Re: CS>Acne anfd psoriasis

2014-02-01 Thread 123 456
I have  had the  pleasure of cuddling those  dear sweet Nubians once.
They make  lovely  pets...not surprising their milk is better than  others too.

On 2/1/14, PT Ferrance  wrote:
> Hi T,
> Have you ever tried Nubian goat's milk?  It is sweet and naturally
> homogenized.  A friend of mine used to raise Nubians and whenever I went to
> visit I could have all the milk I wanted.  Yum!
> PT
>  From: 123 456 
> To:
> Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 10:38 PM
> Subject: Re: CS>Acne anfd psoriasis
> If anyone really feels the need to eat dairy then  you might try
> sheep  and/or goat yogurt or milk.
> I prefer the sheeps milk but it goes off or more exactly goes to
> cheese very  quickly...has a lot more enzyme actions but tastes better
> than goats milk.
> I always mix them with a little honey...goat is more sour than sheep.
> They are both much more healthy than cow's mlk because of the
> medications they have to give the cattle. Cows produce mucuse...goats
> and sheep  don't.
> T
> On 1/29/14, Vigilius Haufniensis  wrote:
>> You sure that's psoriasis?  Sounds more like an eczeme type scenario.
>> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 2:52 PM, ASL  wrote:
>>> I've notice psoriasis comes up when I eat/drink too much dairy beverages.
>>> Then it crawls down onward to my face - especially like under the fold of
>>> my ears, nose mostly.  It's a great motivator for me to stay away from
>>> dairy. So hard to give up due to opiates inside.
>>> I wonder if rBGH in contributing to skin disorders?
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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> List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Acne anfd psoriasis

2014-02-01 Thread PT Ferrance
Hi T,
Have you ever tried Nubian goat's milk?  It is sweet and naturally homogenized. 
 A friend of mine used to raise Nubians and whenever I went to visit I could 
have all the milk I wanted.  Yum!

 From: 123 456 
Sent: Friday, January 31, 2014 10:38 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Acne anfd psoriasis

If anyone really feels the need to eat dairy then  you might try
sheep  and/or goat yogurt or milk.
I prefer the sheeps milk but it goes off or more exactly goes to
cheese very  quickly...has a lot more enzyme actions but tastes better
than goats milk.
I always mix them with a little honey...goat is more sour than sheep.
They are both much more healthy than cow's mlk because of the
medications they have to give the cattle. Cows produce mucuse...goats
and sheep  don't.

On 1/29/14, Vigilius Haufniensis  wrote:
> You sure that's psoriasis?  Sounds more like an eczeme type scenario.
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 2:52 PM, ASL  wrote:
>> I've notice psoriasis comes up when I eat/drink too much dairy beverages.
>> Then it crawls down onward to my face - especially like under the fold of
>> my ears, nose mostly.  It's a great motivator for me to stay away from
>> dairy. So hard to give up due to opiates inside.
>> I wonder if rBGH in contributing to skin disorders?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Acne anfd psoriasis

2014-01-31 Thread 123 456
If anyone really feels the need to eat dairy then  you might try
sheep  and/or goat yogurt or milk.
I prefer the sheeps milk but it goes off or more exactly goes to
cheese very  quickly...has a lot more enzyme actions but tastes better
than goats milk.
I always mix them with a little honey...goat is more sour than sheep.
They are both much more healthy than cow's mlk because of the
medications they have to give the cattle. Cows produce mucuse...goats
and sheep  don't.

On 1/29/14, Vigilius Haufniensis  wrote:
> You sure that's psoriasis?  Sounds more like an eczeme type scenario.
> On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 2:52 PM, ASL  wrote:
>> I've notice psoriasis comes up when I eat/drink too much dairy beverages.
>> Then it crawls down onward to my face - especially like under the fold of
>> my ears, nose mostly.  It's a great motivator for me to stay away from
>> dairy. So hard to give up due to opiates inside.
>> I wonder if rBGH in contributing to skin disorders?

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Acne anfd psoriasis

2014-01-29 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
You sure that's psoriasis?  Sounds more like an eczeme type scenario.

On Wed, Jan 29, 2014 at 2:52 PM, ASL  wrote:

> I've notice psoriasis comes up when I eat/drink too much dairy beverages.
> Then it crawls down onward to my face - especially like under the fold of
> my ears, nose mostly.  It's a great motivator for me to stay away from
> dairy. So hard to give up due to opiates inside.
> I wonder if rBGH in contributing to skin disorders?

Re: CS>Acne anfd psoriasis

2014-01-29 Thread ASL
I need a liver flush - what do you use to flush your liver?


Re: CS>Acne anfd psoriasis

2014-01-29 Thread ASL
I've notice psoriasis comes up when I eat/drink too much dairy beverages.
Then it crawls down onward to my face - especially like under the fold of
my ears, nose mostly.  It's a great motivator for me to stay away from
dairy. So hard to give up due to opiates inside.
I wonder if rBGH in contributing to skin disorders?

Re: CS>Acne anfd psoriasis

2014-01-29 Thread Roger and Lisa
Many years ago, Adele Davis said that psoriasis is the result of an inability 
to digest fats.  That was definitely true for me.

I have never had psoriasis in my life, then, when I started having digestive 
problems, I got it.  I knew I was having trouble digesting fat, and when I 
looked into the psoriasis I was not surprised to find what Adele said.  In my 
case a liver flush made it go away.  I had not flushed in about a year, decided 
it was time, and was thrilled to have my ps disappear.  Now, I am sure it would 
not be that easy for someone with chronic ps, but it would be worth looking 

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, January 29, 2014 10:48 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Acne anfd psoriasis

  Thanks again for more feedback. Her Psoriasis is only on her head and the 
diagnosis was plaque psoriasis.
  I never heard of that.

  In a message dated 1/29/2014 11:30:12 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

What is the size (mg) of the milk thistle capsules you take?


 Lena Guyot  wrote: 

Along with Borax, Boron, vitamin D, and DE, I've found that milk-thistle 
has helped the liver issues from which my psoriasis arose. I'd tried one cap a 
day and it did nothing, but 4 a day caused noticeable progress in a couple 
weeks. Fumaric acid is also good, and someone dowsed that  cedar oil carried in 
olive, coconut or argan oil would help and it made a big difference on some of 
my patches.
Be well,
On Jan 28, 2014, at 8:38 PM, wrote:

> Thank you Gail. My grandaughter is also plagued with Psoriasis.
> All tough for a 15 year old and I have no idea what to do about that
> In a message dated 1/22/2014 8:40:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> Boron which is what Borax is (Ted on earthclinic said he watch them 
literally take the boron from borax when making a boron supplement) is needed 
for calcium uptake and healthy bones.  U can get a boron supplement in pill 
form if one prefers.
> Of course vitamin D.   I think most people are low in it and not even 
> DE is also suppose to be good for bone health as well as MSM for joints.  
One guy said he healed his sciatic nerve back problem by taking high doses of 
> I take a little of all of them.
> Gail
> On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 6:31 PM, "" 
> did you find anything for your bones?If so would you mind sharing?
> CJ
> In a message dated 1/22/2014 1:32:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> No, actually I was reading some testimonials on ''  They 
have a section on borax.  I really like the stuff and it's dirt cheap. lol  Got 
into it when looking for something to strengthen my bones.  This 'old gray mare 
ain't what she use to be.' 
> Gail
> On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 10:42 AM, Deborah Gerard 
> Gail,

> Is the borax group on yahoo?
> Thanks, Debbie :)
> On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:57 AM, Gail Naranjo 
> Hi CJ,
> My grandson had the same problem.  Proactive worked well for him.   My 
daughter also uses it and it worked great.
> However, I read on the borax list, borax works great for it as well.  
Especially when they get acne on their back.  My grandson's acne is gone now 
but he still gets it on back from playing basketball and sweating so much.  I 
gave him some borax and he said it worked really well.
> My daughter use to sunbath a lot until she came down with skin cancer, so 
now she goes to the dermatologist and gets treatments, skin peals and such.  He 
skin looks really healthy now.  She also uses proactive.
> So if you have the money or insurance covers it, a dermatologist does 
work really well as does proactive.  But is money is an issue, the 20 mule team 
borax works just as well.   I love the way it makes my skin feel.   Of course, 
at 64 I don't have acne, but it sure cleans out the pores and leaves my skin 
silky smooth.  Can also mix with your shampoo and leave your hair silky clean.
> Gail
> On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:51 PM, "" 
> My granddaughter is suffering with acne on her face. Does anyone on this 
list know what can be done to help this condition?
> CJ

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Re: CS>Acne anfd psoriasis

2014-01-29 Thread Cat4461
Thanks again for more feedback. Her Psoriasis is only on her head and the  
diagnosis was plaque psoriasis.
I never heard of that.
In a message dated 1/29/2014 11:30:12 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:


What is the size (mg) of the milk thistle capsules you  take?


 Lena Guyot   wrote: 

Along with Borax,  Boron, vitamin D, and DE, I've found that milk-thistle 
has helped the liver  issues from which my psoriasis arose. I'd tried one cap 
a day and it did  nothing, but 4 a day caused noticeable progress in a 
couple weeks. Fumaric  acid is also good, and someone dowsed that  cedar oil 
carried in olive,  coconut or argan oil would help and it made a big difference 
on some of my  patches.
Be well,
On Jan 28, 2014, at 8:38 PM,  wrote:

> Thank you Gail. My grandaughter is also plagued with  Psoriasis.
> All tough for a 15 year old and I have no idea what to do  about that
> In a message dated 1/22/2014 8:40:52 P.M.  Eastern Standard Time, writes:
> Boron which is  what Borax is (Ted on earthclinic said he watch them 
literally take the boron  from borax when making a boron supplement) is needed 
for calcium uptake and  healthy bones.  U can get a boron supplement in pill 
form if one  prefers.
> Of course vitamin D.   I think most people  are low in it and not even 
> DE is also suppose to be  good for bone health as well as MSM for joints. 
 One guy said he healed  his sciatic nerve back problem by taking high 
doses of MSM.
> I  take a little of all of them.
> Gail
>  On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 6:31 PM, ""  
> did you find anything for your bones?If  so would you mind sharing?
> CJ
> In a message  dated 1/22/2014 1:32:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,  writes:
> No, actually I was reading some testimonials on  ''  They 
have a section on borax.  I really like the  stuff and it's dirt cheap. lol  
Got into it when looking for something to  strengthen my bones.  This 'old 
gray mare ain't what she use to be.'  
> Gail
> On Wednesday,  January 22, 2014 10:42 AM, Deborah Gerard 
> Gail,

> Is the borax group on yahoo?
> Thanks,  Debbie :)
> On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:57 AM,  Gail Naranjo 
> Hi CJ,
> My grandson had the same problem.  Proactive worked well for  him.   My 
daughter also uses it and it worked great.
> However, I read on the borax list, borax works great for it as  well.  
Especially when they get acne on their back.  My grandson's  acne is gone now 
but he still gets it on back from playing basketball and  sweating so much.  
I gave him some borax and he said it worked really  well.
> My daughter use to sunbath a lot until she came down  with skin cancer, 
so now she goes to the dermatologist and gets treatments,  skin peals and 
such.  He skin looks really healthy now.  She also  uses proactive.
> So if you have the money or insurance covers  it, a dermatologist does 
work really well as does proactive.  But is  money is an issue, the 20 mule 
team borax works just as well.   I  love the way it makes my skin feel.   Of 
course, at 64 I don't have  acne, but it sure cleans out the pores and leaves 
my skin silky smooth.   Can also mix with your shampoo and leave your hair 
silky clean.
> Gail
> On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:51 PM,  "" 
> My granddaughter is  suffering with acne on her face. Does anyone on this 
list know what can be  done to help this condition?
> CJ

The Silver List is a  moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and  Instructions:


Off-Topic  discussions: <>
List Owner:  Mike Devour  <>

Re: CS>Acne anfd psoriasis

2014-01-29 Thread slickpicker

What is the size (mg) of the milk thistle capsules you take?


 Lena Guyot  wrote: 

Along with Borax, Boron, vitamin D, and DE, I've found that milk-thistle has 
helped the liver issues from which my psoriasis arose. I'd tried one cap a day 
and it did nothing, but 4 a day caused noticeable progress in a couple weeks. 
Fumaric acid is also good, and someone dowsed that  cedar oil carried in olive, 
coconut or argan oil would help and it made a big difference on some of my 
Be well,
On Jan 28, 2014, at 8:38 PM, wrote:

> Thank you Gail. My grandaughter is also plagued with Psoriasis.
> All tough for a 15 year old and I have no idea what to do about that
> In a message dated 1/22/2014 8:40:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
> writes:
> Boron which is what Borax is (Ted on earthclinic said he watch them literally 
> take the boron from borax when making a boron supplement) is needed for 
> calcium uptake and healthy bones.  U can get a boron supplement in pill form 
> if one prefers.
> Of course vitamin D.   I think most people are low in it and not even aware.
> DE is also suppose to be good for bone health as well as MSM for joints.  One 
> guy said he healed his sciatic nerve back problem by taking high doses of MSM.
> I take a little of all of them.
> Gail
> On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 6:31 PM, ""  
> wrote:
> did you find anything for your bones?If so would you mind sharing?
> CJ
> In a message dated 1/22/2014 1:32:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
> writes:
> No, actually I was reading some testimonials on ''  They have 
> a section on borax.  I really like the stuff and it's dirt cheap. lol  Got 
> into it when looking for something to strengthen my bones.  This 'old gray 
> mare ain't what she use to be.' 
> Gail
> On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 10:42 AM, Deborah Gerard 
>  wrote:
> Gail,
> Is the borax group on yahoo?
> Thanks, Debbie :)
> On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:57 AM, Gail Naranjo  
> wrote:
> Hi CJ,
> My grandson had the same problem.  Proactive worked well for him.   My 
> daughter also uses it and it worked great.
> However, I read on the borax list, borax works great for it as well.  
> Especially when they get acne on their back.  My grandson's acne is gone now 
> but he still gets it on back from playing basketball and sweating so much.  I 
> gave him some borax and he said it worked really well.
> My daughter use to sunbath a lot until she came down with skin cancer, so now 
> she goes to the dermatologist and gets treatments, skin peals and such.  He 
> skin looks really healthy now.  She also uses proactive.
> So if you have the money or insurance covers it, a dermatologist does work 
> really well as does proactive.  But is money is an issue, the 20 mule team 
> borax works just as well.   I love the way it makes my skin feel.   Of 
> course, at 64 I don't have acne, but it sure cleans out the pores and leaves 
> my skin silky smooth.  Can also mix with your shampoo and leave your hair 
> silky clean.
> Gail
> On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:51 PM, ""  
> wrote:
> My granddaughter is suffering with acne on her face. Does anyone on this list 
> know what can be done to help this condition?
> CJ

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Acne anfd psoriasis

2014-01-28 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis
Psoriasis is the opposite of Eczema.

Psoriasis is chronic dehydration.  Maybe to a himalayan salt brine.  This
will boost your mineral uptake and the salt will cause you to retain more
water.  Eczema is damp heat.  You could try an herbal formula like Xiao
Feng San.  I think the damp heat is more likely to be related to food
allergies, but nowadays it's hard to be certain.  I've seen people who take
alot of medications become chronically dehyrdated too.  Smoking and
alcohol, and caffiene actually are all major dehydrators.

For acne, clear damp heat from the lung and large intestine meridians.

On Tue, Jan 28, 2014 at 9:36 PM, Lena Guyot  wrote:

> Along with Borax, Boron, vitamin D, and DE, I've found that milk-thistle
> has helped the liver issues from which my psoriasis arose. I'd tried one
> cap a day and it did nothing, but 4 a day caused noticeable progress in a
> couple weeks. Fumaric acid is also good, and someone dowsed that  cedar oil
> carried in olive, coconut or argan oil would help and it made a big
> difference on some of my patches.
> Be well,
> Léna
> On Jan 28, 2014, at 8:38 PM, wrote:
>  Thank you Gail. My grandaughter is also plagued with Psoriasis.
> All tough for a 15 year old and I have no idea what to do about that
>  In a message dated 1/22/2014 8:40:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
>  Boron which is what Borax is (Ted on earthclinic said he watch them
> literally take the boron from borax when making a boron supplement) is
> needed for calcium uptake and healthy bones.  U can get a boron supplement
> in pill form if one prefers.
> Of course vitamin D.   I think most people are low in it and not even
> aware.
> DE is also suppose to be good for bone health as well as MSM for joints.
> One guy said he healed his sciatic nerve back problem by taking high doses
> of MSM.
> I take a little of all of them.
> Gail
>  On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 6:31 PM, "" <
>> wrote:
>   did you find anything for your bones?If so would you mind sharing?
> CJ
>  In a message dated 1/22/2014 1:32:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time,
> writes:
>  No, actually I was reading some testimonials on ''  They
> have a section on borax.  I really like the stuff and it's dirt cheap. lol
> Got into it when looking for something to strengthen my bones.  This 'old
> gray mare ain't what she use to be.' 
> Gail
>  On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 10:42 AM, Deborah Gerard <
>> wrote:
>   Gail,
> Is the borax group on yahoo?
> Thanks, Debbie :)
>   On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:57 AM, Gail Naranjo <
>> wrote:
>   Hi CJ,
> My grandson had the same problem.  Proactive worked well for him.   My
> daughter also uses it and it worked great.
> However, I read on the borax list, borax works great for it as well.
> Especially when they get acne on their back.  My grandson's acne is gone
> now but he still gets it on back from playing basketball and sweating so
> much.  I gave him some borax and he said it worked really well.
> My daughter use to sunbath a lot until she came down with skin cancer, so
> now she goes to the dermatologist and gets treatments, skin peals and
> such.  He skin looks really healthy now.  She also uses proactive.
> So if you have the money or insurance covers it, a dermatologist does work
> really well as does proactive.  But is money is an issue, the 20 mule team
> borax works just as well.   I love the way it makes my skin feel.   Of
> course, at 64 I don't have acne, but it sure cleans out the pores and
> leaves my skin silky smooth.  Can also mix with your shampoo and leave your
> hair silky clean.
> Gail
>  On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:51 PM, "" 
> wrote:
>   My granddaughter is suffering with acne on her face. Does anyone on
> this list know what can be done to help this condition?
> CJ

Re: CS>Acne anfd psoriasis

2014-01-28 Thread Lena Guyot
Along with Borax, Boron, vitamin D, and DE, I've found that milk-thistle has 
helped the liver issues from which my psoriasis arose. I'd tried one cap a day 
and it did nothing, but 4 a day caused noticeable progress in a couple weeks. 
Fumaric acid is also good, and someone dowsed that  cedar oil carried in olive, 
coconut or argan oil would help and it made a big difference on some of my 
Be well,
On Jan 28, 2014, at 8:38 PM, wrote:

> Thank you Gail. My grandaughter is also plagued with Psoriasis.
> All tough for a 15 year old and I have no idea what to do about that
> In a message dated 1/22/2014 8:40:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
> writes:
> Boron which is what Borax is (Ted on earthclinic said he watch them literally 
> take the boron from borax when making a boron supplement) is needed for 
> calcium uptake and healthy bones.  U can get a boron supplement in pill form 
> if one prefers.
> Of course vitamin D.   I think most people are low in it and not even aware.
> DE is also suppose to be good for bone health as well as MSM for joints.  One 
> guy said he healed his sciatic nerve back problem by taking high doses of MSM.
> I take a little of all of them.
> Gail
> On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 6:31 PM, ""  
> wrote:
> did you find anything for your bones?If so would you mind sharing?
> CJ
> In a message dated 1/22/2014 1:32:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
> writes:
> No, actually I was reading some testimonials on ''  They have 
> a section on borax.  I really like the stuff and it's dirt cheap. lol  Got 
> into it when looking for something to strengthen my bones.  This 'old gray 
> mare ain't what she use to be.' 
> Gail
> On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 10:42 AM, Deborah Gerard 
>  wrote:
> Gail,
> Is the borax group on yahoo?
> Thanks, Debbie :)
> On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:57 AM, Gail Naranjo  
> wrote:
> Hi CJ,
> My grandson had the same problem.  Proactive worked well for him.   My 
> daughter also uses it and it worked great.
> However, I read on the borax list, borax works great for it as well.  
> Especially when they get acne on their back.  My grandson's acne is gone now 
> but he still gets it on back from playing basketball and sweating so much.  I 
> gave him some borax and he said it worked really well.
> My daughter use to sunbath a lot until she came down with skin cancer, so now 
> she goes to the dermatologist and gets treatments, skin peals and such.  He 
> skin looks really healthy now.  She also uses proactive.
> So if you have the money or insurance covers it, a dermatologist does work 
> really well as does proactive.  But is money is an issue, the 20 mule team 
> borax works just as well.   I love the way it makes my skin feel.   Of 
> course, at 64 I don't have acne, but it sure cleans out the pores and leaves 
> my skin silky smooth.  Can also mix with your shampoo and leave your hair 
> silky clean.
> Gail
> On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:51 PM, ""  
> wrote:
> My granddaughter is suffering with acne on her face. Does anyone on this list 
> know what can be done to help this condition?
> CJ

Re: CS>Acne anfd psoriasis

2014-01-28 Thread RaVen

She may need to try a gluten/soy/dairy/egg-free diet for a year - and then 
slowly reintroduce each food and see if eczema returns. 
Also avoid getting stressed out.  

Re: CS>Acne anfd psoriasis

2014-01-28 Thread Cat4461
Thank you Gail. My grandaughter is also plagued with Psoriasis.
All tough for a 15 year old and I have no idea what to do about that
In a message dated 1/22/2014 8:40:52 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Boron which is what Borax is (Ted on earthclinic said he watch them  
literally take the boron from borax when making a boron supplement) is needed  
calcium uptake and healthy bones.  U can get a boron supplement in  pill 
form if one prefers.

Of course vitamin D.   I think most people are low in it  and not even 

DE is also suppose to be good for bone health as well as MSM for  joints.  
One guy said he healed his sciatic nerve back problem by taking  high doses 
of MSM.

I take a little of all of them.


On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 6:31 PM,  "" 

did you find anything for your bones?If so would you mind sharing?
In a message dated 1/22/2014 1:32:39 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:
No, actually I was reading some testimonials on  ''  They 
have a section on borax.  I really like  the stuff and it's dirt cheap. lol  
Got into it when looking for  something to strengthen my bones.  This 'old 
gray mare ain't what she  use to be.' 


On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 10:42  AM, Deborah Gerard 

Is the borax group on yahoo?
Thanks, Debbie :)

On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:57  AM, Gail Naranjo 

Hi CJ,

My grandson had the same problem.  Proactive worked well for  him.   My 
daughter also uses it and it worked great.

However, I read on the borax list, borax works great for it as  well.  
Especially when they get acne on their back.  My grandson's  acne is gone now 
but he still gets it on back from playing basketball and  sweating so much.  I 
gave him some borax and he said it worked really  well.

My daughter use to sunbath a lot until she came down with skin  cancer, so 
now she goes to the dermatologist and gets treatments, skin peals  and such. 
 He skin looks really healthy now.  She also uses  proactive.

So if you have the money or insurance covers it, a dermatologist  does work 
really well as does proactive.  But is money is an issue, the  20 mule team 
borax works just as well.   I love the way it makes  my skin feel.   Of 
course, at 64 I don't have acne, but it sure  cleans out the pores and leaves 
my skin silky smooth.  Can also mix  with your shampoo and leave your hair 
silky clean.


On Tuesday, January 21, 2014 10:51 PM,  ""  

My granddaughter is suffering with acne on her face. Does anyone on  this 
list know what can be done to help this condition?

Re: CS>OT: Remedies for psoriasis, demodex, and other rashes.

2014-01-21 Thread Lena Guyot
Been tested for celiac. No problem. Am naturally moving away from gluten, 
anyway. L
On Jan 21, 2014, at 10:45 PM, ASL wrote:

> Hi Lena,
> This is not an answer for the boron/iodine that you wanted. 
> But just in case, I've been told how that people with gluten 
> intolerance/sensitivities or celiac often get psorasis. 
> Around 15% to 25% of celiacs suffer from dermatitis herpetiformis, a rash 
> considered the skin manifestation of celiac disease. But this is by no means 
> the only skin problem people with celiac disease may have. Eczema, psoriasis, 
> acne, chronic dry skin, hives and alopecia areata are possible, too. For some 
> reason, they affect celiacs more often than the general population.
> Thought I'd just pass this info along. If you already knew this, please just 
> toss this out. :) 

Re: CS>OT: Remedies for psoriasis, demodex, and other rashes.

2014-01-21 Thread ASL
Hi Lena,
This is not an answer for the boron/iodine that you wanted.
But just in case, I've been told how that people with gluten
intolerance/sensitivities or celiac often get psorasis.
Around 15% to 25% of celiacs suffer from dermatitis herpetiformis, a rash
considered the skin manifestation of celiac disease. But this is by no
means the only skin problem people with celiac disease may have. Eczema,
psoriasis, acne, chronic dry skin, hives and alopecia areata are possible,
too. For some reason, they affect celiacs more often than the general

Thought I'd just pass this info along. If you already knew this, please
just toss this out. :)

CS>OT: Remedies for psoriasis, demodex, and other rashes.

2014-01-21 Thread Lena Guyot
Hi Folks and healing Explorers,

I've had a long history with psoriasis and have come to regard it as an 
expression of my Lyme and as much of a complex of critters as Lyme, itself, 
necessitating rotating treatments.

Having good luck with taking boron, fumaric acid, milk thistle, and for topical 
treatment, cedar oil in argan oil or coconut oil. After 20 years, definitely 
seeing promising clearing of many places, and the rashes that came on my face 
and brows when I tried LDN 2 years ago (stopped after 2 months) are FINALLY 
beginning to calm down and recede.

Recently, on my face, I've tried boron in CS in a roll-on and that has helped. 
I've also tried rolling on Clarke's white iodine (Lugol's seemed to help but 
the stains in daytime were awkward). The iodine is also helping. There are 
still pink, raised areas, but no more peeling plaques.

Question for those knowledgeable of chemistry:
Would there be anything wrong with mixing boron and iodine in a single roll-on? 
I'd love to simplify.

Thanks for your help!

Be well,

Re: CS>psoriasis/was O of O

2012-10-29 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 10/29/2012 1:19:49 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Does O of O help psoriasis?  
My adult son has very severe psoriasis all over his face, neck,  legs.  He 
does not want going to see doctor.  He said there was no  cure.   I tried 
MMS with DMSO spray.  temporary got rid of  thick skin and showing pink bare 
skin.  Now it went back to original ugly  psoriasis.  He also am suffering 
thick fungus toenails and callous too  painful to walk.  I suspect he has lots 
fungus/yeast issues.  I am  thinking making a paste of baking soda/dmso/cs. 
to give a try or may  be O of O paste?  Your feedback much appreciated.   

Helen, the beat thing I have found to help many people with  skin 
conditions is "Brooks Mix"---This is it---  
75% CS {EIS}--10% DMSO--15% glycerin. Put the DMSO in  last--The mixture 
will get warm but that's OK.. shake it a bit before each use..  It is great 
for many, many skin conditions, shingles, psoriasis, athletes foot,  & on & 
on..{{ Can uses Aloe Vera in place of glycerin & in some  cases it works 
better & is less expensive..Just make sure it is pure with no  added 
ingredients..}}   .Lois 

Re: CS>psoriasis/was O of O

2012-10-29 Thread dingyung49
Hi, group,
 Does O of O help psoriasis?  
My adult son has very severe psoriasis all over his face, neck, legs.  He does 
not want going to see doctor.  He said there was no cure.   I tried MMS with 
DMSO spray.  temporary got rid of thick skin and showing pink bare skin.  Now 
it went back to original ugly psoriasis.  He also am suffering thick fungus 
toenails and callous too painful to walk.  I suspect he has lots fungus/yeast 
issues.  I am thinking making a paste of baking soda/dmso/cs. to give a try 
or may be O of O paste?  Your feedback much appreciated.  Helen 
--- On Mon, 10/29/12, Dorothy Fitzpatrick  wrote:

From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick 
Subject: Re: CS>O of O
To: "" 
Date: Monday, October 29, 2012, 9:50 AM

Oil of orgegano Trem.  dee

From: Trem 
Reply-To: "" 
Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 08:29:44 -0700
To: "" 
Subject: RE: CS>microelectricitygermkiller group
Resent-From: "" 
Resent-Date: Mon, 29 Oct 2012 08:29:46 -0700

Excuse my ignorance.  What is O of O?

From: Marshall [] 
Sent: Monday, October 29, 2012 8:01 AM
Subject: Re: CS>microelectricitygermkiller group

I have used it many times and survived!


On 10/27/2012 3:43 AM, Jane MacRoss wrote: 

NOTHING survives O of O

- Original Message - 

From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick <>  


Sent: Saturday, October 27, 2012 6:22 PM

Subject: Re: CS>microelectricitygermkiller group

Also Oil of Oregano and Lemon Balm have said to have been successful.. Having 
tasted O of O I can say that I’m sure no shingles would ever survive it! (lol) 

From: Shirley Reed 
Reply-To: "" 
Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 17:21:39 -0700 (PDT)
To: "" 
Subject: CS>microelectricitygermkiller group
Resent-From: "" 
Resent-Date: Fri, 26 Oct 2012 17:21:39 -0700

 The group mentioned above has files that address the herpes and shingles 
issues.  I think it will work for this and it is cheap and easy to try.  Also, 
geranium oil is said to quickly alleviate the pain of shingles.  I have no 
personal experience with this oil for shingles.  Best wishes,  pj

No virus found in this message.
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Version: 2012.0.2221 / Virus Database: 2441/5355 - Release Date: 10/26/12

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Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-17 Thread ZZekelink
Hi Paul, "brooks mix " is an excellent cure for many  skin conditions in we 
humans & our pets. I have given it to many people  &  it usually works in 
about 5-7  days... Here are the directions-- Lois
   75% colloidal Silver {EIS}--10% DMSO  & 15% glycerin . Add the DMSO 
Last. It will get warm but that is OK.   Shake it up before each application. 
Apply a thin coat topically.   

Hey all

Anyone know of a cure or something that helps a lot for  psoriasis?

Thanks a lot!!!
Paul  Steel
h  508.520.6905
c  508.922.0519
The harder you work  the luckier you get!

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-17 Thread 123 456
Ah, now ,liver cleanser.
Big time!
 Get some MilkThistle Extract.
Silibum Marianum.
Tincture unless you are lucky enought to find it growing wild.
Works wonders especially if you have the big 'C'.

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 10:26 AM, Gayla Chepourkoff wrote:

> **
> Yes, mine was probably from B and C deficiency.
> My ex-BF had it for 40 years on 80% of his body. I put him through brewers
> yeast, blood cleanse, kidney cleanse, liver cleanse, parasite cleanse,
> change of diet, no coffee, sugar, etc etc. What finally cleaned it up was
> treating it like a fungus with a home made salve. (Proprietary ingredients,
> sorry). It totally went away in 4 months and stayed gone for 4 years, until
> he started building anger again. I believe the anger stated clogging his
> liver and it came back, although never as bad as when I first met him.
> Just something to think about.
> Gayla
>  - Original Message -
> *From:* Dorothy Fitzpatrick 
> *To:*
>  *Sent:* Friday, August 17, 2012 3:06 AM
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Psoriasis
> Maybe it was due to a vitamin B deficiency then?  dee
> --
> *From: *Gayla Chepourkoff 
> *Reply-To: *"" 
> *Date: *Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:35:49 -0700
> *To: *"" 
> *Subject: *Re: CS>Psoriasis
> *Resent-From: *"" 
> *Resent-Date: *Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:35:53 -0700
> I got rid of mine with brewer's yeast. I was taking it to improve my hair
> and nails and lo and behold the P went away. That was over 40 years ago and
> it has never returned.
> Gayla
> - Original Message -
> *From:*  Lena  Guyot < >
> *To:*
> *Sent:* Thursday, August 16, 2012 8:31  AM
> *Subject:* Re: CS>Psoriasis
> Forgot to mention, I  tried CMO for 3 months, with no noticeable benefits
> to any of my auto-immune  things (but I'm a Lymie). P is an elusive thing,
> So leave no stone unturned;  something might be the magic answer!  L
> On Aug 16, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Marshalee Hallett wrote:

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-17 Thread Gayla Chepourkoff
Re: CS>PsoriasisYes, mine was probably from B and C deficiency.
My ex-BF had it for 40 years on 80% of his body. I put him through brewers 
yeast, blood cleanse, kidney cleanse, liver cleanse, parasite cleanse, change 
of diet, no coffee, sugar, etc etc. What finally cleaned it up was treating it 
like a fungus with a home made salve. (Proprietary ingredients, sorry). It 
totally went away in 4 months and stayed gone for 4 years, until he started 
building anger again. I believe the anger stated clogging his liver and it came 
back, although never as bad as when I first met him.
Just something to think about.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick 
  Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 3:06 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis

  Maybe it was due to a vitamin B deficiency then?  dee

  From: Gayla Chepourkoff 
  Reply-To: "" 
  Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:35:49 -0700
  To: "" 
  Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis
  Resent-From: "" 
  Resent-Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:35:53 -0700

  I got rid of mine with brewer's yeast. I was taking it to improve my hair and 
nails and lo and behold the P went away. That was over 40 years ago and it has 
never returned.

- Original Message - 
From:  Lena  Guyot <>  
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 8:31  AM
Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis

Forgot to mention, I  tried CMO for 3 months, with no noticeable benefits 
to any of my auto-immune  things (but I'm a Lymie). P is an elusive thing, So 
leave no stone unturned;  something might be the magic answer!  L

On Aug 16, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Marshalee Hallett wrote:

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-17 Thread Paul Steel
Thanks Tara :)

Paul Steel
h 508.520.6905
c 508.922.0519
The harder you work the luckier you get!


 From: 123 456 
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 7:33 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis
Hi Paul,
Yes, I get it from a my sister.
It is from Nature's Pearl Products company in NC and you can get it at
her special price  from the website, or you can call them and they
will deliver it to you.
Their number is 336-998-2386 and her ID number is 13348
The HF stores that are starting to carry it around here, (It's new to Canada)
can't enough of it keep it in stock.
Good luck with this and let me know if you have any trouble ordering?
Maybe I can help.

There has been at least twenty years of research into this native
remedy and they are still trying to figure out what is the source of
such a high resveratrol count with it.
It seems to be related to sacred geometry which then suggests that
there might be an ormus effect with it which would possibly then
contain precious minerals like the silver, irridium, platinum, gold
etc. all in a liquid colloidal form.
Best wishes,

On 8/17/12, Paul Steel  wrote:
> Tara
> Is there a certain brand that you and your friends are using?
> Thanks
> Paul Steel
> h 508.520.6905
> c 508.922.0519
> The harder you work the luckier you get!
>  From: 123 456 
> To:
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 7:08 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis
> This seems to be a sever lack of nutrician when these skin conditions
> manifest.
> Some of my friends are haveing huge success with the muscadine grape
> seed capsules and lotion.
> For myself, it is reducing age spot /inflamation in the organs when I
> put it onto the reflex points on hands and feet.
> Toenails have never looked better.
> Moons on the toenails is almost unheard of in an adult.
> Tara
> On 8/17/12, Dorothy Fitzpatrick  wrote:
>> Maybe it was due to a vitamin B deficiency then?  dee
>> From: Gayla Chepourkoff 
>> Reply-To: "" 
>> Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:35:49 -0700
>> To: "" 
>> Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis
>> Resent-From: "" 
>> Resent-Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:35:53 -0700
>> I got rid of mine with brewer's yeast. I was taking it to improve my hair
>> and nails and lo and behold the P went away. That was over 40 years ago
>> and
>> it has never returned.
>> Gayla
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From:  Lena  Guyot <>
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 8:31  AM
>>> Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis
>>> Forgot to mention, I  tried CMO for 3 months, with no noticeable benefits
>>> to
>>> any of my auto-immune  things (but I'm a Lymie). P is an elusive thing,
>>> So
>>> leave no stone unturned;  something might be the magic answer!  L
>>> On Aug 16, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Marshalee Hallett wrote:
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>   Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
>   <>
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: <>
> List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-17 Thread 123 456
Hi Paul,
Yes, I get it from a my sister.
It is from Nature's Pearl Products company in NC and you can get it at
her special price  from the website, or you can call them and they
will deliver it to you.
Their number is 336-998-2386 and her ID number is 13348
The HF stores that are starting to carry it around here, (It's new to Canada)
can't enough of it keep it in stock.
Good luck with this and let me know if you have any trouble ordering?
Maybe I can help.

There has been at least twenty years of research into this native
remedy and they are still trying to figure out what is the source of
such a high resveratrol count with it.
It seems to be related to sacred geometry which then suggests that
there might be an ormus effect with it which would possibly then
contain precious minerals like the silver, irridium, platinum, gold
etc. all in a liquid colloidal form.
Best wishes,

On 8/17/12, Paul Steel  wrote:
> Tara
> Is there a certain brand that you and your friends are using?
> Thanks
> Paul Steel
> h 508.520.6905
> c 508.922.0519
> The harder you work the luckier you get!
>  From: 123 456 
> To:
> Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 7:08 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis
> This seems to be a sever lack of nutrician when these skin conditions
> manifest.
> Some of my friends are haveing huge success with the muscadine grape
> seed capsules and lotion.
> For myself, it is reducing age spot /inflamation in the organs when I
> put it onto the reflex points on hands and feet.
> Toenails have never looked better.
> Moons on the toenails is almost unheard of in an adult.
> Tara
> On 8/17/12, Dorothy Fitzpatrick  wrote:
>> Maybe it was due to a vitamin B deficiency then?  dee
>> From: Gayla Chepourkoff 
>> Reply-To: "" 
>> Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:35:49 -0700
>> To: "" 
>> Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis
>> Resent-From: "" 
>> Resent-Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:35:53 -0700
>> I got rid of mine with brewer's yeast. I was taking it to improve my hair
>> and nails and lo and behold the P went away. That was over 40 years ago
>> and
>> it has never returned.
>> Gayla
>>> - Original Message -
>>> From:  Lena  Guyot <>
>>> To:
>>> Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 8:31  AM
>>> Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis
>>> Forgot to mention, I  tried CMO for 3 months, with no noticeable benefits
>>> to
>>> any of my auto-immune  things (but I'm a Lymie). P is an elusive thing,
>>> So
>>> leave no stone unturned;  something might be the magic answer!  L
>>> On Aug 16, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Marshalee Hallett wrote:
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>   Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
>   <>
> Archives:
> Off-Topic discussions: <>
> List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-17 Thread Paul Steel

Is there a certain brand that you and your friends are using?


Paul Steel
h 508.520.6905
c 508.922.0519
The harder you work the luckier you get!


 From: 123 456 
Sent: Friday, August 17, 2012 7:08 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis
This seems to be a sever lack of nutrician when these skin conditions manifest.
Some of my friends are haveing huge success with the muscadine grape
seed capsules and lotion.
For myself, it is reducing age spot /inflamation in the organs when I
put it onto the reflex points on hands and feet.
Toenails have never looked better.
Moons on the toenails is almost unheard of in an adult.

On 8/17/12, Dorothy Fitzpatrick  wrote:
> Maybe it was due to a vitamin B deficiency then?  dee
> From: Gayla Chepourkoff 
> Reply-To: "" 
> Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:35:49 -0700
> To: "" 
> Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis
> Resent-From: "" 
> Resent-Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:35:53 -0700
> I got rid of mine with brewer's yeast. I was taking it to improve my hair
> and nails and lo and behold the P went away. That was over 40 years ago and
> it has never returned.
> Gayla
>> - Original Message -
>> From:  Lena  Guyot <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 8:31  AM
>> Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis
>> Forgot to mention, I  tried CMO for 3 months, with no noticeable benefits
>> to
>> any of my auto-immune  things (but I'm a Lymie). P is an elusive thing,
>> So
>> leave no stone unturned;  something might be the magic answer!  L
>> On Aug 16, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Marshalee Hallett wrote:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-17 Thread 123 456
This seems to be a sever lack of nutrician when these skin conditions manifest.
Some of my friends are haveing huge success with the muscadine grape
seed capsules and lotion.
For myself, it is reducing age spot /inflamation in the organs when I
put it onto the reflex points on hands and feet.
Toenails have never looked better.
Moons on the toenails is almost unheard of in an adult.

On 8/17/12, Dorothy Fitzpatrick  wrote:
> Maybe it was due to a vitamin B deficiency then?  dee
> From: Gayla Chepourkoff 
> Reply-To: "" 
> Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:35:49 -0700
> To: "" 
> Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis
> Resent-From: "" 
> Resent-Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:35:53 -0700
> I got rid of mine with brewer's yeast. I was taking it to improve my hair
> and nails and lo and behold the P went away. That was over 40 years ago and
> it has never returned.
> Gayla
>> - Original Message -
>> From:  Lena  Guyot <>
>> To:
>> Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 8:31  AM
>> Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis
>> Forgot to mention, I  tried CMO for 3 months, with no noticeable benefits
>> to
>> any of my auto-immune  things (but I'm a Lymie). P is an elusive thing,
>> So
>> leave no stone unturned;  something might be the magic answer!  L
>> On Aug 16, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Marshalee Hallett wrote:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-17 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Maybe it was due to a vitamin B deficiency then?  dee

From: Gayla Chepourkoff 
Reply-To: "" 
Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:35:49 -0700
To: "" 
Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis
Resent-From: "" 
Resent-Date: Thu, 16 Aug 2012 10:35:53 -0700

I got rid of mine with brewer's yeast. I was taking it to improve my hair
and nails and lo and behold the P went away. That was over 40 years ago and
it has never returned.
> - Original Message -
> From:  Lena  Guyot <>
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 8:31  AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis
> Forgot to mention, I  tried CMO for 3 months, with no noticeable benefits to
> any of my auto-immune  things (but I'm a Lymie). P is an elusive thing, So
> leave no stone unturned;  something might be the magic answer!  L
> On Aug 16, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Marshalee Hallett wrote:

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-17 Thread Greg
I forgot to mention that it is the Magnesium Hydroxide in Milk of 
Magnesia that was said to help .

On 8/16/2012 10:48 AM, Paul Steel wrote:

Hey all

Anyone know of a cure or something that helps a lot for psoriasis?

Thanks a lot!!!
Paul Steel
h 508.520.6905
c 508.922.0519
The harder you work the luckier you get!

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-17 Thread Greg


A couple of days ago I was looking for Psoriasis treatments for a neighbor.

Several times different people said they found relief by applying Milk 
of Magnesia to the affected areas and had improvement within days.

Check it out.

I hope it helps.


On 8/16/2012 10:48 AM, Paul Steel wrote:

Hey all

Anyone know of a cure or something that helps a lot for psoriasis?

Thanks a lot!!!
Paul Steel
h 508.520.6905
c 508.922.0519
The harder you work the luckier you get!

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-16 Thread Lena Guyot
Hi Sara,
This is interesting news, as I make kefir daily and always have whey. Will try 
it as a hair rinse and see if it helps. Thanks! 
Be well,
On Aug 16, 2012, at 4:13 PM, Sara Mandal-Joy wrote:

> It may be a similar "cure", but my son had horrendous P for all his childhood 
> years.  Not even the super strong prescription shampoos helped a bit.  When I 
> started to look into kefir for our diets, I found that some folks were using 
> kefir whey (drained off finished kefir, leaving behind a soft cheese) as a 
> hair rinse to treat a variety of scalp conditions.  I tried it for my son, 
> and he has had a clear scalp ever since.  I just mix about a cup of the 
> drained whey in a quart of warmish water, and pour it on after completing the 
> shampoo.  I rub it through his scalp and hair and let it sit a few minutes 
> before a final water rinse.  It leaves his hair shiny and manageable, too.  I 
>  wash his hair with just homemade soap, which if you've tried you know it can 
> leave your hair a little "tough" and stringy.   But with the whey rinse no 
> conditioner is needed, and his hair is in great shape, along with his scalp.
> Sara 
>> I got rid of mine with brewer's yeast. I was taking it to improve my hair 
>> and nails   and lo and behold the P went away. That was over 40 
>> years ago and it has never returned.
>> Gayla
>> - Original Message -
>> From: Lena Guyot
>> To:
>> Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 8:31 AM
>> Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis
>> Forgot to mention, I tried CMO for 3 months, with no noticeable benefits to 
>> any of my auto-immune things (but I'm a Lymie). P is an elusive thing, So 
>> leave no stone unturned; something might be the magic answer!  L
>> On Aug 16, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Marshalee Hallett wrote:

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-16 Thread Paul Steel
I just bought some


Paul Steel
h 508.520.6905
c 508.922.0519
The harder you work the luckier you get!


 From: Sandee George 
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 6:31 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis

Hi There Paul - go to my website and get yourself a jar of my Colloidal Silver 
gel and give it a try - it has worked for many others so why not for you ?

Attitude is everything!!! 

Criminal Arrest History
See anyone's arrest records. Unlimited searches for peace of mind.

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-16 Thread Sandee George
Hi There Paul - go to my website and get yourself a jar of my  
Colloidal Silver gel and give it a try - it has worked for many others  
so why not for you ?

Attitude is everything!!!

Criminal Arrest History
See anyone's arrest records. Unlimited searches for peace of mind.

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-16 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
It may be a similar "cure", but my son had horrendous P for all his 
childhood years.  Not even the super strong prescription shampoos helped 
a bit.  When I started to look into kefir for our diets, I found that 
some folks were using kefir whey (drained off finished kefir, leaving 
behind a soft cheese) as a hair rinse to treat a variety of scalp 
conditions.  I tried it for my son, and he has had a clear scalp ever 
since.  I just mix about a cup of the drained whey in a quart of warmish 
water, and pour it on after completing the shampoo.  I rub it through 
his scalp and hair and let it sit a few minutes before a final water 
rinse.  It leaves his hair shiny and manageable, too.  I  wash his hair 
with just homemade soap, which if you've tried you know it can leave 
your hair a little "tough" and stringy.   But with the whey rinse no 
conditioner is needed, and his hair is in great shape, along with his scalp.

I got rid of mine with brewer's yeast. I was taking it to improve my 
hair and nails and lo and behold the P went away. That was over 40 
years ago and it has never returned.


- Original Message -
*From:* Lena Guyot <>
*To:* <>
*Sent:* Thursday, August 16, 2012 8:31 AM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Psoriasis

Forgot to mention, I tried CMO for 3 months, with no noticeable
benefits to any of my auto-immune things (but I'm a Lymie). P is
an elusive thing, So leave no stone unturned; something might be
the magic answer!  L
On Aug 16, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Marshalee Hallett wrote:

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-16 Thread Paul Steel
Thanks all for all this wonderful information!!!

Paul Steel
h 508.520.6905
c 508.922.0519
The harder you work the luckier you get!


 From: Gayla Chepourkoff 
Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 1:35 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis

I got rid of mine with brewer's yeast. I was 
taking it to improve my hair and nails and lo and behold the P went away. That 
was over 40 years ago and it has never returned.
- Original Message - 
>From: Lena  Guyot 
>Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 8:31  AM
>Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis
>Forgot to mention, I  tried CMO for 3 months, with no noticeable benefits to 
>any of my auto-immune  things (but I'm a Lymie). P is an elusive thing, So 
>leave no stone unturned;  something might be the magic answer!  L
>On Aug 16, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Marshalee Hallett 

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-16 Thread Lena Guyot
I'll try it! Thanks!
Be well,
On Aug 16, 2012, at 1:35 PM, Gayla Chepourkoff wrote:

> I got rid of mine with brewer's yeast. I was taking it to improve my hair and 
> nails and lo and behold the P went away. That was over 40 years ago and it 
> has never returned.
> Gayla
> - Original Message -
> From: Lena Guyot
> To:
> Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 8:31 AM
> Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis
> Forgot to mention, I tried CMO for 3 months, with no noticeable benefits to 
> any of my auto-immune things (but I'm a Lymie). P is an elusive thing, So 
> leave no stone unturned; something might be the magic answer!  L
> On Aug 16, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Marshalee Hallett wrote:

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-16 Thread Gayla Chepourkoff
I got rid of mine with brewer's yeast. I was taking it to improve my hair and 
nails and lo and behold the P went away. That was over 40 years ago and it has 
never returned.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Lena Guyot 
  Sent: Thursday, August 16, 2012 8:31 AM
  Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis

  Forgot to mention, I tried CMO for 3 months, with no noticeable benefits to 
any of my auto-immune things (but I'm a Lymie). P is an elusive thing, So leave 
no stone unturned; something might be the magic answer!  L

  On Aug 16, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Marshalee Hallett wrote:

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-16 Thread Lena Guyot
Forgot to mention, I tried CMO for 3 months, with no noticeable benefits to any 
of my auto-immune things (but I'm a Lymie). P is an elusive thing, So leave no 
stone unturned; something might be the magic answer!  L
On Aug 16, 2012, at 11:17 AM, Marshalee Hallett wrote:

> Dear Paul,
> Cetyl Myristoleate or CMO is supposed to help all auto-immune diseases, and 
> it cured my arthritis, (my dog`s, too) so if P is auto-immune, it ought to 
> help! (I`ve heard it is good for Lupus.)
> Marshalee
> On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 9:09 AM, Lena Guyot  wrote:
> HI Paul,
> Psoriasis (P) seems to have many reasons, thus many remedies that sort of 
> work for a while and then don't. Being a Lymie, I've found that P, for me, is 
> an expression of my liver being over-burdened and the skin taking out the 
> trash, and manifesting inflammation. 
> When I first started Salt & C, my P diminished somewhat, then plateaued and 
> as I killed more and more Lyme, it was hard to do enough detox to relieve the 
> skin and things more or less returned. 
> I'd tried Milk Thistle, but it didn't do much, until this spring, someone 
> mentioned higher dosing and within 2 weeks, several of my more 
> recently-arrived patches completely cleared up! I was experimenting with 3 
> caps a day. Now have gone to 4. (headaches appeared at increase, then tapered 
> off) Now my patches are more like clusters of islands, instead of solid 
> continents, and the rate of scale build-up is much slower. 
> Stress, hot, humid weather, definitely don't help. Not scratching them until 
> they flake off and bleed is another thing. I've found that clear packing 
> tape, rubbed on hard with a spoon, then peeled off, will remove scales well, 
> without the bleeding, which I think triggers more inflammation.
> Argan oil, applied several times a day also seems to calm the skin a bit. I 
> put it in a small roll-on bottle (eBay) to make it go farther, as it's 
> expensive.
> I'm convinced that P, like Lyme, can be a group of things, which would 
> explain why remedies work for a while and then don't, as secondary fungi, or 
> infections become the new insurgents. Just my opinion: not a doc, just a 
> Lymie lab-rat.
> I tried Low-Dose Naltrexone for a couple months as that had been highly 
> touted for P arthritis, but to my horror, I had new outbreaks on my face 
> where there'd never been before, so quit.
> My local pharmacist mixes a topical creme base with Gotu-Kola, emptied from 
> herbal caps, and that seems to help soften scales so they come off more 
> easily. I've tried that, along with adding Feverfew herb powder to the mix.
> I read the P sufferers are sometimes deficient in Fumaric acid, so I tried 
> that and it helped break 'continents' into 'islands' a bit, but slowly.I 
> still take one a day just in case. 
> Recently, this summer, I had small (o)-sized red spots with dry scaly centers 
> pop up in new places and feared they'd be new P, then googled around and 
> found that there is a certain form of strep rash that can happen. I Rifed for 
> all the strep in the CAFL list and the spots faded away.
> Colloidal silver seems to knock out some of the pathogens that might be along 
> for the ride on major patches.
> This is a tough one! The old ad saying 'The heartbrak of Psoriasis' wasn't 
> kidding. The TV-advertised pharma has too many black-box warnings for me. 
> Anything that compromises the immune system, especially for Lymies, is a step 
> in the WRONG direction. So many promising pharmaceutical that I resisted over 
> the years would now have entitled me to being part a many class-actions 
> suits, that I'm never tempted by their superficial fixes. If the remedy 
> doesn't actually work at the very basic cause, it's a waste of time, $$$, and 
> possibly one's ability to heal.
> On other issues, I've had good luck with Chinese traditional medicines, 
> (TCMs) with some that are pre-made as teapills, for general conditions, but 
> the couple I tried for P didn't do anything, which means they might have to 
> be custom-made by an expert Chinese herbalist, who can assess you personally, 
> and I have none in my area.
> Hope something here is of use.
> Be well,
> Léna
> On Aug 16, 2012, at 9:48 AM, Paul Steel wrote:
>> Hey all
>> Anyone know of a cure or something that helps a lot for psoriasis?
>> Thanks a lot!!!
>> Paul Steel
>> h 508.520.6905
>> c 508.922.0519
>> The harder you work the luckier you get!

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-16 Thread Lena Guyot
I know, but I'm on the road, and all my doses are all organized in pill-boxes; 
the bottles remaining at home. After taking some pricier MT, I ran out, and had 
to find what was available on the road. Got MT at Walmart. It proved to be as 
effective, so I'm taking 4 of those now. You could probably check the bottle 
for quantity there.

Be well,
On Aug 16, 2012, at 11:16 AM, Janet R. Perry wrote:

> What was the dose of Milk Thistle? 
> Giving number of capsules does not tell us how much you took.
> Thanks,
> Janet R. Perry, MA
> Wellness Consultant
> Austin, Texas
> 512.585.1320
> On 8/16/12 10:09 AM, Lena Guyot wrote:
>> HI Paul,
>> Psoriasis (P) seems to have many reasons, thus many remedies that sort of 
>> work for a while and then don't. Being a Lymie, I've found that P, for me, 
>> is an expression of my liver being over-burdened and the skin taking out the 
>> trash, and manifesting inflammation. 
>> When I first started Salt & C, my P diminished somewhat, then plateaued and 
>> as I killed more and more Lyme, it was hard to do enough detox to relieve 
>> the skin and things more or less returned. 
>> I'd tried Milk Thistle, but it didn't do much, until this spring, someone 
>> mentioned higher dosing and within 2 weeks, several of my more 
>> recently-arrived patches completely cleared up! I was   
>> experimenting with 3 caps a day. Now have gone to 4. (headaches appeared at 
>> increase, then tapered off) Now my patches are more like clusters of 
>> islands, instead of solid continents, and the rate of scale build-up is much 
>> slower. 
>> Stress, hot, humid weather, definitely don't help. Not scratching them until 
>> they flake off and bleed is another thing. I've found that clear packing 
>> tape, rubbed on hard with a spoon, then peeled off, will remove scales well, 
>> without the bleeding, which I think triggers more inflammation.
>> Argan oil, applied several times a day also seems to calm the skin a bit. I 
>> put it in a small roll-on bottle (eBay) to make it go farther, as it's 
>> expensive.
>> I'm convinced that P, like Lyme, can be a group of things, which would 
>> explain why remedies work for a while and then don't, as secondary fungi, or 
>> infections become the new insurgents. Just my opinion: not a doc, just a 
>> Lymie lab-rat.
>> I tried Low-Dose Naltrexone for a couple months as that had been highly 
>> touted for P arthritis, but to my horror, I had new outbreaks on my face 
>> where there'd never been before, so quit.
>> My local pharmacist mixes a topical creme base with Gotu-Kola, emptied from 
>> herbal caps, and that seems to help soften scales so they come off more 
>> easily. I've tried that, along with adding Feverfew herb powder to the mix.
>> I read the P sufferers are sometimes deficient in Fumaric acid, so I tried 
>> that and it helped break 'continents' into 'islands' a bit, but slowly.I 
>> still take one a day just in case. 
>> Recently, this summer, I had small (o)-sized red spots with dry scaly 
>> centers pop up in new places and feared they'd be new P, then googled around 
>> and found that there is a certain form of strep rash that can happen. I 
>> Rifed for all the strep in the CAFL list and the spots faded away.
>> Colloidal silver seems to knock out some of the pathogens that might be 
>> along for the ride on major patches.
>> This is a tough one! The old ad saying 'The heartbrak of Psoriasis' wasn't 
>> kidding. The TV-advertised pharma has too many black-box warnings for me. 
>> Anything that compromises the immune system, especially for Lymies, is a 
>> step in the WRONG direction. So many promising pharmaceutical that I 
>> resisted over the years would now have entitled me to being part a many 
>> class-actions suits, that I'm never tempted by their superficial fixes. If 
>> the remedy doesn't actually work at the very basic cause, it's a waste of 
>> time, $$$, and possibly one's ability to heal.
>> On other issues, I've had good luck with Chinese traditional medicines, 
>> (TCMs) with some that are pre-made as teapills, for general conditions, but 
>> the couple I tried for P didn't do anything, which means they might have to 
>> be custom-made by an expert Chinese herbalist, who can assess you 
>> personally, and I have none in my area.
>> Hope something here is of use.
>> Be well,
>> Léna
>> On Aug 16, 2012, at 9:48 AM, Paul Steel wrote:
>>> Hey all
>>> Anyone know of a cure or something that helps a lot for psoriasis?
>>> Thanks a lot!!!
>>> Paul Steel
>>> h 508.520.6905
>>> c 508.922.0519
>>> The harder you work the luckier you get!

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-16 Thread Marshalee Hallett
Dear Paul,
Cetyl Myristoleate or CMO is supposed to help all auto-immune diseases, and
it cured my arthritis, (my dog`s, too) so if P is auto-immune, it ought to
help! (I`ve heard it is good for Lupus.)

On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 9:09 AM, Lena Guyot  wrote:

> HI Paul,
> Psoriasis (P) seems to have many reasons, thus many remedies that sort of
> work for a while and then don't. Being a Lymie, I've found that P, for me,
> is an expression of my liver being over-burdened and the skin taking out
> the trash, and manifesting inflammation.
> When I first started Salt & C, my P diminished somewhat, then plateaued
> and as I killed more and more Lyme, it was hard to do enough detox to
> relieve the skin and things more or less returned.
> I'd tried Milk Thistle, but it didn't do much, until this spring, someone
> mentioned higher dosing and within 2 weeks, several of my more
> recently-arrived patches completely cleared up! I was experimenting with 3
> caps a day. Now have gone to 4. (headaches appeared at increase, then
> tapered off) Now my patches are more like clusters of islands, instead of
> solid continents, and the rate of scale build-up is much slower.
> Stress, hot, humid weather, definitely don't help. Not scratching them
> until they flake off and bleed is another thing. I've found that clear
> packing tape, rubbed on hard with a spoon, then peeled off, will remove
> scales well, without the bleeding, which I think triggers more inflammation.
> Argan oil, applied several times a day also seems to calm the skin a bit.
> I put it in a small roll-on bottle (eBay) to make it go farther, as it's
> expensive.
> I'm convinced that P, like Lyme, can be a group of things, which would
> explain why remedies work for a while and then don't, as secondary fungi,
> or infections become the new insurgents. Just my opinion: not a doc, just a
> Lymie lab-rat.
> I tried Low-Dose Naltrexone for a couple months as that had been highly
> touted for P arthritis, but to my horror, I had new outbreaks on my face
> where there'd never been before, so quit.
> My local pharmacist mixes a topical creme base with Gotu-Kola, emptied
> from herbal caps, and that seems to help soften scales so they come off
> more easily. I've tried that, along with adding Feverfew herb powder to the
> mix.
> I read the P sufferers are sometimes deficient in Fumaric acid, so I tried
> that and it helped break 'continents' into 'islands' a bit, but slowly.I
> still take one a day just in case.
> Recently, this summer, I had small (o)-sized red spots with dry scaly
> centers pop up in new places and feared they'd be new P, then googled
> around and found that there is a certain form of strep rash that can
> happen. I Rifed for all the strep in the CAFL list and the spots faded away.
> Colloidal silver seems to knock out some of the pathogens that might be
> along for the ride on major patches.
> This is a tough one! The old ad saying 'The heartbrak of Psoriasis' wasn't
> kidding. The TV-advertised pharma has too many black-box warnings for me.
> Anything that compromises the immune system, especially for Lymies, is a
> step in the WRONG direction. So many promising pharmaceutical that I
> resisted over the years would now have entitled me to being part a many
> class-actions suits, that I'm never tempted by their superficial fixes. If
> the remedy doesn't actually work at the very basic cause, it's a waste of
> time, $$$, and possibly one's ability to heal.
> On other issues, I've had good luck with Chinese traditional medicines,
> (TCMs) with some that are pre-made as teapills, for general conditions, but
> the couple I tried for P didn't do anything, which means they might have to
> be custom-made by an expert Chinese herbalist, who can assess you
> personally, and I have none in my area.
> Hope something here is of use.
> Be well,
> Léna
> On Aug 16, 2012, at 9:48 AM, Paul Steel wrote:
> Hey all
> Anyone know of a cure or something that helps a lot for psoriasis?
> Thanks a lot!!!
> Paul Steel
> h 508.520.6905
> c 508.922.0519
> The harder you work the luckier you get!

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-16 Thread Janet R. Perry

What was the dose of Milk Thistle?

Giving number of capsules does not tell us how much you took.


Janet R. Perry, MA
Wellness Consultant
Austin, Texas

On 8/16/12 10:09 AM, Lena Guyot wrote:

HI Paul,
Psoriasis (P) seems to have many reasons, thus many remedies that sort 
of work for a while and then don't. Being a Lymie, I've found that P, 
for me, is an expression of my liver being over-burdened and the skin 
taking out the trash, and manifesting inflammation.

When I first started Salt & C, my P diminished somewhat, then 
plateaued and as I killed more and more Lyme, it was hard to do enough 
detox to relieve the skin and things more or less returned.

I'd tried Milk Thistle, but it didn't do much, until this spring, 
someone mentioned higher dosing and within 2 weeks, several of my more 
recently-arrived patches completely cleared up! I was experimenting 
with 3 caps a day. Now have gone to 4. (headaches appeared at 
increase, then tapered off) Now my patches are more like clusters of 
islands, instead of solid continents, and the rate of scale build-up 
is much slower.

Stress, hot, humid weather, definitely don't help. Not scratching them 
until they flake off and bleed is another thing. I've found that clear 
packing tape, rubbed on hard with a spoon, then peeled off, will 
remove scales well, without the bleeding, which I think triggers more 
Argan oil, applied several times a day also seems to calm the skin a 
bit. I put it in a small roll-on bottle (eBay) to make it go farther, 
as it's expensive.

I'm convinced that P, like Lyme, can be a group of things, which would 
explain why remedies work for a while and then don't, as secondary 
fungi, or infections become the new insurgents. Just my opinion: not a 
doc, just a Lymie lab-rat.

I tried Low-Dose Naltrexone for a couple months as that had been 
highly touted for P arthritis, but to my horror, I had new outbreaks 
on my face where there'd never been before, so quit.

My local pharmacist mixes a topical creme base with Gotu-Kola, emptied 
from herbal caps, and that seems to help soften scales so they come 
off more easily. I've tried that, along with adding Feverfew herb 
powder to the mix.
I read the P sufferers are sometimes deficient in Fumaric acid, so I 
tried that and it helped break 'continents' into 'islands' a bit, but 
slowly.I still take one a day just in case.

Recently, this summer, I had small (o)-sized red spots with dry scaly 
centers pop up in new places and feared they'd be new P, then googled 
around and found that there is a certain form of strep rash that can 
happen. I Rifed for all the strep in the CAFL list and the spots faded 
Colloidal silver seems to knock out some of the pathogens that might 
be along for the ride on major patches.

This is a tough one! The old ad saying 'The heartbrak of Psoriasis' 
wasn't kidding. The TV-advertised pharma has too many black-box 
warnings for me. Anything that compromises the immune system, 
especially for Lymies, is a step in the WRONG direction. So many 
promising pharmaceutical that I resisted over the years would now have 
entitled me to being part a many class-actions suits, that I'm never 
tempted by their superficial fixes. If the remedy doesn't actually 
work at the very basic cause, it's a waste of time, $$$, and possibly 
one's ability to heal.

On other issues, I've had good luck with Chinese traditional 
medicines, (TCMs) with some that are pre-made as teapills, for general 
conditions, but the couple I tried for P didn't do anything, which 
means they might have to be custom-made by an expert Chinese 
herbalist, who can assess you personally, and I have none in my area.

Hope something here is of use.
Be well,

On Aug 16, 2012, at 9:48 AM, Paul Steel wrote:

Hey all

Anyone know of a cure or something that helps a lot for psoriasis?

Thanks a lot!!!
Paul Steel
h 508.520.6905
c 508.922.0519
The harder you work the luckier you get!

Re: CS>Psoriasis

2012-08-16 Thread Lena Guyot
HI Paul,
Psoriasis (P) seems to have many reasons, thus many remedies that sort of work 
for a while and then don't. Being a Lymie, I've found that P, for me, is an 
expression of my liver being over-burdened and the skin taking out the trash, 
and manifesting inflammation. 

When I first started Salt & C, my P diminished somewhat, then plateaued and as 
I killed more and more Lyme, it was hard to do enough detox to relieve the skin 
and things more or less returned. 

I'd tried Milk Thistle, but it didn't do much, until this spring, someone 
mentioned higher dosing and within 2 weeks, several of my more recently-arrived 
patches completely cleared up! I was experimenting with 3 caps a day. Now have 
gone to 4. (headaches appeared at increase, then tapered off) Now my patches 
are more like clusters of islands, instead of solid continents, and the rate of 
scale build-up is much slower. 

Stress, hot, humid weather, definitely don't help. Not scratching them until 
they flake off and bleed is another thing. I've found that clear packing tape, 
rubbed on hard with a spoon, then peeled off, will remove scales well, without 
the bleeding, which I think triggers more inflammation.
Argan oil, applied several times a day also seems to calm the skin a bit. I put 
it in a small roll-on bottle (eBay) to make it go farther, as it's expensive.

I'm convinced that P, like Lyme, can be a group of things, which would explain 
why remedies work for a while and then don't, as secondary fungi, or infections 
become the new insurgents. Just my opinion: not a doc, just a Lymie lab-rat.

I tried Low-Dose Naltrexone for a couple months as that had been highly touted 
for P arthritis, but to my horror, I had new outbreaks on my face where there'd 
never been before, so quit.

My local pharmacist mixes a topical creme base with Gotu-Kola, emptied from 
herbal caps, and that seems to help soften scales so they come off more easily. 
I've tried that, along with adding Feverfew herb powder to the mix.
I read the P sufferers are sometimes deficient in Fumaric acid, so I tried that 
and it helped break 'continents' into 'islands' a bit, but slowly.I still take 
one a day just in case. 

Recently, this summer, I had small (o)-sized red spots with dry scaly centers 
pop up in new places and feared they'd be new P, then googled around and found 
that there is a certain form of strep rash that can happen. I Rifed for all the 
strep in the CAFL list and the spots faded away.
Colloidal silver seems to knock out some of the pathogens that might be along 
for the ride on major patches.

This is a tough one! The old ad saying 'The heartbrak of Psoriasis' wasn't 
kidding. The TV-advertised pharma has too many black-box warnings for me. 
Anything that compromises the immune system, especially for Lymies, is a step 
in the WRONG direction. So many promising pharmaceutical that I resisted over 
the years would now have entitled me to being part a many class-actions suits, 
that I'm never tempted by their superficial fixes. If the remedy doesn't 
actually work at the very basic cause, it's a waste of time, $$$, and possibly 
one's ability to heal.

On other issues, I've had good luck with Chinese traditional medicines, (TCMs) 
with some that are pre-made as teapills, for general conditions, but the couple 
I tried for P didn't do anything, which means they might have to be custom-made 
by an expert Chinese herbalist, who can assess you personally, and I have none 
in my area.

Hope something here is of use.
Be well,

On Aug 16, 2012, at 9:48 AM, Paul Steel wrote:

> Hey all
> Anyone know of a cure or something that helps a lot for psoriasis?
> Thanks a lot!!!
> Paul Steel
> h 508.520.6905
> c 508.922.0519
> The harder you work the luckier you get!


2012-08-16 Thread Paul Steel
Hey all

Anyone know of a cure or something that helps a lot for psoriasis?

Thanks a lot!!!

Paul Steel
h 508.520.6905
c 508.922.0519
The harder you work the luckier you get!

Re: CS>psoriasis

2011-12-01 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 12/1/2011 2:08:34 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, writes:

Dear  Chaps

Have you any experiece or advice for CS use. The is an  arthritis 

Thanks in  advance.

Hi Tony, The subject line mentions psoriasis. If that is the problem there  
is a Mix I call " Brooks mix" because it was introduced to this group by a  
researcher named Brooks...This is the "mix"...75% Colloidal Silver---10%  
DMSO15% Glycerin.Add the DMSO last as it will heat up a bit {don't 
worry  that is natural.}
   This is for topical application ---Shake it up before use as  it does 
separate.  It is great for all kinds of skin problems...I hope this  helps, 

Re: CS>psoriasis

2011-12-01 Thread Marshall
I gave a friend with psoriasis some CS about 10 years ago, and he said 
it cleared it right up.  He said that it was caused by agent orange, but 
don't know if that makes any difference or not.


On 12/1/2011 2:08 AM, Antony Blenkinsop wrote:

Dear Chaps

Have you any experiece or advice for CS use. The is an arthritis 

Thanks in advance.

RE: CS>psoriasis

2011-11-30 Thread Antony Blenkinsop

Dear Chaps
Have you any experiece or advice for CS use. The is an arthritis complication.
Thanks in advance.



Re: CS>psoriasis and Ayurvedic, Immunocal

2011-05-16 Thread Tad Winiecki
My mother had psoriasis after taking care of my Parkinson's, bed-ridden, 
feeding-tubed father for a year.  She took Immunocal and her spots 
slowly went away. 

I had high blood pressure and someone here suggested Mukta Vati, an 
Ayurvedic herbal blend.  I got some and was amazed how well it works, 
better than my sisters' prescription meds and also actually changing 
things in the body to effect a cure, not a patch.  So, I wonder if the 
remedies in Ayurvedic would also do a great job on psoriasis but have no 
experience with them.  Neem is supposed to have good properties in that 
area, and a remedy called Kayakalp vati available on ebay.  Has anyone 
tried these?

Has anyone had success with any other Ayurvedic formulas for any 
specific conditions? 


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>psoriasis - feverfew question

2011-05-13 Thread Guyot Léna
A friend found it for migraines and read that it can help psoriasis,  
which is what I'm taking it for. Seems to be working.

On May 13, 2011, at 11:03 AM, jess wrote:

Lena, is the feverfew for headaches or some other pain? Thanks, Jess

From: Guyot Léna
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis

I take lecithin. I take 15 g of good vitamin C daily. I do not make  
liposomal C, as I haven't felt the need, and what with making my own  
CS, Kefir, Kombucha, distilled water, and other potions, lotions, eye  
drops, Mag oil sprays, as well as encapsulations of Himmy salt,  
C.O.T., B.S. M.S.M., Moringa, Modifilan, and what-not, I've hit my  
limit, especially as my use of the C I'm doing has been highly  
successful in reducing my Lyme.

Again, My use of feverfew, gotu kola, and Fumaric acid seems to be  
doing the trick.

Be well,
On May 9, 2011, at 1:37 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

But is this liposomal C or just ordinary ascorbic acid?  The liposomal  
C incorporates lecithin and makes the Vit C highly absorbable.  dee

On 9 May 2011, at 15:57, Guyot Léna wrote:

Hi Dee,

I don't know. I've only been doing 15g of C a day for almost 4 years  
as part of my S&C Lyme routine. It's been highly effective in other  
aspects of healing.

Not everything works for everyone. That is especially true for  
people with chronic Lyme. I still suggest LDN to others, and pass on  
info as to how to get it, by-passing reluctant docs, and compounding  
expenses,   but for me, it not only didn't work, it made a discreet  
problem pop out onto my face. It was a nightmare.

Perhaps it was a healing crisis, but after almost three months of  
cause-and-effect worsening, and the unhappy situation of trying to  
still present a 'normal' face to the world, I feel that I gave it my  
best shot.

As I said before, 'I'm grateful that my combo seems to be steadily  
diminishing my patches now. And glad that I'm doing other healthy  
things that certainly won't hurt.'

Thanks anyway.
Be well,
On May 9, 2011, at 5:13 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

Would it have worked do you think, if you put the Vit C in it i.e.  
made the liposomal Vit C?  dee

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>psoriasis - feverfew question

2011-05-13 Thread jess
Lena, is the feverfew for headaches or some other pain? Thanks, Jess

From: Guyot Léna 
Sent: Monday, May 09, 2011 12:42 PM
Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis

I take lecithin. I take 15 g of good vitamin C daily. I do not make liposomal 
C, as I haven't felt the need, and what with making my own CS, Kefir, Kombucha, 
distilled water, and other potions, lotions, eye drops, Mag oil sprays, as well 
as encapsulations of Himmy salt, C.O.T., B.S. M.S.M., Moringa, Modifilan, and 
what-not, I've hit my limit, especially as my use of the C I'm doing has been 
highly successful in reducing my Lyme. 

Again, My use of feverfew, gotu kola, and Fumaric acid seems to be doing the 

Be well,

On May 9, 2011, at 1:37 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

But is this liposomal C or just ordinary ascorbic acid?  The liposomal C 
incorporates lecithin and makes the Vit C highly absorbable.  dee

On 9 May 2011, at 15:57, Guyot Léna wrote:

  Hi Dee,

  I don't know. I've only been doing 15g of C a day for almost 4 years as part 
of my S&C Lyme routine. It's been highly effective in other aspects of healing. 

  Not everything works for everyone. That is especially true for people with 
chronic Lyme. I still suggest LDN to others, and pass on info as to how to get 
it, by-passing reluctant docs, and compounding expenses, but for me, it not 
only didn't work, it made a discreet problem pop out onto my face. It was a 

  Perhaps it was a healing crisis, but after almost three months of 
cause-and-effect worsening, and the unhappy situation of trying to still 
present a 'normal' face to the world, I feel that I gave it my best shot. 

  As I said before, 'I'm grateful that my combo seems to be steadily 
diminishing my patches now. And glad that I'm doing other healthy things that 
certainly won't hurt.'

  Thanks anyway.

  Be well,


  On May 9, 2011, at 5:13 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

  Would it have worked do you think, if you put the Vit C in it i.e. made the 
liposomal Vit C?  dee

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-09 Thread Guyot Léna
I take lecithin. I take 15 g of good vitamin C daily. I do not make  
liposomal C, as I haven't felt the need, and what with making my own  
CS, Kefir, Kombucha, distilled water, and other potions, lotions, eye  
drops, Mag oil sprays, as well as encapsulations of Himmy salt,  
C.O.T., B.S. M.S.M., Moringa, Modifilan, and what-not, I've hit my  
limit, especially as my use of the C I'm doing has been highly  
successful in reducing my Lyme.

Again, My use of feverfew, gotu kola, and Fumaric acid seems to be  
doing the trick.

Be well,
On May 9, 2011, at 1:37 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

But is this liposomal C or just ordinary ascorbic acid?  The liposomal  
C incorporates lecithin and makes the Vit C highly absorbable.  dee

On 9 May 2011, at 15:57, Guyot Léna wrote:

Hi Dee,

I don't know. I've only been doing 15g of C a day for almost 4 years  
as part of my S&C Lyme routine. It's been highly effective in other  
aspects of healing.

Not everything works for everyone. That is especially true for  
people with chronic Lyme. I still suggest LDN to others, and pass on  
info as to how to get it, by-passing reluctant docs, and compounding  
expenses, but for me, it not only didn't work, it made a discreet  
problem pop out onto my face. It was a nightmare.

Perhaps it was a healing crisis, but after almost three months of  
cause-and-effect worsening, and the unhappy situation of trying to  
still present a 'normal' face to the world, I feel that I gave it my  
best shot.

As I said before, 'I'm grateful that my combo seems to be steadily  
diminishing my patches now. And glad that I'm doing other healthy  
things that certainly won't hurt.'

Thanks anyway.
Be well,
On May 9, 2011, at 5:13 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

Would it have worked do you think, if you put the Vit C in it i.e.  
made the liposomal Vit C?  dee

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-09 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
But is this liposomal C or just ordinary ascorbic acid?  The liposomal C 
incorporates lecithin and makes the Vit C highly absorbable.  dee

On 9 May 2011, at 15:57, Guyot Léna wrote:

> Hi Dee,
> I don't know. I've only been doing 15g of C a day for almost 4 years as part 
> of my S&C Lyme routine. It's been highly effective in other aspects of 
> healing. 
> Not everything works for everyone. That is especially true for people with 
> chronic Lyme. I still suggest LDN to others, and pass on info as to how to 
> get it, by-passing reluctant docs, and compounding expenses, but for me, it 
> not only didn't work, it made a discreet problem pop out onto my face. It was 
> a nightmare. 
> Perhaps it was a healing crisis, but after almost three months of 
> cause-and-effect worsening, and the unhappy situation of trying to still 
> present a 'normal' face to the world, I feel that I gave it my best shot. 
> As I said before, 'I'm grateful that my combo seems to be steadily 
> diminishing my patches now. And glad that I'm doing other healthy things that 
> certainly won't hurt.'
> Thanks anyway.
> Be well,
> Léna 
> On May 9, 2011, at 5:13 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
> Would it have worked do you think, if you put the Vit C in it i.e. made the 
> liposomal Vit C?  dee

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-09 Thread Guyot Léna

Hi Dee,

I don't know. I've only been doing 15g of C a day for almost 4 years  
as part of my S&C Lyme routine. It's been highly effective in other  
aspects of healing.

Not everything works for everyone. That is especially true for people  
with chronic Lyme. I still suggest LDN to others, and pass on info as  
to how to get it, by-passing reluctant docs, and compounding expenses,  
but for me, it not only didn't work, it made a discreet problem pop  
out onto my face. It was a nightmare.

Perhaps it was a healing crisis, but after almost three months of  
cause-and-effect worsening, and the unhappy situation of trying to  
still present a 'normal' face to the world, I feel that I gave it my  
best shot.

As I said before, 'I'm grateful that my combo seems to be steadily  
diminishing my patches now. And glad that I'm doing other healthy  
things that certainly won't hurt.'

Thanks anyway.
Be well,
On May 9, 2011, at 5:13 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

Would it have worked do you think, if you put the Vit C in it i.e.  
made the liposomal Vit C?  dee

On 9 May 2011, at 03:35, Guyot Léna wrote:

Hi Diane,
Yes, lecithin IS worth trying. I take 2T lecithin granules daily;  
have for a couple years now. I know it's good for lots of things, so  
I haven't given it up, despite that fact that it hasn't made a  
difference in my psoriasis. sigh.

I think many people with psoriasis run the gamut of great, well- 
recommended remedies, and by trial and error, may eventually find  
just the right one. Most of us have spent a fortune on these over  
the years. I've always had a fantasy of a 'great psoriasis remedy  
swap', where everyone could meet and try leftovers of what hasn't  
worked for others. ;)

I'm grateful that my combo seems to be steadily diminishing my  
patches now. And glad that I'm doing other healthy things that  
certainly won't hurt.

Be well,

On May 8, 2011, at 10:23 PM, Diane Mackey wrote:


I had severe eczema, three times, as a baby, as a teen, and in my  
mid 20s.  In my 20s, someone told me to take Lecithiin for the  
eczema, and I did and it work beautifully within a couple of weeks.   
When my elderly grandmother got a bad case of psoriasis, I gave her  
a bottle of lecithin and it worked well for her too, but took a bit  
longer.  She took two caps of lecithin three times a day along with  
a Vitamin E capsule.  In about a month it looked great.

Lecithin is cheap and keeps things moist from the inside out,  
amongst other great benefits.  It certainly is worth trying.


From: Guyot Léna []
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis

Hi Bob,
Yes, I did, and because it was suggested for psoriasis.  
Unfortunately, within a week I suddenly had outbreaks on my face,  
which I'd never had before in 20 years! I stuck it out for a couple  
months, with the patches spreading steadily, and then another person  
mentioned that LDN had done that with him as well, and I finally  
gave it up.
My new regime is very slowly shrinking these back, though, to my  
great relief.
Everyone is different, which I always mention whenever I speak of  
anything that's worked for me, as I know it may not for others; and  
in some cases, may even make things worse.

Thanks anyway,
Be well,
On May 8, 2011, at 2:26 PM, bob Larson wrote:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-09 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Would it have worked do you think, if you put the Vit C in it i.e. made the 
liposomal Vit C?  dee

On 9 May 2011, at 03:35, Guyot Léna wrote:

> Hi Diane,
> Yes, lecithin IS worth trying. I take 2T lecithin granules daily; have for a 
> couple years now. I know it's good for lots of things, so I haven't given it 
> up, despite that fact that it hasn't made a difference in my psoriasis. sigh.
> I think many people with psoriasis run the gamut of great, well-recommended 
> remedies, and by trial and error, may eventually find just the right one. 
> Most of us have spent a fortune on these over the years. I've always had a 
> fantasy of a 'great psoriasis remedy swap', where everyone could meet and try 
> leftovers of what hasn't worked for others. ;)
> I'm grateful that my combo seems to be steadily diminishing my patches now. 
> And glad that I'm doing other healthy things that certainly won't hurt.
> Be well,
> Léna
> On May 8, 2011, at 10:23 PM, Diane Mackey wrote:
> Lena,
> I had severe eczema, three times, as a baby, as a teen, and in my mid 20s.  
> In my 20s, someone told me to take Lecithiin for the eczema, and I did and it 
> work beautifully within a couple of weeks.  When my elderly grandmother got a 
> bad case of psoriasis, I gave her a bottle of lecithin and it worked well for 
> her too, but took a bit longer.  She took two caps of lecithin three times a 
> day along with a Vitamin E capsule.  In about a month it looked great.
> Lecithin is cheap and keeps things moist from the inside out, amongst other 
> great benefits.  It certainly is worth trying.
> Diane
> From: Guyot Léna [] 
> Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 2:39 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis
> Hi Bob,
> Yes, I did, and because it was suggested for psoriasis. Unfortunately, within 
> a week I suddenly had outbreaks on my face, which I'd never had before in 20 
> years! I stuck it out for a couple months, with the patches spreading 
> steadily, and then another person mentioned that LDN had done that with him 
> as well, and I finally gave it up.
> My new regime is very slowly shrinking these back, though, to my great 
> relief. 
> Everyone is different, which I always mention whenever I speak of anything 
> that's worked for me, as I know it may not for others; and in some cases, may 
> even make things worse.
> Thanks anyway,
> Be well,
> Léna
> On May 8, 2011, at 2:26 PM, bob Larson wrote:

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-09 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
This is very interesting Bob, I will pass it on.  Many thanks.  dee

On 8 May 2011, at 19:26, bob Larson wrote:

> autoimmune problem.
> CS alone may help to some extent, but from my observations the last couple
> years LDN low dose naltrexone is the thing first for any/all autoimmune
> issues.
> i've seen many reports, no failures, of varying (mostly high) success with
> psoriasis... 
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick [] 
>> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 10:54 AM
>> To:
>> Subject: CS>psoriasis
>> can anyone tell me if they have had any luck in treating this 
>> condition please?  dee
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
> Unsubscribe:
>  <>
> Archives: 
> Off-Topic discussions: <>
> List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>CS:> Psoriasis,Eczema

2011-05-08 Thread Smitty
could it be a food allergy ?

On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 5:01 PM, PTF  wrote:

>  I've known people to use homeopathics successfully for childhood eczema.
> Good luck.
> PT
> - Original Message -
> *From:* Harold MacDonald 
> *To:* Silver list 
> *Sent:* Sunday, May 08, 2011 10:16 PM
> *Subject:* CS>CS:> Psoriasis,Eczema
> My 4 yr. old Grt. granddaughter has sever eczema on her lower face.This is
> something new in my line of off-spring.any suggestions ?
> TIA.
> Harold

Re: CS>CS:> Psoriasis,Eczema

2011-05-08 Thread PTF
I've known people to use homeopathics successfully for childhood eczema.
Good luck.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Harold MacDonald 
  To: Silver list 
  Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 10:16 PM
  Subject: CS>CS:> Psoriasis,Eczema

  My 4 yr. old Grt. granddaughter has sever eczema on her lower face.This is 
something new in my line of off-spring.any suggestions ?

Re: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-08 Thread Guyot Léna

Hi Diane,
Yes, lecithin IS worth trying. I take 2T lecithin granules daily; have  
for a couple years now. I know it's good for lots of things, so I  
haven't given it up, despite that fact that it hasn't made a  
difference in my psoriasis. sigh.

I think many people with psoriasis run the gamut of great, well- 
recommended remedies, and by trial and error, may eventually find just  
the right one. Most of us have spent a fortune on these over the  
years. I've always had a fantasy of a 'great psoriasis remedy swap',  
where everyone could meet and try leftovers of what hasn't worked for  
others. ;)

I'm grateful that my combo seems to be steadily diminishing my patches  
now. And glad that I'm doing other healthy things that certainly won't  

Be well,

On May 8, 2011, at 10:23 PM, Diane Mackey wrote:


I had severe eczema, three times, as a baby, as a teen, and in my mid  
20s.  In my 20s, someone told me to take Lecithiin for the eczema, and  
I did and it work beautifully within a couple of weeks.  When my  
elderly grandmother got a bad case of psoriasis, I gave her a bottle  
of lecithin and it worked well for her too, but took a bit longer.   
She took two caps of lecithin three times a day along with a Vitamin E  
capsule.  In about a month it looked great.

Lecithin is cheap and keeps things moist from the inside out, amongst  
other great benefits.  It certainly is worth trying.


From: Guyot Léna []
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis

Hi Bob,
Yes, I did, and because it was suggested for psoriasis. Unfortunately,  
within a week I suddenly had outbreaks on my face, which I'd never had  
before in 20 years! I stuck it out for a couple months, with the  
patches spreading steadily, and then another person mentioned that LDN  
had done that with him as well, and I finally gave it up.
My new regime is very slowly shrinking these back, though, to my great  
Everyone is different, which I always mention whenever I speak of  
anything that's worked for me, as I know it may not for others; and in  
some cases, may even make things worse.

Thanks anyway,
Be well,
On May 8, 2011, at 2:26 PM, bob Larson wrote:

RE: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-08 Thread Diane Mackey


I had severe eczema, three times, as a baby, as a teen, and in my mid 20s.
In my 20s, someone told me to take Lecithiin for the eczema, and I did and
it work beautifully within a couple of weeks.  When my elderly grandmother
got a bad case of psoriasis, I gave her a bottle of lecithin and it worked
well for her too, but took a bit longer.  She took two caps of lecithin
three times a day along with a Vitamin E capsule.  In about a month it
looked great.


Lecithin is cheap and keeps things moist from the inside out, amongst other
great benefits.  It certainly is worth trying.




From: Guyot Léna [] 
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 2:39 PM
Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis


Hi Bob,

Yes, I did, and because it was suggested for psoriasis. Unfortunately,
within a week I suddenly had outbreaks on my face, which I'd never had
before in 20 years! I stuck it out for a couple months, with the patches
spreading steadily, and then another person mentioned that LDN had done that
with him as well, and I finally gave it up.

My new regime is very slowly shrinking these back, though, to my great

Everyone is different, which I always mention whenever I speak of anything
that's worked for me, as I know it may not for others; and in some cases,
may even make things worse.


Thanks anyway,

Be well,


On May 8, 2011, at 2:26 PM, bob Larson wrote:


CS>CS:> Psoriasis,Eczema

2011-05-08 Thread Harold MacDonald
My 4 yr. old Grt. granddaughter has sever eczema on her lower face.This is 
something new in my line of off-spring.any suggestions ?

Re: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-08 Thread Guyot Léna
I always ramp things up things very slowly. I started with 1mg. and  
worked up slowly to 3 or so; can't remember how long; I think it was  
somewhere between 2-3 months, and it was the only new thing introduced  
at the time. i always try things one at a time, so I'll know which  
variable is in play. It was 2 years ago: ancient history to a Lyme  
brain. Wish I could remember the name of the other person who  
experienced this.
The only time (other than now with my present regime) that my patches  
dramatically shrank was when I began S&C, so though it is an auto- 
immune thing, inflammation points always to infection, I think.
Feverfew discourages the action of mast cells, which are part of the  
inflammatory process, and fuamric acid seems to be quieting things  
down a lot.

Be well,
On May 8, 2011, at 5:39 PM, bob Larson wrote:

hmmm  that sux that it worked in reverse for you.  first neg report on  
LDN + psoriasis i've read... at least that i remember.

did you jump in at 4.5mg or ease up gradually to some point?
lots of new findings about lower dosing and finding your dose these  

i have read of oral CS working, and Brooks' topical brew looks good.
glad something is going right!

From: Guyot Léna []
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis

Hi Bob,
Yes, I did, and because it was suggested for psoriasis. Unfortunately,  
within a week I suddenly had outbreaks on my face, which I'd never had  
before in 20 years! I stuck it out for a couple months, with the  
patches spreading steadily, and then another person mentioned that LDN  
had done that with him as well, and I finally gave it up.
My new regime is very slowly shrinking these back, though, to my great  
Everyone is different, which I always mention whenever I speak of  
anything that's worked for me, as I know it   may not for others; and  
in some cases, may even make things worse.

Thanks anyway,
Be well,
On May 8, 2011, at 2:26 PM, bob Larson wrote:

Lena, did you ever try LDN low dose naltrexone?

it is an Rx drug, but it's an old safe studied generic that's cheap  
and can be purchased off-shore without an Rx.

From: Guyot Léna []
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis

Hi Dee,
I had a marked diminishing of 2 of my patches: from 'continents' to  
clusters of small islands, since taking one Feverfew capsule a day  
(380mg) and applying CS, DMSO, glycerine (Brook's mix) with added gotu  
kola and feverfew extracts topically. The morning glory around my  
navel has almost disappeared. This was very encouraging, even though  
many of my patches stayed the same.

Then, a couple weeks ago, someone told me that fumaric acid (google  
it) is something people with psoriasis have deficiency; that one can  
try one cap nightly for 10 days, and if that doesn't make substantial  
change, increase to 2, then 3, etc. up to 7, in increments of 10 days.

After one week, some of my more stubborn patches were beginning to  
break up, scales were building up much less quickly, surrounding  
redness was fading to pink and now I'm doing 2 per night. I'm hopeful.  
I've tried everything and this is the first thing that seems to really  
work...for me. We're all different, of course.

Be well,
On May 6, 2011, at 1:54 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

can anyone tell me if they have had any luck in treating this  
condition please?  dee

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

RE: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-08 Thread bob Larson
hmmm  that sux that it worked in reverse for you.  first neg report on LDN +
psoriasis i've read... at least that i remember.
did you jump in at 4.5mg or ease up gradually to some point?
lots of new findings about lower dosing and finding your dose these days.
i have read of oral CS working, and Brooks' topical brew looks good. 
glad something is going right! 


From: Guyot Léna [] 
Sent: Sunday, May 08, 2011 11:39 AM
Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis

Hi Bob, 
Yes, I did, and because it was suggested for psoriasis. Unfortunately,
within a week I suddenly had outbreaks on my face, which I'd never had
before in 20 years! I stuck it out for a couple months, with the patches
spreading steadily, and then another person mentioned that LDN had done that
with him as well, and I finally gave it up.
My new regime is very slowly shrinking these back, though, to my great
Everyone is different, which I always mention whenever I speak of anything
that's worked for me, as I know it may not for others; and in some cases,
may even make things worse.

Thanks anyway,
Be well,

On May 8, 2011, at 2:26 PM, bob Larson wrote:

Lena, did you ever try LDN low dose naltrexone?
it is an Rx drug, but it's an old safe studied generic that's cheap and can
be purchased off-shore without an Rx.


From: Guyot Léna [] 
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis

Hi Dee, 
I had a marked diminishing of 2 of my patches: from 'continents' to clusters
of small islands, since taking one Feverfew capsule a day (380mg) and
applying CS, DMSO, glycerine (Brook's mix) with added gotu kola and feverfew
extracts topically. The morning glory around my navel has almost
disappeared. This was very encouraging, even though many of my patches
stayed the same.

Then, a couple weeks ago, someone told me that fumaric acid (google it) is
something people with psoriasis have deficiency; that one can try one cap
nightly for 10 days, and if that doesn't make substantial change, increase
to 2, then 3, etc. up to 7, in increments of 10 days. 

After one week, some of my more stubborn patches were beginning to break up,
scales were building up much less quickly, surrounding redness was fading to
pink and now I'm doing 2 per night. I'm hopeful. I've tried everything and
this is the first thing that seems to really work...for me. We're all
different, of course.

Be well,

On May 6, 2011, at 1:54 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

can anyone tell me if they have had any luck in treating this condition
please?  dee

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-08 Thread Guyot Léna

Hi Bob,
Yes, I did, and because it was suggested for psoriasis. Unfortunately,  
within a week I suddenly had outbreaks on my face, which I'd never had  
before in 20 years! I stuck it out for a couple months, with the  
patches spreading steadily, and then another person mentioned that LDN  
had done that with him as well, and I finally gave it up.
My new regime is very slowly shrinking these back, though, to my great  
Everyone is different, which I always mention whenever I speak of  
anything that's worked for me, as I know it may not for others; and in  
some cases, may even make things worse.

Thanks anyway,
Be well,
On May 8, 2011, at 2:26 PM, bob Larson wrote:

Lena, did you ever try LDN low dose naltrexone?

it is an Rx drug, but it's an old safe studied generic that's cheap  
and can be purchased off-shore without an Rx.

From: Guyot Léna []
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis

Hi Dee,
I had a marked diminishing of 2 of my patches: from 'continents' to  
clusters of small islands, since taking one Feverfew capsule a day  
(380mg) and applying CS, DMSO, glycerine (Brook's mix) with added gotu  
kola and feverfew extracts topically. The morning glory around my  
navel has almost disappeared. This was very encouraging, even though  
many of my patches stayed the same.

Then, a couple weeks ago, someone told me that fumaric acid (google  
it) is something people with psoriasis have deficiency; that one can  
try one cap nightly for 10 days, and if that doesn't make substantial  
change, increase to 2, then 3, etc. up to 7, in increments of 10 days.

After one week, some of my more stubborn patches were beginning to  
break up, scales were building up much less quickly, surrounding  
redness was fading to pink and now I'm doing 2 per night. I'm hopeful.  
I've tried everything and this is the first thing that seems to really  
work...for me. We're all different, of course.

Be well,
On May 6, 2011, at 1:54 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

can anyone tell me if they have had any luck in treating this  
condition please?  dee

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

RE: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-08 Thread bob Larson
Lena, did you ever try LDN low dose naltrexone?
it is an Rx drug, but it's an old safe studied generic that's cheap and can
be purchased off-shore without an Rx.


From: Guyot Léna [] 
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis

Hi Dee, 
I had a marked diminishing of 2 of my patches: from 'continents' to clusters
of small islands, since taking one Feverfew capsule a day (380mg) and
applying CS, DMSO, glycerine (Brook's mix) with added gotu kola and feverfew
extracts topically. The morning glory around my navel has almost
disappeared. This was very encouraging, even though many of my patches
stayed the same.

Then, a couple weeks ago, someone told me that fumaric acid (google it) is
something people with psoriasis have deficiency; that one can try one cap
nightly for 10 days, and if that doesn't make substantial change, increase
to 2, then 3, etc. up to 7, in increments of 10 days. 

After one week, some of my more stubborn patches were beginning to break up,
scales were building up much less quickly, surrounding redness was fading to
pink and now I'm doing 2 per night. I'm hopeful. I've tried everything and
this is the first thing that seems to really work...for me. We're all
different, of course.

Be well,

On May 6, 2011, at 1:54 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

can anyone tell me if they have had any luck in treating this condition
please?  dee

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

RE: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-08 Thread bob Larson
autoimmune problem.
CS alone may help to some extent, but from my observations the last couple
years LDN low dose naltrexone is the thing first for any/all autoimmune
i've seen many reports, no failures, of varying (mostly high) success with

> -Original Message-
> From: Dorothy Fitzpatrick [] 
> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 10:54 AM
> To:
> Subject: CS>psoriasis
> can anyone tell me if they have had any luck in treating this 
> condition please?  dee

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Re: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-07 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Thanks very much to all who replied.  regards, dee

On 6 May 2011, at 20:38, Guyot Léna wrote:

> Hi Elizabeth,
> 75%CS,15%glycerine, and 10%DMSO, always adding the DMSO last, as it heats 
> things up. I put this in 1oz roll-on bottles I got on eBay. Easier 
> application, with no waste. I've also used 30ml roll-on perfume bottles from 
> eBay which have smaller roll-on balls and which are a bit less runny: good 
> for travel. 
> Be well,
> Léna
> On May 6, 2011, at 3:14 PM, Elizabeth Williams wrote:
> Could you tell me the measurements of ingredients for Brook's mix?
> Elizabeth Williams
> From:
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis
> Date: Fri, 6 May 2011 15:06:51 -0400
> Hi Dee,
> I had a marked diminishing of 2 of my patches: from 'continents' to clusters 
> of small islands, since taking one Feverfew capsule a day (380mg) and 
> applying CS, DMSO, glycerine (Brook's mix) with added gotu kola and feverfew 
> extracts topically. The morning glory around my navel has almost disappeared. 
> This was very encouraging, even though many of my patches stayed the same.
> Then, a couple weeks ago, someone told me that fumaric acid (google it) is 
> something people with psoriasis have deficiency; that one can try one cap 
> nightly for 10 days, and if that doesn't make substantial change, increase to 
> 2, then 3, etc. up to 7, in increments of 10 days. 
> After one week, some of my more stubborn patches were beginning to break up, 
> scales were building up much less quickly, surrounding redness was fading to 
> pink and now I'm doing 2 per night. I'm hopeful. I've tried everything and 
> this is the first thing that seems to really work...for me. We're all 
> different, of course.
> Be well,
> Léna 
> On May 6, 2011, at 1:54 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
> can anyone tell me if they have had any luck in treating this condition 
> please?  dee
> --
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Re: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-07 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
Thanks Smitty. dee

On 6 May 2011, at 19:46, Smitty wrote:

> You might look here =
> Smitty
> ##
> On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 7:54 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick  wrote:
> can anyone tell me if they have had any luck in treating this condition 
> please?  dee
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>  Rules and Instructions:
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> Off-Topic discussions: 
> List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-06 Thread Guyot Léna

Thanks! With psoriasis, it's 'No stone unturned!'
On May 6, 2011, at 6:08 PM, Shirley Reed wrote:

  Thanks for that about fumaric acid.  You may want to try  something  
called Vetericyn.  It is for animals, but does wonders for rosacea so  
it might help with psoriasis too.   pj

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2011-05-06 Thread Shirley Reed
   Thanks for that about fumaric acid.  You may want to try  something called 
Vetericyn.  It is for animals, but does wonders for rosacea so it might help 
with psoriasis too.   pj 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-06 Thread Guyot Léna

Hi Elizabeth,
75%CS,15%glycerine, and 10%DMSO, always adding the DMSO last, as it  
heats things up. I put this in 1oz roll-on bottles I got on eBay.  
Easier application, with no waste. I've also used 30ml roll-on perfume  
bottles from eBay which have smaller roll-on balls and which are a bit  
less runny: good for travel.

Be well,
On May 6, 2011, at 3:14 PM, Elizabeth Williams wrote:

Could you tell me the measurements of ingredients for Brook's mix?

Elizabeth Williams

Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis
Date: Fri, 6 May 2011 15:06:51 -0400

Hi Dee,
I had a marked diminishing of 2 of my patches: from 'continents' to  
clusters of small islands, since taking one Feverfew capsule a day  
(380mg) and applying CS, DMSO, glycerine (Brook's mix) with added gotu  
kola and feverfew extracts topically. The morning glory around my  
navel has almost disappeared. This was very encouraging, even though  
many of my patches stayed the same.

Then, a couple weeks ago, someone told me that fumaric acid (google  
it) is something people with psoriasis have deficiency; that one can  
try one cap nightly for 10 days, and if that doesn't make substantial  
change, increase to 2, then 3, etc. up to 7, in increments of 10 days.

After one week, some of my more stubborn patches were beginning to  
break up, scales were building up much less quickly, surrounding  
redness was fading to pink and now I'm doing 2 per night. I'm hopeful.  
I've tried everything and this is the first thing that seems to really  
work...for me. We're all different, of course.

Be well,
On May 6, 2011, at 1:54 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

can anyone tell me if they have had any luck in treating this  
condition please?  dee

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
 Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-06 Thread Smitty
Brooks Bradley Recipe for Psoriasis

It is a topical .

CS 75%--

DMSO 10%

Glycerine 15%

On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 9:14 AM, Elizabeth Williams wrote:

>  Could you tell me the measurements of ingredients for Brook's mix?

RE: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-06 Thread Elizabeth Williams

Could you tell me the measurements of ingredients for Brook's mix?

Elizabeth Williams


Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis
Date: Fri, 6 May 2011 15:06:51 -0400

Hi Dee,
I had a marked diminishing of 2 of my patches: from 'continents' to clusters of 
small islands, since taking one Feverfew capsule a day (380mg) and applying CS, 
DMSO, glycerine (Brook's mix) with added gotu kola and feverfew extracts 
topically. The morning glory around my navel has almost disappeared. This was 
very encouraging, even though many of my patches stayed the same.

Then, a couple weeks ago, someone told me that fumaric acid (google it) is 
something people with psoriasis have deficiency; that one can try one cap 
nightly for 10 days, and if that doesn't make substantial change, increase to 
2, then 3, etc. up to 7, in increments of 10 days. 

After one week, some of my more stubborn patches were beginning to break up, 
scales were building up much less quickly, surrounding redness was fading to 
pink and now I'm doing 2 per night. I'm hopeful. I've tried everything and this 
is the first thing that seems to really work...for me. We're all different, of 

Be well,

On May 6, 2011, at 1:54 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:
can anyone tell me if they have had any luck in treating this condition please? 

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Re: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-06 Thread Guyot Léna

Hi Dee,
I had a marked diminishing of 2 of my patches: from 'continents' to  
clusters of small islands, since taking one Feverfew capsule a day  
(380mg) and applying CS, DMSO, glycerine (Brook's mix) with added gotu  
kola and feverfew extracts topically. The morning glory around my  
navel has almost disappeared. This was very encouraging, even though  
many of my patches stayed the same.

Then, a couple weeks ago, someone told me that fumaric acid (google  
it) is something people with psoriasis have deficiency; that one can  
try one cap nightly for 10 days, and if that doesn't make substantial  
change, increase to 2, then 3, etc. up to 7, in increments of 10 days.

After one week, some of my more stubborn patches were beginning to  
break up, scales were building up much less quickly, surrounding  
redness was fading to pink and now I'm doing 2 per night. I'm hopeful.  
I've tried everything and this is the first thing that seems to really  
work...for me. We're all different, of course.

Be well,
On May 6, 2011, at 1:54 PM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick wrote:

can anyone tell me if they have had any luck in treating this  
condition please?  dee

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Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>psoriasis

2011-05-06 Thread Smitty
You might look here =



On Fri, May 6, 2011 at 7:54 AM, Dorothy Fitzpatrick  wrote:

> can anyone tell me if they have had any luck in treating this condition
> please?  dee
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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2011-05-06 Thread Dorothy Fitzpatrick
can anyone tell me if they have had any luck in treating this condition please? 

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Black Salve & Psoriasis? Helen

2010-12-05 Thread Saralou
And if it stinks too much, add some honey or some urea (nigrogen46 
creystals)--they reduce the odor of DMSO Saralou

On 12/5/2010 12:14 PM, wrote:

How effective for psoriasis?  Did you see any clients get
improvement?  My son has terrible psoriasis his
forehead/scalps/neck.  Helen

Hi Helen, one of the best things I have given people to help them with 
psoriasis is What I call " Brooks Mix "  It was posted on this site by 
a very knowledgeable fellow who does lots of research on many 
different things.. This is his recipe
 75% CS---10% DMSO---15% glycerin --Mix the CS & glycerin 
first then add the DMSO Before each use shake it up as it does 
tend to separate You can reduce the % of DMSO if it seems too 
strong for him... I use a shot glass to mix-- 3 shots of CS   a 
shot of DMSO & a little over a shot of glycerin.  Hope it might 
help, Lois

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Re: CS>Re: Psoriasis?

2010-12-05 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 Yes, it is called leban, and is delicious.  Longer you let it drain 
the firmer/harder it gets.  Can press it for a hard cheese.  I like it 
as a fairly soft cream cheese.  You can flavor it as you like - our 
favorite is with bits of onion and hot pepper, but a sweet cream cheese 
with cinnamon and stevia is also really good.  Sara

On 12/5/2010 3:44 PM, wrote:

Gotcha!  I misunderstood.  I have never done that.  Is that how you make
your own cream cheese?
From: Sara Mandal-Joy
   Um, no, I was talking about straining the finished kefir, not
separating the kefir from the grains.  I use a plastic strainer to do
that and it takes seconds to do.  I am refering to then separating the
finished kefir, which does take hours or even weeks if you are looking
for a harder cheese.   Sara

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List Owner: Mike Devour

RE: CS>Re: Psoriasis?

2010-12-05 Thread sms
Gotcha!  I misunderstood.  I have never done that.  Is that how you make
your own cream cheese?
From: Sara Mandal-Joy 
  Um, no, I was talking about straining the finished kefir, not 
separating the kefir from the grains.  I use a plastic strainer to do 
that and it takes seconds to do.  I am refering to then separating the 
finished kefir, which does take hours or even weeks if you are looking 
for a harder cheese.   Sara

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Black Salve & Psoriasis? Helen

2010-12-05 Thread ZZekelink
How effective for psoriasis?  Did you see any  clients get improvement?  My 
son has terrible psoriasis his  forehead/scalps/neck.   Helen

Hi Helen, one of the best things I have given people to help  them with 
psoriasis is What I call " Brooks Mix "  It was posted on this  site by a very 
knowledgeable fellow who does lots of research on many different  things.. 
This is his recipe
 75% CS---10% DMSO---15% glycerin  --Mix the CS & glycerin first 
then add the DMSO Before each use  shake it up as it does tend to 
separate You can reduce the % of DMSO if it  seems too strong for 
him... I 
use a shot glass to mix-- 3 shots of  CS   a shot of DMSO & a little over a 
shot of glycerin.   Hope it might help, Lois

Re: CS>Re: Psoriasis?

2010-12-05 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 Um, no, I was talking about straining the finished kefir, not 
separating the kefir from the grains.  I use a plastic strainer to do 
that and it takes seconds to do.  I am refering to then separating the 
finished kefir, which does take hours or even weeks if you are looking 
for a harder cheese.   Sara

On 12/5/2010 3:00 AM, wrote:

Hi Sara,
Instead of having to wait hours for your kefir to drain from the
handkerchiefs or sackcloth, try using a nylon strainer.

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
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Off-Topic discussions: 
List Owner: Mike Devour 

RE: CS>Re: Psoriasis?

2010-12-05 Thread sms
Hi Sara,
Instead of having to wait hours for your kefir to drain from the
handkerchiefs or sackcloth, try using a nylon strainer.  Then all you have
to do is scrape down the sides of the strainer around the kefir buds.  I use
a rubber spatula to scrape with.  You can also use a non-metal colander that
has small holes.

I definitely like your idea of the use of a large plastic funnel into which
the nylon strainer is placed.  That would be quick, clean, and simple.  Then
I could just stick the funnel into a glass milk bottle.  Very cool.


-Original Message-
From: Sara Mandal-Joy [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 1:17 PM
Subject: CS>Re: Psoriasis?

  There is no much actual kefir left in the whey, after separating it.  
You could use the whole kefir, without separating it, I'm guessing, 
though it might be hard to rinse out.  It is the whey, dripped out, 
leaving all the thicker creamy particles
behind, that is the medicinal aspect.I drain the kefir in a large 
plastic funnel - the size used for pouring oil into a car.  I use two 
cotton handkerchiefs, or one large cotton/sackcloth kitchen towel folded 
in four - prefer the handkerchiefs, easier to rinse out.  I line the 
funnel with these, and pour the finished kefir in.  After a few hours 
most of the whey will have dripped out and be useable.  Some folks like 
the cream cheese at that consistency, others gather the draining cloth 
into a ball and hang it till it reaches the consistency they desire, or 
even press it for a hard cheese.  I never go to all that trouble.  We 
love it as a soft cream cheese, and get plenty of medicinal whey this 
way.  I am guessing you could use it as a body rinse, for skin problems 
elsewhere - perhaps even just add it to the bathwater and let them have 
a good soak?  Oh, one thing you should be aware of if you try this on 
the scalp, that as you are first working the whey into the hair, it is 
good to cover the eyes with a washcloth or something, as the whey can sting
if it gets in the eyes.  After working it in and rinsing, it leaves hair 
shiny and soft as well.  I don't have scalp problems, but also use this 
as a hair rinse because it works so well.  Sara

On 12/4/2010 3:04 PM, Lisa wrote:
> Now this is interesting :o)
> So are you taking the kefir, letting it hang and then squeeze it more for
> the cheese and using the whey which would then have a lot of the kefir in
> (just not in chunks/yogurt softness stuff -- to put it in some way)? Since
> it cleared up his scalp (I'm assuming that since you say you used it as a
> hair rinse and not a body rinse) -- why wouldn't it clear up body patches
> also?
> Brilliant...I wonder if it would help with my kid's eczema?!?!
> Lisa
> -Original Message-
> From: Sara Mandal-Joy []
> Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 3:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve&  Psoriasis?
>I healed my son's psoriasis using kefir whey as a hair rinse - I'd
> shampoo first (using homemade soap) and rinse well, then pour a quart of
> whey diluted with warm water - about a cup of kefir to 3 cups water -
> over his hair, rub it in to the scalp.  It took a couple weeks to fully
> clear up, but did.  Nothing else I tried, including intensive
> prescriptions, worked.   Worth a try.  Kefir is easy to make and to
> separate.  The resulting cream cheese is delicious, leaving the whey for
> treatment.  Sara
> --
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> List Owner: Mike Devour<>

Re: CS>Black Salve & Psoriasis?

2010-12-05 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

Eczema's more of a "damp heat" condition.

- Original Message - 
From: "Lisa" 

Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 3:04 PM
Subject: RE: CS>Black Salve & Psoriasis?

Now this is interesting :o)

So are you taking the kefir, letting it hang and then squeeze it more for
the cheese and using the whey which would then have a lot of the kefir in 

(just not in chunks/yogurt softness stuff -- to put it in some way)? Since
it cleared up his scalp (I'm assuming that since you say you used it as a
hair rinse and not a body rinse) -- why wouldn't it clear up body patches

Brilliant...I wonder if it would help with my kid's eczema?!?!


-Original Message-
From: Sara Mandal-Joy []
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve & Psoriasis?

 I healed my son's psoriasis using kefir whey as a hair rinse - I'd
shampoo first (using homemade soap) and rinse well, then pour a quart of
whey diluted with warm water - about a cup of kefir to 3 cups water -
over his hair, rub it in to the scalp.  It took a couple weeks to fully
clear up, but did.  Nothing else I tried, including intensive
prescriptions, worked.   Worth a try.  Kefir is easy to make and to
separate.  The resulting cream cheese is delicious, leaving the whey for
treatment.  Sara

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List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Home-made soap? & Psoriasis

2010-12-04 Thread Harold MacDonald
Sara,I would like to get a good recipe for home-made soap,could you point me 
to where you got  yours?

- Original Message - 
From: "Sara Mandal-Joy" 

Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 12:22 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve & Psoriasis?

 I healed my son's psoriasis using kefir whey as a hair rinse - I'd 
shampoo first (using homemade soap) and rinse well, then pour a quart of 
whey diluted with warm water - about a cup of kefir to 3 cups water - over 
his hair, rub it in to the scalp.  It took a couple weeks to fully clear 
up, but did.  Nothing else I tried, including intensive prescriptions, 
worked.   Worth a try.  Kefir is easy to make and to separate.  The 
resulting cream cheese is delicious, leaving the whey for treatment.  Sara

On 12/4/2010 2:01 PM, wrote:
How effective for psoriasis?  Did you see any clients get improvement? 
My son has terrible psoriasis his forehead/scalps/neck.  Helen

*/>/* wrote:

From: Tel Tofflemire 
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve & skin cancer cure
Date: Friday, December 3, 2010, 1:14 PM

*To: Mr. Bob Larson *
*Bob, Black salve does not go after much of anything other than
Cancer, but it works on Psoriasis, some kinds of moles and warts,
and skin tags.  I get the best results with my home made Cooked
Black salve using 4 cancer fighting Herbs on Skin Cancer, and
Moles, *Psoriasis, Some warts too.*
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

*From:* bob Larson 
*Sent:* Fri, December 3, 2010 9:02:02 AM
*Subject:* RE: CS>Black Salve & skin cancer cure

from what i've read, no... it's somehow selective and only attacks
cancer cells.

*From:* Day Sutton []
*Sent:* Thursday, December 02, 2010 6:31 AM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Black Salve & skin cancer cure

Will this work on "age" spots also ?

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 11:27 PM, Bob Banever>>

PT - The shelf life is at least several years.  In fact,
if the salve dries out you can add some water to make it
like it was originally.  As far as I know, it doesn't lose
it's potency over time.

- Original Message -
*From:* PT Ferrance




*Sent:* Wednesday, December 01, 2010 5:37 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Black Salve & skin cancer cure

Hi Tel,
What is the shelf life on the black salve?

*From:* Tel Tofflemire>>

*Sent:* Wed, December 1, 2010 6:11:30 PM
*Subject:* CS>Black Salve & skin cancer cure

You should consider Black Salve, many on this list
have used it and it does get rid of Skin Cancer for
nearly everyone.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

*From:* A. Reid Harvey>>

*Sent:* Wed, December 1, 2010 9:57:24 AM
*Subject:* CS>CS and skin cancer


PLEASE don't act as if this request for observations
is too much out of left field!  On occasion I believe
that skin cancer is showing up, on my left forearm,
where I was frequently sunburned, when I was a lot
younger. In an attempt at a remedy for this I've
saturated a gauze pad with *concentrated colloidal
silver,* then taped this down, over the effected area.
The skin cancer, as I believe it to

Re: CS>Re: Psoriasis?

2010-12-04 Thread PT Ferrance
I would caution to be sure you are not intolerant of whey.  I make kefir cheese 
and drain/press out as much whey as possible.  I obtained the kefir grains from 
one of the people on the list and they are wonderful... giving me a tasty 

Another thing you can do with the whey is cook it until it makes a kind of 
of its own.  You can google whey and find all kinds of uses for it.

From: Sara Mandal-Joy 
Sent: Sat, December 4, 2010 4:17:24 PM
Subject: CS>Re: Psoriasis?

There is no much actual kefir left in the whey, after separating it.  You could 
use the whole kefir, without separating it, I'm guessing, though it might be 
hard to rinse out.  It is the whey, dripped out, leaving all the thicker creamy 
behind, that is the medicinal aspect.    I drain the kefir in a large plastic 
funnel - the size used for pouring oil into a car.  I use two cotton 
handkerchiefs, or one large cotton/sackcloth kitchen towel folded in four - 
prefer the handkerchiefs, easier to rinse out.  I line the funnel with these, 
and pour the finished kefir in.  After a few hours most of the whey will have 
dripped out and be useable.  Some folks like the cream cheese at that 
consistency, others gather the draining cloth into a ball and hang it till it 
reaches the consistency they desire, or even press it for a hard cheese.  I 
never go to all that trouble.  We love it as a soft cream cheese, and get 
of medicinal whey this way.  I am guessing you could use it as a body rinse, 
skin problems elsewhere - perhaps even just add it to the bathwater and let 
have a good soak?  Oh, one thing you should be aware of if you try this on the 
scalp, that as you are first working the whey into the hair, it is good to 
the eyes with a washcloth or something, as the whey can sting
if it gets in the eyes.  After working it in and rinsing, it leaves hair shiny 
and soft as well.  I don't have scalp problems, but also use this as a hair 
rinse because it works so well.  Sara

On 12/4/2010 3:04 PM, Lisa wrote:
> Now this is interesting :o)
> So are you taking the kefir, letting it hang and then squeeze it more for
> the cheese and using the whey which would then have a lot of the kefir in it
> (just not in chunks/yogurt softness stuff -- to put it in some way)? Since
> it cleared up his scalp (I'm assuming that since you say you used it as a
> hair rinse and not a body rinse) -- why wouldn't it clear up body patches
> also?
> Brilliant...I wonder if it would help with my kid's eczema?!?!
> Lisa
> -Original Message-
> From: Sara Mandal-Joy []
> Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 3:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve&  Psoriasis?
>    I healed my son's psoriasis using kefir whey as a hair rinse - I'd
> shampoo first (using homemade soap) and rinse well, then pour a quart of
> whey diluted with warm water - about a cup of kefir to 3 cups water -
> over his hair, rub it in to the scalp.  It took a couple weeks to fully
> clear up, but did.  Nothing else I tried, including intensive
> prescriptions, worked.  Worth a try.  Kefir is easy to make and to
> separate.  The resulting cream cheese is delicious, leaving the whey for
> treatment.  Sara
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
>    Rules and Instructions:
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> List Owner: Mike Devour<>

CS>Re: Psoriasis?

2010-12-04 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 There is no much actual kefir left in the whey, after separating it.  
You could use the whole kefir, without separating it, I'm guessing, 
though it might be hard to rinse out.  It is the whey, dripped out, 
leaving all the thicker creamy particles
behind, that is the medicinal aspect.I drain the kefir in a large 
plastic funnel - the size used for pouring oil into a car.  I use two 
cotton handkerchiefs, or one large cotton/sackcloth kitchen towel folded 
in four - prefer the handkerchiefs, easier to rinse out.  I line the 
funnel with these, and pour the finished kefir in.  After a few hours 
most of the whey will have dripped out and be useable.  Some folks like 
the cream cheese at that consistency, others gather the draining cloth 
into a ball and hang it till it reaches the consistency they desire, or 
even press it for a hard cheese.  I never go to all that trouble.  We 
love it as a soft cream cheese, and get plenty of medicinal whey this 
way.  I am guessing you could use it as a body rinse, for skin problems 
elsewhere - perhaps even just add it to the bathwater and let them have 
a good soak?  Oh, one thing you should be aware of if you try this on 
the scalp, that as you are first working the whey into the hair, it is 
good to cover the eyes with a washcloth or something, as the whey can sting
if it gets in the eyes.  After working it in and rinsing, it leaves hair 
shiny and soft as well.  I don't have scalp problems, but also use this 
as a hair rinse because it works so well.  Sara

On 12/4/2010 3:04 PM, Lisa wrote:

Now this is interesting :o)

So are you taking the kefir, letting it hang and then squeeze it more for
the cheese and using the whey which would then have a lot of the kefir in it
(just not in chunks/yogurt softness stuff -- to put it in some way)? Since
it cleared up his scalp (I'm assuming that since you say you used it as a
hair rinse and not a body rinse) -- why wouldn't it clear up body patches

Brilliant...I wonder if it would help with my kid's eczema?!?!


-Original Message-
From: Sara Mandal-Joy []
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve&  Psoriasis?

   I healed my son's psoriasis using kefir whey as a hair rinse - I'd
shampoo first (using homemade soap) and rinse well, then pour a quart of
whey diluted with warm water - about a cup of kefir to 3 cups water -
over his hair, rub it in to the scalp.  It took a couple weeks to fully
clear up, but did.  Nothing else I tried, including intensive
prescriptions, worked.   Worth a try.  Kefir is easy to make and to
separate.  The resulting cream cheese is delicious, leaving the whey for
treatment.  Sara

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions:<>
List Owner: Mike Devour<>

RE: CS>Black Salve & Psoriasis?

2010-12-04 Thread Lisa
Now this is interesting :o)

So are you taking the kefir, letting it hang and then squeeze it more for
the cheese and using the whey which would then have a lot of the kefir in it
(just not in chunks/yogurt softness stuff -- to put it in some way)? Since
it cleared up his scalp (I'm assuming that since you say you used it as a
hair rinse and not a body rinse) -- why wouldn't it clear up body patches

Brilliant...I wonder if it would help with my kid's eczema?!?!


-Original Message-
From: Sara Mandal-Joy [] 
Sent: Saturday, December 04, 2010 3:23 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve & Psoriasis?

  I healed my son's psoriasis using kefir whey as a hair rinse - I'd 
shampoo first (using homemade soap) and rinse well, then pour a quart of 
whey diluted with warm water - about a cup of kefir to 3 cups water - 
over his hair, rub it in to the scalp.  It took a couple weeks to fully 
clear up, but did.  Nothing else I tried, including intensive 
prescriptions, worked.   Worth a try.  Kefir is easy to make and to 
separate.  The resulting cream cheese is delicious, leaving the whey for 
treatment.  Sara

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
  Rules and Instructions:


Off-Topic discussions: <>
List Owner: Mike Devour <>

Re: CS>Black Salve & Psoriasis?

2010-12-04 Thread Sara Mandal-Joy
 I healed my son's psoriasis using kefir whey as a hair rinse - I'd 
shampoo first (using homemade soap) and rinse well, then pour a quart of 
whey diluted with warm water - about a cup of kefir to 3 cups water - 
over his hair, rub it in to the scalp.  It took a couple weeks to fully 
clear up, but did.  Nothing else I tried, including intensive 
prescriptions, worked.   Worth a try.  Kefir is easy to make and to 
separate.  The resulting cream cheese is delicious, leaving the whey for 
treatment.  Sara

On 12/4/2010 2:01 PM, wrote:
How effective for psoriasis?  Did you see any clients get 
improvement?  My son has terrible psoriasis his forehead/scalps/neck.  

*/>/* wrote:

From: Tel Tofflemire 
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve & skin cancer cure
Date: Friday, December 3, 2010, 1:14 PM

*To: Mr. Bob Larson *
*Bob, Black salve does not go after much of anything other than
Cancer, but it works on Psoriasis, some kinds of moles and warts,
and skin tags.  I get the best results with my home made Cooked
Black salve using 4 cancer fighting Herbs on Skin Cancer, and
    Moles, *Psoriasis, Some warts too.*
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

*From:* bob Larson 
*Sent:* Fri, December 3, 2010 9:02:02 AM
*Subject:* RE: CS>Black Salve & skin cancer cure

from what i've read, no... it's somehow selective and only attacks
cancer cells.

*From:* Day Sutton []
*Sent:* Thursday, December 02, 2010 6:31 AM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Black Salve & skin cancer cure

Will this work on "age" spots also ?

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 11:27 PM, Bob Banever>>

PT - The shelf life is at least several years.  In fact,
if the salve dries out you can add some water to make it
like it was originally.  As far as I know, it doesn't lose
it's potency over time.

- Original Message -
*From:* PT Ferrance




*Sent:* Wednesday, December 01, 2010 5:37 PM
*Subject:* Re: CS>Black Salve & skin cancer cure

Hi Tel,
What is the shelf life on the black salve?

*From:* Tel Tofflemire>>

*Sent:* Wed, December 1, 2010 6:11:30 PM
*Subject:* CS>Black Salve & skin cancer cure

You should consider Black Salve, many on this list
have used it and it does get rid of Skin Cancer for
nearly everyone.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

*From:* A. Reid Harvey>>

*Sent:* Wed, December 1, 2010 9:57:24 AM
*Subject:* CS>CS and skin cancer


PLEASE don't act as if this request for observations
is too much out of left field!  On occasion I believe
that skin cancer is showing up, on my left forearm,
where I was frequently sunburned, when I was a lot
younger. In an attempt at a remedy for this I've
saturated a gauze pad with *concentrated colloidal
silver,* then taped this down, over the effected area.
The skin cancer, as I believe it to be, manifests
itself as black marks, and these go away overnight,
after I tape down the CS gauze pads.

The *concentrated CS* has been either the Mexican made

Re: CS>Black Salve & Psoriasis?

2010-12-04 Thread dingyung49
How effective for psoriasis?  Did you see any clients get improvement?  My son 
has terrible psoriasis his forehead/scalps/neck.  Helen> wrote:

From: Tel Tofflemire 
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve & skin cancer cure
Date: Friday, December 3, 2010, 1:14 PM

To: Mr. Bob Larson 
Bob, Black salve does not go after much of anything other than Cancer, but it 
works on Psoriasis, some kinds of moles and warts, and skin tags.  I get the 
best results with my home made Cooked Black salve using 4 cancer fighting Herbs 
on Skin Cancer, and Moles, Psoriasis, Some warts too.
 Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

From: bob Larson 
Sent: Fri, December 3, 2010 9:02:02 AM
Subject: RE: CS>Black Salve & skin cancer cure

from what i've read, no... it's somehow selective and only attacks cancer cells.

From: Day Sutton [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 02, 2010 6:31 AM
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve & skin cancer cure

Will this work on "age" spots also ?

On Wed, Dec 1, 2010 at 11:27 PM, Bob Banever  wrote:

PT - The shelf life is at least several years.  In fact, if the salve dries out 
you can add some water to make it like it was originally.  As far as I know, it 
doesn't lose it's potency over time.

- Original Message - 
From: PT Ferrance 

Sent: Wednesday, December 01, 2010 5:37 PM
Subject: Re: CS>Black Salve & skin cancer cure

Hi Tel,
What is the shelf life on the black salve?

From: Tel Tofflemire 
Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 6:11:30 PM
Subject: CS>Black Salve & skin cancer cure

You should consider Black Salve, many on this list have used it and it does get 
rid of Skin Cancer for nearly everyone.
 Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ. 

From: A. Reid Harvey 
Sent: Wed, December 1, 2010 9:57:24 AM
Subject: CS>CS and skin cancer

PLEASE don't act as if this request for observations is too much out of left 
field!  On occasion I believe that skin cancer is showing up, on my left 
forearm, where I was frequently sunburned, when I was a lot younger. In an 
attempt at a remedy for this I've saturated a gauze pad with *concentrated 
colloidal silver,* then taped this down, over the effected area. The skin 
cancer, as I believe it to be, manifests itself as black marks, and these go 
away overnight, after I tape down the CS gauze pads.
The *concentrated CS* has been either the Mexican made product Microdyn or the 
U.S. product Silverdyne, and I have an idea that this is actually some sort of 
silver nitrate. Clearly CS is more like 10ppm and is ionic. But the 
concentrated CS is silver, after all, and the markings *do go away.* They 
always go away when I use the pads and they tend not to go away when I do not 
use the pads. A friend has told me that there is no indication of a remedy in 
this, but I'm eager to know what silver-list members think.
Reid Harvey

Day Sutton

Re: CS> Brooks Bradley Recipe for Psoriasis

2010-07-23 Thread ZZekelink
In a message dated 7/22/2010 4:58:39 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, writes:

Brooke Bradley Sir, May I ask,  How often do you take  the CS  75%--10% 
DMSO--&--15% Glycerine  ? used for  Psoriasis ? I got this from ,  She was not sure. Nor  am I.
Tel  Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

Tel---you do not take it internally !! I have  posted Brook's Mix several 
times on the "silver list " due to the fact I have  helped so many people 
with skin problems. { Psoriasis being just one of  them}  I have also used it 
on animals .. This is a topically applied mix  not one to be taken 
internally... The people I helped who had shingles did take  straight CS/EIS 
internally. ! - 2- tsps. a couple times a day. Both shingles  cases are totally 
of the problem as are all with skin problems...Hope you  don't mind-- but I 
thought I would answer as I know Brooks is very busy &  might not have time 
to get back to you  soon...Lois


Re: CS> Brooks Bradley Recipe for Psoriasis

2010-07-22 Thread needling around
You are most welcome, Tel.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Tel Tofflemire 
  Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 10:09 PM
  Subject: Re: CS> Brooks Bradley Recipe for Psoriasis

   Thanks for that info , I thought  that should be the case but I made a up a 
batch today and I tasted it, no way was my wife ever going to swallow that 
stuff, so I asked the list.  Thanks again Needling Around.
  Tel Tofflemire
  Dewey, AZ.

  From: needling around 
  Sent: Thu, July 22, 2010 2:08:18 PM
  Subject: Re: CS> Brooks Bradley Recipe for Psoriasis

  It is a topical Tel, not for internal consumption.
- Original Message - 
From: Tel Tofflemire 
Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 4:58 PM
Subject: Re: CS> Brooks Bradley Recipe for Psoriasis

Brooke Bradley Sir, May I ask,  How often do you take the CS 75%--10% 
DMSO--&--15% Glycerine ? used for Psoriasis ? I got this from ,  She was not sure. Nor am I.
Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

Re: CS> Brooks Bradley Recipe for Psoriasis

2010-07-22 Thread Tel Tofflemire

 Thanks for that info , I thought  that should be the case but I made a up a 
batch today and I tasted it, no way was my wife ever going to swallow that 
stuff, so I asked the list.  Thanks again Needling Around.Tel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.

From: needling around 
Sent: Thu, July 22, 2010 2:08:18 PM
Subject: Re: CS> Brooks Bradley Recipe for Psoriasis

It is a topical Tel, not for internal  consumption.
- Original Message - 
>From: Tel Tofflemire 
>Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 4:58PM
>Subject: Re: CS> Brooks Bradley Recipefor Psoriasis
>Brooke Bradley Sir, May I ask,  How often do you takethe CS75%--10% 
>DMSO--&--15% Glycerine? used forPsoriasis ? I got this from , 
>  Shewas not sure. Nor am I.
> ThanksTelTofflemire
>Dewey, AZ. 


Re: CS> Brooks Bradley Recipe for Psoriasis

2010-07-22 Thread needling around
It is a topical Tel, not for internal consumption.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Tel Tofflemire 
  Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 4:58 PM
  Subject: Re: CS> Brooks Bradley Recipe for Psoriasis

  Brooke Bradley Sir, May I ask,  How often do you take the CS 75%--10% 
DMSO--&--15% Glycerine ? used for Psoriasis ? I got this from ,  She was not sure. Nor am I.
  Tel Tofflemire
  Dewey, AZ.


Re: CS> Brooks Bradley Recipe for Psoriasis

2010-07-22 Thread Tel Tofflemire
Brooke Bradley Sir, May I ask,  How often do you take the CS 75%--10% 
DMSO--&--15% Glycerine ? used for Psoriasis ? I got this from ,  She was not sure. Nor am I.
 ThanksTel Tofflemire
Dewey, AZ.



2008-09-25 Thread ian_ontario
I must post a success story about CS and psoriasis.  

A young lady in her mid 40's came to me  on our nursing unit with disfiguring 
psoriasis on her hands and elbows.  She had been struggling with this for many 
years.  Her only help was from  prescription 2% Hydrocortisone cream at $125 a 
tube and while it kept it in check the rough hands and disfiguring appearance 
remained. ( Prolonged use of HC cream has systemic effects on the body 
especially when applied over large areas) With the very first use of CS her 
hands began to tingle and her skin began to feel smoother.  She began using it 
3-4 times per day from a spray bottle.  2-3 weeks later she came to me with 
wide eyed smiles and she showed me her skin.  The only sign that remained was 
noticeably reddened skin in the areas affected but the roughness was gone and 
all the scales and dead skin gone too - skin that appeared to be well on the 
way to total healing.  It takes about 6 weeks for skin to replace itself from 
the inside out, so I expect to see further improvement in the coming weeks.  

A fellow who came to me many years ago had a 1/2 centimeter spot on his scalp 
that has itched for many years.  No prescription creams helped. He put some CS 
on a Q-tip and applied it.  The itch left immediately and NEVER CAME BACK.

Don't be afraid to offer someone who has this problem a free spray bottle of 
CS.  It is true that there is a strong emotional component to this problem and 
the fact that you let them know that you noticed it may cause an initial 
reaction from them.  BUT the benefit received will bring years of lasting 
comfort and gratitude.

Ian Roe

Re: CS>Psoriasis?

2008-03-31 Thread M. G. Devour
> Michael Zangari wrote:
> > You have to realize that Hawaii, as an agricultural state is facing
> > the same problems as say, Nebraska in terms of Ag polution.

Marshall quizzes:
> Where would the silver pollution be coming from?

Ummm, Ag = Agricultural ...


Mike D.

[Mike Devour, Citizen, Patriot, Libertarian]
[Speaking only for myself...   ]

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>psoriasis

2008-03-31 Thread faith gagne
I saw the dermatologist today for a red rash on my arms and legs, and other 
skin problems.  He said that the red rash spots are actually growths and 
they will never go away because the rash is the result of long hours in the 
sun years ago.  Skin damage.  Faith G.

- Original Message - 
From: "Marshall Dudley" 

Sent: Monday, March 31, 2008 12:00 PM
Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis

Pat wrote:
If psoriasis is caused by a borrelia infection, why would drugs which 
suppress the immune system help so much?

I think because the infection tends to be self limiting anyway, and the
psoriasis is result of the body's immune system, not the actual infectoin.


The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to:

Address Off-Topic messages to:

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour 

Re: CS>Psoriasis?

2008-03-31 Thread Marshall Dudley

Michael Zangari wrote:
You have to realize that Hawaii, as an agricultural state is facing 
the same problems as say, Nebraska in terms of Ag polution. Especially 
on Maui. The water is heavy with fertilizers in some places, plus 
military and industrial wastes. The Enviromental Impact statement for 
say the West Coast of Oahu have been done, but are not generally 
available. You could check and see if there is an EPA report on your 
part of Maui. Hawaii is a secret cesspool as far as I'm concerned. And 
I love Hawaii and its people very much. The environment there needs a 
lot of attention.

Where would the silver pollution be coming from?


*/* wrote:

Notice any difference in the chemtrail spraying on each of the
islands?? I could see why Maui, being more populus would be
getting hit more frequently due to having more population, but I
don't think there are alot of people on the big island??? I do
remember they were scheduling a depleted uranium burn for the big
island though.

 jessie70 wrote:
> Speaking of skin allergies, does anyone know what is growing on
the big
> island of Hawaii and Maui that could cause itchy skin?
> I got a terrible face itch there but not on Kauaii. Thx. Jess
> -Original Message-
> From: sol []
> Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 5:41 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis?
> In my personal experience eczema is an allergic reaction to
> either contacted or ingested.
> It is fashionable to believe all skin reactions are detoxing of some
> kind, but I don't think so. Most people eventually can discover an
> allergen if they take the time to do the work required to track it
> (them) down.
> sol
> faith gagne wrote:
> > Does your remedy apply to eczema also? thanks. Faith G.
> >
> >
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour

The novelist, journalist and psychologist
Michael Zangari
_ <>_

Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! 

Re: CS>psoriasis

2008-03-31 Thread Marshall Dudley

Pat wrote:
If psoriasis is caused by a borrelia infection, why would drugs which 
suppress the immune system help so much? 

I think because the infection tends to be self limiting anyway, and the 
psoriasis is result of the body's immune system, not the actual infectoin.



- Original Message 
From: "" 
Cc: JD Kalloco 
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2008 3:45:30 PM
Subject: Re: CS>psoriasis

Hey JD, I sent this to someone else a little while ago, I still have 
to try and find the other stuff I had, which ain't easy. This is 
supposed to be kept a secret!

Here's a little something, I had a great report I read a while ago 
can't seem to
find it now! Of course it's always like that when you need something!! 
This will

send you down the right path I hope:

Kahofer P, Aberer E.
Universitätsklinik für Dermatologie und Venerologie, Graz, Germany.

The Koebner phenomenon, described by Koebner in 1876, represents the 
of isomorphic skin lesions in uninvolved skin in patients suffering 
from certain
skin diseases. It can be induced by different mechanical, chemical, 
thermal and
infectious stimuli. A 48 year-old woman developed an exacerbation of a 
psoriasis as a Koebner phenomenon in a migrating erythema caused by 

afzelii infection.

PMID: 12444521 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

 JD Kalloco>> wrote:
>   Pat <>> wrote:
> > >> Has anyone found natural help for psoriasis, an autoimmune 
disease?  A
> > >> twenty-something year old friend of my son is taking a drug 
which costs

> a
> > >> fortune, more than he makes in a month (luckily he has 
insurance).  It
> > >> blocks part of the immune system.  That leaves him open to 
illness and

> > >> possibly cancer.
> I once corresponded with a man from Honduras who operated 

> in South America ... Neem trees, etc.
> He told me about an ancient Mayan health product that is extracted 
from a

> fern called  *Polypodium leucotomos.
> He was partners with a Spanish pharmaceutical firm that sold an 
extract of

> this fern for psoriasis.  The
> product was called Difur in Spain.
> The indigenous name for this product is **Kalawalla.
> He sent me 2 dozen bottles of 50:1 extract in capsules back in 1996.  I
> moved before getting the opportunity for feedback from those who I 
gave the

> product to.
> * Psoriasis is caused by borrelliosis, .> >
> > > Kurt
> Kurt ... do you have any material in regards to the psoriasis - 

> connection?  I'd like to check it out!
> best regards

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.

Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:

To post, address your message to: 

Address Off-Topic messages to: 

The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...

List maintainer: Mike Devour <>>

You rock. That's why Blockbuster's offering you one month of 
Blockbuster Total Access 
No Cost.

RE: CS>Psoriasis?

2008-03-31 Thread kmilkowski
So far so good! wrote: 
> What do you mean you "had Parkinsons".
> Is it gone??
> Mary
> -- Original message from : -- 
> > I had Parkinson's, and I wasn't being exposed to pesticides on a regular 
> > basis 
> > or living near any farms. I guess the pesticides really make the bugs 
> > reproduce 
> > like rabbits? I think there's more information pertaining to aspartame and 
> > increased neurological diseases as well? Which would only make sense since 
> > thats what aspartame is, ant poison. 
> > 
> > Kurt 
> >  Michael Zangari wrote: 
> > > Pesticides increase risk of Parkinsons 
> > > New Kerala Sat, 29 Mar 2008 8:17 AM PDT 
> > > London, Mar 29: Frequent exposure to pesticides can double the risk of 
> > Parkinson's disease, scientists suggest. 
> > > 
> > > wrote: Notice any difference in the chemtrail 
> > > spraying 
> > on each of the islands?? I could see why Maui, being more populus would be 
> > getting hit more frequently due to having more population, but I don't 
> > think 
> > there are alot of people on the big island??? I do remember they were 
> > scheduling 
> > a depleted uranium burn for the big island though. 
> > > 
> > > Kurt 
> > >  jessie70 wrote: 
> > > > Speaking of skin allergies, does anyone know what is growing on the big 
> > > > island of Hawaii and Maui that could cause itchy skin? 
> > > > I got a terrible face itch there but not on Kauaii. Thx. Jess 
> > > > 
> > > > -Original Message- 
> > > > From: sol [] 
> > > > Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 5:41 PM 
> > > > To: 
> > > > Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis? 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > In my personal experience eczema is an allergic reaction to something 
> > > > either contacted or ingested. 
> > > > It is fashionable to believe all skin reactions are detoxing of some 
> > > > kind, but I don't think so. Most people eventually can discover an 
> > > > allergen if they take the time to do the work required to track it 
> > > > (them) down. 
> > > > sol 
> > > > 
> > > > faith gagne wrote: 
> > > > > Does your remedy apply to eczema also? thanks. Faith G. 
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > -- 
> > > > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. 
> > > > 
> > > > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: 
> > > > 
> > > > To post, address your message to: 
> > > > 
> > > > Address Off-Topic messages to: 
> > > > 
> > > > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... 
> > > > 
> > > > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> > > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > =z= 
> > > The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
> > > Michael Zangari 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > 
> > > - 
> > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it 
> > now. 
> > 

RE: CS>Psoriasis?

2008-03-31 Thread mborgert

What do you mean you "had Parkinsons".
Is it gone??
-- Original message from : -- > I had Parkinson's, and I wasn't being exposed to pesticides on a regular basis > or living near any farms. I guess the pesticides really make the bugs reproduce > like rabbits? I think there's more information pertaining to aspartame and > increased neurological diseases as well? Which would only make sense since > thats what aspartame is, ant poison. > > Kurt >  Michael Zangari wrote: > > Pesticides increase risk of Parkinsons > > New Kerala Sat, 29 Mar 2008 8:17 AM PDT > > London, Mar 29: Frequent exposure to pesticides can double the risk of > Parkinson's disease, scientists suggest. > > > > wrote: Notice any difference in the chemtrail sprayin
g > on each of the islands?? I could see why Maui, being more populus would be > getting hit more frequently due to having more population, but I don't think > there are alot of people on the big island??? I do remember they were scheduling > a depleted uranium burn for the big island though. > > > > Kurt > >  jessie70 wrote: > > > Speaking of skin allergies, does anyone know what is growing on the big > > > island of Hawaii and Maui that could cause itchy skin? > > > I got a terrible face itch there but not on Kauaii. Thx. Jess > > > > > > -Original Message- > > > From: sol [] > > > Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 5:41 PM > > > To: > > > Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis? > > > > > > > > > In my personal experie
nce eczema is an allergic reaction to something > > > either contacted or ingested. > > > It is fashionable to believe all skin reactions are detoxing of some > > > kind, but I don't think so. Most people eventually can discover an > > > allergen if they take the time to do the work required to track it > > > (them) down. > > > sol > > > > > > faith gagne wrote: > > > > Does your remedy apply to eczema also? thanks. Faith G. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -- > > > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver. > > > > > > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at: > > > > > > To post, address your message to: > > > > > > Address Off
-Topic messages to: > > > > > > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down... > > > > > > List maintainer: Mike Devour > > > > > > > > > > > > > =z= > > The novelist, journalist and psychologist > > Michael Zangari > > > > > > > > > > > > > > - > > Be a better friend, newshound, and know-it-all with Yahoo! Mobile. Try it > now. > 

RE: CS>Psoriasis?

2008-03-31 Thread kmilkowski
I had Parkinson's, and I wasn't being exposed to pesticides on a regular basis 
or living near any farms. I guess the pesticides really make the bugs reproduce 
like rabbits? I think there's more information pertaining to aspartame and 
increased neurological  diseases as well? Which would only make sense since 
thats what aspartame is, ant poison.

 Michael Zangari  wrote: 
> Pesticides increase risk of Parkinsons
> New Kerala Sat, 29 Mar 2008 8:17 AM PDT
> London, Mar 29: Frequent exposure to pesticides can double the risk of 
> Parkinson's disease, scientists suggest. 
> wrote:  Notice any difference in the chemtrail spraying 
> on each of the islands?? I could see why Maui, being more populus would be 
> getting hit more frequently due to having more population, but I don't think 
> there are alot of people on the big island??? I do remember they were 
> scheduling a depleted uranium burn for the big island though.
> Kurt
>  jessie70 wrote: 
> > Speaking of skin allergies, does anyone know what is growing on the big
> > island of Hawaii and Maui that could cause itchy skin?
> > I got a terrible face itch there but not on Kauaii. Thx. Jess
> > 
> > -Original Message-
> > From: sol []
> > Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 5:41 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis?
> > 
> > 
> > In my personal experience eczema is an allergic reaction to something
> > either contacted or ingested.
> > It is fashionable to believe all skin reactions are detoxing of some
> > kind, but I don't think so. Most people eventually can discover an
> > allergen if they take the time to do the work required to track it
> > (them) down.
> > sol
> > 
> > faith gagne wrote:
> > > Does your remedy apply to eczema also? thanks. Faith G.
> > >
> > >
> > 
> > 
> > --
> > The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> > 
> > Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> > 
> > To post, address your message to:
> > 
> > Address Off-Topic messages to:
> > 
> > The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> > 
> > List maintainer: Mike Devour 
> > 
>   =z= 
> The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
> Michael Zangari 
> -
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Re: CS>Psoriasis?

2008-03-30 Thread Vigilius Haufniensis

psoriasis=chronic dehydration.  you need fluids and electrolytes.

Michael Zangari wrote:

Pardon my many posts on this.
To point. There seems to be a paradox between natural causes and 
pollution for allergies and skin problems. On one hand the pollution 
is the cause for a lot of concern. On the other, anti-biotic seem to 
be common and effective.
The following things helped me survive all sorts of craziness in the 
community: I kept a dense negative ion environment inside. I used a 
lot of negative ion generators. The following anti-bacterial and 
anti-fungals seemed to help. Oregano and oil of Oregano and doxychlor. 
Pau De Arco.
The smart drugs DMAE and DMG have antibiotic and anti bacterial/fungal 
impact. I am constantly amazed at the variety of things that work with 
bacteria and fungus. Finally, I like myrrh for reducing inflamation. A 
dot near the nose does it. It dries remarkably. It sucks up excess 
fluid and alters magnetism significantly. It used to be used in 
ancient times to chase away demons. Even skin demons.  I assume it is 
because it nuertalized magnatism..

*/Michael Zangari /* wrote:

You have to realize that Hawaii, as an agricultural state is
facing the same problems as say, Nebraska in terms of Ag polution.
Especially on Maui. The water is heavy with fertilizers in some
places, plus military and industrial wastes. The Enviromental
Impact statement for say the West Coast of Oahu have been done,
but are not generally available. You could check and see if there
is an EPA report on your part of Maui. Hawaii is a secret cesspool
as far as I'm concerned. And I love Hawaii and its people very
much. The environment there needs a lot of attention.

*/* wrote:

Notice any difference in the chemtrail spraying on each of the
islands?? I could see why Maui, being more populus would be
getting hit more frequently due to having more population, but
I don't think there are alot of people on the big island??? I
do remember they were scheduling a depleted uranium burn for
the big island though.

 jessie70 wrote:
> Speaking of skin allergies, does anyone know what is growing
on the big
> island of Hawaii and Maui that could cause itchy skin?
> I got a terrible face itch there but not on Kauaii. Thx. Jess
> -Original Message-
> From: sol []
> Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 5:41 PM
> To:
    > Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis?
> In my personal experience eczema is an allergic reaction to
> either contacted or ingested.
> It is fashionable to believe all skin reactions are detoxing
of some
> kind, but I don't think so. Most people eventually can
discover an
> allergen if they take the time to do the work required to
track it
> (them) down.
> sol
> faith gagne wrote:
> > Does your remedy apply to eczema also? thanks. Faith G.
> >
> >
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing
Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently
> List maintainer: Mike Devour

The novelist, journalist and psychologist
Michael Zangari
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The novelist, journalist and psychologist
Michael Zangari
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Blockbuster Total Access 

RE: CS>Psoriasis?

2008-03-30 Thread Michael Zangari
Pardon my many posts on this. 
  To point. There seems to be a paradox between natural causes and pollution 
for allergies and skin problems. On one hand the pollution is the cause for a 
lot of concern. On the other, anti-biotic seem to be common and effective. 
  The following things helped me survive all sorts of craziness in the 
community: I kept a dense negative ion environment inside. I used a lot of 
negative ion generators. The following anti-bacterial and anti-fungals seemed 
to help. Oregano and oil of Oregano and doxychlor. Pau De Arco.
  The smart drugs DMAE and DMG have antibiotic and anti bacterial/fungal 
impact. I am constantly amazed at the variety of things that work with bacteria 
and fungus. Finally, I like myrrh for reducing inflamation. A dot near the nose 
does it. It dries remarkably. It sucks up excess fluid and alters magnetism 
significantly. It used to be used in ancient times to chase away demons. Even 
skin demons.  I assume it is because it nuertalized magnatism..

Michael Zangari  wrote:
  You have to realize that Hawaii, as an agricultural state is facing the same 
problems as say, Nebraska in terms of Ag polution. Especially on Maui. The 
water is heavy with fertilizers in some places, plus military and industrial 
wastes. The Enviromental Impact statement for say the West Coast of Oahu have 
been done, but are not generally available. You could check and see if there is 
an EPA report on your part of Maui. Hawaii is a secret cesspool as far as I'm 
concerned. And I love Hawaii and its people very much. The environment there 
needs a lot of attention. wrote:   Notice any difference in the chemtrail spraying 
on each of the islands?? I could see why Maui, being more populus would be 
getting hit more frequently due to having more population, but I don't think 
there are alot of people on the big island??? I do remember they were 
scheduling a depleted uranium burn for the big island though.

 jessie70 wrote: 
> Speaking of skin allergies, does anyone know what is growing on the big
> island of Hawaii and Maui that could cause itchy skin?
> I got a terrible face itch there but not on Kauaii. Thx. Jess
> -Original Message-
> From: sol []
> Sent: Saturday, March 29, 2008 5:41 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Psoriasis?
> In my personal experience eczema is an allergic reaction to something
> either contacted or ingested.
> It is fashionable to believe all skin reactions are detoxing of some
> kind, but I don't think so. Most people eventually can discover an
> allergen if they take the time to do the work required to track it
> (them) down.
> sol
> faith gagne wrote:
> > Does your remedy apply to eczema also? thanks. Faith G.
> >
> >
> --
> The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
> Instructions for unsubscribing are posted at:
> To post, address your message to:
> Address Off-Topic messages to:
> The Silver List and Off Topic List archives are currently down...
> List maintainer: Mike Devour 

The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari

  Looking for last minute shopping deals? Find them fast with Yahoo! Search.

The novelist, journalist and psychologist 
Michael Zangari

Special deal for Yahoo! users & friends - No Cost. Get a month of Blockbuster 
Total Access now

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