Re: [QUAD-L] New wheelchair wheelie wheels question

2006-08-16 Thread tahouston

If your backrest has a slight recline to it and 
most of your battery weight is also in the rear, going forward up an incline 
will most definitely take your front wheels off the ground and throw you 
T. Houston C5 C6

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, August 16, 2006 7:09 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] New wheelchair wheelie 
  wheels question
  Just got a new electric .wheelchair Question on those back 
  wheelie wheels things.Do i really need them,they seem tO Be a pain in the 
  butt.I never had to worry before about them when they were not on about 
  tipping  back.Did any of you 

[QUAD-L] investing

2006-08-02 Thread tahouston

Listen up before investing

[QUAD-L] Fw: Medical release notification v9

2006-07-26 Thread tahouston

Subject: Re: medical release notification V9 

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Re: [QUAD-L] Whining-For those over 30

2006-07-24 Thread tahouston

I'm over 50 and living in the eighties sounds 
like a cake walk.  
T Houston

  - Original Message - 
  To: Quad 
  Sent: Monday, July 24, 2006 4:46 PM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Whining-For those over 


  This makes my 
day a little better...
IF you are 30 or older you 
will think this is hilarious
This doesn't even include 
home health-care for us who had injuries when we were teenagers.  
Prior to a certain year, your family had to be your caregiver.  At 
one time the terms "Home Health Aide" did not exist or was not a 
household word.
>When I was a kid, 
adults used to bore me to tears with their tedious
>diatribes about how 
hard things were when they were growing up; what
>with walking 
twenty-five miles to school every morning .. uphill BOTH
>ways through year 
'round blizzards. Carrying their younger siblings
>on their backs ... to 
their one-room schoolhouse, where they maintained
>a Straight-A average, 
despite their full-time, after-school job at the
>local textile mill ... 
where they worked for 35 cents an hour just to
>help keep
>their family from 
starving to death! And I remember promising myself
>that when I grew up, 
there was no way in hell I was going to lay a bunch
>of crap like that on 
kids about how hard I had it and how easy they've
>got it!
But now 
>I'm over the ripe old 
age of thirty, I can't help but look around and
>notice the youth of 
today. You've got it so easy! I mean, compared to my
>childhood, you live in 
a damn Utopia! And I hate to say it but you kids
>today you don't know 
how good you've got it! I mean, when I was a kid we
>didn't have The 
Internet. If we wanted to know something, we had to go
>to the damn library and 
look it up ourselves, in the card catalog!!
>There was no email! We 
had to actually write somebody a letter ... with
>a pen! Then you had to 
walk all the way across the street and put it in
>the mailbox and it 
would take like a week to get there!
>There were no MP3's or 
Napsters! You wanted to steal music, you had to
>hitchhike to the damn 
record store and shoplift it yourself! Or you had
>to wait around all day 
to tape it off the radio and the DJ'd usually
>talk over the beginning 
and messed it all up!
>We didn't have fancy 
crap like Call Waiting! If you were on the phone
>and somebody else 
called they got a busy signal, that's it! And we
>didn't have fancy 
Caller ID Boxes either! When the phone rang, you had
>no idea who it was! It 
could be your school, your mom, your boss, your
>bookie, your drug 
dealer, a collections agent, you just didn't know!!!
>had to pick it up and 
take your chances, mister!
>We didn't have any 
fancy Sony Play station video games with
>high-resolution 3-D 
graphics! We had the Atari 2600! With games like
>"Space Invaders" and 
"Asteroids" and the graphics sucked ! Your guy was
>a little square! You 
actually had to use your imagination! And there
>were no multiple levels 
or screens, it was just one screen forever! And
>could never win. The 
game just kept getting harder and harder and faster
>and faster until you 
died!  Just like LIFE!
>When you went to the 
movie theater there no such thing as stadium
>seating! All the seats 
were the same height! If a tall guy or some old
>broad with a hat sat in 
front of you and you couldn't see, you were just
>Sure, we had cable 
television, but back then that was only like 15
>channels and there was 
no onscreen menu and no remote control! You had
>to use a little book 
called a TV Guide to find out what was on! You were
>screwed when it came to 
channel surfing! You had to get off your ass and
>walk over to the TV to 
change the channel and there was no Cartoon
>Network either! You 
could only get cartoons on Saturday Morning. Do you
>hear what I'm saying!?! 
We had to wait ALL WEEK for cartoons, you
>spoiled little 
>And we didn

Re: [QUAD-L] OT is coming

2006-07-22 Thread tahouston

STAND?  What is that?  I've read about 
it and fiction magazines but have never known such a creature to actually 
stand!  (LOL) :-)
T. Houston C5 C6

  - Original Message - 
  KK Batte 
  Sent: Saturday, July 22, 2006 9:54 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] OT is coming
  After 3 years of recovering I have finally accepted that this 
  is as  good as I am going to get.  Got the referral for OT at 
  home.I have eating under control & bathing.  I can stand for 
  about 10  minutes, long enough to wash the dishes.  My aid comes 
  29 hours a  week.  But I want to be able to do more even while 
  she is here.  I  have use of my right arm.What things 
  can you do for yourself?KK

Re: [QUAD-L] Viewing the "Big Picture"

2006-07-22 Thread tahouston

I could not have said it better!
T Houston

  - Original Message - 
  Tim Thompson 
  Cc: quad 
  Sent: Friday, July 21, 2006 3:09 PM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Viewing the "Big 
  The Stem Cell "Dilema"In my opinion, the 
  deeper issue requires an insight into how an "Inch" keeps turning into the 
  horror mile.Org "Roe vs Wade" was nothing more than lifting the 
  restriction on abortion during the 1st tri-mester That inch was twisted into a 
  "Constitutional Right" to the point of argueing for sucking the brains out of 
  the skull just before birth. Approx 47,000,000 abortions have been committed, 
  and a good portion of those were AFTER that 1st tri-mester.Org "Child 
  Abuse" laws were about "real" abuse, now they've been taken so far as to 
  punish parents who "ground" their brats, after every other form of "attitude 
  adjustment" has been declared "child Abuse". Since mom can't wash out the 
  mouth of her brat, society now is forced to endurelistening to teenagers AND 
  CHILDREN who could make a sailor blush. There is no "Seperation of Church 
  and State" clause in the 1st Amendment, however the part of "prohibiting free 
  exercise thereof" is totaly ignored. Now its been twisted into prevention 
  of "exercise thereof", declaring a public place can't allow it.Our modern 
  "Indoctrination Centers" aka "Public Schools" have robbed an entire generation 
  of the truth in favor of "Political Correctness". So a whole generation can't 
  see how wrong those decisions are.For this reason, too many people don't 
  have the knowledge required to see through sound bite news and political 
  issues.Remember, the USA wouldn't exist w/o "Christianity", as "FREEDOM" 
  in itself is derived from "Freedom of Choice", and our "Bill of Rights" got 
  their seeds from such Christian philosophies including "Love thy Neighbor". 
  Check for yourself at 
  "Organized Religion" is a man made Idea, and that is a whole can of worms 
  which divides and seperates instead of just following the basic 
  principles.For that reason I consider myself a Christian, but I don't 
  believe in organized religion.But I do see the possibility for abuse if 
  the "Inch" is given regarding embryoninic research.This is based on the 
  previous abuses, not my religious views.Today "disgaurded fetuses"  
  tomorrow it could be  embryo's  created just for 
  harvesting.Believe me, THAT is a real moral dilema. One where human life 
  has no value.Stunt 

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-21 Thread tahouston

Only stem cells derived from abortions 
are not not federally funded.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, July 20, 2006 11:59 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill 
  he just made it impossible to do stem cell research in a facility that 
  accepts gov't funding. A little technicallity that makes 97% of the medical 
  fasilities in the US unavailable for this research.I hope he watches his 
  children die of a slow debiltating disease that would have been curable in 5 
  In a message dated 7/19/2006 11:44:08 PM Eastern Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
George Bush did not kill research on stem 
cells, he just refused to fund it with taxpayers money.  Like many 
other sickness and diseases, researchers continuing on with private 
donations and private fundraisers.  Any person who wants to sit around 
and wait for the government to take action on important issues that they may 
benefit from I suggest is wasting their time.  Most cures in this 
country have been discovered through R&D of private companies in the 
perseverance of medical scientists and doctors funded by private 
T. Houston C5 

Re: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill Killed

2006-07-19 Thread tahouston

George Bush did not kill research on stem 
cells, he just refused to fund it with taxpayers money.  Like many 
other sickness and diseases, researchers continuing on with private donations 
and private fundraisers.  Any person who wants to sit around and wait for 
the government to take action on important issues that they may benefit from I 
suggest is wasting their time.  Most cures in this country have been 
discovered through R&D of private companies in the perseverance of medical 
scientists and doctors funded by private donations.
T. Houston C5 C6

  - Original Message - 
  To: Quad List 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 3:50 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Stem Cell Bill 
  Bush uses first-ever veto to kill stem cell bill 32minutes 
  US    President George W. Bushused 
  his veto for the first time since taking office,blocking a bill that would 
  have expanded federalfunding for embryonic stem cell research. 
   "It crosses a moral boundary that our decent societyneeds to 
  respect, so I vetoed it," Bush said inremarks at the White House, saying 
  that in rejectingthe legislation he is "keeping the promise I made 
  tothe American people."As science brings us ever closer to 
  unlocking thesecrets of human biology, it also offers temptationsto 
  manipulate human life and violate human dignity,"said Bush."Our 
  conscience and history as a nation demand that weresist this temptation," 
  Bush said.The stem cell research endorsed by the Senate onTuesday 
  would have used embryos -- some consisting ofjust a handful of cells -- 
  left over from in vitrofertilization (IVF) procedures.The 
  president had long vowed to veto the bill becauseof his deeply held moral 
  beliefs that destroying humanlife is wrong -- even in its earliest form, 
  and evenin the interest of research that could lead topotentially 
  life-saving medical breakthroughs.Bush made the announcement at a 
  White House signingceremony for alternative bioethics legislation 
  knownas "The Fetus Farming Prohibition Act," making it acrime to 
  initiate a pregnancy for the sole purpose ofobtaining human organs or 
  tissue for research.Present for the announcement were several 
  familieswith "snowflake babies" -- children conceived viadonated 
  embryos left over from IVF treatments.The president vetoed the Stem 
  Cell ResearchEnhancement Act despite widespread support by the 
  USpublic and ardent backers in Congress, who onWednesday urged Bush to 
  reconsider his stance.Stem cell research advocates say the technique 
  showspromise for the treatment of degenerative diseasessuch as 
  Alzheimer's and Parkinson's, and for diabetes.The bill would have 
  lifted rules set by Bush in 2001making federal funds available only for 
  research on asmall number of embryonic stem cell lines whichexisted at 
  that time.Government money is barred from supporting work on 
  newlines derived from human embryos -- a restriction thatopponents say 
  hampers overall research.In London, Martin Rees, the president of the 
  RoyalSociety -- Britain's de facto academy of sciences --said the US 
  policy "is slowing down the global effortto develop therapies for a range 
  of diseases andillnesses.""If the present restrictions remain, it 
  would surelymean that the United States will continue to fallbehind in 
  this important and exciting area," saidRees.The Senate approved 
  the measure by a 63-37 vote -- amargin too small to override a 
  presidential veto.Nevertheless, 41 Senate Democrats sent a letter 
  toMajority Leader Bill Frist, urging him to lobbysupport among 
  congressional Republicans to overturnBush's veto."We are pleased 
  that you supported this importantlegislation and know that you recognize 
  the enormouspotential of this research for discovering new curesand 
  therapies for diseases such as diabetes,Parkinsons disease and spinal cord 
  injuries."The only chance for overriding this veto rests withyou 
  and the Republican caucuses in the House and theSenate."Millions 
  of patients and their families across thenation cannot afford to wait any 
  longer for theenactment of this urgently needed legislation," 
  theDemocratic lawmakers wrote. "We are counting on your leadership 
  to help ensurethat this legislation becomes law so that we mayfinally 
  clear the way for research that could lead totreatments and cures for so 
  many debilitating diseaseand conditions," Democrats 
  You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection 

Re: [QUAD-L] deep thoughts...sorta

2006-07-19 Thread tahouston

I have been asked the same question several 
times over the years.  I also chose to keep my body as is then to spend the 
rest of my life blind.
T. Houston C5 C6

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, July 19, 2006 3:26 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] deep 
  Someone asked me the other day if I would trade my eyes for a 
  new body. After a bit of thought, I said no, even though I could likely be 
  more independent.Interesting thought:  Life is a road with 
  infini-te lanes. We all travel this road to the same destination. However, 
  we all change lanes many times. Some lanes are for speeders, some are 
  dangerous, some are congested, and some are littered with wrecks. And of 
  course, the lane next to us always moves faster and more 
  smoothly...until we merge into it! The final destination? Well, we 
  won't know until we get there.

Re: [QUAD-L] About therapy

2006-07-19 Thread tahouston

Ditto again Ron
T Houston

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, July 18, 2006 6:32 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] About therapy
  Ive been a c7 quad for 9 years, 7 of those I have do 3 hours therapy 
  every tues and thurs. Im strong as hell, but Im not going to walk away, at 
  least anytime soon.
  If I had the chance for stem  cells or any possible therapy to get 
  on my feet or better myself I would take it. I would work 24 hours a day if I 
  thought I could get better.
  But the truth is stem cells are many years away from helping any of us 
  old time quads. Its going to help the freshly injured way b4 it helps us. 
  Another fact is people that have healthy families dont care about paralyzed 
  individuals, and many of them feel we brought this on ourselves or werent 
  right with god.
  So enjoy the small things we have left and build on them. Dont get caught 
  up in the hope game, give yourself the best life you can by getting out there 
  and doing something to make you feel worthwhile. If a cure comes..youll 
  hear about it.
  Remember noone gets out of here alive, and the so called able bodied are 
  only that way for a time. Everything has a duration period. Even the most 
  gorgeous blonde will dry up and get old.
  We are all equals and deserve to live and enjoy life, get out and demand 
  yours. Dont let any red tape or bad attitudes stop you.
  Ron c7 

Re: [QUAD-L] I Wonder Why

2006-07-17 Thread tahouston

God did not say that the rich will not 
reach heaven, it is interpreted that the rich who honors and worship material 
items will not enter heaven.  That also goes for poor people.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 11:39 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] I Wonder Why
  Sandy, You missed the big convo about stem cells about a year ago. There 
  are a lot of folks that think the president is right because he is a very 
  moral man ,,in the mind of some people. Nevermind the science, its immoral to 
  change gods punnishments. Same arguement they had against using cadavars. 
  These aren't cells, these are babies! These are miracles! Yada yada
  Just write politicians and who knows, maybe we will walk in time for all 
  the fundamentalists to destroy the planet in the name of god.
  Try reminding them that god said rich people will not enter heaven, so 
  why take moral advice from people who are going to burn in hell.
  In a message dated 7/16/2006 6:46:10 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
Lately there have been several posts 
about stem cells that generated NO discussion. STEM CELLS GROW NERVES! It 
can change our life in our lifetime! I feel no passion, no fervor, no 
excitement from this group. There are more discussions about Walmart. I 
don't understand it. I just wonder why??? Sandy 

Re: [QUAD-L] Wal-Mart

2006-07-17 Thread tahouston

I had great medical benefits of my job while I 
was working and I also had to pay for it.  Most companies cannot afford to 
pay 100% of medical benefits for all of their employees.  Even the large 
motor companies with the lucrative unions continually layoff workers so that the 
remaining workers can keep their benefits.  Do you think that the employees 
who are remaining feel enough empathy for the employees that were laid off to 
give up some of their benefits and lower their pay scale?  I think 
T. Houston C5 C6

  - Original Message - 
  To: ; Bill_J 
  Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 11:06 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Wal-Mart

What do you think will happen when Wal-Mart employees 
finally unionize? 
One of my aids works for Wal-Mart btw and they talk about it more 
than people think but if management hears it you'll be fired in a 
One Wal-Mart store in Canada unionized and Wal-Mart simply 
closed the store leaving a massive empty eyesore.
Wal-Mart doesn't provide health care unless you pay for 
Almost half  can't afford it and the ones who do find it 
doesn't cover dental or eye doctors. 

From: Bill_J
Date: 07/17/06 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
Walmart DOES provide 
health insurance after 6 months on the job.  It also pays 
$7.50/hour here.  Granted, that is NOT enough to raise a family on, 
but with health insurance and stock options a single person can do 
it.  Sure, they sell stuff from China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, India, 
etc.  Do you think your Dodge Charger is made 100% in 
America?  The engine is from Germany, the transmission is from 
France and the rack and pinion steering is from Mexico.  There is 
not one product that is 100% made in America.  Dell computers claim 
to be, but the wiring is from Taiwan, circuit boards are from Japan, 
etc.  Sure the DVD's, VCR's and TV's are made in Asian 
countries.  Workers in America (and their unions) demand too high 
of wages to make "Made in America" profitable.
Bill age 55C6 
Incomplete since 7/20/68Leesburg, FLI personally don't mind 
growing old, but my body's taking it badly.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 11:24 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 

No jobless?  really?   GW has sent US unemployment 
to zero?   That's got to be a first.   When did all 
this happen?
Walmart could pay for lots of stuff, then raise prices and be less 
competitive.    For such an intelligent man, your view on 
this one really baffles me.  You obviously just want Walmart gone - 
I can at least understand that - free enterprise goes only so far 
with you.  My guess is you are for animal rights, against lab-rat 
testing and a vegetarian as well.  Everyone has an opinion.
In a message dated 7/17/2006 6:31:37 A.M. US Mountain Standard 
Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

Americans aren't jobless and walmart could pay for healthcare and 
beatup insurance companies too, dave.
In a message dated 7/15/2006 6:26:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

Americans are jobless because they won't work for the same 
I think all US-WALMART employees pay US taxes.   If you 
mean the Chinese workers,  NO Chinese worker pays US 
taxes.   American companies can get on WALMART's shelves, they 
just have to follow Walmart's rules.   The internet is also as 
great place to hawk one's wares.  Bossing Walmart around is a poor 
substitute for smarting up and beating them at their own game.  

Are you suggesting that Walmart should dismiss all foreign labor and 
hire only American workers at whatever the Americans will consent to 
work for because that's the loyal thing to do?  You think they 
should voluntarily or be forced to hire expensive labor and live with 
the losses?  Are you ready to pay more for everything on the 
shelves at Walmart? 
After forcing Walmart to do the loyal thing, will you go after the 
oil industry to roll back prices to the 1950 level?  They are both 
in the fantasy realm you know. 


Re: [QUAD-L] Wal-Mart

2006-07-17 Thread tahouston

T. Houston C5 C6

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 10:45 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Wal-Mart
  Walmart DOES provide health 
  insurance after 6 months on the job.  It also pays $7.50/hour here.  
  Granted, that is NOT enough to raise a family on, but with health insurance 
  and stock options a single person can do it.  Sure, they sell stuff from 
  China, Korea, Japan, Taiwan, India, etc.  Do you think your Dodge Charger 
  is made 100% in America?  The engine is from Germany, the transmission is 
  from France and the rack and pinion steering is from Mexico.  There is 
  not one product that is 100% made in America.  Dell computers claim to 
  be, but the wiring is from Taiwan, circuit boards are from Japan, etc.  
  Sure the DVD's, VCR's and TV's are made in Asian countries.  Workers in 
  America (and their unions) demand too high of wages to make "Made in America" 
  Bill age 55C6 Incomplete 
  since 7/20/68Leesburg, FLI personally don't mind growing old, but my 
  body's taking it badly.
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, July 17, 2006 11:24 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Wal-Mart

No jobless?  really?   GW has sent US unemployment to 
zero?   That's got to be a first.   When did all this 
Walmart could pay for lots of stuff, then raise prices and be less 
competitive.    For such an intelligent man, your view on 
this one really baffles me.  You obviously just want Walmart gone - I 
can at least understand that - free enterprise goes only so far with 
you.  My guess is you are for animal rights, against lab-rat testing 
and a vegetarian as well.  Everyone has an opinion.
In a message dated 7/17/2006 6:31:37 A.M. US Mountain Standard Time, 

  Americans aren't jobless and walmart could pay for healthcare and 
  beatup insurance companies too, dave.
  In a message dated 7/15/2006 6:26:00 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
Americans are jobless because they won't work for the same 
I think all US-WALMART employees pay US taxes.   If you 
mean the Chinese workers,  NO Chinese worker pays US 
taxes.   American companies can get on WALMART's shelves, they 
just have to follow Walmart's rules.   The internet is also as 
great place to hawk one's wares.  Bossing Walmart around is a poor 
substitute for smarting up and beating them at their own game.  

Are you suggesting that Walmart should dismiss all foreign labor and 
hire only American workers at whatever the Americans will consent to 
work for because that's the loyal thing to do?  You think they 
should voluntarily or be forced to hire expensive labor and live with 
the losses?  Are you ready to pay more for everything on the 
shelves at Walmart? 
After forcing Walmart to do the loyal thing, will you go after the 
oil industry to roll back prices to the 1950 level?  They are both 
in the fantasy realm you know. 


Re: [QUAD-L] I Wonder Why

2006-07-16 Thread tahouston

I was injured in May 1994.  
Exactly one year later I was attending seminars and discussions at the 
Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago informing SCI patients about the 
possibilities of stem cell replacements and nerve regeneration.  They had 
most of us believing that a cure was right around the corner.  Chatter and 
high expectations filled the room.  During that same year Christopher Reeve 
was injured and was very aggressive searching for a cure.  Here we are 12 
years later, Christopher Reeve is dead and the discussions in the seminars seem 
so repetitive.  For years I followed all of medical magazines and journals 
concerning SCI, received newsletters from the Miami Project and donated as much 
money as I am allowed to on my budget.  I have read stories about using 
shark cartilage in Tijuana Mexico to repair a spinal cord damage.  The 
articles that I had subscribed to would track the progress of the injured who 
went under the knife.  Supposedly a quad C5 C6 incomplete was able to use a 
walker six months after surgery and very minimal if any progress in the 
others.  Then an article comes out a year later indicating that it was all 
a scam.  I no longer can handle the highs and lows of new research. I 
figure that one day they will be a cure for SCI but not in my lifetime.  
Now the only time I will investigate an article about SCI cures is when they 
have progressed to human clinical trials.  A friend of mine, T5-C6 
paraplegic used to smile at me when I would call him or run to him with news 
about the latest SCI research.  He told me only the newly injured revel 
over new research.  We would all like to think our condition is only 
temporary but we lose valuable time living our lives hoping that a cure is right 
around the corner.  I still attend trade shows and donate to many 
projects.  There is hope for generations behind us.  
Legitimate clinical trials are 20 to 40 years away.  Let us pray for a cure 
for the youth of our society.
T. Houston C5 C6 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2006 5:45 PM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] I Wonder Why
  Lately there have been several posts about stem cells that generated NO 
  discussion. STEM CELLS GROW NERVES! It can change our life in our lifetime! I 
  feel no passion, no fervor, no excitement from this group. There are more 
  discussions about Walmart. I don't understand it. I just wonder why??? 

Re: [QUAD-L] Wal Mart and Made in America and so on.

2006-07-15 Thread tahouston

Ditto!!  My point exactly!
T. Houston C5 C6

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 6:43 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Wal Mart and Made in 
  America and so on.
     Many on this list may not be aware but 
  today with Modern Technology and a WORLD GLOBAL TRADE and Economy there is not 
  much MADE IN AMERICA exclusivly so much anymore..heck even many so called 
  American Cars have more FOREIGN PARTS than very many of the FOREIGN made 
  cars ... LOL this may be a sad fact but true, DO you know that EVEN our 
  AMERICAN FLAG is FOREIN MADE in ( China ) and other  

Re: [QUAD-L] Wal-Mart

2006-07-15 Thread tahouston

Once again, if Americans were loyal to 
American-made products and shop at the Marshall Field/Sears 
Roebuck/Carson/etc./stores there would be no market for Wal-Mart.  However 
we cannot have our cake and eat it too.  We can't keep factories making 
good quality products here in America and selling them for top dollar in order 
to support the wages and benefits, cash our paychecks and then complain about 
the price of the products we made.
I worked 20 years for Sears and they were 
accused also a low-wage hiring practices but they offered a very good 
profit-sharing plan.  I watched janitors retire with hundreds of thousands 
of dollars in stock options.  Wal-Mart is very similar.  They offer 
their employees a chance to invest into company profit-sharing but have little 
in the way of overall benefits.  I have been at both ends of the scale and 
now that I collect disability I understand what it is like to be poor.  A 
good education doesn't guarantee that you will win the economical race but it 
will assure you a spot at the starting gate.
- Original Message - 

  Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 5:23 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Wal-Mart
  At 03:44 PM 7/15/2006 -0500, tahouston said something that 
  elicited my response:  
  If Wal-Mart moves 
into your community, the community can vote it out by continuing to shop at 
the mom-and-pop stores.  If you took the average wage of the so-called 
illegal immigrants sweeping the floors at night, they still would not be 
paying taxes.  Sometimes Americans forget that poor people do not pay 
taxes.  Most people in the lower tax brackets get between 90 to 100% 
refund.I'm one of those working poor and it's true we 
  get back most all of the federal income tax BUT we don't get back the Medicare 
    There can 
be a Wal-Mart in the neighborhood and you can still continue to shop where 
ever you would like.Trouble is, Wally Mart drives out 
  all the other shops. I used to shop at one of our local Wally Marts until they 
  got so big it was more of a chore to shop there (huge lines at check out, 
  takes 20 minutes to get from one end of the store to the next - and they keep 
  moving things around so you are forced to hunt for what you need. Of course 
  they do this so you will impulse buy while your searching for what you really 
  need) than to go to several other stores to get what you need.
  Most Americans 
live hurried lives.  They enjoy the cheap prices and a one-stop 
shop.  As I was driving by the Ford Motor Company assembly plant in 
Illinois, I notice most of the employee cars in the parking lot were 
foreign-made.  We all say we would like to invest into American 
products but deep down inside we refuse to pay the higher 
  prices.As for cars, it wasn't the price but rather the 
  quality that made Americans switch to foreign cars. Dan V
  T. Houston C5 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Greg 

  Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 1:47 PM 
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Wal-Mart
  No one should be forced to hire someone or sell something. But not all 
  Malmart employees pay taxes. They have been busted a number of times 
  paying illegals to clean up at night… off the books. The rues you 
  mentioned to get on Malmart’s shelves…should not include firing American 
  workers and moving to China. I for one don’t mind paying a bit more, if it 
  helps the economy and local mom and pop stores. I love “walking” around 
  little areas of stores fronts. I know a hat might be cheaper at Walmart, 
  but the day of fun was worth it.  When Walmat moves in, they close 
  down. Our city is now trying to redevelop their tiny downtown area.  
  Building many townhouses, small shops, restaurants. Trying to make it a 
  small urban area. Where you can live, and walk to all the stores you need. 
  It’s a very cute and fun area. If Malmart moves in, it would close many of 
  the store and soon have empty buildings again. It’s all a quality of life 
  issue. You like quick one stop shopping… I like looking around, going to 
  corner farmers markets and looking through stores in a shopping village. 
  It’s fine to have both, but Malmart wants to be “The Only” J. Leave at least a few corners for the little guys… 
  Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 12:45 PM 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Wal-Mart 
  Americans are jobless because they won't work for the same 
  I think all US-WALMART employees pay US taxes.   If you mean 
  the Chinese workers,  NO Chinese worker pays US tax

Re: [QUAD-L] Wal-Mart

2006-07-15 Thread tahouston

Nobody moves or works in Chicago without 
passing through the Daley machine.  It's not what you know, it's who you 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 4:41 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Wal-Mart
  In a message dated 7/15/2006 4:30:11 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
  Well you can always refuse to work there 
and holdout for another job that pays higher wages and better 
benefits.  It's the American way.
  LOL, It's also known in the Midwest as the Chicago Way.  Houston, 
  tell everyone what I mean by that.

Re: [QUAD-L] Wal-Mart

2006-07-15 Thread tahouston

Well you can always refuse to work there and 
holdout for another job that pays higher wages and better benefits.  It's 
the American way.  No one is forced to work there for those minimum 
wages.  Because teenagers refuse to work at fast food restaurants in our 
suburban communities for such low wages, McDonald's and Burger King now pay 
between $7.30 and eight dollars an hour.  Wal-Mart offers jobs to people 
who otherwise would have no income at all.  If you ever took a job at a 
mom-and-pop store, you will find that they offer the same pay scale and probably 
the same benefits if not less as Wal-Mart.

  - Original Message - 
  To: Greg ; tahouston 
  Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 4:15 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Wal-Mart

 Yes you're right poor people don't pay taxes and the most 
common job in walmart is a sales associate which pays less than poverty 
wages and the second most common job a cashier pays even less.
This leaves the majority of people that work for the largest 
company in the world living below poverty and 46% of their children 
are uninsured or on public assistance so how can this be good 
for communities?
How can the largest company on the planet have the most people 
on public assistance?
    From: tahouston
Date: 07/15/06 
To: Greg
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
If Wal-Mart moves into your community, 
the community can vote it out by continuing to shop at the mom-and-pop 
stores.  If you took the average wage of the so-called illegal 
immigrants sweeping the floors at night, they still would not be paying 
taxes.  Sometimes Americans forget that poor people do not pay 
taxes.  Most people in the lower tax brackets get between 90 to 
100% refund.  There can be a Wal-Mart in the neighborhood and you 
can still continue to shop where ever you would like.
Most Americans live hurried lives.  
They enjoy the cheap prices and a one-stop shop.  As I was driving 
by the Ford Motor Company assembly plant in Illinois, I notice most of 
the employee cars in the parking lot were foreign-made.  We all say 
we would like to invest into American products but deep down inside we 
refuse to pay the higher prices.
T. Houston C5 C6

- Original Message - 
Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 1:47 
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] 

No one should 
be forced to hire someone or sell something. But not all Malmart 
employees pay taxes. They have been busted a number of times paying 
illegals to clean up at night… off the books. The rues you mentioned to 
get on Malmart’s shelves…should not include firing American workers and 
moving to China. I for one don’t mind 
paying a bit more, if it helps the economy and local mom and pop stores. 
I love “walking” around little areas of stores fronts. I know a hat 
might be cheaper at Walmart, but the day of fun was worth it.  When 
Walmat moves in, they close down. Our city is now trying to redevelop 
their tiny downtown area.  Building many townhouses, small shops, 
restaurants. Trying to make it a small urban area. Where you can live, 
and walk to all the stores you need. It’s a very cute and fun area. If 
Malmart moves in, it would close many of the store and soon have empty 
buildings again. It’s all a quality of life issue. You like quick one 
stop shopping… I like looking around, going to corner farmers markets 
and looking through stores in a shopping village. It’s fine to have 
both, but Malmart wants to be “The Only” J. Leave at 
least a few corners for the little guys…


[EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 12:45 
quad-list@eskimo.comSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] 

are jobless because they won't work for the same 

think all US-WALMART employees pay US taxes.   If you mean the 
Chinese workers,  NO Chinese worker pays US taxes.   
American companies can get on WALMART's shelves, they just have to 
follow Walmart's rules.   The internet is also as

Re: [QUAD-L] Wal-Mart

2006-07-15 Thread tahouston

If Wal-Mart moves into your community, the 
community can vote it out by continuing to shop at the mom-and-pop stores.  
If you took the average wage of the so-called illegal immigrants sweeping the 
floors at night, they still would not be paying taxes.  Sometimes Americans 
forget that poor people do not pay taxes.  Most people in the lower tax 
brackets get between 90 to 100% refund.  There can be a Wal-Mart in the 
neighborhood and you can still continue to shop where ever you would 
Most Americans live hurried lives.  They 
enjoy the cheap prices and a one-stop shop.  As I was driving by the Ford 
Motor Company assembly plant in Illinois, I notice most of the employee cars in 
the parking lot were foreign-made.  We all say we would like to invest into 
American products but deep down inside we refuse to pay the higher 
T. Houston C5 C6

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2006 1:47 
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Wal-Mart
  No one should be 
  forced to hire someone or sell something. But not all Malmart employees pay 
  taxes. They have been busted a number of times paying illegals to clean up at 
  night… off the books. The rues you mentioned to get on Malmart’s 
  shelves…should not include firing American workers and moving to 
  China. I for one don’t mind paying 
  a bit more, if it helps the economy and local mom and pop stores. I love 
  “walking” around little areas of stores fronts. I know a hat might be cheaper 
  at Walmart, but the day of fun was worth it.  When Walmat moves in, they 
  close down. Our city is now trying to redevelop their tiny downtown 
  area.  Building many townhouses, small shops, restaurants. Trying to make 
  it a small urban area. Where you can live, and walk to all the stores you 
  need. It’s a very cute and fun area. If Malmart moves in, it would close many 
  of the store and soon have empty buildings again. It’s all a quality of life 
  issue. You like quick one stop shopping… I like looking around, going to 
  corner farmers markets and looking through stores in a shopping village. It’s 
  fine to have both, but Malmart wants to be “The Only” J. Leave at least a 
  few corners for the little guys…
  [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 12:45 
  Re: [QUAD-L] Wal-Mart
  are jobless because they won't work for the same 
  I think 
  all US-WALMART employees pay US taxes.   If you mean the Chinese 
  workers,  NO Chinese worker pays US taxes.   American companies 
  can get on WALMART's shelves, they just have to follow Walmart's 
  rules.   The internet is also as great place to hawk one's 
  wares.  Bossing Walmart around is a poor substitute for smarting up and 
  beating them at their own game.  
  Are you 
  suggesting that Walmart should dismiss all foreign labor and hire only 
  American workers at whatever the Americans will consent to work for because 
  that's the loyal thing to do?  You think they should voluntarily or be 
  forced to hire expensive labor and live with the losses?  Are you ready 
  to pay more for everything on the shelves at 
  forcing Walmart to do the loyal thing, will you go after the oil industry to 
  roll back prices to the 1950 level?  They are both in the fantasy realm 
  you know.



2006-07-14 Thread tahouston

I have used zabasearch to find phone 
numbers, addresses, previous addresses, possible names and addresses of 
relatives of that person, criminal records, divorce and marriage records, 
etc.  The more money you pay, the more information they will give 
- Original Message - 
Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 4:59 PM

What kinds of things, will they look up?where is this 


2006-07-14 Thread tahouston

Zabasearch is only free if the 
person is listed in the public phone directory.  You can get more records 
for a small fee.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, July 14, 2006 2:52 PM
  Nope its a free site

[QUAD-L] Paralyzed man moves computer cursor through thought

2006-07-12 Thread tahouston

Paralyzed man moves computer cursor through thought 


A Paralyzed man using a new brain sensor has been able to move a computer 
cursor, open e-mail and control a robotic device simply by thinking about doing 
it, a team of scientists said on Wednesday. 
They believe the BrainGate sensor, which involves implanting 
electrodes in the brain, could offer new hope to people Paralyzed by injuries or 
"This is the first step in an ongoing clinical trial of a device that is 
encouraging for its potential to help people with paralysis," Dr Leigh Hochberg, 
of Massachusetts General Hospital, said in an interview.
The 25-year-old man who suffered paralysis of all four limbs three years 
earlier completed tasks such moving a cursor on a screen and controlling a 
robotic arm.
He is the first of four patients with spinal cord injuries, muscular 
dystrophy, stroke or motor neurone disease testing the brain-to-movement system 
developed by Cyberkinetics Neurotechnology Systems Inc in Massachusetts.
"This is the dawn of major neurotechnology where the ability to take signals 
out of the brain has taken a big step forward. We have the ability to put 
signals into the brain but getting signals out is a real challenge. I think this 
represents a landmark event," said Professor John Donoghue of Brown University 
in Rhode Island and the chief scientific officer of Cyberkinetics.
The scientists implanted a tiny silicon chip with 100 electrodes into an area 
of the brain responsible for movement. The activity of the cells was recorded 
and sent to a computer which translated the commands and enabled the patient to 
move and control the external device.
"This part of the brain, the motor cortex, which usually sends its signals 
down the spinal cord and out to the limbs to control movement, can still be used 
by this participant to control an external device, even after years had gone by 
since his spinal cord injury," added Hochberg, a co-author of the study 
published in the journal Nature.
Although it is not the first time brain activity has been used to control a 
cursor, Stephen Scott of Queen's University in Ontario, Canada said it advances 
the technology.
"This research suggests that implanted prosthetics are a viable approach for 
assisting severely impaired individuals to communicate and interact with the 
environment," he said in a commentary in the journal.
In a separate study, researchers from Stanford University Schools of Medicine 
and Engineering described a faster way to process signals from the brain to 
control a computer or prosthetic device.
"Our research is starting to show that, from a performance perspective, this 
type of prosthetic system is clinically viable," Stephen Ryu, an assistant 
professor of neurosurgery at Stanford, said in as statement. 

   What is faith? It is the confident assurance 
that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope 
for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.(Hebrews 
O Luv 

[QUAD-L] Just One hundred years ago

2006-07-09 Thread tahouston

year 1906, A Reminder![Image removed]THE YEAR 1906This will boggle your mind, I know it did 
mine!??The year is 1906.One hundred years ago.What a difference 
a century makes!Here are some of the U.S. statistics for the Year 1906:The average life expectancy in the 
U.S. was 
47 years.Only 
14 percent of the homes in the U.S. had a bathtub.Only 8 percent of the 
homes had a telephone.A three-minute call from Denver to ! New York City 
cost eleven dollars.There were only 8,000 cars in the U.S., and only 144 
miles of paved roads.The maximum speed limit in most cities was 10 
mph.Alabama, Mississippi, Iowa, and Tennessee were each more heavily 
popula! ted than California.With a mere 1.4 million people, California 
was only the 21st most populous state in the Union.The tallest structure 
in the world was the Eiffel Tower!?The average wage in the U.S. was 
22 cents per 
hour.The average 
U.S. worker made between $200 and $400 per year.A competent accountant could expect to earn $2,000 per year, a 
dentist $2,500 per year, a veterinarian between $1,500 and $4,000 per year, and 
a mechanicalengineer about $5,000 per year.More than 95 percent of all births 
in the U.S. took place at home.Ninety 
percent of all U.S. doctors had no college education.Instead, they 
attended so-called medical schools, many of which were condemned in the press 
and by the government as "substandard." !The first textbook on 
chiropractic was published. Sugar cost four cents a pound.Eggs were fourteen cents a 
dozen.Coffee was fifteen cents a pound.Most women only washed their hair once a month, and used borax or egg yolks for 
shampoo.??Canada passed a law that prohibited poor people from entering 
into their country for any reason.Five leading causes of death in t! he 
U.S. ? were:1. Pneumonia and influenza2. Tuberculosis?3. 
Diarrhea4. Heart disease5. StrokeThe American flag had 
45 stars.Arizona, Oklahoma, New Mexico, Hawaii, and Alaska hadn't been 
admitted to the Union yet.The population of Las Vegas, Nevada, was 
only 30 !!!Crossword puzzles, canned 
beer, and ice tea hadn't been invented yet.There was no Mother's Day or 
Father's Day.Two out of every 10 U.S. adults couldn't read or 
write.Only 6 percent of all Americans had graduated from high 
school.Marijuana, he! roin, and morphine were all available over the 
counter at the local co rner drugstores.Back then pharmacist said, "Heroin 
clears the complexion, gives buoyancy to the mind, regulates the stomach and 
bowels, and is, in fact, a perfect guardian of health."? 
(Shocking!)Eighteen percent of households in the U.S. had at least one 
full-time servant or domestic help.There were about 230 reported murders in the ! entire 
U.S.SO, to think I forwarded this 
from someone else without typing it myself, and sent it to you in a matter of 
seconds!Try to imagine what it may be like in another 100 years.It's 
StaggeringMay you be in heaven 30 minutes before the devil knows you 
are dead. 

Re: [QUAD-L] Run of the Bulls produces another Quad

2006-07-07 Thread tahouston

I heard that he was paralyzed from the 
waist down.
T. Houston C5 C6

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, July 07, 2006 8:02 PM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Run of the Bulls 
  produces another Quad
  Did anyone else hear about the bull run yesterday and someone in the race 
  getting hit and is now a Quad?
  Hoping to get more details and will advise.

[QUAD-L] Retirement Living

2006-07-03 Thread tahouston

Subject: Retirement Living Date: Wed, 28 Jun 
2006 22:03:16 -0700

  Hope "Ya'all"  are 
  ready, Thursday the days start getting shorter.
  First thing "Ya" know, 
  the ole snow balls will be flying.
  How's that for some 
  depressing news?
  Maybe the following will 
  cheer "Ya" up a bit?
  I think it offends just 
  about everybody?
  Toodle for 
  Marilyn & 
  As we all 
  know, sometimes we come face to face with the fact that it may be time to 
  relocate. The big question is: where to? Here are some tips. 
  You can live in Phoenix, Arizona wher! 
  e. 1. You are willing to 
  park 3 blocks away because you found shade. 2. You've experienced 
  condensation on your butt from the hot water in the toilet bowl. 3. You 
  can drive for 4 hours in one direction and never leave town. 4. You have 
  over 100 recipes for Mexican food. 5. You know that "dry heat" is 
  comparable to what hits you in the face when you open your oven door. 6. 
  The 4 seasons are: tolerable, hot, really hot, and ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!! 
  You can Live in California where... 1. You make over $250,000 and you still 
  can't afford to buy a house. 2. The fastest part of your commute is going 
  down your driveway. 3. You know how to eat an artichoke. 4. You drive 
  your rented Mercedes to your neighborhood block party. 5. When someone 
  asks you how far something is, you tell them how long it will take to get 
  there rather than how many miles away it is. 
  can Live in New York City where... 
  1. You say 
  "the city" and expect everyone to know you mean Manhattan. 
  2. You can get into a four-hour argument about how to get from 
  Columbus Circle to Battery Park, but can't find Wisconsin on a map. 3.You think Central Park is "nature," 4. You believe that being able to swear at people in 
  their own language makes you multi-lingual. 5. 
  You've worn out a car horn. 6. You think eye 
  contact is an act of aggression. 
  You can Live in Maine where... 1. You only have four spices: salt, 
  pepper, ketchup, and Tabasco. 2. Halloween costumes fit over parkas. 
  3. You have more than one recipe for moose. 4. Sexy lingerie is 
  anything flannel with less than eight buttons. 5. The four seasons are: 
  winter, still winter, almost winter, and construction. 
  You can Live in the Deep South where... 
  1. You can rent a 
  movie and buy bait in the same store. 2. "y'all" is singular and "all 
  y'all" is plural. 3. "He needed killin' " is a valid defense 5. 
  Everyone has 2 first names: Billy Bob, Jimmy Bob, Mary Sue, Betty Jean, MARY 
  BETH, etc. You can live in Colorado where... 
  1. You carry your 
  $3,000 mountain bike atop your $500 car. 2. You tell your husband to pick 
  up Granola on his way home and he stops at the day care center. 3. A pass 
  does not involve a football or dating. 4. The top of your head is bald, 
  but you still have a pony tail. You can live in the 
  Midwest where... 1. You've never met any celebrities, but the mayor 
  knows your name. 2. Your idea of a traffic jam is ten cars waiting to pass 
  a tractor. 3. You have had to switch from "heat" to "A/C" on the same day. 
  4. You end sentences with a preposition: "Where's my coat at?" 5. When 
  asked how your trip was to any exotic place, you say, "It was different!" 
  AND You can live in Florida where.. 
  1. You eat 
  dinner at 3:15 in the afternoon. 2. All purchases include a coupon of some 
  kind -- even houses and cars. 3. Everyone can recommend an excellent 
  dermatologist. 4. Road construction never ends anywhere in the state. 
  5. Cars in front of you are often driven by headless people. 
    (Love this one).6. The 4 seasons are: tolerable, hot, really hot, and 

Re: [QUAD-L] Hello

2006-07-03 Thread tahouston

Hola Angelique, I'm Tom Houston from Bellwood 
Il,  C5-6 from auto accident in May, 1994 my fault, sleep driving, ran 
off road. single car accident.  Welcome!!

  - Original Message - 
  Angelique Novak 
  To: Quad List 
  Sent: Sunday, July 02, 2006 10:54 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Hello
  Hi everybody-    I'm Angelique Novak, 
  ventilator dependent quadriplegic from a spinalcord injury at the levels 
  of C1 & C2.  A wonderful man who shares mycondition turned me on 
  to this list.    I'm 25, in MN, and live at home with my 
  parents.  My injury happenedin August of 1994, I was hit by a 
  negligent man driving his car at over55mph, while crossing the road on my 
  bike.  He was at fault.    I just wanted to introduce 
  myself to everyone.-Angelique Novak

Re: [QUAD-L] Who lives where?

2006-06-27 Thread tahouston

Hey Stunt, my best friend lives on Columbia 
about 1 mi off 80 94 Xpressway
Tom Houston c5 c6

  - Original Message - 
  Tim Thompson 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 4:21 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who lives 
  Hammond, IN 30mi from Chicago.Where I've been is way more 
  interesting.StuntOn 6/26/06, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  wrote:>> Hi All,>  I was 
  wondering if anybody from this list lives near me. I'm in> 
  Parsippany   New Jersey, 10 miles from Kessler 
  Institute.>   Where do you all live any 

Re: [QUAD-L] Who lives where?

2006-06-27 Thread tahouston

Bellwood, Il  7 mi west of 
Tom Houston

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 4:13 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who lives 
  South West Virginia, right in the 
  tip about a hr to Kentucky.  
- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2006 1:59 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Who lives 

Where is that? I'm in northern Virginia! Just off the beltway. 

[QUAD-L] Health Care

2006-06-17 Thread tahouston


Health Care > 
> > > This would be really 
funny were it not so true. > 
> > Health Care 
> > Two patients limp into two 
different medical clinics with the same 
> complaint. > 
> Both have trouble walking and appear 
to require a hip replacement. 
> > The first patient is 
examined within the hour, is x-rayed the 
same > day and has a time booked for surgery 
the following week. 
> > The second sees his family 
doctor after waiting a week for an > 
appointment, then waits eighteen weeks to see a specialist, 
then gets an > x-ray, which isn't reviewed for another 
month and finally has his > surgery 
scheduled for a year from then. > 
> Why the different treatment for the 
two patients? > 
> > > 
> > The first is a Golden 
Retriever. > 
> The second is a Senior Citizen 
Janene Clark> 
__>>> Do You 
Yahoo!?>>> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam 
protection around>>> 
> > >

Re: [QUAD-L] Traveling with a disability

2006-06-14 Thread tahouston

On the C5 C6  quad male and my wife did it for 
years.  For times like this, you're better half should be able to step up 
to the plate and take care of business.
T. Houston C5 C6

  - Original Message - 
  To: Quad ListServ 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 13, 2006 3:48 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Traveling with a 
  Hi! I'm a C-5 quad and want to start traveling with my husband. 
  My problem is the dreaded "BP". My husband does not do this for me... I have a 
  PCA and mom that helps with this. However, we'd love to travel alone. Does 
  anyone have any good solutions about how this could be handled? I'd love to 
  hear from quad women but any opinion would be greatly appreciated. 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: [QUAD-L] I'm kinda new here

2006-06-08 Thread tahouston

I had the same thoughts too.  I had grand 
illusions of running into or letting a moving car run into myself while sitting 
in the road in my wheelchair.  Then, two thoughts crossed my mind, the 
thought of the guilt the driver would have if I died or not dying at all and 
being more disabled than I am now.
T. Houston C5-C6

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 11:52 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] I'm kinda new 

That's funny you said that Dana, I had the same thought that I'd 
roll myself out in front of a semi.

Date: 06/07/06 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
I'm kinda new here

Hi Barbara,
I'm glad you found this list, I did know did not know about it, 
when I was in new injury as I did not have the computer until 85 and not 
connected to the Internet until 2003 .  I'm not even sure when this 
was started, maybe someone can tell us. I could never thank Jim Lubin 
enough for starting this list.  I'm not married, but still looking, 
I have no children, just a 4.1 pound female yourkie named Zoe.  
There is still life after SCI. Feel free to talk to us about anything, 
as I'm sure someone will be able to answer questions you may have and 
share their experiences. . I remember feeling hopeless, after I returned 
from rehab, I wanted to drive in front of a semi, but I figured with my 
luck, I would not die, I would just be more disabled.
Thank you for joining our list
Dana ( C4-5, 31 years post, 52, KC suburb 
in Kansas)
Hello Barbara,  

Welcome to the quad list, this list of 
people are great!  Just ask anything and someone has been there, I 
know exactly what your going through.  Theres life after sci!  


- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2006 4:29 
Subject: [QUAD-L] I'm kinda new 

Hi, I don't know if this is right but I need to 
ask a question about living, or should I say existing, as a quad? I'm a 
bit intimidated about how long some of you have been quads. I was in a 
car accident July 4 2005 and I'm c 5 & 19 yrs old. I don't 
think I want to live 10, 20, 30 or 40 years like this? How do you guys 
do it? I'm so overwhelmed and scared. What am I sopo to do with my life 
like this? Are any of you guys married or have children? 




Re: [QUAD-L] Re-instating rehab

2006-06-01 Thread tahouston

Marion Joy in Wheaton Illinois has a great 
facility for rehab.  A rehab doctor once informed me that the only way they 
would write a prescription for reinstating rehab would be if the patient showed 
signs of level changing.  For example, if you had no triceps and one arm 
and all of a sudden a little triceps action appeared.  They would then 
recommend rehab to further develop that muscle.  If you are physically 
healthy and appear to be losing some functions then rehab can be 
recommended.  If you want to be reinstated just to stay physically fit and 
not lose what you are ready have then rehab is not recommended.
T. Houston C5-C6

  - Original Message - 
  Susan Johnson 
  Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 9:15 
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Re-instating 
  I can not think of 
  the name right now (I can’t believe I can’t think of it, he was there for a 
  year), my head is spinning, but they got him in and out in three hours.  
  They said his heart wouldn’t take a fusion procedure and put him in a 
  brace and said it would heal itself.  He lives in Naperville IL and did 
  some incredible rehab in Wheaton.
  [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Thursday, June 01, 2006 7:01 
  Re: [QUAD-L] Re-instating rehab
  What hospital is he 
  In a message dated 
  6/1/2006 8:59:45 PM Central Daylight Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
I was wondering if 
anyone has had their rehab reinstated by Medicaid or Medicare?  My 
father’s first accident resulted in a C3, C4 break and he did well with 
rehab.  He has recently fallen, again, and broke C6.  They aren’t 
recommending any rehab although he would be a very good candidate.  Do 
you have any information that could help him?  He’s 69 and I feel like 
the doctors are acting like he’s too old, but he 
We would appreciate 
any advice.

Re: [QUAD-L] my flap surgery

2006-05-29 Thread tahouston

I shift by leaning forward to touch my 
toes, lowering my arm rests to lean left and right to the floor.  
Sometimes I get lazy and after too many hours up, I have to compensate by 
remaining in bed 36 - 48 hours.
T. Houston

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, May 29, 2006 11:04 AM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] my flap 
  What an enormous co-pay.  Insurance, those are really weird, because 
  if we have insurance.  Medicare will pay nothing.  It doesn't seem 
  right.  You should be able to get a wheelchair like that.  Contact 
  your local independent living Center.  Mine is trying to find me a backup 
  care from someone who died or something like that.  I forgot what her 
  title is what she does deals with durable medical equipment.  She has no 
  one to find the one yet, but it doesn't hurt to try.
  You need one so desperately, how do you do weight shifts?

Re: [QUAD-L] my flap surgery

2006-05-29 Thread tahouston

Not yet!  I was fitted for one the 
they informed me of the $2900 co-pay so I will have to wait awhile./  Since 
my divorce, my disability check covers mortgage and utilites, not akot of room 
for much else.
T Houston

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 10:47 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] my flap 
  Now You Have a Tilt in Space?  That Is great.  I wonder why it 
  took them so long to decide that you needed that?  I hope you don't get 
  any more!Dana

Re: [QUAD-L] my flap surgery

2006-05-28 Thread tahouston

The type of bed that I was lying in 
allowed me to lie on any side or my butt without being turned.  Working 
with an OT and a PT, I reinforced upper dressing skills, dental hygiene and 
shaving, and washing my upper body independently in front of a face bowl.  
As time went on I get on the elevated mat and practice my balance while sitting 
on the edge of the mat, remove my hands in my shoes while sitting up in long 
sitting, and self transferring so that I would not create another bed sore on my 
butt from neglect of not having any one to help me into bed.
I am not strong enough to do effective 
pressure reliefs in my electric chair and my original PT had me opt out on a 
tilt chair.
T. Houston C5-C6

  - Original Message - 
  Stacy Harim 
  To: tahouston 
  Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 5:30 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] my flap 
  What kind of rehab did you get while laying on your side of stomach? or 
  did you have to lay on your side.  Thankfully my sore is smaller than 
  that. It's less than 2cm wide and long, however, it's almost 8cm deep
- Original Message - 
From: tahouston 
To: Stacy Harim 
Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 5:28 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] my flap 

I had a flap surgery done in February 
2001 one my rear end.  I was in the hospital for a day and a half was 
released to a rehab hospital where I stayed on bed rest for three months on 
a clinictron bed.  Somewhere near the sixth or seventh week I was 
allowed to sit in the chair gradually increasing my times from one-hour to 
four hours per day.  The sore on my butt was deep enough to hide a 
baseball.  I was told the coccyx bone was in view.  However, there 
was no other cutting on my body.  I enjoyed the nursing rehab because I 
was fed three meals a day, bathed and showered regularly, received physical 
therapy while I was there and additional occupational therapy also and was 
treated like a king (well may be like a prince).  It was almost like 
mini vacation.
T. Houston C5-C6

  - Original Message - 
  Stacy Harim 
  To: disabledofamerica ; Quad-List 
  Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 2:53 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] my flap 
  OK, so I finally decided to go for the flap and it is on Wed.  
  I'm really nervous.  The sore is tiny but deep so he is cutting my 
  leg to move the muscle to the sore which is almost to my butt.  

  So I have questions.  I didn't realize how much he's going to 
  cut me.  He said he is going to cut a v then a straight line towards 
  my knee which is a long cut.  I don’t have feeling but I do feel the 
  pain from this sore and I have a bad reaction from morphine through IV so 
  I'm scared of the pain and healing time.  The doc says about a 
  month.  Have any of you gone through anything similar to this?  
  Also the sore is on my left side and in the past my bowel program only 
  worked on that side.  I'm concerned about that as well with all of 
  those staples in my leg.  
  Any advice or information I might be missing out on I would love 
  it.  My bday is July 3 and I would love to be healed by then.  I 
  am staying in the hospital one to two weeks then coming home.  My 
  neighbor who helps me with the waiver is going to make sure I have 
  meals.  She only works a minimal amount of time with me but between 
  her and her mom, they are going to make sure I'm taken care of.  
  Whenever I go for testing at the hospital the staff is really nice so I 
  hope the nurses are as well.
  Oh and if you pray I would appreciate them,

Re: [QUAD-L] my flap surgery

2006-05-28 Thread tahouston

I had a flap surgery done in February 
2001 one my rear end.  I was in the hospital for a day and a half was 
released to a rehab hospital where I stayed on bed rest for three months on a 
clinictron bed.  Somewhere near the sixth or seventh week I was allowed to 
sit in the chair gradually increasing my times from one-hour to four hours per 
day.  The sore on my butt was deep enough to hide a baseball.  I was 
told the coccyx bone was in view.  However, there was no other cutting on 
my body.  I enjoyed the nursing rehab because I was fed three meals a day, 
bathed and showered regularly, received physical therapy while I was there and 
additional occupational therapy also and was treated like a king (well may be 
like a prince).  It was almost like mini vacation.
T. Houston C5-C6

  - Original Message - 
  Stacy Harim 
  To: disabledofamerica ; Quad-List 
  Sent: Sunday, May 28, 2006 2:53 PM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] my flap surgery
  OK, so I finally decided to go for the flap and it is on Wed.  I'm 
  really nervous.  The sore is tiny but deep so he is cutting my leg to 
  move the muscle to the sore which is almost to my butt.  
  So I have questions.  I didn't realize how much he's going to cut 
  me.  He said he is going to cut a v then a straight line towards my knee 
  which is a long cut.  I don’t have feeling but I do feel the pain from 
  this sore and I have a bad reaction from morphine through IV so I'm scared of 
  the pain and healing time.  The doc says about a month.  Have any of 
  you gone through anything similar to this?  Also the sore is on my left 
  side and in the past my bowel program only worked on that side.  I'm 
  concerned about that as well with all of those staples in my leg.  
  Any advice or information I might be missing out on I would love 
  it.  My bday is July 3 and I would love to be healed by then.  I am 
  staying in the hospital one to two weeks then coming home.  My neighbor 
  who helps me with the waiver is going to make sure I have meals.  She 
  only works a minimal amount of time with me but between her and her mom, they 
  are going to make sure I'm taken care of.  THANK GOD I DON’T HAVE TO GO 
  TO A REHAB OR NURSING FACILITY.  Whenever I go for testing at the 
  hospital the staff is really nice so I hope the nurses are as well.
  Oh and if you pray I would appreciate them,

Re: [QUAD-L] Hi, everybody

2006-05-26 Thread tahouston
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] Hi, everybody

Hey Houston originally from Gary, Indiana, then 
to Indianapolis Indiana, and now to St. Louis Missouri.  This is T. Houston 
originally from Gary Indiana who has a sister in Indianapolis Indiana and whose 
favorite Aunt lives in St. Louis Missouri on the north side of town near Natural 
Bridge Street.  Most of the homes in my aunts neighborhood are built on 
such high hills from the sidewalk, how do you handle it.
T. Houston C5-C6 complete

  - Original Message - 
  To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; quadlist 
  Sent: Friday, May 26, 2006 3:12 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Hi, everybody
  Loseta,Hi & welcome I’m Houston originally 
  from Gary, In. just moved 2 St. Louis, Mo. 1 of the worse states 4 Medicaid :( 
  I’m a C6/C7complete since Aug. 22, 1998On 5/24/06 11:19 AM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  Hi, I'm c7 
from Chicago and new in this list. I hope we can share experiences, 
specially with people with my same injury.  Loseta

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[QUAD-L] When you spend your life worrying...........

2006-05-26 Thread tahouston

1.Worry is a misuse of the imagination.
2.When you spend your life worrying about how other people feel, 
you lose track of how you feel. 
3.Stop worrying about the potholes in the road and enjoy the 
4.What worries you, masters you 

   What is faith? It is the confident assurance 
that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope 
for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.(Hebrews 
O Luv 

[QUAD-L] The rent you pay

2006-05-25 Thread tahouston

Subject: The rent you pay 

1.Don't worry that children never listen 
to you. Worry that they are always watching you.
2.Service is the rent you pay for room on 
this planet.
3.Life consists not in holding good cards, 
but in playing those you hold well.

   What is faith? It is the confident assurance 
that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope 
for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.(Hebrews 

Re: [QUAD-L] Question for the group

2006-05-25 Thread tahouston

I don't mind the wait either.  I'm sure I 
can hold mine (via catherter) longer than they can hold theirs!
T Houston

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, May 25, 2006 7:33 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Question for the 
  Humm, I guess I see things different than you all on this one. 
  I don't equate Handicapped Stalls with Handicapped Parking. HP provides equal 
  access in that without them many disabled people - especially those who cannot 
  walk or push themselves long distances - would not be able to use those 
  services. This would be a real hardship for them - us.HS on the other 
  hand is a necessity for the disabled in most cases but I see nothing wrong 
  with sharing it with the AB population. ABs have to wait their turn when all 
  the stalls are full, why can't we wait our turn if someone is using a HS? We 
  have no idea why an AB would use a HS. Maybe when they entered the restroom 
  all the other stalls were full. I guess I'm in the minority but I 
  don't mind waiting 5 minutes for someone to vacate a HS. I'm just glad there 
  IS one!Dan    

[QUAD-L] Work

2006-05-18 Thread tahouston

Subject: Work

1.Let us realize that the privilege to work is a gift, that power 
to work is a blessing,that love of work is success. 
2.If you don't want to work you have to work to earn enough money 
so that you won't have to work. 
3.Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something 

   What is faith? It is the confident assurance 
that something we want is going to happen. It is the certainty that what we hope 
for is waiting for us, even though we cannot see it up ahead.(Hebrews 

Re: [QUAD-L] Prescription drug plan

2006-05-05 Thread tahouston

I have Medicare backed up by Humana Gold 
Plus.  Last year I was paying $84 per month and this year they qualified me 
at zero dollars per month.  The only medication that I am on at this time 
is baclofen and my co-pay is $10 per prescription.  When I am prescribe 
antibiotics, my co-pay remains at $10 per prescription.  So far my largest 
out-of-pocket costs are medical equipment i.e. mattresses, wheelchair etc. 
Sometimes finding the right Dr. for certain surgeries could be a hangup.  
If it is an emergency any doctor will do providing the hospital/doctor notifies 
the insurance company or primary care doctor as soon as possible.  All of 
my medical supplies have been covered 100%.

  - Original Message - 
  To: Houston809 
  Cc: quad-list 
  Sent: Thursday, May 04, 2006 9:07 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Prescription drug 
  Have all you signed up for the new prescription drug plan?  I am in 
  the process but want to know if any of you decided to keep your original 
  Medicare coverage or have you decided to enter into an HMO or PPO and two also 
  receive your prescription drug coverage through these companies.
  I only have the original Medicare plan right now but am suspicious 
  about the possibility that if I switch to an HMO or PPO I might be dropped 
  from coverage because of expenses due to my disability and more importantly 
  because of my disability.  Are any of you using an HMO for your medical 
  coverage and how has the gone?  Have your premiums remained affordable 
  and has your medical treatments suggested by your doctor been approved by your 
  I know Medicare must accept my coverage and hospitals must accept all 
  treatments I need but I am very suspicious about switching to other insurance 
  I would appreciate any and all comments any of you have that might 
  help me make my decision concerning the new prescription drug plan
  Houston809 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I don’t know if he lied. But 
if he did guess I’ll have 2 go see him again. :) Prince isn’t or hasn’t gone 
Christian 3121 not as rowdy as 1999 but far from Christian. Still vintage 
PRINCE a true musical genius.On 5/3/06 4:14 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
If he lied, it 
  was his last one since turning to Ultra Christian.  He had denounced 
  his past music and has advanced his new agenda to a much higher level. 
   That's the person formerly known a 
  P-rince.W  In a message dated 5/3/2006 3:25:42 
  PM Central Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Dave as the saying goes 90%  of break-ins is by someone that’s been 
there B4. My daughters mother & her  boyfriend did it :( I 
truly enjoyed concert. Prince said was final tour. I  think he lied 

Re: Re[QUAD-L] Bowel Program

2006-04-28 Thread tahouston

2 hrs in bed for me
T Houston

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, April 28, 2006 3:12 
  Subject: Re[QUAD-L] Bowel Program
  it takes me 1hour to make sure i got it all out 
  ...seems to me you might be not taking enough time ..some ppl take up to 3 
  hours ..everyones different..try waiting a little while 20 min. and try again 
  ..after you think youre finished ..
  Zeraw T-10 T-11
  20Yrs post


2006-04-26 Thread tahouston

You need a prescription for 
T. Houston
Sent: Wednesday, April 26, 2006 5:06 PM


 I was put on Ditropan right after my injury 26 
yrs ago.  Funny thing is ... is that I recall DRs prescribing it 
I thought I didn't need it one time back in the 80s so 
went off it.  It wasn't 48 hours before the sweats and goosebumps 
were present.
So have been on it ever since.
So the drug seems to be more of an autonomic nervous system 

From: William Willis
Date: 04/26/06 
Subject: FW: Re: Fwd: 
[QUAD-L] About your eyes being tested
For 30 yrs. I would shake, sweatt, and shiver, and none of my 
doctors could
stop it. Four years ago I joined the quad-list and members 
ditropan. I told  my doc, he prescribed it, and I haven't 
sweat since. The
sad thing is none of my doctors told me about it.



Re: [QUAD-L] About your eyes being tested

2006-04-26 Thread tahouston

Funny, the left side of my body has been 
sweating and giving me chills for about 3 1/2 weeks now.  I hate it.  
I will be celebrating my 12 year anniversary May 6.  C5-C6 
T. Houston 

   Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 25, 2006 3:31 
  Subject: Fwd: [QUAD-L] About your eyes 
  being tested
  In a message dated 4/25/2006 4:07:06 PM Eastern Standard Time, Bobbie299 

He asked  me if I ever had different things happen 
  to 1 half of my body.  I told him that with my spinal injury I have 
  had sweating only on 1 half of it before.
 For the first 15 years I 
sweat, sometimes only on one half of my body. I sweat all through college 
with it dripping on my books and term papers - the kind of term papers you 
typed in a type writer and if it got "messed up" you had to type it all over 
again. And if you wanted two copies you put in a piece of carbon 
  Remember that you 

Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad Gut!!!!!!!!!

2006-04-20 Thread tahouston

I wear a very tightfitting abdominal binder with 
an oversize shirt.  What in the presence of others, I sit more erect in the 
chair causing my oversize shirt to drape over my Quad belly therefore hiding the 
bulge.  If I wear the correct size shirt or something quite tight, my belly 
is even more pronounced.
T. Houston

  - Original Message - 
  To: Houston809 ; Stacy 
  Harim ; quadlist ; THouston 
  Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 7:05 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad 
  wear firmer fitting clothes.if wear loose clothes gives 
  room to expand...if i wear sweats... i expand a 
  tad.Houston809 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  I lie down it disappears. Get 
in chair look like I’m pregnant with twinz. Guess I’m going 2 have 2 accept 
& live with it :)On 4/20/06 6:39 PM, "Stacy Harim" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
I'm not a 
  quad but paralyzed right below my chest so I have no ab muscles.  I 
  also have a very long torso so my tummy looks big.  I lay down and 
  it's almost gone. Stacy
  - Original Message - 
 From: tahouston  
 Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 7:18 
 PM Subject: Fw: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad 
    Original Message -  From: tahouston  
  To: Brien  
  Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:18 
PM Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad 
Gut!  Quad belly or Quad 
gut has hardly  anything to do with diet.  It is the result of 
nonactive stomach muscles  not able to hold firmly your stomach, 
intestines, and other inner  organs.  Your stomach becomes 
very pronounced when sitting in the chair  because the weight of 
your upper torso pushing down on your muscle less  stomach causing 
your midsection to expand.  T. Houston
- Original Message - 
   From:  Brien  
    To: Houston809  
    Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; quadlist  
    Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 1:04 
   PM Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad 
   Gut! You  may benefit from Dr. 
  Pericone's book, The   Pericone Weight Loss Diet.  The 
  book treats nutrition at the cellular  level and offers 
  convincing evidence and strategies that developing health  at the 
  cellular level will provide a healthy platform for overall health. 
    I have completely changed what I  thought 
  WAS a healthy diet  and added all the recommended supplements to 
  my diet.  With  moderate exercise including free weights and 
  using a hand cycle to crank my  heart and cardio rate up (this 
   is the best device to substitute for  using our big leg 
  muscles to get cardio rate 
  up!)On Apr 
  18, 2006, at 2:44 PM, Houston809 
like 2 eat & I drink beers. Coronas is my  preferred beer. 
Now I’m drinking Budweiser Select since being in STL. 
  I’ve tried dieting or eating less seemed like I was 
continuously  tired & hungry. But nothing happened 2 
stomach. :(On  4/18/06 2:59 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>  wrote: 
  have to really eat light.  I eat 2% cheese and open 
   face sandwiches with lettuce and tomatoes. I drink Slim fast 
  twice a day  and just eat a regular meal in the evening. 
   I don't really eat  very much beef, only occasionally. 
   I mostly eat turkey, chicken,  fish, and I like lean 
  cuisine dinners occasionally.  They have a  great 
  macaroni and cheese lasagna in dark turkey with green beans. 
    When I wear it really feel like I want some comfort 
  food, I eat  the cream beef with the gravy like mixture over 
  light whole-wheat bread.  I don't eat a lot of bread or 
  potatoes, but a lot of fruits and  vegetables and a lot of 
  salads with light dressing which helped to fill  you up . I 
  do eat sweet potatoes with just promise, but I just found 
   another, that was a little more healthy (I will have to look 
  at that for  you) . I just started eating  Activia 
  yogurt, which is really good  and taking acidophilus everyday 
  .  I I was being bloated, but that  has has taken most 
  of it away.  I thought I had gained a lot of  weight, 
  but it makes my makes me fairly flat, although I have gained 
   some weight I am sure.  Another thing that helps with 
  bloating is

Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad Gut!!!!!!!!!

2006-04-20 Thread tahouston

Have you ever seen the infomercials advertising 
an electronic waistband that exercises your muscles in your stomach to develop a 
sixpack?  You cannot increase muscle strength or muscle firmness by 
exercising muscles passively.  Can you strengthen your leg muscles by 
someone performing range of motion on them?  I think not!  Pulling 
yourself up in bed will definitely strengthen your biceps but will do nothing 
for your gut.  :-)

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 7:04 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad 
   Hey Houston just my 2 cents but 
  your right i'm a very active c-5 c-6 quad I work out 5 times a week on my 
  uppertone weight machine in my garage and use my manual chair everywhere I go 
  and yes I have that budda belly lol i've tried tieing straps at the foot of 
  the bed and lay on my back and pull myself up kinda like a sit up didn't do 
  squat  but by useing my weight machine i've really managed to build up my 
  arms  biceps look great and i have little tri showing so i think it works 
  pretty good for your arms and chest anyway just my 2 cents.
  Ray c-5 c-6 incomplete 5yrs 
  AZ  -Original Message-----From: tahouston <>To: quad-list@eskimo.comSent: 
  Thu, 20 Apr 2006 18:18:29 
  -0500Subject: Fw: [QUAD-L] LOSING the 
  Quad Gut!


  - Original Message - 
  From: tahouston 
  To: Brien 
  Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:18 PM
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad Gut!
  Quad belly or Quad gut has hardly 
  anything to do with diet.  It is the result of nonactive stomach muscles not able to hold firmly your 
  stomach, intestines, and other inner organs.  Your stomach becomes very 
  pronounced when sitting in the chair because the weight of your upper torso 
  pushing down on your muscle less stomach causing your midsection to 
  T. Houston
- Original Message - 
To: Houston809 
Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 1:04 
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad 
You  may benefit from Dr. Pericone's book, The  Pericone Weight Loss Diet.  The book treats nutrition at 
the cellular level and offers convincing evidence and strategies that 
developing health at the cellular level will provide a healthy platform for 
overall health. 

I have completely changed what 
I  thought WAS a healthy diet and added all the 
recommended supplements to my diet.  With moderate exercise 
including free weights and using a hand cycle to crank my heart and cardio rate up (this  is the best device 
to substitute for using our big leg muscles to get cardio rate up!)

On Apr 18, 2006, at 2:44 PM, Houston809 wrote:
I like 2 eat & I drink beers. Coronas is my preferred beer. Now I’m 
  drinking Budweiser Select since being in STL.  I’ve tried 
  dieting or eating less seemed like I 
  was continuously tired & hungry. But nothing happened 2 stomach. 
  :(On 4/18/06 2:59 PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" 
  You have to really eat 
light.  I eat 2% cheese and open face sandwiches with lettuce and 
tomatoes. I drink Slim fast twice a day and 
just eat a regular meal in the evening.  I don't really eat 
very much beef, only occasionally.  I mostly eat turkey, chicken, 
fish, and I like lean cuisine dinners occasionally.  They have 
a great macaroni and cheese lasagna in dark turkey with green beans. 
 When I wear it really feel like I want some comfort food, I eat 
the cream beef with the gravy like 
mixture over light whole-wheat bread. I don't eat a lot of bread or potatoes, but a lot of fruits and vegetables and a 
lot of salads with light dressing which helped to fill you up . I do eat 
sweet potatoes with just promise, 
but I just found another, that was a little more healthy (I will have to 
look at that for you) . I just started eating  Activia yogurt, which is really good and 
taking acidophilus everyday . 
 I I was being bloated, but that has has taken most of it away. 
 I thought I had gained a lot of weight, but it makes my makes me 
fairly flat, although I have gained some weight I am sure.  Another 
thing that helps with bloating is gas x or one of the many similar 
products.  I take there a lot of vitamins.  I usually buy 
things that are reduced fat.  I do eat chips, trail mix , Kentucky 
fried chicken and other things that are not low in fat, but I eat in 
moderation, which is the key .

Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad Gut!!!!!!!!!

2006-04-20 Thread tahouston

I was about 190 lbs. at the time of my accident, 
5 ft. 8 and worked out regularly at  a gym.  I had a pretty rockhard 
stomach but the first moment I sat in a wheelchair gravity played a nasty trick 
on my stomach.  My doctor told me to get used to it and all of the exercise 
in the world would not change it much.
T. Houston

  - Original Message - 
  To: Houston809 ; THouston ; 
  Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 7:04 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad 
   You are exactly correct Houston... the spinal 
  doctors told us that MOST quads will have a quad gut because stomach muscles 
  no longer work and  gravity.They told me no matter how much weight I lose 
  the quad gut will still remain. They said there are a few exceptions---such as 
  being very thin before accident and some peoples metabolism. SO__ Wear 
  your quad belly with pride  LOL 
  ;-)  Dan  
  c-6   8.8 years post.Houston809 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  Which is true. why do some 
Quads not have quad guts? I’ve seen quads no stomachs. It seemed as if all 
the quads in murderball didn’t have guts. I guess it’s like everything else 
each quad is different.
  Original Message - From: tahouston  
   To: Brien  
   Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:18 PMSubject: 
  Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad Gut!Quad belly or Quad gut 
  has hardly anything to do with diet.  It is the result of nonactive 
  stomach muscles not able to hold firmly your stomach, intestines, and 
  other inner organs.  Your stomach becomes very pronounced when 
  sitting in the chair because the weight of your upper torso pushing down 
  on your muscle less stomach causing your midsection to 
  expand.T. Houston
  - Original Message - 
 From:  Brien  
  To: Houston809  
  Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; quadlist  
   Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 1:04 
 PM Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad 
 Gut! You  may benefit from Dr. 
Pericone's book, The   Pericone Weight Loss Diet.  The 
book treats nutrition at the cellular  level and offers convincing 
evidence and strategies that developing health at  the cellular 
level will provide a healthy platform for overall health. 
  I have completely changed what I  thought 
WAS a healthy diet  and added all the recommended supplements to my 
diet.  With moderate  exercise including free weights and 
using a hand cycle to crank my heart and  cardio rate up (this 
 is the best device to substitute for using our big  leg 
muscles to get cardio rate 
up!)On Apr 
18, 2006, at 2:44 PM, Houston809 wrote: 
I like 
  2 eat & I drink beers. Coronas is my  preferred beer. Now I’m 
  drinking Budweiser Select since being in STL.   I’ve tried 
  dieting or eating less seemed like I was continuously tired 
   & hungry. But nothing happened 2 stomach. :(On 
  4/18/06 2:59  PM, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
 have to really eat light.  I eat 2% cheese and open face 
sandwiches  with lettuce and tomatoes. I drink Slim fast twice 
a day and just eat a  regular meal in the evening.  I 
don't really eat very much beef, only  occasionally.  I 
mostly eat turkey, chicken, fish, and I like lean  cuisine 
dinners occasionally.  They have a great macaroni and cheese 
 lasagna in dark turkey with green beans.  When I wear it 
really feel  like I want some comfort food, I eat the cream 
beef with the gravy like  mixture over light whole-wheat bread. 
I don't eat a lot of bread or  potatoes, but a lot of fruits 
and vegetables and a lot of salads with  light dressing which 
helped to fill you up . I do eat sweet potatoes with  just 
promise, but I just found another, that was a little more healthy (I 
 will have to look at that for you) . I just started eating 
 Activia  yogurt, which is really good and taking 
acidophilus everyday .  I I  was being bloated, but that 
has has taken most of it away.  I thought  I had gained a 
lot of weight, but it makes my makes me fairly flat,  although 
I have gained some weight I am sure.  Another thing that 
 helps with bloating is gas x or one of the many similar 
products.  I  take there a lot of vitamins.  I 
usually buy things that are reduced  fat.  I do eat chips, 
trail mix , Kentucky fried chicken and other  things that are 

Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad Gut!!!!!!!!!

2006-04-20 Thread tahouston
Title: Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad Gut!

Most of the Quads in murderball end, after 
watcher their live interview on a television program, are quads with Incomplete 
injuries would sensation and motor movement far below their level of 
injury.  There was one guy who was interviewed who was technically a C5 C6 
but operated as a T9 T10.
When doctors label us, they label us by our 
point of injury.  That is why comparing your level of injury to someone 
else with the same level of injury is inconclusive.  I have a friend who 
was a C5 transfers himself into his convertible BMW along with his rigid 
chair.  I'm a C5 C6 incomplete and with all of the therapy in the world 
will not be able to accomplish the feats that he can.  My wife used to 
compare me with him and accuse me of not trying as hard.
T. Houston

  - Original Message - 
  To: THouston ; quadlist 
  Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:37 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad 
  Which is 
  true. why do some Quads not have quad guts? I’ve seen quads no stomachs. It 
  seemed as if all the quads in murderball didn’t have guts. I guess it’s like 
  everything else each quad is different.
Original Message - From: tahouston  
 To: Brien  
 Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:18 PMSubject: 
Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad Gut!Quad belly or Quad gut 
has hardly anything to do with diet.  It is the result of nonactive 
stomach muscles not able to hold firmly your stomach, intestines, and other 
inner organs.  Your stomach becomes very pronounced when sitting in the 
chair because the weight of your upper torso pushing down on your muscle 
less stomach causing your midsection to expand.T. 
  Original Message -  From:  Brien  
    To: Houston809  
    Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; quadlist  
     Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 1:04 
   PM Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad 
   Gut! You  may benefit from Dr. 
  Pericone's book, The   Pericone Weight Loss Diet.  The book 
  treats nutrition at the cellular  level and offers convincing 
  evidence and strategies that developing health at  the cellular level 
  will provide a healthy platform for overall health. 
    I have completely changed what I  thought WAS 
  a healthy diet  and added all the recommended supplements to my diet. 
   With moderate  exercise including free weights and using a hand 
  cycle to crank my heart and  cardio rate up (this  is the best 
  device to substitute for using our big  leg muscles to get cardio 
  rate up!)On 
  Apr 18, 2006, at 2:44 PM, Houston809 
  I like 2 
eat & I drink beers. Coronas is my  preferred beer. Now I’m 
drinking Budweiser Select since being in STL.   I’ve tried 
dieting or eating less seemed like I was continuously tired  & 
hungry. But nothing happened 2 stomach. :(On 4/18/06 2:59 
   have to really eat light.  I eat 2% cheese and open face 
  sandwiches  with lettuce and tomatoes. I drink Slim fast twice a 
  day and just eat a  regular meal in the evening.  I don't 
  really eat very much beef, only  occasionally.  I mostly eat 
  turkey, chicken, fish, and I like lean  cuisine dinners 
  occasionally.  They have a great macaroni and cheese 
   lasagna in dark turkey with green beans.  When I wear it 
  really feel  like I want some comfort food, I eat the cream beef 
  with the gravy like  mixture over light whole-wheat bread. I 
  don't eat a lot of bread or  potatoes, but a lot of fruits and 
  vegetables and a lot of salads with  light dressing which helped 
  to fill you up . I do eat sweet potatoes with  just promise, but 
  I just found another, that was a little more healthy (I  will 
  have to look at that for you) . I just started eating  Activia 
   yogurt, which is really good and taking acidophilus everyday . 
   I I  was being bloated, but that has has taken most of it 
  away.  I thought  I had gained a lot of weight, but it makes 
  my makes me fairly flat,  although I have gained some weight I am 
  sure.  Another thing that  helps with bloating is gas x or 
  one of the many similar products.  I  take there a lot of 
  vitamins.  I usually buy things that are reduced  fat. 
   I do eat chips, trail mix , Kentucky fried chicken and other 
   things that are not low in fat, but I eat in moderation, which 
  is the key  .  When I go out to eat, I usually eat seafood, 
  turkey or chicken,  although I some


2006-04-20 Thread tahouston

- Original Message - 
From: tahouston 

Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:42 PM

Still you must be careful.  I had a 
tenant in my apartment building who applied for Internet job and got burned by 
the Bank.  She was sent money orders to cash into her account, take 10% of 
the money for her commission, and send the remaining money back to the Company 
in money order form.  While her money order was legit, the money order that 
was given to her was bogus therefore the Bank garnished her entire account and 
is suing her for the rest.
She also did the research and did not 
find them on the Better Business Bureau list or could not find them on any fraud 
sites either.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 6:38 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] HOME 
  Dear Theo,
  It is a legit company and franchise. I think they need your bank account 
  number for the purpose of direct depositing your pay checks. It would have 
  said that on the form. Don't be afraid to ask questions. I hope you do well in 
  your ventures.
  In a message dated 4/19/2006 11:20:16 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
  Hello fellow quads, I recently received an offer to work 
at home as an administrative assistant/ sales support representative for 
a company called 'Drop & Gain Int' hasanyone heard of this company? 
I checked out their web site www.dropngain.comand have looked for them 
on several of the fraud sites without any luck. Upuntil they asked me 
for a bank account number to pay me my salary I wasthinking that maybe 
they are legitimate, but now I am beginning to thinkthat it is a scam. 
Any info would be much appreciatedCheers Theo 

Fw: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad Gut!!!!!!!!!

2006-04-20 Thread tahouston

- Original Message - 
From: tahouston 

To: Brien 
Sent: Thursday, April 20, 2006 6:18 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad Gut!

Quad belly or Quad gut has hardly anything 
to do with diet.  It is the result of nonactive stomach muscles not able to 
hold firmly your stomach, intestines, and other inner organs.  Your stomach 
becomes very pronounced when sitting in the chair because the weight of your 
upper torso pushing down on your muscle less stomach causing your midsection to 
T. Houston

  - Original Message - 
  To: Houston809 
  Cc: [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; quadlist 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 19, 2006 1:04 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] LOSING the Quad 
  You  may benefit from Dr. Pericone's book, The  
  Pericone Weight Loss Diet.  The book treats nutrition at the cellular 
  level and offers convincing evidence and strategies that developing health at 
  the cellular level will provide a healthy platform for overall health. 
  I have completely changed what I  thought WAS a healthy diet 
  and added all the recommended supplements to my diet.  With moderate 
  exercise including free weights and using a hand cycle to crank my heart and 
  cardio rate up (this  is the best device to substitute for using our big 
  leg muscles to get cardio rate up!)
  On Apr 18, 2006, at 2:44 PM, Houston809 wrote:
  I like 2 eat & I drink beers. Coronas is my 
preferred beer. Now I’m drinking Budweiser Select since being in STL. 
 I’ve tried dieting or eating less seemed like I was continuously tired 
& hungry. But nothing happened 2 stomach. :(On 4/18/06 2:59 
  have to really eat light.  I eat 2% cheese and open face sandwiches 
  with lettuce and tomatoes. I drink Slim fast twice a day and just eat a 
  regular meal in the evening.  I don't really eat very much beef, only 
  occasionally.  I mostly eat turkey, chicken, fish, and I like lean 
  cuisine dinners occasionally.  They have a great macaroni and cheese 
  lasagna in dark turkey with green beans.  When I wear it really feel 
  like I want some comfort food, I eat the cream beef with the gravy like 
  mixture over light whole-wheat bread. I don't eat a lot of bread or 
  potatoes, but a lot of fruits and vegetables and a lot of salads with 
  light dressing which helped to fill you up . I do eat sweet potatoes with 
  just promise, but I just found another, that was a little more healthy (I 
  will have to look at that for you) . I just started eating  Activia 
  yogurt, which is really good and taking acidophilus everyday .  I I 
  was being bloated, but that has has taken most of it away.  I thought 
  I had gained a lot of weight, but it makes my makes me fairly flat, 
  although I have gained some weight I am sure.  Another thing that 
  helps with bloating is gas x or one of the many similar products.  I 
  take there a lot of vitamins.  I usually buy things that are reduced 
  fat.  I do eat chips, trail mix , Kentucky fried chicken and other 
  things that are not low in fat, but I eat in moderation, which is the key 
  .  When I go out to eat, I usually eat seafood, turkey or chicken, 
  although I sometimes feel like a backyard burger or veggie pizza with thin 
  crust. I really love the lower calorie popcorn, although I also buy the 
  kettle corn in individual bags, which is not low calorie. I don't get to 
  the hospital that has a scale very often that you roll onto, but you must 
  keep track of the weight of your chair.  I had gained 5 pounds last 
  year.  It's always much easier to try to lose in the summer, as I 
  don't get as hungry. I also get those weight watcher cheesecake , South 
  Beach peanut butter cookies, snacks to eat if I'm hungry.  I also 
  like light cream cheese and light and peanut butter spread very thinly 
  over fat-free saltine crackers. I also love ice cream and a light just 
  doesn't taste as good.  Ha ha Baskin-Robbins does not come in light 
  unfortunately, so I have to splurge a few times a year 
  .  I look forward to getting ideas from other 
  quadlist persons that battle the quad gut.the never ending battle that 
  we must face, because we don't have stomach muscles. It would 
  be so fun to just eat anything you wanted all the time, wouldn't 
  it? Dana

Re: [QUAD-L] Laptops & Quads

2006-04-18 Thread tahouston

If you are able, a standard mouse is 
available for lapyops or track balls.
T Houston

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 18, 2006 11:05 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Laptops & 
  I've have a HP lap top for years ~ I love it. The pad on the lap 
  top to navigate the mouse is tricky but doable. Typing is more difficult for 
  me any way.
    I can't lift it but I can plug it in. I use it when I'm 
  stuck in bed for months on end.

Re: [QUAD-L] My new chair

2006-04-17 Thread tahouston
T Houston

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, April 17, 2006 3:10 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] My new chair
  I'm getting an Invacare Arrow Series   Dose anybody 
  know their web site? I typed but need a pass word to see 

Re: [QUAD-L] Transfers & Chairs

2006-04-06 Thread tahouston

I have tried transferring without the foot rests 
and it is so much more difficult for me.
T. Houston

  - Original Message - 
  David K. Kelmer 
  To: ~LittleQuad~ ; Win ; 
  Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 6:28 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Transfers & 
  Hi LQ,
  My manual chair was an E&J Premiere and had the footrests had a latch 
  that I could 'Thumb' and the whole thing would swing out of the way.  
  With Love,
  CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 29 Years PostTexas, USA 
  ~LittleQuad~ <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
to tell the truth i don't know!! i suppose the PT assumes we must... they 
stick out to the front and is kind of hard to go overthem, but not as hard 
as removing them...Win <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
  would you need to remove your footrests if you're doing a transfer from 
  the side?WinAt 09:18 AM 4/5/2006, ~LittleQuad~ wrote:
  NO, I mean from the 

>On Apr 2, 2006, at 12:34 PM, ~LittleQuad~ wrote:
>>Those of you who transfer, I'm assuming you are in 
manual chairs?
>>What kind do you use? I am obviously not going to be 
able to do it
>>into a electric wheelchair. The legs are like 8 lbs 

Re: [QUAD-L] More on Transfers

2006-04-06 Thread tahouston

I was given a pair of velcro leg straps in rehab 
but developed enough strength to transfer faster by just hooking my wrist under 
my legs.
T Houston

  - Original Message - 
  David K. Kelmer 
  To: Paul Jacobson ; Brien ; ~LittleQuad~ 
  Cc: Quad-list post 
  Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 5:42 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] More on 
  Hi Paul,
  Back when I was doing transfers, I had my wife sew a strip of the same 
  kind of material on the seam of my pant leg below the knee.  It didn't 
  show, and I could hook my thumb into it to pull my leg up.
  With Love,
  CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 29 Years PostTexas, USA 
  Paul Jacobson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
a c5/6 complete as of 11/05/03..I use a slideboard and can totally 
transfer.except I need help with my legs when I transfer from the 
chair to the bed.Can any c5/6's get their legs into bed 
independently? If so, how do you do it?Thanks!!Paul- 
Original Message - From: "Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
"~LittleQuad~" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Cc: "Quad-list post" 
Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 3:09 PMSubject: 
Re: [QUAD-L] Transfers & Chairs>I transfer into a power 
chair. With the armrest all the way back and >behind the cushion, 
there is no obstruction to sliding directly onto >the cushion. What 
do you mean about legs what legs? Here is the url for >my chair 
notice the footrests are not in the way at all>> > 
Let's figure this out>> Brien>> On Apr 2, 2006, 
at 12:34 PM, ~LittleQuad~ wrote:>>> Those of you who 
transfer, I'm assuming you are in manual chairs? What >> kind do 
you use? I am obviously not going to be able to do it into a >> 
electric wheelchair. The legs are like 8 lbs each!>> 

[QUAD-L] Re: More on Transfers

2006-04-06 Thread tahouston

Action Arrow Storm series
T. Houston

  - Original Message - 
  To: tahouston 
  Sent: Wednesday, April 05, 2006 10:53 
  Subject: Re: More on Transfers
  what kind of chair do you use?tahouston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I am totally independent transferring in and 
out.  When sliding out of the chair onto the bed I leave my foot rests 
on to keep my knees as level to the mattress as possible.  After 
sliding my entire rear end onto the mattress, I reach down with my left 
wrist, I would hook under the right knee and raise it on top of the 
mattress.  I use my upper torso to assist for strength.  Once I 
hook the leg, I lean my body over toward the center of the mattress pulling 
my leg along with it.  After aligning my right leg straight with my 
body, I then lean back towards the chair and hook my left leg and repeat the 
process.  I can then scoot to the top of the bed and lie in any 
position I want to.  When my caregiver makes my bed, she positions the 
cover where as I can pull it back and I am able to pull the cover over me if 
needed.  If I have on a pullover shirt I can then remove my 
shirt.  If I have on jogging pants I can choose to remove them or leave 
them on until the next morning when they caregiver arrives.  If I have 
on jeans or khakis, I would then use assistance and sleep in my 
T. Houston

  - Original Message - 
  To: Brien ; ~LittleQuad~ 
  Cc: Quad-list post 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 6:57 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] More on 
  I'm a c5/6 complete as of 11/05/03..I use a slideboard 
  and can totally transfer.except I need help with my legs when I 
  transfer from the chair to the  bed.Can any c5/6's get 
  their legs into bed independently?  If so, how do you do 
  it?Thanks!!Paul- Original Message - From: 
  "Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
  "~LittleQuad~" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Cc: 
  "Quad-list post" <>Sent: 
  Tuesday, April 04, 2006 3:09 PMSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] Transfers & 
  Chairs>I  transfer into  a power 
  chair.   With the armrest all the way back  and 
  >behind the cushion, there is  no obstruction  to  
  sliding  directly onto >the cushion.  What do you mean 
  about legs what legs?   Here is the url  for 
  >my  chair notice the footrests are not in the  way at 
  Let's figure this out>> Brien>> On Apr 2, 
  2006, at 12:34 PM, ~LittleQuad~ wrote:>>> Those of you 
  who transfer, I'm assuming you are in manual chairs?  What 
  >> kind do you use? I am obviously not going to be able to do 
  it  into a >> electric wheelchair. The legs are like 8 lbs 
  each!>> Thanks> 

Re: [QUAD-L] More on Transfers

2006-04-05 Thread tahouston

I am totally independent transferring in and 
out.  When sliding out of the chair onto the bed I leave my foot rests on 
to keep my knees as level to the mattress as possible.  After sliding my 
entire rear end onto the mattress, I reach down with my left wrist, I would hook 
 under the right knee and raise it on top of the mattress.  I use my upper 
torso to assist for strength.  Once I hook the leg, I lean my body over 
toward the center of the mattress pulling my leg along with it.  After 
aligning my right leg straight with my body, I then lean back towards the chair 
and hook my left leg and repeat the process.  I can then scoot to the top 
of the bed and lie in any position I want to.  When my caregiver makes my 
bed, she positions the cover where as I can pull it back and I am able to pull 
the cover over me if needed.  If I have on a pullover shirt I can then 
remove my shirt.  If I have on jogging pants I can choose to remove them or 
leave them on until the next morning when they caregiver arrives.  If I 
have on jeans or khakis, I would then use assistance and sleep in my 
T. Houston

  - Original Message - 
  To: Brien ; ~LittleQuad~ 
  Cc: Quad-list post 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 6:57 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] More on Transfers
  I'm a c5/6 complete as of 11/05/03..I use a slideboard and 
  can totally transfer.except I need help with my legs when I transfer 
  from the chair to the  bed.Can any c5/6's get their legs into 
  bed independently?  If so, how do you do 
  it?Thanks!!Paul- Original Message - From: 
  "Brien" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: 
  "~LittleQuad~" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Cc: 
  "Quad-list post" Sent: 
  Tuesday, April 04, 2006 3:09 PMSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] Transfers & 
  Chairs>I  transfer into  a power chair.   
  With the armrest all the way back  and >behind the cushion, there 
  is  no obstruction  to  sliding  directly onto >the 
  cushion.  What do you mean about legs what legs?   Here is the 
  url  for >my  chair notice the footrests are not in the  
  way at all>> 
  Let's figure this out>> Brien>> On Apr 2, 2006, at 
  12:34 PM, ~LittleQuad~ wrote:>>> Those of you who transfer, 
  I'm assuming you are in manual chairs?  What >> kind do you 
  use? I am obviously not going to be able to do it  into a >> 
  electric wheelchair. The legs are like 8 lbs each!>> Thanks> 

Re: [QUAD-L] Transfers & Chairs

2006-04-05 Thread tahouston

I keep the foot rests on because it helps with 
my balancing and I don't have to lift my legs from the floor to the 
T. Houston

  - Original Message - 
  KK Batte 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 6:53 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Transfers & 
  Where you foot pad is, I decided to get articulating legs that 
  raise  up & down. Helps prevent swelling in 
  legs.    Now for transferring,  it is easiest to 
  remove the leg closest to whatever I am transferring  into.  My 
  chair is a Quantum rehab chair.My legs are heavy & only have one 
  arm to use & do manage it.KKOn Apr 4, 2006, at 5:09 PM, Brien 
  wrote:> I  transfer into  a power chair.   With 
  the armrest all the way  > back and behind the cushion, there 
  is  no obstruction  to  sliding  > directly onto 
  the cushion.  What do you mean about legs what legs?   > 
  Here is the url  for my  chair notice the footrests are not in 
  the  > way at all>> 
  Let's figure this out>> Brien>> On Apr 2, 2006, at 
  12:34 PM, ~LittleQuad~ wrote:>>> Those of you who transfer, 
  I'm assuming you are in manual chairs?  >> What kind do you 
  use? I am obviously not going to be able to do it  >> into a 
  electric wheelchair. The legs are like 8 lbs each!>> 

Re: [QUAD-L] Transfers & Chairs

2006-04-05 Thread tahouston

You absolutely correct about the Roho 
cushion.  To overcome that problem, you just have to live chair butt a 
little higher instead of sliding.  I also slide into an electric 
wheelchair.  Without obstruction from the armrests I can slide right in 
without having to angle the chair.
T. Houston

  - Original Message - 
  Stacy Harim 
  To: Quad-list post ; ~LittleQuad~ 
  Sent: Tuesday, April 04, 2006 5:44 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Transfers & 
  Im in a manual chair but use a roho cushion now and that is my issue with 
  the transfers.  The board gets caught in the material instead of between 
  my butt and the seat and then once I get to the chair, I'm sunken only when 
  I'm half in the chair.  Anyone else with roho's that transfer have that 
- Original Message - 
From: ~LittleQuad~ 
To: Quad-list post 
Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 3:34 
Subject: [QUAD-L] Transfers & 

Those of you who transfer, I'm assuming you are in manual chairs? What 
kind do you use? I am obviously not going to be able to do it into a 
electric wheelchair. The legs are like 8 lbs each! 

[QUAD-L] Re: Transfers

2006-04-02 Thread tahouston

I used to have very good extensors on my left 
wrist but after not using it for awhile I lost all of it for over a year.  
Now I am slowly regaining use of it but I can't put any weight in it.  I 
used to be able to exercise with a 3 lb. weight on it. I guess it is true that 
you either use it or lose it!
T. Houston

  - Original Message - 
  To: tahouston 
  Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 2:27 
  Subject: Re: Transfers
  wow that sounds like how i will have to do it... do you have left wrist 
  extensors though? that is also another i am working on...
  tahouston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

This kind of awkward in a way.  I have 
tried it in a twin bed, a hospital bed, a regular size bed, and a queen-size 
bed.  I have only been able to accomplish the feat in a regular size 
bed and a queen-size bed.  A twin size bed and a hospital bed don't 
allow me enough room to maneuver.
When I am in the bed, and I am lying on my 
right side and my chair is behind me, I extend my right arm as straight as I 
can get it with the use of my left arm since I have no triceps in my right 
arm, to help lift my upper torso while using my left arm to hook under my 
left leg for support and balance.  While pulling up on my leg, I slowly 
inch my way up with my right arm until I am sitting upright in the 
bed.  I then uncross my legs and and and slow methodical increments I 
push down on the mattress and slowly slide my rear end toward the 
chair.  For every 4 in. that I move my rear end I then lean forward to 
advance my legs to the left of my torso toward the chair also.  If you 
are on an air mattress or a waterbed, forget it.  My arms are very 
short but I try to exercise my shoulders as much as possible with wrist 
weights and doing push-ups in bed while lying prone.  I have learned to 
turn myself from lying on my right side to flipping over to lie on my left 
side or to flip totally over and lie prone.  I sometimes lie on my back 
but without my bed ladder I am just like a turtle on his back.
Once I scoot over close enough to the chair 
after removing the sliding board from the chair, I lean to the right and 
slide the board under my left hip.  And then push down on the mattress 
and continue sliding into the chair.  Contrary to what they try to 
teach me in rehabilitation, I leave the footrest in position on the 
chair. I slide most of my butt into the chair first and then I pull my 
legs one at a time onto the footrest.  I then strap my safety belt on 
and roll my chair over to my oblong trash can where I keep my armrest 
upright in order to not have to pick it up off the floor.  Just make 
sure you leave your armrest somewhere where it is easy for you to get.  
I make sure that I leave the board on the bed where I can reach it in order 
for me to reverse the process to get back into bed.  I do this 
unassisted and am confident enough to perform this one I am alone at 
The first time that I attempted this with 
assistance on standby it took me approximately 45 minutes from beginning to 
end to get into the chair.  But I was so happy and it was worth every 
minute of it.  If I am lying on my right side it takes me approximately 
10 to 15 minutes to get into the chair if I am lying on my right side were 
my triceps are better, it takes me approximately five to 10 minutes to get 
into the chair.  Leaving the chair and getting into bed takes sometime 
less than five minutes.  After I get into bed, and make sure I place 
the board in the chair in the right position in case I need to get back up 
again.  It is very hard to explain however.  I will try to get my 
daughter to record me on a short video clip that I can send to you.  It 
doesn't take as much muscle as it sounds however it does take persistence 
and stamina.

  - Original Message - 
  To: tahouston 
  Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 11:10 
  Subject: Re: Transfers
  can you describe the way you do it?? your situation sounds like 
  thankstahouston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I am c5-c6 complete post 12 years this 
May, 50 years old, no triceps on right side , very little on left 
side and have been transferring both in and out for 5 years w/sliding 
T Houston, Chicago

  - Original Message - 
  William Willis 
  Sent: Saturday, April 01, 2006 
  12:12 PM
  Subject: FW: Re: [QUAD-L] 
  I am c5 with no triceps. I cannot transfer alone. 
  Can anyone here 

[QUAD-L] Re: Transfers

2006-04-02 Thread tahouston

I used to have very good extensors on my left 
wrist but I quit using it and I lost it for over a year.  I have absolutely 
nothing on my right side and I never did.  After slowly exercising my left 
wrist I am able to lift it just slightly.  With my forearm at 45° I can do 
as many as 15 to 20 wrist bends.  With my arm extended straight out I can 
do may be four to five.  Four months ago I could do none.  Two years 
ago, I could do as many as I wanted to.  It was just as natural as moving 
my shoulders.

  - Original Message - 
  To: tahouston 
  Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 2:27 
  Subject: Re: Transfers
  wow that sounds like how i will have to do it... do you have left wrist 
  extensors though? that is also another i am working on...
  tahouston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

This kind of awkward in a way.  I have 
tried it in a twin bed, a hospital bed, a regular size bed, and a queen-size 
bed.  I have only been able to accomplish the feat in a regular size 
bed and a queen-size bed.  A twin size bed and a hospital bed don't 
allow me enough room to maneuver.
When I am in the bed, and I am lying on my 
right side and my chair is behind me, I extend my right arm as straight as I 
can get it with the use of my left arm since I have no triceps in my right 
arm, to help lift my upper torso while using my left arm to hook under my 
left leg for support and balance.  While pulling up on my leg, I slowly 
inch my way up with my right arm until I am sitting upright in the 
bed.  I then uncross my legs and and and slow methodical increments I 
push down on the mattress and slowly slide my rear end toward the 
chair.  For every 4 in. that I move my rear end I then lean forward to 
advance my legs to the left of my torso toward the chair also.  If you 
are on an air mattress or a waterbed, forget it.  My arms are very 
short but I try to exercise my shoulders as much as possible with wrist 
weights and doing push-ups in bed while lying prone.  I have learned to 
turn myself from lying on my right side to flipping over to lie on my left 
side or to flip totally over and lie prone.  I sometimes lie on my back 
but without my bed ladder I am just like a turtle on his back.
Once I scoot over close enough to the chair 
after removing the sliding board from the chair, I lean to the right and 
slide the board under my left hip.  And then push down on the mattress 
and continue sliding into the chair.  Contrary to what they try to 
teach me in rehabilitation, I leave the footrest in position on the 
chair. I slide most of my butt into the chair first and then I pull my 
legs one at a time onto the footrest.  I then strap my safety belt on 
and roll my chair over to my oblong trash can where I keep my armrest 
upright in order to not have to pick it up off the floor.  Just make 
sure you leave your armrest somewhere where it is easy for you to get.  
I make sure that I leave the board on the bed where I can reach it in order 
for me to reverse the process to get back into bed.  I do this 
unassisted and am confident enough to perform this one I am alone at 
The first time that I attempted this with 
assistance on standby it took me approximately 45 minutes from beginning to 
end to get into the chair.  But I was so happy and it was worth every 
minute of it.  If I am lying on my right side it takes me approximately 
10 to 15 minutes to get into the chair if I am lying on my right side were 
my triceps are better, it takes me approximately five to 10 minutes to get 
into the chair.  Leaving the chair and getting into bed takes sometime 
less than five minutes.  After I get into bed, and make sure I place 
the board in the chair in the right position in case I need to get back up 
again.  It is very hard to explain however.  I will try to get my 
daughter to record me on a short video clip that I can send to you.  It 
doesn't take as much muscle as it sounds however it does take persistence 
and stamina.

  - Original Message - 
      To: tahouston 
  Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 11:10 
  Subject: Re: Transfers
  can you describe the way you do it?? your situation sounds like 
  thankstahouston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I am c5-c6 complete post 12 years this 
May, 50 years old, no triceps on right side , very little on left 
side and have been transferring both in and out for 5 years w/sliding 
T Houston, Chicago

  - Original Message - 
  William Willis 
  Sent: Sa

Re: [QUAD-L] All programs menu

2006-04-02 Thread tahouston

The list in the all programs menu is only 
shortcuts.  You can right-click on these titles and delete them at your 
will without affecting the program itself.

  - Original Message - 
  Eric Olson 
  To: Tim Thompson 
  Cc: quad 
  Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 2:23 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] All programs 
  XPTim Thompson wrote:
  What OS?

On 4/1/06, Eric Olson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Does anyone know of an application that can edit the all programs menus?



[QUAD-L] Re: Transfers

2006-04-02 Thread tahouston

This kind of awkward in a way.  I have 
tried it in a twin bed, a hospital bed, a regular size bed, and a queen-size 
bed.  I have only been able to accomplish the feat in a regular size bed 
and a queen-size bed.  A twin size bed and a hospital bed don't allow me 
enough room to maneuver.
When I am in the bed, and I am lying on my right 
side and my chair is behind me, I extend my right arm as straight as I can get 
it with the use of my left arm since I have no triceps in my right arm, to help 
lift my upper torso while using my left arm to hook under my left leg for 
support and balance.  While pulling up on my leg, I slowly inch my way up 
with my right arm until I am sitting upright in the bed.  I then uncross my 
legs and and and slow methodical increments I push down on the mattress and 
slowly slide my rear end toward the chair.  For every 4 in. that I move my 
rear end I then lean forward to advance my legs to the left of my torso toward 
the chair also.  If you are on an air mattress or a waterbed, forget 
it.  My arms are very short but I try to exercise my shoulders as much as 
possible with wrist weights and doing push-ups in bed while lying prone.  I 
have learned to turn myself from lying on my right side to flipping over to lie 
on my left side or to flip totally over and lie prone.  I sometimes lie on 
my back but without my bed ladder I am just like a turtle on his 
Once I scoot over close enough to the chair 
after removing the sliding board from the chair, I lean to the right and slide 
the board under my left hip.  And then push down on the mattress and 
continue sliding into the chair.  Contrary to what they try to teach me in 
rehabilitation, I leave the footrest in position on the chair. I slide most 
of my butt into the chair first and then I pull my legs one at a time onto the 
footrest.  I then strap my safety belt on and roll my chair over to my 
oblong trash can where I keep my armrest upright in order to not have to pick it 
up off the floor.  Just make sure you leave your armrest somewhere where it 
is easy for you to get.  I make sure that I leave the board on the bed 
where I can reach it in order for me to reverse the process to get back into 
bed.  I do this unassisted and am confident enough to perform this one I am 
alone at home.
The first time that I attempted this with 
assistance on standby it took me approximately 45 minutes from beginning to end 
to get into the chair.  But I was so happy and it was worth every minute of 
it.  If I am lying on my right side it takes me approximately 10 to 15 
minutes to get into the chair if I am lying on my right side were my triceps are 
better, it takes me approximately five to 10 minutes to get into the 
chair.  Leaving the chair and getting into bed takes sometime less than 
five minutes.  After I get into bed, and make sure I place the board in the 
chair in the right position in case I need to get back up again.  It is 
very hard to explain however.  I will try to get my daughter to record me 
on a short video clip that I can send to you.  It doesn't take as much 
muscle as it sounds however it does take persistence and stamina.

  - Original Message - 
  To: tahouston 
  Sent: Sunday, April 02, 2006 11:10 
  Subject: Re: Transfers
  can you describe the way you do it?? your situation sounds like 
  thankstahouston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

I am c5-c6 complete post 12 years this May, 
50 years old, no triceps on right side , very little on left side and 
have been transferring both in and out for 5 years w/sliding 
T Houston, Chicago

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, April 01, 2006 12:12 
  Subject: FW: Re: [QUAD-L] 
  I am c5 with no triceps. I cannot transfer alone. Can 
  anyone here c5 or higher transfer?>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],>Subject: 
  Re: [QUAD-L] Transfers>Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 09:44:05 
  EST>>>In a message dated 3/31/2006 11:15:42 PM 
  Central Standard Time,>[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  writes:>>How many of you can transfer alone? if so what 
  level are you?>thanks>>>>That could 
  provide you with some suprising answers Amy.  The level of  
  >injury>doesn't always rule out being able to 
  transfer.  I've seen C-4s  tranfers>with no assistance or 
  problems.>I've also seen C7 who could not or would not attempt a 
  transfer without  >some>kind of assistance.  Enjoy 

Re: Re: [QUAD-L] Transfers

2006-04-01 Thread tahouston

I am c5-c6 complete post 12 years this May, 50 
years old, no triceps on right side , very little on left side and have 
been transferring both in and out for 5 years w/sliding board.
T Houston, Chicago

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, April 01, 2006 12:12 
  Subject: FW: Re: [QUAD-L] Transfers
  I am c5 with no triceps. I cannot transfer alone. Can 
  anyone here c5 or higher transfer?>From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]>To: [EMAIL PROTECTED],>Subject: 
  Re: [QUAD-L] Transfers>Date: Sat, 1 Apr 2006 09:44:05 
  EST>>>In a message dated 3/31/2006 11:15:42 PM Central 
  Standard Time,>[EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:>>How many of 
  you can transfer alone? if so what level are 
  you?>thanksThat could provide you with 
  some suprising answers Amy.  The level of  
  >injury>doesn't always rule out being able to transfer.  
  I've seen C-4s  tranfers>with no assistance or 
  problems.>I've also seen C7 who could not or would not attempt a 
  transfer without  >some>kind of assistance.  Enjoy the 

Re: [QUAD-L] Work

2006-03-21 Thread tahouston

I was told by someone in the Social Security 
Administration office that the limit for SSI disability was just less than $800 
a month.

  - Original Message - 
  To: "quad-list" 
  Sent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 5:23 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Work
  Lori,Hello,My name is Sharon I am on Public 
  Assistanance SSI, Social Security Disability. But Its not because I Want 
  to be!! I worked for 8 years running a office! One day I received a letter 
  stating that if I made 200.00 a month I could loose my medical insurance. 
  Here in Ohio that's how it is What Choice would you have made? I knows 
  not fair but! If laws ever change I will go back to work if I don't get 
  too old first!!! Not everyone is on public assistance because they want to 
  be!!! There are allot on it that should not be!! But you don't know 
  everyone's situation!!! Do not judge until you're in one shoes!!! Just my 
  opinion!!HugsSharon- Original Message - From: 
  QuadPirateTo: ; Lori 
  MichaelsonSent: Tuesday, March 21, 2006 4:14 PMSubject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
  Work  What, No 
  answer?  ---Original 
  Message---  From: 
  QuadPirate  Date: 03/18/06 
  13:51:31  To:; Lori 
  Michaelson  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
  Work  Hey Lori I have a 
  question.  How do you live on $16,500 a year 
  with no help or public assistance?  There's a 
  lot people on the list that  would like to know your 
  Mark  ---Original 
  Message---  From: Lori 
  Michaelson  Date: 03/17/06 
  16:22:52  To: 
  Quad  Subject: [QUAD-L] 
  Work  Many others can answer this 
  question as well.  I got a B.S. in liberal studies and business 
  administration.  I wanted to work for IBM as it was a big local firm 
  but all resumes were ignored there and other 
  jobs.  I took a job at an ILC and worked 
  as an advocate of kids receiving special-ed.  It only required an 
  Associate's degree but I took it.  Fool move.  It only paid 
  $16,500K.  That = about $7.50 ban hour.  Nonetheless I stuck 
  with it.  Then I began having pain here and there ALL THE TIME.  I 
  went to different Drs for 4-5 yrs and finally found out I had 
  Syringomyelia.  I resigned from work 
  (foolish move ... shoulda retired on disability). My endurance now sucks 
  along with other secondary problems later and yr after 
  yr.  It SUCKS my degree isn't being used 
  RIGHT NOW but I keep plenty busy!  Go to 
  work if you can!  People whine about women on welfare yet so many 
  quads get exactly that.  Call it Medicaid, Public Assistance or 
  whatever ... but it's welfare and I'll get slammed here for not being 
  P.C.!  If you know what you want to do 
  ... reach for it!  GO FOR IT!  
  TIP:  DO NOT put that you are disabled on your resume.  I was green 
  as key lime pie when I was doing mine/sending mine and made that 
  mistake.  List only your experience, degrees, 
  Lori  ---Original 
  Message---  From: Dillon 
  Ewa  Date: 03/16/06 
  12:58:14  To: Lori Michaelson; 
  Quad  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Irrigants for 
  Sludge and Sediment in FOLEY USERS  
  Lori  I want to change subjects and ask 
  you another question.  I have not been able to find employment not 
  only because of our problem with sediment in my urine but mainly because 
  of recurrent pressure sores.  I want to ask you if you were employed 
  and what you are doing.  My repeated attempts to seek employment have 
  been frustrated because of my skin and I wanted to learn what others are 
  done explicit because your entry-level is high and similar to 
  mine.  I would appreciate any advice or 
  information you could provide me  

[QUAD-L] Check This Out !!!

2006-03-16 Thread tahouston


Subject: Check This Out !!!





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Re: [QUAD-L] Dry Skin

2006-03-13 Thread tahouston

I have a very bad case of dry skin, not so much 
on the feet, but the face, scalp, and ears!

  - Original Message - 
  To: Quad 
  Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006 6:49 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Dry Skin
  Hi.anyone have solution for dry skinspecifically 
  inside the ears...and next on the scalp insert again, face and 
  It's a constant struggle.
  Paul c5/6
  San Diego52 degrees and 

Re: [QUAD-L] Bladder irrigation

2006-03-13 Thread tahouston

I use a saline solution to clean my decubitus 
sore, and an acetic acid for irrigation which is basically vinegar and 
From: Eric Olson 

  To: quad 
  Sent: Saturday, March 11, 2006 3:08 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Bladder 
  Does anyone do bladder irrigation with vinegar and water? 

Fw: [QUAD-L] Age

2006-02-27 Thread tahouston

50 years old, C5-C6, post 12 years, 
- Original Message - 
From: Mack Johnson 
To: Silas 
Cc: Matt ; Quad-List 

Sent: Monday, February 27, 2006 7:42 PM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Age
45 years old but in quad years 23..On Feb 27, 2006, 
at 3:49 PM, Silas wrote:> 46 here, will be 4 years in june, c3/c4 
complete Silas> - Original Message - From: "Matt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> To: "Quad-List" > Sent: 
Monday, February 27, 2006 12:02 PM> Subject: [QUAD-L] 
Age I'm male, 45 here, 17 years post C-4 incomplete, 
married.>> Matt    [EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>Mack 

[QUAD-L] Fw: Articles/AHA

2006-02-22 Thread tahouston

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, February 20, 2006 6:24 PM
Subject: Articles/AHA




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 Studio4: Makeover package 20% 
  off  Accents: 15% off accessories 
  with every haircut 





  'Things happen 
  for a reason'HEALTH: Stroke victim thankful for AHA, helps others 
  focus on healthBY JEANNE HOVANECTimes 
  This story ran on on Sunday, February 19, 2006 12:03 AM 




  Many people wouldn't consider having a stroke a blessing in 
  disguise, but most people aren't like Angie Berg.Five years ago, 
  at 24, she was working part time at a coffee shop in Dubuque, Iowa, when a 
  migrainelike headache absorbed her body.
  "When I realized that I couldn't hold a pen in my right hand 
  I knew I might be having a stroke and asked the person I was working with 
  to take me to the hospital," said Berg, now a physical therapist at 
  Methodist Hospitals.Doctors diagnosed her with having an 
  arteriovenous malformation rupture, a malformation of the arteries and 
  veins in the brain. Berg underwent two surgeries to relieve the swelling 
  in her brain."The doctors said the rupture in my brain was the 
  largest they had seen in anyone that had survived," Berg 
  said.According to American Heart Association, heart disease and 
  related disorders are the No. 1 killers of women in America, killing one 
  out every three women, while breast cancer -- a much higher visibility 
  "women's disease" -- kills one out of every 30 victims.To 
  recognize February as American Heart Month, the American Heart 
  Association's Go Red for Women Campaign is challenging women like Berg to 
  bring more awareness to their health."The AHA puts so much 
  money to research for conditional diseases," Berg said. "It's amazing how 
  great these people. They are the reason I am still here."Amy 
  Newman, spokeswoman for the Northern Indiana American Heart Association, 
  said the numbers can be turned against the disease as women get the power 
  to control and actively prevent heart disease."A lot of women are 
  the heads of their households," she said. "We want them to give themselves 
  the time they give other people in their families. Eat right, exercise and 
  know their numbers."After two months in the hospital, Berg was 
  left to pick up the pieces of her life.The eight-hour days of 
  in-patient therapy and hourly outpatient visits over two years fueled her 
  desire to again be a physical therapist."I think some of my 
  patients today look at me like a mentor because they see I went through 
  what they are going through," Berg said."They see what I had to 
  overcome and it gives them motivation to be as they were 
  before."She still has little function in her right hand, but she 
  has graduated from using her cane and now only needs a brace to walk. But 
  Berg looks at these restrictions as slight compared to what she has 
  received from the experience."Things happen for a reason," Berg 
  said. "The reality is I've had more doors open to me since the stroke and 
  I love what I do. I have to use more Post-it notes now, but this was all 
  sort of a blessing in disguise."






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2006 stroke victim, doctor honoredWeis 
  Robinson, w

Re: [QUAD-L] Colonoscopy

2006-02-13 Thread tahouston

I just went through the procedure in 
January.  My doctor ordered one while I was in the hospital for 
second-degree burns on my feet.  Had an unknown infection that they were 
looking for.  Could not eat for at least 24 hours prior and I was given 
this nasty liquid to drink that was to completely clean out my insides.  
That night I could only drink about three fourths of the bottle which was about 
a little over a gallon.  The doctors came in the next morning and informed 
that nurses I had to drink the entire gallon before the procedure.  I had 
drunk enough of it until it was not only coming out of the rear end, it was also 
exiting through my mouth.  To make a long story short, they inserted a 
camera on a long snake through my rear entrance and I was able to observe my 
insides on the monitor.
Besides for the liquid drink, the entire 
procedure was uneventful.

  - Original Message - 
  To: Quad List 
  Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2006 8:11 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Colonoscopy
  My doctor wants me to have a Colonoscopy. Have any of you 
  fellow quads had one? If so, how did you manage? I'm concerned about the 
  'cleaning out' part. I know walkies that had this procedure and they said they 
  were up all night going in and out of the john. As a quad I can't do that. Any 

[QUAD-L] Fw: FWD. . . Harvard Announcement

2006-02-10 Thread tahouston


Have not verified, but source is definitely 
Sam Pride

Subject: Harvard 
AnnouncementHarvard University announced over the weekend that from 
now on undergraduate students from low-income families will pay no 
tuition.  In making the announcement, Harvard's president Lawrence H. Summers said, "When only 10 percent 
of the students in elite higher education come from families in the lower half 
of the income distribution, we are not doing enough.  We are not doing 
enough in bringing elite higher education to the lower half of the income 
distribution."If you know of a family earning less than $40,000 a year 
with an honorstudent graduating from high school soon, Harvard University 
wants to pay the tuition.  The prestigious university recently announced 
that from now on undergraduate students fr! om low-income families can go to 
Harvard for tuition and no student loans.To find out more 
about Harvard offering free tuition for families makingless than $40,000 a 
year visit Harvard's financial aid website 
at:  or call the school'sfinancial aid office at (617) 495-1581.SEND TO 

[QUAD-L] Fw: Fw: Benefits

2006-01-31 Thread tahouston



Love him or loathe him, 
he nailed this one right on the head..By Rush 
Limbaugh:I think the vast differences in compensation between 
victims of the September 11 casualty and those who die serving our country in 
Uniform are profound. No one is really talking about it either, because you just 
don't criticize anything having to do with September 11. Well, I can't let the 
numbers pass by because it says something really disturbing about 
theentitlement mentality of this country. If you lost a family member in the 
September 11 attack, you're going to get an average of $1,185,000. The range is 
a minimum guarantee of $250,000, all the way up to $4.7 million.If 
you are a surviving family member of an American soldier killed in action, the 
first check you get is a $6,000 direct death benefit, half of which is 
taxable.Next, you get $1,750 for burial costs. If you are the surviving 
spouse, you get $833 a month until you remarry. And there's a payment of $211 
per month for each child under 18. When the child hits 18, those payments come 
to a screeching halt.Keep in mind that some of the people who are 
getting an average of $1.185 million up to $4.7 million are complaining that 
it's not enough. Their deaths were tragic, but for most, they were simply in the 
wrong place at the wrong time. Soldiers put themselves in harms way FOR ALL OF 
US, and they and their families know the dangers.We also learned over 
the weekend that some of the victims from the Oklahoma City bombing have started an 
organization asking for the same deal that the September 11 families are 
getting. In addition to that, some of the families of those bombed in the 
embassies are now asking for compensation as well.You see where this is 
going, don't you? Folks, this is part and parcel of over 50 years of entitlement 
politics in this country. It's just really sad. Every time a pay raise comes up 
for the military, they usually receive next to nothing of a raise. Now the green 
machine is in combat in the 
Middle East while 
their families have to survive on food stamps and live in low-rent housing. Make 
sense?However, our own U.S. Congress voted themselves a raise. Many of 
you don't know that they only have to be in Congress one time to receive a 
pension that is more than $15,000 per month. And most are now equal to being 
millionaires plus. They do not receive Social Security on retirement because 
they didn't have to pay into the system.If some of the military people 
stay in for 20 years and get out as an E-7, they may receive a pension of $1,000 
per month, and the very people who placed them in harm's way receives a pension 
of $15,000 per month.I would like to see our elected officials pick up a 
weapon and join ranks before they start cutting out benefits and lowering pay 
for our sons and daughters who are now fighting."When do we finally do 
something about this?" If this doesn't seem fair to you, it is time to forward 
this to as many people as you can.
How many people can YOU 
send this to ?

Re: [QUAD-L] worth knowing if you have a cell phone

2005-12-17 Thread tahouston

I asked a dealer and he assures me only in 
America "he thinks"  :-)

  - Original Message - 

  To: tahouston 
  Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 2:52 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] worth knowing if 
  you have a cell phone
  your info on mobile is useful.does it work in 
  allcountries or just in America.
- Original Message - 
To: Jerald 
Sent: Friday, December 16, 2005 3:29 
Subject: [QUAD-L] worth knowing if you 
have a cell phone


Here is something worth knowing if you have a mobile 
phone Have you ever wondered why phone companies don't seem 
interested in trying to prevent the theft of mobile phones? If you have ever 
lost, or had one stolen, and if you are on a plan, you still have to pay the 
plan approximately up to 24 months, and you have to buy another handset and 
enter into another contract. This is more revenue for the phone 
company.There is a simple way of making lost or stolen mobiles 
useless to thieves and the phone companies know about it, but keep it 
quiet.To check your mobile phone's serial number, key in the 
following on your phone:star-hash-zero-six-hash ( * # 0 6 # 
)and a fifteen digit code will appear on the screen. This is unique 
to your handset. Write it down and keep it safe. Should your mobile phone 
get stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code. 
They will then be able to block your handset, so even if the thief changes 
the sim card, your phone will be totally useless.You probably won't 
get your phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use / 
sell it either.If everybody did this, there would be no point in 
stealing mobile 

[QUAD-L] worth knowing if you have a cell phone

2005-12-15 Thread tahouston


Here is something worth knowing if you have a mobile phone 
Have you ever wondered why phone companies don't seem interested in 
trying to prevent the theft of mobile phones? If you have ever lost, or had one 
stolen, and if you are on a plan, you still have to pay the plan approximately 
up to 24 months, and you have to buy another handset and enter into another 
contract. This is more revenue for the phone company.There is a simple 
way of making lost or stolen mobiles useless to thieves and the phone companies 
know about it, but keep it quiet.To check your mobile phone's serial 
number, key in the following on your phone:star-hash-zero-six-hash ( * # 
0 6 # )and a fifteen digit code will appear on the screen. This is 
unique to your handset. Write it down and keep it safe. Should your mobile phone 
get stolen, you can phone your service provider and give them this code. They 
will then be able to block your handset, so even if the thief changes the sim 
card, your phone will be totally useless.You probably won't get your 
phone back, but at least you know that whoever stole it can't use / sell it 
either.If everybody did this, there would be no point in stealing mobile 

Re: [QUAD-L] Howdy Folks

2005-12-10 Thread tahouston

Not yet registered but I will check into 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Friday, December 09, 2005 7:45 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Howdy Folks
  Hiya TA!I hope that you are registered with the Chicago 
  Chapter of the Natl Spinal CordInjury Association.  They are a 
  very active group and Mercedes Raun, does a greatjob.WIn a 
  message dated 12/8/05 10:15:35 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  writes:<< I'm T. Houston, 50, c5-c6 complete in Chicagoland, 11 
  years post injury!  - Original Message -  

Re: [QUAD-L] Howdy Folks

2005-12-08 Thread tahouston

Hey Stef, wecome back to the list.  
I'm T. Houston, 50, c5-c6 complete in Chicagoland, 11 years post 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, December 08, 2005 9:40 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Howdy Folks

  Welcome back Stephanie,
  I'm Jim, 45, married with two children, C-5/6 incomplete, five years post 
  injury and live near Duluth MN.

Re: [QUAD-L] internet providers such as AOL - Yahoo

2005-12-07 Thread tahouston

I use cable which is 4X - 10X faster tham 
dial up and basic DSL.  Sbc will offer u the slowest dsl 
speed(384kbps) to get your business but their hi-speed (1.5Mbps - 3Mbps) 
runs about $70 - $80 per month.  I pay $43 per month for ComCast cable 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, December 05, 2005 2:20 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] internet providers such 
  as AOL - Yahoo
      I have been having a lot of trouble with my AOL dial 
  up service, I can get yahoo DSL for about the same price for 6 months then 
  about 10 bucks more for the 2nd 6 months. I have never had any other service 
  other than AOLDo any of you have or like sbc-yahoo DSL ? Also is DSL 
  really faster than dial up ?  thanks for your input on this.
  Dan c-6 post 8+ yrs.

Re: [QUAD-L] question

2005-12-01 Thread tahouston

Senokot is a stool softner and metamucil help to 
stimulate bowel movement.

  - Original Message - 
  Julie A Napper 
  Sent: Wednesday, November 30, 2005 8:30 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] question
  Can someone tell me the difference between Senokot and 
  Metamucil?Thanks in advance,Julie 

[QUAD-L] Love is strong as death............

2005-11-19 Thread tahouston


 Love is strong as death; but nothing else is as strong as either; and 
both, love and death, met in Christ. How strong and powerful upon you, then, 
should that instruction be, that comes to you from both these, the love and 
death of Jesus Christ! 

If someone claims, ``I 
love God,'' but that person hates his brother, then that person is a liar! One 
who does not love his brother (whom he has seen) cannot love God (whom he has 
not seen)! 1John 4:20

Re: [QUAD-L] Dragon?

2005-11-08 Thread tahouston

I see no need to upgrade every year.  Every 
two to three versions have worked very well for me.

  - Original Message - 
  To: Quad 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 3:41 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Dragon?

You might want to try asking Dragon that question directly.  
By email or phone.  
I'm starting to use Dragon ASAP.  I've had it for 8 yrs, 
updating each version, but
never use it.  I have version 8 already (Professional ... the 
others are add-ons)
to go.
Lori Michaelson
Age - 41
C4/5 complete quad, 26 years post
Tucson, AZ

From: Greg
Date: 11/08/05 
Subject: [QUAD-L] 
There looks to be differernt versions of 
Dragon Naturally Speaking 8, Professional, Medical, Legal. It implies 
the Professional is better for the disabled? If so, why?



Re: [QUAD-L] Dragon?

2005-11-08 Thread tahouston

I have used the basic dragon and I have used a 
professional dragon (version seven).  With the professional version you 
have use of more commands using the Internet, the ability to use a dictate 
machine to transfer speech files, use with Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Access, 
more shortcuts, the ability to train your own commands, filling out Internet 
forms, opening and closing programs easier, larger vocabulary, and more options 
to control speech.  The training is a little bit more intense but pretty 
easy and straightforward.  Writing Web addresses and e-mail addresses are a 
lot easier also.  I am a C5-C6 complete and I type with a typing  splint 
however I use it less than 5% of the time when using Dragon NaturallySpeaking 
Professional during an entire session all about three to four 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 2:29 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Dragon?
  There looks to be differernt versions of Dragon 
  Naturally Speaking 8, Professional, Medical, Legal. It implies the 
  Professional is better for the disabled? If so, why?


2005-11-08 Thread tahouston

A drain sponge is identical to a gauze 
pad, it is just precut.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, November 08, 2005 8:43 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] SUPRAPUBIC 
    Hi, I wear a piece of guaze cut to the center then taped on around 
  the supra-pubic area---how do you wear the drain sponge ? is pad the same, 
  just cut and fit it around the tube over the hole?  Just curious about 
  the sponge-- wondering if it may be better than taping on guaze pads.


2005-11-07 Thread tahouston

I too was told by my doctors that the bleeding 
would cease.  About 90% of the bleeding stopped but I still get 
drainage.  I change my drain sponge once a day no less than once every 
other day.

  - Original Message - 
  To: ; Kristen Manecke 
  Sent: Thursday, November 03, 2005 10:44 
  Hi List,
  I have had a suprapubic for 5 months and the 
  'hole' continues to drain, sometimes bleed a little.
  Of those folk who have a suprapubic, does 
  this situation ever change?  Does the hole ever close?
  Thank you!
  Paul    41-year old c5/6  
  Injured 11/05/03
  San Diego, 

Re: [QUAD-L] Men and Women Quaids

2005-11-07 Thread tahouston

I can see two quads falling in love but let's be 
for real, it is not practical.  Unless one or both are filthy rich and have 
quality caregivers around-the-clock.  As a male quad I would be looking for 
a paraplegic or an able-bodied woman able to compensate for some of the things 
that I am not able to do.  If I cannot help her and she cannot help me, a 
union would be nonproductive.  Great conversation would have to fill the 
void of endless hours.
Tom Houston C5 C6

  - Original Message - 
  To: andrea murray ; 
  Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2005 2:49 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Men and Women 
  Hi Andrea, 
  Well I guess the main concern is not being able 
  to take care of one another, but that doesn't mean I wouldn't find a 
  woman quad attractive or fall in love.  I just don't see how it could 
  possible work, two quads even trying to kiss.  
- Original Message - 
andrea murray 
Sent: Saturday, November 05, 2005 11:47 
Subject: [QUAD-L] Men and Women 

I have been wondering why Quid men do 
not see Quid woman the same way as they see a non disabled woman. In 
a sexual way or as a mate. I"m doing a research and don't hold 
back. I also want the women view too. How do you abaut 

FareChase - Search multiple travel sites in one click. 

Re: [QUAD-L] RE: [QUAD] DragonDictate users:

2005-10-25 Thread tahouston

I too am a one hand typist.  Sometimes I 
type, but most of the time I use my DragonDictate version 7.  The more you 
use it the more accurate it becomes.  In the beginning it was a hassle to 
have to stop and correct misspelled words, but then it moves along very 
efficiently.  The key is to talk naturally in complete sentences instead of 
a few words at a time.  Sometimes it is a convenience for me when opening 
and closing programs, surfing the net, in filling out forms.  Even if you 
have a dialect or a foreign accent, the program will adjust to your language 
skills and sounds.
Tom Houston C5-C6

  - Original Message - 
  To: Quad 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 25, 2005 4:11 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] RE: [QUAD] 
  DragonDictate users:

I have Dragon Naturally Speaking but rarely use it.  Not that 
it's a bad product.  I just don't have the time or patience to 
train it so it works effectively.  After typing for 28 yrs ... it's 
hard to "speak" what you mean also.  I'm a one-handed typist 
My husband always gets the latest versions, etc.   I 
really should use it more often.  I THINK a free trial is available 
download but don't quote me on that.
Go to:
Lori Michaelson
Age - 41
C4/5 complete quad, 26 years post
Tucson, AZ

From: David K. Kelmer
Date: 10/25/05 
To: Peter; quad list
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
RE: [QUAD] DragonDictate users:

Hi Peter,
How much money would it take me to get setup with 
DragonDictate?  I'm a one handed typist now, but am looking for a 
good dictation program, and thought you might know the costs for 
With Love,
CtrlAltDel aka DaveC4/5 Complete - 29 Years PostTexas, 
USA  .

Hello fellow DragonDictate users: in 
training your DragonDictate have you read "Success is a Journey"If 
so, how many times.  Through training my three computers I believe 
I've read it nearly 15 times and it has never fails to keep me motivated 
in my work.
When I do take an occasional break from 
working, I generally play a game of: "Free Cell"  You can use 
DragonDictate to play, and become very proficient at it also.  

Have you ever tested how many words a 
minute you can dictate? Don't forget to optimize nightly:-)
Just wondering-Peter 25yrs



Re: [QUAD-L] falling turns

2005-10-24 Thread tahouston

I sleep on a craft matic bed.  I only sleep 
on my sides.  I don't sleep on my back because it takes away from my 
sitting time.  One night I may sleep on the right hip and the next night I 
switch to my left hip.  Sometimes when my legs become spastic I may switch 
in the middle of the night were sleep prone.  I must be careful what I 
sleep prone as not to kink my catheter.  I tried air mattresses and water 
mattresses, but I lose the freedom of turning myself and performing self 
Tom Houston C5-C6

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, October 22, 2005 5:58 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] falling 
  Welcome Back LindaF !You were missed kiddo!Have you 
  been contacted by Joe White, the quad from Valpo?  He's the guy who 
  wasthrown from the mechanical bull at the Porter County Fair, a couple 
  of years ago.He was looking for a couple of hot bods to work his 
  "disAbilities Booth" at thePopcorn Fest last month.WIn 
  a message dated 10/22/05 2:20:42 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  writes:<< I sleep on my side with no turns, since I live alone 
  & I have a Luminex AirFlow thru mattress.  My tv is my best 
  friend at nite if I can't sleep, Ijust set it on sleep timer & 
  hopefully I fall asleep before it goes off.Lindaf 

Re: [QUAD-L] falling asleep

2005-10-20 Thread tahouston

If I try to go to sleep in a dark quiet 
room my mind roams, every negative thought that I can dream of (past or future) 
scrolls through my mind.  The noise from the television prevents me from 
thinking while trying to sleep.
T. Houston Post 11 years 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, October 20, 2005 10:53 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] falling 
  Jkrocks writes:
normally watch TV a couple of hours before I go to sleep.  If I'm 
really tired I can fall asleep right away but if I'm not tired I will lay 
their and my mind will start to wonder and start thinking of things that I 
should not be thinking of.
  This is what I do every night.

Re: [QUAD-L] falling asleep

2005-10-20 Thread tahouston

I find that I cannot go to sleep without the 
television on.
T. Houston 11 years post-C5-C6

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, October 18, 2005 5:18 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] falling 
  I had trouble at first but now I sleep fine, unless im 
  On 10/18/05, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
I've had a terrible time sleeping since I've been hurt, once they took 
me off morphine when I first got hurt I can't sleep two nights in a 
row.  I'm not recommending it but, I stay up in my chair every other 
night, and do a lot of weight shifts.  It makes me sleep good the night 
I go to bed! 
c41991-- Jeremy 
  - 23 - FloridaC-3 Quad since 4/12/01OI Type IV since 7/29/82 

Re: [QUAD-L] CD-R Burner Problem

2005-10-17 Thread tahouston

I am an HP computer whose parts are compatible 
with Compaq.  I experienced the same problem.  I even installed a new 
burner while it was under warranty.  For the first eight months are 
recorded all different brands of DVDs, then all of a sudden it stop 
recording.  I continue to receive the message please insert blank disk or 
recordable disc.  Then I bought all HP blank media and I have not had any 
problems since.

  - Original Message - 
  To: ; Eric W Rudd ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] ; tahouston 
  Sent: Monday, October 17, 2005 1:29 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] CD-R Burner 


From: tahouston
Date: 10/16/05 
To: QuadPirate;; Eric W Rudd; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
CD-R Burner Problem
Do you have an HP or 

- Original Message - 
To: ; Eric W Rudd 
Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2005 
11:41 AM
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] CD-R Burner 


   No I've burned many cd's and a  few dvd's with it 
  in the past it just stopped recognizing disc.
  From: Stuntman
  Date: 10/15/05 
  To: QuadPirate;; Eric W Rudd
  Subject: RE: 
  [QUAD-L] CD-R Burner Problem
  Are you using a DVD burner?
  A CD-RW/DVD only plays DVD's.
  > They're not cheap disc though they're Memorex DVD+R 4.7 
  > ---Original Message---
  > From: Eric W Rudd
  > Date: 10/15/05 17:14:37
  > To:
  > Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] CD-R Burner Problem
  > Mine won't work w/ cheap disks.
  > Eric W Rudd
  > -Original Message-
  > From: QuadPirate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
  > Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2005 4:59 PM
  > To:
  > Subject: [QUAD-L] CD-R Burner Problem
  > I can't get my CD-R Burner to work any more.
  > It keeps telling me to put a recordable disc in the 
  drive and I've
  tried a
  > few different brand new recordable disc in but keep 
  getting the same
  > Any one know how to fix this?
  > Mark






Re: [QUAD-L] CD-R Burner Problem

2005-10-16 Thread tahouston

Do you have an HP or compact?

  - Original Message - 
  To: ; Eric W Rudd ; [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
  Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2005 11:41 
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] CD-R Burner 

 No I've burned many cd's and a  few dvd's with it in the 
past it just stopped recognizing disc.

From: Stuntman
Date: 10/15/05 
To: QuadPirate;; Eric W Rudd
Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] 
CD-R Burner Problem
Are you using a DVD burner?
A CD-RW/DVD only plays DVD's.
> They're not cheap disc though they're Memorex DVD+R 4.7 
> ---Original Message---
> From: Eric W Rudd
> Date: 10/15/05 17:14:37
> To:
> Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] CD-R Burner Problem
> Mine won't work w/ cheap disks.
> Eric W Rudd
> -Original Message-
> From: QuadPirate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Saturday, October 15, 2005 4:59 PM
> To:
> Subject: [QUAD-L] CD-R Burner Problem
> I can't get my CD-R Burner to work any more.
> It keeps telling me to put a recordable disc in the drive and 
tried a
> few different brand new recordable disc in but keep getting 
the same
> Any one know how to fix this?
> Mark



Re: [QUAD-L] Transportation

2005-10-06 Thread tahouston

My insurance carrier tells me that anyone who 
drives my vehicle is covered.  Whether or not I'm in the van.  I am 
the owner of the van and my mother is listed as the primary driver.
Tom Houston C5-C6, 1994

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 7:12 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] 
  Your age, your insurance and your parents van doesn't help your 
  situation.Insurance carriers are sticky on who drives your parents van and 
  how theare covered, trained and their ability to drive you safely.Then 
  there is your parents..WIn a message dated 10/6/05 6:32:28 PM, 
  writes:<< What do you guys do for transportation? I have the 
  unfortunate fact thatI have OI (Brittle Bones) and that I'm a Quad 
  (Paralyzed from the neckdown). My parent's own a Ford conversion van 
  with a lift that we takeout as a family but my parents won't let my 
  nurses drive. I takeMedicare transportation to school and doctor 
  appointments. That's theonly places I can go to unless my parents 
  drive me. I don't like buggingme parents. Any suggestions? 

Re: [QUAD-L] no running water, no electricity

2005-10-01 Thread tahouston

I hear there's a hurricane forming in the 
southern Atlantic Ocean heading toward Central America

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Saturday, October 01, 2005 10:06 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] no running water, no 
thanks for all you guys who have us here in Texas in your 
prayers.  we have running water during the day now, but its not 
drinkable without boiling it first.  still no electricity, 
though.  a cool front came in the other day.  i'm still in 
good spirit and try to keep complaining to a minimum and laughter to a high 
or medium.  i heard a rumor of another hurricane headed this way,. any 
truth to that?  let me know if the national news says anything about a 
little town called woodville, texas.  
good day!

[QUAD-L] A Teacher's Interview

2005-09-28 Thread tahouston


A Teacher's Interview 
After being 
interviewed by the school administration, the eager teaching prospect 
said:"Let me see if I've got this right .  . 
 .You want me to go into that room with all those kids, and fill their 
every waking moment with a love for learning, and I'm supposed to instill a 
sense of pride in their ethnicity, modify their disruptive behavior, observe 
them for signs of abuse and even censor their T-shirt messages and dress 
habits.You want me to wage a war on drugs and sexually transmitted diseases, 
check their backpacks for weapons of mass destruction, and raise their self 
esteem.You want me to teach them patriotism, good citizenship, sportsmanship, 
fair play, how to register to vote, how to balance a checkbook, and how to apply 
for a job.I am to check their heads for lice, maintain a 
safe environment, recognize signs of anti-social behavior, make sure all 
students pass the state exams, even those who don't come to school regularly or 
complete any of their assignments.Plus, I am to make sure 
that all of the students with handicaps get an equal education regardless of the 
extent of their mental or physical handicap.I am to communicate 
regularly with the parents by letter, telephone, newsletter and report card. 
 All of this I am to do with just a piece of chalk, a computer, a few 
books, a bulletin board, a big smile AND on a starting salary that qualifies my 
family for food stamps!You want me to do all of this and yet you expect 
me .  .  .NOT TO PRAY 

If someone claims, ``I 
love God,'' but that person hates his brother, then that person is a liar! One 
who does not love his brother (whom he has seen) cannot love God (whom he has 
not seen)! 1John 4:20

[QUAD-L] Need a job ? Pass This along

2005-09-16 Thread tahouston


Subject: Need a job ? Pass This along

Men with Construction Background>  >>  
>If you know of any men with a background in construction  
lookingfor  > >work, please pass this along.>  
>>  >They should send a resume and cover letter to [EMAIL PROTECTED].  The pay> is> 
>$32.50 an hour and they should be willing to relocate to assist 
in> >New Orleans and potentially other areas affected by 
HurricaneKatrina.>  >>  >Their website 
>>  >Thanks!>>>Azella  
C. Collins,  MSN, RNAdministrator-Illinois Perinatal HIV Program160 
N. LaSalle - 7 SChicago, Illinois 60601Phone 312-814-4846Fax:  
   312-814-4844[EMAIL PROTECTED]

Re: [QUAD-L] sleep

2005-09-15 Thread tahouston

I thought I was the only one who uses the 
pillow method!

  - Original Message - 
  Aaron Mann 
  Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 9:23 
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] sleep
  Try using a pillow 
  rather than a blanket.  I find that as long as I cover where I can feel 
  it regulates my temperature.  AND, I can pull the pillow around with my 
  good arm or by mouth to cover/uncover myself.
  Sent: Thursday, September 15, 2005 9:18 AMTo: [EMAIL PROTECTED]; [EMAIL PROTECTED]; quad-list@eskimo.comSubject: 
  Re: [QUAD-L] sleep
  My name's also Greg and I always feel 10 degrees colder than everyone 
  else in the room.  In the winter, I'll cover my head with the blanket 
  completely and finally fall asleep.  About 3 hours later, I wake up 
  screaming for someone to take it off because I'm burning up!
  Always struggling to be comfortable
  Greg c41991 
  In a message dated 9/15/2005 9:37:55 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
I do the same thing you 
and Greg do with temperature changes.
I never feel hot  
when I am outside, even if it is 100 degrees.  I can tell it would be 
hot for others,,,but it doesn't register that way for me.  I have to 
rely on others to tell me my skin is turning red, or I need to go in.  
But if I am on the inside and start having a "hot flash"   I feel 
like I am out in the sun and burning up.  Sometimes the burning and 
itching gets so bad I have to take benadryl and that makes it so much 
I cannot stand the cold 
anytime of the year.  It is so painful that I don't even want to 
move.  I have a lap blanket anytime I ride in the car or go grocery 
shopping.  I go to Sams with sweater on and a lap blanket on my legs so 
I can go around the meat and freezers and before I go outside I have to peel 
off the layers.
Kathy in 

Re: [QUAD-L] Drinking in bed

2005-09-09 Thread tahouston

Medicare at 65, I qualified in less than 1 year 
after injury after 20 yrs on job.
In Chicagoland, para-tranist rides are door to 
door for $1.75 which includes my aide or anyone else from 6am to 

  - Original Message - 
  To: Lana Baugh ; 
  Sent: Thursday, September 08, 2005 5:28 
  Subject: RE: [QUAD-L] Drinking in 
  Thanks to all of you for such good ideas about my drinking in bed (I do the 
  other type of drinking before I go to bed -- much more fun that way). My big 
  problem was that I cannot turn my head side to side enough to grab hold of a 
  straw, nor do I have any movement whatsoever below my shoulders. I had 
  purchased a camelback and tried to get it mounted so that I can reach it, but 
  as yet hadn't come up with any ideas. I had also purchased the jam straw, and 
  ended up combining the two. The problem with the jam straw was that it would 
  drip on me unless I blew all of the water back into the bottle, and I couldn't 
  stabilize the flexibility of a camelback straw. So, to make a long story 
  short, I took the mouthpiece off the camelback, and put it over the end of the 
  jam straw. Now I can position the jam straw so that it is right before my 
  mouth (I can lift my head up and reach forward an inch or so) and the 
  camelback mouthpiece prevents it from dripping on me! One major problem solve! 
  d. It has been so great to be able to drink during the night. Many many thanks 
  for all the great suggestions. Now, any suggestions on how I can feed myself 
  LOL? Just kidding. I even looked at the self feeders -- $2500 and not very 
  neat at all. For someone who's had to buy all of their medical supplies and 
  equipment for the last eight years, I sure wouldn't spend money on that. Now 
  that I am 65 I have Medicare and that is fantastic for me. But I don't think 
  they'd buy a self feeder.
  This group has some great ideas, and as for the comments and agitated 
  discussions, if I don't want to read them there's always the delete key. Keep 
  up the great ideas and support for everybody else, most of us are fairly 
  isolated in our environments. I go into Reno quite frequently, and over the 15 
  years that I have been a quad, I've only seen three or four others who were C4 
  or above. We did have a quad group for a while, but that dissolved 13 or 14 
  years ago. So this discussion group is my chance to hear how other quads cope 
  with the same problems I am facing. We have a great CIL here in Reno, but 
  their activities are usually about things I cannot do. And then of course 
  transportation in the evenings is more difficult. Reno is very fortunate in 
  that we have a great Citi lift service, for one dollar 65, from 6 a.m. to 7 
  p.m. they will come to your door and deliver you to your destination. You may 
  take as many rides during the week and weekends as you want to. After 7 p.m! . 
  they have a limited budget, but they have contracted with a taxi company will 
  pick you up and return you later for the same dollar 65.
  Keep up the good work, and good humor.
  Joan C4 complete October 1990Lana will play it and 
  get out of that when Baugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Have you 
investigated switches that could move the straw toward your mouth and then 
move it away. Some switches now are flat and some are as thin as cellophane 
and could lay next to your head on a pillow.  Gabe uses a lot of 

From: Joan 
Anglin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 
10:12 PMTo: 
quad-list@eskimo.comSubject: [QUAD-L] Drinking in 
Hi everyone 

I have a question, those of you like me, who cannot 
reach for a drink at night, what you do to stay hydrated throughout the 
night. I only have a PCA that comes in the morning for four hours, and a 
private PCA that comes for one hour to put me to bed at 9 p.m.. From 9 p.m. 
to 7 a.m. I am dependent on various people to give me a drink. And from 11 
p.m. to 7 a.m. I often get very thirsty. And I just bought a drink straw (J. 
A. M straw) for $47 hoping that it would solve the problem. Unfortunately I 
do not have enough movement to turn my head far enough so that I do not have 
to have the straw hanging straight down over my mouth, which means that it 
touches me whenever I moved my face -- rather annoying. It also has a very 
hard end which is not comfortable to grab hold of, and if I do take a drink 
I have to blow the water back up the straw so that it does not drip on my 
face. Do any of you have a! ny suggestions? I live alone with two 
handicapped guys that have been with me fo! r 25 years. They are very good 
at helping me out, but this drink problem has me stifled. Looking forward to 
some awe

Re: [QUAD-L] Drinking in bed - cup

2005-09-06 Thread tahouston

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, September 04, 2005 8:21 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Drinking in bed - 

Re: [QUAD-L] Drinking in bed

2005-09-06 Thread tahouston

This is what I use!
Tom Houston

  - Original Message - 
  To: Joan Anglin ; 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 06, 2005 1:40 
  Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] Drinking in 
  I use something called a Camelback 
  It's a backpack that has a bladder that holds 
  water. It has a flexable tube you use to drink through. You lightly bite the 
  tip to open it and drink. Once you let go, it locks tight shut.
  It's a bladder that comes out and has a large 
  cap. I fill it with ice water and put it back in the case. It stays cold 
  almost all night. I clip the tube to my pillow. I do have to turn my head to 
  get to it.
  I also have just a regular backpack 
  that has the same bladder in it. I fill it up 
  when we go out on  hot days.
  On top click on "hydration small" or "hydration 
  Or on  the bottom click on 
  - Original Message - 
  From: Joan 
  Sent: Saturday, September 03, 2005 9:12 PM
  Subject: [QUAD-L] Drinking in bed
  Hi everyone 
  I have a question, those of you like me, who cannot reach for a drink at 
  night, what you do to stay hydrated throughout the night. I only have a PCA 
  that comes in the morning for four hours, and a private PCA that comes for one 
  hour to put me to bed at 9 p.m.. From 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. I am dependent on 
  various people to give me a drink. And from 11 p.m. to 7 a.m. I often get very 
  thirsty. And I just bought a drink straw (J. A. M straw) for $47 hoping that 
  it would solve the problem. Unfortunately I do not have enough movement to 
  turn my head far enough so that I do not have to have the straw hanging 
  straight down over my mouth, which means that it touches me whenever I moved 
  my face -- rather annoying. It also has a very hard end which is not 
  comfortable to grab hold of, and if I do take a drink I have to blow the water 
  back up the straw so that it does not drip on my face. Do any of you have any 
  suggestions? I live alone with two handicapped guys that have been with me for 
  25 years. They are very good at helping me out, but this drink problem has me 
  stifled. Looking forward to some awesome answers. 

Fw: [QUAD-L] pressure sore on butt miracle mist link

2005-09-01 Thread tahouston

I'm enclosing the link below about the story in New Mobility about a girl 
that was facing amputation when all kinds of wound care treatment were not 
working.  She found miracle mist to work.  It sure beats spending 
thousands of dollars on dressings and treatment.  I'm going to order a 
bottle.Dana (C4-5, 31 years post, 51, KC)"">  
In a message dated 8/21/2005 1:46:56 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 

  - Original Message - 
  Stacy Harim 
  To: Quad-List 
  Sent: Sunday, August 28, 2005 8:36 
  Subject: [QUAD-L] miracle mist
  I deleted miracle mist plus link.  I went the archives and 
  there was a bad link.  Would someone please send me the order link?  
  I would really appreciate it.
  Thanks again,
- Original Message - 
Sent: Tuesday, August 23, 2005 5:01 AM
Subject: Re: [QUAD-L] pressure sore on butt miracle mist 

In a message dated 8/23/2005 4:53:50 A.M. Central Daylight Time, DAANOO 

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