last post -- i promise!

1995-12-11 Thread sizzle teen
just a quicky re: my zine _in the meantime..._

for those still interested for a copy, #1 or #2, send yer $2 to the 
following address:  carol nishitoba   698 Green Meadow Cres., 
Mississauga, ON, L5A 2V2.   i'm moving out of waterloo early next week, and 
won't pay the post-office $50 to forward my mail.

quick recap: #1 tpoh, plumtree, edgefest 3, reviews etc; #2 int w/ cub, 
jale, super friendz,& broken girl, more __ stories, lots of reviews etc.

...whatever the fuck my name is..

p.s.  of course sloan didn't win -- cfny wouldn't let people with the 
word shit in his/her name vote.

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ! "you see, i'm slightly left of centre 
!  of the blah blah blah" (fill in the rest)

my turn!! :) sfz, al tuck review..

1995-12-09 Thread sizzle teen
let us ignore the fact that i just failed a final exam...

i went to see the super friendz and al tuck at the volcano club in 
kitchener just like a whole bunch of other people on this list.  the only 
difference -- i was hanging out at the club for a total of *6* hours... 
but that's another story.

since i haven't heard anything about the whole crew getting their 
stomachs pumped, it is safe to say that the cupcakes i made were fine :) 

al tuck was *great* :)  his music sounded really classic, like his songs 
have always been around and have stood the test of time.  i really fell 
in love with his music that night.. of course, being the moron i am, i  
forgot to buy a cd... really great songs, and he played "budda" just for  
me ;)  (hey, a girl can dream, can't she?)  actually, before playing the 
song,  he explained that they play "budda" but some nights they don't  
really feel like playing it unless someone requests it, so he asked for a 
request, and i put up my hand and requested it [note:  i was sitting 
right up front, half on the stage, trying to hide behind the speaker].   
but the highlight was "can i count on you" (?), which was just him and  
his guitar, and it was totally beautiful.  i think i'm in love..

the super friendz... what more can be said?  they sounded great, and were 
all really active.  and i have to admit, lonnie is an awesome drummer and 
kicks t.c.'s ass!  i kinda requested "undertow" before the show, (which they 
played, of course), but for the sole reason to hear the correct lyrics.  
i wasn't disappointed :)  "television", "up and running", and "green 
hands" were totally awesome, and i can't wait to hear those songs 
recorded.  for the encore, i think matt came *very* close to do some 
l'il orton.. ;)

here's something interesting.. copies of the first pressing of the _by  
request_ 7" (with the green sleeve) were left at the volcano from some  
previous show, so 8 copies were for sale. 

umm.. oh, charles said that they'll be releasing a single on genius 
records :), :( since i still don't have a turntable.. ("dear 
santa..")  and add me to the list of al tuck fans :)

..sizzle teen

p.s. i got al to guess my age, and he said 23!
p.p.s.  hey!  charles tried to get me drunk with the beer tickets too.. i 
don't feel special anymore... ;)  ( should've seen the stack that he 
started off with...)

carol nishitoba  !  2A e.r.s., co-op  !  [EMAIL PROTECTED]  !
   *moving to ottawa*

speaking of the CASBYs..

1995-12-05 Thread sizzle teen
the other day, i tried voting for the CASBYs by visiting cfny's 
homepage/web page/ whatever the terminology is.  i had to get my vote in 
for _twice removed_.  but they have this system where you're only allowed 
one vote.. no prob.  so they ask you to enter an alias, then your e-mail 
address, and then your full name -- first, then last.  ok, so here's how 
mine looked:
 alias:  sizzleteen
 e-mail add: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
 first name: carol
 last name: nishitoba
and then i click on "register me".  and then i get this error message 
saying that i'm not allowed to have the word "shit" in my name.  
[EMAIL PROTECTED]&!!?!?  um, no matter how i go about it, i can't avoid having the 
word "shit" in my name cuz gee, it's in my last name!!  the name came 
with the parents, i can't do anything to change it!!!

.or is this some kind of discriminatory measure put on by cfny to deny 
4'11" japanese-canadian females the access and right to vote?? ;)

...sizzle teen

p.s.  the inbreds were doing their laundry on ytv news, and both mike and 
dave have super friendz t-shirts (and dave was wearing his proudly :) )

carol nishitoba ! "me and stupid his mind was fucked up but
2A e.r.s., co-op!  aren't we all in our own way?"
 *moving to ottawa* !

so i've heard..

1995-11-28 Thread sizzle teen

i was listening to the first half of the indie-hour on cfny fm last 
night, and dave bookman (dj) was talkin' away to colin mackenzie... 
there's this one thing that really stuck in my mind though...

dave was asking colin about updates of east coast rawkers, and he was 
asking what "mr. patrick pentland is doing".  i then hear colin *laugh*  
..either that, or he sneezed into the phone  but anyway, i heard it 
as a laugh.  all he would say is that there are 3 familiar people in the 
east coast writing songs..  but later, dave said that there are 3 
familiar people writing songs *together* which is not what i thought  
colin said.. colin m, clarify!!!  y'know, we (i?) could start some 
fun rumours around here... ;)  just kiddin'.

oh, i also heard another version of "promise" on the radio, and it was 
from a bbc recording.. is this available to the public?  or did i miss my 
chance to record it off the radio?  it's diff than the 7" and 
_dreamcake_, in that the opening guitar riff different, and towards the 
end there are a bunch of ba-ba's backing jennifer's voice...

last point:  about the baad k-w et concert-goers... i find that sad, but 
somehow i'm not surprised that it happened here because i was talking to 
julie before the show, and it was my first et concert, so i wanted to 
know if i had to be scared for my life (of moshers), but she said that there 
was no moshing, just a lot of dancing for this past tour.  But at this  
concert there was moshing *galore* and some jerks, like the guy who just 
went on the stage and started picking a fight with the bouncer when forced 
off the stage... 


carol nishitoba ! "And even if we disagree
2A e.r.s., co-op!  You'd see we could be friends
 *moving to ottawa* !  I'd still want to be your friend anyway"

sfz/hermits/music west conf

1995-11-27 Thread sizzle teen
hello :)

1.  the new _chart_ mag with the super friendz interview is out.  
woo-hoo, they're gracin' the cover :)  it's a good interview.  the 
interviewer calls charles "chuck" throughout the entire thing, and drew's 
answer to the songwriting q is almost word-for-word like the one he gave 
me, so i guess they've been asked that q a lot, huh?  cute little drawings 
(complete with their nicknames).  the article said that they were 
recording with brendan ... what were they recording for?  an e.p.?  
a single?  

2.  ytv news featured this HILARIOUS bit with thrush hermit going 
instrument shopping :)  i was laughing soo much (aside from me 'n my 
roommates yelling 'die, ian, die' ;) ) (sorry, inside joke).  cliff and a 
tamborine... :) :) :) :)  just great :)

3.  bands interested in the music west conference -- muchwest mentioned a 
bit about it, and that applications are due by jan. 15, so any bands out 
there, get crackin'!  i don't know all the details, and i don't even know 
any contact numbers.. i'm sorry :(  but they do have a web page set up, 
so try searching for that.

...sizzle teen (wearing her sloan tee while 
working at the konnichiwa japan booth for the cultural caravan)

carol nishitoba ! "And even if we disagree
2A e.r.s., co-op!  You'd see we could be friends
 *moving to ottawa* !  I'd still want to be your friend anyway"


1995-11-20 Thread sizzle teen
first of all:  someone mentioned about watching ctv and getting the bit 
on stinkin' rich and maker's mark.. well, they showed that on last week's 
_ytv news_, and apparently ytv news broadcasts from the ctv news studios 
in agincourt/toronto/i'm not so sure where it is, so...  what was i 
talking about again???

anyway, mucheast was kinda cool.  wo tpoh :)  wooo grace babies 
(hmm.. i wonder who was operating the handheld camera in this 
interview??) wooo view master :)  wooo pei :)

_ytv news_ was cool :)  go murderecords!! woo-hooo!  i don't remember 
hearing much about the label, or any business about it.. just a bunch of 
guys goofing off in an office ;)  oh, and forcing poor volunteers to do 
like, 350 push-ups a day (i.e.  marc brown).  and then we learn the real 
secrets of murder -- like how colin m seeks 'advice' from another source 
;)  it was a lot of fun watchin' it :)  

and to quote my sister aimee (age 13, fave groups are tlc, salt'n pepa 
and  the like, except her crazee older sister keeps on playing her 
canuck music so aimee's the hippest 13 year old at her school cuz she knows
sloan, the super friendz, jale, waltons,  etc...):  "Chris Murphy is mean"


carol nishitoba ! _in the meantime..._ no. 2
2A e.r.s., co-op!  ..anybody want it?..

eric's trip :) :) :) :)

1995-11-19 Thread sizzle teen

i went to see eric's trip for the first time in my entire life on friday 
at the volcano in kitchener, and i was TOTALLY in awe, and couldn't 
believe how i've never heard of them until earlier this year and never 
saw them until friday :)  altho christian has posted about the show, i'll 
add my $0.02 worth.

curb were cool.  they're a trio from minnisota, with 2 boyz (1 on drums, 
the other on bass and vox), and a girl (gee-tar and vox).  pretty cool 
rawkin' stuff.  

the new grand, as said, were plagued with a few probs since they didn't 
get to do a sound check.  my first time seeing them, and they rawked :)  
i loved them!!  "frat boy" and everything, right warren? ;)  i rilly 
liked their sound, and they were pretty energetic.  mike apologized to me 
after the show for all the probs, which i didn't quite get why he did, 
but nonetheless that was sweet :)

orange glass :  wow!!  lots of noise, couldn't hear much vocals :(  but 
wow, i was really impressed!  one thing i couldn't help notice was how 
skinny tara is!!!  too bad their single is on vinyl.. *sigh*

eric's trip.. oh man, it was an *amazing* experience.  seeing them live 
isn't just going to see a band play, it's like a totally new experience 
that i can't explain.. just soo much energy and noise and.. wow!! (i'm at 
a total loss for words)  they had only blue lights shining on them and 
they just illuminated all 4 of them and it gave them an almost surreal 
presence.  since i'm a fool and don't own any eric's trip stuff (well, 
NOW i do..) i couldn't really tell you all the titles.. (go bug warren, he 
got the set list).. but they did play a broken girl song, and lots of new 
stuff and a mix of the old.. 2 tracks from _peter_, me thinks..  julie, 
rick, and chris all shared vocal duties.  even with earplugs, the music was 
pretty loud.  the last song before the encore, there was this massive 
feedback and reverb and all this stuff that i don't know about, and it 
was weird because i could feel the vibrations just go through my entire 
body (i was standing in the front).. and for the encore, the never ending 
experiments of chris.. WOW!!  oh man, eric's trip are AWESOME!!

julie was even kind enough to sell a few copies of my zine at the merch 
booth :)  and all 4 copies laid out were sold!!  :) :) :) :)  one was 
bought by ron in orange glass  (btw: copies of my zine are still 
available.. like, *really* available since no one has ordered any.. *sniff*)

anyway, on to the next posting..

...sizzle teen

carol nishitoba ! "what is this dream
2A e.r.s., co-op!  that i'll never find"


1995-11-17 Thread sizzle teen
morning... *yawn..*

(note:  to all those going to the eric's trip show -- poke me, or throw 
cold water in my face during the concert so i don't fall asleep or pass 
out or whatever cuz three hours of sleep just ain't enough...)

came back from a visit to the _realtime_ home page, and found out that 
part ii of the pop explosion will be postponed to a later date.  in its 
place will be the making of _help_ or something like that.  i didn't find 
a song listing, but the groups featured will be : pluto, made, coyote, 
crappo 2, and someone else that i forgot oh god my mind has gone blank 
shoot me now... *sigh*  now to come up with a spiffy q to ask those super 
friendz guys :) :) :) :)

oh, and apparently there's supposed to be a "east coast" spotlight on 
muchmusic this coming chewsday (er, tuesday).  let's see if they'll be 
playing a few of the artists we like to talk about on sloan net... :)  
(it'd be hilarious if they forgot about sloan.. HAHAHAHAHA!) (..and i've 
never seen the video to "not happy") (..well, i know that they'll be 
playing the rankins for sure..) (..super friendz, maybe?..)  (..would 
much be diverse enough and show hip club groove?..)  (.. isn't this 
exciting, oh i need more sleep...)


carol nishitoba ! "i love you ... because you took a stand
2A e.r.s., co-op!  for those of us who are the weaker,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  !  'cause we're not fakes.
!  we are the wild and we are the screwed"

eric's trip in k-w

1995-11-15 Thread sizzle teen

ok, here's some info for all you slackers who don't bother phoning up the 
volcano ;)  

ERIC'S TRIP is playing at the volcano in kitchener (duh! :) ), this 
friday.  it will cost $8 for the under-age kiddies, and $6 for the older 
fogies who's probably seen them a few dozen times ;)  

this'll be my first eric's trip show, so i wuz wondering.. do the kids go 
really, really mosh krazy???  eek!

    ...sizzle teen

p.s.  on saturday, _realtime_ announced the results they've received so 
far for the concert... and at that time, SLOAN was/were in the lead with 
36% of the votes!! :)  i think bjork was second with 17% or something. 

carol nishitoba ! "up on pills that make me happy"
2A e.r.s., co-op!   

Re: tv stuff for all the kids to see

1995-11-14 Thread sizzle teen

that show would be _ytv news_, and it's on at 12:30 and 10:30 EST on 
sundays.  so plan your sunday around it!  the music segment usually runs 
about 10 minutes into the show but i don't have any sense, any sense of 
time so i could be wrong and i gotta stop watching that show as much as i 
have in the past.. altho, the super friendz segment they had about a 
month ago was absolutely HILARIOUS!!! :) :) :)

    ..sizzle teen

p.s.  i *should* have the pop explosion bit taped, unless my sibs decided 
to annoy me and not record it for me :(

On Mon, 13 Nov 1995, Tara Lee Wittchen wrote:

> my friend eric just called and told me last night on YTV they had a big 
> focus on the pop explosion. did anyone tape it or see it? anyway, he said 
> that next week at the same time (he didn't know the name of the show but 
> it was on at 1130 pm MST) they were planning on having a special on 
> murderecords, on how it's run and all that. anyway, i just thought i'd 
> tell you kids with cable. :)
> tara
> --
> "`Well, all my Sloan shirts are in the wash,' Mulder says sarcastically."
>  :) :) fuh fiction fuh four :) :)
> ***CJSW 90.9 fm -->***

carol nishitoba ! "you look like a sloan fan"
2A e.r.s., co-op!-- greg at ckms (100.3 fm)


1995-11-10 Thread sizzle teen
^-- any one understand that subject heading, cuz i don't! ;)

all righty, just when you thought that the market has come clean again, 
the second installment of _in the meantime..._ has arrived with bells 
on.  You've read it on a sticker, you were driving slow right before the 
day you said goodbye, since you didn't like the dance music.

issue no. 2 is jam packed with interview, after interview, after 
interview.. namely with:  Broken Girl, cub, jale, and the Super Friendz.  
lots of album reviews (4 of the groups have members on sloan net), a pop 
explosion diary, *more* chris murphy stories for those of you who like 
'em, etc., etc., etc 

it's only $1.50 if you get directly from me, or $2 if you order thru 
mail.  send those soon-to-be-non-existent $2 bills to:
   _in the meantime..._ 
   c/o carol   (or sizzle teen, if you prefer ;) )
   350 Columbia St. West
   Unit 100, Room B
   Waterloo, ON
   N2L 6G8

i'm also willing to trade, just e-mail me before you do anything.. 
(note:  daydream records, barb.. a copy is coming yer way)

copies of issue 1 are still available :)  just add another $2(ppd) a 
quick reminder, it's got an interview with plumtree, and tpoh, edgyfest 3 
review, more music reviews, and overall meyhem!  e-mail me if you need 
more info...

sorry 'bout the shameless self-promotion..

    ..sizzle teen

carol nishitoba ! "you look like a sloan fan"
2A e.r.s., co-op!-- greg at ckms (100.3 fm)

on the subject of touring...

1995-11-09 Thread sizzle teen

flyer reads:  Dec 7:  The Super Friendz with Al Tuck and No Action

the venue would be the Volcano in Kitchener :)  yipeee!  ...but i'm not 
sure if it's 100% definite.

also, this month's _impact_ features a little blurb and pic of trike :)

and to all the ottawa people:
does anyone know right off the bat any affordable housing in the Place de 
Ville area??  or does anyone know where *not* to live in ottawa before i 
begin my search for a place to live (jan - april 1996)?  eek!  i don't 
know where i'm gonna live...

...sizzled sizzley t

carol nishitoba ! "you look like a sloan fan"
2A e.r.s., co-op!-- greg at ckms (100.3 fm)

they're not quite *dead* yet..

1995-11-07 Thread sizzle teen
(happy birthday to chris m!)

first of all, does are the CASBYs just ontario, or is voting open to the 
entire country?

i heard the nominations for this year's CASBY (canadian artists as 
selected by you) (does that make it CAASBY?) were announced on the _indie 
hour_ (what waz i doing up past my bedtime??? ;) ).  categories:  best 
single, best new group, best album.  our lady peace was in each, and i 
remember hearing rusty and treble charger mentioned a few times too.  the 
biggest surprise for *me* was hearing that _twice removed_ is nominated 
for best album!!! :)  woo-hoo!!  so vote away, people!  (in addition to 
the realtime concert)

and fer all you kitchener-waterloo people, YES eric's trip are coming to 
the volcano, next friday.  openers include orange glass and curb.  i 
don't know what's the cost yet, though.  oh, and if anyone's interested, 
pure's doing a free instore at hmv (university plaza) at 4 tomorrow.

    ...sizzle teen

carol nishitoba ! "you look like a sloan fan"
2A e.r.s., co-op!-- greg at ckms (100.3 fm)

super friendz/ al tuck tour dates..

1995-11-03 Thread sizzle teen

just incase some of you haven't seen this month's _exclaim_ mag yet, here 
are some tour dates for their _4 on your floor tour_ (wasn't there a "4 
on the floor" sketch-comedy show on cbc many years back with 'mr. 

nov. 6 - Crocks n' Rolls, Thunder Bay ON
nov. 7 - The Pyramid, Winnipeg MB
Nov. 9 - The Rev, Edmonton AB
Nov 10 - The Republik, Calgary AB
Nov 13 - Side Effects, Kelowna BC
Nov 16 - The Limit, Victoria BC
Nov 17 - The Starfish Room, Vancouver BC
Nov 22 - Cadillac Club, Lethbridge AB
Nov 23 - Louis' Pub, Saskatoon SK
Nov 24 - The Pyramid, Winnipeg MB
Nov 25 - Crocks n'Rolls, Thunder Bay ON

umm... i don't know about the first 2 and last 2 dates, cuz they're 
exactly the same, and unless they're jetting it, i doubt that you can go 
to winnipeg from thunder bay in a day without going mental.. but then, i 
have no sense of direction, SO...

here's hoping they come to the rest of ontario soon, preferrable before 
final exams.. ick :P

anyone know what's going on with murderecords lately?  i.e.  upcoming 

anyway, make sure you go see 'em, and greet the newest super friend, 
lonnie :)

...sizzle teen

carol nishitoba ! "this hasn't happened for the first time
2A e.r.s., co-op!  and i know it won't be for the last time"

cub, pansy division, pluto

1995-10-27 Thread sizzle teen
hello :)

wheee!  midterms are finally done :)  yep, after 4 hours of perfect 
panic, i headed off to the volcano club in kitchener to watch the 3 
groups mentioned.  and they were excellent!! (btw: i know i'm talking 
about bands from the *other* coast, but read on if you don't mind..)

i got there right at 10 p.m., and pluto had already started.  eek!  they 
rawked, and sounded great.  i'm not too familiar with pluto; i just 
started to hear their stuff about 4 weeks ago (thanx andrea :) ), but i 
love them :)  really cool stuff.  hey, and after their set, the bass 
player sees my t-shirt and said "the super friendz!  i love them!"  (i 
figured i'd wear my sf tee since i usually see charles austin wearing his 
pluto tee)

pansy division were on next, and how could you *not* like them ;) they're 
a lot of fun, catchy tunes, and the bass player is adorable.. 
well, except during the last track when he decided to bare all... i saw a 
buttox and turned the other way, faster than the speed of light! 

cub closed and rawked the night away :)  it was my first time 
seeing them live (actually, that applies to all of the groups) and i had 
a lot of fun :)  made a full recovery from my midterms!  none of the 
famed 'cub candy' though :(  but they did do a lot of screaming (well, 
lisa g and robynn, though lisa got into it during 'the day i said 
goodbye'), and lisa g's bass drum kept on moving away from her.. freaky!

excellent and fun night of music :)  and lisa g and john (guitarist of 
pansy division) both had the same thing to say to me :) ("you looked like 
you were having a lot of fun because i saw you smiling throughout the 
set") :Dthat night almost made 
me forget that mcgettigan must die.. ;)  (hey, waz dis w/ benvie posting? 
or wuz it an imposter?) (does it mean that mr. pool didn't kill him?)

check out nov.'s _exclaim_ with a review of the state champs single (ok 
review..), and the totally unfair, totally upsetting (well, for me at 
least) tour schedule of the super friendz and al tuck and no action. :P  
(they're basically hitting the places they did for the "living stereo 
tour" they did w/ jale and the inbreds.. grrr...)

...sizzle teen

p.s.  there may still be a chance of eric's trip coming down to 
kitchener... volcano staff said nov 17
carol nishitoba  | 
2A E.R.S., co-op |   

total confusion!?

1995-10-20 Thread sizzle teen

first of all, thanks to all that helped me in the search of contacting 
*the* murderecords ;)  i just wish it wasn't long distance... oh well, 
looks like i'll have to move to halifax!

ok, i have 2 'newspaper'-ish things infront of me (well, other than the 
computer).  in one source (_imprint_, student newspaper) says that Eric's 
Trip is playing at the volcano (kitchener) on nov 9 w/ orange glass.  but 
but but but but... in the other source (_id_), it says that Rebecca West 
is playing at the volcano on nov 9.  huh?  of course, that would be a 
wild kick ass show if both bands were playing!!!

speaking of _id_.. they have an article (with pictures!) about the pop 
explosion.  in the pic of joel's back, if you look at the very right hand 
end of the pic, you see half of d'arcy's face!! (you're famous!!)  
there's also a pic of chris and ian, but it's weird cuz i think ian has 
something hanging from his lips, but i can't quite make out what it is.  i 
don't think it's his tongue, and nobody said anything about him getting his 
lip pierced, so

next comment.  what's up with the urge overkill show w/ thrush hermit 
show?  weren't they supposed to be playing in guelph on tuesday, not in 
london (well, urge)??  so where's thrush hermit gonna be, then??  also, 
what's this about Chris Murphy playing in london, nov 1 @ old chicago's 
speakeasy & grill?  or are they speaking of another (*gasp*!  that can't 
be!) chris murphy??

life  sucks.

...sizzle teen

the explosion is over...

1995-10-16 Thread sizzle teen
hello :)

i'm still willing to hear stories/reviews/whatever about the pop explosion!

anyone see mucheast last night?  next week's is gonna be a about the 
explosion (er, wall to wall, i believe the term was).  wh :)  showed 
a bit of sloan singing torn, saw chris murphy interrupt an interview 
between peter rowan and mr campbell, tried very hard not to squeal in 
delight when they showed sloan, but unfortunately, it didn't work... 
oops.. ;)

also, i was at ckms the other day and saw the super friendz _by request_ 
sg.  since i don't have a turntable, i've never bothered to give it a 
second or first glance until now.  but i noticed that on the b-side (?) 
(the side with when they pay me), it says "copyright (well, actually it's 
the copyright symbol) stinkin' rich".  HUH!?!?  intentional flaw to bring 
up the value of the 7"?  did they correct it in the versions of the 
single that come with the cover with the red (instead of green) border???

...sizzled teen
carol nishitoba  | _in the meantime_ no. 1...
2A E.R.S., co-op |  circulation: 30  :) :) :)
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> |  copies still available!!


1995-10-15 Thread sizzle teen
hey :)

so the pop explosion is winding down.. how come there have been no 
reviews?? anyone???  anyone??  or are you all having s much 
fun that you're forgetting to inform us of everything that we're missing 
out of.. ;)  , why and i so bitter today

anyway, they played the state champs song at regular speed last night!  
except they didn't mention the title, so i have no idea what song i was 
listening to.  hmm.. so *that's* what they're supposed to sound like! ;) 
(ya, i have the single but i still haven't found a turntable yet.. *SIGH*)

    ...sizzle teen

"you shouldn't believe everything you read"..

1995-10-06 Thread sizzle teen
hi :)

question:  ok, i need to know the correct spelling of some guy's last 
name.. i think it's spelled 'komachenko' but i'm not sure..  it's this 
guy greg who played in rhinoplasty (w/ drew and charles of sf), and later 
played in a few bands, the leather uppers being one of them.  help?

ok, so i read in one mag (i think it was _chart_) that alyson (macleod) 
has joined hardship post (as we all know) BUT hardship post as we know it 
will cease -- i think i read (and i'm not so sure anymore so if i'm wrong 
flame me via private e-mail) that she'll play guitar, seb on bass, and 
mike on drums, and alyson will become the primary song writer!?!?! 

also, all you canucks, make sure you pick up this month's edition of 
_impact_.  why?  there's a super friendz article (w/ pic), a little pic 
of sloan, and a review of edgy fest 3 :)  oh, and a message from our once 
and only chris p (novacain) :)  (you're famous!)  also, check out the 
little blurb they have about drummers... then check out my zine and *my* 
article on drummers.. hmmm... lemme see, i wrote about them drummers in 
july, _impact_ just came out HM...

ok, here's a little bit of rambling, so those not interested can delete 
the message.  the pic of the super friendz in the magazine was taken 
moments before i (finally!?!) got my pic with them :)  and i do have a few 
witnesses (altho i don't know if they remember) (umm.. remember cathy?  shant?  

well, have  a nice thanksgiving weekend :)  (whee!  homecooked food!!!)

...sizzle teen
carol nishitoba  | "i love you ... because you don't
2A E.R.S., co-op |know why"

re: hermits and stuff..

1995-09-19 Thread sizzle teen
okay, i *swear* this is the last posting/correction from me today.  i 
can't believe how screwed up i am today.  i think it's the quote in my sig..

anyways, it's not COLLECTIVE SOUL, it's URGE OVERKILL who are touring 
with gbv and the second incarnation of the steve miller band ;)

sorry (again) for my mistake (again).

    ...sizzle teen (constantly calculating losses..)
carol nishitoba  | 
2A e.r.s., co-op | "Up on pills that make me happy"

hermits and whiz kids...

1995-09-19 Thread sizzle teen

(sizzle teen is procrastinating in the cs computer lab.  she should be 
working on her pascal programs, but isn't.  sh)

i can't believe it!

next month in t.o., collective soul are (is?) coming with guided by 
voices and thrush hermit!! wooo-hoo!  but how on earth did this combo 
come about??  the first thing i thought was "nooo way!!" and "age gap". 
teehee! ;)  i believe it's on the 25 or 26 of october, and it's an 
all-ages show at the opera house.  hopefully they'll be doing some more 
shows across the province... esp waterloo... mmm..thrush hermit.. ;)

speaking of th, they're supposed to be on the _new music_ tonight.   
ooo!  someone record it for me!!!

also... happy birthday d'arcy!!! :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) 
:) :) :) :) :)  <-- 19 smiley faces just for ya! (and here's that 
'optional' 19th -> :)  )

later, y'all!

...sizzle teen

carol nishitoba  | 
2A e.r.s., co-op | "Up on pills that make me happy"

if only they knew...

1995-09-10 Thread sizzle teen
hey :)

(don't mind me, i'm going e-mail crazee before school starts)

in _campus canada_, there's a little blurb about sloan (who? ;) ) with a 
pic an' everything... just a brief bio.. and ends off with the line

"..including a memorable gig at Toronto's Molson AMpitheatre as part of 
Edgefest 2 (duh! i know it's edgy 3, but the article says 2), that 
secured them as one of the best live bands in Canada"

aww.. isn't that sweet?

heh!  and the pic shows a very unflattering pic of criss. HAHAHAHAHAHA!! 

also, in the frosh week edition of our student newspaper, there was a 
review of edgy fest 3 (mentioning that members of *jale* were on stage 
dancing during thrush hermit.. um, *n*.  there was amanda from plumtree, 
t.c., matt murphy, and those crazee local rabbits boys), and an interview 
with jay :) mentioning that the jale drummer is mike militski (um.. 

...sizzle (needs to settle a score with fatty arbuckle) teen is Algeria and my city is Oran

1995-04-07 Thread sizzle teen

ok, ok, ok (for cathy's sake: ok). i know i've unsubscribed, but i just 
needed to add this..

1.  is everyone aware that the east coast music awards are on cbc tonight?

2.  is it coincidental that the only three japanese females whose names 
are on the 'net tee all know each other?  i kid you not.

3.  (the sloan content)  what videos have they released, and do they 
intend on releasing another music video? i've seen underwhelmed (both 
versions), 500 up, coax me, and people of the sky.  is dat it?

thanx for your time :)
..carol ( should she officially change her name to 
      'sizzle teen'!? ;) )

i write you from a far country, north of Africa..

1995-04-07 Thread sizzle teen

(well, pretend that you're living in a far country, since Canada is north 
of Africa)

thanks to those that answered my previous posting :) many many thanx! 
here's my final posting 'til september  :^(  .. and, as usual, they're 

1.  what is this song *amped* that people are talking about?

2.  why did sloan call their label 'murderecords'?

3.  why did they omit the second r? (this confuses my parents who are not 
fluent in english... ;) )

thanx in advance to those who respond!
b-bye 'til september

one more thing..

1995-03-24 Thread sizzle teen

i just read, and someone said that *sloan* are scheduled 
to be the headliners at this year's edgefest at the molson ampitheatre 
(once upon a time known as the forum...:^()  any confirmation on this?  
any ticket information?  please inform me and the rest of the world about 
this, a.s.a.p

   * carol nishitoba *  first year environment and resource studies major * 
  "i'm not a loser / i'm just lonely" -- juliana hatfield 'i see you'

random garble

1995-03-08 Thread sizzle teen

*cough cough*  i hope the rest of the netters are in better physical 
shape than me...

ok, just a few random ramblings...

- was the jale 'ear to the ground' on this weekend?  i checked through 
  the tv guide a few times and didn't see the program listed

- yes! patty and jay were on ytv news (the advantages of having a sister 
  in her pre-teens...).  they went shopping with the reporter-chick at the 
  good-will store in downtown t.o.  patrick enjoys comfy clothes, while jay 
  strives for a more 'cool and classy' look :)  (no cuir jackets seen)

- in the next few weeks, ytv news will be focusing on hip club groove

- any news about the cbc radio-sloan-concert-broadcast schpeel?

i think that's all that i could think of. oh, one more thing...why does 
cindy play in t.o. when i'm trapped in waterloo? aah!! ah well. c'est la vie.
let's see if sloan can win a juno.