[sqlalchemy] Re: Separate version table

2007-10-29 Thread Arnar Birgisson

On 10/29/07, mmstud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thats handy. Where could i get the utils module you're using for Enum

The Enum datatype is from the ASPN cookbook, with type bindings for
SA. Here's part of my utils module.


# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-

import sqlalchemy.types as types
import datetime, time
from itertools import groupby

def numericSort(alist, val=lambda x: x):
   Returns a copy. See recipe 135435 on aspn
   def genidx(str):
  index = []
  def _append(fragment, alist=index):
 if fragment.isdigit(): fragment = int(fragment)

  prev_isdigit = str[0].isdigit()
  current_fragment = ''
  for char in str:
 curr_isdigit = char.isdigit()
 if curr_isdigit == prev_isdigit:
current_fragment += char
current_fragment = char
prev_isdigit = curr_isdigit
  return tuple(index)

   indicies = map(genidx, map(val, alist))
   decorated = zip(indicies, alist)
   return [item for idx, item in decorated]

# From ASPN cookbook, Zoran Isailovski
# Added JSON and SQLAlchemy handles
def Enum(*names):
##assert names, Empty enums are not supported # - Don't like
empty enums? Uncomment!

class EnumClass(types.TypeDecorator):
__slots__ = names
impl = types.Integer
def __iter__(self):return iter(constants)
def __len__(self): return len(constants)
def __getitem__(self, i):  return constants[i]
def __repr__(self):return 'Enum' + str(names)
def __str__(self): return 'enum ' + str(constants)
def convert_bind_param(self, value, engine): return value.Value
def convert_result_value(self, value, engine): return self[value]

class EnumValue(object):
__slots__ = ('__value')
def __init__(self, value): self.__value = value
Value = property(lambda self: self.__value)
EnumType = property(lambda self: EnumType)
def __hash__(self):return hash(self.__value)
def __cmp__(self, other):
if type(other) is str:
return cmp(str(self), other)
elif type(other) is unicode:
return cmp(str(self), str(other))
# C fans might want to remove the following assertion
# to make all enums comparable by ordinal value {;))
assert self.EnumType is other.EnumType, Only values
from the same enum are comparable
return cmp(self.__value, other.__value)
def __invert__(self):  return constants[maximum - self.__value]
def __nonzero__(self): return bool(self.__value)
def __repr__(self):return str(names[self.__value])
def __json__(self):return str(names[self.__value])

maximum = len(names) - 1
constants = [None] * len(names)
for i, each in enumerate(names):
val = EnumValue(i)
setattr(EnumClass, each, val)
constants[i] = val
constants = tuple(constants)
EnumType = EnumClass()
return EnumType

class Region(object):

def __init__(self, left, top, width, height):
self.left = left
self.top = top
self.width = width
self.height = height

def __str__(self):
return Region(%d,%d,%d,%d) %

def __repr__(self):
return str(self)

def countdistinct(iterable, groups=None, key=None):
Count things.

 items = ['red', 'green', 'blue', 'blue']
{'blue': 2, 'green': 1, 'red': 1}

You can ensure that specific groups are always included in the result, even
if they don't occur in the input:

 items = ['red', 'blue', 'blue']
 countdistinct(items, groups=['red', 'green', 'blue'])
{'blue': 2, 'green': 0, 'red': 1}

The optional `key` argument can be used to provide a function that returns
the comparison key for every item:

 from operator import itemgetter
 items = [dict(name='foo', category='buzz'),
...  dict(name='bar', category='buzz')]
 print countdistinct(items, key=itemgetter('category'))
{'buzz': 2}

if groups is None: groups = []
d = dict([(g, 0) for g in groups])
for g, l in groupby(iterable, key=key):
d[g] = len(list(l)) + d.get(g, 0)
return d

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Separate version table

2007-10-29 Thread Arnar Birgisson

On 10/29/07, mmstud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On 29 loka, 09:08, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   I dont need history tracking, just revert documents to older ones.
  that is history, just not timed history.

 Most optimal would it be, if i can make rows with updated fields only,
 not to copy whole row... but im afraid setting unchanged field to None
 would be problematic when retrieving versions. I should retrieve
 several rows and collect the latest not None fields... just pondering

That reminded me, I have another project that does automatic
changelogs. There is something in the ML archives, but here's some
more code.

I'm afraid all class, variable and field names are in Icelandic - I
put in comments with translations where it matters. I also removed
alot of auxiliary tables since this is proprietary code. The base
entity that keeps a changelog of itself is Verkefni (means project).
A changelog entry is generated by calling changelog_entry on a dirty
object. This is not done automatically as sometimes one wants to
update an object without generating a log entry.


# -*- encoding: UTF-8 -*-
import datetime

import cherrypy
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.ext.sessioncontext import SessionContext
from sqlalchemy.ext.assignmapper import assign_mapper
from sqlalchemy.orm import MapperExtension, EXT_PASS

_engine = None
metadata = sqlalchemy.DynamicMetaData()

def get_engine():
global _engine
dburi = cherrypy.config.get('verkstjorinn.db.uri')
encoding = cherrypy.config.get('verkstjorinn.db.encoding', 'utf-8')
echo = cherrypy.config.get('verkstjorinn.db.echo', False)
if not _engine:
_engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine(dburi, encoding=encoding,
echo=echo, convert_unicode=True)
elif not metadata.is_bound():
return _engine

ctx = SessionContext(lambda:sqlalchemy.create_session(bind_to=get_engine()))

def sa_uow_cleanup():
sa_uow_cleanup.failsafe = True
cherrypy.tools.sacleanup = cherrypy.Tool('on_end_request', sa_uow_cleanup)

class base_model(object):

def __repr__(self):
   props = []
   for key in self.c.keys():
   props.append(%s=%r % (key, getattr(self, key)))
   return %s %s % (self.__class__.__name__, ' '.join(props))

from sqlalchemy import *

## Verkefni = Projects

verkefni_flokkar = Table(verkefni_flokkar, metadata,
Column(verkefni, Integer, ForeignKey(verkefni.verkefni),
Column(flokkur, Integer, ForeignKey(flokkar.flokkur), primary_key=True)

# No mapper for this table, it's only a join table for the many-to-many relation

verkefni = Table(verkefni, metadata,
Column(verkefni, Integer, primary_key=True),
Column(skrad, DateTime, nullable=False, default=func.now()),
Column(sidast_breytt, DateTime, nullable=False,
default=func.current_timestamp(), onupdate=func.current_timestamp()),
Column(skrad_af, Unicode(20), ForeignKey(notendur.notandi),
Column(deadline, Date),
Column(titill, Unicode, nullable=False),
Column(lysing, Unicode, nullable=False),
Column(mikilvaegi, Integer, ForeignKey(mikilvaegi.mikilvaegi),
nullable=False, default=40),
Column(forgangur, Integer, nullable=False, default=0),
Column(framvinda, Integer, nullable=False, default=0),
Column(fasi, Integer, ForeignKey(fasar.fasi), nullable=False,
Column(abyrgdarmadur, Unicode(20),
ForeignKey(notendur.notandi), nullable=False),
Column(cc, Unicode),
Column(verknumer, Unicode(20)),
Column(tengilidur, Unicode(60)),
Column(bidur_eftir, Unicode)

class Verkefni(base_model):

def __init__(self):
self.verkefni = 0
self.skrad = datetime.datetime.now()
self.sidast_breytt = datetime.datetime.now()
self.titill = 
self.lysing = 
self.verknumer = None
self.tengilidur = None
self.deadline = None
self.bidur_eftir = None
self.flokkar = []
self.mikilvaegi = Mikilvaegi.get(40)
self.forgangur = 0
self.framvinda = 0
self.fasi = Fasi.get(5)
self.abyrgdarmadur = None # Must be set by controller
self.cc = None
self.depends_on = ()
self.depend_on_me = ()

def get_fyrirtaeki(self): return []
def get_framkvaemd(self): return []
def combined_athugasemdir(self): return []
def get_dependency_parents(self): return []
def get_dependency_children(self): return []

def skyldverkefni(self):
related = SkyltVerkefni.select_by(

relations = []
for sv in related:
if sv.verkefni_a == self:
relations.append((sv.verkefni_b, sv.athugasemd))

[sqlalchemy] Re: Separate version table

2007-10-28 Thread Arnar Birgisson

Hi there,

On 10/28/07, mmstud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Next design problem for me is version table. I have Document model
 with DocumentVersion model, but i dont know how to:

 - get the latest version of document
 - set creator and updator, automatic behavior for this
 - update version number
 - fetch thru Document(s) and DocumentVersion(s)

I didn't read your code thoroughly, but I have a model with some
similarities. Perhaps it will provide some insight. Basically, I'm
dealing with Pages and PageVersions. PageVersions refers to it's
parent Page, but Page also keeps the version number of the latest


# encoding: utf-8

import os
from datetime import datetime

from sqlalchemy import *

from softproof import utils
from softproof.json import jsonify_saobject

__meta__ = metadata

def constructor(fun):
def decorated(self, *args, **kw):
assert hasattr(self, 'c')
for key,value in kw.items():
if hasattr(self.c, key):
setattr(self, key, value)
del kw[key]
fun(self, *args, **kw)
return decorated

jobs = Table(jobs, __meta__,
Column(jobno, Unicode(15), primary_key=True),
Column(created, DateTime, nullable=False,
Column(deleted, Boolean, nullable=False, default=False))

class Job(object):

def __init__(self, jobno=None):
if jobno:
self.jobno = jobno

def sortedpages(self):
listcopy = self.pages[:]
return listcopy

def get_page_by_name(self, pagename):
Finnur síðu með nafnið pagename og skilar henni. Skilar
None ef engin síða hefur
viðkomandi nafn.
Ef pagename er _firstpage_ er skilað viðeigandi síðu (t.d.
kápu ef hún er til)
if len(self.pages) == 0:
return None

if '_firstpage_' == pagename:
for p in self.pages:
if 'KAP' in p.pagename:
return p
return self.pages[0]

for p in self.pages:
if p.pagename == pagename:
return p
return None

def create_page(self, pagename, *args, **kwargs):
p = Page(job=self, pagename=pagename, *args, **kwargs)
return p

def get_path(self):
if self.jobno.startswith('P'):
pg1, pg2, pg3 = self.jobno.split('.')
return os.path.join(pg1, pg1+'.'+pg2, self.jobno)
return os.path.join(self.jobno[:-3]+'000',
self.jobno[:-2]+'00', self.jobno)

mapper(Job, jobs)

pageversions = Table(pageversions, __meta__,
Column(jobno, Unicode(15),
ForeignKey(pages.jobno),  primary_key=True),
Column(pagename, Unicode(30),
ForeignKey(pages.pagename), primary_key=True),
Column(version, Integer, primary_key=True, default=1),
Column(created, DateTime, nullable=False,
Column(md5sum, String(32)),
Column(width, Integer, nullable=False, default=0),
Column(height, Integer, nullable=False, default=0),
pagename],[pages.jobno, pages.pagename]))

class PageVersion(object):

def __init__(self, page=None, version=None):
if page:
self.page = page
if version:
self.version = version

def filename(self):
if self.version == 1:
return self.page.pagename + '.jpg'
return %s.v%02d.jpg % (self.page.pagename, self.version)

mapper(PageVersion, pageversions)

PageStates = utils.Enum('new', 'approved', 'rejected')

pages = Table(pages, __meta__,
Column(jobno, Unicode(15), ForeignKey(jobs.jobno),
Column(pagename, Unicode(30), primary_key=True),
Column(created, DateTime, nullable=False,
Column(deleted, Boolean, nullable=False, default=False),
Column(current_version, Integer),
Column(status, PageStates, nullable=False,

class Page(object):

def __init__(self, job=None, pagename=None):
if job:
self.job = job
if pagename:
self.pagename = pagename
self.currentversion = PageVersion(self, 1)
self.status = PageStates.new

def add_version(self):
self.currentversion = PageVersion(self, self.currentversion.version+1)
self.status = PageStates.new
comment = self.add_comment()
comment.closeable = False
comment.content = u'Ný útgáfa rippuð'
return self.currentversion

def get_version(self, versionno):
return self.versions[versionno-1]

def _get_status(self):
return self._status

def _set_status(self, newstatus):
if self._status is 

[sqlalchemy] Re: Separate version table

2007-10-28 Thread Arnar Birgisson

On 10/28/07, mmstud [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Thanks there were some good ideas to try. Btw. what does the first def

It is a decorator I use on mapped classes constructors. It allows me
to give keyword arguments to constructors with initial values for any
field in class.c (i.e. any mapped columns).


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[sqlalchemy] Re: family tree

2007-09-27 Thread Arnar Birgisson

On 9/27/07, jawarumnur [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 thanks, I'll try that, if the relation option foreign_keys didn't do

I think you don't need foreign_keys. The docs for foreign_keys states
that it should be used in conjuction with primaryjoin only if SA can
not guess the FK from the join condition alone. In this case we're
only joining on defined ForeignKey(..) fields so SA should have no
problem figuring it out.

 I'd like to get normal properties with normal getter and setter or
 append methods. I use sqlalchemy because I don't want to write all
 these methods by myself ;)

What do you mean normal? You have normal getters and setters for the
properties father and mother. If you want a magic property for
children that you can, say, append stuff to - I don't think SA will
help you much since the relationship to the child depends strictly on
if you are to be it's father or mother (which depends on the parent's
gender). SA doesn't do that kind of logic.

Besides, it's quite simple to do by hand. If you want a proper
collection for children that you can append to, a small helper class
will solve that issue.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: MSSQL, pyodbc linux

2007-08-13 Thread Arnar Birgisson

On 8/13/07, Christophe de VIENNE [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have checked out the trunk and am trying to run the unittests under
 linux using pyodbc.
 So far, the connection to the database is working, although I had to
 name the freetds odbc driver {SQL Server}, including the {}, so the
 driver manager nows which one to use.

 My problem is the following, and I have to idea where it comes from :
 Any test from engine/bind fail with the following error (only the
 query changes) :

 DBAPIError: (ProgrammingError) ('42000', [42000] [FreeTDS][SQL
 Server]Could not find stored procedure 'S'. (2812); [42000]
 [FreeTDS][SQL Server]Could not find stored procedure 'S'. (2812))
 [COLUMNS_1].[TABLE_SCHEMA] = ?' ['test_table', 'dbo']

 Any hint ?

I don't know the mssql parts of SA, but it looks like somewhere the
statement is being treated as a collection (statment[0] or similar) so
only the 'S' from 'SELECT...' is being executed. 'Could not find
stored procedure 'S'.' is exactly the error ms-sql gives if one
executes a statment with just an 'S'.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Hierachical data

2007-08-05 Thread Arnar Birgisson

On 8/5/07, Alexandre CONRAD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  As Michael pointed out, the ElementTree example stores the XML data
  en-masse, so if you don't need those kind of queries, you might see
  better performance and a simpler way of life if you just serialize the
  ElementTree instances to XML in a text field and vice versa.

 Yeah, I thought about that, but I feel it would be harder for me to do
 it this way.

Ok, you should trust your instinct. Just wanted to point this out as an option.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Hierachical data

2007-08-03 Thread Arnar Birgisson

On 8/3/07, Alexandre CONRAD [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The nested looks more efficient. But, things are still a little confused
 in my head. I need to well put down the pros and cons of each technic
 for my needs. I was using XML and I'm now switching to a flat database
 with technics I've never used yet.

 Basicly, my application is a web-based interface that displays a
 playlist. So at this point, I'll need to walk down the whole tree to
 retrieve each node's data (type, name, duration, etc.) and build up the
 HTML representation (probably with HTML lists ul and li tags).
 Then, the user (playlist manager) will have multiple tools available to
 manipulate the playlist:

 - create node somewhere specific in the tree (image, video, group,
 playlist, media_list)
 - move node N sibling up
 - move node N sibling down
 - move node top
 - move node bottom
 - edit node's data (change media, schedule info)
 - duplicate node
 - delete node

 All action would be recursive, so if a group node is moved up or
 deleted, children will follow (either up, or to /dev/null).

You should definitely go with adjacency lists, no doubt. Nested sets
will be very inefficient for all of those operations and poorly
supported by SA (or any ORM for that matter). Also, that last one, the
recursive bit, you get for free with adjacency lists.

Trees constructed and manipulated by humans tend to not get very deep
(20 levels is not deep for the computer) so there's another reason not
to take on the overhead of maintaining nested sets. I.e. you won't get
the benefits anyways.

 This reminds me of the XML XPath which I used pretty much for playlist
 manipulation. Although, you example feels less consistent because if a
 media is removed from the catalog, I would like the database to remove
 the playlist node that refers to that video. Also, how big should my
 path column be ? I guess I should make it big enough to store a long
 very long path, but it is not accurate.

None of the strategies for storing hierarchical data will give you the
property that nodes are removed from the tree if their referenced item
is removed. You will have to do that yourself regardless.

The path column should be at least (max depth)*(max length of
key)*(length of delimiter). If you have a table of 10 million nodes, a
numeric key is at most 7 characters long. A 256 character field would
give you 32 levels of recursion minimum, but more in praxis since not
all keys will be 7 characters long.

Besides, given the operations you listed above, an adjacency list is
still a better option.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Hierachical data

2007-08-03 Thread Arnar Birgisson

On 8/3/07, King Simon-NFHD78 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I think of adjacency lists and nested sets as more about hierarchies of
 a single type of object (imagine trying to represent a family tree with
 a row for each Person). I don't really think they're relevant in this

If I understand correctly the OP has a need to store a set of
hierarchical Nodes. Only that some node types (video, image) can't
have children while others can (group, media_list).

Alexandre, why do you find that the nested set model suits your needs
better? The nested set model is particularly suited to the following
type of queries:
1. find all children of a particular node, without needing to know
their generation
2. test if node A is a descendant of node B

These are queries that are expensive with adjacency lists but
inexpensive with nested sets. Nested sets however may require you to
update a lot of nodes if your tree changes. Traditionally you would do
that with triggers or stored procedures - but those don't play well
with ORMs which assumes that an update of a row won't invalidate
cached instances of other rows.

Do you have specific needs for those kind of queries? I don't know
your application but I'd probably go with adjacency lists and a common
Node superclass that provides access to child and parent nodes.
Derive other classes from that and use joined table polymorphism as
Simon suggested.

There is another way to store hierarchical data than adjacency lists
and nested sets though. If you have an invariant id on your objects
(numerical or textual) you can store an objects path, governed by

object.path = object.parent.path + delimiter + object.id

This might not be efficient for deeply nested trees maybe, but it can
help in answering the types of queries mentioned above efficiently
without requiring you to touch multiple rows upon inserting or
deleting. Also, it would be easy to implement in SA and you could have
all sorts of convenience methods on a Node class, like


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Storing JSON objects, maybe OT

2007-06-25 Thread Arnar Birgisson

On 6/25/07, voltron [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Thank you very much for your feedback guys! I was very worried the
 whole day. I did some research and found this:

I have to say I've seen better writeups on this topic - so be warned :)

Choosing a strategy for storing hierarchical data in a database
depends largely on how you will be retrieving  the data (what kind of
queries do you need to make).

 Actually, I would be reordering or editing page links using this
 method, the JSON data is passed to a tree widget

I'm not sure what is the relation between your JSON issue and the
hierarchical stuff. JSON is really only useful to serialize simple
data structures in a way that is easy for Javascript code to
deserialize. It won't help you particularly in designing a
hierarchical database model.

If you still need help and if you want to, feel free to tell us a bit
more what you want to do. If it's not an SA issue you can mail me
directly if you're more comfortable with that.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Mapping existing structure of a database

2007-06-04 Thread Arnar Birgisson

On 6/4/07, nathan harmston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 What kind of overhead is associated with using the autoload flag?

 What kind of overhead would be associated with this over a network? (with a
 remote database). Is there a way to dump the structure of a database to a
 file and import this as a kind of module?

I've had to do this a few times. What I do is I use the autoload once
to create the table objects, and then just print'em on the python
console. That gives a fairly good starting point that can be copied to
a file and fixed up.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: InstrumentedList in a boolean context

2007-05-22 Thread Arnar Birgisson

Hi all,

On 5/22/07, Julien Cigar [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 yes of course [1,2,3] is different than [3,2,1] (hopefully), I was
 talking for InstrumentedList, not tuple or list or ...

IMO InstrumentedList should definately have the same semantics as a
list - what you're talking about is to make it behave partially like a

 Anyway, I've used  sorted(MyInstrumentList...) ==
 sorted(MyInstrumentList2 or MyTuple or ...) ... which works :-)

Given the use case
 a = Invasive.get(67).habitats
 b = Invasive.get(57).habitats

you could add an order_by to the habitats relation - which would
give you the list in the same order every time. Of course it will not
maintain that order if you .append() or .remove() items before making
the comparison.

If you are pressing for speed, you could do two things:

a) before checking if sorted(a) == sorted(b) - see if they're the same
length. If they're not, there's no need to sort them, you know they'll
be different from each other.

b) see if using a set (or a dict if you don't have python 2.4, using
only the keys) is faster than doing the two sorts and then comparing


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[sqlalchemy] Re: set character set in sqlalchemy?

2007-05-14 Thread Arnar Birgisson
Hi there,

You can include a command in the dburi that is executed upon
connection start. I use it all the time like this:



On 5/14/07, Noam [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I'm trying to use sqlalchemy to access a database which contains
 unicode strings. When accessing the database through phpmyadmin the
 values look ok. When accessing them through sqlalchemy I get question
 marks instead of the characters which are not latin.

 When using the mysql command line tool, it can be fixed with the set
 character set command:

 mysql select display_name from tav.tg_user;
 | display_name |
 | ???  |
 |  |
 2 rows in set (0.02 sec)

 mysql set character set utf8;
 Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

 mysql select display_name from tav.tg_user;
 | display_name|
 | נעם רפאל |
 | מנהל|
 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

 phpmyadmin reports MySQL charset:  UTF-8 Unicode (utf8)

 How can I fix it from sqlalchemy?

 Noam Raphael


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[sqlalchemy] Orphaned parents..

2007-05-04 Thread Arnar Birgisson

Hi all,

Say I have this simple model:

   date: a Date
   entries: a list of TimeEntry

   day: a DayTimesheet
   in: a time (HH:MM)
   out: a time (HH:MM)

DayTimesheet is the parent of TimeEntry in a one-to-many relationship.

What would be the best way of ensuring the following:

1. Creating DayTimesheet on demand, i.e.
DayTimesheet.get_by(date=nonexistentdate) would create a new instance
if needed (inserted on the next flush())


2. Automatically removing childless DayTimesheet instances - that is,
when the last TimeEntry is deleted from a DayTimesheet, delete the
DayTimesheet too?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: (solved) Automatic generation of changelog

2007-04-10 Thread Arnar Birgisson

Hi all,

I have this working to my liking and as promised, here's the code:

It's not complete since I'm omitting some of my model and just showing
you the relevant parts.

This is my model:

verkefni = Table(verkefni, metadata,
Column(verkefni, Integer, primary_key=True),
Column(skrad, DateTime, nullable=False, default=func.now()),
Column(sidast_breytt, DateTime, nullable=False,
default=func.current_timestamp(), onupdate=func.current_timestamp()),
Column(skrad_af, Unicode(20), ForeignKey(notendur.notandi),
Column(deadline, Date),
Column(titill, Unicode, nullable=False),
Column(lysing, Unicode, nullable=False),
Column(mikilvaegi, Integer, ForeignKey(mikilvaegi.mikilvaegi),
nullable=False, default=40),
Column(forgangur, Integer, nullable=False, default=0),
Column(framvinda, Integer, nullable=False, default=0),
Column(fasi, Integer, ForeignKey(fasar.fasi), nullable=False,
Column(abyrgdarmadur, Unicode(20),
ForeignKey(notendur.notandi), nullable=False),
Column(cc, Unicode),
Column(verknumer, Unicode(20)),
Column(tengilidur, Unicode(60)),
Column(bidur_eftir, Unicode)

class Verkefni(base_model):

def changelog_entry(self, notandi, skyring):
entry = Atburdur(self, notandi, skyring)

def changelog(fld, old, new):
entry.create_item(fld, old, new)

instance = self

# Scalar fields
for fld in ('deadline', 'titill', 'lysing', 'forgangur',
'framvinda', 'mikilvaegi',
'fasi', 'abyrgdarmadur', 'cc', 'verknumer',
'tengilidur', 'bidur_eftir'):
history = getattr(Verkefni, fld).get_history(instance, passive=True)
if history.is_modified():
old, new = history.deleted_items()[0], history.added_items()[0]
# Need to check this cause SA considers 10 (int) -
10L (long) a change, we don't
if old != new:
changelog(fld, old, new)

# Fyrirtaeki
history = Verkefni.fyrirtaeki_tengsl.get_history(instance, passive=True)
for i in history.added_items():
changelog('fyrirtaeki_add', None, i.fyrirtaeki.fyrirtaeki)
for i in history.deleted_items():
changelog('fyrirtaeki_remove', i.fyrirtaeki.fyrirtaeki, None)

# Flokkar
history = Verkefni.flokkar.get_history(instance, passive=True)
for i in history.added_items():
changelog('flokkur_add', None, i.flokkur)
for i in history.deleted_items():
changelog('flokkur_remove', i.flokkur, None)

# Framkvaemd
history = Verkefni.framkvaemd.get_history(instance, passive=True)
for i in history.added_items():
changelog('framkvaemd_add', None, i.notandi.notandi)
for i in history.deleted_items():
changelog('framkvaemd_remove', i.notandi.notandi, None)

# Dependencies
history = Verkefni.depends_on.get_history(instance, passive=True)
for i in history.added_items():
changelog('dep_first_add', None, i.verkefni)
for i in history.deleted_items():
changelog('dep_first_remove', i.verkefni, None)

history = Verkefni.depend_on_me.get_history(instance, passive=True)
for i in history.added_items():
changelog('dep_then_add', None, i.verkefni)
for i in history.deleted_items():
changelog('dep_then_remove', i.verkefni, None)

# Related
history = Verkefni._relatives_a.get_history(instance, passive=False)
for i in history.added_items():
changelog('rel_add', None, i.verkefni)
for i in history.deleted_items():
changelog('rel_remove', i.verkefni, None)

history = Verkefni._relatives_b.get_history(instance, passive=False)
for i in history.added_items():
changelog('rel_add', None, i.verkefni)
for i in history.deleted_items():
changelog('rel_remove', i.verkefni, None)

atburdaskra = Table(atburdaskra, metadata,
Column(atburdur, Integer, primary_key=True),
Column(verkefni, Integer, ForeignKey(verkefni.verkefni),
Column(notandi, Unicode(20), ForeignKey(notendur.notandi),
Column(dags, DateTime, nullable=False, default=func.now()),
Column(skyring, Unicode)

class Atburdur(base_model):

def __init__(self, verkefni, notandi, skyring=None):
self.verkefni = verkefni
self.notandi = notandi
self.skyring = skyring

def create_item(self, svid, gamalt=None, nytt=None, texti=None):
nextid = max([0] + [item.item for item in self.items])+1
return AtburdurItem(self, nextid, svid, gamalt, nytt, texti)

assign_mapper(ctx, Atburdur, atburdaskra, properties={
'_verkefni': atburdaskra.c.verkefni,
'verkefni': relation(Verkefni, backref=backref(atburdir,
cascade=all, delete-orphan, order_by=atburdaskra.c.dags)),

[sqlalchemy] Re: how to do many-to-many on the same table?

2007-04-04 Thread Arnar Birgisson

Hi there,

I haven't read the reast of the thread, but I asked a question here of
how to represent a graph. What you need is essentialli an undirected

On 4/3/07, tml [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 So, if article 1 is related to article 2.. then there should be two
 rows in the articles_related_articles table like:
  1 2 0
  2 1 0

I often use a different technique. Instead of keeping two lines in the
association table, I only keep one and make a rule that relateditem1
= relateditem2.

Here is the thread on graphs where Mike posted a working solution:

The pastebin link in the thread doesn't work any more, but the code
can be found here:


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[sqlalchemy] Re: how to do many-to-many on the same table?

2007-04-04 Thread Arnar Birgisson

On 4/4/07, Arnar Birgisson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I often use a different technique. Instead of keeping two lines in the
 association table, I only keep one and make a rule that relateditem1
 = relateditem2.

 Here is the thread on graphs where Mike posted a working solution:

 The pastebin link in the thread doesn't work any more, but the code
 can be found here:

One thing I forgot: for convenience I add a method on Node defined like this:

def neighbors(self):
return self.higher_neighbors() + self.lower_neighbors()


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Automatic generation of changelog

2007-04-04 Thread Arnar Birgisson

Hi Mike,

I've started looking into this and this is exactly what I need. I can
pretty much eat the stuff directly from added_items() and
deleted_items() and insert that into my history-log table.

One question though:

On 3/28/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 dont have an example handy, but yeah youd want to make a
 MapperExtension and work into the after_insert(), after_update() and
 after_delete() hooks (or maybe the before_ versions of each one,
 depending on how you detect changes).  you can issue writes to the
 database immediately within those and theyll be within the current

Can I use the ORM inside after_update? I.e. can I create new instances
of say HistoryLoggedItem which is a mapped class and expect that to be
inserted in the same transaction, or do I need to insert explicitly
into that table?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Automatic generation of changelog

2007-04-04 Thread Arnar Birgisson

On 4/4/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 its not going to be able to modify the current flush() plan thats in
 progress, so youd either have to insert yourself, dispatch to
 class_mapper(HistoryLoggedItem).save_obj() yourself, or process the
 Session externally to the flush(), create the HLI items at that point
 and add them (by perusing session.dirty and processing).

Ok, dispatching to class_mapper(...).save_obj() will get the sql
executed right away? Will I need to .refresh() the HLI instances

The third option, creating the changelog-information independent of
the flush - would that mean I can't use a mapper-extension to trigger
it? Do I have any other ways for triggering things on object update.

 the third option is slightly less automatic but would be the more
 official OO way to do it, being that SA is a library, not a
 framework.  when you try to add behavior by patching inside of SA's
 flush process, youre starting to use it as a framework.  Ive noticed
 the Python community *really* wants to turn things into frameworks :).

Well, dynamic and introspective languages tend to be framework
friendly I guess :o)

Does it hurt in anyway to use passive=False when I get_history? In
some cases I had to in order to get what I want (get_history was
returning None).


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Automatic generation of changelog

2007-03-31 Thread Arnar Birgisson

Gaetan and Ivo:

Sure thing. I'll implement this one way or another monday or tuesday,
will post what I end up with.


On 4/1/07, imbunche [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'd also apreciate if you post your code later.

 thx in advance.

 On Mar 28, 6:07 pm, Arnar Birgisson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Dave,
  Thank you very much, seems I should be able to do what I want. I'll
  take a stab at it tomorrow and report.
  On 3/28/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   note that by history, we mean things that have occured since the
   instance was loaded from the database into the current session.
  That history is cleared on session.flush() - right?


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[sqlalchemy] sqlalchemy.org down?

2007-03-29 Thread Arnar Birgisson

I can't reach www.sqlalchemy.org, anyone else having problems?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: sqlalchemy.org down?

2007-03-29 Thread Arnar Birgisson

On 3/29/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 rebooting hopefully it comes up

Works for me, thanks.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Automatic generation of changelog

2007-03-28 Thread Arnar Birgisson

Hi Dave,

Thank you very much, seems I should be able to do what I want. I'll
take a stab at it tomorrow and report.

On 3/28/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 note that by history, we mean things that have occured since the
 instance was loaded from the database into the current session.

That history is cleared on session.flush() - right?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: What should the future of SQLAlchemy Query look like ?

2007-03-10 Thread Arnar Birgisson

I like it all!


On 3/10/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Well initial response to this post has been overwhelmingly low, but
 thats fine with me.   After trying to tackle this today, I realized
 that I actually didnt want to add a brand new query object and go
 through a painful deprecation procedure again and all that...and I
 also observed that the notion of a query being against a single entity
 is pretty important..things like get(), load() and all that dont make
 much sense for multiple entities.  Also, all the things Ive wanted to
 do are not actually that hard as we already have code to do most of

 So I did not add any new classes or modules, no new methods on
 session, I didnt go with my modified generative approach (its just
 like it always was) and changed absolutely nothing about Query thats
 already there (well one little thing i dont think anyone was using).
 But I added a whole lot of new methods to Query, essentially
 everything SelectResults was able to do.  I was concerned about having
 just too much crap on Query but i think it turned out fine.  Plus I
 added a little bit of hibernate-like capabilities to query multiple
 entities and extra columns too.

 So...with that, heres what Query can do now.

 First of all, the same stuff that youve always used is just like it
 always was:


 A couple of methods that Ive never liked because they are klunky, are
 still there anyway:


 As it stands, Query has two generative methods already (which also i
 had to fix a little bit since generative-ness would wipe out what
 was previously there).  these return for you a new Query with
 modifications to its state:


 So we add a lot of new generative methods taken from SelectResults,
 all of which return a brand new Query.  the things you add here will
 also take effect on subsequent calls to the regular select(), count(),
 select_by(), etc:

query.filter() - adds criterion
query.filter_by() - ditto
query.join() - joins to a property name, or a list
query.distinct() - applies DISTINCT
query[3:5]  - applies offset 3, limit 2

 like SelectResults, we have some executors -


 or just call query.select(), selectfirst(), selectone(), etc. to
 execute whatever has been built up.

 the aggregates, which take a Column (not sure how popular these are):

.. and others

 So a generative example, including join which im really excited
 about.  join can act either like join_to():

 q =
 print q.list()

 or like join_via (which is more deterministic), if you send a list:

 l = q.filter(orderitems.c.item_name=='item 4').join(['orders',

 and then, some brand new stuff - better support for querying more
 than one thing at a time.  the instances() method, which was able to
 take a list of *mappers, now returns the results the way the docs say
 they do, as a list of tuples, each tuple having an entry for each
 mapper.  additionally, when that option is used, the uniquing of the
 result is turned off - this so that the results you get back
 correspond to the rows that went in.  and, you can stick arbitrary
 columns, not just mappers, in the list too...it will just pull them
 from the row.

 in addition to the changes on instances(), you can add extra entities/
 columns to the compilation as well:

query.add_entity() - adds columns to the select criterion
query.add_column() - adds columns to the select criterion

 so what can we do with this ?  things like, query an entity and an
 aggregate function at the same time:

 q = sess.query(User)
 q = q.group_by([c for c in
 l = q.list()

 which will return for you a list of tuples:

 (user1, 3),
 (user2, 5),
 (user3, 0),

 note the label is needed right now for a function, it makes it
 possible for Query to target the column correctly.

 another one from the unit tests.  the users table has users 7, 8, 9
 in it.  the addresses table has addresses 1, 2, 3, 4.  user #7
 refereces address #1, user #8 references addresses 2, 3 and 4.

 (user7, user8, user9) = sess.query(User).select()
 (address1, address2, address3, address4) =

 q = sess.query(User)
 q = q.add_entity(Address).outerjoin('addresses')
 l = q.list()
 assert l == [
 (user7, address1),
 (user8, address2),

[sqlalchemy] Re: Parameters not handled correctly with adodbapi

2007-02-17 Thread Arnar Birgisson

Hi Paul,

Yes, I had found this about the datatype size by way of breaking into
the relevant code and setting the parameter length manually. This made
the query work but just unveiled other problems.

I too made no further efforts to get it work as pymssql works fine for
my purposes - although server side cursors would have been nice to
have. However, the adodbapi module is fairly simple, it's mostly just
proxying to the underlying COM api. I'm pretty sure it's relatively
easy to fix but since I don't have any real need for it myself I lack
the motivation right now. Maybe someday if the DB-API becomes defunct
due to microsoft dropping support for it..

It's good to hear that someone is working on pyodbc support in SA.


On 2/17/07, Paul Johnston [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:


 I agree that is an adodbapi problem; I have seen this as well. It is
 because adodbapi isn't setting the length of the parameter, so ADO is
 defaulting to 1 - hence you only getting O. I do have an idea how to
 fix this, however I'm choosing not to for now. adodbapi just isn't
 maintained any more - the mailing list is all but dead, and numerous
 attempts to contact the author have failed. Moreover, pyodbc is now a
 very viable alternative. I had been avoid ODBC because earlier versions
 had no Unicode support, but this is now fixed. So, from now I will be
 devoting my energies to making SQLAlchemy work better with pyodbc.



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[sqlalchemy] Re: Parameters not handled correctly with adodbapi

2007-02-15 Thread Arnar Birgisson

Thanks Rick,

The SA table definitions were using Unicode so I changed those to
String. I also make sure that the parameter in question is being sent
as a str object and not unicode. Same result in both cases, SQL Server
is only receiving the first character and the type is still detected
as nvarchar(1).

Any other ideas?


On 2/14/07, Rick Morrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 The problem is most likely in the table definition which defines the
 dataset column as a Unicode type. A recent patch for adodb makes that an
 NVARCHAR field, vs. a simple VARCHAR for pymssql. Try defining the table
 with varchar or char datatype.

 On 2/14/07, Arnar Birgisson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi there,
  I have the following query in SA. It works using pymssql on Linux.
  criteria = and_(
 tables.salestable.c.dataset==tables.projtable.c.dataset ,
  query = select([
  tables.salestable.c.dataset ,
  tables.salestable.c.projname ,
  ], criteria)
  Here, self.xaldataset is ODD and critlist is [].
  When run on windows with adodbapi - this is the echoed query:
  2007-02-14 11:55:28,030
 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30 INFO
  SELECT TOP 25 subq.dataset, subq.salesnumber, subq.salesname,
  subq.ordertaker, subq.deliverydate, subq.projname, subq.createdate,
  subq.rownumber, subq.proj, subq.opmprojno, subq.framstjori
  FROM (SELECT salestable.dataset AS dataset, salestable.salesnumber AS
  salesnumber, salestable.salesname AS salesname, salestable.ordertaker
  AS ordertaker, salestable.deliverydate AS deliverydate,
  salestable.projname AS projname, salestable.
  createdate AS createdate, salestable.rownumber AS rownumber,
  projtable.proj AS proj, projtable.opmprojno AS opmprojno,
  projtable.framstjori AS framstjori
  FROM salestable, projtable
  WHERE salestable.dataset = ? AND salestable.dataset =
  projtable.dataset AND salestable.proj = projtable.proj AND
  salestable.projclosed = ? AND salestable.projeststatus != ? AND
  salestable.projeststatus != ?) AS subq ORDER BY deliverydate
  2007-02-14 11:55:28,030
 sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine.0x..30 INFO
  ['ODD', 0, 4, 6]
  Note the first parameter being 'ODD'.
  Now, the query wasn't returning the expected results so I looked at
  the query that was being sent in sql profiler:
  exec sp_executesql N'SELECT TOP 25 subq.dataset, subq.salesnumber,
  subq.salesname, subq.ordertaker, subq.deliverydate, subq.projname,
  subq.createdate, subq.rownumber ,
  subq.proj, subq.opmprojno, subq.framstjori
  FROM (SELECT salestable.dataset AS dataset, salestable.salesnumber AS
  salesnumber, salestable.salesname AS salesname, salestable.ordertaker
  AS ordertaker,
  salestable.deliverydate AS deliverydate, salestable.projname AS
  projname, salestable.createdate AS createdate, salestable.rownumber AS
  rownumber, projtable.proj AS proj,
  projtable.opmprojno AS opmprojno, projtable.framstjori AS framstjori
  FROM salestable, projtable
  WHERE salestable.dataset = @P1 AND salestable.dataset =
  projtable.dataset AND salestable.proj = projtable.proj AND
  salestable.projclosed = @P2 AND salestable.projeststatus
  != @P3 AND salestable.projeststatus != @P4) AS subq ORDER BY
  deliverydate',N'@P1 nvarchar(1),@P2 int,@P3 int,@P4 int',N'O',0,4,6
  Here you can see that the first parameter is givent the type
  nvarchar(1) and the value N'O'. I assume this is b/c somewhere the
  parameter is handled as a list - and being a string messes things up.
  Maybe because I'm using unicode strings?
  Could this be a SA bug or should I rather look into adodbapi?

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[sqlalchemy] Re: Adding with (nolock) to all queries (mssql)

2007-02-08 Thread Arnar Birgisson

Hi Rick,

On 2/8/07, Rick Morrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Pymssql, or adodbapi?  Client-side cursors, or Server-side?

Pymssql and client side cursors (I guess, I'm just issuing plain
select statements, no stored procs or such).

 We use pymssql here over FreeTDS with SQL Server 2005 here without
 issues. If your DBA suggests with (nolock), I'm assuming that you're
 seeing some sort of persistent table/page locks?

 Can you give a bit more info?

I'm trying to analyze the problem right now, but I'm afraid I don't
have alot of info. We were having locking issues in other systems
running of the same db server which were solved (partially at least)
by adding nolock hints to datawarehousing procedures.

The symptom on the SA side is that this seems to happen after the
server (apache/mod_python) has been running for a while. A user (and
always the same two out of ~40) call me and says his page is empty -
meaning that the main query is giving 0 result rows when it should be
giving 300. I log in with my name and everything is fine - I log in
with his and I see the empty screen. If I restart apache it fixes the
problem for a while.

I don't see any errors or tracebacks in the apache error_log, but I
have yet to enable more logging since this only happens on the
production server and quite sporadically.

This has some pre-history. I was initially running this in cherrypy
which was simply not working at all. DB connections would lock up
until there were no left in the pool and this happend quite fast, in
about 20 minutes. I moved the part of the application that speaks to
mssql over to mod_python/apache and that solved the problem while we
were running on sql server 2000.

I'll try to analyze this some more and get back to you.. thanks for the help.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Adding with (nolock) to all queries (mssql)

2007-02-08 Thread Arnar Birgisson

Ok. Should I rather be using adodbapi then?


On 2/8/07, Rick Morrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Pymssql runs on top of the ancient library DB-lib, which has real
 issues with not fully reading all query results -- make sure all your
 query results are fully consumed, i.e. read them into a list and the
 iterate that instead of partially iterating the cursor.

 On 2/8/07, Arnar Birgisson [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  Hi Rick,
  On 2/8/07, Rick Morrison [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Pymssql, or adodbapi?  Client-side cursors, or Server-side?
  Pymssql and client side cursors (I guess, I'm just issuing plain
  select statements, no stored procs or such).
   We use pymssql here over FreeTDS with SQL Server 2005 here without
   issues. If your DBA suggests with (nolock), I'm assuming that you're
   seeing some sort of persistent table/page locks?
   Can you give a bit more info?
  I'm trying to analyze the problem right now, but I'm afraid I don't
  have alot of info. We were having locking issues in other systems
  running of the same db server which were solved (partially at least)
  by adding nolock hints to datawarehousing procedures.
  The symptom on the SA side is that this seems to happen after the
  server (apache/mod_python) has been running for a while. A user (and
  always the same two out of ~40) call me and says his page is empty -
  meaning that the main query is giving 0 result rows when it should be
  giving 300. I log in with my name and everything is fine - I log in
  with his and I see the empty screen. If I restart apache it fixes the
  problem for a while.
  I don't see any errors or tracebacks in the apache error_log, but I
  have yet to enable more logging since this only happens on the
  production server and quite sporadically.
  This has some pre-history. I was initially running this in cherrypy
  which was simply not working at all. DB connections would lock up
  until there were no left in the pool and this happend quite fast, in
  about 20 minutes. I moved the part of the application that speaks to
  mssql over to mod_python/apache and that solved the problem while we
  were running on sql server 2000.
  I'll try to analyze this some more and get back to you.. thanks for the 


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Foreign key not updated

2007-01-05 Thread Arnar Birgisson

On 1/5/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

yeah see, thats exactly the kind of thing i dont want SA's ORM to get
into, because its really thorny..updating the relationship on all child
objects.  at the very least, it requires loading them all in, cascading
the change, etc. it gets pretty nuts and is not particularly scalable
(similar to cascading deletes not being terribly scalable in SA
either).   the best way to cascade a change of PK like that is to set
it on your database using ON UPDATE CASCADE, and just do an UPDATE
statement.   the DB takes care of the rest.

Ok, thanks :o)


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Foreign key not updated

2007-01-04 Thread Arnar Birgisson

On 1/4/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

Arnar Birgisson wrote:
 On 1/3/07, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  yeah that would be why.   SA's ORM has no ability to update primary key
  columns from their original valueyoull have to update it yourself,
  or copy the object instance to a new one, etc.  (or not make that col a
  primary key)

 Ok thanks. Is there something fundamental in SA architecture that
 prevents updating of primary keys - or is it simply not implemented
 b/c it's complicated/difficult?

its something fundamental, i.e. the identity map:


adding code to update the column, and switch the identity of an entity,
is not impossible.  im not sure at this moment how involved it is, i
have a feeling it will start out easy but then branch off into lots of
unforseen ill effects that I cant predict at the moment.  mostly, im
just not sure if the ORM should really be taking on the task of
changing the identity of entities in-session.

Sounds reasonable that development is focused elsewhere then :o) - I
just wish I had more time so that I could be more involved.

 In any case, if SA can't update primary keys I'd expect it to blow up
 in my face if I tried doing that. Instead it just silently flushed the
 uow session without making any updates - leaving the model in
 inconsistent state with the database. Shouldn't there be some kind of

initially i hadnt made my mind up about that, since i dont want to get
in the way of schemes that the user might be plotting, such as doing
something in a MapperExtension.after_update() step.  however i have a
feeling that nobody is doing that sort of thing, so i can look into
adding this check (ticket 412).

Right, I hadn't thought of that.

Yesterday I had to write a one-time script that change the
identities of a bunch (~200k) records and their two kinds of children.
I did this by selecting up the objects via the ORM model to prepare
what I had to do, then I cleared the session and made the updates
directly with on the engine (bypassing the ORM). Now it seems (b/c
other people keep changing specs) that I have to do something similar

Now, what I really wanted to do is to write a method on my class that
takes care of changing it's primary key (or part of it, at least) and
cascade the change down to the children of that entity. Would that be
possible while keeping the process transparent to the caller, as far
as removing the object from the identity map and re-adding it with the
new key. I'm sorry if it sounds stupid, I don't have a full
understanding of the identity map.
I.e. I would like to do something like this:

obj = session.query(TheClass).get('pk-before')
# obj has child relationships, some lazy-loaded and others eager-loaded
# session.flush() - I can live with having to do this here.
obj2 = session.query(TheClass).get('pk-after')
assert obj == obj2

I'm not asking for a solution, just an indicator if this is possible
and some pointers on how you would do it in general, then I'd be able
to figure out the details.


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[sqlalchemy] Foreign key not updated

2007-01-03 Thread Arnar Birgisson

Hi folks,

I'm having a problem, illustrated here:

This is with Python 2.4 and SA 0.3.3.

What happens is that when I have two parent objects (Jobs in my case)
and one child object (a Page) - and move the child between parents,
the session.flush() does not update the foreign key of the child.

One contributing factor might be that the foreign key is also a part
of the child's primary key - but I'm not sure.

Any ideas? Should I submit this as a bug?


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[sqlalchemy] Re: SQLAlchemy 0.3.2 released

2006-12-12 Thread Arnar Birgisson

On 12/11/06, David Geller [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2. From what I know about reportlab, there *is* an opensource pdf
 toolkit available under a bsd license (although I have never used it)

There is, and it works well, although I haven't used it extensively.
It has advanced features for text layout and pagination. However it's
still low level compared to markdown-html converters and one has to
spend some time writing a program to generate a document.

It allows you to create bookmarks/toc, hyperlinks and all that fancy
PDF stuff.. :o)

And yes, this is all in the BSD licensed version.


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[sqlalchemy] Re: Mapping a graph data structure

2006-11-03 Thread Arnar Birgisson
On 11/1/06, Michael Bayer [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
im beginning to regret having viewonly and non_primary as options,since i cant think of anything they do that cant be better accomplishedjust by using Query.select(), or manual queries in conjunction with
query.instances().I think im going to try to express this in thedocumentation...Nice, thanks. The version you pasted is exactly the elegant way I wanted to find*
I hope this was a helpful excercise for others besides myself. :)Arnar* on a philosophical note: are programs, like mathematical findings, found or made? One could look at it in such a way that the method which a program uses to solve a problem already exists - the job of a programmer is only to discover it and express it in some form - not to create it :)

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[sqlalchemy] Mapping a graph data structure

2006-11-01 Thread Arnar Birgisson
Hi there,There was a question on IRC yesterday on how to map a graph (as in nodes and edges) with SA. I didn't have much time to dwell on this but this was a start: http://paste.ufsoft.org/90
I was curious if someone has done this successfully? The problem I have with the above is that the viewonly property _lower_neighbours isn't updated until the session is clear()ed and the object is reloaded. Is there a way to refresh a specific relation?
Now that I think about this, it would have been alot easier to create a directed graph and just create edges in both directions for an undirected one.Arnar

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