Re: CSBeck success, misc. observations

2000-11-10 Thread russ e rosser
 After reading Russ' description of how to use a
 12-volt adapter to make a simple zapper-like device, I
 did the same...on each side of
 my waist...After
 10 minutes I made a major trip to the washroom!

Terry -- You didn't say what ailment you were addressing--constipation?
 If I had reversed
 the poles on each side of my waist, would it have had
 the opposite effect (Constipating)? 

No, that's just from Frankenstein movies.  However, it may be
advantageous to switch polarity occasionally.

 would different
 voltages or amperages produce different effects? 

I don't think so, in this LV range.  It's different *frequencies* that
affect different pathogens in the Rife realm.

 Is DC better than AC? 

There are low voltage AC power supplies (e.g., with Alesis electronic
musical instruments); however, DC is said to be the most germicidal kind
of current flow.

 I have 2
 clients who are willing to experiment with this. 

The more anecdotes  feedback, the better.  Have them keep  share
thorough records.

 The next question is: How can I build in a fuse or
 breaker to prevent any possibility of my clients (or
 myself) getting electrocuted in case of accident?

I've never heard of a small AC-DC transformer shorting 120VAC to the
output; they only die, to my knowledge...


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Re: CShypothalamus

2000-11-10 Thread Duncan Crow
Sure Nick;

If the boy is given a pulsed electromagnetic treatment at 12-18 Hz morning
and afternoon for a few hours it will reinforce his beta brainwaves, the
alert phase, and stimulate circulation etc... has two wearable little portables and a table model, and has one portable.

They are low power, gentle, and not dangerous.  You may see additional
positive effects.


- Original Message -
From: Nick Grant
Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 4:54 PM
Subject: CShypothalamus

| Hi there
| Do any of you know how to stimulate a hypothalamus in to action.  This
| apparently is responsible for a child who is sleeping all the time.  He
| a genetic disorder, so don't go suggesting all the obvious things like
| of iron, thyroid etc.  His problem is his hypothalamus.  I don't know of
| anything that would just work on that.
| I thought maybe someone might know about these zappers, blood purifiers
| whether they would help.  Don't know much about them.  Do any of you use
| them in conjunction with CS?  I am quite interested in them, but pretty
| ignorant.  Could I make them?  (or should I say get them made).
| Thanks
| Tracy.
| --
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| List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSnerve ganglia (PEMT, magnet)

2000-11-10 Thread Duncan Crow
Janet, if the pain is that severe perhaps a table PEMT would be better 
(stronger, more forceful), but the magnapak one uses AC pulses, which according 
to my information is decidedly second-best compared to North-pole pulsing.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Janet Lubart 
  Sent: Thursday, November 09, 2000 10:53 PM
  Subject: Re: CSnerve ganglia (PEMT, magnet)

  Thank you, Duncan.
  I am big into magnets and have seen MIRACULOUS cures but this pain is so 
intense I did not think it is an option. Large, heavy neg pole magnets are what 
we have used successfully for about everything else. I really need to 
  The  PEMT looks viable. Thank you so much!


-Original Message-
From: Duncan Crow
Date: Thursday, November 09, 2000 9:18 AM
Subject: Re: CSnerve ganglia (PEMT, magnet)

Hi Janet:

(someone posted an article about MS and gold assimilation. Colloidal gold 
may help generally for nerves as it does for MS and joint pain)

The magnetic pulser has been reported to work for pain but the pulsed 
aren't designed for or optimized for that.

Magnetic therapy is nontoxic and usually works.  A couple of 1/2-inch 
neodymium magnets held in place with a couple of 3/8 or 1/2 can be put on any 
clothing at any point you choose.

There are 3 preferred locations: The referred pain, the injury site, and 
the correct acupuncture point.  Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy PEMT devices 
work well by all accounts.  You can get little portables for under $200 that 
slip into a pocket or can be worn against a sore spot.  The are 
frequency-adjustable for pain, circulation, bone growth and a host of other 
settings you can get with your unit.

Try for 2 of them; another is at .  Other 
table models get a lot closer to what the doctor uses. is one 
of those I think.  Magnapak also has one. In Australis PEMP is the treatment of 
choice for athletes and horses.

You could use a laser pen on the three points mentioned under Magnets 
above.  Other resonance devices (light being one) including sound pulses also 
work.  I don't have those addresses handy. 

Sometimes relief occurs very quickly; other patients take up to several 
weeks for the pain to disappear. Tell him to keep at it - it's good for him.



Re: CSPlagues and chemtrails......hmmm

2000-11-10 Thread Frances Mehner;list

Robert Bartell wrote:
 experiments by an unidentified government agency for an unknown reason or
 purpose, perpetrated by large twin engine tanker aircraft with no markings
 on them at all   check out and see if he still
 has any of this stuff still up on his site. Regards:  Robert Bartell
 - Original Message -
 Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 9:17 AM
 Subject: Re: CSPlagues and chemtrails..hmmm
  does anyone know why this stuff is being sprayed? what is the motive
  all this..if anyone has a web site or explanation..please  let  me know.
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Re: CSnerve ganglia (PEMT, magnet)

2000-11-10 Thread Ivan Anderson
Got some links to AC vs North-pole pulsing Duncan?


- Original Message -
From: Duncan Crow
Sent: Friday, 10 November 2000 21:14
Subject: Re: CSnerve ganglia (PEMT, magnet)

Janet, if the pain is that severe perhaps a table PEMT would be better
(stronger, more forceful), but the magnapak one uses AC pulses, which
according to my information is decidedly second-best compared to
North-pole pulsing.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSUnknown perils in the food supply chain

2000-11-10 Thread Ivan Anderson
This was discussed a week ago? Robert.

CJD is not a pathogen in the classic sense, eg bacteria or virus. It is
a protein with very bad properties, which, as a result of accountancy
based farming that has herbivores eating diseased meat, found its way
into the human food chain.

CS unlikely to protect you from this.


- Original Message -
From: Robert Bartell
Sent: Friday, 10 November 2000 20:56
Subject: CSUnknown perils in the food supply chain

I'm posting another little bit of news from England as an example of
what can happen to an unprotected person in today's environment. This is
why I and my entire family each consume a minimum of 2 ounces daily of
colloidal silver. It affords a great protective barrier against the
unexpected and uninvited pathogen which can turn up in the food supply
from time to time (like e-coli). The cost is negligible if you have your
own generator. I'm not paranoid ! Its just that life is so much more
enjoyable while you are in a healthy state!  Here's the article and best
of health to all seekers on this list:  Robert Bartell


* CJD victim 'loved burgers'

A 20-year-old woman who died from CJD was a devil for McDonald's and
regularly ate Campbell's Meatballs, an inquest heard. Kirsty Garven,
from Chester, ate the same sort of food as the rest of her family,
said her mother Jennifer, but added that she would go out at night and
have a burger.

She was not a great beef eater but loved Campbell's Meatballs. No one
else in the family liked them but she ate them a lot, said Mrs

Kirsty, a financial administration officer at Marks  Spencer, died in
July after showing symptoms of CJD for a year. Her death from the
human form of BSE was one of three cases heard at Crewe Coroner's

The other victims were Thomas Gemmel, 17, and Alison Thorpe, 25.
Coroner Nicholas Rheinberg said all three had died unnatural deaths
caused by CJD from contaminated beef in the food chain. He recorded
verdicts of misadventure on each.

Source: Staff reporter Useful link:

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2000-11-10 Thread Ivan Anderson
Hi Tony,

Ozone will not stay in the water longer than a few minutes. H2O2 likely
to degrade before long also.

CS production is an oxidation process.

I know the water Tracy is talking is quite good quality
(depending how long its been sitting on the shelf) and the boiling
advice is just a legal disclaimer.


- Original Message -
From: Tony Moody
Sent: Friday, 10 November 2000 19:38

 Dear List,
 The way I understand it is that heating or boiling DW gets rid of some
 or most of the ozone or H2O2 which is added by law in your country to
 DW. Apparently the O3 or H2O2 causes oxidation of the silver during
 CS production process. If so then heating DW before making CS makes
 sense to me.

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Re: CShoax

2000-11-10 Thread Erwin Hanke
?I think Nick is being over cautions.  There are pictures and music files that
will not contain viruses
and are perfectly safe to open.  Two of the most common are those with an
extension of .jpg for
picture files and .mid for music files.  There are others.


Nick Grant wrote:


 Don't open any e-mails with attachments unless

 you know who they are from.  Standard

 practice!  Some you are just not going to avoid.

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CSRe: back pain

2000-11-10 Thread Annhope1
 A friend of mine had severe back pains -- the MDs wanted to fuse parts
 of his spine.  Chiropractors and other non-MDs couldn't help.  But an
 acupunturist (Dr. Toriello, in Des Moines) stopped the pain in 3
 Another friend of mine did have part of his spine fused, but still had
 some pain.  Again, an acupunturist (don't know the name) stopped the

 My husband had surgery on his lower spine about 15 yrs ago. The pain was 
relieved after surgery but after a few years the pain started to come back.  
He was quit worried as his occupation is very physically challenging.  He 
went to a few Drs, finally one said buy a hot tub. So he did.  This did 
seem to help but then he found a chiropractor and he told him  The pain is 
coming from the scar tissue surrounding the incision area. Scar tissue is not 
flexible and pulls on the other tissue surrounding it causing pain.  The 
Chiro. treated him with a varity of treatments plus he used the hot tub... 
that was 10 yrs ago and hes still pain free.
Terri L.

CSRe:no milk

2000-11-10 Thread Annhope1
  In =
 Belgium, recently, all dairy products were taken off the market for a =
 month or more due to high levels of dioxin - a nasty toxic carcinogen. =
 now read this from Dr. Mercola's latest health newsletter:  Quote:
 Cancer and IGF-1: Another Reason to Avoid Milk - According to a recent =
 editorial in the British Medical Journal, The risk of cancer is higher =
 among people with raised concentrations of insulin-like growth =
 factor-I. This adds more evidence as to why milk should be avoided =
 after early childhood. Milk from synthetic growth hormone treated cow's =
 is even more dangerous, as the levels of IGF-1 are even higher.
 Regards, Robert Bartell
   Thanks for posting articles like this. I haven't had milk in yrs other 
than a bit in coffee/tea occasionally.  My mother, who was head of the 
nursing program at a college where we were raised told us as children you 
shouldn't be drinking milk.  At that time this was against everything being 
taught(50's). Her thinking wasn't due to the chemicals we now have in our 
milk, but she believed that no one should have milk after they are weaned.  
No other mammal after weaning goes back for a drink... why should humans.  
This, among other believes, certainly put her ahead of the times.  The 
problem now, I have a teenage son, whom I raised the same way who wants milk 
daily.  I conveniently run out occasionlly (mean mom) but I also send/print 
him articles like the one you posted... hopefully it will sink in. I do put 
CS in the milk... FWIW.  
Terri L.

Re: CSBYU and colloidal silver

2000-11-10 Thread linda coombs
At 11:02 PM 11/01/2000 GMT, you wrote:
Hi All,

I just did a web search on BYU silver and here's some of what showed



Microbiology Department 
Brigham Young University 
775 WIDB 
P.O. Box 25253 
Provo, Utah 84602-5253 

  May 13, 1999

American Silver’s Antibacterial Product (ASAP Solution)Testing Results

The following results suggest that American Silver’s ASAP solution is
a broad spectrum antimicrobial agent -- it is able to effectively stop
the growth of, and in fact kill, a variety of bacteria. 

American Silver’s ASAP Silver Supplement has been tested against the
following organisms. 

Staphylococcus aureus (Pneumonia, eye infections, skin infections
(boils, impetigo, cellulitis, and post-operative wound infections),
toxic shock syndrome, meningitis, food poisoning, osteomyelitis, and
many others) inhibited @ 2.5 ppm and killed @ 5 ppm. 1/22/99 BYU

Shigella boydii (Bacillary dysentery–characterized by severe cramping
abdominal pain and bloody diarrhea) inhibited @ 1.25 ppm and killed @
2.5 ppm. 1/22/99 BYU Report. 

Salmonella arizona (Food poisoning, etc.) inhibited @ 2.5 ppm and
killed @ 5 ppm. 1/28/99 BYU Report. 

Salmonella typhimurium (Food poisoning and enteric fever) inhibited
and killed at a concentration of 2.5 ppm. 6/7/99 BYU Report. 

E. coli (Food poisoning, urinary tract infections, traveler’s
diarrhea, diarrhea in infants, respiratory tract infections, and wound
infections) inhibited and killed @ 2.5 ppm. 1/22/99 BYU Report.

Haemophilus influenzae (Otitis media (ear infection), pneumonia,
meningitis, throat and sinus infections (including epiglottitis in
children and sinusitis), and suppurative arthritis in children)
inhibited and killed @ 1.25 ppm. 1/22/99 BYU Report.

Enterobacter aerogenes ( wound infections, urinary tract infections,
bacteremia, and meningitis) inhibited and killed at a concentration of
2.5 ppm. 6/7/99 BYU Report.

Enterobacter cloacae ( causes ilnesses similar to the E. aerogenes)
inhibited and killed at a concentration of 5 ppm. 6/7/99 BYU Report.

Klebsiella pneumoniae (lower respiratory tract infections, nosocomial
infections (infections spread in hospitals), urinary tract and wound
infections, and bacteremia) inhibited and killed @ 2.5 ppm. 1/28/99
BYU Report.

Klebsiella oxytoca, (Similar to those infections caused by K.
pneumoniae) inhibited and killed at a concentration of 2.5 ppm. 6/7/99
BYU Report.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa (severe burn and wound infections, keratitis,
pneumonia, meningitis, nosocomial infections, urinary tract
infections, etc.) inhibited @ 2.5 ppm and killed @ 5 ppm. 1/22/99
BYU Report. 

Streptococcus pneumoniae (pneumonia, meningitis, sinusitis, otitis
media (ear infection) inhibited @ 2.5 ppm and killed @ 5 ppm. 4/21/99
BYU Report.

Streptococcus pyogenes (skin infections, upper respiratory infections
(i.e. strep throat) impetigo, hospital-acquired infections, scarlet
fever, etc.) inhibited and killed @ 1.25 ppm. 1/22/99 BYU Report.

Streptococcus faecalis (Urinary tract infections, endocarditis, wound
infections, etc.) inhibited @ 2.5 ppm and killed @ 5 ppm. 1/22/99 BYU

Streptococcus mutans (A major cause dental plaque and tooth decay
etc.) inhibited and killed @ 5 ppm.  2/3/99 BYU Report.

Streptococcus gordonii (Tooth decay, also implicated in infective
endocarditis - an infection of the heart valves) inhibited and killed
@ 5 ppm. BYU Report 2/12/99. 

David A. Revelli
Brigham Young University
And from another (commercial) site:

 Antibiotic Comparison 

 Microbiology Department 
 Brigham Young University 

October 15, 1999

 From: David Revelli 
   Brigham Young University 

The following page contains data from seven strains of potentially
pathogenic bacteria. They are the same strains that have been tested
in Minimum Inhibitory Concentration tests (MIC) against The Silver
Solution. This data contains, along with the data on The Silver
Solution, MIC's performed on each bacteria versus representative of
five different classes of antibiotics. These tests were performed to
ascertain the relative antimicrobial activity of The Silver Solution
when compared to other antibiotics. As the data suggests, The Silver
Solution has a greater ability on average to kill the bacteria tested
than four of the five antibiotics to which it was compared. Each
antibiotic has its own nice to fill, but not one of the antibiotics
tested work equally well on every bacterial strain that it was tested
against, The Silver Solution had similar results for each bacteria -
it was able to kill each bacteria tested. Furthermore, there are
antibiotic-resistant strains that may or may not succumb to a given
antibiotic. This is where 

CSMedication recall

2000-11-10 Thread KIM BROWN
Medicines containing Phenylpropanolamine have been recalled due to the fact 
that it causes strokes, even in young children.  This includes some sinus 
medications and Dimetapp.  I have checked and my children's Dimetapp chewables 
contain it.  Please call your pharmacy for more information.


Re: CSUnidentified subject!

2000-11-10 Thread Marshall Dudley
Thanks, but not really.  The article said to delete any emails with that 
subject without
viewing the email at all.  I was stating that I can find no way to delete an 
email without
viewing it.  I still can't, since you have to click on the email to delete it, 
and once you
click on it, you have viewed it.

This has nothing to do with viewing or clicking on attachements, since it is 
impossible to do
that until you have opened the email in the first place.  I don't care about 
the attachments,
I simply don't click on them.  How do you delete an email without opening, 
reading or viewing
it?  That is the only question I have been asking.  I can do a control A and 
that will
highlight ALL the emails, and if I hit delete it deletes everything in my 
mailbox.  But that
is an overkill, I only want to delete the one email that I have not, and do not 
want to read.

Thanks anyway,


Ron Hackley wrote:

 Hi Marshall...

 Netscape Messenger can display frames several different ways. If the frame 
 that you select
 from has a view frame below it then each file you click on will be displayed 
 in the view
 frame. I don't know if this qualifies as opening, but the email is tagged as 
 having been
 read, and you can scroll the view frame to view it.

 IF you click on the bar with the little up/down arrows at the bottom of the 
 select frame
 (the frame with the files you select from) then the select frame will expand 
 all the way
 to the bottom and there will be no view frame. You must then double click on 
 a file to
 view it and mark it as read; a single click to highlight it will not do that.

 I used to use the first method, having the view frame visible, but have 
 recently started
 using Netscape with the view frame not visible. That way Netscape doesn't tag 
 a file as
 read just because it got highlighted (very annoying).

 I hope this makes sense and is helpful.

 Roseburg OR

 Marshall Dudley wrote:
  Sorry, but before I can get to the point to click on the file, I have to
  open the email.  It is how can I delete the email without reading it that is
  the problem.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour


2000-11-10 Thread Marshall Dudley
Ozone breaks down in a matter of minutes.  The possibility of any ozone still
being in the water once you buy it is virtually 0.  H2O2 is never added to
distilled water that I am aware of.


Tony Moody wrote:

 Dear List,
 The way I understand it is that heating or boiling DW gets rid of some
 or most of the ozone or H2O2 which is added by law in your country to
 DW. Apparently the O3 or H2O2 causes oxidation of the silver during the
 CS production process. If so then heating DW before making CS makes
 sense to me.

 Robert Bartell wrote:
  Hi Nick,
  Keep looking at the different brands of DW and their labels to find a better
  I am using American Fare DW from our local K-Mart Superstore and the label
  reads as follows:
  Processed by distillation, microfiltration and ozonation.  Water source:
  Greenville Municipal Water Supply, Greenville, TN 377433
  I get a total dissolved solids reading of 1 PPM on this DW, which I think is
  reasonably acceptable. I'd rather it be zero, but .
  If your DW says that boiling is required before oral consumption.. that
  has got to be very poor quality DW. Dump it! Regards, Robert Bartell
  - Original Message -
  From: Nick Grant
  Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 5:41 PM
   Hi everyone
   I was wondering...Ivan you said that you do not boil your distilled water,
   but use it at room temperature.  It says on the bottle that I buy, that
   distilled water for oral use must be boiled then cooled.  Is it safe for
   if I don't boil it, or do you think I should.
   I figure if the colloidal silver we are making is good enough to kill all
   these bacteria etc, then it should purify the distilled water anyway.  But
   then I read of some CS being tested in a laboratory and they found
   somethings in the CS.  This is why I have asked.
   Tracy. (alias Nick!)
   The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
   To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
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   Silver-list archive:
   List maintainer: Mike Devour


2000-11-10 Thread Marshall Dudley
I am not convinced that bacteria cannot get into Distilled water after it is
bottled.  More than once I have had bottles of DS turn over in the back of the
car, and when they do they leak.  If water can leak out, then I think bacteria
can get in.

But I agree that CS will have no live bacteria in it.


Duncan Crow wrote:

 | If your DW says that boiling is required before oral consumption..
 | has got to be very poor quality DW. Dump it! Regards, Robert Bartell

 Hi Robert;

 It's my understanding that the standard boiling instructions are only in
 case of potential bacterial action that starts after the water has been
 bottled.  After all, it has no protection from pathogens, and the bottles
 aren't all that sterile. In any case if you're making colloid for yourself
 at home, you can rest assured that any pathogens will be killed by the

 Heck, you can make great colloid from creek water that would have no live
 bacteria in it.

 BUT for sale purposes, we don't need any more sniping from the detractors
 that there was bacteria found in the CS sample, do we? Even if they never
 checked to see if they were dead.

 That's why ozonated water has no such instruction. It's been treated.



 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSKefir maker @ Magnapak

2000-11-10 Thread russ e rosser

Kefir Maker Kit 

Unique and flavorful, easy to digest and a great alternative to yogurt! 
Kefir is a fermented milk product similar to yogurt. This kit contains a
small floating device filled with Kefir culture grain that will ferment
milk overnight. Remarkably, this culture can be used forever without
losing its potency (huge cost savings compared to yogurt!) Kefir (a
probiotic) supplies millions of friendly bacteria that maintain
intestinal health and helps to eliminate excessive gas, bloating,
constipation and candidisas (yeast infection). The Kefir Maker works with
most milks and comes with tasty Kefir recipes! 

TD 900A Kefir Maker Kit $24.95 


On Thu, 9 Nov 2000 08:44:17 -0800 Duncan Crow
 Hi Janet:
 (someone posted an article about MS and gold assimilation. Colloidal 
 gold may help generally for nerves as it does for MS and joint pain)
 The magnetic pulser has been reported to work for pain but the 
 pulsed aren't designed for or optimized for that.
 Magnetic therapy is nontoxic and usually works.  A couple of 
 1/2-inch neodymium magnets held in place with a couple of 3/8 or 1/2 
 can be put on any clothing at any point you choose.
 There are 3 preferred locations: The referred pain, the injury site, 
 and the correct acupuncture point.  Pulsed Electromagnetic Therapy 
 PEMT devices work well by all accounts.  You can get little 
 portables for under $200 that slip into a pocket or can be worn 
 against a sore spot.  The are frequency-adjustable for pain, 
 circulation, bone growth and a host of other settings you can get 
 with your unit.
 Try for 2 of them; another is at .  
 Other table models get a lot closer to what the doctor uses. is one of those I think.  Magnapak also has one. In 
 Australis PEMP is the treatment of choice for athletes and horses.
 You could use a laser pen on the three points mentioned under 
 Magnets above.  Other resonance devices (light being one) including 
 sound pulses also work.  I don't have those addresses handy. 
 Sometimes relief occurs very quickly; other patients take up to 
 several weeks for the pain to disappear. Tell him to keep at it - 
 it's good for him.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSBarb's A Grandma Now

2000-11-10 Thread Black

Congratulations Barb!!
My first grandson was born more than 25 years ago and I still remember the
fantastic joy.  I now have 6 grandboys but will never forget the day the
first one was born.
Best wishes to the little one and to you too,


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSColloidal Silver in milk

2000-11-10 Thread Scharbach
(sorry Mike, can't help myself)

There is no doubt that our food supply is contaminated.   I would whole 
heartedly agree with you there.

However, it is BOTH farmers, and non-vegans/vegetarians that Robert takes to 
task.   If his letters were 100% based on food contamination and what we can do 
to prevent it, I would wholeheartedly support what he says.

They are not.   They are attacks on dairy and meat farming.  And his goal is 
not to clean up our food supply, but to convince people that dairy and meat 
products are deadly.   They aren't.

However, as an omnivore, and ex-dairy goat (organic) farmer, that would only be 

  - Original Message - 
  From: Robert Bartell 

  Come on now!  It isn't the farmers who are being taken to task but the 
Chemical and Pharmaceutical Companies who are directly responsible for 
contaminating the food supply and causing grievous death and injury ... all for 
a buck.  Robert is right in attacking them through dispersal of information 
that causes people to stop purchasing those products.  In Belgium, recently, 
all dairy products were taken off the market for a month or more due to high 
levels of dioxin - a nasty toxic carcinogen. now read this from Dr. Mercola's 
latest health newsletter:  Quote:

Re: CSColloidal Silver in milk

2000-11-10 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all,

For an old codger like me who really enjoys beef , milk, and butter, Me
thinks thuo protesteth to much.

Ole Bob

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CSSomething to chew on HVAC

2000-11-10 Thread Robert L. Berger
Hi Ya'all,

I have spent the last four days runnning all kinds of tests to establish
the parameters for those who  re able to build the HVAC ARC CO2 method
of making fantastic colloidal silver.

I first established the output characteristics of my Magnetek NST (neon
sign transformer) and found that almost regardless of the arc gap, the
output voltage stayed rather constant for four different surface areas
of silver electrodes.

The next study was to determine the current density vs ppm generated for
a set time with a set configuration of wet electrodes.

So here is the data, it is not as one might suspect.

2- 1 x 5 w.l. produced 4.4 ppm in 2 hours, 20 sq in area, for a
current density of  0.0044 A/in^2.

1- 1/2 x 5 w.l. produced 6.16 ppm in 2 hours, 5 sq in area, for a
current density of .0i76 A/in^2.

1  #14 x 5 w.l. produced 11.88 ppm in 2 hours, 0.01418 in area, for a
current density of  2.116 A/in^2

Now I would expect Chuck to come back with to get infinity ppm remove
the wet electrode. Doesn't fly.

All of the CS had very weak T.E. but the #14 wire sample T.E. could only
be seen in a totally dark room.

Memory tells me that this is opposite what is held for LVDC cs.

Ole Bob

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Re: CSnerve ganglia

2000-11-10 Thread hughman1
I always take 8 grams at a whack, though I often only take it before going to 
work. I started taking it a year ago when I was suffering from the symptoms of 
aspartame poisoning but thought at first it was neuropathy. I probably could 
drop it down now. I've heard of MS and Scleroderma patients taking 80 grams a 
day in order to achieve results.
Best Wishes,

Re: CSSomething to chew on HVAC

2000-11-10 Thread Marshall Dudley
You have just confirmed what I have said here previously for the submerged
electrode HVAC system.  Small area produces higher current density, and
higher voltage, producing higher ppm.  We use about 1/10 of #14 wire which
is much higher voltage and current density than what you have tried though.
Give it another try with about 1/10 of the electrode exposed in the water.


Robert L. Berger wrote:

 Hi Ya'all,

 I have spent the last four days runnning all kinds of tests to establish
 the parameters for those who  re able to build the HVAC ARC CO2 method
 of making fantastic colloidal silver.

 I first established the output characteristics of my Magnetek NST (neon
 sign transformer) and found that almost regardless of the arc gap, the
 output voltage stayed rather constant for four different surface areas
 of silver electrodes.

 The next study was to determine the current density vs ppm generated for
 a set time with a set configuration of wet electrodes.

 So here is the data, it is not as one might suspect.

 2- 1 x 5 w.l. produced 4.4 ppm in 2 hours, 20 sq in area, for a
 current density of  0.0044 A/in^2.

 1- 1/2 x 5 w.l. produced 6.16 ppm in 2 hours, 5 sq in area, for a
 current density of .0i76 A/in^2.

 1  #14 x 5 w.l. produced 11.88 ppm in 2 hours, 0.01418 in area, for a
 current density of  2.116 A/in^2

 Now I would expect Chuck to come back with to get infinity ppm remove
 the wet electrode. Doesn't fly.

 All of the CS had very weak T.E. but the #14 wire sample T.E. could only
 be seen in a totally dark room.

 Memory tells me that this is opposite what is held for LVDC cs.

 Ole Bob

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2000-11-10 Thread BROOKS BRADLEY

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Re: CSSomething to chew on HVAC

2000-11-10 Thread ROGALTMAN
In a message dated 11/10/00 1:52:02 PM EST, writes:

 Subj: CSSomething to chew on HVAC
 Date:  11/10/00 1:52:02 PM EST
 From: (Robert L. Berger)
 Reply-to: (silver-list),
 Hi Ya'all,
 I have spent the last four days runnning all kinds of tests to establish
 the parameters for those who  re able to build the HVAC ARC CO2 method
 of making fantastic colloidal silver.
 I first established the output characteristics of my Magnetek NST (neon
 sign transformer) and found that almost regardless of the arc gap, the
 output voltage stayed rather constant for four different surface areas
 of silver electrodes.
 The next study was to determine the current density vs ppm generated for
 a set time with a set configuration of wet electrodes. 

Bob: Are you saying that both electrodes were wet? If that's true then you're 
not running an ARC HVAC CS process. Please explain. Roger

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSUnidentified subject!

2000-11-10 Thread Ron Hackley
I'll try again... because this really is the answer you are looking for. You 
can delete
emails without looking at them in Netscape, but first you must change the 
frames, or
panels, and how they are displayed. First a little background. When on 
messenger you can
have up to three panels (or frames) showing. If all three are showing, the left 
hand one
shows all of the file folders that the emails are located in. You cannot select 
an email
from the left hand frame, only a file folder. Moving to the right you probably 
have two
frames, one over the other. The upper one will be the emails in the file 
folder, and the
frame beneath is where you view the selected email (whichever one is selected 
in the above
frame). When you click and highlight an email in the top frame it is displayed 
in the
bottom frame.

OK, to make it so the email is not displayed (opened) when it is simply 
highlighted you
need to get rid of the bottom view frame so you only have the top frame where 
you can
select emails, and possibly the left frame where you select file folders from 
(this can be
hidden too). To get rid of the bottom (view) frame, click on the center portion 
of the
dividing bar between the upper and lower frames that has the little up/down 
arrows on it.
This will make the upper frame extend all of the way to the bottom and there 
will be no
view frame beneath. Netscape now acts a little differently; you must double 
click on an
email in order to open and view it. If you click on it once it will be 
highlighted but it
will not open. Then you can delete it. To return back to having upper and lower 
just click on the center of the dividing bar again.

Roseburg OR 

Marshall Dudley wrote:
 Thanks, but not really.  The article said to delete any emails with that 
 subject without
 viewing the email at all.  I was stating that I can find no way to delete an 
 email without
 viewing it.  I still can't, since you have to click on the email to delete 
 it, and once you
 click on it, you have viewed it.
 This has nothing to do with viewing or clicking on attachements, since it is 
 impossible to do
 that until you have opened the email in the first place.  I don't care about 
 the attachments,
 I simply don't click on them.  How do you delete an email without opening, 
 reading or viewing
 it?  That is the only question I have been asking.  I can do a control A and 
 that will
 highlight ALL the emails, and if I hit delete it deletes everything in my 
 mailbox.  But that
 is an overkill, I only want to delete the one email that I have not, and do 
 not want to read.
 Thanks anyway,
 Ron Hackley wrote:
  Hi Marshall...
  Netscape Messenger can display frames several different ways. If the frame 
  that you select
  from has a view frame below it then each file you click on will be 
  displayed in the view
  frame. I don't know if this qualifies as opening, but the email is tagged 
  as having been
  read, and you can scroll the view frame to view it.
  IF you click on the bar with the little up/down arrows at the bottom of the 
  select frame
  (the frame with the files you select from) then the select frame will 
  expand all the way
  to the bottom and there will be no view frame. You must then double click 
  on a file to
  view it and mark it as read; a single click to highlight it will not do 
  I used to use the first method, having the view frame visible, but have 
  recently started
  using Netscape with the view frame not visible. That way Netscape doesn't 
  tag a file as
  read just because it got highlighted (very annoying).
  I hope this makes sense and is helpful.
  Ron KC7ZWA
  Roseburg OR
  Marshall Dudley wrote:
   Sorry, but before I can get to the point to click on the file, I have to
   open the email.  It is how can I delete the email without reading it that 
   the problem.
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  To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
  with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
  To post, address your message to:
  Silver-list archive:
  List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSUnidentified subject!

2000-11-10 Thread Marshall Dudley
Son of a gun.  It works.  I would never have found that.



Ron Hackley wrote:

 I'll try again... because this really is the answer you are looking for. You 
 can delete
 emails without looking at them in Netscape, but first you must change the 
 frames, or
 panels, and how they are displayed. First a little background. When on 
 messenger you can
 have up to three panels (or frames) showing. If all three are showing, the 
 left hand one
 shows all of the file folders that the emails are located in. You cannot 
 select an email
 from the left hand frame, only a file folder. Moving to the right you 
 probably have two
 frames, one over the other. The upper one will be the emails in the file 
 folder, and the
 frame beneath is where you view the selected email (whichever one is selected 
 in the above
 frame). When you click and highlight an email in the top frame it is 
 displayed in the
 bottom frame.

 OK, to make it so the email is not displayed (opened) when it is simply 
 highlighted you
 need to get rid of the bottom view frame so you only have the top frame where 
 you can
 select emails, and possibly the left frame where you select file folders from 
 (this can be
 hidden too). To get rid of the bottom (view) frame, click on the center 
 portion of the
 dividing bar between the upper and lower frames that has the little up/down 
 arrows on it.
 This will make the upper frame extend all of the way to the bottom and there 
 will be no
 view frame beneath. Netscape now acts a little differently; you must double 
 click on an
 email in order to open and view it. If you click on it once it will be 
 highlighted but it
 will not open. Then you can delete it. To return back to having upper and 
 lower frames
 just click on the center of the dividing bar again.

 Roseburg OR

 Marshall Dudley wrote:
  Thanks, but not really.  The article said to delete any emails with that 
  subject without
  viewing the email at all.  I was stating that I can find no way to delete 
  an email without
  viewing it.  I still can't, since you have to click on the email to delete 
  it, and once you
  click on it, you have viewed it.
  This has nothing to do with viewing or clicking on attachements, since it 
  is impossible to do
  that until you have opened the email in the first place.  I don't care 
  about the attachments,
  I simply don't click on them.  How do you delete an email without opening, 
  reading or viewing
  it?  That is the only question I have been asking.  I can do a control A 
  and that will
  highlight ALL the emails, and if I hit delete it deletes everything in my 
  mailbox.  But that
  is an overkill, I only want to delete the one email that I have not, and do 
  not want to read.
  Thanks anyway,
  Ron Hackley wrote:
   Hi Marshall...
   Netscape Messenger can display frames several different ways. If the 
   frame that you select
   from has a view frame below it then each file you click on will be 
   displayed in the view
   frame. I don't know if this qualifies as opening, but the email is tagged 
   as having been
   read, and you can scroll the view frame to view it.
   IF you click on the bar with the little up/down arrows at the bottom of 
   the select frame
   (the frame with the files you select from) then the select frame will 
   expand all the way
   to the bottom and there will be no view frame. You must then double click 
   on a file to
   view it and mark it as read; a single click to highlight it will not do 
   I used to use the first method, having the view frame visible, but have 
   recently started
   using Netscape with the view frame not visible. That way Netscape doesn't 
   tag a file as
   read just because it got highlighted (very annoying).
   I hope this makes sense and is helpful.
   Ron KC7ZWA
   Roseburg OR
   Marshall Dudley wrote:
Sorry, but before I can get to the point to click on the file, I have to
open the email.  It is how can I delete the email without reading it 
that is
the problem.
   The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
   To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
   with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
   To post, address your message to:
   Silver-list archive:
   List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSCatching up

2000-11-10 Thread Joanne
Joanne ThomasonDear Alex--- I am not sure how to respond.  There was no intent  
to infer criminal behavior by using the word suspicion.  It simply means  to be 
 cautious and investigate something before you accept it as fact.  As well you 
should do before undertaking any medical procedure.  It is sad conditions are 
so bad where you practice but that has nothing to do with the validity of your 
claims about the vaccine or how to treat diabetes.  Everyone is free to do as 
they please, we obviously have a difference of opinion  (some of it may be due 
to language differences) but I personally prefer to stay with my own treatment 
of no sugar( yes carbohydrates,) cut back on fat(ie dairy) and exercise.  I 
went for my walk this morning and we had our first snowfall last night, only an 
inch, but it was beautiful and inspiring.  Good luck on the girl you are trying 
to help.

 Ted FYI I asked a friend who goes to a diabetes class (I cannot go because it 
is at night and I cannot drive at night, another diabetes side affect)  to 
check on numbers just in case you are curious.  You multiply  your number by 18 
 ie a 
BS of 15 would be 270  with our measuring system.  An 8 would give her a 144. I 
strive for under 100.  Hope her herbs are working, if not ask doctor about 
gluphage.  Keep in touch.  It is really nice to get this monkey off my back 
(diabetes) or at least have him tamed down.

Alex said  this is a CS list and all this other stuff is off topic although it 
is about good health practices which can never be off topic.  But I will ask a 
CS question.  My husband has an acquaintance who knows everything and he says 
while CS kills bad stuff in you it also kills all the good stuff in you.  I 
don't think I read that here did I??

Robert I enjoyed reading the information you sent.   As far as smarties 
having a negative connotation  duhh I dunno either---I guess that depend on 
your outlook on life  to which I ask the following

If you were a dog would your tail be waggin?
And finally Hugh -- God love ya--hang in there


  Joanne Thomason

  This is my Beautiful Sami Jo

  Click on me to send my mommy mail :-)



CSfor George

2000-11-10 Thread Joanne
Joanne ThomasonHi George I found the message and while I thought I had 
forwarded it before  I will do it again, at least I will try.  But then we 
really never try to do something, we either do it or we don't do it.   Thank you

Hi Joanne, I think I got this email by mistake..My name is Jan  I don't 
know who you are.. Thank.

From: Joanne
To: silver-list
Subject: CSGaston and Carbs
Date: Mon, 6 Nov 2000 15:12:01 -0800

Joanne ThomasonHi Gaston--Thank you for your information.  It was very 
interesting.  If you look at the diet of so many of our young people and 
two many of them spend their time it is no wonder that diabetic is on the 

  Joanne Thomason

  This is my Beautiful Sami Jo

  Click on me to send my mommy mail :-)



Re: CSBYU and colloidal silver

2000-11-10 Thread Dean T. Miller
Hi Linda,

On Fri, 10 Nov 2000 08:29:36 -0600, linda coombs

Hi there everybody,   Here's a good {maybe for a good laugh}  newbie
question , in light of those  test results done invitro, would invivo ppm
need to be the same?   And what would that be, approximately?  In other
words:  what  would the dosage need to be to  whammy the little critters
in the body?? Help!! Help!! You Smart Ones  out there!!!LC

Good question.  I don't know if there are any modern (past 2 decades)
studies on that point.

All we know is that 8 ppm (5 ppm to 20 ppm) seems to work just fine in
vivo.  It all depends on the concentration at the site of the
infection -- and that could vary all over the place.

-- Dean -- from (almost) Duh Moyn  (CDP, KB0ZDF)

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2000-11-10 Thread BROOKS BRADLEY
To all interested list members.
Recently, I read a post in which the writer
revealed a circumstance threatening to compromise the successful use of
a compound solution I
passed on to the list some time ago.  My original post outlined the use
of a CS solution modified to saturation with MSM crystals and further
modified via addition of 20% full strength DMSO.  I am informed by one
of our lab staff---who actually worked on those particular
studies---that they too encountered a couple of cases exhibiting similar
circumstances to those outlined by the list member outlining the
challenges presented to his mother.  I am informed that by simply
eliminating the MSM crystals from the solution and using CS diluted by
20% full-strength DMSOgreately reduced the taste insultand was
about 80% as effective as the more complexed solution incorporating MSM.

Experimenters encountering similar complications
might want to try this modification.
Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.

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2000-11-10 Thread CKing001
CS and DMSO taste better than with MSM?
How about adding some vitamin C crystals? Seems to take the curse off of the MSM
I won't ever grow up. My biological clock has a snooze alarm.

On Fri, 10 Nov 2000 14:15:07 -0800, BROOKS BRADLEY wrote:

 I am informed that by simply
eliminating the MSM crystals from the solution and using CS diluted by
20% full-strength DMSOgreately reduced the taste insultand was
about 80% as effective as the more complexed solution incorporating MSM.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour


2000-11-10 Thread russ e rosser
After lackluster MSM results, a friend discovered  swears by MSM Plus,
which reportedly works better because of synergistic minerals included. 
...I suggested the cheap, veterinary stuff + sea salt.


On Fri, 10 Nov 2000 17:42:42 -0500 writes:
 CS and DMSO taste better than with MSM?
 How about adding some vitamin C crystals? Seems to take the curse 
 off of the MSM
 I won't ever grow up. My biological clock has a snooze alarm.
 On Fri, 10 Nov 2000 14:15:07 -0800, BROOKS BRADLEY wrote:
  I am informed that by simply
 eliminating the MSM crystals from the solution and using CS diluted 
 20% full-strength DMSOgreately reduced the taste insultand 
 about 80% as effective as the more complexed solution incorporating 
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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSomething to chew on HVAC

2000-11-10 Thread Robert L. Berger

Negative. Only one electrode is in the water for each run of 9 arc gaps. There
were three different electrode surfaces areas and each area had 9 different arc
I use a 16 thread bolt to hold the center electrode so I started with 3 turns
from the water surface and then increased the gap one turn and made the
measurements, and then another turn and another turn etc.

Ole Bob

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSGenentech/American Heart Association Connection

2000-11-10 Thread BILL D

Busted: the Genentech/American Heart Association Connection
By Russell Mokhiber and Robert Weissman
For years, Genentech Inc.'s clotbuster drug tPA has been used to treat
heart attacks.
Last year, the American Heart Association published guidelines for
physicians advising that tPA be used to treat strokes.
Whether these new guidelines will help stroke patients or not is an open
question. Whether it helps Genentech's bottom line is decided -- it will.
Dr. Jerome Hoffman, professor of medicine at the UCLA Medical School, sat
on the American Heart Association panel that hashed out the new
guidelines. He was the only member of the panel who raised serious
questions about recommending using tPA to treat strokes.
Dr. Hoffman says there is clear-cut evidence that clotbusters are helpful
in treating heart attack patients.
But when it comes to treating stroke, there is a great deal of
controversy. While clotbuster drugs do some good in treating stroke, they
also can cause bleeding in the brain.
The Food and Drug Administration approved this drug to treat stroke on
the basis of a single study by the National Institutes of Health, which I
find worrisome, Dr. Hoffman said. The study shows a marginal benefit in
a very small number of stroke patients. Furthermore, I believe that study
conflicts with evidence from some other studies that show increased risks
with use of these drugs.
In the previous version of its guidelines, the American Heart Association
recommended using clotbusters for stroke. But they gave it a guarded
recommendation, Dr. Hoffman told us. Last fall they were reconsidering
it. And a proposal had been made to upgrade it to a class one
recommendation -- slam dunk -- definitely use it.
The American Heart Association calls itself the largest voluntary health
organization dedicated to fighting heart disease and stroke.
According to the group's 1999 annual report, it has received $1 million or
more from some of the nation's largest pharmaceutical companies, including
Bristol-Myers Squibb, Hoechst Marion Roussel, Novartis, Pfizer,
AstraZeneca, SmithKline Beecham -- and Genentech.
Curious to find out more details, we called on the Association acting
science chief Dr. Rodman Starke.
Dr. Starke said that over the past 10 years, Genentech had given more than
$10 million to the American Heart Association, including $2 million to
build the Association's conference center in Dallas, Texas, making it one
of the group's top corporate donors.
Did Genentech get anything in return for building the conference center?
We put up a plaque inside the conference center thanking Genentech for
its contribution and have allowed the company to hold a meeting of its
sales reps at the conference center, Dr. Starke said.
We questioned whether Genentech's largesse created an environment
conducive to the writing of guidelines calling on physicians to treat
stroke with Genentech's tPA -- over the informed objections of one of the
panelists -- Dr. Hoffman.
Poppycock, Dr. Starke says. There is no influence of any corporate
supporters of what the guidelines are going to say. The guidelines
wouldn't be any good if people would point to them and say -- well these
were bought.
We asked Dr. Hoffman whether he believed that the Genentech money
influenced the American Heart Association on tPA.
I don't have reason to believe that there is a quid pro quo with anyone
in the American Heart Association, he said. On the other hand, many of
the volunteers on the panel have worked for drug companies, and while
people who do research for drug companies often deny that this has any
affect on their science, studies show it does have an effect -- results
tend to be better for proprietary research than for non-proprietary
Dr. Starke said he would get us the conflict information on the people who
developed and wrote the guidelines for treating stroke. But then an
American Heart Association spokesperson called us to say that the conflict
reports were confidential, and that we couldn't have them. Instead, he
would set us up with a Mary Fran Hazinski, a co-editor of the guidelines.
She would give us what we needed to know about possible conflicts.
Hazinski said she wanted us to know that the guidelines went through 10 or
11 layers at the American Heart Association before being released.
She said that she didn't have access to the conflict statements for all of
the people involved in the process, but that she recalled that one or two
of the panelists may have received a grant from Genentech.
She wasn't sure, she said, whether the people involved in the process were
required to disclose any and all money -- speaking fees, for example --
received from Genentech. She said she didn't even know about Genentech's
$10 million in contributions to the American Heart Association -- until we
told her -- and she was writing and editing the guidelines recommending
tPA for stroke.
I think it is wonderful that I never knew about the Genentech funding,

CSSimple Beck-type device

2000-11-10 Thread Terry Wayne
I said,  would different voltages or amperages
produce different effects? 

You said,  I don't think so, in this LV range.  It's
different *frequencies* that affect different
pathogens in the Rife realm.

It's true that, with Rife, it was frequencies that
determined the pathogen-killing potential of a device.
But Beck's devices are not variable frequency, they
are based on variable current and voltage. The dial on
a Blood Electrifier does not regulate the frequency,
but the voltage. When I connect the two leads of a
voltmeter to the electrodes on my Blood Electrifier,
the voltage pulsates (it's read on the AC setting).
The higher up I turn it, the higher the voltage climbs
(to about 27 volts maximum, I understand). Russ
Torledge, the owner of SOTA, explained to me that
Beck's devices are not patterned after Rife's, nor do
they operate on similar principles. He said that the
reason a TENS unit does not effectively kill pathogens
is because it has too high a voltage (and/or current).
One would think that, if low voltage killed pathogens,
higher voltage would be even more effective, but Beck
says that is not the case.

The principle Rife utilized was essentially bombarding
a pathogen with its own frequency, but with the
volume turned up high, which apparently vibrated the
pathogen to pieces. Some of the Rife-like devices
today use a range of frequencies which are designed to
kill all pathogens within that frequency range.

Beck's devices are based on the 1990 discovery at
Albert Einstein College of Medicine (NY) that very low
voltage/amperage electricity could electrocute the HIV
virus. But Beck discovered that, actually, it appears
to electrocute ALL pathogens. 

The use, then, of a low-voltage adapter to bathe parts
of the body (such as the abdomen to rid it of
parasites), holds potential.

Robert Becker maintains that a very low current flow
hastens the healing of bones and tissue, especially in
combination with CS. So if I drank a significant
quantity of CS, and then bathed my stomach area with
6, 9, or 12 volts DC, would that increase the CS's

I said,  If I had reversed the poles on each side of
my waist, would it have had the opposite effect

You said,  No, that's just from Frankenstein movies. 
However, it may be advantageous to switch polarity

I wonder about that, what with the firmly held belief
that different magnetic poles effect us differently.
Is there a similarity between magnetic poles and
positive/negative current flow?

I said,  Is DC better than AC? 

You said,  There are low voltage AC power supplies
(e.g., with Alesis electronic musical instruments);
however, DC is said to be the most germicidal kind
of current flow.

Where did you hear that? I've never heard that before.

I said,  The next question is: How can I build in a
fuse or breaker to prevent any possibility of my
clients (or myself) getting electrocuted in case of

You said,  I've never heard of a small AC-DC
transformer shorting 120VAC to the output; they only
die, to my knowledge...

I too feel that the likelihood of that happening is
quite remote, but there are legalities to observe. If
I were to give, sell or recommend an adapter-driven
device to someone, and something happened (and someone
got hurt), I'd be up a creek. Even SOTA recommends
against using their Blood Electrifier plugged into the
wall, partially because they are concerned that
someone might fall asleep wearing it (and use it too
long), but also because of the possibility of an

With several clients willing to experiment, maybe I
will have something to report soon.

Terry Wayne

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Re: CSCatching up

2000-11-10 Thread hughman1
Thanks Joanne,
I , too, subscribe to the low carb approach to diabetes treatment. I'm 
particularly troubled because every med I've tried-from Glucotrol to Glucophage 
to Avandia to ?-shuts down my kidneys.
I agree with your cautious approach to the ideas put out there by Dr Alex. I 
believe the problem, though, is primarily cultural and the language barrier. 
He's promoting the use of the vaccine so heavily that he doesn't realize that 
to US it sounds like he's putting the cart before the horse. I say, get the 
vaccine treatment going and THEN start eating more carbs.
My two cents,

Re: CSnerve ganglia

2000-11-10 Thread hughman1
I sit on a chair liner full of magnets at work every night (courtesy of the 
other person who uses my chair in the daytime). It works well. No backache as 
long as there is full body contact. If I hunch over I can still get a backache.
Yes, I take CS every day. No measured amount-just a swig now and then. CS has 
no effect on diabetic ulcers, though, because the problem is blood flow, not 
infection. Silverlon might help, though, if I could afford the 80 bucks for a 

Re: CSSimple Beck-type device

2000-11-10 Thread russ e rosser
 I said,  would different voltages or amperages
 produce different effects? 
 It's true that, with Rife, it was frequencies that
 determined the pathogen-killing potential of a device...
 ...a Blood Electrifier does not regulate the frequency,
 but the voltage. 

You've evidently assumed that I don't understand the difference between
Rife  Beck, so I must commend your good will in providing the
painstaking explanation in your email.  

 One would think that, if low voltage killed pathogens,
 higher voltage would be even more effective, but Beck
 says that is not the case.
 The use, then, of a low-voltage adapter to bathe parts
 of the body (such as the abdomen to rid it of
 parasites), holds potential.
 So if I drank a significant
 quantity of CS, and then bathed my stomach area with
 6, 9, or 12 volts DC, would that increase the CS's

I meant: I don't see much effective difference between such low voltages,
and that the only instance I know of where such subtle differences are
important involes *frequencies*, and only up in the range of pathogen
resonances (i.e., Rife).  

Regarding the topic at hand: In view of Robert Becker's thesis, perhaps
the voltage from our DC power supply should be as low as possible, even
if it's just difference between 12V and 3 (some may be adjustable to even
lower V's).  Wall warts are desirable in that they offer high mA
potential relative to their voltage.  Alkyline batteries are 1.5V ea.  If
obtaining enough current is a problem (even if the sponges were soaked
very saline water), then physically larger batteries (are D cells the
biggest?) would be indicated, followed by multiple batteries in parallel
if necessary.  

 different magnetic poles effect us differently.
 Is there a similarity between magnetic poles and
 positive/negative current flow?

I said surely not, because magnets allow you the option of exposing
yourself to only one pole (if the boundary of the surface exceeds subject
body part), whereas current flow requires that you contact *both*
electrodes.  I.e., with electrodes at your hips, I don't see how the the
middle of the abdomen could register any difference.  However, there may
be a slight difference between the effect of inward or outward current
flow at the immediate sites of the two electrodes.  

 I said,  Is DC better than AC? 
 You said, ...DC is said to be the most germicidal kind
 of current flow.
 Where did you hear that? I've never heard that before.

From an electromedical website mentioned on this list (perhaps I can find
it again).  They cited that A. Einstein Univ. killed AIDS using DC; I
inferred that their experience has corroborated it.  
 How can I build in a
 fuse or breaker to prevent any possibility of my
 clients (or myself) getting electrocuted in case of
 accident? ...I'd be up a creek. 

I've seen DC power supplies are internally fused; e.g, for laptops.  But
one of the smarties on the list will have to recommend how to limit
current to 10mA (which I think is considered safe).  At 1.5V, that's an
awfully small fuse to put in series with an electrode!  


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Re: CSBYU and colloidal silver

2000-11-10 Thread russ e rosser

 As I posted earlier, my whole family takes 2 ounces per day of 10 
 PPM - 1
 oz.  in the morning and 1 oz. at bedtime - to maintain a somewhat 
 level of CS circulating in the body's system.  

You never experience symptoms of acidophilus deficiency?  If not, it
probably substantiates the assertion that CS diffuses in to the blood
before reaching the intestines.


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Re: CSfungus

2000-11-10 Thread Brickeyk
You could be right Dean, that the cause is a fungus.  I bought a zapper back 
in 1997, and it doesn't help my problem.  I also have a chronic sinus 
problem.  I am trying to increase my gastric acid for poor digestion.  I 
believe the acid will do in any fungus that it contacts.  I am taking HCL, 
ginger juice, chewing on juniper berries, ugh.  I am looking for Swedish 
bitters that also supposed to increase acid.  One person told me that you 
need to burn your tongue to stimulate acid flow.  Ginger pills would not be 
as effective as a spoon of fresh ginger juice, swished around my tongue.  
Cayenne is more effective that way also.
My zapper is now powered by a 15 VDC wall adapter, and I increased the 
current output by adding a 70? ohm resistor across the 1 K output resistor.  
It is at the point where it feels like it could cause a burn on sensitive 
skin areas like my forehead, neck.
I take a swig of Cs then some PROBIOS later to put back some good critters.

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Re: CSBarb's A Grandma Now

2000-11-10 Thread Itssuzy2
Dear Barb:  CONGRATULATIONS!  Hope Mom and your new grand daughter are doing 
well.  suzy

Re: CSSimple Beck-type device

2000-11-10 Thread Itssuzy2
Hi Russ:  Have all the parts for the machine schematic that you were kind 
enough to share, but haven't had the courage to plug myself in yet.  Have 
the regular CS little generator, that has 4 9 volt batteries, and think I 
will trying  this first to see what happens.  Same principal as with the 
electromed machine you described, but using the 4 batteries instead of the 
12V DC power supply.  Any thoughts on effectiveness?

Russ stated...
Regarding the topic at hand: In view of Robert Becker's thesis, perhaps the 
voltage from our DC power supply should be as low as possible, even if it's 
just difference between 12V and 3 (some may be adjustable to evenlower V's).  
Wall warts are desirable in that they offer high mApotential relative to 
their voltage.  Alkyline batteries are 1.5V ea.  Ifobtaining enough current 
is a problem (even if the sponges were soakedvery saline water), then 
physically larger batteries (are D cells thebiggest?) would be indicated, 
followed by multiple batteries in parallelif necessary.  

Re: CSBarb's A Grandma Now

2000-11-10 Thread Janet Lubart
Barb, this is very exciting news!
We have certainly missed you and your commentary the last couple of weeks!
Best to you and your family always.
If you would like never fail  techniques to sooth little babies such as the
Brazelton Technique please let me know.
-Original Message-
From: Black
Date: Friday, November 10, 2000 7:37 AM
Subject: CSBarb's A Grandma Now

Congratulations Barb!!
My first grandson was born more than 25 years ago and I still remember the
fantastic joy.  I now have 6 grandboys but will never forget the day the
first one was born.
Best wishes to the little one and to you too,


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List maintainer: Mike Devour


2000-11-10 Thread Robert Bartell
Duncan:  Makes sense! Robert Bartell
PS. Think I'll continue to boil off the ozone when I switch to HVAC ARC CO2.
- Original Message -
From: Duncan Crow
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 1:52 AM

 | If your DW says that boiling is required before oral consumption..
 | has got to be very poor quality DW. Dump it! Regards, Robert Bartell

 Hi Robert;

 It's my understanding that the standard boiling instructions are only in
 case of potential bacterial action that starts after the water has been
 bottled.  After all, it has no protection from pathogens, and the bottles
 aren't all that sterile. In any case if you're making colloid for yourself
 at home, you can rest assured that any pathogens will be killed by the

 Heck, you can make great colloid from creek water that would have no live
 bacteria in it.

 BUT for sale purposes, we don't need any more sniping from the detractors
 that there was bacteria found in the CS sample, do we? Even if they never
 checked to see if they were dead.

 That's why ozonated water has no such instruction. It's been treated.



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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSBYU and colloidal silver

2000-11-10 Thread Robert Bartell
Hi Linda,

As I posted earlier, my whole family takes 2 ounces per day of 10 PPM - 1
oz.  in the morning and 1 oz. at bedtime - to maintain a somewhat constant
level of CS circulating in the body's system.  Since I make my own, cost is
negligible. This resulted from a long period of trials at different doses.
This level seems to be best (minimal) for us and whenever any symptoms out
of the ordinary start to show up, (rarely) the dose is doubled for a day or
two and they disappear.  Every body is different and since the toxicity of
CS is so minimal, there is lots of room to test for a comfortable minimum
maintainance dose for each individual.  Keep notes and post back the results
you are experiencing. . Regards:  Robert Bartell

- Original Message -
From: linda coombs
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: CSBYU and colloidal silver

At 11:02 PM 11/01/2000 GMT, you wrote:
Hi All,

I just did a web search on BYU silver and here's some of what showed
Hi there everybody,   Here's a good {maybe for a good laugh}  newbie
question , in light of those  test results done invitro, would invivo ppm
need to be the same?   And what would that be, approximately?  In other
words:  what  would the dosage need to be to  whammy the little critters
in the body?? Help!! Help!! You Smart Ones  out there!!!LC

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSColloidal Silver in milk

2000-11-10 Thread Robert Bartell
Hi Ole Bob,
Based on recommendations re: my wife's diabetes, we stopped all dairy
products and she has been improving ever since. Haven't given up on beef
though, just cut back on it and eat more pork and chicken and turkey.  We
are omnivores! The dairy products and beef that we are talking about ARE NOT
the same products that you and I grew up with!  Since Monsanto Chemical
started selling their crap to the dairy industry  the products changed
... and the younger generation out there needs to know that.  The cumulative
effects may be slow ... may be insidious - long term! For now, however, I'll
eat my steak and wash it down with a beer.  I'm satisfied just keeping the
IGF-1 hormone reduced for my wife's benefit. Regards:  Robert Bartell
- Original Message -
From: Robert L. Berger
Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 1:24 PM
Subject: Re: CSColloidal Silver in milk

 Hi Ya'all,

 For an old codger like me who really enjoys beef , milk, and butter, Me
 thinks thuo protesteth to much.

 Ole Bob

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSnerve ganglia

2000-11-10 Thread Robert Bartell
Thanks! Hey  whatever works ... right?  Are you also taking CS daily?  Have 
you been following the posts lately on using magnetics for pain relief? 
Regards: Robert Bartell
  - Original Message - 
  From: hughman1 
  Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 2:22 PM
  Subject: Re: CSnerve ganglia

  I always take 8 grams at a whack, though I often only take it before going to 
work. I started taking it a year ago when I was suffering from the symptoms of 
aspartame poisoning but thought at first it was neuropathy. I probably could 
drop it down now. I've heard of MS and Scleroderma patients taking 80 grams a 
day in order to achieve results.
  Best Wishes,

Re: CSCatching up

2000-11-10 Thread Robert Bartell
Joanne ThomasonHi Joanne,

Heh, heh  Yup, it sure would be waggin' unless, of course, I was on 
point!  ;-)
Regards:  Robert Bartell

PS.   Good Post!
  - Original Message - 
  From: Joanne 
  To: silver-list 
  Sent: Friday, November 10, 2000 4:14 PM
  Subject: CSCatching up


  If you were a dog would your tail be waggin?

Joanne Thomason

This is my Beautiful Sami Jo

Click on me to send my mommy mail :-)

