qmail log analysis script

2000-07-07 Thread Bradey Honsinger

I've written a 'qmail statistics' script that does the dirty work of
generating qmailanalog-acceptable log files:
  - making sure you have an up-to-date pending file
  - converting timestamps to fractional time using tai64nfrac
  - running current and pending logs through matchup
It then calls qmailanalog's z-commands to analyze the results. It's intended
for creating weekly email messages to root, but it wouldn't be hard to tweak
to generate web pages or some such.

In its current state, it makes a few assumptions:
- your logs are rotated (archived), but are all available in the log
- log stamps are in TAI64N format--at least, they're run through the
  translator before sending them to matchup, so if they're not in TAI64N
  better have the fractional-time stamps that matchup expects

Everything else that can change from installation to installation should be
defined in the first section ("Files and Paths"); change it as appropriate.

I'm sending it to the list in the hope that it will be useful to others, and
for comments and corrections--I'm sure there's a lot that could be improved.

- Bradey

# qmstats.py v0.1
# qmail statistics generator (using qmailanalog)
# Bradey Honsinger [EMAIL PROTECTED]
# This script does the dirty work of generating an up-to-date pending
# file from archived (rotated) logs. It runs the logs through
# tai64nfrac to convert TAI64N timestamps to the fractional timestamps
# required by qmailanalog's matchup. After an producing a current
# matchup file from the current log file and an up-to-date pending file,
# it runs a list of qmailanalog commands on the current matchup file and
# writes the results to standard output.
# Note that the output is only the result of the current log file; since
# my log files are rotated once a week, that means that the statistics
# output are only for messages send and received so far this week.
# This script tries to be reasonably intelligent about generating the
# up-to-date pending file: If the pending file is newer than the archived
# log files, it isn't regenerated. If the pending file doesn't exist at all,
# it's regenerated completely, starting with the oldest log file (see the
# matchup man page). Since my log files are rotated weekly, the pending file
# should only need to be updated once a week--nice, since the old log files
# are about 2.5MB each.
# CUSTOMIZATION: Any parameters that need to be changed for your qmail
# installation should be in the "Files and Paths" section. If something
# doesn't work, it's most likely because your files are in different
# locations--double-check the paths carefully.

# Path, file, and process manipulation
import os

# String manipulation
import string

# Files  paths

# Logfile path (current and archived logs)
LOGFILE_PATH = "/var/log/qmail/qmail-send/"

# Current logfile

# Command to retrieve archived logfile names (which start with "@")
ARCHIVED_CMD = "ls -1 " + LOGFILE_PATH + "@*"

# Matchup command location
MATCHUP_CMD = "/usr/local/bin/tai64nfrac |

# Workfile path - any file starting with "qmstat" goes here

# List of pending messages in archived logs
ARCHIVED_PENDING = WORKFILE_PATH + "qmstat.archived.pending"

# List of current pending messages
CURRENT_PENDING = WORKFILE_PATH + "qmstat.current.pending"

# Matchup from current log + archived pending
CURRENT_MATCHUP = WORKFILE_PATH + "qmstat.current.matchup"

# List of commands (w/headings) to run on current log
CMDS = [
[ "Overall Statistics", "/usr/local/qmailanalog/bin/zoverall" ],

[ "Failures", "/usr/local/qmailanalog/bin/zfailures" ],
[ "Deferrals", "/usr/local/qmailanalog/bin/zdeferrals" ],
# sort whines about a broken pipe, so we throw away its errors
[ "Top Ten Senders", "/usr/local/qmailanalog/bin/zsenders | sort -rk 1
2/dev/null | head -20" ],
[ "Top Ten Recipients", "/usr/local/qmailanalog/bin/zrecipients | sort -rk
2 2/dev/null | head -16" ]

# Function Definitions

# Filter function: returns true if given file is newer than archived
# pending messages file
def NewerThanArchivedPending( file ):
if ( os.path.getmtime( ARCHIVED_PENDING )  os.path.getmtime( file ) ):
return 1
return None

# Update archived pending file with archived log
def UpdateArchivedPending( file ):
os.system( "cat %s %s | %s  /dev/null 5 %s" %

# Program Body

# Get list of archived log files
os.chdir( LOGFILE_PATH )
fileCmd = os.popen( ARCHIVED_CMD )
archivedFiles = fileCmd.readlines( )
archivedFiles = map( string.strip, archivedFiles ) # Remove whitespace
archivedFiles.sort( ) # Most recent archived 

Re: Not receiving from all domains - is it DNS?

2000-07-07 Thread Eric Cox

Barry Dwyer wrote:
 Would this reverse-DNS entry (apparently there for the convenience of
 the ISP's reseller) be preventing some mail servers from forwarding to

I noticed that your provider is a backup mailserver for you:

dream:/usr/src # nslookup -type=MX nethan.com
nethan.com  preference = 500, mail exchanger = mail2.sohoskyway.net
nethan.com  preference = 1, mail exchanger = mail.nethan.com

You may have the same problem I did at one time.  Our provider was a 
backup mailer for us, and they didn't have their MS Exchange server 
setup to correctly route mail to me (I had to research the subject and 
TEACH them how to do this, btw, UGH...) - which would normally not 
be a problem since our Frame Relay is (supposed to be) up all the time 
- the backup mailer is _supposed_ to come into play only when the 
primary one is down.

The normal way a mailer is supposed work is to try contacting the best 
preferrence mailserver, and if that doesn't work, the next preference, 
and so on...  Well, MS Exchange doesn't do that - MS uses the 
approach: it opens a connection to _all_ mailers for a given domain, 
and hands off the mail to whichever mailer responds the fastest.  

So domains running MS Exchains servers were sending mail through my 
provider (because his connection to the outside is naturally much 
faster than mine), and the provider wasn't setup to relay for me, so the 
mail never got through.  Some domains, running other mailers, got 
through just fine.  And the really frustrating aspect was that even the 
domains that _were_ running MS Exchains would get mail through some 
of the time, when they happened to get directly into my server faster.

It was horrible...

Anyway, I dunno if this is your problem, but to check, try going to 
a machine outside your provider's domain, telnet to your provider's 
SMTP port, and try relaying mail through it into your domain.  If his 
mailer refuses to relay for you, it might be the cause (it's a problem 
in any case).


Re: aol mail bouncing

2000-07-07 Thread Frank Tegtmeyer

 they utilize reply it is recieved at my mail server with no problem but if 
 they type a new mail and utilize the exact same address it bounces. lol

You should supply some more information:

- the receiver address
- content of your /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts file
- content of your /var/qmail/control/locals or virtualdomains file
- possibly users/assign
- relevant log file entries

Regards, Frank


2000-07-07 Thread Kimmo Berghäll


How do I exactly modify /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail to use scan4virus?

Kimmo Berghäll

Re: spam and well known smtp servers

2000-07-07 Thread Eric Cox

clemensF wrote:
  wolfgang zeikat:
  http://spamcop.net offers handy online forms
 i have used all sorts of anti-spam tricks, but presently i just look at the
 headers of a spam-mail trying to spot from which domain it really originated
 by scanning the recieved-lines and use "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" as well
 as postmaster for chinese or mexican or whatever open relay domains without
 abuse adresses.  this procedure is faster then any automatix.

Um, sadly, no.  Not unless you're an _extremely_ fast typist. 

All you do is paste the text of the email, including headers, into a textbox, 
click a button, and in five seconds (instantly if you're a member) it pops 
up a screen with the abuse addresses of all the abuse depts. to be notified - 
click another button, and you've sent them a standardized complaint, and 
spamcop is very accurate.  Many large abuse departments have automation to 
accept spamcop complaints, and automatically act on them - like immediately 
freezing outgoing email of a given account upon reciept of complaints, until 
a human can look into it and nuke the account if warranted. 

Spamcop also maintains a database of the _proper_ abuse addresses for a 
given domain - I would never have guessed [EMAIL PROTECTED] for AOL - if 
I had used postmaster or abuse, it would have taken longer for them to 
nuke the account.

Oh, and it will also tell you if the provider has already nuked the 
account, i.e. no complaints neccesary.


urgent help required : qmail-send/qmail-lspawn

2000-07-07 Thread reach_prashant

   hello friends 

   i want to run web-mail server using  qmail as  mail server , my web
server and qmail server is going to be run on same physical mechine .
, as apache runs under nobody  i have to give 777 to ~/home/Maildir   for
this as a new mail gets delievered under ~/home/Maildir/new. i want to
change the permission of  that newmail file to 777 , but how can i trigger
this event , 

  that is how can i detect the event when new mail gets delieverd to 
users ~home/Maildir/new

 please help me , its really urgent 

 with kindest regards 
Prashant Desai 

urgent help required : qmail-send/qmail-lspawn (fwd)

2000-07-07 Thread reach_prashant

   hello friends 

   i want to run web-mail server using  qmail as  mail server , my web
server and qmail server is going to be run on same physical mechine .
, as apache runs under nobody  i have to give 777 to ~/home/Maildir   for
this as a new mail gets delievered under ~/home/Maildir/new. i want to
change the permission of  that newmail file to 777 , but how can i trigger
this , 

  that is how can i detect the event when new mail gets delieverd to 
users ~home/Maildir/new

 please help me , its really urgent 

 with kindest regards 
Prashant Desai 

urgent help required : qmail-send/qmail-lspawn (fwd)

2000-07-07 Thread reach_prashant

   hello friends 

   i want to run web-mail server using  qmail as  mail server , my web
server and qmail server is going to be run on same physical mechine .
, as apache runs under nobody  i have to give 777 to ~/home/Maildir   for
this as a new mail gets delievered under ~/home/Maildir/new. i want to
change the permission of  that newmail file to 777 , but how can i trigger
this , 

  that is how can i detect the event when new mail gets delieverd to 
users ~home/Maildir/new

 please help me , its really urgent 

 with kindest regards 
Prashant Desai 

qmail Digest 7 Jul 2000 10:00:00 -0000 Issue 1055

2000-07-07 Thread qmail-digest-help

qmail Digest 7 Jul 2000 10:00:00 - Issue 1055

Topics (messages 44269 through 44314):

Re: qmail on Digital UNIX 4.0D -- syslog problems
44269 by: Mads E Eilertsen

Re: rejecting subscribe/unsubscribe requests
44270 by: Sylwester S. Biernacki

Re: .qmail
44271 by: Paul Jarc

Strange Problem with qmail config
44272 by: Mitul Limbani
44285 by: Dave Sill

Re: manpages for ucspi-tcp
44273 by: Vincent Danen

Re: ucspi-tcp man pages
44274 by: Vincent Danen

Re: qmail-start
44275 by: Paul Jarc

Re: can't unsubscribe
44276 by: Mirko Koenig

Virus scanning question
44277 by: Larry Henshaw
44304 by: Jason Haar

temporary failure in qmail-lspawn
44278 by: Darren Hudson
44286 by: Dave Sill

Release: assign-lint
44279 by: James Raftery

Qmail and ColdFusion Problem (off topic?)
44280 by: James Moore
44282 by: M.B.

Mail Server Sizing
44281 by: Alexis Castanares Lopez
44283 by: Andre Oppermann
44290 by: Jason Murphy

Qmail with Oracle
44284 by: Alexandre Biancalana

Re: Muchos "warning: trouble opening remote/local"...
44287 by: Dave Sill

Re: CNAME_lookup_failed_temporarily._(#4.4.3)
44288 by: Dave Sill

qmail won't compile on AIX 4.3
44289 by: lewst

supervise lock problem on startup/install
44291 by: J!M

qmail book coming?
44292 by: M.B.
44296 by: Bill Parker
44297 by: Vince Vielhaber
44298 by: Vince Vielhaber

Re: Converting mbox to maildir.
44293 by: clemensF

Re: qmail and dial-on-demand
44294 by: clemensF

Re: spam and well known smtp servers
44295 by: clemensF
44310 by: Eric Cox

vpopmail 4.8a Upgrade
44299 by: Andrew Hill
44301 by: Peter Green
44312 by: Sylwester S. Biernacki

Courier IMAP / Autoresponders / SQWebMail
44300 by: Kathleen Farber

aol mail bouncing
44302 by: Matt Taft
44305 by: Scott Gifford
44308 by: Frank Tegtmeyer

"unable to exec qq" and Cobalt RAQs
44303 by: seth.aqua.note.amherst.edu

qmail log analysis script
44306 by: Bradey Honsinger

Re: Not receiving from all domains - is it DNS?
44307 by: Eric Cox

44309 by: Kimmo Berghäll

urgent help required : qmail-send/qmail-lspawn
44311 by: reach_prashant.zeenext.com

urgent help required : qmail-send/qmail-lspawn (fwd)
44313 by: reach_prashant.zeenext.com
44314 by: reach_prashant.zeenext.com


To unsubscribe from the digest, e-mail:

To subscribe to the digest, e-mail:

To bug my human owner, e-mail:

To post to the list, e-mail:


On 5 Jul 2000, Bjørn Nordbø wrote:

 According to TEST.delivery qmail should syslog a line whenever
 it starts. [...]

Note that qmail logs to STDOUT.  If you followed step 8 of INSTALL,
you'll realize that it is splogger who feeds syslog.

Since you apparently have daemontools installed I suggest you forget
about syslog, and use multilog to do the logging.

On our 4.0D boxes /service/qmail/run contains

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" qmail-start ./Mailbox

and /service/qmail/log/run contains

exec setuidgid qmaill multilog t s50 n20 /var/log/qmail

which means that log entries end up in /var/log/qmail/current.
We have a similar approach for the SMTP service using tcpserver,
and it's all working very well.


2000-07-06, at 00:03:09, Paul Jarc wrote:

 Hand, Brian C. writes:
 How does one setup qmail and ezmlm to allow subscribes and unsubscribes to
 be done ONLY by command line.

 If you remove listdir/public, ezmlm-manage will stop responding to all
 administrative requests, including -subscribe, -unsubscribe, and -get.
 If you want -get to keep working, you can intercept delivery of the
 subscription messages.  The foo-subscribe and foo-unsubscribe
 addresses are handled by the list's .qmail-default file - you can
 create .qmail-[un]subscribe[-default] files to handle any messages
 sent to those addresses.  bouncesaying ought to be useful.  If instead
 you want to drop these messages silently, remember that the .qmail
 files shouldn't be empty (that indicates that the system's default
 delivery method should be used - ./Mailbox, or whatever), and the
 first line can't be blank - `#' is the smallest no-op.

 I apologize if this is documented somewhere but I only found out how
 to prevent posts to the mailing lists itself.

 Hm - how do you do that?
Or you can make file called i.e. subscribe.pl and put this code


$to = "test-subscribe\@test.com";
$subject = "";
$from = "test-user\@test2.com";

$sendmail = "sendmail -f $from -t -oi";
open(MAIL, "| 

urgent help required : qmail-send/qmail-lspawn (fwd)

2000-07-07 Thread reach_prashant

   hello friends 

  i have installed qmail with qmail-ldap-latest patch  , qmail is running
fine and delivering mails to ~HOME/Maildir  , with mails file permissions
of 644 , i have  also configured qmail-pop3d to retrive mails from
~HOME/Maildir   , but as the default file permissions are 644  pop3d server
is unable read those mails ( unable to download those mails )and if i
change it to chmod 777 then pop3d is working fine but every time doing this
(changing file permissions manually or by polling and running cron job)
when new mail arrives to users mailbox for thousends of users is impossible

 the other problem with pop3d is if i will change default 644 file
permissions for mail files in /HOME/Maildir/new/mailfiles  to chmod 755
then pop3d  will able to download mails from mail server but unable to
delete those mails once it gets downloaded from users Maildir,

 so please help me , what should  be the default file permissions for 
1 /home
2 /home/Maildir
3 /home/Maildir/new
4  /home/Maildir/tmp
5  /home/Maildir/cur
  so that my SMTP and qmail-pop3d  will work normally with qmail-ldap 

i dont know exactly what is wrong , please help me and guide me what would
be causing this   

 please help me , its really urgent 

 with kindest regards 
Prashant Desai 

urgent help required : file permissions

2000-07-07 Thread reach_prashant

   hello friends 

i have installed qmail along with qmail-ldap-latest-patch on Redhat
Linux 6.1 , its working fine as far as delivery to /Home/Maildir is concern
but other things like qmail-pop3d  is not working atall , i think the
problem is with default file permissions for  /Home/Maildir/new/mail file
which is 644 in my case , so with 644 on  /Home/Maildir/new/mail file
qmail-pop3d is not able to download mails from users mailbox ,

then i tried changing it to 755  , then qmail-pop3d is able to download
mails from users mail box but unable to delete those mail files from
maildir once they gets downloaded .

then i made it 777  , now qmail-pop3d works perfectly 

 so i think its just this file permissions part which is creating these

desperately waiting  for reply 
Prashant Desai 

Re: Virus scanning question

2000-07-07 Thread Rainer Link

Larry Henshaw wrote:

 I have a Qmail system all up and running with SMTP and POP3.  It sends and
 received mail correctly.  What I have been asked to do is forward any mail
 to a Trend Micro SMTP email virus scanning server first before it is
 delivered.  This means that even if I have USER-A and USER-B with POP3
 accounts on the qmail server and they send mail to each other, the powers
 that be want that mail to first hit the Scan Mail server then relay to the
 Qmail server.
Well, why don't you ask the support guys from Trend Micro? I believe,
they can help you better than the readers here. Couldn't you run
InterScan VirusWall SMTP as your external SMTP server and qmail as your
internal SMTP server (InterScan pipes after the virus scanning back to
sendmail, in your case the sendmail-wrapper of qmail)? IIRC Trend Micro
describes some different setups in their manual.

Alternative Open source solutions are either scan4virus
(http://www.geocities.com/jhaar/scan4virus/) or AMaViS (dev.amavis.org
or better
http://sourceforge.net/projects/amavis). For a general overview, you may
also have a look at http://lavp.sourceforge.net/


best regards,
Rainer Link

Rainer Link  | Member of Virus Help Munich (www.vhm.haitec.de)   
[EMAIL PROTECTED] | Member of AMaViS Development Team (dev.amavis.org)
rainer.w3.to | Linux/Unix Anti Virus project (lavp.sourceforge.net)

Re: urgent help required : qmail-send/qmail-lspawn (fwd)

2000-07-07 Thread Ricardo Cerqueira

On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 07:18:29AM +0300, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  the other problem with pop3d is if i will change default 644 file
 permissions for mail files in /HOME/Maildir/new/mailfiles  to chmod 755
 then pop3d  will able to download mails from mail server but unable to
 delete those mails once it gets downloaded from users Maildir,
  so please help me , what should  be the default file permissions for 
 1 /home
 2 /home/Maildir
 3 /home/Maildir/new
 4  /home/Maildir/tmp
 5  /home/Maildir/cur

700 would be just fine. But stick with the perms given by maildirmake. Instead of 
messing with those, run qmail-popup under root permissions.
You can NOT give read/write permissions to anyone but the owner. If you do, qmail will 
refuse to deliver.


| Ricardo Cerqueira  
| PGP Key fingerprint  -  B7 05 13 CE 48 0A BF 1E  87 21 83 DB 28 DE 03 42 
| Novis  -  Engenharia ISP / Rede Técnica 
| Pç. Duque Saldanha, 1, 7º E / 1050-094 Lisboa / Portugal
| Tel: +351 21 3166730/00 (24h/dia) - Fax: +351 21 3166701

mail filtering with splogger

2000-07-07 Thread reach_prashant

  hello friends 

we are designing webmail using qmail as our mail server , we want to
give users a facility to create folders under their directory , 
and filter incoming mails based on from address and then they can choose 
to  get their mails from specific from address to specific folder they have
created under their home directory  , 

   how can i do this with qmail , i am not using procmail but using
splogger for delievering mails to users maildirs 

  waiting for responce 

Re: qmail-start

2000-07-07 Thread Dennis Robertson

On Thu, Jul 06, 2000 at 10:28:44AM -0400, Paul Jarc wrote:

 You probably don't need to reinstall.  Just remove that command from
 your .bashrc, and add it to your system startup scripts.  The details
 of this will vary depending on how your system is set up.  On my
 RedHat 6 box, I have /etc/rc.d/rc[235].d/S40qmail symlinked to
 ../init.d/qmail, which contains:

Thanks.  I remembered how I did it the first time (luckily, not all brain cells
are dead).  I removed the offending .bashrc script and used tksysv to set up
in the appropriate run levels.  I added chkconfig and source function library
entries to /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail and all goes well.

Dennis Robertson  2/2 Sylvia Street  NOOSAVILLE QLD 4566
Phone: 61 7 54742343  Mob: 0419 535539

RE: Re[2]: vpopmail 4.8a Upgrade

2000-07-07 Thread Chris Tolley

vpopmail isn't slanted towards RedHat RPMs, so it's expecting your tcprules
to have been installed from source, which would put it in
/usr/local/bin/tcprules.  The Makefile has that as a default, so when it
can't find it, it doesn't go searching.  Just compile with the option


which is where the RPM is configured to dump it, or hack the Makefile to the
appropriate directory.

As for the rest...it looks as if your glibc package is damaged or
incomplete.  Try reinstalling from the RPM that matches the revision of your
RedHat.  Those references are defined in the .so files located in your /lib
directory and are owned by the glibc package.


 -Original Message-
 From: Sylwester S. Biernacki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
 Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 3:49 AM
 Subject: Re[2]: vpopmail 4.8a Upgrade
 2000-07-07, at 02:53:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  also sprach list:
  I'm trying to upgrade vpopmail to version 4.8a. However, 
 when I try to
  ./configure, I get an error that the tcprules program 
 cannot be found.
  You need to specify it with --enable-tcprules-prog=/path/to/tcprules
  Where should tcprules be coming from? What installation am 
 I missing?
 (pcg@micah) ~ rpm -qf `which tcprules`
 So... I've got another problem with compilation vpopmail.
 gcc  -g -O2 -Wall  -o vchkpw  vchkpw.o opensmtp.o 
 libvpopmail.a -lnsl -lcrypt -lm
 libvpopmail.a(my_thr_init.o): In function `my_thread_global_init':
 my_thr_init.o(.text+0x14): undefined reference to `pthread_key_create'
 libvpopmail.a(my_thr_init.o): In function `my_thread_init':
 my_thr_init.o(.text+0xfa): undefined reference to 
 my_thr_init.o(.text+0x13b): undefined reference to 
 libvpopmail.a(my_thr_init.o): In function `my_thread_end':
 my_thr_init.o(.text+0x1cd): undefined reference to 
 libvpopmail.a(my_thr_init.o): In function `_my_thread_var':
 my_thr_init.o(.text+0x204): undefined reference to 
 collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
 make[2]: *** [vchkpw] Error 1
 make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/vpopmail-4.8a'
 make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
 make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/vpopmail-4.8a'
 make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
 and this goes on every gcc compiler I've used (2.95 and 2.96):
 gcc version 2.96 2606 (experimental)
 Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/2.96/specs
 Machine is RH 6.2 with glibc-2.1.90
 Any suggestions ?
 Despite of this fact, on other machines with egcs compiler it compiles
 fine and works well.
 Sylwester S. Biernacki [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Relaying once again...

2000-07-07 Thread Kwasniewski Piotr

I have Qmail installed. It properly sends and acepts mail. It is
also supposed to do relaying for a group of users. 
In the FAQ it said, how to enable relaying for a group of
machines, but I'd like to accomplish something like:

My local domain is domain.com. If an user tries to send mail from a
machine with relaying enabled, qmail should check if the sender adress is
[EMAIL PROTECTED] If it is for example [EMAIL PROTECTED], qmail should
deny relying. 

My question is: how can I do it ???

Waiting for reply.


Re[4]: vpopmail 4.8a Upgrade

2000-07-07 Thread Sylwester S. Biernacki

2000-07-07, at 16:12:33, Chris Tolley wrote:

 vpopmail isn't slanted towards RedHat RPMs, so it's expecting your tcprules
 to have been installed from source, which would put it in
 /usr/local/bin/tcprules.  The Makefile has that as a default, so when it
 can't find it, it doesn't go searching.  Just compile with the option


 which is where the RPM is configured to dump it, or hack the Makefile to the
 appropriate directory.

 As for the rest...it looks as if your glibc package is damaged or
 incomplete.  Try reinstalling from the RPM that matches the revision of your
 RedHat.  Those references are defined in the .so files located in your /lib
 directory and are owned by the glibc package.

I'm sure there are complete, cause the same glibc packet is running on
the second machine which  differs only in C compiler.
any suggestion ?

Sylwester S. Biernacki [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Relaying once again...

2000-07-07 Thread Ben Beuchler

On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 04:21:53PM +0200, Kwasniewski Piotr wrote:

   I have Qmail installed. It properly sends and acepts mail. It is
 also supposed to do relaying for a group of users. 
   In the FAQ it said, how to enable relaying for a group of
 machines, but I'd like to accomplish something like:
 My local domain is domain.com. If an user tries to send mail from a
 machine with relaying enabled, qmail should check if the sender adress is
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] If it is for example [EMAIL PROTECTED], qmail should
 deny relying. 
 My question is: how can I do it ???

Without creating your own tools, it can't be done.  And it's not a good
idea.  It would take me about 10s to modify my mail client so that I can
relay through your server.


The spectre of a polity controlled by the fads and whims of voters who
actually believe that there are significant differences between Bud Lite
and Miller Lite, and who think that professional wrestling is for real, is
naturally alarming to people who don't.
-- Neal Stephenson

Re: Not receiving from all domains - is it DNS?

2000-07-07 Thread Barry Dwyer

I don't know what server software our ISP is using. At the time of the
problem, though, they didn't have the backup mail entry in place so
whatever was going on was related to our primary server only.

The ISP is *adamant* that the problem had nothing to do with the
reverse-DNS problem and was caused only by some of the ISPs using cached
DNS information that took a while to update after our mail server went
live. OK in theory but it seems that doesn't explain inconsistent
delivery from some of those ISPs (1 message in 10 with no bounces for
the other 9). Also, 72 hours is a long time for that problem to persist
- seems a long time to keep cached information. Even odder is that it
went away and the mail started to flow not long after the reverse-DNS
problem was corrected.

I have to admit to being new to this, which is frustrating. I need to do
some homework on what happens with mail servers set to what I've heard
described as "paranoid mode".


Re: Relaying once again...

2000-07-07 Thread Petr Novotny

Hash: SHA1

On 7 Jul 00, at 16:21, Kwasniewski Piotr wrote:
 My local domain is domain.com. If an user tries to send mail from a
 machine with relaying enabled, qmail should check if the sender adress
 is [EMAIL PROTECTED] If it is for example [EMAIL PROTECTED], qmail
 should deny relying. 
 My question is: how can I do it ???

No: The question is "Why on Earth would you want to do it?"

Anyway, if you need to accomplish this, write a simple wrapper 
around qmail-queue or patch qmail-smtpd...

Version: PGP 6.0.2 -- QDPGP 2.60 
Comment: http://community.wow.net/grt/qdpgp.html

Petr Novotny, ANTEK CS
PGP key ID: 0x3BA9BC3F
-- Don't you know there ain't no devil there's just God when he's drunk.
 [Tom Waits]

Re: Relaying once again...

2000-07-07 Thread Sylwester S. Biernacki

2000-07-07, at 16:21:53, Kwasniewski Piotr wrote:

 I have Qmail installed. It properly sends and acepts mail. It is
 also supposed to do relaying for a group of users. 
 In the FAQ it said, how to enable relaying for a group of
 machines, but I'd like to accomplish something like:

 My local domain is domain.com. If an user tries to send mail from a
 machine with relaying enabled, qmail should check if the sender adress is
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] If it is for example [EMAIL PROTECTED], qmail should
 deny relying. 

 My question is: how can I do it ???

 Waiting for reply.

here you define which machines you allow to be your relay clients.
You can check "From:" in header using i.e. Mark Delany's patch.
You can get it from nearest Qmail mirror site (in your situation the
nearest will be http://qmail.obeer.com):

Yet more Qmail addons
Mark Delany has a patch to qmail-smtpd which lets you match the envelope sender 
against a regex and accept or reject the mail accordingly.

Sylwester S. Biernacki [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: Qmail with Oracle

2000-07-07 Thread Ken Jones

Alexandre Biancalana wrote:
 Hi All,
 I have Qmail installed in Red Hat 6.2 and it works fine, but we need to 
authenticate users with Oracle.
 I have downloaded vpopmail package v4.8.4 but it does not seem to compile, 
because I think this
 package has Oracle support. Does anybody know how to compile vpopmail and then 
authenticate users with it?
 Where can I find some documentation or some patch in order to fix this problem?
 Have anybody made Oracle 8.1.6 work with Qmail?
 Alexandre Biancalana

I wrote and tested the oracle module. It was built against Oracle 8

I still need to add some options to the configure script to allow you to
set the path to oracle.

Send me what problem you are having on the compile, and I'll help you
through it. Then we can use the problems you have run into as the start
for an Oracle README file.

Ken Jones

porblems with qmail.

2000-07-07 Thread Simo Lakka

Hi !
I installed newest qmail with rpm installation, and tried to send a mail
to me with pine, i didnt get that mail.. nothing in /Maildir and log
doesnt say anything, anybody can help me ? 

-simo lakka

Re: qmail book coming?

2000-07-07 Thread John van V.

Howabout "The Wonderful and Weird World of DJ Bernstein"

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  #  Proud Sponsor of Perl/Unix of NY #
  #http://puny.vm.com # 

Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages  get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

mail filters

2000-07-07 Thread prashant

hello friends 

we are trying to implement webmail using qmail as 
mail server with qmail-ldap authentication ,

we wish to give users facility to create folters in their home 
directory and then users can filter incoming mails 
on the basis of from address and can route these filtered mail 
in to one of those folders that they had created 

is there any way to achive these we are using splogger for 
local delievery 

thanks in advance 
Prashant Desai

Re: Courier IMAP / Autoresponders / SQWebMail

2000-07-07 Thread Ken Jones

Kathleen Farber wrote:
 Anything I should be aware of for installing Courier IMAP with
 vpop and vchkpw
 We would like to install sqwebmail but worried about screwing things up
 since it took a month to get it running the right way with no error messages
 Red Hat Linux 6.2
 Current Qmail, QmailAdmin, EzMLM, vpop, vchkpw
 Also, if anyone knows why when using autoresponders why the mail bounces but
 yet the autoresponder goes out would be much appreciated!

Here is my configure line for sqwebmail to work with vpopmail:
./configure --enable-webpass=vpopmail --without-authuserdb
--without-authpam \
--without-authpwd --without-authshadow --without-authldap
--with-cachedir \
--with-authvchkpw --enable-imageurl=/images/sqwebmail/ \

Here is my configure line for courier imap
./configure --without-authuserdb --without-authpam \
--without-authpwd --without-authshadow --without-authldap \
--with-authvchkpw --enable-workarounds-for-imap-client-bugs

One gotcha with the courier-imap. If you are using mysql, sybase or
oracle, you need to edit the courier-imap code. In the authlib
directory, find the vauth_getpw function call and add a vclose();
right after it.

The reason why is, a courier-imap client causes a courier-imap 
process to run on the server. Unlike pop, the courier-imap server
process stays active for the entire session. So if you have 
200 people using imap, you'll have 200 courier-imap server
processes running on your machine.

Now the reason for the vclose() is that vpopmail API doesn't
explicitly close the connection to the database. Once the
vauth_getpw() function is run, courier-imap has all the
information it ever needs from the database. At that point
we need to call vclose() to close the database connection.
If not, those 200 imap clients will cause 200 database 
connections to stay open. 

The vclose() call isn't needed if you are using the file
based authentication module in vpopmail. Since the files
are closed during each vpopmail api function call.


Unable to switch to home directory

2000-07-07 Thread Toni Mueller


I'm stumped on this one:

One of my users can't receive mail because qmail has
problems getting to his home.

- the user has a home like /prefix/www.do.main
- with maildir delivery ./MailDir/ in said case (that's
  the same for all users)
- he owns both his home (mode 0755) and the MailDir
  (mode 0700)

My setup is such that I first route through a private
switchboard and from there redirect the messages to
the different users (or to the outside). So I can
avoid letting users mess around with their own
mail setup...

Ok, in my switchboard I say that this user should
receive mail in his home, so there is
user@localhost in the corresponding .qmail- file.

In said user's home are .qmail and .qmail-default
files saying to put the mail into ./MailDir/
(it needs this indirection because I have no
access to the homes of these users when doing
a normal qmail delivery). The user owns these
files which are mode 0444.

I see qmail reading the info in my switchboard,
but don't see it access the user's home.

I would appreciate it very much if anyone can
spot the problem and tell me...

Best Regards,

relay problems with smtproutes

2000-07-07 Thread John L. Fjellstad

I try to relay my mail to my ISP instead of trying to deliver mail

When I send mail through Eudora/Outlook, and send it directly to the ISP,
I have no problems delivering the mail.

When I set the smtproutes in qmail to the same ISP address, I get rejected
because of illegal relay.

Anyone know what might be going on? (This is a DSL connection, so both
originator IPs should be the same).  

icq: thales @ 17755648

HELP... I got attacked by Spammers

2000-07-07 Thread Sally Cheng


I am using Qmail 1.03 and today i noticed that my
server is attacked by spammers and I got notice from
other servers that my host is put in their BLACK list
for spamming. I have looked in the FAQ but tried to
fix but couldn't make it done. I had to delete all teh
message in /var/qmail/queue. Could anybody help me to
stop these SPAMMING and RELAYING. 

Moreover I would like to control the relay through my
host in following way:

[My host name is myhost.mudomain.com  and domain is

1. I need to allow my users ([EMAIL PROTECTED] and
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) send emails to anywhere
through my server. ie my server is a SMTP gateway for
my client-hosts.

2. I need to allow other hosts to send email to my
users. So that my server will receive email from other
servers fr local users and put it in their mailbox.

3. I need to REJECT all the other hosts or mails from
other host NOT addressed to our local users.

4. I need to REJECT all the foreign hosts to use my
hosts use as relay. Ie direct SMTP connection can be
given only to my users or same network

Any help is highly appreciated.

Thanks in Advance.


Do You Yahoo!?
Send instant messages  get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

Re: Unable to switch to home directory

2000-07-07 Thread Charles Cazabon

Toni Mueller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 One of my users can't receive mail because qmail has
 problems getting to his home.
 I see qmail reading the info in my switchboard,
 but don't see it access the user's home.

What do the qmail logs say?

Charles Cazabon[EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: relay problems with smtproutes

2000-07-07 Thread Charles Cazabon

John L. Fjellstad [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I try to relay my mail to my ISP instead of trying to deliver mail
 When I send mail through Eudora/Outlook, and send it directly to the ISP,
 I have no problems delivering the mail.
 When I set the smtproutes in qmail to the same ISP address, I get rejected
 because of illegal relay.
 Anyone know what might be going on? (This is a DSL connection, so both
 originator IPs should be the same).  

What is your email address set to in Eudora?  Is that what is being used
for the envelope sender?  What is your qmail installation using for the
envelope sender?  is it possible your ISP is checking the envelope sender
and rejecting the relay if it isn't labelled as being from in their domain?

Try posting the exact error message the server gives you when it "rejects
because of illegal relay".

Charles Cazabon[EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: vpopmail 4.8a Upgrade

2000-07-07 Thread Ken Jones

I'll update the next release of vpopmail to also look in

Ken Jones

Chris Tolley wrote:
 vpopmail isn't slanted towards RedHat RPMs, so it's expecting your tcprules
 to have been installed from source, which would put it in
 /usr/local/bin/tcprules.  The Makefile has that as a default, so when it
 can't find it, it doesn't go searching.  Just compile with the option
 which is where the RPM is configured to dump it, or hack the Makefile to the
 appropriate directory.
 As for the rest...it looks as if your glibc package is damaged or
 incomplete.  Try reinstalling from the RPM that matches the revision of your
 RedHat.  Those references are defined in the .so files located in your /lib
 directory and are owned by the glibc package.
  -Original Message-
  From: Sylwester S. Biernacki [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 3:49 AM
  Subject: Re[2]: vpopmail 4.8a Upgrade
  2000-07-07, at 02:53:22, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   also sprach list:
   I'm trying to upgrade vpopmail to version 4.8a. However,
  when I try to
   ./configure, I get an error that the tcprules program
  cannot be found.
   You need to specify it with --enable-tcprules-prog=/path/to/tcprules
   Where should tcprules be coming from? What installation am
  I missing?
  (pcg@micah) ~ rpm -qf `which tcprules`
  So... I've got another problem with compilation vpopmail.
  gcc  -g -O2 -Wall  -o vchkpw  vchkpw.o opensmtp.o
  libvpopmail.a -lnsl -lcrypt -lm
  libvpopmail.a(my_thr_init.o): In function `my_thread_global_init':
  my_thr_init.o(.text+0x14): undefined reference to `pthread_key_create'
  libvpopmail.a(my_thr_init.o): In function `my_thread_init':
  my_thr_init.o(.text+0xfa): undefined reference to
  my_thr_init.o(.text+0x13b): undefined reference to
  libvpopmail.a(my_thr_init.o): In function `my_thread_end':
  my_thr_init.o(.text+0x1cd): undefined reference to
  libvpopmail.a(my_thr_init.o): In function `_my_thread_var':
  my_thr_init.o(.text+0x204): undefined reference to
  collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
  make[2]: *** [vchkpw] Error 1
  make[2]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/vpopmail-4.8a'
  make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
  make[1]: Leaving directory `/usr/src/vpopmail-4.8a'
  make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2
  and this goes on every gcc compiler I've used (2.95 and 2.96):
  gcc version 2.96 2606 (experimental)
  Reading specs from /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/2.96/specs
  Machine is RH 6.2 with glibc-2.1.90
  Any suggestions ?
  Despite of this fact, on other machines with egcs compiler it compiles
  fine and works well.
  Sylwester S. Biernacki [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: HELP... I got attacked by Spammers

2000-07-07 Thread Charles Cazabon

Sally Cheng [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I am using Qmail 1.03 and today i noticed that my
 server is attacked by spammers and I got notice from
 other servers that my host is put in their BLACK list
 for spamming. I have looked in the FAQ but tried to
 fix but couldn't make it done. I had to delete all teh
 message in /var/qmail/queue. Could anybody help me to
 stop these SPAMMING and RELAYING. 

Did you delete /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts?  Then it's an open relay.  Bad.
 Moreover I would like to control the relay through my
 host in following way:
 [My host name is myhost.mudomain.com  and domain is
 1. I need to allow my users ([EMAIL PROTECTED] and
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]) send emails to anywhere
 through my server. ie my server is a SMTP gateway for
 my client-hosts.
 2. I need to allow other hosts to send email to my
 users. So that my server will receive email from other
 servers fr local users and put it in their mailbox.
 3. I need to REJECT all the other hosts or mails from
 other host NOT addressed to our local users.
 4. I need to REJECT all the foreign hosts to use my
 hosts use as relay. Ie direct SMTP connection can be
 given only to my users or same network

Put "mydomain.com" and ".mydomain.com" into /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts.

Use tcpserver to start qmail-smtpd.  Use a tcp.rules file to control access.
Assuming it's in /etc/tcpcontrol/smtp.rules, put the following lines in it:


Then recompile the .cdb file from this rules file.  Now anyone on your 10.
network should be allowed to relay, and no one else should.  Other hosts will
only be able to hand you mail for machines under the mydomain.com domain.

Charles Cazabon[EMAIL PROTECTED]
GPL'ed software available at:  http://www.qcc.sk.ca/~charlesc/software/
Any opinions expressed are just that -- my opinions.

Re: HELP... I got attacked by Spammers

2000-07-07 Thread Ben Beuchler

On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 08:09:44AM -0700, Sally Cheng wrote:

 Moreover I would like to control the relay through my
 host in following way:


The spectre of a polity controlled by the fads and whims of voters who
actually believe that there are significant differences between Bud Lite
and Miller Lite, and who think that professional wrestling is for real, is
naturally alarming to people who don't.
-- Neal Stephenson

Re: Relaying once again...

2000-07-07 Thread Paul Jarc

Sylwester S. Biernacki writes:
 here you define which machines you allow to be your relay clients.

No, that file lists the destination hosts and domains that qmail
accepts mail for via SMTP and QMTP.  To allow certain senders to relay
though you to any destination, use RELAYCLIENT.  man tcprules,
man qmail-smtpd.


Re: Qmail with Oracle

2000-07-07 Thread Alexandre Biancalana

Hi Ken,

Here is my configure line:

[root@kepler vpopmail-4.8.5]# ./configure 
--enable-tcprules-prog=/usr/local/bin/tcprules \
--enable-oracle=y \


and the error is:

[root@kepler vpopmail-4.8.5]# make
make  all-recursive
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/vpopmail-4.8.5'
Making all in cdb
make[2]: Entering directory `/opt/vpopmail-4.8.5/cdb'
make[2]: *** Warning: File `makelib' has modification time in the future (2000-07-07 
11:38:33  2000-07-07
( cat warn-auto.sh; \
echo CC=\'`head -1 conf-cc`\'; \
echo LD=\'`head -1 conf-ld`\'; \
cat find-systype.sh; \
) | sh  systype
( ( ./compile tryulong32.c  ./load tryulong32  \
./tryulong32 ) /dev/null 21 \
 cat uint32.h2 || cat uint32.h1 )  uint32.h
rm -f tryulong32.o tryulong32
./compile cdb_hash.c
./compile cdb_unpack.c
./compile cdb_seek.c
./makelib cdb.a cdb_hash.o cdb_unpack.o cdb_seek.o
./compile cdbmake_pack.c
./compile cdbmake_hash.c
./compile cdbmake_add.c
./makelib cdbmake.a cdbmake_pack.o cdbmake_hash.o \
make[2]: *** Warning:  Clock skew detected.  Your build may be incomplete.
make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/vpopmail-4.8.5/cdb'
make[2]: Entering directory `/opt/vpopmail-4.8.5'
gcc -I. -I/usr/local/oracle/include/precomp/public  -g -O2 -Wall -c safestring.c
gcc -I. -I/usr/local/oracle/include/precomp/public  -g -O2 -Wall -c vpopmail.c
gcc -I. -I/usr/local/oracle/include/precomp/public  -g -O2 -Wall -c md5.c
gcc -I. -I/usr/local/oracle/include/precomp/public  -g -O2 -Wall -c bigdir.c
gcc -I. -I/usr/local/oracle/include/precomp/public  -g -O2 -Wall -c vauth.c
vauth.c:187: sqlda.h: No such file or directory
vauth.c:188: sqlcpr.h: No such file or directory
vauth.c:189: sqlca.h: No such file or directory
vauth.c:286: warning: `/*' within comment
vauth.c:290: warning: `/*' within comment
make[2]: *** [vauth.o] Error 1
make[2]: Leaving directory `/opt/vpopmail-4.8.5'
make[1]: *** [all-recursive] Error 1
make[1]: Leaving directory `/opt/vpopmail-4.8.5'
make: *** [all-recursive-am] Error 2

but my ORACLE_HOME is not the /usr/local/oracle/ , I'm correct the files rewriting the 
oracle ORACLE_HOME, and
the error is:

[root@kepler vpopmail-4.8.5]# make
cd .  aclocal
cd .  automake --foreign Makefile
cd .  autoconf
/bin/sh ./config.status --recheck
running /bin/sh ./configure  --enable-tcprules-prog=/usr/local/bin/tcprules 
--enable-tcpserver-file=/var/qmail/control/relayclients.tcp --no-create --no-recursion
loading cache ./config.cache
checking for a BSD compatible install... (cached) /usr/bin/install -c
checking whether build environment is sane... yes
checking whether make sets ${MAKE}... (cached) yes
checking for working aclocal... found
checking for working autoconf... found
checking for working automake... found
checking for working autoheader... found
checking for working makeinfo... found
checking host system type... i686-unknown-linux
checking for gcc... (cached) gcc
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) works... yes
checking whether the C compiler (gcc  ) is a cross-compiler... no
checking whether we are using GNU C... (cached) yes
checking whether gcc accepts -g... (cached) yes
checking for ranlib... (cached) ranlib
checking for POSIXized ISC... no
checking how to run the C preprocessor... (cached) gcc -E
checking for AIX... no
checking for crypt in -lcrypt... (cached) yes
checking for gethostbyaddr in -lnsl... (cached) yes
checking for getsockname in -lsocket... (cached) no
checking for shadow.h... (cached) yes
checking for shadow.h... (cached) yes
checking for setspent in -lshadow... (cached) no
checking for dirent.h that defines DIR... (cached) yes
checking for opendir in -ldir... (cached) no
checking for ANSI C header files... (cached) yes
checking for unistd.h... (cached) yes
checking for working const... (cached) yes
checking for size_t... (cached) yes
checking whether struct tm is in sys/time.h or time.h... (cached) time.h
checking for getcwd... (cached) yes
checking for mkdir... (cached) yes
checking for strdup... (cached) yes
checking for strstr... (cached) yes
creating ./config.status
cd . \
   CONFIG_FILES=Makefile CONFIG_HEADERS= /bin/sh ./config.status
creating Makefile
cd .  autoheader
cd . \
 /bin/sh ./config.status
creating config.h
config.h is unchanged
make  all-recursive
make[1]: Entering directory `/opt/vpopmail-4.8.5'
Making all in cdb
make[2]: Entering directory `/opt/vpopmail-4.8.5/cdb'
make[2]: *** Warning: File `makelib' has modification time in the future (2000-07-07 
11:38:33  2000-07-07
( cat warn-auto.sh; \
echo CC=\'`head -1 conf-cc`\'; \
echo LD=\'`head -1 conf-ld`\'; \
cat find-systype.sh; \
) | sh  systype
( ( ./compile tryulong32.c  ./load tryulong32  \
./tryulong32 ) /dev/null 21 \
 cat uint32.h2 || cat uint32.h1 )  uint32.h
rm -f tryulong32.o tryulong32

Re: scan4virus

2000-07-07 Thread Jason Murphy

You need to get the QMAILQUEUE patch and make sure you have something like
this in the shell that starts qmail.
QMAILQUEUE="/var/qmail/bin/antivirus-qmail-queue.pl" export QMAILQUEUE

The Enviromental setting will picked up by qmail and run this program
instead. Which is the virus scanner. The virus scanner will check it and
then send it back along its way.


Jason Murphy
Web Developer and Systems and Database Administrator

URL: http://www.lawinfo.com
Lawinfo.com - Legal Industry Marketing for the 21st Century
Phone: 800-397-3743 Fax: 800-220-4546
- Original Message -
From: "Kimmo Berghäll" [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 12:19 AM
Subject: scan4virus


 How do I exactly modify /etc/rc.d/init.d/qmail to use scan4virus?

 Kimmo Berghäll

RE: cannot authenticate

2000-07-07 Thread Andrew


You've probably still got qpopper running from inetd (Start looking
in /etc/inetd.conf on your system). This needs to be disabled, and
to replace it, use qmail-pop3d. vpopmail may have already set
this up for you (I don't know vpopmail), but have been unable to
bind to the POP3 port because qpopper was already using it. So
  1. Disable qpopper. HUP inetd to make the change effective.
See if the system now works. If not,
  2. Reboot system (so all startup scripts get read, e.g. starting
  tcpserver to invoke qmail-pop3d)
And see what's happening for POP3. If nothing's happening,
  3. You'll need to get a handle on setting up qmail-pop3d with



Sent:   05 July 2000 09:45
Subject:cannot authenticate

Hi there:

I'm not sure if this list is the right place, or I should post it to
vpopmail list.  But please help.
I'm new to qmail, but have installed it according to the INSTALL file, and
faq.  I also installed vpopmail.  Problem is when I tested the system the
delivery works fine.  All mails go to the right path in each virtual domain
Maildir.  But when I tried to pop in to get mail from a virtual domain that
I put in place, using outlook express, I couldn't authenticate.  The log
mesg says:

Jul  5 10:25:35 myhost in.qpopper[972]: webmaster%mydomain.com at
bkk7a-102.dial56k.cscoms.com ( -ERR [AUTH] Password
supplied for "webmaster%mydomain.com" is incorrect.

The password is correct, but look like qpopper is doing the job, instead of
qmail or vpopmail.  I couldn't find the document on this, so any help would
be really appreciated.


RE: HELP... I got attacked by Spammers

2000-07-07 Thread Andrew


1. I need to allow my users ([EMAIL PROTECTED] and
[EMAIL PROTECTED]) send emails to anywhere
through my server. ie my server is a SMTP gateway for
my client-hosts.

2. I need to allow other hosts to send email to my
users. So that my server will receive email from other
servers fr local users and put it in their mailbox.

3. I need to REJECT all the other hosts or mails from
other host NOT addressed to our local users.

4. I need to REJECT all the foreign hosts to use my
hosts use as relay. Ie direct SMTP connection can be
given only to my users or same network

I think your problems are addressed by Qmail's RELAYCLIENT
setting - setting this to null "" for local (your domain's) IP
addresses (using tcpserver to invoke qmail-smtpd). See
Dave Sill's Life with Qmail section 3.2.3, "Allowing Selective

If your users are not all on a fixed set of IP addresses, have
them check their mailbox before trying to send mail
(POP3 before SMTP), and apply the relevant patch from
the Qmail site (www.qmail.org).

Andrew Richards.

Re: qmail book coming?

2000-07-07 Thread Jason Murphy

 Howabout "The Wonderful and Weird World of DJ Bernstein"

 Naw. I am waiting for the movie to come out, I think Robin Williams is
going to play DJ Berstein.
 His Arch-Nemesis, Wietse Venema, is going to be played by John Malkovich.

 --- "M.B." [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
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Re: Help plz, How to delete messages??

2000-07-07 Thread Paul Jarc

 there is more than 25000 mail left on our mail queque, how can i
 remove them (only for one spec.  user), there is some important mail
 (from other users) among them.

Wait a week, and qmail will give up on those messages.


Re: OT: can't unsubscribe

2000-07-07 Thread Paul Jarc

Mirko Koenig writes:
 i worte at least two messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 but i recieve messages again and again.
 how can i unsubscribe the list?

Look for Return-Path: in the header of the messages you get from the
list.  Mine looks like this:
You'll see qmail-return-number-, followed by the address you used to
subscribe to the list.  Let's refer to this address as `user@host'.
(It will appear as `user=host' in the Return-Path.)  Now send a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and then follow
the directions in the response message.  If you send only the first
message, nothing will happen; you need to send a second message, as
will be explained in the response to the first message.


Re: supervise lock problem on startup/install

2000-07-07 Thread Dave Sill


Still having the service lock problem -- thanks Dave, I've followed 
your suggestions here:

The general approach to fixing this problem is:

 1) Stop all qmail-related processes including svscan, supervises,
 anything running as a "qmail" user, qmail-send, multilogs,
 etc. *Everything*.
ps -a shows no qmail related services running prior to sending the 
start command. If I let the error loop in one term window I see 
svscan and TWO service entries (with one or both defunct 
depending on how quickly I run ps). I looked for clues as to the 
origin of the two instances, but couldn't find anything obvious.

You mean "supervise"? You should see four: one each for qmail-send,
qmail-smtpd, and two for "log"--the logs associated with them.

 2) Double check directory names/owners/groups/modes and the 
 contents of "run" scripts against LWQ. Check for extraneous 
ampersands () at the ends of lines.

I have probably messed this up from standard... I recursively set 
ownership of /var/qmail/supervise and its subdirectories to 
qmaill.nofiles. The directories I opened up to 777. I reran the chmod 
commands in LWQ on the run files in those directories setting 
them to 755. I have no idea whether these changes would make 
my problem worse, but the results have not changed...

Post the output of the following:

  ls -lR /var/qmail/supervise
  cat /var/qmail/supervise/*/run
  cat /var/qmail/supervise/*/log/run


Re: mail filtering with splogger

2000-07-07 Thread Dave Sill


we are designing webmail using qmail as our mail server , we want to
give users a facility to create folders under their directory , 
and filter incoming mails based on from address and then they can choose 
to  get their mails from specific from address to specific folder they have
created under their home directory  , 

   how can i do this with qmail , i am not using procmail but using
splogger for delievering mails to users maildirs 

You're confused. splogger is a logger, not a delivery agent.


Re: OT: can't unsubscribe

2000-07-07 Thread Tim_Clifton

I did this secondary reply to my unsubscribe over 2 days ago and I still receive
posts to the list.  The response to the unsubscribe message directed me to send
a message to:

The response to that message was:
Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.

Acknowledgment: The address


is not on this mailing list.

Am I not following the directions correctly?

||  Paul Jarc|
||  edu |
||   |
||  07/07/2000   |
||  09:35 AM |
||   |
  |   |
  |   cc: (bcc: Tim Clifton/LA/Candle)|
  |   Subject: Re: OT: can't unsubscribe  |

Mirko Koenig writes:
 i worte at least two messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 but i recieve messages again and again.
 how can i unsubscribe the list?

Look for Return-Path: in the header of the messages you get from the
list.  Mine looks like this:
You'll see qmail-return-number-, followed by the address you used to
subscribe to the list.  Let's refer to this address as `user@host'.
(It will appear as `user=host' in the Return-Path.)  Now send a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and then follow
the directions in the response message.  If you send only the first
message, nothing will happen; you need to send a second message, as
will be explained in the response to the first message.


Re: OT: can't unsubscribe

2000-07-07 Thread Paul Jarc

 Acknowledgment: The address
 is not on this mailing list.

This is telling you that [EMAIL PROTECTED] wasn't subscribed to
begin with.  (The text would be different if ezmlm had removed the
address from the list.)  Apparently, you're subscribed with a
different address, which is probably then forwarding to
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  To find the address that you're subscribed
with, look for Return-Path: in the header of this message.


Re: supervise lock problem on startup/install

2000-07-07 Thread J!M

 Still having the service lock problem -- thanks Dave, I've followed your
 suggestions here:

 You mean "supervise"? You should see four: one each for qmail-send,
 qmail-smtpd, and two for "log"--the logs associated with them.

Yes "supervise" - Only two entries, both defunct.

 Post the output of the following:
   ls -lR /var/qmail/supervise

total 8
drwxrwxrwx4 qmaill   nofiles  4096 Jul  3 00:42 qmail-send
drwxrwxrwx4 qmaill   nofiles  4096 Jul  3 00:42 qmail-smtpd

total 12
drwxrwxrwx3 qmaill   nofiles  4096 Jul  3 00:42 log
-rwxr-xr-x1 qmaill   nofiles29 Jul  2 23:20 run
drwxrwxrwx2 qmaill   nofiles  4096 Jul  7 10:08 supervise

total 8
-rwxr-xr-x1 qmaill   nofiles88 Jul  5 21:51 run
drwxrwxrwx2 qmaill   nofiles  4096 Jul  5 21:55 supervise

total 4
prwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 control
-rwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 lock
prwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 ok
-rw-r--r--1 qmaill   nofiles18 Jul  5 21:55 status

total 4
prwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  6 11:55 control
-rwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  4 18:46 lock
-rwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 lock.old
prwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 ok
-rw-r--r--1 root root   18 Jul  7 10:08 status

total 12
drwxrwxrwx3 qmaill   nofiles  4096 Jul  3 00:42 log
-rwxr-xr-x1 qmaill   nofiles   230 Jul  6 14:08 run
drwxrwxrwx2 qmaill   nofiles  4096 Jul  7 10:08 supervise

total 8
-rwxr-xr-x1 qmaill   nofiles94 Jul  5 21:52 run
drwxrwxrwx2 qmaill   nofiles  4096 Jul  5 21:55 supervise

total 4
prwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 control
-rwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 lock
prwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 ok
-rw-r--r--1 qmaill   nofiles18 Jul  5 21:55 status

total 4
prwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  6 11:55 control
-rwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 lock
prwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 ok
-rw-r--r--1 root root   18 Jul  7 10:08 status

   cat /var/qmail/supervise/*/run

exec /var/qmail/rc
QMAILDUID='id -u qmaild'
NOFILESGID='id -g qmaild'
exec /usr/local/bin/softlimit -m 200 \
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -p -x /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb \
-u $QMAILDUID -g $NOFILESGID 0 smtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd 21

   cat /var/qmail/supervise/*/log/run

exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail
exec /usr/local/bin/setuidgid qmaill /usr/local/bin/multilog t /var/log/qmail/smtpd

Here they are. Thanks for the help.


RE: OT: can't unsubscribe

2000-07-07 Thread Hand, Brian C.

I have the same problem.  I did this over two weeks ago and I am still
getting messages.  Can someone make the bad list stop!!! :)


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, July 07, 2000 11:55 AM
To: Paul Jarc
Subject: Re: OT: can't unsubscribe

I did this secondary reply to my unsubscribe over 2 days ago and I still
posts to the list.  The response to the unsubscribe message directed me to
a message to:

The response to that message was:
Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
[EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.

Acknowledgment: The address


is not on this mailing list.

Am I not following the directions correctly?

||  Paul Jarc|
||  edu |
||   |
||  07/07/2000   |
||  09:35 AM |
||   |
  |   |
  |   cc: (bcc: Tim Clifton/LA/Candle)|
  |   Subject: Re: OT: can't unsubscribe  |

Mirko Koenig writes:
 i worte at least two messages to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 but i recieve messages again and again.
 how can i unsubscribe the list?

Look for Return-Path: in the header of the messages you get from the
list.  Mine looks like this:
You'll see qmail-return-number-, followed by the address you used to
subscribe to the list.  Let's refer to this address as `user@host'.
(It will appear as `user=host' in the Return-Path.)  Now send a
message to [EMAIL PROTECTED], and then follow
the directions in the response message.  If you send only the first
message, nothing will happen; you need to send a second message, as
will be explained in the response to the first message.


Re: supervise lock problem on startup/install

2000-07-07 Thread Dave Sill


total 8
drwxrwxrwx4 qmaill   nofiles  4096 Jul  3 00:42 qmail-send
drwxrwxrwx4 qmaill   nofiles  4096 Jul  3 00:42 qmail-smtpd

total 12
drwxrwxrwx3 qmaill   nofiles  4096 Jul  3 00:42 log
-rwxr-xr-x1 qmaill   nofiles29 Jul  2 23:20 run
drwxrwxrwx2 qmaill   nofiles  4096 Jul  7 10:08 supervise

total 8
-rwxr-xr-x1 qmaill   nofiles88 Jul  5 21:51 run
drwxrwxrwx2 qmaill   nofiles  4096 Jul  5 21:55 supervise

total 4
prwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 control
-rwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 lock
prwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 ok
-rw-r--r--1 qmaill   nofiles18 Jul  5 21:55 status

total 4
prwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  6 11:55 control
-rwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  4 18:46 lock
-rwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 lock.old
prwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 ok
-rw-r--r--1 root root   18 Jul  7 10:08 status

total 12
drwxrwxrwx3 qmaill   nofiles  4096 Jul  3 00:42 log
-rwxr-xr-x1 qmaill   nofiles   230 Jul  6 14:08 run
drwxrwxrwx2 qmaill   nofiles  4096 Jul  7 10:08 supervise

total 8
-rwxr-xr-x1 qmaill   nofiles94 Jul  5 21:52 run
drwxrwxrwx2 qmaill   nofiles  4096 Jul  5 21:55 supervise

total 4
prwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 control
-rwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 lock
prwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 ok
-rw-r--r--1 qmaill   nofiles18 Jul  5 21:55 status

total 4
prwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  6 11:55 control
-rwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 lock
prwxrwxrwx1 qmaill   nofiles 0 Jul  3 00:42 ok
-rw-r--r--1 root root   18 Jul  7 10:08 status

Owners/groups/modes are a mess, but I don't think that's your
problem. Kill off all the processes, then do:

  rm -r /var/qmail/supervise/*/supervise
  rm -r /var/qmail/supervise/*/log/supervise
  chown -R root:qmail /var/qmail/supervise
  chmod -R go-w /var/qmail/supervise

Then run "qmail start" again. Everything else looks OK.

If that fails, post the output of:

  ps -ef|egrep 'qmail|supervise|sv|log'
  qmail stat

Before you clean anything up.


HELP!.. please

2000-07-07 Thread Simo Lakka

Hi !
I installed newest qmail with rpm installation / (redhat6.2), and tried to
send a mail to me with pine, i didnt get that mail.. nothing in /Maildir
and log doesnt say anything, anybody can help me ?

-simo lakka

Re: supervise lock problem on startup/install

2000-07-07 Thread J!M

I think we've almost got it golden...

Dave Sill Wrote:
 Owners/groups/modes are a mess, but I don't think that's your
 problem. Kill off all the processes, then do:
   rm -r /var/qmail/supervise/*/supervise
   rm -r /var/qmail/supervise/*/log/supervise
   chown -R root:qmail /var/qmail/supervise
   chmod -R go-w /var/qmail/supervise
 Then run "qmail start" again. Everything else looks OK.

This is what happens when I start qmail. I get the rc error, and wait 
for a prompt to come back. Hitting enter gives back prompt. Are we 

[root@samurai /root]# /usr/local/sbin/qmail start
Starting qmail: svscan.
[root@samurai /root]# /var/qmail/rc: default: command not found
tcpserver: status: 0/40
status: local 0/10 remote 0/20

[root@samurai /root]#

 If that fails, post the output of:
   ps -ef|egrep 'qmail|supervise|sv|log'
   qmail stat
 Before you clean anything up.

Re: supervise lock problem on startup/install

2000-07-07 Thread Paul Jarc

J!M writes:
 [root@samurai /root]# /var/qmail/rc: default: command not found

What does your /var/qmail/rc look like?


Re: supervise lock problem on startup/install

2000-07-07 Thread Dave Sill


[root@samurai /root]# /var/qmail/rc: default: command not found

Oops, you never mentioned that little detail. :-) Your rc script is


Re: HELP!.. please

2000-07-07 Thread Steffan Hoeke

On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 08:50:01PM +0300, Simo Lakka wrote:
 Hi !
 I installed newest qmail with rpm installation / (redhat6.2), and tried to
 send a mail to me with pine, i didnt get that mail.. nothing in /Maildir
 and log doesnt say anything, anybody can help me ?

No, not with the info you provided (the message was sent to the list 3 times
once is enough :) )

What's the content of your /var/qmail/rc file
Which log are you looking at
Did you follow INSTALL.* and/or lwq
 -simo lakka



Re: HELP!.. please

2000-07-07 Thread Simo Lakka

On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Steffan Hoeke wrote:

 On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 08:50:01PM +0300, Simo Lakka wrote:
  Hi !
  I installed newest qmail with rpm installation / (redhat6.2), and tried to
  send a mail to me with pine, i didnt get that mail.. nothing in /Maildir
  and log doesnt say anything, anybody can help me ?
 No, not with the info you provided (the message was sent to the list 3 times
 once is enough :) )
 What's the content of your /var/qmail/rc file
 Which log are you looking at
 Did you follow INSTALL.* and/or lwq
  -simo lakka

i installed again with tarball installation .. and rc :

# Using splogger to send the log through syslog.
# Using qmail-local to deliver messages to ~/Mailbox by default.

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
qmail-start ./Mailbox splogger qmail

and i  followed install docs .. i think :)

- simo lakka

Re: HELP!.. please

2000-07-07 Thread Steffan Hoeke

No wonder you can't find anything in your /Maildir/ .
qmail is delivering to an mbox file called Mailbox
you should try:
* looking at $HOME/Mailbox with a MUA supporting mbox 
* changing ./Mailbox to ./Maildir/ and creating the user's maildir with

BTW: what do you mean with "there's nothing in the logs" ?
 If you followed INSTALL.* the logfile to look at is 
What does it contain ?
On Sat, Jul 08, 2000 at 12:06:18AM +0300, Simo Lakka wrote:
 On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Steffan Hoeke wrote:
  On Fri, Jul 07, 2000 at 08:50:01PM +0300, Simo Lakka wrote:
   Hi !
   I installed newest qmail with rpm installation / (redhat6.2), and tried to
   send a mail to me with pine, i didnt get that mail.. nothing in /Maildir
   and log doesnt say anything, anybody can help me ?
  No, not with the info you provided (the message was sent to the list 3 times
  once is enough :) )
  What's the content of your /var/qmail/rc file
  Which log are you looking at
  Did you follow INSTALL.* and/or lwq
   -simo lakka
 i installed again with tarball installation .. and rc :
 # Using splogger to send the log through syslog.
 # Using qmail-local to deliver messages to ~/Mailbox by default.
 exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
 qmail-start ./Mailbox splogger qmail
 and i  followed install docs .. i think :)
 - simo lakka


Re: HELP... I got attacked by Spammers

2000-07-07 Thread Chris Hardie

General qmail anti-spam howto that might be useful:



On Fri, 7 Jul 2000, Sally Cheng wrote:

 I am using Qmail 1.03 and today i noticed that my
 server is attacked by spammers and I got notice from
 other servers that my host is put in their BLACK list
 for spamming. I have looked in the FAQ but tried to
 fix but couldn't make it done. I had to delete all teh
 message in /var/qmail/queue. Could anybody help me to
 stop these SPAMMING and RELAYING. 
 Moreover I would like to control the relay through my
 host in following way:
 [My host name is myhost.mudomain.com  and domain is
 1. I need to allow my users ([EMAIL PROTECTED] and
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]) send emails to anywhere
 through my server. ie my server is a SMTP gateway for
 my client-hosts.
 2. I need to allow other hosts to send email to my
 users. So that my server will receive email from other
 servers fr local users and put it in their mailbox.
 3. I need to REJECT all the other hosts or mails from
 other host NOT addressed to our local users.
 4. I need to REJECT all the foreign hosts to use my
 hosts use as relay. Ie direct SMTP connection can be
 given only to my users or same network
 Any help is highly appreciated.
 Thanks in Advance.
 Do You Yahoo!?
 Send instant messages  get email alerts with Yahoo! Messenger.

-- Chris Hardie -
- mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] --
 http://www.summersault.com/chris/ --

Limiting Bandwidth Usage

2000-07-07 Thread Abraham T. Rooter

Hi folks.

While on my glorious journey to work today, I 
thought about all of the domains I host on my machines. Is there any way to cap 
the bandwidth used by them ? In order for fairness, let's say if one person is 
trying to send a large file, and another person is doing the same at that same 
time, so that one doesn't get stuck with 1k/sec. Is this possible ? Please give 
me some input. Thanks.


tcpserver launching more than once?

2000-07-07 Thread Ben Beuchler

I'm launching tcpserver for my POP service from /var/qmail/rc, which looks
like this:



# Using splogger to send the log through syslog.
# Using qmail-local to deliver messages to ~/Mailbox by default.

exec env - PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
qmail-start ./Maildir/ splogger qmail 

# Starts up qmail-smtpd
# Currently no logging.  Will be fixed.

/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -R -q -p -x /etc/smtprules/tcp.smtp.cdb -u79 -g1003 0 smtp \
 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-smtpd  21 

# Starts up POP3 server

/usr/local/bin/tcpserver -q -R -u79 -g1003 0 pop3 \
 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup amazhan.bitstream.net \
 /var/vpopmail/bin/vchkpw /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 


The odd thing is that I frequently end up with two tcpserver processes
for POP3, both with identical command lines.  As you can see, I am not
running svscan or any of the daemontools...

Any ideas?


The spectre of a polity controlled by the fads and whims of voters who
actually believe that there are significant differences between Bud Lite
and Miller Lite, and who think that professional wrestling is for real, is
naturally alarming to people who don't.
-- Neal Stephenson

New delayed mail notification setup

2000-07-07 Thread Bruce Guenter


I have looked at the qmail_bounce package, and am somewhat dissatisfied
with it.  The logic is excessively convoluted (I want a single response
after a set time, etc.), several easily determined constants are
hard-coded into the program (the queue lifetime, control/me, others),
and it can't tell why the message was delayed.  It's also written in
Perl and requires several supporting Perl files whose path must also be
hard-coded into the program.  Once simplified somewhat, this program
could just as easily be written in C.

So, I want to write a new one.  Ideally, I would like seomthing that
will respond to the sender once, after the message has been in the queue
for at least a configurable time interval.  The notification message
should detail all the recipients that have not received the message, and
preferably a message indicating why delivery has been deferred.  It may
also limit notifications to senders in rcpthosts, for servers that
function as gateways.  The notification should contain at least part of
the original message to help the sender remember what was sent.

I am looking at three possible approaches for data gathering:

1. Use the same approach that qmail_bounce uses -- scan the qmail queue
files for "old" files.  Pros: simple, and gives me the sender and
recipient and message times.  Cons: still gives no indication about why
the message bounced, and must be run in a cron job.

2. Run as a front-end for qmail-local and (especially) qmail-remote.
Pros: reading the response from the preceding programs tells exactly why
the bounce happened and when, and the message content is available on
standard input.  Cons: this requires renaming the preceding two programs
to new names and hard-coding their new paths (a nuisance for package
management systems like RPM, and makes aggregation of notifications

3. Run as a reader of the qmail log file, potentially using a multi-file
reader to keep tracking when multilog's "current" file changes.  Pros:
the complete state of each message is known at all points, and once this
state is built, timing and aggregation are simple.  Cons: parsing the
logs could be expensive; starting the process in mid-stream results in
missing information; reading the original message requires either
knowledge of queue-split and the hash algorithm or a linear scan of the
queue directories.

Do I have any other options?  Are there any other issues that I haven't
Bruce Guenter [EMAIL PROTECTED]   http://em.ca/~bruceg/

 PGP signature

Problems changing password with qmailadmin

2000-07-07 Thread Edilmar Alves


I have a Linux Red Hat 6.2 + qmail 1.03 + ezmlm 0.53 +
autorespond 1.0 + vpopmail 3.4.11-2 + qmailadmin-0.26e.

Then, I would like to allow all the users to access the homepage
from qmailadmin to change these passwords.

However, for ALL OTHER USERS (not administrator user),
qmailadmin arises an exception like this:

no file

Only one person can log in as postmaster at one time
Someone else has logged in. Please only have one login at a time.

The code is into page: http://www.fes.br/cgi-bin/qmailadmin
Username (Usuario): teste
Password (Senha): fes

When you click into "Change Password" button, the exception occurs.

org:Faculdade Estácio de Sá;Coordenação de TPD
email;internet:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
title:Edilmar Alves
adr;quoted-printable:;;Rua Ven=E2ncio Borges do Nascimento, 377=0D=0AJardim TV Morena;Campo Grande;MS;79052-140;Brasil

dial up - optimal solution?

2000-07-07 Thread Mark Weinem


What's the optimal solution for dial up connections (ppp and
dynamicaly asssigned ip address)?

A) The "Mail queue with qmail" configuration from Doug L. Vander
   Woude? [1] It works well here, but how is it possible to send
   online typed messages immidiately? The default configuration only
   allows to send queued messages at the beginning of the ppp


B) The "Qmail Holdremote Patch" [2]. But does it work for dynamicaly asssigned
   ip address?

Or  are there suggestions for alternative solutions?

Mark Weinem

[1] http://www.i2k.net/~dougvw/mailqueue.html

[2] http://www.warren.demon.co.uk/qmail.html

Re: Not receiving from all domains - is it DNS?

2000-07-07 Thread Eric Cox

Barry Dwyer wrote:
 I don't know what server software our ISP is using.

Doesn't matter - what matters is if the sending domains are 
running MS Echange, and the backup mailserver isn't properly 
setup to relay...

 I have to admit to being new to this, which is frustrating. I need to do
 some homework on what happens with mail servers set to what I've heard
 described as "paranoid mode".

qmail will not discard _any_ message without a bounce or log 
entry.  If it is qmail, you'll see evidence of what is causing 


Re: OT: can't unsubscribe

2000-07-07 Thread Eric Cox

I notice all of these people have uppercase letters in 
their usernames.  Could this be related?


"Hand, Brian C." wrote:
 I have the same problem.  I did this over two weeks ago and I am still
 getting messages.  Can someone make the bad list stop!!! :)

Re: dial up - optimal solution?

2000-07-07 Thread Adam McKenna

On Sat, Jul 08, 2000 at 06:25:22AM +0200, Mark Weinem wrote:
 What's the optimal solution for dial up connections (ppp and
 dynamicaly asssigned ip address)?
 A) The "Mail queue with qmail" configuration from Doug L. Vander
Woude? [1] It works well here, but how is it possible to send
online typed messages immidiately? The default configuration only
allows to send queued messages at the beginning of the ppp
 B) The "Qmail Holdremote Patch" [2]. But does it work for dynamicaly asssigned
ip address?
 Or  are there suggestions for alternative solutions?

Yes, have your e-mail hosted at a provider with a permanent connection.


Success !Re: supervise lock problem on startup/install

2000-07-07 Thread J!M

Dave, et al,

Thanks for the help. I let a linebreak get into my shell script. I've 
spent so much time in GUI-land that I still get stuck in the muck 

After fixing that, and doing a qmail restart, I checked my running 
services. I have the following qmail related in my list:

In an earlier message, Dave suggested that I should see four 
'supervise' entries... is all correct in the above?



 [root@samurai /root]# /var/qmail/rc: default: command not found
 Oops, you never mentioned that little detail. :-) Your rc script is