Re: qmail shirts really selling?

2000-08-11 Thread Vern Hart

Today, Dave Kitabjian wrote:
> Do my eyes deceive me or are you really finally printing and selling one
> of the qmail tshirts?

Yeah.  I signed up at the cafepress site.

All four variations are there:

There are links to all those "storefronts" from my qmail tshirts

I haven't even ordered one myself.  Their tshirt selection leaves
something to be desired.  The only have one color, white, and they
don't have anything over XL.

But the mugs and mouse pads are cool...


Re: Qmail T-Shirts

2000-09-14 Thread Vern Hart

Today, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>   I saw your message on the message bored and would like to
> know if there's a way I can purchase a qmail t-shirt thats xxxl or
> l? Thanks again

I have made my designs available at (links to be found
in but the largest they do is XL.

I just found out today they now offer XXL, XXXL and L!  I have
"enabled" the extra sizes for the qmail tshirts so they are now
available.  Yay!


PS: If anyone would like to run their own production of qmail
shirts, they're welcome to use my designs.

Re: daemontools

2000-09-26 Thread Vern Hart

Yesterday, Ben Beuchler wrote:
> I recommend whoever it is that is doing the lovely qmail shirts (I'll be
> ordering mine shortly!) should do one that says "What Do The Logs
> Say?(tm)".  I know I would buy one...

I did a little research to find the true attribution of this phrase.
The first person to mention that it is a trademark was Dave Sill:

There was a message that attributed a 1998 copyright to Dave Sill:

The earliest message (on the qmail list) of someone saying "What do
the logs say?" was from Martijn Koster on 30 September, 1997:

I checked Dave's lwq but didn't find that phrase.  I'm not sure
where the 1998 copyright came from.  In most of the messages that
attribute the trademark to someone, they attribute it to Dave.
Since he WAS the first to capitalize each word in the phrase and add
a (tm), I think he deserves the credit.  :-)

So, how about this:  Shirt front, small on right side:  the qmail
dolphin with and/or under it.  On
the back, the dolphin (bigger) with this quote under it:

   What Do The Logs Say?(tm)
 -- Dave Sill, Life with qmail

(with various font sizes as appropriate)

Thoughts?  Objections?  Contentions?


Re: .qmail proliferation

2000-09-27 Thread Vern Hart

Today, Uri Guttman wrote:
> i would like to be able to keep some of my .qmail files out of my home
> dir as they are cluttering it up as i add new lists. also i would like
> to be able to manage ~alias's .qmail files as my user id. i own the
> entire private net and box so i don't have any problems with security
> and there are no other users.
> i tried to make ~alias's files owned by me but it seems to fail. i just
> don't want to have to su to root to create new lists and such in ~alias.
> any ideas? i didn't see anything about this in the FAQ or on the qmail
> pages.

To quote myself from

Vern Hart doesn't like a pile of .qmail files in his home
directory. So he uses users/assign to put them into a


This puts .qmail and .qmail-default in his home directory but
everything else is in .qmails/.  This changes ~/.qmail-foo to
~/.qmails/foo and really cleans up his home.

As far as the alias user goes, you could change the name in the
source code or give the alias user the same uid as yourself in
/etc/passwd.  Or, better yet, su to alias to create lists and such.
You don't have to be root, just be alias.  Or, your could set up
a virtualdomain for the main domain on the box and have it send the
mail to your .qmail files, etc.  There's lots of ways to solve that


Re: Off topic - What is GFY?

1999-07-02 Thread Vern Hart

On Fri, 2 Jul 1999, McGinnis, Tom wrote:
> I've tried and tried, but can't seem to figure out why "GFY" is so
> offensive.  Obviously I haven't figured out the real meaning.  "Good for
> you" is all I can come up with.

When I first saw it, I too thought it was "Good For You" but based on
whats-his-name's reaction to it I've come to realize it has a more
existential meaning such as "Go Find Yourself" or something equally as
meaningful.  ;-)

\ \   / __| _ \  \ |   Vern Hart
 \ \ /  _|/ .  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \_/  ___|_|_\_|\_|

Re: How good is RBL at filtering spam?

1999-09-20 Thread Vern Hart

On Mon, 20 Sep 1999, Fabrice Scemama wrote:
> (...)
> > Currently I'm using RBL, DUL, and RSS.  It stops almost all spam
> > attempts to this machine, but then this is a .gov, and spammers seem
> > to stay away from .gov addresses.
> So, we finally have THE universal solution against spam!
> what about opening .forward accounts to everyone ?
> -- no kidding!

They also seem to stay away from .org addresses as well (for the most
part).  A .org address is a lot easier to get than a .gov.

\ \   / __| _ \  \ |   Vern Hart
 \ \ /  _|/ .  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \_/  ___|_|_\_|\_|

Re: System integrity verification and other delusions

1998-12-23 Thread Vern Hart

On 23 Dec 1998, Russell Nelson wrote:
> Probably could.  How's about I ask Redhat about distributing a
> var-qmail?  If they don't have a problem with that, then it's a moot
> point, eh?

I realize it's a moot point because of the personality conflict between
the good folks at Redhat and Dan's ego but I have a question about

I finally read (I haven't up
until this point because I have no need to distribute a qmail package).
If I understand it correctly, a var-qmail package is not allowed to
enable qmail to send and receive messages.  It seems the var-qmail
package is allowed to put all the binaries and control files in place
but it is not allowed to start qmail.

   "A user has to follow the instructions in
   /var/qmail/doc/fastforward/ALIASES and in /var/qmail/doc/INSTALL
   starting at step 9:"

So, does that mean a var-qmail RPM couldn't do those six extra steps FOR
the user?  If not, how is a user supposed to know what file(s) to read
to know what to do next?

That seems like a pretty steep restriction to me.

Vern Hart  O  Creative Design Engineer - The Hungry Programmers
   `+,.,+'   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 11:09pm up 10 day(s), 13:18, 23 users, load average: 0.29, 0.28, 0.27 

Re: verifying system binaries, a la R*dh*t

1998-12-23 Thread Vern Hart

On 23 Dec 1998, Scott Ballantyne wrote:
> I've never seen any reason to not trust Dan Bernstein.  He may hold
> the bar higher than some people like, but I don't have a problem with
> that.

I don't think it's Dan's standards or anything like that.  And I don't
think it's Dan's inability to include user requests in his software--It
sounds like Dan bent over backwards to try and accommodate Redhat.

It's Dan's attitude.  Even after making all the allowances the guy from
Redhat wanted, Redhat still didn't want to include qmail.  What that
says to me is that Dan fundamentally offended someone and that someone
couldn't get over it.

While I'm not condoning holding personal grudges it says a lot about how
Dan interacts with people--not well.

Vern Hart  O  Creative Design Engineer - The Hungry Programmers
   `+,.,+'   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 12:14am up 10 day(s), 14:23, 21 users, load average: 0.29, 0.23, 0.24 

Re: verifying system binaries, a la R*dh*t

1998-12-23 Thread Vern Hart

On 23 Dec 1998, Scott Ballantyne wrote:
> It's *Dan's* attitude? This thread has just gone where no thread
> should have gone. Comments like these, if made at all, should be made
> privately. I happen to admire the way Dan interacts with people, which
> I have only seen on the net, I admit. But on the net he's direct, he's
> honest, and he's smart. When he's wrong, which he almost never is, he
> admits it.

This makes me think of Mathew and Bill from the TV show "News Radio."

Russ Nelson is one of qmail's biggest advocates and yet he has been
offended by Dan.  In a recent high-profile, systems administrators
conference Russ defended qmail on a panel with representatives for
sendmail (Allman), postfix (Venema), and exim (FitzGibbon) and he did a
good job.  But Russ was afraid to mention the author of qmail's name
because he didn't want to alienate anyone.

I'm not positive what his exact motivation for not mentioning Dan's
name but it goes to show that Dan can have a negative effect on people.

I am also a firm supporter of qmail.  It's a great program and works
very well in so many different ways.  I wouldn't want to disparage Dan's
programming abilities--they're obviously top notch--but people skills
leave a lot to be desired.

Perhaps Dan could employ (on a volunteer basis, of course) a qmail front
man that would act as a buffer between Dan and the rest of the world.
Someone to help Dan keep his high standards while not being so abrasive.

It worries me that there is so much discord among the strongest qmail
supporters--us on this list.

Vern Hart  O  Creative Design Engineer - The Hungry Programmers
   `+,.,+'   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 1:16am up 10 day(s), 15:25, 16 users, load average: 0.45, 0.42, 0.69 

Re: verifying system binaries, a la R*dh*t

1998-12-23 Thread Vern Hart

On 23 Dec 1998, Scott Ballantyne wrote:
> Well, you're starting to have a negative effect on me...

I don't mean to.  My criticisms of Dan aren't meant to convince anyone
not to use qmail.  qmail is very good.  Everyone should use qmail.

> If Redhat
> chooses software based on the personality of the programmer who wrote
> it, than there couldn't be a better reason to avoid Redhat.

Don't take my word as Redhat doctrine.  I have nothing to do with Redhat
and have no insight into their decision processes.

Vern Hart  O  Creative Design Engineer - The Hungry Programmers
   `+,.,+'   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 1:53am up 10 day(s), 16:03, 15 users, load average: 0.19, 0.18, 0.23 

Re: List volume

1998-12-23 Thread Vern Hart

On Wed, 23 Dec 1998, Roger Merchberger wrote:
> ObFriends: The reason this whole thing ballooned is because *we all care*.
> Hell, if we didn't give a shit about qmail, this thread would have never
> happened - everyone would have had the attitude "yea, whatever" and that
> would have been the end of it.

I agree.  The thread occurred because we are qmail fanatics (or at least
strong qmail supporters).  We care about qmail.  We care about Dan.

Personally, I'm glad Dan continued to participate in the thread(s).  His
responses gave insight and at the very least gave us a view of his way
of thinking.

Happy Holidays,
Vern Hart  O  Creative Design Engineer - The Hungry Programmers
   `+,.,+'   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 3:12pm up 11 day(s), 5:21, 18 users, load average: 0.12, 0.16, 0.18 

Re: Q re cyrus imapd, qmail 1.03 and procmail (RH 5.2)

1999-01-30 Thread Vern Hart

On Fri, 29 Jan 1999, Heinz Wittenbecher wrote:
> In my /home/user/.qmail file I have: |/var/imap/qmail_deliver_wrapper $LOCAL
> This wrapper calls cyrus deliver and processed error codes.
> The above works fine.


> The problem: I want to use procmail to filter mail and have not been able to
> figure out how.
> Have tried .qmail with: | preline /usr/bin/procmail
> and .procmailrc with: : |/var/imap/qmail_deliver_wrapper $LOCAL

Well, the error comes from cyrus deliver, not procmail.  For some reason
deliver doesn't like the headers.  preline puts a From, Return-Path:,
and Delivered-To: header at the top of the message.  These are good
things, especially when using procmail to filter messages.

I don't have cyrus's IMAP so you'll have to do some testing on your own
to figure out exactly what deliver doesn't like.

preline has three args (man preline) that turn off these headers.  Try
'preline -d' and 'preline -r' and 'preline -dr' and see if one of those
works.  If it does, you could use formail (man formail) to strip out the
appropriate header.  For instance to get rid of the Return-Path:, put:

   |formail -I Return-Path: | /var/imap/qmail_deliver_wrapper $LOCAL

In your .procmailrc.  Or, you could add the formail command to the
qmail_deliver_wrapper.  Then you could remove the args from preline so
that those variables are available for other procmail recipes.

Hope this helps.

\ \   / __| _ \  \ |   Vern Hart
 \ \ /  _|/ .  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \_/  ___|_|_\_|\_|

 1:53am up 48 day(s), 16:02, 17 users, load average: 0.07, 0.09, 0.18 

Re: Q re cyrus imapd, qmail 1.03 and procmail (RH 5.2)

1999-01-30 Thread Vern Hart

On Sat, 30 Jan 1999, Heinz Wittenbecher wrote:
> Vern, you hit the nail right on the head.
> The difference between a direct delivery and one via procmail is the From,
> Return-Path: and Delivered-To: addition to the header.
> None of your suggestion worked though. Still trying various and researching
> docs. At least I now have a place to start.

I was thinking about it and the deliver program might be having a
problem with the From_ header since it doesn't have a colon after the

Try, in your .procmailrc:

   |formail -I "From " | /var/imap/qmail_deliver_wrapper $LOCAL

And see if that works.  If it does, then deliver is broken and should be

--__   _ ___ _  _
  \ \ / / __| _ \ \| |
 Vern Hart \ V /| _||   / .` |
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \_/ |___|_|_\_|\_|

 7:09pm up 49 day(s), 9:19, 27 users, load average: 0.16, 0.13, 0.14 

Re: case dependent addrsesses

1999-02-05 Thread Vern Hart

On Fri, 5 Feb 1999, Roger O. Svenning wrote:
> Is there any way to get qmail to accept email addresses
> regardless of whether it's upper/lowercase or a mixture of these ?

Well, according to the dot-qmail manpage:

   For convenience, qmail-local converts any uppercase letters in ext
   to lowercase.

So, USER@host is controlled by .qmail-user.

If you mean you want user@host to be a different address than USER@host
then you'll have to edit qmail-local.c and find where it converts
uppercase letters to lowercase and remove that code.

--__   _ ___ _  _
  \ \ / / __| _ \ \| |
 Vern Hart \ V /| _||   / .` |
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \_/ |___|_|_\_|\_|

 8:34am up 1 day(s), 17:15, 15 users, load average: 0.14, 0.21, 0.21 

Re: Problem: Qmail and Eudora 4.0

1999-02-16 Thread Vern Hart

On Mon, 15 Feb 1999, Dileep Agrawal wrote:
> SMTP server said: 
> 451 put, E=\r\n at the end of Mether, Mtcp, or Msmtp in if you
> are using Solaris 2.5 (fixed in 2.5). I cannot accept messages with stray
> newlines 

The mention of might be a hint that the problem is not with
qmail.  The server giving this response is obviously running sendmail.

(It's not even a sendmail problem for that matter.  It's an Eudora bug.)

> It does not happen with Eudora 3.0.  Does Eudora put in stray newlines?  Is
> there a fix?

I believe there is a fix on the site.

--__   _ ___ _  _
      \ \ / / __| _ \ \| |
 Vern Hart \ V /| _||   / .` |
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \_/ |___|_|_\_|\_|

 10:28pm up 5 day(s), 22:07, 17 users, load average: 0.07, 0.16, 0.17 

Re: Improving vger's performance

1999-01-13 Thread Vern Hart

On 13 Jan 1999, John Conover wrote:
> D. J. Bernstein writes:
> > 
> > Actually, the qmail mailing list often handles 20 deliveries per second
> > directly to recipients, at a concurrency of 120. It rarely has more than
> > a few thousand deliveries to do at once, but there's no scaling problem.
> > 
> > That machine is also running a CPU-intensive computation and a
> > network-intensive survey of several hundred million IP addresses.
> > 
> Hi Dan. Just out of curiosity, what kind of box? Configuration?

Mail to goes to

Vern Hart  O  Creative Design Engineer - The Hungry Programmers
   `+,.,+'   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 4:38am up 31 day(s), 18:47, 19 users, load average: 0.18, 0.12, 0.11 


1999-01-13 Thread Vern Hart

So, uh, does anyone know if djb has figured out how to add qmtp delivery
to qmail?

And speaking of qmtp, the FAQ says to run it you do:

   tcpserver -u 7770 -g 2108 0 qmtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qmtpd &

But doesn't that open you up as a relay?  Or does qmtp have something
built in that keeps unwanted relaying from happening?

Vern Hart  O  Creative Design Engineer - The Hungry Programmers
   `+,.,+'   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 7:03am up 31 day(s), 21:12, 18 users, load average: 0.16, 0.14, 0.13 

Re: qmtp

1999-01-13 Thread Vern Hart

On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, Mirko Zeibig wrote:
> > And speaking of qmtp, the FAQ says to run it you do:
> > 
> >tcpserver -u 7770 -g 2108 0 qmtp /var/qmail/bin/qmail-qmtpd &
> > 
> > But doesn't that open you up as a relay?  Or does qmtp have something
> > built in that keeps unwanted relaying from happening?
> Hello Vern, why don't you just specify rules for your tcpserver, I am doing

I was only pointing out that the instructions in the FAQ don't suggest
specifying rules.  While I doubt spammers know how to send mail via qmtp
I wouldn't put it past them to figure out how.

Rules are a good thing.

Vern Hart  O  Creative Design Engineer - The Hungry Programmers
   `+,.,+'   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 8:20am up 31 day(s), 22:29, 20 users, load average: 0.34, 0.20, 0.18 

Re: qmtp

1999-01-13 Thread Vern Hart

On Wed, 13 Jan 1999, Mate Wierdl wrote:
> But you can read man qmail-qmtpd which tells you that relaycontrol is
> exactly the same as for qmail-smtpd.  It is just not a FAQ---b/c most
> people are not using qmtpd.

Which brings us back to my original question:

> So, uh, does anyone know if djb has figured out how to add qmtp
> delivery to qmail?

Vern Hart  O  Creative Design Engineer - The Hungry Programmers
   `+,.,+'   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 8:56am up 31 day(s), 23:05, 21 users, load average: 0.16, 0.18, 0.20 


1999-03-24 Thread Vern Hart

On 24 Mar 1999, Russell Nelson wrote:
> Noo!!!  People who are ignorant enough to send mail to the
> whole list are usually too ignorant to actually *read* the messages to 
> find out how to get off the list.  It's just a waste of bandwidth and
> screen space.

This is true.  I have a list of idiot^Wnon-technical people and adding a
two line footer with unscribe instructions had little effect.

My way around it was to implement a minimum message size (dir/msgsize)
and moderate any posts that ezmlm-reject rejects.  (This required
rewinding stdin but wasn't too difficult.)

The -only- messages I've seen that have had a body less than one line
are unsubscription requests.

\ \   / __| _ \  \ |   Vern Hart
 \ \ /  _|/ .  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \_/  ___|_|_\_|\_|

Re: Multi-user virtual-domains with QMail

1998-12-30 Thread Vern Hart

On Wed, 30 Dec 1998, [iso-8859-1] Johan "Orbit" Mjönes wrote:
> I've recently installed QMail, and now I'm wondering how to:
> a) forward ex [EMAIL PROTECTED] to another host ([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> b) how to put ex. [EMAIL PROTECTED] to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> The QMail FAQ only seems to cover how to forward all mail to _one_ user
> account.

The FAQ tells you how to forward a domain's mail to a single user who
can then forward it on appropriately.

For instance, if I have in qmail/control/virtualdomains:

Then [EMAIL PROTECTED] would be controlled by ~vern/.qmail-john which could


If you want the user (vern) to independently control multiple virtual
domains you could put in qmail/control/virtualdomains:

So that [EMAIL PROTECTED] would be controlled by ~vern/.qmail-foogrill-zz

Hope this helps.

Vern Hart  O  Creative Design Engineer - The Hungry Programmers
   `+,.,+'   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 1:13pm up 18 day(s), 3:22, 17 users, load average: 0.19, 0.17, 0.18 

Re: qmail II request

1999-01-04 Thread Vern Hart

On 3 Jan 1999, Russ Allbery wrote:
> Paul Gregg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > But cron only emails any output sent to stdout.  So ensure none happens
> > and tack on |/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > to the end of the cron line.
> And that should be 2>&1 |/var/qmail/bin/qmail-inject, I believe.

Except that that will result in a blank email if there is no output.  I
had to kludge a broken cron implementation so I wrote a quick script
that only sends email if there is any output.  See cronoutput at:

I've only tested it for a short time so YMMV.

Vern Hart  O  Creative Design Engineer - The Hungry Programmers
   `+,.,+'   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 10:43pm up 22 day(s), 12:52, 16 users, load average: 0.07, 0.12, 0.14 

Re: remember this?

1999-01-18 Thread Vern Hart

On Tue, 19 Jan 1999, Peter van Dijk wrote:
> > 
> > Looks like it's time for the qmail list to be limited to subscriber-only
> > posts with non-subscriber posts going to a moderator.
> Well, make sure a posting from [EMAIL PROTECTED] (me) then gets
> approved automatically since [EMAIL PROTECTED] is on the
> list. I know that a few subscribers use this method to filter out
> mail. Can be done automatically I guess.

That's what the subscriber list under DIR/extra is for.  And a person
could subscribe their alternate email addresses to it themselves by

I think that's an ezmlm-idx'ism and I'm not sure if Dan's running -idx.

> > I will gladly volunteer my services as moderator if needed.
> Good luck :)

It shouldn't be that big of a deal.  But it's a mute point unless djb
implements it.

Vern Hart  O  Creative Design Engineer - The Hungry Programmers
   `+,.,+'   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 9:45pm up 37 day(s), 11:54, 21 users, load average: 0.18, 0.16, 0.16 

Re: Local delivery and host masquerading

1999-01-19 Thread Vern Hart

On Mon, 18 Jan 1999, Niels Jensen wrote:
> So, some of my control files are:
> (to define local addresses)
> defaultdomain:
> defaulthost: (my ISP)
> If I send mail to myself using the local-local test from TEST.deliver,
> the mail is delivered remotely to the sonic mailserver, because 
> is added to my username. How do I get qmail to stop doing this?

That's because your defaulthost is  When qmail-inject sends
an email to an address without a host, it adds the default host (see
qmail-inject manpage).

Change it to

Actually, you should change it to whatever is in control/me because is obviously not a valid host name.

--__   _ ___ _  _
  \ \ / / __| _ \ \| |
 Vern Hart \ V /| _||   / .` |
 [EMAIL PROTECTED]  \_/ |___|_|_\_|\_|

 10:38pm up 37 day(s), 12:47, 24 users, load average: 0.13, 0.15, 0.16 

Re:remember this?

1999-01-18 Thread Vern Hart

On 17 Jan 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Hi my name is Abegail

Looks like it's time for the qmail list to be limited to subscriber-only
posts with non-subscriber posts going to a moderator.

This works quite well to keep spam levels at zero for a couple of lists
I maintain.  And, since most posts come from subscribers, discussion
isn't delayed significantly.

I will gladly volunteer my services as moderator if needed.

Vern Hart  O  Creative Design Engineer - The Hungry Programmers
   `+,.,+'   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 2:03pm up 37 day(s), 4:12, 25 users, load average: 0.35, 0.29, 0.23 

Re: qmail/ezmlm writing strange envelope From?

1999-04-14 Thread Vern Hart

On Tue, 13 Apr 1999, David Lindes wrote:
> I've got a setup on my ISP's machine using qmail where they are
> hosting several virtualdomains for me, and I am setting up
> mailing lists within some of those domains with ezmlm.
> The problem I'm seeing is that the envelope from header on
> messages going out from ezmlm to me or other people on the same
> ISP are getting re-written (or written in the first place by
> ezmlm, I'm not sure which) such that instead of having
> listname-return-id-user=domain, they have
> listname-return-id-qmaildeliverexpansion=domain
> For example, when sending mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], which
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] is a subscriber of, instead of having:
> I get:
> Because the virtualdomains entry (in /var/qmail/control) for
> looks like this:

You're subscribed as [EMAIL PROTECTED] which is a local address.  It
locally translates to lindes-daveltd.d/com/  It
seems to me it shouldn't be translating it because translating the
local part without changing the host part to a local host (as opposed
to a virtual host) often makes it an invalid address.

qmail-send is the program that rewrites foo-return-@host-@[] to
foo-return-recip=domain@host.  qmail-send is also the program that
translates the address according to the rules in virtualdomains.

It sounds to me like there's an order of operations error here.

If your address -were- to start bouncing, I don't think ezmlm would know
because the bounce will be coming back with an invalid address embedded
in the envelope.  That doesn't seem right.

After a quick glance at qmail-send.c, it's not immediately obvious how
to change the order of operations.

\ \   / __| _ \  \ |   Vern Hart
 \ \ /  _|/ .  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \_/  ___|_|_\_|\_|

Re: Why many .qmail files in $HOME?

2000-01-10 Thread Vern Hart

On Tomorrow, Giles Lean wrote:
> One regular sticking point for user (rather than administrator)
> acceptance of qmail is that all the .qmail-* files a user creates go
> in $HOME.

I like a clean home dir as well.  Which is why, for myself, I have
added to users/assign:


(Don't forget the dot (.) on the last line of the file.)

This puts .qmail and .qmail-default in my home directory but
everything else is in .qmails/

Works great.  This changes ~/.qmail-foo to ~/.qmails/foo and really
cleans up my home directory.

\ \   / __| _ \  \ |   Vern Hart
 \ \ /  _|/ .  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \_/  ___|_|_\_|\_|

RE: Encryption and t-shirts

2000-02-28 Thread Vern Hart

Today, Dave Sill wrote:
> I've been kicking around the idea of a qmail t-shirt for some time,
> but I've been too busy to actually do it.

There are a lot of good ideas here!
Usually when I'm asked to make a qmail shirt, ideas are few and far

> I'll buy at least one if:
>  1) I like the design[1],

What about this design:
If people like it, I could have it available for online ordering
within a week.

>  2) the cost is reasonable[2], and

Should cost $17.50 plus shipping.

>  3) my size (XXL)[3] is available.

XXL is $2 extra (XXXL is $3 extra).

> [1] I prefer my dolphin logo to the Q w/arrows logo, but that wouldn't
> stop me from buying one. :-)

I could easily give two (or more!) options.  Do you have a large,
clean version of your dolphon logo?

\ \   / __| _ \  \ |   Vern Hart
 \ \ /  _|/ .  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \_/  ___|_|_\_|\_|

RE: Encryption and t-shirts

2000-02-28 Thread Vern Hart

Today, Kai MacTane wrote:
> My US$.02 on this design:
> * I prefer black t-shirts; I pretty much only wear white t-shirts on
>laundry day.

I prefer black as well, but I can do gray, white, and tan much
quicker and cheaper in one-off runs.  If enough of us decide we want
black, we can take orders, have them printed and then distributed.
This is easy enough but it will take longer and the price will
depend on how many we make.

> * People often wear t-shirts underneath sweatshirts, jackets, or
>other things that cover the back but not the front. Putting the
>sendmail logo on the front and the qmail logo on the back can
>easily defeat the purpose of this shirt.

I don't think I own a tshirt that doesn't have a logo on the front.
Oh, you probably mean the most prominent logo is the sendmail one...
Well, we could switch them and/or put all the words on the back with
a small qmail logo on the front...

> * I don't know what the legal considerations are in using the
>sendmail logo without permission; since they're now "Sendmail,
>Inc.", they may well have trademarked that logo.

Actually, it's not the sendmail logo.  To avoid copying it too
closely I drew it from memory and if you ask me, I only barely
matched the basic design.

Also, sendmail, inc has a different logo.

But if people don't like it, we can easily get rid of it.

\ \   / __| _ \  \ |   Vern Hart
 \ \ /  _|/ .  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \_/  ___|_|_\_|\_|

RE: Encryption and t-shirts

2000-02-28 Thread Vern Hart

Today, John Gonzalez/netMDC admin wrote:
> I'll take two and make the bidness pay for them. But i would also like to
> have a few diff. choices, some of the other 'slogans' mentioned were also
> good.

I can do one or two more "taglines".  What are people's top "second"

\ \   / __| _ \  \ |   Vern Hart
 \ \ /  _|/ .  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \_/  ___|_|_\_|\_|

Re: Encryption and t-shirts

2000-02-28 Thread Vern Hart

Today, Rogerio Brito wrote:
>   How much would it be for shipping to Brazil?

Looks like international shipping would be:

   4-6 weeks (USPS Surface)  $3  plus $2 per item.
   7-10 days (USPS Air)  $6  plus $3 per item.
   3 days(USPS Express)  $25 plus $3 per item.

Unless you want a black shirt, then I'd have to figure out what
shipping would be on an individual basis.

\ \   / __| _ \  \ |   Vern Hart
 \ \ /  _|/ .  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \_/  ___|_|_\_|\_|

Re: Encryption and t-shirts

2000-02-28 Thread Vern Hart

Today, Rogerio Brito wrote:
>   Well, I'd love to have one... Please if anybody makes one,
>   please do think about the poor souls of other countries that
>   will have to pay for the international money order and also
>   for the expensive overseas shipping rates... :-(

The online service I will use accepts credit cards (via SSL or
telephone) so foreigners shouldn't have any problems.

>   That's also a problem. I don't know what size I'd use in the
>   US standards... :-)

If you measure your chest with a tape measure (under your arms,
around the widest part)  I think the conventional sizes are as

   Size Inches
   Medium   38-40
   XLarge   46-48
   XXLarge  50-52
   XXXLarge 54-56

Most people like to wear tshirts loose and so choose the next larger

\ \   / __| _ \  \ |   Vern Hart
 \ \ /  _|/ .  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \_/  ___|_|_\_|\_|

Re: Encryption and t-shirts

2000-02-28 Thread Vern Hart

Today, Adrian Urquhart wrote:
> Ok, I'll have a couple.
> Can I put in an official order?

I'll let everyone know when orders will be possible and the URL for

> Is there to be a choice of colour and front/back logos?

I will take one or two other slogans and make them available with
either logo.  The shirt color choices will only be ash (gray),
white, and natural (tan).  Of the three choices, I like the natural
best.  You will make the choices at the time of ordering.

I had planned on making two varieties of each slogan.  One with the
Q-arrows logo (small, on the left front) and the slogan and Q-arrows
logo on the back (big).  The second variation would be the same with
the dolphin logo substituted.  Should I be bothered with making a
variation with different logos on the front versus the back?

\ \   / __| _ \  \ |   Vern Hart
 \ \ /  _|/ .  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \_/  ___|_|_\_|\_|

Re: Encryption and t-shirts

2000-02-28 Thread Vern Hart

Today, Tom Reinertson wrote:
> Personally, I wouldn't mix logos -- I like the styles you've
> listed.  I do have one suggestion, though.  I would prefer to pay
> a little more and get a really high quality, heavy t-shirt.  I
> can't stand light weight, flimsy, see-thru t-shirts.

I agree.  The basic shirt is a Haynes Beefy-T, Heavyweight. 
The sweatshirt option is a Jerzees 50/50 7.5 oz fleece.
The sweatshirt costs about $5 more.

If you want a more heavyweight tshirt, you could get a Henley (tshirt
with three buttons) which is made by Cotton Deluxe and is a nice 7
ounces.  But the Henley costs about $10 more.

\ \   / __| _ \  \ |   Vern Hart
 \ \ /  _|/ .  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \_/  ___|_|_\_|\_|

RE: Encryption and t-shirts

2000-02-29 Thread Vern Hart

Today, Mullen, Patrick wrote:
> I can't believe I'm participating in this thread,
> but I've been thinking about the design, and this
> is what I came up with.  It should avoid the
> Q with arrows vs. dolphin debate, the
> logo debate, keep the entire saying in one place
> rather than splitting it up front and back (a style
> that I've never particularly liked), and just
> plain look qool.  :)

I fundamentally agree with you, though I'm not worried about the
sendmail logo (since it's not).  Also, I don't think we should mix
the logos.

Here's my latest round of designs:

I'll be making at least one more design[1] with a different slogan.
These will not have the pseudo-sendmail bat for those frightened by
bats (and pseudo-bats).

Critiques are welcome.  Note that I plan to make all the designs
available so there's no need to "vote" for your favorite.


[1] Actually, each design will be two as I'll make it once with the
Q-Arrows and once with the dolphin.
\ \   / __| _ \  \ |   Vern Hart
 \ \ /  _|/ .  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \_/  ___|_|_\_|\_|

Re: Encryption and t-shirts

2000-02-29 Thread Vern Hart

Today, Kai MacTane wrote:
> Actually, I rather like the idea of a bat struggling under a huge quantity 
> of mail, kind of small, with a larger dolphin underneath flinging mail all 
> over the place and looking generally happy. (Of course, dolphins pretty 
> much always look happy anyway...) Maybe the dolphin could be tossing the 
> mail toward its (unseen, off-screen) destination with its mouth, or batting 
> it there with its tail, or even blasting it there with a jet from its 
> blowhole. (Or all three at once.)

Heh!  You've just exceeded my artistic capabilities.  If someone
wanted to take on this cartoon endeavor, I'd be happy to put it on a

> If the size ratios were sort of like below, I think it would still be 
> definitely representing qmail more than sendmail. (I think it's important 
> that it be more pro-qmail than anti-sendmail; I've always preferred to 
> define myself by what I'm for than by what I'm against).

That's reasonable.  Tonight, when I get home, I'll rework it so that
the qmail logo is bigger.


Re: Encryption and t-shirts

2000-02-29 Thread Vern Hart

Today, Michael Handler wrote:
> Front:
>   "qmail" stylized text + dolphin logo, as displayed at
>   (though maybe without the URL) on the left breast
> Back:
>("qmail" stylized text)
> (dolphin logo)
>  Secure, reliable, efficient.
>  Pick three.
> (white space)

That's sort of what I was thinking for the next design.  I haven't
decided, yet, whether I want the logo big (and slightly lightened)
with the words superimposed or more like what you've described.

> It's probably time to start a mailing list for qmail t-shirt chatter if
> this discussion is going to go on much longer...

Well, at least we've kept the same Subject so if someone wanted to
kill the thread, the could.  :-)

\ \   / __| _ \  \ |   Vern Hart
 \ \ /  _|/ .  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \_/  ___|_|_\_|\_|

Re: Encryption and t-shirts

2000-03-02 Thread Vern Hart

On Tuesday, Michael Handler wrote:
> Back:
>("qmail" stylized text)
> (dolphin logo)
>  Secure, reliable, efficient.
>  Pick three.
> (white space)

The latest round of designs are at

They are the above quote, plus the anti-sendmail quote.  Both with
each logo version.

Let me know the latest round of critiques.

\ \   / __| _ \  \ |   Vern Hart
 \ \ /  _|/ .  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \_/  ___|_|_\_|\_|

Re: Will queue mail for sex

2000-04-12 Thread Vern Hart

Today, Fredrick Backman wrote:
> There was a discussion about qmail t-shirts a while back. Has
> anyone seen this site? They seel qmail t-shirtsspeaking of the
> tcp/ip, how about "Will queue mail for sex?" :-) (ok, for food
> then?)

I was going to offer four tshirts for sale on the web but the site
that I was going to use,, fell off the net and
hasn't resurfaced.

Those prices at nerdgear are pretty good.  Especially for
embroidery.  Even with shipping.

\ \   / __| _ \  \ |   Vern Hart
 \ \ /  _|/ .  |   [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  \_/  ___|_|_\_|\_|

Qmail Tshirts

2000-10-10 Thread Vern Hart

For what it's worth, now offers four new products
which I have made available with the qmail designs.  They are: an
ash gray tshirt, a sweat shirt, a long sleeve tshirt and a "Baby
Doll" tshirt.


Re: Qmail Tshirts

2000-10-10 Thread Vern Hart

Today, Peter van Dijk wrote:
> > 
> >
> I'd go out and borrow somebody's creditcard right now if they were black
> instead of white, and a bit cheaper for European customers.

Yeah, I'd prefer a dark color as well (though I've got more than
enough black shirts).  But to do black, you'd have to do silk screen
and to do silk screen you'd have to commit to some number of orders
and deal with distribution etc.  With, all I do is
supply the images, they do the rest.  Makes it much easier for me.

I suppose they'd have to have a European branch to bring down the
costs to their European customers.  If you know of anyone willing to
start one up, I'm sure they'd at least talk to them...

Again, I reiterate:  If anyone wants to run a silk screen batch,
you're welcome to snag my designs and modify them to have more
appropriate colors for a black shirt.  If you do, let me know, I'd
be interested.


Re: Qmail Tshirts

2000-10-11 Thread Vern Hart

Today, wolfgang zeikat wrote:
> would you add ash gray long sleeve too?

You can always ask.  Now that they have gray tshirts, the color
is no longer an issue.  Send them an email letting them know someone
wants one and maybe they'll get enough requests for it...



Re: Qmail Tshirts

2000-10-11 Thread Vern Hart

Today, Greg Cope wrote:
> A bit cheaper - come on - I would buy a few - but the shipping is
> outrageous !

Wow, you're right!  I wonder why they don't just use the USPS Global
Priority Mail...

> Can anything be done about this ? you never know you might sell alot
> more!

Well, they charge $4 (plus $1.50 per additional items) to ship in
the US...  You could have them ship it to me and then I can ship it
to you via Global Priority Mail.  GPM is $9 for whatever I can stuff
into a 9.5"x12.5" cardboard envelope (not to exceed 4 pounds).  Then
you could just pay me for the second leg.

How much does a tshirt weigh?  I'm pretty sure I could stuff 3
tshirts into one of those envelopes, maybe 4.

That would change shipping to:

   1   $13.00

   * Assuming I can stuff 3 or 4 shirts into an envelope and they
 weigh less than 4 pounds.  Otherwise, add $9 for another

Mouse pads will also fit quite nicely into these envelopes but don't
even consider a mug.  :-)

The only catch:  I don't have a way of accepting credit cards (at
least not internationally).  I have paypal but you have to be in the
US to set up an account.  Anyone know of any other options?


Re: down?

2001-02-04 Thread Vern Hart

Today, Matthew Hunter wrote:
> is refusing my connections to port 80.
> I *was* planning to set up a qmail server this weekend
> with some of the patches on that site.  Since it seems to be
> down, does anyone know why?  And, ideally, know where a working
> mirror is?

Off the top of my head I can remember one mirror:
