Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-06-01 Thread alan . coelho

I would like to add my two cents to the discussion on ESDs and

Paolo wrote:

> Clearly, the ESD on x1 have worsened in this simple case.  This does not
> prove the general case, but there might be a proof for that as well.

This conclusion was reached by applying non-linear least squares to
solving for x1 and x2 in the following:

^I1=x1+x2; I2=x1+2*x2, I3=x2, and assuming unitary weights.

ESDs squared were calculated as
2 and 2/3 for x1 and x2 respectively:
and 5 and 2 for x1 and x2 respectively excluding I3

This change in ESDs makes perfect sense to me. Excluding I3 lessens the
certainty in determining x2 which in turn lessens the certainty in
determining  x1. My conclusion is that there is nothing wrong with the
ESDs calculated. 

Now,  for x1 and x2 to be independent of I3 then I3 should not contain
any parameters that are also in equations that are functions of x1 and
x2; for example:

I1 = x1 + x2
I2 = x1 + 2 x2
I3 = x3

I3 here is now independent of I3. And the A and B matrices becomes:

A = {{2, 3, 0}, {3, 5, 0}, {0, 0, 1}}
B = {{5, -3, 0}, {-3, 2, 0}, {0, 0, 1}}

Excluding I3 means excluding x3 as well; the A and B matrices here are:

A = {{2, 3}, {3, 5}}
B = {{5, -3}, {-3, 2}}

As you can see that in both cases the ESDs for x1 and x2 are the same.

Some other points I would like to clear up,

> 1) You construct the Aij matrix (also sometimes called the Hessian matrix)
> Aij=D^2chi^2/DxiDxj (D is the partial derivative sign.  E-mail is
> still too primitive)

The term Hessian matrix refers to the second order terms obtained when
expanding a function in a Taylor series.

Typically Chi^2 is written as:

 Chi^2 = Sum[  w(i)^2 (Io(i) - Ic(i))^2 , i]

where Io(i) an the observed data point
Ic(i) a calclated data point
w(i)^2 the weighting term for data point I
and the summation is over i

Ic(i) is expanded to a first order Taylor approximation, or:

Ic(i) = Ic(i, P) + Sum[ dIc(i)/dP(p) Del(p) , p]

where P is the parameter vector 
Del(p) the change in parameter P(p)
dIc(i)/dP(p) is the derivative of the Ic(I) wrt parameter P(p)
Chi^2 becomes

 Chi^2 = Sum[  w(i)^2 (Io(i) - Ic(i, P) - Sum[ dIc(i)/dP(p) Del(p) ,
p])^2 , i]

Differentiating Chi^2 wrt to each parameter P(p) and equating these
equation to zero yields the normal equations which in matrix form looks

A Del(P) = Y

where Aij = Sum[  w(i) dIc(i)/dP(i)  dIc(i)/dP(i)  , i]

These equations are then solved for the changes in the parameters
Del(P). This term for Aij is different to the one given by Paolo and is
applicable to single crystal data. It is also applicable to powder data
by replacing i by 2Th and I by the intensities as a function of 2Th.
Thus I do not know where the following term by Paolo came from:

^   Aij=D^2chi^2/DxiDxj 

Note that it is sometimes useful to expand Chi^2 itself but not in the
analysis of XRD data.


RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-27 Thread Armel Le Bail

Jon Wright wrote :

>PS: Any offers other than GSAS and multipattern fullprof for actually
>doing these fits? 

Yes  ARITVE, for amorphous compounds :

Nevertheless, ARITVE can work also for crystallized compounds
with simple profile shape (gaussian only), and no zeropoint,
and etc : do not try !

I have tested a combined Rietveld refinement on calculated
neutron and X-ray data for CuVO3. Good news, the neutron data
inclusion does not seem to degrade the X-ray result ;-). However
ARITVE works by using f/ values, so that the X-ray data
looks like neutron ones : no intensity decrease at large angle...


Armel Le Bail - Université du Maine, Laboratoire des Fluorures,
CNRS ESA 6010, Av. O. Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France

Re: [RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements]

1999-05-26 Thread Andrew Wills

OK, so iff the structure can be properly described by both datasets, the
main problem that we have is what to do with the esd's and chi**2. It seems
that the best thing is for the refinement software to give individual values
for each refinement and then an overall value (perhaps rescaled). At least
then when we look at a publication we can properly examine the quality of a
refinement which is of course what we want. 

Bob (von Dreele) and Juan (Rodriguez-Carvajal), do you have any comments on
this if you are listening?


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RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-26 Thread P . G . Radaelli

Well, it looks like my "feeling" might have been wrong this time.  The way
you may want to go through the "tedious" proof is the following.

1) You construct the Aij matrix (also sometimes called the Hessian matrix)

Aij=D^2chi^2/DxiDxj (D is the partial derivative sign.  E-mail is
still too primitive)

In the simple case of a single crystal this is often approximated as

Aij=Sum Wh*DIh/Dxi*DIh/Dxj

2) You invert the matrix: Bij=(Aij)^-1

3) Assuming chi^2=1, the ESD are the square roots of the diagonal elements
of Bij.

You can do this for very simple cases, say with 3 reflections and 2

I1=x1+x2; I2=x1+2*x2, I3=x2, and assuming unitary weights.

Taking into account all 3 reflections, you get:

 2  -1
-1  2/3

Excluding I3 (which is insensitive to x1) you get

 5  -3
-3   2

Clearly, the ESD on x1 have worsened in this simple case.  This does not
prove the general case, but there might be a proof for that as well.

Sorry about the confusion.


RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-25 Thread Lubomir Smrcok

On Tue, 25 May 1999, Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble wrote:

> Mainly because the ESD's are only correctly calculated if the model
> is CAPABLE of fitting the data.  This is not usually true when systematic 
> errors are important compared to statistical errors, since the model is
> usually not capable of describing these systematic errors fully - 
> background, texture etc... 
...and weights.


RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-25 Thread Jon Wright

On Tue, 25 May 1999, Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble wrote:

> >>I guess the degradation which is found would come from parameters which
> >>are determined by both datasets and come out with different values in each
> >>separate refinement. 
> If they come out differently it is because they are differently biased by 
> different systematic errors in the data not described by the model.  

I was thinking of C-H (D) bondlengths from x-ray and neutron data. Don't
they come out differently if you use spherical form factors for the x-ray
data? I guess a neutron expert might look on this as an systematic error
in the x-ray model :) Maybe not if one looks on the x-ray refinement as
fitting of the electron density function, rather than the nuclear 
positions. For bonding studies it is the differences which are of 

Jon Wright.

PS: Any offers other than GSAS and multipattern fullprof for actually
doing these fits? 

RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-25 Thread Jon Wright

On Tue, 25 May 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Not necessarily.  In order to get the ESD, the variance-covariance matrix is
> multiplied by chi^2, and the roots of the diagonal elements are taken.

The justification for multiplying by chi^2 is to assume that the
systematic errors are really just due to overestimated counting statistics
and you can rescale the weight of each data point accordingly. A question
arises as to whether you should rescale each pattern's esds according to
the individual patterns chi^2 or do you have to use the overall chi^2 for
both together?

Thinking of an (over-determined) D20 data and an (under-determined) lab
x-ray data set then it makes sense to rescale errors for the D20 data but
not the x-ray (common sense?!). It seems as if the method for calculating
the esd's is nonsense - surely one can only justify rescaling the weights
on a per dataset basis. The systematic errors which are being accounted
for in each dataset are different. Fullprof (multipattern) does give a
chi^2 per pattern although I don't know how it gets the esd's, GSAS
doesn't so I assume it degrades the esd's. (I read that the multiplication
by chi^2 has no basis in statistics anyway :)  

So is it compulsory to multiply by the overall chi^2? If not then I see no
reason for a degradation unless the individual fits get worse due to a
disagreement over a parameter. 

> Therefore, if the chi^2 of the combined refinement is worse than that of the
> individual ones, the ESD will automatically be worsened.  I think this is by
> far the commonest case. 

Agreed although I'm interpreting it as an odd method for estimating an
error. Is it set in stone?

>  Also, by adding reflections that are insensitive to
> a given parameter my feeling is that you increase the esd on that parameter
> even if chi^2=1, but the proof of this is too tedious.

Can you direct me to a text with this tedious proof? My feeling is that if
the derivative of a data point w.r.t a parameter is small or zero then it
does not affect the LSQ calculation unless it alters the chi^2.  If the
chi^2 is 1 then how do an extra bunch of zero derivatives affect an
esd??? For example adding or excluding background regions shouldn't alter
the esd's on positions provided the chi^2 is unchanged. 

Is there anything other than GSAS for doing combined fits anyway?
Apologies to the list if I am displaying my ignorance, sometimes it's the
quickest way to learn.

Jon Wright

PS: Sorry to pick at your comments Paolo, it's a shame I'm not at RAL at
the moment. Could have discussed it out over a coffee...

RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-25 Thread Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble

>>I guess the degradation which is found would come from parameters which
>>are determined by both datasets and come out with different values in each
>>separate refinement. 

If they come out differently it is because they are differently biased by 
different systematic errors in the data not described by the model.  

>Not necessarily.  In order to get the ESD, the variance-covariance matrix is
>multiplied by chi^2, and the roots of the diagonal elements are taken.
>Therefore, if the chi^2 of the combined refinement is worse than that of the
>individual ones, the ESD will automatically be worsened.

You may also get a higher chi^2 with higher resolution data, so does that 
mean that the structure will be less well determined with hi res data ?

I think not, because the correlation between structural parameters should 
then be smaller - even if you have more points to fit with the same number
of parameters, and the peak shapes are less well described by the model.
You should similarly do better if you have both X-ray and neutron data 
(in the absence of bias).

>Also, by adding reflections that are insensitive to
>a given parameter my feeling is that you increase the esd on that parameter
>even if chi^2=1, but the proof of this is too tedious. 

Tedious and also impossible ? (This sounds like a contradiction in terms)
There is no case you can make based on pure statistics or the mathematics 
of refinement.  The only way combined refinement can be worse is if you 
introduce bias through systematic error (which unfortunately may happen).

>... in most cases that the ESD's are underestimated.

Mainly because the ESD's are only correctly calculated if the model
is CAPABLE of fitting the data.  This is not usually true when systematic 
errors are important compared to statistical errors, since the model is
usually not capable of describing these systematic errors fully - 
background, texture etc... 

The conclusion is that you should use combined refinements provided that
one set of data does not contain important uncorrected systematic errors.

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> tel (33)  fax (33)

RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-25 Thread Ed Cussen

As chi^2 is a function of the number of data points included in the
refinement, combined refinements have considerably improved values for a
total chi^2 when compared with refinements carried out against individual
data sets.  

Correspondingly the ESDs in the combined refinement output should be
significantly lower than those obtained from a single data set refinement
unless there is something drastically wrong with the application of
combined refinement to the particular problem (e.g. preferred orientation,
surface vs bulk etc).  

It is my experience that the combined refinement chi^2 is always lower
than that obtained from using just (say) the neutron data.  We have
frequently collected data sets at both room temperature and 5 K using D2b. 
The room temperature data are refined simultaneously with lab X-ray data
to give a chi^2 of 2.02 whilst the D2b data collected at 5 K refined as a
single data set gives chi^2 of 4.53 (published in JACS, 1999, 121,
3958-3967).  In my experience this improvement in chi^2 is typical. 

Eddie Cussen

Inorganic Chemistry Laboratory,
Department of Chemistry,
University of Oxford,
South Parks Road,
Oxford, OX1 3QR
United Kingdom
tel: (..44)(0)1865-272602
Fax: (..44)(0)1865-272690

On Tue, 25 May 1999 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Jon Wright wrote:
> >I guess the degradation which is found would come from parameters which
> >are determined by both datasets and come out with different values in each
> >separate refinement. 
> Not necessarily.  In order to get the ESD, the variance-covariance matrix is
> multiplied by chi^2, and the roots of the diagonal elements are taken.
> Therefore, if the chi^2 of the combined refinement is worse than that of the
> individual ones, the ESD will automatically be worsened.  I think this is by
> far the commonest case.  Also, by adding reflections that are insensitive to
> a given parameter my feeling is that you increase the esd on that parameter
> even if chi^2=1, but the proof of this is too tedious.
> Paolo  

RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-25 Thread P . G . Radaelli

Jon Wright wrote:

>I guess the degradation which is found would come from parameters which
>are determined by both datasets and come out with different values in each
>separate refinement. 

Not necessarily.  In order to get the ESD, the variance-covariance matrix is
multiplied by chi^2, and the roots of the diagonal elements are taken.
Therefore, if the chi^2 of the combined refinement is worse than that of the
individual ones, the ESD will automatically be worsened.  I think this is by
far the commonest case.  Also, by adding reflections that are insensitive to
a given parameter my feeling is that you increase the esd on that parameter
even if chi^2=1, but the proof of this is too tedious.


Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-25 Thread Jon Wright

Hi all,

Am I right in thinking there are roughly two camps in this dicussion?
Those who think that adding more data degrades the refinement if that data
is not useful and those who think it makes no difference. (I say 'not
useful' in the context of Vanadium in neutron data or deuterium in x-ray
data for examples).

My understanding is that the least squares matrix is made up of the
derivatives of the differences between data and model w.r.t the parameters
you are refining. So if a dataset has no useful information for a  
parameter then the relevant derivatives are zero. So there should be no
degradation in the esd on the parameter, right? This would imply both
datasets should (always) be used simaltaneously.

I guess the degradation which is found would come from parameters which
are determined by both datasets and come out with different values in each
separate refinement. The higher esd reflects the disagreement between the
neutrons and x-rays. (Now enter the questions about precision and
accuracy.) Is this the area where there is a disagreement? What should one
do when the datasets disagree with each other? Ideally work out why and
model that in a combined fit! In practice either 

-Do a combined fit and report postions with higher esd's (as you aren't
 too sure where the atoms really are.)

-Do two separate fits, each having lower esd's but disagreeing with each

Which is better? 

Enough from me now, it's time to do some work today. Incidentally does
anyone have an example of a refinement where parameters are degraded by
the combined fit *and* they agree with each other when two separate fits
are carried out.

Jon Wright

PhD Student, Chemistry Dept, Cambridge Uni, UK.

On 25 May 1999, Andrew Wills wrote:

> Alan,
> I am not suggesting removing reflections. But, I think that we should make
> sure that we are combining the data in the best possible way. If we know have
> strong information on a vanadium position from X-rays and (extrapolate again)
> have only noise from neutrons, then stastically introducing the neutron data
> whilst no changing the best fit will degrade the least - squares approach to
> it. The final structure should fit all data, but are we approaching it
> optimally? I know that this is a can of worms, but it is good to think about
> what we are doing as combined refinements will continue to become less exotic.
> -Andrew
> --
> Andrew Wills
> Centre D'Études Nucléaires de Grenoble
> "Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >If we have an atom that is seen by one
> >radiation and not by the other there will be a degradation in the quality of
> >the parameters by combining the refinement in the current fashion. 
> Do you mean for example that we might degrade the parameters of a V atom 
> by introducing neutron data ?
> I don't think this is true, but it is an interesting question.  If we were to
> extrapolate this argument "ad absurdum" we could say that because some
> reflections (for a given radiation) do not give any information about some 
> parameters (easy to demonstrate) then we would obtain better estimates 
> for those parameters by removing those reflections from the least squares 
> process.  (Surely untrue :-)

RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements]]]

1999-05-25 Thread Andrew Wills

Oops, forgive the typos! I haven't found a coffee yet :-)


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Re: [Re: [RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements]]

1999-05-25 Thread Andrew Wills


I am not suggesting removing reflections. But, I think that we should make
sure that we are combining the data in the best possible way. If we know have
strong information on a vanadium position from X-rays and (extrapolate again)
have only noise from neutrons, then stastically introducing the neutron data
whilst no changing the best fit will degrade the least - squares approach to
it. The final structure should fit all data, but are we approaching it
optimally? I know that this is a can of worms, but it is good to think about
what we are doing as combined refinements will continue to become less exotic.

Andrew Wills
Centre D'Études Nucléaires de Grenoble

"Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>If we have an atom that is seen by one
>radiation and not by the other there will be a degradation in the quality of
>the parameters by combining the refinement in the current fashion. 

Do you mean for example that we might degrade the parameters of a V atom 
by introducing neutron data ?

I don't think this is true, but it is an interesting question.  If we were to
extrapolate this argument "ad absurdum" we could say that because some
reflections (for a given radiation) do not give any information about some 
parameters (easy to demonstrate) then we would obtain better estimates 
for those parameters by removing those reflections from the least squares 
process.  (Surely untrue :-)

What is true is that if we introduce systematic errors by combining 
radiations, we may indeed degrade the result.  For example if we have
serious preferred orientation with a very small X-ray sample, it is
probably unwise to introduce this biased information into the refinement
of the neutron data, where there may be less bias because of the average
over a much larger volume.  

But if the data is not biased, you must always (?) do better by including
more data, with for example combined X-ray and neutron refinements.

>Surely, it
>would be better to use a new weighting function for the atomic parameters,
>that is dependent on the scattering lengths for each radiation.

Playing around with weighting schemes is to enter dangerous territory.

Alan H.

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> tel (33)  fax (33)

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Re: [RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements]

1999-05-25 Thread Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble

>If we have an atom that is seen by one
>radiation and not by the other there will be a degradation in the quality of
>the parameters by combining the refinement in the current fashion. 

Do you mean for example that we might degrade the parameters of a V atom 
by introducing neutron data ?

I don't think this is true, but it is an interesting question.  If we were to
extrapolate this argument "ad absurdum" we could say that because some
reflections (for a given radiation) do not give any information about some 
parameters (easy to demonstrate) then we would obtain better estimates 
for those parameters by removing those reflections from the least squares 
process.  (Surely untrue :-)

What is true is that if we introduce systematic errors by combining 
radiations, we may indeed degrade the result.  For example if we have
serious preferred orientation with a very small X-ray sample, it is
probably unwise to introduce this biased information into the refinement
of the neutron data, where there may be less bias because of the average
over a much larger volume.  

But if the data is not biased, you must always (?) do better by including
more data, with for example combined X-ray and neutron refinements.

>Surely, it
>would be better to use a new weighting function for the atomic parameters,
>that is dependent on the scattering lengths for each radiation.

Playing around with weighting schemes is to enter dangerous territory.

Alan H.

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> tel (33)  fax (33)

Re: [RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements]

1999-05-23 Thread Andrew Wills

Dear All,

Firstly, it was a pleasure to return to my email and read an interesting 
discussion on combined refinements. It is good to have aired some of the
problems and limitations (e.g. are neutrons and X-rays seeing the 'same'
sample?). With a simplistic view, this technique must be the way ahead as we
are adding together more independent information. A good question to raise
now, is how we should do it best. If we have an atom that is seen by one
radiation and not by the other there will be a degradation in the quality of
the parameters by combining the refinement in the current fashion. Surely, it
would be better to use a new weighting function for the atomic parameters,
that is dependent on the scattering lengths for each radiation. Ignoring the
systematic errors that differ between neutrons and X-rays , perhaps the
question that should be raised is how to best combine the information that
each dataset holds.


Andrew Wills (Dr)
Centre D'Études Nucléaires de Grenoble


Tao, the easiest way to add a list of atoms to a GSAS phase is by manual
editing of the .exp file. I have a little program (DOS) that does this if you
are interested.

Get your own FREE, personal Netscape WebMail account today at

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-12 Thread L. Cranswick

On Armel's point on using the internet.

The big microscopy centres seem to be going big time for 
TelePresence/Collaboratories where collaborators and users
can routinely use the internet rather than expensively hopping
on and off planes to interactively make use of the eqiupmen:

Also, high reliability automatic sample changers are routine in 
laboratory XRD systems and are great time savers for both 
users and equipment staff.
An example with a Philips X'PERT system using a 42 sample PW1775
sample changer: a user was able to load 42 samples for long
Rietveld data collections and go on two weeks holiday leave while
the data collected.  (Though I did check the XRD each day on
their behalf).  Though what synchrotron/neutron facilities
have such an option  (getting up at ~2am to change a sample
over is not that much fun)?  
(From memory, there was a rotary sample changer on Bob von 
Dreele's neutron powder diffractometer?)


> Jaap wrote :
> >With regard to the "brown envelope" technique. I am not such a fan of
> >that. It is very hard for a beam line scientist the know whether the data
> >collected are as desired, have a good enough s/r ratio etc, which details
> >to look for. In addition, the last few years when we went we had more
> >samples that we good run sensibly. For that reason I use 'on the fly'
> >refinements  to check whether things are going OK. With respect to the
> >additional costs, what are the daily running costs of say D2b or HRPD,
> >10,000-15,000 dollar orso? The travel costs are than a relative small part
> >of the total cost involved.  
> Arguments rejected ;-). We are at Internet times. Your professional
> eyes need to see the powder pattern ? OK, then install a WebCam
> on the instrument (less than 100 US $), and discuss by WebPhone
> with the engineer or technician in charge of the measurement. And
> you can do it from the beach, diving into that glorious caribean sea,
> though washing your soul of all your recent sins. Of course, if you
> want to walk on the mountain at Grenoble, this idea will seem
> ridiculous. Furthermore, the travel cost and all costs may be at the
> charge of the Facility, when a proposal is accepted. If the labs had
> to pay, there will even be less external neutron users than now. Does
> NIST take in charge all expenses as ILL do ?
> Best,
> Armel Le Bail - Universite du Maine, Laboratoire des Fluorures,
> CNRS ESA 6010, Av. O. Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France

Lachlan M. D. Cranswick

Collaborative Computational Project No 14 (CCP14)
for Single Crystal and Powder Diffraction
Daresbury Laboratory, Warrington, WA4 4AD U.K
Tel: +44-1925-603703  Fax: +44-1925-603124
E-mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  Ext: 3703  Room C14
NEW CCP14 Web Domain (Under heavy construction):

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-12 Thread Armel Le Bail

Jaap wrote :

>With regard to the "brown envelope" technique. I am not such a fan of
>that. It is very hard for a beam line scientist the know whether the data
>collected are as desired, have a good enough s/r ratio etc, which details
>to look for. In addition, the last few years when we went we had more
>samples that we good run sensibly. For that reason I use 'on the fly'
>refinements  to check whether things are going OK. With respect to the
>additional costs, what are the daily running costs of say D2b or HRPD,
>10,000-15,000 dollar orso? The travel costs are than a relative small part
>of the total cost involved.  

Arguments rejected ;-). We are at Internet times. Your professional
eyes need to see the powder pattern ? OK, then install a WebCam
on the instrument (less than 100 US $), and discuss by WebPhone
with the engineer or technician in charge of the measurement. And
you can do it from the beach, diving into that glorious caribean sea,
though washing your soul of all your recent sins. Of course, if you
want to walk on the mountain at Grenoble, this idea will seem
ridiculous. Furthermore, the travel cost and all costs may be at the
charge of the Facility, when a proposal is accepted. If the labs had
to pay, there will even be less external neutron users than now. Does
NIST take in charge all expenses as ILL do ?


Armel Le Bail - Universite du Maine, Laboratoire des Fluorures,
CNRS ESA 6010, Av. O. Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-11 Thread Jon Wright

On Tue, 11 May 1999, Armel Le Bail wrote:

> I already suggested to install such an "automatic" powder diffractometer
> at ILL. As Alan wrote recently, this could be a question of manpower.
> I think that this is rather a local political question : it is not a very
> interesting job for a human being to be a simple sample loader...

A scheme like this could open up NPD to a wider range of users which would
inevitably mean new users...? The simple loader might get involved in a
lot of collaborations by returing refinement results instead of just raw
data. They would also be in a unique position to offer the odd favour here
and there. So long as it doesn't mean getting up every six hours then I
think it sounds like a fantastic job. 

In any case - since simaltaneous fitting is being discussed - I have
a question about multipattern fullprof which is now available as a beta
version. It appears you can assign the statistical weight to each pattern,
and in the example x-rays and neutrons are weighted equally. I'm wondering
what the best choice is. Each observation comes with a statistical weight
from the experiment? Isn't it a sin to alter that?

Jon Wright

  PhD Student, Dept. of Chemistry, Lensfield Road, Cambridge, CB2 1EW, UK

RE: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-11 Thread P . G . Radaelli

Dear All,

here is my (biased) opinion on the whole matter.

1) Intensity data:  neutron powder diffraction *always* yield better
intensity data than x-ray powder diffraction, including synchrotron.
Contrary to popular belief, this is true not only for mixtures of heavy and
light atoms, but also for all light or all heavy atoms.  An interesting
example of this was given by Bill David with his spherical harmonic
refinement of C60 (a very fair test for x-rays).  HRPD data yielded correct
harmonic components up to l=18 (this was subsequently confirmed by a
sigle-crystal XRD measurement). For synchrotron data, even the first
component had the wrong sign (!).  The exact reasons of this superiority
have never been precisely quantified (to my knowledge), but it is generally
believed to be due to the smaller amount of systematic errors.  Preferred
orientation has already been mentioned, but another big source of systematic
errors in synchrotron XRD is powder statistics, because the beam is highly
collimated on a small sample.  You just need to take a look at the
oscilloscope while the sample is spinning to understand what I am talking
about.   The advent of hard x-ray beamlines is not easing the problem: true,
the beams are more penetrating, but you are selecting even fewer grains
because the reciprocal space is compressed.

2) Atomic contribution.  In general, x-ray data are dominated by the heavy
atoms.  This is not necessarily always a disadvantage, and, in fact, it can
be a big advantage for complex structures.  Here, the classic example is
drug structure solution, where neutrons are hopeless just because they see
too much.

3) Signal-to-noise ratio:  at the moment, x-rays give far better STN ratios
than neutrons.  This means, that they are better at identifying weak
features (e.g., weak superlattice peaks), even when have large light atom

4) Resolution: many neutron diffractometers have sufficient resolution so
that this is not an issue in structural refinements, because peak widths at
high q are usually sample-limited.  The exceptions are large low-symmetry
unit cells, where you can start telling the difference, say, between HRPD
and D2B in terms of refinement stability.  However, this assessment changes
dramatically when you start talking about indexing and strain analysis.
Here, only HRPD can compete with synchrotrons.

5) Complementary vs. simultaneous use:  I personally think that there are
many more cases for complementary use than for simultaneous use.  This is
certainly the case of my own work on perovskite superlattices, where I have
published synchrotron and neutron data in the same paper many times, but I
have never published a single simultaneous refinement.  Not that I have
never tried:  in fact, I have several published examples of simultaneous
refinements of two neutron wavelengths.  However, when I tried to add the
x-rays, I almost invariably spoiled the neutron results.  I used the x-ray
data to determine the strain model and to extract weak superlattice peaks.
At the other extreme (small organic molecules) there is also a good case for
complementary use, where x-rays are used to refine the non-hydrogen
positions, which are then fixed in the neutron refinements to get the
hydrogen positions.
In general, I believe that simultaneous refinements are not worth the effort
unless there is a clear reward in sight, like in the case of contrast
variations to get occupancies in multiple solid solutions.

6) Accessibility.  Armel's argument sounds a lot like the Aesop's fox (nolo
acerbam sumere=these grapes are too sour), with the important difference
that Armel could jump a little higher if he really wanted to get to the
neutrons.  Accessibility is an issue, but it can only be addressed if there
is a consensus on the need to use the technique.  I am absolutely sure that
if enough chemists make enough noise that they want to measure their hot
sample one week after they synthesized, they are going to get a rapid NPD
service.  And there need not be a human sample changer, you know.  We've got
machines for that.



Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-11 Thread Brian H. Toby

> With regard to the "brown envelope" technique. I am not such a fan of
> that. 

I have mixed feelings about the "brown envelope" technique. I do think
that traveling to collect data that are run under routine,
semi-automatic, conditions can be a waste of time and money, so Armel
has a very good point. But like all the other neutron centers, but we
are not staffed to run a mail-order shop. Further much work does really
does benefit from having the experimenter here to learn 1) how things
work and 2) to fiddle with the program of data collection (no battle
plan survives contact with the enemy). A lot of previous discussions
have centered around recognizing (and where possible proper treatment
of) experimental artifacts in data. When instruments are virtual, who
will know how to recognize the problems. So yes I agree that,
> my presence
> at Washington together with my samples would be a plus.

Dr. Jaap Vente wrote:
> Now I will go to the beach and dive into that glorious caribean sea and
> wash my soul of all my recent sins.


Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-11 Thread Dr. Jaap Vente

What Armel is describing is precisely the way we started. We used it when
required, discussed over a few pints whether it was a good idea or not,
and came to the conclusion that it was. Later we tried it also on
refinements where the need was not so clear, and now it is routine. I have
not read any real arguments against it. But may be I am blind to that.

Further, my remarks related the oxides were more directed at the
precision/esd of the oxide position. Of course I do know where the oxides
are within say 0.05A but i want it an order of magnitude better. Remember
that most structural distortions in metal oxides are due to displacements
of the oxide sublattice and often you fail to observe that with X-rays. 

With regard to the "brown envelope" technique. I am not such a fan of
that. It is very hard for a beam line scientist the know whether the data
collected are as desired, have a good enough s/r ratio etc, which details
to look for. In addition, the last few years when we went we had more
samples that we good run sensibly. For that reason I use 'on the fly'
refinements  to check whether things are going OK. With respect to the
additional costs, what are the daily running costs of say D2b or HRPD,
10,000-15,000 dollar orso? The travel costs are than a relative small part
of the total cost involved.  

> refinement was really fruitful (speaking of V atoms comes certainly to
> mind, but why not prepare an isomorphous sample without V ?-).

Because you want to study the V containing sample of course! 

Now I will go to the beach and dive into that glorious caribean sea and
wash my soul of all my recent sins.



Jaap Vente
Cinvestav-IPN Unidad Merida
Departamento de Fisica Aplicada
Carretera Ant. a Progreso km 6
Apartado Postal #73 Cordemex
Merida, Yucatan, 97310
Fax: (..) 52 - 99 - 812917
Tel: (..) 52 - 99 - 812960 ext 246/233

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-11 Thread Neil Hyatt

Alan Hewat wrote:

>Before some-one else says they can see hydrogen with x-rays, Mike
>Glazer, Bill David and I saw vanadium with neutrons. So let's just 
>say "insensitive" but not "completely". Otherwise I agree :-) 
>Combined refinements are sometimes necessary and a good thing.
>1. David, W. I. F., Glazer, A. M. and Hewat, A. W. (1979) Phase
Transitions  1, 155-69.
>The structure and ferroelastic phase transition of bismuth vanadate (BiVO4).

I'd agree with Alan that neutrons are a little "insensitive" to vanadium.
I've been looking at some vanadium substituted cuprates - in which the
vanadium is tetrahedral as "VO43-".  We got this information from 51V
MAS-NMR - the 51V nucleus has spin I=7/2, a natural abundance of 99.76% and
high relative sensitivity.  Using this information we could set up the
tetrahedral  vanadium coordination environment in the model for the powder
neutron data - allowing us to model the vanadium position with more
confidence (if not precision).  I'm no expert on 51V-NMR but there is a lot
of stuff in the literature (e.g. O.B. Lapina et al., Progress in NMR
spectroscopy, 24, 457-525, 1992) indicating that the degree of distortion
around the 51V nucleus can be extracted from a detailed analysis of such
NMR data.  Lets assume we have near perfect "VO4" tetrahedra - it seems to
me that a smart way to deal with the "insensitivity" of neutrons toward
vanadium would then be to set up the the coordination around vanadium as a
rigid body in GSAS with the bond angles fixed (initially) at 109o 28', and
then allow the bond lengths to relax.  That said, I can't actually figure
out how to do this with GSAS though!! (But I'm persevering...)

Best regards,

Neil Hyatt.

Neil Hyatt   tel: +44-(0)121 414 4370
School of Chemistry  fax: +44-(0)121 414 4442
University of Birmingham email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Birmingham B15 2TT   WWW:

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-10 Thread Armel Le Bail

Toby wrote,

>Armel you may indeed be more equal than some but, I would like to
>welcome you to visit us in the suburbs of Washington, along with some of
>your favorite samples. DC is no match for Paris or even Grenoble, and
>our cafeteria does not come near the quality of the ILL, but there are
>some other attractions. 

There is some misconception here too. You suggest that my presence
at Washington together with my samples would be a plus. Thank you
a lot. However, you are THE neutron specialist. I see the neutron
diffractometers less than 3 days per year, so that my experience is
lost each time. Sending samples by mail would not change so
dramatically the result, reducing considerable the cost for the citizen 
tax payers...

I already suggested to install such an "automatic" powder diffractometer
at ILL. As Alan wrote recently, this could be a question of manpower.
I think that this is rather a local political question : it is not a very
interesting job for a human being to be a simple sample loader...

This is related to a more general question about human relations between
those preparing new samples (frequently they are chemists) and those
having some power in characterizing them (frequently physicists).
In spite of working in a chemistry lab, I am not sure to be neither
a chemist or a physicist (I studied geology, geochemistry, mineralogy ;-).
Anyway, I see at least one time per week some physicists of the
neigbouring labs coming for trying "fishing" some new sample in
order to give some food to their NMR, Mossbauer, EPR (etc)
machines. They just need the sample, not the man having prepared it.

Hope that this subject of discussion will keep you awake till
Glasgow, Lubo.


Armel Le Bail - Universite du Maine, Laboratoire des Fluorures,
CNRS ESA 6010, Av. O. Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-10 Thread Armel Le Bail

>this discussion has gone too far from the starting point. The question
>really isn't "neutrons Yes/No", but if all of us have equal access to all
>sources. People from both NIST, Grenoble or RAL would, no doubt, answer
>yes, why not ?  Well, if I were there I wouldn't hesitate for a moment, 
>but if I am outside, there are plenty of time and financial but NO
>scientific constraints. I think the most of us would be happy if they
>could access neutron sources as easily as their in-lab machines.
>Do not agree, please. The days before GLASGOW are so boring ...

Sorry, Lubo, but I agree. However, when you speak of easy access
to a lab machine, you should account for some little problems
that sometimes lead to long breakdown. Breakdowns are democratically
distributed, even at ILL with the long reactor shutdown. Here with a
brand new Bruker D8 powder diffractometer, we had not access to
the machine longer than 3 months since December 1998, due to 
problems with bad ceramic tubes, random stop of the stepping
motors, files not saved at the end of measurements and so on.
Youth problems, may be. Have the happy buyers of the D8
similar problems (the Bruker mailing list if completely silent) ??

Armel Le Bail - Universite du Maine, Laboratoire des Fluorures,
CNRS ESA 6010, Av. O. Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-10 Thread Lubomir Smrcok

On Mon, 10 May 1999, Armel Le Bail wrote:

> published combined X-ray and neutron refinements. Am I so far
> from the truth if I estimate the number of published works combining
> X-ray and neutron in a single refinement to, say less than 20 cases ? I 
> would like to see, in the 10 next years, this number increase to, say, 1000,
> for being convinced that this is really a way that should be adopted.
> But I do not believe it. Such combined refinements will stay anecdotal
> (or elitist if you prefer), reserved to specific cases, or to those having
> easy access to both radiations.
this discussion has gone too far from the starting point. The question
really isn't "neutrons Yes/No", but if all of us have equal access to all
sources. People from both NIST, Grenoble or RAL would, no doubt, answer
yes, why not ?  Well, if I were there I wouldn't hesitate for a moment, 
but if I am outside, there are plenty of time and financial but NO
scientific constraints. I think the most of us would be happy if they
could access neutron sources as easily as their in-lab machines.
Do not agree, please. The days before GLASGOW are so boring ...

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-10 Thread Larry W. Finger

At 07:08 PM 5/10/99 +0200, Armel wrote:

>PS- take the Rietveld Round Robin PbSO4 X-ray pattern and omit
>the O atoms, you will have RB~15%. Make a Fourier difference
>and you will see if the "light" atoms are so light, when using good data.
>When I remember my crystallography courses 25 years ago, maybe, 
>I see the decomposition of the structure factor by atom pairs. O atoms
>are involved not only in O-O pairs, but also in Pb-O and S-O pairs,
>fortunately. In many cases, like Li2TbF6, or LiSbWO6 and so on, I had
>no difficulty to see the Li atoms in the Fourier syntheses, by X-ray.
>Hence not a large need of neutrons, but in a few cases.

Armel could "see" the Li atoms from X-ray data, and I found the H in
AlSiO3(OH) (Schmidt et al., American Mineralogist 83, 881, 1998) with
powder data in a 3-phase mixture. It was clearly visible in the difference
Fourier and could be refined with reasonable distances and thermal factors.
I think all would agree that this was an unusual case, and that one would
not normally expect to find H atoms from X-ray powder data.

Clearly it is important to have a variety of tools in your arsenal and use
whatever of them you need. In addition, make certain that your scientific
administrators and legislators understand the need for neutron facilities!


Geophysical Laboratory  Phone: +1 (202) 686-2410 X 2464
5251 Broad Branch Road N.W. FAX:   +1 (202) 686-2419
Washington, DC 20015-1305, USA   < Note NEW URL

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-10 Thread Armel Le Bail

Jaap wrote :

>Finally Armel, in my view an attempt the split the Rietveld community in
>two, i.e. in house X-ray and central facility neutrons, is artificial. By
>teh way did you note that someone called Mark Weller was on your neutron
>list as well. As far as I know, he has been working in Southampton for
>some time now. So there is hope for ordinairy university based scientist
>to use neutrons!

But the question was about using both. I don't know if Mark Weller
published combined X-ray and neutron refinements. Am I so far
from the truth if I estimate the number of published works combining
X-ray and neutron in a single refinement to, say less than 20 cases ? I 
would like to see, in the 10 next years, this number increase to, say, 1000,
for being convinced that this is really a way that should be adopted.
But I do not believe it. Such combined refinements will stay anecdotal
(or elitist if you prefer), reserved to specific cases, or to those having
easy access to both radiations.

Nobody among the readers has already tried to combine both kind of
data and finally preferred to publish the neutron data only, for
avoiding pain and lightening the discussion ?-)). I will not send the 
first stone... I do have published separate neutron and X-ray refinements 
and compared the results (JSSC 89, 1990, 282-291, or Eur. J. Solid
State Inorg. Chem. 15, 1988, 551-563). This is not really a problem
to publish independent refinement on neutron and X-ray data. I do
agree that in a few cases (may be the 20 cases cited above), a combined
refinement was really fruitful (speaking of V atoms comes certainly to
mind, but why not prepare an isomorphous sample without V ?-).

Rare is not always beautiful.

All the best,


PS- take the Rietveld Round Robin PbSO4 X-ray pattern and omit
the O atoms, you will have RB~15%. Make a Fourier difference
and you will see if the "light" atoms are so light, when using good data.
When I remember my crystallography courses 25 years ago, maybe, 
I see the decomposition of the structure factor by atom pairs. O atoms
are involved not only in O-O pairs, but also in Pb-O and S-O pairs,
fortunately. In many cases, like Li2TbF6, or LiSbWO6 and so on, I had
no difficulty to see the Li atoms in the Fourier syntheses, by X-ray.
Hence not a large need of neutrons, but in a few cases.

Armel Le Bail - Universite du Maine, Laboratoire des Fluorures,
CNRS ESA 6010, Av. O. Messiaen, 72085 Le Mans Cedex 9, France

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-10 Thread Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble

>The neutron fit will be
>completely insensitive to the V positions and the x-rays insensitive to
>the D positions. (This is easily verified.) 

Before some-one else says they can see hydrogen with x-rays, Mike
Glazer, Bill David and I saw vanadium with neutrons. So let's just 
say "insensitive" but not "completely". Otherwise I agree :-) 
Combined refinements are sometimes necessary and a good thing.

1. David, W. I. F., Glazer, A. M. and Hewat, A. W. (1979) Phase Transitions  1, 155-69.
The structure and ferroelastic phase transition of bismuth vanadate (BiVO4).

 And its not even in ICSD :-(

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> tel (33)  fax (33)

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-10 Thread Brian H. Toby

Armel Le Bail wrote:
> I note that this is mainly the neutron community
> that is not preoccupated by improving the positions of the
> heavy atoms by using X-ray ;-). 

With a few exceptions, neutrons are sensitive to most heavy atoms. For
many materials the improvement obtained using both x-rays and neutrons
vs neutrons alone are minor, but for complex materials, or materials
such as zeolites, that do not scatter well, use of only one radiation
can result in a severely flawed result (examples on request).

> However, I tend to think
> that a simultaneous refinement could eventually degrade
> the heavy atom position accuracy AND degrade the light
> atoms accuracy. 

This is a common misconception. As a gedanken experiment, suppose you
have a structure containing D atoms and V atoms. The neutron fit will be
completely insensitive to the V positions and the x-rays insensitive to
the D positions. (This is easily verified.) The only case where the
positions are degraded is where there is a systematic experimental
anomaly with one (or both) datasets.

> Giving the results of 2 independent refinements seems better
> to me.

As supplementary material to demonstrate the combined refinement is
valid? Sounds like a good idea to me! But, the combined refinement
result will be the most accurate and thus the one to stick in the paper.

> The confirmation of what I suspected : some peoples are
> more equal than others !-). 

Armel you may indeed be more equal than some but, I would like to
welcome you to visit us in the suburbs of Washington, along with some of
your favorite samples. DC is no match for Paris or even Grenoble, and
our cafeteria does not come near the quality of the ILL, but there are
some other attractions. 

Brian H. Toby, Ph.D.Leader, Crystallography Team
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  NIST Center for Neutron Research, Stop 8562
voice: 301-975-4297 National Institute of Standards & Technology
FAX: 301-921-9847Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8562

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-10 Thread Dr. Jaap Vente

Let start to cut the crap and go to Armel's real reason not to use a
combined refinement:

> Of course this is only kidding and provocative opinion, as
> usual. I love both radiations, indeed. However, I tend to think
> that a simultaneous refinement could eventually degrade
> the heavy atom position accuracy AND degrade the light
> atoms accuracy. The former being better from the X-ray only
> and the latter from the neutron only, not to speak of the various
> problems that hurt me like, for instance :

Do not agree!
If you work on any transition metal oxide, what I am doing all the time,
you will find that the oxide position are basically not determined. OK I
work a lot with heavy elements like lanthanide's and iridium and the like.
But in general the x-ray are very insensitive to where the oxides are. Not
the forget the oxide content! So they do not effect the positions as
required by the neutrons. Things can be even more true the other way
around. e.g when you have a random dirtribution of either Ti or Mn and
another metal you can have scattering lengths of zero. 

> - the need to refine two sets of cell parameters, inevitably
> slightly different if both data are of high resolution.

Basically what you mean is that the neutron diffractometer is not properly
calibrated. Well a combined refinement in which you refine the neutron
wavelength is than the answer! Recently I ran two different samples on
D2b, and refined lambda:
sample 11.59362(5)
sample 21.59354(5)
well that is very similar isn't it. I have read people stating on this
e-mail list that they don't trust cell parameters after the third decimal. 

> - not exactly the same temperature

True, but you can control that if you want to, and in general does bot
seem to be the biggest pain.

> - bulk with neutrons, surface with X-ray

What? Do you propose to throw all the single crystall structure
determinations in the bin, out of the window or where else because it is a
surface technique? Of course the penetration depth of x-ray is a lot
smaller than that of neutrons, but it remains a bulk technique. Thank god
other wise we would still be cleaving those large single crystals. I dare
to say that you can study the bulk structure even with electrons, which
have an even smaller penetration depth.  
Of course you have to be carefull as Brian Toby pointed out. But in those
cases you either a non-homogeneous sample, or a phase transformation which
does happen on the slow cooling central parts of the particles but not on
the fast cooling outer regions of the particle. In those cased it is back
to the preparation lab. 

> Giving the results of 2 independent refinements seems better 
> to me.

But which journal is going to accept that!

Finally Armel, in my view an attempt the split the Rietveld community in
two, i.e. in house X-ray and central facility neutrons, is artificial. By
teh way did you note that someone called Mark Weller was on your neutron
list as well. As far as I know, he has been working in Southampton for
some time now. So there is hope for ordinairy university based scientist
to use neutrons!



Jaap Vente
Cinvestav-IPN Unidad Merida
Departamento de Fisica Aplicada
Carretera Ant. a Progreso km 6
Apartado Postal #73 Cordemex
Merida, Yucatan, 97310
Fax: (..) 52 - 99 - 812917
Tel: (..) 52 - 99 - 812960 ext 246/233

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-09 Thread Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble

>The confirmation of what I suspected : some peoples are
>more equal than others !-). 

Perhaps :-)  But Armel, if you or some-one else is interested
in setting up a neutron service in Grenoble as fast as at NIST, 
we would be very interested.  We can provide the equipment 
(D1A is quite competitive with the machines at NIST :-) but we
simply don't have the manpower to run it. 

Armel keeps telling me that X-rays are cheaper, but in reality
 *once you have the neutron source*  there is no difference - 
the cost is almost all manpower. 

>The most productive neutron experts are 3x more
>productive than the X-ray experts

Anybody from the ILL member countries who can write a successful 
research grant for a couple of postdocs to run D1A can join the 
"most productive neutron experts".  This is a serious offer !  

BTW, people tend to forget that a high resolution neutron powder 
pattern, even on D1A, only takes ~6 hours, faster than most high-
res.  X-ray  or synchrotron machines.  Can you say "cost effective " ?

Alan H.

Alan Hewat, ILL Grenoble, FRANCE <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> tel (33)  fax (33)

Re: Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-07 Thread Armel Le Bail

Brian  wrote:

>Finally, I should mention in response to Armel that at least here at
>NIST, most requests for time are scheduled within 2-8 weeks of when we
>get them (see 

The confirmation of what I suspected : some peoples are
more equal than others !-). Looking at the two quite different
X-ray and neutron communities applying the Rietveld
method, I note that this is mainly the neutron community
that is not preoccupated by improving the positions of the
heavy atoms by using X-ray ;-). Few people are seen 
simultaneously in both lists below (those who would feel 
concerned by a double refinement). X-ray seems inaccessible 
to many neutron experts or at least lacking of any interest, and 
vice  versa. The most productive neutron experts are 3x more
productive than the X-ray experts, probably because the
birth of X-ray Rietveld applications is more recent (~1981
with DBW, possibly). But  it seems to me that Rietveld
adaptation to X-ray was made by X-ray experts, because 
neutron experts did not care a lot about doing it.

Why X-ray users should be interested in the precision on light
atoms when neutron users don't seem to care about heavy 
atoms ?  

Of course this is only kidding and provocative opinion, as
usual. I love both radiations, indeed. However, I tend to think
that a simultaneous refinement could eventually degrade
the heavy atom position accuracy AND degrade the light
atoms accuracy. The former being better from the X-ray only
and the latter from the neutron only, not to speak of the various
problems that hurt me like, for instance :
- the need to refine two sets of cell parameters, inevitably
slightly different if both data are of high resolution.
- not exactly the same temperature
- bulk with neutrons, surface with X-ray

Giving the results of 2 independent refinements seems better 
to me.


==ICSD data===

Authors versus numbers of Neutron Rietveld-refined
structures in ICSD - release 1998/1 
(REM=RVP AND REM=NDP : 3276 entries).
324 Fischer P   
240 Jorgensen J D   
189 Hewat A W   
171 Hinks D G   
125 Dabrowski B 
115 Hitterman R L   
110 Vogt T  
108 Shaked H
107 Marezio M   
105 Radaelli P G
103 Weller M T  
101 Rodriguez-Carvajal J

Authors versus numbers of conventional X-ray
Rietveld-refined structures in ICSD - release 1998/1 
(REM=RVP AND REM=XDP : 2557 entries).
122 Kanno R 
107 Takeda Y
104 Kawamoto Y  
80  Raveau B
79  Yamamoto O  
76  Takano M
67  Hawthorne F C   
66  Hervieu M   
59  Michel C
54  Yamamoto T  
51  Sato M  

Combined neutron/x-ray refinements

1999-05-07 Thread Brian H. Toby

I also use combined CW neutron and synchrotron refinements. A simple
minded justification goes as follows. Most of the problems I work on are
badly underdetermined -- at least by the crystallographic rule-of-ten
(10 crystallographic observations for each structural variable). By
changing scattering lengths, I get a second set of observations which
gives me more observables. Thus, I agree strongly with all of Dr. Jaap
Vente's points:
> 1)  in general the refinement is more stable.
> 2)  their is the possibility to study much more complicated structures
> than with only one of the techniques.
> 3)  because you now have two really different sets of data your structural
> model is more reliable.
> 4)  you can study compounds which contain elements that are difficult to
> locate precisely with one technique, think of vanadium oxides or
> manganese/iron oxides.

Andrew Wills is correct that X-rays see the electronic distribution and
neutrons see nuclei positions, but electrons distributions are pretty
close to spherical (our form factors assume this) for high-Z elements
and are usually well centered around the nucleus. One can make a good
argument that displacement parameters (aka temperature factors) can be
completely different for x-rays vs neutrons, but experimentally this is
seldom true. In any case, for all but the simplest systems, with powder
work we don't have the precision to tell. Besides, x-ray displacement
parameters are pretty meaningless anyway :-).

I do not know of any codes other than GSAS that do combined
x-ray/neutron fits, but in GSAS all the experimental effects
(orientation, absorption, etc) are segregated by dataset so one only
needs to apply these corrections to the x-ray data. (Neutron data seldom
have either problem). In any case, if you can't model them well, you
can't use the data.

The "weighting" problem is overstated. The data are weighted by how well
you know them. Usually the x-rays do contribute more to the Chi2 than
the neutron, but the algorithm will minimize the deviations in both
appropriately. One could downweight the x-ray data artificially, since
you will probably have worse precision on the more structurally accurate
neutron data, but this will screw up the Chi2 value.

The biggest problem for combined refinements is that you need to have
exactly the same sample and the same conditions for both the x-ray and
neutron work. Since single crystals are frequently grown under different
conditions than bulk samples, the utility of combined x-ray single
crystal - powder neutron refinements is limited. Alas, it is fairly
common that someone makes a material, measures the x-ray diffraction and
then scales up the synthesis for neutrons, but ends up with something
different. Attempts to simultaneously fit one model to x-ray data from
the first batch and neutron data from the second batch are a waste.
Other issues can also arise. We recently had a case where a material
seemed nearly pure by x-rays, but the neutron work showed that the
centers of the large particles were still composed of unreacted starting
material. The x-rays did not penetrate far enough to see the purity was
only ~70%.

It would probably be a good idea to check that the model obtained from
the combined refinement agrees well with (possibly constrained) models
using the individual datasets. Perhaps we could entice John Parise to
write a message about how to do this.

Finally, I should mention in response to Armel that at least here at
NIST, most requests for time are scheduled within 2-8 weeks of when we
get them (see 

Brian H. Toby, Ph.D.Leader, Crystallography Team
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  NIST Center for Neutron Research, Stop 8562
voice: 301-975-4297 National Institute of Standards & Technology
FAX: 301-921-9847Gaithersburg, MD 20899-8562