Re: insight/herx

1998-05-06 Thread tj garland
Cathryn-- Your possible Lyme  could be  mycoplasma fermentens. See Get testeg!God, Gold, and Guns made America great!  Jolly

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Re: insight/herx

1998-05-05 Thread M. G. Devour
Joyce wrote:

 Can anyone tell me what herx is?  Maybe I can help.  I recovered
 from a few degenerative diseases, and know a little about nutrition.

You've gotten the concise answer from Brooks. Here's the verbose 

Subject:  What is a Herx? Answer...
Date sent:Sun, 19 Apr 1998 14:31:25 -5

I'm not as much of an expert as any of our Lyme sufferers, but I've
heard them explain it often.

The Jarisch-Herxheimer reaction is named for the scientists who
identified the condition. It came out of research into the treatment
of Syphilis, which is the archtypical spirochete disease.

It is caused by a sudden die-off of microbes as a result of 
treatment. The dead beasties dump their toxins and metabolites into
your system all at once and it takes a while for your liver to filter
out the poisons. You then suffer an apparent worsening of symptoms, or
additional symptoms entirely the result of the reaction.

A major herx, paradoxically, is a sign of hope and improvement for the
lyme sufferer, as it means the treatment is actually getting to the
damn bugs. Given many of these folks' difficulty in getting proper
diagonsis and effective treatment, they're usually grateful to finally
see something, anything, happen.

The downside is that a sudden massive herx can be very stressful and
even fatal. We're talking the potential for toxic shock. Somebody
who's already sick and immune compromised, maybe having more than one
infection, could get knocked on their butt in a hurry with too big an
initial dose of colloidal silver. 

Severe Herx's can feature sudden fever, vomiting, diarrhea, fainting
or dizziness (from low blood pressure), and skin rash. Like other
kinds of shock, it may require urgent treatment if blood pressure
drops too low. A mild herx, while uncomfortable, does not *require*
treatment and will run its course by itself.

In the Lyme treatment protocol on one of Advantage Pharmaceutical's
web pages, you'll notice the emphasis on starting slowly, and
gradually increasing the dose based on symptoms. This minimises 
the risk of triggering a massive Herx. The URL is:

Don't interpret anything I say here as medical advice. I'm just
repeating what I've found and read elsewhere and may have it all

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: insight/herx

1998-05-04 Thread Joyce Inouye
Can anyone tell me what herx is?  Maybe I can help.  I recovered from a
few degenerative diseases, and know a little about nutrition.

:)  Joyce Inouye

On Wed, 29 Apr 1998, Donna wrote:

  My herx is back and is worse than ever.  The last 2 evenings the pain has
  extreme. Do the herx return because of the life cycle of the bugs?  I
 will try
  to increase the strength of the CS through some of your suggestions.How 
  to do you cook the CS and how much do your cook at one time? 
   The pain and the herx seem to occur every time there is a build up of
 toxins in the system.  I also have mine back but it is not as bad as the
 first extreme one.  I am hoping it won't get much worse.  Hang in there, I
 know it is hard to believe that this is a good thing that you feel so bad.
 Remember the CS can reach into place the anitbiotics can't, at least so it
 seems, I am not a doc.  If you are in pain now wait alittle while to
 increase, try to do it around every two weeks.  As for how long I cook it, I
 start with about 3 cups and it usually runs about 2 1/2 to 3 hours.  I have
 been using the TDS-1 to watch the ppm reading so I can keep it pretty
 consistent.  If Candace reads this she can tell you herself how bad her herx
 was.  I think she has been off of CS now for quite a few months and can
 truly say that her lyme is gone.  Let's hope that is us soon.  What type of
 pain are you having?  Right now I am having stabbing pains in the arms and
 legs, a bit tired, and alittle moody.
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Re: insight/herx/Reid

1998-05-02 Thread bjs1779
Reid Smith wrote:
In the past when my nurves get to twitching real bad I've taken pills
 to make me sleep for 24-48 hours. That takes care of the problem for a
 few days.
 Take Care

Yes Reid, it sounds like that would. Sorry if I sound a like little
ass, I just got off of the Clinton whitewater newsgroup. That is a
war zone.
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Re: insight/herx/Reid

1998-05-02 Thread Reid Smith
I hate to be the barrer of bad tidings but the twitches are caused
by the nurves short circuiting and it takes one year for a nurve to heal.
The twitching subsiding is good but don't expect it to quit real soon.
  Thanks for that info.  That is good news to know.  Compared to what it was
in the beginning it is very weak now so maybe that is one symptom I can
chalk up the saying that time heals all??
Donna Earnest

   Something that I forgot to mention is alot of sleep helps the healing
along alot faster. The nurves are kind of like a wire with insulation
that is brittle. The more you move them the more that they are going
to short circuit and the longer time it's going to take them to heal.
   In the past when my nurves get to twitching real bad I've taken pills 
to make me sleep for 24-48 hours. That takes care of the problem for a
few days.

Take Care 


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Re: insight/herx

1998-05-02 Thread Susan M. Yensen
Whitney some more, Susan

I feel really bad to keep hearing this.  This is what I do for Herx whixh I
nearly killed myself with once.
I use:
Digestive enzymes on an empty stomack--they go through the body and eat
up trash like toxins and immune complexes--this is well documented now.  I
have done this for ten years--that's how many times I have had herx for
Candida and whatever else.  I take Mega Zyme by Enzymatic Therapy and 5 at
once then 20-30 mins later 5 more.  This WILL diminish your muscle pain and
the twitching.  You can continue until relieved, or sick to your stomach.
The enzymes have worked as well or better than morphine.

Molybdenum--250mcgms once to start aned then again amazing results

alacer Emergen-C 2000mgms of vit C minerals stir into liquid fizzes,
contiunue with the above upto whatever you can tolerate.

Water in massive amounts.

Soda water--Club soda read the label some have bicarbonate of soda in them
and are great over ice when you are feeling so bad.

COQ10 100 mgms 2-3X pewr day.

Grape seed extract--the capsule 100mgms 2-3-4 times a day, or 2 at once
with the enzymes for pain.  You can also add the COQ 10 with it and it all
workd together.

Other antioxidants as you feel able or have on hand.

You are probably saying right!?  I'm so sick I can't even see and this
woman is telling me to do all this stuff or even get it.

Get someone to help you.  OR  When you are feeling better get these things
and keep them on hand so that you won't be with out. when you are sick.  I
live alone so I have to be prepared especially when I know the results of
what I am doing are more than likely going to cause me to herx!!

You can take bicarbonate of soda now if you have some in a glass of water
to help alkalinate the reaction.  When you Herx you become more acid due to
lots of factors not only just the toxins in your system.  Your body is also
producing catecholamines as a result of the insult these lead to
inflammation of everything that can become inflamed.  The problem here is
that not properly taken care of this can become a cycle in itself.  The
enzymes will reduce the catecxholamines also.

Hope this helps and your suffering eases soon.

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

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Re: insight/herx

1998-05-02 Thread Reid Smith
I don't know what the cause of the original poster's twitches were, but
sometimes the twitches can be from a lack of calcium and magnesium.  This
works wonders for some people.  It can even help some people with restless
legs.  Worked for me.

  I've tryed both with no luck in the past. 

Take Care 


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1998-05-01 Thread Donna
Just checking, Donna:  You're taking similar size doses now but of 
the higher ppm CS? Did you ever determine if you had taken large 
enough doses of the 7 ppm stuff it might have worked just as well?

It is one school of thought that large enough quantities of even 3-5 
ppm CS will do as much good as higher ppm, and be easier to make to 
boot. That's why we have kidneys, doncha know! g

If your experience differs it would be good to analyze why.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]

  I did continue to take the same amount of the higher ppm.  I would have to
take alot of the lower dose ppm to make up the difference.  I would probably
spend my entire time making CS as to the fact I am not the only one that
takes it here.  That would be a good thing to find out though.

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Re: insight/herx

1998-05-01 Thread Transfix
   I was told that it is counter productive to the medication I am taking.  In
other words if the medication is meant to slow down my heart rate and open up
the blood vessels, the antiocident would do the opposite. Specifically they
mentioned the Coq10, Ghinko, and a couple others. I'm really not sure aabout
the paarticulars.  Anything about the MSM I mentioned? Thanks,

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Re: insight/herx

1998-05-01 Thread It's not me
Thanks for the information.  If you do get that article back, I would love a
copy of it.  Thanks again.

-Original Message-
From: Susan M. Yensen
Date: Thursday, April 30, 1998 2:10 AM
Subject: Re: insight/herx


Tell me some more about these digestive enzymes that you take.  I haven't
seen a thing about them cleaning out toxins and such and would be
to read anything that you could direct me toward.  Are they Papaya,
Bromelain, and the like?  I didn't quite follow the part about the candida
infections.  Does the enzyme combat candida infection?  I have a friend
has a systemic candida infection and he can't seem to beat it.  I would
appreciate any info that you could provide.



I had the article and sent it with a friend so she would understand what I
am saying to her.  It has a good bibliogralphy for you.  I will see if I
can get it back from her and post it for you.

Megazymes by Enzymatic tharapy are good for me b/c I can tolerate them
whereas others I cannot that is why I say this brand.

It is Pancreatic enzymes (10X) 325 mg (full strength undiluted and uncut)
Units of activity*
Protease 96,580
Amylase 98,780
Lip[ase 24,496
Trypsin75 mg
papain 50mg
bromelain (1.200 M.C.U.) 50 mg
amylase 10 mg
lipase 10 mg
lysozyme 100 mg
chymotrypsin 2mg

About Candida, you can eradicate it with CS done slowly and carefully
according to your health state.  WHen a single celled organism, or parasite
or the spirochete of which we read so much dies, it's death releases a
toxin that was inside the organism heretofor.  So when [people get treated
for Candida and are not properlu educated about the Jarisch Herxheiomer
reaction--the body'e reaction to the toxin released at the death of the
organism, oftentimes they feel worse and stop taking the medication and may
say they are allergic or whatever b/c we don't get the same thing painfiul
reactions with antibiotic therapy for common micro organisms. As a matter
of fact many doctors don't understand this.

Funguses are very different creatures docs in 3rd world countries are the
best at recognizing these things and treating them. Although we are
catching up. Funguses have the ability to change forms according to their
replication cycle and unless you are in this cycle they will not be found
in the blood, they can be budding yeast which looks like cottage cheese or
mycelia which can travel from organ to organ with out the use of the
vascular system. When you are in this replication cycle you feel worse and
crave sweets or fermented things.  The yeast need more carbohydrate to
live. Yeast Canndida and monilia are basically the same for the purpose of
this post.

What the enzyme does ON AN EMPTY STOMACH is get readily absorbed into the
bloodstream and eat up 'the toxins released by the dying fungi or
spirochete.  It is a good add on for treatment of Candida but will not kill
candida.  It will alleviate the pain as do the other things I delineated in
a previous post.

Now, the article had several subtitles and said in effect that in studies
done--double blind no  less that it has been found that they relieve the
pain of inflammation better that then ensaids so commonly prescribed which
are poison to me.

They also discovered a use for these in autoimmune disease like MS and so
forth is that they discovereed that the enzymes will also eliminate
circulating immune complexes.  this is important for peopole like me for
instance b/c the immune complexes I have are anti myelin ones and attack
the lining of the nerves and it is painful process.

Also good in allergies for precisely the same thing they will digest
allergens, reduce swelling (anti inflammation effect)  tThe anti
inflammation effect is accomplished as the enzymes soften and digest the
fibrin and other substance and catecholamines in the infalammatory
reaction, including arachidonic acid which is the culprit that causes pain.

So It may be a while before I can get that bibliography up b/c I can't
leave the mountain just now and I will have to get her to bring it to me.

These also aid in digestion taken with food.  Many people have
malabsorption problems once things are set into motion of being a disease
that is multi organ. Leaky gut syndrome needs to be addresed in you rfriend
proabably after a long siege of intractable Candida. There is a special
diet for that too.  It is an ordeal but it can be done.

Hope this answers your question for now.

Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer

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Re: insight/herx/pools?

1998-05-01 Thread M. G. Devour
On 30 Apr 98 at 17:13, Deb wrote:

 My husband's friend is into the Y2K thing and so now my husband is
 finally ready to get me the CS maker for that.

That's *great* news!  Er, Ah, about the CS maker that is! Not the 
y2k thing. G

   Also, I remember reading that one can keep ones pool clean with
 CS, does anyone know how this is done??? We are not up and running
 yet this year and I would like to do the switch if it is at all

Pool water treatment is actually one of the uses of colloidal silver
(and copper) that the skeptics and righteous debunkers out there
will recognise as valid. I guess the pool chemical industry doesn't
have as big a lobbying effort in Washington. g

Silver sanitizes the water and copper kills the algae.

Here's the URL of one company that makes metal ionizer type pool 
water treatment equipment:

And more detailed (and very small type) explanations at:

No endorsement implied. It's just a site I found.

I imagine a system like that would be lot's easier than making CS by 
the batch and dumping it in all the time. $500-600 (US) compared to 
how much in pool chemicals? How many years 'til payback? How much is 
your time and aggravation worth? 

Let us know if you decide to buy one! Sounds like a class way to go.

Be well,


[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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Re: insight/herx/pools?

1998-04-30 Thread Debbie McDonald
M. G. Devour wrote:

 Hope you get better soon, Ma'am!
Thanks Mike, very muchG. My husband's friend is into the Y2K thing and
so now my husband is finally ready to get me the CS maker for that. I
will be requiring your adviceG.
  Also, I remember reading that one can keep ones pool clean with CS,
does anyone know how this is done??? We are not up and running yet this
year and I would like to do the switch if it is at all feasible Deb  

 Debbie McDonald

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Re: insight/herx

1998-04-30 Thread Transfix
Susan, One other question. Someone told me that the antioxidants may interfere
with the hypertension medication I am taking.  The CS is working.  I'm having
better days more often.  Thanks for any info.  Nick

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Re: insight/herx

1998-04-30 Thread Nancy B.
Thanks for the very informative post, Susan.

(If this is too much off topic, you can privately email me.  I've got some

I've found great benefit in using Beano to eat various vegetables and beef
fat (sorry, haven't given beef up yet!)

I'm curious about other enzymes; my allergies are causing continual mild
upset stomachs.  It causes me to crave carbohydrates which is likely over
feeding candida, contributing to more hunger...

I think the CS is helping keep candida in check.  Never the less, due to
allergies, I wake up feeling famished and find myself munching on junk all
day long.  (Still no sinus infections despite a couple bad colds this year.
CS has diverted them!  I used to get SI 3 or a4 times a year!)

Do you have any idea what's going on here  if an enzyme supplement can help
with that?


-Original Message-
From: Susan M. Yensen
Date: Thursday, April 30, 1998 4:15 AM
Subject: Re: insight/herx


Tell me some more about these digestive enzymes that you take.  I haven't
seen a thing about them cleaning out toxins and such and would be
to read anything that you could direct me toward.  Are they Papaya,
Bromelain, and the like?  I didn't quite follow the part about the candida
infections.  Does the enzyme combat candida infection?  I have a friend
has a systemic candida infection and he can't seem to beat it.  I would
appreciate any info that you could provide.



I had the article and sent it with a friend so she would understand what I
am saying to her.  It has a good bibliogralphy for you.  I will see if I
can get it back from her and post it for you.

Megazymes by Enzymatic tharapy are good for me b/c I can tolerate them
whereas others I cannot that is why I say this brand.

It is Pancreatic enzymes (10X) 325 mg (full strength undiluted and uncut)
Units of activity*
Protease 96,580
Amylase 98,780
Lip[ase 24,496
Trypsin75 mg
papain 50mg
bromelain (1.200 M.C.U.) 50 mg
amylase 10 mg
lipase 10 mg
lysozyme 100 mg
chymotrypsin 2mg

About Candida, you can eradicate it with CS done slowly and carefully
according to your health state.  WHen a single celled organism, or parasite
or the spirochete of which we read so much dies, it's death releases a
toxin that was inside the organism heretofor.  So when [people get treated
for Candida and are not properlu educated about the Jarisch Herxheiomer
reaction--the body'e reaction to the toxin released at the death of the
organism, oftentimes they feel worse and stop taking the medication and may
say they are allergic or whatever b/c we don't get the same thing painfiul
reactions with antibiotic therapy for common micro organisms. As a matter
of fact many doctors don't understand this.

Funguses are very different creatures docs in 3rd world countries are the
best at recognizing these things and treating them. Although we are
catching up. Funguses have the ability to change forms according to their
replication cycle and unless you are in this cycle they will not be found
in the blood, they can be budding yeast which looks like cottage cheese or
mycelia which can travel from organ to organ with out the use of the
vascular system. When you are in this replication cycle you feel worse and
crave sweets or fermented things.  The yeast need more carbohydrate to
live. Yeast Canndida and monilia are basically the same for the purpose of
this post.

What the enzyme does ON AN EMPTY STOMACH is get readily absorbed into the
bloodstream and eat up 'the toxins released by the dying fungi or
spirochete.  It is a good add on for treatment of Candida but will not kill
candida.  It will alleviate the pain as do the other things I delineated in
a previous post.

Now, the article had several subtitles and said in effect that in studies
done--double blind no  less that it has been found that they relieve the
pain of inflammation better that then ensaids so commonly prescribed which
are poison to me.

They also discovered a use for these in autoimmune disease like MS and so
forth is that they discovereed that the enzymes will also eliminate
circulating immune complexes.  this is important for peopole like me for
instance b/c the immune complexes I have are anti myelin ones and attack
the lining of the nerves and it is painful process.

Also good in allergies for precisely the same thing they will digest
allergens, reduce swelling (anti inflammation effect)  tThe anti
inflammation effect is accomplished as the enzymes soften and digest the
fibrin and other substance and catecholamines in the infalammatory
reaction, including arachidonic acid which is the culprit that causes pain.

So It may be a while before I can get that bibliography up b/c I can't
leave the mountain just now and I will have to get her to bring it to me.

These also aid in digestion taken with food.  Many people have
malabsorption problems once things are set into motion

Re: insight/herx

1998-04-30 Thread M. G. Devour
On 30 Apr 98 at 14:13, Donna wrote:

 For quite a few months I was really discouraged because I was not
 getting anywhere and then I finally had it tested to find out it
 was only 7ppm.  Now that I am taking the 30ppm there is a big

Just checking, Donna:  You're taking similar size doses now but of 
the higher ppm CS? Did you ever determine if you had taken large 
enough doses of the 7 ppm stuff it might have worked just as well?

It is one school of thought that large enough quantities of even 3-5 
ppm CS will do as much good as higher ppm, and be easier to make to 
boot. That's why we have kidneys, doncha know! g

If your experience differs it would be good to analyze why.

Be well,

Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[   ]
[Speaking only for myself...  ]

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1998-04-29 Thread Donna
 My herx is back and is worse than ever.  The last 2 evenings the pain has
 extreme. Do the herx return because of the life cycle of the bugs?  I
will try
 to increase the strength of the CS through some of your suggestions.How long
 to do you cook the CS and how much do your cook at one time? 

  The pain and the herx seem to occur every time there is a build up of
toxins in the system.  I also have mine back but it is not as bad as the
first extreme one.  I am hoping it won't get much worse.  Hang in there, I
know it is hard to believe that this is a good thing that you feel so bad.
Remember the CS can reach into place the anitbiotics can't, at least so it
seems, I am not a doc.  If you are in pain now wait alittle while to
increase, try to do it around every two weeks.  As for how long I cook it, I
start with about 3 cups and it usually runs about 2 1/2 to 3 hours.  I have
been using the TDS-1 to watch the ppm reading so I can keep it pretty
consistent.  If Candace reads this she can tell you herself how bad her herx
was.  I think she has been off of CS now for quite a few months and can
truly say that her lyme is gone.  Let's hope that is us soon.  What type of
pain are you having?  Right now I am having stabbing pains in the arms and
legs, a bit tired, and alittle moody.

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