Re: CSMerry Christmas!

2008-12-25 Thread marmar845

Thanks, and right backatcha Dee!! :-) Merry Christmas to everyone, and Happy Holidays to those for whom that is more appropriate! MA

-- Original message from "Dee Fitzpatrick" -- 

Just to say to all the list Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all! Regards dee 

CSsilver-digest Digest V2008 #690

2008-12-20 Thread marmar845

Mary Ellen -- you're on the forum. Yes -- you can put CS in your eye. Many people use it for minor irritations up to and including pink eye. I presume you are referring to home-made EIS in the range of 10 ppm. It may sting when you put it in. Other people will reply with more information. I wish you well. MA

-- Original message from "Mary Ellen Murphy" -- 

I cannot remember how to get to the forum but I need some help. I just had eye surgery and I think there is an infection. I cannot take antibiotics. Will the colloidal silver help. Can I put it in my eye.

Mary Ellen

From: [] Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 6:51 AMTo: silver-dig...@eskimo.comSubject: silver-digest Digest V2008 #690

Re: CSRE: silver-digest Digest V2008 #690

2008-12-20 Thread marmar845

Arlene -- you are accessing the site -- are you able to read this message? You are on the forum. There is no website per se -- there is a chat list and you are here! :-) MA

-- Original message from Arlene Hansen -- 

Hello MaryI am new to this site and I too am clueless as to how to access it. If you find out, would you be so kind as to let me know.thank you.arleneincalifornia

From: Mary Ellen Murphy maryelle...@bellsouth.netTo: silver-list@eskimo.comSent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 7:04:15 AMSubject: CSRE: silver-digest Digest V2008 #690

I cannot remember how to get to the forum but I need some help. I just had eye surgery and I think there is an infection. I cannot take antibiotics. Will the colloidal silver help. Can I put it in my eye.

Mary Ellen

From: [mailto: ] Sent: Saturday, December 20, 2008 6:51 AMTo: silver-dig...@eskimo.comSubject: silver-digest Digest V2008 #690

Re: CSAnother question

2008-12-15 Thread marmar845

Hi Dee. I didn't see your original question. Sure it's OK to add new EIS to old -- why not? Some people use some of a previous batch to start a new one -- I can't see an ounce of difference. What's going on that you ask? MA

-- Original message from "Dee Fitzpatrick" -- 

I don't seem to be doing very well with my questions, but here goes again. Is it ok to tip a new batch of EIS into one which has been made for a couple of days? TIA dee

Re: CSAnother question

2008-12-15 Thread marmar845

I'm sure it'll be fine Dee. MA

-- Original message from "Dee Fitzpatrick" -- 

Hi Ma. Its just that I have found a smaller jar which fits the generator perfectly, but have had to make more CS. I have the original brewing jar to keep it in and want to tip the whole lot into that because the lid of the new jar still stinks of Branston pickle! This means I can't put the lid on because the CS smells and tastes disgusting! I have tried everything to get the smell out but nothing does.Idon't know, I'm just a bit paranoid at the moment. Thanks for replying. Dee 

---Original Message---

Date: 15/12/2008 14:42:54
Subject: Re: CSAnother question

Hi Dee. I didn't see your original question. Sure it's OK to add new EIS to old -- why not? Some people use some of a previous batch to start a new one -- I can't see an ounce of difference. What's going on that you ask? MA

Re: CSSuccess!

2008-12-10 Thread marmar845

"Huge doses of antibiotics" can cause a stroke? How does that work? MA

-- Original message from -- 


Wonderful report.

I too would like to thank the list and Mr. Bradly. My mom aquired MRSA from a rehab facility after her hip surgery. I also used this same information to cure her for it was on both legs, it did take a few weeks to heal topically but about 6 months to heal internally.

Last week we went to the hospital for my uncle had cancer surgery, the doctors told us that they had to get him out of the hospital within 14 days or else he WOULD GET MRSA. That threw me for a loop. So in anticapation of mrsa they gave him huge doses of antibiotics and caused a stroke.
He now must go to a rehab facility, not for the cancer surgery of which he is doing well, but the stroke.

Go figure.

-- Original message from Ross Craig --  Wonderful report- Original Message -  From: "Indi"  To: ; "Brooks Bradley"  Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 6:15 PM  Subject: CSSuccess! It's been one week today since I started using the protocol reported by   Brooks   Bradley for treating my MRSA; i.e. using 75% CS, 10% DMSO, and 15%   glycerine both   topically on my affected areas (legs, feet, back, neck, and arms) and   snorting it from a nasal spray bottle. I am also drinking 8 ounces a day   of   straight CS. Three days ago I found I no longer need my cane to walk. I no longer need   to take frequent "breaks" to put my feet up. All inflammation is now gone,   and the purplish splotches which have covered most of my affected areas   for   the past few years (I looked like a burn victim) are returning to a   healthy   color. My energy levels are nearly as high now as they were before I   became   infected. I am sleeping well again. For the first time in six years, I   feel   pretty much like myself again! This infection had practically made an invalid of me. For the past 10   months,   I was able to keep it somewhat under control using only CS topically and   internally.   This kept me out of the hospital and off antibiotics, but I was still very   limited   in my strength and energy, and in how much time I could spend on my feet   before   the symptoms would flare up. My symptoms included red to deep purple skin   discoloration, swelling, itching, boils, cellulitis, fever, pain, labored   breathing,   and lethargy. The doctors were no help, and for nearly six years I was in and out of the   hospital on IV vancomycin and other antibiotics, every two to three   months.   The antibiotics would appear to "fix" the problem, but symptoms always   returned within a few weeks. When the doctors insisted on amputation of my   right leg in January 2007, I simply stopped going to see them. With no   treatment at all for roughly two weeks, the infection spread to my other   leg,   back, arms, and neck. At that time I expected to die shortly, and decided   that would be preferable to a life of misery and hospitalization. I did   not   believe amputation would rid me of MRSA, and I knew the drugs couldn't   either. It was then that a friend bought me my first bottle of CS (it was   MesoSilver).   At $50 a pint I could not afford to keep using it, so a few moths later I   began   brewing my own using the HVAC cone method, which I am quite sold on, given   the   results I have since obtained. It may be that the more common LVDC works   as well,   I cannot say. I just haven't been very inclined to try, since what I'm   doing now   works so well and my condition was so serious. I'm just not willing to   risk going   backwards, so I've stayed with this method. Using the straight CS stopped the symptoms from getting out of control,   but it   did not eliminate the infection. From my body's response to this new   treatment which I read about in an email from Brooks Bradley to this list   I   now feel confident that this infection will be cured altogether in a short   time. I am using my home-brewed CS, "Now" brand 100% vegetable glycerine, and   unbranded 99% pure DMSO intended for veterinary use and distributed by FWI   of   Tulsa, OK. I bought the glycerine and the DMSO from Thank you Brooks Bradley and thanks to Mike Devour and everyone on the   silver list.   You have given me my life back. :) I hope that this will be of help to others suffering as I did, and if   anyone   knows a good place to repost this message where it might help others, they   have my   unconditional permission to do so. Thanks again,   indi   --   The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver 

Re: CSSuccess!

2008-12-10 Thread marmar845

For sure! Congratulations. MA

-- Original message from Ross Craig --  Wonderful report- Original Message -  From: "Indi"  To: ; "Brooks Bradley"  Sent: Tuesday, December 09, 2008 6:15 PM  Subject: CSSuccess! It's been one week today since I started using the protocol reported by   Brooks   Bradley for treating my MRSA; i.e. using 75% CS, 10% DMSO, and 15%   glycerine both   topically on my affected areas (legs, feet, back, neck, and arms) and   snorting it from a nasal spray bottle. I am also drinking 8 ounces a day   of   straight CS. Three days ago I found I no longer need my cane to walk. I no longer need   to take frequent "breaks" to put my feet up. All inflammation is now gone,   and the purplish splotches which have covered most of my affected areas   for   the past few years (I looked like a burn victim) are returning to a   healthy   color. My energy levels are nearly as high now as they were before I   became   infected. I am sleeping well again. For the first time in six years, I   feel   pretty much like myself again! This infection had practically made an invalid of me. For the past 10   months,   I was able to keep it somewhat under control using only CS topically and   internally.   This kept me out of the hospital and off antibiotics, but I was still very   limited   in my strength and energy, and in how much time I could spend on my feet   before   the symptoms would flare up. My symptoms included red to deep purple skin   discoloration, swelling, itching, boils, cellulitis, fever, pain, labored   breathing,   and lethargy. The doctors were no help, and for nearly six years I was in and out of the   hospital on IV vancomycin and other antibiotics, every two to three   months.   The antibiotics would appear to "fix" the problem, but symptoms always   returned within a few weeks. When the doctors insisted on amputation of my   right leg in January 2007, I simply stopped going to see them. With no   treatment at all for roughly two weeks, the infection spread to my other   leg,   back, arms, and neck. At that time I expected to die shortly, and decided   that would be preferable to a life of misery and hospitalization. I did   not   believe amputation would rid me of MRSA, and I knew the drugs couldn't   either. It was then that a friend bought me my first bottle of CS (it was   MesoSilver).   At $50 a pint I could not afford to keep using it, so a few moths later I   began   brewing my own using the HVAC cone method, which I am quite sold on, given   the   results I have since obtained. It may be that the more common LVDC works   as well,   I cannot say. I just haven't been very inclined to try, since what I'm   doing now   works so well and my condition was so serious. I'm just not willing to   risk going   backwards, so I've stayed with this method. Using the straight CS stopped the symptoms from getting out of control,   but it   did not eliminate the infection. From my body's response to this new   treatment which I read about in an email from Brooks Bradley to this list   I   now feel confident that this infection will be cured altogether in a short   time. I am using my home-brewed CS, "Now" brand 100% vegetable glycerine, and   unbranded 99% pure DMSO intended for veterinary use and distributed by FWI   of   Tulsa, OK. I bought the glycerine and the DMSO from Thank you Brooks Bradley and thanks to Mike Devour and everyone on the   silver list.   You have given me my life back. :) I hope that this will be of help to others suffering as I did, and if   anyone   knows a good place to repost this message where it might help others, they   have my   unconditional permission to do so. Thanks again,   indi   --   The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour  

Re: CSionic silver and argyria

2008-12-06 Thread marmar845

Hi Beth. I'm just curious -- where are you discussing CS that Rosemary Jacobs has access to your email address and to the fact that you use CS? I don't know the answer to your question, but I'm sure that several people on this list do -- and will respond to you. MA

-- Original message from Bethany Methven -- 

I know that most folks are saying that you can't get argyria with ionic silver, but have had my faith shaken just a bit. Some lady called Rosemary Jacobs e-mailed me that if I continued to use ionic silver, I would certainly turn blue. Now, while I'm sure she has an angle, I do have a question. I have had acne for a while, and recently I started washing my face morning and night with my ionic ( clear colored) silver.It has really seemed to clear up my skin very nicely. I don't have alot of exposure to the sun (almost none,right now, since I live in Alaska), would there still be a danger of discoloring my face over a long period of timebecause I wash with cs morning and night? 

Thanks - Beth Methven

Re: CSHi all I'm new 2 the list have some ????

2008-12-06 Thread marmar845

Hi Lois. Welcome to the list. Glad to have you here, and glad to hear that you are already educated about the efficacy of Colloidal Silver. One of the things you will learn here is that we generally refer to CS as EIS which stands for *electrically isolated silver* -- this refers to the manner in which it is made, and differentiates it from the generic term *colloidal silver* which is used to describe many silver compounds other than what we represent here. As far as your questions are concerned, three nine-volt batteries are usually used in a manual system like you are describing. You should also know that there are available to you an assortment of automatic generators which have the advantage of turning themselves off when your EIS has reached the desired ppm-level. This gives you the freedom to make EIS while you're at work, or while you're sleeping. One of our list members, Ode Coyote, makes a unit he calls a Silver Puppy which many people here use. You can also go to and purchase a Colloid Master. There are others, as well. Most units come with silver bars, and are ready to plug in and go. I have no idea what a zipper wire is -- sorry. We don't have an ounce of problems with questions -- so ask away. I do have one request of you -- would you mind very much eliminating the *U, 2 and R*'s from your messages, and replace them with *you*, *two* and *are*? I'm having a hard time reading your post. I think that those of us who are not teenagers are unused to these trendy abbreviations. Thanks for giving that your consideration! :-) MA

-- Original message from -- .I learned about Colloidal Silver last year when a friend who was planning herhusband's funeral, {they told her at the local hospital there was no hope. } found out about silver. She got some and when the nurses were out of theroom started giving it to him. In 2  a half weeks he was home. He isdoing fine now. I have since then, been reading all I can find on thesubject..I have found that another e-mail friend I have in Texas had thesame situation. They called her family to the hospital in Tenn. to saygood-bye 2 her father. She is a Veterinarian's assistant and they use itfor the animals. She started giving it 2 her dad, told her brother andhe warned the nurses that she was giving Dad "horse medicine". Shestill gave it 2 him at night. It took about 5 weeks but he is now doing fineand lives in Virginia. Another fellow at a local restaurant, where wego for breakfast every other Thursday, heard us talking about it andcame up 2 the table and said, " I heard you mention silver. I can tellyou about that-- It saved my whife's life. She fell on the ice and got along gash in her upper leg. They sewed it up and she got an infection.After 15 months of all sorts of "stuff" it was spreading and just gotworse. They finally sent her to a "Hard Cure "center in Rochester. Theyused silver and in about 5 days it was cured." / I told a friendabout it and it has cured her shingles. ( 3 days ) I cured an ear infection in 1of our dogs and my son also cured an ear infection in 1 of his dogs. Needless 2 say I'm convinced it is Super. Now I've ranted 2 U like I did to Mike D. here R my ???---1. Where is the best place 2 get the wire or rods I need. I called local jewelers with no luck. { I'm not sure how 2 use a silver coin in the generator.} 2. I have been reading several books  in a couple it calls 4 3 nine volt batteries 2 B used in the generator and in another it calls for 49 volt batteries.. Which should I use? { I'm just constructig my generator now-} 3. The book also calls 4 "zipper wire" I don't know what in the dickens that iswill the speaker wire U use 2 hook up a speaker system in a car work??? I'll most likely bombard U with  I hope U don't mind.. Thanks, Lois**Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now. ( 

CSHi all I'm new 2 the list have some ????

2008-12-06 Thread marmar845

-- Original message from -- Thank you for your reply.. I will hold off on the shortcut typing.

***Thanks -- that's appreciated!! :-)

I'm also curious about the "silver Puppy" . 
***Ode's on the list -- just ask him to speak up -- or to email you privately. MA
**Make your life easier with all your friends, email, and favorite sites in one place. Try it now. ( 

Re: CSgray finger nail beds

2008-12-03 Thread marmar845

Well damn. How come all the good stuff is bad for you??? MA

-- Original message from sol --  Nail polish is toxic.  sol wrote:   Hi Annie. Why not just buy a few bottles of pretty nail polish and   not worry about it? MA--  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:   To post, address your message to:   Address Off-Topic messages to:   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...   List maintainer: Mike Devour   

Re: CSgray finger nail beds

2008-12-03 Thread marmar845

I'll forego that little bit of character, Chuck -- and have the nail polish instead!! MA (grinning)

-- Original message from --  It builds character.   Chuck  Once you've seen one shopping center you've seen a mall.On 12/3/2008 10:12:23 PM, wrote:   Well damn. How come all the good stuff is bad for you??? MA   -- Original message from sol :  --Nail polish is toxic. 

Re: CSgray finger nail beds

2008-12-02 Thread marmar845

Hi Annie. Why not justbuy a few bottles of pretty nail polish and not worry about it? MA

-- Original message from ""THE ADAMS FAMILY"" -- 

I to have gray fingernail beds, I have been taking silver for many years now and this showed up about 3 yrs. ago. I would very much like to get ride of this if anyone has any ideas. What to take and how much? I am not ready to give up my silver.
Thank You!!!

CSWas:Little one with cold, Now: Probiotics (hi Wayne!)

2008-11-22 Thread marmar845

Mike -- your comment (below) caught me up! My Mom just got out of the hospital from a bowel obstruction, which cleared itself after a few days. Preceding the obstruction, for the past couple months, has been very loud ongoing stomach gurgling. I just remembered that she was on antibiotics this past August for a bladder infection. Now I'm wondering if either of these conditions could be related to loss of beneficial gut flora. If so -- what probiotics would be best, and fastest, for an 87-year-old do you think?

-- Original message from "M. G. Devour" --  If he's had antibiotics -- ever! -- then the probiotics are probably  called for. 

CSSerrapeptase, An Acid Question

2008-11-18 Thread marmar845

H -- our Serrapeptase is from Puritan's Pride (90,000 IU) and the directions specifically recommend taking the capsules with a meal. MA

-- Original message from "Norton, Steve" --
However you must not take the Serrapeptase with food. Serrapeptase disolves dead tissue - well what is meat but dead tissue? You need the Serrpeptase to pass into the intestine with no accompanying food so you must take it on an empty stomach.- Steve N


2008-11-17 Thread marmar845

You haven't missed anything Ruth. I think most of us are sitting here scratching our heads and saying "huh?" Not like Faith to post something like this.MA

-- Original message from "Ruth Bertella" -- 

Umm. do we need to know how to read Spanish (I'm ASSuming) to know what this isor have I missed something?!?! (This may have been covered under a different subject line, but I'm just getting the time here at work to go through emails that came in over the weekend and this subject line caught my eye.)  LOL


- Original Message - 
From: Faith Saint Francis 
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2008 9:24 PM
Subject: CS¡HOLA!
¡HOLA! Ayer la noche, quedei de boca abierta, mirei una foto tuya en un sitio suspecho, ¡¡¡jejejeje!!! tienes una persona queriendo te juder. la foto esta en lo link abajo.¡¡¡Abrazos!!!

Connect to the next generation of MSN Messenger Get it now! 

RE: CSRe: The Healing Universe Rife links

2008-10-26 Thread marmar845

I could not access the website with that link. MA

-- Original message from "Stan Popis" -- 

Hi Neville,
You probably read the article on http://homodiet.netffirms,com/otherssay/royalrife.htm 

Stan Popis

From: Neville [] Sent: 26 October 2008 01:58 PMTo: silver-list@eskimo.comSubject: Re: CSRe: The Healing Universe Rife links

Yep, I have a 7 page story about Dr. Rife but damned if I can find it on the internet again to give a link to it so here isthe final 'chapter'of his life. I've tried to search for...'the rife story' as this is the title I think, unless I just gave it that title when I printed it out, sorry. At the top of one page it has '', maybe thiscould be a starting point.


["And remember what a universal cure meantto hospitals and research foundations? Doctors who tried to defend Rife lost their foundation grants and hospital privileges".

"To finish the job, the medical journals, supported almost entirely by drug company revenue and controlled by the AMA, refused to publish any paper by anyone on Rife's therapy. Therefore, an entire generation of medical students graduated into practice without ever once hearing of Rife's breakthroughs in medicine."

"In 1971 Royal Rife died from a combination of valium and alcohol at the age of 83."] End quotes.

I'm really bugged with not knowing where I found the article I printed out as it is an extremelyfascinating and educational read, and criminal what was done to him, his machines,andthe records of his research. I've tried to find it again for you but can't, maybe someone else knows. I stumbled upon it several years ago in my amateur 'google' searching after purchasing the three machines Bob Beck placed in the public domain, and I'm still an amateur 'googler' sad to say.The article stateshe invented the first microscopeforviewinglive viruses. You may like to try to find articles on Morris Fishbein as this person was basically responsible for Rife's demise. He was also responsible for the demise of one Harry Hoxsey who had a herbal cancer remedy. I wish I could be more helpful as it's areally goodread about Rife's life and how the 'establishment' destroyed him.


- Original Message - 

From: Rowena 


Sent: Sunday, October 26, 2008 8:03 PM

Subject: Re: CSRe: The Healing Universe Rife links

Here's a start for you, Faith: 
Hi Jonathan. This article is beautiful. I've bookmarked it and thank you for it. The article mentions Royal Rife. Whatever happened to him, does anyone know? How many people use elecrtromagnetism beyond using eis? Faith G.

Hi Jonathan. This article is beautiful. I've bookmarked it and thank you for it. The article mentions Royal Rife. Whatever happened to him, does anyone know? How many people use elecrtromagnetism beyond using eis? Faith G.

Re: CSBlue hair??

2008-10-11 Thread marmar845

Sol -- hair samples are supposed to be taken from as close to the skin as possible -- in order to get as current a reading as possible. MA

-- Original message from sol 
 Correct me if I'm wrong, but hair analysis shows the level of minerals  in the body when the hair was growing, in other words months or weeks  ago. It cannot show what is in the body NOW?  sol 

Re: CSVirus coming!

2008-10-07 Thread marmar845

While I'm sure that this warning was well-intended, I did check with Snopes. This warning, word for word, is listed there as bogus, as follows:

 Although the Postcard virus is real, it isn't a "Big Virus Coming" (it's already been around in multiple forms for a long time now), it will not "burn the whole hard disk of your computer, and CNN didn't classify it as *the worst virus ever*". For information pertaining to the Postcard virus, go to

-- Original message from "GERRIE CURL" --  -Inline Message Follows-BIG VIRUS COMING !!! PLEASE READ  FORWARD  !!! Hi All, I checked  with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are gearingup for this virus!I checked   Snopes (URL above:), and it is for real!! Get thisE-mail message sent  around to your contacts ASAP PLEASE FORWARD THISWARNING AMONG FRIENDS,  FAMILY AND CONTACTS!You should be alert during the next few days. Do not  open anymessage with an attachment entitled 'POSTCARD FROM  HALLMARK,'regardlessof who sent it to you. It is a virus which opens A  POSTCARD IMAGE,whichm 'burns' the whole hard disc C of your computer. This  virus willbe received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her  contactlist. This is the reason why you need to send this e-mail to all  yourcontacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than  toreceive the virus and open it. If you receive a mail called' POSTCARD,'  even though sent to youby a friend, do not open it!Shut down your computer  immediately.This is the worst virus announced by CNN. It has been  classifiedby Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This virus  wasdiscovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this  kindof virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard  Disc,where the vital information is   kept. COPY THIS E-MAIL AND SEND IT TO YOUR FRIENDS. REMEMBER: IF YOUSEND  IT TO THEM, YOU WILL BENEFIT ALL OF US. Snopes lists all the names it could  come in.  ---  -  Want to do more with Windows Live? Learn “10 hidden secrets” from Jamie.  Learn Now =  BIG VIRUS COMING !!! PLEASE READ  FORWARD  !!! Hi All, I checked  with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are gearingup for this virus!I checked   Snopes (URL above:), and it is for real!! Get thisE-mail message sent  around to your contacts ASAP PLEASE FORWARD THISWARNING AMONG FRIENDS,  FAMILY AND CONTACTS!You should be alert during the next few days. Do not  open anymessage with an attachment entitled 'POSTCARD FROM  HALLMARK,'regardlessof who sent it to you. It is a virus which opens A  POSTCARD IMAGE,whichm 'burns' the whole hard disc C of your computer. This  virus willbe received from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her  contactlist. This is the reason why you need to send this e-mail to all  yourcontacts. It is better to receive this message 25 times than  toreceive the virus and open it. If you receive a mail called' POSTCARD,'  even though sent to youby a friend, do not open it!Shut down your computer  immediately.This is the worst virus announced by CNN. It has been  classifiedby Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. This virus  wasdiscovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no repair yet for this  kindof virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero Sector of the Hard  Disc,where the vital information is   kept. COPY THIS E-MAIL AND SEND IT TO YOUR FRIENDS. REMEMBER: IF YOUSEND  IT TO THEM, YOU WILL BENEFIT ALL OF US. Snopes lists all the names it could  come in.  ---  -  Want to do more with Windows Live? Learn “10 hidden secrets” from Jamie.  Learn Now =  

Re: CSWillard Water - question clear vs dark

2008-10-06 Thread marmar845

Connie -- Nenah gave you the best advice -- order from Nutrition Coalition. They will answer any questions that you have. MA

-- Original message from "" -- 
I'm thinking of about ordering some Willard Water and checking out who seemed to provide good information. It appears that the dark has more ingrediants added and the clear added cal/mag/etc. This confused me as I was thinking the water just had a special oxygenation procedure. If they are only adding minerals/vitamins is that not duplicating what we are already doing? 
If I do order I'm thinking the dark has more good stuff... still confused.
any enlightning information would be appreciated.
connie All is not lost! Click now for professional data recovery.

Re: CSQ Fever

2008-10-01 Thread marmar845

OK -- it was our very own Marshall (I do believe) who contends that sulphur binds with silver and renders it (silver) useless. MSM is sulphur -- so I think that is contraindicated. Am I right about that Marshall? What would be wrong with using plain old aspirin for pain and inflammation? MA
P.S.I think the scotch and (silver)water idea is genius!!! wicked grin

-- Original message from Paula --  Thanks, MA. I'll appreciate the prayers.   Mike - I'd probably have better luck having Jerry stand on his head  during a full moon!   Connie - Can one use CS in place of water in a Scotch  water? That's  sort of a joke - but not really. I can sneak small amounts into this  and that but adding it to Scotch would be easy. I have no idea what  alcohol would do to the EIS. Anyone know?   I was SOOO hoping someone had at least heard of this disease.  Here's what the net-info says:  Carried by cattle, sheep, and goats;  Bacteria lives in the soil indefinitely;  Can remain dormant in a body for years;  Airborne and contageous - also carried by ticks:  Present worldwide;  Mortality rate 65%;  Higher risk in those who have had heart problems. Jerry has an aortic  stent and one other one. He also has an aneurism behind one knee that  is very painful. It was to have been repaired tomorrow but surgery  has been postponed for a month because of the Q. I don't know what  difference a month is going to make if it takes years to treat the Q.  3-4 years of ABX is just a guess and seems to be the only thing the  infectious disease specialist knows of to use.   Am I correct that EIS would not interfere with the ABX? Seems like  I've heard yes and no to that question.  What about MSM with ABX? One of the Q symptoms is achyness and slight  fever following minimal exertion. I thought the MSM would help with  that. It might also help with the inflammation around the aortic  stent that has been present for over 4 years and never treated. Doc  said it would go away - it hasn't and is still blocking one urethra,  thus the other stent.   Here's a comforting thought: At one time Q Fever bacteria was  considered for use for germ warfare. Huge quantities of it were made.  It is being stored in Pine Bluff, Ark. That's less than 200 miles  from us.   Paula   P.S. Dee, I guess I'll just stick with my taste test. The back-up is  spraying it on 'ripe' meat.--  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:   To post, address your message to:   Address Off-Topic messages to:   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...   List maintainer: Mike Devour   

CSre: Q Fever

2008-09-28 Thread marmar845

Omigosh Paula -- I'm so sorry to hear this. I haven't any experience with this, so I can't be of any help. I hope that someone on the list can help you, and in the meantime you andJerry will be in my thoughts and prayers. I cannot imagine the consequences of four years of antibiotics. MA 

-- Original message from Paula --  The CS pet list is: Very knowledgeable group.  My 3 cats have had straight EIS fulltime free-choice for years and  the 3 dogs for roughly a year.  My horses get a pint to a quart a day throughout the winter.My husband has just been diagnosed with "Q" Fever. Does anyone have  any experience with this?  I've already read a bunch of net-info - all allopathic. The treatment  is supposed to be ABX + another drug for 4 YEARS!!   For now, I am only interested in the use of EIS. I know there are  countless other modalities and everyone thinks theirs is the best. DH  is not just 'in the box', he's sealed in there! He also thinks I'm a  quack. It seems to me that EIS OUGHT to handle this since it is a  bacteria. If I can get him to take it, that would be a giant step. He  will use it as mouthweash (2 oz. a day) and that might have kept him  from getting sicker when symptoms started showing up 5 months ago.  That quantity isn't going to be nearly enough.   I don't have a tester and am not sure what ppm I'm making. A guess  would be about 10 ppm. It is crystal clear, slight metallic taste,  and does not change over time. I'm using a Puppy and making 3 quarts  at a time. Is there anyone in the group who would be willing to test  my EIS? If so, feel free to contact me privately with instructions.   Help!  Paula  Berryville, Ark.   --  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:   To post, address your message to:   Address Off-Topic messages to:   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...   List maintainer: Mike Devour   

Re: CSI know this site is for humans but this question is about my dog

2008-08-30 Thread marmar845

Hi Carole. I don't know the answer to your questions (although I sincerely doubt that CS could harm your dog in any way, especially if you're giving her home-made EIS without any additives) -- but I wanted to say that I sure hope that your dog is OK. How old is your son? Pity that he's not willing to spend as much time reading the pros as the cons. I hope you'll let us know how this all turns out. MA 

-- Original message from Carole Coffman -- I brought my Greyhound to the Vet for a dental. They did the pre-op blood work and called to say they need to reschedule the dental because the kidney values were elevated. Would CS elevate the chemistry like that? My son is all over me; not only for taking CS for myself but for giving it to the dogs also. I offered to give him things to read about CS but he provided me instead with the Wikipedia BS. I am worried about my dog. If CS wouldn't do this to her body, would it help her in regard to her kidney's?Carole

Re: CSNew Member...

2008-08-29 Thread marmar845

Hi Neville -- welcome to the group. Yes, you are correct -- you should just jump in with any remarks and/or questions on your mind. Am I correct in my assumption that you're located in England? MA

-- Original message from "Neville" -- 

Hi All,

I only joined a couple of days ago, so by way of introduction...I have been involved, and have involved my family and their animals,with EICS for several years. I personallyingest a quantity of ICS every morning as a, 'daily maintenance program', using my own equipment and methods, and have been doing this for roughly 4 years. Iguess I am just asking thatif Iwish toput forwardany of my personal observations and/or experiences, or have any queries or need some further advice on a particular matter, Ishould feel free to do so, would I be correct in that assumption?

I am not necessarily looking for anything at the moment, more feeling my way aroundonemight say.


Re: CSRule of Thumb, doe not get it, Who wrote the rules anyway ?

2008-08-29 Thread marmar845

Hi Dee. I'm in the same position as you -- I'm not engineeringly savvy, and I don't want to be. I also have a demanding lifestyle, and don't have time to fool around with all this stufff. I just want to make CS so I don't have to buy it. I just wanted to reply to one thing though -- you don't have to use part of the old batch to make a new one. You can if you want to, as it apparently speeds things up. But as I understand it, that is not necessarily a good thing because quality is what counts, not quantity. So if you have time to make a batch without time constraints (such as when you're sleeping) -- just skip the seeding process. If you're under the gun, add some from a previous brew to speed things up, but realize that it may not be the high quality of the unseeded batch. But most of all -- don't worry about it -- it's all good!! MA 

-- Original message from Dee --  thanks for the reply Wayne, but I have to say that if I had read this  before buying a generator, then quite frankly, I wouldn't have  bothered! To say that this puts an even more complicated slant on  things would be an understatement I think. I will just stick to letting  the SP do it all for me. I have gleaned something from this though, and  that is I must keep some of the old batch to start the next one off. I  think people have said this before also, but I had forgotten. Trouble  is, I have had a run on CS lately and seem to use it all up, so I will  just have to make a few batches on the trot, so to speak. Thanks  again. dee   Wayne Fugitt wrote:   Good Morning Dee,   I read all the replies and statements relative to your questions and   possible problems. As right and correct as they all were,  I did fear and think, exactly what you said in the statement above. (   using my crystal ball of course ) So, I guess I better tell you what I think, .. before the   Hurricane blows me away and maybe destroys all my computers. I will tell you what I think the problem is, before I tell you a thing   or two that might help.   You and others may not like or may not believe what I have to say. The world and the automatic CS maker are trying to dictate how you   make CS, and are leaving little thinking, reasoning, changes, methods,   imagination, experimentation, UP TO YOU. That is exactly why I do not have an automatic CS maker, never wanted   one, even if they were free.--  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:   To post, address your message to:   Address Off-Topic messages to:   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...   List maintainer: Mike Devour   

Re: CSRule of Thumb, doe not get it, Who wrote the rules anyway ?

2008-08-29 Thread marmar845

OK -- see, you're trying to nail down something that is not nail-downable without a lot of complicating factors. It *may* not be as high quality, unless your bottle of water is higher quality than the last bottle, or some other mitigating factor,etc. That's what everyone is trying to say -- this isn't an exact science. And that's OK because it's all good. Just do the best that you can do under whatever circumstances you're doing under and count it all a blessing. All of our colloidal silver brews are no doubt different, and all of them are working. As long as you're producingcolloidal silver, you've got what you need.And don't worry about the rest. Does that help? MA 

-- Original message from Dee --  Ah, now this is the nub of what I have been trying to say! Well done MA  - you put it in a nutshell! Let me reiterate: if I try and speed things  up - by whatever method - I will probably compromise the CS - i.e. it  will not be such high quality as the stuff I am making which takes  longer. Is this correct? dee wrote:   Hi Dee. I'm in the same position as you -- I'm not engineeringly   savvy, and I don't want to be. I also have a demanding lifestyle, and   don't have time to fool around with all this stufff. I just want to   make CS so I don't have to buy it. I just wanted to reply to one   thing though -- you don't _have_ to use part of the old batch to make   a new one. You can if you want to, as it apparently speeds things   up. But as I understand it, that is not necessarily a good thing   because quality is what counts, not quantity. So if you have time to   make a batch without time constraints (such as when you're sleeping)   -- just skip the seeding process. If you're under the gun, add some   from a previous brew to speed things up, but realize that it may not   be the high quality of the unseeded batch. But most of all -- don't   worry about it -- it's all good!! MA--  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:   To post, address your message to:   Address Off-Topic messages to:   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...   List maintainer: Mike Devour   

Re: CSQuality Not Defined

2008-08-29 Thread marmar845

Wayne -- try to keep up! The sentence that you quoted was in reply to Dee's remark that the one thing she had learned in all of the discourse, was that she needed to add some CS from a previous batch to the new batch. She doesn't. Dee's original question was: if she tries to speed up her brewing process by adding some of a previous batch, then would she be compromising the quality of her CS. I was simply trying to reassure her that that was not necessarily the case, and that it doesn't matter anyway.Because it's all good! MA 

-- Original message from Wayne Fugitt --  Evening MA,   At 08:45 AM 8/29/2008, you wrote:  -- you don't have to use part of the old batch to make a new one.   No one said you did.You can if you want to, as it apparently speeds things up.   Is that hearsay evidence, speculation, or have you tried it ?But as I understand it, that is not necessarily a good thing   because quality is what counts, not quantity.   It could be both, at times, Depending on the need.   How do you define Quality, and what part of Quality, does  the mixing of CS actually effect ?   And I doubt that you can measure it, with a ppm meter.   I have read that you can make CS in muddy water, blood, and beer.   That may be hear say evidence, as I have not tried it.   Wayne     --  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:   To post, address your message to:   Address Off-Topic messages to:   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...   List maintainer: Mike Devour   

Re: CSA Non Conformist, maybe....... maybe not.

2008-08-29 Thread marmar845

Me too, Barb -- automatic is great! I hope the CS helps your husband! MA

-- Original message from "B Magnatta" -- 

I just love the idea of automatic.If the quantity/quality/color varies a bit. I don't care as long as it works. I'm not sick, just using for prevention and oral care. I'm going to make some up for my husband who has knee problems which I believeis an infection of some sort. It responded well to the little we tried a couple of weeks ago applied topically. Our teeth are plaque free!

I'm going to order the Silver Puppy with a stirrer and I haven't decided which stirrer will be the better of the two offered. I am confident that if I follow directions I should get suitable results. I am going back to school and raising11 children ,six of which are at home, so I don't have time to experiment around with equipment, but at some time in the future I will.

I appreciate all the input.

Sincerely Barb M.

---Original Message---

From: Wayne Fugitt
Date: 08/29/08 15:16:39
Subject: CSA Non Conformist, maybe... maybe not.

Evening Neville.

There is no time limit, ... jump in when you are ready.

At 09:48 AM 8/29/2008, you wrote:
It was not my intention to participate as early as this but I can't
resist supporting the points 'wayne fugitt' made.I make my own
generators and they are not 'current limited' as it does just that
to me...limits me, (I am considering making one sometime in the
future though as I am little curious as to how they would perform as
a comparison).

 Me too. I have not decided when.

 CS generators are somewhat like my study of solar system.I
learned so many ways to build them,
I never built a single one.

 My main interest in Solar systems was the design and building of
the control systems needed.

 One could make a nice CS generator with a current meter and
voltmeter built in.

 Some nice meters exist. Finding the right range would be
critical.LED type meters are much clearer and better to me that LCD
meters, but cost much more.

 One might have to addtransistors, diodes, LED's and a custom
shunt.A 555 of 556 chip
 ( I realize Integrated circuit might be a better name )or whatever.

and associated circuits could be used.It could even have the stop
watch built in. ( or a timing indicator )

It would still not be automatic, but would contain most of the
convenience items.

I feel ( but may be wrong ) that most automatic systems are
simplified and designed to sell, at a price people are willing to
pay. Nothing wrong with that.

Still, one built by an experimenter, where cost does not matter and
cost is ignored, I feel would be much better.

Glad to see someone thinks a bit like I do.Often I think I am all
alone in the world. grin

Be careful, you might become labeled a NON conformist or a list critic.

Of course IBM labeled me a Non Conformist back in the 50's.I never
worried about it and never cared why.

One guy from Hawaii got up and gave IBM a speech.He said,
No one in Hawaii wears White Shirts and Ties, . I do not have
any and am not going to buy any.

Yes, he was wearing a beautiful flowered shirt.No doubt they called
him a Non Conformist.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

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The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour

RE: CSThe Blue Guy

2008-08-29 Thread marmar845

Heck guys -- who don't you both send them to the list? Then we can all see what ya look like!! MA

-- Original message from "Dan Nave" --  Afternoon Wayne,   Send me your picture.   I'll send you one of me...   Dan-Original Message-   From: Wayne Fugitt []   Sent: Friday, August 29, 2008 10:05 AM   To:   Subject: CSThe Blue Guy Good Morning Dan, At 09:24 AM 8/29/2008, you wrote:   Wayne,   You're not that blue guy, are you?... No, He lives just down the street. I taught him how to make CS. He was a little pale, and I though he needed to be a   different color. So, I altered a few things, hoping to turn him brown, ..   You know, .. like a nice sun tan. But I must have made a mistake, the color was not brown,   instead it was a shade of blue. I must have got the color frequency mixed up, or read the   chart wrong. I wanted to try again, but he would not co operate. Thanks for the comments. Still laughing. I posted my picture once, but no one would believe it.   It looked more like a hill billy, than a Redneck. And . it was not blue. Wayne ==   Wayne --   The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour    

Re: CS[List Owner] Some comments and statistics...

2008-08-24 Thread marmar845

Well, I've been mulling this over -- and for me, I guess I've come to the conclusion that I pretty much like the list the way that it is. I agree that it's easy for a list to become stagnant if there's too much restriction of topic matter, and I think that the current rules and regs pretty well keep things under control. But I do understand David's position, and actually agree with his points regarding Kurt's posts -- but it's an easy matter to solve. David, if I understand you correctly, it's only Kurt's posts that bug you, yes? Sowhen youopen your inbox, you can check forand delete all of Kurt's incoming email. That way you don't have to read it. Or better yet, you can set your email program to block all of Kurt's mail so that it doesn't get into your inbox to begin with. Problem solved. I think that's more reasonable than asking Mike to spend ever more time trying to meet all of our individual needs. I do think that we all can do a better job of changing the subject line when we respond to posts and the subject matter is morphing. That way folks can more easily delete posts in their inbox in which they have no interest. I guess where this is leading me is that as list members we need to acceptthe responsibility for our own use of and participation in the list, rather than asking Mike to do it for us. MA

-- Original message from David Bearrow --  Sir,   It was not my intent to start a firestorm. For that I apologize.  Perhaps my blood sugar was a little low and I got cranky and  responded too quickly to Kurt's email. Normally I would wait a day  before hitting the send button and likely or not I wouldn't have sent  it or I would have heavily edited it.   I think perhaps I did not put across exactly why I think that post  should not be on this list. There are certain conspiracy theories out  there that have a small basis in fact but then take the facts and  extrapolate out until they make good science fiction plots but are no  longer factual. Kurt invariably likes to copy and paste from websites  devoted to these conspiracy theories and post them to the list. I do  not mind the off topic health type questions. But Kurt does not post  questions, he proselytizes like a politician or priest about subjects  that cause division where ever they are discussed. If, in the course  of answering health related questions, those topics Kurt loves happen  to come up and in his own words he discussed them in relation to the  question then I would not object. Indeed, I would likely respond with  a counterpoint post. But it is his method to drop a copy/paste email  bomb out of the blue not in response to any current threads. This  type of post is not conducive to the conversation. One cannot create  a counter post as you would not be talking to the poster but to the  person who wrote the website Kurt is copying and pasting from and  that person will never see the counter post.   If you have saved all the posts do a sort on kmilkowski. He started  posting 9-14-07. He consistently posts off topic about his 3 favorite  pet conspiracy theories chemtrails, vaccinations, and poisoned food  supplies, which have nothing to do with our current conversations. He  usually starts these as new threads and pulls the list way out there  into science fiction land.   I think your existing policies are good and don't need changing. My  beef is with Kurts obsession with conspiracy theories about  chemtrails, vaccinations, and poisoned food supplies and his need to  share that obsession with us over and over and his method of sharing  which excludes argument. 

Re: CSCAREFUL!!! More on Nuked Food

2008-08-24 Thread marmar845

Kurt! You have a sense of humor!! Who knew lol MA
P.S. Love your new subject lines! :-D

-- Original message from -- Follow up with medical studies on the use of irradiated food. Please DELETE, if you find this offensive. Not written by Mike Adams, since there are those that seem to have a problem with him. This may help some people discern whether or not this is "paranoid" infromation. This is being put up to follow up with more evidence, the intention is not to start onother food fight. 

Re: CShear hear! seconded...

2008-08-23 Thread marmar845

I wasn't offended at all by your posts about your computer problems, Dee. I simply skimmed through them and then hit the delete button as they weren't pertinent for me. I also wasn't offended by Kurt's posts either (although I think they're mostly paranoid -- sorry Kurt). I think it's normal for any group of people to drift into conversations other than on-topic, if said topic happens to be stagnant at the moment. Be pretty hard to legislate against human nature. Also, that's what God made the *delete* button for (uh-oh -- does that make this a religious post? LOL) As long as the off-topic posts are related to health issues (well, even the computer post was related to health -- your mental health Dee, right?)I don't think they're out of line as long as they don't go on forever. As far as new people are concerned, well if I was recommending this list to someone, I would probably forewarn them that off-topic stuff does come up once in awhile. Perhaps that could be mentioned in a *welcome letter* to new members, Mike, if such a thing exists. I think that only a complete skeptic (to CS), or an absolute newbie to the concept of internet chat groups (does such a person exist?) would blow off an internet group because of off-topic or odd posts. And I think it's sad that intelligent people who are members of this list would be willing to leave because the list isn't performing in the way that they'd like. Personally, I'm willing to ignore a lot of *crap* in order to read the occasional valuable nugget of information that I'd otherwisenot have access to. JMHO, of course.

-- Original message from dee --  therefore I apologize to all whom it has  offended, for posting about my computer problems. dee 

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2008 #480

2008-08-18 Thread marmar845

Well, heck. I would just love to be able to make Willard Water as cheaply as CS. WW is great stuff -- but so expensive. MA

-- Original message from Ode Coyote --Error.  Upon further research, the equation doesn't..hold water.   An EIS /CS generator does, however, make "Ionized water" as a byproduct and  ionized water is sold by many names.  A water ionizing machine can cost between $400 and $4,000 or be  constructed for next to nothing.   The ion is OH [-] aka, the anion produced along with every silver ion  produced.OdeAt 12:20 AM 8/17/2008 +, you wrote:  Scuse me Ode? How does all of this pertain to Willard Water? MA  -- Original message from Ode Coyote :  --  [Negatively charged water is water that is rich in OH- anions..a byproductof a proprietary process called electrolysis and every EIS [CS] generatormakes it, aka Willard water, Ionized water what gives EIS thatbitter/metallic flavor.--  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:   To post, address your message to:   Address Off-Topic messages to:   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...   List maintainer: Mike Devour   

CSRe: silver-digest Digest V2008 #480

2008-08-16 Thread marmar845

Scuse me Ode? How does all of this pertain to Willard Water? MA

-- Original message from Ode Coyote --  [Negatively charged water is water that is rich in OH- anions..a byproduct  of a proprietary process called electrolysis and every EIS [CS] generator  makes it, aka Willard water, Ionized water what gives EIS that  bitter/metallic flavor. 

Re: CSNuisance emails

2008-07-30 Thread marmar845

Hi Dee. If the emails that you're referring to are advertisements, then blocking them won't help. Your email addy is on a list somewhere (or two or three) which is being accessed by multiple advertisers, and each advertiser can have many originating email addys. So you can block the email addy of the advertisement you just received, but that email addy won't be used again anyway -- another one will. The best way to stop this is to read through each email to the bottom part where it says *to stop receiving our advertisements, click here*. This will lead you through an unsubscribe process. This is time-consuming, but eventuallly you will reach every sender and the emails will stop. I went through this a few months back. You're right -- it's maddening!!! MA

-- Original message from "Dee " -- Does anyone know how to stop these please? I have Incredimail and a facility to block and bounce, but they just keep coming in! I put the words I want on the blocked senders thingy but they still keep on coming and its driving me mad!  Any advice gratefully received! Dee--  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:   To post, address your message to:   Address Off-Topic messages to:   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...   List maintainer: Mike Devour   

CSStorage containers for CS

2008-07-21 Thread marmar845

OK -- I'm confused. Exactly what plastic containers are NOT okay for storing CS? MA

-- Original message from Marshall Dudley --  If you are talking about HDPE, they are fine. Those are what things  like distilled water and milk come in. 

Re: CSStorage containers for CS

2008-07-20 Thread marmar845

Hi Kathryn -- thanks for your input. Yes -- you are referring to the hard plastic containers, yes? I was looking for information on which plastics are OK for storing CS, and which are not. Best I can remember, the soft, opaque plastic ones (such as milk jugs) are not OK. Am I remembering right? MA

-- Original message from Clayton Family --  Many of us buy water in plastic bottles, like aquafina or whatever, and  pour the water out and fill up with CS. I do this a lot and have never  had a problem yet. ---KathrynOn Jul 18, 2008, at 10:40 AM, wrote:I know this has been discussed on the list before, but as we have no   archives -- I need to pass information on pertaining to appropriate   storage containers for CS. Some forms of plastic are OK, others are   not -- would someone be kind enough to elaborate on this for me?   Thanks in advance. MA  --  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:   To post, address your message to:   Address Off-Topic messages to:   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...   List maintainer: Mike Devour   

Re: CSStorage containers for CS

2008-07-20 Thread marmar845

Hi Dee. Thanks for your reply. Yes -- the PET bottles are the hard, clear plastic ones, right? I'm trying to find out if the opaque plastic jugs are still considered to be a poor choice for storing CS. Thanks. MA

-- Original message from "Dee " -- 

Hi MA, I am wrestling with this problem (still, I hear you say?) and I actually bought new PET bottles because of having problems with CS going yellow in used bottles. I have found that if I put one lot of CS in the new bottle, it still went yellow, but when this lot is tipped out and I put in another lot; this seems to be ok. I am now on the fourth day and the batch is still clear, so I am hopeful that I have solved the problem. The upshot of all this rambling is; that PET bottles are supposed to be OK for CS but I have had problems with first batches. Some think that glass is better but others have no problem with PeT plastic. Dee 

---Original Message---

Date: 07/18/08 16:41:12
Subject: CSStorage containers for CS

I know this has been discussed on the list before, but as we have no archives -- I need to pass information on pertaining to appropriate storage containers for CS. Some forms of plastic are OK, others are not -- would someone be kind enough to elaborate on this for me? Thanks in advance. MA

CSStorage containers for CS

2008-07-18 Thread marmar845

I know this has been discussed on the list before, but as we have no archives -- I need to pass information on pertaining to appropriate storage containers for CS. Some forms of plastic are OK, others are not -- would someone be kind enough to elaborate on this for me? Thanks in advance. MA


2008-07-06 Thread marmar845

Someone recently posted a link to information regarding microwaves. Would someone be kind enough to repost that link? Thanks. MA

Re: CSHerx symtoms with Silver

2008-06-29 Thread marmar845

You can definitely have a herx reaction from CS -- tells you that it's working! And yes -- it can taste metallic. MA

-- Original message from "Mary Ellen Murphy" -- 

Can you have herx symtoms from taking silver. It also tastes funny. Should is have a taste

Mary Ellen

From: [] Sent: Thursday, June 26, 2008 5:42 PMTo: silver-dig...@eskimo.comSubject: silver-digest Digest V2008 #392

Re: CSSkin blemishes

2008-06-26 Thread marmar845

Hey Marshall -- thanks for the heads-up. Actually, my rash does look a little bit like that. Not so dense, or such a large area. Wish I could see it closer up to be sure. However, don't have any of the other symptoms -- and from what I could glean, they should predate the rash. ?? Any rate, I googled RMSF extensively, and am taking a careful watch and see on that. Thanks again -- I would not have thought of this if you hadn't mentioned it. MA
-- Original message from Marshall Dudley --  Sounds like Rocky Mountain Spotted fever rash to me. Does it look  anything like this?   Marshall 

Re: CSSkin Blemishes - Lyme Disease

2008-06-26 Thread marmar845

Hi Sasha. You and I emailed privately a few weeks back, but I haven't joined Lytmestrategies -- are you thinking of Mary Ellen perhaps? I am already well past the six week window of time. I'm going to go and watch the youtube videos you included in your post. Thanks for all your help. MA

-- Original message from "S-Max" --  Hi MA,  We have spoken before. You joined Lymestrategies from Kurt's and my  suggestion. Go there now and ask the same question.   Two weeks of abx won't help you at all. If it were me, I would continue to  take the abx for a minimum of four to six weeks. Two weeks is not going to  do anything except leave you with chronic Lyme Disease. If your doctor  prescribed doxy for only two weeks, my suggestion would be to run for your  life in the other direction. They are incompetent to treat Lyme Disease and  your window of opportunity is dwindling! They are following the allopathic  regulations in fear of losing their license. If it were me, I would,  absolutely, continue to treat with abx and CS and educate myself on all  aspect of this disease. I would, immediately, seek a Lyme Literate Medical  Doctor (LLMD) who is the best, who is qualified, who is competent, who the  Lyme community approves of to help. If you do have Lyme and co-infection you  are in for the fight of your life now. Get serious! Take right action now  before it is too late!   It is very difficult to educate newbies to the history, politics, and  treatment for lyme. By the time you understand and have waited it is too  late. Lyme Disease has already established itself in your body and you will  then be treating for the rest of your life for untold suffering. Sometimes  the symptoms don't appear for years later. It depends upon how healthy your  immune system is. There is no cure after six weeks, there is only treatment  to be free of symptoms. You have a lot to learn, and the political aspects  of this disease are the most hideous and most criminal aspect of it. The  political and allopathic medical community including the insurance company  elements regarding this disease is nothing less than a killing field, it is  nothing less than insane, and these regulations are killing us; they are not  saving, preventing, or helping us. Most people are unconscious of the  governmental, political, and insurance company criminal activity until they  themselves are fighting for their lives, have lost their homes, their  friends, their families, and their fortunes, and any kind of normal  functionality. I kid you not!   If you have any doubt about what I am saying, do yourself a favor and click  on the following links or go to youtube and search for Lyme Disease. There  are over 30 videos that will give you the real picture. There are many yahoo  lyme groups that you can join for help, but you need to get specific.   The small bumps that are a rash are typical of other co-infections and right  now are your easiest of your symptoms to deal with. It could be Rocky  Mountain Spotted Fever Rash, I wouldn't know. Ticks, horseflies, mosquitoes  and other insects such as lice, mites, and biting flies carry lyme  borrelliosis and other bacterial components such as Erhlichiosis, Babesiosis  and Bartonella, plus there may be some mycoplasma and other co-infection. A  sexual partner can infect you. It is being spread from infected Mother to  unborn fetus and/or through mother's milk, etc. It is not just ticks that  spread this disease.   Good Luck,  S-MaxOn Tue, Jun 24, 2008 at 5:46 PM, wrote:   OK CS'ers -- here's a mystery. Last week I finished up a two-week round of  antibiotics (doxycycline hyclate) which I took as a prophylactic response to   being bitten by a Lyme tick. This week I am experiencing a rash of some type   appearing on my upper fore-arms and the back of my hands. The rash consists  of small red bumps -- like tiny blisters -- and they are continuing to  manifest. They don't itch (well, maybe just a little bit, but negligible).  The skin around them appears to be dry and flaky regardless of application  of moisturizer. New bumps appear every day, the older ones don't appear to  be going away. What the heck's going on with me Could this be a delayed  reaction to the antibiotics? Anyone have any ideas? MA --  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:   To post, address your message to:   Address Off-Topic messages to:   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...   List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSSkin Blemishes - Lyme Disease

2008-06-26 Thread marmar845

Thanks Kurt. Thanks to Sasha as well. MA

-- Original message from --  You can write to me any ol' time! Sasha's right, I won't mind a bit!    S-Max wrote:   Hi Marmar,   Yes, I was thinking of Mary Ellen.   After you watch the videos if you have any questions, don't hesitate to   contact me. I am certain Kurt wouldn't mind either.   Okay? I wish you the best.   S-Max   ---Original Message--- From:   Date: 6/26/2008 7:30:40 AM   To:   Subject: Re: CSSkin Blemishes - Lyme DiseaseHi Sasha. You and I emailed privately a few weeks back, but I haven't joined Lytmestrategies -- are you thinking of Mary Ellen perhaps? I am already well past the six week window of time. I'm going to go and watch the youtube videos  you included in your post. Thanks for all your help. MA   --   The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour  

Re: CSSkin blemishes

2008-06-25 Thread marmar845

-- Original message from "Marshalee Hallett" -- That is what happens when you take Doxy and go in the sun. I had it a few times, before I found out about CS.

 Hey Marshalee -- thanks for responding. I was warned about skin sensitivity withDoxycycline, so I used sun screen every time I went outside --up to several days after finishing the round. How the heck long does this stuff stay in your system that this can be happening a week later? Also, how long does it take for this to healup? Thanks. MA

Re: CSSkin blemishes

2008-06-25 Thread marmar845

-- Original message from "Dee " -- 

It sounds like an allergic reaction. Dee 

 I wondered about that too, Dee. But couldn't figure out why it would wait until a week after finishing the meds. MA

CSSkin blemishes

2008-06-24 Thread marmar845

OK CS'ers -- here's a mystery. Last week I finished up a two-week round of antibiotics (doxycycline hyclate) which I took as a prophylactic response to being bitten by a Lyme tick. This week I am experiencing a rash of some type appearing on my upper fore-arms and the back of my hands. The rash consists of small red bumps -- like tiny blisters -- and they are continuing to manifest. They don't itch (well, maybe just a little bit, but negligible). The skin around them appears to be dry and flaky regardless of application of moisturizer. New bumps appear every day, the older ones don't appear to be going away. What the heck's going on with me Could this be a delayed reaction to the antibiotics? Anyone have any ideas? MA

RE: CSMaking CS/Parkinson

2008-06-22 Thread marmar845

Mary Ellen -- calm down. You are making a mountain out of a molehill. CS is not a fast process. You can force it to be fast, and you will create silver sludge instead of Colloidal Silver. It takes time for the small particles of silver to saturate the water, which is probably the definition of CS. *Seeding* is what someone described earlier to you, whereby you take perhaps 1/2 cup of a previous batch of CS and add it to the distilled water that you use for your next batch. Hang in there -- your CS will come (even without seeding) -- and you will survive this weekend!! And you will become knowledgeable too!! :-) MA

-- Original message from "Mary Ellen Murphy" -- 

What do you mean by a little seeding. I have spent my entire weekend making this stuff. I am not familiar with all the terms you guy are using. If I survive this weekend it will be a miracle.

From: Hanneke [] Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:09 AMTo: silver-list@eskimo.comSubject: Re: CSMaking CS/Parkinson

those objections are individual of course..In all the years I have had the silver puppy, have 2 of them, it has never taken me anywhere near 8 hours.The temperature of water is a good starting point, the colder the longer it takesand perhaps a little seeding, speeds things up too.HannekeAt 10:23 PM 22/06/2008, you wrote:
That was my objection to the silver takes so long. The generator I have now takes 3 hours to make one quart. I could have gotten a generator that makes a gallon but a quart is enough. Faith G.
- Original Message - 
From: Dee 
Sent: Sunday, June 22, 2008 8:36 AM
Subject: RE: CSMaking CS/Parkinson
Hi Mary Ellen, I am answering two of your mails at the same time, as I read this one last - 
The Silver Puppy comes complete with everything you need (except the canning jar) I got the #2 kit because it has the little magnet stirrer which you just pop in the jar. It is as easy as falling off a log to be honest, and this comes from someone who is mechanically challenged to say the least! It *does* take quite a time to make, (it took me 8 hours to make one quart) but this was probably because my water was *very* pure (double distlled.) if you put in the next batch about a quarter out of the first batch, however, this will knock two hours off the time. I don't find the time it takes a problem at all, because if you need more - quickly, then you just start the whole thing up again and that way, you would have quite a bit in a few days. As it doesn't matter how long it is stored, then it shouldn't matter how long it takes to make. I think it is a brilliant little unit and he is so clever to have made it all fit into such a small space compared to others, with so few working parts to have to bother about. Dee 

---Original Message---

From: Mary Ellen Murphy
Date: 22/06/2008 03:34:12
Subject: RE: CSMaking CS/Parkinson

I am borrowing one from a friend called the silver pulsar. I was also
wondering how much to take to start. I am trying to figure out what I need
to get with the silver puppy. I understand that you need some kind of
stirrer with it. I don't know whether to get the #1 kit or #2.

Mary Ellen

No virus found in this incoming message.Checked by AVG. Version: 7.5.524 / Virus Database: 270.4.1/1512 - Release Date: 21/06/2008 9:27 AM-- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CSby pass surgery recovery

2008-06-19 Thread marmar845

Dianne -- sorry to hear of your husband's need for surgery, and glad to hear that it was successful and that he is doing so well. I don't know why only one area of his arteries would experience blockage -- I hope that someone else here does, and will share that information. I'm so impressed that he asked you to spray him with silver before surgery. MA

-- Original message from "Dianne France" -- 

Dear Group

My husband finally had all his testing done and it turned out he did have a 95% blockage in the aorta but they couldn't use a stint because it was at a three way juncture. He had open heart done Tuesday and they did a two way by pass using a vein from him arm and one from his chest. They didn't want to use the veins in his legs due to vericose veins.

What I don't understand is looking at the pictures they took during the heart cath you could clearly see the blockage and he has very large arteries but no other artery showed any problems or plaque. Why would a severe blockage happen in just one spot? Could there have been a defect in this area to cause it? 

He is looking great and the nurses and surgeon are very impressed with his recovery so far. He had theby passdone Tuesday morning and they moved him last night from a credical care area to a step down. I couldn't stay with him when he was in credical care we could only visit half hour time frames four times a day. Since he will be in a private room now I probably will be staying with him until he is released to help him in case nurses aren't available. 

By the way, before surgery they came in and bathed his chest. After the nurse left he asked me to bath him again and then spray silver everywhere on his chest and arm pits. He is a firm believer in the silver. I upped my silver dose internal since I will be being exposed at the hospital. 

I may not be on line for a few days unless I come home but really would like some input about the blockage and what might have caused it.


RE: CSInfo about the best generatrorfor collodial

2008-06-15 Thread marmar845

Mary Ellen -- I'm about two hours west of there, in the Paducah KY area. ?? MA

-- Original message from "Mary Ellen Murphy" --  Is there anyone who lives in the Nashville, TN area. Please let me know   -Original Message-  From: Clayton Family []  Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 1:00 PM  To:  Subject: Re: CSInfo about the best generatrorfor collodial   I am in the camp of Low Voltage Ionic silver myself. Yes, one atom is  as small as one can get. I have a homemade set up using 9 volt  batteries, wires, pure silver wires and a current limiter  (potentiometer). It is low tech, but makes good silver. If you want  one that turns itself off, the silverpuppy is one that I have heard  alot of good about, it is inexpensive, and a real workhorse.   If you want to make one yourself, you might want to get a COM 100 meter  to check the quality of your distilled water before you start.   kathryn   On Jun 15, 2008, at 11:46 AM, Mary Ellen Murphy wrote:  Can some one please tell me which is the best generator to make   colloidal   silver and does the particle size matter. I was told that it did not   and a   lot of people do not know what I am talking about and saY that an atom   is a   as small as you can get and that's what they all do. Thanks   Mary Ellen--  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:   To post, address your messag
e to:   Address Off-Topic messages to:   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...   List maintainer: Mike Devour   

Re: CSNashville, TN

2008-06-15 Thread marmar845

No. But I was bitten by a Lyme tick about six weeks ago, and did go to the doctor for antibiotics which I am now in the process of taking. I did post a reply to you onlist about this. I have a paper that my doctor gave me about Lyme disease, and it states that oral antibiotics are effective in the early stage -- late-stage Lyme requires intravenous antibiotics. Have you been to a doctor? Have intravenous antibioticsbeen suggested? MA 

-- Original message from "Mary Ellen Murphy" -- 

Do you have Lyme Disease. I am not doing well with this and all the different protocols that don’t seem to work

From: [] Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 1:22 PMTo: silver-list@eskimo.comSubject: RE: CSInfo about the best generatrorfor collodial

Mary Ellen -- I'm about two hours west of there, in the Paducah KY area. ?? MA

-- Original message from "Mary Ellen Murphy" --  Is there anyone who lives in the Nashville, TN area. Please let me know   -Original Message-  From: Clayton Family []  Sent: Sunday, June 15, 2008 1:00 PM  To:  Subject: Re: CSInfo about the best generatrorfor collodial   I am in the camp of Low Voltage Ionic silver myself. Yes, one atom is  as small as one can get. I have a homemade set up using 9 volt  batteries, wires, pure silver wires and a current limiter  (potentiometer). It is low tech, but m
akes good silver. If you want  one that turns itself off, the silverpuppy is one that I have heard  alot of good about, it is inexpensive, and a real workhor! se.   If you want to make one yourself, you might want to get a COM 100 meter  to check the quality of your distilled water before you start.   kathryn   On Jun 15, 2008, at 11:46 AM, Mary Ellen Murphy wrote:  Can some one please tell me which is the best generator to make   colloidal   silver and does the particle size matter. I was told that it did not   and a   lot of people do not know what I am talking about and saY that an atom   is a   as small as you can get and that's what they all do. Thanks   Mary Ellen--  The Silver List is a
 moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:   To post, address your! messag e to:   Address Off-Topic messages to:   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...   List maintainer: Mike Devour   

CSWas:How to use site Now: Lyme for Mary Ellen

2008-06-12 Thread marmar845

Hi Mary Ellen. First of all, welcome to the silver list. I hope that you find the help that you need here, and in turn can help others in the future. Second, I am very sorry that you're sick with Lyme -- it's a terrible disease. I personally am in the middle of a round of antibiotics to ward off an infection, after being bitten by a Lyme tick six weeks ago. It's my understanding that once the Lyme infection is established in your system, you will need intravenousantibiotics to defeat this disease. Medical doctors would have to treat you withthat -- have your doctors made that recommendation? Also, I wonder if you couldn't find someone to give you intravenous Colloidal Silver? You'd need an alternative doctor, that's for sure. Anyway, there are people here who have had success with electrical treatment, and I'm sure they'll speak up. Just wanted to let you know you're among friends.
Mary Ann

-- Original message from "Mary Ellen Murphy" --  I have posed a question. This is the third time. Most forums have  different way to stay on top of questions. But here goes again. I have  Lyme. I wss referred to this site from Wolf Creek who supplies diatamatious  earth, and the terminator zappper, and colloidal silver. Someone there has  been on this forum and has said that she has worked with people that have  Lyme and use these products. Anyone had success. I a pretty sick and sorry  for the impatience. I am desperate. The Lyme is ruining my life and need a  good protocol to and wondering if anyone has used these products with Lyme  with success.   Thanks  Mary Ellen   -Original Message-  From: ohana9 []  Sent: Thursday, June 12, 2008 2:06 PM  To:  Subject: Re: CSHow to use site   The site you are in touch with - - the archives  are down so all you have  to do is to pose a question on what you would like information on and  there are many of us  here ready to assist -  Regards  Sandee   Peace is easy . . . It is a mind set    Find solutions for your business. Click here and get it done now!  d89txoB8fUp6BSWnYpfhIE/--  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: http://sil   To post, address your message to:   Address Off-Topic messages to:   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...   List maintainer: Mike Devour    

Re: CSSilver Puppy Question

2008-06-03 Thread marmar845

Hi Jeff. You don't have to worry about the discoloration on your silver bars -- it won't interfere with the production of CS at all. Most of us simply wipe the bars off with a paper towel -- and go on. No, you don't have to replace your bars periodically -- you can use them until they disappear. Some people save the very thin fragments and then wind them together to create more silver surface to use them completely up. MA

-- Original message from Jeff Shepler --  Thanks, so I don't have to worry about wiping off the silver plating? Do the wires have to be replaced every so often, or are they solid and will last until very thin?Shep 
Use a little scrubby pad and just rub the black stuff off. Simple. Faith G. - Original Message - From: "Jeff Shepler" To: Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 10:01 AM Subject: CSSilver Puppy Question 
 I've been using my SP for a year or more, and the silver wire electrodes are getting some build up (oxidation?) on them. How is this cleaned off and how often should they be cleaned . I wiped them once with a paper towel but was unsure if these electrodes were plated or solid, and maybe I would wipe off the silver , too? Shep -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: M
ike Devour 

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG. 
Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 269.24.4/1478 - Release Date: 6/2/2008 7:12 AM

Re: CSSilver Puppy Question

2008-06-03 Thread marmar845

Oh -- and by the way -- silver bars are not plated, they are solid silver. Not sure how you meant that, so thought I'd address it. MA

-- Original message from Jeff Shepler --  Thanks, so I don't have to worry about wiping off the silver plating? Do the wires have to be replaced every so often, or are they solid and will last until very thin?Shep 
Use a little scrubby pad and just rub the black stuff off. Simple. Faith G. - Original Message - From: "Jeff Shepler" To: Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2008 10:01 AM Subject: CSSilver Puppy Question 
 I've been using my SP for a year or more, and the silver wire electrodes are getting some build up (oxidation?) on them. How is this cleaned off and how often should they be cleaned . I wiped them once with a paper towel but was unsure if these electrodes were plated or solid, and maybe I would wipe off the silver , too? Shep -- The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: To post, address your message to: Address Off-Topic messages to: The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... List maintainer: M
ike Devour 

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG. 
Version: 8.0.100 / Virus Database: 269.24.4/1478 - Release Date: 6/2/2008 7:12 AM

CSChemical Dumbing Down of Amerika

2008-05-30 Thread marmar845

-- Original message from Jeff Shepler -- "didgital alternitive undergroung"??? geez

 Did you mean *digital alternative underground*? Pretty funny, considering the topic. MA 

CSLyme Disease

2008-05-23 Thread marmar845

-- Original message from "SJY" --

There have been many posts over the years (Marsha, Brooks, etc) regarding Lyme disease treatments with CS  other products. I have not saved them because it was not a concern. But it turns out my wife probably has had it for years without realizing it, so now it is a concern.

I would appreciate anyone posting or reposting remedies for Lyme disease. You can send them to the list of directly to me if you wish.

 Please post to the list -- for the benefit of new members, and also to refresh the memories of others. I was bitten by a Lyme tick two weeks ago, and even though have had electro-stim treatment, am still nervous about it. MA

Re: CShow to make CS

2008-05-07 Thread marmar845

Well -- that's a little rough! Patricia, go to and order a generator. Then buy a gallon of good distilled water. Follow the directions that come with the Colloid Master generator that you purchased. Presto -- colloidal silver. MA

-- Original message from "bob Larson" --  1. first you need to get about 100 pounds of pure silver Canadian maple leaf  coins for something to work with, and a generator capable of producing  60,000 volts. a tesla coil will do. and maybe some rubber gloves.   2. then read up around the web on the subject for awhile so you can ask  more specific questions which might generate discussion of interest to more  folks than just you, so folks here won't be expected to spoon-feed you the  whole deal to the boredom of the rest.   there'll probably be some folks posting some good links for you to follow to  get you up to speed with the rudiments.   basically, it's simple and easy... once you get those coins and generator  together. 
after that it's a matter of refining things to make better/faster  CS.-Original Message-   From: patricia beja []   Sent: Wednesday, May 07, 2008 8:06 PM   To:   Subject: Re: CSCs containing nickel???   Can anyone tell me how to go about making colloidal silver solution.   Patricia--  The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.   Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:   To post, address your message to:   Address Off-Topic messages to:   The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...   List maintainer: Mike Devour   

CSTotally OT -- but need help anyway

2008-04-06 Thread marmar845

I have an ongoing ant problem in my house. In the kitchen, on countertops, I use Terro ant killer -- but in the family room the ants come in under the baseboards on the floor and I can't put Terro down because I have a small dog that I'm fearful would get into the poison. So -- I have to spray a Raid product, which kills the ants but sets up an irritation in my throat that lasts for hours. I'm wondering if there is any *natural* product (vinegar perhaps? or something like that) that will kill the ants but won't be so hard to deal with. For those who would suggest that I apply ant killer outside of the house -- I've tried that too. Nothing seems to stop these things. And companies that treat for home pests are SO expensive. Any help appreciated. MA


2008-04-01 Thread marmar845

We use a cotton ball soaked with a little alcohol. Just place it over the tick and the tick will let go immediately.

 Are you referring to Isoprophyl Alcohol -- or booze? MA


2008-04-01 Thread marmar845

Isoprophyl Alochol. 

 OK -- thanks. MA


2008-03-25 Thread marmar845 -- 

I thought Farrah went to Germany.
 She did Dianne -- but her cancer came right back, and she's over there trying again.So why not go right over the border to Canada? I don't think these people are stupid enough to just *sit tight* and do as they're told (by their doctors) -- but Patrick Swayze is here in the US getting (I think) chemo treatments for a supposedly uncurable cancer. Also -- I'm remembering Steve McQueen went to Mexico for Laetrile treatments for his cancer. He died anyway. I don't know -- I'm just suspicious that there aren't the cures out there that people are professing -- justother ways to spend every last dollar trying to get well. MA

Re: CSMikes Location

2008-03-25 Thread marmar845

 Anyone know his phone number or what city he lives in?

 Well -- from one who was previously CERTAIN that Mike lived in Canada (lol) -- I remember Mike correcting me and telling me that he was aresident of Michigan. But I don't know his phone number, or what city he lives in. Hope this helps. MA 

CSColloidal Silver Maker

2008-03-25 Thread marmar845

Original message from Susan Blanton 

I am looking for an inexpensive colloidal silver maker  for around the $100.00 range does anyone have any  suggestions as to good ones? 

 I've been real happy with my Colloid Master from Synergenesis ( -- and they are in this price range. MA


2008-03-24 Thread marmar845

-- Original message from "faith gagne" -
 It is a treatment for cancer that has brought people back from the brink of  death, but is not readily available here in the U.S., though it is available  in other parts of the world.

 OK -- I've got to ask it -- if there is successful treatments availablefor cancer *in other parts of the world*, then why don't people like Patrick Swayze and Farrah Fawcett -- who have all the money needed for traveling for treatment -- go to places like this for help? MA

RE: CSTemps-bob

2008-03-23 Thread marmar845

 Low temp can mean a viral infection  Dr kenney
 A-hah!! Thanks Dr. Kenney. I've been feeling like I'm *fighting* something! Out comes the CS. MA


2008-03-21 Thread marmar845

OK -- here's a general question for ya -- lately I'm running a lower-than-normal body temperature. 95.8 or 95.9. I'm usually a normal 98.6. Does a lower temperature mean anything in particular? MA

RE: CSTemps

2008-03-21 Thread marmar845

 Somewhat inflammatory? Dee 
 Hi Dee. Bob was either being humorous -- or is smokin' funny stuff!! LOL Thanks to everyone else for the comments. *Lately* means last several weeks, that I'm aware of. I don't usually monitor my temperature. But I went to the doctor several weeks ago for a bladder infection --my tempwas low that day -- they tookit in thedoctor's office but didn't remark on it. Then yesterday, I was feeling sick and had the chills. So I took my temp out of curiosity. It was low again. That's why I asked. I'm not aware of any thyroid problems. I'll do some internet research, as a couple people recommended. Thanks again. MA

CSCS information for Carrolle's son

2008-03-09 Thread marmar845

Hi Carrolle. You've received a lot of good information for your son, but I wanted to add something that I didn't see anyone mention. If he thinks that silver is a heavy metal that accumulates in the body, ask him why then do doctors put silver into the eyes of newborn babies? Why do hospitals use silver in their burn units to treat victims of massive body burns? Why does NASA use silver in the water aboard space flights and shuttle flights? The answer, of course, is that silver is a powerful anti-bacterial and anti-infective agent. It can be found in many over-the-counter health items today. The only way that silver can be dangerous is if something is added tothe CS/EIS to change it into a compound other than *colloidal silver* -- which consists only of pure silver and pure distilled water. And the small particle size that 
we produce makes it impossiblefor those silver particles to do anything but pass through cellular structure on their way to a problem area in the body, and then out of the body. I think it's nice that he's worried about you, but he should be told that his concerns are groundless. MA

CSCS changing color

2008-02-22 Thread marmar845
Thanks to Marshall and Kathryn for their replies to my question.  MA

CSBlue man

2008-02-22 Thread marmar845
I must not have seen the entire interview of the blue man on Oprah, because I 
didn't see the glass of stuff that he's been drinking, and I didn't hear the 
doctor's remarks about seizures, etc.  But I had an immediate question that may 
have been answered during the part of the interview that I didn't see.  Paul 
said, early in the interview, that he started making and drinking CS because a 
friend had problems that he thought it would help, so they started making and 
drinking it together.  So, what about the friend?  Did he turn blue too?  Did 
this question ever come up?  Also, did Paul ever mention that there's a way to 
become un-blue?  I ask that since someone on this list said that they contacted 
him, and talked to him about reversing his argyria.  MA

CSCS changing color

2008-02-20 Thread marmar845
One of the members of our equine list posed this question, and I'd like to 
respond to her.  Can anyone tell me what's going on with her CS? MA  

when I make my CS  it is clear but even when I put it in a dark bottle and 
store it in the cabinet after setting a few days  it turns the weak apple 
juice or soft honey color?

Re: CSGenerators-colloid master

2008-02-14 Thread marmar845

 I am idly wondering who is the person behind the Colloid Master? There 
 is quite a bit of information on the site, but I had a bit of trouble 
 figuring out if it is a constant current machine. Maybe it is just me, 
 and it is right there staring me in the face.

 Hi Kathryn.  The person who owns WishGranted (Synergenesis) is Vince 
Goetsch.  I believe that it's a constant current machine, but it switches 
polarity on a timed basis.  There used to be a lot more information on the 
website, but he was forced to remove it.  He also no longer sells his booklet 
*Colloidal Silver Maker  Researcher's Manual*.  Sad.  MA 


2008-02-13 Thread marmar845
The colloid model is at  The Colloid Master has a kit 
which comes with a distiller.  Both of these seem like much better units, 
please give me any of your opinions.   

 Hi Lynn.  I have a Colloid Master, and have used it on a daily basis for 
six or seven years now, with absolutely no problems whatsoever.  It produces 
nice, clear CS at the ppm-level that I select.  I'm not familiar with a kit 
that comes with a distiller, so I can't respond to that -- but I think you'll 
be happy with the Colloid Master itself.  MA

CSBlue man

2008-02-07 Thread marmar845
Is this the same blue man we have already discussed, or a new one? 

 Same one, Dee.  They had an update.  MA

CSCS maker models for home use

2008-01-27 Thread marmar845

-- Original message from Silvia Messmer 

 I'm new here and trying to learn. There are so many models of CS makers for 
 home use. My question is this; if you didn't have a CS maker yet what would 
 be the model you would get? I've seen directions on how to make my own but 
 I'm so not a geek so that is not an option. 

 Hi Silvia.  I've been real happy with my Colloid Master from Synergenesis 
(  MA

CSA health question

2008-01-27 Thread marmar845
Hi Gang.  My cousin emailed me tonight, and told me that she recently had an 
episode of arrythmia and rapid heartbeat -- for the better part of an entire 
day.  She's been to a cardiologist before for this problem, and apparently 
isn't getting any help.  Seems to me that there's a *natural* solution for 
this, but darned if I can remember.  Any ideas?  MA

Re: CScoment

2008-01-26 Thread marmar845
Hi Sam.  I'm posting this to the silver list, in case you're still here, and 
cc-ing you personally in case you're not.  A few days isn't enough time to 
judge the qualities of this list.  Like any group of people anywhere, topics of 
conversation can pop up at a moment's notice and result in a barrage of 
responses.  Doesn't mean that we aren't here primarily for the list purpose, 
i.e. Colloidal Silver -- just that at the moment no one is actively needing 
information about CS (or EIS, as we call it here), and some other topic became 
interesting.  You could return the list to Colloidal Silver immediately by 
simply asking a question about Colloidal Silver.  Or, you could be a little 
open-minded and a little patient, and wait for someone else to ask a question 
about Colloidal Silver.  Either way, it would be worth your while to hang 
around a bit.  I always view these internet chat lists as similar to board 
meetings -- everyone's here for the same reason, but until someone steps up to t
he mike, they're free to chat among themselves.  I hope that you rethink your 
position.  MA  

-- Original message from samuel albarran -- 

I thought this list was about colloidal silver but after getting it for a few 
days I have not seen very much of it discussed. The topics covered vary from 
UFOs to politics. And bad language included. so I'm unsubscribing. Maybe you 
aught to change the group name, so as not to confuse newcomers. good luck. 


2008-01-10 Thread marmar845
Isn't there a chat list for MMS?  If so, would someone give me the subscription 
address please?  I think this is something that may help my husband, who has 
lung problems.  And he got his first computer for Christmas, so joining a 
chatlist would help him to learn to navigate around the internet.  Thanks.  MA

-- Original message from -- 

 On 1/10/2008 2:35:36 PM, faith gagne ( wrote: 
  Chuck, the link to buy MMS ready made isn't working. It must be hollow. 
  Faith G. 
 You're right, I took that from months old post. 
 This will work: 
 for purchases. 
 Honesty is the best policy, but insanity is the better defense 
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: 
 To post, address your message to: 
 Address Off-Topic messages to: 
 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... 
 List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CSRoot Canals

2007-12-30 Thread marmar845
-- Original message from His Child 

 Hi MA, You get all the foreign material that they stuff into the canal cavity 
 removed, along with the 
 rotting ligaments and parts of previously healthy tissue and jaw bone that 
 have necrotized in the toxic 
 environment of the root canal. Also know as cavitation cleaning. 

 Hi His!  Good grief.  What in the world did your dentist do to you?  I had 
a root canal more than 35 years ago.  It has given me no trouble.  What remains 
of that tooth supports a crown, which looks pretty nice -- although the 
original crown has been replaced once.  If you have a root canal removed, then 
you lose the usefulness of that tooth altogether, don't you?  MA (who probably 
has a couple more root canals in her future, as thirty-year old silver fillings 
are beginning to fail and the dentist won't replace them with composite)  :-(

CSRe: Ionic vs argeria:

2007-12-29 Thread marmar845
-- Original message from His Child 

 I'm thinking about these things since I just got 12 
 amalgams, 2 root canal, and 3 non-biocompatible crowns 
 removed in the last few years. 

 Hey His -- how do you get a root canal removed?  MA

CSThe Blue Man (Agryria) - Any Comments?

2007-12-20 Thread marmar845
The Blue Man is about to be aired nationally on the Today Show in the next 
segment -- sometime between 7:30 and 8:00 Central.  MA

CSThe Blue Man (Agryria)

2007-12-20 Thread marmar845
Well, they didn't do a *segment* per se -- Ann Curry just covered it in the 
8:00 news coverage.  They did show a picture of him with his wife -- and he is 
really, really blue.  Ann mispronounced CS -- calling it 
colloe-dial silver, which was a small gift I thought.  But I hated seeing this 
get national attention -- it's going to scare people all over again.  MA

-- Original message from -- 

The Blue Man is about to be aired nationally on the Today Show in the next 
segment -- sometime between 7:30 and 8:00 Central.  MA


Re: CSRebuttals please-could silver cause selenium problems

2007-12-19 Thread marmar845
Hi.  Yes, you are correct that we are talking about a horse.  Thanks for your 
considered reply.  MA

-- Original message from -- 

Unfortunately I can't say anything to disprove it and I won't say it's 
impossible either though I doubt it. Nutrients are often antagonistic to each 
other. When some ratios are thrown far out of kilter, deficiencies can be 
antagonized. Calcium and magnesium are antagonistic towards each other, copper 
and zinc have a similar relationship, etc. This is a real can of worms with 
silver because even many diehard proponents hesitate to consider it for 
''essential'' nutrient status, let alone something that needs to have a certain 
ratio to other nutrients. Although I don't know of any definite antagonistic 
factors for silver/or even one instance where I've seen that it needs a ratio 
to any other nutrient, it's quite possible. All things considered though, I 
think it's more likely this person is just making a bad assumption. Silver may 
have a relationship with selenium we aren't clear on. It could also be a case 
like that with selenium and mercury. There is no ratio problem there [that we 
know of], only that selenium is known to bind to mercury forming an insoluble 
compound that will be excreted instead of absorbed. Considering how essential 
selenium is and how much colloidal silver so many silver takers have regularly 
used for many years, it seems that somebody would have noticed a major problem 
on here before. I think this person likely drew a poor conclusion but then 
again, we're talking about a horse? Did I read that right? Maybe the person is 
right but there is some major difference in the horse when it comes to silver 
tolerance or God only knows what kind of stray variable. Medications, enzymatic 
processes, who knows?  

From the desk of: J. D. Shafer-Author of the 90+ Newsletter and Blog- Bones 
STILL aren't made out of Boniva- Read about what stands in your way when 
you're trying to absorb the nutrients your bones ARE made of so you can avoid 
them:  90+ Other topics on 90+ include: Statin drug usage linked to cancer, 
chromium's actual role in diabetes and USDA documentation of soil depletion.

See AOL's top rated recipes and easy ways to stay in shape for winter.

Re: CSRebuttals please

2007-12-19 Thread marmar845
Hi Marshall.  Thanks for your reply.  It's interesting that in all the years 
that I've been a member of this list, I don't ever remember this fact being 
discussed.  In fact, silver has been discussed here as being safer than the 
gallons of water that can be consumed in order to access it.  But I appreciate 
having the information now, and I will forward this on to the referenced party. 

-- Original message from Marshall Dudley 
 There really isn't any rebuttal, it is a known fact that CS will tend to 
 deplete selenium. But it is not a problem. Selenium is easy to 
 supplement, and if taking a large amount of CS over a long period of 
 time, advisable to do so. If you supplement, then there is no problem. 

Re: CSRebuttals please

2007-12-19 Thread marmar845
Hi Tony.  Thanks for your response.  Apparently she used CS to treat her horse 
for Lyme disease, and was made aware somehow that her horse's selenium 
deficiency was a consequence of the CS.  On our EPM list, many of us have used 
CS to treat our horses for EPM and none of us, to my knowledge, have had any 
problem with selenium deficiency.  But that apparently is the result of our 
geographical areas containing sufficient selenium for replacement through 
grazing and forage consumption.  I know that there are parts of this country 
that do not provide sufficient selenium -- I live in one.  For this reason, I 
supplement my horses' diets with a selenium product.  She must live in an area 
like mine, but is unaware of it and does not supplement selenium.  But I was 
unaware of the relationship between CS and selenium, and I think that's 
valuable knowledge.  MA

-- Original message from Tony Moody 

 Hi MA, 
 One of the 'wisdoms' about taking CS is that it is advised to take selenium 
 vitamin E too. 
 But that too much of either can cause deficiencies and or over absorption of 
 other minerals. 
 So in a roundabout way they poster is probably correct. But what i would do 
 with selenium to get the benefits of CS. I wonder how the poster knew about 

Re: CSRebuttals please

2007-12-19 Thread marmar845
Hi Ode.  Thanks for your response -- it's appreciated.  MA

-- Original message from Ode Coyote 

 Almost EVERY mineral supplement depletes that other mineral supplement, 
 It's what happens when Selenium does it's job of regulating levels of 
 metallic micro-nutrients. 
 In that respect, silver is no different than copper and copper is quite 
 abundant in nature and unavoidable. 
 Selenium is present in some foods in sufficient concentrations and usually 
 need not be supplemented if the diet is varied. 
 Selenium is also highly toxic and should be regulated..and probably doing what it does to regulate other metals. 
 By the same nonsensical alarmist token, one could say that, since Selenium 
 is extremely poisonous, Silver SHOULD be taken to deplete it. 
 At 09:00 PM 12/17/2007 +, you wrote: 
 The following post came through one of my equine lists. Can anyone here 
 comment on this please? MA 
  I caution anyone using the Colloidal silver for an extended period of 
 time. It depletes the body 
 of selenium. I have personaly used it on my lyme disease 
 gelding, and this was how I found it out. I now do NOT give 
 Especial any CS at all.  
 No virus found in this incoming message. 
 Checked by AVG. 
 Version: 7.5.485 / Virus Database: 269.17.4/1188 - Release Date: 12/17/2007 
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 Checked by AVG. 
 Version: 7.5.485 / Virus Database: 269.17.4/1188 - Release Date: 12/17/2007 
 The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 
 Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: 
 To post, address your message to: 
 Address Off-Topic messages to: 
 The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... 
 List maintainer: Mike Devour 


2007-12-19 Thread marmar845
Just wanted to take a moment to thank everyone who responded to my *Rebuttals* 
post.  As usual, I came away from this exchange more knowledgeable about CS.  

CSRebuttals please

2007-12-17 Thread marmar845
The following post came through one of my equine lists.  Can anyone here 
comment on this please?  MA

I caution anyone using the Colloidal silver for an extended period of 
time. It depletes the body
of selenium. I have personaly used it on my lyme disease 
gelding, and this was how I found it out. I now do NOT give 
Especial any CS at all. 

CSRebuttals please

2007-12-17 Thread marmar845

-- Original message from Carol Ann 

Did the poster say exactly how this information was derived or to how the CS 
was specifically related to selenium depletion ie.  Tests, etc.

 Hi Carol.  No -- there was no substantiation.  Just the remarks that I 
forwarded.  MA

CSRebuttals please

2007-12-17 Thread marmar845

-- Original message from Dianne France -- 


Do you know the state where this person resides?  Is the area he stables his 
horse selenium deprived?  The CS might not be a factor. 

 Hi Dianne.  No -- I don't know where this person lives.  The same thought 
crossed my mind -- that the selenium deficiency was a result of forage or feed 
that was selenium-deficient.  I highly doubt that CS is a factor, but rather is 
being misconstrued as the culprit.  I was hoping that the knowledgeable folks 
here could debunk the theory with facts -- so that I could go back with an 
intelligent rebuttal, and suggest other causes.  Thanks for your thoughts -- 
they're good ones.  MA

Re: CSNeed advise

2007-11-19 Thread marmar845
They sometimes have re-conditioned ones for sale, which are way less money.  MA

-- Original message from Linda 

I would love to do that but I'm afraid there's no way.
I guess some people are just too poor to be healthy.
With the way things are not what with all the contaminated food supply and 
foods from which the nutritian has been removed I don't see how any but the 
rich survive.

Thanks for the information though. I will file it away incase I ever win the 
lottery. (going to be kinda hard to do that since I don't play:)


---Original Message---

Date: 11/18/2007 8:08:16 AM
Subject: Re: CSNeed advise

Purchase a Respond Laser (or rather, he should) -- and use it liberally.  You 
can find them by Googling.  Caution -- they are expensive.  But they work.  MA

-- Original message from Linda 

I have a nephew that has rheumatoid arthritus (so I can't spell:)
He's in his mid to late 40's and has a hard time walking.
We figure that by 50 he won't be able to walk enough to work any longer.
Does anyone have any ideas for a protocol he can use the help?

I just gave him some silver to start using internally.


Re: CSNeed advise

2007-11-18 Thread marmar845
Purchase a Respond Laser (or rather, he should) -- and use it liberally.  You 
can find them by Googling.  Caution -- they are expensive.  But they work.  MA

-- Original message from Linda 

I have a nephew that has rheumatoid arthritus (so I can't spell:)
He's in his mid to late 40's and has a hard time walking.
We figure that by 50 he won't be able to walk enough to work any longer.
Does anyone have any ideas for a protocol he can use the help?

I just gave him some silver to start using internally.


Re: CSideas for possible speedier healing

2007-11-13 Thread marmar845
 I think I could use the laser I have to establish Tyndal in my 
 CS. That is a cold laser one isn't it?

 I'm not sure if that would work or not -- worth trying though.  A Respond 
Laser is a brand -- and it's made to be used as a method of speeding up 
healing.  It can be used on a wound site, or on accupuncture points.  It 
operates on cycles of light bursts, and on intensity -- a complicated machine, 
and expensive.  MA 

Re: CSideas for possible speedier healing

2007-11-13 Thread marmar845
-- Original message from Hanneke 

 Ahh, ok, getting curious about this Respond Laser.. and its 
 abilities. Although I think I won't need it at this point in 
 time, am curious enough to learn a bit more about them.

 It's an incredible machine.  It's advertised as therapeutic for horses and 
dogs, etc., -- probably for the same reason that so many other things have to 
be concealed as for human use.  I was introduced to it by a horseman whose wife 
was bedridden with rheumatoid arthritis -- and had been for years.  She began 
lasing herself for several hours every day.  It took many months, but she ended 
up becoming not only mobile and functional again, but actually got back to 
horseback riding.  Pretty amazing.  I've used it to treat injuries on our 
horses, and other peoples' horses -- but my husband and I have both used it for 
injuries and arthritic issues on ourselves.  It works.  MA  

CSideas for possible speedier healing

2007-11-12 Thread marmar845

 Would anyone have any suggestions towards a speedy healing of this 
 sort of injury? I have my spray with CS and DMSO ready for when the 
 bandage comes off.. That should be tomorrow (if I can handle it being 
 on there for so long). 

 Oh my -- you poor dear.  My toes were scrinching up just reading about 
yours.  Do you know anyone who has a Respond laser?  This is a low-level cold 
light laser that speeds healing remarkably.  And it doesn't have to touch the 
surface to do its work.  MA

CSEquine to Human diseases

2007-11-08 Thread marmar845

-- Original message from Clayton Family 

 Thanks. I know that there are some equine diseases around here that 
 can and sometimes are transmitted to humans via mosquitoes, it is a 
 concern here in the summer.

 Hi Kathryn -- I'm unaware of any diseases that can be transmitted to 
people from horses via mosquitos.  Could you be thinking of West Nile?  This is 
transmitted to people via mosquitos -- but comes from mosquitos that have 
bitten infected birds.  Horses are subject to infection this way too, but are 
an end-recipient, like people -- not a transmittor.  MA


CSSimon aka Charles is gone...

2007-11-08 Thread marmar845
Hi Faith.  I think you are confusing the right to free speech with the right to 
be rude.  Twisted thinking like that is what encourages people to behave badly 
in public.  This is especially true in this day and age of cyber-societies, 
where people can hide behind their computer and say what they want with 
relative impunity.  I don't think that's what the founding fathers had in mind 
when they created the doctrine of free speech -- that it be a vehicle for 
people to attack other people without provocation.  You are, of course, 
entitled to your opinion -- as am I.  MA

CSEquine to Human diseases

2007-11-08 Thread marmar845
-- Original message from Clayton Family 
 no I think it is equine encephalitis. The pediatricians get to worry 
 about it some years, and headaches are one symptom. Of course the 
 people living near horses were at more risk than others. Maybe it is 
 viral, I don't know. I do remember that we had to worry about it before 
 West Nile came to our neighborhood and killed most of our birds.

 OK -- I think you are referring to Eastern Equine Encephalitis, or Western 
Equine Encephalitis.  Or perhaps Venezuelan Equine Encephalitis.  EEE and WEE 
are no concern, because horses like humans are the end host and cannot infect 
one another.  VEE, on the other hand, is a different type of virus and it is 
unclear at this time if horses or humans can transmit the disease via 
mosquitos.  However, there hasn't been an outbreak of VEE since 1995 and it was 
confined to Texas, I do believe.  Where are you located, Kathryn?  I'm sorry 
that you lost most of your birds -- that would upset me terribly.  We haven't 
seen much of that here (Kentucky) -- and I hope we never do.  West Nile seems 
to be slowing down.  MA   

CShelp for my poor brain

2007-11-07 Thread marmar845

-- Original message from Dianne France -- 

My sister in law introduced me to micro fiber cleaner clothes.  

 Dianne -- do you mean micro-fiber cleaning cloths?  MA

CSCan I get a response to this?

2007-11-07 Thread marmar845

 Also going into the brain 
 sounds good to me too, since some psychoses are caused by parasites, 
 and probably other pathogens in the brain. 

 It's what we count on when using CS to treat horses for EPM -- because 
this disease is caused by parasites in the brain and spinal cord.  CS does seem 
to cross the blood-brain barrier and kill those parasites.  MA

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