Re: CS>homeopathy from pieces of paper, was Re: CS>What CS information is the truth?

2004-07-16 Thread somerbus

> Now, that does sound like mumbo jumbo. How long does the glass of water
> need to stand on the peice of paper?

Not sure...ten minutes? It's apparently all about the 'energy' of the
remedy. I've used it myself in emergencies (not life-threatening though!)
and seen it work, though I'm not sure I believe itit could have been
placebo, though how that would work on severe blistering that disappeared
overnight I'm not sure.

> If your friend is willing to correspond or answer questions and give
> further details of her method, I'd really like to have more info.

I've not been in contact with her in a while, she's generally too busy even
to read emails. Unfortunately (or fortunately!) I'm off on holiday today (as
in an hour or so!) so don't have time to pursue it.


Kay Jennings

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CS>Subject: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

2004-07-16 Thread patriot2000

Dear Brooks,

How very, very sad.  My heart goes out to you and your wife in your loss, 
and I will remember you both in my prayers.


At 01:57 PM 7/16/2004, you wrote:

From: "brooks bradley"
> Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 12:34 AM
> Subject: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participatio
> > Dear List Members,
> > I will be unable to participate in the list dialogue for a while. I 
find it

> > necessary to unsubsribe at home of 40 years burned
> today---with all of our pets.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>What CS information is the truth?

2004-07-16 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
Dr. Tiller of Stanford has a new book out this year about consciousness 
and "conditioned" spaces;  it purports to prove the reality of thought 
influence on space.   On researcher has tried to replicate the results 
and claims failure.   But at a glance, Tiller's laboratory and controls 
appear to be first-rate. . . . looking forward to reading the book soon.


On Saturday, Jul 17, 2004, at 00:11 Asia/Tokyo, Marshall Dudley wrote:

It is all based on INTENT.  Without intent, homeopathic methods cannot 
After all, anytime you mix anything with water, or even add water to a 
that is very slightly dirty, it should be creating a homeopathic 
remedy.  By the
time you get any water it should be full of millions of homeopathic 

from all the dilutions and encounters it met.

I believe that one does not have to go through the steps to create a 
remedy, it can be done with intent only.  This is done with Holy 
water, created
with intent only.  However the concious mind tends to not accept that 
directing thoughts at anything can change it, and requires some type 
of physical
action that it can at least accept as the mechanism.  This is 
encountered in
dowsing quite often. The rods are a physical extension of the intent.  
moving of a vein of water requires hitting a stake driven into the 
although physically it does nothing.  Without this crutch, the 
concious cannot
accept that the action can take place, and the subconcious will not 
preform it's

magic without belief (or faith).


Ode Coyote wrote:

In the case of Homeopathic medicine as tested twice by the Royal 
who at first validated the field, then rejected it, it turned out 
that the

water did not hold a memory.
It only worked when the people who 'made' the water held the memory. 

"field" wasn't rejected, only the mechanizm.]
 In the second round of testing, the people who were diluting the 
water did

not know what they were diluting and it was set up so that no one knew
until afterwards, what was what. It didn't work any better than 

Since it did work better than pure placebo on the first round, it 
stands to

reason that somehow the memory held by the makers of the water was
symbolized by the water which was accessed to tune into that
memory...possibly similar to the way prayers are accessed by blessed 

which also works better than placebo.
 There is evidence coming to light that memory itself is held as a non
local hologram accessed by the brain...tuned into rather than wholly 
there. [Short term memory might be seen as a sort of RAM located in 

brain as processing it into meaning is ongoing, where long term memory
might be seen as a non local ROM stored as static data with no 


 If that's the case, many many other mysteries..such as instinct.. 


 If the brain is damaged or otherwise warped in function..access 
denied, or

data in/garbage out.]

 DNA might be sufficient to explain the formation of the computers 
but falls short of explaining the patterns of electrical activity IN 


 Then there's the aura or a "field" of sorts that surrounds and 

all things.  Does the form construct the aura or does the aura give
space/time locality to the componants of the form?

 How does a cell know 'where to be what' if it's the very first one
dividing into many, each with identical DNA?
 Why doesn't a concrete block, a seething mass of atomic activity, 
fall apart? [a 'matter' of 'concrete thought', localized into 

Well, something that everyone agrees upon carries a sort of 'apparent'
stability whether it's "really" true or not.]

 It seems to me that the human form, the planet and the universe it's
in..all forms in space and time..are a result of consciousness, not 
cause of it and that seeming divisions between forms is a definition 
by purposeful perceptive limitations, more like a droplet defining 
its own
size and shape within the ocean and the ocean not caring what the 
thinks about anything, rather than the ocean saying 'There be a 

that's not me, somewhere that I am not'.
["Oh!, says God, I've fallen apart!  Please o' pieces, make me whole!"
Result?  religion...and endless arguement about how to fix something 

can't happen.]

One of the greatest creative powers we have is the ability to fool
ourselves in to believing we can't fool ourselves.  From there, 
goes, no matter how improbable. [Including a complete and believeable 

defininition of what a 'we' is, making the we that we thinks we are,
apparently self validating.]
 I believe the only reason we appear to even live in the same 
universe is
because we have agreed to a pattern and a limitation of perception 
resides behind the denial that we did that. Perception itself , being 
matter of comparisons pidgeonholed into 'this is this and that is not 

CS>Aloe and CS

2004-07-16 Thread Wayne Fugitt

Evening Marshall,

Mine is that CS mixed with aloe vera is 10 times as effective as either alone.

  How do you prepare the Aloe?   Nothing too high tech and complicated I 

  I would expect that you grow the Aloe.


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Re: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

2004-07-16 Thread Sharon
From: "brooks bradley" 
>  I will be unable to participate in the list dialogue for a
while.  I find it
> necessary to unsubsribe at home of 40 years burned
today---with all of our pets.

I join with the rest of the listers here, to wish your wife a rapid
healing, and consolation to both of you for the heartache and stress you
are now enduring.

Wishing you the greatest of Blessings,


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CS>Computer woes

2004-07-16 Thread

I changed over my phone service to another company today; reason being you
can keep the same phone number, have all the same services and save $20 a
month, plus they give you an incentive of $50.  Sounded great to me.

However the facts were, my computer stopped working the moment they changed
over and they billed me $30 to tell me my modem line was not working.  After
spending nearly the whole evening changing out modem cords, hooking up to
the regular phone line, changing the modem board out and checking the wires
outside the house, found out they had failed to tell me to delete the area
code to dial my ISP.  I'm using the modem cord that is supposed to be
defective and all is well.

I need some Colloidal Silver to sooth my migraine headache from
concentrating so hard on things where I have no expertise.  :)

BTW, I'm giving my Double Yellow Head Amazon parrot Colloidal Silver in his
drinking water and believe his/her kidney failure is resolving.  If it does,
this would mean it was bacterial in nature.  Can't hurt and might help.

Jean Baugh

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CS>Re:Brooks Bradley

2004-07-16 Thread hrbe

Brooks and your lovely Wife,
I am horrified to learn of your loss, you have my deepest sympathy and pray 
that your loved one will recover speedily.
Make a speedy return to this list! 
Your postings are invaluable!
God Bless! 
John in Australia

  Dear List Members,
 I will be unable to participate in the list dialogue for a while.  I 
find it 
necessary to unsubscribe at home of 40 years burned 
today---with all of our pets.

CS>homeopathy from pieces of paper, was Re: CS>What CS information is the truth?

2004-07-16 Thread sol
Now, that does sound like mumbo jumbo. How long does the glass of water 
need to stand on the peice of paper?
The way the K potency remedies are made sounds like mumbo jumbo to me, 
too, as does the fact that supposedly if one makes or buys a liquid 
remedy, one can keep extending it forever. Not sure about any of it, but 
I have seen homeopathy work, and I've seen it not work. It is all so 
weird, indeed.
If your friend is willing to correspond or answer questions and give 
further details of her method, I'd really like to have more info.


somerbus wrote:

I believe that one does not have to go through the steps to create a


remedy, it can be done with intent only.

Some people do thisI have a friend who no longer buys homoeopathic
remedies but makes her ownstanding a glass of water on a piece of paper
on which is written the remedy and potency she needs. Successfully treats
cattle and other animals as well as people and has a whole materia medica of
remedies in all potencies at her fingertips at all times without having to
keep millions of actual remedies. I have to say I find it smacks of mumbo
jumbobut I've seen it work. One may say it's a placebo effect in people,
but that can't explain the successes in animals who have no idea what
they're being treated with, or that they're being treated at all. Oh, and
she dowses for the correct remedy too.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Brooks' tragedy

2004-07-16 Thread Shirley Reed
   I am so very sorry to hear of your loss.  I, for one, will sure miss your 
contributions.  Hope you can return soon.   pj

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Re: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

2004-07-16 Thread Garnet
One thing that I really like about Hydrogen Peroxide is that it is an
excellent exfoliator. I like to soak in a tub with 6 pints and totally
exfoliate. Try putting a bit in your hands and pat it on your face, then
rub and you will feel the dead skin cells coming off in your hands. If
it's a dead skin cell it is likely to clog your pores. I would use the
DMSO and CS after this. I carry a small spritzing bottle with me and use
it frequently.


On Fri, 2004-07-16 at 16:11, -=@ Rick wrote:
> Try Hydrogen Peroxide, it works almost like magic. You can be
> absolutely rest assured that there is virtually no side effect since
> Hydrogen Peroxide disolves into water and it secondary 

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Re: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

2004-07-16 Thread sandee George
Dear Brooks, thank God your wife was only slightly injured
may she have speedy and complete healing - I will be sending you lots of
positive energy to support you both in your grieving and rebuilding - I
empathize with you both in your present situation - remember "this too
shall pass" !!!   Do not stay 
away too long as we will all miss you and your contributions
"The one who accomplished it is the one
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Nathan Filyk

2004-07-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
Mine is that CS mixed with aloe vera is 10 times as effective as either alone.


William Amos wrote:

> My experiance with acne is don't consider trying Colloidal 
> Silver.DO IT without mixing it with anything else.
> Bill Amos
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver List archive:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

2004-07-16 Thread -=@ Rick
Try Hydrogen Peroxide, it works almost like magic. You can be absolutely rest 
assured that there is virtually no side effect since Hydrogen Peroxide disolves 
into water and it secondary by-product of the dead tissues and dead bacterius. 
I have been following this list for just a short while and have been receiving 
individual emails. Pretty cumbersoms to go thru so many emails atthe end of the 
day. Is there a way I could receive emails in a daily digest form?

Nathan Filyk  wrote:

I've got a bad acne problem (and some mild rosacea) that is ruining my life 
right now. I'm considering trying Colloidal silver in conjunction with acne 
topical medication. The only thing is, what is silver safe to combine with? I 
haven't heard of any problems combining Silver with Aloe; how about other 


- Original Message - 
From: "Becky Burns" 
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 06:32:34 -0400 
Subject: Re: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation 

> Brooks, please know my prayers are with you. 
> - Original Message - 
> From: "brooks bradley" 

> To: 
> Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 12:34 AM 
> Subject: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation 
> > Dear List Members, 
> > I will be unable to participate in the list dialogue for a while. 
> I find it 
> > necessary to unsubsribe at home of 40 years burned 
> today---with all of our pets. 
> > Only my wife (although suffering painful non life-threatening injuries) 
> survived the fire and that is my greatest blessing. We will require a 
> little while to grieve over our three dogs, parrot, prairie dog, and four of 
> our cats. At our stage in life they constitute attachments 
> equal...almost... to our children and grandchildren. This message 
> > is not designed to generate sympathy in any form, but, rather to let you 
> know exactly why I will not 
> > be posting for a while. You have all been splendid intellectual 
> companions and, God willingmaybe so 
> > once again.soon. 
> > My very best and warmest regards to you all. Sincerely, 
> Brooks. 
> > 
> > Harborne Research Foundation 
> > 

Post your free ad now! Yahoo! Canada Personals

CS>Nathan Filyk

2004-07-16 Thread William Amos
My experiance with acne is don't consider trying Colloidal 
Silver.DO IT without mixing it with anything else.

Bill Amos

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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>What CS information is the truth?

2004-07-16 Thread Dan Nave
Many have wondered what the magic in CS is.

Now you know, the magic in CS is, well... "Magic".

Re: CS>What CS information is the truth?

From: Marshall Dudley (view other messages by this author) 
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 09:04:45 

It is all based on INTENT.  Without intent, homeopathic methods cannot
After all, anytime you mix anything with water, or even add water to a
that is very slightly dirty, it should be creating a homeopathic
remedy.  By the
time you get any water it should be full of millions of homeopathic
from all the dilutions and encounters it met.

I believe that one does not have to go through the steps to create a
remedy, it can be done with intent only.  This is done with Holy water,
with intent only.  However the concious mind tends to not accept that
directing thoughts at anything can change it, and requires some type of
action that it can at least accept as the mechanism.  This is
encountered in
dowsing quite often. The rods are a physical extension of the intent. 
moving of a vein of water requires hitting a stake driven into the
although physically it does nothing.  Without this crutch, the concious
accept that the action can take place, and the subconcious will not
preform it's
magic without belief (or faith).


Ode Coyote wrote:

> In the case of Homeopathic medicine as tested twice by the Royal
> who at first validated the field, then rejected it, it turned out
that the
> water did not hold a memory.
> It only worked when the people who 'made' the water held the memory.
> "field" wasn't rejected, only the mechanizm.]
>  In the second round of testing, the people who were diluting the
water did
> not know what they were diluting and it was set up so that no one
> until afterwards, what was what. It didn't work any better than
> Since it did work better than pure placebo on the first round, it
stands to
> reason that somehow the memory held by the makers of the water was
> symbolized by the water which was accessed to tune into that
> memory...possibly similar to the way prayers are accessed by blessed
> which also works better than placebo.
>  There is evidence coming to light that memory itself is held as a
> local hologram accessed by the brain...tuned into rather than wholly
> there. [Short term memory might be seen as a sort of RAM located in
> brain as processing it into meaning is ongoing, where long term
> might be seen as a non local ROM stored as static data with no
> attached.
>  If that's the case, many many other mysteries..such as instinct..
> clear.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
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Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>[Fwd: Re: Seeking info on CS/mycoplasma effectiveness.]

2004-07-16 Thread Jim Holmes

--- Begin Message ---
Bogged down and in a hurry but figured I would get an answer off so you
don't think I'm ignoring you.
The answer is no, not specifically. However, since it is nothing more than
a 'bacteria' - without a cell wall, and remotely similar to a virus - I can
see no reason it won't work. In any case, I would at least try it (in
abundance) if I had a situation involving this problem, AND I would 'expect'
to see results, as with the MS folks.
Hope this answers your question(s). Sorry I have to run but give me a call.
I cover much more ground over the phone - can do other things while
talking - and you know I'm a lousy typist. Be nice to chat again one day
- Original Message -
From: "James Holmes" 
To: "'Bruce Marx'" 
Sent: Thursday, July 08, 2004 11:14 AM
Subject: Seeking info on CS/mycoplasma effectiveness.

> Hello Friend,
> I hope all is well.
> I have been recommending your products here and there, but have no way of
> knowing if it does you any good.
> Do you have any cites on the effectiveness of CS against pathogenic
> mycoplasmas?  Most especially mycoplasma fermentans incognitus.
> Years ago I read that it was effective, but I do not have any good data.
> Can you recommend where to look?
> Thanks in advance,
> Jim

--- End Message ---

Re: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

2004-07-16 Thread Bruce Anderson

Garnet wrote:

Words are insufficient . . . my thoughts and prayers are with you and
your wife. I am so sorry.



I can only add,  AMEN.

On Thu, 2004-07-15 at 23:34, brooks bradley wrote:

   Dear List Members,
I will be unable to participate in the list dialogue for a while.  I find it 
necessary to unsubsribe at home of 40 years burned today---with all of our pets. 
Only my wife (although suffering painful non life-threatening injuries) survived the fire and that is my greatest blessing.  We will require a little while to grieve over our three dogs, parrot, prairie dog, and four of our cats.  At our stage in life they constitute attachments equal...almost... to our children and grandchildren.  This message 
is not designed to generate sympathy in any form, but, rather to let you know exactly why I will not
be posting for a while.  You have all been splendid intellectual companions and, God willingmaybe so 
once again.soon.

  My very best and warmest regards to you all.   Sincerely, Brooks.

Harborne Research Foundation

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


Re: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

2004-07-16 Thread Jim Holmes

Nathan Filyk wrote:

I've got a bad acne problem (and some mild rosacea) that is ruining my 
life right now. I'm considering trying Colloidal silver in conjunction 
with acne topical medication. The only thing is, what is silver safe 
to combine with? I haven't heard of any problems combining Silver with 
Aloe; how about other topicals?


- Original Message -
From: "Becky Burns"
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 06:32:34 -0400
Subject: Re: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

> Brooks, please know my prayers are with you.
> - Original Message -
> From: "brooks bradley"
> To:
> Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 12:34 AM
> Subject: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation
> > Dear List Members,
> > I will be unable to participate in the list dialogue for a while.
> I find it
> > necessary to unsubsribe at home of 40 years burned
> today---with all of our pets.
> > Only my wife (although suffering painful non life-threatening 

> survived the fire and that is my greatest blessing. We will require a
> little while to grieve over our three dogs, parrot, prairie dog, and 
four of

> our cats. At our stage in life they constitute attachments
> equal...almost... to our children and grandchildren. This message
> > is not designed to generate sympathy in any form, but, rather to 
let you

> know exactly why I will not
> > be posting for a while. You have all been splendid intellectual
> companions and, God willingmaybe so
> > once again.soon.
> > My very best and warmest regards to you all. Sincerely,
> Brooks.
> >
> > Harborne Research Foundation
> >
> > --
> > ___
> > Find what you are looking for with the Lycos Yellow Pages
> >

> >
> >
> > --
> > Th e Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal 

> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver List archive:

> >
> > Address Off-Topic messages to:
> > OT Archive:
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour
> >
> >

-- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal 
Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Silver List archive: Address Off-Topic 
messages to: OT Archive: List 
maintainer: Mike Devour 

Using a small percentage of DMSO and CS will probably work a miracle.  
It may make you smell bad too, so just the CS may work nearly a well 
without the smell.

Drinking silver may also help.

Do attend to diet and elemination of toxins in diet.


Re: CS>sugars

2004-07-16 Thread Jim Holmes

Marshall Dudley wrote:

Garnet wrote:

I was going to comment on this error as well. Terry is wrong that
Sucrose is a mono-saccharide. It is a di-saccharide, check any organic
chemistry text.

The problem with sugar is that it is joined by an inverted bond that is
difficult to break. When the primary enzyme system that breaks this bond
is saturated, the alternative pathway the excess sucrose goes into
produces toxins that are damaging to all body tissues. This has been
known since the 70's.

Very interesting.  Do you have any references on this. I don't recall having
encountered this information before.

Then that says that substituting honey or corn syrup would be good anywhere you
can. Interesting


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Garnet wrote:


When the primary enzyme system that breaks this bond
is saturated"  A saturated enzyme?  The enzyme determines the metabolic pathway of the break-down products?  

I too would like to learn more about this process.


Re: CS>What CS information is the truth?

2004-07-16 Thread somerbus
> I believe that one does not have to go through the steps to create a
> remedy, it can be done with intent only.

Some people do thisI have a friend who no longer buys homoeopathic
remedies but makes her ownstanding a glass of water on a piece of paper
on which is written the remedy and potency she needs. Successfully treats
cattle and other animals as well as people and has a whole materia medica of
remedies in all potencies at her fingertips at all times without having to
keep millions of actual remedies. I have to say I find it smacks of mumbo
jumbobut I've seen it work. One may say it's a placebo effect in people,
but that can't explain the successes in animals who have no idea what
they're being treated with, or that they're being treated at all. Oh, and
she dowses for the correct remedy too.


Kay Jennings

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:
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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>sugars

2004-07-16 Thread C. Hatzfeld
> Then that says that substituting honey or corn syrup would be good
anywhere you
> can. Interesting
> Marshall

I've heard corn syrup is garbage to our bodies and honey should be produced
within 12 mile radius of where you live, and raw.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>What CS information is the truth?

2004-07-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
It is all based on INTENT.  Without intent, homeopathic methods cannot work.
After all, anytime you mix anything with water, or even add water to a glass
that is very slightly dirty, it should be creating a homeopathic remedy.  By the
time you get any water it should be full of millions of homeopathic remedies
from all the dilutions and encounters it met.

I believe that one does not have to go through the steps to create a homeopathic
remedy, it can be done with intent only.  This is done with Holy water, created
with intent only.  However the concious mind tends to not accept that simply
directing thoughts at anything can change it, and requires some type of physical
action that it can at least accept as the mechanism.  This is encountered in
dowsing quite often. The rods are a physical extension of the intent.  The
moving of a vein of water requires hitting a stake driven into the ground,
although physically it does nothing.  Without this crutch, the concious cannot
accept that the action can take place, and the subconcious will not preform it's
magic without belief (or faith).


Ode Coyote wrote:

> In the case of Homeopathic medicine as tested twice by the Royal Society
> who at first validated the field, then rejected it, it turned out that the
> water did not hold a memory.
> It only worked when the people who 'made' the water held the memory. [The
> "field" wasn't rejected, only the mechanizm.]
>  In the second round of testing, the people who were diluting the water did
> not know what they were diluting and it was set up so that no one knew
> until afterwards, what was what. It didn't work any better than chance.
> Since it did work better than pure placebo on the first round, it stands to
> reason that somehow the memory held by the makers of the water was
> symbolized by the water which was accessed to tune into that
> memory...possibly similar to the way prayers are accessed by blessed water
> which also works better than placebo.
>  There is evidence coming to light that memory itself is held as a non
> local hologram accessed by the brain...tuned into rather than wholly stored
> there. [Short term memory might be seen as a sort of RAM located in the
> brain as processing it into meaning is ongoing, where long term memory
> might be seen as a non local ROM stored as static data with no meanings
> attached.
>  If that's the case, many many other mysteries..such as instinct.. become
> clear.
>  If the brain is damaged or otherwise warped in function..access denied, or
> data in/garbage out.]
>  DNA might be sufficient to explain the formation of the computers circuits
> but falls short of explaining the patterns of electrical activity IN those
> circuits.
>  Then there's the aura or a "field" of sorts that surrounds and permeates
> all things.  Does the form construct the aura or does the aura give
> space/time locality to the componants of the form?
>  How does a cell know 'where to be what' if it's the very first one
> dividing into many, each with identical DNA?
>  Why doesn't a concrete block, a seething mass of atomic activity, just
> fall apart? [a 'matter' of 'concrete thought', localized into space/time?
> Well, something that everyone agrees upon carries a sort of 'apparent'
> stability whether it's "really" true or not.]
>  It seems to me that the human form, the planet and the universe it's
> in..all forms in space and time..are a result of consciousness, not the
> cause of it and that seeming divisions between forms is a definition caused
> by purposeful perceptive limitations, more like a droplet defining its own
> size and shape within the ocean and the ocean not caring what the droplet
> thinks about anything, rather than the ocean saying 'There be a droplet
> that's not me, somewhere that I am not'.
> ["Oh!, says God, I've fallen apart!  Please o' pieces, make me whole!"
> Result?  religion...and endless arguement about how to fix something that
> can't happen.]
> One of the greatest creative powers we have is the ability to fool
> ourselves in to believing we can't fool ourselves.  From there, anything
> goes, no matter how improbable. [Including a complete and believeable mis-
> defininition of what a 'we' is, making the we that we thinks we are,
> apparently self validating.]
>  I believe the only reason we appear to even live in the same universe is
> because we have agreed to a pattern and a limitation of perception that
> resides behind the denial that we did that. Perception itself , being a
> matter of comparisons pidgeonholed into 'this is this and that is not this'
> depends more on what is not perceived than what is.
>  It's one of the properties of focus where you can't see anything at all if
> you don't focus and can't see anything else if you do.
>  So, any 'thing' could hold memory in the same way that everything
> everywhere AND nothing nowhere, always an access symbol to that
> memory individually distorted in meaning accordi

RE: CS>H202

2004-07-16 Thread J&S Campbell
Thanks Garnet,

> -Original Message-
> From: Garnet [] 
> Sent: 16 July 2004 16:22
> To: Silver List
> Subject: RE: CS>H202
> sells a very high grade DMSO, not sure if 
> they call it AR. 
> You can also get it with a prescription in the US. Rimso-50 
> is a 50% DMSO dispensed by pharmacies.
> And I agree with you John, most of us do take too cavalier an 
> attitude about many things that we put in our bodies. But at 
> least we are looking at safe-ER and are reducing the total 
> load. Total load is a very important concept. By reducing 
> exposures to some things our tolerance for others is raised. 
> I also like to remind people that if the stress of procuring 
> the safe-er/est product is greater than the benefit gained 
> what good have you done? 
> Balance is so important and the feeling that comes with 
> simply making small improvements that accumulate. I talk to 
> so many people who feel that attaining a healthy life style 
> is so far out of their reach that they do not even try. I try 
> to remind them that even small efforts are helpful and will 
> lead to greater changes in time.
> Garnet
> On Thu, 2004-07-15 at 08:31, J&S Campbell wrote:
> > Thanks for that John, where do you get AR grade DMSO from? Best 
> > wishes, Sheila
> --
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Re: CS>sugars

2004-07-16 Thread Garnet
Corn syrup is not good for you, causes diabetes, can't tell you why,
maybe because it is in so many processed foods, and organic foods.

Something that is important is knowing how your body handles various
sugars and complex carbohydrates. For some people a peach is too much
sugar, others live on a high grain and fruit diet and do very well.

As to the info, I learned it some 30 years ago in organic chemistry and
reading other medical news info while in grad school. I did not record
the sources. The info on the inverted bond should not be that hard to
come by though.


On Fri, 2004-07-16 at 09:56, Marshall Dudley wrote:
> Garnet wrote:
> > I was going to comment on this error as well. Terry is wrong that
> > Sucrose is a mono-saccharide. It is a di-saccharide, check any organic
> > chemistry text.
> >
> > The problem with sugar is that it is joined by an inverted bond that is
> > difficult to break. When the primary enzyme system that breaks this bond
> > is saturated, the alternative pathway the excess sucrose goes into
> > produces toxins that are damaging to all body tissues. This has been
> > known since the 70's.
> Very interesting.  Do you have any references on this. I don't recall having
> encountered this information before.
> Then that says that substituting honey or corn syrup would be good anywhere 
> you
> can. Interesting
> Marshall
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver List archive:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> OT Archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

2004-07-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
My prayers are with you.  Been there twice myself and know how difficult it can 
be, even with everything insured.  I am very sorry to hear this and share your 

It almost seems that many of the greatest contributors to the assisting of 
mankind are encountering more than their fair share of problems.


brooks bradley wrote:

> Dear List Members,
>  I will be unable to participate in the list dialogue for a while.  I 
> find it
> necessary to unsubsribe at home of 40 years burned 
> today---with all of our pets.
> Only my wife (although suffering painful non life-threatening injuries) 
> survived the fire and that is my greatest blessing.  We will require a little 
> while to grieve over our three dogs, parrot, prairie dog, and four of our 
> cats.  At our stage in life they constitute attachments equal...almost... to 
> our children and grandchildren.  This message
> is not designed to generate sympathy in any form, but, rather to let you know 
> exactly why I will not
> be posting for a while.  You have all been splendid intellectual companions 
> and, God willingmaybe so
> once again.soon.
>My very best and warmest regards to you all.   Sincerely, Brooks.
> Harborne Research Foundation
> --
> ___
> Find what you are looking for with the Lycos Yellow Pages
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver List archive:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> OT Archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>sugars

2004-07-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
Garnet wrote:

> I was going to comment on this error as well. Terry is wrong that
> Sucrose is a mono-saccharide. It is a di-saccharide, check any organic
> chemistry text.
> The problem with sugar is that it is joined by an inverted bond that is
> difficult to break. When the primary enzyme system that breaks this bond
> is saturated, the alternative pathway the excess sucrose goes into
> produces toxins that are damaging to all body tissues. This has been
> known since the 70's.

Very interesting.  Do you have any references on this. I don't recall having
encountered this information before.

Then that says that substituting honey or corn syrup would be good anywhere you
can. Interesting


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>cholesterol

2004-07-16 Thread Garnet
The difference is the cost to the body of breaking the various forms of
sugar down to glucose, which all carbohydrates ultimately are,
regardless of how complex or simple. As I mentioned in an eralier
message to the list today, on sugars, when the normal pathway for
sucrose is overwhelmed then the alternative pathway kicks in. This alt
pathway has more toxic by products.

As an aside . . . Glucose can also be made from protien, but the body
does not utilize this pathway unless it has to. Gluconeogensis is the
name of the process.

The end result may be the same but the road you take to get there does
indeed influence the experience. Choose your path well applies to
biochemistry as well as life's more spiritual aspects.


On Fri, 2004-07-16 at 06:40, Ode Coyote wrote:
> I don't follow..
>  If the end result is all glucose, what difference does it make what the
> source is?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2004 #561

2004-07-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
Yes, this is truly a screwed up country where a person can get 10 times as much 
prison time for saving one or more people's lives then if they had murdered 


"Jonathan B. Britten" wrote:

> We find the very same sort of near-criminal law enforcement in the case of 
> The facts are going to emerge, little by little, until eventually the 
> majority of educated persons will realize the extent of the systemic abuse of 
> health freedoms. There are some real heroes out there fighting . . . .
> On Friday, Jul 16, 2004, at 15:12 Asia/Tokyo, 
> wrote:
>  John Rigby wrote:
>  A good guide to follow is that if the FDA  bans it - it is probably 
> efficacious!  :-)
>  The smiley face after that statement should be turned into a frown, 
> John.  Today, I received a special edition newsletter from Bill Henderson, 
> who puts out the awesome Cure Your Cancer newsletter and who wrote an 
> invaluable book about alternative cures for cancer, too (Jean Baugh, you 
> should check into this for your mom's lung cancer!).  Anyway, the news he 
> conveyed was most discouraging, because I know of two people who turned their 
> terminal cancers around with Lane Labs' Benefin shark cartilage.  I am 
> outraged and incensed.  This is what he wrote:
>  >^^^
>  > >CURE YOUR CANCER Newsletter - Special Edition July 15, 2004
>  > >^^^
>  > >
>  > >

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>H202

2004-07-16 Thread Garnet sells a very high grade DMSO, not sure if they call it

You can also get it with a prescription in the US. Rimso-50 is a 50%
DMSO dispensed by pharmacies.

And I agree with you John, most of us do take too cavalier an attitude
about many things that we put in our bodies. But at least we are looking
at safe-ER and are reducing the total load. Total load is a very
important concept. By reducing exposures to some things our tolerance
for others is raised. I also like to remind people that if the stress of
procuring the safe-er/est product is greater than the benefit gained
what good have you done? 

Balance is so important and the feeling that comes with simply making
small improvements that accumulate. I talk to so many people who feel
that attaining a healthy life style is so far out of their reach that
they do not even try. I try to remind them that even small efforts are
helpful and will lead to greater changes in time.


On Thu, 2004-07-15 at 08:31, J&S Campbell wrote:
> Thanks for that John, where do you get AR grade DMSO from?
> Best wishes,
> Sheila

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>What CS information is the truth?

2004-07-16 Thread Marshall Dudley
john rigby wrote:

> At 09:28 AM 16/07/04, David wrote:
> I like animal tests - ( not the stupid cruel ones!)  where you offer sheep
> a choice of two fields of grass - one biodynamic and one "cultivated".  Or
> offer cats a choice of two bowls of water, one with CS and see which they
> choose.

I am not sure what this would prove, I find that many pets prefer the water out
of the toilet over any other sources no matter how clean or pure.

> As for the science in Silver or anything else, we hummin beans

Do you mean human beings?  Or are you referring to a vegetable?


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Re: CS>Macular degeneration

2004-07-16 Thread Garnet
The point that hydrogenation is the issue has been made with pork lard
and tropical oils. Both are very healthy for you as long as they are not
hydrogenated, although the poor health effects of their hydrogenated
versions have long been applied to even the unhydrogenated product. Very
poor reasoning, but unfortunately, very popular.


On Thu, 2004-07-15 at 00:59, Jonathan B. Britten wrote:
> I may be mistaken, but a key problem with the vegetable oils may be 
> that they are "partially hydrogenated."   This method of increasing 
> shelf life apparently causes many health problems.   Almost all 
> commercially available vegetable oils are processed this way.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

2004-07-16 Thread Ode Coyote

  Somewhere under the ashes and behind the pain there is an opportunity.
 Chin up Dude!  There is hope.  Things CAN be better than can be dreamed
within the burned dream.

 For me just now, it's the hope that I never have the opportunity to say
this to myself.
Even though I have said it to myself many times for other reasons and it
always turned out to be true, the "fire" always hurt like Hell before the
old skin fell off.


At 10:34 PM 7/15/2004 -0600, you wrote:
>Dear List Members,
> I will be unable to participate in the list dialogue for a while.
 I find it 
>necessary to unsubsribe at home of 40 years burned
today---with all of our pets. 
>Only my wife (although suffering painful non life-threatening injuries)
survived the fire and that is my greatest blessing.  We will require a
little while to grieve over our three dogs, parrot, prairie dog, and four
of our cats.  At our stage in life they constitute attachments
equal...almost... to our children and grandchildren.  This message 
>is not designed to generate sympathy in any form, but, rather to let you
know exactly why I will not
>be posting for a while.  You have all been splendid intellectual
companions and, God willingmaybe so 
>once again.soon.
>   My very best and warmest regards to you all.   Sincerely, Brooks.
>Harborne Research Foundation
>Find what you are looking for with the Lycos Yellow Pages
>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
>To post, address your message to:
>Silver List archive:
>Address Off-Topic messages to:
>OT Archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Mike - Need a better search program

2004-07-16 Thread Dan Nave
Thanks Mike,

This is out of the area of my expertise so I wouldn't be able to help
(other than to give suggestions ;-)).

Nevertheless, thanks for a great list and thanks to Scott for hosting


Re: CS>Mike - Need a better search program

From: M. G. Devour (view other messages by this author) 
Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 06:43:17 

Dan writes:
> Sorry, but we CAN'T find it in the archives.  MS is only two
> characters. Searches apparently can only be done on more than 3
> characters. 

Dan, you're correct. There are too many brief acronyms, and even 
regular words (such as eye, ear...) that *should* be legitimate search

terms but aren't, that the archives are sometimes too difficult to 
search. Add to that the fact that it only searches on full words, and 
you'll often have to do several searches to get everything there is 
even when the subject is an easy one.

The eScribe archives are run by a fellow named Scott, who set them up 
as a business venture that he hoped would be sufficiently profitable 
that, along with other things, he'd be able to be self employed. 

Alas, the concept came up short in that regard and, though he vows to 
keep the archive service running, he's limited to working on it in his

spare time while holding a regular job and doing all the other things 
his life demands.

Given that it is a free service, we've done pretty well with eScribe. 
It's done its core job and been surprisingly reliable. The recent 
server crashes were the first serious outages we've seen in several 
years of archiving there.

However, there's no great likelihood that we'll see programming 
resources devoted to an effort to improve the search function in any 
meaningful way.

The alternative is to develop and/or implement our own archive system 
or find another service of that sort. I definitely *don't* want to turn

the silver list into yet another Yahoo group, so we are doomed to 
whatever I (or any helpful volunteers) can put together.

My time and skills are limited. For anyone, it will be a pretty big 
job. I'm open to ideas...

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>What CS information is the truth?

2004-07-16 Thread Ode Coyote
In the case of Homeopathic medicine as tested twice by the Royal Society
who at first validated the field, then rejected it, it turned out that the
water did not hold a memory.
It only worked when the people who 'made' the water held the memory. [The
"field" wasn't rejected, only the mechanizm.]
 In the second round of testing, the people who were diluting the water did
not know what they were diluting and it was set up so that no one knew
until afterwards, what was what. It didn't work any better than chance.

Since it did work better than pure placebo on the first round, it stands to
reason that somehow the memory held by the makers of the water was
symbolized by the water which was accessed to tune into that
memory...possibly similar to the way prayers are accessed by blessed water
which also works better than placebo.
 There is evidence coming to light that memory itself is held as a non
local hologram accessed by the brain...tuned into rather than wholly stored
there. [Short term memory might be seen as a sort of RAM located in the
brain as processing it into meaning is ongoing, where long term memory
might be seen as a non local ROM stored as static data with no meanings

 If that's the case, many many other mysteries..such as instinct.. become

 If the brain is damaged or otherwise warped in function..access denied, or
data in/garbage out.]

 DNA might be sufficient to explain the formation of the computers circuits
but falls short of explaining the patterns of electrical activity IN those

 Then there's the aura or a "field" of sorts that surrounds and permeates
all things.  Does the form construct the aura or does the aura give
space/time locality to the componants of the form?

 How does a cell know 'where to be what' if it's the very first one
dividing into many, each with identical DNA?
 Why doesn't a concrete block, a seething mass of atomic activity, just
fall apart? [a 'matter' of 'concrete thought', localized into space/time?
Well, something that everyone agrees upon carries a sort of 'apparent'
stability whether it's "really" true or not.]

 It seems to me that the human form, the planet and the universe it's
in..all forms in space and time..are a result of consciousness, not the
cause of it and that seeming divisions between forms is a definition caused
by purposeful perceptive limitations, more like a droplet defining its own
size and shape within the ocean and the ocean not caring what the droplet
thinks about anything, rather than the ocean saying 'There be a droplet
that's not me, somewhere that I am not'.
["Oh!, says God, I've fallen apart!  Please o' pieces, make me whole!"
Result?  religion...and endless arguement about how to fix something that
can't happen.]

One of the greatest creative powers we have is the ability to fool
ourselves in to believing we can't fool ourselves.  From there, anything
goes, no matter how improbable. [Including a complete and believeable mis-
defininition of what a 'we' is, making the we that we thinks we are,
apparently self validating.]
 I believe the only reason we appear to even live in the same universe is
because we have agreed to a pattern and a limitation of perception that
resides behind the denial that we did that. Perception itself , being a
matter of comparisons pidgeonholed into 'this is this and that is not this'
depends more on what is not perceived than what is.
 It's one of the properties of focus where you can't see anything at all if
you don't focus and can't see anything else if you do.

 So, any 'thing' could hold memory in the same way that everything
everywhere AND nothing nowhere, always an access symbol to that
memory individually distorted in meaning according to the computer program
[engram] that processes the memory assigning meaning to it.

 One mans trash is another mans treasure...same trash 'seen' differently...
different meaning and application.

 Could this be why any medication [including CS] doesn't do the same thing
to, or for, every person?
 Why is it that it's "Side effects may include" rather than "side effects

It could be that CS works the same for most people because it's simple
enough, yet mysterious enough..complete with the symbology that the
substance 'silver' holds in the popular conciousness, for most people to
agree upon...much like agreeing that getting hit by anything hard, at
velocity, sorta hurts.

As though, "I" AM that which gets hit vs "Hey! Your car dented my car!"

Of course, if the car gets dented so badly it can't be driven, one finds
themselves on foot walking.
 Oops, I can walk!
 It had [fore] gotton so I'd drive to the mailbox on the door of my garage
and read the mail from the occupant of the car next to mine with headlights
and photo sensors.
 [I was 'taught' to drive a certain way from the very day I got this car.
Childhood drivers education starts with a wiggle and giggle permit.]

 Now, Where shall I go?  To Detroit [or Korea] for another ca

Re: CS>cholesterol

2004-07-16 Thread Ode Coyote
I don't follow..
 If the end result is all glucose, what difference does it make what the
source is?
Sucrose, white sugar, is a natural sugar from cane and beets.  Nothing
unnatural about it, though it does lack the accompanying minerals and
vitamins and such that molasses has.

..nuthin wrong wit mo lasses.. I take aw de lasses Ah kin gits mah hay-nds on.
 Come on ova'h hey-re sugah beet! 

 I be dying of a hart attak wit a tootless smile on mah face!


>At 11:43 PM 7/14/04, you wrote:
>>Dear Terry,
>>I read somewhere that sucrose, (table sugar, which is definitely not a
>>natural food, for sure,) is the cause of high cholesterol, not eggs or meat.
>>When sucrose is digested, it breaks down to glucose and fructose. The
>>fructose is then broken down to more glucose and, taaa daa, Cholesterol!!!
>>Makes sense, that sugar is what is killing us.
>>I`m addicted to the stuff...
>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
>To post, address your message to:
>Silver List archive:
>Address Off-Topic messages to:
>OT Archive:
>List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>What CS information is the truth?

2004-07-16 Thread Ode Coyote
At 02:23 AM 7/15/2004 -0700, you wrote:
>I cut and pasted this from another group.  As  a
>newbie to CS things like this really confuse me.  I am
>not sure what to believe:
>One problem with using electralysis[sp?]  to create
>"colloidal" silver, 
>that the solution tends to be ionic in nature.
** True..more ionic than particulate.
>Ionic silver is colorless.
>It will combine with either HCl [hydrocloric acid] in
>the stomach or if 
>makes it that far
** True enough. Silver chloride is still a germ killer, just not as powerful a germ killer.

[by being absorbed in the GI tract
>or being 
>subcutaneously] to make it into the blood stream, it
>will combine with 
>potassium chloride or sodium chloride to form silver
**  It's a bit unclear as to what happens to ionic silver and maye silver chloride in the bloodstream

>It is as a true colloidal which is dark yellow in
**Not always true. While it's true that it's the colloid portion of an ion/particle mix that is responsible for any existing color, it doesn't have to have a color. It is harder to make strong EIS without color than it is to make it with color and the stronger it is, the harder it is.
, that silver 
>has the 
>antibacterial/healing properties.
**  Both the particle and the ion has those properties. The ion has the most surface area and is probably, in itself, stronger. The only issue with that is keeping an ion 'in itself' under various conditions because it's highly chemically reactive. Some silver compounds will release metallic silver in the presence of iron. Blood has lots of iron in it. [Don't know what 'actually' happens there]
>Colloidal silver that has a high concentration of
>silver particles does 
>look like water because silver particles, even very
>small particles 
>light from passing through, making the liquid appear
** True. Filling a jug with silver water that contains particles in a distilled water jug and comparing that to a jug of distilled water, the silver water will look darker even if it has no color at all.
>Simple way to demonstrate the presence of ionic silver
>Here is a simple way to demonstrate ionic silver
>content. All that is 
>required is that a chloride ion source to be added to
>a small amount of 
>ionic silver. Normal table salt is sodium chloride
>(NaCl). When table 
>is dissolved in water it dissociates into sodium ions
>and chloride 
>ions. To 
>demonstrate: Place a small amount (1-2 ounces) of
>ionic silver in a 
>glass. Add a few grains of table salt. Observe that as
>the salt 
>dissolves a 
>white cloud of silver chloride forms in the solution.
>Eventually, the 
>solution will turn cloudy. If more salt is added, the
>white silver 
>will become denser until all the silver ions have
>combined with the 
>available chlorine ions. If no silver ions are present
>then no white 
>will form.
**  True
>"Colloidal silver generators" sold to home hobbyists
>all produce ionic 
>silver solutions.
**  As do all electrolytic generators, home hobbiest or not.  This is not to say that they don't also produce particule colloids as well.  Generally the ratio is 80 to 90% ionic and 10 to 20% colloidal but the ratio can be higher without being colored. At over 20% it's most likely to have a color but can have a deep color at less than that. 3 PPM silver water can be yellow. 50PPM- 100PPM silver water can be colorless and 'can' stay that way, but tends not to.
The stronger you make it, the higher the particle to ion ratio, the less "likely" it will remain colorless.
The process can be tweeked to raise the odds of having a stable colorless silver water that's highly particlate at a given PPM.

Another myth is that electrically produced ionic/particulate silver water is light sensitive.  It is not.
Silver chloride and silver carbonate [made with baking soda] is. 
Silver carbonate is also insoluable in water. Add a little vinegar and silver carbonate turns into silver acetate which is soluable, not light sensitive, has no color that I can see and drops out metallic silver in the presence of iron...but makes silver ions in hydrochloric acid that may, in turn, make silver chloride.
I don't know if silver chloride drops out metallic silver in the presence of iron or not...or if hemoglobin counts as a presence of  iron.

Body chemistry is very complex and it's not well known what really happens to ionic silver in the end, but it does work...maybe -just as well as- small particle metallic silver, maybe not.
But a dead microbe is a dead microbe regardless of what race of silver warrior that killed it.

>See also
>"Silver Colloids Do they Work?" by Ronald J Gibbs
>The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>Instructions for unsubscribing are

RE: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

2004-07-16 Thread J&S Campbell
Brooks I am so sorry, that is a terrible thing to happen, it happened to
an elderly friend some years ago, but thank God you and your wife are
OK. I'm very sorry for the loss of your pets and all your memories in
your home.I know loss of photos can be a painful thing too at such a
With love and prayers for you both,

> -Original Message-
> From: brooks bradley [] 
> Sent: 16 July 2004 05:35
> To:
> Subject: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation
> Dear List Members,
>  I will be unable to participate in the list dialogue 
> for a while.  I find it 
> necessary to unsubsribe at home of 40 years 
> burned today---with all of our pets. 
> Only my wife (although suffering painful non life-threatening 
> injuries) survived the fire and that is my greatest blessing. 
>  We will require a little while to grieve over our three 
> dogs, parrot, prairie dog, and four of our cats.  At our 
> stage in life they constitute attachments equal...almost... 
> to our children and grandchildren.  This message 
> is not designed to generate sympathy in any form, but, rather 
> to let you know exactly why I will not be posting for a 
> while.  You have all been splendid intellectual companions 
> and, God willingmaybe so 
> once again.soon.
>My very best and warmest regards to you all.   
> Sincerely, Brooks.
> Harborne Research Foundation
> -- 
> ___
> Find what you are looking for with the Lycos Yellow Pages 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to: OT

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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RE: CS>H202

2004-07-16 Thread J&S Campbell
Thanks for info,

> -Original Message-
> From: john rigby [] 
> Sent: 15 July 2004 22:58
> To:
> Subject: RE: CS>H202
> At 11:31 PM 15/07/04, Sheila wrote:
> >Thanks for that John, where do you get AR grade DMSO from? 
> Best wishes,
> >Sheila
> Where else but in Godzone country?
> Sorry Sheila, couldn't resist that.  In OZtralia we often have great 
> difficulty getting lots of goodies at a reasonable price - 
> they are there 
> but at horrific markups.  Just like the UK
> I am buying direct from a Pharmaceutical Supply business here 
> at $A 50 for 
> 800 ml of 35% H202 AR grade,
> DMSO  AR at $140 for 500 Ml  ( $40 of which is "dangerous 
> goods transport" 
> fee.)
> Vacuum Distilled H20 costs $5 per 4 litres.   at our Wal-Mart equiv.
> If it is going in to me, I only buy the best of anything. Or 
> go without as 
> a rule.
> Cheers,
> Him
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver List archive: 
>> html
> Address 
> Off-Topic messages to: 
> OT Archive: 
>> ndex.html
> List 
> maintainer: Mike Devour 
> ---
> Incoming mail is certified Virus Free.
> Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
> Version: 6.0.714 / Virus Database: 470 - Release Date: 02/07/04

Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.714 / Virus Database: 470 - Release Date: 02/07/04

Re: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

2004-07-16 Thread Garnet
Words are insufficient . . . my thoughts and prayers are with you and
your wife. I am so sorry.


On Thu, 2004-07-15 at 23:34, brooks bradley wrote:
> Dear List Members,
>  I will be unable to participate in the list dialogue for a while.  I 
> find it 
> necessary to unsubsribe at home of 40 years burned 
> today---with all of our pets. 
> Only my wife (although suffering painful non life-threatening injuries) 
> survived the fire and that is my greatest blessing.  We will require a little 
> while to grieve over our three dogs, parrot, prairie dog, and four of our 
> cats.  At our stage in life they constitute attachments equal...almost... to 
> our children and grandchildren.  This message 
> is not designed to generate sympathy in any form, but, rather to let you know 
> exactly why I will not
> be posting for a while.  You have all been splendid intellectual companions 
> and, God willingmaybe so 
> once again.soon.
>My very best and warmest regards to you all.   Sincerely, Brooks.
> Harborne Research Foundation

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

2004-07-16 Thread ransley
I know you may not have time to read this but I must say it. I save nearly
everything you write on this forum. Your information has dramatically
decreased sickness in my home and therefore added to the quality of our
family life. Thank you very much.
God be with ye. Daddybob

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Mike - Need a better search program

2004-07-16 Thread M. G. Devour
Dan writes:
> Sorry, but we CAN'T find it in the archives.  MS is only two
> characters. Searches apparently can only be done on more than 3
> characters. 

Dan, you're correct. There are too many brief acronyms, and even 
regular words (such as eye, ear...) that *should* be legitimate search 
terms but aren't, that the archives are sometimes too difficult to 
search. Add to that the fact that it only searches on full words, and 
you'll often have to do several searches to get everything there is 
even when the subject is an easy one.

The eScribe archives are run by a fellow named Scott, who set them up 
as a business venture that he hoped would be sufficiently profitable 
that, along with other things, he'd be able to be self employed. 

Alas, the concept came up short in that regard and, though he vows to 
keep the archive service running, he's limited to working on it in his 
spare time while holding a regular job and doing all the other things 
his life demands.

Given that it is a free service, we've done pretty well with eScribe. 
It's done its core job and been surprisingly reliable. The recent 
server crashes were the first serious outages we've seen in several 
years of archiving there.

However, there's no great likelihood that we'll see programming 
resources devoted to an effort to improve the search function in any 
meaningful way.

The alternative is to develop and/or implement our own archive system 
or find another service of that sort. I definitely *don't* want to turn 
the silver list into yet another Yahoo group, so we are doomed to 
whatever I (or any helpful volunteers) can put together.

My time and skills are limited. For anyone, it will be a pretty big 
job. I'm open to ideas...

Be well,

Mike Devour
silver-list owner

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>What CS information is the truth?

2004-07-16 Thread Nathan Filyk
FDA = Fiends of Death and Agony?
~Nathan- Original Message - From: john rigby Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 12:30:58 +1000 To: Subject: Re: CS>What CS information is the truth? > At 09:28 AM 16/07/04, David wrote: > >I think even the so called experts disagree about all > >of this so who really knows who is right. Even "if" > >(and thats a BIG IF) he was right about our CS > >machines not making CS that benefits us I am a firm > >believer in the placebo effect. I > > Hi David, > Well the placebo effect is worth a whole topic on its own! > > But, the simple fact is that SOMETHING works in the case of CS. It also > works with silver "ore". > Thousands of years ago sailors knew that if you put a lump of silver into > the bottom of the water jars the water didn't "sour". > Often it was considered "magic" and the Silve
 r would be beaten and > impressed with an appropriate image of a God. > We even have sayings like "born with a silver spoon in her mouth". It was > true and done specifically to prevent disease. > > I like animal tests - ( not the stupid cruel ones!) where you offer sheep > a choice of two fields of grass - one biodynamic and one "cultivated". Or > offer cats a choice of two bowls of water, one with CS and see which they > choose. Not terribly scientific, but bush Aborigines still do it with > strange things that MIGHT be edible. > > As Kilneth ( writing as Li Pi Tze ) said: "To learn the truth, follow the > gold, for where it comes to rest, is the truth." > > A good guide to follow is that if the FDA bans it - it is probably > efficacious! :-) > > As for the science in Silver or anything else, we hummin beans know so very > little about anything. Jus
 t take water for instance. > As our ability to measure things improves we seem to prove more and more > legends and old wife's tales to be true. > Water we now find not only does have a memory, it goes beyond our current > state of Western Physics to understand that at a dilution below a single > molecule level, water can "remember" the substance. > Nothing more than ancient science has been saying for thousands of years, > culminating in the codified Western idea of Homeopathy. > > Anyway, I have proved the efficacy of CS+ to my own satisfaction and will > tell anyone about it who will listen. AND I don't make a buck out of it, > anywhere! :-) > > Cheers, > > Him > Onwards to DMSO, next. > > > > -- > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. > > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted a
 t: > > To post, address your message to: > Silver List archive: > > Address Off-Topic messages to: > OT Archive: > > List maintainer: Mike Devour > 

Re: CS>sugars

2004-07-16 Thread Garnet
I was going to comment on this error as well. Terry is wrong that
Sucrose is a mono-saccharide. It is a di-saccharide, check any organic
chemistry text.

The problem with sugar is that it is joined by an inverted bond that is
difficult to break. When the primary enzyme system that breaks this bond
is saturated, the alternative pathway the excess sucrose goes into
produces toxins that are damaging to all body tissues. This has been
known since the 70's. 

Where did you get your information Terry?


On Thu, 2004-07-15 at 09:13, Marshall Dudley wrote:
> Sucrose is glucose plus fructose.  Sucrose is the disaccharide, and frutose
> and glucose are the mono-saccharides.  I am not sure where you are getting
> that information, but it is wrong.
> See
> for a very good reference on this.
> Marshall
> Terry Chamberlin wrote:
> > > When sucrose is digested, it breaks down to glucose
> > > and fructose.
> >
> > No, sucrose is not reduced to fructose. Just the
> > reverse. Sucrose and glucose are what are called
> > mono-saccharides, i.e., simple sugars. Fructose is
> > sometimes called a duo-saccharide, slightly more
> > complex. In the medical world, they just jump right
> > from duo-saccharides to poly-saccharides, i.e.,
> > complex sugars. Whole grains are complex sugars, i.e.,
> > complex carbohydrates. The sugars in meat are
> > considered complex. Simple sugars assimilate and are
> > metabolized very quickly, giving a rush of energy.
> > Complex sugars metabolize more slowly, giving a
> > gradual energy release. That's why the standard
> > medical diet for hypoglycemia is a high-protein diet.
> > Today's whole grains have what is called a high
> > glycemic index, which simply means that they turn into
> > simple sugars more quickly than the whole grains of
> > 100 years ago.
> >
> > In the last few years, more attention has been paid to
> > the varying complexities of the sugars found between
> > fructose and "complex" sugars. Products like Mannitol
> > focus on this idea.
> >
> > Terry Chamberlin
> >
> > __
> > Post your free ad now!
> >
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> >
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver List archive:
> >
> > Address Off-Topic messages to:
> > OT Archive:
> >
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

2004-07-16 Thread Nathan Filyk
My prayers are with you. May God bring healing in your life.
~Nathan- Original Message - From: "brooks bradley" Date: Thu, 15 Jul 2004 22:34:51 -0600 To: Subject: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation > Dear List Members, > I will be unable to participate in the list dialogue for a while. I find it > necessary to unsubsribe at home of 40 years burned today---with all of our pets. > Only my wife (although suffering painful non life-threatening injuries) survived the fire and that is my greatest blessing. We will require a little while to grieve over our three dogs, parrot, prairie dog, and four of our cats. At our stage in life they constitute attachments equal...almost... to our children and grandchildren. This message > is not designed to generate sympathy in any form, but, rather to let you know exactly why I will not > be posting for a while. You have all been splendid intellect
 ual companions and, God willingmaybe so > once again.soon. > My very best and warmest regards to you all. Sincerely, Brooks. > > Harborne Research Foundation > > -- > ___ > Find what you are looking for with the Lycos Yellow Pages >"" > > > -- > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. > > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: > > To post, address your message to: > Silver List archive: > > Address Off-Topic messages to: > OT Archive: > > List maintainer: Mike De
 vour > 

Re: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

2004-07-16 Thread Nathan Filyk
I've got a bad acne problem (and some mild rosacea) that is ruining my life right now. I'm considering trying Colloidal silver in conjunction with acne topical medication. The only thing is, what is silver safe to combine with? I haven't heard of any problems combining Silver with Aloe; how about other topicals?
~Nathan- Original Message - From: "Becky Burns" Date: Fri, 16 Jul 2004 06:32:34 -0400 To: Subject: Re: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation > Brooks, please know my prayers are with you. > - Original Message - > From: "brooks bradley" > To: > Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 12:34 AM > Subject: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation > > > > Dear List Members, > > I will be unable to participate in the list dialogue for a while. > I find it > > necessary to unsubsribe at home of 40 years burned > today---with all of our pets. > > Only my wife (although suffering painful non life-threatening injuries) > survived the fire and that is my greatest blessing. We will require a >
  little while to grieve over our three dogs, parrot, prairie dog, and four of > our cats. At our stage in life they constitute attachments > equal...almost... to our children and grandchildren. This message > > is not designed to generate sympathy in any form, but, rather to let you > know exactly why I will not > > be posting for a while. You have all been splendid intellectual > companions and, God willingmaybe so > > once again.soon. > > My very best and warmest regards to you all. Sincerely, > Brooks. > > > > Harborne Research Foundation > > > > -- > > ___ > > Find what you are looking for with the Lycos Yellow Pages > > >"" > > > > > > -- > > Th
 e Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. > > > > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: > > > > To post, address your message to: > > Silver List archive: > > > > Address Off-Topic messages to: > > OT Archive: > > > > List maintainer: Mike Devour > > > > > 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

2004-07-16 Thread Becky Burns
Brooks, please know my prayers are with you.
- Original Message - 
From: "brooks bradley" 
Sent: Friday, July 16, 2004 12:34 AM
Subject: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

> Dear List Members,
>  I will be unable to participate in the list dialogue for a while.
I find it
> necessary to unsubsribe at home of 40 years burned
today---with all of our pets.
> Only my wife (although suffering painful non life-threatening injuries)
survived the fire and that is my greatest blessing.  We will require a
little while to grieve over our three dogs, parrot, prairie dog, and four of
our cats.  At our stage in life they constitute attachments
equal...almost... to our children and grandchildren.  This message
> is not designed to generate sympathy in any form, but, rather to let you
know exactly why I will not
> be posting for a while.  You have all been splendid intellectual
companions and, God willingmaybe so
> once again.soon.
>My very best and warmest regards to you all.   Sincerely,
> Harborne Research Foundation
> -- 
> ___
> Find what you are looking for with the Lycos Yellow Pages
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Silver List archive:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> OT Archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V2004 #561

2004-07-16 Thread john rigby

At 04:12 PM 16/07/04, you wrote:

John Rigby wrote:
A good guide to follow is that if the FDA  bans it - it is probably 
efficacious!  :-)

The smiley face after that statement should be turned into a frown, 
John.  Today, I received a special edition newsletter from Bill Henderson, 
who puts out the awesome Cure Your Cancer newsletter and who wrote an 
invaluable book about alternative cures for cancer,

Well, you can only laugh or cry at most goings on in the Medical Mafia 
But if you think that is anything  wait till CODEX kicks in for us 
all next year - most of the contributors here could be jail-bait...


Him  ( About to quietly sneak away from the danger zones.)

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:
Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Personal Emergency Curtailing List Participation

2004-07-16 Thread

 You have my prayers that God will restore everything as he did with Job. 
Speedy healing to your wife.
Steve Levine

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Silver List archive:

Address Off-Topic messages to:
OT Archive:

List maintainer: Mike Devour