Re: Alternatives to KDE/Gnome?

2003-07-21 Thread T. Ribbrock
On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 04:03:56PM -0700, Samuel Flory wrote:
>  Windowmaker is not present in newer versions of RH. 

Which is rather annoying, but not a problem as such.

> Even in older 
> versions of RH it has not been maintained in RH for a long time.  The 
> menus are 80% filled with programs no longer in redhat.

In RH 7.3, this was easily overcome with a little script that hooks
into Window Maker's menu structure. It would automatically display
evertything that was installed "the official way" on RH 7.x (i.e. used
the same menu files as official RPMs and would therefore show up in
KDE/GNOME). If anybody is interested, I'll make it available.It's
based on the, which can be found on the web. If RH8/9 still
use the same menu structure as RH7.x, that script will work on those
as well.


==> RH List Archive: <==
Thomas Ribbrock 
  "You have to live on the edge of reality - to make your dreams come true!"

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Mail filter

2003-07-21 Thread Redhat Man
Hi all,

I am the redhat user. I am using the mail server in Linux Redhat 7.1
I would like to know that how to filter the worm virus mail in my
mail server. I have got more then 400 hundred mail user in my mail server.
But it's distrubing the sending juck mail/automatic mail sending from
different users which is in my mail server user to others.

I can disable the virus infected pc user but doing this methored it's so
hard. So, Shall I filter that virus mail in my own server.

Please give me suggestion ?

Thanks in advance
Best regards,
Santosh\\  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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(no subject)

2003-07-21 Thread Redhat Man
Hi all,

I am the redhat user. I am using the mail server in Linux Redhat 7.1
I would like to know that how to filter the worm virus mail in my
mail server. I have got more then 400 hundred mail user in my mail server.
But it's distrubing the sending juck mail/automatic mail sending from
different users which is in my mail server user to others.

I can disable the virus infected pc user but doing this methored it's so
hard. So, Shall I filter that virus mail in my own server.

Please give me suggestion ?

Thanks in advance
Best regards,
 Redhat  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Ideas for a BIG project!

2003-07-21 Thread Lorenzo Prince
So far, I think the best sollution for the development problem will probably be the 
NEW Red Hat:

It will accelerate development of the operating system and applications by allowing 
developers to participate in the 
project and will reduce the release cycle to as little as 4 month while still 
emphacising security and stability, as 
most of the packages will be eventually included in Red Hat's enterprise products.

Lorenzo Prince
happy Red Hat 9 user ;)
The chat program is in public domain. This is not the GNU public license. If
it breaks then you get to keep both pieces.
(Copyright notice for the chat program)

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Re: No Wine on RH9.0 ?

2003-07-21 Thread Joseph A Nagy Jr
On Tuesday 22 July 2003 00:06, Julian Opificius wrote this in an attempt 
to be witty and informative:
> I was going to upgrade 7.1 to 9 and install Wine, but it hasn't been
> in the distro since 8.0. Is there a replacement ? Anyone know the
> scoop?

Wine is in 9.0.

> Jules.

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Re: mapsrcn error?

2003-07-21 Thread Gerry Doris
On Tue, 22 Jul 2003, Gerry Doris wrote:

> I upgraded from 7.3 to 9 on the weekend and am now down to fixing the last
> of the warts that appeared.
> I'm getting the following error showing up when rebooting.  It doesn't 
> seem to do anything but I can't figure out how to correct it.  I checked 
> "man mapscrn" and it says this command is obsolete.
> Jul 21 18:08:03 tiger keytable: mapscrn: cannot open map file _iso15_
> How do I get rid of this?

I hate to answer my own question but I found the problem.  It was the file 
/etc/sysconfig/i18n.  After upgrading I had to edit this file.


"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne"  Chaucer

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No Wine on RH9.0 ?

2003-07-21 Thread Julian Opificius
I was going to upgrade 7.1 to 9 and install Wine, but it hasn't been in the 
distro since 8.0. Is there a replacement ? Anyone know the scoop?


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Re: timidity

2003-07-21 Thread Joseph A Nagy Jr
On Monday 21 July 2003 19:07, fred smith wrote this in an attempt to be 
witty and informative:

> It's POSSIBLE that the timidity installation doesn't populate any
> menus. Lots of programs don't.

Timidity does populate the menu (at least it should), it has for me 
since 7.2

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mapsrcn error?

2003-07-21 Thread Gerry Doris
I upgraded from 7.3 to 9 on the weekend and am now down to fixing the last
of the warts that appeared.

I'm getting the following error showing up when rebooting.  It doesn't 
seem to do anything but I can't figure out how to correct it.  I checked 
"man mapscrn" and it says this command is obsolete.

Jul 21 18:08:03 tiger keytable: mapscrn: cannot open map file _iso15_

How do I get rid of this?


"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne"  Chaucer

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Re: Red Hat to abandon retail channel

2003-07-21 Thread Rick Forrister
On Mon, 21 Jul 2003 22:25:47 -0400
Lorenzo Prince <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Does the fact the RH is no longer going to produce boxed sets of RH CD's mean that 
> they will now offer their tech 
> support packages and pay-per-call tech suppor
> t for downloading customets?  A couple of weeks ago, I looked at to see 
> if I as a downloading customer could 
> buy tech support and according to the site, it said I had to buy a boxed set with a 
> product key to activate an 
> entitlement for support other than the normal RHN subscription.  I am hoping that 
> this is going to change now that they 
> are dropping retail box sets.

I've heard discussion that it will be possible to purchase different levels of support 
from RH for those who feel they need it.  That would be in line with the stated 
objective of becoming more a service and support oriented organization.  There's also 
been discussion that the planned process will include availability of security and 
generalized updates for RPM's maintained as a part of the iso's.  They also, 
apparantly, intend and hope that the new model will provide a larger base of software 
packaged as RPM's, and updated on a more frequent basis.

The gist of what I'm seeing on several lists I participate in is that the goals are to 
provide even more capability and baseline to the general users.  The expanded 
capability and baseline will be filtered and stabilized even more to provide the 
commercial product lines that will be continued into the future.  I've not seen 
anything to even hint that Red Hat intends to abandon their commitment to open source 


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Re: Ideas for a BIG project!

2003-07-21 Thread Edward Dekkers

euler euler wrote:
Just a /. style of guessing.
Use zonealarm to check the network traffic.
Eeek - I'm not technologically advanced enough to understand the output 
of a good network sniffer. But my Windows clients go through my Linux 
firewall, so I'll log some packets and check it out.

I just meant that really to mention such a claim, you really should 
research and back it up before you make it and a public list such as 
this that's all - no personal attack meant.

And I can't set my E-mail client, 
because I don't use one!
You telnet directly to an SMTP server? Wow - you like doing things the 
hard way. Impressive! :)

Please don't derail from the topic.
True, sorry about that. My bad.

Anyhow, will my idea works?
In my opinion - no. And for the simple reason all the others have 
already given you. Security, security, security. You mentioned that with 
Windows, we don't know what they send through the Internet. Think about 
that for a moment. Most people like Linux because it is known to be more 
secure, and if we doubt that, we can read the source and check it out. 
Why would we risk Linux becoming less secure by allowing 'testers' to 
'test' which will undeniably be 'beta' code on our perfectly running 
servers? Not to mention the resources used when a lot of people are 
already stretching the resources on their servers to the maximum?

Nobody will agree to that. The only possibility I can think of is 
getting together a set of like-minded people, and building a Linux 
distribution which allows for this. I think the general Linux user will 
refuse a request such as yours, but maybe people who think like you 
would be happy to run a network of this new distribution?


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RE: Stock Charting Software

2003-07-21 Thread Logan Linux
Me TOO!!!

From: "Ferguson, Michael" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: Stock Charting Software
Date: Mon, 21 Jul 2003 19:54:29 -0400
Hello Pete,
Did you ever get an answer to your question?
I am looking for the same thing. Thanks
-Original Message-
From: Peter J. Viglucci [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 11:48 AM
Subject: Stock Charting Software
Can anyone recommend a program that runs on linux (either a native app
or java) that is equivilent to Metastock on win32. It need not be open
source, commercial programs are fine. Metastock is the last program
chaining me to windows. I've browsed around freshmeat and google
searched but didn't find anything nearly as robust. Any ideas? Thanks.

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Hot chart ringtones and polyphonics. Go to

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Re: [OT] Does this mean that IP was proven on the SCO case?

2003-07-21 Thread Edward Dekkers

the brilliant beast wrote:

what happened to open source?

It started taking over the world so the big bad corporations, who used 
to stride on the side of good turned to the dark side to stop the spread 
of goodness and peace in the world where not enough money could be made.


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Re: Kernels and RHN

2003-07-21 Thread Edward Dekkers

Peter Kiem wrote:

Hi all,

I've recently put 5 systems (4 x 7.2 and 1 x 7.3) onto basic RHN
subscriptions and everything is working fine except for kernels.
1. Am I right in that kernel actions by default are NOT done even when
explicitly scheduled through RHN as they are on a skip list?  I've
scheduled removal of old kernels and it fails.  I've scheduled installs of
new kernels and it says it succeeded but no kernel is installed.
You can force up2date to do kernels. There's a command line option to do 
so AND a config file you can modify. I can't comment on RHN, as I've 
never done it that way.

2. Can you control the skip lists for a system through RHN or only through
logging in to that server and configuring with up2date --configure
I would have thought the local config file takes precedence.

3. Can I get RHN to stop reporting kernel updates for specified systems
where I cannot upgrade the kernel due to raid card drivers etc?  I've one
system that has HEAPS of errata against it (all kernel ones) and I really
dont care but it is cluttering up my display.
4. Why do I get email notifications from RHN for errata against my systems
where the email says it applies to my systems but none of them have the
package installed or showing up the in the errata lists?


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Re: Alternatives to KDE/Gnome?

2003-07-21 Thread David Eduardo Gomez Noguera
On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 18:30, Michael Scottaline wrote:
> On 21 Jul 2003 18:08:40 -0400
> David Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> insightfully noted:
> >KDE seems to run better than Gnome w/RH9 (for me - YMMV). Nevertheless
> >both environments seem to have gone way over the top.
> >
> >There MUST be alternatives that are less ponderous. I'm much more
> >interested in efficiency and speed than pretty displays, animations or
> >other visual effects that add nothing to usability.
> >
> >Suggestions?
> Sure:  give ratpoison a try.  It's the best minimalist wm I've tried thus far.
>  Ion is also quite good, as is uwm.
> Just my US$0.02,
> Mike

what about evilwm

heck! If I  remember right, the binary is about 17 Kb!

(But thats just a bit ridiculus. I think it could be used on some kiosks

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Re: Dynamic DNS

2003-07-21 Thread Edward Dekkers

Ronald W. Heiby wrote:

Is this the thing that tells the Linux box to attempt to get itself
inserted into the DNS for the domain?
I've got a RH 8 box doing DHCP serving and DNS serving for my local
network. The DNS is also set up to cache and forward queries for hosts
outside my network.
When a Windows box (2000, NT, ME, or XP) comes along, it gets assigned
an IP address by DHCP. It also shows up with its IP address in the DNS
for the local network.
When a RH 8 box comes along, it gets assigned an IP address by DHCP.
However, it does NOT show up in DNS.
This drove me nuts for a while, and I spent a lot of time looking
through documentation and web references. I finally "solved" the
problem by setting all of the Linux boxes to have fixed IP addresses,
and manually added them to the DNS server. I am not happy with this
"solution", though. Any fix to get Linux boxes with floating DHCP
assigned IP addresses to appear in the DNS tables would be
Apparently this can be done by BIND - although I've never gotten it to 

Also, there's another DNS daemon out there (dnsjb or something like 
that), which is apparently smaller than named AND supports dynamic 
updating through DHCP, however, I've never tried it, because there 
wasn't enough testimony to say it was good, great or even secure.

There's also scripts available on the web which scan the leases file and 
update DNS accordingly - I also have never gotten THAT to work.

Part of the problem is I don't understand enough about BIND. The concept 
of creating different 'zones' and stuff is all beyond me. I'm using it 
as a caching nameserver only and that seems OK. I'm way too good at 
breaking things to risk screwing things up.

If anyone has gotten a nice easy way of updating the DNS via DHCP, and 
would like to share, I'm all ears.


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Re: Ideas for a BIG project!

2003-07-21 Thread euler euler
Just a /. style of guessing.
Use zonealarm to check the network traffic.
And I can't set my E-mail client, 
because I don't use one!
Please don't derail from the topic. 
Anyhow, will my idea works?

--- Edward Dekkers <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>euler euler wrote:
>> --- "Shaun T. Erickson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> It can be implentment not like Kazaa, where the user is given EXPLICIT permission 
>> on what to run, how to run. Beside since it is Open Source, there is NO way that 
>> software can "steal" CPU cycle like Kazaa. Moreover, all beta-testing code MUST be 
>> open source for similar reason. You worry, take a look at the code!
>>   I understand this require a lot of trust. But the reason I push this idea is I 
>> SUSPECT MS-Window (Especially Win-XP) has already running something like this 
>> WITHOUT your permission,
>Whooa. Hold the phone there - I've been watching your thread with 
>interest, but now you're starting to sound very paranoid. What is the 
>reasoning behind your suspicion, and please back it up with factual data.
>People suspected the earth was flat at one stage. Nobody ever fell off 
>Oh, and also please set your e-mail client to wrap at around the 72 
>character mark. Your mails are annoying to reply to.
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help!!! up-arrow kills program

2003-07-21 Thread amead
I am terribly annoyed with this problem but I cannot solve it.  In a program I use, 
the up-arrow is supposed to scroll through recent commands.  At the text console. this 
works fine.  In a Konsole command prompt, the up-arrow sometimes inputs 'OA' 
(capital-o, capital-a) and othertimes crashes the interface.

I know next to nothing about Xwindows.  

Is there any way I can work arond this bug or help the author understand what is 

-Alan Mead

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Re: [OT] Does this mean that IP was proven on the SCO case?

2003-07-21 Thread Edward Dekkers

Rick Warner wrote:

This shows only that SCO thinks they can scare people into paying them
money for fear that SCO might own the intellectual property.  The case
is going to drag on for a long time and SCO has to prove two things in
the IBM case, and only one of those affect anyone other than IBM and
its customers:
1) That SCO owns some rights to UNIX.  Novell says all that they
transferred to SCO was the right to license, not ownership of the code.
SCO claims they own it all.  

2) That IBM violated some IP that belongs to SCO.  At this point it
is a contract dispute; SCO claims that IBM unlawfully took parts of what
it had licensed from SCO, in violation of the contract, and placed that
or allowed it to be placed in Linux.  So SCO will have to show that
there is code in Linux that was in the stuff IBM licensed from SCO,
that IBM placed or allowed the offending code to be placed into the
Linux source stream, and that act violated the contract.
SCO has a lot to prove.  If they prove the case against IBM then that
will affect IBM and its customers.  But since this is a contract
dispute, it can only affect parties involved in the contract.  I never
signed any agreement with SCO.  Did you?
No, I did not. My concern was the fact that in the company quotes to the 
media - there's NO mention of IBM Linux customers - it seems to be 
targetted at the "Linux User" in general. Mind you, the article could be 
poorly quoted I guess.

  To go after the Linux
community as a whole, SCO will need to show they have more than
licensing rights, and that offending code moved from their source into
the Linux source stream.  Reminiscent of the USL vs BSD lawsuit of a 
decade ago.
Yes - I do understand this. I was just asking that IF the offending code 
was re-written and distributed under the usual Linux channels, that by 
the time SCO gets around to MAYBE proving they (basically) own part of 
Linux, they would have no-one to sue as the offending code would not 
exist on any user's PCs.

Sad what became of Caldera, now SCO.  In the early days of Caldera the
original crew donate a lot to the Linux community; Novell compatibility 
stuff, dosemu stuff, etc.  But the current management is grasping at
straws to try to save their stock value.
I agree - I've done the SCO certification in the past and it certainly 
is a very good implementation of UNIX. It's unfortunate for them that 
Linux seems to now be doing it better and cheaper. I can't think of 
anything on a SCO box I can't do with Linux. On x86 architecture, I 
wouldn't be surprised if we see Linux only instead of the various UNIX 

*Sigh* How would their stock value look if they can't sue anyone 
after-the-fact and had wasted all that money on lawyers is all I meant 
to portray.

Thanks for your comments.


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Re: [OT] Does this mean that IP was proven on the SCO case?

2003-07-21 Thread the brilliant beast
what happened to open source?

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Re: Red Hat to abandon retail channel

2003-07-21 Thread Lorenzo Prince
Does the fact the RH is no longer going to produce boxed sets of RH CD's mean that 
they will now offer their tech 
support packages and pay-per-call tech suppor
t for downloading customets?  A couple of weeks ago, I looked at to see if 
I as a downloading customer could 
buy tech support and according to the site, it said I had to buy a boxed set with a 
product key to activate an 
entitlement for support other than the normal RHN subscription.  I am hoping that this 
is going to change now that they 
are dropping retail box sets.

Lorenzo Prince
happy Red Hat 9 user ;)
lp1 on fire
(One of the more obfuscated kernel messages)

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Kernels and RHN

2003-07-21 Thread Peter Kiem
Hi all,

I've recently put 5 systems (4 x 7.2 and 1 x 7.3) onto basic RHN
subscriptions and everything is working fine except for kernels.

1. Am I right in that kernel actions by default are NOT done even when
explicitly scheduled through RHN as they are on a skip list?  I've
scheduled removal of old kernels and it fails.  I've scheduled installs of
new kernels and it says it succeeded but no kernel is installed.

2. Can you control the skip lists for a system through RHN or only through
logging in to that server and configuring with up2date --configure

3. Can I get RHN to stop reporting kernel updates for specified systems
where I cannot upgrade the kernel due to raid card drivers etc?  I've one
system that has HEAPS of errata against it (all kernel ones) and I really
dont care but it is cluttering up my display.

4. Why do I get email notifications from RHN for errata against my systems
where the email says it applies to my systems but none of them have the
package installed or showing up the in the errata lists?

| Peter Kiem.^.   | E-Mail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |
| Zordah IT /V\   | Mobile: +61 0414 724 766|
|   IT Consultancy &  /(   )\ | WWW   :  |
|   Internet Services  ^^-^^  | ICQ   : "Zordah" 81 |
   My current spamtrap address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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Re: Dynamic DNS

2003-07-21 Thread Ronald W. Heiby
Hash: SHA1

Thursday, July 17, 2003, 8:10:05 PM, Rongx wrote:
> Try to set variable DHCP_HOSTNAME=name1 in the configuration file
> /etc/sysconfig/network if you configure the NIC to use DHCP.  

Is this the thing that tells the Linux box to attempt to get itself
inserted into the DNS for the domain?

I've got a RH 8 box doing DHCP serving and DNS serving for my local
network. The DNS is also set up to cache and forward queries for hosts
outside my network.

When a Windows box (2000, NT, ME, or XP) comes along, it gets assigned
an IP address by DHCP. It also shows up with its IP address in the DNS
for the local network.

When a RH 8 box comes along, it gets assigned an IP address by DHCP.
However, it does NOT show up in DNS.

This drove me nuts for a while, and I spent a lot of time looking
through documentation and web references. I finally "solved" the
problem by setting all of the Linux boxes to have fixed IP addresses,
and manually added them to the DNS server. I am not happy with this
"solution", though. Any fix to get Linux boxes with floating DHCP
assigned IP addresses to appear in the DNS tables would be


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Re: [OT] Does this mean that IP was proven on the SCO case?

2003-07-21 Thread Rick Warner
On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 18:04, Edward Dekkers wrote:
> Surely some clever programmers can just re-write the offending code so 
> as not to breach IP? (from memory wasn't it the TCP/IP stack?) This will 
> not save IBM, but surely then they would not be able to sue Linux users 
> if their so called 'copied code' wasn't in the new versions?

This shows only that SCO thinks they can scare people into paying them
money for fear that SCO might own the intellectual property.  The case
is going to drag on for a long time and SCO has to prove two things in
the IBM case, and only one of those affect anyone other than IBM and
its customers:

1) That SCO owns some rights to UNIX.  Novell says all that they
transferred to SCO was the right to license, not ownership of the code.
SCO claims they own it all.  

2) That IBM violated some IP that belongs to SCO.  At this point it
is a contract dispute; SCO claims that IBM unlawfully took parts of what
it had licensed from SCO, in violation of the contract, and placed that
or allowed it to be placed in Linux.  So SCO will have to show that
there is code in Linux that was in the stuff IBM licensed from SCO,
that IBM placed or allowed the offending code to be placed into the
Linux source stream, and that act violated the contract.

SCO has a lot to prove.  If they prove the case against IBM then that
will affect IBM and its customers.  But since this is a contract
dispute, it can only affect parties involved in the contract.  I never
signed any agreement with SCO.  Did you?  To go after the Linux
community as a whole, SCO will need to show they have more than
licensing rights, and that offending code moved from their source into
the Linux source stream.  Reminiscent of the USL vs BSD lawsuit of a 
decade ago.

Sad what became of Caldera, now SCO.  In the early days of Caldera the
original crew donate a lot to the Linux community; Novell compatibility 
stuff, dosemu stuff, etc.  But the current management is grasping at
straws to try to save their stock value.

- rick warner

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Re: Configureing sound in RH 9.0

2003-07-21 Thread Tom Wilson
On Monday 21 July 2003 05:58 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED]'s voice rose above 
the ones in my head and stated:
> Hey all,
>  I was just wondering if anybody could help me configure sound in RH
> 9.0. I'm REALLY new at this and if anbody could walk step by step on
> this one, it would be ASOME!!
>  Thanks!!

What kind of sound card is it?  Most should be detected during install.  
Did you check the HCL to see if it is supported?  Is it an ISA or PCI 
or onboard chip?  

Tom Wilson
Reg. Linux user# 199331

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Re: [OT] Does this mean that IP was proven on the SCO case?

2003-07-21 Thread Samuel Flory
Edward Dekkers wrote:

Surely some clever programmers can just re-write the offending code so 
as not to breach IP? (from memory wasn't it the TCP/IP stack?) This 
will not save IBM, but surely then they would not be able to sue Linux 
users if their so called 'copied code' wasn't in the new versions?

 No one has proved anything legally or otherwise.   A large (if not 
all) of the the code in question was written by IBM (or companies they 
bought)for various versions of Unix.  Now SCO appears to be claiming 
they own this code.  If this is true legally will depend on the 
contracts IBM (or companies they bought) signed.

 In any event this will take a long time to settle.  I would suspect 
that IBM would just buy SCO if they really thought SCO had a case.


Once you have their hardware. Never give it back.
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Re: Alternatives to KDE/Gnome?

2003-07-21 Thread Reuben D. Budiardja
On Monday 21 July 2003 06:08 pm, David Hart wrote:
> KDE seems to run better than Gnome w/RH9 (for me - YMMV). Nevertheless
> both environments seem to have gone way over the top.
> There MUST be alternatives that are less ponderous. I'm much more
> interested in efficiency and speed than pretty displays, animations or
> other visual effects that add nothing to usability.
> Suggestions?

You will get *lots* of suggestions, since everyone has their own favorites 
window manager. Just try one of those, and if you like it, use it.

My favorites: FVWM
I tried it and the use it exclusively.


Reuben D. Budiardja

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Re: [OT] Does this mean that IP was proven on the SCO case?

2003-07-21 Thread alan
On Tue, 22 Jul 2003, Edward Dekkers wrote:

> Surely some clever programmers can just re-write the offending code so 
> as not to breach IP? (from memory wasn't it the TCP/IP stack?) This will 
> not save IBM, but surely then they would not be able to sue Linux users 
> if their so called 'copied code' wasn't in the new versions?

This is probably why SCO refuses to tell anyone what the offending code 
is.  They know that once it is identified, it will get rewritten and their 
multi-billion dollar extortion effort will vanish in the blink of an IP.

But from reading the claims, they seem to believe that they own the *idea* 
of Unix.

I just wish that IBM would stomp on them soon.  The waiting is not helping 
anyone at this point.

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Re: Alternatives to KDE/Gnome?

2003-07-21 Thread mark
On Monday 21 July 2003 08:51 pm, David Hart wrote:
> >
> >>Suggestions?

I tried a number. including fvwm, fvwm-themes, blackbox, metacity, 
xfce...and the one I've now decided to stay with, IceWM.

Not too hard to install (though I had problems during an upgrade from RH 7.3 
(updated) to 9.0, but installing the latest stable release, 1.29, works 
just fine. On my K-6 233MHz, overclocked to 250, IceWM runs like a 250MHz 
computer...while KDE runs like, oh, a 386.

If wealth == power and if power corrupts, and absolute power 
corrupts absolutely, what is the effect of monopolies and 
billionaires on democracy?
   - (c) mark roth, 2002

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[OT] Does this mean that IP was proven on the SCO case?

2003-07-21 Thread Edward Dekkers

Surely some clever programmers can just re-write the offending code so 
as not to breach IP? (from memory wasn't it the TCP/IP stack?) This will 
not save IBM, but surely then they would not be able to sue Linux users 
if their so called 'copied code' wasn't in the new versions?


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Re: Routing clients through firewall / gateway

2003-07-21 Thread Edward Dekkers

John Nichel wrote:


  I have a Red Hat 9 box set up as my firewall / Internet gateway.  I 
can access the net fine with all the clients behind the firewall, but I 
want to open a port (4662 & 4672) on the firewall so that the clients 
can send and recieve tcp/udp through it.  I have this entry in my 
iptables config file

-A RH-Lokkit-0-50-INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 4662 --syn -j ACCEPT
-A RH-Lokkit-0-50-INPUT -p udp -m udp --dport 4672 -j ACCEPT
But the clients are not getting through.  I can telnet to these ports 
(get a response) so they are open on the outside, but it doesn't seem 
that routing for these ports are being allowed between eth0 and eth1. 
How do I enable this?
I'm about as far removed from a guru in the ways of iptables that one 
can get, but it would make sense to me that you would need to add some 
forwarding rules between eth0 and eth1 for this to work no?


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Re: Alternatives to KDE/Gnome?

2003-07-21 Thread Samuel Flory
Emmanuel Seyman wrote:

On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 06:08:40PM -0400, David Hart wrote:



 Why not just tell him to do this:
cat > .xinitrc
exec xterm
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Re: Diskjet 4110 under RH9

2003-07-21 Thread Edward Dekkers

euler euler wrote:

Hello every Redhat Linux user,
  I recently brought a HP OfficeJet 4110(all in one) and can't find the right driver 
for its printing function under RH9(Scaning is Okay). Have anyone has used the same 
series of Printer under RH9 before? Couldn't anyone tell me what to do?
 The salesperson tell me I should wait for 2-3 months, but I brought it nevertheless.
  Anyone can help here?
All officejets have an equivalent inkjet they are command compatable with.

There's a table of equivalents on the HP web site.

I accidentally came across it once.


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Re: Ideas for a BIG project!

2003-07-21 Thread Edward Dekkers

euler euler wrote:

--- "Shaun T. Erickson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
It can be implentment not like Kazaa, where the user is given EXPLICIT permission on what to 
run, how to run. Beside since it is Open Source, there is NO way that software can 
"steal" CPU cycle like Kazaa. Moreover, all beta-testing code MUST be open source for 
similar reason. You worry, take a look at the code!
  I understand this require a lot of trust. But the reason I push this idea is I 
SUSPECT MS-Window (Especially Win-XP) has already running something like this WITHOUT 
your permission,
Whooa. Hold the phone there - I've been watching your thread with 
interest, but now you're starting to sound very paranoid. What is the 
reasoning behind your suspicion, and please back it up with factual data.

People suspected the earth was flat at one stage. Nobody ever fell off 

Oh, and also please set your e-mail client to wrap at around the 72 
character mark. Your mails are annoying to reply to.


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Re: ide problems

2003-07-21 Thread Edward Dekkers

Simon Tischer wrote:

I have a ide problem.
when i try to mount a lokal ext3 partition i get following error.
can someone help.
Here is the /var/log/messages 

Jul 21 10:47:43 raiddisc kernel: hdd: irq timeout: status=0xff { Busy }
Jul 21 10:47:43 raiddisc kernel: 
Jul 21 10:47:43 raiddisc kernel: ide1: reset: success
Jul 21 10:47:53 raiddisc kernel: hdd: irq timeout: status=0xff { Busy }
Jul 21 10:47:53 raiddisc kernel: 
Jul 21 10:47:53 raiddisc kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev 16:41 (hdd), 
Jul 21 10:47:53 raiddisc kernel: EXT3-fs: can't read group descriptor 0
Jul 21 10:50:57 raiddisc kernel: hdd: irq timeout: status=0xff { Busy }
Jul 21 10:50:57 raiddisc kernel: 
Jul 21 10:50:58 raiddisc kernel: ide1: reset: success
Jul 21 10:51:08 raiddisc kernel: hdd: irq timeout: status=0xff { Busy }
Jul 21 10:51:08 raiddisc kernel: 
Jul 21 10:51:08 raiddisc kernel: ide1: reset: success
Jul 21 10:51:13 raiddisc kernel: hdd: status timeout: status=0xff { Busy }
Jul 21 10:51:13 raiddisc kernel: 
Jul 21 10:51:13 raiddisc kernel: hdd: drive not ready for command
Jul 21 10:51:13 raiddisc kernel: ide1: reset: success
Jul 21 10:51:23 raiddisc kernel: hdd: irq timeout: status=0xff { Busy }
Jul 21 10:51:23 raiddisc kernel: 
Jul 21 10:51:23 raiddisc kernel: ide1: reset: success
Jul 21 10:51:23 raiddisc kernel: EXT3-fs error (device ide1(22,65)): 
descriptors: Block bitmap for group 9 not in group (block 4286644096)!
That does not look very good to me. I would check the drive with a 
diagnostic tool, but to me it looks like the drive is lost.


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Re: Solaris<->RH8 Backup

2003-07-21 Thread System Administrator
On Monday 21 July 2003 18:25, Samuel Flory wrote:
> System Administrator wrote:
> >I need to backup a Solaris 8 system (actually parts therein) to a RH8 box.
> >  I am currently doing that using a simple scp (secure copy) script. The
> > RH8 filesystem is ext3.
> >
> >Question 1) When I copy the files over (all normal files), they occupy 2-3
> >times the space.  Why?
> >
> >Question 2) is there a cleaner way to do this?  I read recently where
> > someone suggested rsync.  I am investigating whether that is an option on
> > the Solaris side.
>   Use tar.
> tar czvpf  -  (some files, or directory) |ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] cat
>  >my.tarfile.tgz
Well It sounded greatunfortunately all it does is create the loccal tar 

Leon Sonntag
Systems Administrator

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Re: timidity

2003-07-21 Thread fred smith
On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 04:28:50PM -0400, Richard F. Hobson wrote:
> I have now uninstalled and reinstalled.  No change.  rpm would not
> uninstall, since it reports that the package was not installed in the
> first place.  I then used Red Carpet-  it uninstalled and then
> reinstalled  without any error messages, yet I still cannot find the
> program on any menu.   I can still get a welcome screen if I run
> :timidikty: from the shell.
> This doesn't make sense.

It's POSSIBLE that the timidity installation doesn't populate any
menus. Lots of programs don't.

If this is the case you'll need to use the menu editor to add it.
Since I'm not running RH9 here, I can't be specific about where/how
you access the menu editor.

> Rich.
> On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 15:59, Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:
> > On Monday 21 July 2003 14:31, Richard F. Hobson wrote this in an attempt 
> > to be witty and informative:
> > > Thanks to both of you.
> > >
> > > I first ran "rpm -ivh" from the shell   and it got as far as GUI-
> > > went through the prep stage and then aborted with no error or other
> > > messages.  I downloaded Red-Carpet and installed (went smoothly). 
> > > Red Carpet ran the install and reported that timidity was already
> > > installed.  From a tour through diretories it looks like it IS
> > > installed, but shows up on no menu.  I ran "timidity" from the shell
> > > and got a normal looking welcome message(s) from timidity and then it
> > > shut down.   So how do I run timidity under X?
> > >
> > > Rich.
> > 
> > It should be in the menu under K -> Sound & Video -> More Sound & Video 
> > Programs
> > 
> > Under Gnome, just explore your menu.
> > 
> > You can run timidity from a shell, but you have to specify the midi file 
> > at the same time (same with mp123 and ogg123).
> > 
> > timidity midifile.mid
> > 
> > -- 
> > Wielder of the mighty +1 LARTsaber of Unsubscribe Instructions At End of
> > Message, the +3 Clue-by-Four of No Attachments to a Mailing List, and
> > the -4 Shield of No Spell Checker
> >
> > 
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
> unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

 Fred Smith -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
   I can do all things through Christ 
  who strengthens me.
-- Philippians 4:13 ---

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Re: Red Hat to abandon retail channel

2003-07-21 Thread Rick Forrister
On 20 Jul 2003 09:49:02 +1000
Stephen Kuhn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Sun, 2003-07-20 at 05:25, SAQIB wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > Saqib Ali
> > -
> So in essence, does this mean that I'll no longer be able to go to the
> newsagents and purchase a RedHat distro? I'm on 56k - I'm not
> downloading ISO's and it's rather arrogant for anyone to think that ISO
> distribution caters completely to the public.

No, they're not being arrogant; they're trying to stay in business, provide a good 
product line & services, and cut losses.  This has been discussed elsewhere, and the 
bottom line is that a very high percentage of people running RH Linux releases buy 
_NOTHING_ from RH.  They just download.  Development, testing, and packaging of boxed 
sets costs money, and doesn't usually even pay for itself at this point.  So what can 
they do?

People who can't/don't want to download the ISO's and spin their own CD's will have to 
work through cheapbytes or one of the other groups that provide a cd set for about 
$5.00.  They currently have to relabel RH to another name, but that's the only change 
made.  In the future they may not even have to do the renaming; they may just have to 
pay a small fee to provide the ISO's without name changing.  This would be a good 
thing.  RHN is also supposed to continue, so you'll be able to get about the same 
level of support for your free/cheap installation.


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RE: Stock Charting Software

2003-07-21 Thread Ferguson, Michael
Hello Pete,
Did you ever get an answer to your question?
I am looking for the same thing. Thanks

-Original Message-
From: Peter J. Viglucci [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Friday, June 20, 2003 11:48 AM
Subject: Stock Charting Software

Can anyone recommend a program that runs on linux (either a native app
or java) that is equivilent to Metastock on win32. It need not be open
source, commercial programs are fine. Metastock is the last program
chaining me to windows. I've browsed around freshmeat and google
searched but didn't find anything nearly as robust. Any ideas? Thanks.


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Re: Alternatives to KDE/Gnome?

2003-07-21 Thread Emmanuel Seyman
On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 06:08:40PM -0400, David Hart wrote:
> Suggestions?



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Re: Alternatives to KDE/Gnome?

2003-07-21 Thread Michael Scottaline
On 21 Jul 2003 18:08:40 -0400
David Hart <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> insightfully noted:

>KDE seems to run better than Gnome w/RH9 (for me - YMMV). Nevertheless
>both environments seem to have gone way over the top.
>There MUST be alternatives that are less ponderous. I'm much more
>interested in efficiency and speed than pretty displays, animations or
>other visual effects that add nothing to usability.

Sure:  give ratpoison a try.  It's the best minimalist wm I've tried thus far.
 Ion is also quite good, as is uwm.
Just my US$0.02,

"The man who views the world the same at 50 as he did at 20 has wasted 30 
years of his life"
--Muhammad Ali

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Re: Alternatives to KDE/Gnome?

2003-07-21 Thread Hal Burgiss
On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 04:03:56PM -0700, Samuel Flory wrote:
> > 
> >
>  Windowmaker is not present in newer versions of RH.  Even in older 
> versions of RH it has not been maintained in RH for a long time.  The 
> menus are 80% filled with programs no longer in redhat.

Who needs menus? ;-) I rarely use them. Everything I need and use
stays on one of my 8 windowmaker desktops. That's why a reboot is such
a PITA for me.

I am not pushing windowmaker so much as the idea of X sans GNOME or
KDE. Especially for someone who thinks they don't need the "extras".
There are many window managers that are capable. And besides you loose
the bloat.

Windowmaker is easy enough to get BTW. 

Hal Burgiss

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Re: Alternatives to KDE/Gnome?

2003-07-21 Thread Samuel Flory
Hal Burgiss wrote:

On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 06:08:40PM -0400, David Hart wrote:


There MUST be alternatives that are less ponderous. I'm much more
interested in efficiency and speed than pretty displays, animations
or other visual effects that add nothing to usability.

You don't need either one. I run just plain Windowmaker, and it flies
and does everything I need. Its fairly stable too:
$ ps |grep wmaker
hal 849  0.0  0.2  9724 2752 tty1   S  Feb23   3:22 /usr/bin/wmaker
GNOME/KDE are not essential, and in fact, are newish X add-ons.


 Windowmaker is not present in newer versions of RH.  Even in older 
versions of RH it has not been maintained in RH for a long time.  The 
menus are 80% filled with programs no longer in redhat.

Once you have their hardware. Never give it back.
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Re: Alternatives to KDE/Gnome?

2003-07-21 Thread Hal Burgiss
On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 06:08:40PM -0400, David Hart wrote:

> There MUST be alternatives that are less ponderous. I'm much more
> interested in efficiency and speed than pretty displays, animations
> or other visual effects that add nothing to usability.

You don't need either one. I run just plain Windowmaker, and it flies
and does everything I need. Its fairly stable too:

$ ps |grep wmaker
hal 849  0.0  0.2  9724 2752 tty1   S  Feb23   3:22 /usr/bin/wmaker

GNOME/KDE are not essential, and in fact, are newish X add-ons.

Hal Burgiss

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Re: Root is GONE

2003-07-21 Thread Mr. L.R. Adrian
I managed to enter through grub, became single user then used pico to
overwrite the passwd file with the missing line.
upon reboot now i have su back but no passwd.
Before I proceed can you verify something.
If I go back into grub and single user.
is the command "passwd root"
to change the root passwd?
Then type reboot???

- Original Message - 
From: "Samuel Flory" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: Root is GONE

> Mr. L.R. Adrian wrote:
> >Also,
> >In /etc/
> >there are three passwd files:
> >passwd
> >passwd-
> >
>   These are normally there.
> >an passwd.OLD
> >
>   This is not normally on most systems.  Maybe a someone was editing the
> password file by hand.  Or possibly a broken script.  Maybe from some
> from some script kiddy.
> >the bottom two contain the root listing on the top line the passwd file
> >is deleted
> >Tried of course to overwrite but no permissions.
> >
> >
> >
> -- 
> Once you have their hardware. Never give it back.
> (The First Rule of Hardware Acquisition)
> Sam Flory  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
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Solaris<->RH8 Backup

2003-07-21 Thread System Administrator

I need to backup a Solaris 8 system (actually parts therein) to a RH8 box.  I
am currently doing that using a simple scp (secure copy) script. The RH8
filesystem is ext3.

Question 1) When I copy the files over (all normal files), they occupy 2-3
times the space.  Why?

Question 2) is there a cleaner way to do this?  I read recently where someone
suggested rsync.  I am investigating whether that is an option on the Solaris

Thanks for the assist.

Leon Sonntag
Systems Administrator

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Re: Alternatives to KDE/Gnome?

2003-07-21 Thread Samuel Flory
David Hart wrote:

KDE seems to run better than Gnome w/RH9 (for me - YMMV). Nevertheless
both environments seem to have gone way over the top.
There MUST be alternatives that are less ponderous. I'm much more
interested in efficiency and speed than pretty displays, animations or
other visual effects that add nothing to usability.



Once you have their hardware. Never give it back.
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Re: Solaris<->RH8 Backup

2003-07-21 Thread Samuel Flory
System Administrator wrote:

I need to backup a Solaris 8 system (actually parts therein) to a RH8 box.  I 
am currently doing that using a simple scp (secure copy) script. The RH8 
filesystem is ext3.  

Question 1) When I copy the files over (all normal files), they occupy 2-3 
times the space.  Why?

Question 2) is there a cleaner way to do this?  I read recently where someone 
suggested rsync.  I am investigating whether that is an option on the Solaris 

 Use tar.

tar czvpf  -  (some files, or directory) |ssh [EMAIL PROTECTED] cat 

Once you have their hardware. Never give it back.
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Re: Root is GONE

2003-07-21 Thread Samuel Flory
Mr. L.R. Adrian wrote:

In /etc/
there are three passwd files:
 These are normally there.

an passwd.OLD

 This is not normally on most systems.  Maybe a someone was editing the 
password file by hand.  Or possibly a broken script.  Maybe from some 
from some script kiddy.

the bottom two contain the root listing on the top line the passwd file this
is deleted
Tried of course to overwrite but no permissions.

Once you have their hardware. Never give it back.
(The First Rule of Hardware Acquisition)

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Solaris<->RH8 Backup

2003-07-21 Thread System Administrator
I need to backup a Solaris 8 system (actually parts therein) to a RH8 box.  I
am currently doing that using a simple scp (secure copy) script. The RH8
filesystem is ext3.

Question 1) When I copy the files over (all normal files), they occupy 2-3
times the space.  Why?

Question 2) is there a cleaner way to do this?  I read recently where someone
suggested rsync.  I am investigating whether that is an option on the Solaris

Thanks for the assist.

Leon Sonntag
Systems Administrator

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Re: Alternatives to KDE/Gnome?

2003-07-21 Thread Stephen Kuhn
On Tue, 2003-07-22 at 08:08, David Hart wrote:
> KDE seems to run better than Gnome w/RH9 (for me - YMMV). Nevertheless
> both environments seem to have gone way over the top.
> There MUST be alternatives that are less ponderous. I'm much more
> interested in efficiency and speed than pretty displays, animations or
> other visual effects that add nothing to usability.
> Suggestions?

It's not heavy.
Tue Jul 22 08:20:00 EST 2003
 08:20:00 up 8 days, 23 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.09, 0.09
|____  |kuhn media australia|
|   /-oo /| |'-.   |   |
|  .\__/ || |   |  ||
|   _ /  `._ \|_|_.-'  |stephen kuhn|
|  | /  \__.`=._) (_   | email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] |
  linux user #:267497 linux machine #:194239 * MDK 9.1+ & RH 9  
  Mandrake Linux Kernel 2.4.21-11mdk Cooker for i586
 * This message was composed on a 100% Microsoft free computer *

Inheritance taxes are getting so out of line, that the deceased family
often doesn't have a legacy to stand on.

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Re: Root is GONE

2003-07-21 Thread Samuel Flory
Mr. L.R. Adrian wrote:

Thanks for the quick response.
I dont claim to be great with linux {probly borderline mediocre :O)]
But I tried to get to the boot prompt to enter linux single but could not do
as an ordinary user I cant seem to accomplish anything once in.
Can i not run single user mode because of GRUB???
 You should be able to get into single user mode via grub.

-At the grub menu hit "e"
-chose the line starting with kernel, add "single", and hit enter
-hit "b" to boot
If you can't do this because you have a grub password you can't 
remember, or something.   Use the redhat install cdrom and type "rescue" 
at the initial prompt before the cdrom boots.

- Original Message - 
From: "Jonathan Bartlett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: Root is GONE


IF you have been hacked, you should just backup your data and reinstall.

Are you sure theres no other way you could have lost your /etc/passwd
file?  That's basically the problem - /etc/passwd is either missing or
corrupted - and thus it can't find the root user.  I don't think shadow
has much to do with it.
If you can copy /etc/passwd from a good RH machine of the same version,
and then run the passwd command from single-user mode, you should be at
least in a little better shape.

On Mon, 21 Jul 2003, Mr. L.R. Adrian wrote:


Assistance is both urgent and appreciated.
Obviously i have been compromised.
I run 7.3 Valhalla.
i went to login to my server as root today and recieved the message.
"Usr root does not exist"
upon research this is in fact the case.
i boot from grub and as the boot sequence progresses it gives:
getpwnam failed for  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Swap Space [OK]
I can log in as user only.
I think it is my shadow thats been breached.
boot disk does not even work. {possibly because of an earlier kernel


This is my only server ..please help if you can.


Once you have their hardware. Never give it back.
(The First Rule of Hardware Acquisition)

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Re: Root is GONE

2003-07-21 Thread Mr. L.R. Adrian
In /etc/
there are three passwd files:
an passwd.OLD
the bottom two contain the root listing on the top line the passwd file this
is deleted
Tried of course to overwrite but no permissions.
- Original Message - 
From: "Jonathan Bartlett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: Root is GONE

> IF you have been hacked, you should just backup your data and reinstall.
> Are you sure theres no other way you could have lost your /etc/passwd
> file?  That's basically the problem - /etc/passwd is either missing or
> corrupted - and thus it can't find the root user.  I don't think shadow
> has much to do with it.
> If you can copy /etc/passwd from a good RH machine of the same version,
> and then run the passwd command from single-user mode, you should be at
> least in a little better shape.
> Jon
> On Mon, 21 Jul 2003, Mr. L.R. Adrian wrote:
> > Assistance is both urgent and appreciated.
> > Obviously i have been compromised.
> > I run 7.3 Valhalla.
> > i went to login to my server as root today and recieved the message.
> > "Usr root does not exist"
> > upon research this is in fact the case.
> > i boot from grub and as the boot sequence progresses it gives:
> > getpwnam failed for  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Swap Space [OK]
> > I can log in as user only.
> > I think it is my shadow thats been breached.
> > boot disk does not even work. {possibly because of an earlier kernel
> > This is my only server ..please help if you can.
> > Les
> >
> >
> > --
> > redhat-list mailing list
> > unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> >
> >
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
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Re: timidity

2003-07-21 Thread Joseph A Nagy Jr
On Monday 21 July 2003 15:50, Richard F. Hobson wrote this in an attempt 
to be witty and informative:
> Tried the alt F2  timidity in the run box.nothing happened.

Try installing timidity via rpm -Uvh  <--- do that as root 
Wielder of the mighty +1 LARTsaber of Unsubscribe Instructions At End of
Message, the +3 Clue-by-Four of No Attachments to a Mailing List, and
the -4 Shield of No Spell Checker

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Solaris<->RH8 Backup

2003-07-21 Thread System Administrator
I need to backup a Solaris 8 system (actually parts therein) to a RH8 box.  I 
am currently doing that using a simple scp (secure copy) script. The RH8 
filesystem is ext3.  

Question 1) When I copy the files over (all normal files), they occupy 2-3 
times the space.  Why?

Question 2) is there a cleaner way to do this?  I read recently where someone 
suggested rsync.  I am investigating whether that is an option on the Solaris 

Thanks for the assist.
Leon Sonntag
Systems Administrator

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Re: System Backups

2003-07-21 Thread the brilliant beast
so how would I back up my intire system to cdr then?
the hole thing?

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Alternatives to KDE/Gnome?

2003-07-21 Thread David Hart
KDE seems to run better than Gnome w/RH9 (for me - YMMV). Nevertheless
both environments seem to have gone way over the top.

There MUST be alternatives that are less ponderous. I'm much more
interested in efficiency and speed than pretty displays, animations or
other visual effects that add nothing to usability.


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Re: Root is GONE

2003-07-21 Thread Mr. L.R. Adrian
Thanks for the quick response.
I dont claim to be great with linux {probly borderline mediocre :O)]
But I tried to get to the boot prompt to enter linux single but could not do
as an ordinary user I cant seem to accomplish anything once in.
Can i not run single user mode because of GRUB???
- Original Message - 
From: "Jonathan Bartlett" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 2:57 PM
Subject: Re: Root is GONE

> IF you have been hacked, you should just backup your data and reinstall.
> Are you sure theres no other way you could have lost your /etc/passwd
> file?  That's basically the problem - /etc/passwd is either missing or
> corrupted - and thus it can't find the root user.  I don't think shadow
> has much to do with it.
> If you can copy /etc/passwd from a good RH machine of the same version,
> and then run the passwd command from single-user mode, you should be at
> least in a little better shape.
> Jon
> On Mon, 21 Jul 2003, Mr. L.R. Adrian wrote:
> > Assistance is both urgent and appreciated.
> > Obviously i have been compromised.
> > I run 7.3 Valhalla.
> > i went to login to my server as root today and recieved the message.
> > "Usr root does not exist"
> > upon research this is in fact the case.
> > i boot from grub and as the boot sequence progresses it gives:
> > getpwnam failed for  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Swap Space [OK]
> > I can log in as user only.
> > I think it is my shadow thats been breached.
> > boot disk does not even work. {possibly because of an earlier kernel
> > This is my only server ..please help if you can.
> > Les
> >
> >
> > --
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> >
> >
> -- 
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Configureing sound in RH 9.0

2003-07-21 Thread keane
Hey all,

 I was just wondering if anybody could help me configure sound in RH 9.0.
I'm REALLY new at this and if anbody could walk step by step on this one,
it would be ASOME!!


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Re: Root is GONE

2003-07-21 Thread Jonathan Bartlett
IF you have been hacked, you should just backup your data and reinstall.

Are you sure theres no other way you could have lost your /etc/passwd
file?  That's basically the problem - /etc/passwd is either missing or
corrupted - and thus it can't find the root user.  I don't think shadow
has much to do with it.

If you can copy /etc/passwd from a good RH machine of the same version,
and then run the passwd command from single-user mode, you should be at
least in a little better shape.


On Mon, 21 Jul 2003, Mr. L.R. Adrian wrote:

> Assistance is both urgent and appreciated.
> Obviously i have been compromised.
> I run 7.3 Valhalla.
> i went to login to my server as root today and recieved the message.
> "Usr root does not exist"
> upon research this is in fact the case.
> i boot from grub and as the boot sequence progresses it gives:
> getpwnam failed for  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Swap Space [OK]
> I can log in as user only.
> I think it is my shadow thats been breached.
> boot disk does not even work. {possibly because of an earlier kernel config.
> This is my only server ..please help if you can.
> Les
> --
> redhat-list mailing list
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Root is GONE

2003-07-21 Thread Mr. L.R. Adrian
Assistance is both urgent and appreciated.
Obviously i have been compromised.
I run 7.3 Valhalla.
i went to login to my server as root today and recieved the message.
"Usr root does not exist"
upon research this is in fact the case.
i boot from grub and as the boot sequence progresses it gives:
getpwnam failed for  [EMAIL PROTECTED] Swap Space [OK]
I can log in as user only.
I think it is my shadow thats been breached.
boot disk does not even work. {possibly because of an earlier kernel config.
This is my only server ..please help if you can.

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RE: RHN...worth it or not (and reverting from RH9 to RH8)

2003-07-21 Thread Panos Tsapralis (TELLAS)
On Tue, 2003-07-22 at 00:17, Daevid Vincent wrote:

> I have to say that I upgraded to RH9, but after spending days trying to get
> my system back to my RH8 state with all the extras I just said fsckit and
> ghosted my image back to RH8. This is no fault of RedHat per say, but I just
> think there is more support out there for RH8 rpms and finding RH9 rpms was
> getting to be tiresome. I think I'll wait a generation till RHX. In the past
> couple weeks, I had an epiphany that it's better to have a system that is
> solid and works and I can be productive, than trying to always be on the
> bleeding edge... VMWare was the 'killer ap' that I needed to work for me. I
> just couldn't seem to get the networking working in RH9 as seemlessly as it
> did with RH8, and as a php/mysql/web developer, I need to have VMWare
> running on my notebook (connected to the raw partition dual boot!) so I can
> code pages in Homesite but seem the really work. That is by far the absolute
> slickest thing ever...
Daevid, I have similar needs (I am a regular user of Vmware, running the
server side of my apps in Linux and the client side in Vmware / Windows
NT). Since a long time ago, my "operational strategy", regarding
versions of both Red Hat & SuSE, has been to use the (latest-1) version
of these distributions.

And I have to say that this strategy has worked very well so far for me.
So, I am still using 8.0 and I will be waiting quite a bit more before I
upgrade to 9 (even though, at times, I am tempted to go ahead and see
what will happen...).

> Daevid Vincent
Panos Platon Tsapralis,
Software Engineer, SAP-R/3 specialist,
Registered Linux User #305894,
Ximian Evolution (ver.1.4) on Red Hat Linux (8.0),
Athens, GREECE,
cell-phone: +306946462857, fax: +302108054420,

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Re: Adding users

2003-07-21 Thread Rodolfo J. Paiz
At 7/21/2003 12:45 -0500, you wrote:
Rodolfo J. Paiz wrote:
That is not only wrong, but also very dangerous. You are, in effect, 
allowing anyone to connect since they do not have to know anything.
Please do not recommend this to others.
How so?  I just now set up an account on one of my boxes with no 
password.  Now when I try to ssh to the box as that user, and enter no 
password, I get authentication failed.  Also, if I'm logged into the box 
as a non-root user, and try to su to that account, I enter no password, 
and get the same thing.  Not that I'm doubting that it can be dangerous, I 
just want to know how it can be exploited, as there a few accounts which 
have /bin/bash as their shell, and no password by default (installing 
mysql from RPM comes to mind).
We may be talking about different things and have gotten misunderstood. 
Allow me to be more specific: having a blank password is evil, since the 
user need only hit Enter when prompted and he's into your system. Having no 
password at all and having logins disabled (i.e. having a * or !! in 
/etc/shadow) is not a bad thing.

Rodolfo J. Paiz
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Re: Load Balancing & Round Robin

2003-07-21 Thread Ed Wilts
On Mon, Jul 21, 2003 at 12:38:04PM -0700, Sevatio wrote:
> What would I need to setup two Apache servers to serve the same domain 
> name using load balancing & round robin?  Each user session must be 
> limited to one server.  And it must be able to sense when one of the 
> servers are down and skip over that server and move on to a working server.

Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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Re: djbdns install problems

2003-07-21 Thread Jason Williams
Alternate for BIND.
But I was having some problems with the daemontools that are required in 
order to use djbdns.

At 02:28 PM 7/21/2003 -0700, you wrote:
what does this program do?

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RE: RHN...worth it or not (and reverting from RH9 to RH8)

2003-07-21 Thread Rodolfo J. Paiz
At 7/21/2003 14:17 -0700, you wrote:
Count this as a third. I gladly pay the measly $60 for my RHN account on
each box I have. I think RedHat does an excellent job and I want them to be
around. They're my distribution of choice.
You know there was a "two systems for $84" sale somewhere out there; you 
may want to check on that, since I pay an even more measly $42/year for 
each system I have. 

In the past
couple weeks, I had an epiphany that it's better to have a system that is
solid and works and I can be productive, than trying to always be on the
bleeding edge...
Amen, brother.

My home firewall still runs 7.3 and does a wonderful job, comfortably 
handing out uptimes of 160 days at a time. And every time I thought "this 
weekend I'll rebuild it", I always found something better to do with my 
time. Took me a year or so, but I finally saw the light: backup the 
configuration so I know what worked, and since it most definitely is not 
broken, don't fix it.

Ah, the extra time, the reduced stress, the joy of getting out more 

Rodolfo J. Paiz
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Sound in RedHat 8.0.

2003-07-21 Thread Panos Tsapralis (TELLAS)
I posted this issue some time ago but got no answer, that could help me
resolve it, so, here I am again, in hope of getting some better help
this time:

No matter what I do, I cannot get any sound out of my system, except for
the various dings & clicks of the user interface in Gnome. I am trying
to use the CD & audio players in Gnome or in KDE but nothing is heard
(although the applications seem to work O.K.).

I am confident that my sound card (ESS Maestro3) is recognised by the OS
at boot time, since the system log mentions its name and configuration
(identical to those derived under Windows XP). As an additional proof of
evidence, I get the sounds of the Gnome UI. The only thing, that
troubles me, is the following messages (in various parts of the system

modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-service-0-3,
modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-service-1-0,
modprobe: modprobe: Can't locate module sound-slot-1.

I strongly suspect that the roots of my problem are in these messages.
What do they mean and what should I do in order to resolve this?

Panos Platon Tsapralis,
Software Engineer, SAP-R/3 specialist,
Registered Linux User #305894,
Ximian Evolution (ver.1.4) on Red Hat Linux (8.0),
Athens, GREECE,
cell-phone: +306946462857, fax: +302108054420,

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Re: djbdns install problems

2003-07-21 Thread the brilliant beast
what does this program do?

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muse not installing

2003-07-21 Thread the brilliant beast
hello I am trying to install the muse program
it is claiming I do not have the lame libraries on this thing when I do and
it is claiming I don't have the correct version of the lame mp3 libraries on
here when I do
can some recommend how to fix this problem?

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RE: RHN...worth it or not (and reverting from RH9 to RH8)

2003-07-21 Thread Daevid Vincent
Count this as a third. I gladly pay the measly $60 for my RHN account on
each box I have. I think RedHat does an excellent job and I want them to be
around. They're my distribution of choice.

Unrelated, but related still in a way...

I have to say that I upgraded to RH9, but after spending days trying to get
my system back to my RH8 state with all the extras I just said fsckit and
ghosted my image back to RH8. This is no fault of RedHat per say, but I just
think there is more support out there for RH8 rpms and finding RH9 rpms was
getting to be tiresome. I think I'll wait a generation till RHX. In the past
couple weeks, I had an epiphany that it's better to have a system that is
solid and works and I can be productive, than trying to always be on the
bleeding edge... VMWare was the 'killer ap' that I needed to work for me. I
just couldn't seem to get the networking working in RH9 as seemlessly as it
did with RH8, and as a php/mysql/web developer, I need to have VMWare
running on my notebook (connected to the raw partition dual boot!) so I can
code pages in Homesite but seem the really work. That is by far the absolute
slickest thing ever...

Daevid Vincent

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Re: ftp connection refused - and I'm confused!

2003-07-21 Thread ashleigh smythe
Thanks to both Ed's for their help with my ftp problem.  I installed
vsftpd and that has mostly solved my problems.  I'm still having trouble
getting ftp to find my files on my mac (I see now another reason why
Linux can be easier than macs- I actually can understand the directory
structure!) but another user can ftp with no problem so I think the
Linux part is fine.

Thanks again!


On Thu, 2003-07-17 at 17:05, Ed Wilts wrote:
> On Thu, Jul 17, 2003 at 02:13:39PM -0700, ashleigh smythe wrote:
> > Hello.  Newbie here with many questions on ftp.  I have been combing the
> > archives of this list and and none of the solutions
> > seem to fit my system.  I recently upgraded (via fresh install)from RH
> > 7.2 to 9.0.  I am now unable to connect from other computers (macs) via
> > ftp.  I am able to connect with SSH and I even put the firewall settings
> > (via the RH menu security level tool) to no firewall or medium but allow
> > ftp and still cannot connect.  Do I need to start the ftp deamon (don't
> > know what that means!)?  Which ftp should I even be using?  rpm -qa|grep
> > ftp gives me:
> > ftp-0.17-17
> > gftp-2.0.14-2
> > lftp-2.6.3-3
> All of those are ftp clients, not servers.  A daemon is simply another
> name for a server.  You'll need to install either vsftp or wu-ftpd, the
> 2 most common ftp servers.
> > I read that ftp is insecure as it shows the username and password to the
> > network - is there something else I should use to move files from my mac
> > laptop?
> If the communication is totally within your own network and your ftp
> server is not accessible from outside, by all means use ftp.  It's
> considerably faster than ssh and gives you a lot of functionality that
> ssh doesn't give you.  Depending on what kind of Mac you have, you've
> even got more option.  You could install netatalk, thereby giving you
> Appletalk over IP - this is common in my office for my Mac users.  If
> you're running OS X, then you could use the NFS server on Linux with
> your Mac being the NFS client.  Both Appletalk and NFS give you nice
> functionality beyond what ssh or ftp will allow.
> -- 
> Ed Wilts, Mounds View, MN, USA
> Member #1, Red Hat Community Ambassador Program

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Re: timidity

2003-07-21 Thread Richard F. Hobson
Tried the alt F2  timidity in the run box.nothing happened.

On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 16:32, Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:
> On Monday 21 July 2003 15:13, Richard F. Hobson wrote this in an attempt 
> to be witty and informative:
> > That's where I lookedsound and video...more sound and video". 
> > ALso explored all other menus.  I will try to uninstall/reinstall.
> >
> > Thanks
> >
> > Rich.
> No need. alt+f2, then type in the command
> -- 
> Wielder of the mighty +1 LARTsaber of Unsubscribe Instructions At End of
> Message, the +3 Clue-by-Four of No Attachments to a Mailing List, and
> the -4 Shield of No Spell Checker

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Re: djbdns install problems

2003-07-21 Thread Jason Williams
Let me correct really quick. this happened when I attempted to install the 


At 01:51 PM 7/21/2003 -0700, you wrote:
Well, I seem to be having a rough day today.

I was installing djbdns today on one of our test Red Hat 9.0 servers.
I've installed djbdns before on *BSD and RH 7.3 with no problems.
When I go to install the program, this is what I get:

make: *** [envdir] Error 1
Copying commands into ./command...
cp: cannot stat `compile/svscan': No such file or directory
Anyone have any suggestions on what the problem can be? I cant seem to 
locate any docs that will help me solve this problem.



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djbdns install problems

2003-07-21 Thread Jason Williams
Well, I seem to be having a rough day today.

I was installing djbdns today on one of our test Red Hat 9.0 servers.
I've installed djbdns before on *BSD and RH 7.3 with no problems.
When I go to install the program, this is what I get:

make: *** [envdir] Error 1
Copying commands into ./command...
cp: cannot stat `compile/svscan': No such file or directory
Anyone have any suggestions on what the problem can be? I cant seem to 
locate any docs that will help me solve this problem.



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unknown kernel parameters

2003-07-21 Thread Marvin Blackburn
We have an application for Advanced Server 2.1 that indicates that we should
set values for shmmin, shmseg, and shmvmx.  However, I cannot find these by
looking a proc or sysctl -a.

Are these valid parameters?  Is there a place where i can look at the
possble parameters and their explanation?

Marvin Blackburn
Systems Administrator
Glen Raven
"He's no failure.  He's not dead yet" --William Lloyd George

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Re: Problems with clock

2003-07-21 Thread u1004951
The way that I have my system set up is the hardware clock is set to GMT 
and my /etc/sysconfig/clock looks like this:


I'm in the New York area so this works for me. Take note of the UTC usage. 
UTC will set the software clock (OS level) to an offset of the hardware 
clock as defined by ZONE (currently -4 for this timezone). DST (if defined 
for your zone as not all use it) works seamlessly this way too :)


P.S. I'm using RH 7.3 but the format of the clock config file should be 
the same wherever it's located.

On 17 Jul 2003, Kevin Breit wrote:

> Hey,
>   Whenever I turn off my computer, the clock seems to get set back a few
> hours.  I thought this was a hardware problem until I took the hard disk
> out and threw it in another laptop.  The same issue happens here, so
> it's a software problem.  What can I do to fix this?  I'm using Red Hat
> 8.
> Thanks
> Kevin

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Re: timidity

2003-07-21 Thread Richard F. Hobson
I have now uninstalled and reinstalled.  No change.  rpm would not
uninstall, since it reports that the package was not installed in the
first place.  I then used Red Carpet-  it uninstalled and then
reinstalled  without any error messages, yet I still cannot find the
program on any menu.   I can still get a welcome screen if I run
:timidikty: from the shell.

This doesn't make sense.


On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 15:59, Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:
> On Monday 21 July 2003 14:31, Richard F. Hobson wrote this in an attempt 
> to be witty and informative:
> > Thanks to both of you.
> >
> > I first ran "rpm -ivh" from the shell   and it got as far as GUI-
> > went through the prep stage and then aborted with no error or other
> > messages.  I downloaded Red-Carpet and installed (went smoothly). 
> > Red Carpet ran the install and reported that timidity was already
> > installed.  From a tour through diretories it looks like it IS
> > installed, but shows up on no menu.  I ran "timidity" from the shell
> > and got a normal looking welcome message(s) from timidity and then it
> > shut down.   So how do I run timidity under X?
> >
> > Rich.
> It should be in the menu under K -> Sound & Video -> More Sound & Video 
> Programs
> Under Gnome, just explore your menu.
> You can run timidity from a shell, but you have to specify the midi file 
> at the same time (same with mp123 and ogg123).
> timidity midifile.mid
> -- 
> Wielder of the mighty +1 LARTsaber of Unsubscribe Instructions At End of
> Message, the +3 Clue-by-Four of No Attachments to a Mailing List, and
> the -4 Shield of No Spell Checker

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Re: timidity

2003-07-21 Thread Joseph A Nagy Jr
On Monday 21 July 2003 15:13, Richard F. Hobson wrote this in an attempt 
to be witty and informative:
> That's where I lookedsound and video...more sound and video". 
> ALso explored all other menus.  I will try to uninstall/reinstall.
> Thanks
> Rich.

No need. alt+f2, then type in the command
Wielder of the mighty +1 LARTsaber of Unsubscribe Instructions At End of
Message, the +3 Clue-by-Four of No Attachments to a Mailing List, and
the -4 Shield of No Spell Checker

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Re: timidity

2003-07-21 Thread Richard F. Hobson
That's where I lookedsound and video...more sound and video".  ALso
explored all other menus.  I will try to uninstall/reinstall.



On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 15:59, Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:
> On Monday 21 July 2003 14:31, Richard F. Hobson wrote this in an attempt 
> to be witty and informative:
> > Thanks to both of you.
> >
> > I first ran "rpm -ivh" from the shell   and it got as far as GUI-
> > went through the prep stage and then aborted with no error or other
> > messages.  I downloaded Red-Carpet and installed (went smoothly). 
> > Red Carpet ran the install and reported that timidity was already
> > installed.  From a tour through diretories it looks like it IS
> > installed, but shows up on no menu.  I ran "timidity" from the shell
> > and got a normal looking welcome message(s) from timidity and then it
> > shut down.   So how do I run timidity under X?
> >
> > Rich.
> It should be in the menu under K -> Sound & Video -> More Sound & Video 
> Programs
> Under Gnome, just explore your menu.
> You can run timidity from a shell, but you have to specify the midi file 
> at the same time (same with mp123 and ogg123).
> timidity midifile.mid
> -- 
> Wielder of the mighty +1 LARTsaber of Unsubscribe Instructions At End of
> Message, the +3 Clue-by-Four of No Attachments to a Mailing List, and
> the -4 Shield of No Spell Checker

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Re: Load Balancing & Round Robin

2003-07-21 Thread Ezra Nugroho
Also look at the backhand project at

We use it, and we are happy with it. However, our boxes share global session 
management system.

good luck

Quoting Nathan Wolfe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

> There is alot of good information here about what your options are.
> n8
> > What would I need to setup two Apache servers to serve the same domain
> > name using load balancing & round robin?  Each user session must be
> > limited to one server.  And it must be able to sense when one of the
> > servers are down and skip over that server and move on to a working
> > server.
> >
> > thanks,
> >
> > Sevatio
> >
> >
> > --
> > redhat-list mailing list
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> >
> -- 
> redhat-list mailing list
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Re: Load Balancing & Round Robin

2003-07-21 Thread Nathan Wolfe
There is alot of good information here about what your options are.


> What would I need to setup two Apache servers to serve the same domain
> name using load balancing & round robin?  Each user session must be
> limited to one server.  And it must be able to sense when one of the
> servers are down and skip over that server and move on to a working
> server.
> thanks,
> Sevatio
> --
> redhat-list mailing list
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Re: timidity

2003-07-21 Thread Joseph A Nagy Jr
On Monday 21 July 2003 14:31, Richard F. Hobson wrote this in an attempt 
to be witty and informative:
> Thanks to both of you.
> I first ran "rpm -ivh" from the shell   and it got as far as GUI-
> went through the prep stage and then aborted with no error or other
> messages.  I downloaded Red-Carpet and installed (went smoothly). 
> Red Carpet ran the install and reported that timidity was already
> installed.  From a tour through diretories it looks like it IS
> installed, but shows up on no menu.  I ran "timidity" from the shell
> and got a normal looking welcome message(s) from timidity and then it
> shut down.   So how do I run timidity under X?
> Rich.

It should be in the menu under K -> Sound & Video -> More Sound & Video 

Under Gnome, just explore your menu.

You can run timidity from a shell, but you have to specify the midi file 
at the same time (same with mp123 and ogg123).

timidity midifile.mid

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RE: timidity

2003-07-21 Thread Mark Haney
Richard F. Hobson wrote:
> rpm -q indicated the package is not installed.  rpm -v just gave me
> the option list for rpm. So I guess only some timidity directories
> and files were copied  but the app was not really installed. 
> Anything else I can try??  
> Thanks
> Rich.
> On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 15:36, Mark Haney wrote:
>> Richard F. Hobson wrote:
>>> Thanks to both of you.
>>> I first ran "rpm -ivh" from the shell   and it got as far as GUI-
>>> went through the prep stage and then aborted with no error or other
>>> messages.  I downloaded Red-Carpet and installed (went smoothly).
>>> Red Carpet ran the install and reported that timidity was already
>>> installed.  From a tour through diretories it looks like it IS
>>> installed, but shows up on no menu.  I ran "timidity" from the shell
>>> and got a normal looking welcome message(s) from timidity and then
>>> it shut down.   So how do I run timidity under X?
>>> Rich.
>>> On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 13:17, Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:
 On Monday 21 July 2003 11:39, Mark Haney wrote this in an attempt
 to be witty and informative: 
> I've seen this a couple of times, and both times it's been a
> dependency issue.  I.e. there's a package dependency that is
> causing the install to fail.  With the GUI package manager, it
> doesn't seem to tell you this. If you run rpm -ivh 
> it should tell you the dependency that's failed.  If that's not
> it, then I'm at a loss.
 He should go get Red-Carpet. It will tell you about (and in most
 cases resolve) dependency issues.
 Wielder of the mighty +1 LARTsaber of Unsubscribe Instructions At
 End of Message, the +3 Clue-by-Four of No Attachments to a Mailing
 List, and the -4 Shield of No Spell Checker
>> Run rpm -q timidity to see if it really is there.  And I think rpm -v
>> will verify the package to see if it's not corrupt.

Yeah I would try to see if rpm -e timidity will remove what's on your
system. Then you can try -ivh against the package again.

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RE: timidity

2003-07-21 Thread Richard F. Hobson
rpm -q indicated the package is not installed.  rpm -v just gave me the
option list for rpm. So I guess only some timidity directories and 
files were copied  but the app was not really installed.  Anything else
I can try??



On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 15:36, Mark Haney wrote:
> Richard F. Hobson wrote:
> > Thanks to both of you.
> > 
> > I first ran "rpm -ivh" from the shell   and it got as far as GUI- went
> > through the prep stage and then aborted with no error or other
> > messages.  I downloaded Red-Carpet and installed (went smoothly). 
> > Red Carpet ran the install and reported that timidity was already
> > installed.  From a tour through diretories it looks like it IS
> > installed, but shows up on no menu.  I ran "timidity" from the shell
> > and got a normal looking welcome message(s) from timidity and then it
> > shut down.   So how do I run timidity under X? 
> > 
> > Rich.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 13:17, Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:
> >> On Monday 21 July 2003 11:39, Mark Haney wrote this in an attempt to
> >> be witty and informative:
> >> 
> >>> I've seen this a couple of times, and both times it's been a
> >>> dependency issue.  I.e. there's a package dependency that is causing
> >>> the install to fail.  With the GUI package manager, it doesn't seem
> >>> to tell you this. If you run rpm -ivh  it should tell
> >>> you the dependency that's failed.  If that's not it, then I'm at a
> >>> loss.
> >> 
> >> He should go get Red-Carpet. It will tell you about (and in most
> >> cases resolve) dependency issues. 
> >> 
> >> --
> >> Wielder of the mighty +1 LARTsaber of Unsubscribe Instructions At
> >> End of Message, the +3 Clue-by-Four of No Attachments to a Mailing
> >> List, and the -4 Shield of No Spell Checker
> >>
> Run rpm -q timidity to see if it really is there.  And I think rpm -v
> will verify the package to see if it's not corrupt.

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Problem with Perl -MCPAN...installing extras

2003-07-21 Thread Jason Williams
Hello everyone.
Im using RH 9.0
I was trying to install some additional perl items with perl -MCPAN today 
when I came across a problem and im unsure how to fix it.

I was trying to install: Archive::Zip when I received this error: Going to build N/NE/NEDKONZ/Archive-Zip-1.06.tar.gz

Checking if your kit is complete...
Looks good
Warning: I could not locate your pod2man program. Please make sure,
 your pod2man program is in your PATH before you execute 'make'
Writing Makefile for Archive::Zip
Makefile:88: *** missing separator.  Stop.
  /usr/bin/make  -- NOT OK
Running make test
  Can't test without successful make
Running make install
  make had returned bad status, install seems impossible
I thought I saw a link before that has a fix for the pod2man program, but I 
dont recall the link.
Anyone know how I can fix this problem? I am also noticing that this is 
happening with other items I try to instal as well.



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Load Balancing & Round Robin

2003-07-21 Thread Sevatio
What would I need to setup two Apache servers to serve the same domain 
name using load balancing & round robin?  Each user session must be 
limited to one server.  And it must be able to sense when one of the 
servers are down and skip over that server and move on to a working server.



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Re: Numlock

2003-07-21 Thread Bill Carlson
On 20 Jul 2003, Celso Pinto wrote:

> Hi all,
> i think i've searched everywhere but i can't find an answer for this:
> how do i turn numlock on when logging into gnome or starting xfree?

I use numlockx (

Stick it in ~/.Xclients or local equivalent.


Bill Carlson
Systems Administrator[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | Anything is possible,
Virtual Hospital  | given time and money.
University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics  |   
Opinions are mine, not my employer's. | 

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Re: Session Timeout for Apache?

2003-07-21 Thread Frank Bax
At 03:20 PM 7/21/03, Lee Flier wrote:

On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 14:42, John Nichel wrote:

> Since
> the browser caches the username and password with the authentication
> realm, as described earlier in this tutorial, this is not a function of
> the server configuration, but is a question of getting the browser to
> forget the credential information, so that the next time the resource is
> requested, the username and password must be supplied again. There are
> numerous situations in which this is desirable, such as when using a
> browser in a public location, and not wishing to leave the browser
> logged in, so that the next person can get into your bank account.
I do this all the time (as do a lot of web based services) by
authenticating using PHP scripts.  You can have sessions in PHP that
time out after a period of inactivity and if someone else tries to use
the page they will have to re-enter the username and password.  You can
allow access to other resources only through the script, though that may
not be possible with some services.

I've done this also.  In this case, I also include META "refresh" tags on 
all pages to "refresh" the client page, but the "refresh" actually presents 
a "you have been logged out" page, just the same as if the user had clicked 
the "logout" option of my menu system.


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RE: timidity

2003-07-21 Thread Mark Haney
Richard F. Hobson wrote:
> Thanks to both of you.
> I first ran "rpm -ivh" from the shell   and it got as far as GUI- went
> through the prep stage and then aborted with no error or other
> messages.  I downloaded Red-Carpet and installed (went smoothly). 
> Red Carpet ran the install and reported that timidity was already
> installed.  From a tour through diretories it looks like it IS
> installed, but shows up on no menu.  I ran "timidity" from the shell
> and got a normal looking welcome message(s) from timidity and then it
> shut down.   So how do I run timidity under X? 
> Rich.
> On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 13:17, Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:
>> On Monday 21 July 2003 11:39, Mark Haney wrote this in an attempt to
>> be witty and informative:
>>> I've seen this a couple of times, and both times it's been a
>>> dependency issue.  I.e. there's a package dependency that is causing
>>> the install to fail.  With the GUI package manager, it doesn't seem
>>> to tell you this. If you run rpm -ivh  it should tell
>>> you the dependency that's failed.  If that's not it, then I'm at a
>>> loss.
>> He should go get Red-Carpet. It will tell you about (and in most
>> cases resolve) dependency issues. 
>> --
>> Wielder of the mighty +1 LARTsaber of Unsubscribe Instructions At
>> End of Message, the +3 Clue-by-Four of No Attachments to a Mailing
>> List, and the -4 Shield of No Spell Checker

Run rpm -q timidity to see if it really is there.  And I think rpm -v
will verify the package to see if it's not corrupt.

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Re: timidity

2003-07-21 Thread Richard F. Hobson
Thanks to both of you.  

I first ran "rpm -ivh" from the shell   and it got as far as GUI- went
through the prep stage and then aborted with no error or other
messages.  I downloaded Red-Carpet and installed (went smoothly).  Red
Carpet ran the install and reported that timidity was already
installed.  From a tour through diretories it looks like it IS
installed, but shows up on no menu.  I ran "timidity" from the shell and
got a normal looking welcome message(s) from timidity and then it shut
down.   So how do I run timidity under X?


On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 13:17, Joseph A Nagy Jr wrote:
> On Monday 21 July 2003 11:39, Mark Haney wrote this in an attempt to be 
> witty and informative:
> > I've seen this a couple of times, and both times it's been a
> > dependency issue.  I.e. there's a package dependency that is causing
> > the install to fail.  With the GUI package manager, it doesn't seem
> > to tell you this. If you run rpm -ivh  it should tell
> > you the dependency that's failed.  If that's not it, then I'm at a
> > loss.
> He should go get Red-Carpet. It will tell you about (and in most cases 
> resolve) dependency issues.
> -- 
> Wielder of the mighty +1 LARTsaber of Unsubscribe Instructions At End of
> Message, the +3 Clue-by-Four of No Attachments to a Mailing List, and
> the -4 Shield of No Spell Checker

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Re: Session Timeout for Apache?

2003-07-21 Thread Lee Flier
On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 14:42, John Nichel wrote:

> Since 
> the browser caches the username and password with the authentication 
> realm, as described earlier in this tutorial, this is not a function of 
> the server configuration, but is a question of getting the browser to 
> forget the credential information, so that the next time the resource is 
> requested, the username and password must be supplied again. There are 
> numerous situations in which this is desirable, such as when using a 
> browser in a public location, and not wishing to leave the browser 
> logged in, so that the next person can get into your bank account.

I do this all the time (as do a lot of web based services) by
authenticating using PHP scripts.  You can have sessions in PHP that
time out after a period of inactivity and if someone else tries to use
the page they will have to re-enter the username and password.  You can
allow access to other resources only through the script, though that may
not be possible with some services.

What The...?

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Re: USB/PCMCIA 802.11b card to use with airsnort/wepcrack, etc?

2003-07-21 Thread George Nicholls
On Mon, 2003-07-21 at 20:36, Benjamin J. Weiss wrote:
> All,
> At work part of my responsibility is network security.  We have some
> WLANs on our network, and I've been tasked with seeing if they're
> secure.  I would like to try to "break in" from the outside.  If I can,
> then we obviously need to strengthen our security somehow (VPN maybe?).
> In any case, I need an 802.11b or 802.11g device, preferably USB but can
> be PCMCIA that will work with AirSnort, WEPCrack, etc.  Has anybody had
> good or bad experiences with any of the less expensive options out
> there?  I really don't want to spend more than $50 US if I can help it,
> though I'd be willing to pay more for USB (since it'd be usable on more
> PCs).

check out the following sites:

cards: wlan-ng project and atmelwlandriver at sourceforge

breaking in and security:
> Thanks!
> Ben

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Re: Session Timeout for Apache?

2003-07-21 Thread Mike McMullen
John, yes they use .htaccess. This confirms what I was coming
to realize.


- Original Message -
From: "John Nichel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 11:42 AM
Subject: Re: Session Timeout for Apache?

> Mike McMullen wrote:
> > Subject: Re: Session Timeout for Apache?
> >
> >
> >
> >>At 01:59 PM 7/21/03, Mike McMullen wrote:
> >> > Does anyone know of a utility or code that will
> >> > time-out a web session with Apache?
> >>
> >>
> >>in httpd.conf (default is 5 minutes):
> >>
> >>#
> >># Timeout: The number of seconds before receives and sends time out.
> >>#
> >>
> >>Timeout 300
> >>
> >
> >
> > Please forgive my ignorance on this but looking at the documentation now
> > for timeout I'm not certain this addresses what I want to do.
> >
> > I have users who access their information via certain CGI in their
> > public_html/bin directories of the home directories.
> >
> > When they access their CGI and files they are prompted for their
> > and password via the pop-up window.
> >
> > What I would like to have happen is after say 30 minutes of inactivity,
> > someone tries to click a button or run a CGI, they get prompted with the
> > pop-up login window of Apaches.
> >
> > Does Timeout address that?
> >
> > Sorry if this is "intuitively obvious",
> >
> > Mike
> Using .htaccess to protect the directory?
> "How do I log out?
> Since browsers first started implementing basic authentication, website
> administrators have wanted to know how to let the user log out. Since
> the browser caches the username and password with the authentication
> realm, as described earlier in this tutorial, this is not a function of
> the server configuration, but is a question of getting the browser to
> forget the credential information, so that the next time the resource is
> requested, the username and password must be supplied again. There are
> numerous situations in which this is desirable, such as when using a
> browser in a public location, and not wishing to leave the browser
> logged in, so that the next person can get into your bank account.
> However, although this is perhaps the most frequently asked question
> about basic authentication, thus far none of the major browser
> manufacturers have seen this as being a desirable feature to put into
> their products.
> Consequently, the answer to this question is, you can't. Sorry."
> --
> redhat-list mailing list
> unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]

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RE: Adding users

2003-07-21 Thread Kyle Gasho
I use webmin ( It's a nice and easy admin tool, the option
for SSH is there.


-Original Message-
From: Distribution Lists [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 9:21 AM
Subject: RE: Adding users

sound a good idea. I already have telent blocked via iptables can you point
me to some information ssh access and trusted users I assume its just a
matter of some config changes I have to make in the sshd config file

> If it was me, I would disable telnet, and only allow access to SSH to 
> "trusted" users.> -me
> -Original Message-
> From: Distribution Lists [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Sent: Monday, July 21, 2003 9:15 AM
> Subject: Re: Adding users
> The account has a password. I can logon if in /etc/passwd I set to a 
> vaild shell, i.e. /bin/bash
> Regards
>> Distribution Lists wrote:
>>> I tried that, but you can't login with ftp
At 7/21/2003 11:47 -0500, you wrote:

>I am running RH 7.2 and wu-ftp.
>Does anyone know how I would setup ftp for users but not give them 
>access to other services like telnet, ssh etc...

Set their shell to /bin/false or /bin/nologin.

Rodolfo J. Paiz

redhat-list mailing list

>> I think (underline think) that if you just set the account to have no 
>> password, you cannot get a shell.  I'm not sure, so you may want to 
>> take that with a grain of salt before trying it.
>> --
>> redhat-list mailing list
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> --
> --
> redhat-list mailing list
> unsubscribe mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> **
> ***
> This document and any files transmitted with it are confidential and 
> are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom 
> they are addressed. This communication may contain material protected 
> by the attorney-client privilege or other privileges or protections 
> from discovery, such as the physician-patient privilege, or a peer 
> review privilege, such as California Evidence Code Section 1157. If 
> you are not the intended recipient or the individual responsible for 
> delivering the document to the intended recipient, please be advised 
> that you have received this document in error and that any use, 
> dissemination, forwarding, printing, or copying of this document is 
> strictly prohibited. If you have received this document in error, 
> please notify the sender immediately, and destroy all copies of the 
> document.
> **
> ***
> --
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This document and any files transmitted with it are confidential and are
intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are
addressed. This communication may contain material protected by the
attorney-client privilege or other privileges or protections from
discovery, such as the physician-patient privilege, or a peer review
privilege, such as California Evidence Code Section 1157. If you are not
the intended recipient or the individual responsible for delivering the
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If you have received this document in error, please notify the sender
immediately, and destroy all copies of the document.


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Re: Session Timeout for Apache?

2003-07-21 Thread John Nichel
Mike McMullen wrote:
Subject: Re: Session Timeout for Apache?

At 01:59 PM 7/21/03, Mike McMullen wrote:
> Does anyone know of a utility or code that will
> time-out a web session with Apache?
in httpd.conf (default is 5 minutes):

# Timeout: The number of seconds before receives and sends time out.
Timeout 300

Please forgive my ignorance on this but looking at the documentation now 
for timeout I'm not certain this addresses what I want to do.

I have users who access their information via certain CGI in their 
public_html/bin directories of the home directories.

When they access their CGI and files they are prompted for their username
and password via the pop-up window.
What I would like to have happen is after say 30 minutes of inactivity, if 
someone tries to click a button or run a CGI, they get prompted with the
pop-up login window of Apaches.

Does Timeout address that?

Sorry if this is "intuitively obvious",

Using .htaccess to protect the directory?
"How do I log out?
Since browsers first started implementing basic authentication, website 
administrators have wanted to know how to let the user log out. Since 
the browser caches the username and password with the authentication 
realm, as described earlier in this tutorial, this is not a function of 
the server configuration, but is a question of getting the browser to 
forget the credential information, so that the next time the resource is 
requested, the username and password must be supplied again. There are 
numerous situations in which this is desirable, such as when using a 
browser in a public location, and not wishing to leave the browser 
logged in, so that the next person can get into your bank account.

However, although this is perhaps the most frequently asked question 
about basic authentication, thus far none of the major browser 
manufacturers have seen this as being a desirable feature to put into 
their products.

Consequently, the answer to this question is, you can't. Sorry."

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USB/PCMCIA 802.11b card to use with airsnort/wepcrack, etc?

2003-07-21 Thread Benjamin J. Weiss

At work part of my responsibility is network security.  We have some
WLANs on our network, and I've been tasked with seeing if they're
secure.  I would like to try to "break in" from the outside.  If I can,
then we obviously need to strengthen our security somehow (VPN maybe?).

In any case, I need an 802.11b or 802.11g device, preferably USB but can
be PCMCIA that will work with AirSnort, WEPCrack, etc.  Has anybody had
good or bad experiences with any of the less expensive options out
there?  I really don't want to spend more than $50 US if I can help it,
though I'd be willing to pay more for USB (since it'd be usable on more



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Re: { and } command ?

2003-07-21 Thread MKlinke
On Monday 21 July 2003 13:12, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
> I login as root (or su -) and hit Tab once. When the shell asked
> "Displaying so and so possibilities", I said Y. At the very last
> list, I saw command "{" and "}" (without the quote).
> What in the world is that ?
> which {, which }, locate {, locate } return nothing.
> Thanks.

Could it be itemizing the "reserved words" of bash?  I also get the 
following characther when I try what you're doing. (man bash)

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Re: Session Timeout for Apache?

2003-07-21 Thread Mike McMullen

Subject: Re: Session Timeout for Apache?

> At 01:59 PM 7/21/03, Mike McMullen wrote:
>  > Does anyone know of a utility or code that will
>  > time-out a web session with Apache?
> in httpd.conf (default is 5 minutes):
> #
> # Timeout: The number of seconds before receives and sends time out.
> #
> Timeout 300

Please forgive my ignorance on this but looking at the documentation now 
for timeout I'm not certain this addresses what I want to do.

I have users who access their information via certain CGI in their 
public_html/bin directories of the home directories.

When they access their CGI and files they are prompted for their username
and password via the pop-up window.

What I would like to have happen is after say 30 minutes of inactivity, if 
someone tries to click a button or run a CGI, they get prompted with the
pop-up login window of Apaches.

Does Timeout address that?

Sorry if this is "intuitively obvious",


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Re: Session Timeout for Apache?

2003-07-21 Thread Frank Bax
At 01:59 PM 7/21/03, Mike McMullen wrote:
> Does anyone know of a utility or code that will
> time-out a web session with Apache?
in httpd.conf (default is 5 minutes):

# Timeout: The number of seconds before receives and sends time out.
Timeout 300

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{ and } command ?

2003-07-21 Thread Reuben D. Budiardja

I login as root (or su -) and hit Tab once. When the shell asked "Displaying 
so and so possibilities", I said Y. At the very last list, I saw command "{" 
and "}" (without the quote).

What in the world is that ?

which {, which }, locate {, locate } return nothing.


Reuben D. Budiardja

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