Re: CSA health question

2008-01-28 Thread Michael Zangari
I've been dealing with this one for awhile. I'd say from my own experience to 
not wear jewlery on the hands for starters. But the following stones smooth 
heart beat remarkably, especially the obsideon (not snowflake.) Periodite works 
really well though the lime green color is a little garish. There are a couple 
more. But several years ago I had a bout with tackicardia and layed an obsidean 
stone on my chest and within seconds it evened out. Both periodite and obsidean 
of course come from volcanic eruptions...
The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari

- Original Message 
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 2:00:27 AM
Subject: CSA health question

Hi Gang.  My cousin emailed me tonight, and told me that she recently had an 
episode of arrythmia and rapid heartbeat -- for the better part of an entire 
day.  She's been to a cardiologist before for this problem, and apparently 
isn't getting any help.  Seems to me that there's a *natural* solution for 
this, but darned if I can remember.  Any ideas?  MA


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Re: CSA health question

2008-01-28 Thread Paula Perry
You might want to check on magnesium. I have read about it's use in relation to 
what you describe.
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 2:00 AM
  Subject: CSA health question

  Hi Gang.  My cousin emailed me tonight, and told me that she recently had an 
episode of arrythmia and rapid heartbeat -- for the better part of an entire 
day.  She's been to a cardiologist before for this problem, and apparently 
isn't getting any help.  Seems to me that there's a *natural* solution for 
this, but darned if I can remember.  Any ideas?  MA

Re: CSA health question

2008-01-28 Thread Tad Winiecki

On Jan 27, 2008, at 11:00 PM, wrote:

Hi Gang.  My cousin emailed me tonight, and told me that she recently 
had an episode of arrythmia and rapid heartbeat -- for the better 
part of an entire day.  She's been to a cardiologist before for this 
problem, and apparently isn't getting any help.  Seems to me that 
there's a *natural* solution for this, but darned if I can remember.  
Any ideas?  MA


Here are some former posts with some suggestions-

My mum has a leaky heart valve and irregular heart beat.  And, just a  
few weeks ago, I was resigning myself to losing her.  A wonderful  
sage/lurker (meant in a nice way) in this group told me about 
hawthornberry  syrup.  She has been taking it religiously since, within 
a couple of weeks  she felt nearly as good as new.  She also told me 
about polished rice  bran.

From: ransley
Date: February 8, 2007 7:00:20 AM PST
Subject: RE: CSMSM  heart

  About 5 years ago I had a problem with my heart skipping beats 
occasionally. ..  A friend got me some MSM ... One dose and the next 
day and after that the heartbeat was normal.I continued on it for about 
a year and stopped taking it.  ... Recently the skipping returned and I 
started on the MSM and two days later the heartbeat is back to normal. 
I hope this information might be helpful to someone. 

As a veteran taker of MSM, and as someone who has had heart 
palpitations, and now as a taker of fairly large doses of cayenne, I 
find this very interesting and can believe it.

Cayenne almost totally cured my heart palpitation problem, and what 
little it didn't was finished by watching my potassium intake and 
occasionally taking potassium orotate.

Cayenne is supposed to be full of sulfur compounds. I never made the 
connection until now.

MSM would certainly be easier on the palate, but my experience says 
that Cayenne will do much more.


From: Day Sutton
Date: February 8, 2007 12:16:19 PM PST
Subject: Re: CSMSM

I have no idea why it works, but if I take Oscillococcinum (avail in
US at most drug stores) I will return to NSR (Normal Sinus Rithym) in
a few min to a few hours.
I got the info from the AFIB report.It is a flu remedy (still no 

Yes, cayenne does contain potassium, but every once in a while I can 
tell I need just a little bit more potassium than I'm getting from the 
cayenne. And I must admit, taking cayenne can be a chore. Usually the 
only sign I get that I need a little more potassium will be at night 
when I lay down. I don't take cayenne late because it is quite a 

Someone may want to mention magnesium and the heart, but magnesium 
never phased my palpitations. Magnesium will instantly relieve me of 
any tightness of chest stress feelings, but I don't have those at all 
since I started on cayenne. I still take my magnesium though.

I am presently up to a heaping half teaspoon of cayenne at least 
once daily and I try to do 2-3 times daily.


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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


2008-01-28 Thread Dee
Well I am not an athlete by any means, but am a 64 year old who has always
enjoyed good health.  I had a bad bout (2 years) of sciatica but managed to
get rid of it using CS and l-lysine, also BlockBuster All Clear.  Now I am
fine, but I had a period of very low energy, plus anxiety which I put down
to stress.  The only health problem I have faced has been constipation,
which has been mostly cured with magnesium, this may have contributed to the
low energy I don't know.  I have been taking the whey for about three months
now and have found my energy levels have improved such a lot that I didn't
realize that I *had* low energy until now!  I also got through without
catching 'flu while all around me succumbed, and I do know it is supposed to
boost immune function.  All I can say is, it has worked for me.  Dee  

---Original Message--- 


From: Ernie Patai 

Date: 28/01/2008 01:00:48 


Subject: RE: CSRe 


Well I suppose if you are coming from a very bad place anything which is 

Better will aid in recovery. I'm a very healthy person blessed with great 

Genetics. So this is coming from someone who is athletic. I need the edge 

When it comes to performance. I have a bag of whey and I plan to experiment 

More because I don't want to throw it. People have to be careful what 

Products they buy because there are lots of fillers in them and often not 





The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSCS maker models for home use (UNCLASSIFIED)

2008-01-28 Thread Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC
Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE
I have had 2 of the CS generators listed below, had them for years.
Only difference is I use Canadian Maple Leaf coins for silver.
I now hang the coins with pure silver wire, but in beginning I just did
not put coins in water all the way (I still had a hole in coin to hang
on jar)
I make the CS by the gallon


From: [] 
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 1:52 AM
Subject: CSCS maker models for home use


-- Original message from Silvia Messmer -- 

 I'm new here and trying to learn. There are so many models of CS
makers for 
 home use. My question is this; if you didn't have a CS maker yet what
 be the model you would get? I've seen directions on how to make my own
 I'm so not a geek so that is not an option. 

 Hi Silvia.  I've been real happy with my Colloid Master from
Synergenesis (  MA

Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE


2008-01-28 Thread Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC
Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE
Subject: CSBrewing CS
To all (especially new members) 
You can make a Controlled Current Generator with and Wall DC power
supply using 
a Current Regulating Central Diode they come in various currents
610-1N5297 from Mouser Electronics is for 1 Mill amp 
You put this in line with power supply with a volt meter you can measure
voltage (higher as Silver is further apart and lower as you move silver 
closer together). It adjust voltage to matain mill amp rating.  You can
use almost any DC power supply from 2 volts up to limit on the Diode.

Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED 
Caveats: NONE

Re: CSRe

2008-01-28 Thread Dianne France

What strengths did you take of the supplements for sciatica?  I am fighting 
that hard right now and it is winning.
Turning over in bed at night sometimes is terribly painful from the sciatica.  
The shooting pains are hard to deal with.

I take CS and l-lysine but don't know BlockBuster.  Gentle horseback riding 
seems to help but figure it stretches something I can't otherwise stretch.  I 
was trying the protocol of Brooks for arthritis someone shared but can't take 
MSM due to sulphur reaction.  The CMO has helped wonderfully but I don't know 
if I have taken enough CS daily to kill the pathogens.  Everything suggested so 
far has helped and I'm hoping maybe you have a key for the sciatica.  I am 
regaining my mobility.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Dee
  Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 6:45 AM
  Subject: RE: CSRe

  Well I am not an athlete by any means, but am a 64 year old who has always
  enjoyed good health.  I had a bad bout (2 years) of sciatica but managed to
  get rid of it using CS and l-lysine, also BlockBuster All Clear.  Now I am
  fine, but I had a period of very low energy, plus anxiety which I put down
  to stress.  The only health problem I have faced has been constipation,
  which has been mostly cured with magnesium, this may have contributed to the
  low energy I don't know.  I have been taking the whey for about three months
  now and have found my energy levels have improved such a lot that I didn't
  realize that I *had* low energy until now!  I also got through without
  catching 'flu while all around me succumbed, and I do know it is supposed to
  boost immune function.  All I can say is, it has worked for me.  Dee  

  ---Original Message--- 


  From: Ernie Patai 

  Date: 28/01/2008 01:00:48 


  Subject: RE: CSRe 


  Well I suppose if you are coming from a very bad place anything which is 

  Better will aid in recovery. I'm a very healthy person blessed with great 

  Genetics. So this is coming from someone who is athletic. I need the edge 

  When it comes to performance. I have a bag of whey and I plan to experiment 

  More because I don't want to throw it. People have to be careful what 

  Products they buy because there are lots of fillers in them and often not 





  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

  Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: 

  To post, address your message to:

  Address Off-Topic messages to:

  The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

  List maintainer: Mike Devour


2008-01-28 Thread Carol Ann
Hi Bob,
The current Diode solved 95% of my problems.  Anyone using a DC power supply 
should have one. Problems as they arise now are usually a result of water, etc.

Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC wrote:  
Caveats: NONE  
Subject: CSBrewing CS  
a Current Regulating Central Diode they come in various currents 610-1N5297 
from Mouser Electronics is for 1 Mill amp   
You put this in line with power supply with a volt meter you can measure 
voltage (higher as Silver is further apart and lower as you move silver 
  closer together). It adjust voltage to matain mill amp rating.  You can use 
almost any DC power supply from 2 volts up to limit on the Diode.
Classification:  UNCLASSIFIED   
Caveats: NONE 

Regards, Carol Ann ~ The only thing that is different is how you think..
Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile.  Try it now.

Re: CSRe Sciatica

2008-01-28 Thread
Hi Diane..
I suffered for years with that problem...  The things that have worked for me 
TENS Unit  sometimes I would wear it 24 hour at high settings
DECOMPRESSION THERAPY  -  Last year I went through around 24 session at my  
  chroprators office.  It's a table that they strap you on to and it exerts so 
many pounds of pressure while pulling the disc apart...  After around 10 
treatment I noticed while doing my walking that I was not compensating on my 
right leg; and I almost felt that I could run.  
After finishing treatment I began seeing a physical therapist that doing yogi 
stretches.  He also did decompression therapy using a mobile unit.   I ended up 
purchasing my own unit.
Also I had found relief with DMSO.

Get a life insurance quote online. Click to compare rates and save.

RE: [!! SPAM] Re: CSRe

2008-01-28 Thread Dee
Well I was absolutely crippled with it Dianne, for two years.  I went to a
physiotherapist but it didn't work at all, plus I had some kind of ultra
sound on my back all to no avail.  I seemed to find the cure when I had a
bout of shingles because I was taking loads of CS for this and someone (Sol
I think) suggested l-lysine.  This I was taking at about 2000mgs a day plus
the Blockbuster All Clear and miraculously, it went.  I also found that if I
overdid things and started to get pain, if I leant against a door post and
bent my back inwards, this helped enormously, or, laying face down on the
floor and pushing myself up until my back arched inwards.  This relieved any
temporary strain I had placed on my back.  Hope this helps. Dee PS I also
was taking B supplements and food state vit C. 

---Original Message--- 


From: Ernie Patai 

Date: 28/01/2008 13:40:40 


Subject: RE: [!! SPAM] Re: CSRe 


Try exercise…it works wonders!!! 







From: Dianne France [] 

Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 5:01 AM 


Subject: [!! SPAM] Re: CSRe 




What strengths did you take of the supplements for sciatica? I am fighting
that hard right now and it is winning. 

Turning over in bed at night sometimes is terribly painful from the sciatica
 The shooting pains are hard to deal with. 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSA health question

2008-01-28 Thread faith gagne
Sounds like she is getting worse, which is possible.  She should see the 
cardiologist again.  Or see a different cardiologist.  That is nothing to fool 
around with.  Faith G.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 2:00 AM
  Subject: CSA health question

  Hi Gang.  My cousin emailed me tonight, and told me that she recently had an 
episode of arrythmia and rapid heartbeat -- for the better part of an entire 
day.  She's been to a cardiologist before for this problem, and apparently 
isn't getting any help.  Seems to me that there's a *natural* solution for 
this, but darned if I can remember.  Any ideas?  MA

Re: CSA health question

2008-01-28 Thread Michael Zangari
To bring this back to list. I've learned a little jewlery making. I wire wrap 
stones with silver wire. Any thoughts out there on wearing silver (not 
stearling) jewlery?)
The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari

- Original Message 
From: Michael Zangari
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 3:34:18 AM
Subject: Re: CSA health question

I've been dealing with this one for awhile. I'd say from my own experience to 
not wear jewlery on the hands for starters. But the following stones smooth 
heart beat remarkably, especially the obsideon (not snowflake.) Periodite works 
really well though the lime green color is a little garish. There are a couple 
more. But several years ago I had a bout with tackicardia and layed an obsidean 
stone on my chest and within seconds it evened out. Both periodite and obsidean 
of course come from volcanic eruptions...
The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari

- Original Message 
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 2:00:27 AM
Subject: CSA health question

Hi Gang.  My cousin emailed me tonight, and told me that she recently had an 
episode of arrythmia and rapid heartbeat -- for the better part of an entire 
day.  She's been to a cardiologist before for this problem, and apparently 
isn't getting any help.  Seems to me that there's a *natural* solution for 
this, but darned if I can remember.  Any ideas?  MA

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Re: CSRe

2008-01-28 Thread faith gagne
About Sciatica

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dianne France 
  Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 8:00 AM
  Subject: Re: CSRe


  What strengths did you take of the supplements for sciatica?  I am fighting 
that hard right now and it is winning.
  Turning over in bed at night sometimes is terribly painful from the sciatica. 
 The shooting pains are hard to deal with.

  I take CS and l-lysine but don't know BlockBuster.  Gentle horseback riding 
seems to help but figure it stretches something I can't otherwise stretch.  I 
was trying the protocol of Brooks for arthritis someone shared but can't take 
MSM due to sulphur reaction.  The CMO has helped wonderfully but I don't know 
if I have taken enough CS daily to kill the pathogens.  Everything suggested so 
far has helped and I'm hoping maybe you have a key for the sciatica.  I am 
regaining my mobility.


Re: CS Cold and hard

2008-01-28 Thread Ode Coyote

That statement makes no sense to me. Drugs are synthetic man made chemicals
that always carry some level of toxicity that is not found in natural
products and supplements. Risk factors are thousands fold on the side of
drugs, including those sold over the counter. Saying you want MORE
regulation, government restrictions, and control of health options and
products. Unbelievable!

 ## Untrue.
 Most of the Pharmaceuticals are identical to the active ingredients in 
natural herbs, some not and more and more are being custom designed to do a 
specific job as the art of bio-chemistry develops.
 Many many of them were first derivatives and purified essences and many 
still are.  There are entire farm industries that supply feed stock, vats 
and vats of fungi and algae.
 The issue is just not black and white as natural substances quite often 
have really nasty toxins along with the beneficial substances and part of 
THAT healing art is about processing the herbs to limit them.

I don't think most people see Pharm and the FDA as evil. I think they
mindlessly worship at their alter. They don't seek out alternatives because
they have been taught that they really don't work by the massive marketing
and propaganda networks. Blind trust, unexamined.

## Exactly, Believers
 Dut there's  babies in the other bath water too.
The rant is about anti-believers which are believers as well, but even 
less discriminating and even more prone to absorbing propaganda as fact.

 OK, go right ahead and finance the Devil in hopes you won't meet God.

Nope. Don't do legal drugs, illegal drugs, or over the counter drugs. I do
use Armour (natural) only because most of my thyroid was removed years ago.
That was before I knew about natural medicine.

 I don't think either one of them cares about smoke and noise.
   The only thing that counts for anything at all, is what you DO.
 The whole point of these rantings is to point out that Blame doesn't
 control anything, but it does hold you helpless to take action.
 Blame is nothing less than *power of*,  given away.

Power is only given away when you allow yourself to be silenced by fear.

##  Blowing hate smoke is an anti-silence that does the same thing, but 
gives one the impression that work is being done.
It doesn't rely on any real information, just knee jerks and even worse 
propaganda that reasonable people try to ignore and eventually rally up the 
police as it heads for mindless riots.

Constructive criticism is necessary to any democracy. When we are silenced
by fear and fear tactics and propaganda we are no longer a democracy and we
no longer can claim any liberty.

##  I haven't seen anyone silenced... discounted, yes...because they have 
no better idea that will hold water...only BAD bucket / 
shoot holes in it.
Propaganda doesn't silence anyone, it distracts them.  When both sides are 
having propaganda wars, the real problem falls out of sight. If no one can 
find the problem, there cannot be a solution.

Nor, are we perhaps due any.
Helplessness is actually inaction based on fear. Expressing power is
actually speaking your own  truth and valuing your own ideas, while working
toward the general good with integrity.. 

##  There ya go,  Integrity is the key.  Where is it?
It isn't in the street in the pockets of crowds yelling Kill the Devil
Real knowledge is studious quiet hard work and that's what it takes to make 
any real changes.
Studious hard work is what is being fought with mindless chaos that has 
little BUT propaganda behind itlike fighting fear with an even greater 
fear...fighting a perceived ignorance with an ever greater ignorance.
It's easy to kick somebody over, but then what?  You just get a new 
somebody to kick over that can't stand up as well.
 Alt med has it's scientists hard at work, but the rioters just serve to 
DISCOUNT  their work giving an excuse to ignore the whole thing as 
poppycock of the ignorant masses
 It is , in fact, gaining ground in SPITE of the self defeating behaviors, 
but would do so faster if it were quieter so as not to give the 
opposition all that warning and ammunition to use as anti propaganda 
 All they have to do is point to a mob and ask...So, who is crazy? 
...and all the meat boils right off the bones.
We have proven ourselves right, beats You are just wrong but we have no 
clue about what right is...every time.

Right now there is an Organic Revolution taking place.  Sellers sell 
you anything you will buy, that's what sellers do and they don't care what 
it is.
So now, as Organics are becoming a viable science that can compete in the 
market place, they are in fact soaking up market share and more and more 
hard working people are jumping on the bandwagon.
 The buyers dollar voted that one in just because the perception is that 
of a better idea with some meat on its bones..not just smoke and noise 
about GM foods. [some of which may well BE better, but we don't know 


2008-01-28 Thread Del

The reason commercial milk products give kids (and some adults) respiratory
and other allergic problems is because they contain the remains of all the
dead bacterial killed by pasteurization and homogenization.  The body
responds to these remains as invaders and this causes allergic reactions.
This does not happen with raw milk, which is a living food with all the
beneficial bacteria and enzymes present that enable the body to assimilate
and utilize the contents of the milk.  My wife, who has been lactose
intolerant all her life, is now happily drinking raw milk and other raw milk
products with no adverse reaction.

For all the lowdown on raw vs. pasteurized milk, see the video  The Whole
Truth About Milk.

- Original Message - 
From: Geoecom

Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 6:13 PM
Subject: RE: CSRe

One thought as I have been following this  is
that for me I could not use whey as it is a milk product and
milk products are the no. 1 allergy producing agent .

I have been off milk products for over 10 years and our doctors
during the 60's 70's suggested taking babys AND tottlers off milk
products when they had upper respatory problems, like sinus, and
the like..We use to give our kids soybean milk, and back then
it tasted and smelled bad. Today it is a great product to consider.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CShome-made xolloidial silver

2008-01-28 Thread Ode Coyote

  The average 12 volt solar panel puts out 18 volts at generator type loads.
 That's a plenty and works fine.
 Now, paint a black stripe on the jar or a black spot on the bottom and 
let the sun induce thermal convection stirring.

 That scenario:  Plug n' Play

 Next:  Solar water distiller made from old soda bottles or a sheet of 
plastic and a pebble.

 Got sun, got water, got CS.


At 10:49 AM 1/27/2008 -0500, you wrote:

looks like a bad scene to me.  lots of money for not much.  and the 
saline starter solution is the same as the old pinch of salt no no no 
no.   this site has absolutely nothing going for it over the silverpuppy.

i do like the idea of a little solar panel to power a CS 
generator  times can get hard with no power or gas, and look like they 
just might.
silverpuppy and colloidmaster come in versions that run from 12v battery, 
so a car dashboard lighter socket could be used.  i'll bet there's solar 
panels putting out 12v that will power them on ebay pretty cheap ... i 
just looked, there's plenty, and they'll also power/charge laptops, 
cellphones, ipods, etc...

 -Original Message-
From: faith gagne []
Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 8:24 AM
Subject: Re: CShome-made xolloidial silver

There is one here you could look 

Faith G.

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The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRe Sciatica

2008-01-28 Thread Dianne France

Thank you.  Will ask our Chiropractor about decompression.  That may be the 
problem from the injury I had.
I have a tens unit but wouldn't know exactly where to place it.  My right side 
is the one that is the worst.  The hot tub helped but it is temporarily out of 
Thanks again,
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 8:32 AM
  Subject: Re: CSRe Sciatica

  Hi Diane..

  I suffered for years with that problem...  The things that have worked for me 

  TENS Unit  sometimes I would wear it 24 hour at high settings

  DECOMPRESSION THERAPY  -  Last year I went through around 24 session at 
mychroprators office.  It's a table that they strap you on to and it exerts 
so many pounds of pressure while pulling the disc apart...  After around 10 
treatment I noticed while doing my walking that I was not compensating on my 
right leg; and I almost felt that I could run.  

  After finishing treatment I began seeing a physical therapist that doing yogi 
stretches.  He also did decompression therapy using a mobile unit.   I ended up 
purchasing my own unit.

  Also I had found relief with DMSO.


  Get a life insurance quote online. Click to compare rates and 

Re: CSRe

2008-01-28 Thread bbanever

   May I suggest you find a good acupuncturist. It is by far the most 
effective therapy for sciatica, and is often curative.  

  - Original Message - 
  From: faith gagne 
  Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 6:21 AM
  Subject: Re: CSRe

  About Sciatica

- Original Message - 
From: Dianne France 
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 8:00 AM
Subject: Re: CSRe


What strengths did you take of the supplements for sciatica?  I am fighting 
that hard right now and it is winning.
Turning over in bed at night sometimes is terribly painful from the 
sciatica.  The shooting pains are hard to deal with.

I take CS and l-lysine but don't know BlockBuster.  Gentle horseback riding 
seems to help but figure it stretches something I can't otherwise stretch.  I 
was trying the protocol of Brooks for arthritis someone shared but can't take 
MSM due to sulphur reaction.  The CMO has helped wonderfully but I don't know 
if I have taken enough CS daily to kill the pathogens.  Everything suggested so 
far has helped and I'm hoping maybe you have a key for the sciatica.  I am 
regaining my mobility.


Re: [!! SPAM] Re: CSRe

2008-01-28 Thread Dianne France
thanks Dee, will try all.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Dee
  Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 8:58 AM
  Subject: RE: [!! SPAM] Re: CSRe

  Well I was absolutely crippled with it Dianne, for two years.  I went to a
  physiotherapist but it didn't work at all, plus I had some kind of ultra
  sound on my back all to no avail.  I seemed to find the cure when I had a
  bout of shingles because I was taking loads of CS for this and someone (Sol
  I think) suggested l-lysine.  This I was taking at about 2000mgs a day plus
  the Blockbuster All Clear and miraculously, it went.  I also found that if I
  overdid things and started to get pain, if I leant against a door post and
  bent my back inwards, this helped enormously, or, laying face down on the
  floor and pushing myself up until my back arched inwards.  This relieved any
  temporary strain I had placed on my back.  Hope this helps. Dee PS I also
  was taking B supplements and food state vit C. 

  ---Original Message--- 


  From: Ernie Patai 

  Date: 28/01/2008 13:40:40 


  Subject: RE: [!! SPAM] Re: CSRe 


  Try works wonders!!! 







  From: Dianne France [] 

  Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 5:01 AM 


  Subject: [!! SPAM] Re: CSRe 




  What strengths did you take of the supplements for sciatica? I am fighting
  that hard right now and it is winning. 

  Turning over in bed at night sometimes is terribly painful from the sciatica
   The shooting pains are hard to deal with. 


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Re: CSA health question

2008-01-28 Thread bbanever

 Make sure you are getting enough calcium, magnesium, and potassium in your 
diet along with a small amount of sea salt.  Your problem might also be from 
stress.  Certainly see a cardiologist, but I would also recommend acupuncture 
for this as it is effective in regulating the heart function as well as 
relaxing the nervous system in general.  A good treatment will leave you 
feeling very relaxed and balanced, and that will include the function of your 

  - Original Message - 
  From: faith gagne 
  Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 5:59 AM
  Subject: Re: CSA health question

  Sounds like she is getting worse, which is possible.  She should see the 
cardiologist again.  Or see a different cardiologist.  That is nothing to fool 
around with.  Faith G.

- Original Message - 
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 2:00 AM
Subject: CSA health question

Hi Gang.  My cousin emailed me tonight, and told me that she recently had 
an episode of arrythmia and rapid heartbeat -- for the better part of an 
entire day.  She's been to a cardiologist before for this problem, and 
apparently isn't getting any help.  Seems to me that there's a *natural* 
solution for this, but darned if I can remember.  Any ideas?  MA

Re: CSre

2008-01-28 Thread Marshall Dudley

faith gagne wrote:

Has anyone ever developed a rash from using CS?  Thanks.  Faith G.

There have been reports of a rash occurring as part of a herx with CS.


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RE: [!! SPAM] Re: CSRe

2008-01-28 Thread Ernie Patai
Try works wonders!!!





From: Dianne France [] 
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 5:01 AM
Subject: [!! SPAM] Re: CSRe




What strengths did you take of the supplements for sciatica?  I am fighting
that hard right now and it is winning.

Turning over in bed at night sometimes is terribly painful from the
sciatica.  The shooting pains are hard to deal with.


I take CS and l-lysine but don't know BlockBuster.  Gentle horseback riding
seems to help but figure it stretches something I can't otherwise stretch.
I was trying the protocol of Brooks for arthritis someone shared but can't
take MSM due to sulphur reaction.  The CMO has helped wonderfully but I
don't know if I have taken enough CS daily to kill the pathogens.
Everything suggested so far has helped and I'm hoping maybe you have a key
for the sciatica.  I am regaining my mobility.





- Original Message - 

From: Dee  


Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 6:45 AM

Subject: RE: CSRe


Well I am not an athlete by any means, but am a 64 year old who has always
enjoyed good health.  I had a bad bout (2 years) of sciatica but managed to
get rid of it using CS and l-lysine, also BlockBuster All Clear.  Now I am
fine, but I had a period of very low energy, plus anxiety which I put down
to stress.  The only health problem I have faced has been constipation,
which has been mostly cured with magnesium, this may have contributed to the
low energy I don't know.  I have been taking the whey for about three months
now and have found my energy levels have improved such a lot that I didn't
realize that I *had* low energy until now!  I also got through without
catching 'flu while all around me succumbed, and I do know it is supposed to
boost immune function.  All I can say is, it has worked for me.  Dee  

---Original Message--- 


From: Ernie Patai 

Date: 28/01/2008 01:00:48 


Subject: RE: CSRe 


Well I suppose if you are coming from a very bad place anything which is 

Better will aid in recovery. I'm a very healthy person blessed with great 

Genetics. So this is coming from someone who is athletic. I need the edge 

When it comes to performance. I have a bag of whey and I plan to experiment 

More because I don't want to throw it. People have to be careful what 

Products they buy because there are lots of fillers in them and often not 





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Re: CSCS maker models for home use (UNCLASSIFIED)

2008-01-28 Thread Sam L.  a great generator with stirring and constant
current, free shipping In the USA, the mag unit #2 is really nice. Also some
say the is also a good unit, never have owned one

Sam L.

On Jan 28, 2008 8:48 AM, Medwith, Robert J Mr CIV USA AMC wrote:

  Classification: * UNCLASSIFIED***

 Caveats: NONE

  I have had 2 of the CS generators listed below, had them for years.
 Only difference is I use Canadian Maple Leaf coins for silver.
 I now hang the coins with pure silver wire, but in beginning I just did
 not put coins in water all the way (I still had a hole in coin to hang on
 I make the CS by the gallon

 *From:* []
 *Sent:* Monday, January 28, 2008 1:52 AM
 *Subject:* CSCS maker models for home use

A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to
everything you have. Google Ron Paul

Re: CShome-made xolloidial silver

2008-01-28 Thread Marshall Dudley
Ionic and particulate both kill pathogens.  Ionic promotes healing and 
prevents scar tissue by allowing injured cells to revert to stem cells.  
Colloidal helps prevent argyria by providing seeds for the silver 
compounds that are eventually made in the body from ionic, something to 
plate out on.  Best is a combination of them both, with about 10 to 20% 
being colloidal.


Gene Wolfe wrote:
Can someone tell me if there are advantages in ionic silver over 
particle silver. I have read that particle is better. I have also read 
that particle is much harder to make than ionic.


At 10:15 AM 1/26/2008, you wrote:


 The SOTA machine, like most other home machines, makes about 80% 
ionic and 20% particulate silver.  Of course that assumes you use 
nothing else but distilled water and .999 (or better) fine silver 
wire.  Having a stirrer makes the solution even better with a higher 
ionic content.  The chances of getting argyria from this solution are 
about nil you'd have to drink gallons daily for many months for 
that to occur.  Never add salt or anything else to the solution when 
you make it as you don't want silver chloride or any other silver 
salt to form.  Argyria is usually caused by impurities in the silver 
making compounds that are toxic to the body or whose molecules are 
too large to be discharged and lodge in the skin as a result.


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Re: CSAlternative Health News Articles Ron Paul Speaks Out Against Dangerous Vaccines

2008-01-28 Thread Marshall Dudley

Dee wrote:
I wish we had a Ron Paul in the UK!  Dee  

I wish we had him on the CS list!

---Original Message--- 


From: Paula Perry 

Date: 26/01/2008 12:30:35 


Subject: CSAlternative Health News Articles Ron Paul Speaks Out Against
Dangerous Vaccines 


Ron Paul on the issues of health freedom, forced vaccinations, and the FDA.
(Take note Ode) 



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Re: CSAlternative Health News Articles Ron Paul Speaks Out Against Dangerous Vaccines

2008-01-28 Thread GMetropulo

In a message dated 1/28/08 12:07:38 PM, writes:;

unable to retrieve this article

Start the year off right.  Easy 
ways to stay in shape.

Re: CSPPM question

2008-01-28 Thread Clayton Family
I don't know about that, but I do know that I made and used about 5 PPM 
for the first year or so that I used cs, and it worked great.  I 
believe it is not the actual ppm, but the amount of silver total- so if 
it is 5ppm, you just use more of it, more often.  Perhaps the product 
is different?


On Jan 28, 2008, at 1:21 AM, Sharlene Miyamura wrote:

Would the level of ppm have any bearing on it's effectivenss on 
whether it is a virus or bacteria?
I've heard another forum that the higher the ppm is, the less 
effective it is on a virus but more effective on bacteria.
Is there any truth to this?  So some are preferring to go with the 
10-14 ppm rather than the 18 ppm.

Thank you for any information you can provide.

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Re: CSSilver peroxide

2008-01-28 Thread Marshall Dudley

Sam L. wrote:

Interesting article on Silver peroxide.
Just make sure you add Hydrogen peroxide to he CS after it 2-3 days old

A government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough 
to take
everything you have. Google Ron Paul 
Unfortunately they do not tell us what they are calling silver 
peroxide.  My handbook of chemistry shows silver peroxide to be Ag2O2 (  
or AgO ) instead of the normal Ag2O of silver oxide.  It indicates that 
silver peroxide is totally insoluble!  So how are they able to get 
36,000 ppm solution of this insoluble material? Makes no sense.  If 
indeed they are producing a silver compound which is dissolved in the 
water, it is NOT silver peroxide.  We make silver peroxide all the time. 
It is the black insoluble  stuff that accumulates on one of the electrodes.


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Re: CSSilver peroxide

2008-01-28 Thread Marshall Dudley

Dan Nave wrote:


Has anyone used colloidal silver to dilute the 35% food grade hydrogen 
peroxide to 3% or 3.5% for use like over-the-counter H2O2?

Sounds like the CS should also stabilize the H2O2 but it's not clear 
how much you would have to use.

If full strength CS is used it should be an awesome disinfectant, as 
long as it remains stable (for external use since there would be too 
much H2O2 for internal use).


Many of use add hydrogen peroxide to CS, and find it's effectiveness to 
be greatly increased.  But the amounts are very low, like a half 
teaspoon of hydrogen peroxide per gallon of CS.


Sam L. wrote:

Interesting article on Silver peroxide.
Just make sure you add Hydrogen peroxide to he CS after it 2-3 days old


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Re: CS Cold and hard

2008-01-28 Thread Paula Perry
I don't agree that drugs and herbs are identical in active ingredients.
Don't they take one or two ingredients from a herb and reproduce it
chemically? So it's not the same as a whole herb. Herbs can work in ways
synergistically. They may carry some protective elements as well. The body
may not use them exactly the same way. Man made drugs always carry toxicity.
Herbs do not. Yes, there are poisonous herbs, but I am not referring to
them. And there may be some that have some type of toxin as an ingredient.
In general the risks are vastly increased on the side of chemically produced
synthetic drugs.

As far as alternative people being less discriminating. When you blindly
follow a treatment that you know is not working, then you do not have the
light bulb switched on.  You are not doing any thinking. You are relying on
someone else to make the medical decisions for you. I have never seen a well
person taking shopping bags full of drugs. I do see a lot of healthy and
recovering people using supplements. Compare deaths and injury by pharma and
supplements. In the case of supplements, no one is complaining except the
drug companies.

One of the things that I have found with alternative health is that it is a
vastly more open system. It is much easier to find answers with an open mind
than a closed one. I don't think alternative folks are rioting.


- Original Message - 
From: Ode Coyote
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 9:28 AM
Subject: Re: CS Cold and hard

 That statement makes no sense to me. Drugs are synthetic man made
 that always carry some level of toxicity that is not found in natural
 products and supplements. Risk factors are thousands fold on the side of
 drugs, including those sold over the counter. Saying you want MORE
 regulation, government restrictions, and control of health options and
 products. Unbelievable!

   ## Untrue.
   Most of the Pharmaceuticals are identical to the active ingredients in
 natural herbs, some not and more and more are being custom designed to do
 specific job as the art of bio-chemistry develops.
   Many many of them were first derivatives and purified essences and many
 still are.  There are entire farm industries that supply feed stock, vats
 and vats of fungi and algae.
   The issue is just not black and white as natural substances quite often
 have really nasty toxins along with the beneficial substances and part of
 THAT healing art is about processing the herbs to limit them.

 I don't think most people see Pharm and the FDA as evil. I think they
 mindlessly worship at their alter. They don't seek out alternatives
 they have been taught that they really don't work by the massive
 and propaganda networks. Blind trust, unexamined.

 ## Exactly, Believers
   Dut there's  babies in the other bath water too.
 The rant is about anti-believers which are believers as well, but even
 less discriminating and even more prone to absorbing propaganda as fact.

   OK, go right ahead and finance the Devil in hopes you won't meet God.
 Nope. Don't do legal drugs, illegal drugs, or over the counter drugs. I
 use Armour (natural) only because most of my thyroid was removed years
 That was before I knew about natural medicine.
   I don't think either one of them cares about smoke and noise.
 The only thing that counts for anything at all, is what you DO.
   The whole point of these rantings is to point out that Blame doesn't
   control anything, but it does hold you helpless to take action.
   Blame is nothing less than *power of*,  given away.
 Power is only given away when you allow yourself to be silenced by fear.

 ##  Blowing hate smoke is an anti-silence that does the same thing, but
 gives one the impression that work is being done.
 It doesn't rely on any real information, just knee jerks and even worse
 propaganda that reasonable people try to ignore and eventually rally up
 police as it heads for mindless riots.

 Constructive criticism is necessary to any democracy. When we are
 by fear and fear tactics and propaganda we are no longer a democracy and
 no longer can claim any liberty.

 ##  I haven't seen anyone silenced... discounted, yes...because they have
 no better idea that will hold water...only BAD bucket /
 shoot holes in it.
 Propaganda doesn't silence anyone, it distracts them.  When both sides are
 having propaganda wars, the real problem falls out of sight. If no one can
 find the problem, there cannot be a solution.

 Nor, are we perhaps due any.
 Helplessness is actually inaction based on fear. Expressing power is
 actually speaking your own  truth and valuing your own ideas, while
 toward the general good with integrity.. 

 ##  There ya go,  Integrity is the key.  Where is it?
 It isn't in the street in the pockets of crowds yelling Kill the Devil
 Real knowledge is studious quiet hard 

Re: CSAlternative Health News Articles Ron Paul Speaks Out Against Dangerous Vaccines

2008-01-28 Thread Paula Perry
just go to and scroll down.
  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 12:17 PM
  Subject: Re: CSAlternative Health News Articles Ron Paul Speaks Out Against 
Dangerous Vaccines

  In a message dated 1/28/08 12:07:38 PM, writes:

  unable to retrieve this article

  Start the year off right. Easy ways to stay in shape. 

Re: CS Cold and hard

2008-01-28 Thread faith gagne
Synthetics are NOT NOT NOT identical to natural herbs.  As one example of 
this, just listen to the tv ads that warn of all the horrible side effects 
of these drugs.  Or look up the side effects of these drugs and compare them 
with the side effects (if there are any) of natural herbs.   I don't know 
where Ode gets his ideas.

Recently Ode talked about ceo's, and he asked whether you (the consumer, I 
suppose) could do a ceo's job.  But whether or not one could do a ceo's job 
is the totally wrong question.

The question is:  If you had an employee who was screwing up by the numbers 
and you fired him, would you supply him with a mega-million retirement 
package as a reward for his mis-deeds or insufficiency?

Most of the people I know see Pharma and the FDA as power and money-grubbing 
gluttons who have their own interests at heart, not the well-being of the 

Hate-smoke propaganda is an attitude that lives between Ode's ears.

Faith G. 

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Re: CShome-made colloidal silver

2008-01-28 Thread Marshall Dudley
Boiling the water removes absorbed carbon dioxide.  Carbon dioxide makes 
silver carbonate, but not much unless heavily carbonated.


bbanever wrote:


 Why are you boiling the water before use?  I believe a stirrer 
might do the same thing if you're looking for Brownian movement.
- Original Message - From: Yvonne Prete

Sent: Sunday, January 27, 2008 7:14 AM
Subject: CShome-made colloidal silver

Thanks to everyone who offered me answers to my questions.  I'll 
discuss the
ionic vs small particle question with SOTA and let you know what they 

For several months I tested my home-made solution with an expensive and
tedious meter using n expensive solution.  As long as I used distilled
water, heated it to boiling. and left the silver wires in for twenty
minutes, I got 5 ppm of whatever I was making.


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Re: CSre

2008-01-28 Thread faith gagne

I don't think herx is an issue there.  Thanks.  Faith G.

- Original Message - 
From: Marshall Dudley

Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 11:15 AM
Subject: Re: CSre

faith gagne wrote:

Has anyone ever developed a rash from using CS?  Thanks.  Faith G.

There have been reports of a rash occurring as part of a herx with CS.


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Re: CShome-made xolloidial silver

2008-01-28 Thread faith gagne

Where does one get particulate silver?  Thanks.  Faith G.

- Original Message - 
From: Marshall Dudley

Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: CShome-made xolloidial silver

Ionic and particulate both kill pathogens.  Ionic promotes healing and 
prevents scar tissue by allowing injured cells to revert to stem cells.  
Colloidal helps prevent argyria by providing seeds for the silver 
compounds that are eventually made in the body from ionic, something to 
plate out on.  Best is a combination of them both, with about 10 to 20% 
being colloidal.


Gene Wolfe wrote:
Can someone tell me if there are advantages in ionic silver over 
particle silver. I have read that particle is better. I have also read 
that particle is much harder to make than ionic.


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Re: CSQuestions about CS mA and use of H2O2

2008-01-28 Thread Marshall Dudley
Wow, I like that!  Very good demonstration of the ability of H2O2 to 
reduce particle size, and increase their number. I am adding that link 
to my paragraph about it at


Ode Coyote wrote:

What H2O2 does to stabilized CS. [before and after micrographs,  
thanks to Nancy Delise ]


At 11:00 PM 1/26/2008 -0600, you wrote:


1.)  I can't remember the exact amount, but I believe I have used up 
to 15 or 20 drops (sometimes more) of 3% H2O2 for about 20 ounces of 
CS, depending on the strength of the CS.  Wait a few days after 
making the CS before adding H2O2. Also, if you cap the bottle the 
reaction continues longer if you are trying to get it to clear.

I think I have heard one teaspoon per gallon...  One quarter teaspoon 
is about 20 drops, one teaspoon is about 80 drops,  but drops vary in 
size so this is only approximate.

If you are using 35% food grade H2O2, that would only be a few drops 
(divide by 10 approximately).

2.)  Generally, people are recommending a maximum of 1 to 1.5 mA per 
square inch of wetted anode.  I think you could go higher, depending 
on how good your stirring is.  The thinking is that lower currents 
give you smaller particles, and higher currents cause agglomeration 
of silver into larger particles.

Using H2O2 after making as described above should break up these 
larger particles.

You should use the Faraday Equations spread sheet to determine how 
much silver you are releasing into the water.  The Equations will 
give you the *maximum* amount of silver released, but you will loose 
some as buildup on your electrodes unless you use polarity switching.


George Knoll wrote:

I have some questions.. as I want the most effective CS I can make
and the best quality..
No. 1.. When one adds H2O2 how much per quart...
then I assume you would multiply the by 4 for a gal.
No.2 I have 4 sq in of Silver bar in a qt jar and start
my current at 4 mA  on my power supply..
As the process continues over time the density
of silver builds up in the water and the mA will increase
to over 15 mA.  My question is would it not be better to
lower the mA back to 8 or less to have a better product?
Lowering the mA wil prolong the process. taking longer
but my goal is quality. Does it make a difference My voltage 
starting out

is 30 volts.  On my present setup to bring the mA down requires less
volts. I have order a 40 mA dc light bulb  and that will help
Let me know your thoughts.l I hope this also helps some new be CS 

George Knoll
EarthLink Revolves Around You.


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Re: CSRe

2008-01-28 Thread Dee
No doubt a lot of people do have sciatica for the reasons in the article,
but I have a theory, and the fact that mine disappeared is a testament to
that theory i.e. That some forms of sciatica are caused by the herpes virus,
when the immune system is under stress.  I also read somewhere that someone
else thinks that this could be the case.  Can't remember where I read it
though, as I looked up so many articles when I had it.  Anyway, I went on
that premise and the crippling pain I suffered went away.  I had all the 
stabbing' pains in my skin all over too and was in quite a bad way with it,
although I never gave in to it. Dee 

---Original Message--- 


From: faith gagne 

Date: 28/01/2008 14:21:30 


Subject: Re: CSRe 


About Sciatica



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Re: CShome-made xolloidial silver

2008-01-28 Thread Marshall Dudley

Dan Nave wrote:
If colloidal silver turns into silver chloride in the stomach it 
should be easy to show that ingesting a comparable quantity of silver 
chloride as colloidal silver has the same effect.
Colloidal silver is unaffected by the stomach acid.  Ionic silver turns 
into silver chloride.



Ode Coyote wrote:

  If the Ion gains an anion OH[-] it becomes a suspended Silver 
Hydroxide particle once the waters saturation point for AgOh is 
If it gains an Oxygen atom, it becomes Silver Oxide. That happens 
within the diffusion layer for the most part and as long as that 
layer isn't overloaded, it will stay there and stick to the electrode.

If the Ion gains an electron, it becomes a metallic silver particle.

 The structure of particles can be quite variable including 
nucleated lattices of similar particles growing around a dis-similar 
 Glass with metallic alloys [as glass is] could act as a oor solar 
cell and capacitor to donate electrons to ions that contact the glass.
 A Harvard study found that glass surfaces act as nucleation sites in 
Ionic Silver.

 All three can be and are produced along with hydrated silver ions 
being protected by the water against the OH anions and the ratios can 
be tweeked.

What happens to AgOH with stomach acid, I don't know.
 Metallic silver can be coaxed into ionizing... H2O2 is a catalyst 
and there may be many battery effect situations in the body where 
there is iron, silver and salt, for instance.
H2O2 will destroy certain Silver Oxides instantly... I've heard there 
is some of that produced by the cells?

Much is not known, but the stuff works anyhow.
If it's all in there, it doesn't really matter what did what and what 

It's likely that they all work on and with each other.
The bodies chemical soup provides myriads of opportunities for 
anything to's intelligent.

If Silver Chloride is made in the stomach, it deprives another of 
hundreds of other reactions of something which just may enhance the 
delivery of silver ions.
No one knows.  Many simplistic theories that can't possibly tell the 
whole story abound.
 Arguments about which one is the right one get stuck in This OR 
that and don't go into This AND that, plus the other.
.which is just too plain complicated to even argue about and not 
get LOST.

LOL  Sometimes we aren't quite as intelligent as our bodies are.

The body works, doesn't matter why or how...till it doesn't.

Then we feed it silver to help it sort itself out again, right?

In the light of the silvery moon. could be it just drops its 
drawers and moons germs to death and the rest is about fashion and 
belt buckles vs elastic bands, pants down or dresses up.
 Well, even if the crowd is wearing different clothing, a moon is 
still a moon.


At 03:36 PM 1/26/2008 -0500, you wrote:

Oded has stated a number of times that every colloid begins life as 
an ion, so why are we comparing differences when there may not be 
any?What is particle silver?  Thanks.  Faith G.

- Original Message - From: Dee
Sent: Saturday, January 26, 2008 2:11 PM
Subject: Re: CShome-made xolloidial silver

The consensus seems to be that ionic is just as good as colloidal; 
think better, but this is arguable.  Mostly, people think that 
mostly ionic

with about 10% seems to be the best mix.  Dee

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Re: CSA health question

2008-01-28 Thread Marshall Dudley

Michael Zangari wrote:
To bring this back to list. I've learned a little jewlery making. I 
wire wrap stones with silver wire. Any thoughts out there on wearing 
silver (not stearling) jewlery?)
Pure silver (unlike sterling) should be hypoallergenic. There are some 
people who seem to exude a sulfur compound which tarnishes the silver 
though.  Id don't think one absorbs much silver through jewelry, if an 
at all.


The novelist, journalist and psychologist
Michael Zangari

- Original Message 
From: Michael Zangari
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 3:34:18 AM
Subject: Re: CSA health question

I've been dealing with this one for awhile. I'd say from my own 
experience to not wear jewlery on the hands for starters. But the 
following stones smooth heart beat remarkably, especially the 
obsideon (not snowflake.) Periodite works really well though the lime 
green color is a little garish. There are a couple more. But several 
years ago I had a bout with tackicardia and layed an obsidean stone on 
my chest and within seconds it evened out. Both periodite and obsidean 
of course come from volcanic eruptions...

The novelist, journalist and psychologist
Michael Zangari

- Original Message 
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 2:00:27 AM
Subject: CSA health question

Hi Gang.  My cousin emailed me tonight, and told me that she recently 
had an episode of arrythmia and rapid heartbeat -- for the better 
part of an entire day.  She's been to a cardiologist before for this 
problem, and apparently isn't getting any help.  Seems to me that 
there's a *natural* solution for this, but darned if I can remember.  
Any ideas?  MA

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CSWater Distiller

2008-01-28 Thread faith gagne
Do many people distill their own water?  If so, can anyone recommend a water 
distiller?  Thanks very much.  Faith G./\

Re: CSWater Distiller

2008-01-28 Thread Leslie
Faith, this is the cheapest I have found:  They have one about $20 more
that takes less time which to me would be worth it.
--- faith gagne wrote:

 Do many people distill their own water?  If so, can
 anyone recommend a water distiller?  Thanks very
 much.  Faith G./\


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CS Cold and hard

2008-01-28 Thread Terry them with the side effects (if there are any) of natural herbs.

 If there are any??? You must be kidding.

-Original Message-
From: faith gagne [] 
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 11:38 AM
Subject: Re: CS Cold and hard

Synthetics are NOT NOT NOT identical to natural herbs.  As one example of 
this, just listen to the tv ads that warn of all the horrible side effects 
of these drugs.  Or look up the side effects of these drugs and compare them

with the side effects (if there are any) of natural herbs.   I don't know 
where Ode gets his ideas.

Recently Ode talked about ceo's, and he asked whether you (the consumer, I 
suppose) could do a ceo's job.  But whether or not one could do a ceo's job 
is the totally wrong question.

The question is:  If you had an employee who was screwing up by the numbers 
and you fired him, would you supply him with a mega-million retirement 
package as a reward for his mis-deeds or insufficiency?

Most of the people I know see Pharma and the FDA as power and money-grubbing

gluttons who have their own interests at heart, not the well-being of the 

Hate-smoke propaganda is an attitude that lives between Ode's ears.

Faith G. 

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Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.14/1247 - Release Date: 1/28/2008
10:59 AM

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Re: CSWater Distiller

2008-01-28 Thread James McCourt, Ph.D.
Sears has one.
  - Original Message - 
  From: faith gagne 
  Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 12:04 PM
  Subject: CSWater Distiller

  Do many people distill their own water?  If so, can anyone recommend a water 
distiller?  Thanks very much.  Faith G./\

Re: CS Cold and hard

2008-01-28 Thread faith gagne

Oh sure.

- Original Message - 
From: Terry

Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 3:25 PM
Subject: RE: CS Cold and hard them with the side effects (if there are any) of natural herbs.

If there are any??? You must be kidding.

-Original Message-
From: faith gagne []
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 11:38 AM
Subject: Re: CS Cold and hard

Synthetics are NOT NOT NOT identical to natural herbs.  As one example of
this, just listen to the tv ads that warn of all the horrible side effects
of these drugs.  Or look up the side effects of these drugs and compare them

with the side effects (if there are any) of natural herbs.   I don't know
where Ode gets his ideas.

Recently Ode talked about ceo's, and he asked whether you (the consumer, I
suppose) could do a ceo's job.  But whether or not one could do a ceo's job
is the totally wrong question.

The question is:  If you had an employee who was screwing up by the numbers
and you fired him, would you supply him with a mega-million retirement
package as a reward for his mis-deeds or insufficiency?

Most of the people I know see Pharma and the FDA as power and money-grubbing

gluttons who have their own interests at heart, not the well-being of the

Hate-smoke propaganda is an attitude that lives between Ode's ears.

Faith G.

No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.14/1247 - Release Date: 1/28/2008
10:59 AM

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRe:CS maker models for home use

2008-01-28 Thread Silvia Messmer
Everyone, thanks so much for your input.  I'll be looking up these models
and deciding which to get.


RE: CShome-made xolloidial silver

2008-01-28 Thread Silvia Messmer
Marshall, could you please point me to a source for your statement that 
Ionic promotes healing and
prevents scar tissue by allowing injured cells to revert to stem cells.  I
would like to read more about this.


- Original Message -
From: Marshall Dudley
 Ionic and particulate both kill pathogens.  Ionic promotes healing and
 prevents scar tissue by allowing injured cells to revert to stem cells.
 Colloidal helps prevent argyria by providing seeds for the silver
 compounds that are eventually made in the body from ionic, something to
 plate out on.  Best is a combination of them both, with about 10 to 20%
 being colloidal.


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Re: CShome-made xolloidial silver

2008-01-28 Thread Marshall Dudley
The typical setup most the members of this list use, produces about 10 
to 20% particulate or colloidal, and 80 to 90% ionic silver.


faith gagne wrote:

Where does one get particulate silver?  Thanks.  Faith G.

- Original Message - From: Marshall Dudley

Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 12:05 PM
Subject: Re: CShome-made xolloidial silver

Ionic and particulate both kill pathogens.  Ionic promotes healing 
and prevents scar tissue by allowing injured cells to revert to stem 
cells.  Colloidal helps prevent argyria by providing seeds for the 
silver compounds that are eventually made in the body from ionic, 
something to plate out on.  Best is a combination of them both, with 
about 10 to 20% being colloidal.


Gene Wolfe wrote:
Can someone tell me if there are advantages in ionic silver over 
particle silver. I have read that particle is better. I have also 
read that particle is much harder to make than ionic.


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Re: CSRe

2008-01-28 Thread Dianne France
I went to the site Faith sent and have saved everything that everyone has sent 
and plan to incorporate every bit that I can do to get rid of this.  It's one 
of the worst pains I've ever had.  To cough or sneeze brings tears to my eyes.  
Fortunately it isn't every day but sometimes can last for days.  

I'm increasing my cs and going to talk to the chiropractor about decompression. 
 If he doesn't have this available then I'll arrange to see the acupuncturist.  
I've used her before but for a different problem.  I haven't had a virus that I 
know.  I've stayed fairly healthy since learning about cs and using it.  

Thank everyone for their help.


  - Original Message - 
  From: Dee
  Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 2:20 PM
  Subject: Re: CSRe

  No doubt a lot of people do have sciatica for the reasons in the article,
  but I have a theory, and the fact that mine disappeared is a testament to
  that theory i.e. That some forms of sciatica are caused by the herpes virus,
  when the immune system is under stress.  I also read somewhere that someone
  else thinks that this could be the case.  Can't remember where I read it
  though, as I looked up so many articles when I had it.  Anyway, I went on
  that premise and the crippling pain I suffered went away.  I had all the 
  stabbing' pains in my skin all over too and was in quite a bad way with it,
  although I never gave in to it. Dee 

  ---Original Message--- 


  From: faith gagne 

  Date: 28/01/2008 14:21:30 


  Subject: Re: CSRe 


  About Sciatica



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Re: CS Cold and hard

2008-01-28 Thread Day Sutton
Ode; you have been a respected member of this list for many years.  Care to
tell us how many?

On Jan 28, 2008 3:25 PM, Terry wrote: them with the side effects (if there are any) of natural

  If there are any??? You must be kidding.

 -Original Message-
 From: faith gagne []
 Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 11:38 AM
 Subject: Re: CS Cold and hard

 Synthetics are NOT NOT NOT identical to natural herbs.  As one example of
 this, just listen to the tv ads that warn of all the horrible side effects
 of these drugs.  Or look up the side effects of these drugs and compare

 with the side effects (if there are any) of natural herbs.   I don't know
 where Ode gets his ideas.

 Recently Ode talked about ceo's, and he asked whether you (the consumer, I
 suppose) could do a ceo's job.  But whether or not one could do a ceo's
 is the totally wrong question.

 The question is:  If you had an employee who was screwing up by the
 and you fired him, would you supply him with a mega-million retirement
 package as a reward for his mis-deeds or insufficiency?

 Most of the people I know see Pharma and the FDA as power and

 gluttons who have their own interests at heart, not the well-being of the

 Hate-smoke propaganda is an attitude that lives between Ode's ears.

 Faith G.

 No virus found in this outgoing message.
 Checked by AVG Free Edition.
 Version: 7.5.516 / Virus Database: 269.19.14/1247 - Release Date:
 10:59 AM

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 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Day Sutton

Re: CSWater Distiller

2008-01-28 Thread faith gagne

Thanks Leslie.   I will definitely check it out.  Faith G.

- Original Message - 
From: Leslie

Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 3:07 PM
Subject: Re: CSWater Distiller

Faith, this is the cheapest I have found:  They have one about $20 more
that takes less time which to me would be worth it.
--- faith gagne wrote:

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Re: CSWater Distiller

2008-01-28 Thread faith gagne
Thank you.  Faith G.
  - Original Message - 
  From: James McCourt, Ph.D. 
  Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 3:47 PM
  Subject: Re: CSWater Distiller

  Sears has one.
- Original Message - 
From: faith gagne 
Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 12:04 PM
Subject: CSWater Distiller

Do many people distill their own water?  If so, can anyone recommend a 
water distiller?  Thanks very much.  Faith G./\

CSCS:re Sciatica /infection?could be!

2008-01-28 Thread Harold MacDonald

This is from The New York Times by John O'Neil.Approx. ten years or so ago.
The following info is from that article I saved when trying to get my Drs. 
interested in this protocol;to no avail.

Researchers at the Royal Orthopedic Hospital in Birmingham,England,have 
found that many patients with sciatica-pain extending from their back and 
into their legs- had infectious microorganisms in the area of the sciatic 
nerve.In one group,43 of 140 people had the bacteria,among 36 patients with 
severe sciatica,19 carried the bug.
the researchers theorize that some cases of lower back pain are actually 
chronic low-grade infections,and these occur when microscopic tears in 
spinal disks allow the organisms entry.Next up: The doctors will test a 
larger group of sciatica patients and try anti-biotic treatments.

End of quote.

 Since then I had info. that a few practitioners in the US were using H2O2 
injections in treating for infectious organisms in sciatica cases, with 
excellent results.

I don't have this info at hand now as I lost it when my last comp. died.

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Re: CSPPM question

2008-01-28 Thread Sharlene Miyamura
This is the product's patent.,135,195.PN.OS=PN/7,135,195RS=PN/7,135,195

I hope someone can scan it and tell me if it is different from EIS.

On Jan 28, 2008 7:26 AM, Clayton Family wrote:

 I don't know about that, but I do know that I made and used about 5 PPM
 for the first year or so that I used cs, and it worked great.  I
 believe it is not the actual ppm, but the amount of silver total- so if
 it is 5ppm, you just use more of it, more often.  Perhaps the product
 is different?


 On Jan 28, 2008, at 1:21 AM, Sharlene Miyamura wrote:

  Would the level of ppm have any bearing on it's effectivenss on
  whether it is a virus or bacteria?
  I've heard another forum that the higher the ppm is, the less
  effective it is on a virus but more effective on bacteria.
  Is there any truth to this?  So some are preferring to go with the
  10-14 ppm rather than the 18 ppm.
  Thank you for any information you can provide.

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Re: CShome-made xolloidial silver

2008-01-28 Thread faith gagne

Okay.  I get it now.  Thanks.  Faith G.

- Original Message - 
From: Marshall Dudley

Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 4:28 PM
Subject: Re: CShome-made xolloidial silver

The typical setup most the members of this list use, produces about 10 
to 20% particulate or colloidal, and 80 to 90% ionic silver.


faith gagne wrote:

Where does one get particulate silver?  Thanks.  Faith G.

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Re: CSRe

2008-01-28 Thread faith gagne
I hope you find relief Dianne.   Faith G.

- Original Message - 
  From: Dianne France 
  Sent: Monday, January 28, 2008 5:25 PM
  Subject: Re: CSRe

  I went to the site Faith sent and have saved everything that everyone has 
sent and plan to incorporate every bit that I can do to get rid of this.  It's 
one of the worst pains I've ever had.  To cough or sneeze brings tears to my 
eyes.  Fortunately it isn't every day but sometimes can last for days.  

  I'm increasing my cs and going to talk to the chiropractor about 
decompression.  If he doesn't have this available then I'll arrange to see the 
acupuncturist.  I've used her before but for a different problem.  I haven't 
had a virus that I know.  I've stayed fairly healthy since learning about cs 
and using it.  

  Thank everyone for their help.


Re: CSPPM question

2008-01-28 Thread Clayton Family
I'm not an expert on this sort of thing, but I can see it is a high  
voltage electrolysis machine with stirring. It claims to make a mostly  
colloidal suspension, with little ions.  I am not familiar with high  
voltage machines.  But EIS = electrically isolated silver (but it  
really refers to  the 80 % ions and 20% particles) and this is made  
using electricity, but is claimed to be mostly colloid.

Do you  have one of these units, and is this what you are taking? Or is  
this a hypothethical discussion?


On Jan 28, 2008, at 5:52 PM, Sharlene Miyamura wrote:

This is the product's patent. 

I hope someone can scan it and tell me if it is different from EIS.

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Re: CSPPM question

2008-01-28 Thread Sharlene Miyamura
This is the ready-made CS that I buy through a mlm company with the
exclusive rights to the 14 ppm, 18 ppm and silver gel through this company
that owns the patent.  The patent holders also sell the 10 ppm on the
general market but I was told that the 10 ppm would be better for viruses
and not to mention much cheaper.   By the way, I own a Sota generator
and just getting started making my own EIS but always wondered what the
difference was between the two silver solutions.

And yes, I've been taking this ready-made CS for many years and only found
out about making it myself through this forum.

On Jan 28, 2008 3:48 PM, Clayton Family wrote:

 I'm not an expert on this sort of thing, but I can see it is a high
 voltage electrolysis machine with stirring. It claims to make a mostly
 colloidal suspension, with little ions.  I am not familiar with high
 voltage machines.  But EIS = electrically isolated silver (but it
 really refers to  the 80 % ions and 20% particles) and this is made
 using electricity, but is claimed to be mostly colloid.

 Do you  have one of these units, and is this what you are taking? Or is
 this a hypothethical discussion?


 On Jan 28, 2008, at 5:52 PM, Sharlene Miyamura wrote:

  This is the product's patent.
  I hope someone can scan it and tell me if it is different from EIS.

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2008-01-28 Thread chaha
Hi, Dianne,

For Sciatica relief, I'll second the suggestion of taking L-Lysine!  Worked for 
me.  I'd suggest also adding Vitamin E to help combat internal scarring.  You 
can google stretching exercises, the one that worked the best for me was stand 
with hands on hips and knees slightly bent, arch back slowly and slightly.  Let 
us know when you start feeling better!

Take care,

L-lysine is an essential amino acid for humans and therefore must be supplied 
in the diet.  For years, lysine has been considered in the treatment of herpes 
and cold sores, and more recently, has been attracting attention as a possible 
addition to the fast-growing list of muscle-building nutrients.  L-lysine helps 
to build muscle protein, it is good for those recovering from surgery and 
sports injuries.

Vitamin E belongs to a family of fat-soluble compounds. It is available in 
different forms, the most common and potent being alpha tocopherol. Its main 
function is as an antioxidant. It Beneficial Effectss destruction of fats and 
vitamin A in the body by oxygen fragments. The vitamin also Enhances in the 
production of hormone-like substances that regulate blood pressure, 
reproduction, and muscle contraction.

CSPPM question ( Worthless Patent )

2008-01-28 Thread Wayne Fugitt

18 ppm and silver gel through this company that owns the patent.  The 
patent holders also sell the 10 ppm on the general market but I was told 
that the 10 ppm would be better for viruses and not to mention much cheaper.

  The patent is a fraud, worthless, and more.
For one simple reason, it cannot be enforced.

The patents I have seen, state very clearly,

this patent forbids all other some making, selling, or using.

Not tell me how many times per day that patent is violated.

It is almost like a patent on distilled water when everyone in the world 
knows how to make it and half the people do.



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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSSciatica

2008-01-28 Thread Starshar
I've had a few bouts with sciatica, enough to know I don't want to experience 
another one. The first one I ever had was long before there was an internet to 
get so much wonderful info from. Hitting my reference books at the time, I 
learned that it was probably from an overly acidic condition that was 
irritating the sciatic nerve (I now know that I have degenerated disks that 
made the area susceptible to this acidity.)

I had been experimenting with heavy doses of ascorbic acid, so this made sense. 
I used small amounts of bicarb, 1/4 tsp here and there and found it very 
helpful. Some more research uncovered the role of thiamin/B-1 in alleviating 
anything to do with both an acid condition as well as anything to do with 
In the past 2 yrs I've kept Benfotiamine in the house and any time the sciatic 
nerve acts up, it's the first thing I reach for. It's a form of B-1 used by 
diabetics for thier diabetic neuropathy, and it's fat soluble. Works wonders 
for sciatica!
Of course, till the flare up dies down, I also use a heating pad, Advil, 
sometimes 1/2 valium while waiting for the Benfo and bicarb to do their wonders.


  Hi, Dianne,

  For Sciatica relief, I'll second the suggestion of taking L-Lysine!  Worked 
for me.  I'd suggest also adding Vitamin E to help combat internal scarring.  
You can google stretching exercises, the one that worked the best for me was 
stand with hands on hips and knees slightly bent, arch back slowly and 
slightly.  Let us know when you start feeling better!

  Take care,


  L-lysine is an essential amino acid for humans and therefore must be supplied 
in the diet.  For years, lysine has been considered in the treatment of herpes 
and cold sores, and more recently, has been attracting attention as a possible 
addition to the fast-growing list of muscle-building nutrients.  L-lysine helps 
to build muscle protein, it is good for those recovering from surgery and 
sports injuries.

  Vitamin E belongs to a family of fat-soluble compounds. It is available in 
different forms, the most common and potent being alpha tocopherol. Its main 
function is as an antioxidant. It Beneficial Effectss destruction of fats and 
vitamin A in the body by oxygen fragments. The vitamin also Enhances in the 
production of hormone-like substances that regulate blood pressure, 
reproduction, and muscle contraction.

Re: CSPPM question ( Worthless Patent )

2008-01-28 Thread Sharlene Miyamura
I agree totally with what you're saying,  I don't give a hoot about the
patent anyway.  My main reason for writing was if anyone had heard about the
low level of ppm affecting the virus more effectively than the bacteria, but
I guess not.  I thought by sending the patent someone could look at their
process and see if it differs from what you all are doing. Kathryn answered
that saying it is high voltage electrolysis.  Thanks Kathryn.

On Jan 28, 2008 6:55 PM, Wayne Fugitt wrote:

 18 ppm and silver gel through this company that owns the patent.  The
 patent holders also sell the 10 ppm on the general market but I was told
 that the 10 ppm would be better for viruses and not to mention much

   The patent is a fraud, worthless, and more.
 For one simple reason, it cannot be enforced.

 The patents I have seen, state very clearly,

 this patent forbids all other some making, selling, or using.

 Not tell me how many times per day that patent is violated.

 It is almost like a patent on distilled water when everyone in the world
 knows how to make it and half the people do.



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