[scifinoir2] FW: Time-travelling Higgs sabotages the LHC. No, really

2009-10-14 Thread Tracey de Morsella
From: Chris de Morsella [mailto:cdemorse...@yahoo.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 11:25 PM
To: 'tracey demorsella'
Subject: RE: Time-travelling Higgs sabotages the LHC. No, really 



Time-travelling Higgs sabotages the LHC. No, really

LHC2.jpgRichard Webb, physics features editor

Could the Large 
Hadron Collider be sabotaging itself from the future? That's the suggestion
of a couple of reasonably distinguished theoretical physicists, which has
received a fresh airing in
  the New York Times today. 

Actually, it's the Higgs boson that is doing the sabotage. Apparently, among
the many singular properties of the Higgs that the LHC is meant to discover
could be the ability to turn back time to stop its cover being blown.

Or as the New York Times puts it:  

"the hypothesized Higgs boson... might be so abhorrent to nature that its
creation would ripple backward through time and stop the collider before it
could make one, like a time traveler who goes back in time to kill his

That is the ultimate reason, suggest the duo - Danish string theory pioneer
Holger Bech Nielsen   and the Japanese
physicist Masao Ninomiya - why Congress stopped the funding for the USA's
  Super Collider in 1993, and why the
  LHC itself suffered such an embarrassing
meltdown shortly after starting up last year. 


Reading the first   paper from a couple of
years ago and the follow-up last week  ,
it's not quite clear to me how or why the Higgs contrives to influence the
minds of Congressmen, or cause LHC magnets to overheat from its point of
discovery some time in the future. Even trying to consider how it would
achieve such feats makes my own magnets overheat.

The authors clear up some of the mystery by describing their model as
starting with "a series of not completely convincing, but still suggestive,

Some more
  excitable corners of the physics blogosphere have been considerably
less polite about the theory.

Even more fun is Nielsen and Ninomiya's suggestion of how their theory might
be tested: with a card game.

First, take a million or so cards, each scribbled with a future fate for the
LHC. Make them overwhelmingly read "carry on", but add just one or two
saying "shut the thing down".

If you pull one of the "shut down" ones at random, you have pretty good
proof that the Higgs is trying to tell you something from the future.

I don't know what happens if you disobey the warning: perhaps that's where
the thing with the black
  holes that eat the world come in. 
I'm not sure anyone in charge needs my advice on this, but I'd be tempted to
go ahead with the LHC restart anyway, just on the off-chance Nielsen and
Ninomiya are wrong.

If the thing keeps on failing to work, at least you have the perfect excuse:
it wasn't me, it was the Higgs.


RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Tracey de Morsella
I do think the stick figure is a white guy thing.  Not all of them, but too 
many for my comfort.   This new weightlifted emaciated look seems to appeal to 
more White men than Black or Latino as well.  Where I live, Asians and Indians 
are almost the majority.  From what I can see, some of them may like slender, 
but I do not see any with stick figures either. 


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Keith Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:59 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight?


Wow, you need to write some memoirs! I didn't know all this!
Not to get racial here--and apologies to my white brothers (to co-opt Cornell 
West), but I notice more white men who go for the look of Angelina Jolie, 
Jennifer Anniston, Paris Hilton, etc. I know very few black or Latino men--even 
younger ones--who say they prefer really thin women.

- Original Message -
From: "Tracey de Morsella" 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 11:37:54 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired 
for being overweight?


I worked as a stylist on the set a few times, as well as a model.  The clothes 
do lay easier on a thinner model than a normal sized model, but the whole 
photographing process is about illusion, NOT reality.   The purpose is to sell 
a lie.   It is easier to make cheap poorly constructed  clothes look better on 
them.  I used to model in those clothing catalogs.  The clothes fit horribly on 
all of us. BUT the stylist comes to the set with clothes pins and needles and 
makes them formfitting.  Then they contort us in specific poses to make the 
clothes look better.  Then the photographer  does his thing with lighting and 
shadows……and the next thing you know, we look perfect and women are wondering 
why the clothes look better on us then them.  The reality is we didn’t.It 
is false advertising.  This illusion works on everyone, but best on the real 
skinny models IMO.   


Ironically, I was considered a little voluptuous at 115 and 34B at the time.  
Because of that, I got work doing bathing suits, Calvin Kline underwear and 
lingerie.  I look at old pictures now, I while I do not see skinny, I do see  
slender… NOT voluptuous.   I never got into the serious diet thing and I used 
to beat myself up for it.  Looking back, I am relieved.


Now on a separate issue, if you go on the boards sometimes like on imdb and you 
see the commentary by men about the female stars,  I significant number like 
that skinny look.  Why is Brad with Angelina, Harrison with Calista and a host 
of others.  It is a specific taste that some straight men have.  I’ve seen guys 
call women I think are hot, fat.  On that note, they are not men I want 
anything to do with, nor do I want my daughter near them.   Supposedly, these 
guys are straight.  I do not know, if they have a daddy thing going on, it 
makes them feel my potent and stronger, or what, but there are men who like 




From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Mr. Worf
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:42 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight?


Real men like curves. This sounds extremely homophobic but, most of the guys 
that do fashion like boys so I think it comes out subconsciously in their model 
choices. You choose what is attractive to you. So often they pick models that 
are completely featureless. This has been more apparent when you compare models 
of 20 years ago to the super skinny ones today. 

For example, Christie Brinkley, or Beverly Johnson would probably be considered 
too fat and too pretty now. (depending on which part of the world it is.) 

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Tracey de Morsella 


Here something weird, I was 115  at 5’7’ for years when I modeled back in the 
day. I attracted guys, but not that much—unless I had my makeup articles, and 
hair stylist on hand, which was not often  J.   I quit modeling and over the 
years I gained until I I was about 135 – 140.  I thought I was fat, but guys 
started stopping me on the street and trying to get my attention.  I very odd 


Something is definitively wrong.  Guys like that monster Lagerfeld, should not 
be defining female beauty  


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Adrianne Brennan
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 5:21 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight?


Okay, I'm going to give some stats here for a sake of comparison. At 5'4" at 
120 lbs, I wear a size 2--size 0 in some clothing if the hips run loose because

RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Tracey de Morsella
Keith it is true about skinner photographing better.  Particularly for 
photographing clothes.  It is probably easier to get a sellable shot with a 
thin model than a normal sized person or a larger person.  That is not putting 
down the other folks,. you are seeking unnatural circumstances to sell a lie.  
After working in that industry, I almost never by clothes from catalogs, 
because I do not know how the outfit really looks on.   It does not even 
usually look good on the skinny model without all the pins in most cases. 


If you think about it, candid photos to not always show the person looking as 
good as they do in person, because the camera often distorts.


That being said, there is a limit on how skinny you should go.  Also, just 
because skinnier is easier to shoot, it does not mean you should also opt to 
shoot skinny.  Most actresses and actors are not as skinny as models and they 
work to photograph them in flattering ways.  There are ways to work the camera. 
 You have to do it for all sizes of people, so going to the extremes these 
“trend setters” have opted for is close to criminal in my mind.  


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Keith Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:53 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight?


Funny thing, i was listening to an interview with Beverly Johnson on NPR's 
"Tell Me More" recently. It was the anniversary of her breakthrough appearance 
on the cover of Vogue. Johnson has a daughter who's a plus-sized model, and 
wholeheartedly supports her. Yet in the same interview she said "The main 
fashion industry likes slimmer woman, because I'm sorry, clothes just look 
better on slim women".

- Original Message -
From: "Mr. Worf" 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 10:41:59 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired  
for being overweight?


Real men like curves. This sounds extremely homophobic but, most of the guys 
that do fashion like boys so I think it comes out subconsciously in their model 
choices. You choose what is attractive to you. So often they pick models that 
are completely featureless. This has been more apparent when you compare models 
of 20 years ago to the super skinny ones today. 

For example, Christie Brinkley, or Beverly Johnson would probably be considered 
too fat and too pretty now. (depending on which part of the world it is.) 

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Tracey de Morsella 


Here something weird, I was 115  at 5’7’ for years when I modeled back in the 
day. I attracted guys, but not that much—unless I had my makeup articles, and 
hair stylist on hand, which was not often  J.   I quit modeling and over the 
years I gained until I I was about 135 – 140.  I thought I was fat, but guys 
started stopping me on the street and trying to get my attention.  I very odd 


Something is definitively wrong.  Guys like that monster Lagerfeld, should not 
be defining female beauty  


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Adrianne Brennan
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 5:21 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight?


Okay, I'm going to give some stats here for a sake of comparison. At 5'4" at 
120 lbs, I wear a size 2--size 0 in some clothing if the hips run loose because 
my waist is significantly smaller than my hips. I am also rather small-boned.


For someone at 5'10" to be "too fat" at 120 is fucking insane. I actually will 
deliberately gain weight if I go below 120 because at that point I start to 
look unhealthy. At my height, 5 lbs goes a LONG way.

~ "Where love and magic meet" ~
Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series: 
Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series: 
The future of psychic sex - Dawn of the Seraphs (m/m): 

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Keith Johnson  


I don't know what's more disturbing: that they think this model in her current 
true form is overweight, or that anyone in any country in the world thought 
that doctored photo of her was either realistic or attractive.  I have tried 
over and over to understand the American obsession with thin models and 
actresses. My wife always explains to me that clothing looks better when hung 
on a thin frame, since designers feel a  woman's curves detract from the dress, 
and a thin woman's body doesn't do that. (she doesn't agree with the 
philosophy, but understands it). Assuming I bought that--I don't--why then do 
even actresses, 

RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Tracey de Morsella
When I was smaller, I got a lot of attention from white guys and some attention 
from Latino and Black guys.  Interestingly enough, when I gained they all came 
around in larger numbers, but a larger proportion of Black guys popped up.  


There were a couple of things at work.  I did not stop getting carded until 28 
or 29.  Friends called me jail bait for the longest.  At twenty six one guy 
would not date me until I showed him my drivers license.   To put it bluntly, I 
got breasts  and hips around thirty.  Those to factors had a lot to do with it. 
 Add the very tall, in shape, over-protective father and you get the picture. 


 Finally there is a catch 22.  Out of make-up I looked like a kid, in it, I was 
gorgeous. I am not being arrogant.  I’m amazed at how they transformed my face. 
 My face was a palette for them to recreate.   So if I left a photoshoot and 
did not take off the paint say to go to a party, most men would look but never 
come near me- unless it was an entertainment industry party.  A few guys, I got 
to know later in life told me they thought I was out of their league back then 
if they met me while made up.  So if you saw me in my twenties, you got either 
an underaged skinny kid or and unapproachable statue.   So, I met less “normal” 
guys  until I was around thirty


For me, Dax and Theron are as thin as I would want to go.  I think they are 
hot.  I hate it when some of the pretty normal ones turn into sticks.  Unless 
you are naturally thin, the weigh tloss looks like concentration camp victims. 
I start worrying for their mental and physical well being.  One of the worse is 
when they lose all that weight and then stick silicon breasts on those stick 
figure bodies


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Keith Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:50 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight?


Tracey, I'm not surprised at all. Just out of curiosity, was the attention you 
started getting more from black, Latino, or white guys? I'm always fascinated 
at how men of different cultures and ethnicities view beauty. The old wisdom 
was that black and Latino men definitely tend to prefer curvier women. That is 
by no means the truth all the time, but I just wonder. I notice that when my 
wife and I are out (she's very curvy, and would kill me for saying that!) she 
gets more looks from black and Mexican men. Quite a few from white men, but not 
as much. Almost always from European guys--at least, I've caught a few 
Spaniards and Italians trying to mack her in the diary case while I was around 
the corner.

The sad thing is, it's not even about slim or thin women not being attractive. 
Beauty comes in all sizes, and slim women can be as beautiful as anyone else. 
Charlize Theron is very slim, and gorgeous. Same for Rosalyn Sanchez, Terry 
Ferrell (Dax from DS9).  It's just the push to make dangerously thin women the 
standard of beauty in the fashion and movie industries that bothers me. 

- Original Message -
From: "Tracey de Morsella" 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:44:53 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired 
for being overweight?


Here something weird, I was 115  at 5’7’ for years when I modeled back in the 
day. I attracted guys, but not that much—unless I had my makeup articles, and 
hair stylist on hand, which was not often  J.   I quit modeling and over the 
years I gained until I I was about 135 – 140.  I thought I was fat, but guys 
started stopping me on the street and trying to get my attention.  I very odd 


Something is definitively wrong.  Guys like that monster Lagerfeld, should not 
be defining female beauty  


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Adrianne Brennan
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 5:21 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight?


Okay, I'm going to give some stats here for a sake of comparison. At 5'4" at 
120 lbs, I wear a size 2--size 0 in some clothing if the hips run loose because 
my waist is significantly smaller than my hips. I am also rather small-boned.


For someone at 5'10" to be "too fat" at 120 is fucking insane. I actually will 
deliberately gain weight if I go below 120 because at that point I start to 
look unhealthy. At my height, 5 lbs goes a LONG way.

~ "Where love and magic meet" ~
Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series: 
Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series: 
The future of psychic sex - Dawn of the Seraphs (m/m): 

RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Tracey de Morsella
I agree with you, but I think a little push back is taking hold.  For instance, 
Scarlett Johansson, Kate Winslet, the woman on Dollhouse, that Secretary on Mad 
Men. .  Some of the female stars of TV shows are permitted to be a bit bigger 
than I believe that would have been in the past.  Examples include Medium, Rita 
Rocks, Sherry and some star of some show on lifetime who was skinny and died 
and woke up in a fat girls body. That being said, I think all it will amount to 
is tokenism.  It will never be the trend any time soon.  However, thanks to 
Monsanto, and increasingly in industrialized countries around the world, women 
are getting bigger.  So, I am noticing bigger women in commercials who would 
never be in commercials in the past.  They are possible coming to terms with a 
new bigger demographic.  That is also why women’s close sizes are getting 
smaller.  So the large number of big women will feel normal.  Hail Frankenfood! 
 What a horrible solution to Lagerfeld and Ralph Lauren


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Mr. Worf
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:41 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight?


That won't happen because the super thin women is ingrained into the minds of 
the people that control the industry. So what was considered thin is the new 
fat, and what was healthy is now the new obese. I am glad that there was a 
little bit of sanity that stopped people from going over the edge though. When 
people like Allie MacBeal and had to be hospitalized people said ok, that is 
too skinny! Skeletor's girlfriend or something.  Waking death just isn't cute 
or sexy. 

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 8:25 PM, Keith Johnson  


My wife says the same thing about a little weight going a long way. She's only 
5'1", and often complains I don't get it because I'm 6'1"--and a man. The funny 
thing is, this model looks better to me in shots where she's obviously gained a 
bit of weight over older shots. And to your point, I just see it as her getting 
back up to "slim", not even close to fat.

A couple of years ago  I read an article about Scarlett Johannsen in one of my 
wife's magazines. The writer--a man--said that she was a pretty woman, and then 
added "she works with her size". There were other words, but the guy's point 
was obviously that she was borderline too big. I remember being surprised. I'm 
still not sure how the desired female body type in America changed. When I was 
a kid it was those curvy women I mentioned. Sure, people liked Twiggy, Mary 
Tyler Moore in her capri pants was a cool thing. But men and women also sang 
the praises of the likes of Marilyn Monroe. Now it's weird. 

Maybe it's slowly changing back? At least, I've noticed that brunette actresses 
and models seem to be making a resurgence, so maybe the "fuller figured" women 
will come back too?

- Original Message -
From: "Adrianne Brennan" 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:21:11 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired  
for being overweight?


Okay, I'm going to give some stats here for a sake of comparison. At 5'4" at 
120 lbs, I wear a size 2--size 0 in some clothing if the hips run loose because 
my waist is significantly smaller than my hips. I am also rather small-boned.


For someone at 5'10" to be "too fat" at 120 is fucking insane. I actually will 
deliberately gain weight if I go below 120 because at that point I start to 
look unhealthy. At my height, 5 lbs goes a LONG way.

~ "Where love and magic meet" ~
Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series: 
Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series: 
The future of psychic sex - Dawn of the Seraphs (m/m): 

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Keith Johnson  


I don't know what's more disturbing: that they think this model in her current 
true form is overweight, or that anyone in any country in the world thought 
that doctored photo of her was either realistic or attractive.  I have tried 
over and over to understand the American obsession with thin models and 
actresses. My wife always explains to me that clothing looks better when hung 
on a thin frame, since designers feel a  woman's curves detract from the dress, 
and a thin woman's body doesn't do that. (she doesn't agree with the 
philosophy, but understands it). Assuming I bought that--I don't--why then do 
even actresses, who ostensibly aren't modeling clothing, get told to lose 
weight? Why are so many makeup models thin when all we should be looking at are 
their faces (the Queen Latifah's of the world notwithstanding)

As a black man 

RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Tracey de Morsella
MY DAD!  He hated that I went into it, but unlike my mom, who disowned me 
for it, and inadvertently, pushed me back in to it when I was about to give it 
up.He was smart, by supporting me and being my advocate, along with the 
fact that I looked like jail bait, he was able to protect me.  


At 18, when I pulled out my NYC map, and told my father I was taking the train 
from philly to nyc to do the interviews with the big agencies, instead of 
saying, no, he drove me up there and sat in the car as I went from agency to 
agency that whole first day.  


>From then on, I was required to give him my go-see or photoshoot schedule 
>everyday and call him at designated times.  He encouraged me to tell the 
>people I met with that I had to call him and ask to use their phones . I 
>commuted to NY from Philly for the first few years.  He had me call him every 
>morning from the train station when I arrived in NY and I had to called him to 
>let him know what train I was getting on when I was coming home


Another reason, I think I survived was because, I do not think I wanted it bad 
enough.  I wanted  to show my mother that she couldn’t control me more that I 
wanted to be famous.   Deep down, I wanted to be like her and own my own 
business.  So, when it came time to do the casting couch thing, either the men 
having a fear of my Dad, who I had to check in with several times a day, or the 
threat of not being a star not working, or me not needing a father figure, 
probably caused me to blow a huge number of casting couch “opportunities.”  


All my friends had boyfriends who “kept” them, I had boyfriends who could 
barely afford their car, or had to get to class.   I dated guys they were real 
smart and I liked them in my own age group.  So, my boyfriends tended not to be 
rich like most models.  They tended to be geeks.  


 I had a friend who I thought was gorgeous.  Around Christmas once she called 
me devastated because her boyfriend got her a nose job for Christmas she did 
not ask for nor want, nor up until then, think she needed – at least up until 
that point.  I think there was a lot of remaking going on with models and their 
“boyfriends”.  I guess I was a horrible friend, because I always told them to 
dump them and move back home.  That is not the root to stardom.  


What happened to Vanessa Williams with the photos, could have happened to me a 
few times. In the eighties/nineties nudity and showing pubic hair were not 
considered artistic like now.  I did underwear, sheer coverings, and other 
camoflague covering, but no nudes.   


Another old fart tried to molest me, but I told him I was sixteen, and my dad 
was waiting for me and would come looking and he let me go.  During the 
promotion of my rap album at a new music conference.  I caught a lot of flack 
from my producer because I would not take the pills they kept trying to give me 
“to relax.” They complained that I did not trust their judgement.  I would not 
drink any liquor, and I never drank my drink if I left it unattended whenever I 
was with them.   Again my dad, being in my ear gently guiding let me to make 
safer choices than many out there on their own.


A few other scary incidents occurred, but I think my system with my dad, 
protected me from getting hurt.  One guy told me I had what it took to make it 
big, but if I did not play by the rules, I would never make it beyond mediocre. 
 I do not know if I could have made it big, but I certainly would has gone much 
further than I did.  He was right about the mediocrity.  But, it was my 
decision, not someone controlling me.  Most of the people I met that did play 
by the rule(not all)  did not end up so great.  Even some who made it further 
than I did, did not end up so great.  Maintaining long term success in that 
arena is hard to achieve.  


Anyway, I’m s very lucky I had my dad, so I was able to come out of the 
experience with a more positive outlook than negative.  The daily grind of just 
working among the mediocre was fun and nonthreatening.


By the way, I think we should all want to be as hot as Sophia


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Keith Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:13 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight?


I agree, it seems to be an ugly industry. How did you survive it?

I just find the change in desire of body types interesting. Back in the 50s and 
60s, it was much more curvy women that were desired (at least, by certain 
groups' standards). I remember watching those corny beach movies with Frankie 
Avalon just so I could sneak a peek at Annette Funicello. She'd be considered 
overweight nowadays. And Sophia Loren? They'd have  her on a restrictive diet 
so fast her head would spend. My wife tells me that Jennifer Aniston was 
ordered to lose weight when she was

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Mr. Worf
Sometimes it depends on the guy that you hear the comments from. For
example, Howard Stern (remember him? He seems to slowly disappearing) was a
big critic. He would do "beauty contests" and weigh women on his show. Most
were average weight, others he would tell them "that they would look hotter
if they lost 20lbs."  Most of the time I found his comments off base, but
for modeling that would be the norm.

BBC America did a show on seeking size 0. They hired two female reporters
that were already small to try to loose weight down to a size 0. I won't
give it away but it is very interesting. Check it out if you have the

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 8:37 PM, Tracey de Morsella <
tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com> wrote:

>  I worked as a stylist on the set a few times, as well as a model.  The
> clothes do lay easier on a thinner model than a normal sized model, but the
> whole photographing process is about illusion, NOT reality.   The purpose is
> to sell a lie.   It is easier to make cheap poorly constructed  clothes look
> better on them.  I used to model in those clothing catalogs.  The clothes
> fit horribly on all of us. BUT the stylist comes to the set with clothes
> pins and needles and makes them formfitting.  Then they contort us in
> specific poses to make the clothes look better.  Then the photographer  does
> his thing with lighting and shadows……and the next thing you know, we look
> perfect and women are wondering why the clothes look better on us then
> them.  The reality is we didn’t.It is false advertising.  This illusion
> works on everyone, but best on the real skinny models IMO.
> Ironically, I was considered a little voluptuous at 115 and 34B at the
> time.  Because of that, I got work doing bathing suits, Calvin Kline
> underwear and lingerie.  I look at old pictures now, I while I do not see
> skinny, I do see  slender… NOT voluptuous.   I never got into the serious
> diet thing and I used to beat myself up for it.  Looking back, I am
> relieved.
> Now on a separate issue, if you go on the boards sometimes like on imdb and
> you see the commentary by men about the female stars,  I significant number
> like that skinny look.  Why is Brad with Angelina, Harrison with Calista and
> a host of others.  It is a specific taste that some straight men have.  I’ve
> seen guys call women I think are hot, fat.  On that note, they are not men I
> want anything to do with, nor do I want my daughter near them.   Supposedly,
> these guys are straight.  I do not know, if they have a daddy thing going
> on, it makes them feel my potent and stronger, or what, but there are men
> who like that.
> *From:* scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] *On
> Behalf Of *Mr. Worf
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:42 PM
> *To:* scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model
> fired for being overweight?
> Real men like curves. This sounds extremely homophobic but, most of the
> guys that do fashion like boys so I think it comes out subconsciously in
> their model choices. You choose what is attractive to you. So often they
> pick models that are completely featureless. This has been more apparent
> when you compare models of 20 years ago to the super skinny ones today.
> For example, Christie Brinkley, or Beverly Johnson would probably be
> considered too fat and too pretty now. (depending on which part of the world
> it is.)
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Tracey de Morsella <
> tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com> wrote:
> Here something weird, I was 115  at 5’7’ for years when I modeled back in
> the day. I attracted guys, but not that much—unless I had my makeup
> articles, and hair stylist on hand, which was not often  J.   I quit
> modeling and over the years I gained until I I was about 135 – 140.  I
> thought I was fat, but guys started stopping me on the street and trying to
> get my attention.  I very odd experience.
> Something is definitively wrong.  Guys like that monster Lagerfeld, should
> not be defining female beauty
> *From:* scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] *On
> Behalf Of *Adrianne Brennan
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 14, 2009 5:21 PM
> *To:* scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model
> fired for being overweight?
> Okay, I'm going to give some stats here for a sake of comparison. At 5'4"
> at 120 lbs, I wear a size 2--size 0 in some clothing if the hips run loose
> because my waist is significantly smaller than my hips. I am also rather
> small-boned.
> For someone at 5'10" to be "too fat" at 120 is fucking insane. I actually
> will deliberately gain weight if I go below 120 because at that point I
> start to look unhealthy. At my height, 5 lbs goes a LONG way.
> ~ "Where love and magic meet" ~
> http://www.adriannebrennan.com
> E

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Keith Johnson
Wow, you need to write some memoirs! I didn't know all this! 
Not to get racial here--and apologies to my white brothers (to co-opt Cornell 
West), but I notice more white men who go for the look of Angelina Jolie, 
Jennifer Anniston, Paris Hilton, etc. I know very few black or Latino men--even 
younger ones--who say they prefer really thin women. 

- Original Message - 
From: "Tracey de Morsella"  
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 11:37:54 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight? 

I worked as a stylist on the set a few times, as well as a model. The clothes 
do lay easier on a thinner model than a normal sized model, but the whole 
photographing process is about illusion, NOT reality. The purpose is to sell a 
lie. It is easier to make cheap poorly constructed clothes look better on them. 
I used to model in those clothing catalogs. The clothes fit horribly on all of 
us. BUT the stylist comes to the set with clothes pins and needles and makes 
them formfitting. Then they contort us in specific poses to make the clothes 
look better. Then the photographer does his thing with lighting and 
shadows……and the next thing you know, we look perfect and women are wondering 
why the clothes look better on us then them. The reality is we didn’t. It is 
false advertising. This illusion works on everyone, but best on the real skinny 
models IMO. 

Ironically, I was considered a little voluptuous at 115 and 34B at the time. 
Because of that, I got work doing bathing suits, Calvin Kline underwear and 
lingerie. I look at old pictures now, I while I do not see skinny, I do see 
slender… NOT voluptuous. I never got into the serious diet thing and I used to 
beat myself up for it. Looking back, I am relieved. 

Now on a separate issue, if you go on the boards sometimes like on imdb and you 
see the commentary by men about the female stars, I significant number like 
that skinny look. Why is Brad with Angelina, Harrison with Calista and a host 
of others. It is a specific taste that some straight men have. I’ve seen guys 
call women I think are hot, fat. On that note, they are not men I want anything 
to do with, nor do I want my daughter near them. Supposedly, these guys are 
straight. I do not know, if they have a daddy thing going on, it makes them 
feel my potent and stronger, or what, but there are men who like that. 

From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Mr. Worf 
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:42 PM 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight? 

Real men like curves. This sounds extremely homophobic but, most of the guys 
that do fashion like boys so I think it comes out subconsciously in their model 
choices. You choose what is attractive to you. So often they pick models that 
are completely featureless. This has been more apparent when you compare models 
of 20 years ago to the super skinny ones today. 

For example, Christie Brinkley, or Beverly Johnson would probably be considered 
too fat and too pretty now. (depending on which part of the world it is.) 

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Tracey de Morsella < 
tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com > wrote: 

Here something weird, I was 115 at 5’7’ for years when I modeled back in the 
day. I attracted guys, but not that much—unless I had my makeup articles, and 
hair stylist on hand, which was not often J . I quit modeling and over the 
years I gained until I I was about 135 – 140. I thought I was fat, but guys 
started stopping me on the street and trying to get my attention. I very odd 

Something is definitively wrong. Guys like that monster Lagerfeld, should not 
be defining female beauty 

From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com ] On 
Behalf Of Adrianne Brennan 
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 5:21 PM 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight? 

Okay, I'm going to give some stats here for a sake of comparison. At 5'4" at 
120 lbs, I wear a size 2--size 0 in some clothing if the hips run loose because 
my waist is significantly smaller than my hips. I am also rather small-boned. 

For someone at 5'10" to be "too fat" at 120 is fucking insane. I actually will 
deliberately gain weight if I go below 120 because at that point I start to 
look unhealthy. At my height, 5 lbs goes a LONG way. 

~ "Where love and magic meet" ~ 
Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series: 
Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series: 
The future of psychic sex - Dawn of the Seraphs (m/m): 

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Keith Johnson
Funny thing, i was listening to an interview with Beverly Johnson on NPR's 
"Tell Me More" recently. It was the anniversary of her breakthrough appearance 
on the cover of Vogue. Johnson has a daughter who's a plus-sized model, and 
wholeheartedly supports her. Yet in the same interview she said "The main 
fashion industry likes slimmer woman, because I'm sorry, clothes just look 
better on slim women". 

- Original Message - 
From: "Mr. Worf"  
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 10:41:59 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight? 

Real men like curves. This sounds extremely homophobic but, most of the guys 
that do fashion like boys so I think it comes out subconsciously in their model 
choices. You choose what is attractive to you. So often they pick models that 
are completely featureless. This has been more apparent when you compare models 
of 20 years ago to the super skinny ones today. 

For example, Christie Brinkley, or Beverly Johnson would probably be considered 
too fat and too pretty now. (depending on which part of the world it is.) 

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Tracey de Morsella < 
tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com > wrote: 

Here something weird, I was 115 at 5’7’ for years when I modeled back in the 
day. I attracted guys, but not that much—unless I had my makeup articles, and 
hair stylist on hand, which was not often J . I quit modeling and over the 
years I gained until I I was about 135 – 140. I thought I was fat, but guys 
started stopping me on the street and trying to get my attention. I very odd 

Something is definitively wrong. Guys like that monster Lagerfeld, should not 
be defining female beauty 

From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com ] On 
Behalf Of Adrianne Brennan 
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 5:21 PM 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight? 

Okay, I'm going to give some stats here for a sake of comparison. At 5'4" at 
120 lbs, I wear a size 2--size 0 in some clothing if the hips run loose because 
my waist is significantly smaller than my hips. I am also rather small-boned. 

For someone at 5'10" to be "too fat" at 120 is fucking insane. I actually will 
deliberately gain weight if I go below 120 because at that point I start to 
look unhealthy. At my height, 5 lbs goes a LONG way. 

~ "Where love and magic meet" ~ 
Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series: 
Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series: 
The future of psychic sex - Dawn of the Seraphs (m/m): 

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Keith Johnson < keithbjohn...@comcast.net > 

I don't know what's more disturbing: that they think this model in her current 
true form is overweight, or that anyone in any country in the world thought 
that doctored photo of her was either realistic or attractive. I have tried 
over and over to understand the American obsession with thin models and 
actresses. My wife always explains to me that clothing looks better when hung 
on a thin frame, since designers feel a woman's curves detract from the dress, 
and a thin woman's body doesn't do that. (she doesn't agree with the 
philosophy, but understands it). Assuming I bought that--I don't--why then do 
even actresses, who ostensibly aren't modeling clothing, get told to lose 
weight? Why are so many makeup models thin when all we should be looking at are 
their faces (the Queen Latifah's of the world notwithstanding) 

As a black man over 40, raised to think a good body was represented by the 
likes of Nichele Nichols, Chaka Khan, Pam Grier, Sophia Loren, or Racquel 
Welch, i guess I'll never understand how "voluptuous" can either be a dirty 
word, or applied to someone as relatively slim as Cindy Crawford or Claudia 
Schiffer. I do know it must be crazy to be a woman trying to survive in the 
fashion or movie industries as long as this skewed view of beauty persists. No 
wonder so many models are anorexic and addicted to amphetamines! 

Remember back when TV Guide grafted Oprah Winfrey's head onto Ann Margaret's 
body? Man, do we ever see anyone as they really are anymore? 


Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight? 



Last week Ralph Lauren came under fire for (what looked to be) an extremely 
altered photo of a model in one of its ads. Bloggers at the website 

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Keith Johnson
Tracey, I'm not surprised at all. Just out of curiosity, was the attention you 
started getting more from black, Latino, or white guys? I'm always fascinated 
at how men of different cultures and ethnicities view beauty. The old wisdom 
was that black and Latino men definitely tend to prefer curvier women. That is 
by no means the truth all the time, but I just wonder. I notice that when my 
wife and I are out (she's very curvy, and would kill me for saying that!) she 
gets more looks from black and Mexican men. Quite a few from white men, but not 
as much. Almost always from European guys--at least, I've caught a few 
Spaniards and Italians trying to mack her in the diary case while I was around 
the corner. 

The sad thing is, it's not even about slim or thin women not being attractive. 
Beauty comes in all sizes, and slim women can be as beautiful as anyone else. 
Charlize Theron is very slim, and gorgeous. Same for Rosalyn Sanchez, Terry 
Ferrell (Dax from DS9). It's just the push to make dangerously thin women the 
standard of beauty in the fashion and movie industries that bothers me. 

- Original Message - 
From: "Tracey de Morsella"  
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:44:53 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight? 

Here something weird, I was 115 at 5’7’ for years when I modeled back in the 
day. I attracted guys, but not that much—unless I had my makeup articles, and 
hair stylist on hand, which was not often J . I quit modeling and over the 
years I gained until I I was about 135 – 140. I thought I was fat, but guys 
started stopping me on the street and trying to get my attention. I very odd 

Something is definitively wrong. Guys like that monster Lagerfeld, should not 
be defining female beauty 

From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Adrianne Brennan 
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 5:21 PM 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight? 

Okay, I'm going to give some stats here for a sake of comparison. At 5'4" at 
120 lbs, I wear a size 2--size 0 in some clothing if the hips run loose because 
my waist is significantly smaller than my hips. I am also rather small-boned. 

For someone at 5'10" to be "too fat" at 120 is fucking insane. I actually will 
deliberately gain weight if I go below 120 because at that point I start to 
look unhealthy. At my height, 5 lbs goes a LONG way. 

~ "Where love and magic meet" ~ 
Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series: 
Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series: 
The future of psychic sex - Dawn of the Seraphs (m/m): 

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Keith Johnson < keithbjohn...@comcast.net > 

I don't know what's more disturbing: that they think this model in her current 
true form is overweight, or that anyone in any country in the world thought 
that doctored photo of her was either realistic or attractive. I have tried 
over and over to understand the American obsession with thin models and 
actresses. My wife always explains to me that clothing looks better when hung 
on a thin frame, since designers feel a woman's curves detract from the dress, 
and a thin woman's body doesn't do that. (she doesn't agree with the 
philosophy, but understands it). Assuming I bought that--I don't--why then do 
even actresses, who ostensibly aren't modeling clothing, get told to lose 
weight? Why are so many makeup models thin when all we should be looking at are 
their faces (the Queen Latifah's of the world notwithstanding) 

As a black man over 40, raised to think a good body was represented by the 
likes of Nichele Nichols, Chaka Khan, Pam Grier, Sophia Loren, or Racquel 
Welch, i guess I'll never understand how "voluptuous" can either be a dirty 
word, or applied to someone as relatively slim as Cindy Crawford or Claudia 
Schiffer. I do know it must be crazy to be a woman trying to survive in the 
fashion or movie industries as long as this skewed view of beauty persists. No 
wonder so many models are anorexic and addicted to amphetamines! 

Remember back when TV Guide grafted Oprah Winfrey's head onto Ann Margaret's 
body? Man, do we ever see anyone as they really are anymore? 


Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight? 



Last week Ralph Lauren came under fire for (what looked to be) an extremely 

RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Tracey de Morsella
I worked as a stylist on the set a few times, as well as a model.  The clothes 
do lay easier on a thinner model than a normal sized model, but the whole 
photographing process is about illusion, NOT reality.   The purpose is to sell 
a lie.   It is easier to make cheap poorly constructed  clothes look better on 
them.  I used to model in those clothing catalogs.  The clothes fit horribly on 
all of us. BUT the stylist comes to the set with clothes pins and needles and 
makes them formfitting.  Then they contort us in specific poses to make the 
clothes look better.  Then the photographer  does his thing with lighting and 
shadows……and the next thing you know, we look perfect and women are wondering 
why the clothes look better on us then them.  The reality is we didn’t.It 
is false advertising.  This illusion works on everyone, but best on the real 
skinny models IMO.   


Ironically, I was considered a little voluptuous at 115 and 34B at the time.  
Because of that, I got work doing bathing suits, Calvin Kline underwear and 
lingerie.  I look at old pictures now, I while I do not see skinny, I do see  
slender… NOT voluptuous.   I never got into the serious diet thing and I used 
to beat myself up for it.  Looking back, I am relieved.


Now on a separate issue, if you go on the boards sometimes like on imdb and you 
see the commentary by men about the female stars,  I significant number like 
that skinny look.  Why is Brad with Angelina, Harrison with Calista and a host 
of others.  It is a specific taste that some straight men have.  I’ve seen guys 
call women I think are hot, fat.  On that note, they are not men I want 
anything to do with, nor do I want my daughter near them.   Supposedly, these 
guys are straight.  I do not know, if they have a daddy thing going on, it 
makes them feel my potent and stronger, or what, but there are men who like 




From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Mr. Worf
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 7:42 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight?


Real men like curves. This sounds extremely homophobic but, most of the guys 
that do fashion like boys so I think it comes out subconsciously in their model 
choices. You choose what is attractive to you. So often they pick models that 
are completely featureless. This has been more apparent when you compare models 
of 20 years ago to the super skinny ones today. 

For example, Christie Brinkley, or Beverly Johnson would probably be considered 
too fat and too pretty now. (depending on which part of the world it is.) 

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Tracey de Morsella 


Here something weird, I was 115  at 5’7’ for years when I modeled back in the 
day. I attracted guys, but not that much—unless I had my makeup articles, and 
hair stylist on hand, which was not often  J.   I quit modeling and over the 
years I gained until I I was about 135 – 140.  I thought I was fat, but guys 
started stopping me on the street and trying to get my attention.  I very odd 


Something is definitively wrong.  Guys like that monster Lagerfeld, should not 
be defining female beauty  


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Adrianne Brennan
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 5:21 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight?


Okay, I'm going to give some stats here for a sake of comparison. At 5'4" at 
120 lbs, I wear a size 2--size 0 in some clothing if the hips run loose because 
my waist is significantly smaller than my hips. I am also rather small-boned.


For someone at 5'10" to be "too fat" at 120 is fucking insane. I actually will 
deliberately gain weight if I go below 120 because at that point I start to 
look unhealthy. At my height, 5 lbs goes a LONG way.

~ "Where love and magic meet" ~
Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series: 
Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series: 
The future of psychic sex - Dawn of the Seraphs (m/m): 

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Keith Johnson  


I don't know what's more disturbing: that they think this model in her current 
true form is overweight, or that anyone in any country in the world thought 
that doctored photo of her was either realistic or attractive.  I have tried 
over and over to understand the American obsession with thin models and 
actresses. My wife always explains to me that clothing looks better when hung 
on a thin frame, since designers feel a  woman's curves detract from the dress, 
and a thin woman's body doesn't do that. (she doesn't agree with the 

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Mr. Worf
That won't happen because the super thin women is ingrained into the minds
of the people that control the industry. So what was considered thin is the
new fat, and what was healthy is now the new obese. I am glad that there was
a little bit of sanity that stopped people from going over the edge though.
When people like Allie MacBeal and had to be hospitalized people said ok,
that is too skinny! Skeletor's girlfriend or something.  Waking death just
isn't cute or sexy.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 8:25 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

> My wife says the same thing about a little weight going a long way. She's
> only 5'1", and often complains I don't get it because I'm 6'1"--and a man.
> The funny thing is, this model looks better to me in shots where she's
> obviously gained a bit of weight over older shots. And to your point, I just
> see it as her getting back up to "slim", not even close to fat.
> A couple of years ago  I read an article about Scarlett Johannsen in one of
> my wife's magazines. The writer--a man--said that she was a pretty woman,
> and then added "she works with her size". There were other words, but the
> guy's point was obviously that she was borderline too big. I remember being
> surprised. I'm still not sure how the desired female body type in America
> changed. When I was a kid it was those curvy women I mentioned. Sure, people
> liked Twiggy, Mary Tyler Moore in her capri pants was a cool thing. But men
> and women also sang the praises of the likes of Marilyn Monroe. Now it's
> weird.
> Maybe it's slowly changing back? At least, I've noticed that brunette
> actresses and models seem to be making a resurgence, so maybe the "fuller
> figured" women will come back too?
> - Original Message -
> From: "Adrianne Brennan" 
> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:21:11 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired
>  for being overweight?
> Okay, I'm going to give some stats here for a sake of comparison. At 5'4"
> at 120 lbs, I wear a size 2--size 0 in some clothing if the hips run loose
> because my waist is significantly smaller than my hips. I am also rather
> small-boned.
> For someone at 5'10" to be "too fat" at 120 is fucking insane. I actually
> will deliberately gain weight if I go below 120 because at that point I
> start to look unhealthy. At my height, 5 lbs goes a LONG way.
> ~ "Where love and magic meet" ~
> http://www.adriannebrennan.com
> Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series:
> http://www.adriannebrennan.com/books.html#darkmoon
> Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series:
> http://www.adriannebrennan.com/books.html#the_oath
> The future of psychic sex - Dawn of the Seraphs (m/m):
> http://www.adriannebrennan.com/dawnoftheseraphs.html
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Keith Johnson 
> wrote:
>> I don't know what's more disturbing: that they think this model in her
>> current true form is overweight, or that anyone in any country in the world
>> thought that doctored photo of her was either realistic or attractive.  I
>> have tried over and over to understand the American obsession with thin
>> models and actresses. My wife always explains to me that clothing looks
>> better when hung on a thin frame, since designers feel a  woman's curves
>> detract from the dress, and a thin woman's body doesn't do that. (she
>> doesn't agree with the philosophy, but understands it). Assuming I bought
>> that--I don't--why then do even actresses, who ostensibly aren't modeling
>> clothing, get told to lose weight? Why are so many makeup models thin when
>> all we should be looking at are their faces (the Queen Latifah's of the
>> world notwithstanding)
>> As a black man over 40, raised to think a good body was represented by the
>> likes of Nichele Nichols, Chaka Khan, Pam Grier,  Sophia Loren, or Racquel
>> Welch,  i guess I'll never understand how "voluptuous" can either be a dirty
>> word, or applied to someone as relatively slim as Cindy Crawford or Claudia
>> Schiffer.  I do know it must be crazy to be a woman trying to survive in the
>> fashion or movie industries as long as this skewed view of beauty persists.
>> No wonder so many models are anorexic and addicted to amphetamines!
>> Remember back when TV Guide grafted Oprah Winfrey's head onto Ann
>> Margaret's body? Man, do we ever see anyone as they really are anymore?
>> **
>> http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/beauty/was-the-photoshopped-ralph-lauren-model-fired-for-being-overweight-525248/
>>  Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?
>>  [image: photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com]
>> photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com
>> Last week Ralph Lauren came under fire for (what looked to be) an
>> extremely altered photo of a 
>> model

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Keith Johnson
My wife says the same thing about a little weight going a long way. She's only 
5'1", and often complains I don't get it because I'm 6'1"--and a man. The funny 
thing is, this model looks better to me in shots where she's obviously gained a 
bit of weight over older shots. And to your point, I just see it as her getting 
back up to "slim", not even close to fat. 

A couple of years ago I read an article about Scarlett Johannsen in one of my 
wife's magazines. The writer--a man--said that she was a pretty woman, and then 
added "she works with her size". There were other words, but the guy's point 
was obviously that she was borderline too big. I remember being surprised. I'm 
still not sure how the desired female body type in America changed. When I was 
a kid it was those curvy women I mentioned. Sure, people liked Twiggy, Mary 
Tyler Moore in her capri pants was a cool thing. But men and women also sang 
the praises of the likes of Marilyn Monroe. Now it's weird. 

Maybe it's slowly changing back? At least, I've noticed that brunette actresses 
and models seem to be making a resurgence, so maybe the "fuller figured" women 
will come back too? 

- Original Message - 
From: "Adrianne Brennan"  
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:21:11 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight? 

Okay, I'm going to give some stats here for a sake of comparison. At 5'4" at 
120 lbs, I wear a size 2--size 0 in some clothing if the hips run loose because 
my waist is significantly smaller than my hips. I am also rather small-boned. 

For someone at 5'10" to be "too fat" at 120 is fucking insane. I actually will 
deliberately gain weight if I go below 120 because at that point I start to 
look unhealthy. At my height, 5 lbs goes a LONG way. 

~ "Where love and magic meet" ~ 
Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series: 
Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series: 
The future of psychic sex - Dawn of the Seraphs (m/m): 

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Keith Johnson < keithbjohn...@comcast.net > 

I don't know what's more disturbing: that they think this model in her current 
true form is overweight, or that anyone in any country in the world thought 
that doctored photo of her was either realistic or attractive. I have tried 
over and over to understand the American obsession with thin models and 
actresses. My wife always explains to me that clothing looks better when hung 
on a thin frame, since designers feel a woman's curves detract from the dress, 
and a thin woman's body doesn't do that. (she doesn't agree with the 
philosophy, but understands it). Assuming I bought that--I don't--why then do 
even actresses, who ostensibly aren't modeling clothing, get told to lose 
weight? Why are so many makeup models thin when all we should be looking at are 
their faces (the Queen Latifah's of the world notwithstanding) 

As a black man over 40, raised to think a good body was represented by the 
likes of Nichele Nichols, Chaka Khan, Pam Grier, Sophia Loren, or Racquel 
Welch, i guess I'll never understand how "voluptuous" can either be a dirty 
word, or applied to someone as relatively slim as Cindy Crawford or Claudia 
Schiffer. I do know it must be crazy to be a woman trying to survive in the 
fashion or movie industries as long as this skewed view of beauty persists. No 
wonder so many models are anorexic and addicted to amphetamines! 

Remember back when TV Guide grafted Oprah Winfrey's head onto Ann Margaret's 
body? Man, do we ever see anyone as they really are anymore? 


Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight? 


photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com Last week Ralph Lauren came under fire for 
(what looked to be) an extremely altered photo of a model in one of its ads. 
Bloggers at the website BoingBoing.net posted the image online, and lawyers for 
Ralph Lauren attempted to sue them for copyright infringement. Unfortunately 
for Ralph Lauren, this only furthered public interest and outrage over the 
dangerously thin looking model and, eventually, the clothing company released 
this apology: 

"For over 42 years we have built a brand based on quality and integrity. After 
further investigation, we have learned that we are responsible for the poor 
imaging and retouching that resulted in a very distorted image of a woman's 
body. We have addressed the problem and going forward will take every 
precaution to ensure that the caliber of our artwork represents our brand 

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Keith Johnson
I agree, it seems to be an ugly industry. How did you survive it? 

I just find the change in desire of body types interesting. Back in the 50s and 
60s, it was much more curvy women that were desired (at least, by certain 
groups' standards). I remember watching those corny beach movies with Frankie 
Avalon just so I could sneak a peek at Annette Funicello. She'd be considered 
overweight nowadays. And Sophia Loren? They'd have her on a restrictive diet so 
fast her head would spend. My wife tells me that Jennifer Aniston was ordered 
to lose weight when she was on "Friends". Note that all the women on that show 
got significantly thinner over the years. 

As I was reading your response earlier, i was watching the new ABC sitcom 
"Modern Family". Not only is it for my money the best new show of the season 
(hilarious!), but one of the stars is Sofia Vergara. Staring at--er, 
watching--her, I can't imagine how anyone could prefer a pencil thin model! 

- Original Message - 
From: "Tracey de Morsella"  
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 8:05:34 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight? 

As a former model, this disgusts me. When people ask me how to get their kids 
in the industry, I tell them, but tell them the ugly side with the hope that 
they will opt not to get their children involved. While my daughter has the 
looks, she does not take instruction well. Can’t figure out where she gets her 
stubbornness “she says scratching her head” I’m glad in a way because it 
prevents me from being tempted to take the showbiz mom route. What they do to 
these kids and women is horrible. 

What is more disturbing to me is that there are men that prefer the Alli Mc 
Beal types. That does not help matters 

From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Keith Johnson 
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 4:22 PM 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight? 

I don't know what's more disturbing: that they think this model in her current 
true form is overweight, or that anyone in any country in the world thought 
that doctored photo of her was either realistic or attractive. I have tried 
over and over to understand the American obsession with thin models and 
actresses. My wife always explains to me that clothing looks better when hung 
on a thin frame, since designers feel a woman's curves detract from the dress, 
and a thin woman's body doesn't do that. (she doesn't agree with the 
philosophy, but understands it). Assuming I bought that--I don't--why then do 
even actresses, who ostensibly aren't modeling clothing, get told to lose 
weight? Why are so many makeup models thin when all we should be looking at are 
their faces (the Queen Latifah's of the world notwithstanding) 

As a black man over 40, raised to think a good body was represented by the 
likes of Nichele Nichols, Chaka Khan, Pam Grier, Sophia Loren, or Racquel 
Welch, i guess I'll never understand how "voluptuous" can either be a dirty 
word, or applied to someone as relatively slim as Cindy Crawford or Claudia 
Schiffer. I do know it must be crazy to be a woman trying to survive in the 
fashion or movie industries as long as this skewed view of beauty persists. No 
wonder so many models are anorexic and addicted to amphetamines! 

Remember back when TV Guide grafted Oprah Winfrey's head onto Ann Margaret's 
body? Man, do we ever see anyone as they really are anymore? 


Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight? 



Last week Ralph Lauren came under fire for (what looked to be) an extremely 
altered photo of a model in one of its ads. Bloggers at the website 
BoingBoing.net posted the image online, and lawyers for Ralph Lauren attempted 
to sue them for copyright infringement. Unfortunately for Ralph Lauren, this 
only furthered public interest and outrage over the dangerously thin looking 
model and, eventually, the clothing company released this apology: 

"For over 42 years we have built a brand based on quality and integrity. After 
further investigation, we have learned that we are responsible for the poor 
imaging and retouching that resulted in a very distorted image of a woman's 
body. We have addressed the problem and going forward will take every 
precaution to ensure that the caliber of our artwork represents our brand 

Unfortunately,"addressing the problem" may have included firing the model, 
23-year-old Filippa Hamilton. She is 5'10" and weighs 120 pounds--clearly more 
full-bodied than the photoshopped girl we see

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Mr. Worf
Real men like curves. This sounds extremely homophobic but, most of the guys
that do fashion like boys so I think it comes out subconsciously in their
model choices. You choose what is attractive to you. So often they pick
models that are completely featureless. This has been more apparent when you
compare models of 20 years ago to the super skinny ones today.

For example, Christie Brinkley, or Beverly Johnson would probably be
considered too fat and too pretty now. (depending on which part of the world
it is.)

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 5:44 PM, Tracey de Morsella <
tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com> wrote:

>  Here something weird, I was 115  at 5’7’ for years when I modeled back in
> the day. I attracted guys, but not that much—unless I had my makeup
> articles, and hair stylist on hand, which was not often  J.   I quit
> modeling and over the years I gained until I I was about 135 – 140.  I
> thought I was fat, but guys started stopping me on the street and trying to
> get my attention.  I very odd experience.
> Something is definitively wrong.  Guys like that monster Lagerfeld, should
> not be defining female beauty
> *From:* scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] *On
> Behalf Of *Adrianne Brennan
> *Sent:* Wednesday, October 14, 2009 5:21 PM
> *To:* scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> *Subject:* Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model
> fired for being overweight?
> Okay, I'm going to give some stats here for a sake of comparison. At 5'4"
> at 120 lbs, I wear a size 2--size 0 in some clothing if the hips run loose
> because my waist is significantly smaller than my hips. I am also rather
> small-boned.
> For someone at 5'10" to be "too fat" at 120 is fucking insane. I actually
> will deliberately gain weight if I go below 120 because at that point I
> start to look unhealthy. At my height, 5 lbs goes a LONG way.
> ~ "Where love and magic meet" ~
> http://www.adriannebrennan.com
> Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series:
> http://www.adriannebrennan.com/books.html#darkmoon
> Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series:
> http://www.adriannebrennan.com/books.html#the_oath
> The future of psychic sex - Dawn of the Seraphs (m/m):
> http://www.adriannebrennan.com/dawnoftheseraphs.html
>  On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Keith Johnson 
> wrote:
> I don't know what's more disturbing: that they think this model in her
> current true form is overweight, or that anyone in any country in the world
> thought that doctored photo of her was either realistic or attractive.  I
> have tried over and over to understand the American obsession with thin
> models and actresses. My wife always explains to me that clothing looks
> better when hung on a thin frame, since designers feel a  woman's curves
> detract from the dress, and a thin woman's body doesn't do that. (she
> doesn't agree with the philosophy, but understands it). Assuming I bought
> that--I don't--why then do even actresses, who ostensibly aren't modeling
> clothing, get told to lose weight? Why are so many makeup models thin when
> all we should be looking at are their faces (the Queen Latifah's of the
> world notwithstanding)
> As a black man over 40, raised to think a good body was represented by the
> likes of Nichele Nichols, Chaka Khan, Pam Grier,  Sophia Loren, or Racquel
> Welch,  i guess I'll never understand how "voluptuous" can either be a dirty
> word, or applied to someone as relatively slim as Cindy Crawford or Claudia
> Schiffer.  I do know it must be crazy to be a woman trying to survive in the
> fashion or movie industries as long as this skewed view of beauty persists.
> No wonder so many models are anorexic and addicted to amphetamines!
> Remember back when TV Guide grafted Oprah Winfrey's head onto Ann
> Margaret's body? Man, do we ever see anyone as they really are anymore?
> **
> http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/beauty/was-the-photoshopped-ralph-lauren-model-fired-for-being-overweight-525248/
>  Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?
> [image: photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com]
> photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com
> Last week Ralph Lauren came under fire for (what looked to be) an
> extremely altered photo of a 
> modelin
>  one of its ads. Bloggers at the website BoingBoing.net posted the image
> online, and lawyers for Ralph Lauren attempted to sue them for copyright
> infringement. Unfortunately for Ralph Lauren, this only furthered public
> interest and outrage over the dangerously thin looking model and,
> eventually, the clothing company released this apology:
> "For over 42 years we have built a brand based on quality and integrity.
> After further investigation, we have learned that we are responsible for the
> poor imaging and retouching that resulted in a ve

[scifinoir2] "Alternative Nobel" winners named

2009-10-14 Thread Kelwyn



'Alternative Nobel' winners named

Associated Press

October 14, 2009


-- Two activists and a doctor on Tuesday won the Right Livelihood Award, also 
known as the "alternative Nobel," for work to protect rain forests, improve 
women's health and rid the world of nuclear weapons.

Rene Ngongo of Congo, Alyn Ware of New Zealand and Australian-born Catherine 
Hamlin each will receive $74,000, the Right Livelihood Foundation said.

The honorary part of the award, without money, went to Canadian David Suzuki, 
73, for raising awareness of climate change.

Swedish-German philanthropist Jakob von Uexkull founded the awards in 1980 to 
recognize work he felt was being ignored by the Nobel Prizes.

Ngongo, 48, was honored "for his courage in confronting the forces that are 
destroying Congo's rain forests."

Ware, a peace activist from New Zealand, was recognized for "initiatives over 
two decades to further peace education and to rid the world of nuclear weapons."

Hamlin, 85, moved to Ethiopia from Australia in 1959 to work as an obstetrician 
and gynecologist, founding a free women's hospital. 

The awards will be presented in a ceremony at the Swedish Parliament on Dec. 4.

[scifinoir2] 36% of Twitter and Facebook post updates after sex

2009-10-14 Thread Kelwyn
--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, "Kelwyn"  wrote:
> From the Chicago Tribune:
> 36% of Twitter and Facebook users younger than 35 post updates after sex, 
> according to a study by consumer electronics Web site 
> http://retrivo.com
> The study also found that men are twice as like to file post coital updates 
> and that IPhone users are three times more likely to do so than are their 
> Blackberry counterparts.  Not surprising; everybody knows Blackberry users 
> are cuddlers.

[scifinoir2] 36% of Twitter and Facebook users younger than 35 post updates after sex

2009-10-14 Thread Kelwyn
>From the Chicago Tribune:

36% of Twitter and Facebook users younger than 35 post updates after sex, 
according to a study by consumer electronics Web site 

The study also found that men are twice as like to file post coital updates and 
that IPhone users are three times more likely to do so than are their 
Blackberry counterparts.  Not surprising; everybody knows Blackberry users are 

RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Tracey de Morsella
Here something weird, I was 115  at 5'7' for years when I modeled back in
the day. I attracted guys, but not that much-unless I had my makeup
articles, and hair stylist on hand, which was not often  J.   I quit
modeling and over the years I gained until I I was about 135 - 140.  I
thought I was fat, but guys started stopping me on the street and trying to
get my attention.  I very odd experience.  


Something is definitively wrong.  Guys like that monster Lagerfeld, should
not be defining female beauty  


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On
Behalf Of Adrianne Brennan
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 5:21 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired
for being overweight?


Okay, I'm going to give some stats here for a sake of comparison. At 5'4" at
120 lbs, I wear a size 2--size 0 in some clothing if the hips run loose
because my waist is significantly smaller than my hips. I am also rather


For someone at 5'10" to be "too fat" at 120 is fucking insane. I actually
will deliberately gain weight if I go below 120 because at that point I
start to look unhealthy. At my height, 5 lbs goes a LONG way.

~ "Where love and magic meet" ~
Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series:
Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series:
The future of psychic sex - Dawn of the Seraphs (m/m):

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Keith Johnson 


I don't know what's more disturbing: that they think this model in her
current true form is overweight, or that anyone in any country in the world
thought that doctored photo of her was either realistic or attractive.  I
have tried over and over to understand the American obsession with thin
models and actresses. My wife always explains to me that clothing looks
better when hung on a thin frame, since designers feel a  woman's curves
detract from the dress, and a thin woman's body doesn't do that. (she
doesn't agree with the philosophy, but understands it). Assuming I bought
that--I don't--why then do even actresses, who ostensibly aren't modeling
clothing, get told to lose weight? Why are so many makeup models thin when
all we should be looking at are their faces (the Queen Latifah's of the
world notwithstanding)

As a black man over 40, raised to think a good body was represented by the
likes of Nichele Nichols, Chaka Khan, Pam Grier,  Sophia Loren, or Racquel
Welch,  i guess I'll never understand how "voluptuous" can either be a dirty
word, or applied to someone as relatively slim as Cindy Crawford or Claudia
Schiffer.  I do know it must be crazy to be a woman trying to survive in the
fashion or movie industries as long as this skewed view of beauty persists.
No wonder so many models are anorexic and addicted to amphetamines!

Remember back when TV Guide grafted Oprah Winfrey's head onto Ann Margaret's
body? Man, do we ever see anyone as they really are anymore?


Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?



Last week Ralph Lauren came under fire for (what looked to be) an
  extremely altered photo of a model in one of
its ads. Bloggers at the website BoingBoing.net posted the image online, and
lawyers for Ralph Lauren attempted to sue them for copyright infringement.
Unfortunately for Ralph Lauren, this only furthered public interest and
outrage over the dangerously thin looking model and, eventually, the
clothing company released this apology:

"For over 42 years we have built a brand based on quality and integrity.
After further investigation, we have learned that we are responsible for the
poor imaging and retouching that resulted in a very distorted image of a
woman's body. We have addressed the problem and going forward will take
every precaution to ensure that the caliber of our artwork represents our
brand appropriately."

Unfortunately,"addressing the problem" may have included firing the model,
23-year-old Filippa Hamilton. She is 5'10" and weighs 120 pounds--clearly
more full-bodied than the photoshopped girl we see in the advertisement.
Though Hamilton has modeled for Ralph Lauren since she was 15, the company
let her go "as a result of her inability to meet the obligations under her
contract with us." But the story gets worse: Hamilton says she was let go
because she'd become too 

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Kelwyn
Not to mention there has been significant size fudging over the years.  
Allegedly Marilyn Monroe was a size 12 in the late fifties and sixties but when 
they held up the iconic dress she wore in "The Seven-Year Itch" in front of a 
"normal" sized woman it appeared Miss Monroe was actually what would be 
considered a size 6 today.

For instance, Nancy Reagan is a actual size zero and she looks like Skeletor.

~ (no)rave!

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Adrianne Brennan  
> Okay, I'm going to give some stats here for a sake of comparison. At 5'4" at
> 120 lbs, I wear a size 2--size 0 in some clothing if the hips run loose
> because my waist is significantly smaller than my hips. I am also rather
> small-boned.
> For someone at 5'10" to be "too fat" at 120 is fucking insane. I actually
> will deliberately gain weight if I go below 120 because at that point I
> start to look unhealthy. At my height, 5 lbs goes a LONG way.
> ~ "Where love and magic meet" ~
> http://www.adriannebrennan.com
> Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series:
> http://www.adriannebrennan.com/books.html#darkmoon
> Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series:
> http://www.adriannebrennan.com/books.html#the_oath
> The future of psychic sex - Dawn of the Seraphs (m/m):
> http://www.adriannebrennan.com/dawnoftheseraphs.html
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:
> >
> >
> > I don't know what's more disturbing: that they think this model in her
> > current true form is overweight, or that anyone in any country in the world
> > thought that doctored photo of her was either realistic or attractive.  I
> > have tried over and over to understand the American obsession with thin
> > models and actresses. My wife always explains to me that clothing looks
> > better when hung on a thin frame, since designers feel a  woman's curves
> > detract from the dress, and a thin woman's body doesn't do that. (she
> > doesn't agree with the philosophy, but understands it). Assuming I bought
> > that--I don't--why then do even actresses, who ostensibly aren't modeling
> > clothing, get told to lose weight? Why are so many makeup models thin when
> > all we should be looking at are their faces (the Queen Latifah's of the
> > world notwithstanding)
> >
> > As a black man over 40, raised to think a good body was represented by the
> > likes of Nichele Nichols, Chaka Khan, Pam Grier,  Sophia Loren, or Racquel
> > Welch,  i guess I'll never understand how "voluptuous" can either be a dirty
> > word, or applied to someone as relatively slim as Cindy Crawford or Claudia
> > Schiffer.  I do know it must be crazy to be a woman trying to survive in the
> > fashion or movie industries as long as this skewed view of beauty persists.
> > No wonder so many models are anorexic and addicted to amphetamines!
> >
> > Remember back when TV Guide grafted Oprah Winfrey's head onto Ann
> > Margaret's body? Man, do we ever see anyone as they really are anymore?
> >
> > **
> >
> > http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/beauty/was-the-photoshopped-ralph-lauren-model-fired-for-being-overweight-525248/
> >
> >  Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?
> >  [image: photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com]
> >
> > photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com
> > Last week Ralph Lauren came under fire for (what looked to be) an
> > extremely altered photo of a 
> > modelin
> >  one of its ads. Bloggers at the website BoingBoing.net posted the image
> > online, and lawyers for Ralph Lauren attempted to sue them for copyright
> > infringement. Unfortunately for Ralph Lauren, this only furthered public
> > interest and outrage over the dangerously thin looking model and,
> > eventually, the clothing company released this apology:
> >
> > "For over 42 years we have built a brand based on quality and integrity.
> > After further investigation, we have learned that we are responsible for the
> > poor imaging and retouching that resulted in a very distorted image of a
> > woman's body. We have addressed the problem and going forward will take
> > every precaution to ensure that the caliber of our artwork represents our
> > brand appropriately."
> >
> > Unfortunately,"addressing the problem" may have included firing the model,
> > 23-year-old Filippa Hamilton. She is 5'10" and weighs 120 pounds--clearly
> > more full-bodied than the photoshopped girl we see in the advertisement.
> > Though Hamilton has modeled for Ralph Lauren since she was 15, the company
> > let her go "as a result of her inability to meet the obligations under her
> > contract with us." But the story gets worse: Hamilton says she was let go
> > because she'd become too fat to model for them. "They fired me because they
> > said I was overweight and I couldn't fit in their clothes anymore," she
> > explained. "I was shocked to see that super s

[scifinoir2] Doll? When you're first lady, it's an "action figure"

2009-10-14 Thread Kelwyn

Michelle Obama action figures: White House has no comment

Michelle Obama "action figures" are slated to go on sale Nov. 20. 
Coming soon: a 6-inch plastic doll of Michelle Obama for $12.99, being billed 
as an "action figure."

Sculptor Jason Feinberg of Brooklyn, N.Y., who's behind the dolls, admits the 
term "action figure" is used loosely. The first lady, after all, is featured in 
nothing more lethal than her trademark sleeveless dresses (and enviable biceps).

Buyers may choose from among the purple dress she had on when the Obamas shared 
their campaign "fist bump," the red-and-black number from election night in 
Grant Park, or the black-and-white floral frock she favored for her appearance 
on "The View."

Feinberg, founder and president of Jailbreak Toys, said he designed the dolls, 
which are made in China. He studied sculpture at Connecticut's Wesleyan 

Michelle Obama's office had no comment on the action figure, which is scheduled 
to go on sale Nov. 20.

Public figures, especially those in politics, have fewer rights than average 
people when it comes to protecting use of their name or likeness, says Chicago 
attorney Marc Cooperman of Banner & Witcoff, an intellectual property firm. 
Courts generally hold they may be caricatured or criticized, he said. "The 
First Amendment is almost always going to win. That's the beauty of the 
American system."

The doll's creator is in fact an Obama fan.

"I'm hook, line and sinker for the Obamas," Feinberg says, " so I don't want to 
be a thorn in their side."

He says sales of an earlier Jailbreak Toys offering, the Barack Obama "action 
figure," have reached 200,000 "and it's still selling."

Re: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Adrianne Brennan
Okay, I'm going to give some stats here for a sake of comparison. At 5'4" at
120 lbs, I wear a size 2--size 0 in some clothing if the hips run loose
because my waist is significantly smaller than my hips. I am also rather
For someone at 5'10" to be "too fat" at 120 is fucking insane. I actually
will deliberately gain weight if I go below 120 because at that point I
start to look unhealthy. At my height, 5 lbs goes a LONG way.

~ "Where love and magic meet" ~
Experience the magic of the Dark Moon series:
Dare to take The Oath in this erotic fantasy series:
The future of psychic sex - Dawn of the Seraphs (m/m):

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 7:21 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

> I don't know what's more disturbing: that they think this model in her
> current true form is overweight, or that anyone in any country in the world
> thought that doctored photo of her was either realistic or attractive.  I
> have tried over and over to understand the American obsession with thin
> models and actresses. My wife always explains to me that clothing looks
> better when hung on a thin frame, since designers feel a  woman's curves
> detract from the dress, and a thin woman's body doesn't do that. (she
> doesn't agree with the philosophy, but understands it). Assuming I bought
> that--I don't--why then do even actresses, who ostensibly aren't modeling
> clothing, get told to lose weight? Why are so many makeup models thin when
> all we should be looking at are their faces (the Queen Latifah's of the
> world notwithstanding)
> As a black man over 40, raised to think a good body was represented by the
> likes of Nichele Nichols, Chaka Khan, Pam Grier,  Sophia Loren, or Racquel
> Welch,  i guess I'll never understand how "voluptuous" can either be a dirty
> word, or applied to someone as relatively slim as Cindy Crawford or Claudia
> Schiffer.  I do know it must be crazy to be a woman trying to survive in the
> fashion or movie industries as long as this skewed view of beauty persists.
> No wonder so many models are anorexic and addicted to amphetamines!
> Remember back when TV Guide grafted Oprah Winfrey's head onto Ann
> Margaret's body? Man, do we ever see anyone as they really are anymore?
> **
> http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/beauty/was-the-photoshopped-ralph-lauren-model-fired-for-being-overweight-525248/
>  Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?
>  [image: photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com]
> photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com
> Last week Ralph Lauren came under fire for (what looked to be) an
> extremely altered photo of a 
> modelin
>  one of its ads. Bloggers at the website BoingBoing.net posted the image
> online, and lawyers for Ralph Lauren attempted to sue them for copyright
> infringement. Unfortunately for Ralph Lauren, this only furthered public
> interest and outrage over the dangerously thin looking model and,
> eventually, the clothing company released this apology:
> "For over 42 years we have built a brand based on quality and integrity.
> After further investigation, we have learned that we are responsible for the
> poor imaging and retouching that resulted in a very distorted image of a
> woman's body. We have addressed the problem and going forward will take
> every precaution to ensure that the caliber of our artwork represents our
> brand appropriately."
> Unfortunately,"addressing the problem" may have included firing the model,
> 23-year-old Filippa Hamilton. She is 5'10" and weighs 120 pounds--clearly
> more full-bodied than the photoshopped girl we see in the advertisement.
> Though Hamilton has modeled for Ralph Lauren since she was 15, the company
> let her go "as a result of her inability to meet the obligations under her
> contract with us." But the story gets worse: Hamilton says she was let go
> because she'd become too fat to model for them. "They fired me because they
> said I was overweight and I couldn't fit in their clothes anymore," she
> explained. "I was shocked to see that super skinny girl with my face...It's
> very sad, I think, that Ralph Lauren could do something like that."
> [image: Filippa Hamilton in a past Ralph Lauren ad]
> Filippa Hamilton in a past Ralph Lauren ad
> Most of us know that a tall, young woman who weighs 120 pounds is not
> overweight. But Hamilton claims Ralph Lauren was dissatisfied with her body,
> and therefore fired her six months ago. However, the company continued to
> use her image, whittling down her arms, waist, thighs, and possibly several
> other body parts in the above ad. If they were so unhappy with how she
> looked, why not get another model for the campaign? Why use the

RE: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Tracey de Morsella
As a former model, this disgusts me.  When people ask me how to get their kids 
in the industry, I tell them, but tell them the ugly side with the hope that 
they will opt not to get their children involved.  While my daughter has the 
looks, she does not take instruction well.  Can’t figure out where she gets her 
stubbornness  “she says scratching her head”   I’m glad in a way because it 
prevents me from being tempted to take the showbiz mom route.  What they do to 
these kids and women is horrible.


What is more disturbing to me is that there are men that prefer the Alli Mc 
Beal types.  That does not help matters


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com [mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf 
Of Keith Johnson
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 4:22 PM
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for 
being overweight?


I don't know what's more disturbing: that they think this model in her current 
true form is overweight, or that anyone in any country in the world thought 
that doctored photo of her was either realistic or attractive.  I have tried 
over and over to understand the American obsession with thin models and 
actresses. My wife always explains to me that clothing looks better when hung 
on a thin frame, since designers feel a  woman's curves detract from the dress, 
and a thin woman's body doesn't do that. (she doesn't agree with the 
philosophy, but understands it). Assuming I bought that--I don't--why then do 
even actresses, who ostensibly aren't modeling clothing, get told to lose 
weight? Why are so many makeup models thin when all we should be looking at are 
their faces (the Queen Latifah's of the world notwithstanding)

As a black man over 40, raised to think a good body was represented by the 
likes of Nichele Nichols, Chaka Khan, Pam Grier,  Sophia Loren, or Racquel 
Welch,  i guess I'll never understand how "voluptuous" can either be a dirty 
word, or applied to someone as relatively slim as Cindy Crawford or Claudia 
Schiffer.  I do know it must be crazy to be a woman trying to survive in the 
fashion or movie industries as long as this skewed view of beauty persists. No 
wonder so many models are anorexic and addicted to amphetamines!

Remember back when TV Guide grafted Oprah Winfrey's head onto Ann Margaret's 
body? Man, do we ever see anyone as they really are anymore?


Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?




Last week Ralph 

  Lauren came under fire for (what looked to be) an extremely altered photo of 
a model in one of its ads. Bloggers at the website BoingBoing.net posted the 
image online, and lawyers for Ralph Lauren attempted to sue them for copyright 
infringement. Unfortunately for Ralph Lauren, this only furthered public 
interest and outrage over the dangerously thin looking model and, eventually, 
the clothing company released this apology:

"For over 42 years we have built a brand based on quality and integrity. After 
further investigation, we have learned that we are responsible for the poor 
imaging and retouching that resulted in a very distorted image of a woman's 
body. We have addressed the problem and going forward will take every 
precaution to ensure that the caliber of our artwork represents our brand 

Unfortunately,"addressing the problem" may have included firing the model, 
23-year-old Filippa Hamilton. She is 5'10" and weighs 120 pounds--clearly more 
full-bodied than the photoshopped girl we see in the advertisement. Though 
Hamilton has modeled for Ralph Lauren since she was 15, the company let her go 
"as a result of her inability to meet the obligations under her contract with 
us." But the story gets worse: Hamilton says she was let go because she'd 
become too fat to model for them. "They fired me because they said I was 
overweight and I couldn't fit in their clothes anymore," she explained. "I was 
shocked to see that super skinny girl with my face...It's very sad, I think, 
that Ralph Lauren could do something like that."

 Filippa Hamilton in a past Ralph Lauren ad 


Filippa Hamilton in a past Ralph Lauren ad

Most of us know that a tall, young woman who weighs 120 pounds is not 
overweight. But Hamilton claims Ralph Lauren was dissatisfied with her body, 
and therefore fired her six months ago. However, the company continued to use 
her image, whittling

[scifinoir2] Re: OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Kelwyn
I think the word needs to get out that all these images ARE photoshopped and 
that no REAL woman looks like that.  

A year or so ago Kate Winslet took Esquire to task for photoshopping her 
photograph and recently Kelly Clarkson was photoshopped on the cover of a 
woman's magazine.  

Clarkson showed up on "The View" substantially larger than she appeared on the 
magazine cover - unashamed and unapologetic - and I thought that was a good 
thing.  She showed she was "real" sized in the same time frame as she was 
appearing photoshopped on the magazine.

Meanwhile, for something completely different, here is Karl Lagerfield 
defending size zero models:



--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Keith Johnson  wrote:
> I don't know what's more disturbing: that they think this model in her 
> current true form is overweight, or that anyone in any country in the world 
> thought that doctored photo of her was either realistic or attractive. I have 
> tried over and over to understand the American obsession with thin models and 
> actresses. My wife always explains to me that clothing looks better when hung 
> on a thin frame, since designers feel a woman's curves detract from the 
> dress, and a thin woman's body doesn't do that. (she doesn't agree with the 
> philosophy, but understands it). Assuming I bought that--I don't--why then do 
> even actresses, who ostensibly aren't modeling clothing, get told to lose 
> weight? Why are so many makeup models thin when all we should be looking at 
> are their faces (the Queen Latifah's of the world notwithstanding) 
> As a black man over 40, raised to think a good body was represented by the 
> likes of Nichele Nichols, Chaka Khan, Pam Grier, Sophia Loren, or Racquel 
> Welch, i guess I'll never understand how "voluptuous" can either be a dirty 
> word, or applied to someone as relatively slim as Cindy Crawford or Claudia 
> Schiffer. I do know it must be crazy to be a woman trying to survive in the 
> fashion or movie industries as long as this skewed view of beauty persists. 
> No wonder so many models are anorexic and addicted to amphetamines! 
> Remember back when TV Guide grafted Oprah Winfrey's head onto Ann Margaret's 
> body? Man, do we ever see anyone as they really are anymore? 
> ** 
> http://shine.yahoo.com/channel/beauty/was-the-photoshopped-ralph-lauren-model-fired-for-being-overweight-525248/
> Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight? 
> photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com
> photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com Last week Ralph Lauren came under fire for 
> (what looked to be) an extremely altered photo of a model in one of its ads. 
> Bloggers at the website BoingBoing.net posted the image online, and lawyers 
> for Ralph Lauren attempted to sue them for copyright infringement. 
> Unfortunately for Ralph Lauren, this only furthered public interest and 
> outrage over the dangerously thin looking model and, eventually, the clothing 
> company released this apology: 
> "For over 42 years we have built a brand based on quality and integrity. 
> After further investigation, we have learned that we are responsible for the 
> poor imaging and retouching that resulted in a very distorted image of a 
> woman's body. We have addressed the problem and going forward will take every 
> precaution to ensure that the caliber of our artwork represents our brand 
> appropriately." 
> Unfortunately,"addressing the problem" may have included firing the model, 
> 23-year-old Filippa Hamilton. She is 5'10" and weighs 120 pounds--clearly 
> more full-bodied than the photoshopped girl we see in the advertisement. 
> Though Hamilton has modeled for Ralph Lauren since she was 15, the company 
> let her go "as a result of her inability to meet the obligations under her 
> contract with us." But the story gets worse: Hamilton says she was let go 
> because she'd become too fat to model for them. "They fired me because they 
> said I was overweight and I couldn't fit in their clothes anymore," she 
> explained. "I was shocked to see that super skinny girl with my face...It's 
> very sad, I think, that Ralph Lauren could do something like that." 
> Filippa Hamilton in a past Ralph Lauren ad
> Filippa Hamilton in a past Ralph Lauren ad Most of us know that a tall, young 
> woman who weighs 120 pounds is not overweight. But Hamilton claims Ralph 
> Lauren was dissatisfied with her body, and therefore fired her six months 
> ago. However, the company continued to use her image, whittling down her 
> arms, waist, thighs, and possibly several other body parts in the above ad. 
> If they were so unhappy with how she looked, why not get another model for 
> the campaign? Why use the photos and alter and distort them? 
> Today, Ralph Lauren himself is distancing himself from the ad, claiming, "The 
> image in question was mistakenly released and used 

[scifinoir2] OT: Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight?

2009-10-14 Thread Keith Johnson
I don't know what's more disturbing: that they think this model in her current 
true form is overweight, or that anyone in any country in the world thought 
that doctored photo of her was either realistic or attractive. I have tried 
over and over to understand the American obsession with thin models and 
actresses. My wife always explains to me that clothing looks better when hung 
on a thin frame, since designers feel a woman's curves detract from the dress, 
and a thin woman's body doesn't do that. (she doesn't agree with the 
philosophy, but understands it). Assuming I bought that--I don't--why then do 
even actresses, who ostensibly aren't modeling clothing, get told to lose 
weight? Why are so many makeup models thin when all we should be looking at are 
their faces (the Queen Latifah's of the world notwithstanding) 

As a black man over 40, raised to think a good body was represented by the 
likes of Nichele Nichols, Chaka Khan, Pam Grier, Sophia Loren, or Racquel 
Welch, i guess I'll never understand how "voluptuous" can either be a dirty 
word, or applied to someone as relatively slim as Cindy Crawford or Claudia 
Schiffer. I do know it must be crazy to be a woman trying to survive in the 
fashion or movie industries as long as this skewed view of beauty persists. No 
wonder so many models are anorexic and addicted to amphetamines! 

Remember back when TV Guide grafted Oprah Winfrey's head onto Ann Margaret's 
body? Man, do we ever see anyone as they really are anymore? 


Was the photoshopped Ralph Lauren model fired for being overweight? 


photoshopdisasters.blogspot.com Last week Ralph Lauren came under fire for 
(what looked to be) an extremely altered photo of a model in one of its ads. 
Bloggers at the website BoingBoing.net posted the image online, and lawyers for 
Ralph Lauren attempted to sue them for copyright infringement. Unfortunately 
for Ralph Lauren, this only furthered public interest and outrage over the 
dangerously thin looking model and, eventually, the clothing company released 
this apology: 

"For over 42 years we have built a brand based on quality and integrity. After 
further investigation, we have learned that we are responsible for the poor 
imaging and retouching that resulted in a very distorted image of a woman's 
body. We have addressed the problem and going forward will take every 
precaution to ensure that the caliber of our artwork represents our brand 

Unfortunately,"addressing the problem" may have included firing the model, 
23-year-old Filippa Hamilton. She is 5'10" and weighs 120 pounds--clearly more 
full-bodied than the photoshopped girl we see in the advertisement. Though 
Hamilton has modeled for Ralph Lauren since she was 15, the company let her go 
"as a result of her inability to meet the obligations under her contract with 
us." But the story gets worse: Hamilton says she was let go because she'd 
become too fat to model for them. "They fired me because they said I was 
overweight and I couldn't fit in their clothes anymore," she explained. "I was 
shocked to see that super skinny girl with my face...It's very sad, I think, 
that Ralph Lauren could do something like that." 

Filippa Hamilton in a past Ralph Lauren ad

Filippa Hamilton in a past Ralph Lauren ad Most of us know that a tall, young 
woman who weighs 120 pounds is not overweight. But Hamilton claims Ralph Lauren 
was dissatisfied with her body, and therefore fired her six months ago. 
However, the company continued to use her image, whittling down her arms, 
waist, thighs, and possibly several other body parts in the above ad. If they 
were so unhappy with how she looked, why not get another model for the 
campaign? Why use the photos and alter and distort them? 

Today, Ralph Lauren himself is distancing himself from the ad, claiming, "The 
image in question was mistakenly released and used in a department store in 
Japan and was not the approved image which ran in the U.S." So we're confused. 
They say the photoshopping was an error, that Hamilton is "beautiful and 
healthy," yet they allegedly fired her for her size? With all these apologies 
and statements it sounds like the brand still has yet to accept responsibility 
for their actions. 

Hamilton in Italian Elle

Hamilton in Italian Elle 
Hamilton in French Vogue

Hamilton in French Vogue When I searched for more images of Filippa Hamilton, I 
instantly remembered her—she was the face of Ralph Lauren's fragrance, Romance, 
has been featured on the cover of international editions of Vogue and Elle, and 
has appeared in many ads. She's a gorgeous woman. "I think they [Ralph Lauren] 
owe American women an apology, a big apology," says Hamilton. "I'm very proud 
of what I look like, and I think a role model should look healthy.

Re: [scifinoir2] Re: And "The Stepfather" Remake too?!

2009-10-14 Thread Keith Johnson
I think it's one of the movies where you ask, why is a remake needed? It's not 
so incredibly old that major things have changed. Sometimes remakes 
might--*might*--be justified if social, technological, or political realities 
have changed. sometimes women and people of color get expanded roles, sometimes 
the FX and background science gets updated and improved (such as in "The Fly" 
or "The Thing"). Sometimes times have just changed and you want to show people 
in modern clothing, using modern devices. And perhaps, sometimes it's even okay 
to up the blood/violence quotient a bit (again, "The Fly" and "The Thing") 

But even then a remake isn't always needed. It's a tough call. Sometimes you 
just need to leave well enough alone, unless you are coming in with a superior 
script and actors who'll improve on the original. If the only reason to do a 
remake is solely to throw more violence, sex, blood, or gadgets at the story, 
it usually fails. 

- Original Message - 
From: "B Smith"  
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 5:50:35 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: And "The Stepfather" Remake too?! 

The original was a definitely an underrated gem. I like Dylan Walsh but it 
looks like he's doing an imitation of Terry O'Quinn. Not that it's a bad thing. 

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com , Keith Johnson  wrote: 
> I hear ya! 
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Martin Baxter"  
> To: "SciFiNoir2" < scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com > 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 7:28:45 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
> Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] And "The Stepfather" Remake too?! 
> Â 
> Keith, not if you paid my ISP bill for a year. 
> "If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
> hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQUxw9aUVik 
> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
> From: keithbjohn...@... 
> Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 03:51:42 + 
> Subject: [scifinoir2] And "The Stepfather" Remake too?! 
> Â 
> Not too sure how I feel about this one. The original one--starring 
> Lost/X-Files/Millennium alum Terry O'Quinn--was an understated, slow-paced 
> creepy thriller. One wonders if the creators of this one can or will capture 
> that same feeling of suspense, or just go with the modern trend of throwing 
> as much over-the-top action and blood at the audience as possible. I wonder 
> how the star --from "Nip/Tuck" will play in the lead? O'Quinn was really 
> creepy. 
> I will say, it's got Sela Ward, and I respect her as an actress--not to 
> mention I could watch her all day long! 
> Anyone going to see this remake? I think this is out this weekend too, along 
> with Black Dynamite, Law Abiding Citizen, and Where the Wild Things Are. Lots 
> to chose from... 
> Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now. 

[scifinoir2] Re: And "The Stepfather" Remake too?!

2009-10-14 Thread B Smith
The original was a definitely an underrated gem. I like Dylan Walsh but it 
looks like he's doing an imitation of Terry O'Quinn. Not that it's a bad thing.

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Keith Johnson  wrote:
> I hear ya! 
> - Original Message - 
> From: "Martin Baxter"  
> To: "SciFiNoir2"  
> Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 7:28:45 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern 
> Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] And "The Stepfather" Remake too?! 
> Keith, not if you paid my ISP bill for a year. 
> "If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
> hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant 
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQUxw9aUVik 
> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
> From: keithbjohn...@... 
> Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 03:51:42 + 
> Subject: [scifinoir2] And "The Stepfather" Remake too?! 
> Not too sure how I feel about this one. The original one--starring 
> Lost/X-Files/Millennium alum Terry O'Quinn--was an understated, slow-paced 
> creepy thriller. One wonders if the creators of this one can or will capture 
> that same feeling of suspense, or just go with the modern trend of throwing 
> as much over-the-top action and blood at the audience as possible. I wonder 
> how the star --from "Nip/Tuck" will play in the lead? O'Quinn was really 
> creepy. 
> I will say, it's got Sela Ward, and I respect her as an actress--not to 
> mention I could watch her all day long! 
> Anyone going to see this remake? I think this is out this weekend too, along 
> with Black Dynamite, Law Abiding Citizen, and Where the Wild Things Are. Lots 
> to chose from... 
> Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now.

Re: [scifinoir2] Microsoft taps the Family Guy to sell Windows 7

2009-10-14 Thread Mr. Worf
I have to agree with you on that. I would also have to add that many of the
things that M$ has done to smaller companies that had good ideas was also
very wrong. They practiced a policy of "if we can't buy the company, steal
the idea." Which is why they have had so many lawsuits over the years.

One person that will never be laid off in a recession is a M$ lawyer.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 1:04 PM, Martin Baxter

> Exactly. Nothing the man could ever do in this life could hope to redeem
> what he's inflicted on the world through Windows.
> "If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in
> bloody hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQUxw9aUVik
> --
> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> From: hellomahog...@gmail.com
> Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 12:53:14 -0700
> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Microsoft taps the Family Guy to sell Windows 7
>I have to agree on that. That never ending lust for money is what is
> really driving people. Although Bill Gates will give away 3 Billion to
> charities (and they have given away a lot of money in the past. They are
> helping to end malaria. ) there is still something that feels tainted about
> it.
> On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Martin Baxter <
> truthseeker...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> Evil never sleeps...
> "If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in
> bloody hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQUxw9aUVik
> --
> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> From: hellomahog...@gmail.com
> Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 01:54:27 -0700
> Subject: [scifinoir2] Microsoft taps the Family Guy to sell Windows 7
>  They are just ruining everything lately...
> http://news.cnet.com/8301-13860_3-10374323-56.html
> --
> Microsoft on Tuesday plans to announce a deal with News Corp.'s Fox that
> will see Microsoft sponsoring a TV show that will merge a pitch for Windows
> 7  with the comedic stylings of "Family
> Guy" voices Seth MacFarlane and Alex Borstein.
> The show, dubbed "Family Guy Presents: Seth & Alex's Almost Live Comedy
> Show," will air Sunday, November 8, at 8:30 p.m. (ET and PT). There won't be
> any commercial breaks; just Windows 7 built into the story line.
>  MacFarlane
>  In a statement, Microsoft and Fox said they hope to "bring the old 'Texaco
> Star Theater'-style sponsorships into the 21st century." MacFarlane, creator
> and primary voice of "Family Guy," and Borstein, voice of the series' Lois
> character, teamed with the folks from Microsoft, as well as Redmond's ad
> agencies--Universal McCann, and Crispin, Porter & Bogusky, to create the
> show.
> "While the way people watch TV has evolved, their desire to be entertained,
> and marketers' need to deliver compelling content, hasn't changed," the
> companies said. "Microsoft and Fox are joining forces to showcase how the
> power and simplicity of Windows 7 can enhance the content Fox viewers enjoy
> most, whether it's comedy, drama, sports, or reality programming on TV or on
> the Web."
> Microsoft and Fox also plan to put on a 12-week college tour allowing
> students to try Windows 7 and tying in outdoor-movie nights hosted by the
> Stewie and Brian characters of "Family Guy."
> Financial details of Microsoft-Fox partnership were not disclosed.
> Interestingly, Google had a deal with 
> MacFarlanea while ago.
> Windows 7 is set for its big launch next week in New York, and CNET News
> will be on the ground with plenty of coverage of all the festivities.
> --
> Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. Sign up
> now. 
> --
> Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
> Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/
> --
> Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. Sign up
> now. 

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

RE: [scifinoir2] Microsoft taps the Family Guy to sell Windows 7

2009-10-14 Thread Martin Baxter

Exactly. Nothing the man could ever do in this life could hope to redeem what 
he's inflicted on the world through Windows.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: hellomahog...@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 12:53:14 -0700
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Microsoft taps the Family Guy to sell Windows 7


  I have to agree on that. That never ending lust for money is 
what is really driving people. Although Bill Gates will give away 3 Billion to 
charities (and they have given away a lot of money in the past. They are 
helping to end malaria. ) there is still something that feels tainted about it. 

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Martin Baxter  

Evil never sleeps... 

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: hellomahog...@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 01:54:27 -0700

Subject: [scifinoir2] Microsoft taps the Family Guy to sell Windows 7


  They are just ruining everything lately... 



Microsoft on Tuesday plans to announce a deal with News Corp.'s Fox
that will see Microsoft sponsoring a TV show that will merge a pitch
Windows 7 with the comedic stylings of "Family Guy" voices Seth MacFarlane and 
Alex Borstein.

The show, dubbed "Family Guy Presents: Seth & Alex's Almost
Live Comedy Show," will air Sunday, November 8, at 8:30 p.m. (ET and
PT). There won't be any commercial breaks; just Windows 7 built into
the story line. 


In a statement, Microsoft and Fox said they hope to "bring the old
'Texaco Star Theater'-style sponsorships into the 21st century."
MacFarlane, creator and primary voice of "Family Guy," and Borstein,
voice of the series' Lois character, teamed with the folks from
Microsoft, as well as Redmond's ad agencies--Universal McCann, and
Crispin, Porter & Bogusky, to create the show.

"While the way people watch TV has evolved, their desire to be
entertained, and marketers' need to deliver compelling content, hasn't
changed," the companies said. "Microsoft and Fox are joining forces to
showcase how the power and simplicity of Windows 7 can enhance the
content Fox viewers enjoy most, whether it's comedy, drama, sports, or
reality programming on TV or on the Web."

Microsoft and Fox also plan to put on a 12-week college tour
allowing students to try Windows 7 and tying in outdoor-movie nights
hosted by the Stewie and Brian characters of "Family Guy."

Financial details of Microsoft-Fox partnership were not disclosed. 
Interestingly, Google had a deal with MacFarlane a while ago.

Windows 7 is set for its big launch next week in New York, and
CNET News will be on the ground with plenty of coverage of all the



Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. Sign up now.

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years! 
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/



Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection.

RE: [scifinoir2] Man Says Boss Carried Out Threat To Fire Him for Voting for Obama

2009-10-14 Thread Martin Baxter

Unfortunately true, Mr Worf. If so, there'd be a lot fewer neo-cons out there.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: hellomahog...@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 12:54:53 -0700
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Man Says Boss Carried Out Threat To Fire Him for  
Voting for Obama


  That would be ironic. Most people don't learn from those 
experiences though. 

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 12:45 PM, Martin Baxter  

So, they were working that "socialist" angle even before the President got into 

Poetic justice here will be that this boss gets fired, loses his health-care 
insurance, then has to be a rabid public-option fan. (I get the feeling that 
he's on the other side of the card. Just an instinct...)

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


CC: afrikanm...@hotmail.com; cbilmarket...@yahoo.com; bettil...@msn.com; 
cinque3...@verizon.net; dorothyh...@sbcglobal.net; duva...@hotmail.com; 
fis...@bellsouth.net; gwashin...@aol.com; jeffreypbal...@gmail.com; 
killa...@gmail.com; kalpub...@aol.com; keithbjohn...@comcast.net; 
imke...@gmail.com; seriousnup...@yahoo.com; logic1...@aol.com; 
truthseeker...@icqmail.com; mmb1...@gmail.com; gord...@indiana.edu; 
michael.v.w.gor...@gmail.com; ravena...@yahoo.com; rs...@yahoo.com; 
everything...@nyc.rr.com; valeryjea...@yahoo.com; wendellsmit...@gmail.com; 
sonofafieldne...@sbcglobal.net; williamsf...@speakeasy.net; beta...@yahoo.com

To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: dar...@darylelockhart.com
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 22:14:03 -0400

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Man Says Boss Carried Out Threat To Fire Him for 
Voting for Obama


Yeah, uhm...KK,  huh? something tells me the guy's going to  win this case.

On Oct 13, 2009, at 10:07 PM, Tracey de Morsella wrote:

Man Says Boss Carried Out Threat To Fire Him for Voting for Obama

 KANSAS CITY, Kan. - A salesman says he was fired for voting for Barack 
Obama, after his boss sent an email to all employees warning that he would fire 
them if they dared to do that. 

  He claims Matthew Brandt, the owner of KK Office Solutions, sent the 
email threat to "All Employees" on Oct. 29, 2008 warning them "to rethink your 
vote on November 4th." 
  Elliot Snell sued KK Office Solutions in Wyandotte County Court. The 
email warned that if Obama were elected, all salespeople will have to pool 
their sales commissions to give underachieving salespeople a "fair shake;" that 
hourly employees will pool their wages, including overtime, to help those who 
are "too busy to for overtime;" that top management was to be referred to as 
"the government," and would be exempt from pooling because the law doesn't 
apply to it; and that the last few people hired "should clean out their desks."

  The email, included in the complaint, continued: "Don't feel bad though, 
because President Obama will give you free healthcare, free handouts, free oil 
for heating your home, free food stamps, and he'll let you stay in hour home 
for as long as you want even if you can't pay your mortgage. If you appeal 
directly to our democratic congress [sic], you might even get a free flat 
screen TV and a coupon for free haircuts ..." It concludes: "If for any reason 
you are not happy with the new policies, you many want to rethink your vote on 
November 4th," followed by Brandt's signature and title.

  Snell says he openly supported Obama, and was fired on Nov. 20, 2008, 
despite acquiring more than $300,000 in accounts during his 6 months with KK 
Office Solutions. 
  He seeks reinstatement, lost pay and damages of $1.2 million. He is 
represented by Lawrence Williamson. 


Tracey de Morsella, Managing Producer
The Green Economy Post




Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. Sign up now.

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years! 
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/



Hotmail: Trusted email with powerful SPAM protection.

RE: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Brother Terry nears 100K mark in 4 days on Jeopardy

2009-10-14 Thread Martin Baxter

Angela, I've only seen one contestant who had anything approaching a "plan" 
when it came to betting. (He always bet $42, because he was a rabid HHGTTG 
fan.) The vast majority usually wing it, unless they know that they have to 
make a move of a certain amount to get into position to have a chance to get in 

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: asrobin...@mindspring.com
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 01:39:44 +
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Brother Terry nears 100K mark in 4 days on 


  Then maybe you know how he comes up with these bets.  Why 
didn't he just wager $3001 so he'd be over $100k already?  But either way, he 
already qualifies for the Jeopardy Hall of Fame ($50k+ winners).

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, Martin Baxter  wrote:



> Been rooting for him every night.


> "If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
> hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQUxw9aUVik





> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

> From: asrobin...@...

> Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 00:28:26 +

> Subject: [scifinoir2] OT: Brother Terry nears 100K mark in 4 days on Jeopardy






















>   Don't know if anyone's a Jeopardy fan, but it's nice to see 
> a brother do well on the show.  He'll be back on tomorrow night--looking 
> forward to seeing how long the winning streak lasts!




> Angela























> __

> Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.

> http://clk.atdmt.com/GBL/go/171222986/direct/01/




Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.

RE: [scifinoir2] Re: Singer Seriously Considering Return to X-Men Movies

2009-10-14 Thread Martin Baxter

Yes, Tracey. He had the look down pat, but not the presence.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: tdli...@multiculturaladvantage.com
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 18:33:25 -0700
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] Re: Singer Seriously Considering Return to X-Men 



There is another problem with Superman.  I never could put my
finger on it, but Brandon Roth, despite being made to order for the part, lacks
something.  While watching the movie, I never feel like I am watching Superman.
  Again, another problem with casting


From: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:scifino...@yahoogroups.com] On Behalf Of Keith Johnson

Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 12:12 PM

To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Re: Singer Seriously Considering Return to
X-Men Movies


Agreed on
"Superman Returns", it looks fantastic. Three scenes stay with me
that feel incredibly cool and mythic. One is when Metropolis is shaken by
quakes, and Superman is flying through the city. There's a scene where debris
falls from the buildings and Supes, having flown past the site, rolls over in
mid-flight, still flying *away* from the debris, but sends his heat vision back
to incinerate it. I love it when movies showcase flying--whether it's
spaceships or superheroes--outside the norm. Earlier is the scene when Clark is
floating above Earth, listening to  thousands of conversations like some
kind of beneficent demigod, then speeding back down when he hears an emergency.
And then there's the whole scene with the island Luthor creates. When Luthor
stabs Superman with the Green K shard, that was awesome (I much prefer the
sinister Luthor to the joking one and which Spacey could have just stayed in
the sinister mode, like the animated series Luthor voiced by Clancy Brown).
Later, when Supes flies up to the clouds to recharge, then lifts the island to
space, while the Green K is killing him, then falls to Earth--that was damn


Singer had so
many moments right, and imbued some scenes with powerful emotion. He was just
too sentimental in the love story between Lois and Clark, and as you say, the
choice for Lois really hurt the movie. 

- Original Message -

From: "Kelwyn" 

To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com

Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 10:19:03 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern

Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: Singer Seriously Considering Return to X-Men Movies


I stop and re-watch the first X-Man movie every time I run across
it on cable (AT&T Uverse, baby!) and I think the first part of that movie -
up until the point where Storm and Cyclops rescue Wolverine and Rogue from
Sabertooth and Magneto's minions is some of the finest film making that I have
ever seen in super hero movie. That is all Bryan Singer. 

And, while I will admit the latest superman movie was less filling (especially
that child trying to fill Margot Kidder's shoes) but it looked great.


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com,
Keith Johnson  wrote:


> After the debacles that were X3 and Wolverine: X-Men Origins, I'm not
really all that excited about this. Granted, Singer wasn't behind either of
those flicks. But you have to feel the studios have big say now (he even says
as much in terms of financial clout) and that makes me nervous. Also, after
three flicks, I think the excitement of X movies is wearing off me given the
choices made in them: Halle Berry as Storm, Ice Man and Rogue too young, key
powers changed (Juggernaut, Leech, Callisto), a lackluster Dark Phoenix
storyline. The energy and excitement is leaving, and I worry about the ability
to make something that's closer to the comics in spirit and less just movie

> It might be, too, that I'm leery even with Singer returning, because his
weak effort in "Superman Returns" (overly sentimental script, some
bad casting) makes me afraid of what he'll bring to a fourth X-Men movie. 



> http://www.hollywoodreporter.com/hr/content_display/news/e3i30e7feb16ddb0207ec91e06b9521cbc4?imw=Y



> Bryan Singer wants more 'X-Men' 

> Director of first two films has discussed return with Fox 



> Associated Press 


> Oct 11, 2009, 09:06 AM ET 



> hr/photos/stylus/61119-singer_bryan_341x182.jpg


> Bryan Singer is interested in directing another 'X-Men.' (Getty) BUSAN --
Bryan Singer said Sunday he's interested in making another "X-Men"
movie and has discussed the possibility with Twentieth Century Fox. 


> The American director made "X-Men" and "X2: X-Men
United," but passed on the third installment so he could make
"Superman Returns.""Rush Hour" director Brett Ratner ended
up shooting that film, "X-Men: The Last Stand." South 

RE: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Brother Terry nears 100K mark in 4 days on Jeopardy

2009-10-14 Thread Martin Baxter


I remember that one all too well. I'd answered it at home correctly and, when 
Ken dropped that bomb, the mashed potatoes I was eating became wall decor.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: ravena...@yahoo.com
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 01:33:22 +
Subject: [scifinoir2] Re: OT: Brother Terry nears 100K mark in 4 days on 


  I hope they don't ask the brother the question that tripped 
up all-time Jeopardy Champ, Ken Jennings:

The clue was in the category Tools:

"This term for a long-handled garden tool can also be used to refer to an 
immoral pleasure-seeker."

Ken's response: "What is a hoe, Alex." 

In any event, (for his mama's sake) I hope the brother knows the correct answer 
is "rake."


--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, "angelababycat"  wrote:


> Don't know if anyone's a Jeopardy fan, but it's nice to see a brother do well 
> on the show.  He'll be back on tomorrow night--looking forward to seeing how 
> long the winning streak lasts!


> Angela




Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft.

RE: [scifinoir2] "Law Abiding Citizen" Out this Friday

2009-10-14 Thread Martin Baxter

No, I don't, Keith. Michael Caine gave the original a ZIP and ZOOM that Marky 
mark couldn't hope to deliver. The remake was just a fun ride.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: keithbjohn...@comcast.net
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 02:11:49 +
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Law Abiding Citizen" Out this Friday


Do you and Daryl prefer the remake of "The Italian Job" with Marky Mark and 
company over the original?

- Original Message -
From: "Martin Baxter" 
To: "SciFiNoir2" 
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 12:13:20 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] "Law Abiding Citizen" Out this Friday



I'm impressed at that, Daryle, because I loved "The Italian Job" as well.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: dar...@darylelockhart.com
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 10:43:46 -0400
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Law Abiding Citizen" Out this Friday


I've seen both of these films. 

"Law Abiding Citizen" may just  be F. Gary Gray's best  film to date, and I 
loved "The Italian Job".
"Black Dynamite" is great  on so many  levels,  because the  attention to  
detail,  from the music to the editing to  costumes, is  great.
On Oct 12, 2009, at 11:42 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:Well, well, well, 
maybe I have two movies to see this weekend: this one and "Black Dynamite". LAC 
appears to be an entertaining action picture. Hey, what's up with Gerard Butler 
recently that he's getting so many movies? Romantic comedies, thrillers, scifi? 
He's been everywhere.  By the way, I noticed in the trailer that Colm "Chief 
O'Brien" Meaney is also starring in this flick.

Oh heck, isn't "Where the Wild Things Are" also debuting this weekend?



Law Abiding Citizen is a thriller about a brilliant sociopath who orchestrates 
a series of high-profile murders that grip the city of Philadelphia - all from 
inside his jail cell - and the prosecutor assigned to his case who realizes he 
is the only one who can end the reign of terror. 



Hotmail: Powerful Free email with security by Microsoft. Get it now.





Hotmail: Free, trusted and rich email service.

RE: [scifinoir2] "Law Abiding Citizen" Out this Friday

2009-10-14 Thread Martin Baxter

Keith, I get the feeling that Daryle has... *connections*.

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: keithbjohn...@comcast.net
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 02:09:18 +
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Law Abiding Citizen" Out this Friday


How the heck you seen both films when they're debuting this weekend? Was there 
a limited release schedule last week? Atlanta is often on the limited release 
schedule, especially for movies with black stars, but I didn't see anything on 
it. An advanced screening of each perhaps?

- Original Message -
From: "Daryle Lockhart" 
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 10:43:46 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Law Abiding Citizen" Out this Friday


I've seen both of these films. 

"Law Abiding Citizen" may just  be F. Gary Gray's best  film to date, and I 
loved "The Italian Job".
"Black Dynamite" is great  on so many  levels,  because the  attention to  
detail,  from the music to the editing to  costumes, is  great.
On Oct 12, 2009, at 11:42 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:Well, well, well, 
maybe I have two movies to see this weekend: this one and "Black Dynamite". LAC 
appears to be an entertaining action picture. Hey, what's up with Gerard Butler 
recently that he's getting so many movies? Romantic comedies, thrillers, scifi? 
He's been everywhere.  By the way, I noticed in the trailer that Colm "Chief 
O'Brien" Meaney is also starring in this flick.

Oh heck, isn't "Where the Wild Things Are" also debuting this weekend?



Law Abiding Citizen is a thriller about a brilliant sociopath who orchestrates 
a series of high-profile murders that grip the city of Philadelphia - all from 
inside his jail cell - and the prosecutor assigned to his case who realizes he 
is the only one who can end the reign of terror. 





Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection.

Re: [scifinoir2] Man Says Boss Carried Out Threat To Fire Him for Voting for Obama

2009-10-14 Thread Mr. Worf
That would be ironic. Most people don't learn from those experiences though.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 12:45 PM, Martin Baxter

> So, they were working that "socialist" angle even before the President got
> into office.
> Poetic justice here will be that this boss gets fired, loses his
> health-care insurance, then has to be a rabid public-option fan. (I get the
> feeling that he's on the other side of the card. Just an instinct...)
> "If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in
> bloody hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQUxw9aUVik
> --
> CC: afrikanm...@hotmail.com; cbilmarket...@yahoo.com; bettil...@msn.com;
> cinque3...@verizon.net; dorothyh...@sbcglobal.net; duva...@hotmail.com;
> fis...@bellsouth.net; gwashin...@aol.com; jeffreypbal...@gmail.com;
> killa...@gmail.com; kalpub...@aol.com; keithbjohn...@comcast.net;
> imke...@gmail.com; seriousnup...@yahoo.com; logic1...@aol.com;
> truthseeker...@icqmail.com; mmb1...@gmail.com; gord...@indiana.edu;
> michael.v.w.gor...@gmail.com; ravena...@yahoo.com; rs...@yahoo.com;
> everything...@nyc.rr.com; valeryjea...@yahoo.com; wendellsmit...@gmail.com;
> sonofafieldne...@sbcglobal.net; williamsf...@speakeasy.net;
> beta...@yahoo.com
> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> From: dar...@darylelockhart.com
> Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 22:14:03 -0400
> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Man Says Boss Carried Out Threat To Fire Him for
> Voting for Obama
>Yeah, uhm...KK,  huh? something tells me the guy's going to  win this
> case.
> On Oct 13, 2009, at 10:07 PM, Tracey de Morsella wrote:
> *Man Says Boss Carried Out Threat To Fire Him for Voting for Obama*
> ShareThis
>  KANSAS CITY, Kan. - A salesman says he was fired for voting for Barack
> Obama, after his boss sent an email to all employees warning that he would
> fire them if they dared to do that.
>  He claims Matthew Brandt, the owner of KK Office Solutions, sent the
> email threat to "All Employees" on Oct. 29, 2008 warning them "to rethink
> your vote on November 4th."
>  Elliot Snell sued KK Office Solutions in Wyandotte County Court. The
> email warned that if Obama were elected, all salespeople will have to pool
> their sales commissions to give underachieving salespeople a "fair shake;"
> that hourly employees will pool their wages, including overtime, to help
> those who are "too busy to for overtime;" that top management was to be
> referred to as "the government," and would be exempt from pooling because
> the law doesn't apply to it; and that the last few people hired "should
> clean out their desks."
>  The email, included in the complaint, continued: "Don't feel bad
> though, because President Obama will give you free healthcare, free
> handouts, free oil for heating your home, free food stamps, and he'll let
> you stay in hour home for as long as you want even if you can't pay your
> mortgage. If you appeal directly to our democratic congress [sic], you might
> even get a free flat screen TV and a coupon for free haircuts ..." It
> concludes: "If for any reason you are not happy with the new policies, you
> many want to rethink your vote on November 4th," followed by Brandt's
> signature and title.
>  Snell says he openly supported Obama, and was fired on Nov. 20, 2008,
> despite acquiring more than $300,000 in accounts during his 6 months with KK
> Office Solutions.
>  He seeks reinstatement, lost pay and damages of $1.2 million. He is
> represented by Lawrence Williamson. 
> http://www.courthou
> senews.com/2009/10/13/_center_Man_Says_Boss_Carried_Out_Threat_To_Fire_Him_for_Voting_for_Obama_center_.htm
> Tracey de Morsella, Managing Producer
> The Green Economy Post
> http://greeneconomypost.com
> tra...@greeneconomypost.com
> --
> Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free. Sign up
> now. 

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

Re: [scifinoir2] Microsoft taps the Family Guy to sell Windows 7

2009-10-14 Thread Mr. Worf
I have to agree on that. That never ending lust for money is what is really
driving people. Although Bill Gates will give away 3 Billion to charities
(and they have given away a lot of money in the past. They are helping to
end malaria. ) there is still something that feels tainted about it.

On Wed, Oct 14, 2009 at 12:36 PM, Martin Baxter

> Evil never sleeps...
> "If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in
> bloody hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQUxw9aUVik
> --
> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> From: hellomahog...@gmail.com
> Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 01:54:27 -0700
> Subject: [scifinoir2] Microsoft taps the Family Guy to sell Windows 7
>  They are just ruining everything lately...
> http://news.cnet.com/8301-13860_3-10374323-56.html
> --
> Microsoft on Tuesday plans to announce a deal with News Corp.'s Fox that
> will see Microsoft sponsoring a TV show that will merge a pitch for Windows
> 7  with the comedic stylings of "Family
> Guy" voices Seth MacFarlane and Alex Borstein.
> The show, dubbed "Family Guy Presents: Seth & Alex's Almost Live Comedy
> Show," will air Sunday, November 8, at 8:30 p.m. (ET and PT). There won't be
> any commercial breaks; just Windows 7 built into the story line.
> MacFarlane
>  In a statement, Microsoft and Fox said they hope to "bring the old 'Texaco
> Star Theater'-style sponsorships into the 21st century." MacFarlane, creator
> and primary voice of "Family Guy," and Borstein, voice of the series' Lois
> character, teamed with the folks from Microsoft, as well as Redmond's ad
> agencies--Universal McCann, and Crispin, Porter & Bogusky, to create the
> show.
> "While the way people watch TV has evolved, their desire to be entertained,
> and marketers' need to deliver compelling content, hasn't changed," the
> companies said. "Microsoft and Fox are joining forces to showcase how the
> power and simplicity of Windows 7 can enhance the content Fox viewers enjoy
> most, whether it's comedy, drama, sports, or reality programming on TV or on
> the Web."
> Microsoft and Fox also plan to put on a 12-week college tour allowing
> students to try Windows 7 and tying in outdoor-movie nights hosted by the
> Stewie and Brian characters of "Family Guy."
> Financial details of Microsoft-Fox partnership were not disclosed.
> Interestingly, Google had a deal with 
> MacFarlanea while ago.
> Windows 7 is set for its big launch next week in New York, and CNET News
> will be on the ground with plenty of coverage of all the festivities.
> --
> Hotmail: Trusted email with Microsoft’s powerful SPAM protection. Sign up
> now. 

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

RE: [scifinoir2] Man Says Boss Carried Out Threat To Fire Him for Voting for Obama

2009-10-14 Thread Martin Baxter

So, they were working that "socialist" angle even before the President got into 

Poetic justice here will be that this boss gets fired, loses his health-care 
insurance, then has to be a rabid public-option fan. (I get the feeling that 
he's on the other side of the card. Just an instinct...)

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


CC: afrikanm...@hotmail.com; cbilmarket...@yahoo.com; bettil...@msn.com; 
cinque3...@verizon.net; dorothyh...@sbcglobal.net; duva...@hotmail.com; 
fis...@bellsouth.net; gwashin...@aol.com; jeffreypbal...@gmail.com; 
killa...@gmail.com; kalpub...@aol.com; keithbjohn...@comcast.net; 
imke...@gmail.com; seriousnup...@yahoo.com; logic1...@aol.com; 
truthseeker...@icqmail.com; mmb1...@gmail.com; gord...@indiana.edu; 
michael.v.w.gor...@gmail.com; ravena...@yahoo.com; rs...@yahoo.com; 
everything...@nyc.rr.com; valeryjea...@yahoo.com; wendellsmit...@gmail.com; 
sonofafieldne...@sbcglobal.net; williamsf...@speakeasy.net; beta...@yahoo.com
To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: dar...@darylelockhart.com
Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 22:14:03 -0400
Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] Man Says Boss Carried Out Threat To Fire Him for 
Voting for Obama


Yeah, uhm...KK,  huh? something tells me the guy's going to  win this case.

On Oct 13, 2009, at 10:07 PM, Tracey de Morsella wrote: Man Says Boss 
Carried Out Threat To Fire Him for Voting for ObamaBy JOE HARRIS 
 ShareThis KANSAS CITY, Kan. - A salesman says he was fired for voting for 
Barack Obama, after his boss sent an email to all employees warning that he 
would fire them if they dared to do that. 
  He claims Matthew Brandt, the owner of KK Office Solutions, sent the 
email threat to "All Employees" on Oct. 29, 2008 warning them "to rethink your 
vote on November 4th." 
  Elliot Snell sued KK Office Solutions in Wyandotte County Court. The 
email warned that if Obama were elected, all salespeople will have to pool 
their sales commissions to give underachieving salespeople a "fair shake;" that 
hourly employees will pool their wages, including overtime, to help those who 
are "too busy to for overtime;" that top management was to be referred to as 
"the government," and would be exempt from pooling because the law doesn't 
apply to it; and that the last few people hired "should clean out their desks."
  The email, included in the complaint, continued: "Don't feel bad though, 
because President Obama will give you free healthcare, free handouts, free oil 
for heating your home, free food stamps, and he'll let you stay in hour home 
for as long as you want even if you can't pay your mortgage. If you appeal 
directly to our democratic congress [sic], you might even get a free flat 
screen TV and a coupon for free haircuts ..." It concludes: "If for any reason 
you are not happy with the new policies, you many want to rethink your vote on 
November 4th," followed by Brandt's signature and title.
  Snell says he openly supported Obama, and was fired on Nov. 20, 2008, 
despite acquiring more than $300,000 in accounts during his 6 months with KK 
Office Solutions. 
  He seeks reinstatement, lost pay and damages of $1.2 million. He is 
represented by Lawrence Williamson. 
 Tracey de Morsella, Managing ProducerThe Green Economy 



Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.

RE: [scifinoir2] Disney/Marvel Mashup

2009-10-14 Thread Martin Baxter

LMNAO @ that!!

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: hellomahog...@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 01:45:14 -0700
Subject: [scifinoir2] Disney/Marvel Mashup



acquired Marvel Comics for $4 billion. But how will Marvel's cast of characters 
react to this move?...










Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years! 
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/



Your E-mail and More On-the-Go. Get Windows Live Hotmail Free.

RE: [scifinoir2] Microsoft taps the Family Guy to sell Windows 7

2009-10-14 Thread Martin Baxter

Evil never sleeps... 

"If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in bloody 
hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant


To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
From: hellomahog...@gmail.com
Date: Wed, 14 Oct 2009 01:54:27 -0700
Subject: [scifinoir2] Microsoft taps the Family Guy to sell Windows 7


  They are just ruining everything lately... 



Microsoft on Tuesday plans to announce a deal with News Corp.'s Fox
that will see Microsoft sponsoring a TV show that will merge a pitch
Windows 7 with the comedic stylings of "Family Guy" voices Seth MacFarlane and 
Alex Borstein.

The show, dubbed "Family Guy Presents: Seth & Alex's Almost
Live Comedy Show," will air Sunday, November 8, at 8:30 p.m. (ET and
PT). There won't be any commercial breaks; just Windows 7 built into
the story line. 


In a statement, Microsoft and Fox said they hope to "bring the old
'Texaco Star Theater'-style sponsorships into the 21st century."
MacFarlane, creator and primary voice of "Family Guy," and Borstein,
voice of the series' Lois character, teamed with the folks from
Microsoft, as well as Redmond's ad agencies--Universal McCann, and
Crispin, Porter & Bogusky, to create the show.

"While the way people watch TV has evolved, their desire to be
entertained, and marketers' need to deliver compelling content, hasn't
changed," the companies said. "Microsoft and Fox are joining forces to
showcase how the power and simplicity of Windows 7 can enhance the
content Fox viewers enjoy most, whether it's comedy, drama, sports, or
reality programming on TV or on the Web."

Microsoft and Fox also plan to put on a 12-week college tour
allowing students to try Windows 7 and tying in outdoor-movie nights
hosted by the Stewie and Brian characters of "Family Guy."

Financial details of Microsoft-Fox partnership were not disclosed. 
Interestingly, Google had a deal with MacFarlane a while ago.

Windows 7 is set for its big launch next week in New York, and
CNET News will be on the ground with plenty of coverage of all the



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[scifinoir2] Re: Disney/Marvel Mashup

2009-10-14 Thread B Smith
Pretty good except for the people that mashed up Disney and DC characters.

--- In scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com, "Amy Harlib"  wrote:
> ahar...@...
> Amy
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: Mr. Worf 
>   To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
>   Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 4:45 AM
>   Subject: [scifinoir2] Disney/Marvel Mashup
>   Disney acquired Marvel Comics for $4 billion. But how will Marvel's cast of 
> characters react to this move?...
>   animated...
>   -- 
>   Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years! 
>   Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/
> --
>   No virus found in this incoming message.
>   Checked by AVG - www.avg.com 
>   Version: 8.5.421 / Virus Database: 270.14.15/2434 - Release Date: 10/13/09 
> 19:11:00

Re: [scifinoir2] Disney/Marvel Mashup

2009-10-14 Thread Amy Harlib

  - Original Message - 
  From: Mr. Worf 
  To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com 
  Sent: Wednesday, October 14, 2009 4:45 AM
  Subject: [scifinoir2] Disney/Marvel Mashup

  Disney acquired Marvel Comics for $4 billion. But how will Marvel's cast of 
characters react to this move?...



































  Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years! 
  Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/



  No virus found in this incoming message.
  Checked by AVG - www.avg.com 
  Version: 8.5.421 / Virus Database: 270.14.15/2434 - Release Date: 10/13/09 

[scifinoir2] Microsoft taps the Family Guy to sell Windows 7

2009-10-14 Thread Mr. Worf
They are just ruining everything lately...



Microsoft on Tuesday plans to announce a deal with News Corp.'s Fox that
will see Microsoft sponsoring a TV show that will merge a pitch for Windows
7  with the comedic stylings of "Family Guy"
voices Seth MacFarlane and Alex Borstein.

The show, dubbed "Family Guy Presents: Seth & Alex's Almost Live Comedy
Show," will air Sunday, November 8, at 8:30 p.m. (ET and PT). There won't be
any commercial breaks; just Windows 7 built into the story line.


In a statement, Microsoft and Fox said they hope to "bring the old 'Texaco
Star Theater'-style sponsorships into the 21st century." MacFarlane, creator
and primary voice of "Family Guy," and Borstein, voice of the series' Lois
character, teamed with the folks from Microsoft, as well as Redmond's ad
agencies--Universal McCann, and Crispin, Porter & Bogusky, to create the

"While the way people watch TV has evolved, their desire to be entertained,
and marketers' need to deliver compelling content, hasn't changed," the
companies said. "Microsoft and Fox are joining forces to showcase how the
power and simplicity of Windows 7 can enhance the content Fox viewers enjoy
most, whether it's comedy, drama, sports, or reality programming on TV or on
the Web."

Microsoft and Fox also plan to put on a 12-week college tour allowing
students to try Windows 7 and tying in outdoor-movie nights hosted by the
Stewie and Brian characters of "Family Guy."

Financial details of Microsoft-Fox partnership were not disclosed.
Interestingly, Google had a deal with
MacFarlanea while

Windows 7 is set for its big launch next week in New York, and CNET News
will be on the ground with plenty of coverage of all the festivities.

[scifinoir2] Disney/Marvel Mashup

2009-10-14 Thread Mr. Worf
*Disney acquired Marvel Comics for $4 billion. But how will Marvel's cast of
characters react to this move?...*



[image: Photobucket]

[image: Photobucket]

[image: Stan Lee creates Spider-Man]

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/

Re: [scifinoir2] "Law Abiding Citizen" Out this Friday

2009-10-14 Thread Mr. Worf
I think that the bootleg community is pretty good, but it is nothing
compared to Russia, China, Taiwan and Mexico. You can pretty find anything
on disk.

On Tue, Oct 13, 2009 at 7:18 PM, Keith Johnson wrote:

> Indeed, the bootleg connection in the black community is amazing; whether
> it's clothing, DVD's, CD's, electronics, food--you name it. Europe had its
> town criers, black communities have the men who "found" something or "got it
> at a discount"--and spread some gossip too!
> - Original Message -
> From: "Martin Baxter" 
> To: "SciFiNoir2" 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 6:10:00 PM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
> Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] "Law Abiding Citizen" Out this Friday
> Just a matter of the guy turning up at the barber shop...
> "If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in
> bloody hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQUxw9aUVik
> --
> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> From: keithbjohn...@comcast.net
> Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 20:53:13 +
> Subject: Re: [scifinoir2] "Law Abiding Citizen" Out this Friday
> Well, I know you can find, er, "bargain" methods to see these flicks on
> not-quite-yet-approved circular plastic media here in the ATL!
> - Original Message -
> From: "Martin Baxter" 
> To: "SciFiNoir2" 
> Sent: Tuesday, October 13, 2009 7:31:12 AM GMT -05:00 US/Canada Eastern
> Subject: RE: [scifinoir2] "Law Abiding Citizen" Out this Friday
>   Both of these *would* wander into the theaters when the only things in
> my wallet are dust mites...
> "If all the world's a stage and all the people merely players, who in
> bloody hell hired the director?" -- Charles L Grant
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fQUxw9aUVik
> --
> To: scifinoir2@yahoogroups.com
> From: keithbjohn...@comcast.net
> Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 03:42:52 +
> Subject: [scifinoir2] "Law Abiding Citizen" Out this Friday
> Well, well, well, maybe I have two movies to see this weekend: this one and
> "Black Dynamite". LAC appears to be an entertaining action picture. Hey,
> what's up with Gerard Butler recently that he's getting so many movies?
> Romantic comedies, thrillers, scifi? He's been everywhere.  By the way, I
> noticed in the trailer that Colm "Chief O'Brien" Meaney is also starring in
> this flick.
> Oh heck, isn't "Where the Wild Things Are" also debuting this weekend?
> *
> http://www.lawabidingcitizenfilm.com/
> *Law Abiding Citizen* is a thriller about a brilliant sociopath who
> orchestrates a series of high-profile murders that grip the city of
> Philadelphia - all from inside his jail cell - and the prosecutor assigned
> to his case who realizes he is the only one who can end the reign of terror.
> --
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> now. 
> --
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> now.

Bringing diversity to perversity for over 9 years!
Mahogany at: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/mahogany_pleasures_of_darkness/