Re: [RE]CSAnecdotal information

2010-02-11 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Can you tell me the benefit of using calcium ascorbate over sodium ascorbate, 
or indeed, ascorbic acid?  This is not in the encapsulated form by the way, 
just orally. Many thanks, dee

On 10 Feb 2010, at 22:18, Harvey Metzler wrote:

 Hello Brooks:
 I will apologize for butting in but did not know how to reach you except 
 for the sliver list.
 I am on another list where we are making your home brew of Lecithin and 
 Ascorbic Acid and some of us who are already taking Vitamin C in the Calcium 
 Ascorbate form are not seeing any results from the home brew on top of our 
 normal regimen.

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CSFwd: Safer Milk With Silver Nanoparticles

2010-02-11 Thread John E. Stevens
-- Forwarded message --
From: Steve Barwick
Date: Wed, Feb 10, 2010 at 11:54 PM
Subject: Safer Milk With Silver Nanoparticles

Hi, Steve Barwick here, for

Scientists in China have now figured out a way to use tiny silver
nanoparticles to detect whether or not milk has been tainted with toxic

But as you know, certain environmentalist groups with ties to Big Pharma
have been trying to force the EPA to heavily regulate silver nanoparticles,
in spite of the fact that they’re completely harmless at levels used in
business and industry.

I'd like to point out that incredibly beneficial and ultimately
*lifesaving*technological breakthroughs like this cannot be achieved
under excessive
government regulation.

There comes a point at which we need to tell some of these sky is falling
environmentalist groups to sit down and shut up, and let science and
industry discover and innovate like they're supposed to, for the greater
good of humanity!

Many thousands of lives can be saved because of this one simple, new
innovation – but only if silver nanoparticles are not regulated into

See more on this important story on the Colloidal Silver Secrets blog at


Steve Barwick

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Re: [RE]CSAnecdotal information: Comment

2010-02-11 Thread MaryAnn Helland
Dear Brooks,
Thank you for your reply.  You most certainly did not offend, and need not 
apologize for your language.  It is, in fact, a beautiful thing to see and to 
read, and reminds me of the *good ole days* when people made an effort to speak 

However I can get occasionally confused with terminology that I've never heard 
before.  Micronizing was an example of that.  I didn't know if it referred to 
something that I didn't know, do you see?  Sandy kindly clarified that for me.

I'm glad to hear that tissue granulation is normal, and the desired result.  
I'm well on my way to that, I believe, because all swelling is now gone, the 
skin is normal color, and there are no sensations of pain or itching.  And yes 
-- the earrings have remained in place -- that's normal for a piercing.  At the 
time of piercing, you are advised to keep them in place for a minimum of two 
weeks -- and then to only remove them for cleaning, and replace immediately, 
for a minimum of six months.  The reason for this is that without the earrings 
in place, the holes will close up and heal over -- apparently within a matter 
of hours.  This would require a re-piercing.  And there's absolutely NO point 
in going through that again!  :-)  Also -- in regard to the accumulation of 
static debris -- one is also advised to rotate the earrings several times a 
day, which prevents the inner tissue from incorporating the earring into the 
healing process.  That
 adds somewhat to the discomfort, but is minimal unless an infectious process 
has set in.  Which is what brought me to use the EIS in the first place.

The information you shared regarding CS treatment of deep wounds is 
remarkable.  Your description of removing and replacing treatment packs made me 
cringe.  I can easily see the blessing in being able to leave the packing in 
place -- and am astounded that CS is being used for this purpose by the 
allopathic community.  I don't understand how they can incorporate it for one 
purpose, and ignore it -- or disdain it -- for others.  What a world!!

Thanks again for your time and expertise.  It's appreciated.
Mary Ann
P.S.  linguistic embellishments -- love it!!  :-D

From: Brooks Bradley

Dear MaryAnn, 
My apologies for any linguistic embellishmentsI certainly mean to express 
to not impress the general reader. 
However, as a well-meaning teacher during the bulk of my 50 year career in 
general society, I did try to emphasize that written words are, in general, 
sub-vocal expressions of thought. If one accepts that premise 
point-of-fact, properly utilized, words become shortcuts in thinking. I realize 
my habitual expressions may appear unseemly to many.but I hope they do not 
offendit is, simply, an existing affliction of habit by an aging intellect. 
Please do not take my asides seriously. My comment about micronizing was just 
an aside similar to gilding-the-lily or embellishment. 
First, tissue granulation is a desirable occurrencethis is nature's 
normal way-it IS 
normal healing. That is what happens when an open wound heals itself. The new 
tissue expands progressively and knits together 
whenever it meets new-growth tissue approaching from surrounding areas of the 
injury. Adding the DMSO does, indeed, offer drainage it 
effectively penetrates mucous fields and obstructing tissue debris.while 
transporting any entrained treatment substance. 
Interestingly, in-point-of-fact, if you kept your ear rings installedyou 
were actually assisting the entrance of 
any effective medicinal treatment---if only through their movement preventing 
accumulation of static debris inside the pierced holes of the ear lobes. 
A little-known fact not generally announced by the allopathic medical community 
is that Colloidal Silver is one of the really powerful bactericidal and virus 
inhibiting agents---to which these pathogens have small ability to either 
neutralize or 
to mutate against. This characteristic, alone, makes Colloidal Silver one of 
the few substances available to existing medicinethat can be saturated into 
a non-sterile bandage and stuffed into as deep penetrating wound and left for 
periods of time (days)the only proviso being that one must keep the bandage 
saturated with the colloidal silverin order to maintain the 
pathogen-controlling conditions. Additionally, it would not be advisable to 
leave the material plug in place more than 2 or 3 (at most) days. This, 
particular, protocol has allowed knowledgeable physicians to treat, otherwise 
un-cleanable, contaminateddeep-penetration wounds. Such is a blessing. Just 
ask some poor soul who has experienced having 
a deep-wound gauze-plug removed and replaced 3 times dailywhat it felt 
Do not apologize for infringing upon me or my time. Any question, honestly 
askedmerits an honest answer. 
Sincerely, Brooks 

Re: [RE]CSAnecdotal information

2010-02-11 Thread MaryAnn Helland
Hi Sandy.  Thank you for the clarifications.  I often wonder if something has 
more meaning than I subscribe to it -- and frequently it's as uncomplicated as 
it first appears.  That was the case with micronizing -- but I just wasn't 
sure.  :-D

From: Sandy
Sent: Wed, February 10, 2010 5:47:11 PM
Subject: Re: [RE]CSAnecdotal information

Hello Mary Ann, obviously I am not Brooks and no doubt he'll answer you but to 
save time I'll answer your questions and he can correct me if I'm wrong. 

By micronizing, Brooks, I believe means reducing his explanation for the 
protocol because of the seriousness of this subject...

The DMSO will draw or carry the CS directly into the tissues/infected area 
quite fast compared to just about anything else. It's important the wound is 
allowed to drain so the infected area will heal in a timely manner.. Tissue 
granulation will occur once the infection has been addressed.

Best regards,

The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will 
allow a solution. 

Bertrand Russell

--- On Wed, 2/10/10, MaryAnn Helland wrote:

From: MaryAnn Helland
Subject: Re: [RE]CSAnecdotal information
Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 3:47 PM

Hi Brooks -- thank you for your response -- but sometimes you talk *over my 
head*!  lol

I don't know what you mean by micronizing this protocol.

And are you saying that if I don't add DMSO to the CS, that I will create a 
tissue-granulation within the earlobes, rather than normal healing?  And that 
adding the DMSO will facilitate the constant drainage that you referred to?

Sorry to have to require more of your time.


From: Brooks Bradley 

Subject : CSAnecdotal information

Dear MaryAnn, 
We have found that the addition of as little as 5% DMSO (by volume) to the 
parent solution of CSresults 
in, almost, an-order-of=magnitude increase in penetration/effectivity.even 
on deep-peneration wounds. When applied 
immediately after an application of Hydrogen Peroxide (even the 3.5% 
commercial norm)-and allowing sufficient time 
for the foaming action to cease before application of the CS X DMSO 
mix.will appreciably accelerate the beneficial effects. 
This simple protocol has demonstrated to be effective against a multitude of 
quite noxious and slow-responding 
open-wound insults. 
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 
p.s. Forgive my micronizing this protocol, but it is vital...for 
acceptable,immediate. results, that ALL deep-penetration 
wounds (most especially in the early stages) be maintained in a 
constant-drainage condition. Interestingly, the colloidal 
silver based protocol will, unaided by ancillary measuresfacilitate a 
very powerful tissue-granulation occurrence. 

Date : Wed, 10 Feb 2010 09:09:38 -0800 (PST)

From : MaryAnn Helland

To :

Recently, someone here asked for anecdotal evidence of the use of EIS with 
positive results.  Here's one for ya. 

Last week, I had my ears pierced.  The store that did the piercing was very 
careful to keep the piercing sites and everything around them as sterile as 
possible, instructed me in after-care, and provided me with a bottle of their 
own brand of antiseptic solution, to be applied three times a day for a 
minimum of two weeks. 

Despite diligent care and application of their product, by yesterday both 
earlobes were swollen and red, hot(ish) to the touch and were sore and 
itching.  It has become increasingly difficult to sleep the past few nights 
because regardless of head position on the pillow, one sore ear or the other 
was being compressed -- and I don't do well trying to sleep on my back, or 
sitting up. 

Last night I took matters into my own hands, and filled up a small *nasal 
spray* bottle with CS and applied it liberally to the back and front of each 
earlobe, trying very hard to get it into the openings as well.  That was 
around 7:00.  By the time I went to bed (around midnight), the earlobes felt 
much better, and I was able to sleep very easily with only minor discomfort.  
By this morning, the ear with the least problems was no longer swollen, and I 
could manipulate the earring with no discomfort whatsoever.  The worst of the 
two earlobes was vastly improved -- with a reduction in swelling, and only 
moderate discomfort when moving the earring.  I expect that by tomorrow, it 
will look and feel as good as the other.  

So -- there ya have it.  Nothing life-saving to be sure, but evidence of 
EIS solving an infection problem. 

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Re: CSFwd: Safer Milk With Silver Nanoparticles

2010-02-11 Thread Sandee George
Hi There John, EIS is a preservative, it is an anti bacterial, so why  
would it take so long for them to use it
in milk, since I started making EIS, if I do have any milk around, the  
first thing that happens is about 6
drops of EIS goes into the bottle/carton and it keeps, and I know it  
is rid of any impurities that may be there, if you have read and  
studied Hulda Clark's work she makes it very clear what milk contains  
and why adults do not need, and in fact use milk to their detriment 

Knowledge unused is a waste of time 

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSFwd: Safer Milk With Silver Nanoparticles

2010-02-11 Thread John E. Stevens
Hi, Sandee:

The Chinese may have not known anything about colloidal silver water killing
bacteria in milk until recently.  Personally, I think milk is junk food
and I never drink it.  At first I went to Rice Milk and eventually to
Coconut Milk which is what I use on my cereal these days.  Our milk in the
states is too over processed - over pasteurizd and over homogenized.  From
my research there isn't anything good, nutrient-wise, that one can digest
and metabolize.  The vitamin D, calcium and other nutrients just wash
through the body unused, for the most part.  The enzymes in the milk are
dead, so there is no way to digest it.   Milk causes too much mucus to
build up in the body.  And the mucus is not good.
Sad, because I am a cheese lover.  Yes, I am a Hulda R. Clark reader and
follower and what she had to say about milk is correct.  Dr. William
Campbell Douglass II says the same thing, but there are so many folks in
this country, and other countries, that falsely believe milk is 'good for
you, it's hard getting the truth out there.  Off with that phony milk


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Sandee George wrote:

 Hi There John, EIS is a preservative, it is an anti bacterial, so why would
 it take so long for them to use it
 in milk, since I started making EIS, if I do have any milk around, the
 first thing that happens is about 6
 drops of EIS goes into the bottle/carton and it keeps, and I know it is rid
 of any impurities that may be there, if you have read and studied Hulda
 Clark's work she makes it very clear what milk contains and why adults do
 not need, and in fact use milk to their detriment 
 Knowledge unused is a waste of time 

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

 To post, address your message to:

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 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSFwd: Safer Milk With Silver Nanoparticles

2010-02-11 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
You can get raw milk in the States.  dee

On 11 Feb 2010, at 17:18, John E. Stevens wrote:

 Hi, Sandee:
 The Chinese may have not known anything about colloidal silver water killing 
 bacteria in milk until recently.  Personally, I think milk is junk food and 
 I never drink it.  At first I went to Rice Milk and eventually to Coconut 
 Milk which is what I use on my cereal these days.  Our milk in the states is 
 too over processed - over pasteurizd and over homogenized.  From my research 
 there isn't anything good, nutrient-wise, that one can digest and metabolize. 
  The vitamin D, calcium and other nutrients just wash through the body 
 unused, for the most part.  The enzymes in the milk are dead, so there is 
 no way to digest it.   Milk causes too much mucus to build up in the body.  
 And the mucus is not good.
 Sad, because I am a cheese lover.  Yes, I am a Hulda R. Clark reader and 
 follower and what she had to say about milk is correct.  Dr. William Campbell 
 Douglass II says the same thing, but there are so many folks in this country, 
 and other countries, that falsely believe milk is 'good for you, it's hard 
 getting the truth out there.  Off with that phony milk mustache  

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSRE: silver-digest Digest V2010 #181

2010-02-11 Thread Greg Ball

I can't understand this - I have seen several answers to your question Greg!  
Are you getting the emails through?  dee


Hi Dee,


Thanks for checking. I guess I was just hoping to have the specific brands 
addressed, but then I saw a person or two say that the brands don't matter.  I 
do find that surprising since there's some comparison chart on line that makes 
the mesosilver look like a star compared to all others. However I don't 
understand the variables they're comparing, so I don't really know if it means 
anything or not. I'd love to know what you all think. 


You can see that chart here:


I'm going to try flooding my body with my silvergen silver though, to see if it 
helps. Thanks!


Re: CSRE: silver-digest Digest V2010 #181

2010-02-11 Thread Dave Darrin
Consider the source.
You don't really think Meso would publish that anyone was better than them
do you?
That is part of the battle between ionic and particle silver effectiveness.
As far as most of us here can ascertain the ionic portion is the most
effective part and if you think it is the metallic particles,you get enough
of that to do the job too.
The rest is just hype to sell you something at an inflated price. Good for
their bottom line
but not so good for yours unless you are a lot richer than me. The
difference between six dollars an ounce and sixty cents a gallon

On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 10:40 AM, Greg Ball wrote:

  I can't understand this - I have seen several answers to your question
 Greg!  Are you getting the emails through?  dee

 Hi Dee,

 Thanks for checking. I guess I was just hoping to have the specific brands
 addressed, but then I saw a person or two say that the brands don't matter.
 I do find that surprising since there's some comparison chart on line that
 makes the mesosilver look like a star compared to all others. However I
 don't understand the variables they're comparing, so I don't really know if
 it means anything or not. I'd love to know what you all think.

 You can see that chart here:

 I'm going to try flooding my body with my silvergen silver though, to see
 if it helps. Thanks!

Re: CSRE: silver-digest Digest V2010 #181

2010-02-11 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
I think it is just good sales pitch Gregg.  It is impossible to say what the 
difference is - it is all silver and we have had such excellent results with 
our home-made that I would think it is impossible to better it.  It is a lot 
cheaper too.  dee

On 11 Feb 2010, at 18:40, Greg Ball wrote:

 I can't understand this - I have seen several answers to your question Greg!  
 Are you getting the emails through?  dee
 Hi Dee,
 Thanks for checking. I guess I was just hoping to have the specific brands 
 addressed, but then I saw a person or two say that the brands don't matter.  
 I do find that surprising since there's some comparison chart on line that 
 makes the mesosilver look like a star compared to all others. However I don't 
 understand the variables they're comparing, so I don't really know if it 
 means anything or not. I'd love to know what you all think. 
 You can see that chart here:
 I'm going to try flooding my body with my silvergen silver though, to see if 
 it helps. Thanks!

CSRE: silver-digest Digest V2010 #181

2010-02-11 Thread Norton, Steve


The Mesosilver comparison reflects Mesosilver's opinion that only silver 
particles are effective in vivo. It therefore completely disregards any 
antimicrobial effects of ionic silver. It ignores scientific studies that show 
the opposite. The truth is that both have effectivity but in most instances 
ionic silver is most effective. I hate to say it but you must take all silver 
suppliers comparisons with a LARGE grain of salt. 
  - Steve N

On 11 Feb 2010, at 18:40, Greg Ball wrote:
I can't understand this - I have seen several answers to your question Greg!  
Are you getting the emails through?  

Hi Dee, 
Thanks for checking. I guess I was just hoping to have the specific brands 
addressed, but then I saw a person or two say that the brands don't matter.  I 
do find that surprising since there's some comparison chart on line that makes 
the mesosilver look like a star compared to all others. However I don't 
understand the variables they're comparing, so I don't really know if it means 
anything or not. I'd love to know what you all think.  You can see that chart 
 I'm going to try flooding my body with my silvergen silver though, to see if 
it helps. 

Re: [RE]CSAnecdotal information

2010-02-11 Thread Sandy
You're more than welcome, MaryAnn. I often find myself confused too so when I 
see someone else having a problem and if I can I try to help.

I hope Brooks will forgive me, I did not mean to step on his toes. :)

Best regards,

The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will 
allow a solution. 

Bertrand Russell

--- On Thu, 2/11/10, MaryAnn Helland wrote:

From: MaryAnn Helland
Subject: Re: [RE]CSAnecdotal information
Date: Thursday, February 11, 2010, 8:19 AM

Hi Sandy.  Thank you for the clarifications.  I often wonder if something has 
more meaning than I subscribe to it -- and frequently it's as uncomplicated as 
it first appears.  That was the case with micronizing -- but I just wasn't 
sure.  :-D

From: Sandy
Sent: Wed, February 10, 2010 5:47:11 PM
Subject: Re: [RE]CSAnecdotal information

Hello Mary Ann, obviously I am not Brooks and no doubt he'll answer you but to 
save time I'll answer your questions and he can correct me if I'm wrong. 

By micronizing, Brooks, I believe means reducing his explanation for the 
protocol because of the seriousness of this subject..

The DMSO will draw or carry the CS directly into the tissues/infected area 
quite fast compared to just about anything else. It's important the wound is 
allowed to drain so the infected area will heal in a timely manner. Tissue 
granulation will occur once the infection has been addressed.

Best regards,

The greatest challenge to any thinker is stating the problem in a way that will 
allow a solution. 

Bertrand Russell

--- On Wed, 2/10/10, MaryAnn Helland wrote:

From: MaryAnn Helland
Subject: Re: [RE]CSAnecdotal information
Date: Wednesday, February 10, 2010, 3:47 PM

Hi Brooks -- thank you for your response -- but sometimes you talk *over my 
head*!  lol
I don't know what you mean by micronizing this protocol..
And are you saying that if I don't add DMSO to the CS, that I will create a 
tissue-granulation within the earlobes, rather than normal healing?  And that 
adding the DMSO will facilitate the constant drainage that you referred to?
Sorry to have to require more of your time.


From: Brooks Bradley 

Subject : CSAnecdotal information

Dear MaryAnn, 
We have found that the addition of as little as 5% DMSO (by volume) to the 
parent solution of CSresults 
in, almost, an-order-of=magnitude increase in penetration/effectivity.even 
on deep-peneration wounds. When applied 
immediately after an application of Hydrogen Peroxide (even the 3.5% commercial 
norm)-and allowing sufficient time 
for the foaming action to cease before application of the CS X DMSO 
mix.will appreciably accelerate the beneficial effects. 
This simple protocol has demonstrated to be effective against a multitude of 
quite noxious and slow-responding 
open-wound insults. 
Sincerely, Brooks Bradley. 
p.s. Forgive my micronizing this protocol, but it is vital...for 
acceptable,immediate. results, that ALL deep-penetration 
wounds (most especially in the
 early stages) be maintained in a constant-drainage condition. Interestingly, 
the colloidal 
silver based protocol will, unaided by ancillary measuresfacilitate a 
very powerful tissue-granulation occurrence. 

Date : Wed, 10 Feb 2010 09:09:38 -0800 (PST)

From : MaryAnn Helland

To :

Recently, someone here asked for anecdotal evidence of the use of EIS with 
positive results.  Here's one for ya. 

Last week, I had my ears pierced.  The store that did the piercing was very 
careful to keep the piercing sites and everything around them as sterile as 
possible, instructed me in after-care, and provided me with a bottle of their 
own brand of antiseptic solution, to be applied three times a day for a minimum 
of two weeks. 

Despite diligent care and application of their product, by yesterday both
 earlobes were swollen and red, hot(ish) to the touch and were sore and 
itching.  It has become increasingly difficult to sleep the past few nights 
because regardless of head position on the pillow, one sore ear or the other 
was being compressed -- and I don't do well trying to sleep on my back, or 
sitting up. 

Last night I took matters into my own hands, and filled up a small *nasal 
spray* bottle with CS and applied it liberally to the back and front of each 
earlobe, trying very hard to get it into the openings as well.  That was around 
7:00.  By the time I went to bed (around midnight), the earlobes felt much 
better, and I was able to sleep very easily with only minor discomfort.  By 
this morning, the ear with the least problems was no longer swollen, and I 
could manipulate the earring with no discomfort whatsoever.  The worst of the 
two earlobes was vastly 


2010-02-11 Thread Leslie
Any experiences here on using a zapper? 

I am still trying to figure out the best way to get the silver I need. I have 
to get those clip things from Utopia for their generator but want to buy some 
by the foot. Checked on one company but they sell by the inch. that baffled me. 
Anyway just takes me awhile to figure out. Would like a water distiller also 
and have for a couple of years; hopefully can get one soon. Gets expensive 
buying the gallons and the quality stinks. 


Re: CSzapper

2010-02-11 Thread John E. Stevens
Yes, I've been using a Zapper for over six years.


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 6:26 PM, Leslie wrote:

  Any experiences here on using a zapper?

 I am still trying to figure out the best way to get the silver I need. I
 have to get those clip things from Utopia for their generator but want to
 buy some by the foot. Checked on one company but they sell by the inch. that
 baffled me. Anyway just takes me awhile to figure out. Would like a water
 distiller also and have for a couple of years; hopefully can get one soon.
 Gets expensive buying the gallons and the quality stinks.


Re: CSzapper

2010-02-11 Thread Dan Nave

There are 12 inches in 1 foot.
That should help with figuring it out...

Maybe you prefer metric measurements.
1 inch is 2.54cm.  Round it out to 2.5cm per inch.

Yes, Zappers work fine.


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 5:26 PM, Leslie wrote:
 Any experiences here on using a zapper?

 I am still trying to figure out the best way to get the silver I need. I
 have to get those clip things from Utopia for their generator but want to
 buy some by the foot. Checked on one company but they sell by the inch. that
 baffled me. Anyway just takes me awhile to figure out. Would like a water
 distiller also and have for a couple of years; hopefully can get one soon.
 Gets expensive buying the gallons and the quality stinks.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSFwd: Safer Milk With Silver Nanoparticles

2010-02-11 Thread John E. Stevens
There were times I drank raw last summer - and before.  It's the mucus
factor that concerns me.


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 1:30 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick d...@deetroy.orgwrote:

 You can get raw milk in the States.  dee

 On 11 Feb 2010, at 17:18, John E. Stevens wrote:

  Hi, Sandee:
  The Chinese may have not known anything about colloidal silver water
 killing bacteria in milk until recently.  Personally, I think milk is junk
 food and I never drink it.  At first I went to Rice Milk and eventually to
 Coconut Milk which is what I use on my cereal these days.  Our milk in the
 states is too over processed - over pasteurizd and over homogenized.  From
 my research there isn't anything good, nutrient-wise, that one can digest
 and metabolize.  The vitamin D, calcium and other nutrients just wash
 through the body unused, for the most part.  The enzymes in the milk are
 dead, so there is no way to digest it.   Milk causes too much mucus to
 build up in the body.  And the mucus is not good.
  Sad, because I am a cheese lover.  Yes, I am a Hulda R. Clark reader and
 follower and what she had to say about milk is correct.  Dr. William
 Campbell Douglass II says the same thing, but there are so many folks in
 this country, and other countries, that falsely believe milk is 'good for
 you, it's hard getting the truth out there.  Off with that phony milk

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Address Off-Topic messages to:

 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSRE: silver-digest Digest V2010 #181

2010-02-11 Thread poast
Hello Greg,

I think the answer to your question is based upon what you believe is doing the 
work inside your body.

If you believe that particles do the work, then MesoSilver is a strong 

However, if you believe that ions do the work, then the SilverGen is the way to 

There seems to be a fair amount of test data that suggests that ions are the 
way to go, but you will have to sort that out for yourself.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Greg Ball 
  Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:40 AM
  Subject: CSRE: silver-digest Digest V2010 #181

  I can't understand this - I have seen several answers to your question Greg!  
Are you getting the emails through?  dee
  Hi Dee,
  Thanks for checking. I guess I was just hoping to have the specific brands 
addressed, but then I saw a person or two say that the brands don't matter.  I 
do find that surprising since there's some comparison chart on line that makes 
the mesosilver look like a star compared to all others. However I don't 
understand the variables they're comparing, so I don't really know if it means 
anything or not. I'd love to know what you all think. 
  You can see that chart here:
  I'm going to try flooding my body with my silvergen silver though, to see if 
it helps. Thanks!


RE: CSFwd: Safer Milk With Silver Nanoparticles

2010-02-11 Thread Lisa
Ah.but raw milk IS good for you!





From: John E. Stevens [] 
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 12:18 PM
Subject: Re: CSFwd: Safer Milk With Silver Nanoparticles


Hi, Sandee:

The Chinese may have not known anything about colloidal silver water killing
bacteria in milk until recently.  Personally, I think milk is junk food
and I never drink it.  At first I went to Rice Milk and eventually to
Coconut Milk which is what I use on my cereal these days.  Our milk in the
states is too over processed - over pasteurizd and over homogenized.  From
my research there isn't anything good, nutrient-wise, that one can digest
and metabolize.  The vitamin D, calcium and other nutrients just wash
through the body unused, for the most part.  The enzymes in the milk are
dead, so there is no way to digest it.   Milk causes too much mucus to
build up in the body.  And the mucus is not good.
Sad, because I am a cheese lover.  Yes, I am a Hulda R. Clark reader and
follower and what she had to say about milk is correct.  Dr. William
Campbell Douglass II says the same thing, but there are so many folks in
this country, and other countries, that falsely believe milk is 'good for
you, it's hard getting the truth out there.  Off with that phony milk


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 10:28 AM, Sandee George wrote:

Hi There John, EIS is a preservative, it is an anti bacterial, so why would
it take so long for them to use it
in milk, since I started making EIS, if I do have any milk around, the first
thing that happens is about 6
drops of EIS goes into the bottle/carton and it keeps, and I know it is rid
of any impurities that may be there, if you have read and studied Hulda
Clark's work she makes it very clear what milk contains and why adults do
not need, and in fact use milk to their detriment 
Knowledge unused is a waste of time 

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Re: CSzapper

2010-02-11 Thread leslie
Geez. that makes me feel really stupid. I should know there are 12 inches in 
1 foot. I was also pretty good at sewing once I figured out a sleeve didn't 
belong on the neck and a zipper had to be zipped on the outside instead of 
the inside. was perfectly sewed in though. LOL

- Original Message - 
From: Dan Nave

Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 6:13 PM
Subject: Re: CSzapper


There are 12 inches in 1 foot.
That should help with figuring it out...

Maybe you prefer metric measurements.
1 inch is 2.54cm.  Round it out to 2.5cm per inch.

Yes, Zappers work fine.


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 5:26 PM, Leslie wrote:

Any experiences here on using a zapper?

I am still trying to figure out the best way to get the silver I need. I
have to get those clip things from Utopia for their generator but want to
buy some by the foot. Checked on one company but they sell by the inch. 

baffled me. Anyway just takes me awhile to figure out. Would like a water
distiller also and have for a couple of years; hopefully can get one 

Gets expensive buying the gallons and the quality stinks.


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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

silver impregnated wound dressings, was Re: [RE]CSAnecdotal information: Comment

2010-02-11 Thread sol

There is also another brand but I can't recall the name of that one.

Re: CSDental Implants

2010-02-11 Thread sol

At 05:54 PM 12/19/2009, you wrote:

Hi Group:
 Does anyone have any info. on dental implants (titanium) I 
believe, and
 possible interaction (maybe electrolysis) when using c/s 
to rinse with.

  Anyone think it could be a problem.
  Thanks.. Nessie..

I've had a dental implant for 10 years and have used CS as mouthwash 
for approx 8 years, and never had a problem. I also have several gold 
crowns, a few porcelain crowns, and many composite fillings. But I do 
not have any amalgam fillings.


Re: [RE]CSAnecdotal information: Comment

2010-02-11 Thread Jonathan B. Britten
Those who would like to learn more about in-place silver (foil 
especially) should read R. O. Becker, M.D.   The Body Electric has 
some amazing information about in-vitro silver, as well as some 
fascinating historical data. Becker's book is absolutely essential 
for Silver List members.

On Thursday, Feb 11, 2010, at 23:16 Asia/Tokyo, MaryAnn Helland wrote:

The information you shared regarding CS treatment of deep wounds is 
remarkable.  Your description of removing and replacing treatment 
packs made me cringe.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: [RE]CSAnecdotal information: Comment

2010-02-11 Thread Harvey Metzler

Jonathan has picked a giant.

Becker would be growing hearts, lungs and legs by now had he not crossed 
the establishment.  His other book Cross Currents is also a good 
read.  Becker was and is extremely concerned about the eletromagnetic 
junkyards that we are bathing our bodies in on a daily basis like Wyfi 
and cell towers.  The voltages that effect our bodies may be so small as 
to be pushing the state of what we can measure and they will still 
produce huge effects.  If you google Becker, you will not be 
disappointed in anything he has written as he writes down to earth and 
on topics that will knock you down.  What is interesting is he is an 
orthopedic surgeon by training and expediting the healing process  got 
him into lots of other areas.  Nominated for couple Nobels as I remember 
and probably should have received instead of just being nominated as he 
is Pauling stuff.



Jonathan B. Britten wrote:
Those who would like to learn more about in-place silver (foil 
especially) should read R. O. Becker, M.D.   The Body Electric has 
some amazing information about in-vitro silver, as well as some 
fascinating historical data. Becker's book is absolutely essential 
for Silver List members.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSHow much Borax to use for arthritis?

2010-02-11 Thread Dan Nave
I have found that I am somewhat allergic to shrimp and, therefore, the
glucosamine made from chitin, and it also seems that I am sensitive to
the so-called vegetarian glucosamine...
Since I have to stop taking glucosamine, I want to see about taking
boron for arthritis symptoms.

I am wondering how much boron, as borax, one would have to take to supplement.

I did a rough estimate using the
method.   Roughly, (very roughly) this looks like somewhere around 1/4
gram.  I don't want to use this method since it leaves a very soapy
taste in the mouth for a long time.  I would rather dissolve it in
water and drink it during the day.

Perhaps Marshall or some other chemically savvy person could indicate
how much borax one would have to add to water to make a 7.5ppm
solution.  Or anything that would give me a starting point for
calculation, using borax.

Google Carnarvon Borax arthritis



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Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: [RE]CSAnecdotal information:ANSWER.

2010-02-11 Thread Brooks Bradley
   Dear Harvey,
 Please forgive my tardy response, but it is only by chance I checked my Junk mail box file a few moments ago and
found the body of your message.  I do not know why it went to the Junk file.
  My answer to your first question is:  we checked for particle size as a major parameter.  Second, the power level,
in watts driving the transducer DOES affect the particle size (AT Least we found it so). The higher the power, the smaller the
majority of the particles (condition held until power levels of our largest lead zirconate-titanate transducers went beyond 1000 watts per transducer.)  No effective reduction occurred beyond these power levels (Power Spectral Density evaluations).  However, it WAS NOT necessary to reach these power levels to obtain excellent nano-size liposomes.  200 watts driving a transducer at 38K Hertzyielded excellent results.even with the high-power lead zirconate units.The larger Harbor Freight unit does, in fact, yield smaller particle liposomes (but the particle size from the small unit was perfectly acceptable for our experiments---and the results gained were, also, quite acceptable as our in vitro evaluations).  It should be noted;  to get reliable population density numbers, the samples had to be dehydrated completelybefore viewing with the scanning electron microscope (the same problem is encountered with colloidal silver particle evaluatio!
 ns).   Ultrasonic energy aggitating does facilitate the increased creation of nano-size particles.  In fact, Ultrasonic energy was the FIRST energy source to actually achieve this level of size reduction (so I am informed by staff members more conversant with this technology...than am I). Diffraction grating came later. 
  While we  have not conducted detailed analyses using calcium ascorbate as the vitamin C component, there seems to be
no contravening reason that would seriously modify the excellent results we enjoyed with sodium ascorbate.  However, the coefficient of absorption for sodium ascorbate in higher mammals does indicate to be superior to calcium ascorbate (so I am informed).  The principal reason calcium carbonate is utilized by most commercial vendors is to mitigate against the alimentary challenges presented to someby the acid form (ascorbic acid).  The absorptive ability of sodium ascorbate in humans---as against that of ascorbic acid, demonstrates to be over two orders of magnitude ( about 3000 times according to Dr. Gerard Judd). 
  One comment I might add:  If a subject is orally consuming LARGE quantities (over 20 grams daily) of vitamin C (especially in the ascorbate form), additional improvement levels, via liposomal additions, in addressing the existing insult may be less than striking (especially if the subject presents with excellent systemic absorption characteristics)if only because influence levels of the current dosage regimen are reaching near the upper "practical" limits for vitamin Cin these cases.  However, I have no measured corroboration for such a phenomenon.
  I hope these comments have been an aid toward addressing the intent of your questions.
Sincerely,   Brooks Bradley.

-[ Received Mail Content ]--
 Subject : Re: [RE]CSAnecdotal information
 Date : Wed, 10 Feb 2010 16:18:41 -0600
 From : Harvey br
 To :

Hello Brooks:

I will apologize for "butting in" but did not know how to reach you 
except for the sliver list.

I am on another list where we are making your "home brew" of Lecithin 
and Ascorbic Acid and some of us who are already taking Vitamin C in the 
Calcium nano form are not seeing any results from the home brew on 
top of our normal regimen.

This raised the question of whether your electron microscope tests

1.  Checked only the encapsulation process or
2.  Checked for size of the encapsulated Vitamin C to see if it was 
br.  If PSD cannot be achieved via ultrasonic encapsulation, then we 
were only adding to our existing GI tract loading of Vitamin C and this 
might account for the "non results".  Some of us are close to bowel 
tolerance using Calcium br several times a day so, a little more 
Vitamin C via the GI tract route might not be perceptible.

We have used inexpensive to reasonably expensive ultrasonic cleaners in 
the process as the thought crossed my mind of whether the strength of 
cavitation tied to Metzler would produce a smaller encapsulate.

Any info you can share about your electron microscope analysis of the 
the particle size of the encapsulate would be greatly appreciated.

I will apologize for this being slightly off topic but think that many 
on the silver list will also be very interested in this topic of 
encapsulation of Vitamin C.

Harvey brHouston, Tex

DMSO br wrote:
> Hi Brooks -- thank you for your response -- but 

Fwd: CSHow much Borax to use for arthritis?

2010-02-11 Thread Dan Nave
Just came across this at

So I took 30 mg of borax twice daily, this was 6 mg of elemental boron
a day and In a week to: pain was less, In ten days the pain was less.
In three weeks the pain, swelling and stiffness had all gone, so I
stopped taking the borax. A year later the pain and swelling returned
so I took more borax and in two weeks all was right again.


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 9:37 PM, Dan Nave wrote:
 I have found that I am somewhat allergic to shrimp and, therefore, the
 glucosamine made from chitin, and it also seems that I am sensitive to
 the so-called vegetarian glucosamine...
 Since I have to stop taking glucosamine, I want to see about taking
 boron for arthritis symptoms.

 I am wondering how much boron, as borax, one would have to take to supplement.

 I did a rough estimate using the
 method.   Roughly, (very roughly) this looks like somewhere around 1/4
 gram.  I don't want to use this method since it leaves a very soapy
 taste in the mouth for a long time.  I would rather dissolve it in
 water and drink it during the day.

 Perhaps Marshall or some other chemically savvy person could indicate
 how much borax one would have to add to water to make a 7.5ppm
 solution.  Or anything that would give me a starting point for
 calculation, using borax.

 Google Carnarvon Borax arthritis



 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Address Off-Topic messages to:

 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: [RE]CSAnecdotal information:ANSWER.

2010-02-11 Thread Dan Nave
You wrote: While we have not conducted detailed analyses using
calcium ascorbate as the vitamin C component, there seems to be
no contravening reason that would seriously modify the excellent
results we enjoyed with sodium ascorbate.

My experiments indicate that calcium ascorbate is not suitable for use
in this process as it causes a curdling of the lecithin so it does
not encapsulate...


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 9:42 PM, Brooks Bradley wrote:
 Dear Harvey,
 Please forgive my tardy response, but it is only by chance I checked my Junk
 mail box file a few moments ago and
 found the body of your message. I do not know why it went to the Junk file.
 My answer to your first question is: we checked for particle size as a major
 parameter. Second, the power level,
 in watts driving the transducer DOES affect the particle size (AT Least
 we found it so). The higher the power, the smaller the
 majority of the particles (condition held until power levels of our largest
 lead zirconate-titanate transducers went beyond 1000 watts per transducer.)
 No effective reduction occurred beyond these power levels (Power Spectral
 Density evaluations). However, it WAS NOT necessary to reach these power
 levels to obtain excellent nano-size liposomes. 200 watts driving a
 transducer at 38K Hertzyielded excellent results.even with the
 high-power lead zirconate units. The larger Harbor Freight unit does, in
 fact, yield smaller particle liposomes (but the particle size from the small
 unit was perfectly acceptable for our experiments---and the results gained
 were, also, quite acceptable as our in vitro evaluations).
 It should be noted; to get reliable population density numbers, the samples
 had to be dehydrated completelybefore viewing with the scanning electron
 microscope (the same problem is encountered with colloidal silver particle
 evaluatio! ns). Ultrasonic energy aggitating does facilitate the increased
 creation of nano-size particles. In fact, Ultrasonic energy was the FIRST
 energy source to actually achieve this level of size reduction (so I am
 informed by staff members more conversant with this technology...than am I).
 Diffraction grating came later.
 While we have not conducted detailed analyses using calcium ascorbate as the
 vitamin C component, there seems to be
 no contravening reason that would seriously modify the excellent results we
 enjoyed with sodium ascorbate. However, the coefficient of absorption for
 sodium ascorbate in higher mammals does indicate to be superior to calcium
 ascorbate (so I am informed). The principal reason calcium carbonate is
 utilized by most commercial vendors is to mitigate against the alimentary
 challenges presented to someby the acid form (ascorbic acid). The
 absorptive ability of sodium ascorbate in humans---as against that of
 ascorbic acid, demonstrates to be over two orders of magnitude ( about 3000
 times according to Dr. Gerard Judd).
 One comment I might add: If a subject is orally consuming LARGE quantities
 (over 20 grams daily) of vitamin C (especially in the ascorbate form),
 additional improvement levels, via liposomal additions, in addressing the
 existing insult may be less than striking (especially if the subject
 presents with excellent systemic absorption characteristics)if only
 because influence levels of the current dosage regimen are reaching near the
 upper practical limits for vitamin Cin these cases. However, I have no
 measured corroboration for such a phenomenon.
 I hope these comments have been an aid toward addressing the intent of your
 Sincerely, Brooks Bradley.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: Fwd: CSHow much Borax to use for arthritis?

2010-02-11 Thread Pat
Why don't you just use capsules?  Clean, neat, no taste.  Dirt Cheap.


From: Dan Nave
Sent: Thu, February 11, 2010 10:46:49 PM
Subject: Fwd: CSHow much Borax to use for arthritis?

Just came across this at

So I took 30 mg of borax twice daily, this was 6 mg of elemental boron
a day and In a week to: pain was less, In ten days the pain was less.
In three weeks the pain, swelling and stiffness had all gone, so I
stopped taking the borax. A year later the pain and swelling returned
so I took more borax and in two weeks all was right again.


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 9:37 PM, Dan Nave wrote:
 I have found that I am somewhat allergic to shrimp and, therefore, the
 glucosamine made from chitin, and it also seems that I am sensitive to
 the so-called vegetarian glucosamine...
 Since I have to stop taking glucosamine, I want to see about taking
 boron for arthritis symptoms.

 I am wondering how much boron, as borax, one would have to take to supplement.

 I did a rough estimate using the
 method.   Roughly, (very roughly) this looks like somewhere around 1/4
 gram.  I don't want to use this method since it leaves a very soapy
 taste in the mouth for a long time.  I would rather dissolve it in
 water and drink it during the day.

 Perhaps Marshall or some other chemically savvy person could indicate
 how much borax one would have to add to water to make a 7.5ppm
 solution.  Or anything that would give me a starting point for
 calculation, using borax.

 Google Carnarvon Borax arthritis



 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Address Off-Topic messages to:

 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour


Re: CSzapper

2010-02-11 Thread poast
Hello Leslie,

I can't help you with the zapper, but this site is supposed to be a good source 
for silver wire

I just picked up this distiller

I am quite happy with it.  To get pure water you have to remove the charcoal 
filter in the spout, but other than that it works as advertised.  I am double 
distilling and am ending up with water with 0.4 uS which is purer than I get at 
the store.

When you get around to picking up a distiller get back in touch with me and I 
will give you directions on how to double distill.

  - Original Message - 
  From: Leslie 
  Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 3:26 PM
  Subject: CSzapper

  Any experiences here on using a zapper? 

  I am still trying to figure out the best way to get the silver I need. I have 
to get those clip things from Utopia for their generator but want to buy some 
by the foot. Checked on one company but they sell by the inch. that baffled me. 
Anyway just takes me awhile to figure out. Would like a water distiller also 
and have for a couple of years; hopefully can get one soon. Gets expensive 
buying the gallons and the quality stinks. 


RE: [RE]CSAnecdotal information: Comment

2010-02-11 Thread Neville Munn

Yep, rivetting reading, one can't help but wonder what possibilities could be 
open to us today if he were only to have been supported and allowed to continue 
with his research.  Such literature is *priceless* in my opinion.


I consider it essential reading for *anyone* who is involved with this stuff.  
He researched back in the days when *research* actually meant something 
positive, and shone a bright light into future possibilities.  But, alas, as 
with so many of his contemporaries, that light was snuffed out, the abrupt 
ending of his, and others, research can only be discribed as criminal.


Money talks many languages though, as it did for Thomas Edison when all he did 
was light a bulb...Nikola Tesla actually lit up the world...with AC 
electricity, but you won't see that name appear in too many places.  Edison 
only played around, and was plagued by, DC electricity.



 Date: Fri, 12 Feb 2010 12:09:15 +0900
 Subject: Re: [RE]CSAnecdotal information: Comment
 Those who would like to learn more about in-place silver (foil 
 especially) should read R. O. Becker, M.D. The Body Electric has 
 some amazing information about in-vitro silver, as well as some 
 fascinating historical data. Becker's book is absolutely essential 
 for Silver List members.
 On Thursday, Feb 11, 2010, at 23:16 Asia/Tokyo, MaryAnn Helland wrote:
  The information you shared regarding CS treatment of deep wounds is 
  remarkable.  Your description of removing and replacing treatment 
  packs made me cringe.
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
 To post, address your message to:
 Address Off-Topic messages to:
 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
 List maintainer: Mike Devour
If it exists, you'll find it on SEEK. Australia's #1 job site

Re: Fwd: CSHow much Borax to use for arthritis?

2010-02-11 Thread Dan Nave
That may be an option.  If I was to get it, I would get it from
Swanson's Vitamins.  Much cheaper.

But still...


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 10:06 PM, Pat wrote:
 Why don't you just use capsules?  Clean, neat, no taste.  Dirt Cheap.


 From: Dan Nave
 Sent: Thu, February 11, 2010 10:46:49 PM
 Subject: Fwd: CSHow much Borax to use for arthritis?

 Just came across this at

 So I took 30 mg of borax twice daily, this was 6 mg of elemental boron
 a day and In a week to: pain was less, In ten days the pain was less.
 In three weeks the pain, swelling and stiffness had all gone, so I
 stopped taking the borax. A year later the pain and swelling returned
 so I took more borax and in two weeks all was right again.


 On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 9:37 PM, Dan Nave wrote:
 I have found that I am somewhat allergic to shrimp and, therefore, the
 glucosamine made from chitin, and it also seems that I am sensitive to
 the so-called vegetarian glucosamine...
 Since I have to stop taking glucosamine, I want to see about taking
 boron for arthritis symptoms.

 I am wondering how much boron, as borax, one would have to take to 

 I did a rough estimate using the
 method.   Roughly, (very roughly) this looks like somewhere around 1/4
 gram.  I don't want to use this method since it leaves a very soapy
 taste in the mouth for a long time.  I would rather dissolve it in
 water and drink it during the day.

 Perhaps Marshall or some other chemically savvy person could indicate
 how much borax one would have to add to water to make a 7.5ppm
 solution.  Or anything that would give me a starting point for
 calculation, using borax.

 Google Carnarvon Borax arthritis



 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

 To post, address your message to:

 Address Off-Topic messages to:

 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

 List maintainer: Mike Devour

Re: CSzapper

2010-02-11 Thread Leslie
thank you. I went to the ebay site and was wondering if the one you got was the 
Love Distiller, the new one they are showing on this page? I think on the Love 
site it is 159.00 but not sure. That is better on ebay but with 20.00 shipping. 
Love includes the shipping and the cleaner and filters. 

Thanks again,
  - Original Message - 
  From: poast 
  Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 10:12 PM
  Subject: Re: CSzapper

  Hello Leslie,

  I can't help you with the zapper, but this site is supposed to be a good 
source for silver wire

  I just picked up this distiller

  I am quite happy with it.  To get pure water you have to remove the charcoal 
filter in the spout, but other than that it works as advertised.  I am double 
distilling and am ending up with water with 0.4 uS which is purer than I get at 
the store.

  When you get around to picking up a distiller get back in touch with me and I 
will give you directions on how to double distill.

- Original Message - 
From: Leslie 
Sent: Thursday, February 11, 2010 3:26 PM
Subject: CSzapper

Any experiences here on using a zapper? 

I am still trying to figure out the best way to get the silver I need. I 
have to get those clip things from Utopia for their generator but want to buy 
some by the foot. Checked on one company but they sell by the inch. that 
baffled me. Anyway just takes me awhile to figure out. Would like a water 
distiller also and have for a couple of years; hopefully can get one soon. Gets 
expensive buying the gallons and the quality stinks. 


Re: CSzapper

2010-02-11 Thread
I have had good experiences with zappers. I use them in conjunction with CS. 
They are great for getting rid of almost any type of cold/flu/virus/infection 
or parasite. A couple of good ones that are inexpensive: Silverado Zapper- 
strap onto your wrist and go about your business All of these zappers 
are good: they use the traditional copper pipes you hold while zapping, very 
effective but you have to hold the pipes while zapping so you can't do much 

-- Original Message --
From: Leslie
Subject: CSzapper
Date: Thu, 11 Feb 2010 17:26:53 -0600

Any experiences here on using a zapper?  I am still trying to figure out the 
best way to get the silver I need. I have to get those clip things from Utopia 
for their generator but want to buy some by the foot. Checked on one company 
but they sell by the inch. that baffled me. Anyway just takes me awhile to 
figure out. Would like a water distiller also and have for a couple of years; 
hopefully can get one soon. Gets expensive buying the gallons and the quality 
stinks.  Leslie

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