Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Ship date?

2009-10-07 Thread gdpeck

morgan4x4;468297 Wrote: 
> As of Wednesday morning, this is what you get when trying to order a
> Radio from the Logitech site.
> "This product does not exist at Logitech Squeezebox Store. "

I had it in my cart at the logitech store yesterday, and didn't
finalize the order. That wasn't too smart I guess...


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Ship date?

2009-10-07 Thread gdpeck

mparry;468509 Wrote: 
> fixed.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Ship date?

2009-10-07 Thread gdpeck

mparry;468723 Wrote: 
> Shipped, 
> I upgraded your shipping as well.
> Enjoy!

Sweet! Thanks Matt!
I'm sure I will enjoy it. I'm still not sure I need two squeezeboxes in
my bedroom, but I'm looking forward to super flexible alarms, quiet
internet radio background music at night, and a clock that is dim enough
that I can sleep facing it.

hello squeezebox radio. goodbye ihome.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio sound quality as compared to boom

2009-10-08 Thread gdpeck

dean;468590 Wrote: 
> Lots more details here:
> On Wed, Oct 7, 2009 at 10:29 AM, MrSinatra
> wrote:
> >
> > but is the enclosure shared for both speakers, or separate?
> >
> >
> > --
> > MrSinatra
> >
> >
> > using:
> > sb2 & sbc (my home) / sbr (parent's home) - w/sc 7.3.4b - win xp pro
> > sp3 ie8 - 3.2ghz / 2gig ram - 1tb wd usb2 raid1 - d-link dir-655
> >
> > MrSinatra's Profile:
> > View this thread:
> >
> > 

I'm very curious as to the applicability of this paper to the Radio.
Were the same type of design and DSP ideas used in the Radio? I
understand that the StereoXL stuff and the subwoofer circuitry won't be
there, but does the Radio use the same DAC, crossover, bi-amping, and
separate headphone DAC?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Ship date?

2009-10-08 Thread gdpeck

iPhone;468887 Wrote: 
> If you have the experience I have with a Boom on my night table and SB
> Radio on the better half's night table, I think you will like it. She
> has really become attached to the SB Radio. The Boom was a passing
> interest because it was easy to move and she likes the surf or rain to
> fall asleep to. The Radio has brought her full circle to now enjoy all
> the SBs in the house and I think she gets what I found about them.
> Honestly, I thought the one in her car and the Boom would have done it.
> But no, the little SB Radio won her completely over to having music
> everywhere. She wants one for her office now also.

I hope that the Radio does drive squeezebox adoption in my home. It
remains to be seen. I have had two SB3s for a couple of years, and my
wife just recently started warming to them, because of the internet
radio capabilities. Honestly, besides the fact that I want to buy every
squeezebox that comes out (except the controller for some reason), the
thing that really drove this purchase is that I am looking for a lot of
flexibility in the way alarms are set. As long as they are easy to set
and we can kind of forget about them once set, I think everything will
be good.

I'm amazed that you have installed squeezeboxes (or is it squeezeboxen)
in your cars. Do you have pictures posted anywhere?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] What is the alarm like?

2009-10-08 Thread gdpeck

I just ordered a radio, and I'm a little confused as to how alarms
interact between the radio and squeezebox server and

I need to be able to set an alarm, and have it be effective regardless
of which source the radio is connected to at alarm time. It would also
be nice if I could set the alarm anywhere (radio, SS, or MSB). For
example if I go to sleep listening to local music on squeezebox server,
but the alarm was set in the web interface, the alarm
should still fire. Do I have to do anything special to have this happen?

I understand how the backup alarms (no connectivity) work, so don't
need any clarification there?

Also, I know this is a more general question about how alarms function,
than a specific radio question. If you're aware of posts or articles
that already exist which explain this functionality, please point me
that way. I tried a few searches, and looked at,
and didn't find any information on this.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio sound quality as compared to boom

2009-10-08 Thread gdpeck

ccrome2;469178 Wrote: 
> It uses a single stereo DAC, therefore it does not do the subwoofer
> mode.  It does do the same crossover and  bi-amping, which is one of the
> most critical parts IMO.
> -Caleb

So does the second DAC in the Boom have optimizations for headphone
listening that are not present in the Radio? I'm curious as to how well
the Radio will work for headphone listening, without an external
headphone amp. Of course I guess I could just go home where the Radio is
waiting for me, and just listen for myself ;)



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Ship date?

2009-10-08 Thread gdpeck

Just got mine connected up. Had to put in a static IP address for some
reason; I've had to do that with other devices on my network. My DHCP
server is not good.

Anyway, I already love this thing. I want about 60 of them. Sound
quality is amazing for a device this size.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] First impressions.... not impressed

2009-10-09 Thread gdpeck

I've had the radio for a little more than 12 hours. Here are a few first
impressions (this turned out to be pretty long):

1-Sound quality is really outstanding. This is a small bedside device,
and it sounds great through the speaker. It does a pretty good job of
making even low bit-rate streams sound good, and with good source
material (local flac files, high bit-rate radio) is fantastic. It also
sounded really nice with my Sony MDR-V6 headphones.

2-Setup. You have to be a geek to set this thing up. Fortunately I am,
but it was still frustrating. I used the remote from one of my SB3s to
enter accounts, wep-key etc, but it was still a 30 minute process. Also,
as far as I can tell, you can't edit a network connection once it
exists. Due to some wonkiness with my DHCP server, I initially had to
set a static IP address. When I tried to go back to change it, the only
way I could see to change it is to completely re-enter the network
settings. To be fair, I use a hidden SSID and 128-bit WEP key, so I
might be making things harder on myself, but the point is, it should be
easy to see and change the settings without completely starting over,
especially when it is that difficult to enter passwords.

3-Appearance and ergonomics. This is a really great looking device. I
like the LCD a lot, and I really appreciate the fact that with automatic
brightness control, it goes really dim. I have the power off screen
server set to digital clock (black), and I sleep with my face about
12-18 inches from the clock. My last clock radio spent most of its time
with the display off, because even at the lowest setting it illuminated
half the bed. The SBR was perfect in that regard. I could always see the
time, if I needed to, but the illumination never bothered me. I don't
want to rave about it too much, but for me the implementation of the lcd
screen is absolutely perfect.

Lack of backlit buttons is a plus for me, and it is reasonably easy to
find the buttons by touch orienting from the two knobs. It could have
and should have been made easier, but it works the way it is.

I don't like the menu structure. The main reason, is that it doesn't
show you what has already been set at a glance. For example, when
changing an alarm you should be able to see from the first screen, if
the alarm is on, the time and days for the alarm, and the sound that the
alarm makes. You have to go at least two levels deep to see what has
already been set. I think this could easily be fixed.

It should be possible to re-order the menu items.

Why the @#$# can't I manage the menus from the web page???

It's too hard to see which source I'm using (SBS or And it's
too hard to switch.

4-Alarms. This is the very worst thing about the Radio. My wife who is
very non-technical needs to be able to set an alarm and know that it
will go off. She also needs to be able to just hit one button to turn
the alarm off till the next day. When the alarm went off this morning, I
tried just hitting the power button, which I believe should stop the
alarm. I had to hit it 4 or 5 times, in a disoriented state, because I
got a different alarm than the one I thought I was getting. I have a LOT
of issues with the way the alarms work. It just shouldn't be this hard.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Radio sound quality as compared to boom

2009-10-09 Thread gdpeck

ccrome2;469487 Wrote: 
> Sorry, I should have been clear on that.  The DAC used in Radio has a
> headphone amplifier built-in.  So, headphone usage is just dandy.  I use
> it every night that way.  Low noise floor & very clean output.  No need
> to worry.
> -Caleb

Thanks for the clarification. I did a little headphone listening last
night with Sony MDR-V6s and it sounded really, really nice. Just low I'm
listening with my Westone 3s, which are pretty susceptible to noise, and
it is pretty good on them too. At first I thought it was a little hissy
at low volumes, but I think that is recording dependent.

Caleb, you and your team have every right to be proud of the work you
did on the sound on this thing. I'm totally, completely blown away by
the sound. I don't think it's a perfect device, but I have absolutely no
qualms with the sound quality and quantity. Great job!!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] First impressions.... not impressed

2009-10-09 Thread gdpeck

eap;469682 Wrote: 
> I asked about this in another thread.  When the alarm fires, don't you
> get a menu with 2 choices (turn off alarm or snooze)?  That's what is
> indicated in the wiki.
> There is a 3rd implied choice to hit the back button to keep playing
> the stream from the alarm (ie. get rid of the alarm fired menu).

The only thing I saw on the screen was the clock. The power button
didn't show me a menu or do anything until the third or fourth hit. I
didn't try to hit the big knob, maybe I should have. However, I believe
that presenting a menu, kind of misses the point of an alarm clock. When
I'm just waking up I'm bleary eyed, and don't want to focus on menu
text. I just want to press a button to shut the thing up. I'm not
talking about snooze here, because i don't use snooze. I want to be able
to punch one button, and get up knowing that the next alarm will fire,
whether that is an hour later for my wife, or the next morning.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] First impressions.... not impressed

2009-10-09 Thread gdpeck

aubuti;469693 Wrote: 
> This is an issue with all SqueezeOS devices (SB Controller, SB Radio, SB
> Touch). I see two major problems. One is that many useful items can only
> be on the Home Menu (set on the device itself via Settings > Home Menu),
> or nowhere at all. That means the home menu can get pretty crowded,
> which leads to problem #2, the inability to re-order menu items even on
> the Home menu.
> Please vote for 'Bug 14004'
> ( You'll see from
> the comments there that a fix is in the plans, but sometimes a little
> push helps.

Voted. I guess I didn't know that since this is my first SqueezeOS


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] First impressions.... not impressed

2009-10-09 Thread gdpeck

aubuti;469712 Wrote: 
> Thanks. While the second problem (lack of re-ordering) has been around
> since the introduction of the SBC, in my opinion that problem is
> magnified tremendously by the new Home-menu-or-nothing paradigm that
> came along with SBS 7.4.0 and the associated firmware. All the 'My Apps'
> stuff doesn't seem to help, either.

Actually the second problem (not well articulated by me) is just the
lack of setting up the "home or nothing" scenario from the web page. It
would be easier to live with the inability to re-order, if I could
manage what does show up from the web UI instead of clicking around the
tiny screen on the SB radio with the big knob and the back button. It
would also be nice if I could set that up once and have it sync to both
mysqueezbox and squeezebox server.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] First impressions.... not impressed

2009-10-09 Thread gdpeck

eap;469738 Wrote: 
> I think you should see this (when the alarm fires) -- perhaps there is a
> setting that needs to be changed:

That's not what I saw. All I saw was the clock.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] First impressions.... not impressed

2009-10-09 Thread gdpeck

aubuti;469731 Wrote: 
> Not being able to set home-or-nothing from the web page never bothered
> me, but I can imagine how it could be annoying to you and others. If I
> understand Matt's comments in the bug/enhancement report it sounds like
> at this point they are planning to emphasize customizing the menus via
> MySB and on-device, and not necessarily via the web interface to SC/SBS.

toby10;469739 Wrote: 
> If for no other reason, Menu organization to match (or as close as
> possible) the Menu structure of all players in my use.

I used the term web UI interchangeably. I don't care if it's via SC/SBS
or via MySB, if I have the option to sync them. I do want the same menu
structure regardless of what I'm connected to, and accross all of my

aubuti;469731 Wrote: 
> At present MySB has what I think is a very nice interface for
> customizing the home menu on the older (IP3K) players like SB2, SB3,
> Boom, and Transporter. I'd be happy with something like that for the
> SqueezeOS devices, and even happier if the customization could be
> extended to the second menu level.

Agreed. The MySB interface with the drag and drop is really cool.


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Can't save internet radio to favorites when connected to

2009-10-09 Thread gdpeck

When I am connected to my squeezebox server, if I click the big knob, or
press the plus key, one of the options I have is "Save to Favorites".
This option is missing when I'm connected to Is this a
bug? I do have "save to favorites" functionality from my SB3 when
connected to MySB.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] How to prelisten alarm clock sounds ?

2009-10-09 Thread gdpeck

bluegaspode;469758 Wrote: 
> I realize that the radio has a huge amount of alarm-clock sounds.
> How do I prelisten them ? Clicking selects them and pressing play (like
> in the screensaver-settings) doesn't help either ?
> I guess there must be an easier way than setting >20 alarms just to try
> them out ?

You can do this by installing the Sounds & Effects app. This will let
you just play the sounds.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can't save internet radio to favorites when connected to

2009-10-10 Thread gdpeck

Ynot;470169 Wrote: 
> Weird. I have the opposite problem. I don't have the option to save a
> fav internet station on my radio. I have to go to
> type in the url and then
> it shows up on my radio. Hmmm...

Actually, I think we have the same problem. When I'm connected to, I don't have the option to save to favorites on my radio, but
I can do so, from the web page. However, this problem doesn't exist when
I'm connected to my local squeezebox server. Do you have a local
squeezebox server? If so, try the same thing when listening to internet
radio while connected to the local server. I do see the save to
favorites option from the radio in that case.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can't save internet radio to favorites when connected to

2009-10-10 Thread gdpeck

Ynot;470352 Wrote: 
> Ummm...Not sure how to tell if I am or not. I'm very new to this.

Did you install anything to your home computer, and link up your itunes
library, or other music stored on your computer?


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can't save internet radio to favorites when connected to

2009-10-11 Thread gdpeck

toby10;470433 Wrote: 
> Anyone filed a bug yet?

It has been filed:


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm Issues

2009-10-11 Thread gdpeck

Hi All,
I've had my new Radio for a few days now, and I really, really like it
as a bedside streaming device. However one of the main pieces of
functionality I purchased the radio for was for it's alarm clock
functionality, which I feel is very complicated and lacking in
functionality. I've found a few bugs that have already been reported,
and have added one or two of my own. If these are issues that you care
about, please look at and vote, or comment on these bugs. Here are the
issues that are bugging me the most.

1-Next set alarm time doesn't display on the clock. I can see that an
alarm is set, but have to go a couple of menu levels deep to actually
see what time the alarm is set for. This is reported as Bug 14708, and
you can vote or comment on this bug at:

2-I don't use snooze. When my alarm fires, I press the power button to
stop the alarm. However, this leaves the alarm menu showing the next
time I power the radio on, and in some cases will continue to play the
alarm sound. This is reported as Bug 14702 and you can vote or comment
on this bug at:

3-It should be easy to get to the alarm menu. The alarm button on the
front panel is handy, but it doesn't function unless you power on the
radio first. I entered Bug 14715 requesting that the alarm button
functions regardless of the power on state. The preset buttons do this,
so I believe it should be possible. You can vote or comment on this bug

4-I'd like to be able to label alarms instead of having them just
called Alarm 1, Alarm 2, etc. I entered an enhancement request as Bug
14716 requesting this functionality. You can vote or comment on this bug

I'm sure there is stuff I missed, but if these things were in place, I
think the Radio's alarm functionality would be a lot better.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] ETA on battery for Radio?

2009-10-11 Thread gdpeck

I've seen the links for the battery and it looks to be bundled with a
remote control only. My plea to Logitech is, please sell the battery
separately. I have other squeezeboxes and don't need or want another
squeezebox remote. I'm likely to skip the battery all together if it is
only available bundled with the remote. Thanks!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] How do I get it to play the radio as an alarm?

2009-10-12 Thread gdpeck

You should have the option to add a radio station as a favorite.
However, if your radio is connected to, this doesn't
work due to a bug. To work around this bug, you can go to the web page and add the favorite there.

If you are connected to squeezebox server (squeezecenter), you should
be able to click the wheel, or press the + key and have an option to add
the current station to favorites.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] First impressions.... not impressed

2009-10-12 Thread gdpeck

unclemat;471381 Wrote: 
> I have not connected it since to again and never will.

gweempose;471390 Wrote: 
> I'm beginning to feel the same way. I just spent most of the evening
> trying to get my players to work properly with, and I found the
> whole experience to be incredibly frustrating. Fortunately, everything
> seems to work just fine when I'm going through my local Squeezebox
> Server.

This may not be the thread to pile on about this, but I'm in complete
agreement about the new interface. It is awful compared
to the old one. The only "improvement" that I applaud is the drag and
drop favorites. Problem is, that getting an address into the favorites
list in the first place is super frustrating. I have found NO workable
way to get favorites into the favs list from the radio. I ended
up saving them from my SB3. That isn't going to appeal to the new to
internet radio and streaming customer that Logitech needs to go after.
Also, why do we have to have the remote player open up in a new window.

I would give up on it as well, but it now looks like the only way to
get apps like pandora and to work is to link squeezebox server
to a account, so I'm stuck with it.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Improve default "Now Playing" layout

2009-10-16 Thread gdpeck

0xdeadbeef;473000 Wrote: 
> One last mockup to show an idea regarding programmed alarms.
> This would mean that today it's Monday and there are active alarms for
> Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday, but not for Saturday and Sunday.
> I'm not quite sure if I'd like this design myself, but I think the
> concept has some potential. At least it packs a little more information
> in about the same space than the display of the weekday plus the alarm
> clock. Also there's some place for improvement, e.g. by using different
> symbols/colors/block sizes for different alarm settings. So could e.g.
> see that alarm 1 is programmed for weekdays and alarm 2 is programmed
> for the weekend. Again, I was too lazy to work this out ;)

I like this a lot, except I would lose the date, and possibly the days
that the alarm fires, and just show the next 1 or 2 set alarm times.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Improve default "Now Playing" layout

2009-10-16 Thread gdpeck

I like that artwork.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Improve default "Now Playing" layout

2009-10-17 Thread gdpeck

0xdeadbeef;473490 Wrote: 
> Although this thread seems to have been kidnapped by covert art
> fetishists, one more mockup for those who prefer the 7.4.0 progress bar
> over the classic one.
> Note that less important info is displayed on the bottom: on the left
> are play options and play time. On the middle/right is the next alarm
> and the WLAN status.
> I think I like this the best of my mockups. It displays every important
> info without looking too crowded.
> And yes, I voted for 'Bug 14194'
> ( and encourage
> everybody else to do so as well if he/she is unhappy with the current NP
> layout.

I like it! But I still think it's more important to see the next alarm
time. I wouldn't care if my alarm clock never showed me the date.


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[SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm Volume

2009-10-18 Thread gdpeck

When my radio is connected to squeezebox server, the alarm volume never
goes above what the most recently used radio volume is. I'm testing this
using the Bongo Tech sound as my alarm. Alarms are set to fade in. I
have the alarm volume set at 81. If I don't play the radio after setting
the alarm, the alarm fades in to around 75. If I play the radio after
setting the alarm, the alarm only fades to the volume I set the radio to
play at. So if I'm listening to music quietly at night (say volume level
21), the alarm will never get louder than volume level 21. This is a
HUGE problem, as it won't wake myself or my wife up at that level.
Before I enter a bug, has anyone else seen this behavior? 

This does not happen when my radio is connected to



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm Volume

2009-10-19 Thread gdpeck

ghan;474550 Wrote: 
> And same here - I didn't wake up on time this morning, oops.
> I'll try without using sleep tonight.

Sleep doesn't seem to be significant in my case. If you play the radio
at all between setting the alarm volume, and the alarm actually firing,
the alarm seems to inherit the radio volume settings.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm Volume

2009-10-19 Thread gdpeck

peterw;474667 Wrote: 
> I see this with the latest 7.4.1. Bug filed:

Thanks! I voted for it. I was going to test with latest and file it,
but never had time today. I think you did a better job writing it than I
would have anyway.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] For those of you thinking about returning your Radio ...

2009-10-19 Thread gdpeck

I think from a hardware perspective the Radio is fantastic. I think
there is a ton of attention to detail, and the sound quality is
phenomenal for a device like this. Because of that, I probably won't
return it. 

>From a software perspective I am very disappointed. The main reason for
my disappointment is the (lack of) alarm functionality. I know that it
is possible to make a fantastic computerized alarm clock. Check out the
iPhone/iPod Touch Clock app if you don't believe me. It admirably
performs the core function of an alarm clock (waking me up), but it also
adds great value and flexibility in the way it wakes me up. I can set as
many different alarms as I'd like, and have complete control and
visibility over all of them. I also know that when I set an alarm on my
iPod Touch, it will get loud enough to wake me up. In contrast, the SBRs
alarms are:

1)too loud or too quiet (alarm volume doesn't work)
2)unpredictable due to the fact that when you set an alarm whilst
connected to, it doesn't always sync to squeezebox server. The
reverse is also true.
3)unwieldy. you have to navigate several menus to set an alarm from the
device. there is no indication of what time the next alarm will fire,
until you are at least 3 menus deep.
4)not a very usable device for people who just want a beep to wake them
up. BTW, there is an internal beeper for backup when network
connectivity is lost. How about making that accessible as one of the
sounds we can choose? If the alarm volume bug gets fixed, that would
solve most of my problems.

Since having the Radio, I've had alarms not go off, alarms go off when
they weren't supposed to, alarms go off so quietly that nobody woke up,
alarms go off so loudly that we thought we were under attack, alarms
that couldn't be turned off, and a few other issues as well.

The good news is that since the alarms are controlled by software,
fixing these issues should be easy. The bad news is that they didn't get
fixed through the beta process, so maybe it isn't a priority.

I think alarm clock functionality should have been a much higher
priority. Maybe a cloud based alarm clock is an idea whose time hasn't
come yet. An internal device that just works would have been nice, then
add on the ability to play streamed music or talk afterwords.

I think a lot of existing squeezebox customers bought the radio as a
bedside alarm clock, and listening device like I did. I think a lot of
new squeezebox customers will freak out at how complicated logitech has
made doing a simple thing like setting an alarm, like my wife did. I was
hoping the Radio would increase WAF for squeezebox. It turns out to 
have done just the opposite. My wife won't touch it, and still uses the
SB3 to listen to internet radio. Plus she's now setting the alarm on her
phone as a backup to the SBR.

I know this is a bit of a rant. To summarize, the Squeezebox Radio has
definitely earned a place in my home. Whether it has earned a place on
my nightstand remains to be seen.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm Volume

2009-10-20 Thread gdpeck

0xdeadbeef;474792 Wrote: 
> Hm, you can set the alarm volume to 50 in the web GUI?
> I can set it only to 1..11 !?!?

You can set it to 100 in squeezebox server. I don't know what is up
with the 1-11 setting in Maybe a nod to spinal tap? I wish it
was consistent though.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Alarm Volume

2009-10-21 Thread gdpeck

Tom Wadzinski;475004 Wrote: 
> This bug is now fixed and will be part of 7.4.1.
> Thanks much for reporting it.

Is there a way to know when this hits a nightly build? I looked at the
changelog at
and it only goes to bug 14783. I'm really only interested in trying out
a pre-release build to see if this bug is fixed, so should I wait until
the changelog shows 14846 as being fixed?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] I live in San Francisco - Where can I go buy one NOW?

2009-10-23 Thread gdpeck

toby10;476397 Wrote: 
> Is Best Buy dropping the SB line?  They are still in local BB's here,
> but not much stock.  In fact a brand new BB just opened in my town, open
> for less than a month, and they did have a single boxed Boom and Duet on
> the shelf.  Seems odd they would bother stocking any in a brand new
> store if they are soon to not carry them.
> Of course, as usual, finding where the SB's are located in the store is
> always a challenge.  It took four department heads, 5 minutes on their
> inventory computer, and a lot of me explaining what they were used for,
> all to find the lonely two items in boxes on a very lonely shelf.:(

A few weeks ago, I was in my local BB. The space were the Boom and Duet
demos were previously sitting was filled with the Sony Altus stuff. I
asked them if they still had squeezeboxes, and was told that they still
sell them, but don't keep them in stock. The person I was talking to,
told me that they get an inquiry about squeezebox about once a week.

I also just checked BB on line and they list the radio as being


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] PC Mag Review of Radio -- is this true what the review says?

2009-10-30 Thread gdpeck

kdf;479761 Wrote: 
> >
> > On Oct 30, 2009, at 3:24 PM, JJZolx wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> dean;479745 Wrote:
> >>> Ok, can you describe exactly how it would work?
> >>
> >> Setting a radio station as an alarm sound?  In the 'Alarm Sound'
> list,
> >> add 'Internet Radio' and present the same tree of radio stations
> >> available on the Home menu.
> >
> > And when you navigate all the way down to a station and choose it,
> it
> > adds it to the alarm?
> >
> > My concern with this is the potential confusion with re-creating the
> > whole interface for all stations (and any music, by extension). 
> Seems
> > like one would get lost, but you'd need to test it to make sure.
> My concern would be if you re-enter the setting with the idea of
> determining what the current setting is.  The complex tree means you
> have
> to search that much more.  The use of favourites keeps it to a
> manageable
> level.  It's not like favourites have a limited number, and
> implemented
> correctly, any url should be able to be a favourite. The idea of
> making
> everything available everywhere just doesn't sit well with me as a
> usability gain.
> -k

This is my concern with the whole alarm setting method. You shouldn't
have to re-enter to determine the current setting, but you do. This is
the case even without the thousands of internet radio station options
added. So with the current structure, I agree that limiting radio
station choices to favorites is OK. However, I really think that the
entire structure should be changed so that you can see at a glance what
you currently have set. Once that's in place, anything you can select
ought to be in play for alarm choices.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Can IR receiver be disabled?

2009-12-15 Thread gdpeck

unclemat;470867 Wrote: 
> So I am playing with the Radio in a room where I have a Classic. If I
> use the remote usually both devices respond. Is there a way to disable
> IR receiver on a player? 
> Radio in particular. One of its uses might be on my bed nightstand and
> I have a SB2 in my bedroom as well. When I use the remote to control the
> SB2 I don't want the Radio to come up.

I just discovered a way to do this, thanks to some help from another
forum member. What I did is SSH into the Radio and rename
/usr/share/jive/jive/irMap_default.lua to
/usr/share/jive/jive/irMap_default.lua.old. Then re-start the Radio, and
the remote won't work. Perfect for what I need, and easily reversible,
by renaming the file back, or worst case by reset to factory defaults.

BTW, this doesn't disable iPeng or other network based remote control
functionality, just IR.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Using the SB Radio as a replacement for the SB Receiver

2009-12-15 Thread gdpeck

Chico;494901 Wrote: 
> What about an Airport Express?

Airport express with iPod touch remote app would be good, if all that
is needed is to play itunes music and a few internet radio streams,
although I don't think it covers everything the OP wants, specifically
Pandora. The other big drawback to Airport express IMO, is that you
can't use multiple airport expresses to play independent streams in
different locations from the same library. I know this wasn't a
requirement that the original poster mentioned, but it's important to

mrMuppet;494904 Wrote: 
> I had the same idea ... SB Radio with line-out via headset output. Is it
> possible to use a plugin like the boom-lineout-plugin to switch the
> headphone-out to a line-out?

I don't believe that the headphone output from the SB radio can be
switched to line-out, like the boom can. Although that would be nice, it
isn't strictly necessary, and sound quality would be quite good, if
plugged into an aux/in on a receiver, or pair of powered speakers, so
long as the volume level at the radio is set at an appropriate level and
left there.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Check/Adjust Alarm Without Blaring Music?

2009-12-22 Thread gdpeck

jef;498009 Wrote: 
> Here's the use case:
> We were play music on our Radio pretty loudly before we went to bed. It
> is now 6 AM and my [insert appropriate bed-mate term here] is sleeping
> soundly. I need to either
> * Check the alarm setting (time)
> * Disable alarms since I'm going to just get up early
> Past the buttons not being illuminated, how can I do either of these
> without turning on the Radio, which will result in blaring music?
> Pushing the alarm button doesn't work, as far as I could tell.

First of all, please vote for Bug 14715!

Second, maybe this will help. You can define what behavior you want
when you hit the power on. It sounds like your SBR may be set to pause
at power off/resume at power on, which results in blaring music when you
hit the power button. I usually leave mine at pause at power off/remain
paused at power on, which means that music won't start blaring until I
hit the pause or play button. 



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] How to "SSH into" the SB Radio?

2009-12-22 Thread gdpeck

iPhone;498223 Wrote: 
> On a Mac, Applications/Utilities/Terminal Program, at the command line
> type:
> ssh -l root "IP Address of Player"  It will then ask for the Root password and you're in.
> Happy SSHing
See this post:
This is how I disabled IR for my SBR, using the Terminal app with Mac



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] How to "SSH into" the SB Radio?

2009-12-22 Thread gdpeck

photoface;498262 Wrote: 
> Thanks for replying! I tried what you suggested, with and without
> quotes, spaces, but it returns:
> ssh: Could not resolve hostname root: nodename nor servname provided,
> or not known
> When I Ping the address though, it replies correctly.
> Rob

That is strange. It works for me with or without quotes. I'm  not using
Snow Leopard, but I don't think that should matter.  Are you using a
lower case l (lima) as the parameter for ssh?

It also wouldn't hurt to re-verify that Remote Login is still enabled
on the Radio, although I tried with it disabled and got a different
error message.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] How to "SSH into" the SB Radio?

2009-12-22 Thread gdpeck

photoface;498273 Wrote: 
> I'm in! I used
> ssh -l
> in stead of 
> ssh -1
> In short, I typed in a "one" which didn't work. Then a lowercase "L"
> did.
> Now I need the proper syntax to rename
> /usr/share/jive/jive/irMap_default.lua
> into someting else.
> Thanks all for helping me!
> Rob

mv /usr/share/jive/jive/irMap_default.lua
/usr/share/jive/jive/irMap_default.lua.old (or whatever you want to name
mv is the linux move command. There isn't a rename command. Move is
used to rename files.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Check/Adjust Alarm Without Blaring Music?

2009-12-22 Thread gdpeck

Please vote for this one as well (show next set alarm time on main


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[SlimDevices: Radio] 7.4.2 r 8264 WTF?

2009-12-24 Thread gdpeck

So I wake up, turn on my radio, and it's at a screen that says software
update available. No way to not download it, so I download it. Now my
home menu settings are changed, and I can't connect to my local
squeezeboxserver . My SB3 in the same room never lost connection. Radio
doesn't show up in squeezeboxserver or interfaced. I
can't find any release notes anywhere, so I dont' even know what is
supposed to be fixed with this. So I guess I have 3 options now. 1)
troubleshoot it myself for a couple of hours. 2)call logitech support
and listen to them fumble through their scripts for a couple of hours.
3) Throw the effing radio at the wall. Everything was working fine.
Thanks logitech!!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] 7.4.2 r 8264 WTF?

2009-12-24 Thread gdpeck

aubuti;498790 Wrote: 
> Since 7.4.2 is still in beta I'd have to guess that you were running
> 7.4.2 prior to the update. I don't mean to sound unsympathetic, but when
> you run the betas you are buying into regular (usually nightly) updates.
> If you don't want these updates you should fall back to the stable
> official release, which is 7.4.1. On the other hand, even updating the
> SB Radio firmware shouldn't wipe out your Home menu settings, so maybe
> something else is going on with your setup.
> Also you can usually avoid the update at least temporarily by pressing
> and holding the left arrow button.

Also, it helps if your DHCP server is running. Everything is fine now.
Nothing to see here.


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Buttons to Power On and some other questions?

2009-12-28 Thread gdpeck

peterw;499872 Wrote: 
> Thanks. There was already a bug/enhancement request about making the
> alarm button do something when Radio is off, so I added a note about
> your concern & my suggestions to that ticket. I would suggest you at
> least set up a Bugzilla account and add yourself to the CC list for that
> bug, if not add helpful comments and/or vote for it:
> -Peter

I think the best solution for this issue is simply to make the next
alarm time be displayed on the clock whenever it is within 24hrs as
requested in bug 14708


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Please HELP! Got SB Radio & AirPort what?

2009-12-31 Thread gdpeck

msigk;500957 Wrote: 
> Hi again,
> After explaining the network situation ( My old eMac & the SB Radio )
> to the guy at Best Buy, he did some online research for me and found out
> that my ancient eMac is not wireless enabled. The Squeezebox radio won't
> work with my computer. So purchasing a router with 4 ethernet ports
> won't help either.
> It's a shame. I was really looking forward to listening to the radio.
> Anyway, thanks for your help guys. I'll return the stuff to BB
> tomorrow.
> Have a great new year!   Michael K.

I wouldn't necessarily give up just yet. Your eMac doesn't need to be
wireless. It can be plugged into one of the ethernet ports on the router
then the Squeezebox Radio could wirelessly connect to the network. So
your connection would look like this phone jack>dsl
modem/router>ethernet port on DSL modem>WAN port on linksys router/acess
point. Then you plug the ethernet cable from your eMac into one of the
ethernet ports on the linksys router. At that point you can establish a
wireless connection from the Squeezebox Radio to the linksys router.
This should be fairly straightforward to set up.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Please HELP! Got SB Radio & AirPort what?

2010-01-02 Thread gdpeck

msigk;501600 Wrote: 
> Hello again,
> I got a Linksys WRT54G2 router yesterday at Best Buy. On sale, (
> $44.99). I popped in the CD that came with it and hooked up the
> hardware. Cool. I thought I was done.
> NO WAY!! After googling the router and mac setup and checking Linksys'
> pages I found out that I need to " MANUALLY " configure the TCP/IP
> settings.
> The paragraph reads: " The installation CD that came with the router is
> only designed to work in a Windows-based computer. This is the reason
> why manual configuration of the TCP/IP settings of your Mac is needed.
> Before setting up the router, connect the modem to the router's Internet
> port and the computer to any of the four Ethernet ports. After
> connecting the devices, configure the TCP/IP Settings in the Mac
> computer. For instructions, follow the steps below."  Then they list the
> steps. Sounds good, right? Nope. When I follow the steps they provide
> I'm unable to continue past step 2 or 3 ( I forgot which ) of ALOT of
> steps because what they want me to change is " grayed out " and I can't
> click it.
> I found a site on Google. It's from Mac people who have had similar
> problems and some found a solution, some didn't, and one got so
> frustrated that he went and bought the $179.00 Mac Airport Extreme
> router.
> Heck, I even got to that point after messing with this thing for over 4
> hours. But even THAT wouldn't work with my " ancient eMac " 'cause I
> read the specifications of the Airport Extreme and it says that I need
> to be running Mac OS X 5. I think that's Leopard or Snow Leopard. I'm
> running Tiger ( Mac OS X 10.4.11 ).
> So here it is, another day. I'm not gonna give up because I REALLY want
> to use the Squeezebox radio, especially since I found out from the BB
> guy that the Battery Pack/ Remote Control package will be coming out in
> February for the cost of around $50.00.
> I'll list the site I found on Google re: Macs & Linksys.
> If one of you guys who know what all of this means can give me a clue
> as to what to do, I'd appreciate it immensely. There are so many
> different
> " fixes " listed, ( I tried some of them to no avail ) that I am
> totally confused. Now it's a matter of this problem ( situation, really
> ) getting the best of me. And I'm going down fighting. It's a matter of
> pride now for sure. I WILL get this thing up & running today and be
> listening to German radio with my wife, my dog, and a nice cup of herbal
> tea by this evening.
> ( I hope ;) ). Or I'll be at Best Buy purchasing a new iMac! 
> ( yeah, I wish ;) ). There's an obstacle to this scenario called Pat. (
> My wife ;) ) 
> Anyway, here's the link to the folks who have this same problem.
> If you'd care to help and simplify all of this for me I'd GREATLY
> appreciate it.
> One last thing. If there is definitely NO solution for me to use the SB
> radio wirelessly, is there a way that I could just use, say, a 25'
> ethernet cable and run it under my floor into the crawl space below the
> house and exit the other end in my living room ( the eMac is in the den
> ) and connect it to the radio? ( I'd drill the holes and cover them ever
> so carefully with the carpet and Krazy Glue so the wife wouldn't notice.
> Drilling holes in the floor is
> most likely a No-No in her book. Me? I don't care.  Would I still be
> able to do all of the stuff that I could've done wirelessly? Would the
> computer need to be ON all of the time to use it this way? Whaa, I
> want my radio!! ( sorry about that )
> Here's the link  and thanks alot guys.  
> Thanks, 
> Michael K.

First, it sounds like the setup CD is not necessary in your case. In
fact I don't think the setup CD is necessary with any linksys router.
The router has a built in web server that allows you to access all of
the setup screens. It also has a built in DHCP server so that your emac
and squeezebox can get IP addresses and talk to each other. If you plug
your emac into one of the ethernet ports on the router, it should get an
IP address and be able to connect. The default IP address of the router
is, and your eMac should get an IP address of 192.168.1.x.
Once that happens you should be able to browse to the router setup
screens by typing in in the address window of your
browser. If that doesn't happen, it usually means that the eMac doesn't
have the correct IP address. 

As for plugging an ethernet cable into the Squeezebox Radio, that is
certainly a viable option, and may actual

Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Live Music Archive

2010-01-20 Thread gdpeck

sportera;496776 Wrote: 
> I just discovered the Live Music Archive app last night while playing
> around with my radio.  I am very impressed with the amount of music
> there.  I haven't had my radio but about 4 days so this may be a dumb
> question but is there any way to listen to an entire concert without
> having to manually pick the next song in the list every time a song
> finishes?  Any input would be appreciated.

Pressing play at the show level definitely works. I just tried it on my


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Various bugs and annoyances

2010-01-21 Thread gdpeck

Reeshar;508538 Wrote: 
> Thanks for your replies!
> Some responses...
> @aubuti: Half of an SB3 remote is taken up with numeric/alpha buttons
> which allow you to navigate quickly to a particular artist or album,
> just as on a mobile phone. Not only do those keys not work properly with
> the Radio but some do quirky things like play an apparently random
> album. I would have hoped/expected that Radio (and Boom, although I
> don't have one!) would be able to accept these fuller function remote
> capabilities, especially as I have a moderate-sized library of around
> 11,000 tracks/850 albums which makes rotary dial navigation tedious.

The numeric keys are mapped to presets. So if music starts up when you
hit one of them, it is probably because that music was previously set
(perhaps inadvertantly) as a preset. I couldn't find a quick way to make
the numeric keys behave as they do with the SB3 (jump to letter). Maybe
someone else knows how to do that. 

Oddly, the jump to letter functionality of alpha-numeric keys does work
for entering setup information (SSID, WPA key, etc.)


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] How do I get Pandora working?

2010-02-16 Thread gdpeck

MannyL;517545 Wrote: 
> Pandora rocks!!  The bitrate is not great however.  Is the bitrate
> better with a paid account and playing through the Squeezebox?

No. Apparently the higher bitrate you can get with a paid Pandora
subscription is only available when Pandora is played through your
computer's web browser. See this thread:


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] How to sample alarm sounds

2010-03-08 Thread gdpeck

crp0809;523616 Wrote: 
> dumb question:  But there are many alarm sounds.  How do you determine
> what they sound like without setting an alarm for each one and testing. 
> Seems there should be an easier way.
> Thanks for any suggestions

Install the Sounds & Effects application from the App Gallery. It will
allow you to play the alarm sounds.



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[SlimDevices: Radio] InputToActionMap.lua in 7.6.0 - r30465

2010-04-02 Thread gdpeck

I'm trying to edit InputToActionMap.lua to re-map preset buttons, but my
edits seem to have no effect in squeezeboxserver 7.6.0 - r30465. I'm
running 7.5.0-r8764 firmware on my radio. Are these mappings stored in
a different file for 7.6?



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] InputToActionMap.lua in 7.6.0 - r30465

2010-04-03 Thread gdpeck

mherger;529926 Wrote: 
> No. 7.6 and 7.5 are almost identical right now.

Sorry, I should have mentioned that this also didn't work in 7.5. So
whatever might have changed happened in 7.5. 



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] InputToActionMap.lua in 7.6.0 - r30465

2010-04-08 Thread gdpeck

gdpeck;529959 Wrote: 
> Sorry, I should have mentioned that this also didn't work in 7.5. So
> whatever might have changed happened in 7.5. 
> Thanks!
> George

Is it possible to edit preset key mappings in 7.5? Which file now
controls those mappings.



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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] InputToActionMap.lua in 7.6.0 - r30465

2010-04-08 Thread gdpeck

Tom Wadzinski;531854 Wrote: 
> Many of the the inputToActionMap.lua mappings now get overridden by the
> Settings->Advanced->Beta->Shortcuts applet, which now offers a UI
> interface to changing shortcuts.  
> Since you are comfortable hacking at the lua files, if you find you
> can't change what you want there via the Shortcuts UI, you can dig
> into: applets/Shortcuts/ShortcutsMeta.lua. Or, if you really want to go
> back to the inputToActionMap way, you could remove the applets/Shortcuts
> folder altogether.

Thanks Tom! That was exactly what I needed. The Shortcuts applet
covered two of the three preset buttons that I have been re-mapping.

Thanks again!


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Re: [SlimDevices: Radio] Set up Squeezebox Radio via the web (like the Boom)

2011-06-22 Thread gdpeck

In the mean time please vote for bug 11442


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