RE: CSRife list

1998-10-07 Thread Mark Robbins
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Also, there's a great rife web page at:


   Does anyone know of a Royal Raymond Rife web site or list?   Or, any
 info on his work would be appreciated.   
   Thanks,  Pat

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CSRE: CS and X-Ray equiptment during flights

1998-10-07 Thread EJFisch
 I am planning on a trip to Germany to visit children and grandchildren, I'm
planning on bringing my CS with me. I also have some homeopathic remedies that
I plan to take. Can the CS go through their X-ray equipment? I've been told
that the Homeopathic Remedies shouldn't as it changes their charge.  Any info.
Would be appreciated.  Carol

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Re: CSLupus

1998-10-07 Thread Debbie McDonald
Jim wrote:
 Anyone know anything about lupus and is CS helpful?
I bought this new book, Alternative Medicine, The Definitive Guide-The Burton
Goldberg group. So far it is very intriguing. I bought it at Barnes and Nobles,
check there, if you need , I can skim all the headings under lupus (there are
verry many) and try to summarize for you. Debbie

   Debbie McDonald

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CSnew CS user

1998-10-07 Thread Ni Orsi
I just started making and using CS with a SOTO bought CS maker.

1.  First 8 oz made was with filtered water. I boiled the water, then
poured it into a different glass. Put the silver wires into the glass
and ran the equipment for 20 minutes. The color was a fairly dark
yellow/brown, muddy, and with black flakes.

2. Second try was with 12 oz of distilled water. Did same as 1. above,
but ran the equipment for 35 minutes. The water was colorless and clear.

3. Third try was with 8 oz of distilled water. Did same as 1. above, but

ran the equipment for 20 minutes. The water was colorless and clear.

4. Forth try was with 8 oz of filtered water again. Did same as 1.
above. This time the water was a light gray color with black flakes.

After each run, I cleaned the wires as directed.

I did not drink no.'s 1  4, but I did drink 2 3. They had a nearly no
smell, but did not taste like distilled water. I notice that my mouth
and throat felt a very very low numb felling, and swallowing had a
slight tight felling.

My friend who did the same as me noticed about the same things, however,

after drinking the CS we both drank 8 oz of Ozonator water (SOTO
equipment), he noticed mild dizziness.

I would appreciate anyone's comments and suggestions. Best of Health,

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Re: CSprogress report.

1998-10-07 Thread Reid Smith
I thought if you wanted the cs to go farther into the intestinal track
that one was to take with food, specifically roughage, and taking
without food allows for  quick absorbtion, so it does not go far into
the intestines.
  Help anyone?

Doug Sprague wrote:
 You may want to try taking the silver immediately after eating. better
 chance of getting absorbed before getting to the lower intestine. Doug

   I think your right Jim for the same reason that antibotics should be 
taken one hour before or two hours after a meal. That way it gets absorbed
better. Another thing is it was said to hold it under your toung for
a certian period of time.
Take Care 


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CS dosages PPM

1998-10-07 Thread Paul Bembower
Hi, y'all!  I would find it really helpful if everyone who
mentions a dosage of CS they are taking would be careful to
say how much, how often, and what you believe the PPM to
be.  All at the same time.  People should know that there is
a big difference between a swallow (1/8 cup??) of 3-5 ppm
home-made CS and an equal amount of 30-40ppm CS.  Then we
have to go back and ask and it gets confusing and fills up
the hard drive with quoted messages ad infinitum.  And if
you dont KNOW the PPM, at least tell us what you THINK the
PPM might be.  Thanks  Grace  Peace from Paul Bembower

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Re: CS antibiotics ??????

1998-10-07 Thread VGammill

Mike Devour writes:
 Hello Vincent! You just saw the perfect example of why we *never*
 spout absolutes in this forum. Well, maybe not *never!* GRIN
 There is so much diversity of experience among our members that 
 there will be exceptions to nearly every assumption you can make.

 What may have come across as pontification re the combination of CS
and antibiotics was actually an effort to keep things simple and
straightforward for people who may not have a lot of time on their hands to
mull over technical matters.  CS does not negate any of the usual
antibiotics by any of the known routes by which antibiotic work.  But, all
prescription antibiotics have a plethora of unwanted side effects. 
Likewise, all the transition metals (even CS) have unwanted effects in high
dosages.  These unwanted effects can be compounded.  
 I do not have strong biases pro or con CS.  But laying cards on the
table--pro:  It would be wonderful to have a simple natural antibiotic
without significant side effects that can be kept forever in the hands of
the people and forever out of the hands of the pharmaceutical giants and
the FDA.  And, con:  The existence of CS antedates the sulfa drugs and
penicillin.  It did nothing that I know of to help in the flu epidemic of
1918, nor did it help in syphilis, TB, and polio.

I don't want to confuse issues by discussing antibiotics and
antiseptics in the same message, but Ag is very effective as such.  I've
seen AgNO3 used to irrigate an infected thorasic cavity after coronary
bypass surgery.  So many of the other antiseptics that have been in common
use are very very harmful--ortho phenylphenol which was used in Lysol, not
to mention all the quaternary ammonium compounds that are now used with so
little concern.  There are other everyday chemicals in common use I suspect
cause enormous harm, but it would be not be sensible to discuss them
without serious proof--not when major industries would be harmed and
perhaps unfairly.  

 I would like to see the whole pharmaceutical industry wither away for
the simple reason that their patent medicines aren't need or wanted.  But
can that happen when the profits are so addictive?  All of allopathic
medicine came together last century for simple purpose of quashing their
homeopathic and botanic low-dollar competitors.  

 Ask yourself if it is in the interest of the pharmaceutical giants to
cure you at a reasonable price, or keep you paying through the nose
forever.  Ask yourself if it is in the interest of those who mind the
government coffers for you to live forever in perfect health collecting
those benefits, or is it in their interest for you to keel over at age 65. 
I would not be surprised to learn that the government and the
pharmaceutical industry are toying around with chronic diseases of the
future to protect themselves against the nightmarish  eventuality that
everyone has learned to wipe out their own cancer, heart disease, c..  On
the other hand that would be a perfect excuse to raise the allowable
amounts on all the carcinogens in our food, air, and water. 

Lets keep our fingers crossed that natural antibiotics such as CS and
usnea will prove their mettle in the political-economic healthcare wars to

Vincent Gammill

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CSRife list

1998-10-07 Thread patff

Does anyone know of a Royal Raymond Rife web site or list?   Or, any
info on his work would be appreciated.   
Thanks,  Pat
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CSAddress for the List Webpage

1998-10-07 Thread Nancy B.
Dear Mike or group,

Please remind me what the address of the silver-list web page.  If others
could stand it, perhaps this ought to be added to the footer with the other
group info for quick reference.

Is it ready for non-list people to glean from?  I've got someone asking
questions and would like to send her directly to this page if it's ready, so
she can find out more about CS and the CS list.

Nancy B.

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Re: CS and pregnancy

1998-10-07 Thread Marsha Hallett

My wife is pregnant in he first trimester.  Unfortuneatly, she also has a
uninary tract infection.  The doctors perscribed antibiotics which did not
work.   She really does not want to go back to get a stronger antibiotic
the fear of what it might do to the baby.  Has anyone used CS during
pregnancy?  Is it safe for the baby and the mother?  Also, has anyone had
any luck in getting rid of UTIs w/ CS?


Hi! I had my gallbladder removed in 1991 due to Lyme disease. Afterwards I
was in a constant UTI situation, due to the change in stool consistancy, and
reinfection from the mess, until I 1) learned to use wet baby wipes
faithfully, and 2) discovered CS. Now I have no UTIs but still have to use
baby wipes, which are very expensive. (They work, though, so it is worth
I am of the opinion that CS probably wouldn`t hurt during pregnancy, and
wouldn`t hesitate to use it if I were pregnant again. (Fat chance at 46!!) I
am the kind of mom who never took aspirin or drank anything stronger than
fruit juice or water during pregnancy, not even Coca cola. So, saying I
would use CS shows how I believe in its harmlessness.
That is my 2 cents worth.
Good luck to your wife and new kidlet!
(Watch out, babies are a trap, you get stuck with them for 18 years!! I had
four... :o)
Marsha, soon to be from Vallejo...

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1998-10-07 Thread Jim
Anyone know anything about lupus and is CS helpful?



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Re: CS and pregnancy

1998-10-07 Thread Cansas
In a message dated 98-10-07 09:13:33 EDT, you write:

  She really does not want to go back to get a stronger antibiotic for
 the fear of what it might do to the baby.  

Don't know about the cs question.  Organic cranberry juice is great for UTI's.
There is a homeopathic remedy called cantharis that works really well.


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Re: CSAddress for the List Webpage

1998-10-07 Thread M. G. Devour
Hi Nancy,

The list web page is still empty. I've worked on my local copy a
little bit, but even that's not very far along. So there's no content
for them to glean from it.

The best thing we have would be the Intro and Overview FAQ I've so 
frequently reposted, the most recent version of which also includes 
Bruce's site in the list of references. That at least includes some 
gleanings from the list.

I'll be working on the site more Real Soon Now (tm). 
sheepish grin

Be well,

Mike D.

Nancy wrote:
 Is it ready for non-list people to glean from?  I've got someone
 asking questions and would like to send her directly to this page if
 it's ready, so she can find out more about CS and the CS list.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CS and pregnancy

1998-10-07 Thread econ
My wife is pregnant in he first trimester.  Unfortuneatly, she also has a
uninary tract infection.  The doctors perscribed antibiotics which did not
work.   She really does not want to go back to get a stronger antibiotic for
the fear of what it might do to the baby.  Has anyone used CS during
pregnancy?  Is it safe for the baby and the mother?  Also, has anyone had
any luck in getting rid of UTIs w/ CS?


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Re: CSWaterOz???

1998-10-07 Thread Alan Shelley Charlesworth wrote:

 Hi Karen, Donna and others interested:
 WaterOz is just a brand name of what the company professes to be  silver
 mineral water at 100 ppm.  I first heard of it on this list by a fellow named
 Dameon who has CF and swore that the WaterOz along with diet has helped him


Yes Dameon was the one who convinced me to buy WaterOz CS.  He  I both
subscribe to an
oxygen mailing list and I have gotton so much good info from him.

About 2 weeks ago, another person posting on the oxygen list posted that Dameon
was in the hospital! I had one up-date since then that he was improving but he
had to be on IV antibiotics. I know he hated to do that!
I was very distressed to learn this and I do not know any more details right
I will try to find out more.

Anyone else on this list have any up-dates on Dameon?


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Re: CS antibiotics ??????

1998-10-07 Thread Reid Smith
 There was some discussion of whether or not CS  antibiotics cancel each
other out.  Did this question ever get answered definitively?

 CS and antibiotics do not cancel each other out.  This is definitive. 
You can take it to the bank.
Vincent Gammill

   Sorry to prove you wrong but it did cancel out the effects of the 
antibotics in me and I had to quit taking the CS. The way that I know is
the antibotics that I take give me energy and wake me up plus other things. 
With out them I sleep all the time. After about 2 weeks I started going down 
hill and the antibotics wasn't working any more. About 2-3 days after I stopped
the CS they started working again. Some people haven't had problems with 
mixing the two and I think that it makes a difference in the type of antibotics 
that the person is taking. Myself I was on floxin and zithromax at the time.

Take Care 


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Re: CSReid/herx

1998-10-07 Thread Reid Smith
Reid,  I have just started taking silver now for a week and I feel alot better
than I have In a long time. Am also on antibiotics for lyme. Could you explain
why the two dont mix?  My Dr. told me to take the silver with the antibiotics.
Any Info would be greatly appreciated. Thank You,Terri

   I think it makes a difference in the antibotics that your taking. What one-s
are you on and how much?

Take Care 


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Re: CSprogress report.

1998-10-07 Thread Reid Smith
Can not enoough acidophillus cause fatigue?

  One things for sure it can cause you to bleed from the intestins. Atleast
it did with me when I took it on an empty stomach.
Take Care 


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Re: CS antibiotics ??????

1998-10-07 Thread M. G. Devour
Shelly asked:
  There was some discussion of whether or not CS  antibiotics
 cancel each other out.  Did this question ever get answered

Vincent Gammill replied:
 CS and antibiotics do not cancel each other out.  This is
 definitive. You can take it to the bank.

Reid retorted:
Sorry to prove you wrong but it did cancel out the effects of
 the antibotics in me and I had to quit taking the CS. ...

Hello Vincent! You just saw the perfect example of why we *never*
spout absolutes in this forum. Well, maybe not *never!* GRIN

There is so much diversity of experience among our members that 
there will be exceptions to nearly every assumption you can make.

You wrote:
 What is the usual metabolic fate of CS? 

We've got clues that it ultimately clears the body in the feces...

 How long does it last until it is oxidized to Ag+ ??  And then does
 it preferentially form an oxide ... , an ionic salt ... , lock on
 to any endogenous chelating anions or diols c., or is it simply
 snatched up by albumin or other protein? 

I don't think we know for sure what chemical form it is in even in 
the *bottle*, let alone once it gets into our systems. Scary, huh?

 How would it attack various microorganisms of interest--especially
 those that are cell wall deficient? 

There is generally reported some mumo-jumbo about interfering with 
enzymes involved in oxygen uptake, mumble, mumble... hands waving 
fitfully in the air, eyes opening wide... G

 What about the odd oxidation states of Tetrasil (+2 and +4) as the
 oxide and is it truly antiviral? 

I've never heard of Tetrasil. As to being antiviral, some anecdotal
evidence points that way, some doesn't. I know that viral infections
like colds run their normal course in me once they get started, but
they *do not* advance to secondary bacterial infections. So the
outcome is generally much improved by CS use. 

You'll frequently hear from folks who say they can stop a cold if
they hit it with CS when they *first* note symptoms.

 Silver salts can be reduced into several allotropes. Is there a
 difference in physiological effects? I can give a pretty good guess
 at some of these answers.  Is there anyone else out there who'd
 like to sort it all out?

Vince, we're mostly non-professional inquirers here. We've all 
stumbled on this colloidal silver stuff that, despite the hype and 
disinformation on both sides, seems to work, sometimes pretty 
remarkably. We're doing our best to separate fact from fiction and 
share what we've learned.

The marketers have muddied the waters with hype and unfounded claims.
On the other side are self appointed debunkers whose fear-mongering
does not hold up under even minimal scrutiny. What's left is the 
accounts of the folks who have had CS work wonders for them. *That* 
is why I'm here, trying to help unravel the mess.

There is no contemporary, organized body of scientific research on
CS. The mainstream establishment has mostly ignored it as part of the
fringe, and sometimes has acted to suppress the information. There
are a few tendrils of modern research that relate to what we know,
but they're few and show no signs of being well funded or gaining
any significant following in the scientific community.

The bulk of the data we have is anecdotal testimony and some minimal
experimental trials and analyses. Any insight you wish to share with
us is welcome. Bear in mind that some of us have at least workable
scientific and technical backgrounds, while others are not so
trained. Many have a lot of experience with CS and other
alternatives, and have seen what they will do. 

In any case, you'll recieve a respectful reception if you want to 
help us figure it all out. The long term goal is understanding, both 
scientific and clinical. Near term, we want to be sure the best 
information is availabe to those who need it.

Be well,

Mike Devour
list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: CS and pregnancy

1998-10-07 Thread Alan Shelley Charlesworth

Don't know about CS and pregnancy but isn't there now a ONE day(one dose
treatment) for bladder infections?


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Re: CSproper dosages

1998-10-07 Thread Marsha Hallett


Yes, I've noticed some improvements.. you're right about the brain fog..
if I have it, I take CS and it's gone almost instantly but of course, it
comes back if I don't take it for awhile again.  How much CS did you take
per day to finally feel 100% again?  I feel probably about 90%, the best
I've felt in 6 months but I'd still like to improve upon that. I don't
want to start taking unsafe doses of CS.. is 3 tablespoons per day
insuffiencent for lyme?


Dear Mark, I have read that CS is so easily excreted that there isn`t an
unsafe dose. I take 3 big swallows a day when I feel ill, and the illness is
soon gone. A big swallow is about 1/4 cup. I have had 8 colds in the last 2
years, none lasted over 3 days. I never got the flu at all. My hubby`s flu
was gone in 4 days and he went back to work. THAT made a believer out of
him! I have also used CS for 3 eye infections, several UTIs, even a toe
infection from an ingrown nail! It even helps my Pug dogs.
 Lyme is a really tough bug to destroy, I think much larger quantities of CS
are necessary to get rid of it once and for all. Donna is still fighting
hers, after 2 years. I do believe there are different strains of Borellia,
some are tougher than others. I was bitten while living in Arkansas, Donna
is in New Jersey. (Hi, Donna!!)
I think it may be necessary to revamp our eating and drinking practices
while ill. For example, ingesting caffeine tends to blunt the body`s immune
system. Who knows what other things do, such as nicotine, and other
substances? I`m also a firm believer in vitamin and mineral supplements
especially the latter, as the soils are too depleted to put minerals into
our foods. (My sister is a type 2 diabetic, insulin dependent. I am 11 years
younger, outweigh her by 50 lbs. but my blood is perfect, and blood pressure
is normal. I take vanadium and chromium, minerals necessary to insulin
production by the pancreas. I take potassium for good BP. No minerals, no
good health.)
 I hope this will help you. Don`t forget the best medicine there is, too:
prayer! We have to ask for a blessing before we can get it. (I`m also a firm
believer in this, as yesterday my 19 year old son didn`t die, in a car
accident at 70 mph on the freeway! Not even a scratch on him! I pray for his
safety every day.)
Love, (the sincere kind!)

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Re: CS antibiotics ??????

1998-10-07 Thread VGammill

 Shelley Charlesworth charleswo...@access1.netwrites:
 Subject: Re: CS  antibiotics
 Date: Tuesday, October 06, 1998 10:32 AM
 There was some discussion of whether or not CS  antibiotics cancel each
 out.  Did this question ever get answered definitively?

 CS and antibiotics do not cancel each other out.  This is definitive. 
You can take it to the bank.
 I do have a question or two for all you shinolas out there in
Listland.  What is the usual metabolic fate of CS?  How long does it last
until it is oxidized to Ag+ ??  And then does it preferentially  form an
oxide (thereby making it an excellent redox catalyst), an ionic salt (e.g.,
to Cl-), a ligand, lock on to any endogenous chelating anions or diols c.,
or is it simply snatched up by albumin or other protein?  Or even by GSH
(reduced glutathione)?  How would it attack various microorganisms of
interest--especially those that are cell wall deficient?  What about the
odd oxidation states of Tetrasil (+2 and +4) as the oxide and is it truly
antiviral?  Silver salts can be reduced into several allotropes. Is there a
difference in physiological effects?  I can give a pretty good guess at
some of these answers.  Is there anyone else out there who'd like to sort
it all out?

Vincent Gammill

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