CSFw: Death By Lethal Vaccine Injection

2002-08-13 Thread John Draper

From: Agnes 
To: curez...@yahoogroups.com 
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 9:35 PM 

Death By Lethal Vaccine Injection 
By Christine Colebeck 

Today is my daughter's sweet 16th birthday but we will not
be celebrating. Instead I will light a candle and when I
blow it out I will make a wish in my daughter's memory. My
wish is for all mother's worldwide, that you will educate
yourselves and that you make informed choices so that you
may prevent unnecessary tragedy and be spared from my pain. 

Laura's Story 

After 41 weeks of pregnancy, on July 27th, 1986, a perfect
and healthy little baby, Laura Marie, made her entrance into
the world. We were welcomed home by family and friends
anxiously waiting to meet the new family member. They
showered her with so many beautiful, little tiny, pink
dresses, we joked that she would never be able to wear them
all in one lifetime. 

Our lives changed completely and now revolved around
stroller walks in the park, visiting friends, changing
diapers, night feedings and shopping for more little pink
dresses. We were parents now, we had a family and life was
absolutely perfect. 

I took Laura for several baby check-ups at the pediatrician.
She was a kind and gentle older woman. At 3 months old, the
pediatrician was very pleased with Laura's development and
weight gain and vaccinated her with DPT OPV. I didn't even
question her, I knew that all my friend's babies had this
same vaccine and all good mothers vaccinated their
children to protect them. I left the pediatrician's office
and walked home. 

Laura was very fussy, which was unusual. She was crying
loudly all the way home in the stroller. When we got home, I
realized she had urinated so heavily she wet everything in
the stroller. Then her cry turned into screaming and she
developed a fever, her leg was very swollen and red, and
felt hot. I called the pediatrician who told me this was
normal and to give her Tempra. I gave her baby Tempra and
I felt better, the pediatrician had assured me this was

Laura continued to scream and I could no longer console her.
My every instinct told me this was not normal but I was
young with my first child and trusted the doctor. I could
not hold Laura in my arms because she screamed louder as any
movement of her leg seemed to cause her terrible pain. I put
her in the swing and she cried herself to sleep. I was so
relieved, the Tempra was working and the doctor must have
been right. I began to feel silly for all my worrying. A
short time later, Laura woke up screaming and spent the
evening screaming and sleeping on and off. 

She had no appetite and nothing made her stop crying.
Finally it was bedtime and she cried in her crib, until she
fell asleep. She had never cried herself to sleep before and
I felt very bad for letting her but if I held her, she
screamed louder. My husband came home from work and I told
him about everything that had happened that day. Laura was
sleeping soundly in her crib and we were both relieved that
she seemed to be feeling better and decided not to worry...
I should have worried. 

In the morning I awoke and was startled to realize my
husband had slept in for work. I immediately knew something
was wrong and the worry from the previous night came rushing
back to me. I quickly ran to her crib, with a feeling of
dread. She did not look right. I closed my eyes tight and
opened them again, and considered the possibility that this
was a dream, but when I opened my eyes she looked dead. 

I went into shock and after that, much of this day remains a
blur. I touched her and she was very warm. I screamed for my
husband to call 911. 

I watched as he performed CPR, my body was frozen and I
couldn't move. He tried to revive our child to no avail. He
was shouting for me to open the door for the paramedics, I
was temporarily jolted back to reality and I went and opened
the door. I could now move but couldn't speak. I just stood
there numbly shaking my head, feeling completely helpless as
dozens of paramedics, police and firemen rushed past me into
our home. I didn't cry, and I wanted to scream at them to
leave her alone but I couldn't speak. She was on the floor
and they were shocking her tiny body, in the little bedroom
with the yellow painted walls and clown wallpaper. I stood
there praying in my head that they would just leave her
alone, that they would get out of her bedroom and that I
would wake up from this horrible dream. 

Then I heard someone saying there was a faint pulse and I
suddenly felt hopeful. She was rushed from the house in an
ambulance. It was then that the homicide detectives led us
into another room and the interrogation began. 

They decided that my husband and I needed to be questioned
in separate rooms. I immediately realized they suspected
that we had done this to our child. We all know that perfect
children do not suddenly die for no reason. I was silent, I
had already decided in my own mind that this was somehow all
my fault and although I 

Re: CSnewbies with doubts about cs

2002-08-13 Thread CKing001
Found this link:

-Believe in miracles, but don't depend on them.

On Mon, 12 Aug 2002 22:06:55 -0700, jrowl...@nctimes.net wrote:

Marz writes:

 at the top of the catagory list was a site called Cera water library.

How about the link?
Found nothing for Cera water library;

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com


2002-08-13 Thread Bill Missett
I have been taking 1000mg of Vit C daily for the last 25 years and still, no

- Original Message -
From: jrowl...@nctimes.net
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 12:32 AM

 James writes:

  The British equivalent of the AMA recently issued a warning that vit. C,
  doses around 500 mg/day causes cancer.  For me, that means it probably
  really good to prevent disease.
 ...and the EU, not to be outdone when it comes to, e.g. cancer:

   European Commission March, 2001 report:
  Taking into account the pathways and realistic scenarios of human
  radiological exposure to depleted uranium [a key munitions component]
  could not cause a detectable effect on human health (e.g. cancer).

 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

2002-08-13 Thread Ode Coyote
###  Apparently, getting sick is popular in Europe?
..or soyburgers etc are not all that popular.

Quorn, introduced in Britain in 1985, arrived in U.S. supermarkets in
January. Its popularity in Europe now rivals that of soyburgers and other
meat substitutes.

Copyright 2002

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

RE: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

2002-08-13 Thread Ivan Anderson
Thanks for your remarks Brooks,

As always entirely reasonable and informative.
I might say, that I have a good deal of respect for those who make a
philosophical or spiritual commitment to the vegetarian way, but there
are those who feel that being vegetarian is more healthy than not. In
my opinion this is not true. I believe that the demonising of protein
and saturated fat, and the lording of carbohydrates (complex or not),
is responsible for much of the obesity and ill health (mental and
physical) of western society. This unfortunately is coupled with the
shunning and blocking of sunlight to the skin and eyes and creates a
hormone and nutrient imbalance which gives rise to a myriad of chronic
health problems which are difficult to find a cause for when looking
at the symptoms only.

I find it a bit frustrating when I see the Heart Foundation endorsing
products which to my mind only exacerbate the problems they are
chartered to reduce, and I expect in a month or two to find community
service announcements imploring people to use high factor sunscreen
and to cover up when outdoors, denying them the very hormone (VitD3)
which may enable their immune systems to fight the problems their diet
is causing.

Oh well, can but plug away to those who will listen.

Kind regards

 -Original Message-
 From: Brooks Bradley [mailto:brooks.brad...@worldnet.att.net]
 Sent: Tuesday, 13 August 2002 3:45 a.m.
 To: *Silver-List*
 Subject: Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

 Dear Ivan,
 Your cogent remark relating to Vitamin
 B-12 sources
 recommends serious consideration ( we believe), as our nutritional
 experiments conducted some years past.revealed that a
 majority of
 our vegetarian volunteers (myself included) were experiencing active
 B-12 deficiencies.  Additionally, a majority of these were
 with cobalt deficiencies..even those consuming typical One-a-Day
 type vitamin supplements.  While several approaches
 effectively resolved
 the deficienciesthe most direct solution came through B-12
 supplements, cobalt intake enhancement and most easily (on
 a continuing
 basis)-- through dietary modifications.
 In my own case, I chose (and happily so) to employ
 sub-lingual B-12 and eggs.  I am now a modified
 vegetarian, but still
 refrain from animal meat products...consuming only
 fermented dairy
 products and eggs.

 Ivan Anderson wrote:

  I mean no disrespect, but I hope you eat eggs and milk,
 because the
  B12 found in yeast is unlikely to be type active in humans.
  My opinion is that humans should eat the meat and fat
 that the body
  has evolved (or been designed) for.

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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CShepatitis-c geno type 1 non responder to peg and herpes questions

2002-08-13 Thread Marshall Dudley
Yep, I use to get cold sores almost monthly, for over 4 decades.  Since starting
CS 4 years ago, I have not gotten another.



 I have a friend who has been getting cold sore regularly for as many years
 as I can remember.  She started taking CS last December.  She also had the
 tingle feeling of a cold sore beginning two times since then, but they never
 emerged.  That was it, so I would say the CS did it!
 - Original Message -
 From: cmccau...@kayescholer.com
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 8:40 AM
 Subject: Re: CShepatitis-c geno type 1 non responder to peg and herpes

  is there anybody out there who has tried peg or any
  other interferon combo treatments and did not respond?
  if so please e-mail me I a am new to cs i'm just
  trying CS I have purchased the new advanced CS made
  through a mesoprocess When i was on peg i did
  partially respond my viral load was over a million and
  my final load dropped down to the low thousands. I
  would not even dare try to make CS on my own as i am
  still unsure of what could happen down the road. thank
  p.s. any advice on getting rid of cold sores would be
  helpful also  thank you
  I personally have not tried peg-entron (sp?) but since I am Hep C positive
  and have many friends who are also, I have been asked to.  Also, a very
  good friend of mine just stopped  taking it and it did nothing but make
  very, very ill.  She said that her viral load went down while she was on
  it, but it rose again after she stopped and is now back at the same place
  it was before she started.  She is not the only friend I have that has
  gotten very sick while taking that 'poison'.
  I personally will NOT put that stuff in my body.  Not after seeing what my
  friends went through.  And I won't even begin to mention the costs
  involved, especially if you have no insurance or Medicaid.
  If you would like to talk with her, I can have her email you.  Let me
  Regarding the cold sore/herpes virus, I also have been cursed with that
  (not the mouth cold sore type either!) and I usually get those sores at
  least once a month.  Sometimes more often.  Since I started taking the CS
  I've been making, I only had one sore start to form.  I started to get the
  tingle in the back of my leg but it never developed past that.  Usually
  when I get that tingle, I get a sore two days later.  But this time it
  didn't happen.  Was it the CS?  It's the only thing I've done differently
  this month so I tend to think it is.  Just my opinion though.   Any time
  without one of those sores is a blessing and if the CS can keep them away,
  I'll take it.   If the CS can do all the other wonderful things it seems
  be able to do, I'll take it forever.  Again, just my opinion.
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
  To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
  List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

RE: CShepatitis-c geno type 1 non responder to peg and herpes questions

2002-08-13 Thread James Osbourne, Holmes
I had a virtually the same experience.  Just that makes all the time, effort
and money worthwhile.  And then there is everything else; no colds, no flue,
no athletes foot, and my hepatitis-damaged liver doesn't hurt any more.  I
am probably experiencing other benifits of which I am unaware.

James-Osbourne: Holmes

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [mailto:mdud...@execonn.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 7:59 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: Re: CShepatitis-c geno type 1 non responder to peg and herpes

Yep, I use to get cold sores almost monthly, for over 4 decades.  Since
CS 4 years ago, I have not gotten another.



 I have a friend who has been getting cold sore regularly for as many years
 as I can remember.  She started taking CS last December.  She also had the
 tingle feeling of a cold sore beginning two times since then, but they
 emerged.  That was it, so I would say the CS did it!
 - Original Message -
 From: cmccau...@kayescholer.com
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 8:40 AM
 Subject: Re: CShepatitis-c geno type 1 non responder to peg and herpes

  is there anybody out there who has tried peg or any
  other interferon combo treatments and did not respond?
  if so please e-mail me I a am new to cs i'm just
  trying CS I have purchased the new advanced CS made
  through a mesoprocess When i was on peg i did
  partially respond my viral load was over a million and
  my final load dropped down to the low thousands. I
  would not even dare try to make CS on my own as i am
  still unsure of what could happen down the road. thank
  p.s. any advice on getting rid of cold sores would be
  helpful also  thank you
  I personally have not tried peg-entron (sp?) but since I am Hep C
  and have many friends who are also, I have been asked to.  Also, a very
  good friend of mine just stopped  taking it and it did nothing but make
  very, very ill.  She said that her viral load went down while she was on
  it, but it rose again after she stopped and is now back at the same
  it was before she started.  She is not the only friend I have that has
  gotten very sick while taking that 'poison'.
  I personally will NOT put that stuff in my body.  Not after seeing what
  friends went through.  And I won't even begin to mention the costs
  involved, especially if you have no insurance or Medicaid.
  If you would like to talk with her, I can have her email you.  Let me
  Regarding the cold sore/herpes virus, I also have been cursed with that
  (not the mouth cold sore type either!) and I usually get those sores at
  least once a month.  Sometimes more often.  Since I started taking the
  I've been making, I only had one sore start to form.  I started to get
  tingle in the back of my leg but it never developed past that.  Usually
  when I get that tingle, I get a sore two days later.  But this time it
  didn't happen.  Was it the CS?  It's the only thing I've done
  this month so I tend to think it is.  Just my opinion though.   Any time
  without one of those sores is a blessing and if the CS can keep them
  I'll take it.   If the CS can do all the other wonderful things it seems
  be able to do, I'll take it forever.  Again, just my opinion.
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
  To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
  List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

CSmy introduction

2002-08-13 Thread Jan Bolen

Dear List,

I am new to this list, but am on many others regarding alternative methods of 
staying healthy. My husband and I do a unique brand of public relations for 
health professionals having problems with government agencies...which almost 
always translates to 'leading edge' or CAM type professionals. (Tim  Jan Bolen 
- JuriMed). We have clients all over the United States.

 I have felt that Colloidal Silver has been effective, for me, in warding off 
colds and other common transmitted illnesses. I use it in conjunction with 
other methods. I would like to learn more. 

Thank you,

Jan Bolen

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Re: CSmy introduction

2002-08-13 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/13/2002 11:54:36 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
juri...@yahoo.com writes:

 My husband and I do a unique brand of public relations for health 
 professionals having problems with government agencies...which almost 
 always translates to 'leading edge' or CAM type professionals. 

what is it that you do?

Re: CSnewbies with doubts about cs Retry

2002-08-13 Thread mars larz

 I just looked it up again on MSN  Cerawater is the first name that appears in 
the catagory list. When i sent ot the first post i spelled (cera water as two 
words)  Try making a search for Cerawater Library in the MSN search space
 jrowl...@nctimes.net wrote:Marz writes:

 at the top of the catagory list was a site called Cera water library.

How about the link?
Found nothing for Cera water library; but did come across Royal
Doulton's (yes, THAT Royal Doulton) seemingly reasonable prices for
water candles that:

 ...provides absolute mechanical filtration to .9 of a micron.

 99.999% rejection of bacteria and cysts...



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

thank you

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Re: CSnewbies with doubts about cs

2002-08-13 Thread mars larz

Cerawater Library is not going to appear as a link it's the first  listing of 
the catagory when you type in a search at MSN for silver natures 
purifierclick on it and you will see the article i wrote about
 jrowl...@nctimes.net wrote:Marz writes:

 at the top of the catagory list was a site called Cera water library.

How about the link?
Found nothing for Cera water library; but did come across Royal
Doulton's (yes, THAT Royal Doulton) seemingly reasonable prices for
water candles that:

 ...provides absolute mechanical filtration to .9 of a micron.

 99.999% rejection of bacteria and cysts...



The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

thank you

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Re: CSnewbies with doubts about cs

2002-08-13 Thread Marshall Dudley
The link for Cerawater is http://www.cerawater.com/


mars larz wrote:

 Cerawater Library is not going to appear as a link it's the first
 listing of the catagory when you type in a search at MSN for silver
 natures purifierclick on it and you will see the article i wrote

  jrowl...@nctimes.net wrote:

  Marz writes:

   at the top of the catagory list was a site called Cera
  water library.

  How about the link?
  Found nothing for Cera water library; but did come across
  Doulton's (yes, THAT Royal Doulton) seemingly reasonable
  prices for
  water candles that:

   ...provides absolute mechanical filtration to .9 of a
   99.999% rejection of bacteria and cysts...

  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
  colloidal silver.

  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at:

  To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

  Silver-list archive:

  List maintainer: Mike Devour

 thank you

 Do You Yahoo!?
 HotJobs, a Yahoo! service - Search Thousands of New Jobs

Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

2002-08-13 Thread mars larz

I have a toe fungus on my toe nail that's dry and splitting i used cs on it a 
few times but the fungus is still there (maybe i didn't use it long enough) 
.how often should i do it? should i apply it topically and internally? i'm a cs 
newbie  so all of the things i'm trying are experimental  Do results vay with 
individuals? are results instant? gradual with others? please let me know the 
things to look for.
wrote:Beth Said:CS question: I have been getting sharp pains in one of my 
ears since this afternoon. I am going to put a few drops of CS in the ear 
tonight. Is this ok to do?Beth Brawn Yes.  It is safe to use pure CS 
anywhere inside or outside your body.The people using the CS I make have 
used it for:  Sore throats, ear infections, warts, Acne, 2 cases of Arthritis, 
diaper rash, an eight year old genital heat/yeast rash, burns, cuts heal 
faster, yeast infection, mosquito bites, spider bites, a ten year old toe 
fungus, plant fungus, eye infections, flea bites, mouthwash, after shave, food 
preservation, cut flowers, water purification, pet’s eye infection, allergies, 
nebulizer breathing treatments for Asthma and Bronchitis, Poison Ivy,  Kidney 
infection, to relieve soreness from breast feeding,  and much more... Keith 

thank you

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CSLaura's Story (41 weeks old -- R.I.P.)

2002-08-13 Thread Russ Rosser
Death By Lethal Vaccine Injection 
By Christine Colebeck 

Today is my daughter's sweet 16th birthday but we will not
be celebrating. Instead I will light a candle and when I
blow it out I will make a wish in my daughter's memory. My
wish is for all mother's worldwide, that you will educate
yourselves and that you make informed choices so that you
may prevent unnecessary tragedy and be spared from my pain. 

Laura's Story 

After 41 weeks of pregnancy, on July 27th, 1986, a perfect
and healthy little baby, Laura Marie, made her entrance into
the world... 

Our lives changed completely and now revolved around
stroller walks in the park, visiting friends, changing
diapers, night feedings ...

I took Laura for several baby check-ups at the pediatrician.
She was a kind and gentle older woman. At 3 months old, the
pediatrician was very pleased with Laura's development and
weight gain and vaccinated her with DPT OPV. I didn't even
question her, I knew that all my friend's babies had this
same vaccine and all good mothers vaccinated their
children to protect them. I left the pediatrician's office
and walked home. 

Laura was very fussy, which was unusual. She was crying
loudly all the way home in the stroller. When we got home, I
realized she had urinated so heavily she wet everything in
the stroller. Then her cry turned into screaming and she
developed a fever, her leg was very swollen and red, and
felt hot. I called the pediatrician who told me this was
normal and to give her Tempra. I gave her baby Tempra and
I felt better, the pediatrician had assured me this was

Laura continued to scream and I could no longer console her.
My every instinct told me this was not normal but I was
young with my first child and trusted the doctor. I could
not hold Laura in my arms because she screamed louder as any
movement of her leg seemed to cause her terrible pain. I put
her in the swing and she cried herself to sleep. I was so
relieved, the Tempra was working and the doctor must have
been right. I began to feel silly for all my worrying. A
short time later, Laura woke up screaming and spent the
evening screaming and sleeping on and off. 

She had no appetite and nothing made her stop crying.
Finally it was bedtime and she cried in her crib, until she
fell asleep. She had never cried herself to sleep before and
I felt very bad for letting her but if I held her, she
screamed louder. My husband came home from work and I told
him about everything that had happened that day. Laura was
sleeping soundly in her crib and we were both relieved that
she seemed to be feeling better and decided not to worry...
I should have worried. 

In the morning I awoke and was startled to realize my
husband had slept in for work. I immediately knew something
was wrong and the worry from the previous night came rushing
back to me. I quickly ran to her crib, with a feeling of
dread. She did not look right. I closed my eyes tight and
opened them again, and considered the possibility that this
was a dream, but when I opened my eyes she looked dead. 

I went into shock and after that, much of this day remains a
blur. I touched her and she was very warm. I screamed for my
husband to call 911. 

I watched as he performed CPR, my body was frozen and I
couldn't move. He tried to revive our child to no avail. He
was shouting for me to open the door for the paramedics, I
was temporarily jolted back to reality and I went and opened
the door. I could now move but couldn't speak. I just stood
there numbly shaking my head, feeling completely helpless as
dozens of paramedics, police and firemen rushed past me into
our home. I didn't cry, and I wanted to scream at them to
leave her alone but I couldn't speak. She was on the floor
and they were shocking her tiny body, in the little bedroom
with the yellow painted walls and clown wallpaper. I stood
there praying in my head that they would just leave her
alone, that they would get out of her bedroom and that I
would wake up from this horrible dream. 

Then I heard someone saying there was a faint pulse and I
suddenly felt hopeful. She was rushed from the house in an
ambulance. It was then that the homicide detectives led us
into another room and the interrogation began. 

They decided that my husband and I needed to be questioned
in separate rooms. I immediately realized they suspected
that we had done this to our child...

...The detectives finally took us
to the hospital and put us in the bad news room. The
doctor came and insisted we sit down before he spoke to us.
He began telling us that they had tried this and that and
then finally he said the words that would echo in my ears
for a lifetime: 

She is dead. 

The pediatrician whom I so respected and adored broke down
and cried when I gave her the news on the phone. She went
back and forth defending the vaccine that she was told was
safe, and blaming it for killing my child and those who told
her it was safe. 

She then told me that she also had another 

Re: CSnewbies with doubts about cs

2002-08-13 Thread mars larz

remember i'm a newbie and it's all new and fascinating to me. but if i find the 
url i will link it to you . 
 Marshall Dudley wrote: That is old widely known information.  Where is this 
url? It might have some more information on it that is new or not widely known. 
mars larz wrote: I am a newbie in the cs neighbohood i have big doubts and am 
searching as much as i can about its saftey and benefits  for all it's supposed 
to be cracked up to be. i've only been taking the stuff for a couple of days 
with caution so i can not say for sure that i's going to work for my conditions 
in particular.anyway i made up search catagory on msn  and called 
it silver nature's purifer   at the top of the catagory list was a site 
called Cera water library. This is a must read article exposing how Nasa  the 
Soviets and various public facilities are all using forms of silver to purify 
and sanitize water and every thing else.  This information is making me think 
more positive about cs. tell me what you think. 
thank you 

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thank you

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Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

2002-08-13 Thread Marshall Dudley
Toenail fungus is probably one of the more difficult things to try and
eliminate with CS.  The problem is that it is so difficult to get the CS
to the fungus.  Use internally and externally, and the length of time to
eliminate it from what I understand is as long as it takes the tonail to
completely grow out from the root to the end.

Some have reported mixing CS with DSMO for this if I recall correctly.


mars larz wrote:

 I have a toe fungus on my toe nail that's dry and splitting i used cs
 on it a few times but the fungus is still there (maybe i didn't use it
 long enough) .how often should i do it? should i apply it topically
 and internally? i'm a cs newbie  so all of the things i'm trying are
 experimental  Do results vay with individuals? are results instant?
 gradual with others? please let me know the things to look for.

  Keith wrote:

  Beth Said:CS question: I have been getting sharp pains in
  one of my ears since this afternoon. I am going to put a few
  drops of CS in the ear tonight. Is this ok to do?Beth
  Brawn Yes.  It is safe to use pure CS anywhere inside or
  outside your body. The people using the CS I make have used
  it for:  Sore throats, ear infections, warts, Acne, 2 cases
  of Arthritis, diaper rash, an eight year old genital
  heat/yeast rash, burns, cuts heal faster, yeast infection,
  mosquito bites, spider bites, a ten year old toe fungus,
  plant fungus, eye infections, flea bites, mouthwash, after
  shave, food preservation, cut flowers, water purification,
  pet’s eye infection, allergies, nebulizer breathing
  treatments for Asthma and Bronchitis, Poison Ivy,Kidney
  infection, to relieve soreness from breast feeding,  and
  much more... Keith Pittman

 thank you

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CSRe: hepatitis C, herpes virus, TB

2002-08-13 Thread cmccauley

Brooks (and others) -


 Our experimental research involving Hepatitis-C  and Type II
Herpes (also Type I) indicated that all were susceptible to Colloidal
protocols.  In the case of the Herpes insults, the ancillary use of Lysine
proved to increase both the speed of response and the degree of effective
response.by an order of magnitude.  The speed of response, especially,
seemed to be dosage-sensitive;  in that introducing larger oral dosages of
Lysine ( 1000 to 2000 mg daily)  particularly at inititation stages of
experimental protocolssometimes, gave spectacular results.
Somewhere in the archives you should find a posting I made
months ago-which elaborates somewhat on this topic.  Additionally,  it
long-ago been demonstrated that lysine-containing salves are quite
effective in
ameliorating many of the adverse effects of the presenting lesions
 Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  In Vitro experiments have demonstrated (to our satisfaction)  a very
powerful control response  on all Herpes type viruses..as well
mycoplasma-based pathogens--whenever actual exposure within a common
environment occurs.

Thanks s much for your great reply and info.

Can you (or anyone on the List with first-hand knowledge - or on a CS
regime themselves) give any info using CS relating to these 'problems'?
Since I have the Hep C virus but don't show symptoms yet That I Know Of
(I've tested positive since 1984), how much would you recommend I take of
the CS daily to possibly kill the virus outright?  I've had the virus a
long time and back in the '80 and early '90 I led a very high risk
lifestyle.  I've also tested positive for TB as a chronic carrier, but not
contagious.   Can I take CS orally, sublingually, in large or extended
doses, and actually kill these viruses - along with all the other nasties
I've picked up living that lifestyle?  I really don't want to do the
intravenous/needle thing.  Not a good thing when you're in recovery.  But I
want to get a large enough dose for an extended period of time to kill the
viruses.  Besides the constipation thing, would there be other side-effects
to worry about?

I have quite a few friends in the same boat as me.  Your input would help


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

2002-08-13 Thread Jack Dayton

From: Keith pittcollo...@hotmail.com
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 22:39:07 -0500
Resent-Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 20:37:10 -0700

Yes.  It is safe to use pure CS anywhere inside or outside your body.

The people using the CS I make have used it for:  Sore throats, ear
infections, warts, Acne, 2 cases of Arthritis, diaper rash, an eight year
old genital heat/yeast rash, burns, cuts heal faster, yeast infection,
mosquito bites, spider bites, a ten year old toe fungus, plant fungus, eye
infections, flea bites, mouthwash, after shave, food preservation, cut
flowers, water purification, pet’s eye infection, allergies, nebulizer
breathing treatments for Asthma and Bronchitis, Poison Ivy,  Kidney
infection, to relieve soreness from breast feeding,  and much more...

Hi Keith

I recently bought a nebulizer, but have not tried it yet.
Do you know of any caveats for this method of

One day about a month ago during a search for
colloidal silver I encountered a site, which I
can no longer find, that had a bunch of negative
reactions depending on the reason for treatment.

I have not tried using the nebulizer yet.



2002-08-13 Thread Jack Dayton

 From: jrowl...@nctimes.net
 Resent-From: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Resent-Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 22:42:55 -0700
 James writes:
 The British equivalent of the AMA recently issued a warning that vit. C, in
 doses around 500 mg/day causes cancer.  For me, that means it probably works
 really good to prevent disease.
Well I am currently taking 3,000 mg for comparison
I have never heard of such a thing as vitamin C causing
cancer, and I have been taking C regularly for more than
30 years,


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

2002-08-13 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/13/2002 8:51:18 AM Eastern Daylight Time, i...@win.co.nz 

 This unfortunately is coupled with the
 shunning and blocking of sunlight to the skin and eyes and creates a
 hormone and nutrient imbalance which gives rise to a myriad of chronic
 health problems which are difficult to find a cause for when looking
 at the symptoms only.

Sounds like you been watching those informercials on TV with the Barefoot 
guy!!  Neighbors are spending too much time outside and it's angering me 
immensely.  I know they are all watching that barefoot guy...the coral 
calcium guy on tv...geesh

Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

2002-08-13 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/12/2002 7:58:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time, i...@win.co.nz 

 (or been designed) for.

If were were supposed to be meat eaters, why are our teeth so flat and our 
insestines so long?  In addition, our stomach acid gets to unhealthy levels 
by eating meat, causing an overall increase in acid which damages the body in 
a myriad of ways.

Re: CShepatitis-c geno type 1 non responder to peg and herpes questions

2002-08-13 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/12/2002 9:42:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
cmccau...@kayescholer.com writes:

 If the CS can do all the other wonderful things it seems to
 be able to do, I'll take it forever.  Again, just my opinion.

What about 400 ppm, etc.  Forget opinions.  Has anyone tried this high ppm 
and does it work better? 


2002-08-13 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/12/2002 12:14:11 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
a...@cybermesa.com writes:

 vit. C, in
 doses around 500 mg/day causes cancer. 

they said eggs are bad...now they are good
they said butter was bad, use margarine..now margarine is bad
they told my aunt to smoke cigarettes for her nerves (MY aunt is 80 plush 
years old).  Doctor's are idiots.  They are probably doing something to skew 
the results and don't realize it.

What they call vitamin C is an acid. Maybe it's acid they are targeting in 
people who are way too acidic already and vit c is adding to it  Take 
Ester C then!!  Or better yet, fresh squeeze your OJ.  Man is unable to 
identify all the nutrients in an orange.


2002-08-13 Thread Marshall Dudley
qec...@aol.com wrote:

 What they call vitamin C is an acid. Maybe it's acid they are
 targeting in people who are way too acidic already and vit c is adding
 to it

Vitamin C is an organic acid and thus does not affect the acidity of the
body. Similar to citric acid which actually alkalinizes the body.


Re: CSArtheritus injuries

2002-08-13 Thread QEcara
In a message dated 8/11/2002 12:06:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 
goldenok...@hotmail.com writes:

 You might try some  CMO

What is CMO?  Please...

CSnewbies great info site

2002-08-13 Thread mars larz

Dear newbies: this is a great info site  www.rtvc-2000.com


thank you

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Re: CSArtheritus injuries

2002-08-13 Thread d.linen
In a message dated 8/11/2002 12:06:38 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
goldenok...@hotmail.com writes:

   You might try some  CMO

What is CMO?  Please...

It's a close kin to MSM.


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSRe: hepatitis C, herpes virus, TB

2002-08-13 Thread Trem
Hello Christine,

We have reports from customers that have their Hep C viral counts drop
precipitously when fairly large amounts of CS were ingested orally.
Typically a pint a day or more.  One case went from 1,500,000 viral
particles per CC of blood to less than 500 per cc in two weeks.  The doctor
was astounded and pronounced him cured. Or at least that's what he told me.
We have many outstanding stories such as this.  This particular person was
to have been put on interferon for a 1 year period at a cost of about
$25,000 for the year but of course that was scrubbed.

I don't have any reports of TB and CS usage but if it's viral, the bug
should be vulnerable.

We have many reports of total relief from both herpes simplex and genital

Hope this helps.


- Original Message -
From: cmccau...@kayescholer.com
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 11:37 AM
Subject: CSRe: hepatitis C, herpes virus, TB

 Brooks (and others) -


  Our experimental research involving Hepatitis-C  and Type II
 Herpes (also Type I) indicated that all were susceptible to Colloidal
 protocols.  In the case of the Herpes insults, the ancillary use of Lysine
 proved to increase both the speed of response and the degree of effective
 response.by an order of magnitude.  The speed of response, especially,
 seemed to be dosage-sensitive;  in that introducing larger oral dosages of
 Lysine ( 1000 to 2000 mg daily)  particularly at inititation stages of
 experimental protocolssometimes, gave spectacular results.
 Somewhere in the archives you should find a posting I made
 months ago-which elaborates somewhat on this topic.  Additionally,  it
 long-ago been demonstrated that lysine-containing salves are quite
 effective in
 ameliorating many of the adverse effects of the presenting lesions
  Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
 p.s.  In Vitro experiments have demonstrated (to our satisfaction)  a very
 powerful control response  on all Herpes type viruses..as well
 mycoplasma-based pathogens--whenever actual exposure within a common
 environment occurs.

 Thanks s much for your great reply and info.

 Can you (or anyone on the List with first-hand knowledge - or on a CS
 regime themselves) give any info using CS relating to these 'problems'?
 Since I have the Hep C virus but don't show symptoms yet That I Know Of
 (I've tested positive since 1984), how much would you recommend I take of
 the CS daily to possibly kill the virus outright?  I've had the virus a
 long time and back in the '80 and early '90 I led a very high risk
 lifestyle.  I've also tested positive for TB as a chronic carrier, but not
 contagious.   Can I take CS orally, sublingually, in large or extended
 doses, and actually kill these viruses - along with all the other nasties
 I've picked up living that lifestyle?  I really don't want to do the
 intravenous/needle thing.  Not a good thing when you're in recovery.  But
 want to get a large enough dose for an extended period of time to kill the
 viruses.  Besides the constipation thing, would there be other
 to worry about?

 I have quite a few friends in the same boat as me.  Your input would help


 The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

 To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

 Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

 List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSBrewer's yeast and insects

2002-08-13 Thread lees

Hi all,
Here are some good answers. Yes, we are omnivores, an animal adapted
to eat both animal and vegetable foods.

Bless you, Bob Lee
qec...@aol.com wrote:
In a message
dated 8/12/2002 7:58:26 AM Eastern Daylight Time, i...@win.co.nz writes:

been designed) for.
If were were supposed to be
meat eaters, why are our teeth so flat and our insestines so long?
In addition, our stomach acid gets to unhealthy levels by eating meat,
causing an overall increase in acid which damages the body in a myriad
of ways.
oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

2002-08-13 Thread Bill Missett
CS may still wind up in her milk, however, and thus the baby's system.  Correct?

  - Original Message - 
  From: Keith 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 7:50 PM
  Subject: Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

  No, the nursing mother was drinking CS internally.

- Original Message - 
From: Marshall Dudley 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

Keith wrote: 
  Beth Said:CS question: I have been getting sharp pains in one of my 
ears since this afternoon. I am going to put a few drops of CS in the ear 
tonight. Is this ok to do?Beth Brawn Yes.  It is safe to use pure CS 
anywhere inside or outside your body.  to relieve soreness from breast feeding, 
 and much more...

Is this a topical application?  I would advise not using CS on the breasts 
until the baby starts having normal bowel movements. It is my understanding 
that the breasts are a good source of the probiotics the baby needs to set up 
in the intestines for proper digestion, and CS would surely kill those. 


Re: CSmy introduction

2002-08-13 Thread AVRA / Jason
Hi Jan, Welcome to the list!

...a unique brand of public relations for health professionals...  Aptly put! 
 I'm certain many listers are aware of your work, as am I.

I'm certain you will find any and everything you ever wanted to know about 
colloidal silver on this list.

Kind Regards,


  - Original Message - 
  From: Jan Bolen 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 8:04 AM
  Subject: CSmy introduction

  Dear List,

  I am new to this list, but am on many others regarding alternative methods of 
staying healthy. My husband and I do a unique brand of public relations for 
health professionals having problems with government agencies...which almost 
always translates to 'leading edge' or CAM type professionals. (Tim  Jan Bolen 
- JuriMed). We have clients all over the United States.

   I have felt that Colloidal Silver has been effective, for me, in warding off 
colds and other common transmitted illnesses. I use it in conjunction with 
other methods. I would like to learn more. 

  Thank you,

  Jan Bolen

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  HotJobs, a Yahoo! service - Search Thousands of New Jobs

Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

2002-08-13 Thread Keith
No, the nursing mother was drinking CS internally.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshall Dudley 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 10:38 PM
  Subject: Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

  Keith wrote: 
Beth Said:CS question: I have been getting sharp pains in one of my ears 
since this afternoon. I am going to put a few drops of CS in the ear tonight. 
Is this ok to do?Beth Brawn Yes.  It is safe to use pure CS anywhere inside 
or outside your body.  to relieve soreness from breast feeding,  and much 

  Is this a topical application?  I would advise not using CS on the breasts 
until the baby starts having normal bowel movements. It is my understanding 
that the breasts are a good source of the probiotics the baby needs to set up 
in the intestines for proper digestion, and CS would surely kill those. 


Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

2002-08-13 Thread pittcolloids
Hi Mars - I just asked the person who used CS on her toe fungus how she used 
it.  She said that she used it 
for a couple of months 1-2 times a day.  She soaked it in with a cotton ball 
and made sure it got under the 
toe nails.  She said that spraying it on would probably work too.  After a 
while the pink color started coming
back to her toes.  Her toe nails are starting to grow back normally now but 
will take a while longer before
they grow all the way out.  She thinks its helping her finger nails too.  She 
put it on a nick on her neck from
a haircut and said it was healed by the next day.  She said she really likes 
this stuff. 

I have received many other testimonies and will give them in the days to come.

Keith Pittman

God made is better than man made...
  - Original Message - 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 1:02 PM
  Subject: Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

  I have a toe fungus on my toe nail that's dry and splitting i used cs on it a 
few times but the fungus is still there (maybe i didn't use it long enough) 
.how often should i do it? should i apply it topically and internally? i'm a cs 
newbie  so all of the things i'm trying are experimental  Do results vay with 
individuals? are results instant? gradual with others? please let me know the 
things to look for. 

   Keith wrote: 

Beth Said:

CS question: I have been getting sharp pains in one of my ears since this 
afternoon. I am going to put a few drops of CS in the ear tonight. Is this ok 
to do?

Beth Brawn

Yes.  It is safe to use pure CS anywhere inside or outside your body.   

The people using the CS I make have used it for:  Sore throats, ear 
infections, warts, Acne, 2 cases of Arthritis, diaper rash, an eight year old 
genital heat/yeast rash, burns, cuts heal faster, yeast infection, mosquito 
bites, spider bites, a ten year old toe fungus, plant fungus, eye infections, 
flea bites, mouthwash, after shave, food preservation, cut flowers, water 
purification, pet's eye infection, allergies, nebulizer breathing treatments 
for Asthma and Bronchitis, Poison Ivy,  Kidney infection, to relieve soreness 
from breast feeding,  and much more...

Keith Pittman

  thank you

  Do You Yahoo!?
  HotJobs, a Yahoo! service - Search Thousands of New Jobs

CShep-c, geno type, which brand of CS , zinc etc.......................

2002-08-13 Thread mars larz
Dear Christine: you mentioned in your post that you
know of customers who report that their viral loads
dropped dramatically using CS could you please give me
a link to your customer(i'd love to chat with them and
get some encouragement)  Which brand of CS did they
take? (I'm personally taking a new brand of CS called
Advanced CS  that is Mesoprocced) Did they drink a
pint a day for two weeks? I only take 3 tablespoons a
day, i'm a newbie only on CS for a week. also please
let me know if they were geno type 1 . Genotype 1 is
the most difficult strain of hep-c to get rid of.
P.S. is zinc safe to take with CS ? what mg and

thank you

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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

2002-08-13 Thread Marshall Dudley
Yes, but the amounts would be so small I don't think it would be a
problem.  Only if the breasts were being cleaned with CS before the
flora could get started in the baby's intestines would I be concerned.


Bill Missett wrote:

  CS may still wind up in her milk, however, and thus the baby's
 system.  Correct?

  - Original Message -
  From: Keith
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 7:50 PM
  Subject: Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again
   No, the nursing mother was drinking CS internally. Keith

   - Original Message -
   From: Marshall Dudley
   To: silver-list@eskimo.com
   Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 10:38 PM
   Subject: Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again
Keith wrote:

   Beth Said:CS question: I have been getting
   sharp pains in one of my ears since this
   afternoon. I am going to put a few drops of CS
   in the ear tonight. Is this ok to do?Beth
   Brawn Yes.  It is safe to use pure CS anywhere
   inside or outside your body.  to relieve
   soreness from breast feeding,  and much more...

   Is this a topical application?  I would advise not
   using CS on the breasts until the baby starts
   having normal bowel movements. It is my
   understanding that the breasts are a good source
   of the probiotics the baby needs to set up in the
   intestines for proper digestion, and CS would
   surely kill those.


Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

2002-08-13 Thread Keith
Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work AgainHi Jack - My customers said that they add 
3 sprays of CS to the Albuterol and/or other medicines 
for the nebulizer breathing treatments.  They also drink some CS twice a day 
and do better
than when they don't drink it twice a day.  

I have distributed about 40 gallons so far and I haven't had any complaints 
yet.  One guy 
said that his son accidentally downed a 20 ounce bottle.  Since then he has not 
his ADD medicine and his grades have improved.  Of course, I don't know if one 
anything to do with the other.

Keith Pittman
  - Original Message - 
  From: Jack Dayton 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 1:50 PM
  Subject: Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

From: Keith pittcollo...@hotmail.com
Reply-To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 22:39:07 -0500
Resent-Date: Mon, 12 Aug 2002 20:37:10 -0700

Yes.  It is safe to use pure CS anywhere inside or outside your body.   

  The people using the CS I make have used it for:  Sore throats, ear 
infections, warts, Acne, 2 cases of Arthritis, diaper rash, an eight year old 
genital heat/yeast rash, burns, cuts heal faster, yeast infection, mosquito 
bites, spider bites, a ten year old toe fungus, plant fungus, eye infections, 
flea bites, mouthwash, after shave, food preservation, cut flowers, water 
purification, pet's eye infection, allergies, nebulizer breathing treatments 
for Asthma and Bronchitis, Poison Ivy,  Kidney infection, to relieve soreness 
from breast feeding,  and much more...

  Hi Keith

  I recently bought a nebulizer, but have not tried it yet.
  Do you know of any caveats for this method of

  One day about a month ago during a search for 
  colloidal silver I encountered a site, which I
  can no longer find, that had a bunch of negative
  reactions depending on the reason for treatment.

  I have not tried using the nebulizer yet.


Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

2002-08-13 Thread natural_essentials
Actually, I recently read in either the pregnancy or e-pregnancy magazine
that they recommended using CS on the breast for mastitis.  This was the
first time I've read anything about CS in a common magazine.  It was in
the June, July or August 
As far as helping just breast soreness with no actual infection, I don't
think it would do anything to help at all.
Life is Good!

 to relieve soreness
  from breast feeding,  and much more...
 Is this a topical application?  I would advise not using CS on the
 breasts until the baby starts having normal bowel movements. It is 
 understanding that the breasts are a good source of the probiotics 
 baby needs to set up in the intestines for proper digestion, and CS
 would surely kill those.

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The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

2002-08-13 Thread Keith
Ok, she said that the baby had a normal BM after 2 days.  The baby was born 
7/30/02.  Here is a correction.  She used the CS internally and externally. 

By the way.  I use a Constant Current CS generator.  I believe it makes 
consistently smaller particles around 6 to 50 angstroms.

Keith Pittman
  - Original Message - 
  From: Bill Missett 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 7:02 PM
  Subject: Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

  CS may still wind up in her milk, however, and thus the baby's system.  

- Original Message - 
From: Keith 
To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 7:50 PM
Subject: Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

No, the nursing mother was drinking CS internally.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Marshall Dudley 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Monday, August 12, 2002 10:38 PM
  Subject: Re: CSOur Wonderful FDA At Work Again

  Keith wrote: 
Beth Said:CS question: I have been getting sharp pains in one of my 
ears since this afternoon. I am going to put a few drops of CS in the ear 
tonight. Is this ok to do?Beth Brawn Yes.  It is safe to use pure CS 
anywhere inside or outside your body.  to relieve soreness from breast feeding, 
 and much more...

  Is this a topical application?  I would advise not using CS on the 
breasts until the baby starts having normal bowel movements. It is my 
understanding that the breasts are a good source of the probiotics the baby 
needs to set up in the intestines for proper digestion, and CS would surely 
kill those. 


Re: CSRe: hepatitis C, herpes virus, TB

2002-08-13 Thread Duncan Crow
Do a search on Google using calcium orotate hepatitis. This'll surprise and 

 Hello Christine,
 We have reports from customers that have their Hep C viral counts drop
 precipitously when fairly large amounts of CS were ingested orally.
 Typically a pint a day or more.  One case went from 1,500,000 viral
 particles per CC of blood to less than 500 per cc in two weeks.  The doctor
 was astounded and pronounced him cured. Or at least that's what he told me.
 We have many outstanding stories such as this.  This particular person was
 to have been put on interferon for a 1 year period at a cost of about
 $25,000 for the year but of course that was scrubbed.
 I don't have any reports of TB and CS usage but if it's viral, the bug
 should be vulnerable.
 We have many reports of total relief from both herpes simplex and genital
 Hope this helps.
 - Original Message -
 From: cmccau...@kayescholer.com
 To: silver-list@eskimo.com
 Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 11:37 AM
 Subject: CSRe: hepatitis C, herpes virus, TB
  Brooks (and others) -
   Our experimental research involving Hepatitis-C  and Type II
  Herpes (also Type I) indicated that all were susceptible to Colloidal
  protocols.  In the case of the Herpes insults, the ancillary use of Lysine
  proved to increase both the speed of response and the degree of effective
  response.by an order of magnitude.  The speed of response, especially,
  seemed to be dosage-sensitive;  in that introducing larger oral dosages of
  Lysine ( 1000 to 2000 mg daily)  particularly at inititation stages of
  experimental protocolssometimes, gave spectacular results.
  Somewhere in the archives you should find a posting I made
  months ago-which elaborates somewhat on this topic.  Additionally,  it
  long-ago been demonstrated that lysine-containing salves are quite
  effective in
  ameliorating many of the adverse effects of the presenting lesions
   Sincerely,  Brooks Bradley.
  p.s.  In Vitro experiments have demonstrated (to our satisfaction)  a very
  powerful control response  on all Herpes type viruses..as well
  mycoplasma-based pathogens--whenever actual exposure within a common
  environment occurs.
  Thanks s much for your great reply and info.
  Can you (or anyone on the List with first-hand knowledge - or on a CS
  regime themselves) give any info using CS relating to these 'problems'?
  Since I have the Hep C virus but don't show symptoms yet That I Know Of
  (I've tested positive since 1984), how much would you recommend I take of
  the CS daily to possibly kill the virus outright?  I've had the virus a
  long time and back in the '80 and early '90 I led a very high risk
  lifestyle.  I've also tested positive for TB as a chronic carrier, but not
  contagious.   Can I take CS orally, sublingually, in large or extended
  doses, and actually kill these viruses - along with all the other nasties
  I've picked up living that lifestyle?  I really don't want to do the
  intravenous/needle thing.  Not a good thing when you're in recovery.  But
  want to get a large enough dose for an extended period of time to kill the
  viruses.  Besides the constipation thing, would there be other
  to worry about?
  I have quite a few friends in the same boat as me.  Your input would help
  The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org
  To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com
  Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html
  List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CShepatitis-c geno type 1 non responder to peg and herpes questions

2002-08-13 Thread Duncan Crow
See also a Google search ozone sunnen hepatitis for another delightful 

   is there anybody out there who has tried peg or any
   other interferon combo treatments and did not respond?
   if so please e-mail me I a am new to cs i'm just
   trying CS I have purchased the new advanced CS made
   through a mesoprocess When i was on peg i did
   partially respond my viral load was over a million and
   my final load dropped down to the low thousands. ---

Duncan Crow

#410, 2556 Dingwall St 
Duncan BC V9L 2Y9

...only REAL friends get this address and number!!

---eternal progression is key, baby! --- 

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing may be found at: http://silverlist.org

To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com

Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html

List maintainer: Mike Devour mdev...@eskimo.com

Re: CShepatitis-c geno type 1 non responder to peg and herpes questions

2002-08-13 Thread Barbara Liles
I tried it and it got me awesome results!
  - Original Message - 
  From: qec...@aol.com 
  To: silver-list@eskimo.com 
  Sent: Tuesday, August 13, 2002 3:59 PM
  Subject: Re: CShepatitis-c geno type 1 non responder to peg and herpes 

  In a message dated 8/12/2002 9:42:27 AM Eastern Daylight Time, 
cmccau...@kayescholer.com writes:

If the CS can do all the other wonderful things it seems to
be able to do, I'll take it forever.  Again, just my opinion.


  What about 400 ppm, etc.  Forget opinions.  Has anyone tried this high ppm 
and does it work better?