Re: CS tidbits - Less than accurate!
Did I do something wrong? I don't make or sell colloidal silver or machines that do. So if the info that I posted conflicts with someone eles's ideas or their business ventures, that was not my intent. I just thought the article had some merit and posted it for the purposes of evaluation. I made no comment pertaining to its accuracy or lack of. I chopped most of the sales pitches since that would be inappropriate to post. I see I should of chopped more if I realized how sensitive it was to some. I linked the site so others could see the source if they wanted too. I did not know that the color of CS is a dead issue or dead horse, whatever. Wil C. came in last week with a lavender CS. Since I am unsure or paranoid about making colloidal silver myself, I would have bad feelings about it if I did and gave it to my family. I kind of look at things from the point, what could go wrong? I inadvertantly jumped right into the core of the issue. I've got a better understanding now of what is involved. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
CS tidbits
IS THERE REALLY "GOLDEN" COLLOIDAL SILVER? There is no such thing as "golden" colloidal silver. Silver is white. Lange's Handbook of Chemistry lists silver as "...the whiteist of metals. Pure silver particles suspended in water should have a very slight white-colored fog to it. If you make colloidal silver with a very low current, it will take a long time... long enough for silver compounds to be formed due to electrolysis. Even distilled water contains trace elements, and Merck's Handbook describes many silver compounds as "pale yellow." They include silver bromide, silver carbonate, silver chlorite, silver hyponitrate, silver iodide, silver nitrite, silver phosphate and silver picrate. Some of these compounds are described as toxic. The proper way to make colloidal silver is to use enough current to cause tiny silver particles (each 12 to 15 atoms) to be "knocked" off of the electrodes, making the desired concentration in 7 to 15 minutes. This is a MECHANICAL process. You want to do it quickly enough so that chemical compounds do not have time to form. If the process takes 20 to 45 minutes, the chemical process overshadows the mechanical effect, and you get silver compounds. WHAT compounds depend on the content of the original water. Some silver compounds are quite toxic. Merck's lists silver nitrate as highly poisonous. NEVER use SEA SALT! In order to conduct electricity, a TINY amount of salt must be added to the water. Without it, you cannot get enough current to flow. This salt must be very pure, or you risk adding more impurities which will combine with the silver to make still more chemical compounds. You want plain, pure salt. Sea salt is the residue from evaporated ocean water. The ocean contains not only sodium chloride, but EVERY MINERAL KNOWN TO EXIST ON THE PLANET! Sea salt is NOT pure sodium chloride, but contains virtually everything on earth. It may make a good trace-mineral supplement, but DO NOT use it in making colloidal silver. I looked at the salt available at the grocery store and found that, while some contain aluminum salts as a desiccant, Morton non-iodized salt does not. It does have a tiny amount of sodium silicate, which in the "few grains" required should cause no problem. A better idea might be to use "Canning and Pickling Salt" found in the canning supply section. It is generally pure salt. If you're really paranoid, you can get pure sodium chloride in a sterile distilled water base in small bottles from your pharmacist. In the tiny amount required, one small bottle should last nearly forever. BUYER BEWARE! Many "colloidal silver makers" have appeared on the market with price tags ranging from $120 to $250, and every one I've seen has consisted of a small plastic box containing three 9 volt batteries and a light bulb! While this circuit works, the current varies with the water conductivity, the condition of the batteries, and the length of electrode immersed in the water, making it hard to get a consistent concentration of silver from batch to batch. It's also pretty hard to justify paying $250 for a $5 plastic box and a tenth-ounce of silver wire! To address these problems, I designed a circuit which is AC line powered and uses an electronic constant-current regulator to eliminate the batteries and guesswork. Rather than the skinny electrode wire used on the other devices, I chose heavy 12 gauge silver electrodes, which will last for many hundreds of gallons. The Colloidal Silver Generator will transform 16 ounces of distilled water to high-quality colloidal silver in just 10 minutes. This device was featured in the April 1997 issue of 73 AMATEUR RADIO TODAY magazine. Complete article can be seen at: -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Fever wrote: > > Have your son tested for Lyme Disease and Babeosis in California they are both > caused from a tick bite the reproduction cycle for these two infections along > with onother called Erliciosis can all be inflicked from one tick bite. I have > the first two diseases. I visited your beutiful island in May, along with my > husband, who also has Lyme disease and my daughter who flies for Delta. on > the intrenet look up Tick borne diseases and look at Lyme and Babeosis. Or > take alook at" MANAGING LYME DISEASE DiagnosticHints and Treatment Guidelines > for Lyme Borreliosis", By Joseph J. Burrascano, Jr.,M.D., he is the expert on > tick born diseases Diagnosis and treatment, try and get a copy over the > internet. the address is htm > good luck and let me know if this turns out to be your sons problem. Carol > Interesting post. What do you think Dameon? bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Chicken Pox
Candace Hawthorne wrote: > > Hello List! > > I am responding to a post from August 1, It is rare but there are > cases of people getting Chicken Pox more than once without any > intervention of CS. I know because I had them at the age of 24 a couple > of years ago, and this is what the doctor told me. So I would go ahead > and use the CS to treat to make sure that things don't get out of hand. > > Be Well All, > Candace Bless You. I agree. We don't want another RARE case of death. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: ATTN: BJS wrote: > > OK, to all the sensitives who're - or will be - retaliating because I > mentioned Texas in a sarcastic way, COOL IT... it's no big deal. I only > meant that it's been so damn hot there lately one may do better in HELL. > Besides, I live in Cleveland, so you can all start laughing now. > > Dameon > > CLEVELAND, !! You mean the ARMPIT of America Ha, Ha ha ha! bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Texas
M. G. Devour wrote: > > Dameon wrote: > > > Thanks for that tid-bit about the world's population! I did *not* > > know that everyone could fit into the state of Texas... but *who* > > would want to live in *Texas*!! hehehehe > > I don't know, Dameon, the Texans I've met have been a little bit > "different" for sure, but... > > I've verified the anecdote about the world's population being able to > fit in Texas, and still have 1500 square feet for each person to move > around in. I admit it would not be sustainable, but picture the > *entire* rest of the globe completely wild and unpeopled. > > Gives a different perspective on the environmentalists who are > predicting such dire consequences from overpopulation, doesn't it? > Raises my skepticism a notch or two. > > Yes, I know this is off topic. Sheesh! > > Mike D. Over in Eroupe there is a little country called Monaco. sq. mile .58 Popoulation, 28,000 = 1 person per 323 square foot. No income tax - No corporate tax. Half of all income = Tourists. United States is 410,000 sf. per libertarian (est.) bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS & Immunity - IT'S ALL RELATIVE wrote: > >> cells do on their level. And did you know that when sperm enters a woman > much of it is *immediately* treated as an intruder and destroyed? Yet we > still have over-population. > Dameon > _ And did you know that you can take the worlds entire population and fit them into the state of Texas? Then you can accomodate them in 1500 sf. homes that would house four people, and still fit in the state of Texas. To prove it, all you need is a worlds almanac, pencil and paper. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Smallest Particle CS: Key to killing Lyme?
Nancy B. wrote: > > The info at the CSPro site & regarding the Motherlode > regarding smaller particle size could certainly have > significance to those treating Lyme disease with CS. > > In recent scientific literature from Lyme Disease > Foundation, as well as a couple lectures I went to, I > learned that borrelia burgdorpheri, the bacteria that causes > Lyme disease, apparently attacks intracellularly. > > Thus, it would make sense to take the smallest particle size > CS possible, enabling more silver per given ppm to be > available to the vast no. of cells infected. > > Perhaps this explains why some of our list people have > responded better to CS than others; either their infection > hadn't gone intracellular yet, or the particle size of their > CS was smaller than the others. If HVAC is the answer to > the smallest particle size, I'm no where near close with my > 24volt AC to DC unit. It certainly has helped me keep Lyme > at bay, but I want to go "all the way" in my fight against > these microbes, which incidentally have the ability to cloak > themselves with human proteins, deceiving our immune > systems. That has been my feeling for quite sometime Nancy. The SURFACE area of smaller particles is quite astonishing. Maybe the math pros around here could give us an laymans example of surface area of particles that are 100ppm at .001 verses .005 for example. I thought Reid was going to say something today about his Water-oz silver. It appears that he is in the placebo study at the moment. I think that is a good sign and a very valid observation on his part. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Silver and immunity
Debbie McDonald wrote: > > All, > I was reading the "silver" topic on a pet related list today and someone > that > uses it said that she used it on her young daughter for chicken pox and the > pox > were gone in 48 hours BUT, she said this left the child with no immunity to > the > pox and she acquired them again three months later. Anyone have any opinions > on > this one?? Deb > Chicken pox is tricky anyway isn't it? I mean that it returns as shingles later in life. I know one guy that has had it for 12 years now. So the body doesn't really get rid if it. I found the following, so sometimes it is not wise to let the body take full responsibilty. bjs Posted by Jody on February 10, 1998 at 15:16:52: In Reply to: chicken pox vaccine posted by Marie on September 17, 1997 at 09:56:13: DO IT! My healthy 21-month-old son died from complications from the chicken pox. If only someone had stressed to me the fact that children can die from chicken pox, and the need to get him immunized, only God knows. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: PLEASE READ: Summary and recommendations...
M. G. Devour wrote: > > bjs wrote: > > > M. G. Devour wrote: > > > Oops! I didn't mean to imply that I would force anyone to > do anything. Everyone makes their own choices. If I am misreading the > issue I want to be overruled. I should have made that clearer. I don't know. All of us are just sitting around reading all these opinions and the list leader comes in and sides with keeping things one particular way, some here can take it that the RULING has come down. It's all down hill from here Mike, or is it up hill? > I would think that people will just tell us what they're willing to > contribute to and when. If they're concerned they can't give to > both maybe they can reduce their pledge to the other fund? We've > gotten over half way there without anyone even mentioning a shift of > their pledge, so I hope there might not even be an issue to worry > about. Both will be intact and successful in their time? Like Reid said, maybe we put the cart in front of the horse. All I am saying is if someone wants to divert their money to a cause that is of a more immediate need (most probably did not know about the original fund to begin with and may of contributed to it) there should be no problem. I'm just glad that I did not contribute any pledges yet because that look pretty cheap of me. (grin) > > We should error on the safe side. Just think of it as a little tax > > cut for the already over exceeded goal. > > I just wonder if that testing isn't going to end up taking every > penny we're willing to throw at it? Not a criticism of the idea, > which I support fully, but rather acceptance of several corollaries > to Murphy's Law! Don't worry Mike, we know you will cover the difference. I will even be the fund raising leader to pay you back. Comforting thought, huh? > > I guess this is unpopular with the higher ups around here. It is > > really starting to turn me off to be honest. Thankfully, I got a small foot because it quite frequently ends up in my mouth. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Money...
> > Here's mine: > > > > Reid Smith > > 1407 N. Glendale > > Marion, IL 62959 > > > >Thank you all for understanding my situation and helping. > > > > Take Care > > > > Reid > > > An here is mine as well! > > Jim Einert > P.O. Box 10 > Ozone, AR 72854 > I think I know some people that are from Arkansas, that ought to be at Marion. That is the place, right Reid? bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: PLEASE READ: Summary and recommendations...
M. G. Devour wrote: > > Pledges: I agree with those who want to keep the pledge funds > separate. I think it's safe to say we're facing at least a couple > weeks worth of work before we could have anything to test, assuming > we are careful in selecting exactly what is to be tested. So whoever > else wants to contribute for microscopy equipment, please do so soon, > keeping in mind your committment to the microbial testing fund. I respectivly disagree. There are those that want other people to tell them what to do with their money, and there are those that would like to make that decision for themselves. We should error on the safe side. Just think of it as a little tax cut for the already over exceeded goal. I guess this is unpopular with the higher ups around here. It is really starting to turn me off to be honest. We as a group can do anything we want, and we will. Once they start controlling the money, there will be none. Let's keep it clean as we can. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: MCT Update 7/29 AM
George Martin wrote: > > On Wed, 29 Jul 1998 14:31:19 -0400, Douglas McMurtrie wrote: > > => > =>Regarding the use of funds for Jim Einert. I was not actively > =>participating on the list when this issue first came up so I don't know > =>what kinds of commitments where made by list members regarding > =>reimbursement. My own feeling at this point is that this fund was > =>started for a specific purpose. The pledges were made for a stated > =>goal, i.e. for the professional biological testing of CS, and that to > =>divert funds from that purpose now would be inappropriate and would > =>serve only to defocus this particular effort. There are many aspects to > > My thoughts exactly. The efforts of Jim should be in parallel with the lab > tests. If the list decides to begin another > funding effort then I believe it should be separate. We need to remain > focused on the goal as stated. Of course, > there can be more than one focus but each should require a different > 'instrument'. > > * My $.02 in lieu of addition pledges (at this time) ;^p > > Regards, > George Martin I think someone already suggested that if someone wants to divert their MCT donation to Jim or Reid that would be acceptable. Gives each one the power over their OWN money. Otherwise, this could cause a few problems. We are not at the point yet that we are staring at a bill to pay off anyway. No one even sent a sample to Doug yet for the free test! bjs bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Money...
M. G. Devour wrote: > > Hi all, > > Just so everyone understands, the request for contributions you got > from Reid is one that I have approved of. He and Jim Einert are > getting set up to be our resident microscopists and are going to be > of great value to the whole program. > Would it be helpful if their address's were made known? I don't think I ever seen them. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Research on CS
> > Jeff La Favre wrote: > > > > ... I wonder if there should be an effort to bring in individuals > > who do medical research for a living. ... I can't help feeling > > that CS will never be used widely unless its effectiveness is > > established by the medical community. > The medical community does use CS, of some sort, on burn victims. I was just talking to a fellow last week whose son was badly burned. He said they treated him with a "substance" containing silver. Other than that he did not realize that silver could be used in other areas. He was really impressed that such a bad burn could be healed so quick. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Boy - They got Plans for US!
Candace Hawthorne wrote: > > I have heard that Clinton is a Coke Head too!! Party Boy! > > Candace > -Original Message- > From: bjs1779 > To: > Date: Thursday, July 23, 1998 3:11 PM > Subject: Re: Boy - They got Plans for US! > Candace; I don't think Mike D. wants this stuff on the list. As much as I disagree with him! I can hardly wait for my pink slip tomorrow. Sorry Mike, I always was a thorn in everyone's side. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Research on CS
Jeffrey La Favre wrote: > > I am new to this list and have been following recent messages with great > interest. I would like to pledge $20 to your research efforts. > > My wife has been ill for two years and I believe that she may have Lyme > disease. After seeing a number of doctors, we finally have an appointment > to see a LLD. In the mean time I have been trying to educate myself on > treatment of the disease. > > I would characterize myself as a conservative person with respect to > alternative medicine but want to keep an open mind. I have read personal > stories of individuals who have found CS useful in treating Lyme disease. > And I have heard of others who have tried CS without much benefit. I > suppose this is not surprising since there appears to be many sources for > CS, commercial and home-made, which probably vary considerably in their > chemical composition. And it seems to me that there is a wide range of > dosing practices by those who are self-medicating with CS. > > I admire the efforts of those in this group who are conducting research on > CS. I think this is a great start. However, I wonder if there should be an > effort to bring in individuals who do medical research for a living. I hope > you will not find this suggestion insulting because that is not my intent. > In fact, I think you may be on to a very important finding (i.e., the > effectiveness of CS for treating various diseases). But I can't help > feeling that CS will never be used widely unless its effectiveness is > established by the medical community. I know that many of you have great > mistrust for the medical profession, and with good reason. However, there > must be some medical scientists out there who do science because their > primary motivation is the search for truth. > > Again I hope I have not offended anyone with my comments. > > Jeff La Favre > Hello Jeff; You sound sort of timid. Don't be. This is a pretty nice bunch of people around here. Feel free to speak your mind, no one will insult you for that. There are a few of us that like to think we are more right, at times, than others. I probably am one of those types. There is no intent to put you down if ideas should contrast with yours. Part of what I am talking about is due to the perceived feeling of public humiliation. As one of the chief pre- ators around here, I can tell you that this is nobody's real intent. Do you hear me Whitney? bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS five gallon plans???
Reid Smith wrote: > > >> DC Electricity.101 tells you that 3 batteries in series MUST be of the SAME > >> electrical size as to voltage/amperage/capacity. This is a NO-NO!!! > >> Of course it will work for awhile BUT the output volage/amperage will drop > >> when the smaller battery is exhausted. > >> Good Health to All. > >> gb. > > >Just wire in a 12 pack. Lift one tab on one end, and one tab on > >the other end for your connections. All cans must be in contact. > >bjs > >Should I use BUD or MILLER and should they be empty or full. Probally > empty would work better. On the other hand it might be kinda hard > to do the wiring after drinking all of them. :} > > Take Care > > Reid As an enviromentalest, I prefer Bud because the animals like it on tv. You may draw off equally each can until you hit .08 on the TDS-1. For better accuracy, just drive down to the police station to have them check. Take a couple of cans along with you just in case you test a little low. Let me know how it turned out. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS five gallon plans???
Daniel Holly wrote: > > I have it on good authority that there is one factor missing from the plans. > I had some private correspondence with Cisco until a few months ago... > In it he revealed that he added a can of "Hawaiian Grande" beer to the > CS solution as an accelerator.Spiking the five gallon container with the > beer produced optimum CS concentration and produced it quicker. > Hope this helps > > Dan Yes it does help. I just add enough beer to get that preferred golden yellow color. Miller time. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: More Freon Woes
Ken Fairchild wrote: > MADE IN THE U.S.A. AND > DISTRIBUTED IN MEXICO BY > DUPONT > > Think! It's a felony for me to bring a US made product back to the US! > More of the same from those wonderful Republicans and Democrats. Oh > well, such are the times we live. I heard a good one on NAFTA. Part of the agreement was to give the FDA the authority to extend its influence 500 miles down into Mexico to target unorthodox medical practices that pray on U.S. Citizens. Also heard Hulda Clark closed up her clinic down there. They also use colloidal silver in the clinics down there, so that should keep this post legal. bjs Freon made this country great! Or was it CS? -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS five gallon plans??? wrote: > > Greetings; > > DC Electricity.101 tells you that 3 batteries in series MUST be of the SAME > electrical size as to voltage/amperage/capacity. This is a NO-NO!!! > > Of course it will work for awhile BUT the output volage/amperage will drop > when the smaller battery is exhausted. > > Good Health to All. > gb. Just wire in a 12 pack. Lift one tab on one end, and one tab on the other end for your connections. All cans must be in contact. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
vibrnthealth wrote: > > Daniel Holly wrote: > > > > I too agree. > > Accelerate the workings of KarmaWow > > , I hope I can say Wow again , just because an idea doesn't work > as fast as one would want don't destroy intention . Positive advice > might be given to Cisco. Intention is like prayer it has positive > results. Dave T. Tough to get good fruit out of a bad tree. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS and immune system (was GSE)
Philip Collins wrote: > > Far as I know, antibiotics do not destroy the immune system. Maybe, maybe not. A couple of things that is clear is that antibiotics do kill the friendliest bacterial and leave you open to fungal invaders that the freindlys held in check. Also man made antibiotics encourage the bacteria to mutate into a more dangerous form. 50% of all TB is now antibiotic resistant. In other words, they are smarter than the people who make the drugs. BUT. When > your immune system has to deal with an infection *by itself*, either the > invaders overwhelm it and you die, or else your immune system rises to the > occasion, creating antibodies that can kill off the invaders, and thus > strengthening itself, especially against those invaders. That's how you > develop immunity to certain diseases. I believe that if you depend on > antibiotics, or CS, or anything external, to fight infections, the immune > system gets less chance to exercise its functions, and does end up weaker > than it would be if it could have dealt with the infections by itself. So I > do not think it is a good idea to depend on *any* external microbe killer > until you have given your immune system a chance to handle it by itself. If > that doesn't work, then it makes sense to use external help. My theory is that trace amounts of silver in your body enhances your immune system. Sort of like Vitamin C prevents scurvy. It could very will be that there may be a RDA of silver in your vitamin someday. I don't think it is safe to assume that we (they) know all there is to know about the functions of minerals that the body can take advantage of. Also, the bad guys that silver is effective against, have never demonstrated the ability to mutate to survivability in the presence of silver. You have not persuaded me to stay sick, so I can stay healthy. Remember, we are dealing with a natural substance and not something that is cultivated in a test tube. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: [Fwd: Question] From Stan on Cisco
Jennifer Ruby wrote: > > This is direct from Stan on the Cisco Situation. Wish I had better > news. Hope this might settle the questions in peoples minds, and like > Stan said, "move on with Rife" . > Jennifer > > j > > --- > > Subject: Re: Question > Date: Fri, 24 Jul 1998 18:35:14 -0500 > From: "Stanley Trumans Jr." > To: > References: <> > > Jennifer, > > I will never judge a man by what he wears or what he puts on his body. > (tatooes) but I will judge him by what he says and what he does. Rick was > only part of what I thought he would be like. He dresses like a biker and > has tatooes on his arms and long hair. > > Rick is a talker and even talks more after a can ( or cans ) of beer. I have > watched him and his wife sometime drink almost a case of beer everynight. I > find it funny that for a man who was suppose to have liver cancer and tells > evrybody they should be drinking silver water and taking different herbs, > etc. to put that much beer down ever night. I stayed on their boat for > almost 2 weeks smelling the cat box that was hardly ever changed and even > had to rent a car for us to drive around because they never got their tags > or what ever. I also ended up buying them some meals as their money was low > because neither one of them was working. His wife was wearing a back support > ( don't know for sure if back was bad or not ) and he told me he couldn't do > his job without her being able to do her job. She was doing sheet rock > mudding and taping. They did take me around the island one day and did some > sailing on other peoples boats. The boat that they bought with Johnnys money > has rotten wood both on deck and below deck and has no sails, rigging or > mast for the sails. They have the stuff to put it togeather but not the > money to do it. There is lots of wood work that needs to be done below deck > to make it a nice boat that would be sea worthy. Rick can carry a > conversation on any subject you want to. This is what made me wonder about > him. NOBODY knows everything. > > The straw that broke the camels back was when we went to the club, with > them drinking beer till 9 pm and when ricks wife asked me if I was having a > good time and I told her no I wasn't she asked me why. I told her that I > like having supper which I never got that night and then she told me that > they couldn't afford to eat out even after I was paying for most of the > meals for them. Then I told her they sure had enought money for beer ( > dollar a can ) and she got mad at me. Well Rick took me back to the boat and > started on me about having a attitude problem and then I started in on him. > The day after that I packed up my suit case and moved to a motel and ran > around with some people from the boat club who also have told me some stuff > about rick. I left Guam not knowing that he took the money from Johnny and > not signing the contract and mailing it back. Johnny told me he wanted to > tell me but he was afraid that I might end up in the bottom of the ocean so > he never told me till I got back. > > Rick is for Rick and will pay the price for doing what he did. Johnny has a > heart bigger than anybody I have ever talked to and its wrong to do what > rick did. Johnny has not heard a word from rick since he got the money. > > As for me the trip was not a complete failure as I have made some good > friends with a couple that have 2 children and treated me really great.I was > never offered to be shown around the islands that were suppose to have > machines that Rick has built and only seen one machine which johnny had > supplied most of the part for. > > So there it is. I could write you some more about him, but I now want to > move on with Rife and help johnny get some of his money back. > > Stan I feel sort of guilty for not expressing my view on Cisco, especially after he started asking for donations for his boat. I think I am partly responsible because I did suggest to him that if he were trying to help people that he should ask for donations. It was not a serious gesture on my part however. I was trying to finalize an accurate opinion on him. I remember a lot. I remember his posts to the Rife list. I noticed all the inconsistancies. Remember, with Cisco, you cannot challange him directly. He claimed to have to cured his cancer with a Bare/Rife device. The post on the cansema list suggests otherwise. He is also the only person I know that will tell you that he won the Purple Heart, the Silver Medal, and the Bronze medal in Veitnam, and use that as levarage to try to get what he wants. I confornted that sorry attitude of his on the Rife list and he has said not a peep of such disrespect for the dead since. The list is long. You see, I was able to do what I wanted to do because I changed my e-mail address to another. That was not pre planned, it just worked out like th
Medical ID #
"Once all medical records are computerized with unique identifiers such as Social Security numbers, an instant check system will give all government agencies the power to deny basic services, including daycare, school, college, access to hospital emergency rooms, health insurance, a driver's license, etc., to those who don't conform to government health policies." Full story at: -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
brains wrote: > > well Dan I dont get a reply on that one . > > The original message was received at Fri, 24 Jul 1998 17:48:35 +0930 > from [] > >- The following addresses had permanent fatal errors - > >> Try ci...@millertime.con -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Boy - They got Plans for US!
Douglas McMurtrie wrote: > I may not want anyone other than my doctor to > know that I have cooties or whatever. Isn't that my right. Apparently > not! What's going to happen if you refuse to provide your "Medical Id" > to the doctor. Will he have to refuse you treatment? > Fear and Loathing in the Land of the Free. > > Doug. > Not only that, it is to be connected to your drivers license too. I guess the cop needs to know if you are a mental case if he pulls you over. (not saying that you are!) I would say that the plan would also force you to give your ID # for any health related purchase, such as herbs, vitamins and anything else. I also predict that Clinton will NOT have to comply. (he never released his medical records as all other presidents have done, suspicions are cocaine rehab. records) bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Boy - They got Plans for US!
I smell a rat! And no doubt Alternative medicene is the cheeze. bjs Associated Press July 22, 1998 Laura Meckler Associated Press July 22, 1998 Laura Meckler Congress Won't Delay Medical IDs By LAURA MECKLER Associated Press Writer WASHINGTON (AP) -- Prompted by questions about patient privacy rights, House Republicans considered -- but rejected -- delaying a program to give every American a computer identification number to track health care from birth to death. In a 1996 law, Congress directed the Clinton administration to implement the plan. But the administration has moved slowly, fearing sensitive information about health and medical treatments could land in the wrong hands. While the administration has implemented related portions of the law, it has yet to even issue a proposal for the patient ID in light of misgivings by privacy advocates and some doctors' groups. The ID numbers are meant to aid insurance companies that need to track medical histories as patients move from one plan to another, and to help health researchers by providing unprecedented data about the effect of treatments over a lifetime. Members of Congress did not recognize the privacy implications of what they had done until media reports about the issue came out this week, said a Republican congressional aide who worked with the House leadership in considering a delay. Leaders considered putting the plan on hold while they looked at it more carefully, the aide said. But in a meeting late Wednesday afternoon, they decided to let the law stand. The 1996 law that established the identifying code is known chiefly for allowing many Americans to keep their health insurance when they change jobs, even if they have pre-existing detrimental health conditions. The law also directed the administration to assign codes to health care providers and insurance companies. Those plans are moving forward. AP-NY-07-22-98 1924EDT -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
God Speed
I always found this to be an interesting testimony over on the Cansema web site. I infer no conclusions. Just one of those curious things. bjs Case 0697: Cansema Capsules Greeings from Guam! I have both good and bad news to report! (1) The first application of Cansema created an eschar, as I described to you initially. Then the thing healed and began getting larger. (2) Second application was done. This caused pain and irritability, some small leaking of the area and then stopped working. This was now going on 23 days from first application. Being determined, I did a little reading... and asked questions of a local doctor... (3) Made a poultice... big scoop on the area and a little scoop in the gauze. Well, the pain was not as great, localized but still intense. As each day passed, i felt better than with the other applications. Remember, the area to be treated was on my back in the T7 to T9 range two inches to the left of my spine. I could not see what was being treated, but my wife could. Seriously larger than they were telling me. On the 11th day, the bandage was removed and the area was leaking massively. On the 12th day when the bandage was removed the tumor came out... get this... it was over 1/2 inch in diameter, over 7/8 in length. Nearly to my lung. If I were not fat it would have made it, only good thing I can say about my weight. The hole was large enough to put your little finger into it, up to my first knuckle. In the days to follow I have had greater energy than in the past 6 months. My health seems to have been energized! The Doctor who has looked at the hole is amazed but prefers to cut on people, anyways. He said this product saved my life! That is the point of my writing today. I will add that the hole in the past week has closed and is healing quickly, faster than any other cut has healed on my body. It is only a small dime sized scab now and shows very little indentation. This product saved my life... simple and grateful... Thank you. I shall spread the word. Pictures were not useful... most were ruined in the recent typhoon... sorry... I did try. I and my family thank you from our hearts. God Speed to all of you. Rick (from Guam) August 19, 1997 Back to Cansema Opening Page Home Page Order Form -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Fidget wrote: > > > * > > Brian, Barbara, Rifers and Silvers -- > > My first impression of this post was shock. It was rather difficult for > me to believe that Cisco is or "would be" that kind of person. Let me > tell you why... The man has come to a conclusion and admitted to the world he is a "fool". The only other alternative to this is that he is even a bigger fool if he is wrong. This would be easy to "spin" so we may not know for awhile. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: "Cobalt" Blue bottles ??? wrote: > none of us stand a chance and we may as well buy our grave plots right > now because of all the things assaulting us at every moment these days! > Just walking down a city street we breathe about 2000 new chemicals a > year! > Dameon > Some place in the bible it says something like this, "In your wastes, you shall die". I did not find where it says "forget it". Other than that, I can understand how your feel. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS Article: "CS A Closer Look"
chc wrote: > > Hi List; > > > I went to their web site and was hoping I could find the article, to > perhaps share it, but no luck. Not knowing what the copyright laws > on-line are, I think we would need permission from them and I'd love Is this it chc? -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Copying Url's
Philip Collins wrote: > > Mike, I know you *said* you were kidding, but let me get the rules straight: > did I actually commit an error by mentioning a phone co? > I was just trying to think of something useful that bjs might not already > know. > > Whitney Yea that's a bigie, what was the fine on that Mike, 100 bucks wasn't it? bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Testing, protocols, etc.
Paul Bembower wrote: > > I have only recently joined the list, but I have several suggestions re: > testing of CS that might stimulate some discussion. Here goes: > > 1. Could a standard method of "home brewing" be proposed, by which > individuals with commercially built and home built generators of various > types could produce sample CS lots for testing? I think this is going to be a pride and experience thing Paul. If our CS brewers think of themselves as in a pickel contest, we should accept this on good faith. Commercial or home built? I think we are thinking to have home built tested for now. I happen to buy mine, but most others cherish the results of home grown. We may address everything someday I bet. Depends how much Doug gets for FREE! > 2. Each sample would be coded with a unique indicator of its production > method (Sample 1, 2, 3, or 4) Every pickel will have its life story on it. > The above tests would make it possible to generalize about what is > *being produced* by the CS community. THEN representative samples of > what is being used should be tested for efficacy against various > pathogens, microbes, viruses, etc. That is the trend. > > If a typical home-produced CS solution were found to have, for example, > an average particle size of .011 micron, and a TDS of .0005 mcg per > liter (I just made these up, folks!) then it would seem reasonable to > send samples across a range of particle size and TDS both above and > below the typical level to some organization, lab, or other testing > agency (How 'bout Consumer's Union or Good Housekeeping?) to determine > the efficacy of *typical* CS solutions against a variety of pathogenic > agents. Actually, it would be nice to have a Low-high-average. Then there is the contamination factor. My gut feeling is to stay away from ORGANIZATIONS. UNLESS someone has some freinds in there that will do a little work on the SIDE. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Microhydrin
Philip Collins wrote: > > Charles, I am going to TRY to *accurately* give you a url for microhydrin. > Fingers crossed, here goes: > > > > Whitney Collins > Whitney; I have used Netscape and MS explorer. When I find a url and want to get it right, I just get the address HIGHLIGHTED and COPY. Then go to mail and PASTE immediatly. NO typing! I can't believe no one mentioned that to you yet. Hoping to make your life better. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Response to jbs on CS Testing & Fundraising
Robert Wells wrote: > I dread reading all the e-mail, Yes, I can see where you would. You just took maybe 12 lines of my communication and expanded it to a 60 line reply. I think being short and concise has its virtues. Please consider this as one of those rating things. bjs > Best regards, > > Bob Wells -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: MCT Update and MORE!!
Douglas McMurtrie wrote: > >> > So the short story is, we need to decide on the brewing process, cook > some up, mail it to me and I'll get it to the lab for the test then I'll > post the results. Then we and the MCT lab will have a much better idea > of what we're using on the bug tests. That is providing there's not such > a long time between the two sets of tests that shelf life becomes an > issue. We need to move briskly on this since if the lab gets busy with > their paying work then the offer may be withdrawn. We should try to have > consensus on this within a few days and I would like to have sample in > hand within say 10 days. Does that seem reasonable to all? > > Thanks, > > Doug See, nothing to it! bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: MCT update
Douglas McMurtrie wrote: > > > > > > 3. I think more donations would be made if these issues were settled. > >With a little more money and a plan of action, we may(you) in effect > >not be wasting money. > >There is only "we" in this effort. While the fund was my idea, it was > inspired by Bob Wells original investigation into microbial challenge > tests done by commercial labs for industry. As to the fund itself, I am > acting only in the role of secretary. I intend to leave any collection > of monies and final decisions as to its use to Bob or other designees > who have more experience both with CS and with the people on this list. > I will cast my one vote just like everyone else when the time comes. > > Doug > Take no offense, but let us not get bogged down by chit chat. Let's focus on what we want to do. "You" donated. "WE" (me) has not yet. From the e-mails I received, there is interest to get things going, in a quick manner. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: MCT update
Douglas McMurtrie wrote: > > The tentative target is $400.00 based on Bob Well's original contact. > This number will get more specific as we get test specs and pricing from > the labs. > > After the logistics are worked out, a mailing address will be provided > and notification will be made to everyone. 1. I think the people donating the money should have the last say about just what is going to get tested. 2. I don't think anyone that donated understands what is going to be tested or what it is going to be tested on. 3. I think more donations would be made if these issues were settled. With a little more money and a plan of action, we may(you) in effect not be wasting money. 4. To attempt to start that process, would it be more cost effective to have our "better brewers" samples checked for ppm and particle sizes before any lab culture work is done? This is where I would kick in a donation. 5. Nothing we do is to imply the safety of CS to anyone on this list or in any way to anybody else. Only the FDA can do that. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: UPDATE - ATTN: BJS!! wrote: > > Yup! And he shrugged and asked what it is and what it does. When I told > him, he snidely remarked that "we've only known about most bacteria for > a hundred years or so"! Say WHAT?! How the HELL does that relate to > people staying healthy from using it??!! See, *this* is the kind of > ARROGANCE that I've had to deal with; and what's *really* pathetic is to > watch how all the new interns hover around this guy all eager to learn > his "wisdom". He probably has the power to end the interns career very early if they didn't. Similar to Clinton I guess. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: UPDATE wrote: > > > By the way, list, I lost another in a long line of friends with my > disease on Friday. He was only 27 and believed in and fully trusted his > "doctor" - the same "doctor" I trusted for most of my years, > Dameon > Have you told your doctor about CS Dameon? Did you friend try CS? bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Doctors
Douglas McMurtrie wrote: > > Be careful with such a radically level and evenhanded position, we > wouldn't want people to start thinking that there might actually be two > sides to every coin now would we? Let me suggest the technique of > "tarring them all with the same brush". This is especially helpful when > it comes to saving the energy we would otherwise have to spend in > thinking about and dealing with different individuals and circumstances. > A well developed set of preconceived notions combined with a fixated > inflexible dogmatism never hurt either. Hope this will be of some > assistance in getting you over your nicely balanced viewpoint. Some > things even CS can't cure. ;-) (Sorry all, just for fun, couldn't > resist) > > Kindest regards, > > Doug. > I am unbalanced, unevenhanded, a tarr brusher, a saver on energy, preconceived, fixated, inflexable, dogmatic, and CS doesn't cure this. I take full responsiblity for all others lap of sensiblle thought. Now, could that end it for awhile? bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: But the bulk of medical and scientific knowledge is valid, p
Thinks I Know That Work. Things. whiz kid. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: But the bulk of medical and scientific knowledge is valid, p
W. D. Cavanaugh wrote: > > My point is: almost nobody I know has any knowledge of comfrey (which > even > works on my dogs and peafowl-- I didn't know that either. Maybe we need an off topic subject here about, Thinks I Know THAT WORK or something similar. > Jump subjects: Is there such a thing as colloidal gold? Yes, 100ppm is available. bjs > Wil Cavanaugh -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: TDS-1 What it actually does!
George Martin wrote: > > =>>It seems to me that I need to find a water lab that can tell me exactly > =>>what I have and then I'll have to calculate a conversion factor to measure > =>>my solution in the future. > =>>If any of you experts out there has better information, or can give me some > =>>direction, I'm anxious to hear from you. I think I had assumed that the > =>>TDS-1 would give me an accurate measurement of the ppm in my CS. > => > > You should have tests run at different concentrations (i.e. 5ppm, 10ppm, > 20ppm) as read on the > TDS-1 to check for linearity, For example, if the TDS-1 read 5ppm and the > lab determined the > sample was 12, the TDS-1 read 10 ppm and the lab read 25 and the final sample > read 20 ppm on > the TDS-1 and 50 ppm from the lab, we would be reasonably certain that the > conversion factor (2 > in this example) would be good for the ranges we are concerned with. > > Regards, > George It should be noted that the TDS can not identify ionic particles. Bob reported as much with his conversation with the manufactures of the TDS meters. At least that is my memorey of what he said. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Microbial Challenge Test Fund
MYCA, INC. wrote: > > If you decide to go with a commercially prepared cs,I will be happy to donate > a > 4oz. bottle of the product I distribute[COLL/AG-40,MILD SILVER PROTEIN,@40PPM > and .001 microns in size,color-golden].Just let me know and I will ship it > whereever you would like. > HAVE AN UNBELIEVABLE DAY > ARNIE FARBER Thanks you very much for your generosity Arnie. It would be VERY interesting to compare it to the HOMEBREW that everyone is making around here. I think it is very possible that some CS will work more effectivly than others. We are just now starting to get on track to determine a whole bunch of things. I certainly will save your post for when the group decides to take advantage of your offer. Of course, I am only speaking for myself, and others may want to voice their fine opinions. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Microbial Challenge Test Fund
>Here's a thought, if you go over the $200 limit why not donate the > excess to Jim Einert to help him cover the cost of his camera for his > microscope. I'm sure he'll be putting that camera to good use and helping > the CS croud. > Take Care > > Reid EXCELLENT idea Reid! In fact I've had some reservations about the test because I don't know what CS is going to be tested. It seems most of the group here is making their own CS. So to me, since there has been studies already on commercially prepared CS, a STANDARD home-brew that is as close to what everyone is making should be the likely candidate. The only problem I don't know is, does the homemade stuff stay effective long enough in order to get an accurate analysis? bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Doctor bashing summary...
Daniel Holly wrote: > > I was just giving you a tough time Mike .As you know my vote would > be thumbs down[throw 'em to the lions] > If I had any doubts about it I don't now. > Listen to some of the doc-bashing on a Richard Schulze[master herbalist] > tape > for a real good entertainment value. > > > Dan H. > > -Original Message- > From: M. G. Devour > To: > Date: Saturday, July 11, 1998 1:33 PM > Subject: Re: Doctor bashing summary... > > On 10 Jul 98 at 13:16, Dan Holly wrote: > > > Your summary omitted one item > > How many thumbs up and how many thumbs down? > > > > Dan 1.Dan: Thumbs down 2.bjs: Thumbs down 3. 4. 5. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: TDS-1 What it actually does! wrote: > If any of you experts out there has better information, or can give me some > direction, I'm anxious to hear from you. I think I had assumed that the > TDS-1 would give me an accurate measurement of the ppm in my CS. > > Have a great weekend everybody. > > Bob Wells At least they were not too expensive. Should be okay to check the quality of water before the process begins though. As a side thought, has anyone tested their water before and after ozoning it? Just curious. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Lyme & Candida Test
Booklet Page #15 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Public Health Service National Institutes of Health Rocky Mountain Laboratories Hamilton, Montana 59840 (406) 363-3211 FTS (700) 322-8400 January 13, 1995 Dear Sir:* This is to inform you that we have received a sample (12 ml) of your colloidal silver (1,500 ppm) preparation and have evaluated its effectiveness in a preliminary pilot study against Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi (B31) and against the relapsing fever agent, B. Hermsii (HS-1).* In both tests, BSK cultured spirochetes were treated with 150 and 15 ppm of colloidal silver. When examined 24 hours later, none of the treated cultures contained live spirochetes. Few spirochetes, all dead, were observed at 48 hours. Additional in vitro and in vivo studies are in progress and will be reported as soon as results become available. Sincerely yours, Willy Burgdorfer, Ph.D. Scientist Emeritus Rocky Mountain Laboratories Microscopy Branch Tom G. Schwan, Ph.D. Senior Staff Fellow Laboratory of Microbial Structure and Function WB/TGS:bk Return to Table of Contents Booklet Page #38 TEMPLE UNIVERSITY A Commonwealth University School of Medicine Department of Microbiology and Immunology Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19140 (215) 707-3203 Fax: (215) 707-7788 February 2, 1995 Preliminary studies on your silver preparation (1500 ppm) show it to be effective in inhibiting and killing strains of Candida albicans and Cryptococcus neoformans in-vitro. Four strains of C. Neoformans were tested and they were killed by the preparation at 150-300 ppm. The growth of these strains were inhibited at a concentration as low as 0.3 ppm. Three strains of C. Albicans were tested and they were killed by the preparation at between 46 and 93 ppm. Growth was inhibited at between 0.7 and 1.4 ppm. Additional studies should be done to evaluate in-vivo effectively. Sincerely, Helen R. Buckley, Ph.D. Professor HRB/mm Return to Table of Contents -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Milk still Okay
It has now been 7 days and milk has yet to sour. Treatment was 1 teaspoon in 4oz. And just think people worry about getting their milk home in time. I'll think I will find me a cat and have him take a taste test. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Legal to prescribe already?
Nancy B. wrote: > > Could someone please supply the URL for the web site with > this article? > > Thanks, > Nancy > -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Legal to prescribe already?
This is an interesting aricle at Joyce's web site. Almost sounds like it is legal to prescribe. bjs Clinical Use Report Of MSP Dr. Joseph J. Cardot Researchers have been warning the medical establishment for years that the indiscriminate use of antibiotics could spawn mutations in pathogens (bacterial, viral, and fungal), creating "Super Bugs" resistant to all known medications. The result, they warned, would create a "post antibiotic world" where common, as well as uncommon, infections would quickly escalate into fatal illnesses. The warning have been ignored; the result is that we are--right now--facing a major threat to human life from formally treatable infectious conditions. A friend of mine, Dr. Richard Callahan, York, NE, in a recent phone conversation remarked that, in his opinion, mutated pneumococcus nacteria and viral pneumonia will be killing thousands of Americans annually within five years. Bad news indeed. The good news is that Mild Silver Protein (MSP) may be an answer to the dilemma we are facing. I have operated a family practice for 37 years where I have treated all types of infections in patients varying in ages from infants to over ninety. Before prescribing any treatment I believe a doctor should determine if the patient might suffer harmful effects from the treatment. "First Do No Harm." The treatment should also offer the prospect of helping the patient recover. MSP meets both of the criteria. I started using a silver suspension in protocols for patients with infections in January of 1992. The first patient, a female, had "walking" viral pneumonia. She was placed on one tablespoon of the silver suspension t.i.d. She was asymptomatic the fourth day into treatment. I was astounded. I thought that it might have been a misdiagnosis. Since that first experience I have treated more than 50 cases of viral pneumonia with the same positive results. Time of treatment varies, due to patient condition and severity of infection, from four days to thirty days. The outcome, however, is consistently positive; the infection is cleared. Since that first experience I have included MSP in protocols for all types of infectious diseases with positive results. MSP has cleared reoccurring ear infections in children who were scheduled for tube surgery making the procedure unnecessary. Infectious fibromayalgia (Fibromyositis) and Sjogren's syndrome patients have benefitted from MSP therapy; MSP therapy helps many rheumatoid arthritis patients with synovial fluid infections that are causing inflammation to no longer need steroids. Systemic Candida Albicans is successfully treated with MSP. It is so effective we must start with small doses to control Herxheimer effect. Staph and other infections in the mouth (Gingivitis) have dramatically improved with MSP therapy. The Lyme disease spirochete (Borrelia burgdorferi) is eliminated using MSP therapy. I have records of Lyme patients who have been taking various antibiotics for three or more years who have become asymptomatic on MSP therapy after just three or four weeks of treatment. The average duration to rid the body of the spirochete is three to nine months. Systemic Candida Albicans frequently occurs in patients with Lyme; complicating the treatment and prolonging the duration of treatment. Lyme disease is far more prevalent than is generally known. Lyme has been reported in the U.S. in 43 states, and in all of Canada. I believe that reported cases of Lyme represent only about 20% of the actual number of Lyme cases. Lyme is routinely misdiagnosed as meningitis or as a "heat rash." A red rash is a typical symptom of Lyme. Ag-Cidal and Silvicidal* are proving to be IOO% effective in getting rid of the Lyme spirochete when they are included in the treatment protocol. The important thing about MSP therapy is that it is non-toxic. I have never observed any side effect from using MSP therapy, and I have used it in patients with all kinds of infections. In acute conditions as much as four tablespoons per day has been given, with no adverse reactions observed or reported. HIV positive patients have responded to MSP therapy if begun before the advanced Stages of full blown AIDS. Temple University studies indicate that MSP kills the HIV virus in vitro. I believe that the HIV can be completely eliminated by using higher concentrations of MSP than can be absorbed with oral dosing. In vivo studies should be done using 250 to 750 ppm MSP administered IV. Due to the fact that MSP is non-toxic in high concentrations, this could prove to be a God-sent treatment for the millions who are suffering and dying from AIDS related illnesses. The use of AZT and other chemotherapeutic drugs, in the vain attempt to treat AIDS is, in my view, simply death by prescription. These drugs destroy DNA and the immune system; a case of "the cure being as bad as the disease." Why not use a proven to be non-toxic
Testing CS?
Dear List; I don't mean to throw a wet blanket on the noble efforts to get CS tested here. BUT, I think it would be misguided to think that it may somehow make CS mainstream if that is our intention. If it is for your own personal knowledge and all of that, that is fine. Now that I have upset everyone, I had the misforture to pay the Quackwatch web site a close inspection. It is truely SCAREY. They got the laws on their side and are pushing for more and they aren't afraid to use them. Not only do they go after individuals, the writing is on the wall for many companies, some of which I do busness and have been satisfied with. I would not be surprised that these people may attempt to take some sort of action on some of the alternative newsgroups. I don't know if writing them would help or really make things worse. Right now, I think the latter. It appears that ONE of their motives is money for themselves. I sure hope everyone takes some time to VISIT their lovely site. I can tell you up front that WHATEVER you are doing is WRONG and they encourage YOU to take action against the companies that have hoodwinked you into buying their products. In California, the INDIDIVUAL consumer, has the SAME power as the Attorrny General. Weather I am being overly concerned or not, I certainly am IMPRESSED! Here is one example. I hope that everyone realizes that there is the other side of the coin on anything. This is not the main page, but it will take you there. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Doctor bashing
Tom Young wrote: > > Nancy, > Your point is well taken. I think my strong reaction reflects what I > and many others feel about the general state of the Health Care System > (which I would rename the Disease Management System). Disease Management Growth Fund System** ** Substantial penalty on any withdrawal Here is ONE of my favorites. It is a true story. A doctor here diagnosed a man and determined he had cancer. The doc put him on a bunch of chemo drugs. The man got sicker and sicker and decided to go out of town for an another opinion. He was told he did not have cancer and they removed him from the drugs. Surprised to hear this, the man came home and told the doc; I didn't have cancer doc. The doc replied; That's good, we got it in time! bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: to flame
Douglas McMurtrie wrote: > > Ah to Hell with it!. I replied to bjs flame in private but a public > attack deserves a public response. > > Lots of anger there bjs, particularly for a person who hasn't been to a > doctor in 25 years. What is this, vicarious crankiness? If you want to > discuss, I'll discuss. If you want to go sarcastic, I'm perfectly able > to go there too. First of all, this is not a FDA or AMA oriented newsgroup. Quite the opposite. Most people are here for a variety of reasons, but one common denominator for most being here is a general disenchantment with the mainstream medical monopoly to begin with. In other words, mainstream medical worship and the urge to forgive them for their faults is not deeply entrenched here. Some here, including me, can be darn right angry about it. So that being said, you know at least where you are at. If I went to a doctors newgroup and extolled the virtues of alternative medicene, I would expect some discomfort. Speaking of that, mainstream medicence sure ain't got nothing kind to say about alternative methods. So I don't know how lovey dovey this can all be. > > And as to arrogance, arrogance is playing at scientist in your kitchen > lab in your spare time for six months then proposing to tell men and > women who've dedicated their lives to the field that they don't have a > clue what they're talking about. I would like to remind you that this one covers more than me here. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
More Milk News
As threatned, I did another high tech test on milk. I put two four oz. glasses out in the garage on Friday. I put one teaspoon of CS in one of them. No signs of any smell or curlding as of this morning(Monday). The other untreated milk was FOUL smelling and curlded. So for the hell of it, I put one oz of the CS treated milk in the bad stuff. As of now, there is no smell in the bad one either. Tempreture around 80 degrees ambient. My conclusion is that the CS is either a good antibacterial agent or one hell of a deodorant. Anybody tested their CS yet? bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Doctors etc
Douglas McMurtrie wrote: > > Mike, > > Your statement about doctors was nicely done. Not having to be as > balanced as the moderator though, I would go a step further myself. A > large part of the problem with modern medicine is that it has been so > SUCCESSFUL. For Who? Our expectations have been raised to the point that we > expect perfection from them every time. How many here expect perfection? Most everyone that has to rely on modern medicine feels like it is sort of like rolling dice. And of course, when it comes to the money, the dice are loaded. Any reasonably objective view > of the capabilities of medicine today would have to conclude that the > level of knowledge and efficacy is damned near miraculous. Remember > folks, we wouldn't even have names and etiologies for any of the > diseases that are spoken about on this list if not for the tireless > efforts of doctors. At this point, are you from this country? Look at what progress has been made in the general > quality of life in the past hundred years alone. A hundred years ago a > thing as small as a toothache could kill a person. Today, something as small as a cavity can kill a person, especially when the dentist passes on his Aids virus. There was only one > option. Pull it. Today people in their sixties routinely have all their > teeth in relatively healthy condition. You seem to be evaluating teeth to health for the most part. Could be that people just brush their teeth nowadays? That was not a standard practice from what the old timers tell me. Just one tiny example out of > thousands that could be provided as to how our greatly our lives have > been improved by these despised doctors. I haven't been to one in 25 years. If I knew then what I know now, it would of been 29 years. The last time I was really sick, it was from the whooping cough, and I got that from the whooping cough vaccine! My major surgery was uneventful enough though, the doctor burned out a wart on the top of my skull with what looked like a soldering iron. , I respectfully suggest that the situation is completely > reversed from that proposed. It is not that most doctors are incompetent > scum with a few minor exceptions. It is the other way around. Most > doctors are bright, knowlegeable, effective practicioners of medicine > with a few minor (but harmful) exceptions So you think they can overcome the complications of Viagra with Porzac? . The onus is on US to raise the quality of our > experimentation and presentation if we hope to move this thing from the > realm of folklore and make its benefits available to the public at > large. I suppose you could say the same thing about them. How many STUDIES do these jokers get anyway? Coffee is bad, salt is bad, the list is so long that my brain automatically deletes that information like that. Then they do 180's on the previous studies! They haven't got a clue what is going on. They are so EDUCATED that they think they are IT. That is arrogance, and your explanation as to why they shouldn't listen to ordinary people is arrogance personified. Then when they can't do anymore for their patients with their limited ways, they exile them to the land of Hospice. If you are a doctor or a relative to a doctor, obtain some high quality CS and try it on the antibiotic resistant cases of staph before they get butchered to smithereens. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Provocative thoughts
Charles L. Church wrote: > > Secondly, I've been meaning to suggest to the list another WILD > possibility... please forgive me if I seem rustic, but could the removal > of silver and gold coin from circulation be a major contributing factor > the onset of so many modern diseases? Mankind have used these for money, > (and for very good reason), from creation till now, and now all these > wierd diseases? > > Charles > I have noticed that decaying bacteria SEEM to be inhibited by the mere proximity of silver. So, if you had silver bed springs, you otta be in pretty good shape. Maybe the people who invented SILVERWARE aren't so dumb. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: The size of things
Tai-Pan wrote: > > Hi list, > Was scanning some postings and my eye caught on some numbers. My brain > likes numbers so my eyes are alert to them. > A posting was talking about blood and said that a red blood cell was > 7 mm in size. Since a red blood cell is really 0.0077 mm in size ,was > wondering what the differance was. To make the comparision decided to > use a childs play block to represent 1 X 10-3. That means that it would > I think most everyone knew that it was a typo or a misunderstanding. 7MM is just a little smaller that the standard 7.62 NATO bullet. Hardly compatable in the blood stream. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Testing CS/grapefruit seed extract
Reid Smith wrote: > > > Your reference to "brain fog" prompts me to offer the following > >suggestion. Our research group has been doing some investigational > >inspections of existing literature/research results relating to > >Excitotoxinsand their effect on the human brain. > >Something that I should mention that concerns brain fog. I've noticed > while looking at my blood from day to day that my blood gets thicker as I > get worse. Thick blood doesn't get into the small capilaries and brain > as it should. Thus causing the brain to be starved to oxygen inturn > brain fog. With years of starving the brain of oxygen an you have > distroyed enough brain cells to cause alshimers. > > Take Care > > Reid > Reid, whatever you are doing, I can tell you are feeling better! bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: psorisas wrote: > > We have several lotions and creams on the market here. They can be mixed with > the CS water and are easier to apply to the skin and stay there longer then > just spraying the water on the skin. > Some even use a cocoa butter lotion the same way. > Try that and see if it helps. > Jerry W. > Try some ozonated olive oil too. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Testing CS or other anti-microbials
> Sam Allen at the company responded with the following: > > "Regarding testing procedures, these are quite standardized and reliable. > Laboratories have to be accurate to get repeat business. Known strains of > microorganisms are placed in vitro in measured quantities, and the > germicide is introduced in succeedingly smaller parts per million, until no > inhibitory effect is established. This procedure generally is performed by > hundreds, then tens, until you get into single numbers. (Why the report > said 10 to 100 times more effective.) This then provides us with an MIC, or > 'Minimum Inhibitory Concentration'. This has been consistently the easiest > and most reliable way to test the effectiveness of any anti-microbial > agent. Will since they have the lab report, I wonder if they would want to part with a copy of it? A lot of companies say they have lab reports, but for some reason, never produce them. The better ones do however. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Testing CS wrote: > All microorganisms tested were inhibited with moderate levels of GSE l > iquid disinfectant. High levels of chlorine bleach inhibited the test > organisms, but moderate levels were not effective. Because the GSE li > quid was inhibitory at much lower levels, it may be assumed that it is ten > to > one hundred times more effective than chlorine against the organisms u > sed in this study. On average, GSE proved to be ten times more effective > than the colloidal silver. Chlorine ain't worth a damn anyway. Comparing it to CS seems to be marketing. "100 times, 10 times, on average", what kind of a study produces that kind of precise numbers? bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Proposed rules from the FDA (long)
Charles L. Church wrote: > > > . they also are literally killing their own people with the > > restriction on alternative medicines ...the churches are just as > > bad for suppressing information for 1500 years to keep people under > > their control . > > > > "The Churches"??? A little broad, don't you think? While many churches have > no other end than that which you name, > Charles L. Church I did not write the above Charles. Got me mixed up with someone else. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Proposed rules from the FDA (long)
brains wrote: > > M. G. Devour wrote: > > > I'm forwarding this without studying it in great detail, but I agree > > with William Busser that it is worth examining. Each may respond > > as their conscience dictates... > > > > Mike D. > > > > > > well in reply to the FDA having that much power ...all governments > are heading the same way my opinion THEY ARE EVIL in their > attempts to control vitamins etc all for a FEW MEASLY dollars > . they also are literally killing their own people with the > restriction on alternative medicines ...the churches are just as > bad for suppressing information for 1500 years to keep people under > their control . > > a well every dog has its day and ours is coming .. > > -- > Peace and Health to you and may the White Light protect you > > Brian in OZ > > VK5KBW What would Trevor in Oz think of this Brian? bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Proposed rules from the FDA (long)
M. G. Devour wrote: > > I'm forwarding this without studying it in great detail, but I agree > with William Busser that it is worth examining. Each may respond > as their conscience dictates... > > Mike D. I wrote at least 5 different responses, none seem to fit, the only thing I can do is pray. After all, who cares? bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS - colon bacteria
Paul Andree wrote: > > > > Hi Bob and List, > > > > > > Just a thought here on this. > > > If CS is completely absorbed from the stomach, then it will never reach > > > the colon. > > > It would seem that the good bacteria, and/or the bad bacteria will not > > > be affected by the CS. > > > I don't know that this is fact, as I am surmising. > > > Does anyone have thoughts or info on this? > > > > > > Thanks, > > > Paul Andree > > > Eustis, Lake Co, FloridaAOL Instant Messenger = andreepaul > > > > Someone on this list reported that he had his stool tested and it > > contained CS. I think he said it contained a similar about to that > > which he had been taking. > > bjs > === > > Hi again, > > Is it possible that this person took their CS just before or after > eating? > I read in another posting where the person recommended taking CS on an > empty stomach. > Is this a contributing factor to having CS in the stool. > > Paul Andree >If you remember your first post, you thought it was all absorbed in the stomach, what has changed your mind? Otherwise, we are going in circles. A lot of us has taken CS for some years now, and no complaints. What EXACTLY do you want to know? bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS - colon bacteria
Paul Andree wrote: > > wrote: > > > > >Dan wrote: > > >I heard a guy on the radio talking about how his IONIC silver was better > > >than any colloidal silver.One drawback of IONIC that he did "fess up to was > > >that helpful bacteria in the gut would be wiped out. > > > > Folks, I'm starting to get more and more confused. I need to get some > > straight-forward, hard science that is verifiable and repeatable with > > regards to the effects of CS on different bacteria. > > > > Help me out here folks. > > > > Bob Wells > > --- > > Hi Bob and List, > > Just a thought here on this. > If CS is completely absorbed from the stomach, then it will never reach > the colon. > It would seem that the good bacteria, and/or the bad bacteria will not > be affected by the CS. > I don't know that this is fact, as I am surmising. > Does anyone have thoughts or info on this? > > Thanks, > Paul Andree > Eustis, Lake Co, FloridaAOL Instant Messenger = andreepaul Someone on this list reported that he had his stool tested and it contained CS. I think he said it contained a similar about to that which he had been taking. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS Experiments on bacteria, yogurt, milk, etc wrote: > > Folks, I'm starting to get more and more confused. I need to get some > straight-forward, hard science that is verifiable and repeatable with > regards to the effects of CS on different bacteria. Jim Einert has been > doing some testing with yogurt and has reported that good bacteria seems to > thrive with CS. Upon questioning, however, he admits that he's not sure > how to distinguish between good bacteria and bad bacteria. There seems to > be an assumption that if the organisms come from yogurt, they must be good > bacteria. Perhaps, but I'm not sure. There have been threads about CS > changing bad bacteria into good bacteria. Some people (apparently Dan > among them) think that CS kills good AND bad bacteria. In fact, that is This is what we are all wondering about right now. May have something to do with oxygen loving bacteria and the ones that don't like it. Maybe like the CS opens an avenue for oxygen to penetrate the bad guys and enhance that effect for the good guys. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: yogurt and CS, AGAIN!
Michael C Slivinski wrote: > > Hello All, BJS, let me ask this question a diffrent way. When you look at the > yogurt is that the good culture and you have also bad culture to compare > it to. Where is this bad culture from. Or does yogurt contain mostly good > and some bad and eventually yogurt goes bad over time bcause the bad over > comes the good bacteria in the yogurt. BJS response of yogurt is good, I > agree but in time it (with out cs in it) it too spoils... so what happened > there. > thanks mike slivinski I don't own a scope anymore Mike. Good question though. I suppose from our point of view, anything that would make the human body sick would be considered bad bacteria. Maybe when Jim has the time, he could let some spoil then add some CS to it. That gives me the idea to try that on spoiled milk and see what happens. Just think if something as simple as CS could be effective on the BX and BY virus too! bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: yogurt and CS, AGAIN!
Michael C Slivinski wrote: > > Hello All, question! How do you designate or determine (criteria) of the > good from the bad. Maybe you posted this earlier... but misseed it. > Thanks mike slivinski > Yogurt is good, right? bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS and yogurt wrote: > > Hi List,I made a slide with a drop of this solution. It > too was fairly active. Next I let both slides set for about 8 hours, > and checked them again. This time the slide WITHOUT the CS was less > active, and the slide WITH CS was more active. It did not kill the > good bacteria, but in fact may have made it more active. > My idea of how this happened is the colloidal silver may have killed > out the bad bacteria and allowed the good to grow or become more > active. The slide without the CS still had the bad bacteria growning > that was hampering the good. Don't know, just an idea. "Allowed the good to grow", that is absolutly FANTASTIC! I wonder what a "man made" antibiotic(anti-life) would do. I sure appreciate your work Jim. As simple as it is, I think it is about the best I have seen. It was getting a little old relying on my nose. Wish I never sold my micrscope, now I'm itching to buy another one. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS and Milk -- ATTN: BJS wrote: > > Here's the site for WaterOz : > > Here's the woman I've been dealing with (very nice, but a bad typist): > > LillyLucas > > Lillian's toll-free #: 1-888-926-0220 > > WaterOz silver mineral water is $20 a pint and around $60 a gallon. WaterOz's machine will make ozone from room air, but > will also create toxins because of this; Rule of thumb is, if it's UV, no toxins. you can drink ozonated water > from it, though. As for the ozone generators for purifying the air, > there have been *some* reports of lung irritation from these, but it may > be a very subjective thing. Some people are just too sensitive. > I agree. Some people are sensitive to most anything. There is also such a thing as too much, for anything. Breathing strong concentrated ozone, particlarly at nite, when asleep, may cause irratation similar to pluresy(sp). Very little is much better than none, for most. And that covers a lot of territory with you. Perhaps I could give a better answer in your case if I had CF. If you ever venture outside when the sun shines, you are getting around .05 ppm of ozone. Assuming that does not cause adverse effects, I would adjust my inside atomsphere to a similar level. bjs > Hope this helps. > > Dameon > > - > > Do any of you know how the silver made by SOTA Instruments Inc. (the > company recommended by Dr. Hulda Clark for zapper) compare with > WaterOz? > What is WaterOz's web site? > > Does WaterOz have both silver and ozone? Do you make your own ozone > water? I know of a company that sells an instrument to make ozonated > water. They also sell an ozone generator to purify the air. > > Forgive me if I'm way off base, but I haven't been keeping up with the > news, and have been contemplating which silver maker (or ozone maker) to > get. > > :) Joyce > -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Urine Odor wrote: > > I don't know much, but I'm a bit surprised that CS would eliminate urine > odors. I thought the primary urine odor came from the ammonia we create > naturally. The implication that it is due to bacteria is new to me, but > like I said, I don't know much. Is it possible that somebody flushed the > toilet or that it runs a little? > Bob Wells NOT POSSIBLE. You never smelled rotting urine? You aren't missing much. It don't smell like ammonia. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: In regards to the 650+ list
M. G. Devour wrote: > > If the CS you're testing is high concentration (hundreds of ppm?), a > tsp would work, of course. But if you make 10 ppm stuff and use > twenty tsp of it, would it work any less well? It would, if it happens to be of the same particle size, similar in lack of contamination, and of lack of damage to the silver particulate that makes it effective. Has anyone made 100 ppm that is perfectly clear that has absolutely no visible signs of settling, and has no loss of effectiveness after sitting for 6 months? If so, how much do you want for a gallon of it?! > It might be worth more for people to find out *how much* of their CS > yields a certain amount of protection. Say, a week without spoilage. > There is no reason to say you have to be able to protect 8 oz of > milk with a tsp of CS, when the same result might be achievable just > fine with a tablespoon full instead! I think we will see a lot of testimonials here soon. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: In regards to the 650+ list
Harvey Flatbush wrote: > > Hi everybody, > > I placed the question of this alleged list before one of the leading > Guru's. Here is the letter I wrote and the anwer. > > Harvey Flatbush wrote: > > > Hi Peter, > > > > >From one end to the other on the internet, a considerable number of the > > colloidal silver websites state there are 650+ bacteria, viruses, germs > > and diseases that Colloidal Silver will terminate. Are you aware of such > > a list of these culprits. This has come up a time or two on the Silver > > List and I am beginning to wonder if there really is a list. Do you have > > any clues? > > > > Thanks, > > > > Harvey > > > > I Pray That I Can Become The Man That My Dog Thinks I Am > > Delivered-To: > Received: (qmail 9163 invoked from network); 25 Jun 1998 06:01:15 - > Received: from (HELO ( > by with SMTP; 25 Jun 1998 06:01:15 - > Message-ID: <> > Date: Wed, 24 Jun 1998 23:04:09 -0700 > From: PeLin (address removed) > Reply-To: > Organization: Iomet Net Access > X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.04 [en] (Win95; I; 16bit) > MIME-Version: 1.0 > To: Harvey Flatbush > Subject: Re: 650+ bugs > References: > Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii > Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit > > Harvey Flatbush wrote: > > > Hi Peter, > > > > >From one end to the other on the internet, a considerable number of the > > colloidal silver websites state there are 650+ bacteria, viruses, germs > > and diseases that Colloidal Silver will terminate. Are you aware of such > > a list of these culprits. This has come up a time or two on the Silver > > List and I am beginning to wonder if there really is a list. Do you have > > any clues? > > > > Thanks, > > > > Harvey > > > > I Pray That I Can Become The Man That My Dog Thinks I Am > > Harvey, > > Clever of you to see through this absurd claim. It has been passed on and on > and on. To my knowledge, no such list exists. I assume this claim grew out > of the idea that colloidal silver can kill most one-celled organisms such as > bacteria, viruses, molds, fungi, etc. Many of these organisms do not cause > disease, but are killed by colloidal silver's action. If you do run into such > a list, please do forward it to me. The most re-printed list is the one in > Zane Baronowski's book that lists colloidal silver's pre-1938 uses. This list > has fewer than 100 diseases and conditions on it. > > Peter > It is my guess and my opinion only, but I think 650 is on the low side. It kills and prevents anthrax, at least in test tubes. It has CURED every cold I ever had. It has cured the flu every time for the rest of my family. How many strains are there just for colds and flu. When they lump the word flu in, what is it, 25 - 100 different ones? It apparently kills the most deadly bacteria for Cystic Fibrosis victims that modern medicine cannot do.(Dameon) People report all kinds of maladies being brought under control in animals. To be as outrageous as possible, 6500 is a more probable number. I also was a skeptic on CS, but no longer. I think the biggest problem and the way it performs is simply the way it is made. So far, I haven't made anything that is even in the same ballpark as the stuff I buy. I wish I could. Another good test for effectiveness is to put a teaspoon full in a toilet full of urine and see if you can smell it the next day. If there is an odor, you need to improve, somehow. Actually, I did that toilet test starting on a Friday, and it was odor free when I came back to work on Monday. I am anxiously awaiting your results. Maybe we should have a contest here to see who can make the BEST Colloidal Silver. Like most days of of smell free milk award. That should get the quality of it UP for everyone. bjs Give your dog CS, and you will be. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Use of H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide)
Tai-Pan wrote: >filling. This is industrial strength and must be handled carefully, it > will quickly eat the skin off of you or eat any organic thing it can. At > 3% its very safe ,mild, I use 35% food grade h2o2 all the time. If you get it on your skin it reminds you of getting a mild acid on it. You just go to the faucet and rinse with water. DON'T get in eyes. One or two onunces works better than bleach for the laundry too. Plants also like it. Good for all their diseases. Must be diluted to 3% or less. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Ozone in Food Industry
Another Investigation? OxyFile #536 Ozone Gets OK for Food Industry Use Ozone, one of the most effective disinfectants, is used in food processing in other countries. Now, an expert panel says ozone is generally recognized as safe in the U.S. Palo Alto, Calif. -- June 14, 1997 -- A panel of experts from food science, ozone technology and other related fields has declared Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) status for ozone use in food processing. The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) allows independent affirmation of GRAS status of substances by a qualified panel of experts. The Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) requested an independent contractor to review the history and health aspects of ozone for possible use in processing foods for human consumption and for GRAS status. After an initial meeting with the FDA, an expert panel of six scientists met frequently over the course of a year to interpret and evaluate the history of ozone. Some of the panel's findings include: Ozone has been shown to be a more powerful disinfectant than chlorine, the most commonly used disinfectant. Ozone has been used safely and effectively in water treatment for nine decades and has been approved in the U.S. as GRAS for treatment of bottled water since 1982. Ozone has been applied in the food industry in Europe for decades and, in some cases, for almost a century. Ozone doesn't remain in water so there are no safety concerns about consumption. "Ozone is one of the most powerful disinfectants known. There are no toxic byproducts or potential health hazards when properly used as a microbiocide," said Myron Jones, manager of EPRI's Food Technology Center. Increasing constraints on the use of toxic gases for sterilants or fumigants also makes ozone use more favorable. Ozone is generated for immediate use. So, leaks or spills cannot occur with ozone. "An onsite ozone generator produces ozone via an electrical discharge. Ozone gas is then mixed with water for washing the food and process equipment. The wash water, called flume water, can be filtered and recycled for reuse -- a big environmental benefit," said Ammi Amarnath, former manager of EPRI's Food Technology Center. Jeff Barach,vice president of research and food science policy with the National Food Processors Association commented, "Ozone is very efficient in killing pathogens and spoilage organisms and its use by the food industry will be welcomed as another tool to ensure the production of safe and wholesome foods." Additional potential applications for ozone in the food industry include increasing the yield of certain crops, protection of raw agricultural commodities during storage and transit, and sanitizing packaging materials used for food storage. "While populations increase throughout the world, we are seeing an evolution of new microbiological strains involved in human illnesses. Ozone will help to keep people healthy," said Clark Gellings, EPRI's Customer Systems Group vice president. EPRI, established in 1973 and headquartered in Palo Alto, Calif., manages science and technology R&D for the electricity industry. More than 700 utilities are members of the Institute which has an annual budget of some $500 million. Panel of Food Safety Experts Members Dee M. Graham, Ph.D., Fellow - I.F.T. Chair of Panel R and D Enterprises Walnut Creek, CA Michael W. Pariza, Ph.D. Univ. of Wis. Food Research Institute Madison, WI William Howard Glaze, Ph.D. Univ. NC at Chapel Hill Environmental Sciences and Engineering Chapel Hill, NC Gordon W. Newell, Ph.D., Fellow-A.T.S. General and Environmental Toxicology Palo Alto, CA John W. Erdman, Jr., Ph.D., Fellow-I.F.T. Div. of Nutritional Sci., Univ. of Illinois Urbana, IL Joseph F. Borzelleca, Ph.D., Fellow-A.T.S., Fellow-I.F.T. Medical College of Virginia Richmond, VA Ozone is produced by means of an electric discharge through air or pure oxygen that is passing between concentric tubular electrodes. The ozone-enriched gas is then bubbled through water and the residual ozone is destroyed. Bubbling ozone through water provides an environmentally superior and effective alternative to chlorine. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS and Milk
Dean Woodward wrote: > > I tried the "milk test" as well, and my results were exactly the same as > yours. My CS tested 15ppm on the Hanna WP-1, and I used one teaspoon in a > half gallon of milk. Perhaps this is simply too little silver, or too much > milk. > > Dean The CS I have made also does not protect the milk very well. That is why I still buy the stuff. Water Oz CS keep it from even smelling for several days. It seemed to be very drinkable, but declined the temptation. It is labled at 100 ppm. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Use of H2O2 (Hydrogen Peroxide)
Tai-Pan wrote: > > Hi list, > Back on June 16 a person made the statement during a discussion of H2O2 > that,"The food industry uses it expressly for the purpose of its > anti-bacterial properties". > I have investigated this claim and this is the findings of the > investigation. > > The first question asked was :Do you use Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) in > your foods? All answered NO. > I reckon I am that person. Sure am sorry you made such a big effort to find out wheather something I said was true or not. I could of saved you a lot of time if you would of asked me, or at least could of gave you a better direction to pursue your query. I don't believe h2o2 would protect milk from spoiling and I don't think anyone said that. It would just clean it up temporarily and would not replace refrigeration. Try Colloidal silver instead. bjs Subject: 63FR34303 Hydrogen Peroxide; Exemption From the Requirement of a Tolerance; Correction From: Date: 1998/06/24 Message-ID: <> Newsgroups: Article Segment 2 of 2 (Get Previous Segment) (Get All 2 Segments) In the Federal Register of May 6, 1998 (63 FR 24955) (FRL-5789-4), EPA, issued a final rule establishing an exemption from the requirement of a tolerance for residues of the antimicrobial pesticide hydrogen peroxide up to 120 ppm, in or on raw agricultural commodities, in processed commodities, when such residues result from the use of hydrogen peroxide as an antimicrobial agent on fruits, tree nuts, cereal grains, herbs, and spices. The word ``vegetables'' was omitted from the specific tolerance exemption language which is reproduced in five places of the final rule. This document corrects the final rule by inserting the word ``vegetables'' into each place that contains the specific tolerance exemption language. List of Subjects in 40 CFR Part 180 Environmental protection, Administrative practice and procedure, Agricultural commodities, Pesticides and pests, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements. Dated: June 10, 1998. Frank Sanders, Director, Antimicrobials Division, Office of Pesticide Programs. * A Progress Report - Revised Third Edition ECHO The Food & Drug Administration (FDA) in Federal Regulation Vol. 46 Number 6 Jan. 9, 1981, in effect gave the food industry a green light to use hydrogen peroxide in the "Aseptic" packaging process. The FDA has further ruled that hydrogen peroxide can be used in the processing of cheese and related cheese products (part 133), eggs and egg products (part 1 60), and as an antimicrobial agent in whey processing. They have also ruled it to be used in cleaning and healing mouth injuries. It is used in milk in 45 countries around the world. A good article on the "Aseptic" process for milk can be found in Trailer Life Nov. 1981 pp.51-52. * -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: IMPORTANT Cystic Fibrosis/CS UPDATE wrote: > > To all concerned, ESPECIALLY those with Cystic Fibrosis (it's a long > one, so grab a snack!): Didn't you mention that you were drinking some ozone water awhile back? bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: Off topic y2k retreat
I am going to order some storable food. I bought some silver dollars, a little wood stove, and a generator. I just figured you can always eat the food, sell the silver dollars, and the wood stove and generator could of been of use to us on other occassions anyway. In congressonal hearings last week, the power companies admitted they are not ready and there is a likey hood of disrupted service. December 31 is generally pretty cold around here. Record low is -27F. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: OzWater/Ozone Sufflation
Charles L. Church wrote: > > Dear Silver Folks, > > Many thanks for all the great information I'm getting, both public and > private. One individual suggested the use of a product called OzWater, and > making contact with them it seems like a great product. It is basically a > high grace HVAC silver product. They also have a Zinc product I am > considering, and they carry many others besides. As I am thinking about > carrying the silver in my business, I thought that I would first ask for any > input from the list. > Secondly, one e-mail that was sent to me mentioned a great deal about the > ozone therapy. I was particularly interested in the ozone colonic > sufflation introducing ozone gas into the colon so as to ozonate the > blood going to the liver through the portal vein. Where would such gas be > acquired? What is the mode and protocol for such a treatment? If not here, > where could such information be come by? > Thanks again for all your help. > > Sincerely, > > Charles L. Church > > --- > > Part 1.2 Type: application/ms-tnef >Encoding: base64 On ozone, you need to go to the oxy/list. They have a great search engine that covers about everything. Also have listings for where to acquire products and where to find doctors that practice the procedure. bjs If you missed the Jovo post on hep.c, here is his address again. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
[Fwd: Re: Holding the PSA down below 4.0 in older men.]
--- Begin Message --- > We, the prostate cancer survivors in Nashville TENN, have received private > mailings questioning our progress in using Rife/Bare-cantron-beta 1,3glucan, > colloidal silver 250 PPM(certified) in our continuing battle to keep the > "monster"at bay. > > (D)after 3 "cycles" of Colloidal Silver While I myself make and use colloidal silver, it is, IMO, a harmful supplement for prostate problems taken long term (more than a few days). While it may have a net beneficial effect at first by inhibiting parasites, bacteria, and such, in the long run it will likely build up in the prostate, like many heavy metals do. As I have mentioned a number of times, the most important advice for controlling PSA is to completely avoid absorbing or ingesting metals. As I have mentioned a number of times, people's PSAs have dropped _100_ points in one month from merely avoiding metals. If this advice if ignored, then I would guess that success is unlikely, no matter the modality. turf -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour --- End Message ---
Re: ATTN: bjs1779: H2O2 & C-SILVER? wrote: > > I heard that H202 or OZONE can oxidize silver and *maybe* should be used > at completely seperate times? > > Dameon > > ~ I think that is pretty much consistant with what I said. But they do put CS in h2o2 for the food industry. Just something to keep in mind. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Joyce Inouye wrote: > > It may be a good idea make ozone water. I wonder whether colloidal silver > and ozone would work synergistically is getting rid of pathogens in our > body? > > I've read that ozone kills HIV virus, and it's possible to reverse the > condition in a month. But whenever a doctor in the United States used to > try ozone experiments, the FDA closed them down. You can read a little > about ozone at the following web site. Click on Ozone. > > Ozone water is great. It is much safer that h2o2 because water is limited as to how much ozone it can hold. No chance of overdose. It also must be drank immediatly after ozoning in order to get the oxygenation effect. Detox factors still apply, so it is advisable to start slow. I suspect that ozone and colloidal silver would complimment each other, but maybe not taken at the same time. Although some food grade h2o2 does contain colloidal silver in order to make it more effective. So maybe the oxidation factor of CS is not a great concern. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Charles L. Church wrote: > > Would anyone know of the possible dangers of O3's oxidizing effect in the > negative sense? Doubtless there can be benefits from oxygenation, but being > an oxidant, and therefore a free radical, couldn't O3 damage the body, such > that it will deplete the availability of antioxidants in the body which > combat disease causing agents? I've taken the H2O2 and all it did was make me > good and sick. I've heard the Ozone is not that way, but don't know that much > about it. I'll check out the web site. > > Charles That is a great question and cuts to the quick of a lot of the controveresy about ozone. Read below for some info. As for H2o2, you are not alone. Alot of people have a problem with it. When you say you got good and sick from it, I suspect you were actually suffering from a detox reaction from the virus dieoff. I have not come to a firm conclusion (at least orally)on h2o2 yet myself. Although, take a peek at an article I found awhile back. bjs Re: Oxylist IS OZONE A FREE-RADICAL SCAVANGER? From: DrGAF Date: Wed, 25 Mar 1998 01:21:42 -0800 Well guys gotta pipe in my two cents. OZONE is,has been and will continue to be the best free radical scavenger around. Now clocking twenty three or so years in the scientific/medical/naturopathic industry, never once have I used COQ10, Superoxide Dismutase,etc,etc, on and on. I have been using the Oxygen Therapies with marvelous results in cases that most natural therapists throw up their hands in disgust and give up at. In the test tube/laboratory setting Vitamins, A,E,C, etc. are "free radical scavengers" and have been found to "bind up " the oxygen present, when subjected to oxygen. In the human economy, though, Vitamin A,C,E and other commonly referred "free radical scavengers" have been show to still take up the oxygen ( for the more scientifically minded ) "has an affinity for" the oxygen". But with reasons far different than in the test tube. That is, in the site of injury, trauma,etc. several factors have been noted. Two of these factors are 1) An increase of oxygen around the trauma/injury and 2) An above normal amount of the associated "free radical scavengers" (commonly believed to be sucking up all the BAD "oxygen free radicals". In a nutshell, tests within the scientific community have shown that yes, in the test tube the FRS (free radical scavengers) will scarf up and bond to the oxygen and other free radicals. BUT, in the vibrant, living economy of the body, the FRS's are actually used by the body to gather up the oxygen and assist in the transport of the oxygen to the site of the injury. We have proven this out (personally) in our clinic, patient by patient, young and old alike. We have used doses of Homozon and related Oxygen Therapies, Ozone, etc. at doses many, many times what Dr. Blass did. With compounds literally 3-5 times the strength of Dr. Blass' material. We hear so often the hucksters selling their warez and saying "better than Homozon". but have yet to see this be the reality. Especially when testing the material in the Lab. I certainly hope that all truth is served in the promotion of Oxygen Therapies, but this much is assurred.Dr. Blass used up to 24 tsps.per day in 2-3 week intervals with his patients, then reduced them down to a maintenance dosage. The maintenance dosage was 2-10 tsps. per day. We at the Institute have followed suit after Dr. Blass, only we have.used up to 32 tsps. in a day and the strength of the Homozon ranges 2 to 5 times greater than Dr. Blass. The patients we see are usually quite severely handicapped in one way or another by their illness and further subjection to a compound that has such seemingly borderline risks as one would seem to perceive from the conversation around here, would only serve to subject us to unneeded lawsuits and countless other hassles (if this were truly so). In al;l my years in 02 Therapy, the reason we use it is BECAUSE of the HARMLESSNESS, LACK OF TOXICITY, and EFFECTIVITY of this modality. But, again as mentioned in the last post I didOne MUST USE IT JUDICIOUSLY, not because of potential harm, merely becaused when you are working with a modality so capable and effective in it's alterative capacity, there truly is the responsibility to not RUSH Mother Nature, but ONLY assist, encourage and stimulate her in her recupperative work. We have seen in injudicious and untrained hands the administration of these highly effective modalities and the harm done was ...NIL to nonexistent. Granted in the case of OZONE, OCTOZONE and the like the "overdosage" caused some minor distress (to both patient and practitioner) and likewise with several of the other Oxygen Therapies, (mostly Homozon and Koch Therapy). But comparitively to medicine and her "overdosages"- minor, minor stuff. It suffices to to say that if oxygen radical REALLY did cause damage and destruction, the dosages
Tai-Pan wrote: > h2o2 > Its effective action as a bactericidal agent is questionable. Its > nontoxic. The food industry uses it expressly for the pupose of its anti-bacterial properties. >Now Ozone (O3) is quite toxic and used primarily as an industrial > bleach. Its a strong oxidizing agent and used to bleach colored > substances to colorless compounds, such as oils,waxes and fabrics. > Silver,which is normally not oxidized by most things is readily > oxidized by Ozone (blackened). Natural rubber becomes hard and brittle > when ozone > attacts it. It is sometimes used to purify air and sterilize water but > it attacts everything around it (the equipment) causing a lot of > corrosion and equipment failures and toxic releases. That makes it not > economical to use and hazardous to have around. > What you say is not quite the correct picture of o3. I snipped up an article that capsulates what is really going on. OxyFile #345 Ozone: Life-Threatening Pollutant or Powerful Healing Agent? Nathaniel Altman author of Oxygen Healing Therapies 1. Municipal water treatment. "Chlorination as it is practiced in potable-water treatment plants cannot adequately remove viruses to an acceptable level. The complete control of viruses by ozone at low dosage levels is well documented."4 Today more than 2500 municipalities around the world purify their water supplies with ozone, including Los Angeles, Paris, Montreal, Moscow, Kiev, Singapore, Brussels, Florence, Turin, Marseilles, Manchester and Amsterdam. Ozone has also been used to purify the water in public swimming pools since 1950. During the Olympic Games held in Los Angeles during the summer of 1984, the European teams insisted that the water in the swimming pools be treated with ozone (as opposed to chlorine) or they would not participate in the events. 5. Medical Ozone . Today some 8000 licensed health practitioners (including medical doctors, homeopathic physicians and naturopaths) in Germany use ozone in their practices, while some 15,000 practitioners use ozone on the European continent, either alone or as a compliment to other therapies. While considered "experimental" by North American scientists, the medical uses of ozone are well-known and well-established outside the United States. Applications Used primarily to kill viruses, destroy bacteria and eliminate fungi, ozone produces a number of important benefits in the human body, including the oxygenation of blood, improved blood circulation, and stimulating the oxygen- producing facility in human tissues. It is also an important immunoregulator. For these reasons, the range of human health problems that can respond favorably to ozone therapy is quite broad. According to Drs. Siegfried Rilling and Renate Viebahn in their book The Use of Ozone in Medicine, physicians have used ozone therapy in the areas of angiology (blood vessels), dermatology, (including allergology and proctology), gastroenterology, gerontology, intensive care, gynecology, neurology, odontology (dental medicine), oncology, orthopedics, proctology, radiology, rheumatology, surgery (including vascular surgery) and urology.9 As the Canadian report cited earlier indicated, ozone has been proven to effectively purify human blood supplies. -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Now that hepatitis has now been classified as a "baby boomers disease" there is a good link for those who do not already know of it. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
re:FWD globalisem...DISREGAURD!!
DEAR List: The first part of it was interesting, but I jumped the gun on posting it. I did not read the final part of it before I posted. I am embarassed that my credibilty in doing that is no doubt, damaged. Offensive conspiracy talk is not my passion either. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
[Fwd: Re: globalism under LITERAL attack as Rioters Erupt in Geneva]
--- Begin Message --- On Fri, 5 Jun 1998, John Hammell wrote: > At 04:04 PM 6/4/98 -0700, you wrote: > >John, > >This just in: > > > >Geneva, Switzerland--In the worst public disturbances in Switzerland > >in memory, thousands of anti-globalist protesters rampaged through the > >streets here May 16-17, smashing shops and cars and fighting with police > >and Swiss army personnel brought in as reinforcements > > > > Of particular shock to the Swiss government was the presence of many > >Swiss citizens among the protesters. The protesters targeted all the > >most representative emblems of globalism such as big banks, big > >multi-national corporations, big international bureaucracies such as the > >International Labor Organization and the World Trade Organization. > > > >Many Swiss people and foreigners were amazed that the three day riot > >was only covered in their local newspapers and television. Damage to > >the city was calculated in the millions. > > > >>From the June 1st edition of THE SPOTLIGHT > > > I wish I'd been there to help out! Would be FUN to blow up a few banks and > HQs of multinational scum, along with offices of the WTO, etc, etc, who the > hell do these people think they are? What should happen is that a few > hundred thousand people from all over Europe should storm Geneva and be > prepared to take out any Swiss troops that try to stop them. They should > set fire and burn every single office the globalists and their corporate > cronies have in Geneva. They should also take out the HQ of the Codex > Alimentarius Commission in Rome, Italy. Our best defense is a good offense! > I'm glad to know that Geneva suffered millions of dollars worth of damage. > This is a good sign! > > I'm sure I'll receive some flack from my list for holding this view of > things, and some people on my list may want to unsubscribe and not > associate with me. Thats fine! There are too many mewling, puking babes and > despicable wimps who aren't prepared to do what it takes to defend liberty. > > We are bound by common decency to at least TRY to bring about the changes > we seek via the ballot box and conventional lobbying, but the NWO is > clearly out of control and it very well might reach a point where we won't > have any option but to kill the bastards before they can kill us. I wonder > how many people on my list have read the book "Votescam" by the Collier > Brothers? We aren't living in a free country here in Amerika, we're living > in a police state right now and the NWO wants to turn the whole world into > one big plantation, with all of us as their slaves. > > More people on this list should read the book "America's Secret > Establishment" An Introduction to the Order of Skull and Bones, by Anthony > C. Sutton ISBN 0-937765-02-3 George Bush was a "Bonesman" The Skull and > Bones is the Illuminati. Anyone on this list who doesn't believe we are > fighting directly against Satan should read this book. Anyone who doubts > that Satan is real won't be able to hold that view after reading THIS book. > The book explains WHY the West built the Soviets AND Hitler; WHY we go to > war; WHY Wall Street loves Marxists AND Nazis; WHY the kids can't read; WHY > the Churches have become propaganda founts, WHY historical facts are being > suppressed; WHY politicians lie, and a thousand other whys > ** > Donations Needed- Need Help to Keep Helper On > International Advocates for Health Freedom > John C. Hammell, Legislative Advocate > 2411 Monroe St. Hollywood, FL 33020 USA > 800-333-2553, 954-929-2905, FAX 954-929-0507, > j...@iahf.com > HERBS ARE _NOT_ DRUGS! HELP PASS HR 2868 > THE CONSUMER HEALTH FREE SPEECH ACT!!! > -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour --- End Message ---
Stomach Ulcers
Has anyone here know of anyone that has used CS on stomach ulcers with any favorable results? A lof of ulcers are now said to be caused by a bacteria. thanks bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: hello
bjs1779 wrote: > > Dean Woodward wrote: > > > > Hi BJS: Maybe we are all recovered from whatever ailed us. It is sure > > working for me, and I have a bunch of stuff to share with the group in the > > next week or so. I have been moving for the past week, and it is more than > > awful. We have moved from a 3400 square foot house to a 2200 foot one. Need > > I say more?? > > > > Dean > Sounds like your taxes went up! Nice to hear from you. Hello Rangoon,over, can you hear me Rangoon? Over... -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Judging by the amount of traffic on this list for the last few days, I think I will cut down on my silver intake. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: CS nasal spray / hair
Bill Kingsbury wrote: > > > Does anyone know a practical, proven way to stop mites from living > in pillows, pillow cases, mattresses, etc. (without removing and > boiling them) ? Ozone -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Darryl wrote: > > -- > > >I can at least speculate a mechanism where distilled water might not > be the best thing going under certain circumstances. > > >Most of what's in the world is soluble in water at least to some > extent. If you drink some distilled water, osmosis will take > place until some equilibrium is reached between what's going on in > your tissues and the water you've added to your system. > > Mike ...are you suggesting that distilled water will dissolve your body??? Don't think he said that. > >Some minerals > from your body will end up "dissolved" in the additional water. > > Not really the water passes through your bowels not your body, it is > blood that flows through your body not water, if you want to dump unwanted That blood is really neat, it don't need any of the water we drink. Your body does not make minerals. Your body needs outside minerals. What is the big deal? Over do anything, and you are in trouble. The baby boomers are getting a little nerotic about all of this. Rest assured, we will die. I lost interest. bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: AN APOLOGY TO DARRYL & LIST wrote: > > Dear listers: > > This is an apology to all of you -- and ESPECIALLY Darryl -- for the way > I over-reacted toward a fellow truth seeker. I felt attacked by his > initial response to my possibly ignorant suggestion that drinking > distilled water indefinitely COULD lead to undesirable affects. My > reaction was no doubt due in part to the bad news that day that my > "doctors" are INSISTING on putting a tube in my stomach for as long as a > year to make me gain weight... but that is no excuse for me to act as > aggressively as I did. We all have problems; that's why we're here. As I > wrote to my dear friend Cisco privately, this feeling of gasping for air > all the time has begun taking it's toll and after this recent lung > collapse is even worse; it tends to put a person "on edge". But that's > my own private hell and I don't have the right to include others. I do > NOT seek pitty, just sharing the facts. I can only hope that somewhere > between all the not-so-friendly remarks, someone may have gained > SOMETHING from the exchange of information. Darryl wrote to me > expressing that he feels I have/had something to do with him being > removed from the list. I don't know anything about this and I am VERY > SORRY if he has been! I ask that he PLEASE be allowed back on, IF in > fact this is true! > > Once again, my apologies to ALL. It won't happen again. > > Dameon Likowski It is hard to believe that Mike D. removed him from the list. It looked like a good arguement to me. Dameon, you are more in our prayers than you know! Folks, this is guy that has been fighting a fatal disease all of his life. Things that don't even apply to us is a sensitive issue with him. Just a little breeze to us could mean a tornado to him. That is his perpective in this world. He means no harm. Considering everything, Dameon is the nicest guy in the world! -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: distilled water -- ATTN: "Darryyll"
SkiesKing1 wrote: > > I am glad he feels better I would hate to see him when he is Bad. You let him > have it good and keep on keeping on you are inspiration to the learning how to > survive with a fatal disease :) > cindy (CALS) I think I know what you mean, but not exactly. Please clarify! You must be talking to Dameon, Right? bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour
Re: distilled water -- ATTN: "Darryyll" wrote: > > 1) I'm afraid your over-reaction to the very valid warning I gave just > made *YOU* look "nutty", buddy. It is a well-known fact that d-water is, > indeed, DEAD. There is NO NUTRITIONAL VALUE WHAT-SO-EVER. Any PH test > paper will prove that it has a higher acid level (which contributes to > disease) than even tap water, and RAIN WATER doesn't even apply here. Do > some research into why Japanese doctors actually prescribe microwater > units as therapy for sick people in Japan. You know, Japan? -- where > they refined the use of Co-Enzyme Q10? But you probably think I'm trying > to "sell" something right now, and that CoQ10 is hog-wash also, right? > And as for my "poor nutrient uptake", many on this list already know > that I've been using EXCELLENT nutritional skills for almost 22 years > (probably since before you could spell the word "nutrient") and have > read a mountain of literature AND tried just about everything known to > man -- including a trip to the Philippinnes for psychic surgery. So I > would bet that YOU'RE "education" is GREATLY LACKING in terms of actual > experience, compared to mine. IT IS A FACT THAT DISTILLED WATER LEECHES > MINERALS FROM THE BODY: Basic Nutrition, room 101. Exactly HOW much > leeaching occurs depends on many factors and won't apply the same to > everyone, but why add stress to the system? If you want to get the "bad" > heavy-metals out of your body, there are better ways than the lame > "chelating affect" of distilled water! > > 2) I'm not trying to promote or "sell" ANYTHING here -- just passing > info like everyone else. Now, if YOU want to IGNORANTLY BELIEVE that > d-water is just fine over long-term use, then keep right on using it! > You probably think eating cheese is OK, too! (And Adelle Davis -- a > leading "nutritionist" and proponent of liver-eating -- couldn't > understand why she got cancer and died back in the 1970's either!) My > "warning" was sent out to those on the list who want to "push the > envelope" of body cleansing, and plastic-bottled distilled water that's > been sitting around for who-knows-how-long just don't cut it; it > certainly beats any tap water out there by light years (except for > possibly homes with a well or spring) but there are so many variables > involved with commercial distilled water that one never really knows > WHAT they're getting. And while MOST people can't afford a quality home > distiller to make it fresh all the time, they CAN add minerals to it to > bring it "back to life" and H202 to make sure any bugs growing in it > from the factory setting are killed off. SEE HOW IT WORKS?? GET A REAL > EDUCATION. JUST BECAUSE YOU'RE DABBLING IN MAKING COLLOIDAL SILVER NOW > DOESN'T MAKE YOU SMART. Some of us out here have been fighting a > life-and-death WAR EVERY DAY OF THEIR LIVES. And for anyone thinking > that you can get TOO MUCH MINERALS, there's tribes and peoples around > the world who live into their 90's and beyond who scientists have found > drink water with TONS of minerals daily! H could there be a > connection??!! I say better to be safe than sorry. > > 3) One more thing: As I've repeatedly stated (add nausium) on this list, > I have a SERIOUS, FATAL DISEASE called Cystic Fibrosis and have SOMEHOW > MANAGED to make it into the 1% catagory of survivors for my age (42) > with my methodologies while MOST CF victims die by 20 or 30! I'd say I > probably know what I'm doing! Can *YOU* make THAT claim, "Darryyll"? > > DAMEON~L You can always tell when Dameon feels better! bjs -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: -or- with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the subject: line. To post, address your message to: List maintainer: Mike Devour