Re: CSBeing careful with CS

2006-09-13 Thread Lisa Shepherd
Yes, thnx Terry, arent we a silly creature after all?
  haha @ ourselves, what is silver anyway? It kills bacteria, why would we 
worry about contamination from our own mouths if it will kill the germs that 
ail us?? It is to laugh
  at least I laughed at myself when I realized I worried about it...
Godspeed all, Lisa. wrote:
Thanks Terrydeb
  -- Original message -- 
From: Terry Chamberlin 

 Pat said, 
 I thought someone warned once to never drink out of 
 the bottle of CS because it would cause it to fall out 
 of suspension if it is contaminated with anything.  
 Many, many of my clients drink CS right out of the 
 bottle either to save having to measure out the CS 
 (why bother?), or because they are carrying the CS 
 around with them all day for frequent ingestion. 
 This is just mineral water, folks, not a medicine or a 
 chemical. You don't need to be careful with it. 
 Remember, when you drink CS, it goes into a soup of 
 all kinds of stuff in your stomach. Still works, 
 Apart from mixing CS with toxic substances, whatever  we can do to CS 
 outside our bodies will automatically 
 happen inside our bodies. Yet CS still works. 
 The only way myself and my kids get CS is mixed/cooked 
 into foods/drinks. The CS my family ingests is mixed 
 with every imaginable good thing - soups, salad 
 dressing, pancake batter, coffee (the major way I take 
 it), herbal tea, juices, gravy, ice cubes, milk, hot 
 and cold cereals, canning jars of veggies, cookies, 
 cakes, muffins, everywhere we can conceive to put it. 
 The possibilities are endless. 
 We boil it, freeze it, bake it, fry it, with the net 
 result being that no one gets sick in our family. 
 You don't have to be careful with this elixir from 
 God, you don't need to tippy-toe around it. Use it 
 freely and generously. Drink it liberally and 
 Use it in your eyes, nose, thr! oat, ea rs, between your 
 toes, under your arms, on your face, in your hair (get 
 the picture?). 
 Here is a quote from Bob Beck's CS useage description: 
 Add to suspected drinking water when traveling or 
 camping. Silver-sprayed burns heal rapidly without 
 scarring. Safely sterilize anything from toothbrushes 
 to surgical instruments. Use topically on cuts, 
 wounds, abrasions, rashes, sunburn, insect bites, 
 razor nicks and bandages. Spray on garbage to prevent 
 decay odors. Mist kitchen sponges, towels, cutting 
 boards to eliminate E. Coli and salmonella bacteria to 
 prevent food poisoning and gastrointestinal 
 Add when canning, preserving or bottling. Use like 
 peroxide on zits and acne. Add to juices and milk to 
 prevent spoiling, fermenting, deteriorating, 
 clabbering or curdling. Spray in shoes and be! tween  BR toes to stop most 
 skin itch, athletes foot and fungi. 
 Diminish dandruff, psoriasis, skin rashes, etc. Add to 
 bath water, gargle, douches, colon irrigation, nasal 
 spray and dental water-pic solutions. Cuts downtime 
 dramatically from colds, flu, pneumonia, staph, strep, 
 respiratory infections and rhino viruses. Skin itch, 
 eye irritation or infection (dilute a small amount 
 with an equal amount of distilled water for eye use) 
 and ear infections (warm slightly first), some moles 
 and warts vanish (put on bandaid pad and wear on wart 
 overnight each night until gone). Use with Q-tips on 
 fingernail, toenail, and ear fungi. Can impede tooth 
 decay and bad breath. Unlike pharmaceutical 
 antibiotics, Colloidal Silver never permits 
 strain-resistant pathogens to evolve. 
 Toothaches, mouth sores, bacterial irritations are 
 diminished.! Soak d entures. Spray refrigerator, freezer 
 and food storage bin interiors. Mix in postage stamp, 
 envelope, and tape moistening wells, paint and paste 
 pots to prevent bacterial growth, odors, spoiling or 
 souring. Add to water-based paints, wallpaper paste, 
 dishwater, cleaning and mopping solutions, etc. Spray 
 pet bedding and let dry. 
 Spray on top of contents of opened jam, jelly, and 
 condiment containers and inside lids before replacing. 
 Mix a little in pet water, birdbaths, cut flower 
 vases. Add to swamp cooler water. Spray air 
 conditioner filters after cleaning. Swab air ducts and 
 vents to prevent breeding sites for germs. Use 
 routinely in laundry final rinse water and always 
 before packing away seasonal clothes. Damp clothes or 
 towels and washcloths will not sour or mildew. 
 Eliminate unwanted microorganisms in planter soils and! 
g t; hydroponics systems. Spray plant foliage to stop 
 fungi, molds, rot, and most plant diseases. Silver is 
 an excellent plant-growth stimulator. 
 Treat pools, fountains, humidifiers, Jacuzzis, hot 
 tubs, baths, dishwashers, re-circulating cooling tower 
 water, gymnasium foot dips, and bath and shower mats

Re: CSSore Knee ( Sunlight and Work )

2006-09-12 Thread Lisa Shepherd
Lends credence to the old adage of use it or lose it does it not? I believe 
the good Lord intended for the human body to work to maintain health, so much 
benefits when we do.
Wayne Fugitt wrote:  Morning Marshalee,

At 08:40 AM 9/8/2006, you wrote:

  Xrays showed the beginnings of wearing out the meniscus cartilege, and the 
doc localized the pain in the ligament on the inside of my knee.
   I have followed the thread with interest.

I have a question or two because I ask and observe these factors with all my 
friends and relatives who have any type of bone and joint problem.

Over the last 3, 5 , or 10 years, how much time have you spent in the direct 
This is important to me and others.

The other question is,  How much vitamin D and what type do you take every day?

I have many friends who have bone, joint, and disk problems.   These are old, 
young, slim, fat,  you name it.   All shapes, forms and fashions.

The one thing they all have in common is this
They have never worked a day in their life in the sun with their shirt off.

Of course some of them have not worked,  period.

Some degree of stress on the bone is important.

One friend makes the hay bales light,  50 to 65 pounds, so that his wife can 
handle them.This is very important to her bone health.  She is 70 PLUS 
years old, no bone or joint problems, and still handles the hay bales.

Work is a blessing in disguise.   It must be done if one is to be heathy.


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Re: CSRe: Root Canal

2006-09-12 Thread Lisa Shepherd
I believe it has only been a few weeks since i sent a letter in about a root 
canal of my own. i wont ever have another. Mine was nothing but pain and 
infection for the duration, finally turning into a face swelling experience 
that left me in extreme pain and off work for days. Id rather lose a tooth than 
risk it again, besides, its a risk to your life to open up that kind of 
infection, cosmetics just isnt worth it to me. And in fact I am involved in a 
long term, slow, cosmetic process now for teeth even in the front, I presently 
have a gap due to that very tooth. Its taken a long time to remove all the bad 
teeth to prepare for the plate I'll probably get, and in the meantime, I have 
been sick repeatedly, wonder how much it ra my system down while infected. 
Its not worth it guys and gals dont do root canals. ANYTHING is better than a 
root canal. Good luck, hope you find a satisfactory solution.   
 Godspeed all, Lisa.

Stuff wrote:
I'll confirm that from personal experience.

Yank the offender.


At 03:48 AM 9/8/2006, MIke wrote:

I already sent this to Ian privately, but now that I see his message
made it to the list after all, here's my answer to him:

--- Forwarded message follows ---
Hello Ian,

Short answer to your question: If you can't save the tooth any other
way, pull it rather than have a root canal done.

One of the main lessons I learned studying up for my dental revision
with Dr. Huggins' group was that root canal teeth are dead, they harbor
bacteria -- EVERY SINGLE ONE, ALWAYS! -- and will slowly poison you if
you keep them in your mouth. The technique cannot be made to work, no
matter how competent the dentist and no matter what he/she says about

See the work of Weston Price, Hal Huggins for more.

I hope you get some good alternatives to try.

Stay well, and root canal free!

Mike D.

--- End of forwarded message ---[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot,
[ ]
[Speaking only for myself... ]

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Stay in the know. Pulse on the new  Check it out. 

Re: CSSore Knee

2006-09-03 Thread Lisa Shepherd
I would advise you get to a Dr. to have that checked. It may just be a sprain, 
but if you tore the bursa sac then it will not heal like a sprain, but will 
continue to swell and hurt. The only way to check for a bursa sac rupture is 
with an x-ray  at least to my knowledge and the usual procedure is a shot of 
cortizone? directly into the injury. I know this due to my ex having done 
this to his knee, he is 28 now and is still fighting with this problem healing 
to some degree, though it has mostly healed after almost 2 1/2 yrs. he wasnt 
able to get the proper treatment at the time, and later it took longer to heal 
due to further damaging the tear 
  One symtom he had was extreme tenderness when he set weight on that knee, 
though i dont know if they are all due to have this symptom, though if it has 
this, I wouldnt hesitate but would immediately find a Dr.
  Hope you heal soon, whatever the problem.Lisa.

Deborah Gerard wrote:
  You might have to let it just rest for awhile I know it is really bad to limp 
on it because you can get the muscle sequence out of whack...I also learned 
that shoes that are worn down on the sides can cause your knee's to hurt 

Marshalee Hallett wrote:   Hi! Anyone have any 
suggestions for a sore and swollen knee? 
  I think I sprained the darn thing when my Pug wanted to go out in the middle 
of the night, and in the dark I stepped on a bit of dog chewy. That hurt my 
wonky foot, so I stepped off it quickly, and came down funny. 
  This was a couple of weeks ago, and since then it pops and snaps, and it 
hurts like holy hanna when it does! 
  I have been keeping the hot pad on it and taking Ibuprofen occasionally. 
  Seems to be the ligamenty thing that holds the kneecap on, as the pain isn`t 
deep in the joint. Ideas??

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CSsevere fatigue- unkown reason

2006-08-20 Thread Lisa Shepherd
Hey Gang, 
   Got a puzzle I need help figuring out. Sure hope someone has an idea.
   My co-drivers mom is suffering from severe fatigue, she has been tested 
up one side and down the other and the Dr.s can find no reason for it. Her 
brother had it at one time and was hospitolized, they never did figure it out 
when he had it, just one day he suddenly got better. She is 80 and her brother 
was in his late 60's when he had this malady. To our knowledge the Dr.s have 
tested for everything, extensively, but it is scaring my co-driver because she 
just isnt strong enough to fight this off much longer and continues to fall 
farther down as time passes, this has been going on for months now, and small 
problems have been found, i know one was enemia, but it alas, didnt fix the 
energy problem when it was cured. please share any ideas, we are very worried 
and will check most anything out. Thanks and God bless all. Lisa.

Stay in the know. Pulse on the new  Check it out. 

Re: CSSaving Email ( More Ways than one )

2006-08-19 Thread Lisa Shepherd
Either that or you can open 2 windows to multy task...

Pat wrote:
  Forgot to mention, Yahoo email IS very slow to
retrieve most of the time. This is with DSL. I often
have to go back to the list of emails if it's having
problems just going on to the next one. Plus, if you
want to reply, and you're in the middle of writing the
email and want to check a name or part of the message
you're replying to, you have to save the draft, then
go to the inbox and read that email, then go back to
the draft. Really clunky. It is really frustrating.


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

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Re: CSRoot Canals-voice of experience

2006-08-06 Thread Lisa Shepherd
Dear Pat,
   Forgive me for sending so late on this topic, I am a truckdriver and at 
present seldom get to enjoy the list. 
   My own experience is horrible as far as the root canals go. I had pain, 
continued throughout the experience, swelling a lot of the time, sensitivity, 
and finally an infection that wound up having the tooth extracted. As I do tend 
to have bad teeth I have come to accept that times are they simply have to come 
out. I would rather sport dentures than the pain and illness I have had in the 
past. I would never have another root canal, nor would I encourage or allow 
where I had influence. This is a destruction of the normal casing the tooth has 
from formation, thus allowing all forms of infections and toxins to form and 
release, mine made me sick as well, as other tooth problems have, but I 
hesitate none at the thought of removal vs. root canals, reguardless the 
necesary replacement. There is always the possibility of having a cosmetic 
plate to hold the other teeth at bay until you are able to complete the 
necesary work to replace that tooth, and they can make the plate
 when the tooth is removed, i wore mine out of the dental office same 
appointment, cheap and easy way to adjust until the procedure is completed. 
Hope yours turns out ok, godspeed all. Lisa.

Pat wrote:
  At the Dr. Huggins website, he says root canals are
very bad. So, what is one to do? I have a molar,
bottom, second from back, that is broken, had a
filling down to the root, and is now covered with a
crown to hold it all together. If I chew on it, it
sends an electric shock type pain occassionally. I
discussed options with my dentist. He said you can't
just pull it because then all the other teeth would
shift to fill up the space. To put an artificial
tooth in there, he'd have to grind down the teeth next
to it to attach anchors, but he's unwilling to do that
since one is a perfect tooth that's never had a
filling. To put an implanted tooth in, first he has
to pull the tooth, after that's healed months later,
surgically implant the base, and then about 6 months
after all that you get a tooth attached. He
recommends root canal, ...he said it has a very high
success rate. He said they don't remove the crown,
just drill through it and then fill it up afterwards. 
I said I've read things that say they're not good for
you and I know a couple people who've had problems
with pain afterwards, but he said things are so
exaggerated on the internet and that most people never
have a problem. I've been going to him since '89 and
I know he wants what's best for me. He doesn't even
do root canals himself...sends people to an
endodontist. For now, I'll just keep chewing on one
side mostly, although it's sometimes difficult to do. 
So, what would YOU do if it was your bad tooth? 


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2006-06-11 Thread Lisa Shepherd
   I am Lisa Shepherd, I have a silver machine that is forming blackened 
water when it is run and leaving large amounts of a thick foamy type of grey 
matter in the jug.
   2 part Q: 1- what is causing this, 2- where may i find the silver to 
replace in the jug since these have been eaten up somehow and have almost 
totally disentigrated. 
   I am located in N.E. Oklahoma now, I use to live down the street from 
Brooks Bradley, who introduced me to this list. If you happen to read this 
Brooks, Please send me your current email addy, the one I have has expired. If 
anyone can help me understand what has happened to the machine and/or where I 
may find the silver to replace with, hopefully in my area, it would be greatly 
   Thanks to all and have a great day!
L. Shepherd

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2006-04-14 Thread Lisa Napier
Any information regarding CS therapies for MS?  I have a cousin who is 
suffering pain and limited mobility due to her progressing MS.  A friend sent 
me to this site for alternative therapy possibilities.  The archives are not 
available, so apologize for revisiting, but want to accelerate her information 
gathering process.  Please offer any info.
  Thanks for your input,

New Yahoo! Messenger with Voice. Call regular phones from your PC and save big.

Re: CSunsubscribe\

2005-10-06 Thread Lisa Walker
I would like that too please.  I get every single post as an email and I don't 
know how to stop it and it's filling up my inbox.  Please unsubscribe me from 
the list.

j-sutterfield wrote:
Please, PLEASE, unsubscribe me from this list!

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2005-05-01 Thread Lisa Walker
 Hi Jill:
I couldn't get the site to come up but I am intersted to find out more about 
this.  I suffer from horrible allergies and have a child w/ ADD.
Lisa wrote:
I am new to the silver list, but I saw the reference to ADHD and allergies, and 
want to help.
I have many, many allergies, and would be disabled were it not for my discovery 
of NAET--Nambudripad Allergy Elimination Technique.  This technique effectively 
clears all allergies, and the conditions that they cause--autism and ADHD being 
among these.  The founder of this technique, Devi Nambudripad, has written 
numerous books on the use of the technique, including SAY GOOD-BYE TO ADD AND 
ADHD, and SAY GOOD-BYE TO ILLNESS.  I have personally witnessed remarkable 
results with this method.  
For more information, contact (888) 890-0670, or
If you are looking for the last word in allergy treatment, check this out!


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Re: CScolloidal silver

2004-10-21 Thread Lisa Walker

I also have a similar problem and I temporarily got worse before getting 
better.  I believe they call it the herxheimer effect.  You are probably 
getting sick from the virus die off and that is actually a good thing.  I 
couldn't do without my CS, my quality of life would be horrible without it.  
Keep trying it, I think it will help you, it has for me!


V.Jean.G. wrote: Since I had no directon other than on 
the bottle label, I took one
teaspoon colloidal silver daily and got worse. I have a serious
neurological disease caused by a virus. Been seeing doctors for forty
years but still haven't found help. In the past three weeks, symptoms
increased involving the eyes, sleeplessness, imbalance, tinnitus, and
numbness. I would appreciate information on colloidal silver for a viral
Thank you!


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Re: CSSinus Infection

2004-10-08 Thread Lisa Walker

I'm having similar problems.  What is GSE??


sol wrote: Thanks very much. I will try it!

Ken  Nancy wrote:

Hey Sol,
I can sympathize with you, I've felt after a few bouts with cold that CS
didn't work as well as GSE. I've tried GSE with colds and bronchitis and it
works really good. I usually would take 4 capsules of the liquid form
throught the day with food. Just pour the liquid into empty capsules.
Admittedly, I took CS/gatorade and GSE in the same day, but the CS/gatorade
alone never did a whole lot for me.


- Original Message -
From: sol 
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 2004 8:19 PM
Subject: RE: CSSinus Infection


 I have actually been taking mouthfuls of CS-gatorade exactly as you
suggest many, many times per day, and have been doing so every day for
the whole damn 13 days I have had this cold. The cold is following a
normal course, anyway. The CS-gatorade may be helping keep away some
secondary stuff, but frankly it doesn't seem to be doing much at all-
I really did have to nebulize the CS-MSM-DMSO and also use it as nose
drops, and sinus wash (alternated with CS-Xylitol for a couple days
there), in order to stop it going into a secondary sinus infection and
to stop it going into my lungs, too. The oral use just does not do that
for me. I don't know why, but it just doesn't
 My mix for nebbing and nose drops is similar to yours, but I have
found that 1 tsp msm to 1 oz CS makes a saturated solution, more just
settles out. I can't handle more than about 2 or 3 drops of 70% DMSO per
oz of CS.
 Is it really ok to use DMSO in a solution that has H202 in it? I have
a vague recollection I read something that would say not to mix H202 and
DMSO, but I can't remember clearly what or where that was. Is there some
research or other writing on it somewhere?

Richard Harris wrote:


Hi Sol,

Sorry to hear about your problems--May I suggest you take 1 part CS + 2
parts Gatorade in mouthful doses (holding in mouth for a couple minutes,
then swallowing). Your sinus wash formula sounds very good, but I add 4


H2O2 3% to a gal CS after I first generate, then to this CS/H2O2 I'd add
your MSM  DMSO.


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Re: CSCS info

2004-08-31 Thread Lisa Walker
Thank you for offering it.  I would like to have a copy of the CS information.  
Thank you

TC wrote:
From time to time I offer a file I have assembled that
contains about 50 articles about CS use around the
world (among other topics) to the silver-list members.

I am offering it again to those who want a
comprehensive compendium of information. For those of
you have received it in the past, there have been new
articles added that are very interesting.

This is a zip file, so you should be able to unzip it,
or have someone who knows how who can help you.

Simply send an email to the above email address (or
the one below) and I will send you the file as an
email attachment.

All the articles are in MSWord format, and have been
virus checked by Norton and AVG. If you have a Mac, I
am told there are Mac programs that can translate the


Terry Chamberlin, B.Sc., C.N.C., Bioanalyst
Metabolic Solutions Institute
Lawrencetown, Nova Scotia B0S 1M0 Canada
902-584-3810 voice/message
501-629-9307 fax service

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Re: CSRE: ***Possible Spam*** Re: CSCSMono

2004-08-13 Thread Lisa Walker
What does that mean?

Jim Holmes wrote:I apologize for having not cite, but I 
recall reading just the opposite; that Ag is collected in the 
reticuloendotheial systems. 

-Original Message-
From: Lisa Walker [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 9:29 AM
Subject: ***Possible Spam*** Re: CSCSMono

I've been taking CS for about 8 weeks now for mono/Epstein-Barr virus.  I 
wasn't aware that it isn't supposed to reach the lymph system.  What is a 
magnetic pulser and has anyone here had good luck with treating Epstein-Barr 
with CS?

Marshall Dudley wrote:
CS should make a good preventative to mono, but since mono sets up in the
lymph system, which Bob Beck says CS does not reach, I am not sure it will
help once you have it. For the lymph system, Bob indicates that the magnetic
pulser is the way to go.

Anyway, I would be interested in hearing if CS does help or not.


mamapug wrote:

 Dear Folks,
 My friend`s son, a new recruit to the Marines, has come down with Mono,
 after only 6 days in Basic.
 Could this be due to the shots they give routinely? Or just plain exposure
 to a bunch of new guys?
 Any thoughts?
 I have suggested CS to her, BTW...

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 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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Re: CS

2004-08-13 Thread Lisa Walker
So, if that is true than the CS would reach the glands?

Jim Holmes wrote:Lymph nodes, spleen.

-Original Message-
From: Lisa Walker [] 
Sent: Friday, August 13, 2004 8:54 AM
Subject: ***Possible Spam*** Re: CSRE: ***Possible Spam*** Re: CSCSMono

What does that mean?

Jim Holmes wrote: I apologize for having not cite, but I 
recall reading just the opposite; that Ag is collected in the 
reticuloendotheial systems. 

-Original Message-
From: Lisa Walker [] 
Sent: Thursday, August 12, 2004 9:29 AM
Subject: ***Possible Spam*** Re: CSCSMono

I've been taking CS for about 8 weeks now for mono/Epstein-Barr virus.  I 
wasn't aware that it isn't supposed to reach the lymph system.  What is a 
magnetic pulser and has anyone here had good luck with treating Epstein-Barr 
with CS?

Marshall Dudley wrote:
CS should make a good preventative to mono, but since mono sets up in the
lymph system, which Bob Beck says CS does not reach, I am not sure it will
help once you have it. For the lymph system, Bob indicates that the magnetic
pulser is the way to go.

Anyway, I would be interested in hearing if CS does help or not.


mamapug wrote:

 Dear Folks,
 My friend`s son, a new recruit to the Marines, has come down with Mono,
 after only 6 days in Basic.
 Could this be due to the shots they give routinely? Or just plain exposure
 to a bunch of new guys?
 Any thoughts?
 I have suggested CS to her, BTW...

 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

 To post, address your message to:
 Silver List archive:

 Address Off-Topic messages to:
 OT Archive:

 List maintainer: Mike Devour 


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Re: CSCSMono

2004-08-12 Thread Lisa Walker
Forgive my ignorance but what is a zapper?

Dan Nave wrote:
My son came down with Mono in college a few years ago. It was diagnosed
in the clinic. He had pretty severe symptoms, fever, vomiting, etc. I
took my zapper (ala hulda clark, old cheep style zapper) down and he
zapped for one complete session. He didn't do any more as he got very
sick immediately after doing it and it kind of scared him.

Within 2 days there were no symptoms of mono, no tiredness, no
relapses, no restriction of activities. It was completely gone...

Use CS, by all means. I would also zap if a zapper is available.



From: mamapug (view other messages by this author) 
Date: Wed, 11 Aug 2004 20:53:40 

Dear Folks,
My friend`s son, a new recruit to the Marines, has come down with
after only 6 days in Basic.
Could this be due to the shots they give routinely? Or just plain
to a bunch of new guys?
Any thoughts?
I have suggested CS to her, BTW...

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Re: CSCSMono

2004-08-12 Thread Lisa Walker
I've been taking CS for about 8 weeks now for mono/Epstein-Barr virus.  I 
wasn't aware that it isn't supposed to reach the lymph system.  What is a 
magnetic pulser and has anyone here had good luck with treating Epstein-Barr 
with CS?

Marshall Dudley wrote:
CS should make a good preventative to mono, but since mono sets up in the
lymph system, which Bob Beck says CS does not reach, I am not sure it will
help once you have it. For the lymph system, Bob indicates that the magnetic
pulser is the way to go.

Anyway, I would be interested in hearing if CS does help or not.


mamapug wrote:

 Dear Folks,
 My friend`s son, a new recruit to the Marines, has come down with Mono,
 after only 6 days in Basic.
 Could this be due to the shots they give routinely? Or just plain exposure
 to a bunch of new guys?
 Any thoughts?
 I have suggested CS to her, BTW...

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Re: CSCSMono

2004-08-12 Thread Lisa Walker
What is the difference in Mesosilver and Colloidal Silver?

Frank Key wrote:
Marshall wrote:

 CS should make a good preventative to mono, but since mono sets up in the
 lymph system, which Bob Beck says CS does not reach, I am not sure it will
 help once you have it. For the lymph system, Bob indicates that the
 pulser is the way to go.

Several users of Mesosilver have reported that they got rid of mono.

Frank Key

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CSInjectable Silver

2003-11-07 Thread Lisa MacDonald
I understand that homemade CS is not safe to be used IV (and I have no plans 
of using silver for IV) but I am still very curious about it.  I tried to 
read more about it but the info is over my head.  I'm just wondering if CS 
could be made with Sterile Injectable Water (that doctors and vets use) 
instead of distilled water and be safe to use for IV?  Or would the process 
of making it this way at home still be unsafe due to possible contaminants 
during the process?


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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSCouple of questions (vaccines; CS/fresh batch)

2003-11-04 Thread Lisa MacDonald

How much CS do you recommend adding to a new batch?

Is there any concern with CS affecting vaccines (killed or live)?
For example, I just got a flu shot yesterday - could the CS decrease the 
My horses get a couple of live vaccines (intranasal) - would the CS kill the 
vaccines?  I know that antibiotics  the Strangles vaccine cannot be given 
with-in a certain period of time from each other as they will kill that 

Thanks for any insight,

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CSDMSO in Canada

2003-10-18 Thread Lisa MacDonald

Grant wrote,

As an afterthought I think maybe they would ship to Canada. If you go 
through the motions on their
site as if you were ordering, I don't see anywhere  that they are asking 
for a  prescription, their drop down shipping list has all the Canadian 
provinces on it.

They do ship to Canada, it's a Canadian company.  The shipping quotes I gave 
are the ones they gave me for shipping to Nova Scotia.

You don't need a prescription it's a commonly used horse product.  I can't 
seem to find it in any feed stores around here.  Found some at a tack shop 
but it was labeled for paint solvent use and there was no percentage on it.  
I didn't try to get it from my regular horse vet as it is a big hassle to 
get any kind of drug from him without a good reason and a complete exam of 
the horse.
I thought I could get it through my boss (small animal vet) as I can buy 
things at cost, but from the company we order from it would be $40/16 oz at 
cost!  That's crazy.  That's why I did a search and found Peak Equine and 
thought the prices were very reasonable.

They  do ask what breed of horse you own, anyone know what a reasonable 
answer to that might be??

I think it's just a survey type of thing, they want to know what breeds most 
of their customers own so they know who they are serving.  No big deal, they 
don't have to know you don't own a horse and what you want the product for.  
(Eeny meeny miney moe) Quarter Horse, Appaloosa, Thoroughbred are probably 
the most common, but any one on the list would do.

Good luck,

Lisa D. MacDonald
Veterinary Assistant
C.E.F. certified Level 1 Western Coach
Nova Scotia, Canada

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List maintainer: Mike Devour

CSDMSO in Canada

2003-10-17 Thread Lisa MacDonald

I found a really cheap source for DMSO in Ontario.  Go to:
The shipping cost is very reasonable as well:  the 16 oz would be about 5.75 
and the gallon would be about 8.00.


Lisa D. MacDonald
Veterinary Assistant
C.E.F. certified Level 1 Western Coach
Nova Scotia, Canada

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CSDMSO in Canada

2003-10-17 Thread Lisa MacDonald
I apologize if this was already posted - I sent this info earlier but it 
didn't seem to show up on the website archives.
I found a cheap source of DMSO in Ontario from Peak Equine -

$9.95 Can / 16oz, $44.95 Can/4L
Shipping is - 16 oz would be about 5.75 and the gallon would be about 8.00.


Lisa D. MacDonald
Veterinary Assistant
C.E.F. certified Level 1 Western Coach
Nova Scotia, Canada

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CSColloidal Master Generator - Opinions

2003-10-06 Thread Lisa MacDonald
Just looking for opinions about the Colloidal Master Generator.  Has anyone 
here used it?  What do you like or not like about it?  [ ]

Looking at the information I thought this was what I wanted to buy as it 
seemed to be the easiest to use and reasonably priced.  Everyone seems to 
really like and suggest the Silver Puppy though.

I asked these questions about the Colloidal Master on another list and one 
person thought that I would need to also purchase an aquarium bubbler for 
stirring if I were to buy this generator?

Any thoughts?  Would I be better off with a Silver Puppy?

Thanks for any suggestions,


Lisa D. MacDonald
Veterinary Assistant
C.E.F. certified Level 1 Western Coach
Nova Scotia, Canada

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CSSilver Injections

2003-09-22 Thread Lisa MacDonald
Could someone please explain to me about silver injections please:  why does 
a different type of silver need to be used and what is it?  How is it made 
(not to technical;)  How is it given - only IV or can it be given IM?  Is 
there an average dosage rule?  Why is it supposed to be harmful to give CS 
as an injection?

Sorry for so many questions, just very curious.

Lisa D. MacDonald
Veterinary Assistant
C.E.F. certified Level 1 Western Coach
Nova Scotia, Canada

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CSRe: Nebulizers

2003-09-19 Thread Lisa MacDonald

Unfortunately, I can't afford that nebulizer gadget for horses. It
costs more than we spent to buy her.


Sharon,  can you really buy a horse
for less that $57.95? Check out:

I don't know how much that  head cover that some
lister mentioned cost,  but  $57.95 is a good price for
a nebulizer

Wow, I like the small portable one they sell for $59.65.  It only holds 7ml 
but from what I read it should last for 12-15 min, the battery lasts 35 min 
at a time so you could refill it if necessary.  I think it would be much 
safer and more convenient to use with a horse and light-weight enough to 
hold on to.  Better  easier than a humidifier.  I can't afford to buy one 
of those nice Aero Masks, that's way out of my price range.  I like the idea 
someone suggested about using some kind of flexible hose and attaching it to 
a feed/nose bag.  I don't have one of those bags that attaches to the 
halter, I don't think they are very expensive (not sure) but I think you 
could easily make a suitable bag out of a feed sack or some sturdy material 
and attach it to the halter.


Lisa D. MacDonald
Veterinary Assistant
C.E.F. certified Level 1 Western Coach
Nova Scotia, Canada

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2003-09-19 Thread Lisa MacDonald
I was reading on another CS list about the benefits of using a 10 part CS/1 
part DMSO mixture  topically, orally, or nebulizing (for either humans or 
animals).  It is supposed to make the CS work more effeciently to get into 
the tissues and your system.  Anyone here have anymore info on this or tried 
it?  I read it works much better that using CS alone but DMSO make me a 
little nervous.  I'm willing to try it if I can be assured it's safe.


Lisa D. MacDonald
Veterinary Assistant
C.E.F. certified Level 1 Western Coach
Nova Scotia, Canada

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CSUsing Silver with Horses/nebulizing

2003-09-16 Thread Lisa MacDonald
Hi, I am new to the list.  I have some questions about using CS with horses. 
 I have a yearling gelding with some lung problems:  he had Rhodococcus 
infection (abscesses in lungs) and pneumonia as a 2 month old and was 
treated.  A vet I recently took him to for a second opinion (as he still 
coughs) thinks he may still have some left over infection/abscesses in his 
lungs from that time.  I was giving him CS in his water for awhile (up to a 
cup/day) but didn't get the results I was looking for.

I was told that nebulizing it into his lungs would be much more effective 
and that I could use a cool steaming machine instead of having to buy a 
nebulizer?  What is the best way for me to do this?  How much do I need to 
use?  how long do I need to do it each time and how often?  And for how 

How much for oral doses - I was told by a list member 10 cc/100 lbs?

Could someone point me in the right direction for making my own, it gets 
really expensive buying it for horses!  I buy 15-20 parts per million.


Lisa D. MacDonald
Veterinary Assistant
C.E.F. certified Level 1 Western Coach
Nova Scotia, Canada

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CShives or a rash

2000-06-28 Thread Lisa Davie
I noticed a rash or hives or something this morning.  I went to the doctor,
but of course they didn't know what it was and really couldn't help me.  I
can't think of anything I ate.  The two possibilities that come to mind that
caused it could have been a new soap that I used for the first time last night
and the fact that I was at a waterpark a couple of days ago.  Any suggestions
on how I can use CS to combat this itchy and ugly thing?  Also any other
suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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CSIntroducing Myself--Lisa Henderson

2000-06-04 Thread Lisa Henderson

Hello to Everyone on the Silver List,

I'm new to the list, but I've been reading the archives and all the
recent links posted by many of you for the last few weeks. What a great
group of folks! You've brought up many of my questions as a new
experimenter and made me really think about the nature of health and
disease. My background is in psychology and economics (BA) and business
(MBA) but I've always been interested in the hard sciences. I like
hands-on projects, and like to prove things for myself, so here I am!

I'm thrilled to say that I'm at this moment creating my FIRST batch of CS
using a basic 27-volt set up I've seen recommended here. I had a fun time
today at Radio Shack. :) I nearly whooped when my little 40mA bulb
actually lit up when I touched my two alligator clips together! I'm really
excited about testing different strengths of my CS on plates of
gelatin/sugar/cornstarch. I intend to send out some samples and will keep 
close tabs on timing and procedures so I'll be able to know what PPM I'm
probably making. I'm much more comfortable with statistical analyses than
with electonics, but I like to stretch my horizons.

Thankfully, I don't have any major health concerns at the moment, but my
ancient dog is on a second antibiotic to try to get rid of a urinary tract
infection. I hope silver will be helpful to him. I have a toddler who is
amazingly healthy and I want to keep him that way. My husband is a natural
skeptic, so I'll need to prove the value of this concoction to him with
our own experiences. I've studied homeopathy in depth, but I prefer simple
solutions to problems.  I've recently discovered Reiki healing, but
haven't been able to demonstrate its effectiveness yet, but it's nice to
do. I'm not really religious, but I recently discovered scientific studies
that demonstrate the efficacy of prayer, so I'm all for that too. (Please
see my .sig for a great site that links to the article.) I guess that my
natural inclination to be pro-active in regards to my health has led me to
this list. I look forward to contributing my own insights once I gain

I've been curious as to what sorts of bottles most of you use to store
your CS? I hit on the idea of using corked amber beer bottles and have
been patting myself on the back all week. Anyone know of reactions of CS
to corks? I've also prepared a nice amber rum bottle and a wine bottle! 
I finally found out the reason that people say not to refrigerate CS. It's
the electric field of the fridge itself that may interfere with the charge
of the colloid. Any comments/additions? :) Thanks in advance!

I'm so glad to have found you all and I'm sure I'll be writing again soon
with a technical question or two for the gurus of the group. I've followed
the URLS you have in your .sigs and am pleased with finding so much
interesting information on this amazing substance. I was a bit confused
by some of the statements made on some silver web pages when I first
started doing searches on the subject. I'm so grateful to this group for
helping to clear up much of the murk and shed some real light on a process
that is not likely to have many reputable studies funded by the major
pharmaceutical firms. (I caught that slam over on the bionet newsgroup.)

And Mike, you're one of the best moderators I've ever seen on a list.
Thanks for your kindness and thoroughness! And thanks to all of you for
inspiring me to go ahead and make some colloidal silver for myself!

To good health for one and all! Cheers!

Lisa Henderson

 Lisa Wilson Henderson
 For those who know, or are beginning to suspect,
   that our thoughts create our reality.

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CSRe: [CSKiasi- PS]

2000-05-22 Thread Lisa Davie
Conventional medicine, don't we just love it?

I've suffered from almost constant yeast infections since fall of 98, and I
actually had a doctor say I don't think you have systemic candida after many
prescriptions.  I've had it with them.  I only wish I could afford acupunture
and other forms of tx.  Maybe someday we will get lucky and insurance will pay
for cool ways of healing.  Methods that heal the core of the problem and that
don't just try to treat the symptoms.  


Lisa wrote:
you are not crazy but they are!!!

I had a doctor refuse me medical treatment here in Georgia this week.  I 
filed a quality control complaint against him this week.  Hmm when I got my 
caseworker - guess what he said?  He refused to answer me in 30 seconds of an

intake; walked out of the room, wouldn't let me speak BUT told the insurance 
company that I needed a psychiatrist -

JUST for the record you will probably read about me in the news because I am 
going after 3 medical licenses in georgia AND United Healthcare of GA for 
this.  I have had had enough.  

I sat up until 3 am the other night in a rage over this latest allopathic 
idiot - I have never lost a legal battle ever - I hope their wives put their 
assets in trusts - because they are gonna need it when I get through with 
them.  I documented every detail and letter and phone call to these idiots . 
. .  long story but fry baby fry.  I want their license. !!!

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CSRe: [CSUnidentified subject!]

2000-05-18 Thread Lisa Davie
Yep, that's about what I paid the two times I bought it!!!  Are there manuals
that come with these generators?  Are they safe?  I wouldn't get electricuted
or anything would I?

Elena A. Milholland wrote:
To Lisa Davie:

I just wouldn' t understand why people would want to buy CS like at least
for $15 for a tiny bottle if you can make tons of it yourself.  But be sure
and buy a good one. The best are those that make crystal clear CS. 


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cs is expensive!

2000-05-17 Thread Lisa Davie
I think that cs is so expensive in the stores.  It sounds like it is
beneficial to use quite a bit of it.  I know people aren't supposed to
advertise, but I would really like to know of a source of colloidal silver
that is less expensive yet is of good quality, possibly in bulk or from a
wholesale company...  

Any suggestions or personal experiences? 

 Please feel free to email personally,

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cs copper for yeast infections

2000-05-16 Thread Lisa Davie

I just discovered this list today and am pretty exited about it.  I've used cs
a couple of times.  I'm not sure if it was working though.  It was hard for me
to tell.  I've suffered from chronic ongoing yeast infections for about two
years now.  
Can someone recommend any specific brand or form of colloidal silver?  How
about the WaterOz Copper I read about in the archives? I've never heard of
that before. I'm very curious about how I can used cs and copper to help my
yeast problems.  Also, what is the best way to take it?  I've taken it orally
in the past...  Is it ok to use it vaginally?  

Any feedback would be appreciated.


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Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V99 #765

1999-11-20 Thread Lisa Raskin DC
Yes, this is the problem.  The food industry is not required to inform the
public about what is genetically engineered and what isn't.   A good site
for info is


At 08:32 AM 11/20/1999 -0700, you wrote:
bioengineered soy without being informed?  ewww. then what IS good? 



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Re: CSRe: silver-digest Digest V99 #765

1999-11-20 Thread Lisa Raskin DC
The previous link is more for what is going on in the UK.  They are way
ahead of us in banning genetically modified food.  For this country, try

At 10:04 AM 11/20/1999 -0600, you wrote:
Yes, this is the problem.  The food industry is not required to inform the
public about what is genetically engineered and what isn't.   A good site
for info is


At 08:32 AM 11/20/1999 -0700, you wrote:
bioengineered soy without being informed?  ewww. then what IS good? 



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Re: CSOT/Kris/Soy Canola oil

1999-11-18 Thread Lisa Raskin DC
Dear Katarina,

I realize that you addressed this to Kris, but I just wanted to say that I
have heard that all canola oil is genetically engineered. 


At 03:25 PM 11/18/1999 -0700, you wrote:
Hi Kris, 
you had a post a while ago that mentioned that soy and canola oils are bad
for you. Can you tell me more? I thought canola oil was the one oil
preferable for use for high heats.I know that rapeseed can be toxic - but I
thought the processing took the toxicity out and that canola oil was okay --
other than one bad batch somewhere that poisoned people.

I'm also curious since you seem to have read a lot about SLS and SLES
whether you think that ammonium laureth sulfate and ammonium lauryl sulfate
are also bad for you. And in your research did you find any difference
between the lauryl sulfate and laureth sulfates? Trem sent me an interesting
article saying that sodium laureth sulfate was harmless, while laurel
sulfate mught be bad stuff.

Take care,

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