Thanks for the very informative post, Susan.

(If this is too much off topic, you can privately email me.  I've got some

I've found great benefit in using "Beano" to eat various vegetables and beef
fat (sorry, haven't given beef up yet!)

I'm curious about other enzymes; my allergies are causing continual mild
upset stomachs.  It causes me to crave carbohydrates which is likely over
feeding candida, contributing to more hunger...

I think the CS is helping keep candida in check.  Never the less, due to
allergies, I wake up feeling famished and find myself munching on junk all
day long.  (Still no sinus infections despite a couple bad colds this year.
CS has diverted them!  I used to get SI 3 or a4 times a year!)

Do you have any idea what's going on here & if an enzyme supplement can help
with that?


-----Original Message-----
From: Susan M. Yensen <>
To: <>
Date: Thursday, April 30, 1998 4:15 AM
Subject: Re: insight/herx

>>Tell me some more about these digestive enzymes that you take.  I haven't
>>seen a thing about them cleaning out toxins and such and would be
>>to read anything that you could direct me toward.  Are they Papaya,
>>Bromelain, and the like?  I didn't quite follow the part about the candida
>>infections.  Does the enzyme combat candida infection?  I have a friend
>>has a systemic candida infection and he can't seem to beat it.  I would
>>appreciate any info that you could provide.
>I had the article and sent it with a friend so she would understand what I
>am saying to her.  It has a good bibliogralphy for you.  I will see if I
>can get it back from her and post it for you.
>Megazymes by Enzymatic tharapy are good for me b/c I can tolerate them
>whereas others I cannot that is why I say this brand.
>It is Pancreatic enzymes (10X) 325 mg (full strength undiluted and uncut)
>Units of activity*
>Protease 96,580
>Amylase 98,780
>Lip[ase 24,496
>Trypsin75 mg
>papain 50mg
>bromelain (1.200 M.C.U.) 50 mg
>amylase 10 mg
>lipase 10 mg
>lysozyme 100 mg
>chymotrypsin 2mg
>About Candida, you can eradicate it with CS done slowly and carefully
>according to your health state.  WHen a single celled organism, or parasite
>or the spirochete of which we read so much dies, it's death releases a
>toxin that was inside the organism heretofor.  So when [people get treated
>for Candida and are not properlu educated about the Jarisch Herxheiomer
>reaction--the body'e reaction to the toxin released at the death of the
>organism, oftentimes they feel worse and stop taking the medication and may
>say they are allergic or whatever b/c we don't get the same thing painfiul
>reactions with antibiotic therapy for common micro organisms. As a matter
>of fact many doctors don't understand this.
>Funguses are very different creatures docs in 3rd world countries are the
>best at recognizing these things and treating them. Although we are
>catching up. Funguses have the ability to change forms according to their
>replication cycle and unless you are in this cycle they will not be found
>in the blood, they can be budding yeast which looks like cottage cheese or
>mycelia which can travel from organ to organ with out the use of the
>vascular system. When you are in this replication cycle you feel worse and
>crave sweets or fermented things.  The yeast need more carbohydrate to
>live. Yeast Canndida and monilia are basically the same for the purpose of
>this post.
>What the enzyme does ON AN EMPTY STOMACH is get readily absorbed into the
>bloodstream and "eat up 'the toxins released by the dying fungi or
>spirochete.  It is a good add on for treatment of Candida but will not kill
>candida.  It will alleviate the pain as do the other things I delineated in
>a previous post.
>Now, the article had several subtitles and said in effect that in studies
>done--double blind no  less that it has been found that they relieve the
>pain of inflammation better that then ensaids so commonly prescribed which
>are poison to me.
>They also discovered a use for these in autoimmune disease like MS and so
>forth is that they discovereed that the enzymes will also eliminate
>circulating immune complexes.  this is important for peopole like me for
>instance b/c the immune complexes I have are anti myelin ones and attack
>the lining of the nerves and it is painful process.
>Also good in allergies for precisely the same thing they will digest
>allergens, reduce swelling (anti inflammation effect)  tThe anti
>inflammation effect is accomplished as the enzymes soften and digest the
>fibrin and other substance and catecholamines in the infalammatory
>reaction, including arachidonic acid which is the culprit that causes pain.
>So It may be a while before I can get that bibliography up b/c I can't
>leave the mountain just now and I will have to get her to bring it to me.
>These also aid in digestion taken with food.  Many people have
>malabsorption problems once things are set into motion of being a disease
>that is multi organ. Leaky gut syndrome needs to be addresed in you rfriend
>proabably after a long siege of intractable Candida. There is a special
>diet for that too.  It is an ordeal but it can be done.
>Hope this answers your question for now.
>Life is Fragile. Handle with Prayer
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