Re: [ntp:questions] ntp-dev conflicts with ntp

2014-08-09 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-08-09, Rob  wrote:

> cd workdir
> apt-get build-dep ntp-dev

Install the "devscripts" package if you've not already done so.


apt-get source ntp-dev
cd ntp-dev-4.2.7p447

Now edit ./debian/control and fix the Provides: line (and make any other
local customizations you need).

In the base of the unpacked source tree (ntp-dev-...):

debuild -us -uc
cd ../

Then install the local deb with:

> dpkg -i ntp-dev_4.2.7p447_amd64.deb

Steve Kostecke 

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] nagios

2014-06-13 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-06-12, Rob  wrote:

> One problem: confusion of the service name. The service is called
> ntp-dev instead of ntp, it creates a file /etc/default/ntp-dev during
> installation, but that file is never read. Instead, it reads the file
> /etc/default/ntp just like the standard install. So the -g option is
> not applied.
> As the ntp and ntp-dev packages cannot be installed together
> anyway, IMHO it is better to just name the service ntp and the file
> /etc/default/ntp.

Please contact me off-list.

Steve Kostecke

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] nagios

2014-06-10 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-06-10, Rob  wrote:
> David Taylor  wrote:
>> On 10/06/2014 17:03, Rob wrote:
>> []
>>> Ok that looks good.
>>> What is the impact of "The ntp-dev* packages do not utilize any of the
>>> Debian distribution patches"?

The Debian distribution patches included in their NTP package are used
to remove DFSG violations and to fix issues which are specific to the
NTP stable release.

The NTP Project ntp-dev Debian package in intended to allow users to
easily test ntp-dev as is. So patches which change functionality are

>>> Do the precompiled builds include the ATOM PPS clock?
>>> (the default Debian builds do not due to incorrect build environment)

The NTP Project's ntp-dev Debian package (as I set it up) uses the
following configure line (in ./debian/rules):

./configure CFLAGS='$(CFLAGS)' \
--prefix=/usr \
--enable-all-clocks --enable-parse-clocks --enable-SHM \
--enable-debugging --sysconfdir=/var/lib/ntp \
--with-sntp=yes \

> This was required because Debian forget to install the PPS package
> before doing the compilation, and then PPS support is not going to be
> in the compiled ntpd.
> So now I need to decide if I can install precompiled binaries of the
> development version, or I need to go the route of compilation again.

If you _do_ need to recompile NTP on your Debian system to enable
additional features you can use the source debs which are (or used to
be) available in the NTP Project Debian package repository.

Add the following line to your /etc/apt/sources, or in a file in
/etc/apt/source.d/, to use the packages in this repository:

deb-src stable main

Then run the following commands in a scratch directory:

apt-get update
apt-get build-dep ntp-dev
apt-get install devscripts
apt-get source ntp-dev

Then edit the configure line in ./debian/rules in the source tree.

Then run this in the base of the source tree:

debuild -us -uc

Then cd ../ and install the resulting deb with dpkg -i  

> And if I need to weed through the Debian patches to see if those need
> to be applied again to the development version (e.g. because they
> change default paths)

ntp-dev automatically does the right thing WRT to default paths for most
major OSes or "distributions".

> or not (e.g. because they fix bugs that are already fixed in the
> development version).

Since there is usually a considerable amount of churn in the code base
between stable release and a ntp-dev snapshot the patches may not even
be applicable.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Header-tiquette (was: NTP.log interpretation)

2014-04-20 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-04-20, Jochen Bern  wrote:

> You might want to note from the very first line in my replies that I'm
> subscribed to the mailing list in digest mode, and chances are that a
> quick inspection of the headers on your end would have shown you not
> only In-Reply-To: and References: headers, but also a User-Agent: header
> mentioning Thunderbird. The problem is, of course, that Thunderbird will
> (correctly) fill in the former ones with the Message-Id: of the digest
> it receives and displays, not references to the pre-digestion
> mails/postings.

You need to set your digest deliver preferences for MIME digests.

You may do using the following steps: 

1. Visit

2. Log in using your subscribed e-mail address and the password sent
to you in the monthly reminder e-mail

3. Scroll down to the "Subscription Options" section of your questions
mailing list membership configuration page

4. Change the "Get MIME or Plain Text Digests?" option from Plain Text

5. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click the "Submit My Changes"

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP.log interpretation

2014-04-19 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-04-19, Jason Rabel  wrote:

> Then I have three Stratum-2 servers that use the "server" line for
> the S1 servers, but in addition they use the "peer" line with each
> other S2 server. When you combine that with "orphan" mode if all my S1
> servers went down, the S2's would work with each other to figure out
> their best guess at the right time.

Orphan Mode is an automatic server discovery scheme. Nothing more.

Orphan Mode does not make it possible for the members of a "time island"
to determine the correct time in the absence of reference sources.

Symmetric Active/Passive Mode (aka Peer Associations) allows the
creation of a bidirectional link between two ntpd instances.

In my experience, the ntpds in a peer association will ignore each other
when they have the same sys_peer (i.e. when they are "synchronised" to
the same source).

And the Mitigation Rules do not provide special Peer Classification for
Symmetric Active/Passive Mode.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP.log interpretation

2014-04-18 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-04-18, William Unruh  wrote:

> On 2014-04-18, GregL  wrote:
>> Now, I'm just planning on making changes to the ntp.conf, like adding
>> the "-x" parameter. I'm hoping that that will prevent huge time
>> resets backwards in time...should that ever be even possible again.
> ntpd will reset the time if it is off by more than 128 ms.

The default step threshold is 128ms. This threshold is user

As for the '-x' option. Using it could lead to having a clock so far off
from the correct time that ntpd will never be able to correct the offset
via slewing. 

> Those higly non-linear jumps are one of the "features" of ntpd. If you
> do not want them, run for example chrony. It will smoothly change the
> time. It will however also at times slew the time much faster than
> 500PPM to get the time back on track.

500PPM per day is 43 seconds per day. One could argue that a clock which
requires more than 43 seconds per day of correction is fundamentally
broken and requires repair rather than calibration.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Handle ntp conf modification when ntp is already running

2014-04-08 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-04-08, Arthur Lambert  wrote:

> But I can guess with your answer that I cannot handle modification on my
> ntp conf without restart it. I will try to patch it to get it work with my
> need.

ntpd parses the configuration file at start-up.

ntpd does not monitor the configuration file for changes.

ntpd does not, AFAIK, reparse the configuration file in response to any
signals (e.g. SIGHUP).

Please contibute a patch with your changes to our BTS at

> [---=| TOFU protection by t-prot: 31 lines snipped |=---]


Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Reasons of NTP not to use GPS source

2014-04-08 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-04-08,  wrote:

> On Monday, 16 September 2013 08:00:09 UTC+1, Igor Pavlov wrote:
> [---=| Quote block shrinked by t-prot: 45 lines snipped |=---]
>>  64.279
>We find that the problem with many (not all) NMEA GPS receivers is that
>often too much data is transmitted between each PPS output. This can
>have the effect that the time output (ZDA) sentence can occasionally
>shift either side of its corresponding pulse output.

According to the NMEA
driver uses the last processed sentence received during each cycle.

So the simple solution is to have only one sentence enabled.

>This has the effect of a 1 second offset occasionally being added to
>time stamps supplied to the NTP daemon. Sometimes, increasing the baud
>rate from the standard 4800 bps to 9600 or even 19200 bps can help by
>allowing more characters (data) to be transmitted between each 1PPS

4800bps (8N1) transfers 480 bytes (8-bit characters) per second.

NMEA 0183 sentences are limited to 79 characters. So a single NMEA
sentence is fits easily into the 480cps limit.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] server and peer lines correct?

2014-04-07 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-04-07, Charles Swiger  wrote:

> On Apr 7, 2014, at 12:12 PM, Harlan Stenn  wrote:
>> Charles Swiger writes:
>>> For a given S2 server, say NTP1, I'd recommend:
>>> server S1-1 iburst prefer


>> How do you select which server to prefer?
> Absent any detailed knowledge of the stratum-1 servers, network
> topology, etc, I'd simply map them: NTP1 prefers S1-1; NTP2 prefers
> S1-2; NTP3 prefers S1-3, and they all peer with each other.
> Each of the stratum-2s will have a different preferred stratum-1 so
> they have maximum diversity of upstream sources.

Use of the prefer keyword will prevent the S2s from following the best
S1 "truechimer" and push that decision down to the client level.

BTW the effects of the prefer keyword are dowumented at:

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Three NTP servers, one strange IP-address in 'refid'

2014-04-02 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-04-02, Sander Smeenk  wrote:
> Quoting Miroslav Lichvar (
>> > > I guess it could also be a IPv6 ref mangling issue?
>> > That could well be. We use IPv6 where we can.
>> For IPv6 addresses the refid is defined as first 4 bytes of the MD5
>> sum of the address. With 2001:7b8:3:32:213:136:0:252 (
>> that is 0xac023551, or in the quad-dotted notation.
> Miroslav, you're right. This is it. Thanks.
> I've changed everything over to IPv4 by not using hostnames anywhere.
> The IP is gone.

The refid is a 32-bit value used for loop detection. Only under IPv4
does the refid _happen_ to be an actual IP address. 

See for more detail.

> I consider this a bug. 

Then feel free to add your voice to

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Three NTP servers, one strange IP-address in 'refid'

2014-04-02 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-04-02, Sander Smeenk  wrote:

> Quoting Null@BlackList.Anitech-Systems.invalid:
>> > if i check 'ntpq -c lpeers' on one of the three stratum-2 servers i
>> > see an IP-address listed as 'refid' for the 'peer'-entries in my
>> No, its in ntp{1,2,3}'s .conf, or via DHCP or
>> ntp{1,2,3} ntp servers got it via a pool command. Why are you
>> using ntp{1,2,3} / dns{1,2,3} servers? Why do
>> you care what ntp{1,2,3} / dns{1,2,3} respond
>> with for their refclock?
> I am root@ntp{1,2,3}. I am the sysadmin of ntp{1,2,3} and
> I have 15 years of experience with Linux, networks,
> routing, the works. I care what these servers report as refid
> because i administer them and my users notified me about this weird
> IP-address.

Its a 32 bit value used for loop detection.

As stated by Dr. Mills (at

| Stratum   Reference ID
| 0 (undefined) a 4-octet, zero padded string (kiss code)
| 1 (primary)   reference clock designator (e.g., WWVB)
| 2-255 (secondary) IPv4: IPv4 address
|   IPv6: first 32 bits of the MD5 hash of the IPv6 address

According to RFC5905 ( page 21

| Reference ID (refid): 32-bit code identifying the particular server
| or reference clock. The interpretation depends on the value in the
| stratum field. For packet stratum 0 (unspecified or invalid), this
| is a four-character ASCII [RFC1345] string, called the "kiss code",
| used for debugging and monitoring purposes. For stratum 1 (reference
| clock), this is a four-octet, left-justified, zero-padded ASCII string
| assigned to the reference clock. The authoritative list of Reference
| Identifiers is maintained by IANA; however, any string beginning with
| the ASCII character "X" is reserved for unregistered experimentation
| and development. The identifiers in Figure 12 have been used as ASCII
| identifiers:

[snip --> Figure 12: Reference Identifiers]

| Above stratum 1 (secondary servers and clients): this is the reference
| identifier of the server and can be used to detect timing loops. If
| using the IPv4 address family, the identifier is the four-octet IPv4
| address. If using the IPv6 address family, it is the first four octets
| of the MD5 hash of the IPv6 address. Note that, when using the IPv6
| address family on an NTPv4 server with a NTPv3 client, the Reference
| Identifier field appears to be a random value and a timing loop might
| not be detected.

Unfortunately a bad precedent was set with IPv4 by displaying the
refid as an IP address rather than as a GUUID. And users have become
accustomed to this misrepresentation.

The ntpq display formatting routine treats all 32-bit refids identically
and renders them as IPv4 addresses (see for
a possible rationale).

References: (reported 2004-02-03)

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Indirect GPS time source options

2014-03-13 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-03-13, William Unruh  wrote:

>  Ie, you can try out the gps option with spare change. If that does not
>  work, then you can go to the more expensive CDMA option. I have no idea
>  how long Bell and Telus will continue their cdma offering. Rogers never
>  used it, and all the newer players do not use G2 type offerings.

If you had thoroughly read all of the material at the links I previously
posted you would know that CDMA is predicted to be available through
2020+ to support M2M (machine to machine) communications.

> [---=| TOFU protection by t-prot: 138 lines snipped |=---]


Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Indirect GPS time source options

2014-03-13 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-03-13, William Unruh  wrote:

> On 2014-03-13, Olivier Drouin  wrote:
>> Also, from what I understand and please correct me if I'm wrong but
>> cellular networks are indeed designed to be accurately timed because
>> it's needed for the normal operations of the cell network.
> Yes, but they are not designed to deliver accurate time to the rest of
> the world AFAIK.

CDMA requires accurate time synchronization among all base stations and
mobile stations. The accuracy must be within a few microseconds among
base stations because the pilot code phase is used to distinguish them.
When a mobile station is communicating with a base station they must be
synchronized to within a fraction of a chip (814 ns). And the "clocks"
(the PN generators) that must be synchronized have a period of 37

GPS Absolute timing accuracy of unit is under 30 nanoseconds.

CDMA Absolute timing accuracy of unit is typically under 10

Network timing accuracy 1/2 - 2 milliseconds, typical for both GPS and
CDMA NTP products.

Also see:

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Help with cross-compiling NTP for the Raspberry Pi requested

2014-03-08 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-03-08, Mike George  wrote:

> On my ubuntu machine that I built NTP on I installed
>   libcap2
>   libcap-dev
> Not sure if I needed the -dev but I didn't try without it.

libcap-dev provides the development files associated with libcap2. So
you need both to compile software which uses libcap2.

Using my amd64 system as an example ... libcap2 contains:


And libcap-dev contains:


Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Help with cross-compiling NTP for the Raspberry Pi requested

2014-03-07 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-03-07, David Taylor  wrote:

> No, still getting an ntpd which is 2.87 MB in size, whereas on the 
> Raspberry Pi native build it's 2.0 MB.  The Intel Debian version is 2.74 MB.

Use file(1) to see useful build details about each ntpd.


me@home:~$ file /usr/sbin/ntpd
/usr/sbin/ntpd: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV),
dynamically linked (uses shared libs), for GNU/Linux 2.6.26,
BuildID[sha1]=0x9213f4f18406f5130455f8a8412feac1dedd344e, stripped

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Win7 NTP-dev NMEA User Mode PPS, Freq_Mode Not Working

2014-03-04 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-03-04, Martin Burnicki  wrote:

> Signed 32 and 64 bit versions of the serialpps driver are available in 
> this ZIP file:

or is deprecated and now redirects to

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Meinberg Configuration Help

2014-03-02 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-03-01,  wrote:

> My NTP server is part of the pool project and appears to be running
> fine. Comcast contacted me about a month ago to let me know that my
> NTP server was infected with a bot. I checked and everything seems to
> be ok. I re-enabled my server about a week ago and I received another
> phone call last week concerning security on my network.
> I contacted Ask and he said that it was not a bot but an issue with
> my server allowing management requests.

The problem is most likely:

> I asked Ask how to properly configure my Meinberg client to not allow
> management requests because I understand that they can be problematic.
> I know the config for ntpd but I am not sure of the proper syntax for
> Meinberg. Can someone provide me with that info?


"The [Meinberg] NTP package contains a GUI installer for Windows which
installs executable programs which have been compiled from the original
NTP sources available at the NTP download page at The GUI
installer also contains the corresponding HTML based NTP documentation,
plus a current OpenSSL DLL required by NTP to support authentication.
Unattended installation is also supported. Please see the NTP Installer
Readme for help on how to use the installer.

If you have any questions or feedback regarding the Meinberg Windows
Installer for NTP, please send your mail to"

The NTP Distribution HTML documentation is archived at

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] error message on startup

2014-03-01 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-02-28, Dwayne Hottinger 

> Ive just finished upgrading ntp to version Ver. 4.2.7p421 in order to
> keep from becoming a ddos member. I changed the init.d script to point
> to /usr/local/bin/ntp if I run the script I get the following error
> message ntpd error: 'ntp' is not a recognizable number. I can start
> manually using: /usr/local/bin/ntpd -u ntp -p /var/run/ and it
> seems to run.

We don't ship an init script with the NTP distribution. So we don't know
what you're using.

>  However, Im not able to sync with my internal network.  I added the
> following to my ntp.conf file:
> ###Added 02/28/2014 for security and ddos should prohibit outside access
> restrict default ignore
> restrict
> ##For internal 10. network and public ips allows ourservers to still work
> restrict mask nomodify notrap

You're not allowing your ntpd to talk to any remote time servers.

Please refer to and
follow the decision tree in that topic.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntp symmetric keys - controlkey test is needed

2014-02-21 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-02-21, ardi  wrote:

> I have defined symmetric keys on 2 ntp servers.
> How can I test whether controlkey is working?
> Is it used for ntpq? explains Symmetric Key
Cryptography; and the controlkey, requestkey and trustedkey commands.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Remote access to http based service

2014-02-14 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-02-15,  wrote:

> I am looking for some way to poll a synced stratum 2 NTP server over
> an http connection every hour or so to obtain the current time in
> milliseconds

OmniSync (see can
use any http/https server as a time source for NTP. OmniSync is able
to poll a variety of time sources ncluding the daytime service (port
13 tcp/udp), time (port 37 tcp/udp), SNTS, ICMP, SNMP, precision time
protocol (PTP - IEEE 1588), (S)NTP via a socks5 proxy server, http and
https (both also via proxy server).

The HTTP Time Protocol (see is an HTTP equivalent
of ntpdate.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] status information after ntpd -q

2014-02-09 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-02-08, William Unruh  wrote:

> On 2014-02-08, Steve Kostecke  wrote:
>> On 2014-02-08, Harlan Stenn  wrote:
>>>> What OS?
>> See my analysis in
> Surely the OP should be telling us this, not you trying, who knows how
> successfully, to guess it.

Anyone reading my analysis would have learned that the particular ntp
package installed by the OP is only available in one location on-line:
the angstrom-distribution repository. That's fairly conclusive evidence
of the OS being used.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] status information after ntpd -q

2014-02-08 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-02-08, Harlan Stenn  wrote:

>> What OS?

See my analysis in

> ... and are you cross-compiling?

See the OP's build command-line in

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] status information after ntpd -q

2014-02-07 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-02-07, William Unruh  wrote:

> Some developement package missing from your computer? You tell us
> nothing about the operating system, the computer architecture or
> anything else. 

The OP has provided some clues in previous articles.

e.g. in he
mentions installing ntp-dev_4.2.6p3-r1.6_armv5te.ipk. This file can only
be found on-line at:

This is from the Angstrom distribution (

According to Wikipedia: 

"The Angstrom distribution is a Linux distribution for a variety of
embedded devices. The distribution is the result of a unification of
developers from the OpenZaurus, OpenEmbedded, and OpenSIMpad projects.
Amongst other options the user interface in one of the reference builds
achieveable with BitBake is the GPE Palmtop Environment.

Angstrom uses opkg for package management."

(More at

The feed URL referenced above suggests that the OP's architecture is ARM.
And shows the OP's
cross-compile command-line with --target=arm.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntpdc and collectd queries timeout

2014-01-24 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-01-24, David Lord  wrote:

> On NetBSD-6 i386 ntp-dev-4.2.7p410
> $ ntpdc -c kern
> localhost: timed out, nothing received
> ***Request timed out
> Perhaps that is intended behavior for 2014 given recent
> DDOS attacks?

According to
mode 7 requests were disabled more than 2 years ago:

(4.2.7p230) 2011/11/01 Released by Harlan Stenn 
* Disable mode 7 (ntpdc) query processing in ntpd by default.  ntpq is
  believed to provide all functionality ntpdc did, and uses a less-
  fragile protocol that's safer and easier to maintain.  If you do find
  some management via ntpdc is needed, you can use "enable mode7" in the
  ntpd configuration.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] generate GQ keys on ntp-server in addition to IFF keys

2014-01-23 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-01-23, ardi  wrote:

> is it possible to generate GQ keys on a ntp-server, that already has
> IFF keys. Won't they be rewritten by chance?

Try testing your idea in a scratch directory.

> I would like to try to generate GQ keys for another ntp-client and try
> whether works.

I'm not sure why you continually differentiate between "ntp-server" and
"ntp-client" because ntpd is both. The only difference in operation
between the two is that in one case the ntpd is answering polls from
other ntpds (or ntpdate, or sntp).

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] simple nt.conf cases for ntp-client

2014-01-23 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-01-23, ardi  wrote:

> On Thursday, January 23, 2014 12:21:15 PM UTC+1, Marco Marongiu wrote:
> [---=| Quote block shrinked by t-prot: 87 lines snipped |=---]

Please quote just enough so that your reply makes sense in context.
Unless you have a very good reason to quote more, a good guideline is
that the amount of quoted matter should be less than the amount of new
matter. If the previous author was long-winded and any direct quote is
too long, write a one- or two-line summary in lieu of a quote.

"Play Nice on Usenet"

"How do I quote correctly in Usenet?"

"Quoting style in newsgroup postings"

"Bottom vs. top posting and quotation style on Usenet"

"The advantages of Usenet's quoting conventions"

>> I am not saying that you should use only one server: I am saying that
>> using two is bad, and that you should use four.


> Reading:
> Two time sources cannot be split into two parties where one has a majority.
> What does this majority means?

A majority is a subset of a set consisting of more than half of the
set's elements.

In the case of a set consisting of two members each of the two possible
subsets consists of one member; exactly half the set. Neither of these
subsets are a majority.

Majority subsets may be extracted from sets consisting of three, or
more, members.

The thread starting at
contains some good discussion which may be pertinent to understanding
how NTP finds this majority.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] using IFF, GQ, MV keys for authentication at the same time

2014-01-22 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-01-22, ardi  wrote:

> Is it possible to generate and use all types of authentication keys
> (IFF,GQ,MV) at the same time on ntp server and client ? Will usage of
> all these keys give more secure protection than usage of only one type
> of them?

tl,dr: no.

Autokey is an NTP authentication system which allows an ntpd to verify
the identify of the ntpd answering its polls. To put it another way,
Autokey authenticates the server to the client.


"The Autokey security model is based on multiple overlapping security
compartments or groups. Each group is assigned a group key by a trusted
authority and is then deployed to all group members by secure means.
Autokey uses conventional IPSEC certificate trails to provide secure
host authentication, but this does not provide protection against
masquerade, unless the host identity is verified by other means. Autokey
includes a suite of identity verification schemes based in part on
zero-knowledge proofs. There are five schemes now implemented to prove
identity: (1) private certificates (PC), (2) trusted certificates (TC),
(3) a modified Schnorr algorithm (IFF aka Identify Friendly or Foe), (4)
a modified Guillou-Quisquater algorithm (GQ), and (5) a modified
Mu-Varadharajan algorithm (MV). These are described on the Identity
Schemes page."


"Each of the five schemes is intended for specific use."

"The PC scheme is intended for one-way broadcast configurations where
clients cannot run a duplex protocol."

"The IFF scheme is intended for servers operated by national

"The GQ scheme is intended for exceptionally hostile scenarios where it
is necessary to change the client key at relatively frequent intervals."

"The MV scheme is intended for the most challenging scenarios where it
is neccesary to protect against both server and client masquerade."

More at the above URLs and:

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] better rate limiting against amplification attacks?

2014-01-16 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-01-16, Miroslav Lichvar  wrote:

> IIRC the pool command in 4.2.6 uses quite a lot of servers, which
> probably is not an acceptable use of I think it was
> improved later in 4.2.7. The page about recommended configuration
> doesn't mention it yet.
> Vendors should be careful with the pool command.

I use the ntp-dev pool command here and see 8 remote time servers in my
peers billboard.

If this is considered to be too many then we should fix ntpd rather than
depreccating a useful configration option.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] better rate limiting against amplification attacks?

2014-01-16 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-01-16, David Lord  wrote:

> Steve Kostecke wrote:
> [---=| Quote block shrinked by t-prot: 25 lines snipped |=---]

[snip: sample defaults]

> I have "restrict -4 limited kod nomodify notrap nopeer noquery"
> I've not checked most recent docs but thought "limited" was
> needed for "kod".
> There were also some posts indicating that "kod" could be
> counter productive leading to self inflicted DOS.

This is case of not being able to see the forest for the trees.

The key issue here is having useful defaults which deliver the majority
use case. i.e.:

1. A path/name to store the drift.file
2. A time source (e.g. 'pool')
3. Default permissions allowing only rate limited time service
4. Localhost permissions allowing debugging

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] better rate limiting against amplification attacks?

2014-01-16 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-01-16, Greg Troxel  wrote:

> Harlan Stenn  writes:
>> William Unruh writes:
>>> I do not mean the default in the config file, I mean the default if
>>> there is no config file or if nothing is set in the config file.
>> Then ntpd won't connect to anything and there will be no data to report.
> This is a ridiculous strawman.   The ntp project is abdicating its
> responsibility to provide sane default behavior by claiming that no
> default behavior can make everyone happy and therefore it's not their
> fault.  The notion that OS packagers somehow have a better idea of usage
> is also specious.
> Really, ntpd should, when run with a config file of only
>   server
>   server
>   server
> behave relatively sanely, including declining to respond to packets that
> could be amplification attacks,

The majority use case for ntpd is to synchronize your clock to UTC (i.e.
a leaf-node client). So an ntpd ought to have the following defaults:

driftfile /path/to/ntp.drift
pool iburst
restrict -4 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer noquery
restrict -6 default kod notrap nomodify nopeer noquery
restrict ::1

This would enable the majority use case without the need for a
configuration file.

> while being usable as a s2/s3 to other nearby nodes.

Operation as a LAN time server is probably a secondary use case. But the
defaults listed above would also enable that usage.

> This notion of good behavior under minimal config seems
> really obvious to me, yet there is a huge resistance to it, with the
> notion that every end user should invest the time to be an expert.


Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] better rate limiting against amplification attacks?

2014-01-15 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-01-15, Rob  wrote:

> Steve Kostecke  wrote:
>> The same could be said about the NTP Reference Implementation
>> Developers; they're busy, too.
> The difference is that while there is only one developers team, there
> are many distributors that each have to do the same job. So overall
> it is more efficient to distribute an example config. And it improves
> quality as well.

Unfortunately you trimmed off the part where I invited interested
parties to help out.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] better rate limiting against amplification attacks?

2014-01-15 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-01-15, Rob  wrote:
> William Unruh  wrote:
>> I do not mean the default in the config file, I mean the default if
>> there is no config file or if nothing is set in the config file.
> That only becomes meaningful when ntpd starts to actually work without
> config file.  Of course that would be possible, but I don't think it
> is reality today.  Or is it, in the latest versions?

Both the current Production (i.e. stable) and the Development versions
of ntpd require a configuration file. Some may view this as a bug.
Others may view this as a feature.

>> I agree that distros could well put in something to undo that and that
>> they often do really stupid things (mainly because they do not
>> understand things).
> This problem would probably not exist when a good default config file
> was shipped by the maintainers.  Distro people don't have time on their
> hands ...

The same could be said about the NTP Reference Implementation
Developers; they're busy, too.

Anyone interested in reviewing the ./conf directory in the
distribution and contributing appropriate sample configuration files for
various ntpd use cases (e.g. server, leaf-node pool client, etc.) is
encouraged to do so.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] better rate limiting against amplification attacks?

2014-01-15 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-01-15, Harlan Stenn  wrote:

> Rob writes:
>> The default config shipped with ntpd, usually mostly provided by the
>> distributor, is often terrible. (remember the LOCAL clock?)
> Yes, because there is no default configuration in the distribution.
> That is left to the "vendor" to provide, as they know more about their
> client base than "we" do. Some vendors do a better job than others at
> providing their ntp.conf file.

The latter would not be an issue if suitable sample configuration files
were provided so that the vendors/aggregators/distributors had a sane
starting point for the customization efforts.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] better rate limiting against amplification attacks?

2014-01-15 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-01-15, Rob  wrote:

> William Unruh  wrote:
>> On 2014-01-15, Steve Kostecke  wrote:
>>> On 2014-01-15, David Woolley wrote:
>>>> CERT have just issued an alert about the monlist attack:
>>>><> (TA14-013A: NTP
>>>>Amplification Attacks Using CVE-2013-5211). The advice is upgrade or
>>>>use restrict.
>>> Upgrade _or_ use noquery _or_ disable monitor
>>> Information at
>> Why does nptd not disable external monitoring or command by default.
>> That way if someone wants to allow it, they have to actively do so,
>> presumably knowing what they are doing.
> The default config shipped with ntpd, usually mostly provided by the
> distributor, is often terrible. (remember the LOCAL clock?)

The root problem is the fact that certain functionality is globally
enabled by default in the daemon.

Prudence dictates that features which may be deemed as unsuitable for   
uncontrolled, or global, use ought to be disabled by default.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] better rate limiting against amplification attacks?

2014-01-15 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-01-15, David Woolley wrote:

> On 27/12/13 10:24, Rob wrote:
>> There are more and more amplification attacks against ntp servers,
>> similar to those against open DNS resolvers. A small packet sent with
>> a spoofed source address (allowed by a lame ISP) results in a large
>> reply from ntpd, sent to the victim of the attack.
> CERT have just issued an alert about the monlist attack:
><> (TA14-013A: NTP
>Amplification Attacks Using CVE-2013-5211). The advice is upgrade or
>use restrict.

Upgrade _or_ use noquery _or_ disable monitor

Information at

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] better rate limiting against DDoS amplification attacks?

2014-01-09 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-01-10, Brian Inglis  wrote:

> On 2014-01-08 21:24, Harlan Stenn wrote:
> [---=| Quote block shrinked by t-prot: 22 lines snipped |=---]
>> I'm not seeing any new information here.


> Could you perhaps have someone state the simple solution for earlier
> versions on the NTP support site where it can be easily found, and
> link to it here? Future discussions could then be truncated by
> providing that link.

I've attempted to intiate some discussion about this in another
forum and am still waiting for replies.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] enable pps not working from ntp.conf

2014-01-09 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-01-09, Dennis Golden  wrote:

> I give up. I see some of you able to post nicely formatted information. 

Using a fixed width font makes a big difference.

> What news reader are you using. I'm using pan2.

Take a look at the article headers to see what a particular author is
using.  I use slrn, a text mode news-reader:

In this thread I found:

User-Agent: Pan/0.139 (Sexual Chocolate; GIT bf56508 git://  
User-Agent: slrn/0.9.9p1 (Linux)   
X-Mailer: MH-E 7.4.2; nmh 1.5; XEmacs 21.4 (patch 22)   

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] PPS signal from Garmin GPS 18x LVC

2014-01-03 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2014-01-03, David Taylor  wrote:
> On 03/01/2014 10:36, Ralph Aichinger wrote:
>> Steve Kostecke  wrote:
>>> In my experience the NMEA driver displays the '*' talley-code even when
>>> PPS is in use.
>> Mine does not:
>> remote   refid   st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
>> =
>> oGPS_NMEA(0) .NMEA.   0 l   13   16  377  0.000  0.000  0.002
>> .ATOM.   1 u-   64  337 18.300  1.845  0.649
>> *ts2.univie. .PPS.1 u   48   64  377 12.073  1.952  0.577
>> +ntp.liwest. 131.188. 2 u   26   64  377  8.482  0.554  1.875
>> (ntpd 4.2.6p5)
> Yes, it seems to have been an error in some recent development versions, 
> but fixed in 4.2.7p408

For many years I ran a Soekris NET-4801 with a Garmin GPS-18LVC (all of
that hardware is currently in storage). It ran FreeBSD 5.3 and an older
version of NTP.

It _never_ displayed a 'o' for PPS. The only way that you could tell if
PPS was being used was to watch the offset/jitter.

So this is not just an issue with recent development versions.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] PPS signal from Garmin GPS 18x LVC

2013-12-29 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-12-29, Adrian P  wrote:

> On 30 December 2013 00:13, Steve Kostecke wrote:
>> In my experience the NMEA driver displays the '*' talley-code even
>> when PPS is in use.
> Are you sure of that?

The was the case with the rather old version I ran on my soekris
NET-4801. It's possible that this issue was fixed in the interim.

> I am looking to David Taylor's output and I see the "o" tally code,
> ...

Hmm. I see that now.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] PPS signal from Garmin GPS 18x LVC

2013-12-29 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-12-29, Adrian P  wrote:

> So "o" means PPS is used... In my case, I only have "*" in front of
> the driver IP...

In my experience the NMEA driver displays the '*' talley-code even when
PPS is in use.

> So I suppose NTP is not using the PPS signal... hmm,
> wondering why. This is my output:
> server mode 1 minpoll 4 maxpoll 4 prefer
> fudge flag1 1 flag2 0 flag3 1 refid PPS

Setting the RefID to PPS is purely cosmetic and propagates a falsehood
when the NMEA driver is not using PPS.

> root@debian:~# ntpq ... -pn


>  remote   refid st t when poll reach delay offset jitter
> * .PPS.  0 l   15   16  377  0.000 14.437 23.063
> root@debian:~#

The offset and jitter shown above suggest to me that the NMEA driver is
not using the PPS signal.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] better rate limiting against amplification attacks?

2013-12-28 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-12-28, Terje Mathisen  wrote:

> Harlan Stenn wrote:
>> The other ones I'd really like help with. I definitely want to see
>> the network-related bugs fixed and 2367. I'd like to see some study
>> done on 2016. I'm game to let the other ones slide.
> I've just gone through 2367 and I have to join Brian's side:
> I.e. if somebody adds NOSERVE to a client it would be perfectly fine
> to let that override PEER or anything else: NOSERVE should only
> be used on a pure end-node client, with no sideways or downstream
> communication.

This is a case of not being able to see the forest for the trees.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] better rate limiting against amplification attacks?

2013-12-28 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-12-28, Greg Troxel  wrote:

> Steve Kostecke  writes:
>> On 2013-12-27, detha  wrote:
>>> A first step would be to have a default configuration where any
>>> functionality that can be used for reflection attacks with more than a say
>>> 2:1 ratio needs to be explicitly enabled, with warnings about this in the
>>> sample config file(s).
>> The NTP Reference Implementation has no default use case. So there is no
>> "baked-in" sensible default configuration. Some view this as a feature.
> I think that's a bug.  There are in my view two default cases:

There can only be one, unless ntpd can be started with a command line
switch to chose the case.

>   setting up the local machine to synchronize from organization/local s3
>   or so servers.
>   setting up a few machines to be the above s3ish servers

The default use case (i.e. the baked-in configuration) ought to support
the lowest common denominator: a pool client. Something like this would

restrict default ignore
restrict localhost
restrict source

These configuration directives should be selectively overridden by

In the case of an ntpd operating as an NTP client polling one or more
arbitrary time servers (as in your second case) it should be sufficient
to merely specify a server line, or lines, which would override the
baked-in pool directive.

In the case of an ntpd operating as an NTP server (as in your first
case) there could be a command line switch and/or ntp.conf directives to
clearly define authorized clients. e.g.


-client localnet
-client aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd/mm
-server or -client {all|global|*} to globally enable time service

conf file:

client localnet
client aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd/mm
client hostname.or.ip.address

> In both cases, there is no need to allow monlist-or-equivalent from
> other than localhost, and no real harm in answering time queries.

There are some who object to allowing there ntpd to respond to external
time polls. We see this periodically in the news-group and on irc.

If we start from the position that ntpd is by default only a client then
configuration becomes a simple matter of enabling desired functionality.

> The other significant use case is running a s1, but a) those people are
> expected to be more clueful and b) the above rules don't hurt that case
> either.

s/s1/public time server/

This usage ought to require some configuration but could still
benefit from sensible defaults.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] better rate limiting against amplification attacks?

2013-12-27 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-12-27, detha  wrote:

> A first step would be to have a default configuration where any
> functionality that can be used for reflection attacks with more than a say
> 2:1 ratio needs to be explicitly enabled, with warnings about this in the
> sample config file(s).

The NTP Reference Implementation has no default use case. So there is no
"baked-in" sensible default configuration. Some view this as a feature.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Public ntp-server and reflection-attacks

2013-12-23 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-12-23, Jure Sah  wrote:

> On 23. 12. 2013 15:13, Rob wrote:
> For noquery I understand, but for "nopeer"? The manual page states:
>> Deny packets that might mobilize an association unless authenticated.
>> This includes broadcast, symmetric-active and manycast server
>> packets when a configured association does not exist. Note that this
>> flag does not apply to packets that do not attempt to mobilize an
>> association.
> Doesn't this always happen when a new ntp server somewhere on the
> internet chooses to use your NTP server as a peer?

The word "peer" has multiple meanings in NTP.

We colloquially refer to a remote ntpd which is used as a time source as
a "peer". Witness the 'ntpq -p' peer billboard.

The "peer" configuration directive can be used in ntp.conf to establish
a bidirectional association between two ntpds (i.e. an assocation where
both nodes poll the other node for the time). 'nopeer' blocks these

By way of comparision ... The "server" configuration directive is used
to establish a unidirectional association between two ntpds (i.e. only
one node polls the other node). These associations are not blocked by

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Bounce attack via pool server

2013-12-23 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-12-23, Jure Sah  wrote:

> I am an administrator of a public NTP server joined to "".
> Our server has recently been an unwilling party to a NTP UDP based
> bounce attack and have received the report attached below.


> I am using ntpd version 4.2.6p3. I have searched trough the
> website on the subject and could not find any general
> recommendation for a secure setup, however I might not have been
> looking in the right places.

If you must continue to use NTP <= 4.2.7  add 'noquery' to your
default restrictions.

The current NTP development release includes some anti spoofing
technology and does not require the use of 'noquery'.


NTP Community Supported Documentation is located at

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Silly question.

2013-12-16 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-12-16, DaveB  wrote:

> I'm currently stuck, trying to get the system sources, so I can enable 
> PPS support in the kernel.   The old "sysinstall" seems broken, in as 
> much as it cant seem to download anything from anywhere. discusses installing
FreeBSD 9 source.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP to multiple networks via one interface.

2013-12-16 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-12-16, unruh  wrote:

> On 2013-12-16, David Taylor  wrote:
>> On 16/12/2013 00:52, unruh wrote:
>>> Please stop using google news.

[snip: rationale]

>> Scott's posts are perfectly readable here, although the quoted   
>> material is double-spaced as you say. Perhaps Scott doesn't have 
>> access to a  
> No, it is not double spaced, it is triple spaced. (Ie, three blank
> lines between each line of quote-- perhaps because the original was
> double spaced).
> I use slrn as my news reader.

The raw (i.e. original) version of the message in question 
( may be viewed at!original/comp.protocols.time.ntp/iJcX9XlnuTQ/40OP-fgpAQIJ

It clearly shows three blank lines between each single line
Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Silly question.

2013-12-16 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-12-16, David Lord  wrote:

> I have /etc/profile used to set profile for newly created users
> and have changed PATH so /usr/local/(s)bin is found before
> /usr/pkg/(s)bin before /(s)bin. I also updated .profile and
> .bash_profile for existing users.
> Note this is a security risk if users can drop programs in
> /usr/local/(s)bin

Those directories should not be writable by non-priviledged users.


freebsd:/usr/local$ ls -al | grep bin
drwxr-xr-x4 root  wheel  23552 Nov  7 03:04 bin
drwxr-xr-x3 root  wheel   2560 Apr 12  2013 sbin

If you don't wish to add those directories to your search path then use
a shell alias so that 'ntpq' is /usr/local/bin/ntpq. Set it in the same
places where you updated the PATH.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Silly question.

2013-12-16 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-12-16, DaveB  wrote:

> I've added override variables in /etc/rc.conf to point to both ntpd and 
> ntpdate that are located in /usr/local/bin.
> I also see there is a companion ntpq in there too, but in 
> /etc/default/rc.conf  There is no "default" path set to that program.
> For now, I've a commented out line in /etc/rc.conf
> # ntpq_program="/usr/local/bin/ntpq"
> Commented out as I don't know if that will work.  (I'm still re-
> educating myself with the neuances of BSD, it's been a while.)

Your shell searches for executables in the directories specified by your
PATH. /usr/local/bin needs to appear in your PATH before /usr/bin if you
want the "ports" versions of commands to override the "system" commands.

Or set up a shell alias.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP not syncing

2013-11-25 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-11-25, Antonio Marcheselli  wrote:

>> 'restrict' sets a null restriction set for that address.
>> IOW it removes all restrictions.
> I had a look at the 'restrict' parameters; the line I have is
> restrict mask nomodify
> which I understand prevents from modifying the NTP 
> configuration, is that correct?

'nomodify' blocks the use of ntpq / ntpdc remote configuration commands.
'nomodify' does not prevent someone sending the time to your ntpd. 

'restrict nomodify' replaces the default restriction with
'nomodify' for

FWIW ... NTP remote configuration is not possible unless one of the
following conditions are met:

1. ntpd is started with the command-line option which disabled


2. ntp.conf contains the configuration directive to disable authenticate


3. the non-trivial symmetric key configuration is correctly completed
_and_ the remote user possesses the correct authentication credentials

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP not syncing

2013-11-24 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-11-23, Antonio Marcheselli  wrote:

> Another quick question: does the "restrict" parameter prevent any other 
> server from using the server's NTP as a source?
> If I use "restrict" does that mean that only 
> can use that NTP as a source?

'restrict' sets a null restriction set for that address.
IOW it removes all restrictions.

'restrict some.address ignore' tells ntpd to ignore all packets from
that address.

'restrict some.address noquery' tells ntpd to ignore ntpq/ntpc queries
from that address.

'restrict some.address noserve' tells ntpd to ignore time polls from
that address.

'restrict some.address notrust' tells ntpd to ignore all unauthenticated
packets from that address.

Restriction lines for specific hosts / subnets make sense when they're
used with a default restriction.

'restrict default ...' applies to all addresses/netblocks which don't
have an explicit restrict line.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Public ntp-server and reflection-attacks

2013-11-21 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-11-21, Michael Sinatra  wrote:

> There are several ways, but having a basic 'restrict' statement in
> your config like this will help mitigate [reflection attacks]:
> restrict default noquery nomodify notrap nopeer
> restrict -6 default noquery nomodify notrap nopeer
> I believe the key command is 'noquery' which means that the server
> can't be queried for information (it does NOT affect the server's
> ability to respond to time requests).

The access control directives mentioned above are documented at (stable release) and at (development


> (I am also interested in how others are locking down public NTP
> servers.)

You want to take a look at the Support.AccessRestrictions topic in our
community supported documentation. It is at

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

[ntp:questions] False sender addresses

2013-11-21 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-11-21, Greg Troxel  wrote:

>   From: E-Mail Sent to this address will be added to the BlackLists
> I might have sent this by private mail, but the sender is both stating
> they will ignore replies and being anonymous.
> Two comments:
> 1) I think it's impolite to threaten people with blacklisting by
> replying to a message in the conventional way.  it's not reasonable to
> push work onto strangers, even if one is being helpful rather than
> asking for help.

One approach to handling these messages is to just ignore them.

> 2) Most mailng lists require mail to come from a subscriber for spam
> filtering.  So this sort of stance seems irregular.  Were I running the
> mailinglist, I wouldn't approve mail with a non-functional sender
> address.

This individual is not a mailing-list subscriber. He is posting to the
comp.protocols.time.ntp Usenet newsgroup via the Eternal September news
provider. You're seeing his articles on the mailing list via our

A sample article from this poster may be viewed at!original/comp.protocols.time.ntp/mBdwuMjcxFw/jEGu7KKml84J

All of this poster's articles contains tracking information headers
which may be used to file a complaint with his news provider.

e.g. (from the article linked above)

Injection-Date: Wed, 20 Nov 2013 06:00:44 + (UTC)

Anyone who wishes to contact this poster might find the information at or the output of 'whois anitech-systems'
to be helpful.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Unexpected executable locations from "sudo make install" on RPi Linux

2013-11-15 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-11-15, David Taylor  wrote:

> I have compiled and installed NTP on a number of Raspberry Pi Linux 
> systems, variants of Debian Wheezy, but on one I see that when I run:
>$ sudo make install
> I get the executables files in two different directories:

Here's where Debian installs the various NTP executables:

me@home:~$ dpkg -L ntp-dev | grep bin

>ntpdc ntpq & ntptrace => /usr/local/sbin

You probably meant /usr/local/bin

>ntpd ntpdate ntp-keygen ntptime & ntp-wait => /usr/local/sbin

That looks right.

> I was expecting all the executables to be in /usr/local/bin/.  Why might 
> this be?  Linux is not well known to me.

First of all you have to know the difference between /usr and
/usr/local as defined in the (Linux) FHS:

/usr -- Secondary hierarchy for read-only user data; contains the
majority of (multi-)user utilities and applications.

/usr/local -- Tertiary hierarchy for local data, specific to this host.
Typically has further subdirectories, e.g., bin/, lib/, share/. By
convention used for data/software which is not a part of the OS.

Then you have to know the differnce between ./bin and ./sbin

/usr/bin -- Non-essential command binaries (not needed in single user
mode); for all users.

/usr/sbin -- Non-essential system binaries, e.g., daemons for various
network-services. These binaries are primarily intended for use by root
or other privileged users.

/usr/local/bin and /usr/local/sbin are the local equivalent of /usr and
/usr/sbin. They're typically used for software which is installed
outside of the OS package management system.

You may find the articles at
and illuminating.

All of the is, BTW, trivial to dig up with your favorite search engine

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Strange refid

2013-11-12 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-11-11, A C  wrote:
> Anyone care to explain what this refid means?  This is from the
> billboard on one of my machines.  This came from the round-robin DNS
> pool but I couldn't tell you which round-robin provided it other than
> one of the North America or US pools.
>  .M-F.\.. 16 u 86 512 376 58.947 -201.11 138.426

The NTP Pool information page for this server is:

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] questions] WinNT Port Performance Counter Stability and Drift

2013-11-10 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-11-09, David J Taylor  wrote:

>Charles Elliott wrote:
>> The result of reading the timestamp counter can vary wildly due to
>> EIST (speed step technology), turbo modes, and owner overclocking, in
>> addition to differences in CPUs, as noted. There is quite a bit about
>> this on the Internet. As I recall, most writers recommend not using
>> it, but if one must, using it only for short interval timing and
>> after repeatedly measuring the frequency of the counter. The latter
>> can take quite a bit of time, as it should be done several times, and
>> for different interval lengths, and taking the average or median of
>> the results.


> Charles, and mail list admins - just to let you know that your message did 
> not appear to reach the newsgroup:
>   comp.protocols.time.ntp
> at least on my feed from Eternal-September.

An article from Charles made it to the Google Groups mirror of c.p.t.n:!original/comp.protocols.time.ntp/VLNotnd_nms/vBCbcxQkp3MJ

Looks like a problem with your free news server.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP not syncing

2013-11-10 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-11-08, Antonio Marcheselli  wrote:

> Question related to this topic. I am told that I can enable the HPET on 
> the motherboard and I can tell linux to use it.
> The file I am trying to amend is 
> /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/available_clocksource
> I have a I/O error when I try to save. The folder and the file have RW 
> permissions, any idea on why I can't amend it?

Sysfs (/sys/*) is a virtual file system provided by Linux. Sysfs exports
information about devices and drivers from the kernel device model to
user space, and is also used for configuration. It is similar to the
sysctl mechanism found in BSD systems, but implemented as a file system
instead of a separate mechanism.

Sysfs documentation is available at

/sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/available_clocksource is
the Sysfs interface for listing the available clock sources.

/sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/current_clocksource is the
Sysfs interface for listing _or_ setting the current clock source.


# cd /sys/devices/system/clocksource/clocksource0/
# ls -l
total 0
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 4096 Jul 18 07:48 available_clocksource
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 4096 Nov  9 14:28 current_clocksource
# cat available_clocksource 
tsc hpet acpi_pm 
# cat current_clocksource 
# echo hpet > current_clocksource
# cat current_clocksource

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP not syncing

2013-11-04 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-11-04, Antonio Marcheselli  wrote:

> That is being considered. The server runs a maintenance procedure every 
> 24hours when all the services are stopped momentarily. It could be the 
> right time for an ntpdate to run.

ntpd continuously disciplines the system clock (i.e. attempts to steer
it towards the aparent correct time).

ntpdate (or sntp) merely adjusts the system clock once each time the
utility is run. The system clock will then drift until the next

When faced with a system clock which is drifting monotonically at > 400
to 500PPM the best course of action is to bite the bullet and determine
a sane tick value. In virtually all cases this will allow ntpd to
control your clock.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP not syncing

2013-11-04 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-11-03, Antonio Marcheselli  wrote:
> On 03/11/2013 05:55, David Taylor wrote:
>> On 02/11/2013 20:41, unruh wrote:
>>> On 2013-11-02,
>>>  wrote:
>> []
>>>> How can I verify if the stepping has been disabled or not?
>>>> ntp.drift at the moment is -500.000
>>> Which is way out of spec and cannot be corrected by ntpd.
>> Yes, it can be corrected.  There are ways of offsetting NTP to allow for
>> clocks which are more than 500 ppm off nominal.  Likely it's
>> OS-dependant, but for Windows I documented the method here:

There is information about fixing this issue in the NTP Community
Supported Documentation at

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP clients

2013-10-30 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-10-30, David Lord  wrote:

> Steve Kostecke wrote:
>> ntpq prior to 4.2.7p22 does not support "mrulist" ...
> so 4.2.7p377 I've used since August is broken?
> or do I need to add some options to enable that command?

I'm not aware of anything you need to enable.

In my experience "mrulist" only works when your ntpq and ntpq are both
at least v4.2.7p22. Article
showed that a 4.2.6p5 ntpq can not make an mrulist request from a 4.2.7p293
ntpd. Here are the results of querying ntpd with its matching ntpq.

Testing the current stable release. mrulist does not work:

# apt-get install ntp


# ntpq -v 2>&1 | grep Ver
ntpq - standard NTP query program - Ver. 4.2.6p5
# ntpq -v 2>&1 | grep Ver
ntpq - standard NTP query program - Ver. 4.2.6p5
# ntpq -n -cmrulist
***Command `mrulist' unknown

Testing the current ntp-dev snapshot. mrulist works:

# apt-get install ntp-dev


# ntpd -v 2>&1 | grep Ver
ntpd - NTP daemon program - Ver. 4.2.7p391
# ntpq -v 2>&1 | grep Ver
ntpq - standard NTP query program - Ver. 4.2.7p391
# ntpq -n -cmrulist
Ctrl-C will stop MRU retrieval and display partial results.
Retrieved 2 unique MRU entries and 0 updates.
lstint avgint rstr r m v  count rport remote address
27  20 . 4 4  7   123
27  20 . 4 4  7   123

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP clients

2013-10-29 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-10-29, David Lord  wrote:

> My systems are running netbsd-6 i386. Stock ntpd is ntp-4.2.6p5,
> pkgsrc version of ntpd is 4.2.4.
> My pc with gps/pps has ntp-4.2.7p377 and from that I get
> "***Command 'mrulist' unknown"

"mrulist" was added in 4.2.7p22; see
or search the ntp-dev source code repository at

ntpq prior to 4.2.7p22 does not support "mrulist" ...

Here's ntpq from the current stable release:

me@home:/tmp$ ./ntpq -n -cmrulist
***Command `mrulist' unknown
me@home:/tmp$ ./ntpq -v  
./ntpq: illegal option -- v
ntpq - standard NTP query program - Ver. 4.2.6p5
USAGE:  ntpq [ - [] | --[{=| }] ]... [ host ...]

Here's ntpq from the current ntp-dev snapshot:

me@home:/tmp$ which ntpq
me@home:/tmp$ ntpq -n -cmrulist
Ctrl-C will stop MRU retrieval and display partial results.
Retrieved 9 unique MRU entries and 0 updates.
lstint avgint rstr r m v  count rport remote address
   142   10430 . 4 4   1095   123
   158   10070 . 4 4   1134   123
   745   10330 . 4 4   1105   123
   840   10390 . 4 4   1098   123
   873   10400 . 4 4   1097   123
   887   10030 . 4 4   1138   123
   947   10050 . 4 4   1136   123
   964   10180 . 4 4   1121   123
  1023   10260 . 4 4   1112   123
You have new mail in /var/mail/me
me@home:/tmp$ ntpq -v  
/usr/bin/ntpq: illegal option -- v
ntpq - standard NTP query program - Ver. 4.2.7p393
Usage:  ntpq [ - [] | --[{=| }] ]... [ host ...]
Try 'ntpq --help' for more information.

exit 1

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP clients

2013-10-26 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-10-26, Harlan Stenn  wrote:

> Please see
> for the "monitor" directive, and perhaps also

The documenation at is
updated for the current development release series and may include
documentation about features not present in older production releases.

A snapshot of the Miscellaneous Options documentation as
shipped with the current stable release is archived at

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] change ntp source port

2013-10-21 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-10-21, Riccardo Castellani  wrote:

> My Linux NTP client queries 'time' by source port '123', can I change this 
> number into unprivileged one ?

Which Linux OS are you using? And why do you need to be able to use an
unprivileged source port?

If your "NTP client" is ntpdate you may be able to add a command-line
option to the appropriate init script. See the ntpdate man page for the
option to use in unprivileged port.

As an aside, ntpdate merely sets your clock at boot time. Then your
clock will drift unless there is a cron job, or some other method, to
run ntpdate periodically. If you want your clock to be continuously
disciplined (i.e. adjusted towards the correct time) then you need to
run ntpd.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Raspberry Pi stratum-1 NTP server without soldering....

2013-10-21 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-10-21, David Taylor  wrote:


This information ought to be added to the NTP Community Supported
Documentation at

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntp.conf on FreeBSD

2013-10-14 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-10-12, unruh  wrote:

> That is good to hear, but does not solve the problem that ntp.conf is
> there for the admin to make changes to in order to solve problems
> peculiar to his system. I may not want the freebsd pool servers--
> because they are bad or because they are too far away. I may want to set
> up 5 (not 2) additional servers, some of which are refclock servers. To
> have to edit an init.d file, whose purpose is to start ntpd, not to
> configure it, is just supid. Somebody on the freebsd distro has no idea
> what he is doing. 

This is an issue with FreeNAS, not with FreeBSD.

FreeNAS is an appliance, not a general purpose OS. These sorts of
appliances often utilize a GUI to handle configuration tasks and store
the resulting data in a custom data store. Configuration files, such as
/etc/ntp.conf, are generated at the appropriate times from this data

A real world example of the risks of relying on a GUI.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntp.conf on FreeBSD

2013-10-12 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-10-12, unruh  wrote:

> So you are saying that their ntp.conf is not quite as stupid as some.
> That is good to hear, but does not solve the problem that ntp.conf is
> there for the admin to make changes to in order to solve problems
> peculiar to his system. I may not want the freebsd pool servers--
> because they are bad or because they are too far away. I may want to set
> up 5 (not 2) additional servers, some of which are refclock servers. To
> have to edit an init.d file, whose purpose is to start ntpd, not to
> configure it, is just supid. Somebody on the freebsd distro has no idea
> what he is doing. 

This is not a FreeBSD issue.

FreeNAS provide a GUI for handling the appliance configuration. The
underlying configuration files are automatically (re-)generated after an
edit and at boot time.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntp.conf on FreeBSD

2013-10-12 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-10-12, Charles Elliott  wrote:

>I built a NAS using FreeNAS, which is in turn based on FreeBSD, which
>has ntpd installed. I need to find ntp.conf so I can configure it for
>broadcast mode and maybe the GPS, but I cannot find it. It is not in
>/etc. discusses NTP configuration
for FreeNAS.

>Does anyone know where I should expect to find ntp.conf on FreeBSD?

According to an article in the discussion thread at

"If you want to add additional settings to /etc/ntp.conf, you'll need to
hack /etc/rc.d/ix-ntpd (applying the changes to
/conf/base/etc/rc.d/ix-ntpd to make them permanent) as it is ix-ntpd
that writes out /etc/ntp.conf from scratch each the ntpd service is
started... You can also create the additional file from within ix-ntpd.
I'm really not sure why there is an ntp.conf at all in /conf/base/etc,
as it's ignored."

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] which servers should be peers?

2013-09-19 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-09-19, Maria Iano  wrote:

> Thank you all for your responses, this has been very helpful. I have
> an additional question now, which is once I have this all set up with
> the S1 and S2 servers, should I then point the clients to only the S2
> servers? Currently they point to our four S1s.

The S3 systems (your "clients") should poll only your S2 servers.

Each S2 server should poll your S1 appliances. Consider polling other
carefully chosen remote time servers if allowed by your corporate

Peer groups and Orphan Mode groups should consist of servers which
nominally operate at the same stratum (i.e. all your S2s or all your S1s).
These groups should not cross strata.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] which servers should be peers?

2013-09-18 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-09-18, David Taylor  wrote:
> On 18/09/2013 15:24, Steve Kostecke wrote:
>> On 2013-09-18, David Taylor  wrote:
>>> On 18/09/2013 14:27, Steve Kostecke wrote:
>>>> On 2013-09-18, Charles Elliott  wrote:
>>> []
>>> Charles's post hasn't (yet) appeared on USENET. Perhaps the gateway is
>>> broken, or very, very slow?
> Thanks.  I wonder whether the gateway is the problem, or if it's 
> something else?

Read the message headers rather than casting aspersions.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] which servers should be peers?

2013-09-18 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-09-18, David Taylor  wrote:

> On 18/09/2013 14:27, Steve Kostecke wrote:
>> On 2013-09-18, Charles Elliott  wrote:
> []
> Charles's post hasn't (yet) appeared on USENET. Perhaps the gateway is
> broken, or very, very slow?!original/comp.protocols.time.ntp/QP7TR3Kc1aM/Ar19zqDf09MJ

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] which servers should be peers?

2013-09-18 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-09-18, Charles Elliott  wrote:

> IMHO, you don't want 15 servers; you want 9.  You could start out with 15
> and ntpd will mark the ones it finds lacking with a #.  After a few days
> you could then whittle the list down to 9 based on the ones most
> frequently marked with a #.  I am fairly sure ntpd only uses 9 servers
> in its final filtering and smoothing algorithms.

Why not let ntpd pick the survivors rather than attempting to manually
cherry pick?

> I would and do use stratum 2 servers.  At least in the U.S., the
> stratum 1 servers are so heavily overloaded that at the end of the
> day you will have more accurate time with stratum 2.

The OP is deploying their own stratum 1 and stratum 2 time servers.

> This is highly controversial, and many on this list will say its
> abusive, but I use the iburst keyword

'iburst' is _not_ considered abusive because it only multiplies the
initial poll when a time server becomes reachable.

'burst' _is_ considered abusive because it multiplies (i.e. causes a
burst at) each poll.

>  and minpoll 4 (16 secs) maxpoll 5 (32 secs).

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] GPS/PPS and "enable calibrate"

2013-09-07 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-09-07, Charles Elliott  wrote:

> Unruh wrote:
>> Why? Why not just do it the average offset?
> Many inexpensive GPS devices exhibit a saw tooth pattern of their
> offsets relative to a known good time source, where the period is
> less than constant, and the amplitude often is plus or minus 60 ms
> relative to 0 offset. According to Dave Hart, this saw tooth pattern
> is inherent in the GPS device itself (the time between fix and time
> output "wanders") and not caused by NTPD processing.

There is a nice overview of GPS available at

The discussion of GPS receivers begins on slide #23.

GPS uses the concept of time of arrival (TOA) of signals to determine
user position (slide #42).

Signal travel time measurement is discussed in slides #44 and #45.

Clock synchronization is discussed in slides #44 through #50. The
receiver's quartz clock is continually reset to be in sync with the
satellites' atomic clocks.

There is a discussion of how the USNO monitors the timing of the GPS
satellites at

> Regardless of its cause, until one understands this saw tooth pattern
> it appears like no time2 adjustment works for any length of time,
> hence the attempt to sneak up on it.

I'm not sure where you're going with this attempt to calculate the
perfect time2 value.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] NTPD silently not tracking

2013-09-01 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-09-01, Rob  wrote:

> Maarten Wiltink  wrote:
>> "unruh"  wrote:
>>> On 2013-08-31, BlackLists wrote:
>>>>  perhaps it has already been fixed in a more recent version.


>>> Sorry, but I have always found this to be a complete copout.


>> As a developer (not NTP) myself, I don't react well to people
>> complaining about bugs I've already solved, just not in the version
>> they have.


> Like "unruh", I hate developers and companies with this attitude.
> When there is no reason to believe that a particular problem is solved
> in a later release, it is just annoying when the suggestion from
> support departments is to first install the latest version and see
> if that fixes it.  It is just a way to wave off the initial complaint
> and to keep others busy.

Not at all.

The NTP Project, in conjunction with the NTP Public Services Project,
supports (i.e. provides bug fixes for) the current NTP Reference
Implementation Stable (i.e. production) and Development release series.

Limited free support for EOLed versions of NTP may be available
through the comp.protocols.time.ntp Usenet news-group and gatewayed mailing list (operated by The NTP Public
Services Project), the #ntp IRC channel at freenode, the Community
Supported NTP Documentation at, and other venues.

Support contracts for EOLed versions of the NTP Reference Implementation
(from are available from The Network Time Foundation

Unfortunately the NTP Reference Implementation release numbering scheme
violates the principle of least surprise and obscures the true magnitude
of the differences between releases.

Here's an example:

The final release in the "old-stable" series was NTP-4.2.4p8 and the
current release in the stable series is NTP-4.2.6p5.

Most people will compare the release as v4.2.4p8 vs v4.2.6p5; looks
like only a small change in the inremental release version along with a
couple of patches. Doesn't look like much, does it?

However the real comparision should be v2.4.8 vs v2.6.5. The difference
between release versions looks much greater in this case. Plus there was
a series of 250 development releases (v2.5.*) between v2.4 and v2.6;
a review of the ChangeLogs will reveal the magnitude of the changes
between versions.

> What is even worse: when people report an issue and it goes on a bug
> registration system (e.g. bugzilla), and after some time has elapsed a
> person marks all open bugs with remarks like "we have not heard about
> you for a while, please install latest version maybe it was fixed".
> As if that many bugs are fixed by accident. Sometimes it even happens
> with feature requests.

ntpd bugs submitted to the NTP BTS are never closed due to inactivity.

Try this query and you'll see open bugs dating back to 2003:

> Also remember that it is not always straightforward to upgrade
> a program. People often install ntpd as part of an OS (Linux)
> distribution, and it is integrated into the system by their
> distributor.

The NTP Reference Implementation is free software. The copyright
holder (The University of Delaware) makes no representations
about the suitability this software for any purpose. It is
provided "as is" without express or implied warranty. Please visit for the complete copyright notice and
license statement.

Each OS vendor / distributor / aggregator is responsible for supporting
code which they have customized or which has been EOLed by the uptream
author / vendor.

Support contracts for EOLed versions of the NTP Reference Implementation
(from are available from The Network Time Foundation

> Getting a newer version compiled from scratch and replacing the
> integrated version can be a major and risky operation, especially for
> someone not proficient in such tasks.

We live in an age where information is ubibiquitous.

A motivated person should have no difficulty locating documentation
describing the process of compiling software as "raw" source code
or through their Operating System software/package management
infrastructure. Further, there all manner of free support venues where
one may obtain assistance with this task.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] NTPD silently not tracking

2013-08-30 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-08-30, Magnus Danielson  wrote:

> On 08/30/2013 04:17 AM, > BlackLists wrote:
>> Have you tried a newer version of NTP ?
>> <>


> No, I listed the affected version as packaged by Debian.

We have an autobuilder which packages the current ntp-dev snapshot:

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] PPS versus serial offset

2013-08-28 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-08-28, detha  wrote:

> Done the 'let it run for 24 hours, take average offset between PPS and
> serial reading, and use that as time1 for the gpsd line in ntp.conf.'

Where did you find that bad advice?

A timing GPS provides two pieces of information:

1. The PPS signal which marks the seconds

2. NMEA sentences which label the seconds

The PPS signal is emitted at the beginning of each second and is

The NMEA sentences are emitted when the GPS receiver is not busy with
other tasks and can occur at any time during the relevant second.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] PPS versus serial offset

2013-08-28 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-08-28, David Taylor  wrote:

> detha  wrote:
> I would be more worried about the 11 ms step in the PPS at about -155
> hours...

The PPS signal is plotted in green and does not diverge visibly from 0.

The blue line, which displays the 11ms jump, is labled "stratum 1". It
is very likely the system offset.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] refid question

2013-08-24 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-08-23, Michael Dolan  wrote:

> I've exhausted my search for refid .FLY. and its meaning.
> Our stratum 2 client reported Stratum 1 appliance
> (Symmetricon S200) initialized with .GPS. but after ~ 24 hours the
> refid switched to .FLY. and the offset has been steadily increasing.
> Any guidance to what this means appreciated.

It may be worth contracting the appliance manufacturer.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] selection between ntp server and reference clock

2013-08-19 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-08-19, Nikolai Orekhov  wrote:

> So, reference clock could have any dispersion less then 16000 to be
> selected. For example, imagine that GPS receiver just appeared from
> nowhere, has only one element in filter and dispersion of about 7900. 

Time sources are not considered until 4 data samples are collected.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Order of servers in ntp.conf

2013-08-15 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-08-15, unruh  wrote:

> On 2013-08-15, Steve Kostecke  wrote:
> [---=| Quote block shrinked by t-prot: 42 lines snipped |=---]
>> The mitigation algorithm proceeds in three steps in turn.
>> 1. If there are no survivors, the modem driver becomes the only
>> survivor if there is one. If not, the local driver becomes the only
>> survivor if there is one. If not, the orphan parent becomes the only
>> survivor if there is one. If the number of survivors at this point
>> is less than the minsane option of the tos command, the algorithm
>> is terminated and the system variables remain unchanged. Note that
>> minsane is by default 1, but can be set at any value including 0.
> ] This is ambiguous.

Seems pretty straightforward to me ...

if (survivors == NULL) {
if exists(modem) {
survivors = "modem"
} elseif exists(undisciplined_local_clock) {
survivors = "undisciplined_local_clock"
} elseif exists(orphan_parent) {
survivors = "orphan_parent"

abort if (count(survivors) < minsane)

> If no survivors-> local/orphan. If suvivors (which is almost always true if no survivors)-> unchanged. 
> If I set minsane to 100 and have only 5 peers, what happens? Is
> local/orphan used or is nothing changed.

You can break almost anything if you grossly misconfigure it.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Order of servers in ntp.conf

2013-08-15 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-08-15, unruh  wrote:

> On 2013-08-14, Steve Kostecke  wrote:
>> The time server specified in each of those lines is the one which is
>> currently selected as the "sys_peer".
> But as I understand it, it is simply one of the systems which is
> not a false ticker, and has not real significance other than that.
> Ie, its time is not treated any differently than any of the other
> systems regarded as true chimers by the selection algorithm. Or do I
> misunderstand something?

The sys_peer is chosen after the select[ion] alrorithm scans the
associations for selectable candiates _and_ after the cluster
(combine?) algorithm casts out the outliers.

In the last paragraph at we see:

"The algorithms described on the Mitigation Rules and the prefer Keyword
page combine the survivor offsets, designate one of them as the system
peer and produces the final offset used by the algorithm described on
the Clock Discipline Algorithm page to adjust the system clock time and

Section 6 of the Mitigation Rules page
clarifies how the process works:

"As previously noted, the cluster algorithm casts out outliers, leaving
the survivor list for later processing. The survivor list is then sorted
by increasing root distance and the first entry temporarily designated
the system peer. At this point the following contributors to the system
clock discipline may be available:

* (potential) system peer, if there are survivors;
* orphan parent, if present;
* local driver, if present;
* modem driver, if present;
* prefer peer, if present;
* PPS driver, if present.

The mitigation algorithm proceeds in three steps in turn.

1. If there are no survivors, the modem driver becomes the only survivor
if there is one. If not, the local driver becomes the only survivor if
there is one. If not, the orphan parent becomes the only survivor if
there is one. If the number of survivors at this point is less than the
minsane option of the tos command, the algorithm is terminated and the
system variables remain unchanged. Note that minsane is by default 1,
but can be set at any value including 0.

2. If the prefer peer is among the survivors, it becomes the system peer
and its offset and jitter are inherited by the corresponding system
variables. Otherwise, the combine algorithm computes these variables
from the survivor population.

3. If there is a PPS driver and the system clock offset at this point is
less than 0.4 s, and if there is a prefer peer among the survivors or
if the PPS peer is designated as a prefer peer, the PPS driver becomes
the system peer and its offset and jitter are inherited by the system
variables, thus overriding any variables already computed. Note that a
PPS driver is present only if PPS signals are actually being received
and enabled by the associated driver.

If none of the above is the case, the data are disregarded and the
system variables remain as they are."

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Order of servers in ntp.conf

2013-08-14 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-08-14, unruh  wrote:

> On 2013-08-14, Nils Brubaker  wrote:
>> Aug  8 15:01:00 yellowstone ntpd[3254]: synchronized to, 
>> stratum 2
>> Aug  8 16:09:20 yellowstone ntpd[3254]: synchronized to, 
>> stratum 2
>> These log messages suggest that ntpd is synchronizing with one and only 
>> one NTP server.  Is that the correct interpretation?  Is this single 
>> server selected for synchronization only after performing all the 
>> calculations described below?
> As I understand it, once it has done all of the calculations, it picks
> one of the servers in the accepted bunch of servers and uses it as a
> proxy for all of them. Ie, the above is shorthand for 
> synchronized to a pool of servers which includes

The time server specified in each of those lines is the one which is
currently selected as the "sys_peer".

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] DNS resolution on ntpd

2013-08-05 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-08-05, Marco Marongiu  wrote:

> Assuming I remember well, in which version was this change introduced?

The ChangeLog for production releases may be viewed on-line at

The documentation for production releases is archived at


Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Clock selection in Orphan Mode

2013-07-26 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-07-26, unruh  wrote:

> On 2013-07-26,  wrote:
>> Mathieu Deltorre wrote:
>>> All is fine: When started ntp daemon on each PCs, after a while, PC2
>>> and PC3 are synchronized to PC1 (LOOP refid). I've seen in html NTP
>>> documentation and in NTP code, that clock selection is based on the
>>> lowest adress IP (adress IP of PC1 in my case).
>>> First question : Is my undestanding is correct ?
>> Really, references? I doubt it, ...
>> breaker, everything else being equal (which is fairly unlikely).
> No, I beleive ...

Reading the documentation might help:

(6th paragraph)

While ordinary NTP clients use a selection metric based on delay and
dispersion, orphan children use a metric computed from the IP address of
each core server. Each orphan child chooses the orphan parent as the
root server with the smallest metric.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] how to use restrict to refuse the clients which have no shared-keys

2013-07-25 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-07-25, Jun Hu  wrote:

> after each host run ntpd , I found the client B still can normally
> sync time with ntp server ,same with client A. why ?
> my ntp version is 4.2.4 , how to use restrict to refuse the clients
> which have no shared-keys ? what I will do ?

Take another look at and look for a
restrict flag which applies to authenticated packets. 

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] What should the poll be for the shared memory driver (type 28)?

2013-06-17 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-06-17, David Taylor  wrote:

> On 17/06/2013 17:36, Steve Kostecke wrote: []
>> grepping the source tree is very informative...

[snip: relevant quotes from the NTP Reference Implementation source]

> Thanks, Steve. My knowledge of the source tree is even more limited
> than my knowledge of "C"!

I have no intimate familiarity with the source tree and had to search
for the items I quoted.

> In refclock_shm.c, it does say that the
> "peek" routine is called every second, so if the type 28 driver has an
> internal poll of one second, does it matter what min/max poll is set
> in the ntp.conf file? Does it even need to be set at all?

> Sorry if I'm asking very basic questions, but if I'm going to write a
> small Web page about this I would rather the contents be accurate and,
> if possible, best practice.

Contributing (i.e. embedding and not merely linking) this
article/topic/page to the Community Supported Documentation at is the best way to make this information
useful to the NTP Community.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] What should the poll be for the shared memory driver (type 28)?

2013-06-17 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-06-17, David Taylor  wrote:

> another document I've seen suggests setting:
>server minpoll 1 prefer
> and yet in the ntpq -p billboard the poll is shown as 8 seconds. 
> Loopstats are reported at 8 second intervals, and the poll interval is 
> shown as 3 (i.e. 8 seconds).

grepping the source tree is very informative...

According to ./ntpd/ntp_peer.c:

 * It is an error to set minpoll less than NTP_MINPOLL or to
 * set maxpoll greater than NTP_MAXPOLL. However, minpoll is
 * clamped not greater than NTP_MAXPOLL and maxpoll is clamped
 * not less than NTP_MINPOLL without complaint. Finally,
 * minpoll is clamped not greater than maxpoll.

And in ./include/ntp.h we find:

:#define NTP_MINPOLL 3   /* log2 min poll interval (8 s) */

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] two machines syncing to the same master - hardware issues?

2013-05-31 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-05-31,  wrote:

> On Thursday, May 30, 2013 5:41:46 PM UTC-5, unruh wrote:
>> You can expect offsets of the order of 10-20microseconds IF the ntp
>> servers get their time from gps. If not, the servers themselves can
>> be woggling all over the place.

That's misleading.

> Is there any way to determine if the ntp servers are using GPS or not?

Query them with ntpq.

But keep in mind that there other factors besides the time source at
play here. 

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] two machines syncing to the same master - hardware issues?

2013-05-31 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-05-31, David Lord  wrote:

> wrote:
>> On Thursday, May 30, 2013 5:41:46 PM UTC-5, unruh wrote:
>>>> My two machines are somewhat different: "oldbox" is running NTP
>>>> 4.2.2 as ships with RedHat 5.7; "newbox" is running NTP 4.2.4 as
>>>> ships with RedHat 6.3.


>> Where can I access this information? I assume from the peerstats
>> file? Or is there another mechanism for querying this pre-existing
>> data?
> There is a mass of documentation with most of ntpd releases. Try

The HTML documentation for NTP-4.2.4 is archived at 

Your OS should provide the official NTP HTML documenation (either as a
part of their NTP package or as a seperate NTP docs package).

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Offset is always increasing

2013-05-22 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-05-22, Riccardo Castellani  wrote:

>>> Do this. Disable NTP on FORCLIENTS, then run ntpdate every minute
>>> (cron would be good here) with "-q" and "-s". You will probably see
>>> an increasing offset.
> With this command, I will save 'offset' value but without adjusting
> the local clock, it's right ?

In cases where your clock is drifting faster than NTP can correct it you
may need to "adjust your tick". This procedure has been documented in
our Wiki since 2005:

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Tighter regulation?

2013-05-21 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-05-21, Mischanko, Edward T  wrote:

> My concern is that too much data is being thrown away when polling
> above 256 seconds and that allows excessive wandering of my clock.

The clock filter algorithm processes the offset and delay samples
produced by the on-wire protocol for each peer process separately. It
uses a sliding window of eight samples and picks out the sample with the
least expected error. describes
the algorithm design principles along with an example of typical

> Yes, I can cap the interval to 256, but is that the only answer?
> I would rather increase the interval of adjustments not the polling
> interval. 

A general overview of the clock discpline algorithm; along with
discussions of phase-lock loop operations, loop dynamics, and clock
initialization and management; are presented at

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Meinberg NTP client continuously resync to server

2013-05-18 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-05-18, David Woolley  wrote:

> These options are set using the tinker command, which is in the HTML 
> documentation that I hope that Meinberg included in their install package.

The HTML documentation for the OP's version of NTP is also available
on-line at

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] ntp & system without a rtc

2013-05-10 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-05-10, folkert  wrote:
> Hi,
> I have a raspberry pi system. This is a computer without a real time
> clock. So everytime I power it on, it uses starts where it left off
> which might be days earlier. It is connected only very occasionally to
> the internet so syncing to that won't work. It does have, however, a gps
> connected. But as it is switched mostly for less than an hour, ntpd
> won't have the time to adjust the time to what the gps returns to it.

Why not use somthing like this:

ChronoDot - Ultra-precise Real Time Clock - v2.1 

The ChronoDot RTC is an extremely accurate real time clock module, based
on the DS3231 temperature compensated RTC (TCXO). It includes a CR2016
battery (not shown, but included in the product) which should last at
least 8 years if the I2C interface is only used while the device has 5V
power available. No external crystal or tuning capacitors are required.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] NTP with GPS and RTC

2013-04-26 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-04-26, Biebaut Sven  wrote:

>>Biebaut Sven wrote:
>>> If I drop the idea of the RTC as a reference clock, am I correct in
>>+ stating that, when there is no external synchronisation:
>>> - my local clock and my RTC will drift away from each other, but at
>>+ least my RTC will be closer to the mark (the DS3231 is chosen for its
>>+ precision)
>>Probably not.  ntpd will continue to apply first order frequency 
>>correction to the local clock.  
> Ah, I did not realise that. So a system with ntpd but without an external 
> reference clock would still be more accurate than a system without ntpd 
> at all ?

Only if ntpd has had access to a real local reference clock, or to
remote time servers, for a long enough period of time to calculate the
frequency correction. And the ambient conditions and system load match
that which existed when the correction was determined.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] help

2013-03-05 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-03-04, 1900116857 <> wrote:

> My OS is Ubuntu12.04amd64

NTP 4.2.6p3 is packaged for Ubuntu "precise":

It is available for installation from the Ubuntu package repositories.

You should be able to see the whether or not the ntp package is
installed using the following command:

$ dpkg -l ntp

You may want to check and see if your system already has the ntp package
provided by your OS installed.

> I dowloaded the NTP4.2.6p5 package and installed it with following commands:
> "configure
> make
> make install"
> Installation seems successful. No error is reported. But there still
> some other question.
> First :
> when I typed in "services ntpd start",OS shows "unrecognized service"

The NTP Reference Implementation source code releases, which are linked
from and, do not
install any initialization scripts as these are OS specific. In general
you are better off installing, and using, ntp from your OS package
management system.

>,but udp port 123 is active.Before this,I tried to run"sudo ntpd",and

'sudo ntpd' starts the NTP daemon (assuming that it in your search
path). The netstat output you included in your original article shows
that ntpd was running.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] PPS only configuration

2013-02-18 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-01-19, unruh  wrote:

> Mischanko posts a long post with a single line, saying he wants help
> in finding a news poster which will break lines for him. He has one.
> Himself. It is entirely possible to put in line breaks manually, which
> I, sarcastically I admit, pointed out to him. Not putting in line
> breaks is NOT primarily a news posting problem. It is a user problem.

According to the headers in your article(s) you are using the slrn
newsreader. So all you have to do to make long lines of text readable is
touch the 'w' key while you're reading the offending article.

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Does this look sane, is PPS working?

2013-02-12 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-02-12, james machado  wrote:

> On Tue, Feb 12, 2013 at 6:04 AM, Ralph Aichinger 
> wrote:
>> Does this look sane to you for a Raspberry Pi with a Sure Electronics
>> board and PPS enabled? It looks fine to me, I just want to confirm
>> that people more experienced than me see it the same way.
>>  remote   refid  st t when poll reach  delay   offset  jitter
>> =


>> oGPS_NMEA(0) .GPS.   0 l3   16  3770.000   -0.005   0.001
> I would expect to see a PPS line if you have PPS up and working
> correctly, 

The 'o' tally code at the beginning of the GPS_NMEA line is telling
you that your GPS is the PPS peer. Plus the offset and jitter are
appropriate for a PPS ref-clock.

The tally codes are listed at

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Updating the leapseconds file -- how to signal ntpd

2013-01-27 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-01-27, Garrett Wollman  wrote:

> And when it ceases to be "in development" and the FreeBSD net/ntp port
> becomes 4.2.7 instead of 4.2.6, then I will run it.

The next FreeBSD net/ntp "port" will be 4.2.8
explains why.

Stable releases have an even Minor Release number
Development releases have an odd Minor Release number 

The curent release numbering scheme syntax is

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] p351 fails to build on MSVC++2008EE

2013-01-25 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-01-25, Mischanko, Edward T  wrote:

> Who updates autogen and when is it expected?

The AutoGen "home-page" is:

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Loopstats jitter field mostly zero?

2013-01-11 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-01-11, james machado  wrote:

>> (see UCBTEST)
> i've spent the last two days trying to get the UCBTEST to compile on
> the RPi with no luck.  there are some defines the ieee.c file wants
> that I just don't grok.  As far as TestFloat it requires SoftFloat
> which has fallen off the interwebs.  If you have another test you
> would like me to try let me know.

Did you try ?

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

Re: [ntp:questions] Loopstats jitter field mostly zero?

2013-01-11 Thread Steve Kostecke
On 2013-01-11, james machado  wrote:

> i've spent the last two days trying to get the UCBTEST to compile on
> the RPi with no luck.  there are some defines the ieee.c file wants
> that I just don't grok.  As far as TestFloat it requires SoftFloat
> which has fallen off the interwebs.  If you have another test you
> would like me to try let me know.

Also you might want to take a look at

According to that README "the software included here also includes the
SoftFloat library, which is is required to test the hardware FPU."

Steve Kostecke 
NTP Public Services Project -

questions mailing list

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