Re: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread Tony Moody
Hi Gayla,

How does one check oneself for pinworms? 


On 10 Jun 2008 at 7:31, Gayla Roberts wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Ag4O4

> Have you checked yourself for pinworms?
> Gayla Roberts
> Always Enough Ranch
> Acampo, California
>   - Original Message - 
>   From: bob Larson 
>   To: 
>   Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 5:38 AM
>   Subject: RE: CS>Ag4O4
>   thanks Dee.
>   by the way, since i've been drinking so much CS for 3 mos i've had a rectal 
> itch that's pretty maddening sometimes.  

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RE: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread bob Larson
i'm making a point of eating an artichoke at least every couple weeks.  i
use Buhner's and Zhang's herbal recommendations specific for hep-C and have
had to install shelving around the bulksheads in my kitchen to accomodate
all the cannisters of goodies.  i don't recall either buhner or zhang
mentioning cat's claw... will look into that.  man, i wish i had time to
cook an artichoke but i have to go to bed.
just received a couple pounds of phyllanthus amarus from south america (took
over a month, but that's been a hard to find herb affordable enough for me).
i'm slacking off herbs a bit lately because i need to fill a lot of caps and
mix some blends and just don't have the time or energy lately.  i've been
wondering if the herbs along with so much CS is making strange things, and
so that's part of recently backing off herbs some to see what happens.

> -Original Message-
> From: Tad Winiecki []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 3:41 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Ag4O4
> On Jun 10, 2008, at 5:04 AM, bob Larson wrote:
> > ..yup.  tried it various ways from last fall until Jan.  no better
> > than CS for my hep-C,
> Bob- I don't doubt CS and MMS can fight viruses, but have you
> considered herbs for regenerating and restoring liver cells?  Artichoke
> leaf tea is considered a trophorestorative for the liver, able to cause
> regeneration on a cellular level.  Milk Thistle or Silymarin also can
> regenerate cells.  I've also heard that Cat's Claw, Uncaria tomentosa,
> is good for hepatitis among many other things.
> Nancy
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread bob Larson
...right over top of the liver area?
know of any links that get into instructions for making and using them?

> -Original Message-
> From: Dan Nave []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 10:37 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: CS>Ag4O4
> Bob,
> Try using castor oil packs in conjunction with the CS treatments.
> The castor oil packs will help heal the liver/gallbladder and soften up
> the tissues so that circulation can get to the whole area.
> Dan

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RE: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread bob Larson
no. how is that done?

  -Original Message-
  From: Gayla Roberts []
  Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 10:31 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Ag4O4

  Have you checked yourself for pinworms?
  Gayla Roberts
  Always Enough Ranch
  Acampo, California

- Original Message -
From: bob Larson
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 5:38 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Ag4O4

thanks Dee.

by the way, since i've been drinking so much CS for 3 mos i've had a
rectal itch that's pretty maddening sometimes.

RE: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread bob Larson
i try to remember to eat a big tablespoon of live plain org yogurt daily,
but miss it a lot.  i just got some acidophilis caps given to me, but i
question whether probiotics that aren't refrigerated in the store and kept
cold are any good.

unfortunately i'm too busy spreading oil-based paint in some decadent
mansion to have any time to shop or anything else... sleeping a lot, and
when i wake up i taste the paint vapors.  just what my liver doesn't need.
those products need to become illegal, not just reduced VOC.  bad priorities
going on, and i gotta make the damned money.  i hate money...wish i never
had to touch it... filthy stuff (bankers have sex in piles of it leaking
their vile fluids ultimately into public circulation).

> -Original Message-
> From: Clayton Family []
> Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 10:00 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Ag4O4
> Bob,
> As one of the hyper-sensitive, I appreciate your restraint. I usually
> read my email while having my first cup of coffee
> Have you tried any of the various kinds of probiotics? If it is an
> imbalance in the gut flora, that ought to fix it. My favorites are
> plain old acidophilous (in the fridge section) and Garden of Life
> probiotic. Also I eat soy yogurt with live stuff.
> The other thing that comes to mind is that there are various parasites
> that can cause rectal itching, some only come out at night.
> Hope your regimen is helping with the hepc.
> kathryn
> On Jun 10, 2008, at 7:38 AM, bob Larson wrote:
> > thanks Dee.
> >  
> > by the way, since i've been drinking so much CS for 3 mos i've had a
> > rectal itch that's pretty maddening sometimes.  no problem usually
> > while busy working or running around doing stuff, but when more
> > relaxed i find myself scratching to the point of ... (needless
> > graphic description skipped to coddle the hyper-sensitive).
> >  
> > cheers,
> > bobL
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread bob Larson
i dunno what might be causing it... i did read something somewhere (?) about
extended consumption of large amounts of CS interfering with ability to
produce glutathione.  not a good thing if true... counterproductive for
sure.  i do take ALA, NAC, and a scoop of whey daily, but if the glutathione
production mechanism is impaired or shut down that's all a waste.
i actually think it's involving the saturn transit opposing my asc and
asc-mercury midpoint (again, and on & on & on))
the skipped description was indeed needless or i would've went with it.
noone really needs to read about the stains in my skivies from compulsive
cross-eyed scratch fits, sometimes in public places...etc ;-)
  -Original Message-
  From: Dee []
  Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 8:45 AM
  Subject: RE: CS>Ag4O4

I wonder what could cause that?  Thanks for the 'too much
information' sensitivity, but I think we are all a pretty hardened lot on
here with all the different problems there are.  After all, who knows, maybe
someone can come up with an explanation.  If you don't mention something
then you never find the answer eh? Dee

---Original Message---

From: bob Larson
Date: 10/06/2008 13:38:22
Subject: RE: CS>Ag4O4

thanks Dee.

by the way, since i've been drinking so much CS for 3 mos i've had a
rectal itch that's pretty maddening sometimes.  no problem usually while
busy working or running around doing stuff, but when more relaxed i find
myself scratching to the point of ... (needless graphic description skipped
to coddle the hyper-sensitive).


Re: CS>Water memory and magnetize?

2008-06-10 Thread Jonathan B. Britten

Could you make clear what you're referring to here?  Thanks in advance.

On Friday, Jun 6, 2008, at 00:15 Asia/Tokyo, Ode Coyote wrote:

 Science has recently proven that communication is not limited by time 
OR opening into a whole new set of rules should "brains" 
connect well and openly enough to hold that concept without 
conflicting in into  non reception.

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CS>Dental Mercury Victory....FDA MUST classify fillings

2008-06-10 Thread kmilkowski

How to stop Mercury in our mouths is a case in point regarding how to change 
all the nonsense we see in medicine where treating symptoms with dangerous 
drugs and never focusing on causes makes for expensive, dangerous treatment. 
Now the Government will come to the rescue; hold on to your wallets. 

This is important to understand. Changing the impossible, like the nonsense 
that everyone needs cholesterol lowering drugs, or the current treatment of 
Cancer, as though it is a local disease that can be cut out, are major 
entrenched concepts that will take the same concerted efforts and money. Here 
you will read about how finally a change in the perception around amalgam 
fillings through hearings and fact sheets and coalition building and the 
correct lawsuit by capable dedicated caring attorneys are all part of the way 
that over enough time things can be changed. 

These groups (including AAHF) developed strategies, built a united voice, and 
relied on credible information.  To change the policy, there were petitions, 
Congressional hearings, state fact sheet laws, Scientific Advisory Committee 
hearings, and support letters, all setting the stage for the lawsuit.

It appears that somehow our system of Government occasionally works!  Even the 
FDA cannot stay above the law forever. The FDA has thrown in the towel over 
mercury in amalgams! They will no longer lie on their website about its 
safety!!  The end of mercury fillings is in sight! 

The team here with Charles Brown, as the lead attorney, has done the 

There is hope with this victory that someday other major lies about Alternative 
Medicine will also finally be overcome even if very slowly and expensively.  
This battle has cost proponents millions and those whose lives were needlessly 
wasted with ill health, billions! 

But the good news is that with enough dedication to the fight, it proves it is 
possible in spite of the odds, and in all of our fights there are well endowed, 
deeply entrenched vested interests whether you talk about Autism or Cancer or 
Heart Disease or learning and memory problems, status quo always raises it 

Further good news, however! The Time Magazine June 6th issue with a picture of 
a baby on the front cover and the article, The Truth About Vaccines, actually 
admits THERE IS A DANGER!!! 
Amazingly it concludes that with Autism there must be a genetic and 
environmental component. Of course, they have never read Newsweek about DNA, 
Epigenetics, Methylation, Agouti mice, etc so no one connects the dots.

Randy Jirtle, at Duke with his Agouti Mice, then proves that with exposures to 
some toxins like Bisphenyl A we all have in our bodies, we can all start to be 
healthier with adequate methylation support. They are not aware that cheap 
Folic acid found in 99% of supplements will NOT fill this need optimally over a 
lifetime but only all three folic acid versions with B-12, B-6 and the rest of 
the methylation support I write about from NAC to TMG and MSM, even SAM-e etc. 

The defect in methylation that we now realize is proven to be related to 
mutations that virtually all of us have in 5’MTHFR enzyme pathways, even before 
we get an overload of toxins like phthalates, which are now known to be 10,000 
times higher in the average person than 10 years ago, IMPAIRS OUR ABILITY TO 
DETOXIFY things like MERCURY. 

Now that we are finally aware that we need to get the mercury out of our 
mouths, the environment is bringing us much more mercury.  The rapid 
construction of new Coal burning power plants around the world will make sure 
we all are still mercury toxic unless you follow my protocol and start a 
lifetime ingestion of oral chelators from DMSA to EDTA to NAC to DL METHIONE to 
proven clean garlic supplements, Beyond Fiber, BioEn’R-G’y C etc. 

Thus, just like the Time Magazine article about Vaccines and Autism states, 
even with the removal of most thiomersal from vaccines over the past 7 years, 
there is no decrease in Autism incidence. Of course, you can explain this when 
you read that for every new coal burning power plant in Texas the incidence of 
autism continues to rise, and it is now shown to be related to how close the 
child lives to the power plant. 

Garry F. Gordon MD,DO,MD(H)
President, Gordon Research Institute

Dental Mercury Victory 

AAHF is pleased to announce that the Food and Drug Administration must now 
classify mercury fillings!  We congratulate Consumers for Dental Choices, Moms 
Against Mercury, International Academy of Oral and Metal Toxicology, and all 
other groups and individuals who have dedicated years to the issue of the 
dangers of dental mercury.
This is a successful end to a 10-year battle to get the FDA to comply with the 
law and set a date to classify mercury amalgam.
On Monday, June 2, Consumers for Dental Choice announced that they settled the 
lawsuit, Moms A

Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?

2008-06-10 Thread Malcolm Stebbins
Well, not the one with the tablecloth on it.  Dunno about the smooth
shiny one, I was looking for that, but nothing obvious.

On Tue, 2008-06-10 at 08:55 -1000, Smitty wrote:
> > Ooh don't!  Poor chickens!  Dee
> I believe it was just hot enough to make them dance.
> Maybe a hot plate was used under the table to pop the corn
> in the videos ?
> Smitty
> --
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Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?

2008-06-10 Thread Malcolm Stebbins
Wouldn't it be the moisture inside the kernel that would get hot, just
as it does in microwave popcorn?  This is something I don't indulge in,
so I can't say what a microwaved popcorn kernel looks like just before
it pops, but in cooking oil on the stovetop it looks pretty much like a
regular ol' kernel 'til it goes off; startling, in fact!
Take care, Malcolm

On Tue, 2008-06-10 at 14:00 -0400, Marshall Dudley wrote:
> Interesting article in UK about these videos.  Their explanation of why 
> it is impossible completely misses the mark though.  I see nothing in 
> the videos to indicate the corn is getting hot at all, thus discussing 
> the energy to heat it up being insufficient is irrelevant.
> Marshall
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
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> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread Tad Winiecki

On Jun 10, 2008, at 5:04 AM, bob Larson wrote:

..yup.  tried it various ways from last fall until Jan.  no better 
than CS for my hep-C,

Bob- I don't doubt CS and MMS can fight viruses, but have you 
considered herbs for regenerating and restoring liver cells?  Artichoke 
leaf tea is considered a trophorestorative for the liver, able to cause 
regeneration on a cellular level.  Milk Thistle or Silymarin also can 
regenerate cells.  I've also heard that Cat's Claw, Uncaria tomentosa, 
is good for hepatitis among many other things.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?

2008-06-10 Thread Rowena
Ah!  The plot thickens.  Okay, good trick.  Bit of a giveaway, that!

Despite apparently being filmed by groups of friends in different countries - 
including the US, France and Japan - the clips were all posted by the same 
YouTube user, who set up his account last week and has posted no other videos.

Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?

2008-06-10 Thread Marshall Dudley

Kirsteen Wright wrote:

On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 7:00 PM, Marshall Dudley>> wrote:

  I see nothing in the videos to indicate the corn is getting hot
at all, thus discussing the energy to heat it up being
insufficient is irrelevant.

If corn dosen't get hot - it can't pop. It's the moisture inside it 
turning to steam that makes it 'pop'. without heat this is impossible.
That is not correct.  Pressure makes it pop, not heat.  One way to get 
pressure is to heat it to higher than the boiling point of the water 
inside the corn which creats the pressure to make ti pop. If you were to 
drill a small hole in the corn and pump it up with sufficient air, it 
would also pop. No heat involved.  There is insufficient energy to 
provide heat to make the water form steam, so that notion is completely 
out as a possibility.  The only possibility is disassociation of 
something inside the corn, most likely water. Also the microwaves come 
off the sides of the antenna, not the top. There would be virtually 0 
microwave radiation at the kernels.  However there IS scalar radiation, 
which does not normally interact with physical objects, except when it 
conjugates with another scalar wave. In that case it has been reported 
to cause water to disassociate into hydrogen and oxygen. (  see 
for an example ) The amount of energy required for this to produce 
sufficient gas to cause the kernel to pop would be trivial, much much 
less than what a cell phone puts out, and probably a millionth of what 
would be required to heat it to popping temperature.  It would be odd to 
pop corn using conjugated scalar waves, as it would pop totally cold. It 
would also taste like raw corn.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?

2008-06-10 Thread Smitty
> Ooh don't!  Poor chickens!  Dee

I believe it was just hot enough to make them dance.

Maybe a hot plate was used under the table to pop the corn
in the videos ?


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Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?

2008-06-10 Thread Marshall Dudley

Dan Nave wrote:

How about a little video editing?

If that was really true we would be having many more than a few
statistical brain tumors!
Not necessarily.  The only possible explanation with the physics 
involved would be disassociation of some of the water in the corn due to 
intersecting scalar waves.  The amount of power to do this is trivial, 
plus it only happens if you have intersecting scalar waves.  Scalar 
waves only come off the end of an antenna, and thus would not intersect 
your head to start with, and they only affect physical substances when 
they interact with another scalar wave, so you would have to be pointing 
the antennas of 2 cell phones toward your head at the same time while 
they are in use. Not a likely thing to happen when casually using a cell 





-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley [] 
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 12:18 PM

Subject: Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?

All the videos I found on it were foreign, french, chinese, 
and I guess British.  I wonder if there is a significant 
difference in the US phones, in frequency or power.  I would 
label it a hoax, except for the life of me I cannot figure 
out how they did the videos it is is a hoax.


T. J. Garland wrote:

My son's church class tried it Wed nite with 4 
phones--would not pop 

the corn.
Those who would give up a little Essential Liberty to purchase a 

Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety--  Benjamin 
Franklin, 1755

- Original Message - From: "M. G. Devour"

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - 

but popcorn?


Agreed, Rowena. The Snopes article contains a single sentence that

asserts the popcorn is also a hoax without anything to back 

up *their*


No explanation of how the effect is being simulated for the


nothing. It ought to be damn easy to reproduce...

With four cell phones we

should be able to try it right here. I can

just use half of each pair to

call the other. I'll let you know if I

pull it together.

Mike D.

The eggs one might be a hoax as claimed - but this site doesn't 
claim all those people with popcorn disappearing all over 
the table 

as it

popped was a hoax, it just said that by mid 2008 the joke 

had expanded

include people supposedly popping popcorn - and I watched a 

number of

videos of them doing it - the reactions seemed genuine, they were
surprised it worked.   For the popcorn they were using 

three and four


phones. (Cell phones, handy phones). Something is working,

surely.  Any of

you people tried it with popcorn yet?




It's a hoax. . . .folks. . . .


On 6/9/08, Sandra V George  wrote:


would call this subtile microwave - the phones are doing what
microwaves do -

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]

[Speaking only for myself...


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Colloidal Silver.

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maintainer: Mike Devour 



Re: CS>Sun Protection

2008-06-10 Thread GMetropulo
I've lived in Florida 20 years. Raissed 7 kids on the beach and in the sun 
year round without toxic sunscreens. We do use rash gaurds if out all day, 
visors,coconut oil inside and out and no hydrogenated oils. We are complemented 
our skin all the time. Skin cancer and wrinkles are a common site here but 
diets are highly processed too. 

Vote for your city's best dining 
and nightlife. City's Best 2008.

Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?

2008-06-10 Thread Dee
Ooh don't!  Poor chickens!  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: Smitty
Date: 10/06/2008 19:27:19
Subject: Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?
> >   I see nothing in the videos to indicate the corn is getting hot at all

> thus discussing the energy to heat it up being insufficient is irrelevant.
I'm reminded of Col. Parker, who in his carnival days,
used a hidden hot plate for his *dancing chickens* act.

Re: CS>CS CS colours - was - Discoloring teeth

2008-06-10 Thread Dee
As you may know I have only just started to make my own CS and that
phenomena has happened to me!  I have made four bottles of CS; three of
which are perfect and clear and the fourth has gone sort of greeny yellow. 
Now two of the bottles are from one supplier (my bought CS) and the one
which is affected is from my former supplier; Rivers of Health.  The fourth
bottle is also from them and yet the CS in that one is perfectly clear.  All
bottles and caps were rinsed in DW but not washed out thoroughly with soap
or anything.  I don't think that anything else has been put in that bottle
except CS so it is even more strange.  Dee PS all bottles are PET plastic.

---Original Message---
From: sol
Date: 10/06/2008 19:19:41
Subject: Re: CS>CS Discoloring teeth
LOL. Thanks for saying what I've thought for years now--glass is not as
impermeable as it is said to be. My comment is just that I've had more
trouble with glass jars and bottles affecting CS adversely than plastic.
In fact, I've never had a plating or drop out problem with  plastic
bottles or jugs  used for storing CS, unless the CS was yellow when it
went into the plastic. I've had lots of CS turn color and suffer plate
out and drop out when stored in glass. Sometimes I've been able to clean
a glass container well enough with peroxide and running through the
dishwasher, then rinsing with hot tap water, then with several changes
of distilled water, but some glass jars even those measures didn't work
on. One was a very old canning jar. No telling what it had absorbed, and
what was leaching into the CS.

Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?

2008-06-10 Thread Smitty
> >   I see nothing in the videos to indicate the corn is getting hot at all,
> thus discussing the energy to heat it up being insufficient is irrelevant.

I'm reminded of Col. Parker, who in his carnival days,
used a hidden hot plate for his *dancing chickens* act.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>CS Discoloring teeth

2008-06-10 Thread sol
LOL. Thanks for saying what I've thought for years now--glass is not as 
impermeable as it is said to be. My comment is just that I've had more 
trouble with glass jars and bottles affecting CS adversely than plastic. 
In fact, I've never had a plating or drop out problem with  plastic 
bottles or jugs  used for storing CS, unless the CS was yellow when it 
went into the plastic. I've had lots of CS turn color and suffer plate 
out and drop out when stored in glass. Sometimes I've been able to clean 
a glass container well enough with peroxide and running through the 
dishwasher, then rinsing with hot tap water, then with several changes 
of distilled water, but some glass jars even those measures didn't work 
on. One was a very old canning jar. No telling what it had absorbed, and 
what was leaching into the CS.

Ode Coyote wrote:
The portion that went into that jar instantly turned muddy brown while 
the rest remained crystal clear and colorless.
Attempts to duplicate that have failed, indicating that something was 
"special" on that pee day...also proving that glass isn't as 
impregnable as commonly thought.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?

2008-06-10 Thread Kirsteen Wright
On Tue, Jun 10, 2008 at 7:00 PM, Marshall Dudley 

>   I see nothing in the videos to indicate the corn is getting hot at all,
> thus discussing the energy to heat it up being insufficient is irrelevant.
> If corn dosen't get hot - it can't pop. It's the moisture inside it turning
to steam that makes it 'pop'. without heat this is impossible.


RE: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?

2008-06-10 Thread Dan Nave
How about a little video editing?

If that was really true we would be having many more than a few
statistical brain tumors!



> -Original Message-
> From: Marshall Dudley [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 12:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?
> All the videos I found on it were foreign, french, chinese, 
> and I guess British.  I wonder if there is a significant 
> difference in the US phones, in frequency or power.  I would 
> label it a hoax, except for the life of me I cannot figure 
> out how they did the videos it is is a hoax.
> Marshall
> T. J. Garland wrote:
> > My son's church class tried it Wed nite with 4 
> phones--would not pop 
> > the corn.
> > Those who would give up a little Essential Liberty to purchase a 
> > little
> >
> > Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety--  Benjamin 
> > Franklin, 1755
> > - Original Message - From: "M. G. Devour"
> > 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 11:49 AM
> > Subject: Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - 
> but popcorn?
> >
> >
> >> Agreed, Rowena. The Snopes article contains a single sentence that
> >>
> > asserts the popcorn is also a hoax without anything to back 
> up *their*
> >> claim.
> > No explanation of how the effect is being simulated for the
> >> videos,
> > nothing. It ought to be damn easy to reproduce...
> >>
> >> With four cell phones we
> > should be able to try it right here. I can
> >> just use half of each pair to
> > call the other. I'll let you know if I
> >> pull it together.
> >>
> >> Mike D.
> >>
> >>>
> >>> The eggs one might be a hoax as claimed - but this site doesn't 
> >>> claim all those people with popcorn disappearing all over 
> the table 
> >>> as it
> >>>
> > popped was a hoax, it just said that by mid 2008 the joke 
> had expanded
> >>> to
> > include people supposedly popping popcorn - and I watched a 
> number of
> >>>
> > videos of them doing it - the reactions seemed genuine, they were
> >>>
> > surprised it worked.   For the popcorn they were using 
> three and four
> >>> mobile
> > phones. (Cell phones, handy phones). Something is working,
> >>> surely.  Any of
> > you people tried it with popcorn yet?
> >>>
> >>> Rowena
> >>>
> > ...
> >>>
> >>> It's a hoax. . . .folks. . . .
> >>>
> >>>
> >
> >>>
> >>>
> > #
> >>>
> >>> On 6/9/08, Sandra V George  wrote:
> >>> > I
> > would call this subtile microwave - the phones are doing what
> >>> > 
> > microwaves do -
> >>
> >> [Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
> >>
> > []
> >> [Speaking only for myself...
> >   ]
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
> > Colloidal Silver.
> >>
> >> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> >
> >>
> >> To post, address your message to:
> >>
> >> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> >>
> >>
> > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> >>
> >> List
> > maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?

2008-06-10 Thread Marshall Dudley'hoax'-hits-YouTube.html

Interesting article in UK about these videos.  Their explanation of why 
it is impossible completely misses the mark though.  I see nothing in 
the videos to indicate the corn is getting hot at all, thus discussing 
the energy to heat it up being insufficient is irrelevant.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?

2008-06-10 Thread Marshall Dudley
All the videos I found on it were foreign, french, chinese, and I guess 
British.  I wonder if there is a significant difference in the US 
phones, in frequency or power.  I would label it a hoax, except for the 
life of me I cannot figure out how they did the videos it is is a hoax.


T. J. Garland wrote:
My son's church class tried it Wed nite with 4 phones--would not pop 
the corn.

Those who would give up a little Essential Liberty to purchase a little

Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety--  Benjamin
Franklin, 1755
- Original Message - From: "M. G. Devour"

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?

Agreed, Rowena. The Snopes article contains a single sentence that

asserts the popcorn is also a hoax without anything to back up *their*


No explanation of how the effect is being simulated for the


nothing. It ought to be damn easy to reproduce...

With four cell phones we

should be able to try it right here. I can

just use half of each pair to

call the other. I'll let you know if I

pull it together.

Mike D.

The eggs one might be a hoax as claimed - but this site doesn't claim
all those people with popcorn disappearing all over the table as it

popped was a hoax, it just said that by mid 2008 the joke had expanded


include people supposedly popping popcorn - and I watched a number of

videos of them doing it - the reactions seemed genuine, they were

surprised it worked.   For the popcorn they were using three and four


phones. (Cell phones, handy phones). Something is working,

surely.  Any of

you people tried it with popcorn yet?



It's a hoax. . . .folks. . . .


On 6/9/08, Sandra V George  wrote:
> I

would call this subtile microwave - the phones are doing what

microwaves do -

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]

[Speaking only for myself...


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing

Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Address Off-Topic messages to:

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maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>Stomach acid and yellow teeth

2008-06-10 Thread Roger and Lisa Royal
Thanks to all who made suggestions.  I will let you know what I find.. Lisa

Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?

2008-06-10 Thread T. J. Garland
My son's church class tried it Wed nite with 4 phones--would not pop the 
Those who would give up a little Essential Liberty to purchase a little 
Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety--  Benjamin Franklin, 
- Original Message - 
From: "M. G. Devour" 

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 11:49 AM
Subject: Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?

Agreed, Rowena. The Snopes article contains a single sentence that
asserts the popcorn is also a hoax without anything to back up *their*
claim. No explanation of how the effect is being simulated for the
videos, nothing. It ought to be damn easy to reproduce...

With four cell phones we should be able to try it right here. I can
just use half of each pair to call the other. I'll let you know if I
pull it together.

Mike D.

The eggs one might be a hoax as claimed - but this site doesn't claim
all those people with popcorn disappearing all over the table as it
popped was a hoax, it just said that by mid 2008 the joke had expanded
to include people supposedly popping popcorn - and I watched a number of
videos of them doing it - the reactions seemed genuine, they were
surprised it worked.   For the popcorn they were using three and four
mobile phones. (Cell phones, handy phones). Something is working,
surely.  Any of you people tried it with popcorn yet?


It's a hoax. . . .folks. . . .


On 6/9/08, Sandra V George  wrote:
> I would call this subtile microwave - the phones are doing what
>  microwaves do -

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread Faith Gagne

I have a friend who swears by castor oil  and castor oil packs,  Edgar Cayce 
remedies.  Faith G.

- Original Message - 
From: "Dan Nave" 

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 10:37 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Ag4O4


Try using castor oil packs in conjunction with the CS treatments.

The castor oil packs will help heal the liver/gallbladder and soften up
the tissues so that circulation can get to the whole area.


-Original Message-
From: bob Larson []
Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 7:04 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Ag4O4

...yup.  tried it various ways from last fall until Jan.  no
better than CS for my hep-C, and much more complicated and
vile.  i'm currently drinking almost a liter/day of CS, 3rd
month now and will stop at 4 mos... then go back on the MMS
for awhile.  i believe the MMS takes a heavier toll on the
body than CS when used in large amounts over extended period.
i've never yet seen any claims where MMS has cleared the HCV,
but have seen a bunch where CS has.  MMS has shown (from the
folks on lists i read) to be able to manage viral load but
not clear it... for that, CS is much more pleasant at least.
i'm glad to have enough sodium chlorite flakes stashed to
last the remainder of my most optimistic lifespan estimate,
but would rather it still be mostly stashed at the end of the road.
i have TT (Ag4O4) in the form of Silspa which seems to work
pretty much like CS when added to water 1 cc per liter (i
think that makes about 10ppm), and it doesn't cause fallout,
discoloration, or change a meter reading when added to CS.
i'm thinking about trying adding it to my CS for the last
month of this heavy CS experiment.  in fact, i'll start that today.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread Faith Gagne

Thanks Marshall.  That ought to keep me busy.  Faith g.

- Original Message - 
From: "Marshall Dudley" 

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 10:21 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Ag4O4

Faith Gagne wrote:

Matshall, I do not know what this is.  Faith G.
There is a documented cure on tetrosilver tetraoxide with one single IV 
drip in killing of the AIDS.

Some patents on tetrasilver tetroxide. Colloidal silver with 0.5% H2O2 is 
a great alternative.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This!

2008-06-10 Thread Marshall Dudley
I think it might be a hoax as well, but Snopes is certainly not a 
reliable source for whether something is or is not a hoax. I find them 
wrong almost as often as they are right on the things I have looked up.  
Although the egg cooking is definitely a hoax, and they did a good job 
of documenting it, they did no such thing for the popcorn. They did not 
give any information on how these videos were made, which if it is a 
hoax, I find truly puzzling.  I did try the experiment last night with 3 
verizon phones, and get a negative result. But I am close to a cell 
tower, and the phones were putting out very little power, so I cannot 
say this was conclusive yet. I am going to try again, inside a partial 
faraday cage tonight.


Smitty wrote:


It's a hoax. . . .folks. . . .


On 6/9/08, Sandra V George  wrote:


 would call this subtile microwave - the phones are doing what

 microwaves do

 - simple and   that is what we are all doing to our brains

 by using

 them - so tumors are the enevitable - this is

 a wonderful example of how

 self destructive we all are !   How many

 will put their cell phones in

 the garbage after seeing this one 

 Peace is

 easy . . . It is a mind set

 - Forwarded message --



 Date: Mon, 9 Jun 2008

 17:02:08 -0400

 Subject: CS>Take A Look At This!





 Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:


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 List maintainer: Mike



 Fly in style.  Click here for information on

 private jets.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread Gayla Roberts

Thank you Marshall.
Gayla Roberts
Always Enough Ranch
Acampo, California 

- Original Message - 
From: "Marshall Dudley" 

Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 7:22 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Ag4O4

Gayla Roberts wrote:
And what would you do with your tetrasilver tetraoxide? (Shouldn't 
that be Ag505?)

It is reportedly superior to CS for some things, such as AIDS.


Gayla Roberts
Always Enough Ranch
Acampo, California

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and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike

Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?

2008-06-10 Thread M. G. Devour
Agreed, Rowena. The Snopes article contains a single sentence that 
asserts the popcorn is also a hoax without anything to back up *their* 
claim. No explanation of how the effect is being simulated for the 
videos, nothing. It ought to be damn easy to reproduce... 

With four cell phones we should be able to try it right here. I can 
just use half of each pair to call the other. I'll let you know if I 
pull it together.

Mike D.

> The eggs one might be a hoax as claimed - but this site doesn't claim
> all those people with popcorn disappearing all over the table as it
> popped was a hoax, it just said that by mid 2008 the joke had expanded
> to include people supposedly popping popcorn - and I watched a number of
> videos of them doing it - the reactions seemed genuine, they were
> surprised it worked.   For the popcorn they were using three and four
> mobile phones. (Cell phones, handy phones). Something is working,
> surely.  Any of you people tried it with popcorn yet?
> Rowena
> ...
> It's a hoax. . . .folks. . . .
> #
> On 6/9/08, Sandra V George  wrote:
> > I would call this subtile microwave - the phones are doing what
> >  microwaves do - 

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Take A Look At This!

2008-06-10 Thread Marshall Dudley wrote:


Apparently it is a hoax.  Scopes says it is a hoax, although they often 
label true things a hoaxes, and don't even hint at how it was done. I am 
intrigued on how they did it, and baffled as well. Tried it myself last 
night, nothing happened.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

 post, address your message to:

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 messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic
 List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour


RE: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread Dan Nave

Try using castor oil packs in conjunction with the CS treatments.

The castor oil packs will help heal the liver/gallbladder and soften up
the tissues so that circulation can get to the whole area.


> -Original Message-
> From: bob Larson [] 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 7:04 AM
> To:
> Subject: RE: CS>Ag4O4
> ...yup.  tried it various ways from last fall until Jan.  no 
> better than CS for my hep-C, and much more complicated and 
> vile.  i'm currently drinking almost a liter/day of CS, 3rd 
> month now and will stop at 4 mos... then go back on the MMS 
> for awhile.  i believe the MMS takes a heavier toll on the 
> body than CS when used in large amounts over extended period.
> i've never yet seen any claims where MMS has cleared the HCV, 
> but have seen a bunch where CS has.  MMS has shown (from the 
> folks on lists i read) to be able to manage viral load but 
> not clear it... for that, CS is much more pleasant at least.
> i'm glad to have enough sodium chlorite flakes stashed to 
> last the remainder of my most optimistic lifespan estimate, 
> but would rather it still be mostly stashed at the end of the road.
> i have TT (Ag4O4) in the form of Silspa which seems to work 
> pretty much like CS when added to water 1 cc per liter (i 
> think that makes about 10ppm), and it doesn't cause fallout, 
> discoloration, or change a meter reading when added to CS.  
> i'm thinking about trying adding it to my CS for the last 
> month of this heavy CS experiment.  in fact, i'll start that today.
> cheers,
> bobL

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread Gayla Roberts
Have you checked yourself for pinworms?
Gayla Roberts
Always Enough Ranch
Acampo, California 

  - Original Message - 
  From: bob Larson 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 5:38 AM
  Subject: RE: CS>Ag4O4

  thanks Dee.

  by the way, since i've been drinking so much CS for 3 mos i've had a rectal 
itch that's pretty maddening sometimes.  

Re: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread Marshall Dudley

Gayla Roberts wrote:
And what would you do with your tetrasilver tetraoxide? (Shouldn't 
that be Ag505?)

It is reportedly superior to CS for some things, such as AIDS.


Gayla Roberts
Always Enough Ranch
Acampo, California

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List maintainer: Mike

Re: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread Marshall Dudley

Faith Gagne wrote:

Matshall, I do not know what this is.  Faith G.
There is a documented cure on tetrosilver tetraoxide with one single IV 
drip in killing of the AIDS.

Some patents on tetrasilver tetroxide. Colloidal silver with 0.5% H2O2 
is a great alternative.


- Original Message
- From: "Marshall Dudley" 

Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 12:58 PM
Subject: CS>Ag4O4


just received these instructions on how to make tetrasilver tetraoxide.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
Colloidal Silver.

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List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer:
Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread Clayton Family


As one of the hyper-sensitive, I appreciate your restraint. I usually 
read my email while having my first cup of coffee

Have you tried any of the various kinds of probiotics? If it is an 
imbalance in the gut flora, that ought to fix it. My favorites are 
plain old acidophilous (in the fridge section) and Garden of Life 
probiotic. Also I eat soy yogurt with live stuff.

The other thing that comes to mind is that there are various parasites 
that can cause rectal itching, some only come out at night.

Hope your regimen is helping with the hepc.


On Jun 10, 2008, at 7:38 AM, bob Larson wrote:

thanks Dee.
by the way, since i've been drinking so much CS for 3 mos i've had a 
rectal itch that's pretty maddening sometimes.  no problem usually 
while busy working or running around doing stuff, but when more 
relaxed i find myself scratching to the point of ... (needless 
graphic description skipped to coddle the hyper-sensitive).


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Bottles ( HDPE )

2008-06-10 Thread Clayton Family
It does help with recycling, because it tells what king of plastic it 
is, and that refers to the composition.

On Jun 9, 2008, at 11:43 AM, Dee wrote:

Isn't this just to do with recylicing though?  Dee
---Original Message---
From: Marshall Dudley
Date: 09/06/2008 16:21:52
Subject: Re: CS>Bottles ( HDPE )
The translations can be found at

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Plant derived minerals, What other kind ?

2008-06-10 Thread Jeff Shepler

 Yep, the body uses plant derived minerals 

Not many, if any, chemists believe in Biological Transmutation. 

I get a kick our of the organic people. 

A molecule of nitrogen,  ( the kind a plant can eat ) is the same no
matter if another plant made it, 
man made it, or the soil and enzymes made it. No plant will eat  NH4,
they eat only NO3. 

Most chemists would agree with me.  I agree they may be chelated  and
in different forms, at times. 

But some forms, the plants will not eat.  They must be changed, (
chelated ) by soil and enzymes, 
unless MAN made them right the first time. 

I wasn't referring to biological transmutation.
The pithy put-down that says the plant doesn't know the difference
between nitrogen forms rates attention only as a curious form of
kindergarten nonsense.. 80% of the air is nitrogen all of it unusable
by green plants, it has to be combined with other elements to make
ammonium and nitrate compounds before it can be incorporated into
proteins. Microbes make the natural nitrogen cycle work, most notably
Rhizobium, which exists in a symbiotic  partnership  with plants/roots.
Nitrogen isn't alone in requiring the help of microbes before it can be
made fit for plant use. Just as nitrogen must first be converted to
nitrate, phosphorus must be converted to phosphate, sulfur to sulphate,
chlorine to chloride, boron to borate, and molybdenum to molybdate, and
so on. So you don't really feed the plants, you are actually feeding
the microbes. The plants food is predigested and only gets what the
microbes give it. 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... 

List maintainer: Mike Devour 


No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG. 
Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 270.0.0/1485 - Release Date: 6/5/2008 10:07 AM

RE: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread Dee
I wonder what could cause that?  Thanks for the 'too much information'
sensitivity, but I think we are all a pretty hardened lot on here with all
the different problems there are.  After all, who knows, maybe someone can
come up with an explanation.  If you don't mention something then you never
find the answer eh? Dee 

---Original Message---

From: bob Larson
Date: 10/06/2008 13:38:22
Subject: RE: CS>Ag4O4
thanks Dee.
by the way, since i've been drinking so much CS for 3 mos i've had a rectal
itch that's pretty maddening sometimes.  no problem usually while busy
working or running around doing stuff, but when more relaxed i find myself
scratching to the point of ... (needless graphic description skipped to
coddle the hyper-sensitive).

Re: Fw: CS>Take A Look At This! Eggs maybe not - but popcorn?

2008-06-10 Thread Rowena

The eggs one might be a hoax as claimed - but this site doesn't claim all those 
people with popcorn disappearing all over the table as it popped was a hoax, it 
just said that by mid 2008 the joke had expanded to include people supposedly 
popping popcorn - and I watched a number of videos of them doing it - the 
reactions seemed genuine, they were surprised it worked.   For the popcorn they 
were using three and four mobile phones. (Cell phones, handy phones). 
Something is working, surely.  Any of you people tried it with popcorn yet?


It's a hoax. . . .folks. . . .


On 6/9/08, Sandra V George  wrote:
> I would call this subtile microwave - the phones are doing what
>  microwaves do - 

RE: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread bob Larson
thanks Dee.

by the way, since i've been drinking so much CS for 3 mos i've had a rectal
itch that's pretty maddening sometimes.  no problem usually while busy
working or running around doing stuff, but when more relaxed i find myself
scratching to the point of ... (needless graphic description skipped to
coddle the hyper-sensitive).

  -Original Message-
  From: Dee []
  Sent: Tuesday, June 10, 2008 8:12 AM
  Subject: RE: CS>Ag4O4

Good luck with everything, BobL.  Dee

---Original Message---

From: bob Larson
Date: 06/10/08 13:04:43
Subject: RE: CS>Ag4O4

...yup.  tried it various ways from last fall until Jan.  no better
than CS
for my hep-C, and much more complicated and vile.  i'm currently
almost a liter/day of CS, 3rd month now and will stop at 4 mos...
then go
back on the MMS for awhile.  i believe the MMS takes a heavier toll
on the
body than CS when used in large amounts over extended period.
i've never yet seen any claims where MMS has cleared the HCV, but
have seen
a bunch where CS has.

RE: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread Dee
Good luck with everything, BobL.  Dee 

---Original Message---
From: bob Larson
Date: 06/10/08 13:04:43
Subject: RE: CS>Ag4O4
...yup.  tried it various ways from last fall until Jan.  no better than CS
for my hep-C, and much more complicated and vile.  i'm currently drinking
almost a liter/day of CS, 3rd month now and will stop at 4 mos... then go
back on the MMS for awhile.  i believe the MMS takes a heavier toll on the
body than CS when used in large amounts over extended period.
i've never yet seen any claims where MMS has cleared the HCV, but have seen
a bunch where CS has.  

RE: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread bob Larson
...yup.  tried it various ways from last fall until Jan.  no better than CS
for my hep-C, and much more complicated and vile.  i'm currently drinking
almost a liter/day of CS, 3rd month now and will stop at 4 mos... then go
back on the MMS for awhile.  i believe the MMS takes a heavier toll on the
body than CS when used in large amounts over extended period.
i've never yet seen any claims where MMS has cleared the HCV, but have seen
a bunch where CS has.  MMS has shown (from the folks on lists i read) to be
able to manage viral load but not clear it... for that, CS is much more
pleasant at least.
i'm glad to have enough sodium chlorite flakes stashed to last the remainder
of my most optimistic lifespan estimate, but would rather it still be mostly
stashed at the end of the road.
i have TT (Ag4O4) in the form of Silspa which seems to work pretty much like
CS when added to water 1 cc per liter (i think that makes about 10ppm), and
it doesn't cause fallout, discoloration, or change a meter reading when
added to CS.  i'm thinking about trying adding it to my CS for the last
month of this heavy CS experiment.  in fact, i'll start that today.


> -Original Message-
> From: Smitty []
> Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 9:49 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Ag4O4
> >  according to a patent abstract by Antelman who cured boyd
> graves, IV enough
> >  in one sitting to make the blood 40 ppm TT and no more HIV.  the liver
> >  enlarges but apparently mellows out later.
> >  boyd graves is a naval academy grad and lawyer, and has researched the
> >  origins of HIV, tracing it back to government engineering
> (biowarfare)...
> >  he's on a crusade to expose that, and is/was also involved in trials in
> >  africa (zambia) using TT to treat HIV/AIDS that he told me
> last year were
> >  ongoing and doing well...
> Bob:
> Do you know about MMS that cures AIDS and malaria ?
> Smitty

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Ag4O4

2008-06-10 Thread Paula Perry
Would it be possible to send the instructions without using an attachment?
My computer won't let  me open it.

- Original Message - 
From: "Marshall Dudley" 
Sent: Monday, June 09, 2008 12:58 PM
Subject: CS>Ag4O4

> I just received these instructions on how to make tetrasilver tetraoxide.
> Marshall

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