Re: local-local delivery error (newbie)

2001-08-13 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Jean-Christian Imbeault [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010813 08:25]:
 I think I have qmail up and running after following the instructions in lwq. 
 I am now trying the tests in TEST.deliver.
 However I get an error at the first test, local-local delivery/
 Is this an error in my installationof qmail? Did I need to setup user mail 

Yes. Have you read
and INSTALL.maildir?

What default delivery instruction does your qmail run script contain?

BTW, you'd be better with an installation following

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: local-local delivery error (newbie)

2001-08-13 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Jean-Christian Imbeault [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010813 09:15]:
 Just read those three documents and none of them say that I *have* to do 
 anything. Seems mostly like recommendation on what to do if you want to keep 
 using /var/spool/mail or to configure MUA's to use Maildir.
 Also this machien is to be a mail server. There won't any user on the 
 machine itslef. So setting up ~usr/Maildir directories seems give of strange 

If you don't want to configure local deliveries, why are you trying to
test them?

If you want to do local deliveries, you will have to follow one of
INSTALL.vsm, INSTALL.mbox or INSTALL.maildir.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Uh-oh: .qmail file is blank #4.2.1

2001-07-27 Thread Johan Almqvist

standard bashing
Please break your lines so that we don't have to.
/standard bashing

* Freedom [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010727 17:24]:
 I am new to Qmail so I followed the well written directions in life with
 Qmail.  However, as I am trying to test the install and configuration
 (latter part of section 2), I get the errors listed below.  In several of
 the posts to this mailing list, people have indicated that this error is
 dealing with default delivery.  I don't have a .qmail file (which I
 understand would be in the users home directory), but I do have a
 defaultdelivery file (the first line is not blank either).  Another post
 indicated the rc script could be the issue...but I used the rc script
 life with qmail suggested.
 @40003b617b681e75b4e4 status: local 1/10 remote 0/20
 @40003b617b681f3cc5d4 delivery 125: deferral: 

This is way to litte information. We need at least the entire log for one
message with this problem (all lines that concern that message including
all deliveries). I'd also like to see the rc script (possible typo...),
and if the user has no .qmail, the output of
ls -a /var/qmail/alias/
and the contents of the .qmail files there.

Obvioulsy, you haven't followed the list that well, especially regarding
how to report problems...

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Newbie question

2001-07-26 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Per-Fredrik Pollnow [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010726 09:40]:
 I have been looking around on the Inet to see if I could find anything
 about how I secure qmail pop3 service, but I don't have a ??? and I don't
 find a ???..
 I was wondering if anyone have some good ideas what to use or where I can
 find some information about securing qmail pop3 etc. (Right now I'm using
 qmail-pop3d on OpenBSD).

[Please wrap your lines so that I don't have to]

qmail-pop3d is secure. However, POP isn't secure, as the passwords are
sent in clear text... But qmail-pop3d can use APOP (a basic challenge-
response mechanism) if configured with a matching checkpassword. But even
with APOP, a man-in-the-middle attack is possible...

POP over SSL is one possible solution... One way to accomplish this is by
using stunnel.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Which RBL replacement?

2001-07-25 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Vincent Schonau [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010725 09:38]:
 On Tue, Jul 24, 2001 at 03:43:50PM +0200, Johan Almqvist wrote:
 Ugh. That has some bad info on it. is the wrong name
 (should be
 The rfc-ignorant zones are at rfc-ignorant.ORG, not com.
 Note, also, that the {abuse|dsn|postmaster|whois} lists are
 'rhsbl' lists (rhs for right-hand side of the envelope sender domain
 name), and are useless with rblsmtpd.

Thanks for the pointers... I have a slight memory that rfc-ignorant also
planned to do ip blacklists att the outset, but whatever...

 Please, when you use these resources, make sure that you use them correctly,
 and that you keep informed of recent developments with the various lists. If
 you don't, not only will it not help you reduce spam, it will also waste your
 resources and those of the volunteers providing the service.

Absolutely, and I apoolgize for the waste of resources I may have caused.

Another thing: IF you're using any of these services, monitor your logs
closely - none of these services have been around long enough to warrant
100% of trust...

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Which RBL replacement?

2001-07-25 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Peter van Dijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010725 10:22]:
 On Wed, Jul 25, 2001 at 10:19:59AM +0200, Johan Almqvist wrote:
  Thanks for the pointers... I have a slight memory that rfc-ignorant also
  planned to do ip blacklists att the outset, but whatever...
 It will, probably, for any type of rfc-violation that makes IP
 blacklisting a valid method. For the violations they list now, listing
 IPs makes no sense.

Wouldn't it? If I recieve spam from, I would like to be able
to complain to postmaster at that host (or some host that whois discovers
for that IP) about this...

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Attachment - Delete problem

2001-07-25 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Alien77 [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010725 13:09]:
 I've noticed a problem, at the compose.php page,  when trying to add and 
 delete attachments to the mail.

This has nothing to do with qmail.

Go away, or to the webmail interface support list.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Block Users!

2001-07-25 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Daniel Abad [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010725 16:11]:
 I need to block a external user to e-mail my vurtual domains users howdo
 I do?

Oh COME ON, have you at least tried to read the archives, the docs or the
list for the past 2 hours?

Put the offending sender address into /var/qmail/control/badmailfrom

No need to restart qmail, this will become effective from the next SMTP

PS: If that still wasn't clear enough, run the following:
echo [EMAIL PROTECTED]  /var/qmail/control/badmailfrom
Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: RES: Block Users!

2001-07-25 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Daniel Abad [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010725 16:40]:
 Yes... It's done but not working I can telnet at 110 with the user and
 send the message... 

If you telnet to port 110 to send messages, something is severely botched
with your qmail installation.

Please show us logs where you send messages as a user that is in

Please also send the output of qmail-showctl

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature


2001-07-24 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Andreas Grip [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010724 13:37]:
 I know, this has been in the list too many times...

Okay, so let's go to and find out what the
final truth is.

Yes, you can make your own bounce messages. And yes, you can make them
QSBMF-compliant. The trick is to keep the first paragraph from the
original, and sticking you own text below _with_no_blank_lines_in_between._

You could, of course, have a line containing only a space between the
original text and your text. Or, if you don't trust all parsers, a dash or
two - but not three!


 --- snip ---
Date: 17 Mar 1996 03:54:40 -
Subject: failure notice

Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the
following addresses. This is a permanent error; I've given up.
Sorry it didn't work out.
Hej. Detta är programmet qmail-send på
Jag kunde tyvärr inte leverera meddelandet till följande
adresser. Detta är ett permanent fel; jag har gett upp.
Ledsen att det inte fungerade.

Sorry, I couldn't find any host by that name.

--- Below this line is a copy of the message.

Received: (qmail 317 invoked by uid 7); 17 Mar 1996 03:54:38 -
Date: 17 Mar 1996 03:54:38 -
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] (D. J. Bernstein)
Subject: are you there?

Just checking.
 --- snap ---

Or, you may want to find a less strict (and less funny-sounding) swedish
translation. [Who is the Mailer-Daemon and why is he reading my mail?]

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature


2001-07-24 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Andreas Grip [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010724 14:55]:
  But that would violate QSBMF:
  The body of the message has four pieces: an introductory paragraph, zero
  or more recipient paragraphs, a break paragraph, and the original
  Each paragraph is a series of non-blank lines followed by a single blank
 But then QSBMF violate itself, because the QSBMF format include the
 possibillity of other paragraphes in the futures.

No! The recipient paragraphs could look as follows:

 --- snip ---
Sorry, I couldn't find any host by that name.

This message was delivered without problems.

This message was delivered with lossy MIME conversion.
 --- snap ---

To quote:

The only type of recipient paragraph described here is a failure
paragraph, which begins with the character . Paragraphs beginning
with other characters are reserved for future extensions.

Implicitly, this means that future extensions only are possible for
recipient paragraphs.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Which RBL replacement?

2001-07-24 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Paulo Jan [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010724 15:29]:
   Starting Jul 31 RBL will start charging for using their services. Which
 of the free RBL replacement do people recommend? I have read so far
 about ORBL and ORBS...

Take a look at

I will make a more complete page with links etc in the future...

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Having problems with postmaster....

2001-07-24 Thread Johan Almqvist

[Please do not start new threads by replying to unrelated messages.]

* David Gartner [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010724 15:55]:
 I have a problem, that's not _really_ a problem, but I've had someone
 complain, so I figured I should fix it.  I always put .qmail-postmaster
 in /var/qmail/alias and point it to an account on the system.  It's
 always worked, except on one site.  It rejects any mail for postmaster
 saying that there is no such user, but the .qmail-postmaster file _is_
 in place.  Does anyone know why, on this one system, qmail disregards
 the .qmail file?  Thanks in advance.

What do the logs say if you send a message to postmaster in that domain?
What does ls -lsa /var/qmail/alias say?
What does id alias give?
What does grep alias /etc/passwd give?

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Peter from the Dike and Security

2001-06-27 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Chris Bolt [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010627 02:01]:
 perl -e 'while(){$_=~tr/A-Za-z/N-ZA-Mn-za-m/;print}'

perl -pe'y/a-zA-Z/n-za-mN-ZA-M/'

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: anti-virus program for Qmail

2001-06-26 Thread Johan Almqvist

* ?? [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010626 06:21]:
  --Jason Haar wrote Qmail-Scanner (also known as scan4virus), which scans all
  gatewayed Email for certain characteristics. It is typically used for its
  anti-virus protection functions, in which case it is used in conjunction
  with commercial virus scanners. but also enables a site to react to Email
  (at a server/site level) that contains specific strings in particular
  headers, or particular attachment filenames or types (e.g. *.VBS

Check out, which is free for personal use.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Spam IP master list?

2001-06-20 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Peter van Dijk [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010620 18:34]:
 On Wed, Jun 20, 2001 at 12:15:04PM -0400, Roger Merchberger wrote:
  Kindof an offtopic question, but is there a Master List of IP's that send
  spam regularly, with which I could use to update my tcprules deny list?

  I really don't want to patch  reinstall qmail with the RBL... (and it
  seems ORBS went away...) Besides, I'm really only looking to stop the big
  chunks with something I can personally manage.

You don't need to patch qmail to use rbl. No need to recompile either.
rblsmtpd just drops in between tcpserver and qmail-smtpd in the supervise

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Patch to log badmailfrom hits

2001-06-17 Thread Johan Almqvist


I wonder if anyone has made a patch to log badmailfrom hits from

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: url of sqwebmail too long!!!!

2001-06-08 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Massimo Quintini [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010608 09:45]:
 How can I use an URL short (like instead of 
 I have tried with VirtualHost directive of Apache Web Server without

I've found the easiest way to be the following:

Using lynx, grab the front page (login page) that sqwebmail sends. Save it
as index.html of a virtual host (ie Make
sure the links and the form point to the cgi. Voilà!

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: I think I'm being relayed through, but I don't know how.

2001-06-07 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Chris Garrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010606 20:44]:
 I've got this in my queue:

Your patched qmail-smtpd seems to have a buffer overflow problem. Vis:

 --- snip ---
$ telnet 25
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
HELO fdskfnhosdhfdsnfcdlsncvdsndnfisndfondskivndsn fid 
fhiorhfoidhgfoisdoigfdsfhgpofdh gofdh gouf oghfdogh foi hgoifh glfdh göldfhgoirhg ojd 
flghohg odf hglodfg ofdnv df oö vhnfdlngvoifngvo 
 fhiorhf oidhgfoisd oigfdsfhgpofdh gofdh gouf oghfdogh foi hgoifh glfdhgöldfhgoirhg 
ojd flgho hg odf hglodfg ofdnv df oö 
 fhiorhf oidhgfoisd oigfdsfhgpofdh gofdh gouf oghfdogh foi hgoifh glfdhgöldfhgoirhg 
ojd flgho hg odf hglodfg ofdnv df oö vhnfdlngvoifngvo 
 fid fhiorhfoidhgfoisd oigfdsfhgpofdh gofdh gouf oghfdogh foi hgoifh glfdh 
göldfhgoirhg ojd flghohg odf hglodfg ofdnv df oö vhnfdlngvoifngvo 
 fhiorhf oidhgfoisd oigfdsfhgpofdh gofdh gouf oghfdogh foi hgoifh glfdhgöldfhgoirhg 
ojd flgho hg odf hglodfg ofdnv df oö vhnfdlngvoifngvo 
 fid fhiorhf oidhgfoisd oigfdsfhgpofdh gofdh gouf oghfdoghfoi hgoifh glfdh 
göldfhgoirhg ojd flgho hg odf hglodfg ofdnv df oövhnfdlngvoifngvo 
 fid fhiorhf oidhgfoisd oigfdsfhgpofdhgofdh gouf oghfdogh foi hgoifh glfdh 
göldfhgoirhg ojd flgho hg odf hglodfg ofdnv dfoö vhnfdlngvoifngvo 
250 ok
250 ok
354 go ahead
Subject: Hejhej

250 ok 991911255 qp 1264
Connection closed by foreign host.
 --- snap ---

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: I think I'm being relayed through, but I don't know how.

2001-06-07 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Johan Almqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010607 12:59]:
 * Chris Garrigues [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010606 20:44]:
  I've got this in my queue:
 Your patched qmail-smtpd seems to have a buffer overflow problem. Vis:

And attached is the confirmation.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: How to make a qmail hub relay ?

2001-06-06 Thread Johan Almqvist

* NICOLAS Jean-Michel (@ HoME) [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010606 13:25]:
 I search in archive's list but I didn't find how to make a qmail hub
 relay. Anybody can elp me how to make a hub.
 I want my qmail server to receive mail for a lot domain (know
 domain :) ) and to redirect to different mail server (foreign mail server).

This is very simple in qmail. Install qmail, put all of the domains you
will be a hub for in /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts (and NOT in locals or
virtualdomains) and make one line for each domain in
/var/qmail/control/smtproutes like this:[ip.of.real.server]

man qmail-control is your friend.

For advanced users: use morerctphosts

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: direct connection to qmqp or qmtpd server

2001-06-04 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Russell Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010604 14:06]:
 Newbieportal writes:
   Everyone knows that we can connect to smtp server directly using telnet or
   simple socket connection script.
   Can I do the same for qmqp server or qmtpd server.
 Not using telnet.  At least, not without counting every character you
 type before you type it and adding them into multiple sums.
   If yes, is this better way to speed up the sending mail.
 Only if you have to send it from a different machine.

There is a litte c program to send mail by qmtp from the command line. A
link to it can be found at the bottom of my qmail page - see .sig

Hope this helps.

BTW: Why is there still no link to my qmail page on

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Re[2]: Oops,I guess Sendmail wasn't secure after all...

2001-06-02 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Boris [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010602 16:28]:
 LM If you bought (OK, got for free) a car, and it exploded, leaving you
 LM burned, then you waited a week to get a new car mailed to you, then you
 The car is not exploding, someone comes and looks at your car. He is
 searching and searching and searching until he finds a silly bug like
 the fuel meter showes something wrong, this could be a security risk
 but in fact the men is driving the car years without a problem. Some
 month he updates the car (new version) and thats all.

Not quite. More like someone inspects your free car and finds a button
that can make it explode. Maybe he pushes the button, maybe not. Maybe he
pushes the button on someone else's car. Are you willing to take that
risk? I can imagine two situations where that would be the case: either
you do something that is so unimportant for the rest of the world that
noone bothers destroying your work, or you do something that is so good
for everyone that noone will want to destroy your work, not even out of
envy. Come on, not even the UN are _that_ good :-)

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: ORBS, and RFC-ignorant blacklists

2001-06-01 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Alex Pennace [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010601 04:25]: says Due to circumstances beyond our control,
 the ORBS website is no longer available. seems to be the successor in some ways. But
the first statement

It is our intention to never list IP addresses which have any of the
following characteristics:
- a physical location within the United States of America (USA)

makes me wonder a bit...

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: ORBS, and RFC-ignorant blacklists

2001-06-01 Thread Johan Almqvist

* David Talkington [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010601 09:29]:
 Alex Pennace wrote: says Due to circumstances beyond our control,
 the ORBS website is no longer available.
 That seems pretty abrupt.  Anyone know why they vanished?

Alan Brown, operator of ORBS, was served 2 New Zealand High Court
injunctions ordering the removal of several OBRS listings. The compalies
who filed for these injunctions are Actrix and NZ Telecom.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: /var partition, queue size, and sendmail

2001-05-30 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Joshua Nichols [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010530 15:02]:
 I recently discovered that my /var partition is not going to be large enough
 to accomodate  my queue at certain times, and was hoping for some insight.

quick tip: buy a new, fast, disk and mount it as /var/qmail
(or mount an existing, free partition there)

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: qmail-remote not working

2001-05-23 Thread Johan Almqvist

* kamesh jayachandran [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010523 22:59]:
 Similarly if i invoke the qmail-remote from the shell then I am getting no
 $echohai/var/qmail/bin/qmail-remote kameshj kameshj
 returns nothing.

That's not how qmail-remote in called.

Anyway, please give us the results of

file /var/qmail/bin/qmail-*
ls -l /var/qmail/bin/qmail-*

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Blocking Hahaha at server level

2001-05-23 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Charles Cazabon [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010523 18:17]:
 Davidson Thaba [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Whats the best way of blocking Hahaha virus at server level. ?
 Doesn't it come with an envelope sender address of [EMAIL PROTECTED]?  If so,
 putting that address in /var/qmail/control/badmailfrom would do the trick.
 If, on the other hand, that address only shows up in the headers of the
 message, you'd need to patch qmail-smtpd to reject mail based on its contents
 (a bad idea, IMO).

The problem is that this virus comes with  as the envelope sender...

But the original poster stated that he had virus checking for outgoing
messages (see signature) so why not extend this to incoming messages.

Otherwise, qmail-qfilter and qmail-qscanner come to mind.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: ezmlm fails test

2001-05-17 Thread Johan Almqvist

* RC [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010517 01:27]:
 logs are showing a bunch of bounced msgs, i think because it's having 
 trouble delivering to root.  i played with some stuff earlier, and 
 now it looks like just a bunch of error messages are getting 
 delivered to alias, and not the regularly daily output i was getting 
 What's in the file ~alias/.qmail-root ?
 it says 'root'

That is a misconfiguration. qmail can and will NEVER deliver mail to root.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Fwd: email with - in it????

2001-05-14 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Lye On Siong Johnny [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010514 12:40]:
 I am pretty new to qmail, and current we just setup a new mail server.
 The scenario is as such. We have man user, eg support, support-mac, 
 support-linux etc ...
 each of the mail account has it's own .qmail file.
 However, the problem is as such. when someone send a mail to eg 
 support-error whereby this user doesnt exist, the mail is being send to 
 support instead. How can i configure qmail such that if the email account 
 does not exist, it should bounce the mail instead of sending it to support??

Remove support's .qmail-default file...

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: badmailfrom

2001-05-12 Thread Johan Almqvist

* audit [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010512 19:39]:
 I was wondering if I can put just a domain in the
 /var/qmail/control/badmailfrom file

Yes. You have to start it with an @.

will block all mail where the envelope sender address is
[EMAIL PROTECTED] Note that you are blocking envelope sender addresses,
not sending hosts.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: ezmlm and announce-only lists...?

2001-05-11 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Jeff Gordon [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010510 23:08]:

 I've just barely got qmail, qmailadmin and vpop running, need to know
 if there's a method for making an ezmlm list announce only...?

There is. Can't say how off-hand, though.

 (Pointers to any documentation on this would be appreciated; I haven't
 found any that address this exact topic so far.)

man ezmlm-make

The appropriate list is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: QMail Delivering Mail to Incorrect Addresses?

2001-05-10 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Kalle Kivimaa [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010509 20:49]:
 We recently ran across a serious problem which seems to be QMail-related.  We 
 had to take quick action against the most recent batch of vbs-viruses going 
 around at the moment by manually removing the virus mails from the QMail 
 queue.  Either because of this or simply at the same time several incoming 
 mails were incorretly routed, both to wrong mailboxes and - more severly - 
 even to outside addresses.  Has anybody any idea what might be going on?

That's what happens if you mess with the queue.


Or, at the very least, stop qmail and be very sure that you understand
EXACTLY what you are doing.

Even qmHandle (from has broken my queue once.

You need to run a queue-fixing tool (available from
Alternatively, to be really sure, rm -rf /var/qmail/queue (note that this
removes all messages in the queue) and make a new queue dir from the

Note that qmHandle and queue-fix need patches if you have big-todo.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: delete old mails

2001-05-08 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Clemens Hermann [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010508 13:09]:
 quite a while ago I read about a script that checks a maildir and
 deletes any mail that is older than a specified time (e.g. 30 days).
 I can not find it anymore :-(.

There's something similar on my qmail page (address below).

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: using safecat to filter mail

2001-05-08 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Karsten W. Rohrbach [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010508 14:50]:
 Peter van Dijk([EMAIL PROTECTED])@2001.05.07 16:41:38 +:
  On Mon, May 07, 2001 at 04:37:52PM +0200, Magnus Bodin wrote:
   Go for procmail since it contains native Maildir compliance nowadays.
  Maildir support you mean. procmail's Maildir implementation is far
  from 'compliant' (as far as a real compliancy standard exists), and
  can lose mail easily.
 please elaborate, why?

It doesn't follow Maildir file naming conventions. Not even close...

Example file name from procmail:


Should be like:

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: using safecat to filter mail

2001-05-07 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Peter Peltonen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010507 16:24]:
 I have qmail + vmailmgr handling my mail.
 I want to filter my mail on the server side. My two options are procmail and
 safecat of which I would prefer safecat. Unfortunately maildrop doesn't
 support vmailmgr (actually I'm not sure about procmail/safecat either,  I
 would think that they are supported...?).

Why would maildrop not support vmailmgr?

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Qmail and its parts.

2001-05-04 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Carl J. Danowski [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010504 19:32]:
 oops.  i chmod'd run and ran it.  immediately it tried to process the queue.
 thanks.  i hate it when it's something stupid, and, of course, my question
 went to the millions (haha) on this list. .  now, i've just got to figure
 out why it's not able to chdir to Maildir. hmm...

Permissions on the Maildir are probably wrong. Did you create a users
Maildir as root?

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: qmtp

2001-05-04 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Charles Cazabon [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010504 20:42]:
 Steve Hagerman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hey just curious is anyone implementing qmtp presently?
 Yes, many people on this list are using Dan's MXPS proposal.  Russell Nelson
 and others have QMTP patches for qmail.  See for details.

There's also a set of patches on my page (address below).

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Question about tcpserver program

2001-05-02 Thread Johan Almqvist

* ÀÌÈñº¹ [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010502 12:09]:

 Hi all!
 This is Heepok who managing qmail server on Solaris.
 By the way I have a question about Tcpserver program.
 If I use this program to selective relaying, how other mail servers can send mail to 
this server?
 For example
 On server 
 when I configure a smtp.cdb like this,
 how [EMAIL PROTECTED]( can send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]?
 I think will refuse connection from
 So will not receive any mail from other remote servers.
 Could you explain how I can solve this problem?
 Thank you!

There is an implicit
added at the end of the data files when you make the cdb file. Note that
this doesn't make you an open relay...

Make sure you have read and understood

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature


2001-04-25 Thread Johan Almqvist

* hongtao [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010425 01:34]:
 *** /etc/tcp.smtp
 :deny,RELAYCLIENT=   #if no this line, all ip will be allowed to relay,RELAYCLIENT=

This is wrong. Should be:,RELAYCLIENT=

Note that the allow at the end doens't set RELAYCLIENT, thus those
machines can only send to the hosts in control/rcpthosts

 *** /var/qmail/control/rcpthosts

Where is the RTFM for this?

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: CAN'T Send to lists!

2001-04-24 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Marco Calistri [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010424 02:45]:
  I use smtproutes on this way:
  Why not just
 Because the problem appears only on 2 or 3 domains
 all the other are ok.

Seemingly, your problem is with sender domains in the message and the
envelope, not with which SMTP host you use...

 Using q(mail)sendmail and smtproutes as for above
 I had this kind of responses:
 Hi. This is the qmail-send program at
 I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver your message to the following addresses.
 This is a permanent error; I've given up. Sorry it didn't work out.
 Connected to but sender was rejected.
 Remote host said: 553 5.4.3 For MAIL FROM address
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] the policy analysis reports DNS error with your
 source domain.

This is pretty clear, isn't it?

Use qmail-inject with the -f option to set the sender to the same thing
that your MUA gives to qmail on SMTP...

  I'am not able to discover where the problem is.
  With the sparse info you've given, nor are we.
 Yes Johan you're right btw now I switched back to qmail-SMTP
 and now the mail goes accepted;I'm sorry because I'd like 
 q(mail)sendmail features to use Mail-Follow-Up that
 using qmail-SMTP I loose.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: CAN'T Send to lists!

2001-04-23 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Marco Calistri [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010424 02:08]:
 I use smtproutes on this way:

Why not just

 but seems that mail doesn't arrives at destination.

What do the logs say?

 I'am not able to discover where the problem is.

With the sparse info you've given, nor are we.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: subscribing ezmlm list

2001-04-17 Thread Johan Almqvist

* QmailList [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010417 09:14]:
 Hi All Great
 I am new this list pls excuse for any kidding
 How can i subscribe to ezmlm mailing list so that when
 I suscribe to the mailing list i should be directly subscribe to it
 Without i had to send any reply confirmation

The correct list for this would be [EMAIL PROTECTED]

You are looking for the -S and -U options to ezmlm-manage. See man
ezmlm-manage. Then edit the .qmail-listname-default file.

Note that this may require ezmlm-idx!

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Qmail Works, But I'm Sure It's Running Backwards!

2001-04-14 Thread Johan Almqvist

* "Br. Kurt Van Kuren OSB" [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010414 04:08]:

This is wrong. You can't use wildcards in rcpthosts, and you shouldn't
list other hosts than and in rcpthosts.

RELAYCLIENT="" should take care of the relaying. If it doesn't, there is
something wrong with your tcprules/tcpserver setup.

The error message from qmail should be changed to "This domain isn't in my
list of allowed rcpthosts and RELAYCLIENT isn't set" --- we've been seeing
to many examples of Kurt's misconception over the last few weeks...

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: CNAME lookup failed

2001-04-12 Thread Johan Almqvist

* "Thum Chee Weng, Ronnie" [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010410 07:33]:
 It's for all the domains i sent emails to including,, and even my own domain,
  whose DNS is at fault ?
 Unless you don't tell us which domain it is about, we can't tell either.

[stupid outlook-style quoting]

That would suggest that your DNS is broken. An efficient way to fix this
(and avoid other problems) is to install dnscache from djbdns. Start at or

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Qmail and Procmail

2001-04-06 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Alexander Meis [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010406 12:21]:
 i Try to setup qmail with maildirs and Procmail Mailfiltering.
 Ok Qmail works. How do i enable the filtering to of Procmail to
 the ariving Mails ? I found nothing in the manual.

Tip 1: Don't start new threads by replying to unrelated messages.

Tip 2: If possible, use maildrop instead of procmail.

Tip 3: Put the following into your .qmail file
|preline procmail -t .procmailrc
(assuming that you already have a .procmailrc)

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Can't establish SMTP connection (Error 4.4.1)

2001-04-06 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Mac Schwarz [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010406 11:58]:
 I've setup a qmail server in our DMZ for relaying mail to the internal 
 Exchange server. We've got two domains and I want the qmail server to 
 forward all mail for one of the domains to the Exchange server.
 First I've setup the Exchange server to accept in addition 
 to Then I installed qmail on a OpenBSD server in the DMZ.
 On the qmail server I installed tinydns and configured the Exchange 
 server as MX for In the control directory of qmail I've 
 got an rcpthost file with an entry for and a smtproutes 
 file with the line The IP is the Exchange 

 Any hints what I am missing in my configuration?

Give us the output of qmail-showctl. I suspect that the format of the
mailroutes file is garbled or permissions are wrong.

Double-check the IP given in smtproutes, too.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Mail cleansing program

2001-04-06 Thread Johan Almqvist


I wonder if there is a mail cleansing program out there that is
configurable and mime-compliant.

By mail cleansing program, I mean a program that can be instructed to only
keep the text/plain part of a multipart/alternative message [Oh, I HATE
people that send multipart/alternative messages where the text/plain
message just says "You can't display HTML mail". Oh the morons.]

If it were really cool, it'd even convert text/html to text/enriched...

There's some work done in reformime... need I take it from there?

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: I am back to square ONE...

2001-04-06 Thread Johan Almqvist

* "Kirti S. Bajwa" [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010406 18:22]:
[a whole sh*tload of worthless information]

- What is the problem? (Aka: What did you do? What did you expect to
  happen? What happened?)
- What do the logs say (not the smtpd logs, the REAL qmail logs)

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Mail Parsing

2001-04-05 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Mathew Chandy [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010405 06:33]:
 I would like to know if there is any mail parsing (MIME) library in C which
 i can use to parse the mails and extract the from address, attachments,
 body etc from a mail body .

Address is in the header. DJB's mess822 does this fine.

Attachements etc, there is some good work done by MrSam in the "maildrop"
package (reformail, reformime) - check

 if not please tell me how to handle this in Java
 There are mail api s in Java to handle this but the question is how to ?

Johan Almqvist

Re: Selective Relaying Question

2001-04-04 Thread Johan Almqvist

* John Anderson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010404 19:59]:
TCPREMOTEIP= tcprulescheck /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb
   # TCPREMOTEIP= ./tcprulescheck /etc/tcp.smtp.cdb
   rule 192.168.:
   set environment variable RELAYCLIENT=
   allow connection
 Apr  4 12:51:48 localhost smtpd: 986403108.545991 tcpserver: status: 1/40
 Apr  4 12:51:48 localhost smtpd: 986403108.546582 tcpserver: pid 18906 from
 Apr  4 12:51:48 localhost smtpd: 986403108.563452 tcpserver: ok 18906
 : :209.114.18
 Apr  4 12:51:48 localhost smtpd: 986403108.566188 tcpserver: end 18906 status 0
 Apr  4 12:51:48 localhost smtpd: 986403108.566510 tcpserver: status: 0/40

I hope you weren't intentionally masking your IP addresses to the 192.168
stuff. If you did, the only one you fooled was yourself.

The IP addresses in the logs are (remote) amd
(local). 209.114 != 192.168.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Mailing from script

2001-04-04 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Alex Le Fevre [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010404 21:16]:
 The relevant part of the script appears below: 

Speaking of relevancy, this is pretty irrellevant to this list. You made a
perl mistake.

 $recip = $ARGV[0];
 $recip =~ s/\@/\\\@/g;
 print $recip;
 open (MAIL, "|/usr/sbin/sendmail -t");
 print MAIL "To: $recip\n";
 print MAIL "From: quoteoftheday\\n";
 print MAIL "Reply-to: alex\\n";
 print MAIL "Subject: Quote for $date\n";
 print MAIL $sdata[rand(@sdata)];
 close MAIL; 
 $recip, when I printed it to the screen for testing purposes, came out as 
 user\, which is exactly what I need. 

No it isn't. The =~ s stuff is totally unnecessary, as you're not passing
the address on the command line to sendmail... Take out that line and
qmail will stop appending the domain...

 Any idea why the mailwrapper would append my local domain like that? 

Because it couldn't find a domain.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: isn't this kinda slow?

2001-04-04 Thread Johan Almqvist

Please do not start new threads by replying to unrelated messages.

* Brett [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010404 21:33]:
 I just ran a test on our machine here and the results are not good. I sent a
 message bcc'ed to a 1000 different non-existent recipients on another one of
 our machines. 14 minutes later and only 600 of them have been
 processed/bounced. This is pretty slow.
 What about increasing the number of remote processes from 20 to, say, 40?
 Would this help? It seems like qmail is completely dependent on the smtp
 connections of other machines.

Of course qmail is dependent on the smtp connections. qmail must obviously
attemt to deliver the message before it can bounce it, right?

Try setting control/concurrencyremote to something around 100 and it'll be
faster - provided the "other machine" will accept that many connections.

Remember, though, that qmail will make one smtp connection per remote
recipient and message. 1000 bcc addresses = 1000 smtp connections.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Mailing from script

2001-04-04 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Alex Le Fevre [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010404 21:44]:
  No it isn't. The =~ s stuff is totally unnecessary, as you're not passing
  the address on the command line to sendmail... 
 Maybe I didn't make myself clear. I *am* trying to pass the e-mail address 
 from the command line to sendmail. And yes, $recip *is* user\ -- 
 I printed it to STDOUT, and it showed up just like that. 

Aw come on, take away the =~ s line and you'll be fine. I promise.

And NO, you're not trying to pass the recip on the command line. Your're
passing it on STDIN.

 IMHO, if the script works fine when I have a hard-coded To: line, and my 
 $recip comes out a replica of my hard-coded To: line, it doesn't seem to me 
 to be a Perl problem. 


Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Tried everything HELP!

2001-04-04 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Marcus Ouimet [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010405 00:14]:
 However I can't seem to receive anything. And no errors seem to be sent to
 the syslog/maillog file (except for one about the home dir being writable
 which I already know). Where are the log files defined? How can I fix this?

qmail will not deliver your message if the home dir is world writeable.
Show us logs of the errors (or non-errors) when the home dir has
permissions 700.

 (of course hostname and mydomain being the real thing).

Don't hide stuff. Don't ever hide stuff, or people on this list won't help

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Fw: How to block an email id in qmail?

2001-04-03 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Mathew Chandy [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010403 10:41]:
   I have a problem . I have to block an user say [EMAIL PROTECTED] from sending
   mails to [EMAIL PROTECTED] . How can i acheive this in qmail.
   The mail server on is a qmail mail server. I tried doing
   this using the control file badrecipient in /var/qmail/control
   directory. But that doesn't work out.

Standard qmail does not have a badrecipient file. However, there is a
badmailfrom file. So echo "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"  /var/qmail/control/badmailfrom
should do the trick. Then, [EMAIL PROTECTED] can't send mail to anyone on your

control/badrcptto is possible with patches from Putting
[EMAIL PROTECTED] in that file will stop all mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

If you only want to stop [EMAIL PROTECTED] from sending mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED], you'll need to put things in that users' qmail file.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Why does qmail accept From: and can it be told not to?

2001-04-03 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Greg Moeller [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010403 18:11]:
 We were just 'gifted' by some lovely Email from a fellow who wished our users 
 to have university degree in a few weeks.
 The header on his Email looks like:
 Subject: You have been accepted!
 Date: Mon, 15 May 2000 05:39:36 -0400 (EDT)
 Is an utterly null From line allowed?

Yes. And that's a good idea: bounces usually have  as the sender, so
that double-bounces (and so forth) can be avoided...

 This is with a standard 1.03 Qmail.
 From a normal modem, this guy has managed to get our queue to:
 bash-2.02# /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qstat
 messages in queue: 83261
 messages in queue but not yet preprocessed: 4
 (and this is with a rather powerful multi processor sparc)
 What can be done about this sort of thing?  It's really annoying that one 
 idiot with a modem can destroy a rather large Qmail system.
 (dual processor ultrasparc, 512Meg RAM, 50Gig RAID)
 (yes, I lock out his IP, but he just dials in and gets another one)

Stock qmail really can't do anything about this, except temporarily block
his ISP's entire netblock (putting the entire class C- or B-net into the
tcprules file). There are pathes on that will allow finer
measures, such as tarpitting, maxrecipients et al.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: My QMAIL is suddenly broken

2001-04-03 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Marco Calistri [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010403 18:50]:
 I'am getting crazy to find the reason why my qmail refuses to start.

How about reading the output of qmail-showctl instead of just posting it?

 -rw---1 root qmail   0 apr  3 03:14 virtualdomains
 Using ./qmail-showctl,I get:
 [ik5bcu@linux bin]$ ./qmail-showctl
 virtualdomains: Oops! Trouble reading this file.

qmail can see this file, but not open it. Either remove it or make it
chmod 644.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Some Hints?

2001-04-02 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Marco Calistri [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010401 22:12]:
 Second:how to insert new names into /var/qmail/control/rcpthost
 unless edit this file?

Why would you want to do that? I fear that you are trying to put all
domains you want to send mail to into control/rcpthost? You should be
using the RELAYCLIENT="" environment variable, from tcpserver or inetd.

Have you read the documentation?

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Aliases chdir problems

2001-04-02 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Alex Le Fevre [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010402 17:24]:

 Since OBSD doesn't seem to want to let me have user
 names over 8 characters, I'd like to set up an alias
 to a user account to solve the problem. My impression
 was that I could just do the following:
 1) create /home/alias/.qmail-thealiasname, containing
 2) chown that file to alias:qmail
 3) create the user's Maildir, making sure it's owned
 by the user
 4) Go!
 I don't have the domain in virtualdomains, as it's in
 locals (in fact, it's the primary domain for the
 machine). I didn't figure this to be a problem, as
 .qmail-postmaster, .qmail-root, etc., work with that
 domain just fine.
 What happens, though, is that qmail tries to make the
 delivery, and gives me that nasty "unable to chdir to
 Maildir (4.2.1)" error. I assume it's trying to access
 the user Maildir as the user specified by
 .qmail-thealiasname, which obviously isn't right. 
 How can I tell it to go in as the user? Alternately,
 is there another way to implement this? All I really
 care about is getting a 9+ character e-mail address
 set up, I'm not finnicky on how I do it.

As the file ~alias/.qmail-theuser is owned by alias (and should be) it
should contain usr@me ie the "short" username and one of the local
domains so that qmail forwards and doesn't attempt to deliver as the alias

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Divert RBL messages?

2001-03-31 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Tullio Andreatta [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010330 15:09]:
 I'm looking for a way to divert messages that come from RBL listed hosts
 on a system-wide basis... All messages from hosts that are in the RBL
 should go to the spamtrap user for example...
 I patched rblsmtpd adding an option -T who set RELAYCLIENT to option argument
 when the host is in rbl (instead of starting it's limited smtp server.)
 Then I can use virtualdomain support to catch all messages coming from a
 spam source. See:

Thanks, it works like a charm!

I'll make a few companion scripts (one to re-inject the message if the
admin determines it to be legit and one to insert a header so you can
quickly see what RBL it was in).

They'll be on my page below.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: bug in qmail? showctl

2001-03-30 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Dean Browett [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010330 11:24]:
 As requested...
 The mail addresses that lie between  and   are test addresses. The
 problem lies with the domain ONLY. All other domains
 work fine (or we have had no complaints about mail addresses to date).
 SMTP clients may send messages to recipients at
 Virtual domain:

Why do you put in the files if the domain you want to
handle is [HINT: there's an 'f' missing!]

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Strange Time error

2001-03-30 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Linux [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010330 11:43]:
 I have a strange problem on my qmail server.
 I have a linux box with time and date setted to right timezone.
 When i try to deliver a mail directly from the consolle (mail
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]), qmail deliver the mail but include a strange time.
 For example:
 the system date is 11:00 am
 qmail show 09:00 am.
 When i download the mail, the mail report 09:00 am, the wrong date.
 If i send a mail using a PC client and a program like outlook express to
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] usign qmail as smtp, the mail reach the destination with
 the right time.

qmail-inject will insert GMT time

datemail will insert local time.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

A real bouncesaying

2001-03-29 Thread Johan Almqvist


I wonder if anyone has written a real "bouncesaying" (qmails bouncesaying
just exits with an exit code that makes qmail-local do the actual

I want to pipe a message to bouncesaying from mutt, like this:

| boucesaying "No subject specified"

and it should use the Return-Path to address it and use  as the

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: A real bouncesaying

2001-03-29 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Johan Almqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010329 11:21]:
 I wonder if anyone has written a real "bouncesaying" (qmails bouncesaying
 just exits with an exit code that makes qmail-local do the actual

With a few pointers from Frank Tegtmeyer, I've now made what I wanted
myself. Maybe someone else finds this useful...

Johan Almqvist
 PGP signature

Divert RBL messages?

2001-03-29 Thread Johan Almqvist


I'm looking for a way to divert messages that come from RBL listed hosts
on a system-wide basis... All messages from hosts that are in the RBL
should go to the spamtrap user for example...

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: A real bouncesaying

2001-03-29 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Felix von Leitner [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010329 19:43]:
 Thus spake Johan Almqvist ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  I wonder if anyone has written a real "bouncesaying" (qmails bouncesaying
  just exits with an exit code that makes qmail-local do the actual
 And what is your problem with that?

I can't manually bounce a message from, say, mutt.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Random Bounce

2001-03-28 Thread Johan Almqvist

* jean [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010328 18:43]:
 Well, here's the bounce msg.  Only the sender's name was changed.  The
 receipient, jmorgan, has a mailbox which works ALMOST all the time ;-)  To
 my novice eyes, the problem is on my isp's server.
  Sorry, no mailbox here by that name. (#5.1.1)

Do you use Bruce G's qmail+patches rpm and vpopmail?

If so, a script in /etc/cron.hourly/ may be the answer... remove it (or
rather, move it to a safe place) and recreate the domain. 

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: unable to get BCC mail in Qmail

2001-03-28 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Pradeep Tapase [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010328 19:41]:
 I just installed new linux server and also qmail on
 it. I gone as per the howtos given. I am using Maibox
 format in qmail to distribute mails locally. in this I
 can receive BCC mail locally, but I am not able to
 receive mail in BCC from any externel address such as
 hotmail or yahoo. 
 I am using fetchmail to fetch mail from our webserver
 and distribute locally. in this I am not configured
 fetchmail to use any mda from distribution.
 If any one can help in this regards, i will be very
 thankful for him

This sounds very much like a fetchmail problem, or rather like a design
problem in your setup. qmail is never given the Bcc addresses, as
fetchmail can't get them from the messages. If the web server were running
qmail you'd be fine as you could parse the delivered-to lines...

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: mail not forwarding

2001-03-22 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Virginia Chism [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010322 16:58]:
 OK.  I meant to change that.  sorry!
 This is in '/usr/var/qmail/alias'
 .qmail-fiskrri-info .qmail-postmaster   .qmail-webmaster
 .qmail-mailer-daemon.qmail-root Maildir
 midnightsun% pwd
 and  .qmail-fiskrri-info loopks like this:

What do you have in control/rcpthosts? contol/virtual?

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: no mailbox here(#5.1.1) - don't works!

2001-03-21 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Massimo Quintini [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010321 16:47]:
 I  have seen the /var/log/maillog...
 .. there is the msgs
 1) "Sorry, no mailbox here ."
 2) starting delivery to remote [EMAIL PROTECTED] (the sender)
 3) delivery success . Remote_host_said .
   Don't works!!!
   1) in ~alias/.qmail-default I had 1 line with |fastforward 
   2) I have added a line with [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   3) I have sent a msg from hotmail to mydomain
   ... but it dont works 
  How do you know?? What does the logs say (tm)??

This, btw, is the expected behaviour. See man dot-qmail:

   If a delivery instruction fails, qmail-local stops immedi-
   ately and reports failure.  qmail-local handles forwarding
   after all other instructions, so any error in another type
   of delivery will prevent all forwarding.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: /usr/bin/sendmail -t

2001-03-20 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Alex Le Fevre [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010320 19:03]:
  EOF -- close the fd.
 If I'm actually typing my info in -- after calling
 /usr/bin/sendmail -t from a command line -- is that

No. Ctrl-z just stops the program.

Ctrl-d is what you want.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Deny Relay, Accept local

2001-03-14 Thread Johan Almqvist

* mick [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010314 09:14]:
 Got a problem here. Using tcpserver to control relay's, but it also blocks
 local mail. Noticed that once we got tcpserver locked down that the volume
 of mail diminished, and the queue was getting huge. Here is a tcp.smtp
 The :allow at the end makes the server an open relay! Not acceptable.

No it doesn't. The allow means "allow the connection". RELAYCLIENT=""
means "allow relaying to the world".

 But changing that to deny causes the above symptoms. Here is how qmail is

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Resend (No Reply) !!

2001-02-21 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Henning Brauer [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010221 14:47]:
  But for outgoing connections, qmail uses all the
  interface randomly that I have on my machine.  
 That depends on your routing and has nothing to do with qmail. You cannot
 specifiy an ip to bound to for qmail-remote as i have written.

And the patches would be at

-Johan, helping Henning to mouth-feed info :-/
Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Remote CC

2001-02-21 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Nilo Menezes [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010221 16:06]:
 Why I get one remote process for each address in a CC, if they are in the
 same domain ?

Because that's the way qmail works.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Suppressing Bounce Messages

2001-02-20 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Manvendra Bhangui [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010220 15:28]:
 I have a problem on my site where lot of my users who have subscribed to external 
free subscriptions are no longer there. Due to this around 8 bounce message are 
getting generated daily and clogging up my queue. Is there any way to silently 
discard these messages without generating a bounce back message. I am running 

Please wrap your lines.

If I understand you correctly, what you really may be looking for is the
badrcptto patch from That will let you "bounce" the
messages during the SMTP dialogue, so qmail will not generate the bounce

Discarding all bounce messages is a bad idea.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature


2001-02-16 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Federico Edelman Anaya [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010216 12:29]:
 Where can I get help about qmail with qmtp?

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Accept mail for hostmaster@.*

2001-02-13 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Fredrik Steen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010213 15:08]:
 I'm trying to setup a Qmail server. I need it to accept mail for
 hostmaster@.* without any configuration for new hosts.
 Is this possible?

Besides all the other notes that have been posted, you realize that this
means you'll never be able to send mail to hostmasters around the world?

If that's really what you want to do, patch qmail-smtpd to lie about the
RCPT TO it read, or patch qmail-send to handle hostmaster@ differently.

This may be one of the occasion where the obscurness of the task requires
the obscureness of

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Mayor problems with .qmail!

2001-02-11 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Halfdan Mouritzen [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010211 04:57]:
In the .qmail-robot file I've written

Apart from all the other (half-useful) discussion, isn't there a / missing
between | and usr/  ?

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: listening of defined IPs only

2001-01-22 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Mailing List Address [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010122 17:58]:
 I'm running qmail with supervise, tcpserver, rblsmtpd etc.
 How can I make the POP/SMTP servers listen only on the IPs I want them to? 

man tcpserver?

HINT: The zero in tcpserver's arguments means bind to all interfaces...

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: RFC822

2001-01-22 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Marcio Sa [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010122 18:09]:

 Timo Geusch wrote:
  The mailbox file you attached seems to be OK to me. The 'from' line without
  the colon, but with the time and date and preceded by an empty line is used
  as a separator between emails in a mailbox file.
  OTOH, it is very unusual to store email in mailbox format inside
  Maildir/new. Care to post your startup script here?
 Thanks for you response.
 yes, this is my script:
 # Using splogger to send the log through syslog.
 # Using qmail-local to deliver messages to ~/Mailbox by default.
 exec env - DENYMAIL=DNSCHECK DEBUGLEVEL=16 PATH="/var/qmail/bin:$PATH" \
 qmail-start ./Maildir/new/Mailbox splogger qmail
   ^^^ what is this? Why did you put this

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: POP Toaster

2001-01-21 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Peder Angvall [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010121 15:49]:
 root@dogbert:/var/qmail/control  cat virtualhosts

I believe the file is called virtualdomains?

man 5 qmail-control

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: qmail-remote Address

2001-01-18 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Keary Suska [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010118 05:04]:
 How can one determine and specify the IP address used by qmail-remote for
 remote mail delivery? It used the default IP for the host instead of the
 address for its FQDN.

There is a patch for that on, look after "bind"

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Anybody heard from Michael Samuel?

2001-01-18 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Magnus Bodin [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010118 15:26]:
 On Thu, Jan 18, 2001 at 08:56:16AM -0500, Russell Nelson wrote:
  I'm removing these links from  It's been months and
  months since they worked.  Michael Samuel seems to have dropped off
  the net.  Does anybody know otherwise?
 No. This shows even more the need for multiple archives and mirrors of the
 contributions around qmail. 
 Shouldn't we build a nice structure around this? 
 Now everyone sits around with their own little qmail-page. If all these were
 at least archivable together the qmail-world would have been a safer place.

As always, I totally agree with Magnus ;-

I'd be willing to contribute with time and (maybe) bandwidth.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Possible problem with qmail-qmtpc patch

2001-01-17 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Ian Lance Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010116 19:36]:
 Now I see it.  You can't call connect twice on the same socket.  This
 patch, on top of Russ's patch, fixes it.

This patch very much fixes it for my patch, too. Thanks a bunch, Ian!

This leads me to the next thing (concerning my patch):
If someone specifies QMTP to a certain port in control/mailroutes, and
that fails - what'd I do? Try SMTP to port 25, give up temporarily (which
would happen if it were an SMTP route) of give up permanently (don't think

At the moment, SMTP to port 25 will be attempted. If that fails, there'll
be a tempoary error.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

New version of my qmail-remote patch

2001-01-17 Thread Johan Almqvist


I've just put out a new version of my patch to qmail-remote.

It now includes Ian's patch that allows qmail-remote to try SMTP if the
QMTP connection fails. There's nothing left that I'm really unhappy about
right now.

I'd like to thank Russell, Peter and Ian for their "kicking me in gear"
and help, respectively.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Mail server madness (with regards to domain names)

2001-01-17 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Mark Delany [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010117 21:59]:
 CNAMEs are a bad thing for email. Check the discussion in THOUGHTS.
 Change your DNS so that scode is an A rather than a CNAME and the
 remote MTAs won't bother doing the re-writing.

...and don't test it again until the CNAME is gone (it's time to live
expired) as tests from remote machines will find the CNAMES for another
while after you update your DNS.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Help for the new guy.

2001-01-17 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Chandler [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010117 22:06]:
   permissions of Maildir:
   drwxr-x---   5 chandler  chandler   512 Jan 17 11:22 Maildir
  What are the perms on the homedir itself, and what about the
  subdirectories of Maildir?
 drwxr-xr-x  41 chandler   chandler   3072 Jan 17 10:41 chandler
 drwxr-x---   5 chandler  chandler   512 Jan 17 11:22 .
 drwxr-xr-x  41 chandler  chandler  3072 Jan 17 10:41 ..
 -rw---   1 root  chandler   537 Jan 17 11:22 chandler
 drwx--   2 root  chandler   512 Jan 17 01:23 cur
 drwx--   2 root  chandler   512 Jan 17 01:23 new
 drwx--   2 root  chandler   512 Jan 17 01:23 tmp

There you go...


chown -R chandler.chandler ~chandler/Maildir
chmod -R 700 ~chandler/Maildir

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: mailing list

2001-01-17 Thread Johan Almqvist

* "James R. Clark II" [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010117 22:09]:
 I have been having trouble when trying to send out emails to mailing lists
 in qmail. The local users get teh email fine but the mailing list gets the
 error I show below. I have all of the permissions correct (as you can see
 below) and I have recompiled qmail several times. Please email me at
 [EMAIL PROTECTED] with any suggestions! Local users actually get the
 mail and the .qmail's are in the same directory as the mailing lists .qmails

As I already asked you on irc, what are the permissions on /var/qmail
(and a new question: what are the permissions on ezmlm-send)

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Possible problem with qmail-qmtpc patch

2001-01-16 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Ian Lance Taylor [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010115 23:53]:
 I don't see it.  Russ's patch looks like this (at least, in the
 version I downloaded):
 +if (qmtp_priority(ip.ix[i].pref)) {
 +  if (timeoutconn(smtpfd,ip.ix[i].ip,(unsigned int) qmtp_port,timeoutconnect) 
== 0) {
 + tcpto_err(ip.ix[i].ip,0);
 + partner = ip.ix[i].ip;
 + qmtp(); /* does not return */
 +  }
 +if (timeoutconn(smtpfd,ip.ix[i].ip,(unsigned int) smtp_port,timeoutconnect) == 
0) {
 In other words, if the MX priority indicates QMTP, try to make a QMTP
 connection.  If that connection fails--if it times out, or if the
 remote system does not accept the connect request--timeoutconn will
 return -1 and qmail-remote will go on to try to make an SMTP

timeoutconn seems to only return -1 when the attemt times out, NOT if the
remote system doesn't accept the connection attempt. (That's what my
experiments have shown, at least... I'd like very much for this to be
seconded by others before I have another go at this!)

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: tcpserver/smtp

2001-01-16 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Dale Herring [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010116 16:39]:
 My tcpserver startup looks like this.
 /usr/local/bin/tcpserver -v -R 0 pop3 /var/qmail/bin/qmail-popup \
 /bin/checkpassword /var/qmail/bin/qmail-pop3d Maildir 21 | \
 /var/qmail/bin/splogger pop3d 
 Suggesitons please

Starting an smtp server may help

tcpserver 0 smtp qmail-smtpd 

Or, with you paths:
/usr/local/bin/tcpserver 0 smtp qmail-smtpd | \
/var/qmail/bin/splogger smtpd 

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: How I block some adresses ?????

2001-01-16 Thread Johan Almqvist

Ana, please don't start new threads by replying to old messages!

* Ana Paula [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010116 17:03]:
 I have 55 e-mail addresses of peoples that constantly send SPAMS for
 my server.
 I would like to block these addresses for the whole server.
 How do I make that?

Put the addresses, one per line, into

Note that this makes qmail-smtpd reject based on the _envelope_ sender.

Use Peter's patch at
to achieve the same thing for qmail-qmtpd.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: QMTP MX-question

2001-01-14 Thread Johan Almqvist

On Sun, Jan 14, 2001 at 03:05:16PM +0100, Jurjen Oskam wrote:
 What are the correct MX-records I should create?
 I made: 86323 MX 12801 86323 MX 12816

That is correct. 86323 MX 12801 86323 MX 12816 86323 MX 12832


"  Example:
   A sender with a message for B.EXAMPLE.ORG will try A.EXAMPLE.ORG by
   QMTP, then C.EXAMPLE.ORG by SMTP. If it does not support QMTP, it may
   try SMTP instead of QMTP, or it may skip A.EXAMPLE.ORG."

Note the "...or it may skip..." part.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Possible problem with qmail-qmtpc patch

2001-01-14 Thread Johan Almqvist


I think there may be a problem with the patches to qmail-remote that make
it speak QMTP based on MXPS.

If the QMTP connection fails (because the remote host doesn't have a qmtpd
running) this failure will be logged as

deferral: Connected_to_194.47.249.19_but_connection_died._(#4.4.2)/

which means that the message will not be retried at the next best MX but
go back to the queue.

There is also a minor glitch in my patch that would make qmail-remote try
SMTP if a QMTP connection can't be established, even if QMTP is forced by
control/mailroutes. I think this is NOT what people would expect?

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Possible problem with qmail-qmtpc patch

2001-01-14 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Russell Nelson [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010114 19:39]
 That's a misconfiguration.  I'd rather that the email bounced than it
 got delivered via SMTP silently.

Well, at the moment it'll only be bounced after queuelifetime...

 It could be that someone unaware of the MXPS standard (which admittedly
 includes 99.99% of the world's population) could have set their MX
 priority to 12801.  If so, it's best to ask them to change their MX

Agreed. What happens if they don't?

 It's much more likely that someone intends that the email be
 delivered via qmtpd but it is failing to run for some reason.  If we
 fall back to smtp, they'll never know that it's failing unless they're 
 watching their qmail logs carefully.

...or look at their Received: lines from time to time. After setting up
QMTP service and MXPS I suspect most people will watch their logs rather
closely for a few days...

PS: Love the double spacing...
Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Possible problem with qmail-qmtpc patch

2001-01-14 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Jurjen Oskam [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010114 20:25]
 What happens in the following case: 86323 MX 12801 86323 MX 12817
 ...when qmtpd isn't reachable on

That's the problem I tried to describe. In my experience, the message goes
back to the queue and will be retried to by
QMTP later. And this will happen until qmail-send decides the message has
been in the queue too long, whereupon it will be bounced.

However, I'm not 100% sure about this, as my network setup is a little too
small and limited by university-controlled firewalls and university-
administered DNS servers.

 delivered via qmtpd but it is failing to run for some reason.  If we
 fall back to smtp, they'll never know that it's failing unless they're 
 watching their qmail logs carefully.
 But isn't that a bit in contradiction with the concept of backup

Er, yes.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: Possible problem with qmail-qmtpc patch

2001-01-14 Thread Johan Almqvist

* Johan Almqvist [EMAIL PROTECTED] [010114 15:45]:
 I think there may be a problem with the patches to qmail-remote that make
 it speak QMTP based on MXPS.
 If the QMTP connection fails (because the remote host doesn't have a qmtpd
 running) this failure will be logged as
 deferral: Connected_to_194.47.249.19_but_connection_died._(#4.4.2)/
 which means that the message will not be retried at the next best MX but
 go back to the queue.

Ok, as I said, my test setup wasn't the best, so this only happens if the
host is _there_ but not running qmtpd. That's probably what we want

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: In a perfect world

2001-01-13 Thread Johan Almqvist

On Sat, Jan 13, 2001 at 07:44:31PM +0100, Felix von Leitner wrote:
 Thus spake Russell Nelson ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
  In a perfect world, QMTP would require that a qmtpd accept
  VERP-formatted envelope senders.  And qmail would collate remote
  deliveries by hostname, and dump all copies of a piece of email to all
  the recipients at once.  I have customers for whom that would be an
  incredibly good win.
  Of course, in a perfect world, email would never bounce, so what am I
  talking about??
 Doesn't qmail-qmtpd accept VERPs?

Yes it does!

(But that was rather complicated to test :-)

Anyway, VERP expansion is done by qmail-send, but only qmail-remote (two
exec's later) knows whether the remote host is a QMTP host... Humm.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: QMTP running on

2001-01-11 Thread Johan Almqvist

On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 11:38:23PM -0500, Russell Nelson wrote:
 Now, who wants to work on cqmtp (compressed quick mail transport
 protocol)?  :)  No reason why you couldn't run gzip on the whole chunk 
 before sending it off.

Save the children! Save Dave and Virginia!

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

Re: badmailfrom for qmail-qmtpd

2001-01-11 Thread Johan Almqvist

On Wed, Jan 10, 2001 at 11:18:03PM +0100, Peter van Dijk wrote:
 Johan apparently did something wrong, the patch itself 403's.
 It's on for now.

mutt's paranoid umask got in my way. A chmod 644 later, all is in order.

Sorry 'bout that.

Johan Almqvist

 PGP signature

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