RE: CS>Beneficial Parasites

2000-09-19 Thread Robert Ratliff
Why not?

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 11:07 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Beneficial Parasites

In a message dated 09/18/2000 21:36:03 Central Daylight Time, writes:

 Anjonus says they eat waste material and convert it to non toxic waste. 
In the wastewater treatment plants, yes, but in the body???

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RE: CS Survey

2000-09-18 Thread Robert Ratliff
Not a good url.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: John Hill []
Sent: Monday, September 18, 2000 7:46 PM
Subject: CS Survey

A couple weeks ago, I posted a survey request for input from CS users on
conditions, dosage, side effects, etc.

Five individuals responded.  The summaries can be read at

Best Regards,  John Hill

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RE: CS>Beneficial Parasites

2000-09-18 Thread Robert Ratliff
Anjonus says they eat waste material and convert it to non toxic waste.  

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: Bob Squires []
Sent: Sunday, September 17, 2000 2:53 PM
Subject: CS>Beneficial Parasites

Dear List;

Henry Reed indicated that some parasites could be
beneficial. Are you sure that those who said this were not refering to
intestinal flora ,bacteria. I have no idea how worms in their various
forms and flukes could benefit anything . They consume a lot of the
benefits of the food we eat and their digestion process dumps their
waste products into our blood stream and other body organs .  Then a
doctor comes along and prescribes some chemicals that cripple our immune
system even more. How we manage to keep alive at all is a miracle.

Best wishes to all

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CS>brown recluse

2000-09-12 Thread Robert Ratliff
What is the best thing for a brown recluse bite?

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

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RE: CS>natural methods of blood thinning

2000-09-01 Thread Robert Ratliff
Ginger thins the blood.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Friday, September 01, 2000 10:35 PM
Subject: CS>natural methods of blood thinning

Does anyone know where I could find a list of natural methods of
the blood and a way to determine how much is needed of each and how well
each work on a continuing basis?  I have been told be various people that
liver oil, Cayenne pepper, kale and leafy greens, Ginkgo, and essential oils
such as lavender all thin the blood.  But it is pretty to scary to
when a person feels their life may depend on it.
Also a number of people said that Coumadin is rat poison and not fit to
take, but what problems does it cause?  How does it hurt you?  Thanks for
your help!

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RE: CS>cod liver oil

2000-08-28 Thread Robert Ratliff
Is your cod liver oil fresh? If so where do you buy it. It is very hard to
find non-rancid cod liver oil.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: Philip I. Marie Sr. []
Sent: Sunday, August 27, 2000 9:52 PM
To: Frances Mehner;
Subject: CS>cod liver oil

>In what quantities?
>> Hi All;
>> I would also suggest cod liver oil. In addition to Vit A, D, and omega 3
>> fatty acids, it is a great blood thinner. It also restored my eye sight,
>> after a year, to 20-20, 20-10. Originally took it for osteoarthritis
>> *permanently* went away 30+ years ago and I still take it every day.
>> Phil Sr.

Well, when I started out, it was because of a book titled, "Arthritis and
Common Sense" by Dale Alexander. I had a terrible case of osteoarthritis
where I couldn't bend over to wash my face in the morning. This confirmed
by xrays and a MD. Dale's big secret was to take the CLO (cod liver oil)
with no food an hour before or after ingesting. That's critical.

I used the plain, pure Norweigian CLO. Said you could mix it with orange
juice. Over time I found that the best way for me was to put a tea spoon
full, in a 1/4 glass of milk, then microwave till warm. Take it out and
stir with a spoon and swig it dowm.

(Start out slow 1/8 th tsp, till your body gets used to it.)

Today, *lazy* I take it by softgel capsule, 1000 mg, from Puritan's pride
(1 800 645 1030)

This will give you
Vit A 2,664 I.U
Vit D   200 I.U.
plus other things

You must be careful where else your getting Vit D as it can be toxic in
high doses. They put it in milk, multi vits, etc.

That's all I know.

Phil Sr.

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RE: CS>OT stink

2000-08-27 Thread Robert Ratliff
Psyillium will stop you up if you do not drink enough water too.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Friday, August 25, 2000 6:40 AM
Subject: CS>OT stink

you are probably having a detox... sounds like you might not be drinking
enough water.  Did you take any type of fiber after the charcoal?? to pull
the toxins out?  Usually with charcoal you need to follow with a Vit C flush
or psyillium because activated charcoal will plug you up... that could be
your problem too... BUT definitely drink a lot of water.  filtered or


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RE: CS>OFF TOPIC - Need Computer Help for HP Pavillion 8565C

2000-08-27 Thread Robert Ratliff
If all else fails reinstall windows.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, August 23, 2000 2:28 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OFF TOPIC - Need Computer Help for HP Pavillion 8565C

In a message dated 8/23/00 12:45:28 PM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< When you restart the computer, it will give a message: "which way do you
 to start", then just choose normal.  You may need the startup disk (boot
 disk) for Windows to fix it.  When you shut it down - just shut it down
 "normal".  If it's in DOS mode, just shut power down - can't hurt it. 
 Restart and choose "start in normal".  Let me know if this works.


When I power down and then restart, it just comes up right away with a
message on the screen saying,   "Windows 98 is now starting your DOS-based
program" and then I get c:\Windows with that annoying blinking cursor.

Oh my, sometimes these computers try me so!


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RE: CS>OT - detoxifying

2000-08-27 Thread Robert Ratliff
What are the symptoms of a clogged kidney?

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2000 8:37 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT - detoxifying

Katie.  I have done 36 liver cleanses and each time after my kidneys are
clogged and have to be cleaned.  I use a dropper of Goldenrod tincture, an
herbal water pill from my health food store, Uva Ursi and B6.  If they don't
work I borrow one of my wife's prescription water pills and make sure my
kidney output is above 32 ounces per day for at least 3 days in a row.
The important part is to kill parasites before a liver cleanse.  If I don't
no gall stones come out.  I use 2 t of green black walnut tincture I make
myself to get rid of them.  Try a liver cleanse without killing parasites
you can tell if you have them or not.  The cleanse did not work for me until
I did the parasite thing first.

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RE: CS>Zapper that you swallow!

2000-08-16 Thread Robert Ratliff
Next someone will sell one that sticks up the .. op's I did not say
that. Call it an enema stick. OPP'S again, I did not read far enough. Darn
I'm always a late.
* In proctology, it can be used as a suppository, with proven good effect on
the gastro-intestinal trace, and it also treats the prostate and genital
organs. It definitely increases the sexual performance.
* It can be used in the vagina, for gynecological problems, erosion of the
cervix, candidiasis etc.
* It can be used in the mouth, under the tongue or behind the teeth, for
serious gum diseases and general dental toxicity.
* It's first big success was in restoring normal intestinal action following
abdominal operations. Instead of four days or more, the bowel was back in
action in a day and a half.
* It's great for chronic constipation.
Suppository that increases sexual performance. NO comment. I wonder if they
sell a different probe for each end or just rotate? H.. I wonder if
both partners can use a zapper at the same time. Stimulating!!! I could
generate some good cartoons from this concept.

Please don't throw me off the list. This is my only comment. I wonder if you
use a silver probe you could zap and generate cs at the same time? Sorry
could not help it.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: Sara Schurr []
Sent: Monday, August 14, 2000 8:27 PM
Subject: CS>Zapper that you swallow!

Here is a zapper that is swallowed. The specs are:
The capsule is 5.5 grams.The dimensions 11 x 22.5mm. The material is non
toxic and resistant to the environment of the intestinal tract. Average
passage through the body is 24 to 36 hours. The strength of the pulse
current is 10 mA, the amplitude 4.5 V, the frequency 50 hertz.
See at :

Hmm, very Interesting.

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RE: CS>Poison Ivy

2000-07-29 Thread Robert Ratliff
Jewel weed (touch me not) both the tame and wild variety work extremely well
for me.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Saturday, July 29, 2000 12:45 PM
Subject: CS>Poison Ivy

2 year old is doing better with his cold.  Now, 13 year old has come down
with another bout of poison ivy!  He is one of those who for some reason
cannot go near it or he breaks out terribly.  He has had it off and on all
summer since we moved out to the country.  The problem is that even though
knows what it looks like and even though he wears long pants, he still
manages to get it.  The last bout was awful!  All over his body and it drove
him nuts.  Any chance that anyone has had any good experience with cs and
poison ivy???


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RE: CS>Easy cat bath

2000-07-29 Thread Robert Ratliff
I thought you were supposed to put soap in the commode and with one sweep
grab the cat put it in the commode and close the list. Sit on the lid. After
5 minutes flush several times. Open all door to the outside and get out of
the cat's path when you open the lid.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Friday, July 28, 2000 8:14 PM
Subject: CS>Easy cat bath

Cat bathing is a snap.

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RE: CS>intro and question WOOPS!

2000-07-22 Thread Robert Ratliff
Have you tested it for strength? Does it turn golden color? You don't use
diodes to convert to DC?

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Friday, July 21, 2000 2:43 PM
Subject: Re: CS>intro and question WOOPS!

I bought a 30VDC wall transformer from Radio Shack, along with a 6 inch
pigtail and some alligator clips.  All for about $30.  I am using this in
place of the three 9 volt batteries.  I let it run for about 20 minutes with
12 AWG silver rods spaced 1 1/2 inch.  Makes Cs without depending on

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RE: CS>Cayenne Pepper

2000-07-19 Thread Robert Ratliff
Dr. Christopher has not been with us for several years. Dr. Schultz was a
student of Christopher's, but does have further training. Cayenne enhances
blood flow. Most of Dr. Christopher's formulas have some cayenne in them to
help distribute the other herbs thru the blood system.  If alzheimers is
partially due to reduced oxygen to the brain cayenne could help.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: Ivan Anderson []
Sent: Sunday, July 16, 2000 5:18 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Cayenne Pepper


I got the same feeling some time ago, I thought it was just me!

As far as I can determine Schulze got all his knowledge of cayenne from
Dr Christopher, whom he does acknowledge, and whom it seems has recently
passed away. Dr Christopher used cayenne in many of his remedies, and
had a great web site which unfortunately seems to have passed away also.

Oh well.

I don't believe the article, the link of which was recently posted,
claimed that cayenne cured alzheimers etc. (Karen) but causes blood and
the curative to flood the spot so to speak.


- Original Message -----
From: "Robert Ratliff" 
Sent: Saturday, 15 July 2000 16:11
Subject: RE: CS>Cayenne Pepper

> Schultz always claims HIS (read make me more money) herbs are SO much
> than anyone else's. If you want the RIGHT STUFF grow it yourself. I'm
> sure that the benefits of cayenne outweigh the small amounts of
> that may be in the herb. Schultz claims all foreign herbs have
> We live in such a polluted world I'm not sure the amount you could get
in a
> 1/2 teaspoon of cayenne would hurt you. He appeals to idealism not
> We all want the best, right? Buy from Schultz.
> OK, off the soap box. His products are probably good, I just do not
> with his marketing hype. I have his uncurables programs tapes where he
> claims that herbs can't hurt you. HA. He says if the herb is bad your
> or stomach would reject it. NOT SO.
> Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

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RE: CS>Cayenne Pepper

2000-07-15 Thread Robert Ratliff
Schultz always claims HIS (read make me more money) herbs are SO much better
than anyone else's. If you want the RIGHT STUFF grow it yourself. I'm pretty
sure that the benefits of cayenne outweigh the small amounts of pesticides
that may be in the herb. Schultz claims all foreign herbs have pesticides.
We live in such a polluted world I'm not sure the amount you could get in a
1/2 teaspoon of cayenne would hurt you. He appeals to idealism not reality.
We all want the best, right? Buy from Schultz.
OK, off the soap box. His products are probably good, I just do not agree
with his marketing hype. I have his uncurables programs tapes where he
claims that herbs can't hurt you. HA. He says if the herb is bad your mouth
or stomach would reject it. NOT SO.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Saturday, July 15, 2000 12:50 PM
Subject: CS>Cayenne Pepper

This link that was given about Cayenne
made some pretty amazing claims!  Have any of you had experince using it to
cure strokes, Tinnitus, Alzheimers or anything else?
Thanks in advance for sharing your experiences with it.

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RE: CS>Recharging batteries from the earth.

2000-06-26 Thread Robert Ratliff
The Auto industry will be interested in this. They are trying to decide how
to convert filling stations to charging stations. They will be glad to know
that there is no need to recharge batteries.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: Tai-Pan []
Sent: Monday, June 26, 2000 5:04 AM
To: silver-list
Subject: CS>Recharging batteries from the earth.

 Hi all,

Have seen a lot of refereces to recharging batteries from the earth.
 Tell us how this is done. We all want to know. Give details that we can
follow and duplicate this wonderful thing. Has anyone informed the
battery manufactuers yet! Sure they would like to know also. :-) Truth !
not BS, thank you. If its not duplicatable, don't waste our time. If you
have not done it YOUR self, don't bother replying.

Bless youBob Lee

oozing on the muggy shore of the gulf coast

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RE: CS>Grander Water Catalogue

2000-06-26 Thread Robert Ratliff
The old 100 mpg carburetor that the gas companies bought the patient for
trick eh?
What did he invent?

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: Ted Windsor []
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2000 5:22 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Grander Water Catalogue

If you haven't taken the time to check something out don't knock it.  Yohan
Grander is a remarkable man and has invented several good items, like a
battery that would recharge it's self from mother earth, he was told not to
put it on the market or else, read between the lines people.  The water
units  he made  worked well, it's just that there is to much greed involved
before the unit get down to the final purchaser. The bases of his work is
called implosion technology, what it does is,  it creates more oxygen in the
water therefore giving it back life given energy.

Fred wrote:

> At 09:42 PM 6/23/2000, you wrote:
> >Grander 'Blue' Water
> >
> >The 'Blue' water is high-energy water characterised by its special
> >purity. The
> >source of this water is a pristine spring situated 500m deep in a
> >subterranean
> >shaft of a former Copper mine. This guarantees that it has no contact
> >whatsoever with any environmental pollution.
> Talk about scary stuff - sounds like a copper sulphate solution to me!
> Fits in line with some of their other wacky stuff though!
> --
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RE: CS>QXCI links

2000-06-18 Thread Robert Ratliff
If you say so. Who has testimonials? 

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: Ivan Anderson []
Sent: Sunday, June 18, 2000 10:42 PM
To: Silver-List
Subject: CS>QXCI links

Now we are getting somewhere!

That's all.


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RE: CS>Re: Cabbage

2000-06-10 Thread Robert Ratliff
Tastes great. Try some of the recipes I posted. It is a spicy Chinese
version of cabbage only better tasting.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2000 8:18 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Cabbage

ivan how can you eat somthing you cant stand to smell? what does it taste
like anyway? my brother said it was so rank he didnt know how anyone could
acquire a taste for it..wonder if it is full of parasites from rotting?

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RE: CS>Re: Cabbage

2000-06-10 Thread Robert Ratliff
Make your own.

  Title: Kim Chee Iii
 Categories: Thai
  Yield: 4

  3heads cabbage
  3 tb salt
  3green onions
  1 cl garlic
  1 tb chopped chili pepper
  1 tb chopped candied ginger
   fresh work?)
  1 1/2 c  water

  Wash cabbage and cut into strips 1 inch wide and 2 inches long.
  Sprinkle with 2 tbsp. salt and let stand for half an hour. Cut
  onions, including tops, into 1 1/2 inch lengths and shred. Chop
  garlic, red pepper, and ginger into fine pieces. After cabbage
  has set for 30 minutes, wash twice in cold water. Mix prepared
  vegetables with cabbage, add 1 tbsp salt and enough water to
  cover the cabbage, and let stand 7 days in a covered crock.

  Title: Kim Chi
 Categories: Thai
  Yield: 4

  2heads Chinese (or white)
  1 c  salt
  1 lb daikon (long white Oriental
  6green (spring) onions
  4 cl garlic
  1inch e fresh gingerroot
  1stalk celery
  1hard, semi-ripe pear
  4tblsp ground red pepper
  1tblsp granulated sugar

  Instructions: 1. Remove (do not discard) the outer leaves from
  the cabbage. Quarter the cabbage and place together with the
  outside leaves in a large bowl. Sprinkle on the salt. Let stand 3
  hours, turning occasionally. 2. Peel the daikon and cut into long
  thin strips. Cut the onions into 1." strips and then shred
  lengthwise into slivers. Mix the daikon and onion strips together
  in another bowl and let sit while the cabbage and salt mixture is
  sitting. 3. Peel and mince garlic and gingerroot. Cut celery into
  1" lengths and shred lengthwise. Peel, core, and slice the pear
  and then cut into long strips. Mix these ingredients together
  with the cayenne and granulated sugar and combine into the daikon
  and onion mixture. 4. The cabbage will have produced a brine
  after sitting. Remove the outer leaves from the brine and set
  aside. Take a quarter of the cabbage head, rinse it under running
  water then pack the daikon and onion mixture between the leaves.
  Set it in the bottom of a crock or other container. Repeat this
  procedure with the remaining three quarters. Any remaining
  mixture should be layered over the cabbage. Press down. 5. Place
  the outer leaves in a layer on top of the cabbage and cover the
  crock. Set a small weight on top of the cover and let sit for 3
  days. The longer it sits the stronger it gets! It can be stored
  for a month prior to opening. Keep it in a cool (60 degree)
  place. After removing the Kim Chi from the crock it can be stored
  in glass jars and used as needed. This is a strong recipe and if
  it is still not hot enough, diced red peppers with seeds can be
  added, to the daikon and onion mixture, but do so at your own
  risk! Enjoy.

 *  Exported from  MasterCook Mac  *

 Kim Chi

Recipe By : from The Complete Asian Cookbook, Charmaine Solomon, 1976
Serving Size  : 1Preparation Time :0:00
Categories: Veggies

  Amount  Measure   Ingredient -- Preparation Method
   1  head  Chinese cabbage -- prepared as directed
   1  pound salt -- NOT Iodized!
   1  tablespooncayenne pepper
   6  whole spring onions -- finely chopped
   3  whole red chili peppers -- finely chopped
   3  tablespoons   fresh ginger root -- finely chopped
   2  cups  Dashi
   2  tablespoons   soy sauce -- Tamari

Cut base off cabbage, then slice lengthwise into 6 segments.  Dry in the
sun for half a day, cut each segment in halves crossways, then put into an
unglazed earthenware pot alternately with good handfuls of salt and a
sprinkling of cayenne pepper, making several layers.  Cover with a wooden
lid just small enough to fit inside the pot so that it rests directly on
the cabbage.  Weight it down with a heavy stone and leave for a week, then
rinse the cabbage thoroughly under cold running water.  Squeeze out as much
moisture as possible.
Slice into 2.5 cm (1 inch) sections or chop more finely if preferred and
put into the rinsed-out jar, this time layering with the onions, garlic,
chilies, and ginger.  Fill pot with the Dashi stock mixed with the soy and
MSG.  Cover with wax paper, put lid back on top and refrigerate.  After 4
or 5 days the kim chi is ready for eating.  Serve with hot white rice and a
dash of soy sauce.

Note: in cold weather kim chi does not require refrigeration, but when
weather is warm, store in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2000 10:14 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Cabbage

where can l get this kimchi? in a jar in asian market or where? l want to
it now.

The s

RE: CS>Re: Cabbage

2000-06-08 Thread Robert Ratliff
Good stuff. I make my own occasionally.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: Marsha Hallett []
Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2000 12:27 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Cabbage

> Give me KimChi any day.
> Cabbage, salt, onion, fish sauce, chilli, garlic, ginger.
> Aged for months.
> Ivan.

Dear Ivan, Eeewww! I`ll pass...

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RE: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V100 #385

2000-06-08 Thread Robert Ratliff
Better to make you own.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, June 06, 2000 7:30 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V100 #385

In a message dated 06/06/2000 12:48:11 AM Central Daylight Time, writes:

<< The best thing for your gut is regular and small amounts of sauerkraut.
 Once a week.  About a quarter of a cup.  This takes over and gives you
 superior friendly bacteria.Al 
The stuff in a can?

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RE: CS>PPM, Lyme

2000-06-04 Thread Robert Ratliff
1 ppm should be enough. If you drink 18 times as much of 1 ppm then you have
ingested the equivalent of 18 ppm.
Every talks as if ppm is the key. Amount and ppm should always be stated
together to convey any meaningful information.
The doctor always tells me how many pills per day when he proscribes meds.
Of course he knows the meds. strength.
Strength plus amount = recommended dosage per day.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: Marsha Hallett []
Sent: Sunday, June 04, 2000 11:39 PM
Subject: Re: CS>PPM, Lyme

> Hi all.  2 questions.  One very basic...what does parts per million
> mean?  And, for example, is 18 ppm smaller or larger particles of silver
> 5 for example?  Also, what do you think of 5 ppm for lyme?
> Thanks,
> Christy

Dear Christy, It means so many parts of silver per parts of distilled water;
18 PPM is 18 parts of silver to a million parts of water.
5 PPM in my opinion isn`t enough. You have to have enough to go all over the
body, nailing the nasty little bugs...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>FW: New Theory of Disease?

2000-05-17 Thread Robert Ratliff

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: aajonus []
Sent: Wednesday, May 17, 2000 10:44 AM
To: Aajonus
Subject: New Theory of Disease?

This article was published in LATEST magazine on May 15, 2000.

A New Theory of Disease?
+Does Bacterial Food-Safety Equal Health-giving Food?
+The Bureaucratic Destruction of Vital Nutrients.
by   aajonus vonderplanitz

  Have you noticed that almost every "fresh" fruit and vegetable juice
you consume is no longer fresh, does not taste that good, and is
absent of most of its nutrient value? They look fresh! But they have
been pasteurized or irradiated under the mandates created by health-
department officials to eliminate microbes. Health officials are
pushing to mandate that all fresh produce be irradiated in the name
of food-safety. What does that mean to us as consumers?

  Let's take a look at a different  view on food-safety that will come
as a paradigm-shift for most of you. It is likely to change your
perspective on nature, the environment and life. . Hopefully, you
will develop a new trust and faith that relaxes and eliminates fears
that have been conditioned into most of us since birth, extolled by
theorists to academics, and on to the media and government.

The birth of food-safety.
  Around 1890 Louis Pasteur made it popular to blame molds and
bacteria for disease because he proved that heat-processing slowed
food-spoilage and lengthened shelf-life. This concept became an
economic boon for the food-industry. During the following century,
as a direct result, the prevailing medical theory was that bacteria and
viruses were the cause of disease.

  Since then, besides pasteurization other methods have been
developed to annihilate microbes in food. These methods include
irradiation, freezing, chemical additives and washes, such as
ascorbic acid, chlorine and hydrogen peroxide. All of these
processes slow food-spoilage for particular foods and give them
false appearances of freshness.

  Now, over a century later, we continually wage an immeasurable
war against bacteria and viruses in our kitchens, bedrooms,
bathrooms, restaurants, schools, supermarkets, clinics, hospitals,
pharmacies, and inside and outside of our bodies. Naming only a
few, we use antibacterial mouth-washes, soaps, douches. air-
fresheners, dish cloths, towels, diapers, treated toys, and rugs.

  It's time to evaluate the results and cost of this continual, and
continually escalating war.

  The estimated cost for antibacterial products per household is
$3,000 per year. In the battle against bacteria, federal, state and
county agencies in the U.S.A. spend an estimated 4 trillion dollars
per year (estimates I gained from Center for Disease Control,
federal and county figures published currently on the internet).
That's approximately an astounding $10,000 for every American
household. This figure, combined with the average expenditure per
household, raises the total household expenditure for social bacterial
warfare to $13,000 yearly. Many families could pay their mortgages
in a few years with that money.

What is food-safety?
  In the broadest sense, it is the ideal that food is not only health-
giving but also harmless. To health-officials it means food without
"pathogens" (def: any agent capable of producing disease).

Does food have health-giving properties?
  Many scientists, famous and not, have proved that vitamins and
enzymes are paramount to proper bodily functions and good health,
and that deficiencies manifest in diseases.

Does using antibacterial technologies interfere with the health-
giving properties of food?
  Research throughout the world shows that heat-treatment of food
alters, damages, or destroys many vitamins at the standard
pasteurization-temperature of 161° F. (65° C.). Also that all
enzymes are destroyed at 122° F. (50° C.). Furthermore, the actual
temperature that cripples some vitamins and enzymes is as low as
104° F. (39° C.) The loss of mineral-utilization due to cauterization
(burn-sealed) by heat-treatment is significant. Many scientists have
proved that heat-processing renders toxins from proteins and fats in
food, such as heterocyclic amines (caustic compound) and lipid
peroxides (oxidizing compound), which have been observed to
cause cancer in laboratory animals. Therefore pasteurization can be
said to actually destroy many of the health-giving properties of

  Research demonstrates that exposing food to high intensity gamma
radiation affects the activity of key enzymes and causes the
depletion of radiation-sensitive essential nutrients such as: the amino
acids l-cysteine, l-histidine, and l-tryptophan. Other nutrients such as
vitamins B1, B 2, B3, B6, B12, folic acid, vitamin C, E, K; the
omega-3, 6 and 9 unsaturated essential fatty acids are affected.
Some irradiated minerals in food actually become toxically
radioactive. Radiation destroys the health-giving properties

RE: CS>Hanna meter

2000-04-15 Thread Robert Ratliff
I would assume tho, if you had a low conductivity when starting a batch of
cs, then the added cs would account for the change in conductivity.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: Stephen Quinto []
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Hanna meter

To Ivan & others who use conductivity meters,

A conductivity meter is just what it says it is.  It will give an unreliable
approximation of concentration, but it is being used to be something it is

The quality of water changes constantly, and hence its conductivity.  So
does the colloid, which also has an impact on conductivity. And unless all
ionic consequences of contaminants in the water [and from the silver] are
removed that will also contribute to the error.

We have also noted variation in process as a consequence of lunar phase
[which should serve to drive the lunatics among us crazy].


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Hanna meter

2000-04-13 Thread Robert Ratliff
What are you saying. if the ppm changes is that good or bad? The particles
are attaching to each other and making fewer larger particles?

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: Ivan Anderson []
Sent: Thursday, April 13, 2000 12:56 AM
To: Silver-List
Subject: CS>Hanna meter

Well there you go,
(Are you there ole Bob)

The rate and the amount this occurs can be some indication of the
quality of the colloid, that is, the amount of uncharged particle
inclusion, and the amount and rate of flocculation or particle


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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>RE: The man who regrew a hand. (Actually the tip of one finger) darn.

1999-12-28 Thread Robert Ratliff
Dr. Christopher says he had grown fingers with comphrey.

> -Original Message-
> From: James Osbourne, Holmes []
> Sent: Monday, December 27, 1999 5:26 PM
> To:   'Silver List'
> Subject:  FW: The man who regrew a hand. (Actually the tip of 
> one finger)  darn. 
> I thought your would all like to see this. 
> What a great name for an MD, "Bart Flick".  Coulda been in MASH. 
> James Osbourne Holmes
> -Original Message-
> From: Matt Scudiere [] 
> Sent: Monday, December 27, 1999 2:24 PM
> To:   James Osbourne, Holmes
> Subject:  Re: The man who regrew a hand.
> James,
> Well, it's a little exaggerated to say he regrew a hand.  It was 
> the tip of a finger between the last knuckle and the base of the 
> fingernail.  It was done using silver bandages with a tiny 
> electric current diffusing the silver into the wound along with 
> various frequencies I believe.  It also followed the injury and 
> was not after the wound had healed.  
> The Trauma Surgeon who did it was Bart Flick in Ga just across 
> the TN/GA border-I can't remember the town.   The last known 
> email address I have for him is (Bart Flick)  >.
> I hope this helps
> Matt

RE: CS> The man who regrew a hand. (Actually the tip of one finger) darn.

1999-12-28 Thread Robert Ratliff
I know a guy had his head cut off in an auto accident. Put a bandage on it
and he is teaching auto safety today.

> -Original Message-
> From: Ignit Bekken []
> Sent: Monday, December 27, 1999 9:06 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS> The man who regrew a hand. (Actually the tip of one
> finger) darn.
> >>  The inventor is Dr. A.B. Flick M.D. and the contact for the
> bandages is
> Roger Sayles and last but not least, their website is at
> <<
> If they would have shown all the 'fingers' like they showed the last one,
> dated 11Aug. 1995, I would have believed it 
> Ignit Bekken,
> --
> --
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Dowsing????

1999-12-28 Thread Robert Ratliff
I have a tape of Malkmus. He hit it on the head. He is a preacher and could
not understand why great evangelists would get sick and die when millions
were praying for him. He finally realized that God gave us the intelligence
to eat properly (chose our diet) and if we do not then we bring dis-ease
upon ourselves. He helps those who help themselves, he does not do it for


> Subject: Re: CS>Dowsing
> Odessa Lewis wrote:
> > Nicole,
> > All healings comes from God. There is not
> > such as God that wants you to be sick, this
> > is a concept in the mind of man. If would be
> > so that we would have a very small and limi-
> > ted God.
> The inverse is that sickness is from sin, which I have heard
> before.  I feel
> that is partly true, but also I beleive that it is often from a persons
> distorted reality and belief system.  For instance, "I got
> exposed to a cold
> so now I will catch it (ok says the body), or my mother died from a heart
> attack so I will also (ok says the body)".  Also many diseases appear to
> have been created by man (ie. AIDS), which would certainly be a sin of
> giganic proportions, so saying that all sickness is from sin, does not
> necessarily mean that it is from the sin of the person who got
> it. I believe
> it simply means that if the world was without sin, then we would have no
> disease.
> Marshall
> --
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> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Gout

1999-12-26 Thread Robert Ratliff
I am continually amazed at this list. Every cure must be purchased. Like
nutrition cures nothing, but a supplement can and will cure anything.
It's a wonder we lived long enough to populate the earth without


> Eating fruit, as Robert said, will help because of the potassium it
> contains, but probably the best way to alleviate gout is to drink
> alkaline water.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>New Scars On Face

1999-12-26 Thread Robert Ratliff
Dr. Christopher says to use comphrey and it will not leave a scar.

> Subject: CS>New Scars On Face
> I had an accident last night and have 
> some bad cuts on my face.  I would
> like to find something that will prevent
> any scars from forming.
> Thank you,
> Bret
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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RE: CS>Gout

1999-12-25 Thread Robert Ratliff
Gout is because the body is too acid. Too much protein. Eat some fruit and
it will go away. Oranges, etc.


> -Original Message-
> From: GaryJanine []
> Sent: Saturday, December 25, 1999 7:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: CS>Gout
> Does anyone have any experience with gout? My Mom has gout on her
> toe and I
> was wondering how/if cs could help. Thanks
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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1999-12-24 Thread Robert Ratliff
Yet another silver generator.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
ICQ 1495914 

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>interesting experiment from

1999-12-23 Thread Robert Ratliff

Subject: [instinctive-eating] interesting experiment from

"The ideal diet consists of the foods listed - approximately 75-85% raw
foods with 15-25% cooked, to be eaten in correct sequential order."   "I
still worry about people who attempt to be fruitarians."

Excerpts from
In Search of the Ultimate Diet
Volume I
Advantages of working with mice
Primitive races and diet
Mice and the fruitarian diet
Deficiencies from fruitarian diet
The 100% raw vegetarian diet
The ideal diet
With no grains - mice always hungry
The essentials in diet
The following materials represent a four-year project I undertook to answer
fundamental questions about nutrition, questions such as what is the best
diet for humans? Which is most conducive to maximum life span, health,
happiness, and freedom from disease? Can it be a diet which includes meats?
Seafood? Ovo-lacto-vegetarian? Macrobiotics? Vegan? Raw foods? Natural
Hygiene? Fruitarian? What are the best aspects of each system? How much of
each should we make use of?

. Even though I have been a practitioner in nutritional health for well
over forty years, I undertook this research in the early 1980's because I
had many unanswered questions about which is correct among the many
conflicting theories that make up the field of natural health, conflicts
that can be extensive and overwhelming.

. I wondered how long I would have to wait to discover relevant
information. I felt it could easily take another hundred years. I felt so
frustrated that I started to think about setting up my own mouse trials.

Even though I am an animal lover I knew I could work with mice because I saw
no need to harm them. I would give each trial group one of the various diets
followed by many health seekers. I saw no need to destroy and dissect the
members of the different test groups to monitor results. Observation of
appearance, behavior, fertility, growth of offspring and longevity would be
my indicators of success, if only I could set up the studies - a daunting
prospect for a sole, unfunded researcher.

Decades later in September of 1983, I obtained the necessary equipment and a
group of ten mice .

The final push to get me into a pet store
. The man never forgave the doctors who had amputated his first leg. He
felt he could have saved the leg if the doctors had known about fasting. He
could have avoided being crippled for life, not to speak of the daily pain
involved in walking around with an artificial leg. Trying to get him off
fruitarianism was not easy. I was dealing with dedication of monstrous

. Now, how do most people work out their theories and approaches to
diet? From books. If the book is in error, like the old joke says, "Nice
fellow, he died of a misprint, you know." It can happen, easily. We need
broad studies on vegetarianism, all the different types of vegetarianism.

. once again I regretted the lack of dietary tests on mice. Some solid
information from dietary tests on mice in fruitarianism could have provided
me with the hard evidence I needed to persuade the members of the dangers of
the practice.
This debate on fruitarianism was the final push that got me into a pet store
to inquire about getting mice to study.

Setting up research
.. The bill came to around $150. All the store had was ten mice, so I
bought them and outfitted a few cages. That's how I got started.

I decided to begin the mice on my diet. I felt it was a wholesome diet that
should build up strength and number - a diet including fruits, nuts, raw and
cooked vegetables, grains, legumes, and a small amount of cheese and eggs. I
was correct. The mice thrived and reproduced. I bought more cages. Before
long, I had over 100 mice. I kept them on my diet for six months. They kept
growing and reproducing by leaps and bounds. Before I knew it, I had seven
cages, each with around forty-five mice - weIl over 300 mice in six months.

I was ready to begin testing diets.

Advantages of working with mice
Why are mice experiments so good? Well, as the medical man who headed the
Longevity Research Institute in California, Dr. Roy Walford, neatly observes
in his book "Maximum Life Span":
"If mice cannot live on a diet, you can be sure humans can't."

Dr. Walford explains that the metabolism of mice is close to humans. As
warm-blooded animals, mice suckle their young. They require much the same
minerals, vitamins, enzymes, proteins, and carbohydrates that we do. Mice
need just a little less food that we do for their size, and their life span
is proportionate, a ratio of 30 to 1, thirty days of human life to one day
of a mouse. A mouse will live two, two and a half; sometimes three years
compared to our life span of 75 to 90 years.

. Of course, there are some minor differences. Mice can manufacture
their own vitamin C. We must get it all from food. Also, mice require a
little more protein proportionately.
But mice h

RE: CS>oil

1999-12-19 Thread Robert Ratliff
Olive oil. Press non heated.

> -Original Message-
> From: D G []
> Sent: Saturday, December 18, 1999 10:17 AM
> To:
> Subject: CS>oil
> is there a veggie oil that isn"t
> toxic waste?
> i LIKE mayonaise but wanna be here
> to enjoy it.
> Dennis
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Need Help with Eye (retina)

1999-12-17 Thread Robert Ratliff
You don't put alcohol in the eye, but it is easy to transfer the herbs from
alcohol to distilled water. Just add the same amount water as was alcohol,
then heat in microwave until the volume returns to original. The alcohol
evaporates first. It does not take long to do either.

> -Original Message-
> From: Henry Reed []
> Sent: Thursday, December 16, 1999 2:16 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Need Help with Eye (retina)
> Sure that's a tincture-- made with alcohol?  What proportions are you
> using?  And the alcohol is ok in the eye?

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Spinning Water Magnetizer

1999-12-09 Thread Robert Ratliff
Yeah, but does magnetized water actually do anything?
> Megacool.
> James Osbourne Holmes
> Just bought a Krups "Midnight Cocktail"( $15.00 @ Sterns Dept. Store)
> which is a small 16 oz battery powered cocktail mixer. It is much like a
> blender in its operation and creates spinning vortex when filled with
> water and turned on. Take some domino sized ceramic magnets and glue
> them to the outside of the water container so they encircle the water
> top to bottom. I would use alternate polarity. The magnets could be
> doubled up for increased strength. So now you have spinning water in a
> strong magnetic field! The unit is battery powered by two 1.5v penlight
> batteries and could easily be converted to AC operation using a small
> transformer and rectifier. The momentary action on/off switch could also
> be supplemented with a toggle on/off switch for prolonged "spinning".
> Dennis Lipter

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Collodial copper

1999-12-09 Thread Robert Ratliff
While you are on copper water look at Bill Rich's site. He uses a new high
tech method that is supposed to make smaller particles.

Copper is classified as an essential mineral. If the body does not acquire a
sufficient amount of copper, hemoglobin production is decreased and copper
anemia can result. Various enzyme reactions require copper as well. In the
body, the liver and brain contain the largest amounts of copper with other
organs containing smaller amounts. Copper imbalances can produce various
symptoms, inefficient utilization of iron and protein, diarrhea, high
cholesterol, thyroid problems, stunted growth, mental and emotional
problems, just to name a few.

Nutritional copper is believed to be beneficial in helping overcome chronic
inflammation, grey hair, cancer, parasites, arthritis, skin wrinkles, and
joint problems such as arthritis, bursitis, and rheumatism.

Below is a list of conditions we believe our products may be helpful with:

  White hair
  Liver Cirrhosis
  Varicose veins
  Arthritis  Gray hair
  Rutured disc
  Kawasaki disease  Dry brittle hair
  Gulf War syndrome
  Iron storage disease
  High blood cholesterol
  Hypo and hyper thyroid
  Reduced glucose tolerance (low blood sugar)
  Cerebral palsy and hypoplasiea of the cerebellum (congenital ataxia)
  Violent behavior, blind rage, explosive outbursts, criminal behaviour


  -Original Message-
  From: James Allison []
  Sent: Tuesday, December 07, 1999 7:14 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Collodial copper


  Copper is an essential "trace mineral" most important in the
production of hemoglobin. A lack of copper is the usual precursor to heart
disease; aneurysms; and, decreases in the elasticity of blood vessels.
Studies also indicate that increased copper intake "significantly retarded
developments of cancers in animals and also decreased liver damage and
cirrhosis caused by cancer-inducing materials."
  People have used WaterOz Copper Mineral Water topically for many different
skin conditions as well as for problems deep inside muscles, tendons, and
joint problems such as arthritis, bursitis and rheumatism. Taken internally
and about one half to one teaspoon per day, it can circulate to all parts of
the body.
  Here is a list of conditions Copper is "believed" be helpful with:

Allergies Anemia Aneurysms Arthritis
Dry brittle hair Gray hair Gulf war syndrome Hernias
Cholesterol Thyroid disorders Iron storage disease Kawasaki disease
Liver cirrhosis Neutropenia Parasites Ruptured disc
Reduced glucose tolerance(low blood sugar)
   Varicose veins
Violent behavior, blind rage, explosive outbursts, criminal behavior

  Yours in health,
  James Allison

  Allisons Apothecary
  Home of the $29.95 Colloidal Silver Generator

  - Original Message -
  From: Jeffrey A. Madore 
  Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 9:44 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Collodial copper

  > Would anyone know what the benefits of taking colloidal copper would be?
  > What dose would be considered safe?
  > Thanks,
  > Jeff
  > Marshall Dudley wrote:
  > > Colloidal copper can be easily made from 14 gauge house wire.  I have
done it,
  > > same way as colloidal silver.
  > >
  > > Marshall
  > --
  > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
  > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
  >  -or-
  > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
  > To post, address your message to:
  > Silver-list archive:
  > List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Pig fat, cancer/David

1999-12-07 Thread Robert Ratliff
>From his book "I WANT TO LIVE" page 310 his e-mail is

> -Original Message-
> From: Vilik Rapheles []
> Sent: Sunday, December 05, 1999 11:35 PM
> To:
> Subject: CS>Pig fat, cancer/David
> At 09:56 PM 12/5/99 -0500, you wrote:
> >I e-mailed him.  [Aajonus Vonderplanitz titled " We want to Live".]
> He is the only one I know that has cured several >fibromyaliga cases. 
> His raw includes animal raw.
> ~~
> Would you be willing to share the email address? 
> ~^^V^^~
> >
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: 
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> To post, address your message to:
> Silver-list archive:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V99 #808

1999-12-06 Thread Robert Ratliff
Actually Carol has more than on word. Ask and see.

> -Original Message-
> From: Sam Earle []
> Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 9:03 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V99 #808
> Karen:
> One word: MSM.
> Ask Carol Ryan.
> Sam
> > To All,
> > Does anyone know of a way to stop Glaucoma from getting any
> worse?  My
> > father-in-law has been using the traditional medical approach
> for a number
> of
> > years and was just told that he will probably be blind within a year.
> Thanks
> > for any help you can provide!
> > Karen
> >
> >
> > To the person who asked about electric blankets:
> > We used to have one.  But after reading a book about
> preventing cancer
> I
> > put it away and have never used it since.  I looked for the
> page to quote
> but
> > couldn't find it.
> >  Karen
> >
> >
> > --
> > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> >
> > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
> >  -or-
> > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> >
> > To post, address your message to:
> > Silver-list archive:
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> >

RE: CS>Particle size

1999-12-06 Thread Robert Ratliff
What is viability?
  -Original Message-
  From: Dick Jaffe []
  Sent: Monday, December 06, 1999 7:30 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>Particle size

  Why not check the viability of your CS with a little inexpensive laser
pointer.  Shine it at your solution horizontally in a clear glass jar in a
darkened room.  If you see a sparkling red line, that's a reflection off the
silver particles called the Tyndall effect.
  Nancy Steele wrote:

 I am making CS with a solar battery charger.  It is 12 volts and 125mA.
My silver is light to medium yellow gold and very clear.  It doesn't seem to
precipitate at all and there are no particles that you can see.  I want to
be able to use a nebulizer and I am concerned about the difference between
my 125mA and Brook's 12.5MA big difference in numbers and I'm not sure about
the terms mA and MA.  Sure hope there is some.  Thanks for any help anyone
can give.

RE: CS>Re:Pig fat, cancer

1999-12-05 Thread Robert Ratliff
I e-mailed him. He is the only one I know that has cured several
fibromyaliga cases. His raw includes animal raw.

> -Original Message-
> From: David Reese []
> Sent: Sunday, December 05, 1999 5:23 PM
> To:;
> Subject: Re: CS>Re:Pig fat, cancer
> Katarina
> If you like to be amazed here is another book that is quite
> amazing that you
> could also order through the Price-Pittinger (sp) foundation.
> 800-266-5564 , by
> Aajonus Vonderplanitz titled " We want to Live".  He claims to
> have cured 236
> out of 240 cancer patients.  Partly by eating raw meats.
> David Reese

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: Bil, Sludge & Honey and blowing up people.

1999-12-05 Thread Robert Ratliff
I'm missing something here. How did a drop of honey post turn into a blowing
up people thread?

> -Original Message-
> From: James Osbourne, Holmes []
> Sent: Sunday, December 05, 1999 12:52 AM
> To: ''
> Subject: RE: CS>Re: Bil, Sludge & Honey
> Blowing up people is not right. Neither is  transmogrification of this
> planet into television sets that don't work anymore.  Eating mother is
> taboo.
> I don't buy the...".Well, kill a few here to save thousands
> there"routine, no matter who tries it, and regardless of the
> motive or
> intent.  Pure Bullshit.   What pisses them the most is Kaczinski  ripping
> off governments prerogative to decide who gets to kill,  who gets killed,
> and for whose purposes.
>  If indeed he did it.  How can we know?
> As a joke, it made me laugh
> James Osbourne Holmes
> -Original Message-
> From: Dick Jaffe []
> Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 8:34 PM
> To:
> Subject:  Re: CS>Re: Bil, Sludge & Honey
> You know, I'm beginning to think Ted Kaczinski was right!
> "James Osbourne, Holmes" wrote:
> > Microwave?   See:
> > James Osbourne Holmes
> >
> >
> > -Original Message-
> > From:   Dick Jaffe []
> > Sent:   Saturday, December 04, 1999 7:19 PM
> > To:
> > Subject:Re: CS>Re: Bil, Sludge & Honey
> >
> > 1 1/2 hours??  What kind of power source are you using?  What
> gauge .999
> fine
> > silver wire?  I have never had to go longer than 15 minutes to
> make a 24
> Oz. jar
> > of microwave heated distilled water (with a drop of honey) using my 30
> volt
> > homemade DC generator.  The Tyndall effect from my laser
> pointer reflects
> a
> > viable CS solution.  It may not be scientifically precise, but it sure
> works.
> >
> > Dick
> >
> > Robert Ratliff wrote:
> >
> > > I tried the honey trick and got gold water, but it took the
> same amount
> of
> > > time to brew 8 PPM. about 1 1/2 hours. I'll bet the particles are
> larger.
> > >
> > > > -Original Message-
> > > > From: Dick Jaffe []
> > > > Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 1:08 PM
> > > > To:
> > > > Subject: Re: CS>Re: Bil, Sludge & Honey
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > I use only a tiny drop of honey on the end of a toothpick and I
> > > > make my CS in a
> > > > 24 Oz. "Simply Home" Campbell's soup jar.  I can't recall now who
> > > > gave me that
> > > > honey trick but it was emphasized to use only a tiny drop.  My 10
> minute
> > > > solutions are clear and very pale yellow, not milky.
> > > >
> > > > 2001 TV VCR wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > Dick,
> > > > >
> > > > > Thanks for the tip.  I have tried the drop ( I used
> > > > > a big drop) of honey when making 16 oz. CS
> > > > > and it came out a real milky colored yellow.  The
> > > > > electrodes sure were clean though (no sludge).
> > > > >
> > > > > Obviously having any form of food in the mix
> > > > > could cause unwanted silver compounds to be
> > > > > formed.
> > > > >
> > > > > Anyone want to comment on this?
> > > > >
> > > > > Bil
> > > > >
> > > > > - Original Message -
> > > > > From: Dick Jaffe 
> > > > > To: 
> > > > > Sent: Friday, December 03, 1999 6:26 PM
> > > > > Subject: Re: CS>Re: Bil, sludge
> > > > >
> > > > > > Try using a drop of honey on the tip of a toothpick
> stirred into
> the
> > > > > heated
> > > > > > water before inserting the silver electrodes.  I've been
> > > > doing that for
> > > > > > several years and get about a 10ppm solution, pale yellow in
> color, in
> > > > > about
> > > > > > 10 minutes.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Fred wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > > > >> Is

RE: CS>Re: Bill, Sludge & Honey

1999-12-05 Thread Robert Ratliff
Water is at room temp. I said it was yellow after 1 1/2 hours, clear after
10 min. Batteries are good. There is Tyndall with a laser at 1 1/2 hours,
none at 10 min. Don't know how accurate my meter is, but even if it were 25
percent off that does not change the time factor to make 8 ppm cs. I
purchased a ppm meter off the net.
Why are you questioning me. The person making 10 min cs. did not check his


> -Original Message-
> From: Dick Jaffe []
> Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 10:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Re: Bil, Sludge & Honey
> Is the water heated almost to a boil before you start?  A few times I've
> forgotten to disconnect my unit and after 20 - 30 minutes I've had a
> yellow-greenish solution with black flecks floating in it.  I just can't
> imagine 90 minutes, even with unheated water.  Is your solution
> clear after all
> that time? How fresh are your batteries?  Have you ever tried the Tyndall
> effect with a laser pointer?  What is this device that you're
> relying on for
> the PPM reading?  How do you know how accurate it is?
> Dick
> Robert Ratliff wrote:
> > The standard 3 9 volt battery. Remember I measure mine with a PPM meter.
> > Measures nothing in 10 min. Takes 1 1/2 hour to get to 8 PPM.
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Dick Jaffe []
> > > Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 9:19 PM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Re: CS>Re: Bil, Sludge & Honey
> > >
> > >
> > > 1 1/2 hours??  What kind of power source are you using?  What
> > > gauge .999 fine
> > > silver wire?  I have never had to go longer than 15 minutes to
> > > make a 24 Oz. jar
> > > of microwave heated distilled water (with a drop of honey) using
> > > my 30 volt
> > > homemade DC generator.  The Tyndall effect from my laser pointer
> > > reflects a
> > > viable CS solution.  It may not be scientifically precise, but it
> > > sure works.
> > >
> > > Dick
> > >
> > > Robert Ratliff wrote:
> > >
> > > > I tried the honey trick and got gold water, but it took the
> > > same amount of
> > > > time to brew 8 PPM. about 1 1/2 hours. I'll bet the particles
> > > are larger.
> > > >
> > > > > -Original Message-
> > > > > From: Dick Jaffe []
> > > > > Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 1:08 PM
> > > > > To:
> > > > > Subject: Re: CS>Re: Bil, Sludge & Honey
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > I use only a tiny drop of honey on the end of a toothpick and I
> > > > > make my CS in a
> > > > > 24 Oz. "Simply Home" Campbell's soup jar.  I can't recall now who
> > > > > gave me that
> > > > > honey trick but it was emphasized to use only a tiny drop.
> > > My 10 minute
> > > > > solutions are clear and very pale yellow, not milky.
> > > > >
> > > > > 2001 TV VCR wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > > Dick,
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Thanks for the tip.  I have tried the drop ( I used
> > > > > > a big drop) of honey when making 16 oz. CS
> > > > > > and it came out a real milky colored yellow.  The
> > > > > > electrodes sure were clean though (no sludge).
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Obviously having any form of food in the mix
> > > > > > could cause unwanted silver compounds to be
> > > > > > formed.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Anyone want to comment on this?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Bil
> > > > > >
> > > > > > - Original Message -
> > > > > > From: Dick Jaffe 
> > > > > > To: 
> > > > > > Sent: Friday, December 03, 1999 6:26 PM
> > > > > > Subject: Re: CS>Re: Bil, sludge
> > > > > >
> > > > > > > Try using a drop of honey on the tip of a toothpick
> > > stirred into the
> > > > > > heated
> > > > > > > water before inserting the silver electrodes.  I've been
> > > > > doing that for

RE: CS>Re: Bil, Sludge & Honey

1999-12-04 Thread Robert Ratliff
The standard 3 9 volt battery. Remember I measure mine with a PPM meter.
Measures nothing in 10 min. Takes 1 1/2 hour to get to 8 PPM.

> -Original Message-
> From: Dick Jaffe []
> Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 9:19 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Re: Bil, Sludge & Honey
> 1 1/2 hours??  What kind of power source are you using?  What
> gauge .999 fine
> silver wire?  I have never had to go longer than 15 minutes to
> make a 24 Oz. jar
> of microwave heated distilled water (with a drop of honey) using
> my 30 volt
> homemade DC generator.  The Tyndall effect from my laser pointer
> reflects a
> viable CS solution.  It may not be scientifically precise, but it
> sure works.
> Dick
> Robert Ratliff wrote:
> > I tried the honey trick and got gold water, but it took the
> same amount of
> > time to brew 8 PPM. about 1 1/2 hours. I'll bet the particles
> are larger.
> >
> > > -Original Message-
> > > From: Dick Jaffe []
> > > Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 1:08 PM
> > > To:
> > > Subject: Re: CS>Re: Bil, Sludge & Honey
> > >
> > >
> > > I use only a tiny drop of honey on the end of a toothpick and I
> > > make my CS in a
> > > 24 Oz. "Simply Home" Campbell's soup jar.  I can't recall now who
> > > gave me that
> > > honey trick but it was emphasized to use only a tiny drop.
> My 10 minute
> > > solutions are clear and very pale yellow, not milky.
> > >
> > > 2001 TV VCR wrote:
> > >
> > > > Dick,
> > > >
> > > > Thanks for the tip.  I have tried the drop ( I used
> > > > a big drop) of honey when making 16 oz. CS
> > > > and it came out a real milky colored yellow.  The
> > > > electrodes sure were clean though (no sludge).
> > > >
> > > > Obviously having any form of food in the mix
> > > > could cause unwanted silver compounds to be
> > > > formed.
> > > >
> > > > Anyone want to comment on this?
> > > >
> > > > Bil
> > > >
> > > > - Original Message -
> > > > From: Dick Jaffe 
> > > > To: 
> > > > Sent: Friday, December 03, 1999 6:26 PM
> > > > Subject: Re: CS>Re: Bil, sludge
> > > >
> > > > > Try using a drop of honey on the tip of a toothpick
> stirred into the
> > > > heated
> > > > > water before inserting the silver electrodes.  I've been
> > > doing that for
> > > > > several years and get about a 10ppm solution, pale yellow
> in color, in
> > > > about
> > > > > 10 minutes.
> > > > >
> > > > > Fred wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > > > >> Is it possible to make 5 or 10 ppm CS by the gallon
> > > > > > > >> without the sludge using low voltage?
> > > > > > > >>
> > > > > > > >> Bil
> > > > > >
> > > > > > The process of generating colloidal silver is the same as
> > > > > > the plating process - ions are released and travel to the
> > > > > > negative electrode where they collect an electron and turn
> > > > > > back into silver. You can not stop that process! The fact
> > > > > > they are sludge instead of nice shiny silver is that conditions
> > > > > > are not right for fine crystal growth - normal silver
> plating uses
> > > > > > cyanuric acid to provide good conductivity of the solution and
> > > > > > to assist in forming fine grain crystals. What you get are more
> > > > > > like snow flakes, weakly bound/random crystals!
> > > > > >
> > > > > > See my other post why the HV AC process avoids sludge
> > > > > > formation, by blasting the sludge forming metal particles into
> > > > > > the solution as quickly as formed. This unfortunately makes
> > > > > > metallic particles, not ions of silver, but at least no
> crystals!
> > > > > >
> > > > > > (took a day off from work today!)
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --
> > > > > > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
> > > colloidal silver.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail
> > > message to:
> > > > > >  -or-
> > >
> > > > > > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > To post, address your message to:
> > > > > > Silver-list archive:
> > >
> > > > > > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> > > > >
> > >

RE: CS>Re: Bil, Sludge & Honey

1999-12-04 Thread Robert Ratliff
I tried the honey trick and got gold water, but it took the same amount of
time to brew 8 PPM. about 1 1/2 hours. I'll bet the particles are larger.

> -Original Message-
> From: Dick Jaffe []
> Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 1:08 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Re: Bil, Sludge & Honey
> I use only a tiny drop of honey on the end of a toothpick and I
> make my CS in a
> 24 Oz. "Simply Home" Campbell's soup jar.  I can't recall now who
> gave me that
> honey trick but it was emphasized to use only a tiny drop.  My 10 minute
> solutions are clear and very pale yellow, not milky.
> 2001 TV VCR wrote:
> > Dick,
> >
> > Thanks for the tip.  I have tried the drop ( I used
> > a big drop) of honey when making 16 oz. CS
> > and it came out a real milky colored yellow.  The
> > electrodes sure were clean though (no sludge).
> >
> > Obviously having any form of food in the mix
> > could cause unwanted silver compounds to be
> > formed.
> >
> > Anyone want to comment on this?
> >
> > Bil
> >
> > - Original Message -
> > From: Dick Jaffe 
> > To: 
> > Sent: Friday, December 03, 1999 6:26 PM
> > Subject: Re: CS>Re: Bil, sludge
> >
> > > Try using a drop of honey on the tip of a toothpick stirred into the
> > heated
> > > water before inserting the silver electrodes.  I've been
> doing that for
> > > several years and get about a 10ppm solution, pale yellow in color, in
> > about
> > > 10 minutes.
> > >
> > > Fred wrote:
> > >
> > > > > >> Is it possible to make 5 or 10 ppm CS by the gallon
> > > > > >> without the sludge using low voltage?
> > > > > >>
> > > > > >> Bil
> > > >
> > > > The process of generating colloidal silver is the same as
> > > > the plating process - ions are released and travel to the
> > > > negative electrode where they collect an electron and turn
> > > > back into silver. You can not stop that process! The fact
> > > > they are sludge instead of nice shiny silver is that conditions
> > > > are not right for fine crystal growth - normal silver plating uses
> > > > cyanuric acid to provide good conductivity of the solution and
> > > > to assist in forming fine grain crystals. What you get are more
> > > > like snow flakes, weakly bound/random crystals!
> > > >
> > > > See my other post why the HV AC process avoids sludge
> > > > formation, by blasting the sludge forming metal particles into
> > > > the solution as quickly as formed. This unfortunately makes
> > > > metallic particles, not ions of silver, but at least no crystals!
> > > >
> > > > (took a day off from work today!)
> > > >
> > > > --
> > > > The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of
> colloidal silver.
> > > >
> > > > To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail
> message to:
> > > >  -or-
> > > > with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> > > >
> > > > To post, address your message to:
> > > > Silver-list archive:
> > > > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> > >

CS>forward about glaucoma

1999-12-04 Thread Robert Ratliff
-Original Message-
From: Carol M. Ryan []
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 1999 1:07 AM
To: Robert Ratliff
Subject: Re: CS>Olive Leaf

My protocol for glaucoma
 1. MSM drops every hour of the persons awake.  This lowers the pressure
buildup.  It works. I buy them from Bill Rich distributors 877-Bill Rich.
 2.  Natrum Mur 12X  6 pellets 3 times a day, 30 minutes before a meal and
wait to eat or drink 30 minutes after a meal.  This lowers the pressure in
the eye also, it takes about a month.  This is available in a health store.
 3.  A very potent bilberry with extra amounts of antioxidants made
specifically for my father by a person who only deals with Doctors.  I have
access to his formulas if anyone is interested.  They do not come in bottles
but in plastic bags in bulk.  This man has literally saved my fathers eye.
I did not mention in my last message that my father was declared blind.
After a month on Jeff's formulas he is reading the newspaper, watching TV,
taking walks by himself, and can read the restaurant sign across the street.
 3.  Aloe and mushroom. this formula is similar to  MGN-3
only much more potent.  It is for the immune system.  Jeff made this for my
sister who has cancer and underwent radiation and chemo.  It has helped my
father, sister and husband   The Aloe potency is approximately 5 times the
potency you get in a health store.  Jeff is also a healer first and a
business man second.
 4.  Mushroom with antioxidants.  I interchange this with Aloe and mushroom.
It contains many of the mushrooms that are know to benefit the immune.
 5.  Jeff has a special mineral formula called Hot Minerals.
 6.  I serve fresh carrot juice with a powered green formula again from
Jeff. 1 tablespoon 2 times a day.  It contains all the greens like wheat
grass, barley grass,  I could get the formula if you are interested.  Again
in the health store the energy force, or the health promoting properties
would measure in around 1500.  Jeff's measure in between 7 to 10,000.  He
has an outside lab do the testing, which is available to me.
 7.  I also have what Jeff call Living Wheat greens.  Also very high
 8.  I use reverse osmosis water then I put it through another filter called
Living Water.  I always try a product that I get good testimonies on,  I am
using this on myself to test out and now I can honestly recommend it.  It is
doing something very good for my health, I have a health issue for about a
year now, and I am seeing benefits in only a week.
 9.  On each meal I serve my father I add 1/4 tsp. of enzymes and 1/8tsp of
cultures.  To unclog the carotid artery and blocked retina I give my father
1 tsp. enzymes and 1/8 tsp. cultures in between meal.  When you take this
combination in between meals it has no competition with food and it acts
like pac man and just cleans out the blood and arteries.  It works like
 10.  I changed his diet to a vegan vegetarian until he felt some results,
now that he is not blind I give him a regular diet of meat and veg.  All
organic and meats untreated with antibiotics etc.  Still no milk though
because of the mucus it can cause in his head.  I use almond, soy milk.
 11.  Vitamin E   200 mg. 2 times a day.
 12.  Fresh wheat grass with fresh carrot juice once a day.
 13.  Salad is a must once a day
 14.  For a dessert I freeze bananas, strawberries, etc. put them in a
blender with some organic applejuice or fresh apple juice and make ice
 15.  A big plus is 2 Tablespoons of freshly ground flaxseed in juice or as
a cereal with banana.
 16.  I just learned how beneficial Gotu Kola and Fo ti is so I give him 1/4
tsp. of each 2 times a day in juice.
  17.  CS drops in his eyes when infection presented itself and any where
from 1/4 C of CS to 1/2 c of CS every day.
  18.  There is a product called Immunocal that helps pretty much every
disease because of the L gluthione. I am now switching over to Jeff's
product that is like Immunocal but has more supporting ingredients than the
Immunocal that I have been giving him.  I am totally convinced of Jeff's
formulas because I saw my father respond so quickly in only a week he could
see that the door knob was brass.  CS got my husband out of bed and mowing
the lawn in a few days but he didn't feel right.  In less than a week on all
of the above formulas he said he felt normal!!  and he still does not
give up his Twinkies or Entenmanns cakes,  he resists nutrition altogether.
 19.  The last products I give my father and husband is MSM 1-
1/2 tsp. to 1/2 tsp. of Ascorbate Vitamin C also from Bill Rich.  His is
pure and costs $ 44.00 for 2 lbs. retail.
His vitamin C is a 1 lb. container in powder form not capsules.  All the
formulas are powder and it worked out good for us because it saves having to
swallow a hundred pills which I could not do for long.
This formula started working in about a week and took only 1 1/2 to 2 months
for my father to regain h

RE: CS>Re: Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? >>

1999-12-04 Thread Robert Ratliff
Using caps is all in the mind. When I worked EVERYONE used caps all the time
to send electronic mail (not e-mail) for international business purposes.
But on Bulletin boards and the net everyone HATES caps. WHY SHOULD CAPS
BOTHER ANYONE? That is a question I keep asking myself. Does not bother me.
In fact mail is easier to read using caps.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
ICQ 1495914

> -Original Message-
> From: D G []
> Sent: Saturday, December 04, 1999 8:42 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Re: Tinnitus (ringing in the ears)? >>
> using all caps is like yelling at people.
> regards,
> Dennis
> 51/50
> 24/7

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Jewel weed

1999-11-19 Thread Robert Ratliff
The other common name is touch me not.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.
ICQ 1495914
I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.
Few women admit their age, Few men act it!

-Original Message-
From: Liz Pavek []
Sent: Wednesday, November 17, 1999 3:12 PM
Subject: CS>Jewel weed

Seems like this plant was discussed pretty thoroughly a while back, but I've
forgotten what the other "common name" for it was.  Is it marketed anywere,
and if so, what is its brand name?


The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:
Silver-list archive:
List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Mercury Poisoning

1999-11-16 Thread Robert Ratliff
Have you tried jewel weed on the rash? It clears up poison oak fast.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.
ICQ 1495914
I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.
Few women admit their age, Few men act it!

  -Original Message-
  From: Liz Pavek []
  Sent: Tuesday, November 16, 1999 11:10 AM
  Subject: CS>Mercury Poisoning

  I I haven't found anything that will treat the rash, so have to let it run
its course.  Ideas?  (of course, I avoid mercury like the plague, but
sometimes it's in paints and other stuff.)


RE: CS and warts

1999-11-11 Thread Robert Ratliff
Thanks I'll will give it a try. Concentrating. I no longer have high
blood pressure. I am no longer impotent..  I am THIN again.
I'll keep you informed of the progress.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

One of the biggest problems with trying to figure out what will get rid of
is that the body is so responsive to beliefs.  If you really believe that
something will get rid of a wart, and then use it, I suspect there is over a
chance it will work.  My sister got rid of her warts with stump water when
was a little girl since she really believed it would work.  That could be
reason that so many different substances are reported to get rid of them.

Once you provide the attention to the wart with the desire for it to go
the appropriate energies (like Reiki) will go to work making it happen.

The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.

To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:  -or-
with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

To post, address your message to:

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

CS>I could not resist

1999-11-11 Thread Robert Ratliff
I hear lots of wartless secretaries are  "hunt n peckers". typists that is.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: Vilik Rapheles []
Sent: Tuesday, November 09, 1999 8:59 PM
Subject: Re: CS and warts and soldering irons

At 07:53 PM 11/9/99 -0500, you wrote:
>I'd be happy to help, but I burned both of 'em off trying to kill warts.
>typing this with my  never mind.
>~~~ that's where the word "pecker" came from...

>- Original Message -
>From: Robert Ratliff 
>Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 7:23 PM
>Subject: RE: CS and warts and soldering irons
>> I want a show of hands of how many are going to burn their warts off with
>> soldering iron.
>> Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
>> SE Tenn.
>> ICQ 1495914
>> I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.
>> Few women admit their age, Few men act it!
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Marshall Dudley []
>> Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 1:48 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: CS and warts
>> I heard of one fellow that got a syringe and injected cs directly into
>> wart, and it fell of in a day or two.
>> I use to burn warts off with a soldering iron.  After burning, a blister
>> would
>> form under the wart, and I would clip the whole wart off.  Wart would
>> about 20% of the time, but if you followed with CS I bet it would give
>> 99% reliablility.
>> Marshall
>> James Osbourne, Holmes wrote:
>> --
>> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
>> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
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>> To post, address your message to:
>> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS and warts and soldering irons

1999-11-08 Thread Robert Ratliff
I want a show of hands of how many are going to burn their warts off with a
soldering iron.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.
ICQ 1495914
I didn't fight my way to the top of the food chain to be a vegetarian.
Few women admit their age, Few men act it!

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Monday, November 08, 1999 1:48 PM
Subject: Re: CS and warts

I heard of one fellow that got a syringe and injected cs directly into the
wart, and it fell of in a day or two.

I use to burn warts off with a soldering iron.  After burning, a blister
form under the wart, and I would clip the whole wart off.  Wart would return
about 20% of the time, but if you followed with CS I bet it would give about
99% reliablility.


James Osbourne, Holmes wrote:

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RE: CS>OT Fw: Fw: read alone especially the last part!

1999-11-05 Thread Robert Ratliff
I will agree. Note I cut the size of the post down. There are plenty of site
set up to tell about spam and legends. Please search for them and don't post
them here.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.
ICQ 1495914

-Original Message-
From: Bill Schramm []
Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 8:48 PM
Subject: Re: CS>OT Fw: Fw: read alone especially the last part!

I have no problem with slightly off topic postings particularly when related
to alternative medicine.  But threatening email chain letters (send this on
or else) are another matter.  This is worse than spam, it is spam with
botulism.  This type of posting should be banned and its source reprimanded.

-Original Message-
From: Anna G Warmuth 
Date: Thursday, November 04, 1999 5:24 PM
Subject: CS>OT Fw: Fw: read alone especially the last part!

>This seems to be the week for strange emails, anyone seen this one

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1999-11-03 Thread Robert Ratliff
Look here for legend debunking.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.
ICQ 1495914

-Original Message-
From: Trem Williams []
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 8:30 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Trem/SLS/FORBIDDEN

Hi Katarina,

W w   This is very weird.  Sure, I'll see if I can cut and paste
it.  By golly I think it might work!  As you can see, this message is the
same one signed by the legal person at some University in the previous post.

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RE: CS>OT Kidney Harvesting - Scary Stuff

1999-11-03 Thread Robert Ratliff
 away. I really want as many people to see this as possible so please
bounce this to whoever you can.

Related articles:

The Kidney Snatchers
Organ snatching myths debunked, with links to further info
The Misinformation Superhighway
How and why hoaxes flourish on the Internet

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.
ICQ 1495914

-Original Message-
From: Christian von Wechmar []
Sent: Wednesday, November 03, 1999 1:06 PM
Subject: CS>OT Kidney Harvesting - Scary Stuff

Dear Listers,

This email came my way from a friend. Scary indeed.

>Hi guys, read this and note that this has been verified by not only the
>person who sent me this, but by the author as well as a medical student
>Brisbane who knows this friend of mine!

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RE: CS>Re: Lew, vortex question

1999-10-22 Thread Robert Ratliff
North pole or south?

-Original Message-
From: Henry Reed []
Sent: Friday, October 22, 1999 9:43 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Lew, vortex question

My husband once drank a cup of coffee made with water that had been
sitting on a 2 1/2 lb.  3950 gauss magnet  overnight.  Didn't sleep for
nearly 3 days. wrote:
> In a message dated 10/21/1999 4:24:36 PM Pacific Daylight Time,
> writes:
> << Also, I wanted to ask you -- someone on the list felt that combining
>  and south water would cancell out their charges? What do you think of
> I read there is North pole, South pole and Bio pole water. N + S = Bio.
>  Oh, and is there any damage to the magnetized water if I leave it sitting
>  it's magnet for longer than 12 hrs? >> John never takes it off the magnet
> except to drink or refill, heh, heh.
> wong
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
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1999-10-21 Thread Robert Ratliff
Does anyone have any fibromyalgia success stories? If so please e-mail me

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

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1999-10-19 Thread Robert Ratliff
That's what I thought, but the one I bought had magnets on one bottle and
the vortex on another bottle. The small round magnets are very near the
large portion of the second bottle. I tried to make magnetized water per
there instructions, but the water does not move inside two closed bottles.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-
Sent: Monday, October 18, 1999 11:28 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Vortex made easy

Hi Robert!

The magnets go on the cone-shaped (funnel-shaped?) part of the bottle
near the neck. This is where the vortex narrows down to
go into the neck and out.

At least, that is the way I have mine. I have not seen a setup,
just going by what I read in the structured water article.


Robert Ratliff wrote:
> So the water flows thru the vortex first then past the magnets?

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RE: CS>Vortex made easy

1999-10-18 Thread Robert Ratliff
So the water flows thru the vortex first then past the magnets?

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

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RE: CS, to make or not to make money...

1999-10-18 Thread Robert Ratliff
5 bucks is a great price. Don't change. A satisfied customer.
Thanks for making it available for us.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-
From: Marsha Hallett []
Sent: Monday, October 18, 1999 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: CS, to make or not to make money...

>> Dear James, Instead of charging 50 bucks for a generator, why don`t you
>> tell folks how to make CS themselves with 20 bucks worth of parts???
>> Oh, yeah, I remember, you want to make money off them...
>> Marsha
>And now you're charging 5 bux for 10 inches of silver?  Who's making money
>now?  :)

Dear James,
Yeah, I finally have someone here (my son) who figured out for me what I`m
paying, and all. My poor brain is terribly mathematically challenged...
I was surprised to find that silver is cheaper now than when I first began
sending it out several years ago, and am now making money. Wasn`t my plan.
 Everyone I`ve spoken to says that five bucks is fair, for the driving to
the PO and the postage and handling and all. If anyone disagrees, I can send
them the silver for exactly my cost. Or free if they can`t pay. I`ve done
that several times.
Marsha, who only wants to help.


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CS>enzyme info

1999-10-18 Thread Robert Ratliff

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.


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RE: CS>McQueen

1999-10-17 Thread Robert Ratliff
I skeptical too. Because established medicine says it will not cure cancer.
That is why I want personal experience.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-
From: Henry Reed []
Sent: Sunday, October 17, 1999 6:06 PM
Subject: Re: CS>McQueen

McQueen may have died of his cancer eventually of course, and I'm
skeptical of laetrile, but haven't researched it.  I tend to be
skeptical of everything, esp. establishment medicine.

> Liz Pavek wrote:
> Ok.  That's all I wanted to know. But my friend died in Mexico.
> Liz

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CS>laetrile truth

1999-10-16 Thread Robert Ratliff
Has anyone been PERSONALLY been cured of cancer with laetrile?
I would like and answer not based on bias against the established medical
profession please.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
In search of truth justice and the American way.

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1999-10-13 Thread Robert Ratliff
Enzyme information.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

He said he was trying to use their digestall, which didn't work worth a
darn.  I had been

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1999-10-11 Thread Robert Ratliff
Has anyone used structured water for Cs or anything else?

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-
From: Marshall Dudley []
Sent: Monday, October 11, 1999 11:12 AM

David Bolin wrote:

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RE: CS>Meters - Your need to know!

1999-10-10 Thread Robert Ratliff
Interesting, but you did not explain why dc does not make Cs, nor why your
unit makes better Cs than any other method.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

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RE: CS>Off Topic - Magnet purchase info???

1999-10-10 Thread Robert Ratliff
Also go to and download their free multiple search engine
and search for magnetic therapy yourself.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-
From: Katarina Wittich []
Sent: Sunday, October 10, 1999 12:56 AM
To: Silver A
Subject: CS>Off Topic - Magnet purchase info???

Hey everyone,

I want to make magnetized water and just relized that the magnets I have are
too small to work properly with the litre bottles I want to use..
It is utterly overwhelming looking for magnets on the web -- and they are
all absurdly expensive!!

So does anyone have info on a cheap source of circular magnets with a 8 to
10 cm diameter and around 3,000 gauss?


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RE: CS>Sauerkraut

1999-10-10 Thread Robert Ratliff
If there is mold on top, just scrape it off and eat the rest. It will do
better if you press the cabbage firmly and let the juice fill the jar. You
can use the same recipe but put the shredded cabbage in a large container,
after the 3rd day it will make a sour juice that can be drained off and
drank. BTY, home made kraut tastes much better than the store bought kraut.
I suggest everyone give it a try at least once.
Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

  -Original Message-
  From: Liz Pavek []
  Sent: Saturday, October 09, 1999 10:37 PM
  Subject: CS>Sauerkraut

  Here's the recipe:  Shred 5 pounds of cabbage into a large bowl or kettle.
Sprinkle it with AT LEAST 1/2 cup of salt.  (If you skimp on the salt, your
batch will spoil, so it's better to err on the side of generosity. Salt is a
preservative and keeps the kraut from spoiling while it's fermenting.)  Toss
the two ingredients together until the cabbage is well salted.  Press the
salted cabbage into canning jars and put the lids on loosely so the gases
can escape.  Let it work at room temperature for about 10 days.  That's all
there is to it.  Test by taste.

  Spread the word!  Sauerkraut is REAL FOOD!!


RE: CS>Outrageous! etc.

1999-10-08 Thread Robert Ratliff
Very well spoken. Lets keep every MSG is context, looking at a larger
picture then which cause we wish to promote.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-
From: M. G. Devour []
Sent: Friday, October 08, 1999 6:26 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Outrageous! etc.

Nobility comes in many guises...


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1999-10-08 Thread Robert Ratliff
Does anyone have any ROSS HORNE books they would sell?

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V99 #636

1999-10-07 Thread Robert Ratliff
I believe she said she gave it to friends. You will have to agree that is
way overpriced, knowing how easy it is to make.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-

Wow!  You give CS away for free?  Where do you advertise?  I know many
manufacturers that spend tens of thousands of dollars on advertising.  I
wonder how long they would be in business giving their stuff away for free.
Tell you what, why don't you spend a paltry $10,000 advertising your "NO
CHARGE!" colloidal silver and let us know how long you were able to give it
away for free.

Yours in health,
James Allison

Allisons Apothecary
Home of the $49.95 Colloidal Silver Generator

- Original Message -
From: Steve geigle 
Sent: Thursday, October 07, 1999 7:19 AM
Subject: CS>Re: silver-digest Digest V99 #636

> Hi from a long time lurker!
> Looks like the FDA has clamped down.  But, I think the new rule is fair
> will help to keep manufacturers and sellers of CS honest.  Personally, I
> think it's incredible what most are charging for CS per ounce.  I make my
> with a good old Robey generator for pennies per ounce with great results
> a "dietary supplement," making no wild and crazy claims...and I give
> of the stuff to my friends...NO CHARGE!   I know there are many other
> inexpensive, effective CS generators being sold out there...thank you all
> for making them available.  Put CS in a little bottle and charging big
> per ounce it not ethical.  You people that sell CS for outlandish prices
> have no concern for the welfare of's all about your selfish
> greed...the root of all our problems.  No different then the big
> pharmeceuticals.  To those who make it...give it awayhelp
> you!
> Regards,
> Steven J. Geigle, Email:
> --
> The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver.
> To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to:
>  -or-
> with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.
> To post, address your message to:
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Now it's acid?

1999-10-06 Thread Robert Ratliff
Tells me nothing. For every advice there is always someone giving the
opposite advice.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Wednesday, October 06, 1999 6:47 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Now it's acid?

In a message dated 10/05/1999 1:34:46 PM Pacific Daylight Time,

<< Here's a site from a woman who believes an acid ph is preferable. She
 to be 106 so what's that tell ya?

 Sharon >>

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RE: CS? /small dog with absess

1999-10-04 Thread Robert Ratliff
Yes do both. We sprayed our dogs sore. I was not healing until we put the cs
on it. Started scabbing the first day with cs. We may have lost the dog
without it.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-
From: Mercer []
Sent: Monday, October 04, 1999 1:09 PM
Subject: CS? /small dog with absess

How can I help a very small dog that was bitten on the head by another and
has a large absess on his chin?

He is only about a month and a half old.

Should we put it on the site and put some drops in his mouth and some in his

Thanks so much...

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Clear. . . gold. . . dark gold. . . PINK - in two days!?!

1999-10-02 Thread Robert Ratliff
It color on the inside of the glass probably helps seed the next batch.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-
From: Ivan Anderson []
Sent: Saturday, October 02, 1999 8:15 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Clear. . . gold. . . dark gold. . . PINK - in two

- Original Message -
From: d.linen 

> Uh Oh. I've been using detergent too and rinsing thoroughly or so I
> thought. Then I've rinsed some more with DW. The reason I've used
> detergent is that after making a batch, there is a little dark circle
> under where one of the electrodes is located in the jar so I've
> it more carefully to get rid of it.  I haven't seen any buildup on the
> jar itself.

That will wipe off with a paper towel.
I actually only wipe and rinse . My plastic generating containers do
have some colour on the walls but that does not seem to be of any


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1999-09-23 Thread Robert Ratliff
Is your silver electrodes supposed to turn black in an hour using distilled
water and 24 volts?

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: Quackwatch on CS

1999-09-09 Thread Robert Ratliff
-Original Message-
From: Sharon L. House []
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 1999 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Re: Quackwatch on CS

>Good old Rosemary again. I believe someone on this list said that they
>had emailed Rosey for her details and at that point it had been 8 months
>prior and they had never had an answer from her yet. Talk about
>Quackwatch - she didn't even take CS but that is what they are blaming
>her condition onseems to me someone should be questioning her. Isn't
>it odd that so many people are taking her story at face value and
>thinking WE are the nuts?

The thing that really amazes me is that the medical profession, who is so
unwilling to accept anecdotal evidence for anything at all and insists on
expensive proof and double-blind studies, is so quick to accept Rosemary's
"evidence" which is about an anecdotal as it gets!


It serves their purpose.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

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with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line.

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>genetically engineered foods

1999-09-09 Thread Robert Ratliff
They have changed their URL. It is no longer valid.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 1999 4:50 AM
Subject: CS>genetically engineered foods

This info comes from the website of  C Everit Koop former surgen general and
I feel can be trusted <>

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List maintainer: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>magnet therapy

1999-09-09 Thread Robert Ratliff
Crushed Jewel weed leaves. Works well on poison oak.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Thursday, September 09, 1999 4:07 AM
Subject: Re: CS>magnet therapy

what herb are you using to shrink moles?

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RE: CS>magnet therapy

1999-09-08 Thread Robert Ratliff
Jewel weed is also excellent for poison oak.

May I ask what herbs you are using to shrink moles?   

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RE: CS>magnet therapy

1999-09-08 Thread Robert Ratliff
Touch-me-not (Jewel weed). Crush the leaves and apply daily.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-
From: Henry Reed []
Sent: Wednesday, September 08, 1999 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: CS>magnet therapy

May I ask what herbs you are using to shrink moles?   I found Philpott's
book useful for magnetics.

Robert Ratliff wrote:
> How do you lower blood pressure and is it permanent?
> I can supply some sources for magnets. They aren't that expensive.
> is even selling them now. I have bought some books on magnetic therapy,
> would like some recommendations for good magnetic informatin. I was not
> impressed with the ones I have. I am shrinking moles with an herb.
> U shaped magnets arn't supposed to be any good according to my sources.
> In my experience with several people, the results have been temperary.
> Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
> -Original Message-
> From: []
> Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 1999 10:38 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>magnet therapy
> Magnet Therapies
> magnets have been used for over 10,000 years in therapies for many
> as well as for pain relief.  magnetic therapies were the precursor to
> acupuncture.
> i have personally visited "operating theaters" in ancient temples in Asia
> which date back before "Christ."  in them we found crude acupuncture
> and magnets.
> to answer the questions of Charles King, any dis-ease can be helped using
> magnet or magnets.
> the hows, whys, andf wheres can be saved for another letter i will
> write.(any
> personal questions will be answered as i am able to do so with my
> which type of magnet to use or not is irrelevant for the common user.
> are specific and very expensive rare earth magnets which i have but the
> hardly affordable and use is very specific. any magnet will generally
> do.even
> from an old speaker.  i have used them sucessfully too !
> however, before you run out and tear your stereo apart, please let me warn
> you all.
> this is a science...and like any science, there is one truth which my
> taught me well
> "what can help can hurt" remember, the human body is a bio-magnetic
> phenomenon
> and powerful magnets improperly used can disrupt normal bioelectrical
> activity in the body.(improper use can adversely affect blood pressure and
> blood sugar levels.)
> lets assume for a moment that you were using a magnet to shrink a
> tumor.if the
> north pole were used to stop its growth and reduce it, would the south
> help it grow?  think about it !!!
> having said that, i am not suggesting you dont work with magnets and
> learn..i
> will continue to share data with you.but s with anything..proceed with
> your head on tightand only experiment when you have been convinced
> it is prudent to do so.
> as i get more time and see that there is interest in the magnetic field,
> continue to write to you ...i have limited time, so i must make each
> sort of brief, but i promise that i will continue to keep adding to my
> articles here as i can
> thanks for reading my words
> steveO
> --
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RE: CS>magnet therapy

1999-09-08 Thread Robert Ratliff
How do you lower blood pressure and is it permanent?
I can supply some sources for magnets. They aren't that expensive. Wal-Mart
is even selling them now. I have bought some books on magnetic therapy, but
would like some recommendations for good magnetic informatin. I was not
impressed with the ones I have. I am shrinking moles with an herb.
U shaped magnets arn't supposed to be any good according to my sources.
In my experience with several people, the results have been temperary.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, September 07, 1999 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: CS>magnet therapy

Magnet Therapies
magnets have been used for over 10,000 years in therapies for many diseases,
as well as for pain relief.  magnetic therapies were the precursor to
i have personally visited "operating theaters" in ancient temples in Asia
which date back before "Christ."  in them we found crude acupuncture needles
and magnets.
to answer the questions of Charles King, any dis-ease can be helped using a
magnet or magnets.
the hows, whys, andf wheres can be saved for another letter i will
personal questions will be answered as i am able to do so with my schedule)
which type of magnet to use or not is irrelevant for the common user. there
are specific and very expensive rare earth magnets which i have but the are
hardly affordable and use is very specific. any magnet will generally
from an old speaker.  i have used them sucessfully too !
however, before you run out and tear your stereo apart, please let me warn
you all.
this is a science...and like any science, there is one truth which my master
taught me well
"what can help can hurt" remember, the human body is a bio-magnetic
and powerful magnets improperly used can disrupt normal bioelectrical
activity in the body.(improper use can adversely affect blood pressure and
blood sugar levels.)
lets assume for a moment that you were using a magnet to shrink a
tumor.if the
north pole were used to stop its growth and reduce it, would the south pole
help it grow?  think about it !!!
having said that, i am not suggesting you dont work with magnets and
will continue to share data with you.but s with anything..proceed with
your head on tightand only experiment when you have been convinced that
it is prudent to do so.
as i get more time and see that there is interest in the magnetic field, ill
continue to write to you ...i have limited time, so i must make each letter
sort of brief, but i promise that i will continue to keep adding to my
articles here as i can
thanks for reading my words

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RE: CS>zhan zhuang

1999-09-06 Thread Robert Ratliff

Ahh soo Grasshopper.

You may not sweat but Americans will for
at least
the first few times they do it.


- Original Message -
Sent: Saturday, September 04, 1999 7:05
Subject: Re: CS>zhan zhuang

| In a message dated 09/04/1999 12:11:06
PM Pacific Daylight Time,
| writes:
| << Try just one of the zhan zhuang
positions and
|  you will be sweating within ten
minutes and
|  will see how difficult it is. >>
| I have learned from Master Yu Peng Shi
and Master Cai Song Fang (Choy Sung
| Fong). No sweat.
| wong
| --
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for discussion of colloidal silver.
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RE: CS>OT,How old are you?

1999-09-01 Thread Robert Ratliff
Page can't be found.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-
From: Debbie McDonald []
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 11:35 PM
Subject: CS>OT,How old are you?

   Debbie McDonald

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RE: CS>Re: How old are you....

1999-08-31 Thread Robert Ratliff
How howdy doody?

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-
From: Vilik Rapheles []
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 1999 3:09 AM
Subject: CS>Re: How old are you

Oh this was delightful! I haven't thought about most of those things

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RE: CS>effect of cs on friendly flora/parasites/food poisoning

1999-08-24 Thread Robert Ratliff
I have a question. If cs decreases friendly flora in dogs, doesn't it
decrease friendly flora in humans?

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-
From: []
Sent: Tuesday, August 24, 1999 9:04 PM
Subject: CS>effect of cs on friendly flora/parasites/food poisoning

Hi list,
as I come out of my fog I finally found Brooks Bradley's post on their study
on the effect of CS on the gut contents of dogs. Lately I've seen a lot of
questions about whether CS works on parasites and whether it affects
According to Brooks study the CS had no effect on their intestinal parasite
worm population but "Almost total elimination of all pathogenic inhabitants
of the gastro-intestinal tract of all dogs, together with a 75% reduction of
friendly flora"
Also total elimination within 48 hrs of botulinum detected in two
during the original evaluation.
I assume botulinum is similar to the bacteria causing food poisoning in
humans - so this also applies to the questions about food poisoning.
Hope this helps,

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CS>magnetic therapy

1999-08-23 Thread Robert Ratliff
The newsgroup has magnetic posts. Some of the other
health groups may also. If you have a newsreader that will search the groups
it helps too.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

RE: CS>FDA Goes After Colloidal Silver Products

1999-08-23 Thread Robert Ratliff
Jewel weed only.

  From: Marshall Dudley []
  Sent: Monday, August 23, 1999 1:30 PM
  Subject: Re: CS>FDA Goes After Colloidal Silver Products

  CS or jewel weed?  We have had very good success with warts and cs mixed
with aloe vera.

  Robert Ratliff wrote:

I have been using jewel weed for poison oak. Works great. I'm trying to
rid of a couple of warts. I hear it should do that.
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RE: CS>FDA Goes After Colloidal Silver Products

1999-08-21 Thread Robert Ratliff
I have been using jewel weed for poison oak. Works great. I'm trying to get
rid of a couple of warts. I hear it should do that.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-
From: michael []
Sent: Saturday, August 21, 1999 7:28 AM
Subject: Re: CS>FDA Goes After Colloidal Silver Products

Well, I don't want any ingredients in my CS either.  I don't even like
pouring it through a bleached paper filter when I make it, so I use

Next year when the jewelweed comes up I plan to pull it out, but instead
of throwing it on the compost pile, find a way to strip the juices from
it and introduce CS to it for topical applicationbecause i'm

I do not buy CS, I do not sell CS, I make my own CS, and just for these

juice extractor


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RE: CS and spouting

1999-08-18 Thread Robert Ratliff
With the world shouting eat raw someone has to be on the other side of every
issue. I'm afraid if I breath I will die. Probably of some unsterilized
thing entering my person.

Rinse them in silver-water or a hydrogen peroxide solution.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 2:53 PM
Subject: CS and spouting

will rinsing spouting seeds with this control ecoli and samonella?

"Consumers need to understand that, at this time, the best way
to control this risk is not to eat raw sprouts, she says. Raw
sprouts have been associated with salmonellosis and e-coli
infections, the FDA says. Children, the elderly and people with
weak immune systems are at greater risk for developing serious
illness due to food borne diseases.

"If you do opt for sprouts, the FDA advises you to: Cook
sprouts to reduce risk of illness. Check sandwiches and salads
purchased at restaurants, and request that sprouts be omitted.
Be careful of homegrown sprouts. Sprout seeds may be
contaminated and bacteria present in or on seeds can grow even
under clean conditions."

"I have also read that because of the delicacy of sprouts, they
can't be effectively washed to clean bacteria off them. Since I
recently purchased hundreds of alfalfa and broccoli seeds for
sprouting for Y2K, I'm not sure what to do myself. Cooking
destroys the enzymes and some nutrients. What are your thoughts
on this?

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RE: CS>Heartburn

1999-08-18 Thread Robert Ratliff
Inconsistencies do occur. Besides my body does not lie to itself. Only the
tongue to another.

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-
From: Brooks Bradley []
Sent: Wednesday, August 18, 1999 1:46 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Heartburn

Dear Sir.
Lecithin, as far as our research has determined, is
overly hygroscopic.  Therefore, causing constipation would seem to be
inconsistent with its characteristic as a very powerful emulsifier.

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RE: CS>Heartburn

1999-08-18 Thread Robert Ratliff
I wonder why when I or my wife takes lethicin, it constipates us? Even small

Best Regards, Robert Ratliff
SE Tenn.

-Original Message-
From: Henry Reed []
Sent: Tuesday, August 17, 1999 11:04 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Heartburn

Taking lethicin will usually correct acid reflux even if tobacco is
continued. I read that and had my 74 year old mom try it.  Worked
completely.  She took at least 6 caps of the liquid lecithin per day.
Somethimes more.  Also taking high potency multi-vit-mins too.

Ivan Anderson wrote:
> Dear Vassili,
> CS will only be of benefit if the heartburn is caused by stomach
> ulcers or an infection of the stomach lining. If this is the
> case, then taking a tablespoon (perhaps mixed with MSM) every
> couple of hours or so, may be of benefit.
> Other causes have been listed as, smoking, fatty foods, obesity,
> alcohol etc. but a recent study has found that:
> "Exactly what causes heartburn and acid reflux isn't clear,
> either. Previous studies have indicated a link between acid
> reflux and obesity, smoking and alcohol, but this study found no
> such correlation. Nor did the Swedish researchers find a
> definitive link to spicy foods.
> Some doctors recommend avoiding certain foods to relieve mild
> heartburn and acid reflux, including onions, tomatoes, coffee,
> chocolate and carbonated beverages. They also recommend against
> lying down after a full meal."
> Of course if the problem is intense then seeing a medical
> practitioner would be advisable.
> By the way, do look into Brooks advice, keeping the body well
> hydrated has the habit of resolving all sorts of problems.
> Hope this is of help
> -
> ---
> - Original Message -
> From: Vassili Kalashnikov 
> > Dear Ivan, would you tell anything about how to use CS against
> heartburn?
> > With respect,
> > Vassili
> --
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