[RollTideFan] Non-Bama & Politically inflammatory

2001-12-01 Thread Jeff Todd

As near as I can tell, to be a liberal:

You have to believe the AIDS virus is spread by a lack of funding.

IF there is a church that is valid it has been pre-approved by the

You have to be against capital punishment but for abortion on demand ... in
short, you support protecting the guilty and killing the innocent.

You have to believe that the same public school idiot who can't teach 4th
graders how to read is qualified to teach those same kids about sex.

You have to believe that everyone on the Internet is a pervert BUT the
school officials who want to do vaginal exams on your daughter without
telling you have your best interest at heart.

You have to believe that trial lawyers are selfless heroes and doctors are

You have to believe that guns in the hands of law-abiding Americans are more
of a threat than nuclear weapons in the hands of the Red Chinese.

You have to believe that global temperatures are less affected by cyclical,
documented changes in the brilliance of the Sun, and more affected by
yuppies driving SUVs.

You have to believe that gender roles are artificial but being gay is

You have to believe that businesses create oppression and governments create

You have to believe that hunters don't care about nature but pasty, fey
activists who've never been outside Seattle do.

You have to believe that self-esteem is more important than actually doing
something to earn it.

You have to believe there was no art before federal funding.

You have to believe the military, not corrupt politicians, start wars.

You have to believe the free market that gives us 500+ channels can't
deliver the quality that PBS does.

You have to believe the NRA is bad, because they stand up for certain parts
of the Constitution, while the ACLU is good, because they stand up for
certain parts of the Constitution.

You have to believe that taxes are too low but ATM fees are too high.

You have to believe that Harriet Tubman, Caesar Chavez and Gloria Steinem
are more important to American history than Thomas Jefferson, General Robert
E.  Lee or Thomas Edison.

You have to believe that standardized tests are racist, but racial quotas
and set-asides aren't.

You have to believe second-hand smoke is more dangerous than HIV.

You have to believe Hillary Clinton is really a lady and Rosie O'Donnell is
not really a man who is jealous of Tom Selleck.

You have to believe conservatives are racists but that black people couldn't
make it without your help.

You have to believe that the only reason socialism hasn't worked anywhere
it's been tried is because the right people haven't been in charge.

Looking back on my list, it seems shallow, muddled, contradictory, divorced
of logic and a bit sadistic. Well, then. If that doesn't describe the modern
American liberal, I don't know what does.

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Re: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Jason Houston

[Pardon me while I bang the ever loving hell out of my head on the table

I laughed harder at this than at anything I've laughed at in the past month.

Classic.  Just absolute classic.


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Re: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Jason Houston

[Pardon me while I bang the ever loving hell out of my head on the table

I laughed harder at this than at anything I've laughed at in the past month.

Classic.  Just absolute classic.


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Re: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writingTide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Jason Houston

[Huge please let me know when you have a clue about football.  Thank you
very much.]

Ding, ding, ding...we have a winner.



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Re: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Jason Houston

[I think Ole Miss has taken care of that last piece of the puzzle,
though...Vanderbilt's eating Eli Manning alive.]

Or not.



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Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

2001-12-01 Thread Russell Johnson

Well, I have a couple of problems with the Red Dog Saloon. One, under doctors orders, 
I can not embide anymore. I have managed to destroy my liver. I still go to the Red 
Dog every now and then. Management has
instructed the bartenders not to serve me anything but O'Douls. The Red Dog has been 
closed since the end of the tourist season for remodeling (must be putting  new 
sawdust on the floor). They are expecting to
reopen in January. The local rumor is that they had to close for the winter because I 
can't drink anymore.
Roll Tide!!
Russell In Alaska

Scott Rogers wrote:

> Thanks for the solace given with those words O Wise one.  Didja ever think
> you'd have such a following back home? (The Red Dog is a different deal)
> BTW: is the Red Dog still haunted as much by your presence since the
> NuptialsEnquiring minds want to know!
> Scott
> - Original Message -
> From: "Russell Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > I think Coach Fran is a man of integrity. He told the press that he was
> not going anywhere and not to ask him about it anymore. I believe what he
> said. He was born in Kansas but he is an Alabamian now.
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Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

2001-12-01 Thread Russell Johnson

Also, I wanted to add that I believe that rumor was started on the internet by a guy 
that said he had "12 reliable sources." I believe this rumor surfaced right after we 
clobbered Auburn. Coincidental. Sounds fishy
to me.
Roll Tide!!!
Russell In Alaska

Russell Johnson wrote:

> I think Coach Fran is a man of integrity. He told the press that he was not going 
>anywhere and not to ask him about it anymore. I believe what he said. He was born in 
>Kansas but he is an Alabamian now.
> Roll Tide!!!
> Russell In Alaska
> Scott Rogers wrote:
> > To take things further, what do you think of the presses assertion that Fran
> > is going to bail?
> >
> > RTR
> >
> > To unsubscribe from this list just send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
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Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

2001-12-01 Thread Scott Rogers

Thanks for the solace given with those words O Wise one.  Didja ever think
you'd have such a following back home? (The Red Dog is a different deal)
BTW: is the Red Dog still haunted as much by your presence since the
NuptialsEnquiring minds want to know!

- Original Message -
From: "Russell Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I think Coach Fran is a man of integrity. He told the press that he was
not going anywhere and not to ask him about it anymore. I believe what he
said. He was born in Kansas but he is an Alabamian now.

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[RollTideFan] Wisdom from CPB

2001-12-01 Thread Rick McMahan

Was going through some old files and ran across this goody. Enjoy!


 "A Winning Formula"

1. Always be totally loyal to the institution for which you work.  If you
don’t have the best interest of the organization at heart or if you can't be
loyal, you are in the wrong place.

2. Always be totally loyal to your staff.  If you are, then they'll be loyal
back. Remember, loyalty and honesty are two-way streets. If you are ever
dishonest to a member of your staff, you'll never regain their respect.

3. Don't worry about winning personality contests with your staff.  You'd
better worry about being respected.  Anybody can be liked, a heck of a lot
fewer respected.

4. Be aware of "yes" men.  Generally, they are losers.  Surround yourself
with winners.  Never forget people win.  Get people who work for your
organization because it means something to them.  Most organizations get
people who are interested in drawing their paycheck for their 40-hour week.
Don't forget, those folks usually don't work but about 10 hours out of the
40 they are paid for.  To be the best - if you want to be the best – get
people who care about your institution, people who are proud to be
associated with your organization.  Get winning people.

5. Work hard.  There is no substitute for hard work.  None.  If you work
hard, the folks around you are going to work harder.  If you drag into work
late, what kind of impression is that going to leave on your fellow workers?
If you leave early, what kind of impression is that going to leave?

6. Don't tolerate lazy people.  They are losers.  People who come to work
and watch clocks and pass off responsibilities will only drag you and your
organization down.  I despise clock-watchers.  They don't want to be a part
of a winning situation.  They won't roll up their sleeves when you need them
to.  If you have lazy people, get rid of them.  Remember, it is easy to
develop the bad habits of lazy people.

7. Have a plan, not only for the day, but also for the week and the month
and 10 years from now.  Anticipate.  Plan.  Anticipate every situation that
could arise.  Plan for every situation that could arise.  Don't think
second-by-second on what needs to be done.  Have a plan.  Follow the plan,
and you'll be surprised how successful you can be.  Most people don't plan.
That's why it is easy to beat most folks.

8. Set goals, high goals for you and your organization.  When your
organization has a goal to shoot for, you create teamwork, people working
for a common good.  Teamwork is imperative.  Don't forget that people who
are in it for their own good are individualists.  They don't share the same
heartbeat that makes a team so great.  A great unit, whether it is football
or any organization, shares the same heartbeat.

9. Learn from others.  Ask questions.  Be a good listener.  Get a pulse beat
of what is going on around you.

10. Last.  Never quit.  It is the easiest copout in the world.  Set a goal
and don't quit until you attain it.  When you do attain it, set another goal
and don't quit until you reach it.  Never quit.

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Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

2001-12-01 Thread Russell Johnson

I think Coach Fran is a man of integrity. He told the press that he was not going 
anywhere and not to ask him about it anymore. I believe what he said. He was born in 
Kansas but he is an Alabamian now.
Roll Tide!!!
Russell In Alaska

Scott Rogers wrote:

> To take things further, what do you think of the presses assertion that Fran
> is going to bail?
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Re: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Phillip L. Harbison

Hugh Wolfgang wrote:
> Which Zow will show up for the next game?  The same one
> that showed up for Auburn, and the same one that showed
> up for Southern Miss.

Are you sure?  How do we know it won't be the Zow that
showed up for the UTEP game?  Remember the second half
of that game?  Remember Zow getting run down by a DE
coming all the way from the opposite side?  Remember
the final drive against USM in 2000?  How many times
did he hit a USM player on the numbers with a pass?

I like Zow.  I'm happy for Zow.  But anyone who believes
CDF made a bad decision in starting Watts this year must
be smoking some choice buds.  Share the wealth!

Phil Harbison
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Re: [RollTideFan] Beard and Watts expected back for bowl game

2001-12-01 Thread Jeff Todd


Do you have any those puppies left? You know, the ones that look like
blobber. If so, would you please name one of them 'Clue', and give it to
young CrankyWolf? I think that's about the only way he's ever going to get


-Original Message-
From: Phillip L. Harbison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, December 01, 2001 11:27 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Beard and Watts expected back for bowl game

>Hugh Wolfgang wrote:
>> Zow is 2-0 as a starter this year.  Watts is 4-5.
>Hughbert, what have you been smoking?  Crack open that piggy
>bank and spend some of those casino winnings to buy a clue.

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Re: [RollTideFan] Beard and Watts expected back for bowl game

2001-12-01 Thread Phillip L. Harbison

Hugh Wolfgang wrote:
> Zow is 2-0 as a starter this year.  Watts is 4-5.

Hughbert, what have you been smoking?  Crack open that piggy
bank and spend some of those casino winnings to buy a clue.
We did not lose 5 games because of Watts.  In those losses,
we scored 17, 36, 24, 24, and 21 points.  During Stallings'
tenure, 36 points would have won all but TWO games (UT-95
and UF-96).  We rarely needed more than 24 points to win.
If the defense had performed up to Bama standards this year,
we might be 10-1 or 11-0 instead of 6-5.

Hugh continues:
> What was inconsistent about the 10-3 SEC Championship
> season in 1999?

Excuse me, but doesn't Watts deserve some credit for some
of those 10 wins?  IIRC, he led us to victory against AU
and both QBs split time in the SECC.

> Under Fran's system - now that he's fully learned it -
> he's doing mighty fine, based upon the record.

Need we remind you of Zow's performance in the UTEP game?

Phil Harbison
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[RollTideFan] Joke

2001-12-01 Thread kurt rasmussen

An old Aubie man and his Aubie wife lived deep in the plains and seldom
saw many people.

One day a peddler came by to sell his goods and asked the man if he or
his wife wanted to buy something. Well, my wife ain't home, she's gone
down to the creek to wash clothes, but lemma see what you got," said the
man. The peddler showed him pots and pans, tools and gadgets, but the
old man wasn't interested.

Then the man spotted a mirror and said, "What's that?" Before the
peddler could tell him it was a mirror, the old man picked it up and
said, "My God how'd you get a picture of my Pappy?" The old man was so
happy, he traded his wife's best pitcher for it. The peddler left before
the wife came back and spoiled his sale.

The old man was worried that the wife would be mad at him for trading
her best pitcher, so he hid it in the barn behind some boxes of junk. He
would go out to the barn 2 or 3 times a day to look at the "picture" and
eventually the wife got suspicious. 

One day she got fed up and after he retired for the night, she went out
to the barn. She saw the mirror behind
the boxes, picked it up and said, "so this is the hussy he's been
foolin' around with!"

Roll Tide!!!


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Re: [RollTideFan] Dem Bullpuppies in Starkpatch

2001-12-01 Thread Scott Rogers

HE WAS ON TV!  I saw my little pud on the 
tube!  I think the sign he was holding up said

  I love you Crank.
  Hugs & Kisses,
  Ever the forgiving one, isn't he?

Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

2001-12-01 Thread Scott Rogers

To take things further, what do you think of the presses assertion that Fran
is going to bail?


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Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

2001-12-01 Thread Jeff Todd

Love it, brother Phil! Absolutely loved it!

Did my check bounce?

Please place me at the top of your 'go-to' list as a source for unloading
tickets to any games you can't attend next year.

Roll Tide!!


-Original Message-
From: Phillip L. Harbison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, December 01, 2001 10:48 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

>(Hi to Slef!  Hope you enjoyed the game.)

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Re: [RollTideFan] Russell

2001-12-01 Thread Phillip L. Harbison

Sonja Rice wrote:
> I have since learned that Russell is not the stark-raving
> lunatic I once thought, but now a dear trusted friend.

Not to mention the chairman of the SOB committee.

SOB = Statue Of Bockrath (or was it Barney?).

Phil Harbison
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Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

2001-12-01 Thread Phillip L. Harbison

Jeff Todd wrote:
> (Hi to Barney Harrison!)

What is the address of Gridscape.com?  :-)

(Hi to Slef!  Hope you enjoyed the game.)

Phil Harbison
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[RollTideFan] Re: Russell (non-BAMA)

2001-12-01 Thread kurt rasmussen

Sonja Rice wrote:

> Actually, I first started communicating privately with Russell to let him
> know what a complete idiot and assh*le I thought he was.  I have since
> learned that Russell is not the stark-raving lunatic I once thought, but now
> a dear trusted friend.
> Funny how you find life-long friends in the strangest places.

Sumb itch.. This sounds like a book the kids read to me.  Exactly like
it! I don't recall the name, but it had a village...  or something in


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Re: [RollTideFan] Tigers or Eagles.. (non-BAMA)

2001-12-01 Thread Phillip L. Harbison

kurt rasmussen wrote:
> Dad sez:
> "They have an Eagle too.  Problem is they're not sure
> what they are".

It gets even more confusing.  Their eagle's name is Tiger.
I guess that is better than naming it Elsie.

Phil Harbison
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Re: [RollTideFan] Bio-Genetics

2001-12-01 Thread Phillip L. Harbison

Sonja Rice wrote:
> Phil wrote:
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > I thought you were a product of bio-engineering at UAB.
> >
> > Wrong campus.  I'm a product of Alabama's best engineering
> > school, UAH.  CHARG3R H0CK3Y RUL3Z1!!
> No, Phil.  I meant that I thought you were created in a
> bio-engineering lab at UAB.  ;-)

I understood what you meant.  I was created (engineered) at
UAH, not UAB.


My neural networks are operating within the design parameters.
Perhaps you should run a diagnostic program on your sensors.

Phil Harbison
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Re: [RollTideFan] Russell

2001-12-01 Thread Russell Johnson

Thanks Sonja. Looking forward to seeing you and Ron in T-town next season. Right now I 
am watching 3 football games (two now since Aub just lost).  Now I'm watching Ron's 
team. Hope they can hang on.
Roll Tide!!
Russell In Alaska

Sonja Rice wrote:

> Sleffie wrote:
> > For the list members who are not familiar with Russell; Mr. Johnson tried
> to
> > tell us BAMA FANS that Mike Dubose was not the man for the BAMA HC job
> from
> > the very beginning.
> Actually, I first started communicating privately with Russell to let him
> know what a complete idiot and assh*le I thought he was.  I have since
> learned that Russell is not the stark-raving lunatic I once thought, but now
> a dear trusted friend.
> Funny how you find life-long friends in the strangest places.
> RTR!
> Sonja
> geaux tiggers?
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[RollTideFan] Dem Bullpuppies in Starkpatch

2001-12-01 Thread Sonja Rice

My sweetie is in starkpatch tonight with his 
bullpuppies leading in the 4th against the unbeaten 
HE WAS ON TV!  I saw my little pud on the 
tube!  I think the sign he was holding up said
I love you Crank.
Hugs & Kisses,

Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

2001-12-01 Thread Russell Johnson

Thanks Jeff. I'm still undergoing counseling for the abuse and flames I got for being 
an outspoken CMD critic. His first 3 games of his first season were enough for me.
Roll Tide!!!
Russell In Alaska

Jeff Todd wrote:

> Russell,
> Thank you for your post!
> For the list members who are not familiar with Russell; Mr. Johnson tried to
> tell us BAMA FANS that Mike Dubose was not the man for the BAMA HC job from
> the very beginning. Although I was not a member of the now defunct BAMAFAN
> (Hi to Barney Harrison!) until late in 1998, I read the archives after the
> fact.
> I'll be the first to admit that I thought Russell had lost his stark-raving
> mind. And I believe I told Russell as much on more than one occasion.
> Needless to say, Russell knew what he was talking about. As such, his
> opinion on Coach Fran has been highly sought after.
> Russell offered the following on Coach Fran:
> >I do believe that we have the right person to bring us back to where we are
> supposed to be.
> >I'm looking forward to next season and believe we can reclaim our tradition
> of being a major factor in the >national rankings again.
> Translation: Russell has bestowed his seal of approval upon Coach Fran!
> I ignored Russell when he cast doubt upon Dubose & Co., Inc. Never again
> will I doubt Russell! Never! Good things are coming our way!
> Roll Friggin' Tide!!
> Slef
> -Original Message-
> From: Russell Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Saturday, December 01, 2001 9:44 PM
> Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU
> >There were a couple times this season that I was discouraged. I thought in
> some of the close games we lost that Coach Fran made some bad decisions  at
> critical times. I was really distraught over the defense
> >playing 10-15 yards off the receivers most of the year. Things improved
> greatly on offense and defense during the latter part of our season. I do
> believe that we have the right person to bring us back to where we
> >are supposed to be. I hope we get a decent bowl bid with a respectable
> opponent.  I'm looking forward to next season and believe we can reclaim our
> tradition of being a major factor in the national rankings again.
> >
> >Jeff Todd wrote:
> >
> >> Russell,
> >>
> >> While we've got you 'on-line', how about assessing Coach Fran's first
> year
> >> at BAMA.
> >>
> >> Thanks and Roll Tide!!
> >>
> >> Slef
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[RollTideFan] Russell

2001-12-01 Thread Sonja Rice

Sleffie wrote:

> For the list members who are not familiar with Russell; Mr. Johnson tried
> tell us BAMA FANS that Mike Dubose was not the man for the BAMA HC job
> the very beginning.

Actually, I first started communicating privately with Russell to let him
know what a complete idiot and assh*le I thought he was.  I have since
learned that Russell is not the stark-raving lunatic I once thought, but now
a dear trusted friend.

Funny how you find life-long friends in the strangest places.

geaux tiggers?

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Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

2001-12-01 Thread Jeff Todd


Thank you for your post!

For the list members who are not familiar with Russell; Mr. Johnson tried to
tell us BAMA FANS that Mike Dubose was not the man for the BAMA HC job from
the very beginning. Although I was not a member of the now defunct BAMAFAN
(Hi to Barney Harrison!) until late in 1998, I read the archives after the

I'll be the first to admit that I thought Russell had lost his stark-raving
mind. And I believe I told Russell as much on more than one occasion.
Needless to say, Russell knew what he was talking about. As such, his
opinion on Coach Fran has been highly sought after.

Russell offered the following on Coach Fran:

>I do believe that we have the right person to bring us back to where we are
supposed to be.
>I'm looking forward to next season and believe we can reclaim our tradition
of being a major factor in the >national rankings again.

Translation: Russell has bestowed his seal of approval upon Coach Fran!

I ignored Russell when he cast doubt upon Dubose & Co., Inc. Never again
will I doubt Russell! Never! Good things are coming our way!

Roll Friggin' Tide!!


-Original Message-
From: Russell Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, December 01, 2001 9:44 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

>There were a couple times this season that I was discouraged. I thought in
some of the close games we lost that Coach Fran made some bad decisions  at
critical times. I was really distraught over the defense
>playing 10-15 yards off the receivers most of the year. Things improved
greatly on offense and defense during the latter part of our season. I do
believe that we have the right person to bring us back to where we
>are supposed to be. I hope we get a decent bowl bid with a respectable
opponent.  I'm looking forward to next season and believe we can reclaim our
tradition of being a major factor in the national rankings again.
>Jeff Todd wrote:
>> Russell,
>> While we've got you 'on-line', how about assessing Coach Fran's first
>> at BAMA.
>> Thanks and Roll Tide!!
>> Slef

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Re: [RollTideFan] Bio-Genetics

2001-12-01 Thread Sonja Rice

No, Phil.  I meant that I thought you were created in a bio-engineering lab
at UAB.  ;-)

Damn.that's what I get for trying to be funny.

- Original Message -
From: "Phillip L. Harbison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 8:05 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Bio-Genetics

> > I thought you were a product of bio-engineering at UAB.
> > :-)
> > 
> Wrong campus.  I'm a product of Alabama's best engineering
> school, UAH.  CHARG3R H0CK3Y RUL3Z1!!
> --
> Phil Harbison
> To unsubscribe from this list just send an e-mail to
[EMAIL PROTECTED] with a BLANK subject line and the single word
"UNSUBSCRIBE" (without the quotes) in the body or visit

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Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

2001-12-01 Thread Russell Johnson

There were a couple times this season that I was discouraged. I thought in some of the 
close games we lost that Coach Fran made some bad decisions  at critical times. I was 
really distraught over the defense
playing 10-15 yards off the receivers most of the year. Things improved greatly on 
offense and defense during the latter part of our season. I do believe that we have 
the right person to bring us back to where we
are supposed to be. I hope we get a decent bowl bid with a respectable opponent.  I'm 
looking forward to next season and believe we can reclaim our tradition of being a 
major factor in the national rankings again.

Jeff Todd wrote:

> Russell,
> While we've got you 'on-line', how about assessing Coach Fran's first year
> at BAMA.
> Thanks and Roll Tide!!
> Slef
> -Original Message-
> From: Russell Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Date: Saturday, December 01, 2001 8:57 PM
> Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU
> >I've been right here. Just been "overworked" and have to quickly skim
> through the posts without much time to respond.
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Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

2001-12-01 Thread Jeff Todd


While we've got you 'on-line', how about assessing Coach Fran's first year
at BAMA.

Thanks and Roll Tide!!


-Original Message-
From: Russell Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, December 01, 2001 8:57 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

>I've been right here. Just been "overworked" and have to quickly skim
through the posts without much time to respond.

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Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

2001-12-01 Thread Russell Johnson

I've been right here. Just been "overworked" and have to quickly skim through the 
posts without much time to respond. I was able to watch the mud bowl Thursday. What a 
great weekend this has been for college
football. I can't remember when so many great matchups were on in one day; and to have 
this much effect on the rankings this late in the season. The BCS powers must be 
freaking out.
Roll Tide!!
Russell In Alaska

Mike Laborde wrote:

> You took the words right out of my mouth. Then Duval comes out to warm up
> for the 2nd 1/2 and picks a fight with the LSU band.
> Tubby teaches true Barner class!!
> Where the heck have you been, Russell? We haven't heard from you in a while.
> Javvy
> -Original Message-
> From:Russell Johnson
> I knew it had to be something to do with typical Auburn class.
> Roll Tide!
> Russell In Alaska
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>with a BLANK subject line and the single word "UNSUBSCRIBE" (without the quotes) in 
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RE: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

2001-12-01 Thread Mike Laborde

You took the words right out of my mouth. Then Duval comes out to warm up
for the 2nd 1/2 and picks a fight with the LSU band.

Tubby teaches true Barner class!!

Where the heck have you been, Russell? We haven't heard from you in a while.


-Original Message-
From:Russell Johnson

I knew it had to be something to do with typical Auburn class.
Roll Tide!
Russell In Alaska

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Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

2001-12-01 Thread Russell Johnson

I knew it had to be something to do with typical Auburn class.
Roll Tide!
Russell In Alaska

Jeff Todd wrote:

> The entire arbrin team gathered at mid-field during warm-ups and stomped on
> the 'Eye of the Tiger'. It cost them 15 yards for un-sportsman-like conduct.
> The penalty was assessed on the opening kickoff, which was an on-sides kick,
> recovered by the Bengal Tigers.
> Slef
> -Original Message-
> From: Russell Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Roll Tide Fan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List  Tide Fan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List>
> Date: Saturday, December 01, 2001 7:47 PM
> Subject: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU
> >I was told that Aub got a 15 yard penalty before the game started. I
> >missed it. Anybody know what that was about?
> >Roll Tide
> >Russell In Alaska
> >
> >To unsubscribe from this list just send an e-mail to
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a BLANK subject line and the single word
> "UNSUBSCRIBE" (without the quotes) in the body or visit
> http://www.RollTideFan.net
> To unsubscribe from this list just send an e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
>with a BLANK subject line and the single word "UNSUBSCRIBE" (without the quotes) in 
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RE: [RollTideFan] UAB vs. Pitt

2001-12-01 Thread Rick McMahan

Pitt 24
Blazers 6

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Jeff Todd
> Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 8:06 PM
> To: Roll Tide Fan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
> Subject: [RollTideFan] UAB vs. Pitt 
> Anyone heard the final score?
> Slef
> To unsubscribe from this list just send an e-mail to 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a BLANK subject line and the 
> single word "UNSUBSCRIBE" (without the quotes) in the body or 
> visit http://www.RollTideFan.net
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RE: [RollTideFan] Tigers or Eagles.. (non-BAMA)

2001-12-01 Thread Rick McMahan

Kurt, check out the story written earlier this week from the Decatur Daily:


`Mike the Tiger' is from right here in N. Ala.


> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of kurt rasmussen
> Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 8:07 PM
> To: Roll Tide Fan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List
> Subject: [RollTideFan] Tigers or Eagles.. (non-BAMA) 
> Tv shot of a Tiger in a cage..  
> My chile sez: 
> "Dad, I've never seen a football team that had a real wild animal like
> that."
> Dad sez:
> "They have an Eagle too.  Problem is they're not sure what they are".
> Son sez:
> "I thought they were cows"? 
> kurt
> To unsubscribe from this list just send an e-mail to 
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a BLANK subject line and the 
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> visit http://www.RollTideFan.net
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Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

2001-12-01 Thread bamajenny12

Auburn was stomping on the LSU logo in the middle of the
field. Was penalized 15 yards for unsportsmanlike conduct
before the game started.
Jenny / Panama City

- Original Message -
From: "Russell Johnson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 7:47 PM
Subject: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

> I was told that Aub got a 15 yard penalty before the game started. I
> missed it. Anybody know what that was about?
> Roll Tide
> Russell In Alaska
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] with a BLANK subject line and the single word
"UNSUBSCRIBE" (without the quotes) in the body or visit

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[RollTideFan] UAB vs. Pitt

2001-12-01 Thread Jeff Todd

Anyone heard the final score?


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[RollTideFan] Tigers or Eagles.. (non-BAMA)

2001-12-01 Thread kurt rasmussen

Tv shot of a Tiger in a cage..  

My chile sez: 

"Dad, I've never seen a football team that had a real wild animal like

Dad sez:

"They have an Eagle too.  Problem is they're not sure what they are".

Son sez:

"I thought they were cows"? 




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Re: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

2001-12-01 Thread Jeff Todd

The entire arbrin team gathered at mid-field during warm-ups and stomped on
the 'Eye of the Tiger'. It cost them 15 yards for un-sportsman-like conduct.
The penalty was assessed on the opening kickoff, which was an on-sides kick,
recovered by the Bengal Tigers.


-Original Message-
From: Russell Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Roll Tide Fan-The University of Alabama Athletics Discussion List 
Date: Saturday, December 01, 2001 7:47 PM
Subject: [RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

>I was told that Aub got a 15 yard penalty before the game started. I
>missed it. Anybody know what that was about?
>Roll Tide
>Russell In Alaska
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[EMAIL PROTECTED] with a BLANK subject line and the single word
"UNSUBSCRIBE" (without the quotes) in the body or visit

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[RollTideFan] Aub-LSU

2001-12-01 Thread Russell Johnson

I was told that Aub got a 15 yard penalty before the game started. I
missed it. Anybody know what that was about?
Roll Tide
Russell In Alaska

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Re: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread kurt rasmussen

Rick McMahan wrote:

> Kurt, what did ya think about that Gator/Vol game? Didn't Spurrier look
> pitiful there at the end. 

He looked pitiful at the beginning!  :)

Aside from the close USU/Fresno State game today, it's turning out to be
a pretty good Saturday.  Gators got beat in the swamp. Vandy -DAMN- near
pulled off the upset.  LS-who is giving allburn a run for the money. 
MSU is up 14-7 on the coUgars!!

Geaux Tigers!!


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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

I thought he looked perfect myself.

Now for LSU to beat Auburn, and then beat Tutorsee, and screw the BCS!

-Original Message-
 Kurt, what did ya think about that Gator/Vol game? Didn't Spurrier look
pitiful there at the end. 

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writingTide'sinvitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

I used Spurrier's (rather damp) shirt sleeve.

-Original Message-
DAMN! HuGe! Quick, get a tissue. Your nose is bleeding!!
-Original Message-
Huge, I have been alive for 7 NCs and am probably old enough to be your
father.  I have forgotten more about football than you know, as you
prove on a daily basis.

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

Please explain to me how Zow was inconsistent against Auburn.  Yes he
was inconsistent in the mud, but the mud might have accounted for part
of that, ya know.

-Original Message-
> But a consistent Zow vs. a consistent Watts is a different story.
You missplet 'What the Hell is that'.

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

I just love you, Kurt.  You have a way of taking what I write totally
out of context.  Of course, you're in the majority in that talent around

-Original Message-
> For months, I was saying that the defense was the problem, ya know.
> other people said that it was the fact that the offense didn't move
> ball in the 4th quarter, and gave it back to the opponent, and the
> defense just wore down.  Those opinions won me over I guess.
> But deep down, I think it's neither. [...]

Pardon me while I bang the ever loving hell out of my head on the table


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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

It's amazing.  I could have sworn that Fran, Zow, and the rest of the
team said at the beginning of the year that everyone was starting with a
clean slate and a chance to prove themselves.  Yet fans continue to
blame Zow for lack of coaching in 2000, despite the fact that he's done
nothing but win under Fran.

Which Zow will show up for the next game?  The same one that showed up
for Auburn, and the same one that showed up for Southern Miss.  

Which Bama DEFENSE will show up?  That's the question.

-Original Message-
I [God help me} agree with Bill. Which Zow will show up for the next

Zow earned NOTHING but a continued scholarship. Watts has been the QB
this year and has done a fine job. You actually want to bench a man
he got hurt?

I have nothing against Zow except the 2000 season. That said, I'll sure
heck be glad when the season ends so the Zow controversy will end, also.

BTW, The vast majority of Zow's record belongs to Chris Samuels. Period!

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Rick McMahan


Kurt, what did ya think about that Gator/Vol game? Didn't Spurrier look
pitiful there at the end. 


> -Original Message-
> From: kurt rasmussen
> Pardon me while I bang the ever loving hell out of my head on the table
> here.

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[RollTideFan] test

2001-12-01 Thread denis_miler

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Re: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread kurt rasmussen

Hugh Wolfgang wrote:
> For months, I was saying that the defense was the problem, ya know.  But
> other people said that it was the fact that the offense didn't move the
> ball in the 4th quarter, and gave it back to the opponent, and the
> defense just wore down.  Those opinions won me over I guess.
> But deep down, I think it's neither. [...]

Pardon me while I bang the ever loving hell out of my head on the table


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Re: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread kurt rasmussen


> But a consistent Zow vs. a consistent Watts is a different story.

You missplet 'What the Hell is that'.


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Re: [RollTideFan] Bio-Genetics

2001-12-01 Thread Phillip L. Harbison

> I thought you were a product of bio-engineering at UAB.
> :-)

Wrong campus.  I'm a product of Alabama's best engineering
school, UAH.  CHARG3R H0CK3Y RUL3Z1!!

Phil Harbison
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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writingTide'sinvitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Mike Laborde

DAMN! HuGe! Quick, get a tissue. Your nose is bleeding!!

-Original Message-

Huge, I have been alive for 7 NCs and am probably old enough to be your
father.  I have forgotten more about football than you know, as you
prove on a daily basis.

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Mike Laborde

I [God help me} agree with Bill. Which Zow will show up for the next game?

Zow earned NOTHING but a continued scholarship. Watts has been the QB for
this year and has done a fine job. You actually want to bench a man because
he got hurt?

I have nothing against Zow except the 2000 season. That said, I'll sure as
heck be glad when the season ends so the Zow controversy will end, also.

BTW, The vast majority of Zow's record belongs to Chris Samuels. Period!

-Original Message-
From:William H Evans

Irrelevant, Hugh.

What is relevant is Zow's inconsistency.

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

You can set your conditions to judge Watts vs. Zow any way you like,
which is exactly what you are doing here.  You are only considering the
final Win/Loss from Zow's two starts, while narrowing down your look at
Watts to the fourth quarters in games WHERE ALABAMA'S DEFENSE PUT

Yes, but the offense didn't put together the same kind of drives in the
4th quarter that they did in the 1st half.  See my previous post about

Looking at the total picture for Watts and Zow, a knowledgeable football
person would take the consistent Watts over the inconsistent Zow every

Yes, I agree.  But a consistent Zow vs. a consistent Watts is a
different story.

Zow looks like Jay Barker one week and Brian Burgdorf the next.  The 31
points he put on the board against Auburn were against a defense that
quit.  Slef or I could have QBed Alabama to 31 points on that day.

I don't think you've got it in you to QB Bama to 31 points, Bill :)
But I do agree that Auburn gave up when Williams went down.  By the way,
Burgdorf did have some good games in his day I think!

Watts looks like Jay Barker in the first half a lot of the time, but not
in the 4th quarter.  

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

Hugh, please consider that in AZ's *two* wins the defense gave up; 7 and
points respectively.
That's an average of 11 points/game.
In AZ's wins the offense averaged 29.5 points/game>>

I don't have the stats it front of me, but that sounds right.

In TW's *five* loses, the defense gave up; 20, 30, 27, 35, 35 which is
average of 29.4 points/game.
In those losses, the offense averaged scoring 24.4 points/game.

Again, I'll trust your math.

The *big difference* is the defense *not* the offense. They have just
it up a couple of notches since that LSU shellacking and the results
shown up on the score board..

For months, I was saying that the defense was the problem, ya know.  But
other people said that it was the fact that the offense didn't move the
ball in the 4th quarter, and gave it back to the opponent, and the
defense just wore down.  Those opinions won me over I guess.  

But deep down, I think it's neither.  STAMINA is the key.  For whatever
reason, Watts is great for 45 minutes, but he gets tired in the 4th
quarter.  Zow seems to have been able to stay alert and on his "A" game
for the entire 60 minutes for the games he's started and played the
whole game.  I'm not the only person who has noted this, either.  As
someone I know put it... Watts has looked EXHAUSTED at the end of a
number of games this year.  I didn't see a shot of Zow at the end of the
game Thursday night, but I haven't heard any reports about him being
exhausted.  Granted, there's something to be said for a win giving you
an extra sprint to your step, but maybe there's more to it than that.  

This is why I believe BOTH quarterbacks not only deserve to play - but
should play.  They have both shown that they are capable in Fran's
offense, now.  With both playing, there's less of a chance that one will
wear out and make a costly mistake at the end of the game.  It really
doesn't matter who starts in that situation.

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RE: [RollTideFan] Beard and Watts expected back for bowl game

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

-Original Message-
> I would PLAY Tyler - if he's healthy.  But I would NOT start him.
> Andrew's earned the starting job,
>>Yup. 3+ years of inconsistency as opposed to 2.2 good (back to back)
>>games..  Hell. Start the boy.  Works for me. 

What was inconsistent about the 10-3 SEC Championship season in 1999?
But in any case, the past is irrelevant, since it was under a different

> and it'll be his final game.  Tyler's also played hard this year, 
> though, and he deserves to play.
>>Skrew all this 'final game/worked hard' BS!!  We ain't talkin' Romper
>>Room here.   For the love of Pete..

Screw the past coaching staff's system, then, and how he did under it.
Under Fran's system - now that he's fully learned it - he's doing mighty
fine, based upon the record.

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RE: [RollTideFan] " 6-5 "

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

Are you feeling alright?  It's a mortal sin to agree with me :)

-Original Message-
Ain't no problem being optimistic. We should believe
it every year...sometimes it happens!

> Hugh,
> I think your 11-0 expectations were extremely
> optimistic.
>bill evans

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[RollTideFan] Allburn on the BUD (non-BAMA)

2001-12-01 Thread kurt rasmussen

> Auburn at LSU G3R- 1 C
> ESPN feed Starts 7:45pm ET

If interested..


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Re: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread kurt rasmussen

Scott Rogers  (waxing poetically on huGe) wrote:
> And the funny thing is..he doesn't even see it himslef! ROTF.

Somewhere in the gray matter I'm reminded of  1234 sees when he
looks in the mirror. I forget.

I am.. [something] ?


Btw.  Sorry for the visual image about someone 'waxing on huGe'.  I
clicked the send key before I had a chance to change it.

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Re: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread William H Evans

James, is that supposed to be surprising?

You are being much more consistent about Zow than Zow has been playing QB
for UA since 1998.

bill evans
Hartselle, AL

On Sat, 1 Dec 2001 15:30:47 -0800 (PST) James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I'll agree with Wolfcrank on this one Now I need
> something to Drink :)   
> --- William H Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hugh,
> > 
> > You can set your conditions to judge Watts vs. Zow
> > any way you like,
> > which is exactly what you are doing here.  You are
> > only considering the
> > final Win/Loss from Zow's two starts, while
> > narrowing down your look at
> > Watts to the fourth quarters in games WHERE
> > 
> > Looking at the total picture for Watts and Zow, a
> > knowledgeable football
> > person would take the consistent Watts over the
> > inconsistent Zow every
> > time.
> > 
> > Zow looks like Jay Barker one week and Brian
> > Burgdorf the next.  The 31
> > points he put on the board against Auburn were
> > against a defense that
> > quit.  Slef or I could have QBed Alabama to 31
> > points on that day.
> > 
> > 
> > bill evans
> > Hartselle, AL
> > 

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Re: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Jeff Todd


Please refrain from using my name in any future correspondence with this
incredibly stupid beotch.



-Original Message-
From: William H Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Saturday, December 01, 2001 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's
invitation to Nashville


> Slef or I could have QBed Alabama to 31 points on that day.

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Re: [RollTideFan] " 6-5 "

2001-12-01 Thread Doug McCullough

Ain't no problem being optimistic. We should believe
it every year...sometimes it happens!

> Hugh,
> I think your 11-0 expectations were extremely
> optimistic.
>bill evans

 "Hugh Wolfgang"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
 At the beginning of the season, I believed we
> could go 11-0. 
> > 11 games into the season, I still believe we could
> have gone 11-0.
> > If the team had played with the same intensity and
> desire in 
> > September that it played with in November, Alabama
> would not be 
> > sitting around waiting for the Music City Bowl
> officials to call - 
> > the Tide would be preparing for Florida.  

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Re: [RollTideFan] Beard and Watts expected back for bowl game

2001-12-01 Thread kurt rasmussen

Hugh Wolfgang wrote:
> I would PLAY Tyler - if he's healthy.  But I would NOT start him.
> Andrew's earned the starting job,

Yup. 3+ years of inconsistency as opposed to 2.2 good (back to back)
games..  Hell. Start the boy.  Works for me. 

> and it'll be his final game.  Tyler's also played hard this year, 
> though, and he deserves to play.

Skrew all this 'final game/worked hard' BS!!  We ain't talkin' Romper
Room here.   For the love of Pete..


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Re: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread James

I'll agree with Wolfcrank on this one Now I need
something to Drink :)   
--- William H Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hugh,
> You can set your conditions to judge Watts vs. Zow
> any way you like,
> which is exactly what you are doing here.  You are
> only considering the
> final Win/Loss from Zow's two starts, while
> narrowing down your look at
> Watts to the fourth quarters in games WHERE
> Looking at the total picture for Watts and Zow, a
> knowledgeable football
> person would take the consistent Watts over the
> inconsistent Zow every
> time.
> Zow looks like Jay Barker one week and Brian
> Burgdorf the next.  The 31
> points he put on the board against Auburn were
> against a defense that
> quit.  Slef or I could have QBed Alabama to 31
> points on that day.
> bill evans
> Hartselle, AL
> On Sat, 1 Dec 2001 16:51:41 -0600 "Hugh Wolfgang"
> writes:
> > How exactly is a 2-0 record this year
> inconsistent?
> > I'd say that Watts has been inconsistent, too, in
> the 4th quarter.  
> > The
> > games that Bama has won the 4th quarter this year,
> Zow was at QB.
> > 
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> >  Irrelevant, Hugh.
> > 
> > What is relevant is Zow's inconsistency.  
> > 
> > On Sat, 1 Dec 2001 16:29:22 -0600 "Hugh Wolfgang"
> > writes:
> > > And how many points did Zow lead the Tide to
> against Auburn again, 
> > 
> > > Bill?
> > 
> > 
> > 

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Rick McMahan

Hugh, please consider that in AZ's *two* wins the defense gave up; 7 and 15
points respectively.
That's an average of 11 points/game.
In AZ's wins the offense averaged 29.5 points/game

In TW's *five* loses, the defense gave up; 20, 30, 27, 35, 35 which is an
average of 29.4 points/game.
In those losses, the offense averaged scoring 24.4 points/game.

The *big difference* is the defense *not* the offense. They have just turned
it up a couple of notches since that LSU shellacking and the results have
shown up on the score board..


> -Original Message-
> From: Hugh Wolfgang
> How exactly is a 2-0 record this year inconsistent?
> I'd say that Watts has been inconsistent, too, in the 4th quarter.  The
> games that Bama has won the 4th quarter this year, Zow was at QB.
> -Original Message-
>  Irrelevant, Hugh.
> What is relevant is Zow's inconsistency.
> On Sat, 1 Dec 2001 16:29:22 -0600 "Hugh Wolfgang"
> writes:
> > And how many points did Zow lead the Tide to against Auburn again,
> > Bill?

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Re: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Scott Rogers

- Original Message - 
From: "Hugh Wolfgang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I'm very serious, actually.
> Last year is irrelevant. 

And the funny thing is..he doesn't even see it himslef! ROTF


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Re: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread William H Evans


You can set your conditions to judge Watts vs. Zow any way you like,
which is exactly what you are doing here.  You are only considering the
final Win/Loss from Zow's two starts, while narrowing down your look at
Watts to the fourth quarters in games WHERE ALABAMA'S DEFENSE PUT ALABAMA

Looking at the total picture for Watts and Zow, a knowledgeable football
person would take the consistent Watts over the inconsistent Zow every

Zow looks like Jay Barker one week and Brian Burgdorf the next.  The 31
points he put on the board against Auburn were against a defense that
quit.  Slef or I could have QBed Alabama to 31 points on that day.

bill evans
Hartselle, AL

On Sat, 1 Dec 2001 16:51:41 -0600 "Hugh Wolfgang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> How exactly is a 2-0 record this year inconsistent?
> I'd say that Watts has been inconsistent, too, in the 4th quarter.  
> The
> games that Bama has won the 4th quarter this year, Zow was at QB.
> -Original Message-
>  Irrelevant, Hugh.
> What is relevant is Zow's inconsistency.  
> On Sat, 1 Dec 2001 16:29:22 -0600 "Hugh Wolfgang"
> writes:
> > And how many points did Zow lead the Tide to against Auburn again, 
> > Bill?

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

I'm very serious, actually.
Last year is irrelevant.  In game conditions, tell me one situation
where Zow has done something wrong this season.

-Original Message-
Hugh, you enjoy this stuff too much, don't you? There is no way you're
> -Original Message-
> And how many points did Zow lead the Tide to against Auburn again,

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

How exactly is a 2-0 record this year inconsistent?
I'd say that Watts has been inconsistent, too, in the 4th quarter.  The
games that Bama has won the 4th quarter this year, Zow was at QB.

-Original Message-
 Irrelevant, Hugh.

What is relevant is Zow's inconsistency.  

On Sat, 1 Dec 2001 16:29:22 -0600 "Hugh Wolfgang"
> And how many points did Zow lead the Tide to against Auburn again, 
> Bill?

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writingTide'sinvitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Coach_Fran

Cranky posted:

Ten years before you did, apparently.

Huge, I have been alive for 7 NCs and am probably old enough to be your
father.  I have forgotten more about football than you know, as you
prove on a daily basis.

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Re: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread William H Evans

Irrelevant, Hugh.

What is relevant is Zow's inconsistency.  

bill evans
Hartselle, AL

On Sat, 1 Dec 2001 16:29:22 -0600 "Hugh Wolfgang" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> And how many points did Zow lead the Tide to against Auburn again, 
> Bill?
> -Original Message-
>  Thanks, Coach Fran, for taking the words right out of my mouth!

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Rick McMahan

Hugh, you enjoy this stuff too much, don't you? There is no way you're

> -Original Message-
> Behalf Of Hugh Wolfgang
> Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 4:29 PM
> Subject: RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing
> Tide's invitation to Nashville
> And how many points did Zow lead the Tide to against Auburn again, Bill?
> -Original Message-
>  Thanks, Coach Fran, for taking the words right out of my mouth!
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> [EMAIL PROTECTED] with a BLANK subject line and the
> single word "UNSUBSCRIBE" (without the quotes) in the body or
> visit http://www.RollTideFan.net

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

And how many points did Zow lead the Tide to against Auburn again, Bill?

-Original Message-
 Thanks, Coach Fran, for taking the words right out of my mouth!

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RE: [RollTideFan] Beard and Watts expected back for bowl game

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

The TEAM - especially the defense - played better when Zow was in at QB.
Having said that, Zow DID drive the team for a score against UCLA (too
little too late in the game), you know.

-Original Message-
 Stating that Zow is 2-0 and that Watts is 4-5 is not a fair comparison.
There was a big difference in Zow's games and Watts.  "DEFENSE".   If
the defense played these last two games as they had most of the year,
Zow could have very well been 0-2.  I'm not saying that Zow did not play
good, but the 4-5 record was not because Watts did not play good

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writingTide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

Ten years before you did, apparently.

-Original Message-
Exactly. He'll BECOME a great QB, but he's got a ways to go before he's
To answer your question...I'd take Zow right now, honestly. Ole Miss
only beat a Watts-led Tide by 3.

Huge please let me know when you have a clue about football.  Thank you
very much.

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Re: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread William H Evans

Thanks, Coach Fran, for taking the words right out of my mouth!

bill evans
Hartselle, AL

On Sat, 1 Dec 2001 16:25:37 -0600 (CST) [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
> Huge posted:
> Exactly. He'll BECOME a great QB, but he's got a ways to go before 
> he's
> there. 
> To answer your question...I'd take Zow right now, honestly. Ole 
> Miss
> only beat a Watts-led Tide by 3.
> Huge please let me know when you have a clue about football.  Thank 
> you
> very much.

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Re: [RollTideFan] Beard and Watts expected back for bowl game

2001-12-01 Thread Coach_Fran

Kay posted:

Kay you are absolutely right, but you are wasting your time with
reasonable, common sense posts to Wolfcrank.  

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Re: [RollTideFan] Beard and Watts expected back for bowl game

2001-12-01 Thread Kay

Stating that Zow is 2-0 and that Watts is 4-5 is not a fair comparison.  There was a 
big difference in Zow's games and Watts.  "DEFENSE".   If the defense played these 
last two games as they had most of the year,
Zow could have very well been 0-2.  I'm not saying that Zow did not play good, but the 
4-5 record was not because Watts did not play good football.

Hugh Wolfgang wrote:

> Zow is 2-0 as a starter this year.  Watts is 4-5.
> Zow is the all-time leading passer in Alabama football HISTORY - and he
> was on the bench for most of the first 8 games this year.
> I think Zow is the one who deserves a freaking break.
> -Original Message-
> JHC! Give me a freaking BREAK. The only reason Zow has seen a down of
> playing time in the past 5 weeks is because Watts was hurt. Zow earned
> crap!
> Give me a break. Zow is a 2nd team QB!
> -Original Message-
> From:  Hugh Wolfgang
> Andrew's earned the starting job, and it'll be his final game.  Tyler's
> also played hard this year, though, and he deserves to play.
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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writingTide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Coach_Fran

Huge posted:

Exactly. He'll BECOME a great QB, but he's got a ways to go before he's
To answer your question...I'd take Zow right now, honestly. Ole Miss
only beat a Watts-led Tide by 3.

Huge please let me know when you have a clue about football.  Thank you
very much.

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

Exactly.  He'll BECOME a great QB, but he's got a ways to go before he's
To answer your question...I'd take Zow right now, honestly.  Ole Miss
only beat a Watts-led Tide by 3.

-Original Message-
 He is also a sophomore who is going to be a better QB the next two
then he will be playing on Sundays.

Hugh, if you had a choice between the 2001 Eli Manning and the 2001
Andrew Zow, who would you take to be your starting QB?

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

It was just you.  Vandy controlled the first 3 quarters.

-Original Message-
Hugh was it just me or did that game sound like an Eli
manning Info Comercial for the  Heisman .
--- Hugh Wolfgang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No.  
> Manning isn't good.  Vandy is just BAD.

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Re: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread William H Evans

He is also a sophomore who is going to be a better QB the next two years,
then he will be playing on Sundays.

Hugh, if you had a choice between the 2001 Eli Manning and the 2001
Andrew Zow, who would you take to be your starting QB?

bill evans
Hartselle, AL

On Sat, 1 Dec 2001 15:23:56 -0600 "Rick McMahan"
> > -Original Message-
> > From:  Hugh Wolfgang
> >
> > Manning isn't good.  Vandy is just BAD.
> >
> Hugh, do you really feel that Manning is not a talented qb or what 
> exactly
> do you mean by him not being good?
> The way he lead his team back, plus, the way he has continued to 
> make plays
> against some very good competition the past two years, proves to me 
> the guy
> knows how to play. Whether you like him or OleMiss, doesn't matter. 
> The
> young man deserves credit, he IS a good football player.
> RTR!
> Rick

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread James

Hugh was it just me or did that game sound like an Eli
manning Info Comercial for the  Heisman .
--- Hugh Wolfgang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> No.  
> Manning isn't good.  Vandy is just BAD.
> -Original Message-
>  Need a rag, to wipe the egg off your face?
> I was pulling for the 'Dores all the way. Manning is
> good, no doubt
> about
> it.
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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

-Original Message-
> Manning isn't good.  Vandy is just BAD.

I mean he's not his brother, or his daddy - yet anyway.  He's not been
consistently on his "A" game - Ole Miss lost 3 out of their last 4

The way he lead his team back, plus, the way he has continued to make
against some very good competition the past two years, proves to me the
knows how to play. Whether you like him or OleMiss, doesn't matter. The
young man deserves credit, he IS a good football player.

Time will tell what kind of player Eli Manning develops into.  He's got
the potential to become a very good player.  But he's not there, yet.  A
very good QB doesn't turn the ball over against Vandy's defense.

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Rick McMahan

> -Original Message-
> From:  Hugh Wolfgang
> Manning isn't good.  Vandy is just BAD.

Hugh, do you really feel that Manning is not a talented qb or what exactly
do you mean by him not being good?

The way he lead his team back, plus, the way he has continued to make plays
against some very good competition the past two years, proves to me the guy
knows how to play. Whether you like him or OleMiss, doesn't matter. The
young man deserves credit, he IS a good football player.


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RE: [RollTideFan] Beard and Watts expected back for bowl game

2001-12-01 Thread Rick McMahan

> -Original Message-
> From: Richard
> Just a thought here? If you were Coach Fran would you pull AZ in favor of
> TW?

No, AZ would definitely start, but TW would play a couple of series in the
first half and some in the second half as well. My reasoning; as long as TW
is healthy, he deserves to play. Remember, a bowl game is a reward for the
players. TW had a great season and deserves playing time as a reward for his
tremendous gritty efforts all year! He had some great moments throughout the

> Chemistry in my
> opinion can win games that talent alone can't. Let's Bowl BABY!!!

Playing TW isn't gonna hurt the team's chemistry in my opinion. AZ has made
plays in the last three games, but so did TW in the earlier games in which
he played. The offense was able to move the ball and score with either qb. I
believe the fans make too big a deal about who plays qb on this team.

Not a flame, just stating my opinion. Welcome to the list by the way!!


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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang


Manning isn't good.  Vandy is just BAD.

-Original Message-
 Need a rag, to wipe the egg off your face?

I was pulling for the 'Dores all the way. Manning is good, no doubt

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RE: [RollTideFan] Bama - FL!

2001-12-01 Thread Rick McMahan

To painful, can't watch!

> -Original Message-
> From: Mike Laborde
> ESPN Classic has the 1994 FL- Bama SECC game on NOW!

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RE: [RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Rick McMahan

Need a rag, to wipe the egg off your face?

I was pulling for the 'Dores all the way. Manning is good, no doubt about


> -Original Message-
> From: Hugh Wolfgang

> Alabama players probably know how the Rebels feel.  After all, the 2000
> Tide finished with 5 straight losses, much the same as Ole Miss will
> finish 2001 with 4 straight losses.
> I think Ole Miss has taken care of that last piece of the puzzle,
> though.  Granted, the game's not over yet, but Vanderbilt's eating Eli
> Manning alive.

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RE: [RollTideFan] Beard and Watts expected back for bowl game

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

Zow is 2-0 as a starter this year.  Watts is 4-5.
Zow is the all-time leading passer in Alabama football HISTORY - and he
was on the bench for most of the first 8 games this year.

I think Zow is the one who deserves a freaking break.

-Original Message-
JHC! Give me a freaking BREAK. The only reason Zow has seen a down of
playing time in the past 5 weeks is because Watts was hurt. Zow earned

Give me a break. Zow is a 2nd team QB!

-Original Message-
From:  Hugh Wolfgang

Andrew's earned the starting job, and it'll be his final game.  Tyler's
also played hard this year, though, and he deserves to play.

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RE: [RollTideFan] Beard and Watts expected back for bowl game

2001-12-01 Thread Mike Laborde

JHC! Give me a freaking BREAK. The only reason Zow has seen a down of
playing time in the past 5 weeks is because Watts was hurt. Zow earned crap!

Give me a break. Zow is a 2nd team QB!

-Original Message-
From:  Hugh Wolfgang

Andrew's earned the starting job, and it'll be his final game.  Tyler's
also played hard this year, though, and he deserves to play.

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[RollTideFan] Bama - FL!

2001-12-01 Thread Mike Laborde

ESPN Classic has the 1994 FL- Bama SECC game on NOW!

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RE: [RollTideFan] Beard and Watts expected back for bowl game

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

I would PLAY Tyler - if he's healthy.  But I would NOT start him.
Andrew's earned the starting job, and it'll be his final game.  Tyler's
also played hard this year, though, and he deserves to play.

-Original Message-
 Just a thought here? If you were Coach Fran would you pull AZ in favor
TW? If it was me? No way! AZ has proven his heart and the team has
responded to his leadership. If I were to make the call, it would be
that TW
would only play if AZ were to get hurt or played poorly. Chemistry in my
opinion can win games that talent alone can't. Let's Bowl BABY!!!

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Re: [RollTideFan] Beard and Watts expected back for bowl game

2001-12-01 Thread crimsontidefan

Just a thought here? If you were Coach Fran would you pull AZ in favor of
TW? If it was me? No way! AZ has proven his heart and the team has really
responded to his leadership. If I were to make the call, it would be that TW
would only play if AZ were to get hurt or played poorly. Chemistry in my
opinion can win games that talent alone can't. Let's Bowl BABY!!!

- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, December 01, 2001 10:24 AM
Subject: [RollTideFan] Beard and Watts expected back for bowl game

> http://www.decaturdaily.com/decaturdaily/sports/011201/bowl.shtml
> Roll Tide!!
> kurt
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[RollTideFan] [Indirectly Bama-related] Ole Miss writing Tide's invitation to Nashville

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

Alabama players probably know how the Rebels feel.  After all, the 2000
Tide finished with 5 straight losses, much the same as Ole Miss will
finish 2001 with 4 straight losses.  The Rebels became bowl-eligible
with a win at LSU back on October 27 - that was their 5th win in a row,
after a loss to Auburn in Week 2.  At the time, Alabama was 3-4 with a
week off between losses to Tennessee and that same LSU team.  

What a difference a month makes!  Thursday night, Alabama won the Mud
Bowl in Birmingham over Southern Miss.  After the game, the announcers
debated - ad nauseum - whether Alabama, at 6-5, would get a bid to the
Music City Bowl.  They said someone else would have to be left out of
the party for the Tide to be invited, given that there were already
eight SEC teams eligible for seven spots in bowls.  

I think Ole Miss has taken care of that last piece of the puzzle,
though.  Granted, the game's not over yet, but Vanderbilt's eating Eli
Manning alive.

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[RollTideFan] USM Predictions

2001-12-01 Thread Jeff Todd


Who won the prediction contest?


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RE: [RollTideFan] Go Vandy Go Uab

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

No we don't - we're going to Nashville, take it to the bank.  However,
Go Vandy anyway.  I'd love for Woody to go out on an up swing.  He seems
like a good guy and has had a rough time.

-Original Message-
 We need alot to happen in order for Bama to play one
more game.GO VANDY  

Vandy up 6-0 over Olemiss Early in the Ist

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[RollTideFan] Go Vandy Go Uab

2001-12-01 Thread James

We need alot to happen in order for Bama to play one
more game.GO VANDY  

Vandy up 6-0 over Olemiss Early in the Ist

--- "Phillip L. Harbison" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Mike Laborde wrote:
> > Does anyone know anything about Williams Barbecue
> in Cullman?
> I have not heard anything good about it.  IIRC, it
> is the
> latest in a long list of restaurants that have
> opened in
> the same location.  Sometimes a location just seems
> cursed.
> The best barbeque in Cullman (and the world, fir
> that matter)
> is Johnny's Barbeque on US-278 about 1 mile East of
> I-65.
> There is also a Whitt's franchise which is good. 
> Here is
> a link to information about Johnny's on my BBQ page.
>   http://www.xavax.com/alvitar/barbeque/0004.html
> -- 
> Phil Harbison
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RE: [RollTideFan] " 6-5 "

2001-12-01 Thread Hugh Wolfgang

Of course you do.  Auburn doesn't have many 11-0 seasons after all.

-Original Message-
I think your 11-0 expectations were extremely optimistic.

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[RollTideFan] College Football Action...

2001-12-01 Thread Rick McMahan

Here are a few of the day's match-ups:

Penn State @ Virginia 11:00 ESPN
Vandy @ Ole Miss 11:30 JP
Miami @ Virginia Tech 12:00 ABC
Georgia Tech @ Florida State 2:30 ESPN
Tennessee @ Florida 3:30 CBS
Auburn @ LSU 6:45 ESPN
BYU @ Miss St. 7:00 ESPN2

Times are CST


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