread Daniel Maher

On 09/23/2010 09:06 PM, James Cammarata wrote:

Here's the way we do it, and it works very well for us, while avoiding
"globals" and the associated issues.

First, we have a "basezone" class, which is empty and really is just a
place holder (you'll see what this is for in a minute):

Thanks for the reply !

Simplifying your example, then :

class foo {
  $foo_var = "beer"

class bar {
  include foo
  # we could assign it here...
  $bar_var = $::foo::foo_var
  file { 'template':
content => template('bar/template.erb')

With "template.erb":

This is foo_var as determined by bar : <%= bar_var =>
Or directly from foo : <%= scope.lookupvar('foo::foo_var') %>

Applying this distilled example to my previously stated scenario, then, 
we might have something like :

# include this where appropriate
class getsite {
  $site_name = $domain ? {
'abc.dom.ain' => 'abc',
'xyz.dom.ain' => 'xyz',
  $site_ip = $domain ? {
'abc.dom.ain' => '1',
'xyz.dom.ain' => '2',

# yes i know there's a module for this; this is just a contrived example
class resolv {
  include getsite
  file { '/etc/resolv.conf:
content => template('resolv/resolv.conf.erb')

With template "resolv.conf.erb" :
search <%= scope.lookupvar('getsite::site_name') %>.dom.ain
server 10.<%= scope.lookupvar('getsite::site_ip') %>.0.1

This works exactly as it appears, and is a reasonable approach, though 
in my example scenario the scope is limited ; i would harbour concerns 
about tracking this though many levels of scope (as you have) without 
proper internal documentation. :)

Thanks for the idea !

Daniel Maher 
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Re: [Puppet Users] best way to include a variable in many modules ?

2010-09-24 Thread Daniel Maher

On 09/23/2010 08:40 PM, Mark Glossop wrote:

Er, unless I'm missing something folks, the OP wasn't asking about managing 
/etc/resolv.conf - AFAICT /etc/resolv.conf was only used by the OP as an 
example. How to manage that file in a one-off case it wasn't the objective.

So rehashing [paraphrasing mine]: what is Puppet "best practice" for setting a 
handful of variables in a single location that then determine the configuration of each 

I'm posting because I'm interested in the answer too...and the answers so far 
don't help answer it IMHO. If the answer is in the documentation somewhere [I 
know I haven't found it so far...], well, a link to that doc would be welcomed 
for my part.

Precisely : i provided resolv.conf as an example because it is simple, 
and it highlighted what i was trying to accomplish.  In retrospect, 
perhaps i should not have picked an example for which there was already 
a particular module. :P

Daniel Maher 
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[Puppet Users] best way to include a variable in many modules ?

2010-09-23 Thread Daniel Maher


I have two sites with a small number of machines at each.  Each site is 
functionally identical.  I would like to set up a bunch of templates for 
the various services at each site, with a handful of variables that 
indicate which site the service is configured for.  What would be "best 
practice" way to accomplish this in Puppet ?

Consider :

s...@abc$ facter | grep domain
domain => abc.dom.ain
s...@abc$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
search abc.dom.ain

s...@xyz$ facter | grep domain
domain => xyz.dom.ain
s...@abc$ cat /etc/resolv.conf
search xyz.dom.ain

Thus i would like a template "resolv.conf.erb" :

search <%= site_name =>.dom.ain
10.<%= site_ip =>.0.1

I _could_ put something like this into _every_ class :

$site_name = $domain ? {
  'abc.dom.ain' => 'abc',
  'xyz.dom.ain' => 'xyz',
# etc...

That works, but frankly it's offensive in every way.  There are clearly 
other ways to go about it, so i am curious : for Puppet, what is the 
best practice solution ?

Thank you all for your time and consideration.

Daniel Maher 
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Re: [Puppet Users] Easiest way to create named pipes?

2010-09-16 Thread Daniel Maher

On 09/15/2010 10:11 PM, Dan Urist wrote:

Can the puppet file type create named pipes (fifo's)? This doesn't seem
to be an option for the "ensure" parameter, but there's also a "type"
parameter, though the docs describe it as "A read-only state to check
the file type"; not sure what that's for?

Or do I need to use mkfifo in an exec?

Pretty sure you need to mkfifo in an exec.

Daniel Maher 
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Re: [Puppet Users] UK Meet-up?

2010-09-14 Thread Daniel Maher

On 09/14/2010 03:25 PM, R.I.Pienaar wrote:

Doubt there's enough traction here for too focused events :(

A Europe-based Puppet Camp would probably go over well ; i mean, us 
Europeans use Puppet, too. :)

Daniel Maher 
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet system deployment hanging ..

2010-08-17 Thread Daniel Maher

On 08/17/2010 04:04 PM, Adrian Snyman wrote:

Well, I wonder if there is a way to make puppet turn off the updater
before starting it's run ?

Instead of trying to disable it, why bother installing it at all ?  Just 
remove the package in your kickstart config and be done with it.

# don't install the yum-updatesd package

Or the equivalent in whatever your deployment system is...

Daniel Maher 
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Re: [Puppet Users] Puppet system deployment hanging ..

2010-08-12 Thread Daniel Maher

On 08/12/2010 12:49 PM, Ohad Levy wrote:

Does the puppet run starts at all?
I've seen similar case when the clock were out of sync, ntp started and
aligned it, but puppet got hanged because of it (or sleeping for a
really long time).

Just the other day we had a problem with the config on the DNS servers 
that appeared first in the (puppet-controlled) resolv.conf of our 
machines.  Puppet initialized just fine, but sat and waited for DNS 
resolution (read: timeout) at each step, which took forever.

Might want to check into that, too.

Daniel Maher 
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Re: [Puppet Users] networking on centos

2010-08-11 Thread Daniel Maher

On 08/09/2010 02:46 PM, cola wrote:

I'm new to puppet, just want to know which is the right way to
configure networking on centos (5).

I've puppet up running, and now the first thing I'm trying to achieve
is to configure the network interface ( /etc/sysconfig/network and /
etc/sysconfig/network.scripts/ifcfg-eth0 ) for a host as soon as it's
being provisioned.


Just a thought, but it might be easy/easier to use the 
system-config-network-tui tool to do this.  You could write a quick exec 
to run the tool with the appropriate parameters and let it generate your 
sysconfig files for you.

Daniel Maher 
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[Puppet Users] "ensure => running" an init script that isn't actually a service ?

2010-08-06 Thread Daniel Maher

Hello all,

Based on this post from July :

The OP has this snippet running on an RHEL system :

file { "network":
notify => Service[network]

service { network:
ensure => "running",
hasstatus => "true",
hasrestart => "true",
restart => "/etc/init.d/network restart",

Clearly the idea is to trigger a network restart if the given file 
changes ; however, "network" isn't really a service, it's an init 
script, which means that it's not generally "running".

On a given CentOS machine, ralsh says :

$ ralsh service network
service { 'network':
enable => 'true',
ensure => 'running'

Which is what we want, but i'm curious as to _why_ this is so, given 
(again) that we're talking about an init script, and not a particular 
service that sits in memory.  Granted, the effects of the script can be 
known - is puppet smart enough to figure out what effect "service 
network *" ultimately has on the system, or is this sort of a happy 
accident, or yet something else entirely ?

Thank you.

Daniel Maher 
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: Newbie question - package installation

2010-08-02 Thread Daniel Maher

On 08/01/2010 04:45 AM, Daniel Pittman wrote:

Finally, three, which is the hardest, but also the *right* answer:

Create a YUM repository for your RPM packages.  Configure that on your hosts.
Then use YUM to install the package, rather than trying to rewrite YUM inside

It's not really that difficult. :)

$ createrepo -d /path/to/files/

Then let an httpd serve /path/to/files/ and you're set.  I daresay it's 
actually _easier_ than the other options that the OP is suggesting, 
since Puppet already knows how to work with Yum and RPMs.

Daniel Maher 
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Re: [Puppet Users] Getting started

2010-07-26 Thread Daniel Maher

On 07/26/2010 02:36 PM, parag(PK) wrote:

  I have just installed puppet
I wanted some basic tasks ,so that i will get started  with it ..
Can anyone help out ..

If you're interested in getting started, you might like to read the 
documentation in the "Getting Started" area :

The "Puppet Language Tutorial" is excellent as well :

Daniel Maher 
"The Internet is completely over." -- Prince

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Re: [Puppet Users] Monit module that supports both monitrc and monit.conf

2010-07-22 Thread Daniel Maher

On 07/21/2010 09:59 PM, bmort wrote:

Does anyone know of or have a module ( they are willing to share )
that supports both monitrc and monit.conf.

Is there a functional / syntactical difference between monit.conf and 
monitrc, or are they just two implementations of the same thing (my 
interpretation is the latter).

Assuming they are the same thing, why would you have both on a system in 
the first place ?  Just pick one and be done with it. :)  If you need to 
support different distros (and, thus, different filenames), then you 
could just use a simple case statement to pick the appropriate filename. 
 See the following item in the documentation :

Daniel Maher 
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Re: [Puppet Users] Re: subscribing a service to multiple files ?

2010-07-20 Thread Daniel Maher

On 07/20/2010 02:10 PM, Tore wrote:

You could also do:
class httpd {
file { '/etc/monit.d/httpd.conf':
 notify =>  Service['monit']


But I would rather do it on the service, since then you can with ease
read one line to find out what that service response to.

I suppose it comes down to where the perceived responsibility for the 
configuration file lies :

Since it's a Monit configuration file, one could make the argument that 
should it be part of the monit class (or a sub-class thereof).  On the 
other hand, since the configuration snippet in question relates solely 
to the HTTPd service, and wouldn't exist on a system that didn't have 
said service, then it could easily be part of the httpd class.

User preference, ultimately.

Daniel Maher 
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