Re: schizoid reissue

1995-12-17 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;
OK, this is a hoot. The reissue is just the left over copies of the 
original pressing with new covers on them. It was NOT recorded or 
released in '85 it was recorded in '86 and released in '87. The other 
guitar player was Bob Average (nee Armstrong) he is also the one who 
rereleased it and we all are not quite sure where the 10th anniversary 
thing came from. He now lives in T.O. which explains the record label 
thing, he used to play for Rise as well. Rod Wills plays drums, he used 
to play for W.A.F.U.T., Fish n Rod, the Privateers and some other bands.

The thing to watch for when buying Schizoid singles is to see if you got 
the mispressing which has the same two songs on each side and one of them 
isn't even supposed to be on the record, and isn't on the real pressing. 
There's something like 100 copies of the mispress around.

Everything else Jeremy said was correct. 

Re: hardship post geography and those pesky tshirts...

1995-11-25 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;
I'd say Seb was aware of the fact that there are 2 Placentia's. He is 
kinda crafty in his songwriting, and usually has stuff pretty well 
thought out from what I know of him. ALthough it's very easy to read far 
more into his songs than he put into them as well. I remember they used 
to do this osng called SO SUE ME. Me and MAtt Clarke used to sit back and 
try and figure out what it was about, we had this whole scenario cooked 
up and then when we asked him it turned out to be a passage from a Book 
he read. 


1995-11-13 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;
OK, Here's the scoop on Postering in St.John's and some info on how it is 
similar to Halifax. 
The city of St.John's attempted to outlaw postering on Telephone poles in 
the downtown area about 3 years ago. They put up about 10 event boards 
for public postering around downtown. These boards are too small to hold 
all the posters for one weeks worth of events, let alone be large enough 
to let people do any real advance postering. The bords are about 24x40.

Obviously, some of us don't htink the boards are any good any continue to 
poster on Telphone poles around the downtown area. The city doesn't 
bother us about it anymore. They used to send nasty letters to the venues 
where the shows were being held but we tended to ignore them and they 
have never followed through on their threats to knowledge. 
Now here is the reason why they are pretty much powerless, and this 
affects every single person in this country (incl. PQ).
About 3 years ago a band in LONDON ONT. called Reverend (?  can't 
remember his nameduh) and the LOST FOLLOWERS were fined for postering 
on public telephone poles. They challenged the fine in court and went all 
the way to the Supreme Court claiming an infringement of their freedom of 
speech. They won! The court found that a Municipal Government cannot put 
an outright ban on postering on public property, they can however put 
controlling by-laws into place. They can limit how long posters are 
allowed to be affixed to poles, enforce the removal of posters after set 
periods of time etc. etc. 

This is a basic run through of what has gone down. The freedom of speech 
arguement is mostly based on the idea that if you can't afford 
advertising in periodicals, billboards etc. then you cannot advertise 
your product/event or voice yor opinions/ideas/art. This creates (yet 
another) boundary between 
economic classes. If you are poor, the cheapest way to get your word out 
is to do some hand writtenposters or photocopies and put them up for all 
to see. By banning postering, a gigantic segment of the population is 
denied acces to an open forum.

So those of you in Halifax, perhaps you should be petitioning yor 
municipal government for a time limit on how long posters may be up for. 
Suggeest that they remove posters from public property only on Sunday 
nights, that way you could advertise all week inadvance toa a weekend gig 
(I assume that most events happen on the weekend, if I'm incorrect then
adjust the day). If this doesn't work, well then goddamnit, it's time for 
ART in the name of social and political change. Make posters that are not 
for an event but are political statements and plaster them with wallpaper 
patse over every fucking object in town and let the population know that 
your government blows fucking big chunks of crap over the little guy 
while sucking up to every middle aged, power hungry, control freak 
deviant who claims to be an international political leader (Gfucking7) 
but are really part of the reason why the world is completely fucked up 
for every Tom Dick Harry Jane Suzy and Jennifer who don't make 6 digit 
salries and have government pension plans that pay them more in one year 
than Ihave made this decade.

Go to it folks. The time for Action is Now. You have no-one to blame but 
yourselves if nothing happens. The government is a pawn. A BIG BIG pawn 
that is hard to move that one space forward but just like everyone else 
the government is annoyed by pesky consitently annoying buzzes and 
eventually would rather fix the problem than live with the annoyance.

Whoah, long post, and I didn't even get to the recycling monologue.

Re: MuchEast is Fulfiment?

1995-10-31 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;

On Mon, 30 Oct 1995, Mark Kenneth Mullane wrote:

 I wish someone with some clue to what is happening, would help Mike
 Campbell out on this one. Later, Mark

Ok, here's how YOU can help clue him in.
That's his number, call him and tell what's going down in your scene that 
he should be paying attention to. 
DON'T phone him up and yell your ass off at his machine telling him how 
stunned he is. Phone him and just let him know everytime you rfavourite 
band is doing something and keep him informed. If you leave enough 
information on a consistent basis, hew will probably come and do 
something when the time and band gives him enough reasons to. He's not 
just going to show up and cover all the local bands from the ground up. 
He is broadcasting nationally and therefore has responsibilty to 
represent bands that will have some interest on a national level, whether 
it be because they just released an album nationally, made an independent 
video, organized a festival, came up with a cool PR stunt or because the 
general viewership requests the information a certain band. 
That said, I am not a big fan of Mike or of Much East, but once we got 
him to come to Newfoundland he was quite receptive to our requests for 
interviews slots and gig coverage, and I was quite happy with what went 
to air even though everybody else in my band got named except me (I guess 
that's what happens when you tell them your name is Smug Bastard). But 
the fact is, it took him 2 fucking years to get here. How can you do an 
Eastern Canadian Music show and not go to one of the 4 provinces for 2 
fucking years. Now I fax him every press release I can get my hands on, 
gigs, record launches, updates on the scene, and anything I can get 
around to sending. Come to think of it I think I'll send one tomorrow and 
try and get him here for New Years Eve when Potmaster, Bung and Lizband 
play at the LSPU HALL.


Re: madonna, sean, crispin and me

1995-10-24 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;

Hey, Liz Pickard (of Liz Band fame) brought Crispin to St.John's too. I 
saw the show. He seemed like a cool guy but the readings were not what I 
hoped. At moments they sort of shone and made me feel like everything was 
going to congeal into some big picture but it never did. Now don't get me 
wrong, I enjoyed the show but was also somewhat disappointed. Now the 
ORKLY KID film was excellent. Here in Sin City it stirred a few emotions 
though as Crispins character was almost the splitting image/personality 
of Fred Gamberg, who as some of you may know was a local St.John's freak 
who started Best Dressed Records with me and played in Giver and 
unfortunatley died earlier this summer. It was too wierd, the whole film 
took on some other sort of relevance here.


On Mon, 23 Oct 1995, Michael Damian Catano wrote:

 i just saw crispin glover do a reading of eight of his books at the
 birdland.  my oh my, that boy is wacky.
 the movie the orkly kid was truly fuct. picture this: outcast in small town
 dreams of being olivia newton john impersonater.  he realises his dreams
 at a town talent show.

Re: the monoxides

1995-10-18 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;

On Tue, 17 Oct 1995, Leanne 'Eh?' Rolston. wrote:

 On Tue, 17 Oct 1995, Mr. Pim wrote:
   In my opinion, they suck. Not only are they a boring and cheesy band,
  but from what I've heard they are lame asses themselves. All they do is
  70's rock ripoffs. Ah, but what do I know?
 YES! Someone actually agrees with me on the monoxides! (and I haven't
 been to a gig in AGES!) Let's go for 2 for 2? Horseshoes and
 Handgrenades? Ugh or ick? (yeah yeah, like I said - I haven't been to a
 gig since the Deuce closed.. :P )

Well, the Monoxides may be generic but they don't suck. And, although at 
times a little juvenile, they are good people as far as I could tell. I 
slept in a tent in Ken's yard with Grasshopper while Potbelly was on 
tour. Ken set up an excellent show and gave us all the money, that makes 
him cool in my books. Plus Dougie Fresh, ex Potbelly guitar player does 
their live sound now.
As for Horseshoes and Handgrenades.either you love pop too much or 
you haven't cleaned your ears in years. HH were the only Halifax band 
that I've really heard that had something other than the Halifax sound 
going down. I only saw them once at a Murderboozecan, but they blew my 
mind. They play the dopest tunes, that's halifax's problem - lack of 
recognition of it's dope scene. HH kicked out the motherfucking jams.
Sorry if I stirred shit up by dissing your home town.

Re: new Sloan album

1995-10-01 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;

On Sat, 30 Sep 1995, Ian MacEachern wrote:

 It looks like the boys in Sloan had broken up just to get
 out of their contract with those money whores DGC. That would be it.
 (at heather's computer)

Perhaps, but most big record contracts sorta state that if you break up 
then you can't play together for a set period of time under any moniker 
otherwise you are still under contract. I heard that Sloan had such a 
clause in their contract with DGC so.I dunno, what does that mean. 
Either they aren't breaking up for real or they've mutually ended their 
contract with DGC? Just some thoughts.


Re: Foo Fighters in Halifax

1995-09-14 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;

On Wed, 13 Sep 1995, Philip Anthony Vanulden wrote:

   Incidently, is there a place that will book a rock'in band from
 St. John's called CHED? While we're there, it would be cool to play a gig
 with some of our fellow east coast musicians.

Somebody book these guys, they're worth it just for the song called 
HANDCUFFS (I believe that's the name). Fil, gimme a call at 722-HULA and 
I'll give you some numbers to call.
Believe me folks, CHED have the pop thing you love so much all twisted up 
into some sorta boyfriend killing tribal frenzy.
Love, HUB

Re: Murder album covers

1995-08-30 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;

On Mon, 28 Aug 1995, Elizabeth Greenan wrote:

 This is kinda unimportant but I have to say it.  Is it just me or are all
 murderecords album covers the clest.

Ah. actually.NO. At least not in my album art taste tolerance. I find 
them mostly simple and dull which pisses me off cuz sometimes the music 
is so good. Where is the colour, where is the info, where is the 
packaging that I love so much? I love album art that is exciting and 
visually stimulating. I find most Murder albums look like art school 
projects. Sorry, it's just the way I think.
My favourite album art lately:
WHITE ZOMBIE (excellent art, tonnes of stuff to look at)
FUGAZI (simple yet entrancing very nice feeling packaging that murder 
sort of seems to attempt but fails IMOH)
FOO FIGHTERS (not too much stuff, but cool image)
MIKE WATT (the album is so fucking cool, so much stuff, colourful, yet 
PEARL JAM (Vitalogy is very nice, retro yet cool medical, lots o' stuff)

As for east coast album art, Twice Removed does look nice, as does Some 
of the Erics Trip stuff, but none really have a plethora of images or 
stuff which is what really what gives me a boner.



1995-08-30 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;
I hear rumour that POTMASTER are the EXPLOSION in this year's POP EXPLOSION!

Re: Hardship Post Lyrics

1995-08-24 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;

On Tue, 22 Aug 1995, Andrew P. Rodenhiser wrote:

 PPPS I'm looking forward to seeing Potmaster and Cat Racket open for
 Mystery Machine.  Hope Birdland fixes their ads before Kat Rocket show up
 for the gig :)

They need to fix more than Kat Rocket's name, Potmaster ain't gonna be 
there. Sorry folks but finances and lack of other gigs coming together in 
time have cancelled our trip. But we will be up for the POP EXPLOSION. I 
don't think we fall under the POP part so I gues we're the EXPLOSION. The 
Potmaster album is finally off for manufacturing so look for it in about 
a month or so.
My apologies to anyone who shows up for Potmaster at Birdland on 
Saturday, but I phoned Greg Clarke and told him we wouldn't be there, I 
guess he just had the posters already done.


Re: War of the Unyons.

1995-08-17 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;

On Sun, 13 Aug 1995, Alex in Fonthill wrote:

 things you have to watch out for are the superficial things about a band,
 like their appearance and packaging. These are the things controlled not by
 the people who make the music, but the people who will do anything to make
 the album look attractive enough for you to buy. As we have grown up being
 blasted in the head by advertising, we rarely realize how vulnerable we

Any band with half a brain has almost total control over their album art. 
And they themselves should want to go to some lengths to make the album  
attractive and eyecatching to help improve sales. I'd bet every band on 
SU played a major part in their album design, or at least had fianl say 
on whether they wanted use it or not.

Also, to comment on your comment on the label selling the record rather 
than the bands music causing the sales:  Don't you think that in some 
cases the label can get the record in stores where the band can't afford 
to get (i.e. Newfoundland), and then the reputation of the label may be 
the only reason people look at or take an initial listen to the record? 
It's all very idealistic to expect a band to be able to create all the 
hype themselves but the reason we have record labels is to help sell 
records. If all bands were together enought to hype their album on 
national scale by themselves I'd expect you'd see many more totally 
independent releases as the bands could make more money that way (no 
middle man), assuming that if they're that together they could generate 
the necessary funds. Since this is not the case, one must assume that a 
labels reputation must have some clout in the marketplace. Perhaps it 
may be a bit in your face to heavily sticker an album with the labels 
name or logo, but would you not buy a record because you thought the 
label was being to in your face even though you liked the band?

Sorry this discussion is running a little long but I'm enjoying the 

Peace, HUB

Re: War of the Unyons.

1995-08-11 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;

On Wed, 9 Aug 1995, Alex in Fonthill wrote:

 Perhaps my view of what music should be and how it should be discovered is
 a little idealistic, but I TOTALLY disagree with this. It's not like Sonic
 Unyon is some giant factory full of computers that spits out records
 according to some formula.

I did not mean to imply that ANY label spits out records according to 
some formula, but each label DOES actually choose what bands to release, 
and you should be able to get to trust the taste of the label. I don't 
expect a label to put out the same sounding record by several different 
bands. I DO expect a label to be consistent in the quality of the music 
they release. If I like one band on a small label, I would hope that some 
of the other bands fall into my area of taste as well. 

 I prefer to treat the music I own as music/art created by the musicians,
 not as a commodity or product of anyone else. I think it's dangerous to
 generalize about music for any reason. Why buy a record if you have no idea
 what it will sound like? If you pick up a Sian record expecting it to sound
 like heavy metal, I think you're going to be let down.

Well, Buying records that I have no idea about is a favourite thing of 
mine when I can afford it. I buy albums because I like other bands on the 
label, or because I like the packaging, or because someone told me it was 
a good record. I buy them with no expectations and hope to be impressed 
or to expand my horizons. In some cases I do it to support a label or 
band that I believe deserves support. Perhaps if I were to buy the Sian 
record I would be impressed, I don't listen to solely HEAVY music, I 
generally like lots of styles. I don't buy anything with expectations if 
I have yet to hear it.

 Buying a recording of a band's creation because you like the other work of
 the people who pay to manufacture the records seems to me to be on the same
 level as buying an album because you like the singer's hair, or because you
 like music by bands that have girl bass players. It's like a less serious
 form of prejudice. At the record store where I shop, I can listen to the
 album before I buy it, so I can form my own opinion about the album BEFORE
 I buy it. What may have originally attracted me to the album may have been
 a criticism, or maybe I already know the work of the band or people
 associated with the band.

This is no case of prejudice! If I were NOT to buy a record because it 
was on a certain label, or because I didn't like the singers hair or 
because there was a girl playing bass, THAT would be prejudice. Buying a 
record because you like the appearance or presentation of a band is an 
everyday occurrence. It is part of marketing and may actually introduce 
you to some bands that otherwise you would never hear (and subsequently 
enjoy). Until recently here in St.John's you could NOT listen to records 
before you bought them and I'm sure it's still that way in many smaller 
towns, so some people are forced to buy records without hearing them and 
are then forced to use other criteria for buying records.

 Except in the case of labels like Sappy, it's futile to expect an album to
 sound a certain way because it's on a certain label, ESPECIALLY in the case
 of such a diverse label as Sonic Unyon, which runs from the heavyhardcore
 of Shallow to the spacy sounds of Sian. Investigate the band, investigate
 the music, read the interviews, read the reviews, and throw the rest out.

Fuck that, buy the record for whatever reason you like. You'll be 
surprised how often you are impressed or excited by what you discover. I 
personally enjoy buying albums for the packaging, then if you happen not 
to like the musci you can at least put the cover on your wall. Expand 
your horizons, support indie labels that release stuff you like, trust 
them, if they fail you then stop buying their products. Don't base all 
your purchases on media representation of an album. Saying that labels 
like SAPPY are an exception is a bit hypocritical. The only consistency 
in SAPPY is the production quality, on other labels the consistency is in 
the musical taste of the label managers (the same reason SAPPY is 

 Sorry if I was a little long, everyone.


Peace, HUB

Re: Sonic Unyons are making me cry.

1995-08-09 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;

On Tue, 8 Aug 1995, Alex in Fonthill wrote:

 (much edited out)...
 It's true that the label deserves credit for releasing the fine fine
 diverse music of lake ontario to the world, and people like Treble Charger,
 Hayden, and other larger acts w/ releases on SU will probably not be
 swallowed by the giant sticker on their releases, but it worries me that
 people will generalize about the music coming from Southern Ontario as it
 all sounds like Tristan as some people would expect all music coming from
 Seattle to be Nirvanableach, Olympia to be Beat Happening, North Carolina
 to be Superchunk, Halifax to be Sloan, when we know that none of this
 examples are true. Why does the label need fame when its acts are
 successful on their own? It especially worries me because the label has
 TOTALLY saturated the local indie market. The reputation of the label is
 such that if I were to put up posters around town that say SONIC UNYON
 PRESENTS: Perhaps Love, Niagara's ultimate tribute to John Denver the show
 would probably draw 300 skaters and glitter girls.

Ok, the reason the label needs fame is to help it sell the records of the 
bands on that label. Sub Pop bands sell records because they are on Sub 
Pop, AM Bands sell records cuz they're on AM etc. etc. 

The fame of Sonic Unyon is allows people who have heard a band on the 
label to know that there is a good chance they will like something else 
on the label. For instance, I myself have never heard any of the bands on 
Sonic Unyon but I know about alot of their bands because I have seen the 
Sonic Unyon ads and liked the style so have read articles on the bands 
when I 've seen them. And now with Novacain's comment on SU being a HEAVY 
label with some metal influences, well then I think that Smoother record 
may be on my to buy list. 

Anyways, if the labels fame helps sell some records for a band outside of 
their circle of popularity then thats fucking excellent. The goal of 
record labels is to sell records. Whether the band or the label attracts 
the buyer is of  little consequence. If the label has a track record for 
releasing good records then then you're going to trust them when they 
release something you've never heard of. 

As far as I can see, SU is the only reason most of the bands on the label 
are now familiar names to me, it's certainly not because the bands have 
gone out of their way to get to Nfld so I could see them and buy their 

Sorry about my long windedness. I seem to have gone abit overboard.
Anyways, label fame = band fame = label fame.


Re: hardship pst

1995-08-05 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;

On Fri, 4 Aug 1995, Rebecca F Snyder wrote:

 I just received 2 of the Hardship Post Sugarcane b/w Canopy 45's on Mag
 Wheel Records, so if anyone would like to strike up a trade feel free as
 I don't really need two.
 p.s. Oh yeah, the picture on the back is credited to a HUB. I wonder
 who that could be :

Oh, yeahthat's me. :)  You should also check out the Afterforever 
Death of One CD if you can find it. I did all the photo's and layout 
and design for that. The album is pretty metal, but hey it ROCKS. I also 
did the Bung cover and the upcoming Drive album and the oh so soon to be 
released Potmaster album (it's about fucking time says I).
HUB (note the similarity in name to that photo dude ;)  )

RE: thee hardshippe poste

1995-08-04 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;
 The interviewee asked which place was the worst hardship post that
 they've played.  It was a toss up between Sydney, N.S. and Saint John's
 Nfld.  It had more to do with the place than any particular gig.

Well I don't know if that's necessarily the correct way to interpret it. 
HP played 2 shows in Sydney on one night. The All Ages show was good, 
then they went to their hotel room and real stoned. When they returned to 
the club for the Bar Show there was almost no-one there and they used 
the smoke machine to blot out their appearance as they were stoned and 
paranoid. As for St.John's, HP have played some absolutely awesome shows 
here, with the exception of the last time they came when at the ALL AGES 
show they didn't go over so hot. Some kid in the audience yelled out GO 
BACK TO HALIFAX!, not a great homecoming. All the kids continually 
yelled for SUGARCANE as well which they refused to play so that pissed of 
some of the people. The Bar show later that night went over much better.
Anyways, that's my take on the worst HP show question. Of course maybe I 
got it all fucked up.

Peace, HUB

ET at Memorial stadium.

1995-07-29 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;
Eric's Trip played at the St.John's Memorial Stadium tonight, with the 
rheostatics and Tragically Hip. I arrived as they began their 1st song. 
The sound was good, I enjoyed the show, the lighting simple yet cool.
Basically I know not what songs they played but it was cool. The fans 
seemed to dig it, although while talking to Rick afterwards they said 
there were people up front yelling The Hip The Hip so had to pretend it 
was Erics Trip Erics Trip instead. Good time.


Hardship Post Hacked Down

1995-07-02 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;
OooH, I got some hot H-O-T gossip.

Seems something is going down in the Hardship Post camp this week.
From my understanding you can expect NOT to see Matt Clarke behind the 
drums on the big tour.
I don't have the details on why, but I have heard that Matt is no longer 
a member of Hardship Post. Unfortunately I have not been able to get in 
touch with him for the first hand story. Maybe this has been blown out of 
proportion by the time I heard it, but I doubt it. I got word from 
someone very close. Anybody in the Halifax region hear anything about this?

Assuming this is true, I am sorry to hear it. I thought Matt was the rock 
which Seb and Mike clung to on SOMEBODY SPOKE. He was the drive and power 
behind that record. 

Now, if I can just lure him back to Newfoundland.


My secret life

1995-05-31 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;
I find it intersting that you don't dig My Secret Life, James. I htink 
it's one of the best songs on the album. As a matter of fact though, I do 
like almost every song on the album. I don't know, I'm just happy to hear 
some of Mike's songs after seeing these guys play together since high 
school and this is the first time Mikle has written ANYTHING! Matt even 
wrote songs before Mike. Anyways, My Secret Life is probably my second 
favourite or perhaps third on the album.

Also, the test pressings of the album are rarer than the promos, and they 
don't even have the bands name on them. All the test vinyl is is a blank 
white sleeve and the centre label on the Record only says Test Pressing 
SP-289 or whatever the catalogue # is. So do I have any offers? Ha Ha. 
Only joking. Also, I heard the album has a bonus track not on the promos. 
A Husker Du tune I beleive. How about a review of that?

Also, Eric's Trip are coming to St.John's! With, get this, the 
Rheostatics and the Tragically Hip! Can you believe it? They're playing 
at the STADIUM. It holds something like 3000 people, give or take several 
hundred. Tickets are $26! I can't believe it! I will have to shuck out 
the bucks though I suppose, Too bad they're not playing at a club or 
something. We shoulod book them to do another show under a different name 
if they're not aloud (sic.) to play other venues (probably a contratual 
agreement for a shoiw like this).

Anywaus, that's it fromt the rock for now,
Bung, Liz Band and Potmaster at the loft this Fri.  Sat.
L-O, V-E you're my little love machine (WASP)

THE Hardship Post

1995-05-28 Thread McHugh,Janet;Med;
I believe the THE may in reference to the movie SOUTH OF WAWA in which 
the characters are all talking about going to see THE DAN HILL (pronounce 
it THUH not THEE). I saw the movie with Matt and he really thought that 
was funny so I'm guessing that it's his tip of the hat to that movie.
Of course I'm not certain, it's just a guess.

So, are you going to THE Hardship Post tonight?
I just  love THE Hardship Post!
I can't wait to see THE Hardship Post!

I think it's pretty funny myself.
Love, HUB